#wizard/pirate people are doing this so i'll do it too
nyxshadowhawk · 6 months
The Rural Dionysia submissions inspired me to attempt some poetry:
I was accused of LARPing again. I get accused of LARPing, and of hubris, by people who see that I don't worship the gods properly, so I must not take them seriously. I am told that I have not been initiated. That the gods will strike me down, and put me in my place and then I'll be sorry. And I was sorry. I wept.
You kicked down the door with a big box of costumes, painted green with gold clasps. And you sat atop it with a winning smile. You asked me, “What shall we play? “Let's play pirates, and ride on the high seas, and turn the sailors into dolphins. “Let's play wizards, knights and castles. Grab your sword, and your armor, and your book of spells, and we'll save a princess from a dragon. “Let's slay Medusa, like you did once when you were seven, using your fairy princess wand as a sword, swinging it by the star until it broke. “You were Perseus, then. You climbed on Pegasus' back, and he took you to Olympus, where we, your siblings, waited for you.”
I asked, “Why wasn't I struck down like Bellerophon?”
And you said, “There's a big difference between being invited, and kicking down the door claiming you deserve to be there.”
I look at the box and I say, “I want to play Shaman.”
I know how problematic that is. I know that shamans are spiritual leaders from Siberia I know how insulting it is for a colonizer like me to imitate Native Americans as a childish game, Dressing up in fur and feathers like a bad Halloween costume And listening to New Agey "tribal" music While I dance around an altar that I built out of feathers and rocks and other natural talismans I'd collected and little figures of deer and elephants and leopard-print scarves spread under a fake plastic campfire that burned in the center of it all.
But I remember how it felt. It felt powerful. It felt ancient.
You smile and say, “It was powerful, and it was ancient. “You were not imitating any real indigenous rituals, except to burn sage and call it "smudging." “Everything else was your own. It was your ritual. A child, reaching back, back through the mists of time “To find the oldest ritual in the book. “Before there was theatre, there was LARPing. “Before there was writing, there was dance.”
And I said, “Lord of Dappled Pelts, give me that feeling back.”
You open the box. Inside are fawnskins and leopard skins, feathers, bones, animal skulls, Rough-hewn masks, with empty staring eyes, as primeval as the soil. You put a horned mask on my face, and dress me in furs, and braid feathers into my hair and put a necklace of bones around my neck that rattles with every step. Before there was theater, there was LARPing. There was the shaman, in their animal mask, behaving as the animal does, dancing round and round the ritual fire until they don't know the difference between man and beast, real and unreal, day and night. And you are there, where you've always been, in the dance. Casting the illusion over our eyes. The mask is a glamour, the stage, a farce. Storytelling itself, an enchantment cast over an audience as they watch and listen, enraptured, fully believing what they feel and see. It is old magic.
I found my gods by LARPing. I put on a white sheet, like a makeshift peplos, and made an olive crown out of pipe cleaners and construction paper and gold glitter and I drank nothing but white grape juice, the blood of the vine, and pretended it was ambrosia, and it was. I threw my paper leaves and thought the gods were listening, and they were. Back then, I didn't ask whether they were real or not, or whether what I was doing was historically accurate or not, or whether I was guilty of hubris for pretending that I, too, was a god.
You and I dance around our ritual fire decorated with stones, and feathers, and figurines grapevines, pinecones, and phallic objects and other fetishes, wearing our pelts and our animal masks. I lose my name, my face, my gender. I am made and unmade. In the primeval woods, in a time before the dawn of civilization, industry, writing, art, theatre religion, liturgy, sacrifice, humanity itself, we were LARPing.
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jay-avian · 1 year
Writeblr Intro
Hey there everyone! My name is Jay Avian, and I am a young writer hoping to share my works, get some feedback, and meet fellow writers.
About Me
I go by she/her. I'm a Christian who loves reading fantasy, folklore, and poetry. I like watching YouTube mainly now (Mithzan and YourPalRoss being my top two). I write my own poetry, which I'll post on here from time to time. You can find where I post my poetry here! I also like riddles, so if anyone wants to trade some back and forth, please feel free to message!
I have far too many projects at the moment. From short stories to novels to possible blogs, I'm currently writing in a few different genres. I mainly stick to fantasy but I like to venture out. Here are some of the main projects I'm passionate about.
The Court Magician (fantasy, suspense?) - The great sage Josiah passed away and the kingdom of Stellaris needs a new court magician. Micah Cyprus, a studying wizard in druidic magic, is volunteered for the position by his mentor unwillingly. Things are very slow going working for the king and his menial requests. The worst part is he is to remain on castle grounds and attend to his majesty. But when Micah looks through the sage's notes, he discovers a secret threat to the kingdom. Can he protect Stellaris while being chained to it?
Morgensturm (fantasy, action) - Harelan was an eager young dragonborn who wanted to explore the world. When sneaking away on a trading ship, the crew gets attacked by the infamous Captain Caspian Barrack. In a deal gone wrong, Harelan finds himself a part of the pirate's crew. The duo go on many adventures together and get themselves into more trouble than they can handle. Some people will do what they can to tame fate, determined to conquer and be in control. But what will they do when they fall in high water with hopes to go past without paying the toll?
Feel free to ask me any questions about my projects. I'd be more than happy to answer them! Can't wait to show you what I have in store!
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Maroon's Maplestory Timeline drabble 1 - a new leaf
In every world there are tales, ones of myth, ones of legends, one of fantasy. Though very few stories are rooted by a person's own experience. Though there is one world where such stories are all stories starts off with a brave individual setting out to live the life of adventures.
One such stories began with a loud crash in the middle of the night at the nearest farm near a Town known as Henesys, leading to the people of the farm check where the sound came from. It turned out to be a crater, one where nothing was present at the center of it.
Rumors and speculations ran across the village of what it could have been. A strange meteor or a UFO crashing into the farm? As more and more people heard of the rumors, it has started to gain attention of brave adventurers across the village who decided to try and look for what might've been the cause of the crater. at some point there even came a note hanging on the city's nearest billboard about the rumor. Of course, the rumors either made the situation so crazy that it was either unbelievable, or it was not what it really was.
One person who's attention was caught was a blonde male, currently not known by the people of this world, a male who was took this rumor not as an opportunity to search like all others, but to look for clues about this world.
Meanwhile, at the farm where the crater originated was what seemed to be at first glance an ordinary explorer, a red headed adventuring female Wizard asking around the family who runs the farm, having even visited the crater itself.
But those who know her or knew who she works for knew she was an important figure in this world.
"So.." The father of this family of farmers spoke up after seeing the red hair coming back to them, "Oz-- that's your name, is it? Any information about this crater? That is if it's anything special as the rumours made it out to be."
The red-haired wizard named Oz had already written a few notes on her notebook before checking on the man.
"You could say that," Oz responded with a quick nod as she quickly pulled out her notebook.
"From what I can see I'm not sure if there is a UFO that crashed here or not. However, I've noticed footsteps that matches both the ones I saw from the crater and outside of it. While I doubt there's an UFO there, although I do have to ask: did anyone by chance drop into the crater before I arrived here?"
The farmer shook his head "N-no, if anything, I made sure no one came inside the crater. Why'd you ask that? You assume whatever was in the crater is..."
"The potential alien may still be alive," Oz responded with a nod. "As much as I like to say it's nothing too major, we don't know how dangerous they could be. Don't worry though, I'll inform the Cygnus Knights about what I've gathered. If needed, we'll ask everyone from the Maple Alliance to help find the potential alien. I'm sure we all want to know who and what happened to them and how we can bring them back home."
The conversation ended shortly after she decided it was a good time to head out.
Days passed as less explorers decided to continue persuing who/what came from the crater as the rumors on the billboard were replaced by an official note from the Empress Cygnus herself as well as from the Maple Alliance that they'll be looking into the issue, explaining what might've crash landed was likely an alien.
Most adventurers knew that if it's an issue that the Maple Alliance and the Cygnus Knights are involved it's likely not worth the hassle. All, but for one one white haired Pirate-- a Cannoneer by the name of Jack, who has a little monkey he called Kokonutt with a propeller hat that somehow allows the little monkey to fly.
He looked at the official note on the billboard not as a sign of danger or hastle, he saw potential for money and fame. And if nothing else? A fun time.
And thus, with a confident grin, he sets off to look throughout Victoria Island-- the same Island where Heneysis is on, starting with the outskirts of Henesys.
Jack was looking throughout the whole outskirts of henesys and ended up in the mushmom forest trail, still searching for the missing cause of the crater. He was searching over the hills all while taking on the orange mushrooms that are heading his way.
As time passes with him continuing looking for whatever left the crater, he sighed, annoyed that after such a while searching for it he didn't find a single clue.
"Argh, how far did that thing travel?" Jack spoke aloud, mostly to himself. Kokonutt was getting a it hungry from the search, albeit didn't do much searching to begin with.
"At this rate our treasure from the crater won't be worth the cost this treasure hunt is taking us!"
"Hold on-- That 'treasure from the crater' isn't just some object you can just sell to get some money!" A voice that's unfamiliar to Jack replied in the distance, which originated from Oz who overheard him while checking the same area he was in.
"Hmm?" Jack turned to look at her in confusion. To him, Oz was unknown to him, especially with the attire she was currently wearing that made her look more like an average mage. One of his eyebrows cocked up, wondering why a stranger is telling him that. "Come again? So you're on the look for whatever was there too?"
"No-- well, yes I am, but you're not going to find treasure--" Oz responded, letting out a sigh, giving herself a second to take a deep breath.
"Look, from what we've heard thus far is that what was in the crater was likely a living organism. I personally checked the crater myself and noticed those footprints. It's very likely what we're looking for is an alien. Y'know, Little Green Men from those sci-fi movies?"
Jack had a visible look of confusion on his face. Living organism? Aliens? LGMs? He took some time to process that, but even then his reaction was headscratching in confusion.
"..Are you pullin' my leg or something cause I saw that poster from the Maple Alliance about the crater and I don't think I saw anything regarding aliens or something."
Kokonutt couldn't help but chuckle at Jack's response, while Oz imagined the kind of person Jack is after hearing it.
"Well clearly you haven't read it properly, because it was stated in the official note stated clearly that it's very likely an alien."
"I--ehh--" He took a second to think, only to remember exactly reading that part, but glossing over that part in hopes for treasures still. "...Ohh, now that you've mentioned it, I guess you are right." A guy with a lot of common sense he is not, but he still couldn't believe the notice. There has to be more than just an alien, right?
"B-but is that really true? I know the Maple Alliance is big, but who's to say the information is 100% true? Do we know who exactly has given that information to the alliance?"
"Well. If you must know that, then you should know you're looking at--" Oz was about to finish her sentence, before the two could feel the ground shake, almost in a rhythm of a being moving, getting more intense with each shake. They might not agree on the alien part, but they both know all too well they're in the territory of one orange mushroom that topple over them size wise, one that was heading towards them: the Mushmom,
"...Let's run--" Jack said to Oz, not wanting to deal with Mushmom for today and while she could handle it if she wanted to, Oz nodded in agreement as she found it best to get Jack to safety. "Yes, let's make a run for it." They both decided to make a run for it, attacking any mushrooms that were in their way from the path they're running towards.
As they were both running, there was one person observing them from the distance after having seen the Mushmom walking. This person, a blonde male known to a couple of individuals across dimensions, observed the amount of mushrooms that were blocking their way.
“There seemed to be at least a hundred of these odd mushrooms heading their way-- and that giant one. Must it be the alpha of the herd?“
While Jack and Oz were able take down a good amount of mushrooms, it did give the Mushmom some time to catch up to the two.
“Crap—” Oz, with her ability to teleport could’ve gotten out of there with ease, but Jack, who isn’t a mage, wasn’t able to teleport-- not only that she’s not sure how strong Jack really is so to make sure he’s safe, she was going to have to stay and help him, even if it meant that they’re going to be in a potential life or death situation.
So there they were, trying to fend themselves off against those mushrooms while the Mushmom was heading towards them, inching closer and closer. It was at that moment where the blonde male from the distant wasn’t at the same spot a moment ago.
“Damn it, there’s just too many of these buggers out there--” Jack spoke up, having already launched a few cannon shots against the mushrooms. These shots hit a lot of them at once was slow to load, while Oz’s magic was quick and effective, but consumes a good amount of mana, as well as being as hot as actual fire, as well as consuming a bit of her stamina. “..You can say that again. Guess we have to confront her, huh? Do you think your arsenal can take her on?” Oz asked to him as he already has his cannon aimed and ready to be fired.
“...Might need a bit of help on that one, but with the right distractions I can--”
“If you guys need fire power--” A voice echoed around them as a blitz of green, yellow black and orange passed them by and hit the Mushmom square in the face, causing her to be flung back meters from the impact, leaving a trail where the Mushmom’s body got grinded by the ground, like a meteor leaving a trail on the ground.
As soon as the two were aware what has happened, there was the new face. A blonde male with a green hoodie, with him wearing two pairs of gauntlets which were now covered by his flames as his arms had a circuitry like patten glowing from each arm. His eyes were as blue like the crystal on his chest. It was clear that he had power. They were looking for power to defeat the Mushmom and if they needed power…
“—then I can fill in the void!” The Blonde stranger’s grinned at the two who seemed surprised by the stranger’s strength, but this stranger just helped them and that’s all they needed to know at the moment to trust his capabilities. The mushroom’s also took note of the strength, having backed off a few meters, but not running away yet as if they’re waiting for him to move out.
“...Okay then--” Oz replied with a nod. “But are you going to be fine?”
“Me?” The blonde asked, before letting out a chuckle. “Relax, I’ve got this one in the bag. You two go and escape while I’ll take on the alpha mushroom--”
“Mushmom—” Oz corrected the male.
“Right-- Mushmom. Wait, Mushmom? Where’s Mushdad?” the male asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Huh—” To Oz it was a weird question. Well it made sense, but the question wasn’t really suited for the situation they’re now in. “I-It’s not important right now, you need to take care of this thing.”
“Okay—” the blonde spoke up. “Where are you two heading?”
“Henesys is the best place to be in for us right now.”
“Henesys, what’s that?”
“…” Oz almost couldn’t believe what he said. How could anyone NOT know about the well known village. Unless… No, that question has to be asked for another time. “It’s the village with mushrooms for houses. You’ll know you’re there when you see the trade market.”
“Okay, got it--” the blonde male responded. He has his fist clenched and he looked at the direction he saw the Mushmom returning, more annoyed than anything. He assumed a fighting stance, ready to fight while looking at the two.
“Welp. I’ll see you guys over at Henesys then.”
And with that, with a speedy dash, the blonde male dashed towards the Mushmom once more to resume battle, but with him fighting her once more meant that the mushrooms didn’t have to worry about facing him, so as if he was never been here before, the mushrooms decided to attack, but now that Jack and Oz didn’t have to worry about Mushmom since she’s preoccupied with the stranger, they were now able to fair a better fight against these mushrooms.
Meanwhile with the fight against the Mushmom, to the blonde fighter it wasn’t a difficult match. Mostly likely because he had the upperhand when it comes to speed, agility and power. While the Mushmom can stomp hard, it’s basically ineffective if she cannot even hit the stranger.
Once Oz and Jack were out of mushmom forest trail they decided that it’s best to be in Henesys for the time being to recuperate, get some food and potions. Oz spoke up to him once more.
“So WHY did you even decide to look for that alien anyway?”
“Why, ya asked?” Jack responds, having already gotten a couple of good grubs in his belly. “Because I needed th’ money and it’s a fine bounty I’d be getting once I had it-- er them.”
“Needed the money?” Oz repeated that part, “For what? Aren’t pirates known to be rich or something.”
“Well ya see, that’s where y’er wrong.” Jack responds. “Pirates get a good income in terms of gold. No one says they were good in knowing what to spend their money on.”
“So in other words, you’re broke.” Oz side-eyes him, already imagining the kind of person he may be.
“Hey I didn’t imply that!”
“Well you did--” A soft sigh escaped Oz’s lips. So far no alien...Or was there? “But so far it seems like the alien is further than we thought. Hopefully we can find him sooner rather than later.”
“Why’d you want to find the alien? Why is an alien so special then?”
“Have you ever been into contact with one?” Oz asked.
“N-no, but aren’t aliens just long weird looking being riding in UFOs?”
“True, but who knows what aliens are capable of. It’s because of that reason why I’m looking for them right now. We don’t even know if they’re hostile or not. And if they’re not I want to help them and bring them back home.”
“Sounds like an interesting conversation you two were having-” the familiar voice was able to be heard from nearby. It was that same blonde male who helped them.
“Ohey, it’s you--” Oz spoke up, already heading towards him. “Thank you for helping us out here. We had to confront the Mushmom otherwise. Welcome to Henesys by the way, must be your first time.”
“Well…” The blonde male scratched the back of his head. “It’s actually my uhh...6th time here already? There’s no real sign that says Henesys village here. It’s my first time knowing the name of this village. You two are talking about an alien, right?”
“That’s right,” Oz replied with a nod. “Are you here to look for the alien as well?”
But before the male can speak up, Jack looked at the male’s attire. It’s different from the fashion style most have in Mapleworld that it seemed...Out of this world.
“He’s probably alien himself. Like look at what he’s wearing!!”
“…” The male chuckled. With a light shrug he responds. “Well you’re not wrong though, I did not come from this world.”
“Oh—” Jack raised an eyebrow before responding, “I uhhh-- was only joking about the alien part, no offence on the attire-- looking good but you seem like you’re--”
“Oh I take no offence to that. But I’m not lying when I say I’m not from here.”
“So you’re actually an alien?” Oz asked, a bit surprised that the potential alien seemed so...human like. “So are you like from Grandis or something?”
“Grandis?” Maroon raised an eyebrow, having one his hands on his hip. “I don’t even know what that place is. I actually come from another dimension if you two can believe it.” He has his hand reached out, ready to give the two a handshake.
“My name’s Maroon-- and I come from Lawain City, maybe a couple of dimensions away from the one we’re in now. I’m mostly here to train and such, but maybe I could also add exploring this dimension as part of my reason for being here. I kinda dig this planet’s vibe.”
the two looked at eachother before looking back at otherworlder, before deciding to shake his hand.
“Well I’m Oz-- and this man here is uhh...What’s your name again?”
“Jack the Cannoneer, aiming to be the strongest pirate in all of Mapleworld!”
“Right...Anyway, since you’re not from here, might I ask: have you heard of the news of the crater at a farm?”
“A crater--” Maroon had to think for a second, but he knew exactly what crater she meant. Everytime he enters a world for the first time he always left one by accident.
“...Oh, yeah.” He mumbled in his reply. “That wasn’t my intention when entering here. My father always helped me get to one world after another. And every first time he brings me there, he always has his portal way too high up. So fell to the ground and that’s why I left that crater.”
“...Oh—” Oz responds, but realizes what that meant. “—Wait are you okay? You’re not hurt from that, are you?”
“I mean I was--” Maroon responds back, “but my body already recovered from the injury. What about the owners of the farm? Is the cost to the damages severe?”
“Oh no they’re covered by their warranty.” Oz responds. “Besides, their son makes a lot of money for them and knowing the nice guy he is he probably helped them out as well so it’s all fine.”
“Ah, that’s a relief…” With a soft sight, Maroon looked at the environment they’re in. Seeing the interest in his eyes, Oz was considering the free time she has at the moment before thinking of an idea.
”Say, how about we go see the world together? You’ve got a reliable guide with you and there will be adventures awaiting. How’s that for an idea?”
“Adventures also means treasure, ye?” Jack spoke up, the adventure part already caught his ears.
“I...Well...Yeah I guess, but--”
“Then I’m joining!” Jack responds before Oz can continue her sentence. This cause Maroon to chuckle seeing the enthusiasm on Jack’s face.
“Well then, I guess we can say that we’ll be having a wonderful adventure.”
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
I need to go see a person about a coin.
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You know, I honestly thought the Archer and Priest were unbeatable but then I nailed them on my second try so maybe I'm just bad at understanding this game.
In any case, enough of that. We have official hero business to attend to.
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Much. We won't mess up your face much. I did not come all this way to not hit something with my beatstick.
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Oh. Well. No going back now. We are across the B&E threshold. This is officially a burglary. All we can do now is see it to the end.
Zale, Garl, you guys holding up okay? Don't think of it as banditry, think of it as treasure hunting.
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Dude, it's a smash and grab. I don't know what's so complicated about that. But sure. Whatever. Come along, Patches.
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This might be a little more complicated than a smash and grab. I'm glad I made Patches stick around; We might need him to explain some things.
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Alright, we'll make base camp here and then figure out what we're TEAKS TEAKS TEAKS TEAKS
Holy shit, when and how did you get here!? I guess she couldn't resist the allure of breaking into a mysterious wizard lab. We were gone five minutes and she was like, "Hold up, did I just tell them I don't want to investigate the most interesting and mysterious place on this whole island!? GUYS. GUYS WAIT FOR ME."
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Oh, we're not the first people to break in here. Could have fooled me from the impenetrable door outside. I wonder if the wizard has to repair it after each would-be burglar steals inside?
Or maybe these guys are just more subtle than we are.
Either way, loot's mine. Back off.
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Y'know, this place isn't so complicated. Not any worse than the Mist Trials, really. Once you get your head around the idea that physics can loop there's really nothing that unusual about this wizard's labyrinth.
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So you climbed down a well out of self-pity? Seems a bit extreme but sure, I don't see why not.
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Did you eat the watch!?
Okay sure, why not. The important thing is, I caught a ton of lunar trout. Objectively the best kind of trout.
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Garl, we're doing crime here. You don't call out during crime.
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Also something you don't shout at the top of your lungs during a burglary. Garl, if the wizard hears you then this burglary's going to have to turn into a robbery real fast.
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Too later. Burglary's cancelled. This is a robbery now. Weapons out, everyone! Look fierce; Show of force. We're going for maximum intimidation.
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You know what, that's fair.
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After what we just went through it better fucking be.
Imagine fistfighting a being of pure rainbow light and energy over a misunderstanding. "Whoops! Sorry, wrong loot. You wanted the cosmic horror of time and space. He's two portals to the left."
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At this point, you should be so lucky for me to officially name you as members of our crew but whatever. I'll take what I can get.
So are we chasing down the Vespertine first or going straight to Wraith Island?
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Okay. I. Guess. That's on me for assuming. Cap'n did say she was chasing after a ship. I should have taken that as a red flag that she didn't already have one.
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._. Yo ho ho, pirates we be. To set sail on the ocean is the life for me.
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ginevralinton · 9 months
@its-a-hare-pom-pom thank you for the tag!!
Favourite colour and why? blue - it reminds me of the sea, it feels calm and sad but happy too. I like the sound of the word. I also love pink, because it's a happy and bright.
Five comfort movies: i don't really watch movies...
Favourite season and why? winter! i like when it's cold and you can wrap up in blankets; i like those really cold mornings and cold nights and the frost and ice; less people are out when you go to parks/outdoor places; there are several things that can't happen in winter and those things give me anxiety; i have work and while it's stressful, it's not intense like other parts of the year
Favourite book(s): Villette by Charlotte Bronte, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte are my top three
favourite aesthetic(s)and why? I think 'cottagecore' is pretty cute, or like, space aesthetics or 'arty' ones - oh, and like, horribly gaudy rainbow ones. Idk all the proper names but those ones just appeal to me
Favourite genre and why? It depends on what it is, but I'll talk about books because TV tastes are just - random. With books, I like 'literary' fiction, classics, historical fiction and short stories too? I guess I like the analyse stuff when I read, to look at the layers and structures, and I find those genres lean more easily towards that.
Favourite clothes style: honestly shifts between girly dresses and fluffy coats to dungarees, oversized shirts and DMs
Favourite music genres: most of my favourite artists fit under the 'indie' category somewhere
Favourite artists: Florence and the Machine, The Killers, The Wombats, King Princess
Favourite song(s): King by Florence and the Machine and Battle Born by The Killers
Favourite fandoms: BBC Ghosts ❤
Hobbies: writing, drawing, reading, walking
Care language you give: acts of service, I guess? or being a willing listener? idk
Care language you like to receive: willing listeners?
Are you an introvert/extrovert/ambivert: introvert
Morning or night person? i'm less anxious in the morning but i'm also awake most of the night so...
City, country or suburbs and why? suburbs. basically, i like where i live, the balance between having green space but also having easy access to towns/shops/cities
Favourite time of day and why? between 8:30 and 9:30pm, because day anxiety is over and night anxiety hasn't fully begun
Do you have any religious beliefs(don’t have to answer if not comfortable)? not really
What does your ideal family look like to you? me, a gf and many many guinea pigs? maybe a daschund (if i get over the fear of dogs)? and friends too? (and ofc some of my actual family now)
Dream future: no idea, can't see a thing
Dream place to visit: I'd love to go to Geneva, Brussels or Iceland, but realistically, I'd just like to go back to Haworth or Lulworth (or, lbr, the Isle of Wight)
Favourite type of nature: I like flowers, the sea and cliff tops
Favourite habitat (eg jungle, desert, tundra etc): the ocean and forests
How would you describe yourself in 4 words: awkward, anxious, serious, creative?
If you could be another thing on earth what would it be: something inanimate, like a rock
Favourite type of weather: sunny but cool (or snow, but i feel bad for saying that 😁)
If you could travel anywhere right now where would it be: Haworth
Do you have any fears (serious or otherwise): everything? dogs, house fires, burglary, the future, people in those mascot costumes, social interactions etc.
Dream job: who knows
Would you be a pirate/vampire/cowboy/astronaut/werewolf/wizard/witch/knight/cryptid and why? cowboy, i guess. i like the hats
I'll tag @sonnet-of-anarchy @thelastplantagenet @thatgordongirl @breitzbachbea @athelstan-anglecyning if you want to do it
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catinfroghat · 1 year
rules: tag 10 people you want to know better!
Thank you for tagging me @romantabs ☀️
relationship status: in a committed relationship with being single
fav color: GREEN 💚 especially pastel green and very dark green (last night I had a dream that the grass became too green and it was causing anyone who looked at it to fall over due to the intensity of the green but I was immune because I liked green so much)
song stuck in your head: PETRO! DRAGONIC! A! POC! A! LYPSE! (Dragon by King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard)
last song you listened to: Elämä on heikkoja varten by Planeeta 9 (Very cool Finnish folk/ doom metal group)
3 fav foods: this specific ice cream I had from a Turkish restaurant as a kid when I was visiting London exactly once and have never been able to find again (I still think about it all the time),
the waffles with melted chocolate on that my high school cafeteria used to sell every Wednesday during the morning break that would sell out so fast that you practically had to run out of class if you wanted a chance to grab one,
vegetable samosas specifically the ones you get from Punjabi shops (theirs are the best sorry to every other regional samosa)
last thing you googled: (I use duckduckgo rather than google because I'm neurotic about my data) subacromial bursitis
dream trip: psilocybin
anything l want right now: several thousand pounds and/or a kitten
tagging: I'm soooo shy about this um so I'll say anyone who wants to do it should do it but specifically I'll tag @whattupsluts (HI!!!!) @autistic-pirate @femmehysteria @bunnyearspresident @eastgaysian @clarafordahwin @pleasechooseausername @cupofwater6 @emi1y and @kimwexlersstrap 🌻
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Isekaied To The One Piece World From Fairy Tail
Quick Relationship
Law One Piece x G!reader x Natsu Fairy Tail
NSFW 18+
Minor Mistakes
Full story start to wedding wasnt sure weither or not to do dress or suit went with a dress.
Just a general timeline. You fall from the sky gate onto a floating submarine while Natsu falls from the sky onto an island. Your trying to send Natsu back to your guys world in Fairy Tail and live out your life in the One Piece world instead.
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"(N) hang on will pull you out then we can be together!" Natsu yells.
"Its no use Natsu! Good bye dont follow its dangerous!" You yell as you slip through Natsus grasp. As you see him jump in after you through the magic gate.
"I'll find you I swear!" Natsu yells as you scream
"No!" we drift apart in pillars of light yours purple since you use gravity magic. Natsus red as he uses fire magic. You and him drift apart more and more until you hit something hard. Looking over to Natsus pillar of light was dispersing. You get up and look around you seeing people in orange suits, white suits and a polar bear in an orange suit standing upright. Everyone looking at you. Suddenly you hear a faint
"Room, Shambles" you turn to the sound, get up and put a hand on your hip. You see a man whose taller than you, wears a funny hat carrying a sword, with a big cloak that's black and yellow.
"Who are you?" He asks.
"She fell from the sky Captain" Bepo says .
"Firstly friend or foe?" You ask.
"My questions first" he says bluntly and nods at Bepo as you sigh and as he smirks.
"Fine I am (N/L) of Fairy Tail the magic wizard guild. I am a dragon slayer. I fell from the sky you think one wouldnt be as rude to a guest. We were exploring ruins and found an ancient magic gate that sucked me and Natsu in " You admit and drop your arm.
"Who is Natsu?" He asks.
"Hes another dragon slayer he fell over there will you please take me there then I'll be out of your hair/hat" you point to the spot where Natsu fell.
"I would just go but I dont have enough magic I think, to reach that island or have an Exceed. Natsu would be really easy to find too, his element is fire. He like burns everything he touches. See this is our guilds marking. But i really have to get him back to our world. I'll exchange my special strength pendent for this" you put up your right hand to show him your guild marking.
"What's an Exceed? And what is a strength pendent? What does it do? " The man asks.
"Their these cute little cats that can fly, talk and hold up one person in the air for a certain amount of time. The strength pendent is a necklace you wear and when your completely out of power it revives your strength and powers to full, its extremely rare as it's made by dragon scales you would have the only one in existence in this world and ill give you dragon scales to do with what you will. Now how about you, start talking Mr." You say a bit annoyed pointing at him puffing up your cheeks.
"I suppose I am your friend. I'll take you there if those are that rare. My name is Trafalgar D Water Law. Just call me Law. We are called The Heart Pirates. Be nice to us and we will be nice to you. And also arnt you cold in that bikini?" Law asks smirking slightly.
"Well I came from a desert and my clothes would just tear off when I transform. Meaning I dont have my magic clothes with me" You speak plainly.
"Tansform?" Law asks confused.
"Since were allied I guess I'll tell you I have gravity magic and can transform into a dragon but I dont have unlimited power or a mate yet, also im (18+)." You say simply.
"I cant believe that, a dragon?" Law scoffs. Which pisses you off slighlty with a huff, so you start to transform. Your head, wings, arms, feet, and tail form, and brilliant shades of amethyst on your scales. Flying above Law
'You question me? Gravity dragon roar!' You send telepathically and a blast straight up to the sky parting the clouds then you stop and return back into a human. Laws jaw is agape.
"Allright we've been compromised, so let's go now everyone!" Law yells to everyone.
"And you(n)no transforming in the sub now let's go" Law says and points at you as you nod.
Natsus POV
"Whew wonder where I am" I say looking around, some village people were staring at me.
"Hey where am I?" You ask stepping out of the crater I landed in.
"Friend or foe?" One of the villagers ask.
"Friend of course!" I say scratching my head as I walk onto flat land.
"Your on Koko island" one of the villagers says. The villagers crowded me asking many questions but the only ones you could hear were.
"Are you a god? Where are you from? Why are you here?" And I answered
"A God? No. I'm from a different world where everyone has magic. I'm from a wizard, from a guild named Fairy Tail. I'm here to save my mate did anyone see another beam of light?" I say sniffing the area no scent of them anywhere.
"There was a beam of purple light over there!" A villager points out to the sea.
"How do you all get around in this world?" I ask quizzically. "We all use boats theres no other way to get around the whole world is covered in water"a villager says.
"Great this is gonna be hard. Would someone please lend me a boat and maybe some food if you could?" I state as two villagers step up.
"I can give you some food" one says
"I have a boat I never use. You can use it" another villager says.
"Ah! All right thanks so much!" I go hug the two villagers they get me set up.
Once set up you start rowing but get nauseous and motion sick but row slower. Then you see your mates dragons roar and start following in that direction.
"Must follow (n)"
(N)POV 15 Days Later
"We should stop at every island to check for him. He can be a little fire demon" you say to Law in the control room laying on the floor motion sick.
"Were only looking at the radar if we have to stop then we will stop" Law states
"Hang on how are we suppos- ughhhhhh"you hold your mouth as Law picks you up from the floor bridal style. Your body limp. He walked you both to the medical bay and lays you down on a bed you still holding your mouth. Law was gathering all kinds of things then came back to you with everything on a rolling tray. He sticks you with a needle in the right arm and you whine still holding your mouth. He hands you a medical barf bag as you blow chunks, quarter of the way filling it as he sticks you again you throw the bag in the trash right next to you.
"What are you doing?" You ask quizzically while wiping your face. He looks at you for a second then replies.
" I'm giving you motion sickness shots, we have plenty."he says.
"Dragon slayers usually feel worse motion sickness as they become more part dragon. I dont even think itll work." You say softly.
"Well these ones are powerful you may even fall asleep ive noticed your symptoms for awhile now" Law states.
"Thank you" you muster up.
"Have there been any boats or anything?" You ask.
"Not yet be more patient I'm sure you will find this Natsu. Though what will you do once you find him?" Law quizzically questions.
"Ummm I havent thought that far ahead most dragon slayers get motion sick. We need to get up the the sky that's where the gate was at least for him" you say meekly.
"So your headed to Skypiea" Law admits.
"What's on Skypiea?" You question your vision getting blurry.
"Skypiea are the lands above our land and ocean. There made of clouds. You have to take the jet streams to get up there." Law answers.
"Oh no we have no money and no ship and were both motion sick what a great combination" you yawn softly as you pass out as your hand brushes against Laws hand.
Laws POV
"They really just passed out" their hand brushes mine. I try and shake off this blush.
'Why am I blushing I dont blush, god' I think. I roll her into the surgery room as I begin dissecting (n) with Kikoku. Thoughts wandering.
'They look so peacful and cute in their sleep' you think to yourself then shook the thoughts away. After I lost track of time they begin to wake up. Opening their silky (C) eyes to see cubes of their body floating around the room. I'm just waiting for the screams but they never came.
"Ahh this is different we dont have the same powers in my world. You shoulda took me on a date first actually" they say playfully as I blush lightly and say
"How are you so calm about everything I'm dissecting your body?" He asks quizzically, they just shrug.
"I just roll with the flow"
"Well as long as you dont hurt me I'm fine with it. Though how long have we been here? And seriously if you gonna do that at least take a me on a date" they question. As for yourself you had lost track of time.
'I shouldn't have done that, but as long as their okay, I guess its fine.'
"All right here let me put you back together" I say calmly quiet shocked they werent freaked out. While putting them back together I say
"You know they call me the Surgeon of Death" I state to them looking them in their eyes.
"Well surgeons help people get better right?" (N) asks.
"Well yes but I can also take life away easily" I say softly. They nod then explain
"Then your no different from everyone else. People choose to take lives away or choose to give them life and I'm betting you naturally good hearted. I mean you could have killed me while I was out and vulnerable and just stole the pendent but you didnt." They explain then yawns as you place the last piece in their heart. They have you thinking but yet you smirk.
"Your very ... perceptive" I compliment them as they get up and walk out of the surgery room with me behind them to grab some food and coffee. Then after saying goodnight head to eachothers beds after another long day.
Natsus POV 15 Days Later In The Middle Of Nowhere In The Ocean
I sensed a very big being coming up from beneath me. I jumped off with my gaint water sack and food. The boat right when it got crushed by a gaint fish I wraped a gaint rope around the creature. I ride on its back as it screeched loudly.
"Ill get back to land with this in a least a couple days.
'I totally didnt expect how big this ocean was.' Thinking to myself
(N) POV 17 Days Later
"Ikkaku I had another bad dream" your boobs brushed against her arm, you holding her in your bikini.
"Oh?"Ikkaku says. While that was going on you suddenly notice before anyone else Law coming to the kitchen all the men and boys googling eyes at you and Ikkaku as you ready to go to the next section of food. You just keep grabing her arm as, she plainly says
"I dont even know you..really your just on board for a short time." you defeated just chuckled and say
"Allright im sorry ill leave you alone now guess girls dont stick together." As you stick your tounge out. As you backed up into Law. Stunned you turn around him holding his coffee high so it wouldnt spill then letting it down.
"Mind coming with me? And no we havent picked anything up. We will start searching islands however." Law says seemingly trying to cheer me up but tears whell up and fall.
"No one likes me..." you say silently crying. Once you both get into the med room/office you sit on a rolling chair and cry.
"Hey there..." he picks your chin up "Natsu likes you and ...I like you too" Law admitts as he he lets go and brushes your (C) hair over your ear. You were unsure how he liked you however.
"You dont get it I kinda fibbed a bit when we first met."
"The truth is that I was tring to get away from him kindly, but he followed me because we were both supposed to become mates. But I dont want to with him. Hes loud, obnoxious, and can be rude, and he never follows the plan! Everyone else told him I like him I havent even said much at all I just consider him my friend"you find yourself yelling.
"He wasnt meant to come here, and your too nice... here" you say in a whisper now and toss the strength pendant at him which he admires.
"You can do what ever you want with me im such a bad person" you cry again. He hands you a tissue and puts on the strength pendent. Scooting closer he rubs your back. Looking at you now he says
"So whats your goal?" As he sets a full bottle and two small glasses out on a tray and rolled it to you along with him.
"I propose an new solution since your so strong also thank you for the pendant. We will continue to search for your friend too. In exchange for your powers. and friendship. Quit running from yoursel-" he was cut of by you
"Quit running away from my problems? Yea no duh" you say as he hands you a full votka shot glass.
"Whats this for?" You ponder at him.
"Will you join my crew I mean since your not going to leave this world?" He asks politely. You ponder a moment before replying
"Yes sure sounds great!" You smile.
"Our crew gained another member" you just look at him in your eyes.
"Yay" You squeal
"Welcome (n), but we need to get you suitable clothes theres a lot of men and one other female who youve allready met."
"She wasnt exactly nice. Where im from everyone is really nice.
We hug and drink together and laugh together and most importantly we help eachother even bathe together, and " He holds his hand up a bit to declare
"To freedom" as you glank cups with him then empty the cup wanting more. As he pours more and you both talk more the night grows.
"Haha yea.. but you know I was just intimidated at first your pretty intimidating so I wanted to get out of your hair but turns out we can help eachother nice." You say quietly.
"I forgive you, seemingly your not a bad person but over the days well you remind me of someone important, someone I used to know Corazon" he started to slur his words a bit and a deep red on his face after it had grown more into the night. Also you both had scooted your chairs together knees touching and one pinky intertwined. He had talked about a person named Corazon. Someone close to him. He came in closed eyes, open hand cupped to your face hazy fog form in the sub as its so cold. As you leaned in to match him your lips connect with static. Kissing then making out more intensely your right hand explores his hair making his hat fall, cetching it throwing it on the med bed not even looking. He picks you up, and places you on his bed. You stare but then he closes the door. Turns around unzipping his cloak and takes off his shirt which makes you blush a lot. Leaving on just his pants and boxers.
"I had an idea (n) what if you just had a different mate before he finds you so you cant mate with him?"
"Theres so many possibilities like him never finding you or he goes back but without you"
"He wouldn't do that once he puts his mind to something its over, what would you do if you were me." You ponder.
"Well I certainly wouldnt mop over it, say no and if he fights he can fight me." Law says quite boldy.
"That sounds great actually thank you Law" you say as he slides passed you near the window.
"Ill see what you really want." He says as he lays next to your nervous self.
"Umm im actually a virgin.." you explain.
"So am I so equal terms who knows when youll get another chance like this to take your Captain" he bluffs, smirking into the window. You crawl down unbuckle his pants and slide them off making him look shocked. Slowly you undraw your bikini that was washed and let them fall as you approach him crawling on the bed.
"Are you sure? Are you sober enough to make this decision?" He asks and you nod. You slowly take off his boxers while explaining to him.
"Dragons only mate to one person in their whole lives and they can tell from many miles where their lover is so they will definitely not get lost, hopefully haha. Smelling their partner close is an afredeeziac im intoxicated by your smell so id say your the one for me" you say as he listens as you position your mouth on the tip of his dick, butt in air. Once ready you took his girth in your mouth making him exhale sharply. Then moans fell from his slightly drooling blushing deep red face his hand trying to hide his thoughts. You heard a slurp then a
"Wow... okay here lets switch" Law says after awhile. You wipe your face and switch, showing your clean and shaved hooha and move backward. Sticking your tounge out to reveal your tounge bar and fangs for him who is panting with lust in his eyes. He lifts your legs over his shoulders and uses his long tounge to lick you but not enough for the virginity to break. Your assuming he wants it for himself.
'God hes so hot *moans*' in your mind. Your panting and moaning his name. He wipes his face after some time down under. He then leans over you while making out to brush your (c) hair out of the way. Caressing every part of him like he is you.
'Well he must be a good doctor to know these things ' Breaking for air you managed to get out
"Law I like you alot not only thi-" he shhes you, once he stretches you out slightly he brings up his hand which didn't penetrate, which you engulf in your mouth and suck everything off.
"I feel the same (n) its just happier around you." He cups your cheek staring you in the eyes with his silver steel grey eyes. As he places his member to your entrance and asks.
"Are you ready? Last chance?" He chuckles. *smirks*
"Yes Captain" you say as you bring his mouth to yours as he pushes in slightly enough to slip in breaking your virginity. You moan loudly over his lips as he put some force on the kiss and twitch slightly at the pain, as he grabs both your hands forceing them up past your head. Breaking for air he asks
"Are you alright?" And you nod.
After a good minute.
"Please *huf* go deeper fill me with you only you" he obeys and kisses you again while he pumps in and out huffing also while moaning. Your sure youve woken someone up but couldnt give a crap right now. Pushing harder with his member he sped up, switching to holding your hands above your head with one hand.
"(N) will you be my mate and girlfriend?" He asks out of the blue.
"Of course your an amazing person from what I sense, and I will" you state smiling wide and your chest rubs with his causing you both to shiver. After a couple hours of him making you cum a couple times.
"Im about to cum (n)" Law grunts with a hazy face you say
"Me too ahh. This is bliss."
"Cum with me baby!" he says as his cock gets big and your hooha constricts. Your head rolls back as Law leans back moaning eachothers names quite loud with you in sync. You both lean back normally after riding out the high. He slowly slides his member out of you as you whine a little. He goes to the bathroom and turns on the shower gesturing for you to join him.
"You should clean up okay. Cant have kids yet and cant bloody the sheets only have one set." Law says jokingly. So when he least expects it you hop in the shower with him. He turns to you, smirking, the same smirk since you met him but there was more to it he was actually smiling as he pets your head. Putting shampoo in your hair after him then conditioner as you clean yourself.
"I am happy now im pretty sure." You whisper as you see through some metal Law smiling. After that he leads you to the bed sits and has you sit on his lap with a gaint towel wrapped around you both.
"Sooo Law how was it?" You chuckle.
"It was amazing. Your all mine now. But we also cannot flaunt it either or well get enemies, who want to find my weakness and thats you. Not that your weak but if they cetch you by surprise ya fluff ball brain." he says gently setting his chin on your head.
"Well I want to be a fighter on this sub since I have powers and I can swim" he tilts his head to the side while his legs cuddle yours.
"I dont want you in fights unless you beat my three first, second and ,third mates. Bepo, Sachi, and Penguin in a row" he says matter o factly.
"Deal. Also but right now pick a spot for a new tattoo" you exclaim.
He thinks on it
"What about my right ankle on the outside?" He replies.
"Thats a good spot sit where you are, I will preform the ceremony" you state as magic glows in your hands and you apply pressure. Afterward he had the mate dragon marking.
"Its now all done" you say as he looks at the tattoo.
"Now you have to try and do it on me. Let me infuse you with magic. As you infuse him he looks at you then shivers.
"Now you can infuse me on my upper back please. Just think what you want till you see somethink like a triangle." You say as you move your (C)(L)hair.
"Just feel me through telepathy and follow until light emits from your hands."
'Yep we also can telepathically communicate outside of dragon mode with just one mark on one of us but with both marks we can feel where the other is vise versa' you think to him. Light emitted not long ago.
"Im finished I think" Law responds as you go look in the mirror.
"Wow you did perfect!" You exclaim
"Can you feel me?" You ask to witch he nods.
"So intresting ... oh here your dried off" he let you have the clean bed as he dried off hung up the towel, he grabbed some clean boxers and threw everything dirty in his hamper.
"Ah also (n) we dont say Mate here unless your talking about your first or second or even third mate who are apart of the crew. Id actually prefer if not one of my crew knew but im sure we woke someone up. We say boyfriend or girlfriend or just partner here. Next is being fiances. Partner and partner like wife and husband, husband and husband, or wife and wife are next after that." He says yawning as you crawl under the covers with him cuddling you.
"Okay boyfriend" you giggle
"Okay partner there you go" Law smirks.
Natsus POV 7 Days Later
'Selling milk to live isnt so bad I got a steady job, food and shelter. Now the only thing is (n). Man if we'd mated I could just sense her' I think to myself.
"I just miss her and everyone. I hope she didnt drownd!" sigh.
"I really need to get them back!"
You woke up with Law cuddling your naked body tightly. Your rendezvous have been getting closer and closer.
'Waa?' Looking over you were really enjoying this position so you lay there untill he flickers his silver eyes open to which yours do too.
'He seems shocked' you think.
"I thought it was a good dream but I see it was clearly more than that" he says kissing your shoulder as your left hand as you stroke his hair
"Well hello (n)"
"Hello Law have a nice night?"
"Why yes I did what about you regret anything?"he asks.
"Nope 10/10 would do again" you say as he chuckles.
"Hasnt it almost been a month since you came aboard?" He asks.
"Ahh yes Captain" you chirp.
"I want you to officially live with me in my room okay? I dont want anyone thinking differently about you with anyone else" He says and you nod and get changed into his sweater and your bikini.
"I want my pillow. And its not like I came with much haha. Be back." You said as he nodded and you went to Ikkakus room. You knocked first then opened the door to reveal her sleeping so you quickly grab your pillow and leave but not before feeling eyes on you and hearing.
"That fucking whore" you heard her say as you closed the door.
'Fuck I forgot she was closest to him in dorms she probably heard us this whole time ' you think as you walk back into your guys room hyperventilating a little.
'You look like you saw a ghost.' He ask thinks to you.
'Ikkakkus really pissed shes like had a crush on you for a while it seems' you think to him.
'She muttered that fucking whore, before I closed the door.'
"Just ignore her for now. Come here, ya cutie. Ive never felt anything for her" Law says as he picks you up and go into his bedroom laying you down.
"Were almost to an island we will be there soon most likely tomorrow morning" though he says.
Throughout the day Law gets strange looks so he goes to his office early
'Cool adventure!' You thought to yourself 'but of course he can hear me too all the time now le sigh must get annoying' you thought. You remember sexy time blushing a deep red. You suddenly feel your your hair and neck being pulled away so he can whisper
"You want more hmm?" He whispers in your ear then nips your neck and ear holding your hair with one hand and the other guiding your lips towards his from your neck breathing slightly on it goosebumps form.
*moans* both of you.
"Get over there" he states as you happily hop on the bed.
"Yes Law" you feel him undo your bikini bottoms and top.
"At least make sure the door is clo-"
"Room shambles"
"Doors closed now" he says all witty. Feeling a little exposed you take off his pants and boxers. He takes off his shirt and cloak. He butterfly kisses you from your face to hooha before licking his index finger and inserting it into you, making you moan.
"As I said before learn how to take a person on a date first, okay fine ill make an exception again" you makeing the hentai face as he hits your spot. He smirks and inserts two digits making you moan again saying his name
Three digits in and out, in and out. Making you moan.
"Why are you doing this to me Law? " you huff out of breath.
"Doing what dear? God i love it when you moan my name" He retorts.
"Was I bad or something I need you! Please fuck me. Oh god Lawww" you semi yell gripping the sheets.
"So impatient precious" he smirks adding a forth finger and keeps sliding in and out for a soild minute. You feeling his buldge rubing against you.
"On your belly" he demands. So you twisit around he gets on top of you. Dick soaked in precum while your soaked as well.
"Ready? "He asks again and so you nod. Grabbing your thighs and butt he slides in with more ease than the first time with long moans you both go.
"Deeper Law please find it"
"Trying to find it. This might be it?" He pokes with his cock inside you, your eyes go wide as he immediately kisses you to keep you from yelling waking everyone up. You moaned very loudly.
"Here use this rag its clean, itll help, im going to fuck you raw" he says after you put it in your mouth. On all forths he cradels your body as he adjusts then slips in from behind making you gasp.
'Gosh your so big Law I thought I couldnt take it before' you think to him
"Ill wait a minute for you to adjust and well you managed to take it just fine last night" he says his arms crossed over holding your chest and you just nod. He starts sliding his cock in and out of you as you both try to stifle your moans. He doesnt stop either. You cant help your moans now so you hook an arm over Laws neck which makes the rag fall out. Hooking lips with him. It stifles the moans for now. He keeps going at a faster speed
"ahhh yessss Lawwww"
"mmmmhhhh (nnnnn)"Harsh breath beating hearts. Your tounges fighting for dominance. Him pressing your hands into the bed.
~After Quite A While
"Babe are you-?"
"Yes im so close. Feel me up with your warm milk pleasssee" you say as he smirks deeply.
"Cum baby cum with me"He trails off by hugging you and letting his seed flow into you as you felt his warmness by hugging him back. Constricting your hooha squeezes more of his cum into you.
"Didnt know you missed me that bad, I was working and have to be Captain sorry dear you cant have me all the time"he explains.
"Ouu wouldnt that be fun?" You say excitedly as he smirks. Gently he lays you down then slowly pulls out.
"Aaahhhhh" you quiver everywhere. Picking you up and placing you in the bath Law turns the knob and gets in with you. Steam all around you he holds your hands tightly as you hold his tightly back.
"You make me feel something I never have felt before I dont know what to call it." You admit as he smirks/smiles.
Natsus POV In The Morning
On my normal milk run up the hill. Once at the top I like to take in the scenery. However today was a yellow boat on the beach? No more like a metal bubble boat. Thats when a guy came out and I couldnt believe my eyes (N) came out but holding his hand. So you sat down the milk and ran to them.
They were on the road now. Still holding hands but once they saw you they stopped.
You let go of Laws hand and he looked at you confused then saw as the crazy flame boy came running as we met him more in the plains. Then it was just Natsu who was trying to hug you and succeeded making you frown, you and Law.
"Get off I ... cant breath" you say huffing then Law grabbed Natsu and pushed him away.
"What the hell is your problem buddy? Thats my mate right there!" Natsu asks mad up in Laws face. "Maybe I dont like it when other guys touch my partner" Law gives his famous smirk.
"You cant be serious hes a human!" Natsu yells at you.
"Yes but this human loves them and cares about them at least more than you" Law says for both of you to hear.
"What about the ceremony?!" Natsu yells getting more angry.
"We allready did it" you and Law blush red. As you turn around to reveal your back Law reveals his right ankle with the tattoo on him.
"I challenge you what is it, Trafalgar D Water Law? To a duel if I win they go back with me. I managed to figure out the big players in this world" Natsu says getting fired up.
"And if I win theyll become my spouse and youll leave." Law says proudly.
"Nats-" you cherry red blush at Laws words.
"Shutup(n)! Ill deal with you later" Natsu snapped his scales showing slightly.
"Dont talk to (n) like that! Get behind me (n)" Law shouts to Natsu, and whispers to you. First Natsu moves then Law quickly slices an arm off. Natsu who uses Fire Iron Dragon roar. Quickly you move in front of Law.
"Gravity Dragon Roar!" You had gotten to protect Law. Quickly you shift back behind him. Natsu snatches his arm back and relaizes Laws ability halfway. But Law cant get close because of the fire Natsu spits out.
'Im going to use gravity armor on you please beat him quickly hes like that, always gets back up let me know if you need me to help' you think to Law. You see Law stand and wait for Natsu. Finally Natsu moves but at lightning speed and cetches you off caught grabbing you and making his way through town.
"Owww it burns!" You yewlp as you feel Natsus flame body. As Natsu stops at the other side of town on that side of the beach trying to get in a boat with you.
"Let go that hurts!" You bit his other arm, him releasing you. You fall on the sand and look behind you seeing Law teleporting right behind.
"Lawwww! Help!!
"Stop yelling for that bastard he stole you away from me. Why cant you love me?" Natsu yells at you.
"Because we were just friends you never asked how I felt, you just listened to everyone else!" You yelled.
"I wanted to leave that world and stay in a new one because I didnt want to have an arranged Mate!" You yell again.
"Weve known eachother since we were little what changed?" Natsu yells.
"Youve changed, ever since Lisanne died you havent been the same. I bet you dont even actually like me! But I know for sure Law does, and we actually have things in common!" You say. You look too Law and you realize now your burns are very visible.
'Law seems really pissed I mean im his and hes mine and Natsu is being extra aggressive since its mating season' you think to yourself.
"Shambles, Suddenly your in Laws arms bridal style as he lets you down, you hide behind him covering Law in gravity armor. Hugging him from behind, you cried
"Nice friend ya got here (n)" Law smirks. As you let him go, he teleports to Natsu
"Scalpel!" Then suddenly teleports back to you with Natsus heart. Law squeezes Natsus heart while Natsu is stunned and you see Natus flames go out as he falls too the ground. Yelling in pain. You tried to step forward but Law stops you. You stop the gravity armor.
"Hes all ready aggressive dont go near him." Law forebays you and you just say
"Yes Law"
"Are you gonna let him manipulate you like everyone else did?" Natsu yells. Law puts Kikoku away still squeezing Natsus heart then grabs your hand to settle you. You squeeze Laws hand as you say
"Look you, never asked me anything you just assumed everything and didnt even ask me. No I cant be your mate im with Law, just deal with it. I lost feelings a long time ago. Its true im with a human but he can be entirely to sweet to me I think the word is I love him so back off ill escort you back if I have to and your lucky for that! Also he never has manipulated me hes kind and sweet unlike you!" You yell. You look back at law who has a slight blush on his face.
"Were taking you back together actually. I dont trust him." Law says the first part outloud then whispers the second to you. You walk up to Natsu and hug him
"Were just friends thats all we ever were..." *click* he pushes you back to see what went click as Law grips Kikoku then cetches you as you trip backwards.
"(N) how could you do this to me!" Natsu yells while trying to exert flames to no avail. Law chuckles.
"I locked your magical powers away so you dont hurt anyone else. Until we can return you to the guild." You say with a nod of conviction as Law nods in agreement.
Back on the Polar Tang
"Thank you Ikkaku for going to the end of the dorms" Law greatfuly adds.
"Of course Captain" she said politely to him, you stepping in before her right after Law though, glareing at eachother for one second then looking forward. Once in side, Natsu has calmed down since he cant do anything. You put him in Ikkakus cell because it closes both ways. So Law and you locked him inside and that took most of the day away. You both got coffee and something small to eat then went back to his room.
"Babe that was close. I think he may be stronger" you say jokingly.
"No way I was barly trying to hurt him since he used to be your fiance. Another thing you let out" Law crosses his arms.
"Hey it was only those two things... im sorry" you admit. Once fully in private meaning Law locked his door, he takes off his cloak and shirt.
"Well it ended as good as it could have." You reassured yourself.
"I believe so too"Law is in agreement.
"What did you say to him when you hugged him." Law asked firmly.
"I just said we were nothing more than friends"
"Ouu cold" he jokes
"Well I guess I can be cold and petty. Better watch out haha! And what you had said earlier were moving really fast all ready" You joke at Law who just smirks and drinks his coffee. You slide on his hoodie over your bikini stopping just at the curve of your butt on the bottom.
"Wanna do some torturing?" You say softly to Law who was gaining a little pink over his face.
"Some what?" He asks.
"Torturing not actual torture but to the ears?" You repeat. Now he gets what your putting down.
"Mhhhnn" he moans as you hug him tight enough for your privates to rub. You look up at him and kiss him passionately as he retorts. Feeling his bulge you grin against him. His head drooped down as he huffed in your ear
"You really want it tonight huh?" You hear Law say as he whispers down your neck which makes you shiver.
"We finally caught him without having to fight much. As long as theres no fires around he cant escape. That ringlet prevents magic from being used." You say firmly.
"Enough talking,... I want to just be here with you" Law whispers into your neck causing goodbumps to form. You moan softly and shiver your skin glistened in amethyst then it dissapears.
"Your so radiant, gorgeous" as he kisses his way up to you lips. Then protrudes into your mouth with tounge moaning increasing on both ends. Breaking for air Law takes the time to tell you something.
"You declareing your love eariler was magical."he says breathless. You blush a vibrant shade of red.
"I totally forgot I did do that."you put your hands on your face in embarrassment. He just holds your thighs and kisses you.
"And what I said stands too" Law says firmly as you blush in his arms while your arms followed them up behind his neck. You cetch him blushing and smiling in your preifrial as he gently kisses your lips as you respond in kind. Suddenly he grabs your thighs and hops you up onto his pelvis as he grabs your thighs and you hang on to him blushing. He leads you to the bedroom and you fall down on the bed but propped up his elbows and hands while holding your noses are cms apart making you blush. You playfully kiss him as he replys too. He uses his knee to get in between your legs then starts grinding slightly against your crotch making you moan softly the thin swim suit fabric becoming wet with your juices.
"Oh look at that my baby wants me"he coos to you as Law kisses you deeper flicking tounge, kneeing your crotch squeezing and playing with your nipple. You moan his name
"Laawww" you arch your back into his abs and chest which you feel his hard cock rising up a bit. Then with your fangs you grazed his neck and gently pecked his neck with your dragon fangs. You start sucking on his neck instead he immediately says
"Hey no sucking the crew will find out" Law timidly says.
"Ugh oh no the crew will find out your, just so cute Law." You coo to him making hearts out of your hands. He seemingly annoyed stayed silent for a minute.
"(N) I love you too." Law says to you.
"I love you Law. There will be a time where nothing else matters dear." You reassure him and he nods. He looks at you with a certain gaze of lust as you let go as well. Clothes thrown about, naked, in bed moaning quite a lot. After sexytime you both take a shower and gently fall asleep. Of which sexytime you could hear banging from the room Natsu was in for hours.
The Next Morning
Law stirs first as he prepares for another work day. You awake looking over to him as he glances over to you. You leaning over you, say
"Your handsome Law, im holding you to your words." He nods and replies
"All in time." He states simply leans down and kisses you.
"Check your friend without me I have urgent business to deal with for the sub but after that ill be free." He says
"Oh okay so ill have to do it alone..." you say voice getting meeker.
"Hey dont worry just yell and ill be there besides hes wearing the bracelet" he reassures you.
"I have to go ill be back." He says departing and hes gone. You get up do your routine then go to Natsus cell and open it. Hes laying on the bed and you see hes been crying. He on a chain on the other side of the wall.
"Look i-" you start.
"No you look here (n) I at least for a while there I thought you didnt like me you could have said something! But everyone kept congratulating me. I know im not entitled to you but I thought you felt the same im sorry to you. But to him no, never, I want a rematch!" Natsu yells at the end. "Okay okay I get it thanks at leas-!!" Suddenly you felt Natsus lips on yours and a cold chill runs down your spine. He has you in a locked position his tounge roaming your mouth, then he kisses your sensitive ears and neck. You felt your heart strings pull but manage to punch him into submission.
"What the fuck, you know im his partner all ready?!!!" You yell appalled then closes his cell as hes saying
"You could be with me just give me a chanc-" you big huff all pissed locking the door. Crossing your arms then skipped breakfast. You were in Laws room when he came back.
"Hey (n) how is the prisoner?" He chuckles then looks at your face. He sighs
"So what happened?" He takes off his cloak and switches to his hoodie getting more comfortable.
"Mmnnnmm he kissed me got me in a lock hold and kissed down my neck but I punched him and backed away and closed the door...." you let the silence thicken like a looming thundercloud over you.
"That little shit did what on my sub, to my partner?!!" He yelled extremely angry.
"I dont think ive ever heard you genuinely pissed" you say to ease the tension which to no avail it fails.
"I want to kill him" he looks at you for approval.
"You cant kill him besides hes like a cockroach he can survive anything"
"You should cool off first, what about my fights?" You question.
"Oh right lets get ready for those" he says while thinking hard. "But I cant let that go I want a rematch so I can show him up in your honor." Law states as you agree.
The Three fights
Everyone is on deck even Natsu who is being forced to watch by Law who was also chained up now. Law sitting on the mast seating while Natsu is on the floor. First up is Bepo. You both shake hands and paws in the middle of the deck then go to your respective positions.
"All right keep it nice, keep it clean, no dirty moves and go."
First you dart behind Bepo faster than anyone can see and karate chop his neck knocking him out instantly. You whispering sorry Bepo.
Law checks Bepos breathing then motions for Bepo and his emts to enter the sub. Law turns around and announces
"Sachi and Penguin youll both follow up Bepo once ready, go in the middle of the deck."
'Yes some excitement!' You think to yourself as you spy Law smirk.
"Go (n)!!" You hear Natsu yell you think about the kisses but you brush it off. Law looks especially unhappy after I though about the kisses Natsu did. You get ready but you barely broke a sweat with Bepo. Eventually Sachi and Penguin deliberate before stepping in the middle.
"Hey guys hopping for a good spar" you say as they retort with politeness.
"All right Bepo is resting. Are you both ready?" Law asks Sachi and Penguin to which they respond with a thumbs up.
"All right then ready set go you have two minutes to determine what will happen" Law yells over to you three. You deside to go defensively youve barely seen them fight before. They sprint towards you as you teleport walk behind them.
'But man there faster now they must have been training.' You think to yourself as they switch to behind you.
'Hmm' you think as you teleport behind them then kick Penguin and punch Sachi apart as youve figured out they were planning a team attack.
'I must keep them apart' you think as Sachi comes off the railing to get back into position, you quickly cut him off and reach to Karate chop him but Penguin tackles you to the ground all you hear is.
'Come on (n) get up youve got this' Law was cheering you on. Which gave you strength to reach up and body slam Penguin into Sachi using your thighs taking it onto the beach. As they try and stand.
"You dont have to worry about me getting hurt ugh what a drag" you complain and stomp on the sand.
"Come on give me all ya got!" You yell as Sachi and Penguin grin.
"Your so" Sachi says.
"Asking for it (n)" Penguin finishes. As Sachi grabs his sword and Penguin gets into position. Then all at once you all move as Penguin goes for a kick to your ribs on your right and Sachi on your left swings his sword you duck down below both of them sliding forward shot up on your hands and tornado kick them both sending them in the mountains. Eventually they slid down and everyone said you were the winner.
'Im out next time bring me real fighters.' You say as you walk off to town.
'You cant just leave like that! -_-+' Law thinks to you. You turn around and ask
"Sorry Captain can I go to town?"
"What do you need?" He asks.
"Um, clothes, still." You retort showing off your bikini which everyone has gotten used too and you pout. He grabs some gold and
"Shambles" it to you.
"How can you buy anything without money?" Law points out.
"I forgot you guys dont bargin in this world" you facepalm.
"Thanks honey" you make a heart shape with your hands.
You walk off as hes yelling we arnt that way, and Natsu is crying, while the crew is cheering and ouuing at Law.
At The End Of The Day In Your Guys Room
"Oh yea tell me more?" You say as Law was ranting about Natsu. Apparently Natsu was running his mouth.
"That kid has it coming. He kept saying he had a part of you now too" Law says.
"We just need to dump him off as quickly as possible." Law grabs your arms then pushes you gently against the wall, his breath on your neck, as he bites your neck which makes you moan loudly. He stares you in the eyes,
"Your mine, only mine" Law firmly says as he firmly grasps your hands a bit hard. Startled you say
"Yes Captain."
"Your top three werent very strong are you sure they were trying?"
"Or maybe you threatened them for me awee hehe. Something like, make sure you dont hurt (n) or else" you finish and he chuckles. Sliding your hands down to his shoulders and his down to your waist. Luring you into the bedroom again.
To The Jet Streams
*whoosh* and your in the air flighing in the sub. Once to the entrance you all are greeted by the welcoming committee who tells all you where to go.
"This is THE door I cant believe it finally its been months" you grab Natsu dragging him with rope as hes tried to escape before. You undo the ropes and have his hands behind his back.
"Thats strange the door is all ready ope-" you were cut off by Natsu whipping you around holding your hand and making a dash for the door luckily for you, you heard
"Room Shambles" and you popped into Laws arms while Natsu just realized you were gone. Natsu slides to a stop right at the edge either you or Law could have teleported and kicked him but that risks him or you getting sucked in too. You teleport with fast step in front of Law and yell
"Gravity dragon roar!" As a horizontal column of gravity pushed forward quickly. After we scooch up to the door only to be in full shock when Natsu canapolts himself from behind the door.
"(N) Get out of the way! This is between me and him now!" You hear Law yell over to you. Then you hear
"Room!" From Law, while Natsu says
"Same rules but slightly tweaked. If I win they come with me and revert the marks , and for you?"Natsu asks.
"If I win they become my spouse as I said before" He says firmly while holding Kikoku.
"All right weve got ourselves a bet and a battle!" Natsu smiled. Instinctively you look at Natsu and then you realise
"Law! He somehow got the magic negater off he can use magic!" Saying in a hurry but theyve all ready started battleing.
"Fire Iron Dragon Roar!" Natsu yells as he hops through the smoke with Fire Iron Fists and Law teleported to a different location away from you then looking you spotted him. Natsu used Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade. Law took some flames but, shambled to right in front of Natsu stardeling him.
"Heres a Countershock!" Law yells, electrocuting Natsu then teleports away. As you and Law watch patiently seeing when Natsu would rise. You say to Law
"Natsu has mainly Fire but also some lightning magic." Law nods then turns his head back to Natsu who was getting up.
"Your ex is an ass" Law retorts as he huffs from the fire.
"We never dated!" You yelled.
"You really piss me off ya know?" Natsu says as he stares at Law who is keeping his composure.
"Like wise" Comes from Laws lips.
"Lighting bolt!" Natsu yells managing to get Law for a minutebefore he teleported feet away, Law fell on to his knee. "Law!" You yell out for him hands to your face but you knew you couldnt interrupt something between men.
"You know something human? They cant take a lot of element attacks." Natsu says as Laws stance widens as Natsu tries and attacks with his flame fists as Law swings Kikoku. Natsu tries to dodge but couldnt. Chopping up Natsu like sliced tofu, Law golfed pieces of Natsu through the door til he got all of him.
"Thats my man!" You ran cheerfuly to him, embracing him in a tight hug. He picks you up and twirls then puts you down.
"You helped." He says putting an arm around you as he sheathes Kikoku and you just laugh lightly. You lace your hand with his and for once he doesnt flinch and seperate when the crew sees once we get back to the beach. Hes still holding your hand smirking that famous smirk.
On A Island On The Grand Line
In the afternoon. Now that you have clothes you feel much better. You help Law work and make sure he eats and drinks. Until one afternoon he grabs you and pulls you on too his lap. "So how does tonight at seven pm sound?" Law asks nonchalantly.
"Forr??" You question.
"Dinner sill-" you cut him off with
"Oh my god its been one year and a half, and now you want to go on a date?! What brought this on?" You question loudly and he just smirks. You cross your arms and turn your head to the side.
"Okay fine I suppose I can grant you that"
"Okay fine? Well arnt you chipper" He chuckles leaning a elbow on the desk, hand in face plastered smirk.
"Well what should I wear?" You ask.
"Something classy but comfortable" he says as you nod.
Closer to seven pm
You go into your guys room and pick a black pantsuit and fix your hair with hairspray but its still super soft. You adorned yourself with jewelry that Law got you.
It finally turns seven you go out on deck you see Law standing there looking into the sky. You softly walk up behind him and hug him. He seems startled at first then realizes its you, he turns around and hugs you back.
"Your gorgeous. Lets go or will be late" he says as he pets your head and opens his arm for you to lace yours though.
'Wheres Kikoku??' You wonder in your head.
'I left Kikoku inside our room this is strictly a date as you requested.' Law thinks back to you as you blush deep red, it makes him smirk. Now nighttime but torches are lit, he leads you to a sushi restaurant and you both sit at the sushi table as its festival time all the decortions are out. As you notice Kid and his crew in the same restaurant. You motion for Law to look which he does and says 'Tsk just avoid his crew and we will have a nice time' you nod in agreement.
"Welcome what can I make you?" the sushi chef asks
"Ill have the spicy tuna tuna roll please" you say politely.
"Ill have the grilled fish also a bottle of wine" Law finishes saying sliding gold coins over.
"Do tell me whats the occasion? Or is it bad news?" You gasp and he shakes his head.
"I promise its good news dear" Law smirks as you relax more with wine with Law. After you finish everything he holds your hand up from you sitting to you standing. Then before you knew it he kneeled down and said
"(Fn/Ln) will you be mine forever?" As he opened the small box a huge ruby was in the shape of a heart. You tear up a bit and nod
"Yes please" you manage to get out as he slide the ring on 'A perfect fit but how did he manage that?' You think
'It was easier than expected' He thinks to you. As he gets up people around you clap. Before we could pay the bill Kid comes over.
"So Law that yer partner hn?"
"So what if I am? What do you want Kid?" You say.
"Just wanted to know if his partner would like to switch sides?" Kid asks.
"No way in hell now leave us alone we have business elsewhere" Law says matter o factly. Law quickly leads you away from your irritation, Kid and to the register he gives the right amount of berries to the clerk.
"Keep the change" Law says as we walk out bellys full, now engaged. You squealed
"Well that was bittersweet but yay!" You squeal again and hugged Law and he hugged you back the alchohol helping him open up a bit more. Throughout the night you drug Law around until you found yourselves pooped from walking sitting on a hill. He nudges your arm as you tilt your head towards him.
One of his hands gently grasps your neck while the other flows through you (c)(L) hair. His lips, breath on yours. You couldnt help but kiss him. Tounges fighting for dominance, flicking, sucking. Breaking for air he says in a huff.
"You know I never thought I would find love again, but here we are engaged to be married and in love." He says softly to you.
"And I thought I was doomed in a arranged Mating. Looks like were a good pair after all even though we got together fast hehe" you say as he wraps his cloak and arms around you kissing your head.
Eleven Months Later
"I thought you were all about planning?" You say as Law shifts in bed after sexytime.
"I am and I plan to have it well when would you like preferably sooner the better? We are coming up on two years" He asks you.
"I dont really care about decor or anything just as long as friends and your there dear" you say gently making him genuinely smile.
The Wedding Day Which Is Three Days Later Now
Ikkaku and you have grown close after Law announced that you were his girlfriend awhile back. You think shes admitted defeat finally now that it was officially the wedding day. She was helping you get ready in your room.
"So I heard Law was no fun at his bachelor's party." you say to Ikkaku.
"Hes always been like that but when hes with you he changes so thank you. Dont break his heart. Or ill break yours" Ikkaku said smiling and you nodded.
"I would never, promise ill do whatever it takes." You say as the music starts.
"Wait Ikkaku im soo nervous" you squeal.
"You go out there and claim your man or I will. And besides I wont let you fall. Promise." She states holding her arm out for you to grab. Once linked she drags you to the starting position for the walk. You have everything thanks to a fashion island being close by so Law stopped there to have Ikkaku get you everything with her. Of course everything except the jewelry was a rental. Its not like your gonna fight in a wedding dress. She begins walking and you stumble at first then gain your balance and start walking down the isle face red but then you looked up to him and nothing else mattered you just saw he was dedicated in a suit and bowtie not even his hat on not even Kikoku of course hes on deck of the Polar Tang he can just get anything whenever with his ability. Once you got to the alter Ikkaku motions for you to move as you move to your place staring into your lovers eyes.
'You look so radiant, and gorgeous (n)' Law thought to you.
'And you look so handsome Law' you think back as you hear
"Do you Trafalgar D Water Law take (N/L) to be yours and yours forever in sickness and in health?" The minister asked.
Staring into your eyes he answers
"I do"
"And do you (N/L) take Trafalgar D Water Law to be yours forever in sickness and in health?"
You stare up at him and smile as he is too.
"I do"
"The rings now. Yes" he holds out a box and opens it to reveal the ring he had gotten you and the ring you had gotten him. You both slide the rings on as some cheering is heard in the back of the deck.
"Then within the power vested in me you may now kiss" you lean forward on your toes as Law leans down to kiss you. Your lips meet and depart as soon as they had come.
"I now pronounce you married" once the minister said that line your hand slid into Laws and everyone including the unwanted guest's yelled loud and threw white almonds everywhere. Everyone was overjoyed to see their Captain finally give more than a smirk he finally gave a full smile. You both chat around with everyone, Luffy and his crew snuck on when you let the plan for getting married slip to Nami and Robin. And you have no idea how Kids crew found out probably by Luffy.
"I dont want any trouble" Law states to the other two Captains as they agree.
"Dont worry I told Kid what was up hell be on his best behaviour."Luffy says proudly crossing his arms.
"That means you too"Law states. You tug on his arm.
"We still have things to do" you bring him back from irritated and led him away as you noticed Sanji making a firepit to cook for everyone. Law caught you staring.
"You must be hungry" Law states
"Well yea ive been busy all day." You admit. Getting in position for the first dance.
'I dont know how to dance' Law thinks as you think
'Its okay just follow my steps.' You hear a band playing musicians from every crew playing.
'Its so sweet they all came' you smiled which made him smile. Feeling the moment was bliss. During your dance you leaned your head on his chest while smiling gaining ouus and awwes from each crew. But all good things must come to a close. After the dance was finished claps could be heard. As now was the cake precession. You both grabed a small bit of cake hooked arms and ate the cake. Everyone clapped and yelled as Sanji yelled
"Foods on" eventually everyone made their way to congrats you both but now you were starving. Tugging on Laws arm you say
"Im so hungry" as he leads you to the food line you both pick up plates and go through the line
"Ah the spouses here you are" Sanji set tuna sashimi a bowl of rice and lemons cut up to put into the soysauce for you. As for Law he got grilled fish and onigiri from Sanji. Shocked we both say
"Thank you Sanji for the food"You and Law say as you both sat back down on deck finally eating.
"Want a bite if I can have a bite?" Law blushes
'Sure but are you okay is everything too much?' You think to him.
"Im fine I expected as much" he says while stealing a piece of tuna. So you steal half an onigiri. You hear the girls going awee to you both. You both chuckle and look into eachothers eyes.
"I love you so much" you both say as everyone enjoys the rest of the night.
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lonepower · 6 months
i was tagged by @cronchcake for a 10 characters from 10 fandoms thing (tyvm!!) much like you and your tagger, however, I have NO idea what the rules are so i just went mostly with characters i consider my Blorbos Ever over characters that might be more current 😅 in no particular order, we have:
Evelyn Carnahan from The Mummy (1999)
the Hollow Knight from Hollow Knight
Frey Holland from Forspoken
the Lone Power from Young Wizards (aka my other canon url which I'll probably go back to sooner or later, but right now the bottles are stillllllll popping lmao)
the hybrid from Prey 2017
The King in Yellow (and his errant children) from Malevolent
Spock from Star Trek (leonard nimoy only. that new shit butchers my boy ):<)
GLaDOS from Portal/2
Eris Morn from Destiny (2014-2016, rip 😔 it's too bad they never made it into a series like they said they were going to...)
Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean (<- him. he's The One. my absolute blorbo ever. one blorbo to rule them all. the BOAT, if you will. i will have too many feelings about this shitty octopus man until the day I die, presumably from having too many feelings about this shitty octopus man)
there's others, some of which may ultimately rank higher, but these are the ones that sprang to mind as being either particularly long-lasting, Feelings-inducing, scrunkly, and/or machine washable. honorable mentions include Nie Huaisang and Wen Ning from The Untamed, Ed'rashtekaresket from Young Wizards, Daud from Dishonored, Freya from God of War, Vaurien Scapegrace from Skulduggery Pleasant (I just think he's neat!!!), Dairine Callahan from Young Wizards (are we noticing a theme here?), His Imperial Majesty Joshua Abraham Norton I (By the Grace of God the Emperor of These United States and Protector of Mexico) from real life, and Sasha James from the Magnus Archives.
idek who to tag for this. I always feel like it's presumptuous to do to other people even though I am never anything less than DELIGHTED to be included. if you see this and you want to do it, consider yourself tagged (and tag me I want to see-)
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meursaulty · 1 year
oops all wiz!
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commentary below:
January - I made this when I needed an icon for my new wiz blog. I didn't have a pen though so I did it with my finger lol
February - I was obsessed with the divine paradox look!! I was still learning the ins and outs of digital so I colored all the flats by hand....... but I also remember being very proud of this
March - I drew SO MUCH stuff this month, but some of my favorite works were the little comic pages. I'd do more if they didn't take so long and if I actually had a story to tell
April - Full Mellori hype mode. I had a lot of fun with this even though I had to scrap the first concept and start over
May - Malorn brainrot came out swinging. I did this one on my computer, which has been broken this past year so that everything looks yellow on my screen. So let it be known I genuinely didn't know he was so pale until I looked at the post on my phone 😭
June - A piece from the scrapped wiz calendar. Looking back at this, I'm not sure how well it would do on paper (it seems too dark - i'd have to readjust the values). Tbh I'd still do wiz calendar if other people helped
July - Big art block summer but I wanted to paint something, so I chose pirate aquila. If only the quests were as good as the aesthetics... (hot take: the harpies are worse than the bumballoons)
August - Not much art because my mom was diagnosed w/ cancer and spent the month in the hospital (she is ok now). But i did manage to get some pirate sessions in! A lot of just sitting around and watching people's fits for inspo
September - Quick thing based on a photo i took last November from my old dorm, painted while moving into my new one
October - Trying to get back into the 101 obsession with good old Bonnie Anne
November - Based on a photo I took at school
December - Lowkey cheating because I actually did 95% of this in April, but i fixed it up a little December sooooo I say it counts? There are a *lot* of things I'd change about it now but it's still a vibe, also first time I drew 2 of my wizards interacting I think?
So this was the most I've EVER drawn. I took a long break (2017-end 2021), so January was the first time in literal years that I sat down to draw something, let alone post it publicly. The 101 community on tumblr has been so nice + tolerant of my brainrot that I really enjoy putting my stuff out there as a way to tell myself I'll stop messing with something lol.
Stylistically, I took a big leap. I learned with traditional media and I was taught in a more realism-oriented way, so trying to figure out what I wanted to do was super challenging... This explains why none of my stuff really looks the same, even after a year lol (and you can kinda see the traditional vibe in Jan.? Maybe?)
But anywayyy if you read all this, tell me: what fandom do you think I first started drawing for? I am SO curious what vibe I have
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paleparearchive · 8 months
Realist's Unrealistic Halloween
Courbet's Halloween 4* 1/3 ( 1 - 2 - 3 )
Location: Courbet & Millet's room ; atelier (morning) ; dormitory hallway (morning) | Characters: Courbet, Watteau, Millet, Mucha
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Courbet: … Tch. I still don't agree with that masquerade. I can't believe I'm going to wear that thing to a parade…
Millet: What's wrong, Courbet? You look troubled…
Courbet: No... Actually, the costumes for the Halloween parade were so unrealistic, I couldn't understand them…
Millet: So you need to understand the costumes… But if that's the case, can't you exchange them?
Courbet: Exchange… I see… That's a good idea. Okay, I'll ask someone to change costumes. However…
Monet's costume is out of the question. That would be impossible. Because there's no way something like that could exist. And yet, how can he wear it, that guy… For the same reason, I reject both demons and wizards. So the only one left is… Watteau's pirate costume, is it? They're criminals, but they're costumes of real people... It doesn't look bad.
… Thank you, Millet. Thanks to you, I think I can manage it. I'll go as soon as possible.
Millet: I don't get it, but I'm glad I could help. Have fun.
Watteau: Aight, guess we can start finishin' the float now, right?
Mucha: That is correct. But are you alright? Watteau-san, are you tired…?
Watteau: I'm okay, I'm okay! Let's go for the last spurt!
Mucha: … Still, let's take a break before we do that. I will go make you some tea, so please rest a bit.
Watteau: Eeh… But I said I'm fine.
Mucha: … Well then, since I am exhausted, would you mind joining me for tea for a moment?
Watteau: … Got it. If ya insist that much, I'll take a break.
Mucha: Good. Then, please wait a minute.
Courbet: If I want to talk to him, now's the chance…
Watteau, can I have a minute?
Watteau: Ah, it's Courbet. What's wrong?
Courbet: Yeah, I was wondering about the production. How's it going?
Watteau: Oh, it's goin' steady 'n well! Look how good it turned out!
Courbet: Certainly, this level of perfection seems to be fine. I am, however, concerned that the design is unrealistic.
No… That's wrong. I didn't want to talk about the float. See… I-I'd like to ask you a few questions about your costume…
Watteau: Oh, my costume! My pirate costume's so cool, ain't it!?
Courbet: Y-Yeah… That's true.
Watteau: Right! If ya wear a pirate costume, you're sure to be a hit with the girls!
Courbet: Is that so? Pirates are criminals. I don't see why they should like it…
Watteau: Ya don't get it…! These things ain't meant to be thought of theoretically! Girls are always attracted to a lil' bit of evil! Now it's my chance, I'll have my fateful encounter…!
Courbet: I don't understand half of what you're saying, but… I see... I hope it comes true…
Watteau: Oh, thaaanks!~
Mucha: Oh, I see Courbet-san was here too. Would you like to join us for tea?
Courbet: No, I'm good. I did what I had to do…
Watteau: Huh, you're already goin'? I thought ya had somethin' to do with me?
Courbet: No, forget it. Don't worry about it…
Courbet: With that... I don't think I'm going to be able to ask him to exchange costumes. And if I mentioned it, I know I would've been teased with that "popularity with girls" stuff…
Now, what's next…
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prince-of-khrysalis · 2 years
LOVE UR PIRATES...now let's see the wizards
YESSS TY LETS GOOO (Once again I have a whole lotta wizards and I ramble a lot so I'll just pick a few!! For now.) OKAY!! Let's start with her highness, Persephone Solanaceae! Who is not, in fact, actually royal. But a Marleybonian noble known more for her infamous family name (and the horrible, terrible, fantastical rumors that surround it) rather than her actual title itself as the Heiress.
Growing up in a rather unorthodox setting (A mad scientist father will do that to you), Persephone has always been a bit off. And that is aside from the fact that she’s mean as sin and just awful to be around, as if she wouldn’t spit on you and call you peasant trash for breathing her air. (you may get the feeling you’re not actually the thing she’s so angry and disgusted with, hm!). She’s a necromancer with immense magical skill and knowledge, despite being perhaps one of the most glass glass-cannons to ever live. It surprised everyone when she volunteered to take the place of “The Savior Of The Spiral” after the original was put out of commission (Strange, some think, suspicious, others think), and she became intensely dedicated to this task. Grumpily so. Angrily so. Thinks everyone is annoying, thinks the Spiral should stop trying to die every other week. All in all though she may have an impressively vile personality she... appears to be trying to help. Or maybe she's just trying to avoid going back home to her manor in Marleybone. A prissy little rich thing with too many secrets.
And her (probably future girlfriend) Lilith Vitae! My awful not-so-little theurgist! Persephone and her are... opposites in MOST ways, so they have been petty rivals since childhood. And by petty I mean It's On Sight, they will fight! Lilith comes from a much more humble upbringing and is super, super upset about being a Theurgist, seeing it as too 'soft' for her. Healing is not what she's interested in, she likes fighting! Adrenaline!! Do you remember Morganthe's offer in Zafaris for the YW to join her? Lilith sure does. She was never the savior, even if that was the group she was stuck with for most of her teenage years, hearing THAT put ideas in her head. And she realized huh! That sounds fucking great, actually! Obviously at the time it wasn't an option but, years later? Long after said queen has been disposed of, and Lilith is now free of school and obligation? She thinks maybe SHE'LL go back to Khrysalis, maybe she'll pick up the remnants of Morganthe's army and influence, and maybe. Maybe she'll fill the empty role of queen and finally get to live up to her true potential! So she says! Lilith is highkey deranged and highkey trying to have a villain arc partially because she genuinely WANTS TO, and partially because certain people have led her to believe this is the best path. TLDR she's a punchy-boxer type fighter stuck with life magic and a lot of repression! Is also very gay for Persephone. Aaaand one more to round it out, let's go with Oceania Zenith, resident storm main. So yk it's bad. (sry storm mains.) Ocean was the INITIAL Savior of the Spiral! She had a natural connection and talent to storm magic from a very young age! and this was recognized by the Council of Light rather quickly, who came in to scoop up Ocean as fast as possible to start shaping her into the perfect savior. Well, what good that did! Since Ocean grew up to know so little of how normal kids acted that she was just painfully sheltered. She knew how to duel, how to fight, didn't know what a sleepover was or how to talk to people her own age. And she now has the ego of an Aquilan God and a hero complex to boot. So she became incredibly cocky and full of herself, because I mean, scoff, she's THE Savior. She can do no wrong, perfectly fine to idolize her though<3. She had no friends hah. Except Persephone, because apparently their mean energies were so powerful they attracted each other. (Or because Ocean felt a need to protect the weird little goth girl from the world.) But she's unstoppable really! She swears! Spoilers she is not unstoppable, and her arrogance leads her into a very awful, very super not good time! She's not the Savior anymore.
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ashuribbon · 1 year
what are your top 5 cookie run updates? (crob or kingdom!)
OOOOHHHH! This sounds like a fun question! Well, here I go!
I know it'll be long, so I'll put it under the cut!
1.) Black Sugar Pirate Ship / Tower of Frozen Waves / Sugarteara If it's Pirate Cookie, then it gets to be on the number 1 list. No exceptions. /hj /hsrs But seriously, TOFW/Sugarteara was one of the most well-written short stories in CROB that I deeply admired! It made me super happy that we actually got to see more backstory for Pirate. Kind of wished they gave him more focus. Black Sugar Pirate Ship was super fun since it was mostly used for coin farming (which I used to do before I had to sadly uninstall CROB to get more space). Hopefully, when Kingdom comes, we get to see him in his true glory (and finally confirm to us if he really is Moonlight's kid bc the Crunchy Dreams event was toying with me)!
2.) Legend of the Duskgloom Sea Like TOFW and Sugarteara, this was one of the stories that had me super invested. While I wasn't interested in the Creme Republic (as super invested as I was to get the story done and yell at Elder Custard and proclaim how much I hate him for ten minutes), this story really did made Captain Caviar and Oyster Cookie (and Black Pearl Cookie too) stuck on me. I was kind of hoping Captain Caviar would be a super epic, but I guess they made him an epic to make way for Black Pearl Cookie. But still, this story gave some insight of some mysteries of Oyster Cookie. To be honest, I feel very sorry for Black Pearl Cookie, since I was in the same shoes as her being exploited by someone I loved and then got screwed over to where I ended up resentful towards people, especially when it came to relationships. The anniversary mini-story hit harder, especially the "I curse you forever" quote.
3.) The Dark Cacao Kingdom update
Probably the most fun I had by far when it came to Kingdom (and why you see me expressing love for Second Watcher nowadays). Of all the chapters, this arc was especially well-written and greatly executed, giving incredible insight to Dark Cacao and Dark Choco (even though I'm cranky the English translation butchered the story). I felt really sad for not just Dark Choco, but Dark Cacao and Caramel Arrow (and Second Watcher) also. Dark Cacao truly did love his son like no other, and yet the corruption got to Dark Choco to where he nearly killed him. It was one of the things that led to him becoming heavily vulnerable, and giving Affogato the opportunity to toy with his emotions, even going as far as isolating him, for power. Caramel Arrow Cookie was falsely accused and exiled, but thank GOD she managed to come back and make the kingdom know that Affogato Cookie was lying the whole time. This entire story hit close to home for me, especially with Dark Cacao's side of events. Also, poor Second Watcher for also having to put through so much hell. PUT OUR MAN IN CRK ALREADY I WANNA KNOW HIS NAME AND HIS ORDEALLLL!!
4.) Yakgwa Village update
This was one of the events I played before the big change that had me distant from Ovenbreak for a while. It was a little silly, but it was super fun to harvest as much crops as I could, and even having fun with the players from around the world! I managed to get the event done hours after Rebel Cookie was released, though it did feel good to at least get the true ending despite not being able to unlock all the characters for the event. I found Vagabond's character to be the most adorable thing ever! A bit of a silly fact, but when I saw Scorpion make her appearance, I was quietly making those silly "Give Scorpion Cookie a grilled cheese" jokes. I was actually super excited to see her!
5.) City of Wizards / Stardust Cookie event
It was probably the hardest update to pick, but it really did make me grow very excited when I saw Moonlight FINALLY in CRK after all these years (and finally meeting Stardust)! It was especially a more heartwarming story that resonated with me in a way, even if it didn't meet my expectations prior to the Dark Cacao Kingdom story. Also, I just feel happy for all the SeaMoon shippers who are pleased to know that their ship is now canon in the update!
Trust me, I was writing every bit of new info down for my theory on her and Pirate being related. This event was also just more theory food for me.
And believe me when I say I will forever remember the fact that Stardust said "Is he a kyu-kyu or a poo-poo?" LIKE I REMEMBER SEEING IT AND I LAUGHED AT IT FOR THREE MINUTES STRAIGHT.
--- There were gonna be a few couple others I wanted to mention, but for my own reasons (especially with the chaos going about right now) I'll keep it to here for now!
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queenofdragons12 · 1 year
Ignited Flames Within Us All - Stray Kids (OT8) x Reader
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Ch. 6
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You stared at Harry, disbelief coursing through your veins. This couldn't be happening, not in a million years. But then, the evidence of your friends' arrival emerged, and Harry stiffened beside you.
"Y/n, we're home!" Han's voice filled the room with genuine happiness. You didn't want to dampen the mood, so you gently nudged Harry aside, quietly slipping away. You wanted to ensure he understood that he wasn't welcome here. Hoping that the pirate would find a hiding spot where the others wouldn't discover him, you made your way, silently hoping for the best.
"Welcome!" you exclaimed, a smile spreading across your face as you embraced the nearest member, Hyujin. He immediately reciprocated, wrapping his arms tightly around you, burying his nose in your hair and breathing softly. "Oh!" you chuckled, patting the tall man on his back. It was evident that he had missed you dearly.
"Heh, we had it tough today, those interviewers really were pressing us," Chan informed you, settling his bag on the table. You hummed in understanding, giving Hyujin another pat before releasing him and proceeding to hug the others. They scattered around the living room, finding their spots.
"I'll go and make some food for you guys, you must be hungry," you declared, and Felix immediately joined you, followed by Lee Know. "Come on, then," said the older of the two, and you smiled, walking off with them to the kitchen, silently hoping that Harry would be okay in the meantime.
Harry, on the other hand, was far from feeling okay. He couldn't fathom the idea of hugging you, his supposed soulmate. You might wonder how he found you and how he even knew that a girl from another dimension was his true mate. Well, it all stemmed from a rather eccentric individual, a wizard of sorts, who had convinced Harry that if he stepped into a particular box or closet, it would transport him to his soulmate. And poof! Here he was, in an unfamiliar place, utterly clueless about his surroundings.
Cursing that wizard in his thoughts, Harry stood up from his hiding spot. You hadn't moved after those strangers had arrived; you hadn't even told him to hide. But it was evident that you didn't want him around. However, he refused to leave. He needed you now more than ever. Auradon was too tough on him, filled with prissy and pretentious people. He longed for a place where he could truly belong.
He yearned to embrace you, to cuddle, and to experience all the things that a genuine soulmate could do together. The desire to feel that deep connection, to share warmth and affection, consumed him. Harry longed for a bond that went beyond the surface, something real and profound. He couldn't help but hope that one day you would recognize and accept him as the partner he believed he was meant to be.
Yet, those boys had come and disrupted everything, forcing you to leave him right in the middle of the introduction. Harry felt abandoned, left behind without a chance to explain himself or be a part of the group. It was frustrating and disheartening to watch you walk away, leaving him standing there, longing for your presence. He couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness as he grappled with the sudden emptiness that enveloped him.
Seeking solace, Harry made his way to the garden and immersed himself in the company of animals. It had been a while since he had spent time with them, and their presence brought him a sense of comfort and familiarity. He busied himself tending to them, finding solace in their innocent companionship. The gentle nuzzles and chirps served as a temporary balm for his wounded heart, offering a temporary respite from the turmoil he felt inside.
Indeed, let's hope that immersing himself in the company of animals keeps Harry occupied and provides him with some semblance of peace. May the genuine connections he forms with these creatures bring him solace and distract him from the current distressing situation. Perhaps, through this interaction, he can find a temporary reprieve from his longing and begin to navigate his place in this new and unfamiliar environment.
*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙˚  ˚•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙˚**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙˚  ˚•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙˚**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙˚  ˚•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙˚*
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inahandful-of-dust · 2 years
Lumi's Library - Grishaverse Section
List of my favourite fics from The Grishaverse fandom.
New fics I discover and recommend will be added to this post, or to the others I'll make, based on the fandom.
The fics are listed in a completely casual order.
The Demon, the Dragon, and the Dark by storm-elf
Summary of the first part of the series:
The Black General. The bastard prince. It's a dangerous alliance in a garrison realm caught between two aggressive enemies. With a cowardly drunkard of a king on the throne, and the heir apparent more interested in whores and horse-racing, the country's safety has to depend on someone -- and Aleksander Morozova, Shadow-Summoner and Shadow King of Ravka, is all too used to responsibility falling to him. As threats close in on two frontiers, he will risk anything to protect his people, especially Grisha like himself. He'd like to find a way to maintain his country's independence with the help of the bold, brave, and brilliant second prince. But, if he has to, he'll take a different road and become history's villain again to do it.
Our Lines in the Sand by GaleSentinal
In which being an orphan, a soldier, and a cartographer is more integral to Alina’s identity and she pays attention to the world around her. Meanwhile spending some 400 years in power confers certain advantages to the Darkling, but also certain blind spots. In this fight to secure a better tomorrow, both will be confronted with the same question: What are they willing to sacrifice in order to win?
A reworking of the series from the ground up, where the politics are more realistic, grisha abilities are more than just magic artillery, people aren't inexplicably stupid, the religion and history are more present, everyone has an agenda, everyone has their secrets, and imperfect people love, struggle, laugh, fight and strive for a world that they can live with.
En Passant by darkestelemental616
Prince. Privateer. Grisha. Nikolai Lantsov is full of secrets, and the biggest one he's ever kept is about to be dragged kicking and screaming into the light.
Or, what if Nikolai were also a Sun Summoner, and much more canny about it?
Roll for Seduction by DukeOfDucks
Nikolai Lantsov was having a good time, steadily progressing through his Politics & International Relations degree, until Aleksander Morozova happened. Morozova had no business being in one of his classes, but here he was, and now all Nikolai can do is try to vicariously seduce him through his evil wizard character using the charms of his half-pirate half-prince bastard character. Which, in hindsight, and considering the rather impressive amount of Nat 1 he rolled, was going pretty well.
for they shall inherit the earth (but first, Ravka) by bam_cassopeia
There are many ways to poison a Lantsov, and Yevgeniya Sergeyevna Safina is an expert on them all.
(or: the one one in which Genya kills three out of four, the Darkling is like *wipes a tear* my best student so far im so proud, David Kostyk has a crush, the Apparat is high on mushrooms, and Alina Starkov ends up in West Ravka.)
Souvenirs of War by CamilleDuDemon
When Aleksander is done talking, Nikolai allows himself to relax a little into the lumpy pillows someone has placed behind his back; there are no princes or dukes or counts on the battlefield, only soldiers, and he gets to be treated accordingly. No fatter rations, no better cots. Not to mention that a very few noblemen and aristocrats have chosen to serve in the infantry, and this could be one of the many reasons why equity and equality are so valued within its ranks. It’s fine. Nikolai likes it better to be a nobody rather than a prince and a granduke, it saves him a lot of time in listing his titles and spares him the resentful glares of peasant or lower class soldiers, notoriously disaffected with the Monarchy.
wedding night by Anonymous
His new husband - a clearly unamused Darkling - was being gentle with him, which only made matters worse. He unpinned the jewelry from his hair, and did not raise an eyebrow when the hair extensions Fabrikators had made fell alongside the golden pins.
The Names By Which We Are Created by Poeticdissonance
In the end, they are victorious.
Or: The development of what should have been a tragedy.
Last night sipped the sunset, my hand in her hair by Silberias
Alina cast an arch look at his flowers.
“Oksana picked those this morning for her Grace,” she said, a hint of a tease in her words.
“I admit I did knick them from her parlor on my way here. It did not feel right to come without flowers.”
Or: The Tsar tests his shadow summoner, and in response the Darkling makes an impulsive choice that changes the known world.
Or: Alina's perspective of being courted by and marrying the Darkling of Ravka.
Or: Alina's eleven years of being the otkazat'sya wife of General Kirigan, the famed shadow summoner, and the revelation that she herself is a myth made flesh.
you're so golden by zoyalinayay
Nikolai Lantsov was officially broke.
After being kicked out of his parent's home he models for art students to help pay his rent. He finds himself posing for Aleksander, a talented young man who spikes Nikolai’s interest despite Nikolai promising he would keep himself away from new love interests.
[It's a work in progress. Just for fun and comfort.]
Spreading Sugar Over Lakes by darkestelemental616
Winter comes to Ravka, and everyone is out ice skating...with one notable exception.
i feel the endless pain of being (and i am scorched by the sun) by hedarising
“And what’s he then that says i play the villain?” Othello Act 2, Scene 3
. . .
Name after name, life after life, he endures.
. . .
His mother has the force of history—of the way things have always been done—behind her. For now, he has nothing but the feathery, fickle weight of the future and things yet to pass.
Hope, he might call it, if he were someone else’s son.
. . .
OR: The many (seven, to be exact) lives of Aleksander Morozova.
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emoryinaboat · 1 year
"There's no ethical consumption under capitalism"
Yea but there's ethical consumption under videogames about ethnic minorities being portrayed as villains for wanting equal rights in a society while they've been designed as vile caricatures of Jewish people, and it's called not playing the fucking game you troglodyte.
"Unless you pirate it💫🥰-"
Look at me. Look me in the face. I don't care if you didn't give money to Britain's Supreme Bigot and her two right-hand-fuckwits, one of which has been openly alt-right and a open fucking n@zi for years. He knows what he's doing. That other lady who I genuinely cannot be assed to give anymore brain space than "Made a disgustingly antisemitic video game and thus is dead to me" knew what she was doing. And by god JKR certainly knew what she was doing. It was intentional. I don't care if you don't pay for it, the fact that you prioritize playing a SHIT ASS QUALITY wizard game over minorities' safety means I just don't trust you. I think you need to do some inner digging as to why you have your priorities stacked that way.
"But I'll play it and just donate money to trans foundations-"
That is not the main problem here. The problem is the slap in the face the Jewish community got. If you shank someone and then give someone else five bucks, what you did to that other person isn't magically fixed. I have not ONCE. Seen anyone say they were going to donate to Jewish foundations, and even though it still wouldn't mean shit it just says even more about the people playing this game.
Hey. Look at me. I do not care about any reason. Don't gimme the hyperfixation card because I was hyperfixated on Harry Potter too, but hey guess what. I care about queer/trans/Jewish/PoC. So I realized what JKR was doing was a nightmare and I cut that shit out. Sometimes you just have to do that sometimes man. I literally don't care there's no justification I will just instablock anyone who wants the game because honestly y'all are super fucking annoying at this point. There's no excuse. We're all getting tired if explaining.
And if you feel bad for playing the game after reading this, good. That's called guilt. You feel guilty for wanting to play the game after knowing the harm it causes and that's good. I hope you feel bad.
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mutantrenegade · 1 year
What frustrates me on a deeper level about Harry potter and jk Rowling is how weaponized the nostalgia around the series is at this point. Like I know those books meant a lot to you as a kid, I know you made friends for life in that fandom, maybe your first gay crush is in those books, and I know you do care about trans and Jewish people I do know. But I also know that it's really easy for you to say "it's just a Harry Potter bookmark that's like a dollar" or "I'll pirate hogwarts legacy so she gets no money from it" and it just. It sucks okay.
Because for me it's a string of small little infractions I have to be okay with or else I'm being the annoying killjoy who isn't letting people enjoy things. I'm the friend who's blowing things out of proportion. I get to be the problem because you just need your fix of the terf wizard for just a moment.
And what if Rowling walks away from the series forever and fucks off to her inner circle of terfs to idk... confirm genitals for the rest of her life? I'll be the one watching an army of people and media suddenly not care that the transphobia, racism, and anti Semitism is baked into the text of those books. The big terf would be gone so all the other stuff would magically disappear and then I would be even more of a killjoy for still being mad at the books because Rowling would be gone. It doesn't matter that I'm scared to be gnc in public. It doesn't matter that Rowling was not the only bigoted actor in this story. It doesn't matter that the game was made by anti Semitic people.
All that matters to some of you is that the wizard boy made you happy in 2004 and that coming to terms with the fact maybe somethings in the past were bad is too hard.
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