#win a teddy
epicwin64 · 6 months
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
For Dru (@fortheloveofaussiegrit), thank you for completely and utterly brainrotting me with this moment 🙏
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sabbathbloodysabbeth · 11 months
inspired by @rogueddie 's post. Right Here.
120 minutes
2 hours they have been standing in front of this stupid claw machine. All because Eddie saw something inside that he was desperate to get. Whatever it was he was refusing to tell Steve who was now pressed up against the wall between the claw machine and some arcade machine. He’s confident that the other has blown at least a hundred dollars trying to get whatever he wanted.
His tongue stuck out in concentration, refusing to let Steve talk to him as it would distract him. Steve doesn’t think much of what the other is doing. The other boy did wacky things all the time. This was one of those times as he waits patiently for the other to finish. Willing to stay all night if that meant he was able to spend time with Eddie.
Five minutes later, when the boy starts hopping up and down and throwing his hands excitedly in the air. Smiling brightly at Steve before he’s turning, bending down, and grabbing whatever he caught from the slot. Pulling it back and putting it behind his back quickly before Steve could see. Moving forward into his space, a smile tugged on the scar on his face. Not leaving any space between them. A look of confusion crossed over Steve’s face trying to figure out what the other was doing.
“So what did you win?” He asks curiously, wondering what the other had spent all that time on. Must’ve been worth it by the smile on his face.
“Oh nothing,” Eddie says tiling his head to the side dramatically. “Just, you know. A bat.” He takes the moment to pull the plushie up holding it by the wing as he dangles it in front of Steve who was starting to think confusion was his default setting.
“Oh? A man spends two hours winning you a stuffed bat and all you have to say is oh?” Eddie’s teasing is continuous. Constantly wrapping itself around Steve with a soft flush as a result.
Steve begins to stutter over his words as he lifts his hand up, holding the stuffy carefully in both hands. His heart swells up as he realizes Eddie spent all that time for him. As the realization hits a dopey smile grows on Steve’s face, seemingly what Eddie had been searching for as his eyes flicker down to the other's lips. Moving a hand up and carefully setting it on the wall next to Steve’s head. Not caring how close they were. Both of their faces were pink and their hearts beating fast.
“So, watcha gonna name it?” Eddie asks with a smile, one that was reserved for Steve.
“Holy shit, I am just a simple peasant to your royalty. Oh holy one, please grace me with your presence at mine tonight.” Eddie pulls back starting to bow down at the other as Steve laughs at his antics.
“Is that your way of asking me out?” He teases playfully.
“Yes, I guess it is,” Eddie responds, hand aimlessly moving to twirl the bat's wing with his finger as he smiles brightly at the other.
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jimmymcgill · 2 years
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Have we met before?
Westworld (2016– ) 1.01 "The Original" × 4.04 "Generation Loss"
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koko-heads · 1 year
anyone else screaming? because i'm screaming
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rockingrobin69 · 8 months
It was too warm, a little stuffy, and for some reason wet just under his elbow. Harry wouldn’t so much call it a ‘blanket fort’ as he would a ‘gigantic mess perching for catastrophe’, but the smile was plastered so thick on his face that he couldn’t bring himself to say much of anything. Draco was on his belly, trailing sparkling little paths with his forefinger for Teddy to follow: to cry with delight, to babble and point at, to whine for more, more, more.
Harry got it. The same whine was stuck in his throat, throbbing under his breastbone. It smelled like Draco’s cologne, the sweet one he got in Waitrose, and like tomato ketchup for whatever reason. It felt soft, sticky to the touch, and unbearable.
Bearing it, still smiling. Harry wiggled and turned so he was on his back, tactically avoiding the wet patch with a pinging curve of his hips. Miraculously, Draco followed, resting his head on Harry’s belly. Teddy came too, warm fingers grabbing Harry’s hair, his eyes so big in his face.
“And that, Tedward, is—” Draco’s voice cracked on a yawn. “Leo minor, I believe.”
Harry had to crank his neck to lean forward, to kiss the crown of his head. “You believe?” he asked. Meant to snort, but it came out too fond.
“Might have got a touch—distracted. It’s your face, doing that.” Hiding his own in Harry’s shirt.
“Doing what?”
Draco mumbled something. Huffed, warm even through the fabric. “This… silly little grin. Not little. Not grin. This, Harry, you know. Melting thing.”
“Begging your pardon, you absolute arse,” laughing when Teddy’s babbling kicked up a notch, smiling and excited. Harry sent one arm out for Ted to crawl under, wrapped the other one around Draco, tried breathing. “What melting thing.”
Miserably, “The, thing. Where you… oh, come on, don’t make me say it,” one grey eye opening, finding his. “Just shut up and cuddle, hmm?”
Teddy was squiggling happily. On Harry's belly was an onslaught of deliberate tickling, of nips and fingers trailing under his shirt to pinch. “Oi!” but he couldn’t stop laughing, “Draco, stop, stop,” and Teddy was squealing, and Draco was vicious, was lovely, was warm and a little sticky, and avoiding the wet patch became a true art form, became meaningless. “Come—here,” grabbing Draco’s head with two hands, locking him into place and pasting a thick kiss right on his nose. “You impossible goon.”
“Me,” with incredulity, with his eyelashes. “I’m the impossible one. Are you hearing this, Teddington?”
“Just, hush,” choking on this bright starburst of affection, rolling his eyes, helpless. In his arms, two of the most childish, unbelievable people he knew, one of them a literal baby, and the other possibly the—whole width of his heart. Two people he loved so stickily and so frustratingly tight, that he couldn’t resist and would never want to.
The corners of the world were tittering—this ‘blanket fort’ wasn’t built to last. On the rug, for some reason wet, Harry closed his eyes with his chest fit to burst. Happy, he thought, and over-warm and teary, but not melting, not even close. Just… soft, the whole thing, the pillars of this blankety existence and also the look on Draco’s face.
“Hey,” a crackly whisper, “Harry, are—oh! You cheat,” roaring with laughter when Harry bit and tickled and antagonised in every way known to man with only one arm available. With Teddy egging him on and with, with, with all of this, the middle of their living room and a Thursday and a stupid blanket fort, not a blanket fort, a disaster.
“I—” the lump in his throat made it even harder. “Draco, it’s…”
“Your doom? Quite right,” in his brilliant smile and those eyes. “Come on, Tedfield, just like we practiced,” and together they went on the most uncoordinated attack, something that Harry could easily escape, if he wasn’t laughing so hard he was crying, if he wasn’t on the floor and a little drenched with mystery wetness that might have been ketchup. If he wanted to, when there was nothing he wanted but this.
Not his doom. His… this.
(Flufftober day 19. Find the soft AO3 collection here).
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zer0point5ive · 6 months
silly little details i suppose but i love how diana’s room is a mixture of so many things like i’m truly obsessed with the way it didn’t end up just being a generic pink princess sort of bedroom with bare walls and no clutter and instead she’s got some castle-y snowglobe and a picture with an extra funky frame on her bedside table, a massive snake toy across her headboard and teddies and dolls and a fancy little vanity, tons of horse riding awards and pictures she’s drawn hung on the walls and i just love how real it is to be honest
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anavilante · 13 days
[Modern AU]
Gale *sighs*: Love is a weakness and an evolutionary mistake… Benny: You are literally making a Valentine's card for Bucky. Gale, pointing his hot glue gun towards Benny: You're on thin fucking ice, DeMarco!
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Partners and doodles for Persona Champions (which happened on twitter)
The first picture was based on the picture below (Megami Ibunroku Persona manga cover)
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karamell-sweetz · 2 months
‘ruikasa cover?’ ‘ruikasa when??’ stfu /lh you got something even better (WXS OCHAME KINOU AND NAYUTALIEN COMM and tsukasa’s birthday ALL IN THE SAME GODDAMN MONTH)
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shitpostingkats · 8 months
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Yusaku autism win #347
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I love how the most competitive man on the face of this planet, the SOREST of losers the outlands has ever seen- decided to tag along to the carnival party.
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plposting · 1 year
After Azran Legacy Descole was left with a lot of clothes, personal items, and various souvenir trinkets left behind by the other former passengers of the Bostonious none of which was ever properly retrieved due to the groups sudden parting.
Rather than throwing it all out Descole has been trying to covertly return all items back to their original owners and because it’s Descole he’s probably returning the objects and whatnot in the most complicated way possible over a period of time.
Auroras stuff in particular remains safely stored in a box on the Bostonious.
#professor Layton#jean descole#desmond sycamore#gens musings#wowie headcanons :)#azran legacy#i was thinking about how everyone in the bostonious crew was suckered into buying one of those popono souvenirs#and how Des was ultimately left with a hoard of them because there's no way that anyone got to properly collect their stuff#before having to rush off to the Azran sanctuary#thoroughly amused by the thought of Des trying to offload some of this stuff for way longer than needbe bc hes trying to be sneaky about it#like maybe he could just throw it away but absolutely has this lingering sense of guilt especially with more of the personal items#that would've belonged to the various members that he would now have context for#like idk Des is just standing over the trash with like a teddy bear that Luke owns n he cant bring himself to properly toss it#and raymonds like why dont we just mail them back#n des is like “akshdkajshdkjahsdkhasdk its stupud little beady little eyes have won this encounter- u win this time sir cuddles-”#“had i not known the context of your origins you would have been in a landfill by now”#wonder if emmy wouldve gotten any photos developed on their trip bc oooh the evil thought of des having to review them b4 sending them back#I think there was no attempt to toss auroras stuff at any point i think the guilt would actually kill him#most of her stuff would just comprised of souvenirs gained over the trip#HELP HELP HELP I ELABORATED TOO MUCH IN THE TAGS SORRY
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fairytale-poll · 5 months
a magical girl teddy bear winning against disneys Cinderella, one of the most classic and definitive version of the fairytale for many people, is so funny to me
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a-sketchy · 5 months
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insane one-two here. one of the worst strings of words in recent memory followed up by the best options to that question
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this immediately after too lmao
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squiggly-mctwig · 2 years
Beware of the teenage mutant ninja blanket!!
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