#will always have a soft spot for heartstopper
godlyicarus · 10 months
seeing a gay middle eastern character with the name youssef (my name!!!) on screen on a major internationally adored show has truly healed something in me that i wasn't sure would ever heal so thank you for that @chronicintrovert, truly groundbreaking stuff
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nhasablogg · 8 months
Predetermined tickle sessions
Fandom: Heartstopper
Characters: Nick/Charlie
Summary: Charlie's too ticklish to let Nick tickle him, even though he wants him to, so they come up with a solution.
A/N: Commission for @fatherchewylouie - thank you so much, I hope you like this!
Words: 2.1k
It started because both Charlie and Tao were too ticklish to dare venture onto that road with each other, and so they rarely had those proper tickle fights that teenagers tend to have. Only a poke and the occasional squeeze, barely enough to get either of them giggling. All of this, naturally, Nick had found out after much (gentle) coaxing and many a conversation upon noticing their lack of participation with the rest of the group, who would often launch tickle attacks on each other, leading to frequent chaos and lots of laughter.
Nick had found it marvelous, maybe because his own circle had never really been this touchy feely giggly type of group and more the rugby kind, where you wrestled until it nearly hurt and made fun rather than playfully teased. Nick had to admit he preferred this way of showing affection, even if it meant that Tara eventually discovered the spots he’d kept for only Charlie’s knowledge which in turn resulted in him being pulled into said tickle fights despite his rather weak protests. Maybe watching Nick get obliterated was what made Charlie up his own levels of tickle attacks, a territory which he’d been teetering into ever since meeting him, and Nick was suddenly finding himself giggling more often than not. He couldn’t say he hated it, but he was always happy to launch his own revenge, breaking through Charlie’s grip on his thigh and aiming for soft flesh or bony limbs.
Only Charlie never really let him get any proper revenge; always quick to squirm away, always panicked hands shoving Nick’s off, always a shell covering his skin, metaphorically speaking. Nick wondered if he’d gone too far, stepped out of line, even though he wasn’t really doing anything different to what Charlie had been doing.
“I’m sorry,” Charlie said one day, probably having seen the concern on Nick’s face. “You’ve done nothing wrong, I just-” He flushed, as he often did, but Nick found no pleasure in it that day. Hated to see him so vulnerable when he clearly would’ve preferred to hide.
“You don’t have to tell me right now,” he said, kissing the side of Charlie’s head, just beneath his temple. “I’m sorry, I’ll stop tickling you.”
“You-” Charlie’s flush intensified, which Nick had thought impossible. “I don’t want you to stop.”
“Oh?” Nick wasn’t teasing. Nick was genuinely surprised. “But you keep fighting for your life each time I do.” Okay, maybe a little teasing.
“It’s instinct, I just-” He shook his head. “You know how I told you about Tao and I? How we never really tickle each other because we’re both really bad? I think because of it it’s turned into something I don’t know how to handle. Because no one really forces us into it I think we both just freak out when it happens.”
“That makes sense.”
Charlie ran a hand through his hair, eyes on Nick, the wall, the floor, and back to Nick. “While I can appreciate not getting pulled into the group tickling, because frankly that looks intimidating, I don’t want to not- ever experience it, you know? It’s okay when you do it.”
Nick tilted his head. “So you want to have tickle fights with me, but your body won’t let you because it starts freaking out?”
Charlie shrugged, so obviously aiming for a nonchalance which didn’t come naturally to him at that moment. “Something like that.”
“We can ease into it then.” Nick ran his fingertip down Charlie’s arm. “I could tickle you a little, somewhere that’s not as bad.”
“Would you do that for me?”
“Of course, Char,” Nick said, breathing out a laugh. “Anything for you.”
“It’s not. I don’t know. Weird?”
“I get to hear your adorable giggle. How would that be weird?”
“Shut up,” Charlie laughed, his face still pink, his eyes still everywhere but on Nick’s face.
Nick couldn’t bear it anymore and grabbed for Charlie’s hands, pulling him closer so that he could press his lips to his cheek, the corner of his mouth, straight on his lips. Charlie was giggling into the kiss, and Nick imagined one day kissing the area beneath his ear to the same giggles, hands trying and failing to push him off. He didn’t even know if Charlie was ticklish there. He didn’t really know much of his sensitivity to begin with, other than what gentle, straying hands could discover while you were entirely preoccupied.
Nick wondered if it would feel strange to have “planned” tickle fights, but found he was looking forward to the couple of minutes a day he would get to prod at a pre-chosen spot and hear Charlie giggle. The first day, the day after the decision because Charlie got too nervous to let Nick do it after their conversation (and maybe they got a little distracted), Charlie sat in front of him and held out his arm. “The inside of my elbow’s ticklish,” he said, and Nick didn’t say anything about how adorable that was and simply just nodded with a smile.
He reached out a hand, index finger extended, and slowly brought it closer. “Tell me when to stop.”
Charlie squirmed in his seat, but kept his arm straight. “Oh my god, stop stalling and get it over with.”
Nick let out a laugh. “So impatient.”
“I can feel the tickling already.”
“Is it ticklish?”
“Yes, I- oh.”
Nick had touched skin and was making his way back and forth over the area, gentle and slow and with his gaze always stuck on Charlie’s face. He wasn’t laughing, but the ghost of a smile could be found on his lips. Anticipation. Some sort of tension. Nick wasn’t disappointed per se, but he’d longed to hear Charlie giggle, but just because a spot was sensitive it didn’t always equal laughter if touched. He tried to keep his touch as light as he could, although he could admit he wasn’t really tickling, moving his hand like that. But he knew from experience that a light touch to a ticklish spot tickled despite your technique or intention. He curled his fingers, which made Charlie snatch his arm away and rub at the skin with a whine, and Nick laughed and didn’t try to grab for him again.
Charlie didn’t hold anything out the next day but simply lied down beside him so that Nick had access to his lower back, a spot which he’d known was sensitive for a while now and always tried to avoid whenever he gave Charlie back tickles. The first time he’d done it, not knowing Charlie’s body yet, he’d ventured so low he’d thought he’d crossed a boundary before realizing Charlie was simply ticklish. It felt alien to him to deliberately steer his hand in that direction now, moving over Charlie’s spine just because he liked the way he shivered and tensed beneath his touch, face buried in a pillow and arms not at all relaxed beside him. They were quiet, Charlie due to anticipation and Nick so that he wouldn’t miss the safe word in case it was thrown at him. Outside, rain.
Charlie did giggle this time, although it came out in the form of panicked sounds in between squeals, evidently not knowing what to do with himself as Nick wiggled his fingers over the small of his back. His body kept twitching, arms flailing uselessly, and Nick allowed himself a solid minute of the sound before backing off and kissing Charlie until it got dark and he had to go home.
The first time Charlie stopped him was when Nick was digging lightly into his stomach. A strip of skin being revealed the more Charlie squirmed, his laughter panicked, louder than usual, and hands which nearly knocked into Nick before finally, desperately, pushing him off. Nick became uncertain, pausing with his fingers hovering over Charlie and wondering if the lack of their safe word meant he should dive back in or not.
“Don’t stop,” he said, as if he could read his thoughts. “I couldn’t help it. I didn’t mean to.”
“You don’t have to explain,” Nick said and dove back in, earning the lovely sound of Charlie yelping.
A few days later, Charlie said, “Could we-” before his voice broke, and he had Nick’s attention immediately, but he seemed shy more than anything else, and so Nick felt himself relax. “Go on.”
Charlie averted his gaze. “Could we maybe- do it for longer? Have it turn into an actual tickle fight?”
“Are you sure?” It didn’t necessarily surprise him, but he’d only tickled him for a minute at a time up until then. The words ‘tickle fight’ felt quite extreme in comparison.
But Charlie nodded. Charlie seemed excited.
Nick, on the other hand, felt strangely nervous as he approached him, set on going for his ribs first and seeing where that led him. He wasn’t sure if Charlie was supposed to be still at first until he couldn’t or if he would immediately start fighting back, and he didn’t ask. He simply reached out, fingers curling over skin as Charlie instantly jerked away more out of instinct than anything else. But then he laughed, something loud and panicked and lovely, and Nick decided to follow and keep tickling, trusting that Charlie would use the safe word if he needed to. Trusting that Charlie wasn’t asking this of him to please him, but because he wanted him to do it.
Charlie was ticklish. He was so beautifully ticklish. Nick found himself laughing along as he evaded each flying hand and kept prodding at his ribs, one hand straying to the side just to hear the way he shrieked when he squeezed. This was usually the point where he would back off, or where Charlie would call out the safe word or, in some cases, manage to escape, but as he nearly rolled his body off the bed he grabbed Nick’s wrist and choked out a hoarse, “Don’t let me go,” and Nick did as he was told, finally, finally, letting himself relax.
Nick hadn’t expected Charlie to get revenge, maybe because he’d been so focused on testing out his spots that he forgot that Charlie knew most of his too. How a squeeze to his thigh made Nick curl up. How a poke to his lower ribs made him whine, a tickle to his neck made him giggle (“You so giggle.” “I do not.”). But Charlie went for his belly, which would turn Nick into an incoherent mess on a normal day, but made him positively scream out in surprise now. He’d been leaning over Charlie, but flew off of him immediately, and maybe it was proof of how Charlie was getting more used to this, used to Nick making him squirm, because he followed instantly, fingers on Nick’s stomach again and this time not letting him escape them. Nick’s body was pressed against the wall, hands useless, head thrown back as he was laughing, which Charlie would take advantage of in approximately two minutes by going for his neck, but until then he remained at his belly, lightly scratching, lightly teasing, as if he hadn’t been in Nick’s place a moment ago.
Nick imagined himself turning the tables, throwing Charlie against the mattress and going for his hips, pinning his body down so that all he could do was squirm and laugh, curls becoming unruly, smile so wide it nearly blinded him. But Nick remained pinned against the wall instead, laughing helplessly, screaming when Charlie went for both throat and belly simultaneously. Not much of a tickle fight when Nick couldn’t fight back.
He got his revenge later that day, finding that Charlie let him tackle him to the bed with only ticklish protests rather than panicked protests, and Nick had already gotten used to it by that point that he couldn’t really remember a life without this, even as Charlie got him back. Nick would turn the tables, and Charlie would do it too, and they would lay side by side as residual giggles poured into the room and it would be as if this was always the norm for them, even if Nick knew it wasn’t and was proud of Charlie for daring to give it a chance.
It was funny, Nick thought the next day as he was watching Elle stick her hand beneath Tao’s chin to his hysterical laughter, even if it lasted for only a moment. Both Tao and Charlie seemed to be going through some changes nowadays.
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chaoticklesblog · 7 months
Let Me Show You How it's Done
Ler! Charlie Lee! Nick with some Lee! Charlie
Heartstopper Tickle Fic Incoming! It's no secret that Nick always tickles Charlie every chance he gets. Charlie, being a bit smaller and weaker than his boyfriend, never seems quite able to turn the tables, that is, until he recruits the assistance of Nick's older brother David who wants to help Charlie get some well deserved revenge. (Set in a context that David isn't a jerk of a brother/human being).
Charlie and Nick spent plenty of time spending afternoons and evenings together doing homework, playing Mario Kart, and on particularly nice evenings, walking Nellie.
This was a particularly rainy and chilly evening, and Nick and Charlie had just finished their end of term essays for literature and history and were getting ready to watch a movie. They were at Nick's house this evening and Nick's mother was working a bit later than usual. She'd promised to pick them all up a pizza later when she returned. Nick's older brother David just so happened to be home for spring break from university and had left Nick and Charlie alone in the den to finish homework and enjoy each other's company in peace.
Well, as much peace as the couple could have, considering that Nick frequently would wrestle Charlie onto the sofa during movie nights and video game sessions to tickle the snot out of his lanky and curly headed boyfriend. This was nothing new, of course. Nick felt that Charlie's squeals and snorts were precious, and Charlie could hardly mind. After all, he deserved it for laughing at Nick for his choice in cinema taste for their impromptu movie night.
"NihihihIHIHICK, stahahahaHAHAHPIT," Charlie squealed as his brawny and much stronger boyfriend pinched at his tummy, easily a bad spot for Charlie.
"I don't think so, Charlie," Nick chuckled down at his boyfriend teasingly. "You enjoy laughing at my expense so much, laughing at my movie selection. Besides, there's nothing wrong with The Princess Bride! It's a fantastic film!" Nick dug into Charlie's sides with renewed vigor, pretending to be insulted.
And poor Charlie was now realizing he never should have commented that it was ironic that the Captain of the rugby team's favorite movie was something as hokey as The Princess Bride.
"ALRIHIHIHIGHT! I'M SORHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEEEEEEE!" Charlie screeched as Nick reached for his sensitive knee caps, squeezing into the muscle right above and relishing his boyfriends precious laughter.
"Hmmm, I don't know if I believe you," Nick smirked as Charlie squirmed desperately.
Eventually, Nick ceased his tickle attack in favor of making them some popcorn, leaving Charlie to giggle and rub the residual tickly sensations from the backs of his knees. Man, some days he wished Nick never discovered just how ticklish the backs of his knees were.
Charlie heard a soft chuckle from the staircase. Unknown to Nick, David had observed their one-sided tickle fight from the stair landing.
"You really make him happy," David commented.
"Er, thanks..." Charlie replied awkwardly.
"I'm sure Nick is happy not to be on the receiving end of tickle fights anymore as well," David snorted slightly.
"Oh, believe me, I've tried," Charlie could hear the popcorn in the microwave from the kitchen start popping. He dropped his voice, "Nick just isn't that ticklish."
"Rubbish. You just aren't getting his tickle spots," David supplied with a wink.
"But he's a lot stronger than me," Charlie grumbled. "Anytime I try to tickle him, he quickly turns the tables."
David laughed fondly. He was rather amused watching their antics. But David was Nick's big brother. He had loads of experience tickling the snot out of Nick and had no problem with teaching Charlie his little brothers worst spots.
"Why don't I give you a hand?" David dropped his voice upon hearing the microwave ding. Nick would be on his way back with the popcorn in just a few moments.
Charlie nodded, excited at the idea of learning how to tickle Nick and getting some well-deserved revenge for all the times Nick tortured him.
David walked over near the entrance of the kitchen, just out of view, to sneak attack Nick.
When Nick returned with a giant bowl of popcorn, David tackled him sending the buttery popcorn flying and Nick letting out a surprised yelp.
"David? What the hell?" Nick attempted to escape the expert hold but was unsuccessful and still in such shock that the popcorn lay scattered about, forgotten. Charlie watched with a smirk, enjoying the show.
"Come here, Charlie, let me show you how it's done!" David plopped Nick down on the sofa, still confused before Nick felt his heart drop.
"Now Nick has two death spots," David winked at Nick, who was now pinned beneath his brother and the sofa, writhing about, knowing all too well where this was going.
"D-David, don't!" Nick yelped.
"Don't what?" David asked innocently.
"Tickle me!" Nick screeched, suddenly realizing what a fatal mistake he made. He could've kicked himself! How could he fall for the teases he pulled on Charlie all the time?
"Hear that, Charlie? He's given us permission. Hell, he's basically asked for this!" David crowed.
David had Nick's arm pinned above his head and had his fingers wiggling just above Nick's underarm.
"His hips and armpits are really ticklish, if I remember right..." David chuckled darkly. Of course, he remembered correctly. Big brothers don't forget tickle spots of younger siblings.
Charlie climbed over to smirk down at Nick. "Not so tough now, are we?"
"Bite me!" Nick growled, but it sounded more like a whimper.
"You better get your revenge now, Charlie!"
Charlie looked into Nick's pleading eyes and almost took pity on the older boy. Almost.
And that's when Charlie latched onto Nick's hips, and David dug roughly into his underarms, and Nick absolutely shrieked with laughter. Charlie couldn't help but chuckle at Nick's plight.
"Jeez, Nick! You're worse than me!" Charlie crowed triumphantly, digging harshly into the hip pockets, causing Nick to flop around uselessly.
Nick hadn't been tickled in two of his worst spots in a very, very long time. Even when David had tickled him in their younger days, it was only one person tickling him. Now, both his older brother and boyfriend were torturing his two worst tickle spots. Not fair!
Nick continued to gasp and spultter as Charlie and David exploited his worst tickle spots.
Charlie enjoyed watching Nick come apart at the seams. After all, the rugby captain deserved it for tormenting him so many times.
Finally, David gestured for Charlie, who had gotten too carried away with tickling Nick to tears, to cease their tickle attack only after Nick's laughter had gone silent and wheezy.
Charlie had reluctantly stopped tickling his boyfriend and gave him some space as David released his hold and affectionately ruffled Nick's already messed up hair.
"Sorry, Nick, but I felt like your boyfriend could use some revenge. You were pretty brutal while you were tickling him earlier," David chuckled.
"Did we go too far?" Charlie peeked sideways at his boyfriend after David retreated upstairs after cleaning up the popcorn mess scattered on the floor.
"Just wait until I get you back." Nick wrapped his arms around Charlie, not tickling him, not just yet, as he knew anticipation would drive Charlie mad. Charlie tensed but giggled as he enjoyed knowing he could now reduce Nick to a squirmy puddle of laughter.
"I would be careful if I were you," Charlie murmured. "I now know your worst spots, and I'll just get you back."
Nick shivered, but he couldn't help but be excited to find out if Charlie really would get him back. Nick really didn't mind it so much, after all.
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bethaven · 6 months
#22 Heartstopper
Plot: Nick and Charlie get placed together at form in school and immediately - sparks. Charlie's unsure if Nick likes him back, or even if he's non-straight. Nick on the other hand, get very confused about these new feelings. Meeting, falling in love and being out turns out to be more complicated than they could've ever imagined. But it's the love story of the century and together with supportive friends and family they can overcome anything. We also get to follow their friends and family in their own endeavours, like the relationships between Tao and Elle and Tara and Darcy as well as Isaac's ace-journey.
Years: 2022-
Seasons: 2 (season three arriving in 2024)
My story: There's so much to say here, but I'll try to keep it short. I discovered Heartstopper shortly after the first season had arrived to Netflix. It fast became one of my favourites and led to a few rewatches over the first year. But I didn't move further into the fandom just yet. When season 2 dropped I'd been longing for it all summer. I'd had a rough year with chaos at work combined with both my grandfathers passing away within two months. I'd been keeping myself distracted with travelling all summer, but then suddenly there were no distractions left. My mental health spiraled. The only thing that kept me afloat was Heartstopper. I watched all episodes everyday for about two months. I read the comics over and over. I went deep into the Osemanverse and I read books, which I normally never do. I got into tumblr. All of it kind of became my saving. And I owe it all to Alice Oseman.
Teachable moments: For me Heartstopper teaches us primarily about how love is always just love, in whichever form it comes in. Wheither it's platonic, romantic or other types of love, wheither it's the love you feel for your partner or the love you feel for friends and family - they're all valid and important.
Best character: Even though I love them all, I've always had a soft spot for Charlie. There's so many layers of him and I am really looking forward to how the rest of his journey will be portrayed on screen. He has the biggest heart and is so much stronger than he thinks.
Best episode: "Boyfriend" (S1E8). I love how this episode start at the deep end and ends on a high note. Nick's speach and their kiss in the corridor together with the beach trip just makes this perfect. A big runner up is "Truth/Dare" (S2E6), not the least for Tara and Darcy's story and growth.
Best quote: "I think there's this idea that when you're not straight you have to tell all your friends and family immediately, like you owe it to them. But you don't." (Charlie to Nick) This line has really helped me in my own journey about sexuality/attractions.
Fun fact: It'd be hard to find a fun fact that the Heartstopper fandom didn't already know (even though it might be true for all the series in this calendar). But for the not so initiated it'd be fun to know that Joe Locke, who plays Charlie, got the role through an open audition and this is his first time acting professionally. In 2024 he'll be both in a new Marvel series (which, in a parallel universe is quite funny since Charlie doesn't like Marvel) and do his Broadway debut in Sweeny Todd.
If you like this you might also like: Young Royals, Skins, Tales of the City, Skam and Atypical.
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(Heartstopper is the adaptation of Alice Oseman's webcomic and books. Volume 5 was just released and volume 6 will be the last one. The webcomic is normally released three times a month, but will now be on a hiatus for about six months, until Alice have some volume 6 stuff to share. Also check out the novellas Nick and Charlie and This winter as well as Alice's novels Solitaire (where the story about Nick and Charlie started), Radio Silence, I was born for this and Loveless. She has also written and created the Netflix series.)
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andrwgarfields · 4 months
sorry for the lack of joe commentary on his broadway debut bt honestly im still trying to process it. he sounds genuinely professional and superb, like i knew going in he must at least have decent pipes but this is broadway, its a different entity altogether then “just singing” so to hear how he has surpassed my expectations??? im so proud of him and will continuously be in awe of how agressively he goes after his dreams. i’ve always had a soft spot for him after watching heartstopper and as cringy as it sounds i knew that theres just something special abt him despite the consistent hate comments and ppls tendency to just shit on him for no reason but he has proven that he will always come out on top regardless :)
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cantsaythetword · 2 years
TickleTober Day 3: Experiment (HeartStopper)
~A/N  - Day 3 going strongggg! Here's to the first of many heartstopper fics this time around haha. Hope you like these two nerds cause there's gonna be a lot of em!
This one was an anon request. They asked:
Could I please request #3 (experiment) with Charlie and Nick? Maybe Nick just “has to” experiment on the little secret that Tori reveled about how ticklish Charlie’s hips are?
Which is adorable and I love it. Hope you do too!
- Enoy! ~
Tag List:
Masterpost Link || TickleTober 2022 Masterpost Link
"Nononono Nihihihick!" Charlie giggled, scrunching his neck against his boyfriend's chin. "Yohou knohohowI cahahan't do kihihisses thehehere!"
The pair had been cuddling on Charlie's bed, and what was going to be a perfectly enjoyable make-out sesh had morphed into something much more giggly.
"What?" Nick mumbled into the skin. "You don't like my kisses?!"
"Nohohoho I dOHOHOHO!" Charlie squealed as Nick's hands began clawing against his ribs.
"No? You don't like them?!"
"NIHIHIHICK!" He laughed, squirming underneath the muscled-up rugby lad who was tickling him to pieces.
These moments were always Nick's favourite. His favourite person laughing his favourite laugh in his favourite place. Just the two of them, pressed as close together as possible.
"His hips are worse you know." A soft voice spoke from the doorway.
"God Tori!" Charlie blushed, pushing himself up onto his elbows. "How long... How long have you been standing there?"
"Long enough to know nick hasn't tested out your death spot." She deadpanned.
Nick gave her a wide grin, turning to face Charlie like an apex predator. "Oh really?"
"You're welcome." Tori said, a hint of amusement tinting her voice, and continued slowly down the hall (assumedly towards her bedroom).
Charlie didn't notice her departure, eyes locked onto Nicks in primal fear.
"Nick please!" He begged, hands pushing against the chest of his attacker.
"Oh Char, I have to experiment with this!" He smirked, grabbing both his boyfriend's wrists and pinning them with one hand on the pillows.
"Nihihihick!" Charlie giggled, only half fighting back. "Plehehehease!"
While his hips really were his death spot, few people ever truly tickled him there. And, truth be told, he was kind of excited.
Nick began with only a single finger gently circling Charlie's hip bone. That small motion was enough for the boy to burst into adorable bubbly giggles.
"Nohohohoho!" Charlie squirmed, yet his eyes were keenly watching to see what the hand would do next. "Nihihick cut it ohohout!"
"Nuh uh! We're only beginning!"
The circles turned to small scratches, and more of Nick's fingernails joined in just gently tracing over every inch of the joint. Charlie's bubbly giggles turned a little more intense, and each movement of Nick's appendages sent jolts of tickly energy up the laughing boy's spine.
"Now." Nick smiled down at his boyfriend. "Which one tickles more?"
"ThihiHIHIs ohoHOHOne!"
"Are you suuuuure?" The tickler grinned. "It's definitely not this one?" He changed to the gentle circles. "It's this one for sure?" He switched back.
"Nihihick stOHOHOp teheheasIHING!" Charlie begged, twisting his hips away from the taunting fingers.
"Oh but I'm not teasing Char!" Nick smirked. "I'm merely testing my hypothesis."
Charlie couldn't help but laugh at his boyfriend's antics, and the tickling certainly didn't help matters.
"Back to these hips of yours... What would happen if I did this?"
Nick swapped his scritchy fingernails for his thumbs, massaging over the top of the poor ticklish hip bone at his mercy. Charlie bucked repeatedly, giggles turning to full blown laughter. Nick was really having to push hard on Charlie's wrists to keep them pinned down above his head - for fear of being whacked in the face as they crashed down.
"Oooooh interesting!" Nick beamed at the reactions. "And what about this?"
"NIHIHIHICK STOHOHOHOP IHIHIT!" Charlie wheezed, the unbearably massaging turning to outright torturous squeezing between his boyfriend's thumb and fingers.
It was almost like each time Nick's fingers pinched together they hit a whole new nerve that Charlie had never felt before. And it was absolutely awful.
In the best way.
"Now." Nick slowed his hand to a soft tap.
"Thahahahank yohohou." Charlie said breathily. His cheeks were flushed darker than Nick had ever seen.
"You obviously love it when I kiss you here." Nick smiled, giving Charlie's forehead a quick peck.
"Nick don't you dahahare!"
"But what if I kissed you overrrrrr..." He let his r turn to a hum as he pressed his lips rapidly against his boyfriend's hip.
"nO!" Charlie squeaked, the light sensation jolting down his legs.
"That's fun." Nick winked, kissing again.
*kiss* *kiss* *kiss*
"Oooooh!" Nick perked upright, almost violently with excitement. "I have an idea!!!"
His face lowered to Charlie's side, and he gently nipped the bone between his teeth.
Charlie squealed, eyes widely begging for Nick to leave it alone.
Like that was ever going to happen.
Nick latched his mouth to Charlie's waist and began gnawing softly on his hips, switching mercilessly between each side.
"NIHIHIHICK NOHOHO!" The poor boy was practically squawking at this point. "THAHAT'S SOHOHO BAHAHAD!!!"
After a few too many hip-to-teeth collisions, Nick sat back and let Charlie catch his breath. Admiring the giggly mess beneath him, he ruffled the boy's hair affectionately. This was already a huge success, and he loved seeing Charlie so carefree and giggly.
"One last thing," Nick grinned, pausing for a few moments.
Once the atmosphere was sufficiently tense, Nick (within seconds) released Charlie's hands and drilled both thumbs into the boy's hip bones.
"NOOOO!" Charlie screamed, thrashing from side to side with a cheek-splitting smile.
"Yehes!" Nick teased, hands latched to his victim's sides. "Tickle tickle Char!"
Just to add insult to injury, Nick planted his lips onto Charlie's exposed neck and began half-kissing, half-nomming against the extremely sensitive skin.
"NIHIHICK PLEHEHEASE!" Charlie managed to beg between bouts of laughter.
Nick would have continued for hours if he could have, but at this rate Charlie was going to die of laughter. He slowed his thumbs, removed his face from being nestled in Charlie's neck, and stopped.
"Experiment complete." Nick smiled brightly, watching in adoration as Charlie caught his breath.
"You're a dick."
"No! I'm a scientist!" Nick said in playful indignance.
Charlie barked out a laugh. "Oh, and what did you discover?"
Nick gave him an endearing smile, settling down to cuddle his boyfriend once more.
"Results? Adorable."
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novemberwasgrey · 2 years
Heyy! I loved loved loved the headcanons that you wrote for me. I dont know if your requests are still open, but can you do another daughter of Ares reader (also Percy's age) and what her relationship with each of her siblings would be like? The reader would have wavy dirty blonde hair with green eyes and central heterochromia, she's gay, she's super kind and caring but also hilarious and sarcastic, she loves her leather boots with ripped jeans and oversized t-shirts, she loves dogs, she loves rock music (especially the Skillet band), she tells her dad straight up when he's being a dick and when he was acting like a 5 year old over his and Percy's fight, she's a chaotic good, always does dumb shit, etc. Let me know if you want to know more about her lol! Thank you so much in advance!
Sorry I took so much time to reply, been busy. This oc reminds me a lot of one of mine, Sonny, who's also a daughter of Ares so it was really funny to write.
I named her Darcy because the fact that she's gay af and blonde reminded me of Darcy from Heartstopper (great graphic novel and Netflix show, everyone watch it)
She has basically no filter and says everything that comes to her mind
...which often brings her a lot of trouble.
She's the least afraid of Phobos and Deimos and is always sarcastic with them when they try to taunt her so her antics never really work and they're annoyed by that.
Indeed, Darcy's the queen of chaos and bad ideas just like Mark and Sonny.
But she's also a good prankster which makes her one of the rare Ares kids to be friend with the Stolls.
She even helped Connor getting together with Sonny.
Darcy doesn't know Clarisse that well because she arrived in camp when she had already left for college but they got to know each other a lot more when Clarisse started to visit and they became closer.
Clarisse actually recognizes herself a lot in Darcy because she is very devoted to her cabin and siblings, and thinks Darcy could be cabin leader one day.
Ares kids are tough and everything you want but they all have a soft spot for animals, especially dogs. Darcy and Aria (other Ares girl oc of mine) are the worst when they meet a dog and start cooning and petting them
One time, she snuck out of camp with her brother Oliver (other Ares oc, yes I have lots of them) to go see a Skillet concert because they're both huge fans and they didn't come until the next morning. Chiron was furiouuuuus.
And yes, along with Mark, she's the one who never hesitates to tell Ares how it is. The poor god doesn't even try to reason with her at some point since she's a big talker and can argue for hours.
Even though she is daughter of Ares with one of his lovers, Aphrodite loves her.
Also she's Drew's best friend. I think she'd know Drew's bitchy demeanor is a role she plays and/or a defense mechanism.
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kitcheninaman · 3 months
what r like the. utmost media interests like tv/movies etc of the lucasworld gang
suchhh a good question are you prepared for me to go in depth !! ik u said movies and tv shows but some of these lot love books <3
lucas: he read heartstopper as a semicloseted queer kid and it's sort of become ingrained as part of him, it's what got him into writing his own graphic novels and webcomics. he also watched hazbin hotel aged 15 and unfortunately he wont stop watching it. lin has tried to tell him. he also likes trashy police dramas.
lin: biggest homestuck fan there ever was. he really connected with it. he's also a huge fan of horrors movies, psychological usually, and he's a saw franchise enthusiast. he's seen every pokemon TV show that there is. he also watched avatar the last airbender and made zuko his entire personality when he was 14. oh also he's a huge percy jackson enjoyer. he can't get enough of it
noah: noahs whole thing is that he loves films but i don't watch enough of them to know what's considered good LMAO. i think he'd like the muppet movies though. and society of the snow. he probably has a soft spot for barbie. he also likes graphic novels because he's not good at reading.
odin: supernatural. this man LOVES supernatural. i think he's a deangirl BUT not a destiel shipper until like season 9 and madisons worn him down enough- or so he says. hes actually always shipped them hes just too proud to admit it. he also likes any and all documentaries about planes
madison: also supernatural. she's a samgirl i think. destiels number one fan. she also REALLY likes hannibal. REALLY. she's written numerous essays about it she literally won't stop. if she's not thinking about her friends or her horses she's thinking about hannibal
fantastic question i have a huge headache but here you areeee. the media of the year for these poor poor traumatised kids
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plvto-sqda · 1 year
-⋆ Dating Gareth Headcanons
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⭒ Please play with his hair, he certainly just MELTS at your touch. You can put it into little braids, or ponytails (he thinks it's funny when you do the thing where you make one little ponytail in the front so it kinda looks like he's a unicorn), whatever you want tbh! He really likes it when you run your fingers through his hair because that's very comforting and relaxing to him, and if you're lucky enough he might just fall asleep right there haha. ~A bonus to this headcanon~ He likes doing your hair as well! And he knows what he's doing because he has little sisters and he does their hair for them either when their mom is busy and can't do it at the moment or because they ask him to. And don’t forget he likes head pats too, he thinks it’s adorable when you give him one especially if you’re shorter than him and have to stand on you’re tiptoes to reach his head and he always loves giving some to you as well.
⭒ AKSJFBS him teaching you the drums like how Charlie was teaching Nick in Heartstopper tho!! He would try not to get flustered about it but he got flustered anyway.
⭒ Speaking of that, he gets flustered pretty easily even when you are already dating or if you subtly flirt with him because honestly, this is all kinda new to him. Kiss him on the cheek and he'll be all smiles for a long time, kiss him on the lips and he will act confident about it but when you pull away you'll notice that he's blushing profusely and it just gets worse if you giggle at him afterward or point it out.
⭒ He really likes animals and he would have a soft spot for "all the little guys" as he likes to call them like hamsters, birds, amphibians, and reptiles. Also, if you're wondering if he's more of a cat or dog person, I feel like he would love cats... but I have a slight feeling he is a little bit more of a dog person. He would fall in love with your pet especially if you had a dog, and double points if it was a big one.
⭒ He likes to go on movie dates (you two did this a LOT when you first started dating) when it's rainy or when you guys are bored. Though he really likes to explore the outdoors with you rather than indoor dates (even though he adores those too) and though he can't really afford it, he would love to take you to Oregon, California, or possibly somewhere tropical like Hawaii or Bali someday to enjoy more special outdoor dates.
⭒ WILL make you mixtapes with either songs that remind him of you, or for special occasions. He would absolutely cherish the mixtapes you make for him too :).
⭒ Expect to get rocks from him as well! And he'll appreciate getting any rock you give him and will instantly add it to his collection
✮ Modern HCs
⭒ He loves sharing earbuds and listening to metal with you or if you want to relax he'll listen to indie pop too but it honestly kinda depends on the song and/or artist.
⭒ He will build you an epic mansion in Minecraft for you with a ton of animals because you guys love animals lol. I could see him also playing Terraria too. Also, he would just LOVE Undertale and Deltarune, especially the humor in it. I feel like he would be into anime but it would kinda depend on what the show was because he would probably watch a kinda girly one with you but def not watch it on his own time if you know what I mean. He would like cartoons like Teen Titans though or Over The Garden Wall (I think he would love the fact that Elijah Wood voiced Wirt), The Owl House, The Amazing World of Gumball, Adventure Time, and Steven Universe. I could see him thinking Bee and Puppycat was cute though as well.
⭒ I feel like he would watch horror videos on Youtube as well as playthroughs and drumming videos.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Hey everyone! Thank you to all who participated in the voting; I was admittedly quite surprised when H2Ds won- pleasantly surprised really! 🥰 If I’m gonna be honest, I was low-key hoping it would win 👀 I have such a soft spot for this game :P
Rules and Fandoms below the cut as always!
- Send me a headcanon and a character/characters from any of my available fandoms and I’ll write a 300-500 word dabble for it!
- Headcanons can be either tickle or non tickle- angst, fluff, platonic, romantic, etc. etc. As long as they fall under what I’ll write it’s fair game.
- I do write “X Reader!” The headcanon would have to be attached to the character though! (ex. Zenitsu x Reader; Zenitsu sings beautiful lullabies that help reader sleep)
-Some Fandoms will be limited due to popularity! I’ll let you know when they’re officially closed!
- The Event is open from today, June 30th-Friday, July 7th: 8:00pm EST I’ll make a post announcing when it’s over!
- Please check my Pinned Post for characters/topics I won't write!
-I'll start putting out Sentence starters Monday, July 3!
**: Limited Requests
-Black Clover (Manga, ch. 251)
- Blue Lock (Anime)
- Bungo Stray Dogs (Up to season 2)
- Buddy Daddies
-Code Realize
-Collar x Malice
-Chainsaw Man (Anime + Around Chapter 72 I think?)
-Danganronpa THH, SDR2 , V3
-Dr. Stone
-Demon Slayer**
-Fire Force
-Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
-Fruits Basket
-Hell’s Paradise
-Hunter x Hunter (Up To Greed Island Arc)
-Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure: Battle Tendencies (Part 2) Stardust Crusaders (Part 3), Diamond Is Unbreakable (Part 4), Golden Wind (Part 5)
-Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime + Movie Only!)
- Komi Can’t Communicate
-Mob Psycho 100
-Moriarty The Patriot
-My Hero Academia**
-Pokemon (Limited Requests: Legend Arceus, Gens 1-7, 9) **No longer taking requests for Sword and Shield**
-SK8 the infinity
-Spy x Family
-Toliet Bound Hanako-Kun
-Tokyo Revengers
-Wave!! Let’s Go Surfing
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cecilysass · 11 months
I was tagged by @randomfoggytiger. Yay, thank you. You’re about to think I am plagiarizing you, but we just have things in common.
Three Ships: MSR, obviously. I do really like Mr. Darcy / Elizabeth Bennet, a 200-year old ship I am horrified to learn is now called Dizzie. I’ve been devoted to so many ships in my life, but right now my kid is obsessed with the sweet YA ship in Heartstopper, Nick/Charlie, so maybe I will say that? Or Gregory / Janine on Abbott Elementary? Can’t decide.
First Ship: In childhood I was very devoted to Disney’s Robin Hood and Marian (the foxes) and Han and Leia. In middle school I was obsessed by Anne and Gilbert—like, so, so, so in. (If there had been AO3 then, I would have been there with the Anne/Gilbert fic for sure.) In high school I was into Lestat /Louis. And that takes us to MSR, more or less. (There was a lot in between.)
Last Song: Okay, I just looked on Spotify, and it’s it’s All The Small Things by Blink-182, which makes me seem like I’m a walking movie trailer from the early aughts. But that’s because I have this masterpiece playlist that has an iconic song from every year of my life, and I was listening to it earlier, and that’s the song I chose for 2000. I don’t think it’s a particular favorite, but it’s super evocative of an era.
Last Movie: I can’t remember if it was Indiana Jones 5 or Spider-Man: Across the Multiverse. Both were technically impressive. I have a soft spot from childhood for Indiana Jones, and I had low expectations for that movie that it managed to exceed. But obviously Spider-Man was much, much better.
Currently Reading: Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo (actually I am about to start reading it).
Currently Watching: The X-Files. Reservation Dogs, which everyone should watch. My kids are watching all 162 seasons of Supernatural, and I am sort of bystander watching that. I like to tell them when the show is influenced by X-Files.
Currently Writing: I count 4-5 WIPs that vary in likelihood of ever seeing the light of day. There is an early 1960s nun/priest AU I can never completely get off the ground, some smaller things, another longer piece I can’t find my legs on. An idea I just had today. I also have in mind non-fanfic projects always.
tagging whoever would like to play
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skinnyscottishbloke · 11 months
Top 10 Heartstopper Moments (including books, if you've read them)
Oh lorddddddd you’re really out here asking the hard questions huh. Ok. I’m gonna go from the show because while I have read the books it was only once last fall and at this point the show is ingrained in my brain so it’s easier to reference. Also these aren’t really in order of importance because I love all of them. A lot.
1. The first kiss scene!! Omg the tension, the stares, the pinky touches, the toe scooch, Charlie being SO BRAVE, jesus every single thing was so top tier and SO. WELL. ACTED. Insane. It’s insane!! I literally can’t sit still while watching it. Even the music placement was perfect. And the animations of course.
2. The kiss/convo/hug in Charlie’s bedroom This was one of the scenes that won Kit his Emmy I s2g. The actual kiss (hands!! tippytoes!!), the confusion after, Charlie’s reassuring look and comforting hug, all of it was, again, so well acted and emotional and uhhhhh I can’t with these two!!!
3. Nick’s speech to Charlie in the hallway Quite possibly the most perfect romantic declaration of feelings speech in any show or movie maybe ever??? And I love the parallel from earlier; instead of Nick making a move to stop the nervous stream of consciousness chatter from Charlie, it’s Charlie reassuring Nick and kissing him to stop Nick’s nervous babbling. Just shows how perfect these two are for each other 🥰
4. The photobooth scene They’re just soooo cuuutteeee and the pictures are ADORABLE; Charlie finally getting the date he’s always wanted is so important and honestly the whole beach day is precious.
5. Tara and Darcy’s kiss (and Nick’s reaction) This one hits me right in the feels. There’s so much joy and love and happiness in this, with the perfect beat drop and the rainbow animation. And Nick’s face!!! He wants what they have!! He knows he can get it with Charlie!! It’s a fantastic moment for Tara and Darcy and a wonderful motivator for Nick in terms of plot progression.
6. The bowling alley/arcade party This one might be cheating cause it has 4 of my fav moments but we’ll lump them all together anyway. First, the shot of Nick smiling at Charlie during bowling. Boy is literally the definition of heart eyes. Then, the hug. Charlie’s face goes from sad to happy so perfectly and the animations are lovely. Then there’s the gift giving and “that was just one of my favorite days ever” 😭😭 Finally there’s the kiss. So soft and sweet and fluffy. THEY MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS.
7. Charlie running after Nick/the kiss in the rain Charlie literally being like “hi, *cheesy line*, *kiss*, okay bye!!! 😄” and running off. I love him so much!! It’s a perfect capture of butterflies and being impulsively in love, and I have been OBSESSED with What’s It Gonna Be since I first watched it. Actually I’ve been obsessed with the whole soundtrack lbr haha.
8. Nick’s talk with Imogene in the park Another Emmy winning moment. Kit played it SO. WELL. It’s not really a coming out, per say, but to have him phrase how he’s been feeling in a way that Imogene can also identify with in terms of not really fitting in with their group of friends anymore is GENIUS. Alice you amazing writer you.
9. Nick’s coming out scene We knew this one was gonna be on here. God it makes me cry every time. IMPECCABLE acting from both Kit and Olivia and so so important to a lot of people out there, including my bisexual self.
10. The first hug The “you look so cuddly like that” and subsequent hug at Charlie’s house KILLLLL MEEEEEEE. I’m a sucker for hugs anyway so to have it be so soft and slightly awkward followed by Tori’s “I don’t think he’s straight” is PERFECTION. Sheer and utter perfection.
Bonus 11. Handholding/movie theater moments Yes Ep 7 was ROUGH but the “Char” moment, Nick’s face (again!) as he stares at Charlie with heart eyes, and all the pinky and hand holding during the movie was a nice bright spot. My husband Nick (yes Nick, I know lol) and I call each other dork all the time so Charlie leaning up and whispering “you’re a dork” with a giant grin on his face was extra special for me. Also the gay nerd and rugby lad teasing. They’re such good friends and that’s another reason I love them as a couple. They genuinely like each other and find comfort in each other’s company.
Oh jesus I didn’t mention the snow day, or the rugby training montage (Charlie’s little giggle and Nick’s flushed cheeks get me every time), Charlie’s little dance after getting asked on a date, the milkshake cafe, Nick and Tara’s friendship, Tori hugging Charlie, Tori just in general with her older sister magic and snarky comments, running up the stairs at the party, Nick punching Harry, Nick telling Charlie he told Tara and Darcy about them and Charlie’s utter joy at hearing that, the wanting to hold hands on the couch, Nick’s “what? what’s up?”, or about a bajillon other things that make this show my favorite of all time. Seriously how can I pick 10 (or 11 lol) moments??!!!! Everything about this show - writing, acting, music, cinematography, the animations, guh everything is just toooo perfect.
Ask me my Top 5/Top 10 of anything!!!
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insecuregodcomplex · 10 months
heartstopper s2e6 thoughts
not this moment all I can think of is hstwt going crazy when they were spotted
No please come with me 😭😭😭🥹♥️
Also the name of the episode I’m eagerly awaiting more
the absentee dad I’m ! 
from the comics !
I love the deeper explorations of this season fr
wait ok in an interview with will I think this next scene was talked about I’m excited cuz they were laughing the whole time
Kicking my fucking feet and screaming at this
these dorks I adore them 
I…I forgot SO TRUE TAO
you’re not special made me giggle
Imogen being in the Paris squad makes me happy
from the comics!!
Isaac!!!!!!! Aroace icon Isaac sweetheart 
HOT AND HEAVY????? Holy shit
I’m yelling. Comics. 
Ok slay but also Charlie’s lines where 
This is so cute I love this silly goofy truth or dare (I say as I hold my breath for what’s to come)
“Always making a scene” bye ben
I’m not gonna drop you!!!
they’re adorable I love them so much 
They are so soft and so cute
Omg it’ll be from the comics and the sex talk moment iconic yes
I am putting them in my pocket
Taoelle adorable beloved
the narlie montage I’m going insane
at least mr farouk had a good time 
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ticklezticklez · 2 years
A Rugby Player's Needs
Heartstopper, lee!nick, ler!charlie
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A/N: please remember to use the right keys when copying / pasting!! pressing ctrl v when you have smth in your paste bar when you really meant to press ctrl c may mean you'll have to redo an hours worth of work!! i speak from experience
Word Count: 1,152 (under the cut)
"Does this hurt? I can rub a bit softer if you need me too-.."
Nick shook his head, side-to-side, showing content with the way Charlie massaged his feet.
Nick had been on his feet all day at rugby practice. His soles were killing him, causing pitiful winces each time he took a step with them. Not anymore though, thanks to his lover, Charlie. He always had a soft spot for the boy, allowing him to do anything he wanted to Nick. Now, Charlie had noticed the pain Nick was enduring with his roughed-up feet, and it made him feel bad.
So, he asked, "need a foot massage?" Nick agreed, and sat down on his sofa, laying his socked feet onto Charlie's lap. The boy blushed when Nick began to wriggle his toes around inside the soft cotton fabric, prompting him to cover his face. "You alright?" Nick questioned, sorta confused. Charlie nodded, and gently pulled Nick's feet closer to him, cradling the pair in his hands. "You ready? Be sure to tell me if it hurts, alright?"
Nick grinned, and replied, "-alright!~ I'm sure you're great at these, hah.."
The truth was, Charlie had not once in his life given a successful foot massage. This was just out of the kindness, and maybe even curiosity, of his heart. Hopefully, he wouldn't cause more harm than good.
Nick stretched his body out on the sofa a bit more, turning to the side. He laid there, with his feet still in his boyfriend's lap, but in a new position. Nick had never experienced a massage like what he was about to before, so he assumed that it'd take a while. Only natural to get comfy - he thought, turning on the television.
Charlie gripped one of Nick's ankles, then began to lightly squeeze the ball underneath his big toe. He rubbed it, up and down, for a few seconds before noticing Nick's toes twitch. Was this something he casually did, for no reason? Or was the massage too rough, somehow causing him to wiggle his toes? Charlie was an overthinker, and his overthinking skills were just now beginning to show. "Are you alright? This isn't too hard, is it?"
"Hm? Nah, this feels pretty good!" Nick reassured him. Charlie smiled at the boy then resumed his rubbing, traveling down to Nick's arch. His thumb softly pressed onto the soft sock, transmitting a rather tickly feeling onto Nick's skin. "Heh, that tickles~! Go somewhere ehelse,"
"Huh? Oh, sorry-" Charlie swiftly responded, taking his hands off Nick's larger feet. Maybe he wasn't cut out for this. It was just light rubbing, and squeezing, but Charlie found it to be beyond his expertise. He had already promised Nick a massage though..
Charlie thought for a few moments, then had a lightbulb idea. He never said the massage wouldn't tickle, right? Perhaps if he tickled Nick, his laughter would replace his feet being helped. After all, laughter is the best medicine.
Nick seemed happy with the situation - he got to have his aching feet catered to, whilst watching T.V. and resting. Little did he know, all of these things would be thrown out the window by a few tickly little fingers.
Charlie gently rubbed the foot he held in the center of the arch, with his two thumbs. It actually felt good to Nick, which was Charlies original goal. Not anymore though. Charlie scratched the foot he held with his thumbnails, and watched Nick and his cute toes squirm. "Ihis this aha part of the mahah-hasage?!" The ginger (dont @ me, he's ginger.) boy giggled subtly, trying to hold back the full-blown laughter he could release at anytime.
Charlie nodded, pretending as if this was a normal part of the procedure. Worried that Nick could pull his feet away and escape, Charlie wrapped his arm around both Nick's ankles, forming an armlock. "I'm awfully sorry for this, ya know?"
Nick fearfully stared his lover in the eyes, and watched as his doom appeared in front of him. Charlie fluttered his fingertips across the soles of Nick's socked feet, lightly scratching at the undersides of his toes.
"Noohaho! Stohoap itahaihit tihickleees!!~"
Nick's reaction changed when he felt fingers slide underneath his toes, not in a positive way though. He giggled and pleaded for the boy to release his ankles, but no, Charlie was having far too much fun. Next stop was Nick's toes. First one, his big toe. Charlie poked and prodded at his sensitive toe, catching sight of Nick as he squirmed in place, trying to pull his feet back - unsuccessfully. Charles grip on his ankles was too strong, even for the rugby player.
"Say, Nick, would you mind if I took off your socks? Might help the massage become a bit more effective."
"NOHO-! Dohont take them off I SWEAR Chaharlie.. Ihill get you back for this..~" He whined, like a little baby that didn't get its way. He was as cute as one too, with his cherry-red face, and adorable smile.
"Oh, you will? Well, we'll see." Charlie peeled off the boy's socks gently, teasing him with little whispers and pokes to the toes. Nick tried to prop himself up on the couch, his goal, reaching the sadistic ler, but to his dismay; it wasn't possible.
Charlie slowly slid his fingernails across Nick's warm soles, taking a sh*tload of laughs from his soul. "Naha~! STAHAHP IHITAHAHAHA HEHELP!~"
He roughly scratched his nails across the other boy's feet, clawing - up and down. His fingers went from his toes to the balls of his feet, melting Nick into a giggly ball of ticklishness. He didn't know how much more he could take from the sadistic switch, when he felt his stomach flip upside down. All this laughter couldn't be good for his insides.
"CHARAHLIE MYHA TUHUMMY HUHURTS!!-" He shouted between howls of laughter. When Charlie finally understood what Nick was saying, he released his ankles, and crawled over top him. "You alright? I didn't hurt ya, did I?" He was genuinely worried that he had hurt his boyfriend - and that was most definitely never his intention. He just wanted to make the cute guy laugh a bit. It was surely a harmless joke.. besides the endless scratching of his soles and torture of his toes. But besides that..
'Yehes, I'm alright- come here." Nick pulled Charlie by the waist onto his chest, making the boy fall down onto him. Nick ran his fingers through Charlie's hair, and placed a hand on his ribs. "Really thought you could get away with that, huh?" He whispered.
Charlie gulped. Then, removed himself from the couch and scurried to the bathroom, quickly locking the door. Maybe next time Nick would be able to get him - or, maybe he would just wait for him to come out. Either way, Charlie would see some revenge in his future.
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findroleplay · 2 years
howdy! 🍂
20 y/o enby looking for smutty semi-lit/1-2 paragraph rapid fire mxm rps on discord!
the overarching vibes would be kinky in a very loving way, with a healthy balance between fluffy lovemaking and the sub getting railed six ways to sunday. i can play either sub or dom, it really doesn't matter much to me! i have a few plot ideas, but none of them are set in stone and i would love to come up with something together.
i'm always a sucker for dark academia type settings, or pirates, or farmboy/cityboy dynamics -- honestly, at this point I'm open to almost anything, so if you have a ship you like or an oc you'd like me to write against, that's already enough of a starting point and we can come up with the details together. although i gotta admit, i have a bit of a soft spot for wedding-based plots. think, arranged marriage, the wedding planner falling for the best man, literally just a couple getting married. it just makes me weak.
i have more experience playing dominant characters, but no actual preference, so either way is fine with me. i'm also open to slight age gaps ("slight" meaning no more than, say, twelve years), power imbalances (like boss/employee for example) or a/b/o, but none of those are necessities.
kinks i enjoy roleplaying are: d/s dynamics, possessiveness, praise kink, overstimulation, bondage, light degradation, discipline, maybe some light pain kink and degradation, breeding (actual mpreg is cool with me not necessary) if we include a/b/o. if you'd like to include any others, let me know! i have a pretty open mind and promise i won't judge you lol
i'm mostly looking for fandomless ocxoc, but if you're into heartstopper, red white and royal blue, our flag means death, or detroit:become human, i can also work with that. ocxcanon is welcome as well, and i don't expect us to double up!
just like this and i will reach out!
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cantsaythetword · 2 years
TickleTober Day 27: Trap
~A/N  - Anon heartstopper request fic again!!!! This one is adorable and I love it so much it's such a cute idea.
Can I request #27 which is trap, for your tickletober prompts? Maybe it’s Nick’s first movie night with the gang after he comes out as bisexual and being Charlie’s boyfriend, so the gang demonstrates Charlie’s weakness to tickles. Not that Charlie really minds anyways!
- Enoy! ~
Tag List:
Masterpost Link || TickleTober 2022 Masterpost Link
"Ready?" Charlie asked, squeezing Nick's hand.
The man only nodded in response, eyes focused forwards on the door in front of them.
It was Nick's first movie night with Charlie's friends, and it would be his first night seeing them as an openly bisexual boyfriend. While he was absolutely ecstatic that he could finally relax around everyone and show the world just how much he loved Charlie, there was still a level of nerves when interacting with the people that cared about Charlie almost as much as he did.
After a (slightly awkward) hello to the group, and a long few minutes of indecision, they had finally settled on a few movies to watch. Nick had only seen one of them, so was keen to watch some new ones.
Once How to Train Your Dragon began, and Charlie was safely snuggled in his arms, Nick was starting to feel a little more relaxed. The vibe of this group was different to his usual friends, but he was almost enjoying it more than the normal hecticness of a night out. Maybe more wasn't the right word... differently?
He was brought out of his thoughts with a soft snore from Charlie. Nick let out a quiet laugh, running his fingers through Charlie's hair.
"Char?" He asked gently. "You're missing the movie."
"Ugh did he fall asleep again?" Tao half-grumbled, though there was some semblance of a laugh in his tone. "This always happens on movie night."
"Yeah, it's impossible to keep him awake sometimes." Nick joked before even realizing he was talking, but hearing the rest of the group laugh in agreement gave him comfort.
Charlie let out a soft murmur in his sleep, shifting so his face was half-pressed into Nick's side.
"You know Nick..." Elle began, softly lowering herself down next to Charlie. "There is a way to keep Charlie awake."
Tao laughed deeply. "Ah yes, our secret tactic."
Nick gave them a questioning look.
"You have to swear not to tell a soul though." Isaac chimed in from behind them, grinning as Nick nodded in response.
Elle smiled, raising an eyebrow, and started to gently spider her fingernails against Charlie's sides. The boy squirmed slightly, face contorting in an almost uncomfortable manner. Nick gave Elle a worried look, but his attention was quickly drawn back to his boyfriend as Charlie let out the most adorable stream of sleepy giggles Nick had ever heard.
Nick's eyes were wide in disbelief, a happy gaping smile across his face. Oh this was too cute! Charlie's laughter only became stronger as Tao's fingers began softly tapping against the sides of his stomach, and the boy began to stir. He blinked groggily a few times, before realising exactly what was happening - and why giggles were currently pouring out of his mouth.
"Guhuhuys wahahait!" He laughed, hands weakly pushing against the tickling fingers.
"Morning sleepy head." Isaac grinned, peering his head over Charlie's from the sofa behind him. "How come you never told Nick you're ticklish?"
The gang didn't give him a chance to answer.
"I guess it's our job to fill him in!" Elle smiled, starting to scratch under Charlie's armpits. "If you get him here, he'll-"
She was cut off by a shrill squeal from Charlie, clamping his arms against his sides and going stiff as a board.
"-...Squeal..." Tao finished, smirking. "His hips are his worst spot by far though."
Giving Charlie's hips a few squeezes, Tao dodged a flailing arm as the boy continued laughing madly.
Isaac laughed. "Yeah, but if you want the best reactions you've gotta go for his neck." He illustrated his point by skittering his fingers around Charlie's hairline and down towards his collarbones.
Charlie squeaked, high pitched giggles bursting out of him as his shoulders scrunched up to protect himself.
"And his ears are just so cute!" Elle laughed, Isaac continuing to demonstrate to Nick each of Charlie's ticklish areas.
"Oh but if you really want to get him screaming, you gotta tackle his feet!" Tao exclaimed, grabbing onto Charlie's legs and beginning to scribble up and down.
Charlie, as predicted, screamed, kicking his feet violently and thrashing from side to side.
"Though you'd better get a good grip, Tao got a black eye once from Charlie's big toe." Isaac mentioned.
Charlie was in ticklish hysteria. There wasn't a single point on his body that didn't feel absolutely sparking with giggly energy. Thankfully, his friends always somehow stopped at the perfect time right on the edge of him wanting a break.
But, in that moment of reprieve, Charlie had the chance to worry about his boyfriend. Nick's mates weren't exactly the most physically affectionate of people (aside from tackling each other and punching people's shoulders), so Charlie was worried Nick would feel embarrassed or out of place with all this physical love and cuddliness.
Oh how wrong he was.
As Charlie looked up, he locked eyes with Nick. Who looked practically hypnotized by the last few minutes - the evil grin on his face sending nervous chills down Charlie's spine.
"So he's most ticklish on his hips, huh?" Nick smirked, hands effortlessly and oh-so-innocently placed on Charlie's sides. "But his feet will absolutely kill him?"
Charlie tensed, waiting for Nick to test out his newfound discovery. Where would he attack first? Tao, Elle, and Isaac had pretty much given him a How-To-Destroy-Charlie instructional guide. Every move of his fingers, even the slightest touch, sent his nerves into hyperdrive. Waiting for it. Waiting...
But it never came. That teasy arse.
"Alright, I think it's time he learnt the final stage." Tao said before anyone could interrupt, tugging Charlie down to lie on his stomach. "And possibly Charlie's favourite..."
"Tao shut uppp!" Charlie began to whine, knowing exactly what was coming, but his words turned to happy hums once Tao began letting his fingernails glide up and down Charlie's back. Almost immediately, Charlie's giggles turned into soft breathing, and Tao kept up the slow relaxing pace.
As he watched his boyfriend move towards him to sleep soundly on his chest, and his newfound friends surrounded them in a cuddle pile, Nick smiled contently.
He could get used to this.
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