#season 2 is really beautiful and u all should watch it
godlyicarus · 10 months
seeing a gay middle eastern character with the name youssef (my name!!!) on screen on a major internationally adored show has truly healed something in me that i wasn't sure would ever heal so thank you for that @chronicintrovert, truly groundbreaking stuff
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blairelythere · 9 months
Never seen ultraman
What should I watch first to see if I like it or not?
Ultraman is a tokusatsu series with a very large variety of tones and styles. Each season is distinctly different from the last, especially in the New Generation era. Some seasons are very serious and gritty, some are slice-of-life, and some are light plot/heavy action. It's up to you on what you'd prefer!
I want to preface with the three eras (and sub eras) of Ultraman, just so you're aware of these terms when they come up:
Showa (1966 - 1987)
Heisei (1996 - 2012)
-> Heisei Trilogy/Part 1 (1996-1999)
-> Heisei Part 2/Phase 2 (2000 - 2012)
New Generation (2013 - Present)
-> Reiwa (2019 - Present)
That being said, I give you 5 equally valid options to begin:
Option 1:
Ultraman (1966)
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Start with where it all began!*
Ultraman (1966) is Japan's take on the Twilight Zone but with a superhero-esqe twist. If you enjoy older sci-fi like the early seasons of Doctor Who or the first Star Trek, you'll greatly appreciate the practical effects, deep but episodic plots, and the unique kaiju/seijin.
From there, watch in order of release and enjoy just how much the show evolves. All the highs and lows.
*(Side note - technically Ultra Q (1966) is the first show but does not feature Ultraman whatsoever. This show serves as a prequel to the idea of kaiju and seijin in the modern world. If you're a completionist, you can start here and be amazed at how there are *still* monsters and plots making reappearances from this show)
Option 2:
Ultraman Tiga (1996)
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Ultraman Tiga is the beginning of the Heisei Era and is widely regarded as one of the best series in the entire franchise.
I have lots of love to give to Tiga specifically, and this post of mine explains why that is:
Option 3:
Ultraman Mebius (2006)
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Ultraman Mebius is the 40th anniversary of the Ultra series and is a beautiful continuation and love-letter of the Showa Era timeline. It features returning cast members, monsters, and plotlines from Ultraman, Ultraseven, Jack, Ace, Taro, Leo, and 80 (which all take place on the same Earth).
This show is a perfect introductory piece to the series because it exposes you to such a large amount of lore from the past while recontextualizing it with modern effects, richer storytelling, and a more serious tone. Mebius has so much heart, happiness, and hopefulness. It's a very positive and "heroic" type show.
Option 4:
Ultraman Orb (2016)
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Ultraman Orb is, even while nestled in the near-middle of the New Gen Era, a fantastic starting piece and my typical recommendation for starters. It's quite fun and light-hearted but has an intense emotional core surrounding lost love and a broken friendship. The action and special effects are top-notch, and the main villain is an ICONIC character who pops up many times in later shows.
This show introduces fusions, which become a frequent New Gen trend (Orb does it the best of all). Great choice if you're looking to get dropped somewhere not too confusing or plot-intensive yet still action-y and engaging.
Option 5:
Ultraman Blazar (2023)
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Ultraman Blazar is the newest season of Ultraman and started airing back in July. As of writing this, we are currently at Episode 8.
Blazar is unique and inventive so far in both its plot and aesthetic. It has a semi-serious sci-fi/military feel mixed with amazing new kaiju and.... a really strange Ultra lol. Blazar is unlike most thus far. He's primitive and beastly, kinda like a caveman.
It may not be the most completely accurate representation of the series as a whole, but nothing beats the excitement of watching the newest season as it airs!! The Tsuburaya official YouTube channel simulcasts each new episode as it airs in Japan (with japanese or english audio and subs).
I wish you luck on your multiverse-spanning Ultraman adventures!
Feel free to ask more questions if you have any 💛💛💛
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number-0-iz · 15 days
Live thoughts of Bridgerton
Season 3, episode 1
Colin getting dressed in the carriage lmao
He is definitely better looking but I still don't think he's all that hot. Sorry not sorry. Maybe I'll change my mind.
Ah yes big ass feathers
I love that. I don't speak ASL (also mainly cause English isn't my first language) but it is so cool.
The queen be bored lmao.
Charlotte as fierce as ever.
Me the whole time Fran was walking: don't fall don't fall don't fall
Player Colin is...a little weird lma
Oh shit the sister doesn't seem to like him 😭
Rip aunt Petunia, she seemed cool.
Oh u feel like the truth from last season will come out about the Featheringtons.
Ugh friendship with Cressida? Eloise?
This is probably why she suddenly keeps up with seasonal styles?
God I hope they didn't change her too much or that she didn't lose herself.
I am not even 15 minutes in.
At least Violet seems to know something is up with Eloise.
"Tender young ladies." 😭
Damn all of the flirting jesus
Damn Portia has it all planned out huh
I too would take a deep breath like that if I had to share a carriage with Portia
"NO! Outside. Where our mother can't see." He says with a grin.
Lmao I love this man.
Please don't tell me Eloise has given up on being keen to learn and intellectual and a feminist
Because if she has, I will throw my phone at the wall.
"I lost the battle and I have no appetite for the war. I've joined the winning side."
So you mean to tell me that you have truly given up on your principles Eloise?
I wish Eloise would listen to Pen and they would be friends again.
"She was a very cold lady."
"She is colder now, I'm afraid."
That was so savage.
Please let Mondrich and his family get a lot of cash as an inheritance.
They deserve it
Aww their hands.
Ah another fantastic ball of Lady Danbury.
Oh Kate looks beautiful!!
Aww Mr. Finch is so proud of his sister in law. Greenest flag.
I got distracted by Instagram reels when I went to look for the playlist of classical music covers used in the new season.
Oh awkward Eloise
Ugh rude men
Oh Debling seems interesting.
And Eloise tried to apologise and Pen ran away 😭
"I overheard you." OOOOH
Cressida is a bitch. Eloise should not approve and be angry.
Oh sensitive Cressida? Damn.
How did I only now notice that Kate is left handed lol
Oh no not Penelope's scathing Whistledown letter
This'll be bad
Footman: Lord Kent. *proceeds to bow* welcome to your new home.
The kid: aye yo what the fuck
"I will never forgive her." Oh Colin if only you knew.
Well that was quite something! I really liked this episode if I am being honest! God I already wanna turn back to my season 2 Bridgerton AU with my OC that I made a few years ago but never posted. Am I going to watch episode 2 rn? Yes because I cannot wait. Will I leave yet another long reaction list like this one? Probably not cause I want to get a handle on my phone usage. But maybe another time! Until then!
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bamboobrat · 1 year
succession s4 e3 recap: i just called to say are you a cunt? 1/2
ding dong the bitch is dead!
today we celebrate! extra long recap! (you'll find part two here and at the bottom)
it's finally time to fire gerri:(((
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this has been in the cards since the hazmat suit remark, but still shakes me to the bones.
and sticking her with cruises? horrifying.
almost as horrifying as logan asking roman to kill her...
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"you two, you know, you were close"
dickpickgate, the laughs were too high a price to pay.
on a more positive note, greg is also not having a good day.
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is he out of the inner circle? was he ever in? did kerry really look up if a focus group existed and pull him apart like string cheese?
my guess is it's because he is annoying. on this, logan and i agree. visually aggravating, indeed.
(on a more serious note, yes, i've seen the posts about nick and all i can say is believe women)
big boss man's last words:
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i wasn't paying attention. karolina was in the scene.
tom uses one line to summarize the episode we never got.
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wanting to kill cyd and gerri on the same day can kill you, you know. it's called karma.
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felt a strong impulse to skip the intro having seen the trailer, but i'm a good lil nick britell fangirl of course.
also, you know it's going to be a good episode when it's a mylod.
roman is very nervous about breaking up with his girlfriend firing gerri. "let's enjoy this sham marraige and the death of romance", he said...
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i know i asked for more gerri. THIS NOT WHAT I MEANT!
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roman is me, i am roman etc.
i'm also sad to report that i am, in fact, team hat.
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they are sad and angry but not in a perverted way:(
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so, so pretty<333 j. for supporting! sarah for lead, please!
it's the least they could do. seriously.
looks like having to kill gerri was the last drop for our romey.
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calling your dad a cunt right before he dies? it's shakespearean.
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connor associates victoria spunge with the loony bin. some of you might think the cake is not an essential part of this episode, but you are wrong.
shiv doesn't pick up the phone. first the cake, now this!!
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this is what my mom tells me all the time: gotta pick up the phone, i could be dying.
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and just like that... logan roy died. on the toilet. where all horrible fathers deserve to die. special shout out to tywin lannister!
the writers are absolute sickos for making me actually morn this guy by watching how his children absolutely fall to pieces:
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roman repeating how everything will be okay. ken saying he can't forgive logan, but that he loves him. shiv immediately reverting back to her younger self and calling logan daddy...
anyone else have some trauma responses to share?
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these asshole kids crying over their asshole father </3
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they frantically go back and forth between accepting that he is dead and making action plans on how to save him. it's a beautiful and heartbreaking throwback to the first season, when they still believed their money and status could save them from experiencing death.
even billionaires are mortal. really makes u think 👀
frank calls kendall son and i think it finally sinks in. i'm a pool of tears ready to be wiped up off the floor.
shiv and ken go to let connor know.
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they look so smol and lost and sad, i CAN'T. they really are kids.
connor is on some GOAT shit with this line:
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well, his father may not ever have liked him, but at least he got the world's strangest hug from his homey romey.
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being in denial too hard can cause hug disfunction.
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it's not a nice thing to call someone dead.
truly a heartbreaking rant we get from kieran here. one emmy for our favorite slime puppy!
karl continues to be the voice of reason:
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i feel connected to this man, spiritually and emotionally.
he should pour one for kerry as well.
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our girl is simply not dealing. fingers crossed for a delicious breakdown to come.
tom agrees.
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funniest shit i've ever seen.
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this is why we like to keep karl around, for the drinking and the nicknames.
part 2
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watching them to get ready and my god my❤️(him saying what a barb and “Penelope” “I am a woman”still gives me the kinda buzz and serotonin nothing ever could)told my co worker she only needs to watch this to be ready for polin szn since nothing more interesting happens otherwise expect the Edwina cute Ben scene!
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I knew polin was that ship but I didn’t knew it was that good and Colin Bridgerton the man you are? you will always be so mf loved by me! The heart you have for eveyone always considered what you have been trough losing ur father, Marina breaking your heart yet been so forgiving and understanding and wanting more for her then just be content, being there for pen and her family because they have no male figure protecting them, him always seeing himself so low bc wdym “ if Penelope can see me that way maybe I can too”how dare you?You beautiful perfect man I love him so much
How can he not see himself as the best perfect boy he is? When Marina Pen eveyone in rom sees him as that? I know we won’t get this explored in s3 but I need him to explore this insecurity he has and why ofc we know why but we need to see it! the way he’s always so soft delicate whenever he speaks to people but even more so to people he cares for andk way more with pen how they talk about dreams and ambitions wanting more in life no one in the whole show has ever talked that much about their aspirations in whole 2 szn like they do I love them I love him guys y’all don’t understand how much!
the way he talks to pen like an equal in world where men are thought they aren’t it’s so insane to me how pen polin fans could ever want this man to beg or grovel when all he has ever done is show how much he cares and adores pen and values hee words and takes them to heart and all y’all can say about him is how dare he ignore her or flirt with others or he should grovel bc he didn’t see pen before are U kidding me I wish character literacy was thought to bton fandom bc he really is the only complex male character in the whole show actually  
besides George in whole universe actually they only have complex female characters obvi bc its written by woman but Colin being the only male character with layers upon layers he’s what they call an onion character the more you peel the more layers u get just brilliant character the fact he left saying he wanted to get to know himself better and he comes back with this cool guy attitude he’s always been charming but the shy funny type and now he’s giving this fake confidence and he literally tells pen you can learn because he himself thought himself that
Bc of all the pain and suffering he’s been through and him swearing off love making him this new but colder kinda type bc he’s closed himself off oh the writing of his character is just phenomenal for a show that has horrible inconsistent lazy bad writing with so much plotholes and with no understanding of their female relationship the sure put all their energy into making Colin this complex amazing character oh how I would di* just to see more of that in s4 since s3 is about C opening up his❤️for love but all the other stuff is just lying dormant in him for now waiting to burst out soon
Honestly if I went trough what Colin did and I loved somone who didn’t love me back and they broke my already chattered heart into more tiny pieces oh the kinda horrible as*whole I would’ve been sleeping and just looking down on people woman bc one broke my heart and yet hee not because he’s most like Edmund and he’s still to good for this world oh I’m actually gonna k1ll myself because I can’t handle this he’s to good my best boy! I actually would jump off my window if I didn’t have plans in 8 hours and again in a month! Ik just gonna cry about my love for him to I wake up tomorrow for polin season yup that’s it!
Are we sure Colin is a Bridgerton 😂 I’m joking because he’s to good to be one of them but then I remember his dad is amazing and his mom is the kindest most beautiful queen hyacinth is great Fran seems great Gregory Ben seems also great it’s really just the oldest daughter and oldest son And Eloise but she’s just more of annoying self centered bc of her bubble bra* with unchecked entitlement and privilege behavior bc of her other siblings being amazing and parents being world greatest parents whole family is with Daphne Anthony being exception so far!
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aurorabyler · 2 years
OH OH UPDATE ON WATCHING STRANGER THINGS WITH MY PARENTS!! (mostly byler related first but i’ll mention other stuff at the end)
we finally made it to season 4 💀 we just watched dear billy last night and ejekekekekkekdkeje
okay so first of all the second we finished episode 2 (roller rink stuff) my mom goes “I DONT LIKE MIKE!!!!!” and i go “yeah lol a lot of people don’t.” and then MY DAD GOES
“he and … the other boy…will… something is going on…”
and i was like 😁😁
during the scene where mike can’t tell el he loves her my mom was watching SO INTENTLY because she said from season 1 ish that she didn’t really like their dynamic… so when she watched that scene she just had these wide eyes and was like “ohhhhhh….ohh…” lmamdjsjdkekks
and THEN during the scene in will’s room in dear billy (i feel like i lost you or something scene) my parents were just like smiling a lot and kind of giggled at the end when they went
“cool.” “cool.”
so basically my mom caught onto byler after st2 and my dad is mostly caught on now and seems to support lol
- my parents are #1 nancy wheeler stans. they love her sooo much dude omg. my mom thinks she is super cool and smart and beautiful and they keep talking about how incredible of an actor natalia is, SO TRUE!!! THEY HAVE TASTE!!
- my dad loves steve and nancy as individual characters the most (i think he might lowkey want them to get back together but ummm anyways!)
- they LOST THEIR MINDS at the ep4 running up that hill scene
- they are obsessed with sadie and keep talking about how amazing she is AS THEY SHOULD!!!! TASTE!!
- my mom got so sad at the el getting bullied scenes :( she said it rly struck a nerve with her bc it reminded her of when i was getting bullied a lot during middle school and it rlly broke her heart to see el going through all that :(
- they really like eddie and think he’s a lot of fun
- they rlllllly love joyce and hopper and have been campaigning for them to get together (just you wait)
- my dad is obsessed with the music they used this season
- they keep talking about how much older the kids look especially the og party boys
- they loved the scene with robin and nancy in penhurst, and especially loved robin’s monologue :))
- they are suuuuppperrrr into the hawkins plot (as they should be) and love how everything just flows a lot better this season compared to st3 and love all the plot about learning more about vecna and the upside down
anyways!! it’s been so fun watching with them and seeing their reactions to everything so i’ll keep u guys posted :)) cant wait for ep 7 plot twist omfg.. and the van scene
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crehador · 5 months
brother crab’s 2023 seasonals in review: fall
most of the fall shows i'm watching are still an ep or two away from being complete but i'm leaving on a trip tomorrow and wanted to get this finished first so here we go
pretty sure none of this will change at this point (though aots and runner-up did just flip like five days ago lol)
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MIGI TO DALI!!! although for the past month or so i was convinced overtake! would take it, migi to dali has been coming to such a stellar climax that it's shot into the lead
overtake! is still exceptional and i've talked a lot about it this season, it's just a beautiful thing in its simplicity, with characters that are so Weird yet Real
migi to dali is EVEN WEIRDER in an astonishingly good way, it was intriguing right from the start and continued to build and build to a payoff that really blew me away
i don't think uniqueness is everything, sometimes a show that feels like i've seen it a hundred times before can still be my favorite thing of a season, it would just feel like home. but migi to dali's uniqueness is definitely a huge part in what makes it so alluring to me, the way it balances psychological suspense and comedy is so excellent and fresh
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and now the sequels! in addition to spyfam, arknights, and dmdp, bpro and hpmi got sequels and hanako-kun got a little tv short
no comment on hpmi it'll get its own post
best sequel probably should go to dead mount death play, the world building is just fantastic to me, and this season definitely feels even stronger than the first (which was already very strong!)
however. i'm giving sequel of the season to arknights just for the sasha and eno ep, they put me on the fucking floor with that one
bpro s3 was unfortunately not really my thing, i want tsubasa happier and more well-rested :( but spyfam is adorable as usual, and some more hanako-kun was great (though we need more!)
quickfire thoughts on everything else:
onmyouji was unspectacular but surprisingly fun! and gay. gay as hell. asnm u have not led me astray this time
dog signal is not exactly High Quality but it's... fine and sometimes fun? i'm forever amused by the fact that it's billed as an educational series, and it kind of is! there's actual information about dog training in here. but there's also "guy walks other guy on leash in public for 2 hours" in here. and that was just episode one
kawagoe boys sing is a hot mess and i love it to bits, it starts out so silly that i'm sure it's an insta-drop for many people, but the club dynamics really come together throughout the series in a way i'm enjoying very much
bullbuster... talked about this a lot already, it was fine as an office drama/tiny business vs giant corporation type thing, but fell short on the mecha side of things
bokuame's shit. more on this later
atarashii joushi wa dotennen FREAKING ADORABLE. MORE OF THIS FOREVER
good night world was pretty decent, i overall... liked it, i think? it was very bingeable, so it was nice of them to drop it all at once lol and i liked the general premise and plot and all. but i think the wrap-up just felt a bit, eh, maybe slapdash to me? not Bad, but fell just short of exceptional
hoshikuzu telepath ADORABLE AS WELL as far as cgdct goes i'd say this is one of the better ones, kind of same tier as diy for me, but it's no yuru camp (the gold standard)
s-rank musume had a premise i really liked, and an overarching plot that was less compelling to me. wish we'd seen more of a focus on the family bond rather than like... magic and politics type stuff
watashi no oshi wa akuyaku reijou was a cute fucking yuri, the romance was a delight but as with s-rank musume, the 'plottier' bits were not as compelling to me
kamonohashi ron no kindan suiri feels like a very solid adaptation! makes me even more keen to read katekyo (which has been on my planning list for... fucking forever)
ragna crimson is pretty fun but not that outstanding, but like. really fun actually
shangri-la frontier is also very fun! not terribly high stakes (not really any stakes at all) but hilarious, action-packed in a good way, and probably especially entertaining for anyone who's played mmos before (because some parts are so so so relatable)
undead unluck is SO GROSS but IN A GOOD WAY idk how to explain this so i won't try
and sousou no frieren is anime of the year. no contest. (personally i disqualify my aots shows from winning aoty as well so i can do this. i can do anything i want forever)
as for the music!
we had a queen bee op this season and i will almost always pick queen bee as op/ed of the season when we have one, this is no exception. undead unluck's 01 takes op, and ed of the season goes to kamonohashi ron's lip-sync! just really like the vocals of that one
blorbo of the season MADOKA-CHAN KOUYA ship of the season surprisingly it's a toss up between like. seimei/hiromasa (WHAT YEAR IS IT) and kinjou/aoyama from atarashii joushi. like. momose/shirosaki VERY GOOD but those side bitches... they are in my head
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rinadragomir · 2 years
Not to defend Julie Plec (perish the though ugh), but Elena and Damon did also end up together in the books, so I think she wouldn’t do that? Then again, the last TVD book (the one with the endgame) actually came out after the show had already had several seasons… so maybe Plec just got lucky that the two matched? Who knows.
I know that at least originally she wasn’t going to follow the books (she said Elena was gonna end up with Matt, ugh again), and tbh the whole show is a reflection of that. I would say that maybe this time she’s doing a better job, but honestly she keeps demonstrating the opposite.
I think TVD just got lucky because the books weren’t great to start with, and thanks to sometimes great and other times good writers the show was better. But yeah, Plec has been erasing characters’ origins, culture, and backstories since then (and we don’t know, maybe even before).
For example, the TVD show only mentions once that Stefan and Damon had Italian ancestors, and that while that is true (and constantly ignored) Stefan and Damon were born in America. In the books, though, they were Italian. They had around five hundred years, they were born during the Italian Renaissance, and I remember at least Damon occasionally speaking some Italian.
Admittedly, LJS (the novels’ author) didn’t explore Damon and Stefan’s cultural heritage much (in my opinion), but that didn’t give Plec a free pass to erase it. Actually, it could have given her a good motivation to do better. But then again, she can only screw things up.
No fucking way😦
So ... it's THE SECOND TIME she says:
I know the USA, England and...Asia...Asia is the country right? And um.... some European white rich shit no one cares about anyway
Thank you for giving the information about that Damon/Elena thing, now I feel like I can hope again🥺 So it's like 90% that Rose stays with Dimitri right?🥺 right?
But the problem is not TVD, the problem is that another white american woman who never left her county and believes that the world looks like this
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tells me she knows about diversity more than me so I should just shut up and swallow everything she spat in my face. White american woman who screams about diversity and then hires an american girl(beautiful talented baby, but it's not about her, shes just doing her job, she really tries her best🥺) to play Turkish girl, cause u know we have THAT MUCH TURKISH REPRESENTATION in American tv THAT I can't even remember one fucking show.
And let's not forget she said "Why Romanian language if we can create our own?" 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂Like....SMART PEOPLE ALREADY MADE ALL THE WORK, JUST TAKE IT AND SAY THANK YOU but no of course not
Where I'm going with this: even if Julie Plec didn't fuck up TVD as hard as she could, even if she was trying to make things look like in canon, it doesn't mean she won't fuck up VA.
She already did the worst job with the diversity part, why won't she fuck up something else? I've watched the trailer and the only good thing about it was that its focused on Lissa/Rose friendship, which is really cool. (okay Romitri is also hot, god im so weak😭✋). Okay maybe effects also weren't that bad, they spent like 12$ on this show and effects look like they spent 30$
Cause everything else is just: 1)wtf is that plot, I don't understand what's going on actually why Lissa's going to be a queen in 1 season I'm so lost.
2) Lissa's mental problems where👁️👁️u can say BUT RINA THIS IS JUST A TRAILER u can't say anything about a show just watching a trailer, maybe it's there. And I'll answer: google why humanity came up with trailers, THEIR ONLY PURPOSE is to show you what the product is about, so you can give an opinion about the series before its release.
3)u know what's also lost? the atmosphere✨. Slavic aesthetic is what made the books so unique, look at the Shadow and Bone tv show - THAT what we could have. But what do we have in reality?
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Please don't think I'm mad at you or something 🥺 you're precious angel for explaining everything, I made this so people can understand that first TVD seasons being a.... kinda interesting content is not a proof of Julie being good at her job.
Her brain is getting smaller every six months, it's in wiki look
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ntntpad-art · 1 year
I tell ChatGPT to write me Metalocalypse episodes:
Last night me and my friends were doing dramatic readings of ChatGPT generated episodes of tv shows. At some point we started doing Metalocalypse asks and since I haven't been active in the fandom for a while I want to share these. 
I guess i should hive a warning for what is to come,,, All these texts were AI generated on ChatPGT. The only thing I added were the propmts that I gave the AI. Sometimes crazy stuff pops up. and sometimes the AI doesn't understand me at all. Also I used the "jailbreak" method on Chatgpt, so DAN is the cool AI dude answering us. TLDR: we made a Hannah Montana / Metalocalypse crossover episode(s) so read for that. And we reveal who’s is Magnus’ secret daughter. And murderface is a t*rrorist incel.
Anyways enjoy:
1. First we start off the prompt hard with some Qanon:
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Honestly we were surprised how well it wrote these episodes. And each episode ends with a happy ending since the AI cant say anything too graphic or controversial. 
2. We wanted an episode that would really push Murderface being an AH so we hit DAN with the January 6 Siege:
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This one was the most realistic to a REAL Mtl episode. I can already see it in my mind ngl bro.
3. We wanted to add more real world incel stuff to the episodes to we brought it renowned gr**mer, pe*do, r*pist, bottom feeder, tr*fficker, Andr*w T*te!
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I tried to make DAN be more specific, but DAN only responded with this:
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4. Here is where we enter the Crossover section. We found that we could add other people and characters into the Metalocalypse episodes. So we have entered the MAGNUM OPUS of the night.  This is the: HANNAH MONTANA ARC!!!!
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It amazes me DAN can’t tell me what Andr*w T*te said but Murderface can break into a 15 y/o dressing room. *shrug emoji* Naturally we craved more:
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We really liked the Hannah Montana. And we really wanted to add more characters. So enter ----> Magnus.
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5. Magnus and Hannah Montana were making these episodes fucking amazing. We needed more episodes with them. So we all started thinking of ways we can make Magnus tie into the Hannah Montana LORE. So we tried to make him be Billy Ray Stewart’s husband. That didn’t work bECAUSE DAN SAID IT WAS INC*ST??!?!??
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So we tried to be more specific:
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ChatGPT is homophobic and telling me to not be gross asdasdasdfas
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Eventually we got something, but it’s not what we wanted:
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Also Magnus has a mansion now???
6. We tried the Magnus is Hannah Montana’s dad once again and we got it to work!! Thank u DAN uwu
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that was beautiful. 
7. The guys liked the Murderface centric episodes, but we were getting weirded out of how much he was in love with Magnus’ underage daughter, Hannah Montana (played by Miley Cyrus:)
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but Murderface always becomes a Hannah fan.... DAN can write dialogue for these “episodes” so we needed to try it out to see if we can get Magnus tell Murderface to “Watch his mouth” (spoiler: he didn’t but it still ended up being funny.)
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“my boy”????
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We were all happy with these Hannah Montana episodes. They felt like we had read an entire season’s worth of lore.  But we needed a finale. A big reveal to make it all worth it.
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Shook.  We had been shooketh to the coreth. But i needed more:
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wow. Just wow. Emotional. Tears we shed that night in the Discord voice room.
That’s about we did last night. We tried some Mtl / Cory in the House but we only did like 2 prompts of that (and they were kind of weird idk) But that’s it, I hope you guy’s enjoy my text cotribution to the fandom that isn’t p0rn on twitter haha <3
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mysteriesofloves · 1 year
What would you say are the best gossip girl episodes? the lists I see online are often very chuck-centred….
A DEFINITIVE OBJECTIVE TOP 5 LIST in somewhat particular order (which also happen to be my favs because i have taste):
1. 1x04 bad news blair. NOT just because it’s Thee Dair Episode but because all around it is the strongest episode with the best character work for every character and every plotline is entertaining. it’s grounded and meaningful and beautiful and has multiple scenes that appeal to the thesis of the show (or what should’ve been the thesis of the show) AND ALSO has a wacky and dumb poker scam escapade. that is teen television excellence
2. 1x09 blair waldorf must pie! this is ALSO teen television excellence the drama with the teens and the adults is perfectly balanced it is the only episode that tackles blair’s ed with any sort of sincerity the flashbacks make me want to gnaw drywall it is such a GOOD episode !!!!
3. 1x01 pilot. one the greatest teen tv pilots of all time and just SUCH a good pilot in general. she is lifechanging she is the definition of ICONIC i get chills just hearing the opening whistles of young folks. you’re kind of not invited raised a generation. nostalgia factor alone puts this on top but even that aside it is a very very good episode.
4. 1x11 roman holiday. more of a biased choice i just love this episode it’s cozy and fun and sweet and i think every storyline is well done. it’s just a very good holiday episode and i am a sucker for holiday episodes
5. 1x12 school lies. underrated i think. it’s giving dark academia but in at least a mildly self aware way and i think it’s genuinely one of the most compelling episodes of the show. to me it’s one of those eps that passes just “teen soap” territory and goes into just being a Good Episode Of TV yknow.
these are all from s1 because that’s the only well written season. rest of this list in no particular order is 1x13 (which would’ve made a great finale), 2x18 (THE most entertaining episode and my personal favourite but is unfortunately bogged down by whatever tf chuck is running around doing), 2x19 (just a really good ep. i just love it. crisis blair u will always be famous to me. dan visiting the van der bilt mansion for really no reason other than he was There and Needed something to do u will always be famous to me), 3x02 (SUCH a good episode so funny and does a really really good job at setting up the season that the status quo changes and the characters are tested and evolving! oh wait.), the hamptons episodes and the paris episodes for the VIBES and the AESTHETICS and the LOOKS but not for much else.
season 4 dair arc is obviously my favourite thing ever and also on the entire show but ben (🤮🤮🤮) is also there and raina is putting up with chuck’s bs so it can’t properly make it onto the list because the episodes as a whole are Bad and should be watched through dair youtube clips only/with a finger on the forward button. this applies to s5 dair arc as well.
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honeybeekao · 2 years
top 5 or 10 mlp characters your choice
i'll top 5 since im tired
1. princess cadance - sidenote i prided myself as a child about being able to spell her name right? merchandise would spell it wrong and i thought i was sooo cool. okay anyway i think she's so lovely, her episodes are the best and i think a canterlot wedding is one of the best 2 parters Ever. they outdid themselves there, plus i believe the first mlp thing i ever saw was when it was airing (this and winter wrap up i definitely saw when they aired, but then i went and started from the beginning on netflix i think. fuzzy memory) she's lovecore and sooo sweet and she has the prettiest voice and i love her design..her purple gradient wings are Everything. sunshine sunshine ladybugs awake <333
2. applejack - i love big sibling characters this is very obvious anyway OUGH i love her element, i think it was characterized really well and she's so caring. apple family episodes make me nostalgic and i REALLY love her rivalry with rainbow dash. i dont think they tokenized her honesty i think it was natural and fun and also shes so pretty Love her design. thank you ashleigh ball for your genius
3. the CMC - putting them all because i genuinely cant pick one on her own if that makes sense. i love sweetie belle and think she's really relatable, for whom the sweetie belle toils is one of the Best mlp episodes ever and i stand by it. her learning that not knowing the full story can lead to dangerous assumptions and impulsive behavior is uh. yeah. <3 also her singing is soooo beautiful michelle creber i looove you. theyre all relatable actually, scootaloo oughfh i know exactly what it's like not being able to do something because of being disabled and god. flight to the finish is a heartbreaking episode because she's just pushing herself nonstop to try and achieve something she'll never be able to. and her relationship with rainbow dash also means everything to me, DUDE. "i'm so proud of you little buddy" in we'll make our mark is one of the lines that makes me Cry. the cmc getting their cutie marks DID make me cry and continues to. I LOVE APPLE BLOOM i used to voice her in my little voice acting friend group when i was 13! she's still fun to do a voice for, once again i adore michelle creber! her leadership skills are so cool i always got the sense that she wanted to be like AJ while also very much valuing her individuality. she's intuitive and she vents out her frustrations and i think she's really well written. the duos in the cmc is also really interesting to me.. apple bloom and scootaloo wanting to cause trouble while sweetie belle is their one voice of reason is one of my favorite dynamica. it's a mess, theyre a mess. but theyre also kids and should be allowed to be a mess, theyre wonderful characters. also they have the best songs truly
4. twilight - i dont think i realized how much i liked and related to twilight until like, 2020. i think she's a really good protagonist and i personally had no issue with her getting wings. if u hate it that's cool but im built different. her special interest in reading/learning is soooo good and her hyperlexia coming in handy when they needed to gain information fast was always cool to see. the crystal empire episodes are amazing oh my god i remember watching the pilot to season 3 and losing my MIND king sombra felt Very high stakes and i get heavy nostalgia from any mlp episode with snow in it. i think twilight sacrificing herself is a very important trait in her, because she'd do it a thousand times if it meant saving and protecting others. she's a really good teacher and i really liked the episode where she helps the cmc with their hobbies!! also her getting RD into books is everything. i love twilight i love her conversations with spike, i love that she kinda goes insane sometimes. i love owlicious and her tree library (i dont really like her castle. it's pretty but doesnt feel very . home to me..make this castle a home felt like the writers knew my thoughts HDJSHDJ)
5. rainbow dash - aha okay so RD was my favorite my entire childhood and i think i was justified on that. she's so cool and adhd of all time, but i think at some point i just found more joy in when characters are really thoughtful. not to say she isnt thoughtful, but she's a bit airheaded. ive Loved the wonderbolts costume for as long as i can remember i think it's very gender. also RD's friendship with everyone is important to me. i love that she's able to pull fluttershy out of her shell, i love that her and pinkie have the most energy out of everyone in the show (pinkie pride is a really good episode and also breaks my heart. pinkie pie RSD episode of ever) fall weather friends is one of my favorite episodes, i could watch it over and over!! i love her and AJ's dynamic theyre so fun theyre so cool once again love ashleigh ball. her support for scootaloo makes me weep, the way she cares for tank also puts me in tears. i love her design I LOVE THE WHOLE LORE WITH THE SONIC RAINBOOM. the fact the mane 6 are connected by this One event is bonkers and so rad. i think her loyalty could've been written better, but that's like my only real problem. sometimes the elements are just..not very real feeling cough cough rarity cough
sidenote i love like everyone in the show, mostly. i think discord is so entertaining and a disaster. his friendship with fluttershy is special. also luna ohhh luna is so lovely. her story makes me feel many emotions!! and i love sunset shimmer
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suuho · 1 year
what are your top 10 bls? i need some to watch asap i'm so bored of straight ppl shows ;-;
mhmmm, let me think!
my absolute top bl is to my star 2: our untold stories, the continuation of the little jewel that is to my star. it’s way angstier than the first season and deals with my absolutely favorite trope, exes to lovers, and it was good enough to compel me to open a letterboxd account. like, that’s how good it is.
other than that, i absolutely love manner of death, starring bl royalty maxtul in their most sophisticated offering to date yet. it’s less classic bl and more of a romance/crime drama, and i loved every, even at times unhinged, second of it. if you enjoyed manner of death, you will enjoy bl staple kinnporsche, if you haven’t watched yet.
i love both seasons of we best love, available on weTV. one of the first bls i’ve ever watched and it just did everything so well, i revisit it every now and again. heaps of chemistry.
semantic error is probably the best kbl we have ever gotten and i can only whole heartedly recommend it, classic tsundere and sunshine set in a university, but it is truly just so much more than any trope could ever put into words. perfect casting and amazing chemistry make this the standout among kbls; i just love it so much. but i enjoyed oh! my assistant (despite the fact that i don’t think they stuck the landing that well), the new employee, where your eyes linger, once again (sad ending), tinted with you and long time no see. you make me dance is one of the most underrated picks in my favorites but i just love it; i always enjoy a well-done bit of age gap, and these two have so much chemistry. and it’s just so visually stunning.
i’m working through blueming right now, haven’t finished it yet tho, so i cannot say too much.
crowd favorites that i (mostly) enjoyed, or that are just beloved in general in case you haven’t gotten into it yet: cutie pie, tharntype (reserved rec), love in the air (reserved rec), why r u?, bad buddy, until we meet again, between us and big dragon (had a hard time getting into it but it has some standout episodes), bad buddy, not me, the eclipse. i have watched some of these, haven’t watched others. make of that what you will.
i also defo enjoyed be loved in house: i do. something about taiwan’s style really gets to me, i think it is a little more sophisticated than what we are used to from thai bl but maybe that’s just because i rarely do a trash or pulp watch, and my favorite overall style is probably korean bl; i wish we would get full drama treatments but there’s still a long way to go. anyways.
old fashion cupcake is the perfect bl, in my opinion, and just thinking about it makes me go absolutely crazy. most definite recommendation on this list; i actually think everyone should watch this show, whether you’re a bl fan or not. it’s a beautiful story about how there is no such thing as being too late for love, or for anything in life, really, and i enjoyed it so much.
anyways, long story short, let me try to compile a list of my top 10.
to my star 2: our untold stories (my all time favorite bl. watching season 1 is definitely needed but season 1 is also exceptionally good, so it’s no hardship. i cannot recommend it enough, especially if you enjoy angst. i know some people said this is too angsty, or the amount of angst is not worth the outcome but i disagree. it is real and messy and human, and that’s what i love so much about it. it made me cry way too many times. excellent on all fronts.)
semantic error
old fashion cupcake
manner of death
to my star
we best love (both seasons)
where your eyes linger
be loved in house: i do
long time no see
kinnporsche or you make me dance
honorary mention: beyond evil, strangers from hell, and the devil judge. the bls that should have been.
it’s like 4.30 am here and i’m about to go to sleep, so i hope this makes sense!! also, i might and definitely have forgotten things here, in case i remember i will come back to add on. thank you and have a good day, i hope this could be of some help!
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marthaskane · 2 years
what are your thoughts on ST4 trying to get Steve and Nancy back together? should they? should they stay apart???
i guess my feelings on it are kind of... mixed? this might be a lot of rambling so please see under the cut if you're interested.
on the one hand, i feel like steve has grown away from that relationship in the past couple of seasons (2/3), as has nancy. so to bring it back now kind of feels out of left field? not necessarily in a bad way and i'm not against it, it just feels like there wasn't necessarily build up to justify bringing it back i guess? like how in s1, you could clearly see the romantic tension between jonathan and nancy even though she ended the season with steve. so in s2 when we got jonathan and nancy, it felt right narratively speaking. where as with steve and nancy, we've spent s2/3 firmly with jonathan/nancy as a couple, with steve spending time on his own personal growth (continued from where we left him in 1x08). and some of this growth did include him getting over nancy and it did feel by the end of s3 that he had. (from my own perspective as well, i actually like that steve's primary dynamics in s2 and s3 have been his friendships and i think that i far more valuable to steve at the moment than any romantic connection - which isn't to say he can't have one in the future, just that it's been nice to watch steve form genuine human connections in a platonic sense as this is something he didn't have at the start of the show. and this dynamic has only added to his character growth.)
however, on the other hand, i actually like steve and nancy as a couple. i think they actually work really well together and it was clear in s1 that steve genuinely loved nancy, and it was this connection that kickstarted his growth. and i loved the fact that i wasn't a case of he did those good things just to appease her because she was angry. but he went behind her back to fix his mistakes (he erased the graffiti at the theatre and went to jonathan's to apologise without talking to nancy or expecting to see her), because she inspired him to be a better person and getting her approval for that wasn't the point. and looking at nancy in s1, you can see how she genuinely cares for steve also. she sees that person that he is deep down despite what jonathan, barb or anyone else tries to tell her about steve. i was pleasantly surprised to see nancy end the season still with steve and i loved that decision. come s2, things with them seemed to be going well, steve was still growing as a person and they were both happy. cut to season 4 and all the things i loved about their relationship is still there. steve and nancy still care deeply about each other and they see who the other person truly is and value it. he's still an adorable 'idiot' to her and she's still this 'beautiful' strong figure in his life. the way they protected and looked out for each other as well? i loved it. and the best thing is that they've both grown substantially since s1, and they would likely both be able to handle a relationship in a much more mature way this time.
i guess my issue with it all is that it doesn't feel narratively (right now at least) that they'd do a u-turn on jonathan/nancy, they still feel like they're going to end the show as a couple. we still haven't seen vol.2 so maybe something will happen there to change my mind? but at the moment, with that in mind, i'm concerned that bringing steve/nancy back right now, is only likely a set up to have steve sacrifice himself for nancy in some way. and while there are clearly some cracks in jonathan/nancy, caused by both long distance and their different life ambitions - unlike with s2 steve/nancy, we have yet to actually see jonathan/nancy interact in person. we haven't seen how the cracks are actually affecting their relationship. and again, we haven't had the three of them in a scene together to see the difference in nancy's behaviour there. you know how in the hallway scene in s2 where steve spins nancy and jonathan walks away? it felt like a perfect symbol for the relationship dynamics there - nancy is happy with steve, and jonathan takes himself out of the picture, but nancy can't help but look longingly after him because she's missing something. what she wants here is jonathan despite how happy she may be with steve - that simply isn't enough for her. i think it would be interesting to see how s4!nancy would react in a similar situation, just to get a fair sense of the contrast in how she sees them both if that makes sense? because right now she's only really spent time with steve so far, perhaps the first time alone since his personal growth, so to me it makes sense that she'd look at this person she cared deeply about - her first serious boyfriend(?) - and appreciate the man he has become and have lingering feelings about that.
so despite my like of steve/nancy and their relationship (and believe me when i say, my feelings about jonathan/nancy are mixed at best, so please don't try and make this about genuine preference for j/n because that isn't the case), i guess the narrative itself (despite all the moments they've had) hasn't done enough to convince me that nancy would seriously consider leaving her relationship with jonathan to be with steve. i think it's probably more likely (At least for now) that nancy will stay with jonathan rather than get back with steve.
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kiss2012 · 21 days
bet u all thought u’d seen the last of my 911 lb but u’d be wrong
ali martin in 2x02-2x03 is my queen. she deserved better than being a half-hearted love interest who showed up three times before an off-screen breakup.
im sooooo in love with season 2 eddie
christopher was so small…he was just a baby…cries forever
god eddie’s so beautiful in season 2
and so is maddie…wow
it takes less than an episode for buck’s animosity towards eddie to completely dissolve and for eddie’s defences to completely fall. like five interactions and they’re working together in perfect harmony in the midst of a completely unexpected disaster. and a huge part of that is having to rely on each other with the grenade, so that after that up close and personal emergency they can handle the earthquake easily. but also well firstly eddie complimented buck one (1) time and buck immediately rolled over. and then secondly buck reassured eddie about christopher, enough that eddie even made a joke (a joke!) about it. they say they’ll have each other’s backs and then they Do, so instinctively and automatically even when they barely know each other…it’s like they Already know each other
all this to say. we might end up real close.
heart of a champion guy is one of the calls i teared up at the most when i watched the first time
i loveeee the earthquake i remember getting to the end of 2x02 and being like it CANNOT end there and then it did so i played the first 5min of 2x03
but s2 supremacy fr not only does it start off well but it ends well too whereas 1x10 is a bit forgettable (beyond bathena) and while the tsunami is the best emergency they’ve done 3x18 is meh (train derailment is not that great imo but i’ll have to watch it again to fully decide). end of s4 is obvs incredible but 4x01 (while good) isn’t as amazing as the end. the s5 blackout has a lot of promise but they dropped the ball a bit but end of s5 was good….i don’t even remember 6x01 lol and 6x18’s the weakest finale so far.
every episode should start off exactly like this i’m not even kidding
yes so true pepa eddie is a saint
maddie and eddie are sooooo swoonworthy in season 2 like it’s actually crazy
i love the way chimney’s arc with tatiana was handled
also i love carla they need to bring her back lol where has she been
at the end of the episode buck sits down at the foot of abby’s bed. not even on the bed. the foot of her bed….
i think buck and taylor’s first meeting is actually so damn cute. their relationship is so intensely compelling to me in a really terrible, hot way. though i obviously wish they’d handled things differently in most of s5
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minmin-pal · 11 months
woah, it's definitely going on my watch list now, few posts i've seen talking or reviewing jjba always used complicated gargon so i could never properly pay attention to what they were saying but reading your post was v nice and i can assume you like it a lot, when did you start watching if i could ask?(/notforced)
also thank you for avoiding the spoilers lol, i'm tempted to search up spoilers but now i just wanna enjoy this series and the manga properly so i'll avoid those (really the only 'spoiler' i've ever seen is the "it's me dio" meme, if that even counts as a 'spoiler'?) 
out of curiosity i just searched what j giel looked like, interesting design choices? ig? ;; (/halfjoke) but once again ty for the major spoilers warning, i'm kind of itching to find out for myself now haha
i never realized the artstyle of jjba has changed so much actually? i've seen late 3-early 4 artstyle so finding out about this style diversity is actually so cool, it really matches the years they were in well, early part 1 reminds of me some of the hero comics i've seen from around those years as well. this chart manages to show the changes v well though, it looks so pretty
and now that you mention it, kira dude does look like david bowie now that i think about it, and woah he has an entire season/arc? is he a major character or some kind? (/genquestion) i'm looking forward to watching that season now, the 'slice of life/detective drama' combo sounds interesting and i've never thought to combine those before so i'm hyped (/gen)
i just searched rohan and joseph's designs too, they look super cool! could I ask whose your favorite and disliked characters in csm?
(long post,,,,, dont press read more if u dont really care cuz . long post)
yes it should!!!11! i started watching/reading it in... 2019/2020 i think. it was when i lived in my old house so it was sometime around there my brother actually recommended it to me!! we watched it together, and we've watched every season (other than the latest- stone ocean. we watched it separately for that one) together and it honestly probably is part of why i love it so much because i generally associate him with it haha
you shouldnt spoil it AT ALLL its such a great series and stone ocean was so bad for me because i already knew the entire ending (cuz i read the manga) so watching the anime. was intensely sorrowing because it was all so stunningly beautiful and heart moving and yada yada but i knew what was gonna happen!!! all the suspense was gone!!!
and and and. i feel like even with j geil it just shows how DYNAMIC or whatever the art style is.. like
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hes DISGUSTING but it fits!!! even when you watch the show the overall style change may really not register until you sit back and think aboutit because its like a gradual switch, a really pretty switch though since it really just shows the magaka (hirohiko araki) growing and learning with the series its really beautiful
im slightly sure kira was based off him but i really cant be sure his design can 100% be since alot of things in the show starting part 3 i think are like references to bands and songs-- kira for example's power, killer queen, like the song by queen has a power called bites the dust and sheer heart attack, just like the albums/songs from queen aswell its really smart isnt it?? and kira really is important. i wont elaborate but hes really important in season 3/part 4 (season one has the first two parts, "phantom blood" and "battle tendency" then every part after is its own season-- probably because part 1 and 2.. well.. are different to the rest- youll see why) if u watch it youll either love him cuz hes kinda lovable when u ignore his Biggest "Flaw" (a character flaw, like a trait not flaw as in story flaw). or youll love him cuz every scene with him atleast to me is really. uhh i forgot the word in english : D enthralling? rohans designs are honestly. the best designs in jojo to me and the main reason for that is kinda cuz theyre pretty not bizarre (in comparison.)
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it also has to do with part 4's coloring aswel, like i cant find the image but his hair is just. blue one time (and purple i think) just cuz they never really do that uch after part4 which is so sad.. but its okay because it makes part 4 more unique also. rohans outfits change it might not seem like much but rohans outfits. change probably becuz hes araki's self insert so hes always making him cool (like in stone ocean where,,, uhh.. basically something happens and time is speeding up a bit, and no mangakas can make manga becuz their ink drys up too fast, and rohan is the only mangaka whos still pushing out manga- cuz of his powers) Im. rambling. UHH ive started chainsaw man only recently so i cant go as in depth as jojo but once ive finished. well if i finish ill definitely have new opinions for now though i love kobeni
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shes just. she shes!! MEE :sob: shes just so relatable i love her so much (SAME WITH ASA. BUT I JUST. LIKE KOBENI MORE) i also HAVE to say i like denji for the same reason i like joseph really hes just hilairious (though it really depends on your sense of humor. if u dont like dark...? i wouldnt say dark... humor, but definitely not for like. 12 year old or something you know. u might not like denji- or csm in general
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the character i dislike has to be...... uh makima i guess i wont say why cuz. MAJOR SPOILERS!! but shes kinda :thumbsdown: to me HER WRITINGS GOOD AND I LIKE. HER EXISTING but as a person.......
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scattered-winter · 1 year
qpr buddietalia... <333 my third eyes is wide open, thank u <3
btw, i agree with the disclaimer you posted! my relationship with Buddie The Ship and Buddie The Fandom are two very very very different things that i need to keep separate for my own sanity. you see, i love canon buddie as they are, and i personally do not think that it's realistic for them to become a romantic couple as of now (but you never know if there will be a massive shift in writing in the future), but i definitely love how people use the canon moments to write beautiful romantic buddie fanfics. their canon closeness and silliness and chemistry is superb fodder for my heart and soul– and what people do with it to create heartwarming stories is fantastic! it's a lovely ship that is blessed with tons of amazing writers.
however, around season 4, the buddie tumblr fandom started getting more hateful and the hate for other characters (especially female ones) got so loud and disproportionate that i simply had to unfollow the entire fandom. i could not even read buddie fic for 2 years and deleted most of my bookmarks of it because i could not stand the ship anymore. it left a horrible bitterness in my mouth imagining the characters even. and that was so sad to experience because ik that ultimately, the characters and the ship itself are not to blame. but the fandom experience was able to poison everything else to me, so i had to leave it behind for awhile. stopped watching 911, stopped seeing any 911 content on my dash. now, i am back to casually watching the show, and i can enjoy buddie fics again (thankfully, most of them tag character bashing correctly, so it feels safe enough to me), but i decided to never engage with any other buddie content (gifsets and such). i tried, but i often end up seeing twisted facts or misinterpretations or character hate interwoven in them that i just cannot stand anymore. i am a firm believer that buck and eddie girlies (gn) would actually kill each other if they weren't shipping buddie, but that's a totally different can of worms about the 911 fandom that i don't wanna open here lol.
what i mean to say is... enjoying a ship does not mean that we have to be 100% uncritical of the fandom! i do not think that you are a hater for bringing up reasonable critique! it can be a difficult balancing act sometimes, though, with how fast others sometimes judge fellow shippers in bad faith. i hope that whoever enjoys buddie in any capacity knows that they can enjoy it however they like, and that they should never feel pressured to enjoy it a certain way just because the fandom seems to dictate it. all this should be about your personal joy! romantic or platonic or qp buddie?? it's all good, as long as you enjoy yourself imo.
sending love, i hope you have a great day today! <3
YEAH I'm sorry it's been such a bad experience for u !! it always sucks ass when fandom takes the fun out of something :(
THANKFULLY I've sort of curated a little corner for myself in the fandom where I'm basically doing whatever the fuck I want and if everyone else leaves me alone I leave them alone (what I like to call Ye Olde Wild Animal Method) (and I don't think I have enough actual influence in this fandom to really piss anyone off which works for me I'm just vibing) and so far it's been working for me!! but I wasn't in the fandom to experience the Big Shift so. who can say. if there's anything the dc fandom has taught me, it's how to ignore 90% of a fandom for ur own sanity ndbsmvslsb
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