#wild i love you but why did you have a ton of details
layraket · 8 months
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FINALLY DONE! spent a lot of time doing this lol
Wild is the most hunting type of the predators bc prefer to keep a lot of food, and now traveling with others makes him recollect more mostly for the carnivores
Twilight, on the other side, doesn't like the idea of hunting when still they have food, he will just do it when needed. Also he knows that for Wild the blupees being spirits didn't stopped him to try how they taste
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lixxen · 4 months
Idk how well text posts do on Trolls Tumblr, but I have so many thoughts rn and want to talk about feral Branch details.
Feral Branch HC:
Branch has fur, claws on both his feet and hands, his ears move like a cat, and he can see better in the dark
"Feral Trolls" are gray trolls who have adapted from being away from others. Trolls have a built in instinct that recognizes strength in numbers. You see this with rainbow trolls being able to change their colors/auras, and all trolls being able to manipulate their hair. Gray trolls cannot change their aura, but they are around others so they can stay normal
But isolated gray trolls biologically change due to them not being around others. This happens over years, and not automatic. Once a troll changes like this, they cannot undo it. So this is why Branch cannot go back to "normal" physically, even tho he isn't gray and around others
(there's also a psychological/self actualization part. Gray trolls tend to see themselves as the problem and rainbow trolls end up more likely to becoming "feral" looking due to their ability to change their aspects.)
All genres have feral trolls, all presenting differently. Rock and pop are the most similar since they are the two physically closest looks wise
Normal trolls are omnivores, but eat more plants since their digestive systems and body needs focus more on plants. Feral trolls need more meat, but are still omnivorses
If I can get psychological, a lot of their "feral tendencies" are actually just trauma responses and bad socialization issues due to isolation. A lot of responses are stemmed from fear and anger, so lashing out/growling/swiping at others is normally out of fear or response. Plus having to survive in the wild, y'know?
Okay. Done with that part, let's get into Branch!
Branch likes to be in trees and high ground. It comes from living in a pod in the troll tree, but he lives in the bunker because it's safer. So you'll find him in trees normally because he likes being high
Branch normally hibernates during the winter, but ever since he met Poppy he stopped hibernating. This makes him horribly grumpy during the snow season
Not shown: Branch loving his ears to be scratched. Her more sensitive than normal and he loves them being pet. He also loves to lay on top of people. It comes from the need of warmth and him thinking that others need warmth.
He wouldn't lick others, since they don't have fur. But if he's around other feral trolls he'd definitely lick them.
His parents were both half rock and half pop trolls. They both looked like rainbow pop trolls, and the rock parent (dad) did not live in the troll tree. Grandma Rosiepuff was the maternal grandmother and a pop troll
The parents names were Briar and Melody
Branch has the need to burrow all the time. It comes from years in the bunker and from hiding from danger in the earlier years. You will see him burried in someone's bed probably.
Branch is really good at math and science once he starts learning and back into the village. It comes naturally to him. He wants to be a pod architect because it comes naturally to him
Clay and Bruce follow the same thing, where Clay really likes accounting and Bruce loves to run business.
Floyd is the best at performing, with JD behind him. JD though is actually really good at taking care of others and survival. Surprisingly JD can garden and keep a ton of plants alive to feed himself.
Branch and Clay are autistic with different levels of support needed. Branch needs less support while Clay needs more. Thought I'd mention this.
Clay and Viva were best friends before the Troll Tree attack. The others did not know this. Viva and JD are the ones that helped Clay learn better coping mechanisms when the band started to sour
Branch is more sensitive to sound and light. He hates fireworks and doesn't like to be touched unless he knows the person
Ablaze is the one who mainly is teaching Branch coping mechanisms for his PTSD. Poppy is his support throughout everything, but she doesn't know how to help someone heal.
Branch mandates Kismet group cuddles. This dude it touched starved and they’re the only ones he is comfortable like that other than Poppy
Even after Branch is able to speak again, as he was nonverbal when he met Poppy and by Trolls 2 he is speaking again, he prefers to be quiet and doesn't talk as much. It is simply preference at this point
Branch likes to interlock his tail with Poppy's when they're not touching, but close enough :)
I might do more later, but I am about to go into work :)
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jazziejax · 1 month
PR & Matchmaking
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Pairing- Callum Turner x OC! India Hayes
Summary- The flirtatious banter between two co-stars that are trying to make the most of their PR contract while also wondering if what they’re felling is real or not.
Warnings- none
Author’s Note- I haven’t written anything on here in so long so please be easy one me guys. I just wanted to post something because it’s been a while and I felt like Callum Turner needed more love.
Word Count- 2,131
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Lights were flashing like crazy and the people were going wild as they walked onto the carpet. Tonight was the premiere of Masters of The Air, a drama miniseries on Apple TV that explores the aerial wars of WWII through enlisted men of the Mighty Eighth Air Force.
At first, the red carpet was filled with the men from the show, some posing for the perfect shot while others did interviews to talk about the show. Though all were dapper as the cameras clicked and flashed to capture their noticeable charm. One of the stars, Callum Turner, was in the middle of answering a question after being asked what was his biggest takeaway from a show like this.
“I mean, it’s taught me a lot. More than I knew it would, which is always great. Working with such amazing people has to be the greatest takeaway—.” The sound of his words were barely audible under the screams of the crowd. His face morphed into a shell of shock for only the briefest moment before he chuckled and turned his head to see what that commotion was about. His first assumption was that it was Austin and Barry offering tons of fanservice with their flirtatious banter.
But he couldn’t have been more wrong.
He could hardly see through the flashing lights but he could discern one name through what the photographers were saying.
“India, this way!”
Even though he wasn’t facing the camera fully, it still caught the smile that graced his lips at the sound of the woman's name. From another angle, you could see him looking down the carpet at the girl in black, staring at her figure as she posed.
Realizing he’s still on camera and was in the middle of talking, Callum chuckled as she turned back to his interviewer. “Speaking of amazing—.” He laughed along with the guy, gesturing to the woman down the carpet.
“Did you guys and the Angels of War cast get to do any work together? Can we expect to see a crossover?” The man asked before holding his mic out to Callum. Said man pursed his lips, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “I can’t say, you have to watch the show and see.” He joked.
Moments later, India was being asked her own set of questions.
“We’ve all seen Angels of War, we all loved it. It was great. But I must know what you think of Masters of the Air.” The woman asked her.
India smiled, prepared for her words to soon come bite her in the ass. “I loved it, it was so amazing and so detailed that you couldn’t help but fall in love it.” India smiled, her southern accent strong on her tongue. “I felt so connected to the characters because of such great acting.” She offered a soft smile. “But it was hard payin’ attention in some scenes because everyone was so sexy.” She laughed along with interviewer.
“Right! I’m glad you said it before I did.” The woman with the mic spoke.
“Yeah, but I’m gonna watch anything with Callum Turner in it.” India winked with a small smirk on her lips. This caused the interviewer to make a sound of excitement, knowing she just got her clip of the week. India just smiled and laughed along, knowing she was working her PR arm a little too much. But she liked riling people up, it’s why she was so loved.
“I have to agree with you, I am the same way with Henry Cavil.” The woman chuckled. Her eyes moved a tad to catch a glimpse of a tall figure dressed in black behind India’s shoulder. “And speaking of Callum Turner.” She beamed.
India turned her torso to see said man not too far from them walking somewhere along the outskirts of the red carpet, a few people straggling behind him. Seeing movement out of the corner of his eye, Callum glanced to his left to see India and the interviewer staring at him, the camera slightly angled his way. A large smile made its way onto his face as he walked closer.
“Callum!” India said excitedly, opening her arms in invitation. His eyes disappeared behind the folds on his cheeks as he moved to embrace the woman once he made it to her. She wrapped her arms his neck while his went to her waist. Her height and hills made it to where her head fit almost perfectly within the nook of his neck. As she moved back slightly to grab a hold of his jaw and place a firm kiss on his cheek, his hands traveled from her waist to her hips. His large hands almost sitting on top of her bottom. Since they weren’t as close to the mic as they were before, the camera couldn’t pick up on any of what was being said.
“Did you play it up before I got here?” India asked through a smile as she drug her hand from his face to his chest.
“Why yes I did, darling.” He beamed down at the girl. “And I can see you are trying to upstage me.” He said before starting to rub his hands up and down the curve of her back. The tips of his middle fingers grazing one another as they traversed the span of her waist. India then made a dramatic sad face, her large eyes never leaving his. “Oh, never that.” She cooed. “I am just trying to get us both paid.” She cheesed before turning around to finish her interview. Callum followed after her, keeping his hand around her waist.
“Sorry about that. Speak of the devil and he shall appear and all that.” India said sarcastically, nodding her head over to the man behind her. The interviewer laughed, looking between the two. “It’s so good to now have you here with us, Callum, how are you?” She asked.
“I’m doing far better now that I’ve seen her.” The man smirked, glancing down at the woman on his arm as his hand moved from her hip to lying flat on her stomach. . India dramatically rolled her eyes at him, moving to place her hand on top of his. “He’s so cheesy.” She said.
“Only for the right price.” His voice said above her head. India burst into a fit of chuckles, angling her head to look up at the man without turning around. They shared a knowing look before going back to looking at the interviewer, who was red in the face from just watching their interactions.
“Well aren’t you two quite the pair!” She exclaimed. “Are we going to be seeing your characters together any time soon? I think it’s time for Loretta to settle down.” She asked before holding out the mic.
“Well, first off, Loretta needs no man!” India said, sassily waving her finger, causing the others to chuckle. “She probably would have liked one in a time such as then but needed one? No thank you.” She joked, although her words had a seemingly undertone due to the topic of her statement. “And secondly, you’ll just have to wait and see. I wouldn’t get my hopes up though.” She shrugged.
“Well, those are all the question I had for you, thank you two so much for being here!” She said excitedly.
“No, thank you for having us.” India said before giving the woman a small hug, Callum’s hand moving to her waist as she moved. She then finished her hug and walked away with Callum on her hip.
“Do you think we’re laying it on thick?” India asked, looking up at him. Callum looked down at her, the lights reflecting of her big eyes. She had a black silk scarf on her head on the carpet, but it was no gone, along with her shades, to show her short cut. He brought his hand up to the back of her neck, playing with the small hairs there. “No, I don’t think so.” He said, his suave demeanor dropping in a second of comfortability with her. “And if so, isn’t that kind of the point?” India didn’t answer his rhetorical question, caught up in the feeling of his hands playing in her short hair.
“We have the same haircut.” She said after a moment of silence, the two just staring at each other. Callum’s blue eyes twinkled in the light as he smiled at her. “Yeah, we do.”
“Although I think mines a little better, maybe I can give you my barbers number?” He finished before walking away from her. India’s mouth dropped but wasn’t for long as she caught up to his long legs and hit him in the arms. “I cannot believe you said that. You know I look way better than you with his haircut.” She sassed, rolling her eyes at the man before walking faster than him. Callum smiled his eyes following her figure as she walked back to the red carpet, where her life long friend, Janelle, was gesturing her over on the carpet with the rest of the Angels of War cast.
India scurried over, her and Janelle standing in the middle with the other girls on the side, all posing for the camera. Callum stood off on the side, looking at them while the lights flashed behind him. His eyes were trained on India as she and Janelle exchanged words before bubbling into laughter.
After a while longer, India looked over and made eye contact with him. They both immediately smiled at each other, eyes showing nothing but pure affection. She then detached one of her arms from Janelle and beckoned him over. Callum slightly shook his head. Seeing his hesitation, her face became serious as she beckoned him over again, although her movements were a little harsher this time. He was about to reject the offer again before his shoulder jerked forward slightly. His glanced back to his Austin gesture his head over to the carpet before walking off and over to his girlfriend Janelle, although no one else knew that piece of information.
He followed after him, his eyes locked on India playfully stern ones, the rest Masters of the Air cast following behind him and Austin. Once he made it to her, her eyes softened as he slipped behind her. While they waited for everyone to settle into their places, she smiled up at him before leaning back a little, her back met his torso. Her head laid on his chest as she looked up at him with a big fake smile. Callum looked down at her, staring into the eyes he thought looked beautiful from any angle. Trapped within her gaze, he leaned down a little, the tip of his large nose brushing against her forehead as he sniffed her. India crunched her eyebrows at him before raising her head to look back at the cameras. She still had her back against him, although you couldn’t tell unless you got a side angle.
“Enough of your flirting.” Austin piped up behind his smile as he glanced over at the pair dressed in all black.
“What, are we outshining the real couple?” Callum asked, smirking over at his friend.
“Outshine?” Austin asked. “Oh, you don’t even wanna know the things I’d do if we were public.” He finished, his grip tightening on Janelle’s waist as he continued to pose for the pictures. Said woman’s face flushed as she laughed and glanced up at him. They looked at each other for the briefest of seconds before going back to their original poses.
“This whole thing is so backwards.” India scoffed with a smirk on her face as the camera flicked to catch the moment between Austin and Janelle. Callum looked down at her and placed his hand on her hip, squeezing her fat as he sensed she was getting irritated. “Oh, but you love it.” He said joked, his deep voice vibrating through the both of them. Although she didn’t look up at him, India smiled at his words. “Yeah…you got me there.” She said, but couldn’t decide whether she was serious or not.
Social media went into a complete frenzy over those two. Clips of their cute moments floating all around the internet, some “fake”, you could say and others more authentic. Stills of Callum staring at India so lovingly were all over her feed, almost sending their girl into a spiral from seeing her own face that much. Compilations of every time they interacted during the premiere had millions of views as everyone speculated what they were. People were talking about the pair for weeks, which is just what their management wanted.
Indiahayes ✓⃝
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likes by austinbutler, keoghan92, and 567,842 others
indiahayes happy masters of the air day!! go watch the show full of sexy men that kiss! ;)
view 7,627 comments
janellethat no one kissed guys :(
⤷ Indiahayes hush, don’t spoil the show!
callumsnumber1gurl let’s talk about these premiere photos hun!
callumturnerburner you and Callum look soo good together!!
⤷ austinbutlerbutt you are not sneaky at all
austinbutler Angels of War sister! 🤍
⤷ Indiahayes Masters of the Air brother!🖤
anthonyboyle why are you and Nina on the furniture?
⤷ ninasimone because we’re American 🇺🇸 🦅
randosuper3 it’s times like this where I wish Callum had an instagram 😔
lovelyrando you and Callum looked amazing together and I hope what you guys have lasts long
auatinslove are we just not going to talk about Janelle and Austin? What’s going on there???
⤷ indiassuperfan7 adults being adults
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artsyannierose · 9 months
Nene’s Dead Corpse and her ghost bf
randomly made a crap ton more sense to me
fricking school (screw school I hate you (no not rly I’m just stressed))
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Anyway I’m a biomed class where unit 1 is studying medical investigations forensic science style
and one of the things is like, what happens to a person after the body has been dead for a while (post mortem or sum, see im learning :D)
Things like algor mortis, livor mortis, I’ve heard of. In fact I’ve even studied the clouding of the corneas before, but it never got to me till today
maybe it’s cause I cannot for the life of me study forensics without my wild imagination giving me nightmares or just panicking when I’m alone but aNyWays
I tend to imagine characters associated with death in these scenarios so I don’t lose it in class💀
*cough* Nene *cough cough*
So as I was taking notes on the slideshow, some of the images of clouded corneas reminded me strangely of something familiar, but at that point I couldn’t tell. There’s something haunting about the eyes (or maybe it’s just my over-analytical brain loving small details like this) they’re GORGEOUS
Maybe it’s ‘cause the true color of the iris is completely visible in all its glory, without the pupil obscuring it
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(something like this?? A little vivid tho lol)
but like
there’s no
no reflection, no emotion…nothing (which is so hauntingly beautiful leave me alone I’m a sucker for this now)
it’s literally just an eye with nothing but color
and then it hit me…it’s exactly the look Nene had when Mirai fast-forwarded her time
you can see in the image it’s just her plain magenta eyes with a fuzzy de-saturated blob in the center…aka clouded corneas
And that honestly made me realize that in this scene she’s not—she’s not even unconscious
No she’s literally, physiologically dead
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she is literally a dead body this hits me so hard😭😭
and I can imagine algor mortis kicked in by then, her body was probably cold to the touch
so imagine how he felt, and I’m aware people have analyzed his emotions but just think about it
he’s always seen her so full of life and hope, and now all he has left is an empty shell of her, cold and dead with no life left inside
…just like him
the more I think about it Hanako is just an animated corpse
he has no reflection in his eyes most of the time because he is ✨dead✨
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I mean Mei, Mitsuba, and Hanako don’t have a little white reflection dot like Nene and Kou
Or maybe I’m overthinking it and Nene’s eyes are just super reflective
even for someone who presumably took his own life, he probably never saw tsukasa’s body start postmortem and actually feel dead bc it looked extremely bloody ngl (I’m guessing he killed himself right after 💔)
and now he’s holding someone he cares about like this for the first time and I’ll bet that scarred him
and he figured out that never, never ever did he ever want to see his sweet assistant like this again, lifeless in his arms
and so after that, cue Hanako in his villain era who basically became a yandere the entire picture perfect lmao
and he was unbelievably adamant about it too
I mean honestly if I held anybody I knew lifeless like that I’d be scarred for life and crying for days
seeing the light drained from someone’s eyes is so interestingly sad to me
Look at the difference:
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vs Sad/Determined
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vs Depressed (ig??)
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vs Dead
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She still has so much emotion in her eyes
and then d e a d
literally looks like a porcelain doll
wait she looks so pale in the last image compared to the others now that I think about it
I love aidairo’s eye for detail it’s so fun to figure out
Well anyways thanks for coming to my Ted Talk essay atp-
send help
anyways excuse me while I grab a box of strawberries to munch on and cry my eyes out all over my homework before I sleep-
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respectthepetty · 9 months
Dear Respect the Petty,
I have long enjoyed your posts about colors etc (like, to the extent that when you went on vacation I was legit sad), but I don't usually notice those details in shows by myself.
However, today, in Only Friends ep 4, something was so blatant that I finally picked up on it, and I have a question.
When Ray came to apologize to Mew for kissing him without consent, Mew was in the kitchen in this warm lighting, whereas Ray quickly moved into a dark blue space. The contrast was wild. And then Mew came closer to Ray and hung out in this half-and-half space with some blue on him.
I'm proud of myself for noticing something, but I don't know what it means about these boys/their colors/their mental states/their relationship.
Got any thoughts?
Thanks for sharing your insights (about this and also in general)!
@sorry-bonebag, this ask was so formal in structure, that I got a little scared. I felt like I had to answer it even though I have no less than ten other asks chilling in my inbox about the colors in Only Friends. But, honest moment here - I don't notice the colors when Khaotung is on my screen because I'm mesmerized by his beauty.
Like, LOOK at him!
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I didn't even know what color that background was because my sight stopped at his face, and yellow is my favorite color! The jawline, the hair, the lips, the face, THE MAN! LOOK AT HIM!
So unlike Boston and Nick, who favor being in the dark together
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Even when they have the opportunity for light, (God, I love their toxic asses)
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I don't recognize color when Ray enters the room, not really at least. Of course, I noticed my little red flag being a demon ruining Sand's night by stalking him and breaking Sand's bottles, but only because Ray's lips really popped with that red background.
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Just like the bar sign really made his lips pop that other time he was ruining Sand's night by suggesting a threesome at his house.
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And because I like Boss "No Boundaries" Ton being lit up with the red lights while looking at photos, I did notice the transition into Ray's room focused on the red which then shifted to Ray pouring drinks.
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But it's really because the opening credits only show the bar, the photos, and the alcohol in red because they are the dangers of this show.
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So, like I was saying, I don't notice the colors because I'm captivated by Ray's glowing skin, which is why it pisses me off every time he is with Mew because Mew gets the Linda Evangelista treatment while Ray is forced into the shadows EVEN IN HIS OWN HOME!
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Ray is usually watching Mew from the shadows or being overshadowed by Mew, literally! Mew is always sitting in front of Ray cutting him off from the light source.
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Which is why I like it when Ray is with Sand because my little Ray of sunshine thrives. Even in the darkness, his skin is glowing!
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The car ride the first night when Sand stopped him from driving drunk? Angelic like the heavens are shining on him! *bites knuckles*
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But then again, that's how we were introduced to the boys in class. The spotlight was on Mew, Ray was in his shadow, and Boston was in the dark. (Chuem, you're doing great, hon!)
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So you telling me that Mew, once again, gets to be in the warm light, while my visually stunning man who has never done a bad thing in his life (except, you know, the laundry list of bad shit he has done) gets the cool light even though they are IN THE SAME APARTMENT . . .
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*takes a deep breath* It tracks.
But I'm glad that Mew stepped into the cool light with Ray as Ray apologized.
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Because they are friends, and Mew has proven that although he can't give Ray light, he is willing to share some of Ray's darkness.
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Which tells me that it isn't really Mew stealing light from Ray
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But instead, Ray needs to step out into the light and embrace the warmth that others openly give him.
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So I'm very proud of you for noticing this, and know that I'm really rooting for Ray realizing how good Sand is for his skin, I mean heart . . . no, I mean skin, so I can continue to enjoy the radiant being that is Khaotung when he gets that good lighting.
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Thanks for the ask, and I'll try not to get entranced by Khaotung's flawless features, so I can notice cool visuals like you.
Wish me luck!
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gffa · 1 year
Hey! What are your favorite Obi-Wan-centric books/comics, if I may ask? Have a nice day and may the force be with you
Hi! I have a bunch that I've enjoyed! Trying to keep this as Obi-Wan-centric as I can, though, honestly, for as much as he appears in a lot of stuff, he's not necessarily always the center of the best stuff for his character. NOVELS - CANON:
Padawan by Kiersten White - This book dethroned all other books for me to take the #2 spot of Lumi's Favorite Star Wars Book Ever! It's charming, it's thoughtful, it's good-natured, it's funny, it had a fun adventure, it gave Obi-Wan some hellion little best friends as a Padawan, and just made me fall in love with the world all over again.
Choose Your Destiny: An Obi-Wan & Anakin Adventure by Cavan Scott - The CYD books (same concept as Choose Your Own Adventure books) can be an acquired taste, but I found so many lovely moments in this book, some genuinely delightful details (MACE WINDU THEATRE NERD) and some great Obi-Wan & Anakin moments. Plus, Bant Eerin recanonization!
Brotherhood by Mike Chen - I have talked at length about the problems with the Anakin parts of this book (basically: if you take it at face value, it's pretty vile towards a Black character), but I have a ton of affection for the Obi-Wan half of this book. The way he moves with his feelings, acknowledges them and lets them pass through him, the way he genuinely cares about the Neimoidians, the way he tries to be thoughtful and you can see how deeply he cares about Anakin, is all really good.
From a Certain Point of View: A New Hope (specifically the first one, not the second one) has three short stories that are stellar for Obi-Wan: "Master and Apprentice" by Claudia Gray (make sure it's the ANH anthology, not the full novel by the same author), "There is Another" by Gary D. Shmidt, and "Time of Death" by Cavan Scott. All have either really lovely insights into Obi-Wan's character during ANH or have him being utterly hilarious.
Revenge of the Sith by Matthew Stover - While not actually perfect, there are some things I don't fully agree with or think the book matched what was on the screen, when this book gets it right, it gets it so right that no other book has ever compared. This utterly elevates what was already my favorite Star Wars movie, and this man can turn a hell of a phrase.
Wild Space by Karen Miller - This is a book that I could pick apart in a lot of ways (it feels like two half-books stitched together rather than one coherent story, it doesn't earn its ending, it doesn't really do justice to the Jedi), but I love it because it's such an utterly dramatic book, everything about the events is larger than life, and has a spar with Obi-Wan and Anakin where he smacks Anakin on the ass, touches his face and tells him he did well and the look on Anakin's face in return almost makes Ahsoka cry because she's so touched, and contains the phrase "wringing wet and blowing hard" about their duel. Like, that's the kind of chaos you're in for and it's AMAZING.
Obi-Wan by Christopher Cantwell - It's only a five issue mini-series but it's a great look at Obi-Wan's character at various points in his life and I had so much to say about it, so I really felt it held up to analysis, and it really brought the feelings.
Obi-Wan & Anakin by Charles Soule - Another five issue mini and it does not get near enough credit for being tremendously well plotted and illustrating a lot of bigger points about Obi-Wan, Anakin, the Jedi, and the Republic, why good people were making the best choices available to them. Also, the single most gorgeous art I have ever seen in a comic.
Any of the Age of Republic comics by Jody Houser - These were a series of oneshots focused on various heroes and villains, and if you're specifically looking for Obi-Wan content, the Obi-Wan one and the Anakin one were FANTASTIC looks at the character.
Clone Wars: Battle Tales by Michael Moreci - Another mini-series and IIRC Obi-Wan was only in some of them, but he got some truly great moments of defending the clones and being an amazing leader in them.
COMICS - LEGENDS: These are so much harder because they're so spread out and often times it's just one or two issues that even have Obi-Wan in them. Ones I do remember enjoying:
The Clone Wars: The Smuggler's Code by Justin Aclin - A short graphic novel where Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka go on a beach vacation and run into a criminal from Obi-Wan's past and the entire story is UTTERLY UNHINGED, it's so hilariously over the top that I hyena laugh ever time I read it.
The Republic series from Dark Horse had a bunch of good Obi-Wan moments in it, if you don't mind paging through a lot of other characters. It's about all the Jedi, so they all get their turns, so I would suggest getting this one from your local library to find the issues you're most interested in!
Honestly, so much of reading SW books and comics is the willingness to pick out small fragments of gold amidst the bigger blargghh, like would I recommend Jedi Apprentice or Jedi Quest as some of my favorites? No, probably not, but that doesn't mean that Jude Watson didn't know how to turn a hell of a phrase and that I won't pull out fantastic quotes from those books! Would I recommend the Titan magazine comics? No, they're charming but the art is wonky a lot and they're too short to really go into much depth. If anyone has any comics recs to include, feel free to add on! The novels were easier to remember, but there have been so many comics that I feel like I'm missing some obvious ones.
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spacevixenmusic · 1 year
Unfairly Maligned Games, Vol. 1
Games I loved that got low scores, review bombed, or have some other weird negative stigma attached to them that I think is unfairly earned.
NOTE: I don't believe in giving games a number score or a letter grade. Maybe I'm just bad at criticism or very easy to please, whatever.
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Battleborn [2016]
One of my personal favorite games of all time, Battleborn was advertised as a hero-based PVP shooter with MOBA mechanics that unfortunately came out right alongside one of the biggest games of the PVP shooter genre ever released (Overwatch). Thanks to this poor timing, Battleborn - along with several other similar but different games - was doomed to failure, choked to death by Blizzard's infinite marketing resources and predatory Free Play Weekends that just mysteriously happened to occur on the same weekends as its "competitors" major updates, DLC releases, promo events, etc. Battleborn is no longer available to play ANYWHERE as of January 2021; so few people played it after it was review bombed as "the game your mom bought you when you asked for Ovewatch for xmas" (yes Blizz fans used that fucking Simpsons meme TO DEATH, it's their one joke they have about Battleborn) that the game's servers had to be shuttered so the money could be funneled into Gearbox's much bigger cash cow release at the time, Borderlands 3.
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Sour grapes aside, Battleborn was in many ways the game that many people actually wish Overwatch was now. In addition to the PVP game, Battleborn had a co-op campaign mode - complete with a story, cutscenes, and unique character dialogue depending on who you brought to each mission - which could be played for character XP (ability tree unlocks), random gear loot (for use in either campaign mode or PVP), and character cosmetics. The 30 playable characters were wildly varied in terms of design and gameplay, and yes I have to point it out every time, Battleborn had both "cute tiny animal in a mech suit" and playable black women BEFORE Overwatch did. The game also featured a very impressive and highly slept-on visual aesthetic that felt like every Saturday Morning Cartoon I ever grew up with from the 80s/90s, featuring a wild blend of 3D and 2D animation that all the other hero PVP games WISH they could have matched.
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And damn, dude. If you like Lore in your video games, there was a TON of material written for this one. And I'm not just talking about supplemental media like a comic or a wiki or an interview about cut content or whatever. I mean there was a metric FUCK TON of additional world-building material right there in the game. Each character came with a set of challenges you could complete which would give you the usual XP and money, but also unlocked a fun little tidbit of Lore about the universe. These came in the form of short stories, recorded conversations, email logs, forum posts, shipping manifests, and even fully voiced segments explaining details about each character, who they were, why they were fighting this war, and some fun little ways of explaining how their weapons or abilities worked. For example, Reyna holds her laser pistol on its side, gangster-style, because she wanted to use a very specific gun model, had its internal parts stripped out so she could use an ammo clip of a much stronger caliber than that model was supposed to be capable of, but in order for the chamber to reload correctly, the gun had to sit a bit cockeyed. And that fun little nugget is just sitting there, right in the game, for you to discover! It's fucking cool as hell!
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Now I know you're itching to make a joke about there only being like 15 people who even played the game. Yes, I've seen the Active Player Steam charts meme. It's true, Battleborn had a very small, but also very dedicated, community. Despite that, there were so few people playing that we all ended up making friends with each other pretty quickly. It was one of the friendliest PVP communities I'd ever been a part of. We knew there weren't many people online, so we created an environment that felt comfortable for players new and veteran alike. Many of us are still friends today, outside of the game. Because there were so few people online, we also got to play regularly with Gearbox devs and game writers, and even one of the voice actors responsible for at least three of the game's characters (plus a few NPCs!). We organized and hosted our own events, got official backing from the devs for Double XP weekends, held art jams and hashtag celebrations. Hell, I even used my love of this game to jumpstart my serious foray into music by making an entire album of songs for its characters (complete with a bunch of commissioned fan art from the community)!
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(art by Leaddybum)
So yeah. Rest in peace, Battleborn. You were ahead of your time and the hate and harassment you got from The Gamers was completely undeserved. I will always keep hope alive that you'll come back to us some day. Maybe as a sequel, maybe in a new format. There was so much more left to explore in that universe.
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May our battle never end.
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hatosaur · 9 months
How exactly did you come to love TLOU? I have my own special interests that just happened upon me, so I want to know about how it was for others. also, any other games that you like?
you've asked the golden question so strap in because this is gonna be LONG:
i first got into tlou through part 2! admittedly i didn't play the og first. i did own it at the time because it seemed like one of those games you just gotta play (and i was right) and yknow ellie's gay and i dug that, but at that point i hadn't played it but knew the plot through a cinematic compilation video.
i was intrigued by part 2, specifically because of the teaser at e3 where ellie and dina dance and kiss. though i didn't have a BURNING desire to have the game, me being down for anything gay pretty much what sealed my fate. so i bought the game and played it on my older brother's ps4.
and MAN, was i obsessed pretty much immediately. looking back, it was a fever dream, just me playing the game from the moment i woke up to the moment i went to bed, nonstop...until i reached the point where ellie leaves and i stopped playing, completely distraught, and ended up watching the ending on youtube.
i was pissed, conflicted, legit fell into a deep depression after knowing how the game ends. after that point, because as we all know the shitstorm over the game was not pretty, i lingered on both sides of the fanbase for a while. because as someone who went in for the gay and had to witness the gay be destroyed, i was hurt -- but i realized after seeing anti-tlou2 people talk about their (weird and irrational) reasons for hating the game that i didn't hate the game, i was just that. hurt.
but the game is meant to hurt. there's a reason for the hurt.
and once i looked past the hurt that i felt, i analyzed hardcore, discussed with people (this is the nicest environment to do so), ate up every single detail discovered, replayed, and then i was making art, obsessively so, writing fanfiction, and now it's been 3 years and those fictional fuckers still live in my brain to this day.
and of course, i dove into the og! i remember playing the game while my online lectures (because covid lol) played in the background.
tlou is fully my biggest hyperfixation/special interest to date. i went into how but here's more of the reasons behind it:
i've talked about this a ton before but i love that though tlou has a reputation of being a dark game and people tend to read it as being about "the darkness of humanity", it's really not about that, but love and what people will do for it, as well as seeking and obtaining a purpose, even in the world's darkest conditions.
i love that it's about found family, that joel can't help but love ellie, because at the end of the day, he's not really supposed to be the heartless person he wants to pretend he is, but he's supposed to be a DAD. i love that ellie, despite never knowing the feeling of a parent, loves joel right back. i love that despite disliking him at first, she warms to him so quickly and she wears him down with her stupid jokes and her endearing weirdness.
i love that the themes of love persist through the second game even as it drags the franchise to darker places. that these are the lengths that ellie will go to not to get abby, but for joel. i love that part 2 says, "hey these bitches unhealthy" and that despite love being their motivation (abby for her dad, ellie & tommy for joel, dina for ellie, lev for his mother), it shouldn't be driving them to those ends!!!!
.....anyway for your second question, i'm picky about games but some recurring favs are apex legends, minecraft, breath of the wild, stardew valley, life is strange (watched the playthru only but loved the story sm), tell me why, and i just started horizon zero dawn! the way things are going, i think i'll like it a lot :)
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vo-kopen · 7 months
Hey comic mutuals and followers, just heard that Zip has a kickstarter for a second issue. I missed the kickstarter for issue one, so I am excited to finally get the chance to get it and the upcoming issue two. I just hope they make their goal, they are only a little over a fourth of the way there and they only have seventeen more days.
For those interested, Zip is described in the kickstarter synopsis as “a British comic about imperfect superhumans (secretly about disability)” and it further notes that it will explore the more passive side of prejudice, rather than blunt and simplistic hatred. That might be honestly tough for me to read, physical fist fights are easy, societal conflict and systematic oppression are what I fear. Still it definitely has me interested, and it’s good to get challenged sometimes. Zip is also a speedster, so a part of me wonders if this will touch on the details that made some of my friend group love Impulse. Like if they go through an ADHD route, though the book is going to be a bit grungy, and I have never read Impulse so I do not know Bart’s tone.
I personally have a real fondness for disabilities in superheroes, for those who know of my personal projects I have a ton of short stories about original superheroes who are Autistic and often disabled in other ways. One for instance is a Hulk/the Thing pastiche who can hardly breathe or speak because of the metal grafted to their skin, and their fat fingers make it impossible to use sign language and write without disability aids. Another is a astral projecting werewolf that is distrusted by everyone not because he’s a werewolf, but because as an Autistic he verges into their idea of the uncanny value. Another is a swan maiden who cannot grab things or talk in swan form, so her ability to help or communicate is limited. Yet people are less hostile to the wild (and cranky) animal shape than they are to the unhoused and physically ugly human guise she also has. And almost every Autistic superhero of mine also has a heaping dose of anxiety. It’s a concept that I find really interesting, so I m so excited to have the chance to help this exist, and to get the prior issue.
So for those of you with money to spare and who want to support independent comics, as well takes on superheroes that are not just by the big two and that are about disabilities, consider donating. I have only donated a little so far, but I will get paid before it ends so I plan to bump up my donation a bit when I know I can. Also Gail Simone tweeted about this comic I think so you know, those of you who like her might enjoy this. It’s pictured up in the kickstarter, though I do not use tweeter so I cannot comment on it.
Tagging @thefingerfuckingfemalefury @nitpickrider @renaroo @akirakan @paulsebert @majingojira @littlemissonewhoisall @espanolbot2 and anyone else in my friend group who might want to check this out. Fair warning, I did not watch the video yet (if that’s what the header thing on the page is, I think it has a play icon) but I never do that on kickstarter because the neurons won’t link. I do not know why, but I can’t do it. Still read the whole page and the endorsements, so I am intrigued.
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Jessica Biel for CosmoGirl October/November 1999 by Jodi Bryson 
Find out why this 7th Heaven star is the coolest friend a girl could have!  
"I'm definitely weird," Jessica Biel confesses as she digs  through the knick-knacks in her bedroom.   "I have some really wild  stuff."  She points out her collection of vintage sunglasses, a bunch of  so-bright-they're-blinding wigs, dozens of phone numbers taped to the  wall, and her favorite Abercrombie & Fitch ad.  "He is the hottest  Abercrombie model ever," she says.  
The 17 year old star of 7th Heaven just finished her third season  on the show and aced her junior year of high school.  Now she's  flinging clothes around her bedroom to prep for a European vacation with  two of her closest friends.  "I want to go someplace I've never been  with people I really love hanging out with," she says.  "I want to see  some amazing things."  
Jessie has that I'll-try-anything-once outlook down pat.  She  started her career as a model, but at 14 decided to give acting a whirl.   Like in a Hollywood fairy tale, she flew to L.A. and had just a few  auditions before scoring the primo role of Mary Camden.  
Jessie works on 7th Heaven six days a week, nine months a year.   But as soon as she steps off the set, straight-arrow Mary vanishes and  the real Jessie charms everyone around her with warp-speed chitchat  about her big plans for the future (a backpacking trip with her best  friend, college, and maybe a second career as a photographer).  Clearly,  Jessie is ready to take on the world.  First stop, Europe!  
The Big Trip 
"I have no idea what to expect," Jessie says of her European  vacation, "but I just can't wait to eat that good food!"  Is she worried  about travelling to strange countries where she doesn't know a soul?   "No, I'm very excited.  My mom has a checklist of things for me to do  before I go:  Make copies of my passport, driver's license, and credit  cards; pack these things close to my body but separate from my wallet.   My mother has planed it all out -- I just gotta do it."  
Jessie makes a surprisingly small pile of clothes at the bottom  of her bed, then crams it into a backpack.  "I'm honestly taking one  pair of pants, a T-shirt, a couple pairs of shorts, a few tank tops, a  sweatshirt, a bathing suit, and two pairs of underwear that I'll keep  throwing in the sink.  My camera is the most important thing."  
In addition to taking tons of snaps, Jessie has dreamed up the  coolest way to keep track of her European adventures.  "Instead of a  private diary, I'm going to take a big book, like a communal journal,  and anyone can write in it," she says.  "If someone says, 'Can I see  your journal and write a little entry?' that's cool.  It will be nice to  look back and read what we all did and what we felt together."  Bon  voyage!  
Best Friends  
Her travelling companions are her friends Shane Nelson and Light  Dreamer Eternity.  "Light rocks so hard," Jessie says.  And even though  she lives in L.A. now, Jessie is still supertight with her best friend  from her hometown of Boulder, Colorado, who's also named Jessie.  "I  have pictures of Jessie and me stuck all over my room," she says.   What's her secret for maintaining such strong friendships?  "There's  never the silent treatment," Jessie explains. "If I was in a fight with a  friend, I would just call and be like, What is the deal?  What did I  do?  What do we need to talk about?  How can we get it over with?"   Jessie's the kind of friend who wouldn't let you stay mad at her.  
A Special Guy  
Will her absence make anyone's heart grow fonder?  Jessie let it  slip that she has a long-distance boyfriend, but then she wouldn't spill  a single detail! (And believe us, we begged!)   But she did share her  sure-fire hook-up advice.  "I'm pretty forward with guys," she says.   "I'll just walk up to somebody and I'll be really blunt and say, 'What a  great-looking person you are!  Have an awesome day.'"   Does that  really work?  "Well, I don't say that to a guy because I want him to be  my boyfriend," she says.  "I just want to tell him."   What guy could  resist?  
Prom Night  
Unfortunately, Jessie didn't get to take her secret boyfriend to  her junior prom.  "I promised Beverley Mitchell [who plays her younger  sister Lucy on 7th Heaven] that I'd go to her friend's prom.  And she  made me promise that I wouldn't back out.  I found out a week later that  my prom was the exact same day!  So I missed my prom to go to another  prom with this kid who didn't have a date," she says.  She didn't skimp  on glamour for her first prom experience: She wore an elegant white  cami-and-skirt combo with superhigh-heeled sandals.  "It turned out that  we had a good time, but Bev totally owes me!"  
Bad Behavior  
Jessie doesn't always play it so straight and narrow.  There's a  sneaky story about the pink flamingo hanging from her bedroom ceiling.  
"We had just sold our house in Boulder, Colorado, and I loved  that house," she says.  "I wanted to see it one more time.   When my  best friend Jessie and I drove up to it, my eyes welled up -- there was a  pink flamingo sticking out of my front yard!  It was the chessiest  thing I'd ever seen.  I was not happy with that flamingo.  I thought,  This has to go.  So I ran and ripped it out of the ground.  I busted to  the car and yelled, 'Go, Jessie, go!' and we just took off.  I pulled  out the stick and put the flamingo in my suitcase, and took it home with  me," she says.  "I don't think the family even knew it was missing."  Um, Jessie...they do now.  
Even though Jessie's a totally fearless adventurer, she still  gets homesick for Boulder.  "I miss the people, I miss the mountains.   It is so laid-back there," she explains.   Does she ever see herself  going back to settle down in the Rocky Mountain foothills?  "I have one  more year of high school, which seems like it's going to take forever --  and then I'm on my own!  I can be wherever I want to be!"   Look out  world -- here she comes!"  
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cptn-m · 7 months
One Piece chapter 1096 review
I knew it. I knew we'd be coming back to God Valley later. I feel vindicated for not getting my hopes up too high. Oda does a great job of building up what a massive convergence of big names it was, even if we only get a prelude here. At least the fanbase seems to be taking this blueballing better than they did the similar fastforwarding in Kaido's flashback last year.
Oda takes the chance to show off what he does best here, introducing a ton of striking one-off character designs for the Holy Knights (very interested in the one with the bull's skull for a headpiece), the nobles participating in the hunt (with Mannmeyer dropped as potentially the tenth of twenty Celestial Dragon family names) and the various pirate and marine crews coming to fight.
The World Government's dystopia is in full swing here, with emphasis placed on not even the children being spared, and the cruel lie of salvation in three week's time. While Ivankov is right about false hope being a useful tool for keeping the spark of life alive in prey, I think he misses its perhaps more pertinent utility of pacifying the fodder to prevent exactly the kind of operation Ivan's group pulls off. People with hope of things working out don't take matters into their own hands. People with other options, even slim ones, wouldn't gamble on a million to one shot of successfully raiding the Most Dangerous Game's prize pool. If you hear there will be some survivors, your point of view as the protagonist of your own life tells you that the story can't end here, that you must end up in that small number for things to go on. I don't think humans are inclined to really see themselves losing a death lottery while other options still exist, even if the odds are against us. A shame we can't all have an Ivan to guide us from the 0% chance the powers that be said was a 3% chance to the 1% chance that is the actual only hope.
Garp's presence in this chapter is something I'm torn on. I can't get a read on if he knows the full details of what the Celestial Dragons are really doing, if he thinks it's just some inspection or pleasure trip for them. If he suspects only that it's not good but maintains a plausible deniability of what to keep himself from acting out. I love Garp as a character, but he's always been a protector and enforcer of this world's most heinous systems despite his sympathetic motivations. And in these days when Roger is his rival, you would think this is Garp at his most wild and rebellious and willing to disobey orders, but he'd still rather face Roger than deal with the slave hunt.
Maybe if he knew what monsters the Five Elders really were he'd actually be interested in measuring his strength against theirs.
At a guess though, I think he doesn't know the full story, and will find out about the slave hunt only after arriving. Remember that Sengoku's recollection of Garp and Roger's teamup at God Valley was to "protect Celestial Dragons and their slaves," which is an interesting choice of words to say the least. Why make a point at all of protecting slaves that were already (literally) branded for death? Perhaps the truth is that both were protected, but the Celestial Dragons were protected from Rocks, and the slaves were protected from the Celestial Dragons. I'm sure he could find a way to play off giving the slaves a chance to run as "just protecting your property from getting cut down by Rocks, go after then when it's over" and pretending he didn't know better. Remember in chapter 957 that right before talking about the teamup at God Valley Sengoku is reflecting on how much Garp's personal moral compass disagrees with the Celestial Dragons and how close he's come to being eliminated for insubordination. I think we're edging closer to the full picture here, and I hope that's not just my enjoyment of Garp's character talking.
The cameos as the battle builds up are amazing to see, really tying in 20 years of continuity to make it all feel connected. From the number of Rocks Pirates that ended up being used for Thriller Bark zombies to Boggard finally showing himself again.
I do wish we got to see a little more of the operation to rob the prize pool, and the how of Kuma's escape. Did he blast other slaves away in different directions before pawing his own group to the one island, or did the rest of the 500 just leave first? I'm willing to buy a teleporting man escaping from the likes of Saturn without having to watch it more than I would most other characters, but at the very least the moment he's forced to give up on the idea of taking anyone else and leaves the island would have been good to see to make Kuma's role in this sequence feel closed off. As it is, the end is pretty abrupt.
That said, the dialogue with Saturn lays out the core themes at play fairly succinctly. A lot of people characterise One Piece is being a story about freedom vs authority, which it is in many ways, but it's also massively (I might even say moreso) about universal personhood vs selective personhood. The heroes of this story, whether they sail free as pirates or rule as kings, are the ones that accept all people as human beings, while the villains, whether monarchs or pirates, are the ones who think there are certain people undeserving of human rights and human status based on arbitrary and uncontrollable things like their place of birth or bloodline. Doflamingo, who was both a cruel noble and the evil kind of pirate, literally stole the human forms of his society's underclass, if you want to get really on the nose about it.
(There's an essay in there somewhere, full of choice villain quotes about 'discrimination creating solace' and hero quotes about 'existing never being a crime' and the series' most poignant death scenes ending with words of thanks from the departed for showing them love in a world that would not otherwise have afforded it to someone of their origin)
Getting back on topic, we get an origin for Kuma's bible-carrying habit. Religion is an interesting topic in the One Piece world. Though the World Nobles are self-styled gods running a technical theocracy in their own name, they aren't really concerned with worship (beyond paying tribute), and there obviously aren't any public churches of Nika. This vaguely Christian-looking faith shows up often enough to feel like a widespread belief, but there's almost nothing we actually know about what they believe, how they worship, and what kind of organisation (if any) the church has.
Ivan ducks out. That might be the last of him for this flashback, but I'm not sure if it's really the last time he's seen Kuma. Presumably their paths must cross as Kuma's ties with the Revolutionaries develop. But will Ginny live for that second encounter? My hopes aren't high. The happiness that grows through the super-cute scenes at the end of the chapter can't possibly be built to last. Once again, Oda is setting this flashback up to hurt. Badly.
If I'm honest, I was worried I wouldn't find much to write about for this chapter. The amount of fanservice at the start had me thinking there'd be little to do except list out the deep cut cameos, something other people online already dead based on the scanlation release that wouldn't interest me to write. But I was happy to find a lot of meat on its bones when I looked a little closer. This is One Piece firing on all cylinders.
Read this post and older writings on my Wordpress.
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wavesmp3 · 4 months
shawna!!! i picked up “the sea is yours to take” and genuinely so In love with your world building! can i know how you plotted the story out or how this world even emerged :OO
omg genuinely so excited to answer this ask, like you have no idea. i pulled out my laptop for it hehe
so as a disclaimer i must start by saying that i first started creating this fic and the world around it in 2019 (which can you believe was 5 years ago lol) AND i haven't really revisited all my notes since i was working heavily on this world in 2020 AND my notebook with all the details and brainstorming i did is at my parents' house and therefore do not have access to for the time being...
all of this to say that i am a little muddy on all of the nitty gritty details, but we continue forward nonetheless!
so as i said the initial idea that turned into this world came to me in the summer of 2019 in a silent chapel in the form of this drabble
(which, a note on the silent chapel part lol, i'm not a very religious person and i had never been to one before that but i think going to a place like that and thinking of the drabble there is why the piece has a strong emphasis on religion and like religious institutions, a lot of which was inspired by catholic ideologies such as the very idea of seven sins and seven gifts. and a lot of the emphasis on the religious beliefs of that world might not be as obvious in 'the sea is yours to take' (tsiytt) but it has more importance in the other installations (read: the world is ours to remake, posted as an original work somewhere on my blog as well as the crown is his to wear which was supposed to be the third and final installation that i never got around to writing rip)
but back to the point -- the drabble kind of set up the main plot which, to put it briefly, is that there is a king who is up to no good so much so that his own son is looking to overthrow him.
(note that the drabble was slightly different when originally posted and had been edited after the fact once i had created the entire world and overarching plot, but it was mainly the same as it stands right now apart from the naming of a couple things. fun fact: the gifts were called the virtues in that drabble)
and from there i kind of let my mind run wild.
i can't remember if i did most of the plotting/creation of that world during 2019 summer or if i did it during 2020 summer, but the main point is that i had almost a full year of just on and off thinking about this piece and this world
so from there (ignoring the timeline of all this world building) it was mainly just figuring out the answers to a whole bunch of questions like: why is the son trying to overthrow the king? what is the 'no good' that the king is up to? why did the prince seek out this other character in the drabble? what does that character know that can be of help? how or why do they specifically know it?
and it continued and continued like that for a long time until i had a pretty good understanding of what i wanted the plot to be. and because of the nature of the overarching plot with the plans to overthrow the king it kind of also did a lot of the world building too. i again had to ask and answer questions like why are all the sins and gifts apart from fortitude dead? why would the nomads know something that the rest of this world doesn't? why have the nomads ceased communication with the rest of this world? and a ton of other questions and answers that literally wouldn't even make sense with what is discussed in tsiytt but kind of helped informed what tsiytt needed to set up for following installations to make sense.
(note: kind of hate the naming of the nomads and the nomads land, it just feels wrong and a bit offensive of a word to use in the context that it is. i was young and really the only thing i was thinking about was the fact that it sounded like no mans land)
anyways this whole lengthy explanation is again just to say that i knew a certain couple of scenes needed to happen to drive the plot forward: like not knowing why fortitude sent the prince away, fortitude killing lord seth, the ending scene, and then a couple others that i won't say because they're probably spoilers.
and from there i just got to add in scenes to build out the love story as well as the characters. i wasn't following a very serious outline (especially when i started to write in may 2020) but rather just following my heart and letting words and scenes come out as i was writing them. but then because i was just thinking about this world and this piece so much i started to think up scenes that i wanted to write that would only happen much later. and so from there i was following a very loose outline. which was really just a whole bunch of bullet points of scenes i wanted to add. like they were so unserious. and to show how unserious, here is a sc i pulled of them (thank you google doc version history)
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anyways i think that's kind of all i have to say right now, but i could really talk about that piece and that world for years, there is so much depth that will unfortunately never leave my little brainstorming notebook. even details like the zalazar river have so much more history and meaning to it than is explored or even brushed on in tsiytt.
i really apologize that this got so long (and if you can believe it, this is me trying to keep it short) and if it makes absolutely no sense. but if you have more questions or things you wanted to discuss or ask pls pls pls go right ahead. my ask box or dms are always open!! i love any excuse to talk about this world and these characters. they're my heart.
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cryptic-paw · 1 month
The Evil Queen’s Origin
Once upon a time
There was a young girl
Who was full of light
She rode horses every day
From morning until night
Regina was her name,
An equestrian at heart.
From all the horses in the stable
She would never part.
She had a tomboyish charm
Her mother did not adore.
Her mother thought that she
Should be doing more girlish chores.
While Regina would be uncooperative,
Her mother would come about
And use her sorcery
To stop her from moving out.
Regina feared her mother
And had no choice but to obey.
She wished to be free of her
Every single day.
There was a bright spot in her life
And it brought her tons of joy.
It was none other than her secret boyfriend,
Daniel the stableboy.
One day when visiting Daniel,
Regina heard a shout.
It came from a girl atop a horse
And she yelled out,
“Help me! Help me! This horse is running wild!
I can’t get it to stop!
Someone please help me
Before I turn into schlop!”
Regina raced after the girl
On her trusty steed
In hopes to save the girl
From becoming raven feed.
Faster, faster she raced towards the girl
And then she reached out her hand.
She grabbed and pulled the girl from the horse
And saved her from the land.
Regina was glad she had saved the girl.
Inside, she felt no shame.
They both got up and brushed themselves off.
Regina asked, “Girl, what is your name?”
The innocent looking child said,
“Thank you for saving me from that frightening plight.
I’m the king’s daughter.
My name is Snow White.”
Word spread throughout the kingdom
Of his daughter’s rescuing.
The king decided
To come visiting.
The king came in a carriage
To the small plantation.
When he saw his unharmed daughter,
He said in exclaimation,
“Oh, thank you, dear maiden!
You did quite well.
When I heard the news
I came like the ring of a bell.
Oh, caring Regina,
You’ve saved Snow White’s life
And now I ask of you
To become my wife.”
She stuttered for a moment
With much hesitation.
Thinking of Daniel,
It stirred up her frustration.
Her mother stepped in
Not a moment too soon.
“Regina will be your bride
And you’ll be her groom.”
The next night
Regina returned to the stable
To tell Daniel
Of her tragic fable.
“My love,” said Regina,
“We cannot stay.
Tomorrow night,
We must run away!”
And with that,
They lovingly kissed.
But there was one detail
That they had missed.
Standing in the doorway
Shaking with fright
Was none other
Than little Snow White.
With tears in her eyes,
Snow White ran.
Regina followed her saying,
“Wait! I’ll help you if I can!”
Snow White tripped,
But Regina helped her up.
She looked like a lonely
And lost little pup.
Regina comforted her
And said,
“Don’t worry, little one.
There is nothing to dread.”
Snow White calmed down a bit
And said while squeaking,
“You’re not supposed to love him!
You’re supposed to love the king!”
“You don’t understand.
To my heart, I hold him near.
Daniel is
My true love, dear.”
“True love?” Her eyes brightened.
“I’ve heard love of that sort!
Then you and Daniel
Have my full support!”
Regina became serious.
“You must keep a secret, Snow.
Of the relation between me and Daniel
No one else may know.”
“I will keep your secret.
I won’t treat it like muck.
As for you and Daniel,
I wish the best of luck!”
Upon the next day,
Snow White met Regina’s mother,
For in the whole entire house
There was no other.
“Good morning, dear Snow White.
You look lovely and vibrant.
Tell me, do you know why
From me Regina has grown distant?
I’m trying to be a caring mother,
The best of sorts.
But lately, she’s seen me
As thought I were covered in warts.”
“Don’t worry. Your daughter is happy!
She’s going to marry Daniel.
Although, I have to say,
I think he looks like a Cocker Spaniel!”
“Thank you for your time, dear.
You’ve taught me much.
Now, off you go to go play
Your childish games and such.”
Night fell upon the land.
Daniel and Regina were prepared.
They took final moments in the stable,
Into each other’s eyes they stared.
“I’ve something to give you,” said Daniel.
“It might be pretty old
But I’ve got you a wedding ring
Made of solid gold.”
He slipped the ring onto her finger.
The light upon it danced.
To what was to happen, however,
They didn’t stand a chance.
Just as they were about to leave,
Regina’s mother burst through the door.
She used her magic to throw them back.
“Now, Regina, what would you be leaving for?”
Regina replied, “He’s my true love
And that will never change.
Marrying someone you don’t even love,
I find that rather strange.”
“But you are to marry the king, my dear.
You’ll have all the power!
To run off with the stableboy,
This isn’t your finest hour.”
“I’m going with Daniel, mother.
We’re running far away.
By your side at the plantation,
I will never stay!”
“Fine then. Go and leave me now.
I see you’ve made your choice.
But know that of this path,
I will never rejoice.”
Regina’s mother walked to Daniel
Who was standing proud and tall.
He knew that she would
Definitely miss him least of all.
“Daniel, listen to my words.
They’re completely mild.
A true caring parent
Always knows what’s best for their child.”
Right then, she reached into his chest,
Which gave him quite a start,
And a few seconds later,
She held in her hand his beating heart.
Daniel collapsed on the ground,
His body in a tussle.
Regina, on the other hand,
Over to him did hustle.
Cradling his head in her arms,
She thought her mother’s actions were rash.
Her mother crushed the heart in her hand
And it turned to ash.
Poor, poor Daniel
Was now silent on the ground.
Regina realized he was gone
For from his lips, there came no sound.
The next day at the house
While being fitted for her dress,
All she thought of was Daniel.
Her life was a mess.
Her head was held high
But her spirits were low.
Then all of a sudden,
In came Snow.
“I hope you’re happy marrying Daniel,”
She said with a beam.
“I’m not marrying Daniel.
I’m marrying the king.”
“I don’t get it.
I don’t understand.
Your mother looked happy
When I told her he asked for your hand.”
“What have you done?
No one else was to know!
Why did you break
Your promise, Snow?”
“I really didn’t mean to,
But your mother looked so glad.
I really am sorry.
Are you mad?”
“No, I’m not mad.
Though, I do wear a frown.
I’m disappointed, Snow.
You really let me down.”
Snow White took off
To frolic and play,
But something snapped inside
Regina that day.
Her mother came in
Without being loud
And said to her daughter,
“I’m so proud.”
And then Regina knew.
“Only now I understand
That it wasn’t a coincidence the wild horse carrying Snow
Raced across our land.”
It was her mother.
She now knew, of course.
And then she said darkly,
“I should have let her die on that horse.”
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crypticpawpoems · 4 months
The Evil Queen's Origin
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Once upon a time There was a young girl Who was full of light She rode horses every day From morning until night
Regina was her name, An equestrian at heart. From all the horses in the stable She would never part.
She had a tomboyish charm Her mother did not adore. Her mother thought that she Should be doing more girlish chores.
While Regina would be uncooperative, Her mother would come about And use her sorcery To stop her from moving out.
Regina feared her mother And had no choice but to obey. She wished to be free of her Every single day.
There was a bright spot in her life And it brought her tons of joy. It was none other than her secret boyfriend, Daniel the stableboy.
One day when visiting Daniel, Regina heard a shout. It came from a girl atop a horse And she yelled out,
“Help me! Help me! This horse is running wild! I can’t get it to stop! Someone please help me Before I turn into schlop!”
Regina raced after the girl On her trusty steed In hopes to save the girl From becoming raven feed.
Faster, faster she raced towards the girl And then she reached out her hand. She grabbed and pulled the girl from the horse And saved her from the land.
Regina was glad she had saved the girl. Inside, she felt no shame. They both got up and brushed themselves off. Regina asked, “Girl, what is your name?”
The innocent looking child said, “Thank you for saving me from that frightening plight. I’m the king’s daughter. My name is Snow White.”
Word spread throughout the kingdom Of his daughter’s rescuing. The king decided To come visiting.
The king came in a carriage To the small plantation. When he saw his unharmed daughter, He said in exclamation,
“Oh, thank you, dear maiden! You did quite well. When I heard the news I came like the ring of a bell.
Oh, caring Regina, You’ve saved Snow White’s life And now I ask of you To become my wife.”
She stuttered for a moment With much hesitation. Thinking of Daniel, It stirred up her frustration.
Her mother stepped in Not a moment too soon. “Regina will be your bride And you’ll be her groom.”
The next night Regina returned to the stable To tell Daniel Of her tragic fable.
“My love,” said Regina, “We cannot stay. Tomorrow night, We must run away!”
And with that, They lovingly kissed. But there was one detail That they had missed.
Standing in the doorway Shaking with fright Was none other Than little Snow White.
With tears in her eyes, Snow White ran. Regina followed her saying, “Wait! I’ll help you if I can!”
Snow White tripped, But Regina helped her up. She looked like a lonely And lost little pup.
Regina comforted her And said, “Don’t worry, little one. There is nothing to dread.”
Snow White calmed down a bit And said while squeaking, “You’re not supposed to love him! You’re supposed to love the king!”
“You don’t understand. To my heart, I hold him near. Daniel is My true love, dear.”
“True love?” Her eyes brightened. “I’ve heard love of that sort! Then you and Daniel Have my full support!”
Regina became serious. “You must keep a secret, Snow. Of the relation between me and Daniel No one else may know.”
“I will keep your secret. I won’t treat it like muck. As for you and Daniel, I wish the best of luck!”
Upon the next day, Snow White met Regina’s mother, For in the whole entire house There was no other.
“Good morning, dear Snow White. You look lovely and vibrant. Tell me, do you know why From me Regina has grown distant?
I’m trying to be a caring mother, The best of sorts. But lately, she’s seen me As thought I were covered in warts.”
“Don’t worry. Your daughter is happy! She’s going to marry Daniel. Although, I have to say, I think he looks like a Cocker Spaniel!”
“Thank you for your time, dear. You’ve taught me much. Now, off you go to go play Your childish games and such.”
Night fell upon the land. Daniel and Regina were prepared. They took final moments in the stable, Into each other’s eyes they stared.
“I’ve something to give you,” said Daniel. “It might be pretty old But I’ve got you a wedding ring Made of solid gold.”
He slipped the ring onto her finger. The light upon it danced. To what was to happen, however, They didn’t stand a chance.
Just as they were about to leave, Regina’s mother burst through the door. She used her magic to throw them back. “Now, Regina, what would you be leaving for?”
Regina replied, “He’s my true love And that will never change. Marrying someone you don’t even love, I find that rather strange.”
“But you are to marry the king, my dear. You’ll have all the power! To run off with the stableboy, This isn’t your finest hour.”
“I’m going with Daniel, mother. We’re running far away. By your side at the plantation, I will never stay!”
“Fine then. Go and leave me now. I see you’ve made your choice. But know that of this path, I will never rejoice.”
Regina’s mother walked to Daniel Who was standing proud and tall. He knew that she would Definitely miss him least of all.
“Daniel, listen to my words. They’re completely mild. A true caring parent Always knows what’s best for their child.”
Right then, she reached into his chest, Which gave him quite a start, And a few seconds later, She held in her hand his beating heart.
Daniel collapsed on the ground, His body in a tussle. Regina, on the other hand, Over to him did hustle.
Cradling his head in her arms, She thought her mother’s actions were rash. Her mother crushed the heart in her hand And it turned to ash.
Poor, poor Daniel Was now silent on the ground. Regina realized he was gone For from his lips, there came no sound.
The next day at the house While being fitted for her dress, All she thought of was Daniel. Her life was a mess.
Her head was held high But her spirits were low. Then all of a sudden, In came Snow.
“I hope you’re happy marrying Daniel,” She said with a beam. “I’m not marrying Daniel. I’m marrying the king.”
“I don’t get it. I don’t understand. Your mother looked happy When I told her he asked for your hand.”
“What have you done? No one else was to know! Why did you break Your promise, Snow?”
“I really didn’t mean to, But your mother looked so glad. I really am sorry. Are you mad?”
“No, I’m not mad. Though, I do wear a frown. I’m disappointed, Snow. You really let me down.”
Snow White took off To frolic and play, But something snapped inside Regina that day.
Her mother came in Without being loud And said to her daughter, “I’m so proud.”
And then Regina knew. “Only now I understand That it wasn’t a coincidence the wild horse carrying Snow Raced across our land.”
It was her mother. She now knew, of course. And then she said darkly, “I should have let her die on that horse.”
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glassprism · 1 year
how would you rank all the international* productions? for me, my fave would've been the OG german production and the least is the hungarian. *international = foreign language ones!
Oh anon, that's a bit of a tall order considering just how many international productions there, and that I have very little information on some of them. Assuming that "foreign language" means "non-English", then that eliminates London, Broadway, and all the US and UK tours, of course, but also Toronto and the Canadian tours, both Australian tours including the most recent restaging, all the World Tours, and I don't know if you intended this, but you've also cut the Helsinki and Gothenburg non-replicas, the Greece non-replica, and the Sydney Harbour non-replica. But I'm going to pretend you did not mean to do that and include them. Also, I will be lumping several productions into one, including ones in the same country (so Hamburg, Stuttgart, Essen, Hamburg revival, and Oberhausen, you are all one item now) and revivals (Poland, you have probably had a dozen revivals but as far as I'm concerned you're one thing).
Also, why so low on Hungary? There are so many weirder ones out there... Anyway, I can't exactly go and pick a top favorite, so I'm going to imitate my favorite actors list and rank them in tiers, and then only list the rest chronologically. To keep it simple, my tiers will be:
Favorite (the best, would pay to see over and over again)
Love (more solid than transcendentally great but doesn't disappoint, would pay to see at least once and probably go back)
Meh / Not Enough Info (okay, no strong opinions, willing to watch it once OR don't know enough about it to judge)
Dislike (if you took me to see this version live you would have to pay and I would still sit in disgruntled silence for the entire show)
Objectively it looks bad but emotionally I need to see it (this looks absolutely wild, I must see it, take me to it, I will pay you)
Germany (Hamburg + revival, Stuttgart, Essen, Oberhausen) - While this should technically fall under the "consistently good" category, it is so good at it, that it kind of ended up rising to the favorite category. Love the casts (save for a few here and there), love the wigs and costumes, love how dang fast the chandelier drops... apparently it's translation is not great, but everything else is, and I just really love all the German productions.
Mexico City, Mexico - It had a great cast (again, save for a couple members), strong visuals, and all that, but what I really love was just how much freedom everyone was given in the role. You see it the most with Saulo Vasconcelos, but even other members of the cast seemed to have been given a ton of leeway in how to interpret the roles, and I just adore it.
Copenhagen, Denmark + revivals - The production that is just so strong in every measure: the costumes, the cast, the singing, the energy of everyone involved.
Moscow, Russia - A long time ago, I remember reading that the production deliberately changes Christine's wig between 'Point of No Return' and the 'Final Lair' to one that is messy, long, straggly, as a symbolic way of showing the turmoil she is undergoing, and I think that little detail shows just how much attention went into this production. And it's just so pretty.
Japanese sit-down tour - Big points for being the first international production, for being so long-running, for being possibly the only production closest to the original, and for forcing me to come up with the term "sit-down tour". Negative points for a pre-recorded orchestra in most stops and their casts being unmemorable because they have to stick so strongly to that. But the good strongly outweighs the bad.
Vienna, Austria - This one is everywhere for me. The orchestrations are incredible. The tiny changes to some of the lyrics is gorgeous. The translation is better than the one in Germany (or so I've heard). They have some awesome cast members - Alexander Goebel is just wonderful. But then there's Colleen Besett and her refusal to change her expression, and Alfred Pfeifer was apparently a dull Raoul and a worse Phantom, and I don't like a lot of their costumes. But you know what? Minor nitpicks! Still love it overall.
Stockholm, Sweden + revival - Kind of love the original more than the revival (Mikael Samuelson and Elisabeth Berg > Peter Joback and Emmi Christensson, though Christensson is pretty good), but both are good, strong productions.
Scheveningen, Netherlands - Not too much to say here, just another really good production that doesn't quite make it to the top of the list (though Joke de Kruijf is divine).
Antwerp, Belgium - Pretty much the same as the above. The trio of Hans Peter Janssens, Inneke van Klinken, and Michael Shawn Lewis is a power trio.
Seoul, Korea + revival + tour - Would almost fall under the "not enough info" page if not for bootlegs. Love the cast (the original slightly more than the revival), they used the World Tour sets, costumes, and wigs and I generally like those, the original translation was supposedly not good at all but they changed it a lot during the show and then after, so... yep, another good one.
Budapest, Hungary - Mixed to positive feelings. On the one hand, they stick pretty close to the original in many ways, which benefits the overall show. On the other hand, it's almost not original enough because of that. Great sets, like the variety of wig colors, costumes are hit and miss, and so is the cast for the most part (some favorites in there and some that I'm really not a fan of). Also had the oldest cast ever though, so points for that.
São Paulo, Brazil + revivals - Like the others, a really good production that does everything right. The existence of Thiago Arancam in the revival does drag them down though.
Prague, Czech Republic - Similar to the Budapest production, its similarity to the original is both helpful and hinders them. In general, another decent non-replica that plays it safe by emulating the original for the most part, until it decides to do something absolutely buck wild like their entire 'Point of No Return'.
Oslo, Norway - A non-replica that I actually like without having to say that it's because it's so close to the original! Basically took the template provided by the Bucharest production and improved on it in every way, resulting in a non-replica that keeps to the spirit of Phantom while also making a lot of interesting changes. Also, best chandelier crash ever.
Greece (Athens + Thessaloniki) - Mainly a clone of the above, so it goes here by default. Not happy that they toned down the chandelier crash though.
Sydney Harbour, Australia - Another great non-replica, may be tied with Norway as my favorite, one that is clearly modeled off the original but makes enough changes to be fresh and novel. Phantom flying down in a chariot? Awesome. Christine getting ripped out of her Aminta dress to reveal her wedding dress? Bold move. An actually tasteful 'Point of No Return'? Hell is freezing over. The entire cast performing in the rain? Kudos just for that.
Meh / Not Enough Info
Madrid, Spain - I used to like this one, but now it's just... fine? Nothing to write home about, I suppose. Visuals are fine, cast is fine. I like the amount of proshots that got leaked, at least.
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Lands somewhere between "meh" and "not enough info", because there really just isn't a lot out there of this production. The cast was very pretty, at least?
Estonia (Tallinn + Tartu) - Reviews of this production make it sound incredible: more contemporary aesthetic, a love triangle where Raoul and Christine are unequivocally the OTP, a version where Christine only kisses the Phantom on the cheek? Sign me up! But alas, there's only a couple of audios and no video footage of this production aside from promotional clips. Not enough info.
Kristianstad, Sweden - All I know of this production is "red-head Christine" and "full-face mask for the Phantom". Would love to know more about it.
Poland (Warsaw + Białystok + revivals) - The idea of basing a production off the 2004 movie was a choice, but they couldn't even do that right; the costumes look terrible! Tempo is too slow, the cast was constantly emulating the movie cast (though at least they grew out of it), and what is that second unmasking scene? But hey, epic chandelier crash. Also, bondage Raoul.
Helsinki, Finland + Gothenburg, Sweden - Well, it has good sets. Um, the heavy metal aesthetic is... bold? And you have to admire the bravery of using a papier-mache chandelier, a deformity that rivals the 2004 movie's, and directing the Phantom to sing 'Music of the Night' to the audience with no movement whatsoever.
Bucharest, Romania - Everything about this production was improved in the Norwegian and Greek productions, but thanks for being the prototype. Also, Phantom please stop casting people who won a singing competition on TV.
Objectively it looks bad but emotionally I need to see it
Belgrade, Serbia - Look at this minimalist, peak modern set. I must see it, for I crave going blind at the sheer scarlet overload of it all. Also, flower crown Christine.
Sófia, Bulgaria - What is this production.
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
10 Anti LO Asks
(Note: All of these asks are before episode 206 (Season 2 finale) so some may be dated.) 1. I can't even trustt this "cute" moment between zeus and artemis bc rachel is just way too anti zeus and too big of a fan of "twist" villains that I just have the feeling she's going to use this as a stepping stone to set up artemis the next villain because idk she doesnt like hades still and be like oh what BETRAYAL of persephone! now both of the twins should be punished now! or w/e.
2. It's not just that a time skip is lazy and out of place, if you're just going to flashback to explain what happened anyway, then don't do a time skip? Just show the progression as you already have done? Why skip ahead only to jump back? She's basically trying to do too many things at once and none of it is done well.
3. the wild part to me is has rachel ACTUALLY read the old texts? because they're way more progressive than her work. demeter's hymn praised her and persephone while calling out the abuse of men, women like aphrodite (who has a ton of sex with many partners) or artemis who didnt have sex were all held to high respect and never shamed for their choices, and stories like the odyssey/Iliad explicitly called out slavery, yet rachel is here in 2022 being ore conservative than men from 800 BC. like???
4. A time skip in LO isn’t a bad idea in and of itself. We’ve been complaining about RS’s slow pacing for years and she’s finally taking a different approach, which is good! The only problem is that her execution of the time skip ends up leaving out integral and interesting details about how the characters’ relationships with each other have changed in the decade since we’ve seen them. I was looking forwards to Minthe and Perse reconciliation arc but we don’t even know how they grew to that point
5. I love the her current look is a "turn off" line tho bc it's both persephone being aware hades is a gross old man who only dates under 25 years olds but doesnt seem to linger on this realization (P is legit so stupid) but also that rachel has zero self awareness that shes not a very good artist bc persephone still looks exactly the same despite being ten years older. like rachel will just say whatever lie she thinks up despite direct contradiction in comic and be like wow im such a good writer
6. Out of all things wrong with LO, I don't think I mind the switch from serious to silly in the mid-season premiere chapter? The part where Zeus gets threatened with ConSEqueNCEs for punishing Persephone is dumb as hell, but the transition to her speaking to the screen like she's talking to the audience before revealing something ridiculous is a tried and tested way of moving to a new scene, so I kinda like it. It's marred by her talk of pierced ears and green hands, but it's not bad.
7. How did you get into  Lore Olympus  in  the first place?
From OP: I found LO after seeing a lot of ads for it. I already knew of its existence but decided to try it because why not (I think I got into it around episode 70ish). I was obsessed with it, not solely because of the romance but because of the art. However, I started to question a lot of the stuff in the story and looked through youtube and tumblr to see if I was the only one feeling this way. Surprise surprise, I wasn’t and now I’m here lol.
8. I'm confused with the whole Artemis being called protector of women. You'd think she would do something to earn that title, but all she did was ask to be with Persephone in the mortal realm? It makes zero sense.
9. I know changing your physical appearance is sometimes an external sign that a change is going on internally but... did RS really have Persephone pierce her ears as the ONLY sign of her taking her life into her hands? I don't mind it as a heavy-handed metaphor but girl has done the bare minimum in ten years (a punishment she was happy with until they actually sentenced her with it) and you're telling me it's #girlboss because she pierced her ears???
10. What's so annoying about the timeskip too is it's not just lazy, it makes the last FOUR YEARS be for nothing. HxP relationship is exactly the same and their characterization is stagnant, big deals like Leto and Kronos are just swept to the side, Eros and Psyche was dropped I guess? Minthe and Daphne is resolved off scrteen, and the now the actual myth is supposed to start after FOUR YEARS of nothing happening? It's just a waste of everyone's time, but Rachel gets rich off of it at least 🤨
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