#why is ''an angry aries'' my type in characters
nunezs-stuff · 8 months
Hello there welcome to my purple delusion on this account you'll find a little bit of everything and OC's
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Now on this platform I prefer to keep most things about me Anonymous but you can see my age on my blog and the reason why I prefer to stay mostly Anonymous it's because of privacy reasons and
And I do apologize for poor grammar or misspelled words I have dyslexia
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Now this may come out as weird and you can feel free to hate me for this but I cannot stop who follows me and I don't know who's a minor and adult and there is content on my account that might be triggering for others
So please leave if you're uncomfortable
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And now do not send me a picture of your body part I've had this happen to me I don't want it to happen again if so then the account might be reported or blocked now please do not ask me inappropriate questions about how old I am or anything about me
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Things I will write
Any fandom as long as I am familiar with the character and the show/anime then I'll write it
Yui komori
OC X Canon
character X character
If it's Canon or the ship works
Yandere/platonic yandere
Only soft yandere's
Almost all Creepypasta characters
And if you request a character that is a child it will only be platonic and
Forced relationships
Now listen forced relationships aren't my favorite thing to write but I will write it if I'm in the mood or I get a request for it
Roleplay for only my OCS
NSFW only for my OCs:
But if they are a child or in their Canon character they find that uncomfortable I will ignore that request or deleted
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Things I won't write for
Offender man
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Please be respectful and nice and do not get angry at me if I cannot make your request
You can ask for my OCS and for other characters overall if I'm comfortable with it I will write it but if I have no ideas or I'm not familiar with the character I won't write it
I don't have official ages for my characters and sometimes I have to change their ages to fit what story or scenario I'll be writing so if you have a problem with that please leave
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Also this is an easy way to find my characters information just type in their name and you'll find their info although I do apologize for the reblogs sometimes I do that so I don't lose the post and to make sure the tags are correct
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thenwhatthefukcisthis · 2 months
On the topic of pet names, what's your headcanon about Eames' use of them? Does he use them often or only for a few people/situations? Does he have different ones to convey different things?
And Arthur seems the type for shortening names (I can so see him calling the kids Jamie and Pip or something, and Ariadne Ari once he knows her better), but does he use pet names at all? Even just for Eames? Do we consider Mr Eames a nickname?
Thank you for the question val ❣ Sorry I took a long time to reply
Eames, because he’s british and because I’ve seen mr. hardy drops endearments veiled with totally opposite sentiments in his other characters, I feel is quite abundant with his pet names. some, he means them like snarky affectionate“there’s a love” for yusuf or brotherly kind “poppet” for ariadne while SOME, you better start running if you hear them. for example “listen sweetie” before annihilating projections or “calm down pet” for an angry mark .. you know?
however, Id like to think “darling” is only reserved for arthur. that very word is said with anger, happiness, hurt, love, sadness, encouragement, fear, kindness. but he’s not generous with it either. he uses only during certain special moments, and arthur knows this, so once he hears it, he knows eames is saying something he should listen to very well.
arthur .. arthur arthur arthur.. im kind of baffled by him..? I feel like he would use one endearment and one endearment only. babe. and only for eames. only in private. in all the contexts. “babe yes oh god yes” “pass me the sugar babe” “why is my shirt still in the washing machine, babe!”
but when he’s extremely fond, those will slip out in the middle of the job even (good luck getting eames to do any forgery when he hears that directed at him from arthur “here lies eames; a puddle of goo now”)
for others, I think he resorts to their names, and he’ll use his tone to convey the sentiments. it’s the same with babe situation but with the actual names (cobb has heard his name in all the tones known to man kind in the past two years... and some more) for me, arthur is more of a doer than a talker so he’d use one word to give the meaning well..
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zombiejette · 2 months
Hey there Non/Disney peeps! I know how much we all love to choose beloved characters that represent ourselves, whether its for personal or roleplay reasons, so I think it's time we expand this trend even further. I thought why not shake things up and combine this side of tumblr with my favorite form of self-insert...
you know y'all want to. So what are your Big Three signs represented by animated characters?? I will start with mine:
☀️ SUN: Aries ♈️ 🐏
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I know it's a bit on the nose, but I can't think of anyone more like the Ram than Merida. Stubborn, impulsive, firey, playful, passionate... it's all her baby. Even has the red-ass wildwoman hair. For me, she is most like how I behave on the surface, especially when I'm having a good time. She loves fiercely, plays recklessly, and isn't afraid of a bit of danger in the pursuit of living fully. Everything about her is loud, proud, and in your face- and just like the sun, you can't tone her down even for a second. Especially when she's angry. But that anger is a good thing too- it reminds us to stand up for ourselves, for the injustices we see, and to fight wholeheartedly for what's right. She shows us that our emotions are our greatest allies, and if you befriend them, they will help guide you towards your truest path. All this boldness and authenticity allows her to be a truly fearless leader, and one who isn't afraid of breaking traditions to do so.
🌙 MOON: Virgo ♍️🏺
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Helga, for me, is the epitome of my Moon sign. She's no-nonsense, likes things to be efficient and effective, and is constantly scanning for problems to fix. She can also be intimidatingly scary and judgmental when she's pushed into a corner, and then all of those analytical skills can easily turn into weapons of mass destruction. But the more healed way it usually manifests for me is through her tough-love Mommy energy. She has a "right way" in mind, and knows what works and what doesn't. It's not that she's trying to be cruel, or too abrasive, but she sees when someone needs that push and won't hesitate to give them it. She's often the best person for advice if you don't mind being torn to shreds in the process lol.
↗️ RISING: Cancer ♋️ ��
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Now if you were scared at all by the hard-headedness of my first two signs- fear not! My rising sign is here to make me less of a dick lol. Might be a controversial choice, but Genie is definitely a cancer rising. "You've never had a friend like me" is sort of an inside joke of mine, and it's because I truly seek to be the most authentic and loyal friend you've ever had. I'm not just here for a good time- I'm here to change your life! Emotional intimacy is the hallmark of this goal, and I love to really "see" someone, to bear witness to all their ugly and do away with the surface barriers society imposes upon us. I know how crushingly lonely it can be to feel like no one really understands you, or even tries to, and so my bleeding heart takes up arms against this strongly. The way Genie bends over backwards and selflessly grants wishes- even ones he didn't have to- and genuinely wants the best for Aladdin despite the sacrifices it costs him, is the heart and soul of what this sign is for me. Not that this is always a good thing- I've definitely given away way too much without proper boundaries and gotten burned by it- but the way I feel for someone's situation, and want to do everything in my power to make it all better for them, is what Genie and I have in common. The shackles around him often feel how this type of empathy feels too- knowing you care so much and so deeply about someone, trying your best to "poof" their problems away, but having to free yourself from helping them or else it will drag you down as well. It's a big lesson this sign often has to learn the hard way, and boy have I learned it. But still, when it's used correctly and for the right person- nothing feels better than knowing you helped someone feel a lot less alone in this crazy world, and made a positive impact on their soul.
So those are mine! Please reblog with yours, and let me know why you chose your characters! I love pop-psychology through animation, and just in general lol, but either way, it was super fun to do. 🥰✨
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brujarojaxx · 2 months
Rant about why I dislike Kate Medrano.
Ok, a explication, if someone knows about Brujo Ari and his old art you would know that he used to draw a Noriaki Kakyoin with headcanons (more like an auto-insertion), thats was a hyperfemenine transmac autistic mexican-japanese teenager and now its a oc named Kate Medrano, a genderfluid mexican-american, again, autistic, with mommy issues and a enemy named Mary (before she was Marina, Jotaro's ex-wife and in the AU a girl who liked him).
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Mary (Marina) and Kate.
Starting with my rant.
First, her personality, even before, Kate or Nori was this type of anti-protagonist said by her creator. I think its cool having a protagonist that its no the average protagonists of teenagers movies or something like that.
I don't have problems with her backstory, I think, but I don't like that sometimes she is not able to see others, for example, in the story, its said that she and Mary were friends at first but after Mary didn't defend her at a party where a boy humiliated her, Kate got angry with her and decided not to be her friend anymore, I mean yes, it is logical, but after that she began to treat Mary as if she were the devil himself. Then, Kate makes Mary fall or something and holds her hand to help her up while she tries to hold back her mocking laughter. After that, Mary wanted to return the prank on Kate but it went wrong and she ended up breaking Alex's arm (the boy she likes and who I'll talk about later) and for some reason the school opens some kind of investigation to look for the responsible.
Now, who is Alex? Well, Alex was Jotaro, another mexican-japanese autistic (?) transmasc. My problems with him and Kate its that both lacks of emotional responsibility. In the story we are told that Mary and Alex were very good friends and that they liked each other (apparently Alex loves blondes) but with Kate's arrival at the institute, Alex became disinterested in Mary, but neither he nor Kate confessed, AND ALEX NEVER HAD THE NEURONS TO TELL MARY THAT HE NO LONGER LOVED HER ROMANTICLY. Then Mary only understood that because of Kate Alex no longer spent time with her (hence Mary also hates Kate).
It also doesn't help that Mary is the stereotype of the pretty, rich blonde girl with loving parents, lots of friends and good grades (something like Cher Howoritz). Because there really is no real reason to hate her other than her jealousy. xd
My main problem with these two is that they seem to think with their uterus because neither of them has emotional responsibility with the rest of the people around them. And something I hate is that Brujo Ari fans forget that they are both gray characters with a background, but many ignore the subtext between the two of them.
I don't hate Brujo Ari, actually, I like his art and Mary. But I don't have another place to write my opinion without being cancelled or something lol.
Edit: Now it seem that either a joke or something real, Kate now is something like a gatekeeper femcel and hates popular girls because he is not popular.
Edit 2: Apparently, their love triangle it's not longer canon, but I don't give a fuck, it doesn't make him better person.
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wo-onu · 1 year
╰₊✧ ゚⚬𓂂➢ [this is my first yan!oc post, thank you for reading!]
* ・✦⇢ contents :: yandere!oc character profile + various headcanons
* ・✦⇢ warnings/cw :: profanities, yandere themes, overprotective behaviour, clinginess, treating darling like a glass.
* ・✦⇢ additional notes :: can be read as gn. also, no particular traits mentioned but it is written with feminine chubby + plus sized reader in mind though not explicitly specified nor mentioned in the post.
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yandere!oc character profile + general hcs !
ʚ ﹒ ﹕ ̟乀 park yoonseo :: 박 윤서
— character profile:
name: 박 윤서 | park yoonseo
currently does not have a job; other than letting people handle his properties or whatnot. he gets his money from all his real estate inheritance so he doesn’t need to do anything. has no higher education than past middle school.
age: 24
yandere type: obsessive and clingy yandere
distinct traits: resting bitch face, unbelievably lucky, tan skin, sharp eyes, dyed hair, and mole under left eye.
friends: a childhood friend he can’t forget, and kang haejoon
likes: spicy food, comfortable clothes (buys only high end clothing), ramen, vodka, background noise
dislikes: sweets (bc he’s not good with them), complete utter silence, awkwardness, your parents (he thinks they don’t deserve such a good child like you)
hobbies: working out, watching various tv series
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ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏~ ☆゜general headcanons !
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ has angry pomeranian energy
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ though honestly, don’t be fooled by his sharp eyes and rbf, he’s quite the softie and just a very lonely person who never got to be a proper kid.
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ hates how “lucky” he is; it’s a very touchy word and subject for him. treats it like a curse rather than a blessing.
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ although i’ve mentioned that he is quite the softie despite his rbf and sharp eyes, he also has an intimidating way of speaking. in a way that, sometimes his tone may sound too harsh or cold to strangers. however, his voice is actually very pleasant; like honey.
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ since he is korean and lives in korea, he gets bullied about his darker complexion a lot. though it’s not a complex of his, he is mindful of how it can make people perceive him. however, it is not a complex because he do love his own skin colour and knows that there is nothing wrong with him. after all, he knows he’s an attractive man so why would he care? to him, no matter what, he will always be good looking. (and he is right)
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ loved his parents a lot and therefore, always wanted a family. it is unfortunate they died while he was quite young but nevertheless, the happiest memories in his life has always included his parents and how much they made him feel loved and never lacking of anything.
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ all his real estate and other possessions are all inherited from his parents as well as his paternal grandparents who took care of him once his parents passed away. sadly, right now, he is the sole survivor of his family as his grandparents also sadly passed two years and a year prior respectively. it devastated him when his grandmother passed a lot, and how it had felt like his grandfather was only following in her footsteps as he lost the will to survive and had his health deteriorate after her passing.
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ on the other hand, he also admired that fact because he’s the type to idealise a ride or die relationship.
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ oh, despite his intimidating looks, he is also a huge (hopeless) romantic! his venus is in aries therefore he’s inherently a passionate lover. he’s a fiery lover who will not settle for less than an all-encompassing love affair.
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ since he is, for the lack of better term, unemployed, he watches all kinds of show. mention a show and he’s probably watched it. even if it’s just for background noise.
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ loves spicy food any time of the day. although, in his defence, he neither likes or dislikes sweets, he just can’t handle them well enough to like it. wouldn’t necessarily seek out desserts. favourite food is definitely teokbokki (spicy rice cakes).
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ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏~ ☆゜yandere tendencies !
・✦⇢ as stated in his character profile, he is an obsessive yandere. because of his loneliness; once he falls, he falls real hard and his entire world will basically revolve around them.
・✦⇢ patience is not his biggest virtue. he wants to know whether his darling is in and he wants to know it now. the type to plan out your entire wedding in seconds once he knows you’re into him. whether or not, you feel as passionately as he does. gets too carried away because of his views on love.
・✦⇢ goes above and beyond trying to protect his darling. overprotective to a fault. the darling may be unaware but he is watching over you 24/7. although he doesn’t have the skills to do it, his hired men does and takes full advantage of that.
・✦⇢ however, puts his darling’s words above all and everything else— apart from if it involves your safety. he wants to make you live an easy life; no work, no stress, no going out where you can befall a grave danger.if it’s something you refuse to do, he will listen. just as long as you don’t leave him, a compromise like that doesn’t ultimately bother him.
・✦⇢ absolutely the clingiest person you will ever meet. has to be with you all the time or he will claim he’s withering away. since he can’t be with you at work, he will just always be with you until you reach work and will definitely be there to fetch you from work. will also constantly be texting you when you’re away. though, he will show consideration by telling you whether it’s important or not so it won’t distract you too much from work. will be happy even if you only sent a thumbs up or a heart.
・✦⇢ although i did say that he puts his darling’s words above all, he’s never deterred by your rejections and will only ever go over his head. he will steel himself over and over again with those rejections as he clings and whines to you. (example: you reject getting married after two months of seeing each other? he’s hurt but does that matter? in the end, he will always get you. as long as he has you, he can bring it up again and again. he knows you love him too. so he can be patient. as long as you stay by his side. after all, with your frequency in his own house, are you not basically living the married life?)
・✦⇢ gets rid of everyone around you he doesn’t approve of. since he knows he’s not the brightest person, he just uses his money to do everything for him. as he also doesn’t like getting his hands dirty. if he’s ever stuck, he can just call his only friend to help him out, right?
・✦⇢ especially your leeching parents. doesn’t care for their emotional manipulation towards the person he only cares about. would happily sustain them but he knows you’d never stand for that.
・✦⇢ as for others, he always manages to get rid of them so naturally that his darling never catches on. either jail, sending them overseas, etc. he has all the money in the world, therefore, a lot of disposal at his feet; if he won’t use his own luxuries for and on his darling then what would be the point of having them?
・✦⇢ would bubble wrap his darling if he could. his darling is the only person for him, if he lost you. . . he doesn’t even want to think about the mere possibility. but if ever you’re with him and an unfortunate situation strikes, he absolutely cannot be the only lucky one and survive.
at the end of the day, as long as he has you, he doesn’t mind everything else. he is the most pitiful man you can ever come across, all for you. if he’s so into you and only about your relationship, shouldn’t you be the same? after all, he can provide you anything and everything.
╰₊✧ ゚⚬𓂂➢ a/n :: first meeting scenario, additional background info and nsfw hcs will be in another post as this has gotten too long. still kinda figuring out how to layout everything and be better at writing/describing things. it was more nervewracking than i thought. tell me what you all think~ feedbacks are appreciated, asks are always open !
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📍all rights reserved © 2022 wo-onu. please do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my works in any platform 📍
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ashes-writing · 2 years
free fallin | stranger things ; b.hargrove
A/N ;  When I tell you I have got to stop watching movies like A walk to Remember, I mean this. This kinda came from watching bits of it earlier when I was flipping through tv. So I wrote it out and like.. this is really all I have to it. I dunno how to feel about it either, but.. I've been sitting on it in drafts for a while, so I read back over it earlier and decided what the hell.. for shits and giggles why not post it?
Reader is kind of introverted/good girl type. Very much Billy's opposite. This is gonna go really good or this is going to go really bad. Idk. Like I said, all I have to this is truly all I have. Like.. if you wanna see more lmk I guess?
Pairing ; Billy Hargrove x Good!Girl!Innocent reader
Timeline / Other Stuff to Note ; part II can be found by clicking...Set in S2 about a month after his arrival if I had to guess. As per the other Stranger Things stuff I've writ so far, the Upside Down, it's monsters and all the deaths and stuff that happened on the series do not exist here. This is mere slice of life stuff.
Tag List ; @allelitesmut @aries-arcade @heyaitsklaudia @hcloangcls  @krys-orion @musichealsscars @scoobiessnacks are the only ones currently on my taglist. If you’d like to be on my taglist for anything I write, including Stranger Things [ here ] add yourself there.
Warnings ; Billy Hargrove is the warning. Lots of sexual tension, eventual filth probs, enemies to lovers (ish,adjacent), bickering as a form of flirting.. Mentions of Neil being a shitty father at some points.
Other Stuff ; tag list doc || my rules - fandoms and some characters I write for || - send me things.
I do not consent to my work being reposted elsewhere or copied/reworked/rewritten and reposted here or elsewhere. You don't own this, I do. So like... don't steal my shit.
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You’re scanning the list of students who signed up to be tutored and as soon as you see his name at the top of it next to your own, you rub the bridge of your nose and you grumble quietly to yourself because he seems to pop up everywhere you are lately.
And if he weren’t the antithesis of your type entirely, -and you were one of the more popular and confident girls at Hawkins High, you might find it flattering. But he is and you’re not, so this only begs to question.
What the hell does Billy Hargrove want from you, exactly? You’re not dumb, you know his reputation. You know his type like the back of your hand and you’re dead set against it. 
But you can’t stop him from signing up for tutoring and as crazy as half the other girls doing this are about him, you’re at least halfway sure that one of them will happily take him off your hands.
Because despite all your claims, despite him being the antithesis of your type entirely… There’s something about him that has you searching the halls and the cafeteria, looking for him. There’s this little chill that creeps through you whenever he slips up on you in the hallway unprovoked and mutters “Hey darlin.” against the shell of your ear with a chuckle when you jump and turn to glare at him in irritation. There’s that flutter in your stomach when you hear him getting loud and fucking angry with some guy in the parking lot for whatever reason.
And you don’t like it, not one little bit. Not at all.
No sooner than you decide to start asking around to see if anybody has room to take him on and tutor, he spots you in the crowded hallway and blue eyes dance with amusement. You fold your arms over your chest and tilt your head a little. You attempt to give him an eye roll but his stupid fucking blue eyes suck you right in and you’re staring.
“Unbefuckinlievable.” you grumble to yourself in frustration. Billy starts to make his way over to you and you brace yourself in anticipation, reciting your mantra when it comes to him as of late like it’s an ancient prayer of protection. 
Only prayers don’t work on hell spawn demons guys like him and hearts like yours, do they?
He’s stopped in front of you and like usual, he helps himself to entirely too much of your personal space. He nods to the board, chuckling. And he’s so goddamn smug.
“Did you see?” he asks calmly. Baby blues locked on you, filled to the brim with mischief. 
It’s almost as if he lives to torment you in one way or another. Lately, he doesn’t even have to be physically present to do this, he does just fine with it when he pops up in your dream every single fucking night. And holy hell, are these dreams ever vivid. Almost hyper-realistic.
You’ve woken up breathless with your favorite shirt around your neck instead of on your body and sweating like you’ve run a damn marathon so many times lately that you’re starting to lose count. And going to sleep are viewed with excitement and annoyance in equal measure because try as you might, you cannot stop yourself from conjuring him up in your dreams at night.
“Mhm.” you answer calmly. “You realize that you’re expected to learn and participate, right? This isn’t something you sign up for to get somebody else to do your homework so you have more time to get laid or play sports or whatever…” your hand settles on your hip.
Billy bites his lip and rolls his eyes. “Yeah,yeah. Got it.”
“But do you, though?” you ask in a quieter tone.
“Look, the coach and Neil are on my ass. So… this is my only alternative.”
“I’ll ask Mer if she can take you. You’ll love her.”
“I don’t want Mer.” he reaches out and grabs your wrist, pulling you back, closer to him. Dangerously close. Close enough that you can smell the cigarettes, cologne and peppermint gum and like clockwork, your tummy does that stupid little thing where it betrays you entirely, right along with your libido, and it flips as you can feel yourself getting just a little too wet. You swallow hard and glance down at the way his hand’s engulfed your wrist and back up at him. “Okay, well.. Felicia then?”
“I don’t want Felicia.” Billy insists calmly. “I want you.”
When he says it, your breath catches. It feels like you’ve just had the wind completely knocked out of you and you’re shocked silent. Too silent to protest, which seems to make him smirk a little.
“So you’ll do it… Right?” only when he asks, it’s not exactly a question so much as he’s telling you. And those stupid big blue eyes are fixed on you, burning a hole through you and you grumble. You shift your feet around and rub at your temple. “Trial run. If you annoy me, I’m finding you another tutor because this won’t work for you if we can’t at least get along a little. That’s fair, right?” you ask, biting your lip.
Billy’s eyes are locked on your mouth and there goes that stupid tummy flutter of betrayal as he stares at you biting your lip just a little too intently. Then his gaze flits down. And he sees that you’ve been toying with the sleeve of your favorite cardigan for the entire conversation and his heart’s fluttering just a little too much, he doesn’t like it, he feels like he’s spiralling out of control, so he has to take back the balance of power. He leans into you real close and rough lips brush the shell of your ear as he muses with a laugh, “Do I really make you that nervous, darlin? What do y’ think I am, huh? The big bad wolf?”
You can only gulp. And try to bite back the stupid whimper. Your brain and mouth decide that this is not a time for them to work together so you don’t look like he has every bit the effect on you that you know he does so you can keep the upper hand and maintain just a little control over the situation. You want the floor to swallow you whole. Billy pulls away and before you can stop it, you’re pouting because you miss the warmth and his cologne and rough lips against your skin.
Everything you’re not supposed to be drawn to.
Because everyone keeps telling you he’s bad news. That he’s off limits. That even if you did want him, you can’t ever have him. That you're a good girl and he'll only ruin you somehow.
Billy’s frowning a little because stepping away from you was not something he really wanted to do and he really doesn’t enjoy sitting on that knowledge, not even a little. What he dislikes most about it is the way everyone, from your friends to his stepsister, they keep telling him you’re too good for him, he’ll only hurt you somehow and even if he did have you, it would only end badly.  His father tells him he’s weak because he caught Billy watching you at the diner where you work after school and his immediate reaction was to tell him girls were meant for one thing and one only and the sooner he fucking learns, the better off he’ll be later. It’s bitterness because Billy’s mother left, but Neil’s always been a shitty person and Billy doesn’t dare tell him that he deserves to be walked out on and if it weren’t for the kid underfoot now, he’d have gone his own way a while ago.
But the biggest scary thing about all of this is the fact that wanting you is not something that he can turn off or fuck out with someone else this time. This has never happened before and it’s driving him crazy. It leads to him trying to see just how many of your buttons he can push and how often because this gets him attention. And for the first time in his life, he wants your attention.
Annoyed with yourself and not eager to be late for Home Ec, you grab his hand in yours and take out a pen, scrawling your address onto his palm. “8:30. Not 9, not midnight. 8:30. Bring your books.” you tell him. And despite everything you keep drilling into your own head about him, there’s comfort in his hand in yours. It’s rough and warm, bigger than your hand. Sturdy.
If he weren’t the total antithesis of your type, he’d actually kind of be perfect for you. As soon as the thought crops up, you have to bolt. Hurry to class. Put as much distance between yourself and Billy Hargrove as you can get for the time being.
And as you sit in Home Ec, both excited, annoyed with yourself and slowly having an internal panic over your stupid decision to tutor Billy Hargrove after all, all you find yourself wondering is how quickly would this come around and bite you, right in the ass?
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widow-tarot · 2 years
PAC: What's Hidden From You About This Situation/Person
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I'm so obsessed with Stranger Things and the new character, Eddie Munson, that I had to do a reading that involves him in some way. Icons belong to @iconsx4u
You know the drill! Choose max two groups that you're the most drawn to. Also, think about a specific situation or a person while choosing.
GROUPS 1-2-3 4-5-6
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Cards: The Chariot Reversed, The Tower Reversed, Death Reversed, 3 of Cups Reversed, 4 of Cups Reversed, 6 of Cups, Knight of Swords Reversed, Jealousy, Dark Moon Lilith Reversed, Yesoda Reversed, Hawk Spirit Reversed, Fragmentation Reversed, Praying Mantis, Ajoite.
This person/situation you're asking about has a lot of blocked energy that not only has roots in the past but there is a great possibility of past life blockages (soul contract of some sorts for example). It seems like this is something that happened multiple times for centuries, yet it's never able to break the cycle. It reminds me of Vecna's tentacles that capture his victims so they aren't able to escape. It was actually the first thing that popped into my head. The potential of this situation/person is locked like Vecna's victims, still and almost lifeless. There's third-party energy as well (for some of you it's an actual person or an earthly factor but for others for you, it's a type of entity that keeps it locked - much like Vecna!). This third-party energy gets involved with you guys, either on purpose or purely accidentally. It could be your person's multiple lovers and partners, parents, friends, or societal expectations. The energy of this situation must be broken and shattered so ugly stuff will come out that won't block the communication, but enhance it. When we're angry, we say more. But yes, this energy has roots in your first life so that's why it's been getting more difficult to unblock it. Time doesn't do you any favors, guys. Pieces lay scattered across the dimensions and the past. I'm not sure if it's worth it to gather the missing pieces and fight; if you choose to try, be ready for a hella difficult road ahead of you. The only person you can trust is yourself because the energy will try to manipulate you and lead you the wrong way. Can't even say "yes, you can trust your guides" because.... I just can't say that because I don't believe it's true. Our Animal Spirit Card literally says: "Let the spirit be your guide" but it's in reverse. So yes, be careful of fake/manipulative signs from the Spirit or the Universe.
Astrology: Aquarius x2, Virgo, Cancer x3, Scorpio x2, Aries.
Detailed astrology: Mercury/Moon in Cancer, Sun in Scorpio, influential Mars and Cancer/Scorpio.
Cards: 7 of Swords Reversed, Page of Wands, Ace of Cups Reversed, King of Swords Reversed, Judgement, 10 of Cups, Beaver Spirit, Fidelity in Reverse, Moon, Trine, The Hermit in Reversed, Emily Bronte, Israfel in Reversed, Fated to Suffer, Moldavite in Reverse).
There's an energy of lies, secrets, and dishonesty here. If you're in a relationship/any type of connection and you have a bad feeling about whatever is happening but everyone else around you/this person tells you you're overreacting - you are right. There's something iffy about the whole ordeal and you're being gaslighted. Seemingly, everything is out in the open, you know stuff that no one else knows - but that's not all that there is to this person/situation. They are technically telling the truth, but it's so exaggerated and almost nothing like the actual thing that's happening that it might as well be a lie. Their intentions are not pure towards you - they need you by their side for their own benefits, there's nothing nice or kind about them. Do they have narcissistic/psychopathic traits? Because they're very good at lying and manipulation, people love them. It feels like for the most part you're happy when you're with them but the feeling of "something's wrong" is there, in the back of your mind like a plague but you brush it off because you'll never meet anyone like this. The bad stuff is dressed in nice clothes so at first, I was confused; but oh, this disguise is not even a good disguise, it will crumble as soon as you realize what's going on. Seemingly both of you have mutual benefits and you compliment each other but in reality, they change their personality to match yours. They exploit your need to have someone that understands you and gives you support - they feed off of your Moon. This message that you received is a warning to proceed carefully (it's like a distorted song that saves you while you're about to die - much like Vecna's curse!). Connection with this person will bring you nothing but pain and alienation - the longer we are under someone else's spell, the harder it is to escape. Open your eyes. Don't be afraid.
Astrology: Water Placements, Gemini, Scorpio x2, Aquarius, Pisces, Virgo, Cancer.
Detailed Astrology: Trine Aspects, Influential Moon/Pluto, Moon in Aquarius, Mars in Pisces, Virgo.
Cards: 10 of Wands, The World Reversed, 9 of Pentacles Reversed, The Hermit, 3 of Wands, King of Wands Reversed, Mookaite Jasper Reversed, Envious Gluttony Reversed, Zora Neale Hurston Reversed, Parrot Spirit, Matariel, Ascending in Earth Sign, Mercury, Hope Reversed.
This situation/person needs some space and solitude. They have lots of issues at the moment and stuff that are happening which makes them exhausted. They don't feel like sharing their energy because they have so little of it. Nothing is going as planned and they have to make some sacrifices and bend their neck so they can resolve the situation. Don't expect any grand gestures from them or even communication because they have enough shit on their plate. They almost ask you not to get mad at them or cut them off; just wait patiently. It's like they're begging you not to go (also, Saturn is currently in retrograde and we have Saturn in reversed so shit hit the fan, so to speak). They feel very depressed at the moment and trying to get stuff done. They're trying to be smart about this and use their intellect, so on all the levels, they are tired. They're waiting for better times at the moment. They are asking you to listen and don't judge them; there is also a specific message for some of you - if you are in contact, use kind words and be patient.
Astrology: Leo, Capricorn, Sagittarius x2, Virgo x3, Aries, Gemini, Earth Placements.
Detailed Astrology: Saturn Retrograde or Influential Saturn, Saturn in Sagittarius, Venus in Virgo, Sun in Aries, Ascending Sign in Earth Sign, Influential Mercury, Influential Virgo.
Cards: 4 of Swords Reversed, 4 of Wands, 9 of Swords Reversed, 8 of Swords Reversed, 5 of Cups Reversed, The Empress, Yesod, Addicted, Dog Spirit, Milk Reversed, Leo, Uranus in Water Sign, Baby, Bumble Bee Jasper Reversed.
Milk/Baby Cards: some specific message for you, but only for a few of you: there was a miscarriage/losing a child/stillborn. For others of you, a difficult childhood could be a factor here.
This person is healing at the moment, trying to escape their demons and the mind that equips them with nightmares and guilt. They are planning to go to the therapy and talk about their issues with a professional. They are trying to get to the root of their problems, getting into childhood trauma/past trauma/past situations and understand what can they do to be free of stuff that torment them. This is very slow energy, taking step by step, being careful and attentive, and working on themselves. It's all about getting out of depression and grief, battling pain and suffering. They also could go to an AA meeting or any other rehab clinic if their addiction makes it harder for them to be healed. The only thing you can do right now is to be supportive of them and not judge who they were/what they did; just love them as they are because they're trying to get better.
Astrology: Leo x2, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aries, Libra x2, Scorpio, Gemini x2, Aquarius, Taurus.
Detailed Astrology: Uranus in Water Sign, Influential Uranus/Venus, Venus in Aries, Jupiter in Libra, Mars/Sun in Gemini, Mars in Scorpio.
Cards: Page of Pentacles Reversed, Knight of Pentacles, 9 of Cups Reversed, Justice Reversed, 6 of Pentacles Reversed, 5 of Pentacles Reversed, Marriage Reversed, Whale Spirit Reversed, Yesod Reversed, Bumble Bee Jasper, Hiding Your True Self Reversed, Rabbit, Alejandra Pizarnik Reversed, Ascending Sign in Fire Sign.
Whatever is happening, it's Saturn Retrograde's doing. Karma is activated and it's here to change things up a little bit. It's a very slow process but it's happening, you'll see the results over time. This energy is very difficult to read, it's all over the place, very tight and locked up, stiff even. It can bring some material difficulties but it's not going to be a big deal. I think finances/work area/health will be the most influenced here. For some of you, it's bad karma; for others of you, it just brings changes but nothing serious. Contracts/any type of commitment will be challenged or even broken. Past incidents/people will resurface, bringing back the issues that haven't been resolved. You're going to go through self-reflection and some alone time to make your mind up about things.
Astrology: Leo, Virgo x2, Sagittarius, Taurus x3, Libra, Pisces, Ascending Sign in a Fire Sign.
Detailed Astrology: Mercury/Moon in Taurus, Jupiter in Pisces, Ascending Sign in a Fire Sign, Influential Libra Placements.
Cards: Page of Cups, Page of Cups Reversed, Empress, Page of Swords Reversed, 7 of Swords Reversed, Neptune, Uranus in Earth Sign, Fidelity Reversed, Keter, Peaceful Among Thorns, Butterfly Spirit, Mary Shelley, Bumble Bee Jasper Reversed.
Two messages are coming in. Also, we have a very strong message of Spirituality - it actually has a different meaning but when I think I got the gist of it, it changes. So this is universal for this group: forces beyond your control are working and you don't need to involve yourselves with magick/witchcraft here. It's almost like... don't do it. Patience is key.
1st: A lot is going on behind the curtains, it's hidden even from me. The gears are turning, something is in progress and it's very much happening in a quick motion. The truth will be revealed to you soon ( we have 3 pages) but before it can reach you, you will hear lots of stuff from other people that will not necessarily be true (mostly gossip or your own mind playing tricks on you). Two opposing forces are working here (one page of cups is reversed, the other is upright) as if fighting over you. There's a lot going on and I can't be any more specific since every situation varies from person to person. Whoever chooses this pile - this is a message of what's hidden will soon be revealed. The Neptune card really hides any details as if not to spoil the news for you. There's a transformation of sorts for sure - you will let go of some things to make place for new things that are coming. You just have to wait and trust.
2nd: This situation needs changing to be able to move forward (or, for some of you, it's already changing but needs more push). Secrets have to be revealed and communication has to be clear; both the parties have to be on the same page otherwise, it won't work. Whatever is happening, there is a miscommunication issues or you just want different things that don't compliment each other at all, they're almost opposed. There's a need to reach compromise but I don't think anyone knows that because there is so much confusing energy here it's so frustrating. Someone is not being honest for sure, making it harder for everyone involved. It's changing, that's for sure, it's just very messy and slow.
Astrology: Libra, Taurus, Aquarius, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius.
Detailed Astrology: Uranus in an Earth Sign, Influential Neptune/Venus, Moon in Aquarius.
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aeoki · 10 months
Seven Bridges - Love and Peace?: Chapter 15
Location: Yumenosaki Rooftop Characters: Adonis, Kouga, Arashi & Hitsugi
TL Note:
Arashi’s surname, Narukami (鳴上), can also mean “lighting and thunder (鳴神)” although it differs by one character.
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Kouga: Hey! What’re you doin’, Adonis!?
Adonis: Oh, Oogami.
Kouga: Don’t give me that~! Why’re you so calm!? No one should be allowed up on the rooftop!
Adonis: You’re right. Previously, the school rules didn’t state it was banned to do so, but it was only to the level that it wasn’t recommended to come up here.
The rules are getting stricter by the day. From a positive point, it’s heading in a good direction. From a negative point, it’s an inconvenience.
Kouga: Yeah! But even though this is how the times have changed, we’ve got no choice but to go along with it and that’s pretty annoyin’, right!? It ain’t cool at all!
But others tend to think we’re bad people just ‘cause we’re that “type” of person! You should watch what you say and do!
And don’t make me scold you like this of all things!
Adonis: Right, I apologise. If you’re angry, Oogami, that must mean I’ve done something wrong.
But please allow me to make an excuse. I wasn’t the first person to come up here – it was Narukami.
I was worried about Narukami so I came up here to check.
Kouga: Huuh? Ari~?
Arashi: …………
Kouga: What’re ya doin’, Ari~? Are you here in a high place and wanting to strike down like lighting ‘cause that’s what your name sounds like[∗]? What’re you, stupid!?
Arashi: …You’re always so full of energy, huh, Kouga-chan.
Kouga: That a bad thing, huuuh!? I actually haven’t been able to sing however I like in “UNDEAD”, so I’ve got way too much energy left over!
God dammit, I’m gonna explode at this rate!
Adonis: Yeah. Our graduated upperclassmen have started walking the variety show path and a lot of the school events aren’t in our “style”.
If we came up with our own event, the “producer” in charge would change it to something that Ooogami dislikes and his frustrations would continue to pile up instead.
Kouga: Yeah! I wanna put on a rock performance that’ll shake everyone’s souls! Who do they think they are, talkin’ to me about the audience or my awareness as an idol!?
To hell with those things!
I don’t wanna be a pretty packaged “product by the name of an idol” – what I’m aimin’ for is my ideal self!
Wait, why am I talkin’ about myself in this downpour!? Is this some kinda cheap melodrama!?
Adonis: No, you’re actually helping me a lot by rambling on and on. A while ago, neither Narukami nor I had a choice but to stay silent.
Kouga: …What happened?
Adonis: I don’t know either. But Narukami looks very depressed.
Arashi: …………
Hitsugi: We made it~! *Pant, wheeze* Idols are so fit! I couldn’t keep up with them at all!
Adonis: Hm? You’re–
Hitsugi: Ah! My saviour! Thank you so much back then! I wouldn’t be here if you didn’t save me!
Adonis: No, I didn’t do anything of that sort. I’m glad to see you’re well.
Arashi: Hitsugi-chan… and Anzu-chan.
Hitsugi: That’s me! I’m honoured you remember me!
Arashi: Say, since you’re both from the “producer course”, do you know who came up with this year’s “Tanabata Fest”? It’s not you, is it, Anzu-chan…?
Hitsugi: Huh? We just had a talk about that in the student council room!
Anzu-senpai got scolded a lot because it wasn’t something that she would come up with!
Arashi: I see… I wondered if that was the case. “Tanabata Fest” is the event that brought Anzu-chan a lot of recognition, after all.
So I wondered if it was Anzu-chan who planned it and would be the one to oversee it.
I made the guess but I didn’t want to believe it.
Tell me, Anzu-chan. Just why…?
Why? You’re a sweet girl but how can you trample over something that someone cherishes so easily like that…?
Hitsugi: ………?
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evansbby · 8 months
ouuu i can definitely tell that steve is just using reader to get ari angry since they're rivals. i love the small details of steve's dark side that peeked through, you're brilliant! ans your writing is perfect.
you write angst so perfectly i'm soooo jealous. i swear i've never been attracted to assholes until i discovered your fics. ari is so cruel but you really cannot help but be drawn to him. usually writers write characters too evil/cruel that you cannot get into them but you write them so well all i can do is be turned on ngl. like the way he treated reader after they had sex was AWFUL but you somehow made it so sexy OMG.
100% convinced you can take a character that is a literal piece of clay or sumn and write it to be the sexiest most charming character ever 😭😭😭😭 also you're such a one of a kind writer, i read fics in almost every fandom imaginable and i have never seen such a wonderful incredible writer like you!!!!
ngl wicked games might be your best fic yet (i say this every time you release something new but whatever). there's something so satisfying about ari not even running after reader (i think in your other fics ari is def more possessive and would never allow oc to run off with steve but he's such an asshole in this one he just stays with his girlfriend)
chapter 2 has definitely inspired me to write my own fic of a full blown asshole character like wg!ari omg (a fic for a completely diff fandom and also the plot would be very diff as well i would never blatantly steal or copy or anything like that). something about this type of asshole character just does it for me....like he has a gf and strings you along and keeps acting like he owns you but never actually claims you and all you're good for is sex UGHHHH. You're a genius.
Steve deffo has some vendetta against Ari, it’s just sad that poor reader is the one who got caught up in whatever is going on between those two! 🥺🥺🥺
AHHH thank you so much, I’m not worthy of all this praise omfg thank u🥺🥺🩷🩷 I’m really happy you’re enjoying this story!!! I always aim to create characters who are multi-faceted who people can connect with in some way or form, rather than just solid boring characters, so I’m thrilled you think I write well!!
Alsoooo listen I had such a hard time writing the part where Steve and reader leave together bc I was like “there’s absolutely no way Ari wouldn’t go after them” BUTTT see what happens is that Sharon throws up on Ari as I mentioned in another ask, which is why he’s unable to follow them and he loses them in the crowd 😭 I actually wrote that but then deleted it and never rewrote it!!! But it happened!
Also omg I’m so happy I inspired you!!!! I know feeling inspired is the best feeling ever and honestly writing assholes is the most fun for me bc you’re always testing how far you can take it🤭🤭🤭 good luck with your own fic, this is so exciting!!
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blackwaxidol · 2 years
sloshed on diphenhydramine. sleeping pills always dull my emotions, and i lose the fear of speaking honestly. radio buzzing of an angry alter echoing in my skull, he alternates between despair and rage and both leave a sense of hopelessness at the core. i see no reason to divulge what he is agonised over, and this frustrates him further. i don't mean to be unkind to him, we merely operate on very different frequencies of self-preservation. perhaps i am making excuses, perhaps i just do not know how to parse his thoughts in an appropriate manner. i have always considered him to be a creature of shallow, vast demand. i recognise the inhumanity i exhibit when i think his desire for basal human attention is selfish or otherwise asking for too much. i understand that, fully. my restraining of him is unreasonable, but i am so fearful of abandonment that i cannot chance the possibility of this backfiring. the part that i am was formed from such an event, i believe i exist to prevent a second psychological collapse. do you see now, the scope of my personality?
there were a lot of stars out earlier. Jupiter was the brightest object in the sky and it still is, two hours later, and three hours before my final dose of antibiotics. i got a new prescription, it helped until it didn't. i will have to visit a specialist, i have had this infection for 6 months.
i saw Mars, too. for the very first time i witnessed the red luminescence it is known for. to its left i saw the Seven Sisters, the Pleiades. they are a cluster of stars within Taurus, of which i saw Aldebaran.
a low-flying plane scared me more than i want to admit. it was a strange machine to me, resonating with a droning hum that filled me with terror, because i had never heard an aircraft like it until now. so, so loud.
i am dreadfully unhappy. my notes app hasn't seen an updated entry in two weeks and i remember nothing of my days. i know i cried, a lot, but trying to recall when or why feels like i am falsifying memories because it feels so distant from my own mind. i am still losing weight. a doctor thinks i might have lupus. for a whole month my right breast looked sickly, so much so that the skin looked like it had been ravaged by carcinomata. on the day i meant to visit the doctor for my antibiotics i had intended to also bring this to attention, but when i undressed for a shower i discovered my symptoms were quickly diminishing. did you know lupus can cause mastitis so horrific that it appears to mimic cancer? until this was told to me, i was in a state of agony so unmanageable that i could not exist consciously.
i use my notes app to talk about my characters, i could not even do that. the last thing i said on here was not even my own correspondence because i fell upon myself like a dying star and only Aries talks when i do that. i don't like how he navigates speech, it is far too detached.
i did not want to disappear. i did not want to be alone. i can't stand being alone. my alter cannot decide if he is laughing or crying when he tells me for the umpteenth time that nobody cares if we die. i cannot entertain the notion, there is an obstruction in my thought process everytime i try considering it. i always take that kind of mental brick wall to mean that i am either not meant to, or not allowed to be the one to unpack it. i suppose i have to concur, but there's a strange feeling in my core when i do it. i want to say "i don't think that's correct" but i can't come up with a reason as to why. i have been typing this all for so long that i don't really sense him anymore and so the urge to redact any discussion of him in this post rises to the surface. but i want to keep it in. for clarity.
i want to say "whatever.", because that is what i say to indicate i have become deeply frustrated or upset in a manner that drives me to urgently discard my feelings when i feel the alternative might be combustion. i have long since forgotten the point of this post. he drove me to write it, because he feels neglected. that's fine. it has become my post now. goodnight, it is 06:36 and i am to take my antibiotics in under two hours.
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olivedoesmagic · 2 years
Journal 70: Believe it [Divide Music]
“Oh shit your reality shifintg again. Give him the apricot as a clue. And don’t say anything about his suicide. We’re taking you to batman and then….warshack” The Question said. Batman looked me up and down. “I approve.”
I quickly ended the shift and came here. After a botched respawn attempt and surviving my suicide some weird stuff happened. My splinter was brought back to life that night, with Zues in tears. The splinter that belonged to I. He’s alive again, because I failed my suicide atempt. It’s okay. I’m glad to be here, it’s just my gender dysphoria is so extreme, I desperately need that male body. I am told I will receive one via magick, but it’s oh so much. I finally joined the otherkin club via a talk with N.D. It was awkward and I got to experience his first ever “kin”shift with him as me and me as him. I love him very much. He’s a good halfblood. Because nay I remind you half bloods are real for some stupid reason.
I’m having trouble shifting as of late. I still remember how to do it, but my shifts are lasting less and less time and I desperately need that information! I need to know about alternate realities, I need to go on grandiose adventures and I just can’t do that without the shifting. Also Bravo is on Olympus. I have so far erased 6 people from time and space. 3 of them gods. It’s a long ass story, that I will now divulge for you because I truly and utterly have nothing better to do.
I was a deity in the past. I killed myself- or made some sort of sacrifice and jumped ship waiting a few centuries and becoming human. Thus I have like a bazillion aspects. I learned to weave time and space, through both the fates, fictional characters, and the Greek God of time Chornos. Anyways, when I was on the brink and also angy I erased aspects of myself from collective consciousness and memory. But I later learned that other guides were factored into these masks of mine- resulting in a giant ass mess. 
NOW HERES WHERE WE FUCKING PAUSE. Because if you don't believe in any of this or my credibility this sounds completely and totally asinine. However! I always implore the skeptic to read my diary as though it truly and utterly is a fantasy. Eventually it will open up your eyes. But until then- you have a good fantasy novel drenched in real world systems of occult. It makes you feel better, me feel better, atheists in asshats feel better, and we can all call it a day without saying I have any screws loose.
Anwyas I erased Dionysus, and Aries from time and space and also my splinter that was Athenas son. The gods do fear me. It’s a lot. And the fact that I can erase or kill them is why. It’s why Zues blinded me in my left eye. My power is tied to my sight (lets not get into the ableist themes there) and Zues knew I was to far up in the air, and as his godly child and as king of the gods out of worry for my power he “capped me” as he says. Anyways, I erased these two aspects from collective consciousness because I was furious- I was angry, and I was hurt and these forms belonged to me! Not just the gods but ME. I know that sounds egotistical, I know that sounds far fetched, but verify it on your own through shades and testing and bad hearing and you’ll see outside any wonky metaphor that I am not lying to you.
Regardless you can’t truly erase a god, or here would be terribly terribly different, so instead I erased the impact I had on history in these forms, teh architecture, the temples, it all almost disapeared. But Aries and Dioynsus still exist. I’m suicidal I’m unsatable and I also took a knife to Eros’s neck. So a long time ago when I was a creator of the world and a titan, I created special knifes just in case my creations got out of control. These knives have a special curst on them that can mame, wound, and kill a god. It’s pink or yellow or green and white crystals depending on the type of death or harm you wish to do.
I also have a paintbrush. A paintbrush is a type of creation tool used by divinity to paint the stars and the galaxies meetephorically. I imagine things as cartoons alot so my paintbrush looks like fucking neopets but I digress.
Image portrays a paintbrush from neopets with a space pattern on the paint and a brownish yellow handle. That should also be covered by fair use since this is nonfiction and published in america.
Anyways. I mamed Eros, I mamed Dioynsus (twice now) and I through suciide and rebirth killed hermes then used a system of magick that I functioned to bring them all back from the dead. I coudn’t go through with it. Sameual appears to me as Dexter Morgan as a mask- as makeup, and he’s wrong. No matter what time wars I’ve served via copies, I’m not that man anymore. I don’t think I could ever learn outside a splinter to take a life. So I just. Brought the gods I killed back. And they now had fancy pajamas /hj
Regardless, it was a lot. It’s something called “Deicide” and it’s extremely hard to do! I am a very special boy. Um also I’m releasing red dust from my mouth which means that a rebirth is in order. I have to warn Iziraphael and I have to survive but I’m so on the brink, Snow and her goons laughed as I took my sleeping pills.
Anyways! Um. I’ve upset alot of the gods with this entry. But I am alive and kicking in universe 2.89delta-7 and it doesn’t really matter. Everytime I die or “botch an atempt” someone else get to live. You know what sucks? What really sucks? Good karma results in bad things happening to Good people and Bad Karma results in good things happening to bad people. Did you know that karma comes in different colors? So much pink bruh! So much red! /j So much…..everything.
Because of a stupid curse on me I can’t die and I keep coming back form the dead. It’s really rather a lot. Respawning is one susch methodology. Yeah. I have nothing to hide, and I write this down incase I’m erased again. Theirs this forum across dimensions. It’s called “The alienation room” there a lot of conspiracy theorists and ameatur detectives gather and share media from across different timelines. One such media shared one day will be me, olive, my diary you are reading now which also from here on out is public domain.
So know that, and be prepped. I don’t ever want the gods to forget me. But they have before and they will again. It’s sad. Zeus my daddy, aphrodite chasing me, Aries my lover, and Hermes my former friend. I’ve dined with them you know? The menus had each item specific to each god. Zeus also owns pet chickens which is weird…regardless I will never stop missing being Hope, or Being Bravo. Or forgetting how I’ve wronged them. God on his skateboard or something else. Geez this sounds like a goodbye letter! It’s actually a letter to preserve what is here in this diary, and to prove I am who I say I am, with little details just in case the universe I created forgets me.
Anyways! I think I’m going to write myself into fiction agai. And this time? We’re going sapphic. Prepare. Pink hair! Pink hair everywhere!
Anyways. I guess for closing remarks. Hello Question you have found me again. Hello Braiden and Sues and Johnny and Dave. Goodbye Maika, and Merit, and Merlni. And if I somehow keep going. Never forget the stars.
Oh and I also met aliens. Remind me to tell you about that again.
Olive Brimstone
9:31 AM
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neroushalvaus · 4 years
@starlene tagged me to share five of my favourite male characters. Thank you for the tag ♥ Like her, I’m going to tell you in detail why these are my favourite boys. Bear with me! These are not in any strict order, except for the first one, he will always be the number one in my heart.
1. Javert, Les Misérables
When I first read Les Misérables I was so fascinated by Javert’s character. Javert is the complete opposite of "a bad cop antagonist”, he follows the law to a fault and in a book like Les Mis, in which the society is the real villain, that is his personal failing. 
His integrity is also kind of touching to me. The way he will believe a nun that’s known not to lie, even when he should be doubting her words, and the way Javert himself never tells a lie, even when he’s supposed to act as a spy. He really has “nothing ignoble about him”, as Hugo says. Also how when he sees the error in his ways, his last act is to criticize the system he has upheld. 
Javert is such a sad character. His parents were possibly as downtrodden as Valjean, so he grew up to be someone who believes he’s doing the right thing, even when he’s trampling the ones society has already abandoned. That is a true tragedy and it never stops being interesting to me.
2. Lehto, Tuntematon sotilas
Oh boy. Possibly my worst son. He is a character from this one Finnish war novel, who doesn’t like anything or anyone and has a giant chip on his shoulder from god-knows-where. He is considered grim and nasty by his peers, he hates the authority and gets anxious when anyone talks about spirituality or patriotism. In other words, I love him.
Don’t get me wrong, once again we have a bad person here. He torments this one guy simply for being scared (and like, they are in war so what the fuck my dude), once he kills someone just because, and he in general never does anything nice for anyone. But then again, he’s only twenty-one in the book and he does not live long enough to learn and I would like to see him growing. I’m also interested in his past of which we only know that he has been “alone” since he was a child. And there is something very appealing about his defiant personality. As my psychologist mother said after seeing 2 minutes of Lehto in one movie adaptation, “boys like that are not good at expressing themselves that well, he needs understanding and support”. So yeah... I have a soft spot for this guy.
3. Hercule Poirot, Agatha Christie’s Poirot
I really don’t know what this sweet little man is doing on this list. I’ve liked Poirot since I was a child but I feel like I for a long time didn’t quite understand how well written his character is. I’m mostly talking about the books and David Suchet’s iconic portrayal, but I also really really liked the new ABC Murders with John Malkovich. Poirot’s backstory really did it for me, it made so much sense and put a whole new spin in this character.
In general I just love Poirot’s manner of speaking and his little quirks - how persnickety he is, his pickiness with food, how polite he is and his dramatics, especially when he gathers all the suspects together and lets them hear it. I love how in Christie’s novels he uses people’s prejudices against foreigners to his advantage, kind of like Marple uses the fact people usually are not too cautious around little old ladies. My favourite thing about Poirot, especially in Suchet’s portrayal, is his empathy and how that makes him a better detective. He can feel for victims and culprits alike, and he is great at figuring motives because he talks to people and sees what makes them tick. I love this man and his little gray cells.
4. Thomas Barrow, Downton Abbey
Bad boys are back, alright! Or you know... Misunderstood boys. Silly boys. Boys who get hurt every time they let someone in and that feeds their rage so they say “I’ll do it on my own”... Julian Fellowes really thought he could make an evil gay servant and people would just be like “okay so that one’s a jerk, can we see more of Lady Mary’s love life now?”. But he went and cast RJC and accidentally wrote the most interesting character in the whole Classist Propaganda: The TV Show.
Thomas Barrow is a complicated character and that makes him so appealing to me. He seems to be tough and cold, but he’s also very sensitive and many of the bad things he does are motivated by jealousy or hurt. He is clever and driven, but he can and most certainly will make bad decisions. Characters in the show think he’s heartless, but he likes being around children and when he falls in love with someone, he falls hard and fast. He’s also hopelessly devoted to those near him. I guess one of the big reasons I like Thomas so much is that he’s so severely mistreated by the show. He gets repeatedly punished for even small things he does, whereas other characters can do worse things and other characters and the mainstream audience still like them. I guess that makes me kind of protective of him, and willing to read a thousand fics about how he gets everything he has ever wanted in life.
5. Gregory House, House M.D.
I’m on my House binge once again and let me tell you - Season One Dr House is actually a good guy? Like sure he’s sarcastic and irresponsible and wants to do things his own way and throws a hissy fit when he doesn’t get his way, but in so many ways he is actually nice. That, of course, changes when the show marches on, but who said all character development has to be positive?
I like hospital dramas and I like detective shows, therefore I love House M.D. And this is a rare case in which the main character in a series is the most interesting one. I also love Wilson, but I relate to him a bit too much in certain ways (the internet says it’s because we’re both INFJ) for him to be that enjoyable for me. But House is interesting and once again, complicated. Making this list is making me once again face the fact I like characters who have a strict set of rules for themselves. House is a textbook example of Chaotic Neutral, but like it’s said in the series, his work is motivated by doing what he thinks is right. And it’s really important to him to be right himself. What I also like about him is that even though he is a typical “genius jerk”, he actually consistently gets called out on his behaviour. We get to see how his behaviour is the reason he has only a handful of meaningful relationships and why being like him is nothing to be proud of. A cool drinking game, take a shot every time he’s described as “miserable”. Have fun. 
Huh, that was a lot. Let’s tag some people! @obiskus , @juniper-pompadour , @trevardes and @violasmirabiles , share your favourite boys, if you feel like it! Feel free to either just say the names or ramble like I did :’)
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lunarticxenia · 3 years
Moon Signs Pt. 1
My take on moon signs based off people I know! Now personally, I tend to have more strong opinions on my favorite moon signs than favorite sun signs. I feel like moon signs really indicate more about a person’s personality than their sun sign, imo. It does rule emotions and behavior after all. With sun signs I struggle with picking favorites because I do genuinely have people I like of every zodiac sign. I just go by the number of people I like from each zodiac sign. Anyhoo, here’s my view on each moon sign! 
Note: These are p long bc I have such strong thoughts on moon signs so I’m splitting it into two parts. :) 
🍂 Aries Moon: Ahhh, my moon sign. I won’t be biased though, I promise. So Aries moons based off other people I know is that we low-key got anger issues LMAO. Every single Aries moon I’ve met besides myself has anger issues, with the exception of one person and she still gets irritated easily. Aries Moons are also extremely sensitive, and they tend to be overlooked for that since they’re fire signs. I’ve found that a lot of what they get angry about has to do with their feelings, if they feel they’ve been wronged this really can make them angry as they are super sensitive. They also get angry when they feel like people aren’t listening to them, as they take this very personally. I’ve also noticed that Aries moons are EXTREMELY honest, they will tell it how it is and they are extremely blunt. They don’t like to beat around the bush, and they are very direct with how they feel about something. Aries moons are also extremely passionate and spontaneous especially in relationships; they’re the ones who wanna kiss in the rain and ride horses into the sunset, that is if you can get them to settle down with you LMAO. Nah all jokes, they’re picky about who they want, but once they really fall for someone it’s very hard for them to let go. They’re also so competitive, they will play dirty. My grandpa used to let me win in checkers as a kid, my dad (who’s an Aries moon) NEVER let me win. He said me losing would help build character LMFAO. He just didn’t wanna lose.They also have strong personalities and can be SUPER impulsive. Also, if they wanna do something, they WILL do it. No one is gonna stop them. If they wanna go somewhere at 3am, they’re doing it. Sorry. You can’t stop them. LMAO. Aries moons also love to be in touch with their inner child, my dad is an Aries moon and bought himself an arcade machine out of nowhere LMAO. I also like to collect shells and watch Disney movies to remind me of my childhood. They also tend to change their views and opinions on things a lot, and mind you they have intense emotions about these things. So it can be hard to keep up w them. 
🍂 Taurus Moon: Taurus moons are just so calm, it’s scary LMAO. I know a few of them, and even if they’re anxious about something you can never tell. They always have this calm demeanor and just seem so unbothered by everything. Taurus moons also LOVE money and the finer things in life. The male Taurus moons I know work a lot just so they can have a lot of money. One of them literally said to me “Money talks” after explaining to me why they work 7 days a week, 12 hours a day doing two jobs. The crazy thing is, despite doing all that extra work, he just seemed so unbothered about it LMAO. The female Taurus moons I know tend to love really expensive clothes and dressing up. This Taurus moon I work with has such nice clothes and always dresses like she’s on a Vogue cover. Like I said, Taurus moons LOVE money and the finer things in life like expensive clothes. If they aren’t the types to dress up or be workaholics, they desire comfort. They would rather lay in bed and take hot bathes than be bothered to do all that extra stuff. They also might like to eat out at expensive restaurants, and are “foodies”. They also might be big lovers of music and have lots of different music tastes. Also, Taurus moons? STUBBORN. Good luck trying to get them to change their mind on something. Also, despite them wanting all the luxuries and comfort of life, they are SUPER grounded. They do not live in a dream world, they see life for what it is, and prefer to be on the ground than have their heads in the clouds. Also, Taurus moons, I’m sorry, but y’all can be lazy. I work with three of them, and they can be lazy. They will not do more than the bare minimum. Also, their anger is low-key scary. Especially since it can come out of nowhere since they’re calm all the time, you never know when they’re angry and if you catch them at the wrong time... well, rip. They also tend to be introverted- even if they’re social, you will not know anything about them unless you’re besties with them or related to them. Doesn’t matter how well you know them, they don’t air their dirty laundry and keep their private life private. Also one last thing, omg these people sing all the time. They love singing to themselves, every single one I’ve met does that LMAO. Anyway, love my Taurus moons. 
🍂 Gemini Moon: Gemini moons love to make people laugh LMAO and love to just sit down and have good talks with people. Their minds NEVER stop working. Good luck trying to get them to stop talking once they know you. They can and will talk about anything for hours. Now, I do admire that, but sometimes I just wanna relax and they won’t stop talking to me LMFAO. My dad’s girlfriend is a Gemini moon and at family gatherings she loves to dance around and try to get everyone else to dance. I find that Gemini moons are very active and love to move around, and try to get everyone to have fun. Definitely the life of the party. They’re super amusing and also love to tell jokes and funny stories. Now not all of them are extroverts especially if they have an earth sun sign. So that is something to consider. My cousin is a Gemini moon and tends to be more introverted, however, once she’s comfortable around someone and knows someone she’s super goofy and loves to make people laugh. Gemini moons also love to learn, they’re always teaching themselves about something. My cousin who’s a Gemini moon just randomly started teaching herself how to do sign language (she’s good at it also)! These people are also SUPER adaptable, they can get along with any kind of personality and can adapt to any situation. I’ve also noticed that they love to playfully roast people and annoy them LMAO. I have noticed that they struggle with reading the room, they tend to just continue to annoy someone and can take it too far, which can get kind of annoying. They’re also extremely curious and are always asking questions. They love to ask random questions without any context. It’s a quirk a lot of them have. Trying to tell a story to them can be frustrating because if you mention certain terms they’ll ask you what they mean LMFAO. My dad was telling a story about how he used surfing to explain physics concepts in class and his girlfriend asked what the concepts were and what they mean. Also, they’re really good at giving advice. These people would make great psychologists imo. This girl I used to talk to (who’s a Gemini moon) actually is becoming a psychologist, so there you go LMAO. 
🍂Cancer Moon: Oh Cancer moons...you guys are so sensitive. They feel everything and anything. I haven’t met a Cancer moon that isn’t an empath. They are extremely good at reading other people and sensing their motives. My mother is a Cancer moon, and she’s always been able to tell who’s toxic in my life. She doesn’t even have to meet them either, just based off of stories I tell her, she can pick it up right away. Now, everyone always says Cancer moons are super close with their family and that’s definitely not always the case. The Cancer moons I’ve met have actually had a lot of problems with their family. Now the thing that I’ve noticed with these placements is that despite how toxic their family is, they always stick by them. Even if they’re not close. So I wouldn’t say they’re all super close with their families, but they always stick up for them, which can be an issue if their family is toxic. Also, Cancer moons, SUPER MOODY. I’m sorry but like I’m a Cancer sun and they’re ten times more moody than I am LMFAO. I’ve always said they act more like the stereotypical Cancer than Cancer suns. Also, this is a super underrated placement for humor. Every Cancer moon I’ve met has been super funny. Also, a super underrated placement for anger issues. Everyone says oh yeah Aries moons have anger issues, like yes, BUT HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN CANCER MOON ANGER?! Y’all Taylor Swift is a Cancer moon and wrote a whole album about how fed up she was about the media mistreating her and the whole Kimye thing (rightfully so) but y’all see my point. They can and will fight you. They also tend to be introverted, even if they’re social, (which I rarely see), they would much rather keep to themselves. I’ve also noticed that they’re very nostalgic a lot. My Cancer moon ex used to just randomly go through childhood photos and would show them to me. They’re also EXTREMELY protective over people they love, they will KILL for the people they love. They also love to talk about their dream homes and interior decorating a lot? My Cancer moon ex was OBSESSED with coming up with his dream house and would literally draw out diagrams for me to see. My mother too, she wants to redecorate her apartment and was showing me all the potential furniture that was gonna be put in. Oh Cancer moons, LMAO. 
🍂 Leo Moon: Oh Leo moons. You guys can be so dramatic LMAO. Every Leo moon I’ve met is so dramatic; these are the types of people who get up and move around when telling a story and also do dramatic hand gestures. These are the types of people who post a black screen in middle school on Snapchat saying “Don’t hmu.” LMAO. My Leo moon friend gets so mad when I make that joke, but it’s so true. These people are also naturally super creative, the Leo moons I know love to decorate and draw. Even if they don’t do any outright creative hobbies, they have a creative streak to them. It’s weird though because despite them being very dramatic when it comes to them being angry, they struggle with expressing their personal problems to other people. (This however can be changed with other placements, but I’ve found this to be true in many cases). They don’t want people to think that they’re weak, so they put up a tough front to hide that they’re hurting. Also, Leo moons, are indeed the hype friends. My Leo moon friends gas up my Instagram posts so much. They’re also extremely loyal and don’t like to leave people out, they hate that kind of shit. They’re also extremely accepting of others, my Leo moon friend was the first person I came out to, and they accepted me right away. They also love to take pictures of EVERYTHING. Like when you go out with them, they will make you wait before eating your food so they can take video of your food together LMAO. They love to capture every moment, I personally find it very endearing. Also, a lot of people say Leo moons are super cocky. I don’t find this to be true. They can come off that way, but I’ve found they tend to actually be pretty insecure and they try to hide it by coming off as confident. I feel like Leo moons tend to put on a show a lot to hide how they truly feel, which makes it hard to get to know them. It makes me sad because they truly are such kind hearted people and all they want is to feel validation. I also found that they love to go above and beyond to make sure everyone else is happy and tend to put themselves last. I wish y’all didn’t do that, you deserve to be happy too. ;( 
🍂 Virgo Moon: Workaholics. That’s how I’m starting this LMAO. My friend is a Virgo moon and works her ass off. She goes above and beyond in school for starters. For this anatomy course we had together, she sent me a whole diagram she made of the human brain on Notability and it was so intricately made. She also works her ass off at her job and takes care of her siblings. I feel like this falls into Virgo placements putting others before themselves. Virgo moons are definitely the types to be like this. They want to make everyone happy and they want to feel useful so they do all these extra things to feel that way. Virgo moons are also super smart, and have the best study methods. Low-key jealous. They have this incredible drive and are always on top of things and have a routine. Also Virgo moons LOVE animals. My friend who’s a Virgo moon, works at a dog sitting business and has 6 pets at home. They LOVE animals. They also like honesty and bluntness; they will provide you with that as well. They don’t like beating around the bush or lying to make other people feel better. You wanna know if you look bad in a dress? Ask a Virgo moon, LMFAO. I’ve also found that they struggle with wanting to be perfect all the time, and struggle with anxiety. As I said, they want to be the best at everything, and this can be a big source of anxiety for them. These people also find themselves attracting people who they want to “fix”. They also give amazing advice and are super reliable. Also, last minute plans? They HATE them. Want a Virgo moon to hate you? Try making spontaneous plans with them LMAO. Virgo moons also have great memories; they’ll remember every little detail about you. Also Virgo moons are the types to take charge in a group project and run the whole thing because they don’t trust anyone. Virgo moons also always appear to be calm and collected, even though many of them frequently deal with anxiety a lot. Also, they’re low-key underrated for humor. They have a very dry and self-deprecating sense of humor LMAO. They also go above and beyond in relationships because they enjoy seeing the people they love being happy. 
Anyhoo, this wraps up part one!  Also these are just my opinions, so don’t get offended I tried to praise and drag all of them equally <3 
Part 2 here. 
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silkgonerough · 3 years
Astro Observation/Rants #3 (includes moral support for ppl with harsh aspects between their big 3)
🍰UNDERRATED ASPECT COMBO: Mercury sextile venus + mars when I tell you the amount of crazy situations I’ve talked my way out of and the amount of free things I’ve talked my way into is simply ridiculous.. The mixture of both I think gives someone a rlly nice and sweet way of talking but with a certain tact and persuasion with how their saying it if that makes sense? Which equals a real charmer in words but also someone very skilled in how to get what they want through what their saying. If you have this as well start using it to your advantage trust me it works!!!
☹️Does anyone else who has Pluto or Saturn on or aspecting the ascendant in a harsh aspect have an intense self awareness that kind of keeps them from doing certain things bc it gets to much be too much or you get too paranoid over what others will think of you?
😪Being a Sagittarius but with Saturn as my dominant/elevated planet is really not what I signed up for... I thought I was getting my fun carefree casual storyline but Saturn said it’s the struggle for me. RIP to young me who only looked at cookbook astrology and rlly thought I was doing something...
🙃Ppl who have their sun or ascendant squaring your own ascendant usually have habits or just certain things they do that tend to annoy you or make you judgemental in how they present themselves to the world and others around them. My virgo rising squares my moms sagittarius sun and I can’t take her anywhere 😕
🥵Venus square mars is so hot yet such a disaster in synastry😭 like maybe it’s because I attract relationships that tend to be as messy as something out of a Netflix original but I’m always so attracted to guys who’s venus’ square my mars... and then they open their mouths😪
📚If you know someone with mercury in an aspect to saturn compliment their intellect, writting skills or just knowledge in general!! Ppl with this aspect tend to feel insecure with being considered “smart” even if they really are! Most ppl I’ve met are able to articulate their thoughts rlly well and are like walking dictionaries almost? They way they talk when explaining definitions or concepts is also lowkey hot🥵maybe that’s just my Virgo rising talking tho...
💖Sun in any aspect to venus but especially the conjunct/trine as an aspect between two people is the official hype man aspect!! The venus person hypes the hell out of the sun person and vice versa!! Probs the loyal fan who’s always in your comment section😘I love this aspect sm tho you just love the entire being of the other person! one of my fave celebrities has her venus conjunct my sun and I am deeply in love with her🤪
😩WHEN WILL THE UNIVERSE GIVE ME ANYTHING OTHER THEN A DAMN PISCES ARIES OR LIBRA MAN ITS GETTING OLD give me my Scorpio or Capricorn man😭🙏 (except dont bc all of hell will break loose and it’ll be me invigoratingly opening the gates)
🌗If you have your sun in a harsh aspect to your moon (square or opposite) your childhood was probably not the most fun in the home life and you probably understood the harsh reality of marriage or just unhealthy relationships in general from the parents :/ the whole sun/moon inner conflict was also probs pretty prevalent and caused social issues with peers at school.. honestly such a sad aspect to have as a child bc everything’s so hard and you don’t understand why bc you don’t rlly understand yourself yet :( but once you grow into it and figure out how to balance your emotions/moon to your overall personality/sun one can become the strength where the other is weak and it creates a sort of wondrous enigma of a person and ppl can become rlly entranced in your personality! It’s called layers bitch😜
🤫Scorpio/Pluto in the 3rd house (I have both🤗) could be someone who has a lot of secretive hobbies or interests that they don’t share with a lot of ppl but may have a secret social media accounts for them👀 not the type to tell ppl if they like someone but the ppl who are close to them will catch on or honestly figure out just by asking them straight up bc once confronted we get all embarrassed and you can see it on our faces super easily! We love our mysteries, plot twist or literally anything that requires digging deeper or making theories when reading or watching something. No surface level shit here🙅‍♀️
💸Mars in 2nd house may have a shopping addiction or may be bad at saving money. They usually binge shop and are the types that went to a grocery store for more untensils and came back with a waffle maker and a bunch of baking supplies😅 stingy if you eat their food without permission... the type to freak out if they left their fave shirt at their friends house after a sleepover lol, probs has a thing for food and sex together or sex in a really luxurious place with candles and rose petals.. it’s go big or I’m going tf home with them. Have furniture in ur home their not fucking in a god damn roller rink🤣
🌟People with Mercury in Aquarius/aspecting Uranus seem to really like talking about scientific theories or futuristic concepts!! All the ones I’ve known have had really grand ideas and seem to like anything related to the mystical but also seemingly holds a lot of innovative undertones! One of my friends who has Mercury in Aquarius aspecting Neptune/Uranus has a thing for the Disney short films which honestly is like a mix of neptune and uranus in its art forms! I’ve always thought it was cute how eager she is to show me them☺️
🌊From what I’ve observed an aspect that can make someone kind of bad at confrontation or like vocalizing their feelings until it’s too late and their bursting like a freaking geyser is Pisces mars. It doesn’t rlly take a lot to have them feeling some sort of way either with or without a valid reason (this is just an observation from the ones I’ve seen I don’t want to generalize!!) but the way they get angry is like a baby’s tempter tantrum and because I’m a Sagittarius I can always see thru the bullshit and I’m like is anyone else seeing this? I think overall besides Scorpio having a water mars signs is exceptionally hard so I cut them some slack but at what cost😫
🤤Mars conjunct Jupiter people are yummy. The men and women both are so hot and the men are always exuding big dick energy and usually thats what their giving👀
🌎All my big 3 create harsh aspects to one another (sun square moon, moon opposite ascendant, ascendant square sun) I honestly don’t know how I made it this far without literally exploding from tension but to anyone with these I guess my advice would be to refrain from taking things too personally bc it’s usually never that serious we’re just already a bit insecure in ourselves and how we present ourselves to the world! Your perception of how others view you vs how they actually do are usually very different in a good way but we tend to self sabotage ourselves into acting the way we think others want us to! I think having so many conflictive yet different sides of yourself creates a very influential character. It’s kind of like living in many completely different places throughout your life. The change is always hard and you don’t always feel secure but your experience and perception on things are really unique and you can offer other ppl a whole new perspective on who they are bc you yourself are always looking through the world through conflicting yet contrasting lenses.
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Last Chance Prompt Fest
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Today is the day that our Last Chance Prompt Fest starts.
To take part, you don’t need to claim a prompt through us at all, you just find a prompt you like, create what you want to create and then tag us @the-ce-horniest-book-club​ and use the hashtag “CE HBC Last Chance Prompt Fest”. You can also DM your link to us to ensure we see it.
The event starts today, Friday, August 27th and ends next Friday, September 3, 2021.
Once the event has ended, we will answer the ask for the prompts that received creations. We will also have a masterlist for everything created as well.
Who can we create for?
You can create stuff for Steve Rogers, Chris Evans or any of Chris’s 18+ characters.
What can we create?
While the CE HBC is primarily a writing community, these events are to encourage creators of all types. So for this event, you can write, make moodboards, create a playlist, make a video or whatever you are inspired to create based on the prompts under the keep reading.
All of the prompts are listed below the cut and it does not matter how many things are created for each prompt.
Chris Evans Prompts
Could you do one with chris where the reader is eating something delicious and Chris hears them and tries to distract them with smutty things but the reader picks the treat over Chris. (Just had yams that tasted like my grandma used to make years ago, and I’ll pick that over Chris right now lol)
It’s hot AF where I live and we all know Chris doesn’t like the hot temps… so maybe something about trying to beat the heat
How many rounds was that? Four? God, we’re about to break our own record. With Chris? 😍
That’s a lot of sass for someone who ruined my sheets and still hasn’t apologized. With Chris?
Prompt: being friends with Chris and helping and supporting him with ASP too. When the news hit that Biden won your together and after squealing, he just grabs and kisses you.
Chris Evans brushing his heavily pregnant wife’s hair
Chris introducing you to his family for the first time
Readers reaction when Chris has to shave off his beard for a role and doesn’t tell her?
Hey i had an idea. she faked her orgasm because she has trouble cum.  Chris finds out and is angry because she hasn’t said anything and doubts his abilities?  then he brings her to orgasm
Chris playing Christmas songs on the piano while you wrap presents or something where he keeps you company while you’re doing something else
Ari Levinson Prompts
Cowboy Ari Levinson helping you out after he finds you on his ranch
Curtis Everett Prompts
Trying to have quiet sex with Curtis behind a curtain.
Frank Adler Prompts
Frank Adler gets a new neighbor - reader who is just as intelligent as his family and they like each other right away.
Nick Vaughn Prompts
Nick Vaughan keeping you company on the streets of New York
Steve Rogers Prompts
“I’m your Captain and you follow my orders!” “Aye, aye Cap’n!” “I said Captain, not pirate.”
“Hey Steve, what does a deaf gynecologist do?” “I don’t know.” “He reads lips.”
How about a drunk drabble based off of Right Girl Wrong Time by Jon Langston with Steve and Peggy
someone should write a steve and bucky threesome with a reader
“Yeah sex is great but have you just ever wanted to rub yourself over that fucking beard of Steve’s?”
I have a prompt for you. Steve has fallen in love with the Motown sound since Sam has played most of the genre for him. He has gone shopping, or gone for coffee and he hears you sing a song from the Supremes and is instantly intrigued. Have fun seducing him with music. https://youtu.be/HXGz8i0I2L0
It’s the first Christmas Steve has spent with y/n
Reader making Steve a heart cake for Valentine’s Day ❤️
Multiple Options Prompts
Can I get the following prompt with Steve, Colin, or Jensen? “In ancient Greece, throwing an apple was done to declare one’s love.” “How do I love thee, let me count the ways? Thump, thump, thump.” “So the mild concussion means you love me?”
Could I get “I see that you have your legal name listed as Y/n’s Daddy. That’s incorrect. You’re legal name is what’s on your Drivers Licence.” With any of Chris’ characters please?
SFW Prompts
For Chris or one of his characters, there is only one bed and they got to sleep far apart but wake up cuddling. Bonus points if they don’t hate it.
“Just tell why you did it!” “Because I’m in love with you, okay?!”
How about they’re roommates and “just friends” who develop feelings for each other
“You always say that, but I’d only see you for a day or two until you have to fly out again.”
“You don’t have to say anything, if you don’t want. I just thought you should know.”
i have been in love with you, dumbass
“If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.”
I have these… powers raging around inside me, and I have no clue how to control them.
“Hey, it’s cold. Light a fire or something. I swear, you’re a cold blooded reptile.”
that guy in the gorilla costume has been following us for the past ten blocks.
going to a masquerade ball
“So, you’re the unfortunate soul stuck with me.”
“I look at you and I think, ‘sunshine. Literal sunshine.’ It’s annoying.”
“Don’t you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!”
“What’s with the box?”
“I’m not jealous.”
“It’s not like I love you or anything.”
Merlin quote prompt: Nobility is defined by what you do, not by who you are
“Why do you keep pushing me away? I know you love me.”
“I want to go home.” “And I want to go to the moon. It ain’t happening sweetheart. Time to accept that.”
“I just want you to know I love you and I hope these roses prove that to you.”
Prompt: “if you steal all the blankets I’m going to put my cold feet on you.”
“What have we here? Bed: unslept in. Hair in… missionary disarray. And yesterday’s dress with today’s shame all over it.” Gossip Girl
Every time I’m in the same room with her, I can’t decide if I want to pick a fight with her or push her up against a wall and kiss the fuck out of her. - Falling for My Enemy by Claire Kingsley
“The worst thing is, that even after all of that, I’m still in love with you.”
NSFW Prompts
“Wet pussy is the best. I can’t get enough of the juices dripping from my mouth.”
“She beauty, she grace, I want her pussy on my face.”
“Sheathing my cock inside you feels like a jam donut being torn in half. Delicious and mind blowing.”
Twist on quarantine haircuts: couple helping each other with pubic hair maintenance
“I don’t know if you’re looking for Aztek gold down there, but if you don’t hurry up and fuck my brains out I’ll do it my damn self!”
“Have you ever noticed how eating a hot dog is similar to giving deepthroat?” “No but thanks, I don’t want to eat this now.”
Babe I can’t sleep. I know you just woke me up. Wanna fuck? I’m awake!!!
“I don’t know who you think you’re talking to but I’m about to punish that sassy mouth!”
“I love your longish hair baby. Finally got something to pull while you’re between my legs devouring me.”
Holiday Prompts
“Great, now I have to re-hide your Christmas gifts.”
“I’m not going to kiss you under the mistletoe.”
“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.”
“What are you doing?” “Hiding from carolers.”
“Santa’s handwriting looks suspiciously like yours.”
“Why does the house smell like a cinnamon roll threw up?”
“Are you Santa? Because I’d sit on your lap.”
“What the hell kind of Charlie Brown Christmas tree did you buy?”
“It looks like the North Pole threw up.”
i may or may not have gotten tangled up in the tinsel.
“If we don’t have this damn tree up before the end of the night, I’m going to kill you.”
“I’m going to tell Santa to give you coal.”
“It’s an advent calendar. You’re supposed to open one square a day, not eat half the chocolate in a sitting.”
“Why is there mistletoe in every room of the apartment?”
I got a little too drunk off of egg nog and vodka and you look so pretty in this light, and I most definitely want to kiss you right now, best friends or not.
we were going to a Christmas party but fuck if you don’t just look sinful in red, and you know what? Fuck that Christmas party.
Dad!chris (or one of his characters) and his kids at Christmas
“You’ve never had a New Year’s kiss?”
Spending your first Valentine’s Day together with any character
29 notes · View notes
the-seas-song · 3 years
Richard Armitage and Astrology
Hi! I find astrology fascinating, and am an armchair expert on it myself, so I found Richard's comments in his recent Total Film Magazine interview very interesting. This is what he said:
I’ve been incredibly lucky. I’ve dabbled with having my celestial chart looked at every couple of years, just for a little tune-up. Every time, the guy sighs, and goes, “What can I say? You’ve just got a sprinkle of luck.” And I say, “That’s good, because I don’t have the talent, so I really need the luck!”
There is a naughty, dark side to me. I am quite strongly affected by the moon. So if there’s a full moon I’ll go a bit crazy. (source)
This isn't the first time Richard's mentioned astrology – he's mentioned being a Leo, reading his daily horoscope, and finding out he was born in the Chinese Year of the Pig; but these were all informal twitter comments. He has also mentioned the effect the moon has on him before, in February 2020:
“Everyone has cycles of positive mental and emotional feelings and negative mental and emotional feelings and I know that I am profoundly affected on a monthly cycle. I always look at the calendar when I'm feeling particularly low and check the lunar cycle to see if it's a full or new moon.” (source)
However, what prompted me to write this is that Richard's personal put-downs were even more direct here than usual; and the connection that has to his natal, or birth, chart.
A little disclaimer: Personally, I think general horoscopes (like the ones you find in magazines) do far more harm than good. They are based solely on the twelve sun signs, and your sun sign is just one puzzle piece out of 25+ pieces that make up your natal chart. This is why many people don't relate to their horoscope or it's personality description.
Your natal chart, however, is a whole different animal. It's an intricate puzzle created by the exact date, time, and location you were born; which is why most people find their natal charts to be scarily accurate.
Back during the Hobbit days, a fan blog reported that Richard told a NZ fan that his birth time was just after 4 a.m. I used 4:05 for this post, and being off by a few minutes doesn't really make a difference.
Richard and self-esteem
I really feel for and relate to Richard's self-esteem struggles, because our charts mirror each other. We are both Leo suns; but I have my moon in Aries with my MC and Chiron conjunct each other in Virgo and sextile my North Node; while Richard has his moon in Virgo with his MC and Chiron conjunct each other in Aries and sextile his North Node.
What on earth does that mean?
Each planet represents a different part of you. The sun represents your ego/conscious self; the moon your emotions, mercury your mind/intellect, venus love and beauty/aesthetics, mars passion and drive, etc.
On top of the twelve planets, there are specific points and asteroids that are also important. Your MC, or Midheaven, represents your career and public persona. Your North Node describes your inner journey and life purpose. The asteroid Chiron describes your major soul wound, that you will be forced to deal with throughout your life.
A conjunction and a sextile are two of several different kinds of aspects. The different kinds of aspects are the different ways your respective puzzle pieces can interact with each other. Some are 'easy/positive' and some 'difficult/negative'. A sextile is considered easy/positive. A conjunction means two things are next to each other and overlap with one another, and is usually considered positive.
Leo and Aries are both fire signs. Fire signs are generally playful, warm, passionate, confident, and optimistic. Virgo is an earth sign. Earth signs are generally practical, grounded, sensual, and logical.
Richard's personality is dominated by an almost equal amount of Leo and Virgo influence, with both his sun (core self) and venus (love and beauty) in Leo and his moon (emotions) and mercury (mind) in Virgo.
Aries and Virgo are said to be the most difficult Chiron signs, because they are the wounds tied directly to your self-worth (Aries is the wound of Self and Virgo is the wound of Perfection). With Aries Chiron you feel a core sense of worthlessness, like you're missing a fundamental piece of your core self. This deeply felt lack of self-worth leads people to be people pleasers and have issues with confrontation and conflict.
Aries rules the planet mars. It is the warrior planet of passion, drive, and combat. A conventional Aries is confident, outgoing, impulsive, and strong willed. Aries and mars are definitely the rowdiest sign and planet in the zodiac. However, with Chiron here the traits are inverted, and so someone like Richard is much more likely to be scared of his inner passion, confidence, and willpower – depending, of course, on what the rest of his chart is like.
That leads us to Virgo. Chiron Virgo feels impure, like there is something fundamentally wrong with them. This kind of low self-esteem makes you feel like you have to constantly try to 'fix' yourself so people will love and accept you. It's an OCD type of perfectionism that only ends in failure and heartbreak.
A good example of how this works is when I talked to my therapist recently. I hadn't quite succeeded in meeting my goals, and so my automatic response was to condemn myself for failing. My therapists immediate response was to congratulate me on how much progress I had made.
Ironically, unlike with Aries, this isn't an inversion of the conventional Virgo. Conventional Virgo is meticulous, detail-oriented, focused, patient, efficient, practical, perfectionistic, systematic, and pessimistic with high expectations. If Aries is the official warrior of the zodiac, Virgo is the official nit-picker.
This means that Richard's subconscious intellectually (mercury) and emotionally (moon) expects and demands perfection, whilst simultaneously feeling fundamentally worthless. In short: ouch.
Interestingly, a significant number of celebrities have their Chiron conjunct their MC. Personally, I think Richard hit the nail on the head as to why in his essay on the Human Condition for Cybersmile:
The answer in my humble opinion, (and believe me it is humble, to a point of taking 43 years to be shared) is actually something which applies to my work as an actor. It’s why sometimes actors are called in to work with therapists, in large corporations, in schools. It’s why drama therapy is fantastic to understand what we do, how we do it and what the outcome might be, and in an improvisation where we aren’t playing ourselves sometimes we explore avenues that are too frightening or unacceptable in our own lives.
So going back to my very first point, the “social media society” in which we’d all like to feel safe, supported, excited, creative, spontaneous, innovative, courageous, is really in our own hands. And back to acting, it’s taken me a long time to shake off the effects of bullying in school. That people were always laughing behind my back. I was always looking out of the corner of my eye. I now have incredible peripheral vision which is so useful, (as is Kinesthetic sense…Google it) but try being a brave, experimental, uninhibited actor with all of those hang ups. Wasn’t happening.
So here is the thing, and it’s key to my work and I think ours as a community. When we speak or write, we ultimately desire to ‘affect’. If we aren’t watching the destination of that affect, then how do we know our words have landed and the ‘effect’ they have caused?
If I have a strong opinion about something which I want to express I really task myself with backing it up with the ‘why do I feel that?’
Again it’s part of my work building a believable character, and actually part of building a believable ‘me’ outside of my work. Just.. “because that’s what I feel” is a bit of a cop out.
As for Bullying, it’s like the moment the pot boils over, or it’s the poisoned stream that can’t be cleansed, so why bother. Well I think that’s what art is for. It’s can support the best and the worst of ourselves. We can ‘attack’ a canvas with black angry paint, we can ‘savage’ a piano keyboard, we can dance until we drop, we can read about a Puritan society who executed elders, we can explore the psychology of a serial killer, and when we can’t do this ourselves we can experience it, and witness it through others.
It’s more than being nice. Edward Munch’s “The Scream” is far from nice. Francisco Goya’s “Saturn” is horrific, Metallica, Die Antwoort etc etc. But then there is Monet, Faure, Renée Fleming, Peter Jackson, Ariana Grande (ok it’s getting a bit eclectic I admit) but when we look, listen and empathize, we tune in to the Human Condition.
We are all part of The Human Condition, whether we like it or not. Social Media. Expression. The Human Condition.
Us human beings are wired for emotion and connection. For actors, their career gives them a way to safely process and explore their personal wounds through the characters they play. For Richard in particular, his mars is conjunct his North Node. So, his mars and North Node are sextile his Chiron and MC.
Remember, Aries (the sign of Richard's Chiron and MC) is ruled by mars. Mars is the warrior planet, like Aries is the warrior sign. This means that Richard's spiritual journey/life's purpose (North Node) deals directly with healing his soul wound so he can accept and embrace his inner confidence and willpower. This explains why he ends up playing a lot of ultra-masculine characters – mars/Aries are the most macho of them all.
This isn't to say I think Richard should change who he is! I wouldn't be interested in him if he was ultra-masculine or macho. However, for his own sake, I would be overjoyed to see him gain more self-esteem and inner confidence.
Extrapolating from my own personal experiences, the constant criticism and judgement I received during my adolescence from my peers and various authority figures (like family members and teachers) for being unconventional and 'over the top' caused me to turn on myself and repress my passion and will-power for several years. I think it's highly likely that Richard experienced this too.
Here are some quotes from Richard that illustrate everything I've been talking about (emphasis is mine):
Armitage is still notably handsome, but, within minutes of meeting him, it’s apparent how incongruous it is that this bookish, sensitive, self-described ‘melancholic, philosophically-minded softie’ and ardent fan of The Great British Bake Off was cast as beefcake killer totty for a considerable part of his career. ‘It’s ridiculous. It’s the complete opposite to who I am. I’m such a pacifist,’ he laughs. ‘But then, part of me always felt: “Well, isn’t that why we’re actors?”
'I think the turning point was losing my mum,” he says. “Up until that point, I felt like I mustn’t put a foot wrong, that if I said the wrong thing or revealed too much about my personal life, it could all come crashing down, and it would come down on my parents, and they wouldn’t be proud of me anymore.” He shrugs. “Now that I’m past that I’m actually much more carefree about the choices I make.” (source)
Richard Armitage puts his head in his hands and emits a noise that's somewhere between a sigh, a laugh and a groan. “Oh no! Why would you want to pin this up?” he says with a horrified whisper.
Never has a man seemed more ill at ease with the heartthrob label. He squirms with embarrassment in his chair every time the subject comes up. He is grateful for the loyalty of his fans, he says, but worries that “there is this thing of, 'Is he just totty?' Because the industry will sometimes write you off as a serious actor if they think that. I have always been conscious of that and fought against it, because I don't really see myself like that at all.”
This brings us back to Astrov, who looks so relentless towards the future that he can't see the truth in front of his eyes. “It's interesting that he's an outsider in the play. I've often felt like that myself in life. I'm quite a solitary person. I enjoy my time with me, and sometimes it's not necessarily healthy, because I can talk myself into quite a dark place.
I'm an optimist, but at the same time, there's a discipline in me that will attack me for not working hard enough, not achieving enough, not being good enough. You always think, 'I'll grow out of that. With success, those voices will disappear.' But they don't, they get louder. I suppose I'm learning a bit about myself through Astrov.” (source)
The answer in my humble opinion, (and believe me it is humble, to a point of taking 43 years to be shared) is actually something which applies to my work as an actor. … And back to acting, it’s taken me a long time to shake off the effects of bullying in school. That people were always laughing behind my back. I was always looking out of the corner of my eye. I now have incredible peripheral vision which is so useful, (as is Kinesthetic sense…Google it) but try being a brave, experimental, uninhibited actor with all of those hang ups. Wasn’t happening. (Human Condition essay)
So I kind of travelled on that line for a while, and I was bullied for it as well. The problem with me is that as soon as you try to push me down or say “you can’t do this” and “I don’t think you should do that”, I immediately push back. So I did – I’d decided really young that I was going to try to make a career out of it.
Actually, there was something I wanted to add to what Shaun said, about inclusivity, is that um, no matter how – how much confidence you have or how, in my case, lack. Y’know, I always felt like a misfit, or an oddball, or that I didn’t belong. But I always – I always told myself that ‘you exist in the world, so therefore there’s a place for you in this industry’. I think anybody who feels like, “I can’t become an actor because…” – you exist. And, y’know, the job of filmmakers is to write about our life and society, and if you are a part of that, then there’s a place for you in the industry. (source)
I'm a bit of a brooder. I don't like confrontation, so I think I suppress things. When my temper does come out, it goes all the way – the kind of temper you can't apologize for. Yep, the chair getting thrown out of the window. Those emotions are scary, but hey, they come in useful when you're acting. (source)
Armitage is a noticeably calm presence but he talks with passion.
In the past, he has described himself as a shy person. “Not any more,” he says forcefully. “I mean… if I’m very, very honest, I’m a big guy, I think I’m at times quite a frightening person.”
In what way?
“I think I’m quite uncompromising. I can’t bear bulls---. And in a way the shyness is me protecting other people from that. I can feel that there’s an intimidation that can happen if I own my full height, and speak at my full volume. So I’ve learned over the years to just tone it all down a bit.” (source)
I've become one of those actors who find it difficult to say no when things are offered. I think if I had come out of drama school and been an instant Hollywood superstar I would be taking long, leisurely holidays. But I always feel somehow it's going to be taken away from me so I work when I can. When you struggled with work as I did when I left drama school you make hay when the sun shines. There was a time when I thought, and my agent thought, it wasn't going to happen for me. We both sat down and I actually said I don't know if I can stay in this state. The interesting roles have only come since I got into my 30s. But I didn't know that was going to happen. I'm a bit of an all or nothing kind of guy. To be honest, I had no blind faith in myself. I don't think I could have stayed around as a jobbing actor. I would probably have quit. Who knows? I think I would have found that too frustrating. But at the moment when I thought I was going to quit, something happened and it all changed again. (source)
[talking about being cast in the Hobbit]
There was a little bit of guidance as to what they were looking for. I felt that I was too young for the character, too tall for that character, so I thought, you know, ‘I’ll just look at the scene they’ve written’. And then I realised the essence of the character that they were aiming for. So I went to meet Peter and Phillipa and we read some of the scenes. I think we spent an hour-and-a-half talking about the character and what their vision was, and I sort of explained who I thought he was, and that was it.
Yeah, my first instinct, whenever that kind of thing happens, is to say, 'Well what's wrong with the part? Why did nobody else want it'? Which is kind of the story of my life really. When I get offered something, I'm like, 'Well there must be something wrong with it if they're offering it to me!'
But you know, the thing is, you talk about all of this: ‘How did you get the role? And how did it feel when you got the role?’ And once all that’s died down you start to think, ‘I’ve actually got to go and play this now’. They’ve trusted me. Everyone’s happy, everyone’s celebrated, the phones have gone down and the deal’s been done. Now it’s over to me to make the role work. And that’s the scariest moment, because you do have that elation and then the work begins and you think, ‘How the hell am I going to do this?’ (source)
How was it for you taking on this beloved role, this character that has such a huge responsibilty on his back? Could you relate in some ways?
Richard Armitage: Yeah. There is always building within him this paranoia that he’s not a good enough leader, and that weighs him down. I have experienced that same feeling as an actor in this role. And I was aware of taking on the responsibility of that character, so there was something I could latch onto there, as one of the people who loved ‘The Hobbit’ book and had envisioned that character. It took me a while to be convinced that I could do it, it wasn’t until I saw some sketches, this one particular pencil sketch….there was something about this characters eyes and the way that his hands are crossed, I thought, “I think I can do this, I can pull this off.” (source)
Q: I wanted to ask you about what your Arkenstone is. For you personally.
A: Me personally?
Q: And I meant for this to be materialistic. What's the thing that you covet so much that it makes you mad that you don't have it?
A: Well, it's actually not material. It's not material, and it's – (laughs) You want a comedy answer, don't you? But it's respect. It's the thing that always eludes you, you know. You have to fight for it and when you get it, your arkenstone, the thing that crowns you, is respect.
Q: And also a sweater.
A: And a sweater. I do have this little natty number.
Q: It's a good one man.
A: Tom Ford made this personally. But hey, he can have it back. I don't covet wealth and material. (source)
Q6: You’ve done a variety of different roles, I wonder what influences you to pursue those roles?
R: More often than not, you go where you’re wanted. So getting hired is still kind of a revelation to me, a shock and a surprise. Sometimes you have very flat periods, where I don’t really care what comes next, I just want to work on something. I feel like I’ve got a little cloud of luck over my head so the right thing always seems to come along. But again, I’m easily excited about literature and stories, so I’ve always said I don’t really pursue glory, I’d happily do acting for two people in my living room if it was a role that I really enjoyed with a story I’d really like to tell. So it’s chance, I would say.
Q8: Once in an interview about Thorin, you were asked what your arkenstone was and your answer was respect. I like this answer a lot. So I was wondering what’s your red dragon? As you said yesterday he’s a character who sheds his skin, improves, and becomes something. I was wondering if there was something you’d like to improve, become?
R: I guess the antithesis of that is disrespect. Do you mean in myself?
Q8: Yes.
R: Yeah I try not to be too disrespectful. I guess I value the truth. I think we’re living at a time at the moment where the truth is warped and there’s a word that’s been in my head for a long time, and particularly recently it’s come to the surface. When I was studying Macbeth, at the RSC, I read a long thesis about the gunpowder plot, which was one of the things they thought that Shakespeare (or whoever Shakespeare was) was stimulated by to write Macbeth. And the word equivocation was used in this thesis, it was actually about equivocation and what equivocation is. And if you look it up in the dictionary, at the moment most politicians are equivocating. When you don’t answer a question, or you bend the truth to make it seem like you are answering the question, and in fact you’re telling a lie. So I would say my red dragon would be equivocation.
Then there was the physical form that I was studying and observing, but also, I do sometimes enjoy locking myself away in a room and reading a book or just doing something alone, and you sometimes can go a couple of days without speaking to anybody. I don’t know whether anyone else experiences this or whether I’m just a weirdo. But I find that when that happens my voice changes, and I always forget how to make a noise, I have to do a warm-up before I go into the world and start speaking again.
Q15: I was wondering if you ever had to pull out of a project because it felt wrong or something, and what is the point where you say “nope I can’t do this”?
R: Um, no. But that’s partly to do with the fact that I have a lot of loyalty, probably too much loyalty for my own good, really, and there’ve been moment when I’ve been on board a project, and actually it happened this year with The Lodge, I was already on board that project and something else came along which was bigger and better and brighter and more money, and your agent says “look we can pull you out of The Lodge, they can probably recast it,” and here I think “I’ve already started this process, I don’t want to let people down,” and I don’t have a problem with that at all, I never have any regrets over the things that you miss or the things that you decide not to do, I think there’s a strong enough reason why you’ve decided not to do it, but in general no I haven’t ever pulled out of something. There was one television show I remember, I’m not going to say what it is, but after the first readthrough, I did call my agent and asked, “can I get out of this?” And then he quickly got back to me and said, “don’t do it. Don’t build a reputation built on disloyalty.” So I try not to.
Q18: I think you are very handsome, but your character Francis hated the way he looked, how did that make you feel?
R: Francis hated the way he looked? Yeah. I guess there is something we relate to in that. Without getting too personal, I don’t always enjoy looking at myself in the mirror. I don’t do it very often, to be honest. I do it just to be sure I don’t have food on my face. I do it in character, actually. I do spend a bit of time studying my own face when I’m playing a character, which is interesting because your face does change. (source)
He cannot see the handsomeness: “I think I am odd-looking. I have big lines on my forehead.” I squint, looking for them, but he is talking over me, sounding slightly panicked. “I shouldn’t draw attention to it, because then everyone else will see the oddness.”
Laziness is what makes him angry: “Laziness in myself. Laziness in other people. And dishonesty. All things I feel capable of myself. I have a propensity to be lazy and lie about it. Fear makes me rageful. There are words in The Crucible I actually find it quite hard to say.” I beg for an example — The Crucible is in the public domain. “No,” he says, “you’ll see it in the play.” I tell him it will make no sense in print if he will not tell me. But he won’t. So I change the subject. It works. “OK, I will give you a line.” He inflates a little and says: “Is there no good penitence but it be public?” And then: “Were I stone I would have cracked for shame this seven month.” (source)
Q: How would you describe your evolution as an actor since you started?
A: I think everything has to do with the fact that today I’m not afraid anymore. At first, I was embarrassed to do something wrong or do things badly or make myself ridiculous. Today, I am almost looking for opportunities to be ridiculous or vulnerable or to make as much of a mistake as possible. In a sense, it’s now the opposite of being undercover.
Q: Are you the actor you dreamed of being when you started?
A: Not yet. I am not yet fearless enough. It’s in waves, actually. But I have already approached this dream. There were moments, especially during Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, which I performed on stage, where I felt I had no control over things. That’s what I’m looking for: to lose control.
Q: You often play bad guys. What do you like in these characters?
A: I like disobedience. I like the fact that you can be disobedient thanks to your creativity. As a person, I must always be polite in life, be careful and correct so as not to hurt anyone. In a fantasy world, I can be as offensive as I want. It’s an outlet. (Laughter)
Q: Many actors are moving to directing. Is this also your goal?
A: I would like to, but I do not think I’m smart enough. I am good when it comes to working with another’s vision. I do not think I have that creative spontaneity that creates a vision from scratch. But the future will tell. (source)
I applaud Richard for being so open and direct about his fears and insecurities. It takes a lot of bravery to do so. And while I've seen some fans get annoyed with his continual self-deprecation, I think his honesty and openness is much more significant, and shows his inner strength. He doesn't try to pretend to be someone he's not.
He recently described himself as “patient, obsessive, and silly” (source). The patient part is classic Virgo, and the obsessive part comes from an element of his natal chart that I have not mentioned.
The silly part, however, is classic Leo. Like I said above, he has an almost equal amount of Leo and Virgo in his personality. Personally, I'm proud to be a Leo, but I also know we get misunderstood a lot of the time. I wrote the following for an essay of mine on Leos in Disney:
Your sun sign represents your core identity. Just like the physical sun is the center of the solar system and its energy creates life, the astrological sun is our consciousness and life force. Each of the twelve sun signs are ruled by a different planet and element.
Since Leo is the fixed fire sign, we don't inherit the reckless and impulsive nature of fire, but instead are a steady flame. No sign is more reckless and impulsive than Aries, because they have the double combination of being a cardinal sign and a fire sign. Meanwhile, all four of the fixed signs struggle with stubbornness and admitting when their wrong.
Leo's are well known to be natural leaders and the rulers of the zodiac. We are ruled by the sun and our animal is the lion. We dream big and are born with big personalities, and we can't help but be theatrical and dramatic. This means we are always self-centered in the sense of being strong-willed and having a strong sense of self. It does not mean all Leos are egotistical.
Unhealthy Leo traits all revolve around the ego: attention-seeking, egotistical, selfish, bossy, controlling, pushy, jealous, possessive, lazy, vain, arrogant, aggressive, and obstinate.
Healthy Leos, however, are known for our fire-based traits – being animated, theatrical, happy, outgoing, independent, competitive, charismatic, creative, open-minded, open-hearted, confident, assertive, playful, warm, social, courageous, idealistic, affectionate, romantic, optimistic, and adventurous.
What isn't often talked about is our steadiness, our fixed-based traits. Leos are authentic, steadfast, fiercely loyal and protective, consistent, persistent, full-hearted, dedicated, need to do their best, generous and selfless, honorable and moral, genuine and direct, extremely supportive, hard-working and responsible, dignified, strong-willed, and ambitious and determined.
Something that is often mentioned but highly misunderstood is our trait of courage. Having courage doesn't mean you're fearless or reckless. The definition of courage is “the power or quality of dealing with or facing danger, fear, pain, etc.” It means that instead of running away from our problems or denying our emotions; healthy Leos face them and be genuine and direct with ourselves, embracing our vulnerability.
Having a big personality doesn't necessarily mean someone has a big ego. C.S. Lewis once said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.” Leos have huge hearts and are incredibly generous. The sun never goes retrograde, always shines, and gives life and energy to all living beings – it isn't selective or discriminatory. Healthy Leos are like mini suns; which is why we are also irrepressibly upbeat, optimistic, and fun-loving.
We're not pushovers. We are like roses – we have both flower petals and thorns. If you mess with someone we love you're going down. We're too loyal and protective to let major things slide; and even if we forgive, we never forget. Little things? We'll try to work them out with you.
Being naturally strong-willed and assertive is healthy – it just means we usually make horrible subordinates and yes people. There's nothing wrong with having high standards and being open about them. In fact, in relationships it's far better in the long run to open and frank about what you need and what you consider a dealbreaker from the beginning.
And oh yes are we ambitious and competitive – but most often with ourselves. We're natural leaders who always dream and think big. For a healthy Leo it's not about being the best, but doing your best. We have to be grand and intense, we're ruled by the sun. It's all or nothing for us. Settling is not something a Leo does. We need to be the best leader, the best friend, the best partner, etc. that we possibly can.
Also, in astrology each sign rules a different body part, and Leo rules the heart and upper back.
Adding to this, Leos are known as the Kings/Queens of the zodiac not because we're egotistical, but because our sun sign is the sun. It's like a double amount sun. I could go into significantly more detail about this, but it involves a lot of technical astrological details; so if anyone wants to know more just message me!
Going back to Richard, having his core self (sun) and love/beauty (venus) in Leo explains why he is an actor and artist; and why he is often warm, silly, and dramatic when he feels comfortable – his long interview with The Anglophile Channel (and it's deleted scenes) does a great job of showing the synergy between his Leo and Virgo sides.
We see Richard express the heartfelt, generous, sincere, and honorable side of Leo all the time. This is why I'm sure he has the inner-confidence and strength hidden within him to overcome the deep pain his Chiron causes him (like it does to us all). I hope he continues to find projects and people that help him on his journey to heal.
Thank you for reading this, I'm wishing him and you all the best. Take care!
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