#why does he have a pet goose
yokyopeli · 2 years
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Heartbreak High 1x5 Bin Chicken (2022)
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yanderenightmare · 8 months
Geto with curse reader?
Geto Suguru
TW: implied noncon, held hostage-ish, Geto uses the word monkey
gn reader
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You backed up to the very far end of your cage. Holding your knees tucked tight to your chest as you shivered on whimpers and troubled breathing. Your captors, in the dozens, all lay limp on the floor – while the man who’d killed them all made ripples in the bloody pool with his sandals.
You couldn’t see his face. You couldn’t see much more than that below his waist. But you sensed it nonetheless – he wasn’t a normal man. You figured, since you only barely saw him, he wouldn't see you if you stayed silent – but naturally… if you sensed him, it was only a matter of time before he sensed you, too.
“They’re all gone now.” He said, and there wasn’t anyone else there besides you.
Still, you kept quiet. Hoping maybe he was simply talking to himself.
But then he took steps in your direction, making splashes in the blood soiling the floor, until he crouched down next to your cage. He pulled back the curtain hiding you and revealed the blood splatter decorating his smiling face.
“You don’t have to fear anymore, I won't hurt you.”
Humanlike curses aren’t normally all that feral – with exceptions, of course, but you weren’t one. As someone who’s tasted plenty of curses, he could tell your type. You weren’t violent in nature. Unlike most curses, your technique wasn’t defensive but simply protective and could only inspire carnal passion – almost like an aphrodisiac. And like a squid’s ink, it would seem you couldn’t control it either – releasing it like a mist when you were rattled.
The room went thick with it now – but weak a curse as you were, it hadn’t much of an effect on him.
Still, he found you quite cute where you sat, eyes wide, looking at him warily.
“You’re a- a sorcerer. You’ll kill me too. That’s why you’ve come, isn't it?” You whispered – as though you didn’t dare speak any louder.
He could only imagine what they’d done to you, but if your state told him anything… he’d say it wasn’t very humane. 
Monkeys are an ugly pest, not just a stain on sorcerers – but curses too, it would seem.
“I came to slaughter the pigs piled on the floor.” He corrected. “They owed me a lot of money, you see. Their fates were sealed the moment I heard they were all broke.”
It didn’t seem to ease your worry. You still looked as though you were waiting for something. Something you dreaded with every inch of your goose-bumped skin. 
“Suppose, now that they’re all dead, you’re the only one left to pay their debt.” He chuckled, but you didn’t find it very funny.
Sure, he could twist you into a ball and consume you like he does all the curses he encounters – you’d be a nice addition to his collection, and you didn’t seem like you’d taste any bad either. But still… there are other methods of coveting something – especially when they’re as pretty as you – though perhaps not in a cage. 
Either way, you didn’t seem like you’d be much trouble, and besides… he’d been meaning to get a pet to cure the loneliness of coming home to an empty temple.
He smiled, standing up.
You felt your cage lift from the ground, swaying as you were carried above the bloody bodies growing cold with death beneath you.
“Don’t worry, pretty curse. You alone will be payment enough.”
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ddejavvu · 11 months
Touch starved pilots of your choice cuddling their s/o headcanons
characters written: pete 'maverick' mitchell, nick 'goose' bradshaw, tom 'iceman' kazansky, ron 'slider' kerner, leonard 'wolfman' wolfe, rick 'hollywood' neven, beau 'cyclone' simpson, bradley 'rooster' bradshaw, jake 'hangman' seresin, natasha 'phoenix' trace, robert 'bob' floyd, javy 'coyote' machado, mickey 'fanboy' garcia, reuben 'payback' fitch
sfw, but cut for length. enjoy!
Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell:
depends on what age you're thinking!
if it's young!mav, he's probably just a liiiitle reluctant to let himself relax sometimes
he's sort of got his tough guy persona, and he's not used to dropping it, so when you get him alone he tries messing around at first
whether that's a few too many kisses, or a pinch to your side, he guards himself a bit before letting himself go
but when he does, oh, he's like a little kitten !
he lets you run your hands through his gelled hair (gross)
and it gets all misshapen and spiky
he probably just melts when you pet his hair like that, and he'll be snoozing on your chest in no time
now older!mav is definitely less of a tough nut to crack
he probably initiates the cuddling in the first place, he nudges you over to the bed and lays himself on top of you to crush you
you can push at his chest and splutter all you want, but he's made his choice on where he's going to lay, and it's on you
he likes holding you, but he wants to be face-to-face, so you can brush noses and bump foreheads
he probably tries sooo hard to stay awake so that he can soak in the time you're spending together but peepaw definitely crashes like 10 minutes in
Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw:
he also likes to be face to face!
buuut not for the same sweet reason as mav
he just wants to itch you with his mustache
he likes nipping at you too, he bites your nose to make you laugh
you won't be getting any sleep when you cuddle with goose, he just wants to talk and laugh and hold you the entire time
it's not a period of time to wind down, it's a big laugh-fest
and god FORBID you try to get up to pee
“Nick, I have to go.” / “Sorry, honey. I can’t let go. I think my hand’s stuck.” / “NICK!!”
Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky
he’s another one who probably has just a bit of trouble letting his guard down
he’ll cuddle with you no doubt, but he’ll probably always keep you in his lap or have some sort of upper hand in the embrace
it takes a while before he’s ready to be held himself
when he does finally give in it's so soft and sweet :')
he's had a really hard day and he comes home with his eyes drooping
you've planned a movie night but he doesn't even look like he could sit through an episode of a tv show
so you lead him to bed instead, and tell him you're sleepy, cause he won't 'ruin' the night by admitting that he is
you ask to play with his hair and he lets you, but he's not sure why 'cause you just said you were tired??
you basically have to trick him into being held but once his head is on your chest and your hands are in his hair he's gone.
he ends up mumbling something all sleepy and groggy like 'mm, that's nice' and his eyes are half shut and he's so endearingly tired :')
he wants you to do it all the time now, I'd say it's about 50/50 whether you fall asleep holding him or he falls asleep holding you
Ron 'Slider' Kerner:
slider's a big boy!!!!!!!
he's big and tall and muscly, the perfect cuddle buddy
he's probably more inclined to hold than be held
but he likes it when you face him so you can wrap your arms around his back :')
he probably likes it when he's able to bury his face in your neck/shoulder/against the top of your head
like he always wants his face snuggled in somewhere warm and nice smelling
and it just so happens his chest is an excellent place to get lost yourself
so you most of the time just nuzzle right into each other and get to snoozin'
i think he'd talk real soft, too, he'd murmur against your ear while you're drifting off, probably boring you to sleep with technical details of his flights but just before you crash for the night he slips in a little 'i love you, honey' and <33333
Leonard 'Wolfman' Wolfe:
he's a loser for his partner it has to be said
almost as teasing as nick is but not quite
he'll let you fall asleep he just wants to talk to you AllTheTime because he LovesYouSoMuch
he's a chatterbox and you'll be lucky if you get to sleep at a decent hour
he really likes it when you lay your head on his chest
'cause he likes playing with your hair and your face :]
sometimes he'll just use you as a little stress toy and squeeze your cheeks and pinch your nose and poke at your forehead
always making silly little jokes and telling you all about his day
down to, like, every comment one of his friends made...
'and then slider said he was gonna kill him but hollywood ran, so then they were just chasing each other around and iceman said-' / 'babe.. can we sleep? please?' / 'oh! right, sorry baby.'
Rick 'Hollywood' Neven
listen there's a reason he and wolfman get along so well
they're BOTH teases!!!
cuddling with hollywood is not really relaxing, because he's always pinching your sides or putting his nasty cold feet all over you, or pretending to knock you out by fake-punching you a bunch
you're just laying there and he's 'punching' your stomach, making fake punch sounds with his mouth, and if you push him away he'll pretend you've absolutely knocked him out, tumbling down onto the mattress with this dramatic thump and closing his eyes and sticking his tongue out of his mouth like he's a dead cartoon character 😭
he's like a dog you have to get his energy out before trying to rest with him or he just Won't Rest
when you DO get him sleepy, though, he's kinda incoherent when he's tired, so you'll be cuddled up together, maybe you're scratching his back, maybe he's playing with your hair, and he's just sort of mumbling nonsense until he finally drifts off to sleep
Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson:
will not be held
sorry! not happening
he's just so big and beefy and authoritative that he doesn't much enjoy being coddled
he loves cuddling with you though, he gets very relaxed just laying with you
he's a casual toucher, i think, so you can rest your head on his shoulder at the airport, you can hold his hand at restaurants, whether that be over or under the table, he lets you hang all over him however you want
he's not super into in-your-face PDA, though, so you'll have to be polite and considerate about it
actually in bed though, under the blankets at night?
he's so much more cuddly than you'd expect
he wraps his big strong arms around you and tugs you close and lets you melt all over him <33
your favorite place to lay your head is probably his chest 'cause it's so broad and firm and nice <3
he's a good back rubber so cuddles are always soft and cozy and sleepy
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw:
lord he's a cuddler
he's just a touchy guy, because he's probably gone without it for a significant amount of time so now that he's got you he's gonna enjoy it
big big big on pda, doesn't really care who sees
so that means cuddling in public, too
perfectly content to sit by the beach with you in his lap all cuddled back into his chest he doesn't care if anyone teases him
but back in bed he's a sucker for head scratches
if you have long-ish nails, enough to scratch at his scalp, he'll literally melt over you like an ice cream cone
his limbs go all gooey and he flops his head down on your chest, groaning and grunting while you scratch through his hair
he really enjoys sleeping on top of you, whether that be fully chest-to-chest 'you're suffocating me' cuddling or just an arm thrown over your stomach while he lays on his own
he likes being held, too, but probably prefers to hold unless he's having a hard day
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin:
big boy!! surprisingly fond of being held for everything we know about him
that cocky demeanor does not last under the sheets
he adores holding you, of course, he'll wrap his big arms around you and cradle your head to his chest
he probably plays with your hair, looooves it when you tangle your legs up with his own
he prefers if you talk to him rather than him talk to you if you're cuddling
cause he likes the sound of your voice and he loves hearing about your day
he tries to listen so attentively to what you're saying, but if you're taking a little too long telling him about that batty old customer that had visited the shop you work at today, his eyes are going to slowly start to droop and he's gonna let out a big ol yawn that means it's time for him to close his eyes
you always cut yourself off like 'sorry, jake. g'head, go to sleep'
and he insists you continue like 'nooo darlin' i wanna hear! keep going :]' except within two minutes he's dozing against the pillow while you talk about the old lady again
he's a simple man just talk soft and slow to him while snuggled up in his arms and he's gonna sleep no matter what you're telling him
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace:
she really likes laying face-to-face with you!!
she's a fan of spooning, of course, she likes either burying her face in your back or letting you snuggle into hers
but she loves the intimacy that comes from being pretty much nose-to-nose with you
the type to lay there and chat with you mere inches away so that you're leaning in to kiss her all giggly and bashful every four seconds
she uses your cuddle time to tell you all about her teammates, what stupid shit jake said today, how bob almost tripped down the stairs, that fanboy's got a new girlfriend who wants to meet you, etc etc etc
but that means when you see them next you know all of the hot gossip about everyone and you giggle every time jake says something dumb and he's like WHAT.. WHAT IS IT.. WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME.. and you give nat this little ;) 'cause you'll definitely be talking shit about him later
she does this thing where she cradles the back of your head in her hand if you're face to face and she throws her leg over your waist and it gives you such intense butterflies that you need to close your eyes sometimes <3333
Robert 'Bob' Floyd:
cuddlebug <3
he loooves cuddling but if you do it face-to-face he's gonna need to be super close to you because he can't see without his glasses 😭
i'm taking like nose-to-nose so close that you have to cross your eyes to see him
otherwise he's pretty chill in what positions he likes
you love it when he reads to you
i think he might not be the most confident reader out loud but he does it anyways 'cause it puts you to sleep
he gets really sleepy really easily so sometimes it's best to refrain from cuddling in public
like you're out on the beach by a firepit and you're all snuggled up together but oops he can't enjoy his smores because he's sleeping on your shoulder
he loves it when you lay your head on his shoulder sm :'))
he wraps his arm around you and tugs you closer <3
Javy 'Coyote' Machado:
prefers holding to being held
probably a little less talkative than the rest, but that doesn't mean you never chat
he just has this insane ability to fall asleep anywhere, i'm talking slumped against the bus window, leaning against the wall, sitting on the ground, piloting his aircraft sorry
he likes staring at you, though, while he falls asleep :')
if you're talking to him he'll listen and nod and hum along and agree when he should, he's a very good listener
but slowly he'll start to fade a bit, and he'll sling his hand over your waist, smush his face into the pillow, and keep listening for as long as he can
slooooowly you start getting less responses from him, he's not reacting as much, but his eyes are always locked onto your face and he's got this lazy little smile on his face while he drifts off to sleep 'cause he gets to look at you the whole time :')
Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia:
the most talkative in the whole wide world
cuddling with him is barely even cuddling, it's watching him act out his entire day
'and then payback went like this and- BAM! shot it down.'
and he's up on his knees in the middle of the bed with his arms out demonstrating exactly how they'd worked through their training exercises that day
and he is loud and energetic and you're half-asleep like 'that sounds awesome, babe.'
he isn't one to stay in one place really, he likes tossing and turning a bit before he falls asleep which means that you are also going to be tossed and turned
he's a really shifty sleeper too so you'll wake up with your face in his armpit
if you're really sleepy though, he'll settle down, he'll pull you into his chest and let you fall asleep there
but he'll probably be on his phone for a bit, he strikes me as a crazy night owl
Reuben 'Payback' Fitch:
out in two seconds
there is no conscious cuddling with him
because the second his head hits the pillow he's snoring
you can cuddle up to him but if he's cuddling up to you he's doing it in his sleep
you're actually so jealous of him bc you lay down for the night and he tucks his chin over your head or he snuggles his face into your neck and that's it.
he's out.
he's a clingy sleeper, though, so if you wanna read for a bit or use your phone it might be kind of hard
honestly it really helps your sleep schedule to sleep with him 'cause sometimes he's entirely wrapped around you and you can't move
so there's nothing to do but sleep yourself
he's like a living furnace i KNOW that man runs hot
you probably wake up sweating a bunch if you're all snuggly with him
blanket stealer. he somehow manages to tear them off of the end of the bed where they're tucked in and cocoon himself
and then you wake up freezing cold
when i said he snores i mean it he snores loud
it's sort of comforting eventually? like at first it drives u insane
but over time you come to rely on it as white noise and you can't sleep unless he's all over you snoring right in your ear and drooling on your shoulder
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mochinomnoms · 3 months
Ptm Yuu hyping themself up enough to give jade a quick kiss on the cheek only to have to immediately run away before bros thoughts just go insane.
Probably won't be able to run away the next day though. Now they're both locked in a closet and making out when they're supposed to be in PE but FUCK THAT! Why would jade go to flight class when he could be doing this!
Ah, they're so silly! What a silly goose to think they could ever escape from Jade 🤪
I imagine this happens right before they get together, maybe Yuu is trying to navigate their feelings for Jade, and they test it out by giving Jade a smooch on the cheek! They're immediately flush with embarrassment and feelings that they don't want to get into (it's love Yuu, it's just love). So they're too busy running off to really notice Jade's reaction. And they're too busy the rest of the day screaming in bed to notice the lack of Jade. You'd think that he'd go after them at some point, but no…
The next day, Jade still hasn't mentioned it, Yuu is quietly stewing in their seat until potions class is done and Jade does his usual walk with them to their next classes. Then he leaves, Yuu goes to class, and soon enough the day is done, and they're walking back to Ramshackle. But, Jade's there! He's come to escort you to the dorm! And...nothing is happening.
Yuu is a bit disappointed, as they arrive to the dorm, maybe Jade changed his mind about them now that he's gotten their affection. This thought last all of 10 seconds, when Jade pulls them up the stairs and into their room, corners them against the wall, and promptly begins making out with them. Tongue and all. Arms thrown around each other, slipping and collapsing into the ground, heavy petting over clothes, the works.
Jade just needed a business day to process that one singular kiss. He's ready now to claim what's his! Screw his remedial flight class, he's a merman he doesn't need to know how to fly!! He needs to make out with his crush! Much more important! Also, he didn't actually skip, he asked to take a day off to “take care of important personal matters.” Vargas is going to work him extra hard the next class to make up for what he missed, but it's worth it to see Yuu's lovely flushed face as they take deep breaths, right until he steals them away again with his lips.
Insatiable, he is.
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enluv · 5 months
sungchan as your boyfriend…
pairing: non-idol!sungchan x gn!reader
word count: 573!
genre(s): pure fluff like hold onto your hats because this might make you fall in love with him kinda fluff + (no warnings!)
coco’s <3 note: thank you @okkotsu-simp for requesting this 🤍
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– sungchan who first meets you at your universities library because you’re sitting in his usual spot and he’s seriously irritated about it but he thinks you’re too beautiful to tell you off
– that same sungchan decides to just take the seat in front of you and smiles when you look up at him surprised, he’ll explain that you’re in his spot and shake his head no quickly after when you try to get up and offer it back to him, instead asking you what you’re working on
– the rest is history after that, you have a mutual crush on one another and he asks you out immediately after watching the library worker try and flirt with you, something about how you’re his significant other and he thought it was obvious to evereyone???
– sungchan is the type of boyfriend to introduce you to the things he usually does alone, this isn’t to say he doesn’t continue to do them alone but if he thinks you’ll enjoy going on a walk in his favorite park then he’ll be sure to plan for you to try it out with him
– he won’t force you to try new things (foods, activities, hobbies, etc.) but he would most definitely encourage it
– he knows how hard university can get so he will always make sure you’re taking care of yourself
– you’ve been up for hours working on a final paper? it’s time to sleep love, and he means it! he’s a strong guy do you really think he won’t trick you with cuddles on his bed then trap you in his arms till you eventually fall asleep?
– sungchan who can’t cook to save his life but will learn to make you soup for when you catch a cold
– sungchan who buys your pet clothes he thinks will look cute on them and swoons whenever you send him pictures of them wearing the outfits he bought
– sungchan who is the biggest cuddle bug you’ll ever meet, like seriously he loves his cuddles so much and demands them every night
– sungchan who so badly wants to meet your parents because he wants them to know who is dating their baby but is also so nervous to meet them that he freaks out all day till you drag him to dinner shaking
– sungchan who goes out of his way to form an authentic friendship with your friends because he knows how much they mean to you and wants to make sure they know how much you mean to him
– sungchan who drives with one hand, and places the other over you to make sure you’re safe when he’s backing out of places (i need him)
– sungchan who gets pouty when you won’t kiss him because you’re sick and don’t want him to catch your cold (he swears up and down he doesn’t care but pouts even more when he catches it)
– sungchan who always lets you taste his food when you guys go out to eat together
– sungchan who helps you study for exams you have coming up
– sungchan who invites you back to his place for holidays away from school when you can’t go back home
– sungchan who buys you flowers all the time because he knows they make you smile
– sungchan who notices the little habits you have, like tapping your fingers nervously or squeezing his hand a bit tighter when you’re excited about something
– sungchan who when he has a bad day at work or school calls you because hearing your voice immediately puts his mind at ease and washes away all his worries…
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coco’s <3 note: right so like I NEED HIM. okay moving on! I could totally go on forever with these but I decided that I should maybe just post them because if I didn’t stop myself I definitely would have never posted this and just kept adding to it for months on end (this is totally not the reason I haven’t posted my jay bf hcs ahahahaha why would you even think that silly goose!) anyways I hope you enjoy these and fantasize  about sungchan the same way I did when writing them 🤣🫵🏽 as always, feedback and reblogs are always appreciated <3
riize taglist — @palajae @txtlyn @rllymark @soheekisser @luvbinnies @chaerybae @lecheugo @idkwatodoanymore @givemeakith @haechansbbg @mxlly143 @tinyelfperson @vampcharxter (bold can’t be tagged 😞)
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kaminokatieemoved · 1 year
By any chance, will you do a cheating fic? Lucius Malfoy cheating on Narcissa with reader?
Affair || Lucius Malfoy
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Synopsis - While Draco and his mother Narcissa are out shopping, Lucius makes a move.
Warnings - NSFW. Swearing. Pet Names. Age Gap. Manipulation. Oral (M Receiving). Fingering (F Receiving). Squirting. Slapping. Unprotected P In V Sex.
Fancy buying me a coffee?
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"You think I haven't seen the way you look at me when my wife and Draco aren't looking?" Lucius said with a smirk on his lips. You looked up at Lucius in shock. Unsure of what to say, you stayed quiet. "How long?" he asked.
You looked away from Lucius, a light shade of pink dusting your cheeks as you spoke quietly. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Lucius let out a slight chuckle and scooted up next to you on the super-king sized bed. The deep green satin flushed against your exposed thighs as your skirt rode up your legs slightly. "Don't act coy with me little girl. Tell me, how long?"
Lucius had you cornered. You could continue to deny it and have him press you until you exploded. Or, you could come clean... So you did. Shakily, you answered. "About a year."
Lucius nodded slowly at your answer and placed a hand on your thigh. The coolness of his rings against your skin sent a shiver down your spine and you felt the goose bumps form on your arms and legs. "A year hmm?" he asked with a hum. You nodded slowly and avoided Lucius' darkened gaze. "Does Draco know you have feelings for daddy dearest?" You shook your head, not trusting your ability to speak in a composed manner at this point. The wetness between your legs was forming as Lucius gripped your thigh tighter with each passing moment. "I'm sure he'd have something to say about it."
You snapped your head in his direction, your mouth agape slightly. "Please don't tell him!" you begged, furrowing your brows.
"Why would I tell him?" Lucius asked, cocking an eyebrow your way.
"Well... Why wouldn't you?" you asked, afraid of his answer.
"We could keep it our dirty little secret," Lucius whispered. His mouth was so close to your ear, so close in fact you could feel his breath fanning across your face. You squeezed your legs together in an attempt to gain some friction, but this action just caused Lucius to chuckle. His right hand never left your thigh, but his left hand moved to caress your face, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your left ear. "Of course, if we keep it a secret there's something you have to do for me in return."
"Anything, Mr Malfoy," you gulped nervously.
"You're going to suck my cock," he said, blasé as to the obscenity he had just suggested.
"W-What?" you squeaked. You weren't sure whether or not you had heard him correctly and wanted to make sure, but Lucius' grin told you everything you needed to know.
"Tell me, little one," Lucius said, squeezing your thigh. "Are you going to suck my cock? Or should I tell Draco about your little crush?" You swallowed harshly. You weren't sure what to do. Your brain was telling you to just get up and walk out, so what if Draco found out, but another part was telling you to stay. Stay and see how this pans out. You were snapped out of your daze by Lucius slapping you across the face gently. "Come back to me little girl." You let out a soft moan as the palm of his hand came into contact with your cheek. He repeated himself for the final time. "Are you going to suck my cock?" You hesitated for a moment before nodding your head shyly. "Good girl."
Lucius removed his hands from your thigh before standing up. He loomed over you and held out his hands for you to grasp. You did, and was pulled up from your seat on the bed. You were now standing up as Lucius towered over you. "What should I do?" you asked, looking down at your feet before looking up into his piercing blue eyes. Lucius never replied, he just placed his hand on the top of your head and pushed you down until you were on your knees on the cold, wooden floor.
His long blonde hair flowed over his shoulders as he stared down at you. A grin splayed across his face as he undid his belt. On your knees, you felt so small beneath him and knew by the end of today, this man would break you. In the blink of an eye, Lucius had pulled his trousers and boxers around his ankles and presented his cock to you. Whilst fisting himself languidly, he ordered you, "suck it." You nodded slowly and without a word of protest, slowly put his cock into your wet mouth. The man towering above you wasted no time in bucking his hips and forcing his cock further into your mouth, making you gag slightly. Lucius looked down at you to see you hallowing your cheeks as you continued to bob your head up and down his length, tears prickled at the corner of your eyes. The sight had Lucius harden in no time, so much so you felt him become as solid as a rock in your mouth. "Fuck," Lucius cursed, his hands grasping your hair as he forced your head further down on him. He then continued to buck his hips and fuck your face at a slow pace. You felt yourself getting wetter and wetter by the second. Was this really happening? Were you really sucking Lucius Malfoy off in the bedroom he shared with his wife. Yes. Yes you were.
A bit of drool dribbled from the corner of your mouth as Lucius continued to fuck your face, not giving you any opportunity to come up for air. You squeezed your eyes shut tight before opening them again and looking up at the man in front of you. He smiled at you lovingly, stroking your cheek as he watched his cock disappear and reappear from your mouth. Lucius was enraptured by the sight in front of him, but a hint of jealousy bubbled in his gut. You knew what you were doing, this certainly wasn't your first time giving a man oral. With gritted teeth he managed to stutter out the words in a hiss, "who taught you this?" but you didn't answer. You just continued to suck his cock the way you were, knowing he was enjoying it. After a few more bobs of your head you managed to force your head away from his hands and pulled away from his cock finally coming up for air. You wiped the tears from your eyes without breaking eye contact with Lucius and stuck your tongue out to lick his tip seductively. The contact had him shiver and grasp your hair harshly. You opened your mouth and moved your head to purse your lips around his cock once more but Lucius pulled your head away and shook his own in a 'no' motion. You raised an eyebrow in confusion, waiting for him to explain.
"Are you regretting this?" you asked, your stomach dropping with nerves.
Lucius chuckled. "Never," he replied.
"Then what's wrong?" you asked quietly.
Lucius stroked your cheek once more and smiled sweetly at you. "If you keep sucking me like that, I'm going to cum down your throat."
His confession had the heat in your core becoming unbearable, almost hot to the touch. "That's what you wanted isn't it? So you wouldn't tell Draco about my feelings for you." Your eyes darted from him to the closed bedroom doors. "Mr Malfoy, we need to be quick. Before someone comes home."
"Call me Lucius, little one," he sighed. He was breath taken. The way you looked on your knees just for him with tear stained cheeks and swollen lips.
"Lucius," you whispered, looking up at him. "If you want me to do this, we need to do it now before your wife and my best friend come home."
"Get on the bed," he commanded, pumping his cock as he watched you on your knees. You cocked your head towards the bed but stayed put, causing Lucius to grab you by your arm and throw you down onto the bed. Without a second thought, Lucius climbed on top of you. Your heart began to race. Your mind began to race. What on earth was he doing? He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck and began to plant wet open-mouthed kisses along your jugular vein. You shivered slightly in anticipation of what was to come next as his tongue lapped at your neck. "You smell so good little one," Lucius whispered into your neck. "Who are you trying to impress? Me or Draco?"
"Always you," you whimpered, throwing your head back. You felt him smirk into your skin, biting down on your sensitive spot.
"Me hmm?" Lucius asked rhetorically but you nodded quickly in response. You whimpered once again when you felt his fingers trail their way up your thighs and up your skirt, pulling your underwear to one side. You shuddered as you felt his middle finger slick up your folds seductively. "You're so wet for me," he whispered into your ear.
"Yes," you whimpered shyly. You grasped at the satin sheets below when Lucius inserted his middle finger into you slowly, almost teasingly. "Oh God."
"You like that?" he asked as he began to pump in and out of you at a snails pace.
"Faster," you pleaded. Your voice was cracking as you begged.
"Faster?" Lucius asked, curling his finger inside of you. You nodded quickly as Lucius picked up the pace with his finger, now thrusting at a pace so rapid you were seeing stars.
"Fuck! Shit!" you cried out. Lucius smiled against your neck as he inserted a second finger inside of you, chuckling at your reaction. Your body stiffened as you adjusted to the two fingers and continued to grasp at the sheets. Your neck was still thrown back giving Lucius better access to your neck as he fingered you. Your eyes were scrunched closed.
"Language little one," he chastised you, using his free hand to slap you gently across the face. "Be a good girl for me, okay?" You couldn't help but nod enthusiastically as the pleasure built up in your lower stomach at the curling of his fingers inside of you.
"Lucius-" you whimpered, biting your lip. He knew you were cumming.
"Look at me when you cum," he ordered. You didn't waste any time in opening your eyes wide and staring down at him as you came over his fingers, squirting onto the satin green sheets. Lucius then sat up and retracted his fingers from He smirked down at the mess you had made, giving no thought to his wife or his son as he watched you splayed breathlessly beneath him. "Such a beautiful angel," he whispered to you, bringing his fingers up to his mouth to taste your juices that coated his fingers. He closed his eyes momentarily as he plopped his fingers in his mouthing, humming at the taste. Oh how badly he wanted to taste you properly, but he was running out of time.
He looked down at his cock and then back at you. Your eyes glossy and wide as you looked down at his cock twitching and then back to his eyes, knowing what he was thinking. "Lucius," you whispered breathlessly. "Are you sure?"
"More sure than I have ever been about anything in my entire life," he answered honestly with a court nod. You nodded to him and spread your legs eagerly, your underwear still pushed to the side. There was no time to undress properly. Someone could walk in at any moment. Lucius climbed on top of you, his hands on either side of your head as you lifted your legs into the air slightly and bent your knees. Lucius smirked, but still couldn't help the feeling of jealousy in his stomach. Somebody else taught you that. He slipped the bare head of his cock up your slick a few times, covering it in your juices to lube up before he pushed inside you inch by agonising inch.
"Oh-" you groaned, raising your hand to your mouth to bite down on your flesh to stop you from swearing, or shouting. Lucius gave you a few seconds to adjust as he completely bottomed out inside of you. Then he was moving. Both of you still fully clothed, you looked down to see his cock disappearing into your hot cunt but your gaze was ripped to his when Lucius grabbed your chin with one hand.
"Look at me when I'm fucking you little girl," he commanded. You nodded and complied, staring deep into his eyes. His bright blue eyes burned with desire and lust as he thrusted into you. Deep into you.
You weren't a virgin, in fact you were far from it. You had your fair share of intimate lovers and one night stands since becoming of age but with Lucius it felt like the very first time all over again. For Lucius however, his sex life was fairly inactive and it was all because of you. He didn't trust himself to have sex with his wife because all's he thought about was dicking you down. You'd turn up to his home in those tight jeans or short skirts to see his son and his cock would turn from soft to solid in mere seconds as he watched you pass by with a soft, shy smile on your face. Lucius would excuse himself to his study, lock himself in and pump away at his length to the thoughts of you at his mercy. And now it was coming true. You were so tight around him that Lucius couldn't think about anything but his own release and he wanted it now.
"Oh Lucius," you whimpered against your hand. Hearing his name spill from your lips in such an erotic manner only spurred him on more and Lucius couldn't help but thrust his hips against yours dramatically. Each thrust harder, deeper and faster than the last. You were a whimpering mess underneath him and you felt no shame in admitting that you were way too into this. Lucius' blonde hair fell gently around your face as sweat began to bead from his forehead. Another wave of pleasure washed over you at the sight, but instead of grasping the bedsheets you grasped onto Lucius' forearms. This move made him smirk knowingly to you and the hand that was clenched around your chin dropped back to the side of your head as his pace sped up once more, desperate to push you over the brink. "God, I'm cumming again!" You really hoped Narcissa and Draco weren't home, and that the butler didn't hear you cry out. Your eyes fixed on Lucius as you came over his cock, feeling embarrassed as the liquid gushed from you once more and onto his clothes and bedding.
"You're such a good girl," Lucius praised you finally slowing his pace down. "Do you want my cum princess?" when you didn't answer, in too much of a daze, Lucius slapped you gently once more. "Come back to me little one. Do you want me to cum inside of you?" You couldn't say anything, mouth too dry to speak, so you just nodded rapidly. "Of course you do. My little whore." You blushed at his words when they computed in your mind. You threw your head back as Lucius' pace sped up one final time as he reached his own high. With a few more slaps of skin on skin, Lucius spilled himself inside of you with a groan of your name, biting your neck once more to quiet himself down. His orgasm was intense. The feeling of your cunt around him was too much to bare and a string of profanities left his lips as he continued to buck his load deep inside of you.
Then there was silence.
You could hear your heart beating and the ringing in your ears alongside Lucius' rugged breathing. You didn't know what to say, you were too stunned to speak. When you came to see Draco today, you had no idea that you would have been fucked raw by his father but you weren't complaining. Lucius had collapsed on top of you, savouring this moment. After twenty seconds, you tapped Lucius on the shoulder and whispered, "Lucius. We should get cleaned up."
"You're right," he mumbled, sitting up and admiring you one last time. "God little girl, you're going to be the death of me."
"Huh?" you asked, putting your underwear back straight and sitting up. You could feel as Lucius' cum trickled down your thigh making you shiver.
"This wasn't a one time thing," Lucius explained to you.
You processed what he said and nodded, understanding what he meant. "Okay."
"Narcissa and Draco should be home any minute now, go and wait in Draco's room. I'll send him up when he gets in, but you little girl" he looked down at the sheets and smirked devilishly, "have made a mess and I need to change these bedsheets before Narcissa sees."
"Okay," you repeated. You weren't sure what to say at this point, you were in shock. "I'll go to Draco's room now."
You hopped off the bed and smoothed down your skirt before attempting to walk away, however you were pulled back and twirled around. Lucius pressed his lips to yours in the most brain-melting, leg-shaking kiss you had ever had. When he pulled away you sighed sadly and looked into his eyes, "you're mine. Don't forget that," he whispered to you before kissing you once more and letting you walk out of his bedroom like nothing had happened.
Half an hour after you had left Lucius to change the bedding, Draco and Narcissa finally returned home. True to his word, Lucius sent Draco straight up to his room where you sat on his bed, twirling your thumbs and thinking about the events that had transpired. You couldn't help but feel wracked with guilt despite the happiness that enveloped your heart.
When Draco entered his room, he had a huge smile on his face. "You're early," he said pulling you into a bone-shattered hug.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd be out," you said.
Draco shook his head. "Don't worry about it. Did my father treat you okay?"
You nodded and looked away for a split second before meeting Draco's gaze. "Yeah. I've been in here most of the time," you lied.
"Are you staying for dinner Y/N?" Narcissa asked, popping her head around Draco's open door with a smile on her face. Your heart shattered.
You were about to protest, to come up with some sort of lie, but Draco nodded happily to his mother. "As always."
"Fantastic, it'll be lovely to have a catch-up," she chimed before walking away down the hall to her bedroom.
Dinner was going to be awkward. You didn't want to see Lucius again today, not with his wife next to him. Draco noticed your unease and held your hand, squeezing it tightly. "Are you okay?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in concern.
"I'm fine," you lied, shaking your head.
"If you need to talk, I'm here," Draco reassured you, his hand still grasped in yours.
"Thank you," you choked up before changing the subject. "Anyway, shall we play some games?"
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Requested by nonnie - I hope this is okay for you, if you didn't want NSFW please feel free to request this again!
Depending on how well received this is, I'll make a part two because I have many ideas.
Requests are open: please feel free to send in your requests and specify if you want SFW or NSFW &lt;3
Fancy buying me a coffee?
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ghouljams · 1 year
In which Cowboy!Soap is seized by the fatal American need to have a pretty good time. Or, Soap is really pretty and the nuns remember they haven't taken any vows against looking.
"County executioner, you book 'em we cook 'em." You sound so bored when you say it, Soap can't help the way he laughs, big and boisterous. You frown at your cell and hang up, setting it to the side as you stare at the numbers for the month. A half second later it rings again. You sigh and pick it up, "Big Bill's Car-B-Q, you road kill it, we road grill it."
"How many of those you got, bonnie?" He sounds like he's smiling, just barely tamping the laughter down. You glance at the unknown number on your screen.
"Who is this?"
"John MacTavish, Goose gave me yer number."
"How can I help you Johnny?" Oh, he loves the way you say his name. You could call him whatever you wanted and he'd come running.
"I hear you've got fireworks." You hum, and he wonders if that was the wrong way to ask.
“What are you looking for?” You ask finally.
“Biggest you got.”
“I’ve got some flour and gas, you want that?” He can’t tell if your inflection is flat because of the conversation or if that’s just how you talk. You’re clearly not interested in him, which means you’re smart. Which really makes him want you all the more.
“Why’d I want that?”
“Redneck C- Y’know what nevermind.” He can hear you tapping at something through the phone, both of you silent as you think. “Why don’t you come down to the house,” You tell him.
“The nunnery?”
“If you want to call it that.” You smile a little despite yourself, his accent is cute. “Lemme text you the directions, come by any time.”
A smart and reasonable man would wait a few minutes after receiving directions to leave. Soap grabs his keys as soon as you hang up. He doesn’t even wait to see if you text him before he’s in the truck.
You blink up at the man in your doorway as he smiles down at you. You weren’t expecting him so soon, it’s not even noon yet doesn’t he have anything better to do?
“You must really want fireworks,” You say, because you truly can’t think of anything but the way his eyes sparkle.
“Something like that,” he says, "can I come in?" You nod and stand to the side to let him shoulder past you, inhaling deeply as he does. He smells good, not that you… notice(clean linen and something cinnamon you think) and fills the whole doorway even as you press back against the jam to let him in.
"So what are you in the market for?" You ask, leading him through the house, "We've got a little bit of everything."
"Anythin' big, loud, and sparkly," Soap says, sliding up to walk next to you. You nod, thinking through your current inventory of less than legal goods. You glance up at your guest, he's got his head on a swivel, peaking in the various rooms of the old farmhouse. He glances down at you and you look away, conscious you've been staring too long.
"Um, they're out back. Can't keep them in the house or-" you mumble, trying to think of anything but his fucking pretty this guy is.
"Never seen a nun's hair before," he cuts you off, fingers petting over your head. You smack your hand against his touch, and he pulls it away quickly. You forgot your habit. You're not even a real nun pointing it out should make you duck your gaze away from him and blush.
"Goose called you Soap," you change the topic with the grace of a tap dancing elephant.
"Ach, she's nae but haverin'." He shakes his head, you aren't going to try and parse that. "It's a nickname." That you understand.
"I'm guessing you clean up nice?" You unlatch the back door, swinging the screen open.
"Something like that," he hums, reaching past you to hold the door open as you walk through. "You can call me Johnny."
You sort of like the way he says that, like it's a name just for you. Though you're sure he must have plenty of people calling him that. Much more reasonable than "Soap."
Soap isn't really sure what he's expecting when you unlatch a little white storage shed behind the house. You open it with such little fanfare that he would think it was just a tool shed except for the neat shelves of colorful explosives. He gives a low whistle, looking around. He hasn’t seen this much fire power since he left special forces. The fact that half of these things are proudly boasting names like “the mother in law” and “alligator rodeo” only adds to the absolute absurdity of nuns selling this stuff.
You lean against the doorway watching Johnny pick up cakes and mortars like a kid in a candy store. His distraction is your gain. You let your eyes roam over his back as he reaches for the bombette on the top shelf, almost envious of the explosives he’s holding to his chest. He’s got a good walk. You rest your head against the door, arms crossed to keep from getting fidgety. Yeah, that’s what it is, his walk. Confident, assured, military you think. It would explain the hair.
You snap your eyes from his thighs to his face in time for him to turn to you with an expensive amount of firecrackers. You’re probably going to have to limit his purchase. Goose’ll come after you if his fireworks catch on something.
You pull the fold-away table down from the door for him to set his goodies on. Tallying everything mentally as he pats his pockets for his wallet. He groans loudly.
“Left ma cash at the farm,” Johnny drags a hand down his face, glancing past you before starting to walk, “I’ll be back.” You grab his arm, and try not to marvel at- wow actually how much can this guy lift, that is one firm bicep.
“We could use some help in the garden,” You say quickly, “if you can spare some time, I’d trade you.”
It is hot as the devil out, and he is sweating like a sinner in church.
When you'd said garden Soap had thought you meant flowers, maybe some weeding, maybe a few little veggies. This is a whole farm. You're not even helping.
There are a few other nuns out in the "garden" collecting fruits and vegetables from the neatly laid crop rows. He's gotta admit, they all seem a little young to be nuns, far flung from the mean old women he'd expect. Also he's pretty sure he's caught all of them staring more often than is proper for a woman of faith. There was even the loud snap of a phone camera lens when he stripped his shirt off. If that's not an ego boost he doesn't know what is.
You stop at the edge of the vegetable patch, and join the obvious stares the rest of your roommates are fixing on John MacTavish. He is absolutely glowing with sweat, and you are transfixed by the way his muscles move as he works. You're not the pious woman you pretend to be by any stretch of the imagination, but he almost makes you believe in God. Hell if he was in church every sunday you might find yourself on your knees. You notice your tray slipping before everything falls to the ground and try to get your head on enough to tell him it's break time.
Johnny notices you first, his smile as bright as the sun as he sits back on his heels. He scrubs his face with his discarded shirt and loops it over his shoulders as he stands. Does he have to look at you like that? Like he's just so pleased to see you. It's almost pornographic, you think he might be doing it on purpose.
"What's this?" He asks, leaning to inspect your tray. You're sure he's just asking for something to say. You're… not really in a position to say anything right now, your tongue feels like it's stuck in place trying to make sure you're not drooling over him.
"Tea," you say dumbly, he raises a brow at you, "And I've got lunch inside, if you're hungry, but hydrate first."
Soap shrugs, his fingers wrapping around the tall iced glass. There's dirt under his nails, clinging to the sweat on his hands, you think he's more than paid for the fireworks by now. You're not sure the rest of your roommates are willing to give up their eye candy just yet.
He tips his head back for a drink and you try to focus on something boring like this month's budget, or taxes. Anything but the way his throat moves when he swallows, or the way he tips his head to the side to press the cool glass against his neck. You turn back to the house quickly and stalk towards the door just as fast as you can without looking like you're rushing. You cannot be around this man anymore.
You can already tell he is going to be very, very, bad for business.
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redfurrycat · 3 months
🤠🐕‍🦺☃️🐾🏍️🐱🐓Animal Companions Fic Recs🐓🏍️🐱🐾☃️🐕‍🦺🤠
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: Aphroditedany, Bbr1, BeautifulCreature, Buckybraciole, Callsignyours, Demiclar, Emmedoesntdomath, Indybob, Kazanskysmitchell, Kerbyfullyloaded, LemonsAndSugarMakeLemonade, Lesbiseresin, LoveChildofInsertShowHere, SunMonTue, Teacupivy, ThisisYour_Captain_Speaking, ToukoJalorda003, Whimsicule.
Art Bonus - (coming soon)
> Mythological Creatures & Shapeshifters {🤠🐓} > Daily Heroes/Animal Care {🤠🐓}
his dark materials / dæmon AU by buckybraciole {T} {🤠🐓}
A series of one-shots about fighter pilots and their dæmons.
Golden Retriever Puppy by bbr1 {G} {🤠🐓}
“Have you ever had a dog?” Jake asks. “Nah, who am I kidding. Of course you haven’t. I’m going to get you a dog.”
Bad Idea! by LemonsAndSugarMakeLemonade {T} {🤠🐓/☃️🏍️}
Bradley: Hey, are you and Ice around? Well, this is slightly odd Mav thought but he replied anyway. Yeah, why? Bradley: We have our baby! We’ll be there in 10. Mav almost dropped his phone at the reply. What the fuck. Bradley Bradshaw, you better call me this instant.
A cat named Crow by LoveChildofInsertShowHere {T}
The Meowfect Evening {☃️🏍️}
Sometimes a kitten can make an evening even better
Some Birds Can't Fly {☃️🏍️}
Crow becomes more of a part of the Mitchell-Kazansky family
How Crow Won Slider's Heart {☃️🏍️}
Sometimes a cat will settle an insane debate better than Ice can
The Bumps in Quiet Nights {☃️🏍️}
Ice worries when Maverick takes too long to come back home from picking up dinner
And A Partridge in a Pear Tree {☃️🏍️}
Mav and Ice obtain 3 new family members in the form of kittens
Is it a Racoon? {🤠🐓/☃️🏍️}
Rooster meets the new additions to the Mitchell-Kazansky family and gets talked into getting a pet
Goosebumps {🤠🐓}
Jake and Bradley find the perfect cat for them, which brings up some emotions for Bradley
How to make a Flock {🤠🐓/☃️🏍️}
Mav discovers a box full of kittens on the side of the road on his way to suprise Ice at work
Nick's worst weekend ever by Aphroditedany {T} {🤠🐓}
Nick Bradshaw, Bradley Bradshaw's cat, might unexpectedly bring him closer to a charming co-pilot. It doesn't mean Nick likes it, though.
Skies of Dust by kerbyfullyloaded {T} {☃️🏍️}
Walking into the sky
Pete Mitchell was fourteen when his daemon settled. It took him a few years to join her in the sky, wings on his chest and steel all around him.
Every atom of me and every atom of you
The turn of a dial, snapshots of a life, dust all around. Maverick, Iceman, and their daemons in the years between 1987 and 2019. "'On,' said the alethiometer. Farther, higher. So on they climbed." The Subtle Knife (or: a series of stories based on the different symbols of the alethiometer, a sequel to Walking into the Sky)
at my side by demiclar {M} {☃️🏍️}
"If there's one thing Maverick is good at, it's taking care of his own." Slider said, throwing his arm around his shoulders and tugging him close. "I'm just glad we can return the favor from time to time." Pete Mitchell came back from the Dagger mission with PTSD worse than he'd ever experienced before. His family is eager to help, but piecing themselves back together after a decade of separation is a challenge not easily overcome. Pete isn’t the best at accepting help, and the family’s problems go deeper than expected, but they won’t stop trying until they bring everyone home.
Goose the Dog and Mav the Human, the Fun Never Ends by ThisisYour_Captain_Speaking {G}
Man's Best Friend
Maverick is one of the most kind hearted people ever and the things he loves, he does so with everything he has. Why not let him have a dog? AKA What if Theo was originally Mav's dog?
Well Well Well, What Have We Here?
It's Fourth of July Weekend and Ice has invited friends and their families over to celebrate. However, before the day of the actual celebration, Mav takes his dog Goose out for a run. Will they be able to beat the storm brewing or will Mav land himself in trouble yet again?
Wrench the Golden Retriever by emmedoesntdomath {T} {☃️🏍️}
“Mav, please tell me you didn’t get us a dog.” Silence. He sighed. The contractually obligated hey-I-bought-a-dog-without-asking-and-then-gave-it-a-name-you’ll-hate-but-you-should-still-love-me fic
call it what you want by lesbiseresin {M} {🤠🐓}
“Shit, Mav,” Bradley says through a laugh as he squats down, leaving his beer on the railing so he has both hands free to stick out. “You finally get me that dog I was always asking for?” It’s another joke. He knows that Theo belongs to Penny and Amelia, but there has to be a reason Maverick is bringing this up. “You caught me,” Maverick deadpans. Bradley can see Penny elbow him out of the corner of his eye, but he doesn’t bother looking up, too engrossed in the happy pants Theo is letting out as Bradley switches to scratching under his chin. “You could say I did. Sort of.” “Sort of, huh?” (alternatively: jake & bradley getting their shit together ft. theo the dog)
Dust is Everlasting (And Love Even Moreso) by ToukoJalorda003 {M} {🤠🐓/☃️🏍️}
If Time Rewound to Dust (Love Would Endure Anyway)
All Rooster had ever wanted was to work for Jurassic World - his godfather did, and for his whole life, it had been his dream. Now he finally had it, and he…wasn’t so sure how he felt about Hangman. The man was just too dangerous, too unpredictable, and Rooster feared it would end in disaster. …But disaster had found them anyway, and now it was starting to look like it was too late to accept Hangman’s offer for a date. Damn.
When Dust is all That Remains (Love is Eternally Present)
After the events of the park’s catastrophic closing, Bradley just wanted to rest. Maybe take a nap and remind himself what he’d nearly had. But he couldn’t do that, because an active volcano was going to wipe out the remaining dinosaurs - including Jake’s raptors. …And if it was possible, he wasn’t going to let that happen. Maybe, while he was at it, he’d finally get that date, too.
be the ocean where I unravel by whimsicule {T} {🤠🐓}
He’s not even thirty years old. A lieutenant in the United States Navy. A highly-decorated aviator with two air-to-air kills. And he’s suddenly gone ahead and become scared of the goddamn sea. What a fucking joke.
make a lil' room for me by callsignyours {G} {🤠🐓}
Jake somehow ends up with Bradley's dog.
The Tiniest Problem by BeautifulCreature {G} {🤠🐓}
Bradley has an allergic reaction to his and Jake's new puppy.
Mine, Immaculate Dream by kazanskysmitchell {M} {☃️🏍️}
After the ever-so-stressful Dagger mission, Pete Mitchell is tired and craves some normalcy. It's seemingly difficult for him to return to normal this time, and his protective (and very worried) husband can't help but notice the changes in Pete's mental health. After an official PTSD diagnosis, being permanently grounded, and the adoption of a service dog, Pete Mitchell attempts to adjust, but can't do it without the help of his wingman and their adopted and dysfunctional family. (+ art from Cannibal_Hellhound)
better than your best dreams by teacupivy {M} {🤠🐓}
“Hey,” he says, nudging Bradly with his toes. “You brought Aubergine in, right?” Jake watches Bradley look up from his screen, stare into the mid distance, and decide to lie to him. “…Yes.” Tense and robotic, he slides his laptop onto the coffee table and slips out from beneath Jake’s legs. “Unrelated, I’ll be right back.”
With our pets, a house becomes our home by SunMonTue {E} {🤠🐓}
Jake adopts a puppy and then proceeds to fly across the country to take up a flight instructor position at Corpus Christi where Bradley is the vet (DVM) that Jake takes Brisket to once he arrives. Bradley asks him out. MeetCute.
Domestic Bliss by indybob {T} {🤠🐓}
Jake has had the longest week of his life. Between hops, training, and instructing, he’s worn out. Noticing how exhausted his husband is, Bradley takes it upon himself to go above and beyond to give Jake the most relaxing evening and weekend possible. Or: Much like Jake in this story, I’ve been very busy for the last couple of weeks, so I’m using this as my own form of catharsis. Feat. Brisket the Dog
Come on baby light my fire… by SunMonTue {E} {🤠🐓}
An apartment fire alarm at 1am featuring Jake in his underwear and Bradley with kittens.
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tiredlilguy · 9 months
Uhhhh mayhaps for your requests can I request the flags (either separately or altogether) x reader with an ability like Natsume? Like they can shapeshifter into a cat (or other animals even, dog, bird etc) Just fluffy hcs! 💕💕
a/n: hello!!! this is honestly such an interesting request, i decided to brew on it for a little bit. i wanted to give each of the Flags a separate animal >:D so enjoy! [i imagined that the abilites worked similar to atsushi's where sometimes you can have some physical parts of the animal still on you by will]
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pairing(s): The Flags (separately) X GN!Reader cw: lots of talk about murder, but besides that not proofread desc: just some fluffy/general hc's with you are their animal shape-shifting partner!
you are a goose! (A white feathered goose to be specific)
Why? Because apparently gooses are a symbol of perfection (the internet’s take, not mine-)
I was actually going to change this until I realized that 1. Geese can be violent and 2. This is actually highkey a perfect animal for disguise… sort of
You are the Mafia’s spy/assassin goose
Let’s be real here, I can see that actually kind of being badass, ok? Imagine you’re just chilling at the park, and you don’t even know that you’re being spied on by A GOOSE!!!
You got wings if your ability is a little stubborn to deactivate. They’re very pretty :) Pianoman admires them; will ask to get your clothes tailored so they can sprout out when you’re relaxed
Enjoys the warmth when you wrap your wings around him; he’ll let out a soft hum too
Pianoman will sometimes place a pretty red ribbon with a bell on it around your neck in your full goose form so that he doesn’t lose track of you, your small in your goose form! He wants to make sure he can hear your waddling and the bell too (*a;ldkfj;alskdjf fluffy pianoman thoughts*)
I can see him helping you prune your wings as well; having the goose as an ability is nice until you get sudden back pain :(
He’ll take a seat behind you while you are sitting at the end of the bed shirtless and help you pluck old feathers (and whatever else he can do without hurting you too much)
You always apologize for making him do all of this for you as his hands are already calloused from counting money, but he doesn’t mind as long as it’s you
Pianoman would reassure you by placing a kiss on the side of your head while continuing to help you
Yeah, your full goose form is really cute, but also… he’s very aware of how deadly you can be
Sharp teeth and big wings… you could potentially lure someone to death if you wanted
He enjoys hearing how you kill people, finds it impressive too!
I feel like he’d enjoy giving you a lot of cute chokers in your human/goose form :D he sometimes gets creative and changes up the colors/ruffles/shape of the bell
A;sldkfj;asldkf I feel like he likes to play piano/sing to you if you’re around in your goose form; he’ll smile as he watches you waddle around a bit before turning back into your human form
Hyonk (im sorry I was being a silly goose with this one) [that was solandiss’s joke]
you are a fox!
I can see you making the little cute noises that fox’s make when they’re trying to talk
He understands what you’re trying to say, and only him; it’s like both of your own secret language :3 (he just responds back to you in a human language though-)
Likes to pet you in your full-fox form, he enjoys how soft you are and you enjoy laying in his lap because he’s warm
Would tease you if you think you’re in you have your tail/ears out while you’re in somewhat of a human form
He’d probably pull on them at first, not believe that they’re real, you’d probably yelp and slap his hand away
He still does that, but pulls more gently :) he likes hearing the little noises you make
You’re probably a lot faster than him sometimes if you’re both on a mission together
Imagining him trying to be stealthy, but he’s kind of slow in your eyes, so you quickly turn into a fox and run off
He’s happy to see you bringing back a freshly bloody hand from your mouth and placing it at his feet
Idk why, but I can see him making you little boots for your paws when you’re in your fox form… you don’t wear them at first, but one day it gets cold so you put them on (you tried to make it so he couldn’t see you, but he saw… he has a photo of it
Likes to caress your cheek and look at your eyes; they may still look a little bit animalistic after using your fox form, but he loves you all the same (probably thinks it’s hot…)
Will groom you in your fox form because it not only soothes you, but enjoys watching you fully relax in his lap
you are a wolf! (Specifically a grey wolf)
He doesn’t say much, and neither do you when you’re in your wolf form, but he enjoys having you around when you’re in your wolf form
You’re both literally perfect for each other
Iceman’s a pretty stealthy person, and while a wolf is kind of obvious in public, you both probably look badass as hell next to each other
He’ll like… point at the person you both have to kill and you’ll instantly lunge at them and like… violently rip their head off
You’re probably like… really warm to him; even if you’re in your full human form, you’re just an absolute heater
He’ll enjoy the warmth from you, wrapping his strong arms around you and nuzzling his nose into your shoulder
Iceman likes to pet you a lot, but he’s the only person that you let do that to you
Is impressed by your vision at night, mainly because he can’t see out of one of his eyes; so in that way, you’re both work quite well together
I can see a lot of soft eskimo kisses :))
You both don’t talk much, but you both also seem to know exactly what’s on each other’s mind; sort of similar to Lippmann’s, but you both don’t need to say a single word, just giving each other a single glance
A;lsdkfjas;ldkfj imagining you missing him if he’s away abroad, and him coming back and you tackling him in your wolf form =w= so cute
You got that dawg in u
YOU’RE A CROW! A BIG ASS CROW (I love crows so much guys)
You make the cool clicking noises in your crow form when he pats your stomach
Has a bird handling glove whenever you’re working together so that you can rest on his forearm; or sometimes he’ll just rawdog it and leave his arm out for you to land on (you gotta be gentle though, cause you could accidentally hurt him with your talons; he also just doesn’t mind though)
Tries to feed you birdseed/nuts as a joke when your on his arm; you usually spit them back at his face because bruh, but sometimes you’ll eat them
Thinks you’re human-sized wings in your half-human form is COOL ASF
He’ll be mouth-wide open, shiny eyed at your human-sized black wings (that’s how he fell in love)
Will sometimes purposely put himself into dangerously high spots so you can fly him away; it scares the shit out of you, but he just wants to see your ability in action
Your wings are probably fucking… STRONG ASF; he’s impressed by how fast you can get around sometimes
Alb is an expert pruner; why? Because I said so
Will know when your wings are pruning before you can even feel it, and he knows how to take care of you so well that you barely even remember having back pain
Will always massage your back after long missions though, he does worry about you despite his silly attitude
Likes to fly a plane and see you fly with him; he knows it’s you in a heartbeat because you’re crow form is just very familiar to him
Likes to pet you in your crow form a lot, enjoys the satisfied noises that you make when he’s petting you
Has one of your feather’s on a necklace ;-; or sometimes he’ll pluck one to put in his braid (a;sldkfa;jsdf I love him)
you are a snakey (a python to be specific)
He loves you sm, like genuinely, he thinks you’re so fucking cool
Will wear you as a necklace in your snake form, it gives Lippmann the chills, but Doc knows you won’t hurt him
You are a little heavy though… but he doesn’t mind ofc because you’re also very warm (he is cold, plz warm him up)
Likes seeing you around the Mafia in your snake form and scaring the newbies; he thinks it’s hilarious asf
Your venom interests him in his collections of poisons, will ask if he can milk your venom for research (I know this sounds weird, but it’s actually the correct term)
Likes watching you sink your teeth into your enemies, finds it satisfying as they shiver and eventually die 
Thinks your little tongue peeking out is cute in a way, will comment on how cute you are while the flags kinda look at him sideways (more so Chuuya)
Idk where I got this idea, but he’d crochet you little hats; sometimes seasonal sometimes not
If you’re in your human form, you probably have rly sharp fangs, they kind of peak out a little bit out of your mouth (he also thinks that’s cute)
Finds you fascinating, but he loves you very much :DDD
you are a dog (specifically a doberman)
A;lkdfj;alksdjf Y E S
You’re both very protective of each other, but you have the better hearing (which he’s a little bit grumpy for not having)
Likes to pet you, a lot :D especially if you did well on a job
Custom collars and chokers; you’ll have a matching one like his :DDD
You both look badass asf together, and so you obviously gotta be matching
However, a lot of dog jokes from Dazai… unfortunately, but it’s ok, you can just beat him up I guess
I can see him enjoying petting you when he gets stressed out, you calm him down in a way
I would have more ideas, but my brain is fried, so have this
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biteofcherry · 1 year
Well now I want to know about their* fave drinks, fruits, and flowers!
Especially flowers—how would they react, I wonder, if you brought them flowers just because they made you think of him? 😂🥰
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*Ari (all, any, yaaas), Nesting!Steve, and GrainofTruth!Steve are all on my mind, but answer about whomever you like! 😘
Hahahaha, I absolutely adore you @eralen 😘 you're the bestest! 💕
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Mafia!Ari (Sweet Thrill) is a vodka kind of man, top shelf of course like Gray Goose and it has to be chillingly cold. Non alcoholic, it's surprisingly all types of tea. He's a connoisseur. He'll make tea for both of you and cuddle with you on the couch, reading books. Flavor-wise he likes really sweet fruit, but mostly focuses on buying fruit that can be cut into pieces that don't turn into mush, because he likes to feed his pet treats while you kneel at his feet. He likes this game where you're blindfolded and with open mouth await if you'll get a fruit, a finger, or a cock next 😏 He buys you peonies, as he prefers something more unique yet still classic. And there's always an abundance, the bouquets barely fitting in your arms. You get him black roses - elegant and dark to match Ari's intensity. It surprises him, but he keeps them until they crumble, and cuts the head of one rose to keep in his breastpocket.
Alpha!Steve (Grain of truth) doesn't drink alcohol often, even if you're at a restaurant or party, but if he does then it's either whisky or gin. He's one of those people who drink lots of water and of course all types of coffee brew, even occasionally some crazy Starbucks frappuccino. Steve's an all American boy, so cherries, peaches, apples, blueberries are his fruit to go. Though, honestly, he prefers them in pies than eating fresh fruit 😆 He likes house plants and simple garden flowers, since those are the kinds his Ma had and because it's what you like. He has a really hilariously dumbfounded face when you stumble into the house trying to carry a heavy pot with a pachira plant. When he takes it from your hands, you announce you got it for him - because it grows ridiculously huge and is unkillable. Steve reminds you thoroughly why you like his size so much and why you shouldn't complain about it... And then spanks you when you name the plant Alphachira 😂
Mafia!Steve (Nesting) is definitely a whisky guy, Chivas commercial vibes only smoother and hotter when Steve savors the flavor and you're unable to avert your gaze from his lips. Otherwise, he likes smoothies and coffee and isn't picky as long as it tastes good. Fruit is something he rarely munchies on, he actually eats it more since you're with him, so it's the types you like to eat. He does have a sweet spot for peaches, though. but that's mostly, because you get all squirmy and wet when he devours eats one in front of you... 🤤 Teases you, asking if you need him to eat your peach (and doesn't even wait for an answer, spreading you on the nearest surface). Steve appreciates flower bouquets, there were always some in vases around his penthouse even before you moved in. Elegant roses that were regularly delivered from a flower shop. Then you change the order and the flowers start coming more colorful and chaotic. He likes the freesias most, their scent reminds him of your perfume.
Alpha!Ari (Bad moon rising) likes a good, dark beer (not the light piss, but bitter porter), as well bourbon. His non-alcoholic choices are fresh squeezed juice and mint infused water. He doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, so coke or any soda aren't to his liking. It's also why he keeps to less exotic fruit, preferring rich but tart flavors of blackberries and cherries. Ari especially likes eating them from between your trembling lips, juice dribbling down your chins as he bites through the fruit and kisses you - after he's gone down on you and your taste is still in his mouth, mixing with the tart fruit 😏 He likes field flowers, like cornflowers or poppies, and lilies of the valley that grow in patches in various parts of the woods belonging to your pack. If you bring him a small bouquet, he'll display them proudly in a glass on his desk (then coax you to go for a run and take you on the forest floor, right on a patch of delicate flowers).
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count-alucard-tepes · 9 months
OP Daddy: *walks into their office and sees a goose with a knife in its mouth with another knife beside it with a note that says en garde (the note is in braille for Fujitora)*
Kizaru ✨: “…well if it’s a fight you want…it’s a fight you get, sir”
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Akainu🌋: *sighs* “…what is my life right now?”
Ryokugyu 🌱: “…the one time I come back to my office…there’s a threat hiding here…I’m leaving”
Fujitora 🐅: *looks thoughtful* “…I haven’t had goose in my soba in a while…”
Sir Crocodile 🐊: “…pray for mercy, Mr Goose”
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Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩: *huffs* “…I said a flamingo! Not a goose! What the hell is going on!? Did Law do this!?!”
Benn Beckman 🔫: *aims gun at duck* “…hey honey…goose is on the menu tonight”
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡: *raises brows before grabbing the goose and pets it lovingly* “…you’re my new pet now”
Killer🔪: *screams like a girl and runs out because he has Anatidaephobia*
Kaido🐉: *stares in confusion at the goose before stepping out and closing the door* “..I need to stop drinking so much”
King 👑: *draws out his sword* “…finally a worthy enemy of the Lunarian race”
Queen👑: *laughs and crackles knuckles * “…I’m going to enjoy this” *ten seconds later* “King!? Help me!?”
Izou🔫🔫: *inhales and shoots goose without another thought* “…not today, Satan”
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒: *has a stare off with the goose*
Oven Charlotte 🍞: “…looks like we’re having roasted goose for dinner”
Buggy🤡: “…bold of you to assume Buggy-sama will fight you…”
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Marco the Phoenix 🦅: *raises a brow* “…is this a joke? It’s not a funny one”
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸: *looks confused but gets his metal arm ready before smirking* “…ladies first…”
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕: *shoots it immediately upon seeing it* “…oh it was really just a goose”
Who’s Who ❤️‍🔥👹: *sighs* “…those damn kids are pranking me again, aren’t they?”
Gecko Moria🦇: *raises a brow* “…why is my dinner still alive and in here?!”
Iceburg💜: *quickly brings breadcrumbs and places it next to the goose* “…I think you’re pretty neat too…let’s be friends”
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅: *turns goose into gold* “…there…much more worthy of being in my office”
Rob Lucci🐆: *raises a brow and cuddles goose* “…Hattori does need a new friend”
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nolita-fairytale · 10 months
🍝 thinking of bradley bradshaw adopting a pet from a shelter that he’d name something creative goose… what do you think would happen? would he end up doing it or do you think you’d surprise him with baby goose who has an old soul and loves it when you guys put some of his parents’ favourite records on (okay i’m gonna shut up and leave it to you)
thank you for considering and i hope u have the best day or night <3
hi @bradshawed! yes, i love this idea! here are my thoughts on adopting a dog with bradley:
Adopting Pet(s) with Bradley Bradshaw
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it's after a few months-long of a deployment that bradley insists on revisiting the subject. sure, you've talked about it before, but it's after this particular deployment that he really gets serious. not only does he want you to have something to keep you company for next time, but he wants to put down roots, just more proof that he's ready to settle down with you.
for whatever reason, i absolutely see bradley bradshaw with a dog, at least at first. after all the hot welcome home sex, the follow saturday the two of you head to an adoption event where adoption fees are waived and pets can be brought home that day.
"yes, we can go but i really think we should take our time with our choice. this is permanent, baby, so let's make sure the dog's gonna be the right fit for... our little family," you explain to him.
the two of you walk through the rows of crates and playpens of enthusiastic dogs, ready for cuddles, and despite bradley's own set of adorable puppy eyes with each dog he holds, none of them feel right.
it's not till you're just about to leave that the two of you stumble upon a sleepy quiet dog, one that must not have gotten noticed because he isn't as outgoing as the others.
"he's six years old. and everyone wants a puppy," one of the vet techs explains. you look into his eyes and he has the oldest soul, the sweetest, gentlest, kindest eyes and you know that he's the one.
"i know that you think we should wait but-," bradley begins, having already fallen in love with your future son. "yes. yes, i think he's the one."
so the two of you build your dreams, and a family with the goodest boy in all of the world. picking a name comes easier than you thought. after a few days of living with you, he begins barking as soon as goose's old jerry lee lewis record makes it into your vinyl rotation.
"what's wrong, boy? what do you see?" bradley asks him. "babe, i think he likes the music," you giggle, totally in love with the new addition to your family. "so we call him 'goose.'" "we call him, goose."
how you and bradley get a cat: you spend six wonderful months as a solo pet owner, and goose as an only child, before a neighborhood stray starts coming around. you hadn't planned on taking him in, just feeding him every now and then, until you realize that bradley's been feeding him every day, which is why keeps coming back. he's so friendly and cuddly, and while hesitant at first, has met goose a few times in the backyard too.
bradley has a long weekend of on base training, and when he comes home sunday night, you're practically pushing him out onto the front porch to talk first. you've even buttered him up by making his favorite dinner so that he's more likely to say 'yes.'
"what's going on?" he asks you. "okay, don't kill me. but... i sort of... did something. don't freak out... but i kinda let the cat in. you know. your favorite neighborhood stray. and he won't leave. "are you serious?"
as bradley comes inside, your shared home smelling like his favorite meal, goose is curled up on the couch while the stray kitty sleeps curled in a ball on top of the back of the couch. while neither of you were planning on adding to your family so soon, he looks at the two of them, then back to you, and he doesn't have the heart to say no.
"so... we have a cat now." "yeah, i think we have a cat now."
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viemags · 11 months
Obey Me Boys & Royals Horn Headcanons
I was just browsing through my notes to delete some documents that I don't need anymore, then I saw these Headcanons about the OM! Boys that I had like a year ago and just wanted to share the "old me" rants I have about them! This is hella adorable(stupid really) and I have A LOT of things I want to say, yet some may be bullshit so yea... Hope you enjoy!
Lucifart...pfftt definately me giving awful nickname just to piss him off. Remember the audio drama where his brothers butcher his name, this is another one yet inappropriate lol. Sweet because this mf lowers his pride for you and let's you touch his sensitive horns. You will also have the luxury to groom them. I would also be really curious about the gem on his forehead. He purrs too!(Tries to hide, but slips when he's really comfy) 10/10 would do again♡
MAMMON (Why is there no Yellow?🥲)
Mammoney corkscrew horn? Would it work tho? Imagine when he was new to it and young he tried doing it just to be cool and as a party trick lol. Would it work if I curl my hair in it? If I like drop a marble would it glide? The possibilities of his horns are endless! Also joysticks pfft. 10/10 would recommend for teasing with an abundance of my love for him. He probably does weird sounds when you stroke his horns, but will relax and just purr happily when he gets used to it.
When I first saw Levi's horns I thought, are those tree branches? Not in a bad way, but in a Levi "woah" way 'cuz their unique like Mammon's, but cooler because they branch out! You can put ornaments or flowers in it!! Or tease him if you can hang little hangers and laundry to dry them hwhw. Goes hsssss when pleased by the horn petting.
Satan's horns looks rough and sharp like his tail probably because of his aggression I dunno. Still Imagine putting flowers in it, cute. Or OR him putting the kitties on top of his horns ahhh!! He also purrs! I will die if he purrs AND the kitties purr at the same time! And me being a little shit reving it like a motorcycle🤦🏻‍♀️ (Be ready for some wild goose chase around HOL)
I can see Asmo having horns that shine or like reflects light because he takes care of it religiously. Also probably puts glitter in it. I would jokingly use it as joysticks too ngl. Also it's very unique too since his has an ombre!! Would def look good with rings and other accessories. Would downright moan when his horns are touched, whether it's because he is enjoying it or just teasing you.
Beel's horns are built different lol, but fr tho his are the only one curling forward to his face unlike the others where they curl on the sides of their heads. Makes me think I can hold on to it, but probably not a good idea. Tho what if his horns be built like that if it represents how he is someone who they can rely on to carry them when their in need. And Belphie taking it literally by making Beel carry him. Would be really good for putting accessories, and it would make a very happy Beel♡
When I first saw Belphie's horn my initial thought is, "that shits heavy, is your head ok?" I get it he's a cow , but that's probably one of the reasons he's always asleep 'cuz his head is too heavy he's always tired picking it up lol. Would definately play and twirl my fingers around it.
Dia's horns spells WEALTHY. I feel like I'm not worthy of touching it because I'm broke lol. I think the gold spots might be cold to the touch, but his horns are warm. Imagine helping him with his papers, and when you take a break his instinct is to flop his head on your lap, and make you play with his horns. Would def goof around until Barbs walks in with a stick threatening you both to finish you tasks lol. Give Dia more physical affection and love♡
Barbs' horn make me do a double take because are those wings? They look like sticks? Will they break if I touch them? Will they flap? Brothers go brr when Barbs flies with his horns. Just kidding. Very unique and creepy at first. Got me thinking If Solomon asked to play with it before. Also what if you're the only one Barbs lets to touch his horns! Since he can see the future he can predict when you wanted to ask to touch his horns, so he will take extra care of it, and devise the perfect environment and break you both have to relax♡
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Min skatt
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Pairing: Thor Odinson x reader (AU setting)
Summary: Your first meeting with Thor.
Warnings: intoxication, fluff, kissing, Amanda is a bad friend, possessiveness,pet names, kinda meet-cute?
A/N: This is my first time writing for Thor. Ive wanted to try it for a while. Hope I did it justice. Thank you @late-to-the-party-81 and @jobean12-blog for your forever support ❤ As always its lazily proof read by me, and English is not my first language. Happy reading!
header by me. dividers by @saradika
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"Come on Y/N!" Your friend Amanda grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the door. You were going to a party. Your first party here since you moved to town.
Amanda just walked right in, and soon you were seated in a chabby couch, talking to a guy named Bucky. 
"So you see, thats why cats are so much smarter than dogs" Bucky gestured wildly with his hands. You looked at him with confusion. 
"Ah, I see… so… are you from here?" you asked him politely, not wanting to fall into the "cats vs dogs" trap he laid out for you. 
Bucky shot you a charming smile. "Born and raised, baby. But not you. I havent seen you around and you are too pretty to go unnoticed." He winked at you. 
Snorting out a laugh, you tell him that you needed a change of scenery, and after inheriting a house from your great aunt you ended up here. 
Bucky was just about to say something when someone climbed into his lap. The "someone" was a tall, muscular 'american sweetheart' kinda guy. 
"Where did you go?" The American sweetheart's voice is thick and sweet as he rubs the tip of his nose against Buckys.
"Ive been sitting here all along, punk. You're the one who walked away." The teasing tone of Buckys voice make a shiver run down your spine. You cant seem to tear your eyes from him and the golden boy. Then they start to make out and you just sit there, staring at them like a creep. 
Bucky break the kiss and turn to you. "Y/N, this is my Steve." His eyes glisten with amusement. You manage to extend your hand for Steve to shake, and he does so while smirking. "I like this one, Buck." 
"Y/N!" Amandas voice breaks through the sounds of the party. 
You turn around to find her standing by the door, heavily making out with a man with longish black hair. 
Clearing your throat you say "you called?" 
Amanda turns around sporting a dopey grin. "There you are, you silly goose. Im going now… so, you have to hitch a ride home on your own.toodles!"
The black haired man just measure you up and down before grinning. "Nice to meet you, beautiful. Until next time" 
Amanda and the mystery man is soon out the door, leaving you there alone. Or not alone, alone. You just dont know a lot of people yet. Huffing, you go to find tequila. 
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"So, yeah. Thats my story. You are insanely beautiful by the way. I mean wow. Just wow." You had definitely found tequila, and taken a few shots. 
The redhead you were talking to, Natasha, smiled sweetly at you. "Thank you. You are way too sweet, pretty girl" The last two words said so sweetly that you could taste them on your tongue.She reached up and cupped your face before giving you a kiss - right on the lips. It was short and sweet, but it made you feel all gooey inside. 
"See ya" Natasha walked away, leaving you there alone, with your heart thumping in your chest. 
"Well, well. Who are you?" A dark, melodic voice sounded from behind you. You turned around and looked at the god of a man. 
Tall, muscular, broad shoulders, narrow waist and big hands. A beautiful face with a sculpted jaw, high cheekbones and dark blonde scruff. His eyes were something different. Icy blue as a glacier in sunshine, with specs of greenish blue like the shallow waters of the ocean. His smile made his eyes sparkle.
"um, hi. I mean, I'm Y/N" You blushed, feeling like you had made a fool out of yourself. Your pulse was rushing in your ears and it felt like you had just turned sober,from the embarrassment.Still you extended your hand for him to shake. 
He seemed amused. "Im Thor. Why don't I know you? You are stunning" He took your hand in his,holding it like you were a princess. 
You looked at him in awe. "Me? how about you? Don't you own a mirror, Mr. Price Charming?" Your response seemed to surprise him, confusion showing on his face. You were afraid that you had fucked up, but suddenly his face split into a smile and a hearty laughter filled your ears. 
"You are snappy! I like it!" You laughed to, realief washing over you. 
"so, Skatt, you wanna come play beer pong?" You simply nod and Thor pulls you along outside to play.
Beer pong was so fun, and when paired up with Thor, you won every round. The outside air turned moist and cold, so you all migrated indoors. It was getting late (or early) so it was only the "core" left. Bucky, Steve, Sam, Natasha, Wanda,Clint, Tony, Bruce, Thor and you. You are seated in the living room, most of you on the verge of sleep. You sat with Thor.
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Suddenly you remembered Amanda. "Wow… she really just left me here" you mutter to yourself. The feeling of betrayal sneaks its way in.  
"What was that, Skatt?" Thor's voice is soft and sweet like honey. You turn to look at him,and let out a gasp as you realize that you are so close that you can feel his breath on your face. Staring into his eyes, you feel excitement and lust stirring in your belly. 
"um, well, yeah. I don't know if you remember but I came here with my 'friend' Amanda" Thor hums and wraps his arm over your shoulders and pulls you close. 
"And why is that important, Skatt?" You look at him, squinting your eyes. 
"you know what? It's not important at all." You lean into his embrace and you sit there in comfortable silence for a few minutes. The bad feeling just melts away, like an icecream in sunny weather.
Your voice cut through the silence.
"Thor? You keep calling me 'Skatt'... What does it mean?"
Thor cups your face and leans in. His nose brushes yours and his breath fan over your lips, he's so close - you can almost taste him.
"It means treasure or precious" he whispers before kissing you. 
The kiss is sweet, but quickly turns filthy and lustful. You break the kiss, but stays in Thors embrace.
Thor pulls you into his lap, so you're straddling him. He pulls you closer, making you gasp as you can feel his arousal against your clothed core. 
Possessiveness glisten in his eyes. He whispers in your ear, words that would change your life forever.
"Min Skatt. My treasure. My precious."
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taglist: @late-to-the-party-81 @animnerd
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beedlemania · 10 days
That video of Davy with the swan... he's such a menace!
And it has me thinking of Davy baby!
Davy loves animals and wants to play and touch every one he sees when out and about. Mike will sometimes take him to the zoo to see the animals. Mike also has to remind Davy about being safe with animals he doesn't know. But of course Davy doesn't always listen.
He played with the swan in this video and since nothing too bad happened, he figured he could keep doing it with other animals he sees. He's tried playing with ducks and chickens. One time though he tried doing what he did to the swan to a goose and the goose started chasing him and it scared Davy and he went running to Mike, who once again tried to warn him about being cautious with animals, especially those in the wild.
Davy can't help it though, because he loves animals and loves playing. He encounters a swan again and thinks he can get away with messing around with it again. He's convinced the goose was just mean and wants to prove Mike wrong. However, this swan does not take kindly to Davy's games and is even more aggressive than the goose. The swan attacks Davy a bit and he starts crying. Of course Mama Mike hears him crying and somehow Micky and Peter manage to scare the swan off without getting hurt themselves. Poor baby Davy is scared now and just whimpers and cries out for mama. Mike comforts him and once he knows Davy's okay he tells him this is why he needs to be careful with wild animals.
Davy's scared of animals for a while, and certainly doesn't chase any swans or geese. Mike feels bad and doesn't want his love for animals to totally go away, so he takes him to some petting zoos. Davy's cautious at first but eventually eases up and loves the petting zoo.
(Sorry this was very long!)
All the cats and dogs in the neighbourhood (even the strays) are very well behaved and like to be petted so Davy’s very used to running outside to pet them and getting a good reaction! When he and the guys go for walks, one of them (usually Mike or Peter) will ask owners on the beach if its okay to pet their dog/horse/etc and Davy will get super excited to pet and play with the animal.
When Mike takes the guys to Texas with him, instead of doing chores, Davy runs around with all the animals. They’re all used to having people around so they’re all very friendly and Davy will pick up chickens left and right and hand them to Mike to show them to him. This of course, leads to a false sense of security.
Despite geese and some swans not taking very well to Davy and attacking him, its not uncommon for Mike to see Davy crying on top of a bench or table with an angry goose on the way over to him. Davy always thinks they’ll change their mind about him and keeps trying to go near them. Sometimes the swans aren’t ill tempered but Davy will get excited and try to go near their cygnets and that’s where they get all protective.
Mike takes him to a petting zoo!! Yes!! Davy clings to Mikes arm and tries to hide behind him at the start because he’s gotten one too many bites from angry geese. He’ll tentatively reach his hand out and when the goats/sheep/etc bump his hand with their heads he immediately goes back to loving animals. He would spend all day every day at the petting zoo if he could and the people working there have started giving them discount rates because they’re always there and they’ve seen Mike digging around for coins to pay.
The problem with Davy no longer being frightened of animals is that he starts sneaking strays into the pad and as much as Mike wants to home and help them, Mr Babbitts been looking for a reason to kick them out so he has to say no. He can’t look at Davy when he says no because one flash of his pout and Mike will give in.
The other problem is, Davy gets used to petting every animal again and the swan cycle starts once more @.@
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honey-rye · 9 months
abt the dad au: 🏠💵🐱🫵(projecting)🧶😈?
abt barista by day, ninja by night: 😍🐱👹🍍(everyones)🍕? abt mamas boys: 💵(not lee and dee cuz big mama yk)🫵(projecting)🔥🔬🦸?
ooh, multiple au question.
Dad Au:
🏠 - What's the lair like?
I picture it kinda like the pre-shredder lair and the post-show lair combined. like it's the same abandoned train car/sewer area, but they've expanded it and made it more their own. it's like an apartment building in the sewers with your brothers and their partners. where they have their own space but they also have shared spaces where they do things together if that makes sense.
💵 - How do your turtles make money?
the boys are adults,, they have,, jobs,,,
Raph has an actual job. he personally rebrands the Hidden City Police, and makes sure they're running things right, and he gets paid for his good work. Mona also works there, though she works her own investigative unit.
Leo works in Jax's shop, and was barely able to negotiate shared ownership.
Mikey,, probably does art commissions or something on the side, and teaches mystic stuff for a living.
and Donnie? a mystery. he probably sells his designs, his tech, does something to earn as much as he does. it even baffles his partner
🐱 - Do any of your characters have pets?
Jax has a "cat" he calls KeKe. April has Mayhem if he qualifies. The kids definitely want pets but the parents are like "no way, at some point you have to draw a line and decide "what am I going to deal with today?" not this."
🫵 - Who do you project onto the most?
I don't think I project onto any of these dudes, not in the Dad Au at least
🧶 - Does Raph knit?
no, because fuck knitting. he crochets baby blankets for the twins tho, and little socks he'll hold onto forever because he's sentimental like that. I think every so often he'll make something for one of the kids birthdays.
😈 - Is Mikey a little shit?
he's definitely the most likely to spur the kids on or join in on the fun, but I wouldn't call him a little shit.
Barista By Day, Ninja By Night (Human/ Coffeeshop Au):
😍 - Are there any romances?
does a separated Lou Jitsu and Big Mama count? maybe some background flirting, maybe some April/Casey or Caprisun, or Casey/Raph,
🐱 - Pets?
I think. they should have a shop cat. for the coffeeshop. because yes.
👹 - Are there yokai/supernaturals in this universe?
no yokai, but if mystic stuff counts as supernaturals, then yes.
🍍- Who likes pineapple on pizza?
Leo. Mikey likes anything on pizza, anything.
🍕- Favourite pizza toppings?
Leo is a Hawaiian Pizza stan. Donnie likes the classic peperoni, and sometimes a build your own where he makes his brothers either question his sanity or question why they never thought of it. Mikey likes anything- Donnie thinks he's gross for some of his combos. Raph likes a good Brooklyn style, but he's also all about the meat lovers.
Mama's Boys Au:
💵- How do your turtles make money?
Mikey and Raph rely on the mysterious amount of money Splinter has in a rainy day funds box, usually reserved for groceries. Other than that, they scavenge. April being the only human means she can get a job, so she occasionally picks the boys up something nice.
🫵 - Who do you project onto?
I might actually project onto a couple of these dudes. Lee being non-verbal is mostly taken from my experience being non-verbal, and his stims are things that I do. Dee I think I project a lot of my internal annoyance and irritation onto. I put a lot of my creativity and crechurness in Mikey too.
🔥- Is Leo accident prone?
Lee is very careful, he learned early in his life that being clumsy wouldn't get him far, but there are times when Dee catches him being a Silly Goose. He also is allowed in the kitchen, it's Dee who isn't.
🔬- Is Donnie only interested in tech?
Dee loves technology, but he was exposed to mystics first. His favourite part of being interested in both is learning and experimenting with combining the two which- doesn't always pan out. But hat's the fun of it.
🦸- Is Casey a Vigilante?
Casey is part of the Foot Clan to start. She has a change of heart and loyalties... eventually.
Thanks for the many many questions Breeze! <3
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