mochinomnoms · 2 days
Why I can hear the sadness and pettiness of Malleus voice when he says “My child of man never interacts with me like that”
I want to squish his cheeks so bad
He's a cutie and a bit of a brat and he's just curious about his human. At this point in thr story, he just starting to learn how they interact with people outside of him. He's not necessarily petty or upset, just genuinely curious. Malleus really likes watching people interact with each other.
Plus, Yuu and Idia (the ones bickering here) have very fun reactions to each other because Yuu likes to provoke Idia and Idia cannot fathom losing an argument about something he's a self proclaimed expert in.
Overall, no sadness here! Just genuine curiosity and delight
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nefe-kav · 3 months
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eh, the cute drawings are ready, there are hotter ones left, if you know what I mean))))
but I’ll post the hot ones after the new chapter, just like that, yes)
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latinotiktok · 18 days
Gringos: *se quejan de nuestra musica*
Milonga para Hermana
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lordsofcrime · 2 years
I love that Sherlock and Liam are both disasters in their own right. Sherlock is a bipolar, compulsive, self-proclaimed detective who solves crimes for fun, and Liam doesn’t know the first thing about taking care of himself. I mean, the man falls asleep at random intervals, eats like maybe one biscuit a day, and is willing to sell his soul to fulfill Robespierre’s revolutionary ideals. Like wtf. I like how they both saw each other and went “yes, I want that one”— and I like even more that they then had to suffer the consequences and learn how to respectively take care of their chosen disaster. They both have to learn how to grow up for each other. I think that’s beautiful.
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cbirt · 2 months
In living organisms, different types of proteins are essential for a variety of critical processes. The structural and functional diversity of many protein types is greatly influenced by post-translational modifications (PTMs), which allow cells to respond to changes in their environment and control intricate biological processes. Though they do not take into consideration the effects of PTMs, large protein language models (pLMs) such as ESM-2 and ProtT5 precisely capture the structural, functional, and physicochemical features of input protein sequences, they only scratch the surface of proteome diversity. By adding PTM tokens to the pLM training regimen, researchers bridge this significant gap in protein sequence modeling.
In this study, Duke University researchers introduce PTM-Mamba, a PTM-aware Protein Language Model that makes use of an extensive collection of PTM tokens to enhance performance on a range of PTM-specific tasks. The model vocabulary gets around Transformers’ quadratic time complexity using effective hardware-aware primitives. The first and only pLM that inputs and representations wild-type and PTM sequences in a unique way is PTM-Mamba. This makes it ideal for downstream modeling and design applications that are tailored to post-translationally modified proteins.
Continue Reading
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nightmaretherabbit · 5 months
Circus Of Fun
Vocal Cover
Song/Instrumental By: @violitkittin
Vocals/Art By: Nightmare The Rabbit
Reblogging Appreciated 👍
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depoesiaypoetas · 2 years
Me culpo. Me caben dos dedos en las heridas, y ahora no van a limpiarse con alcohol. Quiero algo de amnesia emocional y volver el tiempo. Pensé que podía con muchas cosas y la verdad es que el peso me ha apachurrado. No quiero respuestas, quiero estar bien. Volver al día donde no se había estropeado nada. Asumo los desastres por las malas cosas, moral y humanamente herimos sin querer o pensando que no será tan importe. La he cagado y quiero ver cómo arreglarlo. No es acto de valentía, es acto de fe. Tengo mucho dolor emocional y físico, y nada de optimismo por ahora. Quizás porque quise mucho, me duele lo idiota que fui en muchas cuestiones. Vuelvo a pedir perdón si hace falta. Ojalá volviera el tiempo a cuando no se habían arruinado tanto las cosas y cuando todo estaba bien. No sé. La vida tiene muchos problemas ya, pero me han dicho que si sientes algo tienes que externarlo, y así como puedo sentir amor, felicidad y cosas amarillas, ahora siento miedo, cosas azules y me duele muchìsimo algo que no sé en qué parte de mi cuerpo se localiza, y se siente como si apachurraran fuerte. No sé decir las cosas y me ha tomado bastante poder expresar esto de una manera objetiva y arbitraria porque decir las cosas por su nombre me va a tomar tiempo. Dolor espiritual pero también físico. Quizás no alcances a entender, porque a veces ni yo entiendo, lo difícil que es cargar el peso de muchas cosas y no decirlo y no saber qué hacer. Aislarme fue la manera que encontré de lidiar conmigo y con todo lo que pasaba en todos lados. No se ha podido. No intento causar compasión, sólo expresar que soy humano y tengo sentimientos, ahora el miedo... culpo a nadie, sino a mí, torpe yo, mis heridas, mi dolor, yo y mi miedo.
Clara Ajc
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0omida · 2 years
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The Lizards Asdnjgkfsdngskjgsn t h e m Just some dirty doodle before sleep, they have been in my mind a lot for some reason aa I have a lot of art of them but that's just private
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grimfantas · 3 months
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ketwolf · 4 days
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Portal Costeño
Keto con su Poncho
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mochinomnoms · 3 months
Let's not forget: moray mers mate for life. Jade knows that. Floyd knows that. Azul knows that.
Yuu does not. Yuu knows Jade thinks stuff like "I wanna make 'em my mate and love them forever, precious pretty pearl," but Yuu doesn't realize what he means by that. Yuu chalks up the use of the word "mate" to a cultural difference.
Cut to post-mating w/ Yuu and Jade. Yuu hears something like, "Ah, I can hardly believe it... I have a mate now. I shall never have another. I wouldn't want anyone else, even if biology would let me take a new mate" and Yuu just P A N I C S, remembers Jade is loaded rich, realizes there's no fear of cheating, and calms down, because they have just been guaranteed a place in Twisted Wonderland.
Cultural differences in TWST is SUCH a good concept, I love it sooo much!! But also, Jade is 100% aware that Yuu probably doesn't know about moray mers and their courting practices. It doesn't occur to him though that the thought of being with someone else would remotely be a possibility. For either of you!
Jade's mindset is one of, “Well this is my mate, I'm going to treat my mate like they hung the sun, moon, and stars.” The idea of a partnership dying down because of age, resentment growing, or just love lost is not one for most eelmers. They find a partner they want to be with, that partner is now sacred to them! It's why eelmer marriages have the least high divorce rate among all the species, though it's not unheard of. Jade is set on making sure you'll never look at another person the same way (he hopes) you look at him, and he at you.
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nefe-kav · 3 months
what are you thinking about, you naughty Jade?)
I was in a hurry to do a quick sketch, but don't worry, dear author, I still have about 3 sketches, hehe ^^
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pachecsa · 3 months
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moments-on-pony-town · 10 months
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kneipe · 1 year
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paris 2023
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