#why am i perfeccionist
bupia · 2 months
the moment you finish a chapter 1 and start to write a chapter 2, then you notice that your chapter 2 feels more like a chapter 3, so you decide to move the 2 and make it as 3, and then you notice that the half of the chapter 1 feels like a chapter 2 (more than the half of it actually) and now you have a chapter 2 complete, a 3 at half and 1 in construction. help.....
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heartofmuse · 11 months
There is nothing worse than feeling inadequate, yes, not even feeling hated. I can live with a person's hatred because it is outside of me, I have no control over it, but feeling inadequate is based in me, in the fact that I want so much to give, that I care, that I need to make this work. The fact I can't or people telling you, you don't cut it, your best is not enough, that you have been measured and found lacking. This really fucks me up. I know I have deeply rooted issues because the people I have loved most in life have always made me feel like this and told me in no uncertain terms what they thought. I give and I give, I try and I try but its never enough or good enough. I've felt inadequate all my life...not good enough a daughter, not a good enough a wife, which is why I am not married anymore, not a good enough sister, not a good enough mother. I don't really know if it is them or the really high bar I set for myself, the damn perfeccionist in me taking over. All I know is it hurts, it makes me cry, and it makes me want to run.
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shit-talk-turner · 2 years
I think we can be pretty chill on the songs about Louise. Between AM and TBHC Alex stayed with Taylor and when we expected a love album about her we got… well… an album about Alex traveling through space. He's very perfeccionist when it comes to his work with Arctic Monkeys. Then we had Sweet Dreams, TN, which honestly, TO ME, is one of the worst lyrics that he has written. I didn't even care about their relationship at the time, but that song was just... not him. That's why I think he put it in TLSP, because it's a side project. Also I don't think Alex is the best lyricist when it comes to showing his feelings to women he dating at the moment. He always kills with breakup songs tho. But in the end, we know what his supreme muse always was and always will be. I don't think he's even inspired enough to make more than one song for Louise… even more so now, after the title of this new song🤷‍♀️
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lwt28brave · 3 years
Thanks for the tag Manu ♥♥ @28louistomlinson I really looked forward to being wrong 7 times in a row do this ^^ (and @icarusfallsforwalls tagged me just now so ♥♥)
1. How many songs?
I think we're all saying 12 because it makes sense with how much of a perfeccionist Louis is that he doesn't think he has more good songs but also... give me 15. Give me bonus tracks or something ;;_;;
2. What is the story arc?
Hmm. See, I just want to see Louis happy and thriving and him letting us know through his music (so yeah, that includes sex songs, why not 😏).
The way I see it, Copy is a conversation with his younger self, and Change is kind of an overview on his life before fame and the friendships he's worked to keep until the present.
So I also agree there's this feeling of overcoming and looking at the past from where you are standing now and reflecting on it and... moving forward. He also said he's in a better state mentally that he was in the past so that would make sense. That we get to see that journey.
3. Where in the track list would you put change and copy?
I feel like Change fits better towards the begining. As I said, he's looking at the past and reflecting about it, and this song is nostalgic but also not negative about the future (things are changing all the time, but I am the same person I was back then, and I have the rest of my life ahead of me). So yeah, probably not the first song because it doesn't feel like an introduction but not too far down.
As much as I want Copy to be on the album, I don't think it will we. But if it was, maybe in the second half/b side, or maybe even as a bonus track. I feel like it's one of his strongest songs in a pop-rock radio appeal sense, but I don't know how it fits in the vision he has of the story he wants to tell. Like I would put it either at the beginning because it's darker than Change, but it doesn't feel like an introducition either. And it can't go towards the end if there's this progression I'm envisioning.
4. Walls ended with OTB, how will LT2 end?
Hopefully, with a longer song 😭 I feel like while OTB was a way to tie Walls together and to give an introduction for LT2, but the tone wasn't what I imagine he will end this album with. Probably a re-introduction of himself as the person he is now, if that makes sense? Or something about having Faith in the future.
5. Do you think we’ll get a track-by-track for LT2? If so, what will be the vibe? Will Louis, once again, be the hot teacher educating his fandom? Will he say anything as soft as, “It’s a cry for help”?
I really think we will. And Manu...Yes!!! I wanna hear Louis talk about social inspiration behind some of his lyrics Please and Thank You. Also I don't know if he will say something as soft as that but we never know so I'm ready to cry as always.
6. What color scheme for LT2?
I would love if LT2 was purple as much as the next person here (first and foremost, I would absolutely die if it was pink but that's probably a dream that will stay that @bluelightsaber 😭😭) or somthing warm but not as intense/agressive as the red.
7. Will we get a music video featuring Louis’ top lip?
Yes. And everything else mentioned. I'm also manifesting right here and now a shot of the infamous nipple piercings.
I'm tagging @thebus1 and anyone else who wants to do this and hasn't yet. ♥
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starcrossedau · 3 years
Disclaimer: This is not for commercial use, all intellectual property belongs to @timetohajima. Copyright: here.
↳ trigger warning: abusive relationships, mental disorders
↳ word count: 9.3k
Our sunshine’s turn~ It’s the first chart that I’ll read in this blog that I have the birth time for, so there’s no speculation here: only the truth. That being said, although I am quite aware Astrology might seem like pure fun (and it indeed can be that way sometimes), when reading a natal chart with the birth time I can read everything that has happened / will happen to the person. I will not go into too personal topics or even his death or other severe stuff out of respect (and please do not ask) - but even then, if you’re a fan that is comfortable with just stanning his public persona without knowing much about his real ways that is absolutely fine. Kpop is entertainment, after all, and you should feel free to consume it the way you want to. But I’d advise you not to read this, then. Also, like I’ve said many times before on this blog, everything that I’m saying in this post is about Youngjae and Youngjae alone - DO NOT take one specific explanation of a placement I mention here as something you could relate to your own chart. Whatever I say here is taking everything that is in his chart into account, and there’s no way you have the same chart (that would mean we’d have more than one Youngjae and then the planet wouldn’t be able to handle such brightness).
This is not his entire chart but even then it turned out huge. Sorry? Anyway, here we go:
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Ascendant, Sun and Mercury Retrograde in Virgo
The most important part of a zodiac chart is the Ascendant. It is so because it’s defining how the whole chart will work, it’s the point that determines how every house will play out since it’s placing each sign at each house. Not only that, but the 1st house is also the one that defines what are the most important things in one’s life, and the things that will strongly define the person and how their life will play out according to those subjects. As you can see, Youngjae’s is in Virgo and there’s two planets there. So not only is Youngjae’s whole life defined by the nature of this sign but also by these two planets and their subjects. Basically, Youngjae’s life will involve many situations regarding his strong personality in general and mercurial matters. So most of his life is gonna be directed by his intelligence since it’s a Mercury in a good sign for it, but also his communication problems in general since it’s Retrograde.
Virgo is an earth sign and it’s making Youngjae responsible but also very demanding. This will not only apply to what he thinks is right or not but also to how he expresses himself and how he approaches basically everything in his life - even if he’s not fully aware of it. I think that by now he knows that he can be annoying with how much he expects from others, but is too young to already feel strongly compelled to change (as in, he might be trying to but it won’t be effective for now - he eventually will, though, his Moon in Scorpio in a house that talks about travels changing him will make him). You see, Virgo is a sign that demands quality and perfection of what it likes or wants - and when it’s ruling one person’s entire life with Mercury combined it’s impossible for that person not to exaggerate their approach to it. In his case, Youngjae will have both good and bad things coming from this same trait - he’s such a perfeccionist that it’ll attract success but at the same time it’ll bring misunderstandings and inner turmoils. If you expect everyone and yourself to be perfect at all times, your standards are so high that they’ll cause you pain. It’s very hard for this boy to simply relax and enjoy things, he’s constantly alert and like I said, it can bring good results such as catching on things that are subtle (he can be very observant), but it also means that just chilling and simply enjoying what life entails is not comfortable for him. This level of exaggeration of worrying constantly not only brings some level of anxiety (he has three other things talking about this so it’s definitely his case, and definitely why he fidgets a lot) but also prevents him from fully enjoying even the happier times. He does know how to have fun, thanks to those Leo placements and that Jupiter in the 5th, but even then - it’s hard. It just doesn’t come easy as it does for others. I’ll talk more about it on the next topics but it’s just for you to get that although this guy has great joy within him and can bring happiness to everyone he interacts with because he’s a sweetheart, he has quite a hard time letting himself be truly happy. Overthinking is an understatement in his case. And since this is a trait that defines his whole life, every subject that his houses talk about will have something to do with this - every aspect of his life is gonna be influenced by him not knowing how to let go or how to relax. It’s bad but he can choose to grow from it and his Moon in Scorpio might indicate he will.
Although his Mercury is Retrograde, it’s still at one of the best houses for it and in a great sign for it - his learning skills are amazing and if anything I think he just might have trouble focusing when he’s not feeling determined. If he does focus, however, he’s very quick to understand anything that he wants to learn and it’s obviously related to how Youngjae was a trainee only for 7 months. He had already been studying singing before joining JYPE, but to be chosen to join GOT7 he had a limited time to learn dance and some martial arts - which he did. He’s an amazing dancer, and to this day the guys say he’s some kind of music genius. He literally is, they’re not exaggerating - he was already born with skills that led him to this path. Since he has many other placements talking about artistic skills and his mind is working nicely like this the level of talent that he has is very clear - and it’s high af. Youngjae was born to work with music, I don’t see him working with anything else. If anything, he might be a good teacher in the future - but probably a music one, and will always have to practice and work with his own music on the side or else he won’t be very happy (this is an understatement, not to be dramatic but Youngjae is the kind of guy that has no chance of surviving this world without practicing art in any way - can definitely lead to depression in his case).
The Ascendant also defines one’s appearance. The Sun defines the personality while Mercury defines the mind - so Youngjae literally carries his worries, logic and strong will on his face. If you’ve known him for a while it’s hard to think about this but pay attention to how serious he can look when he’s not talking, or how deeply focused. He might not even look approachable for those who don’t know him, and even seem like he’s arrogant (he does act like that sometimes but I’ll go more into it later - it’s just his Moon in the 3rd bringing him trouble). It definitely is not a coincidence that people say he’s so shiny and bright and love the way he laughs. The 1st house talks about one’s appearance and the way people see them, how they’ll be defined by society from a first glance or even from their usual habits, quirks. Because the 1st is our head, our face, defining our body as a whole - whatever it is that the Ascendant is defining there, it’s shown to everyone. Since Youngjae has his Sun in his first, this strong trait of his is shown to everyone - his personality is literally on his face. And since his Sun is being influenced by the 12th, a house in Leo, with a strong conjuction working there - all of that is shown in his face as well. Venus conjunct Mars implies in great inner energy and a deep need to show your talent (many artists have this conjunction), so that kind of determination also shows in his daily attitudes. Leo like this can also bring great joy and the will of showing it to the world with a characteristic laughter or humor. So although Virgo is there making him look responsible and everything, Leo can influence one’s apperance by making the person look innocent and with bright, shiny, even childish eyes. It’s literally making him show how gullible he can be even with Virgo trying to analyze everything - he’s deeply naive and that shows on his face specially when he’s having fun, because he lets his guard down when he allows himself to enjoy things.
His Ascendant is hard to define at first if you don’t know much about him, not only because Virgo is a reserved sign but because his personality is so intricate that by looking at him for the first time people won’t really know how to define him. And if they try, they’ll do it wrongly. That is all caused by the fact that Youngjae has so many different things defining his face. He’s a very intense person, but people won’t realize it at first. If they do stop to pay attention, though, they’ll be nicely surprised.
Originally posted by choiyoungjae
The biggest trouble here is that his Mercury is Retrograde and although in a good sign for it, his mind can be all over the place when trying to properly express himself. For an artist, this can be both a good and a bad thing: although in his personal life he might have trouble fully and properly expressing his feelings, the agony of not being able to do so is translated to his art. So it’s a benefic part of this Mercury, no doubt, it’s giving him great talent when talking about composing and writing down the right words. However, when actually talking he will have some trouble. I’ll go more into it when reading his 3rd.
The 2nd House
This house talks about the money one is going to achieve with their work, it talks about money and possessions in general. I don’t think this is a very interesting part of him for you guys so I’ll be brief. Libra defining it and being ruled by a Venus in Leo conjunct Mars in the 12th. Combined, it means: his money would come from his artistic skills (Libra), he can spend it with things he doesn’t really need (vain things, Libra), is likely to have luck in certain ways because of his personality (his way of talking to people and not only his skills bring him money - Venus in Leo), can be very bad at dealing with money (12th) or spending it wisely (can even spend too much money on people he loves that don’t really deserve it, because Venus). Although it’s all bringing him money but still loads of trouble since it’s being influenced by the house of mind prisons, Mars is also influencing it and the planet of determination like this means Youngjae might lose track of his spendings but is good at achieving financial results in general. So he will have money, but has to be careful with what (or who) he spends it with.
The 2nd is considered malefic because Astrology talks about life and what one has to do to evolve and be an awesome person in general, right? But it’s spiritually speaking. It talks about how one has to work their inner troubles and become a better being… And money doesn’t do that. That’s the main reason why this house is malefic and little did the old ancient greek people know how capitalism would affect us. lol So I’d say it can be considered even more malefic nowadays. For Youngjae it mostly means he can try to fix his love troubles with money (not that he’ll pay for people to love him, not at all - but people will fool him and get money from him) and that he’s likely to lose focus in life because of the way he spends it. Could even be one that bets or invests badly. However, boy still is going to be rich. :) Read more about this on his 8th.
Moon in Scorpio in the 3rd House
I’ve mentioned this many times but let me remind you guys how bad a Moon in Scorpio can be. The Moon stands for feelings, how one’s emotions will evolve or not and how the person will deal with them. Scorpio is a very intense sign and it tends to go to extremes when related to one’s feelings. Everything that is said about Scorpio’s bad sides show up when it’s placed in the Moon. So Youngjae has a lot of trouble dealing with grudges and balancing how he feels. He either goes big or goes home when talking about relationships and friendships, and this is certainly not a good thing. Since I can tell from his chart that he’s a good person (in the sense that he has a good heart, as lame as this sounds), I’m willing to bet that the worst things that will happen to him when talking about romantic relationships and friendships will be partly caused by his naivety and intense devotion to people that won’t deserve it. It’s sextile a Jupiter in the 5th, proving how bad this can get. And then he’ll hold a huge grudge and blame himself because Virgo is making him not forgive his own mistakes (remember how him being demanding affects his whole life?). It’s a cycle of judgement that he puts himself through, literally because he can be too soft. With time he’ll be harsher, and not in a bad way - he’ll learn how to protect himself. However, his romantic relationships will always tend to be problematic.
An interesting thing is that he can be petty af specially because this Moon is in the 3rd. It literally means that what he feels is what he says. Youngjae might try to control it, but he won’t properly be able to. He’s pretty straightforward most of the time. The way he doesn’t really know how to forgive is directly linked to the way he expresses himself as well. So he is totally the kind to not only be abrupt (Mercury Retrograde) but also to bring up things that were done ages ago. Since he has all that Leo charm making him childish and endearing for those that like him, people will rarely expose him about this - but I’m pretty sure it’s a frequent thing. Also, I cannot stress enough how jealous this guy can get. He has no sign of being easygoing in his chart related to this topic, Youngjae can be very possessive regarding those he loves. Not in the sense that he’ll be abusive, just very… Jealous. He’ll be overprotective without letting the person know (ego and childish attitudes caused by Leo), and will want that person to recognize him for it and also appreciate him in a way that he’ll feel like they’re truly close (they have to tell him everything) and equally appreciated. So he’ll be petty when provoking others about hanging out too much with other people instead of hanging out with him, will be dramatic af if not feeling properly spoiled, etc. And since his pride is huge (Venus conjunct Mars in Leo), don’t ever expect him to own up to this. lol Can be a cute thing, no doubt, but will not always be so. Because his Moon is all over the place, he’ll exaggerate this now and then and some people will be annoyed. If they already love and know him, though, it’s likely they’ll forgive him quite quickly since they know that he’s a sweet guy that just has trouble communicating and balancing his feelings. But if the people involved don’t know him or just aren’t the patient kind… This can bring problems in his career, even more so because his 10th (profession, work) is in Gemini - so clearly his communication directly defines his work and if this Moon combined with his Mercury Retrograde are not nicely dealt with… This certainly brings him trouble. A huge thing here is also that this Moon is being influenced by the 8th since it’s in Aries, and said house has the biggest malefic there - so combined with a badly ruled communication house like this he’ll have many troubles regarding signing contracts that might end up being abusive or unfair (we’re watching you, JYPE). This can also involve marriage, since it is a contract. Youngjae can get so intensely in love that he’ll be blinded by his feelings, so. Certainly this guy will have to learn how to deal with his feelings better or else there’ll be consequences.
Originally posted by jiminthebun
(he’s way more intense and passionate than he lets on tbh)
A nice thing here is that his humor is strongly defined by this house. And it’s being nicely backed up by his Leo in the 12th traits. Scorpio is petty and dramatic and loves shock value - it’s such an observant sign that has such great memory that when ruling the 3rd with the Moon like his, the person will love to randomly expose people just for fun. Can be very sarcastic without ever really owning up to it, which can be very funny if not directed at you. lol The Moon here is a huge part of why he can be so endearingly cute when he talks, because unkowingly he’s using his manipulation talents that this Moon in Scorpio gives him to express himself dramatically, combined with that Venus in the 12th that lets him play around with his sensitivity (as in he gets people so deeply that it’s directly related to how he chooses his words, his humor can adapt according to the person). Scorpio is naturally sarcastic and when in this house, oh boy. Things can get intense. haha And combined with his Mercury he can do some very funny, witty jokes. Which is ironic because he’s also very gentle and naive - but very quick witted when answering back. So there’ll be times where it’ll take him some time to fully get what’s going on and then others where he’ll be so quick to react that the people involved won’t even know what hit them. Although this Moon is acting badly, it’s still in the best house for it - so it’s bringing good things anyway. In his case, specifically, it’s bringing luck with transformating himself, evolving when he’s away, travelling. So he’ll not only be lucky regarding always having opportunities to travel if he wants to but also most of his travels will mainly involve good things for him. We have to note, though, that since this house is ruled by Scorpio it’s also being influenced by his Mars and that Saturn in the 8th - so most of the time the travels will be benefic, but often he’ll have to pay attention to his health or else he get sick while away.
Randomly I’d like to add that what makes him so brave about speaking english even if people make fun of his accent is certainly this Moon. He has fun with it because he lives for communication, so it doesn’t really matter what people think - as long as he’s enjoying it and putting himself to work with it. Youngjae also probably loves languages more than we might ever know, he’s deeply connected to them. This Moon also explains why in relationships he’ll truly appreciate the intellectual exchange and being able to discuss everything. Without communication nothing will work, this guy will hate lovers that don’t talk and solve stuff - but sadly will be attracted to them lol He doesn’t really know his own type. Learn more about this by reading his 12th.
The 4th House
The house of the beginning and the end of things. Since it’s in Sagittarius and ruled by the biggest benefic, Jupiter, it implies in a nice and comfortable upbringing and also that it’s likely that the family is big (Jupiter talks about exaggeration, so it’s likely that Youngjae has many, many relatives). Overall, it’s a nice sign to have here and if anything from what I can tell from the rest of the chart it just means he can be somewhat of a rebel regarding what his family wants of him. Could be a matter of religions or traditional ways, and since said Jupiter is taking family matters to the 5th house, the house of fun and romance, could even mean that although he might want to get married someday he doesn’t mind having some fun now and then and his family is not ok with it. Nothing major, I’d say, the kind of rebel Youngjae is against his family. But he still is, and the way he is so will bring bad things. Mostly because he’s too stubborn.
It’s important to note, though, that Jupiter is in Capricorn. So while it’s still working as a benefic in his life it’s also weaker than normal, and when combining Sagittarius and Capricorn like it’s being so in his life it means that while he does want to please his family and feels responsible about its values, deep down he also doesn’t wanna do it at all so it’s a constant conflict in his life. Since he has such a big family, it’s likely that Youngjae has had many people giving opinions on what he should or should not do in his life and that’s why he can be troubled about which path to follow sometimes. I found it kinda weird when he moved in with his brother and left the members behind but seeing his chart it makes quite some sense. Although it had to do with other things as well, I bet, it’s very logical to him that he has to be together with his family at all times and owes them explanations and all.  Looking from afar it might not seem serious but you’d be surprised of how much one’s family values can make one feel trapped.
Originally posted by yjarssunshine
Also, the ruler of the 4th represents the father in one’s life. Since it’s influencing his 5th, which is also the house of children, Youngjae wants to have children and to be a father like his was to him growing up. He’s strongly influenced by his dad and it shows, it’s likely that the people he sees on a daily basis are quite aware of how much his dad influences his ways and opinions. Specially because Capricorn is a demanding sign, that expects not only respect but also constant and good results - his father is nice, yes, but also expects a lot from him. And this implies in many things, how childish he can be sometimes because he was so spoiled (surrounded by people that while he did not really agree with were very loving to him, in an overprotective way) but also how confident he can be since his childhood had such an impressive and present father. He was very protected when he was younger and probably is to this day as well and that’s why he can be such a scaredy cat. lol It’s all related! Seems to me that his father is quite an intense guy but not very good at expressing feelings, and that’s why Youngjae ended up being more of a softie in constant emotional denial and intensity - the person he looks up to the most is a strong figure that doesn’t deal with feelings so he wasn’t properly taught to do so. Since his mother is represented by Mercury in his chart, it’s clear that her influence is similar - he respects and loves her a lot and she might be caring but above all she’s very logical and clever, so probably quite disconnected with properly dealing with feelings as well (even if unknowingly so). Also, her being represented by Mercury in the 1st implies in minds that work very similarly (hers and Youngjae’s, I mean) and that’s definitely connected with how they have the same laughter. lol So you see, Youngjae has very loving parents that truly did their best to offer him everything they could but emotionally they could be lacking at times - and obviously not because they wanted to, but it had consequences in Youngjae’s life anyway. They spoiled him a lot, though, and it shows not only in his ways (loves to joke around lightly and laughs freely, often a sign that someone was loved as a child and knows it - he can be sarcastic but overall his humor is more of a healthy, truly joyful nature) but also with the way he acts around his hyungs (he loves to be spoiled by them and Jaebum became a father figure of sorts for him for this reason - his real one was away so Youngjae needed a substitute). Overall, Youngjae’s parents gave him opportunities and the assurance that he was truly loved, which makes a huge difference in how someone grows up to be who they are - but at the same time they can be very demanding and kinda complicated when talking about feelings, so that’s on his way to this day and definitely plays a huge part of how that Moon in the 3rd is bringing him communication problems, as well as that Mercury Retrograde.
Although he has some other placements talking about health problems, Jupiter ruling the 4th normally indicates a good, longlasting life - but he has to be aware that with what he exaggerates with (since it’s Jupiter ruling it) it’s likely that if he does it too much it’ll shorten his life. If he learns to take care of himself, it should all be fine.
Jupiter in Capricorn in the 5th House
The house of fun, romances and friendships (the fun part, per say, while the 11th is deeper regarding this) when ruled by Capricorn is normally a very hard thing to deal with. With Jupiter here, while it’s a benefic that normally brings good things, in his case I believe he has more trouble caused by it. You see, the 5th talks about how one chooses to have fun and love and overall enjoy life - if Capricorn, a sign that does not know how to do those at all, is there… Youngjae has a real hard time just relaxing and letting things go with the flow. He’s constantly tense and looking for deeper meanings and everything, he’s literally too smart to have proper fun. He doesn’t know how to relax. When it’s related to relationships, since it talks about romance… He probably overthinks everything involved. I’ll go more into this when talking about his 12th, but this adds to the paranoia that is being talked about there. He’ll look for serious commitments in the beginning of the relationships, will be too eager to control everything so it all works perfectly in an exaggerated way, you get the gist.
Originally posted by yugyeomism
Jupiter is bringing his family matters into this house so again, although he had some privileges and a loving family it’s clear that the kind of demanding his father is is so strong in his mind that he cannot help but force himself to be worried at all times. It’s like: are we going to a party? But what for? For how long? Is it really worth going? Instead of just letting things happen naturally. Not only is this bad for him since he doesn’t really express himself or allows himself to enjoy the little things… With Jupiter, the planet of exaggeration, also influencing it all it’s obvious that when he does have fun and he does allow himself to feel it is way too intense for his own good (and it’s square a very malefic Saturn in his 8th, the house of death - the way he doesn’t balance things regarding fun literally attacks his body). He’s missing balance in this part of his life and it affects him more than he knows. First because if you never allow yourself to fully enjoy stuff you’re not actually living it and it brings a deep dissatisfaction and constant discomfort that of course implies in anxiety in the long run. Youngjae has other placements talking about anxiety so it’s definitely his case. And secondly, if you don’t allow yourself to fully feel and love all the time - when it happens it involves in loads of overthinking and paranoia and giving more than receiving and all kinds of messed up relationships - they get way too intense in a bad way. So this benefic is not being all… Benefic to him, I’d say. It does bring luck with other things, like with attracting great and loyal (Capricorn) friends much like a great sense of humor (the planet that talks about joy and love in a witty sign - great humor indeed). Also, the house of children with the planet of children there is likely to bring a good family… But the sign it’s in can be on its way. I won’t read much into it ‘cause it involves predictions, just for you to get that even if it’s just sounding bitchy this Jupiter is doing good as well.
However, since the house of fun literally talks about parties and addictions… With the planet of exaggeration there… You get what I mean. It’s likely that Youngjae exaggerates in something in his life, and there’s two other things talking about this in his chart so it’s definitely a thing. I’m not sure to what extent this will be in his way in the long run, but for now it’s at a manageable level. I won’t go much into it, though, since it’s very personal. Don’t ask me to talk about this.
The 6th House
The house of health ruled by Saturn like it’s in his chart means that Youngjae has some trouble with his immune system. Mostly out of his stubborn ways since said Saturn is in Aries, but also something he can’t control. This explain his allergy to cats, for example. This Saturn is opposite Mercury, so his mind literally doesn’t see the bad it’s doing to him (although it makes him independent as well, even if badly acting when making him feel inadequate). To put it simply, he was born with a body likely to have trouble healing itself properly but he also doesn’t take care of himself like he should, which makes him get sick even more frequently. If you pay attention to all of GOT7′s interviews and ~reality~ shows, you’ll see that he’s always sniffing or sneezing, etc. It won’t always show in a big and concerning way, but it’ll always be there - he’s prone to getting sick easily and quicker than others. Which must be very hard with the kind of life that he leads, with demanding schedules and all, but at the same time it brings him some structure to follow - his managers help him with this, even if he feels controlled. JYPE might be wrong in many things, but GOT7 does not starve themselves to death like other companies normally make their artists do. If anything, some of them get paranoid because of the media and knetizens’ opinions (mostly Jackson), but you know what I mean, right? Youngjae’s schedule is busy but in part this is being benefic to him since this responsibility of taking care of his diet and all is being put onto him - which is to show that although Saturn is a jerk it can also bring good things. This because Saturn is in the 8th, a house that talks about contracts and financial exchanges - so since these subjects are being taken to the 6th, his health is also being nicely influenced by his contract with the company. Weird, I know, but that’s literally what it says. Which is amazing, btw, since most idols actually have only bad things comming from their contracts and 8th houses. So yay, Youngjae! lol
Aquarius in the 6th like it’s in his chart also indicates a deep worry regarding society and wanting to fix it somehow. By itself it wouldn’t mean much, just something he thinks about now and then, but since he has others things talking about it it’s definitely something that is constantly in his mind. Read the 11th to understand this better.
The 7th House
The house of relationships and partnerships (mostly professional). When Pisces is here like it is in his chart the person loves the concept of being in love and loves who they are when they’re in love - which brings constant crushes but not necessarilly full on relationships. As in, it’s likely that Youngjae is always interested in someone but doesn’t really mean he always acts on it. But he does sometimes - and like I’ve already explained will overthink, be intense, etc. Although Pisces is bringing luck it can also mean exaggeration and since he also has that intense Moon in Scorpio and a Venus conjunct a malefic in the 12th - it’s totally his case. Youngjae is the kind that devotes himself entirely to whom he loves, will do absolutely everything for them and will have a hard time recognizing / respecting his boundaries. Will have a lot of trouble moving on too, and his memory is amazing at playing tricks with his mind and heart… So he’ll literally make himself suffer without having to. Youngjae is truly the kind of friend that comes to you asking for advice, will listen attentively and then proceed to do what he already wanted to. Mercury in Virgo is making him stubborn, his Moon in Scorpio doesn’t let go, his 5th house is defined by exaggeration… His posture towards relationships is certainly bringing him trouble, he has a lot of feelings and doesn’t know how to deal with them. And the worst part is that he’s so nice and naive and altruistic that… People will certainly take advantage of him. And he’ll have a hard time forgiving himself, since he can be very stern because of Jupiter being in Capricorn ruling this house. I’ll go more into this in his 12th.
Originally posted by poeticyoungjae
Randomly I’d like to add that this Pisces combined with his Venus in the 12th is bringing loads of aegyo in romantic relationships. lol Boy will love to go all cute and just overall adorable to his lover, will spoil them for sure but will absolutely LOVE to be spoiled back (and will act cute until the person does it lol but they will ‘cause he’s really good at it).
However, when talking about professional partnerships he’ll be lucky - he’ll attract people interested in investing in him (hi, JYP) or even literally creating with him. Youngjae could also have luck when opening up his own business, but only if related to his music… Other kinds are likely to fail in the long run. Oh well.
Saturn in Aries Retrograde in the 8th House
Saturn is the biggest malefic and wherever it is in a chart it will talk about suffering and hardships. It’s a teacher that inflicts pain until you learn, and if you don’t… The pain is constant. In Youngjae’s case, it’s even harder for him to deal with since said Saturn is Retrograde and in a bad sign for it - Aries makes Saturn be all over the place, messing not only with the houses it’s ruling but the whole chart - that’s how malefic and impeditive it can get. And it’s also in a malefic house, making it clear that this Saturn does inflict a lot of pain in Youngjae’s life.
I won’t go much into it because it also talks about deep, personal stuff. But overall this placement (combined with others in his chart) implies in such intense, uncontrolled anxiety that his body directly suffers because of it - which is related to what I said in his 6th. Since the 8th talks about money coming from others and relating to others and his Venus conjunct Mars in the 12th are pointing to this as well, it’s safe to bet that Youngjae in the future might find himself in situations of having to spend a lot because of his family, unfairly so. And this might be related to his own family but also to the person he marries. The person will either truly take advantage of him or he’ll just be paranoid about it. To be honest, I think it’s gonna be a little bit of both: he’s gonna be disappointed about one marriage where he’ll be naive while the other he’s gonna be very paranoid with. Yes, might go through a divorce caused by this kind of trouble. Money.
If his emotional placements were healthy I’d say he’ll only have  money related troubles regarding documents (mortgages, bank loans, etc) - but since his 12th and Moon in Scorpio are definitely on his way this guy is likely to have much trouble regarding serious relationships. Even if his 7th is being ruled by a benefic, it’s not working strongly enough to prevent difficult situations. If anything, that Jupiter in the 5th and ruling the 7th is actually proof that he’ll be exaggerated about how he shows love and support - definitely involving money issues in relationships because he’ll feel like it’s a good way to demonstrate his love… But that’s not true at all. This is stronger than him, though. Even if he ever gets to read this, it’s very likely that he’ll have a hard time controlling himself regarding this. Too much passion caused by his Moon in Scorpio and Venus conjunct Mars in Leo in the 12th for this kind of trouble not to happen. Also, remember Saturn is the king of giving life lessons because it wants you to learn: he can’t escape these situations, he just has to learn how to deal with them wisely. The fact that said Saturn is in Aries, though, indicates that he’ll be very stubborn and prideful about it so. Well.
Randomly, this house also talks about nightmares and in Youngjae’s case it gives him restless sleep. Jaebum has mentioned more than once how Youngjae could sing while he was sleeping, and even talk to him sometimes - this is all caused by this Saturn in the 8th (and backed up by the Moon in the 3rd [intense, constant feelings] and Venus conjunct Mars in the 12th [inner turmoil]). Also has to do with how he has trouble waking up early, and since it’s being caused by a malefic there’s not much he can do about this - and this is likely to never change in his life. Another thing is that since Sagittarius is being influenced by the ruler of Capricorn, since Jupiter is working with it, the house where Sagittarius is is also being influenced by Saturn - so the 4th will be influenced, like I said in that topic. However, in this case I’m mentioning it to explain that since said sign talks about one’s  back it’s gonna be a constant thing in his life to worry about - remember how he has to be careful with exaggerating and that the 4th talks about the beginning and end of things? So Youngjae definitely has to learn to respect the limits of his body soon or else he’ll get permanently injured.
Medium Coeli in Taurus in the 9th House
I thought of not properly explaining this one at first since it can get pretty deep but I’ve warned you in the beginning. So it’s up to you, and has nothing to do with me! lol
Medium Coeli defines one’s goals in life, what they should look to achieve - their mission in life. When it’s in Taurus it’ll talk a lot about family, financial stability and looking for the good things in life (depending on what the person likes, of course). So in Youngjae’s case, what he loves he loves a lot and will do his best to keep on feeding that love. He also feels strongly the need of being responsible and hardworking at all times, even when he doesn’t feel like it - Youngjae probably forces himself a lot. This is caused by what I’m about to explain next. Be warned it’s serious, dark shit. This is the last time I’m warning you. You’re free to go read his 10th and ignore this.
[i told you]
This Medium Coeli is conjunct the biggest and most malefic star in the sky. Although it also implies in financial success and being recognized by big crowds (randomly let me add that many famous people have it, even Donald Trump does lol), it’ll mostly talk about suffering one cannot run away from. In Youngjae’s life (combined with absolutely everything in his chart, so let me remind you that I’m talking about him and only him) this is bringing great paranoia and the constant feeling of not being enough, and also attracting people that will make him suffer a lot. Specifically when talking about romantic relationships. It’s likely that he’ll suffer because of abusive relationships and will take a very long time to realize it. Youngjae has a deep, deep feeling of inadequacy and it prevents him from being as happy as he should - he’s constantly feeling the effects of this star, making him want to cry because of a kind of inner turmoil that he cannot control or properly understand. I’m afraid South Korea is very bad at recognizing one’s need to see a psychologist because they see it as a weakness (and Youngjae does too because of his huge pride and the need of never showing to others things he’s not good at), which is a huge mistake but sadly I can’t do anything about it. But Youngjae is definitely the kind of guy that should see one. These things that he deeply feels… He has to talk about it. I hope he does. I won’t do predictions about this or elaborate on it, but it’s something that I have to mention or else we’d be ignoring a huge part of what makes him be the way he is. This star also talks about injustice depending on the person, and it’s his case - if Youngjae is ever involved in a scandal, I’ll tell you right now: it’s a 99% chance of it being a misunderstanding or a plan of trying to ruin him. He might lose a lot because of it. Another thing is that it brings injustice in his case because he has such a huge heart and deep need of helping others that while he does it Youngjae will attract the attention of bad people. If you do good and change people for the better, the people that have other interests will definitely be against it since they’ll be losing because of it. So Youngjae has to be careful with people he doesn’t know now but will eventually turn into enemies, betraying him. This might only happen in the far, far future though - if it ever truly does. The only thing that I can say for sure will happen since I’m not doing any proper prediction technique is that he’ll have real trouble with romantic relationships caused by this star.
[/i told you]
It’s likely that he will follow one career only but also that he may teach in the future, since the 9th also talks about teaching. Or, even, that he might move and live somewhere else - another country or a city different from the one he was born at (so it’s safe to say that he could move to Seoul for good even when his career as an idol is done).
The 10th House
The house of career and what people will recognize him for, dignity, how he’ll deal with authority. Since it’s being ruled by a very strong but kinda troubling Mercury and Gemini talks about communication, Youngjae might be good at talking to elders but at the same time is prone to causing misunderstandings. It’s not easily defined in his case, in some situations he’ll be lucky and in others people won’t forgive him about the way he talks at all. This can bring trouble with authority figures not only in his professional life but like with police officers or even the government itself. So this guy better be careful when handling getting fined and stuff like that - depending on how he deals with it he’ll have to pay even more.
However, this is also bringing him luck in the sense that his intelligence is ruling his career and that’s a good thing since he’s very clever. He’ll know what to do to achieve what he wants and is determined enough to actually do it instead of just planning on it. Gemini here also will mean that Youngjae has to use his communication a lot to get results in general - he has to convince people to give him a chance of recording a certain song, for example, or even talking for so long and so much that people will just give him what he wants. lol He’s very convincing because of this, and it’ll certainly help him when talking about getting rich. His mom is defining this house as well so it’s safe to say that her posture towards life taught him a lot of how to be a good professional, so he knows his ways around people because of how he grew up seeing his mom do the same. Yet another point talking about how his family is good for him. :)
Pars Fortunae in Cancer in the 11th House
The 11th house talks about altruism, caring about society and friendships. Having it in Cancer literally means that Youngjae is emotionally affected by how society works - if it’s not up to his standards, to what he thinks is right it gives him great sorrow. Specially if he sees any of these in person, like seeing someone begging for money or even suffering any kind of injustice. He’ll feel their pain as if it’s his own, and since said house is ruled by the Moon in the 3rd - he’ll talk about it a lot, he’ll feel the need of sharing and protesting these things. He’ll stand up for those he think are in need and will fight for causes involving helping those in need in general. He’ll also show this to others, he’ll do his best to influence people to do good as well. It’s something he takes very seriously, Youngjae cannot stand to live his life without helping others. And sometimes he’ll be aware that he can’t do anything about certain things out of his control and it will crush him. :( He’s a really, really kind guy that worries deeply about humanity. It’s not just talk, it’s not marketing. It’s truly how he feels.
Having Pars Fortunae here clearly states that most of his luck and blessings in this life are gonna come from his good heart - he’ll be good to others in such frequent and honest ways that the people he helps will give him things back or life will just indirectly give him good things back. Like a positive-karma-kind-of-thing. lol Since Cancer talks about family, in his case this will also mean that a lot of the good things in his life will be caused or involve his family in many ways. I told you his joy is caused by him growing up a loved and spoiled child, right? It’s one example, but his family brings other amazing things to him.
Since Pars Fortunae talks about one’s career, what’s gonna bring the person money - in Youngjae’s case he has other elements pointing to having artistic skills and since his Pars Fortunae is in a sign that talks about it it’s obviously his case. I guess it’s easy to say it now since it’s already happening but trust me when I say it’d be possible to guess it even before he debuted. lol He was destined to have many gains because of his artistic skills and feelings (since this house is ruled by the Moon). Another thing is that this placement is also giving him great inner strength and energy (also positive vibes), combined with his Leo placements it’s the cause of why he’s such a cute ball of sunshine.
Originally posted by choiyoungjae
(this cute little shit i swear my hearto)
Venus and Mars in Leo in the 12th House
This house will have a lot of things that I’ve already mentioned since I took it in consideration to explain the others, but bear with me.
The 12th house is malefic and in his life talks about self destruction, hidden enemies, feeling trapped. Youngjae has part of his feelings (Venus) and his determination (Mars) in a house that talks about things we do to ourselves that we don’t realize at first but brings us great suffering - it literally is telling us that Youngjae can be very bad to himself and quite often. He’s very determined and goal oriented and can fight hard for what he wants - which can be good, of course, but it also means that Youngjae doesn’t respect his limits and often puts himself in situations that are just too much, and torturing even. It makes you wanna slap him, doesn’t it? Because he’s constantly worried about others and wants to help them - but never stops to fully take care of himself.
This is enhanced by the fact that said Mars is in Leo, a sign that stands for fighting for others and protecting the ones one loves. So combining everything, Youngjae can put himself in front of others to protect them without thinking - and people just won’t do the same for him. So this brings two kinds of pain: the pain of suffering because of others and the pain of being left behind and uncared for. And let’s consider, also, that this guy has his Venus conjunct said Mars. His feelings are involved as well, which makes this even more intense - he won’t stop to think about it, he’ll just act. And this is where lies the hidden enemy thing - Youngjae is literally his own enemy regarding his emotional health. He gives too much, expects too much (because Leo is known for wanting specific things in a relationship).
This Venus is also talking about wanting to take care of people that are just as troubled or even more so than he is. He’ll want to take care of them, protect (Leo) them - and this can be so tiring… But Youngjae won’t give up on them because when he loves, it’s all or nothing. So he’ll never stop loving the person even if they hurt him. Obviously a bad thing. Since the 12th house talks about mind prisons as well, this is definitely something that might make him feel trapped in the future. This Venus is square his Moon, which brings constant feelings of discontent - so he does love intensely but will look for specific people to love. He has a defined type of what he wants and won’t accept less. Which is not a good thing in his case since said Venus is in the 12th and like I said he’ll look for people that can be some kind of burden for him… Youngjae is the kind of guy that is very aware of what he wants and will do his best to achieve it but when achieving it (as in, the person lol) he’ll be blinded by love and won’t understand how bad said situation is being for him. And let’s not forget the huge pride Leo brings, specially in his case with Venus conjunct Mars, Mercury in the 1st, etc. He’ll spend a really long time in situations that should’ve ended as soon as they began. He’s stubborn about everything, to be honest, but regarding relationships… It’s even worse. Leo in the 12th often makes one scared of things without any reason, and Saturn in the 8th is backing it up in Youngjae’s case - so it explains a lot of how easy it is to scare him and how afraid of the silliest things he can get.
The good thing is that this Leo is bringing great energy and inner strength, and also explains his youthful vibe and contagious laugh. What makes him suffer also makes him greatly adorable, as dramatic as this sounds. Oh, this is yet another Leo characteristic - drama. Loads of it. Since it’s in a malefic house like this, Youngjae’s Leo traits are gonna make him so, so dramatic it can get unnerving to others and bring him trouble. Will also make him believe that some problems are bigger than they actually are, and Youngjae will feel trapped regarding them. This will be about many things but it’s good to mention what I’ve said all the way up in the beginning - that he’s so demanding with himself that it’ll cause him trouble in different ways. So it also attacks his emotional health represented by this house, bringing great paranoia and the feeling of not being enough when he definitely is. However, this kind of drama when being shown to people will be more endearing than anything else. So what deep inside brings him trouble, outside will just make him look… Adorably exaggerated? Cute. lol
Although this house is definitely bringing him many hardships, Youngjae has learned through his pain and extreme sensitivy and, like I said, this guy is very worried about other people’s well-being. So what he says about wanting to live abroad after his military service to be able to heal people with his music is not just talk. If he’s ever going to be able to, though, I don’t know since no prediction techniques are being used. But this is directly related to his Pars Fortunae in his 11th, so trust me when I say Youngjae just has a huge fucking heart.
Originally posted by shan-baby-xo
THIS TOOK ME SO LONG. I’d really appreciate some feedback. I know it’s long, so it’s ok to pretend you read it all too. lol Just say “oh Miya I loved it all” as if you had read everything. I’ll believe you. I’ll be honest, though: in a group like GOT7 it’s hard to find a bias specially since everyone can be so loud and everyone has such charming traits - so I had already liked him, for sure, but reading his chart made me love him so, so much. He’s genuinely a nice guy, so adorable and smart and kind at the same time! Definitely worth the trouble of dealing with how stubborn he can get. lol I learned a lot about him reading his chart and I hope you guys did too. :)
#choi youngjae  
#got7 scenarios  
#kpop astrology  
#natal chart  
#traditional astrology  
#i might go over it later  
#typos or something i'm missing idk  
#for now  
#i don't wanna see this for a few days lmao  
#took me so long geez  
#sorry i'm being dramatic here  
#i hope you guys like it!!  
11 notes · View notes
yoongislight · 6 years
BTS reacting to their s/o watching them perform.
Requested by @imaginescorner, hope you like it!💓
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I ain't too sure about myself before stepping on the stage. The choreography for Blood, Sweat & Tears has always been a challenge for me and performing it live always manages to get on my nerves. I have been practicing over and over again until I got it perfect but seeing Hoseok or Jungkook performing their parts somehow gets to me. I feel the need to improve because in my eyes I don't even do it good, I feel like I'm a terrible dancer.
That's why, when we all get on the stage and Jimin starts singing, nervousness gets the best of me. I try my best, doing everything like I practiced back at the studio but still feeling discouraged and disappointed with myself.
That is, until I see her on the crowd. Her expression is bright as a star, not taking her eyes off me while I move around the stage. Her orbs are filled with love and admiration, as if I was some kind of angel fallen right from heaven, as if she is watching the most beautiful thing ever. She is absolutely mesmerized and that's all the strength and assurance I need. I smile lovingly at her, trying to put all of my feelings in that simple gesture. She seems to get it because she smiles back and winks at me, pointing her thumbs up.
From that day on, I have never been nervous about performing BS&T again. I will never forget how she looked in the crowd, bright as an angel. My angel.
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The song is a surprise. I have been working on it for weeks, months even until it was completely perfect. I came out with every single lyric and every single beat, all by myself, because I didn't want to share it with anyone. This is my gift for her and I want it to be all mine, like she already is.
The boys knew something was up but didn't ask me about it. I showed the finished song to Namjoon and he approved it, saying she would love it. He is the only one that has listened to it besides me and tonight, fifty thousand people would do it too, at last.
I knew she would be in the crowd, first line right below the stage. That's why, when I come out and see her bright smile, her mouth open as she screams, I can't help but smile too. The concert passes by like a blur due to the nervousness I'm feeling. She has had the time of her life, I can tell by the redness on her cheeks and how wide her smile is now. The boys turn around and start leaving the stage, the crowd thinks we are over but I'm definitely not done yet. I'm left alone on the stage and the crowd screams when the first notes start to play. I begin rapping, not taking my eyes off her while I try to express my feelings through the lyrics I spent so much time writing. I rap about our relationship, about how she helped me get over my hard times, about how we both shared my good times. I rap about how much I love her, despite I don't show her as much as I should. I rap, letting it all out until the song comes to it's end and I stand there breathing heavily.
Tears start streaming down her face and she cries, a smile on her face and love on her eyes as she looks at me deeply. I can't help but do the same and walk to her so I can hold her hand and kiss it, wishing it was just us two in the arena, wishing this moment lasted forever.
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Today is our last concert of the tour and despite being tired, I'm also very excited about it. We have prepared a new performance as a gift for the ARMY and I am sure they will love it, the love they gave the little snippets on Twitter shows it.
As happy and excited I am now, I can't help but wish she was here. I know Y/N would have love the new choreography, she has confirmed it whenever I have sent her the practice videos, but I would have wanted her to see it live. Unfortunately, she has too much work to do and isn't able to make it. We have been dating for a few months and she still hasn't seen me perform on concert, just whenever we practiced on the studio. This would have been such a good oportunity.
Our new song is the first one to perform, so when we come out on stage and the beat starts to play, a grin appears on my face. The song is called Rainism and the dance is dark yet very sexy, exactly how fans like it. I start to rock my hips to the rhythm of the music, a mischievous grin plastered on my face. Jimin and Jungkook are on my sides and as we move together, the crowd shouts like crazy. I scan the first row of faces and suddenly see her and my heart skips a beat. I'm about to miss the next step but quickly make it up as happiness overcomes me.
Her eyes are wide open and her lips are parted, her stare never leaving my body. She is absolutely flustered and I can tell it is because of the slow moves of my body. I rock my hips forward particularly hard, looking at her and sticking my tongue out. She jumps slightly and bites her bottom lip, redness covering her cheeks. She is turned on and I know it.
When I get off the stage, she is waiting for me backstage and drags me to the closest room, begging for my body. Needless to say, from now on she comes to every concert.
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Ddaeng had such a good impact that we decided to perform it live on 2018 FESTA. It is a surprise, nobody knows it but I know the fans will go crazy when they see it. Yoongi, Hoseok and I worked so hard on the track, staying up late nights after nights until we thought it was perfect, and apparently the fans thought so too.
When we step out on the stage, the first thing my eyes drift to is her face, I would recognize it anywhere. She is looking at me with a bright smile as she screams like all the girls around her. I find that image mesmerazing and I can't take my eyes off her during the first minutes. Soon comes the time to perform Ddaeng and I breath in, getting ready to do my best and see the reaction on her face.
When the first notes come out of the speakers and the fans see us all dressed up they scream like crazy. I can see Y/N is impressed too, because she opens her mouth and her smile widens. She watches Hoseok rap, screaming and cheering. He winks at her before Yoongi starts and he comes closer and high fives her. When my turn comes, I start spiting out the rhymes fluidly and she watches me bewitched, eyes wide and mouth forming a big O. Y/N is impresed and I can tell she is enjoying the performance. I smile and come closer to her until I'm rapping a few centimeters away from her face. Loads of hands try to reach me but only hers manages to do it and she caresses my cheek slightly.
She is the only fuel I need to ace the song and end up in front of a standing ovation.
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Ever since I was a kid, I have always been a perfeccionist. Everything I do must be perfect, that's why I work hard until I get stuff done exactly how I like it.
When I entered the music industry, that was both a curse and a blessing. I often press myself too much, ending exhausted and stressed because things don't go exactly as I please. Others, I end up achieving what I want and the feeling of success is worth all the effort.
At the concert today, I will be performing MAMA, but with a slight change: I will be bare chested half of the performance. It's the first time I have done something like this, and I'm excited but also extremely worried. I don't want fans to think my body isn't enough, that I'm too skinny or haven't excercised enough. I don't want them to be unhappy or disappointed with me or my body. I'm aware of how much they imagine how our bodies look below the clothes and I don't want to fail their expectations. All these thoughts fly around my head, but at least I have Y/N to keep me in line.
She worships me every time she gets the chance and helps my self esteem go up whenever it's particularly down. She is the reason I'm doing this tonight and I'm glad she will be here to see it.
When the song starts, I'm all covered. Fans cheer and scream as usual and I look for her face in the crowd until I see her near me. She smiles assuringly and holds her thumbs up, encouraging me and making me smile. Soon, the time comes, and I rip off my shirt, leaving just a huge white coat.
Fans go absolutely crazy, the scream that fills the huge stadium almost ending up with me, but all I can see is Y/N. She is staring at me with half love, half lust in her eyes, watching every single inch of my body hungrily. It's probably the tattoos, she didn't know I would wear them tonight. Her expression is all I need to dance even better, rocking my hips sexily and I swear I can see saliva running down her chin as she bites her lip strongly. I know she loves it and that's all the assurance I need.
From then on, every time I feel insecure about my body, I think of her expression and all doubt disappears.
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Stigma is a difficult song, a challenge I don't know if I'm ready to overcome. Those high notes are very hard to reach, even more with my low voice. Despite that, I have decided it's time to perform it live and let fans see it. I have been rehearsing for weeks and I'm finally happy with the result. Let's see if I can do this good with the pressure of a full arena right surrounding me.
I step on stage completely alone, welcomed by cheering and shouting. I take my time to look around, scanning every single face like I have always loved to do. These are my fans, my girls and I owe them everything I have. I feel the need to acknowledge every single one of them and let them see I'm paying attention.
Suddenly, one face catches my eye and my heart skips a beat. There she is, looking at me with her brightest smile, looking like the cutest kitten you could imagine. She told me she wouldn't be able to make it, probably to surprise me, and she did.
Y/N, my girlfriend, my other half.
Stigma starts playing and the excited screams sound far away to me as I can't stop looking at her. She cheers too, making me smile and relax. I start singing, my low voice filling the arena while fans move from one side to another, holding their ARMY bombs up. Y/N has one too and she closes her eyes, moving slowly to the rhythm of the music.
I want to do this good, I want to ace this for her. When the high notes come, I sing them myself, not needing to do playback as I have thought in case I couldn't make it. I reach the high pitch and fans start going crazy, but all I can see is her. She looks at me mesmerized, bewitched by my voice. I can tell she is proud and that makes me the happiest man alive.
When the song finishes, I look at her smiling, a single tear rolling down my cheek, happiness filling my body.
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I can't believe we have made it to the BBMAs! Not only we are nominated, but we will also be performing live!
Fake Love is the main single in our album and it's debut will be on the BBMAs stage. It's the first time we will perform it and I don't want to disappoint the fans. They look up to it and I hope it fulfills all of their expectations. Besides, we have a little surprise planned and I'm sure they will like it.
My girlfriend, Y/N, will be coming to Los Angeles with us and will also watch us perform. Not even she knows about the surprise and I can't wait to see her face when she sees it. I'm sure she will love it as much as fans, if not more.
The day comes and the BBMAs start. All eyes are on us, paps ask us about our relationship but we don't spill a word, as always. She likes to keep our privacy and I can't help but want the same. The shows passes by like a blurr as I'm beyond excited to perform. We win Top Social Artist, and that only makes my excitement and eagerness grow. Finally, the time to go on stage comes and we come out welcomed by the loudest scream ever.
I spot her and she waves at me, smiling wider than ever as she talks with someone by her side, probably Ciara as they got on well during the show. The song starts playing and the cheering intensifies. I sing without keeping my eyes off her and she winks at me, trying to sing along the lyrics herself.
The time comes, and the chorus starts. Taehyung finishes his 'love you so bad' part and it's my turn in the middle. I start singing and, suddenly, I lift up my shirt, exposing my abs for a few seconds.
The crowd goes crazy and Y/N looks at me absolutely astonished. I'm too far away but I can tell she is looking at me with hunger and somehow possesiveness, as if she doesn't want anyone to see me like this. Her mouth is wide open, like her eyes, and Ciara screams to the top of her lungs. Maybe it is because of the lights, but Y/N's cheeks seem red and I can't help but laugh internally.
I have never been this pleased by her reaction of me exposing my abs.
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akaigu · 6 years
Alphabet question
tagged by @scriptrookie
Age: 19 
BirthPlace: Mexico (vivan los tacos wuuu)
Current time: um... 9 pm i guess??
Drink you last had: Ramune
Easiest person to talk to: My friend from Chile 
Favorite Song: For the moment “Twilight of gods” from  Fire emblem Echoes
Grossest memory: When I was waiting for my parents to come for me and then two guy friends were talking of their techniques of masturbation and their fantasies...ughh
Hogwarts Houses: Slytherin (i thought i was gonna be ravenclaw)
In love: With Fire emblem, the games i love them so much. They gave a escape when i was alone.
Jealous of People: It´s kind of stupid of me but...I get jealous when i don´t get attention like, when you share your work and you end being ignored, so yeah something like that.
Killed someone: I have killed people in my dreams. Sometimes they felt so real that when i woke up i always end up crying. They usually are people attacking me or my home.
Love at First sight: Pokemon, i guess? Since i was little i loved pokemon.
Middle name: María
Number of sibling: Only one sister fortunately
One Wish: My wish is to be remembered, often people forget about me and i always feel like a ghost, so there´s that
Person you last called: My mom, since exams were eating me up, i wasn´t able to talk to her.
Question you´re asked most?: Why I am like this?! 
Reasons to smile: people who call me their friend, that´s very nice.
Song you last sang: When you are evil, by voltaire
Time you woke up: 11:30 am aproximately
Underwear color: white
Vacation destination: To restaurants and plazas to the city i´m living in.
Worst habits: To be a perfeccionist and to talk bad about myself
X rays: When they had to remove my four wisdom teeth, Th doctor had to take X rays to be sure if it was necessarily to take them.
Your favorite food: Sandwich, I dunno why but i love them
Zodiac sign:I´m virgo, i´m cool with it
Thanks for the tag @scriptrookie i missed the talks we had before, and it was very fun to respond them soooo....
I tag @yuramec and @isaacmedina12 to do it, have fun :D
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imperatordaenerys · 6 years
im obsessed with “fixing” things. like i honestly keep trying to find ways of making things better. like thats why my friends usually come talk to me if they need advice, i always see a movie and im like “it would’ve been better if”.......... 
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meaningtotellyou · 6 years
ikr and she's a perfeccionist of course she would want all of her socials with 'tiffanyyoung' and about the 'official' i guess she just cant do anything about it since 'tiffanyyoung' or similar options are already taken lmao :( but still ppl are always reaching and finding a reason to hate on her :(
literally people are always REACHING when it comes to her and i am so sick of it. she's still the same giant lovable princess at the end of the day no matter what her instagram user is like idk why this is even an argument. someone was like "it sounds too professional" like OH MY GOD she's a whole ass celebrity a whole ass businesswoman i don't GET IT
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