#who follows you? who becomes your enemy? is this how you win? at what cost? can we actually 'fix him'? fascinating!
lulu2992 · 19 days
This interview with Drew Holmes, now the IP Director of the Far Cry franchise, is two months old and I haven’t talked about it yet, but there are a few things he says that I really like and think (hope) bode well for the future of the series!
Like what he said during the 20th Anniversary livestream, the article confirms they’re aware many fans love the villains, but what’s even more interesting is that it suggests they know some people would like to have the possibility to side with the antagonists. This has never been an option (except in New Dawn, sort of) but we know it’s an idea they’ve been considering at least since Far Cry 4. When I read,
“Some players may see that the villains are going too far, but also see their point, and think: ‘If I work with them, I can make them see the error of their ways and change them.’”
In continuing to fight the antagonist, all the woes of the world are not resolved; and in joining them, society does not collapse. “Defeating the bad guy may seem like the thing that you should’ve done,” he continues, “but what are the things that you’ve done along the way to get here? And if you joined the bad guy, is there a glimmer of hope? What happened to the people you met along the way?”
it makes me think they might seriously consider finally letting us join the villain(s) in a future game. As he implies, making such a choice would surely have big repercussions on the story and characters, but it’s part of the reason I would love to have this possibility. I’ve never seen that in any other game I’ve played, and I think it would be a bold and interesting decision if it became an option.
I like this as well:
Drew mentions that [Far Cry 3] holds a mirror to the player and asks: “Look at the things you’ve done. What do your actions say about what you value?” 
It’s pretty much what Jeffrey Yohalem (Lead Writer) and Dan Hay (Executive Producer and basically Drew Holmes’ predecessor as head of the brand) said about Far Cry 3 at the time (for example here), so seeing that they’re all on the same page is great. Of course, you’d expect an IP Director to have a good knowledge and understanding of the franchise, but since I’ve already seen Far Cry 3 devs completely contradict each other in interviews, that wasn’t guaranteed… At least, and even though he wasn’t even working at Ubisoft when the game was released, I’m glad he knows what he’s talking about!
I also really like the parts about how Far Cry games are supposed to make players feel uneasy or are really about how far someone (protagonist or antagonist) is willing to go for what they consider right because what seems “moral” can change depending on the situation we’re in, and everyone, in very specific and extreme circumstances, can potentially “become the jungle” that initially looked so scary and foreign to them.
Usually, in Far Cry, the characters’ motivations are clear, and even if we rarely agree with what they do, we can almost always understand why they do it and even have sympathy for them. As he concludes:
“When we help each other, what is the reason behind it? When we hurt each other, what is the reason behind it?”
These questions have implicitly been asked many times in the series, but no clear answer has been provided because, as the interview explains, Far Cry games are supposed to “evoke feelings and make space for introspection”. In the end, only we, players, by experiencing the stories and meeting the characters, can find out who we truly are.
In my opinion, it appears the franchise is in good hands, and for now, I have hope for the future :)
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rottenpumpkin13 · 6 months
You know what…let’s fucking go there!
Genesis gets everything he wants AU
Sephiroth, by some unseen twist of fate, has some kind of physical collapse due to overexposure to mako and ends up incapacitated on the field during a key battle in Wutai. He fails, becoming useless, and Genesis is the one to win the great victory. He gets all the glory for the first time ever.
When they get home, Sephiroth is gone. Restricted to R&D, physically unable to perform as he once did, and Genesis becomes the new hero of Shinra. His face is everywhere, people are saying he was the one that surpassed Sephiroth. PR is going wild with interviews and propaganda. The President awards Genesis in front of screaming crowds. All the young boys now want to be like the daring and fiery Phoenix of Wutai.
Genesis Rhapsodos becomes the new face of SOLDIER and the legendary victor of the Wutai War.
He got everything he dreamed of. He is the hero at last.
But did it satisfy him?
Glory had a distinct taste for everyone, and all the most discerning SOLDIERs knew it. Angeal would’ve said it tasted like metal, the type that pricks your tongue when your mouth is full of blood; the type you have to spit out before you swallow it and it settles in your stomach as an addiction. 
Sephiroth could go on and on about how insipid it was, oftentimes repeating himself as he told his friends just how flavorless his conquests were. Sephiroth couldn’t tell if it was a case of overconsumption that led to the lackluster feeling in his mouth, or if he simply never liked the taste of it at all.
It didn’t matter to Genesis, who always took everything Sephiroth told him with a spoonful of salt. He had an idea of glory that would’ve prodded one's hunger and left you salivating just at the thought of it. In his mind, glory was sweet, delectable, and downright sinful. 
His insatiable hunger for glory didn’t help his case. Genesis Rhapsodos was born hungry and lived life intent on satisfying his stomach at all costs, no matter who he had to step over to fill it.
Then, there came a day when glory finally forced itself down his throat. 
And it tasted like the ashes of the dead. 
The battlefield was enveloped in chaos, a symphony of clashing swords permeating the air. It buzzed with the hum of thundering spells. Genesis fought with unparalleled ferocity, his rapier burning brightly with the glow of the flames.
Up ahead, Sephiroth cut through the enemy ranks with his usual immaculate precision. 
But Genesis was not blind, and he had known Sephiroth long enough to notice it—Sephiroth's movements, once fluid, grew sluggish as sweat clung to his brow.
Then, it happened.
Sephiroth staggered, Masamune slipping from his grasp. The weight of the blade seemed too much for his weakened form. His strength gave way. He collapsed to his knees, crumbling like a doll to the muddy ground.
Genesis never did understand the force that propelled him forward that day. He was like an animal, slicing through enemies with pure rage and fear biting his skin, aiming to protect Sephiroth from his attackers. 
The following month, the streets of Midgar were wrought with the roaring cheers of a crowd, a sea of faces adorning banners and posters of a russet-haired hero. Genesis stood atop a grand podium with a gold medal around his neck, placed there by the president himself.
He was the face of SOLDIER now, the Phoenix of Wutai.
The exploding fireworks never penetrated the barrier between the vainglorious display outside and the desolation in Genesis' mind. It was quiet there. He only ever brought himself out when he needed to force a smile or answer a question. 
Though bathed in brilliance and splendor, Genesis felt naked before the abyss that threatened to swallow him whole.
Sephiroth was confined to a bed somewhere in the R & D's medical wing. And Genesis would once again trade places with him in a heartbeat. 
Director Lazard's voice droned on, detailing Genesis's packed schedule for the upcoming week. Interviews with various media outlets, appearances at high-profile events, and promotional activities—all designed to solidify Genesis's status as the new face of SOLDIER.
"...And then there's the gala on Thursday night. The President himself will be there, and it's crucial that you make a lasting impression," Lazard finished, expecting some form of acknowledgment from the younger man. 
Genesis was indifferent, his attention fixated on the PHS in his hands. He absentmindedly drummed his fingers against the polished conference table, his mind anywhere but there. 
Lazard cleared his throat and tried again.
"Genesis, this is a crucial time for your public image. You're the pride of Shinra now, and we need you to embrace that role fully," Lazard spoke. 
“Yes.” Genesis glanced up, his gaze distant. “I understand.”
He kept his attention fixated on the subtle vibrations of his device. The screen illuminated with a message from Angeal. 
Go. Now.
Without a word, Genesis rose abruptly, the chair scraping against the floor as he pushed it back. The papers Lazard had carefully arranged slid haphazardly across the table. 
He rushed down the hallway, not caring about decorum for even a second, en route to the medical wing. 
With a swipe of his key card, Genesis entered the suffocating environment, quickly finding the hallways where Sephiroth's room was located. 
Angeal stood guard outside the door. “Be quick. They could come back any moment,” he told his friend, opening the door with a stolen key card. 
The green light on the door panel blinked, indicating permission to enter. With each step into the brightly lit room, Genesis felt the pit in his stomach open wider. 
He had expected the scent of antiseptic to reach him first, the metallic scent of blood, even. So his surprise was marked by the strong smell of mako permeating the air like a suffocating cloud. 
Sephiroth lay on a medical bed, a shell of the man he once was. The soft beeping of monitors and machinery surrounded him.
Genesis' fist shook. He dug them into the side of his leg in hopes of stopping them entirely. But it was no use, the sound of his immediate, choked cries was enough to convince him to break down. 
He wanted Sephiroth to open his eyes, to tease him for crying, to get up and tower over him as he once did, to laugh at his jokes, to talk to him, to be there because he was his friend. 
Genesis stood beside Sephiroth's unconscious form. The memories of that day on the battlefield flashed vividly in his mind. He reached out, guiding his trembling fingers to Sephiroth's pale face. 
Gently, he brushed a stray strand of silver hair from his friend’s eyes. He was cold to the touch, but Genesis still traced his finger down Sephiroth's arm, slowly taking his hand in his. 
“I miss you,” he whispered. “Please come back soon.” 
The constant whir of the medical equipment was abruptly disrupted by urgent beeping. Genesis's eyes widened as he turned towards the monitor, the once steady lines now spiking violently. 
A knot tightened in his chest, a blend of anxiety and guilt settling in.
The door flew open, slamming against the wall. Genesis flinched and jumped back as Hojo's voice cut through the tense air. 
“Get out! I told you not to come back here! Now look at what you've done!” 
A flurry of medical staff rushed in behind him. The room was active with urgency as they flew into action. 
Genesis stumbled out of the room, the words seemingly ripped out from his chest. He could only watch with his mouth hanging open as the constant beep of the heart monitor became accompanied by a shrill alarm echoing through the corridor.
The last he could remember was Angeal wrapping one arm around him, guiding him away from the scene. 
Three months flew by, each week a slap to the face for those who found disquiet in the quick passage of time. Genesis’ name echoed through the halls of Shinra, adorned posters throughout the city, and was celebrated in news broadcasts. Yet, with every accolade, the emptiness within him turned into a pit of solitude. 
Angeal was far too consumed by his protegé. Zack became the center of Angeal's attention, an energetic student-turned-loyal companion.
Genesis watched from the sidelines as the bond between mentor and protegé flourished. He no longer had the energy for jealousy and accusatory fingers. 
Some said he had the heat of his glory to keep him warm. Genesis often compared it to the flames of hell slowly roasting him into a prized turkey ready to be carved and served at the grand feast of judgment day. 
The labs became his daily battle. Genesis's persistent requests to see Sephiroth were met with firm rejection. Hojo had erected barriers that had become more and more impossible to breach.
Yet, he went back. Each day, driven by a stubborn hope that defied reason and logic. At least he could say he tried, that he had never given up on Sephiroth. 
Curiously, that all shifted one evening when Angeal and Genesis were informed of a peculiar happening within the Shinra building. 
“He's DEAD?” One SOLDIER spat, rising higher in his seat. 
All eyes were on Lazard at the front of the room. He looked exasperated, the glow of his tablet reflecting off the glasses which were quickly slipping down his nose. 
“How?” Echoed another voice—Zack. 
Genesis sat adjacent to Lazard, across from Angeal where the two proceeded to share the same, dumbfounded expression. 
Lazard cleared his throat—for the sixth time, Genesis noticed—before continuing. “He was found unresponsive this morning in the hallway outside his office. His skull appeared to have been cracked, and all signs right now are pointing to an accident.”
“Some accident,” Angeal mumbled, his eyes wide. 
“Tell me about it,” a Second-Class SOLDIER sneered. “Ah, anyway. It's not like the bastard will be missed.” 
Lazard shot him a warning look. “Please show some compassion.” 
Genesis scoffed, crossing his arms. “Compassion for Professor Hojo. It'd be more reasonable to ask us to pull our teeth out one by one to pay the ferryman.” 
Lazard ignored him. “Dr. Hollander will be taking over the R&D department temporarily—”
“Goddess save our souls,” Genesis cut in. 
Lazard ignored both Genesis and the subsequent laughter from the others. 
“And he has asked me to assure you all that Sephiroth will be in good hands—”
“Hollander is of the amputate-your-arm-if-you-break-it variety,” Genesis said smoothly, sliding out of his seat. “So if Sephiroth’s cure lies in the hands of medieval medicine, I'm sure he'll be up and about it in no time.”
With that, he stepped out of the room, taking all the spite and sarcasm in the room with him. 
Hojo was dead, a glorifying piece of information Genesis wished he could share with Sephiroth, if only the man was awake. 
He signed, turning down the hallway that led to his office. Somehow, he had a feeling that Sephiroth already knew—somehow. 
A few weeks went by. The early morning sunlight filtered through the office windows as Genesis headed to the conference room. He yawned, swirling the half-filled coffee cup in his hand as he swiped his key card to open the door. 
He expected another monotonous day. However, what met his eyes left him frozen in disbelief.
There, sitting at the conference table, was Sephiroth.
The coffee cup slid through his fingers, splattering all over the floor. 
The shock radiated through Genesis, rendering him momentarily speechless. 
Sephiroth was paler than before, his skin almost translucent. He had thinned out a bit, and the dark circles under his eyes were telling of the poor sleep the man had suffered from. 
But despite the physical toll, Sephiroth's eyes gleamed with an unsettling intensity. His predatory grin sent a shiver down Genesis' spine. It was a smile that spoke of something beyond the realm of mortal comprehension.
That was the thing that overrode Genesis' joy and killed his relief upon impact. 
Because Genesis knew Sephiroth. 
And this was not him. 
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aspoonofsugar · 1 year
Rude Red and Royal
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Just some quick and maybe obvious thoughts on the episode!
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The Red Prince and Ruby are foils for 2 reasons:
Both are trying to replace their missing parent. The Red Prince has to win every game he plays and Ruby has to be the Perfect Huntress because this is what their parents were like. This is their purpose:
Curious Cat: Your majesty, you must be so disrupt, not able to do the one thing you were put in this acre to do, I understand. It really isn't fair. You must play all games and win at any cost.
Both characters are dealing with feelings of grief and mange to get on each other's nerves. The Red Prince refuses Penny's sword and finds it disgusting, which upsets Ruby. Ruby instead ends up ruining the Red Prince's birthday and her presence clearly reminds the Prince of something bad, which happened to the Red King:
Toy soldier: Well, if it hadn't been for your kind, the King would still be here!
In short, the Red Prince may be rude, red and royal, but he also mirrors a part of Ruby. Specifically, he is complementary to Little:
Little is the positive part of the inner child. They are innocent, optimistic and generous, so they give Ruby hope and make her happy.
The Red Prince is the negative part of the inner child. They are pompous, selfish and annoying. However, they are deep down just a child grieving over the loss of a parent.
Ruby can't see this because she herself can't properly grieve. She lets her anger take control and starts arguing with a child, which clearly leads to nothing good. Luckily for her, the Curious Cat appears:
Curious Cat: It must hurt your heart, let me help!
It is important that their magic has the Red Prince cry. They let what was repressed come out and even if only temporally, this helps the Prince. Just like Ruby should just let the rain pour:
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But refuses to because she insists on pushing forward.
The game of chess is a clear metaphor of RWBY's journey up until now. Ruby finds herself leading an army made of hopeless soldiers. However, thanks to her leadership and her friends' strength she manages to inspire the other pawns to fight.
However, when everything seems to be going well, a sudden change happens:
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Because of their humanity RWBY get targeted by both the red and the white pawns. This is similar to how Salem uses her opponents' human flaws and feelings to divide them. Ironwood lets fear conquer him and becomes RWBY's enemy, just like Salem is. The end result is that RWBY find themselves attacked on multiple fronts. However, they manage to stay strong and come up with a wonderful counter-offensive...
...only to fall from the table:
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Ruby: I don't know how that went so...wrong.
In the end, they might have fought a wonderful fight, but they did not get what they wanted. All they did was to ruin a child's birthday, to get shrunk and to almost die. Why is that so? Why couldn't they win against the Red Prince? Why couldn't they win in Atlas? Maybe now like then there was something they were not seeing, something they refused to consider:
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Ruby: We go to Vacuo, all of us, and hope that we've thought of everything.
Red Prince: Wait, what type of creatures did you say you are again? Ruby: Well, Blake is a Faunus, Little is a mouse and the rest of us are... humans...
The Red Prince's reaction to the protagonists' humanity brings to mind Blake's words last episode:
Blake: We are doing what Alyx did! We are ruining everything!
It is clear humans have manged to mess a lot of things up in Ever After and the protagonists seem to be doing as much. This is partly because they struggle to understand the strange inhabitants of this world and vice versa. In short, there is a problem of empathy, as this episode clearly shows.
The Red Prince isn't just an arrogant brat, but clearly an orphaned child, who is struggling to cope and RWBY can't see it because too entangled in their own problems and in following up a script they do not understand.
Alyx won against the Red King and got help, so they should do the same, right? They should win against the Red Prince and get his support in exchange:
Ruby: You can throw a tantrum, if you want, but we won! Take us to the tree!
Except time changes and so do people. The Red Prince is different from the Red King, but Ruby can't approach him as his own person because all she wants is to get out.
This is similar to what happens with the Jabberwalker. The Jabberwalker is scary and so RWBY react as if they are fighting a Grimm... Except this creature has so far done nothing wrong... they seem to be minding their own business and are clearly distressed about something. And yet, every human they meet cruelly attack them.
It is not by chance, then, that an episode that introduces the idea humanity is "evil" ends with Neo cruelly attacking a monster-like creature that begs her to stop. Clearly this volume wants the characters to rethink the lines between heroes and monsters, so that they can start develop enough empathy to see the people behind the monsters.
The Red Prince seems to loosely combine 3 characters:
The Queen of Hearts > He is capricious like her and wants to win by cheating. The passion for beheading is also taken from her.
The Red Queen > The Chess motif is taken from this character, as it is the idea of crossing a chessboard to win. In Through The Looking Glass, Alice has to cross the chessboard in order to grow up and to be a Queen. Here, the Prince finds himself wearing a crown, when it is too soon for him. He is a child, who must be a ruler and he struggles at it. He has not undergone the necessary development.
Humpty Dumpty > He breaks like an egg and all his soldiers - who are the King's soldiers in reality - are trying to keep him together. The metaphor here is that the Red Prince is affected by the loss of his parent and the toy-soldiers are trying to help him.
I should probably reread the parts concerning these 3 characters to properly comment on these allusions, though.
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catgirltoofies · 6 months
witchspring r is a game that i am liking a lot. i hesitate to call it a good game, because it has a lot of things that a lot of people wouldn't like, but it pushes a lot of my favorite buttons in a lot of very nice ways. ended up typing a bunch so if you want to hear me ramble check the readmore
the main thing about it is that there's a whole bunch of grinding. i don't mind grinding; in fact i quite enjoy it when it's implemented right, and witchspring r does it in a way i really enjoy. everything in the game follows on a sort of global timer, and any action you take advances the timer on every other thing. so a low level gathering point might respawn after 2 or 3 ticks of the timer, while rare resources and bosses might require 10 or 15 ticks, and particularly rare resources might take even longer. this means that i don't get stuck in a loop of fighting the same enemy group hundreds of times in a row hoping to get good drops - i fight the few groups of the enemy, then run off to fight other groups of enemies or pick up useful items, then when i go home and rest, i can go back to the first group of enemies to find them respawned and ready to go. obviously the negative to this is that I'm forced to do other things if i want to grind a particular thing, but it's not that bad. and, of course, there's an instant-win button; but it doesn't become an idle game. to use the instant-kill button your magic stat needs to be higher than the HP of the enemy, and you need a higher agility, and you need to spend a proportionate amount of MP, unless you use the sword method, which requires significantly higher agility. no disgaea 6 auto battle here.
i particularly like how the battle system encourages you to use every part of it. in battle, you have three main relevant options, and three other options that aren't used as much. the main three are physical skills, magic slabs, and special attacks. physical skills deal a bit of damage, but cost no MP. magical skills do a lot of damage but you need MP to cast them. special attacks are unique and usually unlock after a number of turns. what's really interesting, though, is how it all meshes together - when you cast a spell, a portion of the damage you deal is stored in your staff, which gets released when you do a physical attack, so dealing the most damage most often involves casting the spell that deals the most damage, then using a physical attack on the next turn, and repeating back and forth. every four turns you get a guaranteed critical hit, which deals about 30% extra damage, getting better over time. this crit can't be banked, though, so you need to figure out what ability is best used to make the most of it.
the other options in combat are summoning pets, which give pretty substantial damage bonuses on their turns, using items, which are generally best used as a panic button or as a free turn every few turns (an extremely useful ability unlocked relatively early), and defend, which restores a percentage of HP and MP at the start of your next turn. early on i made heavy use of defend and had my pet kill things, which was really slow, but now I'm at the point where i can start really pumping magic, making most of my turns casting fireballs.
the story is decent enough. you play as the witch pieberry, who lives alone in a forest protected by a giant golem. pieberry wants to explore the human world for a taste of the pie from her dreams, which leads her on a grand adventure far from home, to which she can return at any point.
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↑ pieberry. importantly, her snaggletooth is actually modeled in-game, and isn't relegated to just her artwork like a certain other magically inclined crafter character (RYZA). all witches are marked with dark(er) skin, white hair, and long floppy ears. her favorite things are pies and strawberries, the things which she named herself after.
for some lore: witches are the children of humans and demons (who are the former gods who had their powers stolen by humans), with extreme magical prowess that seems to dull with age. they're not immortal, there is a very plot relevant witch who's old and dying. pieberry suffered the fate that many other witches did: she was abandoned in the woods as a baby, in the hopes that she would be killed by nature so her parent wouldn't have to kill her themselves.
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pieberry is obviously not at perfect peace with her lot in life, but she's still living her way. and who could blame her, she's like ten.
anyways rant over. play witchspring r it's out on steam right now
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300iqprower · 2 years
Hypothetical Rank Ups No. 48&49: Siegfried
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[This was actually one of the first I ever started on but I was so spoiled for choice given the sheer amount of material to work with I couldnt decide on anything. Him FINALLY getting an OFFICIAL rank up gave me enough direction to put the rest together!]
Disengage A -> Foolish Heroics A
Apply either of the following 2 buffs, only one can be activated. - Apply Target Focus to self (1 turn). - Apply Invincible to self (1 turn). Apply Delayed Buff to self: - After 1 turn, remove own debuffs. - After 1 turn, increase own ATK based on remaining HP (3 turns), then recover HP^.
[Reduce cooldown from 7/6/5 to 6/5/4]
I spy with my little eye a fatal flaw. Just like how Siegfried’s downfall was his inability to act for himself, his “Disengage” is now a double edged sword of a hard survival on a low cooldown. At his master’s command he can shield his allies at the cost of his own health and be rewarded with a boost to strength afterwards proportional to how much damage he took, alongside a cleanse of any debuffs and a decent chunk of health restoration...provided he survived that previous turn of course, which his extremely high health pool will help with. This target focus will also pair nicely with high hit count enemies given Siegfried’s multiple NP Gain buffs. Alternatively, he can access hard survival with a full turn of invincibility followed by the cleanse and heal, but in that situation the downside becomes lacking as much of a VERY much needed attack buff. Unless he was already at low HP, there’s going to be an obvious decrease in the subsequent attack boost that scales higher the less HP he has left...as well as, of course, not guaranteeing a turn of safety for his allies. As for the direct improvements, the HP recovery is greatly increased (minimum 5k at level 10, I’d say) which in combination with the now nicely low cooldown will both make Siegfried much more in line with his lore (as is, he’s not very tanky for a supposed near invincible hero...) as well as make it far less of a penalty to need to take damage for the attack buff. I was tempted to go with something less direct, maybe more support oriented, but I decided to go with Attack instead after seeing that his Golden Rule rank up didn't lower the cooldown, meaning at best his abysmal attack stat still only has a 30% up every 3 out of 6 turns. A second attack buff will immensely help, and what’s more it actually self-balances out when it comes to dragon enemies. Siegfried’s anti-dragon output is already very very good, but you would have to find a way to work around that rather than in conjunction with it. This is because his dragonslaying skill comes with a hefty dragon DEFENSE up as well, meaning he’s taking less damage, meaning the average scaling on that attack up will be lower even if the Target Focus is picked. A win-win as far as balancing is concerned! 
Balmung EX -> Balmung ‘EX’
Deal damage to all enemies^. Increase your NP Gain by 20% (3 turns). Apply [Rheingold's Curse] to each enemy damaged. [Rheingold's Curse] - Decrease NP Charge for enemy by 1 - Increase own NP Gauge by 10% <Overcharge> Deal extra Special Attack damage to [Dragon] enemies.
If Vlad gets 2 damage rank ups Siegfried does too, damnit. In addition to that, the infamous curse of Fafnir’s gold is now attached to the one who absorbed Fafnir’s power, meaning any opponent who explicitly takes damages from the NP will have their wealth drained (NP charge reduction) and hoarded by Fafnir Siegfried (NP refund per charge reduced). Enemies must take direct damage, though, meaning if one or more enemy has evade or invincible, or for any reason takes 0 damage, then they will not be affected by [Rheingold’s Curse]. This further adds to Siegfried’s tanky nature and his lorewise-supposed ability to spam his NP at an unparalleled rate, as well as synergize with Kriemhild who can reduce enemy NP charge as well! In fact so does the first skill, as Kriemhild’s selectable Target Focus can be used to either further lower Siegfried’s HP/capitalize on his NP gain, or allow him to invincible AND still shield allies.
So, to TLDR: Kriemhild Synergy on two fronts, Siegfried and Fafnir are totally the same person (I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL) and his NP now reflects that as well as how absurd his NP spam is supposed to be (as well as mitigating enemy NPs and capitalizing on his status as the wave clearer compliment to Sigurd’s Boss Killer status), and most game changingly, he now has a hard survival vs Target Focus Tank choice-skill whose low cooldown makes it a lot more dynamic and solidifies that tankiness. On top of that, when used right it can do wonders to fix his atrocious attack against non-dragons.
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macgyvertape · 2 years
horror essay - season of the Haunted
I really liked the horror of Season of the Haunted and my notes became long enough that I separated it from my Season 17 writeup. The Horror gameplay elements were some of my favorite things because after a thousand+ hours I’m so familiar with the PVE sandbox that it never crossed the line from fun to upsetting.  
The season started strong with one of the best opening missions, it’s a return to the horror style of presage (complete with Eregore puzzles) but expanded and improved upon. I’m glad the mission is replayable on alts because they put so much work into it. All the gameplay horror elements that run through the season are there in the first mission: sounds as if something is in the walls of the ship and moving around you, things falling over like there’s an enemy just out of line of sight as the radar goes wild. It’s basic stuff in setting the ambiance for the Nightmare storyline. The Bungienet post of The Game Dev Diaries: The Hidden World of Audio goes into detail about a lot of sound effects and ambient sound design, and I didn’t realize how much I had missed since the soundtrack usually covers it. 
The pinnacle of the opening mission is when you reach Calus, his eyes suddenly light up red as all the lights go out and the zone becomes no-respawn. From there it’s a frantic run out as you’re chased by a bunch of enemies you can’t win a fight against. 
Speaking of enemies you can’t kill:
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Mr. Immune to Damage, Mr. Chase You Around If He Sees You, Mr. 1-2 Hit KO.
Gameplay-wise he adds a sense of pressure, anyone can chew through a bunch of enemies, so an enemy you can’t fight only run away from AND who has a new sightlines mechanic really helps create an emotional reaction. A good comparison is the Resident Evil “nemesis” type monster like Mr. X. (which the devs mention as a reference). While Destiny 2 is more generous in giving you plenty of safe spots he can’t jump to, the dev’s were really strategic about the areas he’s in:
Intro Mission: you have to put your back to him and aim down sights to open the eregore door. Even on replaying the mission it’s an uncomfortable feeling
Sever 1: the switch you pull is directly ahead of you, and then he busts out a door perpendicular to where you are looking. I saw more than one of my clan members die to that sudden lunge. After that you have a puzzle where you move slow and can’t jump high so the entire time you’re hoping you notice if he spots you before he kills you. 
Sever 2: He’s hidden among a bunch of ads, so if you aren’t paying attention he’ll get too close before you notice. One clanmate I did this with wasn’t expecting him because they hadn’t pulled the switch, which is probably what the developers were hoping for. 
Sever 5-6: He stays super close to you even when you jump to a safe spot. This is probably AI changes so that he’ll follow you into the flames. Even then its a frantic rush through the flames so you don’t die and then hoping flames + bullets does enough damage before he reaches you. 
I hope to see something like this again in the future. A lot of people seemed to love-to-hate him by the number of memes I saw about torching him. 
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As player’s we’ve never met Calus in the flesh, but every week we get to find this putrid anamatronic that could not be further from the golden idol he presented himself as in the Leviathan raid. His line of of  “a unique delight to feel the Leviathan’s inhabitants wriggling through my innards” shows that hedonistic characteristic of Calus but even more taken to excess. Each week Calus warps the Leviathan around him, pushing the Eregore to spread further.  I know it's not cost efficient to code a new enemy type for seasonal content that won’t remain, but I’m glad the Calus automatons are more creepy in the lore as they move around and attack people (Firefright lore tab). 
The season ends with us failing to stop Calus’ plot, he makes it into a pyramid and shows that he can spread the Eregore past the safety measures and throughout the HELM. Not every season is going to be eregore themed and Bungie doesn’t want to make the Eregore into the Flood from Halo, so the HELM reset but there’s a lot of horror implications with how easily the Eregore spreads and breaks containment. The HELM went to space since no Eregore samples could safely be stored in the Last City. 
Duality: Big moment of re-contextulization when I realized that the ledges you hop around on starting in 2nd encounter on are all coffins. Whether the space exists exactly like this on the real Leviathan is debatable, but it probably does. Evidenced by the lines “The dead are raw materials and noting more” (Duality) and Royal Pools scan patrol about how the liquid is a “protien slurry”  and “liquified remains of failed experiments, which was fed to their unborn kin”. Which is the most grimdark patrol dialogue I've heard in D2.
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piscesnpieces · 1 year
lullabies for the woeful, and the words that seem to follow
Sometimes I wonder about dying.
I am not a particularly sad person. I have people who love me. I have people who will be willing to give half their all just to pour into my dripping glass. In simple terms, I am not alone. But sometimes, I am lonely, and being lonely makes you wonder about things you would never think about on the regular. Like dying. 
I’m not exactly afraid to die. Every organism dies at one point. It’s an undisputable fact that governs the living. To me, dying is a certain type of peace. Religion divides the world with the concept of an afterlife. But for the physical, carbon-based structure of a man, lying 6-feet down deep without any worry of the world is peace. Still, I do not long for it, at least not yet. 
Someone asked me before what I feared most, if not death. I didn't have a direct answer. For most of my life, everything that triggered my adrenaline, I got through. Should I still consider that a fear? I didn't think so. Is fear of God counted? That’s debatable. However, as more people asked, I began to worry for an answer. What did I fear most? It wasn't anything too shocking, I found out. I feared being lonely. I thought it was autophobia—the fear of being alone—but for most of my life, I never was. Yet I still feared. I discovered I could get lonely, easily, despite company. Even God forgives, loneliness does not. The thought made me anxious. 
Having fear gives you two options: you fight it head on, or you get away. In this case though, the former is the sole answer. And after fighting each outburst head on, you learn to hit back. You learn how to maneuver each swing, how to analyze the fear and set aside your emotion. Fear then materializes into an existing, rational enemy—and you learn to win. But every win comes at a cost. Each time you encounter your fear, it takes something from you. Every drip of happiness you kept in a bottle spills. You win the battle, but the longer it gets to overcome the multiple bouts in the ring, your fists become exhausted, until your limbs eventually also leave you with no other option to take. Then I wonder if life would likewise follow. 
I guess I'm an asshole. The glee I collect from the people around me, it keeps me afloat. I think it's safe to say I used them. Sometimes loving and taking advantage blurs in the periphery, and I can only try and be less of the asshole I already am. 
Loneliness finds a way, even with people around. They might not say, or they might not notice, but when fear consumes, I take more than what they give, until they can't give me any more before theirs turn empty, then I leave and take from another. Until when can they pour so that my glass never empties? I get anxious and vexed. But what can I do? I still want to survive. So I apologize, for being selfish. Don't worry, though. Sometimes I'd rather not take, or bother, or hurt. Then I would wonder about tipping over, spilling everything that’s left. I wonder what it will be like to let go.
This fear— it trips my mind. Sometimes I look for people to mask the lonely. Sometimes, despite people, it couldn't help but show. Still, I want to believe that I'll survive. I only wonder, I never want. People have been rather too kind and I'm grateful. I answer by fighting back. Until then, I ask, for at least one to keep my glass filled. I can't afford to go empty.
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shahzaibhaider · 3 months
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How to Secure a Fully Funded Scholarship: A Step-by-Step Guide
In this article, we’ll reveal the secrets of winning a fully funded Scholarship, which opens the wonderful educational world without having to spend a penny. To set off on the path of higher learning is rather difficult especially when financial matters are involved. Financial hinders today the pursuit of knowledge; nevertheless, it should not. 
What is a Fully funded Scholarship?
Let me start by saying that before I start the application process, let’s take a look at the main definition of a funded scholarship. In essence, it is the financial support meant to cover tuition, living expenditures, and at times even ancillary costs for the kind-hearted recipients.
Types of funded Scholarship
The scholarship space is by knowing the type of funding (the categories) there. The scholarships for merit, need, and specific categories are meant for high achievers and those with special cases.
The Essential Guide to Fully funded Scholarship:
Start Early Procrastination is the enemy. Start early and plan well for your scholarship search. Having enough time for research and getting ready saves you the last-minute rush. Tailor Your Approach Write your scholarship applications based on the specific stipulations of each. A system approach, which favors a single-size-fits-all strategy, is rarely successful.
Showcase Your Achievements What scholarship providers do is provide a platform to invest in bright stars. Stress your academic achievements, hobbies or activities which you do in extra classroom, and other important and notable achievements.
Crafting an Outstanding Application
Write a Precise and Compelling Personal Statement: Firstly, your personal statement is your chance to stand out among the crowd. Be genuine, talk about your journey, and let students know how the scholarship helps you to get closer to your goals. It is imperative to blow the doors off the Letters of Recommendation. Select referees who can to your character and achievements. A starred and personalized weigh-in can be a real deal kick-starter.
Navigating the Application Process
Research Extensively Keep yourself updated about the features of the scholarship. Establish rapport with the organization, its values, and how your goals synergize with theirs. Pay Attention to Details of funded Scholarship Ensure that you follow the application instructions scrupulously. Disqualified applicants may be incomplete or incorrectly filed forms. Apply for Multiple Scholarships Diversify your chances of being awarded by applying for a range of scholarships. Dividing your attention between multiple prospective clients improves your success rate.
Overcoming Challenges
Addressing Financial Need If necessary, express your financial need clearly. Be open and unrelenting about your condition. Turning Rejections into Opportunities It is natural to face rejection during this process. Utilize it as a platform where you can learn, do better, and apply for more scholarships. Conclusion According to the mission of free tuition, scholarship success is based on determination and dedication. Through a detailed awareness of the application technique and the exhibition of your unique characteristics, your academic fantasies can become a reality. If you need any kind of help regarding applying procedure, my Facebook chatbox is completely open to you.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can I apply for funded Scholarship while still in high school?
Absolutely! Many scholarships are open to high school students. Start researching and applying early.
Can I apply for more than one Scholarship?
Applying for a variety of scholarships increases your chances. Aim for a balanced approach, focusing on quality rather than quantity. We offer multiple scholarships under multiple domains. You can check our fully funded scholarships catagory.
What should my Personal Statement include?
Your Personal Statement should reflect your unique journey, aspirations, and how the scholarship aligns with your goals.
How can I stand out in a sea of applicants?
Highlight your unique achievements, experiences, and how you can contribute to the academic community. Be genuine in your application.
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harunur01780 · 5 months
Regarding management , you can learn:
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Mr. Liang Ning who got the App’s HE Tuber and [Growth Thinking]: strategic choices of points, lines and surfaces, classic user portraits, scenarios and empathy, user experience maps and service design blueprints, three-stage rockets, etc.;
Jen Carlson’s [Critical Moments MOT] (can be paired with Wang Zhiqian’s [MOT Experience Design Course] in [Get App]): Based on customer orientation, complex business operations are broken down into critical moments one by one (similar to user experience Map), and ultimately realize the company's turnaround;
Meadows’s [The Beauty of Systems], [Loss of Control], Liu Run’s [30 Lectures on Business Insights], and Li Xigui’s [How Schools Work]: the core are all centered around systems theory, which can provide a solution when seeking solutions. methodology;
Regarding product principles , you can learn:
Redamio's [Principles]: such as embracing reality, dealing with reality, extreme truth-seeking and extreme transparency. What is more important is to learn its way of thinking, which is to simplify complex investment logic into clear principles and act according to the principles;
Xiaomi’s [Xiaomi ecological chain footprint notes]: 80%-80% principle, err on the side of reducing work and adding more, being right first before being surprising, doing less in order to be more precise, etc.;
Regarding work methodology , you can learn:
Stephen Covey’s [Seven Habits of Highly Effective People]: Be proactive, start with the end in mind, put first things first, win-win thinking, know your enemy and understand yourself, integrate synergy, and constantly update;
Atul Govender’s [List Revolution]: A small list can solve complex projects. For example, how to reduce patient mortality caused by improper operations;
Jack Welch's "Winning" and "The Nature of Business";
[The Effective Manager] by Peter Drucker;
Kazuo Inamori’s [Lifestyle], [Mindstyle] and [Management Philosophy]
Get App【Measurement·Team Management 20 Lectures】
Methodology is not omnipotent, nor is it 100% correct (Newton's three laws may also be invalid), let alone rigid copying (methodologies may be mutually exclusive).
This is just like when Zhang Sanfeng taught Tai Chi to Zhang Wuji, he asked him to forget all the moves and martial arts and he would learn it naturally. The methodology is like the [Nine Yang Divine Art], [Star Absorbing Technique], etc. that Zhang Wuji learned. In the end, if you want to become Zhang Sanfeng, you still have to forget them. You just need to focus on practicing, and you can use different tricks and mental methods. Maybe it will flow out naturally. This is the realm we should pursue.
In the book [Marketing Notes], marketing expert Xiao Ma Song has a point of view: The success of an enterprise is fundamentally the success of business logic (rather than the success of methodology) . For example, if Nancheng Xiang follows the [positioning theory] (use positioning to occupy the category and influence the user's mind), then it may not be established (it also sells soy milk and fried dough sticks, rice bowls, wontons and mutton skewers). If you follow the basic logic of business operations: improve efficiency and reduce costs, then it is established, because this model is based on [user needs] and increases the frequency of consumption to achieve an improvement in square footage.
To sum up: the basic logic of business operations is greater than methodology. In the same way, the practical logic of the product is greater than the methodology itself. This is like following the methodology of "stop on red light, go on green light". It is definitely good, but even if the light is green, you still have to look up and don't walk past if there is a car.
Finally, I will add a few existing cases (cases will continue to be updated in the future, but it may be slow) for reference:
Xing Xiaozuo, WeChat public account: Xing Xiaozuo’s home, everyone is a product manager columnist. An online education product that focuses on Internet education and likes to study user psychology.
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harunurrashid017 · 5 months
Write at the end
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Mr. Liang Ning who got the App’s HE Tuber and [Growth Thinking]: strategic choices of points, lines and surfaces, classic user portraits, scenarios and empathy, user experience maps and service design blueprints, three-stage rockets, etc.;
Jen Carlson’s [Critical Moments MOT] (can be paired with Wang Zhiqian’s [MOT Experience Design Course] in [Get App]): Based on customer orientation, complex business operations are broken down into critical moments one by one (similar to user experience Map), and ultimately realize the company's turnaround;
Meadows’s [The Beauty of Systems], [Loss of Control], Liu Run’s [30 Lectures on Business Insights], and Li Xigui’s [How Schools Work]: the core are all centered around systems theory, which can provide a solution when seeking solutions. methodology;
Regarding product principles , you can learn:
Redamio's [Principles]: such as embracing reality, dealing with reality, extreme truth-seeking and extreme transparency. What is more important is to learn its way of thinking, which is to simplify complex investment logic into clear principles and act according to the principles;
Xiaomi’s [Xiaomi ecological chain footprint notes]: 80%-80% principle, err on the side of reducing work and adding more, being right first before being surprising, doing less in order to be more precise, etc.;
Regarding work methodology , you can learn:
Stephen Covey’s [Seven Habits of Highly Effective People]: Be proactive, start with the end in mind, put first things first, win-win thinking, know your enemy and understand yourself, integrate synergy, and constantly update;
Atul Govender’s [List Revolution]: A small list can solve complex projects. For example, how to reduce patient mortality caused by improper operations;
Regarding management , you can learn:
Jack Welch's "Winning" and "The Nature of Business";
[The Effective Manager] by Peter Drucker;
Kazuo Inamori’s [Lifestyle], [Mindstyle] and [Management Philosophy]
Get App【Measurement·Team Management 20 Lectures】
Methodology is not omnipotent, nor is it 100% correct (Newton's three laws may also be invalid), let alone rigid copying (methodologies may be mutually exclusive).
This is just like when Zhang Sanfeng taught Tai Chi to Zhang Wuji, he asked him to forget all the moves and martial arts and he would learn it naturally. The methodology is like the [Nine Yang Divine Art], [Star Absorbing Technique], etc. that Zhang Wuji learned. In the end, if you want to become Zhang Sanfeng, you still have to forget them. You just need to focus on practicing, and you can use different tricks and mental methods. Maybe it will flow out naturally. This is the realm we should pursue.
In the book [Marketing Notes], marketing expert Xiao Ma Song has a point of view: The success of an enterprise is fundamentally the success of business logic (rather than the success of methodology) . For example, if Nancheng Xiang follows the [positioning theory] (use positioning to occupy the category and influence the user's mind), then it may not be established (it also sells soy milk and fried dough sticks, rice bowls, wontons and mutton skewers). If you follow the basic logic of business operations: improve efficiency and reduce costs, then it is established, because this model is based on [user needs] and increases the frequency of consumption to achieve an improvement in square footage.
To sum up: the basic logic of business operations is greater than methodology. In the same way, the practical logic of the product is greater than the methodology itself. This is like following the methodology of "stop on red light, go on green light". It is definitely good, but even if the light is green, you still have to look up and don't walk past if there is a car.
Finally, I will add a few existing cases (cases will continue to be updated in the future, but it may be slow) for reference:
Xing Xiaozuo, WeChat public account: Xing Xiaozuo’s home, everyone is a product manager columnist. An online education product that focuses on Internet education and likes to study user psychology.
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xenofact · 9 months
And A Child Shall Bleed Them
I keep up on modern cults, conspiracies, and conspirituality. It’s fascinating to me, it’s a way to understand people, and it lets me know who would probably try to kill me and the people I know. It’s a depressing win-win.
Recently, following up on a specific modern cult (that I shall mention later) that had lost it’s leader, I was surprised to find it had two competing child leaders. I assumed that it was a case of people finding two manipulable figureheads to let them seize control of the cult. As I listened to the analysis, I found I was wrong or mostly wrong.
The cult members weree thrilled to have these young people spewing their doctrine back at them. They encouraged them, gave them nicknames, hung on their every word. They were elevating two poor kids that had walked into this mess into leaders, and the open desire of the cultists was painfully obvious. Whoever might be behind the scenes, the cultists were becoming sycophants pretty damn well on their own.
That’s when I realized these people were no different than the various sycophants, we see around techbros, hack authors, politicians, and “mainstream” “religious” leaders.
Some people want a leader so intensely they’ll construct one out of whatever and whoever happens to be around. Someone says what they want to hear, suddenly they’re all ears, boosting their new savior, and donating online. Throw in the social experience of believing with all the other needy people and you have a powerful trap of peer pressure and sunk cost.
Of course the would-be leaders usually play into this - mostly out of greed and delusion I’m sure, but probably too many out of sheer ignorance. A few posts and videos in the right spot and suddenly you’re a Thought Leader, a Spiritual Master, or Leader of a New Revolution. It has to be tempting even for decent people.
As for non-decent people, it has to be not only tempting but easy as hell. Say a few things and people will attribute near (or actual) godhood too you. Get some financial backing from rich lobbyists or delusional wealthy folks, and you can amplify your message more. Once the belief machine gets going, you just have to keep churning out platitudes - and of course directing people at new enemies.
Any child, literally or emotionally, could do it and judging by the state of the world many have.
So now third-generation billionaires with no idea how people’s lives work, drugged out techbros, and internet influencers with no other skills but video editing become leaders of thousands and millions. Sure they may have help, but plenty of people will help them become cult leaders because they want it so bad.
Child or manchild, there’s not much difference when people want to surrender to a leader so bad. It also helps us ask when we might surrender our free will easier than we’d think.
- Xenofact (www.Xenofact.com)
I avoided mentioning the podcast, but it was a look at a gematria cult done by the lead podcaster of PokerPolitics/Adventures in HellWqrld. https://www.patreon.com/posts/hellwqrld-48-88061916
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an0det0l0ve · 1 year
My darling,
it is nothing but an absolute honor to share the same passion for literature with you. It is something important to me; being able to talk about the works I read and write, and sharing my thoughts with someone who is equally interested. It is one of the things I value about you and what made me fall madly in love with you. And as I want to go on a little adventure with you, I will leave you a list with books I would like to read. I want you to pick one as a birthday present so we can explore it together.
Yours truly,
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⤪ The whistling, Rebecca Netley
Feel shivers down your spine with this chilling and gripping ghost story set on a far-flung Scottish island.
When Elspeth arrives on a remote Scottish island to become nanny to a young child, she hopes to bond with her. Until she learns that, for reasons no one will explain, Mary has not spoken for months. And the girl's silence is not the only mystery.
Hypnotic lullabies drift down empty corridors. Strange dolls appear in abandoned rooms. And as the nights draw in, darker questions arise.
What happened to Mary's late twin, William? Why did their previous nanny disappear so suddenly? And is the whistling Elspeth hears at night just the storm outside? Or is something else out there?
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⤪ A good girl’s guide to murder, Holly Jackson
The case is closed. Five years ago, schoolgirl Andie Bell was murdered by Sal Singh. The police know he did it. Everyone in town knows he did it.
But having grown up in the same small town that was consumed by the crime, Pippa Fitz-Amobi isn't so sure. When she chooses the case as the topic for her final project, she starts to uncover secrets that someone in town desperately wants to stay hidden. And if the real killer is still out there, how far will they go to keep Pip from the truth?
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⤪ Babel or the necessity of violence, Rebecca F. Kuang
A new dark academic fantasy by the New York Times bestselling author of The Poppy War. Traduttore, traditore: An act of translation is always an act of betrayal. Oxford, 1836. The city of dreaming spires. It is the centre of all knowledge and progress in the world. And at its centre is Babel, the Royal Institute of Translation. The tower from which all the power of the Empire flows. Orphaned in Canton and brought to England by a mysterious guardian, Babel seemed like paradise to Robin Swift. Until it became a prison… But can a student stand against an empire? An incendiary new novel from award-winning author R.F. Kuang about the power of language, the violence of colonialism, and the sacrifices of resistance.
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⤪ The song of Achilles, Madeline Miller
Greece in the age of heroes. Patroclus, an awkward young prince, has been exiled to the court of King Peleus and his perfect son Achilles. Despite their differences, Achilles befriends the shamed prince, and as they grow into young men skilled in the arts of war and medicine, their bond blossoms into something deeper - despite the displeasure of Achilles's mother Thetis, a cruel sea goddess. But when word comes that Helen of Sparta has been kidnapped, Achilles must go to war in distant Troy and fulfill his destiny. Torn between love and fear for his friend, Patroclus goes with him, little knowing that the years that follow will test everything they hold dear.
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⤪ The Atlas Six, Olivie Blake
Each decade, only the six most uniquely talented magicians are selected to earn a place in the Alexandrian Society, the foremost secret society in the world. The chosen will secure a life of power and prestige beyond their wildest dreams.
But at what cost?
Each of the six newest recruits has their reasons for accepting the Society’’s elusive invitation. Even if it means growing closer than they could have imagined to their most dangerous enemies— or risking unforgivable betrayal from their most trusted allies— they will fight tooth and nail for the right to join the ranks of the Alexandrians.
Even if it means they won’’t all survive the year.
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⤪ Things we do to our friends, Heather Darwent
Edinburgh, Scotland: a moody city of labyrinthine alleyways, oppressive fog, and buried history; the ultimate destination for someone with something to hide. Perfect for Clare, then, who arrives utterly alone and yearning to reinvent herself. And what better place to conceal the secrets of her past than at the university in the heart of the fabled, cobblestoned Old Town?
When Clare meets Tabitha, a charismatic, beautiful, and intimidatingly rich girl from her art history class, she knows she’s destined to become friends with her and her exclusive circle: raffish Samuel, shrewd Ava, and pragmatic Imogen. Clare is immediately drawn into their libertine world of sophisticated dinner parties and summers in France. The new life she always envisioned for herself has seemingly begun.
Then Tabitha reveals a little project she’s been working on, one that she needs Clare’s help with. Even though it goes against everything Clare has tried to repent for. Even though their intimacy begins to darken into codependence. But as Clare starts to realize just what her friends are capable of, it’s already too late. Because they’ve taken the plunge. They’re so close to attaining everything they want. And there’s no going back.
Reimagining the classic themes of obsession and ambition with an original and sinister edge, The Things We Do to Our Friends is a seductive thriller about the toxic battle between those who have and those who covet—between the desire to truly belong and the danger of being truly known.
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⤪ Ninth House, Leigh Bardugo
A tale of power, privilege, dark magic and murder set among the Ivy League elite. Alex Stern is the most unlikely member of Yale's freshman class. A dropout and the sole survivor of a horrific, unsolved crime - the last thing she wants is to cause trouble. Not when Yale was supposed to be her fresh start. But a free ride to one of the world's most prestigious universities was bound to come with a catch. Alex has been tasked with monitoring the mysterious activities of Yale's secret societies - societies that have yielded some of the most famous and influential people in the world. Now there's a dead girl on campus and Alex seems to be the only person who won't accept the neat answer the police and campus administration have come up with for her murder. Because Alex knows the secret societies are far more sinister and extraordinary than anyone ever imagined. They tamper with forbidden magic. They raise the dead. And, sometimes, they prey on the living.
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⤪ Dead Inside, Chandler Morrison
A hospital security guard with a morbidly unique taste in women. A maternity doctor with an aberrant appetite and a penchant for popping pain pills. When the two meet, they embark on a dark, horrific journey of self-discovery and transcendence. Lines are crossed, taboos are shattered, and good taste takes a permanent leave of absence.
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⤪ Brother, Ania Ahlborn
Deep in the heart of Appalachia stands a crooked farmhouse miles from any road. The Morrows keep to themselves, and it's served them well so far. When girls go missing off the side of the highway, the cops don't knock on their door. Which is a good thing, seeing as to what's buried in the Morrows' backyard. But nineteen-year-old Michael Morrow isn't like the rest of his family. He doesn't take pleasure in the screams that echo through the trees. Michael pines for normalcy, and he's sure that someday he'll see the world beyond West Virginia. When he meets Alice, a pretty girl working at a record shop in the small nearby town of Dahlia, he's immediately smitten. For a moment, he nearly forgets about the monster he's become. But his brother, Rebel, is all too eager to remind Michael of his place.
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⤪ Seed, Ania Ahlborn
With nothing but the clothes on his back - and something horrific snapping at his heels - Jack Winter fled his rural Georgia home when he was still just a boy. Watching the world he knew vanish in a trucker's rearview mirror, he thought he was leaving an unspeakable nightmare behind forever. But years later, the bright new future he's built suddenly turns pitch black, as something fiendishly familiar looms dead ahead. When Jack, his wife Aimee, and their two small children survive a violent car crash, it seems like a miracle. But Jack knows what he saw on the road that night, and it wasn't divine intervention. The profound evil from his past won't let them die...at least not quickly.
Country comfort is no match for spine-tingling Southern gothic suspense in Ania Ahlborn's tale of an ordinary man with a demon on his back. Seed plants its page-turning terror deep in your soul, and lets it grow wild.
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Halo Infinite Trainer | MrAntiFun, PC Video Game Trainers, Cheats and mods
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 A single missed shot is all it can take to lose a fight. Training your aim in Halo Infinite alone can be a slow and tedious process that is obscured by the objective based gameplay, playing around weapon spawns and the importance of grenades. To become a human aimbot, isolating these aiming skills in KovaaKs is an extremely fast and potent way to improve. You can drill specific skills without any interruptions and without any of the usual distractions that come with playing a multiplayer shooter. Halo Infinite uses a unique shielding mechanic that can be exploited to your advantage. While shields are active, you cannot headshot your target, a shot to the foot does the same damage as a shot to the head. Once the shields break, you can then go for a headshot to quickly finish off the opponent. This becomes particularly important for weapons like the battle rifle where missing a burst or even a few shots here and there can lose you an engagement. There is no point going for tricky headshots while their shields hold, instead, aim for the upper chest as it is the largest target until the shields break, then fire one last burst at the head to finish them off. Once you become familiar with this mechanic, it changes the way you use weapons and approach fights. For example, the Plasma Pistol may seem unwieldly at first, but using it paired with the Sidekick, Battle Rifle or simply a melee can lead to some extremely fast kills as it can break shields in one charged up shot. Improving in Halo Infinite requires honest introspection throughout your gameplay. Every time you lose an engagement or a match, take a moment to think about what went wrong and what you could have done better. The same also goes for winning fights and matches, what did you do to achieve that outcome? These quick thoughts are crucial for developing strong game sense that will carry you through games against strong opponents. As a newer player, or someone who plays on autopilot without these considerations, your understanding of the game is disjointed and inconsistent as shown in the example below. Constant introspection and focused improvement will develop a strong understanding of what it takes to win in any scenario. Precise aim in Halo Infinite is vital to winning engagements due to the high time to kill and the slow movement. Generally speaking, lower mouse sensitivities provide better precision at the cost of speed and mobility. Considering the slow movement and pace of the game, you can safely sacrifice some degree of speed and mobility for better precision, but be careful not to overdo it. You may still need to follow people across your screen or quickly turn around to fight someone behind you. Finding your sensitivity in-game is as simple as playing some throwaway games where you adjust your settings every few encounters depending on how things feel. If your aim feels too floaty or jittery, lower it a bit. If it feels too muddy, sluggish and enemies get away from your crosshair, increase it. Work on finding that happy medium where you can achieve as much precision as possible while still maintaining enough speed and mobility to navigate the map, handle objectives and acquire targets. Target acquisition is the most important technique to learn when it comes to precision aiming. Simply put, it is moving your crosshair to a target as quickly and accurately as possible. The faster you acquire a target, the faster you can start doing damage and get ahead of your opponent. Lazy aim is an easy way to ensure you lose your fights, because firing second means your win condition is relying on the enemy to make a mistake. Tracking is the most important aiming skill to master in Halo Infinite. Due to the long time to kill, slow movement and low gravity, tracking targets will occupy a massive portion of your combat experiences. The most impactful technique you can try right now to instantly and significantly improve your tracking is to focus on your target. Take a ceiling fan for example, if you look at it the blades are a blur, but if you try to focus on a single blade you can actually follow it around and track the movement. This is the difference we are looking for. Knowing where your enemy is going makes tracking much easier as you can plan the mouse movements needed ahead of time. Multiplayer shooters are becoming more competitive than ever. Putting yourself ahead of the competition through gameplay alone can take an enormous time investment without any guarantees of success. Training your aim through KovaaKs works much like the gym does for building a body. It is a hyper-focused environment designed to improve your aim in the most efficient way possible with over 10, different aiming scenarios to cater to your exact needs. Try it out on Steam today, and see just how quickly it can elevate your aim in Halo Infinite. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Learn More. Shield-Breaking and Headshots. How to Get Better at Halo Infinite. Precision Aiming Techniques. Improved Targeting and Tracking. Buy Now. Sign up to get the latest news and exclusives! We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Manage consent. 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batkids and their relationships with their siblings headcanons. under read more because this got fucking LONGGG
dick is the eldest so he doesnt want to bog down his younger siblings with his problems, but if he DOES, he tends to talk to jason about it
dick and cass start to really begin to bond when Cass shows up to dicks gymnastics class for 3rd-6th graders and then cass shows up all the sixth graders and they get frozen yogurt after lmao
dick and tim are Very much thick as thieves. tim is very much like bruce on the Emotional Suppression scale, so dick just really wants to make sure his little brother is safe and happy ALL the time
Duke and Damian are the only two really permanently at the manor anymore, so when dick drops by he tries to do something with both of them. duke frantically zoom calls dick every other week to help him with his his trig homework. dick shows up to dukes high school graduation with literally the BIGGEST SIGN
everyone insists damian is dicks favorite but he does actually genuinely love all his siblings equally, his relationship with damian is just Very different from the others because of the age gap and being dami's primary caretaker for a year. dick babies dami every chance he gets
would sell Dick to satan for One corn chip
him and cass don't have the greatest start to their relationship because cass is very much Against Killing so it takes a while for jason to warm up to her and earn her trust. now, though, jason is competing with steph by showing cass all the classic American Teenager things she missed out on. steph is currently winning but jason is like 98% positive a crunch wrap from taco bell is going to push him over the edge
tim and jason are currently competing over who can solve the most cases in a month. tim is winning. that won't last long.
jason Loves to Big Brother duke its so embarrassing. duke will get out of school and go to his car and jason is SITTING IN THE FRONT SEAT FRANTICALLY WAVING TO GET DUKES ATTENTION. JASON THAT IS MY CAR. signal has one (1) mission with arsenal and arsenal goes hey did you ask that girl to homecoming yet and duke is like I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU.
Damian is proof that Actually, Little Brothers are Pests. Jason fully believes that he was brought back from the dead PURELY to torment damian and he will fulfill this mission at any cost
it actually really upset her when Dick didn't accept her at first. she knows her other siblings really adore dick so his lack of trust was really disheartening. it takes dick a while but once he Actually Accepts that cass is going to be a permanent part of their life and oh, wow, dick you really hurt her feelings he really hyperfocuses on bonding with cass for a couple of months which definitely improves their relationship
she really likes jason!! their relationship doesn't start well but because he's close with steph and tim who are cass's top two favorite people to exist ever, cass is like well i GUESS ill hang out with him more. jason is fun to talk to because he always tries his best to explain jokes and give context to what people are talking about (also tim took her to taco bell already but she didn't tell jason she just wanted to hang out)
cass LOVES tim. they just click okay. tim always seems to know when to give her space and when to push and come closer. Tim's "guest room" is just her room lets be real. tim and cass occasionally get mistaken for twins and Cass Loves it.
duke makes cass listen to metal once and cass loses. her. damn. mind. they bond over music a lot because they both Love Music to a degree the others in their family don't.
damian!! damian is her little brother!!! dami isn't As Hostile to cass at first because he is 100% aware cass has the edge in fighting and respects her. cass likes all of his instagram posts and they have a snapchat streak going
tim Loves dick, dick was his first sibling!! he had Very strong hero worship when he first met dick but it mellowed out when tim got older because wow 17 is really not that cool and mature lol. tim has an open invitation to dick's apartment which he does occasionally take advantage of. tim has more than once scared the shit out of wally when wally comes over and wally is convinced they're being robbed (HA) for half a second. i mean. he's not wrong.
listen. tim understands that forgiving the guy who tried to kill you would be a Struggle for some people and it was! definitely! but also at least he can trust jason to, uh, be open about if he doesn't like tim. which is not an assurance he has with other people. so if the guy who tried to kill him tells him tim is cool now then like. maybe tim isn't that bad or annoying a person? also jason arrested a whole gang and won the cases competition but then it created a power vacuum that the whole batfam had to clean up the rest of the month. thanks, jason.
tim LOVES cass. you know how most of the time theres this empty feeling inside you and you just kind of ignore it because you don't know what will fix it or if you do, you know you can't fix it? cass makes that empty feeling feel a little less empty. they just click. tim always tries to travel with cass whenever she leaves gotham.
tim and duke. Tim is actually the sibling who duke goes to whenever he has questions he doesn't want to ask bruce or alfred about, like, life or vigilante-ing or school or college or whatever and Tim is always like yes!! i love Giving Advice and Solving Problems!! tim and duke and jason fill out their college applications together.
tim and damian. LMAO. ROUGH START THAT'S ALL ILL SAY. at some point alfred goes like fuck it. family therapy. and tim and dami are PISSED. tim and damian get along best when they have a common enemy to work against. their relationship gets much better when damian is older and they actually talk about their feelings like emotionally stunted bats. despite how bad their relationship was, tim will ALWAYS protect damian
very much intimidated by dick at first. dick is so much older and has his own job and friends and life and is very much AN ADULT. dick likes to take duke out to do lots of cool stuff (paintball, lasertag, tech exhibitions, concerts, etc). also, dick PERSONALLY introduced duke to superman and is dating THE FLASH. 10/10 awesome big brother.
was intimidated by jason for 0.5 seconds before jason actually opened his mouth and started speaking. jason is literally. So Embarrassing. which is weird because nobody else really seems to feel that way about jason but duke knows he's 100% in the right here. like yeah jason is also An Adult and does Adult Stuff but he's also at the manor like every other weekend???? and he always complains about bruce but always seems to be in the same room bruce is in????? like okay jason. they bond over literature!! jason and duke and alfred will spend literal hours talking about books and duke loves it. duke is the only one who doesn't think jason is funny and jason gets so upset about it lmao.
cass has this one week where she gets really into photography and by virtue of being nearby (and also not nocturnal), duke becomes her victim subject. duke prints out all the pictures and hangs them up in his room (his favorite is one he took when he stole the camera and took a really bad selfie of them together).
tim is closest in age to duke so duke tends to hang around with him a lot. tim introduced duke to his young justice friends and duke is like yes!!! meta-friends!!!! tim really helps duke out with his powers because tim is always like wow i wonder if your powers would work if we did This? can you see farther than other people? is your visible spectrum of light different than other humans? Bruce does the same thing but bruce is boring about it lol.
damian and duke live in the same house and will be in the same room and just send each other social media posts back and forth. they follow each other on instagram and will, OCCASIONALLY, make tik toks together because they're tik tok fiends. each of his siblings have visited his parents once or twice but damian routinely comes with him.
damian gets a special bullet point to say that it took him. forever to come around to the idea of having siblings. he very much believed that he was Bruce's Blood Son and everyone else were just tagalongs or allies. it took him ages to acknowledge that dick, jason, tim, and cass were his siblings, so when duke came and like a week later damian was like Ah, Yes, this is my brother Thomas everyone else was like dude wtf
listen. LISTEN. Obviously. Richard is very highly skilled. and also Father values him highly. and also Richard will listen to Damian complain about his schoolmates. and also Richard is much more patient with Damian than other members of his family. listen....,,, (all this to say damian kind of fucking adores dick lmaooooo this kid).
Todd is kind of unbearable but damian has been informed this is both a normal feeling when it comes to Todd and also big brothers. damian was an only child for ten years so yes, Father, if Todd attempts to tickle me I WILL break his fucking nose. yes i WILL put money in the swear jar but I want you to know i don't regret it. they always try to sneak up on each other but mostly fail.
DRAKE!!! but no lol once damian grows up and is like I Apologize for attempting to murder you it was wrong and you are just as much a son to Father as I am tim is like UGH i guess its cool since ur being so emotionally mature and all. also im 2 for 5 on siblings trying to murder me so im definitely going to win trauma bingo and damian is like i take it back you are insufferable. When Will My Older Siblings Stop Joking About Their Trauma.
CASS!!! listen. cass is cool. Cass Gets It. They have a special Bond. also damian really likes it whenever cass is home because 1) he gets to hang out and do something cool with cass and 2) he feels significantly safer with cass in the house because Nobody will be able to hurt any of their family if Cass is there. ALSO he tries to call her cain but everyone is like DONT DO THAT and he doesn't want to call her wayne bcus theyre ALL wayne (dick adds it on as a middle name but also Richard John Wayne West-Grayson is just. the lamest name ever so dick needs to reconsider it before his upcoming nuptials)((dick will not reconsider it except maybe whether grayson-west would work better)) and so he tries cassandra but cass is like :) call me cass and damian is like cassandra is more formal and respectful and cass is like :) and finally damian just has to give in.
Duke! him and duke actually live together so they get the Most Bonding Time and have a bunch of inside jokes as a result. (is it bad i wanted to laugh because inside jokes... joker... i'll see myself out). they're eating breakfast together (and also alfred sits with them IM NOT A MONSTER ALFIE'S LIKE 70 NOW OKAY) and duke laughs and bruce is like what are you laughing at, son? and duke is like oh damian just showed me this funny meme and then he shows the phone to bruce and bruce grabs it (both the boys groan) and after WAY TOO LONG is like "i don't get it" and so now duke and damian have to try and explain the comedic intricacy of bob's burgers
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rcksmith · 3 years
The Agreement part.2 — Kaz Brekker
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Couple: Kaz Brekker/ Fem!Reader.
Warnings of series: Convenience/arranged marriage, swearing, mention of fight, mention of death, mention of desire, fluff, sensual, mention of post-traumatic stress.
Warnings of chapter: swearing.
Word count: 4k
A/N: I hope you guys like.💖
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are closet. Love you ❤️
— — — —
“What?!” Your exclamation came out louder than intended, and perhaps sharper than expected.
The salty sea breeze came through the window once more. The smell of salt and ocean invaded the room and for a second it felt like being in a ship's cabin at sea.
Kaz looked at you as if you were some child. Or someone deaf. But if he was swimming in acidic thoughts, he didn't say them.
"Think carefully." His voice was firm and explicit, the ones men use to convince women of something. “You want freedom, don't you? Live your life without having to fulfill a man's whims or your father's expectations. You wants to be able to snow on a ship without having a date to go back and make your own destiny. You want just needing to care what new adventure knocks on your door and what promise of wonders life awaits. It is not?"
How did he figure it out so well in such a short time? Was he too shrewd or were you too transparent?
You nodded, unable to say anything. Perhaps out of perplexity at how Kaz read you so easily. Or maybe the way he looked like an overpoweringly beautiful fallen angel in the moonlight.
“And the only way to do that is to get married.”
You frowned. “As I recall, Brekker, I came here just so I wouldn't have to get married.”
“And it's a stupid plan.” God, you wanted to kill him. “You asked me to have the Dregs take you to the harbor without your father's spies noticing. But it turns out your father's spies already know you're here.”
Your breath was lost somewhere between lungs and nose.
“Since you arrived, the noise from the Crow Club downstairs has become less shrill. And this is not typical criminal behavior. Either they have adopted good manners or someone they know they should fear has joined the Club.” Kaz sat more relaxed in the armchair behind his desk, his dark blue eyes locked on you. “I would bet on the second option.”
“So I came here for nothing?” You were starting to get angry at his beating around the bush. Because you knew it was manipulation. Brekker was laying the groundwork and you understood that.
“I did not say that. Turns out you can never get rid of your father. Not when he's a man with the purchasing power able to buy an entire country. There will always be someone who will recognize you, someone who will find you. And for the right price, the whole world is capable of being bribed. You would run away only to be chased by other spies, other people wanting the reward your father will give to whoever brings you back home.”
Very early on, you realized that Kaz Brekker was capable of crushing dreams as easily as crushing an insect. His destructive power was colossal and you saw all of your desires floating under his palm. Waiting just for him to brutally clench his fist and crush them.
But that's not what he did.
“You'll only get what you want if you follow his orders.” The breeze came through the window once more, ruffling her charcoal hair. “But if you can't defeat your enemies, change the rules of the game.”
“And is that where marriage to you comes in?”
“See it.” His body leaned very gently across the table towards you, it was a millimeter and ridiculous gesture, but it felt like him standing a breath away from you. “What you need is to get married. But marrying someone who doesn't give a damn about what you're going to do, and don’t have expectations of you. Someone who is not interested in home life, family life or Any other things you can offer other than money.”
Any other things you can offer. The night breeze this time was accompanied by an impure, almost obscene scene of the fallen angel in front of you on a bed of black duvets and caustic weather. A moment when the ends of his black hair brushed your forehead and your nose, moving back and forth as followed the rhythm of his hips and…
The sea breeze was gone, taking the obscene image with it and bringing back your common sense. For a second you wondered where that came from! You hadn't been in his presence for more than two hours and the entire compilation of what it was like Kaz Brekker, so far, had frightened you and attracted you in an absurdly dangerous way.
"And are that you came, I suppose." You hoped your voice couldn't give away your impure thoughts from seconds ago. “Do you want us to form an alliance where you receive my dowry and in return I am free from my father's demands and can do as I please with my freedom?"
“Alliance is a very strong term for what we are doing here.” He was succinct, “I would tell you to look at this as a business transaction. A marriage document is still just a piece of paper. And nothing else. Don't get carried away by sentimentalism. Things only have feelings if you want them to.”
Kaz was right, you knew that. For all your belief in true love and the many books romance novels you devoured, you still understood that a marriage could very well be seen as a business translation. It are a sad, cold way to see something so beautiful, but it still true.
“I have no interest in anything other than your dowry and you have no interest other than freedom. So what I'm proposing is something very sensible and objective. When we get married, your father will set you free, and you won't have any husband to please or any other crap. I don't want and don't expect anything from you, I don't care if you're sailing to Ravka or venturing on The Fold.”
“Do you want the money out of greed or despair?”
Kaz took a second to get a better look at you after that sneaky question. You had asked the correct question amid so many banalities and he realized that you were more cunning than you looked.
If he wanted to know your secrets, you also wanted to know his.
“A bit of both.” He was sincere.
“And what do you intend to do with my father's industries? Because you would win them too. And any misdirection could end up reducing my father's empire to nothing, and I don't want him to see the thing he loves most in ruins.”
Brekker heard the feelings in your voice. There was a hidden pang of hurt, but a lot of determination and honesty. You loved your father and understood him, even if you didn't agree with his principles. You had a fair and upright nature and were able to move mountains to get things done the way you thought was right. That was a red flag for Kaz. You were a good person. And he not.
He could never promise you things that go back to a good guy. But he could promise you honesty and justice. Kaz Brekker would never take something from someone the way it was taken from him so many years ago. He was a monster. But never in the same category as Pekka.
“I have no interest in having an empire doomed to fail.” His eyes were serious. “My motivation has always been greed. Why would I sink the company that is capable of making me such a rich man?”
He would have to be an idiot to let such a lucrative business go. And Kaz Brekker was anything but an idiot.
“Would you let me do anything I want?”
“I have no interest in what you don't or do.”
You hesitated for a second, as if remembering another detail. “My father doesn't believe in divorce, and even if he did, I would be pressured to remarry. Do you understand that we couldn't divorce?”
“I have no desire to marry again. And you might as well get other men you want without making a fuss, without your father finding out.” Always rational and objective. Without any inclination to the heart's desires. “There is no room in this world for feelings. Much less in this agreement. If you fall in love with someone you will have to be content with just relating to them, not getting married. And it seems like a small price to pay for so many benefits.”
It was the perfect plan. Did you know that. It was rational, objective and cunning. Something advantageous for both without costing too much. But why did you feel that something could go very wrong? You were a romantic person and you knew you could see things where they didn't exist. The truth was, you would have to leave your heart completely out of the picture.
Just a business transaction.
Brekker seemed to see a hint of hesitation in your eyes.
“It's very simple, Ms. Y/L/N.” That voice that gave you goose bumps hovered in front of you. “You marry me and you still have your freedom, because I don't give a damn about what you do after.”
“20 million from Kruges. Rich.” his eyes gleamed with a deep glow.
“And how do I know this isn't a trick?”
“I don't promise lies.” His firm face was serious “I won't give you happiness, Y/n. Much less love. Love doesn't exist in Kerch. But I will give you freedom, independence, a comfortable life that you are accustomed. And it seems to be much more than you have now.”
You knew you could be making a deal with the devil. Selling your soul to that man with the face of a fallen angel and the aura of Lucifer. But what choice did you have?
You couldn't go back if you sealed that deal. That man would be bound whit you, even by a piece of paper, for a lifetime. Was it worth the price? You didn't care for your father's press to want to be in the management and you had a lot more money than twenty million Kruges. What would you be missing? Your chance to marry one day whit someone you came to love? But if you came home without someone one day from now your father would marry you to a gargoyle. And the way out to flee no longer seemed a viable option.
Yes, it was worth it.
Seeming to see from the glint in your eyes that you've made a decision, Kaz Brekker, Bastard of the Barrel, reached out a leather-gloved hand toward you. His eyes sparkled with a mysterious spark, the scent of male cologne with a hint of danger lurking around the room. And for a moment, you felt a shiver go up your spine and the feeling that your life had just begun.
“Agree to marry me?” He said.
The feeling was that you were about to embark on the greatest adventure of your life. You didn't know what that little stunt with Kaz Brekker awaited you. But you would find out.
“Yes.” You took his hand in a firm, intense handshake that held a million secrets.
A satisfied, victorious smile came to his lips. And whenever Kaz gave him that expression, it felt like seeing the fallen angel that was the reason so many humans sinned. The clouds in the sky shifted, moving out of the moon's path and making the distilled rays of light shimmer more brightly. His black hair and white skin were graced with those bundles, and for a second his beauty was overwhelming.
You held your breath.
Brekker continued to say something, but you couldn't pay attention. Your heart began to race, the moonlight following in his footsteps as Kaz got up from his chair and went to fetch some papers from across the room. You couldn't tear your eyes away from him. His body was taller and thinner than you deduced when he was sitting down. Kaz had long, slender legs beneath black straight-cut pants, his chest was broad and his waist was narrow. For a second, you felt like running your hand over the contours of his body.
You shifted your attention forward abruptly. Focusing eyes on something else.
That was the curse of handsome men. They fooled women and made them daydream. With his underworld god beauty and mysterious aura with a touch of danger, Kaz Brekker was overwhelmingly attractive. And your blood reacted to that. Any woman would have reacted the same way.
“And we'll have to leave tomorrow morning…” he sat opposite you again.
“Sorry, what?”
You turned your attention to his words, not remembering half of what he said seconds ago. Kaz looked at you intently this time, squinting his eyes millimetrically, as if he was trying to guess which paths your mind had wandered in for the past two minutes.
“Your deadline is the day after tomorrow, isn't it?”
"Yes." You got back to the core of the problem once more. “The trip to my house takes a few hours. Half a day if it's raining.”
Kaz had his eyes on the papers in his hands, maybe they were maps or documents, but you didn't feel like craning your neck to see what it was. Leaning over to view the papers meant getting closer to Brekker, and two hours in his presence was enough for you to understand that nothing good would happen if you got any closer. Or maybe you didn't trust your own feelings and emotions.
“This will have to be done very discreetly.” He didn't look up from his papers. “If any rumors about our deal reach the wrong people, your father will hear about our plan. And that meant you will being forced to marry someone else, and me without my money. Does anyone know you're here because you planned to run away?”
You shook your head. “No. I didn't get to tell my friends. But now that the plan is different, I intend to tell a friend that…”
“You can't tell anyone.” Kaz lifted ocean blue eyes to you in an electrifying look that made you shiver.
“And what is supposed to say to my friends?” You felt a pang of indignation.
“That we are in love.”
This time, your breath was gone. The phrase was like pouring gasoline on an old, flammable woodpile. And you were afraid of what might be the match that would set off a fire.
Kaz noticed your reaction and was amused by it. “Just say some nonsense about falling in love with a criminal. It wouldn't be the first time a rich little girl has fallen in love with the bad guy, and I guarantee it won't be the last.”
“And you won't tell anyone about the truth too?” You wanted to change the focus you.
“I don't have to answer to anyone.”
This time you gave a smug smile and crossed your arms in an insolent gesture. “So everyone will think the infamous Kaz Brekker, Dirty Handes and Ketterdam's most dangerous gangster is in love with a rich little girl?”
Kaz narrowed his eyes at your teasing.
“It won't be the first time that the man with a bad temper and dangerous soul falls in love with the little girl. And I'm sure it won't be the last.” You said.
You were provocative, witty and stubborn. You would always hit at the same height and loved to show people that could very well play their game. Brekker unraveled this perfectly. You weren't the kind of woman who would be peaceful, serene, and calm. You wouldn't be like Inej. You would not take his orders and his taunts in silent, contained rage. You were intense. And that was a danger.
Why did he get the feeling you were so much more than he imagined?
“Let's go to your house tomorrow morning. Nine in the morning.” He changed the subject. “I'll go with you and we'll get married.”
"My father must be preparing everything by now." You sighed. “He takes his promises very seriously and I have no doubt that, when I returns, the ceremony scene will be set in the party garden.”
Partly you were relieved about it now. Planning a ceremony are intense and personal. You never really thought about getting married, but you always imagined that if one day it happened it would be the man of your dreams. And you didn't know if you would want to organize a fake wedding. There were certain things that were inevitable to keep the heart from breaking.
“Better yet, the faster the better.”
The two of you discussed some more details of the plan in the next few hours. It was agreed that Kaz would pick you up at nine from your hotel tomorrow, in an elegant hired carriage (which you obviously would be paying for) and the two of you would go to your house in Kerch. For all intents and for all people, the truth would be that the two of you were in love. It was such a typical cliché that it wouldn't be the least bit hard to believe.
And after a while, you two could already show yourself to the world as a couple who barely saw each other. Rich society was full of them: marriage with coldness and distance, where the man has his bets and lovers and the woman her travels and her jewelry. Your father would surely understand and leave you alone. After all, he had gotten a son-in-law to inherit his empire. A young son-in-law with blood for business who would make your father extremely satisfied. However, now the two of you had to look like a couple in love. And the reality of the situation was a secret that only the two of you would take with you to the tomb.
But, that night it was difficult for you to sleep. Anxiety, restlessness and fear gnawed at you like cunning mice, rolling you from side to side in bed, whispering in your ears millions of futures where everything could go wrong. Where not even Kaz Brekker's plans could free you from the clutches of one of your father's suitors.
When the clock struck seven in the morning, you jumped out of bed with unsettling, restless energy. You didn't like feeling helpless and waiting for Brekker to show up was exactly the definition of a princess in trouble. You had to do something.
- -
“What do you mean to get married?!” Jesper choked on his breakfast, and Nina nearly spit out all her orange juice.
Kaz rolled his eyes and continued sorting through the documents on the large round table. He was going to be gone for a few days at most and needed the people he trusted most to take care of business while he was gone. There were a lot of robberies to do and Kaz spent the night crafting and modifying plans for options where he wasn't involved. He had made a list of what needed to be checked at ports and what needed to be resupplied at Crow clube.
The plan was to marry you when they arrived in Kerch and return to Crow Club the next day. Kaz knew he would have to bring you, the two of you would have to stay together until your dowry was delivered to him. After that you could go on any adventure you wanted.
But dealing with the Crows was being more exasperating than Kaz could have expected.
"I didn't even know you had a girlfriend!" Wylan was in shock.
"Nobody knew!" Nina and Inej had their chins on the floor. Matthias was the only one who didn't seem to care so much.
"I didn't know the affairs of my private life were your business." Kaz didn't look up from the papers he kept in folders for the stupid ones.
"But you never said anything." Inej said.
"It was the intention."
"It's with Y/n, isn't it?" Jesper had bright eyes and a gleeful gambling smile stretched across his lips.
Kaz looked up at the boy with chocolate creamy skin, and his eyes narrowed slightly.
“She spent hours in yours office last night.”
"Oh my Santis!" Inej, Nina and Wylan exclaimed at once, eyes wide.
"The daughter of the richest man in Kerch." Wylan said.
"YOUR DOG!" Jesper clapped Kaz on the shoulder with an open palm, a loud laugh echoing and joy filling his voice.
Kaz suppressed the urge to look at the spot where Jesper had touched him. It had been years since he'd gotten over the most brutal aversion to touch, when the mere thought of getting close to someone made him tingle and dizzy with imminent fainting. At 28 years old, Kaz Brekker had proven to be greater than the demons and weaknesses that haunted him, wanting to see his downfall. A man who wanted to defeat Pekka could have no weaknesses. And he prided himself on almost have none of them.
However, offhand gestures made him look at the spot where he had been touched. The sensation brought was not unbearable or nauseating, but strange. And when the situation was skin to skin in a touch that caught him off guard, the feeling was unpleasant. Like a splinter under the skin.
It was easier with people Kaz felt comfortable with, but it wasn't something he cared about. He forced himself to overcome the most brutal aversion just to be a man without weaknesses, no chance of being defeated in a torture, no chance of being defeated by a faint. No for to touch someon.
“I thought you didn't know her in person when I warned you yesterday.” Inej tried to contain her little smile.
“It was the intention. You guys forgot the definition of secret…”
"Boss." One of the employees had entered that exclusive room. "There's someone here wanting to talk to you, Sir." He looked apprehensive.
Kaz frowned. The crow club had no movement at eight in the morning.
"Who is?"
"I think…"
"Will you please let me through!" The female voice sounded outside the room.
Jesper and the rest of the gang were wide-eyed, mouths opening in amusement and bewilderment. Kaz was catatonic. What the fucking hell were you doing there?!
"What do you mean I can't talk to your boss?!" And you continued. “I spoke to him yesterday...Don't give me these arguments, my dad tells his employees to tell people exactly that...I swear if you touch out about me again I will...”
"Fucking hell!" Kaz came out from behind the counter, crossing the living room and opening the door.
He came face to with that scene. A short girl who argued with a bouncer who was triple her height and size. Kaz knew the man was arrogant and macho, and had probably nudged your temper. He would have been amused by the scene if he wasn't abgry that you didn't follow his explicit rules.
“Ray.” Kaz glanced at the bouncer, a steady gaze that made the brute immediately back away from you.
You even gave the man an angry look before heading towards Kaz.
"What are you doing here?!" He whispered angrily.
"I couldn't wait." You wiggled your fingers, a tic of anxiety. “I could barely sleep. It was lucky I didn't show up at six in the morning.”
“That's not excuses. We have a schedule!"
“But I couldn't wait!" You whispered too. “It's visseral. I can't just sit there and wait!”
What an insufferable creature!
"Well, you'll have to learn because…!"
"What are you two whispering back there? “ Jesper's voice interrupted the discussion in whispers.
The two of you turned to the troupe standing in the doorway of the Crow room. Playful, mischievous smiles were plastered across their faces, and you felt your cheeks blush. Kaz and you looked at each other, and in that second of silent complicity, the two of you finally stepped into the roles of partners in crime.
Tagged: @aleksanderwh0r3 @thedelusionreaderbitch @hi-there-x @mell-bell @glowingatdawn @subjecta13-thefangirl @itsnotquimey @thatchampagnebitch @lamoursansfin @lostysworld @s3xymoonman @is-it-really-a-secret
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paraemu · 3 years
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Interview 17 from Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Character Book LEVEL.1
The relationship between Hojo Emu / Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and Parad / Kamen Rider ParaDX has been revealed.
How do Iijima Hiroki and Kai Shouma, who play the role of Emu and Parad, think about the relationship between the two, who are inseparable from each other, and how do they plan to express it in the future? While looking back on the hints woven throughout the story, they talk about each other's feelings!
Iijima: Compared to the beginning of the show, there are much more opportunities to shoot with Shoma.
Kai: From about episode 15. At the same time, it's slowly revealed that Emu and Parad are the same person.
Iijima: Our heights are so different, though.
Kai: (laughs)
Iijima: I wonder where the viewers noticed the relationship between us.
最初に「あれ?」と思うのは16話だったんじゃない? 永夢の目が一瞬赤く光った直後にパラドが現れたシlン。振リ向いたら噴水の上にパラドが座っていて。
Kai: It was probably episode 16 that made you think, "Huh?". Right after Emu's eyes glowed red for a moment, Parad appeared. When he turned around, Parad was sitting on top of the fountain.
Iijima: There was foreshadowing in episode 19, wasn't there? In that episode, I was Gamer M all the way to the end, but Parad didn't show up during that time.
Kai: It's after you return to Emu that Parad comes into play. "Welcome back, Emu," he said. A bold hint.
Iijima: It will come out as Emu's evil heart in episode 23. He whispered in his ear.
Kai: A scene suggesting that we erase Gemn.
Iijima: I think that's a great hint there too. When we were shooting, I thought, "Distance, we're too close!!" (laughs)
Kai: The scene where Parad speaks is basically his normal distance. When he talks to Graphite and Genm, he's also very close.
Iijima: In episode 23, I saw Shoma's face very close to mine. (laughs)
Kai: It may be close from a human point of view, but you have to remember that bugsters are not the same as humans. You can't measure their behavior with human yardsticks.
Iijima: So that's what that distance is! (laughs)
Kai: That's right, lol. By the way, we became very aware of each other's existence after the relationship between the two started to be depicted, didn't we?
Iijima: Parad is an essential part of Emu's life. Without Parad, there would be no Gamer M.
Kai: The opposite is also true. Without Emu, Parad could not have existed.
Iijima: We are inseparable. Emu and Parad are two sides of the same coin.
Kai: In order to bring that out, I've been watching Hiroki's acting closely both on the set and on air.
Iijima: I also watch Shoma's acting very closely. There have been a number of plays that I believe would never have been created had I not been at the mercy of Parad. In episode 23, when he defeated Gemn, he made me feel like I had to make him pay for his sins. When Emu was taken over by Parad, we talked about how to make him more Parad-like.
Kai: After 30 episodes, you have an established image of the character, so you can predict how he will act. Now it's up to me to figure out how to play my role in it. Emu is very pure and untainted, and he throws his heart and soul into saving the patients. I think the challenge for the future is how to match that undeniable sense of justice with the justice that Parad has as a bugster. The relationship between Emu and Parad is a clash of justice and righteousness, so we need to find an answer to the other's play through our relationship.
Iijima: I don't know what's going to happen in the future, so I have a lot of exploring to do.
Kai: Maybe Parad will remain an enemy, or maybe he will fight together with Emu.
Iijima: But no matter how it turns out, we need to influence each other more in the future.
Kai: They are two sides of the same coin, aren't they? Anyway, isn't "Kamen Rider Ex-Aid" difficult? The setting is complicated!
Iijima: I feel like it's gotten more complicated, especially with all the "reprogramming" and such coming out (lol).
Kai: If you miss the first appearance of reprogramming, you can't keep up with the story...
Iijima: I would have panicked (laughs).
Kai: All of the interactions between Emu and Parad are foreshadowing, and I think they're important to follow the story, but what scenes left a strong impression on you?
Iijima: I think it was each other's Max Dai Henshin. That was exciting.
30話だよね。 正面で向き合って、同時にマックス大変身したシーン!
Kai: Episode 30, right? The scene where they faced each other head on and did the Max Dai Henshin at the same time!
Iijima: Parad basically transforms without any major action, but when he became level 99, he was a boss similar to Emu.
Kai: Finally, the two of them are on the same level. It's Parad who wins, though (laughs).
Iijima: That's because Parad is the original.
パラドが入っていたからこそ、ゲーマーMが成立していたわけだからね。パラドが抜けたらただの "宝生永夢" だし。
Kai: Gamer M was only possible because Parad was in it. Without Parad, it's just "Hojo Emu".
Iijima: I was beaten to a pulp (crying). But the shooting was exciting. It was a lot of fun. What was your favorite scene?
Kai: The end of episode 18, I think. The scene where Parad grabs Kuroto after he reveals that Emu has game disease. That was the first time Parad showed the "anger" part of his emotions, so it left a strong impression on me.
Iijima: I remember it well because it was a very important scene for me.
Kai: It's also a nice touch that I'm not sure if Parad is on Emu's side or not.
Iijima: It's nice that there's still a mystery.
Kai: As a result, it looks like he's taking sides, but in reality it's "I want to take him down, so nobody mess with him".
Iijima: Because even after that, Parad continues to enhance Emu. Like when he got the gashat to become Mighty Brothers XX, Parad is trying to agitate and play with Emu, but also trying to raise him to a higher level.
Kai: As Parad has said many times, "Emu's power is not like this." Parad believes that Emu can still exceed his limits, and he wants to challenge him to a decisive battle when Emu has reached his highest level.
Iijima: Simply put, it's a confrontation between the human Emu and the bugster M.
さらに極端に言うと、 "自分対自分"。
Kai: To take it to the extreme, it's "me versus myself."
Iijima: The scenes where you can see the relationship between them are fun to play. I can show the various emotions of Emu.
Kai: I was confused at first, though.
Iijima: If you say "my Emu," well, you know (laughs). He's a doctor, so rather than wanting to defeat Parad at any cost, he wants to live in peace. He's the type of person who doesn't like to get into trouble.
Kai: That's true.
Iijima: And yet, Parad is agitated, isn't he? When Emu confronts him with the enthusiasm of wanting him to change his way of thinking, he becomes even more agitated. I mean, Shoma, your theatrics are too good!
Kai: Because Parad has to make Emu take him seriously (lol).
Iijima: It's not a "Come on, come on, come on!" kind of thing, it's a quiet, gradual kind of thing, right? My Gamer M play is definitely inspired by that.
Kai: To stir things up without saying it directly?
Iijima: He says it in a gentle, huffy way, but it's the opposite that sinks into Emu's heart. The scene in episode 23 where he said in my ear, "Can you forgive the guy who killed Lazer?" That scene was really dangerous!
Kai: Seeing Emu confused, hurt, and angry makes Parad's heart boil. Seeing Emu in high spirits makes Parad happy. It's truly "heart-pumping".
Iijima: At the end of episode 30, the tension between Emu and Parad rises dramatically, and we get excited too.
Kai: Those scenes mean that the fighting spirit is rising, so they're transforming, and there's a lot of postrecording. Especially in episodes 29 and 30, when the tension between Emu and Parad is at its highest, most of the battle scenes are dubbed.
Iijima: Indeed. The key will be how we can continue to raise our spirits in the recording sessions.
Kai: It's going to be more difficult to record.
Iijima: I'll have to give it my all.
Kai: When Hiroki gets into the role, his eyes suddenly shine. When you see his eyes light up, he's already in the role of Emu. Sometimes I think it's like a switch.
Iijima: Is that so?
逆に言うと、役に入っていない時は目に光がない (笑)。
Kai: Conversely, when he's not in the role, there's no light in his eyes (laughs).
よく言われる。SNSに自撮り写真を載せても、「目がうつろです」ってコメントをいただいたリ (笑)。自覚はあるよ (笑)。
Iijima: When I post selfies on social media, I often get comments like, "Your eyes are so blank." (laughs). I'm aware of it (laughs).
(爆笑)! よく言えば切り替え上手。目に光がなくたって、根暗なわけじゃないしね。
Kai: (Laughs)! Speaking well, switching is good. The lack of light in your eyes doesn't mean it's dark.
Iijima: Is that a compliment?
Kai: Anyway...... is that what you call a moody person?
Iijima: I'll admit it. When I want to be quiet, I'll be quiet, and when I want to make noise, I'll make noise, because I'm type B.
僕もB型だから、わかる気が (笑)。
Kai: I'm also a B type, so I feel like I understand (laughs).
Iijima: In fact, most of the cast of Ex-Aid is B type.
Kai: Toshiki, Ukyo-kun, and Reina-chan are all B-type.
Iijima: And Hanamaru Hakata, who plays the role of Haima!
濃い集団だね (爆笑)?
Kai: A dense group, huh?
客観的に見るとカオスだよ。話が噛み合ってないことも多いし (笑)。
Iijima: From an objective point of view, it's chaos. There are a lot of things we don't talk about (laughs).
Kai: Everyone is moody, so they don't care if they don't mesh. That's the way it is. That's what makes us comfortable. In the beginning, Parad had a lot of solo scenes, so I didn't have time to spend with everyone, so I couldn't be part of the cast. Recently, I've been spending more time with everyone, and every day is fun.
最近ではうるさいくらいだもん。若いからバイタリティがすごいし (笑)。
Iijima: It's so noisy nowadays. You're young, so you have great vitality (laughs).
Kai: We're only a year apart!
Iijima: The freshness is different. Shoma has a freshness that only a teenager can have. Sometimes he looks childish, and other times he looks surprisingly mature. I think it's great that the range of age is alive in Parad's role.
Kai: He can become an adult or a child on a whim.
その振り幅も、時々作裂する鋭いツッコミも、最強 (笑)!
Iijima: His range and his occasional tsukkomi are the strongest (lol)!
Kai: I've always considered myself more of a tsukkomi than a boke, but am I that sharp?
Iijima: It sticks straight to the heart.
よく一発が重いって言われる (笑)。
Kai: People often say that one shot is too heavy (laughs).
そんな感じ (爆笑)。でもまあ、僕も思いついたことはパッパッと言うようにしているから、イヤな感じはまったくない!
Iijima: Something like that (laughs). But I try to say what comes to my mind quickly, so I don't feel bad at all!
Kai: There are no walls between us.
Iijima: I'd start singing on a whim.
気づけばみんなで大合唱 (笑)!!
Kai: The next thing you know, we're all singing in chorus (lol)!
その日、一番テンションが高い人が指揮を執って (笑)。
Iijima: The person who was the most excited that day took the lead (laughs).
Kai: I feel like I have more opportunities to lead now.
Iijima: (laughs)
Kai: I think it's a great set. Once the shooting starts, Hiroki, Toshiki, and the others get into the roles quickly, so we can keep a good sense of tension.
Iijima: Everyone is good at switching sides, aren't they? By the way, what do you think the relationship between Emu and Parad will be like in the future?
Kai: There's a character called Gemdeus who is the strongest character in the bugster. And the only one who can defeat him is Kamen Rider Kronos. Until we find out if we're going to team up with him or remain enemies with him, it's hard to say.
Iijima: There are a lot of unexpected twists and turns, so it's like we're just exploring.
Kai: Kamen Rider Paradox's design is more heroic, so I think it's not surprising that he's on Emu's side. But my wish is for Parad to remain an enemy of Emu until the end! If you think of Parad as a hero of the Bugster, that design makes sense!
Iijima: I thought it would be fun if Emu and Parad could work together, and if I called out, "Parad!" I could instantly transfer or split, it would play out like in an anime. It would also be interesting to keep the tension between the two enemies.
Kai: Humans have human feelings, and bugsters have bugster feelings. If those different beliefs can be merged somewhere, I think it would be fun to be on the same side.
Iijima: Whether we are fighting as enemies or working together to confront strong enemies, I hope we can continue to move forward, both bumping into and receiving inspiration from each other. I'm going to try to eat up Parad, and I hope Parad will try to eat up Emu.
負けないよ (笑)! 今後、永夢とパラドは今まで以上に絡んでいくはずだから、切後球磨しながら頑張ろうね。
Kai: I'm not going to lose (laughs)! In the future, Emu and Parad will be more intertwined than ever, so let's work hard while doing our best.
Iijima: Please take care of me until the end!!
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