#which I cannot do because everyone is like THIS
AITA for banning a child from my house?
It's not my child, btw- it's my cousin, an 8 y/o autistic boy. I am 15 and it's technically not my house.
For context, my cousin has EXTREMELY severe autism, to the point where he quite literally cannot form any connections with people and does not sit down at all. He is always running around, yelling in garbled speech, and doesn't understand words, sentences, or commands. He only responds to his name when his mother calls it. He isn't intelligent mentally, either. I do love him a lot in spite of how he has never paid attention to me or treats both me and everyone else around him as though they don't exist.
I have (had?) a cat. I have raised this cat for 3 years and I got this little furball when he was only 2 weeks old. I gave him milk and cared for him so, so much. He was a Persian-British mix and was, frankly, pretty dumb and sleepy all the time. Like a little doll.
My cousin also, apparently, decided that my cat, Velvet, was doll-like, because he grabbed Velvet and refused to let the cat go. I was in the bathroom at the time and only heard the cat's mewing. Nobody else was home. My cousin thought it would be nice to throw Velvet out of the window. Our 4th-story window. Velvet was a spoilt little thing and had never really lived outside of a house, and consequently, died. My cousin? Didn't care. Just went away from the open window and went back to running around the house.
I came out only a few seconds later and was very confused as to just WHERE was the previously mewing cat, and obviously I couldn't just ask my cousin, since he can't talk and wouldn't be able to think of it either. My mom found the fucking CORPSE when she came back home. I was horrified and, while I don't think this was the proper thing to do to a little boy who has absolutely ZERO awareness of his surroundings, I proceeded to absolutely scream my head off at my cousin while grabbing his arm, which resulted in an absolute meltdown from him and my aunt (who had also just arrived) having to physically pry me off him as I was crying. I don't think I can be really blamed for being upset over my cousin KILLING my BELOVED PET just because he was born wrong. I also sort of yelled at my aunt to never come here or bring her son here ever again. My mother has severely chastised me for that and had ME grounded. What the fuck. Mental illnesses aren't all sunshine and rainbows, y'all. Ugh. I feel like I AM the asshole, but honestly. Consider the circumstances. I hate it here and I miss my fucking cat.
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iuspired · 2 days
confessions - suna rintarou
about: DEFINITELY ooc but we don’t talk about that 😙 just you nd ur bsf sunarin catching up as per usual with tea to spill from the past 😝 we love to see it!
a/n: i wrote this awhile ago actually🫣 im fully done w finals………. idk what to think im so scared for the future. also trying diff formats and will actually work on my navi post during the summer so bare w me lol. anyways thank u for all the love on my last post mwahhh <3
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“you know i used to have a crush on you?” you say, in between bites of your food.
you and your childhood best friend, suna rintarou, are at your promised monthly hangout, which ended up only being every couple months because your universities were far away from each other, so you both settled to meet up whenever your breaks overlapped. but it didn’t matter to you either way because you texted each other almost every other day. whether it was a tiktok link or an 8 ball.
“you used to what?” he replies, mouth agape as he sets his chopsticks down.
“i mean, it wasn’t a huge crush,” you say, … “maybe i was gaslighting myself but we were really close back then y’know?”
“oh? why didn’t you ask me out then?”
“mmm not sure. i guess..” you think about it. it was probably because starting high school, girls were all over him. it was also probably because those same girls would come up to you. passive aggressively ask if you were his girlfriend. you’d reply with a lighthearted laugh, “noo! we’re just close friends. he’s all yours if you want him.” maybe it was because he wouldn’t reciprocate any of the interest and love he received. he always replied, saying something along the lines of ‘oh i’m focusing on school” or just a simple, “i’m not interested”
it was mostly though, because you thought he’d reject you if you initiated something. and not wanting to ruin the relationship you had already built throughout the years, you suppress your feelings.
“you guess?”
“fear of rejection?” you laugh nervously.
“you think i would’ve rejected you?” he asks. he tilts his head, raising his eyebrows, giving you a look as if you were supposed to know.
“you had no interest for anyone so… i mean. i-” you stammer. fuck, why did i even bring this up?!
“well, believe it or not, i too, had a crush on my bestfriend.”
and just like that, you almost spit out your drink. “sorry, you- you liked me?”
“and that’s so surprising because?” he questions.
he really cannot wrap his head around this, huh. “you turned everyone and their mother down? mr. i’m too focused on school and i’m not interested? i could only assume that i was not wanted.”
“but did i ever directly say that to you?”
“no, but you wouldn’t need to. i listened when you rejected their advances, i can take a hint y’know.”
he sighed. “if you had asked me out back then, my answer would be different.”
“really?” you ask.
you raise your eyebrows as you sip your drink.
“don’t believe me? you can try me now.” he smirks, flashing the smile you had fallen for back then, and you almost fold right then and there. though despite his confident demeanor, the slight rosy tint on his cheeks gives his nervousness away.
“oh? it’s almost as if you want me to ask you out.”
he playfully rolls his eyes. “okay, so maybe i do, but only if you want to..”
you do your best to suppress a smile as your cheeks turn into the same rosy color.
“here goes. ahem.. i uh-” your mind goes blank.
“wait so.. how do you ask someone out?”
“well, i’ve never asked someone out before because they always ask me” he winks.
you playfully roll your eyes.
“don’t overthink it. it’s just me right?”
you almost forgot. it’s just rin. the same rin who’s always there for you. but this is different.
“right.. i say this in almost all your birthday cards but you’re truly my rock in life, and i reaally want to be yours, and maybe more so.. may i be your girlfriend, suna rintarou?”
“well, if you insist i guess,” he shrugs.
“wooooww.. i see how it is” you say, crossing your arms teasingly.
“r-rin..” he catches you off-guard as he takes your hand in his.
“yeess?” he grins.
you remove your hands, immediately missing the warmth from his hands.
“first date jitters?” he chuckles.
“this is our first date?”
“technically, i guess, but-“
“no way this is our official first date. i’m wearing sweats!” you exclaim, looking down at what you’re wearing.
“i don’t see an issue, you always look pretty in anything you wear.”
“th- thanks,” you blurt out. well that’s new.
but it’s something you could deeefinitely get used to.
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mieczyhale · 3 days
Hargreeves Home for Wayward BOYS?
Viktor the bartender???
Ben what did you DO
Diego looks like he's cosplaying as Gomez Addams
They all look so fucking tired and Done sldflksd love that they're basically all comfy looking and then you have Five
listen. Listen. i LIKE klaus's hair in the trailer. i've wanted short haired klaus back since we lost him after the war. is it as good as his s1 hair?? no. but it's not as bad as the s2 short wig or the cult leader hair so god fucking bless
"we're back we're back we're back everyone get out of the way we're back" "FIRST MISSION BACK" THIS MADE ME SO HYPE
i'm sorry was that viktor beating someone up??!
the use of the final countdown was a little silly but then again this is the A Little Silly show so it works
LOVED the use of Hargreeves dialogue from the flashback in s1e1. bringing it full circle, baby!!!
DANCE SCENE. CANNOT have a season without one
did they just get weapons from a fast food place???
five finally gets a hug, which i love, but it being lila and he's clearly comforting her?? okay. not what i wanted for him but whatever
the umbrella tattoo is back!!
klaus not having his palm tattoos makes me sad. bitch we are supposed to MATCH
very quick glimpse of something that looks like it came from a marvel movie. not idea what's happening there but it's gonna be cool. i think. maybe.
still tentatively excited for the final season but definitely a little more excited and a little less tentative. i don't want to get my hopes too high tho. i think one reason i loved s3 so much is because i went in with such low expectations after being so disappointed by s2 and i don't want the end of this show to be another s2. it HAS to go well or i'm not going to be well
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holmsister · 7 hours
All jokes and horny aside I think my favourite thing about labru is that. They both suffer from a very strange sort of loneliness.
All of Laios' friends are either Falin's friends first or coworkers that only befriended him after he proved himself a good boss. Kabru is the first person to meet Laios and be like. 'I want to be his friend i want to understand him'. Even after getting reasonably closer and getting a good look at what a freak he is hes still like. 'He's a good man and he's gonna be a good king and I want to call myself his friend'.
And meanwhile Kabru is so used to rebuild himself into whoever the other person might find charming and Laios is the first person hes met on which not only this does not work but it backfires. The first person who sees Kabru fumble his words and speak his heart and say 'this one. This is the one i want to be friends with, not the nice fake one'.
A definition of loneliness that is about being in the middle of others and feeling like you're under a glass dome separating you from everyone else. Wanting to be a monster vs fearing being a monster which in both cases just means that your human skin does not fit. Spending years dreaming of the day you just can have a drink with someone without a voice in the back of your head telling you you are doing it wrong, you are BEING wrong.
And it takes months years even of beers together in the evening and walks and afternoons spent studying and prepping for whatever big event and talking casually that turns into deep conversations and sometimes arguments and then making peace and realising the other will not just drop you because you disagreed on one thing... slowly but surely until one evening after beers you'll realise. Oh you are like me. You cannot make the voice go away but you hear it too. You are also under the glass dome. Maybe we can be alone together. Do you understand what I mean is this thing on
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fire & blood rant: spoilers under the cut
Friendly reminder that there is no “Both sides are evil.”
MAJORITY OF TEAM BLACK ARE CHILDREN/YOUNG ADULTS THAT HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG. Let me repeat that: MAJORITY OF TEAM BLACK ARE CHILDREN. This is why I’m so adamant that there is no “Well both sides are in the wrong!” NO. One side is made up of children that are no older than sixteen and the other side has full grown adults committing war crimes left and right. It doesn’t matter which media outlet you consume—book or show, because the crimes that Team Black commit will never amount to anything that Team Green does.
They are not the majority of Team Black! They are only two people, and you cannot justify being Team Green or even neutral based off their actions alone. Because what are you neutral against? A woman’s throne being taken from her because of misogny? Literal children? The majority of people on Team Black have never done anything wrong. Baela, Rhaena, Jace, Luke, Joffrey, Aegon, and Viserys are CHILDREN. Rhaenys and people like Cregan Stark are good people. When I say I support Team Black, I’m supporting THEM. Daemon and Rhaenyra are NOT the only members on Team Black. When people say “Oh well Daemon did this, oh well Rhaenyra did that—” I roll my eyes because YES, they do some bad shit and unfortunately people use their actions as a reason to not support Team Black.
But what about Jace, who died trying to save his little brothers?
What about Luke, who refused to flee from Aemond despite being terrified—all because he wanted to be a dutiful son and make his mother proud?
What about Baela, who bravely fought Aegon and was the reason he could no longer fight with a dragon?
What about Rhaena, the last dragon rider for hundreds of years?
What about Cregan and all the men who followed him to King’s Landing, knowing they would die but not caring because it meant more people would survive the winter.
And the argument that “Team Green is more interesting,” is bullshit.
Because 19 year old Aemond killing a 14 year old Luke on his baby dragon is interesting? Him burning the Riverlands, never actually fighting a real battle, only going after children and old men who can’t fight back, and taking Alys Rivers as a prisoner of war after murdering the children she used to nurse is interesting?
Aegon usurping his own sister, throwing a feast to celebrate the death of a CHILD is interesting?
Alicent and Otto plotting to usurp Rhaenyra for no other reason other than of their own misogyny is interesting?
Incel Criston Cole, still upset that a little girl rejected him and takes it out on her CHILDREN is interesting?
Yeah, yeah, yeah but Daemon this, Daemon that—
No. Let’s face it, Daemon is the only person on Team Black that gives people a solid reason to not support them. But even then, there are so many other characters besides him. And there is no such thing as “Well both teams are morally grey!”
DAEMON is morally grey. Rhaenyra is neutral AT HER WORST! But Daemon is not the entire Team Black!
People use characters like Helaena to justify being Team Green, as she is probably the only “good” character to root for. But that doesn’t erase the atrocities of the rest of Team Green, just like Daemon being awful doesn’t and shouldn’t define the rest of Team Black as awful.
To make a long story short: There is no “both sides are evil.” That argument doesn’t make sense because majority of Team Black are children/good people that have never canonically done anything wrong and people only root against them because they’re incapable of realizing that Daemon and Rhaenyra’s actions do not define everyone else.
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callmearcturus · 1 day
@vmprsm replied to your post “Raw MKV rip of Mission Impossible: Fallout:...”:
Theoretically, if one wanted their own copies of the MI movies safely on a hard drive....where would one go?
​I mean, there is a site where you can acquire a lot of movies via torrent. I tend to use (rot13) 1337k.gb and I got a heavily discounted Windscribe VPN subscription that I use on almost all of my devices.
But my thing is that... I want commentary reels and special features, and sometimes you'll download a movie but the fucking subtitles are either bad or they become desynced over time and I haaaaate it.
So I've been gathering bits and pieces over the past year to get a Plex system going in my house and it works like a fucking DREAM. But it requires some investment. If you just want to have a few local copies of your favorite movies, this is way overkill. But me, I am canceling all of my family's streaming services and pivoting to our Plex.
So what I have for actually getting the files:
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I don't have this model but it's similar to this, a Pioneer External Blu-ray Reader. It sits on a little shelf and is connected to my PC by a USB cable. (I think I got mine for around 68 bucks so you can wait for a sale.)
I use MakeMKV which will rip the big honking raw files from a Blu-ray and leave them as matroshka (.mkv) files.
Because these raw files are ENORMOUS, I compress them in Handbrake. Handbrake is wildly powerful, can convert file formats and make them super small. I have my Handbrake set up special to dump all the non-English language subtitles and audio tracks to save space.
(SUPER BONUS TIP FOR HANDBRAKE: If you have a dedicated GPU, you can give Handbrake permission to use it, and it'll compress shit literally 10x faster, love it.)
At the moment, I am using a Western Digital portable 5TB external harddrive because it was one sale and I couldn't beat the price. Eventually, I want to upgrade to two 10TB HDDs so I can keep a full backup of everything I'm ripping. Because this is a bit of a time and energy commitment and I don't wanna lose all my progress here!
At first I was running Plex off my desktop PC and that worked totally fine, but my family hates having to touch my desktop to wake it up every time, so I very recently grabbed one of these guys:
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This is a Beelink Mini PC S12 Pro. It is small enough to fit in my hand but it is a speedy little demon that runs Windows 11. (And eventually I am gonna use it to firewall out ads from our entire home network, I'm pumped for that project but ANYWAY.)
The upside of these mini boys is that instead of being a hefty workhorse like my main computer, this is small and has a low-power draw.
So I moved my Plex Media Server to the mini PC, plugged in my 5TB drive of movies, and now everyone in the house can easily stream anything I have added to the library.
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This is what it looks like, if you're curious. Any device in the house that runs Plex and is signed in can select any movie or TV show I have and just watch it like it was Netflix or something.
A month ago, I has like.... 65 movies? Now I'm ripping a few and we're gonna break 100 soon.
"But Arc, where do you get so many blurays!"
My local library.
When I lived in Broward County, FL, I had an extravagantly wonderful library system. Tax dollars at fucking WORK, y'all. Now I live in Georgia and the library system is not nearly as good, but I have still gotten my hands on a frankly ridiculous amount of blurays. Every week I'm picking up 3 to 10 movies or shows, taking them home, making good copies, and returning them.
All of this is an investment and it is work. But as someone who built my computer, built my keyboard, cracked my 3DS and PS Vita-- this is fun to me! This is what I love to do. And through doing it, I've seen more movies in the past year than the last ten years put together.
So yeah, I can't recommend this to everyone, but if you wanna get out of your subscriptions and to just have high quality shit on demand, this is what I'm doing.
Cannot stress this enough tho, if this seems interesting to you: wait for sales. All the components here go on steep sale if you wait patiently. Take your time assembling the parts and keep in mind that shit is modular, you can upgrade parts later.
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guardianspirits13 · 23 hours
The progression from
"Yeah we're in medieval England but they won't do a racism because Black people are normal here and treated just like everyone else :)"
"Ok it's the early 20th century and I'm gonna become human which means you get to play a subservient maid while you keep an eye on me sorry its your only option lol"
"Even on a colony in space thousands of years i the future, Racism remains persistent and pervasive and it cannot be ignored or denied, nor can it be eliminated entirely. We must acknowledge it and make an active effort to move past it, or we will all suffer for it"
A+ to the writers getting their shit together and also can 14 and 15 tag team to Martha's house to apologize please
(honorable mention is 12 decking a guy in the face with ZERO hesitation after he insults Bill)
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youngchronicpain · 2 days
My partner and I went to the river with our friends over the weekend. It was great! I got to swim, watch my partner grill us up some burgers, and spend time with people I care about.
But the accessibility was a nightmare. There was a paved trail to the head of the river, which was wonderful, but getting back was the problem. No one at the state park knew the best way for me to tube down the river and get back to the parking area, because the walk back is not accessible to wheelchairs and takes 25 minutes to walk (I definitely cannot walk that far).
My partner found out there was a wheelchair-accessible shuttle service that could deliver my wheelchair to me at the end so I could use it to get in the shuttle and get back. But when my partner dropped me at the river and walked back to drop my powerchair off to the park people, he was told about three different versions of where he should bring it.
Eventually, we made it on the river and I was in absolute bliss! Cold flowing water that I could easily swim in? Pure happiness for my achy body.
Once we were at the end of where you could swim my partner got out and went to get my chair. It took a lot of time.
Then the shuttle driver didn't park far enough away from the sidewalk. So I couldn't actually roll my powerchair on without my partner and the shuttle operator lifting the whole back of my chair and swinging it onto the ramp as I went forward. Not safe. Not fun. (He said, "If I had known you were coming I would've parked differently." I was like...dude. We have talked to everyone at the park today about my powerchair. I don't know why this would be our fault. Also, shouldn't you always park in a way that the ramp is accessible so this doesn't happen??? How am I supposed to alert you from the river?)
But all that aside. I am so glad for my friends and partner. It was so much fun. I didn't feel like a burden. (Even with all of the extra time it took because of me). I got to swim and swim to my heart's content.
I'm glad they still invite me to do things even though the inaccessibility of places can slow us down. If you have a friend with chronic pain/illness/mobility problems please still ask them out. It means so much.
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accio-victuuri · 2 days
my mostly calm(er) reaction and reflection post on the magnolia awards nomination list 🥀
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sir i don’t understand. why aren’t good people rewarded? // as the old saying goes, evil doers get gold belts and good people can’t even keep their corpses. { war of faith episode 24 }
the quote above is one of my favorites from the show and i feel the truth to it now more than ever. i have already posted about my initial rage and that hasn’t changed, it’s not okay and will never be. i’m mostly a pacifist but i’m not a doormat. there is a reason why the WOF account or the other nominees like the director and “best actor” have not posted their thanks as soon as the nominations were out because they are guilty. it speaks volumes and they should be ashamed of themselves. if you look at the most recent post for WOF weibo account, they are being torn apart. not to mention blog accounts and the same audience who supported the drama calling them out.
this should not be a surprise to those of us who watched the show and understood it’s meaning. because this is what the show thought us, to not stay quiet when there is injustice. much like how wei ruolai said that he is ashamed to be in this mountain. how he was not afraid to leave his dream and literally walk back to Jiangxi for what he believes is the right thing to do. i don’t think you will fully understand the hurt, this is not just me being a yibo stan but someone who saw myself in Wei Ruolai.
the drama was about how the youth can change the world. the reality, and what just happened is proving otherwise. i’m sharing this quote here cause it perfectly explains the problem:
"If the youth are strong, the country will be strong" but the truth is the youth are strong, but you don't recognize it.
this incident exposed the problem with these acting awards. i daresay, not only that, but with other industries where everything has to be about seniority. which in turn makes the younger generation feel burned out and contribute to wanting to lie flat. because what’s the point if the game is rigged. the CCP have always given importance to the youth. often inserting the message of why you all should have kids now because they are the future. they are important blah blah blah — but this simple award? you can’t even show fairness? Wang Yibo is the poster boy for CCP’s propaganda on how an upstanding Chinese Youth should be. He has been in the most recent years, we all cannot deny that with how prominent he is showing up in nationalistic programs tied to the “youth”. So if someone as popular/well-known/talented as WYB can’t be treated fairly. can’t be rewarded with his efforts, then what more for a normal citizen?
WOF team and Magnolia Awards really opened a can of worms here. It goes deeper than nominations and a fandom. In a way, it’s good how this exposed the corrupt system and contributed to why people are so angry. The tag for him continued to stay on top because a lot of netizen can relate, even if you didn’t watch it, i bet they had something to say. It’s been happening for some time but definitely is magnified because of Yibo’s popularity and it made them look really bad.
I am aware of Yibo’s chances with the history of older nominees when it comes to this Awards show but I am confident that he had a good chance of getting it. What made me livid was Wang Yang taking the nom. You can slice and dice it however you want, but Yibo carried that show. He is the main lead. The story is about Wei Ruolai. If Yibo didn’t get it i will still speak up but with the betrayal, not only to him but also the screenwriter — i can’t stay silent and be the “rational” vic that most of you are familiar with. WAR OF FAITH is still one of my favorite dramas with how it affected me and is largely contributing to why i’m reacting the way i do.
I’m not gonna defend anyone. Only Wang Yibo. Honestly. Fuck them all. I watched the show and supported it for WYB — everyone else don’t matter. I won’t post any hate message on their accounts but they get no love from me either.
So now let me get to the good part. Because no matter how hurt we all are, there is still a lot of good that came out of this. The silver lining(s) if you will.
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1. Everyone who said that WYB has some backers can fuck off. This proves that he hasn’t. He has no background. There is no big-name pulling the strings for him. He is where he is because he is WANG YIBO. His name alone is enough. WOF got the green light because Wang Yibo’s name was on it. Now more than ever, it is proven that he is where he is because of who he is and what he can bring to the table.
2. We are reminded once again that producers are not our friends. LOL. if you know, you know. it’s all business. So don’t kiss their ass.
3. The fact that he trended #1 for hours, and still is right now at number 4 is proof of how great he represented the character of Wei Ruolai. People now recognize him as an actor who deserves a nomination and a win. The general public are now on his side. He is the underdog and there is nothing more that we want to see than a beaten down person rise above it and win. In a way, this creates more buzz and anticipation for his next movie that will be out. 🫶🏼
4. This has really set him apart from his peers of idol actors who crossed over to being professionals. He did it so effectively and in a short span of time. What happened is sad, but he won people’s hearts and those who already do stan him are more geared up to support him in the future. 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
I’m happy for WOF’s nomination. If i’m being honest, it was a sure thing. I’m proud WYB was part and led this amazing drama to what it is. He will continue to give us more excellent works because that is his gift to the audience who always support him.
In the next coming days, if WYB or most likely YBO puts something out, that’s what i’m gonna follow. The most i will do is congratulate WOF, but the others? no thank you.
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talonabraxas · 1 day
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Angels of Sirius “Messengers of the Crystal Realm.” Talon Abraxas
This Ascension process can and will manifest in many different ways, and it is up to all of us collectively to decide how and when this occurs. Creating the Ascension starts with each of us, on the inside. The Sirians tell us that the most important thing to do is to go inside our hearts, be open to Love Unconditionally.
The Sirians are working with individual human beings first, then are giving us hints as to what's happening, as we meet others and form little groups together that interconnect with one another, and then we begin to share our experiences.
Later, this would lead to more conscious understanding of what their/our purpose is in the transformation of planet Earth as it goes into Ascension. The Ascension will be like a key, opening and anchoring the Light Body with the physical, emotional, and mental bodies, allowing them to integrate and thereby give each individual much greater access to higher dimensions and experiences of Oneness with others.
There really would be no "other," because everyone would realize their connection to the whole. Of course, all these things happening would still be the choice of every one.
I know what I'm going to choose...
What the future really holds, I don't know, but I envision a great paradigm shift, and a re-birth for Earth and its symbiotic companions that live here physically and in other dimensions.
We are all here to experience this fantastic journey, and there are many beings from other realms, dimensions, universes, and star systems who are here to help us.
The Sirians are some of those beings. They work with some of us on the third dimension in subtle ways that we cannot easily see with our mere five physical senses, and on higher dimensions in more blatant and direct ways, which we still can't perceive unless we have access to those dimensions.
Well, we do have access, just not usually in a conscious state. So they often work with us in dream states, when our consciousnesses are not being so affected by our personality and ego filters.
The Sirians are etheric in their native form and are now working with many of us not only to activate and open our five higher inter-planetary chakras that have been dormant, but also they are working on our genetic structure.
Human DNA is going to be shifting back to its original twelve-strand from the current double strand; the Sirians are here to aid us in this process.
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toxinoire · 2 days
Mean Girls as Senior High School students of a private school
(I am currently a SHS student in a private school and a HUMSS student so here's what I think these characters would be if they were in SHS)
• Janis, Damian, and Karen are all in the Arts and Design strand
• Regina is in Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) strand
• Gretchen is in Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) stand
• Cady is definitely in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strand
• Their Practical Research teacher is their favorite teacher because their teacher here allows them to cuss in class but still scares them enough to work smart and hard
• Gretchen hates the Politcs, but she gets amazing grades at it out of spite
• Cady is generally just good at Math so everyone turns to her for help in Statistics and Probability and well, General Math.
• They still wear pink on Wednesdays, but like, maybe a jacket or a bracelet because, well, uniforms.
• Janis and Damian hate the uniforms
• Gretchen and Regina have no problem with it, but sometimes it's a bother. especially when it's cold
• Karen rocks it
• Damian hates the strict dress code. especially the haircut policy
• Regina, Janis, and Gretchen hate the "not too flashy jewellery/make up" thing too
• Cady sucks at presentations. But she gets better.
• Gretchen is that student during recitations that can say anything and everything so fast but is understood and makes sense. The other HUMSS students usually want her out of debates because they know she'll kill them all.
• Karen's charisma is everything. she's friends with literally every student and teacher and her performance skills are fire too
• They all share Homeroom
• They all get along and absolutely love the Academic Director because her office is just next to their homeroom classroom
• They all have this one shared teacher that they really fucking hate
• Regina and the Junior High School History teacher have beef
• Nothing serious, they just have history-offs everytime they see each other
• He is also Gretchen's politics teacher
• Janis is now besties with the Guidance Counselor
• She is also Gretchen's HUMSS teacher.
• The Math teacher doesn't know whether or not Cady is his favorite student or not because she participates the most, but she also finishes his examples before he can input it in the calculator, and she does it without a fucking calculator
• He's a nice dude though
• He's also everyone's Statistics teacher
• Damian is the school's favorite theatre kid
• The Prefect of Discipline is so done with their batch
• The Principal is Regina's Applied Economics teacher
• She took one look at Regina and thought "This kid is a lesbian, isn't she?"
• She would know, she has a wife
• Cady's calculus teacher adores her
• She mentally adopted Cady, actually
• The Arts and Design teacher is so done with Janis's bullshit
• "Welcome to the club, sir."
• He is a very supportive straight man
• He doesn't know whether to be impressed or scared of Karen
• Their homeroom teacher doesn't question their group dynamics anymore
• Their entire homeroom just one day subconsciously picked up wearing a hint or pink on Wednesdays
• So did the homeroom teacher.
• Every admin, students, and teachers all noticed this
• But they said nothing since it doesn't really break the dress code
• It annoys the Prefect of Discipline a little
• Why didn't she have this when she was still a teacher dammit
• They aren't exactly the popular kids, but if you ask anyone "Do you know (name of anyone from the group)" it's an automatic yes
• Regina's lacrosse coach is a wholesome 50 year old man that will throw crampled paper at someone that doesn't take the drills seriously
• He's the most respectful and in tune with his emotions Gen X man anyone's ever met
• Cady is obviously in the Math varsity which is run by the Calculus teacher
• If smart kids get bullied in canon, here, they cannot be bullied because your grade depends on them
• No seriously, they're usually the group leaders and they will be all "Give me the research design by Friday or you have no group anymore, and you'll do the entire research on your own."
" ⬆️ Cady, Janis, and Regina are part of these
• Overall, it's organized chaos
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ryuichirou · 2 days
Re: Gaslighter Rook. I wanna preface this by saying ofc people are free to hc whatever they want but I have some issues with what the other person said and how dismissive they acted about the whole thing. I apologize if this invites drama or discourse, that is absolutely not my intention, I moreso just want to share the other side's point of view for the sake of balance since you said you don't mind civil discussion even if we disagree. Firstly, yes a lot of the arguments for this come from the labcoat vignette. However, it is not all just because of one line. In the same vignette, Rook tells Vil he can't trust his own eyes because Rook knows him better than Vil knows himself which is a very common gaslighter tactic. He then further mentions that people will leave him unless he does what Rook tells him to and puts down the "me or everyone else" argument. Rook further tries to undermine Vil's ability to trust other people in Vil's dorm vignette by saying the other dorm members would never appreciate Vil's efforts for them even if they knew about them – a blatant lie that however still makes Vil withdraw from talking to them about it. During Vil's overblot, Rook refuses to give Vil personal space while he's having a mental breakdown and repeatedly asserts that Vil "doesn't deserve" it as well as claiming to be responsible for punishing him. After VDC, Rook not only claims that his vote was the deciding one despite having no way of knowing that but also claims it was the objectively correct thing to do as, again, Vil didn't deserve to win, simply because having a mental breakdown is ugly (since he was referring to the overblot, not the attempted cursing – which was never confirmed to be intended to be lethal by the way, that was also just Rook's assumption, one Vil, a character who already struggles to communicate with people especially if he feels they see him negatively, didn't fight but also didn't confirm). I also take issue with the claim that it cannot be abuse just because Vil respects Rook. Even ignoring how often irl abuse victims don't realize they're abused because of their warped perception of their abuser, we have examples of this even in twst. Mrs. Rosehearts wasn't a wonderful mother who suddenly became abusive when Riddle stopped making excuses for her behavior. Abuse doesn't stop being abuse because it isn't recognized and to a lot of us gaslighting victims, Rook's behavior is spot-on with things we went through, hence why we call him a gaslighter. Oh and a small note before anyone claims anything, according to multiple psychology sources, gaslighters aren't always aware of what they are doing. Me and others calling Rook a gaslighter don't automatically mean he WANTS to be evil toward Vil. Some of us see it that way while others don't but regardless, acting as though this headcanon comes from one single out of context line and not from a pattern of behavior Rook consistently displays feels very disingenuous and like it's trying to make us seem crazy when all we try to do is explain why we may not be comfortable with a character.
You don’t have to explain why you are uncomfortable. Neither me nor that Anon have made any judgment about it, and frankly, who cares why you don’t like a character. You don’t need reasoning for not liking him, a person might just think Rook’s hair is stupid or dislike characters with green eyes, and that’s enough. None of this makes you crazy, and this isn’t that deep.
If you look at the first ever reply I did on this topic, I said it then (and after that I said it time and time again):
Based on what you’re saying, your opinion is influenced by your past experiences. Which isn’t a bad thing, we all have our own biases, but it makes a proper discussion quite difficult, especially when there is trauma involved.
Because we love Rook as much as you hate him, and I fail to see why we should align our feelings and experiences with yours. This is not a public debate platform, this is not a discord server, this is my personal blog, and my opinion is always going to be prevalent here. I usually try to take the position “agree to disagree” also to avoid situations like this.
You’ve said that you just want to explain and share your side of the conversation, but in that case claiming that the other side’s opinion is dangerous or uninformed is a pretty shitty thing to do, just as it is shitty to completely ignore the points they were trying to make and put words into their mouths instead, alluding to them victimblaming and dismissing real victim’s struggles. What I’ve said multiple times at this point is that Rook Hunt isn’t a gaslighter. Not that it’s Vil’s fault for trusting him, not that if Vil respects him that it automatically makes Rook not an abuser (Anon didn’t say that either). Not that Rook is always right. Not that Rook has never hurt Vil. I’ve even said that we can’t say for certain that Rook’s brutal honesty is always helpful and doesn’t affect Vil in any bad way:
Maybe sometimes it would be better for Vil to just take it easy and relax instead of perfecting every single thing, but this isn’t what Vil wants for himself: he doesn’t want to be pampered, he wants to be appreciated for his hard work.
Just because this is what Vil wants doesn’t mean that this is what’s best for him. I still don’t think that it makes Rook an abuser, by the way (which is also a completely different topic from Rook being a gaslighter). You have ignored every single argument I’ve made in all of my previous replies, which is fine, but then I don’t really see the reason for you to explain yourself if you’re not even going to listen to me again.
No one tried to paint you as crazy, and even if I or Anon thought that this entire argument (argument, not you) was weird, it doesn’t concern you. If Rook Hunt hurts you, why would you even interact with any discourse about him? Why did that very first Anon confront me for not calling Rook a gaslighter, if all you (collective “you”) people wish for is to explain your point of view? I am not an emperor of Rook Hunt land; I am a rando writing hcs about dicks on the internet. And Rook Hunt is a character of a gacha game.
I’ll repost another thing from my very first reply.
Just ignore shit that you don’t like because while it might be traumatic for you, to us it might be one of the few things that bring us happiness.
Please read this part carefully. And respectfully, let’s stop this. I don’t agree with any of your points/interpretation, I find them drastically off from Rook’s actual characterisation to the point that it’s almost baffling at times (I have read all the scenes you’ve mentioned and I disagree with your every single point.) And guess what, it’s absolutely okay. Like I, wow, have said time and time again, we all have our biases. Yours happens to be to read everything that Rook does in the worst way possible and to compare him to Riddle’s mom. Mine happens to be very different, and insisting on me just missing the point or thinking or feeling the wrong way or not being educated enough about gaslighting or abuse (something that I also experienced, and you are aware of that) feels pretty disrespectful. This isn’t what I meant when I said that I don’t mind a civil conversation. This doesn’t feel like a conversation. Because, you know…
Even if it feels completely off to how I view it, I can appreciate or at least respect it if they respect the way I do things. And don’t imply that I don’t get it or I am stupid.
I won’t write an actual rebuttal to your points because one thing hasn’t changed from my very first post about the topic: this isn’t about Rook Hunt. And I don’t want to discuss the so-called danger of fictional tropes that don’t even apply to the character in my view. Also, stating that the way I headcanon a character’s behaviour and share my thoughts with others is dangerous to other people in real life (because someone is going to take my opinion as a course for their actions, I guess?) is also ironic. Why isn’t me drawing problematic ships or writing dark headcanons dangerous then? It’s the same logic, I have heard this argument multiple times, and I fail to see how it’s different right now. Rook Hunt is not a real person, we see his interactions with others from all points of view, he has actual writers with their own intentions (none of which is to portray Rook as a terrible, atrocious person, he’s not even 100% a villain, he’s a character that helped the princess in the original story, and I believe that his writers keep that in mind, ffs), and it is drastically different from the way I would treat this situation in real life: exactly because I would have to base my opinion on the lack of other perspectives and not witnessing the situations myself, and a bunch of other factors connected to the fact that this is real life, and in those cases I would prioritise the victim of someone’s suspicious actions. What a surprise.
I also believe that Katsu and I did our part so you could easily ignore our Rook-centric posts that make you uncomfortable. So please do your part and don’t interact with our Rook-centric posts (this applies to anyone who is deeply uncomfortable with this character or any other character, for that matter). Coming up with ways to mention Rook in posts so it's easily mutable for you and only you and still getting treated like an abuse apologist who spreads dangerous ideas makes one feel kind of silly for ever trying to be considerate and respectful. You’ll have to come up with ways to deal with that on your own now. This conversation is over.
This is also the last post I’m writing on this topic, every follow-up ask or comment about it (from anyone, anywhere) won’t be replied to.
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tiredfox64 · 16 hours
I’m Gonna Be Your Number One
Yip notes: It’s getting hot and audios came back on TikTok so now I remember songs. Ah
Pairing: Rain (MK1) x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: SWIM
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It seems magic can’t solve everything.
Everyone knows Rain has an amazing grasp on water magic. He can cause geysers to burst from the ground, shield himself with a wall of water, and hold an orb of water in the palm of his hands. Yet even the greatest who have mastered water cannot master it all. The waves will crash wherever they like. The pools will submerge whoever they want. Once the water has a grip on you, you lose your grip on it. That’s the last thing Rain wants to happen.
So in short, Rain doesn’t trust the water fully. Meaning he never liked going into bodies of water resulting in him being unable to…swim?
What? What do you mean Zeffeero can’t swim? He’s a water mage, how could he not know how to swim? That makes no sense! What do you mean it’s the same with me being a drummer? It is not! Just because I’m a musician doesn’t mean I need to learn scales. IT’S HARD OKAY! I DIDN’T START WITH THE PIANO IT’S NOT MY FAULT I WANTED TO BE AWESOME! HIM NOT KNOWING HOW TO SWIM IS NOT THE SAME AS ME NOT KNOWING BASS CLEF YOU DI-
As the seasons changed and the weather began to blister in Outworld it grew unbearable. You were visiting Rain more often just to find a way to cool off. He told you his magic was not supposed to be used to cool people off but you ignored that. Plus, he always gave in and created a cloud to drizzle over you to help you out. You are his dearest friend after all. He’d do anything for you.
Remember that for later.
Those little showers were not cutting it. Everyone else in Outworld were going to lakes and beaches to cool off. You wanted and needed to do the same, not alone of course. You want to go with your friend. It felt right to invite Rain to come with you to the beach. He could probably do some cool stuff with the ocean water. But when you suggested that to him he immediately said no. Actually, he raised his voice when he said that which caught the attention of others. He quickly apologized for raising his voice before saying he couldn’t. You asked him why and the excuses came. It’s not like Empress Sindel wouldn’t allow it, she wanted a beach day as badly as anyone else. Finally, he budged after you wouldn’t stop interrogating him. He whispered the truth to you. The truth is that he never learned to swim.
He was worried you would make fun of him or think he was a loser but you were more shocked in reality. How could your best friend not know how to swim? Well that won’t do. You’re gonna change that. You told him you would take the initiative to teach him yourself. He was very hesitant to do it, saying there was no reason for him to start learning now. You reminded him that he would do anything for you and this was something you wanted him to do. Fine, you win, but it needs to be in private. You promised him it would stay between you two and that you know the perfect spot to practice.
Better buy the man a pair of swimming trunks, he's gonna need them.
“Where are we going?” Rain asked while following you through a forest he had never been in.
“You’ll find out when we get there.” You replied with a smile on your face.
 You walked through a forest you frequently visit. It’s hidden from the eyes of others. The trees grow high into the sky, leaving the forest ground in a cooling shade while letting the sunlight peek through to allow the flora to bloom. In the distance, the sound of running water is heard. It’s a calming sound. Rain has no idea how you found this place but it does seem neat. He wished you would tell him what this visit was all about. Maybe he should take in the fact that you told him to wear the swim trunks that you bought him. Soon enough, both of you came across an opening that led to a pond. The water was clear enough to show the smooth stones that lay at the bottom of the pond.
Rain wanted to back out but you gestured for him to come closer to the water. The water was so calm that he could see his reflection without any distortion. No ripples or tiny waves. He wanted to tell you that he didn’t want to do this today but you were already taking your clothes off. He immediately looked away out of respect.
“Don’t be shy. I’m wearing a bathing suit.” The tone you used with him made him feel silly.
When Rain looked back at you he was stunned by your beauty. He has never seen you in a bathing suit before. He has never seen you like this. In all honesty, you were working that bathing suit like a model. He didn’t realize he was staring at you for so long that you caught him in the act. That’s perfectly fine. You wanted his attention. You took his hand to guide him to the water but he yanked you back.
“It’s…cold.” He was making excuses now.
“And it’s horribly hot right now. I rather be cold than burning up.” You were determined to get Rain into the water. You need to take it slow.
You held Rain’s hand tightly as you moved further into the pond. The water cooled your skin and splashed against your leg every time you stepped forward. It’s the sensation you have been desiring for days. But for Rain, it was like walking through a pile of needles. But he had to do this for you. If he backed out now he would disappoint you. As much as he hated failing himself, he would hate to fail you.
He marched forward, closing his eyes and holding your hand tightly. You guys went further into the pond until the water reached your chest. Only then did Rain open his eyes. You gave him a smile, happy to see him get this far into the pond. And…well…it wasn’t all that bad. The water did feel refreshing and helped cool his body down after the long walk. He was even brave enough to create an orb using the water in front of him. Your eyes sparkled seeing him use his magic. That was until he made the orb pop on top of your head, completely soaking you.
Rain couldn’t help but let out an amused chuckle. Though you always enjoyed his laughter and found it to be a moment of peace, this was different. This meant war. You used your arm to create a wave of water that splashed onto Rain. His hair suddenly lost its volume and was now covering his eyes. You let out a triumphant laugh before feeling something wrap around your waist. There was nothing there, or so you thought. You got picked up from the water and you could then see that Rain was using water tentacles to mess with you.
“Hey! No fair! You’re using magic!” You yelled out.
“All is fair in love and war.” He shot back.
“That doesn’t make any sense!”
Whether or not it did make sense, it doesn’t matter now. You were telling Rain to let you down. He let you down all right. Right into his arms. Instead of water tentacles being wrapped around your waist it was his arms this time. This was all in good fun plus he was loving this moment with you. You saw that he was getting comfortable with the water which was a good sign to you. It might be time to push it. It might be time to push a lot of things since this moment was getting pretty intimate.
“Come on, let’s go deeper.” You suggested.
“Are you sure? Are you certain that you want to teach me?”
“I’m not the kind of girl who gives up just like that. I promise I’ll be holding on to you.” You were very certain. Your tone was confident which made Rain feel a little better.
He put you down into the water and you took his hand once more. Slowly but surely you made your way deeper into the pond. The shade of the water was becoming darker. You thought it would be best to see how long Rain could actually hold his breath. You told him to take a big breath and that you will be doing the same thing with him. Big breath in…and…dive!
You and Rain submerged yourselves under the water. You held hands as you looked at each other. So far so good. He wasn’t panicking which helped a lot. It might have been because you were right there with him. But the first breath might not be the best. You could already tell he was struggling as little air bubbles left his lips. You could signal for him to breach the surface to gain more air but at the same time you had an idea. You always wanted to do this little trick. You didn’t think it would actually worked but it doesn’t hurt to experiment. Plus it will be a great excuse to put your lips against Rain’s lips.
You pulled Rain in. He thought you would try to help him up to the surface but no. Instead, he felt your lips against his. He didn’t feel any air being pushed past. All he could feel was you. His eyes were wide while you stayed as calm as you could. Your heart was going crazy which really wasn’t the best when underwater. But it’s okay you’ll get more air soon. You pulled back from Rain and looked at him to see if that did anything. It certainly did something but it wasn’t what you expected.
Rain was so shocked his mouth went agape. All of his air came out in one big air bubble. You immediately panicked and grabbed hold of him. For someone who wasn’t a fighter you sure were strong. You brought Rain up to the surface in seconds. He took a huge breath, feeling the burning from his lungs become dull. He wanted to ask you why you kissed him but he had to catch his breath first.
“You know you were supposed to keep the air in, right?” You tried to lighten the mood with a joke.
“You…You kissed me!?” Rain pointed out.
“What!? No! I didn’t!” You tried to defend yourself.
Yeah it wasn’t really a kiss but you did want it to be. Why else would you try something that you knew wouldn’t one hundred percent work. You wouldn’t try that move with any other guy. You would never even dream of it. Except with Rain. You would do it to him. You DID do it to him.
“You and I both know that what you did doesn’t work. It’s a myth.” He called you out.
Now you felt like the silly one. You were wondering if Rain would be upset with you now and think you were a loser. You pulled a risky stunt and though it didn’t kill him he might want to kill you now. You were about to apologize before you heard him say something that surprised you.
“If you so badly wanted a kiss you could have asked. You didn’t need to do all of this to gain my attention.”
Well, you didn’t actually plan this whole thing just to get a kiss but it’s a win I guess.
“It wasn’t like that but okay. I’m sorry if I upset you.” Don’t go pulling that cute voice out when you apologize. You know he falls for it.
Now you’re giving him those puppy dog eyes as you pull him in closer. You’re truly killing Rain at this point. Just drown him while you’re at it.
“It’s not like you had competition. You should have been formal.”
“Ah well, actually every girl wants you to be her man. I had a lot of competition.” You corrected him.
He was surprised. Do women actually want him? You were telling the truth. The ladies love him. They love a man with power and magic. That’s why you needed to strike. But this wasn’t the strike you were planning on taking.
“It doesn’t matter now. You clearly feel the same since you told me I could have just asked.”
Rain wanted to protest but you were right. He did tell you that you could have asked him for a kiss and he would have given it to you. Shoot maybe you could have asked him to be your boyfriend and he would have accepted since you were so formal about it.
Might as well call this pond Awkward Lovers Lake cause that’s all that seems to be in it. Yes, it says lake when it’s actually a pond, this is not new. Things are misnamed all the time.
There was an awkwardness between you two that had to be broken. Luckily you still had some bravery in you to do it.
“Would you like to keep on playing in the water?” You asked.
You heard him sigh before he said, “Of course. Just don’t make me swim or hold my breath.”
Yap notes: No I don't actually think he can't swim. I think he could swim fine I just thought it would be ironic 💀. I just really wanted to do more for Rain cause he was the first one I tried when it came to fanfics. I love my snookie pookie. Plus it's the first day of June meaning summer is getting hot, hot, hot. AND it's my birthday month so of course I had to involve him. He's just so handsome I love him. I would give him a kiss if he wasn't washing me away all the time. Adiós!
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oursecretways · 9 hours
Deus ex machina I.
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idol! Minho × reader notes: I was listening to the song while I struggled to write and the idea came to me. Might be a bit shorter AND a two parter. genre: fluff, slice of life, little angst word count: 736 warning(s): reader thinking badly about themselves
master list
where you're stuck on writing your book and Minho just tired and worried.♡
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You’ve been sitting at it for hours at this point. Somehow nothing fixed it; you’ve done research, watched your current drama, drew your OCs, watched streams, ate, everything someone can name for writer's block, you did. It has been going on for weeks, at this point you considered writing an email to your publisher that you are giving up. You’ve been beating yourself up constantly, how bad of a writer you are, that you are a failure and that you will never be able to achieve your goals. It didn’t help that your boyfriend, Minho, is in Japan with his boy band doing promotion work for their next comeback. You wanted to be finished by the time he will be home, so you two have time, since the boys got a couple of days off in their hectic work schedule. 
It was passed 4 am when the front door opened — which you did not realize since you’ve been rewriting the same thing over, and over again — Lino quietly walked into the room after he got himself sorted out, thinking you might be asleep, but he was wrong. All he saw that you are slouching in front of the laptop, earbuds in, probably listening to one of your playlists, writing a paragraph, then deleting it, then writing it again. He knows that you always tried to solve the problem like this: going at it until it is solved, although maybe this time you should approach it differently, and he just knew how to. 
He tapped your shoulder, making you jump slightly. You took your earphones out as you looked behind you, shocked. “Min! Wait, what is the time? Oh god, I am so sorry babe, you could’ve called me!” He just chuckles and caresses your face, “I figured that you’d be sleeping, but I was wrong. Why aren’t you in bed? And don’t try to tell me you were just finishing up, I’ve seen you deleting and rewriting the same paragraph.” Minho knows you like he knows the back of his hand, you cannot escape his all-knowing gaze. “Okay, let’s go, we’re going to bed. You can save your progress, but you cannot do anything else, c’mon.” You stare at him in awe — after a while you pulled yourself together, saved your novel, and turned off your PC. He unloaded his dirty clothes into the laundry bin, and got ready for his bedtime. Once you finished packing your thinking, and putting your dirty dishes in the kitchen sink, you joined him. You brushed your teeth, did your skin care, and brushed your hair out; you massaged your neck and shoulders as you walked into your shared room. The smell, and the calming sound of the storm outside hit you just in the right spot; you felt your body starting to relax, as you climbed into your bed, finding a perfect spot in your boyfriends arm. You said your good nights, and you drifted off, not feeling the kiss he gave you on your head nor his worried words.
Your dream was horrible: you couldn’t finish your book, so everyone hated you. Minho was disappointed to the point he broke up with you. Minho woke you up, looking a bit worried, “Y/N! Y/N? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” You felt like it was silly, so you just shook it off. Couldn’t believe that you would make him wake you up just after a couple of hours of sleep, because you’re incapable of doing your job. You took a shaky breath trying to fight off the thoughts that yelled how worthless you are, or how you just got lucky, but you don’t deserve any of this. Minho made you turn to him, “Okay, this ain’t funny anymore, let’s be honest with each other. I see that you are stuck with your book, I assume you got into a slump. I will help you with it once we slept enough, but it is time to tell me what’s wrong, Missy” His firm, but kind voice is what broke you: you started crying talking about how you are a horrible person being for not waiting him more appropriately, how you cannot just write what you need to write and so on. When you looked up, you anticipated a disapproving Lino, but all you saw is concern. He pulled you closer, and hummed you sweet melodies until you fell asleep. 
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On behalf of the people that made drama last night I'd like to make an apology to the Hogwarts Legacy fandom! For those who can't seem to STOP causing drama in our fandom,
FYI people are allowed to share their opinions and disappointments no matter what! You shouldn't belittle people for it just because you THINK you're better than everyone else just because you have the equipment to mod your game! At the end of the day Portkey Games is at fault for giving us an uncompleted game in the first place, people like me didn't have our hopes too high either, we, just thought...maybe with the new summer update it'll be alot better! They hyped it up!!!! So much! Loyal fans of this game wanted what they initially asked for, okay photomode is a good start! I'm looking forward to using that.... but a new quest or just something would've been nice! For console players!!!
I love Hogwarts Legacy regardless, and also telling others to play other games isn't done either!!!! When you fall in love with a particular game and it's characters you cannot simple give up on it..... I will also say causing drama which isn't needed is very very childish!!!!! How old are you? You gotta be in your 20s or early 30s right? You should not be acting like a bunch of children!!!! Maybe just grow up??? And learn to understand not everyone can easily modify a game! Like you can or have that type of money to do so!!!!!!!! Show some bloody respect! And acknowledge not everyone is as well off as you, heck I'm in the UK and trust me this country is not only in a recession but a cost of living crisis, it's hard! Can barely pay bills and debts!!!! Or sometimes food etc!!! Just be a bit more understanding!!!! Times a tough the world is a rough place right now, as a fandom you should be kind to one and another!!! And respect each other, not cause so much beef between each other.
It's a game we all love, keep it that way! And let people have their opinions! And expressions! (I've actually blocked that individual since because she was just being snobby about the entire thing, feel as if she was basically laughing at us console players so blocked her)
I will stand up for this fandom until I fucking die (not that'll happen anytime soon I hope) lol but I have ya backs okay? Don't let anyone tell you guys otherwise that you can't have an opinion or anything.... I think this fandom is wonderful otherwise. We all love the same things just enjoy it. Much love to you all. Your Slytherin Queen! Lol 💚🐍💚🐍💚🐍💚🙂🥰
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writerbuddha · 1 day
Good evening, @writerbuddha. I'm a little confused about Anakin's arc in "The Phantom Menace", especially in the climax. What is Anakin's arc in Episode I about and how is that reflected in the film's climax and ending? What does the character learn or fail to learn at the end of the film?
Hello! :)
George Lucas described The Phantom Menace as basically Act I in an epic, where the characters and the basic themes are introduced. Episode I is actually the beginning of Anakin's arc, arching over the trilogy. We're introduced to him and his flaws as well.
We see that Anakin is a very compassionate, courageous and kind person who "gives without a thought of reward" and "knows nothing of greed," and being a Jedi Knight, a guardian of peace and justice in the known universe, who lives for others, is what he dreams about doing. However, we get to see the crack on his armor: Anakin has a fear of losing is mother, he doesn't want things to change, although Shmi tells him, "you can't stop change any more than you can stop the suns from setting." The Jedi Masters, explaining, there is always fear behind anger, there is always anger behind hate, and these are add up to a state of suffering, and lead to evil behavior. Because he has much fear in him, the fear of losing a coming and passing thing, there's a possibility for that to grow into much suffering, not just on his part, but on the part of others. This is the groundwork upon which Episode II and III is built, the foreshadowing of the fall of Anakin Skywalker and the rise of Darth Vader.
With that said, in The Phantom Menace, Anakin learns some lessons. For example, he has to acknowledge that being clean of fear is not limited to having the courage to die for them - it also includes having the courage to live without them, and in that sense, he is very much fearful. He also has to face with the fact that a Jedi Knight can be killed, which feeds into a larger realization: when the good guys win, sometimes, one of them dies, and you must accept the fact that in life, there is no clean, perfect, absolutely satisfying happy end. There are things that we cannot control, so we will never get it just how we want it. Anakin is accepted into the Order, but he had to leave his mother behind. He saved Naboo, but Qui-Gon died. I think it's important that at the end of the movie, everyone seems content, smiling, but Anakin only smiles at Padmé. So, to me, that shows, he has troubles with emotionally accepting this. Which, again, is the inability to let go of what cannot stay.
The way I see the movie, the character who learns something at the end of the film, whose arc is completed in the movie, reflected in the film's climax, and it's also the central arc of the movie, is Padmé and Naboo as a whole: the peaceful and the warrior-like are frowning upon each other, one lives on the surface, in flowery cities, the other is underwater surrounded by beasts, one is led by a queen the other is by a king. Padmé is despised of the concept of war and insist, negotiation is always the answer, but eventually, she must realize that sometimes fighting is necessary. Instead of waiting for the strong and wise leader to solve her problems (which is how tyrants get power: sit back, people, leave this to me. I will fix it, I will make a safe and secure society… in fact, why don’t you put me in charge of everything? You can get on your life, I will bring your security, safety and prosperity!) she decides to stand up, to not to descend into political passivity and apathy, and save her planet. She reconciles with the Gungans, as well as her own warrior-side, and they mutually accept each other at the end of the movie, in harmony and balance.
I hope this is helpful! :)
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