#whew it's been a while since I posted something I wrote
ingravinoveritas · 10 months
Hi! :) So, about posting habits and copying:
Georgia posts this screenshot of someone asking her to tell David that they're in love with him/want to marry him (not sure anymore, but I'm counting on you to remember haha), responding yeah, I'll get right to that, or something akin to that.
It's funny enough and her reply doesn't come across as anything more than humorous, in my opinion, especially since we've seen this theme for years, on Twitter and Instagram. It's on-brand-Georgia.
Her tone, albeit the sarcasm, is still pretty nice, playing the ball back by pretending that she's not telling David because then she'd have to compete with the person who wrote in. I'm sure whoever texted her this was giggling at their phone when Georgia responded. I'm not sure if the same thing will be the case with fan interaction number two, however: Cue, Anna.
Because now, a few days later, Anna posts what is pretty much the same interaction with a fan (about Michael, obv.), but all the charme is gone? Or is that just me?
Let's get something straight, though: The fan message she got was a lot less "sweet" than the one Georgia received (how many kisses does it take for a message to become either passive aggressive or just too hyper or even kind of insincere in tone?), so I won't be too harsh on her for responding in kind (xxxx). Still, had me cringe a little.
Thing is, the more or less blatant copying of Georgia's social media voice keeps fascinating me. Whilst, at most times, it's obvious but still fine as its own thing, this time the whole post really just seemed too...Georgia. Firstly, because it really is like a total replica, secondly because Georgia has worn the "playfully possessive"-badge for years now. I'm not saying that Anna is just pretending to also be that, I genuinely don't think that's true, at least not fully, but what I am saying is that she's clearly aware of this sort of humour being well-received within the fandom and also very intentional about timing. It's always... funny? Noticable? exactly when these "replica posts" appear.
Although, in this case we also have to consider that she responded at the time she got the message (or a day later, at most), so the timing isn't really on her. In fact, this might just be a fan actively going for having the same interaction with Anna that another fan had with Georgia, basically setting her up. Especially considering how the DM was worded - again, it seemed a little too intentional/over the top.
(But yeah, a couple of hours earlier: The Tennant's face sitting post (and, whew lol), so is this trying to somehow keep up with their dynamic again?)
I want to stress that I don't think that any of this is a bad thing. There's literally no harm in her trying to cater to the fandom with this tone of voice and seeming a bit unoriginal. And what do we know, maybe she and Georgia really are that similiar, it's not like Georgia's humour and interactions are that singular. But I'm still having a different response to Georgia's posts in comparison to Anna's, even though they are so similiar, and that's what it comes down to.
Maybe that's completely unfair towards Anna (to some degrees it must be, since Georgia simply has been around longer and therefore claimed her kind of tone, if that's even a thing), but maybe it also comes down to authenticity - or a lack thereoff?
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(Grouping these together since they are related.) Well, I hadn't seen AL's story this morning until I got your message @wanderingsemi, so thank you for the heads up. And it is, as you said, an almost exact replica of an Insta story Georgia posted a week ago. Let's get the visual up here, so folks can see both stories:
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So, the first thing I will say is that I often have difficulty with discerning people's tones online, as the lack of vocal inflection/other indicators tends to make things challenging. I appreciate you sharing that Georgia's tone came across as humorous to you, because while I definitely did get the sarcasm, I also felt a sense of contempt coming from Georgia's reply, too. I do agree, however, that her response was very much "her," in her trademark style, and is something we've come to expect over the last few years now.
It's probably worth mentioning that these are both odd/weird things to send to your fave's partners. I know social media has largely eroded a sense of boundaries in a lot of fans, but it's just an awkward thing to say overall. (I submit that it's actually more awkward/inappropriate than RPF, because RPF is fantasy and is not something any of these people would come into direct contact with unless they went looking for it.) That being said, while neither Georgia nor AL can control the things fans send to them, they can choose to respond (or not) to said comments. So thinking about your Ask, @armangelus, we have Georgia here essentially doing the same thing as AL--being possessive of David in response to a random DM--yet the results are wildly different.
Which then brings me to AL's response. Going back to our discussion on tone, I am not sure that I interpreted the message AL got as being "less sweet" than the one Georgia received, as they seem incredibly similar to me. I'm not sure the message-sender was actually being passive-aggressive, but because AL seemed to look at it that way, it is then reflected in her response (and is fitting with her past responses/personality, which has been passive-aggressive on multiple occasions).
For a little backstory (and this largely comes from @problematicwelshman, whose blog is well worth reading for a lot of tea related to Michael and AL going back to 2019): AL's social media was entirely scrubbed when her and Michael's relationship first came to light (end of June 2019). This also coincided with Michael's longtime PR person quitting, and a seeming overhaul of AL's social media presence. Initially, though, a lot of her posts were in her own voice, but they did not seem to go over well/she was not connecting with the fandom (see this post for links to examples, most of which involve belittling Michael/making fun of his weight and appearance).
Then in mid-2021, this all shifted with an event Michael appeared at for the 150th birthday of the Royal Albert Hall. Suddenly AL was praising and complimenting him in ways she never had in any of her past posts. This also happened to coincide with Georgia starting the #Shebergs hashtag (which sounds like an iceberg, a.k.a. the thing that took down the Titanic, so I'm still not sure why that was chosen as a portmanteau of AL and Michael's names), as well as AL promoting Last Train to Christmas, a movie of Michael's that she appeared in that was released at the end of 2021. So this was another social media overhaul/PR effort, seemingly perfectly timed with AL having something to promote and trying to advance her acting career.
But what this was also the start of is what you alluded to, which is that inauthenticity. I can completely understand you having a different reaction to AL's story than Georgia's, because as you said, that charm is not there, which I think is because it's Georgia's charm, not Anna's. And as much as she might copy Georgia's tone or the types of content she posts, you can't really copy charm--it's either something you have, or something you don't. I think it also ties into the other thing you referenced, which is the "playfully possessive" thing. It actually is something that Anna has copied, also on multiple occasions (see below)...but much like with this story, it doesn't come across the same way as when Georgia does it:
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(Another notable thing about the response on the left is that AL was not even tagged in the original tweet, which also copies Georgia's pattern of randomly replying to fans on Twitter--usually as a result of searching David's name, which she has been known to do.)
So yes, I think we can definitely see a clear pattern here, which has seemingly only become more blatant as of late. And while I agree there is no harm on one level of trying to appeal to the fandom, I don't think it's unfair to AL at all because there is such a clear, agenda to what she is doing that becomes more obvious as you look back over the past few years. That, in my opinion, is what makes it seem so forced and not genuine, and is why one might feel a different reaction to her post versus Georgia's.
Those are pretty much my thoughts, rambling as they were. I appreciate both of you sharing yours as well so that we could have this discussion. Thanks for writing in! x
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7grandmel · 5 months
Todays rip: 13/01/2024
RNR (Rip No Riffs)
Season 1 No Album Release (Read More) DND (Do Not Destroy) - No More Heroes
Ripped by Triple-Q
Alright, uh, WHEW - I hope everyone's had a great day in a post-Christmas Comeback Crisis Episode 11 world!! I've been absolutely giddy with excitement and joy ever since I watched it and I'm so glad that the reception has been so universally positive all around. I'm trying to wind down from all of it, and figured I might as well push a rip I had down the pipeline to cover up earlier in the schedule. And hey - RNR (Rip No Riffs) is also somewhat Christmas Comeback Crisis-related! If you haven't heard the rip on its own, you've DEFINITELY heard it within that series.
For those out of the loop, RNR (Rip No Riffs) is used as the theme to the Rapper's Union HQ in the CCC, the hub of the story's chill resistance faction fighting against The Voice. Yesterday with 9​来​4s I wrote a fair bit about how excellent a job dante and c.o. have done in giving the series a very distinct soundscape, but the thing is - that doesn't just apply to composing new songs for the series. Plenty of rips from the channel's life have been used for music in the series without being explicitly made with that purpose, and RNR (Rip No Riffs) is probably the most widely recognized of these tracks?
I think it's an excellent choice for a lot of reasons, quality aside, because of just how well it slots into the series' tone and feel. The original DND (Do Not Destroy) is the laid-back lounge theme of the original No More Heroes, playing whenever Travis Touchdown is at home rather than slaughtering people en masse outside - it's a chill calm before the storm, so to speak. At a first inattentive listen, you may not even notice that RNR (Rip No Riffs) is edited at all, as its edits aren't exactly explicitly out of tune or in contrast to the original tune. As the track's chill vibe plays out, elements from All-Star are inserted into the backing, eventually being replaced with the guitar from Linkin Park's In The End - a song typically associated with pent-up anger, frustration, rage, hatred, the works. Yet the rip builds it all up so subtly, it never interrupts the chill lounge beat that laid the foundation for the original track, and so this change in emotion never truly registers as sounding out of place or wrong.
And to me, that's what makes it such a perfect fit for the Rappers' Union's theme - it's a home where these people relax, where they talk to one another and lounge, yet its also the place where all their bubbling rage against the oppression they face is being stored - the last remaining home to all of these damaged souls. The Christmas Comeback Crisis, for as silly as its premise is, and for as many lighthearted moments that it does have, is still fundamentally a story about strife and conflict, about a bubbling state of disarray that's slowly exploding into full-on warfare. RNR (Rip No Riffs) feels like the perfect theme to embody all of those emotions, a breezy jam playing in the background to a downtrot apartment space that slowly bubbles to become something far more serious, with far more grit and rage.
I certainly don't believe this sort of vibe was what Triple-Q had in mind with the original upload - at the end of the day, it's just a silly, classic Season 1 rip, changing just enough in a familiar song to sound different while still sounding recognizably like the original. Yet I find it so fascinating that the rip still stands on its own two feet, whilst adding some genuine gravitas and mood to the series it was eventually grafted on to - althewhile being such a relatively-obscure pick for a rip to use, that it didn't feel played out whatsoever when it showed up again.
A lot of the stuff I've covered for Season 1 on this blog has been of a sort of "higher" status, be it all-time classics like Live and Ooooooooooooooh and Pikmin Park, the emotional highs of Epic Flintstones and Stone Halation, or just generally ones tied to more well-remembered passion projects like Everyday Goodbyes (SiIvaGunner Band Cover). And in comparison, rips like RNR (Rip No Riffs) may end up feeling kind of...normal, kind of basic and simple in their edits. Yet that simplicity has never been a bad thing, and its never been anything holding rips down from striking pure gold, and there's something just so sweet about knowing that any rip, of any kind, any popularity, can eventually get this kind of association, this kind of retroactive use and meaning, that ends up drawing so many more associations and thoughts to it than were originally intended.
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ameftowriter · 1 year
Whew... I'm sorry for it being so late on this one.
But I did my best after being inspired by this wonderful art. Thank you @k-chips and @zomandfriends and @wyrdle .
Also this is based off @k-chips 's Dadvell AU yes xD
Thank you for reading and I hope you like it. I apologize for any errors as well.
Under the cut cause it's a bit long and also spoilers.
EDIT: I forgot to add some important tags I'm so sorry also some information cause I rushed to post this and I'm forgetful
Title: But what about you?
Tyme walked through the hallways to speak to Clavell at his office. Everything was going well so far she thought to herself. Everything was going smoothly and even issues that rose were quickly fixed and resolved. She was happy to report to Clavell that there were many willing volunteers to help set up for the first Academy Ace Tournament this Friday and the participants for the battles itself have all signed up.
But as she opened the door to the Director's office, she saw the one last big issue to resolve.
Clavell continuously paced around his office. Back and forth, back and forth, over and over again. He stopped and looked like he thought of something.
Then he grumbled and began pacing around again.
Tyme sighed to herself... There was indeed one last thing that had to be dealt with first.
And perhaps she's the only one who can resolve this problem.
She approached Clavell who kept going and going, as he didn't realize who was already there next to him.
"Director...." Tyme began.
"And there's still the board meeting...." Clavell muttered to himself as he walked away, not noticing Tyme.
"Director Clavell..." Tyme repeated herself as she walked to follow him.
"The Tournament is this Friday... I still need to get a speech prepared..."
"But of course... I still need to provide more support for Arven and his friends..."
"Oh!" Clavell quickly turned to see that Tyme was standing next to him with her hands at her hips and looked at him with the most annoyed expression.
"M-Miss Tyme..." The flustered director spoke, "My goodness... I didn't see you come in... How long were you--?"
"I just got here, Director Clavell...." Tyme shook her head. She could feel the tension within him.
"I must apologize then, Miss Tyme.." Clavell bowed at her, "I have been quite busy with various affairs."
"I'm sure you are, Clavell..." Tyme sighed as she dropped the title, "Though I believe you may have overloaded yourself with too many affairs."
"... Do you think I have?" Clavell wondered, a lot of events have occurred in this school year alone after all. But he was the director, a lot of things are his responsibility. 
"Definitely." Tyme nodded, "You need to take care of yourself once in a while, Clavell. You won't be able to help anyone in your state. "
"I suppose you're right but I..." Clavell paused for a moment as he thought of what he needed to do. "Ever since I found out the truth about Team Star and around two years ago... I have to make sure these kids are doing well for themselves now and the school isn't giving them too much trouble ...."
"Yes ..." Tyme did not want to be reminded of that shame she felt when she was told of the truth behind the entire incident. But she has noticed then that the Team's members have started coming back to classes and have been opening up to the teachers and other students... Especially her student, Penny...
"Then the Academy Ace Tournament is this Friday... We need to make sure everything is set up and we got the proper permissions for the location and the shops..."
"Of course..." Tyme and various volunteers have already gotten the permissions needed to set up the Tournament. Chairwoman Geeta already compiled it all for them. She wanted to tell him this, but the man kept on pacing...
"Jacq needs assistance in his classes and his Pokedex as these Paradox Pokemon that Sada brought in have a lot of information to bring up and even to other Pokemon Professors..."
"That's not a rush then is it?" Tyme tried to reassure him, at least to lessen the burden.
"Speaking of Sada, and the Paradox Pokemon..." Clavell already changed the topic as the thought of the incident that happened a couple of months ago, "Dear Arceus... Those kids... I still need to check up on them and their well-being... A couple of months have passed already, I dearly hope that they are still doing okay since then..."
"I'm sure they're doing all right, Clavell..." Tyme remembers seeing the four students in question, enjoying each other's company and having quite a loud yet joyful chat in the cafeteria yesterday. She was quite happy to see that.
"But also Arven...." Clavell clutched his head as he counted in his mental checklist, "I have been worried for him since the incident in Area Zero.... When we found out that his mother had been gone far longer than we realized, then down there to meet the AI and... And..."
"Clavell!" Tyme had grasped his shoulders firmly, and jolted the man awake from his self induced trance, "For Arceus's sake, settle down."
"I... I apologize..." Clavell muttered.
"I know you have a lot to do, but please take care of yourself first." Tyme pleaded with him with the softest look possible, "I worry about you."
"I..." Clavell felt his face heat up by that. "I'm really sorry Tyme... For making you worry for me."
"You've gone through a lot under a span of a year, even more than anyone should." Tyme reassured him again, "You don't have to be sorry for this."
"I know but I..." Clavell began to remember his mental checklist again, "I feel like there is still much more to do..."
Tyme sighed, here we go again.
"I still need to check on the kids...." Clavell counted, "And Arven... He still needs my help, I need to be there for him more..."
"Clavell..." Tyme spoke softly.
"I'll also still need to talk with Team Star, I want to make sure they're doing well too..." He counted it again.
"They're all right...." She reassured him again even though it fell on deaf ears.
"Jacq needs help as well..." Once again he does it.
"That can wait. Even though he knows it's not a priority..." She continued.
"Then there's the tournament... I can't just leave it..."
By then, Tyme had enough and pulled the man to her and enveloped her arms around him, hugging him so tight.
"But what about you?" She says to his ear, "You silly old fool..."
"Tyme... I..."
"I've said it before and I'll say it again... You need to take care of yourself. If you don't then I will... For your sake ..."
"Tyme..." Clavell repeated, as he was unsure of what to say or do. "You don't have to..."
"But I want to." Tyme answered back, "You need this. At least for now..."
Clavell could feel the tears well up in his eyes as he brought his hands upward to return the hug she had given him... "Yes... Yes, please... And thank you."
The two remained like this for a good while as Clavell quietly sobbed as he grasped Tyme's sweater. He was grateful to have her around at his moment of weakness and felt himself relax for once. Tyme rubbed circles on his back as she, herself tried to hold back her own emotions. She hated seeing him like this. When she found out about everything this poor man had gone through in just the course of this school year, she brought it to herself to accompany him more and help him more than ever. It was the best thing she could think of right now. So despite it all, she was relieved that she could finally help him.
As the two finally went silent, Clavell sighed, "Thank you Miss Tyme... I needed that..."
"Good! Now that wasn't so bad, is it?" The two let go of their hug but their hands still on each other. Then the two stiffened.
The realization that they're so close to each other had clicked in for them and they have once again fallen into silence.
"I...umm..." Clavell was the first to speak, with his face flushed red and his hands letting go of Tyme's waist, "Th-thank you Miss Tyme... For that support..."
"O-of course..." Tyme felt her face heat up, and her heart skipped a beat... she never really realized how... good looking... Clavell is up close like this...
"Is there something else wrong, Miss Tyme?" Clavell managed to speak as he felt his own heart rate speed up after being so close to her like this. "You still have your hands on my shoulders..."
"Oh... oh! I... I apologize, Director Clavell!" Tyme quickly removed her hands from him as she felt flustered, "I'm... I'm just glad to help!"
"Of course!" Clavell gave her a soft smile, as he still felt relaxed and happy to be by her side. "If you have time then, shall we have some tea?"
"That would be wonderful!" Tyme smiled at him back. The two are simply delighted to have each other at this time of vulnerability.
"Oh... My... Arceus....." Penny muttered as she peeked through the office door. She was actually there to try to meet up with Director Clavell to talk to him about the STCs and its steady progress and various records with it. But instead she had just witnessed something she definitely wished she could have recorded.
"Well... This can wait..." She said to herself as she slowly closed the door as silently as possible to not get their attention, "Priority one is to gossip this to Riley, Arven, and Nemona.... They're gonna be so happy to hear about this!"
She then silently walked away from the office ready to head back to her friends.
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gralunaisland · 2 years
Part 1 of "Why Gray is NOT a Tsundere"
(An Anti-gr///via Post)
[Links to Part 2 and Part 3 are linked here and at the end.]
One of the most commonly used arguments to demonstrate support for the gr////viugh ship is that even though Gray rejects juvia’s advances countless times, they still belong together because “Gray is a tsundere”, and therefore he actually likes everything juvia does and has been attracted to her and her antics since the beginning.
Despite these particular Pros loving to paint themselves as “guardians of Japanese culture”, using "culture" as an argument that the Japanese love stalking and obsession, I believe they are willfully ignoring what a tsundere actually is in anime in order to claim Gray's loved juvia all along.
To help demonstrate that, I will proceed to prove that every single main character in Fairy Tail is a tsundere based on their definition.
I shall also be trying to counter all (and I mean all, so every little point... whew this is going to take a while...) the points made in this post, recommended to me by a helpful anonymous asker a long time ago, from the @f*ckyeahgr*via page, where the poster (Author) tries to prove that Gray is in fact a tsundere. (This takes place in Part 2.)
(In Part 3, I’ll give my own examples with pictures of Gray very clearly not being a tsundere.)
Really, the purpose of this post isn't to prove that Gray never likes juvia in the material, because clearly Mashima and his weak will bent to the desires of the Pro fandom in 100yq to force these two together, but it's just to prove that it's not like Gray loved juvia all along, which some Pro's try to defend to their grave. The importance of proving that is that it will show that Gray hasn't been a willing participant in juvia's harassment.
The only feasible reason he could ever like juvia later is thanks to the guilt juvia caused him to feel from her almost dying, as well as Stockholm Syndrome from being gaslit and manipulated into thinking they loved each other, all that as well as being written into a shell of his former character who acts more like juvia than himself, but that is beside the point of this post.
Finally, a disclaimer: my frustration is mainly directed at juvia and specifically at people who use these arguments to try to make their opposition look stupid, and it's just my frustration with this argument. Please know, in the end, these arguments are just for fun, and I don't actually have beef with Pros as human beings. Also, please no raids on that blog (which actually might be retired by now lol) or on the user who posted it. We're all civil enough people here.
Pheww, buckle in, guys, this is going to be kind of a tough one. (As well as super long and suuuper in depth).
Definition of Tsundere given by Pros:
One of the biggest difficulties with combating this argument is that the actual definition of "tsundere" isn't really used by Pros; they just use a similar idea related to a tsundere, and then claim that they're right based on their own definition.
One person who participated in my 'Request for Discussion' post commented something along the lines of "Gray is a tsundere because he doesn't talk about his feelings with anyone". I would like to quote them directly, but when I went back to check what they said, it seems they have deleted all their comments. (Interesting. That seems to be a regular occurrence with Pros on my blog).
In another instance, the person who wrote the 'why Gray is a tsundere' post that I'll be refuting in part 2 of this post, (Note well, I'll refer to them as 'Author' from now on, and the quotes from their post shall be orange), even though they never actually take the time to define what they think a tsundere is, said this about Gray:
"Again, [Gray] is HARSH and TSUNDERE towards those he cares the most about. He has insulted Natsu, Lyon, Ur, Erza (calls her a monster) and [j]UVIA. And, he also is embarrassed when his true feelings come to the surface, and tries hard to keep them private. He doesn’t want people to know HOW MUCH he cares, and because of that, he rarely talks about his feelings to anyone, let alone directly to the person he’s having those feelings for."
It's quite similar to what the first Pro said, though more in depth. For them, it boils down to "not talking about his feelings". I'll circle back around to this later.
First, let's take the Pros' definition of tsundere and run with it:
Let us say that the term 'tsundere' really only means that the tsundere doesn't talk about their feelings a lot with other people. (Remember, this is what Pros mean when they say what a tsundere is even though that isn't the actual definition.)
Then yes, Gray is a tsundere.
But here's the clincher.
If he is, then so is everyone else who exists in the Fairy Tail universe.
Yay, you win! Everyone, including Gray, which is the important part, is a tsundere!
Doesn't that sound completely ridiculous?
Of course it does. Let's break down that extremely faulty reasoning.
Refuting the Pros' Definition of Tsundere:
Let me ask you this:
Just how much do people in Fairy Tail actually talk about their feelings in normal circumstances on a regular basis? Literally, we should all take a moment to think about this.
Lucy's dad died? Well, she doesn't talk about it to anyone, not even to her best friends, Natsu and Happy, who followed her silently to his grave. She breaks down all by herself, alone in her apartment. Does she talk about how much losing Aquarius' key hurt her? Nope, not even that. She never even confides in people on how she likes Natsu, which is prime gossip material and not as private as a thing as grief for a dead parent is. Does any of that mean she's a tsundere? Not at all.
Natsu is super expressive, honest to the point of being ignorant and just plain dumb sometimes. He declares to anyone and everyone all the time just how much he cares for his guild, but does he sit down with people and talk about how Igneel leaving really made him feel, how abandoned and lonely he felt? Never. Talking about feelings is just not Natsu, and yet he's still clearly not an actual tsundere.
From Erza to Happy to anyone else in the whole anime, no one really goes out of their way to have a casual deep chat about their feelings ever, specifically about personal emotional trauma, but even about mundane feelings in general. Most of the time, they're all just chilling and goofing around and making jokes, because that's what you do with friends- not talking about your inner, personal turmoil doesn't make you a tsundere, i.e. it doesn't make you someone who's always irritable until they learn to be more open with people they like.
Anyway, these feelings and the words that describe them are just ripped out of them while they are fighting for their lives, which of course for them is quite often. Otherwise, they don't talk about it really, not even with the people they're closest to, and that's okay. It's their personal business. These are things that are good to process by yourself for yourself, and you really don't owe other people to let them in on your life. (*COUGH* if only juvia would leave Gray to his personal business *COUGH*).
Gray is no exception to any of this. He doesn't talk about his feelings much... but like I said, no one does. And it's not like he only confides in juvia, which you'd think would be the case if he were really a tsundere with juvia. (NO WONDER he doesn't talk to her about his feelings! Beyond just the fact that she never listens to him anyway, when he was sad after learning about Ultear's sacrifice, noticing it during the GMG parade, juvia told him she didn't know what was up with him, but that it was rude of him not to smile. she doesn't even ask him if he's ok, she just says he's being inconsiderate. Wow, I don't cuss much, but she's actually such an ass.)
And it's not like he never shares his feelings because even just one instance is when Wendy asks him if he’s okay after he learned about Ultear’s time spell during the Dragon King Festival-- hey look at that, juvia, Wendy actually cares how he's doing-- and he actually opened up immediately about what happened and his past to her. That's insanely not tsundere because Wendy is even a newer member of Team Natsu (I personally don't consider her as such), and yet Gray is comfortable enough to tell her his life story.
Even since the Galuna Island arc, which was basically Gray's full introduction to the readers/watchers, his emotions about Ur were open, raw, and visceral. Lucy for one was really concerned for him because it was clear that Gray was beyond upset once seeing Deliora. He was also so broken and betrayed by Lyon, and none of those emotions were hidden from anyone.
These are just a few examples of Gray not being embarrassed to let people know his true feelings, which directly contradict what the Pros were trying to prove.
But is Gray a tsundere in regard to the ACTUAL definition?
Let's look at the actual definitions of tsundere, compare Gray with them, and see if he fits the bill, shall we?
Well, here's some actual definitions I've found:
"Tsundere is a Japanese term for a character development process that depicts a character with a personality who is initially cold, stern, stoic, harsh, temperamental, hotheaded before gradually showing a warmer, friendlier side over time."
2. Another longer, more in depth one from a website dedicated to the Dere types:
"Tsundere is a stock love interest who is usually stern, cold, and sometimes hostile to the person they like and others. They will occasionally let slip their warm and loving feelings hidden inside. They hide their feelings due to being shy, nervous, insecure, or simply unable to help acting badly in front of their crush.
The Japanese term "tsundere" refers to an outwardly violent character who "runs hot and cold", alternating between two distinct moods: "tsuntsun" meaning "aloof or irritable", and "deredere" meaning "lovey-dovey".
Tsundere is a Japanese term for a character development process that depicts a person who is initially cold (and sometimes even hostile), before gradually showing a warmer, friendlier side over time"
3. And one last one for good measure from Urban Dictionary:
"Tsundere (ツンデレ, pronounced tsɯndeɾe) is a Japanese term for a character development process that describes a person who is initially cold (and sometimes even hostile) before gradually showing a warmer, friendlier side over time. The word is derived from the terms tsun tsun (ツンツン), meaning to turn away in disgust, and dere dere (デレデレ) meaning to become 'lovey dovey'."
(Yes, they are pretty similar, but I think it's important to show the solidarity and regularity of the definitions over the different sites. Plus, they each give their own nuance).
So, does Gray fit the bill?
Something to note about tsunderes is that they're not only cold and harsh to their love interest; they tend to be cold and harsh towards everyone because that's a core part of their personality, that they're socially awkward at dealing with people. If Gray truly is a tsundere, then he should demonstrate his tsundere characteristics with more people beyond his rejections of juvia.
Looking at definition 1:
Here, it says tsundere is more than just how a person acts mean to someone they really like, it's a whole character development process of a whole personality. Gray's personality from the beginning has had nothing to do with being cold, stern, stoic, or harsh. Yes, he's temperamental and hotheaded sometimes, but that's in terms of his rivalry with Natsu and other guildmates, which isn't the tsundere kind where his temperamental side hides a secret feeling (which it does not ofc). Gray is far from stoic, as he's lively and vivacious from the very first episode he's in. He's not cold, he's got great humor and is passionate. He's not a mean person, he just has friendly rivalry with his friends. Even with meeting Lucy for the first time, he was immediately friendly to her and required no "warming up" to be close with her. Remember, here it's not saying tsundere is specifically just for romance.
Looking at definition 2:
Even this one specifically notes that tsunderes are usually "stern, cold, and sometimes hostile" with "the person they like and others". Remember, it's a part of their overall personality. The tsundere behavior is a character trait that doesn't just apply to their romantic interest, so, again, that means we'd need to see Gray's tsundere-ness affecting all his relationships.
A prime example of a tsundere is Nakiri Erina from Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma. She's not only standoffish to Yukihara Soma, whom she clearly has a crush on, but to most people in general, she doesn't know how to be friendly. It's a part of her character. She was raised in a harsh environment and was isolated, so it makes sense.
Gray on the other hand? Is not socially awkward and has no problem making friends (again, look how quickly he got chummy with Lucy). He's not standoffish at all and is far from cold and "aloof or irritable" to anyone. Even to juvia, which is the important thing to Pros since they want to say he's a tsundere with her, he's not really cold... he's just supremely unnerved and made uncomfortable by her.
He's never even mean to her, he just rejects her and tries to get away from her sometimes. And he's not even doing that all the time! On the rare occasions that juvia is able to keep herself mostly from drooling all over Gray, like when he taught her how to eat that burrito, he's actually friendly to her. But only when she's not being an absolute weirdo and creep. That's not him being a tsundere, that's him being a nice guy, but being understandably creeped out by juvia's outlandish and disgusting behavior.
And when he's being nice to her, he's not being "lovey-dovey", he literally just treats her like a normal friend. It's only during 100yq that Gray actually begins to show he has romantic interest in juvia, and I'm not counting that because that's Mashima's idiocy, and Pros have been claiming Gray's been a tsundere since forever, so they can't even use 100yq as proof.
Looking at definition 3:
Again, Gray doesn't take time to warm up to people, the reason Gray "turns away in disgust" is because juvia is a disturbing individual, and lastly, he certainly doesn't ever act lovey-dovey with juvia in the main story of FT.
My conclusion after looking the definitions is that Gray is therefore not a tsundere, as it's not a core part of his personality and character to be initially cold or aloof towards people, and because he never actually acts cold or aloof with juvia, only uncomfortable and disturbed in a rightly manner.
(Feedback on anything in this post is appreciated!)
Edit: Just to make it clear, due to a kind suggestion by my good friend, @youthinkofacoolname, I have split this behemoth of a post into 3 parts so it's less intimidating and more digestible, and then tagging the next part at the end so it's easily accessible. So, here's the link to Part 2!
Part 3 is here as well.
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gillianthecat · 2 years
My Thoughts as I Watched Episodes 2 and 3 of Between Us.
in which your intrepid reporter files her article two weeks late
I actually watched them and wrote this two weeks ago, but didn't post it because I had vague plans to write more about them. But I want to catch up on the next two episodes, so any additional thoughts will wait for after that. The summary is: I continue to love the show, and it continues to make sense to me without seeing Until We Meet Again
Episode 2
- Ok, I think my initial prediction will be laughably wrong. It looks like so far Win is absolutely not trying to hide how he feels. Team though is. It's all very cute, I'm really into their dynamic. And they have CHEMISTRY, my goodness. I loved Team's reaction after Win left his room—his big sigh, his trying to hide his big smile even from himself.
- I just find Win so utterly charming. It makes the whole thing work; he might come across as a bit of a creep otherwise. I love his little smirk to Tul as he gets in the elevator.
- OH MY GOODNESS! Is there going to be a romance between Tul and Win's older brother?! - A gamer, internet stranger romance? I am so here for this. (Also Tul's actor has gotten even hotter as he's gotten older.)
- Ah, besides age gap we have a sprinkling of Forbidden Romance. Win is not supposed to be dating his juniors in the club. I dig it.
- Speaking of age gap (and perhaps this is because I've been watching Cutie Pie) hearing Team call Win Hia is very seductive. Especially that he's contouring to do it after Win asked for it in the heat of the moment. Whew. I cannot blame Win for being captivated by this boy.
- It does feel like this is going to be a very simple story—just two people fumbling their way toward falling in love—without a lot of plot happening around them. Interesting with all the reincarnation drama happening in the background. Since I like the characters and their actors, I like this simplicity.
- Also, now I can see why everyone was so frustrated that Even Sun was bad. These two are so good together.
- I love how much they talk during while making out. I love how conversation about consent and who they are to each other are made such a natural part of it, and also really hot. That "kiss me" !!! I also love how much they're into slamming each other into walls. These two can seriously convey desire and lust. It really feels like they want to fuck.
- I like how Team is worried about what he means to Win, and still figuring out what it means to desire someone, but he doesn't hold back sexually.
- I'm nervous that they will be discovered at some point; that no one will see us felt very foreshadow-y. And I really liked the questions that Team was asking - is either of us using each other, what happens if we break up - both because they're good questions and because it feels like something he would do. But it also felt a bit foreshadowing.
Episode 3
- Ooh, another side romance? That brings the total up to five romance pairs in this show (so far!). That is a lot to balance, I hope the script can manage it. And it's Fee from My Only 12%! (I had to look him up, he looked familiar but I couldn't figure out from where.)
- I saw the Wabi Sabi logo, and I realized there were several overlapping actors, but somehow it wasn't until now that I connected this was made by the same production company as My Only 12%. It makes sense, although the overall feeling of the show is different, a lot of the things I like productions wise are the same. They both feel like money was spent on making a professional product. And they both are good at making friend groups feel natural, which is not always the case. (And also why Sea looked familiar - he was Cake's university friend Auk in My Only 12%.
- Oooh that drunk/flashback scene. I will come back to that later.
- One thing I love is that I feel like I can trust Win not to try anything while Team is drunk because he was so careful to make sure that Team was sober enough to consent the first time. There are many drunken hook ups in BLs that I've loved (Love Mechanics, Big Dragon, in its own toxic way), but that thread of toxicity doesn't fit their dynamic, and it's such a relief to trust that the show won't go there.
- Team's actor plays drunkenness well. I love the way Win responds to it, switching between feeling he needs to be the stern mentor figure, annoyance, fond indulgence, and feeling desire, despite his best intentions.
- I feel vindicated in my initial snap judgements of their characters. (Well, and also this show did a good job introducing them.) Team literally calls Win "the cool one" and Team is becoming more and more chaotic now that the he's no longer on his beginning-of-the-school-year best behavior. (Also several people have affirmed to me that he is indeed a chaos monkey.)
- This flashback! I guess these two won't be all sex and awkward flirting after all, they will have their own angst and pain. It was hinted at in their breakfast date when Team was so shaken by the ordinary question of, "do you have siblings," but honestly I got distracted and forgot. I suspect this was something that was not known in UWMA, it's the kind of secret that wouldn't be shared about the side couple.
- Darling Win's response. I think I will write a separate list about what I like about this pair, because there are a lot of things.
- I love how Manow and Team are teasing Pharm about Dean. Seeing these hints does make me want to watch that series more now.
- Tul and Waan! I already love them. I assume they're brand new for Between Us; there's no reason that they would have been in Dean and Pharm's awareness. Tul has such a crush! The way he's smiling at his phone!
- I guess with the way UWMA opened I shouldn't be surprised by this traumatic memory of his brother drowning. But it's still hard to watch.
- Ok, but how are the dorms at the university so enormous! And singles! This can't be what any actual university dorms are like in Thailand, right? I lived in doubles half that size freshman year.
- I have a lot of thoughts comparing this, Love in the Air and Big Dragon all to each other. I'll save most of it for another post, but I'm intrigued by the different depictions of a dominant older character winning over a bratty younger character. I don't know if Win and Team are intended to be explicitly dom and sub, but the age gap, the power difference, Win's caretaking tendencies and Team's... whole thing (traumatized, anxious, pouty) have created that dynamic between them anyways. And I really like it here!
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mannatea · 10 months
Into the Ocean, a G Gundam ‘fic
Words: 2,500 words Summary: Hans reflects on the where the 13th Gundam Fight has taken him and where he'd like to be, but he is not alone. Allenby is questioning her own life, and what she will do with it. Pairing/Character: Hans Holger & Allenby Beardsley Extra Info: This was originally written and posted sometime around 2/15/2008. It's been almost completely rewritten. Rating: G Genre: Friendship, starting over, choices, taking control of your own life vibes.
The title is the link to Ao3. Comments welcome as always. <3
Notes under a cut.
First of all, since the last time I wrote for this fandom, the "official" spellings of a lot of the names seems to have changed, so that was one change made from the original (Cecil -> Cecile). I also changed the dub's Dark Gundam to Devil Gundam since that seems to be the more popular name in fandom these days.
Whew. I've wanted to rewrite this for some years, not because the original was anything special, but because I felt like it was a unique contribution to the fandom.
I shouted out Sunoko in my author notes but they called this story "thought-provoking and sincere" in their original review back in 2008, and things like that have a habit of sitting with a writer. If I rewrote this for anyone, it was for this person (who will probably never see this, but still).
This was a pretty extensive rewrite. The structure of the story was okay, but a lot of the description was overblown and repetitive. I cut way back and lost over 580 words in the rewrite, which is rare for me! If I'm cutting back that much, you know I was right to do it.
The original ending also just sort of grated on me. I felt like there was a theme/moral to the story and that my original ending, while poetic-sounding, took the meaning and...threw it into the ocean (lol).
Hans is just a minor player in the gundam league here, but even he is more or less a pawn in a greater plan. Allenby is WAY worse off than he is, obviously, but it's not difficult to assume they (and many of the fighters, honestly) didn't have much control over the course of their lives, particularly after they were selected to fight.
In the original story I really wanted to explore how it felt to be controlled for so long only to be dumped out on your own, and thus the river-water metaphor was born. I loved water metaphors so much I used them in the original ending, but all I managed to do with it was leave both Hans and Allenby feeling adrift, like they had no purpose and no direction...when it's made clear by the end of the story that they have chosen a direction and are moving in it together.
So the ending changed to reflect my current reading of the original work: from this point forward they are in control of their own destinies; they have the option to make their own choices.
Something something the river is controlling but the ocean is too vast for that; there is a freedom there they could have never found under the control of other people.
Also Hans/Allenby was a crackship I and possibly a few others conceived on Livejournal in the old days. It never gained any traction but I thought, honestly, if nothing else, Hans seems like a good person. I imagine he'd be a good friend for Allenby to carry into her new life where she gets to experience freedoms she was never allowed to have before.
Thanks for reading!
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
Tumblr media
Robot Chicken #44: “Rabbits on a Roller Coaster” | August 26, 2007 - 11:30PM | S03E3
“The Worst Halloween” is about a boy who gets stuck with a Pink Power Ranger costume on Halloween. He has a bad night, including an almost-rape and finding out that his mom died. Seth called this one one of his favorite sketches. The writer of the sketch said he wrote it without any idea of where it was going and that “it shows”. I agree. Not particularly funny!
I don’t normally highlight quick channel change gags unless they actually make me laugh BUT the Judge banging a gavel only to have his bench turn into a Wack-A-Mole game honestly did make me laugh. The animation is great, and the gag worked for me. Sorry.
“Turbo Teen” is a parody of a relatively obscure Saturday Morning show of the same name where a teenager can turn into a car. In this one he’s drunk leaving a college party. When he becomes a car, a number of terrible things happen to him until he’s crushed into a cube. He changes back briefly and we see him now dismembered and mangled. For some reason I remember seeing this sketch randomly. Like the little bit where he’s in that abstract void writhing around was in my brain already. Most sketches on this show are just “character gets hurt over and over” and this is one of those.
“Dick Tracy’s a Dick” is about Dick Tracy off-handedly giving mean-spirited nicknames to his fellow police officers who didn’t ask for them. Honestly, this is a pretty funny premise. I should’ve guessed the punchline of the sketch before it happened, but this show has a way of lulling me into assuming nothing on it will make me laugh. I actually laughed at this sketch. I laughed twice at this episode. WOW. Not sure how it stacks up to Tracey Zooms In. 
“Trakker in Love” is the finale, and it’s over three minutes long. It feels more like two sketches jammed together, starting with a sequence where a younger character (I didn’t watch M.A.S.K. as a kid, sorry) is getting in trouble for having thrown a party there the previous night. The next scene feels like the beginning of a new sketch, involving one of the members of M.A.S.K. internet dating a fat woman. This one really sucks, and doesn’t seem to have much of a central idea. It feels ridiculous to say this about a show I’ve gone on the record of not liking very much, but it truly drags the episode down. 
After the credits is a parody of Joss Wheadon’s “Mutant Enemy Productions” vanity card. I remember seeing the “Mutant Enemy Productions" logo before, but I don’t remember why or where. I’m guessing one of his shows aired before something else I liked? Anyway, its not all that funny, just sorta relies on knowing the reference.
And that’s this one. Whew! Nasty show!
These commercials are from earlier in August, but it’s been a while since I linked to a random youtube:
I keep forgetting to address my precious mail baggers. I am so sorry. I cherish you all.
please do a top 10 for saul of the molemen!
Literally impossible. No way.
“Wildly unfunny” I bet you one of them yank fellas that just can’t understand the intricacies of Georgian life. I wish I could help you enjoy squidbillies, but the fact is you’re too much a dumsumbitch.
What is this even quoting? I literally searched all of my Squidbillies posts for the phrase “wildly unfunny” and it the only thing that came up was I said it in a Mail Bag referring to Minoriteam. Shut up please! I even *sorta* like Squidbillies
Is that the same comic con where you filmed yourself calling the aliens from Star Trek "f*ggots" because they were doing a Q&A?
This is in reference to my post about Tim & Eric Awesomecon/Comic-con 2007. No. How dare you. First of all, that wasn’t me. Second of all, that was at Great America theme park. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT
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jolienjoyswriting · 4 months
Valentine's Date (ft. Roll, Rock), Ch. I
Chapter 1 of 2 for "Valentine's Date," a Mega Man fan fiction story. Co-written by ChatGPT (GPT-3.5)
Rock surprises Roll with a surprise picnic invitation.
Word count: 3,294 – Character count: 19,597 Drafted: December 9th, 2023 Revised: February 4th, 2024 –
… hello?  Hello-hello?  Gah– geez, look at all this dust and cobwebs!  *cough, cough, cough*
Whew.  It's… been a hot minute since I last posted anything here, hasn't it? (A little over 8 months, actually.)  Where does the time go?  Anyway, it's Valentine's Week, so I figured now would be a good time to post something cute, light, and fluffy.  Surprisingly, this story doesn't involve my dumb furball.  Nope, it's a pure Mega Man fan fiction story!  About… siblings in love.  Oh. … W– hey, it's canon.  So, whatcha gonna do~?
Roll, Rock, "Mega Man" series, and related characters and concepts created by Akira Kitamura and © Capcom Co, Ltd.
[ ↶ Prev. Story | ← Prev. Chapter | Next Chapter → | Next Story ↷ ]
    It was a mellow February day.  Dr. Thomas Light was in town on business, accompanied by both his assistant, Auto, and his walking suitcase, Eddie.  His other creations, the Light Number Series, were busy with their jobs – such as Gutsman helping build a skyscraper and Splashwoman assisting with a deep sea exploration mission.  So, aside from the pets, the Light household was empty save for one little girl named "Roll"…
    "Nina caught Ryu's glance," she said as she wrote out a fantasy story on her laptop.  "Her eyes dazzled in the daylight, looking deeply into the handsome, young man's own eyes.  Her angel wings curled against her back and she walked over.  The air felt like electricity as her hands held his.  'What's on your mind, Ryu?' she sweetly asked.  He responded, 'I just…  We've been spending a lot of time adventuring, and…'"     She grinned from ear to ear as she wrote the next part.     "Without a word, Nina leaned in and kissed the sweet boy!  One hand caressed his cheek while the other arm curled around his strong shoulders.  Ryu blushed deeper, stunned into silence!  But, over time, he relaxed and, before long, he held the young woman in his arms.  Her wings curled around him as they shared their first tender kiss.  Bo looked over from his hunting and smiled.  Gobi, who was busy with his abacus, offered a thumbs-up to the pair before he went back to business.  It seemed like they'd seen this coming.  And, they approved!"
    The gentle sounds of Roll's fantasy echoed in her quiet room, creating a serene atmosphere.  Lost in the world of her creation, she couldn't help but imagine the characters' emotions as if they were her own.     "Nina and Ryu's love blossomed like a beautiful flower and the world around them seemed to glow with joy.  After their kiss, their adventures seemed more meaningful, and every shared moment deepened their connection.  As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow, they knew that their love would endure through all the challenges they might face."     A warmth in her heart as she continued to weave the romantic tale, smiling.  The characters in her tale, though fictional, became her companions in this quiet afternoon, and she continued to pour her heart into the enchanting narrative.  That is, until…     "Knock-knock, Roll!"     She heard a playful voice and a light tapping on her bedroom door frame. 
    "Hiya, Rock!" she cheerfully greeted.  "Where've you been?"     "Me and Rush took a trip into town!"  He softly smiled as he added, "I got you something!"     Roll hopped up from her chair, eyes twinkling and mouth open.  "You did?!" she gasped.     Rock nodded, his smile warming.  "Uh-huh!"     "What is it, what is it…?" the cheerful girl asked, running the few steps over to him.     "Hold out your hands and close your eyes!"     She gave him a suspicious look.  "It's not another creepy worm doll, is it?"     "No, no, no," he laughed.  "No pranks, today!  Promise."     She hummed, still suspicious.  But, she nodded, smiled, and did as he asked.
    Roll hummed a tune in her head, hearing Rock doing something.  Before long, though, she felt something being placed in her hands.  It felt very light and very thin.
    "Okay…  Open!"
    The girl opened her eyes and looked at her hands.  Almost immediately, she went starry-eyed, again.  Rock had given her a pink envelope sealed with a heart sticker.  "R-Rock…"  She blushed deeply, taken aback.     "Open it, open it!" he excitedly said, practically bouncing with excitement.     Roll looked a little closer at the envelope.  Aside from being pink and sealed with a heart sticker, it had "For Roll" written on the front in Rock's neat handwriting.  Her hands trembled as she opened the packet.  Not long after, she removed a small card and read it to herself.
    "I think you're 'dandy' and I'm not 'lion'," the cyan card said on the front, showing a picture of two smiling dandelions.  She opened the card and inside was a simple message…     "Happy Valentine's Day!" Rock cheered, beaming as she read the inside.     Roll's eyes widened and her heart fluttered with a mix of surprise and joy.  She looked up from the card, meeting Rock's warm gaze.  The sweetness of the gesture left her momentarily speechless.     "Rock, this is so sweet!"  She beamed at him, a genuine happiness radiating from her. "Th-thank you!  I didn't expect anything like this…"     Rock scratched the back of his head, smiling sheepishly. "Well, I thought, you know, Valentine's Day and all..."     "It's perfect!"  The blond girl stepped forward and enveloped him in a tight hug. "You always find a way to make me feel special, Rock.  Thank you…"     He returned the hug, patting her back gently.  "Just wanted to make you smile!  You're the best sister anyone could ask for!"     Roll pulled away, holding the card close to her chest. "And you're the best brother!  I'll cherish this card forever!"     As they shared a heartwarming moment, Roll couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple but thoughtful gesture that made her Valentine's Day so much brighter.
    "So… hey.  Are you busy?"     "What?"  Roll blinked, surprised by the question.  "No?  I'm just… writing my story."     "The one about the evil dragons?" Rock asked.     "Uh-huh!"  She smiled, excitedly telling him, "I just got to the part where the heroic boy and the brave girl share their first kiss…!"     "Kissing, huh?"  He blushed a little, smiling.  "I'm more interested in how they beat the bad guys, myself…"     She giggled and gently nudged him.  "I know you are, silly.  But, a good story should have all sorts of stuff in it!  Action, drama, romance…  Maybe a little comedy, sometimes!  It can't always be one big adventure with no twists and turns!"     "I know, I know," he laughed, waving a hand.  Roll smiled in return.
    "Anyway," he continued, "I was wondering…  Would my faaavorite sister wanna join me for a little Valentine's Day picnic on the hill near our house?  I bought a pre-packaged vegetable thing with ranch dressing and thought we could eat it together…?"     Roll's robotic heart beat faster, her face warming again.  Rock wasn't usually interested in Valentine's Day stuff.  As flattering as all this attention was… she felt a little suspicious.     If he's trying to apologize for some dumb 'boy' thing, she thought as she walked back to her computer to put it to sleep, I'm sure he'll tell me…  If not, I'll get it out of him, myself!     "That sounds like a wonderful idea!" Roll chirped, tucking the gifted card into a safe spot on her desk.  "I'd love to have a Valentine's Day picnic with you, Rock."     Rock's eyes lit up with genuine excitement. "Great!  I found a nice spot with a great view of the valley!  I thought it'd be a good place to relax and enjoy some time together."     "You're really going all-out for Valentine's Day…"  Roll grinned, playfully teasing him, "Got any more surprises up your sleeve, hey?"     The boy-hero chuckled, a hint of bashfulness in his expression. "Well, you'll just have to wait and see!  I promise you'll like it, though!"     Roll winked at him. "I'll hold you to that, brother of mine!  Now, let's go have that picnic and see what other fun surprises you've got in store!"
    As they headed out for their Valentine's Day picnic, Roll couldn't help but feel grateful for the thoughtful gestures and the warmth of her brother's companionship on this special day.  It seemed like he genuinely wanted to give her a good Valentine's Day after all.  Still, she kept herself ready for any "dumb boy tricks" he might pull at the last minute.  Rock was kind of a prankster at heart!
    As Rock and Roll left the house, they noticed their adorable robot dog, Rush, run over.  He happily barked and frolicked around them.  Rock shifted his picnic basket to the opposite arm and ruffled the dog's ears, smiling.  Roll always liked watching Rock and Rush interact.  There were few things more wholesome than a boy and his dog.     "Do ya wanna walk?" he asked suddenly, looking over at his sister.  "Or, do ya wanna fly?  It's not far, but I figured I'd ask!"     She pondered for a moment, her eyes glinting with mischief.  "Why not both?  We can walk there and fly back!  That way, we get to enjoy both perspectives!  What do you think?"     Rock grinned, liking the idea. "Sounds like a plan!  Let's go, then!"
    The trio—Rock, Roll, and the energetic Rush—embarked on their walk, savoring the gentle breeze and the sense of camaraderie.  As they approached the chosen spot for their Valentine's Day picnic, Roll couldn't help but feel contented.  It was moments like these… simple and filled with shared joy… that made her appreciate the bonds she had with her family.
    "Hey, look!  It's still here!"     "What's still here?"     "C'mere, c'mere!"
    Roll jogged over to where Rock was standing.  She noticed him looking down at something.  Shortly after, she looked as well, tilting her head.     "Isn't this…?"     "Yeah!"  He looked back up, smiling.  "It's the helmet I left here after Dr. Wily's second plot to take over the world!  Remember?  He made all those 'anti-Megaman' robots?"     "I remember…"  Roll frowned, kneeling to brush some dirt and debris from the blue helmet.  "I was so scared he was going to hurt you…"     "Me, too…"  Rock sheepishly grinned.  "But, things turned out okay in the end!"     "It's so dirty and rusty, now…" she commented before looking up.  "You seem really happy to see it, though.  Why?  I thought it would bring back bad memories…"     "Well," Rock said as he knelt next to her, "if I focus on how I felt after the battle, then yeah!  It's a sad reminder of all those innocent robots Dr. Wily made me…"     He looked away.  Roll was just about to reach out to him, but then…     "But, if I look at it as a reminder of what came next…"  His smile returned.  "Remember when Dr. Light fixed up Quickman and how he ran all over the lab, looking at everything?"     "Oh, yeah!"  Roll giggled.  "He was so curious about all of Dr. Light's things…"     "Dr. Light even fixed poor Bubbleman's legs so he could walk on land!"     "And he helped all of them find jobs where their weapon systems would be useful and not hurt anyone!"     "Too bad he couldn't convince Heatman to stop smoking…"     "Why would Heatman want to do that to himself, anyway?"  Roll's smile faded a little.  "Doesn't he know smoke and nicotine are bad for sensitive machines like computers?"     "'I don't see the problem...'"     Rock pulled his hoodie over his head like it was a visor as he imitated Heatman's squeaky-but-gruff voice and mannerisms.     "'It all burns up when I exhale anyway…  Pwaaaah!'"     Roll laughed, shaking her head at Rock's playful imitation of Heatman.  He was even puffing on an imaginary cigarette!     "You're such a goofball, Rock!"  She brightly smiled.  "I love that about you…"     Rock grinned, his eyes sparkling. "Anything to see you smile, sis!"
    The two continued to look at the helmet for a short while, thinking about the past…     "It's amazing how much has changed…" Rock wistfully mused.     "But, some things stayed the same!  Like us!" Roll answered.     He clapped his sister on the shoulder and smiled.  "Best friends to the end!"     "Y… yeah."  She offered an unconvincing smile.  "'Friends'…"     "Exactly!"  He chuckled, standing.  "Now, let's have that Valentine's Day picnic!  I'm hungry, and I can't wait to enjoy it with my favorite sister!"     Roll blushed a little as she accepted Rock's hand and stood.  As they walked away from the old helmet, she idly wondered how much had actually changed over the years.  To her, Rock was still the same silly, kind, and sometimes naive boy she'd always loved.  And maybe… that was all she'd ever be to him.  She tried not to dwell on it as they continued their journey.
    The sun cast a warm glow over the siblings and their loyal robo-dog companion as they made their way toward the. Each step carried a sense of unity and shared history, creating a beautiful backdrop for a Valentine's Day celebration filled with love and cherished memories.
    The journey to the other hill was a peaceful one, the sun casting a warm glow on the robots as their metal shoes quietly rustled the grass and padded through the dirt.  Rush loyally followed them, occasionally running ahead to chase a butterfly or staying behind to sniff at a dandelion.  Before long, the trio arrived at their destination.
    Rock retrieved a large, tartan blanket from the picnic basket.  With a flick and a flutter, he spread it over the grassy hill.  He then set the basket down before reaching back in and pulling out a trio of rocks.     "Oh, so that's why Dr. Light named you 'Rock'!"     He smirked at his sister.  "If that were true–"     But, she was already a step ahead of him.
    "Wheeeeee!"     She tumbled around the hill, "living up to her name" by doing barrel rolls and tumble rolls to amuse him.     "And you say I'm silly?" he commented, placing the three rocks on the corners of the picnic blanket.     The girl giggled as she got back to her feet.  "Oh, the world's spinning…!"  She wobbled a little, dizzy from all the tumbling.     "The world is always spinning, sis!" he smartly answered, retrieving the packaged snack platter.  "Just not fast enough to notice, most days!"     Roll playfully stuck her tongue out at him before sitting on the blanket.  Rock joined her, and they began to unpack the contents of the picnic basket.  In addition to the main vegetable platter, there were other pre-packaged snacks, some fresh fruits, and a couple of drinks.  It seemed like he was loaded for the long haul!     "I thought we could keep it simple and enjoy the rest of the day together!" he explained to his sister.  "No fancy cooking, no random adventures, just good company and good snacks."     Roll nodded appreciatively. "I love it, Rock!  It's perfect!"
    As they shared their Valentine's Day picnic, the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over the scene.  Rush lounged nearby, content with the peaceful atmosphere. The siblings chatted, laughed, and enjoyed the simple joy of each other's company, creating new memories on a hill that had witnessed so much of their shared history.
    As the sun started to find its way beyond the hills and distant cityscape, Roll found herself holding her comfortably cuddled against her brother.  Her arms had found their way around one of his and her head was resting on his shoulder.  Rush has come over to lay near them, his head in her lap.  She pet him with her free hand and happily sighed.     This day has been so wonderful… she thought.  I don't ever want it to end…
    Rock gently leaned his head against Roll's, feeling the warmth of the setting sun on their faces.  The tranquility of the moment wrapped around them like a gentle embrace.  He couldn't help but smile, appreciating the simple yet profound beauty of the bond they shared.     "Happy Valentine's Day, Roll," he whispered.     Roll looked up at him, her eyes reflecting the fading sunlight.     "Happy Valentine's Day, Rock," she whispered back before adding, "I'm really grateful for moments like this…"
    As the daylight waned away, the siblings stayed on the hill, surrounded by the echoes of their adventures and the promise of many more shared moments to come.  Eventually, the last rays of the sun disappeared over the horizon.  Not long after, the sky turned a deep, beautiful shade of blue.  The pair continued to linger in their spot on the hill, letting night slowly find its way forward.
    "Look at all the stars…"
    Roll slowly tilted her head after Rock made his comment.  Even with the glow of the city some miles nearby, they could seem hundreds… thousands… maybe even millions of stars in the night sky, hanging overhead between their little, blue planet and the cosmic dust of an infinite amount of galaxies.  It was humbling.
    "Kinda romantic, huh?"
    "Wh-wuh?"     Roll turned her attention to her brother.  He was looking at her with a soft smile and even softer eyes.     "I said, 'kinda gigantic, huh?'" he asked.  "All those stars, I mean!  There's so many!"     She blinked a couple of times.  Rock was smiling normally, now.  Had she imagined that look he gave her?     "Are you sure that's what you said?"  She rubbed one of her ears.  "I could swear…"     "What?"     She blushed, looking away.  "N-nothing!"     After another second, she cleared her throat and pulled away from her brother.     "W-we should head back…" she nervously suggested.  "We can stargaze from home."     "Are you sure?"  Rock offered another smile.  "Dr. Light won't be back until the day after tomorrow.  We don't have to go home right away…  We could stay here all night…  Just us…"     Roll blushed again.  When she looked back over, she noticed that Rock was giving her that soft look, again.
    "You okay, Roll?"  Rock looked on with concern, cocking his head.  "Your face is red."     "Y-yes, I'm fine!" she chirped, putting her hands to her cheeks.     What's wrong with me?! she internally asked herself.  Why do I keep hearing and seeing things?!  Wishful thinking?  Rock doesn't like you like that…     "We can go home if you really want," her brother said, interrupting her thinking, "but if I'm being honest…"     He looked skyward, warmly smiling.     "I'm having a lot of fun being with you.  Like this.  It's… nice!"
    Roll's face turned redder than before.  Her digital eyes flickered and she felt herself overheating.  She was pretty sure she didn't imagine that one!     H-h-he wants to spend time with me?  'Like this?'     She blinked, suddenly calming.     "Wait.  'Like this'?"  She paused, lowering her hands and looking at him.  "Like what…?"     "O-oh, uh… y-you know!"  He gently scratched his cheek, blushing a little, himself.  "Just us?  Bein' best friends and just… uh…"     Okay.  Roll definitely wasn't imagining it, now.  Rock was getting flustered.  Was it possible he did like her as something more than a "sister unit"?  She couldn't help but smile at her brother's awkward attempt to express his feelings, the night sky becoming their silent companion as they navigated the unspoken emotions lingering between them.
    "Rock," she began, her voice soft but genuine.  "I love being with you, too.  Whether it's adventuring or just sitting on a hill, it's always special!"     She paused, deciding how to finish that thought.  And in the end…     "Best friends forever!  Right?"     She decided to help him save face.     Rock's eyes brightened.  After a pause, he nodded and smiled.     "Yeah!  Forever and ever!"
    They continued to gaze at the stars, the night embracing them in its quiet beauty.  The weight of unspoken words hung in the air, but for now, the siblings were content with the warmth of their connection under the vast, starlit sky.     "Thinking about it…"  Roll grinned, putting her hands on her hips and giving him a playful, knowing look.  "It's kind of funny, taking your 'BFF' on a Valentine's Day picnic… don't you think?"     "Well, maybe…"  Rock chuckled, scratching his head.  "But… you're special, Roll!  You're my bestest best friend!"     Roll giggled, appreciating the sentiment.  "Well, that's different, then!  If I'm not 'bestest best friend', I mean.  Thank you!"
    The two shared a smile before they turned their attention skyward again.  A shooting star zoomed across the cosmos as if responding to their playful banter and unspoken feelings.  The night was serene and there was a layer of sweetness to the air, making their Valentine's Day picnic one they would cherish in their hearts.
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music-2c · 2 years
Another day! Whew! I was at Starbucks in Merrilville, Indiana which is in the Westfield/Southlake Mall parking lot near home in Winfield, IN.
Broke & renting an apartment from my parents out in Winfield, IN while enjoying blogging I frequented the many Starbucks in the area. Since then the Starbucks across the street from the mall & at the Radisson closed. I went to both of those Starbucks back then.
The fun up to date post board inside the Merrilville mall parking lot Starbucks was my Starbucks mermaid crown above my head where I was sitting. I was drinking my Starbucks in about the year 2016. Somewhere circa around there…
A young clean cut good looking gentleman walked in the door. He came up & posted something on the post board above my head. Casually I started talking to him. I asked him what he was doing…
It was Frank Ruvioli and he was marketing his music. He was not much older than my only daughter. I took down the info & started listening to his music immediately.
It was great!
Have been trying to see him live in the area since then. Maybe one day soon…
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I want to drink some nonalcoholic wine & get to know Frank live. He plays at Andersen Winery in Valparaiso, Indiana & I have tried to see him play at Rosatis pizza where my daughter & her husband have since that time I have met him have jobs in the management. They work at the one in Cedar Lake, Indiana owned by the same owners as the Crown Point, Indiana Rosatis.
Frank even does real estate.
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Once by surprise I ran into Frank at the downtown Crown Point, IN library and have seen this Ruvoli genius play songs live on Facebook strumming his guitar looking good.
So youthful…
Listen to his song “Butterfly” on mailchimp.com & his YouTube Christmas song below in this blog. Frank sent those to me years ago & I saved them now blogging about it.
There is another YouTube video to watch below on this blog on him with Frank speaking.
He has brought out the artist, poet, & songwriter in me & has a real positive influence.
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I have since then gotten on the cd in the header to this blog. The cd has a song I wrote. The song is titled “That Smile Just Don’t Got It Now”. That song is the last song on the cd #20. The cd wears the title “Great New Songs 2022”
The cd is a current 2022 Christian hit cd about Jesus & what is going on in 2022. There is a Christian rap song about the war on the cd. My song is the last song #20 about how people are acting & reacting in current 2022 times. The cd is an all Christian Gospel. Thank you Frank. Love your Monkeys.
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forbothareinfinity · 3 years
Answer the Call: A Mandalorian Myth
Heyo!  It’s been a while since I’ve written something.  Follow the link to read on AO3, or just keep going below the cut!
 I have a story to tell.  Learn from it, if you can. 
 As all know, the children of Mandalore are strong and mighty beyond all other warriors of the Galaxy.  Our souls are strong and our hearts are filled with the Manda, and our eyes look to the Ka’ra.
There was a time however, when the people of Mandalore had endured war for years upon years.  Many clans marched to war and continued marching far ahead, with few verde returning.  Buire were torn from ade, and those ade cried out with no one to comfort them. 
 Adennar--who was Mand’alor of the time--shut his ears to the cries of the ade because his eyes were greedy for other lands and he hungered for battle more than for drink or food.
 Mand’alor Adennar called to battle the children of Mandalore, and the ranks of verde were a sight to cause fear in the heart of any aruetiise.  With one voice they shouted, ‘You have called for us, Mand’alor, and so we have come!'
But Mand’alor Adennar was displeased.  Not enough verde answered his call, and anger grew in his heart.  Had his people turned into cowards fearful of war? 
He called out to his people again, angry that they had not come to his first call.
‘Warriors of my lands!  Rise up!  Rise up and fill yourselves with lust for battle that we may destroy our enemies utterly.’
But from the clans of his land there was no answer.  Too many verde had died over the many years of war, and all had already come to his call except for the very old, the pregnant, or those far too young to have passed their verd’goten.
As Mand’alor Adennar swelled with rage to be denied thus, he noticed a kih’rusar’ad near his feet. 
‘Begone with you!’ he cried.  ‘Away from my sight, etyc’ad.’
But the kih’rusar’ad did not leave.  Its voice was soft as dirt, but it spoke with the rumble of thousands.  ‘You have called for us, Mand’alor.  And so we have come.’
‘Call for you?  You and your vode are small and useless and filthy from your work in the earth!  What use would I have for you?  Now get you gone, or I will crush you under my boots.’  And with that Mand’alor Adennar kicked at the kih’rusar’ad and it fled from his sight, lest it be crushed.
However, the kih’rusar’ade began to fill the fields and homes of the children of Mandalore, and one could not walk a pace without finding one under foot.  They gnawed on the grain of the fields, they spoiled the food saved against hard times—they even ate through the rations of the warriors, leaving all hungry and weakened.
Mand’alor Adennar again deafened his ears to the cries of his people, and decided to call once more on those who had denied him.
‘Warriors of the water!  Rise up!  Rise up and fill yourself with lust for battle that we may destroy our enemies utterly.’
But from the clans of his lakes and oceans there was no answer, as with the clans of the land.
Mand’alor Adennar was filled with a deep rage that choked his throat and clouded his vision.  Growling insults against the cowards of his people, he sought for water to cool his head.  When he reached into a pool, however, he drew back in disgust.  A kih’pirun’ad swam through the water.
‘Get away from me, you pirvor’ad!  Go feast on the flesh of your brethren.’
But the kih’pirun’ad did not leave.  Its voice as soft as a trickle of water, but it spoke with the rushing roar of thousands.  ‘You have called for us, Mand’alor.  And so we have come.’
‘Call for you? You and your vode are the scum of the waters, only causing trouble.  What use have I for you?  Now leave my sight, else I will take you from the water and crush you with my gauntlets.’  And with that Mand’alor Adennar grabbed for the kih’pirun’ad and it fled from his sight, lest it be crushed.
However, the kih’pirun’ad began to gather near the dwellings and workings of all the children of Mandalore who lived near and worked on the water.  They destroyed nets, sank boats, and the stink of them was so noxious no one could breathe and many became dizzy and sickened from it.
Mand’alor Adennar once again deafened his ears to the cries of his people, and decided to call one last time on those who had denied him. 
‘Warriors of the sky!  Rise up!  Rise up and fill yourself with lust for battle that we may destroy our enemies utterly.’
But the clans from the high places made no answer, just as with the clans of the land and those of the waters.
Mand’alor Adennar could not breathe for the rage that filled him, his heart labored in his chest and blood thundered through his body.  Unable even to curse his people, he headed in search of open air to gain insight.  When he reached a high place, however, a kih’abiik’ad landed on his arm.
‘Get away from me!’ Mand’alor Adennar cried.  ‘Leave my sight you chakyr’ad!’
But the kih’abiik’ad did not leave.  It’s voice was as soft as a sigh but it spoke with the drone of thousands. ‘You have called for us, Mand’alor.  And so we have come.’
‘Call for you?  You are a blight upon the air, and a cause for cursing!  What use have I for you?  Now get you gone, or I will crush you with my glove.’  And with that Mand’alor Adennar swatted at the kih’abiik’ad and it fled his sight, lest it be crushed.
However, the kih’abiik’ad began to surround the children of Mandalore, stinging and biting them, causing great sores and boils to cover their skin.  The great number of them in the air choked the engines of ships, and not even the most skillful of pilots could fly.  The people of Mandalore cried out in their pain as sickness began to appear among them, and even those who had not been stung grew gravely ill.
Mand’alor Adennar came down from the high place still full of wrath towards his unfaithful verde, but his lust for battle would not be denied so he called for his lieutenants to make ready to leave.
He was greatly shocked when they came before him, stumbling and weak with hunger, dizzy with the stink in the air, and sick from the sores that covered their bodies. 
‘Mand’alor,’ they said, ‘We cannot leave for battle in this state.  All of our verde are weak with hunger and sickness.  No one can move across the land, our boats cannot sail and our ships cannot fly.  Let us stay here a while and recover, that we may better destroy our enemies.’
Mand’alor Adennar spat at them and called them cowards.  ‘Are you so weak and spineless and cowardly that you would prefer peace to battle?  That you would prefer to die mewling than fighting with your last breath?  Honorable death is beyond you!’
The lieutenants shook their heads and attempted to stand up straight in denial.  They were loyal verde!  To fight was their passion and joy.  Yet their strength was sapped by hunger and sickness and they could not utter more than weak words Mand’alor Adennar refused to hear.
‘Cursed am I among all Mand’alor’e, to have you for verde.  Best of the best?  No—you are not even worthy of the name warriors.  Laandur hut’uune!  Ni’duraa!’
With every word he uttered Mand’alor Adennar’s voice rose until he was screaming with fury.  His armor shook with each brutal beat of his heart, as it pumped with ever increasing speed.
‘You are not warriors!  You are not Mando’ade!  You are Dar’manda!’ he shrieked, heaving for breath.  ‘Death to the enemies of Mandalore—death to you and your families for your treachery! 
‘Death—’ Mand’alor Adennar gasped for breath that would not come, as his heart faltered in his chest.  A strange stillness filled the air around him, a sense of cold that was not cold that froze limbs in their place so none could move.
From behind him Mand’alor Adennar heard a voice that was more absence than sound that froze the soul as the air did his body.
‘You have called for me, Mand’alor.  And so, I have come.’
Death embraced Mand’alor Adennar from behind and lay a hand over his chest as his heart beat its last, and with one swift move pulled his soul from his body.
Mand’alor Adennar found himself dragged to a place that was as distant as the edge of the universe, yet as close as the last breath of air in his body’s lungs.  Death sent him sprawling to the ground in front of a multitude of Mando’ade, and Mand’alor Adennar realized that these were the Ka’ra, the souls of all previous Mand’alor’e who sat in guidance of their people.  Yet he had not been set among their number, no—he was placed before them to be judged.
With one ringing voice the Mand’alor’e spoke, and the pressure of their words weakened Adennar’s limbs and forcibly bent his head before them—
‘We have called for you Mand’alor.  And so, you have come.’
 So ends the story of Mand’alor Adennar.  Learn from it, if you can.
Buire--parents Ade--children Mand’alor—sole ruler Adennar—merciless acts Ka’ra—lit. Stars. The previous Mand’alor’e that sit in guidance and judgement Aruetiise—outsiders, traitors, enemies Verde—Soldiers/warriors Verd’goten—Mandalorian coming of age, undertaken at 13 Kih’rusur’ad—lit. small child of the land Etyc’ad—child of filth/grime Kih’pirun’ad—lit. small children of the water Pirvor’ad—child of slime Kih’abiik’ad—lit. small children of the air Chakyr’ad—corpse eaters Mand’alor’e—lit. Sole Rulers—Everyone who’s been Mand’alor Laandur—fragile, weak, delicate, pathetic Hut’uune--cowards Ni’duraa—You disgust me Dar’manda—not Mandalorian any longer
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i'm so excited about you taking asks again ahhhh okay so. if you'd absolutely had to choose. what would be your top 5 cockles moments, and why? thank you ily <3
here’s the thing: there are so many routes i could go down with this, because cockles moments come in all shapes and sizes and formats. these include moments from their panels, their bloopers, the footage we get when they don’t even know they’re being recorded, stories being passed down from photo ops & autographs(one of my personal favorite ways to get cockles, tbh, because they’re all insane), and social media(tweets to each other, instagram posts & comments, etc.). 
SO! since many a list like this has already been made, and i want to stand out from the crowd, what i’m gonna do is definitively give the number one spot to each of these five categories.(i might even throw in honourable mentions because they’re so despicably in love that they warrant that. i really put my whole pussy into this, guys, i hope you’re happy.) 
disclaimer: these are my own personal opinions. but that also means i’m right. so. enjoy. 
number one: top cockles panel moment
so we’re starting off with a bang, because how do you even BEGIN to rank what atrocities jensen and misha commit at jibcon. every single one they’ve had is damning in it’s own right, for different reasons.
however, considering just how much unabashed fuckery they’ve given us to sift through, it’s a good thing i do have a personal favorite despite it all. it’s heartwarming, the sweetest thing i’ve ever seen, AND it’s jarringly cinematic - mainly because it has a whole ass arc to it that was years in the making. it might even be surprising to some people, but my favorite cockles panel moment, and what i consider the one that encompasses their entire gut-wrenching journey from 2008-2013 in the most sweepingly romantic gesture possible, is this one.
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i want this burned into my retinas. i am not even joking. when i'm through with my explanation, let me convince you why this is thee most romantic cockles moment of all time.
first, some history: people call this the resume off, but many seem to forget the botched attempt at a resume off a year prior. and yes, you guessed it: it's during their break up. it's a juicy time period for a reason, guys. it came across as exceedingly one-sided and VERY awkward. let me refresh your memory as to just how bad it was, and just how hard jensen was trying and ultimately failing at winning misha over: the funniest part of the whole resume off in 2013??? every joke/bit had literally already been made/done. they were just going through the motions again, but the difference THIS time...is that misha reciprocated jensen's energy. it. is. fascinating. i want to get into it more detail in another post, and i'll link it here when i'm done, but the main takeaway, i think, and the main difference that showcases how much they've grown in a year, is that in jib 3, misha flat out refused to do an accent, and this time around, he indulges jensen for literal minutes. when i tell you they're crazy, they're crazy. i can't wait to actually dive into it later.
ANYWAY, the resume off culminates in this moment here. and, like, a million things happen in this gifset. actually, more like a million and one. the music starts playingneediremindyouthatthesongissingingintherain(h e l p), misha starts dancing, jensen 'perpetually fake grumpy' ackles lets misha think he's not going to join, misha sits down defeated, but no!!! that was jensen's plan all along(look at his stupid fucking smirk) and he offers his arm to his dance partner who immediately grins like a fool, jensen then leads misha into their kick step, they perfectly synchronise and let loose, and are then very clearly having the time of their lives, hanging off of each other with joy and ease. from their expressions alone i can tell that this moment is so. so. so. so! much more than what initially meets the eye. i mean-misha is fighting back the biggest smile i've ever seen. to me, it reads like jensen is offering something to misha, something that misha kind of gave up on expecting, and him offering his arm like that is like, a surprise to him in the best possible way(and it's so not platonic, let me just say that.) as soon as jensen did that, it ushered in a new era of cockles. this panel is jensen and misha's favourite for a reason, and i think this moment is the biggest clue as to why.
whew!!! ok. that took a lot out of me and that was only point one. moving on,
number two: top cockles blooper moment
cockles bloopers hold an extremely special place in my heart, because it shows just how fucking disastrous jensen and misha are. they are so goddamn infatuated with each other that they HOLD UP PRODUCTION ALL THE TIME TO FLIRT WITH EACH OTHER(???). let me repeat. let it sink in. jensen ackles; arguably one of the most professional actors on that show who puts everything he has into each scene, with mountains and mountains of notes to prove it: would rather hold up production to flirt with misha collins. this sounds fake. it's not. he does it. all. the. time. and here's the thing guys!!! i'm gonna let you in on a secret!!! misha loves it. he loveesssss it. on top of that-misha collins: overlooked because he's pranked and people assume he's unprofessional as well, but his only pranks are in retaliation/off-set, and he rarely if EVER causes problems if he can help it....lets himself get carried away when it comes to jensen making kissy faces at him!!! are you actually kidding me!!! i mean. misha. it's just a face. you've seen it a million times. i don't buy that it triggers something in you that strongly....you like it, and you like jensen's reaction. you can't fool me!!! lisa berry's face in that one gifset shows just how fed up the crew is with their gross, coupley boyfriend antics.
i could pull up so many examples. sooooooo many. but my favourite was sealed since the moment i saw it.
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i actually already wrote an analysis on it but i can't find it :(((( which SUCKS because i really unpacked the whole thing. i'll try to summarise.
basically, a backstory is part of this too!!! jensen and misha both had a really really hard time with this scene(because it's explicitly romantic there i said it), they sat down for hours and poured over their scripts together, they were super super nervous going into filming, both of them, jensen especially, were super hard on themselves for their performances not being true to their characters but they both complimented the other's work(boyfriend moments fr). so, yeah. they weren't confident going into shooting. and how do they get themselves to feel better???? by cuddling each other, apparently.
a lot. a LOT. happens in this specific blooper. to the point that i saw it years before i knew about cockles and it raised all sorts of flags for me.
1) stop pulling my face towards your crotch(as a thinly veiled request that misha would, in fact, move jensen's face towards his crotch, considering it was jensen moving himself there in the first place. also, why so comfy down there guys???) 2) you're my baby daddy i know(in the most intimate voice i've ever heard please) 3) i know, i know, i love you too i didn't say i love you i know but you wanted to say it etc. misha's right, of course. that's what jensen meant.
it just reeks of comfort, familiarity and intimacy between the two, and it's a moment that is extremely sweet and silly at the same time. they're so <3
number three: top cockles found footage moment
WONDERFUL category. truly the culmination of the cockles experience. many people have said that shipping cockles doesn't work because 'they're just onstage you dummies!! they're playing it up for the audience!!!' here's the thing, love. i could not disagree with you more. once you climb your way up the cockles ladder, you soon learn that they are, in fact, playing their dynamic DOWN, not up. they really are just Like That™, and they could not care less about the paying audience, if we're being honest, considering how much time they take to giggle with each other and refuse to let the audience in on the joke. and i love them for it <3
anyway, my point is that this category is for all you naysayers out there, all you 'jensen and misha's relationship is just for show and is real life queerbaiting'(?????lordhelp???) oh yeah? ok, explain this.
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he. he. he calls jensen sweetheart. literally enough said. there's nothing to really add here, except, misha and jared then immediately engage in damage control. jared's method is distraction and misha's is retconning('get out of the car, dude') this was what got me to buy into the cockles dumpster for GOOD good. you don't call your buddy sweetheart accidentally and sound so completely earnest while doing it! especially not when that buddy is jensen ackles!!! you think he would let any of his friends call him that? do you?
one more thing; if it was a slip of the tongue, little mouth thing or whatever, you think jared wouldn't have jumped on it immediately??? i can hear it now. 'did you just call him SWEETHEART???' yeah. that's what i thought. you know why he didn't? because it was too revealing.
number four: top cockles autograph moment
i mean, i think we all know what it's gonna be, and if you don't, well, do i have the piece de cockles resistance that is gonna send you over the edge.
if you haven't heard of this story by now, as a cockles, truther, i'm gonna go ahead and get you to read it, because there is no possible heterosexual explanation for any of it, and you're fooling yourself if you think otherwise.
spoiler alert: it's the story where phones weren't allowed in an auto session, jensen nuzzles himself in misha's hair, leans his full body weight onto him, holds his hand, etc. etc. i'm imploding just repeating this back, actually. also, just, the sheer amount of stories from photo ops where they tackle hug each other or slap each other's asses or sing romantic songs to each other or almost kiss is, frankly, a lot. if i could wish for anything, it would be to witness them in person.
and finally,
number five: top cockles social media moment
this one is super difficult, because there's obviously a lot to choose from. but you know what? full send, i'm going with this one:
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i just. what to say about this. how often do misha and jensen watch sunsets together for it to qualify as ‘always’ ??? why are sunsets synonymous with their relationship??? that’s like??? a very romantic thing????? ‘this guy’??? the fact that it’s a CANDID??? i don’t know guys.
that could have been better but i am TIRED so. there you go rose ily
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hood-ex · 3 years
Honestly Post-New 52 has really soured me on DickBabs, I’m sad to say. I just don’t like who they are when they’re written together anymore! Babs turns into the generic girlboss who can do anything and does everything better than Dick, complains about and disparages him to other people, (that “have you been to war?” “I’ve dated Dick Grayson” exchange? Makes me see red) is turned into a nag and treated like his minder and so much smarter than him, while Dick turns into some kind of flighty, reckless flirty idiot who you can’t tell has been a vigilante for a majority of his life and is considered one of the most capable, skilled heroes in the community, who exists to be one-upped by Babs or to rush into things so she can say “I told you so” like some kind of sitcom couple with the manchild boyfriend and his more intelligent indulgent but also somehow despairing girlfriend. And the constant “Will-They-Won’t-They” that has been the state of their relationship since Post-Infinite Crisis/One Year Later era… it’s been over a decade. They’ve hinted and teased and dangled but are only just now maybe somewhat following through and I’m just not interested anymore, I’m fatigued from the push and pull and non-commitment. I’m just not feeling it anymore, especially in the current version, and that really just saddens me. Sorry for dumping this on you
No worries, I think you've voiced what a lot of fans are also feeling. I agree that at this point, I'm absolutely exhausted by the Will They Won't They take on their relationship. It's felt like a really long slow burn fic that's 41 chapters but the ship doesn't officially get together until chapter 38, and by that point, you're so tired of being dragged along that you just want the fic to be over with already so you can move on to something else.
I'm not finding a lot of their interactions enjoyable like I used to. It's gotten to the point that I dread issues where they're together and that show some kind of romantic relationship between them because, like you said, they don't feel like themselves when they're interacting. Sometimes it also feels like they're written more like teenagers when they're together (and the art certainly doesn't help with that but at least Babs looks older in Taylor's run).
Oh, yeah, that thing King wrote where Babs made a comparison between going to war and dating Dick was absolutely terrible. There was also that badly written issue where Babs blamed Dick for forgetting and attacking her when he had amnesia/was being mind-controlled. And then she told him he had to earn her friendship back.
I'm trying really hard not to ruin other people's fun when it comes to dickbabs and how they're developing recently but whew. I'm still firmly standing in my single!Dick corner while also wanting Babs to be able to date someone outside of the batfamily. (DC, stop passing Babs around the batfam like a plate of ribs. If she has to be in a relationship, let her be with someone outside of the bat circle.)
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ubemango · 4 years
*gregorian chant* breeding kink c*m inflation kink breeding kink c*m inflation kink breeding kink c*m inflation kink bree
In another universe pups is the ABO fic I never wrote HJDHJDSHJDSHJHJFHJFSD OK so anyway I won’t lie I had to google what cum inflation was and when I saw what I saw.... yes. Ok. It got my brain gears going *rusty noise of gears turning* U know what I mean??? So i was thinking..... ***NSFW WARNING
You see hentai on Namjoon’s laptop one day. You’ve mastered the art of nonchalance, though. So when he comes back from the bathroom and gives you a smile—as if you haven’t gotten a peek into Things That Turn Namjoon On That Don’t Include You—you breathe an internal sigh of relief. Safe.
Except you’ve stopped taking notes and now all you can think about is Namjoon watching porn so brazenly on his laptop. Where he does schoolwork of all places! He could at least just use his phone. Also you’re just a teensy bit wet because cartoon boobs and dick is still conducive to horny hours, even if you are doing something as unsexy as critical writing.
Your study date ends with a simple kiss on the lips because Hoseok’s home this time and you’d rather not taint the living room space while he’s occupying the apartment too. Namjoon slips in a little bit of tongue though, because he’s cheeky like that.
You text Namjoon right when you get home. You lie and say you’re going to sleep early, with the excuse that you have to wake up early for a meeting with your advisor. And when he sends you his good night text, you get to it. Getting ready for bed, turning your night light to the colour red once you’ve settled in.
You have sleuthing to do.
Because the hentai wasn’t just... well there’s no regular hentai, is there? It’s just. There. Being hentai. And what’s Namjoon without an inclination for messy pussies because of—because of—
You close your eyes tight because you can’t believe what you’re about to type into the search bar on your phone.
But first!
Incognito. Whew. The shame of clearing your history would be too much to bear. So when you press enter on cum inflation it isn’t so bad. Especially when all the X-rated websites pop up and your screen just becomes Anime Boobies Galore when you click the first link.
You can’t believe Namjoon had the gall to just leave that website up there on his screen. You’re scrolling down the page and already you’re feeling hot. And it isn’t even because of the fact that you’re skimming through videos of perfect girls getting so cummed up their stomachs literally become distended. Nor is it the thought of Namjoon watching it and enjoying it, either. Rather...
Was he thinking of you when he was watching these videos? Bending your knees up over your shoulders and promising you that he’s saved up all his cum for you? Getting you to drool down your chin, cross-eyed?
(Your hand is down your panties at the third video you come across. You come pretty hard when you see the girl’s pussy literally spew semen from how hard the guy comes inside her. And when you reach post-orgasm clarity you immediately exit the browser, chuck your phone onto the floor, and hope to god sleep overtakes you within twenty seconds.)
The next time you meet up for another study date with Namjoon is the weekend. That’s a good three nights of jacking it off to the same video of a huge dongle fucking a good five buckets of semen inside his girlfriend. And when you settle all your notebooks and laptop down, you immediately go for the kill.
“Do you like anime boobs?”
Namjoon chokes on the water he’s drinking from his bottle. “I—ahem. What, uh... what brought this on?”
“I’ve been watching a lot of hentai so I thought I’d ask,” you clarify.
“Uh-huh,” he says incredulously.
“And you know, it’s just—I liked it. A lot. You know. Just for your information.”
Namjoon blinks. “Are you trying to get at something here?”
“Because I don’t really mind, you know. Porn is porn. And you can like whatever you want. Like as long as it’s nice and consensual,” you ignore him.
“Like I would never make fun of you because I’m—well I’ve watched Grinch porn before but that was against my own will—“
“Baby,” Namjoon laughs, squishing your cheeks to stop your rambling. “What’s going on?”
“I like h’ntai,” you try to articulate with his hands still keeping your lips pressed in like this.
“I get that. But why?”
Oh god. You don’t even know what you want from this conversation. Maybe the guilt of catching him has caught up to you. Or maybe you also just want to have a distended stomach from having Namjoon bust a fat load inside you.
You take his hands from your face, clutch at them for support. “I saw... Um. What you were watching. The other day.”
“Ah.” You watch Namjoon’s ears turn red. He squeezes your hands right back. “You—damn. I’m sorry.”
“No—!” You clear your throat when it warbles. “N-No... it’s... well I...”
You feel his thumb rub comfort into your skin. He looks like he’s getting ready for a scolding. So when you say, “I actually really liked it and I’ve been watching it every night,” in one breath, Namjoon blinks.
And blinks.
After a solid sixteen seconds of silence, he says: “That’s really hot.”
You both stare at each other. The notebook you laid out for notes sits quietly, waiting.
“You wanna go to your bed—?”
Namjoon nearly dislodges your shoulder when he pulls you up to stand. “Yes we’re going right now.”
Something you’re really thankful for when it comes to Namjoon is how compatible you two are. You can’t count how many times you’ve both just looked at each other, no words to say, but somehow still completely on the same page. It’s like you both have the instinct of the other person ingrained in the part of your brain that deals with intuition.
You’re pretty keen on foreplay most days, but even Namjoon sees you’d rather rip your hair out than not immediately go for the feeling of his dick ramming inside you right at this very second. He laughs when you strip in record time, laying supine on the bed while he undresses.
“What’s gotten into you?” As if he’s not hard himself. He crawls over you with kisses warm on your belly, your breasts. “I have to admit. I really just wanted to fuck today.”
“Oh thank god,” you sigh. You knew something was up the second you realized Hoseok wasn’t home. He probably sexiled himself. You remind yourself to buy him dinner one day for his noble deed. “Just—I’m wet. I think. I just want you inside me, please.”
Namjoon groans. “You’re dangerous.”
“I watched hentai for three nights straight, I’m horny,” you whine in correction.
“You wanna know something? Please don’t laugh.”
“What?” Oh you’re wet alright. Namjoon lines his cock at your hole, slides tight inside. “O-Oh—what?”
“I kind of. I haven’t jacked off since the last time we met,” he says, voice tight. “Thank god you watched that shit because I probably sound crazed right now.”
He grinds up till his hips meet your ass, and you shiver when the tip of his cock hits just right. “I—I wanted to save my cum for you,” he admits, sweating at his neck, and something clicks inside you, because you were right.
“I thought—about that too—ngh!”
Namjoon fucks you steady now. No more shy thrusts like he always starts off with to gauge your mood. He knows you want it. “Shit. About what, baby?”
“You. A-And... making me full... of you.”
“Oh my god.” He grabs your thighs, opening you wide. Takes a thumb to your clit like he’s on a mission. “Will you come with me? Can you do that?”
Holy fuck you’d do anything for him. So you nod, moaning with every hard thrust he gives you. Your legs threaten to close when he rubs you raw, but he commands with a low voice:
“Open, pups.”
Embarrassingly, that does it. He’s never one to order you around. And knowing he’s purposefully saved you his cum like it’s Christmas come early, you know better than to hinder the process.
Your legs shake when you open wider, feeling the warmth of his cock tenfold. “I’m close,” you cry when he slams into you.
“Feel it here?” He slides a sweaty palm to your abdomen. “Gonna give it to you right there. Make you so full. So pretty. All—mine—!”
You don’t even know if that was your signal. But the thought of him swelling you up like that girl on your screen, her womb so full with cum and promise—
“Joonie!” You shriek, toppling right into red-hot pleasure, clutching at the sheets because it’s too much. You come in waves, and Namjoon rides it with you, bucks into you with one last groan. You feel it, feel his excess warmth coat your insides just like he’d told you, and you pretend you feel your stomach balloon for more space. He rubs a grateful hand on your stomach.
“My little cum dump,” he coos tiredly, and you slap his arm with a laugh.
“Don’t pull out yet.” You slide your arms around his shoulders, bringing his tired form onto you. “Keep me plugged in.”
He laves at your neck. “Oh so now I’m out of line when I say weird shit.”
“I never said it was weird,” you whisper. “I’ll happily house all your semen.”
“Oh my—pfft. Ok. You know what? Show me that video you were watching, I need to know what’s got you like this,” he snorts, and you promise to do it later. You’ll just keep him like this for a little while.
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reb0rned · 3 years
The Witch’s Heir.
Chapter 5.
Summary: The seer is ominous and another brother makes an entrance.
WHEW, OK, HELLO! It’s been a hot minute since I last posted anything and I am sorry for taking so long... It’s been kind of a crazy time for me, with too many new things that took my time completely. I can’t guarantee I will be consistent with posting, but I promise I will really try. I am fond of this story and would like to finish it eventually! Even though looking back to what I wrote years ago makes me see all the mistakes I made and probably still make,, but! I am here, and I’ll rewrite whatever I need to. Thank you so much for your support, it really makes me happy to see the lil interactions, and thank you if you decide to support me still! Feel free to ask anything and correct me in my writing bc I kinda still suck at translating my own thoughts.
Lots of love for everyone! Hope you are safe and taking care of yourselves; you deserve it!
(also tell me if you want to be tagged or for me to stop tagging you!!)
Warnings: Sigurd being ableist, talk about slavery,, weapon use,,, i think that's it! If you believe i should add something else, please message me!!
Pairings: i’ve finally decided this is gonna be an (eventual) Ivar x reader! but there’ll be a little bit of everything.
Characters: Floki, Aslaug, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd, Ivar, Bjorn, Tekk (oc), Cat (oc)
Taglist: @youbloodymadgenius​   @inforapound   @nyx-daughterofchaos98​   @bagpipes606   @amy8220   @mamabearlovr​   @ace-fiction​   @stillreadingfantasy​   @chandrababyface​
Word Count: 5191.
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 ‘’What? No way! Ragnar had a christian friend?!’’ You leaned towards Floki from your place on the dusty floor of the room, your smile widening at his mystical and exaggerated expression. ‘'Weren't you guys enemies or something?’’
‘’And we are.’’ Ivar replied from beside you with a smug raise of his eyebrow. ‘’He was his slave.’’ You frowned.
‘’He was his friend. And the gods did not like that, they knew he would betray us. They even sent me a sign.’’ Floki interrupted, catching your attention again.
‘’The gods sent you a sign?’’
‘’I had a vision. They wanted me to… they did not want him here.’’ He looked perturbed by whatever it was he was thinking, but you were far more interested in what he had to say to notice that.
‘’Is it a common thing for your gods to speak to you? To send you signs?’’ Ivar sent a strange look your way at those words. 
‘’For some people, those who are gifted, it is.’’
‘’Those like you?’’ Floki smiled at that, he didn’t want to admit it, but you were starting to grow on him.
‘’And you, it seems. Ivar told me his brothers brought you to the seer today.’’ You rolled your eyes; of course he did.
‘’Ah. Yeah, they did. But they might as well not have done it at all. He only spoke nonsense.’’ You replied with an annoyed shrug, and Ivar laughed dryly.
‘’You only say that because your dense mind could not understand the seers wisdom.’’ You looked at him while he mocked you, flaring your nostrils in anger.
‘’And what would you know?’’ You fired back, your voice raising with each word. ‘’You weren’t even there.’’
‘’What did the seer tell you?’’ Floki interrupted you quickly, he knew your conversation could get heated faster than he could hope for.
Luckily, you turned your attention towards him again.
‘’He told me I had to not worry at all, to just wait for my destiny to find me. He said that is what the gods want from me, amongst other confusing things…
Like, what is that? He wants me to wait? Like nothing’s wrong? Like I’m not somewhere completely strange for me and my siblings…?’’ You sighed.
‘’The seer is never wrong, if he told you that, then you should not have any worry.’’ Floki waved his hand dismissively.
‘’But he can actually, like, get the stuff wrong, I guess? I mean, they can’t always understand what the gods tell them, can they? Even if they know them that much.’’ You insisted, trying your best not to lose your temper.
‘’That is exactly what they do, idiot.’’ You ignored Ivar’s words.
‘’You must trust the gods to guide you eventually towards the right path.’’ Floki patted your head lightly and offered you a sympathetic smile. But it did nothing to calm you down: you could see, besides the usual glint of mischievousness, a small fragment of what you could only assume was worry.
 ‘’The important thing is that you recognise them whenever they call you. So let us go back to your lesson. Tell me; what are the many names of Odin?’’
That same afternoon, you and your sister were by the stables, accompanied by Ubbe and Hvitserk. Álvaro was already riding through the mountains besides Sigurd, not having wanted to wait for any of you. Your sister struggled with the saddle while you groomed your horse, gently.
‘’Come on, Catalina. He won’t hurt you.’’ You smirked when you heard Ubbe’s exasperated voice, trying his best to help your sister.
‘’But prince Ubbe! If I get down there, I’m scared it’ll knock me down with its hooves!’’ Ubbe snorted.
‘’If you are quick and firm, there is no danger at all. Besides, you told me you had ridden a horse before?’’ He quirked an eyebrow.
‘’And I have, but saddling the horse… that’s different. He’s looking at me with hatred in his eyes...’’
You took Hvitserk’s hand in yours and he guided it to the saddle, indicating to you the correct way to mount it. You followed his instructions carefully.
‘’Be gentle when you sit, Y/n. If you let all your weight fall on her back at once, you will hurt her.’’ You nodded and let your weight down slowly, the mare snorted gratefully and you patted her neck.
‘’Alright, perfect. Now take the reins like I taught you.’’ You did as he told you, a nervous smile on your lips, for this actually was your first time truly riding a horse.
‘’Come on, Cat. We are waiting for you!’’ You teased, smiling at the glare your sister sent your way. Once she finally managed to get her horse ready, she was helped up by Ubbe, he held her by the waist and pushed her up like it was nothing. Ubbe then proceeded to sit behind her. You reached out your hand to help Hvitserk up. 
‘’Alright.’’ Said Ubbe, he was holding the reins over Catalina’s hands, leading them towards the door. ‘’Catalina and I will go ahead, you try to follow us, hm?’’
You looked as Cat took the reins from Ubbe’s hands and started riding, her smile getting wider as she took control of the horse. Even from afar, you could hear their giggling and seemingly endless banter.
‘’Okay. Alright. Come on, please follow them.’’ You spoke softly. The only reaction you got was the twitching of her left ear. ‘’It won’t work.’’ You whispered, already getting frustrated.
‘’It is fine, do not get nervous.’’ Hvitserk comforted you with his hands on your shoulders. ‘’Try kicking its belly with the heels of your boots.’’ His voice was calm and his words were spoken directly into your right ear. That did not help with your nerves at all. 
There was no response from the horse as you repeatedly struggled to kick her belly without hurting her. You let out a frustrated sigh.
‘’I can’t do it, she won’t move.’’ You whined, and you could hear the suppressed snort coming out of Hvitserk’s mouth. ‘’Hvitserk, don’t laugh at me!’’
‘’It is alright, Y/n. You need to be firm, or she will take advantage of your gentleness. Let me do it.’’ He dug his heels on the horse with determination, and she abruptly went into a trot . You yelped, holding on for dear life to the reins and having just enough time to stop it before you ran over the figure that suddenly appeared in front of you. 
‘’Sorry! Oh god, I almost killed you!’’ You caught your breath, holding your chest with your free hand. The man in question was tall, even taller than your horse, and his hair was pulled up into a long braid; you would have thought it was Ragnar if he wasn’t so young. Your thoughts were cut short by Hvitserk’s voice.
‘’Bjorn!’’ He jumped down the horse and greeted him with a hug. You were able to see Catalina and Ubbe just behind them, holding the reins of their horse as they had already dismounted. Your sister helped you down the horse as Ubbe joined the group of men.
You were patting your skirts as the stranger called Bjorn approached you with an intimidating gaze. You straightened your back and looked at him with pursed lips.
Catalina was the first to break the tense silence that was building up. ‘’Prince Bjorn! This is my sister.’’ She gestured towards you and you forced a smile on your lips.
"Ah, you must be Y/n. I have heard a lot about you." You gaped at him, eyes wide.
"Seriously?" You looked around you at the two brothers, and they shrugged with guilty smiles. Bjorn rested a hand on your shoulder. A gigantic hand. 
"Do not be surprised, it is not very common to have such strange visitors here in Kattegat. So it is only normal that people talk about you."
‘’Uhh, yeah, I guess. But, jus-’’ You cleared your throat. ‘’Who are you?’’
‘’I am Bjorn Ironside, son of Ragnar.’’ He announced proudly.
‘’Another one!? Woah…’’
‘’He is a great viking.’’ Ubbe spoke, proudly, while he took the horses to their places. You patted your horse’s snout as a goodbye, and she snorted in return. You smiled.
‘’Has father seen you yet?’’ Hvitserk spoke now, you intertwined your elbow with your sister’s, seeking for an ounce of comfort. She accepted it, but followed close behind the men as they made their way outside. You could see she was looking at the middle one with a look that you couldn’t quite decipher. You nudged her on the side with a slight frown.
‘’And what’s up with that face of yours?’’ She whispered mockingly when she noticed how you watched her.
‘’Nothing’s wrong with my face.’’ Your whisper was a little louder than intended, and she sniggered when Hvitserk turned towards you for a second, giving you an amused smile, before joining his brother’s conversation again. ‘’I should be the one asking.’’
She only laughed again as she picked up your pace to reach the princes.
‘’So you four will be joining your brother on the next raid?’’ You asked as Sigurd strummed his oud softly, both of you resting against a tree.
‘’Yes. Well, not the four of us, Ivar cannot go to the battlefield.’’ He looked at you, eyebrows raised, with a slight smirk.
‘’Really? It seemed to me like he was very good at fighting. At least from what I could see the other day.’’ Catalina inquired from beside you, she was resting her head on your right shoulder, a tired look on her face. You dug your carving knife into the piece of wood on your hands. Sigurd took a peek of your work from over your left shoulder.
‘’Maybe he is good, but he is also a cripple.’’ He muttered and pointed at the piece on your hands. ‘’What is it?’’ 
You stopped for a second, processing his words, and shook your head. "It's a dragon. I'm learning to carve those dragon heads that you have on your boats. Only a smaller version of them." You clarified, he hummed.
"Why is that?"
"Floki says I need practice before I can really help him, and I want to, so..." He hummed again in understanding.
There was a long silence, the gentle melody of Sigurd's oud enveloping the three of you, accompanied by the soft chirping of the birds and the singing of the breeze against the trees. The non-silence had felt peaceful before you broke it.
 "Why would you say something like that?" You turned to look directly into Sigurd’s eyes. He did the same, only with a slight frown.
"I wanted to know-" He began, slowly, but you interrupted him.
"No, no. I meant the crippled thing. Why are you always so cruel towards your brother?" You set your carving knife and wooden piece on top of your skirt and thighs.
He averted his gaze then, looking to the distance, to a young woman with blonde locks that seemed to be waiting. You recognised her as one of the thralls that worked for the royal family, Margrethe. Your sister shot you a reprimanding look before she clarified.
‘’You don’t need to answer that, Sigurd.’’
"Because he deserves it." You tried not to frown, waiting for him to explain. "It has always been like that. Poor defenseless Ivar getting everything he wants. I am tired of it. That is all.’’ 
‘’But he’s your brother, shouldn’t you support him? I mean it mustn’t be easy for him, you should know that.’’ 
‘’Well, he needs to understand that he is not the only one suffering.’’ Sigurd looked into the distance, the dryness of his words exasperated you.
‘’But you can’t say that! You have two legs, you can walk, and run, and dance, and swim, what would you know about his world?’’
‘’What do you know about him at all?’’ To which you answered with silence. He was right, you didn’t know how it felt, either, you didn’t know anything about him except for the fact that he was an ass most of the time. You felt a little foolish.
‘’And why are you defending him so suddenly? He has been terrible to you from what I could see.’’ Catalina spoke and you made a face at her.
‘’I don’t know.’’ And you didn’t, really. It was then that you heard Sigurd click his tongue, and you both turned to follow his pained gaze. It was almost too far for you to see, but the girl you remembered named Margrethe was now being held close by a man. A familiar one. You squinted your eyes and gasped when you realised who it was.
‘’Is that Ubbe?’’ You whispered, Sigurd replied with a nod. ‘’Wow, they’re not discreet at all, are they? Who is that? She’s one of those thralls, isn’t she?’’ You were pretty sure you knew her name, but didn’t want to risk getting it wrong, since it seemed to matter so much to the young prince.
‘’Her name is Margrethe.’’ Sigurd clarified. For a few minutes, you just stared ahead, in complete silence. Not even the lute was playing now, and you could feel a strange tension building up around you. You narrowed your eyes suspiciously as the couple disappeared into the forest, hand in hand. 
‘’...what is happening here?’’ You positioned yourself in front of your sister and the prince so you could look at them both. Sigurd made a face, but Catalina wasn’t bothered by your question, she looked at the prince with an equally interested face. She had always known how to avoid confrontation when it suited her best.
‘’That’s right, have you got feelings for that girl?’’ She asked, a smirk forming on her lips. Sigurd flinched, feeling slightly intimidated by your curiosity.
‘’I am in love with her.’’ His voice was so soft it could’ve been confused with a bird’s chirp. It was almost heartwarming. Almost.
‘’You’re in love with a girl who is your slave?’’ Your sister asked with a grimace.
‘’Well that’s problematic.’’ You added to your sister’s comment, she nodded sadly.
‘’Why should it be? I can free her, then I will marry her.’’ He was determined, you had to give him that.
‘’But does she want to be with you, though?’’ Catalina asked, gently, like she was speaking to a child, like she did with you when you were little and wanted something you couldn’t have.
‘’She does love me, she told me. But she has also been with Ubbe and Hvitserk. That’s the problem.’’
‘’Uh, man. She’s a slave.’’ You deadpanned.
‘’And what does that matter? She is human.’’ His tone was slightly offended, and you rushed to clarify.
‘’Yeah! Yeah I don’t mean it like that. But she’s a slave, can’t you understand? The fact that she says she loves you doesn’t mean anything. Because she’s not free to choose, and you’re princes! You hold power over her.’’ How did you explain consent and power dynamics to a man from the middle ages? 
‘’What do you mean? She does no-’’ 
‘’Catalina! There you are!’’ You were interrupted by a group of young women, all of them dressed as warriors. They all approached you, and Catalina rose to her feet, greeting them with a smile.
‘’Girls! Were you looking for me?’’
‘’We were about to begin our training, come with us.’’
‘’Oh, of course!’’ She turned to you with a smile. ‘’See you later, guys.’’ She winked at you and then followed her group of new friends.
You looked at her as she disappeared, slightly shaken. 
‘’Woah… I didn’t know she had made so many friends already.’’
‘’She is quite naturally good at fighting, that made her popular.’’ 
‘’I can see that. And yet here I am…’’ You muttered the last part, but Sigurd heard you nonetheless, and he bumped you slightly with his elbow.
‘’Hey, you told me you enjoyed singing, why don’t you sing while I play?’’ He lifted his oud up, a smile returning to his face as he strummed random chords.
‘’Oh, I don’t think that’s a good idea.’’ You smiled at him and he tilted his head to the side, confused.
‘’I don’t think you’d like any of the songs I know.’’
You sat on the floor while you examined the weapon in your hands; a short and light sword that Ivar had left on the floor when he picked the bow for practice. If you raised your eyes you could see the brothers practising. Ubbe and Sigurd fought stubbornly while Bjorn drank a cup of water, almost out of breath. You had seen your sister a couple of times as she came and went with the shieldmaidens by her side, but it was weird since she seemed not to acknowledge any of you each time. On top of that, Floki had sent you away since there were important matters to be discussed with Ragnar about an upcoming voyage or so you had believed to hear.
So you weren’t having a good time.
‘’Hey, Bjorn.’’ He turned to look at you. ‘’Do you know where my brother is? I haven’t seen him all day.’’
He let the cup down to approach you. It intimidated you how tall he looked from your spot on the floor, so you got up. 
"I think I saw him with Hvitserk, they were laughing. I cannot tell you much more." He shrugged and you nodded your head, thinking to yourself. He was acting weird, he hadn't even spoken a word to you all day. You heaved a sigh and Bjorn startled you with a hand on your shoulder. He smiled down at you empathetically, and you knew what he was implying.
"I'm not worried, I know all of this is new and he surely wants to get to know everything as soon as possible." You smiled back.
"Right." You both turned to look at the brothers, who were concentrated in fighting still. "Would you not like to try?" He pointed to the sword hanging limply from your hand. You grimaced.
"I'm terrible, it's no use." You shook your head, and he made a face.
"Ivar told me you had an incident the other day with Sigurd's axe."
"He did, didn't he?" You bit your cheek as a way of controlling your bitterness. 
"He also told me you had quick reflexes. Those are pretty useful in a fight." Your head snapped towards him, surprised. He wasn't looking at you, but there was a slight smile playing on his lips. You turned to look at Ivar as he shot one of the arrows right at the middle of the mark. Ivar, being… nice?
"No way he said that. You must be mistaking him with someone else." You crossed your arms stubbornly.
"Whoever it was, it does not matter. Let me see that for myself. Fight with me." He then turned to look at you, and you stood there for a few seconds, processing his words.
‘’Hah. No, I don’t think so. No way.’’ You shook your head and smiled, as if he was just joking.
‘’I will not hurt you, you need not worry. It is merely a game.’’ He gently guided you towards the centre of the training camp.
‘’But Bjorn! You’re going to crush me, I’m too small and weak!’’ He smirked at that, while picking up his own sword and giving you a round shield. It was so heavy that you struggled to hold it in one hand.
‘’And how else do you think you are going to get strong if you do not train, hm?’’
‘’Bjorn! Listen to me.’’ You raised the shield as much as you could, which wasn’t that much, to protect yourself from any sudden attack. ‘’I’m not fighting. I’m not.’’ You stepped back as he threateningly moved towards you, jokingly attempting to hit you a few times.
‘’Stop it! Stop it, Bjorn! I’m serious! Shit-’’ He hit your sword and it flew right out of your hand, leaving you with the protection that the heavy shield could give you. You looked around for a second to notice that the other three were now looking at you, the two older brothers had looks of nervousness on their faces, while the youngest seemed to be analysing your every move, a look of concentration that almost took your breath away. 
You turned around right in time to block one of his blows, you noticed it was fiercer than the others, you pushed your shield forward with all your strength and the sword got stuck right in the middle of it. 
You stopped cold when you felt the tip of the sword brushing against the skin of your neck, sharp and cold, and Bjorn threw back his arm with a panicked grunt. You noticed he looked slightly taken aback, if not confused. You tried stabilising your breathing, terrible and scary images invading your mind as you struggled not to cry. You could hear laughter in the background, and the humiliation became unbearable. You threw the shield and sword to the ground, almost hitting Ivar in the process.
You took off, your voice caught in your throat. The only thing inside your head was the color red, dense and relentless as it pounded against your eyes and brain. It was too much.
‘’You should pay them no mind, they are only teasing you.’’ Aslaug said with a serene smile as she braided your hair intricately. 
‘’But Queen Aslaug, they are always laughing at me, especially Ivar. He thinks I'm some kind of child.’’ You huffed as you crossed your arms over your chest.
‘’I am sure it was not that bad.’’ She assured you as she noticed your pouting. She was amused, for not wanting to seem like it, you surely acted like a furious little child, one she knew and loved all too well.
‘’And to think I defended him in front of Sigurd. Cat, can you believe it? I’m such an idiot. He can go fuck hi-’’ You sucked up some air suddenly as the queen tugged on your hair a little too harshly, your sister stifled a laugh from her seat just beside you both. Her hair had already been braided, and she looked beautiful.
‘’Just ignore him, Y/n. He’ll eventually get tired of mocking you. Or, I could teach him a lesson...’’ She whispered the last part, even if Aslaug was perfectly capable of hearing it. You made a face at her.
‘’If only you hadn’t left me alone with them… They’re too skilled for me.’’
‘’My sons have been training to be viking since they were children. You should not be ashamed of your progress, even if it is small.’’
‘’I don’t even understand why Bjorn wanted me to fight. I’m terrible, and I think it shows pretty well. I’ll just never fight at all.’’ You reached for one of the hairpins to give it to Aslaug. She took it and used it to hold your hair in place. ‘’By the way, have any of you seen Álvaro at all?’’
Cat looked at you, thinking for a moment before she shrugged. ‘’He said he was going training with Hvitserk. No idea if they’re still together.’’ You hummed, repressing the frown that was trying to creep up on your face.
‘’Alright, I’m done.’’ Aslaug announced and got up from the bed. She guided you by the shoulders so you were in front of the mirror. Her touch was gentle and it had this way of comforting you that you couldn’t quite explain. Even in front of the mirror, your gaze first fell on her proud expression and excited smile, you could only mirror it and look at the person in front of you. You almost didn’t recognise yourself, even if your face was still the same. The smile faded, and for a second you pursed your lips. This was not you. It almost brought yourself to tears, how much of a stranger you were to yourself in that moment, but you forced a smile back onto your face when you heard the excited voices of your sister and the queen.
‘’What do you think?’’ Aslaug lowered her face, tilting it to the side with a smile while squeezing your shoulders. Cat quickly joined you both, biting on her lip.
‘’Don’t you love it?’’ She asked, and you nodded instantly.
It wasn’t that you didn’t, you really liked how it looked, and it was better than having your hair falling on your face all the time. But that feeling, so new, it was scary. You didn’t look like yourself, you looked like one of them, and you weren’t ready for that. You would never be one of them, you knew right well where you and your siblings came from, you knew where your true home was.
You entered the Great Hall with your sister by your side. It was already full of music, loud chatter, and it immediately brought a smile to your face, even if it was a nervous one. There were so many people compared to the feast you had been to the first time, but it was understandable, since the victorious return of their warriors must have been something big, you guessed. The king Ragnar called for you both as you approached the main table, squeezing in between agitated people. When you arrived, you instantly noticed your brother was nowhere to be seen, but were soon distracted by Ragnar’s hand indicating your place on the seats next to him, just between him and the princes.
‘’It is a shame that you decided to unbraid your hair, Y/n. It really did suit you.’’ Aslaug smiled at you and you shrugged timidly, fiddling with the hem of your sleeve. ‘’On the other hand, doesn’t Catalina look just lovely? Hm, sons?’’ The look she sent them held more meaning than it seemed, you looked at the princes, each of them seeming to appreciate your sister’s astonishing looks. You almost rolled your eyes, all too used to that, but were interrupted by a young man speaking to you with a soft voice, close enough for you to hear him. It was Tekk.
‘’Would you like something to drink, master?’’ His foreign accent filled your ears, you were thankful to have him near.
‘’Hello, Tekk. Please call me by my name, I’m not in any way your master.’’ You turned yourself in your seat so you were facing him. ‘’And what is it that I can drink?’’
He showed you the contents inside the big jug he was holding as you leaned closer.
‘’It is just water. I could bring you mead if you would like.’’ He bowed his head and you smiled at him.
‘’No, don’t worry, I’ll have water. Thank you very much.’’ He smiled gently as he filled your cup. It was then that you saw your brother entering the Great Hall. Tekk had stopped smiling as soon as he recognized him, and that didn’t go unnoticed by you.
He arrived at the main table, accompanied by two young thralls giggling at his whispered words. When you turned around in search of Catalina, she was nowhere to be found, as well as prince Ubbe. You frowned to yourself and lowered your head, trying to focus on eating your food. He looked so much like one of the princes it was painful. 
The worst part was; he looked the happiest he had ever been, even this far away from home, he looked genuinely comfortable, and that made you feel infinitely more alone. 
You felt selfish for wanting to return home when both your siblings were having the time of their lives, and even if deep down you understood the reason for their unexpected happiness, you couldn't help but feel like all of it was terribly wrong. 
It was all too much for you. So much you hadn't noticed Sigurd’s hand on your shoulder as he repeated his question for the third time, you didn't know when you had risen to your feet and left the Great Hall without even looking back once.
It was bullshit, all of it.
Didn’t they miss their lives? Didn’t they miss their friends? Didn't they miss mom?
Did you miss mom?
Shaking your head, you began walking away from the Great Hall, feeling the tears begin to sting your eyes.
The town of Kattegat grew silent as you rushed away, as the darkness and the night’s solitude engulfed you.
There was no one around, so why did you feel observed? You looked around as you increased your speed.
Suddenly, as you approached the town’s exit, you stopped. You were frozen in place as you gazed upon the creature in front of you; a raven. Even if it was impossible for you to tell, you knew it was one of the ravens you met the first day here. It was looking directly at you. You wanted to search with your eyes for the other one, but your body didn’t answer you, and the raven seemed to speak through its piercing eyes.
You knew their names; Hugin and Munin, Odin’s ravens, his eyes and ears, they had appeared countless times in your dreams, so many that you didn’t even remember the first one.
But the raven’s eyes didn’t scare you, they were as warm as they were dark, and you knew they held the wisdom of every single thing within them.
You took a deep breath as you smiled faintly, a single question lingering in your mind.
‘’Where’s your-’’
The sudden feeling of a hand gripping your shoulder broke you from the trance you were on, and you startledly turned around to look at the figure behind you.
‘’Tekk?! What in the world are you doing here?’’ Bewildered eyes met the ones of the young servant boy, but he didn’t bow his head, instead he held himself proudly, almost as if he was an entirely different person. 
It shocked you, to say the least, and it was even more shocking for you when he slid his hand down your arm, going from your shoulder, to your elbow, to then your hand.
He then put a finger to his lips, and almost as if you were afraid he’d go back to his usual shy self, you complied.
It had been several minutes since you began walking inside the forest. You weren’t scared, his touch was warm and gentle, and he hummed while you walked, a melody so familiar, yet so calming. You felt as if you were back in your dreams, and you began seriously questioning it when you arrived where you were heading to, or rather, who.
Right in front of you, there stood a gentle-looking man, a man you had been hearing about for days now; a one-eyed man, with a beard as thick as the forest itself, and a travelling hat laying on the top of his head. Two beautiful ravens rested on both of his shoulders. 
It was the Allfather; Odin.
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LOWI CONGRATS ON THE FOLLOWER MILESTONE!! 🥺💞💞💞 u deserve it and so much more!! for the kiss prompt could i get 18 with shinsou ?? 🥺👉👈
TYSM SOFFFF so uh. I’ve been fuckin stupid dkfnskfb my dumbass rlly wrote Shinsou correctly on my master post like a week ago and then still managed to write for Shigaraki instead when it came to the actual piece 😳 so thanks to my handyman brainrot you get two—that’s right, two!—characters for the price of one ur welcome ♥️ I cheated a lil bit so shinsou;s not sitting in the reader’s lap it’s just his head but i think its cute 🥺 also Shiggy’s is like twice as long as ive been trying to write them oops i rlly like the jealous reader premise 👉👈 it’s under the read more bc of that and bc of kiiiinda spoilers? if yall arent caught up to the manga you won’t get it but if u are it’s canonical. Whew that was a lot! Enjoy!
Kisses where one person is sitting in the other’s lap
To say that your relationship with Shinsou is new would be an understatement. You’ve been friends for years—ever since the third year of high school when you’d been assigned to him as his support—but you’ve never been particularly close until recently when you’d once again found yourself working on his hero costume and support items.
He’d only asked you out yesterday after nearly two months of tension-filled glances and fleeting touches. Now, the two of you are watching a movie at your mutual friend Kirishima’s apartment, sitting quite awkwardly on a loveseat and pretending like you don’t want to get closer to each other. You haven’t told your friends yet about your new relationship status, but that’s not entirely what’s holding you two back. If anything, it’s run-of-the-mill first date awkwardness (if watching a movie with six of your closest friends around can be considered a date), too afraid to initiate anything.
The movie’s dull; the two of you have pulled out your phones to snark at each other through text, a strategy you’d begun weeks ago after being hushed one too many times by Kaminari because you were talking too loudly. The bright screens probably aren’t all that much better, but you two are in the back anyway; nobody can see it unless they turn away from the TV.
You risk a glance up and end up locking eyes with Shinsou. Your face heats up, heartbeat quickening, as he gives you a charming smile. You watch him glance around the room, unsure at first why he’s doing it until he turns his attention back to you and slowly, silently, moves over across the loveseat into your personal space.
Your legs are touching now, faces so close your nose is nearly brushing his. One of his hands has come to brace against the armrest you’re leaning on, allowing him to stay leaning in.
“Hey,” he says, little more than a whisper and clearly hushed so the others don’t hear.
“Hey yourself,” you respond, earning yourself a low snort.
Instead of vocally responding, he pushes himself back up to a sitting position and then moves his hands to maneuver your legs until you’re no longer curled up against the couch’s backing but sitting like a normal person.
Then he lays down, head resting on your thighs, and turns to face the movie.
You’re grinning uncontrollably. All possible self-conscious thoughts of the others seeing you are dashed from your mind; you like the weight of him in your lap too much.
You spend much of the rest of the movie like that, easily over half an hour. A few minutes in he reaches down to find your hand and bring it to his hair, encouraging you to stroke it. It’s even softer than you’ve imagined in the past, fluffy and thick and genuinely nice to run your hands though. There’s a surge of contentment that rushes through you, and maybe a little bit of pride at the knowledge that you can do this pretty much any time you want now.
By the end of the film, you’re pretty sure Shinsou’s fallen asleep. He gives you the scare of your life, however, when he grabs your arm as you’re trying to pull away. His eyes open, purple irises trained on you.
What happens next you blame on grogginess, him still not quite being awake. He blames it on you; whenever you mention it, he says he saw you and had become consumed with an overwhelming desire to just lean up and kiss you. Whatever the reason, it’s nice for you.
His hand comes up to the back of your neck, tugging you down just as much as he lifts up. It begins soft, kind of sweet, just lips as the two of you melt into each other—but it doesn’t stay that way for long. Within moments the two of you morph the kiss from a quick peck after a movie to a very passionate makeout, and frankly you’d be more concerned if they hadn’t interrupted the two of you.
You pull away when you hear Kaminari’s wolf whistle, left sitting on the loveseat with a burning face and your boyfriend in your lap, still half asleep.
You’re not jealous.
No, you’ve been dating Tomura for months. You can’t be jealous when he’s, well, yours, and has been for quite some time. You’re his first relationship, his first everything, and it’s frankly foolish of you to feel this insecure just because some floozy is simpering at him from across the enormous room where you and the rest of the League are scattered about. It’s not like she really wants him, or even knows him; he’s just the hew big-shot leader and she’s decided being his lover sounds good. Too bad that role’s already taken.
Still, there’s a sinking feeling in your chest—an ache in your heart, a burning lump in your throat—that says now that Tomura is Grand Commander he’ll drop you for someone better.
You don’t realize you’re glaring daggers at the woman until she catches your eye. She has no business looking that smug; the only reason she’s allowed in the room is to give Tomura reports. You’re the one lounging next to him as she approaches; he has your legs over his lap, his thumb absent-mindedly rubbing circles on your thigh.
And when she bends down to drop the report on his lap (as if your damn legs aren’t there, you want to scoff) she draws the eyes of every League member except the one she wants, because you’re the one who has Tomura’s attention.
He’s wearing Father, but you’ve long passed being afraid when he looks at you from between those lifeless digits and you can see the expression beneath; those lips tugging down slightly in a pout, brow furrowed, eyes far softer than they have any damn business being while hiding behind the severed hand of his old man. He’s concerned, and a little confused.
Tomura plucks the report from your legs and sets it aside, reaching to pull you fully into his lap. To your surprise he takes Father off, too; he buries his face into your neck to prevent the outsider from seeing, lips just brushing your ear so that you can hear him.
“What’s wrong?”
“You’ve been pouting ever since the secretary came in, brat.”
Like hell you’re saying anything in front of her. You remain stubbornly silent.
He doesn’t like that, you can tell, but while the secretary’s interest is lost on him he knows you well enough to tell that you’re uncomfortable with her. Presumably that’s why he doesn’t press the issue and kisses you instead.
You don’t expect it. Tomura’s not exactly one to shy away from PDA (you’re sitting in his lap in front of the whole League, for fuck’s sake), but intimacy is something he’s never wanted to take beyond closed doors. When he’s in a sour mood you’ll kiss him sometimes, even in public (he’s invigorated by your affection in many way, but never anything you’d call heated.
This kiss, though, is. It’s anything but chaste, perhaps even downright lewd. He’s all but initiating a makeout with you while Miss Secretary is standing right there. Maybe his affection-motivated ways are rubbing off on you, but it helps more than it probably ought to.
You’re dazed by the time he pulls away. The sound of the door slamming closed snaps you from your trance. The secretary, ploy foiled simply by your annoyed expression, had left. It doesn’t matter. None of this was ever really about her in the first place.
“There,” Tomura says, audibly quite pleased with himself. “She’s gone. Now tell me what’s wrong.”
You sigh, leaning in to tuck your own head into his shoulder. Your voice is muffled when you speak, quiet so that only he can hear.
“It’s dumb.”
“It’s bothering you,” he says simply. There’s an underlying statement there: tell me so I can destroy it for you. In many ways, Tomura is a predictable man.
You know he’s not going to drop it, so you accept your fate. “She was making a pass at you.”
He tenses beneath you, holding you closer. You risk lifting your head from where it’s buried to see the way his nose is scrunched up. “She wasn’t.”
“Yeah, she was.”
There’s a pause, like he’s processing everything you’re saying. Then, seemingly finally registering what exactly is bothering you, his hands move to grip your hips and maneuver you to straddle him, sitting fully on his lap facing him. “Fine. Why’re you pissed about it, then?”
You lean in again, arms coming to wrap around his neck as you bury your face into his chest and try to ignore the tears that are coming. You’d never be able to live it down if any of the others saw you crying over the fucking secretary.
But you know more than anyone thanks to many late nights assuring your boyfriend he’s the only one for you that Tomura can empathize with this insecurity. It’s a little strange how the script has flipped.
“She’s a high ranking MLA member, she probably has some crazy strong quirk. I’m quirkless. I dunno. I guess I’m scared you’ll drop me for someone like her. Like I said, it’s dumb.”
He doesn’t speak for a moment. You sit there, listening to his heartbeat and matching your breathing to his. Then he speaks.
“Your emotions aren’t dumb. It’s okay that you’re feeling this way. Thank you for telling me.” He’s parroting you, you realize; this is what you tell him every time he comes to you for comfort when he’s gotten in a mood. You feel a little fuzzy, warmth flooding your chest. “But I think we both know they’re irrational.”
“Tomura… I—”
“I’m not interested in some lame-ass NPC,” he interrupts, no hesitation and entirely sincere. He doesn’t even need to think about it. “You’re my player two, my endgame. The only thing in this world worth protecting. You really think that secretary can hold a candle to you? I didn’t even notice her. Why would I when you’re here?”
You can’t help it, you surge upward and kiss him, just as passionately as he had you mere moments before. His right hand traces up your spine to find the back of your neck and pull you closer, sending a thrill through your body as your own arms tighten around him.
“Oi! Horndogs! Get a damn room, don’t make us see that!”
You break away at Dabi’s words, panting slightly, and if the sincerity of Tomura’s little rant hadn’t convinced you that his words were true, the look of utter adoration he’s regarding you with would have.
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antifainternational · 3 years
What are your thoughts and actions about this coup? I am not brave or strong, and I'm terrified of this insurrection in progress. All I hear is Trump's army and cynics who don't take this seriously. I feel I will need to stand alone and unarmed against this fascist tide. Any advice or reassurances?
Whew boy has that ever been on our minds!  So we’re going to re-post something a long-time anti-fascist wrote after the failed coup last week:  1. This was a major flex by the far-right. And since a successful coup was not ever really in the cards - this will be felt and claimed as a victory by the far-right and fash. I’ve been comparing it to how the 1999 Seattle WTO protests impacted the anarchist left. 2. It’s clear there was state collaboration with the far-right, in order to pull this off. It’s not yet clear (to me) on what level and to what extent. I think this is worth an in-depth investigation. 3. The ruling-class has consensus that this is an attack on the system and the state and there is near-unity on rejecting this attack and punishing Trump and the MAGA crowd. 4. While it was headed there already, this firmly establishes MAGA as an extra-legal oppositional street force - of the kind that’s not been seen in my lifetime. I think they will be a dangerous and constant factor in national and local organizing for the next few years. 5. I think it’s *possible* some significant state resources under Biden/Harris will go into repressing MAGA - this will damage the fascists but unfortunately also serve to help co-opt people into supporting Biden. The Biden regime will try and balance this effort with similar repression against Black, Native, antifa and other social movements of the so-called left. 6. For me this underlines the need to build an independent, revolutionary and anti-authoritarian mass direct action movement, oriented to the working-class and oppressed communities. We think that’s a pretty good assessment of the situation and we sincerely hope that antifascists everywhere but especially in the US are doubling-down in their efforts to protect themselves and their communities.  That could look like locking down your social media accounts and practicing good security both online and offline.  That could look like working with other antifascists to develop emergency procedures to defend and protect each other if needed.  That could mean training or equipping to physically defend yourself and others. On the reassurance side, we think this was a wake-up call for a lot of Americans about the fascism of its president and his followers.  We believe a huge majority of Americas were repulsed and enraged by what happened.  Our antifa collective and the projects we run (e.g. The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund) have seen a huge increase in support in terms of followers, contributions, and people interesting in joining/volunteering. People want to fight back against the fascism that is tearing the US apart; all antifascists need to do is lead by example and organize them. 
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