#where's this goin idk
larentslovechaos · 1 year
things r goin places maybe
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stoopidstapler · 11 months
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chickenoptyrx · 8 months
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Quick dumb goofy thing. Very dumb.
But apparently dokkan (a gacha game i don't play) is tryin to appeal to me specifically. And apparently I am in fact very easy to manipulate. So I may be back on THIS brand of bullshit 🙃
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newgroundstier · 2 years
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robot husband olympics. .......vote now. ...............
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noahh-blossom · 4 months
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Hold the cat!!!!
Based of the one picture. I don’t have it on my phone tho
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mishapen-dear · 3 months
apocalypse au. cannibalism. corpses. Offscreen loss of loved ones
“Some leather armour,” Bad notes, tugging curiously at the straps of the corpse’s armour. “Euagh, almost broken, though.” The armour gets tossed to the side. “A granola bar? Okay, we’ll take that.”
Cellbit twitches at that. He wants to ask, “Do we have to?” but there’s several reasons why he doesn’t. Protesting a backup food supply is never a good idea, for one. It’s not worth it to risk starvation just because he’s worried that the backup food supply will become their primary. He tightens his hold on the bloody sword and insists again. It’s not worth it. Instead, he says, voice rasping, “There’s too many. It’s all going to rot.”
“You think so?” Bad looks up at him, then runs a critical eye over the little encampment. Ten bodies, some larger, but all fat deposits slimmed by lasting hunger. Bad licks at the blood left on his hand from looting the corpse, considering their haul thoughtfully. “I don’t think things rot that fast, Cellbit.”
He twitches again when Bad says his name. It wasn’t an admonishment- it was barely even an opinion Cellbit should validate, knowing how long it takes Bad to consider something rotten -but there is something yearning and grieving and desperate slinking between the muscle fibers of his heart that squirms to hear that disagreement. He’s shaking. He hasn’t stopped shaking. He wants to bite the edge of his sword hard enough that his teeth will crack into sharpened splinters. He wouldn’t need the sword, then. “I don’t- we should cook it,” he says. “Some.”
Bad snaps his fingers triumphantly, as though he’d remembered something. “Pre-digestion!” he exclaims so loudly that Cellbit flinches. No birds fly away- they’ve already been scared off. “Oh! You want to save some for later? Yeah, sure, we can do that. But we should eat what doesn’t fit in the car.” Cellbit doesn’t know how to explain that he can’t eat as much as much as Bad. Not even cooked. It fills him with- it’s not envy but it isn’t not envy, either. Some dissatisfaction.
Back in the— when he was small Cellbit had always assumed that it was Bad’s size that lead him to take the larger portion of their meals. It made sense, and he always got his fill so he was happy with it. Then, when he was grown, it was frustrating. Bad could eat an entire corpse in one sitting; Cell couldn’t even get through an entire leg. He’d realized then, gnawing at bone and just waiting to be done, that Bad couldn’t have possibly eaten an entire corpse. It was childish dreams made memory, morphed by the horror and the trauma and the things he didn’t think about. And now they’ve met up again, and these are their first corpses but Cellbit knows that despite their looting Bad’s share of the resources are always depleted, even when they come across a feast and- The clever part of him is wondering how much he’s really misremembered after all.
Bad seems oblivious to Cellbit’s thoughts. “We can smoke some of this and it’ll last you a bit longer,” he suggests thoughtfully, starting to dig through the corpse’s clothes again. “It might take us some extra time, but this place is safe enough that they set up camp, and we don’t know when we’ll get the chance again. Good idea. Do you want to carve the meat or set up the smoker?”
The thing in Cellbit’s heart writhes almost giddily at the praise. He thinks that he hates it. He misses when he could fool himself into thinking he deserved it. “The meat,” rasps its way out of his throat, proving him right.
Bad lights up. Cellbit can immediately tell that he’s up to something. “In that case- I have something for you that might make it… a little bit easier.”
“What is it?”
“Close your eyes!” The bleeding part of him wails at the thought of the vulnerability, but this is Bad. He’s only alive because of him. Fitting to die because of him, too. Cellbit closes his eyes and continues to shake. The back of his teeth are dry. There’s the sound of rustling as Bad does whatever, and then a triumphant, “Ta-da~!” Cellbit gratefully takes this as his cue to open his eyes again.
Badboyhalo is holding a knife.
Badboyhalo is holding a kitchen knife. Thumb and fingers pinching either side of the blade, handle out, an offering. It’s clean, except where Bad’s hands have stained it red.
Cellbit had been calm, before, the way you are when you’re doing what you were made for. Then he had been satisfied, and excited, and then jittery and bad and happy and satisfied and dreadful. Longing and hatred and benediction and fulfillment. The sight of the knife fades all of that out. When he grabs it, those feelings turn to static. Still there, still hunting him, but forced to back away in the face of its armed prey. The world smooths out a little and hurts a bit less.
Badboyhalo has given him a knife.
“Bad-“ he says, and doesn’t choke up about it.
Bad smiles at him. Bad beams at him. “I was waiting for a good time to give it to you. I know you’ve got your sword, but I remember you telling me that knives are your favourite. Is that still true?”
Overwhelmed, Cellbit nods a little. “Thank- thank you. Obrigado, Bad.”
“De nada!” Bad chirps, cheerful as anything. He pats Cellbit on the shoulder, gently, as his tone shifts. “The sky is still blue, Cellbit. Remember that.”
He wanders away before Cellbit can bring himself to mutter, “Mas às vezes está nublado.” But it’s just Cellbit now, and his knife, and the bodies, and no one living can hear him.
He’s already dropped the sword, he realizes abruptly, clinging to his knife with both hands. He needs to pick it up and clean it before the blood coagulates. There is meat in front of him, still warm and waiting to be processed. Still, he manages to pick up the sword and wipe it in the vicinity of cleanliness on the body’s clothes, his other hand still clinging to his knife. He cuts the clothes, and drops the sword to the side.
When the knife cuts flesh, he starts to grin again. The world turns into a loving red, and he gets to work.
Bad feels bad.
He doesn’t dwell on it. Guilt or grief- they both started with g. It’s probably even better, even, feeling guiltier than griefier! Take away the question of accountability entirely, hold control, do what he has to do. And he has to do this.
The log in Bad’s hands cracks. He giggles at it, then takes several quick breaths as tears rapidly pool in his eyes. He doesn’t wipe them, just carefully lays the log down into his makeshift fireplace.
Bad doesn’t like hurting his friends. It’s like a bad prank that leaves lasting damage; it leaves a bad taste in his mouth. But it’s not really all that bad, all things considered. Bad isn’t hurting him or putting him in more danger. If anything, Cellbit is safer with him. They’ve done this before- anything Cellbit can’t eat, Bad can, and they know Cellbit can eat Bad. It’s better. It’s what needs to be done.
There’s a loud lowing in the distance. Bad stills as he listens to it. Out of the corner of his eye, he notices Cellbit still carving. They found someone else tonight. Bad feels some tension leak from between his shoulderblades. They’ll be fed and full, and slow in the morning. Cellbit and Bad will have more than enough time to get packed up after a rest.
Cellbit has someone left. Bad is giving him a gift, but he can’t give it yet. Bad knew exactly what he would do if it turned out his own loved ones were still around, and he knows what Cellbit would do, too.
If Cellbit knew that Roier was still alive, he’d leave.
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canthandlethishit · 3 months
prompt: timetravel fix it (?)
Damian somehow traveled back in time and meet robin!Jason mistaking him for Dick, after a while he caught up and realized, Jason was headed out to the place he’d be taken and later be killed at the hands of joker, Damian now have to contemplate changing the timeline to save Jason or not
go wild
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pcktknife · 1 year
speaking of toga look what leaked tonight
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shoezuki · 19 days
Ok i passed out last night but i think ive realized my trepidation lately w my own writing is that like. I write for myself more yknow like its what I wanna write n create. But w the doctor fic ive like never had an ongoin multi chapter abomination like this n how its p massive at like 22k+ hits its kinda insane. I think its made me a bit paranoid bout 'disappointing' readers or smthin
Like its Extremely plot heavy and about not jus the ship i mean. Its slow burn cuz i wanna develop the characters n their relationship both w each other n Others. But i think ive become. Anxious? Over the idea that people read it For the sampard and so when i write outside of them interacting i feel like my writing is worse yknow
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wowshiny · 1 year
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a gift !! (to make a new friend🐝🥰🐸)
9/12 in my series of happy frogs for pride month (this time with bonus round boi bee!!)
prev frogs: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
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nabesthetics · 2 months
Sorry about the inactivity lately. I fell down a hole of "if it's not higher quality writing, then it's not worth posting", and the art isn't arting at all lately either so here we are
I'm still very much in the fandom and just mostly yelling on discord at least when I feel like I'm not annoying people with it
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transzilla · 25 days
I transitioned very young and the way i see it i lost a lot of my childhood but that was gonna be lost regardless. But i dealt with a lot of very unnecessary shit that a child shouldnt havr dealt with and i havent been the same after that. Nd i meet a lot of people who regret not transitioning earlier and denying who they were for so long, feeling like they lost time. And they continue to delay a transition cus they listen to other people over themselves, like oh what if I regret it what if I change my mind in the future when in the present they r very very miserable.
Right now I get to wake up every day and I'm a man :') i'm not the type to stare at the ice at the bottom of my glass, i dont do should'ves. Neither should u. All we have is right now nd if u need to you make a change.
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mamawasatesttube · 9 months
i think my ask got eaten so i'll try again 😞💔 opinions on early konbart? like young just us era. maybe also sprinkle his dynamic with the rest of the team. as a treat, if you will...
AH yeah probably that got eaten, i think i only have prompt asks in my inbox rn!! :0 tumblr please. show me the konbart asks tumblr
opinions in general? um. well. i love them. like, the way they bicker so much but are also just on each other's wavelength so often. they invent ridiculous games to play with each other. kon is in denial about being the mom friend but you KNOW he carries around snacks for bart. do i even need to mention the sushi scene?? ksdhkjs
but also like ... they can be sooo heartwrenching. bart's scout dying and him collapsing in kon's arms... kon's nightmare sequence including him seeing tana, cherub, and BART??? as one being?? that was kind of gay of him holy shit hello. bro are you in love with bart. be real. level with me. konathan i need answers
also your timing is delightful i was JUST thinking about how kon shows up in impulse (1995) and how bart seeks him (and tim!) out sometimes when he needs help. and also about how they show up occasionally in sb94 (but neither of them really shows up in robin '93. not in their 90s iterations anyway, 2000s kon shows up a lil but. yknow. sad.)
overall i mean ,,, core four found family is real. theyre all so important to each other. i really like aroace bart who's in a super affectionate qpr with kon. they snuggle sooo much. and invade each other's homes on the regular. ma kent adores bart.
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redhotarsenic · 1 year
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And here are the flat colors mostly :)
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sidsthekid · 1 year
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p. 367 | the song of achilles
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girlboyburger · 1 year
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a weird old milo wip sitting in my files
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