#what is neoshamanism
monotheistreal · 5 months
Delve into the profound realm of Shamanism with our latest video on Monotheist. Uncover the essence of Shamanic practices, rituals, and spiritual connections in this comprehensive guide for beginners. Whether you're new to the spiritual realm or seeking advanced insights, this video serves as a gateway to the profound wisdom of Shamanic traditions. Join us on a transformative exploration of self-discovery and healing. Subscribe to Monotheist for engaging content on spirituality. Like, share, and hit the bell to stay connected. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with us. #Shamanism #SpiritualJourney #MysticalWisdom #HealingEnergy #SelfDiscovery #AncientRituals #EnlightenmentPath #SpiritualExploration #Monotheist #InnerTransformation #trending #viral #explore #reels
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wxlfbites · 8 months
Yeah no offense but you don’t need to be griping about the quality of taxidermy from this person to all of tumblr. Taxidermy scraps (regardless of quality) can range anywhere from $15-50 US dollars, depending on the kind of scrap or tail, and the seller. Bitching about it on tumblr (and frankly in the otherkin tags, that has nothing to do with this??) seems petty and very rude. Unless someone is actively assaulting, harming, or grooming people, you don’t need to be doxxing.
1.) How is this doxxing? Nowhere in that post did I mention the persons legal name, their address (let alone even their state), or any identifying information other than their public Etsy shop name. Stop using buzzwords you don’t even understand.
2.) The problem is that she’s very very intentionally trying to sell scrap quality tails as high quality, spiritual taxidermy when it’s anything but. To quote some things directly from her shop:
“”My experiences range from the cerebral (a Master's degree in counseling psychology emphasizing ecopsychology) to the spiritual (over a decade's practice in neopaganism and neoshamanism).
“”Since 1998, I've been working with hides, bones, beads, and other such things in my artwork. I've created ritual tools, sacred costumery, jewelry and other devotional objects.
“” I began this work almost fifteen years ago as a way to honor the animals who once wore these skins and bones. I wanted them to have a better "afterlife" than being a trophy on someone's wall or a coat in a closet. The artistic and spiritual are very deeply entwined in my work, and every creation, no matter how simple, is a devotional to these sacred remains.
“”I've shared more about what I do and how others can take part through my writings. I have several books in print, including "Skin Spirits", a how-to book on the spiritual as well as practical end of working with animal parts and "Skull Scrying", a booklet on using animal skulls in divination. My latest book is "Nature Spirituality From the Ground Up: Connect With Totems In Your Ecosystem" from Llewellyn Publications.
“”I offer years of experience and finely-honed creativity in my work, and a strong spiritual component to my creations.
“”The majority of the animal parts and other components are secondhand or salvaged, either from old fur coats and the like, or discarded from the fur coat industry, or old jewelry and other found objects, though be aware there are some newer/not recycled remains incorporated in some projects as well.
So she’s been in the business for well over two decades, which means not only should she have the skill, but the knowledge, to distinguish between what kind of tail is considered scrap and what isn’t. Nowhere in any of her taxidermy listings does she specify that they are scraps. She is selling them as whole items that are of high quality.
She specifically mentions her spirituality being part of her work multiple times, even including her personal beliefs (not just general “please respect this tail” stuff) on how to care for the animal spirit that is attached to the tail. Now, don’t get me wrong, I personally believe taxidermy can retain spirits, but to quote the letter she included with my tail:
“You can connect with the spirit of the tail itself” […] “Before you put the tail on to wear it, ask the spirit of the tail for permission”.
This to me, even as a pagan myself, seems inappropriate to ask of someone who bought something from you over the internet.
I’ve literally been buying tails from Etsy shops since 2012, this is the most expensive tail I’ve ever bought, and never once have I seen a tail in such poor condition. If I’m paying almost $50 for something I am being told is high quality, by someone who claims to have over 20 years of experience, I expect that! And so should everyone else. I also recently started doing taxidermy myself. I work with bones and I just finished my first preserved rabbit foot. Even my rabbit foot, on my first try, is better quality than Lupa’s tail and if I sold him I’d only ask $15 max! $47 for something I’ve seen done better at my local renaissance fairs by people who only just started working with animals and going for $20 is outrageous.
Finally, you don’t know how reviews work, clearly. Just because I’m not kissing the feet of the seller and spouting on about how much I love being ripped off, doesn’t mean I’m bitching. I’m giving my honest opinion and review on a shop to inform others what to expect if they purchase it. I didn’t tell anyone not to buy from her, I didn’t say she was a piece of shit, I didn’t disrespect her in anyway. I gave facts about the quality of the tail and my opinions about whether I thought it was worth it. Which it isn’t.
Ya’ll kids be getting soft in the head if you can’t even read a review without whining about doxxing and bitching and being a bully.
(Also side note, I put it in the otherkin tags and shit because if you took 5 seconds to look at my account, you’d know I’m nonhuman so I’m posting in nonhuman tags. And if you took another 5 seconds to look up the seller, she also at one point identified as otherkin, has marketed her taxidermy and books to otherkin and has written books specifically about otherkin, making her a prominent figure in otherkin spaces.)
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elsolretreats · 1 year
Ayahuasca – A Wonderful Plant That Remedies Several Mental Health Disorders
Ayahuasca is a psychedelic brew with many different traditional names and synonyms, found mostly in Latin America. It is made by brewing the ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) with any number of other plants rich in psychoactive alkaloids, such as chacruna (Psychotria viridis), which contains DMT and other ingredients that contribute to the complex chemistry of ayahuasca.
 Ayahuasca was brought to the mainstream in the West in the 1990s when it became popular among Westerners who participated in jungle-based retreats, particularly in Peru. In recent years, ayahuasca has attracted widespread attention as a prescription medicine used as a treatment for a wide range of conditions—especially depression and anxiety. Some research suggests that ayahuasca might help with addictions and other mental health disorders.
 The brew has a long history of religious use in ceremonies among indigenous Amazonian peoples, and is used by some indigenous and mestizo shamanic neoshamanic groups of south and central America where it is also employed for divination and healing purposes, as well as in initiation rites.
 Ayahuasca was first described academically outside of Brazil in 1896 by the French botanist Louis Étienne Chaux. One of the most important early studies of the plant was conducted in 1958 by the Swiss-Brazilian psychiatrist Carlos Castaneda and his main collaborator, physician Don José Joaquín Amaringo. Their study was published in 1965 as The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge.
 In recent years, ayahuasca has become popular not only among drug users and adherents but also among those interested in alternative healing. Some medical professionals have begun to prescribe the brew as a treatment for a variety of conditions, including depression and anxiety.
 Unfortunately, some unscrupulous individuals have begun to exploit the use of ayahuasca as a way of gaining credibility and legitimacy in their field of work. Ayhuasca is also sometimes employed as a tool for "astral travel" purposes.
  The ayahuasca vine, fundamentally endemic to South America, is today also farmed in Australia in a legal way. So if you are looking to buy Ayahuasca plant Australia for any purpose, then thankfully there are some good and reliable sources in Australia to help you meet the need. For example, you would like to consider settling on El Sol Retreats, a leading Ayahuasca Retreat Centre, which is at the vanguard of supplying Ayahuasca Plant in Australia at very attractive prices. So what is the wait for? Simply visit the website www.elsolretreats.com to buy Ayahuasca plant Australia.
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teriel · 2 years
I was recently interviewed on Evoke magazine by Laurelei Black.
ev0ke: How do you define your magical practice? What terms do you use to identify yourself as a practitioner or your work?
Taylor Ellwood: The terms I use are magical experimenter and/or magician. I don’t really label myself though…that’s more for the convenience of other people. My work has been labeled chaos magic, but that’s not really accurate as I haven’t considered myself or my work to be chaos magic. I draw on a variety of magical paths including neoshamanism, elemental hermeticism, chaos magic, ceremonial magic, etc, and I meld them to non-occult disciplines and studies such as literacy and rhetoric, neuroscience, and architectural studies, to develop magical systems and practices that are modernized for the challenges we face in today’s world, and also because I’m dedicated to the evolution of magic. I think we need to simultaneously honor what has come before, but also make room for innovation. I ground my work in research and then experiment to see if what I develop will consistently work and produce results. At the same time, my magical practice is also a highly personal one in the sense that I am doing ongoing work around my own spiritual development. I think having a personal practice is just as important as whatever you do in the public sphere, but something I’ve come to appreciate is that you may not end up sharing everything in the public sphere. 
Read the rest of the interview
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windvexer · 2 years
Hi chicken!
I've always had small spirit sensing skills I guess I've always sensed emotions or feeling that wernt mine ect and I'm looking to further that skill and hopefully do some reading into spirit communication, companionship and overall interaction with spirits are there any books or resources you would recommend? Thank you for all the time and info you put on your page it's extremely helpful and written in a very friendly manner that makes it easy to understand. Sorry for the long ask
Hands down BEST rec request I've ever gotten, you angel.
Protection and Reversal Magick by Jason Miller: Sooner or later, a lot of people who get into spirit work are going to become anxious that something has Gone Awry. Metaphorically, a person who works with spirits is like a person who often has friends over in their home. Does the average person need to worry about increasing home protections just to have friends over? No. But, not all spirit workers only work with close-knit guides.
I believe for people who want to open up their lives to spirits, it behooves them to be mindful of spiritual protections ahead of time. More likely than not, nothing will ever go down - but if it does, you will thank yourself for having a little bit of info already processed and ready to go :)
Speaking of that, study the creation of one (1) protection amulet, and make one. For a potential spirit worker, it's a good idea to look at what materials for an amulet would be especially harmful or disruptive to spirits, and which ones may provide a protective aura that is not offensive to nearby spirits :)
The Complete Guide to Psychic Development by Cassandra Eason: I'm looking through all my "psychic powers" books and dying inside at how much I don't like them any more. I decided to skim the first 35 pages of this book and didn't see anything egregious, so here we are. Keep an eye out for books very dense in exercises. They are usually couched in a lot of details about the author's belief systems. If you learn to snip out the exercises while leaving the Wiccan stuff behind (sorry, Wiccans), you'll generally find a lot of useful content just to practice on.
I have found that experimenting with techniques is helpful to me, even though I don't regularly do any of them. It's a learning experience and when I've gotten enough out of it, I move on. Experimenting with your psychism seems like a good jumping off place.
Trance-Portation by Diana L. Paxon: This is probably the book you're looking for. It is a system of learning how to journey to meet your guides and helpers in the spirit world. This book is heavily influenced by neoshamanic practice; that is, it believes (as do I) that you have natural and inherent guides and guardians who are waiting to meet you in the Lower World, and many more benevolent spirits and helpers can be met there too.
This level of spirit contact takes place in the otherworld; spirits do not necessarily come here with us, into our physical homes.
Other types of spirit work do bring spirits into our physical space, especially if the spirit is given a vessel (which may take the form of a trinket, spirit home, or resting box, among other things). If you do think you'd like to have spirits coming into your home, this post is an example of "house rules" - boundaries and instructions you lay down for every spirit that comes through.
I don't super recommend bringing a lot of spirits into your home to begin with. Meeting spirits in the otherworld provides a natural boundary and distance, so that you only interact with them when you're ready and prepared.
As an order of operations, I'd recommend coming into contact with your spirit guides as soon as possible. They don't just share information, they can be with you and literally guide you through the underworld, through all spirit interactions, and provide you with help, support, and feedback in your magical operations. If you are especially concerned about safety, work up a protection amulet first.
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dalishious · 4 years
I'm writing a Soulmate AU where the personification of your soulmate's personality, etc, is represented as an animal. I was thinking of calling this animal personification of your soulmate's soul as 'soul animal' but I know that using the term 'spirit animal' is offensive to many Native peoples and I was wondering if 'soul animal' would carry the same offensive meaning?
My ancestors had animal beings symbolic of family/lineages, not individuals. So I don’t really know about the intricacies of individual totems/spirit animals like what I think more common among nations out west? Just that the entire concept has been widely messed up by the whole “neoshamanism” movement. 🙄
Have you though about just using something other than animals? Like maybe a specific colour, or flower? I think flowers would be cool, as they have traits/qualities associated with them that does not carry the same blurred line of appropriation. Exchanging flowers is also often done as a romantic gesture, so that’s an extra layer of cute in the whole soulmate thing. [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]
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esotericawakenings · 5 years
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“Shamanism is a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness in order to perceive and interact with what they believe to be a spirit world and channel these transcendental energies into this world.
Beliefs and practices that have been categorized as "shamanic" have attracted the interest of scholars from a wide variety of disciplines, including anthropologists, archaeologists, historians, religious studies scholars, philosophers and psychologists. Hundreds of books and academic papers on the subject have been produced, with a peer-reviewed academic journal being devoted to the study of shamanism. In the 20th century, many Westerners involved in counter-cultural movements have created modern magico-religious practices influenced by their ideas of indigenous religions from across the world, creating what has been termed neoshamanism or the neoshamanic movement. It has affected the development of many neopagan practices, as well as faced a backlash and accusations of cultural appropriation,[3] exploitation and misrepresentation when outside observers have tried to represent cultures to which they do not belong”-wikipedia
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Photo: “The earliest known depiction of a Siberian shaman, by the Dutch Nicolaes Witsen.”-Wikipedia
“There is no single agreed-upon definition for the word "shamanism" among anthropologists. The English historian Ronald Hutton noted that by the dawn of the 21st century, there were four separate definitions of the term which appeared to be in use. The first of these uses the term to refer to "anybody who contacts a spirit world while in an altered state of consciousness." The second definition limits the term to refer to those who contact a spirit world while in an altered state of consciousness at the behest of others. The third definition attempts to distinguish shamans from other magico-religious specialists who are believed to contact spirits, such as "mediums", "witch doctors", "spiritual healers" or "prophets," by claiming that shamans undertake some particular technique not used by the others. Problematically, scholars advocating the third view have failed to agree on what the defining technique should be. The fourth definition identified by Hutton uses "shamanism" to refer to the indigenous religions of Siberia and neighboring parts of Asia. According to the Golomt Center for Shamanic Studies, a Mongolian organisation of shamans, the Evenk word shaman would more accurately be translated as "priest". The term "shamanism" was first applied by Western anthropologists as outside observers of the ancient religion of the Turks and Mongols, as well as those of the neighbouring Tungusic- and Samoyedic-speaking peoples. Upon observing more religious traditions across the world, some Western anthropologists began to also use the term in a very broad sense. The term was used to describe unrelated magico-religious practices found within the ethnic religions of other parts of Asia, Africa, Australasia and even completely unrelated parts of the Americas, as they believed these practices to be similar to one another.“-wikipedia
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Photo: “ A female shaman, probably Khakas, Russian Empire, 1908 “-wikipedia
“Shamanism is a system of religious practice. Historically, it is often associated with indigenous and tribal societies, and involves belief that shamans, with a connection to the otherworld, have the power to heal the sick, communicate with spirits, and escort souls of the dead to the afterlife. Shamanism is especially associated with the native peoples of Siberia in northern Asia, where shamanic practice has been noted for centuries by Asian and Western visitors. It is an ideology that used to be widely practiced in Europe, Asia, Tibet, North and South America, and Africa. It centered on the belief in supernatural phenomenon such as the world of gods, demons, and ancestral spirits. Belief in Shamanism has declined and only a few remote tribes still retain its practices. One such tribe is the Inuit people of the Canadian Arctic. Another can be found in the nomadic Tuvan (with an estimated population of just 3000 people surviving from this tribe). Tuva is one of the most isolated tribes in Russia where the art of shamanism been preserved until today due to its isolated existence, allowing it to be free from the influences of other major religions.“-wikipedia
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viadescioism · 6 years
Journey meditation
Journey meditation, or shamanic journeying is a form of meditation that is originally brought to us through the understandings of new age neoshamanic practices. In this post I will also be expanding upon it using my own understandings, and experiences. In this form of meditation you journey in your mind, and explore the inner places of your subconscious, and your connection with the spiritual world. In these journeys you are able to explore your own personal intentions, and you are able to interact with spirit guides, guardian angels, ancestors, ascended masters, and deities, along with other entities. This practice uses your skills of entering a trance, visualization, and psychic senses in order for you to move throughout your mindscape. Journey meditation is a form of meditation that greatly allows you to walk in between the worlds, and exist within the liminal space, so that you will be able to interact with the spirit world for guidance, and help. Journeying is a very diverse tool, and there are many different ways that you can use it. Everyone has the ability to journey, all you have to do is take the time to learn, and to practice it. Just like meditating in general this can take a few times for you to get right. Journey meditation can be used for spiritual growth, healing, and obtaining information. When you are journeying you raise your vibration up into the etheric plane of existence, and because of that you will be more connected to the spiritual world, and higher spiritual beings. The journey environment provides an area in which you can experience, and express emotions, and pieces of yourself, while also learning things. Inside this place you can go through the process of casting magick, living through experiences you wish to put yourself in, and learning from your guides, and guardian entities. You are also able to set an intention for the reason that you are doing a specific Journey. This will help you to focus on what you would like to do, and get out of the journey. These journeys are usually more a free exploration to find understanding through more improvised means. But, when these Journeys are planned out it is usually in order to find specific things, or answers to questions in your life through free exploration. It is important to allow your journey to unfold naturally, so that you would be able to flow through the mindscape in a natural manor, while opening yourself up to experiences.
When you first enter a journey meditation you always begin in what is known as your sacred space. This is a familiar space where you usually begin your journeys, and where you can come for sweet, and simple communication between you, and your guardian, or guiding entities. This place is open to you at any time you would like to use it, and you are simply able to access it by entering a meditative state. I found that this place can be very dynamic, and personal, and can change based on your thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Your Sacred Space is usually a more natural space usually taking the place of somewhere in nature, though it can take the form of anything. This place also seems to be very protected to the point where only specific entities that you are close to, or you have invited in, are able to find a way into, and interact with it. You can manually modify your sacred space, in whatever way you would like, and because of this it is truly a part of you, that acts as your entrance to interacting with the spirit world. The places where you can Journey are completely varied, and can be any place that you can think of. Some will be places that are like the physical world, and other places will be places of fantasy, and more abstract constructs. Some places will be absolutely beautiful, and will consist of worlds you never believed you would be able to see. Journey meditation is much like entering a dreamlike state while completely awake. You are able to see, hear, feel, taste, and smell things when you are journeying just like you're able to experience in your dreams, or even like in your waking life. Sometimes in journeys your senses will vary depending upon different factors. Allowing you to have stronger, or weaker senses in different Journeys, and different Journey environments. These Journey environments are influenced by your mind, the influence of spirits, and other connections to the spiritual world. Journey meditation is usually also done with shamanic drumming, or rattling in order to bring upon the trance-like state. These instruments help bring your focus to a certain rhythm allowing you to enter a trance-like state in a much more easy way. In shamanic drumming, or rattling the rhythm will start off nice, and even, and will change rhythm, or get faster at closer to the end of the drumming or rattling in order to call your consciousness back to your body. You should keep track of all the entities and things that stand out upon your journey, because these maybe messages that can help you in your life, and practice. It is important when you return from your journey to keep track of all the things that you experience, so that you would be able to learn from all that you have experienced in your journey. Step-by-step guide on how to Journey: 1) First you need to find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed. This place should be completely free from distractions. It also helps if you are in some place in nature, or a place that has spiritual significance to you. It just needs to be a place where you feel you will be able to interact with the spirit world, while being safe, comfortable, and focused. You will also want to make sure that the space is cleanse properly, so that there is no negative energies that have built up already in the space. You should put on some comfortable clothing, and take off any jewelry, or other forms of accessories. During this time you may also want to put on recordings of shamanic drumming, or rattling, so that it will be able to play during your journey. During these preparation moments you will also want to think of what you would like your intention for this journey to be, whether that be communicating with a specific spirit, or simply exploring, this would be the time to set that intention, so that you will be able to focus upon it while going into your meditative state. After that you should call upon your guardian, and guiding entities, and ask them to help you in your journey, or to at least be present. Next choose to sit, lay, or stand in any way that you would be comfortable to meditate in for a while. Now be in that position, close your eyes, and try to relax into a meditative state. 2) Now take time in this relaxed state to begin to energetically ground, and center yourself. This will allow you to become more relaxed, and will also go through the act of calling your energy back to yourself. At this time you should use a spiritual protection technique. This technique can be casting a circle, the psychic protective ball of light, or any other technique, or method you are familiar with that will be able to protect you. All you need is a way to be protected from outside negative influences that could disturb your meditation. Once this is done you should begin through the process of opening your energy centers, starting from the lower ones to the upper ones. This will open you up spiritually to begin feeling, and interacting with the spiritual world. Take time after you have completed this to focus upon yourself with your third eye, so that you will be able to bring your awareness to yourself in order to begin this journey. 3) Now we are ready to begin our journey, and we will start by opening your spiritual sight. This is done through visualization and the opening of your third eye by doing this you will be able to more easily interact with the journey, and the worlds that you will be exploring. One way that you would be able to do this is by focusing on your third eye between your eyes in the center of your head a ball of energy glowing brightly, and steadily getting brighter. This will help to will your third eye into opening, so that you will be able to begin to move into the journey. Once you feel that you have made progress opening your third eye visualize yourself sitting in a specific environment like a forest, a city, a jungle, a mountain, or any place that you feel safe, and comfortable. Your mind will usually already have a place in your subconscious in which it finds peaceful, protective, and harmonious, and this place will usually be taken on as your sacred space. Allow this place to form around you and to become real, and see it as if you are looking through your waking eyes, from a first-person perspective. Allow yourself to see, allow yourself to hear, allow yourself to smell, and allow yourself to feel. Everything that is going on in this environment feel into it, and give it life. Your intention, and your will are how you interact with the world, by intending for something to happen, and putting your will towards it will allow you to interact with your surroundings, and move your body throughout the journey. Through your intent, and your will you will make it real, and be able to feel, and sense things in this world. 4) Once you have control in this world you will then be able to explore it. Allowing yourself to move past your sacred space, and move out into the outer world. Take time to look for doorways, pathways, and other ways that you will be able to explore the world around you, and expand out past your sacred space. The trick to this is not allowing yourself to influence the land with your intent, and will, and go through it with an open mind allowing you to interact with things outside your normal perception. This will allow the world to be influenced by your subconscious mind, your unconscious mind, your guiding entities, and the spiritual world. Where these pathways take you allow you to experience different parts of yourself, and different forms of interactions with the spiritual world and will allow you to learn things from your journey. Certain pathways may call out to you by simply opening up, or by drawing attention your attention to it, and all of these ways will be able to teach you something, or allow you to experience new aspects of the world. Your guiding entities may also take you on journeys of their own in order to teach you a certain lesson you need to learn in your life. Journeying is all about the experience usually not about the destination, because most of the time there is no destination just places you perceive, and learn from on the way there. Take your time to experience the spiritual world, and your mind, and to take in information. 5) When you feel like you have completed your journey, or your shamanic drumming calls you back, You can do so simply by thanking all your guiding entities for coming with you on your journey, and can simply begin easing out of the meditation. once you open your eyes you should go to the process of centering and grounding, dropping any forms of protection that you used and allowing yourself to readjust to the physical world. Once you have done this you will be able to go on your way with the knowledge that you've gained in your journey. This would be a good time to record what you have experienced so that you do not forget it, and use it later in your practice.
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freyjuseggr · 5 years
youre not a shaman what you do is neoshamanism its not the same thing and its appropriating circumpolar and eurasian practices. if youre not a part of these cultures then you cannot be a shaman. not even that you shouldnt but you cant /end rant
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I am the manifested One, the man with the Womb, the one BornWoman. You have a Womb, or you've come through one. One in
the Same.
So here they are, a manifested thought, him the man, thinker. Her the woman, thinker with eternal womb. Father sky and Earth Mother, Imaging creation, and co-creation. Her body the textbook, for Earth and its well-being. Carriers Of Life, experiencing life cycles; life and death, even agriculture itself, as seed and harvest. It's our Spiritual inheritance.
One in the Same, Divinity. Existing as every element. Largely a body of water, at its
highest level of potential. A conduit, for communicating with an Energetic body, we have yet to fully understand. But yet, powerful with what we do know.
The only Absolute, that we know, is we come out of a mother's womb, and an invisible breath is required for us to live, and death is inevitable. The moment this breath is released, it's believed to be the last one, as we know it, existing in these bodies. The rest of the Truth, remains with the infinite, in Spirit, and its infinite intelligence, that we hope will be revealed to us, at the appointed time.
This Truth, has already been tested. 😌
It isn't Truth,
It's Truth, once you've asked at least 15 questions, done your own personal examination / investigation ...at least 55 times,
and only then it becomes your Truth, whole and complete. It becomes, You, New with Understanding & Experience.
Spirit, is our Nature.
"SPIRITUAL Principles will Outlive,
All Dysfunctional Hue-man Beliefs."
~ Umie @nuespiritmedicine
Create Your Peace🌿Ceremony
Gather with your #VillageFamilyLineage
#MedicineOfWomen #SacredMotherhood
#One 🧘🏾‍♀️ #NeoShamans #FourWinds #4Pathways #Shamans #transformation #healing
Reach Your Highest potential! Knowing you're Whole & Protected by Divine Design.
👇🏾Tap In!
"Know Thyself, Know the Truth"
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This is an unplanned post in the order of posts. I figured the reader needs as much of a break as the writer. Believe me the content improves. At this point, in both the truth that I'm just Journaling, and the imaginary book I'm writing to the imaginary you, it feels like trudging through sludge. I just can't imagine writing you a letter without addressing all this shit. That's all it is, shit. As far as my Journaling I'm ready to never talk about this again. I've worked over it a million times on my head and processed it all and moved on. Took awhile. It pains me to write at this point.
So I will take a repose and rant about what I always rant about. Magick.
I feel I'm guilty of using it just as a general term and throwing it all around and applying it to everything. When you break up with someone most people just see them in reverse of everything they were, so if ever you were to read this it would seem like a joke, some big headed big ego fucking weirdo that says Magick all the time.
Easy for you to forget the Magick that was in our lives and hearts isn't it. It lives in me every day.
So what the fuck is it? I truly am guilty of ambiguity. It's many things, its real, and it's the only thing that I've ever been good at.
It's there. You can perceive any world you want but it's there. It exists only in your mind but also exists independtly and without your input simultaneously. Personally I've never had any collision between realism and science vs. Magick. A lot of people do. They also exist simultaneously, without opposition to each other.
I guess I'll have to explain a concept to explain my point but also this isn't the point I was trying to make but whatever. Controlled folly is a concept of dual simultaneous belief. From your left eye you see the "real" world, you see correlation and causation based on science, coincidence, randomness, people's behavior is explained away by psychology, the course of your life is defined by probability and actions. From the right eye you see the world of Magick. There is no coincidence, the is connection. There is meaning behind the things that happen, they happen for a reason, there is something else at work, there are more things to be seen than just with your left eye. Controlled folly is having both eyes wide open and staring at an object, receiving 2 different inputs, often contradictory, and believing both simultaneously.
It's something I practice and it was the key to unlocking my mind for me. I also often fail at that, allow them to blur into one line of sight. But it's more than that, which was my actual point. There is more to this world than described by science and logic, and more to be seen than just what you see by opening your eyes. I don't know what it truly is, I think it's a blend of what I'm about to say. It could be pure science, just things we are not currently able to sample or model. It could be some unknown force or energy, scientific or spiritual, that permeates things. It could be just a unique feature of the fact we are conscious, a coping mechanism or mistranslation of the reality around us.
While I don't clash with science, I clash with scientism. The facts of reality don't disagree with me at all, because of controlled folly, but more than anything because I'm a good scientist. You can't be so blind to things nor so concrete. That is scientism, the religion of science. They will lead you to believe that every emotion you feel is just neurotransmitters sent out in response to stimuli or to promote breeding, and that every occurrence or synchronicity in your life is explained away by mathematical probability, or that your thoughts and interpretation of life are just consciousness spinning it's wheels and inspiration comes from nowhere, and that there is nothing beyond science. It's comforting to them. It aligns their world in a certain and unchanging way, easy explainable. Its disgusting.
Which leads to my next definition. It's a way of thought, but literally. This would fall more along the lines of occult practice, but it's Magick in a different way. I remember how my thoughts used to work. I was able to observe them. They absolutely were pretty bad ass and highly functional. I warped them into something else. The majority of occult training is all mental, changing perception, willful psychology, self hypnosis and influencing the subconscious. But don't get too far waylaid on the concept of perception being reality, despite the massive weight it carries. I'm talking about something a little more literal, maybe even with some scientism involved in my explanation. I remember how I used to think, and I see the various ways others minds work. Like, the literal physical and mental thought process of the human brain. I have taken that and turned it into something other. I am not above a human mind, I am still a human mind, but my thoughts are not what I was born with. You could call some of it metacognition but that's merely a tool. And I am not alone in achieving this, nor did I invent it. It's the message and goal of much of esoterica. Centuries of exploration of the mental lead to discovering a different way to do it.
Which again leads into my next definition. I've advertised many titles but if I were truly to be labeled I would be called an alchemist. Turning lead into gold is only an analogy. The goal is to turn the human into "god". Quotes because that's a ridiculous way to say it, but often said. It's to take that scientism view of the human machine and turn it into a different machine. It's to take the creature you're born as and mold it into something that functions at a different, ideally better, level. It encompasses all methods and all science, there is no avenue an alchemist would ignore. It's body, mind, life. But psychology would be the most heavy influence. To take the psychology you were born with and grew into and was created by your environment, and dig so deep into it and understand it so well as to first get out from underneath it, and then when you are free, to either mold it into something else, or exist as a truer form of yourself.
And if you read through mythology and some good old fantasy sci-fi books or anime, you'll see the character of the alchemist, and how I've so obviously embodied the tropes of character flaws. Always presented as some strange outcast doing experiments, often achieving something, but also marked with recidivist failure. That's the cliche, and the cliche is me. A wretch toiling away in a basement for decades grasping at straws and constantly failing, like some hack inventor always coming up with a get rich quick idea. And if success is ever achieved, it is a warped, often terrifying result, an abomination version of the goal in their heads, or they achieve success at horrendous unforgivable cost. The fundamental of alchemy is balance, and the trope of the alchemist in mythology is always a perversion and dysfunction of balance.
I regret ever saying the word shaman to you. There's these memes going around of some hippie white dude at a festival trying to pick up young girls saying "do you have any weed" or "would you like to unite bodies in tantric ritual to the holy mother earth?" I hate these fucking people. I have quite literally been banned from every accessible Facebook and discord relating to shamanism, whether they were good or bad, by trolling these people when I encounter them. They are neoshamans, new agers, cheap imitations, and egoists.
Shamanism is the oldest and purest form of all religion and occult. I practiced almost purely traditional shamanism and animism, as much as you can while having the modern occult lexicon available. I searched for religion and the understanding of my reality for a decade with quite literally ZERO results until I discovered the way of life and mental/physical methods behind shamanism, then my brain started clicking shit together like Legos. I am not a shaman, but I heavily practice the methodology of shamanism. I was also, at one time, through no doing of my own, a literal shaman to a band of people. They are the ones that put me into that role, and I just happened to fit. Literally my function and status in life for 3 years mirrored exactly the interaction of a shaman in a tribe. I was young and know now how much better I could've done, but I think it was a minor but vital participation in all those peoples lives.
I am a wizard, and I barely even say this in reference to Magick. I do not carry it as my title. Each human has a nature. Many of these nature's can be seen repeatedly throughout your life, or repeated and reused in mythology and fiction. They don't all come from nowhere, they are inspired by true life, and the reoccur as part of each person being born, they are a function of what we are capable of being as humans. My nature aligns spectacularly with that of a wizard, completely out of my control, it's not something I've created, it's my nature. The way I live my life and the function I serve in society and my core characteristics. It is the best descriptor of the fundamental way that I am.
In regards to Magick, my nature does apply. I feel like as I navigate through life, especially spiritual experiences, I often receive a slightly twisted version when I compare it to others. I also am always meta, I am almost always self aware of what is happening, not that it ever really gives me an advantage, but I believe many people experience the same things in life without having the terminology, and many occultis are able to either describe what it is afterwards or begin it intentionally. For me, I am always swept up by it without prompting, but I am also aware of what is happening while it is happening. This entire writing and way I've conducted the past few years of my life is an example.
I also often feel I am a wizard within a wizard. One of a wizards main functions is to disrupt, teach through subterfuge, mix things up, assist in other adventures. Like they start from their position and function as a wizard and apply that to their journey and the things around them. I do that, and it is my greatest characteristic of wizardry, I do it compulsively with all things around me, it is my greatest influence on life and why I will be remembered, and often why I am hated. But I feel like I get real meta with this shit, just as compulsively. I am constantly going backwards, and applying this to other wizards and the occult. That's where most wizards start from, launch their attack from.. I go backwards into it. I also constantly go against my own nature. Name one wizard from mythology that is married. I've devoted so much of my life to love and sex and relationships, I've spent so much of my efforts rejecting my true nature. In truth, all I've done that has finally brought me peace in this last six months is to live within my nature. Doing so has just allowed so much evil and pain and bullshit to fall away from me. The wizard infiltrates into a kingdom, subtly disrupting and challenging things, intent on changing the course of larger events. I've spent 20 years doing that inwardly.
I have undoubtedly abused and failed in my Magick. I did advertise arrogance but I never made any lofty claims. I'll never be lost enough to claim I'm enlightened. While I have absolutely let my arrogance convince me of some form of superiority, its not true. I do know more, see more, know better, and I'm able to do things that other can't. It doesn't matter though, especially for me. I have no doubt there are occultists and just random people out there that truly excel and are superior. I am not one of those, I am just different. Magick and magickal thought are just part of my diet. It's the only thing that ever has any sense in my life, as paradoxical as that is.
I undoubtedly developed skills and powers and then abused each one of them. I can't accurately or easily say what this hatred that was always in me was. Maybe childhood trauma. Pathological curiosity. I've always been intent on pushing everything as far as possible, and usually to the level of destruction, usually aiming for the lowest possible outcome, always edging myself over a cliff and begging myself to jump. Just to see what fucking happens. It was a self destructive bloodlust that defined my whole demeanor and was the seed for all the evil I've sewn.
Just the way I abused my body and abused the world around me, I abused the things I gained from the occult, drove them to their absolute limits until they became warped, dark, and destructive. I split my psychology/ego, my first success in alchemy. One of the greater acts of my life, and one of the most useful. But each strength I took and separated, gathered them in 3 different groups to focus and enhance them, I also hid things in each, leaving much of myself hidden, and with each strength I put a weakness or bad trait in that group, either to try to turn it into a strength, or to just put it where it belongs. Chaos entered my life and I became the magickal creature and I had a lot of fun. You fell in love with him. Briefly I brought forth my true normal self, and you fell in love with him too. But life started going wrong, and I stuffed him deeper down than ever. My magickal self often pretends to be him, about half the time I reference the idea that's what I'm talking about. I had that 3rd side. To be tapped into in moments of crisis, or when great exertion was needed. Everything became a crisis and I got locked into him. Strong and mighty, you appreciated him, he also hurt you. I was that warrior every day, and no victory would come, I became single minded and full of rage. Inside of that person was strength and determination, but also fear and anger. This whole fucking thing also eventually backfired and swirled into one big tornado of shit and I lost my whole combined self.
I abused what I learned from shamanism. The altered states, places to explore and gain knowledge, places to change yourself in. Slowly I just fully retreated to those states, rarely unaltered, and hid in the corners and shadows of them. I feel like I've barely had my feet on the earth's ground these past few years. Those trances of exertion and endurance, used to achieve a feat, or accomplish a mission, like that power that summons inside of a mom to lift a car off her child. I used those until my body broke. Those are for emergencies lol. As the stress and troubled piled on, that became my daily mode. I did it until I was fully broken and absent. That trance of thought, to descend deeper and deeper into the lattice of connection, to use your full brain power for infinite calculations, to blend Magick and reality, to eventually find a solution to something. I stayed in that state for so long it scrambled my brain. The foresight, the divination, I used them so much that all I saw were an infinite number of painful dark futures. I was blinded to the real world, detached from my real body, and ignorant to all possibilities.
Most of all, I've spent years colonizing and exploring my mind. Trying to use Magick and will to fix things, fixing most of them the wrong way, merely propping them up or hiding them so they can all explode later, as you saw. And along the way, finding my actual mental problems, and warping them to benefit my magickal process. A good technique honestly but contributed to the fucking. Take that anxiety and lend it to divination. Take that OCD and lend it to ritual. Etc. All of that backfired, it all came tumbling down, and the defects that I harnessed became all consuming and exaggerated.
I failed to apply my Magick correctly, I enjoy observing and thinking too much. I applied it often, and often with good results and benefit myself. But I spent too much time as the observer and too much time talking about it and fantasizing about it. The high Magick in my mind rarely made it into my life, I feel like constantly I've almost achieved my goal and just instantly failed. It's a life of attempts. Slowly, more and more, my high Magick became nothing but an autistic fantasy and a blurring of the real world and fantasy, very autistic, very wizard. Planning and fantasizing became just as good as actually doing it. To me, hoping it would come true was the same as trying to make it come true, and my practice of high Magick fed my anger and failure. Constantly just expecting it to go how I planned and everyone to understand and go along with it then hating myself and everyone else for it not going right. Never taking a self aware and well collected approach, never trying to take small steps, impatient and arrogant.
I did a Voldemort. I've found love and peace through Magick, finally making some sense of the world, so I let it absorb me. That's what they consider voldemorts flaw to be. He was entirely reliant on Magick, saw everything through the lens of Magick, and thought that's how everyone should be, and everyone not like that was superior, and he was going to force the world to be like that through Magick.
That's basically exactly what I did. So long ago I lost touch with the real world and the real me. I spent 5 hours in trance trying to solve a problem to force reality to do what I want. Never once did I talk to you about it or maybe just give up and try something else. No, if I made an error or change I would lose you, I must force this to work. You would've helped me figure it out or jumped into a new strategy with me. Never once did I consider taking better care of my body, no, only push it harder, use trance to push through the pain, use an altered state to overextend myself. I lost touch with reality, I stopped seeing you for who you are, and I lost who I was. I lost reality. It all swirled together and destroyed me.
If any lesson I gained from the past 2 years it's that. I can see so clearly now that how hard I was trying, how hard I was pushing myself, how much I was doing, and it should've worked. In any other situation, all that effort and determination would've blown the ass out of our struggles. God was like, no, you dumb bitch. Walk a steady path with open eyes. I've learned acceptance and peace. I've learned there is another option than defeat, it's not victory, but it's peace and happiness. That was the one single change I could've made at the time to turn this around. I think of all the mistakes and all the non-mistakes. I think of all the things against me. I didn't need to change any of those. It was really nice to change them, but changing any of them would not have changed the course of this story, at most just helped a little. No. I needed to unburden and unblind myself. All the peace and love and happiness was right there. All the evil that happened would have been avoided if I just listened, opened my eyes, and trusted. Faith is what I lacked. The situation would've worked itself out eventually on its own, and instead of going mad, hurting you, and losing you, I could've just fucking lived life, for fucks sake. No, instead, I only focused on the situation, the despair that it never would've ended, and brought forth every skill and power and Magick I had to forcefully make everything how I wanted, until I destroyed all of it.
But alas, I am victorious. If there is one thing I can be proud of in life, it is my Magick. I have truly succeeded in something. I have truly changed. It is beginning to solidify and be true, it is no longer a journey or experiments, it has gained it own momentum. But the pride is undeserved and it came at too much cost. It wasn't worth it. I can feel you fading away, writing this makes less and less sense, I've passed the peak of understanding and I'm getting further from being able to conceptualiE and translate what I want to tell you. It's all feeling more and more meaningless and forgettable. The more I write about myself the more it hurts me, and the more it feels strange, as the last little pieces of that former self evaporate away. It feels like I'm writing about someone else, I don't know him, and it causes me to hurt inside to think of him.
And even then, I failed as an occultist. I've been so detached and hidden away for so long. That person was barely even just my ego. It was like some far off lamp tethered to me by a long extension cord, flailing and getting water poured on it and casting annoying light in the wrong directions. Evil, destructive, self destructive, rejecting all peace and hating himself and wanting everyone else to hate themselves. Constantly urging onward to find the darkest possible path. Completely lost and broken and reactionary. Getting worse and more disgusting and hateful with each new torture. But man, deep under that, I was working on something. I absolutely was feeding off the negativity and illness. I was dissociated and grump for no reason. The seat of my soul was far elsewhere, I was so barely here. I'm almost impressed I'm alive and even though I was evil, how much of a person I was. But underneath, I was working on something. There is a calm, quiet, constant voice so fucking deep inside of me. I was working on concepts that I felt some day I would write a book or 5 on. My true contribution to the world, to the occult, and philosophy. And as I reached peak darkness, I pussied out, I chose to not feel that anymore, and I chose my memories of you and my fantasy of seeing you again, and I've lost all that entirely.
I truly cannot say one word on those concepts I was working on, they are entirely gone. They were built by darkness but they were pure occult and philosophy. They were my true core and my true obsession. They are the real reason everything on the outside happened.
But even back then, I couldn't describe them in words. This is also a trait of Magick. While we may be able to discuss the concept of a magickal experience and the steps to achieve it, you can never truly translate between the left and right eye what they mean. It's one of the first things you learn in shamanism. They are entirely separate worlds. While you may be able to bring some knowledge back from the spiritual plane, you cannot describe what it was like on that plane using human language. I indeed try to propose some of my ideas in occult circles. Poured them out in writing and when I went back and read, it was gibberish. I planned to just keep working on the translation forever, it was my life's work. I was gonna keep being the same person in order to achieve that. I ended up choosing a different path, choosing you, and peace, and lost all those things forever.
This entire thing I write is like that. What I actually want to say cannot be translated. This abomination that I'm writing you is so far from what I'm actually getting at. While there may be hints and insights, I can't actually write down what's in my head and heart. That's why this is always so long and overly comprehensive. I feel like this thing is in my mind and I'm just squeezing it like an orange and writing down all the words that are coming out. But those words will always be orange juice and never an actual orange.
For a long time I addressed you in my Journaling for therapy reasons, to face the person that hurt me and the person I hurt, to face the past. I'm long past that point. The therapy is long done. All this shit I've been writing about the story and the pain and the bad things, I'm so through with it. It is empty now. Eventually I will at least write it all down. And even the second half of this book, about all the good things and the magickal things, it's empty, it's all fading away now.
But I still force myself to write no matter how much it disturbs my path and hurts me, and I still direct it all at you for one reason. Somewhere in all this orange juice there's and orange. While I'm sick of drinking the juice that orange is a feeling and a thought that means more than all of this and none of this even begins to describe it. I address you because in my fantasy I remember a girl that can see Magick without any effort at all, and will somehow get some hint of whatever in the fuck it is I'm writing here and failing to translate. She will read it and see the orange. At least a little orange zest. She'll understand and she'll call me. We will talk about this but not even that much. A short conversation. And then the past will just fall away and a new life will start. You can finally join me in this new peace and this life that's just going along without problem. It's a life I made for you and a life the girl I remember would fit into like a puzzle piece. It's all the things you ever wanted that time together to be and who you wanted me to be, its all of your high Magick manifested. And I just write and write and keep figuring out how to give you this orange. I just can't seem to give up on it. It's literally none of the things I've written. I'm just squeezing it and this is the words coming out. I feel like McCaugnahey when he was falling through the laundry hamper tessearct dimension things and pushing the books off his daughters shelf. I know you can hear me out there somewhere. Eat this orange I got for you Murph.
I've gotten off track. I was about to unveil 2 of my biggest secrets.
All this and almost everything I'm saying is circular. Any explanation or thought I can have about myself and my behavior is circular, and involves a dozen other people and their influence in my circle. But there is a nexus. There truly has been something wrong with me for a long time. I can explain the ways I acted and what led my psychology down that path. It's only a symptom. I can explain misunderstandings that we had. Things we should've done better. Symptom. I can explain how life went a certain way and made us feel certain things. Symptom. I've been able to explain so much. But there is a nexus where it all intersects. An origin to the side of me that lashed out and flailed at the world.
There has truly been some darkness in me my whole life. That is the origin. My personality was so bad that I cringe to think about myself. My mind was so jumbled up and crooked inside. I had good and bad days but there's always been this black sludge flowing through my veins. There's a reason I've always rejected love and always leaned into anger. My life has been a disgusting perversion, and I've watched it be like that helpless. I've learned much and accomplished much. I have no explanation for what this was. I have no explanation of how I defeated it.
I can look back at really any bad memory. A time I was an asshole, a time me and a girl fought, I can think of all the ways I used to look at things, all my behaviors, the way I lived. It all converges on this one dark object inside of me. The things that came from it and the things I've done were complicated, explainable, generally my fault, and unforgivable. But they all sprung from somewhere. This dark object. And all that darkness and negativity about me came from somewhere. All that brooding and grumpiness. Because even when I had hope, or succeeded, I still felt that inside of me. Every time I failed at something, I knew why. I truly don't know what it is. Some blockage in my soul, some generational curse. There's many ideas but the spiritual terms sound more right. When I identify and focus on it, it sends me hurtling through my memories. I feel it as an undercurrent of everything I can think of, every situation I've ever been in, every good and bad memory, every struggle, every inner conflict, it all converges on this, and it runs like a straight line through my whole life.
It's like a feeling. It's a heaviness. It makes me feel like my blood is made of sludge, my feet walk in sand, my heart is full of rust. It was a Neverending hopelessness. It told me everyday that life would go nowhere. It told me every day that there's no point in trying. It was a dull pain that never ceased. It grew too. Each failure made the next failure inevitable and darker. This is the source of my rage. A fight against death.
That's the only reason I've let myself off the hook. I write to someone I will never see again because of how horrible I was. Later I will go into all these complex physical and mental problems I solved and life stuff and why it made us act a certain way. It doesn't matter. That's why I started with the bad stuff. I feel immense guilt to even allow myself to live. And what I've accomplished is basically nothing. I've achieved balance and normalcy, I've spent 20 years slowly walking just to get to the starting line. There no redemption arc.
But that thing is gone. Whatever it was, it went away. It makes all of my pain and anger make sense. It does redeem me, to myself, and that's a first time experience for me. It feels like an artery unclogged. I feel like I'm 100lbs lighter. The other things I write are true, but if it weren't for this I wouldn't write them, they are just things and words, they don't matter to anyone. They don't change anything. But this darkness is gone. I stand in awe of it. It is such a difference that it's the one thing that allows me to forgive myself. It's the one thing that makes me think I'm redeemable.
You know this darkness in me. I truly believe there is nothing I could say to you to ever deserve a single molecule of your attention. But if you could be around me for 5 minutes your head would spin. If kammy came up to me at the store and talked to me, I think it would be so surreal to here that she would throw up and faint. It would be like I just walked up to her and both my arms were gone and I hadn't noticed. Some kind of freaky high strangeness psychedelic experience. I'm not exaggerating. There was a core piece of me that was truly dark and influenced my entire existence, and then one day, poof. That's this whole fucking story in one sentence. I almost struggled with it myself, if it weren't such a relief. I watched my dad struggle to figure it out, definitely he seemed weird for a while there. I've seen a few people honestly seem a little fearful and tripped out by it after running into me.
You spoke of something like this within yourself. You talked about it on our first date. You wrote about it on tumblr every day for months. The maggots in your brain. The evil. I had that to. I was that. I was absorbed by it. It's everything I've ever done. The person I've been is just what little bits that seeped through. Keep fighting. Do not give up.
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angelasymposium · 5 years
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What is Core Shamanism? In this video, I will cover: - Michael Harner and the Foundation for Shamanic Studies - Core Shamanism and its main beliefs - Shamanic Journey to gain knowledge, power and Soul Retrieval - The three worlds and the cosmology of this trans-cultural shamanism. https://youtu.be/ukadZb7p4N8 #shaman #shamanism #coreshamanism #neoshaman #neoshamanism #transculturalshamanism #foundationforshamanicstudies https://www.instagram.com/p/B5e_DAuHS61/?igshid=qz5tqx14ava6
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aestherians · 7 years
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You mean... every single culture...? Most of this is copy-pasted from an older reply but
Animal guides/spirit animals/power animals are classified as tutelary deities. If you had bothered to even just google your message before you sent it, you’d know that tutelaries are present in almost every single culture on Earth.
“In Hawaiian mythology, an ʻaumakua is a family god, often a deified ancestor. The Hawaiian plural of ʻaumakua is nā ʻaumākua, although in English the plural is usually ʻaumakuas. Nā ʻaumākua frequently manifested as animals such as sharks or owls.” — Wikipedia, Aumakua
“In Norse mythology, a fylgja (plural fylgjur) is a spirit who accompanies a person in connection to their fate or fortune. In some literature and sagas, the fylgjur can take the form of mice, dogs, foxes, cats, birds of prey, or carrion eaters.” — Wikipedia, Fylgja
“In European folklore and folk-belief of the Medieval and Early Modern periods, familiar spirits (sometimes referred to simply as "familiars” or “animal guides”) were believed to be supernatural entities that would assist witches and cunning folk in their practice of magic.“ — Wikipedia, Familiar spirit
"Animism is the religious belief that various objects, places, and creatures with whom humans engage possess idiosyncratic spiritual qualities.” — Wikipedia, Animism
“İye is a deity or spirit who is a guardian, patron or protector of a place, person, lineage, nation, natural assets or an animal.” — Wikipedia, İye
“In Plato's Apology of Socrates, Socrates claimed to have a daimonion that frequently warned him—in the form of a "voice"—against mistakes but never told him what to do.” — Wikipedia, Daemon
“A dæmon is a type of fictional being in the Philip Pullman fantasy trilogy His Dark Materials. Dæmons are the external physical manifestation of a person’s ‘inner-self’ that takes the form of an animal.” — Wikipedia, Dæmon
“A guardian angel is an angel that is assigned to protect and guide a particular person, group, kingdom, or country. Belief in guardian angels can be traced throughout all antiquity.” — Wikipedia, Guardian angel
“Tutelary deities who guard and preserve a place or a person are fundamental to ancient Roman religion. The tutelary deity of a man was his Genius, or that of a woman her Juno.” — Wikipedia, Tutelary deity
“In many of the animistic African religions, tutelaries appear in a variety of forms. The Binou cult of the Dogon people of Mali have totems around their villages.” — Wikipedia, Tutelary deity
“A jangseung or village guardian is a Korean totem pole usually made of wood. Jangseungs were traditionally placed at the edges of villages to mark for village boundaries and frighten away demons. They were also worshipped as village tutelary deities.” — Wikipedia, Janseung
“Yekyua or "mother animal” is a class of Yakut spirits that remain hidden until the snow melts in the Spring. Each yekyua is associated with a particular animal, and they act as familiar spirits to protect the Yakut shaman.“ — Wikipedia, Yekyua
“"Power animal" is a broad animistic and neoshamanic concept that was introduced into the English language in 1980 by Michael Harner in The Way of the Shaman. In Harner's view, power animals are much like the familiar spirits of European occultism, which aid the occultist in their metaphysical work. The use of this term has been incorporated into the New Age movement, where it is often mistaken for being the same as a totem in some Indigenous cultures.“ — Wikipedia, Neoshamanism
Want me to continue?
Not to mention the fact that spirit animals, or whatever you want to call them, have jackshit to do with kintypes. My animal guide (possibly fylgja) is a ring-necked pheasant and my dæmon is a klipspringer, but my kintype is a bison. These are all different things, and the fact that you don’t even bother to acknowledge that shows just how superficial your ~respect for the cultures with spirit animals~ is.
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itunesbooks · 5 years
NeoShamanism 101 - Kristina Benson
NeoShamanism 101 The Way of the Shaman Kristina Benson Genre: Religion & Spirituality Price: $9.99 Publish Date: September 22, 2011 Publisher: Equity Press Seller: Smashwords, Inc. The Ultimate Reference & Learning Guide for the Beginner Shaman In depth and current overview of the 1st Degree Studies A comprehensive guide for those people who are new to the Shaman Way. Benson’s book discusses what Shamanism is and isn’t. She touches also on the different types of Shamanism, Neo-Shamanism, the influence of indigenous ways on Shamanism, and the ways in which Christians—and followers of other religions—have viewed this peaceful and oft-misunderstood way of life throughout the ages. The complete beginner will be introduced to what it means to be a Shaman today and what there is to gain from learning the ways of the ancients. http://dlvr.it/R6Hv5z
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junejonesposts-blog · 6 years
Title: Blue Nile Flower Rituals from the Perspective of Transpersonal Psychology- The Role of Nuciferine and its Putative Value as an Antipsychotic Drug Author: Jan M Keppel Hesselink Abstract: Pharmaco -or psycho-active compounds in traditional medicines or in plants used during neoshamanic rituals can sometimes lead to the (re-) discovery of new drugs for chronic pain, anxiety, depression or schizophrenia. Neoshamanic rituals fulfill the needs for healing and transformation of a number of people, who are partly dissatisfied with the absence of certain healing aspects in western medicine. A recent neoshamanic ritual is based on the administration of a resin from the Blue Nile Flower (Nymphaea caerulea), also referred to as Blue Lotus or Sacred Blue Lily of the Nile). Keywords: Blue Nile Flower, Schizophrenia, Antipsychotics, Rediscovery, Depression For complete article follow the given link below: http://edelweisspublications.com/articles/22/298/Blue-Nile-Flower-Rituals-from-the-Perspective-of-Transpersonal-Psychology---The-Role-of-Nuciferine-and-its-Putative-Value-as-an-Antipsychotic-Drug
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poundfooolish · 7 years
My plans for general decks tho:
Addy - Necromancer. BLOOD MAGIC AND ASSAULT RIFLE CAN I GET A HELL YEAH?? (Codename: MrNeedles)
Francine - Neoshaman. Blood & Chaos magic. (Codename: GrannySunshine if I can fit it, prolly won’t, but I’ll get as close as I can)
Elijah - Exorcist. Blood Magic & Fist. Codename: GospelSalt
Roxie - Bodyguard. Assault Rifle and Hammer. Codename: ?????? god I still haven’t thought of a good new codename for her I don’t like her old one
Fidget - Oh god fidge. What am I even gonna do with you.
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