#were selkies with stolen skins
britany1997 · 3 months
Signed, Sealed, Delivered…I’m Yours
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Paul x GN Selkie Reader
Paul x creature partner is my favvvv, think he would be so cute with a selkie reader🥰🥰 hope y’all love this! Not sure if there will be more yet but I plan to keep it fluffy regardless:)
(Also Paul is on the Santa Carla ocean conservation board because of Fishy, so he’s an advocate for all sea creatures🥹)
Warnings: reader is mentioned to be nude a couple times because in selkie lore, they are when they shed their seal skin🤷🏻‍♀️ (readers body not described)
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Paul’s teeth tore into the skin of some asshole’s neck. He was sure at one point he’d known his name, but after an endless night of sharing joints, it was long forgotten.
Paul wasn’t picky about his blood, but stoners were his filet mignon. They had a sweet and spicy flavor, and they always left him with a buzz.
This one was yummy, but he’d been insufferable. He wore a scarf and wire rimmed glasses he didn’t need, he was a philosophy major who’d met both of his girlfriends in his gender studies class, and ten minutes into their conversation, he’d explained to Paul that it was actually pronounced “Van Goff” and not “Van Go.” Paul had quickly moved him from his smoke circle list to his dinner list.
As he sucked the last drops out of Mr. Pretentious, Paul let his body fall to the sandy ground underneath the boardwalk.
He checked his watch, there was still time before sunrise. Paul couldn’t think of anything better to do with the rest of his night then ride out his high on the beach.
Dwayne seemed to like it after all.
Paul snuck away from his dumping grounds and began to stumble towards the shore.
He paused, rubbing his eyes.
He had to be hallucinating, because reclining on the sand was the most attractive person he’d ever seen in his unlife…
…totally naked. God what was in that weed.
He rubbed his eyes again. You were still there.
So this was why Dwayne loved the beach so much.
You were radiant. Alluring in a way that made Paul swear he’d dreamed you up. No person was that perfect. He was over the moon instantly.
A look of pure determination washed over his face as he desperately tried to conjure the words to speak to you. He scowled as he thought this would have been a lot easier if he was sober.
After a few minutes, he realized he’d better come up with something quick because he’d been fumbling around behind you for an almost unacceptable amount of time.
Just as he was about to approach you, he watched you shiver as a cool breeze blew past. Your arms crossed over yourself, rubbing your shoulders as you tried to keep warm.
Paul softened. He may have been a bloodthirsty, vicious vampire. But dammit, he was also a gentle man.
His eyes scanned the shore until they landed on a sleek leather coat.
Paul strode to your side and picked up the coat, smoothing it out a little.
You whirled around, fear blooming in your chest at the sight of a strange man holding your coat, your only escape to the ocean.
But instead of keeping the coat for himself, he flashed you a warm smile and held it out to you.
“You must be freezing,” he said, maintaining impressive eye contact as your naked body graced the sand.
Your jaw dropped. You’d heard many horror stories from elder selkies about the cruel and savage human men who would hunt down stunning selkies, only to take their coats and lock them away. Confining the selkies to the land, and shackling them to the men who’d stolen from them.
The captured selkies would be forced to live as humans while their hearts ached desperately for the world beneath the water.
You’d met some of your kind who’d suffered this terrible fate and escaped, but some you knew had never returned.
But this sweet, handsome man, he was giving you your coat? You’d never heard of such a kind human man.
You took the coat from his hands, half expecting him to yank it back, but he didn’t, he let you take it. “Thank you,” you uttered reverently, folding the coat over your arms.
“No problem baby,” his smile widened, “what’s a babe like you doing out here so late?”
Your eyes narrowed in confusion. “I- I’m not a baby,” you told him. You had thought you looked like any regular adult human in this form.
Paul’s eyes widened, “oh uh, no sorry that’s not what I meant,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s like uh…well you know it’s a nickname.”
He was wayyy to high for this.
“Nick…name?” You rubbed your temples, “but my name is not nick…” you trailed off, confused.
Paul’s head was pounding. “No, sugar, it’s like um…it’s like a nice thing to call someone you know?”
Your face flashed with something Paul thought resembled understanding as you nodded slowly.
“Damn babe, you from outer space or somethin?” He asked, only half-joking.
“No,” you replied.
“Mkay,” he shrugged, hey he had secrets too, one of them was currently decomposing under the boardwalk.
He noticed your shoulders shake before realizing the coat was still in your arms, “you’re not gonna put that on sweetheart?” he asked.
Your lips pulled downward. You weren’t ready to change back yet. Not when you were having such a wonderful time with this man. He was teaching you important human things. You figured you’d better stick around.
You vigorously shook your head no.
Paul mirrored your frown. He couldn’t let you freeze to death. “Alright baby well at least take mine,” he offered as he shrugged out of his own jacket and placed it around your shoulders.
You could have melted into a puddle right there.
This man hadn’t just returned your coat. He’d given you his coat as well. What a strong man he must be to brave the cold. He would be the perfect mate.
You practically purred as he buttoned the jacked around your shoulders. You leaned in to nuzzle against his shoulder. “You’re so strong” you hummed, “so warm, so handsome.”
God bless the beach.
Paul beamed, “yeah baby? I hit the gym every now and again, nothin special.” He flexed his bicep with a smirk.
“Mmm,” you hummed, moving closer to press your cheek to his chest, wrapping your arms around him, desperate to be close.
A goofy smile spread across Paul’s face as he couldn’t imagine a man on earth as lucky as he was.
Then he remembered. Daylight.
His watch confirmed his fears, it was time to go.
“Listen sugar, I could do this all night but I’ve gotta get going,” he cursed his Sun intolerant vampire body, “but give me your number honey and I’ll call you anytime.”
You glanced up at him, confusion written all over your face. “Which number do you want?” You asked.
His brow furrowed, “home, cell, work, whatever you have babe.”
“Three?” You guessed.
Paul shook his head in disbelief.
“Let’s try this, where do you live baby?” He asked.
You smiled, you knew this one.
“With you,” you purred, wrapping yourself around him once more.
Paul raised an eyebrow, “what?”
“I live with you now,” you informed him.
Paul stood still for a second, processing as you held him.
“Yeah ok,” he said, taking your hand and tugging you toward his motorcycle. Best night ever.
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TLB Taglist❤️: (comment to be added)
@6lostgirl6 @misslavenderlady @crustyboypix @arenpath @anna1306 @bloodywickedvamp @kurt-nightcrawler @ria-coolgirl @gothamslostboy @vampirefilmlover @lostboys1987girl @solobagginses @dwaynedelight @dwaynesluscioushair @warrior-616 @sad-ghost-of-garbage @chiefdirector @its-freaking-bats @arbesa-mind @f4iryfxies @mickkmaiden333 @bitchyexpertprincess @katerinaval @rynsfandomsfun @softchonk @walmart-cereal @fraudfrog @memphiscity69
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aphroditesmoon · 2 years
as strange as it seems
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xavier thorpe x selkie!reader
summary: when your pelt was stolen from you as a joke during carnival night, xavier comes just in time to rescue you.
a/n: xavier warriors, I hear your call, I respond. anyways this is pretty much stupid and insane bcs I absolutely love selkies (they are basically seals that can turn into humans using their pelt) you can google if ur confused.
There was nothing funny about this. You place your pelt by your side and the next thing you knew, it wasn't there.
A pelt is something very personal to a selkie, and everyone knew that, this went beyond a mere prank.
Now here you were transforming into a fucking seal in the woods alone because, of course there's no body of water near you to dive in.
This is fucking stupid, I have leaves stuck on me, I'm going to throw up, you gagged, which came out as a loud squeaking yelp.
Your angry internal seal monologue was interrupted as you hear loud footsteps running towards the woods.
You stay behind the tree as Rowan enters with Wednesday Addams following him.
It was bizarre what was going on, one moment she was trying to speak to him, and the next, he had her pinned on the tree.
You squeaked in fear, causing him to drop her, suprised. Their eyes glance at you behind the tree for a second before a largely built monster lunges at Rowan and devoured him.
Wednesday's movements only froze for seconds before she sped her way out, leaving you squeaking for help.
The monster's gigantic disgusting eyes stared right into your little sea-lion soul.
Hopping out of the woods was inefficient but also your only choice, so you hopped like a giant bunny as the monster attacks you from behind, grabbing you in one hand and ready to squish you into pieces as your eyes widen and you squeal for your life.
Your panic was halted as a small arrow shoots through his head, it wasn't strong enough to kill him, but enough for him to drop you.
"Stay away from her!" A voice you know too well, shouted from your right.
A wolf lunges at the monster, pushing him back, before a few more of them joins in the bloodbath.
You yelped as you feel hands pull you up to their chest, Xavier grips you to him as he runs out towards the fair, where Wednesday and Enid stands alongside Weems who was already phoning the police. Too much of this evidence can't be removed nor be denied.
She rushes Xavier to go back to the school and he obeys immediately with the other students.
You see him with your pelt slung on his shoulder before he rushes you two back.
The car ride was worse than almost being killed. The way he kept glancing at you, biting his lip from laughing, and immediately failing when you squeaked at him angrily.
"Im- sorry, it's just, I- I mean look at you -"
You squeaked again and slap his hand that tried to squish your slimy face.
Your boyfriend has a way of making you melt and also wanting to shove his face in a bucket of acid.
But god you'd miss that face if it was ever ruined.
He insisted on you transforming when you've reached your dorm so he can carry you up and indulge watching you in your seal form whole repeating terrible seal pickup lines and receiving slaps on his face that he takes too easily for your liking.
When you finally get the opportunity to be back in your human skin and clean yourself from the dirt, you feel relief washing over you, despite your boyfriend's attempt to make you laugh, you were still in a state of shock.
Xavier's own fear was not subtle either, as much as he tries to hide it, and his insistence on sleeping in your dorm that night was only another confirmation.
You swore you'd see nightmares of the monster in your sleep that night, but wrapped in his arms and feeling him press a kiss on your forehead, you woke up the next day with nothing but him on your mind.
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captain-mj · 1 year
"Something in him told him to put it on, feeling it against his skin."
Please. Please MJ, Pretty please, I don't know how or why it would happen, but I need Ghost to put on the coat or handle it a bit more. (Preferably without knowing the implications) Love the flustered Selkie!McTavish.
Foaming at the mouth because this is my two special interests merged
Ghost tried not to do it again. Really, really tried. But Soap was in med bay and had asked him to grab some stuff for him. And the coat was laid out on the bed. 
The feeling crept back under his skin and before he knew it, his gloves were back off, running their way their way through the fur. 
Soap tensed, the entire base away, feeling the ghost of a touch. He closed his eyes tight. “Please don’t put it on. Please don’t put it on.” 
Ghost lifted his mask, just to the bridge of his nose, and lightly pressed it to his face. It was so soft. Smelled so intensely of Soap and the sea. Salt blending with the vanilla body wash he always used. He understood why Soap found it so comforting. It felt pretty heavy too, like the weighted blanket Ghost refused to admit he had in his room. 
Soap flushed, feeling the increasingly gentle touch. “What are you doing to me, Ghost?” He shuddered. Out of all of the team, Ghost would probably be the best he supposed. He didn’t ask him many questions, so Soap wouldn’t have to worry about spilling any secrets. Only really ordered him to do things in the field. Soap would just be an exceptional soldier a couple of days. 
That instinct started at the top of his spine, begging for him to slip it on. He shouldn’t. 
Ghost shrugged off the hoodie he had been wearing and fully removed the mask. He avoided looking in the mirror as he gently slipping it on. For once, he had worn short sleeves, which was perfect. The soft fur on him made something in his brain fizzle. 
Reluctantly, he looked in the mirror. He didn’t hate what he saw. Still scarred, still too much like his Father. But it didn’t seem as bad.
Soap winced, always hating this feeling. The strings in his body tensing and wrapping around his muscles. One always trying to drag him to the sea. And now one tangled around his heart that pulled him to Ghost. It wasn’t the best of feelings normally, even worse when he already had been harboring a crush on him. 
He remembered his mom, a selkie taken from her home and forced to marry his dad, explain to him one day what it was like to have your coat stolen. 
She had spoken like it was a poem, though she had said it so sadly.
“What do you want me to be? What do you need me to be? 
I’ll be perfect at whatever you want. 
I’ll rip my heart out if you ask.
I’ll be your guard. I’ll be your wife. I’ll bleed myself dry.”
They didn’t get a choice. Soap had his coat taken before. Once he found it, he joined the army to get far, far away. He was too human to just fuck off and be a seal. 
Wanted to sometimes. 
Soap closed his eyes, forcing himself to relax. His injured leg and the bullet wound in his side meant he couldn’t go to Ghost. He’d take any orders he was given, like always. He just hoped Ghost was kinder than the previous coat holder. 
Ghost gathered everything up while still wearing a coat. He put his mask on and then, with great reluctance, took off the coat. He folded it carefully and gently before putting it on top of the clothes and blanket that Soap had requested. Soap would be stuck in medical a couple of days so he thought it would be nice to have. 
Ghost didn’t knock, Soap would be expecting him back, and he almost laughed when the heart monitor sped up. He dropped the things on his lap.
“There you go.” 
Soap stared at the coat for a second, freezing. “What?”
“I saw it and thought you’d want it.” Ghost wasn’t going to admit to the crime of putting it on. 
Soap flushed bright red but didn’t pick it up. Ghost frowned at him and pushed it to his chest to show him what else he got. Soap wrapped his arms around it and flushed more. 
“Thanks, Simon.” 
“No problem, Johnny.” Ghost patted his head without thinking. “Feel better soon, yeah?”
Soap nodded dumbly and Ghost eventually left.
Soap got his phone and immediately called his mom.
“A bhobain! How are you?”
“Máthair. Are you able to talk?” Soap said it softly and she immediately became more serious. 
“Yes. Are you okay? Your coat is it safe?” She switched to Gaelic and he followed suit. 
“You know that... guy I had a crush on?”
“Oh no.”
“He gave it back. Physically pushed it back in my hands.”
“Oh no...” 
“Are we married now?”
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aqua-the-smiter · 5 days
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Decided to be a lil quirky and silly and write a part 2. Featuring a surprise guest! Selkie!Ferrus Manus x Argena Seeva Argena returns the next day and finds out a little more about her new friend. SFW Ferrus's seal form is a leopard seal Thanks to @bispaceual for the idea of squish seal Ferrus Iron Hands divider by @squishyowl
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Her heart was starting to beat faster and her hands shook as she tied her bay’s reins to the post again. The mare gave her a look that seemed thoroughly tired of her mistress's antics, and after a moment she instead removed the bridle all together.
“You put up with too much, Fox.” Argena told her, stroking her muzzle. “You’d better not wander off too far, or else.”
She shook out her long black mane and bent her head down to graze. Gena smiled, patting her neck before turning and walking to the edge of the cliff.
She’d been thinking about it all day. It was the only thing her mind really could focus on, and she’d breezed through her day’s work as fast as she could without it becoming sloppy. Practically counting the minutes as she worked, replaying their conversation the day before over in her head. A part of her still wasn’t convinced that it hadn’t been just a lovely dream. But her hand remembered the texture of his fur on her skin. It had to have been real. She was going to meet her selkie again today. He’d promised he would be there, and something told her he wasn’t the lying type.
A real selkie. The thought was thrilling and a little terrifying.
His name was Ferrus, and he had entirely too many crappy brothers.
A part of her wanted to tell everyone she knew about him. Sheer excitement and wanting to share the joy of her discovery with others. Magic was real, and it was still here. Just hiding. The more rational side of her knew that was a very bad idea. At best he would be chased off. At worst, hunted, or have his sealskin stolen again. Not that she thought anyone in her village would be a threat to him. Even the strongest men were dwarfed by her selkie. He was so tall and strong.
She was greeted once again with the sound of waves and the scent of the sea mingling with heather and thistle. Gulls flew overhead, and a group of perfectly ordinary seals rested a ways down the shore. From somewhere behind her a raven crawked in a nearby tree.
But as for her seal…
Scanning the shore where he’d been initially turned up nothing, and her heart clenched for a moment. He wouldn’t lie to her, surely. Either he hadn’t expected her this early, or something had happened to him. Maybe one of his brothers had found him…?
She hoped not.
Where was he…ah, there! Picking her way carefully down the rocky slope, she made her way over to him, bare feet sinking into the sand.
The problem was that she had been looking for him in his human guise. But down the cliff, in a sunny patch of warm, soft sand lay an absolutely enormous seal. His coat was different from the others. Dark gray on his back, light gray on his sides and a white belly, dappled all over with dark spots. His shape was different too. Narrower, sleeker. Longer jaws, a slimmer snout. Clearly, he was a predatory creature. His coat was shorter too, but very dense.
There he was. Curled in a crescent on his stomach, snoozing peacefully in the warm late summer sun. She had to cover her mouth to suppress a squeal of delight. 
He was so cute like that. His seal form would probably be actually quite intimidating if he was awake, but he just looked so…squishy and content laying there. That’s it. He looked squishy. Without the water to support his impressive bulk, all his natural seal blubber just kind of squashed against the ground. He definitely wasn’t as plump as the regular seals that frequented this beach, but clearly he packed enough weight to look just as soft when he relaxed.
“Hello Ferrus.” She sat down next to him and whispered where she thought his ear would be. He didn’t stir, and she contented herself by just sitting with him and watching him nap. The selkie must have been setting a very good example, because soon she’d fallen asleep as well, resting against his side, though unintentionally. 
She awoke to a wet snout pressing against her forehead.
“I didn’t expect you to be so forward.” Ferrus said, with a definite lilt of amusement in his voice, his neck craned around so he could look at her. Also confirming he could still talk in seal form.
Argena sat bolt upright. “I’m sorry! I must have fallen asleep waiting for you. I didn’t want to wake you up since you looked so comfortable.”
He laughed, and this time it was definitely a seal’s bark. “No harm done. I don’t mind at all. You are the only person I’ve been pleased to see in a long time. You can lean on me if you’d like. I don’t mind.”
“That’s very flattering to hear, honestly.” She said, doing just that. He seemed far less grumpy than he had the day before. Maybe the nap had done him some good.
He stretched and gave a bone-cracking yawn, his jaws gaping wide. Showing off a maw full of sharp teeth. Then that bear trap of a mouth shut, and he went back to being rather cute.
“There’s something I forgot to ask you yesterday.” She broached, a little hesitantly. 
“Why did your brother hide your sealskin?”
Ferrus curled his lip, showing off those teeth again. “I did leave that rather vague, didn’t I? He did it because he thought it was funny.”
“...That’s it? He stole your ability to transform for a prank? What the hell is wrong with your brother?”
“Yes, that is it. At least, that’s what he told me, and I don’t care enough about him anymore to dig deeper. I don’t know what he was thinking, and it doesn’t matter now. I’m not going to talk to him again.”
“I wouldn’t either.” She agreed. “What was his name?”
Ferrus didn’t answer for a moment. “Fulgrim. The more I think about it, the more I’m not sure how we ever became so close. We had some similarities, yes, but we were fundamentally different in far more areas. A part of me wonders if he was ever sincere.”
“Were you close with any of your other brothers? Before…all of this?”
“A few. Vulkan and I always got along. Before I left for good I used to forge things. Weapons, armor, the like. He did too, and we got along very well due to that. He was always kinder than I was, but we still got on. I had no real quarrels with Roboute or Leman or Sanguinius either. I regret not cultivating better friendships with some of them. Maybe I would have had help then. But it’s too late to dwell on that, and I won’t mourn it.”
“It must have gotten lonely though. And your brothers have some very odd names.”
In truth she doubted he would have been so lenient with her if he hadn’t been isolated for so long. On one hand it made her wonder if this would last very long. But on the other…he clearly did place some value in honor. 
“It did. Truthfully I am glad I met you. I doubt I would have gone to seek out anyone of my own volition. It is in my nature, but you have proven yourself good company.” He admitted. “And indeed, they do. But it is what Father called us.”
“Wait. You have a father? Why didn’t you go to him for help? Or are things strained between you and him as well?” She could believe it, with how long Ferrus seemed to be able to hold grudges.
“I didn’t wish to get him involved in what amounted to such a childish spat. I thought it would be easy enough for me to handle. It was, in the end. Even if it required me dirting my knuckles with Fulgrim’s filthy blood. But no. I have no quarrel with Father. He is strange, and distant at times, but he is not bad. To myself or any of my brothers.” 
“Fulgrim was the one being childish. But…maybe that’s why nobody else stepped in.”
“I asked!”
“I know.” She held up her hand. He let out a huffy snort and rested his head back on the sand. “But you said you’ve always been more of a loner. Maybe nobody was sure what to do. You being the way you were, and only really close with Fulgrim. Family spats are always ugly, and not fun to be in the middle of.”
He sighed. “You may have a point there. I suppose if any of them came and apologized I’d be willing to put things to rest. It’s funny, really. With one breath they would make fun of me, and with the next they would praise my work and ask me to make them things. I am not as thick skinned as I thought I was.”
“Or you just got tired of hearing the same thing over and over. I know I would.” She paused, thinking of a way to change the subject. “What did you make? Anything really special? My father makes things out of metal too. He’s a goldsmith. He’s been teaching me to do it too, since I’m the only one of my siblings who seems to have the talent for it.”
“Impressive.” He nodded in genuine approval. “I’ve made a few things like that too. Once Roboute was trying to woo an elven maiden. I made him a diadem to give to her.”
“Did it work?”
“She hadn’t left his side since the last time I saw him, so you tell me.” Ferrus said with a smug smile that looked very odd on a seal’s snout. “It would be nice to work a forge again.”
“Will you be sticking around long?” Maybe she could find a way to help him with that.”
“Aye. I found a decent little cavern in some of the large cliffs down that way.” He gestured with his tail. “I don’t think I’ll be leaving again. This is my home, and I missed it. So maybe I’ll be able to pick my craft back up. I’d like to see what you make as well.”
“Why not? I never thought I would have found such a kindred spirit with you.” He was very pleased with the prospect. It had been one of the reasons he and Vulkan got along so well. “Although it is a little unexpected. I didn’t think women usually took up that kind of thing in this part of the world.”
She shrugged. “Usually no, but Da doesn’t really care. He’s very proud of his work, and more than happy to have one of his children take after him. He’s always been well respected, and so casual about it that I don’t think anyone else really minds enough to make an issue. And it’s not like I don’t want to have my own family someday either. I just haven’t been approached by anyone I consider a good match. Besides, I enjoy the work.”
Or at least, anyone I could show my family. She thought, her mind wandering back to Ferrus’s human form. And it was pleasing to know she had something in common with the selkie.
“Is that why your hands are tattooed? Does it help you with your work?” She asked, remembering another question she’d wanted to ask.
“They do.”
She felt him shifting underneath, and she scooted forward so he could sit up, his sealskin around his shoulders as he shifted back to human. He offered her one of his massive hands so she could take a look. The only unmarked part of them were his fingernails, which were maybe a little bit too long but otherwise as pink as they were supposed to be. She took his hand between hers, studying the inked lines. There was an odd sensation of underlying power in them as she traced the knotwork with a finger. Amusing herself by picking out one line to follow.
“They’re beautiful. How did you get them?”
“Oh, it was a long time ago. I was much younger then. I suppose more adventurous than I am now. But they have proven their worth. And I like the way they look.”
“So do I.” Gena voiced her agreement. “They suit you very well.”
“Heh. Do they now?”
“They make you seem very fierce. Like a warrior.”
“I was, back in the day. All my brothers and I are, actually. There hasn’t been much fighting to do in a long time though. That seems to be all behind us. I can’t say I don’t miss it. And some of my best works were weapons.” The smugness returned. “I was the strongest of them, you know.”
“Oh I just bet you were.” She grinned up at him, taking his mild boastfulness as a jest. “Are you sure being the tallest also makes you the strongest?”
“I was!” He said with feigned offense. “Both of those, actually.”
“I can believe it. You’re such a big seal after all.”
“Oh hush up.”
But there were no teeth in his words. Just amusement. He really did seem more open today. More at ease. She would have been concerned that it was going a little fast, but he had been alone for so long. Whether he acknowledged it himself or not, he must have been at least a little lonely. And for the length of time he hinted at. Centuries, if she was reading it right. He must have been his own beast all right, because that much time alone would surely drive a mortal completely mad with isolation.
And she felt a small thrill as well. His first contact with anyone in centuries had been her, and he’d decided he liked her after a small conversation the day before. She realized that she had been granted a rather hard-to-earn thing, and was determined to make the best of it. She definitely liked him too. He was rough, sure, but there was warmth underneath it. Then of course, there was the mind bending realization that she had, by sheer luck, befriended a real selkie…
They had fallen into a comfortable silence after that, watching the waves. A few pelicans dove in, scooping up fish with their oversized beaks. Once a pod of dolphins had breached a ways away from the shore. She always loved to watch them. They were immensely graceful creatures. Although Ferrus seemed more than pleased to go over just how much faster he was in the water when she asked. Once there was a glint of greenish-blue in the water that made him narrow his silver eyes in suspicion, But he never elaborated on it, and the way his hackles had seemed to raise made her think better of asking. If there was real danger, he would have said something.
The time came for her to depart. As she stood brushing sand from her skirt, she turned to him. 
“Will I see you again tomorrow?”
Ferrus tapped his chin thoughtfully. “I will be here. But we should probably figure out an easier way of meeting up.”
“I’ll give it some thought.” She promised. “I doubt I'll be able to make excuses every day anyway. Much as I would like to. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to talk to someone like I have you.”
Maybe we were both hungering for companionship
“Agreed. This has been remarkably pleasant.” 
Putting it mildly on his end.
“Tomorrow then.” She gave him a bright smile then, and squeezed his hand before clambering back up the cliff. He rubbed his fingers together. Her hands did good work, but they were still so soft…
He stayed out long after she had departed again. But this time he wasn’t left alone. 
There was an odd prickle in his hands, erasing the warm feeling that Argena’s touch had left him with. A raven fluttered down, hopping on its skinny black legs over the sand. Ferrus’s head shot up, and he glared at it.
“Brother!” It-he-crawked at him. “It has been a while.”
“Has it?” His voice was dripping icicles.
In a moment, in the bird’s place was a tall, pale young man with long black hair and glittering black eyes. He was draped in dusty black traveling robes and a cloak, and in his right hand he held a plain wooden staff. 
“What do you want?”
“Oh don’t be like that. You haven’t been seen in centuries. It was pure luck I caught sight of you. I wanted to know how you’ve been.” Corvus said, his tone mollifying.
“As you can see, I’m just fine. You’d better not start spying on me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it. I can see that temper of yours is still as hot as ever.” 
“Indeed, it is.” He hissed. “How long have you been watching?”
“Long enough to see the young lady, if that’s what you were wondering about.”
“If you-”
“I won’t! Ferrus, come now. You know I’m not like that. I only came here out of brotherly concern, nothing more. Father is concerned. So are many of the others. I will tell them you’re alright, and nothing more. Does that sound good to you?”
“No.” Ferrus snapped. “I would prefer if you said nothing at all. You remember what I said before I left?” “I do. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry you felt you needed to go to such extreme measures.” Corvus confirmed. “Fine, fine. I won’t say anything unless I’m asked.”
“I suppose that’s the best I can get from you. Storing pieces of information like a dragon hoarding gold. Why can’t you like shiny things like a real raven?”
“It is what I do best. And I do, actually. I just like my shiny things to be of high quality.” He said with a razor grin. “Would you-” “NO!” “I jest, brother.”
“Of course you do. Now get out of here before I actually lose my temper!” “I’m going, I’m going!” He squawked indignantly, before returning to bird form and flapping off with indecent haste.
Ferrus sighed. Seems things might not remain so quiet. Then he cured himself, realizing belatedly he’d forgotten to sing for her. Damn it all. Next time, then.
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sfehvn · 7 months
Hi! Let me start by saying that the intruder has me completely hooked, it's such a clever idea and can't wait to see what comes next. Okokok, I'll stop gushing. If your requests are still open (if not, simply disregard the ask or save it for a later day) but I can't get my head out of the idea of Astarion and a selkie reader (Idk why tho). Either ascended or not, I think it would be a interesting concept to explore the folklore around selkies with our dear vampire. Maybe Tav is afraid of her secret being discovered or fearing for her pelt being stolen? How do the dinamics work with Astarion either as an ascended or spawn? Any fic is more than fine for me :D
A/N: Thank you much for your support! This is just a little drabble but I can always build upon it later if you'd like! xx Word count: 581 Characters: Astarion x selkie!Tav
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  Warm water lapped at your toes and you welcomed the feeling of home washing over you. Astarion laid with you, skin to skin, in the sand and while the sensation of a million grains against his bare body was an unwelcome one, it had, at some point, become a forgotten worry as he held you. You smelt of seafoam and sunshine with his nose buried in your hair. Your pelt laid haphazardly across his leg, thick velvet forever reminding him of you. A selkie lover; a notion Astarion would have met with teasing mockery before he met you. Not known for being an accepting character, when he had found your coat, your animalistic instincts had kicked in. You were prepared to stake the vampire through his un-beating heart if that’s what it took to safeguard your lifeline to the sea.
  Astarion hadn’t met your apprehension with his typical antagonistic demeanor, much to your surprise. No, instead, he was curious. Intrigued without the scrutinizing conviction you’d predicted. As your relationship bloomed, safety was fostered in his very existence. One that made your body buzz in the midst of him. Finding comfort in a land-dwelling being was the very last thing you’d anticipated when you’d met the silver-haired man.
  Unbeknownst to you, Astarion had concocted a scheme to steal that pelt from right under your nose. The power he’d have over you with the simple theft was an intoxicating thought—a power he’d never had over anyone, not even himself. How easy it would be to force you to kill Cazador on his behalf with the promise of restoring your pelt to your possession. Yes, it was a simple and fool-proof plan. One day when he was left to his own devices in camp, he could have done it. His hands held the coat firmly, staring at it with wide eyes. If it was so easy, why couldn’t he bring himself to do it? He could only picture your face telling him excitedly about how everything seemed to make sense when you were in the deep of the sea, how at-one and peaceful it all was.
  Astarion couldn’t steal that from you, the only person who had ever shown him kindness. The only person who had ever treated him like he mattered. Someone who had entrusted him with their biggest secret. The very desire to betray you made his stomach turn viscerally. Just as quickly as he found the coat tucked away amongst your belongings, he hastily returned it as he’d found it. A searing pain gnawed at his chest while he lay with you that night under the moonlight atop the sand. He was angry at himself for considering it; he was angry at himself for being unable to go through with it. Such complex feelings had never touched him so deeply. Why did it matter? You were a pawn. That was it. But then, why did shame light such a fire in his chest?
  “What’s got you so quiet tonight?” You murmured between gentle kisses to pale flesh.
  He considered letting loose lips fly, but the serenity he felt in the moment paralyzed him. He was sure once you knew about his plan, he’d more than likely never see your face again and would be gone with the anger of unforgiving waves. Perhaps you’d understand his fear-driven thoughts; perhaps not. It was a risk Astarion ultimately decided was not worth the risk. 
  “Just thinking about how enthralling you are, my little selkie.” 
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snippychicke · 9 months
Legend of the Selkie and the Pirate --Two--
Fandom: One Piece (LA mainly)
Rating: Teen/mature (we have non-graphic nudity stated)
Pairing: Buggy/Selkie!Reader
Warnings: None except heartbreak?
Summary: Even in a world of monsters, devil fruits, pirates, and fishmen, selkies were considered a myth. Especially in the East Blue where the waters were too warm for seals to live anyways. 
Except that myths were always seeded with truths, and stories always had a habit of coming to life. 
Tagging: @tfamidoingwithmylife; @yellowbbear ; @skullr0se; @chiyo-juice
(psst, if you're a long time reader of mine and noticed that I had posted part one without dramatic use of italicized words... that was because tumblr ate my formatting. It is fixed now along with a few spelling/grammar corrections.)
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Prompt:  Something/Someone missing
The joy of a large trove of treasure disappeared as Buggy watched the seal slip beneath the railing and over the edge. Without thinking, he called out your name as he raced to the edge, just to watch you gracefully disappear beneath the choppy waves. He was somewhat aware of the rest of the crew torn from the treasure, but was frozen as he watched the water. Hoping--Praying-- that you'd break the surface. That you would reappear--either human or seal-- and he could pluck you up once more despite the earlier ocean spray on his hands had already made them painful and weak. 
He'd do it again. And again and again. 
If you would just reappear. 
"Not even a goodbye," Mohji whined eventually. "Richie is going to be so heartbroken." 
Who the fuck cared about the lion? He was heartbroken. The necklace he had in his fist--the one he was about to insist you try when he had first turned around-- cut into his hand as he clenched his fist. 
Why? What did your family or kind or whatever have that he couldn't provide you? Were any them as flashy as he was? Making you constantly smile and laugh? Did any of them take you and accept you as easily as his crew had? 
Did any of them love you like he did? 
Or was it his one flaw? His one weakness? That he couldn't swim. That the ocean hated him for fucking accidentally eating that damn fruit. 
That damn Shanks. If he ever saw him again, he would rip his throat out. 
(Don't let it be his nose. It couldn't be his nose, right? You said it was fine, and he didn't think you were lying.) 
"Cap'n?" Mohji asked, breaking Buggy from his thoughts.
The crew was looking towards him, which he usually didn't mind. Except there was pity in their eyes. As if they could tell--as if they knew--how he felt. 
"What are you freaks looking at?!" He shouted with a manic grin. "We just hit the jackpot! It's time to celebrate!" 
The cheers were less than heartfelt, but Buggy let it slide. This once. 
Granted, later that night, while the crew was sleeping off draining half the beer they had on board, Buggy made his way to the small room you had claimed. 
You had been with them for just a few short months, and yet you had made the tiny room your own. Hammock full of blankets and pillows stolen from who knew where. A chest brimming with clothes donated by the crew. A vanity with a cracked mirror, yet you.hadn't seemed to mind. You had placed shiny rocks and shells in the canister meant to hold makeup and brushes.  
He took the necklace he had kept in his pocket and put itt in the main drawer, next to the hairbrush (your hair mixed with a few of his since it had been a spare he had found in his own room). He knew he was being foolish, but he held on to the sliver of hope you'd be back. That you would look at his gift with delight and grin happily at him. That the sparkling gems would look as beautiful as he imagined against your skin. 
And, well, if he happened to fall into your hammock, pulling your pillow close to his chest, it was merely because he drank too much. But in the moment, he knew the truth as the sway of the ship rocked him into an uneasy sleep. 
He missed you. 
Prompt: Forgetfulness 
You had forgotten how lonely the sea was. 
As the sun set and everything became dark, you pulled yourself up to an outcropping of rocks before shifting and looking to the stars. Except the sky was clouded, obscuring everything. 
The night would have been silent if not for the sound of water splashing against the rock and your legs. It was impossible to tell where the sea and sky separated--all that you could see was inky blackness. As if you had somehow appeared into an abyss. 
You shivered, but you weren't cold. You still pulled your fur tighter as you continued to shake, chest becoming painfully tight. 
You wanted to be on the pirate ship right now. You wanted to hear the rumble of snores of the crew. The soft boot steps of those taking watch. The soft glow of the lamps and candles. 
Buggy finding you and ending the lonely night often brought alongside insomnia. It had become a little routine, making you wonder what made it so hard for him to sleep at night. 
You never asked. 
Finally the tightness erupted into a scream, hot tears stinging your eyes. 
You had forgotten what true loneliness was like.
You forgot the heartache of missing those dear to you.
Your heart wasn't sure it even knew where 'home' was. The arctic where your pod was. Where your parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, were.
Or a ship where you were surrounded by people so unlike but had wormed their way into your heart nonetheless. 
(Or maybe where a blue haired pirate grinned at you with bright eyes and a red nose. Like you were the most amazing thing he had ever seen.)
Prompt: Unexpected 
"We're going to the Grand Line!" 
The crew of freaks stared at their captain in confusion. When he had called them together, this was not what they expected his announcement to be. In fact, no one had cared to even place bets considering they all believed it to be the same. 
To go after you. 
"The… Grand Line, Captain?" Mohji was brave enough to ask, clearly as confused as everyone else despite the fact he was technically Buggy's second in command. 
Thankfully, Buggy grinned at the white curly-haired man. Though there was a hint of mania yet again to his blue eyes. "You heard me. We've pittered about the East Blue for long enough, it's time to go after the grand prize--the One Piece!"
"Don't we need a map for the Grand Line?"
"Does the One piece actually exist?
"Well, rumor has it Buggy was on Rogers ship. So if he thinks it does, then it must, right?" 
Buggy wasn't too concerned about the talk amongst the crew, that was to be expected. After all, it was a big change. 
But then…
"What about our selkie that jumped shipped?" Mohji asked, and everyone quickly grew silent, looking towards the captain expectedly. 
Buggy felt his eye twitch as he gritted teeth behind his smile. 
Waking up in your hammock had made the truth hit him like a sledgehammer. You were gone. You chose to leave, without so much as a goodbye.
 Escaping to the one place he couldn't follow. 
"Our little seal made her choice," he said, turning to his first mate with murder in his eyes. "And I don't want to hear another word about it." 
Because his heart was bruised enough as it was. 
He wasn't going to chase after someone who didn't want him. (Just like everyone else in his life he had cared for. He had opened his heart to you, only for you to devour what little had remained before jumping overboard.)
Prompt: Undone
"Well, she's rather special. I mean, can you blame him?"
"Hmph. Captain Buggy has made it a point to build a crew of people that don't fit in. We're his band of freaks. But at least we're human. Or fishperson. The bitch is as useful as a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest. I mean, she had to be taught how to wash dishes." 
"Either she sharpens up, or the Captain will realize how useless she is and send her overboard too."  
The words still echoed in your head despite it being weeks since they were spoken. The conversation you weren't meant to hear but did. The one that made you realize you didn't belong among the land-kind. 
That you weren't meant to be one of Buggy's crew. That the chore girl position you had been given was just to keep you entertained and out from under others feet.
Oh sure, many of the crew acted like they enjoyed you being there-- especially Buggy himself-- but not all of them were such great actors. The scoffs. the sneers. 
Some things were universal no matter what. 
The cry of a seagull roused you from the half-sleep. You groaned when you realized the sun had moved, meaning you were no longer in the shade of the towering cliffs but in the hot sun. 
You grabbed your fur and moved into the new shaded area. Hoping to get a little more sleep before the sunset and you could resume your attempt at finding home.
Goddamn tropics being so hot. It was way too warm to try and swim during the day, so you resorted to trying to sleep while the sun bore down. Yet always alert for any land-kind, so sleep was a relative term.
But at least there were plentiful fish in the waters. 
Yet… your time on the pirate ship had spoiled you. All that different food.
And the fruit. The cool and sweet juices from biting into one busting into your mouth. Sometimes too much and escaping the corners of your lips. 
Buggy laughed as you tried hard to catch the juice with your hands. He eventually reached over and wiped some you didn't notice from your chin and made a show of licking it from his glove. "Juicy little thing, aren't you?" 
"I-it was," you agreed, trying to reign in your impulses that you didn't realize what he truly said.
How were you supposed to enjoy going back to eating merely to survive after that? (Were you ever going to get him out of your head?) 
You continued to try and sleep, ignoring the pain any dreams brought once you woke. 
Prompt: Eyes 
For being stuck in a sack, bodiless, and more or less prisoner of Arlong, everything had been going fine. Listening to Luffy's antics was always entertaining. The boy was so clueless and full of optimism that it was almost unbelievable at times. As well as rather annoying, considering how the rubber-cursed teen and his tiny crew had beaten him 
What was wrong with this kid? 
Maybe the Gum-Gum fruit had done something to his brain too. 
Okay, things were massively sucking for Buggy right now, but he held out hope. He had escaped worse situations. Yes his body was too far away for him to literally pull himself together. But after they tracked down the Straw hat, Arlong said he'd let him go. 
Granted, Arlong was the kind of pirate to lie straight to your face, but all Buggy had at this point was hope. 
And then he heard you. He knew wherever his body was it jerked, instinct to whip around to look for you before he remembered his ear was miles away at the Baratie restaurant hidden in Luffy's cap. 
What the fuck were you doing there. 
He wiggled his ear slightly in hopes things weren't so muffled. As angry and hurt as he still was, there was no denying that he was desperate to hear your voice clearly. 
He wanted to see you. Touch you. Talk to you. (Demand to know why you had left him the way you did. Hadn't any of the time you spent with them, with him, meant enough for at least a goodbye?)
"--I'm lost," you admitted slowly, sounding as cautious as when you first boarded his ship. Back when you didn't know who to trust and expected someone to do something. "I'm trying to head north, but--"
He silently groaned, rolling his eyes, the Baratie was south of the Deadman Stacks. No wonder you ended up in the East Blue. You were absolutely clueless when it came to directions, weren't you?
(He could have helped. If you had just asked. If you had just waited another minute.) 
"Where's home?" Luffy asked, full of innocent optimism that set Buggy's teeth on edge. 
You wouldn't. You wouldn't dare accept help from the brat after leaving him. Right? There was nothing that kid had that he didn't. (Except a normal nose-- no. You didn't care about his nose.)
"North?" You answered awkwardly, and Buggy wasn't sure if you were avoiding the question, or if you really didn't know. 
"Like, Shells town? Syrup Village?"
"Um… further… north?"
You… didn't know. At least, none of their names for places. And you didn't trust them enough to divulge that truth. His innocent little lamb lost at sea for how many months now? He didn't think his heart could stand another knife in it. 
"I mean, Cozia is the northernmost isle of the East Blue I know," A new voice peeped in. One of the waitstaff if he recalled right. Sangria? Sojo? Something like that. It didn't matter, not really. 
"That sounds… kinda familiar?" You answered, though your voice was tinged with obvious doubt. You were such a horrible liar. (Which only confused him more, because he had thought you at least liked him. Yet you ran away. Why?)
"Don't worry, my cherie, you rest and eat your fill. We'll find a way to get a beautiful woman such as yourself home." The waitstaff flirted, making Buggy grit his teeth as he tried to keep his snarl silent, well aware that Along's crew was probably listening. 
Hell no. No suave fucking waiter was going to try and steal you from him. (Completely ignoring the fact you obviously weren't his to be stolen.) 
Shit. Fuck. 
Arlong was heading for the Baratie. Where you were. 
And as happy as he was to find you, for the chance to just see you again, there was no mistaking the fear rolling in his gut even if he wasn't attached to his body. 
What if you got caught up in the inevitable fight? You could defend yourself, but against Arlong's crew? One Selkie against three fishman that were stronger than himself? 
What if Arlong decided he wanted you as a trophy? What if he took your fur from you again? Unlike Buggy, Arlong was known to hold people captive for long periods of time, doing as he pleased. (Buggy held on to the fact he wasn't that bad since he only gave the towns and villages a mandatory free show for a few nights and before he'd leave and allow them to rebuild their boring little lives.) 
And all Buggy could do was watch. A bodiless head, unable to do anything but watch. Listen. Maybe beg but he already knew any pleading would fall on deaf ears. 
Prompt: Crowds
You had impulsively followed the smell of food, sick of fish, and ended up giving a few humans--Luffy and Sanji-- heart attacks when you pulled yourself halfway onto the deck asking for food. 
And well, you had gotten what you had asked for that ruined your usual diet even more because it tasted divine. But as you ate, the two had been full of questions and one thing led to another and… 
They wanted to help you. Apparently their navigator might know more about where you were heading. 
Except chaos erupted before you could even meet their navigator. Maybe it was because you were surrounded by too many humans, but you felt exposed. Overstimulated. The constant chatter of the patrons. The clinks of silverware against plates. 
The animalistic part of your brain finally won out, and you ran yet again. There was a storm on the horizon and you didn't want to be caught in the middle of it. 
You didn't care which way you were going, you jumped into the water and dived deep and fast, allowing your body to follow the urge to run and hide. 
You weren't at Baratie. 
Hours later as Buggy helped the Straw Hat idiots navigate.to Arlong Park, the mantra repeated itself in his head. You weren't there. You hadn't been amongst the crowd of diners that Arlong threatened. You weren't part of Lyffy's little crew. 
Buggy was relieved. Angry. Devastated. Thankful. 
Oh, you had been there. Your voice hadn't been a figment of his deranged imagination. But apparently between Mihawk's attack and Arlong’s arrival, you had slipped off into the night without so much as a word. (Which did help a little. Especially as Sanji mourned the fact two 'lovely ladies' had disappeared on him without so much as a goodbye.)
"Wait, you knew her?" Luffy asked after Buggy not-so-subtly asked if they had seen a curvy gal in a seal-skin coat. 
Buggy grinned, though he felt an eye twitch. "You could say that.  But I mean, what man really knows a woman, am I right?" 
"She's running away from you, isn't she?" Zoro guessed-- making Buggy grit his teeth. 
God, if he had his body right now he would have decked the grass-haired man. Right in the swordsman's chest wounds. (See how he liked a knife in the heart.)
"That would imply I actually gave a shit about what she's up to." Okay. He couldn't lie to himself. He did. Hearing you were still so lost had taken the edge off his anger. He was still mad, but it was tempered with worry now. "She's merely an old acquaintance and I was surprised to hear her voice is all. She doesn't like hanging around crowds." 
"She was a jumpy little rabbit," Sanji agreed with a dreamy hint to his voice. Okay, forget the dramatic samurai-wanna be, Buggy was going to slaughter the chef. "I should have offered to protect her. To keep her safe from whatever frightened her." 
That madeBuggy laugh. "That is a riot. Friend, buddy, pal, let me tell you a little secret. Those sharp teeth aren't for decoration. I've seen her kill half a dozen men in just a few minutes with those chompers of hers alone. She'll bite your hand off if it wanders a bit too much-- and I do mean literally." 
And yet… you were still an innocent little lamb he felt compelled to protect as well.
Or maybe just stand back and watch you protect yourself, clapping and cheering the same way you did during one of his performances. 
But the fact.remained, you had left him. You did not want him or his crew. 
 He was in the midst of his body being kidnapped and sailing into the territory of one of the most vicious pirates of the East Blue with a ragtag bunch of idiots. That should be what took precedence in his mind. 
Not you. (Yet it was.)
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Hello. Um, sorry if my wording for this post is a little messy, I'm really shaken and I couldn't think of anyone else to ask for help.
I'm a selkie. I've been mostly staying on land for a bit, as I've found myself interested in human culture and wanting to experience something different for once. I always return back to the sea at night, but a few days ago, while trying to go back home I realized my seal skin had been stolen.
I'm not sure how this happened I always make sure it's hidden really well, I've never told anyone where it's been hidden and the only people that knew I was a selkie were my ex girlfriend (who I never told where I hid it) and my family.
My initial suspicion went to my ex, we broke up in bad term but I've refused to believe she'd do something so... Yeah.
I'm not sure how to even begin looking for it.
— 🐚
Hello. This is Edwin, I have a few strategies to help you to find it:
First of all, try your best to keep calm. I understand this must be an incredibly stressful experience, but it is much easier to find things with your thoughts in order. Take a few deep breaths and retrace your steps. Where did you see it last? Who did you last see it with? Walk through these events in your mind and see if you can remember anything useful.
Secondly, search methodically. Go from where you saw it last and work from there. Divide large areas into small, manageable chunks to stop yourself from getting too stressed.
Thirdly, ask for help from friends and family. They may have seen what happened to it, or know other ways to locate it. While I know there are spells for locating magical items, I would recommend finding a professional on the subject.
If you want I can refer you to reputable witches in your area.
I wish you the best of luck,
- Edwin
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wyrdle · 8 months
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Lol I'm insane for this. But Simon x my old man OC Seville, an ex-selkie from the 20th Century like Simon. Seville's existing backstory pairs so well with Simons it's hilarious lmao. In summary:
Pre-mushroom war era: Seville is a selkie, mistaken to be a seal, and his seal skin is stolen, resulting in amnesiac Seville living in the 20th century as a human for a good while. He doesn't know he's a selkie.
Mushroom War Era: He manages to survive through the sliver of selkie magic left.
Vampire Era: Part of Seville's backstory is being mauled by vampires for his delicious blood, his scarf covers up his injuries. The vampires reveal that he is actually a selkie all along. Through this traumatic incident, he goes into a hibernation, until present day Ooo.
Post gum war: He finds things drastically different, and goes in search of Dr Simon Petrikov, for help about uncovering his heritage. In AT canon, Simon and Betty's first talk at his lecture was about Selkie coves, so I'm thinking 20th century mythos were mostly decimated by the Mushroom war, as was most of humanity, leaving behind the craziest of magical stuff.
Anyway, most of their story together will be this journey to the selkie cove, which will be healing for both of them lol. Two old nerds!!!
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vala-dreams · 1 year
Okay I've decided there's way too little selkie Percy Jackson content on this webbed site so here's my contribution:
You know those awful tales where the (usually female) selkie's skin is stolen and she has to be the asshole thief's spouse until she can either steal it back or be rescued by someone else?
I'm thinking about percabeth in a similar situation.
Imagine this: Annabeth aboard the Princess Andromeda, after Luke convinces her and some other demigods to join him in his rebellion against the gods. She is twelve years old and filled to the brim with anger. The gods do not care about her, or any of their children. They are pawns to them—faceless soldiers to use and nothing more.
It is this anger that motivates her to join Luke. It is this anger that brings her here, standing on the deck of Kronos's ship, harpoon in hand, staring into the churning sea below. Storm clouds gather ominously above as thunder crashes distantly— a telltale sign of another fight between zeus and poseidon.
The world is in chaos, with the lightning bolt and helm missing (stolen) the gods have only each other to blame. Most coastal regions are underwater now, and the storms never let up. It's miserable. She hasn't seen the sun in weeks.
But it won't be so for long. The gods are sufficiently distracted, too absorbed in their petty squabbles to notice them (not that they were ever paying attention) and it leaves them free to carry out their plans without any interference.
So here she is, her anger churning in her mind like the sea below, her grey eyes scanning the frothing depths for any movement. Something flits in her periphery vision– a seal's tail lightly breaking surface, a tanned hand curiously pressing against Andromeda's hull, an echoing bark drifting over the waves. She clutches her harpoon tighter.
Tonight, Annabeth Chase is hunting selkies.
For context, this is a really underdeveloped au where Percy is born a selkie and Sally asks Poseidon to take them someplace they can hide from Percy the gods and the mortals. So Percy grows up half feral, swimming with seals and knowing nothing of the world on land. The only human he's ever seen is Sally. Due to Poseidon's protections the monsters never find them so Percy never ends up going to camp half blood.
Meanwhile in camp, Luke is staging his grand rebellion and needs a certain prophesied potential destroyer of Olympus to join it. All Annabeth sees in her dreams are green eyes in the depths.
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not a request but i have a question or two on your siren character that you wrote with a dark/obsessive alucard, in the piece it is made clear that the siren character has a strong hate for humans due to being stolen from her family and home to be inslaved and sold by them and tries to leave alucard when finding out he is half human. so my question is about how the series ends with village belmont being built around the castle, how do you think the siren would react to alucard bring humans to live in and around their home knowing her history with them? my first thought would be her trying to leave and lashing out at alucard as she would rather be alone in the world then surounded by humans but as she is your character i wanted to get your take on that situation and to ask where or what media you got the sirens physical characteristics from as i have never seen sirens depicted with large dark eyes and am intrested in learning more siren lore
Oooh, that's a good question.
I wonder if, by that time, she'd sort of warmed up to the idea of humans being with Alucard and getting to "trust" him (that or the Stockholm syndrome starts to set it). OR... If like you say, she'd be very angry and distrustful.
I also see this third option of sorting using it to each other's advantage. She sees that even though the humans adore Alucard now for saving them, it won't be that way forever. Eventually, they will learn something they don't like, see a part of him that's more vampire than human, and they will judge him negatively for it. She could use this looming threat to ensure Alucard sees her as his one true partner and confidant, even after Sypha and Trevor return.
At the same time, I see Alucard potentially doing a version of the same thing. He knows our Siren friend is not versed well in human social expectations, so every time he pushes her to socialize, it doesn't end well. Either it's awkward, or she ends up yelling and scaring people, which is at the point where he gets to swoop in and apologize for her behavior. Alucard in doing this, is basically telling her, hey, "I am the only reason these people tolerate you" "I am the only one you can trust still".
It's toxic af but that's the yandere asepct for you lol.
Maybe I should write a Part 2 about it? What do you think?
And for the siren descriptions, I read a bit about Celtic lore surrounding fae and selkies, and then thinking of selkies made me think of seals, and they have dark big eyes, right? They have big rounded pupils to see deep underwater where it's dark, but then those pupils close up when on land.
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For our Siren, I think she'd have a protective lens layer for her more 'human' form, that protects the extra large pupil from the harsh sun/UV rays. I also recalled reading a Reddit post about what a realistic mermaid would like, and how she'd need blubber or layers of insulation OR she'd be very skeletal and have translucent skin if she were much further down in the deepest parts of the ocean. So I went with the deeper down theory a bit, which is also why she couldn't get away in a river, even if it was deep enough to swim, she couldn't sustain a long life in that environment.
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jenasu · 11 months
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I am thinking about @acatpiestuff's submas selkie AU a perfectly. normal. amount :)
(also featuring @peachy-kun's selkiesona <3)
Selkie Jena facts:
She is a harbor seal.
Seal form is about 4'5", human form is 5'3". Don't even worry about why her seal skin is so oversized, it's fine, magic or whatever, shhh
Her hair is a horrible tanglemess thanks to all the rolling around the ocean/on the shores; stuff is getting caught in it constantly. Don't be surprised if a tiny crab pops out of it or something (free snack!)
Refuses to let Peachy go hungry, so gleefully does all the crime for her
Leaves local fisherfolk alone for the most part (unless she spots a tasty lunch left unattended), and does all her fish stealing from commercial boats
She doesn't like how wet shoes feel so she only swipes sandals, but because sandals aren't exactly secure she's constantly losing them to the ocean
(Ingo often finds her lost sandals and adds them to his collection of stolen clothes; ambiguous if he actually knows they were hers or not, of if he hears her complain about losing all her shoes and is just like "damn, that's crazy. anyway I found more free shoes")
She is hopelessly in love with Sealgo and pretty useless about it. Thinks she's good at keeping her feelings hidden but she's not. everyone knows. stop lying to yourself
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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Where the Sea and Land Kiss
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: future ABO (possibly). No real warnings yet, this is really just a test. An idea @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker and I were workshopping and I thought I'd see what everyone thinks. Cursing, boys looking at each other longingly, mentioned violence, vikings, magic, naked boys ☠️ Rating: mature
I'm not done with the other I swear, I've just been very sick with a lot on my mind so I've been resting but we talked about this and I had to test it out. I hope you enjoy 🖤
Something woke Kol'son from his deep sleep. He was always ready for battle, he had been raised to listen to every twig or crackle of the fire or shift of the wind but as his blue eyes opened just enough to scan the room he didn't feel danger. Whatever had made the noise didn't make the man's hackles rise or set an alarm off in his head. He'd been brought up to listen to his senses and trust his instincts but he was confused. Somehow he knew his home had been invaded but he didn't feel threatened. For a moment he thought one of his clan's children had come to him or possibly one of the women had snuck in to try and bed him again but the world quieted and he let a sigh escape.
The chieftain rolled on his side then to his belly, his soft cock ghosting against the unbelievably plush new pelt he'd been gifted and he couldn't help rolling his hips just to feel it a little more. He normally didn't accept gifts but there was something about the skin that drew him in. He folded his arms under his head and wiggled against the fur, letting the crackle of his fire lull him back to rest.
Damhnaic scoffed, he couldn't believe his pelt was being so molested by the warrior and he knew this was all his fault. All he'd wanted that morning was to get a closer look at the leader when members of his tribe fished in the boy's waters. He'd done it before, he'd been watching the man for years now but he must have gotten careless and left his fur where it could be stolen. When he returned to where he'd left it he found his hiding spot empty and a scent of children was left in its wake. He'd followed the group further than ever before, wandering after them all the way to their home and he waited in the tree line for darkness. His senses had of course led him here. To the leader. The naked, sleeping, quite frankly gorgeous leader and his pelt under him. Fuck it was just his luck.
"Join or fuck off." A gruff voice sounded and the selkie jumped, his jade eyes wide, his plush bottom lip rolling between his teeth. The man couldn't be talking to him could he? As he looked around he realized no one else was with them. He'd never been spoken to by a human. That wasn't allowed. "Your third option is die but my bed is new and I don't want blood on it."
Kol'son hadn't moved to look who was in his hut, he assumed one of the women but when he didn't hear anything he peeked across the room. In the shadows was a beautiful boy but the firelight caught his eyes and they reflected like the beasts of the land. That… wasn't normal. Must have been a trick of the light. "Are you lost?" He sighed, rolling back to his side and propping himself up on his elbow. Perhaps it was a son of another tribe who fell behind during a hunt. The kid looked young. Younger than him and he wasn't truly chieftain age, he wouldn't hold his position if not for his father's untimely death. He tried to live up to his name's promise, especially with something like that, but he knew at times he could be too soft. He should be gutting the intruder, not sitting up and trying his hardest not to scare him.
He pushed a hand through his hair, the blonde braids tickling his shoulder as he tilted his head and watched the kid. "Do you need something? Besides clothes?" Shit he was naked and beautiful and it made the man realize they were both bare to the elements. It was after all though his home. The intruder was the strange one.
"As if you can talk." The boy couldn't help but quip and he clamped his jaw shut. His first words to a human were sarcastic. Of course. He could just hear his mother's voice screaming in his head about the evil men and their brutal nature. His pelt was already stolen, he was fucked.
The chieftain surprised him by laughing, his head thrown back, his stomach muscles clenching. He couldn't help but stare at the tattooed and scarred skin. For a human he was gorgeous and if he smirked back and took a few steps closer no one could blame him. The bastard was magnetic. "Come, sit next to the fire and relax boy. Tell me where you're from. I don't recognize your accent." Kol'son knew that was a bad sign, the kid sounded far different than anything he'd heard before and he had been on plenty of travels.
"Let's jus' say I'm… from across the sea." Damhnaic tried not to laugh at his own joke as he stepped closer and bravely took a seat on his own fucking pelt. It wasn't the first time but it was definitely the first anyone else had shared it with him. Especially naked. What was happening? "Me people traveled 'ere and um… we lost our way. I got separated from 'em and found me way 'ere. When I saw ya fire was still burning I… I was cold." He shrugged, most of it was close enough to the truth. He didn't think he could get his skin back easily so perhaps making nice with the human would keep him safe for the night. He could steal it back in the morning and run for it. No harm no foul.
"Kol'son." The man nodded.
"I know."
"Nuffin. I… 'eard someone. Um yeah, Damhnaic." When the human offered his arm to embrace the boy got nervous. He'd thought of touching him for so long but… that definitely wasn't allowed. As the chieftain tried to pronounce his name he felt something in his belly bubble, a rush of giddy nerves that had him reaching out and clasping the inked forearm. The Viking felt strong, his muscles bunching under his touch as they grasped and shook, greeting each other and lingering longer than strictly necessary. "Dom works." He finally giggled when the difference between their tongues was too glaringly obvious. It was cute the way he tried to shape sounds he'd never heard. He knew enough of the Viking's language to know that his name meant dark. Virtuous. Leader. Something far more beautiful than his own, he never felt like a gift for a god. He remembered the man's father, most of the clan he'd been following seemed nice and he still remembered the sound of his new friend's cries when he was told of his father's death at sea.
The newcomer got a faraway look and Kol accidentally tightened his hold. The boy's skin felt cool to the touch, almost wet in a way and he couldn't seem to let go. "Where are you?" He whispered, watching the orange flames flicker in the boy's big eyes but his voice startled him.
"Nowhere. Sorry I- I'm tired." Dom smiled, pulling his hand back and tucking his long raven hair behind his pointed ear. His skin almost burned where they'd touched as if he was forever marked. How was the human so hot? He didn't think they were supposed to run so warm. "I should go." He whispered into the air between them but he made no move to escape.
"Stay." Kol'son sighed back before shaking himself and clearing his throat. If he didn't know better he'd think the boy magic. There certainly was a spell over him. He shouldn't let someone sleep in his home but he didn't want him leaving. He couldn't bear it. "You're welcome here. Just sleep and in the morning we can find you something to wear and fill your belly and I'll try and help you find your way home." There, that sounded like something a leader would do. Right?
Damhnaic smiled and chewed nervously at his lip. The Viking was surprised by the sharpness of his teeth but he knew other clans sometimes did that to their people to scare off others. Give them an edge. He just hoped the boy wasn't from one of the cannibal tribes. Shit maybe he should ask more but not yet. The kid looked exhausted and scared.
Dom shifted down, a little confused at the offer but he tried to lay on his own damn pelt and rest. His gaze fell to the fire instead of the man but he could still feel the heavy blue eyes on his skin and when Kol'son finally laid down and got comfortable he swore he could feel the touch even though he wasn't in his own fur. He didn't know how he was supposed to sleep but perhaps laying on a bed with the human all night wouldn't be so bad. He would just enjoy the company and leave when the leader was distracted. He just needed to wait for a moment he could secret his self away. That was all. He was just trying to keep his pack safe. Keep hidden. That was obviously the only reason he would stay the night. Obviously. One night and no longer. What harm could it be?
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @manicpixiedreamb0y @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @cole-way-iero28
This is a viking/selkie AU if that wasn't obvious. Names have been slightly altered but they're still them. I'm not totally sure how this will go so let me know what you think. I'm nervous. I've never done anything more story than sex 😂🖤☠️
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ash-and-books · 30 days
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Rating: 5/5
Book Blurb: Set sail for adventure and love in the next spicy fantasy romance from Katee Robert, the New York Times bestselling author of the TikTok smash hit Neon Gods.
As a bloodline vampire, Lizzie has never had a problem taking what she wants, and right now what she wants are the family heirlooms that were stolen from her and a portal home. Too bad even that short list is impossible to accomplish on her own—and her allies have bigger things to worry about.
When they rescue a selkie from captivity, it’s the perfect solution to her problem. Lizzie needs a guide through Threshold and the selkie needs someone to help her get her skin back.  Maeve didn’t choose to give up her skin—it was stolen from her. Now she’s in an uneasy partnership with a dangerous woman who seems more apt to kill than to share a kind word. It’s terrifying…and a bit alluring. Even though she knows it will end in heartbreak, Maeve can’t help being drawn to Lizzie and her all-too-pleasurable vampire bite. 
Unfortunately, the danger to Maeve’s heart is the least of her worries. The ship Lizzie’s chasing belongs to the Cŵn Annwn, and they don’t take kindly to people who steal from them. Not even Lizzie’s viciousness or Maeve’s selkie strength will be enough to save them if the Cŵn Annwn seek retribution…
A vampire out to hunt down her family heirlooms makes an agreement to help a gorgeous selkie find her pelt... but she's beginning to think that the only treasure she wants is the gorgeous selkie who she can't seem to stay away from. Lizzie is a bloodline vampire who has never had a problem getting what she wants, and she's got the murderous streak to back it up. Picking up where the last book left off, she is now on a ship with her ex, her ex's new boyfriend, and still hunting down her family heirloom jewels. Lizzie wants those jewels back... however it's impossible to do on her won and with everyone else preoccupied with other missions, the only person who can help her is the selkie they rescue from captivity. Lizzie needs a guide and the selkie needs her pelt back, they strike an agreement and so begins an unlikely relationship. Maeve is a selkie who has had her pelt stolen from a manipulative and terrible ex. She doesn't feel whole without it and desperately needs it back. When a stunning and dangerous vampire saves her, Maeve finds that she can't resist Lizzie. Lizzie might be as deadly as she is beautiful but that just means Maeve has to try and protect her heart from another heartbreak... but the closer Lizzie gets to getting her jewels the more Maeve knows that she'll have to let Lizzie go. Together they'll have to find a way to protect each other on the high seas as they face off against dangers... and the very real feelings that are growing between them. Can a selkie and a vampire be together or were they doomed from the start? Oh I loved this one, I loved how Maeve and Lizzie fit each other so well. They both are looking for something and found comfort in one another, they are both so caring for one another and vicious against anyone else who would hurt the other. This was such a fun sapphic pirate read and I can't wait for the next book!! I definitely loved this one more than the first one ( and I had a blast with the first one). Definitely give this series a go if you enjoy pirate adventures, steamy romance, and a unique world!
*Thanks Netgalley and Berkley Publishing Group | Berkley for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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starswimmingart · 2 years
Do selkies rarely interact with humans because of fear or are they curious about your culture and approach? Aren't there selkies that live like humans (in the sense of living like humans most of the day, with a house on land and a job)? In the same way that selkies exist, are there other mythological beings such as mermaids, leviathans or other cryptids? Are selkies just a myth for humans?
1. “Do selkies no longer interact with humans out of fear, or are they still curious?”  They used to interact with humans, a lot! The drive to stay away is absolutely fear based, things got dangerous and humans were stealing selkies as pets, or clowns, having their skins stolen or being captured to show off in roadside shows. Some selkies, such as Y/N will go to the shore still from curious nature- but it’s incredibly uncommon 2. “Do selkies live alongside humans, having houses and jobs, etc.?” Due to their past mistreatment by humans, selkies live pretty much offshore completely! Though if they find completely remote deserted areas, they love to stay and live on a shoreside. Their home is in the water, and it’s where they’re happiest! That said, there are dynamics in the family unit and everyone has tasks that they can do to help!  Expanding on that a bit outside of the question: but there are actually selkie hybrids living on land from long ago when selkies had their skins stolen and were married (or, some happy marriages where they fell in love with a human!). Half selkies often cannot transform, so the children usually have no idea of their heritage. Sharper teeth and nails, and an unexplainable draw to the sea are the only things to distinguish these children as not fully human.  3. “Are there other mythological creatures such as selkies in this universe?”  Traditionally, selkies are fae-folk! The existence of selkie would automatically mean the existences of the other fae. However in this universe, that is not true and instead of fae, selkies are just a very unique aquatic mammal! However, that’s not to say that OTHER ‘unique aquatic mammals’ aren’t possible in this universe either.. we shall see! 
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iggydabirdkid · 2 months
WIP Whenever!
I was tagged by @goldfish-fhr! So thank you! I love to show my stuff!!
I'm going to tag @calnexin as I saw in one of your post tags that no one tagged you for a WIP Wednesday!
It's been a little slow going as I've been getting ready to go away this weekend (currently writing this while not even all my stuff is in the car), but I gotta answer this before I go otherwise I won't be able to!!
I've been working on this current set of drawings of one of my fav Tiefling characters, Khalis Niakarhi. I've drawn her many many times and have changed her design once again as i could never get her horns right.
Below drawings were spurned on by a post I saw about a DnD adventuring party, but it's all made up of drunk girls that meet in a club bathroom, cause girls always got each others backs XD
(Khalis is 36-38ish, talking to someone in their early-midfates 20's)
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I've also written a big more of my Dragon Age Fic
“We looked for you y’know? For a time. Before we couldn’t afford to keep looking for someone who was lost to the world.” When he turns to look at you you see the scared former Warden and not the King he is now and when he speaks his voice shakes, “Where were you?” “I was adrift,” you tell him, “Travelling with the Dalish, learning magic to help with the taint and I… I lost time,” you tell him as you clasp your hands together, “I lost time and I lost myself and it was worth it. It had to be. But I don’t-“ your breath hiccups in your throat and your eyes are burning, “But I don’t think I can ever forgive myself for slipping away so easily. For losing 7 years of my life and leaving those with no idea of what had happened to me and I’m so sorry Alistair,” you tell him as you wipe a gloved hands across a cheek, “I didn’t know. I didn’t realize it had been so long and I promised I would write and I never-“ Your rambling is stopped as you are embraced by a pair of sturdy arms covered in fabric finer than you will ever own. You curl yourself up into Alistair’s chest and you feel so small. You feel almost like a child again crying that the world isn’t fair but this time it is your life that had been stolen from you instead of your mother, “I-I-I’m s-sorry,” you sob as you clutch at his buttoned up shirt and all he does is hold you closer and rest his chin atop your head.
And my Selkie AU fic (literally just a continuation of the last bit I posted lol)
To bite and sink your teeth into flesh and as a sharp tipped tooth hovers over her pulse you catch yourself, and pull away. “That was…” Julia’s voice is light and breathy and her skin is warm beneath your hands. “Something,” you finish her sentence with a tilt of your head and a smile. She laughs and you’ll never tire of hearing such a sound. When she detangles her hands from your hair and steps back you hate how you miss her heat already. “As much as I would like to continue,” she begins and you see her flash you a grin through the dark, “It’s late, and now I have to dry my clothes in time for the morning.” “I wouldn’t have thought you would have minded being wet?” you raise and eyebrow and this time she laughs so hard that she almost dips beneath the water when she doubles over. You find yourself laughing along with her until the chuckles taper off into silence and you find yourself staring at her with a lightness in your chest that you haven’t felt in a long time. “Are you coming back ashore?” she asks as the silence stretches out and she points a thumb back over her shoulder as if you had forgotten where land was. The corners of your lips quirk. “Not quite yet,” you tell her, “I have missed swimming beneath the waves and now that I have nothing to fear I will do so until I tire.” There’s a worry on her face now and you’re not sure what it was that you said to bring such a sadness upon her so quickly. “You will come back though right?” she asks and you hear the tremble in her voice as you recall the fate of her father. Your heart aches in your chest and you close the short distance between you both as you grab her face in your hands and lean in to place a kiss upon her forehead. “The fates could not keep us apart.”
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beastenraged · 1 year
What is the story of the selkie, the swan maiden, written if that “animal wife” were a man?
How does it change the role, the twists and turns? The story of the animal wife is often of one stolen away from their home and people, bond to their husband’s side until the man is fool enough to loosen his iron grip on her pelt. Then she flees (if she is still able). Often leaving heartbroken children behind, children born of the clearest rape. 
Or the story of the wife being forced out if the law laid down between husband and wife is broken. Foxes chased out by dogs, snakes unable to shed their skins to look like gorgeous human women. 
Can it still be the same, a man with the hide of a beast bond by the pretty words of his wife? Words that are first gossamer thread until they weigh down enough to become golden chains. Does he too struggle and bleed for the pelt under her covers?
Can a man be thrust out into the cold, wearing nothing more than fur or scale, because his wife dare do the forbidden? 
Or does the role of a man in this world we live in demand a different story entirely?
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