#well anyway back to me stretches *very loud screaming*
how stupid and evil and fucked up is it that I can't kiss myself. my lips are so kissable dude... it's so unfair ..
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trashogram · 30 days
He Chose You (Pt. 10)
Lucifer/Reader: Lucifer chooses you to be the mother of his child. Rated E for Explicit.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12
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Everything was white. Pristine white. 
You couldn’t be blind, but no one would blame you for entertaining the idea as nothing but white stretched beyond your gaze.
Unending white. 
Uncanny. White. 
“Hello?” You asked the white abyss. Your call echoed out and back in, the way you imagined sound would echo in a canyon. 
You screamed, jumping up at the new voice coming from somewhere high above you. You tried to pinpoint where it came from, staring up at what you hoped was the sky before things slowly materialized. 
Pastel pinks, oranges and soft blues bled into the white, adding definition to what had once been literally nothing. The whiteness remained in the shape of buoyant, fluffy clouds pillowing all around you. 
“Over here!” The voice chimed. “Oh no, here! You’re getting warmer! Almost there!”
After circling around like a dog after your own tail, you finally found the source. Behind you rose a ginormous golden gate, gleaming beneath an electric-looking, all-seeing eye.
 And at its entrance towered a gold and platinum podium. 
A very… well, there was no other way to say it — a very white man with swooping blond hair eyed you from the top of the podium, grinning from ear to ear. 
“Hiya! Welcome!” The man said. “You’re right on time!” 
“Uh, okay…?” You replied. 
Without a hitch, the blond lifted up a large tome and began flicking through the pages. In the meantime, you stood there awkwardly, a question on the very tip of your tongue. 
“Wh-um, where am I, exactly?” You finally asked. 
“Why, you’re in Heaven of course!” He stated jovially before turning the book around and tapping on a name. “This is you, correct?”
Your name stared back at you in a glowing golden font, all pretty and shiny — 
And underlined? 
“Yeah.” You blinked. “Wait, did you just say Heaven?”
“Mm-hm, yep! And if I could just get you to stand right here at the center of the platform, that’d be great.” 
An elevated slab of pure gold rose from the clouds beneath your feet a little ways ahead of you. Timidly, you made your way over and onto the platform as instructed. You were pleasantly surprised at the instant warmth that met the bottoms of your bare feet. 
“Pe-rr-fect!” With a flap of suddenly conjured wings, the gatekeeper floated down to hover right beside you. “Now, we just wait for Emily. She should be here in 3, 2, 1… .5 — ”
A loud clang startled you out of your skin for the second time, and you whipped around to face the woman that had spontaneously appeared in front of you.
She panted. “Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry! I didn't mean to be late!” 
The golden gates pulled back to reveal the white-haired newcomer in all her splendor. This other angel was bedecked in a floor-length white gown to match her downy-white hair and periwinkle-grey skin dotted with white freckles. A halo hung over her head, casting an eternal light over her large, bluish eyes that sparkled with mirth. 
Like the gatekeeping angel, her wings flapped behind her, but you noted how they seemed to flutter nervously. Or perhaps excitedly? 
“Welcome to Heaven!” She opened her arms toward you. “We’re so glad you’re here! I’m Emily, but you can call me Emmy, or E, or Millie. Whatever you want!” 
You waved dazedly. “Hi.” 
Emily stopped short of touching you, despite looking like she was about to wrap her arms around you in a hug. Instead, the angel bit her lower lip as she stared at you. 
“I really am sorry I was late. I got caught up talking with Sera, making sure everything was all ready for your arrival.�� She gushed. “Thank you for greeting her, Peter!” 
Peter brightened. “Of course.” 
Emily turned back to you, buzzing with anticipation like a bumblebee. “Anyway, I’m sure you have tons of questions! No worries at all! I’m here to give you a tour and show you around your new home!”
You cautiously took the hand offered to you, and let yourself be led through the golden gate. 
Heaven was very beautiful, and very clean. The polished golden floors and beautifully-crafted architecture, complete with smiling people of all races, sexes and species didn’t unwrench you from a nagging sense of confusion however. 
“Um. Emily?” You asked your companion — well, one of your companions. Peter had elected to join the two of you on your tour, commenting that he’d gotten someone to cover his eternal shift at the gate for the next few hours. 
“Yes! Yes?” She smiled at you encouragingly. No doubt, your silence, while it had not stopped her constant chatter, had been a downer in as far as engagement. 
“I’m… dead. Right?” You asked. “I mean that’s how one gets to Heaven, so obviously I am… right?”
The mood turned down at that, with Emily turning morose. “Yes, I’m afraid so.” 
“Okay, good. I mean — I’m dead, but I’m having a hard time remembering h-how it… happened.” You admitted, embarrassed. And a little afraid, if you were honest with yourself. “Is that… normal?”
Emily and Peter stopped on either side of you, twin looks of confusion on their poreless faces. 
Peter was quicker to recover. “Oh that can happen sometimes! Dying can be a very traumatic thing for the soul.” 
Emily seemed hesitant for the first time since you’d met her, but with a look from Peter, she seemed to gain resolve. “Yes, yeah. Lots of people forget… but you’ll remember in time, I’m sure!”
“But wait!” Emily gasped. “We could ask Sera about it!” 
She clapped her hands together joyfully, while Peter’s expression teetered on uncertainty. 
“Uh, Em? I don’t think —” 
“We were headed her way anyway.” Emily nodded as if affirming her own plan. “I’m sure she’ll be happy to help us figure this out!”
The angel yanked you forward in her quest to get to Sera (whoever that was) and had you stumbling on pure fluff to catch up with her. 
Many angels raced to get out of the way as Peter called out in alarm, but apart from shouldering a particularly tall angel clad in a chasuble, you were unable to stop or slow down. 
“Hello child.”
The Seraphim (“Sera.” Emily had urged) was so large that you had to crane your neck up to see her face. 
She was beautiful in the most ethereal way. To look upon her was to look at a celestial body and feel your own insignificance dragging you down and swallowing you whole. 
Your surroundings — a gold and white antechamber with delicately carved archways and a grand war table in its center — did not help. 
Emily laid a hand on your shoulder with concern before you realized that you’d been paralyzed by the scene before you and had yet to say a word.
You stuttered a hello, and Sera’s stoney face softened into an understanding smile. “Be not afraid, my friend. I mean no harm.” 
You returned the smile, albeit shakily. 
Emily squeezed your shoulder. “Sera? We have a question.”
The Seraphim gestured with open palms. 
“Well, we were going around Heaven, and just kind of talking before um… well…”
“Emily, dear. Please speak up.” Sera’s command was gentle but firm.
Emily bounced in her spot, unable to keep herself from floating up from the ground. 
“Shesaysshedoesn’trememberhowshegothere!” She blurted out.
You and Sera both stared at Emily for a long moment, trying to process what exactly she had said. Sera had opened her mouth once more before the grand entrance into the committee room was slammed open and all heads turned to the unwelcome sound. 
The angel with the chasuble came barrelling in, and the omnipresent sunlight that touched everything around you glinted off the sharp black horns winding down from his skull. Or was it a skull? The face of this particular angel looked odd to you, with its smooth, glassy surface and flickering pixelated expression that replaced natural features like lips, cheeks and a nose. 
Their appearance looked at odds with everything else you’d seen in Heaven, regardless of the holy garbs they wore. Everything, while somewhat fantastical on the basis of it actually existing, resembled the organic and natural, and this figure stuck out like a sore thumb in comparison. 
“What the actual fuck? She’s actually here?!” The abrasive, aggressive voice that came out his digitized face shook you from your musings. 
You shrunk back toward Emily and Sera, instinctively trying to get away from the rapidly approaching figure that also towered over you. He glared in your direction, as if you were an insect he wanted to squash, and only when you lost the nerve to meet his gaze did you realize there was another angel behind him. This one wore a similar face, though they were smaller, slimmer and straight-backed. They wore darker vestments and jet-black horns as well, with wings nearly as jagged and hardlined. 
“Adam,” Sera greeted hesitantly. “I don’t believe you were summoned.” 
“Why is she here?” ‘Adam’ demanded, as if the Seraphim had never spoken. His companion stood firmly just a pace behind him, arms behind their back. 
Their combined presence was so off-putting, and your brow furrowed with mounting confusion. Sera’s shoulders slowly rose and fell as she sighed, disapproval in the hard line of her mouth. 
“That was part of the agreement.” 
“Uh, yeah — with the Devil!” His demeanor completely threw you off, so much so that you didn’t catch the full extent of what he’d said. “Who the fuck keeps their end of the deal with that asshole?”
You couldn’t hold back a scoff of disbelief, even as your confusion deepened. ‘The devil?’ 
A hand wrapped around your forearm, making you turn to look at Emily, who’d once more moved beside you. Her ire was clear, though much less contained than Sera’s. “Who are you to question Divine Judgement?” 
Adam laughed condescendingly. “Do you know who you’re talking to? I’m the fucking CEO of Divine Judgement, kid!” 
“We are literally judges, juries and executioners in Hell.” The other angel chimed in, flat and resolute. The smirk that curved her stitched lips gave away some covert sense of satisfaction in that statement. 
“Executioners?” Emily’s voice rose a few octaves. “What’re you talking about?” 
She was legitimately bewildered. 
“Enough.” Sera stepped in. “Adam, this has never been, nor was it ever, a debate. If you have a grievance, you can take it up with the counsel at a later date.” 
“My ‘grievance’ isn’t gonna fucking wait for this bitch to fuck shit up!” Adam pointed at you with a poisonous claw. 
“Excuse me?” You demanded in sheer disbelief. “Who do you think you are?!” 
The grin Adam shot you was more a bearing of one’s teeth, which further threw you for a loop as, again, his face was completely digital. “I’m fuckin’ Adam. The First Man. The Original Dick. I’ve been here since the fucking beginning. I earned this shit.” 
“Who do you think you are?” He asked, advancing on you. “You think you can whore yourself out to the worst being in all of Creation and still take up space in Heaven? Are you fucking kidding me?” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Your gaze narrowed, a stark contrast to the whirlpool of thoughts swirling in your mind at his accusation. 
“HA! Seriously?” His face was mere inches from yours. “What? D’you open your legs for fuckin’ everyone? Have a hard time keeping track of all the brats you pop outta that used vag? Guess so, if even dying for one doesn’t ring your fuckin’ bell.” 
Adam’s sharp grin dropped, expression dawning from stunned to petulant as Sera’s thunderous exclamation reverberated through the vast space between your unusual group. You swore the clouds trembled beneath your feet, but it was hard to care too much with the insinuations that had been thrown at you rattling within your being. 
Dying for… 
“Charlotte.” Your eyes widened to the size of saucers. Air escaped your lungs - which shouldn’t have been possible, but you were already dealing with one crisis upon the epiphany of what you’d been missing this whole time. 
A blitz of images and sordid emotions saw you struggling, legs falling out from under you as the weight of how exactly you’d died forced you down. Emily’s distressed cry sounded from above you, melding with Lucifer’s frantic pleas for you not to go as life drained from your body. 
The Seraphim’s shadow engulfed your broken form while you panicked on Heaven’s floor. 
Lucifer sat hunched in his chair, your cold, lifeless hand hanging in his. 
Charlotte had stopped crying and presumably gone to sleep. He hadn’t put up any fight when Cass took her to a crib set up beside your… your bed.
That was who knows how long ago. And apart from Cass coming over the check on his daughter, the elderly worshippers had left him to grieve in peace. 
The King had tried to convince himself to get up. He needed to take Charlotte and leave. Go home. The sight of you in death was unbearable — but he could not move. 
He couldn’t leave you, even if you were no longer there in spirit. The You he loved the most, your soul, was gone and had been gone for some time now. 
You had gone to the one place he could not follow. 
Lucifer’s hanged head slowly rose. His thoughts were starting to become more coherent — what if you hadn’t gone where you were meant to? 
Heaven was a paradise bound by rules, but it was also a cold bureaucracy where things could fall through the cracks. 
And any dealings with him — Heaven’s sworn nemesis — were likely to be one of those things. 
Slow-building anger replaced the gold in his veins as Lucifer considered that his own Deal was not met. If it wasn’t, that meant you were down Below, alone and afraid and suffering. 
The Devil’s claws cricked, fist clenching as he glared at the wall opposite him. 
He would not let you Suffer. Not you. Never you.
And you weren’t here anymore. He needed to know where you’d gone. Now. 
Rising from his seat, Lucifer laid your hand at your side and ignored the tears that stung his eyes at the sight of your ashen face. 
He touched your brow, lingering only to memorize the way your lashes rested against your sinking cheeks before turning to Charlotte’s cradle. 
She was sleeping peacefully, unaware of his anguish, of the great loss that not only he had endured but she as well. It made Lucifer’s heart ache. 
He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. 
Then, with a sudden snap of his fingers, Lucifer conjured the presents he’d made especially for her. 
The twin goats appeared, suspended in the air behind him. Lucifer didn’t bother to turn until their bodies were triple their original size, fur changing from felt to coarse fiber, eyes glowing as they were transformed from button to bonafide, and their bat-like wings began to beat at the air, blowing back the gossamer of Charlotte’s bassinet. 
Lucifer looked between the two magicked goats after kissing his daughter’s fragile head. 
“Stay here and protect the baby.” He ordered. “Charlotte is your top priority, do you understand?” 
The two creatures nodded simultaneously, determination set in their naturally adorable maws. 
“If anything happens, just bleat, and I’ll be back in the wink of an eye.” Lucifer’s wings extended and propelled him upward with a great stroke. 
The King of Hell disappeared through an enormous portal, sparking and swirling reddish-gold before vanishing behind him. 
*** Tag List: @crescent-z, @for-hearthand-home, @undertale-is-sansational, @loslox, @navierkalani, @yaimlight, @ivoryviness, @crystalplays28, @flowerempress, @wally-darling-hyperfixation, @altruisticradiodemon, @moonlight-readings, @halparkebitch, @charliecharlie65, @sockgoblin, @cocomollo, @caniseethefourthsword, @squeegeeclean, @crow-twink, @an-emovision, @marydragneell, @lafy-taffy, @fandom-imagines1, @loquacious-libra, @glowymxxn, @avadakadabra93, @froggybich, @hamthepan, @ukor02, @adaizel, @boogiemansbitch, @vinillies, @lbcreations-blog, @thesoundresoundsecho, @serenity-loves-red, @alientee, @aquaamythest96, @0strawberrysorbet0, @fluffy-koalala, @washeduphazbin, @rebecca-hvnstn, @velvette3, @kermitdafroggy, @wpdarlingpan, @apatcheworkofproblems,
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jymwahuwu · 7 months
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After watching the animation, I felt uncomfortable and had thoughts about handcuffs. just found a reason to be handcuffed and spanked by Wriothesley 🥵🙏💦💦
CW: yandere, forced imprisonment, abuse of power, non-consensual spanking, humiliation
For a whole week… you were uncooperative, stamping your feet in front of Wriothesley's face, arguing with him, or responding with perfunctory- "yes-yes", "got it.", "you're right again anyway". Why? He keeps you in this underwater prison and factory, restricting your freedom. He smiled lightly and gracefully, patting you on the head as if you just weren't mature enough. Like just punched the pillow with his fist, it was completely useless. The anger in your chest burned even brighter.
You were sulking that day, slowly poking at the food with your fork in the cafeteria, thinking about how to escape the Fortress of Meropide. A young and sweet voice sounded next to you. "You look unhappy. Cheer up. Want a milkshake?" "No, thank you." You replied quickly, without even glancing at who the person was. In the corner of your vision, a blue milkshake approaches you, and you turn around irritably.
"I told you no…" Inadvertently, your elbow touched the cup, and the whole cup fell to the ground and broke. You were startled to realize that it was the head nurse, Sigewinne. Guilt builds in you, and you're about to apologize and pick up the pieces, but you hear that annoying voice - Wriothesley's. His boots appear before you. "Wow, what a big scene. Do you mind explaining it?"
Sigewinne waved her hand and raised head to look at Wriothesley. "I'm fine, Your Grace."
Rebellion takes a place in your heart. You swallowed your apology and sneered. "I broke it."
Wriothesley raised his eyebrows. "Really? Well, come to the office with me. Sigewinne, don't pick up the debris. I will ask people to clean it." Sigewinne gave you a worried look and explained. "It's really just an accident, not intentional, Your Grace…"
"Don't worry." He gave a reassuring smile. "Just going to the office to chat."
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As soon as you entered the office, you heard the door being locked. Your heart skipped a beat, but you still maintained a stoic look.
Wriothesley walked slowly from the door to you, hugged his arm, and asked in a relaxed tone. "You've been very rude lately. What's wrong?"
You can't believe Wriothesley is actually asking this - "Don't you know you're the reason! When am I going to get out of jail! Why I have no idea how long my sentence will be extended!"
"This is what happens when someone disobeys." Administrator said, taking something out of his pocket. "And now I'm right. You don't look like you're fit to be released from prison."
He quickly lifted the back of your hand, and then with a sound, the handcuff locked your right hand. You suddenly broke into a cold sweat, but your other hand was grabbed and locked in the same way. "W-what do you want to do!" accompanied by a chuckle. "You look better this way, but it's not enough."
Wriothesley sat down leisurely, stretched out his hand, and pulled you onto his lap. As you screamed, a chill ran down your butt, and the covering material was pulled down. But he still felt that it was not enough, and even took off your underwear, not even allowing the underwear to stay on your calves, but threw it on the desk. Before this, you had never known that Wriothesley's strength was so irresistible and powerful. He always allowed you to push him away a little.
A hard slap on your ass. Terrified, you straightened your legs and kicked them, as if that would relieve the pain, but it didn't. "How dare you - how dare you spank me! Wriothesley, I will teach you a lesson once I get out!"
"Ha-I'm waiting." He said, holding back the laughter in his throat. "But now, you're being spanked by me, so watch your words."
The slaps landed on your butt one after another, and his thick arms were waving, showing no mercy, as the loud slapping sound proved. The pain urged your eyes to fill with tears, and you wanted to struggle, but the cold handcuffs reminded you of your position. "Stop this…you have no right to do this…"
"I have. And no one can stop me from doing this." While holding your waist, his big, rough hand slapped your right butt three times in a row. Just when you thought you had adapted… pain. You sobbed quietly, sniffling.
After the slap lasted… you don't know, 2 minutes or 5 minutes later? It seemed like a lifetime, and finally it stopped. "Poor you." The palm touched your heated butt and rubbed it gently, "It's all swollen. If you were obedient, it wouldn't be like this, right?"
"Asshole…" you just struggled to curse in a low voice, "um, let's start again." These few understatement words gave you a huge warning. The slaps started again, even harder than before. Tears welled up in your eyes as you tried to stop him. "…wait, wait, I'm sorry!! Don't start over!!"
"Ah, too late," he snickered, not stopping to spank. "Well, I can even hear you scolding me in your heart. Just be good, even a little bit, okay?"
What follows is a long afternoon. Wriothesley didn't spank you continuously, but kept you on his lap. He reviews the documents and signs and adds notes. Occasionally, he thinks of you and waves his arms to educate you. You were like a poor little pet, on his lap, with tears hanging from your eyelashes, your hands locked in handcuffs, and butt is swollen and radiating heat.
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angelltheninth · 9 months
Could I request getting into an argument with Hobie Brown or Peter b parker headcanons?
Oh angst! There's plenty of angst to be had in Spiderverse.
Pairing: Peter B. Parker, Hobie Brown x Reader
Tags: slight fluff, heavy angst, hurt/comfort, arguments, cuddling, makin up and making out
A/N: Have to use the crying gif cause Peter is such a drama queen.
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Peter hates getting into any kind of fight with you, over pretty much everything. It's not that he's not just as stubborn as you are but he knows how ugly these can get, so would very much like it if instead of screaming your heads off at each other, you give each other a little space to process things.
"No, this isn't a break up, god why did you think of that first? Do you want to break up? Okay, I thought not. Then there's no problem in giving me space is there? I'm not moving out, I'm gonna sleep on the couch! If I didn't know any better I'd say you really do want to get rid of me."
Sleeping on the couch is not as easy as it once was. You see him stretching, groaning as he pops his back but he doesn't complain about it, not a sound. He will give you your space as you will give him his. There needs to be time for you to cool off. The worst part are the awkward goodbyes you sill share, with the both of you stealing apologetic glances at each other but neither making the first move.
"I'm going out on patrol for the night. No, you go to bed, I'll get home when I get home. As I always do. Don't look so worried, I'll be thinking about this anyway, I don't need your puppy dog eyes too. Want me to pick up anything while I'm out? Got it. I'll be sure to do that. Well... see you in a few hours I guess."
He does come home late, with flowers for you that he sets beside your bed before he crawls in. You're still pretending to be asleep but you feel his arms pull you close to him from behind, his lips ticking your neck as he mumbles he still loves you and gives you another squeeze before the bed creaks right before he leaves. You don't let him, you wrap your hands around his forearms before he has the chance to let go and tell him to stay.
"Sure? I think we're both too tired to talk about this now. Yeah, in the morning. Do the flowers bother you? I can move them. Haha, I got everything else too don't worry. But when I saw them I couldn't help but think of you so here they are. Cause they were beautiful and made me smile, just like you."
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Hobie gets very heated when he gets into a fight with you. Not in the terms that he's loud or lashes out a lot but he can stay angry for a very long time, unable to let go. He wants what's best for you, how do you not realize that? If he takes any risks its because of you and for your safety.
"Oh so now its my fault right? Right, right blame it all on me why don't you? I'm being unfair? You just told me to stop putting myself at risk. I'm sorry sweetheart but that's not how being a hero works. Well its a stupid idea. No, I'm not calling you stupid I... forget it, no use talking this out."
Going out begins to get even more frequent for him. You get the feeling that he's doing everything he can to avoid talking to you about this problem. The good thing is that he's not getting hurt, yet. But he can't avoid you forever, he knows it too, he knows that sooner or latter he will have to talk to you. It drives you both crazy when you're in the same bed still, but back turned, in complete silence.
"How long do you think you can keep this up? Yes, you. I haven't been avoid- ah, I guess I have, a little. Look, I... I feel like if we don't talk about this, it's not go away on its own. Might take longer but... I'm being dumb? Well what about you? I thought you wanted your space? Too much of it huh? I can fix that. I'm not distracting you, I miss you."
The moment he gets his hands on your body, his lips on yours he can't get enough. It's like he's never kissed you before, like he's feeling these things for the first time, you arching against him, you sighing against his mouth and moaning his name as you try to get him as close as possible without seeming too needy for him. He missed you too, a whole lot and he's not holding back when it comes to showing you just how much.
"This isn't exactly an apology but I think it's a nice start don't you? Don't give me that look now, you like it too. I can make it better, if you want. Let's say, for every thing we manage to hash out we give each other a kiss. A little reward for us working out our issues."
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 11 months
Summary: AJ Styles on commentary during your match with Mia Yim.
•Aj Styles x Reader•
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Standing against a wall in gorilla, I start doing my breathing exercises watching the TV waiting for my match. I catch a glimpse of Mia Yim and look down really quick. I hear her snicker and I look up at her with a very serious face.
"What are you looking at?"
She goes to walk towards me and I lunge forward at her trying to punch her. Me and Mia have never gotten along since we have met each other. We are always butting heads and trying to attack each other. Luke Gallows grabs Mia by her waist and pulls her away from me. I feel a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist pulling me away from Mia.
"Woah woah woah! Save it for the ring ladies!"
I look over my shoulder to see AJ Styles is holding me back. He lets me go and walks infront of me.
"Save this fight for the ring."
I cross my arms and look at him still having a serious face. Their music hits, he pokes my nose, smirks and walks out with the rest of the OC.
"I'm going to get you Y/N!"
Mia yells at me before she walks out with the rest. I sigh rolling my eyes and get ready for the match. I put on my sunglasses as my music hits and walk out making my entrance.
As I'm walking down to the ring, I see AJ on commentary. I stop at the ringpost closes to commentary, look up at Mia standing in the corner staring me down, smirk and walk over to AJ.
"What is she doing?"
Michael Cole is trying to talk to AJ. I bend down a little bit infront of him, take my sunglasses off and put them on his face smirking. He watches me smiling the whole time. I can hear Mia screaming at me. I turn around, wave at her and start laughing really hard. I climb in the ring and get ready for my match.
*AJ's pov*
"AJ what was that?"
I fix the sunglasses on my face looking over at Michael.
"I'm not to sure Michael. It was cute. Whatever it was. I got some super cool sunglasses though!"
"But AJ, why would Y/N give you those anyways?"
Corey turns and looks at me smirking. I look over at him and roll my eyes.
"She is just trying to get under the skin of Mia before the match started. That is all."
I go back to watch their match and I see Y/N take a really nasty bump.
"Oh that did not look good."
*Y/N's pov*
Sitting in the corner against the bottom turnbuckle holding my shoulder, I feel a tear roll down my cheek.
"Y/N are you okay?"
The ref is holding my forearm trying to get me to answer. I kick my foot towards him trying to get him to go away. He backs off and I try to stand up using only one arm leaning my hurt shoulder against the turnbuckle. Mia comes running over and dropkicks me making my shoulder slams against the top turnbuckle. I scream dropping down to the mat on my knees holding my shoulder.
"Y/N, are you okay? Do you give up?"
I swing my arm at him making him back up shaking his head.
"You have no quit! Do you Y/N?! Well im going to teach you to stay away from my group bitch!"
Mia grabs my hurt arm and puts me into an armbar really stretching my arm out. I start screaming really loud kicking my feet from all the pain I am in. I can feel stuff ripping in my shoulder and arm. I bite my hand not wanting to tap out but I can't move towards the ropes. I tap out hoping that she will let go. The ref rings the bell but Mia still has me in an armbar really tighten her grip hurting me more. I start grabbing her leg trying to get her off me still screaming in pain.
"Mia get off of her!"
AJ comes into the ring breaking the hold pulling Mia off of me. I roll over to my side holding my shoulder starting to cry hitting my feet against the mat. Her music plays and I feel her roll out of the ring. Suddenly, I feel a hand on my side rolling me onto my back very gently. I look up to see AJ's gorgeous eyes looking down at me with my sunglasses on his head. He looks really concerned about everything that just happened.
"Y/N I am so sorry. I didn't know she was going to do that to you. I should have stopped the match a long time before she decid....."
I grab his hair pulling him down and kissing him hard. He kisses me putting a hand on my face.
I pull away looking over to see the rest of the OC on the outside of the ring staring at us. You can tell Mia is very pissed off yelling at us. Aj stands up and helps me up onto my feet. He walks over grabbing a mic and flips it in his hand looking back at the rest of the OC on the outside.
"Luke, Karl, Mia. I would like you all to welcome the new member of the OC. Y/N."
I look over at him wide eyed shocked that he said that. He looks over at me and smiles really big. I can hear Mia freaking out and Luke and Karl cheering for me and Aj. I grab the mic out of Aj's hand.
"Thank you Aj. But I am going to decline."
I toss the mic at him, climb out of the ring and start walking to the back still holding my shoulder.
"Well Y/N. I have some bad news."
Laying on the table in medical, I sigh not wanting to hear bad news.
"You have a torn rotator cuff. You will have to get surgery to repair it. I am so sorry."
The doctor leaves the room and I start to cry very faintly bringing my knees to my chest. I hear a knock on the door thinking it's just the doctor coming back but when I look up, it is Aj.
"Hey Y/N. Are you okay? What happened?"
He comes over to my side and puts a hand on my shoulder. I start to cry some more leaning my head into his hand. He leans down and puts his head ontop of mine and starts rubbing my back.
"Y/N. It will be okay. Take a deep breath."
I look up at him tears pouring down my face. He takes off his shirt and wipes my face with it. I take a deep breath still looking up at him.
"I have..... I have a torn rotator cuff and I need to get surgery on it."
I start crying more again putting my head down.
"Hey hey hey."
He lifts my head up by my chin to look at him.
"We will get through this together. I promise."
Aj starts scratching the back of his neck looking really nervous about something. I keep looking at him waiting for him to answer.
"Well Y/N..... I was wondering if..... you would like to go on a date sometime.... and ya know..... be my girlfriend...."
The way he stutters his words made me giggle. He looks at me with a big smile on his face.
"Aj... I would love to go on a date with you."
"You would?! Oh my goodness! I was so scared you would say no. I have had a crush on you for a few years. I think you are an amazing wrestler and you have a style like mine. I thought we could be like tag team partners some day. Wouldn't that be......"
I grab his face and kiss him hard making him shut up. He puts his hand on my face deepening the kiss even more. I pull away and look at him.
"You talk to much when you are excited."
He blushes and looks down putting his shirt back on.
"Yeah it happens when I'm excited. Because now I have you and that makes me the happiest man alive."
I giggle and hear a knock on the door. I look over and see Mia, Luke and Karl come into the room. Mia walks over to me looking really upset.
"Y/N I am so sorry for what I did to you. I know that AJ has had a crush on you for a few years now and I tried so hard to not have you two get together because I don't want you hurting my best friend. In the process, I hurt someone that AJ really loves and that hurts even worse to me. I am really sorry. I hope we can be friends and hang out sometime."
I put my hand on her shoulder and smile.
"Mia I would really like that. Oh, me and Aj are dating now too."
Luke and Karl started cheering and Mia gives me a light hug trying not to hurt me.
"Don't start cheering to much. I don't know how much hanging out we are going to do. I have a torn rotator cuff. I need to get surgery like right now. So me and Aj need to get to the hospital."
Aj helps me off the table wrapping his arm around my waist. We walk to the door and the rest follow us outside to the car.
"Alright. Time for the hospital."
Me and Aj get in the car and he drives me to the hospital to get my surgery done.....
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rafesluvrrr · 10 months
pairing: bf!rafe x f!reader
includes: morning sex, reader is half asleep (so ig some slight somno?), choking, fingering. i think that’s it lol?
a/n: some groggy morning sex with rafey of course;) cause lord knows he loves it. (also this is rushed asf and not edited but enjoy it anyway.)
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“angel…” rafe whispered into your ear. he pulled you in to spoon and began rubbing your waist and hips.
“mmm.” you groaned, not wanting to leave the very deep, peaceful sleep you’d been so enjoying. “c’mon baby, wake up.” he whispered yet again, moving his hand a bit further down your torso, resting on your panties.
he then began kissing your cheeks and neck, and very slowly at that, he just knew that always drove you crazy.
you moaned softly, still very much into your hazy sleep state—but, enjoying his touch nonetheless.
“rafey…” you whispered groggily, “please.”
he smirked at your sleepy begging. “please what, baby?”
“please…touch me more.” you mumbled.
“mm will do.”
you felt his hand slowly reach further into your cute underwear until you felt him on your clit. he started rubbing it in small, slow circles.
“that feel good, princess?” he whispered into your ear.
you simply nodded, already lost in the pleasurable feeling.
then, he lowered his hand even further, till he reached your wet opening.
you silently begged him to put his fingers in by grinding your hips against them—but, he only teased you. placing in the very tip of his finger and then taking it out again.
“you want ‘em?” he asked teasingly.
“yes…so fucking bad.” you turned your head slightly to meet his eyes with your own. turning on your best puppy-dog gaze.
“well how can i resist when you look at me like that, huh?” with that—he shoved two of his large fingers into you.
“damn you’re already that wet, baby?”
you softly moaned in response, placing your hand over his, forcing him to go faster.
“what a horny girl you are.” he laughed.
you didn’t respond, the only noises leaving your mouth were ones of pleasure.
rafe then suddenly wrapped his hand around your chin, lifting your face and turning it to meet his. “aren’t you, y/n? aren’t you a horny slut?”
you nodded, “yes rafe…’m a horny slut.”
he smiled at your obedience. “good girl. and y’know what good girls get?”
you didn’t know, so you only shook your head. “they get fucked.” he said in a low voice.
the tall man next to you took his hand out of your pants and began undoing his sweatpants and tugged them down to his knees.
“come here, princess.” he tapped his lap, where is large cock had sprung out of his boxers.
you slowly climbed onto his lap, and slowly, very slowly—began lowering yourself onto his huge dick.
you could feel him stretching you out. it stung a bit at first, as it always does. but then, all in one instance, he thrusted into you, bottoming out.
and then it was just pure ecstasy. “fuckkk.” he groaned.
you closed your eyes in pleasure and started rocking your hips back and forth before bouncing on it a few times.
“look at me, baby. ‘wanna see your pretty lil face as you ride me.”
you fluttered open your eyes and met his with a glossy gaze. “that’s a good girl.”
he grabbed your ass and started guiding it on his hard dick.
“you’re doing so goddamn good. making me feel amazing, princess.” he said.
you looked down at him yet again and saw the most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen—his head thrown back against the pillows, his eyes closed, and his mouth slightly open, letting out the sexiest groans.
“baby—flip over and get on your stomach for me.” he quickly said in between deep breaths.
you did as he asked, got off of him and laid down on your stomach. you felt him get on top of your closed legs and roughly shove his cock back into you.
“f-fuck!! rafe! soooo deeeeep!” you screamed.
“shh, princess. gotta be quiet okay?” he then shoved your head into the pillow below you to muffle your loud moans.
you could feel him so deep that you thought you might split right in half. you began clawing at the bed, almost in an attempt to get away but—it felt to insanely good to fully try.
“rafe— s’too much…too much!” you yell, your words sounding distorted through the thick pillow.
“what was that, princess?” rafe asks as he grabs your hair and yanks your head off of the pillow.
“s’ too much! too deep rafe!” he stops for a moment, completely.
“if it’s too much then why are you grinding on it right now hm? why are you so fucking wet, princess?”
you didn’t respond, only silently begged for him to begin moving again.
“that’s what i thought.” is all he said before ramming back into you—and speedily this time.
“shit…rafe, think i’m gonna cum-” you breathily moaned.
“go ahead and cum for me then. cum really hard for me, baby.”
and so with one large thrust, you came all around his cock. your throbs and moans bringing him closer and closer to his finish.
“where do you want my cum, y/n?” he whispered into your ear.
“in me…please.” you said, tired and shaking from your intense orgasm. “that’s the right answer. good job, princess.”
and soon enough, you felt his thrusts become unsteady as he came into you.
he collapsed next to your exhausted body with a loud sigh.
“i love you so much, baby. always doing your best for me, huh?”
you nodded slowly. “yes rafey…love you so much.”
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itoshi-s · 1 year
Depraved thots be like... Do you think dp with itoshis would be them sharing readers pussy?? bc it will fit okay, ill make it fit alr, both of them, dont stop me, it has to, i want them to fit, yes in the same place, dont try to stop me, - 💔
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yes of course they do :((((((( GOSH they get off on it sm. just...... the thought of u takin them both so well ........ all at once :( both of them fittin so snugly in your cunt. it's so fucking obscene and so wrong,,,, the way they rub against each other afasfhakja HOLY FUCKING SHIT you'd get off on that so much :( the idea itself sounds so lewd it tips you right over the edge within the few first seconds they're both inside of u. it feels so good, hurts in the best way possible, that you end up full on squirting and it makes sae laugh. cause they're barely even in fully, moved an inch or two, and you're already makin a mess and crying so sweetly - losing ur mind over both of them :(
also sae's the one that just decides to fuck it, pulls the pretty jeweled plug from your ass and watches as the hole tightens and blinks at him, teasing and inviting - he teases the rim with his thumb, dips it in experimentally, other hand grabbing his cock at the very base as he lines himself up. but fuck, he'll have it that way later. he knows you'll be begging 4 it anyway, even long hours in and body screaming for rest. so, he groans breathily, fights back a chuckle at the way you jolt and moan so obscenely loud as he prods at your cunt - already stretched so snugly around his brother's cock - and eases himself in.
rin might just cum himself at the feeling, of how he's pressed so tightly against your front wall, how you give him the prettiest, frenzied wet eyes and swallow back sobs, soft and high pitched. fu- fuck - ah, hah, stop, i- i cant, won't fit. the younger brother grabs at your waist, places one hand at the nape of your neck and digs your head into the crook of his shoulder, and groans as your pussy squeezes him so hard, it feels inhumane.
oh just shut it. sae grunts, hips moving forward in a smooth, slow motion that makes your eyes roll back and drool seep onto rin's shoulder. you're filled to the brim and it aches and burns but feels so fucking good. better than anything you've ever felt before, you realize - and you unconsciously push back against him, despite your body screaming at you to take it slow. sae smirks at that, eyes heavy with lust and hand firm on your hip as he speaks, i'll make it fit just fine.
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locatislunaticolupin · 7 months
Day Four: Don't Look Now
Written for day four of @remadoramicrofics. 528 words. Also available on Ao3.
“Don’t look now,” Edda said, “but your parents are snogging”.
Teddy, being five, said “No, they aren’t”, because there’s nothing worse than your old, gross parents being loving in public, and proceeded to make sure to loudly express his distaste when he swung around and saw them, in fact, snogging. That, at least, made them laugh, which meant they were no longer snogging.
“Why do you two gotta be gross?!” he loudly proclaimed again when Dora caught him from behind, swinging him and kissing him in that noisy, obnoxious way she saved only for embarrassing him in front of his friends.
“Edda doesn’t think it’s gross, do you, Edda?”
Edda, being seven, said, “It’s very gross, Miss Lupin”.
Dora brought a hand to her chest and gasped loudly enough that a few adults in Edda’s mom’s garden party turned their heads.
“How very dare you. Are you telling me you wouldn’t kiss your husband and son if they were as handsome and sweet as mine?” she declared very dramatically. Edda stifled her giggles when Teddy, still in his mama’s arms, groaned as loud as he could, as if he could hide Dora’s voice behind his. He almost got her to drop him when he went dead weight.
“No, I don’t think I would, miss Lupin. I don’t find them particularly handsome nor particularly sweet, after all”.
Dora gasped again from where she was now almost bent in half holding Teddy’s weight, but then seemed to think it over, finger tapping her cheek.
“I am too good for these goofs, aren’t I?”
A second later, her husband tickled her neck and Dora shrieked. Teddy shrieked when his mom almost dropped him (which she didn’t, she hugged him tighter while twisting away and he screamed again because too tight, mama). Edda, who’d seen Remus coming and who’d also seen the finger he’d raised to his lips, guffawed.
After the party, after leftovers were shoved into their hands and promises of seeing each other soon, isn’t that football game soon?, were made, the Lupins walked home. And they would have spent that time together anyway, but there was something special about the long dirt road, the pink and yellow and orange and purple sky, the chirp of the crickets, the starlings’ and chaffinches’ last flights home, the smell of a summer day gone by. They were quiet, this time, letting time well-spent settle in their bones.
Dora and Remus leaned on each other, swaying, hands weaved together and steps out of sync. Teddy was their little satellite, running ahead or behind his parents and exploring the flowers and bees on the ditches’ banks, the funny rocks on the road. He scared flocks of birds, mooed back at the cows, and swung a long branch around. Sometimes, he looked back at his parents, looked at their hands (knew there was something there warm and safe, something calloused and gentle and strong) and he ran to them, and they caught him (because they always, always did), and they walked home together, their three long shadows stretching to the horizon, melting into one, until Teddy ran off again, being five and happy and careless.
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subbybunnyboo · 2 years
we are sitting in front of the mirror, you - fully dressed and I - completely naked. you tell me to touch myself for you. I hesitate for a second, look away, but put my hand between my legs anyway and slowly start rubbing my clit, hiding my eyes, feeling how you pierce me with your eyes in the mirror. you take my chin and order my to look in your eyes there, but I look at the side again and now you grab fistful of my hair and harshly pull it making me to look in your eyes
seeing how you look at me I cant help whining and crying but I don't dare to break eye contact this time and your hand is still pulling my hair.
you take my hand and quickly lick and suck two of my fingers making them all wet and tell me to put them in myself, to fuck myself for you. you move my hand between my legs again so I have no option but putting my fingers inside, letting out a gasp from feeling how they are stretching me. first few moves are slow so I can get used to it and after that I start speeding up.
but I can't speed up enough so it feels more like teasing myself and you know I want more and you want to give me more so you take my hand again, holding my wrist and moving it closer to my mouth and tell me to taste myself. I suck my fingers 'til they're clean and you let my hand go instead taking my chin and leaning for a kiss, at the same time putting your fingers in my hot wet pussy getting to high pace from the beginning not breaking our kiss, deepening it, but looking at us in the mirror while I'm drowning in feelings and crying in your mouth
-ahh, feels much better when it's me who's doing it, right, baby?
all I can do is nod and whine from pleasure. you grab me, wrapping your arm around my waist, and pull me closer to you, pressing my back to your chest so I can feel your hot breathing on my skin more as your fingers start thrusting in me harder
-looks like you just need me to enjoy it, huh? no one else could possibly please you, I just know you so damn well
not knowing what to do with myself I just twirl, still pressed into and clench onto your thigh with one hand, opening my legs wider, and laying my another hand on your jaw and neck, my head is half turned to you and I'm trying to focus my eyes on anything but I can't
-ah, baby, why are you not looking? - you almost put your head on my shoulder, make our cheeks touch so you gently turn my head to the mirror, looking at me there and slowing down your hand - look how beautiful you look like this, m? so open for me, taking my fingers so well with this pretty pussy of yours.. oh, is it hard, babe? - you say with faked interested voice and raise one brow as if you don't know that it is hard and I want you to return to that pace again - would you like it if I did it like.. this? - and you slowly pull fingers almost fully out just to thrust them very hard in me, so I let a scream out, my eyes open wide and back arching from and you just smirk at my reaction and lower your voice - why did I ask even.. of course you would, you love everything I do to you, don't you? - you say, continuing to make hard thrusts with big pauses that make my body twitch every time - fuck, you're such a kinky bitch, baby, so dirty.. I love it
you finally speed up before putting your fingers on all length inside me and keeping them there, just bending them inside of me, hitting that spot fast, and get your another on my pussy, slapping it few times before rubbing my clit, speeding up both your hands, sinking teeth into my shoulder while I'm laying my head on your shoulder, crying your name out loud, arching my back and unconsciously trying to open legs wider and move my hips towards your hands to feel more
-say it. now. I want to hear that from you - you say as your hand presses my clit harder and rubbing it faster
I grab your hair just to hold on to something and hardly say that I'm yours through whines and moans and I repeat that as much times as I can because yes, I belong to you. you lean to my ear so I can feel your nose touching it and quietly whisper that I can cum now and its enough for me to cum, twirling my body harder than before letting out long whines that turn into deep breath. you stop rubbing my clit to hold me with that hand, but your fingers are still in me, slowly rubbing from the inside, and whisper what a good girl I am and how well I did it in my ear, leaving small kisses on my neck, face and shoulder.
men do not interact.
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mortifiedatbeingknown · 8 months
"An Odd Little Thing" (Pt. 14)
“W-whoah, hey! What the hell?!” 
She whirled around as one of her earbuds tumbled from her ears, knocking her out of her daydreaming. There was her robot, dirty and dented with an eye cracked to boot frantically scrabbling at her legs in an attempt to climb. Behind him were two other presences she hadn’t noticed before; twin girls, wide-eyed and gaping. One was slowly backing away, the other stood her ground, but neither looked very happy to see her. 
Good. She had a bad feeling about them anyways. In a flash she had scooped up the robot in her arms and turned to face the little strangers, stretching  up  to her full height. 
“Can I help you?” She asked harshly. 
“Uh, yeah!” The bold one said. “That’s our OLI you got there!” 
“Can’t you give him back?” The other said. 
Her grip tightened. “You…you used to own him?” 
“Not ‘used to, we do!” 
“Yeah, we were looking for him everywhere!” 
“Is that so…?” 
She took another look at the girls, grateful that both goggles and mask hid her expression. They didn’t certainly look like the type to break their robot to pieces and stuff him with trash before leaving him out to rust, but then again, what would that type even look like? She’d never really thought about it, content to imagine them as shadowy imps or faceless monsters. To see them standing there, pouting, eyes turned upwards with false innocence… It made her feel a little bad. These were just kids, after all. It was very possible they had no ill intent at all. Maybe they were just playing.  Maybe they didn’t know any better. Maybe they were just—
And then her robot buried his face in her chest, sobbing with a voice box she could now tell was irreversibly broken. 
“So, you two are the one who broke my robot’s eye? I just got that replaced, you know. And those aren’t cheap!”
The bold one sputtered. “He’s not yours, he’s ours! Besides, Mom can just pay to fix it anyways!” 
“Oh, so is that why you abandoned him in the trash?” 
The shyer one sniffled. “B-but we didn’t! We just lost him…and we were so scared… you can’t take him away from us now, that’s too mean!” 
She laughed, long and loud. “Excuse me? I know better than anyone how you treat your OLI. I don’t think you get to tell me  what’s ‘too mean.’ “ 
“Well can’t you just give him back?” 
Had they listened to a word she’d said? “No!” 
“Why not?!” 
She glared down at them, sunlight glinting off of her goggles. “Because unlike you, I actually know how to take care of him.” 
“Yeah? W-well…that doesn’t mean you can take him!” 
She turned her back and began to gather up her things with one arm, her robot firmly grasped in the other. They were done here. 
But apparently, the twins had different ideas. 
“You’re a thief you know that?” One yelled. “You’re stealing Ollie!” 
She didn’t even stop. “You can’t steal something that was already abandoned.” 
“But we didn’t—!” 
She cut them off. “If it’s in the trash, you resign ownership. That’s the law. I wasn’t stealing.” 
She didn’t really know if that was the case, but what was the chance of them knowing that? She just needed to get them off of her back. If they actually contacted the police… they were rich enough to cause a hassle. 
“But we didn’t know that! It was an accident!” 
“Yeah, you have to give him back!” 
“So you can hurt him all over again?” 
“That’s enough. Run along now, we’re done here.” And with that, she walked away. 
“Ollie!” The twins screamed, rushing towards him. She hastened her footsteps. “Ollie, come back!” 
“We need you!” 
“Mom won’t let us get a new one!” 
Their voices faded into the distance as she walked further away. Finally, peace. 
“Good riddance.” She muttered under her breath. That problem dealt with, she turned back to her robot. Her robot, who had not stopped trembling since she picked him up. Her robot, who wept the only way he could, bursts of static and rapidly flickering eyes. Her robot, who she know learned had a name she ought to have guessed far, far earlier. 
Bad bad bad bad bad bad badbadbadbadbad—
He’d ruined everything. 
And he couldn’t even say he was sorry. 
He’d broken his legs. He’d broken his voice box. He’d broken his eye. That’s all he did. Just break and break and break until… until what? When would the monster stop and give up? When would she realize just how much time he made her waste? How much money he’d cost her? 
When would she realize that he just wasn’t worth it? 
“They’re gone, Ollie.” The monster said, prying him from her jacket. “It’s alright.” 
But it wasn’t. It would never be alright, not as long as he was there, messing up her life. 
But as it was, he could only shake his head vehemently. 
“Come on, let’s go home.” 
And this time it was the monster who hugged him close. 
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genjipegger · 1 year
How about a cute little fluffy fic of Reinhardt being a bit dumb and Ana (who’s watching him) says something in Arabic, like ‘are you stupid?’ and Rein knows what she said cause he heard it a million times before. And then idk fluffy shit.
(Meanwhile Soldier in the background being very confused on how he understood her)
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ANAHARDT ;; Reinhardt isn't the brightest tool in the shed.
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Sweet Anahardt banter. Jack is an unfortunate witness.
Ana Amari x Reinhardt Wilhelm, mention of Jack Morrison x Gabriel Reyes
Tooth rotting fluff. Nothing but the best for my sweethearts ♡
Thank you for this request my bestie! I hope it is to your liking, you know how much I love the dynamic between these two ♡
Reinhardt's hammer clatters to the floor, bounces back, then falls still with a heavy thud. A lousy kick sends it propped against the wall of the lounging room, which is decorated in rusty medals and picture frames of various news articles reading Overwatch's many heroic achievements. The retired crusader stretches, groans, then drops to the nearest sofa, lifting two colossal hands to writhe his helmet off his head. It loosens with a loud pop, and he throws it haphazardly off to the side, where it rolls up to the feet of his most precious gem.
"Tiring mission, Reinhardt?" Ana coos teasingly, her eye drifting off to the side as Jack rounds up at her side, peeling his crimson visor from his features. It has been a long, long time since they were deployed together, and nothing feels quite the same as it did back when it was the four of them, but it somewhat soothes the nostalgic ache in their hearts. Overwatch still needs them, despite their struggles.
"Oh, yes!" Reinhardt whines, pushing his hands up his face and through his silvery white locks. He can already hear Ana chuckling, even as she stands a few feet away from him. Exhaustion has long kicked in for all of them, so it is not in her place to blame him. "I cannot feel my legs!"
"That makes two of us." Jack chimes in, a horrible litany of popping joints sounding as he strides to a small seat next to the large sofa; Reinhardt takes up too much of the surface for him to even think of sitting down there.
"Oh, grow up, you two," the elderly Amari strolls around the occupied sofa, throwing herself right on top of Reinhardt, "all we did was gather some intel. Are you two going soft on me?"
Wilhelm chokes out a surprised sound as Ana's subtle weight topples over his chest, but his large arms quickly support her tiny frame, maneuvering her around the sharp edges that make up his armour to ensure she is comfortable. "No, no such thing!" The tone in his voice begs to differ, but he refuses to give in to the fact that proper retirement might be the best solution. There is too much for him to still fight for, and too many wrongs he must make right. Yet, his body throbs and creaks and screams for him to rest and accept an easier life.
"Things have been tough lately. Can you really blame us?" Jack kicks off his shoes and does his best to ignore the overly affectionate display at his side- they have always been two saps dancing in a weird limbo, anyway. It reminded him too much of how he used to be with Reyes.
Ana hums in acknowledgement, tracing circles on one of Reinhardt's cheeks with her index finger. He makes a bit of a face, something akin to a pout, but the soft pink rushing to his face gives him away. He is not immune to her affection.
"Next mission, we will give it our best!" Reinhardt promises the both of them, smoothing his hands down Ana's back. She fails to look amused, no matter how hard she tries. "Next mission? You are off duty for at least a few months. Didn't Jack tell you this before we departed?"
"Reinhardt, big guy," Jack visibly winces, "you broke your shield. Completely. It's going to take ages to repair."
"Oh, yes, yes! My shield! I forgot about my shield!"
The loud groan that Jack lets out perfectly describes Ana's exact feelings as well- sometimes, she wonders what goes on in Reinhardt's head. Not a whole lot, apparently.
"Ghabiun," Ana flicks her finger against his forehead, "you really are getting old!"
Reinhardt squeezes his eyes shut, making the most pathetically sad sound she's ever heard. It sounds like a kicked puppy whining in disarray. "Ana, meine Frau! I just have a hard time remembering things!"
Jack peers at them from his reclined seat, the confusion evident on every crease on his face. There was no way he just witnessed Reinhardt, with the brain capacity of a small goldfish, understand Ana's native Arabic tongue without so much as a moment's pause. The way his eyebrows knit and furrow over his blue eyes is truly a sight to behold.
"No way did he just understand you."
"Oh, he is like a little puppy," Ana practically beams, "I have said it so many times, he has no choice but to remember."
She cups Reinhardt's cheeks, soothing the frown off his face with her hands. He melts like putty in her grasp, making not a peep as she prods and pulls at his lips to purse them. "Isn't that right, you sweet little thing, you?" She grins.
"Oohh.. ohh, yes," Reinhardt strains, still a little offended, "I try my best to keep up. Sometimes, when she gets frustrated, she speaks to me, and I can't follow, and I do the same thing, and we realize neither of us understand a word of what we are saying." Bashfully, he turns his head to the side. Ana's hands drift peacefully along with the movement. "The language barrier is difficult, but we make it work."
"Hm." Jack raises an eyebrow. What love it must be; he has seen these two go from fleeting glances to secret kisses to growing old together. War separated them, left Wilhelm alone and longing without her presence, but now, they were reunited, and they were just as clingy as he remembered them to be. He was happy for them, really. There had once been a time where he indulged himself in much the same affection as these two did.
"Oh, who knows," Ana smiles, "before we know it, we'll be off on our next mission, the three of us. Maybe we'll even get Gabriel to join."
"Doubt it." Jack immediately butts in, his gaze fixated on nothing in particular. "He kicks up a fuss when he has to come see me. Let alone when he has to see you two." It took a lot of effort for Reyes, sneaking out of Talon's confinements to meet up with Jack. Secrecy was their virtue, and so far, they had succeeded in keeping it under the rug, though Gabriel never passed up the opportunity to complain. Somewhere, Jack knew he missed times like this, too. Though he had long strayed from their paths, and they could no longer share memories like they did before.
"Oh, I certainly don't blame him. I would be tired too if I had to see Reinhardt." Ana nudges one of her man's large arms, and he stares at her with the biggest puppy eyes he could possibly muster.
"You would be tired of seeing me?" He whimpers, squeezing her sides. Ana's bottom lip quivers, before she erupts in sweet laughter. "Oh, Reinhardt, my dear, I'm just joking! I would never grow tired of you!"
"Ana!" He squeezes her to his chest, hugs her close, nuzzling their faces together. "Do not scare me like that! I do not know what I would do without you.."
"Oh, I wouldn't dare to leave you ever again. You know that."
Reinhardt presses their foreheads together, keeping her as close as physically possible. As though if he were to let go now, she would disintegrate like she did years ago. He was not going to take that risk ever again, not now that he finally had her safe in his arms again.
"I know.. yet I still worry for you, Ana. My life is not complete without you."
"Chin up," Ana pressed a light kiss to the corner of his mouth, "you will survive as long as I am here."
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your-divine-ribs · 17 days
I’m With the Band Part 11
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Words: 2.9k
Arabella gets her revenge 💖
I’m With the Band Masterlist Main Masterlist
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As the venue starts to fill up I’m caught between wanting to stay and watch the show or storming out in a huff, but I don't want Van to know exactly how much he's riled me up. I’m feeling mad. Really mad. Seething in fact.
The crowds spill in and I soon find myself pressed up against the barrier. There's excited chatter all around me and I glance behind to see an ocean of faces all wearing smiles, some stretching up on tip-toes to get a better view. A group of exuberant girls around my age take the spot to the left of me and I can't help but overhear their comments they're talking so loud.
"If Van comes out to meet fans after the show I'm going to slip him my phone number!"
"As if he'd be interested in you Donna!"
"Shut up Amy, when he came out after the gig last week he made a point of speaking to me. And he signed my t-shirt!"
"I'm surprised you didn't ask him to sign your tits!"
Raucous laughter erupts at this comment, then one girl announces, "Anyway, I reckon he's got a girlfriend. Did you see that girl he arrived with? She was gorgeous!"
There's murmurs of agreement and a few sighs.
"Shhh... keep your voice down... she's standing right next to you!" One voice hisses, and there's some jostling in the crowd as the girls all take turns to crane their necks to give me the once over.
I just stand there with a smug grin painted on, flicking my hair back and trying for a modelesque pose even though it's hard to do so with all these teenage girls jostling to get to the front. It's looking more and more like Van's quite the heartthrob which annoyingly just makes him all the more desirable. But there's no way he's getting one over on me. No way at all. I’m used to calling the shots.
The venue lights suddenly dim and the crowd surges forward and I find people pushing and shoving, trying to battle for the coveted barrier spot on all sides. I’m determined not to give up my prime position, my grip claw-like on the cool metal, my body pressed up against it.
Through the gloom I can just make out four figures coming on to the stage and taking up their places. Even though it's just the guys I find that my tummy is churning with excitement.
The lights gradually go up and Van steps up to the mic. "Hello Manchester, we are Catfish and the Bottlemen. Thank you very much for having us!"
The crowd erupt into cheers, whistles and screams and it's deafening but exhilarating at the same time. Pride blooms like a warm glow inside me as I take in the impressive impact the band have on the fans. As soon as Van starts to sing the crowd join in as one and to my complete surprise they know all the words. Every single one.
I got mislead, mistook, discard
Anything that I said
See I'm not the type to call you up drunk
But I've got some lies to tell
Van's voice is amazing, literally breathtaking and it's not just him that blows me away. The whole band gel so well together, no one misses a beat. Despite being pushed and shoved around with the occasional elbow in the ribs I find myself being caught up in it all, moving to the music, listening for the lyrics so I can join in with the choruses. Every song's an anthem.
It’s impractical
To go out and catch your death in a dress fit for the summer
So you don’t
Instead you call me up with a head full of filth
Each band member's well and truly giving it their all but my eyes keep wandering back to Van. I can't help it, he's captivating to watch as he struts up and down the stage, thrashing about with his guitar. He looks right at me, shooting me a cheeky wink and a grin, and I curse myself that he's probably caught me staring. I’m aware that my mouth’s agape and I’m blatantly ogling him. I mean, how can I not? His presence on stage literally commands my attention. I’m not sure whether it's the passion he puts into the performance, the way he keeps swinging those goddamn hips or the fact that he's practically making out with the microphone, but whatever it is it's making my pulse and my mind race. I finding myself playing a scenario in my head where I grab his hand the minute he steps off the stage to drag him off to the toilets to finish what he started earlier. I want to see how those hips would feel fucking me up against the wall...
"They're amazing aren't they?"
A female voice sounds right in my ear, bringing me back from my sordid daydream, and I turn to see a pretty petite girl with auburn hair standing next to me.
"The guys... they're amazing!" She repeats, beaming at me. "I can see Van's caught your attention!"
Is it that obvious?
"Oh... errr... yeah well... he's got... a great voice..."
She gives me a knowing smile before taking a slurp of her pint. "Your Larry's cousin aren't you? I'm Lucy, Bob's girlfriend."
"Yeah I'm Arabella, how did you know who I was?"
"Oh, Bob pointed you out earlier on when they were setting up," she tells me, her smile getting even wider. "Sounds like you've caused quite a stir amongst the lads!"
I’m just about to ask her what she means but the crowd suddenly surge forward again, wildly chanting some lyrics that sound remarkably like "fuck it if they talk!"
I give up trying to hold a conversation and let myself get caught up in the music once again. I’m actually having the time of my life and I don't want to miss a minute of it.
The last song of the night is wild, a fitting finale with a rousing chorus and lots of guitar crescendos. Van absolutely goes off on one, tossing his head around, twisting his body. The crowd are losing their shit and it's not hard to see why.
Before the song has even come to an end I feel a hand over mine and turn to see that Lucy’s trying to urge me to follow her. I hesitate, pulling back, but she's insistent.
"C'mon Arabella! If we go now we'll catch the boys coming off stage."
I allow myself to be led along, fighting through the sweaty bodies and pushing through into the night. It's a warm evening, but it's still a lot cooler outside than the humid air of the venue and I suck in a breath of fresh air gratefully.
"I love catching them coming off stage, they're always so hyped!" Lucy says excitedly.
I reach up to titivate my hair, wanting to look my best, dismayed to find that it feels knotty and tangled after dancing in the sweaty atmosphere.
"Ughhh I must look such a mess," I complain, pulling my dress away from my body. "I'm all hot and flustered."
"Shut up you look gorgeous!" Lucy laughs, leading me to a door and giving our names to the security guard. "Wait till you see the guys anyway. Especially Van, he's usually dripping with sweat after a gig!"
That just sets me off again. The thought of Van's body slick with sweat pressing me up against the wall of some dingy backroom in the venue just fills my head with wicked thoughts.
Stop it Arabella! You're supposed to be playing hard to get. And what about Johnny?
I arrive at the side of the stage, sparks of excitement shooting through me as I hear Van calling out a thank you over the mic and the deafening roar of the crowd. It's dark, but I can just make out four figures moving towards us, backlit by the stage lights.
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Bob and Benji emerge from the shadows first and I hug them both. Lucy squeals excitedly and throws herself into Bob's arms, practically knocking him off his feet.
"What did ya think Bella? Class, eh?" Van's unmistakeable voice rings out and I feel myself tense as I turn to him.
Just as Lucy said, he's drenched, his black shirt sticking to his body and his hair hanging around his face in damp strands. Larry throws a towel to him and he rubs his face with it before slinging it over his shoulder. I'm just about to answer when I see Johnny directly behind Van.
I purposefully walk forward as if I'm moving towards Van, watching his arms raise up like he's going to hug me, then at the last minute I swerve, making straight for Johnny, launching myself at him.
"You were great!" I cry with enthusiasm, pushing myself up on my tiptoes to plant a kiss on Johnny's lips, wrapping my arms around his waist.
He looks shocked as I pull away, then a huge grin stretches across his face as he looks down on me. A twinge of guilt shoots through me as I sneak a glance at Van and note that he's definitely noticed my blatant show of ignoring him.
"You really thought so?" Johnny asks, and I quickly look away from Van and back to him, but not before I note the looks that Larry's giving me.
Of course Larry knows the game I'm playing, and I feel ashamed for all of one minute, before I reason with myself that Van totally deserves it. Getting me all fired up like that then leaving me aching for more? What does he expect me to do? Beg for it? Well, fuck him.
"You're amazing on that guitar Johnny," I simper, loud enough for Van to hear. "And I've been thinking, I definitely want those guitar lessons you were on about if you still want to teach me?"
Johnny slips an arm around my waist as we all make our way to the breakout room at the back of the venue. "Yeah of course, I can't wait to teach ya. We'll have loads of time on the tour bus too. It'll be fun."
I glance at Van again as I move past him, a small smirk playing on my lips, then I look away.
The band's manager, Dan, is waiting in the room, handing out ice cold bottles of beer and congratulations to the boys. Larry introduces me and he gives me a barely veiled stony look which quickly turns into a warm smile as soon as Larry utters the words "little cousin".
"Oh my god, you thought I was a groupie didn't you?" I challenge him boldly, and he looks awkwardly down at his feet, mumbling out his reply.
"Nah... nah of course not, I know the lads aren't into all that. It's really nice to meet you Arabella."
I shake his hand, accepting a bottle of beer and clinking the top of it with Johnny's before I take a swig.
"Arabella might become the fifth member of the band yet when I've taught her how to play!" Johnny laughs, and I beam up at him.
"I'll show you boys how it's done!"
"I don't doubt that for a minute," he says, digging in his pocket and producing a packet of cigarettes. "I'm just gonna go for a smoke love, okay?"
I nod and watch him go, then glance around, noting Benji jabbing at his phone with a dismayed expression on his face, and I'm just about to walk over to him to see if he's okay when I feel a hand on my shoulder and I whirl around to see Van standing there.
"What do you want?" I snap.
I was expecting a cocky remark or snide comment but to my surprise Van looks contrite. "Can I have a word... in private?"
I aim for a fierce expression, but Van's got a kind of wounded puppy dog look about him, his blue eyes fixed on mine sorrowfully. I can feel my resolve weakening.
Damn him!
"Can't we just talk here?" I say, taking a deep pull on my beer.
"I didn't think you wanted anyone to know we hooked up," he whispers, but it's a stage whisper and it's loud and my eyes dart to Larry to check that he's not overheard.
"Jesus Van we didn't!" I hiss. "That was just... that was... nothing!"
He smirks then. "Didn't sound like nothing from those noises you were making..."
For fucks sake, I knew it wouldn't take long before the real Van came out to play.
"And there was me thinking you were coming over to apologise!" I say haughtily, going to turn my back on him, but to my surprise he reaches for my hand, pulling it firmly.
"Van, what're you..." I start, but then my voice trails off as I look at him.
He's got a wicked glint in his eye and the index finger from his free hand pressed against his lips. He's slowly backing towards the corridor and despite my better judgement I find myself letting him lead me, silently chanting a mantra in my head that I am definitely not going to do anything with him. Nothing at all. Not even a kiss.
Van doesn't take me far. There's a small alcove off the adjacent corridor that's just about big enough for both of our bodies to fit into... if we squeeze together tightly. Of course that would be a really bad idea though... wouldn't it?
The little angel sat on one of my shoulders certainly thinks so, telling me that I'm a strong woman and I should totally resist Van, but the devil on the other side is busy ushering me in.
I come to a stop with my back up against the wall and Van moves forward until he's so close his hips are touching mine. Those hips...
Stop it Arabella!
"So... what do you want?" I say, trying to keep my voice flat, raising an eyebrow at Van.
"You know what I want," he grins. "And I think you want the same thing."
He plants both hands on the wall on either side of my head, leaning in, his breath warm on my face. We could get caught like this. Johnny or Larry or one of the others could come wandering around the corner at any minute. Instead of deterring me though, the thrill of doing something illicit actually makes my heart start to race.
Then it hits me like a thunderbolt. Of course! Why the fuck didn't I think of it before? If Van wants to play games then he's met his ultimate match in me....
I look right back at him, meeting his gaze unwaveringly. "Hmm... now what is it that you think I want, huh Van?"
He goes to open his mouth to speak, but before he gets chance to I shoot out a hand straight between his legs, pushing it firmly against the denim, satisfied when I hear a sharp inhale from him and a stunned expression cross his face.
"Is this what you think I want?" I say, my voice low, my other hand disappearing under his shirt and going to the waistband of his jeans, fingers dipping inside.
"It is, isn't it?" He murmurs, mouth falling agape, then going completely slack as my fingers deftly slide further down, reaching under the elastic of his underwear for his cock and wrapping my fingers around it.
His arrogance disintegrates in a second, his eyes clouded with lust and a sense of pleading as I slowly begin to move my hand up and down his shaft.
"Fucking 'ell Bella..." he groans, pressing his hips forward.
He leans in to kiss me but I shoot up my free hand to grasp his jaw, pushing his head back against the wall. He just lets me, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. I smile to myself. I've got him right where I want him. In the palm of my hand... literally.
I can feel his dick twitching as it stiffens under my grip, a small groan emanating from low in his throat as I stretch up on to my tiptoes to press my lips against his neck, tasting the saltiness of the sweat on his skin. My heart's going a million beats a minute and I could easily lose self-control but I rein in my desire.
"Mmm... you like that Van, yeah?" I whisper in his ear.
Of course if he wasn't so caught up in the notion that I was set to jerk him off until his release right there and then in the corridor he'd probably realise that he used the exact same line on me just hours before.
"Fuck yeah..." he breathes, eyes screwed shut, his chest rising and falling deeply.
In a swift movement I release him, pulling my hand out of his jeans and stepping back, watching his eyes snap open in shock, his mouth fall open even further.
"Wha..." he begins, but I don't let him finish.
"Well, I suggest you go to the gents and sort yourself out then!" I smirk, pressing both hands against his chest and pushing firmly so I can slip past him back into the main corridor.
"But Bella... you can't just..."
He doesn't even finish his sentence. I'm already on my way back to the room, not looking back, giving a dismissive little wave with a flick of my hand.
Let the games begin...
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moons-cozy-corner · 1 year
Arnin and Daren | First Impressions
These are original characters! I plan on making this a series.
This took me forever(sorry), please give my gay little blorbos some love <3
TW: self harm, physical beating, mentions of blood and (very slight) body gore
First Impressions (Pt 1)
Daren held the worn jacket in his hands, wringing it between sensitive fingers as he stretched out stiff wings. A lump of stale bread lay limp between the fabrics of a pocket, barely enough for a meal. It wasn’t worth the pain of being chased half a mile by a mob of crazed humans just to get a morsel of food. That meant Daren had to take a much more complicated route home. Running with wrapped wings made them ache, and now he didn’t even have enough food to get his energy back.
Now he sat in the silent alleyway on an old thin blanket. He took small chunks of the bread at a time, nibbling on them slowly as if it could create the illusion that there was more food. Normally Daren managed more than just bread. An apple, some carrots–if he was really lucky a bakery would have thrown out the previous day’s forgotten pastries. But today there were more people than normal and a very despised lack of trash-pastries. He hoped that didn’t become a common occurrence.
His stomach cursed at him all morning. On and on it went and ignoring it didn’t work. Even now, downing some of the bread didn’t ease that deep ache in his gut. Not to mention the fact that it tasted terrible. Not that anything Daren ate tasted good anymore. The last time Daren had anything good to eat was over a year ago now, a famous birthday meal his family made up in Glissden. There was nothing of the sort in Astervale, though.
A whole year had passed since he’d said goodbye. They hadn’t even bothered a final glance as the carriage took him away. The stickiness of the plaster over his wings and the cool fabric cuffs over his wrists never left his mind. Three sets of cuffs, a leash, and plaster. If that wasn't insulting enough, they had to hold him down for almost an hour to get the plaster on. There were at least six humans on him, one for each appendage. They told Daren to deal with it, that it would all be alright, but he just continued screaming and fighting, as if that would do any good. It was scary to imagine what would have happened if he hadn’t escaped. If the plaster job had been better done. There were tales, but… well, nobody ever came back home.
Not that they’d want him back anyways. 
Reaching under the blanket he found the rusty scissors. They were tinted with minty green, a color that almost glowed in the faltering light of dusk. How much would a human pay for just this, just a small remnant of his blood? Daren’s family said he would save lives. Maybe that’s why they felt so just in selling him to the humans and sending him away for what was meant to be forever.
He considered returning for a while. The human city was filled with filth. It was always so loud, too. Babies crying as their mothers screamed and wailed, sales people shouting their extraordinary prices to passers-by, the clickity-clack of hooves on poorly paved streets. Moths aren’t loud. Their voices are soft and his home represented that–mothers cradled and cooed their kids when they cried, trades were always made between small groups, never out in the open, and moths flew everywhere. 
The cool metal felt satisfying on his skin. He’d sharpened these specifically to protect himself from humans, but now they had another purpose. He watched as the blood oozed through the slit he created, letting the pressure and tensions fall out of his body along with it. He knew a human would have at one point gotten an infection from the rusty scissors, or perhaps would have just bled out. They wouldn’t be of any use now, though. Not with his life force ingrained into the metal. 
“Hey.” Daren looked up through hazy eyes. Above him stood a man, a human man, frail in build but confident in stance. Bleached hair fell loosely over his face, clearly messy but somehow still shiny and smooth. When he kneeled down to Daren’s level his eyes shone, a dark magnificent blue that even the most gorgeous of moths couldn’t fathom appearing on a wing. A hand wrapped around one of his upper arms, making Daren pull back and squeeze himself against the wall, two hands wrapped around himself and the other two held out for defense. “Hey, hey, calm down. I’m not going to hurt you. I want to help you, if that’s alright? You’re bleeding.”
His arm. The stranger was referring to his arm. “No. No, you stay back, human,” he snapped, trying to get a hold of himself, though tears unwillingly fell from his eyes. “Whatever you’re planning, stop planning it.” More blood oozed from his arm. It didn’t even really hurt anymore, it didn’t need healing. It would heal on its own. Who did this human think he was anyway? Leave me alone.
The human blinked at him, then sighed. “…alright.” He stood up and began to leave the alley when a group of shadows turned the corner. Shit. Daren covered himself as fast as he could, wrapping himself in his jacket. The scissors felt heavy in his hand, dripping with his own blood. He wiped it off quickly and backed away, hoping to be swallowed by the shadows.
The thugs surrounded the human, shadows stalking over him in the twilight. Four of them, circling around. They didn’t see Daren. “Did you bring what we agreed on?” The tallest of them towered over the blonde human at about the same height Daren would. His muscles were intimidating and tense, though he wasn’t scared. Quite the opposite. The other three kept their mouths shut. It was clear they were there for security only—power in numbers and all that. They were carrying weapons for sure.
The human dared to spare a glance back at Daren, but only for a split second. “No. I need more time.” His stance was loose, but his white-knuckled fists told a different tale. “It’s been tight. I’ve got part of it, like $2500. I know that barely puts a dent in my debt but it’s the best I can do-“
The burly man stalked closer so that the two were face to face—or face to chest, considering the height difference. The others stood back, blocking off the entrance to the alley. “That won’t cut it, kid. You’re running outta chances.” Out came the knife. It looked dull without any light glinting off it, but the promise of pain was still evident. “In fact, I may just gut you right here and now. You’re more trouble lettin’ live than if you are dead.”
The burly man pushed the human back, making him stumble to the ground. The sound of his body hitting the concrete echoed in the alley–Daren could even hear one of his bones snap, a consequence of how skinny the human was. There was a slight gasp in the short length of silence that passed before the pounding started. Three sets of fists beating upon the humans’ flesh as he tried his best to shield his head and center–of course, due to the human's lack of arms, he could only effectively block at once. They kicked and punched relentlessly, though all that came from the blonde human were small grunts.
When the burly man finally told his underlings to let up, the boy was left shaking and bloody. He was nudged with a boot but still didn’t move. One signal and the underlings had him pulled taught by the limbs, each arm secured as he was pushed to his knees. His torso was completely exposed, and the burly man had the knife right there. 
The knife flew up and back down before Daren could even blink. It hit him in the lower abdomen, eliciting a choked cry. Then he went again, and again. Two of Daren’s hands covered his eyes while the others clamped his mouth shut to keep any shrieks from escaping.
“You,” the man’s voice boomed, “are a useless piece of trash. Nobody’ll care when you’re gone.” Then he left, knuckles covered in deep red ooze. One of the underlings spat at the human as they left, a final insult layered on top of all the red and purple.
After the last of the bunch turned the corner, Daren tentatively stepped out from his hiding spot, clutching his scissors. He kept inching forward, unsure whether or not he should turn back and hide again.
“…Human?” The stark blonde hair had streaks of red now. The source of the blood became apparent as the human's head lolled back, blank eyes staring right through Daren. He kneeled down, holding the stranger's head in his hands. Daren’s own blood slipped from his fingertips and onto the other’s neck. “I’ve got an idea. Hold on.” It didn’t take a lot for him to slide the scissors back over his wrist, widening the previous wound. The warm blood flowed down his wrist and into Daren’s cupped hand. Some of it was guided to the human’s head, but most to his gut–it would take a lot of green ooze to heal that up.
He’d never seen his blood work on humans. It must have been the first time either of them had seen it take effect, for the human too was staring in disbelief as the wound, now smeared with green, stuck itself back together. Then, when the human touched his forehead, they both realized that the bleeding had stopped there as well.
“What the…” The human sat up a bit too quickly, making Daren flinch back. “How’d you do that? I mean- thanks.” He was swaying, struggling to lean himself up against the wall to steady himself. Daren sat a good distance away clutching his forearm. Part of it was awe, the other fear. The human seemed fine now. Even though he was weak, he was now healthy enough to attack. And healthy enough to scream and alert other humans. 
He didn’t know, though. The human didn’t seem to be aware of Moth abilities, which was definitely a first. He had to have noticed Daren’s wings, it was impossible not to. But now, staring at the human in his weakened state after watching him get pummeled by a group of thugs, Daren couldn’t find himself to be so terrified. But he was still human, and human meant danger. He’d always known that. 
A series of spluttering coughs tore Daren from his thoughts. This was ridiculous. The human could barely breathe and Daren was worried about his own safety. Daren wasn’t the only one in danger of getting killed if the human decided to yell out.
Without a word Daren started pulling the man to his feet, which only caused more sputtering. He even thought he saw a bit of blood. The human nearly fell back down, but Daren wouldn’t allow it, using his other arms for support rather than his own self defense. “Tell me the way to your home, Human.”
“Arnin,” he grunted, wrapping an arm around Daren, making his wings shudder in response. “My name… Arnin. My house… that way.” Daren nodded, committing the name to memory. Arnin. The name made his heart flutter and filled him with a sort of determination as he started walking towards the alleyway entrance.
“Alright, human Arnin. Let’s get you home.”
Little psa for my followers (specifically regarding my "Rescued" series)--I am working on it, however it may no longer be my main project.
tag-list: @pleasegodno31375 @subval01 @bleeding-letters @whumpkinz @aswallowimprisoned @nicolepascaline @vermillion-emerald
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diamondsnowflakes · 8 months
I don't know what I'm supposed to do (haunted by the ghost of you)
Gwen tied Lillian to a nearby tree and then walked to the marker. She hitched up her skirt with one hand, then used her other hand to tuck the cloak under her as she sat down.
She sighed, leaning back on her hands. "Good morning, my lady."
Read on AO3
Gwen had one weakness as Queen… a secret. Still, though, shame nipped at her heels as she snuck breakfast from the kitchens into a saddle bag, and nostalgia watched her from beside a sleeping Leon as she dressed in her old serving clothes. In the end, Gwen never regretted it when she visited Morgana's gravesite.
She left the castle before sunrise, while dawn was still watery and grey no matter the day's outcome. The first time she visited, Gwen found an old blue cloak in a trunk, which she tucked around to hide her clothes as she stole through the castle. To this day, she wondered if she should've been worried about her clothes in the first place, given how Morgana and Arthur had a streak for spoiling their closest servants.  
There was always a horse ready in the stables. The stable hands would still be asleep, but Lillian stood there, brushed and ready. Gwen didn't know if it was Leon or Percy, but she'd sneak them both something from the forest as thanks. Then, by the time Lillian had a saddle on, sunrise was stretching its golden fingers through the stable doors.
It was just as the first of her people were rising for the day when Gwen rode through the town. She tucked the cloak's hood over her head, ducking her face into it. On a good day, nostalgia led her past the smiths. On a bad day, shame pushed her as fast as she could, Lillian's hooves hammering against the well-worn cobbles past the city gates.
The trees were good company once she reached the tree line. Faithful old friends.
Once, on the way to meet the druids on their own ground, Merlin told her that the trees recognised her, that they were there to the very end and would be well after. At the time, Gwen wondered whether Merlin meant them as a warning or a comfort, but the words followed her as she rode amongst them.
Gwen counted ten trees before the birds started to sing their chorus. Her shoulders relaxed as she passed a loud robin screaming atop a scrubby bush. Then she counted to five before she pulled back her hood and leaned over to ferret in her bag.
Crows gathered on a patch near Morgana's grave marker in the warm seasons. Gwen liked to offer them berries when she sat down for breakfast. She never found herself to be hungry, but they always were.
Today, as Gwen sat on her spread-out cloak, she kept an eye on a crow she'd seen before. She'd carried him back to the castle last spring after she found him injured near the road on the way back and bundled him up in her cloak. He seemed to be fairing much better as he hopped around her, flapping his wings as something flashed in his beak.
"Come on then, what have you got?" She spoke softly, just as with the younger children at court.
The crow bent its head and opened its beak. A coin tumbled to the ground.
Gwen reached over the berries and picked up the coin, bringing it close to her face. It was a copper sovereign marked with the Pendragon crest, still shining from the mint.
Gwen smiled and tilted her head towards the crow. "Where did you get this?"
The crow squawked, flaring its wings as if telling her it was none of her business.
Gwen huffed a laugh and shook her head, still smiling. "Well, no matter. I'm sure Morgana would approve." She stood up and returned to Lillian, tucking the coin in her bag. She then turned back to the crow. "I'd better get going anyway. She's expecting me."
The crow hopped about and squawked again but turned to scarf down some of the blackberries Gwen had scattered about the patch.
Gwen snorted, then turned back to Lillian and untied her reins, loosely holding them in her left as she led her away from the picnic site. Gwen liked to walk the last leg to Morgana's grave. After sitting down to eat, it was only five minutes of walking, and she figured that it gave Lillian more time to rest before the trip back. Then, they'd approach the marker just as Gwen started to see diurnal animals foraging through the undergrowth.
The wooden marker wasn't much. It wasn't supposed to be. Truly, if Gwen and Merlin weren't so weak to their own pasts, it wouldn't be there at all. A grave marker to an enemy. As Gwen approached the stake, she smiled bitterly. It was almost poetic.
Gwen tied Lillian to a nearby tree and then walked to the marker. She hitched up her skirt with one hand, then used her other hand to tuck the cloak under her as she sat down. She used to run to the marker, but as the decade wore on, she realised it wasn't going anywhere, and neither was she.
She sighed, leaning back on her hands. "Good morning, my lady."
"Good morning, Gwen."
Morgana sat on the ground beside Gwen, her dress fluttering around her.
The first Monday of every month. Morgana visited her grave as a reminder to herself and, by extension, to see her oldest friend.
She could still remember the first time. Gwen came running through the underbrush, tears running down her face, and skidded to her knees. It caught Morgana's breath as she knelt, gasping. She was like a monk in front of her grave marker. However, instead of prayers, what poured from Gwen's lips was a torrent of pleas and abuse.
"Sorry", "I hate you", "I love you", and "I could never believe you would do it, but you did", and "You made my life hell for so long, and now you don't have a life at all", and "You haunt me more than my mistakes". The words burbled and bumped into each other.
Morgana never believed she deserved Avalon. But as Gwen bent over her grave, she had never been so sure. Even when she knew it was her home until the timeline reset.
That day was when the reality of her death set in at last. As Gwen stood up and brushed herself off, Morgana tried to catch her sleeve, to pull her back and say... something. But her fingers passed through. Instead, Morgana stumbled forward through Gwen, then was forced to watch her leave, pulling her cloak around her with a visible shudder.
Morgana didn't think that Gwen would return after that. Nausea bubbled at the bottom of her throat as she thought about it. She was dead. Why visit a dead enemy for anything beyond closure? Even one you once loved.
And yet, the next month, at the same time, there she was. Tears still streaming down her face, but she was at peace with sitting in the plant litter and watching the sun begin to peek its rays through the trees without a word. Morgana never tried to hold her again.
Visits passed since then, and now Morgana sat crosslegged next to Gwen, facing her grave. By now, she knew it was pointless to tuck her skirt under her; the ground's cold wouldn't seep into her legs, nor would it get her dirty.
Gwen sighed again. "I was thinking of skipping this month. It's been ten years. Can you believe that?"
Morgana shook her head. Every visit felt like it was punctuated by a night's rest. It had only been about four months for her.
"Well, they're pestering us for an heir again," Gwen curled into herself, brushing her hands clean to circle her knees with them. "I'm scared this might be when we can't fend them off. We've never talked about it, y'know?"
Morgana raised her eyebrows. "About children?"
"About him. About his... everything," Gwen pressed her lips together, looking down briefly before looking back at the marker. "He- Leon- He just... He isn't really into that. And I don't think I'd want to either. I don't love him." She sniffed and wiped her nose with the side of her fingers. "Not like you. Not like Arthur. Not like Lance. He's one of my best friends, but I don't love him."
Morgana pressed her lips together in a sad smile. Her arms itched to hold her, to give Gwen some kind of comfort.
"And Merlin. Gods, Merlin," Gwen wiped her nose again and put her hand on the dirt between her and Morgana. "He's gone, Morgana. He's- It's like nobody's home half the time, and I'm watching him waste himself away. You remember one time I said he was missing?"
Morgana nodded. She remembered the way Gwen shuddered as she reported Merlin missing. Her dress and cloak were soaking at the bottoms from the snow. It was the last time she'd knelt in the same way she had the first visit.
"Well, it turns out he was starving himself, just to see if he could and still survive."
Morgana's brow wrinkled, and her chest heaved as she sighed. It felt odd when she couldn't breathe.
"It's only been a decade. What's that compared to forever? He's apparently immortal." Gwen's voice muffled as she tucked her face into her knees.
Morgana raised her eyebrows again, frowning. "And here the druids were saying he had a purpose."
Gwen squeezed herself further into her ball. "I'm just worried sick about everything the council wants from me versus what Camelot needs. And he's-" She untucked her face and wiped her eyes. "I offered him the court sorcerer role. He declined."
"That's not-"
"I just need to forget about him. At least for now. Leon and Percy know how to help, I can rely on them." Gwen nodded to herself, closing her eyes as she breathed in and out. When she opened her eyes, Morgana saw the queen Camelot saw daily. "Camelot needs me to be their queen; I can't be stuck chasing a ghost that isn't even dead, friend or otherwise."
"You shouldn't have to." Morgana's control snapped. She placed her hand on the hand Gwen had placed between them. She could imagine the warmth seeping into her palm and how the touch would feel in her heart. She swallowed down a wave of tears, then felt them come back up as she caught Gwen shivering in the corner of her eye. They dripped down her face. She never saw them hit the ground. "You shouldn't have to."
The sun was brushing the tops of the trees above. At Morgana's calculation, it was probably nine or ten o'clock. It shouldn't have startled her when Gwen stood up, passing her hand through Morgana's.
"I'll see you next month, Morgana," She smiled, brushing down her skirts. "I'd better be getting back before people start worrying."
"I'm sure you do," Morgana muttered. Her face felt sticky and dry anyway; she'd need to return to Avalon to wash her face.
Gwen curtseyed to the grave marker. Then, she turned to walk back to her horse.
Meanwhile, Morgana curtseyed to Gwen's back.
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freementallyillkid · 2 years
Jinx x Dancer (male reader)
Jinx’s POV
I landed on the ground from the small building I jumped off of bolting down the street Enforcers hot on my trail. Swinging around the corner into the alleyway they weren’t nearly as maze-like as the ones in the Undercity, but they worked.
After a little while of running around occasionally taking out Enforcers. I crouched down in an alley catching my breath when I heard loud music coming from the building that I was leaning on. Thinking it might be a bar I slipped in through the back door. Though I quickly realized it was not a bar, but a dance of some kind based on the costum, posters and a handful of trophies.
I walked down the hall and quietly pushed it open. It lead to the back of a small auditorium. I was at the back of the room watching the people dance on the stage to a loud hip hop song. I couldn’t help but nod my head to the music.
My eyes wandered across the stage looking over the different dancers, my eyes catching on one in specific his body moving to the rhythm with ease. I watched the rest of the performance based on the lack of people in the seats. I think it was a practice my eye trained on him in specific. After the song ended another person walked out onto the stage from the left wing, “All right that’s enough for today remember the stage will be much bigger and our next meet will be on the real stage. Don’t forget to stretch, but don’t overwork yourself! See you all next week!” After the little announcement the group dispersed after some light conversation.
I followed the person I had been watching out the way I came. It looks like he was taking a shortcut through the alley to get home I assumed which was great because it gave me a chance to talk to him. I hopped down behind him, “Hey Toots nice dance moves!” I said.
He spun around and screamed, clutching his shirt where his heart was. “Holy shit lady you scared the shit out of me!” I couldn’t help but giggle at his shouting.
“Sorry didn’t mean to scare ya.” I said apologetically as I watched his eyes scan my form catching on the grenades I didn’t have to use . “Oh don’t worry bout those I’d never hurt ya. I just wanted to introduce myself.” I explained.
“But aren’t you Jinx?” He asked tentatively “You know the criminal?”
“Well yeah, but what does that have to do with me introducing myself?” I asked, tilting my head.
“I- I’m a dancer, why would you want to introduce yourself to me?” He asked, shouldering his bag.
“Like I said earlier, you're a good dancer. You said you already knew me, but I’m Jinx!” I said, “And you are…” I asked, pulling out the last word.
“Well nice to meet ya Y/n. When did you start dancing yer really good at it?” I questioned tugging on his arm so he would start walking again.
“Since I was like six.” He answered walking alongside me, “So why are you here anyway?”
“Oh some Enforcers were chasing after cause I blew something up, so I ran around in the allies for a little when I heard the music coming from outside your building, so I decided to have a looksee and I found you!”
“You blew something up!” He exclaimed, startled.
“Oh don’t worry onee one got hurt this time.” I said nonchalantly. He didn’t seem very happy about the this time, but didn’t comment on it. “Hey ya know what would be fun?” He just raised an eyebrow, “I could come to your next practice!”
Immediately he paused, “I don’t think having a notorious criminal at practice would be a good idea…”
“Well no one would be able to see me, but I would get to watch ya and maybe we could hang out for a little after.” I explained pressing my lips together picking at my already chipped nail polish as I waited for him to reply.
After what felt like way too long he said, “Yeah alright, but only once I’d definitely get kicked off if they knew I even talked to you.”
“Alright! No one will see me I promise!” I said giggling. He nodded, “I’ll see ya next week toots!” And before he could ask or say anything else I disappeared onto the rooftops and I couldn’t stop smiling the whole way home.
Word count:766
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