#we had to render the skin and the eyes and it makes me so happy so you can get the little teasing
theandrosaur · 6 months
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Little preview of what i'm silently cooking.
Hint: it's a school project.
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be3per · 23 days
showering their wife some love 💗
PAIRING: you x jjk men
includes: kissing, praise, biting, fluff, crack, suggestiveness (can’t find out how to do the colour gradient thing on mobile 💔 i’ll try to find out how soon dw 🔥)
not gonna include all the men but i might do something related to this in the future!
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love them <3
you woke up to the feeling of someone gently jumping on your bed. eyes fluttering open, you took in the sight of your lovely husband with your baby in his arms, making their chubby legs bounce around beside you.
“toru.. what’re you doing?” you smiled while wiping the sleep from your eyes. his piercing, yet soothing blue eyes staring at you. a huge grin was plastered on his face as he gently handed you the baby while you sat up.
“mornin’ baby.” he spoke, admiration in his tone. it always was there, but thicker than usual. he sat down on the bed beside you, pulling you into a kiss. he pulled away and took something out his pocket. something like a credit card?
you took it from his hands. “hun? this is..?”
“money. bought you a specific card linked to my account with a specific amount of money in it for special days.” he said confidently, kissing your cheek.
“special day..? today is..” your baby gently tugged on your shirt, smiling up at you.
“ma! mama!” you cooed at the baby, tapping her nose. “yes baby?”
“ma.. mama day..!!” you laughed softly, kissing your baby on the forehead as satoru watched you do so.
he’s so grateful to land you.
“mother’s day.” he whispered. you looked at him, your smile wider. you brought your other hand and grabbed his, kissing his palm.
“you’re ridiculous. you waking me up with our baby and giving me a whole card? did you teach her to say that as well?” he laughed, nodding and letting go of your hand to circle around your waist and pulled you closer to him. he kissed your jaw affectionately.
“‘course darling. anything for you. you know that, right?” you nodded, letting go of our baby and letting her crawl into his lap. you nuzzled your forehead against his, sighing contently.
“i’m so lucky to have you.” you mumbled.
“our baby is lucky to have you as her mama, ain’t that right?” and your baby giggled beneath him, innocent eyes sparkling.
he had his eyes.
you had to run errands, coming back with a loving kiss from your husband. “hey baby,” he whispered against your lips. “missed you.”
you giggled, kissing his cheek. he took notice of the grocery bags you were holding, immediately taking them from your hands. he began walking to the kitchen, you following right behind him. he placed the bags on the table.
you looked around for a moment, noticing how there was a rose petal on the floor.
“baby?” he hummed, turning around and raised an eyebrow. you picked up the rose petal, showing it to him.
“was this you?” he looked confused, grabbing it.
“no..? i would’ve shown you flowers if i bought them, babe.” you turned to the hallway, seeing more. a path?
you began following the path, suguru following in confusion.
it led to your shared bedroom. you turned the handle, candles and rose petals in the shape of a heart on the floor. you walked inside, the smell of the candles was comforting.
until you heard the door shut and lock with a ‘click!’ behind you.
“sugu..” he laughed softly behind you, scooping you into his arms swiftly and putting you down on the bed, trapping you between his arms.
“happy mother’s day, darling.” he whispered, kissing your neck as you squirmed, still trying to render in what was happening.
“m-mothers day?” you ask. “i don’t..”
“you already treat the girls well, baby. why don’t we make one ourselves?” he asked, his lips still attached to your skin.
“unless you’re not ready.” he corrected, now lifting his face and hovering over you. you thought for a moment.
a baby.. with him.
and with a nod, the two of you went in heated, out with a content sigh.
“i love you baby.” he whispered. you whimpered in response, voice slack from his repetitive thrusts and rough teasing. he only smirked in response, taking your lips against his instead.
you were busy making dinner, toji and megumi in the living room toying around. as you tossed vegetables into the boiling pot, a tug at your leg was felt and you looked down to see megumi and a huge grin on his face.
“hey megs.. what’s up?” you kneeled down, scooping him up and cradling him with one hand as you stirred the pot. he simply giggled in your grasp, little hands holding onto your arm.
toji came by from behind, arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you back against his chest. “he said he missed you. tired of playing with daddy, huh?” he looked at megumi, a laidback smile on his face.
“dada wanted me to.. say something to you!” megumi exclaimed, making you pause with dinner. you looked over at megumi then over your shoulder to toji.
“i swear.. if you taught him something naughty like you did earlier..” toji’s rasp laugh filled the room, his chin resting on your shoulder and a kiss to your neck. “no ma, trust me.”
you playfully rolled your eyes and turned off the stove, looking back at megumi. “so megs? what’s up?” your other available hand went down and held toji’s hand, his large one interlocking fingers with yours.
“happy.. mother’s day!” he said, toji cheering behind you. one of his arms unwrapped your waist and went to ruffle megumi’s hair. a proud father.
“good job!” he praised, your eyes widening at the wholesome sight.
“oh my god!!” you say, laughing softly. “that’s what it was?” megumi nodded happily, toji’s cheering dimmed but his proud expression didn’t.
“i knew he could do it. got the confidence from his dad.” toji smirked and kissed your cheek before letting go of you, taking megumi from you. he let go of him, tossing him in the air and caching him. you snickered, shaking your head as you turned the heat on the stove on again.
toji let go of megumi, his little legs running to the living room before toji stood beside you, kissing your cheek.
“happy mother’s day, ma.” he said smoothly. you looked at him and kissed the corner of his lip, where the scar was. you could’ve sworn you saw hearts in his eyes.
“go monitor gumi, hun.” his hand met your ass and gave it a firm squeeze, a gasp leaving your lips. he smirked, lips going to your neck and sucking, leaving a fresh hickey.
“annnddd?” he coos, peppering kisses on your shoulder.
you sighed, smiling. “i’ll give you something in the bedroom later for my gift of gratitude.”
he gave your ass a squeeze again. “good girl.”
you could hear megumi call for toji and he gave you one more kiss on the cheek and a quick ‘love you’ before he went to the living room.
you were waiting for kento to come home. he hated working overtime but he was still out.. for an hour.
worry filled you, but it quickly diminished when you heard the front door open. you rushed over, seeing him and his handsome face. a sigh left your lips as you embraced him, his hand going over and pressing against the small of your back.
“hey darling.” he mumbled. his other hand came and handed you a bouquet of flowers.
“aww ken! you got me these?” you smiled, kissing his cheek as he closed the door behind him and took off his coat and work shoes.
“mhm. today is mother’s day and even if we don’t have a kid, doesn’t mean that i’m gonna skip today.” you stared at your husband, tilting your head.
“huh—?” and he showed you a cage.. for a pet.
“NANAMI KENTO I’M GONNA MARRY YOU.” you screamed excitedly, taking the cage from him and running to the living room, his deep chuckles heard behind you as he followed suit. even if you didn’t know what was inside, you had a hunch. “we already are.” he says.
you giggled as you took off the blanket that covered the cage, revealing a small baby golden retriever. you tried not to scream again, not wanting to hurt the poor puppy. the dog wagged its tail happily, letting out small barks.
“i know that you’re scared to give birth, so i decided to get you the second best option. you’ve been obsessing over getting a dog so this works just as well.” you opened the cage, the puppy barking excitedly and jumping into your arms.
you looked at your husband, teary eyed.
“i love you.” you mumbled, emotional.
he only smiled, bending down a bit to kiss the top of your head.
“i love you more, beautiful.”
you groaned as sukuna massaged your shoulders and neck.
you were still confused as to why he was so passive today, but you didn’t complain.
“woman, i’ve been thinking.” you hummed. his movements slowed. “yeah kuna?”
“you’re my wife.” you slowly nodded, trying to see where this’ll go.
“i need a child.”
if you had a drink in your mouth, you would’ve spit it out.
“we’re making one tonight.”
the silence was thick, but judging how he didn’t say anything more, he was dead serious.
“kuna.. i would love to but.. i only every had one of your cocks. can i try both then?” his cheeks flushed, a cough coming from his throat.
“yeah, sure woman. make sure not just cry as much tonight then.” you nodded, stomach full of butterflies. he was direct, demanding. but he was softer today, was there a reason? wait..
“are you only saying this because it’s mother’s day?” he stopped massaging you, moving over to stand in front of you. he kneeled down in front of you, kissing your thigh.
“not just because. for some reason, i’ve been tempted to put a little shit in your tummy for days.” you smiled down at him, hand going in his hair and carding through his locks.
“wording it like that makes me feel weird.. but since it’s the same message, that’s alright.” you laughed softly, his hand coming up and cupping your cheek before he stood back up and kissed your lips.
“you’ll be the perfect wife.” he whispers.
“happy mother’s day, woman.” and you giggle.
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thatfandomslut · 4 months
Healing You
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Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Trigger Warnings: description of an injury & fluff that might rot your teeth
Can I re request properly for a Regina x reader where there’s loads of hurt/comfort and Regina’s back problems because the bus can be a part of it. Thank you so so much
Mean Girls requests are open.
When Regina George sent a text to her girlfriend that she was in desperate need of a back massage, (Y/n) made sure to pack all of her essential oils. Regina had finally lost her corrective neck collar but still had severe back pain due to the bus accident. Anytime she needed a massage, (Y/n) was there with essential oils and what could be a new career as a masseuse. Or, at least, that was what Regina deemed as (Y/n) gently rubbed out the knots that had formed down Regina's back. Regina wasn't sure if she was tearing up at how much pain she was in, or if she was tearing up because it felt so good.
(Y/n) gently kissed the back of her head as tears rolled down her cheeks, her eyes shut as her chin rested on top of the pillows gently. "What's wrong, princess?" (Y/n) asked as her thumbs gently rolled over her skin carefully. She made sure to work hard at the deep knots but to be careful to not further injure the girl. She was always so gentle when massaging Regina, recognizing all of her limits or signs of pain. "Does it hurt? Would you like me to stop?" (Y/n) inquired softly, easing up on her touch. She didn't want to keep massaging Regina if it hurt.
"No, no, please keep going," Regina gasped as (Y/n) fingers got right back to work. Regina wiped some tears away as she thought about all of the words inside her head. "I was just thinking of how I wasn't a good friend to Gretchen, Karen, or Cady. Nor was I always nice to you. And, I'm sorry. I know I don't use that word very often, but I genuinely mean it. I'm sorry I wasn't a good girlfriend, (Y/n)."
The notion rendered (Y/n) speechless as she took in Regina's words. Her fingers slowed to a stop as she lay next to Regina, gently nudging her so that she could meet Regina's ice-blue eyes. "You were never a bad girlfriend. Neither of us is perfect, but that doesn't make us bad. If you were ever mean to me, we talked it through. I am happy and content with you. I think an apology could go a long way with the girls, especially Gretchen, but you were never a bad girlfriend to me." (Y/n) whispered, letting her know that this growth was okay and normal to go through.
Regina nodded before leaning over to kiss (Y/n), who responded quickly, kissing her back. (Y/n) smiled on Regina's lips, glad to have brought her comfort in what seemed to be her hour of need. Gently pulling away, (Y/n) placed another kiss on Regina's nose and the other on her forehead. "Do you want me to keep massaging you, or would you like to take a nap? I could wake you up when it's time for your pain medication." Everything was on a schedule for Regina. Normally, (Y/n) would get calls and texts asking for massages around this time because it was when her medicine would be wearing off and she would need more.
Regina smiled as she thought for a moment. "Would it be wrong to ask for both? I could really take a good nap as you massaged me. When I fall asleep, you could also hold me." Regina offered as she tried to bribe (Y/n) into something she already knew she was going to do. (Y/n) moved to continue her massage, agreeing to Regina's offer easily. She didn't need Regina to bribe her with cuddles in order for her to massage Regina as she fell asleep.
It wasn't long before Regina's soft snores were heard, and (Y/n) stopped herself from massaging Regina's back. Sneaking off the bed, she made her way to Regina's bathroom as she washed her hands from the essential oils she had on her hands. Returning, she was happy to see Regina still asleep. (Y/n) laid in bed as she gently cuddled up to the girl, holding her close as she set an alarm. She wanted to make sure that Regina received her medicine.
The alarm's beeping woke (Y/n) up from her dozing as she pulled away from Regina, who groaned in protest. Retrieving the medicine, she gave Regina her water jug to take it. "Why do you stay here and help me so much (Y/n)? I really appreciate it, but don't you have other things to do? I don't want to be a burden." If there was anything that had changed about Regina since the bus accident, it was her speaking up about insecurities. And ever since (Y/n) had been coming over to help her, Regina constantly checked to make sure she wasn't being a burden or keeping (Y/n) from something.
"Healing you is very important to me, Regina. It's why I make sure you get proper rest to heal. I learned how to do massages, and what essential oils are the best, and I would do all of that again if you ever needed me to. I love you, and I will always take care of you whenever you need me to." (Y/n) said softly before sitting next to Regina and taking the water bottle back to sit on the nightstand. "It's what partners do. They take care of each other."
Regina smiled over at her, more comfortable and less insecure. "I love you, too. Thank you for all you have been doing to help me (Y/n). Your support and care have meant the absolute world to me." Regina admitted, laying down and motioning over at (Y/n) to join her. (Y/n) accepted the invitation happily before snuggling up to her girlfriend and pulling her into her arms carefully. She would always be there for Regina, no matter what, and she knew that Regina would do the same for her, too.
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partycatty · 2 months
Hiee! I love the way you write bi han. When i read new tricks i IMMEDIATELY ascended. The depression i got when i finished reading them was tragic…
Me thirsting: I really wanna make out wit that man, like… imagine a situation where all you do is stare at him and hope he telepathically gets what you wanna do, but he just ignores you cause he dunno know how to initiate that shit 💀 he just needs a little push per say! Maybe one day you decide enough is enough and you sit your happy ass right down on his lap and bat your lashes at him like a menace 💕
ps: i hope u don’t mind me yapping… ik cage is your man, i apologize 😔🙏🏾
bi-han > see me now
notes: i've noticed i've kinda diverted my attention to other mk boys lately... namely raiden, kuai liang, bi-han and liu kang... so this works perfectly for me...
[ masterlist ]
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• bi-han was a common victim to your teasing, particularly because it would render him entirely speechless and still. for a man that tends to rant about glory and strength, you shut him up like nothing else.
• it was really hard to ignore the fact that you were super into each other, the air thick and tension high when you two were in each other's presence. his brothers would roll their eyes as their grandmaster stands dead-still, as if you had the ability to sense fear when you'd bat your eyelashes his way.
• he can't go to anyone for advice. what, he's gonna talk about his feelings? like a loser? no. real ninjas let emotions fester.
• which brings us to where we are now
• bi-han sat at his desk, physically straining himself to focus on the scroll in front of him when he sees your presence in the doorway. shit, he recognized your footsteps down the hall the moment you were in earshot.
• trying to act as if you weren't shitting your own pants at the thought of your plan, you plant your ass on his desk, sitting and dangling your feet from the wooden furniture with a singsong look about you.
• the silence is so thick is almost halts your breathing. his stone-cold face makes you wonder if this was a bad idea in hindsight, at least, until his lips part to speak.
• "what are you doing?" a simple question, really, but the answer was completely lost on you. thinking back, you didn't actually have a plan. what did you expect to happen? this is bi-han we're talking about.
• "sitting," you reply with your nose high, looking down at him like his question was idiotic.
• "on my desk?" another long silence hurts your ears as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "what do you want." his question sounded less like a question and more like an annoyed statement. then again, everything he says sounds annoyed.
• "what's your deal?" you ask your questions in such a light tone, bi-han feels more obligated to feel threatened. "do you like me or not?"
• clearly this isn't getting far. "what?"
• you huff and decide it was now or never. sliding from his desk, you saunter your way around and swing one leg over his thighs, then the other. his hands shoot out to support you, right on the plush skin of the outside of your thighs. bi-han's eyes are wide.
• "you see me now?" you try to sound triumphant past your nerves, looking up at the ninja through your lashes. "always so afraid to look at me. you're not subtle, grandmaster."
• forced to face you, his gruff words feel choked as they come out. "i don't—"
• "yes you do," you smile, albeit a little wickedly as you shift on his lap, making a cold breath slip past his lips.
• "what are you getting at?" he seems eager to end this, to cool his heated temperature.
• you hum in thought before wrapping your arms around his neck. "i want you to kiss me."
• "now?"
• you roll your eyes at his chipping resolve, tugging him in by the back of his head. both of your eyes wander across each other's expressions before bi-han hesitantly meets his lips with yours. as expected, they have a bit of a chill as he makes contact, but even still you feel him melt into the touch, gripping harder on your thighs to ground himself.
• you only get a moment to pull away and breathe, relishing in taking what you wanted from the hard ass grandmaster. the triumph is short lived when he thrusts his head back in, connecting his lips with yours with more fervor after successfully testing the waters.
• he's hungry, craving more of what he sampled after successfully tearing down this stupid barrier he put up. god, your taste drives him wild as his hands guide your hips along his, grinding with hard pressure.
• it becomes open-mouthed and messy rather quickly, bi-han's hands wandering up from your thighs to your waist, the touch making you shiver and gasp as he uses the opportunity to lick his tongue into your mouth, completely absorbing every whimper you give.
• your hands snake into his hair, deepening the kiss when you snag a fistful of his dark locks, and he groans into your mouth just as the tie falls loose. strands litter his face and swirl about, you hadn't even noticed they were wavy from how often he keeps his hair up.
• the want for more is overpowered by your critical thinking skills. "weren't you busy?"
• bi-han shakes his head slightly, jumping up from his chair and bringing you with him. instinctively, your thighs clasp around his middle, holding his shoulders as he shamelessly uses your ass to hold you up. you're slid onto the desk as various items clatter and fall to the floor, his hard body fitting perfectly between your legs as he reaches forward to kiss you again, chasing your lips when you pull away.
• "it can wait."
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almond-tofuuu · 3 months
Whispers of forever
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Rafayel x reader
we take a break from our usual Zayne content to bring you a fluffy Rafayel fic, in honour of his birthday 🎂
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, Rafayel (bc he should come with his own warning), reader is called miss bodyguard, ooc Rafayel? (it's my first time writing for him so I apologise if he's kinda ooc)
Happy birthday to our favourite Mermaid!!!! 🎉🎁🎂
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The early morning sun filtered in through the large open window of Rafayel's bedroom, casting its warming glow across the expanse of his bed, causing your skin to tingle under the pleasant heat. Groaning softly as your eyes fluttered open, you stretch your arms before reaching out to the side, hands subconsciously searching for Rafayel, longing to curl into his chest and fall back asleep. But your hands are met with empty sheets, the spot beside you where Rafayel sleeps is cold, clearly he's been up for a while now. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes you push yourself up to sit on the edge of the bed, bare feet meeting the fluffy carpet below.
"Well well, look who's finally decided to wake up~" the familiar teasing tone brings a fond smile to your face, turning to find Rafayel lounging in a chair by the open window. A gentle breeze ruffles his soft, dusky hair, his handsome features illuminated by the sunlight, pale skin glowing under its rays. He truly is a sight to behold, alluring appearance rivaling even the most magnificent masterpiece.
Rafayel tilts his head, playful smirk tugging at his lips "you seem a little distracted, miss bodyguard, don't tell me that my boundless good-looks have rendered you speechless?~" his usual teasing has you turning your head away, attempting to hide the heat rising to your cheeks, a pout forming on your lips at being caught staring. You can hear his chuckle followed by the shuffling of fabric as Rafayel rises from his seat, feet padding softly against the floor as he makes his way over to you. You feel his eyes on you as long, slender fingers play with a loose strand of your hair. "Don't be shy, I like it when you look at me. In fact~" his fingers gently trail along your jaw, tilting your chin upwards until your forced to meet his gaze, bluish-pink eyes holding a tenderness despite his teasing tone. "I want to be the only one you look at, now and forever"
Your eyes widen, blush deepening at the possible meaning behind his words, a nervous laugh bubbles from your lips "if I didn't know any better, I'd think that sounded like a proposal"
"And what if it was? Would you accept it?" His voice had lost its playful tone, replaced by a sudden vulnerability that was reflected in his eyes, making your breath hitch at the unusual seriousness in his face. The air is still around you, thrums with anticipation much like the quickened beating of your heart. Your eyes flicker over Rafayel's face, searching his expression for any indicators that this is just more of his usual teasing, that any minute now he's going to burst out laughing at the dumbfounded look on your face. But the earnest look in his eyes, so honest and hopeful and equally afraid, tells you that he means it. Your hand moves to rest over his palm that is cradling the side of your face, head leaning into his touch, a shaky exhale leaving you before your lips curve into a soft smile.
"Rafayel, nothing would make me happier than spending forever by your side" your voice is quiet, barely above a whisper, but it's overflowing with the depth of the love you feel for the man in front of you. You watch as Rafayel processes your answer, chest falling with the release of the breath he'd been holding in anticipation, gorgeous eyes lighting up as an equally gorgeous smile spreads across his face. You only got a second to admire it though as Rafayel tackled you in a hug, the both of you falling backwards onto the bed, giggling and sharing sweet, soft kisses. When you had both finally calmed down, you simply lay there, wrapped in eachothers embrace, your fingers tracing along the soft skin of Rafayel's exposed chest as his gentle stroked through your hair. Basking in the gentle glow of sunlight and the warmth of your love, Rafayel laid his forehead against yours, his eyes locking onto your own, and within them you saw a tidal wave of emotions. A tsunami of love, adoration and joy that threatened to drown out the rest of the world until all you could focus on was the man in front of you. The man you loved with all your heart.
"Don't forget your promise, miss bodyguard, you're mine now, forever. And my heart-" Rafayel gently hold your palm to his chest, letting you feel the strong, steady rhythm of his heartbeat. "My heart will forever be yours."
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undercoverpena · 1 year
Hi Jo! Love the idea of #mmvalentinesevent! Could I please request Ghost x Rain, and specifically Rain freaking out because Ghost was reckless and risked his life for a USB? Was that when Ghost fell in love? Happy Valentines xx
retrieve it.
simon ‘ghost’ riley x f!reader (rain!reader)
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an: a huge thank you to @ave661 for allowing me to use this beautiful image. i’d written the scene, seen the render, and it was like two worlds colliding in the most brilliant way. thank you, i adore you
wc: 1.6k | an: no warnings, little anxiety/worry. i changed the prompt a little, as i wanted to do them established already for v-day ♥️
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It mirrors it. The mission that first made you realise you didn’t just admire him, but had feelings for your lieutenant.
It was the one that haunted your nightmares, more so now, than it had done at the time. The one which shattered your small world, making it hard to think of anything but him.
He almost became a ghost. A real one.
Something he knows, but won’t admit. Likely knowing there are more times than he can count where it’s been that close or worse.
And you should be listening as Price gives the rest of them a role, a part to play. You don’t hear him, don’t even take the file from the table. Everything was the same, anyway.
You’re with Soap. You’re the one staring down the scope—you’re the one protecting his six. You’re drowning, dazed…
Words are simply circling, but not sinking in. Your nose heightened to his deodorant suddenly, to the way his skin smells when you’re nose is pressed against his chest. You’re not even close to him. But your body reaches for him, clings to him—attempting to smother the building worry:
People aren’t that lucky.
He’d walked from it last time—fire whipping around him, scorch marks having kissed his clothes and exposed skin. It’s not that you ever focus on, but the minute that felt like an hour when he wasn’t responding. When his radio crackled, and you realised that you liked him—that you cared, that you—
You’re panicking a whole metre away from him. No way close enough for him to tell. But he does. His eyes lock with yours under the balaclava, digging his pupils into your skin: I’m here, I’m here.
But for how long?
They all tease Soap for being the first to rush into danger, to throw himself on the grenade. But, Simon isn’t that different. He’s more methodical, having likely come to a calculated conclusion rather than reactionary, but he still throws himself against danger. His isn’t to be a hero, but to pay a due—one he doesn’t even owe.
It’s why you keep replaying Price’s words from minutes ago—
We can’t fuck this. Ghost. You’ll b’going in alone, y’retrieve the USB…
Price knows he’ll do it. Knows without fucking question. It almost makes you a little mad at your captain.
Because Ghost will pull apart buildings, rip through people, and willingly throw himself into flames for the mission—for the cause.
It’s all you can think of. It’s all that plays in your mind. Untangling and tangling again, like a pair of headphones which have been in your pocket for too long.
“Meeting adjourn—“
You’re out of the room before anyone else. Your boots slamming and echoing down corridors, t-shirt suddenly too tight, belt too restrictive…
That’s what you feel. It makes your arm throb, it makes the scars littered along your skin burn. It makes you want to claw—practically consuming you. Filling you from the ankles to your forehead, suffocating you, wrapping its hands around your heart and lungs as it squeezes and squeezes and—
You almost slam through the door. The one which leads to an empty room—a former office. A desk and a chair are all that remain as evidence that they belonged to someone once. A desk and chair you and Ghost have made use of when you truly need time alone—no interruptions, no risk of being caught.
You could seat yourself in the chair, but you slide onto the desk. Pushing your back against the jagged brick, letting your feet hang, moving them forwards and backwards.
It works, sometimes. Roots you. You trying to keep yourself level-headed. Breathing in and out, trying to stuff it all down, and yet, you’re failing—badly. Mind tumbling, falling aimlessly through your neck, chest and stomach.
You can’t lose him.
It’s what builds inside of you, occasionally being drilled like a woodpecker against your skull. You had thought the same then, and didn’t—hadn’t. But, the helplessness never eased, even when he held you close. The emptiness you felt, when he entered the building, but took so long to come out.
That same emptiness has worsened over time, developed into something thicker and harder to ignore. It multiplies, in the same way, your feelings for him have.
Rain doesn’t wash away ghosts, but it falls similarly to how you have for him. Quickly, significantly. It sits on your chest when he stares at you in silence, when his calloused touch brushes over your cheek, softly, intimately.
None of them knows.
None of them would have even considered that you love him, and that he… feels something close to it. They don’t know. None of them understood the anger he felt when your arm was dislocated; none of them comprehended why anger had burst out of you when he was nearly shot because of shoddy intel.
They don’t know, because they don’t have it: a secret which erodes in your chest, one that makes it hard to think. You sigh, and then you hear it—footsteps, one’s which seem to slow your pulse back to a regular rhythm.
He always has that effect on you. The same as he always finds you.
It almost makes you wonder if he’s akin to a heat-seeking missile. Never missing, never too far away from locating you. You’d ask him, whether he had a sixth sense, but you’re not sure you can talk.
Ghost says nothing as he steps in, but he’s rolled his sleeves up. His ink and veins on show as he walks towards you in silence, the door meeting the frame the only thing to shatter the quiet.
Before he came to your home, Ghost stalked towards you. Since then, he walks. Each movement he does towards you is more rounded, less jagged.
“In and out.”
He says it so confidently you snort. He’s always confident—it’s Simon who isn’t.
Ghost is clinical, emotionless, and withdrawn—and rightly so, for the things he’s had to do. It’s Simon who can’t consider the possibility that someone is waiting for him—the former not allowing himself to consider he’s worth it.
You lift your chin at your callsign, finding him standing in front of you. His bare hand slowly slid over your knee, your legs parting—just enough to let him move a little closer.
It’s gentle, almost confusingly so. The two of you rarely share these moments, the quiet ones, the ones where so much is said, but with eyes and softer gestures.
You focus on the scratch fabric of his trousers catching on your inner knees and thighs as he steps between your legs, nudging the desk you’re placed on.
He says nothing, and neither do you.
A flash of memories fluttering like the wings of butterflies: him at your one-person table, him in your bed—your sheets; him finding you in the showers, him bringing you a can of Coke… just because.
It’s his palm sliding up the outside of your thigh that makes you really meet his gaze. Not afraid or ashamed of the tears brewing in them, your lips parting, but the words don’t fall—don’t roll from your tongue…
I need you alive. I need you.
Your hands, though, take hold of his top—burning the words as hard as you can into the fabric, hoping he hears you. Not sure if you can spit them out. Even if your heart is bellowing it, furiously banging on your ribs to get him to hear you.
“It’s not like then.”
“No?” you murmur.
He shakes his head, silent, but direct.
“You’ll do anything to finish a mission.”
He nods, tracing a circle on your outer thigh, making your skin tingle. “I will.”
“You… you put yourself in danger, and… I admire it, fuck I love that about you, but…”
“I have you.”
You feel your brows furrow before you’re even sure you hear him. His words smothering the ones from Price—the ones which hadn’t dislodged for prayers or hopes. Only him.
He swallows, lifting his other hand to your cheek, holding your eyes on his. “I have you, and you like me alive.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, sharply. Nodding softly against his palm as he sighs.
“In and out.”
“In and out.”
He gives a curt nod, slowly lowering his forehead against yours, fingers strumming your thigh and your cheek.
“Plus, your scope will b’on me,” he gruffly whispers.
“I-It will.”
He strokes his thumb over your chin. “Then I’ll be fine.”
You hate his confidence, the pressure which falls in flecks onto your shoulders.
“No one I trust more to have my back, Rain.”
“You’re just saying that—”
He lifts his head, tilting your chin up, staring down into your soul through the blacks of your eyes. “Not to you. I never say… not to you, alright?”
You nod, rolling your lips as you sigh. Unsure whether you should say it, let the words kiss the air, until they fall from your tongue all the same—
“I love you alive, Simon.”
His eyes widen at the chance in word. The noticeable difference from like to love.
Your hands balling up against his clothing, his hand gripping your thigh. Perfection. That’s what you think as you hold on for as long as you both can, making sure he knows you mean them. Your words.
Then you feel it, his heart hammering more purposefully against your wrist, as you clutch onto him a little tighter.  
And then, he lifts the fabric from his chin, letting you see soft pink and stubble, before he kisses a reply against your lips, over and over again.
One which burns in all the right ways; one which you carry with you, as you make sure he’s safe as you stare down the scope.
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avatar-anna · 1 year
The Cutest F****** Thing
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just some fluff with latina!reader and harry (one of my personal fave couples tbh). enjoy!
Harry Styles x Latina!Reader
"What do you think, bubbie? Do I look okay?"
Harry looked up from his phone, his cheeks flaming when he heard your nickname for him. He'd never been with anyone so verbally affectionate before until he met you, but he was finding that he didn't mind it one bit. He loved it, even.
When he tried to respond, his throat went dry, his words getting caught up and jumbled there. You were still facing yourself in the mirror propped against your bedroom wall, but when Harry had failed to say anything, you turned around to face where he was lying across your bed.
"You look lovely," he finally managed to say, but even he could tell he sounded awkward.
You grinned at his bashfulness while playfully putting your hands on your hips. "Are you speechless at the mere sight of me?"
One of the first things Harry had loved about you was how easily you diffused the tension in him, how you instantly made him feel comfortable no matter what. He still felt a little sheepish that you managed to render him speechless. Harry wasn't a dick, but he could admit that he normally didn't get this nervous around girls, but even after a couple dates he still felt like the ground was unsteady beneath him whenever he was around you.
But he also had a feeling that you liked how flustered he got. "I am. You look incredible in red."
Now it was your turn to blush, your cheeks matching your red leather jacket. You walked over to where Harry had yet to move from his comfortable position on your bed. When you straddled his waist, his hands were quick to find your thighs.
"Would you say I look inc—red—ible?" you asked, wiggling your eyebrows at him.
Harry grinned immediately. He never thought he would meet someone who was dorky as he was, yet you gave him a healthy run for his money. And he absolutely adored it. "You are just the cutest fucking thing, you know that?"
His hands began to creep up your denim skirt, and when he gave you a look, you were leaning down to kiss him. Your hands reached for the long, silky strands of his hair, twirling them around your fingers. You and Harry hadn't been together for very long, but you were crazy about each other. He was just so sweet and so tender and unlike anyone you'd ever met before. You just clicked, and you were so happy together, you hoped you never stopped feeling giddy around him.
Which was why you couldn't help but get lost in him.
Harry's hands sent fire licking down your spine as he continued to pull kiss after kiss from your lips. He took your bottom lip between his own, sucking on it like there was nothing else he'd rather be doing. And when he had his hands on you and yours were in his hair and scratching his scalp to make him hum with pleasure, there was no place you would rather have been either.
"We're gonna be late, bubba," you said when you were finally able to catch your breath. Harry had moved onto your neck, and you felt like you had to stop him when you felt him bite down a little too hard. "We're supposed to meet your friends."
"It's okay if we're a little late," he said, his lips forming the words against your skin.
You pulled him back then, holding his hair firmly in your grip when he pouted and tried to kiss you again. It was hard to resist him when he looked like that—hair tousled, mouth red and smeared with lip gloss, eyes covered in a lusty glaze and devouring every inch of skin not totally covered up. On principle, you tried not to give into him, though it wasn't easy. This time, however, you managed to stand your ground.
"We can't be late. I don't want to make a bad impression."
Harry frowned for an entirely different reason, then. "Do you think my friends won't like you?"
You shrugged, but Harry could tell it was more than that. You weren't an overly confident person, but you were sure of yourself, something Harry had come to admire about you. He didn't think meeting some of his close friends would make you nervous, but apparently it did.
Harry kissed your forehead, holding your chin between his fingers so you would look him in the eye. "They're gonna love you, I promise."
"How can you be sure?" you asked, letting you little seeds of doubt rise to the surface.
You didn't like to compare yourself to Harry's previous girlfriends, but sometimes it was hard when everything he did was open to public perception. And the truth was you were rather different, not quite fitting the bill of his normal type. That part didn't bother you, you knew what Harry felt for you was genuine, but sometimes you got in your head about how others viewed your relationship.
"Because they'll take one look at the way I look at you, and they'll know how perfect you are for me," Harry said simply, like he had no doubt in his mind that that was what would happen. "If anything, I'm sure they're worried about making sure you like them. I've talked you up quite a bit, you know."
His confidence filled you with warmth and caused you to surge forward to kiss him again, but not long enough to be flipped around so that he was on top of you. But you made sure your appreciation and gratitude was felt as you kissed him, your fingers delicately tracing the planes of his cheekbone.
"Does that mean you won't be nervous to meet my family?" you asked him, speaking softly against his cheek as you peppered it with kisses until he couldn't help but grin.
"Fuck no. My stomach drops just thinking about it," he said, though it only sounded like he was partly joking.
You giggled, kissing his cheek a couple more times before standing up and straightening your skirt. Once your clothes were tugged into the correct spots again, you offered Harry your hand. He took it, standing up to hold you in the circle of his arms so you had to look up at him.
For his talk of nerves, he didn't actually feel nervous, he realized. Harry was excited by the prospect of meeting your family, of taking that step of being that much closer to you. He knew things were moving a little fast, but he wasn't scared by it. Right then, all he was certain of was that he wanted to dive head first into any challenge as long as you were by his side, and he wanted his and your closest friends and family to know it.
Harry looked at you intensely, his gaze sending a flutter to your stomach. You didn't know what it meant, but you figured you could wait to ask until after you met his friends. They'd been waiting long enough, you thought.
"We should go," you murmured, tracing the side of his face with your index finger.
"I know," Harry said, but he didn't even make an effort to move. "Promise we'll end up right back here when we get back?"
You smiled, smoothing his hair back as you did so. "I thought you were going back to your hotel."
In the grand scheme of things, you hadn't been together for very long. No matter how strongly you felt about each other, both of you tried to take things slow. Or tried to make a show of it, anyway before letting a date turn into spending the night or spending the night turning into two or three.
"I like your place better. It's cozier."
You rolled your eyes, but you didn't say anything to object to him staying the night. Instead you tugged him by the hand toward the door. "I think you're just scared to show me how messy you really are all by yourself."
"I happen to be the tidiest twenty-two year old you'll ever meet," Harry said as he shrugged into his coat, a gray one with black stripes. "I just like sleeping somewhere that feels lived in."
Your eyes softened a little at his confession. You knew he didn't love living out of a suitcase and in hotel rooms. Every time he came to visit you, you suggested staying at his hotel so he could make it to whatever meeting or event he had to get to the next morning with ease, but he always politely declined. You lived in a hovel compared to what Harry was probably used to, yet every time he was there it felt natural, like he was your roommate instead of the one you actually lived with. But that was everything about being with Harry. It all just felt so right.
"Can't argue with that, can I?" you said, looping your arm through his. As you stepped out of your apartment and locked up, you asked, "Do I have permission to ask about embarrassing childhood stories if I feel awkward?"
Harry shook his head with a grin spreading across his face. Not because he cared if you asked about what he was like growing up, but because you were just...you. He kissed the top of your head, taking in the scent of your shampoo before pulling back. "You can ask whatever you want, whenever you want."
Your eyes lit up immediately. "That's bold of you."
"I've got nothing to hide," he said with a wink. "I'll tell you anything you want to know on the walk over right now."
Harry expected you to respond in kind, but you didn't. He wasn't sure if you were playing with him or not, but he looked down at you with raised brows anyway. "Do you have something to hide?"
Your grin was sly yet playful. Reaching up on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek and whispered in his ear, "You'll just have to wait and see, won't you bubba?"
His stomach flipped with excitement at the mere thought of having a future with you, but he tried to play it as cool as you were. Harry normally could play it cool but he was quickly finding out that he couldn't be anything else but a giddy dork around you.
"Yeah, I guess I will," he said, more than happy to wait.
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theinnerunderrain · 2 years
Kiss [Yandere Genshin Headcanons]
Warnings: Yandere themes, intrusive thoughts, mentions of blood, slight sadism, infantilization, alcohol, drugging.
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Sudden but passionate.
Childe would have somewhat chapped lips, but not so arid to the point that you could feel the grains of his lips grinding against yours. But dry enough to add a light fraction, just enough to make your stomach flutter his gesture, enough to make you feel something. He would pinch and rub at your flesh, laughing at the way you would squirm and twitch under his hands. He would knead and pinch your flesh while giggling at how you would writhe and spasm beneath his hands, obviously taking enjoyment to your pain.
His taunting would cause your skin to turn reddish, producing a red stain spanning from your cheeks to your shoulders. Have you ever thought what would happen if he suddenly slashed you? Would the blood that spills from your wound further adorn you and render you more beautiful? Or would it discolour you, giving you the appearance of a bird that was just struck by his arrow?
A warm feeling surges through his stomach at the thought, feeling the way his pants slightly tightened and using his last will to not fuck your face right there and then.
You can't really blame him for thinking such things, considering how stunning you would be in red.
But perhaps that's another thought he could indulge in for later? He doubts you would be happy if he were suddenly to restrain you, using your body to suit his pleasure.
"You're not looking too well, dear."
He laughs softly as he examines your breathless body resting just above the mattress, your cheeks and ears flushed from attempting to regain your breath. You reach out to hold one of the pillows against your face in an effort to cover up the evident redness that has spread across your cheeks, feeling somewhat embarrassed to become so rile up over a mere kiss.
Yet, Childe's fingers shoot out to seize your wrist, preventing you from covering the pillow with your face as he laughs at your shyness.
How cute.
"Don't get so shy on me now."
Leaning close to you, his lips were just inches away from yours as he murmured whilst allowing his warm breath to sweep over your face. His breath somewhat smells like mint, and perhaps even want soup which made sense considering the food he had made you earlier.
"Afer all, the night is still young."
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Domineering yet sweet.
He would have plump, velvety lips that tasted faintly like cherries and expensive wine. You can certainly expect him to be employing the best lip treatment given that he is a man of grandeur, and I imagine you could smell him everytime your lips touched.
Without a doubt, his hands would be on your waist, pressing your body up against his, and perhaps even straddling him against his chair. His fingers would trail up and down the curve of your back, fiddling with the soft flesh and murmuring a soft "good girl."
A few sips of wine would certainly be consumed by him in between kisses, and he would make sure that the wine would trickle into your throat with every kiss. Pressing into his chest, you would giggle as the wine gradually starts to take effect, causing your face to turn crimson and your eyes to become slightly blurred.
"Maybe it's time we retire for the night."
He grins as he watches you bury your face in his chest before staring at him, obviously inebriated from the quantity of wine he had given you. You take a deep intake of his fragrance, relishing in how he smelt, as his fingers reach to halt at the top of your head and carefully stroking your hair. Your hair felt seamless under his fingers and had a faint vanilla and cream scent, which may have been one of his favourites despite their subpar producers.
"My, my. How adorable you are, even cuter than a kitten."
You whine again as he lifts your chin and enfolds you in another open-mouth kiss, drinking in your squeaks as if he was feverishly trying to swallow you whole. Before he retreated, he offered you a small piece of chocolate, which you carefully chewed on as the sweet melted against your tongue, oblivious to the quantity of aphrodisiacs integrated into it.
Your body instantly became feverish, and you began tugging at his garments in an attempt to find some type of relieve between your legs as sweat started to gather on the top of your forehead.
"Oh my, you are quite promiscuous. But do not fret, even if you are intoxicated and drunk out of your little head," before pausing to take your face between his hands and leaning in for another kiss, he whispered.
"Every second of this evening will be preserved in your memory, I promise."
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Gentle and warm.
In contrast to the other characters, the way Zhongli kisses you is so loving and pure. Being a rather traditional man, Zhongli doesn't entirely indulge himself in giving you kisses on your lips too often, but that doesn't mean he does not like them but he much prefer conventional ways to show affections such as kisses on the forehead or wrists, even quality time is an asset to him. He is definitely drawn to you physically, but he won't entirely embrace it since he doesn't see physical attractiveness as being the most important aspect of who you are as a person.
Still, since he's a human now there are some urges he can't help himself with.
Both of his hands would be wrapped around your face, softly fiddling with your ears as he moulds his lips against yours, his lips tasting somewhat like osthamus tea, ironic considering his love for the tea could perhaps even rival his love for you.
"There, just lay back and be a good girl for me won't you?"
His laughter continued as he pushed you back into the beige sofa, making sure your head landed on the pillow rather than the arm. Your hair was strewn across your face, revealing the entirety of your face, plump cheeks and velvety lips. Zhongli's fingers delicately traced the contours of your face as he took in every nuance of your expression and each exhalation from your lips, absolutely adoring every detail of your body.
How beautiful.
He brings his hands down to your lips, presses his thumb against them, drags them apart, and softly slides his thumb into your heated mouth. As he inserts another finger, your tongue flickers over the pad of the thumb which thrusts in and out of your mouth and causes copious amounts of saliva to run down your chin, and drip onto the sofa.
"Z-zhongli.....More please."
Your hands came out to grab his wrist and tugged at the silky fabric of his shirt while you spoke softly through his fingers. Something inside of him was stirred by the way you breathed his name, causing an ecstatic sensation to rush through his body.
Perhaps it was similar to excitement?
The sensation was similar to what he might experience in a fierce struggle or possibly even when a predator is methodically encircling its prey, ready to take a bite.
"My dear, we can take it nice and slow," he whispered as his hands slowly reached to unbuttoned your shirt to reveal your chest was covered in a white bra lace with pretty flowers.
"But if you desire for me to be rough, I wouldn't mind whatsoever."
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Surprisingly tender yet assertive.
Despite being a swordsman, Capitano would show his beloved the utmost tenderness. His large hands would be soothing against your face, his leather gloves caressing your cheek delicately as he peers endlessly into your face, soaking in your beauty that could practically rival the goddess of beauty. He is the type to keep his eyes open throughout the kiss, monitoring for facial twitches and taking notice of tiny twinges in your brows.
With both of your legs curled around his waist, he would be the kind to prod you up against him or position you between his legs before delivering you a slow kiss whilst slowly pressing the base of his tongue against your tender skin. Although most would beg to differ from his opinion, he thought you tasted sweet. Your skin was oddly sweet, perhaps even a small tinge of sourness to it.
Such a charming little thing, like honey or perhaps even sweeter than any honey he has ever tasted.
"...Such a pretty little thing. Such a servile. Such a weakling. For me alone."
He cooed, tucking the loose curls of your hair behind your ears as he began giving you delicate kisses up your neck, soaking up the squeaks and whines that would emerge from your mouth whenever his lips would touch the tender area right beneath your ears.
You would gasp as you felt his fingers creep between your thighs and under your dress, riding up the material just to your thighs. The flimsy fabric now serves just as an inconvenience that prevents Capitano from achieving his objective, yet he'll admit you looked ravishing adorned with it.
He would lightly brush his fingers over your clothed cunt, eliciting a low shriek from you as you tried to cross your legs only to have him easily stop you. His strength was far beyond yours, perhaps not even comparable in the slightest.
"Do not cross your legs."
He whispered, feeling your legs loosen slightly before lowering further, allowing the man to have better access to your cunt. Pushing your panties aside, one of his thick and long fingers slip into your tiny hole, filling you up and taking you by surprise which earns a low huff from the captain.
As your hands frantically grasped the man's coat, another finger slipped into you, causing you to arch against him. Comparatively speaking, his hands were longer and thicker than yours; if you were to use four fingers instead of two, that would be the size of his hands. Your eyes are starting to tear up from the searing, and Capitano gently hushes you, placing his palm against your lips as he attempts to muffle your moan.
"Cry for me. Beg for me to touch you, what sort of captain am I if I cannot satisfy my beloved servant?"
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muchelburstenstein · 5 months
New Years Party
I opened my eyes, and found myself in a crowded space surrounded by masked strangers.
I tried to stand up, to get away, but could barely wiggle my arms and legs. Looking at myself, I realized my situation was far worse than what I thought it was.
My wrists were strapped with what seemed to be leather strips to a wooden surface, each one separate and over my head. Turning my gaze lower, I realized quickly that I was entirely naked. My modest breasts were stiff, the air in the room chilly without anything covering me. So too was I exposed from the waist down, my legs wide open and my knees bent due to a brace resting under them. It was like being in some sort of birthing table, except that my back was only slightly angled, more like I was sitting in a slightly reclined position rather than the more bed-like apparatus.
My feet were resting on the ground, and while I couldn’t see my feet, I could feel ground underneath them. So far as I could tell I was in no pressing danger, though my groin was aching. I tried to remember where I had been prior to this.
There was a party of some kind. New years. I had been drinking quite a bit, and had decided to go out to get fresh air. I’d been having a walk around the block, my head clearing slightly, when a van pulled up next to me. Some masked men jumped out, and…
That was as far as my memory went. I guess I’d blacked out or they’d knocked me unconscious somehow. I tried not to think too much about my tender womanhood, instead taking in the scene around me.
Everyone seemed happy. People were laughing, dancing, there was music. It seemed to be a masquerade, nobody’s face was visible. We also seemed to be in a very fancy building, maybe a mansion or a ballroom in a swanky hotel or something. There were snacks near the walls, and everyone seemed relaxed.
But there was a hidden energy in the air, an expectancy. Like everyone was just waiting for some event that I was unaware of.
And over against one wall was me, naked and immobilized. Nobody tried to help me, but nobody was doing anything to cause me harm either. More than a few lingering, almost hungry gazes were cast my way, but beyond that most people just kind of ignored me.
I continued trying to loosen my bonds, maybe find a weak point in the contraption rendering me trapped and also incredibly exposed. The occasional draft tingled over my exposed skin and over my delicate, still sore gender, making me shive with discomfort and a dash of shame.
Then, someone else showed up. Someone in a wardrobe far more magnificent than anyone else, a mask sparkling with gems and intricately painted. Like some sort of high priest or magician or other prestigious, ancient leader.
“Welcome!” His voice boomed over the assembly, and a hush fell, the music falling silent “I am so pleased you could make it to my fantastic New Year’s party!” the seemingly important man continued, his tone pleased and excited. “We are at last approaching the passing of this rather droll and disappointing year, and I am thrilled to announce that, once more, we have found a suitable guest to help us ring in the fresh calendar in our special, exciting fashion!”
I was starting to feel even warmer than I was before. I squirmed uneasily, a strange feeling distracting me, like a tightness building deep in my core. “Ah, yes, as always the event is right on time!” Even now you can see our special guest beginning to feel the effects of our celebration!”
All eyes turned to me. I shrank back, concerned, but still that tightness only seemed to intensify, and I bit my lip as I felt sweat bead on my forehead. The resplendent man swaggered toward me, before kneeling down and carefully touching my belly with his hand. I shivered, the skin there far more sensitive than it had ever been. “Ah, don’t worry dear.” The host of this said, loud enough for the silent room to hear. “It’s natural for you to be a bit more sensitive. Most women tend to get that way when they’re expecting, and you’re but one hour away from meeting your bundle of joy.”
I looked down at where my captor’s hand was caressing my flesh. Expecting? No, I wasn’t… I couldn’t be… “There we go… starting to show already, right on schedule. So reliable and precise, they are.” I couldn’t help but whimper as I saw what the resplendent man was talking about. A tiny bulge was starting to press out under his fingertips, just above my freshly shaved groin.
“Congratulations are in order, I suppose. You’re a mommy now, isn’t that lovely?” Tears welled in my eyes as the one taunting me continued to tenderly, gently stroke my baby bump. “N-no… I can’t be… I never…” “Ah, but you are!” The man replied, rising and raising his voice once more. “And these creatures young are very predictable. At exactly the stroke of midnight, you will give birth to your inhuman child, blessing the New Year with new life!”
The assembled crowd cheered as I cried out in protest. I begged someone to let me go, apologized for whatever I had done wrong, pleaded with them to get this thing, whatever it was, out of me. But nobody was listening.
The music began once more, the costumed man sauntered away, surrounded by people who seemed to adore him, and once more everywhere was talking and laughing and dancing.
I’d been impregnated against my will. And worse, by something not even human. It was growing quickly, and the sensations were intense. There was a tight pulling feeling inside as my womb stretched and grew to keep up with the thing my body was happily gestating.
At first, it was hard to tell I was pregnant, but within ten more minutes it was obvious. The swell of my midriff became more pronounced, and although my bellybutton was resting on the bump at an odd angle, it was being shifted toward the center as my unasked for child filled me more by the minute.
People started to approach me now. Most just stroked my belly, saying how amazing I looked, how they were sure I’d do an amazing job, “put on a good show” as more than a few said. A few others were more bold, toying with my breasts or slipping a hand down between my legs. A felt mostly thicker, clumsier male fingers rubbing over my womanhood, but to my surprise more than a couple of thin, precise female digits immediately found my sensitive button and teased it for a few moments as well, making me whimper and gasp, overwhelmed by how sensitive my sex had become as a result of my condition.
I continued growing the life that had been forced into my womb, unable to do anything to slow or stop it. As I got bigger, visits became more frequent, my more bold attendants becoming more frequent. I was asked questions. How it felt to be pregnant. “Awful. I didn’t want this.” I would reply. They would usually chuckle knowingly or nod, saying something foreboding like “Poor thing. And you haven’t even begun labor…” As my bellybutton began to drift toward the center of my fertile swell, at last taking the position so many were familiar with, people began to touch and play with that as well, asking how sensitive it was, telling me they couldn’t wait to see it push out.
Inevitably, that moment came. My navel was pulled flat as I entered my third trimester. Then, as time dragged on, it was forced into an outie, a extra nub on top of the swollen, tight, hot orb that my once flat midriff had become. I felt so heavy, so full. I was sweating constantly, I felt like I was burning up.
The guests started to tease my outie, which had become incredibly sensitive. I felt ashamed of how wet I had become, how easy it was to send pleasure dancing over my skin and into my core with the gentlest of touches.
I would plead with the people who came to enjoy my condition. Beg them to let me go, to get the baby out, to at least tell me what was going on. But most of them were only there to use me for their own amusement. Someone started teasing my clit, tugging at it and rolling back the hood to stroke the base, and I found myself panting and arching my back, toes curling as I felt an intense tightness building at my core. “I’m gonna… gonna… oh god no don’t make me!” I gasped.
But they did. I couldn’t help it. Disgusted with myself, my entire body shuddered as I was forced to orgasm. They kept going, faster and with even more precision, I could do nothing to stop them. I came even harder as they moaned in arousal. Then, a third and final time, my screams echoing through the room, I squirted. Some people giggled, others moaned, commenting on how sexy it was.
I broke down. As the latest visitor walked away, I sobbed, staring at my belly, feeling my juices cooling on my thighs, helpless and pregnant and feeling violated. Even worse was that I had orgasmed, knowing that, in some way, some part of me enjoyed what was happening, what had just been done to me even though I was begging them to stop.
From then on, most of my tormentors only approached to fondle my increasingly gravid orb. The masked strangers kept massaging the point just below my protruding navel, saying they were trying to keep my muscles nice and relaxed, telling me to stay calm no matter what, that if I tensed up and fought my baby it would only be worse, hurt more.
I had no idea what they were talking about. It was hard to imagine me being more distressed than I was now. And how would not tensing make it hurt less? Wasn’t the point that I was supposed to push the baby out?
I was nearing the end of my pregnancy, I could feel it. I was huge, the weight in my belly was shifting down, changing my fecund mount from a drum-tight shining orb into a low-hanging oblong shape. I could feel movement from inside, nudging and kicking and squirming. It made me feel utterly helpless. I’d grown an inhuman child within my womb, even though I’d never asked for it, never wanted it. And soon, it would come out.
Once more, the well-dressed host strode near me, standing off to the side as I stared at my life-filled belly, feeling hot and sore and defeated. “Ladies and Gentelmen!” The flamboyantly dressed man called. “Soon, it will be time. There are but ten minutes remaining in this year, and it is time for the old to pass on, and make way for the new! You can see, even now, the child is eager to emerge from its shell. Let us celebrate and encourage the arrival of our newest friend!”
The gathered crowd cheered, but I wasn’t certain what the masked man meant. What did he mean even now? The baby was just kicking a bit more than normal. I wasn’t having contractions or anything.
Some of the party-goers walked around and continued dancing, dining, and joking. But now I had become something of a main event. Many of the ones that had been enjoying themselves at my expense were now gathered as close as they dared, watching my every move and shift with a hungry gaze. Like they were watching for something they knew would come any second now.
I wished the awful thing inside me would stop kicking, it was distracting. There were little bumps where the pushes from inside were coming from, the same spot over and over, just below my outie. “Please… stop kicking baby, you’re starting to make me sore there. Just… just be nice and I promise I’ll birth you as soon as I can.”
I felt stupid for trying to bargin with the creature in my belly. Even more so as dark chuckles and snickers came from the assembled crowd. But I ignored them, waiting for the contractions to begin.
I waited.
And waited.
The minutes crawled on, and I was groaning in discomfort, the repeated nudges on that same spot beneath my belly-button becoming more painful under the repeated kicks. Those, in turn, seemed to almost be getting stronger. The little bumps began to press out further, and I began to breathe heavily, trying not to let the masked freaks surrounding me know how much the movement of my unasked for child were hurting me.
A particularly strong hit forced a low groan to escape me as I leaned my head back. Why wouldn’t it stop hitting that same stupid spot?! It was getting really sensitive, sending pain radiating along the surface of my full-term swell. I gradually shifted from heavy, controlled breathing to panting, gasping in air as the unpleasant sensations intensified.
The crowd started to murmur in excitement, pointing at the repeated rising bumps in my skin, though
I couldn’t make out what everyone was saying. One woman’s voice came out clear, however. “It’s coming, see how hard it’s starting to push? She’s going to meet her baby so soon, no matter how bad it hurts!”
Slowly, the meaning of that began to clarify. These movements… they weren’t little baby kicks. They were deliberate. I’d read stories about this, seen articles. But it was always something that was dismissed as a myth, not something that really happened. I didn’t understand. “I… I c-can’t be… ugh… b-bursting!” I managed to gasp as the thrusting intensified.
I was met with cruel laughter.
“No… No, you can’t d-do this I AGH! This can’t b-be happening it’s nOUAH! N-not something that really hAHHHN! Happens!” It was getting worse as the efforts of my terrible unasked for child became more powerful, faster. Somone called that there were only five minutes left, and I let out a cry as a particularly strong thrust caught me off guard.
The skin was starting to bruise, becoming a deep purple splotch that radiated out from the central point of my inhuman offspring’s assault. He wouldn’t stop slamming against me, and I could feel little sharp things digging into my skin, teeth biting and claws scratching. This was really happening.
“Please someone heeEEAAAHHH! It hurts so baaaAAAHHHD!!!” I couldn’t stop crying out in agony, it was getting worse with every shove. And they were coming so quickly now, as someone called we were down to two minutes.
I was starting to convulse as the pulling sensation became too much for me. Each thrust made me spasm again, lightning torment radiating out from the spot the monster inside me had chosen to emerge from. “Hurts oh PLUGHHH! Agh, ugh, PLEAAASEEE!!!” I could barely speak, the pressure from inside was driving me insane, and the shoves came one after another, at least two every second.
Everyone was watching now, there were more than a few lustful moans at my condition. Whispers circled me. “She’s so close…” “She’s gonna hatch like a good egg…” “I want’s wait to see her tear open…” “Listen to her screaming god yes…” everyone enjoying the show, nobody lifting a finger to help.
“Alright everyone!” The host cried from some location I couldn’t see. “It’s time for the countdown! Let this poor remnant of the old, dying year know how long she has before the child of the new year is born from her broken body!”
“20!” I could hear a disgusting tearing sound, like cardboard that had been soaked being shredded. It was coming from inside me.
“19!” I couldn’t keep myself from screaming incoherently. The thing, it was being born through my belly, it was coming OUT OF ME!
“18!” I tried to do what I was told to, tried to relax, but I couldn’t help it, it all hurt so bad.
“17!” The bruise was huge, my skin surging forward over and over, my body struggling to hold itself together.
“16!” The countdown was driving me insane, telling me how long I had left before the inevitable. Before the baby burst out of me.
“15!” The thrusting was so strong, so agonizing, I would give anything to make it stop.
“14!” More tearing sounds, my body was breaking from inside, my inhuman child was killing me.
“13!” I thrust my belly forward, trying to do anything to relieve the maddening pressure of the thing inside trying to rip me open.
“12!” I could feel blood pouring from the wounds that had been formed in my womb.
“11!” It wasn’t stopping, I could feel the fibers buckling, giving way…
“10!” A sickening sound as my uterus ruptured, and I let out a shriek of pure agony. Now it only had to break through the skin, and the nightmare I’d been raped pregnant with would be born.
“9!” The thrusting wouldn’t stop, I could feel the teeth and claws like hot knives.
“8!” I couldn’t even scream it hurt so bad, the audience was watching in silence, eager for the climax. But still, the host’s booming voice counted down the last seconds of my terrible labor.
“7!” My toes curled into tight balls, my fingers forming tight fists as everything tensed. I pulled at my restraints, knowing it was too late to escape, but driven by the primal need to escape the pain.
“6!” I tried to kick my legs, to scoot backwards away from the thing inside me that wanted to push forwards so badly. My whole body trembled and convulsed.
“5!” I cried out again as a tiny rip formed in my flesh, sending a small jet of crimson shooting forward.
“4!” Thrust, thrust, thrust, the wound ripping sickeningly a bit wider each time.
“3!” I couldn’t escape couldn’t fight it, it hurt so bad please just make it end!
“2!” Someone in the crowd cried “You’re doing so good, I can see the head!”
“1!” The pain was so overwhelming, so all consuming, I cried out one last time: “IT HURTS SO BAD IT’S BEING BOOORRRNNN!”
“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” The host called as confetti exploded from the ceiling, just as a spray of blood erupted from my ruined, swollen belly, the awful warbling of my newborn monster joining the freshly re-started music. The crowd cheered excitedly, embracing and kissing among other things. The host came over to pull the beast he’d forced me to deliver from my destroyed midsection. “Ah, such a cutie, there you are!” he cooed to the thing that had killed me.
“Wh… why?” I managed to gasp out. The masked man looked at me, head tilted. “It’s the theme, my dear.” He replied. “Out with the old, in with the new and all. It’s just bad luck you happened to be chosen as the old.”
The words sent a chill down my spine, deeper than even the cold radiating from the gaping wound my unasked for child had made as it was born. I at last managed to lay back and relax, gazing at the swirling color that was the room and the blurry orgy that was starting to build momentum in front of me. I closed my eyes, savoring the tune of “Auld Lang Syne” one last time…
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the-desilittle-bird · 4 months
Hi can i request a tom hiddleston x desi actress reader where she is pregnant and already has kids who hav hindi names which r ver cute and she craves indian food in the middle of interviews and shoots
AN - back again and I have plenty of requests and if anyone wants to request something then please feel free to send me them.
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
Crazy Cravings
Tom Hiddleston x Desi!Reader
Summary: You are an actress but before that, you are pregnant…
Tag list: @shopping, @bbgmonsay, @lastwandastan, @eudximoniakr, @saraelizabeth26, @girlnred, @hc-geralt-23, @omgsuperstarg, @strangesthirdeye, @clea-strange-is-the-way, @lana, @kenzi-woycehoski, @nyx2021, @all-things-fandomstuck, @newt-scamander-is-hot-af, @moon-light1415, @candypurplebutterfly, @littlesatanicassholebitch, @nats-whore, @lady-athanasia, @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @thatgirlthatreadswattpad, @hyacinthus007, @shine101
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff
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“How are you feeling, meri jaan?” she heard the soothing voice of her husband before she felt his hand over her protruding belly. A giggle left her throat as he placed a kiss on her cheek, chuckling softly against her skin. “I feel better now,” she replies with a grin.
Tom hums, wrinkling his eyebrows as he settles down next to her on the leather couch as everyone around them worked hard to get the place ready for the interview which would start any moment now.
As actors, Tom and (Y/N) could never take a day off, especially when they were in the center of the show. And in times like this, with the lady pregnant, Tom found himself worrying more and more about her; constantly asking whether she was fine or not, if she needed something or not.
No wonder her cousins and mother started teasing him by calling him a “mother”.
“Hello, Tom and (Y/N),” greeted the lady who was supposed to take their interview. The pair smiled brightly, greeting the lady back whose name they learnt to be Bianca.
“Are we ready?” The director asked, earning a couple of nods from the crew and thumbs up from the guests. “Well then. Lights. Camera and Action.”
And then began the interview.
The beginning was always the same; introductions, their achievements, a few questions about their current show. But after that came the personal part, one that rendered the actor a bit uncomfortable as he tried to keep his life to himself.
“So, you two have a daughter together and another little Hiddleston is on the way,” the interviewer states with a smile, making the couple glance at each other with smile as (Y/N) placed a hand over her overgrown bump. “Yes.”
“And your daughter’s name is Kavya, isn’t it?” Bianca queries, struggling with the pronunciation for a while before Tom helps her. “Yes. We decided on an Indian name because they just sound so… soothing. Like hot chocolate in winters,” Tom gushed, his face reddening up as he glanced at his wife.
“Awww… that’s sweet. (Y/N), how is the pregnancy going for you?”
“Honestly, everything is fine except for the cravings,” she whined, making the Loki actor burst into a fit of laughter as he remembered the many nights when he woke up to finding his wife cooking some Indian dish or digging deep into the kitchen cabinets to find Maggi.
“What do you crave?” Bianca asks, her eyes gleaming with happiness as she watched her favourite Hollywood couple share a glance before laughing. Once the laughter dies down, Tom replies, “it can be the weirdest thing. One second she wants to have Jalebi and the next she wants to find some Namkeen.”
“I am the mix of sweet and savoury,” she argues instantly, making him smile as he nodded, leaning in to place a kiss on her temple, “meri khatti-meethi.”
(Y/N) merely gave him a side eye before returning her focus to their interviewer who had started her next question. “Correct me if I am wrong, but you were pregnant when you were about to finish shooting for this show, right?”
The couple nodded, prompting Bianca to continue, “did you crave anything on the set?” Before the misses could answer, Tom lets out a dramatic sigh before answering, “one fine morning, she comes to my trailer, donning her costume, and literally commands me ‘I want to have fish curry made by my mother, so talk to her, take the recipe and cook it.’ And leaves before I could nod. I was so bewildered and like what should I do.”
Everyone around them laughed loudly except for (Y/N) who glared daggers at her husband before leaning in to whisper softly into his ear.
“I want to eat Samosa.”
“Haye Bhagwaan!”
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raainberry · 5 months
more yeji perhaps :D
Drunken Night
« silly series - 10 »
Yeji x gn!reader
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synopsis - you and yeji like to push nights until late, and this one somehow gave you a drunk clingy girlfriend
T/W - Alcohol
wordcount - 524
A/N - thank you for your request, anon! more yeji is never a perhaps but a sure thing☝️ in fact i may have more in the vault who knows 🤷‍♀️
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Yeji was starting to stumble over her words, giggling at everything you said. You’ve lost count of how many times she’s kissed you in the last hour alone, she serenated you and begged you to tell her everything about anything.
It was the third time you told her about the way you felt when you first saw her. What you thought of her on your first date. What pushed you to ask her out, to want her as your girlfriend.
You asked her why and how she wasn’t tired of those stories, and what she answered made your question seem like the dumbest ever spoken on this Earth.
“Because I love you. I love us.” She mumbled, her head resting on her crossed arms above her knees.
Her voice was small, her eyes were fighting to stay open but managed to stay focused on your speechless features.
Another giggle left her lips, a slow blink and more words poured out from her heart.
“I wanna know how you feel so I can make sure we last.”
Your eyes left her for a moment in order to smile to yourself. Her words rendered you shy beyond levels you could handle, and she loved to see it.
“Hey, don’t hide from me.” She whined, lifting her head and pulling on your sleeve to get your attention back on her.
You were met with a smile that told you just how much she was glad it worked so fast, and your heart told your brain how much it loved the sight.
“Then stop making me want to hide.” You teased, making her drunk self pout.
“Why are you hiding from my love, does it not make you happy?” She asked and it was your turn to giggle at her words.
“I’ll return you the question. Why would I?” You asked, overwhelming her poor brain. You could tell in the way she stayed silent, staring at you with eyes void of any coherent thought.
It was an amusing sight that occurred a few times already, and you wondered what she could possibly be thinking about every time. Usually you had to snap her out of it, so when her arms suddenly wrapped around you, it came as a fair surprise.
“I don’t know, just don’t hide.” She whined again, her words mushing together to pull a soft chuckle out of you. Her behavior suddenly made sense.
She was sober whenever it happened. The alcohol rendered her a clingy mess, so this was only logical behavior.
“I’m not hiding, Yeji!” You laughed, pulling on her forearm in order to loosen her grip around your neck. “I love you, and you make me very happy.”
Her head lifted from your shoulder, searching for your eyes and the truth in them. She found it quickly, and it was enough to satisfy her heart, but you decided to assure her of it anyway.
“I promise.” Your lips reassured, pushing her to capture them with her own.
The kisses she gave you were a reflection of her mind at the moment: messy and clingy but more importantly, in love.
“Thank you for loving me.” She whispered, a hand still cupping your cheek. Her thumb caressed the warm skin as her gaze dragged over each of your features. “I hope you know I love you too.”
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eldritch-spouse · 6 months
what if Santi's mistress/the person who bought him was vesper's match (let's just say Santi sparred us is bc we are a bad bitch not bc we are his match tho I do think vesper and Santi sharing a match is interesting)
when the new queen moves in she just walks in with Santi while giving vesper the biggest puppy dog eyes ever "can I please keep my horny guy? he'll be good I promise"
Santi did not expect to see you at the auction.
This is a surface auction, and not even the most opulent of them, what is the very Queen of Lust doing here?! Every other poor concubus in the line up was aware of this too.
Because even if they had never seen Vesper, even if the King wasn't there himself, you reeked of the most powerful incubus in the Hells. Not to mention the marks spread across your skin...
Santi just had to go home with you. For kicks.
The incubus plays his part well, targeting you specifically, using every trick in the book to force your attention on him, and subtly snapping at any other concubus present who was still composed enough to have the same idea.
There's a giant grin on his face as the two of you walk together, escorted by your luxurious vehicle and guards, venturing through the rifts that lead to Lust. Santi knows this path like the back of his hand, but he plays stupid anyway, always eager to ask for your perspective on things and all too happy to slide his hands anywhere. As his old friend's lover, as a Queen, he'd be remiss not to make your purchase worth the hassle.
The first red flag for you should be that Santi actively greets some of the harem members when you bring him to the mansion. The second is the face Vesper makes when he turns around to see you two. The demonlord cackles at your question.
" Santi, back on the auction blocks, are you? " The King playfully chastises, coming over to slap a large hand on the incubus' shoulder while you stand there in visible bewilderment.
" Can you blame me? It's usually so amusing. Besides, I get to see the world this way, hm? " The smaller incubus winks. " Just never think I'd find my way back home. Escorted by my lovely new Mistress here- "
Both of them chuckle, Vesper sliding his knuckles over your cheek sweetly before removing the leash from your grasp and using it to harshly, jarringly pull at Santi's tits, twisting the length of it around his forearm. The demon you bought screams out a moan so loud it rattles the walls, biting at his lips hard as the delicious tangle of pain and pleasure renders him speechless.
" Vixen, you have a great eye for pretty toys! " Vesper seems legitimately happy about the situation. " But this one here- " There's a sharper tug that makes Santi have to stand on his very toes, keening. " It would be a crime to keep it sealed within my walls. "
A mock-pout graces the Icon's features. " I'm afraid it's a catch and release, sweetness. "
" But- I paid for him! That's not fair! " You bark at the Lord of Lust.
" You did pay for him, yes! " Vesper consoles, finally letting up so Santi can sway in place and rub at his sore chest. " And you can have Santi whenever you please, but- "
He bends towards you, placing a gentle peck to your forehead. " Trust me, his shenanigans are too funny to keep him at the mansion. You'll understand soon enough. "
Squinting, your pout remains, looking longingly at the pretty incubus you just bought yet will apparently have to let go of eventually.
The King claps a hand over the recovering high-ranker's back, getting an 'oof' in response. " So sugardick, how about you spend the night here with me and my Queen? Just like old times. "
Santi snickers. " Just like old times. "
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footballffbarbiex · 7 days
Blurbs you say 👀 I’m in my I need John stones in a way that’s so unholy era sooo a lil smutty stonesy something. Maybe a pre euros we must bang each others brains out before we separate for a month sex 🤭 bonus points for his sexy voice dirty talking pls and thank you 🥰
(Also I cannot tell you how excited it makes me to get notifications about you posting again! Missed you Amy!! ❤️)
(you have no idea how much this makes me happy to see 🥺)
I'm going to wait and see if anyone catches onto the nugget that I've dropped in this btw.
John's lips had found yours within seconds of the door opening. His impatience had been clear from the frantic replies, assorted voice notes and pictures which he'd sent that had sent you into a frenzy. The build up to the euros had been long, and he'd done everything he could to ensure that he was as fit and healthy as he could be but now it was quickly approaching, but neither of you were ready for the separation that this tournament will bring. He'd been determined to try something different, wanting to opt for some phone fun in an attempt to make this inevitable dry spell slightly less dry. He hadn't banked on it working this well.
You'd sent him voice notes of you whimpering, the subtle sounds of your body responding to the way you'd stroked over your soaked pussy had been clear. Videos of John had been sent back, his long, thick cock enveloped between his fingers and palm as he stroked every inch he had while quiet praise for the way you were playing fell from his lips.
Even now with your knee is up by your chest, enabling John to penetrate you as deeply as possible, he still praises you. "Fucking hell, you take me so easily don't you?" he says, peering between your bodies to watch as inch after inch is thrust inside of you.
The sound of skin coming together and your whines fill the room as you adjust to something bigger than your fingers and the toy that you'd been playing with stretches you open.
"Gonna miss this," you promise him, desperately trying to keep your hazy eyes open but it becomes harder to do so with each passing second. The glimpses you get show him looking euphoric, mouth slightly open with pleasure, his eyes no doubt the way your own look and a light blush colouring his cheeks.
"Gonna be counting down the days 'til I'm back inside you," he says before grunting as he enters you fully, pausing there with his balls pressed to your ass cheeks and the head of his cock twitching against your cervix. You feel completely full and yet you'd have taken his size again if he'd asked.
Your pussy clamps around him when his fingers find your bean; an action that has your eyes rolling into the back of your head while contracting tightly as he throbs between your swollen walls. The long drawn out "fuuuuuuuck" that leaves your mouth as you desperately try and arch your back is music to John's ears.
"Is that good baby? D'ya like the feel of my dick inside you like this? Want me to keep going?" he asks as you begin to circle your hips ever so slightly once he begins to give shallow thrusts. He's barely pulling back out before he's sinking back into you once more but the drag of his cock against your highly sensitive spots is exactly what you need. His thumb applies the perfect pressure to begin to fine tune the orgasm that threatens to take shape.
Each time you try to open your mouth to agree, your breath catches as he fucks into you in such a way that renders you speechless.
"I'm going to need to hear it baby if this is going to get me through this next month."
"Please John." Your eyes close as your toes begin to curl tightly as everything he's doing begins to harmonise.
"Please John, what?" his tone tells you he's grinning and you hate him for it.
"Please let me cum and don't. stop. fucking me."
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
Thank you for writing and sharing it with the world, FOR FREE ‼️💖💕💞
Truly a blessing if u ask me and know you're appreciated by me (a big whore) and other people alike 😋
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I'd like to order an old fashioned with Frank Castle, please!
So here goes my silly thot:
hunter/butcher!Frank au (anything to do with selling meat)
"I didn't come here for meat. I came for your meat."
i'm not gonna lie to you, reading this one turned me rabid. if i may be an absolute whore add some spice to this old fashioned-
this old fashioned is garnished with jalepeño (minors dni)
thots below the cut
frank castle's meat
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let's set the stage, shall we? we're talking long haired, bearded frankie (think punisher season 1)
he's the local butcher in town, and all his meats come from his own hunting kills
now frankie has a shop most of his customers come to so they can get their meats, but because you typically work while his shop is open, he allows you to come by his cabin to pick up your orders
his secluded cabin in the middle of the woods (you know where this is going)
now you know for a fact he doesn't allow anyone else to do this, and you use that knowledge that he's sweet on you to your full advantage
maybe your dresses and shorts get a little shorter with every visit, or your shirts get just a little more low cut, but frankie doesn't seem to mind and you notice his flannels and henleys are far more unbuttoned around you than they are when he's in town
being the gentleman he is, he loads everything into your car for you
"can't have you gettin' your pretty hands all dirty."
sometimes he lingers for a moment, leaning up against your car as he asks you about your day or how work is going, and you ask him questions in return. if he's busy and doesn't have time for small talk, he'll throw a little extra something in for you, but he never invites you inside
he's not the chattiest person, and he's always polite and professional when he's talking to you, but that doesn't mean you don't catch the way his eyes wander when he thinks you're not watching him
you keep your flirting playful and light, just in case you're reading him wrong and he really is just that nice, but eventually you grow frustrated and decide if he's not going to make a move, then you will
so you put on your prettiest dress and the sexiest pair of panties you own and drive to frankie's one friday night, and that mountain of a man is on his porch before you can even shut your engine off bc he saw the headlights
and while there's clear confusion on his face when he sees you, the second you get out of your car and he sees what you’re wearing, that confusion quickly melts into something else
"hey sweetheart. I uh...missin' somethin'? didn't think you had an order to pick up tonight."
and the clear lust shinning in his eyes underneath the glow of the moonlight fills you to the brim with that last ounce of confidence you needed to finally get what you want
you swear you see him swallow thickly when you approach him slowly with a sultry smile on your lips and a shake of your head
"I didn't come here for meat, Frankie. I came for your meat."
again, being the gentleman he is, frankie just stares at you with wide eyes, refusing to make a move until he's sure he knows exactly what you're asking for and stumbling over his words
"I uh...don't think I...I know what you're askin' for here, sweetheart."
"I think you do, Frankie. I think you want something from me, too. What do you say we work out a trade?"
if you weren't so turned on you would find it comical that you rendered the giant broody man everyone in town was intimidated by so nervous that he couldn't speak, but you were turned on and impatient so you take frankie's hands and guide them to your hips until he gets the hint
and that is all the confirmation he needs to pounce and then there is not an inch of your skin his hands aren't exploring
he's wanted you for so long that he can't even make it to the bedroom. he spreads you out right over his dining table and drops to his knees to get a taste of you before he's fucking you so hard over it that the table ends up halfway across the living room by the time he's done with you
needless to say, you're his favorite customer
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trashmouth-richie · 1 year
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Eddie x female! Reader
Modern AU
W.C 2.3k
Warning: no minors, fluff
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It had been a week since Chrissy graced you both with her presence and Eddie’s phone wasn’t blowing up at all. He was suspicious, rendering himself crazy into thinking that she just disappeared. She would never. But he put a brave face on for you. Anything to see you happy was more than enough for him. He wanted to take things slow, afraid you would get freaked out eventually by the shit that happened with Chrissy and what had originally brought you two together, Jason. You were special to him, meant more to him than anyone currently in his life. And he wanted you to be a part of it. Whatever that may mean for you. But for now— he was going to take it slow.
Monday and Wednesday he showed up to your apartment with an iced coffee, and a lemon poppy seed muffin at 6 AM. Sleep still stuck in your eyes, hair a complete disaster but Eddie thought you never looked prettier. Leaving you with a kiss on your forehead and a wink as he left to head into the shop. He would text you every morning around the time you got to work, telling you good morning and wishing you had a nice day at work. Tuesday and Thursday he had stopped by your work to eat lunch with you. Bringing sandwiches and chips from the new modern sandwich shack on Main Street, making you laugh as you wiped mayo from his chin. You loved his thoughtfulness, yearning for more from him.
He had made it a habit to stop over after he got off work, apologizing profusely for when it was late. He never overstayed his welcome, just popped in and out, leaving you with the tightest hug anyone could have given you and the world’s most award winning smile.
The kiss you had shared the week prior was sweet as sugar, a light at the end of the tunnel after a complete shit filled day wracked with a confession of his horrible past and the decaying face of his ex. It was everything you had needed in that moment in time, but you were craving more.
“You okay?” He asks, rubbing your back one night as he gives you his usual hug goodbye. His lips pressed against your hair as you rested your head on his chest, breathing him in, not wanting to let go.
“Eddie, do you like me?”
A chuckle reverberates against his throat, “what do you mean sweetheart?”
Pulling away from him and looking into his smoky brown eyes you say, “I mean, do you like me? Or did I do something to turn you off from me?”
Eddie’s eyes water to empathetic, “God no, I — the things that happened to us—to you, how we met, it’s a—”
“I get it. It’s fine..” you say, pulling away from him. Wrapping your arms around yourself and turning your back to him. You can’t help when the tears begin to fall. “I just thought that you, that we were I don’t know… on the same page?”
Was he scared? Afraid that you didn’t want him? Didn’t need him? Afraid that you had a glimpse of his everyday life and decided that it wasn’t for you?
“Sweetheart,” Eddie said, turning you around, placing his hands on your cheeks, skimming away your tears with the pads of his thumbs. “I like you so much it melts my brain whenever I think of you. I’m just—trying not to come on too strong, I don’t want to scare you away.”
“Wh— Eddie?”
“You have been through a lot, and I didn’t want to overstep your boundaries and make you uncomfortable. What happened last week was…insane, we talked about it but I guess we never talked about how you felt about it.”
Your mind plagues over with the sagging flesh of Chrissy’s face. You would be lying if you said you weren’t terrified at times, waking in the night with skin slicked with sweat, hair matted to your neck. But that wasn’t Eddie’s fault, he can’t help what his ex is like, it’s not like he is that way. Eddie is sweet and kind, a perfect gentleman. Not to mention hotter than the seven layers of hell themselves.
“I was serious when I said that nothing in your past could deter me away from you. Those are things that happened to you, not things you had control over. I—you, you saved me! Who knows what J—he— would have done if you weren’t there that night. You didn’t even know me but you jumped right into helping me. Talking to Hopper, calling our building manager to get the security footage— Eddie you are the most amazing person I’ve ever met.” You’re full on crying now, using the sleeve of your hoodie to wipe at your tears. His eyes are full, taking you in, heart aching for you.
He leans in, caressing your cheek against his rough hands. “I’m sorry, you doubted how I felt, let me make it up to you.”
Friday was a normal day at work, a few clients today nothing spectacular, a couple of piercings, and Pete had a giant back piece to finish. You were sitting at the reception desk answering a customer’s question about placement for a nose ring when in walked a giant order of white roses, clad with orange and black balloons and a gorgeous basket filled with enough candy and shooters to make a dentist wince. You blushed hard as the delivery driver handed them over to you. The card was shoved tight into the center of the roses.
“Talked to Pete and I got you off work at 12, be ready at 2 for a date, see you soon pretty girl -Eddie”
Your heart sang with the sweet melody of Eddie Munson. He was gentle and sweet and everything you could ever ask for. You were giddy as you piled the balloons and roses into your car and sped home. It was the perfect day outside, a warmer day for the end of October, the autumn foliage blazing against the sky as the leaves clung for dear life to the windy branches against a cerulean sky.
This was the first official date for you and Eddie, technically the 30 seconds of the movie night that you enjoyed before Chrissy bombarded his apartment was your first date but you wouldn’t be counting that.
Like clockwork, a knock on your door at 2PM could only be one person. That damn grin. You swear he gets better looking by the second. “There she is,” Eddie murmurs, “girl of my dreams.”
You reach out to him and pull him into a hug, your hands wrapped around his neck as you stretch for more of him on your tippy toes. He smells like a new cologne, an amber moss with notes of citrus and bergamot. He’s wearing a black and gray flannel, pushed up tight around his bulging arms. His large hands wrap around the small of your back, pressing you flush with his body, He feels so good, warm and holding you tight, his hair tickling your ears.
“I missed you,” he admits, “that’s not weird is it? I mean I literally saw you last night.”
You chuckle and pull away from him planting a kiss on his plump lips, “definitely not weird, thank you for the roses. They’re beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful,” he says, stroking your cheek. “Not sure if you know this, but I’m a stuttering blubbering mess when you’re around.”
“Yeah I’ve noticed—“ Eddie’s face blushes to crimson, “And I think it’s super cute that the hottest guy I’ve ever seen gets flustered when he tries to flirt with me.” A smile spreads across your lips.
“The hottest guy huh?” Eddie says behind his curtain of brown curls.
“Duh! Do you own a mirror?” You tease, “you are so handsome I used to stare unapologetically whenever you came into Ace of Spades. Then I get to know you and you’re funny, and kind…sexy.”
“Jeez baby keep it in your pants, I’m a good christian boy here.” He says, swooping you low into a backwards dip and kissing your lips. “I noticed you too by the way,” standing you upright again and holding you close, murmuring into your hair, “just too awkward and in my own head to make the first move.”
“You awkward?” You tease, “no way.”
Eddie tickles your sides, fingers curled into your ribs and by your neck, you’re giggling and trying to get away from him and he’s laughing too. “Alright! You win!” You say breathless and wrapping your arms around his neck.
He brushes hair behind your ear and holds your back tight against him. “In more ways than you know, sweetheart.”
“So where are we going?” You asked from the passenger seat of Eddie’s 4Runner, a ridiculous amount of little trees in the scent Black Ice hung from the review mirror as Metallica blared through the speakers.
“That’s for me to know and for you to find out.” Eddie smirks, flashing his pearly whites.
Pulling up to Merrill’s Pumpkin Patch n’ More, Eddie has a giant grin splattered on his face. “I’ve always wanted to come here, but figured it would be weird going by myself…nobody wants to see a grown man go down the giant slide by himself.”
“Probably think he’s some sort of a creep,” you tease, “or maybe a serial killer?”
“Ooh that’s festive, very in the spirit of Halloween.”
Merrill’s was bigger than you had expected it to be. Like most things in Hawkins, it was staple in the 80’s, sort of dwindled down to almost being closed but nothing a few hipsters with an impressive amount of followers on instagram couldn’t fix. The rustic vibes had people driving all the way from the city just to get a taste of nostalgia in this worn down, weathered but also now modern, establishment. Spreading along for acres were orange spheres of every shape and size. Even the ones that were different colors, muted greens, Cinderella blue, alabaster, and coal black. There was an apple orchard on the east side where you could pick your own apples, a giant Cider Mill on the north side that doubled as an eatery and a place with home brewed apple ale. A corn maze stretching over 10 acres, where the winner could win tickets to the movie theater and a freshly made apple or pumpkin pie. Activities for the kids included: the giant slide, corn pit, pumpkin painting, pumpkin carving, you name it—Merrill’s had it.
“Eddie this is fantastic!” You say, crunching into a caramel apple, “seriously, the most delicious thing I’ve ever eaten.”
He’s pulling orange tufts of sugary cotton candy out of his hair, he licks his fingers and takes a bite of his foot long corn dog. “Right? It’s like every enjoyable thing about summer minus the heat!”
You were having the best time, it’s so easy spending time with Eddie, he made you laugh any chance he got. He held your hand all the way through the corn maze, swearing he knew the way out only for you to be in the maze for over 2 hours and very, very lost. His tongue poked out when he was concentrating carving his pumpkin, a flight of bats, as you carved ghost face. He dunked his entire head in the barrel while bobbing for apples, leaving his head sopping wet, and shaking his hair like a dog would to try to dry it out. He was chaotic and sweet, caring but also didn’t give a shit what anyone had thought of him. He was perfect in every way.
“Did you have fun? Eddie asked lugging a wagon full of pumpkins of every color Merrill’s had to offer behind him.
“Are you kidding? Hands down the most fun I’ve had in Hawkins, ever.”
You’re carrying two pies, because Eddie couldn’t decide which one he wanted but didn’t want to leave one out. A gallon of cider in one hand in the wagon handle in his other hand he smiles, “I’m glad you agreed to come with me.”
You turn your head to look at him, winking as you say, “I’m glad you finally asked.”
Loading up the back of his 4Runner you slide the last of the pumpkins in. Eddie leans back against the them, bringing you between his legs, holding your hands, rubbing the knuckles with the pads of his thumbs. “I’m— I’m not very good at this. I’m super awkward and I get flustered whenever I’m around you,” his tongue sweeps over his bottom lip as he looks into your eyes—two orbs of melted chocolate dripping with happiness, “I haven’t dated anyone since— and I’m not even sure if I’m doing this right…you’re beautiful and sassy and I care about you more than you could ever understand,” tears prick the corners of your eyes, “I would really love, if we took this to the next step, and you would be my girlfriend.”
This gorgeous man. God he would be the death of you. You lean forward and plant your lips on his, deepening the kiss by running your hands through his curls, your tongue slipping inside his mouth, dancing with his. “I take that as a yes.” Eddie purrs into your neck. You hold eachother for what seems like hours. Taking eachother in for everything you’re worth.
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“So this is it huh? Fancy fuckin’ broad ain’t she?”
“Shh, there’s cameras all over this building— that’s how they caught Jason.”
“They caught Jason because he’s sloppy— couldn’t even wait til she opened the door… rookie mistake.”
“Quiet, this will be trickier than normal… Fred is right, this place is loaded with cameras and high tech shit, I had to see what we were dealing with.”
“That why you made a little surprise visit last week?”
“Yup, Jason told me she was his neighbor but I didn’t know where— thankfully he was able to swipe her file from HR before they fired him… see you soon princess.”
Taglist: Taglist: @boomhauer @sidthedollface2 @b-irock @creoleguurl @tlclick73 @manda-panda-monium @audhd-dragonaut @emxxblog @jadequeen88 @edsforehead @quinnsgrapejuice @idkidknemore @bebe0701 @mandyjo8719 @chelebelletx @big-ope-vibes @e0509 @itsasilentreader @adequate-superstar @bpj519 @eddiemunsons-world @aysheashea @chonkzombie @vecnuthy @eddiethesexy @foreveranexpatsposts @makeupqueen89-blog @brittanyyydamnit @itsasilentreader @danielasspiritualjourney
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Wrong caller [l.m.h][f][a]
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An:honestly I think this is kinda cute, also part of this came from a TikTok writing prompt 👐 also does anyone else like cry whenever they break something ???? Or is this just like a me issue ??
Warnings:TW, mentions of suicidal tendencies, TW, lee know x reader , non idol au , strangers to lovers , no one dies , angst only in the beginning,ends with comfort?? Fluff?? Happy ending????
Content: love always finds itself in the most random places but you didn’t expect it to be at the place you worked nor for yourself to be mistake as a hotline .
The monotonous click of keys filled the empty boardroom you sat in , head casted down typing away at your laptop . The office was cold , quiet now being after hours . It had an eerie feel to it, its lifeless seating staring into your soul . Pulling you out of your daze your phone sparked up , the caller id unknown to you as your fingers lingered over the answer key , the voice was gruff , panicked and sounded thick with tears as you held it up to your ear “ I’m calling because this is it ..” he spoke “ I’m calling because I want you to tell my parents that I’m sorry “ you froze the unfamiliar voice spewing knots into your belly causing your hands to clam up “ who is this ?” You spoke “ 75 palm ave on top of the office building 5 minutes, hurry or don’t either way I’m not sure what I’ll do “ the call cut buzzing on the other end . Your eyes widened at the familiar address , checking the clock you pushed yourself away from the desk heels clanging against the floor as you made your way to the elevators .
‘75 palm ‘, that was your office building , you were most likely floors below the mysterious man who seemed too distraught for you to ignore . You slammed the elevator buttons , watching as they stuck together cursing at the useless maintenance of the building rendering the elevators useless . You ran pushing pass the fire exit doors and up the staircase , your heart thumping and your chest burning from the flights of steep stairs . Pushing the roof door open your skin ran cold but not at the icy wind
that surrounded you but from the man standing on the ledge , eyes fixated at the busy traffic below him . Your feet padded along the roof top the light tapping catching his ears . He turned to face you bewilderment coating his face as he took in your ragged appearance; hair splayed to the side , suit jacket slightly falling off your shoulders and a sheen of sweat coating your face . He opened his mouth as if to speak closing it quickly “ get down” you panted crouching to catch your breath “ come on get down and we can talk it through whatever you’re going through please “ you spoke regaining your composure slowly approaching him “ who the fuck are you?! “ he asked his voice pitched high . You stopped staring back at him “ I should be asking you that but that’s not important right now “ you said walking closer to him . His eyes sparked noticing your approaching physique he turned to face the edge again “ don’t come closer” he spoke “ I’ll jump ..” he sounded hesitant , unsure of if he believed he would or if he wanted to see how far he could make himself believe it “ please just come down “ you said trying to calm the situation “you don’t even know me just walk away and act like this didn’t even happen “ it was true
You had absolutely no idea who he was , why he called you and what or who led him to the situation he was in but that hardly mattered now , you couldn’t walk away knowing you let someone be so careless let them slip right through your fingers . Your body relaxed as you straightened your shoulders “ my names yn, I’m a PA for the jackass who owns this building , I studied audiology but never finished my degree so now I’m here “ you spoke watching as he turned back to face you “your turn “ you encouraged walking closer to him “ tell me about you “ this is ridiculous “ he huffed rolling his eyes “ I’m kinda in the middle of something so if you don’t mind ..” he said gesturing to the edge
Of the building “ just tell me “ you spoke your voice coming out more panicked than you had planned , he sighed “ my names lee minho, my friends call me leeknow, I have three cats and I own a restaurant down town” he spoke unaware of your proximity “uh huh what else “ you said now close enough to grab him “ agh I don’t know stop asking me stupid questions “ he said his breath being kicked out of his lungs as you lunged on him , effectively pulling to safety and pinning him to the floor . You panted grasping his hands above his head as he thrashed around trying to get away from you “ stop moving “ you spoke your head tilting down in exhaustion “let go- “ he said now attempting to kick you
“ did you just try to kick me !?” You asked offended as you pressed down harder on his wrists he stopped moving starting back at you “ yes now let me go” he deadpanned “ let you go where ? You almost killed yourself “ your words filling the quiet roof top you two were on.
Leeknows eyes shot you daggers as he sat in the boardroom chair you allocated him , tying him to the seat with a mixture of his shoelaces and the strap of your purse that you managed to break off “ you owe me a new purse “ you spoke scrolling through his contact list “ hmph, I don’t owe you shit “ he said frowning and trying to wiggle free from the restraints , you sighed “ don’t you have like any friends I could call so I could get you out of here “ you spoke your fingers hovering through the contacts he had “ it’s hard to tell when you either don’t have the number saved or have it saved so formally “ you huffed opting to look through his texts instead .
“ I can leave myself “ he stated matter of factly “ yea right like I’m letting you go alone “ your sarcastic tone causing him to roll his eyes “ I’m phoning your mother -“ you spoke” no you’re not “ he said sitting up “ call someone else “ he said now watching you “ who minho ? I’m just going to pick a random number take it or leave it “
You sighed holding the phone to your ear , the person on the other end grumbling as he answered the call” hello” he spoke his voice laced with sleep “I’m so sorry to bother you at such a early hour but I don’t know if you’re friends with minho or not but could you come pick him up please ..” the line was quiet “ where is he ?”
You opted to stand outside the boardroom and minho and his friend who’s name you had soon learnt was chan spoke , minho hung his head in shame still restraint to the chairs because you alone could not catch him again . You watched as his friend patted him on the back after clinging to him as he sobbed giving him an awkward side hug before stepping out the room to speak to you “ ill take care of him “ he spoke “ rough patches you know , I just never expected him to actually do this “ his friends eyes were teary as he spoke to you . You offered him a reassuring squeeze on the side of his arm “ just make sure he gets the help he needs ,hm?” You spoke “ thank you “ chan said wiping the tears from his eyes that coated his cheeks .
Weeks had went by you had almost forgotten about the man at the roof top , trying your best not to reach out to him and ask him if he was okay , his friend had so kindly provided you with his contact details , feigning a just in case as he chuckled sorrowfully . You never did know why minho made the choice he did that day , why he called you and if you would ever see him again but like most things in life it felt like a game of fate . The cobblestone pavement clattered against the heels of your shoes , cup of coffee in one hand and a stack of fresh printing pressed tightly to your chest as you walked into the office . Your boss stood by his desk arms crossed box placed next to him as he watched your enter “yn” he spoke “ you’re late “ you sighed looking over at the clock placed above his desk “ it’s only 8:31” you said placing the coffee on the table
“You start at 8:30 “ he said picking the drink up peeling away the lid before emptying the contents over you . The coffee thankfully cold seeped into your hair and down your shoulders coating your blouse in its taupe color . “You’re fired “ he spoke now turning to go sit behind his desk , you fumed your hands bawled into fists around the papers you were holding “ what do you mean I’m fired ?” You asked in disbelief “ you were late “ he shrugged “ by one minute” you said now placing the papers on the desk “ doesn’t matter , take care yn “ he smiled at you averting his gaze from your harsher one .
You shoulders slumped as you walked trying to squeeze the coffee from you hair , it’s sticky syrups doing no justice to you making your hair clump together . You knew your boss was terrible , he occasionally acted out and would later call you asking why you weren’t at work claiming that he didn’t mean to fire you and it was a spur of the moment decision , usually you’d go back , eager to be in his good books in hopes of a promised job that you soon had grown apart from but this time it wouldn’t happen you were certain you wouldn’t return and especially wouldn’t forgive him . Turning the Corner of the street your eyes were met with that of a cats , small , round and fluffy cowering in the corner as a larger more scruffier dog paced towards it . You lunged effectively grabbing the dog by the collar pulling him away causing the cat to scurry behind you as you tried to keep it safe . The dog barked loudly , it’s growls unforgiving as it attempted to bite you . You turned picking up the scared feline who hissed too , in hopes of at least letting it run far enough . A stream of water and a clank of a bucket pulled you from your daze of plan making , watching as the dog whimpered at its now wet appearance running off to safety , you turned your head familiar eyes upon yours taking in the coffee stain on your blouse and your wet hair . “Minho…” you mumbled as you set the cat down standing up straight . The man looked at you scowl on his face “ sky come here girl “ he gutted watching as the cat repeatedly rubbed itself against your legs purring ever so slightly .
Leek now brought you into his shop, it was cozy it’s exterior displaying menus and trinkets placed ever so neatly on the walls , you sat in the booth cat placed on your lap as you petted her lacing your fingers through her fur and scratching her chin as she hummed appreciatively “she doesn’t usually like strangers “ he said sitting down two cups of tea on the table , strings of saffron still floating in the strained liquid as he spoke “ really ..? She seems ver friendly “ you said smiling up at him and focusing back to the cat who had now stretched across your lap seemingly ready for a nap “ thanks for saving her “ he spoke watching as you brought the cup to your lips , the warm tea enveloping your body working it with heat “ don’t thank me I just happened to be there “ you said “that dog comes around a lot always bothering my cats “ he huffed stirring a spoonful of sugar into his tea . Your eyes trailed over lee know , his fluffy brown hair tussled over his forehead dipping slightly over his eyes , as he looked down , glasses perched against his nose ,he looked better than you had remembered .
You words rushing towards your mouth before you had a chance to stop them “ how have you been?” You asked cupping a hand over your mouth in sudden realization “hm?” His eyes meeting yours “ I’ve been ..alright” he spoke smiling lightly before clearing his throat “ you on the other hand ..” he said motioning to your disheveled appearance “ oh” you spoke “ I don’t look the best right now “ you admitted “I’m just having a bad day that’s all “
Lee know offered to dry your clothes off for you , discarding your protests as he threw you one of his shirts and offered to dry your hair for you , he wasn’t anything like you imagined , his cold demote from that day on the roof seemed to be the opposite of his soft personality that you currently were met with “ here” he said patting a spot on one of the chairs in his apartment , directly above the store . It was cozy supported with strums of plants and blankets tossed over giving the room extra warmth . You sat in the chair watching as he connected the hairdryer turning to face you the warm air drying the sticky liquid from you hair . Lee knows eyes seemed softer than when you first saw them the cold meaningless expression replaced with something warmer , you couldn’t place your finger on it maybe it was the way his eyes had a glint in them or the way his lips curved up at the corners or the way he carefully massaged your scalp - the sudden stop of the hair dryer pulled you from your thoughts dawning you in a moment of embarrassment as you now realized you had , one been staring at lee know and two completely ignored whatever he had said .
Lee know owned a restaurant , a family heirloom of sorts , he usually visited on the holidays as a child and well into his adult years helping his grandparents out with customers but when his grandfather passed away rendering him the restaurant it seemed to loose its magic , maybe it was the lack of customers or the fact that he lost something important to him but the walls felt hollow and the recipes that he was taught to make tasted bland , they lacked love short of it himself and unable to offer any .
The restaurant quiet and his thoughts louder than he’d hoped he never planned to find himself at the top of the building calling what he thought was a help line but In turn turned out to be your number . He never had planned to see you after that , after causing you who seemed so soft and caring such worry . The panicked and teary confusion you had on your face etched in his brain too embarrassed to tell you how fast his heart was beating or how he couldn’t get you out of his head hoping that he’d run into you but now as he walked you home his mouth running dryer than usual “ are you busy tomorrow ?” He asked hoping that maybe just this once he’d have enough strength to let his guard down
“Sunny walks cafe” you mimed looking up at the sign board in front of you , lee know hummed “ yup it’s my favorite place “ he spoke now leading you up the stairs and into the cafe , the door now opened by lee know supported a warm atmosphere, cat towers perched against the wall followed by bean bags and smaller coffee tables “wow it’s a cat cafe ?” You asked how walking into the store the smell of blueberry muffins filling your senses .
Lee know offered to pay for your drink which declined at first but soon found yourself agreeing to as he stared at you , icy eyes fixating on to yours . “ I didn’t get to thank you “ he spoke causing you to look upwards “ for that day “ you hummed in acknowledgment “ you don’t need to thank me I’m just really happy to see you’re doing better now” you spoke smiling warmly at him , lee know paused his brain short circuiting at the warm feeling he felt drift through him , he liked it
He liked the way your lips curved up ever so slightly when talking to him , how your eyes rounded out , how your hands seems to find his placed on the table for a sense of surety , he like all of it . You sighed watching one of the cats from afar , who rolled so playfully on its back “ must be nice huh” you motioned towards it “ no job no responsibility’s “ you said now propping your head up with your hand “ in my next life I want to be a cat” you stated matter of factly smiling at the furry face below you “ you’re a PA right? “ lee know spoke suddenly causing you to choke up on your drink , spazzing you into a coughing fit “ was “ you spoke your voice strangled” I was a PA now I’m …unemployed? Jobless? “ you said laughing to make light of your situation. Lee knows eyes watched you “ I have a help wanted sign up “ he said “ you could work with me I mean if you really need too” truth be told you did , your rent was due and you barely had enough to cover it on good days there was no way you’d be getting by without a job .
Lee know showed you around the restaurant , explaining the different recipes to you and well as how much each item costed , you nodded along paying close attention to his words making sure to take in as much as possible “and don’t burn the sugar “ he started watching as you stirred a pot of boiling sugar in attempts of making a caramel “ burnt sugar doesn’t taste very good “ he spoke ears perking up at the mention of a customer.
You fiddled with the spices trying to pick up and sort them out as lee know cooked the food , moving the cumin bottle back to its place your elbow stabbing into one of the stacks knocking a jar over , the jar fell glass coating the tiles and leaking it’s contents all over the floor . You crouched down immediately in attempts to pick up the mess furiously apologizing, your fingers scooped up the glass cuts and pieces protruding from them as tears Clouded your vision “ I’m so sorry “ you began lee know watching you “yn..” he spoke “ I didn’t mean to really I’m so sorry “ lee know now walking towards you pools of blood
Forming at your finger tips “I’ll clean it up and pay-” you said tears trailing down your cheeks “ yn “ he crouched down taking your hands in his “ you’re bleeding “ he said now wrapping your hand in a cloth bringing you over to the sink “ I’m sorry lee know really “ you huffed as he tried to clean the cuts and scratches , customer now forgotten as he handled this new found challenge “stop apologizing “ he spoke
His voice pulling you out of your panicked state now regaining control over your body “ it was a mistake “ you mumbled watching lee knows concentrated face as he wiped the cuts down with disinfectant “ I know “ he said “I’m not mad or anything but please just be careful next time I don’t want you getting hurt “ you nodded the guilt over taking you , not only had you damaged his inventory but also rendered him the loss of a customer and that too all on your first day .
You never really did find a new job , staying at lee knows restaurant seemed ideal you helped manage the marketing increasing the amount of customers and helped to tweak recipes making the food taste even better than it did before , you and lee know operated as a team always being there for each other when one needed it the most , covering shifts and occasionally going on outings became a regular thing between the two of you . Lee know felt safe like a stuffed animal reminding you of your childhood , shielding you from all the bad of the world coating you in a blanket of safety and to him you felt like home , making him feel good on his worst days and keeping him warm when he needed it the most . You loved being around him and him around you which is why it didn’t surprise you when he pitched up at your door in the early hours of the morning
“You never really do sleep do you ?” You giggled letting him into your space , your hair messy and you socks sliding off as you opened the door , lee know smiled he liked this side of you the unorganized ,messy and soft he liked all sides of you , he liked you so much he wasn’t sure what to do “ couldn’t sleep “ he said now making his way in “ so you came here “ you said now following him to your couch , he nodded sitting down “ I like being around you it makes me feel better “ he spoke his words shooting pangs to your heart “you do ?” You asked sitting across from him
He frowned looking at the gaps between the two of you shuffling closer to you laying his head in your lap . Your body froze at the sudden weight placed on you lee know now turning to bury his head in the soft expanse of your tummy “ wanna be close “ his sleep deprived self mumbled “ I like you too much to not be close to you” his words slurring as he fell asleep . “ you like me ?” You whispered at the sleeping boy so peaceful in your lap who was now unaware of the heat that cascaded over your face and down your neck or the loud thumping in your chest as you took in his words .
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