#we got together in this... i guess it was like a supermarket or something. and it was all regular until there was shouting happening bc
the-acid-pear · 2 years
I hate the anxiety horror movies give me even after I'm done because i just woke up from such an upsetting nightmare
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How the iudex sleeps
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Unexpectedly enough Fontaine started wondering how the great judge is productive enough to do all his work and some bizarre ideas start pooping up until the iudex himself says his 'secrets'
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Read also: otters sleep holding hands and with their babies on their bellies and I found that incredibly sweet
WC: 1,3K
Cw: gn reader, you both have a baby but it isn't specified if he is biologically related or adopted
‘The chief of justice is a busy person’ is a known fact amongst the citizens of Fontaine, who see him working through many cases plus uncountable quantities of paperwork. That led to a question for some people ‘how does he get enough energy for the day’ at first the common guess was coffee but they were told off by an angry melusine.
“Huff! As if monsieur Neuville would ever drink such things! Only weird humans can drink something that bitter”
That quickly shut down that possibility and led them back to the board of ideas. About that time reporters started to notice how many people seemed interested in maximizing their energy and being awake for longer, while they aren't life changing or particularly interesting sections, some weeks are remarkably unremarkable and anything is better than nothing.
Now every week there would be a few merchants promoting tonics, pallets and pills that enhance energy, even when they would find ways to waltz around trying to mention the judge in their advertisements.
‘Lawfully energetic’
‘as fierce as a dragon’
‘enough to stand 100 trials’
Even if the last one was almost enough for the mermonia palace to get involved for using Neuvillette's name it was vague enough that it got off the hook.
Usually Furina’s crew would be able to rehearse two scenes before tea time but for some reason it was already 2 pm and they were still rehearsing the beginning of the play.
“ I'm sorry, Ms. Furina, I just can't connect two ideas together today” the female lead says as she grabs her head, sighing deeply. Furina touches her back and before she can ask about it someone shares a thought to the air.
“ Oh! Have you tried nilotpala lotus tea? It seems to stimulate the nervous system and clear up brain fog. Maybe the iudex uses that” the man who was supposed to be practicing the piano to match the scene says with a slight poison over his words.
“ Isn't brain fog rich coming from you?” Furina yaps at him “ your tempo was off the whole day” as she looks over his shoulder and rather than seeing a music sheet she finds the newest issue of steambird “what are you even reading? Focus on the piano! We have a show next week!”
She quickly grabs the paper and starts reading the small column with advertisements and tricks, huffing at the idea “stop reading those newspapers and keep rehearsing! The magic fix you are looking for is simply a good night sleeps, like the iudex you are stalking for an answer” she sighs loudly before looking at her crew.
“Is that all?”
“Simply a good night's sleep. What else were you expecting? An extract with 10 times more caffeine than a cup or liyue acupuncture?” She looks at her crew and finds some of them nodding and others seemingly disappointed “now, a break or can we start from the top?”
Unsurprising enough, very few people believed what she claimed, most likely wishing for a strange concoction that can make up for bad habits. Even then a few girls believed it to be rational enough of an answer, seemingly even one of them must have said furina knew his whole nighttime routine causing a hoard of reporters to crowd her door asking senseless questions.
‘Does he use sleep mists?’
‘What kind of fabric are his sheets?”
‘What does he eat before bed? Does he drink water?’
After being stalked everywhere from her home to the supermarket or the café she started dressing up in disguise to escape, luckily a few days after she noticed the quantity of reporters went down and only one came knocking on her door asking about the rescheduling of her play.
“ Oh, yes, we had to reschedule as there was an ‘important trial’ that had to be dealt with urgently. A representative of the palais mermonia apologized for the inconveniences but in the end the most important thing is justice!” furina says with her characteristic theatrical flare. Now looking at the reporter scribbling things on his notebook she adds a bit “the new date will be in two weeks, if someone presents the special meet and greet tickets with the old date they will still be valid”
As he finishes writing he goes off to write the article “thanks miss!”
Now standing on the doorway to the rehearsal room, Furina was expecting the usual sleepy greetings or the usual chitchatter or gossiping but, unusually enough, the whole room was silent and her whole crew was hunched over a spot, their backs facing her.
Clearing her throat she greets them first but they still don't react “ morning? Guys? Are you all okay?” she rounds them trying to get their attention until one of them catches sight of her.
“Director! Look! Monsieur Neuvillette told his secret to the newspapers!” He grabs the yellow paper and holds it to her face, a big bold font meeting her eyes.
‘Greatest secret?’ Furina thinks for a second ‘did he already publicly state to be the hydro dragon? Doesn't seem like it’ but she quickly smiles at her co actor “So? What is his secret?”
But all her crew look at her with a questioning glare “ what we have been wondering all this time? Who would have guessed our director was right!”
“What is that even supposed to mean?!”
Charlotte looks at the pages full questions she prepared for her so desired meeting, who knew that after so long wishing for it she would truly get a chance to interview the iudex, even if half the questions she prepared couldn't be answered for privacy or because the cases weren't closed she got enough material to fill a good pair of pages. Even then she couldn't lose this opportunity and started asking the ‘dumber’ or sillier questions
Looming over one particular line she wonders, would the judge consider it rude for her to ask that given he was giving her his important time but she simply swallows and asks
“How are you able to work through so much work?”
“My apologies?” Neuvillette furrows his brows and looks confused “I don't think I quite understand what you mean”
Charlotte breathes in deeply before elaborating “People have been wondering how you have enough energy to do all the work you are able to do”
Neuvillette stays silent for a second with his eyes closed
“It's known the iudex doesn't talk about his private life, so if you don't want to answer-”
“ It's not that” Neuvillette reassures her calmly “it wasn't a question I was expecting, that is all” he crosses his legs and details as Charlotte writes
But regardless of how many tries we have thrown to the ceiling we all were wrong, the way our judge is able to power through the day is simple actually, a comfortable bed and his beloved family. Even if he refused to expand on information about his family he did speak more about his routine.
“I'm unsure why people care so much suddenly but it's very simple, really, I always sleep with my lover in bed and keep our child on my chest” even as Charlotte choked on her own spit at a sudden juicy revelation neuvillette barely glanced over the rim of his goblet “we are also rather particular about bedding, but for now we settled on silk flower sheets made I'm liyue”
As he drinks water a small smile creeps up his lips, remembering that very morning vividly, his fingers firmly entangled with yours, almost as if he fears you would leave and meet a cold spot when he wakes up, even when you are practically hugging his side. Or your young baby peeking his head out of his father's sleeping shirt and feeling the soft beating of his heart with a pleased face.
Hm, he is sure that is why he always wakes up with enough energy to power through his duties .
Opening his eyes he finds Charlotte with small tears on her lashes and muttering ‘how sweet’.
“ So about your son…?”
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AITA for refusing to pay mere 15 bucks for a while?
I (34F) started working at a supermarket, everyone is friendly and nice there. This one woman (29F) in particular was very nice, shy and doesn't talk too much but I liked her so much and wanted to be friends. I approached her and we hung out everyday, and we even commute together because I don't drive. I assumed it should be free because it's not my car and i shouldn't be responsible for it but offered to pay a part of her gas bills anyway since it's a she was nice enough to match my schedule and sacrifice a part of her time to pick me up and drop me off, we agreed that she would only drive me if she was free so it wasn't a commitment, and i only needed her for evening shifts because my husband is available on morning shifts. Her only condition that I should never be late because she's always on time and I promised her that.
To thank her properly I even bought food for her everyday, the same sandwiches and cakes I like. I'm not sure if she like them too but I can guess because we seemed to have a similar taste in food. The first couple of days she accepted them with a simple thank you but she told me I shouldn't had to. By the third day she started to reject them insisting that I shouldn't have to, and that she brings her own lunch with her. I insisted on her to accept my gifts and she did reluctantly but told me to stop doing again, because it's my money and i should spend it on myself. I told her we are friends and what's mine belongs to her, and wondered if the food I pick didn't suit her taste so I asked her if she liked it or I should buy different things for her. She said she liked them actually she just didn't want me to spend my money needlessly. I continued buying her food everyday regardless. She stopped thanking me for my act of kindness and awkwardly accepting the food, and every single time she tells me I shouldn't do it again but I insist. This continued on for 2 weeks until she told me she wanted to diet, and I should stop buying her food and specially cake because she is trying to lose weight. I agreed but asked her about her diet so I know what to buy her, but she refused to tell me and I stopped buying food for her.
After a while I started commuting with her on morning shifts too because i can get home faster than with my husband but I noticed she wasn't always available because she make many plans after work. She just informs me she has plans but never tells me what they are, so I started to think she's lying and get sad about it. I never confront her because that's not my style so I just tell her it's fine then vent to my other friends about how she keeps ignoring me. That's not the only reason I think she's ignoring me mind you, she also sometimes doesn't hang out with me during breaks.
She found out what I told other friends and got mad at me insisting that I was lying, she said she was just busy sometimes and can't hang out all the time or that she didn't want to disturb me when I was hanging out with other friends, she also reminded me that she isn't obliged to drive me around all the time because that's not what we agreed on.
We had another fight for something irrelevant but we made up, however I felt that we were growing distant after that. She hanged out with me less and less, because I told her she didn't have to sacrificer her plans for my sake ever and that we I don't have to match our schedule anymore, but I still felt sad about it. I knew venting to my other friends would anger her so I kept my mouth shut this time, so she doesn't accuse me of lying again.
We still commute together specially in evenings shifts, but not too much in morning shifts because she keeps having plans. I don't complain about it even when my husband is unavailable.
I received a message saying she hesitated to tell me something but she had to increase the price for our commute if I still wanted to be with her, and the price she set was insane! 2.5 bucks for each ride meaning I had to pay 5 bucks everyday day! she said driving isn't just about gas and that gas is already expensive because her car isn't economy and specially because we live in a hot climate and we need the AC all the time. I didn't like it and tried arguing with her over it, but she didn't budge and I didn't want to lose our friendship over it and tried to forget about it and I actually did forget it so after a month she told me I had to pay 75 buck for the entire month and I got angry because it was too much. For reference this is not the US and 75 bucks is more than enough for gas, my husband's car needs 50 bucks monthly but her car probably needs about 100 bucks and i'm paying 75% of that! She reminded that it was the price she set and she calculated it carefully so she doesn't accidentally charge me for extra rides. For the next couple of month I only commuted with her when necessary and had to pay around 50 buck each month. Also because I pay her much more I thought I might as well get the most of these ride so I always did grocery shopping after work while she waited for me. It's just 15 minutes usually and she shops sometimes too so why can't I? I started doing grocery whenever I needed without asking for her permission even though she asks mine when needs to shop, but after all I'm the one who practically pays for our rides. She's using me for gas so I might as well use her, I felt I should have never suggested helping her with gas, I'd get free rides and these problems would never happen.
I always ask her how much I owe her immediately after getting our paychecks on the 27th, but I need a few days to prepare the cash so I don't pay until after a week usually. We had a fight because she claimed I was always "late" so I decided to finally stop commuting with her, I paid her the 40 bucks I owed her for that month after I stopped talking to her. It was the start of a new month I never rode with her or talked with her, yet when we got our paychecks she told me I owed her 15 buck! I called her out on her lies and told her to stop using me and stealing my money because I haven't commuted with her for the entire month, but she told me it was for the 28th, 29th and 1st day, three days after the paycheck so they would be paid the next month.
I did the math and realized she was not making it up, I didn't apologize for accusing her because I'm still right, she's very greedy for charging me that much. I didn't pay the 15 bucks because that's such an insignificant amount and it didn't matter. She sent an angry message the next month saying she wants her money and I was overstepping boundaries because "I'm getting too comfortable at her expense". I called her out for annoying me just for the sake of 15 bucks, I don't know why that's important to her. I told her I regret even suggesting to pay her, she blew up on me saying it was common sense to pay the driver and that I'm the one who assumed I was riding for free. She claimed she actually told me about the money beforehand but I embarrassed her by assuming she was giving me free rides, and that her embarrassment caused her to not charge me enough at first. I don't remember any of that, I know I have a week memory but I think she is making all that up to get my 15 bucks, so I refused to pay. I reminded her that I bought food for her everyday and she was so ungrateful for that, which proved I'm generous but she's greedy. I also told it's her fault she allowed and forced me to ride her car!
I blocked her number before she replied so I don't know how she responded to that but I decided to go to HR. Unfortunately HR said our commute is none of there business and my ex-friend had the right to charge me as much as she wanted to, and if I didn't agree to that price I shouldn't have rode in her car in the first place!
I paid the money after that, I even gave her 30 bucks because I'm generous and told her to stop bothering me. She refused to take them because I only owed her 15 bucks but I left before she could return the money. She's TA for charging me too much and being ungrateful but am I also?
What are these acronyms?
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xcaptain-winterx · 6 months
Gingerbread cookies
football player!Bucky Barnes x reader
summary: Your helpful football player decorates the gingerbread cookies for you while you sleep. Only problem is that your boyfriend has a better idea.
warnings: fluff, Bucky being a good boyfriend, Bucky being a horny boyfriend, cum, nsfw 18+, Alpine, pussy eating
a/n: English is not my first language, meaning you will probably find a lot of misspelling etc.. This is a fic for “Vee's holly jolly challenge” @sstan-hoe with the prompt “Before we go out…pull up that skirt real quick, baby”. Hope you like it and I hope you all have a great Christmas❤️🎄
Main Masterlist Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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Bucky is walking out of the changing room, pulling his jacket tighter around him as the cold wind slaps him. He was supposed to have football practice until 5pm, but the sudden change of weather made them end earlier today. This decision was good because 10 minutes later the wind got brutal. Bucky makes his way back to his apartment, wanting to be back in the warmth as soon as possible. His phone starts to ring midway through his walk back home and he struggles for a second to get his phone out before finally managing to pull his phone out of the deeps of his pocket. A smile spreads out on his face as he sees that you are calling him.
“Hey, doll” Bucky says happily.
“Hey, baby” you say, sounding equally as happy. “I already assumed practice was going to end earlier today. How was it?”.
“It was good. I beat Steve today” he says proudly, remembering how defeated Steve looked as his best friend threw him across the field.
“Wow, that’s amazing, baby! Guess you deserve something special then, huh?”. Bucky bites his lap as he thinks about what you gave him last time you were proud of him, or more like what you did.
“I will be home in two minutes” Bucky says, speed walking down the streets and taking a shortcut. Just as Bucky is about to bring up a wish, including you in only his jersey, a noise in the background gathers his attention.
“What is that, doll?”.
“So” you begin “I actually called you because I wanted to ask you if you could make a quick stop at the supermarket and get some frosting”.
“Sure” Bucky immediately says and walks back in the other direction. “For what?”.
“Today is Yelena’s birthday and I want to make gingerbread cookies, but I ran out of frosting halfway. I still need to decorate twenty more cookies”. Bucky remembers the party. How couldn’t he? The whole football team is going and many more. Yelena and you know each other since you were about five and went together to the same schools. Meanwhile her sister Natasha was in Russia for some years.
“I thought we had enough frosting” Bucky says, remembering how went grocery shopping last week and even got more frosting than necessary.
“I thought so too, but we used quite a lot of frosting last night as we drunkenly built our gingerbread house” you say, while putting the last dozen of cookies in the oven.
Your parents came by yesterday morning before flying to England for the holidays and gifted you two some wine as an early Christmas present. Of course you two had to taste it, so you put on some nice music while Bucky lit the fireplace and then cuddled up to on the couch and opened the bottle. In no time the bottle was empty and you two dancing to Christmas music before Bucky had the brilliant idea to build a gingerbread house together, remembering you two bought a set. After some failed attempts to put it together, you two finally managed to do it and were able to decorate it. At that point, you still had enough frosting, but you wanted to do more decorations, so you took some of the frosting what was meant for the cookies.
In the end, you didn’t even use the frosting for decorating. Well, not for decorating a gingerbread house. Bucky thought it would be fun to decorate your body on the table and slowly lick the sweet scream off your body.
But the gingerbread house still looks good.
Bucky smiles back at the memory, remembering how much you two had and not only in the dirty kind.
“And now you want your lovely boyfriend to bring you some more frosting? Don’t you think you already have enough cookies?”
“Well, my lovely boyfriend, I think you can never have enough cookies and I may even spare you some if you get me some frosting” you say sweetly, secretly knowing you already got him wrapped around your fingers.
Bucky acts like he’s thinking for a second before replying. “Ok, but I want you to decorate MY cookies, especially for me. I want to take them with me to practice and rub under the boy’s noses that my girlfriend makes me cookies with personal messages”.
“You just want one that says ‘best dick’ or ‘careful big thing in pants alert’” you say laughing, imagining how he will show those cookies to Steve and Sam.
“You know me so good, doll” he says, smiling into his phone. “Alright, I will get you something, so you can finish decorating your cookies”.
“I love you, baby. Thank you so much. I will make you some hot chocolate, so you have something warm when you come home”.
“You are too good to me, doll. I love you” he says before saying goodbye. A wide grin appears on his face, while hanging up and putting his phone away. Instead of continuing his way to the supermarket, he turns around again and walks to their apartment.
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Bucky wipes his snowy shoes on the doormat. He was almost home as it started snowing hard. Good, that the birthday party is inside.
He unlocks the door, and immediately a wave of warmness and the smell of fresh gingerbread hits him. He steps inside and is immediately greeted by your arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss. Bucky kisses you back, dropping his bag to lift you up, but before he can, you pull away from him.
“I’m so happy to see you, baby. Did you bring the frosting? The cookies are almost done” you run back to the kitchen, leaving him at the door. A soft white fur ball comes out of the bedroom upon hearing the front door open.
“Hey, Alpine” Bucky says as his little baby purrs against his legs, “I missed you too, girl”. He picks her up after removing his shoes, jacket and letting his bag drop on the small bench in the entryway. In the kitchen, he sees how productive you have been. On the counter are two batches with finished cookies, two with unfinished ones, and another batch is in the oven.
“Doll, how about you rest a bit and then get ready for the party while I finish the cookies? You need some rest” he walks closer, seeing how tired you are.
“But the cookies-“.
“I will get them out when they are done and put the frosting on them” Bucky says, giving you Alpine, who happily snuggles closer into the arms of her favorite human.
“James, you don’t have to do that. You just came home from practice and I already made you get the frosting. You don’t need to do more” you say as he leads you to your bedroom. Alpine jumps out of your arms as Bucky pulls back the blanket for you to lie down. She stretches before getting comfortable again in the warm bed she slept in before Bucky arrived. Alpine meows, waiting for you to join her.
Bucky picks you up bridal style, making you laugh. “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I made the love of my life overwork herself while I’m still full of energy” he says, laying you down on the bed and pulling the blanket tightly over you. Bucky chuckles as Alpine pops her head out from under the blanket.
“I love you, you know” you say and snuggle more into the warmth of the blanket.
“I know” Bucky grins before giving you a kiss, while murmuring a soft good night against your lips. He closes the door after walking out.
Once outside, he fist bumps the air. He can finally start with his plan. Bucky waits till the cookies are out of the oven before getting a big bowl and walking with it to the bathroom. A big grin is on his face as he closes the door.
“Merry fucking Christmas, doll”.
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After you wake up and cuddled Alpine for another five minutes because your little baby wouldn’t stop complaining, you start to get ready for the party. Fixing your makeup in the mirror, you spot Alpine scratching the closed door. With a sigh, you walk over to her.
“No no no, baby. No, scratching the door!” you say and open the door, making her dash out and into the kitchen. You walk out after her, spotting your boyfriend leaning on the counter. Bucky lets out a hey as Alpine scratches his sweatpants and pushes her away with his foot.
When he turns his head around, he sees you standing there in a red dress. “Well, hello there, doll. Don’t you look pretty” he says, not moving from his spot, but giving you flirty smirk. You blush at his comment and walk over to him, noticing all the cookies decorated, though it’s a bit messy, and the frosting looks a bit too thin.
“Thank you for decorating them” you kiss his cheek “They look amazing”. It’s not a lie. You think they are pretty, even if they aren’t decorated the best.
Bucky smiles before he reaches for a cookie and holds it up to you, grinning. “Want a taste?”.
You nod and open your mouth for Bucky to put it in your mouth. You then take a big bite out of the cookie, not seeing how Bucky bites his lip.
The cookie doesn’t taste like you thought it would. Instead of being fully sweet, it’s more salty. At first, you think you added salt instead of sugar before you realize that it’s not the cookie that is salty. It doesn’t take a second for you to know what it is. You look at Bucky, seeing him with a seductive grin.
“You put your cum on the cookies!” you say with big eyes, staring at him with a shocked expression.
Bucky nods, looking so proud. He spent a long time in the bathroom until the bowl was full of his hot cum.
“Why?!” you ask, not believing that your boyfriend really did that. “They are for the party, baby!”
“And there are still enough. You baked so many before I even got here that had frosting on them” he replies and pulls you closer with his arm. “You said I can have some-“.
“But not so many!”
“There are still enough, doll” he kisses your cheek. “I made these extra for you”.
“Bucky, I can’t eat cum covered cookies, even if it’s yours” you say to which he only chuckles.
“You still ate this one though” he bites your neck “I know you like it”. At that, you blush and you two know he’s right. Bucky covers your neck in kisses.
“You are insane, Mr Barnes” you chuckle as Bucky purposely tickles you with his long stubbles.
“Insane in love with you” he looks in your eyes. “You know, I passed out three times for this shit. I’m surprised you didn’t hear me fall”.
You stare at him. “You passed out”.
“As I said, I’m insane in love with you”
“Aren’t you exhausted?” you ask, only now getting why he has to lean against the counter.
“A bit, but you know what I’m still able to do?”
“What?” you ask him as he lets go of you.
“Before we go out…pull up that skirt real quick, baby” he says. You bite your lip as you pull the front of your dress up. A soft moan leaves your lips as Bucky steps closer and runs his finger over your soaked panties.
“All this for me?”
“Yeah” you say with a shaky voice, watching as Bucky drops to his knees and moves your panties aside.
“Oh, doll, you are completely drenched. You really seem to like those cookies” Bucky says in a cocky voice. Before you can say something, he gives your pussy a lick, making you shut up. He picks you up effortlessly and sits you down on the free counter. Before he dives his face back to your pussy, he chases after Alpine and locks her in the bedroom, receiving some scratches while doing that, whispering under his breath how he is going to cut her nails.
Once back, he lays you down and removes your panties, stuffing them in his pockets and ignoring your hey.
“For later, doll” he says before lifting your legs on his shoulders. Bucky kisses down your leg until he finally reaches your pussy. He can see your slick and can feel himself get hard again. He perhaps passed out three times, but he will always be able to get hard for you.
“It’s only fair that I make you pass out now too” he says before finally starting to eat you out.
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akkivee · 2 months
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Health Conscious Curry: Hypmic Curry Drama Track TL
Jakurai: Hifumi-kun, Doppo-kun. I thank you for coming all this way to help make our curry. Time is of the essence, so let us begin right away.
Hifumi: Okie dokie!! I’ve got a bunch of ingredients here, so we can make whatever kind of curry we want!
Jakurai: Oh my! It does indeed look like a supermarket sized collection.
Doppo: And if there’s anything missing, please just say the word and I’ll run out to buy it!
Hifumi: So we got chicken, beef, pork, lamb and venison! And I even bought seafood and veggies, but I can’t decide on what main ingredient should be!
Jakurai: With this curry battle, it’s to be expected that the other divisions’ quirks will present itself in their curry.
Doppo: So then… what would be our trait?
Hifumi: Well, that’s obvs gotta be “finacially secure adults,” right?
Doppo: “Financially Secure Adults’ Curry” … Then, should we use this high-class sea urchin?
Jakurai: Yes, let’s. And… I would like to use something that makes one think of Shinjuku.
Hifumi: Great idea~! Something like our glimmering neon lights~!
Doppo: “Glimmering Neon Curry” …? D-do any of these ingredients light up??
Hifumi: Heehee~ I thought something like this would come up, so I brought some gold luster dust!!
Jakurai: It will surely be beautiful as a finish.
Hifumi: Chan-Doppo, you gotta let me know what you think too~!
Doppo: B-But it’s not like I have any cooking sense…
Jakurai: Doppo-kun. This is a curry to be made by the three of us. Therefore, you’re indispensable.
Doppo: I-Is that so…?
Jakurai: Of course. Please do not feel hesitant; let’s make this curry together.
Doppo: Um… If it’s okay, I really would like meat to be in the curry…
Hifumi: Cool!! What kinda meat??
Doppo: We’re trying for a sense of luxury, so I guess we should use beef, but some people don’t like beef… So, I guess chicken would be the safest choice? No, but it has to be something special, so we should use game meats right…?? Aaaargh, this is too hard, I can’t make up my mind!!
Hifumi: Woah?? But don’t take it out on the meat??
Jakurai: …How fascinating.
Hifumi: Eh?
Jakurai: A doctor, a host, and a salaryman are certainly on different corners of society… And yet, somehow, life has brought us together. I feel that this is the appeal of Shinjuku Division.
Doppo: I see! So then we should… Um, what should we do?
Hifumi: We should go with this!!
Doppo: We’re using all the meat??
Hifumi: Heh heh~!! We’re going to combine these land meats and sea meats and make it work!! It’ll be like we're making the Curry Division!!
 Jakurai: Haha. I hope we’ll be able to create a harmony of it, just like ours as Matenrou.
Hifumi: And curry is served!!
Doppo: It looks amazing!! Is this really our curry…??
Jakurai: It has quite the impact. As for the taste…
MTR: *eats*
Doppo: It’s so good!!! None of the ingredients are overpowering, but it still tastes like fine dining…!!
Hifumi: Heh heh~!! Obviously it’s because we only used the finest! If we sold this at a restaurant, you’d have to pay yen in the tens of thousands!!
Doppo: That can’t be the price?? Who would buy our curry??
Hifumi: Welp, I think that’s something the curry battle producers are gonna have to think about! …But, what’s up, Doc? You’re making a weird face over there.
Jakurai: I must apologize to the both of you. I have overlooked the most important aspect I wanted to include.
Doppo: W-What was it?
Jakurai: For this curry battle, I wanted to stress the importance of eating meals to maintain health. This curry is far too high in cholesterol, fats and in purines….
Hifumi: And using butter rice probably isn’t helping keeping that calorie count down…
Jakurai: If we continue to eat this, I fear gout and obesity would be imminent.
Doppo: That’s horrible!! I can’t believe we created something that dangerous…!!
Jakurai: This curry is a masterpiece. However, if it’s alright, can we create something else from a healthier standpoint?
Hifumi: Can do! But we kinda used up all our ingredients in that first batch…
Doppo: ...Ah! We still have these left!
Jakurai: Canned chickpeas and canned tomatoes…!!
Hifumi: Way to go, Doppochin!! If we use these, our curry’s bound to be healthy, right??
Jakurai: Yes. Beans are rich in dietary fibers and in protein and tomatoes have antioxidant benefits. This curry will surely be a healthy dish.
Doppo: A curry that’s conscious of health is still something of an adult appeal, right?
Jakurai: And to support everyone’s busy day to day lives, this meal will heal the mind and body. Victory is sure to be set with our “Health Conscious Curry”!
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elizabethwritesmen · 6 months
𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚜
chapter 3: the big picture
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pairing: firefighter!steve x reader
summary: after a not-date with steve and a few revelations, y/n can’t hold her feelings in anymore. to make matters worse, tragedy strikes at the worst moment.
warnings: ANGST. smut to come.
a/n: i’m sorry in advance for the ending of this chapter, and i promise it will get better! i wanted to have all the parts out by christmas but it didn’t work out that way. still, though, i plan to finish this series as soon as possible IF you guys still want it! i’m grateful for all interaction but i noticed it went down on part 2 so let me know whether i should finish this or start working on something else please! (:
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 4
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I knew it was silly when I grabbed the slinky dress out of my closet. It was delicate, white knit fabric with lacy pink flowers, and not quite my usual style. I was more of a comfort everywhere I go kind of girl, but for once, I wanted to make the extra effort. It definitely had nothing to do with the fact that Steve was going to come see me at work. Nothing at all.
I slipped a baby pink cardigan over it, letting it hang loosely off my shoulders, and pulled on some lacy pink socks, rolling them down and fitting them into white tennis shoes. I thought I looked cute, delicate but still quite pretty.
I walked into the living room where Robin was waiting, and she raised her brow at me, no words forming but her face saying it all.
“What?” I huffed, crossing my arms.
“Steve must be coming by the shop today.”
“Why do you think that?”
“Because that’s the only reason you’d put on an outfit like that.”
I rolled my eyes, “Well does it at least look okay?”
“You look great, don’t get me wrong. Steve is gonna have to do a Darcy hand flex when he sees you. But you’re also being really obvious.”
“It doesn’t get more obvious than the Y/N and Steve sitting in a tree jokes you were making yesterday.”
“I guess that’s true,” she shrugged, “Everyone knows you two are gonna get together anyways. It’s just a matter of waiting now.”
“We are so not.”
“Yeah, ok, sure. Whatever you say.”
We drove to work separately, and the day passed by slowly. I anxiously awaited the moment Steve would walk through the door. It was almost embarrassing, really, every time someone came in and I heard the bell I looked up all giddy and hopeful.
Finally, about a half hour before we closed, when I’d given up all hope, he showed up.
I looked up, not at all expecting it to be him, but there he was.
He stood there for a moment, taking me in. His eyes scanned over me slowly, greedily. I smiled, knowing I got exactly the reaction I wanted.
“Hey,” he managed to get out, still distracted.
“Hey,” I shot back, “I started to think you weren’t coming.”
“Of course I’m here,” he met my eyes at that and chuckled lightly, a beautiful sound that met my ears and melted into them. “I brought you something.”
“Another cat?”
This time I earned a laugh instead of a chuckle, full and sweet, “Unfortunately no, but I think you’ll like it anyway.” He then pulled his hand out from behind his back, and, for the record, I’d been so caught up in my thoughts I hadn’t even noticed it was there. In it he was holding a perfectly tailored bouquet of pink tulips, mixed in with a few other delicate flowers.
I gasped, staring at it for a second before walking around the counter to grab it from him. It was already in a vase of water, which made me think it was from a flower shop instead of a supermarket aisle. Additionally, there was a pretty bow tied around the base.
“I don’t know what to say,” I stammered, holding them in front of me and examining them, unable to look away. “They’re perfect.”
“I forgot to get you flowers the day of your graduation. I wanted to make up for it now.”
“You’re still the only person who’s ever given me flowers.”
“Yes. Remember that time we went to the store and I said the flowers were pretty so you grabbed the prettiest bunch of them and bought them?”
“You asked me who they were for and I wouldn’t tell you ‘til we got back to your house and I stole one of your mom’s vases and put them in your room.”
“That’s still the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Until now, at least. This even tops that.”
“I’m sorry nobody else got you flowers. You deserve to get them, and often.”
“You’re so sweet,” I smiled, placing them on the counter for everyone to see. They were such a statement piece, so beautiful you had to admire them. My heart was in shambles, completely wrecked from his kind gesture, and I forgot how to be normal, fidgeting nervously.
“I’m meeting up with a couple guys from the station in an hour at a restaurant outside of town. Would you wanna come with me?”
“Really?” I quirked a brow, “I wouldn’t be intruding?”
“Well, one is bringing his wife and the other is bringing his girlfriend. I know you’re not either of those, but you’re the only person I’d want there.”
I grinned, “I’d love to. Is what I’m wearing okay, or do I need to go home and change first?”
“What you’re wearing is perfect. I’ll wait here with you until you get off and we can ride over there together, if you want.”
“Of course I want that!”
And he did, sitting on a stool beside me as I worked. It was a slow day, so I was just helping Robin filter through inventory. It only took a few minutes for her to walk in and start picking on us.
“Where did these come from?” she said, glancing from the flowers to us and wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
“I brought them for Y/N,” he simply told her.
“Is that so? They’re very pretty. They look like girlfriend flowers to me.”
“They’re not girlfriend flowers,” I huffed.
“Sure, sure. Would you come help me in the back for a minute? I have a question about a record shipment.”
“Fine,” I sighed, standing up and grazing my nails over Steve’s shoulders on the way.
As soon as we were behind a closed door, Robin went in on me.
“Flowers?!” she exclaimed.
“Will you just tell me about this record shipment?” I rolled my eyes.
“There is no record shipment. Now let’s get back to the flowers.”
“What about them?”
“I don’t know any men who would buy a girl flowers platonically, especially not flowers that nice.”
“Yes you do. Steve.”
“But he wouldn’t, though. He’s never bought me flowers, or Max, or anyone. I don’t even remember him giving Nancy flowers in high school.”
“Well… it’s just a gesture, it doesn’t mean anything.”
“Who are you kidding, me or yourself? You need to tell that boy how you feel before this becomes a shit storm like it did last time!”
“It’s not that easy, Rob. I don’t know that he feels the same way. Flirting and feeling are different.”
“Y/N,” she sighed, “Eyes never lie and when his land on you they stay on you. You’re it for him. I just wish you both would realize that. Now go back out there. I’m assuming you have plans with him after work so you can go ahead and go if you want.”
“Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Always. And obviously you have to text me all day and update me on your dazzling love story.”
“Shut up,” I smacked her on the arm as I walked out to the counter. Steve looked up at me, and I almost saw what she was talking about. His eyes landed differently on me than on anything else. No divided focus, no looking away. Just pupils, blown wide and taking me in like a mountain range or an ocean.
“You ready?” I asked, and he nodded.
“We’ll be a little early, but that’s fine. We can just go ahead and get the table.”
“Sounds good,” I smiled, following him out to his truck. He opened the passenger door for me and helped me in because it was a little too tall for me to step into gracefully on my own.
It smelled good in there. Like black ice and pure Steve Harrington, cinnamon and a hint of cedar mixing with his natural scent. I glanced around, noticing his work clothes in the back, for emergencies surely. It was a little messy, but not much, he seemed to keep it pretty tidy.
He hopped into the driver’s seat, cranking the trunk up and as he went to back out, he placed his hand on my seat and turned his body towards me to look behind us.
“There’s a backup camera, Steve,” I mumbled, eyes wide at his gesture. I didn’t know what was so endearing about it, but my heart skipped a beat.
“I don’t trust it,” he shrugged, putting it in drive and pulling out of the lot.
He headed directly to the restaurant and it was about a 20 minute drive altogether. Once we pulled up, I furrowed my brows.
“When did this get here?” I asked him, giving the place a full once over.
“Couple years after you left,” he shrugged, getting out. I did the same, walking to the front of the truck and letting him lead me inside.
Once the doors shut behind us, we were greeted by a hostess that was entirely too cheerful.
“Steve!” she screeched, her voice high pitched and bird like. I cringed, fighting the urge to cover my ears. “I wasn’t expecting you today!”
He gave her a polite smile, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. I could tell she annoyed him too, and I snorted slightly, causing her to glance at me for the first time.
“Oh, hello,” she remarked, her voice dropping an octave or two, “Table for two?”
“For six,” he interjected, and she nodded, marking something down on the paper in front of her and walking away.
“She’s cheerful,” I commented thoughtfully, gauging Steve’s reaction, “For you at least.”
“She just has a little crush on me is all. Me and the other guys from the station come here a lot, and she flirts every time. Her family owns the place.”
“You must never have brought a girl here before, with the way her face dropped when she saw me.”
“I haven’t. And I’ve been coming here with the guys for years, so seeing me with you for the first time was probably not what she was expecting.”
“She’s cute. Why don’t you give her a chance?”
“She’s like 20. I prefer girls that are only 3 years younger than me.” He winked upon saying that, and I fought off a blush.
“Your table is ready,” the girl cleared her throat and we nodded, following her to the back of the restaurant.
“Thank you,” I smiled at her, and she vaguely returned it, walking away briskly. I felt bad for the girl really, I’d been her age with a crush on Steve Harrington and it wasn’t an easy life to live.
“This place is nice,” I observed, taking in the roadhouse-like interior. There were oddities and signs hung up all over, creating a homey atmosphere that you couldn’t find many places.
“I like it,” he shrugged, “The food is good. I remember you loving macaroni, and theirs is some of the best.”
“What if I don’t like macaroni anymore?”
“I don’t think your tastes have changed.”
“You’re right, they haven’t.”
We stared at each other for a second before being interrupted by a booming voice, “Harrington!”
We looked up and there was an older man, probably in his late 40s, staring at us, smile on his mustached face. He was bald, and I hated to say that he looked like a typical fireman. If I saw him on the street, I would assume that’s what he did for a living.
“Hey, Larry,” Steve smiled, getting up to shake his hand and pat him on the back the way guys do.
“Who’s this?” the man, Larry, gestured to me, “You finally found yourself a good woman?”
“This is my friend, Y/N,” Steve introduced.
“Y/N,” Larry nodded in recognition, “I’ve heard that name a time or two. Hello, I’m Larry and this is my wife Jan.” He reached out to shake my hand and I obliged, standing to do so.
“Nice to meet you both,” I grinned as we all sat down around the circular table.
“So Y/N,” Larry began, “I thought you’d moved away?”
“I did, but I’m back now.”
“Back to stay?”
“Maybe. I haven’t decided yet.”
“Maybe Steve can help you with that choice,” he smirked, a playful air in his voice as he glanced at Steve, who blushed in return, rubbing the back of his head.
“I think he already is,” I smiled shyly, brushing my hand over Steve’s arm, an affectionate gesture to soothe his nerves.
Moments later, the other guy showed up. His name was Brad, and he did the same spill about “Oh! Who’s this?” They both seemed to be in disbelief that I was just Steve’s friend, and I couldn’t blame them much. I knew how our relationship looked to outsiders. You’d have to be stupid not to see it.
“So Y/N, got any boyfriends back in Florida?” Camille, Brad’s wife, asked.
“Not really, no. I was never focused on that, I threw myself into my work.”
“I see,” she nodded, “You’re a pretty girl, though, I can imagine you had someone in college.”
“Cam, stop prying, you’re gonna scare the girl away,” Brad tapped her on the arm in a gentle reprimand.
“No, it’s fine, I don’t mind,” I smiled, “There was a couple flings, but that’s about it. I couldn’t really get serious about anyone.”
“Wonder why,” she muttered under her breath, glancing at Steve. “You know,” her voice picked up, “Jan and I have tried to set Steve up and he’s never been interested. Guess that’s something you both have in common.”
“We’ve got a lot in common,” I shrugged. Her questioning was in good nature, but it was still rude and she was, by all means, a cunt. Harsh, but there are no other words for some women.
“Okay, anyways,” Steve changed the subject briskly, “What’s everybody ordering?”
The dinner went smoothly. Once Jan and Camille got to know me, they seemed to take more of a liking to me and their rudeness subsided. None of them ever stopped pushing the me-and-Steve agenda, though, and I was sure they never would. I’d like to say it was frustrating but really, I didn’t mind. From their lips to God’s ears, or whatever.
When it came time to pay, Steve asked that my food be on his check. I insisted otherwise, but he wouldn’t listen and paid for me anyway. That was so like him. He would never let me pay for anything.
We said our goodbyes and left, and naturally, Steve opened the truck door for me. I shot him a smile and a wink, stepping in carefully.
“Where to now?” he asked, sliding into the driver’s seat.
“Wherever you want to go,” I shrugged.
“How about you see my place for a change?” he suggested, eyebrow quirked in his question.
“That sounds good,” I nodded, and sat back as he headed there.
We pulled up at a small house, on the edge of the suburbs, cute and cozy and nestled beside a treeline.
“This is precious, Steve,” I grinned as I skipped behind him to the doorstep, waiting for him to unlock it so I could see the inside. As soon as he did, I was in awe of the decorating, deep maroons mixing with gold accents and shades of dark brown. “Wow. You decorated this?”
“Well, Robin helped a lot,” he chuckled, standing there awkwardly as I walked in and had a good look around.
“I love it,” I smiled genuinely, running my fingers over trinkets here and there.
“Want a tour?” he asked, and I nodded giddily.
He first showed me the front, which consisted of a living room and a kitchen with a small corner for dining. Then he took me down the hall to the small laundry room and small guest bathroom. Finally, he showed me the guest room and ended at his own bedroom.
“I’m gonna change real quick if you wanna just hang out,” he told me, grabbing some clothes from a drawer and walking into the master bathroom, pulling the door to behind him.
I took that moment to greedily take everything in, assessing details and committing them to memory. He had black sheets and a dark maroon comforter set, and I liked how the aesthetic of his entire house matched. It was very Steve, all cinnamon spice and warm ambiance.
My eyes drifted to his bedside table where he had an alarm clock and a couple books, then to his closet with an open door and clothes haphazardly laying on the floor. He’d always been slightly messy, so it was expected, but I still smirked. Then, I finally got to the dresser, which he’d mounted a TV above. On the surface, he had several frames filled with pictures from every point in his life. One of his family, whom he still didn’t see much. One of him and my dad golfing, and I furrowed my brows. “Steve?” I called, and he hummed in response, “Why is there a picture of you and my dad golfing in here?”
“Oh,” he started, “We golf together sometimes.”
I was slightly shocked, but I moved onto the next photo, promising myself I’d ask my dad about it as well for more information. In the frame was a work photo, everyone from the station lined up neatly in their turnout gear and posed with stoic looks on their faces. Well, all except Steve and Eddie, who offered smiles. I guess they didn’t get the memo. Then came a picture of him the kids at their graduation, everyone smiling big. I felt a pang in my heart as I wished I’d been there. Then was a picture of him with Candy thrown over his shoulders and Eddie and Robin making silly faces with him. And finally, in the biggest frame of all, a photo of me.
I gasped lightly. I remembered the exact moment. It was the day of my graduation, and I was looking at Steve, laughing at something he had said. My smile was big and there was a look in my eyes that I only gave him. I appeared positively love struck, as if under a spell, and maybe I was. Maybe I never wasn’t.
“That’s always been my favorite,” his voice came from behind me, and I jumped, dropping the frame but he scooped it up with ease before it could hit the ground.
“I didn’t even know that photo existed,” I honestly stammered, my face heating up. Why did he have a picture of me in his room?
“Your mom took it while you weren’t paying attention. She sent it to me the next day and said she imagines that’s how you’ll look at me when we get married.”
“She what?”
He laughed, “I know, I know. But come on, we were two halves of the same whole back then. What was she supposed to think?”
“How long have you had that in here?”
“I kept it in the drawer in my nightstand for a while. Seeing it hurt too much. But then when I put the picture of me, Eddie and Rob up, it felt wrong not to have you there, so I put it up, too.”
“So you printed it just to keep it in the drawer by your bed?”
“Just to look at when I really needed to,” he shrugged, sheepish and melancholic.
“Steve,” I whispered, “I can’t believe you did that.”
“Yeah, neither can I. You know how many girls saw it and ran off before I even had a chance with them?”
I giggled, the sound lifting the tense mood. He placed it back on the dresser in its rightful spot, “I want to take a newer one of the both of us and put it on my nightstand.”
“Why would you do that?”
“So I can look at you every morning and night. Why else?”
“Stop leading me on, Steve,” I scoffed, staring at my feet.
“I’ve never lead you on,” he countered, his voice soft, his brows furrowed as if I’d said something so incredibly silly.
“Yes, you have, you always have. Since the day I met you at that stupid ice cream shop with those stupid hats, you’ve lead me on. You act like you’re gonna kiss me but never do, you act like you want me but you don’t. You say I’m the most beautiful girl in the world and that you’ll never care more about anyone than you do about me, but it’s not true and I don’t know what you get out of doing all of that but you’ve got to stop!”
I don’t know where the explosion came from. I suppose it was pent up and had always been, bound to come out one way or another. He stood dumbstruck in front of me, mouth agape, eyes wide. I didn’t give him much chance to collect his thoughts and respond, I just ran, finding my way out of his house. He followed me, begging me to stop, to slow down, but I didn’t.
“Leave me alone, Steve,” I barked, tears starting to stream down my face.
“Please just stay,” he sighed, defeated from chasing after me.
“No. I’m walking to my car.” The music shop was close to his house, only a few blocks away from his neighborhood. It would be maybe a 10 minute walk, but I would rather it be a hundred minute walk than spend any more time with him.
I made it pretty quickly, my anger and embarrassment speeding up my pace. Steve had tried to call me, but I sent him to voicemail and put him on Do Not Disturb so I would miss any text messages. I didn’t want to hear his voice or see the pretty words he’d put together to make up for a lifetime of stringing me along. Maybe he had feelings for me, maybe he didn’t, but I was done waiting to see.
I drove home and went straight to sleep, not caring about anything else. Finally, the calls stopped. I guess he decided leaving me alone would be the best thing he could do for a while. Part of me hoped he would show up at my door, but there was so such luck in the world.
Hours later, I was woken up to the sound of pounding on the front door. I furrowed my eyebrows, checking my phone for the time and seeing I had missed 40 calls from Robin and Eddie.
I jumped straight out of bed and ran to answer, seeing Robin on the other side, bouncing frantically on her feet. “You need to come to the hospital with me, now,” She urgently grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her car.
“What’s going on?” I asked, worry flashing through my heart, noting the one person who hadn’t called me. Something happened to him. I knew it.
“Steve got called into work to help fight a huge fire right outside of town. He got stuck inside and the structure collapsed on him.”
My heart dropped straight into my belly, making me ill. “Let me grab my stuff.”
I ran back inside, taking five seconds to change into a pair of flair leggings and a white v neck then slipping into my tennis shoes. The fluffy pajamas I was wearing just weren’t suitable for a hospital, though I did need to rush. I raced out the door, wallet and purse in hand, phone in pocket, and climbed straight into the passenger seat of Robin’s car.
“How bad is he?” I asked her, and she gave me a grim look.
“Well, he’s not good. He’s in critical condition and as far as I know he’s comatose.”
“Oh God,” I sighed, tears welling up in my eyes. I couldn’t believe the things I’d said to him. Guilt overwhelmed me and threatened to spill over and break me into a million pieces.
“He was on the way to your house,” she told me, “When they called him and asked where he was and if he could come in, he told them that.”
Suddenly, it clicked. He was on the way to my house. He wanted to set it right. He didn’t want to leave well enough alone. Well enough was never enough for him when it came to me.
“Please hurry,” I sighed, on the edge of my seat.
Finally, she pulled into the parking lot and I jumped out before she even came to a complete stop, running straight to the doors. Eddie was there in the lobby, a small bag and drink in hand, and I guessed he was headed back from the cafeteria.
“Eddie!” I called out, and he turned to me, his face morphing into a sorrowful expression.
“You made it,” he gave a sad smile, pulling me into a huge hug that I didn’t realize I needed.
“How is he?” I asked, “Where is he?”
“Come with me, I’m headed back to him now,” he stated, hand on the small of my back guiding me, “He’s got some bad burns and he bled a lot. They also think he hit his head pretty hard, which is why he’s in a coma. But they think he’ll be ok.”
“When do they think he’ll wake up?”
“They don’t know,” he sighed, and my face fell. He instinctively pulled me closer, trying to soften the emotions I was feeling. Eddie was always that for me. He softened life when it was too hard. I’d forgotten how much I needed that.
He brought me to a waiting room where a few firemen were sitting, but other than them it was empty. Robin followed in after us as we found seats.
“You doing okay?” Larry asked, clapping me on the back gently and staring at me with those same sympathetic eyes Eddie and Robin had given me.
“I am,” I nodded, “Just worried.”
“I know. He’s strong. He’ll be ok. Especially knowin’ you’re here waitin’ on him to get better.”
“I hope so,” I sighed, pulling my phone out to let my parents know what was going on. I left them a few text messages, knowing they’d be too sleepy to wake up and come to the hospital but wanting them in the loop. They still kept up with Steve, they’d want to know.
As the night wore on, everybody kept checking on me. Even firemen I didn’t know were asking me how I was. It was almost like they thought I was his girl or something, the way they fawned over me. I was saddened by his family’s absence. Eddie said he managed to get in touch with them, but they were off on some trip and sent their regards. It was sickening, really, how they could have someone so positively wonderful as a son and not care enough to even try.
The doctor walked in and his eyes landed on me, singling me out.
“You the girlfriend?” he asked, and Robin nodded, pushing me forward. “He’s stable. We’ve treated his burns and all his cuts, and he’s not bleeding out anymore. But he’s still comatose, and we’re still not sure how long he’ll be out for. You’re welcome to come see him though, if you’d like, for a few minutes.”
“Yes,” I nodded frantically.
“Only you can come back, though. At least until visiting hours tomorrow. Is that ok?”
“Uhh…” I hummed, looking around, “Someone else should probably go in, somebody more important.”
“No, you go. Believe me, there’s nobody else he’d want in there,” Eddie gave me a small smile, and everyone nodded slightly in agreement, so I followed the doctor back to a small room.
Steve looked pitiful, more gauze than man, but even in his battered state he was still handsome. The tears I’d been holding in finally fell as I looked at him.
“I’ll be right outside if you need me,” the doctor excused himself, and suddenly we were alone.
I walked to his bedside, sitting on the side and grabbing his hand, holding it tightly in mine.
“You have to wake up, Steve. Please,” I choked out through quiet sobs, “I need you. I love you, more than anything I love you. Please just wake up.” I have his hand a squeeze. “You’ve always been there for me, and I promise I’ll be here for you. Every day, until they throw me out, I swear. I won’t leave your side, not now or ever. You’re my best friend, you’re the love of my life. I need you to wake up.”
I stared at his lifeless form, listening to the low beep like it was background noise and squeezing his hand once more.
“Please wake up.”
One year before graduation
I don’t know how we convinced our parents to let us spend a full week at the cabin alone. I told mine I was gonna be with Robin, but I had no idea who he said he was gonna be with. Or even if he made up a story at all, considering they didn’t care much.
“It’s so pretty out here,” he smiled at me, dazzling me with how bright it was. So much so I could almost see it reflected on the lake.
“I like it,” I shrugged, “I remember coming here with my grandpa to fish. That was his favorite thing about this place.”
“I’m sorry,” Steve sighed, coming closer to me and pulling me in closer, “The funeral was nice, though. He would’ve liked it.”
“It was, wasn’t it?” I grinned, leaning into him before pulling away abruptly. “It’s okay, I’ll get over it.”
“I can’t believe he left all this to your family. This is the coolest inheritance ever.”
“I don’t know, he used to tell me there was a monster in the woods that would come get me if I snuck out here alone at night.”
“I won’t let any monsters get you,” he laughed, “We should do something. Make this place ours.”
“Like what?” I asked, curiosity piqued.
“Hmm,” he hummed, looking around. His eyes landed on a tree, the biggest and prettiest one out there, nestled right by the water. He pulled a pocket knife out of his jeans and hustled over to it, beginning to carve.
I let him do his thing for a moment before he victoriously cheered, “Got it!” And when I read it, it was our names together beside a heart.
“Cute,” I smirked, running my fingers over the love tainted bark, “If people see this, they’re gonna think we’re together.”
“Let them,” he shrugged, “I don’t care. There are worst things they could say than that.”
“Maybe we will be one day,” I mused.
“We would make a pretty cute couple.”
“And some pretty cute babies.”
“You’ve thought about what our babies would look like?” I full belly laughed.
“I’ve thought about making them, too,” he winked, leaning in to kiss my forehead and then turning back to his handiwork.
“You’re the worst.”
“You mean you haven’t thought about it?”
“What? Knocking boots?”
“Yeah. The horizontal tango. The super nasty.”
“Only when I’m super desperate or bored. Wouldn’t want to rot my brain.”
“Whatever. The point is, our kids would be next level. Grade A genetics. With my hair and your… everything else? Unstoppable.”
“What would we name them?”
“Hmm,” he thought for a moment, leading me to the water and sitting with me on the bank, “I don’t have a preference. Whatever you wanted would be fine.”
“So if I wanted to name our son Eustace and our daughter Muriel?”
“Then we’d get a dog and name it Courage. Dye its hair purple and everything.”
“You’re unreal.”
“Nah, I just want you happy. Happy wife, happy life, right?”
I giggled, slapping his arm. “It’s a good thing we’re not getting married. Those are horrible names for kids.”
“Yeah, I much prefer Donny and Marie.”
“Yeah, we could have a little bit of country and a little bit of rock and roll.”
“Right? They’d start making music right out of the womb.”
“Don’t talk about my womb!”
“Well if I’m putting kids in it then I have a right to talk about it!”
“Your kids aren’t coming anywhere near this womb, Harrington. She’s closed for business.”
“Oh, it’s a she, huh?”
“Of course it’s a she! This thing can push kids out and bleed for days without dying! A man could never!”
“Whatever. I’m going to get my trunks and take a swim. Wanna join me?”
“Of course,” I grinned, letting him help me up and running inside with him. I blushed as we passed the tree. “One day I’m gonna have to explain that carving to my husband.”
“Just tell him you were mine first,” he shrugged, and my smile widened. I wondered if he knew what he was doing to me, but even if he didn’t, I didn’t care. Whatever he felt for me was immortalized in an ages old oak, surrounded by hanging moss and hues of green. Nobody could ever take that away from me.
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vergilbergart · 2 years
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this came to me in a vision. this is half-me figuring out relationships and half-me wanting to figure out how to draw these dummies.
dumb thoughts under the cut bc i cant shut up lol
crocodile and dragon ... truly divorced. extremely divorced. they run into each other at the supermarket and the tension is Palpable as they remark to each other "...Dragon." and "...Crocodile." while Luffy is standing there awkwardly texting his friends some shit like "besties my dads are about to fight in the cereal aisle" and someone (PROBABLY NAMI) is like "send pics lol"
crocodile and buggy is "you're stupid. i like that in a man" while buggy honks awkwardly being simultaneously afraid but also Into It
mihawk and buggy is the same except with more of mihawk being like "well. idk who the fuck this guy is but this is happening i guess." buggy's like 😨😫😭😳🤡 and mihawk is like 😶😑😐🤨
can u tell buggy and shanks own my ass tho ... i love childhood friends who drift apart bc one of them is so fucking stubborn about going off on his own and the other just Letting him, and theres a completely one-sided rivalry, and u just Know that if they got talking for too long, they'd start reminiscing about their pasts and start getting sad about their shared losses (re: Roger). something something buggy insisting it's a "can't live with you but can't live without you" thing idfk!
shanks and mihawk ..... ooouuuughhh we love rivals who respect each other and trust each other genuinely, and shanks being the only one who can crack mihawk's stoic exterior and the only person he can kinda let his guard down around.
i have nothing to say about crocodile and mihawk. their relationship is like. we are fuckbuddies but if our relationship level was at Strictly Coworkers.
i don't ... hate ... croco + doffy together but the way some ppl write them is so like ... not how i imagine their relationship. i went on an entire rant about it to my friends but tl;dr, i think it's a completely one-sided thing of doflamingo wanting them to be hannibal and will, playing mind games and having a psychosexual homoerotic obession w each other, but crocodile is completely like ... No. Get Away From Me (proceeds to smack doffy with a broom)
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retnym · 1 year
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"Publicity isn't so bad."
“What the fuck!?” I shouted, storming out of my bedroom into the living room where everyone except Tom was. “What’s up?” Georg was the first to speak up as he took a drink of his coffee. I aggressively start tapping on my phone and then show what I was just looking at. 
We recently got touch screen phones, finally getting rid of the flip phones so we can do more on these it’s just sadly smaller than you’d like to have. Georg takes the device, letting Gustav see as well. After a few seconds of reading they burst into laughter. “It’s not that funny.” I huff, crossing my arms as Gustav shows the phone to Johanna who presses her lips together tightly, trying not to look me in the eyes.
“I want to see.” Bill pushes through them, taking it from them. “Oh boy.” He slaps a hand over his mouth, cracking up. “What’s so funny?” And here we go. Tom joins the room holding a Coke and an apple in the other hand. We all look at him, the others try to hold their laughter in as I just look annoyed.
Bill silently walks over to him with my phone, as Tom reads he takes a bite of his apple, we all watch his reaction as his face contorts when he’s reading his eyebrows lifting in surprise. “Gross.” I shake my head, finally going over to the twins and taking my phone back from them. Turning it off and shoving it into my back pocket.
What’s on my phone is an article on the internet that’s going to be placed on the front page magazine in stores for everyone to see. It’s pictures of Tom and I from yesterday and it’s made to look like we were a lot closer than we actually were. The main thing read: “Tom Kaulitz and [Name] [Last Name] seen together out and about, eating, at the dry cleaners and at a supermarket. Are they the next big couple?” 
First of all, ew, ew ew, ew. Second of all that’s so creepy, they literally have pictures from every single place we went and just because we ran errands together all of a sudden we’re a couple? “That’s pretty funny.” Gustav chuckles and Johanna agrees. “Well, it wouldn’t have even happened if you guys didn’t leave us.” I roll my eyes as they just snicker at each other and go back to playing a tic-tac-toe game.
“Publicity isn’t so bad.” Bill shrugs, “It is if it’s saying I’m with Tom.” I remind him and he sighs, motioning that I kind of have a point. “I mean there’s nothing we can do about it now.” Georg points out and Tom hums in agreement taking another bite from his apple. “I guess you’re right.” I stare at the floor sadly.
What is Jace gonna think?
Has he already seen it? Is he going to hate me? 
Johanna taps me on the shoulder and I snap out of my thoughts, we should probably talk anyways. I take her hand and we go into my bedroom together. I shut the door carefully before the both of us jump onto the bed. 
“Seriously nothing happened?” She asks, I take out my phone and nod, placing it next to us. “We just talked if that’s something to your nothing.” I shrug.
“Why?” My eyes follow up to hers as she seems to almost be in another world as she thinks before she speaks. “I don’t know.” 
“Did something happen with Gustav?” I smirk, and she snaps in my direction. “Huh?” She slightly chokes on her own saliva as I start laughing. “So there is something?” I tease her only to get swatted away. “We’re just friends.” 
“For now.”
“Don’t change the subject, what did you guys talk about? Are you two good now?” She goes back to Tom and I take a deep breath wanting to continue to make fun of her but this seems to really pique her interest. “Just things, and I think so. Hopefully.” I whisper the last part but I think she heard. “What about Jace?” She quickly changes the subject and I just throw my head back. 
“He comes over soon to pick me up.” I bite on my bottom lip as I think about the magazine and about things Tom said yesterday. “Are you guys going to try doing the distance thing again?” This question stumbles me and it reminds me again of Tom. His face flashes as he tells me there are so many guys who want to be with me and here I am thinking about Jace. 
“I think I’ll have my answer when he gets here.” I lay back on the bed, I play with my fingers as a million thoughts race through my mind. I felt Johanna join me, her head lying next to mine. We stayed in comfortable silence for what seemed like hours which in reality it had only been six minutes. 
“I’m thirsty.” She mumbles and I turn to her. “Get water.” 
“I don’t want to get up.” She groans like a baby so I roll my eyes and get right back up. “What do you want?” I throw a hand to my hip as she smiles innocently at me. “A sprite.” 
I roughly open the door only to hear the boys talking so being me and since they didn’t hear the door I gently closed it and tip-toed to the end of the hall, listening in. “I can’t believe you guys didn’t argue at all.” Bill giggles, and the other two join. I try to hold back a laugh too as it does seem nearly impossible as we spend so much time arguing. “I only let her complain to me so we weren’t causing a scene in public,” Tom informs them and my eyebrows furrow at his words.
“Like I’ve said before, she’s desperate for attention, any guy that looks her way she’ll give into and I was only proving a point for myself.” He takes a drink from his coke loudly and whatever smile that was left on my face drops. My heart pounded and felt like it was going to leap out of my throat.  “Yesterday was just to help us get through the tour.” 
“That’s not right, Tom,” Gustav says and I glance from the wall, they were all facing the other direction but from their energies, they all seemed disappointed. Bill looked like he was spacing out. “She was a little right man, you are a dick.” Georg sighs. A few seconds pass by and I clear my throat letting them know I was about to walk by. 
All their demeanors change but I don’t acknowledge them, just heading straight to the kitchen and grabbing what I was even coming out for. Then heading right back to my bedroom. I stand outside the door, hearing them talk again. “Do you think she heard?” Bill worriedly asked. “Hopefully not,” Gustav adds. 
Dropping my head for a split second I open the door and lift my shoulders, placing a fake smile upon my face. I hand her the drink and we continue talking. But that conversation I eavesdropped in never left my mind. 
As we were now just relaxing and listening to music after we had just fought over what show to watch but of course not being able to pick we just landed on music and lay there. I felt the bed vibrate and I shoot up, having to shove the blankets and pillows around as I searched for my phone. “Here.” Johanna laughs and I take it from her. 
It was a text message from Jace saying he was outside. “He’s here.” 
“Already?” She whines, “I’ll see you before the show.” I grab my bag and slip on some shoes. “Tell me how it goes.” Jo whistles and I laugh, nodding and running out of the room. As I was about to open the front door a hand goes onto my bicep. “Wait, where are you going?” 
Tom smiles at me and I wince, closing my eyes shut before relaxing my shoulders and turning to look at him. “Out with Jace.” I fake a smile. “Oh,” His smile slightly faulters. “Have fun.” He lets go og me and I just walk out of the door. 
I make the decision before the show, that’s what I told Jace and that’s what I’m going to do.
“Hey, beautiful.” Jace was standing on the passenger side of his car, opening the door for me. I stand on my tip toes and kiss his cheek. “Hi, babe.” I drag my hand on his torso before getting into the car. He shuts the door and makes his way to the driver's side as I glance to back to the house and I swear I saw someone looking through the window.
Jace ends up just getting fast food and we sit in the parking lot. “So,” He coughs, swallowing the bite he had in his mouth, covering his face with a hand before he continues.
“I saw that article from yesterday.” And my heart drops and so does my appetite. I place down my fries and adjust my body to face him. “I thought the others were supposed to be there.” He says but it was more in a questioning way. I nod, wiping my hands on my jeans. “There were, but they left us alone and honestly the only time we really talk was in the supermarket. He’s an asshole anyways.” I sigh, taking a little sip of the drink that we’re sharing. 
“I wasn’t questioning you, I just thought they cropped out the others.” He laughed, but he saw my face was still down so he sighs then talks again. “I thought you two were getting along though.” He places his hand atop mine and I sadly look into his eyes. “Me too.” 
I explain what I overheard and as I talked I watched as his jaw clenches, I squeeze his hand and smiled. “It’s okay though, I don’t know why I thought we were actually going to stop hating each other.” I laughed, he just shakes his head. “It’s not okay, you aren’t desperate.” He takes my face into his hands.
That’s when I got my answer.
My answer for being with him. 
“I want to try.” I suddenly whisper to him and his eyes widen. 
“Really?” He smiles and I nod dramatically. “Let’s do it,” I say and he kisses me roughly before peppering the kisses around my face causing me to laugh. 
It was all cut short by the sound of my phone going off. “Shit, it’s Gustav,” I mutter, quickly answering the call. “Hey, we gotta go in sooner than we thought, be there in 20,” Gustav tells me. “Okay, see you there.” 
“Of course, love you.” He calls out and I laugh. “Love you too.”
“I have to get to the theater for our last concert. Sorry to cut this short.” I frown and he motions it off. “Let’s get you there on time.” He kisses me one last time before driving off. 
Getting to the building the both of us were rushing inside, having to push past workers on accident of course having to yell  “I’m sorry!” Over and over again. 
Once we met up with everyone else I let go of Jace’s hand and went straight to Johanna. “We’ve decided.” I laugh, the boys listened in, acting like they weren’t but I know them better than that. “Yes?” She took my hands. “We’re trying out the distance.” I squeal and she pulls me into a hug.
“Congratulations!” She grins, Bill puts himself into the hug as well, jumping up and down with us. “That’s so exciting!”
Then we stop and I glance over to Tom who isn’t saying or doing anything but after what he said earlier I just look back to the others who started threatening Jace that if he hurts me again he’s dead.
I don’t know if this is a good idea but I might as well enjoy it while it lasts.
Alright, it's gettin good for real! Now here's more drama. I told you the enemy part wasn't over yet. It probably won't be until like chapter... I'm not even going to say it because I said so. I'm still sick as hell but I wanted a chapter out so I made it happen. I hope I can do the same tomorrow. But until next time:)
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meekahy · 4 months
Cool Ranch
This was from this request from anon!
can u, please🧎🏼‍♀️write something about Folio with a fem reader.? like him teaching her how to be a passenger on a motorcycle (💀) or trying to teach her how to drive one; them shopping at the supermarket because they want a movie night before a concert the next day;; thanks anywayss 💞 ♥️ 🤍
I also saw a tik tok of a couple leaving their helmets on in a book store and it was so cute. Imagine doing that with Folio!
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“I’m nervous,” you admitted to Nick as he swung his leg over his motorcycle. Nick had dressed you up in leathers and a helmet. You felt out of place and your head felt heavy.
“I’ve got you. Don’t worry,” Nick smiled at you holding out his hand, and wiggled his fingers in hopes you would still join. You looked away shyly.
“I promise nothing will happen, honey,” he reassured you as he reached for you. Quickly, you wrapped your fingers around his hand as you carefully swung your leg over his motorcycle.
“Now what?” you questioned. 
Without letting go of your hand, he twisted to grab your other hand. Nick wrapped your arms around his middle.
“You gotta keep your arms around me, babe,” Nick smirked.
“Oh, gotcha,” you admit shyly, a blush graced your cheeks as you interlock your fingers together. Nick then started the motorcycle. The engine roaring to life startled you. It made you jump while Nick chuckled. 
He glanced back at you, “Are you good?”
“I think so,” you said into the intercom in the helmet. Nick smiled as he shifted gears and slowly left the driveway. “Hold on,” he announced as he sped up. Your arms snaked around his torso tighter. Nick smiled at the movement. You shut your eyes tight and rested your head against his shoulders. 
“Are you alright?” Nick questioned.
You lifted your head, “I think so. It just feels like you’re going so fast,” you confessed. 
“Sorry, babe,” he mumbled, “I’ll slow down a bit.”
He slows down and then after a little while, he pulls into the store’s parking lot.
“Okay, don’t get off until I say,” he requested. You agreed as he shut off the engine and flipped the kickstand up.
“Alright, love, you can get up now,” Nick assured you. You slipped your hand in his to steady you as you got up and off. Nick got off the bike and laced his hand with yours. You left the helmets on as you walked into the store. It was just a pain trying to deal with them.
Heading straight for the food section, you planned on gathering some snacks for a movie night tomorrow before he heads on tour again.
“What kind of snacks would you like?” you asked Nick.
“Hmm,” he squeezed your hand a few times before dragging you over to the chips section, “gotta have chips, babe.” “Doritos?” you considered. 
“Only if they’re cool ranch,” he responded as he reached for a bag. 
“What do you want? Let me guess, some Ruffles? But the cheesy kind?” Nick inquired.
“Oh wow, how did you know?” you whispered sarcastically.
“Babe,” he said as he turned to you and gazed into your eyes, “it’s because I know you more than I know myself.”
“You’re the sweetest, baby,” you muttered. 
“Can we get Cheeto’s Puffs too?” you said after a beat.
“Of course,” Nick replied.
You rested your head and helmet against his shoulder for a second before asking, “Do you want any candy?”
“Hell yes I do,” he exclaimed as he pulled you to the candy aisle.
“Oh! Let’s get Twizzlers! And maybe some chocolate?” you asked.
“Yes! And Nerd’s rope! I need some Nerd’s rope, babe,” he said as he looked over at you.
You grabbed the candy and started to pull him to another aisle. “Drinks?” you inquired.
“Dr. Pepper,” Nick sang. You laughed as he grabbed a bottle and then grabbed a bottle of Diet Pepsi for you.
“God, you know me very well,” you gushed, looking up to him.
Nick smiled a goofy smile as he directed you towards the checkout.
Out in the parking lot, Nick stashed the bags of snacks into the motorcycle. He got on it and held his hand out. You smiled, grabbed his hand, and got on the motorcycle with ease. “Wow, look at you, babe!” he cheered. Smirking, you enveloped Nick in your arms. Nick then started the bike and drove out of the parking lot. 
When you got home, you waited till Nick turned off the bike and put up the kickstand before you got up.
“Do you like riding the bike with me?” Nick asked as he took off his helmet. He walked over and helped undo the buckle on your helmet.
“I loved it, babe,” you mused as you wrapped your arms around his middle again. This time, he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips.
“That makes me so happy. You have no idea,” he confessed as he peeled himself from you reluctantly. He smiled to himself as he walked back to his bike to retrieve the snacks.
You walked into the house and planned on changing into some comfy clothes. Coming out into the living room, you switched on the TV while Nick put the bags of snacks on the coffee table. 
“I’m going to go change. Why don’t you pick a movie for us to watch, yeah?” Nick yelled while he walked to the bedroom.
You brought up Netflix and selected your profile. You clicked on movies and then started your search. 
“Find something?” Nick asked as he jumped on the couch and slipped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close.
“Not yet, but there’s School of Rock?” you suggested. 
“Fuck yes! We have to watch that,” he shrieked as he reached up for his bottle of Dr. Pepper. You selected the movie and hit play. Jack Black dominated the screen as his funny demeanor and lines made the two of you belly laugh. 
“It’ll blow the classical music out your butt,” Jack Black’s character tells another while you quote the movie alongside Jack.
You and Nick quoted the movie, laughed, and sang as you cuddled close together.
“I don’t want you to go, Nick,” you confessed as the credits rolled. You shifted and looked up at his face.
He looked at you for a moment, the sadness on your face shown as he cupped your cheek with his hand.
“Oh, honey. You know I’ll miss you so so so much,” he professed as he leaned his forehead against your own.
“I know, I’ll miss you more,” you stated as a tear slipped down your cheek. Nick pulled away and wiped away the stray tear.
“Hmm, maybe you should come with me,” Nick proposed, looking you in the eyes.
You gasped, “Why didn’t I think of that?” You jumped into his arms, and he caught you with ease as he pulled you so close.
“I’m taking that as a yes,” he asked you.
“Babe, of course!” you exclaimed trying to hug him closer. You quickly crushed your lips against his in a hungry kiss. Your lips melted together as Nick’s hands roamed your body. 
You pulled back, gasping for air, “I should pack,” you whispered.
Nick chuckled, “Yes, you should. I should tell the guys.”
You hulled yourself from Nick’s lap and you skipped to the bedroom to grab your bag.
Nick pulled out his phone, giggling at your excitement. Having you by his side on tour would make his heart full. He couldn’t stop smiling as he texted the group chat. He couldn’t wait to spend so much time with you.
“BABE! How many pairs of underwear should I bring?” you screamed from the bedroom. Nick laughed so hard as he got up and headed to the bedroom.
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circle-bircle · 7 months
9 people you’d like to get to know better
omg thank you @neotula for tagging me!!! i love being tagged in things!!! yay!!!!!!
Three Ships:
I guess I'll do the first three that come to mind????? I don't have a #1 OTP or anything like that so
Sonya/Genny. They're just so freaking pretty together. I love women!!!!!!
Jecht/The Emperor: ok hear me out. HEAR ME OUT. why wouldn't someone ship them? when Tidus dies or whatever and Jecht gives him his lifepower/energy/whatever the hell happens, the Emperor takes JECHT when he's like that and gosh their conversation in Dream's End where the Emperor is all like 'actually I've been lying to you this entire time lol' UGHGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!
Cecil/Rosa/Kain: ummm idk i just had a fleeting thought about mind-controlled kain and mind-controlled cecil and which one would be the lesser evil to rosa. like. i don't know. but mind-control shenanigans aside they love each other very much and that is fact. i love ffiv
First Ever Ship: it was probably len/luka tbh. i feel like people got peeved at it because len is supposedly 14 and luka is supposedly 20 but i just aged em up. something about the yellow/pink combo (and the fact i was obsessed with vocaloid for like a decade too)
Last Song: I'm currently listening to the Tetra Master theme from FFIX :)
Currently Reading: Allen Ginsberg's A Supermarket in California. It's for class. I hate poetry, but I have to do it for my grade. I also have to read a bunch of other poems. Gosh, I hate poems. I don't know what my professor wants me to interpret from poems because it feels like he wants a "right answer" but my answer is that "it was a poem and it did things."
Currently Watching: I don't watch TV. Or movies. The last thing I watched was the first Twilight for the first time! I wish I sparkled in the sunlight.
Currently Consuming: Nothing ATM, but me and a friend went to a bakery and I got her a whoopie pie! So yay for her! We also got coffee before that, and it was delicious.
Currently Craving: I'm not hungry right now, so nothing. But I could go for some of Miss Vickie's Spicy Dill Pickle chips when I do want to nosh. I wonder if the vending machine has been restocked...
i don't know 9 people who would want to do this. i feel like @lil-melody and @ashnwolves might get a kick out of it. um. if you want me to secretly add your name to that list let me know because when people are like "anyone can do it!!!" it still feels kinda awkward. or just steal it! that's ok too i think :P
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minaramen · 11 months
Idol Star 2023 - Prince Stage: Torao Midou
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[Disclaimer: I’m NOT a professional translator. I’m using my knowledge from 4 years of university. Please, feel free to let me know if you notice  mistranslation/typo/error of any kind]  
Haruka: Torao! O-ha-shi (*chopstick)
Torao: Enough with shiritori. My bad for losing
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Haruka: Now you’re supposed to take me out for ice cream, like you promised
Torao: Alright. I’ll buy you as many ice creams as you want
Torao: However, attacking with “shi” is prohibited from now on
Torao: It’s frustrating to even type “shi” now
Haruka: That’s funny www It’s kinda of a trauma
Haruka: Okay, I’ll go with “su” next time
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Torao: Stop it or I’ll be too frustrated to type any kana from the “sa” group anymore
Haruka: Admission of defeat www
Torao: Okashi*, Ohitashi*,   Inarizushi*…    (sweets, boiled vegetables, deep fried tofu with rice)
Haruka: Humph! Well, only Yotsuba can beat me
Haruka: Just kidding
Haruka: I’m stronger than Yotsuba! 😬
Torao: Are you really talking like that about yourself?
Haruka: So what?? It’s the story of our war!
Haruka:  By the way, I wanted to ask you about the wrap-up party! Can we do it at your place?
Torao: Yes, it’s the biggest after all
Torao: Shall I call the pastry chef again? 
Torao: You said you wanted to eat that crêpe again, didn’t you? 
Haruka: Ah, the one I could watch a real chef make right in front of me! It was super good! The dough was overflowing with butter, and the cream was also full-bodied!
Torao: You’re a real food reporter
Haruka: Well, a crêpe made by a chef is fine with me, of course… but let’s try to make it all together, instead!
Torao: With “all together”, you mean us making a crêpe?
Torao: I don’t think I have that thing
Torao: That thing you use to mix the fresh cream
Haruka: You mean a blender?
Haruka: It’s okay, we don’t need to mix it! We can just buy whipped cream and wring it out
Torao: Can we really do that with a cream that just needs to be wrung out?
Haruka: Yes! We can buy it at the supermarket. They have it at the conbini as well
Haruka: It doesn’t take that much time if we just have to bake the dough
Haruka: It will be fun, don’t you think? Choosing what kind of sauce we can use for baking! We can go for chocolate sauce, strawberry sauce, caramel sauce… whatever we like! You can also choose fruit sauce!
Torao: Can I…choose that?
Haruka: Yeah! It’ll be a Torao special crêpe 🐯
Torao: That’s going to be the number one special crêpe. I’ll get some fruit, then
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Haruka: Really?? Hooray! The melon you gave me last time was the best ever! Grandma loved it as well!
Torao: Give your grandmother my regards
Haruka: Okay, then each of us will bring something for the party. Minami can bring snacks and Touma drinks. 
Torao: I see
Torao: How about meat and potatoes? I mean, the one you shared with me before. It may be cliche, but it tasted like home
Haruka: Really?!
Haruka: The recipe was transmitted to me directly by Grandma! She will be happy!
Torao: Your grandmother is a first class chef
Haruka: Eheh, oh well… it gets more flavorful the second day, so maybe it’s better to make it the day before 
Torao: Do you eat the same thing for two days in a row?
Haruka: Of course! What else should you do when you cook big portions?
Haruka: The third day you can rearrange the meat and potatoes and make some curry! 
Torao: Understood. I’m gonna study
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Haruka: Also! We’ll watch the rest of that foreign drama we left halfway the last time I came to your house. Be ready!
Torao: What?! You could have finished it even if you weren’t at my house
Haruka: You don’t understand 😐
Haruka: Isn’t it better to noisily watch that action stuff all together while eating snacks and having some drinks?
Torao: Well, I guess so
Torao: When the story’s atmosphere got tense ti was priceless to watch Touma gazing at the screen with his mouth open, while you were clinging to Minami’s arm
Haruka: What?! You can forget about that!! 
Haruka: If you keep on talking nonsense, I’ll get two ice creams!
Torao: I told you I’ll get you as many ice creams as you want. You’re the shiritori master
Haruka: Say it again😌
Torao: You’re the shiritori master, Haruka. I can’t wait for the wrap-up party
Haruka: Yes! Thanks, Torao!
The end
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Mukami Prologue
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ー The scene starts on the way home from school
Yui: ( I completely lost track of time while busy finishing all of my duties for the day (1) )
( I’m hungry as well, so I better hurry home...Ah! )
Hey, Ruki-kun!
Ruki: ...
Yui: ( Huh? I guess he didn’t hear me? )
ー Yui runs up to him
Yui: ...Ruki-kun?
Ruki: ...Aah, it’s you. My bad. I was a bit lost in thought.
Yui: Thinking about tonight’s dinner, perhaps?
Ruki: ...As if.
Yui: R-Right...! I’m a little hungry right now, so it just blurted out...
Ruki: ...You sure are carefree, aren’t you?
I’ll make pot-au-feu tonight. You should come grocery shopping with me.
Yui: S-Sure.
( ...I wonder if something is weighing down heavy on his mind? )
( He seemed a little out of it when I called out to him... )
ー The scene shifts to the supermarket 
Yui: Check it out. They’ve got a food fair going on. 
Seems like they’ve got fresh vegetables straight from the farm. Why don’t we use this opportunity to buy from the...
Ruki: ...
Yui: ...Ruki-kun? 
Ruki: Ah...Right. Guess I’ll go have a look.
ー He walks away
Yui: ( I can’t help but feel like something is up with Ruki-kun today... )
( He keeps spacing out, I wonder what’s wrong with him? )
Ruki: ...They’re all organic, huh?
Ruki: I have to admit, they seem to be on par with the vegetables and fruits from Yuma’s garden. 
Yui: ( I can’t imagine that a Vampire such as Ruki-kun would be sick but... )
( I can’t help but be worried about him... )
...Is something the matter? Are you feeling a bit under the weather, perhaps? 
Ruki: No, that’s not it. It’s just ... ーー
Ruki: ...
Yui: ( He’s staring intently at the apple in his hand...? )
Ruki: ...Yui. Do you like your life here?
Yui: Of course I do.
...Ah, if you’re worried about the fact that I’m Eve, that has already been...
( I heard that the Sakamaki brothers have inherited Karlheinz-san’s powers but... )
( Right now, I would much rather stay together with the Mukami family. )
( I wonder if Ruki-kun was worried about me because of that...? )
Ruki: I see... ーー !? 
ー Somebody bumps into Ruki
???: ーー !
Yui: ( Ah, the apple fell on the floor... )
Ruki: ーー Watch out. Look at where you’re going.
???: Ah, my bad.
???: I’ll buy this apple. ...Problem solved, right?
Ruki: No thank you. I’ll be buying that oーー
ー The mysterious guy takes a bite of the apple
???: Nn...Nom...
Ahaha! Too bad! I already took a bite out of it!
Ruki: ...
Yui: ( He’s kind of creepy. He looks to be around the same age as us though... )
( Besides...I’m kind of worried about the man who has been standing behind him the whole time, staring directly at us. )
( Could they be friends? Or his older brother perhaps...? )
???: ...
Yui: ( ...Our eyes met!? )
Yuma: ーー Nn?
ー Yuma walks up to them
Yuma: What’s up, my dudes? Whatcha doin’ over here? 
Yui: Yuma-kun...!
Ruki: Where do I even begin? This guy... ーー
Yui: ( The boy from earlier just vanished...!? )
( The guy standing behind him as well... )
Yuma: God, you’re makin’ zero sense. There’s nobody here.
Ruki, could it be that the exhaustion is gettin’ to ya and you’ve begun hallucinatin’? 
Ruki: There’s no way...
Yui: E-Exactly. I saw that boy as well after all...
Yuma: Hmm. Is that so?
...But Ruki, for real mate, are ya alright?
If there’s anythin’ ya wanna share with us, hurry up and tell me already.
Ruki: There’s nothing, really. 
Yuma: ...
Ruki: ...I’ll go pay for our groceries. You guys should wait outside. 
ー Ruki walks away
Yuma: ーー Ah, oi!
Yui: ( Ruki-kun... )
Yuma: Haah...God, I’ve got myself one handful of a big bro. 
Yuma: Anyway, let’s step out for now just like Ruki told us. I’m sure ya get exhausted from bein’ ‘round all these people as well, right?
Yui: T-Thanks. But are you sure? Didn’t you come here for a reason...?
Yuma: Don’t worry ‘bout me. Since we ran into each other anyway, I’ll at least carry yer bags.
...Seems like Ruki already has plenty of worries of his own after all.
Yui: ( ...! Yuma-kun noticed... )
Yeah, thanks.
ー The scene shifts back to the road
Yui: ...Haah. 
( Ruki-kun is taking an awfully long time... )
Yuma: ーー Idiot. 
ー He flicks her forehead
Yui: Ow...!? 
Yuma: Ya think that frown of yers will solve anythin’?
Yui: I-I guess you’re right. I’m sorry, Yuma-kun...
Yuma: ...But ya know what it is? Ruki tends to always keep everythin’ to himself.
I don’t understand what’s so bad ‘bout askin’ his brothers or you for advice tho. 
Yui: Yeah...
Yuma: I can’t really relate to that. But I guess it can’t be helped since it hasn’t been that long since that guy kicked the bucket, huh...?
Yui: ...
Ever since Karlheinz-san,
has passed away,
Ruki-kun’s started behaving somewhat oddly. 
Of course, he considers him not just his life savior,
but also a father figure,
so we can hardly blame him for it...
However, I can’t help but feel,
that rather than him grieving over his death,
he seems distressed in some way.
Karlheinz-san’s overwhelming powers,
as well as the position of Vampire King,
right now...they have been entrusted to the Sakamaki brothers.
That might also be something,
which weighs down heavy on Ruki-kun’s mind.
Because the Mukami brothers,
were never even given the right,
to inherit his powers or the throne. 
That was proven by the fact,
that they did not qualify,
to become Adam.
ーー Furthermore,
if you also consider the fact that I am Eve.
Then it only makes sense,
that it is my destiny to one day,
get together with whoever succeeds to become Adam amongst the Sakamaki brothers.
Yui: ( ...Still, I no longer intend to live my life as Eve. )
( It is the Mukami family who truly matters to me after all... )
Yuma: ーー Oh. Seems like he’s finally on his way.
Oi, don’t be spacin’ out now. Let’s go. 
Yui: Y-Yeah...!
ー The scene shifts to the shopping district
Yuma: ...Is somethin’ goin’ on?
Yui: Yeah...I wonder what it is?
( A crowd of girls is holding their phone up to the sky and taking pictures? )
Ruki: Seems like that live broadcast (2) is to blame.
Yui: That is...Kou-kun!?
( Seems like it’s a commercial for some kind of mobile game. Kou-kun’s face is displayed on all of the screens. )
( Kou-kun’s so amazing. He really is incredibly popular...! )
Yuma: I feel like I haven’t seen his face in a while.
Ruki: ...It’s true that Kou has been passionately devoting himself to his job as of late. 
He stays away from home for extended periods of time more frequently than before. I will not deny that, however...
Yui: ( ...It does feel a little lonely. We haven’t seen him for a few days now. )
( I miss him. )
ー Somebody suddenly covers her eyes
Yui: ーー Kyah!?
???: Fufu, guess who?
Yui: T-This voice...
ー Kou suddenly shows up in front of her
Kou: Hey there, M-neko-chan~
You weren’t there when I got back home, so I came all the way here to look for you. 
Anyway, Ruki-kun! Those bags...Are the groceries for tonight’s dinner inside of there!? 
Ruki: Yes, exactly.
Kou: Are you perhaps making Vongole Bianco to treat me after all of my hard work!?
Ruki: ...We’re having pot-au-feu tonight.
Kou: Ehー? Rude! Why!?
Yuma: Hehe. Suck it up, mate. 
Ruki: Maybe you should let me know when you will be back if you want to eat your preferred menu.
I wouldn’t go out of my way to cook Vongole Bianco when you’re not eating with us.
Kou: ...Fine.
Anyway...Where is Azusa-kun? He’s not with you guys?
Yui: Yeah. We all just kind of ran into each other by sheer coincidence...
Kou: Which means that Azusa-kun might be sitting all alone at home right now?
Hmー We better hurry home quickly or things could get sticky...
Yuma: Right. That guy tends to really take that sorta thing to heart...
Yui: Really?
Ruki: Enough with the chit-chat. Let’s go home already.
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall of the Mukami manor
Azusa: Welcome home, guys.
Yui: We’re back, Azusa-kun. Sorry it took us so long...
Azusa: No. It’s fine...
Still, how nice you all got to walk home together...
Yui: ( ...This feels a little awkward. It wasn’t the intention to leave him out. )
Yuma: Don’t take it to heart, Azusa. We just happened to run into each other.
Kou: Exactly! I managed to spot them at the perfect time from inside the car because Yuma-kun’s so tall!
So it’s not like we were trying to avoid you on purpose, you see? Right, Ruki-kun. 
Ruki: Of course. Don’t ask such silly questions.
Azusa: ...Yeah. Thanks, guys.
Yui: ( Thank god. Seems like he’s smiling again. )
ー The scene shifts to the dining room
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Kou: Nn...Nom...Nnh...
Nn~ Delicious! Nothing beats Ruki-kun’s home-cooking! Ahー! Yuma-kun!
Yuma: Nn...Aah? What?
Kou: Over there on your fork! Don’t go snatching the chicken from my plate!
Yuma: As if I’d be so crazy as to eat anythin’ from yer plate. This piece was always mine. 
Kou: Ehー? You’re lying! I’m positive about it!
Ruki: ーー Kou, Yuma. I’d appreciate it if you could try and dine in peace.
Why don’t you try and learn from Azusa and Yui’s table manners a little? 
Yui: Eh? M-Mine...?
( I don’t think mine are good enough to set an example... )
Azusa: Here, Eve. This is for you...
It’s a slice of carrot cut into the shape of a heart...Isn’t it cute?
Yui: Fufu. Thank you, Azusa-kun.
Yuma: ...Haah. So we just gotta watch how Azusa flaunts his charm offensive.
Kou: I’ll just enjoy my meal...
Yui: ( It’s so much fun to eat all together. )
( If only these kinds of peaceful moments could last forever... )
Kou: ...Phew, I’m completely stuffed!
Azusa: Kou, you made a mess around the table. You have to clean up after yourself...
Kou: Hey, Ruki-kun.
Ruki: ...
Kou: Ruki-kun...?
Yui: ( He’s acting the same as before. )
Ruki: ...I’m sorry for not speaking up sooner.
...There is actually something I have to tell you guys.
Yui: Eh...?
With a complicated expression on his face,
Ruki-kun delivered the news to us. 
The information we received,
was reported to him by his Familiars...
ーー As we speak, their old home Eden,
is at risk of falling into ruin.
The others were at a loss of words,
by this sudden revelation. 
The current situation,
in which Karlheinz-san has passed away,
and his powers were inherited by his sons of the Sakamaki family,
is having its effects on Eden itself.
On top of that, it appears that this state of disarray,
has led the Founders amongst other Demon species,
to start making concrete plans,
to steal the sovereignty over the Demon World away from them. 
ーー The Demon World is amidst a true crisis right now.
Yui: ...No way...
( I can’t believe that Eden, the place they spent so much time, is about to be lost. )
( On top of that...The Sakamaki brothers are being targeted by many other Demons, aren’t they? )
( What to do? )
Kou: ーー Don’t worry, M-neko-chan. I mean, it’s none of our concern, is it?
We don’t owe those guys anything, so we don’t need to worry about them either, right?
Yui: ...Ugh...
Ruki: I agree. However...
That place which was known to be the epicentre of all magic was truly a Paradise.
Knowing that someone might overtake and destroy it is just very difficult for me to accept...
Kou: Ah...
Yui: ( Makes sense. I’m sure that place holds many memories for them... )
( I suppose that’s the reason why he had been acting off for a while now. )
Yuma: ーー But ya know, it’s not like that place is still a home for us to return to, right...?
In that case...
Azusa: I disagree...
Yui: Azusa-kun?
Azusa: I won’t deny...That this might not be the Eden we once knew.
But still...That place is filled with memories we shared with Karlheinz-sama and one another.
That’s why...I don’t think we can say it’s none of our concern.
Yuma: Azusa...
Ruki: ...
Kou: Right...
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Yui: ...Haah...
( In the end, dinner time ended without coming to a consensus... )
( But...Everyone’s having a hard time deciding because I’m here with them, right...? )
( Even though I have what it takes to become Eve. )
( I chose to stay here at the Mukami manor instead of remaining with the Sakamaki’s where a possible Adam resides... )
( Even though it was my own decision to be here... )
( It’s possible that the Sakamaki brothers are misunderstanding the situation and they think that it’s the Mukami family forcing me to do so and not giving me the chance to escape. )
( I mean...I’m kind of necessary...as an important factor for one of them to be able to awaken as Adam... )
( So if we go to Eden, it might not be easy to get them to work together... )
I wonder if it’s right for me to be here...?
ー Azusa approaches her
Azusa: Ah, Eve...
Yui: Azusa-kun, what’s wrong?
Azusa: I’m worried about you. I couldn’t leave you alone now...
Azusa: This is...our personal issue. So there’s no reason for you to stress out over it.
Yui: Azusa-kun...
Azusa: Everything will be okay. So...Smile, please?
Yui: ...Thank you.
Kou: Ahーah. Azusa-kun stole all the glory. 
Yui: Kou-kun...
Kou: This is our own decision. 
If we want to gain something, then we have to give up something else in exchange.
...We’re all well aware of that, so you did nothing wrong, okay?
Yui: ...
Yuma: ...Haah. What’s with all the long faces?
It’s not set in stone that Eden will go to shit, right?
I’m sure there’s still plenty of stuff we can do, even if we can’t protect it directly? 
Ruki: ...I guess we truly are brothers. We end up all sharing the same thoughts, whether we want to or not. 
Azusa: Ruki...You were all worried about Eve...?
Yuma: Guess so. Can’t really turn yer back to someone who’s obviously feelin’ depressed, right?
Yui: Thanks, you guys...But I still think that...
Ruki: You want us to protect Eden?
Yui: ...
Ruki: ...In that case, I have a good suggestion.
I agree that everything comes at a price. 
That is simply this world’s logic. And I don’t want to disregard that.
...However, I want to have the best of both worlds. 
Yui: Eh...?
Kou: Wait, Ruki-kun!? Are you being for real!?
Ruki: Yes, of course. 
I don’t plan on letting those Sakamaki’s have her. Of course, we’ll also keep Eden safe. 
...I’m sure that’s how you all feel deep down as well, isn’t it? 
Yuma: Hehe. As to be expected of Ruki.
Kou: Now we’re talking!
Azusa: Yeah...!
Ruki: Well then, we’ll leave this place tomorrow morning. Go and get your own things packed until then. 
Yui: ...!
ー The screen fades to black
Yui: ( I had already made my resolve. )
( That no matter what happens, I refuse to leave himーー )
Translation notes
(1) At Japanese schools, they often do not employ (many) janitorial or cleaning staff. Instead, the students themselves are in charge of cleaning the classrooms, wiping the blackboard after classes, taking documents to the faculty room, etc. This is called 日直 or ‘nicchoku’ which literally means ‘day-duty’. Every day or week, other students are in charge of doing these tasks. 
(2) Ruki uses the term ‘aurora vision’, which refers to the large TV screens you will often see on the sides of skyscrapers and other high buildings in big Japanese cities. They usually broadcast commercials and such.
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changingplumbob · 3 months
Foster Household: Chapter 8, Part 1
Time to head back to Sulani. Harvey meets up with some buddies to go fishing, Carson and Kayleigh discuss his upcoming birthday and Keira visits only to be told off, Foster parent style (which means not really)
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Low level content warning: Mentions of emotionally abusive ex
Harvey: Morning sugar, room for two
Kayleigh: Afraid not, besides lavender upsets your skin
Harvey: True. Got plans for today?
Kayleigh: Painting of course. I think I want to get started on the realism set. How about you Harv?
Harvey: Finally going to have a fish club meetup
Kayleigh: If you’re going to Ohan’ali Town let me know. Carson and I will come
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Harvey’s current aspiration is to make 50k from selling his honey so he gets to work tending his garden. Kayleigh just wants to earn money, and the best way is by selling her paintings. Carson wakes up late and heads downstairs. He contemplates the painting of Oscar the Grouch while he eats. Carson is a recycle disciple so I imagine he probably sees him as some kind of idol.
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Harvey is checking on his bees and collecting their latest honey when he’s hit by a wave of flirtyness. Guess I know where Reece gets it from.
Carson: But mum why do we have to go to the doctor
Kayleigh: It’s a mod trial, you want to be vaccinated against deadly things don’t you
Carson: Yeah I guess. I just don’t like needles
Kayleigh: *laughs in possession of many tattoos* there’s a way to get over that but best wait until you’re older
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Harvey heads to Ohan’ali and checks out the fishing pier. It seems like an alright location and the sun has come out so he calls up his fishing club. Members are Bjorn and Shelly who have joined because they love fishing. James has joined for fun because he’s old and needs friends. We also have Reece who wants to be able to catch stuff in Moonwood Mill. Lastly Bob who Harvey has been trying to convince to catch his own fish to cook with.
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Bob: Hey Reece, how’ve you been
Reece: Not bad Mr Pancakes
Bob: Harvey says you’re living with your boyfriend now in a house that needs TLC
Reece: *smiles* Yeah, in Moonwood Mill but-
Bob: Let me show you some pictures of my first place
Reece: Oh watcher that was a dump
Bob: You’re telling me. Look, if your parents complain about your surroundings just tell them, it can always be so much worse
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James: Hey thanks for inviting me
Harvey: No problem, the more the merrier
James: I’ve been wanting to fish in Willow Creek but it’s always been cold lately
Harvey: That’s the great thing about Sulani. Never cold enough that the fish don’t bite. You missing the sun yet Reece
Reece: No Dad, I like the woods. But I haven’t caught anything proper there yet
Bob: I haven’t caught anything full stop
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Harvey: You done much fishing James
James: Oh not for years. Ophelia always complained of the smell, even when I cleaned them outside, so we switched to supermarkets
Bob: I like supermarkets
Harvey: Oh come on Bob, give it a go
Bjorn: Here, I can show you how to cast out your line
Bob: I’ve already done that
Bjorn: Won’t hurt to do it properly
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Carson: Mum, I’ve been thinking
Kayleigh: Yes
Carson: Well it’s BBQ day tomorrow. Can we have a family get together then-
Kayleigh: Oh yes everyone’s already invited
Carson: -and for my birthday just invite my friends
Kayleigh: You… don’t want family at your party
Carson: Well I certainly don’t want Reece
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Kayleigh: Your brother-
Carson: Would just make fun of me the entire time and embarrass me in front of my friends
Kayleigh: How about your sisters though
Carson: You know if we invite them and not Reece he’ll sulk about it forever. He always gets mad at me existing
Kayleigh: Well if you read his diary-
Carson: I didn’t! He has a stupid loud voice that carries. I’m surprised we can’t hear it over here
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Bob: Oh, oh, I think I got something
Bjorn: That’s it Bob, focus, reel it in nice and slow
James: Are you sure he shouldn’t reel it in fast
Bjorn: Absolutely not, the fish could go flying
James: But if he does it slow-
With a grunt Bob pulls up his catch. One magnificent log.
Bob: Fudge bars
Harvey: It’s okay Bob, we’ve all caught a branch or two
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James: I must have fished up a forest in my time
Reece: All I can get in Moonwood Mill is seaweed
Harvey: Well what fish are there
Reece: Dad how would I know if I haven’t caught them
Harvey: You examine the water son
Reece: Oh hey, I got a bite! It’s…. nothing. That’s weird
Harvey: Keep trying
Reece: But seriously. I felt something. Where the heck did it go
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Kayleigh: Look Carson, you only have one brother
Carson: One too many by my count
Kayleigh: And you’re only going to ever have one brother
Carson: I could always marry a mermaid with like ten trillion brothers
Kayleigh: In laws are not the same, you haven't grown up with them. He’s moved out now, you should try getting along
Carson: We went to see him for his birthday and what does he do? Use me as an arm rest, again
Kayleigh: *sighs*
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Carson: Mum I just want my birthday to be about me, nothing is ever about me when I’m the youngest
Kayleigh: Okay. If it means that much, we can just have your friends for your birthday
Carson: Sweet! We made a good cowplant mum
Kyleigh: Yeah we did. Race you to the water?
Carson: Ready, set, bye! *sprints off*
Kayleigh: hold on, that’s cheating
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The afternoon carries on and James finds Nemo. Bob manages to fish up some kind of chest. Don’t know what’s in it but hey, it’s better than nothing. Which is what Reece catches, nothing. Well seaweed and nothing. Harvey however catches a rare endangered Butterfly Fish and quickly throws it back in, hoping he hasn’t hurt the little guy. He also catches a Fighting Plakat which is another new fish for him.
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Harvey: Carson, someone needs to set the table
Carson: Yeah, someone does
Kayleigh: Carson, do as your dad asks
Carson: Fine. But he technically didn’t ask anything. What’s for dinner dad
Harvey: Salmon maki
Carson: Can you make enough for leftovers
Harvey: May as well, there’s a ton of fish in here
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Harvey finishes up and then calls the household to eat.
Keira: Hola family
Harvey: In the dining room
Keira: Yeah I can see dad
Kayleigh: Look honey, your father and I wanted to talk to you about your arrest
Keira: It wasn’t an arrest! It was a detainment… they let me go without charging me
Carson: Who charged what now
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Keira: Marta’s idiot ex was being stupid so I punched him, seemed like the thing to do. We got into a tussle and when the cop showed up she detained us until she could figure out what happened
Harvey: You’re lucky Aaron could help on such short notice or it could have been worse
Carson: Idiot move. Should have knocked him out so you could talk before being whatever you were
Kayleigh: Carson, really
Carson: Mum, we're a family of fighters
Kayleigh: Maybe we shouldn’t be. No computer for a day
Carson: But normally-
Kayleigh: No computer for a day
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Keira: Woah mum, where did these rules come from
Harvey: We got worried when Aaron called. Watcher knows we’ve all been arrested in our youth but you shouldn’t just attack people
Keira: He was verbally attacking Marta
Carson: He what
Keira: I was standing up for my girlfriend. Plus he knocked Joey down so I was standing up for him as well
Kayleigh: We’re not saying you shouldn’t look after those you love. But honey you should think before you punch
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Kayleigh: Enough discipline though, I hate it
Carson: So do I
Kayleigh: What about your other news? You’re engaged now
Keira: Oh yeah, I asked Marta to marry me. I didn’t like to think of her alone after that whole incident. We have to move though. Liam knows we lived there so we’re thinking San Sequoia
Harvey: Two kids married or engaged, when do I get some grandkids
Kayleigh: Ignore your dad. Here. If you need a respite on the way there, we do have a spare room since Reece moved out
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Following dinner Kayleigh and Keira do some painting and chat a bit more. Keira is not great at painting and Kayleigh wants to give her some tips. In the end Keira produces… some kind of art? Kayleigh on the other hand makes another masterpiece! The force is strong with this one.
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Previous (Knightstone) ... Next
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Hi babes, do you think Mickey likes to read? Everyone seems to be either in the mickey reads tons camp or the mickey doesn't find it interesting camp and I'm interested in your opinion.
Personally I think he never actually got the chance to really sit down with a good book? I also think he probably prefers audiobooks bc he can do something with his hands. Mickey starts out listening to murder mysteries and transitions into classic literature. He is shocked to find he enjoys George Orwell and the picture of Dorian grey makes him fucking cry.
Alicia my love! hey hey how are you?
Okay so I think I've said it a couple times already but I believe Mickey is dyslexic to some level. And we know he dropped out very early in high school and I think that's partial why he did. (Canonically, he is heavily coded with dyslexia if you ask me)
It's not that he's unable to read but I think it takes a lot of energy out of him, and Mickey doesn't like not being good at something. So I think he used to stick to light reading when he was young.
I think everything changed in prison, the second time, with Ian. I think Ian likes reading and did a lot of reading in prison. (he has books in his side of their cell)
My headcanon is that Ian started reading to Mickey. Sometimes really deep / complicated books that Mickey even had to explain to Ian as they went through it. I guess it started out of boredom and liking Ian's voice, but Mickey got really into it. He finally 'read' so many books he only heard of. I suspect they had a harry potter binge at one point.
Once they got out, life got busier and Ian doesn't read to him as often. But then- Mickey discovered audio books and podcasts. That was a huge moment for him. He could finally really enjoy books that he likes.
Like you said, he probably prefers audiobooks bc he can do something with his hands. He can do whatever he wants and still listen. He can drive and listen, calculated shit for the business and listen, wait for Ian outside the supermarket and listen.
Mickey starts out listening to murder mysteries -> I'm with you on that! Even though I think sometimes he's think about it too much out of the criminal perspective, like, "oh, what a dumbass! who runs someone over and doesn't check for hair behind the grill? what is this criminal 13 years old?" but he's also very good at piecing together the foreshadowing clues. I can see him enjoying John le Carre books...
and transitions into classic literature. -> Hmmm interesting. I don't know if I'm totally sold on that one. I feel like Mickey would prefer something quick paced, that he can related to, that he 'believes'. I kinda see him reject anything that sounds "too old timey", you know?
I can kinda see him discovering gay young adult books, just for fun. Maybe those are the ones Ian reads to him, and they kinda think about themselves in that book, like an alternative universe for them, if that makes sense.
But yeah, in general he would probably listen to modern (from the last 50 years?) but deep books in my opinion.
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Starlog Magazine - Issue #298 (2002)
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Enterprise's Dominic Keating makes sure his gun-crazy character stands & delivers.
"I thought I was going to be the first *gay* character in space," Dominic Keating mock-complains. "I read all about it. I was in the supermarket and I saw it in TV Guide, so I rang up Brannon Braga and said, 'What's this all about?' He said, 'It's going to be fantastic, Dominic. You'll be outed in November. You'll be on the cover of TV Guide.' But he was jesting with me. We've just shot a couple of episodes that make it self-evident that he's not, in the end, gay."
And so it is that Keating plays Lt. Malcolm Reed, the very straight security officer aboard the NX-01, on Enterprise. Reed, as promised early on, is a Brit who likes to blow things up, and seems to get on fine with the rest of the crew, though he, like everyone else, frequently differs with the Vulcan sub commander, T'Pol (Jolene Blalock).
"I'm having a very good time," says Keating. "'Shuttlepod One' was a real eye-opener. It was a wonderful episode. Trip [Connor Trinneer] and I were marooned on a shuttle pod with 40 hours of air left to breathe, and we think the Enterprise has been blown up. It was just him and me for 47 pages. You really get to know the personalities of these two guys, and you realize that Malcolm is multi-layered. That's what I love. They didn't just make him the buttoned-down, gun-crazy Brit with the pompous attitude. I was fearful that he might run that course and I'm so glad that he hasn't. He's very much a mutli-faceted character. He's an oftentimes contrastable, living, breathing human being. Each episode, you get to know a bit more about him; he's just a joy to play. I really like Malcolm. And I'm getting to act. 'Shuttle Pod One' is some of the best work I've ever done, if I may say so. We did something quite extraordinary.
"The dynamic between Connor and me, both as actors and as characters on the show, is really strong. We had a little scene together in an episode we shot a few months ago, but then we never really got to do anything together again until 'Shuttle Pod One.' It was quite a dramatic little scene in which we butted heads and didn't see eye-to-eye about how to solve a particular problem. Connor and I sparked really well with each other. We have a great understanding of each other's timing and the rhythm of how we like to do a scene and play our characters. There was an inherent drama there that the writers hadn't seen before, and as soon as they saw it [in that episode], they really got into it. It's quite clever. They watch the shows and see when something works. They're not frightened. Whatever they may have planned, they'll just say, 'Hey, this is really working. Let's use this some more. Let's tap into this.' Consequently, 'Shuttle Pod One' came out of that little moment.
"I hope they keep doing that, because I would like for Malcolm to find his voice, so he has a place at the Captain's table along with Archer [Scott Bakula], Trip and T'Pol," Keating comments. "It's something that could be used not just sporadically, but more day-to-day, week-to-week, episode-to-episode. I was worried when we started that Malcolm wouldn't have a voice. It seemed to be the Captain, Trip and T'Pol forever and forever, amen, but I think that may change. I hope it does, but I know as much as you know. Rick [Berman] and Brannon were dreaming up this show for two years, and I guess that, in conceptualizing it, they had a triumvirate in mind, certainly for the first season."
While it's true that Reed, Sato (Linda Park), Mayweather (Anthoy Montgomery) and Dr. Phlox (John Billingsley) have thus far served as supporting characters, they're not missing out on all the action. In fact, Keating can rattle off quite a few episodes that have helped evolve his character. "I was blown away by the pilot," Keating enthuses of "Broken Bow." "The one before 'Shuttle Pod One' I love, too. 'Sleeping Dogs' is about a Klingon cruiser that's marooned in some gas giant, and Sato, T'Pol and I are trying to help out these poor Klingons who are slumped over their consoles. Malcolm gets to be very much a man of action in that, getting stuff done and fixing the ship. Then he gets beat up by a Klingon supermodel. He gets his ass kicked. So that's one angle of the character that I really hadn't seen, and I liked that.
"I also liked the bit we did in 'Cold Front,' when I bust Mayweather for sitting in the Captain's chair. That scene was written after the episode, actually; the show was short and they needed to add a scene. Several people have told me, 'God, I really liked that scene.' That's something they should be doing more of. They should spend a little time each week showing scenes like that, where the crew, or main seven, interact with each other in triangles and in pairs. I would love to see us doing more of that. It would be like ER. Let's take the characters away from the patients--the aliens, if you will--and see them actually interacting with each other. I would like to see us explore that dynamic of the drama rather than reacting to external stuff each week. I hope they do that."
Keating knows there's still a great deal of character uncharted. "There's so much I would like to see, so much I don't know about Malcolm," he admits. "Each week when the script comes, it's always new to me, what they've decided they want me to play. I want to see Malcolm become a real human being, not just a two-dimensional character--so that he's not just British and likes to shoot guns. That has some mileage in it, and those things are always good for a little rib tickle and a smile from the audience, but I hope that we'll really see him as a living, breathing human being who just happens to be a lieutenant on a starship. I hope we'll see that he has contrasting and conflicting character traits. I find myself playing some of the stuff and thinking, 'Oh, that's *not* very Malcolm-like.' And then I'll think, 'You know what? Let's do it like that. Let's not just go down one avenue and make all the colors the same. Let's salt and pepper this.' So I find myself bringing more of me to Malcolm than trying to find more of Malcolm in me."
Keating was born in Leicester, England, and more of less kicked off his acting career at age nine, when the English mistress at his school decided to put on a play and cast young Keating in the lead. But performing was in the actor's blood well before then. "My mother was an actress from age 17 to 20," he recalls. "She left RADA [Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts] to do a job, and she married my father pretty soon after. But he wasn't up for [her acting career], so she quit. He rescued her from the Devil's jaw, as it were, and I didn't learn until later on that she was where I got my base of talent from.
"I acted very often at school, and then at the University College of London. It took me a while to pluck up the courage to do it professionally. I was quite late coming to it, really. I was 24 or 25, and I must have been 26 when I got my first professional gig, a play called The Best Years of Your Life. Then I did the rounds on all the TV shows in England until I got Desmond's. I did five years on that sitcom and became a TV star back home. I then came to America because I was nearly cast two years running in Merchant-Ivory films. I nearly played Leonard Bast opposite Helena Bonham Carter in Howards End--the role went to Samuel West--and the following year I almost played the underbutler to Anthony Hopkins in Remains of the Day. It just didn't work out either time. I got impatient, I guess. 'When is it going to be *my* turn?' So I came to America."
Upon arriving in the U.S., Keating worked fairly regularly, and often in genre fare. His credits include episodes of Poltergeist: The Legacy ("Father to Son"), Buffy the Vampire Slayer ("Helpless"), G vs E ("Immigrant Evil", "Orange Volvo"), and Special Unit 2 ("The Wraps), as well as a recurring role as Mallos--the powerful demon out to kill Rafe (Lorenzo Lamas)--on The Immortal.
"Poltergeist was fab fun," says Keating. "I was doing some interim work at the time, as a courier, and I was actually delivering stuff from Mary Jo Slater's office. She was the casting agent on Poltergeist, and had an associate named Paul Weber. He only knew me from turning up in the morning to pick up their mail, and then one day I showed up in a suit and he said, 'Dominic, you're awfully well-dressed to come and pick up the mail.' And I went, 'Well, I'm actually coming in for a Poltergeist audition.' H was like, 'Oh, right,' but then I went into the room with him to read and I blew him out of the water. I was literally on of those moments where he took me by the hand and was like, 'You'll never guess. Oh my God! This guy was the mail guy! Look what I've found!' It was one of those wacky LA moments. And I had a great time in Vancouver shooting the episode. They were lovely.
"I made Buffy history with my episode. I was the first Watcher to be bitten and then morph into a vampire. I chased Buffy around Glendale for two days. We had lots of fun. Jeff Kober played this demon vampire who they had shipped in to test Buffy's powers as a Slayer. It was a good show."
As for G vs E, "it was just terrific," Keating raves. "Jolene and John were in one together, too. The Pate brothers, well, they just know talent. They can spot 'em. I was sad that that series really didn't get its life. It was so clever--almost too clever. Unfortunately, USA [Network] didn't quite know how to market it. But you will see those boys again. The Pate brothers will be huge, in time. They're very talented lads. 
"Special Unit 2 was a giggle. It's such a small business in the end. One of my best friends, Dave Straiton, has directed Special Unit 2. He did the pilot for The Immortal and he's going to do an Enterprise. So it's coming full circle. But Special Unit 2 was a wacky show. Michael Landes and Alexondra Lee were really good.
"I did a bunch of Immortals," continues Keating, whose non-genre credits include Inspector Morse and the films Jungle2Jungle and Almost Famous. "I had a great time. I went back to Vancouver, and we shot a couple of episodes in Prague, too. I have to say that Mallos was one of the funniest characters I've ever gotten to sink my teeth into. Given the style of the show we were doing, within reason, he could be as broad, bitchy, campy and nasty as he liked. It was a joy. In the episodes we did in Prague, I got to dress up in medieval gear. I was the king of the castle. I saw Lorenzo at the Christmas parade in Los Angeles. They're waiting to hear if they're going to Australia to do more episodes. If they have a couple of episodes sometime in April or May, maybe I'll go do them. It was good fun, and Lorenzo's such a nice chap and really good to work with."
But for now, Keating is concentrating on Enterprise and contemplating the effect the popular series could have on his life. "I'll tell you what it *could* do. It *could* make me a name actor and show the world that I'm really good at what I do," Dominic Keating remarks. "And it *could* make producers and directors say, 'We want him for this part in our movie.' That would be great. I do worry a little bit about typecasting. I would love to go on to other roles. I'm a versatile character actor, and I would hope that Enterprise wouldn't bar people from thinking of me in those terms. But if this is it, so be it. I'm happy. If Star Trek is the end of the line for me, professionally speaking, and I get to do a couple of Trek movies with these guys and use them as a stepping stone to direct, that would be great. 
"I would love it if I could get an office on the Paramount lot and come up with my own projects. LeVar Burton and Jonathan Frakes have offices on the lot; maybe I could, too. The Star Trek family is obviously very tight-knit. Once you're in the family, they're going to look after you. So if Enterprise is the end of the road and this is the only family I'm going to know, that's OK. It's more than OK. It's bloody marvelous."
Source: www.dominickeating.com
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regarding-stories · 1 month
Rounding up is hard to do... Manga Edition (mostly)
While this is slowly changing, a lot of the time romantic manga series are more likely to get a single season if adapted to anime. So even if you might get into a series by watching it animated at first, you often have to finish it by getting into the print. Anime is still at times more of a promotional tool than anything.
So here comes stuff that I read at least partially in manga form.
Smoking Behind The Supermarket With You
This was a random find that I just got into because Kobo advertised it to me. While some of it is now collected as volumes, Bookwalker sells it by chapters for the start of the series, but never installments come as three-chapter books (and in the end, cheaper per page).
"Smoking" is a very sweet little slow-burn love story unfolding between a salarymen working in sales and much younger supermarket cashier. She stars in two roles - she's the young, super-friendly and wholesome cashier that he always lines up for due to her smile. But when not at work, she dons her private style - and he doesn't recognize her... (Thank God for oblivious manga protagonists.)
She ends up keeping the charade up, switching her name around for him. Both develop feelings for each other, but most of the time they simply socialize behind the store, a place where you can smoke freely - which is what by chance got them in closer touch.
Over time the cast grows to incorporate one of his coworkers, and all the staff at this local supermarket. Many of the people around her catch up with her two identities, and start rooting for her, especially her manager who wants to see some proper romantic developments, but both our lovebirds are too good at leaving things unsaid, and the whole Yamada/Tayama setup she maintains is not helping.
Given that this is about adults the slow-burn is even more surprising, barely progressing beyond touching at times and then taking at least one if not two steps back for each forward. Still, it's a very rewarding read to me. I do not want to label it "slice of life," but I guess you could call it that as well.
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My Little Monster
Talk about a bad start! I really was put off by the male lead's first appearance, given that he was threatening the heroine. In the end, however, this seemed to be a fluke and didn't repeat. (Well, there are incidents but they don't rub me the same.) It left a sour taste for a while but I stayed with the series, and am glad for it.
She is obsessed with studying to an obscene degree, he is afraid of attending school and considered a delinquent, especially due to his threatening stare. In the end it they are drawn to each other, but their timing is at times horrible, they're not good at understanding their own feelings or each other's. Adding up to a surprising good, long read.
One thing that is good about the series is the humor, the quirks of the characters, watching their struggles is fun. Characters are indeed a strength of this series. We eventually also learn the psychological background why our leads are as they are. Mixed with a lot of high school slice-of-life, all taken together, "My Little Monster" is something you want to follow to finish.
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The one thing that kept me confused was why Haru (male lead) was so strongly traumatized, and even after the end of the anime season you wouldn't really know - this part comes in very slowly, but it has to do a lot with abandonment, loss, and rejection - all from within his family as growing up. There are also hints of not being neurotypical on both leads, especially given that Haru is a sort of genius savant. (Still, I'd say, it doesn't all quite add up, so you have to forgive it and read on...)
But what makes you stay in the end are the characters, their unfolding stories, and their interactions. Which is why it's a shame that the last main book rushes through their last year of high school, and the later-added bonus book doesn't fully make up for it, even though it's meant to keep us in touch with all the side stories of the other characters.
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Blue Spring Ride
Blue Spring Ride is much easier to understand, its only mystery are the family dynamics of the male lead, and this mystery will be finished by the time you're done with the series as well, probably more like halfway through.
Our lead couple had a blossoming love in middle school, but then he moved away. When they meet again in high school, many years later, he's a different person - his parents' divorce and his mother's death have left him scarred. She in turn tries to get away from being ostracized by pretending to not care about her (good) looks and maintains shallow friendships without authenticity. Their coming back together changes this gradually and a new circle of friends emerges.
Normally this would make for a satisfying story, and for a large part it does, but the last third is built on a "stretching out the gum" plotline that just stirs drama, is built on piling misunderstandings and bad timing, and generally wants to keep the reader around to see how this mess resolves. Thankfully, unlike "Rent-A-Girlfriend", this "keep making money" shtick is only done once. It was still unnerving and soured my impression of the series.
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Insomniacs After School
I started reading this one because it was advertised for HiDive and I wanted to watch it there, but the service stopped being offered in my country before I could. I'm glad I did, I find this manga's art style especially evocative and well done, slightly less mainstream.
This is about two high school students who suffer from severe insomnia, the reasons for which will be slowly expanded upon later in the series. They end up reviving the astronomy club at school after being caught abusing the abandoned clubroom for naps and hanging out together. Sleeping in the same room, hearing another's voice (she podcasts for him)... it's a wonderfully intimate series, long before ever they start to act on their feelings in other ways.
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As they discover astronomy and photography for themselves, the series expands their and our horizons through very detailed, realistic art. Both the characters also seem more real and less cute than usual, and especially the eyes in the books are amazing by themselves.
It does get quite dramatic at times, and the upcoming volumes to be translated will amp up that drama (I peeked), but in general, this series seems very real and original, definitely not something that regurgitates just tropes. Highly recommended!
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