#we both want to defend our favorite boys until the end of time
golden--doodler · 7 months
So I messaged @drawthethingdoppelganger today and it ended up being so long and fun to write that I want to share it (I modified it a bit, but it's mostly the same as when I sent it):
Also shame on everyone who keeps vitriolically hating on Jimmy Jr.! He's a middle schooler, come on. Sure, "V For Valentine-Detta" was not a great episode for him, but that doesn't make him an awful, toxic person who's manipulating Tina.
It's super frustrating how people keep saying things like this to justify why Tina should 100% be with Zeke or Josh instead. Sure, I ship Tina and Josh the most, but that doesn't mean Tina and Jimmy Jr.'s relationship is toxic, especially considering how young they are. Also, let's not forget that Tina's not totally innocent either, she's done her fair share of (lovingly) being mean to J Ju. Like when she got high on caffeine in "The Unnatural" and made fun of his lisp. That exchange sends me every time.
Anyway, he's just a dumb teenager who has commitment issues! I genuinely believe he will mature as he and Tina grow older, no matter what their relationship status eventually turns out to be. It just makes me upset when people are so mean to him, it reminds me of the few people who are super mean to Gene.
Gene is also a dumb middle schooler (said with love) and sure, he's not perfect, but isn't that what makes him a lovely, compelling character? He has flaws. The only episodes I don't really enjoy him in are "Beefsquatch" and "Mommy Boy". That is it. And even in those episodes, he learns his lesson and comes around in the end, so they're not completely devoid of value either. He is actually so sweet that he doesn't even want to prank anyone on April Fool's Day! And let's not forget how in "It Snakes A Village", he quickly pushed through his fear of snakes to save Tina and Louise's lives! He's clearly still scared of them after that episode because of that one episode where he gets terrified of Steve in Nat's limo, so he did all of this for his sisters. I mean 🥺
Still crying that someone on Reddit said he should be killed off because he's annoying and doesn't add anything, like no! 😭 Does that person understand how strange and empty the show would feel without my precious baby boy? He may be the Middle Child, but he's so crucial to the show and its humor! He basically invented it from episode one, I'm telling ya. Like his cute lil' burger suit and his weird sound effects machine thingy? Yes. There would be something missing and everyone would feel it.
I adore the rest of the Belchers too, I really do, but no one has ever said that any of the others should be killed off? Because that's such a ridiculous notion?? I can't think of any characters in the show I would even think this about because I love all of them so much, every one of those side characters has a special place in my heart too.
One example I can think of where the show would feel so empty without Gene was that one scene (I can't remember which episode) where Tina tried to be like Gene and tell a joke, and then Gene said the same joke a second later, and Bob actually said, "It was funnier when Gene said it." It's unexplainable, but it's true. Somehow it was funnier when Gene said the joke! I love you so much, Tina girl, but Bob is right. He just fills a certain niche for the show, like Jimmy Jr. does. I feel as if we're in the same boat @drawthething so much because I think Jimmy Jr. might be the one character some people are as mean to as Gene? Like, come on! They're our precious dumb middle school boys (who are definitely LGBTQ+) and their flaws make them such fun characters to follow. They're not perfect, but that's what kind of makes them perfect.
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ghosties--writing · 5 months
Farmer! Soap x Reader headcannons
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Cw: mentions of kids, kilts, being a witch, catholic! Soap, being a virgin (both parties).
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• He's a very playful lover, he always wants to make you laugh and just in general wants to keep you happy.
• As a dairy farmer he's always watching over his cows. Watching the way they walk, run, how they lay down and get back up. All to make sure they don't go lame. After all if they don't produce milk then the town doesn't have milk and you don't have milk to make his favorite foods.
• If you're ever sad he'll find a way to make you feel better, for instance sometimes you both will go into town for the fun of it, buying things you don't need.
• He definitely lives in the Highlands of Scotland and he definitely wears his kilt and some boots while working in the fields. No matter how many times to tell him not to.
▪︎ Because of him wearing a kilt he most likely gets injured a lot. So, you take up the practice of medicine. Even though you get called a witch because of it.
• Johnny who defends you when people try to kill you for being a witch.
• Johnny who wants as many kids as humanly possible. It's in his genes you know?
• If you have a boy you can guarantee that the little one looks just John. While a little girl would look like you.
• He would teach his son/sons how to run the farm. Ex. How to trim cow feet, how to help birth a calf and, what they can and cannot eat.
• He would protect you from any and everything. Even if it's not something he can fight, he'll be damned if he doesn't try.
• He's definitely a Catholic. He waits until marriage, no matter how hard it might be for him. But, he's glad he waited because he got to marry you and have you as his first. He would prefer if you were also a virgin. Means you're a proper lady.
• He likes to spend time with his mates so twice maybe three times a week he goes and visits the other John, Simon, and his other buddy Kyle. He would also take you with him so you can hang out with their wives and the kids they have.
• He wants to get a feel for what you would look like as a mom. Even if it's not your or his family His mates are close enough to family, along with his own.
• His mom ADORES you, she loves gossiping with you and baking with you. Even the simplest things are fun to do with you, she shares what she knows about what's happening in town and you share what you know.
• We love gossiping especially while our husband's are talking about their own things. Which is probably boring anyways.
• You hate when he travels alone, it means that if he gets hurt then he won't get the care he needs in time. Which makes you stress, even though he carries a sword, a sword is no match to a gun.
• But he always sticks to his word, which is to "Always come back to my bonnie lass."
• As much as he loves his cows, he also loves his horses. And, he teaches you how to ride a horse the "un-ladylike" way.
• No both legs on one side shit. One leg on each side. He claims that riding like this could save your life one day.
• Even though a woman riding like a "man" is looked down upon. He has you ride like this as often as possible, even sometimes into town. And when another man trys to say anything he glares at him.
• Even in those dresses that all women wear, it's hard to get on the horse like that. It's not that it's a heavy dress, it's just a lot of fabric and you don't want to accidentally flash anyone on accident while getting on an off a horse.
• Most of the time though, you're riding on the back of the same horse, clinging onto his back while he takes you to one of his mates house or down to the blacksmith.
• At the end of the day, he loves you and he's not afraid to show or tell you. He's a big fan of pda even if other men in town think he's a loser because he worships the ground you walk on. Not literally, but if you wanted him to, he would.
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berzahoes · 5 months
you and me | izzy stradlin
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summary: no matter what axl told him, izzy could never stop loving you.
an: it’s about time i wrote something for my man izzy <3 not an exact timeline of how things actually went but hey, that’s fanfiction for ya!
warnings: axl rose that should always be a warning
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the moment izzy saw you, he swore he was in love. at the time, you were both in high school. he had long hair and beat up shoes that were years old. on the other hand, you were the nicest clothes and shoes while your hair was perfectly cut and brushed. he noticed that you always wore a locket, maybe a family member had given it to you as a present.
you were known as the nicest girl in school. nobody had anything bad to say about you until a certain lead singer saw how in love his friend was with you.
“she’s a prude. why waste your time on her?”
izzy would immediately defend you. “you don’t know her. stop saying shit if you don’t know her.”
it was after your high school graduation that you and izzy began to talk. your family had thrown you a party. as you were helping your mom bring in decorations from her car, izzy just so happened to walk by since your houses were close to each other. you noticed him and waved for him to come over. he couldn’t believe that the most popular girl from high school was about to talk to him.
“hi, jeffrey.” you said in your sweet voice that izzy loved.
“you know my name?” he asked.
“well, yeah. we went to the same elementary school. remember mrs. smith? she wore those big glasses?” you said.
“i remember now and i remember you doing a project about the ocean and you said your favorite animal was a betta fish and some kid made fun of you for liking a fish.” he realized how much information he remembered. was it normal to remember all that? he probably looked like a creep—
“it still is. it’s a pretty fish.”
izzy only nodded.
“do you want to come over later? i’m having a graduation party and i would love for you to come.”
“yeah, thanks. maybe i’ll drop by. i’ve been busy with my band.”
“you’re in a band? that’s cool! what kind of music do you play?”
izzy wished he didn’t even the band, but at the same time, he wanted to share what he loved with you. “it’s just a . . band. you know, rock, we play that.”
“cool, maybe i can come see you guys perform?” you questioned.
“if you don’t mind sitting on a old couch in a garage.” he joked.
“every band starts somewhere, jeff.”
“izzy, i go by izzy.” he was nervous about what you thought about his name. did you like it? did you hate it so much that it made you not want to talk to him ever again?
“well, izzy, i still mean what i said.”
during the party, you introduced izzy to your parents. izzy thought it was a bad idea since most parents took one look at him and instantly thought he looked like trouble. but your parents weren’t that type.
“mom, dad, this is izzy. we went to the same elementary school. he graduated too.” you said as izzy shook hands with your parents.
“nice to meet you, izzy. congratulations on your graduation. any plans for your future?” your mom immediately asked.
“honey, the boy just got out of school. the last thing he wants to do is think about college,” your dad said. “our daughter says she wants to travel for a bit before she goes to college. we told her that as long as she has the money and she’s with someone we trust, she can travel as much as she can.”
then you whisper something into izzy’s ear that had both of your parents wondering. when you finished, izzy chuckled and nodded.
“he let me say this, izzy is actually in a band.” you blurted out.
“a band? that’s great. you know, i was almost in a band once. . .” your dad spoke.
and that was your cue to take izzy someplace else so you ended up in your old treehouse that your dad built. the party was still going on as you and izzy layed on the wooden floor.
“do you want to go to college?” izzy asked.
you sighed. both your parents went to college so they expected you to go as well. but all of you wanted to do was travel. you were born and raised in lafayette, the only time you went out of state was for your cousin’s wedding in georgia that you didn’t remember because you were five years old.
“I don’t know. you know how our teachers always say you have to go to college to get a good job and good money? i don’t think that. i want to go anywhere, everywhere. i don’t need a math degree or read shakespeare,” you explained. “i want to go to los angeles, i want to experience it so bad.”
“then let’s go.” izzy said casually.
“what?” you turned to him.
“let’s go to los angeles, you and me.” he repeated.
“but what about your band?” you asked.
“we were never going to make it out of the garage anyways. maybe los angeles has something for me.”
so after a few weeks, it was decided. you and izzy were going to the city of angels. when you told your parents, they were hesitant, but you reminded them of your dad’s words. they helped you pack and even gave you extra money so you wouldn’t worry.
back at izzy’s house, axl was trying to talk him out of leaving, especially with ‘the prude’ as he nicknamed you. but izzy wasn’t listening to him. he continued packing as axl listed all the reasons why it was a bad idea.
“she’s not going to survive the streets of los angeles, izzy. look at her! she’s going to break and then she’ll come back crying to mommy and daddy.” axl stated.
“she won’t because she’ll have me.” izzy replied.
“then you’re both dead.”
soon, you and izzy were on your way to los angeles. your parents had payed for your plane tickets. when the plane touched down in lax, you smiled at the feeling of being out of indiana.
“you ready?” izzy asked, grabbing your hand.
you nodded. “ready.”
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you and izzy now called los angeles your home. it took months of working and saving up money, but you and izzy found a nice small house in a good neighborhood. your parents often called to make sure you were okay. you would sometimes find izzy on the phone with your dad.
when you and izzy arrived to the city of angels, you immediately started looking for a job. a record store owner hired you since the store had just opened and the way only had two employees. it was definitely a dream job for you.
it was a spring break when izzy’s friend, axl, decided to join you and permanently move to los angeles.
“you’re still here?” axl asked you when he saw you walk through the door of your house. he was sitting on the couch, feet up on the coffee table. he definitely took the phrase ‘make yourself at home’ too literally.
“yes, axl, i’m still here. this is my home.” you clarified as you walked towards your and izzy’s shared room. you dropped your purse on the floor then threw yourself on the bed. you were exhausted from work and all you wanted to do was sleep, but of course when axl rose is in your house, sleep is not an option.
“hey, you hungry?” you heard izzy ask from the doorway.
you could smell mac and cheese. “not right now, izzy. my feet hurt, i have a headache and i have the opening shift tomorrow.” you groaned.
“you have to eat something.” izzy encouraged.
“she doesn’t want to eat, let her starve i guess.” axl took the pot of mac and cheese from izzy’s hands so he could eat it.
“what is he still doing here?” you had enough and got up from your bed.
“don’t even start with me, bitch!” you heard axl yell as izzy closed the door to your bedroom.
“i’ll make him leave. he’s only here because we were rehearsing. we got a few gigs coming up. i promise he’ll be gone soon.” izzy assured you.
“he just gets in my nerves.” you sighed.
“i know. but he’ll be gone soon and you and i can continue where we left off this morning.” he started kissing you. then axl happened.
“you guys fucking in there?” he pounded his fists on the door.
“i’m going to fucking kill him.”
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cherrycola27 · 2 years
Man to Make Me Sweat
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Pairing: Rooster x Reader (Call Sign: Moxie)
Warnings: Language, Smut, so much smut, porn with plot. Age Gap, Choking, Spanking, Orgasm Denial, Over stimulation, Authority Kink.
Shout out to @thedroneranger for beta reading and listening to my word vomit! This fic was inspired by the Leslie Powell song "Man to Make Me Sweat"
"Guys thank you so much for helping me plan this!" You sqeual at the people infront of you. Rooster's 35th birthday was coming up and you had planned a surprise party with the help of the Dagger Squad, Maverick and Penny, who had agreed to shut the Hard Deck down for the party.
"You know Rooster hates his birthday." Phoenix piped up. "Yes I know, but I'm hoping my little surprise for him will change that." You smirked.
While you were a fellow Navy pilot, you hadn't crossed paths much with the Daggers until you had met Phoenix at a Pole dancing class.
You two instantly hit it off, and she had invited you out to get drinks with them the next night, that's when you met Rooster, and the rest was history. While it was no secret that you and Phoenix took the class together, Rooster had never seen you dance for him, and tomorrow that was about to change.
Phoenix had helped you choreograph a lap dance to one of your favorite songs and you were going to surprise Rooster with it.
Sure it might be a little embarrassing for your coworkers to see your moves, but you wanted your boyfriend to feel extra special for his birthday. You joked that he was going to officially be an old man, to which he defend that there was only a five year age gap between the two of you.
"Well Moxie, if Rooster doesn't appreciate, I know I will" Hangman smirked at you, causing Phoenix to promptly smack him on the back of his head.
"Ow Nix, what the hell?" He grimaced.
"Comments like that are why you don't have a girlfriend and why I have to convince Rooster not to murder you almost everyday." Phoenix responded.
"Okay children enough fighting. Boys I need you guys to go get Rooster and bring him here in one hour. Phoenix and Bob and I are going to finish setting up. Payback since you are the most... responsible of the group, please text me when you are five minutes out." You state before everyone leaves.
An hour later you were hiding behind the stage curtain you had set up. Rooster had been pouting saying how it wasn't fair that his girl wasn't there for his party because you had to work late... boy was he in for a surprise.
Hangman and Coyote had managed to convince him to sit in the strategicly placed chair you had set out.
"And now ladies and gents, Rooster's of all ages, please put your hands together for a very special performance by our very own Moxie!" Phoenix said into the microphone to the group before the music started. You had chosen one of your favorite songs "Man to Make Me Sweat" to do your routine too.
You stepped out onto the stage wearing one of Rooster's Hawiian shirts, a pair of aviator sunglasses, a white crop top and some cut off shorts.
His eyes went wide at the sight of you while the rest of the room of testosterone filled pilots howled and wolf whistled. You noticed Bob over in to corner looking like we was ready to throw Holy Water on everyone.
The first verse started and you began your dance, swaying your body to the beat, flipping your hair and keeping eye contact with Rooster.
You trailed your hands up his thighs and jerked him forward by his dog tags.
When the first chorus began you roughly dropped onto his lap and ground your hips against him. You flipped your hair and pressed your breasts in his face.
You watched him lick his lips as you dropped to the floor for the second verse. Slowly you crawled up his body and guided his hands to touch you.
By the time the second chorus came around you were shamelessly grinding on his now very hard cock as he fondled you.
When the song ended you were both panting while everyone cheered.
Rooster pulled you close and whispered in your ear.
"I'm taking you home right now to show you just how much I can make you sweat Moxie.
Forty minutes later, Rooster was emerging from your thighs after giving you your third orgasm of the night
You can't help but smile. You love it when Rooster gets like this, needy, possessive, primal.
When you first got together everyone gave you shit for dating someone who was almost six years older than you. Several of your civilian friends teased you for having daddy issues or if servicing the elderly was part of your job in the Navy. You just rolled your eyes at their comments, many of them dated men their age or younger, they didn't know what they were missing out on.
No one had ever fucked you like Rooster did, and as your relationship progressed, you didn't hesitate to let your friends know that your "old man" kept you very satisfied while their "younger models" couldn't keep up.
You were finally coming down from you high, but you still weren't satisfied. You wanted to see how far you could push him. Rooster crawled up your body leaving sloppy wet kisses in his wake. His mustache scraped your sensitive skin causing you to tremble.
You felt the fat head of his cock pressing into your slick entrance, and with one fluid motion Rooster was buried in you to the hilt.
"Always so fucking tight for me Moxie. It's like you cunt was made for me." He groaned out before setting a steady rhythm. His fingers flexed against your hips as he drove into you. You could feel his blunt nails digging into your skin.
It always felt so good when he took you, but you wanted his birthday sex to be extra special. You knew he was desperate for you, to mark you, to claim you. Especially after your little show at the Hard Deck, so, you pushed.
"It's that all you've got Old Man?" You moaned out.
His hips stopped suddenly.
"Old Man?" He grunts out while he is still inside you.
You smirk back up at him as he pulls all the way out and slams back into you causing you to arch up.
"You say Old Man like its a bad thing... you think someone younger could fuck you like I do sweetheart? I doubt they could make you cum three times before they even got inside you" He tells you as he picks up the pace. A groan leaves your lips has he drags his cock over your g-spot, the head of it hitting it with each hard stroke.
"I don't know babe, Hangman talks a big game." You shoot back at him.
A low rumble leaves his chest as he pulls out and swiftly flips you over. He pushes your face down into the mattress and has your ass up the in air on display for him.
His large hand makes contact with it causing you to yelp from pleasure and pain.
Rooster fists your hair and and jerks your head up before whispering in your ear. "Moxie baby, I'm only going to tell you this once. Don't ever say his name while I've got you naked ever again. You want to see what this old man's got... I'll show you exactly what this 'old man' is made of, I'll have you so fucked out and cock drunk you won't be able to walk straight for a week darlin"
You knew you had him right where you wanted him, but you were feeling extra bratty so without thinking of the consequences you uttered "Well, what are you waiting for old man, prove it."
That set Rooster a blaze. He roughly palmed your ass before smacking it again. Without warning he plunged himself into you. His hips pistoned against yours quickly driving you to another peak.
"Oh fuck yes Rooster, just like that" you cried out as your hands fisted the sheets. You desperately tried to meet his thrusts but he held you firmly in place.
"Guess I should have known you were a brat with a call sign like Moxie." He grunted out. His fingers dug deeper into your sides as you clamped down on him. You were so close, your body hummed, and just as you were about to fall, he abruptly pulled out.
"Bradley no..." You whined as your chest heaved.
"You didn't really think I was going to let you get away with calling me an old man with out punishment did you sweetheart?" He purred in your ear as he rubbed himself between your folds.
"I'm sorry Rooster, I was just teasing you sir." You groaned, hoping it would cause him to give in, you knew he had an authority kink.
"Have you learned your lesson Moxie?" He asked.
"Yes Sir I promise I have." You stated shaking your head.
This seemed to please him because he pushed back into you. Starting slow and working back up.
You whined and squirmed beneath him. You were even more wound up than before. Each thrust of his hips sent a delicious pleasure through you.
You could feel the tightening in your belly and your toes curling. Rooster's breath was ragged as he pushed both of you to the finish. One of his hands left your hips and made its way to your hair, grabbing it and snapping your head up. You were at his mercy and you were totally okay with that.
"Yes Bradley, right there I'm so close." You moaned out. You could feel your finish, you were so close you could taste it and then... he stopped again.
"Fuck... please...Rooster... please." You groaned.
"If you want to cum baby girl, you're going to have to be more convincing. I don't think you've learned your lesson." He mocked you.
"I promise I have, I'm sorry, I'll be a good girl Bradley, please, please, please let me cum" you babbled. You feel the hot prick of tears in your eyes. He was still deep inside you. You flexed around him causing him to hiss.
That earn you another spank. "Such a fucking needy brat." He said dropping his hand from your hair and curling it around your throat. He pulled you flush against him.
"What do you have to say for yourself?" He whispered in your ear before sinking his teeth into your lobe.
"Only for you sir. I promise I'll be your good girl. Please let me cum." You pleaded with him as tears began to slide down your face.
That seemed to make him have mercy on you. Rooster once again began thrusting into you. This time he didn't hold back, this thrust were hard and demanding. The head of his cock kissed your cervix with each one.
His hand dropped from your throat and went to your clit were he drew tight circles on it. You were so, so close after being wound up and let down twice.
"Rooster please, I'm so close... please... don't stop" you begged.
"I can feel how close you are... I know how bad you need to cum. Just say the magic word darling and I will give you what you want." He cooed to you.
Your bratty side had gone to his head and now he was on a power trip. You knew what he wanted, and he knew you were desperate but you still refused to give it.
"Please sir, let me be your good girl and cum for you. Let me cum all over your cock." You moaned.
"While that sounds amazing honey, those aren't the words I'm looking for." He shot back.
"Rooster—please!" You shouted as he gave a particularly hard thrust.
He laughed.
"Say it. Come on princess I know you're dying to cum. You're the one who keeps torturing yourself. Quit. Being. So. Fucking. Stubborn. And. Say. It." He punctuated each word with a hard snap of his hips.
You let out a pathetic whimper as the small trickle of tears turned into a stream.
"DADDY PLEASE!" You screamed throwing your head back. You couldn't take it anymore.
"That's right. That's my girl." He praised you.
Rooster picked up his efforts, pounding into you erratically while his finger worked your clit.
"Oh fuck Daddy I'm so close please don't stop." You begged him, you knew if he did stop you wouldn't be able to handle it.
"Daddy isn't going to stop until you cum all over him Princess. Come in baby I know how bad you need to. Be a good girl and cum for Daddy." He moaned in your ear.
Your chest was heaving and your heart was racing, you felt overwhelmed everything was too much and not enough at the same time. Your body was wound tight. A rubber band waiting to snap. Rooster continued his assault, pushing you further and futher toward your pleasure. His hand on your hip came across your chest and pulled you impossibly closer to him.
His lips found your ear as he panted out "Cum for me." It wasn't a statement, it was a demand, and it was all you needed to finish.
Your body shook as pleasure coursed through you, covering his cock, your thighs, his thighs, and the sheets.
"YesyesyesohyesDaddy" you babbled out as your body trembled against him.
Rooster followed closely behind you, filling you to the brim and spilling out, his release mixing with your own.
You both collapsed against the bed, thoroughly spent. It took you both several minutes to regain your composure.
You turned over in his arms to face him.
"How was that for an Old Man?" He joked. "S'good" you slurred, your body still coming down from the high.
"Happy Birthday." You murmured snuggling close to him.
"Thank you baby. How about we get a nice hot bath and get cleaned up and then change the sheets before bed? We made a mess." He said before pressing a kiss to your hair line.
"Sounds good Roo." You mumbled into his chest as he picked you up and carried you to the bathroom.
He drew a hot bath and gently set you in before climbing in behind you. You relaxed against his chest.
"Roos, you may be an old man, but I'm glad your mine." You sighed against him.
"I'm glad I'm your old man to baby." He grinned before relaxing further into the hot water.
Tag List: @dreamingathighaltitude @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @mak-32 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @rosiahills22 @thedroneranger @roosterforme
Likes are great but I appreciate reblogs and comment too!
Also would we like to see more or Moxie... let me know!
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vintagestarlight · 1 year
Count on Me
Pairing: Soap x military gf!reader
Summary: soap gets in trouble defending you
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: fluff, angst, mild violence, strong language, brief mention of death, unwanted touching, sexual harassment(just to be safe)
A/n: another fic for one of our favorite 141 boys! Because of the warnings I highly suggest if any of this makes you uncomfortable please don't read it! That being said I hope whoever does read it enjoys it! As always reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated! :)
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Soap never really thought about the future anymore. When you work a job like he does, it's counterproductive and sometimes even dangerous to think of a future. When Soap was a younger lad he always thought he'd have a lass and a bairn or two of his own but ever since joining the military he pushed it to the back of his mind. That was until he met you. Price and Laswell recruited you to help with a mission and you ended up earning a spot alongside the rest of the 141.
Soap had always been quite flirtatious by nature but you were different. While yes he did still flirt with you, he caught himself doing the one thing he tried so hard to avoid. He caught himself seeking you out during meals or wanting to spar with you during training. He caught himself staring at you during meetings or rec time. He caught himself thinking about a future with you; little lads(or lasses) running around getting under your feet. He caught himself falling in love. At first it terrified him realizing he loved you; loving people in his line of work put a target on their back. But seeing how badass you were but also one of the kindest people he knew, he couldn't help himself.
He found out you felt the same when you two were stuck in a safe house in no where Siberia. You were given dodgy intel and it ended with you being shot. Soap had never felt his heart sink so fast; he felt like it dropped to his feet. "Soap in case I don't make it out... I have to tell you something," you said, struggling to get the words out. You could feel the life leaving with every pump of blood; it was a strange sensation to feel yourself dying.
"Dinnae talk like tha' lass," he said, holding a cloth to the hole in your stomach. "You can tell me when we make it out of here,". Your hand grasped his and made him look at you. "I love you Soap," you said. "I tried really hard not too; I tried keeping it professional but...I love you," the words were harder to speak with each passing minute. For a moment Soap's heart felt like it was gonna burst but he still had to get you out alive. Soap had managed to stop the bleeding and a heli had come for exfil courtesy of Price. You ended up making a full recovery in the medical wing.
Ever since then you and Soap had agreed to keep your relationship a secret from the rest of the team. Midnight rendezvous in your rooms, sneaking glances and featherlight touches made Soap feel like a schoolboy again messing around with the popular girl. Of course Price had his suspicions right away; he always kept a close watch over his team and saw how you two treated each other after the mission in Siberia. He didn't say anything though because it didn't affect your performance. Ghost found out after Price when you and Soap were a little drunk after a night out and were a little too loud in the shower. After that you both agreed to be more careful.
It was because of this that men still hit on you. It was nothing new to be hit on especially in the military; you usually just brushed them off politely and then laugh when you saw Soap staring daggers at the poor man who hit on you. It usually ended with you not being able to walk; not that you minded in the slightest. But this time was different.
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Because of Price's reluctant agreement a team had been brought in to assist with an extraction. During the whole mission the squad's lieutenant, Yates, had been making sexual comments about you; you were able to brush them off like you always do because this was nothing you hadn't heard before. Being a woman in the military you weren't a stranger to inappropriate comments from men. But you could tell it was bothering Soap.
The mission was a success; you were able to get your target out without it being a disaster. You were hanging around base with Soap, Gaz, and Ghost after you all got back. Price had retreated back to his office to work on paperwork and the squad that was brought in was with you three in the rec room. "So y/l/n what about you?" Yates asked. They had been talking about their weekend escapades with beautiful women while being especially crude. "Who here would you let do you?" He asked, a smirk on his face. "Excuse me?" You asked, hoping you heard him wrong.
You could feel Soap tense beside you, gripping the neck of his beer bottle so tightly you were surprised it didn't shatter. Ghost laid a hand on Soap's shoulder trying to keep him from doing anything stupid. "Who would you let do you?" The lieutenant repeated himself. "Or maybe you already let them," he said still with a nasty smirk. You finished the last of your beer before standing up. "I think I'm going to go finish my own paperwork," You said, bidding goodbye to your teammates. "Oh come on don't be a bitch just answer the question," He said standing up and blocking your path. "Move. Now." You said, flatly.
"Come on it's just a simple question," he said, stepping closer. "Do you let them take turns?" He asked. "Just tell me who leaves you the most sore afterward?" He grabbed your ass and pulled you against his chest. Before you could break his hand for touching you, Soap pushed between you two and punched the lieutenant across the face. "You son of a bitch!" Soap shouted. The two tumbled and fell with Soap on top. The rec hall erupted in shouts some from Gaz and Ghost and some from the other squad. Soap was able to get a few more punches in before Gaz and Ghost could pull him off "Johnny what the fuck?!" Ghost shouted.
Yates lied on the ground, holding his face. Blood poured from his broken nose and busted mouth. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Yates groaned. You stood there stunned and looked over at Soap who Ghost was still trying to calm down. "Go take a fucking walk Johnny," Ghost growled. Soap looked over at you and turned on his heel stalking off. "You're finished Sergeant you hear me? You're fucking finished!" Yates screamed at Soap's retreating back. "Shut the fuck up Yates," Ghost said, his voice a low growl as he looked at the injured lieutenant. The lieutenant got up and left, probably to find Price's office. You didn't know what to say so you turned to leave when Ghost grabbed your wrist. "He just risked his entire career to defend you. Give him some time to cool off but you need to talk to him," Ghost said, his voice the usual grumble. You nodded, glanced briefly at the blood on the floor, and left for your room.
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Soap knocked on Price's door waiting for Price to tell him to come in. The door opened and Yates stepped out. His face purple and bruised, his nose still crooked with cotton stuffed in his nostrils to stop the bleeding. His mouth was swollen with dried blood caked on it. Soap felt a sick sort of satisfaction knowing he did that. Ghost followed Yates and gave him a reassuring nod. Yates just glared at him when Price called him in. "Take a seat," Price said from behind his desk.
Soap closed the door and made his way to one of the chairs facing Price's desk. "His captain is calling for your discharge," Price said. "He's not happy that his lieutenant has a busted face," he added. "You didn't hear what he said about her," Soap said, his fists clenching at the memory. "I know exactly what he said. Ghost told me," said Price. "The fact is you assaulted a superior officer. You're lucky you're not being court martialed," Price said, looking at Soap.
"Yates is a womanizing bastard. I'd do it again discharge or not," Soap said. "I know you would," Price couldn't help but chuckle. "Fortunately for you that won't be a problem. His captain is as much of a cunt as he is but we worked it out. You'll be suspended for six weeks," Price said. "And for what it's worth I would've done the same to the bloody bastard," Price added, before he dismissed Soap.
You figured Soap would've had enough time to have his talk with Price so you headed towards his room. You passed by the rec room to see Yates mopping his blood off the floor; you could already hear Price telling him to "clean his bloody floor". You made it to Soap's room and rapped on the door. "It's open," Soap said. You walked in and saw Soap lounging on his bed wearing one of those tight muscle shirts that drove you crazy.
"So? How bad is it?" You said, wetting a washcloth and coming to sit next to him. You grabbed his hands and started dabbing the warm cloth over his knuckles. "Six week suspension," he said, focusing on the feeling of you cleaning off his hands. "Really?" You asked surprised. "How'd you manage that?" You said, getting up to rinse of the washcloth. "Price vouched for me. Without him I could've gotten into some real trouble," he replied, looking at you clean off his other hand.
"You know I appreciate you doing that but you shouldn't have," you said, tossing the cloth into his hamper. "I couldn't let him say those things about you Bonnie," he said, looking at you. "It wasn't right," Soap added. "You could've lost your job Johnny. I would never want you to do that for me," you shook your head. Soap grabbed your hand and stroked the back of it with his thumb. "I love you hen and I'll always defend you," he said. "I love you too Johnny," You said, giving him a kiss. Soap wanted to make sure you knew you could always count on him.
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mo4anm94 · 19 days
Like y’all don’t really understand lol… She’s this beautiful flame.. una llama de fuego tan hermosa 🥹😍 the way her soul dances like the way flames dance when it’s burning.. that’s her soul.. a beautiful flame 💚🔥 her mind is mixture of misfit beauty. A little of everything and even the ones she seems to take as horrible, scary, or as it would scare me away.. there the most beautifulest.. you see I have come to realize something… and this is how I truly TRULY know she is the one.. word to K Dot: Bare with me let me put you on Game… lmao sorry.. but seriously… no matter what. No matter the flaws, the imperfections, the doubts, the silence, the fights, the moments we can’t agree to disagree… in my eyes. In my opinion. And I’ll stand on this forever… the good I see in her and the coincidences that have been occurring despite of our bumpy road.. it out weighs all of that negativity. Nothing is moving that. And when we both align ourselves to be on the same page.. “What God brought together let no man seperate.” Am i human? Do I feel some type of way if some foos disrespect my boundaries of her being off limits? Of coarse I do. Ask any man that is truly with his one and ask him if he would like that.. but would I be phased if busters wanna poke the bear with compliments and stuff? Not even cause it’s all bark no bite to some and attempting straight shots while baby girl following the curve of my trails as I go.. I ain’t saying I am this perfect dude.. far from it my boy. Best believe that I am no better than anyone on here or this world… but meeting baby girl has really wanted me to change. More than what I did.. find a newer meaning of life.. find God. Find peace. The way our souls connect on a spiritual level.. beyond what anyone can imagine… if you really want to know how deep we are connected.. find me the end of the number line and tell me what that number is and that’ll be your answer… it’s that deep. What a lot think I’m just trying to be playa playa.. or that it’s just a smash and go type of thing.. kill it now cause I’ve proven that wrong to many already.. I never believe I would meet baby girl on here of all places.. what some could say they left a mark on my heart.. I won’t deny that.. but she left a mark on my soul and no other person could dare reach that deep and break through my barrier… the beauty.. like THE BEAUTY 😍😍 for haters that diss her on the low.. the devil was once a beautiful Angel until he started to hate 🤭 respectfully.. for her I’ll slay anyone who tries to hurt her or harm her.. what y’all ain’t captivating is that my love for her has been around since the beginning of time… since the first moment man fell in love with a woman.. since the first knight defending his Queen.. all that were just the essence of it until we both were both born into this world.. I used to have many wishes and moments I would change… but I decided to exchange all of those to just have only one wish… to meet her sooner.. but only God knows why he brought us here now. But I am blessed to have her. To meet her. To have the honor to make her laugh and smile. To have the privilege of being there for her when she’s hurting. To know that I am the first she thinks about when she needs to run somewhere.. like I said.. I am human.. I am not perfect.. but for her I would die a billion deaths if it means being with her forever 💚 I would go the distance that no man would dare to go for her… adapt to changes no man dares to adapt in this time we are living… she’s like that quote Jeff Goldblum said in one of our favorite movies (not saying which one ifykyk 😉) Life finds a way.. it’s a lot I know but she means everything to me she really does. Words are never enough to express what I feel for her.. to those that be supporting me and be amping me up commenting when I write beautiful things for her. Don’t think I don’t see you guys 🥹 I appreciate everyone on here I do. Without my baby girl.. I am just a man with a missing rib. Real talk💚💎
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fanficimagery · 3 years
When Enough is Enough pt. I
Imagine being let down one too many times by your best friend, only to end up making some new ones in the process.
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Words: 7.7K
Sometimes when you had a moment to yourself, you often found yourself looking back on how easy things were when you were just in high school. College wasn't a walk in the park, but it did somewhat prepare you for the real world after school. And with you now being a nurse and Peter still doing the superhero gig, you and your best friend hardly had time for each other which left you feeling bummed about it.
But you've finally taken a much needed two week vacation and you couldn't wait to dress in sweats and drink the night away.
Grabbing some fruit from your refrigerator, you set it all out on the counter and get to work. The strawberries need washing and to be sliced, but the black berries and blueberries are fine with just a quick wash. You grab one of the beer mugs from your kitchen cabinets and fill it a little less than halfway with ice. You toss in some strawberry slices, black berries and blueberries. Then turning to the refrigerator, you grab the Malibu Coconut Rum and the Minute Maid Berry Punch. You pour about three shots of the rum into the glass, followed by another three shots of the punch. Then grabbing a Smirnoff Ice Original, you twist off the lid and place the bottle upside down in your mug.
Satisfied with your drink for the time being, you shove a straw into your mug and take it with you as you walk over to your sofa. You groan happily as you take your first sip and then settle down to binge watch some shows you need to catch up on.
Halfway done with your drink, your apartment door opens but you already know who it is since there's only one person with a spare key. Peter jumps over the back of the couch, landing next to you and stealing your mug from your hands. He takes a long sip, grinning as he hands it back over to you. "That drink is dangerous. Tastes too good to stop just at one."
"Hence the reason why I'm drinking it, Parker." You clutch the mug between your hands once more, leaning out of his reach when he makes a grab for it again. "I'm on vacation and I plan to drink until I can no longer keep my eyes open. Hands off."
"Mean. And here I was going to invite you to a party." You freeze mid-sip and raise an eyebrow at your best friend. Peter smirks. "We've both been kind of busy and now that you're on vacation I figured I'd ask and see if you want to be my plus one for Tony's party."
Your lips purse. "Hmm. What kind of party?"
"A normal one?" He shrugs. "It's just the team and close friends of the team. Everyone needs to decompress and they decided to do that with drinks and music."
"Fine. I'm game. But you're packing up the fruits and all my beer mugs, and then we're stopping by the liquor store and Quick Mart to pick up more Smirnoff, Rum and Berry Punch."
"Y/N," he chuckles. "Tony's got drinks there."
"Yeah, but does he have all the ingredients to make my favorite drink?"
"Uh, probably not?"
"Exactly. So chop, chop! Pack it up while I change into clothes worthy of being out in public."
          - - - - - - - - - - 
As you ride the elevator up to the upper floors of Stark Tower, you're at complete ease. Anyone in your position would be a nervous wreck, but you've heard enough stories about them from Peter that you're not.
As the elevator dings open, you and Peter step out with your arms full of bags. Almost immediately, you're approached by Tony Stark. "Parker, you sly dog! It's about time we meet the girlfriend." You and Peter snort, and immediately try to deny his claims, but he bulldozes right over you. "What's with the alcohol? I got everything you could need here."
"First off," you muse, elbowing Peter aside, "I'm the best friend, not the girlfriend." Tony's eyebrows raise before he chuckles. "And secondly, I was already drinking this at my apartment before Peter asked me to come with him. I doubt someone with expensive tastes such as yours has Minute Maid punch and Smirnoffs sitting in the fridge."
"Point," he gestures to you. "Well welcome. Any friend of Peter's is a friend of ours. And I see you got blueberries so I want one of whatever you're making."
"Sure thing, Stark, but just know this was something we came up with in college."
Peter gestures for you to follow him when Tony gets called away and you keep close to him as he leads you to the kitchen. He finds an empty space along the kitchen island and the two of you work on unloading the bags.
"Get me three mugs of ice," you tell him. Peter takes three mugs to put some ice in as you open the containers of fruit. You earn a few curious glances, but you merely grin and nod, and continue to twist open bottles and cartons. Then once you've assembled everything, you toss the fruits into each mug and start pouring the shots of rum and berry punch into them. You put one Smirnoff upside into the first mug and hand it off to Peter. "Take that to Mr. Stark. I'll assemble ours."
Peter grins and heads off, doing as you've said.
You get the remaining two poured very easily and Peter rejoins you just as you insert the straws. Taking his own mug as you pick up yours, you clink your drinks together before taking the longest sip you can. When you need to breathe, you let go of the straw first and Peter fist pumps in victory. "Dick," you mumble.
Two females approach- one with a shy demeanor whereas the other one has a very energetic vibe about her. You're proven correct when she says, "Hey new girl, are you the one making the Smirnoff drinks?"
You nod. "Yeah."
"Mind making one for me and friend here? Stark won't share." You chuckle and nod again. "I'm Darcy, by the way, and this is my friend Wanda."
"Y/N." You introduce yourself as Peter grabs two more mugs to put ice in. "I'm that idiot's best friend," you say while gesturing to Peter's back.
"I heard that!"
"Well I wasn't whispering it." He mockingly pouts at you over his shoulder and you laugh some more.
"Damn. We owe Sam and Bucky twenty bucks."
You glance at Darcy as she begrudgingly starts pulling money out of her back pocket and you raise an eyebrow at Wanda who's grinning. "We thought you were Peter's girlfriend." Her accent makes your smile widen. "Sam and Bucky said there was no way Parker got a girlfriend as beautiful as you."
Your eyes widen and the seemingly shy girl laughs aloud. "Wait, what?" You nervously chuckle. "I'm not drunk enough to be taking compliments from pretty boys like them."
"Boys." Darcy snorts. "Don't let them hear you call them that. They'll be determined to show you how manly they are then."
Peter sets down the mugs in front of you before taking his back up. "You good here? I want to go say hi to some people."
"Go." You shoo him away. "Go mingle. I'm fine."
"Yeah, Spidey. She's good. We'll keep her company," Darcy says. "Go away now."
Peter frowns and you can't resist pinching his cheek, cooing softly at him. "I'm a big girl, Petey. I'll be around. Plus you're walking me home, remember?"
"Fine." He gently swats your hand off his face as you laugh at him. "But please stay with the girls, and don't listen to anything Sam or Bucky says. They're mean to me."
"I'll try my best. Now go away. I have drinks to make."
As Peter leaves with his drink in tow, you finish making both Darcy and Wanda theirs. They happily accept them when you slide the mugs in front of them, groaning in delight after they take their first sip.
"Come on. Lets go get comfortable with the boys and Nat," Darcy says. "Kick off your shoes though. We're sitting in the pit."
You glance around for a place to kick off your shoes until Wanda gestures you towards the corner where other pairs of shoes lie. Then following them over to what they've deemed the pit, you walk down the carpeted stairs and take a seat near Wanda as Darcy hands over some money to Sam.
"Ha!" Sam laughs. "Knew that little twerp couldn't land a lady as fine as her."
Your nose wrinkles at the compliment and Wanda laughs. "Everyone, this is Y/N. Y/N, that's Natasha, Sam and Bucky." She points to each respective individual as she names them and you nod at each of them. "Y/N also doesn't take compliments well."
"It's weird." You're quick to defend yourself, sheepishly shrugging. "I don't like being put on the spot."
Darcy plops down between Bucky and Wanda. "Well too bad. You are a beautiful woman who makes fantastic drinks." She wraps her lips around the straw to sip some more. "Janie is going to be pissed she missed these."
You chuckle and start sipping your own drink.
"So how do you know Spider-Boy?" Sam asks.
"Uh, we grew up together," you say. "I lived next door to his uncle Ben and aunt May, and when he moved in with them we were just drawn together. Been best friends ever since."
"Never once hooked up?"
You splutter at Darcy's question. "N-No!"
"You're lying." Bucky's eyes squint at you and resist the urge to flip him off. After all, you only just met him.
"I'm really not. There might've been a slight crush once upon a time, but no. No hookups."
Natasha grins at you before sipping her beer. "You're a great liar." You gasp in mock offense.
"Who didn't hook-up?" Peter lands next to you, his arm going around the back of your shoulders.
Darcy waggles her eyebrows at you and you snort. "Apparently all your friends-" Bucky and Sam scoff, "and co-workers think you and I have hooked up."
Peter laughs. "Well there was that one time-"
"WHAT?!" Sam and Darcy shout.
"Knew it." Natasha preens at being right.
You swat at Peter's chest repeatedly. "Dick. I just finished telling them we hadn't."
"What? But how?!" Darcy wonders. "You had me believing you when you said you didn't hook-up. You had Bucky believing it!"
"Y/N is a phenomenal liar," Peter muses. "We got away with so much in high school."
You crack a grin then, you and Peter sharing a fist bump. "Way to make me sound like I lie all the time." Then looking out at those in the conversation pit, you say, "I don't lie on the important stuff. Just the stupid stuff that got us out of school or whether or not Peter and I hooked up. His girlfriends are usually intimidated by me so I had to convince them Petey and I never slept together."
"Are you two.. together?" Wanda then wonders, but you and Peter shake your heads. "How do you remain such good friends afterwards?"
You shrug. "We know each other's deepest secrets. We won't ever not be friends."
"Hold on. Let's get back to the lying thing," Bucky says. "Give me two truths and one lie. I wanna see if you can do that again. And stare me straight in the eyes when you say it."
Sam snorts as you and Peter laugh. "Okay. Hold on. Let me think." You take a moment to think of the three things you're going to say. When you figure it out, you meet Bucky's steely gaze head on. "I was engaged once. My sister married my ex-boyfriend. I swam with sharks where a young shark took a chunk out of my side."
Everyone seems to hold their breath and you can't help but smirk when Bucky's eyes narrow. After a brief moment, he says, "The sister and the ex-boyfriend. While you seem young, being engaged is believable. As is the shark. But there's no way a sibling would marry another sibling's ex."
Your smirk falls and Bucky grins victoriously, only for Peter to burst out laughing. You follow soon after. "If this were a drinking game, you'd have to take a shot."
"What? No way!" Sam exclaims. Bucky looks grumpy once more and Natasha looks impressed.
Peter nods. "It's true. Y/N dumped him for being clingy and not wanting her to speak to me, and he went crawling to her sister months later. They married a couple years after that."
"And you were okay with that?" Wanda frowns.
"I was fine with their relationship. It's not like I was in love with the guy," you admit. "I just hated that she moved him in with us. It made our already cramped apartment even more cramped, which then led to lots of sleepovers at Peter's."
"So that's when the hook-up occurred." You grab a couch pillow and throw it at Sam who catches it with a laugh. Darcy pats Bucky on the shoulder and Sam laughs at his expression. "Well if that wasn't the lie, what was? The engagement?"
"Oh no. I was engaged." You laugh. "For about a month before I realized I didn't actually wanna spend the rest of life with an idiot."
"The lie was the shark bite," Peter tells them. "Y/N's is terrified of the ocean. She can only make it into ankle deep water before she starts to panic."
"Well the ocean is huge!" You defend yourself. "Have you seen those documentaries with the strange noises and shadows at fuck thousand feet below? No thank you."
The group sitting around you all laugh. You decide to get more comfortable then, angling yourself towards Peter and throwing your legs across his lap. He doesn't bat an eye, instead he just raises his arms and sets them back down atop your legs, his free hand tapping a random rhythm on your knee.
The conversation flows easy after that, Tony dragging Clint, Steve and Bruce to be introduced. Once everyone is seated, the group waste no time in asking what it is you do after you refuse to offer up any embarrassing stories about a pre-teen Peter. Darcy is snapping pictures every now and then, getting your Instagram username afterward so she can tag you in a few of the ones she was posting. And when you get the notification on your own phone, you go through liking the photos and following back Darcy, Wanda, Sam and Bucky who had all followed you.
Not even five minutes after of the pictures being posted does Peter's phone ring. You hear his sudden intake of breath and you glance at the screen, your smile dimming at the name and picture there. "Take it," you murmur. He quickly glances at you and you remove your legs from his lap. "It's been what, a couple of months since you last spoke with her? Take it."
Peter grins and then hurriedly stands up, answering the phone call on his way to a quieter portion of the room. Your newly found friends look at you and you paste on a smile. "It's his on again/off again girlfriend. Darcy posted a picture of Petey and I, and I have no doubt in my mind Leslie saw it."
"So she called him?" Steve frowns.
"Yep. And if Petey's still wrapped around her little finger, he'll be leaving in five, four, three, two- and there he goes." You all watch as Peter rushes towards the elevator, a little excited skip to his run. "It never fails. She doesn't necessarily want to be tied down to Peter, but she'll be damned if Petey and I have a good time together."
"Well that's shitty," Darcy mumbles.
"Preaching to the choir, D." You go to sip your drink, only to realize it's empty. You sigh. "And I need a refill."
"Ohh. Me too!" Tony holds his mug up in the air and Darcy grabs it with a laugh.
She and Wanda follow you into the kitchen, and you waste no time in preparing all four drinks once again. Then when the three of you make it back to the conversation pit, Pepper Potts has finally joined the party. Tony is quick to make her try his drink after Darcy hands it off to him, and you can't help but laugh when she wants to keep it for herself. Tony quickly introduces the two of you and then once again Sam and Bucky are needling for anything embarrassing on Peter.
"Knock it off. I'm not going to do Peter dirty like that."
"You mean like he did you dirty by bringing you to this party and then leaving you for another girl?"
"Oh shit."
Everyone goes quiet, eyes wide as they glance between you and Bucky. "Low blow, Barnes. Just for that, you ain't ever getting anything out of me for blackmail on Peter."
The conversation picks up again, you glaring at Bucky every now and then as he smugly grins at you. Steve, Tony, Clint and Bruce end up wandering off again which leaves you, Wanda, Darcy, Pepper, Natasha, Sam and Bucky in the conversation pit.
It's been nearly an hour since Peter has disappeared, so when the elevator dings to signify someone approaching, everyone readily glances in the elevator's direction. The doors slide open and Peter practically skips out.. with Leslie following on his heels in complete and utter awe.
Pepper is too focused on her phone to see those in the pit staring at you with oh shit expressions and you roll your eyes as you finish off your drinks. "Watch it with that one," you mumble. "She's a clout chaser."
Those words catch Pepper's attention, her focus immediately on the girl then and you barely feel any regret uttering those words. You figure Pepper's used to dealing with clout chasers after dealing with Tony Stark's one night stand's so long ago, so you smother a grin when Pepper winks in your direction before getting up and introducing herself to the girl.
"Well that's my cue to head on home." Darcy and Wanda frown. You huff a laugh at them, shaking your head. "Sorry. I've had three of these," you say while gesturing to your empty mug, "so my tongue's a little loose. If she even looks at me wrong, I have a feeling we're going to have a repeat of my junior year in high school."
Sam ooh's. "What happened your junior year?"
"Got a month of in-school suspension." You shrug. "Some bitch kept making cruel remarks to Peter, so one morning I borrowed my sister's class ring and used it to beat the girl's face in. Then when we were separated and our parents showed up, the same girl had the audacity to call me a crazy bitch to her parents when we were walking down the same hallway. I jumped her again."
"Nuh uh. No way," Darcy muses. "You're so nice!"
You snort and Bucky turns around in his seat. "Parker!" You bite your tongue when both Peter and Leslie turn towards your general direction. "What did Y/N do her junior year in high school to earn in-school suspension?"
Peter barks out a laugh. "She broke the ruby stone on her sister's class ring when she punched a girl in the face. Repeatedly."
Story confirmed, Bucky turns back to you and salutes you with his bottle of beer. "Okay. I did not expect that."
Your nose wrinkles as you laugh. "I was a mean girl. College mellowed me out and real life made me a lazy bitch. I'm too stressed to be a petty asshole."
"I'll drink to that," Darcy says.
You try to stay a little longer, but out of the corner of your eye you see Leslie taking selfie after selfie. Her phone is purposely raised too high and the camera's aim is off so she can capture everyone in the background rather than herself. You quietly groan as you roll your eyes. "I really need to go or I'm going to say something and make things awkward."
The group doesn't try to stop you, instead Natasha leans forward to address you. "How you gettin' home?"
"I can walk. It's actually not that far from here."
Bucky shakes his head. "I'll walk you."
"What? No." You frown. "I'm good. You stay and enjoy yourself."
"Give it up," Natasha muses, "he won't take no for an answer. We like you. Let us keep you safe."
You glance at Bucky. "Are you sure? I can honestly get home just fine. I don't want to put anyone out."
Bucky finishes off his beer. "Nah. You're good. I need some fresh air anyway."
Seeing as you're not fighting him on it, Darcy and Wanda get up to bid you a good night. They walk with you back into the kitchen to grab your shoes while Bucky walks over to Steve to tell him what he's going to do. Darcy takes your phone to enter her and Wanda's phone numbers, and she makes the suggestion that you do this again when you're free. You agree and then they make sure to tell Bucky to keep an eye on you when you end up tripping over your own shoelaces.
With her arms crossed over her chest and staring over your shoulder, Darcy says, "You weren't kidding when you said she had him wrapped around her finger." You look to where Darcy gestures and you shake your head in disappointment. "When Bucky mentioned he was taking you home, Peter didn't have anything to say. He looked at you like he wanted to say something, but then his attention was drawn right back to Leslie when she let out an obvious huff that someone needed to walk you home."
"That's Leslie and her magical vagina for you."
Darcy and Wanda giggle, and your eyes widen. You can't believe you just said that.
Bucky swings an arm around your shoulders then, chuckling. "C'mon. Let's get you out of here before we have a girl fight on our hands." He leads you into the elevator and you flip off Wanda and Darcy who are both waving and wiggling their eyebrows.
The ride down is quiet, as is the first couple blocks on your way home. Bucky's arm had lowered from your shoulders to hooking through your own arm when you tripped over the curb.
"I didn't peg you as a quiet drunk," he suddenly muses.
"Oh you'd know if I was drunk."
"Yep. I'm a sleepy drunk. If I were drunk, you'd be carrying me home." You trip over a crack in the sidewalk, giggling, but Bucky is quick to tighten his hold on your arm so you don't fall. He laughs.
"So what? Is this you tipsy?"
"More or less. I'm a bit more bold for a little while and then I'm on the hunt for food before finding a place to crash."
"A bit more bold? You looked like you were one look away from startin' a fight back there at the tower, sweetheart."
You shrug. "I don't like her."
A beat passes and then, "Is it because you're in love with Parker?" You don't answer right away and take a moment to gather your thoughts. "And answer honestly. I really am curious. Your secret is safe with me," he tells you.
Elbowing Bucky lightly, you say, "I love Peter, but I'm not in love with Peter. He's my best friend. But I don't have to be in love with him to be jealous," you say quietly. "For the longest time it was just Petey and I, then Ned came along and finally MJ. We both had our relationships, but Peter had a habit of choosing his girlfriend over his friends, and that- that hurts."
"Have you told him how you felt?"
"He knows," you admit. "Well not from me, but Ned and MJ confronted him about it. MJ got tired of it first and distanced herself. She said she had better things to do than wait around for a friend who didn't want anything to do with her while he was getting his dick wet." Bucky snorts and you grin. "Well those weren't her words exactly, but you get the drift."
"Yeah I do."
You sigh. "Then Ned told him it wasn't cool to just drop us while his full attention was on a girl who only wanted him hanging out with her friends. Peter tried to do better for a couple months afterwards, but alas Leslie wins. Again."
"I'm sure he was just excited to hear from her after so long. At least that's what I heard you tell him."
You glance up at him, eyebrow raised. "Who are you and where is the real James Buchanan Barnes?"
"I don't know, man. I didn't peg you as someone this talkative." Bucky chuckles and a few minutes later you're glancing up at a familiar building. "Well this is me." You unhook your arm from his, smiling at him. "Thanks for walking me. I'm pretty sure I would have either scraped my palms or busted my chin had you not been there to catch me."
"Don't even worry about it. You okay taking the stairs?"
"Pft. Too much cardio. I'll take the elevator."
"Well then I guess this is where I leave you." You mockingly salute him and he shakes his head at you. "Drink some water."
"Yes, sir. See you around, Barnes."
"See 'ya."
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Over the next couple of days, you don't really hear from Peter. You text him to grab some dinner with you and to watch a movie, but he ends up telling you he's busy and that's that. Darcy ends up adding you to a group chat with Wanda, Natasha and Pepper, and you end up talking to them more than your own best friend. Surprisingly, none of them are fans of Peter's Leslie. While they can admit the two of them look good side-by-side, it's obvious Peter does anything and everything to keep her in good spirits even if it means putting him in an awkward position.
Admitting you and Peter were backed into two very different corners and not talking at the moment, Darcy suggests another night of drinks. You tell her you have one more week off, but Pepper's too busy running Stark Industries and Natasha is about to go off the grid for a mission. Darcy and Wanda are free, so Darcy says she'll text you the deets.
You had reached out to Peter once more, sighing when he gave you the excuse of spending time in Stark's labs. His hesitation rubbed you the wrong way, so one text to Pepper later confirmed your gut feeling that Peter had not been by all day and, in fact, had texted Tony for date night suggestions instead. So when your night out with Darcy and Wanda comes around, you walk into the bar and quickly find them, then marching up to the table and downing one of the shots there.
You cough, cringe, and then, "Is that vodka? Fuck! You should have warned me."
"You looked like a woman on a mission," Darcy says. "Who am I to get in the way of that?"
You glower at her and then accept the drink Wanda pushes towards you. It's then you notice Sam and Bucky at the table, and you narrow your eyes at them.
"If looks could kill," Sam chuckles. "Don't worry. We're designated bodyguards and drivers tonight. Just pretend like we're not even here."
"Mhm. Move over."
Sam scoffs as Bucky immediately starts pushing him further down the bench seat they're on and you take a seat on the edge. Your knee bounces anxiously beneath the table and Bucky nudges you with his arm. "What's got you so worked up?"
"Peter fuckin' Parker." Darcy and Wanda's nose wrinkle, and you sigh. "I'm just.. so over waiting for my friend to realize I still exist. It sucks to be forgotten about until the one he's devoting all his time to drops him. Then it's like he remembers I still exist and it's back to normal as if nothing ever happened."
"I like Peter," Wanda starts, "but he isn't a good friend."
You shrug. "He's been doing this since high school. It hurts, but I've gotten used to it."
"Screw that. Drink up," Darcy urges you. "No moping tonight."
"I'm down." You salute her with your glass. "To no moping."
"Aw hell," Bucky mutters. "You girls are going to be a handful," he says as he watches you down the complete drink while Darcy and Wanda cheer you on.
Bucky and Sam, being the best designated bodyguards, keep the drinks at a decent pace so none of you over-do it. The second they notice the annoyance drain out of you and you're all lazy smiles, Sam and Bucky sag in relief.
"Okay so FMK," Darcy says. "Y/N, you're up first."
"Ugh." You groan. "Do I really have to answer?"
"Yes. But don't worry, Sam and Bucky won't be one of the candidates." You smile at their offended heys! "We don't need to feed their egos."
"Alright. Hit me!"
Wanda giggles as Darcy offers up your choices. "Tony, Clint, and Thor."
"Oooh," you drawl. "Fuck Thor because you know, he looks like he'd dom the shit out of you behind closed doors." Sam snorts and Bucky glances at you, eyebrow raised. "Marry Clint because he's goofy as fuck. That'd be a fun marriage. And sadly kill Tony because you know, he's got Pepper. Hoes before bros. You don't do that to a fellow lady."
"I think you got the saying backwards there, Y/N." Sam laughs. "It's bros before hoes."
"Is it? Is it really?" You take a long sip of your drink, eyes twinkling in the low light. "Wanda's turn!" You then muse. You look at her, smirking. "Your choices are Steve, Peter, and Bruce."
She pouts at you and you can't help but laugh. She sighs. "Kill Bruce just because he's definitely not my type." You and Darcy giggle. Wanda hums. "I'm sorry, but I'd do Peter just so it's a one and done. And then marry Steve."
You coo at her. "Wanda Rogers. It has a nice ring to it."
Wanda blushes, but then she turns on Darcy. "Your turn. Sam, Bucky, and Peter."
"Hey! We're not supposed to offer up these two idiots as candidates," she says while gesturing to said two idiots.
Bucky and Sam merely grin, awaiting her answer. When you or Wanda don't budge, she rolls her eyes. "Fine. Kill Peter, fuck Bucky and marry Sam."
"You answered that way too quickly." You laugh, Sam and Bucky's smugness not going unnoticed. "But you know, same. Cheers to good taste!" You and Darcy tap your glasses together, breaking down into giggles afterward.
Bucky shakes his head fondly at the three of you. "You girls have no shame when you've got liquor in you."
You, Darcy and Wanda all share a look before you're laughing once more.
          - - - - - - - - - - 
The night goes on with Darcy asking the most asinine questions she can think of. This group of people you've only met days before now know several of your sexual preferences and kinks thanks to the giggly brunette, but it was all admitted in good fun and no one teased you about it. You also know them on a more personal level and you can't believe some of the stories that leave Bucky or Darcy's mouths.
Wanda seems to be the photographer of the night and her favorite picture to take is you getting into Bucky's personal space and attempting to earn a smile from him. You managed to get one after a couple of hours- hours spent threatening to lick his face. You ended up face to face with him, staring him down, and when he said you wouldn't.. you did. It was nothing more than a kitten lick to the tip of his nose, but it was enough to send everyone into hysterical laughter. Wanda was just grateful she managed to catch the whole thing on video instead of a picture.
As Sam and Darcy went to grab another round from the bar, you glanced around the cramped building and leaned into Bucky. "I'll be back."
"Where you going, doll?"
"Bathroom. There's always a line for the ladies bathroom so it might take me a while."
"Need an escort?"
You chuckle and shake your head. "I'm fine. Don't you worry that pretty little head of yours about me."
At his nod, you squeeze his arm with assurances that you'll be back soon before scooting out of the booth. You make your way towards the back of the bar, sighing at the line down the hallway. So taking your spot in line, you lean against the wall and immediately pull out your phone.
Scrolling through Instagram, you like the few photos Darcy and Sam have posted. Wanda even posted the video of you and Bucky, and it makes you grin as it plays over and over. Although as you look at the number of likes and comments, you kind of wish the Avengers didn't have public social media.
After nearly ten minutes of waiting in line, it's finally your turn. It's a great relief to be inside the small room and then after doing your business and washing your hands, you're on your way back towards your booth. Only you've barely exited the hallway when there's a body sliding in front of you.
"Hey." You jerk to a stop, frowning at the stranger before you. "So not to be creepy, but I saw waiting in line earlier and I was wondering if I could buy you a drink."
The guy is good looking, but under the current circumstances you just want to get back to your booth. "Sorry, but my friends have me taken care of." You step aside in order to go around him, but he reaches out to capture your wrist. You jerk out of his hold. "Don't touch me."
Though you're obviously disgruntled, the guy laughs. "Come on, sweetheart, don't cause a scene. It's just a drink."
"First off, I'm not your sweetheart." He huffs. "And secondly, this scene could have been avoided if you took no for no instead of trying to pressure me until I say yes. I was willing to let your sudden introduction slide, but now? Now this is creepy. This is actually borderline harassment!"
"Whoa. Calm down, you fuckin' harpy. All I wanted was to buy you a drink and talk."
You take a step towards him, eyes glaring. "And I told you my friends had me taken care of."
Whatever Stranger Danger had planned to say dies on the tip of his tongue as an arm wraps around you from behind. But not just any arm. Oh no. A very infamous metal arm.
Bucky's arm reaches around in front of you from your left side, his hand then encompassing your right shoulder. As Stranger Danger seems to gape in fear, you can't help but lean back into Bucky's chest as your hands reach up to hold onto his arm as it rests across your chest. "Is there a problem here, doll?"
"I'm not sure. This guy can't seem to take no for an answer and that apparently makes me a fuckin' harpy now," you say.
Bucky gently squeezes your shoulder. "Hey asshole, we still got a problem here?"
"Oh, uh, no." He steps back. And then takes several more steps back. "Sorry."
As soon as he turns tail and books it back to his own group of friends you burst into laughter. You feel Bucky's own laughter against your back and you lay your head back against his shoulder while glancing up at him. "Should I feel special? I feel special," you say. "You took your sleeve off in order to scare the piss outta some douchebag."
"Yeah, yeah. Let's get back to the table. I'm pretty sure Sam, Wanda, and Darce started recording the moment I stood up."
"I can see the caption now," you say as Bucky starts to lead you to the table in question. "Sergeant Barnes saves drunken fool from being creeped on. Ovaries are going to explode all over the world. There's going to be so much fanfiction about this moment."
"Uhh.. don't worry about it."
"I wasn't, but now I'm interested given your reaction."
"Oohh." Darcy perks up. "Interested in what?"
"What fanfiction is?" Sam snorts as Wanda frowns, and Darcy practically bounces in her seat. Wanda scoots down the U-shaped bench towards Sam's side and Darcy scoots down as well. Bucky nudges you into the seat and he plops down right next to you before placing his arm on the back of the seat right behind you. "So what is it?"
"They are stories written by fans."
"Usually about fictional characters, but some people write about real life people. It's almost always a fantasy of theirs."
You groan and then reach over to pinch Bucky's nipple when he asks, "You write any fantasies of your own, Y/N?"
"Shut up."
He laughs at you, placing a hand over his pec to keep you from pinching him again. "No? So you read them. You obviously must do if you know what fanfiction is."
"You know Tony pays someone on the down low to write smut about him?" Darcy admits.
"What?!" You turn towards her, laughing hysterically. "If it's on the down low, then how do you know?"
"Mama's got her ways." Sam snorts at her. "And FRIDAY is one of my bff's."
For a moment all is well and then Bucky nudges you again. "So which ones did you read?"
"Oh my god," you groan. "You're not going to let this go, are you?"
Bucky smirks. "Not a chance."
"Then fine. Yes I read some fanfiction back in my high school days. I was really into vampires back in the day, the whole fangs really did it for me, so I read a lot about the Lost Boys. And Twilight even though they didn't have fangs."
"Twilight?!" Sam guffaws.
You hide your face in the palms of your hand. "I know! But to be fair, I was all about that Jasper guy and that werewolf dude Paul. I didn't really care for the other characters."
Wanda grins. "Jasper was the most handsome of the Cullen coven."
"Yes!" You look up at her. "Thank you."
"Now that is something I will cheers to." Darcy passes you a drink and you raise it alongside hers and Wanda's. "To Y/N's fang festish!"
          - - - - - - - - - - 
Sam and Bucky call it a night a couple hours later when you can't quite keep your head up and move between laying your head on Darcy and Bucky's shoulders.
Between the two of them, they manage to herd you, Darcy, and Wanda into a car that was parked around the corner. However the second you were pushed into the middle seat, you lean forward and tap Sam on the shoulder. "Can we get some chicken nuggies?"
"It's three in the morning!"
You sniffle. "But I want some nuggies."
"We'll get you some nuggets," Bucky says. "Now sit back so Sam can drive."
"Yes, sir."
Darcy and Wanda giggle as you sit back, and that's the last thing you remember.
The next time you wake up, you realize you're on the floor. But given the plush carpet beneath your cheek, it's not any floor in your apartment. You groan as your temples throb and you can already feel the bile in the back of your throat threatening to come up.
"What the fuck," you mumble. Your stomach lurches and you clamp your mouth shut.
"Well it seems I missed one hell of a night out." You angle your face towards the voice, stomach lurching once again when you see Tony eating a plate of food not too far from you. "Barnes and Wilson brought you back here because you were totally wasted. They didn't want you to choke on your vomit."
You gag. "Please don't say- say that word." Tony laughs at your pain. "Where are the girls?"
He points with his fork. "Behind you. You might not be able to see them over all the McDonald's trash. You girls really packed away all those nuggets. Even Steve was impressed when he got back in."
"Ugh. I'm never drinking with them again." You roll onto your side, but the movement makes the room tilt. You stop and inhale, then exhale deeply. "Mind if I sleep it off right here? If I move I'm gonna barf."
"Knock yourself out. I'll have FRIDAY warn everyone off for a few more hours."
"Yesss. You're a good man, Stark."
He gasps. "FRIDAY, did you catch that? Send the recording to Pepper. She'll be so proud."
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You did not break your vow of over drinking again, instead you stuck to early evening dinner with Wanda and Natasha (when she was in town) after Darcy got called away to take some readings out in a desert. And since that night where Bucky saved you from a drunken fight, he had somehow ended up with your number and would text you randomly throughout the day. Part of you played it cool, but the other part of you was very flattered that Bucky Barnes was sending you good morning and good night texts.
Then the weekend before you are to return back to work, you decide to treat yourself to brunch before you have to go home and clean.
You're sitting on the outside patio, waiting for your food to come out as you sip on your orange juice. You take a selfie, tagging your location as you post it to Instagram with the caption that you're treating yourself to all the food you can stomach before you have to return to adulting come Monday morning. Then when the waitress comes out bearing your honey raspberry and banana ricotta toast, and your breakfast casserole, you happily sigh and thank her for the quick service. You take another picture, post it, and then dig in, laughing at the comments and texts from your friends who sarcastically thank you for the invite.
You haven't even made a dent in the casserole when a shadow falls over you. You glance up mid-chew, grinning at the sight of Bucky. "This seat taken?"
You shake your head, swallowing the food that's in your mouth before addressing him. When it's gone with a little help from your juice, you ask, "What are you doing wandering around?"
"Peter's girl was at the tower, waiting for him to finish up something with Tony," he says. You snort, already figuring out something must have gone wrong. "She was mooning over Stevie and Sam said my bitch face was too obvious, so they sent me out."
"And you just happened to find me?"
"Well you did tag your location which is something we're gonna have to talk about soon."
"Oh whatever." You playfully roll your eyes. "Now shut up and help me eat this food. I see you eying the toast." Bucky smirks and readily takes one of the toasts, eating half of it in one bite. His eyes widen as a slight groan escapes and you chuckle. "Right? It's so good. I think this is going to be my go-to place from now on."
Bucky picks up a spare fork, then digs into the breakfast casserole and you laugh at his willingness to eat your food. There's very little talk as the two of you finish the food, and only after it's gone does Bucky ask, "Is Parker still a no-show to your hangouts?"
"We actually hung out two days ago," you say, "but he was only there for ten minutes before Leslie needed him to escort her to her friend's party." Bucky shakes his head and you shrug. "It is what it is. At least I got you guys out of this whole ordeal."
"You totally got the kids out of the divorce."
You snort and then glare at Bucky for making you do so in the first place. "Shut up. Petey and I are good. He's just preoccupied at the moment."
"If you say so, doll."
Clearly done with the food and ready to move on, you wave down your waitress for the check. However, before she can hand you the small folder, Bucky snatches it and shoves a single bill in there while telling her to keep the change. You know the bill he shoved in there must have been a large one given the widened eyes of the waitress when she sees it.
"Smoothe, Barnes," you muse as you stand. "But you do know I could have paid for my own food, right?"
"Yeah, but I figured I'd pay considering I crashed your alone time." He stands as well, gesturing for you to walk ahead of him. You take off walking in the direction you know your apartment is. "So you got any plans for the rest of the day?"
"Cleaning and laundry. Apparently ever since I've met this new group of people, I've put off my household duties." Bucky huffs a quiet laugh. "I plan to clean today and laze around tomorrow before I go back to work on Monday."
"Laze around, huh?" He pauses a moment and then asks, "Want some company? I'll bring the food."
You glance up at him, right eyebrow raised in amusement before you hook your arm through his. "Bucky Barnes, a man after my own heart." He chuckles as you mockingly swoon. Then straightening up, you nod. "Sure you can come over. I don't mind."
"I'm coming over for lunch and dinner, so what are you going to want?"
"Won't the others wonder where you are?"
Bucky shrugs. "Stevie's been buggin' me to get out. He'll be ecstatic."
You laugh. "Barnes, when they tell you to get out I think they mean out and about in public. Not from one enclosed space to another."
"Baby steps."
"Baby steps my ass," you muse. "But yeah, bring whatever food you like. Surprise me."
He smirks. "Okay. Will do."
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sugar-petals · 3 years
SuperM as Boyfriends Headcanon
↪ caro’s note. extra long version because i miss ‘em. best boys, they’re all bf material to the moon and back ♡
5k words | bullet points
○ warnings ⚠️ 18+, dom/sub play, shibari, female reader, grinding, poly mentions, threesomes, face-sitting, femdom & vanilla, smut and fluff
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⌈ ten
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— motto: they won’t underestimate me for long.
most of your social environment is gonna be confused by ten at the beginning 
and don’t really get what he’s all about
or think he’s like whatever, some random guy in a tank top
acting peculiar
finding him kind of hard to gauge
some of your family and relatives might even think he’s totally unusual and a sneaky fuckboy making you mad 
they seriously wonder what you see in him
down the line that perception has turned by 180 degrees
as it should
ten becomes more irreplaceable, relatable, beautiful, perfect and impressive the more you know him
he’s not as mysterious and impossibly badass as everyone assumes
his personality is very approachable to you 
and you find him interesting in every aspect, looks to hobbies to background to personal habits
and also opinions because ten is a guy who really thinks stuff through
so you gotta be roughly on the same wavelength 
he likes discussing controversial and complicated stuff a lot for sure
being far wiser than his age suggests 
you are the first to share those things with him until the rest of the world catches up to this gem of a person
spending so much time with you
in the most personal way he can
he takes you to see the floating markets in bangkok, you spend the summer in thailand
wakeboarding and playing badminton
his entire family knows you inside out at some point this shit is serious
it’s very important to him to go back to the roots every now and then
and that you have been around his home city as well
getting to enjoy the area and time together eating the most savory delicacies
renting a boat and paddling you around to the important spots, he can explain any question you have
this kissing is gonna be so romantic 
who needs a vacation in venice when you can go to thailand with none other than ten himself as your ferryman let that sink in
except eating durian there he is, the boyfriend who can do anything!
with seemingly no effort
ten does little kind services of love for you throughout the day
he pours you herbal tea, fixes some furniture (he’s surprisingly good at tinkering), comes home from the bakery with your favorite pastry, does the laundry with your favorite fabric softener
he also goes on a huge shopping spree with you monthly because fashion is key in this household and it’s tremendous fun
you giggle when he puts on oversized shirts deliberately to look funny
everyone in the clothing store will think oh man what an adorable pair
ten will model the living hell out of the entire stock
and buy you the cape you really really want as a birthday present
said item turns out to be your favorite couple accessory
because you can sit next to each other on a bench at the river and wear it
what’s not to love about a portable blanket
of course he will take to instagram and make it such a cool thing, photographies of you wearing really cool coats and jackets
mirror bathroom selfies together as well, with a back hug, the classic
and not just for insta
you snuggle a lot generally
ten is always available for affection
and accepts all PDA
he’s a kitty after all, he loves the warmth of your body more than you know
remember how taemin said ten’s hands are always cold, newsflash not anymore since you stuff them into the pocket of your hoodie whenever you can
and hello sir your paws will be nice and cozy on my waist
or hand in hand when you waltz through your apartment
time for dance is a must
oh my god ten is so good at all of this
although say he’s definitely faster into latin than standard genres
tango argentino, he loves flamenco as well
don’t believe me? ten is a diehard rosalía stan!
so, no-brainer, expect a lot of dancy stuff 
that escalates into wild, passionate fucking
which probably looks like an aggressive form of couple exercises
you poor sore souls
ten’s lil kitty butt is falling apart from all the “i can handle a bigger one!”-level pegging and you have aching legs all over
favorite position? full nelson
if you ask me ten’s ass is probably so carved out by the end of this you could fit lucas and kai in there from head to toe
this is not for the faint of heart
sex with this guy is extra cardio
and if you’re into that a threesome is gonna go down sooner or later
with our girl lisa
there. i said it
miss manoban in those knee-high boots, grinding her thighs between yours and you finishing off on ten’s face? the fucking hottest thing ever i need a moment wow
i don’t have to tell you how orgasmic this is gonna be
steamy sex life with ten very recommended
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⌈ kai
— motto: you’re like a precious rose. i’ll protect you forever.
to be straightforward with you
he is in so heavily in demand it’s madness
to give you an idea of the scale
mark is basically occupied by yuta until the end of time 
but kai has an entire idol fanclub on top of all erigoms
those sharp moves did not go unnoticed
he gets an inkigayo sandwich every other day
jesus christ
if rent-a-sexy-bf.com was a thing kai would be the most requested
his phone would be blowing up with contracts like
and you also have to pass kyungsoo’s vibe check
and taemin’s
the road to being kai’s gf is indeed the way of the samurai
i mean honestly: kim jongin is without a doubt the hardest member to get a date with
this has got to be the most selective man of the entire industry or something
if he likes you he REALLY likes you
and he will be the one showing initiative
because he wants to make it clear he isn’t just spending time out of politeness or something
although it’s pretty logical that if kai was unable to reject someone he would no longer be an idol but a harem husband busy every hour of the day
seoul would be able to found its own village 
kai town
where like 70% of the population is pregnant
but since kai wants to keep on dancing obviously and he wants to lend his heart to only one person 
seoul has to settle with a singular nini family house instead of a kai district
where you and the man himself are a full-fledged household basically since kai’s nieces double as actual kids
if you wanna be a young ass ‘mom but not mom with kids’ and be married to kim kai this is it
does he have a thing for milfs or something
that thought just came to my mind
anyway you’re mommy anyway wink wink
fucking til’ dawn until even his muscles hurt
going raw at the gym together
him cooking the most random food with the infamous waffle maker
cuddling with an army of teddy bears surrounding you
walking the dogs with the sexiest dancer alive 
and the sexiness is only the tip of the iceberg 
we know he’s all-round amazing
kai is the king of figuring out ways to chill out with you anywhere anytime
and yes innocent chilling
...unless you’re in the mood for something else
up to you
sweet innocent chilling for now... with the stunner... just smooching at best things aren’t going raw or anything
on the couch in the kitchen in the car when it’s parked somewhere in nature
kai takes you very seriously and is a great listener
he’s literally so respectful and open-minded i can’t
he will keep your secrets and stand up for you if it’s ever needed
yes he is extremely caring and invested
kai does not tolerate others being shady towards you
if there’s an instance where you are hurt and unable to assert yourself don’t worry. he knows how to confront others with measure but a firm determination.
kai takes a lot of that responsibility but only to the degree where you are comfortable
i think you get what i mean by that
and he is diplomatic instead of plain patronizing
you have a right to be protected. it means he not only treats you well, but also makes sure your well-being isn’t disturbed in any other way outside of the relationships
outside influences aren’t to be underestimated
and since kai is a godly man you encounter a lot of jealousy from others
a matter he will take into his hands since he knows he’s the reason
standing up for you also means saying no 
to these jealous voices so this is an important boundary he has to draw
that all kinds of hellbent people want to get into his pants and take his stage image too literally is not up to you to fix
kai is there for you to enjoy and love not to defend
that’d be exhausting and beside the point 
kai prevents stress and negativity to come to you
i hope i explained this well he doesn’t do this to be bossed up or make you weak it’s because he wants to make life easier for you
guys being protective will be chalked up as chauvinistic these days. often rightfully so 
but what i mean is that kai support you in all regards so you won’t be at a disadvantage or feel terrible about something
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⌈ taeyong
— motto: we’ll take good care. enjoy the pleasure.
he’s the type of boyfriend who will ask you about things he missed out on while he was busy
things um from the internet
while mark literally knows that one by heart already taeyong will ask you things like what the wellerman song is
and you thought it would be something nsfw
i got you fooled
did we forget that the man literally watched nct memes on youtube
taeyong is both even more 18+ than you think but also even more innocent than you think it’s complicated
this man is just hard to describe he’s so different, i mean every person is unique but he’s an original it’s the extra mile you know
sea shanties
bopping to it all day since he just heard it 
singing it while he prepares dinner based on a youtube recipe video as he often does
he’s the most adorable person ever ever ever
asking you why shanties are back in fashion 
(good question, requires a deeper sociocultural analysis i reckon)
planning to remix one for his soundcloud lmao i kid you not
maybe your favorite shanty 
featuring fast-pace rap and all
creating his own previously unknown phrases and shit like that you know him
palazzo rocco lemon detox flashbacks
he’s hilarious i swear
taeyong will produce his own shanties for you can you imagine
as he says: my happiness is your happiness
watch out he will drop a shanty music video with extra krumping moves
taeyong is a never-ending source of pure crack
prepare to laugh a lot like, a lot lot
how can a man who seemingly has such a serious outlook on life and such a bonkers kinda face be so lighthearted
it’s like he’s peter pan or something
especially since he has to manage like over 20 brats in nct his cutesy behavior towards you as his gf will stand out to you
yeah so to be clear we all know he’s the cute one in the relationship
and guess who wears the pants
that’s always you ma’am don’t deny it
or wait 
not for long actually because they come off um physically
but not metaphorically
because who doesn’t wanna sit on his face tbh
your favorite reserved spot
he loves it
taeyong has such a thing for your body it’s ridiculous
mister lee got a sexy mama
and you have such a thing for the gloriousness that is him
but neither of you will not admit it as openly as other people would think
all there is... is being flustered
baekhyun probably has to play some cupid now and then
and give you some ideas
like gifting taeyong plushies and things like that
baekhyun knows what taeyong is all about so the advice is very welcome
but most things you find out for yourself
by being a little braver with him you know
you walking around naked in the apartment or basically fresh out the shower with nothing but a towel
will shake up taeyong so immensely, he will back himself against a wall without you even pinning him there lmao!
jeez he’s so deep into kinky stuff but easily shook anyway
i quote him again: “born to be cute, i dunno!”
you can imagine the overwhelm when you rub yourself against him like it’s nobody’s business
it’s so much fun to give taeyong a regular horny meltdown not gonna lie
this man was grinding his whole body all over the superm stage and now he’s basically freezing up and drooling
how many denied and ruined orgasms he’s gonna get, so much overstimulation all the way  
you’ll lose count of it
and just how wet you’re gonna be
is a thing for the history books
taeyong isn’t such a big deal in nct for no reason god gave him every talent 
so great sex is obviously in his repertoire
i think you’re gonna break some records for most fucks per week
you know... guys like lucas taemin kai and baekhyun spend more time wooing and teasing and flirting
but taeyong gets down to business
one glance is enough
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⌈ lucas
— motto: the hottest couple around.
ah, big boy
you really got this man’s attention
doing nothing much at all really
he probably just saw you walking around talking to friends
carrying an impossibly huge veggie burger munching and enjoying yourself after going on a jog
yeah boy that’s how you catch his eye
they say love begins in the stomach and that is the true meaning
or the nose, your food smells really good, lucas is going crazy, he’s seeing stars and shit
the towering burger isn’t the only thing he wants
lucas cannot get you out of his mind no matter how much he tries to distract himself 
with more good food, movies, games
fooling around with wayv or the superm maknaes, and working out
he’s admittedly... a little himbo head over himbo heels with you the feels got to him
he’s not gonna say it’s a date he’s just gonna invite you just because
to hang out in the kitchen while taeyong cooks and baekhyun comes up with the idea to play twister
imagine lucas with his long arms and legs bending himself all over the place
fighting with kai who almost crashed his shoulders into taemin who avoided the accident quickly
making you lose a round
obviously lucas will hustle until your team wins
mostly because he’s so tall and baekhyun is so small which is a huge advantage when stacking each other over the map
let’s just face it baekhyun only suggested this game to bite everyone’s butts and to see you have skinship with lucas
which is definitely a successful plan of the leader
yukhei is in paradise 
jumping around his room like an oversized bunny after you went home
don’t lie, you fell hard for him as well he’s just such a presence
emotionally, physically
a gentle but persistent giant
he’ll do anything to make your relationship happen once he knows you’re interested
if there’s someone meant to be a boyfriend it’s gotta be him come on
he will cave in after a while and admit he can’t just forget about you 
not gonna lie
your ex is gonna be shaking in his ratty boots
his poor eyes will literally jop from their unexpecting sockets
when he sees lucas hanging out with you
with his shining blonde hair and tall stature, that perfect shapely body, with great fashion on top of that
looking like your guardian angel
man, xuxi really does
pulling you out of your slump that’s been going on for months
and bringing back smiles and a good time he knows how to do that best
and big big hugs of course
you can imagine how soothing and grounded it feels with such huge arms around you
he will make sure that feeling is always there when you need it
because you deserve that treatment
which means he will come over very very often
yeah get ready for how yukhei is a lot more driven than you think just dial and he will be there
underneath the meme surface is someone very determined who really really wants you
yukhei is chaotic good incarnate but in that area he isn’t messing around
his brain is like: “gotta be with her”
on repeat
he must call you, he literally can’t sleep without tying loose ends together as quickly as possible
no second wasted with this guy, even far down the relationship timeline
i really pity your ex 
i mean someone dating any superm member would drive their former partner completely nuts 
but lucas is a special case
he has that kind of look and aura that makes other guys dig themselves into the ground like wiggling worms or cope by fanboying over him
i don’t wanna make this sound like a competition and yet — congrats on your noodly blondie boyfriend alright
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⌈ mark
— motto: two nerds in love.
how to explain this. mark is a perfect balance of a lover, a talker, and a shy bean
with a tendency toward bean
and flicking the bean
you know
cutting right to the chase are we
mark is very invested in pleasing you as good as he can
and defeating his awkwardness
because if we know one thing it’s that he always strives to become better and better like he can’t help it
and isn’t afraid of almost biting off more than he can chew
how many subunits is he part of at this point is it gonna be nct hollywood as well god dangit
back to the point mark doesn’t treat relationships and sex as something static which is a good and rare thing
he does his best and always looks for room to improve
while being very nervous, very bilingual, it takes two languages or more to express what he thinks about you let that sink in
that’s very shaky first date sex while being extremely in love with each other
lucky you
and an afterglow where he plays the guitar for you
that’s so nice 
he can play it while laying down and shit
while singing
not rapping, actual full-fledged serenading
we’ve heard how that sounds in the relay cam
are you dating some kind of teenage heartthrob or something huh
mark will make it very clear he’ll stick around, this bad bitch is here to stay
or actually, he’s a good bitch, don’t misunderstand
mark doesn’t have a lot of edgy in him unless rap is concerned
he’s the kinda guy to get lost in IKEA with 
having a good time 
as often as his schedule permits
you really have to make use of your time together 
this man might as well the busiest idol out there
and you are no different because birds of a feather
you’re both mr. and ms. independent 
out and about very often
so meeting up becomes something special during comeback season
or wait mark always has a comeback going on
which is a double-edged sword but something you both know you signed up for 
which is why you spend a lot of time around NCT dream, 127, and SuperM 
sm’s publicity agents have to work extra hard i’m telling you
a dating rumor is the last thing both of you would need
since you befriend several members you gotta stay on the low as well
but hey the rage of jealous people of the public is nothing compared to the force of nature that is yuta nakamoto
who seriously thinks himself threatened and robbed
in case you are feeling possessive as well...
...you might have to fistfight yuta
to be able to be with mark
who is basically property of osaka at this point
yuta is a scorpio that’s just the way it is
unlike taeyong who wishes his rap buddy the best, yuta kinda wants to be mark’s wingman and see him date, live his best life
but also have mark for himself to fawn over and to adore, to be fascinated by
we get it yuta. bisexual struggles. very understandable
you have to promise in person that mark doesn’t forget about the holy gaming nights with yuta 
which is hilarious since that’s not up to you but mark’s memory
bestie, yuta uses everyone as a scapegoat don’t sweat it too much
regardless you put a weekly reminder on the fridge
so the roaring lion yuta would be pacified
he doesn’t want to lose his sweetheart can you blame him
the ultimate but also most risky solution is obviously inviting yuta for movies 
which will be appreciated but also cause a storm
mark will definitely break a sweat when you start a popcorn war or try to prove who hugs mark the best 
caught in the middle of mayhem is mark lee’s specialty what did you expect
this either ends with murder or a chaotic open relationship down the line
yuta really is attached but who wouldn’t be
it could be worse mark has double the love you know 
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⌈ baekhyun
— motto: you wanna know why i’m your candy?
baby tell me are you ridin’?
in fair verona where we lay our scene...
that baekhyun always wants to woo you — his way, which proves to be very interesting to say the least — is never hard to miss
putting in effort is mochi default mode 
no matter what stage of the relationship you’re in
he might as well regularly serenade you under your balcony in the backyard just because
probably singing ‘baby we can stay up’ and wiggling his ass in all directions because he’s a dirty boy gone wild
yeah. nowadays romeo is twerking instead of feuding with tybalt
that’s good for him and everyone involved
you in particular because you get some very racy eye candy
you know how baekhyun is
at least nobody’s around seeing him put on an 18+ show like that
your little guy is one unhinged fella
if it starts pouring he will grind up and down the next lantern and belt out ‘singing in the rain’
you bet he can do some actual pole dance
he’s strong and bendy you know
and loves to gyrate his whole bag of bones like... he wants to hit you with all the body rolls
in the rain
what a freaky man
but hey you wanna stay up for sure 
doesn’t take long until you beckon him to come upstairs
where the only way to alleviate him of his wet clothes—
oh well he has those roger rabbit vibes and you can’t be mad at it
he will play off all his hormonal antics
baekhyun is hilarious
and so perverted, he can keep up with your spicy idea of playing patty-cake don’t worry
how do i know you’re an extra nsfw kinda person?
who else would like baekhyun
he says juicy things all the time
and does juicy things
yes. finally a couple on eye level indeed. 
when baekhyun asks are you ridin’ you ask how hard 
this is gonna be fun
and remember
beside handing you sacks of money
his priority is always to make you smile
i’m kidding about the bags but
baekhyun is so rich it’ll show in your relationship, but he’s more about the interactions with you rather than the lifestyle
baekhyun didn’t hustle for a bentley he hustled to sing and get out of sm alive alright
financial stability: important
luxury: very nice to have, he can make you the presents you want to have and travel a lot together
but smiles: baekhyun priority
because he so badly wants to know you love him and adore him, he sometimes feels so insecure
of course you do
you always reassure him with your reactions
it’s very important to him don’t underestimate it
baekhyun has always been talking about his ideal type in terms of how he can cheer her up
so even the naughtiest sexy time evenings are gonna be filled with all giggles
anyway other than that your pussy will be dripping
because this guy is as horny as all other members of super m combined
and you have your ways of leaving him tongue-tied and wrists-tied
taemin’s impact
superm isn’t short of bondage supplies we all know that
so yeah. shibari baekhyun is gonna happen
since he does pilates imagine what kinda shapes you can bend this lil guy into
and take some pictures
privé is in trouble 
bondage model baekhyun is bursting onto the scene
you might even run a risque blog that features cropped pictures with him
heh — you think people will recognize him by his body?
first: you only upload HD pictures that aren’t whitewashed
baekhyun is basically never photographed like that
second: who expects baekhyun to be featured on a bdsm blog with his girlfriend
and this is the guy that drives you around in his expensive car with his big black shades on 
well what can i say
nothing is the way it seems
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⌈ taemin
— motto: i’ll unfold a whole new world for you.
taemin is cocky, he’s sensual, and: a very smiley person as we know
least boring relationship ever
he will prance toward you whenever he can to involve you in cuddles
touch-starved taemin is a thing
kkoong can tell you about it, he needs kisses and embraces so often
might as well pepper him with it no problem
and put him into your oversized sweaters when he eats ice cream on the sofa, watching movies, and you brush his ever-growing hair
he’s smol he’s gonna fit into them don’t worry
and on the other hand he likes a rough and tough girl who thinks of him like a boy toy
who acts tsundere or like his bodyguard
working out almost daily to the point of sweat all over
a gal probably able to pretzel minho lucas and chanyeol into one giant bundle
taemin truly has the taste of a divo
multi-layered as always
so you couldn’t say the relationship is always the same in sentiment, the vibe of the dynamic could be different every day
we love a complex man
what would be volatile to others is actually an advantage up close
because taemin understands every difficult facet of himself and his partner 
even if those facets might be contradictory
or something that’s felt shameful about
he will accept and listen anyway
the same goes for getting what drives you
taemin is like a walking psychology velvet couch with fancy swirls as arm rests
point is he isn’t fooled by the surface of the world
he knows what has to be known
which also means your looks aren’t the part he prioritizes
and not even outward personality and habit is what he’s drawn to
it’s the mentality and values underneath
that’s true compatibility to him and he can feel it
he’s really really smart
and also finds it important that you get along with shinee and superm, that you think they’re nice to be around and vice versa
especially kai as taemin’s absolute bearly bestie. if kai thinks you’re shady and you don’t like kai either
or if you’re permanently super awkward and taemin’s moodmaking doesn’t help
we have a problem
but fair enough
kai and taemin are basically one soul at this point so if taemin likes you jongin does anyway 
bff telepathy
in fact jongin was probably the one introducing you to taemin lmao!
because he knows you go well together instinctively and he is correct
so not to worry then
and it’s good on taemin to think longterm and not see you as a person outside of social interaction y’know
cough cough he thinks about marriage, you might be ms. lee one day
here he goes again taemin is just very mature seeing you as well-rounded in every aspect of life
without letting his dick make the important decisions at the detriment of making this a relationship of two lives not just two bodies only
but obviously don’t assume taemin is no horny devil. we all know he dreams of the freakiest scenarios and fantasies in this whole group
going kinda crazy about the thought of making you cum which he always wants to try with new methods
which occupies his mind more than a big bowl of super spicy noodles which is taemin’s favorite meal so
at the same time taemin junior is definitely the same clingy attention whore as his sparkly owner
limp wrists from all the handjobs on your side
and very swollen lips from giving all that head on his side
this is gonna be interesting
he puts the 6v6 in 69
equals 69v69 am i right
but i’m serious that’s gonna be a lot of oral action
you definitely ask each other about having sex very often, daily if you have the time and find a nice spot
and how on earth do both of you keep your hands off each other sleeping in one bed
taemin is touchy as hell with no shyness, and you squish squeeze and grope this guy like the mochi he is
ah when things go both ways
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© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 3 years
The Other Evans–Troy Bolton
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I was used to people complaining about my family. It kind of came with the territory of being Sharpay's and Ryan's younger sister. I wasn't used to running into an East High Wildcat every time I turned the corner at my family's country club.
Of all the selfish things my sister is capable of, the worse thing she's done is hired the entire East High student body to work at our country club for the summer. Dealing with the whining Wildcats on top of planning my sister's beloved show was too much.
I thought they were good people until they started working here. I've now realized how much they complained. I suddenly had a new respect for Coach Bolton.
"Next time I see Country Club Princess, I'm gonna launch her and her pink cart straight into the lake," Chad said through his teeth.
I walked into the kitchen as Troy patted Chad on the back. "I'll build the ramp, buddy."
Taylor cleared her throat and nodded towards me in the doorway. The boys' eyes widened when they looked at me.
"Y/N," Troy stuttered.
"What is wrong with your sister, Y/N?" Chad snapped at me. I subconsciously took a step back. "Has she always been like this? Focusing on only herself? How did you take that growing up? Why didn't you ever say anything to her?"
"She can't control her sister, Chad," Troy sighed.
"Still," he scoffed. "She's the only one Sharpay listens to! Y/N, you could at least tell her to be human."
"You think it was a walk in the park growing up with her?"
It was my turn to scoff. I had no idea where this sudden confidence was coming from but I went with it.
"Let me tell you something, Ball Boy," I said, slamming my clipboard on the nearest table. "My sister has always been a terror. Not that my brother helped. In fact, he kind of egged her on. I lost count of how many times they ganged up on me. Either I wasn't dressing right. Or my makeup wasn't the right shade. Or I wasn't standing in the right spot. Or I wasn't on key. Or I was late. Or this. Or that. It was always something!"
"Y/N," Kelsie tried to jump in.
"And try being the untalented sibling!" I continued. "My older siblings love to dance and sing and act. They're good at it and they know it! But I'm not. I can't play an instrument. I can't sing. I can't dance. What can I do? I can plan a pretty decent party. Which Sharpay loves. Instead of paying someone to do all the work, why not just have your sister do it for free!"
"Y/N," Taylor sighed.
"As if planning the Sharpay Bash wasn't bad enough," I laughed harshly, "why not hire the entire East High student body to add their drama to your summer?!"
I angrily left the kitchen, leaving East High shocked. As I walked down the hall, I realized I left my clipboard in the kitchen. Not wanting to go back, I kept walking away.
I ignored my sister, not wanting to deal with her right now.
"Y/N, we need your help with something," Ryan sighed.
"Y/N," Sharpay whined, stopping her foot like a little kid.
"No!" I yelled, turning around and angrily facing them. "I'm done. I'm done with this. I'm done with you. I'm done with your stupid party. I'm done with this place. I'm done. You have both treated me like an employee instead of a sister. Which is saying something because you treat your employees like crap. Just ask all of East High. They've seen it!"
"Y/N," Ryan tried to defend themselves. When he hesitated, I said something I've always wanted to say.
"I'm done being your personal party planner," I said, standing up straighter.
"What?" Sharpay scoffed.
"I quit."
                                * * * * *
After I quit working for my sister, I made plans to go back home. I didn't have to worry about my parents getting upset because they weren't even in the country.
I had just packed up my room and was heading to my car when I heard someone calling out to me. I ignored them as I kept walking.
"Y/N, wait up!"
I gasped when someone ran around and stopped in front of me. I bit my lip, suddenly embarrassed when I saw Troy standing there.
"What do you want, Troy?" I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest.
"You left your clipboard in the kitchen yesterday," he said softly as he held my clipboard out for me to take. I hesitated before taking it and clutching it to my chest.
"I tried to find you but I guess you left," he said, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Yeah," I said, clearing my throat. "I needed some space away from. . . Everything. So I went into town."
"I wanted to apologize for Chad yesterday," he said after a few beats of silence. "He was angry and tired and way out of line. He shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I'm sorry, Y/N."
I subconsciously tightened my arms around the clipboard as I shifted my weight.
"It's fine," I mumbled.
"So," he chuckled, "there's a rumor going around the kitchen. I wanted to know if it was true."
"What rumor?" I asked.
"That you quit being your sister's party planner," he said with a small smile. His smile turned teasing as my cheeks blushed. "Did you?"
"Maybe," I shrugged.
"That's amazing," he chuckled. "I bet she didn't take it well."
"Not at all," I said, clearing my throat. "She freaked."
He looked down, his smile falling when he saw the suitcase by my feet. "You're leaving?"
"I can't stay here," I sighed. "This place used to be one of my favorite places, but ever since I started working for Sharpay as her personal party planner. . . It's not the same here anymore. I come on vacation and end up working. So, I'm going home."
"You are?" He stuttered.
"It's not like I have a reason to be here," I couldn't help but scoff.
"Well," he said slowly as he reached up and scratched the back of his neck. "You could still play golf, swim. . . Plus the show is Sunday night."
"I don't think my sister wants me there," I said, glancing down at my suitcase. "Besides, why would I want to sit and watch her dance around the stage?"
"Because the rest of us are in the show too," he said barely audible.
"Troy," I sighed. "I don't think the Wildcats want me around either."
Before he could say anything, a honk came from outside. We looked up to see the valet getting out of my car.
"That's me," I said softly. I grabbed my suitcase and started walking past him. I was almost to the door when he spoke up.
"What if I want you there?"
I slowly turned around to see Troy looking at his feet. "What did you say?" I asked.
When he finally looked up at me, his eyes were soft. "I want you to stay, Y/N."
"You don't mean that," I said, my voice getting stuck in my throat.
He sighed as he walked over to me. "I do, Y/N. I want you to stay for the show."
"Troy," I stuttered. I gasped when he reached over and grabbed the clipboard from me. He tossed it onto a nearby couch before grabbing my hands.
"Stay," he whispered. "Stay here. This is still your parents' country club, not Sharpay's."
"So?" I whispered.
"So she doesn't have the right to throw you out," he said simply. "Stay here and enjoy the rest of your summer. I promise the Wildcats will be better behaved."
"I don't know," I stuttered, pulling my hands out of his hold. "What am I supposed to do? It's not like I have any friends. . ."
My sentence dropped and my cheeks burned. I looked away, wondering how much more I can embarrass myself in front of Troy Bolton.
"You have us," he mumbled.
"Yeah right," I scoffed. I cleared my throat when I saw the look on his face. "I just mean. . . It's no secret you guys don't like Sharpay and Ryan."
"But you aren't them," he said quickly. "You're nothing like your brother and sister, Y/N."
He hesitated before reaching over and grabbing my hands again. He intertwined our fingers, slightly tugging on my arms to pull me closer. I looked up at him through my eyelashes.
"Please stay, Y/N," he pleaded. "I'd really like to spend some time with you and get to know you better. And I know the team would say the same. Especially after you stood up to Sharpay."
I bit my lip and laughed. I looked up at him, my breath getting caught in my throat when I noticed him glance down at my lips. He looked back up at my eyes before smiling. I held my breath as he leaned in and pressed his lips gently to mine. It took me a second before I started kissing him back.
As our lips moved slowly in sync, Troy let go of my hands and wrapped his arms around my waist. I slowly slid my hands up his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck. I broke the kiss and leaned my forehead against his.
"My sister would be so jealous," I whispered.
He leaned back and let out a small laugh as he reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, his hand lingering on my cheek. He smirked down at me, slightly shaking his head.
"Let her be jealous of you for once."
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parker-razor · 3 years
many a dream about you
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afab!reader x mando (no y/n)
5.2k words, 18+, EXPLICIT!! 
warnings: SMUT (extended warnings under the cut), mentions of injuries, unprotected sex (use protection!), very little editing
summary: when you and mando are forced to share a bed together, you end up having a dream that reveals more than you had hoped...
author’s notes: ahhhh! this is my first fic!! i’ll be honest, i got so excited i wrote most of this in one sitting. indulge me in some of my favorite smutty tropes about everyone’s favorite space dad!
extended warnings: oral (f receiving), wet dreams, thigh grinding, mentions of rough sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation... i think that’s it
Stars, you were exhausted.
You had just spent three weeks on the Razor Crest with the only bed available to you being a cheap mattress that might as well have just been a sack stuffed with sand. On top of the little sleep you were running on, you had just finished loading three bounties onto the Crest and into carbonite while Mando patched himself up. Dragging three grown men onto the ship and freezing them took all the strength out of you.
You finally collapsed into the pilot’s seat in the cockpit, catching your breath and giving your muscles a well-deserved break. Your eyes flutter closed as your body decompresses from the hard work and no sleep it’s been put through these past weeks. Mando had hired you just a month ago to look after the ship while he was away on hunts. Not to mention the little green gremlin he had adopted as his own, who kept you company and looked to you to get taken care of. It was much better than the life you had known; growing up on the outskirts of Tatooine was hard enough as is, but when your little shop had been pillaged and ransacked, you had nothing left on the small, desert planet. Mando had shown up just in time, sitting next to you in a dive bar.
You had never seen one of his kind before, and to be honest, you were overwhelmed with the way he carried himself. He was big, towering over everyone he passed on his way to the barstools. You wondered why he even bothered if he couldn’t remove his helmet to drink, but you’d never ask. He sat himself just a few stools from yours, and after stealing a few glances with flushed cheeks, you finally opened your mouth to say something.
“Bounty hunters like you must be pretty busy on a planet like this,” you said, trying to talk over the loud band playing in the corner. “Not too many upstanding people tend to find themselves here.”
Slowly turning his helmet to face you, the Mandalorian said, “What does that say about you?”
Damn, you thought, he was quick to the draw.
“It’s not exactly my choice to live here. I’d give anything to get off this ball of sand.”
He says nothing, just turns his helmet forward again. You figure that’s the end of that, at least you tried. You can now say that you’ve talked to a Mandalorian before.
After a few beats of silence, he finally speaks. “Anything?”
You whip your head towards him, trying to figure out where this was going. Of course you wanted to leave, but you didn’t want to come off too eager in case he wasn’t serious.
“I mean, what do you have in mind?” you ask, trying to act as calm as possibly, but you couldn’t help but get a little excited at the prospect of leaving.
“I have… a son. He’s very small and can’t take care of himself yet. I don’t like taking him hunting, but I can’t leave him on the ship by himself,” he pauses, piecing together his words carefully. “I need someone to look after him.”
“So, I’d be his babysitter?”
“And ship sitter. Just keep it clean, nothing complicated.”
You pretended to ponder his proposition, but you knew you’d say yes almost immediately. There was nothing left for you here; no family, no livelihood, no friends. This was the best deal you had gotten in a long time. Except…
“So, what do I get in return?”
“I’d pay you, as much as I can afford. But you’d have your own bed and food.”
You’re sold.
You’re brought back to the present when you hear Mando’s footsteps ascend the ladder to the cockpit. The child is holding onto him, smiling when he sees your face.
“How bad are you hurt?” you ask cautiously.
“I’ll live. Just a gash.”
“Well, I got the bounties in carbonite. But I gotta say Mando, I don’t know if I can sleep another night in a row on that shitty mattress.” He says nothing, and you haven’t figured out if that’s a good sign or a bad sign.
“Not that I don’t appreciate you making room for me! I’m just saying, I think we both need a proper rest tonight, especially after today,” you backtrack. You hear him sigh, nodding his head in agreement.
“Alright. I passed an inn on the way back here. Let’s see if they have any vacancy, hopefully with a bed better than the one you have.” You blush, embarrassed that you came off as ungrateful.
Mando was a mystery to you. He was quiet, a man of few words. It was especially hard trying to read him without being able to see any facial cues or expressions. Nevertheless, something about him exuded strength. He was much taller than you, but he was also just… big. Especially with all the beskar adding a whole other layer of strength. You couldn’t explain the attraction you felt for him. Something about how he towered over you, his visor boring into your face made you weak in the knees. How could you feel this way for someone who you’d barely talked to, let alone never seen their face?
He made you feel weak, but for some reason you liked that. Growing up on your home planet, you had to learn to fight for yourself. You were strong, with curves and muscles that showed just how tough life had made you. You never let a man make you feel less than or weak, always ready to defend yourself. But you liked that Mando made you feel small. It made no sense, but it also made perfect sense.
Sometimes at night, you’d let your hands wander. One hand wandered up to your face, whether to bite down on a finger or cover your mouth to keep yourself quiet, and the other down the front of your pants. Being around Mando so much made it difficult to wait until after he fell asleep to take care of the burning need you felt for him. You had your fair share of flings with the boys in your village, but none of them made you feel the way Mando did. With the most subtle actions he could make a heat blossom in your stomach and goosebumps spread over your arms. Sometimes the way he’d fly the Crest made you clench your thighs together; he looked so in charge in that pilot’s seat. Rubbing tight circles on your clit, clenching around nothing while angling your hips just right, you would be sent into orbit at the thought of his hands taking care of you instead.
After you and Mando had packed up your essentials, you got Grogu into his pram and headed off to the village nearby. You had no idea what planet you were on, but the flowering trees brought some joy to you. In the past weeks travelling with Mando, you had seen so many new things. You had never once left your home, and things like trees and streams had you in awe. You would never get used to how it made you feel.
The village was small, and it didn’t seem like there was anything else around for miles. You got to the motel, one of the larger buildings in the area. The lobby was small and surprisingly clean, much cleaner than the interior of the Crest. An older woman, the innkeeper you presumed, stood at the desk.
“We’d like two rooms. How much would that be?” Mando asked, not interested in entertaining niceties.
“So sorry sir, we only have one room available. A few of our rooms are under renovation, and there’s only one unoccupied that is fit to house anyone,” the woman said with a sickly sweet smile.
Mando sighed, obviously conflicted with the choice laid in front of him. He turned to you for your input.
“I- I don’t mind sharing a room. We don’t have to if you’re not comfortable, I just thought it be nice to escape the ship for the night.” You rushed your words out, feeling shy at the prospect of sharing the room with Mando. He had his own quarters on the ship, and you had yours, if you could even consider them quarters. After a few beats, Mando put some credits on the desk, and took the key the woman was offering.
Pushing down the excitement you felt, you grabbed your things that you had set down and followed Mando to your room. It’s not like you hadn’t been living in close proximity with Mando for the past few weeks anyways.
But this was different.
And you didn’t fully realize why it was so different until you opened the door to your room and saw that there was only one queen sized bed. Your jaw dropped, as you looked to Mando for his reaction. Nothing, as usual. He just walked into the room as if nothing had changed.
How was this gonna go? Were you just supposed to… share? The bed wasn’t puny, plenty of room for the both of you. But this was crossing a line that you didn’t even realize had been established. You didn’t really know much about each other and hadn’t been acquainted for very long. Not to mention the burning need you felt for him growing day by day.
And now you had to share a bed with him. No big deal.
Grogu’s cries for attention brought you out of your reverie of thoughts. You picked him up from his pram and placed him on the bed, allowing him to take in the room. The love and affection for the child had grown immensely since Mando had first introduced the two of you. You were initially shocked at how silently affectionate Mando was with him. You had never expected him to be the paternal type. You had yet to learn how the curious pair had found each other; a small part of you wondered if Mando looked similar to the child under his mask.
Mando had set his things on the chair in the corner and mumbled something about using the refresher. And as quickly as the door shut, you heard the shower turn on and the sound of beskar hitting the floor.
The realization that Mando was maskless, naked, just a few feet away sent a shockwave through your body. Was he tan? Did he have blond or brown hair? Was he truly strong or did the beskar just add extra bulk? You imagined he had scars littering his body, with chest hair dusting his front. The thought of it trailing down beneath his pants sent a shiver down your spine. Stars, your mind was in the gutter.
The sun had set, and Grogu’s eyes started to flutter and shut on one of the pillows on the bed. You picked him up and cradled him, resting your cheek to his. You savored moments like this; the ones that made your heart warm and full of comforting joy. Grogu’s breathing slowed, letting out snores every once in a while. You heard the shower shut off, and carefully placed Grogu into his pram, closing the top for him to sleep in peace.  
Mando stepped out of the refresher in a thin pair of sleep trousers, a similar shirt and, of course, his helmet. Your gaze made you realize that he was definitely not wearing underwear, not leaving much to the imagination. You felt your face heat up as you looked anywhere but at him, almost positive that your face has turned as red as the setting sun.
“Your turn,” Mando said as he sauntered to the chair in the corner. He placed his things on the ground, sat in the chair, and crossed his arms as if to get comfortable.
“You’re not sleeping over there, are you?” you asked.
“I… just assumed… I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Your blush was back with a vengeance.
“I don’t mind. We got this room to relax, and you sure as hell don’t seem at ease with the way you’re sitting.” He said nothing for a few moments before sighing and standing to walk over towards the bed.
Oh Maker, this is actually happening, you thought. What act was more intimate than sharing a bed with someone? Well, there was the obvious one, but…
You scurried to the washroom, desperate to cool yourself down and collect your thoughts. This didn’t have to be a big deal, and if you kept acting all standoffish like you had been, you’d chase Mando away with the bizarre energy you were emitting.
You splashed cold water on your face to calm your blush, brushed your teeth with vigor, and changed into your pajamas. Granted, they were much scantier than the ideal, but you hadn’t expected to be sharing a bed, let alone a room, with the Mandalorian.
Stepping out of the refresher, you see Mando lying in bed with the lamplight on. Maker, you wanted to nothing but climb in with him and lay on his chest…
His chest. This was the first time you’d seen him without all that bulky armor. Through his thin clothing you could tell he was strong, with broad shoulders and contoured muscle. His helmet turned towards you, and what you didn’t know was that he was eyeing you in your not-so-modest sleep clothes as well.
What you didn’t know was how Mando gazed at you when you held the child, cooing at him as he gently tugged on your hair or stroked your cheek. His helmet protected him from you finding out how often he stared at you in adoration. Your curves, your smile, your silent strength. Stars, he thought you were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. But what you saw when he looked at you was a silent T-visor staring at you with no emotion.
After a beat, your gaze met the floor as you walked to the other side of the bed, closest to the window. You crawled under the covers, waiting for some quick comment or a reaction from the man next to you. Finally, he spoke.
“Are you sure you don’t want me in the chair?” he asked.
“Stars, Mando, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’d want to be as far away from me as possible,” you responded, embarrassed.
“That’s- no, not at all. I, uh, just wanted you to feel comfortable,” he stumbled. You had never seen him so lost for words, so taken back.
“I promise, Mando, if anything I feel more comfortable with you next to me.” Oh Maker, why did you just say that? That was the most upfront you’d been with him. Just as you were about to take back your words…
“I feel the same,” he responded quietly. Stars, if your heart didn’t explode at his words.
It was quiet for a few moments, until you said, “Well… goodnight Mando.”
“Goodnight.” He turned off the lamplight and shuffled deeper under the blankets. You were unsure if you should stay as close to the edge as possible or be truly comfortable and let yourself get a little closer to Mando. Before you could make up your mind, exhaustion overtook you and you drifted to sleep.
Mando stirred in your sleep, disturbed by something he hadn’t recognized yet. As he continued to drift in and out of sleep, he heard something that he wasn’t sure was a part of a dream or reality.
Quiet mumblings came from your side of the bed, mixed with indistinguishable groans. His instincts kicked in, becoming fully awake to survey the room for any threats. It took him a moment to realize that as you slept, you had moved closer to Mando – much closer.
Your leg was draped over his torso, with your chest pressed to his side and your arm resting on his chest. But what he noticed most was the way your hips rolled, your core grinding against the side of his thigh. Looking at your face, he could tell you were asleep. Your breaths grew heavier, quiet groans turning into moans. Mando felt his pants grow tighter, not know whether or not to wake you from your obvious wet dream.
Mando froze when he heard you say his name while your hips sped up. “M-Mando, don’t stop… Please…” Fuck, you were dreaming about him. He wanted nothing more than to rub the growing problem in his pants, but he knew that crossed a line.
As your breath started to hitch, he could tell you were getting close. Just as you were about to cum, you jolted awake, breathing heavily while taking in what was going on.
You looked down at the scene you had caused, rendered speechless. Flooded with humiliation, you jumped out of bed and ran to the refresher as Mando shouted your name. You slammed the refresher door and locked it, tears springing to your eyes. Fuck fuck fuck, this was bad. Did you just ruin everything? Mando must hate you now.
“Please open the door, I’m not mad. Let’s just talk,” Mando said through the door, not wanting to reveal how he felt behind a slab of wood. You said nothing, feeling utterly mortified. There’s no way you could look him in the eye (well, helmet) after getting yourself off on his thigh in your sleep. Fuck.
After twenty minutes of Mando trying to convince you that he wasn’t upset and he just wanted to talk, he gave up. Sighing, he pushed himself off the floor and went back to sit on the bed. Though the tension in his pants had gone down, he couldn’t stop thinking about the sounds you made. He looked down to see that you had left a wet spot on his leg, causing him to groan. He had to stop himself from thinking that way, at least for right now while you were upset.
Meanwhile, in the bathroom, you were in shock. You tried your best to recount what had happened, but it didn’t help that you were asleep for most of it. The dream you were having a blur; Mando on top of you, and the intense feeling of being filled to the brim. Then, you remember waking up to Mando staring down at you, putting two and two together, and that was that.
You realized that Mando was awake before you were, which means he was watching you… do that to him. He didn’t try to wake you up or stop you. He was watching you get off. That had to mean… he liked it. He liked seeing you like that. Right?
You slowly stood up from the bathroom floor, wiping the tears you didn’t notice had fallen down your cheeks. Taking a few deep breaths, you calmed your bedhead and opened the washroom door, rounding the corner to face Mando sitting on the bed.
He looked up from the spot on the floor he was staring at as he sat deep in thought.
“Are- are you okay?” he asked, uncertain of what he should say.
“I’m… I’m sorry. I was asleep and I wasn’t trying to make you uncomfortable,” you admit, eyes glued to the floor. A few moments of deafening silence pass, with you shuffling in the spot where you stood and Mando’s helmet fixed towards you.
“What did you dream about?” Mando asked quietly. The Mandalorian was normally so stoic and strong in his conviction that to hear his voice quiver in nervousness made your gaze shoot up to his.
“It’s… embarrassing. I don’t want you to think less of me.” Your face turned beet red, a trait of yours you didn’t realize you possessed until you met Mando. He was the first person to make you feel shy and flustered.
“I won’t, I promise. I just want to know… I need to know.”
“It was… about me. And you.” Mando rose to walk over to where you were standing, near the foot of the bed.
“What about us, exactly? You can tell me. Tell me everything.” You hesitated to meet his gaze, eyes wide and nervous.
“You were… on me. In me. All over me.” You felt yourself getting breathless as Mando got closer to you, as you retold your dream without getting too graphic yet still admitting that you had dreamt of him taking you.
“And was I gentle, or was I rough?” Mando’s voice grew husky, just as breathless as you. Maker, his voice made you weak at the knees.
“Gentle, at first. But the longer you went you got rougher. Much rougher.” Your voice dropped into a whisper as Mando found himself right in front of you, almost chest to chest. Your eyes dropped to admire his chest, what it’d look like without his shirt. You wanted to trace every scar that marked his skin, kiss him, bite him.
He grabbed your chin with his thumb and forefinger, drawing your gaze from his chest to his helmet.
“And which did you like better? Tell me,” he whispered through the modulator, but there was no filtering out how deep and raspy his voice had gotten, like you had never heard before.
“I… I was just happy you were touching me,” you whispered, in shock that this wasn’t just another dream. His hand drifted from your chin to your neck, caressing every inch of you. You closed your eyes, unable to believe that he was touching you without his gloves on.
Suddenly, both hands came to your waist and pulled you into his chest, your hands finding their place on his chest. You whimpered, never feeling so small, not knowing why you liked it so much.
“Do you want me to touch you, sweet one? Like I did in your dream?” he rasped.
“Please… please touch me, Mando.” He groaned at that, manhandling you so your back turned to the bed and quickly thrown onto the bed.
“I like hearing you beg, love. Beg some more for me.” You whimpered, flushed and embarrassed but in the best way. Mando yanked at your legs so they were hanging off the bed with him standing between your knees. His hands drifted from your stomach up to your breasts, squeezing them while his thumbs rubbed your hardened nipples through your shirt.
Unable to take it any longer, you sat up and yanked your shirt over your head as Mando did the same. His expanse of muscle was all you could think about, the thatches of chest hair made you want to run your hands all over him.
He dropped to his knees in front of you, playing with the waistband of your sleep shorts.
“Tell me, did I eat this sweet pussy of yours in your dream?” You moaned, unable to remember but wanting his mouth on you all the same.
“I want you to, but your helmet…” Mando grabbed the blanket that was at the end of the bed, throwing it so one end covered your stomach and the other fell near the middle of his back. Awkwardly, you saw him maneuver under the blanket to take his helmet off, and then your shorts.
Before you could say so much as a “please,” Mando’s mouth enveloped your cunt with his hot mouth. Your gasp was loud and ragged, not expecting him to feel this good. You felt him moan into you, licking from your hole up to the tip of your clit.
“Am I the one who made you this wet, my sweet one? You’re dripping onto the bed for me,” you heard him rasp under the blankets.
“Please, Mando, you feel so f-fucking good,” you gasp as he puts his mouth on you again. You reach under the blanket to grab his hair to pull him the exact spots you wanted his mouth to be. Maker, his mouth was immaculate. His tongue messily toyed with your clit, groaning in your cunt when you tugged his hair which sent vibrations everywhere.
When he found that one spot, just to the left of your clit, you started to feel that familiar tension in your stomach, the one you’d get when you’d touch yourself in the silence of night in the Crest. You tilted your hips just right as he sucked your clit into your mouth, letting out an animalistic moan.
As soon as you felt him hum into your cunt again, you were gone. You fell over a cliff higher than ever before as everything went utterly white, white in your vision and white noise in your ears.
Maker, you came so fucking hard. And through the whole thing, Mando licked and sucked at you, slowing down when you eventually came down. You felt like you were floating through the aftermath as Mando kissed the inside of your thighs, and through the reverie you were in you felt the tickle of facial hair on your skin. You smiled to yourself, finally able to know something about the appearance of the man you adored so.
Mando quickly put his helmet back on under the blanket before pulling himself over you, stroking your face with the back of his hand.
“Do you want more? Or do you want me to stop?” he asked. As spent as you felt, at the sound of his voice your body began rearing up for more.
“More. I need your cock, Mando, so badly,” you whimpered, feeling a brand new wave of wetness flood at the apex of your legs.
You picked your head up, finally wrenching your eyes open as you felt Mando start to take his pants off. You were very suddenly awake again when you saw his cock spring out. He was big, bigger than the boys you had taken by far.
“I- I don’t know if you’ll fit. I’ve never had a man bigger than you.”
“No, sweet one, you’ve only had boys. I can’t wait to be the first man who wrecks you,” he rasps into your ears as your hands wrap themselves around his neck and down his back. Stars, he was sexy, an odd mix of shy and domineering all at once.
He started rubbing the tip against your cunt, and suddenly you were on fire again. You had never tried to get yourself again after one orgasm, always too spent and high on dopamine to go again. So you never got to realize that once you had one, more orgasms were not very difficult to achieve. Until, Mando’s tip swirled around your clit and you could feel the coil tighten yet again.
“M-Mando, I’m gonna cum again if you keep doing that,” you whimpered, causing him to groan and only put more pressure on your clit.
“Then do it, my love. I want to see your face when you cum for me.” You let out a series of curses until you came again, slightly weaker than the previous one but it rocked through you. Before you could even come down, Mando thrusted himself into you in one go. You let out a yell bordering on a scream, feeling your pussy stretch itself to fit all of him. Stars, the burn of the stretch made you shiver.
“Oh f-fuck, my sweet girl has an even sweeter pussy,” he gasped as he started to thrust himself into you. “S-so fucking t-tight and w-warm, I’m not gonna last…”
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as Mando’s thrusts sped up, slamming into you at an unfathomable rate.
“No no, look at me. Look at me while I’m making you feel good,” Mando growled as he grabbed your cheeks to make you look at his helmet. You tried so hard to keep your eyes open, but as Mando tilted his hips just right, jamming into your G-spot, you lost control over your body. You were saying something, but you were so far gone that you couldn’t decipher what it was.
“Is that- fuck- all you can say, pretty girl? Please? Please what? What do you need, fuck I’ll give you everything you want, just say the word,” Mando rambled, just as drunk on your pussy as you were on his cock.
“D-d-don’t stop, p-please don’t s-stop,” you uttered out, not completely sure if you were having one long orgasm or if it was building to something even bigger.
“I’m never gonna stop, baby, never wanna stop…” Without warning, an orgasm so strong racked through your body. You had never cum just from penetration before, but the way the hair at the base of Mando’s cock was brushing against your cunt as he fucked you sent you beyond the edge.
“Oh my fucking- stars, baby you’re so tight I can barely move… I-I’m gonna-“ Mando gasped as you felt him cum deep inside you, moaning louder than you thought he would.
You both gasped for breath, utterly exhausted from the best sex in both of your lives. Mando pulled out and laid next you on the bed, stroking your hair gently.
“I wish I could kiss you right now,” you croaked, voice almost gone from overuse. Silence fell over the two of you, and you wanted to take back your words, until…
“Close your eyes. And don’t open them. Promise?” he said.
“I promise, I swear I won’t,” you said, shutting your eyes with your heart leaping at the prospect of finally kissing him. After a few moments of the sounds of shuffling next to you, you felt a soft pair of lips meet yours. It was tentative at first, but after a few gentle pecks Mando caressed your face and kissed you with a passion so strong it took your breath away. You felt his mustache tickle your upper lip as he kissed like if he pulled away, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself.
When he finally pulled away, you reminded yourself to keep your eyes closed as he put his helmet back on. You pulled yourself over him, almost in the exact position you had found yourself in when you woke up from your dream, except this time Mando’s arm was draped under your neck.
“I’m glad we finally did that,” Mando admitted after a while. “I’ve wanted to kiss you since the first day you started living on the Crest.” You lifted your head from his chest and rested your chin on his right pec, gazing at his face.
“You mean that?” you ask.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
You grinned from ear to ear, thanking the Maker that this wasn’t just because Mando was horny and he had found you getting yourself off on him. He had wanted you, too.
“For a minute I thought…I thought you’d tell me to leave and never come back. I was so embarrassed to wake up like that. But… I guess it ended up helping us out,” you chuckled. You heard Mando chuckle too as his chest shook a bit, warming your heart.
“I will never ask you to leave. I want you to stay, I need you to stay,” he admitted quietly. “Plus, I don’t know anyone else who would take care of Grogu so well.”
“Oh, Maker, Grogu!” you exclaimed, realizing Grogu had been closed in his pram in the corner throughout the entire… act.
“The device is soundproof, he didn’t hear a thing,” Mando explained. You let out a sigh of relief.
“I don’t know, with those ears?” you laughed, hearing Mando laugh with you.
“Maybe they’re more for balance rather than hearing,” Mando replied, causing you to let out a loud laugh, making joy flood Mando’s body.
“We can only hope…”
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cobrakaisb · 3 years
hi bestie! i’ve had this idea for a while, but i haven’t seen it. can you do like a head cannon of what miguel, robby, and eli/hawk would be like as an older brother? it can be totally based off what you think :) thank you <3
of course! sorry it took me a while but i needed to to be perfect. i also added two bonus boys at the end (hope you don’t mind). little note: i wrote this with a fem reader in mind because of the mentions of periods. 
Having the Cobra Kai boys as older brothers
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you and miguel are so close
the age difference does not affect him at all
he is very protective of you before cobra kai
but once he joins cobra kai that over protectiveness 📈📈📈
let’s just say that this kid is bothering you
miguel definitely notices and scares them off
you act annoyed about it, but you’re highkey grateful that he did that
“my brother is the all valley champ so back the fuck off”
you were so excited for him at the all valley
you wore one of his cobra kai shirts and everything
miguel is so supportive of whatever extra curricular you do
karate? yes he stans, theater? you bet he’s at all your shows, dance? you know he’s bringing you some flowers, another sport? he’s at every game cheering for you
miguel knows about periods, and he has no shame in buying you tampons/pads
“hey y/n, i noticed you were running low so i got you some more” 🥺🥺 
you wear his hoodies all the time
they are very big on you, but very comfy
you help him with sam
“i punched her in the face” “what why?”
“y/n what do you think about this?” “it looks great miguel. sam will love it”
when he dates tory you're a little on edge about it
“miguel, weren’t you like trying to win sam back two days ago?” “i like tory now” “okayy” 
johnny loves you as much as he loves miguel
y’all hang out together
his friends are your friends and vice versa
your friends definitely think that miguel is cute but “eww that’s my brother”
when miguel is in the coma you blame johnny
“he showed mercy because of you! you did this!”
but then you cry into his chest
when miguel wakes up you’re at school
you don’t find out until after school when carmen picks you up
you hug him so tight, rambling about how much you love him
“i love you too y/n now get off me”
you can’t keep up with his love life
“y/n i’m with sam again” “what?” 
overall your bond is amazing and you couldn’t ask for a better brother
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you and robby both live with your mother (because we aren’t basic here)
you’re the odd one out (your mom does drugs and robby sells them)
“you got caught with molly? i thought you and sara were hooking up?” “the drug y/n”
when robby starts being friends with those punk kids, the two of you start to drift
you actually go to school, unlike him
“just skip y/n” “no robby”
it isn’t until he gets back on track because of daniel that you two start getting close again
“i’m gonna get back on track y/n i promise” and you believe him
you go to the skatepark with him
he skates while you read or draw or skate (whatever you’re into tbh)
when you’re on your period robby will buy you stuff, but he doesn’t like to
he feels so awkward about it
“um are these the right ones?” “yes thank you”
robby gives the best hugs (idk why he just does)
i feel like robby is also really good at reading emotions
like he knows when you’ve had a bad day at school or when you’re stressed about something
he also knows how to cheer you up :)))
“i know you did not just eat cereal with water???” “and what about it?”
when your mom comes back after being gone for days robby pulls you behind him
because he really doesn’t want you to be exposed to that
you cry into robby’s chest once she leaves
“why can’t she just be our mom?”
when daniel asks robby to move in with him he denies
but quickly explains that he can’t leave you
daniel tells robby that you can come too
“thanks for helping my brother mr.larusso, i really appreciate it”
you definitely walk in on robby and sam making out at some point
“hey robby- oh my god i’m so sorry” slaps hand over eyes and immediately leaves the room
when robby pushes miguel off the balcony it's the first time you’re genuinely scared of him
you visit him in jail, but it takes awhile for you to go
“i’m sorry y/n” “i know robby”
you just understand each other
when robby joins cobra kai he tries to get you in too
you agree to one lesson, and know it’s not for you
you have many arguments about this
“he’s brainwashing you!” “he knows what’s best for me, for us!”
robby feels so betrayed when he finds out you’re staying with johnny
the two of you definitely drift after that, but you find your way back to each other, you always do
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okay so before he flips the script you defend eli, no matter what
you cry with him about the bullies and definitely try to fight kyler more than once
you wear his sweaters (fight me on it)
you encourage him to do karate
when he flips the script you’re very happy for him he finally feels confident in himself and you love that for him
now the roles are reversed
hawk protects you now
no one even dares to look at you because they are scared of him
i feel like he has a tattoo for you, whether that's your name or your favorite flower idk but he gets one for you
“um wow okay we’re doing that now” “do you like it or not?” “yeah but i wasn’t expecting it”
sometimes he’ll let you pick his hair color “how about purple” “maybe” 😉
he definitely flirts with your friends “hello ladies!” “hi hawk!” “get out!”
you’re the only one that is allowed to call him eli
“eli i need ten dollars?” “for what?” “a snack” *hands over the money*
“eli can i have your sweatshirt? i’m cold” “yeah take it”
“i can’t, me and eli are going to the movies today”
one day you’re sitting with him and his minions (you refuse to call them friends) at lunch
“so eli” -one of the cobra kais “shut the fuck up! you can’t call him that!” -you
hawk has a proud brother moment
anything that you do hawk is like “fuck yeah that’s my sibling!”
his friends are not allowed to look at you, talk to you, have a crush on you, or even think about you
“woah dude she’s hot” “that’s my fucking sister! stay away from her!”
“eli who’s your friend-” “NO!” 
as eli he will buy you period products but is very shy about it
as hawk he will not be caught dead in that isle of cvs
“eli i need them!” “i don’t care! i’ll drive you there and you can run in and get them”
when hawk breaks demetri’s arm you don't speak to him for weeks
you confront him about his new behavior
“this is who i am!” “no it’s not! you’re not my brother!” 
you’re crying and then storm off to your room
that breaks him
is highkey the start of his redemption
when he’s at the fight at the larusso house, and he sees demetri about to get his arm broken, he thinks of your words: “you're not my brother!”
literally motivates him to fix things
you see hawk and demitri and just know that your brother is back
you hug him so tight
“you were right y/n. i’m sorry” “of course i was. i’m always right” “gee thanks” “love you”  
Tumblr media
bonus demetri:
he is a nerd, you are a nerd
the two of you watch star wars, marvel, harry potter, etc. together 
“daddy anakin” “please shut the fuck up”
you want to punch him in the face because he is so sarcastic 
it gets on your nerves 
bust out laughing when johnny makes fun of his pi shirt 
“stop laughing” “if it’s funny i'm gonna laugh”
even though you’re a nerd you’re cool 
like you have a lot of friends in your grade 
“demetri if i don’t talk to you at the halloween party that’s why” gestures to his costume 
listen to his rants about how eli’s changed 
you try to give him advice, but it doesn’t work out
so proud of him when he joins miyagi-do
“i'm glad you’re stepping out of your comfort zone” 
demetri tries to get you to join miyagi-do
if you do join great more sibling bonding
if you don’t join no biggie y’all are still besties
y’all go to the comic book store together
its sibling bonding time
you threaten to fight hawk after the laser tag thing 
“hey asshole you leave my brother alone!” 
you sign his cast first
you definitely write some inside joke that only the two of you understand
you see him kissing yas and do a whole 🤮
“so you dating yas?” “idk why” “just checking”
very obvious about your distaste for her
when him and hawk become friends again you’re very wary
“he broke your arm” “he apologized” “he broke your arm!!!”
eventually you and hawk are on semi decent terms
“demetri forgave you and that’s fine but i’m still not over it”
your relationship = the perfect mix of love and teasing  
bonus bonus king bert 🙌🏻:
you are older than him by like a year
but you’re still besties for life 
you’re very proud of him when he joins cobra kai
“im joining a karate dojo” “period pop off”
you always ruffle his hair 
cheer for him at the all valley
“yeah bert!”
but also like you can’t watch 
when he gets eliminated you cringe 
he’s sad about it 
“i just wanted to impress you” “im very impressed bert, you did great” 
your opinion matters so much to him
he’s such a small cinnamon roll 🥺🥺
seeing him with the older cobra kai boys makes you soft
“y/n i’m going out with hawk and miguel can you drive me?” 
bert admires you a lot, like you are his hero
y’all are the best sibling duo and that’s on period
412 notes · View notes
ashasmonsters · 3 years
The Skateboarder
Female reader x Female orc (Morn)
Citrus rating: Lemon
Content: brief alcohol, stupid memes
Words: 9k
Morn reached between the legs of some intertwined partygoers, retrieved a beer from the strategically placed cooler, then opened it on the strike plate of the living room door. Some of it foamed out and fell on the carpet with the bottle cap but she didn't seem to care. The owners of the sorority house didn't care either.
"...so yeah, she said I stank and got up and left." Morn finished her tale of an attempted one-night stand.
"She didn't even touch you yet?" You asked, leaning in close so she could hear you over the thumping music. As was usual for parties like these, you and Morn had carved out a corner where you could be ignored by everyone else and gossip.
"Well, yeah, but not below the belt. That's what pissed me off. She was all over me all night and as soon as I say I want her to go down on me, she insults me and leaves."
"I mean..." you grinned, unable to resist, "did you stink down there, though?"
Morn punched your shoulder and chuckled.
"Fuck off, it's not like roses and daffodils are the norm. You know, it's like I always say..." It was Morn's turn to grin mischievously.
"Don't fucking say it. I swear to God, Morn. I'm going to laugh really hard and everyone's going to look at me weird. " You pleaded. You knew what would come next; Morn's favorite turn of phrase that she managed to use more often than one would think.
"—like I always say, good pussy smells like the heat coming out of the PS4."
You were true to your word. As you caught your breath between peals of laughter, a few partygoers did in fact stare at you. Despite your prior protests, the stares didn't bother you that much. Here in Morn's gossip corner, all that mattered was whiling the time away until the other half of your group was ready to leave. Dera's whereabouts were unknown but Lash was visible in the corner of the room.
"Looks like Lash's plan is all coming together." You noted. Morn turned to look as well; she was aggressively making out with an Elf boy. He licked her tusks. You grimaced.
"Goddamn. When Lash wants something she gets it."
"She mentioned that guy... what, like, yesterday?" You asked. "From staring at him across the classroom to heavy petting in less than twenty-four hours. That's a new record."
"Makes me feel like I'm not even the same species," Morn complained, finally turning away from Lash's public display of affection. "I know Orc boldness is a stereotype but it's not one I'd mind living up to."
"That's not Orc boldness, that's Lash boldness," you chortled. "Don't be down on yourself for not having it. Besides, she's not looking for a one-night deal; if that Elf doesn't call her back tomorrow she's gonna have her week ruined."
"I guess that's true..." Morn sighed.
"Morn." You firmly squeezed her shoulder and stared at her. "I love Lash to death, but you've never called me at three in the morning crying over the end of a week-and-a-half-long relationship. It's okay to not be dating a new person all the time."
"Yeah, I know." She finished her beer and smiled a bit.
"Besides, if you were hunting down an object of desire every time we were at a party, I'd have no one to chill with. Morn's Gossip Corner is the only thing getting me out of the dorm on Friday nights."
"I'm glad to be of service." She dramatically saluted. "You're right, though. I guess it's just the party atmosphere that makes me forget sleeping around and dating have drawbacks."
"Definitely the party vibe getting to you," you affirmed. "Speaking of sleeping around, though... where's Dera?"
"If I had to guess, upstairs. Text her." Morn suggested.
You pulled out your phone and opened the group chat, aptly titled "THA HOOLIGANZ 👩‍💻👩‍✈️👩‍⚕️🕵️‍♀️" and sent a message:
You: dera where tf are u, its almost been an hour
Almost immediately the indicator that Dera was typing popped up, followed by her reply:
Dera: upstairs. firbolg football player. huge 🍆
"Oh, god." You gagged. Morn pulled out her phone in response to see the cause, then had a similar reaction. She started tapping away at her phone's keyboard.
Morn: damn, dera, chill. we just wanted to make sure you were ok.
The typing indicator preceded yet another reply from Dera.
Dera: lol ok mom
"She's got an attitude tonight, sheesh." Morn shook her head and put her phone away.
"I think tonight an early exit might be a good idea. Dera and Lash seem pretty occupied," you said. You couldn't find Lash or her Elven paramour in the room anymore.
"I think you're right. Text the group and tell 'em we're leaving."
You nodded and did so, receiving 👍 responses from both Dera and Lash after a short pause.
"Let's go." You got up from your place on the sunken-in couch and helped Morn up. The two of you navigated through the fire code-violating sorority house to the front door, where you met the cool night air and the odor of cigarettes. Morn's skateboard was next to yours, propped against the thick trunk of a long-dead tree.
"I don't wanna go back to the dorms yet. It's not that late," Morn said, checking her watch.
"Pizza?" You suggested.
Before long you were both skating into the night. The entire university town was built into the side of a mountain with the greek life houses at the top, making it a breeze to fashionably exit parties like this one. There were a few drunken revelers to dodge on the way down, but once you cleared the sororities and fraternities it was smooth skating. The incandescent streetlights flew past as century-old houses gave way to newer corner stores and parks. Before long, you and Morn were skating through the thick of the city on a course set for Main Street.
The pleasant sound of plastic wheels on stamped concrete was soon married with the aroma of cheap, indulgent pizza. You wouldn't have needed any senses other than smell to know you arrived at your destination: "Get Stuffed," the type of place where a slice was a dollar and you could write on the walls. As was usual for the time when Friday became Saturday, it was packed with the university crowd; too packed to even sit inside.
You and Morn shimmied to the counter and ordered your usuals. Fortunately, Get Stuffed had nailed speedy service and it was only a few short moments before you were on your way out with greasy pizza on flimsy paper plates. You set your skateboards on the curb and sat on them, side-by-side.
"Thanks for fleeing with me," Morn said, folding her slice of pizza and tucking her loose black curls behind her ear.
"Anytime, Morn." You mimicked her pizza fold before noticing something about the beanie she wore. It was oddly familiar, so you delayed your first bite. "Hey, where's that beanie from?" Morn looked at you, chewing.
"This thing?" She tugged at the chunky burgundy yarn. "You should know."
"I should know?" You mused, finally chewing on your first bite of pizza. It was just as greasy and gratifying as you expected it to be. Then, as realization dawned on you, it almost fell out of your mouth. "You kept that thing for this long?!"
"Of course. It's a good beanie. It's lasted... what, since second grade?" She smirked. "It's one of the best birthday gifts I've gotten. Thanks, by the way."
"Thank you for holding onto it," you countered. "The memories... wow."
"That was the birthday party where we had a sleepover afterward. We played tag, and—"
"Oh, no," you moaned, remembering.
"...you ran so hard that you threw up." Morn giggled. Your cheeks still burned at the vivid memory. You almost forgot crocheting Morn's beanie, but you never forget throwing up at someone's birthday party.
"It's crazy we've been friends for so long." You gracefully changed the subject and started working on your pizza slice in earnest.
"It's not that crazy. You've always been there for me."
"I mean... I try..." you were hiding your blush, feeling warm as Morn readied to shower you with compliments.
"Like the time Chrissie Becker rejected my invitation to prom. You started crying when I started crying, and I hadn't even told you what happened yet." Morn giggled warmly. "Or when our families went camping together and you let me share your sleeping bag when I forgot mine."
"I couldn't just let you sleep on the ground!" you sheepishly defended yourself against the flattery.
"Even though you knew I kicked in my sleep." Morn looked up from her plate and smiled at you, her tusks glinting under the streetlights.
"You're more important to me than my shins," you said quietly.
"Hah!" Morn laughed heartily, bumping her skateboard into yours and wrapping an arm around you. "You're more important to me than my shins."
In Morn's embrace there on the sidewalk, you melted. She had such a way of effortlessly making you feel safe and loved. She had been there for you as well several times and was damn good at it. You enjoyed the feeling so much that you just sat there quietly until she got a little worried.
"Hey, did I tease you too much?" Her wry grin had been replaced with a slight frown and sympathetic brow.
"No, no..." you reassured her, savoring the dreamy feeling. "It's all good. I'm glad you're here with me. I'm glad we're... friends," you stumbled a bit over the last word.
"Me too," she gave your shoulder a little squeeze.
You both finished your pizza in silence, enjoying each others' side and the ambiance of the city street. After a moment you both tossed the greasy plates into a trash can and skateboarded back to the dorms. The courtyard was where your paths diverged, and after bidding one another goodnight and farewell, you parted. You shared your bed that night with a familiar feeling. Embarrassment, shame, and maybe even guilt. All for the way your heart skipped a beat when she put an arm around you, or the unstoppable smile when she recounted her memories of you. You weren't super familiar with love, at least not in the way Lash and Dera were, but the way Morn made you feel in recent months was more than simple friendship. You agonized over the thought that she wouldn't return those feelings. It was a miracle you managed to sleep at all.
Saturday morning arrived, and with it, a text. You groggily pulled your phone into bed with you to read it after rubbing the sleep from your eyes. It was from THA HOOLIGANZ.
Dera: hey sorry about my sass last nite. i figured y'all left early and that's cool, i was kinda doing my own thing anyway
Lash: LOL sameeee. anyway, does anyone want to meet up for coffee or something? i’d rather be hungover around you guys than my parents 😭
You considered the offer; it would be nice to actually see Lash and Dera after missing them last night. Your moment on the curb with Morn still bothered you, and a distraction from that would be nice.
You: im down, where u wanna go
Dera: u know that cute little cafe on that corner? main street i think?? the one thats literally 100% pink???
Morn: you're thinking of tokidoki cafe! i'm down to go, that’s my spot!
You sighed. This outing wouldn't be very good for distracting you from Morn if Morn was seated across from you.
Dera: thats the one. lets gooooooo
Lash: yes. literally right now. start running
Morn: thanks, but I think I'll skate there. see y'all in a bit
You: same
The morning air was crisp and cool in the way spring mornings always were. It was a shame Lash and Dera were too busy downing aspirin and chugging water to truly enjoy it. Your skateboard served you well as a means of transport on mornings like this; you and your friends were the rare few students who didn't usually sleep in on Saturdays, so you enjoyed the empty sidewalks. The soft plastic wheels gripped the concrete well enough to accommodate any street corners.
The cafe was 100% pink, as promised. The sweet, pillowy smell of crepes mingled with the robust aroma of coffee and met you as you hopped off your skateboard. The tiny size of the place made it easy to tell you were the first to arrive. You ordered the latte-crepe combo that took up the most space on the menu and sat while you waited. You were idly scrolling through your phone when you heard the rhythmic thumping of a skateboard wheels on slabs of sidewalk.
She looked painfully good as she stepped through the cafe's front door. The morning sun made her long black hair golden around the edges and she still wore that damn beanie. Her tusks poked out from her smiling lips when her eyes met yours. Illuminated by sunbeams, her well-toned arm showed every muscle and vein as she gripped her skateboard by the trucks to carry it in.
"Good morning!" she beamed at you. The employee behind the counter smiled at her knowingly.
"The usual, Morn?" he asked.
"Yep!" She quickly answered before sitting across from you, the pins on her denim jacket jingling. "You got here quickly."
"Yeah..." you answered weakly, your conversational skills still recovering from the way Morn held you last night.
"You weren't drinking last night, were you? You alright?" Of course, Morn immediately picked up that something was the matter. It would be stranger if she didn't.
"I'm fine. Where are Lash and Dera?" You deflected. As if on cue, your phone buzzed. THA HOOLIGANZ chimed in.
Lash: lol srry, throwing up. cant make it
Dera: yeah same.
"Unbelievable. Those girls can't seem to show up anywhere lately." Morn had a slightly disapproving tone. She tapped away on her phone.
Morn: this is going on your attendance sheet
Lash: see u in detention, dera
Dera: enjoy your crepes you two!
You chuckled at the exchange.
"That's more like it. I like when you smile." Morn chimed in. "Do more of that."
The waiter saved you from needing to respond by stopping at your table with your orders. A steaming, folded crepe landed before you covered in a sauce just as pink as the rest of the cafe. A warm latte arrived with it and you wrapped your hands around the warm mug. It soothed you a little.
"Morn..." you began, not quite sure what you were going to say. Was this it? Were you going to lay your feelings on the table right here, right now?
"What is it? You can tell me anything." Morn leaned in over the table. "I can tell something's been bothering you lately."
You opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out. You didn't even know how to begin; should you preface it with an apology? Some sort of explanation or disclaimer?
"I don't even know if I can tell you. Like, if I can get the words out," you said before sipping your latte. You savored the taste, hoping the espresso would ground you somehow. At the very least you wouldn't be expected to talk with your mouth full.
"There's no rush. I just... I want to help. I've known you long enough that I'm sure there's something I can do." Morn hadn't even touched her crepe yet.
"Let's just, um, eat." You answered.
"Good idea. I'm sure you'll feel like yourself once you've eaten and the coffee starts kicking in." Morn nodded to herself, cutting open her fruit-filled crepe. You similarly started to work on yours. The two of you ate in silence and, for a moment, you did feel better. Fully focusing on the aromas, flavors, and textures of your breakfast stilled your trembling hands. The slightest bit of confidence grew within you halfway through the meal.
"I... um..." the words slowly formed in your mouth. Morn paused, setting down her fork and knife and looking at you intently. "I fell in love. With someone I don't think I should be in love with."
Morn listened but said nothing. She was thinking.
"How do you know it's love?"
"What?" you asked.
"How do you know it's not just a crush? Or, you know, lust?" Morn inquired. You considered the question carefully. Memories of platonic cuddles, impromptu sleepovers, and late-night conversations with Morn came to mind.
"It's love because it's lasted way longer than any crush. I trust this person, and they trust me. I'm not like Lash, pining for the new guy from across the classroom; I know this person really well."
"I see." She paused again. "Why would it be bad to love them? Wouldn't a good history make a romantic relationship easier?"
"Only if they felt the same way..." you sighed and nestled your head in your elbows.
"Ah, right..." Morn looked sheepish. "Well, personally—and I do mean personally, so it might not apply to them—if I had a long-time friend that I had feelings for, I would just tell them."
"Really?" Your eyes widened.
"I mean, yeah. If I and this person had such a long history of trust, then I would trust them to still be friends with me afterward if they didn't feel the same way. I'm sure it would be awkward for a while, but I really don't think it would be, you know... destructive or anything."
More memories came to you. More times where you felt completely open and vulnerable with Morn, and when she did with you. Times when you comforted each other and shared secrets under blanket forts and playground swings and gymnasium bleachers. Words formed inside your mouth, desperate to make themselves known to the world. Perhaps now would become another one of these memories. You'd look back on it in the future and remember the smell of pink crepes in the pink cafe.
"Morn... I have these feelings for you. I'm talking about you."
You fought the urge to cover your mouth, and you didn't stutter or stammer in the slightest. Though working up the courage was difficult, letting the words go was one of the easiest things you had ever done. Morn didn't react much; an eyebrow rose slowly as she finished chewing. The silence was agonizing.
"I'm happy you trust me enough to share that with me," Morn said calmly. You wanted to shout that's all?! but held your tongue. She took a sip of her latte, clearly in no rush to say more.
"So..." you began, well and truly lost. All your effort had gone into mustering courage and now you had nothing left. Even your anxiety and worry had gone, and you were strangely content, though eager, to hear Morn speak.
"So..." Morn parroted, "does that mean you want to... you know, date me? Like, romantic dates, not besties dates. Kissing dates."
Again, your impulses screamed duh!
"Um, yeah..." you said sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck. "I'd like that, but... only if you'd like that too."
She sipped her latte again, still calm.
"You know, over the years, I've imagined what we would be like if we were romantic with each other. Like, girlfriend-girlfriends. How could I not? We've known each other for so long."
You nodded, bidding her speak more.
"I never knew you wanted that. I can't imagine how you felt; I could tell something was wrong but I couldn't figure out what." Morn set the mug and her cutlery down, intentionally and warmly looking you in the eye. "I think...
You didn't even breathe.
"I think we should give it a shot." Morn smiled widely. "Does that sound good to you?"
"Yes, yes it does," you finally drew breath. If Morn was feeling a similar tumult of emotions that you were, she was hiding it considerably well. Morn wiped her lips and tusks with a napkin and got up from the table.
"Well, I've got to visit mom and pops tonight, but we've still got Sunday tomorrow. How about we have our first real date then?"
"Uh, sure!" You sat there, dumbfounded. Was it really going to be this easy?
"Cool. I'll let you pick where we go, just like most of our... non-date hangouts," she said, turning to the cashier. She gestured widely to the table. "Put it all on my tab."
"You have a crepe tab?"
Morn chuckled. Making her way to the door, the sunlight caught her hair and skin deliciously.
"I'm a regular. Anyway," she grabbed her skateboard, "see you tomorrow?"
"See you tomorrow." You answered. She gave you one last toothy grin and stepped out before gliding out of sight, disappearing past the edge of the window. You rested your chin in your hands and sighed like a lovestruck teenager in a coming-of-age movie. Before long, your window-gazing session was interrupted by an employee.
"All done, ma'am?" he asked politely.
"Uh, yes. Sorry, I was spacing out."
"No, it's all good. Thanks for coming by, and if you don't mind me saying..." he looked somewhat pensive.
"Don't tell Morn I said this since she's proven that she could snap me in half like a twig, but... speaking as the crepe guy she visits several times a week, I think she's a good match for you."
"But you've never met me before. Maybe once or twice, but—"
"She's told me all about you. All good things, don't worry. It's less about you and more about how Morn talks about you. She gushes when she mentions you, seriously." He paused awkwardly then started to clean up the table. "I've said too much."
"No, thank you," you said. "It's good to know."
"Glad I could help. Anyway... um, thanks for coming in." He waved at you as you got up and left. You nodded and made your exit.
Back at your dorm, you couldn't decide if you wanted to pace or lay in bed and kick your legs. You had so much energy inside you, trapped. It was equally nervous and thrilling. You wondered how Morn kept herself so well composed; something in the back of your mind nagged at you, wondering if it was because she didn't really feel that strongly for you. Enough, you thought to yourself. Morn was your best friend for almost as long as you could remember. She wouldn't toy with you like that. Hell, she explained her entire thought process on the topic before you even confessed to her.
You decided to pace to distract yourself. Those thoughts weren't helpful. Right now you had to choose a place for your first officially non-platonic date. It was never this hard to pick a place to hang out with Morn before...
Then, an idea. It sprung into your mind out of nowhere, and it just felt right. You made sure that the place was open on Sunday, checked the ticket prices... it was perfect. You readied your phone to text Morn the details... but Lash had already sent you a private message. You opened the notification.
Lash: yo how did crepes go?? sorry i no-showed
Your brow furrowed a bit. Lash's random interest was a bit strange, even more so since she was hungover. A dehydrated, vomiting Lash was bedridden for a good half-day in your experience.
You: the cafe was cool! the crepes were good
Unsure if you should be forthcoming about your new development with Morn, you figured they could find out tomorrow once your first "real date" was underway. A change like that would likely be a big deal in your friend group, so a text message wouldn't do the announcement justice anyway.
Lash: how's Morn?
You: shes fine? did something happen??
Lash: no lol, just wondering lol
Two "lol" in one text? You wanted to indulge your suspicions and investigate further, but you decided to leave it at that. You had a date to arrange.
You: still at your parents' place?
Morn: yeah, I'll be back in town tomorrow though
You: k, cool. does meeting at the aviary at 2pm work?
Morn: yeah definitely! what made you pick the aviary?
You: idk if you remember, it was so long ago, but it was the first school field trip we went on as friends
There was a pause as Morn's typing bubble hovered on your screen.
Morn: i cant wait to see you tomorrow!!!
You: me too 💕
Your phone landed on your bed with a thump and that nervous energy returned with a vengeance. More pacing, more leg-kicking, even some giggles. This situation felt both extremely real and like a scene from a movie; you never imagined this sort of thing happened in real life, especially in yours. Against all previous expectations, things were going fine. It was thrilling, scary, and made your heart race, but it was going fine. The homework you had to do took a back seat to your excited daydreaming and scheming about tomorrow. You thought about how you would greet her, how you would hug, if and how you would go for a kiss, walking while holding her hand... predictably, sleeping that night was incredibly difficult.
In the morning, you finally executed the plans you fantasized about prior. You decided to err on the side of being overdressed, picking an outfit that wasn't formal but still a little more special than what you would usually wear. You showered, brushed your teeth, swished some mouthwash, and even flossed! Breath mints, a small assortment of Morn's favorite snacks, and an extra water bottle found their way into your bag. If you were going to overthink, then you would take advantage and be overprepared as well. Squeaky clean, dressed to impress, and with a heftier bag than usual, you skateboarded down to the aviary intent on arriving ten minutes early.
The journey was uneventful save for your steadily increasing heart rate. By the time you were waiting for her by the entrance gate, you were fully flustered. You stood still with a kind smile on your face, but anything more complex would have been asking too much of you. The mental rehearsal in your mind's eye ran over and over again: smile, say hi, hug. Smile, say hi, hug. These were all things you had done with Morn before, but with platonic intent instead of this newfound "why not?" intimacy. With how calm and composed Morn had appeared throughout this whole process, you felt as if you were at a disadvantage somehow. You worried in a juvenile sort of way that she was too cool for you.
The way she pulled up to the aviary in her car didn't help that worry at all. Her ride, an old, angular, black thing that roared like a beast, was her pride and joy. She had practically built the thing herself with the number of parts she swapped out of it. It was fully manual and she had the skills to maneuver it gracefully into the parking space. Out from it stepped your actual, honest-to-god, bonafide date.
She smiled at you and your brain melted. You held up a hand in a sort of mellow wave, offering a faint grin. By the time she closed the distance, your simple three-step plan was gone with the wind. Luckily she also decided that greeting with a hug was the correct choice and you were in her embrace quickly. You paused before realizing you should probably return the gesture and wrap your arms around her as well.
"It's so good to see you! You look great," she said, pulling away and looking you over.
"You too..." you breathed, taking your own chance to get a proper look. Her outfit was just as sleek and dark as her car: a pair of black jeans with accompanying boots, a matching leather jacket, and of course, that classic burgundy beanie to top it off.
"Shall we?" She extended a green, competent hand to you. She wasn't wearing her driving gloves today, which was good for your composure; otherwise, you would have well and truly swooned. You accepted her grasp and she gave your hand a firm squeeze before strolling with you to the ticket booth. Thanks to your student IDs, you got in with discounted admission.
The aviary itself was fairly large, and on this particular Sunday, you and Morn practically had the place to yourselves. Other than the idle chatter of a few other scattered visitors, there was only the sound of wind in the leaves and bird calls. The two of you meandered between the exhibits, chatting but not about much in particular. Instead, you were simply content to enjoy each other's company and look at the birds. The birds liked looking at you, too; at one point a pair of free-roaming peacocks followed you and Morn around the aviary.
"Looks like it's a double date," Morn quipped, gesturing to the two plumy birds. They were both mostly brown and lacking the massive, fan-shaped tails.
"They're a pair of girls too. Male peacocks are the ones with the crazy feathers," you noted.
"It's almost like having Lash and Dera tagging along." Morn chuckled. "In fact, if they keep failing to show up these birds would make good replacements."
You looked at the two peacocks, who had started preening each other's feathers.
"Do you think they're besties or girlfriends?" You playfully asked. "That's some pretty intense preening."
"Maybe they're both, like us." Morn wrapped an arm around you and offered you her shoulder. You melted again. "If you had feathers, I'd be preening you right now."
"If I knew how to return that compliment, I would." You said, deliciously rattled by her closeness and warmth.
"I have an idea... if you're cool with it." Morn kept holding you close, turning to make eye contact with you. You faced her and realized how close you were. Trapped in her gaze, you couldn't speak. You gave a faint nod.
The first thing you felt was her tusks on your cheeks. They met the corners of your mouth, pressing gently just before her lips met yours. In reality, the kiss was a quick peck. In your mind, time froze. You could no longer hear the birds calling or wind blowing, only the sound of your heart beating like a drum and a feeling like fire in your chest. Morn pulled away from the kiss with a sheepish smile.
"Sorry if my tusks poked you. I'm still getting the hang of that."
"Hey, practice makes perfect, right?" you let slip with a suaveness that surprised even you. Morn's eyes widened in surprise before she let out a hearty laugh.
"That's the spirit!" She cheered, squeezing you hard. "I'm gonna hold you to it, so be aware: I'm gonna kiss you a bunch more before we're out of here."
"That's fine by me." You couldn't do anything else but giggle. Morn gave you another peck immediately after, angling her head a bit so her tusks didn't have such a lead on her lips. Your first kiss with Morn was perfect as far as you were concerned, but this second one was a bit more graceful.
"Better?" she asked.
Your stroll through the aviary continued in this fashion: chatting about this and that, generally gushing about each other and punctuated by more quick kisses. It was strange to have a first date with someone that you knew so well, but you weren't complaining in the slightest. Each kiss felt natural and fun, not nerve-wracking and awkward as in the dates of your past. Before all this, you scoffed at yourself for wishing that there was a switch you could toggle to go from best friends to girlfriends, but so far it seemed to work precisely like that.
To the sound of your giggling, the sun was poised to set soon. The aviary closed early because it was Sunday, and you found yourself with Morn leaning against the gleaming hood of her car. You saw your reflection in it, the two of you framed by the orange sky. She came to your side, attaching to you like a magnet.
"It's probably time we headed home, huh?" she suggested.
"Yeah, probably," you replied reluctantly. "I almost don't want it to end."
"It doesn't have to." Morn smiled. "Did you really think I'd kiss you goodnight and leave you on the curb?"
You giggled. That would certainly be the plan for a first date with a stranger, but this was Morn.
"You could come by and hang out with me in my dorm for a bit?" she asked.
"I'd love to." You answered. Her dorm building and yours were right next to each other, after all. She stood up from the hood of her car and opened the passenger side door, offering the seat to you. Not long after stowing your skateboard in the trunk, you were cruising through the city streets bound for the university. Morn's focus made the ride a smooth one, her hands expertly gripping the steering wheel and gear shifter. She wore a focused but pleased expression as she deftly maneuvered the growling vehicle.
"Oh!" Her concentration broke. "We should get food! We haven't eaten at all."
Tires squealed as she veered right, making a turn she wasn't expecting to make. You gripped your armrest and giggled. The engine roared and, within moments, delivered you to a drive-through whose location Morn seemed to know by heart. She was so familiar with it that she blew past the lit-up menu and instead went directly to order.
"Don't worry, I'll get you something you'll like." She reassured you before making it out of the drive-through, takeout bag in hand, in record time. The bag landed in your lap and delicious smells wafted from it. You were tempted to peek inside and sample its contents, but even while entranced with Morn's driving skills you knew eating in her car was a no-no. Untoasted Pop-Tarts during a late-night study session on her bed were okay but her car was like a temple. You folded the top of the bag to make it easier to resist the temptation.
After she had parked and gotten out of the car, you followed her with takeout bag in one hand and skateboard in the other. This late on a Sunday night, the sky was a deep navy. Stark white light from the lamp posts illuminated the web of pathways that connected the dorms, parking lots, student union, and myriad other places you'd typically skateboard solo to.
A few beeping locks later, you made it to Morn's dorm room. Like yours, it was spartan and tiny, but it belonged to her and her alone. You set the bag down on the solitary table and determined to chow down, but Morn caught your attention. She sat on the twin-sized bed that you had shared with her many times before; platonically, of course. She had an expression that you couldn't quite decipher.
"You okay?" You asked, not sure where to begin.
"I'm great, actually," she said, brushing her hair out of the way so she could look at you. "Sorry if I overdid it with the kisses earlier—"
"You didn't," you interjected.
"I just... It felt great to kiss you. I don't know if it's just my nerves, or the newness of it all, or something else, but... I'm kicking myself for not making the first move on you sooner." She looked away, blushing a forest green on her cheeks. You sat next to her on the bed before she could say anything more.
"Hey, don't feel bad just because I was moping for a bit. The fact I was so worried is proof that you can't really know how someone feels about you until you ask. Even if you were friends since forever ago." You reversed the usual arrangement by wrapping your arm around her. She chuckled softly.
"I can't believe I was stressing myself out over random sorority chicks at parties rejecting me. Being with you just feels so much better than the dating apps and the parties and shit like that," Morn sighed. "I know it's technically only our first date but I really think we're something special."
"We are special," you held her tighter, "we went on our first date after... what, a decade and a half of knowing each other? That kind of history sure beats cheesy Tinder pick-up lines."
"Sure does," Morn punctuated her sentence with a kiss. Instead of giving you a quick peck, she pressed her lips into yours even harder. Within the privacy of her dorm room, your heart fluttered at the notion of Morn being able to do whatever she wanted to you. You felt the beginnings of her tongue at your lips, then she pulled away and took a deep breath. Her face was inches from yours as you caught your breath.
"I really like kissing you," Morn uttered. "Now that we're alone... are you okay if I really kiss you?"
"Really kiss me?" you teased. She got even closer.
"Please?" She played along with her best begging tone.
"Go ham." She kissed you again, giggling at your choice of words with her lips pressed against yours once more. She immediately cradled your head in her strong hands, gently placing you into a reclining position. There wasn't much room, but she managed to fit alongside you in the twin-sized bed all without breaking the kiss. You opened your eyes after pulling away to breathe, and all you could see were her dandelion-colored irises.
"I'm gonna go again," She said, smiling. "I just had to get a good look at you first."
"You can do whatever you want, Morn." You grabbed her arm and placed her hand on you. "Just don't keep me waiting."
Morn kissed you hard for the third time, the hand you held now caressing your body ravenously. As her tongue gently played at your lips, her hand found its way to your chest and played with your breasts. She hardly gave you time to gasp, coming back to your mouth with fervor. Her tongue met yours in earnest now, both of you closing the space on the bed between you. Her body flush with yours, you could feel every muscle as she held you close.
You felt one of her legs settle in between your thighs, and you whined into her mouth as she teasingly rubbed you against it. Even fully clothed the sensation was electric, no doubt due to the person giving it to you. Many nights alone had involved fantasies just like this. Now they were coming true.
Desperately, you began grinding yourself against her leg. You chased the sensation as far as you could, moaning into Morn's kiss. Just as you felt yourself approaching the edge, she removed herself from you. Her leg pulled away and the kiss stopped. You opened your eyes, bewildered. Morn had gotten off the bed and kneeled just next to it, her eyes level with your aching need. She grabbed the waistband of your bottoms before looking you in the eyes again.
"You said you didn't want me to keep you waiting," she grinned, tusks glistening. "This okay?"
"It's more than okay... stop teasing me!" You whined. She nodded, pulling your bottoms off entirely before hovering in between your legs. You could feel her breathe on you through your underwear. God, she was so close; you twitched with each puff of warm breath. Her tusks brushed against the inside of your thighs. With a tentative finger she eased your underwear out of the way, gently planting kisses all around your bare mound. She held your legs in place as they twitched and reacted to her electric touch. She deliberately avoided your tender nub with her warm lips. She was playing with you.
"Morn, please," you begged. She paused to look up at you and give a toothy grin.
"You're so cute when you're frustrated," she teased, quickly going back for more. She felt unimaginably warm against your already hot entrance. It wasn't unlike all those other times you melted at Morn's touch, only now it was so intense you couldn't help but let out gasps and squeaks. She held nothing back this time. Hungrily, she lapped at your slit, each lick finishing with a flourish on your sensitive little nub. You mewled in time with her curling tongue.
"Oh! That's— ah! So good!" You moaned, your back beginning to arch as you squirmed around on the mattress.
"You flatter me," Morn uttered between licks, looking proud. You saw something in her eye before she let go of one of your thighs and brought her hand to your entrance. Her tongue didn't let up at all as she slowly introduced one of her substantial fingers. It fit comfortably inside you at first, but you gasped hard when it started moving. Morn added another soon after, stretching you deliciously.
"I'm gonna come if you keep that up," you panted, your face burning red and lungs desperate for air.
"My pleasure," Morn said before redoubling her efforts. Her fingers curled inside you, making a "come hither" motion that made your hips rock. By this point, Morn's tongue had trouble staying on you as you writhed. You gasped with every finger curl, well and truly lost in the heat of the moment.
"Ah! Morn!" You cried, rocking yourself against her fingers desperate for more. She gave up on trying to lick your nub, instead palming one of your breasts with her other hand and pinning you to the bed. With the new leverage, she worked your insides with her fingers, pumping them in and out of you with her muscular arm. You could see sweat beading on her taut green skin.
"Come for me. I wanna see you come," Morn urged. You could do little else but cry out and oblige her. Your body spasmed hard as you cried out gibberish interspersed with her lovely name. Her fingers didn't stop rubbing against your inner walls, leaving you breathless and faint and tightly wound around her. The coiling pleasure within you finally snapped. Your back arched, completely leaving the bed as Morn pressed her lips into yours. She kissed you hungrily as you wailed into her mouth. There was nothing in your mind but the feeling of her fingers coaxing you through the height of your bliss and holding you there for as long as possible. When the pleasure finally started to subside and your breath returned to you, Morn finally withdrew her fingers and lips and wiped her forehead. She smiled at you wordlessly.
"I love you, Morn," you said, panting. There was nothing else to say, nothing else on your mind. If you had given yourself that sort of bliss on a lonely night, you would be drowsy and lethargic. Instead, with Morn turning her love for you into pleasure that made you cry out and curl, you had never felt more alive. She gave you a moment to catch your breath. Leaving your lips unkissed, she sat by your side and stroked your hair.
"I love you too," she planted a quick kiss on your forehead. "Are you tired?"
You shook your head enthusiastically. Sure, you would likely be sore in a few hours, but you wouldn't dream of denying Morn more of you.
"Good, because I wanna get off too." She chuckled and pecked your lips. Undressing herself completely, she helped you out of what clothes remained until you were both completely bare. You were completely flush against her on the bed once more, your skin perfectly complimenting her green form. Her body was toned and full, muscled yet smooth. Even after all you had just been through, the sight of her still made your heart skip.
"I've always wanted to try this. Spread your legs," she commanded, gently grasping your ankles. You complied and she lifted one of your legs aloft just in front of her as if about to hug it. Still holding your leg pointed toward the ceiling, she straddled your dripping warmth with her own. She eased herself onto you and those lovely electric feelings returned. She moaned for the first time, her pleasured sounds like music to your ears.
The position was a little awkward and bent your back in a strange way, but the feeling of her slick sex pressed against yours was delicious.
"I'm gonna start moving," Morn said. She initiated a gentle rocking motion that made you both gasp. The friction between the two of you felt gorgeous and you soon found yourself reciprocating with your hips. Interlocked and sharing the same squeaks and mewls, you wanted desperately to kiss her but couldn't. You had to lay there at her mercy as Morn clung to your leg and ground herself into you. She doubled up on her pace.
"Oh, shit," Morn groaned, both with pleasure and with effort. She had the same expression as when she was driving; when her head wasn't thrown back with a sigh, she was looking at you with love but also intent. Her grinding made you moan and her glare made you shiver delightfully. You had never felt anything like this before, nor had you even fantasized about Morn pressed up against you like this.
"This feels amazing... ah! Morn..." you sighed between yelps when the friction between you peaked.
"I—I..." Morn gasped, her entire face contorted and flushed. She had brought you to your peak once already, and now you wanted nothing more than to see her reach her own ecstasy.
"Please, Morn, come," you pleaded, mirroring her own urgency when she had brought you to orgasm earlier.
"No, I... Shit, I've got a cramp." She sighed, this time tinged with disappointment as she stopped her grinding. "Ouch." She gently disentangled herself from you, rubbing her thigh. The realization that her creased brow had come from pain and not pleasure embarrassed you a bit, an emotion that Morn echoed.
"Hey, it's okay." You sat up and held her shoulder. Her eyes were downcast as she massaged the cramp out of her muscled thigh. "Just so you know, I'm having a great time."
"You were having a great time." She winced as she shifted her kneeling weight on the bed. "Serves me right for thinking I could fuck like a pornstar on the first date, huh?"
"I already came once, Morn," you reminded her. Sitting alongside her, equally naked and sweaty, there was a clarity in the air that made it effortless to speak your mind. You felt bold, yet comfortable. You felt like you wanted more of Morn's body. "Let me take care of you. I think I can make this work."
"Take the lead, babe," Morn relented. The way she said babe made you giddy inside, but you were focused on her now. "Just mind the leg, it still freakin' hurts."
"Morn, when I say I'm gonna take care of you, I mean it. Just lie down," you said, easing her onto her back. With the positions reversed, you had a moment to look her up and down. Laid bare before you and anticipating your next move, the sight of her awoke something within you. Something that told you not to hold back.
You practically pounced atop her, squarely laying yourself on her body. She met you with a kiss that you eagerly returned. You channeled all your built-up desire to please her into that kiss, at the same time aligning your mound with hers. It took a few tries, but eventually, you found the angle where your clit could meet hers without requiring pornstar-style flexibility. Pleasure jolted through both of you and she broke the kiss to gasp.
"Told you I could make it work," you grinned, focusing now on the movement of your hips. You started slowly at first as to not tire yourself out but quickly increased the pace as the coiling warmth inside you grew. Instead of kissing her, you buried your face in her shoulder so you could hear her sing. With every roll of your hips she moaned, louder and louder as you humped her harder and harder.
"Oh, god, babe," Morn panted. You could feel her frenzied breath on your neck as she cried out. You could feel your own orgasm building but all you cared about was her.
"Tell me how you feel," you commanded, maintaining your hips' pace. "I want you to come so bad."
"Keep going," Morn grunted. "I'm close, I'm so fucking close!"
You furthered your efforts, grinding your desperate nub into hers with vigor. You panted as you began to feel tingles in your extremities and your breath became impossibly tight. Morn matched your desperation, her hips weakly pushing upwards so that her mound would meet yours sooner. Just a little more! More! You shouted to yourself mentally as Morn's hands squeezed your waist to signal her impending orgasm.
You frantically let go of her body with one hand, giving up precious leverage in order to make sure Morn couldn't escape the pleasure you were giving her. There was nothing you wanted more than to reach the peak together. You gently caught her pearl between your fingers and rolled it as you ground into her, drawing out deep moans from her. She spasmed in your grasp, gasping in time with your own pleased sighs.
"Oh god!" She cried out, throwing her head back into the piled-up blankets. Her whole body tensed and you could feel each of her rippling muscles press against you in a desperate bid to ride out her orgasm. You followed soon after, the air forced from your lungs as an explosion of tingling warmth knocked the wind out of you. All you could do was cry out with her and press your nub into hers where your hand was still at work. You rubbed and rolled, trying your best to prolong the mutual climax before finally catching your breath and collapsing into Morn's tired embrace.
With your body limp and your face buried in her neck, you could feel her breasts rise and fall with each breath. You held each other loosely for a moment, just listening to her breathe. After only a few heartbeats, she started giggling.
"What's so funny?" you asked, lifting your heavy head to look at her.
"Nothing," she stifled her giggles, a tear rolling down her cheek. "That was just really, really good."
"Are you crying?" You asked, concerned but secretly proud of your handiwork.
"No, I'm not crying. I'm tearing up, there's a difference," she chuckled. "Thank you."
"Thank you. You're the one that started it," you cooed, stroking her hair. "plus, you ate me out first so I think I owe you."
"It's on the house," Morn sighed contently. "But you're still on me... could you roll over, please?"
"Oh, sorry!" you quickly shifted your weight off of her and onto the mattress.
"Don't worry about it, I just figured the bed was softer than me." She chuckled again.
You said nothing, instead opting to resume your embrace with her from the side. She reciprocated, rolling over so she could be the big spoon. She wrapped her arms around you snugly.
"Ah, shit," Morn cursed under her breath.
"What? What's wrong?" You craned your neck a bit to see her golden eyes in your periphery.
"Our food is definitely cold by now," she grumbled, "and I don't have a microwave."
“I’ve got snacks in my bag.” You replied.
Morn readied a compliment, but delayed when both your phones buzzed. THA HOOLIGANZ had something to say.
“What is it now?” Morn rolled over and grabbed her phone, reading the messages as they rolled in. You did the same.
“What the…?”
Lash: did you two kiss yet???
Dera: they did more than that 😳😳😳
Morn shot you a look of disbelief before tapping away frantically.
Morn: wtf are you guys talking about?
You: ^
Lash: the crepe date! u two are dating now right?
You: what do u mean crepe date? the breakfast u failed to show up to u mean??
Lash: lol, relax. we just thought you two needed some time alone. for the record, i was actually hung over. me and dera just agreed you two needed to talk it out
Dera: seriously, u look at Morn the way she looks at crepes, and she looks at u the way Lash looks at literally anyone
Lash: or the way u look at dudes bulges
Dera: shut up
“I…” Morn began, jaw agape. “I don’t know if I should be mad or amazed. I’m both.”
“They set us up like lonely freshmen.” You shook your head, chuckling.
Lash: u two are dating now right???
Morn: yes dumbass
You: can confirm
Dera: morn fucks on the first date. respect.
You: wait how- what?
Dera: ur in Morn’s dorm right
Your texting was interrupted by three solid thumps coming through the wall.
Dera: i’m right next door and these dorms are made of fucking paper
Morn: hey, i’ve dealt with hearing every single time you slept with some guy. fair is fair
Dera: no judgment from me!
Lash: suddenly i’m glad i still live with my parents…
You put your phone down as you really didn’t have much to say. Morn gave up on it as well, your phones resting together on the floor. She resumed spooning you and a moment later, you felt her chest start to heave with laughter; a hearty laugh loud enough for Dera to hear through the walls. You joined her, laughing until your diaphragm ached. The whole situation, the realization that Dera and Lash knew before either of you did and that they had a master plan… utterly ridiculous. It was like something out of a movie, yet with your arms wrapped around one of Morn’s, completely real. You feared this was all a dream, and as soon as you succumbed to sleep in Morn’s cozy twin bed, it would dissolve.
Morn could tell sleep started to take you.
“I love you,” she whispered into your ear. She squeezed you tight. You had never been more sure of anything in your life that Morn would still be cuddling you when you woke up.
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raineydays411 · 3 years
The best of friends
Peter Parker x Stark!reader
Summary: The dreaded weekend has arrived. It goes as well as you expected, but you made some new friends.
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First of all, let it be known that you tried oh so desperately to get out of this situation.
You tried to feign an illness, Bruce deemed you okay. You said you were supposed to be training with Steve, Bucky said he was on a mission. Hell, you even tried to get into trouble and be grounded, but your dad saw right through it. 
“Y/n, why don’t you wanna go with Peter and his friends?” He asks, slightly irritated but mostly worried. 
“Because...” You don’t answer the question. Instead opting to look around the common room and avoid eye contact. 
“Because what? You love hanging out with Peter.” Then he mumbles,” Maybe a little too much” 
You were going to defend yourself, but then you realized you had one more trick up your sleeve. 
“It’s just...I realized that I haven’t really spent time with you.” You look at your dad with big eyes,” Ever since I met Pete, we’ve been hanging out almost every weekend, we rarely have any father-daughter time” 
Tony’s face softens,” Well, you’re not wrong..” 
Yes! He took the bait!
“Oh what the hell, Spiderling can just come over next weeke--”
“Tony!” Oh no..
“Hey Pep, I was just planning a daddy- daughter day with Y/n”
She looked at you apologetically, “I’m sorry sweetie, but your dad seems to have forgotten that we have a meeting to attend”
God damnit. 
“I didn’t forget. I just don’t want to go.” He pouts as Pepper drags him away. He turns to you, “ Kid, just go with Peter today, we can spend some time together tomorrow or something, OW Pep I’m coming!!” 
You sigh, looking at the time and realizing that you had two hours to get ready. You slowly walk to your room, freading every step you take. On your way there you bump into Wanda. Literally.
“Oh sorry Wanda” You mutter, it’s still a little awkward between you two. 
“It’s okay.” She smiles,” Are you alright, you seem like you have a lot on your mind.” Ironic.
You sigh, and tell her about your plans with Peter and how he invited Liz and his friends.
“So, you’ve finally realized your feelings for the Spider boy.”  
You choke hearing her words,” Wh-what?! Who said anything about feelings?”
She looks at you with a bored face,” You do know I can basically read your mind right? Besides, I don’t have read your mind to see you like each other. It pretty obvious all on it’s own.”
You look down, “ I don’t know, you should have seen his face when he saw Liz...” 
It was silent for a second, then Wanda’s face grew a look of determination, “ Okay, then we’ll make him realize how much he likes you.” 
With those words, she pulled you along into your room. 
“When did she get so strong?” You thought to yourself, surprised at how easily she was able to maneuver your body.
Once you were in your room, she made for your closet.
“Boys are stupid” She said, going through all your clothes, “ They don’t realize they want something until someone else wants the same thing.” 
“So..where exactly are you going with this?” You ask cautiously. Then she pulls out an oversized t shirt, biker shirts, and some sneakers. 
“Everytime you see Peter, you’re bare faced and in sweats. And while there's nothing wrong with that, I know that you want Peter to recognize you was a potential partner, yes?”
You nod,” Yes, but what does dressing up have to do with anything?” 
Wanda rolls her eyes,” Right now, he sees you as a friend. His buddy that he sees only on the weekend, away from his ‘normal’ life. You want to break that notion.”
You nod along, everything she says is making sense. Even if Peter is a little touchy with you, it seems to be very subconscious. You want him to look at you the way he looks at Liz. You want that silly smile he gives her to be aimed at you. 
Besides, it has been a while since you got the chance to dress up. 
You smile at Wanda, “ You know, you’re really fun to hang out with.”
She blushes at your words,” It's nice to have a girl to hang out with. Put on your clothes then call me, I’ll help you with your make up.” Then she walks out of your room, softly closing the door. You never realized it before, but Wanda really does keep to herself and Pietro. She’ll talk to Vision or Steve every once in a while, but it's pretty rare. Maybe you both weren’t so different after all...
You smile as you change, your talk with Wanda helped ease your anxiety for the moments. You decide to do your hair in your favorite hairstyle. Then you picked out some necklaces, the gold meshing perfectly on your brown skin. Then you called Wanda back in.
“Beautiful, Parkers not going to know what hit him” She says with a smile, “I know you don’t wear much makeup on a regular day, so how about this?” 
She pulls up a picture on pinterest. You smile, she really looked up ‘black girl makeup’ on pinterest for you. 
“I love it. I have some falsies I use for galas in my makeup bag.” 
So you and Wanda spend the next thirty minutes doing your makeup. It really was fun. The two of you laughed and giggled at each other, sang along to the music playing in the background, and talked about anything and everything. 
When you were finally done, you stared at yourself in the mirror. It was weird. Sure, you’ve been dressed up before, but that was usually when you went to fancy dinner parties with your dad. This was a whole other thing.
“You’re missing something.” Wanda says looking at you, “ But I’m not too sure what it is...” Then, Pietro peaks his head in the door.
“Um Wanda, where have you been? I’ve been looking for you all ove-” “Pietro! You can’t just walk into a girls room without knocking!” “You’ve been in here for almost two hours how was I supposed to Kn--” 
You chuckle at the two siblings bickering. It kind of reminded you if you and your dad. For a forty year old man, he really could act like a child.
“Since you’re here, we need a boys opinion” Wanda says cutting off whatever you were thinking about.
“What for?” He asks skeptically, finally realizing that there was another person in the room with them.
“She’s missing something, yes?” She says, pulling you over to them. Your face burns as you feel Pietro's gaze on you. Looking for whatever Wanda claims that was missing.
“That shiny sticky stuff you put on your lips.” He says,” oh and try these” a burst of wind hits your face and blows back Wanda's hair as Pietro runs and comes back with a pair of tiny sunglasses. 
“Here.” He places them on your head, “You know, you’re actually really pretty.” 
Wanda laughs,” If it doesn’t work out with Peter, you can always date Pietro”
“That's not what I meant!” He says with a blush, “ Are you finally going on a date with the Spider boy?” 
You sigh,” No, he invited his crush and his friends to our shopping trip” 
Pietro shakes his head,” You should make him jealous.” 
Wanda rolls her eyes and you look at him in confusion,” What do you mean?”
“Men want things they can’t have. If you make him jealous, he’ll definitely pay attention to you.” Then his eyes widen, “ Hey! I can dress up like a teenager and--” “NO” 
Wanda yells shutting down that idea,” Y/n, don’t listen to my idiot brother.” She hands you the lip gloss,”Now, just make sure to show him what he’s missing, act the way you do when you were with me.” 
“Ms. Stark? Mr. Parker is waiting for you in the lobby.”
Wanda and Pietro with you to the elevator
“Good luck Y/n, remember what I said.” Wanda said with a wink.
Pietro smiled as the doors closed, but you could have sworn he smirked at the last minute. 
“Oh well” You think,” Okay, just be yourself, be yourself” 
The elevator doors open to reveal MJ and Ned sitting on the lobby chairs. They stand up at the sound of the doors opening.
“Finally, Peter kept-- woah” Ned’s eyes widened at seeing you. “H-hi” 
“Hi Ned” You say with a soft smile, “ Wheres Peter?” 
“He’s outside waiting for Liz’s mom to drop her off” Mj said with a scoff, “ Really, you’d think she’d be on time..”
“Oh..okay” You say, already Peter was ignoring you for Liz and the day barely started. “Well, let’s meet him outside” 
The three of you started to make your way outside when a gust of wind blew from the back.
“Ah Printsessa! I’m glad I caught you before you left” 
oh no...
“You forgot your purse on the counter. I’m sure you need it or this shopping trip” He says with a smirk, holding the small bag with his finger.
Ned and Mj were in shock. Either because they were starstruck or because they weren’t expecting to talk to one of the Avengers. 
“Hey guys! Liz is here!” Peter says walking into the building. ‘Oh hey Y/n” 
“Hey Pete” You say, annoyed that he was just greeting you. Not even with a hug. 
“Well!” Pietro saud loudly,” Here is your bag” 
As you went to grab the bag, Pietro raised it out of your reach. 
“Come on printsessa, I know you’re faster than that” He said in a teasing tone.
“Pietro! We have to go” You said with a laugh, confused on why he was acting like this.
“Okay okay” He goes to hand the purse to you,” You really do look beautiful, as always.” He says with a smile. “побачимось пізніше принцесою“ 
Then he pecks you on the forehead, winks at the group, and is gone with another burst of wind. 
“What was that?” Peter asks,” I didn’t know you were so close with Pietro.”
“Well him and Wanda helped me pick my outfit” You said with a shrug, “I didn’t even know I was close to Pietro like that”
“Well, your outfit is super cute” Liz said with a smile. 
“Damn I can’t even hate her, she's so nice” you think to yourself. 
‘Thank you” you said weakly, “ I honestly didn’t know I had clothes like this” 
“Neither did I” mumbled Peter. 
The five of you started the day by walking to some of the shops near the Tower. You,Mj, and ned ended up being left behind while Peter and Liz were in the front.
“Why did he invite us if he isn’t going to talk to us?” Mj mumbles to you and Ned.
“Aw come on Mj, Peter’s been trying to talk to Liz for like three years now.” Ned whispers back. 
“That doesn’t mean he has to ditch his friends” you say quietly, Mj agreeing with you.
“Exactly, this is Y/ns first time out with friends and he’s missing it for Liz.” 
“Why does everyone think I don’t have friends?” You say with a laugh,” I just don’t have any in the city.”
“Right” Mj says,” Either way, you don’t get out much.”
“That’s right! We should be having fun, not moping about Peter.” Ned adds, “Come on!” 
He pulls you and Mj into the store, dragging you through the aisles and making you both try on ridiculous stuff. It was really fun, you laughed as Ned draped a feather boa on an annoyed Mj. But then you noticed that Peter and Liz were standing way too close to each other. Peter ran a hand through his hair as Liz laughed at whatever he said. 
That cold feeling grew in your chest again. You watched as Peter awkwardly picked lint off of her hair as she smiled. 
“Hey! We should go to this carnival they’re having!” Ned yells, ruining their moment. 
“Way to go Ned” You think, satisfied at the outcome. 
“A carnival?” Peter asks, “ I don’t know Ned, it's pretty far from here..”
“Aw come one guys! It one sub stop away from here! “
“I’ve never been to a carnival before” You said, “It sounds fun”
“But Mr. Stark said not to go too far..”
“You know a carnival does sound fun” Liz says, then Peter softens and gets that stupid look on his face. 
“Okay fine” He says, “ We should get going.” 
“Of course he agrees with her” Mj mutters.
“No kidding” You whisper back.
The walk to the subway was awkward, you all waited quietly for the train to get there.
“So..I guess you’ve never been on a sub before huh?” Liz said, trying to make conversation.
‘The last time I was on one, my mother was leaving me with my dad.” You said blankly, watching the people around you scurry. You didn’t mean to be so rude. Really, it wasn’t her fault that Peter liked her, but you couldn’t help it. You just wanted to spend time with Peter alone. 
“Oh, I’m sorry I..I didn’t know” Liz said looking away. Peter looked in between you two, as if he didn’t know who to comfort. 
He chose Liz of course.
“Hey, it’s okay you didn’t mean to” He said rubbing her back. “ She knows that”
You and Mj simultaneously roll your eyes. She looks at you as if asking if you’re okay. You nod, appreciating the small gesture. 
The group gets on the subway. You see Peter go to sit down, one space free next to him. You see Liz talking to Ned about the carnival and Mj was already sitting somewhere else. So you took the chance to finally be alone with Peter. 
You sit down with a sigh, finally glad to be off your feet.
“Hey” You mutter to Peter, pulling out your lip gloss and mirror. 
“Hey! Gosh I feel like I haven’t talked to you in forever” Peter says chuckling. He turns to look at you. “So, are you having fun? Are Ned and Mj being nice to you?”
“Yeah, they’re great.” You say, pouting in the mirror. From your peripheral, you can see Peter glance at your lips. You smile, and suddenly turn towards him. Your faces close together. 
“You look great..by the way..” He says lowly, “You look different..” 
“Well, I’m not in my pyjamas” You saw with a light laugh. Peter laughs along with you.
“That’s true, I never realized that we mainly hang out at the tower.” 
“Yeah, it’d be nice to hang out somewhere else” You say, hinting that you want to spend time alone with him. 
“Yeah..that would be nice” He whispers. He looks at you for a bit, examining your face. “Hey, umm, what was that with Pietro?” 
You look at him in surprise, “ What do you mean?”
He turns red, “ Well, it’s just that..it kind of looked like he was flirting with you.”
Wait..is he.. “Peter Parker, are you jealous?” you ask with a grin.
“What? N-no!” He stutters,”It’s just that he..he’s like old!” 
You laugh,” He’s twenty one, hardly that much older” 
“Yeah..but still” He says with a pout, “I don’t need anyone taking my best friend away.”
Your heart flutters, the thought of him not wanting to lose you made you grow hot. 
“Don’t worry web head, no one is going to take me away from you.” You say looking him in the eye. He smiles at you, taking your hand. 
“Good, and no one is--” “Hey Peter, we’re here!”
Liz. Of course.
Peter practically throws your hand back into your lap. 
“Oh awesome!” He says getting up from his spot and walking over to her.
Leaving you by yourself. Mj walks up to you.
“He’s an idiot.” She says knowingly, “Come on.” She grabs your hand, pulling you off the train and through the crowd. You let her, deflated at the fact that Peter put you second to Liz...again.
“Hey...I know you like Peter.” Mj says, “ But don’t let him get you down. You’re hot shit, if he can’t see that then fuck him.”
You look at her in shock, “I guess I have been pretty obvious huh?” 
“No kidding” Ned suddenly appears, “If looks could kill, Liz would be six feet under.” 
You sigh, “I’m sorry if I’m ruining your day, I just...I have no experience with this sort of thing.”
“But you’re a Stark...” Ned begins
“Yeah, but I’ve always been homeschooled, my first crush was on Steve and I was 7. This is different” You look at Peter, “ Peter was the first person my age I truly got to know. Not as Tony Stark's daughter, but as me.”
“Seeing him with Liz must be confusing. I’m sorry he’s so stupid” Mj says, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. 
“Let’s go have fun.” Ned says, “ You shouldn’t let this situation bring you down.” 
You smile, deciding Ned was right. The three of you walk up to the entrance. The air smells like fried foods and candy. Screams of children on rides and laughter of couples on dates fills your ears. The bright lights shine as the setting sun lowers in the background. You’re amazed, only ever seeing stuff like this in movies.
“Come on guys!” Liz shouts waving you, Mj and Ned over to a ride. The Himalaya. It was a ride that went in circles, each round faster and faster. But the thing that caught your attention was the rock music that played in the background. 
“Sounds like the lab” You shout over the music, “Dad is always blasting music when I go down there.”
“Oh that’s true!” Peter shouts back, “ He let me pick the music once”
“Yeah and you picked some poppy trash” You teased, “ You trying to give my old man a heart attack Parker?” 
“I told you it was an accident!” 
“Oh sure”
“Next!” The attendant shouted. You started to make your way to the carts. Mj pulling Liz and Ned to go sit with her, she turned to you with a wink.  
“Guess it’s you and me” Peter says looking back at Liz.
“Don’t sound so excited” You mutter, about to make your way to the next cart when the attendant stopped you
“Hey, do you wanna pick the next song?” He asks handing you a book full of songs.
“Sure, umm number 79″ You say with a smile, the attendant looks at you with a grin
“You have taste, I’m impressed” 
“I get it from my dad” You   say, about to walk away when he stops you again 
“Your sunglasses might fall off, I’ll hold them for you” He says, taking them off your head.
You blush at his sudden closeness when you hear Peter shout
“ You coming Stark?” “Yeah I’m coming” 
You smile at the boy and run off to join your friend.
“Sorry, he let me pick the song” You say, settling into the seat next to Peter. 
“He was a little close don’t you think?” He says fiddling with the bar that serves as the seatbelt. 
“I don’t know, I guess”
The ride started slowly going forward. The first notes of “You shook me all night long” starting to play. You along with several older adults started cheering. As the ride started moving faster, you started laughing and loudly singing along. The fluttering feeling coming back as Peter watched you sing. With that smile you know is reserved only for you. A smile you’ve seen time and time again, when you’re falling asleep during movie nights, or when you win at a board game.
At that moment, as you watch the world blur around you, it was just you and Peter. Yelling AC/DC lyrics in his face while he looked at you in amusement. This was how it was meant to be. 
Then the song ends. And so does the ride. 
Once it stops, Peter hops out and goes to help Liz out of her seat.
You sigh, making your way up to the attendant to get your glasses. 
“Hey, thanks for holding them” You say taking your glasses, you smile at him and walk away. You catch up to the rest of your friends placing the glasses on your head.
“Y/n you have something on your glasses.” Ned points out. You reached out and felt  piece of paper on your glasses. You take it off, you see the attendant has written his number on a piece of paper and attached it to your glasses
“ Ohhh look at you” Ned says, “looks like the playboy has passed from your dad to you”
Everyone laughs, except Peter for some reason. You look at him in concern, but before you can say anything Liz pulls him away to ring toss booth.
“ Come on guys, I want one of those fried Oreos,”
So again you were separated from Peter. It seems like every time you had a chance to get close to him somebody was always butting in.
You sigh, “maybe it wasn’t meant to be, I mean if he wanted to..he would right??”
Lost in thought you watch as Ned and Mj argue over something about Shakespeare. You tune out as you continue to think about Peter in the situation you’re in. That’s when you heard your name being yelled
“ Hey Stark!!”
You turn around and to your surprise, you see a familiar face. 
“Am I dreaming or is that you Jason Todd??”
A/n: fun fact there’s actually a ride called the Himalaya in an amusement park in my town. It basically does the same thing I described in the story it’s my favorite ride.
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stardustprompts · 3 years
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the poppy war - r.f kuang   sentence starters change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying tw :   drugs , death , murder , nsfw , prostitution mention , language
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‘take off your clothes.’
‘why would anyone drug themselves before a test?’
‘you’re about to be a very lucky girl, sweet.’
‘wow that’s great. really great. Terrific.’
‘your folks are assholes.’
‘well fuck the heavenly order of things.’
‘don’t you have actual responsibilities?’
‘I don’t want to get on _____ ‘s bad side.’
‘you would make a terrible prostitute. no charm.’
‘what is so wrong with getting married?’
‘do you want to die?’
‘everything is spilling out of my head as quickly as I put it in.’
‘please do not commit spousal homicide.’
‘give me a way out of this shithole.’
‘hello, I’m praying.’
‘I seduced him with my nubile young body. you caught me.’
‘you can’t scare me into a confession, because I’m telling the truth.’
‘and that means you’re shit at your job.’
‘if you cross them—- if they even think you’ve looked at them funny—- they can and will hurt you.’
‘it’s easy to lose a language when you never speak it.’
‘you’re offending them with your very presence.’
‘they’ll make you an outsider, because you’re not like them.’
‘no matter what they say, you deserve to be here.’
‘I’ll kill you. I will fucking kill you.’
‘I went out in the sun once. you should try it sometime.’
‘oh, you’re the one ____ hates.’
‘you’d be a prick too if your family was both rich and attractive.’
‘honestly? I think he just comes in here to get high.’
‘I think you’re flattering yourself.’
‘unless you’ve got a weapon, don’t aim for the face. the neck’s a better target.’
‘we aren’t here to be sophisticated. we’re here to fuck people up.’
‘this is the only kick you’ll ever need, really. a kick to bring down the most powerful warriors.’
‘power dictates acceptability.’
‘he hasn’t done anything to earn my respect. all he’s done is act high and mighty.’
‘you’re nothing. you shouldn’t even be here.’
‘consider me bullied and intimidated, just let me sleep.’
‘he’s playing with her. he’ll end it soon.’
‘they’re good at fighting, but not much else.’
‘spend a lot of time looking at ____’s eyes do you?’
‘a betrayal of that sort would not have been out of character.’
‘come on, you belong here too.’
‘they’re not going to get rid of me like this. not this easily.’
‘I’m calm! I’m extremely calm!’
‘you’d rather kill your own people than let the opponent’s army walk away?’
‘you don’t let an enemy walk away if they’ll certainly be a threat to you later.’
‘he can’t stop raving about you.’
‘oh, don’t pretend to be bashful. you love it.’
‘you’re a walking disaster.’
‘anyone this obstinate deserves some attention, if only to make sure you don’t become a walking hazard to everyone around you.’
‘I heard he got drunk on rice wine last week and pissed into ____’s window. he sounds awesome.’
‘it’s me, your favorite person in the whole wide world.’
‘I do not have a problem. you are making up this problem for reasons unbeknownst to me.’
‘you’re killing the mood.’
‘they were weak as shit. scrawnier than you, even.’
‘you’re a real asshole. you know that right?’
‘your state of mind is just as important as the state of your body.’
‘sometimes you must loose the string to let the arrow fly.’
‘because I want to break his stupid face.’
‘he’s the most dangerous when he’s desperate.’
‘from this point on you’re just going to be a danger to yourself and everyone around you.’
‘you’re too reckless. you hold grudges, you cultivate your rage and let it explode, and you’re careless about what you’re taught.’
‘I knew I was the only one that could help him.’
‘they honed his rage like a weapon, instead of teaching him to control it.’
‘one urinating statue for my easily entertained friend.’
‘I don’t believe in gods. but I believe in power.’
‘one might say you’ve been obsessed with ____.’
‘don’t look to your left. pretend you’re taking to me.’ / ‘I am talking to you.’
‘we’re studying very weird things.’
‘I don’t actually know what I’m getting into.’
‘here is what happened: you called a god, and the god answered.’
‘you know that if you don’t get answers now, the hunger will consume you and your mind will crack.’
‘you’ve glimpsed the other side and you can’t rest until you fill in the blanks.’
‘supernatural is a word for anything that doesn’t fit your present understanding of the world.’
‘I’m supposed to take it as true that you’re a god?’
‘I’m not a god. I am a mortal who has woken up, and there is power in awareness.’
‘are we getting high? oh, wow. we’re getting high.’
‘ah. the law. so inconvenient. so irrelevant.’
‘we are not madmen. but how can we convince anyone of this, when the rest of the world believes it so?’
‘the price of power is pain.’
‘I understand the truth of things. I know what it means to exist.’
‘prey do not question the motives of the predator. the dead do not question the living. mortals do not challenge the gods.’
‘I killed for you. I would have done anything for you.’
‘I have seen the end of things. the shape of the world has changed.’
‘war doesn’t determine who’s right. war determines who remains.’
‘it’s alright. I know what you are.’
‘I thought I was the only one left.’
‘we have developed the power to rewrite the fabric of this world. if we don’t use it, then what’s the point?’
‘I don’t mess with that shit. it screws you up.’
‘I understand the appeal, I really do, but I like having my mind to myself.’
‘he’s a charmer. like a new puppy. you think he’s adorable until he pisses on the furniture.’
‘there’s no routine. no discipline. nothing you’re used to. am I right?’
‘so you’re the last of your kind. that’s sad.’
‘If you hold the fate of the country in your hands, if you have accepted your obligation to your people, then your life ceases to be your own.’
‘____ feared, and so he held you back.’
‘great danger is always associated with great power. the difference between the great and the mediocre is that the great are willing to take that risk.’
‘don’t ever let go on that anger. rage gives you power. caution does not.’
‘don’t give in... you’ve been so brave... but it takes more bravery to resist the power.’
‘the nature of this god is to destroy. the nature of this god is to be greedy, to never be satisfied with what he has consumed.’
‘so. screaming at rocks. is that, like, normal behavior here?’
‘fix this. prove your worth. do your fucking job or get out.’
‘I saved your life. doesn’t that make us at least a little square?!’
‘I was scared of you. and I lashed out.’
‘I thought I was better than you, and I’m not. I’m sorry.’
‘when I killed it, it felt like murder.’
‘look, I’m happy to discuss this, really, but I’m currently leaking life out three different wounds and I think I may pass out. would you give me a moment?’
‘well maybe ____ should get his head out of his ass.’
‘ ____ is more fragile than you think.’
‘look, asshole, I don’t need you to tell me what to do.’
‘they say he can read the future. shatter minds.’
‘you misunderstand the nature of our relationship. I am not your friend.’
‘he’s not human. he—- I don’t know what he is.’
‘but ___ was never allowed to be human.’
‘do you trust me?’ / ‘no. but that’s irrelevant.’
‘you don’t know what true suffering is.’
‘I have seen more than my fair share of suffering.’
‘that boy is beyond redemption. that boy is broken like the rest.’
‘I don’t want to be saved! I want power!’
‘that power will destroy everything you’ve ever loved. you will defeat your enemy, and the victory will turn to ashes in your mouth.’
‘we’ve missed something. something’s been laid out for us, but we can’t see it.’
‘fretting won’t make the dead come back to life.’
‘there was nothing human in those eyes.’
‘It was a nightmare, and I couldn’t wake up.’
‘I don’t need your pity. I need you to kill them for me.’
‘whatever it takes. swear it on your life. swear it for me.’
‘I won’t judge him. I don’t dare, because I don’t have the right. and neither do you.’
‘you asked me why I wouldn’t stop him. now you understand. you can’t stop an avenger. you can’t reason with a madman.’
‘I am afraid of what he might do in his quest for vengeance. and I am afraid that he is right.’
‘I am about to do something terrible. and you will have a choice.’
‘they give nothing to the universe, and the universe owes them nothing in return.’
‘you cannot survive my death.’
‘you’re trying to deceive me. you don’t get to deceive me.’
‘this is not the way. this path leads only to darkness.’
‘when are you going to stop being such a damn coward? what are you running from?’
‘you will turn the world to ash, and only demons will live in the rubble.’
‘you dress up your crusade with moral arguments, when in truth you would let millions die if it means you get your so-called justice.’
‘you have not cared about anything for a very long time. you are broken.’
‘I am terrified. but only because I’m starting to remember who I once was. don’t go down that path.’
‘your country is ash. you can’t bring it back with blood.’
‘I’m so sorry. I tried to warn you.’
‘you know the worst part? we’re so close to home.’
‘did you miss me? did you miss this?’
‘I just gave him some of his favorite medicine.’
‘resistance here means suffering. there is no escape. no future.’
‘you have nothing to fight for anymore’
‘what are you defending? you owe ____ nothing.’
‘we were disposable. we were tools. tell me that doesn’t make you furious.’
‘I am sick with fury.’
‘I will die on my feet. I will not die a coward. and neither will you.’
‘we could stay here. we could stay here forever. we wouldn’t have to go back.’
‘you’ll have to live with the consequences. but you’re brave ... you’re the bravest person I’ve ever met.’
‘I have lost everything I care about. I don’t want peace, I want revenge.’
‘I don’t need to sleep. I need to feel nothing.’
‘do you want forgiveness? I can’t give you that.’
‘we avenged him. he’s gone, but avenged.’
‘you have to believe that it was necessary. that it stopped something worse. and even if it wasn’t, it’s the lie we’ll tell ourselves, starting today and every day afterward.’
‘aren’t you supposed to be a seer? do you ever see anything useful?’
‘we have an enemy whom we love.’
‘I’m going to find and kill everyone responsible. you cannot stop me.’
‘oh I’m not going to stop you.’
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holykillercake · 3 years
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KOBY x Pirate!Reader
word count: 2k
summary: Being infiltrated as a Marine and keeping your feelings under control was easy until you were assigned to work with Marine Captain Koby. How you wished he was a jerk.
highlight: ¨I am kissing you... but I am angry, Y/N-san...¨
warnings: read under the risk of developing diabetes.
notes: Hey, guys! This was a lovely request from @pure-kirarin! <3 I had to stop other projects to make this one because Koby threw me out of my comfort zone hahaha I really hope you like!! ALSO 1) Happy Birthday Sabo-kun! ALSO 2) In order to add more dept to the story, the main character is part of a Yonkos´crew, but I wrote in a way that all fit, so choose your favorite! ALSO 3) ART ALERT!
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Leave comments, hearts and love!
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¨You have been doing a remarkable job in such little time, Commander L/N. We all have great expectations regarding your transference to our Marine Headquarters.¨ 
The words of the Rear Admiral barely scratched your mind as you discreetly observed the pink-haired boy´s reflection on the crystal clear window. 
He maintained a similar posture to yours: chin up, chest out, shoulders back, and stomach in. However, while your fingers remained paralleled to your trousers, you took a glimpse of his clenched fist, thumb fidgeting the side of his index finger. 
¨Vice Admiral Tsuru was reluctant to sign your transfer. She said you remind her of herself in the past, which is always an excellent compliment to hear.¨ you nodded, acknowledging his words  ¨We´re glad we convinced her.¨
Your heart warmed with his words, and you almost felt bad because you knew the disappointing outcome O-Tsuru-san would have at the end of this. She trained you with the iron face of a merciless soldier, and the elegance that resembled the animal of her name.
It has been three years since you received the green card from your captain to part ways in a long-term solo mission. A journey to excavate the putrid secrets of the so-called defenders of the law. You learned after a short time that justice is not so black and white.
Not that you planned to reveal the dirt, no. That intel your captain could sell to the Revolutionary Army and keep the capital running. You were interested in the arms race, the corrupt diplomacy, and more importantly, the dark pipes where traitors flowed.
Someone from inside the Yonkos was feeding the Marines with crucial information about the Emperors´ activities. And in such a close fight, you could not take those risks.
All other Emperors must have their own undercover agents within the Marines, but even that was a dispute. You could point some names to your boss, who confirmed what was suspected. Those would usually be the best of the best, extravagant and loud.
But not you. You didn't have to make that much noise. You slid between the floors of New Marineford like a snake swimming with the current. Earning the respect of your superiors and being promoted without ringing any bells. You accepted each medal with a firm salutation and relentless performance. 
¨The trip must have been displeasing. Submerging ten thousand meters underwater and rising to these fiendish waters require a good rest. Our Marine Captain Koby will escort you to your quarters, Commander Y/N. The remaining instructions shall be presented tomorrow.¨
You saluted the Rear Admiral in front of you and turned to the exit, passing by Koby, who waited for you to leave first.  When your paths crossed, the pace of your heartbeats quickened, pumping more blood through your body and leaving a burning sensation on your cheeks. 
The involuntary response was instantly interpreted as alertness to danger, which needed to be handled with caution. 
Can´t let my guard down around this one, you thought.
In fact, you planned to keep as much distance as you could from him. An officer let slip that he has been gaining incredible control over his Observation Haki since the Paramount War. 
But the wind seemed to change direction, and you began to swim against the current. When the morning came, you were assigned to be his partner for an undetermined time, and he would act as your superior. The idea of being bossed around by a younger marine got your temper sparked. 
Only he was not like the others, treating you in a patronizing and condescending way. He spoke to you with the same cordiality and politeness he addressed everybody else. 
Slowly, your concrete cold expression began to soothe. You would still remind yourself how annoying his good manners were, though. So annoying, seriously!
¨Good morning, Y/N-san!¨ he greeted as you joined him for breakfast. 
¨Good morning, Koby.¨ 
¨Our Border Force correspondent sent his report early in the morning with information about possible Yonkos´ alliances in the Wano Country. We are arranging a meeting as soon as possible.¨ 
You didn´t like to handle work so early, but this subject, in particular, raised your spirits. ¨Good. It was about time.¨
You noticed that he wore a different headband. ¨What happened?¨ 
¨Hm?¨ he brought the soup bowl close to his mouth. 
¨The bandana. Green, with the fried eggs.¨ he choked on the miso soup, coughing like he had swallowed poison. 
You reached for a paper tissue and handed it to him. ¨K-Koby, are you ok?¨
¨Y-Y/N... Y/N-san...¨ he coughed some more ¨They´re not... fried eggs...¨
¨Oh...¨ your brows raised slightly ¨What are they?¨
A depressive aura grew around him ¨They are flowers, YN-san...¨
The edge of your lips contorted as you tried to hide a smile. You haven´t felt like smiling genuinely for years. Annoying boy!
From that moment on, ignoring him became more difficult. He started to ask you to train with him or invite you to spend some time with him and Helmeppo whenever you had free time. Eventually, he began to ask you how he looked before an important meeting. 
Most of the time, you would reply something like ¨ok¨. But sometimes, the mouth was quicker than the brain, and you would let an ¨impeccable¨ slip out, followed by an awkward throat clearing and blushed cheeks. 
From both sides.
¨Oh my-¨ you stopped yourself from finishing the sentence. 
You were chosen to complete this mission due to your excellent skills in hiding emotions and acting calm under stressful situations. No one could break you. 
Within the Marines, no joke could make you crack a smile, and no torture could make you spill secrets. 
Why did you want to ask if he was ok?
Koby had entered his office with bumps and bloody bruises over his face. His always neat uniform was blotchy, and he carried a first aid kit. 
¨Garp-san paid a visit.¨ He sat on the couch and opened the white box, throwing everything on the coffee table. ¨I bet it wasn't like this with Tsuru-san.¨ he chuckled. 
¨No. She would beat me up, wash me and hang me up to dry.¨ 
You shot from the chair, moving towards the clumsy pinkette, who struggled to attend to his injuries. He tried to hold the mirror with one hand and suture his gash with the other. 
¨Thank yo-¨
¨Shh. Don´t move.¨
You leaned closer to have a better look, giving Koby the same chance. Your delicate perfume smelled like it was tailor-made for you. Your breathing was slightly irregular, and your lip twitched with every given stitch. Your fingers felt like feathers on his skin, so much that he didn´t even feel a sting. 
The job was fast and efficient, making Koby wish Garp had put more effort into his Love Fist. Grabbing a piece of wet cotton, you cleaned the dried blood.  
¨Alright...¨ you whispered.
¨Alright...¨ he whispered back.
You were inches apart from his face, your eyes traveling across the scar on his forehead, the pink locks, and kind features. Your mind traced back all the way to the Paramount War. You had very little knowledge about him, but the words he spoke that day have always made your heart pound like cannonballs. 
You will make an excellent Admiral one day, Koby. 
I hope you don´t hate me. 
¨Your smile is beautiful.¨
¨What?¨ The stupid scene of yours was interrupted like a DJ stopping the record player. 
With cheeks getting pinker than his hair, you shot up and marched back to the chair and your newspaper. ¨You clean this up.¨ 
He left a low chuckle out and began gathering the mess. 
Oh, no, Y/N. You have got to be kidding me. 
He is a freaking marine. Breathe. 
There were a vast number of reasons why you couldn´t like him: from him being a Marine Captain and you being a pirate to the fact that your mission was coming to a conclusion.
Meaning that your journey as his partner would be very soon reaching its end. The meeting with this mysterious correspondent regarding the Yonkos´ operations in the New World would be the last move in this chess game. You would be going home. Mission completed. Everything perfect, right? 
Right, perfect. Impeccable! Ugh!
¨... confirm secure line.¨
¨This is Border Officer code 404890. Secure line confirmed.¨ you spoke with a low but clear voice through the nail transponder. 
¨What´s the status on our birdie?¨
¨Positive. The birdie is located at 03:24:01.¨ you gave your boss a coordinate to the name of the Marine informant. The answer you took three years to find out remained on file number one, third page, suspect number twenty-four. 
An amused laugh echoed on your end, and you buried the speaker on your jacket to muffled the sound. 
¨At least he is not one of ours.¨ a chuckle ¨Great job, Y/N.¨
¨Thank you, boss.¨
¨I know this mustn't have been easy, but you were impeccable as always.¨
Yeah, impeccable. 
¨You know the protocol now. We´ll see each other in a few days. You´ll have a party waiting for you, kid.¨
¨Aye, aye, boss. But I want the good booze.¨  Both of you laughed. 
You finished the call, and the smile on your lips died as the image of a pink-haired boy invaded your mind. You wished he was a jerk like everybody else. 
It would have been so easy. 
¨Who were you talking to?¨ your chest contracted, pushing the air out of your lungs and sending extra blood supply to your muscles. 
You hid the transponder into your jacket and turned, facing your Marine Captain. 
¨Eavesdropping, Koby?¨
What should I do?
¨Y/N-san, who were you talking to?¨ he repeated himself, offering the benefit of the doubt. You sighed.
¨My captain.¨ 
Why the need to be honest with him?
¨Y/N-san, please don´t tell me-¨
¨I´m sorry, Koby. I wish I didn´t have to do this.¨ you couldn´t bring yourself to face him.
¨A-Are you a pirate? Why?¨
You chuckled ¨Why am I a pirate?¨
¨Why did you do this?¨ his face was pale, making your guts twitch in guilt.
¨I´m on a mission. But I´ll leave soon.¨
¨You are like... Vergo-san.¨ he sounded disappointed.
¨I am nothing like Vergo. You know this.¨ or at least you hoped he did. 
He closed the door slowly, eyes fixed on your figure. The bright light from the window made him look like an ethereal painting.
While you tried to predict his next move, whether he was going to interrogate you or kick your ass, Koby acted calm and collected, not hesitating. He trusted his Observation Haki to guide his next move. Or maybe his heart.
You saw a pink blur closing distance like a missile, and before you could dodge, his hands pulled you by the waist, connecting your bodies and lips. 
He forced your back to meet the thick window with a gasp that was muffled by the kiss. His touch was rough upon the fabric of your uniform, but his mouth felt soft against yours.
Your hands moved to his hair, removing the round pair of glasses and the green bandana so you could get lost in his locks. His grip was harsh under the fabric of your uniform, but his hair felt soft on your fingertips. 
A moan escaped your lips when he parted the kiss with a loud snap and struck the glass with both hands, keeping you trapped in the middle. You let go of his hair and grabbed him by the collar, not letting him go away.
¨I am kissing you... but I am angry, Y/N-san...¨ his breath was heavy and carried with a myriad of emotions. 
¨I know... I am sorry.¨
¨Because I like you, Koby. A lot.¨ he paused for a second, fighting the urge to admit the same.
¨What was your mission?¨
This is the last lie, I promise, Koby. ¨The Marines possessed vital information about something my boss wants. I needed to get it.¨
¨Now that I know that you´re a pirate and that you stole Marine´s assets, I´m gonna have to hunt you down.¨
¨I´ll be waiting for you.¨ 
You stared him in the eyes, and he kissed you to stop himself from saying what he really wanted. 
I love you, Y/N-san.
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Diary of Koby-Meppo: The Fried Egg Life Crisis.
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💕 @vemuabhi
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whack-ed · 4 years
“Just Friends” (Fred Weasley x Reader)
Synopsis: A halloween party was what it took for you to finally do what you wanted to do with Fred.
Warnings: make out; underage drinking and extremely flirtation.
Reader: Female
World Count: 2.5k
A/N: I'm sorry for the delay, I had some personal problems to solve, but here I am! this is a oneshot for the special A very Harry Potter Halloween by @masterofthedarkness and @eleven-times-lively​. This one is for the 30th with the prompt Halloween Party! Hope you like it :)
tag list: @nebulablakemurphy​ @jamilelucato​ @inglourious-imagines​ @acciotwinz​ @clarissaxpearce​ 
if you want to be tagged, send me a ask!
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Finally October, the favorite time of year for Y/n. For various reasons, fantasies, sweets, the weather, absolutely everything Y/n loved most was present in October. But probably the thing the girl liked the better was the Weasley twins' Halloween party. And this year promised, it was the twins' last year at school and they promised the best Halloween party this school has ever seen.
Usually Y/n knew everything the twins were preparing, since they were a quartet. The twins, Y/n and Lee. These four names together gave chills to any teacher. But not this time. This year it was just Fred and George who were looking for trouble. The twins didn't let Y/n and Lee participate at all, the surprise was for everyone. And of course, Y/n's anxiety didn't leave the twins alone for a minute.
"Please Fred, tell me at least the color of the glasses!" Y/n insisted on Fred saying at least a little detail about the party. The secret was complete.
"I already said that I don't speak a word to you, Y/n" The redhead replied laughing.
They were in a history of magic class, automatically nobody was paying attention. The twins sat in the last row, Y/n and Lee just ahead.
"What are the drinks going to be, that's no big deal!" Lee asked as curious as Y/n.
"Not a word, Lee," George replied with a sly smile on his face, the same as the one on his brother's face.
"I hate you both" Y/n said irritably and turned forward.
Fred who was behind Y/n leaned forward and rested his head on the girl's shoulder, whispering her ear. Fred's proximity to Y/n's ear made the girl get goosebumps and close her eyes while the redhead spoke. "You don't miss out on waiting, baby"
George and Lee exchanged a look that they knew well what it meant. Y/n and Fred have always had this relationship ... doubtful. Nothing but indirect flirtations happened between the two, there was never anything else. George and Lee always questioned the two of them if something happened in the backstage that they didn't see, and of course, the answer was always the same "We are just friends". Only friends my ass, George thought. The boy knew his brother well to know when he was lying.
Fred then returned to his seat and Y/n kept her eyes closed digesting the sensation she had just had, wishing it had lasted a little longer. She opened her eyes slowly and blinked several times, returning to reality.
"My God, the sexual tension between you two can be cut with a knife," Lee said making the three friends laugh.
"We are just friends, you know that" Y/n replied and noticed that this time Fred's laugh was not genuine. Apparently George noticed it too. But of course it could only be Y/n's head.
The class passed slowly as usual, but amid laughter, scolding from the teacher and notes on the parchment, time finally passed. It was already lunchtime and Y/n couldn't be more thankful for that. Her thoughts could go from Fred to the mountain of mashed potatoes that awaited her.
Weeks passed and the twins had not yet given any information about the party. It wasn't just Lee and Y/n who were looking forward now, all seventh graders as well. The fact that Umbridge was taking care of the school, making so many rules, only made things more exciting. The twins couldn't be loud ... At least not in theory.
Now everyone was in the common room, some doing their homework and others just hanging out. Everything was calm until the most beloved twins in the world came in doing what they do best, drawing attention.
“My dear student friends" George was saying.
"Me and my dear brother, we finally have the invitations ready!" Fred completed.
"And what does that mean, bro?" George asked doing a theatrical pose.
"That not even the pink toad was able to stop the Weasley Twins!" Fred completed again by opening his arms also in a theatrical way.
“But it’s worth remembering that the party is only for people from the fifth year upwards” Some sad moans were heard from some students from the fourth year downwards “So my little grasshoppers, you who didn’t taste one of our Halloween parties, will have to look for that taste in our store! ” George announced and the sad moans automatically turned into happy faces.
“That's right! We believe that very soon, our store will have a physical point and will be 100% prepared to serve all of you little pests! ” Fred said laughing and started handing out the invitations.
The invitations were not common, as nothing the twins did was common, no one was surprised, just curious. They were orange sweets in the shape of mini pumpkins.
“But is this sweet? How should we know where and when to go with a sweet? ” Ron asked as soon as George handed him one of the pumpkins.
"I suggest taking a bite, little brother," Fred said mockingly, handing one to Y/n. "I made this one especially for you" And winked at the girl. Hers was Y/F/C , your favorite color. As soon as the girl saw the candy she smiled at Fred and got a little flushed.
As soon as Ron took a bite of the fearful candy, sparkles that resembled fireworks with a date, time and place emerged from the pumpkin.
"We just suggest that you don't eat it whole, eating the other piece makes you invisible for 15 minutes, so you can go to the party without drawing unnecessary attention" Fred said with a smile on his face, proud of what he had done.
It was amazing how these boys were the life of the party wherever they went. Y/n smile so proudly for the boys. After the euphoria of delivery of the pumpkins, the boys sat on the sofa with only a few students in the room, most of had already gone to sleep. Y/n was in an armchair by the fireplace, reading a book. Fred settled on the floor in front of the girl and rested his head on her knees. George sat next to Lee on the couch.
"Okay, now that we have everything set up, what will your fantasy be?" George asked to his friends.
"I was thinking of going as a werewolf" Lee replied playing with the hem of his shirt.
"What a cliché, Lee" Hermione who was finishing up her homework said from across the room. She, Harry and Ron were actually finishing up their homework. But everyone knew that the boys were just waiting for Hermione to finish copying hers.
"You're right, he should go as you Hermione, who knows, maybe someone will put limits on this party?" Ron replied laughing, immediately regretting because of Hermione's furious reaction.
"And what are you going to be dressed up for?" Y/n asked lowering the book, she had stopped paying attention long ago.
"Us? Secret too" Fred replied to the girl.
"You guys are getting unbearable with this, you know?" Y/n said looking at the twins.
"Just noticed now?" Lee said sarcastically.
Y/n snorted angrily and pulled her legs up so that Fred could no longer lean on them, causing the boy to turn his head to her laughing.
"You look so beautiful when you're mad" He said and stood up and give her a kiss on the cheek. "I think it's past time for us to go to sleep, we need energy to organize what comes tomorrow, Georgie"
George got up too and agreed with his brother, so the two went up to the dorm wishing everybody a good night.
"I'll see if I can get anything out of them before bed, good night, Y/n" Lee said and went after the twins.
Harry was already drooling at the table, Ron was almost, only Hermione was still focused. Y/n got up and headed for the girls' dorm.
"Good night, Mione" Y/n said.
"When are you two going to assume you have more than a friendship, Y/n?" Hermione asked before she went up. The girl laughed and shook her head.
"We are just friends"
The following days passed with Y/n listening to discussions to see what would be the fantasy of her friends. Lee really was a werewolf, Hermione was from an important witch that nobody really understood who was just that had something to do with defending giants, Ron was going as a auror, Harry as a  quidditch player, and of course the fantasy of Fred and George it was still a secret.
At breakfast on the day of the party, everyone was euphoric. The whispers came not only from the Gryffindor table, but from all of them, even some Slytherins were excited.
And because she kept her head elsewhere, Y/n ended up forgetting to think about her fantasy. Then, taking advantage of having a visit to Hogsmade that day, she asked Hermione for help in choosing a costume. The girls went to each clothing store until they found the perfect costume. That was it, they thought. It perfectly matched Y/n's personality.
The hours passed and now it was only an hour before the twins' Halloween party. The girls in Y/n's room were euphoric. They had pirates, healers, vampires, it looked like a children's book in one room. Y/n was finishing her makeup and would already be ready to leave. The outfit she had chosen was nothing less than court jester. Not a dull court jester, according to Hermione, and here I quote her words, she was a “sexually desirable jester”. A colorful short dress, socks to the thighs one of each color, hair tied with colored ribbons and a cute clown makeup. It was perfect.
"You look perfect, Y/n!" Angelina said to the girl with colored ribbons in her hair.
"You too, Angie, wonderful by the way!" Y/n said to her friend that was dressed as a fairy.
The two then descended together, meeting several people in costume in the main hall. And in the sea of mummies and mermaids, Y/n spotted the werewolf she was looking for.
“Lee! Lee! ” The girl called and Lee turned to see her.
"Y/n ... Bloody hell woman, now I understand what Fred talks about so much" Lee replied looking Y/n up and down.
"What does Fred say?" Y/n asked frankly eyebrows.
"He keeps saying you have phenomenal thighs," Lee replied, staring at her legs.
“Hey! Lee! Eyes up here! ” Y/n responded making the boy automatically look embarrassed, but then laughing.
"Let's go then?" Lee asked Y/n and she nodded.
The two then ate all the pumpkin and automatically the picture of the fat woman opening, looked like a passage of ghosts, no one was seen, all you could hear were footsteps and some muffled laughter through the corridors.
Finally, after walking a lot trying to make a minimum of noise, they reached the precise room. The door opened and the legion of students entered the place. When Fred and George said it was going to be the best Halloween party this school has ever seen, they weren't kidding.
There were already some students in the room, but the decor was clear. They had colorful and noiseless fireworks shining on the ceiling tirelessly, they seemed bewitched to last all night. The smoke on the ground made it look like a swamp, you could barely see people's feet. The tables set with various sweets with different shapes and a large bowl with punch, certainly alcoholic. The walls decorated with purple and orange ribbons all over the place. Of course, cobwebs, skeletons and pumpkins were placed in every corner. The music was loud, but it was not heard outside, they had also bewitched it. The only strange thing was that Fred and George were not yet in place.
More and more people were arriving and none of the twins. Y/n was having fun with Lee and other friends, but missed the redheaded duo. While some students were kissing in a corner and others were stuffing themselves with food, Y/n was dancing with a glass in her hand, like there's no tomorrow. She moved her hips from side to side without caring if she was drawing too much attention. Tonight was really for that.
The only part of the place that no one had understood was the stairway in the corner of the room that led to a balcony and a small door that nobody could open. After a while, Y/n ignored the stairs, and suddenly after the girl's third glass, the door made sense. It had opened up and the music had turned down the volume. There they were, Fred and George came out of the door in the costume of Kings. Y/n laughed with them and stopped dancing, looking at the boys.
"Feel free, my subjects, the party is yours today!" Fred said raising his hands.
"And remember, if you are not going to party like us, you can leave" George added.
"And let the party really start!" Fred shouted and everyone shouted in agreement.
The twins then descended the stairs, as if they were true kings. Strangely, their fantasy matched the boys perfectly. Y/n after seeing that the boys were already enjoying the party normally, she took another sip of her drink and started dancing again.
The music playing was sensual, and it is clear that the girl, with the courage that the drink gave her, took advantage of the moment. She had wanted to do this for years, and the opportunity never came, but now? Last year, she was going to do what she wanted without fear.
Y/n started to dance to the music, as sensual as the beat of each note. She knew they had several pairs of eyes on her, but only one interested her. Then the girl turned to where Fred was and she couldn't be more pleased to see that he was looking at her like a dog is looking at a piece of meat, with pure desire. She then danced looking directly at him.
Fred couldn't hold on any longer, he dodged the crowd and came very close to Y/n, grabbed her waist tightly and without thinking, he kissed the girl. It was as if everyone in the room had disappeared. They were just there, Y/n and Fred. The girl returned the kiss at the same time her lips met, placing her hands on the boy's neck.
The two separated only because they were forced to breathe. Keeping foreheads glued together. Smiling broadly. And you can hear George and Lee in the background shouting "Finally!" "Just friends, my ass!" And things like that. But Fred and Y/n couldn't care less.
"So.. hm, I think we're not just friends after all, huh?" Fred says laughing still being very close to you.
"I don't think we ever were just friends"
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