#we are allowed to pick fun at ourselves for little things we find funny or strange
aimseytv · 1 year
it made me kind of sad how you kept saying “theres something wrong with me” on the coffeecast today. over planning for things, being fixated on certain characters, getting sensory overload in loud places that lead to shut downs, and nonverbal episodes are all things I also experience due to my autism. It made me feel seen to hear you talk about your experiences but it also made me sad to hear you say that you felt like theres something wrong with you for that. I know some of those things aren’t pleasant to experience and I know you didn’t mean to upset anyone. but maybe be try kinder to yourself because people like you are watching? no hard feelings tho, I appreciate you king <3
when i say there’s something wrong with me it’s moreso in regard to what is typically seen as “normal” despite normality not existing. i am very much extremely open about my neurodivergencey and constantly advocate for people to seek it out for themselves and learn more, i just enjoy joking about it, same way i make jokes about being gay and say “that’s not normal” etc! it was from my own experiences hence why i was just poking fun at myself , not in regards to other people who share those experiences!
when i was saying “i’m not normal” it was hinting at just my brains adoration for a tall duck little guy. that was the joke! not the fact i fixate on things or anything, just the fact it chose a GODDAMN DUCK hahahah :p
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deerydear · 7 months
I'm about to go to bed.
I want to say that the biggest falter that I believe that I made over these young years of my life was halfway-believing that if I just shut myself up in a room with all my problems, away from the larger world.... I thought that I'd find some resolution, or some kind of.. 'solvent' that washed it all away. The real solvent comes from living daily life, and seeing the world, meeting people, trying new things, developing skills, seeing a new sunset every day, smelling the fresh air, sitting under trees, watching birds, talking and having fun. Enjoying life.
These all engage the brain. They take the energy away from the ruminating trauma, and they disperse it into pleasurable activity.
The funny thing: I already had a gut-feeling that hiding with my problems would do nothing good for me. I just wanted to stick my nose firmly where it didn't belong. I wanted to prove a negative. I wanted to "JUST MAKE SURE", which is so stupid.
There's only so much life. Don't waste it on trying to prove pseudo-intellectual bullshittery that you don't find enjoyable.
That's where all the masochism breeds, in these nasty little pockets.
Go take a spiritual shower. Wash the fly-eggs out of your armpits, before they fester into maggots. Ewww.....
Let's say it like this: If we're going to refer to two things as both 'trauma' -- psychological and physical.... why? Is there a psychic wound?
So how do wounds heal? Physically...
They don't heal if you keep picking at them, opening them up to look inside... or even (ew) jamming foriegn objects into it for the hell of it. That might even cause the body to form a fistula around the area. That's how bodily piercings heal around the jewelry that's been inserted into the wound.
One of the most dramatic factors that can affect wound healing is reduced or poor blood supply to the wound. The oxygen and nutrients that new blood carries to the wound are key to successful healing. A wound that is not getting enough blood could take at least twice as long to heal, if it heals at all. These are called chronic wounds. These are more common in elderly people or people with diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, or other vascular disease. People who smoke are at high risk for poor wound healing.
Oxygen is taken from every breath. New life.
Malnutrition is a common risk factor that might contribute to impaired wound healing.
If we starve, then a wound will not heal properly, or it may take longer to heal than if you had enough food. What if you were starving yourself?
What does this mean, in the psychic sense?
Locking oneself in a room, running over the same thoughts again. Eating one's own mind.
If the stomach doesn't eat any food for enough time, it may begin to digest itself, like a fire burning out its house....
The body begins to liquidate its supplies, trying to stay alive. It breaks down anything it can spare -- memories past.
Hungry ghost.
The mind has an appetite, too. It has its own stomach. You could say that the mind has nutritional needs of its own.
So that it can repair itself, fuel itself, propagate itself.... satiate itself. Live. Be happy.
What is food?
Food is new life. It is something that has lived and grown upon this earth, which we exchange enrgy with. Eating food, and intaking new nutriants allows each of our bodies to let go of old matter, and replenish ourselves.
Just as other 'daily experiences' operate on the same principle. Having new fun allows us to let go of past experiences. Let the future in.
Trying to section off the wounded area from the body, pretend as if the wound is not in me, but as if it's just disembodily floating before me.
As if it's on TV, and I'm happening to be in the same room as a TV, while it plays its sad show. I wasn't watching it, but snippets of the scenes come into my visual radius, whenever I glance up from my work.
I really feel like something about TV reduced my empathy in my childhood. It was some kind of 'escape hatch' from real life... only it isn't, but it appears to be.
It wasn't like TV forced me to become a certain way. I chose. I made a choice in my head. So.. I can make a different choice, now.
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nothankyousirr · 3 years
my opinions on the different mbti types (from an intj)
enfp - you can be good to hang around in moderation. i appreciate your charitable nature; how you aren’t one to pass judgement, but that also leads to a lack in understanding one’s depth. i appreciate how easy it is to befriend you, you’re able to keep the conversation without any expectations on my part to contribute, and although you can be stupid and impulsive, it’s to a point where it’s almost fascinating, which makes it somehow nice to be in your presence. in moderation, of course. you can be very draining at some points.
entp - you’re funny to watch, but actually conversing with you can be...confusing? i do appreciate your ability to see things from other perspectives, but sometimes you need to take a step back and understand the overall reasons behind those perspectives. confidence is important, but don’t get too over zealous, we all have things to improve on.
enfj - i cannot understand you. at all. you’re so nice, it seems like you have some sort of ulterior motives. i do not trust you, you are just so warm i feel like i’m being judged every time i talk with you, or are even in the same room as you. your general demeanor is just so kind it’s threatening, you need to be less optimistic.
entj - a lot of people hate you, which i can understand on their part, but i appreciate your approach to things. with every entj i’ve met, no matter my friend’s/peer’s opinion, we’ve always had a mutual understanding of some sorts. although, i do see a lot of naivety; which i’m 99.9% sure none of you will ever admit. i admire your drive, your confidence, and things along those lines, but some words of advice; you can’t change anyone. as hard as you try, some people are just stuck the way they are, unfortunately. it’s something i’ve had to learn as well, but a lesson i think would do you well.
infp - you are adorably killing yourselves with every move; like small puppy who’s favorite toy just happens to be laid perfectly in the middle of ongoing traffic. your impulsivity hurts me deep inside. please, just try to be aware of your surroundings, at least a little. i know, ironic coming from me, but it’s all i could ask. think out your actions, just a bit. i know life may suck, but take it upon yourself to change that, instead of just falling victim to your own hurt. i wish i could just pick you up and live your life for you, it hurts to see you do these things.
intp - i like you. your humor is refreshing as well as your insight, you just cannot stay organized. you take pride in your discombobulation; your lack of care, which confuses me. because of that, it’s hard to empathize with you when you have troubles, because it could’ve been easily prevented. it makes me upset for you when i see you do this. it doesn’t come from a place of trying to overly pressure you, rather a place of care. i hope that can be acknowledged.
infj - i enjoy your presence, you are just are hard to get. i always seem to upset you in some way, so i implore you to be better at communicating those things. your productivity and insight is very much appreciated, i feel your anxiety is holding you back. we all experience anxiety, it’s a valid human emotion, of course, but don’t let it dictate your life. confidence is important, you’re allowed to acknowledge your accomplishments. also, i implore you to think deeper in terms of morality. why do you believe those things? what is the axiomatic rout of those morals? by understanding that, you gain a better understanding of the people around you. the people you deem to be bad, may think they’re good by their own definition.
intj - from one intj to another, i feel like there is a lot to grow on. we tend to be very book-smart, but oblivious when it comes to how people work, including ourselves, but just because those things are acknowledged from mbti posts and whatnot, that does not give any excuse to avoid improvement. knowledge is important if we ever want to achieve our goals, and having that insight can make things a lot easier. as much as it seems like time is easily slipping away from us, taking control and trying to pick up on those details we may normally be ignoring, may teach us something valuable. it’s also important to take care of ourselves. i find routines are an easy way to remember to do so. having designated times for everything helps maximize the amount of time to get things done, while also taking care of your needs. and give yourself breaks. having fun, relaxing, etc. can also be productive in itself. not everything that’s productive isn’t what’s directly seen as such.
esfp - you can be a lot. its very hard for me to truly understand you, and i get the impression that you feel the same about me. i feel like there’s a lot of miscommunication. we’re practically complete opposites, not just literally (intj-esfp) but in practice as well. what you find fun and what i find fun is so drastically different from one another, i feel like it’s impossible to truly have a meaningful time with each other. from both parties.
estp - i like your confidence. your humor as well. i feel like we get along quite well, although it can be hard at some points because i tend to live in the future a lot, while you’re the “go with the flow” type. that is appreciated, though, and i feel like there’s a lot to teach each other. that’s just a matter of taking the time to communicate with one-another and be understanding.
esfj - i like you, from the sidelines. i appreciate the way you think, i’m just not sure if that is reciprocated. i tend to come of very strong, which i think is quite anxiety inducing for you, but you’re very passionate about the things you enjoy. i do think it’s important for you to have more insight, though. the world is vast, and an understanding of it can be very beneficial to you. 
estj -  your drive is commendable. you’re very confident, know what you want, which i appreciate. i do think it’s important to take a step to think about things further to acknowledge the nuances in things, instead of dismissing them as confusing. not everything is as blunt as you’d like, and may take a bit of critical thinking to truly understand. things happen, yes, but why may they do that? is there anyway to prevent the things you don’t like from happening? those questions are something i think are important to keep in mind.
isfp - for lack of a more kinder way of saying this, i dislike you. i wouldn’t go as far as to say i hate you, but i am very frustrated with you. you tend to dismiss things for the main reason of someone just “being that way” without taking into account any other factors that may come into play for that behavior. with the isfps i’ve met, you’ve seen my behaviors as “trying too hard to be a certain way” or “pretentious” without truly understanding why i act the way i do. it gets frustrating. your very confident, but in thoughts that are lacking in insight. take a second to learn about what you’re talking about before you say things. for my own sanity.
istp - even though you seem like you’re about to kill yourself with your approach to things, you always some how get it done, which is respectable, yet fascinating. you’re surprisingly very fun, even though from the outside i wouldn’t think we’d be at all close friends. you’re not one for deep conversation, rather the kind of conversation that always leave’s me feeling refreshed. it’s important to sometimes take a break, and you’re the type of person that i can easily have that with.
isfj - you’re very adorable. your moral standpoint to most things can be a bit frustrating at some points, but you make up for it with your kind demeanor; a genuine kindness as well. your happiness and drive to help people is a commendable quality, just don’t let people walk all over you. you tend to be a bit too charitable, when sometimes it’s okay to recognize that people just aren’t the right match for you. it’s okay to take care of yourself. i know i come off strong and that can be a bit intimidating, but i promise that it comes from a place of care. be confident in yourself. to truly be able to take care of the people around you, you need to take care of yourself first.
istj - i respect you and your approach to things. i think there are a lot of things we can learn from one another. your ability to easily figure things out from your surroundings is admirable, and it’s interesting the way your mind works. i haven’t met many istjs (of my knowledge) but i think we’d get along quite well from the information given to me.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Major missing Beau and Arleigh 🙁.. something with them please *puppy eyes*
It's funny that you're using puppy 🐶 eyes. So these two we last saw were talking to Story and Carter. A baby Otto was trying to steal Beau's girl. They're both so in love. BUT Beau is ready to make things official, Arleigh is just following his lead at the moment.
Remy, Lady Remington
Summary: Beau gets a surprise for Arleigh
Pairings: Beau X Arleigh
Rating: 🐶🐶🐶
Warnings: Lady Remington, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 700
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Beau Adler Masterlist
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“B,” Arleigh is a mixture of pouting and pure joy when Beau stomps up the porch steps with a black and white ball of fluff. “What is that?”
“This,” he hands the wad of curls over to Arleigh with a smile, “is a Portuguese Water Dog.”
“You got a dog? Oh she’s beautiful! B, what are you going to name her?”
Beau looks over this tiny little woman. He’s never done this so he’s nervous, scared, and isn’t sure how to approach how he bought the dog for her. For them. “Oh, and her is gonna love playing in the water aren’t you? What are you going to call her?”
“I want you to name her,” is the first thing that comes to Beau’s mind. Almost wanting to slap himself when Arleigh’s face falls.
“You don’t think it’s going to be awkward when you get a girlfriend? Like are you going to tell her that the girl you started fucking in the summer named your dog?” she tries to fake a smile, but quickly looks down at the dog. Refusing to look into those bright green eyes of Beau’s. Feeling her heartbreak in a thousand pieces.
“Arleigh. Arleigh, look at me,” she looks up at him, and that’s when he sees the glossiness in her eyes. “What girlfriend? What girlfriend, Bun?”
“You’ll get one to share this cabin with.”
“We’re still playing this game,” he sighs looking at her. “This is my fault.”
“Beau, we’re friends. This is a summer fling.”
“I don’t want another girl at this cabin, but you. We can continue not labeling ourselves, or we can quit being dumb, and tell everyone you’re my girlfriend, and we’re remodeling this cabin for us, I’m tired of this, Bun. Arleigh Grace Everett-Levinson, say it. Tell me you feel it too. I got the dog for us. Our first animal on this future farm. Please just say you feel it too.”
“B,” she whispers, tilting her head to the side.
“I love you. I told you back in Delaware I was falling. I fell. Fell hard, and I love you. This,” holding his hands out he spins around, and looks back at the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. “This can be our home but I need you to…”
“I love you” she scrunches up her nose and giggles. With a couple of steps forward, she stands on her tippy toes to give him a last kiss, until their first child barks at them. “She looks like a Remy.”
Laying on her stomach, Arleigh pats around on the bed and finds no Beau. Sitting up she looks at the foot of the bed, and no Remy. Carefully walking out of the loft and on the porch she sees Beau standing outside with the dog.
Giggling when she hears a faint, awful British accent. “Lady Remington, thou hath bit my toes, and drove me yonder. No thou must pee so we can walketh back to bed.”
The dog just stares up at Beau and sneezes, “Blessed be, fair maid. I need thou to pee. Tis getting colder in the eve, and I miss my other fair maiden. Lady Remington, I need,” Beau pauses when he hears the snort of Arleigh, him and Remy slowly turn to look at her giggling face and scrunchy nose. “You heard nothing.”
“I hath heardeth everythingeth.”
“Lady Remington, me doth think the fair maiden is making fun of us,” with another sneeze Remy turns to walk towards Arleigh. “Oh no, she has to pee.”
“Turn around. She’s a lady,” Beau spins his body around, and Remy gives a quick look to him before trotting off for a perfect place. “Good girl, Remy. Now shall we take the gentleman back upstairs or is that un-lady like?”
“Arleigh Grace, you and the dog are not allowed to conspire against me!” Arleigh picks up the puppy and starts to walk inside. “Arleigh! Bunny! I will sleep in the loft with my girlfriend!”
“Then my boyfriend better hurry and keep me warm!”
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
By Your Doorstep (Part 8)
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Summary: The reader and Sam try to find a way to ensure John leaves them alone while Dean has a sweet moment with Tessa...
Pairing: Doctor/Neighbor!Dean x reader
Word Count: 3,700ish
Warnings: language, bad parenting, past child abuse, manipulation, angst, fluff
A/N: Parts of this series are told from two different POV’s. Dean’s POV are written from limited third person. Reader’s POV are second person (like a typical reader insert). Enjoy!…
Reader’s POV
“Hey, Mr. Valens,” you said when he came into the reception area about twenty minutes after you’d left the house with Sam.
“Y/N! Everything alright? You’re not in trouble are you?” he asked, giving Sam a look. “You look familiar.”
“I work on opposing counsel for the Druman case,” he said.
“You’re that son of a bitch that got a delay. That was good work,” he said. “A friend of Y/N’s is always welcome although I have to ask what exactly is going on that you’re here after seven?”
“Mr. Valens this is Sam Winchester. His brother Dean is my boyfriend. They knew my dad years back. He might have kept a file on them and I was wondering if you might have it since I know you took over my dad’s stuff?”
“Well I can’t allow you to go looking through the file cabinets and certainly not a lawyer from a rival firm,” he said. You frowned and he smiled. “Sam, you wouldn’t mind waiting out here. I’m sure you understand considering our prep is going on right now.”
“Of course. I’ll hang here,” he said. You walked through a set of doors into some offices, walking down the familiar hall. 
“You guys renovated,” you said.
“A few months back. We wanted a little more modern touch. Your dad’s idea actually. Finally got it going,” he said. 
“He always had a thousand things going at once it seems,” you said. You walked into his office, Mr. Valens going to a file cabinet in the corner. He dug around in the bottom drawer and pulled out a folder.
“Winchester boys. I’m guessing this is them,” he said. He took a seat at his desk and opened it up, lifting his head after a minute. “Y/N. Why do you want this file?”
“Mr. Valens. Let me have it,” you said. “Please.”
“There’s a reason your father never escalated this to law enforcement,” he said, shutting the file. “What are you involved in?”
“Mr. Valens. You were my dad’s partner and best friend and Tessa and I haven’t heard from you since two weeks after the funeral. You helped me get access to our trust but you left. We needed help. I needed help. You’re a lawyer. You could have made life so much easier. But you wouldn’t pick up the phone. The least you can do is give me that file.”
“You weren’t a child when they died, Y/N.”
“It doesn’t mean I wasn’t devastated. It doesn’t mean I was ready to change my whole life to become a mom to my sister, my very hurt baby sister. I just needed a little bit of help with paperwork and you couldn’t even do that for your best friend’s kids. I want that file, Mr. Valens.”
“You should stay away from those boys,” he said, handing it over to you.
“Their father is an ex-cop. Why do you think your father never escalated it? He needed hard evidence to make that kind of accusation,” he said. 
“Can you help them?”
“Y/N, why are you digging around in the past.”
“He came to our house and hurt Dean tonight.” He shut his eyes and ran his hand over his face. “I’m tired of people I care about getting hurt. Is there anything we can do to get them to leave us alone?”
“I’m sorry but unless he does something and you report it, I can’t do anything without hard evidence.”
“I have a recording of him beating up Dean.”
“He could very easily walk on that charge. My suggestion would be to get you and Tessa out of that house and away from those two for good.”
“You’re a dick,” you said as you rolled your eyes. You started to leave and went past a conference room, wide eyed when you saw John Winchester walking out with another lawyer. “What are you doing here?”
“None of your business,” he said. Mr. Valens cleared his throat and pulled you back into his office, shutting the door behind him.
“He’s right next door and you don’t care to mention that?”
“He’s a client for another lawyer.”
“No, I was stupid to come here was all. You don’t care about anyone or anything except money. You’ll work with a guy like that and let him keep hurting his kids as long as you get paid. I’m glad my father didn’t have to see you for who you really are.”
“Do not put words in my mouth,” he said, staring you down. “I said he is a client. Plenty of people need lawyers, including bad ones. I did not say I knew about his past with his sons. I do not condone that and that is exactly the kind of person I enjoy putting in prison. As a lawyer, I’m telling you that you either need very, very hard evidence of something he can’t get out of or you need to not antagonize him and hope he stays away. As someone who has watched you grow up, get you and your sister away from those Winchester boys. You do not know what he will do and that is dangerous.”
“Dean’s in danger. Sam’s in danger. Tessa and I aren’t leaving them.”
“You need to think of your sister, not your boyfriend.”
“She loves them like they’re her big brothers. She is happy, the happiest I’ve seen her since the accident. We’re not walking away from our family. We’ll figure this out ourselves.”
You went to leave when he caught your arm.
“I’ll do some digging. He’s no longer a cop but if he did something dirty, it might be enough.”
“Thank you.”
“Be careful, Y/N.”
You left and walked down the hall, John waiting by the doors out to the lobby. 
“You Sammy’s girlfriend?” he asked.
“Dean’s,” you said.
“Your boyfriend going to keep up our arrangement?”
“Why don’t you just leave them alone,” you said.
“I do.”
“Tell that to Dean’s face.”
“He understands that the arrangement-”
“You got nothing on him and we all know it. We will let the past stay in the past as long as you never come near them again. I’m friends with the senior partner here so if you want to try something, I have a very good lawyer waiting in the wings.”
“To tell you the truth,” he said, leaning down to your ear. “It was never about the money. Sure it was nice but I mean he’s so pathetic he never even realized there was no proof. That’s what I get for letting him spend all that time at his uncle’s place. You do realize you’re dating a dumbass don’t you?”
“If it’s not about the money then why did you go to our house?”
“You saw the look on his face,” he smirked. “Fancy ass doctor is nothing more than a little bitch that-”
“Fuck you,” you said, slapping him in the face. You went to leave when you felt a shove from behind. You turned and glared, catching Mr. Valens coming down the hall.
“What the fuck is going on here?” said Mr. Valens. 
“She tripped,” said John.
“Oh well now you’re officially on the top of my shit list,” he said, walking over and getting in John’s face.
“Exciting,” said John. “I bet that’ll work out well.”
“Y/N, leave,” he said. You ducked out the door, Sam sprawled out on the couch.
“How’d it-”
“Let’s go. Now,” you said, both of you turning when you heard the doors open.
“Sammy,” said John, Sam swallowing as he stood up. John glanced over at you and smirked. “You know Dean’s been paying me for years to-”
“Go fuck yourself. With a cactus,” said Sam. John smiled and cocked his head.
“You Sam, you always had that fight in you Dean didn’t. I didn’t have to toughen you up. It was just there already. I’m just sorry to have to be the one to tell you that Dean...he doesn’t really love you. He only took you because he couldn’t stand the thought of being alone. I mean he abandoned you. You remember when you called us to help you out cause Dean was too busy partying at school? You remember who took care of you?”
“Sam. He’s just trying to fuck with you.”
“Dean’s human. He’s allowed to have fun and I called you as a last resort. I would not do it again,” said Sam.
“Funny. I don’t recall ever once laying a hand on you. I mean did you ever see me ever put a hand on Dean?”
“You were such a dick. Just because I didn’t see it doesn’t-”
“You know he got bullied right? Blamed me for that. Blamed us for all of his little problems. Then he took you. I can’t forgive him for that. But you had no choice and who knows what lies he’s been filling your head with for years.”
“And this one. Dean her knight in shining armor? She’s just using him and you know it. For all you know she did that to him. Go back to your old city Sammy. Get out from under his thumb. It’s what’d I’d do.”
He left the building and you put your hands on your hips, Sam giving you a glance.
“Do not look at me like that,” you said. “I watched him beat up your brother tonight.”
“You did almost hit that yoga woman.”
“Because she hurt Dean,” you said quietly. “Your dad literally just shoved me in there. He knows he’s got nothing left except getting you to hurt Dean too. He’s so controlling Sam. That’s all he wants to do is control the two of you and making you fight means he wins.”
“Dean gives you everything,” said Sam.
“I love him.” He seemed to stop whatever he was about to say and you looked down. “And I love you too and I didn’t want to love anyone ever again so that’s a really big deal for me. He makes me happy Sam. I’d never hurt him. He’s my best friend. He’s your best friend too and he has gone to hell and back for you since he was a child. Please don’t listen to John. Believe your brother.”
“Dean used to say to me that he got wailed on but I got the manipulation worse. I think he had that pretty spot on,” said Sam, closing his eyes. “You love Dean?”
“I haven’t exactly told him yet,” you said with a shrug.
“Pretty sure the dork knows,” said Sam. “Just like you do.”
“I hope so. Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Let’s head home.”
“Do you believe him?” you asked.
“You know every morning, every morning, you make Dean a cup of coffee and you either put it in his thermos or a cup for him. Every morning you do that.”
“You wash out his thermos every night because you know it’s his favorite. On the weekend you put it in his blue mug and have it ready for him along with a cheese danish that you picked up the morning before on the way to work. That’s just one thing. You care about him and he lets you take care of him and Dean doesn’t do that. I’ll always pick my real family over my parents any day. I’m never gonna turn my back on my brother.”
“Thank you,” you said.
“Did you make any headway, on anything?”
“The partner is gonna look into him but hopefully he just stays away from now on knowing he’s got nothing left to hold over you guys.”
“I hope so too.”
Dean’s POV
“Tessa, I’m fine,” said Dean, wincing as she put a fresh cold ice pack on his ribs.
“I guess it’s true. Doctors are the worst patients,” she said. She hopped up when the doorbell rang and Dean sat up. “It’s just the delivery guy.”
“Tessa I can-” said Dean before he ran off. Dean sighed, Tessa coming back a few minutes later with some styrofoam containers. “You need to be more careful.”
“You think your dad is gonna punch me? A high school girl?” she said.
“I don’t like testing that theory.” Dean scooted back against the headboard, Tessa handing him some utensils and one of the containers. She sat on the other side with hers, watching the TV and eating up some pieces of chicken. “Tessa.”
“Hm?” she hummed.
“If you want to go over to Jack’s that’s okay,” he said. “I didn’t mean to ruin your date.”
“I think my sister put me in charge of you. Jack’s cool with it. We’ll hang out tomorrow,” she said, eating more of her food.
“Are you okay?” 
“I’m not the one that got punched in the face.”
“Still. Things can be triggering,” he said.
“I don’t get why you didn’t hit back I guess. I would have.”
“I’ve spent most of my life afraid of my dad. I still am a bit unfortunately.”
“Well you’re obviously not like him. At all,” she said. Dean smiled and started to eat, Toast licking his toes every so often. “He knows you’re hurt. He does that when he wants you to feel better.”
“Animals are very intuitive like that,” said Dean. It was quiet for a few minutes as they ate, Tessa shifting in her spot eventually.
“Yeah?” he asked, mouthful of macaroni.
“Do you love my sister?” she asked. Dean swallowed and set his food down in his lap, smiling at it.
“Yeah, I do.”
“Why not tell her then?”
“I think she knows just like I think I know that she loves me. I think we’ve both been through so much already that it’s not always in the words how to say you love someone. Actions, those are as important, more important in a way. Your sister is kind and good to me in a way I never thought I’d have. I love her very, very much. I love you too.”
“She smiles again,” said Tessa. “She’s a better person around you.”
“She was always a good person. She just needed some else to lean on for a moment. That’s what a relationship is. It’s why she’s pissed as hell right now and standing up to someone I couldn’t.”
“I know you took Sam away from your parents. That was badass too,” she said.
“Are you gonna marry her?” she asked. 
“Also a maybe.”
“Do you want to?”
“Would you be okay with that?”
“Yeah. Are you asking like my permission or something?”
“Well, I’d still ask no matter what you say but I’d like to think you’d be alright with it.”
“I’m confused.”
“I’m not asking right now...but maybe hypothetically I will ask in the future.”
“Oh,” she said with a nod. “I got you. When you’re done being shy be sure to let me know.”
“You’re a little shit, you know that?” asked Dean with a laugh.
“It’s one of my best qualities,” she said.
“Sure it is,” he said as he reached over and ruffled her hair.
“Dean?” she asked when he picked up his food again. “I know she’d say yes, whenever you do decide to do it.”
“I said maybe I recall.”
“Maybe it’s not always in the words but the actions,” she said, smirking at him.
“Got me there,” he said. “Let’s not tell Y/N about this though. Deal?”
Reader’s POV
Three Days Later
“Hey, Dean,” you said as he stirred awake beside you. He smiled and snuggled into your side, covers tucked up under his chin. “Sleep good?”
“Yeah. Better,” he said. You carded your fingers through his hair and he slowly opened his eyes, sleepily watching you. “I don’t think he’ll try anything. It’s been a few days and it’s been quiet.”
“Me either. Like Sam said, he’s an asshole but he’s not nuts,” you said.
“No, he’s not. But I do wonder sometimes...about my mom.”
“You don’t talk about her much,” you said. You started twirling short strands and he started to wake up more but didn’t move around. 
“I just...I don’t know if he broke her down after years and that’s why she is the way she is or if she genuinely doesn’t like us,” said Dean. “I don’t know whether to feel sorry for her or not.”
“Well...I think there’s a difference between her failing to protect you and her actively hurting you. Only you and Sam would know what really happened there.”
“Going off of that logic she’s not a good person,” said Dean. “Our grandpa wasn’t so it makes sense in a way. I don’t understand why they hated Sam and me so much though.”
“I don’t understand how anyone could ever not want you either.” He smiled and you bent down, kissing his cheek and then his lips, Dean humming when you moved back.
“Well, I got more than enough people that want me in my life now,” he said. He reached up and kissed you as you sunk back down in bed. He put his hand on the back of your neck and you grabbed his hip, Dean smirking beside you. He was starting to breath a little harder, pants filling the air, when you heard the door creak open.
“Guess who made...seriously,” said Tessa. You both turned and saw her with a tray and some food on top. 
“Your sister’s hot, Tessa,” chuckled Dean. You smacked his chest lightly as you both sat up, Tessa setting the tray down on the end of the bed.
“Might want to knock from now on before you get a view of something mentally scaring,” you said.
“I’ll remember that,” she said. She turned to go when Dean tsked her. “Guys. Have morning sex or whatever you were doing.”
“A little kissing never hurt anyone,” you said, picking up a cinnamon roll from the plate. “This looks yummy.”
“What’s the occasion, Tess?” asked Dean, grabbing one himself without a wince, his ribs looking a lot better.
“I figured I could make breakfast,” she shrugged.
“As a doctor, this isn’t the healthiest thing I’d consider for breakfast. As myself, excellent choice,” said Dean. She started to go and he chuckled. “Tessa. Thank you very much.”
“You’re welcome,” she said, Toast trotting in and hopping up on the bed. “No Toast. Your food’s downstairs.”
“While I got you girls both here, I was wondering what you guys would like to do for Christmas?” he asked. “It’s only a little over a week away.”
“Oh,” she said before she looked at you. Dean raised an eyebrow and you shrugged. 
“Well don’t everyone be too over excited,” he said with a chuckle. “Come on, anything in the world, what do you guys want to do?”
“Y/N not have to work,” mumbled Tessa.
“I know for a fact she won’t. I also know for a fact that our offices will be closed aside from the doctor that always works that week anyways. All of our lab work goes out that week so a certain someone is going to have her first week off in a few years,” said Dean.
“Wait I get the whole week off?” you asked.
“Yup. We all do and it doesn’t count against vacation. It’s something that’s always been done as a treat to the employees. So. Everybody’s got the week off, even Sammy. I say us and Toast all go do something really fun.”
“Like what?” she asked.
“Well...would you guys be interested in going up north a bit to South Dakota? The past few years our friends all chip in to rent a big house and we celebrate up there. There’s snowboarding, skiing, a resort spa nearby. What do you guys think?”
“Can we afford that?” Tessa asked you.
“Yes we can and I think it sounds great,” you said. “You guys wanna go?”
“We can even get Toast a little jacket so he doesn’t get cold,” said Dean. “Jack will be there…”
“Shut up,” she said, pushing on his shoulder. “It sounds alright.”
“Just alright?” he teased. She rolled her eyes and got up, spinning back around and giving him a hug.
“Thanks,” she whispered.
“For what?” he asked quietly.
“I was starting to hate Christmas was all,” she said. He chuckled and reached over to his nightstand, taking out his wallet. He took out a few hundred and handed it over. “Uh, what’s this for?”
“Why don’t you go get yourself some winter boots and snowpants. My treat.”
“You don’t have any and you need it for the trip. Besides, Y/N’s going with you after we finish making out,” he said with a wink.
“You’re so gross,” she said. She hugged him again and he plopped back in bed, stretching out wide as she left.
“Dean. I know what you got her for Christmas,” you said. “You can’t give her money all the time.”
“Boots and pants and lunch for the both of you is gonna be a few hundred. Have a girls day. I have my own shopping to do for you anyways,” he said as you lay back.
“Dean I have a good job now. I can pay for those things.”
“Y/N. I make an assload. A day of you two going and having fun like sisters do is more than worth two hundred dollars to me,” he said. “This guy did it for me and Sam once. I’m actually just paying it back so really you can’t say no.”
“Fine,” you sighed. “But after we makeout.”
“Oh you’re not getting out of this bed without that happening,” he chuckled.
A/N: Read the Final Part here!
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jamespotterthefirst · 3 years
Lovely Bree, how are you doing? Firstly thank you so much for the amazing questions that you sent me for E & P. I loved answering them❤ Sending you a few questions about Ethan and Lilac which you have to answer as them💕
For Both:
1. Imagine you both are rival Detectives assigned to a common case. Who will be the one to solve it first? Or will you both join hands and solve it together?
2. What is the funniest thing your partner has done when they were drunk?
3. Favourite ice cream flavor of your partner?
4. What is a funny habit of your partner that you secretly like?
5. Have you ever done something only and only to annoy your partner?
6. How does your partner react when they are jealous?
For Lilac:
1. If you had to say I love you to Ethan without actually saying the words, how would you do it?
2. What is something that would make Ethan blush immediately?
3. If you were given an option to choose between writing a letter to Ethan once every month or writing him small notes everyday, which one would you choose?
4. What is the sweetest gift he has ever given you?
5. If you had to assign your relationship a fanfiction trope, which one would you choose?
For Ethan:
1. What is something that you started doing after getting into a relationship with Lilac?
2. If you could pick any three places to take her on a date, which ones would you choose? (They can anywhere around the world)
3. You have been asked to put together a care package for Lilac. What things do you put in it?
4. Which hobbies/interests of Lilac do you find weird?
5. If you had to put together a bouquet for Lilac usig any two flowers, which ones would you choose?
Thank you so much for these! I am so happy you liked the Ethan x Pooja ones. And it means so much that you UNO reverse card-ed me! LOVE YOU!
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For Both:
1. Imagine you both are rival Detectives assigned to a common case. Who will be the one to solve it first? Or will you both join hands and solve it together?
Lilac: *giddy with excitement*
Ethan: Here we go...
Lilac: First, rival detectives? That would be so hot. Ethan would secretly be in love with me, no doubt about it. He'd walk around his precinct, in a foul mood after a run-in with that insolent Detective Allende. He'd go on rants through gritted teeth about how she thinks she's above procedure and how she fancies herself a rebel--
Ethan: You're having way too much fun with this.
Lilac: --but really he'd be frustrated that he couldn't press me against a wall and kiss me senseless.
Ethan: *doesn't deny it* You're forgetting the original question, love.
Lilac: I'm setting the stage, babe. You being madly in love with me is important to the plot. Okay, so regarding the case... Even though we would each make impressive headway by ourselves, we are each missing a piece the other has. For example, I'd be pretty good about examining the timeline and interviewing suspects and any person of interest.
Ethan: Then, with the information she secures, I would be relentless about acquiring hard evidence that could really lead to a conviction. We would make a stellar team.
Lilac: Once you focused on the case and not on my lips.
Ethan: *with a ghost of a smile* An impossible feat but one I have years of experience trying to achieve.
2. What is the funniest thing your partner has done when they were drunk?
Ethan: My alcohol tolerance is excellent. I don't get drunk.
Lilac: Yes, he does. He might not be a loud, emotional drunk like I am, but his cheeks get flushed the cutest shade of red and his eyes sparkle in the sexiest way. He gets into this highly intellectual and argumentative state of mind, challenging anyone who is nearby to a philosophical debate. The funniest thing he's done while drunk is lecture my friends and I about why do we, as humans, strive for perfection if it is not attainable. It was hot.
Ethan: It was necessary.
Lilac: None of my friends were up for the challenge. It’s difficult to initiate an intellectual debate with Cardi B playing in the background and with tequila shots flowing freely amongst the group.
Ethan: Speaking of non-stop tequila shots, the funniest thing Lilac has done while intoxicated is text me incessantly, telling me how much she missed me and how badly she wished I was next to her.
Lilac: That’s more sweet than it is funny, babe.
Ethan: I was right next to you. I was the one holding you up for balance. 
3. Favourite ice cream flavor of your partner?
Lilac: My husband doesn’t care much for your run-of-the-mill ice cream pint. His favorite flavor is mascarpone with wild berries gelato. He also loves Affogato. Naturally. 
Ethan: Lilac loves most flavors, especially anything with dark chocolate. But even more than ice cream, she loves--
Lilac: Fro-yo
Ethan: -- frozen yogurt. Plain tart with strawberries, blueberries, and granola. 
4. What is a funny habit of your partner that you secretly like?
Ethan: I love the scented candles she’s so fond of having around the house. 
Lilac: I knew it!  My favorite funny habit of his is when he tucks Jenner in at night. He pretends that dog isn’t our fur baby, but Ethan plays the perfect father every day.
Ethan: He’s a pet, Lilac, not a child.
Lilac: He’s a baby and the being you professed to love most in the world.
Ethan: *holding her gaze* Not anymore.
5. Have you ever done something only and only to annoy your partner?
Lilac: Yes! I asked him to take me to Rome for our honeymoon only so I could order an Espresso Romano. 
Ethan: Exactly what I asked you not to do. 
Lilac: You mean what you were rambling about during our first date? Because I’m counting that.
Ethan: Fine. I was far too distracted by the beautiful doctor in front of me. It just slipped out. I never imagined I’d be marrying you one day and taking you on a honeymoon to Rome.
Lilac: But I bet if you knew that much then, you wouldn’t have minded.
Ethan: No, I wouldn’t have. 
6. How does your partner react when they are jealous?
Lilac: He clenches that magnificent jaw of his and speaks in growls. 
Ethan: *shaking his head* She stays really quiet and I can practically see the gears turning in her head. Then, minutes later, she’ll start asking me “causal” questions about the person she’s jealous of. 
Lilac: I have to gather as much intel as possible about this rival of mine.
Ethan: *lifting her hand to kiss her knuckles* There’s no such rivalry, love. No one will ever capture my attention like you have. 
For Lilac:
1. If you had to say I love you to Ethan without actually saying the words, how would you do it?
Lilac: I would hold his gaze as I press my body close to his, raising myself on my tip toes to press a single kiss on his cheek. I’d trace the pad of my thumb along his cheekbone, my other hand at his chest. I do it everyday... Everyday since the attack, when we couldn’t touch each other without plastic in the way. It’s my quiet way of telling him how much I love him and how I’m not going anywhere. 
2. What is something that would make Ethan blush immediately?
Lilac: *laughs* It’s so easy to make him blush for someone so stoic. A sure way is to lean in and whisper anything romantic in his ear. It can be anything really and he’ll turn beet red. It’s so endearing. He will get this little surprised look on his face, as though he can’t believe what’s happening.
Ethan: That’s because I can’t. I am unable to believe my luck that the most beautiful woman on Earth loves me as much as I love her.
*Lilac blushes. Ethan looks satisfied and completely in awe of her.*
3. If you were given an option to choose between writing a letter to Ethan once every month or writing him small notes everyday, which one would you choose?
Lilac: The notes, for sure! In fact, I already write him those almost every morning and ever evening. He even bought a magnetic whiteboard for the refrigerator for me to write those. He insists on taking a picture of them before we erase them. 
4. What is the sweetest gift he has ever given you?
Lilac: He flew my whole family from LA, including my grandma, to celebrate my last birthday in Cape Cod. It was the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me. 
5. If you had to assign your relationship a fanfiction trope, which one would you choose?
Ethan: What the hell is fanfiction?
Lilac: It’s exactly what it sounds like, babe. It’s pieces of fiction written about fans of a work. For example, people who love Harry Potter will then go and write their own works with these characters. 
Ethan: People do that?
Lilac: Hey, don’t knock it! Some people are so talented and put out excellent works. I used to read HP fanfiction when I was in high school and undergrad.
Ethan: I’m not judging at all. On the contrary, I’m surprised people do this for free. I admire the dedication.
Lilac: Our trope would absolutely be slow burn.
Ethan: ...?
Lilac: It means it took us entirely too long to end up together.
Ethan: Ah. In that case, I agree. 
For Ethan:
1. What is something that you started doing after getting into a relationship with Lilac?
Ethan: Homemade salsa. My wife is very particular about it and will eat most meals with it. She will not accept anything less than homemade and I love her for it. 
2. If you could pick any three places to take her on a date, which ones would you choose? (They can anywhere around the world)
Ethan: She doesn’t know this but, I am taking her to France for the final part of our honeymoon. Our schedules didn’t allow for the extended honeymoon we both wanted, so we split it up into parts. She still thinks it was only two parts, Rome and the Mayan Riviera, but I’m taking her to France next month. She’s always wanted to go to Paris, the countryside, and the French Riviera. 
3. You have been asked to put together a care package for Lilac. What things do you put in it?
Ethan: She told me about the candy her grandmother used to bring her from Mexico. Those would go in there. I’d add essential oils, since she’s fond of those. I’d add her favorite scented lotions and those fuzzy socks she collects. 
4. Which hobbies/interests of Lilac do you find weird?
Ethan: I don’t understand her complicated orders for iced coffee when we go to a coffeeshop. She will give the poor barista a long list of flavors she wants, describe in number of “pumps”. It’s iced coffee! There’s no amount of flavoring that could salvage that atrocity.  
5. If you had to put together a bouquet for Lilac using any two flowers, which ones would you choose?
Ethan: *smiles briefly* I would consider lilacs to tease her. She pretends to hate them because they’re her namesake and people have always assumed she likes them solely for that reason. Now, she likes them because she knows I am fond of them. They remind me of her for obvious reasons but also because they are the earliest flowers to bloom in Spring. They represent renewal, hope for something better to come, and first love. I found all of those things in Lilac. 
But since this bouquet is for her, I would use peonies and sunflowers since they are her favorites. Maybe jasmines since it’s her favorite scent. 
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marvelsbetch · 3 years
Peter Parker’s field trip part 2
March 7th
Peter's POV
I woke up peacefully to Friday playing Highway to Hell and telling me it was 6:30am and I needed to get up for school. Concerned for Wade's sleeping I quickly told Friday to be quiet and that I was up, I obviously didn't want to wake him at such a cruel hour.
Stumbling out of my room in a sleep filled haze, almost walking into the door frame and tripping over my shoes, I made my way to the kitchen to find Pops trying to cook breakfast and silently arguing with Thor who put his hammer in front of the fridge yet again, Loki really is a bad influence on the God.
"Uncle Thor please move the hammer so I can have breakfast. Please." I requested giving him my puppy dog eyes knowing he can't resist them.
With a small grunt Thor moved his hammer and set it on top of the kitchen counter out of people way. Pops sent me a grateful look before pulling eggs, milk and cheese out of the fridge to make Captain America's famous omelette. I smiled slightly and moved to sit on one of the bar stools at the island counter and watched slowly as all the Avengers plus Loki, T'Challa and Shuri were woken up by the amazing smell. All but my boyfriend who could probably sleep through an earthquake, hurricane and tsunami all at once. It's a gift.
-1 hour later-
After breakfast I got ready to just come back here, grabbed my back, kissed my now awake boyfriend goodbye, hugged my Dads goodbye and made my way to the car with Happy prepared to take me to school. On the way Happy gave me a lecture on how I was basically representing Dad and SI so I should be on my best behaviour. It was boring and in all honest, I'd heard it before on the field trip to the zoo we have last month, that didn't end well in all honesty. It's better left saying some monkeys escaped and it totally wasn't my fault.
"Right Kid. We're hear, I'll pick you up tomorrow from here so message me when you're on your way back to school." He told me, I could tell he was going to miss me but I could also tell he was looking forward to the extra one hours sleep he was going to get tomorrow from not needing to drop me off.
"Bye Happy. Tell everyone I'll miss them. See you tomorrow and I'll give regular update and text you if anything happens." I told him before exiting the car and walking up to Ned who was waiting outside the bus ready for me.
"Hey man. You looking forward to the surprise field trip?" Ned asked as we stepped onto the bus.
"Not really. I'm gonna miss everyone at the tower. Wade arrived last night as well so I'm not gonna see him for like another two days." I sighed as we sat down next to each other in the middle of the bus.
"Hey penis. I know what the field trip is and you're gonna be in so much shit." Flash tainted as he passed us.
"Steve wouldn't be happy with your language." I mumbled so only Ned heard. We both giggled a little but everyone was soon quietened down by Mrs Robbins shouting at us.
"Okay so before we leave we must take role call to see who's here." She explained and started reading names off of her sheet. Everyone responded with a simple yes miss and everything was going well until she got to my name.
"Patricia Parker!" She yelled and looked directly at me. I simply ignored it and continued to stare out of the window until she shouted it again louder.
"Come on Penis just answer. Don't try and stall this." Flash huffed from the back of the bus.
"Fine. Peter Parker is here." I told her emphasising the work 'Peter'.
"What ever." She grumbled going back to role call.
-30 minutes later-
As we were driving I noticed a lot of places, it took a few seconds until it finally clicked as to where we were going. Stark Industries. Over night. Oh dear.
“Right kids. We're going to be there in roughly 5 minutes so please get you begs sorted, make sure your areas are clean and you have everything with you." Mrs Robbins told us from the front of the bus.
"I bet you'd recognise this way from your internship, if it was real." Flash sneered as if it was going to affect me.
Soon we pulled into the visitor parking lot and exited the car. I was slightly shaking with anxiety especially when Happy and two other security guards, Johnson and Stone (I don't know their first names) walked over to us and started running through the security guidelines.
"And finally and type of bullying or intolerance towards anyone inside this building with not be tolerated and the person doing it will be kicked out immediately. That could be in 10 minutes or at 2:00 in the morning. It will not be tolerated." Happy finished giving me a look that said 'I know something you don't know I know'. Shit.
"Okay now that that is out of the way with, follow us." Happy said leading us inside the lobby of the building by swiping his security card.
“Okay we're gonna give you all access passes. These are the lowest of the 10 levels you get get so basically all you can use them for is the toilet. We have a strict no re-printing policy and a display policy. In other words you must always have your pass on display on your outer most layer of clothing, if it's lost then you will be searched and escorted out of the building if it is not found. Let that be a warning to everyone." Johnson explained as Stone started handing out the passes, glossing over me, Ned and MJ of course, until everyone had them.
Me, Ned and MJ all had to pull out our avenger themed cards. Mine was half and half Iron Man and Captain America cause there my dads. Ned's was a combo of everyone's as he couldn't decide which one he preferred. MJ went for Nat cause MJ liked the fact that she, and Pepper, could control all of us and was the only girl original Avenger. MJ admires her as a icon for women.
"Okay everyone scan your passes as you walk through the scanner like this." Stone demonstrated as he scanned his pass and walked through the scanner with his hands out.
"Logan Stone. Security level clearance:8. No unauthorised items." F.R.I.D.A.Ys voice announced.
"Now all of you do it." Happy instructed.
Everyone started going through the scanner, Flash being the most smug as his level 1 clearance was announced, until it got the the final three. Me, Ned and MJ. MJ decided to go first, F.R.I.D.A.Y announced her name, level 9 security clearance and the fact she had no unauthorised items with her. Next was Ned, F.R.I.D.A.Y announced his name, level 9 security clearance and the fact he had no unauthorised items. Next was me, I was dreading it.
"Come on Patricia, just admit your internship is fake now and save us all the trouble." Flash shouted over everyone making Happy stop and glare at him. He was about to make a move towards Flash but I put my hand out and stopped him.
"Just leave it Hap. He's not worth cancelling whatever Dad's got planned." I told him in a low voice trying to be unheard.
"He says one more thing and I'll knock him out." Happy threatened.
"I have no doubt you will." I sighed and decided I stalled enough. I quickly scanned my card and walked through the scanner with my hands up like everyone else.
"Peter Stark-Rodgers, level 10 security clearance. No unauthorised items. Mr Stark-Rodgers has already been informed of your arrival. Thank you for using the front entrance." F.R.I.D.A.Ys robotic but slightly sarcastic voice announced.
The tour started off normal. One of the actual interns, Owen, greeted us and me separately. We were quite good friends as he was one of the people to help me when Wade asked me out, I will be eternally grateful to him.
"Okay, our first stop on this tour is the avengers museum. You will be allowed to take photos but please refrain from touching anything as they could activate. Everything thing in this room is the real deal except a few things. We will also be trying to lift Thor's hammer in this room with him there of course." Owen explained. So, this is where Dads plans begin.
We walked into the museum and was greeted with 3 main area. Original Avengers, later added Avengers and Avengers associates. Then, I saw a red and blue display. Spider-Man has his own display IN THE LATER ADDED AVENGERS SECTION. Did this mean Dad wanted me to be an Avenger? What's going on? Did Fury know about this?
Ned grabbed my hand and led me to the display cases where I saw my old suit and computers next to replicas and photos of my current ones. This is so cool.
“Spider-Man is the latest mighty hero to join the Avengers in their mission to protecc the Earth and Asgard. Spider-Man has been described my many to be funny, witty and charming. He the only Avenger to have not revelled his identity yet but we are sure he will in due time. Fun facts about Spider-Man:
He is afraid of Spiders ironically,
He's a complete Daddy's boy,
He made his first suit himself,
He lives with Tony and Steve Stark-Rodgers,
And finally, he can rival Tony Stark-Rodgers levels of Sass." Ned read from the information
I silently groaned at the second fun fact knowing full well Dad was just trying to boost his ego. Oh well, it's kind of hard not to be true.
"Oo Penis Parker checking out the exhibit on his 'friends'." Flash sneered putting air quotes around 'friends'.
"Right, come along people. We have an exclusive lecture with Dr Banner on Gamma radiation and how it affects the human body. Everybody make and orderly que and and we can make our way there." Owen informed and instructed.
We all qued up with me and my friends at the back and started to walk towards the elevator to go to Bruce's lab. Once we found ourselves outside of the lab the reality of the situation set in, we're going to be talking to my Uncle Bruce. While no one in the class knows he's my Uncle and I'm with my Bully and Transphobic teacher. I dread to think what's about to happen.
"Okay kids. Be very polite and respectful, we don't want a code Green." Owen instructed before knocking on the door and waiting for Bruce to open it as Owen didn't have high enough clearance to open the door.
After a minute of waiting and no sign of Bruce Owen knocked again but to no avail. I knew that Bruce was working on a new project last night so it's highly likely he's asleep so I stepped forward, security card in hand and swiped it for entrance.
"Peter Parker, access granted." F.R.I.D.A.Ys voice sounded from above the door way.
I opened the door slowly and saw Bruce asleep on the couch. Motioning for everyone to give me a minute I creeped into the room to gently wake him up.
"Uncle Bruce, you have to give my class a lecture. Uncle Bruce wake up." I said softly and gently shook him awake.
"What? Peter? Aren't you supposed to be in school?" Bruce asked slowly sat up.
"I'm on a field trip and you're supposed to give a lecture to my class. They're all outside but you fell asleep." I informed him.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry. Ask them to give me a minute and I'll be mostly ready. Thanks Pete." Bruce replied scrambling to clean up a little bit and get sorted.
"He'll just be a minute." I informed my class while exiting the room waiting for Bruce when I heard Uncle Clint shifting in the vents. Oh no, this has been planned.
“Hello Midtown. Sorry for the delay, life of a stressed scientist. I'm sure most of you know what that's like. Come in, take a seat and please excuse the mess." Bruce greeted and opened the door wider for us to enter.
We all shuffled into the highly cluttered room and sat down in one of the fold out chairs set us in the centre of the room infront  of three dry erase boards. Uncle Bruce started his lecture but I soon tuned him out as I had heard it all before.
"Peter!" Clint yelled popping his head out from the vent with a grin on his face.
"Barton." I said in a monotone voice to hopefully convey my disinterest in whatever he was planning.
"I was asking if I could go into your room to borrow some silly string. Tony fucked with a few of my arrows and I'm not happy about it. I was literally shocked!" He shouted the last sentence making me wince and cover my ears.
"Yes you may but only one can. I need the rest for Loki cause he's the only one out of all of you that hasn't had a string attack yet. Hopping to change that soon." I informed.
"Cool. I'm taking the blue one. Bye, see you later." He waved before disappearing back into the vents and crawling away.
"He has this all planned doesn't he?" I asked Uncle Bruce signing slightly.
"Sorry kid." He smirked and continued with his lecture despite people only being focused on gawping at me.
Soon after that his lecture was finished and we moved on. Owen took us to a more general development lab where people started their testing to see if it was possible and worth perusing. As soon as we entered I was greeted with Shuri running towards me and hugging me tightly.
"Shuri, you literally saw me last night. Why are you hugging me so tightly?" I asked smiling slightly.
"I still missed you. Brother has been boring but these labs are very interesting, still they would be more so with you here." She told me pulling away and looking at my astonished class.
"Hello children of Midtown High School. I am Shuri Princess of Wakanda and this is my brother, the king." Shuri introduced smiling at everyone's shocked faces.
"I can introduce myself sister." T'Challa told her.
"Now you know how I feel." She told him smirking before walking off to see one of the experiments happening in the room.
We looked around the lab for a little while, I helped a few people with equations and how to improve their testing. Shuri and I shouted memes and vines at each other from across the room. Flask and Mrs Robbins glared at me any chance they got.
"Right Children, it's time for lunch. You've been privileged enough to have lunch on the level 7 balcony right near the landing pad. Please be calm and sensible and respectful of the employees eating there." Owen explained and lead us up to the eating deck.
Once there I immediately noticed Uncle Thor and Loki waiting around the corner obviously looking for me. They truly planned this. Anyway, me, Ned and MJ all walked over to an empty table and they took out their lunches when I noticed I left mine in the kitchen this morning. Shoot.
"Peter!" I hear Thor yell as he and Loki walk around the corner with his arms out.
"Hello Thor. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked jokingly formally.
"Does one need a reason to visit his favourite nephew?" Thor asked bringing me into a hug, possibly crushing everyone of my ribs in the process, while Loki stood awkwardly to the side.
"If your all going to embarrass me can I ask you a favour in return?" I asked the brothers.
"Of course Peter! Anything for my nephew!" Thor all but yelled and clapped me on the back.
"Yeah, I left my lunch on the kitchen counter today. Could you possibly run up and get it for me please." I requested when a flying object fell from the sky.
My lunch.
"YOUR WELCOME!" I heard Sam yell from above us.
"THANKS BIRD BRAIN!" I yelled back at him and sat back down as the table, Thor and Loki soon following.
"Peter, I was wondering later if you could help me with my magic. I've been trying to work on my long distance aim and I think you'd be the perfect person to practice with." Loki asked shyly, he still isn't comfortable with all of us yet but he's made loads of progress.
"To hit or to avoid?" I jokingly asked earning a slight laugh out of the giant.
"To miss. I'll place the object I want to hit next to you and 'throw' a spell at it. If you're next to it it gives me more motivation to not hit it." Loki explained.
"Yeah sure I'll do that. What time were you thinking?" I asked.
"Well, you're class is staying the night and tomorrow day so maybe we could find time tonight or tomorrow night." Loki said making me realise my entire class has witnessed this entire encounter. For frick sake.
"Peter!" The deep voice of Bucky yelled from the doorway to the balcony.
My entire class looked in shock as I hugged good bye to the Gods and James 'Bucky' Barnes walked over to me with a bag and an apron saying 'Kiss the cook' on it. Once he was within range I could smell the contents of the bag. White chocolate and caramel cookies. My favourite.
"I made cookies and thought you might like some while they're hot." He explained handing me the beg witch I immediately accepted and took a cookie from.
"Thank you Uncle Bucky." I said but it was muffled by the whole cookie I shoved into my mouth. Classy.
"Hey you said you'd wait for me!" I hear my boyfriend shout appearing at the doorway and running towards me with his arms spread.
"I said I was leaving in one minute and you could come if you wanted. I never said I'd wait for you cause I know how long you can take." Bucky complained to Wade who crushed me into a hug and kissed my lips briefly.
My entire class and teacher were stunned at this point. Every single jaw, except Ned and MJ's, was on the floor. When Wade kissed me I could faintly see from the corner of my eye my teacher so red and angry. Close minded female dog.
"I've not seen you all day how are you?" Wade asked pulling away.
"I'm fine, you saw me less than a few hours ago. Not much changed." I told him smiling a little and pulling him into another kiss. I did this to annoy my teacher but mainly because I just loved to kiss my boyfriend. Sue me.
"I know but anything could happen while I'm not there. I love you too much to allow anything to happen to you." He said to me after a solid 40 seconds of kissing.
"Right well, I'm gonna go back upstairs. Wade, you can stay with Peter as long as you keep your hands to yourself." Bucky warned before walking off back into the tower and Me and Wade sat down with me on his lap.
After a few minuets the shock wore off and people started whispering and pointing at me and Wade. Nothing I didn't expect if I'm honest but it's a lot more annoying than I thought it would be.
“I love you Wade." I said putting my head on his chest and eating my cookies.
"I lub you too Pete." He responded making me giggle a little. "And you're ass that will be mine tonight." He whispered seductively into my ear and gently grabbed my ass.
"You two make me want to be sick." MJ joked making a disgusted face at us before continuing with her lunch.
"Right everyone, we have ten minutes before we need to move on." Owen warned.
To be continued...
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🎃 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 🎃 |
↪ ✦ close your eyes ✦
this chapter pairing; sub!seokmin x vampire!reader
genre&warnings; vampire!reader, sub!seokmin, dacryphilia(crying kink baybeee)🥴, corruption kink kinda went brrr in this a little, lots of teasing, dirty talk, a little mutual masturbation, tiniest hint of orgasm denial, whiny needy seokmin, allusions to subspace.
he said:
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notes; THE-- ☠️ I exposed my crying kink in sdpp so we out here living our best lives now 😗💖 also seokmin being a whiny baby and crying bc everything you do to him is new and just too much for him is so fuckin hot ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ HENNYWAYS, you guys!! I cant believe monster mash is almost at the end, how the hell?!? this went by so fast 😭💕 and thank you for all the love and support on each chapter! even when tumb1r seems to hate me!! Lol, and for those in SoCal, be safe! stay indoors if u can, wear a mask if u have to be outside! And stay hydrated!! I’ll see y’all tomorrow! 🎃 👻 💕
word count; ~2300
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - x - x - x - x - x
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you take a drag, i take a sip;
i want your legendary kiss
you know i got designer taste;
and your design’s too good to waste
when the beast comes out at night;
yeah, it always wants a bite
and i try, try to resist;
but then the devil always wins.
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Seokmin doesn’t believe in vampires.
He thinks Halloween is fun, but doesn’t believe in ghosts, demons or anything of the sort so he spends the night in; feet propped up on the coffee table as he watches another rerun of another vampire horror flick that he’d seen at least two times prior.
It’d been thankfully quiet for most of the night, despite the pouring rain and periodic thunder claps, but he enjoyed the way it added to the spooky atmosphere of the holiday.
Seokmin scoffs at the TV a few moments later, hand lodged deep in the bowl sitting in his lap. “Vampires aren’t even real.” He mutters.
“Says who?”
The bowl of popcorn in his lap is sent flying, and he acts quicker than he, himself, anticipates. “Who the fuck are you!? How did you get in here!?” His eyes dance over to the front door still locked and momentarily wonders if he left a window open.
He pales, realizing that it’d be impossible anyway.
Seokmin lived on the 17th floor of the building.
“Well!? Fuck---I’m---I’m gonna call the c-cops!” His shaky hands reach for his cell phone on the coffee table as you giggle.
You take a seat on his sofa, picking off a piece of discarded popcorn as you pop it into your mouth. “And tell them what? Exactly?”
“That there’s a psycho in my fuckin’ apartment and that you broke in!” Seokmin holds onto his phone a little tighter, palms clammy. He didn’t even hear the door open. You nod, pretending to think. “Oookay, so what are you gonna tell them when I do this?” You disappear in a puff of smoke and Seokmin feels like he’s going to throw up.
“Boo!” You whisper from behind him, laughing when he runs roward and trips back onto the sofa. “What the fuck!?” His eyes show panic and confusion, shaky fingers letting go of the phone that was in his hand as it clatters to the floor.
“I--What are y-you? Please, don’t take my soul, it’s all I have left! I swear!”
You can’t help the laugh that bubbles up from your throat, doubling over as he watches in fear. “Why are you laughing!?”
“I---you--you’re a funny one!” You wipe a stray tear from your eye as you catch your breath. “No, I don’t want your soul, I just want something to eat, that’s all~”
Seokmin’s eyes only read confusion when he stares back at you. “You want… food?”
You smile wide and Seokmin finally understands.
Ah. That kind.
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He doesn’t know why he agrees. 
Maybe it’s in his kind and innocent nature to believe you won’t suck him dry like a caprisun, but he agrees.
Maybe part of it is curiosity too and maybe part of him feels bad that maybe you haven’t fed in a while, but he introduces himself after you do and he finds himself trusting you a little bit more.
He’s not totally sure why.
“So----So how does this work, do I just---” He cuts himself off as he shakily turns his head to the side. “Wait, how do I know this isn’t a Halloween prank?! Did Jeonghan put you up to this?”
“Oh! Jeonghan, you know him?”
Seokmin’s eyes almost fall out of his skull. This couldn’t be happening. “Are we talking about the same Jeonghan? Yoon Jeonghan?”
“Yeah, lanky guy with brown hair, right? Super lethargic?”
Yep. That was Jeonghan.
Seokmin nods slowly, still a little perplexed. “So, why do you know him exactly? He hasn’t replied to my texts for the last three days... You didn’t... do something to him, did you?” You sit next to Seokmin on the sofa and he flinches almost immediately; scooting over a little more to put some space in between you two.
  He wouldn’t admit it right now, but he thought you were really pretty.
“Um, no. He’s out of town and maybe just ignoring you but he lets me feed sometimes, y’know, when he is around. Maybe that’s why I was drawn here, y’know? Familiarity.” Damn.
Seokmin does feel a little bad now; for himself and for you. He bites his lip as the heat rushes to his face. “How---how do you usually, um, d-do it with Jeonghan?” The heat rushes down his body at the same time at his unintentional innuendo. “I mean, no! Not---not that, I meant how you feed! Fuck, sorry!”
Grinning, you’re quick to make your move as you push Seokmin down onto the sofa and straddle his waist.
The words are caught in his throat as he watches you lean over to the coffee table to pluck out a lollipop from the bowl of candy. You unwrap it, licking it once before you bring it down towards his lips. He shakily parts them, welcoming the cherry flavoured candy into his mouth.
“You see, Seokmin,” You start, hands already roaming down his torso as he moans around the candy. “When people think of vampires, they think vampires just feed whenever, right? Just a quick bite here and they’re done.” He nods. “But that’s no fun~ So some of us like to play a little first, y’know? Get the blood rushing~”
You cup him through his sweats as he whines and he’s quick to thrust his hips up into your touch before he can even think properly.
Oh, fuck! Don’t do that! He tells himself.
A giggle from you is all it takes for him to blush even harder. “It’s okay, Seokmin. I want you to feel good too. Don’t you wanna feel good?”
“Y-yeah… O-okay…” His voice is muffled slightly from the candy still in his mouth, but he allows himself to lean into your touch. In truth, he was a little scared and a little nervous and he knew you could tell.
“Have you ever done anything… with restraints? Or things like orgasm denial?” You pluck the lollipop from his mouth; a thread of spit connecting it to his lips before you bring it to your own mouth. You quickly bite down on the hard candy, breaking it down into small pieces before swallowing. Seokmin grimaces a little.
“Um…” He’d never even heard of orgasm denial before, much less even had a thought about restraints. “...No. I--I’ve only… um… done it twice...”
You grin down at him, eyes flashing red. “Oh, Seokmin… you have so much to learn.”
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You like shy Seokmin.
Maybe even a little too much.
“A-ah, no… no more t-teasing, I--ah!” He lets out a choked sob, hips thrusting up as you continue to tease the head of his cock. You move frustratingly slow and you don’t even bother to wrap your whole hand around him, instead just rubbing your palm across the tip as the tears pool up in his eyes.
“I--I don’t---mmh!” Seokmin bites his lip. He’s never felt quite like this before and the feeling was good, but unfamiliar.
“Don’t even think of cumming either~”
“But--” He chokes up again, except this time he can’t stop the tear that slides down the side of his face. You smile down at him, licking your lips.
“You’re so cute when you cry~ So pretty~” You pity him a little so you wrap your hand around his cock, working your hand up and down his shaft as he lets out a shaky breath. He’s unsure of where to put his hands, so he keeps them crossed over his chest, sweater paws keeping his clammy palms contained as he watches you.
“I--p--please, can I c-cum?” He whispers, voice small and slurred. “Nope~”
He lets out a small sob as he tries to blink away the tears.
When you feel him getting close, you pull your hand off of him; easing off of his lap and to the other side of the sofa. Seokmin watches in confusion, sitting up slightly as he watches you slide your panties down your legs. You toss the material at him, laughing when it falls onto his cock.
“We’re gonna play a little game~” He watches with an open mouth as you spread your legs; gulping when you immediately run your precum covered fingers through your wet folds. “We’re gonna touch ourselves just like this, across from each other, and if you can hold off your orgasm for, oh let’s say, 10 more minutes? Then I’ll reward you.”
“And---and if I c-can’t?”
“If you can’t… Hmm~ Then I’ll have to bring my ropes next time~” You wink at him, fingers pinching your clit as you moan out loud. The noise is enough for Seokmin’s cock to twitch and he wraps a shaky hand around himself as he watches you touch yourself from across the sofa. He uses your panties too, covering them in the precum that leaks from the head of his cock. 
It falls into relative silence as Seokmin bites into the neck of his sweater to keep in his high pitched whines and cries. He watches as you sink two fingers into your cunt and he sobs as he thrusts up into the his fist and your panties wrapped around his cock.
This is unfair, he thinks. 
“Mmh Seokmin~ I’m already imagining your cock fucking into me so deep… Ah, my fingers just aren’t enough~” Teasingly, you curl and scissor your fingers inside of your tight warmth, genuinely imagining it’s Seokmin instead. He releases the sweater material from between his teeth, drool dripping from his lips and eyes pooling with tears ready to spill.
“Please, I, hic, I--I can’t h-hold off, hic, I need t-to, hah, c--cum… I--I can’t...”
In a flash, the air is knocked out of Seokmin’s lungs as his back hits the sofa and he’s staring up at the ceiling. His sticky fingers find purchase in the material of his sweater again as you crawl back into his lap. You pry off the soaking panties covering his cock, tossing them to the coffee table as he groans.
You wrap a hand around his leaking cock, moving your hand up and down a few times before you use your thumb and index finger to circle the base as you squeeze hard. “Just a whiny baby boy crying and begging to cum. So cute~”
He squirms underneath you as he tries to get you to do something but you hold steady, fingertips wrapped around the base of his cock to keep him from cumming. “Now now, Seokmin. I’ll let you cum. But you have to be patient~ If you cum without my permission, I’ll make you wait even longer~”
Seokmin nods feverishly, uncaring of what came after. You still hadn’t fed from him too and he could’ve cared less about that.
You let go of his cock as he releases a shaky breath and he watches through foggy eyes as you raise your body until you’re hovering just above his cock. You use your hand to position him right at your entrance and Seokmin lets out a sharp whine when you drop yourself down onto his cock in one fluid motion.
“A-ah, fuh--fuck!”
Your pussy is warm, wet and tight and Seokmin is really fighting a losing battle at this point.
He cries quietly, hips canting up to meet you bouncing in his lap.
“Mmh~ Seokminnie crying making me so fuckin’ wet~ Ah~ I’m gonna cum soon too~”
His head is fuzzy and every new sensation makes his body react in a way he never knew it could. The tears blur his vision but he can already feel his cock twitching and body tensing up slightly; a telltale sign that he was already close.
“I, hic, please…” He slurs out, already too far gone. His body felt weightless; a slight floating feeling overcoming him as he continued to fuck up into you. 
Your eyes flash crimson and you pry one of his arms away from his clothed chest, pushing the sleeve back as you kiss his wrist.
“Okay Seokmin~ I want you to cum, baby boy. Let me feel your cock throbbing and filling me up with your warm cum~”
Seokmin could die and be happy, thank you’s rolling off of his tongue through choked cries as he finally lets himself go.
The pleasure washes over him after a few more swivels of your hips and he barely even registers the fact you’ve already sunk your fangs into his wrist, too lost in his own bliss. 
You moan against his skin, drinking up just enough to get him lightheaded before you’re lapping up the wound.
Seokmin tasted extra sweet.
Licking your lips, you release his arm as it falls limp next to his body and you immediately bring your fingers down to your clit, rubbing harsh and quick circles on the nub to get yourself to cum.
“Oh, god, Seokmin!” You cry; walls fluttering around Seokmin’s overly sensitive cock as he whines and squirms underneath you.
You ride out your high, hips coming to a stop as you catch your breath above him. Seokmin, on the other hand, feels a little delirious and warm; fingertips twitching at his sides. “Ngh…” He whimpers, unable to even speak with how exhausted he felt.
You lift your hips, cum sliding down Seokmin’s cock as he groans in oversensitivity. “Ah~ Look at how much cum you spilled in me, Seokminnie~” His bleary eyes watch as you let the cum slide out of your pussy and right over his cock and he almost, almost hates the way his cock twitches as the sight.
Sitting back on his thighs, you watch him bask in his post-orgasm glow; smacking your lips as you reach for another lollipop from the coffee table. “So~ How did you like it?” You ask, a teasing lilt in your voice when you visibly see his cock twitch.
His throat feels dry, that’s all he knows. 
Seokmin’s clammy palms slide back into his sweater paws, pressed tight against his chest again as he gently leans up. You can’t help but smirk at his appearance; puffy red eyes from crying and cheeks stained with drying tears with his cock still curving up to his abdomen covered in his own cum.
“I---s--so what’re you g-gonna teach m-me next…?”
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aching-tummies · 3 years
I'm not as good with words/scenario/description as your first RP-esque submission...but here goes. I want to finger your navel during that 24+hours of no food followed by feeding. Hungry, stuffed--don't care, just wanna force my finger(s) into your navel and enjoy the moans and groans both from your tum tum from you.
No worries! You don't have to be good at descriptive writing or anything to message me. Coherent/understandable English is preferred though.
Before responding to this in an RP-way I wanna say that I was actually doing what you described while writing the first RP-response. I was actually hungry when I wrote the first one and I actually pressed my thumb deep into my navel and felt the bumps of my intestines and whatnot within. I felt them vibrating with the rumbles. It was great ^^
I groan as I’m torn from the peaceful embrace of sleep by some sharp, rumbling ache. The first thing that registers is the weird texture on my teeth. I’m biting my pillow…but that only happens when I’m—a deep grumble cuts off that thought and I release the fabric from between my teeth.
“Ugh…just what do you think you’re doing?” My tone is sharp and it cuts through the silence of our bedroom like a knife. I’m not pleased at being woken up by induced hunger pangs. That’s what you’ve done…like how hospitals sometimes induce labor—you’ve induced the hollow cramps and snarling rumbles from my bowels.
Your hand lingers on my stomach, your fingers worming their way into my navel. Two of your fingers manage to wedge themselves in there and begin to pull apart, stretching the tight ring of flesh and triggering another painful rumble from my guts. I slap at your hands but that only succeeds in pushing your fingers deeper and I gasp as your thumb jabs into a sensitive area. It’s gotta be some nerve or a very sensitive part of my intestines based on the intense sensation. It’s sort of like the feeling of hitting your funny bone…there’s that cramping, almost unbearable sensation like something very raw got scraped. I feel the pain of the jab reverberating throughout my entire gut, the epicenter feeling like a throbbing wound. The ‘reverb’ triggers a cacophony of growls throughout my digestive tract. A deep, hollow, guttural snarl is squeezed from the area I am sure contains my actual stomach organ. My body attempts to curl in on itself again but the action crushes your hand deeper into my poor belly. Your thumb is pressed deep into my navel—so deep that you can feel my organs pulsating beneath your thumb. You wiggle your thumb around as much as you can, finding that it sort of ‘pops’ between either side of a rounded nub you can feel. Again, that’s either got to be some sort of nerve or a sensitive part of my intestines because the pressure of your thumb bumping against it and pressing hard into it sends my whole system cramping and twitching.
“Oww…ouch! Babe—stop it!” I slap at your hands again, pushing at them, trying to pry them away from my sensitive stomach and very tender navel. We had just done some navel stuff before retiring to bed and it’s still sore from our earlier bout of fun. Sharp objects were used, among other things, and the puckered skin at the base of my navel is still very raw from our earlier activities.
Your hands refuse to budge. You’ve managed to worm two fingers into my navel again. You feel around inside until you manage to pinch something between your fingers. I feel something akin to a bolt of lightening lancing through my stomach—starting at my navel and traveling lower. As the sensations die down I’m left with a less than pleasant pulling sensation in my navel. It feels like my intestines are being tugged on. It’s not a nice feeling and it causes me to grit my teeth and groan again.
“Ah…ow…ouch…ugh…b-babe…t-that really hurts. S…stop p-ul—aaah—lling…please? Ergh…ow…ouch!”
“I’m not pulling, love,” You rasp into my ear. The dull pain in my guts intensifies, causing me to cry out and tears to prickle my eyes. “I’m pinching.”
My empty tummy snarls and growls. It sounds like angry dogs snapping at an intruder—in this case, your probing fingers.
We didn’t just do navel stuff earlier. We decided to indulge in some hunger-kink tonight. A series of mishaps at work caused me to be called in early (skipped breakfast), have nobody to cover my lunch break (skipped lunch), and after I whined to you about how my day was craptacular and how hungry I was you had taken charge of the rest of the night. You picked me up from work, going out of your way to ensure that I would not stop somewhere to fill my ravenous stomach. You brought me straight home where you spent almost two hours experimenting with my navel, poking and prodding at it with different utensils. Surprisingly, we found that sharp, probing objects (like straightened out paper clips) were the most effective in drawing growls and grumbles from my stomach. You had such high hopes for the wax-play…but no dice. My best guess is that the heat quelled some of the clenching and tensing enough to dampen the growling. You allowed me to fill up on liquids…mostly water and tea. You poked and prodded and sloshed my neglected tummy and did a bunch of stuff that left my navel sore and aching for a long while. At some point, we found ourselves in bed and I drifted off while there was still enough liquid in my belly to trick my body into thinking it wasn’t ravenous.
“Ugh…whatever you’re doing, it’s annoying. Stop it.” None of my protests mean anything right now. We have agreed-upon safe-words and I haven’t used any of them. To be fair, my protests have a kernel of truth to them. My navel’s been used and abused all night and is very sore right now. If I were awake enough to use one of our safe-words I’d probably do so.
“Your tummy was loud. That was annoying. It woke me up.”
“And whose fault is that?” I snap. I can feel you grinning as you spoon me.
“Sienna, was it? The one that skipped out on their shift today. Caused you to miss two meals, didn’t she? I only caused you to miss one.” Your fingers continue to probe at my navel, stirring up my guts and awakening the hunger pangs that could have left me to slumber peacefully for another couple of hours.
A deep, segmented rumble drowns out my voice as I cry out sharply from the cramp that it brings. Just as well, I have no response to your terrible logic.
I roll onto my front and grit my teeth. You swapped fingers just as I rolled so now my tummy is basically impaled on your middle finger. You can feel my guts around your finger like fleshy cushioning while I feel a very solid and very painful intrusion jabbing into my intestines and causing the area to give a few aborted cramps—like some dying creature twitching out the last of its life.
I try to crawl away, pinning your arm beneath me as I hope to move away from it and leave it behind. Just as I get to the last knuckle, you crook your finger and basically hook it into my navel. I let out another exclamation of pain as I feel like a fish caught on a hook. You drag be back along the covers until I’m face-down, my belly in your lap. You stroke my back as my stomach rumbles deeply, vibrating against your thighs.
“Aww…is my little kitten hungry?”
I hiss at you and bite at your hand as it nears my head, settling on my hair and smoothing it down. You stroke at my back and sides and card your fingers through my hair with your other hand. I slowly untense and relax, reaching over to snag my pillow and bring it under my face. My stomach is still grumbling, but less intensely than it was earlier.
Just as I feel like everything has calmed to a point where I might be able to go back to sleep, you bounce your legs, the movements jostling my tummy. I groan as the nauseating hunger builds in intensity again. It’s going to be a long night.
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wrctings · 3 years
just some (slightly angsty) eruri fluff for you all because i miss them 🥰
“And so when I snapped my fingers right beside him, I got his attention. Actually got it! I’ve never had a titan stare at me like this, so intensely,” Hanji’s eyes sparkled, aglow with both irrepressible enthusiasm and the warm reflection from the room’s candle light, her fingers eagerly curled around the handle of a cup. “If only you’d seen it... I think he may have finally recognised me, given all the time we spent together... But we have to wait and see. And there’s also that plant we brought back from the last expedition! It’s growing! We put it in a more humid zone, like where we found it, and it’s actually growing.”
Levi had always known Hanji was a little excessive. Well, really excessive for the most part - especially when she’d get into one of her endless tirades about titans, marvelling over their monstrous abilities and curious shape and reflexes and whatnot... Sometimes, it drove Levi up to the wall to watch their scientist go into raptures over the senseless beasts that had crushed or torn apart so many of their fallen comrades. Though, to be fair, he could hardly blame Hanji - she was with them, after all; among the first ranks during expeditions, flanked by the officers’ side. That titan-loving thing was just a quirk of hers, just like Levi’s own cleaning thing, which he suspected many of their subordinates looked upon as a curious and slightly frightening obsession.
So, more often than not, Levi patiently kept his mouth shut, listening to Hanji’s passionate rants and picking out the useful information only, letting the rest slide into oblivion. But tonight, Levi’s usual self-control act had been getting pushed toward its limit, a disgruntled frown hidden behind his cup of tea. And the reason? Always the same golden-haired bastard.
White sleeves rolled up to the elbows, torso leaning over the wooden table, his blue eyes bright and animated by the same radiant shimmer of curiosity as in Hanji’s gaze, Erwin was hanging onto his friend’s every word.
“So, if some plants can only survive in a special kind of climate, the outside world must be...”
“Full of plants yet unknown to us! And of landscapes we can’t even imagine! And if that plant we brought back can only thrive in a wet kind of environment...”
“...Maybe there’s a large pool of water somewhere further away, beyond the limit we stopped at last time!”
Levi cursed Hanji from the bottom of his heart. Erwin’s entire attention seemed to be focused on the subject, blind to the rest of the room.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here, we’re not quite sure of anything yet,” Moblit put his hands up with a sheepish smile, cooling off some of Hanji’s building elation. “First, let’s see how our titan and our plants fare in the upcoming weeks...”
“Our titan and our plants!” Hanji happily cried out, squeezing Moblit’s hand, cheeks burning red from excitement.
“Even if it’s only guesses, the captive titans and those plants can still provide precious information. It takes us one step closer to knowing the truth of the world,” Erwin’s hopeful and determined gaze met Hanji’s, both bound by a mutual fervour.
Levi silently watched them from the side, scowling. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t give a lesser shit about all of this - he wanted to rid the world of titans, to keep tightening until the last monster fell under their blades. Not bustle about captured titans in wonderment or waste time growing plants... In that moment, he resent their joy; joy sprung from the bloody cadavres of their comrades. Was this what they dedicated their heart for? Part of Levi knew perfectly well that, of course, all Hanji and Erwin gushed over was important to some degree. But he couldn’t quite share in their foolishness.
“Well, here’s to another step then,” Moblit raised his glass, smiling fondly when he caught a glimpse of the earnest exhilaration radiating off Hanji’s face. She did more often than not put him through the mill, but that’s also why he liked her, wasn’t it?
The other two officers followed Moblit’s lead, lifting their glasses up into the air, but before clinking them together Erwin shot a lighthearted look at Levi, raising his eyebrows as if asking the Captain to join in. With a muffled sigh, Levi shook his head reluctantly.
“Teacups aren’t meant for your drunken shit.”
He got away with a small movement of the hand, slowly shooting it upward in a way that made it seem he took part in the toast.
Erwin, Hanji, and Moblit drank on cordially, indulging in one of the rare merry celebrations they’d allow themselves to enjoy - the last expedition had been a success after all, with no casualties and only two superficially hurt soldiers! Such victories did truly raise the troops’ morale, so, in addition to the dinner feast everybody got to delight in, Erwin wanted to also congratulate the officers who had been working had on the expedition. Hence the wine. 
Only when the crepuscular haze of the night sky hovered over the barracks did the party begin to retire, tired grins and slightly dizzy heads wishing each other goodnight with remains of gaiety seeping through their lips; such a carefree, congenial time would probably be long to come again, so they had drunk from the brimming glass of furtive bliss until the very last honeyed drop dried out on their tongue. Waving Erwin and Levi goodnight, Hanji - held up by Moblit, bless his soul - stumbled around the corner of the corridor leading to her quarters, relying on the loyal shoulder that would help her get to her room safe and sound and not accidentally crash someplace else and carelessly pass out for the night. 
Much like Moblit, Levi had taken up the habit of bringing Erwin to his room after another day of exhausting work or a festive evening, watching the commander’s ever steady pace out of the corner of his attentive eye and listening to him jabber about whatever occupied his mind on that day, barely responding himself, but always paying silent attention to Erwin’s words. Although he didn’t admit it to his own self at first - he liked it. Liked having Erwin stroll beside him, his deep and slightly fatigued voice untangling the knots in Levi’s own head, keeping everything at bay but an inexplicable wave of... comfort. And, soon enough, the comfort had even turned into something more. 
“Did you enjoy the night, Levi?” Erwin inquired in his usual late-night chattery fashion, fingers already working the top buttons of his white shirt as the commander’s quarters arose in their field of vision.
The only answer he got out of Levi was a grunt, the short Captain pushing the door before them open. It slammed against the wall a little too harshly.
“Something on your mind?” Erwin persevered, trying to read the other man’s crossed features. 
“Alright.” Levi ended up conceding, a resigned sigh escaping the vexed line of his mouth. “Erwin, I can’t seem to give the slightest crap about those shitty plants.”
“Ah, Hanji may convince you they’re—” Erwin started again, smiling at what he thought was just a heedless comment of Levi’s, but the way he was interrupted soon let him guess otherwise.
“No, you don’t understand. I don’t get excited like you brats. I just... Don’t. I can’t bring myself to care about shitty glasses’ experiments. Or even... That stuff you talked about,” Levi waved his hand vaguely, hoping it was allusive enough.
A thoughtful moment’s silence passed, Erwin considering what Levi had just admitted - he began to recall now how retiring Levi had indeed seemed during tonight’s celebration, quietly grumbling by himself and even cutting short on the playful insults he would usually hand out.
“I’m sorry that you didn’t have fun tonight, Levi.”
“Feel sorry for yourself. You’re the one stuck with a killjoy of a brat,” Levi attempted a sarcastic smile, but it came out distorted by a hint of sad resignation. Ever since he and Erwin had... this - whatever it was called - Levi didn’t hold back as much as he used to anymore; something about Erwin’s kind understanding, no matter the slander ghosts clouding the Captain’s mind, put him at ease. So Levi spoke his mind.
Erwin’s reassuring arms twined around Levi’s torso, the commander’s head settling on top of his - the height difference, Levi had to admit, was convenient -, and he planted a long kiss on top of his head; the first real one of the day, after the hasty pecks he had stolen from Levi in between tasks. For Levi, those intimate hours were dreams he’d never wish to wake up from. “Why should I feel sorry, when I can’t believe my luck?”
“I’m not exactly the funniest person you can find, in case you hadn’t noticed.”
“And so what? I, for one thing, think you are funny. Your dark humour may take some getting used to at first, but afterwards, you crack me up, my dear,” Erwin mused, littering Levi’s neck with sloppy kisses. “I love you.”
“You’re a terrible liar, Erwin.”
However, Levi’s heavy heart did feel lighter already; to feel Erwin’s lips on his skin, his warm hands fiddling with Levi’s uniform to help him take it off, his precious words whispered against his ear - for Levi, and Levi only, to hear and treasure and greedily take for himself - soothes the Captain’s unexpected rush of self-depreciation. But seeing how happy Erwin had looked while talking to Hanji and Moblit had left a painful imprint Levi struggled to erase from his memory. What if... what if he’d never make Erwin this happy?
“Levi, I don’t care that you don’t get excited over shitty plants. You and I can care about different things and still care about each other too, yeah?” Levi felt the nuzzle in his neck send shivers down his spine, another one of Erwin’s kisses mending the cracks in his heart one by one. “I know you press my shirts whenever they get too creased. You bring coffee and food to my office when I’m working too much. You take Hanji’s laundry into her room when she forgets it. You help the recruits who fall behind in training...” Erwin kept on talking, going around Levi to face him in the candlelit room, until his nose gently bumped against his, and their lips met in what Levi could only describe as solace. “The list goes on and on. These are all the things you care about. And I love you for it.”
“...It seems your sappy stuff still gets me. You shitty, sentimental brat,” Levi drowned a teary chuckle in Erwin’s chest, clutching the fabric of the commander’s uniform in his fist. Then, he retired in his cat-like fashion, starting to ondo the buttons Erwin had started to work on. “I had no idea you were fucking spying on me the entire time.”
“Your fault.” Erwin followed Levi’s lead, getting rid of his own uniform before he slipped into bed, a tired look softening his features, and loose strands of hair falling out of place upon his forehead.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Levi joined him, huddling beneath the clean and cosy bedsheets, and brushed the hair away from Erwin’s face, savouring its end-of-the-day softness between his fingers.
“It’s your fault for having such a beautiful soul.”
“A beautiful soul?” Levi scoffed gently, pressing his shoulder against Erwin’s. “Never heard anything this stupid before.”
“It’s true. You may not believe me yet, but I’ll keep doing this” Erwin took Levi’s hand in his, kissing his calloused knuckles - “and this” -, then wrist - “and this”, then forearm, “and this, until you do.”
“I’m no sap like you, so it might take a while...,” Levi murmured in return, pressing a kiss into Erwin’s neck. A beautiful soul? Never before had Levi heard such words - and never before had his heart skipped a beat like it did when they struck him.
“It’s okay,” Erwin cuddled up to Levi, not suppressing a deep contented sigh when the other man’s nails gently raked his scalp, playing with his hair. “I won’t quit.”
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bbdaydreams · 3 years
Courage My Love// Semi Eita
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Pairing: Semi Eita x Reader
Summary: You like Semi and come up with a plan to confess to him, unfortunately it takes a turn. You meet again a couple years later by chance.
Chapter Two: How Do You Feel?
Series Masterlist•<previous•next>
The moment you were allowed to leave the auditorium you made your way back to your dorm. A couple people would stop to congratulate you on your win, some being complete strangers. They were nice and thoughtful but right now you weren’t in the right mindset to interact with others. You held your trophy close to your chest so it wouldn’t get damaged but also draw minimal attention mumbling a quick “thank you” from time to time.
“Y/n!” Tendou called your name when you were made it to the building that your dorm was located. You turned to face him and waited for him to catch up. When he made it to you his first instinct was to wipe your tears. “C’mon, no more tears,” he said softly before opening the door to let you in first.
When you made it to your dorm Tendou made his way to his spot on the edge of your bed while you set the guitar case down and put the award somewhere on your desk. Walking to your bed you immediately threw your covers up before getting under them and cocooning yourself with them.
Tendou met you about halfway through your first years when you interrupted their practice to drop something off for Semi. He didn’t know his friend had such a pretty friend. When you asked for Semi he immediately started his teasing which left you blushing, a look that Tendou found entertaining.
When you started getting closer with Semi, you also became more aquatinted with his friends as he did with yours. At first, you definitely thought Tendou was quite the oddball but you were quick to accept him as he was, it’s just Tendou things.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” the redhead spoke.
“I don’t get it. I thought we were closer than this. I don’t know what I’m more hurt by, the fact that he didn’t ask me to be his date or the fact that I had no idea he was even seeing someone.”
“I didn’t even know. Hell, even Wakatoshi was surprised when it wasn’t you he was asking!”
“God next week is gonna be so embarrassing,” you said now burying your face into your pillow.
“Hm? Why’s that?”
“We have our stupid dance next week! And we have that dumb dinner we all agreed to go to before we went to the stupid dance! Everyone is gonna have a date but me! Reon is going with his girlfriend, Ushijima has his date, Semi has miss mysterious, you have your date-“
“I don’t have anyone,” Tendou quickly cut you off.
You furrowed your eyebrows as you turned to look at him. “Why don’t you have a date?”
He shrugged his shoulders before responding, “I don’t know. I was gonna go by myself. I don’t mind being the odd man out.”
“I’ll be your date.”
Tendou turned and looked at you as if you were crazy. He leaned forward and squinted his eyes before leaning back. “Are you sick or something? Weren’t you crying over Semi and now you’re moving on that quick? I know I’m great but still that’s a little too quick for me doll face.”
You laughed as he spoke. “I am heart broken, but you still deserve to go to our last dance with a date. I don’t mind, I’ll go with you, what are friends for?” Once you realized what you said you where quick to apologize. “I mean, you don’t have to go with me if you don’t want to. I know you can ask someone else and they’ll say yeah, it was kinda selfish of me to just offer myself like that especially with all this going on.”
“I’ll take you up on your offer.”
The next morning you decided to text Izumi about her offer. It was the weekend so classes weren’t a huge focus, especially since the year was about to end.
“Girls! She texted!” Izumi exclaimed, raising her phone in the air with excitement.
“No way,” the girl with the attitude responded.
“That’s a good sign!” the soft spoken girl added. “What did she say?”
“She asked if we could talk more about the band.”
“Invite her over, Izumi!”
“Already did. She should be here soon.”
Walking towards the arts building you kept glancing at your phone every few steps. Why hasn’t he texted you? Does he not care about how hurt you were? Semi kept clouding your mind. You guys text regularly and you assumed he would’ve texted by now asking you if you were okay or even just saying a morning. Maybe you should text him first, you thought but that idea went out the window when you made it your destination. You put your phone away and opened the door to focus on finding the room that Izumi told you they’d be in.
When you found the room you knocked on the door waited for someone to answer. You heard voices on the other side for a bit until the door opened to reveal the bathroom girls.
“Welcome!” Izumi greeted, letting you into the room before closing the door behind you. “Thanks for coming, this is the practice room we managed to snag.”
“Hi,” you greeted her before looking at the other girls and saying hello to them as well.
“We didn’t properly introduce ourselves yesterday, now did we?” the main girl spoke. “I’m Yui.” She put her hand out for you two to shake.
“I’m Haruka,” the timid one spoke.
“It’s nice to meet you all.” You took a second to look around the room. It was a pretty much empty room with some supplies and desks but it was all pushed to one side of the room while the open space they created housed their instruments. “How’d you get this room? Eita usually has to go off campus to practice with his mates.”
“I’m close with the music teacher, so she pulled some strings and managed to do this for us,” Yui answered.
“Is Semi your ex?” Haruka asked innocently which made the girls eyes go wide.
“Haru, you can’t just-“
“It’s okay. And no he’s not my ex, we’re just friends. When you guys found me I was just overwhelmed,” you told them. They looked at each other as if using telepathy to communicate with each other. They must’ve unanimously decided not to press you further with their own curiosity and changed the subject.
“So, what kind of music do you listen to?”
“I listen to a little bit of everything but mainly pop punk I guess. It’s hard to label it. What about you guys?”
“I get that and we’re pretty much the same. Haruka is mostly into metal, but she still vibes with all the other stuff,” Izumi answered.
At this you had to laugh a bit. The most innocent and quiet looking one of the group, enjoyed heavy music. “Haruka, no way,” you told her while looking at her.
She leveled her eyes with yours before giving you a closed eye smile and speaking, “I love the lyrics and head banging. It’s fun.”
“I have to agree. What sound are you guys aiming for with the band?” You asked.
“Honestly anything. I don’t think we really have a sound yet, we kinda just play and mess around until we find something we like or we’ll give a topic and try to match something up with that makes sense. You mind listening for a second?” Yui asked making her way towards the bass.
“I’d love to” you responded before taking a seat on one of the empty desks. Izumi made picked up the electric guitar and Haruka sat on the stool behind the drums which was another surprise for you. Don’t judge a book by its cover, you reminded yourself.
Haruka gave the count down with her drum sticks before leading them into the song. Yui joined in and then Izumi followed after. Watching them was entertaining, Haruka’s hair was going all over the place you had to question how she was able to see. Yui seemed to enjoy swaying side to side while occasionally head banging while Izumi seemed a little stiff but was definitely enjoying themself. They seemed to be in sync with each other it made you worry that if you were to join if you would mess up their flow. When they finished they looked up to you.
“So what do you think?” Yui asked.
“I’d like to join, I just don’t wanna mess you guys up. You guys seem pretty in tune with each other are you sure you want me to join?”
The girls immediately started laughing making you question if you said something wrong.
“You’re funny, y/n,” Haruka giggled.
“We’ve been together for a year now and have been practicing almost daily which is why we’re at the level we are,” Izumi stated.
“Listen, yeah we’re alright but we need that missing piece which is you. And we’re picky. We’ve been looking for six months for a lead so when we saw your performance we knew we had to have you. We want you,” Yui added on.
You slipped off the desk and smiled at them before presenting a notebook you brought along with you. “Then I guess I’m in. This is my lyric book, basically what I have to offer besides my voice.”
Yui took the book and flipped through it while Izumi and Haruka looked over the writing as well. Yui and Izumi looked very concentrated while Haruka’s expression showed amazement.
“You’re good!”
“Dude, you’re definitely in. I can’t wait to perform these live in front of others!”
“Damn girly, you really are full of surprises.”
Blushing at their compliments you accepted your journal back. “Thank you, I’ve been writing since my first year.”
“Can I ask why there were some ripped pages?” Izumi asked.
“Oh, those were some songs I wrote for Eita’s band. I felt like they were more his style so I gave them to him.”
You guys continued chatting until it was around lunch time. They wished you goodbye and reminded you to come back tomorrow to start joining them for practice. You left the practice room with a smile on your face, excited for what the future held in store for your new band.
The week went by fast, you basically spent it writing more lyrics since all your school work was already done.
The school dance was tonight and so was the dinner that you were joining. You got out of the shower and threw on some sweats before making your way back to your dorm so that other girls could go take a shower to get ready.
“Hey, Y/n,” Yui greeted when she was stepping out of her dorm with a towel. “You getting ready?”
“Yeah, you’re going to the dance too right?” You told her, taking a step closer to the wall so others could walk by.
“Yep. I assume I’ll see you there. You’re going to that dinner thing with your friends first right?”
You nodded your head up and down. “Mhmm. I’ll probably part ways with them at the dance and try to find you and the others.”
“Sounds good. Remember, if anything happens, you have us to rely on. I know we barely know each other yet but we’re here for you,” she told you honestly. Yui may come off strong, but she really is a reliable human being. “I’m gonna try to find a shower head, see ya.”
When you made it back into your dorm you noticed a package in front of your door. Picking up and making your way inside you inspected it to make sure it was for you before opening it. The label read your name followed by the sender, Rarity Records. Your breath hitched.
You heard rumors that agencies were going to attend the talent show, but you weren’t sure you believed it. You carefully sliced the top of the package using a pair of scissors to unveil the contents. In the package you discovered a letter along with some snacks, stickers, and merch from artists that belonged to the label.
Dear L/n F/n,
We would like to congratulate you on your win last week! Your performance was beautiful and we believe you have a lot of talent. We’d like to invite you to join our label to help make you shine and prosper. Please contact us at this number. We await your call.
Rarity Records
A label wants to sign you! Your wildest dream is on the verge of coming true! You had to tell someone!
“Oh my god, I have to text Eita,” you spoke aloud. Unplugging your phone from the charging cord and unlocking it, you quickly tapped on the conversation and typed out your message. You were about to hit send until you remembered the situation you were in.
Semi still hasn’t contacted you and it made you question if that concluded the end of your friendship. You’re well aware that you directly told him not to speak to you but at the end of the day it’s not like you yelled at him and made it into a huge argument. You missed your best friend. You know you should text him, he probably doesn’t even realize what’s wrong but you were hurting too much internally to reach out to him, even if it was exciting news that you know he’d congratulate you on.
You deleted the message and connected your phone back to it’s cord and made your way to your blow dryer. Once you finished drying your hair you went back to your phone to turn on some music to listen to while you get ready.
You sang along to the song and all the songs after that as you were getting ready. The last step was to put on the dress that you had. It was a stunning red dress with some gems and lace here and there but the glam wasn’t overwhelming.
“Knock, knock. Can I come in?” Tendou asked from behind your door.
“It’s locked and I’m getting dressed! give me a second!” you answered. You had the dress on, just couldn’t zip it up completely. Giving up on your attempts you made your way towards the door to let your friend in. “Hey,” you greeted when you opened the door.
Tendou’s back was leaning against your door before so when you opened it he stumbled back a bit but was quick to catch his balance. He pivoted and looked up from his phone only to be welcomed by your beauty. His eyes went wide before opening his mouth to speak. “I- you look, wow.”
You gave a small chuckle before attempting to greet him again. “Hi, Tendou.”
“Hi..” he answered, still mesmerized. “Sorry, you look really beautiful tonight.”
“Thank you. I was nervous about the bright red but it turned out really nice. Oh, do you mind zipping it up and clasping it for me?” You asked as you twirled around to expose your back to him. He raised his hands to do as you asked, careful not to get the zipper caught. When he was done you turned your body once again and closed your door to leave with him. “Let’s go, I’m starving,” you laughed as you grabbed his wrist to pull him towards the parking lot, failing to notice the bush on his face.
Tendou and you arrived a little late to the dinner due to the fact that you were having too much fun chatting in the car that he missed the turn three times, but eventually you arrived to your destination.
“You’re late, Tendou,” Ushijima said when you both arrived to the table.
“Only fifteen minutes. Here you go, Y/n,” Tendou spoke as he pulled out your chair for you.
“Oh, thank you,” you blushed as he helped you settle into the group. The lineup went as Ushijima’s date, Ushijima, Tendou, and you next to him. On the other side was Semi’s date, Semi, Reon, and then Reon’s girlfriend, the girlfriend being across from you.
Throughout the dinner you had a smile on your face. It was definitely awkward at first since it was the first time you were seeing Semi in the past week. You decided to communicate as little as you needed with him, not to make a point, but to be polite. You didn’t need to somehow ruin anyone’s night in any way. You were all together to have fun and enjoy the little time you all had left together in high school.
While you were enjoying yourself and chatting with the other’s, Semi found himself glancing at you every once in a while. He was right to believe you and Tendou had something going on, Tendou wouldn’t stop bringing you up to him during practice. Tendou always had something positive to say about you and now here he was, at dinner with you as his date.
Good for him, Semi thought to himself. Tendou finally made a move on you and got what he wanted. He was happy for his friends, but he felt uneasy. Why hadn’t you ever expressed your thoughts of his friend to him? You always called him your best friend but you never spoke about Tendou to him, only saying he was a nice guy if asked.
It made him question why you were so upset with him when you asked about his girlfriend. It’s not like you told him about Tendou which is why he didn’t see the need to tell you about his girl. He’d been wanting to talk to you about it but knowing how hot headed you both can be he opted to waiting for you to confront him first. He thought giving you time would be the best option.
“Semi, you should eat more before we go,” his date told him, distracting him from his thoughts.
“Oh, you’re right,” he responded before picking up his utensils to continue eating.
Taking one last glance at your form, he had to admit it was the prettiest he’s ever seen you. Your hair was done differently, your dress looked fitting, and the red really made you look hot. Your smile screamed that you were having a good time, a sight he missed seeing.
“The party has arrived!” Tendou spoke when your group entered the main doors of the gymnasium. You laughed at his silliness until Ushijima spoke.
“We should take pictures.”
“Good idea, buddy,” Tendou agreed. You all made your way over to some props and took turns taking pictures. Some were just the guys, the others just the girls, then group, followed by individual. Luck was favoriting you, you didn’t have to take pictures for Semi because him and Reon partnered up. You and Tendou did multiple poses, Tendou claiming you guys needed one from all angles, as Ushijima took pictures.
As you were getting your pictures taken, Semi was taking pictures for Reon. His eyes kept darting between both parties, lingering more on you than the couple directly in front of him. Semi was lucky his girlfriend didn’t notice but his friend sure did. Reon could tell how bad Semi wanted to talk to you and he couldn’t understand why he didn’t. Semi was never one to keep his thoughts to himself unless if it had potential to hurt someone else.
Reon excused himself from his girlfriend and explained what he was doing to which she responded with a nod. “Can we talk?” Reon asked Semi once they decided they were done taking pictures.
“Come on, let’s dance!” Reon’s girlfriend told Semi’s date before grabbing her hand and dragging her to the dance floor.
“What did you wanna talk about?” a confused Semi asked Reon.
“What’s up with you?”
“What do you mean?”
“You have your girlfriend right next to you and you’re paying more attention to your best friend. That’s not okay dude. You’re lucky they haven’t noticed.”
“What are you talking about? I haven’t given Y/n any attention. We haven’t talked since last week,” Semi countered to which Reon sighed.
“Listen, you may not be aware you’re doing this, but since they joined us at dinner, you haven’t stopped looking at them. Why are your eyes wandering so much when you have a girlfriend right there?”
“I noticed too,” Ushijima spoke up.
“Have I been glancing at them that much?”
“I don’t know what’s going on between you two, but you need to talk it out,” Reon stated. The three boys turned to find you in the sea of people.
“There,” Ushijima spoke while pointing at the red hair that stuck out. “Go.”
With a gentle push from his friends, Semi walked into the crowd, careful not to step on anyone’s feet while saying excuse me to make his way towards you.
“How are you feeling?” Tendou asked you. Both of you were currently swaying back and forth, his hands on your waist as you held his biceps.
“I’m good. Tonight’s been a lot of fun so far,” you smiled at him.
He returned the gesture before removing a hand from your waist to the back of your head to bring you closer to him before putting it back down. “That’s good, but how do you feel?” he asked again, making you realize what he was really asking.
“Hmm.” Taking a deep breath to think you responded. “I still feel hurt, but I can’t find myself to be mad at him. I don’t even care about that girl, I don’t know her and don’t plan to be her friend. I just have to accept that if he wanted me, he would’ve asked me. It’s a tough pill to swallow but it’s the truth. I wish I didn’t hold onto the little hope I had and just opened my eyes to see he clearly wasn’t interested. We were just best friends, erm- friends- we’re just friends.”
Tendou changed his hand placement again. The hand that previously touched your head was back as his other hand rubbed circles between your shoulder blades. You didn’t feel like crying, you already did all of that last week. You had no more tears left in you and you just wanted to move on from the situation.
You and Tendou didn’t speak for a while, just swayed and listened to the song that was playing. “Can I tell you something? Tendou broke the silence.
“Yeah. What is it?” you asked.
“This is probably a bad time to tell you all of this. Semi is a fool, and I’m not saying that just because of his fashion sense. I don’t understand why he didn’t make a move on you because I am about to.”
His last line made you move your head so you were now making eye contact with him. “What?”
“I see your value. You are a treasure. Silly rocker Semi has overlooked what a catch you are. I never interfered because I knew of your feelings for him. I understand I’d just be a second option for you, a rebound if you will, but I’m willing to take any opportunity to get to know you better. I like you, Y/n. Can we get to know each other better?”
You were shocked. You knew Tendou as the friendly sightly crazy middle blocker on the volleyball team. You knew him as a class clown. You knew him as Semi’s friend. You never would’ve expected this moment to ever happen.
Tendou leaned a little closer to you which made you think fast. At the end of the day, you had nothing to lose, you already lost the guy you really loved. Leaning in as well, your lips connected. Unfortunately, it was at that moment Semi reached you both. It was at that moment Semi finally realized how he felt about you, but he didn’t feel like taking away the happiness from his friends for his own selfish feelings.
“Whoa dude, what happened?” Reon asked his teammate when he came back with a scowl on his face.
“I feel like a fucking idiot.”
a/n: damn, this was supposed to be a Semi fic but here I am feeding the Tendou stans. Oopsies. ALSO I DID NOT THINK IT WOULD BE THIS LONG (and poorly edited again so another oopsies)
Tag: @pluviophilefangirl
48 notes · View notes
craby-bouquet · 3 years
Prince Minyun {CH}
~part 3~
Lee Jihoon x Reader
Romance, Royal!AU, Teacher!AU
3k words
Masterlist | SVT Masterlist | CH Masterlist
Pt.1 | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4
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You were reading a book in your room, when, a quarter to one, someone knocked on your door. You frowned, you knew someone was picking you up, but would they really come this early?
You opened the door and looked right into the face of Dominick.
"Yo." He greeted.
You shifted your weight to one of your feet "Hi. I'm sorry, I can't hang out or anything, I'm about to get picked up by someone."
To your surprise he laughed "I know. I'm here to pick you up, miss."
Your eyes widened "You're the one to pick me up?"
"You sound like you think I'm too incompetent for such a task."
"Of course that's not what I think, I just- I hadn't expected you…" You looked at your feet, flustered. Why?
He chuckled "Is that a blush I spot on your cheeks?"
You frowned, blush only getting worse "No."
He was enjoying himself a little too much.
"Anyway," You got yourself together "I was told someone would pick me up at one, so I'm afraid I'm not quite ready to go yet."
"Someone would pick you up around one, yes. This is around. We have to be there at one. Anyway, get ready then." He waved you away.
You turned around to get some pens and paper, for notes and whatever else you would need them for. You had realised before that you had no idea what you were expected to do, you had no schedule for the year nor information on what the prince had already learned from other teachers. You couldn't imagine the seven year old prince not getting any lessons until now. You had hoped to get a schedule or anything from whomever came to pick you up. You decided to ask him about it on your way there.
"So, what are you gonna do with him today?" Dominick asked, "Are you gonna bombard him with maths on your first day, or do you want him to like you?"
You closed your door and locked it “That’s actually what I kind of wanted to ask you… Do you know whether I’m going to get some sort of schedule? Or at least a brief update on what the prince has learned before?”
Dominick took a deep breath, thinking, “Ooh, I don’t know I’m afraid. That would be up to either master Kwan, or the crown prince himself. I don’t go over that, and they didn’t hand me anything for you, so…”
You nodded “Alright, thanks.”
He laughed “Master Kwan is busy now, but don’t worry that’s gonna be over the day after tomorrow.”
You chuckled with him “We’ll see. I got the feeling he isn’t really the type to… relax.”
He gasped dramatically, “I’ve been saying he’s due for a spa day! But he doesn’t agree.”
You paid good attention to the way you walked, hoping you could walk it yourself some day. It was complicated though, you were surprised he could find his way through the maze that were the hallways.
You stopped in front of a wide hall, it looked a bit fancier than the rest of the hallways. More expensive paintings, bigger plants, and even more gorgeous chandeliers.
“We’re stopping here real quick, because I’m supposed to tell you you’re not allowed here. These are the royal quarters, and as a member of staff, you’re only allowed here with an okay from the queen herself.”
You looked from him, back to the hall. It felt weird, knowing how close you were to the prince. You never imagined being here, so close to the bedrooms of the royal families.
“Anyway,” Dominick turned around again, “We’re almost there.”
After you walked back a little bit, Dominick knocked on a door.
“Yes.” a voice from the other side said.
He pushed the door open, revealing a charming room. It wasn’t super big, but it wasn’t particularly small either. One wall was a bookcase, filled with all kinds of books. On a little cabinet, there was a decorative earth boll together with maps, and other kinds of miscellaneous things to learn from. Most of the room was taken in by a big table, however. Multiple chairs surrounded it, two of them were occupied at this moment. By the young prince, and his brother, crown prince Jihoon.
The moment prince Jihoon and your eyes met he realised who you were, the girl he bumped into this morning. He stood up, his hand on his brother's shoulder.
"You must be the new teacher." He didn't ask it, it was more of a statement.
You bowed, "Yes, your highness."
He didn't say anything else, just sighed and whispered some sort of goodbye to his brother before walking to the door. He stopped right in front of you, way too close. Just looked at you a little while before walking away.
"Hello little highness." Dominick greeted prince Minyun.
The prince smiled "Hey Dominick, are you here to play?"
Dominick laughed "Not today, highness. I'm here to bring someone to you, but we can play this weekend."
The young prince sighed "But that's two more days!"
Dominick nodded "That is true, yes. But you have to learn things today. Anyway, I have to go."
He bowed to the prince and winked at you before walking out.
You turned to the prince, who was inspecting you with his eyes, and bowed, "It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness."
The prince sighed "I don't want to learn things…"
You chuckled, you couldn't count all the children who had told you that before. And you always had the same response.
"But then you won't know anything, and you need to learn for your future."
He pouted "But the future is so far away. Can't I learn later? I want to play now."
You say down in the chair beside him, still warm from when his brother sat there, "What if we learn now, and play later? We can always make learning fun."
He looked up at you, frowning "You can?"
You nodded "Sure! We can turn learning into games. But today, since it's our first lesson and we have such little time, I thought we could get to know each other. So tell me, what do you like to do? What's your least favorite thing to do? What are your favorite and least favorite subjects? What would you like to learn?"
His nose scrunched up as he thought. You got your notebook to write everything he'd say down.
"I like playing outside. Oh, and the piano, the teacher before you started teaching me how to play and I really like it. I don't like maths and cleaning my room. The cleaning people are supposed to do that for me but my mom says doing it myself will teach me discipline. But it sucks. My favorite subject is art and music and I hate maths."
You smiled as you wrote down what he just told you, smiled to yourself “I’m guessing you don’t really like maths, your highness.”
He shook his head, making a disgusted face.
“See, now I can keep that in mind in future lessons.” You tapped your notebook with your pen and smiled up at the little prince.
He was quite a lot younger than his brother, but you could see such a resemblance. Their eyes were almost identical, though prince Jihoon’s eyes stood a lot sterner. It was clear they were brothers, just by looking at them.
“So… Now you won’t teach me maths?” he glanced at you from the side, his expression made you laugh.
“I’m sorry, your highness, I’m afraid I have to teach you maths.”
That made him pout.
“But, before we start anything, let’s introduce ourselves. Have you been taught how to introduce yourself in a polite and formal manner?” You got up, and he followed your example.
“Yes, I have! Do you want to see?” He smiled excitedly.
“Please, highness.”
He cleared his throat and straightened his face, he looked adorable, trying to seem formal.
“How do you do, fair maiden? I am prince Minyun Lee, second prince of Aphate. It is an honor to make you acqainktents.” He took your hand, and kissed the top of it.
You chuckled, “Very good, I think…” This is not how you learned to formally introduce yourself, “I just think you meant: ‘It is an honor to make your acquaintance.’ But, that is a very difficult word.”
He nodded, pouting again “It is! Being a formal prince is very hard.”
“I can imagine, highness.” you made an extra serious face.
“Now you respond back to me.” He pointed his finger in a stern and commanding way.
You curtsied “As you wish, your majesty.”
You cleared your throat in a similar fashion as he did before his introduction, “The honor is mine, your highness, royal prince Minyun.” and proceeded it with your name, as you bowed deeply.
He started laughing loudly, holding his belly, “That sounds so funny! You speak funny!”
You laughed too, his laugh was very infectious.
“Who taught you to introduce yourself like that?” you asked, still laughing.
“Dominick, he’s my friend.”
Of course. That explained a lot.
The both of you sat down again, and strangely enough your mind immediately calmed down a little bit. You were glad the prince seemed to like you already, you hadn’t realised it, but apparently you had been worried about that.
“So, prince Minyun. What might I call you? Is ‘prince Minyun’ okay? Or would you perhaps prever ‘your highness’? Or something else?” you figure with this, asking him would be the best way to go. He was seven, even if this question was considered rude to ask a royal, he wouldn’t know that. And you wanted to make sure he was comfortable with what you called him.
His hand went to his chin, in a similar way you had seen prince Jihoon do yesterday, as he thought about that.
“Hm, I guess ‘prince Minyun’ is fine. But…” he sighed, clearly thinking hard, “Dominick calls me ‘little highness’ and I like him saying that, I don’t know if I’d like you saying that. But I like you, so… maybe…”
You nodded understandingly, getting the dilemma, “Maybe I should try calling you that once, and you can see if you like it or not?”
His nose scrunched as he nodded “Yeah… that sounds like a good idea.”
You sat up, straightening your back and clearing your throat, knowing this was important to him, and wanting to show you you respected that, “Little highness.”
He turned his eyes up, thinking about it, “Can… can you maybe say it again, but a little bit slower?”
“Sure.” you suppressed an adoring smile, “Little highness…”
He nodded, still a very thoughtful look on face, “Yes… I like it.”
That made you smile, “Good, then from now on I will call you ‘little highness’, too.”
He nodded again, smiling brightly this time.
You took your notebook and pen in hand again, realising work still had to be done. You were enjoying your bonding time with the little prince, but school was the whole reason why you were here. Maybe you could spend some fun time with him during the weekend, you caught on that Dominick sometimes hung out with the prince, maybe you could join them some time.
“Let’s continue, little highness.”
He let his shoulders hang, but you could still see a smile on his lips “Alright…”
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You had continued asking him questions for a while now, you had nothing prepared so you just made them up as you went along, but you had learned an awful lot about prince Minyun so far. One thing you learned was that he really loved, and looked up to, his brother. He also really loved learning the piano, which, since his previous teacher had left, prince Jihoon had been helping him with.
You also learned, the boy had a very limited concentration span. But you knew you could work with that. In the past, you’d had many children who just couldn’t pay attention for too long. Sometimes you’d wished you could give them lessons one on one, knowing that would help them in their learning process. But since you couldn’t, you had to find other ways around it. And you had found many. All that was left now, well, in the span of the next few weeks, was to find out which were good for the prince and which weren’t.
After a while, you realised you’d really been asking him things for too long, his head was laying on the table, and he was picking at his nails in a bored manner.
So you put down your pen, and turned to directly face him, “Alright, that was it little highness.”
He lifted his head, looking hopeful, “Really?”
You nodded “Yep, on my part at least.”
He frowned, but you had him interested again.
“You see, I’ve now learned so much about you, but you still don’t know anything about me. So, would you like to ask me questions? Now’s your chance, highness.”
That got him very excited, he sat up straight again, “Okay!”
“What is your favorite class?”
That was an easy one, “I love biology, it’s always been my favorite.”
Especially the chapters about behavior, not only did that teach you about animals, it made you understand more about human behavior, too. It helped you a lot in your work as a teacher.
“Biology, really? Ew.”
You gasped dramatically “What ‘ew’? Why is it ‘ew’?”
He frowned “Biology is about all kinds of yucky things like blood and broken bones and stuff.”
“Well, you got a point.”
“Yes. I do.”
That made you chuckle.
“Next question,” It was so funny to you, how seriously he took this, “What is your least favorite class?”
You were expecting this one. You widened your eyes, looking around you as if it were a secret, bowed yourself more to him and whispered: “Maths.”
That made him gasp really loudly, “Maths is so dumb, right?”
You nodded, agreeing with him, “Yes it is.”
“So… what if we just don’t do it?”
That made you want to smile, but you kept it in and clicked your tongue, “I’m afraid we can’t, little highness. It is an unmissable part of your curriculum.”
He frowned “Cur… crruri… Curri… What?”
“It’s something you have to learn in school. Sometimes we don’t want to do things, but we still have to do them. And math is one of them.”
“That’s too bad.”
“Next question?”
He nodded, looking away, suddenly seeming a bit nervous.
“Do you know about the party tonight?” he asked softly.
You nodded, “Yes I do, little highness, it’s your first party, right?”
He nodded again, “Yes. Will you be my date?”
It took a while for that question to sink in. You blinked twice, very slowly.
"Excuse me, what?" You chuckled nervously, not at all sure what to react. Not even sure if he meant it.
"My date." He said matter of factly.
You frowned "What do you mean with 'date', little highness?"
You wanted to know what he meant, maybe he thought it meant something else.
He frowned, thinking hard about how to answer that.
"Well… I don't know how to explain it but I want you to come with me to the party."
You didn't know how to respond to that. Were you even allowed to go? You couldn't just say no and hurt his feelings either…
"At first I wanted to ask Dominick, but then I met you and now I want you to go with me."
"I'm honored, prince Minyun, and I would love to go with you… but I don't know if I'm allowed to… I wasn't invited, and I'm not of an important status..."
He frowned "Are teachers not important?"
"No, no! Teachers are very important." You hurriedly said before he had the chance to consider if education was important, "I mean that I'm not royalty."
He nodded understandingly "But… I'm inviting you. Everyone is taking a date!I don't want to be the only person to not have a date!"
"I'm sure you wouldn't be the only one without a date."
He crossed his arms and pouted angrily "I'm the brother of the birthday boy, I can't show up without a date."
Was that true? Some sort of rule you didn't know about? Oh, why was this today out of all days? You hadn't at all gotten used to anything and you had no clue how anything worked around here. Yes, you were here to please the little prince, but you couldn't just go to a fancy party like that, right?
Then again, you were technically invited by a prince. Wouldn't that count as a formal invitation? You wished you could ask someone else.
He looked up at you, with massive puppy eyes "Please?"
Working with children of his age for years now, had made you immune to the effect that puppy eyes had. After all, every child uses them.
But these were different. Maybe it was just because he was the only child in your class, maybe he was just extra cute, but something about them made it impossible for you to say no.
You smiled kindly "Alright, your majesty, if that is what you want, I will accompany you to the party tonight."
You remembered packing your prom dress before coming here. It seemed kind of strange at the time, but you figured that since you were going to the castle, you might need formal wear for something. That thought didn't seem so silly anymore.
Your answer completely lit up his eyes, a bright smile forming on his face just as the door of the room opened.
"Your highness, I am here to escort you back to your room." A woman you didn't know, but was clearly from the staff, said.
Prince Minyun got up and bowed to you, "I will pick you up at a quarter to eight."
You nodded, "I'm looking forward to it, little highness."
As he walked out the door, you got up and curtsied to him. All the while thinking how fast the time had flown by, and how extremely weird the idea of you going to a royal ball was.
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Masterlist | SVT Masterlist | CH Masterlist
Pt.1 | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4
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norisxfics · 4 years
NCT’s Dorm Maid: Chapter 7 - Jaehyun
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Title: NCT 127’s Dorm Maid
Genre: smut
Chapter: 7
Characters: Jaehyun x oc/reader
Chapter Masterlist
Previous Chapter
This week we had been having great weather, it made me want to go out somewhere and get fresh air, maybe have a picnic. My friends were all busy though so I didn’t have anyone to go with so I had decided to ask the boys if they would be interested so I talked to Taeyong first. He was quick to agree to my surprise, since I know he’s the type to love to stay in. He offered to be the one to make the food and I would be getting the drinks and snacks. 
So when the day came I made sure I had everything ready. I had the drinks in a cooler and snacks in a tote. I set them by the door so that I could put on my shoes. It was hot out so I had decided to just wear a pair of high-rise track shorts and a white t-shirt. I also heard the boys planned on bringing some things with them so we can play games so I had decided wearing something nice and cute and playing games with a group of boys was not a bright idea. I know my clothes would get ruined and I was not about to let that happen. 
I grabbed the cooler and my tote bag before heading down to the parking garage to meet up with them. They were all already waiting by the van and car they had borrowed from their managers. Jaehyun approached me and took the cooler and tote off my hands “I’ll put these away for you,” I nodded and watched as he set them down into the trunk of the car. We split up who rode in which car by playing rock paper scissors. I ended up in the car with Johnny, Jaehyun, Yuta and Taeyong, the rest took the van.  
I sat in the backseat between Yuta and Jaehyun, Yuta of course winked and gave me a smirk as I took my seat. I rolled my eyes and nudged him. Throughout the car ride Jaehyun kept glancing down at me and I was starting to get annoyed. 
“What? Is there something on my face?” I glared up at him. “No, I was just thinking, wearing white might have been a bad choice,” I furrowed my brows and glanced down at my t-shirt then back up at him “and...why is that?” I saw a smirk form on his lips “Oh, no reason,” I heard a small quiet chuckle come from Yuta, I glanced over at him “What? What’s so funny?” I only received a smirk from him too. 
“Johnny do you know what’s up with these two?”
I saw Johnny glance up at the rear view mirror to look at me with a smile on his face “I have no clue, maybe we’ll find out soon,” I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes. 
When we got to the park we found two empty tables that were beside each other so we quickly claimed the spot and set our stuff down. We decided to play some games before eating, we played some basketball for a little while before Jungwoo suggested some badminton, Jaehyun and Taeyong sat this game out. 
The entire time I played I could have sworn I felt a pair of eyes on me so I had glanced over a few times and noticed Jaehyun had been watching. When he saw that I noticed him he didn’t take his eyes off of me, he just smiled at me and winked. 
Needless to say my heart skipped a beat and I felt my face get hot. I looked away, smiling to myself. He was one of the boys I felt more nervous around, he had an intimidating aura about him. When we finished playing we decided we were hungry and needed a break. We walked over to the tables and started setting it with the food we had prepared. 
After grabbing my own bottle of coke I had started walking towards an empty spot at the table but Jaehyun had grabbed my rest, pulling me towards him “Sit here, this spot is empty.” I took a seat beside him at the edge of the bench.
As I was taking a sip of my coke Jaehyun leaned in and whispered with that deep voice of his into my ear. 
“You’re a dangerous girl, you know that right? Always wearing such revealing things around us, makes me want to grab you and pin you down to my bed,” I choked on my drink, I pulled the bottle from my lips and coughed a bit, some of the coke spilling down my chin and neck. 
“You okay?” Taeyong asked and I nodded “yeah I’m fine,” Jaehyun chuckled and grabbed a tissue and cleaned me up “you should be more careful,” I glanced at Jaehyun and mumbled “well whose fault was that?” Jaehyun’s hand was now on top of my thigh, fingers gently moving up. I spread my legs a bit more, allowing his hand to move up further. His fingers soon found their way to my core, pressing his fingers against me, slowly and teasingly rubbing his fingers against me. 
I kept up a casual act, and continued to eat as the pressure from his fingers gave me pleasure. Jaehyun soon picked up a piece of kimbab, bringing it to my laps to feed me. I took it into my mouth, making sure to get his fingers between my lips, I sucked on them for a moment before pulling away and chewing on the kimbab. I glanced over at Jaehyun, smirking at him before I leaned in and whispered “So...since you think i’m so dangerous, maybe I should start covering up more then, hmm?” Jaehyun raised a brow “Well, I’m not here to tell what to do you, do can wear whatever you like, and if you decide that’s what you want to do then fine, but I personally enjoy the way you already dress,” his fingers started to pick up movement, pressing harder against me. I let out a small whine. 
“Yeah? Then please, if you have any outfit recommendations don’t be afraid to send it my way, handsome.” 
“You sure you want to give me that privilege?”
“Hey I never said I would do it,” I shrugged. 
When we all finished eating we all started cleaning up, which sadly meant less touching from Jaehyun. Jaehyun and I volunteered to take the trash over to one of the bins and as we walked by ourselves he smacked my ass and I jumped “Why do I have a feeling that you’re the type who can’t keep his hands off?” 
“That’s because you’re not wrong, and why do I have the feeling you’d just love having my hands all over you?” 
We stopped at the trash bin and I threw away the trash bag before I looked down at his hands, biting down on my lip. 
“Well who wouldn’t want those big, strong hands of yours all over them?” 
I turned away and made my way back to the others, Jaehyun following behind closely. 
“Mina, Jaehyun! You guys ready for another game?” Haechan approached us, hands behind his back as if he was hiding something “Oh? What game did you have in mind?” 
He then pulled out a water gun “Water fight?” He grinned handing the water gun over to me “we got water balloons and guns for everyone,” I then suddenly got sprayed with water and I let out a gasp. I looked up to find the culprit and it was Yuta who had a huge grin plastered on his face. My nose wrinkled up as I aimed my gun at him “You’ve made a mistake to come after me,” and I sprayed water all over his face and the water wars began. We all started running around shooting each other and throwing “water bombs” at each other. Our laughter and shouts filled the air. By the time we ran out of “ammo” we were all soaking wet. We sat down on the floor to catch our breath. 
“Pink huh?” I looked over at Jaehyun as he took a spot beside me on the grass. 
He gestured his head towards me “I can see through your shirt,” he chuckled. 
I glanced down at my chest and rolled my eyes “Is this what you and Yuta found so funny in the car earlier? You’re both such perverts,” I shook my head. 
“I should probably go dry off huh?” I stood up “I’m going to take a walk to dry off, anyone want to come with?” 
Jaehyun then stood up beside me “I’ll go,” 
“Anyone else?” I looked around and they all shook their heads “Nah we’re gonna just relax, maybe have some snacks,” Doyoung grabbed my tote bag looking through the snack option. 
Jaehyun and I then started walking down the park trail, walking through the more heavily forested area of the park. Jaehyun grabbed my hand and pulled off the trail and through the trees “Where are we going?” he didn’t answer. He stopped walking when we reached a big tree and some shrubs and he pulled me behind it, pressing me against it “How about we have some fun? I’ve been dying to get a taste of you for a while now,” he caressed my face, thumb running across my lips. 
I smirked up at him, parting my lips and taking his thumb in between my lips, sucking on his thumb with a soft hum. His gaze was fixed on my lips as I sucked on his thumb, tongue swirling around it. He let out a sigh before pulling his thumb out, replacing it with his index and middle fingers, pushing them deep into my mouth. My eyes met with his as I resumed sucking on his fingers, bobbing my head back and forth and letting out soft hums as I did. 
His other hand moved to the back of my head, bringing his face closer to mine before pulling his fingers from my lips “Let me see that tongue of yours,” I smirked before parting my lips and sticking out my tongue for him. He slipped his hand into my shorts and panties, rubbing his wet fingers against my clit. He then took my tongue in between his lips, sucking on it with a soft groan. 
His fingers soon slipped into me, he moved his fingers inside me and as he did he let go of my tongue, pulling his face away from mine and then moved his hand so that it was resting against the tree behind me. My eyes met with his and I bit down on my lip as he stared down at me with a dark gaze. He began to move his fingers faster inside of me, I couldn’t help but squirm as I clung onto his shirt for support. 
“You have no clue how cute you look right now, does it feel good, baby?” His tone was quiet and husky. I let out a soft whimper as I replied “Yes…” his fingers began to move roughly and quickly inside of me, his fingers moving against my walls. I tried not to squirm too much but my body wouldn’t listen. I moaned his name and wrapped my arms around his neck to keep myself up, he stayed as he was, staring down at me in amusement as he watched me squirm and moan for him. 
He continued what he was doing until my hips began to shake as I reached my climax, whimpers and heavy pants leaving my lips. He pulled his fingers out, licking them clean before he reached for his belt, unbuckling it and undoing his jeans. I leaned against the tree and watched as he pushed his pants down, revealing his erection. He then reached for my shorts pulling them down my thighs along with my panties. 
“Spread your legs a bit,” I spread my legs apart as much as I could with my shorts restraining how far I could spread them. Jaehyun then slipped his cock between my folds and grabbed my thighs pushing them back together as he buried his face into the crook of my neck, kissing me as he began to move his hips. 
His cock moved between my wet folds and against my clit slowly as I kept my thighs pressed together. He let out a groan which tickled my skin, sending a shiver down my spine “Jaehyun…” I ran my fingers through his soft locks of hair as he continued to move his hips, the friction of his shaft against my clit making me impatient “Jaehyun please…” 
He let out a deep hum, pulling his face from the crook of my neck to look at me “What do you want baby? Tell me what you want,” he caressed my face with one hand as the other stayed at my hips, his gaze locked with mine.
“If we don’t hurry the boys will get suspicious…”
He raised a brow and smiled at me, giving me a soft peck on the lips “you don’t need to worry about them, Mina,” 
“But...yes we do, I- we can’t take too long,”
His hand that was at my waist started pushing my shirt up over my chest then pushed my bra up as well, revealing my bare chest to him “Are you telling me to stop?” 
“What? No, no don’t stop,” 
He groped my breasts, giving it a firm squeeze “The tell me what you want baby,” 
I bit down on my lip as I hesitated for a moment, I was still intimidated by him “Fuck me, Jaehyun, please.” He smiled “I was hoping you would say that,” he pulled his erection from between my thighs and stuffed his hand in his pocket as he pulled something out. A condom. 
“Were you planning for this to happen?” I asked out of curiosity. 
“Ever since you came around I’d keep one on me at all times, I told you, you’re a dangerous girl, it’s been hard holding myself back,” he chuckled, ripping the package open and slipping the condom on “turn around, I wanna see that pretty little ass of yours.” 
I turned around and leaned against the tree and stuck my ass out for him. He caressed it for a moment before spreading me open “you’re so wet for me baby,” he pushed his tip into me, slowly pushing himself into my wet cavern going as deep as he could, a soft groan escaping his lips. His hands moved up my waist and sides, moving to the front of my body before taking both of my breasts into the palms of his hands, squeezing them. 
He leaned into me and began to thrust his hip, starting off slow. “I know you’ve been fucking some of the other guys, I won’t lie I was kind of jealous they were getting a piece of you before I did,” His palms massaged my breasts “if you’re wondering how I know, it was easy to figure out, I’ve seen how you text Haechan, I’ve seen Johnny’s texts to you as well,” he let out a moan as he picked up his pace, my moans mixing with his  “and the way the boys look at you and would sometimes disappear for a little while, that was always suspicious to me,” his right hand moved back to my waist, gripping onto it as his left hand grabbed onto my ponytail “I ended up cornering Johnny and Yuta and got some answers,” he pulled his cock out just to the tip before suddenly thrusting roughly into me, tugging my ponytail back “in conclusion, you’re just a cute little slut who enjoys being used like a dirty little whore by all of us.” 
“Fuck...Jaehyun…” my breath was heavy, his words slipping into my ear like honey, he definitely knew I was into being degraded like this thanks to Yuta and Johnny. His hips continued to pound into me, the sound of our skin slapping against each other filling the air “god you feel so good around me,” he groaned. He gave a couple more thrusts before suddenly pulling out. I let out a whine “Jaehyun, don’t stop, please,” 
“Get on your knees,” I let out another whine, before turning around to face him. I lowered myself onto the ground and looked up at him “take the condom off and suck me off, show me what that mouth can do.” I nodded my head, I slipped the condom off of him and took his length into my mouth “do you want me to let you cum?”
I glanced up at him, let out a hum against his erection. “Make me cum for you and I might think about letting you cum for me,” I let out another hum in response. I started bobbing my head back forth, tongue pressed up against his shaft. I started to play with his balls, giving them a light squeeze as I massaged them. His deep husky groans, filling my ears “Good girl.” His deep voice was just perfect to my ears. 
Soon he gripped onto my pony tail “I’m close…” I let out another hum moving my head faster, I didn’t stop until he held my head in pleasure, thrusting forward, making me gag. I felt his juices spilling down my throat and I swallowed. When he was finished he let out a sigh of relief before pulling out. He pulled his pants back up and checked his watch “we should probably head back,” 
“But Jaehyun, you said you’ll let me cum for you...”
He smirked “No, I said I might think about letting you cum for me,” 
I let out a whimper “You’re so mean…” 
“Watch that mouth of yours, if you keep that up I won’t let you cum tonight, now fix yourself up,” 
I fixed my clothes and we started making our way back the trail to meet back up with the boys.
“Fix your hair, it’s a mess,” 
“Whose fault is that?”
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moonelf19 · 3 years
Widofjord Highlight Masterlist
While Lucien is asking what everyones goals are
Lucien: What about you?
Caleb: I’m not there, but only Lucien hears in his ear-
Travis, looking worried: Only Lucien?
Caleb: Yeah through the wire
Travis: Oh, ok, good good...
When the Nein return to the dome after talking with Lucien
Fjord: Y’know the last time we shared something we shared a vial of our blood and that did NO favors for us
Caleb: You know you don’t have to stand outside of the dome you can come inside of the dome
Fjord: Oh yeah, it’s uh, white colored...
Jester: Hey Caleb. Here’s your cat.
Caduceus: Here’s your ... shit
Caleb: *takes the mug* what.. is this?
Jester: Chewy shit!
Fjord: *haltingly* So... so good...
Sam: *pulls out his flask with a picture of Matt lookin evil on a carousel combined with travis to create travis’ mustachioed character from a project?*
The table: *various reactions of delight and confusion*
Liam: That’s just MATH!
Travis: mm.. Mmmhmm.
Right before the Nein go to bed
Beau: It’s easier to hate someone the less you know about them
Fjord: Facts
Caleb: You want to fax somebody?
Fjord: Yes *pretends to think really hard*
After Lucien shows Caleb and Beau the book for a few minutes
Matt: For the first time Caleb, even with your keen mind, you are having a hard time remembering what you just read
Fjord/Travis: *exasperated/horrified movement as he removes his hat and rubs his eyes in worry*
A little bit after that
Lucien: I’ve shown you something precious to me... now at least show me you still have it
Jester: Caleb, show him your wang
Caleb, without batting an eye: Fjord, show him my wang
Fjord, also without batting an eye: Yeah alright... I reach and pull out... from the bag of holding the amber
Lucien: *holds his hand out for it*
Fjord: *looks to Caleb for confirmation*
Caleb: *nods assent*
Fjord: *hands over the amber*
Lucien: Now why shouldn’t I just take this right now?
Caleb: If you hold onto it you won’t be able to stay in my tower tonight
Fjord: It is so warm in there :)
Jester: Lots of good food...
After Lucien gets them lost and they lose a day
Lucien: Alright we camp out for the night!
Jester: Do you want a tower?
Lucien, pointing at Caleb: If you don’t mind...
Caleb: Ja that is why we are friends
Fjord: *just grins cheekily at Caleb*
When they enter the tower
Fjord: Ahhh I prefer this so much mo- UP!!!
After leaving the Tomb Takers in their rooms, Caleb takes the Nein to the 8th floor
Caleb: You don’t have to say up, you can just...
Fjord: Don’t we? *smarmy look at Caleb*
Caleb: Well you have to
Fjord: UP!
Liam: Caleb makes a mental note that central chamber DOES NOT work for Fjord unless he says UP
Travis: *laughs hysterically* That’ll never be a problem
Liam: Everyone else is fine!
Caleb: As we float up to the 8th floor we come into a central nine sided chamber and there are nine doors. Numbered. Pick three.
Jester: How much do you think it’s weirding Lucien out that everything is 9  9 9 9 9
Caleb: A whole lot
Veth: Pick three?
Caleb: Yeah
Fjord: Three doors?
Veth: I’m going to pick door four
Beau: *quickly after Veth* Door nine.
Fjord: *also quickly trying to get his choice in* One.
Caleb shows them Astrids room behind door 4, then takes them to door 9 and describes the Nestled Nook
Fjord: *narrowed eyes as he realizes what might be behind door 1*
Caleb: Yeah so it’s almost dinner, and you said you wanted to see door number one...
Fjord: *stays silent*
Caleb: *pushes open door one*
Caduceus: Oh...
Caleb: *stands outside the door for a long moment*
Jester: *apprehensive* What is it...?
Caduceus: Home
Beau: Is it your childhood home?
Jester: Why did you put all of this at the top of your tower?
Caleb: Wherever I go.... they are with me
Jester: They are
Fjord: *soft voice* It’s so funny, they say you can never go home, but you’ve created an ingenious way to do just that.
Beau: But this is your first time being in this room
Jester: This would still be here, even if you didn’t make the rooms
Caleb: *uncomfortable* It’s just my way.... It’s just my way
Fjord: Was your room upstairs?
Caleb: *turns to give Fjord a tight smile and nod*
Fjord: Would you mind if I... *points up
Caleb: *smiles at Fjord again* Sure
Liam: Caleb goes to the steps, pauses, skips to the second step which creaks. Smiles a little bit. Then goes up.
Fjord/Travis: *short little amused laugh*
Liam: The loft is just a window, a small bed that would fit a teenager, and a little circle of rags
Fjord: All to yourself?
Caleb: Almost. *bamfs Frumpkin into the circle of rags*
Fjord: *smiles, then sees that Caleb is struggling with something and frowns*
Caleb: I’ve thought about it so much... I’ve thought about it so much. It probably isn’t a good idea to have this, but it’s just my way. I don’t think I’m allowed to forget it.
Caduceus: I don’t think you do, I don’t think this room will change that. I don’t want to speak to how smart you are but, it’s not that you’re doing it wrong you’re just not using it the right way.
Fjord: *confused*
Jester: It feels less like a memory and more like a punishment for yourself Caleb
Caleb: *distraught* If it exists here, it exists. It exists somewhere.
Caduceus: Even without here it would exist somewhere. What you’ve done here is beautiful, I hope you know that.
Fjord: *nods along in agreement*
Caleb: It is, it is, I have those memories, I have them, and I’ve struggled with it for a very long time. My feelings, about these things. There are good memories.
Caduceus: It only takes one bad one.
Caleb: I can’t help... *looks around at the others but lands on Fjord and stays there* ...wanting more.
Fjord: *nods gently*
Veth: Do you still wish to go back... and undo it?
Caleb: Of course.
Caduceus: Do you think Lucien has one of these rooms? Is that what’s happening? ... I don’t know. Maybe.
Caleb: Well... I understand that you all care for me very much. And I am very grateful for it. There is a part of me that will not- *cuts himself off*
Beau: Will not?
Caleb: So the tour is almost over, you wanted to see the ninth floor as well? Come along.
Veth: If that’s alright with you?
Caleb: Ja ja, it’s beautiful.
Beau: *stays behind and holds eye contact with Fjord for a long moment after the others leave*
Caleb calls for desert to be brought in
Caleb: One of the cats has a tray of cut fruit, and the other has a basin and a fountain of chocolate
Fjord: Holyyyyyy shit
After reminiscing about the cults they’ve dismantled
Fjord: Are we... relatively alone? Should we go somewhere else- another level, to avoid prying ears?
Caleb: We can distance ourselves but I’m assuming at any given moment we are more likely than not, he’s overhearing us
Fjord: I was going to ask if your tower offered any protection from prying ears, but also we should contact Essek and see where he’s stationed since it seems like we are closing in on Aeor
They discuss using the cats to hide what they are saying
Veth: To the Salon!
Fjord: UP
Caleb: It’s actually a floor down, so...
Fjord: Shit- DOWN!
Fjord: Ok so is this place battle ready? Can we trap them, or can it be damaged and they escape?
Caleb: Don’t worry about destroying anything, it will be reset to my liking.
Fjord: I meant more like can we trap them on a floor, keep them from leaving, restricting an entrance in and out of a room?
Jester: Anything that happens I mean he can cancel this tower...
Caleb: Right now there is not, but tomorrow there will be... if we imagine it
Fjord: *nods along: That’s what I meant... just a thought
Fjord uses his sword and notices they are being scried on
Fjord: Admittedly they have been kind of... nice? I figured they would have tried something by now but perhaps all of our... *casts around for the word and talks at Caleb* judgements were misplace?
Caleb: *eye contact with Fjord*
Veth: You view them as allies now, do you Fjord?
Fjord: I don’t know about that, but they seem to be at least participating in their half of the deal
Caleb: Well, they’ve been listening to us shit-talk them quite a bit on multiple nights, so... I don’t think there’s a lot of illusions here. *still talking to Fjord* It’s an uncomfortable alliance at best. But we are curious *now to the scrying eye* to see the end of the road. *to the cats* You can cut it. Cut it.
Travis: One prima donna cat is just *mimes singing dramatically*
They figure out the orb is following Yasha, then appears over Fjord
Caleb: I walk over to Fjord, and look up at where the scrying eye is, and kind of stand in front of [Fjord] so I can get in it’s view, and say what are we going to do here? We’re working together, you don’t really trust us, we don’t really trust you. You have some idea what you want to do to us. Are you having fun at least?
Matt: The orb disappears
Fjord: You’re actually looking a little off, but, it’s fine
Caleb: I was messing with it
Discussing how to fold Essek into the plan
Caleb: He’s told us to our face he bears more allegiance to us than any nation- whether that’s true or not...
Fjord: *sassy mmHMMM sound like he doesn’t believe it*
Caduceus trances to ask the wildmother questions and finds out Lucien doesn’t need them all alive
Fjord: Not ALL of us... angel-blood
Caleb: We’ve seen angel blood before *mimes tear tracks in reference to when they found the creepy ass weeping angel statues*
Fjord: *brain explosion as he realizes what Caleb means*
Back to discussing strategy which was like.... most of this episode. Waffling on decisions
Fjord: I’m a big fan of the home-field advantage, that’s the only reason I’m pushing to kick it off
Caleb: For those of us interested in getting our friend back- we don’t have a method. Our hope is to get to Aeor and find something there
Fjord: Ah
Caleb: Seems pretty thin
Fjord: *shakes head*
Matt: At this point Fjord notices the orb appear again
Fjord: *pretends to have an allergic reaction to alert the others*
Caleb: Several cats do now approach you at my telepathic bidding
Fjord: no no NO. NO!. No.
After Jester leaves to have cat adventures with Lucien
Caleb: Are we done for the night? Ja? Ok, I tell frumpkin telepathically to clog the arteries on five. Fjord, cover your eyes.
Fjord: *covers his eyes*
Caleb: Cat after cat after cat start vomiting up from the bottom-
Fjord/Travis: *plugs his ears as well*
Caleb: not in the room we are in! *holds out hand to Fjord* not in our room! in the central chamber it starts to fill with spectral cats
Caleb and Beau share a nightmare and shoot upright awake at the same time
Fjord: *points at the two, looking concerned* That’s... rare.
Beau: *grabs her notebook and starts scribbling*
Fjord: *stops pointing at her but keeps his hand up at Caleb, who rubs his eyes* What, what are you doing?
Beau: Shut-- just shut up, shh.. shhh sh sh
Caleb: *looks at Beau*
Beau: That’s not good.
Matt: Caleb, perception check
Caleb: I was also asking if anything I saw made any more sense... 18
Matt: As she’s sketching, you see on the back of her hand... a single red eye
The table: *loses their shit to varying degrees*
Travis: OH! OH! *looks angry and upset*
Beau: *unaware, continues sketching*
Caleb: St... Stop
Beau: What?
Caleb: *takes her hand and twists so its on top of his to show her*
Caleb: *checks the back of her neck but finds no other eyes*
Beau: *checks the back of his neck, nothing*
Beau: His arms- he had one on his arm
Liam: *to Travis* Check the gooch?
Travis: *breaks severity to laugh at Liam*
Liam: That’s the last place we’ll look
Caleb: *pulls off his shirt so he’s bare chest and arms to see if he has any eyes*
Fjord: *Nodding along and inspecting*
Matt: On his right shoulder you see an eye
 Fjord/Travis: *leans back in exasperation and fear*
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Following the thief now… it was quite a challenge for the half-bot. It hasn’t been more than a few moments, yet they had already disappeared into the teal hues of this manor. The paths were winding and twisting with confusion, no doubt it would get to Cyborg soon enough.
Aimlessly moving about whatever path they could find, they took the time to open most of the doors they came across. Most of the stuff was boring- some bedrooms, a library, a few balconies- ooh! Those were the gems they stole last night! They looked at the bunch of them, a grin of pride brought to their face as their visor lit up with delight. There were so many colors that flickered in the morning light! They didn’t think silly little rocks could invoke such delight! Well- they didn’t really, they didn’t have much of a purpose- but they looked edible! ...Maybe they could eat one? Hm… Roguey wouldn’t be looking, so a small one would be fine, right? Picking one up with their mitten, they examined it closely. They didn’t know what it was, but it was red and blue! Neat! What was not neat was the reaction their systems had when it was brought close! There were loud static pops around their head, their arm seizing a little while their mind buzzed persistently...as if there was a sudden storm that had filled their form! It was enough to get them to drop whatever it was, and it fractured the moment it hit the floor. Abruptly, all of these things would collectively stop, and Cyborg groaned as things just seemed to go back to normal. Mmm, that was kinda mean! Maybe they were inedible...The rocks were finally fighting back against their fate, bummer. They were going to have to find a way around that! Haha, wouldn’t that be funny…!
Moving along, other rooms weren’t worth noting- it was cyborg’s perception of things, after all- Though they did happen to come across some large, vacant spaces. Hm… that creepy scientist would probably make use of this space. However, past those rooms, they would finally walk into the room that Roguefort had nestled themself into, full of fabrics and things of the like with lengths of it loosely reaching for the center of the room. There was a soft humming from the thief as they looked about them, then down to a sheet of paper they had scribbled things down on. The moment they felt even the slightest movement, however, they squeaked, their gaze darting to where they had noticed something else moving.
“...O-Oh. It’s just you.” “Yeah, the dumbass passed out. Soooo, now I’m left with you!” “...You don’t like what I’ve done.” “I sure don’t!” “Yet you’ve lied to me.” “H-Huh?” “I was told I would have fun during all this, yet we’ve all hurt each other. I’m also losing my sense of self... I think it’s fair to call ourselves even.” They glanced at the half-bot, who, after a few moments, huffed at such a remark. “Whatever, fiiine. Your offense was still worse, though.” “...If you assume so. I still plan on apologizing to you both with at least something of worth.” “Is that why you’re here?” The question got a nod out of Roguefort. “I don’t wish for us to drive each other apart-” “Tch, you say that when you let Aloe of all people live here-” “Rather, I think we should try to befriend each other.” “...We need to take you to another gem place, don’t we?” “Hear me out, will you? It would benefit us both to become friends with what could be considered a worst enemy. That way, they have fewer reasons to turn on us, and perhaps they’ll have a bit of a turnaround and realize that helping us with the husks is beneficial.” “...So...There was a reason you let them stay here…” “Cy, it would have taken five seconds to explain...perhaps you should try to think a little before acting?” “I can do many things, but that’s impossible!” Such a phrase got them both to laugh a little. The taller continued to scribble down things, prompting Cyborg to sit next to them and look at what they were doing. “...What is that?” “Well, I’ve felt that we’ve all been through a handful of things, so… If we’re becoming nothing like what we were, I figured that our physical identities should be shed.” “...What?” “I’m making outfits, Cy.” “...Ohhhh!!!! Why didn’t you say that before?” They giggled, bapping them on the back. “I didn’t know you made things like that!”
“I still wish to remain eloquent, is all. And, why wouldn’t I? I’m a thief, it’s only fair that one would have to come up with their own disguises. All of ours, whoever made them...oh dear. They are in such need of repair.” They smiled, glancing at the other. “...By chance, do you know what Aloe likes, aesthetically speaking?” “...Why are you asking me that?” “I wish for it to be a surprise for both of you, and I don’t know what either of you likes most.” “Oh...um. They like green!!! And gold, I guess… They’ve always seemed like they wanted fancier clothing, I think…? I dunno, they always seemed unhappy with how they looked.” They would trail off, feeling some guilt that they knew not the origins of. To get their mind off of it, they looked at Roguefort, who was scribbling out a little design for them. “...Do you have any preferences for yourself?” “Mmmm, I wanna be fluffy!!! With little neon colors, maybe more orange!!! It looks really neat, and-” At this point, they would begin to ramble about what they’d like, all of which the thief would be sure to scribble down. It was a lot more specific than Aloe’s, that’s for sure! By the time they finished, they looked down, and noticed something...odd! Roguey didn’t have a single mark down on how they wanted to look!!! Hm!
“...We could try going on another heist tonight if you’d like.” “We?” “We! You’re not half bad at trashing the places we steal from, now are you?” “Hmhm, I would never be half bad!!! I’m the best when it comes to a little destruction!!” “Ah...then we shall embark on our little adventures soon enough. ..Would you mind speaking with Aloe for a little while when they wake up?” “About what?” “Just… anything, really. I don’t want us to fall apart. As useful as it would be to befriend them, I’d rather it be a genuine friendship, not some flimsy attempt to force them to stay.” “...Fine. Uh, so, we’re gonna go and do stealies tonight, yeah?” “We are, yes.” “Hm!!! I will destroy all the paintings you’ve collected!! And then I'll get food! And... then talk to Aloe, ew. I’ll do a lot so you can make silly little outfits!” “And it is much appreciated.” the stealer of jewels watched them dart away, before turning back to the page.
~ “...So, it’s been weeks, and they still haven’t been able to think of something to wear?” “I mean...yea. They said they wanted to give us the outfits for us today since you somehow are feeling better. Why are they missing out on the fun stuff?” “Perhaps they’re having an identity crisis.” “A what?” “...Right, you’re still dumb. Uh… I think we could try to make something for them…” “But we don’t know shit about making clothes!” “That’s why we attempt to do such a thing, Cyborg.” Aloe huffed, reaching for some of the pale yellow fabric strung along the length of the room. “Should we keep the color scheme the same?” “HELL NO! I dunno what would work nicely with that cheese, but I know they’d want some tacky fancy stuff…”
“I mean, they don’t look half bad in fanciful things.” perhaps a darker shade of teal…? Off-white… With a few light purples. “Do you have any ideas for them?” “Mmmm, I like the cape they have! It’s like a portable blankie!” “Is that all you can think of it as?” “Definitely! I will steal it someday!” “Already taking notes from them, I see… How odd.” “Hm?” “I never thought you would be able to adapt to the changes someone else has.” “Oh, no no! Nope! Not even close! You’re not even in the same ballpark! Y'see, they’re chaotic. We both share a brain cell, that’s how I manage to do that.” “...I’ll have to conduct an experiment on that later.” “H-HUH?” “You’re second-guessing yourself now, hm? Having regrets?”
“Shut up! Ugh, let’s just...work on this. I can’t believe you managed to get better, I was hoping you’d die again.” “Very nice of you, thanks.” They shot a glance at the pouting Cyborg. Nevertheless, they’d continue working on the outfit, which would very easily take over a few hours. The half-bot attempted to help, but the most they could do was suggest ideas and hold pieces of cloth in place. Boring!!! That was up until they were about to start making the cape- That was something Cyborg snatched right up! “I’m making this part!!! Mine!!” “...Allow me to help, at least a little.” “No! You helped with everything else, I should get a little say in this!” They held the fabric close, but the scientist would grab onto it. “I understand, but I’m following the design you wish for them to have!” They would try to yank it from them, but their grip remained strong. The prototype of the cape was in a deadlock between the two.
“No! Nono, Roguey needs something from me! You already got your grimy hands on everything!!” They seemed a little desperate, continuing to pull at the fabric. “Let go!!! You never let me do anything!!!” “You let go! You can come up with a design for this, it will be just like the rest!!!” “No! I wanna make this piece!!” “Well, you’re going to mess it up!” “I won’t, Dumbass!!!” “That doesn’t want to make me let it go any faster!!” “Well, then I’ll MAKE you let go!!!” They yanked on it as hard as they could, which did get Aloe to fall back… Only because the cape was ripped in half. The anger the half-bot exuded simmered down as quickly as possible thereafter. They could only stare at what they had caused with a bit of shock, and even more guilt. It… It’s only been a few weeks, yet… They still weren’t over the thought of killing the scientist… “...I’m sorry…” “Hgh...it’s fine…” They let out a heavy sigh, shaking their head as they sat up. Ough, that wound from all that time ago still hurts like a bitch. “Perhaps we could just...work on it together. It...Hah, it’s even torn in half…” It was clear to Cyborg they were just trying to make the most of this inconvenience… and it made them feel a little better that they were at least trying to make amends. It was...still way too small to matter, but it was big enough to be noticeable! “...Mmm...sure.”
“I’ve noted you both were in the room I was in while designing outfits for you both...whatever was your business in there?” “Well, we uh-” “We made you this really cool thing!!!! We think you would like it lots!!!” Cyborg said, seemingly happier than they were before the two of them walked into the room. This caught the thief off guard, a warm smile brought to their face shortly thereafter.
“Well, I’m pleased to let you know that I’m here to show you both your outfits… Made from what we all think you both would like most!” They unveiled the two designs they had been working on, handing each to their respective owners… Who seemed to cherish them. “There’s so much fluff on this!!! More than I asked! I thought there would be only neck fluff, but this??? This much????? I love it! I dunno who thought of it, but thankies!!! It’s also so bright!!! And the orange is all shiny...It makes me so happy!!!” They hugged what they were given as if it were some form of a plush. Not a moment later, they zipped away, likely to change into it. Aloe simply stared at what was given to them, looking it over as if attempting to find a single flaw… “How is there not even a single loose thread…?” “Ah, I have my ways. Yours was a lot of fun to make, Aloe.” “Hah...it makes me feel bad…” “Why’s that?” They tilted their head inquisitively, perking up when Aloe showed them the outfit the others had made for the thief of the night… “We...did our best, but it doesn’t look that great…” They glanced away as Roguefort took what was offered, also looking it over. “It’s not that bad! Some of the stitching is weird, yes, but… I like to think it gives the piece flavor.” They grinned, no hint of contempt on their face. “The only thing I wonder is why the cape was presumably torn…” “Ah, we got into a bit of an argument… We stitched it up together soon after and tried to hide it with a ribbon...” “Hm...the concept is interesting! Do you mind if I make a few changes?” “Not at all. It’s something to make you more comfortable with yourself, after all.” “Then, I’ll likely put a few more ribbons to match what you’ve chosen for me. It’s...a nice change of pace, the colors you chose.”
The moment they got the chance to move back into the fabric room, Roguefort did, sighing as they closed the door behind them. Right… They just had a few things to take care of. The ribbons, checking up on the outside world, and...one other thing they nearly forgot about entirely. There was a closet on the far side of the room. The phantom silently moved over to it, looking back to the doorway to make sure nobody was looking, before opening it up and peering in. There it was...this odd cane they never really found a use for until such a moment, when they recalled the dangers that lay ahead of themself...and everybody else. Taking it, and lightly dusting it off, they looked to a nearby window. The number of husks staring back, smiling with the faces of the damned… it was growing. It’s gone from one to twenty, and they could tell some form of danger was lurking. Glancing down at the cane, they gently lifted the handle away from the base of it. The moment they saw the sharp glimmer of metal, they closed it again. So...this wasn’t just them hallucinating things about what this was capable of. Perhaps it would prove to be useful? They knew not. What they did know, however, was that it would be put to the test soon enough. Best not to dwell on it now. Right, their outfit...there was quite a bit to fix. ...Where were the ribbons put? Ah, there...the spool had a little happy face on it, likely drawn by the happy-go-lucky bot themself. What a curious little group they have befriended...
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beybladefanboy · 3 years
Hello, buddy ! Can You make a post to describe your favorite characters from every Beyblade season ? 🙂🙂
Odd question but I'll answer it to the best of my ability.
Metal Fusion: Kyoya and Ryuga
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Kyoya was my favourite character throughout this season. I liked seeing how his rivalry with Gingka started as kind of obsessive due to Doji's influence but then became healthier and more good spirited. However he still retained his sarcasm and wit when he became an ally to the heroes, playing the straight man to a lot of their jokes which was just fun. He's a fun character in general. I love the sarcastic assholes and his over the top arrogance, which you'd think would be annoying, is actually really entertaining. As for Ryuga, he's an excellent villain in this season. He scared the heck out of me as a kid and still managed to make me anxious rewatching it now. He was the perfect balance of entertaining and threatening in this season. I like him as a villain in Fusion. In Metal Masters and Metal Fury, I grew to like him as a character since we saw his true character in those seasons. So while I like him more in seasons 2 and 3, I don't want to repeat myself too much. Just know that Ryuga is my true favourite.
Metal Masters: Tsubasa and Zeo
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Tsubasa got a lot of character development in this season through the Dark Tsubasa arc. I loved seeing him truly become part of the group and learn to accept and control the darker side of himself rather than unrealistically driving it out like other stories do. I like this take better. In real life we can't force out unwanted aspects of ourselves. Trying to repress 'darker' thoughts or feelings just backfires, which it did for Tsubasa. Instead Tsubasa learned an actually applicable lesson about accepting our flaws but not letting them control us, which resonated with me as a kid and still does now. As for the new characters in Masters I'm honestly not the biggest fan of them. I find Masamune annoying, I really dislike Wang Fu Zhong and the Garcias, and most of the others are just kind of there for me. I don't really get why these characters get so much attention here in the fandom. Out of all the new characters, I liked Zeo the most. I felt really bad for him. He got abandoned by one of his best friends and his other best friend was dying in the hospital, leaving him to be abused by HD Academy in his efforts to save Toby. It was just incredibly sad. His bitterness toward Masamune is really understandable to the point where I'm kind of on Zeo's side. Masamume was being a really inconsiderate friend.
Metal Fury: Yuki and King
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Yeah, I like the new characters of Fury more than the new characters of Masters. There were less of them in this season so they were allowed to develop a little more than the Masters cast did, starting with Yuki. I find Yuki's anxiety and self-doubt to be very relatable to me personally and seeing him learn to overcome it was really satisfying. I also like how he isn't overtly powerful like the other legendary bladers. His strength comes from his knowledge and precision, which come in handy more than a few times. It's a nice way of showing that brute strength isn't all that matters in a blader. As for King, I just think he's really funny. I don't really know why. He's the kind of character I would normally hate but I find his arrogance entertaining and his friendship with Masamune is one of my favourites of the series. I love their little back and forths and how they support each other when they need it but make fun of each other literally any other time. It reminds me of one of my real life friendships.
Shogun Steel: Ren and Takanosuke
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I wasn't a big fan of Shogun Steel or its characters but if I had to pick favourites, it would be Ren and Tanakosuke. Ren was the closest thing the series had to an original character (she deserved more screen time!) and Takanosuke... Well he's that type of character that redeems villains through his sheer goodness. He's like Kenta or Mokuba in that way. So I kinda just like the type of character he is. Shogun Steel doesn't give me much to work with but since I've seen it, I felt I should include it.
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