#was thinking about how I like retro alien stuff
theshadowrealmitself · 3 months
Pin up poster idea: Jim Kirk, naked on a blanket on the sand, disappointedly looking up at Spock, who’s still clothed, with the caption “so “fight to the death” wasn’t metaphorical?”
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partial-bouquet · 5 months
On my idk 10th relisten of Wolf 359 and I’m thinking about how like retro the Hephaestus is. The clacking keys, the flicked switches, the fact that the audio recordings seem to be on tape, cause in episode 51 Eiffel is using a tape player.
Like when I picture the interior it’s like the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars and those Earth Colony ships from 70s Doctor Who and the Nostromo from Alien.
I remember seeing a post talking about the differences between the Hephaestus, Urania and Sol, but that was about how lived in they were.
But like The Hephaestus is dark and boxy and has many switches on the interior, 90s/early 00s keyboards, tape recording and such.
If I was good at drawing ships and stuff I would try and draw The Hephaestus.
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takerfoxx · 2 months
I've never really watched Dr. Who, but I've always been distantly fond of it as this really weird imaginative thing that somehow managed to embed itself into pop culture and just stick around being a big deal for basically ever. And what tickles me the most about it is that it hails from a bygone era of science fiction and looks like it. It predates Buck Rogers, it predates Star Trek, it predates Star Wars, it predates Lost in Space, it predates all of them, and yet it's even more culturally relevant than ever.
But as a result of that, all of those really, really old-fashioned alien designs are just...still around. Daleks. Cybermen. All of them wouldn't look out of place in your standard sci-fi fare of the day but are now almost comically retro, but still have to be treated 100% seriously whenever they pop back up in the modern show despite, you know, looking like that.
And honestly? I think that's wonderful. Like, that's how you make that cheesy stuff work, by embracing it. Just keep keeping on, you funky little niche sci-fi property that managed to evolve into one of the biggest mainstream franchises of all time.
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defaultnaming · 6 months
First thoughts:
I'll be honest, I went into the episode a bit biased, 10 is nowhere close to a good doctor for me and I dislike the RTD era. But open minds and all that.
I DON'T like the mcu logo. MCUification of DW on main.
I need an in-depth explaination on what regeneration energy does after that ep. Like, how does it make a suit and long coat, ties, a new sonic screwdriver, perfectly fitting glasses and a judges wig (he didn't know he would need it so he would have to have it on him so... how??)
Okay, why the big exposition cold open if you're going to exposit the info in conversation, feels a bit like you wasted time there I'll be honest. Could've went to solving the ep problem cause that was rushed.
The old doctor is back.... and apparently has a personality like at least a couple thousand years haven't passed... okay....
The part about 'Why does everything have to be a big goodbye?' I mean, it seemed really wierd that he would refuse coming for a cuppa because he CAN do that. We've seen it over 15 years, the doctor has developed to do that stuff. Also, bar a few phrases, didn't really see much of 13's personality there and it's shame. DT is a good actor, he could pull it off (I mean, he also could've pulled off the outfit but....), you didn't need to do 10 on repeat .
I like rose! But is she 15 cause.... no? Also, how to tell your trans character is written by cis people: 'DiD YOu jUsT AssUMe tHEIr ProNOUnS!?'
Love the starting her business, didn't like that they made Donna a mum who doesn't respect boundaries but still the support and the plushies were cute and I guess being nosy is in character for her.
Meep was cute! Feel like the meep was suitably menacing and it was peak cheese. Also, Miriam Margoles was perfect for the voice. I also love the bit where the meep was clinging to Donna, brilliant. Also, tactically landing in a steel mill and not being really contrived was good! I also loved that 'living sun' hypnosis, it made sense to me. I also loved the cheesy bug things, they we cute as well and I love that they took the time to explain why the cab never got hit properly cause I was wondering.
Also, Sylvia wanting to KO the doctor on site to keep him from seeing Donna... accurate, funny and I wanted her to do it I'll be honest. Saun temple, absolute king, just drinking respsct wife juice. Like, if my partner gave away that much money I'd divource but he's just better than me.
I love UNIT as this alien first responder force, that was neat. I love that they were inclusive to disabilities and the characters were still suitably badass.
I love the (albiet clumsy) trans positivity in the episode. But let's not give them too much credit, the doctor has been trans and trans positive (with timelords mind) since about 2014.
Didn't like the implication that transmascs are inherently more dim/stupid than transfemmes. Also, that is literally what they said because the text was literally 'if you were female (still a woman) presenting, you'd understand'. I won't lie, as a transmasc person, it kind of hurt. I feel like we should be past the feminism that drags men instead of uplifting women but yeah.
I feel like they undercut the tradgedy of Donna's sacrifice by having her just... be alive. I get she... shared?... the metacrisis but it kind of ruins why Donna was such a tragic figure in DW. Also, gee DoctorDonna, why didn't you just think 'get rid of it' before? Could've saved a lot of trouble. The cracks through London just kind of disappearing when the ship was stopped was wierd but I get it, they need to move onto other things and that would be too big of a distraction.
Also, they're going to visit Wilf yay! Why did the TARDIS redecorate? Why did you then give a workable reason why she would need to reconfigure immediately afterward? I love the design, very retro but again, felt a bit contrived.
All in all, a cheesy, old nu!who episode vibes (I clarify, not my thing) that has some great building blocks and despite the problems, I am looking forward to new episodes to come!
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oceansprompts · 5 months
marvel's midnight suns | misc quotes 4
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Thank you for not making a bigger deal about my arrival…
I don’t think I can properly express my relief…
In truth, I’ve been in survival mode…
I do not believe in many of the common dark magics…
A risk is not a risk if it does not hold the potential for regret.
Well, for example, some species of bats can fly at speeds of up to 100 miles…
I’m sorry. I’m a bit on edge because I haven’t eaten in awhile.
No. And, for the record, I don’t sleep in a coffin just because I’m a vampire.
I know what it’s like to feel suffocated by a disease….
 I was fifteen when I found out my mother was Capital “E” Evil.
I want to throw her a surprise party, but I can’t do it alone.
Pisses me off so much, I could scream.
Don’t bother. Kinda just want to be left alone.
And since chaos magic is a helluva lot more powerful…
But, poof, here this was… waiting for me.
You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the first case of corruption in recorded history.
I’ve already lost enough people I care about.
You, uh, reunited our twisted little family…
You ever miss people from your past?
So, it’s time for them to move over and let the kids take the reins.
Maybe a somewhat dysfunctional family with a ton of issues to work through…
I feel called out. Figured since your mom is the Mother of Demons and all…
They make me feel like a child sometimes, but you don’t, so, like, thanks.
It’s something I make all my friends watch with me.
Anyway we’ll get some more quality one-on-one time. It’s a little retro…
Like why have a kid if you’re going to get rid of them…
Okay, I think that you think that I’m one of those good people, right…
How can you be sure that I’m not, you know, evil?
I’ll spare you the sappy stuff, but you’ve climbed to the top…
She’ll never forget how her favorite cartoon characters showed up as exotic dancers. Nor will she ever forgive me.
Of all the changes you’ve had to deal with, at least the music is better.
Meh. That requires effort.
That you were a godlike hero walking the earth, single-handedly holding back the forces of evil.
But what if I hurt you?
Sorry, I… I don’t feel like myself.
Is it weird that I think she’s going to be waiting for me in my dreams…
Forgot how relaxing it is to just zone out and watch a good movie after a long day of battle.
I mean, it was just a dream, right?
It’s all destroyed now, along with these poor peoples’ lives.
Of course I’d like to know more, but I trust you’re doing the best you can.
Instead I’m just… Numb. I’m starting to feel guilty that I don’t feel guilty.
But I still wonder if I truly belong, you know?
It’s not all magic wands and midnight margaritas.
I dunno. There’s so much to be happy about right now. You pick.
I wonder what they would say if they saw me now, saw who I grew up to be.
Wasn’t exactly the popular kid, if you know what I mean.
I’m not so sure you want to know… or I want to tell you.
So, I’m setting it in ink, because I never want to forget how you took a chance on me.
I feel like I can trust myself again…
With all these people, it’s not crowded, exactly. It certainly feels more alive.
For a moment, nothing. Then she burst out laughing and opened the door. We have been close ever since.
A collection of DVDs. I know it’s irrational to want them back, but I can’t stop thinking about them.
It shouldn’t be this easy. I always pictured a gulf between us.
Well, I never thought I could replace you. I wanted you to know.
I figured if I was going to be teaming up with this group, I ought to up my game. Sound more…I dunno…scary.
Sorry, the mask’s gotta stay on. I hope that’s not gonna make things weird between us.
I mean, I can’t shoot laser beams, light my skull on fire or glow like the sun…
Maybe I’ll use the Forge to bake a loaf of sourdough…
No, I mean helping him turn his life around. The way real heroes are supposed to.
Alien-possessed architecture gives me the extra creeps.
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druidberries · 1 year
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transcript under the cut
S: I'm so glad we were all able to make it! Charlie and I used to come here all the time as kids.
C: Yeah, then we had to go become stupid adults.
E: I've been wanting to go to an arcade! It's so cool here
S: I thought you'd want to! I know you're into all the retro stuff
X: I love all the bright colors in here!
C: Hey, Xylithe, I like your tattoos, are you into space?
E: Aren't they so cute?!
X: I love space!
S: Charlie's been obsessed with space since we were kids, they would freak all the other kids out talking about aliens all the time haha
C: Those kids can make fun of me all they want, but I know aliens are out there! You mean to tell me space is that big and we're the only creatures in it?
E: *glancing at Xyl*
C: OH, Xylithe! I'm like 90% positive I saw a UFO the other day.
X: A UFO? D-do you know what model it was? Or um the color? Were there any symbols on it?
C: Uhh I didn't get to see it that closely but even so, how do you know about specific models? Are you okay, by the way? You seem freaked out
E: O-Oh! Sometimes when Xylithe gets excited she sounds nervous!
I'm sure she's ecstatic is all...haha
X: Oh, haha, yeah sorry...I'm just excited, I've um- I've never seen a UFO before! I've done a lot of research on the different models and what they mean though.
C: You have research that in-depth?! You gotta show me where you get it sometime!
X: Yeah, I can definitely show you! what am I getting myself into???
E and S: *not paying attention whatsoever and just staring at each other*
C: Xylithe, I think we lost them
E: Heh, sorry...space isn't really my thing
X: Yeah, she's more interested in green-haired guys.
S: Hang on, there's another green-haired guy?!
E: No, dork! And there's no other guys in general, fyi!
S: Phew! On that note, it's time to play some games!
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stra-tek · 1 year
I would like to ask your opinion on the NuTrek set designs! I haven't watched strange new worlds or discovery (those are the nu prequel ones right?) mostly because I'm afraid they won't be good? Like they won't hold the same silly charm as TOS or TNG, and part of that worry is the ship design. I love that TOS bridge LOOKS like it's from the 60s, LOOKS like the ship is kinda held together with spit, sillystring, and human stubbornness, because that's how our real life space program was back then. From the pictures I've seen, I don't like all the fancy lights everywhere on a ship that looks completely different in TOS. I know they probably had to update it for marketing so like I get it but! What do you think and are the new sets distracting? And are the shows good? Thanks!
The sets are definitely very different to the old ones, more in line with the recent movie version of things where there are big windows in front with amazing space vistas and very hi-tech touchscreen panels everywhere. Personally I love them, they kept a few little callbacks to the originals like the Enterprise having some of the old jelly bean buttons on the consoles next to the modern flatscreen panels. I never found the brightness distracting but I've heard others complain about it. I only complained about Picard's third season where for 9 episodes they basically leave the lights off and you can barely see anyone😆 While Discovery has it's own look, the Enterprise has a kind of modern retro vibe where some things are now HUGE and SHINY but you'll spot stuff almost unchanged from the old show, like the Jeffries Tube Scotty was always tinkering in.
As for the shows themselves, they're a mixed bag (as were the originals)
Discovery had tons and tons of BTS drama, the people running the end of the first season weren't the same who started it so storytelling is somewhat uneven. And it's different from classic Treks in that it's one main plotline per season and there is one definite main character rather than an ensemble. Then they had two big shifts in direction: The first season is dark and mysterious, involving war with Klingons (who speak subtitled Klingon and like the sets have been reimagined to look far more alien) and mirror universes. The second tries to be much lighter in tone and more like the recent movies and has a plot that makes less and less sense the closer you examine it (but I still loved it), then they jump to the distant future where they're a relic in a universe that's changed a lot. It's also the queerest Trek ever with gay, nb and trans characters. There's some violence and swearing and a story about a former POW who was sexually abused in the first season but it's not all quite as it seems.
Strange New Worlds spins off from the second season of Discovery (but you don't need to have seen it first), and tells TOS/TNG/VOY style standalone stories which range from saving worlds to battling alien monsters to utter fluff but unlike the originals, what happens has lasting effects on the characters. It's got a mix of young versions of known characters, some have been changed a lot (Nurse Chapel is a total badass in this version, Spock is married to T'Pring and she's a huge part of his life) and others who didn't do enough in TOS to really be called changed, like Dr. M'Benga. They also have Kirk's brother on the crew and he's derpy as hell and we love him. It's the one most like classic Trek, but it's definitely more of a modern reboot of the concept even though officially it's a prequel in the same continuity (even going so far in Discovery as a "previously on" with clips from "The Cage" and then next season there's an episode called "Unification III", follwing on from the TNG two-parter and featuring the characters watching a clip from it). So don't get too hung up on all that stuff and just enjoy!
Hope that helps!🖖
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fiendishartist2 · 1 year
ok hc list bc i dont want to go to sleep yet:
-reigen likes to crochet and esp likes to make stuff for other ppl. mob's gotten mountains of mittens, hats, coasters, and even the occassional cardigan or sweater. reigen also has mountains of unfinished projects he put down and never picked up again- he bounces from project to project, moving on when his motivation dries out. likes it better than knitting bc its faster and he thinks the variety of stitches is interesting
-serizawa likes to sew, but specifically for cosplay. when halloween rolls around, he makes costumes for the kids and himself. one year, he offhandedly mentioned to reigen a zelda cosplay he never got to wear, and thats how he and reigen ended up accidentally doing a link and zelda couples costume...
-mob has tried to learn both crochet and knitting, but doesn't really get either. crochet is too complicated, and everytime reigen's tried to teach him, it ends up with mob inexplicably tangled up in his own yarn. however, mob does really like videogames, esp life sims and the occasional fighting game. ppl underestimate him bc normally his reflexes aren't great, but he can play competitive level smash bros. his mains are jigglypuff and pikachu
-ritsu likes journaling but absolutely hates drawing. he also doesn't particularly like creative writing. he only really plays games with mob, but occassionally he'll pick up the odd rpg or anything shou wants to play with him (usually minecraft). he's a big pokemon fan but he's a little embarrassed by it, so he doesn't talk about it outside of shou and (after a very surprising conversation) serizawa
-shou didn't really have any hobbies growing up in claw, but now that he can, he wants to try everything. he picks up drawing again after his dad is arrested and, eventually, tries other mediums like oils and spray paint. he doesn't like how long it takes for normal paints to dry but he loves spray paint almost as much as he loves his sketchbook (which was a gift from ritsu; he won't admit it, but he hand-binded the book himself just for shou). likes to play any type of game, but only when with friends. otherwise, he thinks they're kinda lonely. ritsu is his favourite person to draw
-teru loves fashion, but is abysmal at sewing, so his favourite place to go for weird items is the thrift store. he loves the mall, but only ever goes if mob tags along, saying its more fun that way. the only thing he likes more than dressing up, is dressing others up- esp if that person is mob, since they share a style. he likes rhythm games and karaoke a lot and can play the guitar. has a not-so-secret obsession with vocaloid
-tome tries lots of hobbies but never really sticks to one thing. she likes researching aliens and other supernatural phenomena. has thought of starting a podcast, but isn't sure if she could commit herself to it enough. reigen thinks she needs to stop being so much like him if she wants to get anywhere in life... aside from that, she's really into retro games and takes up any chances she can to play with her friends. she cried once, the first time she saw serizawa's videogame collection
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littlealeta · 2 months
The Remake/Sequel/Spin-off problem needs to be fixed
Many of us are tired of the remakes/sequels/spin-offs phase. Some of us might even be almost totally averse to them. But, I do want to get this off my chest in a proper blog, because I don’t think a lot of people have talked about how studios can scratch their franchise itch in a proper way. And also in a way that could’ve give them more respect than they get now.
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Remake: Stuff That Actually Could've Been Better Or Expanded Upon
There are a lot of movies I’ve seen that have some clear potential underneath that never really got their chance to shine.
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Examples being No Hard Feelings, The Boxtrolls, Ralph Breaks the Internet, The Adventures of Tom Thumb and Thumbelina. (They need to make another Thumbelina film anyway, it’s already been, what, at least 20 years at this point?) There’s also some anime that I think could use remakes, but Japan mostly keeps their paws off classics.
To explain why, I think these movies all have interesting premises and some kind of hook to them, but the execution turned out to be underwhelming. They're still fairly new, but maybe in another decade or so, they could be considered for a remake. But, really, I wouldn't mind hearing them being remade right now. As for expansion, something I’m thinking about is a TV show called Captain N: The Gamemaster.
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I would like to see a remake or at least spin-off of that. It’s an 80s show about a guy who enters into a world of retro-gaming who can control stuff with a belt shaped like a NES controller. It’s been largely forgotten at this point, so bringing it back with newer games juxtaposed in with the retro games will also be a plus. The Great Mouse Detective also could’ve been made into a TV series.
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Sequel: Stuff That Actually NEED A Sequel
I think a lot of people want sequels just to see their favorite characters again. But sometimes, that doesn’t always work, I mean look what we recently got.
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All because of recent fan demand. The first movie, I believe, felt complete anyway.
There needs to be more sequels to anything that’s either ended on a cliffhanger, or could’ve used an expansion of the world and story.
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Monsters vs. Aliens (another Dreamworks film and also highly underrated) ended off on a cliffhanger and could’ve used a sequel (the TV series unfortunately was underwhelming). Go back to the Madeline (Didn’t like the TV show for some reason, though but I did love the live-action one) or Eloise franchise (that had a ton of books that I don’t think got adapted). Bring those to the attention of the modern kids. Maybe go back to the Jumanji franchise WITH THE BOARD GAME and instead of being in a jungle, make it different like Zathura did where they’re like under the sea or in a desert or something.
For the spin-offs, I would kinda repeat the same things I’ve already said. Again, do spin-offs to expand the characters and/or the world. I can’t think of a movie or TV example that would work with this, so I’m just going to use a game example: Catherine.
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A lot of the side characters in that one don’t get a lot of character development or depth and some of them had some interesting conflict and backstories that they were going through. I also would like to see the main character interacting with the other characters in more wholesome and complex ways outside of drinking, chatting and having conflict since we barely get any wholesomeness between them in the game. He can help out their problems and grow through each other. It would also show his bar posse as being more of friends than typical long-time acquaintances who just chill out in the bar every day.
I know studios won’t read this, but that’s what I wish would happen, even though a lot of it is most likely a pipe dream. But, you know me, it’s always fun to dream.
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shhhhimwatchingthis · 2 years
Horror/pop culture influences to the Hatchetfieldverse
As a disclaimer i have not listened to every talkback or livestream in its entirety and this is not in any way meant to be The Definitive, Master, Absolutely The Only Right List list. this is just me sharing some horror knowledge and where I think influences lie. please feel free to add on to this list!
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals: The biggest connection I can make is Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) about aliens taking over the bodies of humans as part of a plot to invade earth. where the term "podperson" comes from
Black Friday: I know the premise is based on the real life Tickle Me Elmo craze in 1994. (people trampling each other for the doll) in terms of pop culture the evil/haunted doll is a trope as seen in Chucky (1978) and Annabelle (2014). Wiggly is an eldritch being, the black and white, the cults, madness (we'll get into eldritch later)
Nightmare Time: So many nightmare time episodes give B-horror vibes and I love it
The Hatchetfield Ape Man: what B horror is made of. I love how retro this one feels even as it takes place in the modern day timeline (Ted and Hidgens are in it, there's a mention of texting and Ted's pornhub premium account, and yet Lucy feels like a such a period character) feels like an old B creature movie (the creature from the black lagoon comes to mind)
Watcher World: to an extent haunted amusement park is a trope (hell its in classic scooby doos) loved ones turning on each other and possesion/influence is seen in a lot of paranormal horror (the conjuring 2, the exorcist) illusion based horror is done really well is Mike Flanagan's Oculus (2013)
Forever and Always: the android and the clone plots feels like classic SF. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep/Blade Runner (1982) Philip K Dick style sci-fi.
Time Bastard: the song itself is a James Bond tribute. a time loop is a great storytelling frame that can cross genres, although the ImplicationsTM always hover around horror. Groundhog Day (1993) is the classic timeloop example, if more lighthearted.
Jane's a Car: this is Stephen King all the way baby. Christine (1983) is novel/film about a killer car, the owner of said car's growing obsession with it, and the cars violent protective but deadly nature
The Witch in the Web: this is trickier for me. the witch is an ancient trope and Willabella Muckwab is a classic witch in the woods. I mean thats fairytale, Hansel and Gretel, luring children stuff. Hannah as a psychic child, and a very powerful one feels very Stephen King, (Eleven from Stranger Things is the same type of character)
Nightmare Time Two
Honey Queen: In terms of the relationship between Linda and Zoe, Death Becomes Her (1992) comes to mind. theres just something about the ruthlessness of these two antiheros. also Gerald is a plastic surgeon much like the male protagonist of that film
Perky's Buds: okay the weed turning birds sentient i can't speak to but birds in horror is a trope for sure, Hitchcock's The Birds (1963) is perhaps the most famous. The Hatchetmen being portrayed as an insular dangerous hillbilly family is also a trope, seen in The Hills Have Eyes (1977) and Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
Abstinence Camp: Ah, the slasher. quintessential modern horror. Abstinence Camp is probably most like Friday the 13th (1980) with both the summer camp setting and the focus on the chastity (or lack there of) of the teenagers and that being the reason for their deaths. (other famous slashers being Psycho (1960) Halloween (1978), and Scream (1996))
Daddy: Peter pan syndrome or the forever child reminds me a bit of The Orphan (2013) though I admit that's not exactly the dynamic here. creepy child forcing a relationship is the twist in Ginger Snaps 2 (2004). cults spring up ALOT in hatchetfield, specifically the idea of wealthy elite worshipping the lords in black in exchange for power. this is an eldritch trope, as seen below.
Killer Track: satanic rock music or music that drives teenagers to the devil is an old panic. In terms of pop culture the premise of the cursed song itself (listen and you die unless you force other people to listen) is The Ring (2001, for the American remake) in The Ring a cursed video kills the watcher in 7 days, unless they show the tape to someone else.
Yellow Jacket: children fighting in death matches is popular now because of The Hunger Games, although the dystopian tropes roots of this is seen earlier in Battle Royale (2000) or The Long Walk (1979) (hello AGAIN Stephen King).
hatchetfield in general: the spooky town/weird town/horror town is a personal favourite trope of mine and hatchetfield qualifies. also seen in Welcome to Night Vale (2012) and the cartoon Gravity Falls (2012) to name only two. Also the ever iconic Twin Peaks (1990)
eldritch horror: the center of hatchetfield lore is the Lords in Black and they're eldeitch horror, that is massive, almost unknowable and incomprehensible extra-demensionsal beings whose scale and power to humanity is like an ant and a boot (we're the ants). explored in the works of HP Lovecraft (most famously The Call Of Cthulhu) but an enduring branch of horror in its own right. Common staples include another dimension(s) where the creatures are from (the black and white in our case) , cults worshipping the Beings for power (the starry children, Linda's wiggly cult) and madness or a corruptive influence. a great modern example is The Magnus Archvies
other influences: saw a Mariah Rose Faith tweet that said she was watching Evil Dead and could see the hatchetfield influences and yeah, the Evil Dead (1981) trilogy is very campy, very self referential horror with a starkid like sense of humor (there's a Toronto musical version Evil Dead Live that is Very Starkid, its infamous for having a "splash zone" where if you're an audience member sitting in those seats you WILL be covered in fake blood)
scream, similar to above, very meta, mixes of comedy and horror.
bonus: Hey Melissa: while not exactly the same reminds me of Misery (1990) about a woman who comes across her favourite author in a car accident, she rescues him and cares for him...and then won't let him leave. body horror, capture,obsession its all there. also based ON ANOTHER STEPHEN KING BOOK GOD DAMN IT.
what horror do you see in hatchetfield? what did I miss? let me know!
EDIT: Nerdy Prudes Must Die: Bullied teenagers getting revenge on the popular kids who tormented them: Carrie (1976 for the film) (what's up Stephen King, pull up a chair), also Heathers (1988). A group of teenagers covering up a bad thing they did and being picked off by the person they wronged is also a trope, seen in I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) Nerdy Prudes is also the first stage show to include The Black Book. The black book, a grimoire or spellbook of edrtich knowledge reminds me of the Necronomicon. The Necronomicon was introduced to pop culture by HP Lovecraft, it appears in multiple of his own works, and then later in works by different creators, including The Evil Dead films. Lovecraft loved the idea of the Necronomicon appearing in other peoples work, as it built up a collective horror/eldritch mythology within our culture. Its appearance in so many works, has cemented the Cursed book/Book of The Dead/within pop culture.
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eileentothestars · 1 year
Albania -- I never know what Albania is doing but they always look so interesting while doing it
Ukraine -- I feel like I’m kicking a puppy for saying this but I couldn’t quite get into it. I think the skips in the music kept throwing me off
Belgium -- Took one look at the person’s costume and could not hit play fast ENOUGH
Norway -- Is it the banana wolf song? No. Do I support it and She Queen of the Kings 1000 percent? You bet.
Slovenia -- I can dig it
Spain -- I like the vibe and the aesthetic more than the song
Czechia -- 1) What 2) This is Toy but grim and gritty 3) What
Latvia -- They just slapped a bunch of sounds together, stole Elena Kagan’s hair, and called it a day
Denmark -- I’m a sucker for retro stuff but that autotune is making me violent
Croatia -- 100/10, completely deranged, will listen again
Romania -- Why is that person wearing Beetlejuice pants at a kinky strip club
Malta -- Epic Sax Guy 2.0
Estonia -- I am now launching the Estonia Don’t Be Boring challenge
France -- Didn’t know I was into the 1930s disco steampunk aesthetic
Lithuania -- C’mon, you gave us the Roop and now this is your entry?
Italy -- So brave of this guy to sing a ballad as aliens are about to abduct him
Australia -- They aren’t bad this year???
Finland -- Didn’t need you to tell me this was Finland’s entry, we could all tell
San Marino -- I see they’ve decided to be subtle this year
The Netherlands -- Kind of a mood actually
Poland -- Low-energy Ariana knockoff, no thanks
Germany -- “Blood and Glitter” should be Eurovision’s new motto, I can’t believe Germany did something right this year
Serbia -- Did I say the Netherlands was a mood? I meant THIS is a mood
Austria -- This is the greatest thing I’ve ever witnessed. Just give them the prize now, please. “What the heck is this about” indeed
Ireland -- Getting heavy ‘80s soundtrack vibes, which is to say I like it more than it probably deserves
Israel -- I’m curious to see how she turns into a centaur onstage. Also, ma’am, with all due respect, who dressed you this morning
Switzerland -- This is the same person from last time but with a deeper voice
United Kingdom -- Oh that ‘dai dai dai’ got old real fast
Moldova -- Perfect as always 10/10 no notes
Latvia -- Thanks I hate it
Iceland -- Never quite came together for me, but I do like her energy and the ‘80s chorus
Cyprus -- Thanks for the Imagine Dragons impersonation
Sweden -- Dang Sweden brought out the big guns
Portugal -- So glad Harley Quinn made it to Eurovision this year
Greece -- “Sad boy angsting in leaking basement” is not really my thing
Azerbaijan -- Now that is how you ascot
Armenia -- Did absolutely nothing for me
Georgia -- She looks like she’s wearing milk. I don’t know how to explain it other than that.
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aviel-the-trans-bucket · 10 months
Welcome back madlads today I’m doing something a bit different. Instead of emo nostalgia I’ll be listing to music that’s completely new to me, by each of the mcr members while the band was dead. Today I’ll be listening to Hesitant Alien by Gerard Way.
So I haven’t heard any of the stuff from the band post breakup but pre reunion. I was barely a person in 2011 so I had missed the bandom train on account of being 9. I’m not sure what to expect other than it’ll probably be fairly different from mcr’s stuff but I figured this would be the easiest place to start as I’m already so familiar with Gerard’s voice. I get the sinking feeling this album is about to emotionally wound me.
The Bureau: ok this has a funky vibe, feels like haunted. The new vibe isn’t too jarring but will take a bit of adjusting to. Sounds sick, not sure if it’ll become a favorite.
Action Cat: gnarly guitar opening, good guitar very poppy. I like it, it’s got a fun vibe. I get what people were saying when they said this album had a retro vibe to it. I’m sorta realizing I might not have much to say in terms of analysis, I have a tendency to spice out and loose myself to music when I listen.
No Shows: oooo this has a good pulse to it, oh I like this. I like this vibe, it’s got a groove to it that I really dig. There’s so much fuzz. It’s welcome but there’s so much fuzz man.
Brother: I’ve heard about this one, I’m wary this one may emotionally hurt me. Yup this is gonna hurt. It’s very pretty but ow. God I wish I could be that close to someone, unfortunately my own siblings are incredibly shitty people.
Millions: again very retro feeling. I like the rhythm. Is that a mixing thing layering his voice or does he have someone backing the vocals in the chorus? It’s nice, a lot of these songs just musically feel really pleasant. I might need to listen to this one a bit more.
Zero Zero: ok spicy drums and guitar combo. Fuzzy vocals my beloved. Oh ok this one fucks like genuinely fucks. I dig this man.
Juarez: guitar is good and I was hit with a wave of familiarity. It reminded me so much of give ‘em hell kid I swear. This rocks, it’s pretty fucking good.
Drugstore Perfume: this sounds really pretty 🥺. I’m getting like Beatles vibes idk why. This is very pretty and I quite like it. I get the feeling my top 5 is going to be rather difficult.
Get the Gang Together: funky opening is funky and good. Spy movie vibes. Vibes 🏳️‍⚧️?
How It’s Going to Be: ooo good beat. It’s giving little talks by of monster and men. Pleasent, that’s about all I can say.
Maya the Psychic: ok I like this vibe, I just don’t have a whole lot to say. Ok this one slaps, this is closer to something I’m more stylistically familiar with which might be why I’m enjoying it a bit more.
Television All the Time: last one, let’s see what we got. The acoustic is really nice. It’s pretty good.
So I didn’t know what to expect and it was pretty good but not quite my personal taste. It was very nice and pleasant to listen to though, which was very nice. I wish I had more to say regarding it but it didn’t really blow me away. Gerard’s voice is soothing and lovely as always tho. My top 5 of the album would have to be…
1: Zero Zero
2: Maya the Psychic
3: Millions
4: Brother
5: No Shows
Well this was fun, now I think I maybe know what to expect with the rest of Gerard’s solo stuff. It’s probably not gonna punch me in the face but it’s pretty good. Not an awful lot of thoughts tonight but I had a nice time.
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anime-book-club · 10 months
“Please Save My Earth” vol. 1 by Saki Hiwatari
TLDR: 7/10
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“Please Save My Earth” is another expensive title to collect physically. I would recommend buying the Kindle edition instead. As it is $6-$7 a book. Getting an entire set once again hits that $1000-$2000 price range if you insist on a physical.
I’ll be honest, I’m only reading this “classic” late 80s manga (with an anime adaptation) because of its relationship with Sonic The Hedgehog! But why? And how is it related?
Apparently this manga had a significant influence on Shiro Maekawa. (A former writer at SEGA and Sonic Team.) and this is what inspired specific writing choices on Sonic Adventure 2 (The space colony ark and Maria specifically) and particular scenes with Shadow and Maria together on the ark. Apparently the voice actor of the main character Alice in the anime adaptation was also the voice of Maria. Which Maekawa described as destiny, and that’s hard to disagree with.
I’m a girl who practically wants to be a Sonic The Hedgehog archivist. I’ve practically experienced all the media Sonic has had on offer and I like reading inspirations and source materials, even if they aren’t Sonic related. I’m hyper fixation to the max.
So does that mean I automatically like this tale of alien scientists who have reincarnated and been born as humans on earth? As their past lives start to overlap with their current ones as it leads to drama and heartbreak?
Ehhh. It’s fine. It’s skippable if you only care about Sonic. But if you like retro manga, I’d give you a positive maybe. And I do like retro manga. So.
The inspiration on Sonic Adventure 2 becomes immediately obvious. But it does a few things that’s… weird. There’s also elements that just plain haven’t aged well. Some of which is ignorable and some of which really isn’t.
But let’s talk about why!
Detailed spoilers ahead:
Here’s some music while you read because I have a LOT to say:
First let’s talk about the art and my final thoughts on its relationship with Sonic Adventure 2 for book one before getting into the story beats here:
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It’s beautiful and soft. I especially love all these scenes in space. Again those influences on Sonic Adventure 2 are so front row in these scenes in particular.
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Context clues imply that if you ship Shadow X Maria you will likely love this kind of material.
Okay but obviously it’s more than its influences on Sonic The Hedgehog, so what made the story a fine experience instead of a great one? Especially since I love it’s inspirational material to death. (My first Sonic games were the Adventure games.)
This is Alice. She has just moved to the city from the countryside. She LOVES plants. (Her past self’s name is Mokuren). For simplicity’s sake these are basically the same person. Except the past self is an alien. Present self is not. (Though the same soul is probably a better way to put it. A lot of these characters are going to have duel identities)
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Alice babysits a freaking brat named Rin. (I very much do not like this child.):
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I like child characters, and I get that this kid is supposed to be annoying, but I just don’t like his cut. He does gross things to Alice and some of it borders on plain harassment. Especially when BOTH SETS of parents start endorsing the idea of her pretending to marry him in response to her almost killing him. Mind you there’s a 9 year age gap. Rin is 7 years old and Alice is 16.
This is what I mean by some of these elements just not aging well. And one could argue this is 80s manga from Japan. I know some folks like to cut Japan some slack on some of this stuff.
I don’t. It’s 2023, the here and now. Being old does not make it ineligible from critique from a modern perspective. And I think the conversation around that makes it more interesting period.
And hey. I can hear you thinking, “Did she just say Alice almost killed that kid?”. Yes I did.
Being a babysitter of a constantly turbulent kid has Alice is fed up with his behavior. She’s spanked him once before but things reach a boiling point when Rin questions her about wanting to date specific other people (we’ll get into this in a bit). When Alice softly challenges this idea Rin grabs a sentimental object to Rin (a plant from her home town she loved so much.), sits horse back style on the balcony railing, and drops the plant to is death several stories down.
While understandably hurt, Alice stupidly slaps the kid and knocks him off the railing. She manages to catch him, but she is unable to pull the boy back over into safety and he ends up also dropping stories down. (About 12-15 stories high)
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This has a weird effect on the story where she is ostracized in school because she effectively pushed a kid off a balcony, but her regular group of friends are guilted into being friends with her again??? And it goes back and forth between emotionally punishing her for it and letting her get away with it emotionally. Though undoubtedly she feels guilty. She never feels she made the right decision, but she is being coddled.
While it’s obviously an accident no one would be cool with her, especially in Japan. She also faces no legal repercussions for this. Which I’m not necessarily advocating for accuracy, but it is a bit too ridiculous on that front. Especially when Rin’s mother advocates his feelings to marry her after he wakes up from his COMA. She also apparently wanted to apologize to Alice for slapping her for slapping her kid off a railing? Nah. Nope. Not a thing.
But, hey, that’s manga. Sometimes you just gotta lean in and enjoy the drama like a soap opera. I get it. I mostly mention it to give you an idea of how this story is going to operate over 20 books. This is only PART OF THE SYNOPSIS for volume 1!
Let’s get into WHY that even happened by first introducing a couple more key characters and their “deal”.
On the left with the dark hair we have Issei. His past alien scientist self, which we don’t see yet, is a woman named Enju. I’ll be swapping between pronouns in the future when talking about Enju and Issei.
On the right is Jinpachi. Their past alien scientist self was named Gyokuran. Whom we also don’t see.
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To get you quickly caught up:
Enju likes Gyokuran, but Gyokuran was in love with Mokuren, but Mokuren was already engaged with someone named Shion.
So it stands to reason they still like each other? (Low key it sounds like Enju was always jealous and being treated as a back up plan.)
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⬆️ This is a lie. I am certain of this in some capacity. It is uncertain if this is played up as a joke or as a very legitimate conflict. (Too early to judge). I also can’t rightly tell if the manga stands behind that statement or not. But it is also extremely gay coded with them in the modern era. They talk about their dream love together DAILY for Christ’s sake. (And low key act it out. Like COME ON.)
If this is being treated as legitimate, what does that make them? As Jinpachi shows some obvious attraction for Alice. Issei implies that “they’re a guy in real life “ so they could see the appeal of Mokuren. I think Issei will have hidden feelings for Jinpachi. Does that make you gay if you’re context for loving that person was originally straight? As his connection is contingent on knowing him through those dreams. Is Issei gender dysmorphic at all? Which body do they prefer? The one that had a better chance to be with the person they love or the one that has a second, but maybe slimmer, chance to be with them now? Did Gyokuran like Enju at all? Because Jinpachi does seem to like Issei in some capacity. And are those feelings only for Issei, or can that be extended to other men? And how does that effect the relationship now???
They both seem to like both their past and current bodies, does that play a unique roll here? What would you call that? It is obviously reincarnation but are they truly reliving those moments or are they simply kinning their own past lives they get to watch like a TV?
I’m aware some of these are weird questions but I can’t help but wonder these as I read. These aren’t questions that will probably be answered for a while and likely not directly. Hopefully they aren’t… poorly answered. I’m interested to see how this manga will handle these topics.
Now. How does ALL THAT relate back to Rin and Alice?
The whole reason why the balcony fight even happened is because Alice obviously kinda likes Jinpachi. And it is obviously reciprocated.
So Rin gets hurt and Alice prays that he wakes up from his coma and he does. Great. I’m gonna mostly skip over the weird engagement because like, already covered why I don’t like that. But the idea is so wild to Alice she straight up just passes out from the mere idea.
Apparently Rin has new intuitive powers. It is unclear how they work. He initially wakes up in tears after, what I assume, is having his own dream of a past life. Knowing this manga’s m.o. even from just the first volume and Shadow The Hedgehog, I would be willing to bet money this little brat is Shion. 🙄
But after reconfirming with his mother that he does indeed wish to marry Alice, we cut to later and he is sneaking out of bed. He goes out to the balcony and just jumps out and lands safely.
He had apparently contacted gangsters??? And then mentally manipulates one of the biker’s motorcycle brakes to fail so he can have a personal chat with the gangster. They literally float in the air together to talk. The manga ends with Rin requesting that the gangster gives him the Tokyo tower. Okay I guess??? It is about aliens. Sure.
In the midst of all this happening Alice has her “reawakening” after fainting from the news of the engagement. (She faints twice from this news and then cries about it FYI)
We see who I assume is Shion and we see Mokuren. The big thing established is that Mokuren is a… Japan nut (Their words not mine). An Otaku. But it is implied (at least in the first book) they that exist in the era of the dinosaurs (With humans not existing yet. Because remember, all the main cast in past lives are aliens)
And she talks about pronouncing her name “The Japanese way” and making oden. It implies she can mentally visit her future body in the present??? Astral projecting? Is that what they call that? Something along those lines. Like she was astral projecting into her future body, so her past self is privy to Japanese culture but other scientists are not? Unclear. Too early to truly judge. I understand wanting to make the character see into the future but I’m not so certain I vibe how they did it? It could’ve been cooler. I think.
“Please Save My Earth” certainly isn’t uninteresting. There is so much to dissect and talk about within even just one volume. Lots of good head canon potential too. It’s a series I want to continue. All the books are rated individually and not as a series as a whole. My initial opinions may change with later volumes. I plan on reading and dissecting all 20 volumes as I consume them so buckle up.
But as is? It’s a weird manga for sure. I could see this being a very particular flavor for a lot of readers. And while I like it, I don’t know if it would be something I would recommend or not until I get a couple more volumes under my belt.
Next: “Please Save my Earth” vol. 2.
(Next review not available yet)
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solar7official · 1 year
Solar 7 aesthetics
So I just wanted to ramble a bit on how I plan to present the style of Solar 7's world. Just basic things like architecture, how spaceships look, and the overall sci-fi tone I want it to take.
One thing everyone should know about me is that I have a strong love for the y2k aesthetic. No no, not the bug that was "supposedly" the end of the world at the turn of the century, but the styles and trends that came with it:
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(I'd like to preface that these images are referenced from the y2kaestheticinstitute tumblr, please check their page out for more cool stuff and archived images!)
Anyways, moving along... (You don't have to read this all, but at least look at the pretty pictures and old art below 😊)
This sort of organic technology, new take on the retro 60's futuristic look is something I want to emulate in this webcomic. Something along the lines of bio-tech. While this sort of hints that space is industrialized, it never lost that sense of having an organic history - if that makes sense 🤔
I don't want to reuse the "cyberpunk" look as much as I can. This isn't a story about human a human introducing aliens to human society, it is a story about aliens introducing a human to their society. Heck, the human in this story doesn't have any "special" powers or "chosen one" story behind him, he's just a normal kid with the responsibility of the first Earthling to be integrated back into Interstellar society.
Either way, I want the Alliance (GAPU) to be as friendly looking as possible when it comes to their technology. Cause hey, they're an organization that's supposed to make peace with the universe. So I've been looking to Lilo & Stitch as inspiration.
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While yes, technically these aliens will still be weaponized, it's mostly for the safety of others in Interstellara. Still, I want spaceships to have this look.
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I think for the most part I'll try to avoid square buttons and make interaction with the ship more organic, they will still have a more streamlined and circular look to their shape.
Sorry I just wanna share how much I love Jumba's ship, it has such a cool design 😭 I'm going to have a difficult time not trying to make the Halley (Solar 7's ship) look like this.
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But either way, if I am going to make a city in Solar 7, the cyberpunk aspect will probably more something akin to cities in Star Wars.
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The more circular and round nature of the cities gives off that otherworldly feel to it that I absolutely adore. But not to say that every planet will be industrialized like this. The GAPU also visits worlds that are even more primitive than the planet Earth sometimes. It's just that because of the GAPU's influence on Interstellara that most of alien society has progressed beyond the technology of Earthlings.
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All this, I want to try and put into Solar 7 in a more simplified style. I'm going to attempt to get better at technical design, my strong suit has always been characters, but I also love this type of architecture and aesthetic that I want to be able to draw stuff like this. Slowly but surely I am learning a few techniques too.
--- I'll end the ramble here for now, but before I go I'll share some old and new drawings I've made for Solar 7 thus far.
Thanks for reading :)
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the-void-writes · 2 years
It's hard to come up with WBW questions for you since I know so much about your WIP 🤣
So, tell me your inspirations and influences!
You mention a lot of sci fi elements like plasma blasters, and lots more! But you also have fantastical elements like with Paradise.
So, what are some direct influences that you're drawing from when you hit those creative sci / fantastical elements?
@bloodlessheirbyjacques ❤️✨
@bloodlessheirbyjacques Oh, thank you! 😊
I’m gonna sound like the most boring person in the world right now 😅 Paradise literally came in a dream. I’d have these vivid ones about traveling to another dimension, and I just tried to build it all from there, with all the bizarre images and details I could remember. I also like using my absolute favorite aesthetic, retrofuturism, because it’s so surreal but familiar, like how Paradise is supposed to feel. Beaches that go out into space, houses with underwater views, traveling via jet pack to an old mall, that’s what it’s like.
As for Freaks of Preston, I can’t remember it that well, but I think a lot of the “hero” influences came from Marvel. My dad had tons of comics and he took us to almost every movie that came out. I’d literally sit there and choose different parts of the movie to rearrange and twist into what I have now. For the sci-fi stuff, you can thank a childhood with the Alien franchise 😅 I can’t play Isolation to save my life, but the look and the tech and of course the “retro vision of the future” is exactly my cup of tea.
Thank you for the ask! This was super fun, I want to go find inspo pics now 😂
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Would you like to write more for the Arthur/Tenth Doctor ship? If you have an idea for them in mind, that is. I'm warming up to them, they're really cute and a special ship and the recent BTS photos have gotten me into the mood :D
I'm happy to write more!
I've got a little idea, nothing huge, but still something nice.
And I'm glad you're warming up to them, it really is a nice ship and I just want good things for Arthur (Ten... yeah, sure, once he stops being a little shit).
On with the fic!
"Okay, roads, these are perfect to roll about on, much better than grass. Sorry about the parking, I overshot it." The Doctor commented, looking out the TARDIS doors.
"I think overshot was an understatement, we were fifteen point seven miles off." Arthur commented, trying to take a peek outside.
The Doctor made a noise, as if to argue, then just gave up. "Yeah, alright, this is why I should be the one landing, the TARDIS is better at it. For the most part."
The TARDIS, for her part, made a sound that the Doctor knew to be one of protest. "Oi, no need to get snippy at me, young lady! I remember how you parked in 2012!"
She made a humming sound. "Yeah, that's what I thought." The Doctor grinned and ushered Arthur out.
They were on Earth. Well, New Earth. Well, specifically New New York post the events in the gridlock with Martha, with the city looking much, much better. And so very much alive.
Arthur looked around, taking it all in as the strolled down the busy streets, where humans and aliens alike passed them by. Lots of humans and cat-people, the Doctor noted, and quite a few androids and robots, even a few cyborgs. Arthur seemed to appreciate that, not worrying about how he looked with his lower half.
Personally, the Doctor liked his wheels, even if it came from a service cart he reprogrammed, it was better than being stuck on a pole on a track with nowhere to go beyond a set path. Also, Arthur was fast, he could really work those wheels.
"It's rather busy." Arthur noted, and looked around. "And loud."
"Well, that's New New York for you, it's always like that, just like it's original Earth counterpart. Trust me, this has nothing on twenty-first century New York on Earth."
"Would we be able to visit that one day?"
"Ahh... I'd have to find an era of that century in which you could move around without too much trouble. And unwanted attention. It does take quite a while for humans to adapt to androids being citizens." The Doctor frowned, shoving his hands into his coat pockets.
Arthur frowned slightly. "Oh. I suppose that I am not quite human enough for them then, yes?"
"Well, humans are... rude. All the time, I mean, I've got no room to talk, but they really get hot-headed over some stuff that isn't their business. But if I can get you a set of legs that fit your systems, maybe?"
The android looked up at him, blinking twice. "You'd get me legs?"
The Doctor bit his lip, feeling his hearts beat a little faster. "Well, if, uh, if you want them. I mean, I am all for you having the wheels, or whatever it is you want to use to move around. I could even find you a hoverboard! Or just a wheelchair, those are always good!"
Arthur's pupils shifted again, and the Doctor was surprised to see that they really could become hearts, but only for a moment. "Whatever you decide to allow me to see more of time and space is lovely, I don't mind, as long as I can continue to travel with you."
"Oh, uh, I..." The Doctor stuttered, his words lost on his tongue. "Y-yeah, of course! I'm sure I can find you something that'll work just fine! I want to show you so much, Arthur, and you shouldn't be limited."
"Thank you, that's very kind of you, Doctor."
"Heh, you're welcome." The Doctor grinned, and took Arthur's hand. "Come on, there's this amazing museum I think you'll enjoy! You need retro 3-D glasses for it, but your eyes should be able to see through them just fine!"
He was changing the subject, but still. He really did want Arthur to be able to enjoy traveling, he shouldn't be restricted, but... those heart eyes really started having the Doctor thinking.
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