#was all like oh and then you chop up the vegetables and put them in the wok-
madamescarlette · 2 years
not to brag but you guys I made such a good stir-fry today!!!
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broke-on-books · 1 year
Also also also!!!!! Baby's (me) first stir fry
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my girl 1
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as possible age gap, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your brother's friend from work starts hanging out a lot more often. (short!reader)
Characters: Captain Syverson
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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The curtains stir in the summer breeze, the smell of pollen wafting in and tickling your nose. You scrunch your face, resisting as sneeze and flip the page of the book, your eyes racing across the letters, devouring them. After another year of academia, you’re all too eager to spend your summer devouring your ‘to read’ list. 
The flick of pages marks the passage of time. You don’t sense how the sky sifts from a beaming yellow to a gentle blue. Not until the knock comes at the door and draws you from the world built of prose. You blink and lift your head, mark your page and leave it on your pillow. You push yourself across the low bed and yawn. Only as you don’t have words to read do you feel the fatigue in your eyes. 
“Peanut,” your mother calls you by the childhood nickname you can’t seem to shake, “gonna help with dinner?” 
You open the door to her and step out, “yeah, should do something.” 
“You should,” she chides playfully. “I already got the roast beef in, just need you to do sides.” 
“Great,” you shuffle down the hall behind her and rub your eyes. You don’t know if it’s allergies or reading that has you so dried out. 
Downstairs, you go into the kitchen and the aroma of the roast has your mouth watering already. In your delve into the land of fantasy, you may have forgotten to feed yourself. It’s not an uncommon occurrence; during the school year, you often studied until your head pounded and your stomach roared. The human body tends only to get in the way of the mind. 
You work at peeling potatoes as your mom takes out a medley of vegetables to put in a roasting pan. She seasons as you chop, the low murmur of her outdated music filling the hazy summer air. You can hear the children next door running around and the bristle of trees swaying in the wind. 
“Oh, make sure to throw in a few extra, pea,” she says as you go to curl over the top of the bag, “your brother’s bringing his friend.” 
“Friend? Johnny?” You wonder. 
“That man from his work, Syverson,” she corrects, “with the beard.” 
“Uh yeah, I remember.” 
You’ve met Syverson, or Sy as he prefers. Your brother, Isaac, started his apprenticeship last summer with the man down at the metal shop. There are vague instances in your mind when you recall the large bearded man sitting at the table across from you. He’s older than your brother, you too. Probably closer to your parent’s age. He doesn’t say much either but he’s polite. You think. 
You shrug and pull out some more potatoes to add to peel and cut. You do so quietly, your mind wandering back to your book even as the real world threatens to wipe it away. You’re so swept up in the fraught quest to reclaim a forgotten world that you can hardly focus on the blade. 
You blink as the knife hits the board, too close to your thumb. Pay attention. Often your mom comments that you look far away and just as often you are. Existing in this world can be so boring. Potatoes and roast beef. 
You rinse off the spuds and put them on to boil. You’ll mash them like you always do and add your mother’s ‘secret’ ingredient; herb and cheese sour cream. You’re pretty sure every mother on the block claims that as their little revolution. 
As the water starts to steam, you hear a car pull up and a louder engine behind it. Your mom checks the beef, letting out a gust of savoury air. You are starving. 
As you toss the peels in the bin, the front door opens. Isaac’s voice carries through the house as he chatters on about sparks and some work thing. Your mom’s head pops up as she waits eager for his appearance. 
He peeks into the kitchen as a pair of footsteps follow behind him. You mom greets him with a kiss, “hello, bubby, how was your day?” 
“Mom,” he scowls and wipes his cheek, “it was fine. Burnt myself pretty good.” 
He shows a bandage on his forearm and shrugs. Your mother gasp, “oh, honey!” 
“Told him to put his gauntlets on,” Syverson stands just beyond the doorway, his shadow looming like an evil orc in a cavern, waiting to pounce. You shake off the comparison as he comes into the light of the kitchen, a case of beer in hand. “Brought something for dinner,” he puts down the six-pack and shifts as you notice the red cap and label poking out from under his arm. He catches the bottle before it can slip and presents it to your mother, “and for the ladies.” 
“Oh, Syverson, you’re always so sweet.” 
“Mm, least I can do, y’all having me, feeding me,” he reaches to rub his neck. “Mind if I use the bathroom? Gotta wash my hands.” 
“Course, dear, you know where it is,” she preens. 
He leans on his back foot and his eyes glint in your direction. Despite his gruff exterior, his shaved head and thick beard, and his work-stained tee shirt, his eyes seem to sparkle, “evening,” he nods in your direction, as if he’s only just noticed you. 
“Hi,” you murmur and turn back to wash the starch from the cutting board. 
Having company is always awkward. You’re the only member of your family who isn’t very social. You have your classmates and a few friends you’ll hang out with on occasion but your parents and your brother always seem to have someone with them. If it isn’t one of your mom’s HOA accomplices, it’s one of your dad’s neighbourhood buddies arguing over the barbecue. 
You continue to tidy up as you wait for the food to be ready. You take out some plates and cutlery, wanting to distract yourself by setting the table. You stack the plates and the utensil slides around on top as you carry them into the hallway. You have to stop short as you nearly collide with Sy.  
“Sorry,” he apologises and backs up, “need help?” 
He points to your armful and you smile and shake your head, “all good.” 
“Don’t mind,” he says as he puts his large hands around the stack of plates. They’re pretty thick and heavy on their own but he takes them from you easily. 
“Um, right, then I’ll get... cups.” 
You turn back and flit into the kitchen. Your mom hums as she strains the potatoes. She doesn’t notice you counting glasses from the cupboard and balancing them all in your arms. You go down the hall, this time without obstacle, and into the dining room. You angle awkwardly to put down all the glasses at once.  
Sy lays out the plates and cutlery one at a time, certain to have each perfectly centered and straight. He focuses on the task intently. The sight of his earnest effort contrasted by his burly figure is almost silly. You plunk down the glasses at the corner of each plate, staying on the other side of the table from him. 
“Your back from school,” he says as he finishes, stepping back to cross his arms, making himself even larger. Most people are big compared to you. 
“Mhmm,” you nod with a rigid tight-lipped grin. 
“You graduate?” He asks. 
You try not to show your surprise. You’re not sure you’ve ever had a conversation with him. It’s just nods and grunts sent in your direction. Just acknowledgement. Just courtesy. 
“One more year,” you say, “erm, I’ll go help mom.” 
“Right,” he drops his arms and grips the back of the chair in front of him, “don’t let me keep ya.” 
You inch backwards and spin around, trying not to run away. It isn’t him. It’s you. It’s easier to read dialogue on a page and pretend it’s coming from your lips than it is to hold a conversation in real life. You would rather go back and finish your chapter then sit at the table and eat with your family, especially now that you’ve made it awkward. 
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unoislazy · 6 months
I Am No Coward
(Part 2)
Mizu x Fem! Reader
Summary: You find out that your brothers wife cannot cook for shit.
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You and Mikio hadn’t spoken since your last argument. It wasn’t much of an argument as much as it was you just yelling at him, but regardless you both hadn’t talked since. You said nothing to him any time he entered a room, you turned away and continued whatever activity or conversation you held before he entered.
Oh you were mad, beyond that even, but you tried your best not to let it show when around Mizu. Despite your anger towards Mikio you didn’t want it to affect how Mizu viewed him, if she even valued your opinion that much by this point. You helped her out with chores that Mikio had more or less just tossed on her, which were things that you had already been in charge of beforehand. You constantly told her there was no need for her to help, and that if you handled it before, you could handle it now, but she would always insist on helping.
So you let her.
It was coming close to sundown so you gathered up as many ingredients as you thought necessary and set them out to begin cooking. As you had set out your ingredients you had noticed someone enter the room through your peripheral vision. You turned a bit, not wanting to give the person your full attention or acknowledgement in case it had been Mikio, but you quickly realized that the person was actually Mizu. Now knowing this, you greeted the woman with a wide smile and beckoned her to join you.
“Would you like to help me prepare the food?” You asked as she knelt down beside you. She looked at all the ingredients you had set out with a confused look very evident on her face.
“I can try… but I’ve never actually cooked before.” She admitted, looking up from the food and towards you. Your smile never faltered, as you turned back to the now heated pot before you.
“We all have to start somewhere right? Here, why don’t you chop some of these.” You instructed, pushing some vegetables towards her and handing her the knife. You could see her eyes light up almost the instant she looked at the knife, happy to finally see something she knew how to properly use without help. She nodded at you before chopping to her heart's content. You on the other hand began to get the spices and other parts of the meal prepared before the vegetables.
You were nowhere near the level of a chef, you simply had to learn the hard way what worked with cooking and what didn’t. In the very beginning of your stay with Mikio, you fondly remember him taking at least some time out of his day to help teach you some basics to cooking. You wished you could somehow convince him to go back to the way he was, but you couldn’t change him and you knew that, and at this point you didn’t want Mizu to get hurt trying. She was his wife after all but you still felt awful sitting by and watching as he ignored all of her attempts to get on his good side.
On the bright side of everything, you truly enjoyed Mizu’s company and you made sure it was obvious to her. She always seemed so genuinely interested in everything you showed her how to do, from cleaning the stables, to cleaning the house, feeding the horses, and now even cooking. She was making an effort to adjust to this new life and she had not a single complaint about it. It had taken you a moment to get used to two other people being around all the time, but when it came to Mizu you welcomed it with open arms.
She was a lot more clumsy than one might initially believe her to be. The amount of times she had tripped or dropped a bucket while cleaning was enough to count on two hands. It seemed to you as if she wasn’t used to the apparel she now wore everyday which struck you as a bit odd, but you truly didn’t put any more thought into it. If anything, you found her slip ups pretty adorable for someone so tall and quiet.
“What do I do with them?” You heard Mizu ask, snapping you out of your thoughts almost immediately. You looked towards the dark haired women, quickly noticing the now entirely full plate. She had minced every single thing you had given her and it was clear that she was eagerly waiting for more.
“Oh, just set those aside for now. Here take this.” You instructed, handing her a small bowl of spices as you grabbed the stacked plate of vegetables.
“Just add a pinch into the pot while I try and find…” Your voice trailed off as you continued to search the area for your missing utensils. You could’ve sworn you had placed a ladle out along with the rest of your ingredients. You turned every which way, not seeing it anywhere as you placed the plate down and stood up. You looked back at Mizu who was holding a now empty bowl of spices, but this fact had gone completely unnoticed by you.
“You can add a few of those in, I just need to go and find a ladle.” You said, pointing at what Mizu needed to do next before walking off. Once you had quickly found the utensil you had needed you returned to the room to find Mizu now holding three barren spice containers. This time you indeed noticed.
Your eyes widened as you looked towards Mizu, then the pot, then back at Mizu who was just looking at you with a blank stare. Maybe it wasn’t as bad as you thought, there's a possibility she might’ve just added the right amount and… the rest just disappeared.
You knelt down near the pot, carefully stirring the soupy concoction with your new found ladle, and very carefully gave it a small sip.
Your face very quickly contorted into a sour grimace as you placed the ladle down. You noticed how Mizu’s blank stare very quickly turned to disappointment and you immediately felt horrible, despite the whole situation truly not being that big of a deal.
“I should’ve been more descriptive.” You reassured Mizu, she had told you she never cooked before so you probably should’ve taken more caution when instructing her.
“Is it fixable?” She asked, looking towards the plate of vegetables with a hopeful gaze.
“As much as I want to approve that idea, those aren’t going to fix this.” You joked, earning a bit of a pout from the woman. You snickered a bit at her reaction, before handing her some water. “This should dilute it a bit.” You offered, handing her the bowl. Just as she was about to pour the water in you stopped her, having thought of a harmless yet still annoying prank. You grabbed a separate bowl and poured some of the non-diluted soup in, then told Mizu to continue pouring the water in. She watched you set the bowl aside with pure confusion before adding more water.
“What’s that bowl for?” She asked, now putting the empty bowl down.
“Don’t worry about it. Now where are the vegetables?” You questioned, it wasn't exactly directed at Mizu, it was more or less just you speaking aloud. You both search around the very small area taken up by your cooking materials before you spotted them. You reached for them with haste but you hadn't realized that Mizu had too. She had managed to put her hand on the side of the plate before you had, so you ended up lightly grazing her hand with your own. You immediately retracted your hand, not wanting the moment to linger, but at the same time there was some part in you that did.
You very quickly just chalked it up to an intrusive thought, afterall you were not going to make moves on your brother's wife, you accidentally touched hands, it was nothing more than that, calm down.
So that's what you did, you retracted your hand and paid no mind to the action as if it had never happened before telling Mizu to throw the vegetables into the broth. She nodded, doing just as she was told, and dumped them in and as if by some miracle, the food began to smell really good, just the way it should.
While you both waited for the food to finish cooking, you thought it a good time to just talk to the woman.
“So… How are you and Mikio getting along?” You asked, turning to Mizu who was now blankly staring at her hands that were placed carefully on her lap. You could sense the inner turmoil on whether or not she should answer truthfully, so you decided to help her out a bit.
“If you wish to speak ill of my brother, trust me I won’t be mad.” You began to reassure her lightheartedly. “I guarantee that your complaints would equal mine.” You continued, earning an acknowledging smile from her.
“I don’t think he likes me all that much.” She admitted quietly as if she was ashamed to have said so. You looked towards her with a bit of pity evident in your gaze, not because you pitied her not being liked by Mikio, but because you pitied her for even valuing his opinion of her in the first place. You had to remind yourself, she is his wife now so it would only be natural for her to want him to at least show some approval of her. That only made his current treatment of her even more upsetting in your eyes.
“I’d say not to pay him any mind, he’s just a grouchy old man who doesn’t see potential in anything that wont get him back his honor.” You explained, sounding as if you were joking but you both knew you werent.
“Has he always been this way?” She asked, turning towards you a bit more to show her interest in your response. You smiled a bit, not looking up at her as you told her,
“No. He used to be very kind and patient, I’m sure you would’ve loved him had you met him before… but now? Ever since he lost his title he’s been so hellbent on regaining his honor that he truly doesn’t care about much else.” You rambled slightly, your hand balling into a fist a bit as you clutched onto the fabric of your clothes, trying not to let yourself get lost in the emotions of what was. As much as you missed the old Mikio, you knew even then he still had his flaws. You remembered vividly how he refused to teach you anything related to fighting, he claimed it was too dangerous but once you had argued it was more dangerous for you to not know how to defend yourself, he dropped the topic entirely and avoided you any time you would try and bring it up again.
That’s why you were so intrigued when you found out that Mizu was able to fight. You had hoped to one day work up the courage and ask her to teach you because you knew, especially by this point, your brother was in no position to change his mind. You figured now was not the best time to ask as you looked up to the woman whose brilliant blue eyes were staring back at you, a sympathetic expression on her face.
“Well, at least you know if you ever get tired of dealing with him, you can always come and find me.” You smiled at her, trying to cover up any negative feelings you might have let slip while thinking about your brother. You wanted her to get to know him for herself and make that decision on her own. The last thing Mizu needed was someone telling her how horrible her husband is, after she had just married him, that was sure to go south fast.
Mizu gave you a small smile before turning back to the boiling pot which definitely smelled like it was ready. Very eager to try her first guided attempt at cooking, Mizu began to pour out the soup mixture into different bowls.
You, however, had kept the bowl with leftover undiluted soup and purposefully placed it down where Mikio always sat.
It hadn't taken long for both Mikio and Mizu’s mother to join you two at the table, both of them just as eager to eat as you and Mizu were. Before you ate however, you made a point to Mikio that,
“Yours is a special recipe, I just wanted to try something different than usual.”
Making sure to keep any of the blame for the tastefully challenged meal off of Mizu. Both Mizu and Mikio looked towards you, the same lack of certainty spread across their faces as they looked towards Mikio’s bowl. It didn’t look too much different from the rest of the dishes, but the moment Mikio placed the bowl to his lips and took not even a full second of a taste, he knew what was wrong. His face scrunched just as yours had done when you originally tasted the extremely strong broth. He immediately placed the bowl down, trying to suppress the urge to cough or spit it out to not look bad in front of Mizu and her mother. You watched on in glee as he proceeded to make himself look like an idiot, all while he sent an unrelenting glare your way.
“I see you must have forgotten a few steps.” Mikio muttered through several coughs. You merely smiled, very cheekily one might add, at the man before commenting,
“I guess you’re just not strong enough to handle that taste.” You shrugged before sipping your own food, which evidently tasted much better than his. He knew you were trying to get under his skin, the worst part in his eyes, was that it was working. He knew you were upset, he knew you didn’t like the way he had been acting, but he also believed he knew what was for the best. He believed if he continued working everything would go back to the way it was and then you would no longer have a reason to be so petty towards him. He wasn’t ready to be swayed on his thinking, so he wouldn’t be.
The three of you ate in peace before Mikio fully placed his bowl down and stood up, claiming that he had more work to finish up before leaving the room in silence. Mizu looked towards the door the man had just walked out of. Her expression wasn’t easy to read but she definitely didn’t exactly seem sad that he had left. She then turned to you, gesturing to Mikio’s now abandoned plate and asked,
“What was that for?”
“Just… some sibling rivalry. Nothing really.” You answered. It wasn’t exactly a lie. In a way you were rivals but you just hadn’t realized how yet.
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aloesarchives · 6 months
Can You Not? (JJK Oneshot)
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Warnings: 18+ (jic), Suggestive adult content, Swearing, Female pronouns, Sexual touches but nothing too explicit, Toji being frisky and hella horny, Megumi cockblocks Toji, slight ooc Megumi, Megumi being a menace, the word ass being mentioned like 3 times.
Series: Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x Megumi Mom!Reader
Word Count: 1943 words
Pronouns: She/Her
Au: Reader is Megumi’s mom, is alive and well, Toji is alive and good too lol, reader is also a sorcerer but doesn’t go on many missions since she had Megumi but helps around Jujutsu Tech.
(A/N: Lastest oneshot to post in a while. I have another work that will be releasd later, hopefully. This is my first work for Jujitsu Kaisen. I apologize for any mischaracterizations with the characters!)
[Has been edited and proofread as 11/18/23 8:43pm. Banner credit: @cafekitsune]
As always, please enjoy!
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It wasn’t unusual to have the house to yourself. With Toji going out on missions, and Megumi being in school for most of the day, you often found yourself always being at home by yourself. During this time, you would run some errands, some chores, or even go out for a bit to get some fresh air. Though you loved your husband and son, you also loved some alone time and it wouldn’t hurt to have it once in a while. 
Today was a little different. Toji was on a solo mission to wipe out a few curses in a town that was far from the city. The estimated completion of the mission would take about two days because of the distance and how the curses terrorized the town individually instead of in groups. But Toji being Toji, he got the mission done within six hours. For a regular grade sorcerer, it would take at least twelve hours to deal with two of these curses as these would any normal sorcerer a difficult time. But Toji doesn’t play games when it means getting a hefty paycheck for the job. With Toji's lack of a curse technique, he seemingly made himself an easy target for the curses. So he was able to draw them one by one from the specific areas of their known sightings.
Once the fifth curse dropped dead, Toji’s paycheck was secured. After receiving it from a wealthy business owner, the one who called about the town’s situation, all Toji could think about was getting home to you. He did his best to clean himself up from the stains and fluids of the now deceased curses. But there was some remaining residue and a small pungent odor that he couldn’t get rid of. Toji knew he would have to shower at home but he didn’t care because he only really thought of coming home to you. After getting dropped off home, it was around 4:30pm and he just went inside. He hears your humming in the kitchen and sees you chopping away at some vegetables, which he assumes is for dinner. As you cut away and put them in the pot, Toji can’t help but admire you. The precision in your cuts and the focus on your face as you slide the vegetables into the pot. Ugh, to him, you looked so good. Just like how he met you all those years ago when he saw you fight, you still were as beautiful as when he first laid eyes on you. And frankly, Toji thought you looked delicious as well.
After a few moments, you suddenly felt eyes on you and swiftly turned your head to meet Toji as he started walking towards you. 
“Toji! You’re home! Earlier then I was told. I thought you wouldn’t be home for at least a day or so.”
“That’s what I thought too, but the curses weren’t bad. Nothing I couldn’t handle.” Toji says nonchalant as he twists his head up to crack it.
“Oh okay, Mr. big shot. We get it, not all of us have superhuman strength and heightened senses.” You joked which caused Toji to smirk. But your laughter died down and was replaced by a warm smile. You looked at him as you placed a hand on his right cheek and caressed his lip scar with your thumb gently.
“But I’m glad you came home in one piece. Well, that’s what it at least looks like on the surface. You’re not hurt anywhere, are you? I know how you are when you hide your injuries from me, Toji.” Looking at him apprehensively. 
“No, trust me. I’m not hurt. The red stains on my clothes are not my blood anyway, Hon.” He says with sight sincerity as he leans into your hand and holds it in his own. He looks at you before suddenly wrapping his strong arms around you, causing you to suck in your breath in a little bit. 
“I just wanna come home to you. That’s all I ever wanted after today. The mission wasn’t hard but I’m tired and I only wanna come back to you and this life we have together.” Leaning his head on yours softly and he slowly rubs your sides up and down.
You hum at his actions and let him relish in this state. You’re no stranger to Toji’s cocky and somewhat condescending personality. It’s something you couldn’t forget about him ever since your first encounter with this man. But you grew fond of it over time, especially when he got vulnerable around you when he told you everything about him. Now, you couldn’t imagine your husband without his cocky smirk.
The both of you stayed like this for a bit before Toji decided he wanted to dip his toes in the water. As he slowly stops rubbing your sides, he wraps his arms around you again. This time, however, you felt his right hand behind your right shoulder and his left being placed on your lower lumbar region. He was caressing the areas, his left hand getting dangerously close to your ass. 
You knew where this was going.
“Um, Toji… can’t you wait a little bit longer until nighttime? I need to watch dinner cook before it gets late.” You said hesitantly. Your face starts to warm up as that all too familiar fuzzy feeling starts to emerge itself from its depths within.
“I don’t know, Honey. It’s only for a bit, I swear. It’s just you and me in the house right now. No one will know. None of Megumi’s dogs or shadows. Hell, not even Megumi will be here for another hour or so. Just for a bit, please.”
Oh yeah, today’s the day Megumi is coming home from school. He said he’s bringing his two classmates over, Nobara and Yuuji, for dinner and to hangout. You asked him why out of curious and as he said over the phone with you, " (*deep sigh*) Mom, it’s only because they have begged me for so long. I just said I would bring them to see you once I come home on Friday. They really want to see the house and you."
“Toji please, n-not now…”
“Baby please. Just a few minutes of your time, a quickie. I promise you.”
Promise, your ass. You know your husband, and you know him well. Once you let him loose, he’s going all in until done and satisfied. He won’t stop until he gets his fill, trying more than his own damn missions. Oh, you knew because you were 110% sure that was how Megumi was conceived and born in the first place. All because of Toji’s horny primal urges, and it got worse once he was married to you.
You tried pushing Toji but knew it wouldn’t do anything given that the man was built like a concrete dam. Toji chuckles at your efforts as his right slides lower to rest comfortably on your ass. The way it rubbed and played with your flesh, your breathing was getting labored and grows heavier by the second the more he continued to play with you. You were slowly starting to become putty in his hands, literally. Toji was having too much fun enjoying putting you in such a state. He always did, the sadistic prick he is. 
“Come on, baby~~ Is that the best you can do? You’re a lot stronger than that, where did it all go? Did you need me that badly, (Y/N)?” He condescendingly says to you as you slowly start to give in to him.
He was seducing you, tempting you just to give in. While it was harmless and consensual, the hazy feeling that came with it was starting to take effect. Slowly blocking off your senses as you fail to hear the front door opening and closing. Before the two of you would go from the point of no return, in this case Toji getting a squeeze out of your ass, you heard a loud grunt at the entrance of the kitchen. Snapping out of your trance, you escape from your husband’s embrace and face where the grunt came from.
“God, can you not do that when I come home every time? I can’t believe you, Old man.”
There, you were faced with your 15 year old son, Megumi, who had a deadpan look at his face as he stared at the two of you. More so at you then Toji. Toji looked as irritated as ever while Megumi looked completely done with him.
“Megumi, Sweetie! I thought you were coming at 6:30 pm? It’s only 5:45 pm right now!” Walking over to Megumi to greet him. You were trying to calm yourself from your flustered state and welcome your son home. It always made you embarrassed when Megumi had to encounter these types of situations with you two. And to be honest, you wished your son never had to witness any of them. Meanwhile, Toji was death glaring at his own son for literally cock blocking him. 
“Yeah, but we just got done with the mission early and Gojo-Sensei said we can leave since that’s all he did for us today. Plus, Yuuji and Nobara are here with me. They're taking off their shoes and are still at the front entrance.” Megumi rubs the back of his head and pocketing his hands as he was telling you. By the way he talked and the look on his face, you knew your son was exhausted from the day. Assuming his two friends are tired as well. 
“Well Megumi, you can go upstairs and freshen up for a bit. Take your friends up to your room as well. Dinner will be ready in 45 minutes or so, I’ll come get you and friends. If you or your friends need anything, please let me know, dear. And for you, Toji, go upstairs, shower, and change into some new clean clothes. Your curse stains are starting to smell. I don’t want the house to smell like it, now go upstairs please.”
“Thanks, Mom.” Megumi gives you a small kiss on your cheek before he goes to gather his friends and head upstairs to his room. As you smile at how much your son has grown, Toji couldn’t help get more grumpy and irritated. Especially when he saw Megumi flash him a shit-eating grin before leaving the kitchen. You didn’t see it but boy, Toji did. He knew that grin from anywhere because when Megumi grins like that, he always looks like Toji no matter the nature of the shit-eating grin.
As Toji leaves you in the kitchen to let you continue making dinner, he freshens up in your shared bedroom. When he was done, he came out and was gonna join you. His hair is a little damp as he walks down the hall. Funny enough, Megumi just left his room and ran into him before Megumi could go down stairs and get some drinks.
“Oi, Megumi.”
Megumi looks up from his phone and blankly stares at his dad.
“Listen Megumi, you didn’t have to straight up fucking cock block me like that to your mother.”
Megumi just hums and stares at him.
“Well maybe I wouldn’t have if you have been successful. You didn’t have to do that to Mom. Plus, who’s fault was it that you continuously get caught? It’s definitely not me. Nor is it my problem. That’s a skill issue, Dad. Now excuse me, I need to get some drinks.” 
Megumi walks past Toji like he didn’t just scorch the hell out of his father. Toji’s mouth was agape as he stared at his son in disbelief. He sees Megumi’s figure disappear going down the stairs. Clicking his tongue, Toji mumbled under his breath.
“Little shit,” He says before he heads in the same direction.
(A/N: Bro, I know the ending is rushed and short but I didn't really know how to end it. I like this work but I could make the ending a but better. I might edit this work later on when I get ideas.)
Thank you for you and hope you have a good day!
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muchosbesitos · 7 months
powerless part 2
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pairing: miguel o’hara x fem reader
contents: pre-spider society miguel, jealous reader 🫣, smut, mutual masturbation, unprotected p in v
author’s note: sry i took a lil break, i had a bit of a writer’s block when it came to this part 🫡 part no one rly asked for but i hope you all enjoy nonetheless
word count: 4k
powerless part one 
You and Miguel had been dancing around that line between being friends and being something more for the past few weeks. You could forgive him for that given the fact that he's been busy with a new prototype at Alchemax and he's been out saving the city. Your friends had stopped speaking to you after what happened, immediately choosing to side with Krystal despite them telling you that they'd never pick a side beforehand. You tried to keep your mind busy, to fill in the void with empty projects and your work, but nothing seemed to satisfy you.
You were in the middle of cooking up something for dinner when you heard a knock on your window, noticing Miguel leaning against it. You opened it up, noticing that it was starting to rain outside. "What is with you coming to my place whenever it's raining?" You asked him with a small giggle, stepping back to let him come inside. He pulled away the mask and only then did you notice the pained expression on his face, your eyes drifting down to the gash on his abdomen. You laughter died off and you helped him lay down on the couch, going to your bathroom to get something to clean him up with.
You poured some rubbing alcohol into a rag, starting to clean up the wound and blood surrounding it. Miguel let out a hiss as the alcohol seeped through the wound, stinging him and you shot him an apologetic look as you continued to clean him up. "How'd it happen?" You asked him once the blood stopped, stepping back to give him some space as he healed. "Just a fight with Doc Ock, the usual," he responded, his breath shallow. "Feel free to use the shower whenever you're ready," you told him, going back to the kitchen to make sure the food didn't burn.
He came back a little while after taking a shower, smelling like your body soap and he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind as you were just finishing up the meal. "What are you making, hermosa?" He asked you, his words coming out muffled given that he'd buried his face in the crook of your neck. "I watched Ratatouille the other day so I decided to try out the dish. Turns out, it's not as easy as the stupid rat makes it seem but I don't think it looks too bad," you respond and he looked over your shoulder at the food baking. "I'm sure it's delicious, little chef."
"Oh come on! It's not that bad," you protested as Miguel spat out the first bite he'd taken of the food. "No, no. It's just.. too much for my taste buds to handle, y'know? It's just so good that I can't contain it," he responded, avoiding eye contact with you as he spoke. You rolled your eyes, putting a piece of eggplant in your mouth just to prove a point to him. You quickly spat it out, taking a sip of water to wash down the taste. You look up to see Miguel looking at you with a small smirk on his face, like he was daring you to try and defend the dish. "Alright, come on. I’ll help you make it again," he told you, gesturing you to join him in the kitchen as he stood up.
You began chopping up the eggplants while Miguel chopped up the onions, claiming that he wouldn't cry because of them. A couple seconds pass before you pick up sounds of him sniffling as he's cutting, though he did pretty well at masking it. You opened up the faucet next to him, a trick that your mom had taught you as his sniffling started to stop. "Thanks," he mumbled, clearly embarrassed and you go back to chopping the vegetable. "Why do these things have to be so big?" you whined as you cut the pieces into thin slices. "I'd say my eggplant's bigger," he responded, laughing at his own joke.
"Yeah, baby?"
"Never say that again."
"Yes ma'am."
Eventually after a series of jokes and chopping up vegetables, the two of you were waiting for the dish to finish up. You were setting up the table while he was responsible for making sure that it didn't end up slightly burned like last time, his attention solely on the oven. The two of you sat to eat and he began telling you about his day, how he'd basically swung around the entirety of Nueva York. "How about you? Have your 'friends' called you?" He asked, putting the word in quotation marks as he rolled his eyes. "No, they haven't. Probably still pissed off that I won't apologize to them for pursuing something with you," you responded as you were finishing up with your food, taking a sip from your drink. "I know you didn't ask for my two cents, but if they were okay losing you in the first place then maybe they're not your friends."
A couple of days passed by before you had the opportunity to see Miguel again. He'd texted you early enough in the day to tell you that he would be taking you out tonight, to dress up in something nice. You headed out to the mall in hopes to find something adequate to wear, since most of your clothes weren't suitable for going to nice places. You were walking around the mall for some short time while you stumbled on your group of friends giggling and talking amongst themselves. You were planning on ignoring them, but your plans were quickly changed when one of them called you over.
Your throat bobbed as you walked over to them, trying to see what they wanted from you. "All you have to do is apologize to Krystal and we'll let you back in our group," one of them told you and you couldn't help it anymore. "Why not ask Krystal to apologize for the way that she treated me? For the way that she treated all of you? You all defend her actions but the only reason that she pursues the men she does is because someone else has interest in them," you respond and you could tell that their patience was running thin. "Either you apologize to Krystal right now or you're dropped from the group," the same one told you, her eyes boring into you.
You looked at the satisfied look on Krystal’s face and decided that it wasn't worth it anymore. "I'm sorry for sending you that picture, it was really petty of me. But I'm not apologizing for pursuing something with Miguel," you spoke to Krystal, looking at her directly as she scrambled to look upset when all eyes turned to her. "And as for the group, you can drop me. You're all hypocrites, getting pissed off when someone does something wrong but being perfectly okay when Krystal does it. She's not even supposed to be in this group, the only reason she's in it is because her sister wanted us to pity her," you finished off, not caring if you went too far and walked away.
Though the memories that you shared with your friends was something that you would miss, you felt a sense of relief at finally letting them go. You walked into a couple other stores and ended up buying a new dress and a set of lingerie just in case. When you got home, you decided to do something you'd been meaning to do for quite some time now since you were running on that 'high' of how good it felt to defend yourself. You grabbed your name tag and apron and took the train to the restaurant you worked at, confident in the decision that you were taking.
You walked to the back of the restaurant and sat down while you waited for the boss to come in. "What are you doing here? You have the day off today," your boss told you once he stepped inside the office, sitting down behind his desk. "I wanted to tell you that i'm quitting. I appreciate the opportunity that you gave me but I don't think this place fits my needs anymore," you told him, handing over your stuff. He shrugged and gave you your last paycheck before you were dismissed out of his office. You were thankful that the exchange had gone fairly well since your boss wasn't exactly the most pleasant person to work with.
You got ready for your date with Miguel as soon as you got back home, a little giddy as you took a shower. You couldn't help but wonder if this was the date where he'd make things official, to ask you if you wanted to be his girlfriend. On another part, you couldn't help but think if he was just taking you someplace nice to break up with you so it wouldn't hurt as bad. You decided to just go along with the flow and brush those thoughts out of your head. You finished up just in time, your doorbell ringing as you put the finishing touches on your outfit.
"Wow, chaparra. you look.. phenomenal," he told you as soon as you opened the door, butterflies taking flight in your stomach. You stepped aside to let him come inside and he handed you a bouquet of flowers. You thanked him and went to go set them in a vase, putting them down on your dining table. "Ready?" He asked you once you finished up and you nodded, grabbing his hand as he led you out. You locked up behind you and the two of you headed to the date he had planned out.
He ended up taking to you to the art museum and you had a suspicion that it'd been because you mentioned that you wanted to go. "So, how was your day today?" He asked you, holding your hand as the two of you started to walk around the museum. You told him what happened today and you expected him to call you out for quitting your job, but he did no such thing. "I'm proud of you for finally standing up for yourself. You've been miserable at that job for months," he told you, stroking your hand as he walked next to you.
Though he protested some, he still let you take some pictures of him with the paintings. You had to step back a couple feet just to capture his entire frame and he couldn't help but laugh at the distance that you'd created. He took some pictures of you as well, capturing you in the frame perfectly. "Y'know if this whole Alchemax thing doesn't work out, you should be a photographer," you told him as the two of you walked through the exhibits. "With all the technology available, you seriously think there's a need for photographers?" He asked you, looking down at you as he held your hand. "Well, just because it's available doesn't mean that everyone knows how to work it," you responded with a small shrug. “Touché."
He ended up taking you to dinner after the two of you finished walking through the museum, taking you to a nice area of town. "Hi, what would you like to order today?" The waitress asked, facing Miguel as she placed her manicured hand on his shoulder. You had to restrain yourself from saying something to her especially given the fact that Miguel wasn't committed to you yet, but you couldn't help the jealousy brewing in your stomach. "I'll have a medium rare steak with a side of rice, please. And a coke," he ordered and the waitress scrambled to write it down on her notepad. She started to walk away, not paying any mind to you until Miguel called for her to come back.
"What do you want?" She asked you, the annoyance on her face evident as she looked at you. "I'll have a shrimp alfredo with a coke, please," you told her, trying to remain polite. "Are you sure you don't want a salad? You look like you could benefit from it," she responded, letting out a laugh at her own joke. You bit the inside of your cheek as you looked up at her, still trying to restrain yourself. “No, what I ordered will be fine," you told her through gritted teeth, clenching your fists together.
Though you were aware of the struggles that waitresses went through as a previous one yourself, you felt no sympathy towards that woman with the way she acted towards you. The worst part about it was that Miguel seemed to be oblivious to the way that she acted around him, making a point to come to the table every 3-5 minutes to check up on him or see if he needed anything. He noticed the expression on your face and his brows furrowed, his hands holding yours now. "What's wrong?" He asked you, his eyes trying to read you properly. "That waitress keeps flirting with you and you don't even realize it. And the worst part about this whole thing is that I can't even be jealous because you're not even official with me," you told him, letting go of his hands as the waitress came back with the food.
The rest of the dinner was a bit awkward, with some minor conversation about how the food was. Though, you could appreciate that Miguel told the waitress that he wasn’t interested. He escorted you home and he lingered for a couple seconds in front of your door, his hand not letting go of yours. "I was gonna ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend today. Not because of what happened at the restaurant or anything, but because I can't think of wanting to be with anyone else other than you. I���m sorry if you didn't really feel that way," he spoke up after a while of silence and you turned to look at him, feeling guilty for snapping at him during dinner. "I'm sorry if I ruined dinner, I didn't mean to. I was just.. confused about where we going in this whole thing," you told him, rubbing his hand reassuringly.
"So, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked you, a little smile appearing on his face. "The answer was always yes, idiot," you mumbled, holding on to his shoulders for support as you kissed him. You opened up the door to your apartment and led him inside, thankful to the gods that you'd cleaned up the apartment and bought that new set of lingerie. He closed the door with his foot as he kissed you, locking the door with the best of his ability before he hoisted you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he led you to your bedroom, your lips intertwined on the way there.
He placed you down on the bed, hovering above you as the two of you continued to kiss, your hands intertwined in his soft curls while his rested on your hips. He slowly pulled the dress down, his eyes widening a bit as he saw the lingerie you were waiting. "Should've skipped dinner and just went straight to dessert," he mumbled, his lips running through your neck as he kissed it. He bit down on some spots, careful not to inject you with any of his venom as he left some marks on you. "Just in case you're ever confused about who you belong to again."
He stripped off his clothes and sat down next to you, spreading your legs so he'd get easy access to your wet cunt. He brought up a finger to your lips, tapping on your bottom one so you'd open up. You wrapped your mouth around his finger, looking at his eyes as you coated it with your saliva. He pulled away and ran that finger down your folds, collecting extra slick. He pushed the tip of his finger inside, teasing you as he pushed it and out slowly. You let out a small whine for him to do something more but you only received a laugh in response. "Use your words," he cooed, his thumb gently pressing against your clit. "Please," you begged, looking up at him with your best 'fuck me' eyes.
"Please what?"
"Please use your fingers."
"Is that not what I'm doing?"
You wanted to let out a whine at his relentless teasing, the words in your mind turning to mush already from how needy you were. "Please fuck me with your fingers," you managed to tell him and he kissed your forehead. "You should've just said so," he responded condescendingly, stretching your cunt out with this one finger. Your hand wrapped around his cock, collecting some of the precum that was leaking out and lathered it all over the shaft. You kept a steady pace as you tightened your hand around him, just enough to simulate the feeling of your cunt. Your hips began to ride Miguel’s finger, your cunt eager to receive some sort of friction. He let out a moan as you cupped his balls with your other hand, your thrusts never halting.
Miguel’s palm worked up against your clit, providing you with stimulation as he pushed another finger inside of your cunt. Your walls clenched around his fingers, a tight grip around them as he moved them in and out. You curled your toes as you felt his thumb rub small circles on your clit, the sensation filling your veins with need. Your mouth was parted as you begged him to keep going, your moans filling up the room. You gripped his forearm as you came, your vision spotting as your juices coated his fingers. He brought his fingers up to his lips, sucking your juices off like you were the finest nectar.
You used both your hands to jerk Miguel off now, a tight grip on his shaft as you moved your hands up and down. He let out a small hiss as you brushed up against his tip, being a little sensitive there. You brought your mouth down to it, swirling your tongue as your hands worked to get him to that climax. He held your head in place as spurts of cum flew in your mouth, your cheeks hollowing to receive everything that he would give you. You eagerly swallowed down his cum and he pulled you in for a kiss, the taste of you and him combined overwhelming your senses.
He laid you down on the bed and kissed down your body, leaving small marks on your breasts and your stomach before he sat up. He gave his cock a couple pumps before he kneeled closer to you, placing just the tip in. You let out a small grunt as your walls fluttered, trying to accommodate to his size. "Hey, calm down. Take a couple deep breaths for me and try to relax," he tried to reassure you, his hands rubbing small circles on your thighs. You nodded and began to focus on your breathing, inhaling and exhaling slowly. You did this a couple more times until you felt relaxed, gesturing Miguel to move afterwards.
He pushed the rest of his cock in one swift motion, giving you some time to adjust to the stretch. "You're so good taking me like this, mi vida. We have all night, there's no pressure," he whispered, leaning into give your neck a couple kisses. You did the same thing as last time, focusing on your breathing rather than the stinging between your legs before it started to morph into pleasure. You nodded and looked over at Miguel, and he started to slowly move his cock out of you. He started off slow, giving you plenty of time to adjust as you found necessary.
"You can speed up," you told him and he complied, his thrusts getting faster and deeper the more your cunt swallowed him up. Your hands went to his back, scratching him as he thrusted deep into you. He leaned over, attaching his mouth to one of your nipples as he ran his mouth on the neglected bud. You couldn't help but moan at just how stimulated you felt, your hand reaching down to rub circles on your clit. He swatted your hand away and replaced your hand with his own, his mouth moving to the other breast. "You just lay there and take it, baby. I’ll do all the work," he mumbled, his heavy balls slapping against your ass as he sped up.
One of the ridges of his cock brushed up against your g-spot as his thrusts got deeper and you gripped his shoulders tightly. He took that as an indication and adjusted the angle so that his cock would brush up against the gummy spot with every stroke that he took. His thumb worked on rubbing quick circles on your clit and you felt that knot inside of you tightening up, threatening to snap loose at any time. "That's my girl. taking it so well," he told you and you came with a moan of his name, your nails digging into his shoulders as you did. You could hear a squelch with each thrust that he took as he chased his own orgasm, his thrusts getting sloppy quick. You looked up to see his blood-red eyes already looking at you and you brought him in for a kiss.
He came as soon as your lips came in contact with his, overwhelmed by everything around him. He managed to pull out in time and his cum was leaking onto your stomach. You picked some of it up with your pointer finger, licking it clean as you looked directly at him. He kissed you as you did, the taste of him and his essence intoxicating. He pulled out of your cunt slowly and walked to the bathroom, bringing a small towel to clean you up. He led you to the shower and lathered you up with soap, going for another round after he saw how eager you were to take him.
You woke up the next morning and frowned upon not seeing him there next to you, not expecting him to leave in the middle of the night. You got up and walked to the kitchen, seeing your boyfriend cooking breakfast in the kitchen. "I didn't wake you up, did I?" He asked when he turned to look at you, his hair sticking up in all directions. "No, I just thought you left," you mumbled, rubbing your eyes as you took in the sight. Miguel had stayed and he was dancing to a bachata song playing in the radio as he cooked breakfast. "I'd never leave you, mi amor. Breakfast's almost done, just sit there and wait," he told you, kissing your forehead.
He ended up making huevos rancheros for the both of you along with some fresh coffee. "Did you mop?" You asked, looking up at him as the smell of lavender Fabuloso filled your nostrils. "I did, yeah. I accidentally spilled some of the milk," he responded, taking a bite out of his eggs. The two of you ate in comfortable silence for a couple minutes before he spoke up. "Did you like last night? Is there something you'd like me to improve on?" He asked you, taking a sip from his coffee. "No, it was good. I liked it. You were attentive to my needs and everything," you assured him, finishing up with your food a couple seconds later.
He ended up calling sick to work that day and spent the day with you in your apartment. He sat down with you on the couch as he looked through job postings with you, his arm wrapped around your shoulder. "You're too smart for another waitressing job. You didn't get a college degree to settle for less. Choose something that's gonna make you happy," he told you as your fingers hovered through a restaurant gig. "But what if I'm not good enough?" You asked him, still stuck in that bubble of wanting to do something familiar. "You're going to be more than good enough. And if one job doesn't like you, then there are more jobs out there," he responded, kissing the top of your head.
"Yeah, chaparra?"
"Te amo." (i love you)
"Y yo también te amo." (and i love you too)
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zoropookie · 24 days
♡ chapter twenty-six — br(ok)en (💋)
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You stared at your phone light up for the twelfth time within five minutes with a dull expression.
Admittedly, you felt angrier knowing that Scaramouche still had the audacity to even text you after everything. After tormenting you for years and years, what kind of shame should someone feel after that, you wonder. The relentless pursuit of making your life miserable—to which he failed at, but it did make you wonder.
Did you do something to deserve it? Each notification felt like another jab that he took to the heart, reopening your wounds from each time he said something messed up to you. As you laid there motionless, with no light ruminating in the room except your phone, you began to feel tears well up in your eyes for the thirteenth time today.
Pursing your lips, you swiped up to read the messages and only felt reminded even further of every harsh word he said. Every cruel taunt, every moment of humiliation...and yet...
He was still right, despite being the biggest hypocrite known to man. And it pissed you off.
Why were you even laying here? Ignoring the world, rotting here like you're a vegetable. You knew that you were something to people, you knew that you were valued.
There wasn’t anything that was particularly motivating for you to get up, however. You ignored every need that you could have possibly wanted, subjecting yourself to sparseness. No matter how much you wanted to, the thoughts always came back and you didn’t know how to deal with them.
A small knock echoed from the front door. It was loud enough to hear, and you still shoved your head in the pillow and hoped it went away.
The longer time you went without answering it, the knocks became more frequent. It wasn’t Thoma, that’s who you could observe without getting up.
You finally managed to drag yourself out of bed, lazing about sounded so much nicer now that you were dreading who’s at the door. With a frustrated sigh, and irritation already to its peak of your heart, you opened the door to a familiar-ish face.
Little girl?
“Did you forget that you exist?” She said with a smile. “Welcome back to Earth! I didn’t know how long you’d be cooped up in here so I brought treats.”
You stared a bit longer than you meant to at the Tupperware of Asafiri in her hands, momentarily taken aback. “Heh?”
“Yanfei sent me here. Looks like you’re having a little bit of trouble getting back on your feet. I take it you know her?” She inquired.
“Yeah.” You blinked slowly, before holding the door a little wider. “Uh…come in, I guess. Thanks for the…treats.” You cringed. “Wow, I get why Heizou keeps being called a creep now, this can look so wrong.”
“The difference is that he does it to himself.”
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The warm water on your body was oddly refreshing.
Getting out of the shower was harder knowing that you'd come back to the gust of wind in your living room, but knowing you had fresher pajamas on was also a plus. Things didn't look too great on your mental, especially since you were accustomed to showering a lot in your fresher mind.
You put on the Lightning McQueen slippers you quite often wear, and moved to the kitchen after hearing soft chops of a knife. You wondered what Nahida was up to, staring at her cut apples and bananas before putting them into a huge bowl she found in your cupboard.
"This is a very odd fruit salad you're making." You drew attention to yourself before her eyebrows furrowed. "I don't know whether or not to tell you to be careful with knives."
"I'm smarter than you think I am." Nahida cooed. "I'm used to people being condescending."
"Oh...I'm sorry— You're killing me here, kid. Lady? Are you a child or not?" You asked desperately.
Nahida turned to you, her saturated green eyes stared at you with obviously deliberate thoughts roaming her head before she took a sharp breath. She pointed the knife at you. "Do you feel better?"
"Not...really? I mean, it happened. All of this at once." You tried to process it quicker, but your head failed you. It's like how you actually felt in the moment was blocked. "I feel like I'm in limbo, I don't want to see the sun these days."
"Your thoughts are your biggest enemy right now. Easy to overthink. It's a lot to deal with on your own, good thing you aren't, right?" Nahida lowered the knife, her expression softening. "I cut you up some fresh fruit. It's better than the Asafiri for now, you don't need that much sugar after not eating for a while, or you'll crash hard. And get a headache."
Looking at the bowl loaded with bananas and slices of apples, you couldn't help but wonder why you were even granted this much care anyway. You were in mild disbelief, sitting down at the island counter in front of Nahida. "Why are you actually here?" You said in defeat.
Nahida stopped cutting the fruit, gaze shifting from it to you. She couldn't find what she could say to answer you, but she did press her lips together. "Do you want me to be honest?"
"A little." Your voice lowered.
"Yanfei and Heizou," Nahida paused, trying to find her words, "They wanted to see if I could convince you to start streaming again."
You frowned immediately. "Oh. Thanks for being honest."
"You made progress today, but I don't expect you to be up to it. It's a really big step." She asked you, but you couldn't even decipher the intentions behind her eyes. It was impossible to detect what anybody was thinking nowadays. "They just told me to come over so they can hope their investigation moves."
You sighed, leaning back in your chair once you felt the bitterness course your body again. Hearing that made your mood possibly worse than what it would've been if you were in bed. "Not happening. Thanks for checking on me though, you can leave if you want."
"I knew you'd say that. I guess it's fair, people are...going crazy right now figuring out whether you're okay or not." Nahida smiled once you looked back up at her. "Both Scaramouche and your fans are trying to get anything they can on your wellbeing. It's better to wait it out."
Your hopeful face turned into a sullen one, shoulders slumped at the mention of his name. "I don't know if I can even go back at all."
"I'm not sure how hard this is for you, but with what happened, you've obviously been through enough. While it's your choice to go back, Yanfei is under the impression that you can get revenge." The shorter girl explained. "In my eyes, though...I think you're able to decide that for yourself."
You felt the weight of the memories heavily, your head daunting enough for you to let out a shaky breath. "You think so?"
Nahida nodded, humming, "You don't have to stream, but don't give him the satisfaction if you're upset. You shouldn't let him know that you're suffering because of what he did. The worst thing that you can do is prove him right."
Funnily enough, as soon as she said that, you felt tears well up in your eyes again. It struck a cord, and you knew she was right. It was just knowing that anybody would say it verbatim. "That's the same thing he told me too." You blinked back your tears, more resilient than you were a few minutes ago, but also to the brim of misery.
You shook your head, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. "Thanks," You muttered, choking on your words. You couldn't manage to say anything else, otherwise you'd betray your steely posture. "I'll think about it. Just...stay here a little more with me, please. Maybe I'll...find the resolve or something."
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previous ♡ masterlist ♡ next
YOU ARE on your way to being one of the hottest streamer in your nation at the moment, racking a monthly average of 10 million viewers, but something specific bothers you about it. you know that a lot of people hate you, but there's this one account. one account that's been following you since the early days of your career. they leave a flood of rude comments in your stream, your moderators banned each account they made, but they keep making more. you are at the end of your tether. but you are yet to find out that this persistent cockroach is none other than your friend's friend (and the only other streamer that's bigger than you), scaramouche.
taglist ♡ @thystarsshine @veekoko @gumickajolli @simonisferal @kamiboo
@justpeachyteastea @feiherp @pinkismyfavcolor @aether-darling @kunisnaomi
@keiiqq @mine-lu @featuredtofu @danhenglovebot @k4zushi
@kyon-cherri @b4tm4nn @iiinaurate @quacking-simp @auroratumbles
@kookiibun @ulquiorraswife @amvpk01 @simplysm1le @h3xi2g0n3
@alatusorrow @scaranthropy @mellowberrie @magica-ren @vernith
@kabukipookie @bananasquash @suqarlaced @dellalyra @lightyagamifan
@yourfavoritefreakyhan @heartsforseo @yomishen @pwushizz @swivy123
@strxwberryfetish @ibyobi @ashfrommars4 @chemiru @ainnofinway
@agaygothicmushroom @levianamor @dragontammerz @wth121 @lylovw
@morgyyyyyyy @lovemari @suniika @melpomenelurks @liuaneee
@franaby @tiddieshakeshownu (bold users means i'm having trouble tagging you)
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liminal-space-lesbian · 10 months
Breakfast in Bed
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x fem!reader
Warnings: Sam being a bit intimidating??
Summary: (request) You wake up and decide to make Tara breakfast in bed. You and Sam have a conversation about Tara in the kitchen as you cook.
Words: 1,296
Friends Family (part two)
You woke up slowly, feeling Tara's warmth pressing against you as you sighed contentedly. You slowly peeked your eyes open to see your girlfriend's peaceful face. Her lips were parted slightly as she breathed deeply, her face serene as she slept. You couldn't help but smile, warmth filling your chest to the point of bursting. I love her so much.
You carefully extracted yourself from her embrace and tiptoed out of the room, heading to the kitchen. 'I'll surprise her with breakfast in bed, she'll love it.' You thought with a faint smile as you padded around the center island to rummage through the fridge. You planned on making Tara her favorite omelette with cheese, tomatoes, mushrooms, and peppers along with some toast and bacon.
You quietly placed a pan on the stove, turning the burner on as you cracked four eggs into a bowl. You then begin chopping the vegetables, humming softly to yourself as you worked.
"What are you doing up so early?" A gruff voice came from behind you, causing you to flinch in surprise. You glanced over your shoulder to see a disgruntled looking Sam standing in the hallway. You offered her a small smile.
"Goodmorning. I'm just making Tara some breakfast in bed. Do you want some?" You asked as you placed some bacon in the pan to sizzle quietly. You glanced back at her when she didn't respond immediately, and you saw her giving you a strange look.
"No I'm okay, I'll just make myself some coffee." She says simply as she shuffles over to the coffee pot. You nod, not taking her demeanor too personally. Sam wasn't really a morning person.
"So what did you two do last night anyways? You guys left halfway through the movie." Sam says as she pours the coffee grounds into a filter, placing it in the machine. You glance at her, feeling a bit nervous. You didn't want to make a bad impression with Sam, she was Tara's sister. She didn't seem to like you already, but you knew she was a good person, and Tara loved her.
"Yeah, sorry about that. I have a weak stomach and don't really like gore, so Tara suggested we go to her room to watch something else. We ended up watching Legally Blond, which was nice. I am sorry if us leaving disrupted the night or made anyone uncomfortable though." You apologize hastily, glancing at Sam to gauge her reaction as you flip the bacon.
"Oh, don't apologize its okay. Nobody was particularly put out by it. Aside from Mindy being Mindy of course." Sam added the last bit in a grumble, looking slightly irritated. She sighed and rubbed her eyes, biting back a yawn.
You awkwardly turned back to your cooking, not sure what to say. The silence was awkward as Sam pulled a mug out of the cabinet, pouring her now ready coffee. You tried not to wrinkle your nose at the smell. You hated coffee, much to Tara's dismay.
"That's really nice of you, you know." Sam says after taking a sip of her probably too hot coffee. You glance up at her in surprise, not sure what she was referring to.
"What?" You ask, confusion creasing your brow as you pause whisking the eggs to look at Sam. She gestures to your cooking with the hand that isn't cradling her coffee mug.
"You making her breakfast. It's a nice thing to do." She says, her eyes drifting from the food to your face. You feel yourself growing flustered, a blush burning at your face as you squirm under your gaze. You were never good with compliments.
"Oh! Well- I mean why wouldn't I? I mean, it'll make her happy so..." You trail off, awkwardly turning away from Sam as her gaze felt all too heavy. 'Ew, why did I say that that sounds so performative.' You mentally berate yourself as you take the bacon out of the pan and pour the eggs into it.
"You know, I always thought I'd hate whoever Tara ended up dating. Like, I imagined it'd always kind of be me against them, in a way." Sam admits suddenly, sounding thoughtful. You feel anxiety burst in your chest at her words, nervously shifting your weight from one foot to the other. 'Sam hates me?'
"But with you it's not really like that I guess. I mean I know you'll always do what's best for Tara, and take care of her." Sam's tone shifts to something softer, and her words cause you to snap your gaze to her in surprise. Was Sam seriously being... vulnerable with you right now?
"You're one of the good ones (Y/n)." She says as she steps closer to you, so she can gently pat your shoulder. You stare up at her wide eyed, and you don't know if you want to laugh or cry. Sam doesn't hate you. Sam likes you. She approves of your relationship with Tara.
"Thank you." You manage to choke out, feeling a lump rising in your throat. Sam offers you a small smile before pointing at the pan.
"Don't burn your eggs." She says with a wink before giving you a final pat on the shoulder and heading to the living room. You quickly turn back to your omelette, hastily flipping it right before it crossed from overcooked to burnt. You quickly assembled the omelette and buttered the toast, plating the meal before carrying it to Tara's room along with a glass of orange juice.
You carefully entered the room, setting the plate down on the end table as you kneeled on the bed, smiling down at your sleeping girlfriend.
"Tara." You whispered, gently brushing your fingers along her shoulder. You didn't want to startle her awake, which had happened more than once when you were waking her up. Tara was a rather jumpy sleeper.
"Mm." She hummed sleepily, turning her head in your direction before slowly squinting her eyes open. She took a deep breath and smiled up at you, her hands coming to gently rest on your forearms.
"Goodmorning beautiful." You murmur, leaning down to kiss Tara's forehead. She smiled wider, her hands moving up to cup your face so she could guide your lips to hers. You kissed her gently, melting into her. her lips were slightly chapped from sleep, but they still were as plush as ever. You could kiss Tara forever.
"I made you breakfast." You mumble against her lips when you finally pull away, unable to fight a smile. You pulled back to look at her expression, and you felt your heart soar at the way she was looking at you. Her eyes were impossibly soft, her bottom lip jutting out in a minuscule pout as her eyebrows pulled together.
"Oh baby, you're so sweet, you didn't have to do that." She whispers as she sits up and sees the meal you have prepared for her. You shake your head and smile as you gently hand her the plate, unable to stop smiling.
"I'd make you breakfast in bed for the rest of my life if I could." You murmur as you sit beside her, your shoulder brushing hers slightly. She leaned further into you, her eyes welling with tears.
"Aww baby." She coos as she kisses you again, unwilling to pull away. You gently push her away with a smile.
"Eat it before it gets cold please." You plead as you gesture to the meal. She nods and begins to tuck into her food as you watching her contentedly. You couldn't help but remember what Sam had said. 'I know you'll always do what's best for Tara, and take care of her.' In that moment, you knew you would do just that.
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janeyseymour · 4 months
do you think we could get one where reader proposes?
Yes, yes you can. I was actually already in the process of writing this!
Fire in My Heart- pt 5 (Can be read on it's own!!)
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
wc: ~4.1k
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You don’t really know who to ask, but you want someone’s blessing to propose to Melissa. You can’t ask her mother… she isn’t around anymore. Her beloved Nonna isn’t around anymore. Her dad is alive, but as she so eloquently put it, “That motherfucker is dead to me.”
So you really don’t know who to ask.
“Yeah, Barb,” Melissa comes wandering in. “Yeah. Hey, I just got home, so I have to make sure Y/N is alright and start dinner, but we can definitely talk about this tomorrow morning? …Yeah, okay. Yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow. Okay, bye.”
And then it hits you. You can ask Barbara for her blessing. The kindergarten teacher is like a sister to your girlfriend. That’s perfect.
The redhead saunters over to you, and while you’re pretty much fully healed from your injuries, Melissa still dotes on you like she did the first week. “Hey, babe,” she leans forward and kisses you softly. She pulls back, and you have a perfect view of her cleavage. “How was your day?”
“Fine,” you tell her. “I’m sick of desk duty though. I can’t wait to get back out into the field.”
“Until the doctor clears you, you ain’t heading back into another burning building,” she tells you sternly. “I ain’t riskin’ nothin’. Did you ice your ribs today at work?”
“No,” you roll your eyes. “I’m really doing okay, Mel.”
She clicks her tongue in a disapproving manner before walking into the kitchen. She returns a few seconds later with an ice pack. “Ice.”
“Mel,” you sigh.
“Ice,” she says again and holds out the ice pack even more aggressively. You snatch it out of her hands and press it to your rib cage, sucking in a breath as you hold it to your skin. She settles next to you before nudging you. She has you sit in between her legs and pulls you to her chest. She kisses your cheek as you relax against her. 
“How was your day, love?” you ask softly as you crane your neck to look at those striking green eyes.
“Those kids sure do keep me on my toes,” she chuckles lowly. “Aiden snuck his hamster into his backpack, and then he lost it in my classroom… I found the fucking rodent in my purse.”
“Good lord,” you laugh weakly. “I don’t know how you do it, some days.”
“I don’t know how I do it some days,” she retorts back.
You ice until the timer on her phone goes off, and she gently maneuvers around you to head into the kitchen.
“I just picked up some stuff to make chili, are you good with that?” she calls to you from the other room.
You smile. Chili is one of your favorite dishes of hers. “I’m good with that. Mind if I join you?”
“As long as you take it easy,” she tells you. “You’ll sit at the island and look pretty.”
“I can help chop up some vegetables,” you roll your eyes as you stand from your place on the couch and hobble into the next room.
“You’ll sit. You’re still injured,” she points the knife that she’s holding at you.
“My ribs are all but healed, and I don’t have to do anything with my ankle to chop vegetables,” you roll your eyes as you gesture to the boot your foot is still in. 
“I gotta take care of my girl,” she rolls her eyes as she starts to chop them while staring at you. You have no idea how she does that- not looking at the vegetables and still not clipping her knuckles with the knife.
You sigh as you pull out your phone and start scrolling through it. You shoot Randy a text.
I’m gonna be in late tomorrow, you tell him.
I have some business I have to take care of. Hold down the fort for me?
How late are we talking?
I have to drop off Melissa’s lunch at the school and talk to a few people, but then I’ll be in for my dreaded desk duty.
I gotcha covered.
No problem, Chief.
You grin as you read that last text. Now you know you can grab the septa, a taxi, or an Uber down to Abbott to speak with Barbara. You know her prep is in the morning, so you’ll be able to track her down.
The next morning, you wake up with your girlfriend, chuckling as she makes her lunch. You know you’ll be able to distract her enough that she’ll forget her Tupperware on the counter and you’ll be able to make your way into the school without it seeming fishy. You do everything you can to seduce her, and with the way she’s looking at you, you know you’ve won her over.
“Baby, I’m fine,” you roll your eyes as she makes sure that you’re okay for the fifth time. “Can we just…?”
Finally, she relents. By the time the two of you are finished, she’s running late, and she dashes out the door, leaving her meal on the island. Perfect.
You know Barb has her prep earlier on in the day, so you can time taking Melissa’s lunch out with her schedule. You’ll arrive a bit earlier so you can drop off the redhead’s lunch and then make your way down to the kindergarten wing.
Your phone buzzes around the twenty minutes later. Melissa’s at school.
Forgot my lunch, and it’s all your fault.
I’m sorry? you text her back.
No you’re not, she replies. You chuckle. You really aren’t sorry. Not in the slightest. 
You attempt to take the bus, but it rattles your ribs too much, and you have to get off a stop after you got on. You can practically hear Melissa telling you that she told you so. So you stop into the coffee shop that the two of you frequent quite often, pick up her favorite, and call an Uber. 
As you make your way into the school, Ava sees you.
“Hey girl,” she looks you up and down. “Damn.”
“I’m just here to drop off Mel’s lunch and talk to Barb,” you tell her with a playful roll of the eyes. “I don’ need you flirtin’ with me or nothin’.”
“Girl, I ain’t flirting,” she tosses her hair over her shoulder. “I know when someone can kick my ass for hitting on their girl, and Schemmenti is one of those someones. G’head.”
You make your way down to the second grade wing and grin as you appear in the doorway.
“Miss Y/N!” one of the kids shouts and points over at you. Almost immediately, your girlfriend looks up and over in your direction. The kids all leap up to give you hugs.
“Ah,” the teacher tuts. “No huggin’ her. She’s still recovering from her injuries.”
“From the building jump?!” Jade asks with wide eyes.
“From the building jump… a true hero,” Melissa tells her kids with a sparkle in her eyes. She knows how much the kids idolize you and love you. When she finally returned to school, the next day, she came home with about a hundred cards from her kids for you.
“I was just doing my job,” you rolls your eyes playfully, although you do toss your hair playfully. “Anyway, I’m just here to drop off Miss Schemmenti’s lunch and a coffee. I have to run to work now.”
She takes the tupperware container and the to-go cup of coffee from your hands, gives you a gentle kiss on the cheek, and you’re on your way. You head down towards the kindergarten wing, and there is Mrs. Howard lining her kids up for gym.
“Oh, Y/N,” she smiles at you. “Here for Melissa?… Omari, stand in line quietly please.”
“Actually, I’m here to talk to you,” you tell her. “Mind if I come in?”
“Absolutely,” she says. “I just have to walk my class down to the gym, but then I’ll be back. Feel free to step inside.”
It’s only a few minutes before the kindergarten teacher returns and takes a seat at her desk. She gestures for you to sit in the rocking chair, which you do.
“What brings you around?” she asks.
“I have something I want to ask you,” you sigh softly.
“And that would be?”
You take a deep breath, rubbing nervously at your collarbone as you do. “It’s going to sound a bit silly considering you already are somewhat clued in from our first get together at the house… but… I don’t necessarily have anyone in Melissa’s family that can bless us getting engaged.”
The older woman hasn’t quite put it together yet, so she furrows her brows. “Okay?”
“Melissa’s mother has passed, so has her Nonna. And her father is still alive, but she hasn’t spoken to him since she was twenty-three. I could ask Kristen Marie, but I don’t know how close they are, even having reconciled now. You’re like a sister to Mel. So, I guess what I’m trying to say is… Barb, is it okay if I ask Mel-”
“Sweetheart,” Barbara cuts you off. “Are you asking me for my stamp of approval?”
You bite your lip and nod nervously.
Her eyes well with tears. “Honey, of course I approve. I’ve approved of you since the day we all gathered at your house.”
You break out into a grin. “Really?”
“Of course, dear,” she chuckles through her tears and stands to give you a hug. “And it means so much to me that you would ask me for my approval.”
“Well, you are the closest person to Mel,” you shrug as you return the gesture, patting her back gently.
“When are you planning on asking her?”
“I have a follow up appointment in two weeks to get cleared from the boot, and then I should be cleared by then to go back into the field,” you tell her. “Mel and I were planning on having a celebration with the boys at our house, and we’ve been talking about inviting the Abbott group over for that too.”
“We’ll all be there,” the teacher assures you. “Anything for our favorite firefighter.”
So, two weeks later, you and your girlfriend are sitting in the doctors office waiting for them to come in and give you the go ahead to continue life as normal.
“It seems like you actually took this healing process seriously,” the doctor quips. “Change of pace from your usual road to recovery.”
“She didn’t want to,” the redhead snorts. “I practically forced her to stay bedridden for the first month.”
“It was torture,” you groan and elbow Melissa.
“Well, maybe you should be thanking her, because you should be all good to head back into the field,” your doctor winks at you.
“Oh thank god,” you sigh with relief. “I’m so sick of desk duty.”
“Just no more jumping out of burning buildings,” the doctor tuts at you. “You hear?”
“Loud and clear, doc,” you grin as you mock salute your doctor.
He hands you the paperwork to turn in to your company so that you can fully document that you’ve been cleared, and the two of you walk out of the office hand in hand.
“Congrats, babe,” Melissa tells you as she kisses your cheek. “Celebratory breakfast? I still have three hours before I have to go to Abbott.”
“I told you you didn’t need to take a half day,” you roll your eyes, but you nod. Breakfast sounds amazing.
Over breakfast, the two of you discuss having everybody over for a barbecue, and by the end of your meal it’s planned. You send a text to your boys, letting them know that it was non-negotiable. She sends a text to her friends, telling them that she couldn’t care less if they showed or not, but the invite was there. 
Non-negotiable? Randy texts you separately.
Gonna propose, Tell no one or I’ll fire your ass, you reply back before deleting the texts. There’s no way you’re going to blow this surprise.
You then proceed to have the same conversation with Joe.
Of course, one of them spills the beans to the younger firefighters, but neither is willing to give up the other, and you know you don’t have it in your heart to fire them, so you just threaten the entire squad that if they ruin this for you, there will be hell to pay.
Much to Melissa’s chagrin, all of her crew replies to the group text stating that they will indeed be there. You get a text from Barbara later that she told that crew the invite was non-negotiable- but she didn’t tell them the real reason why. She claimed it’s because the two of you have always shown up for their dinner parties, and this was going to be no different.
So here you are, the two of you cleaning your house up and down. Melissa chuckles to herself as she remembers the nervous wreck she was when her friends came over to meet you for the first time- oh how the tables have turned.
“Amore, they’ve all been here before,” she rolls her eyes as she makes up her charcuterie board.
“Yes, but this is the first time everyone is going to be here and meet each other,” you counter. You shake your hands nervously. She has no idea why you’re this nervous. She has no idea that you currently have her ring in your pocket.
“It’ll be fine,” she tries to comfort you. “They’ll all get along just fine.”
A few hours later, everyone is trickling in. Most of your crew has shown up- Randy and Joe are manning the grills. Jake, Luke, and Zach are shoving as much of your girlfriend’s pasta into their mouths as they can, and the rest are sitting around your lawn and patio chatting with the elementary school teachers. While Melissa is playing perfect hostess, Barbara saunters her way up to you, trying not to look suspicious.
“You doin’ it?” she asks you quietly.
“Yeah,” you grin and look up at her, only to see your girlfriend coming up behind her. “Yeah! The wine is in the fridge, Barb! Do you want me to get you some?”
The kindergarten teacher raises a suspicious brow at you, but with a stern look from her, she nods. “Sure, dear. Thank you.” She hands you the wine glass, and as you pass by your girlfriend, you give her a gentle kiss to the cheek.
“Are you feeling less nervous, hun?” she asks you as she attaches herself to your arm.
“Just fine, babe,” you try to sound as calm as possible. “A little nervous Joe’s gonna catch something on fire… he’s got a habit of doing that while cooking.” Not a lie. It’s happened before, and you’re willing to bet money it’ll happen again. It just better not be here. He can’t ruin tonight for you.
“Well, lucky for us, we have a whole crew of firefighters, and the chief,” she hip checks you gently.
“I suppose you’re right,” you chuckle nervously, hoping she didn’t feel the ring box when she did that. You open the fridge and pour some wine for Barb before turning slightly. “Do you want a glass too?”
“I was thinking beer instead,” she gives a small shrug. “With the burgers and stuff.”
“I’ll grab that then once I get this wine to Barb.”
“I got it,” Melissa takes the glass out of your hand. “You go hang with your boys.” She turns in the direction of her colleague.
So you do. You hover in between both Randy and Joe, who are all grins as they know exactly what is going to happen at some point today. They don’t know when you’re going to do it, and quite frankly, neither do you. But it’s going to happen.
“Hun,” the redhead comes up behind you and snakes her arms around you. In one hand is a bottle of Yuengling for herself, and in the other hand is a can of Vizzy for you.
“Thanks,” you smile as you lean into her a bit. You take the drink and sip on it. She’s warm, and you can’t help but fiddle with one of her rings on her left hand. You subconsciously play with her ring finger- where the ring in your pocket will be later tonight.
Dinner is ready a bit later, and everybody is sitting around outside. You almost do it right then and there, while everyone is humming quietly as they enjoy the wide spread of food. But you stop when you see that Melissa is stuffing her face with food. She’s enjoying her dinner too much for it to be interrupted right now. You chuckle softly as you watch her practically wiggling with glee. She takes another sip of her beer before kissing your cheek gently.
“See? Everything is fine. Joe didn’t catch anything on fire, and the food is delicious,” she tells you as she rests her hand on your thigh. She squeezes it gently, trying to calm your nerves.
“You were right,” you grin back before taking a bite of you burger. “Shit. Joe really does know how to grill when he isn’t catching it on fire.”
“Oi,” the man you were talking about chimes in from across the table. “I’m a damn good cook. It’s how I got my Linda to marry me in the first place.”
“That’s how I got Y/N to go out on a third date with me,” Melissa chuckles. “I made dinner for our second date, and landed myself a hot firefighter.”
“Yeah,” you throw in. “But Mel didn’t catch her kitchen on fire while cookin’ us dinner.”
That gets a good chuckle from your audience.
The Abbott crew takes to cleaning up dinner and putting out the various desserts that people had brought while your gang starts putting together the fire pit.
“When are you gonna do it, Chief?” Zach asks as he practically bounces on his toes.
“I swear, you’re more excited about it than I am,” you chuckle.
“I want you guys to get engaged so Luke and I can be beer boys!”
“Hell yeah,” Luke jumps into the conversation. “Fuck flower girls when you could have beer boys!”
You roll your eyes. “Soon. Don’t blow it.”
You’re all sitting around outside, most eyes on you and Melissa as she tells some ridiculous story. You’re lounging in her lap, her leather jacket draped over you. She’s got a tight hold on you, making sure that you won’t fall off of her. 
“It was ridiculous,” she lets go to gesture, and you fall off of her lap and onto the ground. Thankfully, you’re not close enough to the open flame to catch on fire. You chuckle as you dust yourself off, and Melissa looks absolutely mortified that she practically threw you to the ground.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry,” she gasps, hands flying to her face.
“No, no,” you laugh as you continue to dust yourself off. “I had to get on the ground anyway, so you helped me get there.”
“What?” she furrows her brows.
You turn over and stay on one knee as you produce the ring box from your pocket. “Mel,” you start.
She slaps your arm in shock. “Shut up.” Her hands fly up to her mouth again. “Shut up! What are you doing?!”
“Mel, honey,” you open the box. “It’s you. It’s always been you. I’ve just been waiting for the right time, and now is as good a time as any- with us surrounded by the people that mean the most to us. Will you-”
You can’t finish your question because your girlfriend has tackled you to the ground in a hug.
“Will you-”
“Yes! Yes!” she shouts into your ear.
“Jesus, woman,” you joke as you continue to hold her close. “Will you let me finish asking my question?”
“Yes!” is all Melissa can get out before Barbara cuts in.
“Woman, let her ask!”
“Will you marry me?” you can finally ask the full question.
“Yes!” your girlfriend, no fiancee, yells again before crashing your lips together. There are cheers from all around as the two of you embrace on the ground.
You carefully sit up, the redhead still in your lap as you take the ring out of its box and slip it on her finger. She holds out her hand to get a look at it, and you know it’s the perfect one. It looks like it was made to be sitting on her finger.
The boys are all whooping and hollering that “Chief just got engaged!”, the Abbot clan is clapping and cheering right with them, but all you can see is Melissa.
Barbara walks over to her bag and pulls out two giant bottles of champagne. She knows exactly where you keep your champagne flutes, and she’s brought extra- and starts pouring out the sparkling beverage.
Janine and Gregory help pass them out, and then all eyes are on you, as you are apparently being put on the spot to make some sort of speech. 
You pull yourself and Melissa off the ground, looping an arm around her waist as you do.
You clear your throat. “I know this was a party to celebrate the fact that I was cleared from my injuries, and I’m able to go back into the field. And luckily for me,” you chuckle. “I had one of the best people by my side to help pick me up while I was down. I had my rock, my star, and the sunshine in my life through every icing time, through the physical therapy… through it all. And although I’ve always known it was Mel, this time has only helped solidify that I couldn’t imagine going through better or worse with anyone else… So, while there have been quite a few times that I’ve almost popped the question-”
“What?” the redhead looks at you with a strange look.
“Like… after you first met the guys, when we went to that nice dinner, when I was on morphine in the hospital… a lot of times during my recovery,” you laugh and kiss the side of her head. “And while there were quite a few times I always popped the question, I knew there were two things I wanted in this proposal: for everyone that we love to be here with us to celebrate the occasion, and… to have someone’s blessing to ask you to marry me.”
“What? You didn’t ask-” you shake your head quickly.
“I asked someone that I know means the world to Mel, and someone who is an extended part of our family,” you grin as you look Barb in the eye. You then turn to your fiancee. “I asked Barbara Howard.”
“And I of course said yes,” the kindergarten teacher says with a smile.
“So, thank you all for coming out to celebrate with us, even if most of you didn’t know it was happening,” you finish as you raise your glass in a toast.
“So that’s why Barb said it was non-negotiable that we were all here,” Mr. Johnson realizes loudly.
After the fire pit died out, your guests made their exits with warm congratulations, and you helped Melissa spiff up a bit, the two of you finally retire to bed. You lay down and allow her to curl into your side. She lays a gentle hand over your shoulder, and out of the corner of your eye, you can see the sparkling ring on her finger.
“I have one for you too, y’know,” Melissa whispers to you as she stretches to kiss your cheek. “It’s in my drawer at work… I asked Randy if I could propose.”
You sit up partially. “That bastard knew and didn’t say anything?”
She laughs. “I may or may not have threatened his car, his house, and his life.”
“Once an arsonist, always an arsonist,” you sigh as you settle back down. She curls back into your hold, her head resting gently on your shoulder.
“And now you get to marry into an arsonist family, future Mrs. Schemmenti,” she grins against you.
“Good God,” you whisper to yourself. You hadn’t even thought about the fact that you were marrying into a family that loves fire. How that slipped your mind, you’ll never know.
“You love me,” she mumbles, and you can tell she’s starting to drift off.
“You’re right,” you sigh softly as you kiss her temple. “I do love you.”
“And don’t you forget it,” she mutters.
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invidiia · 1 year
oh my god the yan!dazai x willing reader fic😭 i love reading this type of content (its a trauma response but the idea of someone obsessing over me brings me comfort </3)
Can you write something more for yan!dazai and reader? Like dazai somehow forgets his keys at home giving reader full access to run away/call for help, but when he comes back running to his apartment worried he sees them cooking something for him and what surprises him the most is the fact that he didn’t have most of the ingredients which means that they went outside to buy them and actually came back <3
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❐ - yandere osamu dazai (bsd) with a reader who to left the house to make dinner.
note ; HII thank you for requesting!! and the beginning of the request really made me think, and i realized you were completely right and i relate deeply !! on another topic besides the request, i feel bad about writing ever since character ai came about, because what's the point of writing fics and hcs for people who can just make everything they want happen with ai?! but i'll continue, of course!! alsoo ada dazai
prompt ; dazai's beloved cooks for him after he left for the store.
warning ; kidnapping, possibly soft!yandere dazai AT FIRST, mentioned suicide (it's dazai)
masterlist - rules - previous work
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when dazai finally trusts you enough to be by yourself while he went out to run errands, it was like you felt relief for the first time in years. maybe it was.
he didn't specify what he was doing, but he did seem like he would be out for a long time. but for whatever reason in the world, you didn't exactly plan to fully escape from him. maybe you were on something, because anybody else would have went as far as they could.
dazai kissed the top of your top of your head affectionately. "my dear," he addressed to you, his voice sweet, just like every other time he spoke. "i have to run errands, okay? can you promise me that you'll be good while i'm gone?" dazai rested his head on top of yours, holding you closely to his chest in a tight hug. you nodded your head against him, and he smiled. "i'll be off now, my love." and with that, dazai walked out the door, completely forgetting his keys on the table.
maybe you were drugged, high or some kind of intoxicated, because anyone would be overjoyed to see that their kidnapper left their keys with them, and they'd try to leave! i mean, dazai was normally cautious - how stupid of him this evening.
but for just some reason, any reason in the world, you didn't leave the house for freedom. instead it was for.. groceries? dazai did feed you often, but it was usually food from a local place that he liked a lot more than cooking, hence the reason there were barely any ingredients to make dinner with.
maybe you were doing this to gain trust and then turn your back on him later? well, it was too late, dazai left the keys here, and you were free to escape. so the first place you decided to go? the grocery store.
walking through the produce isle, you turned your head anxiously, looking behind your back to see if dazai found out you left and followed you. but no one was there, not at all. you were safe.
you gathered up money from inside your pockets when the man first took you - enough to buy a couple vegetables, a bag of rice, and a bit of chicken. that was enough for tonight!
upon your return to the apartment, nobody was there, so you got to work, having not been caught by dazai on your little outing to the store.
it was pretty easy to make fried rice. you found yourself in the kitchen chopping vegetables to put into the frying pan while you seasoned the chicken. dazai didn't have a ton of seasoning in his cabinets.. guess this guy liked his stuff plain? but you worked with what you had, and you were able to make a pretty damn good plate of chicken fried rice. the meal was perfect, and you had just finished when the door opened up. it was dazai. the brunette man opened up the door rather quickly, slipping inside the apartment. "belladonna.. this smells amazing!"
dazai was quick to praise your cooking, even telling you that he didn't want to eat your masterpiece in hopes of ruining it, but you told him to sit down and just eat it.
and that he did, and he loved it! he didn't act like anything was wrong, it went perfect! he praised your cooking skills the entire time while he ate.
even you forgot that you snuck out to retrieve your ingredients!
"belladonna," dazai spoke, sweetly. you were both nearing the end of the meal, with just two bites of the food left on the plate. "your cooking is absolutely perfect, you know that? i almost forgot that we didn't have any vegetables in the house." you tensed up. this was such a stupid idea, sneaking out to get ingredients for your meal. "i found those in the cabinet, you brought them home one night. don't you remember?" you lied nervously, biting up the inside of your mouth while you just silently begged he would believe you. "i would never think about willingly buying bell peppers unless i planned to cook such a meal. why would you leave the apartment, dear?" dazai slid his chair back, stepping towards you with his hands in his pockets. this was stupid, a stupid mistake that you can't undo. "no matter.. you didn't run away.. so what am i to do with you?" he grabbed a lock of your hair, pulling it upwards so you could face him. you cried out, whimpering in pain - but he paid no attention to it, looking you in the eye. "let's see."
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komitomi · 1 year
Could I request Sae having bath sex with his s/o?
Man's just had a long day. Of course, his darling wife is worried and just wants to spoil him.
She cooks him a filling dinner and runs him a warm bath complete with bath bombs and flower petals.
But, just as they're relaxing. S/O feels Sae's hands grope her on all sides. Teasing and rubbing every part of her body until she feels tingly. All of a sudden, Sae pushes her against the tub (gently) and starts eating her out.
Oh, but he's not done. As she feels her legs quake, Sae inserts his cock into her pussy and starts moving at animalistic thrusts.
Itoshi sae x afab!f!reader
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MDNI, NSFW CONTENT: p in v, bathtub sex, oral (f.receiving), sae pull out game strong, teasing, use of good girl (once), this is kind of short :( + not proofread, also my first time writing bathsex !
this also took WEEK to write, not cause it is long or anything but just cause I got so busy irl 😭, sorry for the wait anon! <3
WC: ??
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You were in the kitchen preparing for dinner, cutting vegetables when you heard the front door open and close followed with a sound of baggage being dropped and a long sigh, it was sae, and from the sound of it, he seemed extremely tired.
He enters the living room and immediately crashes into the couch, groaning in pleasure when his back hits the soft cushioning as he dozes off, you were going to ask how his day was but you see his tired form and conclude that it was probably very rough.
Wasting no time, you immediately sped your pace and added the vegetables into the soup, while that was cooking, you chopped up some cucumbers into pieces and added seasoning, And set up the empty dishes on the table.
You added the cucumbers into the small bowl, you heard the ding of the rice cooker indicating that it was finished cooking, you took a frying pan and added oil and let it heat up before adding the meat to the pan, the sizzling noise was so satisfying.
Sae woke up from his light nap when the aroma of food filled his nose, he took a big whiff taking in the amazing smell, he made his way tiredly to the kitchen and saw you placing down the dishes, you looked up at him and smiled.
“I was going to wake you up just now.” you said and he returned you a small smile before he made his way to the table and looked at the dishes you made before he gave you a kiss on the cheek and sat down.
“Thank you for the food, love.” he says and signals you to sit and eat with him, which you follow.
You both have a very long conversation about how his day went, he told you he had a long day and it was exhausting and apologized for not greeting you when he came home, which he usually does, but you told him it was nothing to worry about, it was small moments like this which makes his heart fill with content, just eating a fulfilling meal with his wife and talking while doing so.
You cleaned up the table, picking the used dishes and placing them in the sink, sae was on his phone while you were preparing a bath, lighting up scented candles, adding a bathbomb into it before finishing it up with rose petals.
You called sae over and he put his phone down before he followed where your voice was coming from, he was slightly shocked at your act of kindness but you just gave him a smile.
“Wanna hop in with me?” you say with a smirk which makes him nod eagerly, you chuckle before saying “Well, let's wash up first then.”
You undo your clothes and he does the same, taking in the sight of your body, you unhook the detachable shower head before spraying water all over your body along with his, you decide to tease him by spraying it right into his face which he fights back by grabbing the shower head and turning it towards your face.
You gasp and he giggles slightly at your reaction, he loves doing fun childish stuff with you, just enjoying yourselves without a care of the world, being lost in the moment of your playfulness.
Finally, you were done washing up, sae hopped in the bathtub and settled down in a comfortable position, he throws his head back in pleasure as he relaxes in the water, it eased his muscle ache and was so therapeutic, you followed along him and settled in between his legs, you rested your back against his chest.
Both of you stayed like that for a while, relaxing and enjoying the moment until you felt sae's hands travel the outline of your waist before stopping at your breasts, you watched as he gave them a light squeeze making you gasp.
One of his hands trailed down while the other remained on your breast, rubbing and pinching your nipples, the other hand slowly made its way towards your thigh before settling on your inner thigh, he rubbed slow circles, teasing you as you watched his hand so close yet so far from your cunt.
Butterflies erupted in your stomach as sae left a trail of kisses down your neck to your shoulder while his both hands toyed with your body parts, making you feel tingly and whiny.
His hand suddenly presses against your clit which makes you gasp as he rubs circles onto it, you're disappointed when he retreats his hand back but surprised when you feel yourself being pushed against the bathtub, with sae now in front of you.
You look up at him in anticipation, he kisses you on the mouth before leaving kisses down your neck and grinding himself against you, he pulls back and grips your thighs and lifts your hips up just enough for your pussy to be slightly out of water.
He leans back before wrapping his arms around your thighs to keep them apart and kisses your core which makes you tense, he gives your pussy one long lick making you gasp and throw your head back against the bathtub.
His tongue swirls against your clit, nipping on it time to time, your hands fly to grip his hair and grind yourself against him, he then inserts one of his fingers into your hole, “f-fuck! Sae!” you moan out.
“Hm? Do you not like this?” he asks teasingly as he continues to eat you out, while he pumps his finger in and out of you, “I- I like it- b-but fuck! 'ts too much!” you say between your moans as you feel your high approaching, you hear him chuckle against you as he curls his fingers inside your, hitting at gspot.
You arch your back as you feel the overwhelming rush of pleasure coarse through your body, coming undone on his fingers as he brings his face to lick you clean.
He pulls away and watches your chest heave up and down, your eyelids slightly open as you breathe heavily, trying to register your high, he let goes of your thigh and pushes your hips back in the water before lining his cock against your entrance.
He slowly slides it in, throwing his head back as he grips the top edges of the bathtub where your head was resting, with a low groan. You too mimic his movements. He doesn't give you time to adjust and moves at a rapid pace, you grip on his arms tightly and look up at him, he leans down you catch your lips in his as he continues his thrusts.
“o-oh God! You feel so fucking good.” he utters as he pulls away from your lips, “So good for me.. Taking in my cock like a good girl!” he praises you, making you blush, “Thanks for everything earlier babe.” he leans again to kiss you, appreciating you.
His rhythmic thrusts slowly become more sloppy and you know he's near his limit, so you help him by grinding against him which makes him let out a guttural moan.
You were also near your orgasm as you feel him hitting all the right spots making you whine against him which makes him even more feral than he already was, with a few more harsh thrusts against your cunt, you finally cum, alongside with him.
He quickly pulls out and pumps his cock with his hand to aid him through finish, his white cum spurts out into the water as few drops of it land on your waist.
The sight was immediately making him hard once again, but he knew more than to push his limits or yours.
He quickly repositions both of you guys into the original position with your back pressed against his chest and his face rests in your neck, staying in each other's embrace for a while.
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imaginesforfandom · 4 months
A Wolverine's Heartache - Part I
Part II Part III
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Requested by Anon!!!
Logan Howlett x fem!Reader
She/Her pronouns used
Summary: On two separate occasions, both Y/N and Logan find jealousy within their friendship.
Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of unease that crept up whenever she saw Logan and Jean together. Jean Grey, with her fiery red hair and telepathic abilities, had a magnetic presence that drew people in – including Logan. Y/N had always considered Logan a close friend, but the way he and Jean interacted left her grappling with an unfamiliar emotion: jealousy.
One day, the three of them found themselves in the mansion's kitchen, preparing a meal together. As they chopped vegetables and exchanged banter, Y/N couldn't help but notice the way Logan's eyes lingered on Jean. The easy camaraderie between them felt like a barrier, and Y/N struggled to find her place in their dynamic.
"What do you think, Y/N?" Jean asked, breaking into Y/N's thoughts.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, sounds good," Y/N replied, forcing a smile. She busied herself with the task at hand, trying to push away the irrational feeling of jealousy that clawed at her insides.
Logan noticed her distant expression and furrowed his brow. "Somethin' on your mind, kid?"
Y/N hesitated, then decided to be honest. "It's just… I sometimes feel like I'm the third wheel when you two are together."
Logan glanced at Jean, then back at Y/N, a hint of realization in his eyes. "We're just friends, Y/N. You know that, right?"
Y/N nodded, but the knot of jealousy persisted. It wasn't about doubting their friendship; it was about grappling with a longing she couldn't quite put into words. As days passed, the tension lingered, and Y/N found herself withdrawing, avoiding situations where she might witness Logan and Jean's closeness.
One evening, Y/N sat alone in the garden, contemplating her feelings. Storm, sensing her distress, approached and took a seat beside her. "You seem troubled, Y/N. Care to share?"
Y/N sighed, looking up at the stars. "I don't know, Storm. It's just… Logan and Jean, they have this connection. I can't help feeling like I'm on the outside."
Storm placed a comforting hand on Y/N's shoulder. "Sometimes, we create our own barriers. Have you talked to Logan about how you feel?"
Y/N shook her head. "I don't want to cause any problems. They're happy together, and I'm just the friend."
Storm smiled gently. "Communication is the key. You may be surprised at what you find."
Logan clenched his jaw as he watched Y/N and Hank engage in a lively conversation across the lab. The two shared a camaraderie that went beyond mere friendship, and it left a bitter taste in Logan's mouth. He had never been one to easily admit his feelings, especially when it came to matters of the heart, but the sight of Y/N and Hank together stirred a deep-seated jealousy within him.
It wasn't that Logan doubted Y/N's friendship or loyalty. Hank was a brilliant scientist, and they often found common ground in their discussions about mutations and experiments. Yet, there was an intimacy in the way Y/N laughed at Hank's jokes and the ease with which they collaborated on various projects that struck a nerve with Logan.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the Xavier Institute, Logan found himself nursing a drink at the mansion's makeshift bar. Y/N and Hank were engrossed in a lively debate in the corner, their laughter rising above the low hum of conversations.
Storm, sensing Logan's unease, joined him at the bar. "Something on your mind, Logan?" she asked, her keen eyes noting the tension in his posture.
Logan grunted, taking a swig of his drink. "Just ain't sittin' right with me, that's all."
Storm followed his gaze to where Y/N and Hank were still deep in conversation. "Y/N values her connections with all of us. Hank is a friend, nothing more."
Logan's gaze hardened, his knuckles white around the glass. "I know that, Storm. It's just…damn it, I can't help feelin' like I'm playin' second fiddle to that furball."
Storm raised an eyebrow, her expression softening. "Jealousy, Logan?"
He scoffed, avoiding eye contact. "Ain't my style."
But Storm saw through the facade. "Maybe it's time to talk to Y/N. Let her know how you feel. Communication can clear the air, my friend."
Logan grunted again, mulling over Storm's words. As the night wore on, the tension between him and Hank remained unspoken, simmering beneath the surface. Little did Logan know that the impending tragedy on the horizon would soon force him to confront his feelings, revealing the depth of his emotions in a way he had never anticipated.
second part should be out tomorrow!! thank you again to the Anon that requested this 😊 i hope you don't mind that i'm including both of the requests into one fic!
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rin-fukuroi · 5 months
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬 [𝐉𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐮𝐚𝐧]
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
The originals of my works can be read here
Fandom: Honkai: Star Rail
Pairings: Jing Yuan x fem!reader
Warnings: just cute fluff
▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. Taemin - Pretty boy
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq
Maybe the new year is already over, but it's never too late to just feel the warm and loving and caring atmosphere of the holiday
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— Well, well, don't be naughty, I'm almost done! — you playfully scratch behind your big soft ear.
Mimi has been spinning around underfoot for several minutes, poking his big nose at your dangling heel in the air. No wonder, because his owner hasn't been home for several days, he misses him as much as you do. It's a pity that you can't explain to him that everything is fine, it's just that someone decided to postpone all work until the end of the year, so Mrs. Fu Xuan now doesn't let the General out of the office until there is not a single scroll left on his desk. Harsh, but Jing Yuan deserved it.
In any case, this is a good opportunity to finish the gift that you have been hiding with extreme care from your curious husband for several months. Let the General not appear at home as often as you would like, this man is as clingy as a person can imagine. Are you cooking something? He'll happily steal a couple of slices of vegetables from the chopping board and put his arm around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder until you shoo him to the table. Are you reading? It's time to take a nap on your lap — the softest and most comfortable pillow according to General Lofu Xianzhou. Going to bed? Great, he's just tired and will gladly squeeze you in his warm, almost suffocating embrace. And it's incredibly sweet, but not when there were only a few days left before the New Year so that you could finish his gift.
Leo raises his head with some puzzlement, watching you vigorously weave thick threads with knitting needles, periodically leaning back in an armchair opposite the fireplace to evaluate the preliminary result of your painstaking work. You're really bad at needlework. If someone had told you a few years ago that you would be sitting and knitting with a serious look, you would have laughed a lot at the person who voiced such a funny joke. The desire to step over yourself, learn something new, become better for another person is also part of the relationship that you got involved in as unexpectedly as you decided to make a gift with your own hands.
The firewood crackles softly in the fireplace, and the dancing flames cast a soft shadow on the carpet under your feet and a half-asleep Mimi threatening to crush your ankle when the lion settles his huge fluffy head on it. The same atmosphere, the same warmth and the same thrill as the day when Jing Yuan proposed to you so simply and casually in this very place. You've always been like this. Carefree, just enjoying each other's company. Perhaps, from the outside, your banter with each other, lightness and carelessness are seen by others as the relationship of two good friends, but isn't that the whole point? You always think that Jing Yuan is really your closest and irreplaceable friend, with a smile on your lips, inexpressibly happy that you are so lucky to have him.
Therefore, even what you are doing clumsily now, snorting irritably under your breath when the drawing slides to the side and the threads get tangled in your hands, in some way brings you pleasure. It is unlikely that Jing Yuan will wear this, as there is an extremely low probability that you will take up knitting needles again, but you pass all those warm feelings that have been lurking in your heart all these years through your fingers holding metal sticks in your hands in the hope that the General will be able to feel them on his own body.
— Oh, well, your owner will owe me when I give him this gift, — you chuckle softly, glancing at the lion, whose ear twitches as soon as it catches the sound of your voice.
A soft sigh leaves your chest as you lean back in your chair, reaching for a mug of cocoa with tiny marshmallows on the coffee table. The hot sweetness spreads in your mouth, and you calm down a little, once again looking at the sweater on your lap.
— Do you think it doesn't look too lame? — you "try on" a sweater by applying it to your chest, and you meet Mimi's sleepy gaze, snorting softly before turning away in the opposite direction from you. — Is it that bad?!
— What's wrong, dear? — the heavy weight of Jing Yuan's body abruptly falls on your shoulders, making you shudder when he suddenly sneaks up from behind, wrapping his big hands around your shoulders.
Mimi instantly takes her head off your leg and happily wags her tail, like a dog waiting for its owner. Perhaps Jing Yuan was right in calling him his pet cat.
— Aeons, you're going to give me a heart attack! — you put your hand to your chest in fright before realizing that the sweater you tied is still pressed against it, and you hurriedly crumple it up, stuffing it under your side. — Have you finished your work yet?
— Mmm, not really,— the General almost purrs, burying his nose in the curve of your neck.
— Not really?
— Aren't you glad to see me at all? It would be a shame to celebrate the New Year separately.
You roll your eyes, but gently wrap your arms around your husband's forearm, sighing in resignation.
— Okay, I'll set the table now.
You are about to get out of the warm embrace of Jing Yuan, when Mimi stops you, insistently poking his nose into your thigh, under which lies what you have been hiding from your husband for so long.
— What is it, Mimi? Did you find something? — The General's hands are leaving your shoulders, and you can almost feel cold sweat rolling down your forehead.
Jing Yuan strokes the lion's head, but he completely ignores the owner's touch, continuing to snort and try to seep between your hip and the chair.
— Y/N, are you hiding something from me? — The General squints, smiling playfully and leaning towards your face.
— N-no! I guess I just spilled some cocoa… HEY! — you scream when your husband silently crouches, grabbing your legs and throwing you over his shoulder. You squirm, frantically slapping him on the back when you feel Jing Yuan leaning into the chair. — STOP! Let me go, there's nothing interesting there!
— Really? Then why did you hide it? — The General chuckles softly, and you drop your hands in despair, noticing the sneaky lion sitting behind his master and wagging his tail contentedly. — This is…
— It's not finished yet, — you mutter unhappily, propping your chin with your fist behind your husband's back.
Jing Yuan gently holds you with one hand, with the other unfolding a soft sweater over the seat of the chair. The red threads are intertwined in neat chains, and in the center of the gift there is an embroidered lion, slightly uneven, but seemingly insanely charming to the General.
— Is that Mimi?
— Y-yes… Or what should have been him.
The man gently puts you down on the floor, and you awkwardly look away, feeling embarrassment tingle your cheeks.
— It looks ready, can I try it on?
— I told you… — you started to speak, but stopped, noticing with what trepidation Jing Yuan lifts the sweater from the chair, leaning it against his muscular chest. — Oh… All that remains is to cut the thread.
You take scissors from the table, carefully cutting the red thread, and take the sweater from Jing Yuan's hands while he hurriedly throws off his uniform, presenting himself half naked in front of you and forcing you to frantically squeeze your gift in your hand, checking whether it is too prickly to put it on a bare body.
— Y/N, — Jing Yuan smiles, holding out his hands.
— Okay, okay… — you sigh, finally giving the sweater back.
Your husband carefully pulls on his sweater, smoothing out the bound image of Mimi on his chest. He looks so happy when he looks at the thing that is bound with your own hands, and he can almost feel how your love, care and efforts are woven into these soft threads to see a smile on his face.
— Why only Mimi?" Where is my beloved wife? — The General grins, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to his warm body.
— A sweater with me wouldn't be so cute, — you giggle, burrowing into Jing Yuan's chest. So softly.
— Who told you that? — your husband's fingertips are placed under your chin, forcing you to look at him. — You are the sweetest woman in the world.
The man's amber eyes sparkle in the soft light of the fireplace, and you can't help but smile, rising on tiptoe to leave a short kiss on the General's cheek.
— Flatterer, do you think this will save you from being punished for ruining the whole surprise?
— I hope so, — The General rubs the tip of his nose against yours, loosely closing his eyes and pressing you closer to his body. — Thank you, my love.
P.S. Mimi's credibility was undermined after this incident!
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clemkruckinnie · 8 months
hiiii!!! the lack of opla nami fics is literally a crime, so ill make a request!!, how about a opla nami x fem reader where nami is laying her head on reader’s lap while reader feeds her pieces of tangerines, i was thinking about this the other day and it seemed so cute, anyway ty!!
saccharine- nami x reader
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cw: tooth rotting fluff, allusions to smut
it’s a warm, breezy night aboard the going merry.
luffy and usopp are animatedly sharing stories with one another, both talking and gesturing so fast you can barely keep up with what they’re saying. zoro watches them, trying to figure out what in the world they’re talking about as sanji cooks dinner for all of you. you’d been assigned the role of sous chef for the night, peeling tangerines so he could make them into tarts. you’re so preoccupied with your task that it takes two calls of your name for you to respond to your girlfriend.
“where’d that head of yours take you to this time?” nami teases you gently, sitting next to you on the bench. you shrug, smiling at the softness in her tone, the kind she saved for you alone.
“was thinking about the first time i tried a fresh tangerine.” you explain. “nojiko was so surprised i’d never had one, she almost forgot how pissed off she was that we’d found her.”
nami laughs, warm and bright, and you feel your heart pound like it’s the first time you’ve ever made her laugh. “i can’t believe you went so long without having one. feels like this was all i ate as a kid.” she recounts wistfully, playing with one of the pieces of the peel you had set down. suddenly, her eyes light up, and before you can ask what she’s doing, she snatches a piece of tangerine out of your hands, popping it into her mouth.
“hey!” you laugh, nami giving you a mischievous smile and shrug of her shoulders as she finishes the piece. “sanji set these aside for the tarts tonight!”
“you know we’ll have extra!” nami shrugs. “besides, sampling the food while you make it is half the fun.”
you’re about to respond when an idea pops into your head. you move so you’re sitting cross legged, patting your lap with your free hand. “here.” you guide nami to lean down, her catching on and laying sideways so she can put her head in your lap. once she’s situated, she rubs her cheek against the skin of your thigh, the ticklish sensation making you giggle.
“i love that sound.” nami tells you earnestly. moving to look up at you. she tilts her head towards your hands, you taking it as your cue to give her another piece.
“my laugh?” you ask, placing the slice into her mouth. she nods as she chews the tangerine. to her, your laugh sounds like the wind in the sails of the ship, the chimes in the orchard she’d grown up in.
“might be my favorite sound.” she tells you earnestly. “seconded only by luffy’s snoring because of the peace it brings.”
you laugh again, looking up to 2 sets of brown eyes looking at you inquisitively.
“what’s so funny?” luffy asks, you looking down and laughing again as you make eye contact with nami.
“the lovebirds are making fun of you.” zoro tells him, smirking when nami sticks her head back up to glare at him.
“oh, nami! didn’t see you there!” luffy greets her, unphased, as he turns his attention back to usopp. the two of you break out into another bout of laughter.
“less laughing, more peel- oh, come on, now.” sanjii catches you in the midst of giving nami another piece of tangerine, throwing his towel over his shoulder, hands on his hips.
“leave it to you two to turn a task into a display of affection.” he playfully scolds you. “please tell me we still have enough for the tarts!”
“i’ve only been giving her the small pieces.” you defend yourself meekly, cradling nami’s head with one hand and grabbing another tangerine with the other.
“well, all right.” sanji directs his attention back to the vegetables he’s chopping.
“as long as there’s plenty of meat, i’m okay!” luffy chimes in.
“i’m still going to try and get a vegetable in you, i don’t care if i have to sit with you like a child-“
sanji is cut off by luffy’s exaggerated groan, the two of them starting to bicker as you direct your attention back to nami.
“they taste sweet?” you ask, nami nodding as she swallows another piece.
“can think of something sweeter, though.” nami teases you, lightly raking her nails against the side of your thigh. you look up to make sure your crewmates are still distracted before you look back down.
“after dinner, i’m all yours.” you assure her, face flushing as she smiles up at you.
“i’ll hold you to that.”
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shy-urban-hobbit · 10 months
For the first time in a long time, Eskel wasn’t the first one back. It wasn’t surprising, apparently Geralt had arrived back a fortnight ago, anxious to be back with Ciri. The child was currently sat at one of the long tables, legs swinging as she drew in the blank journal Vesemir had given her whilst the adults talked amongst themselves. It was to be a welcome home present for her Uncle Eskel and therefore, she was determined to make it the best picture of her entire six years.
“I ran into Lambert a couple of months back.” Eskel said as he finished warming up by the roaring fire in the great hall after his climb up to Kaer Morhen, “He said he’s bringing his Cat with him this year.”
Vesemir nodded, “Meaning he’ll be coming from further South, so we should expect him a little later.”
Ciri looked up at that, “Uncle Lambert has a cat?”
“Hmm? Yes, Aiden.”  Geralt answered, attention still mostly on his brother.
Ciri gave an excited wiggle. Her grandmother had never allowed her to have a pet. The closest she’d come was the cat owned by one of the courtiers; a fat, fluffy thing with a squashed face named Pumpkin (something which had confused Ciri, considering the cat wasn’t orange). She imagined pulling a string for them to chase, sitting petting them whilst Uncle Eskel read to her from one of the storybooks he’d decided wasn’t too grown up for her like he had last winter. Maybe she’d be allowed to have them sleep in her room sometimes. Oh yes, Ciri couldn’t wait!
“Papa, where will Aiden be sleeping?” Ciri had looked all around the Keep and she couldn’t find anything resembling a cat bed. Not even a cushion like the one Pumpkin would spend all day sitting on.
“He usually shares with Lambert.” Geralt said, as he tucked her in, “He’ll have his own room too though. Just incase.”
Ciri blinked. The cat was going to have its own room, “Why?”
“He’s like anybody else. He likes to have his own space sometimes or he gets grumpy. You warm enough?”
She nodded, feeling her eyelids already starting to grow heavy, “Goodnight, Papa.”
“Goodnight, Cub.”
Ciri was perched on one of the kitchen counters, munching on a couple of carrot sticks Eskel had handed to her when a thought struck her, “Uncle Eskel, will Aiden have to catch and eat the rats?”
Eskel laughed loudly and had to pause in his vegetable chopping so he didn’t lose a finger, “You know, I only said that as a joke about your Uncle Lambert’s cooking, right? And no, Cub, there’s more than enough here for Aiden too. Nobody's going to go hungry.”
“Okay.” Ciri nodded and went back to her snack, satisfied with her answer she’d gotten.
 Geralt reported seeing smoke halfway down the mountain. Lambert would be home by tomorrow.
“Will Aiden like me?”
Pumpkin had hissed and scratched at her if she ever tried to pet him or play with him after all. Even though she was nice and never tried to pull his tail or anything like that.
Vesemir ruffled her hair, “He’ll love you, Cub. Just do as you do with everyone else here and take heed if he wants to be left alone, alright? Don’t go chasing him.”
“We were worried you wouldn’t make it.” Geralt said, embracing Lambert in a rough hug, not waiting for the other to shake the snow off his cloak and boots, “Thought we’d have to come down and dig you out. Aiden.” He extended a hand to the stranger, who grasped it tightly.
Ciri stared up at the man stood next to her uncle. The man her papa had called Aiden. He was a little shorter and leaner, but still tall with green eyes and a friendly smile, his curly black hair flecked with snow and tied back from his face.
“You’re not a cat.”
That drew their attention. Aiden cocking his head towards her with an “Eh?” whilst Geralt hissed her name in admonishment.
Ciri crossed her arms, “Papa, you all said Uncle Lambert was bringing a cat back.”
“Geralt, what is she-“
Aiden put a hand on Lambert's forearm, interrupting him,  “I think I see what’s happened.”
He crouched so he was level with the little girl, fighting to keep down his laughter lest she think it was directed at her and not the situation (Eskel had already lost that battle and had retreated to the kitchen), “I’m a Cat in the same way your Uncle Lambert’s a Wolf. That’s my school, see.” He held out his medallion for Ciri to get a good look at.
“There’s other Witcher schools?”
“A year here and she doesn’t know that. What the fuck have you actually been teaching her, old man?”
“Lambert, watch your language!”
Ciri turned big eyes on the group, “So, there’s no cat for me to play with?”
“Oh I wouldn’t say that, Cub. I’m always up for a round of hide and seek, and I bet you’ve found all the best hiding places by now.”
Ciri nodded, it was true. When she wasn’t at lessons with Grandpa Vesemir, she’d had a lot of time to explore.
Aiden gave her an easy grin, “Great.” He dropped his voice to a stage whisper, “You can show me the best places to hide from your Uncle. It’s always funny making him jump.”
Ciri giggled.
“Alright, back to your lessons now Ciri. Let Lambert and Aiden get settled.”
 Ciri took Geralt’s hand, letting him lead her to the library. They may have waited until Ciri was out of earshot, but Geralt heard all too clearly the Cats laughter and Jaskier-worthy exclamations about how she was “Too fucking adorable!”. Geralt smiled down at the little blonde head. Yes, she most definitely was.
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makeitmingi · 1 month
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 36]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 3.4K
Chapter warning(s): Mentions of religion, previous death of another character.
When you woke up, Yunho was still fast asleep, cheek pressed against your chest as he slept comfortably. Even if your head was throbbing and your throat was calling desperately for water, you couldn't help but melt at how adorable he looked.
"Morning..." You whispered, brushing his messy fringe away from his face and kissing his head. He stirred slightly, letting out a small whine but went back to sleep.
"I'll be back." You told him and carefully slipped out of his hold, replacing it with your pillow.
"Mmm..." He grumbled but settled with burying his face into your pillow. You tip toed to the bathroom to take a shower and wash up.
After your shower, you went out to the living room, seeing that everyone was still sleeping. With everyone being drunk and going to bed, there was no one to clean up so the kitchen was messy.
"Let's do this." You first drank a big glass of water then coffee. Tying your apron around you, you put the first load of dishes into the dishwasher.
"What can I cook?" You looked through the leftovers from last night. It was mostly meat scraps.
In the end, you decided to make Khao Tom, a Thai rice soup dish. Since you had broth from cooking meat, you could flavour it with lemongrass, galangal, ginger, shallots, garlic and chilis. Then cook rice in it for a comforting hangover meal. And since there was leftover meat, you could shred it up to add to the dish.
"Oh, (y/n)... Good morning." Someone said to you as you were chopping up the aromatics for the dish.
"Good morning, Yeosang. I hope I didn't wake you." You chuckled.
"Not at all. Thank you for cooking despite being hungover. We could have ordered some hangover soup, you know?" He came over to see what you were doing.
"It's fine. I'm not that hungover. Besides, there's leftover food so I'm using that." You shrugged.
"Also, do you have spare toothbrushes?" He asked.
"Yeah, guest room bathroom, the cabinet below the sink. There's a whole basket of stuff there. Including spare towels." You informed. He nodded and walked to go wash up.
"Tofu, tofu..." You searched your fridge for tofu to add to the dish while the stock, rice and aromatics were bubbling away. But since you couldn't find any, you took out the greens that you had and chopped them up to add later.
"Hongjoong's gonna grumble." You laughed to yourself as you set aside the chopped vegetables.
"Jagiya..." Wooyoung groaned, stumbling into the kitchen like a zombie. He lazily threw his arms around you, hooking his chin on your shoulder.
"Head hurt?" You asked, hands coming up to gently rub his temples.
"Mhmm..." He melted from your touch. You continued to hold him with one arm around his waist, the other stirring the soup.
"Go wash up, I'll fix you some coffee." You cooed, patting his back. He nodded his head obediently and pulled himself away from the hold that you had on him.
"Use my bathroom but Yunho's sleeping so be quiet. Yeosang's using the guest bathroom." You instructed. He nodded and shuffled away. You made some hot coffee for him, knowing he and Jongho like hot coffee to chase their hangovers away. Soon, Yeosang came back out, fresh from his shower.
"That feels so much better. Anything I can help with?" He asked, pouring himself some coffee.
"Thanks but there's honestly not much to do, it's all done in one pot." You smiled.
"I'll help with clean up." He insisted, bringing whatever couldn't be put into the dishwasher to the sink to manually wash. While you were both in the kitchen, you just chatted.
"Wow, I didn't know you were so interested in all that nutritional values of food." You blinked.
"Yeah, the guys always make fun of my supplements. But you know it's important to take care and maximise what goes into your body." He said.
"I agree. Do you work out a lot then?" You asked.
"San and I go to the gym a lot. We like working out as a form of de-stressing I guess. For a period of time, we were even those hardcore gym people, we would go whenever we had any sort of free time." He laughed and your eyebrows raised in surprise.
"That sounds like a lot of dedication. No wonder you and San are so fit." You giggled. You stirred the pot and took a taste to check if the rice was cooked properly.
"Now we season with fish sauce, lime, more chili and white pepper." You went to retrieve what you needed and seasoned the rice soup.
"Here, give it a try." You let Yeosang try.
"It tastes good. The sourness and spiciness will help cure a hangover for sure." Yeosang said, taking a spoon and reaching in to eat another mouthful.
From the smell of your cooking, the boys soon woke up one by one, all whining and complaining from the hangover.
"Only Yunho's still asleep." You chuckled, giving Jongho a mug of coffee. Jongho bowed his head gratefully and yawned before taking a sip, sighing at the taste of the caffeine.
"Go wake him, I'll take over." Wooyoung patted your hip. You nodded and went to your room. Seonghwa was in your shower but you were surprised to see Yunho still sleeping but facing the other way and an asleep Mingi curled up against his bed. You were sure Mingi was still in the guest room earlier.
"M-Mingi?" You tilted your head at the two giants in your bed. Quickly, you covered your mouth to stop your loud laughter from escaping you.
"Yun? Wake up, Yun." You went to Yunho's side of the bed. Yunho slowly opened his eyes, staring up at you.
"Love? But, wait-" Yunho frowned. How could you be standing in front of him when he could feel you cuddling against his back?
"What- Mingi?" Yunho turned his head slightly and saw his best friend sleeping there instead of you. You laughed and reached over to cup his cheeks.
"When did Mingi come? When did you leave bed?" He hugged you and you leaned down to hug him back.
"I don't know. Last time I saw, he was still in the guest room but I guess somewhere along the way, he came over to sleep next to you instead. He can't resist his best friend." You giggled. Yunho scoffed and pulled you down so you fell on top of him.
"Yunho!" You slapped his chest.
"Shh, some people are trying to sleep." Mingi grumbled, finally detaching himself from Yunho to hug your pillow instead. Yunho rolled his eyes.
"Just wake up already. And what are you even doing here?" Yunho flicked Mingi's temple.
"Oww, my head hurts enough already. And... I don't even know how I got here." Mingi looked around, lost at how he came to your room.
"You two should get up soon, I cooked some food and made coffee. Have it while it's warm." You said to the two giants. Mingi saluted you but dove under the blanket.
"Yunho can shower first..." He murmured. Just then, Seonghwa emerged from the bathroom.
"Alright, I'll go." Yunho stood up, leaning over to give you a peck before entering the bathroom. You walked out to the kitchen with Seonghwa, seeing Wooyoung serving the other boys already. They were all spread out through the kitchen and living room, holding a bowl of hot rice soup.
"There's so much vegetables, (y/n) ah..." Hongjoon groaned as he stirred through the rice soup, seeing all the green in there. You laughed and shrugged innocently.
"My head feels like it weighs a ton." Seonghwa groaned, easily finding your medicine cabinet and taking some Tylenol.
"Here, stay hydrated." You gave him a vitamin water.
"I'll take coffee with syrup, please." Seonghwa ordered. Wooyoung and Jongho, who took their coffee black, booed at the oldest for putting syrup in his coffee.
"Shut up." Seonghwa scoffed. You made the coffee for Seonghwa anyway, anything to help him feel better.
"Here." Jongho handed you a bowl of rice soup after you gave Seonghwa his coffee.
"Not having any coriander with that, Hongjoong?" You teased as you added a mountain of coriander and spring onions to the top of your bowl. Hongjoong gave you a disgusted look, possessively holding his bowl away from you.
"This is so good, (y/n). It's so comforting and flavourful." San melted happily as he took a bite.
"Have more then, Sannie. It's called Khao Tom, it's a Thai dish that uses lime, chillis, fish sauce. Perfect for using up the leftover meat from last night too." You explained.
"(y/n)~" Yunho stumbled out of the room, draping himself over you tiredly. You put your spoon down and turned in your seat to hug him.
"Why? What's wrong?" You asked, rubbing the back of his neck. The others watched in amusement of how you babied Yunho.
"Nothing~ Just wanna hug you." He giggled and wrapped his arms around you to hug you tightly. You scoffed and patted his back before ushering him to the kitchen.
"Want coffee? Or hangover cure?" You offered.
"Coffee. I hate hangover cure." He scrunched his nose. Yunho made his iced Americano himself, sipping as he came over to where you were at the stove, scooping him a bowl of rice soup. He leaned over and took a whiff of the soup, letting out hums of excitement as the smell of the soup.
"Smells good." He clapped happily. Yunho gratefully took his bowl from you and put his own garnishes before taking the seat beside you by the counter.
"Where's Mingi? Still asleep?" Yeosang asked.
"No, I dragged him to the shower. If I can't stay in (y/n)'s bed, neither can he." Yunho scoffed. You choked at his words.
"You're such a child sometimes, Jeong Yunho." You shook your head, continuing to eat your food. Yunho merely grinned and gently pressed his forehead against your temple affectionately.
"Hang on. Oh, omma." Yunho excused himself and went to your room to speak to his mother.
"(y/n), your bed is so much more comfortable than Yunho's. I'm going to start sleeping over more." Mingi grinned.
"Get in line!" Seonghwa and Wooyoung barked, making Mingi's eyes widen. You rolled your eyes at how unnecessarily possessive the two were. Thankfully Yunho wasn't around to hear Mingi say that or he would not be pleased.
"You two are banned. I'm only allowing Jongho from now on. And Mingi, the mattress in my room is the same as the one in the guest room." You scoffed.
"Can I still sleep over then?" He grinned. Before you could reply, Yunho came out.
"Who is sleeping over?" Yunho slung his arm around you with a raised eyebrow. You nodded over to Mingi, who nodded in confirmation. Yunho didn't say anything but shot Mingi a glare.
"Anyway, why did your mum call?" You changed the subject.
"She asked if we were free for dinner tonight. Us, my parents and Gunho." Yunho asked.
"And by us, my omma means just me and (y/n). No one else." Yunho quickly added, seeing that San was going to open his mouth to say something. You laughed at San's pout.
"Sure, I'll be more than happy to have dinner with them." You smiled. Yunho nodded and took his phone out to send his mother a text, confirming both your attendance tonight, before sitting back down to continue eating his food. The other boys were kind enough to help you clean up in the mean time.
"You should all nurse your hangovers. Don't worry, I got it." You told them, waving them off from the kitchen.
"You already put us to bed and cooked for us. We can put away a few dishes." Hongjoong said. San and Jongho helped you bring the bags of trash down.
"Sit and rest. We got it, jagi." Wooyoung pushed you onto the couch and went to the kitchen.
"I told you not to call her that when Yunho's around." You heard Seonghwa scold the younger boys softly.
"I don't care, she was my jagi before she was his. Also, jagi, I'm sure you haven't broken the boyfriend news to Kyungmin, right?" Wooyoung leaned on the counter with a playful smirk.
"Don't you dare, Woo." You threatened.
"Ah, Kyungmin... Wooyoung's younger brother... I remember him." Yunho said with a fond smile.
"Oh yeah, he called you ahjusshi." Yeosang pointed out. San and Mingi snickered, hi-fiving each other while Yunho had a flat look on his face. Kyungmin was confident and sassy like Wooyoung, calling you his 'girlfriend' the entire time.
After the cleaning was done, Yunho and his friends went back to their own homes to rest from their hangovers. Plus, Yunho needed fresh clothes to change into. Your friends stayed with you longer.
"Thank goodness I'm not puffy from all the alcohol last night." You said to Seonghwa.
"Mhmm, how's your head?" He asked from your bed, sitting against your headboard and playing his nintendo switch.
"I'm fine. I took two painkillers just now." You yawned, coming over to lay next to Seonghwa. Wooyoung and Jongho had gone back to sleep the moment the others left.
"So, you and Yunho seem to be going good." Seonghwa said. You let out a small hum.
"Almost too good." You sighed.
"What do you mean?" Seonghwa asked.
"I... I'm not used to things going well, Hwa. I'm scared it all comes crashing down. Yunho's too good for me, he does so much for me and I have nothing to offer in return. I'm scared the more I let him in, the more burden he feels... Ah, I don't know!" You screamed into the blanket over your face.
"And don't say Yunho won't think it's a burden. I know that! It's my own personal guilt. It's not fair to him that he has to deal with so much of my issues." You cut him off.
"Do you feel comfortable enough to tell him everything then? Just get it out and talk to him about it." He questioned.
"He doesn't need to know yet. It won't change anything." You hugged Yunnie and Yuyu to your chest.
And as if he knew you were talking about him, Yunho texted you, asking if he could pick you up earlier to take you somewhere before the dinner with his family.
"When was the last time I had a family dinner?" You chuckled as you got up from bed.
"You had lunch with my parents last week! Without me!" Seonghwa scoffed, clearly bitter that he wasn't invited.
"Oh, that's true." You nodded with a shrug, ignoring his glare. You replied Yunho and put your phone aside to go get ready. Standing in front of your closet, you thought about what you should wear since this was officially your first meal with Yunho's family.
"How's this?" You asked, pulling out a white square neckline top with slightly puffed sleeves and a monochrome gingham skirt.
"Girly." Seonghwa replied. You squinted your eyes at him, not sure if that was a good or bad thing. But you didn't have time so you did your make up and changed.
"Here. Put this on top. Statement piece." He took out a dark maroon leather jacket.
"Thanks." You draped the jacket over your arm and went out to get your shoes. You wore suede oxford loafers.
"As usual, help yourselves to anything in the fridge. Help me say bye to Woo and Jong." You said, giving Seonghwa a hug. He wrapped his arms around you.
"Yes, mum." He teased. You rolled your eyes and he patted your back before you left. Yunho was already downstairs by your complex driveway, waiting for you. He looked up from his phone when he heard your approaching footsteps. Throwing his arms around you, he pulled you in for a kiss.
"You look nice." You smiled, helping him adjust the collar of his shirt.
"You too." He laughed. Yunho stepped aside to open the door for you and you slipped into the passenger seat. Once you were settled, he closed to door and went to the driver's seat.
"I hope it wasn't too sudden or rushed that I asked to meet you earlier." Yunho said as he started the car.
"Not at all." You shook your head.
"I'm surprised you haven't asked me why I asked to meet earlier or where we are going." He chuckled as he drove, one hand reaching over to hold yours.
"Because I know you'll tell me it's a secret or surprise and not tell me even if I ask." You scoffed, knowing Yunho well enough.
"Hmm, that's usually right but this time, I think I should tell you so you're not caught off guard. We're actually going to visit my grandmother. You introduced me to your mother, it's only fair that I do the same." Yunho smiled.
"Oh... Yunho..." You were conflicted on how to approach this subject, considering you don't handle your own grief well.
"It's okay, we'll just go then head to dinner. I wanna show her my pretty girlfriend." He chuckled. You nodded with a hum, rubbing the back of his hand with your thumb.
"We're here." Yunho stopped before a cemetary and parked the car. He held your hand and guided you up the steps.
"She's there." He held the gate open for you and walked forward.
"I only wish you told me earlier. I would have brought some offerings or flowers, especially since this is the first time I'm meeting her." You sighed as you walked to Yunho's grandmother's plot.
"It's okay, next time I'll tell you in advance." He smiled. You stood by his side when he stopped before the plot.
"Hi halmeoni." Yunho greeted with a small soft smile.
"Nice to meet you, Yunho's halmeoni. My name is (y/n)." You bowed your head respectfully.
"She forgot to add that she's my girlfriend, halmeoni. You always said my handsome face would get me a pretty girlfriend, you were right about that. She's amazing and cooks me a lot of delicious food like you did. You'll be happy to know I'm helpful in the kitchen now." Yunho grinned at you.
"Yun... Don't say that." Your cheeks heated up. But a part of you knew Yunho was trying to be all smiles for you just so he won't break down. You reached up to stroke the back of his neck.
"It's okay." You said gently, bringing him down to hug him. Even if he didn't sob, his hands gripped your waist a little tighter.
"I miss her..." He mumbled.
"I know. It doesn't get easier, it's okay." You comforted, letting him know that he didn't always have to put up a brave, happy front. Yunho's escaped tears wet the shoulder of your shirt slightly.
"Aww, I didn't want to cry today." Yunho pouted when he pulled away from your hug. You shook your head and wiped his tears.
"There's a church up the road. I'm not religious but can we go in and light a candle for her?" You asked.
"I would love that." Yunho kissed your head.
"We'll come back and visit, halmeoni. I'll bring some flowers and food next time, I promise." You smiled as you bowed. Yunho watched you with an affectionate smile, bowing to his grandmother before walking with you to the church up ahead.
You both stepped forward quietly and respectfully, lighting a candle for Yunho's grandmother using one of the lighting sticks. But then, you noticed him light another candle too.
"For your mom." Yunho explained before you could ask. You stiffened at the mention of her.
"Thank you." You smiled, looking at the candle dedicated to her. Yunho closed his eyes to say a little prayer for the both of them.
"I realised, you never told me your baptismal name." You said to Yunho as the both of you exited the church and began to walk back to his car.
"Oh, it's Stefano." He informed.
"After the first martyr, Santo Stefano?" You asked. Yunho's eyes widened at how you knew that but nodded his head.
"You always surprise me with the random pockets of information you have stored in there." Yunho chuckled, tapping the top of your head lightly and holding your hand. You laughed and stopped walking to look up at him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, tip toeing to give him a kiss.
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