#vitamin A foods
theambitiouswoman · 10 months
⭐Vitamin Cheat Sheet⭐
Vitamin A: Vision, immune system, skin health.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): Energy metabolism, nerve function.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Energy production, skin health.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Cellular energy production, skin health.
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): Metabolism, hormone production.
Vitamin B6: Brain function, mood regulation.
Vitamin B7 (Biotin): Healthy hair, skin, and nails.
Vitamin B9 (Folate): Cell division, DNA synthesis.
Vitamin B12: Nervous system, red blood cells.
Vitamin C: Immune system, collagen synthesis.
Vitamin D: Bone health, immune function.
Vitamin E: Antioxidant, skin health.
Vitamin K: Blood clotting, bone health.
Calcium: Bone and teeth health, muscle function.
Iron: Oxygen transport, energy production.
Magnesium: Nerve function, muscle relaxation.
Zinc: Immune system, wound healing.
Potassium: Fluid balance, nerve function.
Iodine: Thyroid function, metabolism.
Selenium: Antioxidant, thyroid health.
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Source of vitamin A
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oldinterneticons · 5 months
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Top FOOD icons posted to @oldinterneticons in 2023
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foodsturecouk · 2 years
Vitamin A foods
some fruits that facilitate slenderize are strawberries blueberries apples and pears as they're fruits wealthy in fiber and inhibitor elements that promote weight loss once enclosed in an exceedingly healthy diet a decent strategy to lose weight and reduce abdominal fat is to eat fruits that promote weight loss not solely as a result of their low calorie content however conjointly because they need an occasional glycemic index and since of their high fiber and nutrient content fruits are typically low in calories but it's necessary to consume them in adequate amounts and might be included in snacks or as dessert for main meals the suggested portion to eat can rely on the fruit to eat but the best is to consume between 2 to a few servings of various fruits per day together with them in an exceedingly reducing diet and in the midst of regular physical activity this permits to extend the metabolism and use of the fat reserves accumulated within the body favouring weight loss the most fruits that promote weight loss are
A few culmination that assist shed pounds are strawberries blueberries apples and pears as they're culmination wealthy in fiber and antioxidant additives that sell weight reduction while protected in a wholesome food regimen a great method to shed pounds and decrease stomach fats is to consume culmination that sell weight reduction now no longer simplest due to their low calorie content material however additionally due to the fact they've a low glycemic index and due to their excessive fiber and nutrient content material culmination are commonly low in energy but it's far critical to eat them in good enough quantities and may be protected in snacks or as dessert for major food the advocated component to consume will rely upon the fruit to consume but the suitable is to eat among to 3 servings of various culmination in step with day consisting of them in a low-calorie food regimen and followed through ordinary bodily pastime this permits to boom the metabolism and use of the fats reserves amassed withinside the frame favouring weight reduction the primary culmination that sell weight reduction are
1 Strawberries strawberries assist shed pounds due to the fact they comprise few energy and further to this they're wealthy in bioactive compounds because of their excessive degrees of diet c folate and phenolic compounds which give antioxidant and anti inflammatory results additionally strawberries are wealthy in fiber assisting to govern blood sugar degrees and in flip boom the sensation of satiety decreasing the energy ingested and selling weight reduction they're additionally wealthy in potassium which allows alter blood pressure
2 Apples the apple allows to shed pounds due to the fact it's far wealthy in antioxidants along with cake chins and chlorogenic acid in addition to containing fibers along with quercetin that assist alter blood sugar degrees enhance digestion and decrease ldl cholesterol and triglyceride degrees additionally ordinary apple intake ought to assist lessen the threat of coronary heart disorder most cancers and bronchial allergies cinnamon roast apple or clove roast apple is low in energy and makes a scrumptious and nutritious dessert
3 Pear the pear allows to shed pounds due to the fact itis wealthy in fibers enhancing intestinal transit and assisting to fulfill hunger, she allows alter blood levels of cholesterol roasting pears with cinnamon makes a scrumptious dessert for lunch
4. Kiwi kiwi has a laxative impact and is wealthy in diet c and fiber assisting to enhance the functioning of the gut boom the sensation of satiety and sell the pastime of the immune device further because it carries chlorophyll it additionally has a detox impact
5. Papaya papaya has few energy and is wealthy in fiber assisting to enhance the functioning of the gut further due to the fact it's far wealthy in diet c and water it additionally allows lessen water retention relieving the sensation of a swollen stomach as an example papaya is ideal to assist manipulate diabetes and relieve signs and symptoms of gastritis a slice of chopped papaya with one dot of herbal yogurt is an amazing choice for a morning snack
6. Lemon it's far diuretic wealthy in diet c and a effective antioxidant assisting to put off pollutants and depart the pores and skin greater viscous ingesting a cup of tea with lemon peel every day is a super manner to eat lemon without sugar and take benefit of all its benefits
7.Tangerines tangerine enables to shed pounds due to the fact it's miles wealthy in water and fiber in addition to being low in energy this fruit is wealthy in diet c which enables the absorption of iron withinside the gut strengthening the immune gadget its fibers enhance intestinal transit lessen fats absorption and assist manipulate blood glucose
8.Blueberries blueberries are fruit that has diverse fitness blessings now no longer best is it low in energy, however it additionally has a excessive fibre content material that enables manipulate blood sugar ranges and decrease ldlldl cholesterol further to this it's miles wealthy in antioxidants decreasing infection withinside the frame and decreasing harm from loose radicals
9. Melon the melon enables to shed pounds as it has diuretic residences that assist lessen fluid retention due to the fact it's miles wealthy in water further to this it's miles wealthy in potassium fibers and antioxidants which include diet c beta carotene and lycopene
10.Pita better the pitahaya is a low-calorie fruit wealthy in antioxidants which include betalains and flavonoids and consists of diet c iron and hearthplace amongst different compounds which sell weight reduction enhance the immune gadget and assist manipulate blood sugar and to lessen the fats accrued withinside the liver
11.Grapefruit grapefruit is a low-calorie fiber and water wealthy citrus fruit that enables boom satiety among food lowering meals consumption further to that this fruit has suitable quantities of diet A and C carotenoids and phytochemicals which include flavonoids with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory residences
12.Tomato tomato is a fruit wealthy in diet c a ok potassium and lycopene a effective antioxidant further to that the tomato has diuretic anti-inflammatory residences is low in energy and wealthy in fibre supporting to lessen frame weight thirteen Peach the peach is wealthy in fibersantioxidants which include carotenoids polyphenols and nutrients c because of its bioactive additives the peach enables enhance the functioning of the gut lower fluid retention supporting to get rid of pollution from the frame and shed pounds because it reduces the sensation of satiety
thirteen Peach the peach is wealthy in fibers antioxidants which include carotenoids polyphenols and nutrients c because of its bioactive additives the peach enables enhance the functioning of the gut lower fluid retention supporting to get rid of pollution from the frame and shed pounds because it reduces the sensation of satiety
14. Plum this fruit can assist lessen weight due to the fact it's miles wealthy in fibers that lessen digestion time and boom the sensation of satiety after ingesting which reduces urge for food further to that this fruit consists of polyphenols which have an antiadipogenic impact this is they assist lessen the formation of adipose tissue withinside the frame
15. Raspberry raspberry is a fruit this is characterised with the aid of using being wealthy in diverse bioactive compounds which include anthocyanins quercetin diet c and allergic tannins which assist withinside the prevention of diverse persistent illnesses which include diabetes weight problems raspberries also are wealthy in fibre nutrients and minerals further to being low in energy making them an wonderful fruit to assist lessen weight now let's have a look at the energy chart of above stated culmination turned into this facts beneficial kindly provide your comments and hints withinside the comments. kindly assist our paintings with the aid of using sharing this information together along with your pals and own circle of relatives for extra informative. Visit for more information…
Visit For More Information:- https://www.foodsture.co.uk/
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bamsara · 3 months
Hey just curious regarding your anemia.do you usually have caffeine with your meals or before your meals?
i usually sip caffeine all day little by little, as in the same cup getting reheated and then snack in mid-morn and then an actaul meal in evening usually
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t00thpasteface · 25 days
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"i don't smell like any other guy! and it's economical, too, because the smell lasts for four or five days!"
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lastoneout · 2 months
You know it's kinda hard to take doctors seriously when they say "your Google search isn't the same as my medical degree" when I have, on multiple occasions, asked my doctor a question only for her to immediately fucking google it right in front of me. Like I don't expect you to perfectly remember every single thing you learned in the eight years you were in med school at the drop of a hat but like idk Doc I don't really feel like you have the high ground on this one!
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sixth-light · 2 years
(tws ahead: discussion of food, diets and diet culture, eating disorders, calorie counts, and fatphobia in the context of pregnancy)
Truly one of the most bizarre things about being pregnant has been the official advice around food. Food and eating is difficult enough already when you're pregnant - there's excellent scientific evidence that it's advisable to moderate your caffeine intake and avoid alcohol, and an entire laundry list of stuff you're supposed to avoid for food safety/food poisoning risk reasons. (I am a nerd and I read the last scientific review of the linked advice from the NZ Ministry of Health, so I can say with confidence it's also pretty well supported.) Personally, I am largely indifferent to going without alcohol, but after half a year or so my brie cravings are getting pretty intense. That's going to be even tougher for people with food restriction issues. And then there's the potential nutrient deficiencies that come when a baby is sucking up all your available iron, calcium, etcetera.
But on top of all this...a couple of things are also true:
later pregnancy and breastfeeding require a higher calorie intake because you're, uh, feeding an entire baby with your body and those calories have to come from somewhere
healthy pregnancy also requires weight gain because of the aforementioned 'growing an entire person' thing
Western Anglophone society absolutely loses its goddamn mind at the thought of telling women (and other pregnant people, but they are clearly not thinking that far) that it's okay for them to eat more than normal, let alone gain weight
So there's reams and reams of official advice which has like one line saying "maybe don't diet when you're pregnant" quickly followed by "but it's OK! you can diet afterwards! you'll lose lots of weight when you breastfeed!" and then like. eight paragraphs on how while technically, they suppose you need some extra calories during some of your pregnancy, it is DEEPLY IMPORTANT that those calories only come from the most healthy and boring possible foods, because otherwise you might gain too much weight which is the worst possible thing that could happen. Try carrot sticks! Fat-free yoghurt! Dry toast! I have literally seen advice suggesting the extra calories you need can be gained from a "small snack". Maybe an apple. (Most of the estimates I've seen about extra calorie needs in later pregnancy are in the range of 3-400 extra calories a day. That apple would have to be the size of your head.) This is all followed up with dire warnings about gestational diabetes, which is lurking in the wings waiting for any pregnant person who dares use it as justification for eating that extra biscuit. There is clearly a really deep-seated belief at play that if you give them - us - an excuse to eat more we will gorge ourselves on, IDK, chips and ice cream, because the only thing holding us back from obesity is the constant reminder that gaining weight is BAD and that eating too much food is BAD (even though the reality is that weight gain and higher caloric needs are part of a healthy pregnancy). This reality has to be held at arms' length and hemmed in with restrictions and cautions lest all hell break loose. You are very literally advised to calculate your BMI, weigh yourself regularly, and have a target weight gain - i.e. implicitly to restrict your food intake if your weight gain is higher - which I'm sure is just chill and fabulous for people with a history or present of eating disorders.
(The cherry on top of this is that it's normal for pregnant people to have suppressed appetites in late pregnancy despite needing more food because, again, there is an entire baby in there squashing their organs. Add in all those foods that you can't eat, and it can actually be somewhat challenging to eat enough.)
The bit that haunts me is that we know that caloric restriction during pregnancy makes children more likely to have higher weights later on, and you know who is most targeted with this diet-but-don't-diet-but-actually-kinda-do rhetoric? Fat people, who are advised to gain at absolute most about the weight of a healthy full-term baby + amniotic fluid/placenta/etc - and that it's fine if they gain much less weight than that, barely more than the weight of a healthy baby, which would actually equate to total weight loss. During pregnancy. It feels like there could be a lot of self-fulfilling prophecy going on here vis a vis fat parents having fat kids. which is now sometimes characterised as a form of child abuse. FUN.
Anyway, I am sure I'm not the only person to have made these observations (and if you know good writing on this topic I'd love to be linked to it, because I'm way too chicken to try Googling) but man. As I said at the start: the level at which fatphobia and diet culture are institutionalised during pregnancy, to the detriment of actual health, is wild.
(For my money, sane advice would be 'healthy eating advice is the same during pregnancy as it is other times except for the specific foods you should avoid because of increased food poisoning risk, and you need to eat a bit more in later pregnancy. The end.')
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koloquials · 2 years
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[ author ] 🖋 bird one: this is the wrong story. bird two: all stories are the wrong story if you are impatient.
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tj-crochets · 4 months
Hey y'all! Do you have any advice about making smoothies? Like, what kinds of fruit and veggies go well together, what combos very much don't work, and especially if you have any advice on what frozen fruits or veggies work best. I am thinking about trying making smoothies but I know pretty much nothing about it lol
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cardio-and-coffee · 1 year
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unpretty · 3 months
hey unpretty were you the one who talked about getting a sick deal on bulk slightly-expired box mac n cheese? if so, i was wondering where?
it was at a local amazon returns reseller/bin store! so, not the most useful in terms of finding some of your own. but possibly you can look around and see if there's one near you that's also willing to sell slightly-expired foods and vitamins with big warnings that you purchase them at your own peril.
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healthy-liiviing · 3 months
Top 11 Habits For a Healthy Lifestyle
Move: Regular exercise keeps bones and muscles strong.
Eat Healthy: Include fruits, veggies, and lean proteins in your diet.
Breakfast: Boost metabolism by having a nutritious breakfast.
Hydrate: Drink plenty of water for overall well-being.
Sleep Well: Prioritize quality sleep.
Limit Processed Foods: Opt for nourishing options.
Exercise Regularly: Stay active.
Reduce Sitting Time: Move throughout the day.
Get Outdoors: Fresh air benefits mind and body.
Practice Mindfulness: Stay present and reduce stress.
Stay Positive: Cultivate a positive mindset.
Remember, these habits contribute to a healthier you! 🌿💪
download my ebook in here
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buffetlicious · 2 months
Crisp and sweet Jackfruit (菠萝蜜) to add in some dietary fibre. Though it can be used as an ingredient in cooking, I preferred to just munch them fresh as it is. The fruit is also nutritious, containing a wide assortment of vitamins, including vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, and folic acid, as well as fiber and protein.
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sergle · 9 months
Having top surgery tmrw like. Damn should I have been given vitamins 😳
LMAO to be honest I'm sure you'll be more than fine, getting pre-op and post-op vitamins and shit is more like a luxury that comes with the comically high price tag I'm paying for this surgery
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cerealkiller740 · 5 months
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1959 Florida Frozen Orange Juice
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