#vintage children's natural history
calochortus · 1 month
Land and Water
Land and Water by Kathie McMillan Via Flickr: "Science Stories Book Two" of the Curriculum Foundation Series. By Wilbur L. Beauchamp, Harriet M. Fogg, Gertrude Crampton and William S. Gray. Copyright 1935 by Scott, Foresman and Company. This series present textbooks of the highest quality, with 3 well-known artists of children's books listed as well as 2 well-known scientific illustrators. Great attention is paid to the readability levels, and the books are printed on good quality paper.
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thebeautifulbook · 2 years
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I was never into the American Doll toys cus they weren't popular in my country, but I've always had the feeling that the XX century dolls all look like they are wearing adult's outfits. And tbh I don't think it's that bad cus some of the most iconic dresses of their respective eras weren't standard styles for children. I saw someone commenting that the styles on the 90's doll look like tv characters, and I think that's accurate for dolls from other decades as well, maybe it just irks us millenials cus that's an era we were closer to living so it doesn't feel natural.
It depends on the character, as far as I can tell! Going down the decades:
Samantha definitely looks like a little girl from 1904 (see: the dropped waists and short skirts on her dresses- adult ladies in that era wore gowns at their natural waists, with long skirts, and their hair pinned up).
Ditto Rebecca. Similar age rules to Samantha's era, all well-followed. No notes there.
Claudie...was made recently and therefore her collection is peak Mattel-tastic hot nonsense, painful as that is given how amazing her story could have been. Her Meet outfit isn't too bad? Like it's believable for a 1920s girl? But everything else looks awful, from a quick Google search. Not even Adult 1920s Fashion; just bad stereotypes.
Kit seems pretty on-brand for 1930s little girls' clothing, though we're getting further from my eras of expertise. The original collection, not the BeForever BS.
Molly is, again, getting way out of my wheelhouse, but she's definitely not wearing 1940s adult fashions. It's interesting to see the same era done with Nanea considerably later in the company's timeline, because it seems much more like their later "distilled" approach to the historical characters. Less researched, less detailed, less of the period and more Generic Vintage. Also, it's the 1940s and she has NO casual dresses? Really? I get that she lives in a tropical climate, but, again. 1940s. Little girls generally wore skirts most of the time, in any place where western fashion predominated.
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(Class photo, Thomas Jefferson Elementary School, Waikiki. 1942.)
Maryellen is very...Intensely 1950s, but based on what I've seen, she's not Overly Mature in her attire per se. I feel like they're leaning too hard on the big fluffy skirts- didn't girls often wear a slimmer silhouette for school, out of practicality? -but it's not too old for her. I don't think. and of course, this is well post-Mattel takeover, as with Claudie's collection
I feel like they're trying really hard to differentiate Melody from Maryellen, but based on photos of my mother as a kid in the early 1960s, there was a lot more bleed-over between the two decades than people realize? this is another Mattel Made It Costume-y one for me, I think. it's not too mature exactly, but it's. Off, somehow
I kind of see Julie as the beginnng of the end, in terms of research quality in the company's history. It's not WRONG, but yeah, it's only one specific aspect of the era's clothing and it's more something popularized by adults. Kids did wear the hippie look in the 1970s, but it's definitely not what you think of when you consider a child's play-clothes or school-clothes back then.
Courtney is just. Okay, while she was considerably younger, my sister was an '80s kid, and she did not dress like Madonna or a Jazzercise dancer 24/7. Serious question- is AG allergic to jeans on historical character dolls from eras wherein jeans existed?
And now we have. Clueless and The Disney Channel Exploded, coming soon to an overpriced mall store near you!
This has been an unnecessarily long walkthrough of AG thoughts with Marzi! Thanks for giving me an excuse, and I'm so sorry.
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tofixtheshadows · 10 months
I swear this isn’t a hating post, so like. That twink who does the vintage baking- see, I’m not typing out his name- makes kind of obnoxious tiktoks. Like I get it, engagement, he’s gaming the system and he’s succeeded, but he acts like an underpaid and overqualified entertainer at a children’s party. Thing is, I watched one of his longer youtube videos once, and without the need to condense everything into ~50 seconds and grab attention, he’s so much more genuine and pleasant; he was naturally funny and engagingly informative, as he explained about the history of the recipe and the baking process.
And it just sort of emphasized my feeling that he was really forcing it with the shorts. I don’t know what he’s like, but the way he seemed so much more sincere when he was chill made me wish he just did his own longform cooking show on youtube. But maybe just cutting tiktok-length videos works better for his lifestyle.
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saleintothe90s · 5 months
490. The 1980 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, November 27, 1980
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(the whole parade is here, if you just want the commercials and highlights, it's here)
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Randy Hamilton from the soap opera Texas sings "Deep in the Heart of Texas" with a small child? Who is this small child. I want it to be a random child that they chose three minutes before turning the cameras on. Randy doesn't have a Wikipedia page! Sadness.
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Ahhh!! Is that a baby Mark Linn Baker in the GE commercial?!
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I love the crowd whooping it up for the cast of One 'Mo Time. I was wondering what was behind them --- I think it was the broadcast booth for host Ed McMahon! Just ... there with the saddest looking Woolworth decorations ever.
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What a weird closing card (what do you call that?) for this Child World / Children's Palace commercial that aired constantly. Ok, the bear didn't fall on his butt? That was the best shot we could get?
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For some reason Marilyn Michaels takes off her gloves while singing "Watching the Parade go Byyy". That couldn't of waited, Marilyn?
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Todd Bridges sang a song about the Summer. I felt bad for Todd, he had no back up dancers, just dancing in the street. Was this a time filler? Loved the song!
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A baby Glenn Close was there with the cast of Barnum. I feel like Ed is auditioning for the Star Search hosting gig with this parade. I love his energy.
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I love the juxtaposition of Bryant Gumbel thanking the Museum of Natural history for letting people warm up in their building with Doodlebug.
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Ed sang a song! When was the last time a host SANG.
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I thought Cootie ran over a clown, but the clown deliberately laid down in front of him??
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Just for us Hampton Roads girlies, Busch Gardens of Williamsburg had a Loch Ness Monster float! It's still at Busch Gardens! The cast of Brigadoon was on the float.
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Ed was trying to find a date for Happy Dragon. He said "I guess now that he's 21, he's free to go out in the evening and date whomever he chooses. So if you have an eligible dragon hanging around your house moping, we might be able to set them up and in the years to come, who knows how many dragons we might have in the parade!"
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There was a float for everyone's favorite box office flop, Popeye! I think that's supposed to be Olive Oyl?!
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1980 was electric football's year. It felt like it was the only toy advertised!
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"Tonka's Bear in a Box! Everyone's favorite!"
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Finally, a game that looks like one of my dad's vintage fire scanners.
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Cowboys were HOT this year, due to the movie Urban Cowboy, and the TV show Dallas. Modern equivalent to this would be this past Summer's Western Barbie! We even had Dean Butler from Little House on the Prairie sing "Don't Fence Me In" while riding a tortoise. The Lone Ranger even showed up. Oh, and even the McDonalds commercial with Ronald was western themed.
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While Snoopy couldn't fly this year due to a leg injury, we had Underdog.
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Can we discuss how a station wagon is pulling a float. Later on, I saw an Oldsmobile sedan towing the float with the Spinners on it.
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This beautiful phone store.
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I feel like by the time we were growing up in the late 80s/early 90s, Kermit had more bad days at the parade than good, but 1980 was a good year for him. Just look at him.
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Casper is over here looking like the baby from Ally McBeal.
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Bob from Sesame Street sang a song while Bert & Ernie danced. Even Oscar liked the song.
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Unfortunately, the entire parade isn't on YouTube. Looks like the recorder only set their VCR for two hours. One of the final things you see is Linda Ronstadt and the cast of The Pirates of Penzance. "I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General" slaps.
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Related: previous thanksgiving entries.
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cosmicgalaxies · 4 months
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*     ◟    :    〔   bie thassapak hsu  ,      cis male    +   he/him    〕      "bank" supachai    shinawatra ,      some say you’re a  thirty-three-year-old  lost soul among the neon lights.      known for being both  dutiful  and  destructive,  one can’t help but think of  nobody  by   mitski  when you walk by.    are you still a    CIO  at    NEWS CORPORATION LIMITED / SOLDIER FOR THE BURNING GODS,     even with your reputation as the broken crown?     i think we’ll be seeing more of you and    expensive watches, ruined paintings, and late nights,    although we can’t help but think of kendall roy, sisyphus, the green knight gawain    whenever we see you down these rainy streets.      (      kit  ,      25  ,      she/her  ,     cst  .     )
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Name: Bank Supachai Shinawatra Age: Thirty-three Birthday: April 27th Zodiac: Taurus
Hobbies: Art collecting, watch collecting, casual drug use Habits: Staying up until the sun rises, no social life outside of work, watching only old movies, never wears the same clothes twice. Family: Mongkut Shinawatra ( father ) Li Hua Tsai ( mother ), Anchali Shinawatra ( half-sister ) Orientation: Bisexual, biromantic
Inspirations: Kendall Roy, Sisyphus, The Green Knight, Icarus, Jay Gatsby Aesthetics: Newly pressed shirts, aging oak barrels, vintage cologne bottles, an open endless ocean, walking alone in the snow, glowing office lights at night. Headcanons:
Bank loves cats. His penthouse always has at least three or four cats running around. If Bank had a will, he would probably leave some of his money to them.
Mongkut and Bank's mother, Li Hua, was perhaps the shortest of his fathers' marriages, lasting less than six months. Bank's birth was a surprise to them all, with Li Hua believing herself unable to have children. Between the two, Bank has always spent more time with his father. Once he started making enough money of his own, Bank made sure to give his mother a nice home to reside in, and he has a standing dinner with her monthly.
College is perhaps the only time Bank had a genuine social life. Coding languages came to him naturally. And for his other classes, he had no trouble paying off others to do the work for him so he could party or drink.
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History: ( prison mention tw )
Born into the prestigious Shinawatra family, Bank was raised in the face of his father's company. Born just months after his father, Mongkut Shinawatra, and his mother, Li Hua Tsai were divorced, Bank was taken under his father's wing and given anything a young boy could ask for. He was surrounded by wealth, privilege, and experienced a life of pure opulence.
The empire belonging to the Shinawatra family grew with each passing year, and from the time he was a young boy, Bank was promised it all, the name, the glory, the respect that comes with leading people to victory, success, and riches. With any agreement, Bank had his own promise to uphold - to prove himself, to mold his young soul into his father's image of what should and should not be. A prince is simply gifted a crown, Bank was expected to earn it.
News Corporation Limited was not the only growing empire. Bank had watched technology grow alongside each asset his father purchased, and in that, Bank saw an opening. He had no passion for computers and languages, but an innate talent seemed etched inside of him. With the desire to inherit his family's business, Bank saw it to make himself integral to the company's support system. Coding, websites and programs and filters, Bank saw to it that he would learn them all in order to keep his corporate world as up to date with their competitors.
A talent initially meant to attract the attention of his father brought about the attention of more than what Bank could have expected. The Burning Gods, responsible for Mongkut's corporate success naturally had an interest in what services his son could offer to them. Eager to prove himself, Bank was more than happy to oblige. Social Security numbers, banking information, credit cards, and more. Any information uploaded online, Bank could get his hands on. He was untouchable, with a goose chase covering up his tracks.
— Or so he wished. A long-standing operation to take down a serial identity thief eventually led investigators to Bank himself. His father's influence could only save him from so much. From Mongkut's perspective, it was time his son learned his actions still had their consequences. Money could do a lot, but wouldn't save everyone. Bank sat through a lengthy trial, and even with the best lawyers, too many signs pointed back to him. Sentenced for five years in prison, Bank only served three, and was then released for good behavior.
For so much of his life, Bank's name meant one of respect, even fear of how far their influence reached. To Bank, it now feels like a collar chained around his neck, an inescapable shadow, and the fear that lurks around every corner. Bank still retains his position at his father's company, but expects every e-mail to be his last. And his position within The Burning Gods has been burned to the point of no return. Bank still recalls what he was promised as a young boy, and remains acutely aware of his own talents. His father, his family, his associates, may not believe in his ability to rise to the top, but he intends on showing them all just how cutthroat he can be.
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rattlinbog · 4 months
Books Read in 2023
(loved!, enjoyed, okay, did not care for)
Hangsaman by Shirley Jackson
The Hidden Palace (The Golem and the Jinni #2) by Helene Wecker
Ruthless Tide: The Heroes and Villains of the Johnstown Flood, America’s Astonishing Gilded Age Disaster by Al Roker
The Hummingbird’s Daughter by Luis Alberto Urrea
I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
Grendel by John Gardner
Our Souls at Night by Kent Haruf
Kindred: Neanderthal Life, Love, Death, and Art by Rebecca Wragg Sykes
Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Winters
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
The World We Make (Great Cities #2) by N.K. Jemisin 
Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey 
Portrait in Sepia by Isabel Allende
The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro
Trickster Makes This World: Mischief, Myth, and Art by Lewis Hyde
Daisy Miller by Henry James
Washington Square by Henry James
How High We Go in the Dark by Sequoia Nagamatsu 
The Heartsong of Charging Elk by James Welch
The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The Antelope Wife by Louise Erdrich
The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell 
Orlando by Virginia Woolf (reread)
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg 
Beneficence by Meredith Hall
On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
Ramadan Ramsey by Louis Edwards
The Book of Goose by Yiyun Li 
Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende
Factory Girls: From Village to City in a Changing China by Leslie T. Chang
Calling for a Blanket Dance by Oscar Hokeah 
The Crocodile Bride by Ashleigh Bell Pedersen 
The Japanese Lover by Isabel Allende 
What the Fireflies Knew by Kai Harris
The Last Runaway by Tracy Chevalier 
The Unredeemed Captive: A Family Story from Early America by John Demos
Tales of Burning Love (Love Medicine #5) by Louise Erdrich
The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse (Love Medicine #6) by Louise Erdrich
Four Souls (Love Medicine #7) by Louise Erdrich 
In the Dream House: A Memoir by Carmen Maria Machado 
Venomous Lumpsucker by Ned Beauman 
The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline
The Color Purple by Alice Walker 
At the Edge of the Orchard by Tracy Chevalier 
The Second Greatest Disappointment: Honeymooning and Tourism at Niagara Falls by Karen Dubinsky 
These Ghosts are Family by Maisy Card
Songs for the Flames: Stories by Juan Gabriel Vasquez
Lands of Lost Borders: A Journey on the Silk Road by Kate Harris
Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross
New to Liberty by DeMisty D. Bellinger
Cove by Cynan Jones 
Being Esther by Miriam Karmel
Boulder by Eva Baltasar
The Books of Jacob by Olga Tokarczuk
Written on the Body by Jeanette Winterson
The Dutch House by Ann Patchett
Gut Symmetries by Jeanette Winterson 
Beheld by TaraShea Nesbit
We Don’t Know Ourselves: A Personal History of Modern Ireland by Fintan O’Toole
Those Across the River by Christopher Buehlman
The Changeling by Victor LaValle
Don’t Fear the Reaper (The Indian Lake Trilogy #2) by Stephen Graham Jones
Starve Acre by Andrew Michael Hurley 
The Children on the Hill by Jennifer McMahon
Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield
Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life by Ruth Franklin 
Fen, Bog, and Swamp: A Short History of Peatland Destruction and Its Role in the Climate Crisis by Annie Proulx
Natural History: Stories by Andrea Barrett
Lessons by Ian McEwan
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein (reread)
A Vintage Christmas: A Collection of Classic Stories and Poems
Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan
Nights at the Circus by Angela Carter
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robbiefischer · 6 months
i would love to know more about rosa and reiko if you feel up to sharing!!
Oh, you know I do! Thank you for asking about them!
Rosa is a pastry chef who had a long, successful career in fancy hotels and restaurants before she got sick of it and decided to open her own coffee shop and bakery in New Islington called Literati, so named because she's an obsessive, passionate reader (it's rare for her to have less than five books on her 'currently reading' pile). She's just such a fun, vibrant person who's very obviously in love with life. She adores fashion, especially if it's vintage and designer. She loves taking classes and discovering new hobbies - she's learned metalsmithing and makes some of her own jewelry, she loves throwing pottery and books regular time at a local studio, she does aerial yoga and has started taking aerial silks classes. She has a poodle, Bijoux, who is the absolute light of her life (if we're not counting her wife who she adores more than anything). She's fluent in French, nearly fluent in Japanese and is studying Italian. She's very much a lifelong learner who just loves expanding her horizons and interests.
Reiko is a writer - she's published quite a few novels and several collections of poetry. She teaches creative writing and poetry classes at a university, and is often asked to do guest lectures at other institutions. She grew up in Japan and most of her family still lives there, she and Rosa go back to visit them pretty much every year. She's incredibly musical - she plays the piano beautifully (she's been playing since her parents put her in lessons as a toddler) and the violin as well, and has a lovely singing voice. Her wife loves listening to her play, and they'll often spend their evenings with Rosa curled up on the couch reading while Reiko practices whatever piece she's currently learning. Her dream date is a fancy dinner and night out at the symphony or the opera with her wife (or a morning at the art museum, she's SO into art history and loves it when they can catch a lecture there). She loves being out in nature, and her favorite way to start a weekend is with a long walk in one of their local parks or on a hiking trail around a lake. She's fluent in Japanese, and quite good with French (better than conversational but definitely not fluent).
They both love to travel. They don't have any children of their own (neither of them were ever interested) but between the students Reiko mentors, Rosa's favorite young employees and their friends kids they have a lot of honorary children. They're very much the cool aunt type.
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camillejeaneshphm · 2 years
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Caiden Solace’s profile:
Quote by Character: “I will always choose to be kind.”
Full Name: Caiden Andrew Solace
Nicknames: C
Gender: Demiboy (he/they)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Alignment: Lawful Good
Species: Wizard
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Date of Birth: April 1 1973
Race/Ethnicity: White English
Nationality: British
Short Bio: An artist with a heart of gold, Caiden aims to help as many people as he can. From a muggle family, he tries his best to stay out of any trouble that he can. 
Personality: Softspoken, sweet, sensitive 
Languages: English, French
Likes: Art, pastries, flowers 
Dislikes: Spicy food, math
Greatest Flaw: Shyness
Greatest Strength: Kindness
Place of Residency: 
birth-17: Surrey, England, UK
17-26: London, England, UK
26-death: Winbourne 
Future Career: Healer
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Skin Tone: Pale
Height: 5’9
Weight: 69 kg
Physique: Athletic
Style Choice (what they like to wear): Caiden wears sweaters more than anything else, usually with jeans and converse shoes. 
Accessories: An old ring, a vintage wristwatch
Inventory: His wand, basic first aid stuff, a sketchbook
Scars: Nothing too much, just a few small nicks. 
Face Claim: Dylan Llewellyn
Voice Claim/description of what they sound like: Dylan Llewellyn 
Wand Description/Picture: English Oak, Veela Hair
[A wand for good times and bad, this is a friend as loyal as the wizard who deserves it. Wands of English oak demand partners of strength, courage and fidelity. Less well-known is the propensity for owners of English oak wands to have powerful intuition, and, often, an affinity with the magic of the natural world, with the creatures and plants that are necessary to wizardkind for both magic and pleasure. The oak tree is called King of the Forest from the winter solstice up until the summer solstice, and its wood should only be collected during that time (holly becomes King as the days begin to shorten again, and so holly should only be gathered as the year wanes. This divide is believed to be the origin of the old superstition, ‘When his wand’s oak and hers is holly, then to marry would be folly,’ a superstition that I have found baseless). It is said that Merlin’s wand was of English oak (though his grave has never been found, so this cannot be proven).]
Wand reaction when chosen: The whole room lit up. 
Boggart: The bodies of the people he loves
Riddikulus Form: They flip around like fish 
Patronus: Great Gray Owl
Patronus Memory: Being told he’s good enough to be a professional healer
Animagus: no 
Amortentia (what they smell like): Mint, cotton, paint
Amortentia (What they smell): everything that reminds him of valen lmao
Mirror of Erised: Himself finally happy 
Misc. Magical Abilities: a touch of ancient healing magic 
Favorite/Created Spells: none
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw 
Ilvermorny House: n/a
Organizations Joined: Order of the Phoenix
Apprenticeships: Apprentice Healer
Professions: Healer, househusband 
Best Subjects: Potions, Herbology, Ancient Runes
Worst Subjects: DADA
Favorite Teachers: Sprout
Least Favorite Teachers: Snape
Class Proficiencies (OWL grade, n /10 or ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆):
Astronomy: EE
Charms: EE
Flying: A
Herbology: O
History of Magic: A
Potions: O
Transfiguration: EE
Ancient Runes: O
Power (magic): 6/10
Power (physical strength): 5/10
Intelligence: 10/10
Skill: 8/10
Teamwork: 9/10
Speed: 8/10
Defense: 4/10
Father: Lawrence Solace, a muggle surgeon. He is kind, though he is not particularly present in his children’s lives. 
Mother: Lara Solace, a muggle nurse. Much like her husband, she’s present, though not much because of their jobs. 
Closest In-Game Friends:
Talbott Winger
Badeea Ali
Ben Copper
Chiara Lobosca
Closest MC friends:
Matthew Luther (@hphmmatthewluther)
Cato Reese (@catohphm)
Love interest:
Valentina Somerset (@endlessly-cursed)
Dorm mates:
Matthew Luther
None yet (open to interaction)
Pets: none
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the---hermit · 2 years
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It by Stephen King
This is going to be a very long post. Let's start with some more technical infos, I have read this for the studyblr w/ knives summer reading challenge 2.0, initially I wanted to use this only for the non linear time line prompt, but considering that this book is over 1200 pages, and it's the book that has been on my tbr for the longest time I decided it could work for the tbr prompt aswell. As I was mentioning this book has been on my nightstand for so many years, it's been on my tbr for almost 10 years now, and I have one failed attempt at reading this in the past. I was thinking to read another book for the tbr prompt, and I might even read it still for the challenge, but for now this brick of a book will count for two prompts. With this being said let's talk about the book itself. There's a lot to say, this will be spoiler free, and I'll add my spoiler-y thoughts under the cut not to ruin the book for anyone.
I'll start with a bit on the prompt, although there's so muc hgoing on it's quite impossible to give out an accurate idea. We are following our characters in two different timelines that intertwine amazingly (for real I was afraid things will get confusing but it was so well done, it made the plot even more intriguing). The first timeline is set in 1958 when the seven main characters were children and first dealing with It. The second time line is set in 1985, where our characters are adults and will have to come back to their roots in Derry. Everything starts in the 50s with the very well known scene of Georgie, Bill's younger brother, who is the first to be murdered by It, aka Pennywise the clown. After this iconic scene we start meeing the characters in their adult life as well as in their late childhood, learning who they are, and how they got to meet each other and had to face this terrifying nightmare that plagues the city of Derry. I won't say more about the plot, I feel like this gives a decent outline of the very base of the story, although as I said it's so layered it's impossible to explain.
Let's start with the things I liked. I definitely preferred the scenes set in the 50s, but mostly because of the kid's dynamics. In general as I said the time jumps are very well made, are never confusing, and in my opinion they serve the novel very well. What I loved is the friendship these characters have. I grew attached to all characters, who have all their very different personalities and history. The relationship they have is so pure it warmed my heart in so many occasions. You get to see their friendship bloom in such a natural pure way it's truly one of the best parts of this book. Overall friendship is a huge theme of the book and it was so well made. The characters are very well shown, I feel like you really get to know them, as if they were real people, and it's not something you get to experience with all books. Surely the lenght of the novel helps with this. The base idea of the novel is very cool, and as you might know if you have read other book reviews I have written I particularly like when horror stories deal with childhood fears. That is something particularly fascinating, and it never fails to work. This novel is fully based on that and looks at the fears of a kid in a very broad way, so there's a lot to talk about. I cannot say I am fully satisfied with the end of the novel. There's one particular thing I will discuss in the undercut because it needs spoilers, which was so unnecessary and irritating. But aside from that I feel like there's a couple of things in the end that felt confused, or maybe just like they didn't fully fit the rest of the novel. I don't even know how to explain it because it's complicated, but as I said I wasn't fully satisfied with the ending. Still there's a big potential I will reread it in the future. And on this a little side note, if I'll reread it I will surely pick up an English copy. I read my dad's vintage copy he bought in the 90s and the Italian translation was so poorly done. I really hope the newer editions have been edited because it was painful to read a times. Another thing I didn't like, and of which I have already complained in one of my daily posts is that especially in the first part of the novel there's some lines that feel straight out of the men writing women reddit. As I said in that other post I do not feel a particular need to know about the boobs of a characters while I am reading about them feeling anxious or scared. There are of course scenes in which a more sensual description, or simply a description of the body is needed. But there certainly were parts in which it was not necessary, and felt so random. It's not the first time I have noticed it in King's writing, and I cannot wrap my head around it. I must say there's parts of the novel in which a similar type of description is done on male characters, but just as in the first case it feels unnecessary and sometimes it could even be a bit uncomfortable.
Overall this book is such a huge story with so many layers I think it's impossible to have a full review that is satisfying, I am not even sure that discussing directly the book could be enough to do it justice, because there's so much. It's such a journey. I do recommend giving it a try if you feel interested in it, and I speak as someone who despised long books. This was incredibly fast-paced, and once you are into the story it feels like a drug. It was described to me as one of those books you want to finish to know what happens, but at the same time you don't want it to be over. And it's a great description, you need to know what happened and why, but you also don't want to let go of these characters. I think I'll need a good while to get over this novel. Also I need to mention that if you want to read this book you should check the trigger warning lists if you know there's stuff that might bothers you. I'm pretty sure the tw list for this novel is infinite because of everything that happens, from bullying, to homophobia, racism, very abusive and toxic parenting, just to name a few. It's also very graphic in describing violence so keep that in mind and check the tw lists online out just in case. As for the scary factor I personally didn't feel scared at all, there was one scene that did creep me out, but I am finding out it's more difficult than expected to scare. Still some people I know say this is the scariest book they read, fear is a very personal thing.
(spoilery thoughts under the cut)
This is my biggest complaint needs spoilers because there's one scene that felt so out of place an unnecessary I don't think I'll ever stop being annoyed at it. I am talking about the very end where in the 50s they kids are trying to get out of It's nest and apparently because their friendship is wearing out already they all need to have sex with Beverly. It was so unnecessary, and honestly kind of uncomfortable to read because it made no sense. There was no need to have that, their friendship worked amazingly, and this scene was just trown in there with no reason. Especially because as adults this whole bullshit thing does not happen, and they are not all present, but in that case their friendship still works perfectly. So really there's no back up for that scene, it just ruined the whole feeling for me. And the thing is that it has no consequences to the story, it's so umprompted and then it's just there with no real reason to exist. Can you tell I am pissed at it? The additional thing that annoys me is how yet again friendship between girls and boys have to be sexualised in some way, apparely it's impossible to have a friendship that stays a friendship if you are not of the same sex. It's a huge pet peeve of mine in all kinds of media whether it's books or shows and movies. In this novel in particular before this scene happened I had liked how Beverly's father, as well as other parental figures, mentioned how terrible a friendship between kids of different genders were bad. In the case of Bev's father to the point of accusing her to have had sex with her friends. The way Bev's reacted with absolute horror, because yes Ben might have feeling for her, and her and Bill really like each other, but at the end of the day they are just friends, was great. It shows how these friendship can be very deep but still just be platonic, but of course it had to be ruined. I hope this is making sense, because it turned in a rant that might not read as coherent as it is in my head. Overall this scene bothered me on many levels, and in the end was totally useless.
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cookietastic · 1 year
Thank you @dykesynthezoid
This seemed fun so I'll try it out 😭
3 ships:
1. Lawrusso- I'm a basic bitch. Leave me alone😭. Come on fam it's rivals mixed in with 35 year history mixed in with in with the problem with toxic masculinity mixed in with breaking the cycle of abuse mixed in with different ways of coping and realizing they aren't healthy (ex: Johnny drinking and Daniel totally thinking that pretending everything is fine or going from 2-10 VERY fast)- Just smacking Lawrusso on the head like " this bad boy can fit so much shit-damn go to therapy together."
2. Samtory- Wanna rewatch the series again and focus on them more really adore them/love their dynamic. Like it's funny walking into the show and seeing Robby and Miguel interacting and going on this is supposed to be our Johnny and Daniel? And then you see Tory and Sam interacting and you're like not only is this supposed to be our Daniel and Johnny but also- hello?👀
3. I have list, but to mix it up with different fandom- Grayghost- Danny, and Val really was that end-game feeling. I remember jokingly saying they had to keep Val out of season 3 as much as possible because if Danny even made eye contact for more than 1 minute, that would be it. It's funny cause they seem like the most natural relationship out of the whole show, yet the one they want people to like last minute is the one they had a whole episode on why they shouldn't be together/not ready for that.
1st ever ship:
Damn- I don't know to judge this one. Cause it can range from anywhere to I thought they should be together when I first saw something or searched content for it. Going with Alice and Kyo from Alice the 19th aka the manga set I found at goodwill at 12-
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I am 1000% sure 12-year-old me should have not been reading this with all the dark shit happening
Last song:
Little too cringe to put here lmao
Currently reading:
Well listening to- Paper Backs From Hell by Grady Hendrix talks about the history of Horror from paper backs in the 1970s-1980s and dealing with topics of art on the covers grabbing your attention as well as the wild stories within them.
Little book summary
Take a tour through the horror paperback novels of two iconic decades . . . if you dare. Page through dozens and dozens of amazing book covers featuring well-dressed skeletons, evil dolls, and knife-wielding killer crabs! Read shocking plot summaries that invoke devil worship, satanic children, and haunted real estate! Horror author and vintage paperback book collector Grady Hendrix offers killer commentary and witty insight on these trashy thrillers that tried so hard to be the next Exorcist or Rosemary’s Baby. Complete with story summaries and artist and author profiles, this unforgettable volume dishes on familiar authors like V. C. Andrews and R. L. Stine, plus many more who’ve faded into obscurity.
Last movie:
I was supposed to watch Friday the 13th yesterday
I could be wrong cause my friend and I saw a bunch of movies that weekend but "Lost cat corona," which now has one of my favorite movie quotes said/top 10, aka "HAVE YOU SEEN MY FUCKING CAT?"
Currently consuming:
Crustables and gummies fruit snacks- Because I have the diet of a 4th grader on summer vacation
Currently watching:
Art videos- I like listening to things while drawing, and artists rambling about stories or their own art experiences are one of them.
Currently craving:
Go Go Curry 😭
I'm always so happy when I get to do these things/when people tag me! But feel like I'm annoying when tagging people- Just know you don't have to do this! 😭
@we-serve-spirits @babyhellboy @schnuffel-danny @snaileo @raveyardantics @they-bite
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samsoncaine · 2 years
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*NAME: Samson “Sonny” Caine. *AGE: 34. *OCCUPATION: Owner of One Man’s Trash & political activist. *AFFILIATION: Jolly Rogers. *PINTEREST: here !!
»»» graffiti on a brick wall that gets passed by daily, with only the sharpest of eyes noticing how it grows and changes over time; a cat with limbs outstretched, basking in their favorite spot in the sun; fresh-cut flowers wrapped in parchment paper; the desperate belief in angel numbers as signs from above; the loving way a parent blows on their child’s hot food; small gifts given ‘just because’; a candle used to the very bottom of the wick, yet curiously kept; silent tears of glitter and pearl; the quiet spark of revolution; a hero for hire.
NAME: Samson Bodhi Acharya Caine
NICKNAMES: Sonny, Robin Hood
AGE: 34
D.O.B.: tbd ( but getting water / air sign vibes )
GENDER / PRONOUNS: Cisgender man / he & they
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Whitechapel, London
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English, Gujarati, conversational French
AFFILIATION: Jolly Rogers.
OCCUPATION: Owner of One’s Man Trash, political activist.
EDUCATION: B.A. in Social Sciences & M.A. in Politics & Contemporary History ( King’s College )
SEXUALITY: pansexual panromantic af
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: falls in love 15 times a day, acts accordingly 0 times ( aka single af )
CHILDREN: None, aside from his plants and his cat
POSITIVE TRAITS: affable, congenial, compassionate, engaging, just
NEUTRAL TRAITS: curious, tender-hearted, subversive, unassuming
NEGATIVE TRAITS: credulous, duplicitous, indecisive, self-deprecating
CHARACTER INSPS: Matt Murdock / Daredevil, Robin Hood, Orpheus, Frodo Baggins, Dominic Carisi, Freddie McClair
Sonny, born Samson Bodhi Acharya-Caine, was destined for greatness if greatness alone could be determined by one’s namesake. Given the names of two male predecessors upon birth, the men in question were Samson Caine, his paternal grandfather and the original proprietor of the once-celebrated vintage shop now affectionately called One Man’s Trash; and Bodhi Acharya, his mother’s beloved brother and famed political activist in their native Gujarat. Although the names were meant as honorifics, they instead became a seeming predetermination of Samson’s present-day fate, resulting in a young man resigned to living in the in-betweens of life. 
Through his father’s work as a businessman and his mother’s as a political interpreter, Samson’s youth was filled with travel, art, and culture, and he grew up idolizing both parents in equal, heartfelt measure. Perhaps it was a side effect of the scenery, but during those blissful formative years, the boy was happily committed to following in his parents’ footsteps and quickly learned the interconnected value of business, politics, and interpersonal relationships. It all came naturally, really. He was charismatic, affable, and forward-thinking with an innate sense of justice, and though it was tempting to turn sullen when his parents announced their separation and later divorced, he soon found a new reason to remain sunny: his newborn half-sister, the light of his life — and the very person who christened him with his favored nickname after attempts to teach it to her went delightfully wrong. 
The next two decades saw him grow further into the smart, compassionate boy he’d always been. He graduated secondary school top of his class, and was the recipient of a full ride to King’s College which later landed him a job on the staff of a promising young politician. However, government lost its lustre once one awoke to the reality of how dirty it could get, and after enough scandals wracked the politician he poured his heart, soul, and work into, Samson ( as he’d elected to be called then ) resigned from the job, name inextricably linked to a series of failures and falsehoods. 
He’d always had the heart of a martyr, willing to take the blows if it meant the betterment of others — but this time, it simply seemed impossible to get back into the ring. In the aftermath of the scandals, his name was spoken in hushed whispers within the political realm, always attached to another’s sins, and with every denied application for a low-level role within government or rejection to work some hotshot kid’s political campaign, his martyrdom cemented itself as he resigned from politics altogether. 
The sacrifice came at a fortuitous, though undeniably tenuous, time, what with his father’s ailing health resulting in the struggling family business the man had reluctantly taken over just a few years prior. Sonny, ever the altruist, already had one foot in the door even before his father revealed why the business was important: One Man’s Trash, once a charming vintage shop by a more appealing name, had fallen into the hands of the Jolly Rogers — or, more accurately, his father had, reeling from a few bad investments that put his children’s financial future in jeopardy. After all, one child was lost in the woods of life while the other had just taken her fledgling steps in a career filled with no shortage of risks and instability.
Sonny, no longer wanting to cause his family worry, and unwilling to put his sister at risk, agreed to take on the ownership and management of One Man’s Trash, and has ever since been a member of the Jolly Rogers. Four years later, and he transformed the JR’s favored meeting spot into half-shop, half-bar. He wasn’t an experienced salesperson, but his innate charisma and knack for befriending the unlikeliest of strangers has made him many a sale. In his own way, he still fights for the underdog, most commonly through hosting grassroots events on the bar’s off-nights and taking from the rich to give to the poor. It’s for that reason he was appointed the codename of ‘Robin Hood,’ and in general, he doesn’t shy away from doing what the Jolly Rogers ask of him as long as they don’t interfere with his own goals for the betterment of the city. However, with the recent revelation of trifold corruption at every possible level of London society, Sonny knows he’ll soon have to pick a side: willing hero or reluctant villain.
Sonny is covered with tattoos. Some are ones he’s given himself, while others are simply ones collected throughout the years. His favorite one changes every day ( if not every hour ), but he has a particular soft spot for the first one he got in tribute to his sister — a medium-sized rendering of the cover of a book he used to read her to sleep.
Despite having a relatively slight frame, Sonny regularly competes in amateur boxing matches within the middle-weight class. This is a secret he tries to keep from those closest to him, and a revelation that generally comes as a surprise given his impressively calm, jovial demeanor. His aptitude for boxing came about after he quit his first job, and has remained one of his side hustles since then — and a somewhat healthy way to get his frustration with the world out. He has never admitted aloud that it happens to be something that he enjoys, and tries to hide his identity when competing.
Outside of the ring and in his everyday life, Sonny’s a bit of an extravagant dresser. Though it comes with the territory of owning an antiques shop, and certainly helps to sell interested buyers on the fantasy of it all, he enjoys experimenting with his personal style and often personalizes his wardrobe with ironed-on patches and hand-painted slogans. One of his most signature pieces are his red-lensed sunglasses, which also happen to assist with his acute color blindness.
His favorite section of One Man’s Trash is the books section, most especially the vintage comics. As a young kid, he grew up envisioning himself in the role of superhero, particularly when it became clear that there simply weren’t too many heroes walking around with his complexion or various other facets of his identity. Sometimes, he’ll even toss in a comic for free along with a patron’s purchase — something that he thinks will resonate with that person or provide them with a story they might need to hear.
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mybeingthere · 2 years
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Cecile Chong
Born in Ecuador to Chinese parents, she lives and works in New York.“In my work, 
I use the figures of vintage children’s books to recreate my own East-West narratives as a way of storytelling,” Chong wrote to Artsy via email. “Each figure becomes a placeholder for the viewer and a window into the landscape. People find it interesting that most often I identify myself with the western child learning about my ancestors’ culture.”
Chong’s deeply layered personal history is mirrored in her elaborate process of encaustic painting. Each piece involves 25 to 30 layers of heated beeswax, resin, pigment, and natural materials, such as volcanic ash or seeds from the Amazon like huayruro and pambil. “I get attracted to and collect many different materials,” Chong explained. “Sometimes they sit in my studio for weeks or months and sometimes even years before I find ways to use them in my work.”
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OC "Wiki Pages": Spike
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Nicknames (aka): My Little Shining Sun (Celina), The Spikester (Natalie), My Life (Butterpearl), Mr. Sunshine
Affiliations: Children’s Choir of Sargassum Rock (formerly), Regal Queen Conch Academy of Performance (formerly)
Family: Celina (mother), Xenia (maternal grandmother), Emilio (maternal grandfather) 
Friends: Shelltop (best friend), Waterlily (best friend), Butterpearl, Cream, Natalie, Basseel, Filippa, Eleanor, Prudencia, Sardino
Romantic Interests: Butterpearl (girlfriend)
Enemies: Needle (father)
Color: Black, lavender, pink, light pink, dark pink
Special Features: Black spines, tentacles, sharp pointed teeth, wristbands
Character Influences: Spyke (Splatoon), Steve Buscemi, Ursula (The Little Mermaid), Raven (Teen Titans)
Likes: Singing, writing his own songs, music, musical theater, dancing, making others happy, vintage decor, entertainment, kisses, peace
Dislikes: Violence, his father, stepping out of his comfort zone, getting his ink sac checked, pain, death
Gender: Unlabeled (masculine-aligned)
Pronouns: He/him
Birthday: October 6
Quote: “I'll stand under your umbrella anytime.”
Debut: TBA
Headcanon Voice: Randall Boggs from Monsters, Inc.
Spike Lucian Cecae is a supporting character in the Unikitty!: Big Bright World series. He is Shelltop and Waterlily’s best friend and the son of Celina "Nightrain" Cecae, a strategist. His voice sounds like Randall Boggs from the Monsters, Inc. film duology.
Physical Appearance: Spike is an octopus/sea urchin hybrid with black spines for hair and lavender purple skin. His eyes have pink scleras with black pupils shaped like rhombuses. His teeth are sharp and pointed. On his chest, his skin has black spots signaling a fade-in to his black skin. He has eight black tentacles with light pink undersides. On his arms, he has black wristbands, and he also wears a pink sash around his waist. His land form outfit is simply a sleeveless black unitard with his sash and wristbands. 
Personality: Spike is very polite and well-mannered, as well as patient. He's an open person, wanting others to know how he is feeling. He’s the sweetheart of the group; he wears all three of his hearts on his sleeve. Nothing lifts his spirits like the sight of other people being happy. He is a novice singer-songwriter, as singing and making music are his favorite things to do. He is also an actor and an occasional poet. His friends make him smile a lot, and Spike has a desire to share that with other people. It also cheers him up when he's feeling down.
He has a pacifistic and kind nature; he doesn't like to hurt people or cause damage to anything. His optimistic attitude has led to others referring to him as a little ray of sunshine. Spike is very romantic as well. 
It is easy to make Spike scared or nervous. If he needs to do something that embarrasses or discomforts him, he'll have a hard time doing it. He usually doesn't have any idea what to expect from going up to the surface. He panics very frequently, and when he’s panicking, he tends to eject ink. Sometimes, he has trouble falling asleep at night. He might be a little too humble, as he tends to deflect praise or compliments.
Jezabat has stated that Spike is one of her favorite Unikitty OCs. She has a lot to say about him. 
He is named and designed after Spyke from Splatoon.
His color scheme and history are influenced by Raven, one of Jezabat’s favorite Teen Titans characters. His color scheme also draws inspiration from Ursula from The Little Mermaid.
Spike prefers not to use labels to refer to his identity.
Whenever Spike is nervous, he tends to eject ink. 
In addition to being a singer, he can also play the guitar and the flute. He plays a semi-acoustic guitar, and his grandpa Emilio taught him the flute.
He likes all kinds of music.
But, according to Jezabat, he’d be particularly fond of anything from the 1900s.
Jezabat has also stated that he'd be a fan of The Backyardigans and take influence from it when writing music.
Spike uses the sun as his symbol. He talks with the sun when on the surface, others view him as a ray of sunshine, and his favorite color is sunshine yellow.
Spike cannot camouflage the way octopuses do because of his sea urchin half. Jezabat describes him as camouflaging with audio because of his experimentation in sounds and music despite not doing it visually.
Spike wears wristbands because they are a popular fashion choice among some Marevians.
Spike is 22 years old. 
Spike being an actor as well is inspired by Steve Buscemi, who voiced the character Jezabat imagines him sounding like. His middle name is also the name of Steve’s son.
He was the youngest cast member of a show called Quoth the Penguin, “Nevermore!”, having performed in it when he was 20. He played Fortunato from The Flask of Armadillo.
Spike and Butterpearl have been dating for roughly 2 years. 
His last name comes from his grandfather. It is based on the word “cecaelia,” a common word for a merperson who has octopus limbs.
His birthday is two days before World Octopus Day, which is October 8. 
He is so close to Waterlily and Shelltop that they are like younger siblings to him.
In Other Languages
Arabic: سبايك / "Sbayk"
Spanish: Pincho
German: Stachel
Swedish: Spikar
Italian: Chiodo
Swahili: Mwiba 
Portuguese: Prego
Korean: 스파이크  / "Seupaikeu”
Japanese: ウニ / "Uni" (Urchin)
Chinese: 尖钉 / "Jiāndīng" (Spikes)
Polish: Kolec
Greek: Ακίδα / “Akída” (Spike)
French: Pointe
Russian: Спайк / "Spayk"
Hindi: स्पाइक / "Spaik”
Thai: สไปค์ / “Spik”
Turkish: Çivili
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Are Vacation Rentals in Chicago Kids-Friendly?
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The modern day architecture marvel in the Chicago is worth appreciating and applauding. The unique and interesting architecture is the reason why Chicago enjoys great admirations and worldwide preferred tourist destination. The windy city is also world famous for its skyscrapers and beautiful skyline. Chicago is the first place in United States to have first skyscraper. Since then Chicago haven’t looked back and in present days Chicago homes to over 125 skyscrapers and more than 1300 tall buildings. The tall buildings and skyscrapers host incredible and stunning rooftop restaurants. These beautiful rooftop restaurants are best place to view the windy city along with the fine dining options. People come and enjoy their vacation time while admiring the stunning skyline of the Windy City. These amazing restaurants can be best explored via all-inclusive Apartment Rentals to Stay in Chicago with Chicago Vintage Apartments. This kids-friendly vacation apartment rental is loaded with world-class services and amenities for the comfort of guests. Well connected with touristy destination and are blocks away from famous jazz bars and public parks.
Outdoor Recreational Chicago
Chicago is a place which offers many recreational activities for kids, which makes the Windy City a playground for kids. One of the Nation’s oldest Zoos is nested in Lincoln Park. Kids love the carousel, locomotive rides here. Some other zoos in Chicago are Brookfield Zoo, the Pritzker Family Children’s Zoo, and Farm-in-the-Zoo offers different learning experience for kids. Millennium Park is one of the popular spots for kids. Navy Pier, Chicago Children’s Museum, fun stores and IMAX theatre are some of places kids will love. Museums always attract kids and it’s a learning experience for them while having fun exploring the art, history, and traditional culture. Some of the famous museums in Chicago are Peggy Notebaert Nature museum, Adler Planetarium, Museum of Art and Industry, Field Museum, Chicago Sports Museum, American Writers Museum, History Museum, and Bronzeville Children Museum. There are numerous kids-friendly outdoor activities in Chicago can be directly accessed through Kids Friendly Vacation Apartment Chicago with Chicago Vintage Apartments. These vacation rentals are fully furnished and are in close proximity with touristy landmarks and top recreational centers.
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alphaternal · 2 years
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FIRST MEETINGS MEME A meme for first meetings and introduction threads, aka a ‘What you will notice about my muse first’ cheat sheet. Repost, don’t reblog. Bold what applies. Fill in details. (Please do not remove the credit + blank meme link)
tagged by: @inaceae​ tagging:  @stillcominback (or any sideblog!), @builtorun, @paleontolgy​, @dinobitten​, @caniid !!
blank meme: x
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Sex: Masculine. Feminine. Non-Binary. Notes: as a modern ethologist and zoologist, Owen does not strictly consign to the gender binary proposed by colonial western epistemology, on principle. additionally, his history in the queer kink scene allowed him to be open-minded and educated about gender.
Race: African-American (black). Fulani/Fulbe ancestry.
Complexion: Dark Brown. Reflects the light.
Height:  6′2′’.
Body Type: Endomorph. Mesomorph. Ectomorph. Other Details: Owen is naturally big, and has a wide-set body. Advanced training within DEVGRU conditioned his body to be athletic, enduring. not a starved, useless “hollywood” body with not enough water weight.
Body Build: Small. Medium. Athletic. Muscular. Soft. Curvy. Voluptuous. Other / More Details: Ex-military body. Athletic, but softened; lost 10+ pounds of muscle mass after the mandated physicality of his profession ended. wide-set, squeezable hips. A wide back. Muscle is soft when non-active, hard and defined when active. 
Body Hair: None. Shaves/Waxes. Trims/Grooms. Untamed. Color: Black. Notes: Hairy. Soft texture, from the coconut oil he uses. Short, kinky, springy.
Head Hair: None. Buzzed. Short. Medium. Long. Very Long. Asymmetrical Cut. Color: Black. Style: Close-cropped buzz, tapered with a fade. Combined with a beard, full or trimmed every other month.
Eye color: Dark wine-brown, almost black. Details: When the weather is particularly sunny, Owen tends to squint, brows furrowed, intense creases around his eyes. That classic “spaghetti western” squint that makes him look like he must have been a farmboy or rancher in the past. He looks mean, but truthfully, it is just too bright and he usually does not even think to put on sunglasses, like a maniac.
Scars:  Two ballistic scars. A stabbing/puncture scar. Various smaller, indistinct scars that healed smoothly over time. Most scars are obscured by body hair.
Fashion Style: Vintage. Traditional. Casual. Artsy. Vibrant. Geeky/Nerdy. Tomboy. Sporty. Trendy. Preppy. Girly. Bohemian. Elegant. Formal. Grunge. Punk. Rocker. Gothic.
Color Palette: earthy colors. primarily shades of green. brown. dark blue. black. maroon. colors that blend in, does not attract attention.
Typical Clothing: Henley shirts, button-down flannel shirts, plain t-shirts, jeans, boots, leather jackets and vests. khakis. smart-material. patterned dress shirts (floral, plaid, etc.). tends to have clothes that are well-worn, but durable. clothes that can handle the outdoors.
Piercings: Occasionally pierces his ear(s).
Tattoos: A single tattoo on his left upper arm/shoulder to honor his late grandfather, regularly hidden under a shirtsleeve. 
Other Information: Owen will wear clothes until they are riddled with permanent stains, rips and tears, or completely unusable. He  still owns shirts from ten years ago. He makes sure nothing is wasted. This was a common habit for him growing up, as a young rancher, when the culture of punk and grunge was a popular sentiment during his childhood and teens in Kansas. He does not care about fashion trends.
General Facial Expression: His eyebrows are drawn to furrowing. His resting face looks grim, stern. When it’s sunny, he squints, which only adds to the grimness. But this makes his smiles and laughter seem brighter, in contrast.
Default Body Language: Folds his arms, stands tall, alert. Not meant to intimidate, so much as protect. Children tend to be drawn to his strong, protective stature more easily than adults.
General Movements:   The typical movements of an ex-DEVGRU veteran. Square-shouldered, vigilant. Not idle or distracted. Shoelaces tied securely. Discreetly counting every window and exit in the room. Moves in a way that makes it difficult to sneak up on him, which was very useful when he was training his IBRIS raptors.
Presence: Casual. Straightforward. Friendly, as a common courtesy. Sarcastic. Snarky. Composed. Harmless flirtation that leads to no where. If he comes off as intimidating, he does not usually intend to.
Appearance: He became accustomed to the routine of keeping his appearance tidy, mandated during his DEVGRU training and military career. No wrinkles on his clothes. No hair out of place. But he is learning to enjoy the feel of old, well-worn clothes again, since he was discharged.
Scent: Many years spent in hot, dry climates has taught him that moisturizing is essential. He uses unscented anti-bacterial body wash, sunscreen, coconut oil, and sweetly fragrant deodorant. When he was training the IBRIS raptors, Owen had to be careful to keep his scent consistent, so that the raptors would always be able to recognize him.
Voice Description: deep, soft, and smooth. A kind voice. It’s easy to hear the laughter in it, when he’s amused. It’s easy to hear the irritation, too, when he’s angry. Owen’s voice is often stern and composed, but it is expressive, not passive.
Accent: A mild southern accent. Owen is from the midwest, but his great-grandparent’s legacy was born and raised in Tennessee, Texas, well before his grandfather was born. The Gradys remember their roots. More information: N/A.
Speech Mannerisms: His speech mannerisms tend to be considered terse, blunt. matter-of-fact. Too honest. Too dry. Monosyllabic, sometimes. He does not consider himself particularly eloquent, but he gets his point across with simplified words and directness. Hates unnecessarily “complicated” speech that does not consider the impracticality of scientific literacy. In his honest opinion, a scientist should be capable of explaining a subject in simple, easy-to-follow terms that everyone can understand. This is one of the reasons why Owen does not write down his scientific research, or write up convoluted reports with vapid university-level vocabulary that was ultimately a testament to the scientific community’s ableism. Instead, he reports his research via videos or voice recorders so that they are easily accessible. Visual learning has always been more helpful, for him.
Anything else to add? N/A.
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