#villan mbti
mbti-enemies · 1 year
I saw that you guys always put INFPs as little angels coexisting among the other mbtis and I had some hatred towards them because it's annoying and for me it sounded like they're just boring, so to prove a point I scrolled for a while throughout the database site to find villains and out-of-stereotype INFPs and only found the Joker, Davy Jones.
meanwhile some of my favourite characters/celebrities were there, like Luna Lovegood, Melanie Martinez, Princess Diana, Belle, Johnny Depp, Darwin Watterson, Aurora, Audrey Hepburn, Timothée Chalamet, Robert Pattinson, Raven Queen, Bubbles, Wall-e, Andrew Garfield, Edward Scissorhands, Alice in Wonderland AMONGST OTHERS
so now I'm also an INFP lover, but I'm intrigued, I need more villains, there's just no way they're the only ones, dude
hiii anon it's been SO long and we're so sorry to leave this GEM of a ask unreplied to. ig i just had no idea about infp villains, and im much regretful to not have a host of interesting thoughts on this interesting matter.
ASDFGHJKL to the first para HA YEAH NO i get it ngl but im glad to see you you've been converted cos they're quite the multidimensional creatures and the steretype doesn't give them creds for all it. so for sureee infps can be villanous they make very interesting villains id have thought; all charged up and fired by like emotional power and anger
i did a quick google search rather than going on personality database and the only ones i knew from the list that came out were mother gothel from like tangled/rapunzel which i totally get and kylo ren which i also totally get like such an annoying angsty boi tho like UGH but here's a list by @fictionalcharactermbti from which you might know more people. the google search also yielded the result of sweeney todd and davy jones among others
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butonsilyo · 2 years
(I don't want to be annoying but I really like this topic sorry)
there's quite a big discussion on pdb about Seb's type, as Red Bull Seb acts different from Ferrari/Aston Martin Seb. I haven't seen too many interviews from rb seb, but from what I understand people used to 'villanize' him a lot, so that would have changed people's view on his personality. as I said, idk.
also there's a lot of confusion on Carlos' type, as I've seen estp, istp, esfp and other for him. people said that in dts he clearly had an introverted perspective, but I'm not very sure. I would have to see him in situations like meeting new people maybe, because as I see it he acts quite neutral in the c² challenges and other interviews.
Lando is a clear enfp to me, I'm not so sure about Daniel as I see him more as an esfp.
Checo as isfj is hard for me to see since he seems to have more of a 'rebellious' attitude than Charles. I'm not saying isfj can't be rebellious, I just think that their attitude towards their team making a decision that is bad for them (checo - red bull - Spain (I think) this year vs charles - ferrari - Hungary this year) is sightly different. Checo had no problem in blaming the team (not aggressively, just mentioning it) but Charles seems to have this 'devotion' for Ferrari (that I understand as it's the team of his dreams etc) that somehow makes him impossible to put the blame on them, at least publicy. this might also be because of career experience, idk
and well there are more drivers but I think that was enough jskdk I know the basics about cognitive functions and I haven't visited pdb in a while so this analysis is not very professional
it's okay don't worry it's not annoying at all! i'm really glad there's this intersection of interests and with the rising number of girlies(gn) i'm surprised no one brought it up yet.
seb: okay seb. at first i wanted more evidence he was infj but eventually through my own "investigation"/j, i now agree. i'd even argue it's possible he always has been.
hear me out. it's possible he has been gaslight gatekeep girlbossing us into thinking his personality is truly whatever it was in rbr, but it could be his personality no. 2223343323. his fe probably enhanced the social camouflagery.
ni seems to play a huge part. like this interview, where he got a bit lost trying to put into words how nascar and f1 are different through the use of tennis and badminton metaphors. in one answer sheet, he's written intuition as something essential — oh if i go on this would be so long but i am Convinced. he probably just made the infj-ness more manifest as he matured. to me, his retirement speech was An INFJ Ultimatum — the curiosity for passionate and skilled individuals, most especially the future-orientedness in connection to the grand scheme of things. very infj methinks.
carlos, lando and daniel: another thing i have to look into. but for lando and daniel, i could see it!
checo: nice compare and contrast for two potential isfjs! true, checo's "loyalty" isn't as fervent as charles isfj brand of loyalty despite being royally screwed over 😭😭. in fact, in drivers briefings, the ones that are still up, he was pretty vocal about matters so. i'd have to look into that too.
thank you thank you so much for this wonderful ask! it was really fun analyzing where stand in the mbti. hope more people can pitch in to the disc. soon!
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enfpguy · 4 years
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BioShock Infinite MBTI and Enneagram — Jeremiah Fink Jeremiah Fink is a major side character who acts as a secondary villain towards the protagonists and the Vox populi faction. Before we analyze him, we'll be taking a brief look into his past. Not much is known about his birth but we know that he is one of The Founders of Columbia. Fink gained his massive empire through “persuasive” monopolization and through his close ties with Zachery Hale Comstock. His wealth knew no bounds, and in no time he had the police force in his pocket. Comstock noticed Fink’s increasing influence and hired him to “accidentally” get rid of the Lutece twins. His reward would be ownership of the Luteces’ patents. We will continue our story within his Dominant Function analysis. Dominant Function: Extroverted Thinking  If you could describe Jeremiah Fink in one word, it would efficient. Jeremiah Fink is what happens when a TE user is extremely unhealthy. His concept of morals doesn't exist, all he cares for is efficiency and monetary gain. Now we’ll return to his story since his TE function will play a huge role in it. He “killed” the Lutece’s by destroying their Lutece Device. He was efficient since this action got rid of them from that timeline, but he wasn’t effective. That action had consequences such as accidentally making the Luteces’ capable of existing across multiple dimensions. This would be his downfall. The problem with Fink is that he wants work done fast and he doesn’t care how it turns out since he’ll replace the workers with other workers who could do it faster and better. Another fascinating example of his TE function can be observed by how he organizes his office and workplace. Every action he takes is timed and he can’t stand when time is wasted because he could be doing something productive. This need to be productive is so extreme that he even has a giant clock that is used to control which rooms open at what times in his private quarters! He’s a complete control freak and sadly, this treatment is also extended to his employees. In a way, Fink is a one-dimensional being who only focuses on one aspect of Extroverted Thinking... Say it with me... EFFICIENCY. Auxiliary Function: Introverted Intuition Fink is the example of an NI user with a rotten core. He uses this function to understand people’s intentions so he may further control them like the puppets he perceives them to be. We can see this within his actions and speeches towards his workers. Fink actively discourages his employees from being self-sufficient and ambitious since being ambitious is too much work, and why would you want to work harder than you’re already working? As Fink says, “Simplicity is beauty“ He purposely manipulates his workers so he may further exploit them, which is his end goal for every worker that works under his establishment. For him, they’re simply tools. One of the best examples of Fink’s NI function can be seen in how he predicts Booker will come for Chen Lin and kills him. But he doesn’t just kill him, he manipulates Booker and Elizabeth into thinking they have a chance of saving Chen Lin even though he was already dead. Since Fink knows Booker needs Chen Lin to get the First Lady airship to escape Columbia to pay his debts, he figures if he removes Chen Lin from the equation Booker will have no choice to work for him and if Elizabeth wasn’t able to make tears into different universes that would be absolutely true. Even Fink’s success can be attributed to his NI function. Fink may be obsessed with efficiency and success as we mentioned in his TE function segment, but he also can think outside the box and often does to achieve his goals. Fink uses tears to look into alternative realities and takes inspiration from them. This results in him making his variations of what he sees. Such as vigors, he used what he saw in a Rapture tear and then observed Yi Suchong using slugs to extract ADAM. Fink copied Suchong’s idea and added a twist to it. But due to Fink’s need for efficient results, his invention of the vigor was much more costly and 10x less effective than Suchong’s plasmids. Speaking of “borrowing” ideas, Fink also made a profit by sending his brother to tears that contained music from the future. They both plagiarized songs such as Everybody Wants to Rule the World from Tears For Fears and Happy Shiny People from R.E.M and tweaked them slightly to match their time-period. This borrowing of ideas and innovation eventually got the attention of Suchong, who started to copy off Fink. They both indirectly collaborated with each-other on the inventions such as the Songbird which was based on the Big Daddy and the idea of imprinting their creations onto desired hosts which was also influenced by the Big Daddy. Fink may have cheated by viewing tears into the future, but he innovated on the ideas he saw and put them to use in Columbia by improving the lives of its citizens and his wallet. Our last NI example links back to our first example, Fink pays his employees in “Fink coins” why Fink coins you ask? Well, of course, it’s for controlling them so they can’t buy any other products at other establishments. This causes the cash-flow to always return to Fink, limiting his losses to almost 0%. Pretty intelligent if you ask me, and equally cutthroat. Tertiary Function: Extroverted Sensing Fink is a unique individual he both uses and neglects his SE function at the same time. His usage of the function can often be seen within a TE-SE loop. Our first example takes place at the Columbia Day Raffle. To celebrate, Jeremiah Fink set up a large carnival for the people filled with attractions based on his company. Such as Fink product trails, Fink’s music, and Vox populi shoot-'em-up games. Fink did all of that because he understood the power of propaganda and his physical appearance. If he makes himself look like a celebrity more people will buy his products is his logic. Our next example can be seen within Fink’s surroundings. He’s obsessed with beauty. This is best seen in his Private office which contains a giant golden clock, gigantic windows, fancy curtains, and 4 other rooms within it. That’s not all. He also has 2 humongous golden statues of himself in his work district. It’s commonly known that SE users are the most sensitive to beauty thus desire the most. Our last example occurs when he’s “interviewing” Booker DeWitt for a new job position of head security of Fink industries! This interview is forced onto Booker, who’s confused to why Fink is doing this. Fink retorts by claiming that Booker needs to kill the other applicants if he wants the job. But in reality, Fink just wants to be entertained by Booker’s ability to kill others. Inferior Function: Introverted Feeling We’re going to be straightforward on this function. Fink only uses the FI functions for 2 things. To spread his ideas about how work is hard and how everyone should work as hard as possible and for his projection of his “strong” values on which humans are worthy of his respect and which ones are tools to be used. This is driven by his white supremacist morals and ideals. Fink only hires non-American white people such as the Irish and minorities of all backgrounds. He does this intending to keep everyone underpaid and overworked. He wants to control their lives since he doesn’t see them as human. It’s pretty bad, but that’s how he functions Jeremiah Fink represents the extreme values of the 1900s America. He also represents a human who has been stripped away of all morality, thus resulting in Fink only caring for his own personal gain and the thrill of crushing his competition or anyone he deems a risk. These traits can be linked to psychopathy. https://youtu.be/FVhDUf-speQ
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toujourpurrfect · 4 years
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wildwcmen · 3 years
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basic information
Full Name: Holly Marisol Villan
Nickname(s): Open to nicknames, but her first name is short enough that she rarely gets them.
Age: 23-29
Date of Birth: June 10
Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Ethnicity: Latin American (Argentinian) & White (Scottish, Spanish, British)
Nationality: American
Gender: Cis Woman
Pronouns: She/Her
Religion: Non-practicing catholic
Occupation: Hotel Concierge
Language(s) Spoken: English, Spanish, Italian, conversational Japanese, Tagalog and Portuguese
Voice: Soft, sweet, calm to the point of almost being menacing at times
physical appearance
Face Claim: Anya Taylor Joy
Hair Colour: Blonde. Wears a red wig for business dealings.
Eye Colour: Hazel
Height: 5′6
Weight: 120 lbs
Build: Slim
Tattoos: tba.
Piercings: tba.
Clothing Style: Vintage style, very much 1930′s-50′s aesthetic.
Usual Expression: Bored, annoyed.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Large eyes.
Emotional Stability: 7/10
Sociability: Very social for work, which leads her to being not-so-social outside of work. She needs time to unwind.
Drug Use: Rarely.
Alcohol Use: Rarely.
Label: Coming Soon
Positive Traits: calculated, intelligent, adaptable, controlled, organized, charming.
Negative Traits: aloof, sneaky, dishonest, selfish, pessemistic, mistrusting.
Fears: she’s already faced her biggest fear (losing her father), which eclipses just about anything else that she could possibly face.
Hobbies: coming soon.
Weather: cooler weather, cannot stand the heat.
Colour: navy blue & maroon
Music: tba.
Movies: tba.
Sport: tba.
Beverage: smoked old fashioned
Food: tba
Animal: swans
Father: Martin Villan (deceased)
Mother: Sianna Forbes (location unknown)
Sibling(s): N/A
Children: N/A
Zodiac Sign: Gemini sun, Scorpio moon, Aquarius rising
Enneagram: The Reformer
Temperament: Choleric
Hogwarts House: Slytherin/Ravenclaw
Moral Alignment: chaotic neutral, maybe leaning toward chaotic evil (especially in supernatural verse)
Primary Vice: Wrath, pride
Primary Virtue: Diligence
Element: Water
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | avoidant | restless.
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny.
skills & hobbies
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | beach combing | ballet | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | knife throwing.
human verse
Her father was in a life of organized crime, but had the worst luck imaginable. He spent his life owing a lot of money, always in debt, and thus Holly was raised in a less than lavish lifestyle. Her father was eventually killed for his debt, which Holly is still paying off. She does not want to be involved with the criminal organization that her father was a part of, but she keeps the ties for her protection.
supernatural verse (chaos demon)
Coming soon.
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a-simp-for-haikyuu · 3 years
matchups open! 💕
small break for the holidays!
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so the matchups are now open, but i thought i’d just mention some general stuff about my matchups! :D
1) you can ask for matchups from a certain group (examples: matchups from class 1-A, from shiratorizawa, from the armed detective agency, etc.)
2) you can ask for more than one character to be matched up with from the same series but please keep it under 6 characters for that series, however you can ask for matchups from more than one series!
3) please let me know if you want romantic, platonic or enemy matchups! :D however i don’t write nsfw matchups-
4) if there are any specific characters you don’t want to be matched up with please let me know!
5) you can tell me pretty much anything about yourself! things that are helpful are your mbti type, star sign, what are your likes and dislikes, how you would describe yourself or how others would describe you, any hobbies, just anything really!
(specific groups from each series i write for under the cut! ^-^)
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in case anyone was wondering these are the specific groups i’ll do matchups for from each series:
⇢ haikyuu
✶any of the teams!
✶managers/coach ukai
⇢ boku no hero
✶class 1-A, the big 3, class 1-B, Shinsou
✶certain pro heros (hawks, fatgum, eraser head, midnight, mt lady, etc)
⇢ demon slayer
✶the kamaboko squad (tanjirou, inosuke, zenitsu, nezuko, genya)
✶murata (because he deserves more love-)
✶12 kizuki + muzan
⇢ bungou stray dogs
✶the armed detective agency
✶the port mafia
✶decay of angels
(i could try my best with some of the hunting dogs but i don’t know a lot about them-)
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This is post was originally made for MBTI Amino and INFP Amino back in 2019
Today, I'm here to talk about Shadow Functions.
What are they you ask? They're like in the very bottom of your stack, they are the subconcious parts of it and most of the times unhealthy.
Just a little heads up! It is not confirmed if Shadow Functions are a part of our stack, but that doesn't mean they're not a fun topic to discuss right???
if you haven't seen my INFP Squad, this can get a bit confusing, if you wanna see them, you can go to this post
Now without further ado, introducing my Shadow Squad!
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These functions are the complete opposite of my INFP Squad, they don't cooperate with them. In fact they're quite villanous and will do anything to get a hold of their opposite's job. Well they're not entirely evil, they can be helpful sometimes but still--
Fenessa is my Shadow Extroverted Feeling; For her design I kinda saw her as some kind of "manipulative social butterfly" (wait is that even a thing?)
She is the leader of the squad and Firryn's (my Fi) "Opposing Role"
Fenessa usually dismisses the values Firryn has established for me and considers the values of others instead, much to Firryn's dismay.
Because Fenessa only considers other people's values, Firryn fears that I will sacrifice my individuality and my values will become meaningless, making her believe that I'm lying to myself and that I'm a coward for not standing for my values. Although at times empathetic, Fenessa manipulates people's emotions to get the desired outcome.
Now despite of the said above, Fenessa has been proven useful at some situations, like helping on how to adapt and keep a group in harmony.
Niema is my Shadow Introverted iNtuion; I kinda saw her as a beach lady who meditates on her thoughts while standing on the shores and staring at the horizon, probs about the meaning of life.
Nicknamed "The Critical Parent" by Netalia (my Ne), Niema is considered the most powerful among the four, which explains why she's often seen as a strong presence in online test results.
She is very mysterious, hard to read, and...unsettling, that even both squads have trouble interpreting her so called "Future Sight." Netalia often becomes frustrated with her because she thinks she is just looking at one future possibility.
To make it sound more scary, her way of using words and interpreting gives shivers down the spine.
Although feared, some of Niema's strange visions can be good, may come in handy and oddly comforting.
Selly is my Shadow Extraverted Sensing; for her design, I just thought of "sporty clothes"
Called "The Trickster" by Sirene (my Si). She is probably the most tolerated in the entire squad.
How tho? Isn't Se supposed to be active but impulsive?
The answer for my question is because she is the 7th function, which is considered the weakest shadow function. Selly rarely comes out, but when she does...let's just say things start to get wack. She triggers impulsitivity and recklessness, which most of the time, doesn't end a situation well.
Tiretica is my Shadow Introverted Thinking; her design is based off of actual clothes that I own uwu
She's scary, as scary as Niema. It is seen that she somewhat shares traits of stubborness with Firryn.
When a Grip occurs, she does everything in her power to make her frameworks perfect and 100% logical. To Terratora's (my Te) horror, she gives her the nickname "Demon," due to the fact that she has witnessed how destructive Tiretica can be.
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magicterrence · 4 years
Dossier: Boot, Terrence.
Full name: Terrence Aloysius Boot
Used name(s): Terry
Age: 40
Date of birth: 14 February 1980
Nationality: English
Ethnicity: White, with Romani heritage from his mother’s side.
Occupation: British Delegate to the International Confederation of Wizards & Appointed Member of the Wizengamot (Wizarding Reform Party)
Gender (pronouns): Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Blood status: Pureblood
Patronus: Eagle
Former Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Former allegiance(s): Dumbledore’s Army
Current allegiance(s): Himself, Ministry of Magic. 
Birthplace: Boot House, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire.
Current residence: Spacious townhouse in Chiswick, London. 
Economic status: Very comfortable. The Boots have ancestral wealth, and Terrence has grown his own wealth portfolio over the years that his multiplies money. He has multiple sources of income.
Species: Human, Wizard.
Faceclaim: Cillian Murphy (present). Nicolas Hoult (past)
Moral alignment: Chaotic Neutral
MBTI Type: INTJ - “The Mastermind”
Element: Air
Enneagram: 5w6
Archetype: The Strategist, The Trickster, The Enigma, The Anti-Villan.
Positive traits: Cerebral, Strategic, Meticulous, Decorous
Negative traits: Manipulative, War-torn, Critical, Stubborn.
Parents: Gwendolyn Boot (nee Boswell, mother, dead); Alan Boot (father, alive)
Siblings: Elizabeth Boot (younger sister)
Birth order: Eldest of out of two.
Significant other(s): Divorced - m. 2005 - 2013 to an American witch named Clarisse Dominique.
Religion: Atheist.
Piercing(s): None.
Tattoo(s): None.
Appearance: Blue eyes, dark hair. 
Scar(s): A scar on his neck, and several body scars across his chest, back, and left leg from the Second Wizarding War.
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arcticaoutloud · 5 years
Just again irritated about this senseless portrayal of INTJ's in mbti comunity as know-it-all, super decisive, planed what they would be doing 50 years from now, never emotionally expresive type of person. One of thos cold-hearted, mystical super-villans was just crying for an hour while having a session with her psychotherapist. I'd just like you all to know that being indecisive, uncertain and at some points really vulnerable and expressive in your emotions doesn't make you any worse than other people of your type or any less your type and now I personally know myself well enough not to doubt it. There's already so much pressure we INTJ's, especialy women are put upon we don't have the obligation to be in control of ourselves every single minute of our lives.
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entpgodcomplex-blog · 5 years
It‘s weird isn‘t it?
Since I‘m looking at mbti and the types, I have noticed that there are four types which are labeld as evil. ESTJ-ENTJ-ENTP-ESTP
The ESTJ is represented as a evil and strict with no flexibility in theire way.
The ENTJ the same way, but theire picture is more of a leader of a company with curoption.
The ESTP is known for being spontaneous, but also for being stupid but inteligent enough to kill. (Which is bullshit theire Se is so powerfull)
The ENTP has the reputation of a villan with 100 torture methods, 30 new build weapons and a few billions on the bank account. (of course stolen)
But why? What makes them evil?
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enfpguy · 4 years
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John Seed is the youngest sibling in the Seed family and one of the secondary antagonists. During his youth he was abused by his foster parents and the damage caused him to develop an interesting philosophy in life to which he forces onto other people and that philosophy is saying YES! to everything in life. But not just saying yes that matters, he wants you to take action so you may grow as much as possible within life, as you could imagine saying Yes also means saying YES to the cult. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0fYo_oaA_k
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enfpguy · 4 years
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Jacob Seed is the eldest brother of the Seed family and one of the secondary antagonists. Jacob is an army veteran who was discharged with PSTD after the first Gulf War in Iraq. He brought those war demons with him to Hope County where Joseph decided to give him a purpose in life again, to control the army of Eden's gate and prepare them for the end of the world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0fYo_oaA_k
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enfpguy · 4 years
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Michelle aka Mickey is one of the main antagonists in Far Cry New Dawn. She’s a highly territorial, tactical and aggressive leader, for Mickey it’s all about control and if she doesn’t have it she’ll find a creative way to gain it. Mickey is highly responsible she tends to the management of the Highwaymen and runs it like a cruel business, she prefers to keep a cool head at all times but will lose her cool when her subordinates act foolishly and impulsively, this causes issues with her sister Lou. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpjBAyZC8OY&list=PLGnMkk2KJviJzdDXpDKVkt4IbXBgyoCIW&index=4
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