#vickie is a little shit
maddykomtrikru · 2 years
robin most definitely starts listening to mary on a cross and has no idea what the lyrics mean and the idiot lesbian that she is, sings it all the damn time loudly.
it almost beats careless whisper with how much they play it and it isnt until vickie being the little shit she is, tells robin and they are HORRIFIED.
nancy holds her hand and they ignore vickie the rest of the day while vickie just laughs at her
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edgelordtozier · 1 year
the steddie fics where steve is embarrassingly air-headed and has no clue what bisexuality is even though his best friend is a lesbian are so funny to me (in a bad way). it’s like what’s another way that we can mercilessly infantilize him and make eddie munson (pathetic clueless loser) guide him and navigate the relationship as if steve hasn’t been in many relationships himself?
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lovesickgoose · 1 year
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Woagh,,, you kiss the other Hardie boys with that mouth
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tortoisesshells · 6 months
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(ds: 39, 45, 85, 126.)
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martyrbat · 1 year
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vicki vale's secret! — batman #73
(ID in alt!)
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guys my dog isn't speaking to me :(
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candied-cae · 2 years
And Who Are We At The End Of The World? - Needing To Do Something
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Chapter 7/? - - - Read it on AO3
Word Count : 8,007
Summary: In the aftermath of their first throw down with Vecna, it's time everyone started trying to get ready for "normal" life. Considering normal would mean a state of constant fear for his return to ruin what's left of their broken town. But they've all got to start putting the pieces back together somewhere.
More ST Fics
The rest of the day passed in a bit of a blur for everyone.
Susan stayed with Max in the hospital. She was a wreck as she held her daughter’s hand and just sobbed by herself. Across the hall, Wayne sat in a chair by Eddie and quietly watched over him. It might’ve felt awkward for Steve if he hadn’t practically slept through the whole day. Praise be to good hospital drugs and the doctors who order them. But he wasn’t the only one who practically missed all of Friday. Most of the Party slept the day away at their own homes. Even if they hadn’t missed so many hours over the days they were trying to figure out the Vecna thing, just the day before had been so rough that each of them felt tired all the way to their bones.
While they were all out of commission, the police did their job.
They spoke to Ms. Kelley, who was willing to talk about Chrissy’s panic attacks, hallucinations, and lack of sleep with them. She mentioned how Chrissy never wanted to say much, would outright refuse to say who it was, but always talked about someone important to her saying terrible things. Things that made her believe she’d never be enough. Not pretty enough, not skinny enough, not good enough. Someone she loved making her hate herself.
She had suspected that it was Chrissy’s mother because that’s just the kind of things mothers are so good at doing to their daughters. But, it wasn’t impossible to say that her boyfriend could’ve instilled these same ideas in her. That she could’ve feared him if she wasn’t ‘enough’. They reviewed her files at the school and saw a record of growing anxiety and fear right there in ink.
They stopped by Gareth, Jeff, and Bruce’s houses. Each of them confirmed what happened when Jason and his lackeys showed up at their band rehearsal. It all happened exactly as Lucas had said it did, and their families assured that they haven’t seen any of the kids in the Party come to see the boys or call their houses. So it was unlikely they’d have been able to make up the story and tell them what to say. And Gareth still had marks on his hand from Jason’s shoes that were pretty damning.
After that, they tracked down Andy. Found him alone, licking his wounds, back at Benny’s with the very same black eye Erica had promised them. They had him recount how pissed Jason was when Eddie joked at the basketball team’s expense in the cafeteria. And how Jason behaved when Chrissy didn’t show up for the afterparty. Admitted that, the next morning, when he made a joke about the body of a Hawkins student found on the news being Chrissy, Jason didn’t have a single thing to say about it. And he confirmed the night at Lover’s Lake that he was still going through Reefer Rick’s things when he heard all the commotion outside and couldn't go on the record for what happened to Patrick.
They even went to what was left of the Creel House. It was a complete devastation of debris. Like someone had ripped it apart right down the middle and everything has just kept caving in since. But they brought in excavators, and they started to uncover a lot more evidence. They found Jason’s body practically buried under the foundation with a lamp that must’ve nearly burned right through him from the looks of it. Along with various blood-splattered boards which later matched Jason, Lucas, and Max’s samples. They even found the gun Jason had bought, covered in his prints and missing two bullets, as well as a crushed Walkman with a Kate Bush tape.
Every little detail matched what the kids had said.
They might’ve not been able to find perfect evidence that Jason killed Chrissy… but they put together a lot more of the story. And everything that came to light, along with Jason’s unaccounted-for time, did point towards a very different answer than they had been expecting. When they took a look from this angle and noted: Jason’s pious rallying, the manhunt he initiated, on top of Max’s identical injuries, and the proof of Lucas's fight with him? All of it led to an explanation that Jason was an emotionally abusive partner, with something of a god complex, and skill with leading mob-like - or cult-like - behavior.
When that blend of superiority was butted against Eddie’s “I don’t give a fuck about your social hierarchy” attitude? When he was otherwise an undisputed king of the high school to everyone but 'The Freak'? That bred a lot of rage. And when Chrissy came to Eddie for weed to help her escape her boyfriend’s demand for perfection, Jason was so enraged that he broke into Eddie’s trailer, killed her for the treachery, and tried to kill Eddie until he ran off. He probably heard about the Victor Creel killings when he was younger and, when he was blind with fury, they served as an inspiration for the kind of pain he could inflict on someone.
From there, Jason killed Freddie for investigating the murder when he went off alone. Nancy might’ve even been next if she wasn’t busy talking to Wayne Munson and stuck with the police after. Then he killed Patrick for getting in the way of Eddie when he changed his mind. And finally, he chased down Lucas for leaving their side and helping Eddie, nearly killing Max as his revenge against him.
It made sense. And it meant that they almost ruined Eddie Munson’s life because things got out of hand too fast. They wouldn’t be able to officially close down the case and make a statement until they could actually talk to the guy, but it was looking like they’d be able to drop the charges on Eddie as long as his answers matched up.
The police still didn’t like how weird all the murders were. The level of cruelty and disfigurement while leaving no fingerprints or bruising… it was still incredibly weird and didn’t seem like anything that could be possible. But the mortician said, even though he couldn’t figure it out, that the science is always evolving.
“This could be something that makes more sense in the next five years than it does right now”, they excused. And so Powell didn’t worry himself with it beyond that. Decided it was something he didn’t need to understand today.
By the end of March 28th, the world was quiet for what felt like the first time all week for any of the members of the Party.
When morning breaks on Saturday the 29th though, Steve finds it quite loud again. A nurse was at his door bright and early to decide if he was really going to get to leave that day. She poked and prodded and asked way too many questions. Then she called in a doctor, who did the very same poking and prodding and asking. When they were satisfied, they handed him a plastic bag with the clothes he’d come in wearing, but then the clock struck 8 am. And Dustin and his mother arrived.
The boy was in another graphic tee under an open button-up but was missing his current favorite hat, the Thinking Cap. His mother, on the other hand, was in a long dress. It was a pale lilac color, covered with floral patterns, with a necklace and big earrings that matched.
There was less poking and prodding from these two, but they did deliver another barrage of questions when Steve just wanted to get dressed back into his gross clothes from two days ago because it would at least be an improvement upon the robe he was wearing.
He pulled on his WarZone branded get-up - even though it smelled like something he’d rather throw in the wash than wear - except for the brown leather jacket. He didn’t put that piece on. When he looked at it, he saw the dried, crusting blood. It wasn’t even just on the inside from his own injuries. The back was splashed with it.
From Eddie.
Eddie, who was still unconscious.
The doctor said it wasn’t anything to get worked up about yet. His body had been through a lot of stress and just needed more time to rest before he’d be ready to get up. Which was probably a good thing anyway since he couldn’t mess up his stitches if he wasn’t moving around.
Either way, the thought of putting back on the jacket stained with Eddie’s blood churned something in the pit of Steve’s stomach. He chose to shove the thing back into the plastic bag and try not to think about it. He fished his watch out of the sack and put it on his wrist before pitifully looking at the state of himself in the mirror. He’d gone ahead and cleaned himself up a bit the previous day between his naps, but his hair… oh his hair. It was the flattest it’s been since he figured out how all the different kinds of hair products worked. He combed his fingers through the locks for a moment before he just gave up. There wasn’t anything he’d be able to do to improve his current situation until he was back in his bathroom at home.
When he emerged from the bathroom, he honestly expected to see Wayne in the chair by Eddie again. It was already 8:17. But the chair sat empty. Well, it was none of his business what time the guy's uncle was going to be by. And if his gaze lingered on Eddie for a moment longer than was casual, because he remembered being the kid with injuries from monsters who didn’t have his family by his side... well, it didn’t matter.
Steve turned his attention to Dustin, who was gearing up for another hug, and smacked his hand on his head to ruffle his hair while holding him an arm's length away. He had to at least try and protect this newly forming scar tissue. But just as easily as Steve dodged Dustin’s embrace, Claudia had him in hers.
Steve was helpless. What was he supposed to do? Push away the woman kind enough to drive him home? Push away the most recent hug he’s shared with someone who wasn’t one of his rotten kids? Alright, maybe that line of thinking was bordering on ‘too sad’. Steve returned the hug and looked over his shoulder to see Dustin sticking his tongue out in tame retaliation. Guess the little stinker at least tries to tone it down around his mom.
When she released her hold on him, Steve did wonder for a passing moment when was the last time his own mother actually hugged him. At least, hugged him beyond the kind of polite courtesy she’d provide as she was headed out the door. Beyond the quick squeeze and “Call if you need anything” before she was rolling her well-used suitcase away.
But again, Steve’s head reminded him that those themes are ‘too sad’ for right now. Thankfully, there weren’t any tears trying to burst through that he had to fight back, otherwise that would've just been way too awkward to deal with so early. He just needed to get home before he had a chance for any more embarrassing moments.
“Alright,” he sniffled nonchalantly,” Let’s get out of here. I am so tired of these white walls and all that beeping.”
They stopped at the nurse’s station so he could complete his check-out paperwork, and within the next fifteen minutes, they were exiting the front entrance. As they walked into the parking lot, it was the first time Steve really looked at the Henderson’s family car. It was this mustard-yellow color that honestly made a lot of sense for them. They seemed like a bright, loud bunch - without being too gaudy like the TodFather was - but just a little more toned down, a little more down-to-earth.
When they started to climb in, Mrs. Henderson playfully snapped at her son for trying to take the passenger seat,” Dustin! Steve is our guest, you go in the back.”
“It’s fine, Mrs. Henderson.” He tried to shrug it off to just get on his way home,” I’m alright with the back.”
“Nonsense. Dusty can wait until we get you home to hop up front.”
The two boys looked at each other and switched doors, both unable to fight against her.
As Steve got settled into the seat, before Dustin had lowered himself in, Claudia turned to him and said,” And it’s really Ms. Henderson, honey. Didn’t want to correct you yesterday with you still laid up in bed, but I haven’t been a Mrs. for a little while now.”
Steve nodded without reply and cast an eye to the kid in the back, trying not to be obvious. He’d noticed that Dustin never talked about his dad, he wasn’t oblivious enough about the little guy to have not. He figured there was something going on there, but never was really sure how to ask. But that answered that question, at least a little bit more.
Dustin closed the back door and Steve was about to start giving his mother directions, when their driver waved her hand at him,” Don’t worry about that, I know where is it. The Sinclairs and I looked it up in the phonebook when we went out last night and picked up your car from by the lake. Wanted to make sure it was at your house instead of out there in the sticks.”
“Oh, you didn’t need to-”
“Hush. I told you, if there’s anything you need, to just ask us. All of us parents are very grateful you’ve been keeping an eye on our kids these last few years. Especially after the scare we had last night.”
As Ms. Henderson pulled to a stop at the red light, she turned over to look at him,” There aren’t enough words in the world to say thank you. The news says there’s already been over a dozen casualties. Our kids aren’t a part of that number. So if we can pick up your car, drive you home, or drop off groceries or casseroles or cookies, we will. We want to.”
Steve is left just looking at her, silenced as she casually turned her attention back to the road just in time for the light to go green. They pull through the intersection and he doesn’t know what to say. It’s not like he doesn’t know how to talk to adults or parents, but they’ve never done this kind of stuff for him. They’ll sidle up next to his mom and dad at parties to comment on his success in sports, they’ll grab his chin and croon over what a handsome boy he’s been growing up into, and they’ll smile to each other as they wax on without bothering to talk to him.
He knew how to handle that. Knew how to paste a smile across his face while saying “Thank you, sir” and “Thank you, ma’am”. Just like he was supposed to.
Joyce and Hopper were a little different. They’d known about how involved he was with all the Upside Down stuff, so it wasn’t really the same when they saw him. Joyce bandaged him up after he’d faced fights with Jonathan and the demogorgon, Billy and the demodogs - though the paramedics handled him after the Russian affair - but that was it. She cleaned him up, said thank you, and maybe looked at him a second too long. Like, maybe she was deciding if she could do anything more. But Jim would always emerge about then, and clap him on the shoulder so hard he nearly fell over with how woozy his head had felt after the fights.
It was nice the way they had looked at him and saw something more than other people did. But even that was all just the immediately after terror, coming down from conflict, cleaning up stuff.
And here, Henderson’s mom was bringing up food like she planned to check in on him.
That concept was foreign to him. That kind of being cared for isn’t something Steve knows about. Much less knows how to handle and respond to.
Which is why Dustin was his saving grace when he quipped in,” Seriously dude, she went crazy yesterday. Our kitchen is overflowing. You have to take something off our hands, or we’ll never finish it before it goes to shit.”
His mother glanced at him in the rearview mirror and commented,“ Dustin! Language. And I didn’t have anything else to do while you slept until 6:30.”
“I was tired!”
“Yes, you were. And, I do appreciate that you at least fell asleep on the couch.” She nodded before leaning over to Steve,” Our kitten, Tews, curled up on him the whole time. It kept the little baby out of my way while I was cooking, and it was just so adorable. I took these pictures-”
“Mom!” he tried to deter her, but Claudia pushed through.
“My favorite is this one where Tews had rolled over on her back and ended up right on top of Dusty’s face-”
“She tried to suffocate me!”
“It was very cute, Steve. If you wanted to see any of those.”
Steve couldn't help the smile that tugged at his cheeks.
So this was the Henderson’s? They talked to each other. And not just asking for a basic rundown of how work and school were going. They spent time together, looked at each other, laughed, and teased… It was interesting watching the way they were with each other. Steve might've gotten pretty attached to Dustin over the last two years, but there was surprisingly little overlap between him and Dustin’s mother to have seen it before now.
“You know, Ms. Henderson, I think I would like to see that one.”
The boy in the backseat erupted at the betrayal,“ STEVE!”
“It’s really a very sweet photo. When you get to feeling better, come stop by the house, and I’ll show them all off to you. You can also see the photo albums I have of Dusty from when he was a baby-”
“STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!” he screamed to stop her,” YOU’RE BOTH EVIL! THIS IS CHILD ABUSE!”
By the time Steve and Claudia were done teasing the poor boy and came down from their laughter, they’d arrived at the Harrington residence. It was time for Steve to be alone again. He didn’t let the fact reach his face and instead kept the smile up as he began to climb out of the car. He pulled the house keys from the hospital bag and watched Claudia wait to drive away until he’d unlocked the door and waved goodbye. It was a small detail, but it stuck. She bothered to make sure he was able to make it inside before she left, just like Steve does for the kids, but has never witnessed from this angle himself. But once they were gone, down the road, Steve was met with silence.
Just like usual.
He dragged his feet through the entrance, kicked off his shoes, and let the bag fall from his wrist to the floor as he made it to the hall table where the house phone sat. It was right next to the tape recording answering machine, which had a little red light blinking up at him. He still felt weird about it. He’s the only one he knows who has one at their house, most people don’t like the idea of leaving a message and would just call back later anyway. But his parents got one set up when his father started taking more business trips, and they got the thing updated to the newest model pretty much every New Year.
He took a breath in before he pushed down on the play button and listened to the machine wind the tape back.
“Hello, Stephen.”
It was his mother’s voice that played from it. Because, of course, it was. She didn’t sound tipsy at all, which is enough of a surprise, considering Steve can hardly picture her without a martini in her hand. So, it meant she probably called yesterday morning before she'd had time for a drink.
“I’m sure you’re still at the hospital right now. We heard from a nurse down there at Memorial. She said you got a bit hurt in the earthquake, came in with a few friends. It sounded like it was a big one. But I know you’re an adult, and you can handle yourself.”
Yeah, he was just a little beat up with a couple of buddies. Not a big deal. Nothing to get worked up about. Nothing to bother getting on a plane and coming back home over. Why would anyone think to do that for their kid?
“When you get home, give us a callback. I-” There’s a muffled sound which was probably Mr. Harrington talking to her.
Because why should he want to leave his own voice for his son to listen to fresh out of the hospital?
“And your father wants to make sure nothing at the house got broken, so if you could check around before you call, he’d like to know. Anyway, we're needed at a lunch meeting with a couple of chair members and their wives, so we’re heading off. Don’t forget to check in when you get this, baby. I don’t want to worry.” And then the machine clicked to let him know that’s the end of the recording. That’s all she had to say, so she hung up the phone.
He just stared down at it. His dad wanted to know if anything of his was broken, but besides that, he had nothing he wanted to say himself. His mom just wanted a call back so she didn’t have to feel guilty or think about him too much… The perfect image of parenthood.
In the back of his mind, he whispered to himself,” She didn’t even say ‘Love you’.”
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
It’s not like he expected one.
His father never said it, and even with his mother, it was a rare occurrence. She’d say it easier when she was intoxicated. So maybe it was just his luck she called before their lunch, where she surely got a few glasses deep. It wasn’t a surprise, but it still stung.
He bit his lip and just walked away. Took the stairs slower than he usually does, trying not to jostle his fresh wounds, and he grabbed a spare set of clothes from his room as he made his way to the bathroom. If nothing else, he wanted a damn shower.
It wasn’t incredibly eventful. He shucked off the clothes that’d been dirtied with blood and grime and decided he didn’t even want to look in the mirror until he got cleaned up. When he stepped into the warm spray, he leaned back until it was pelting right into the crown of his head. He didn’t even move. Didn’t reach for shampoo or soap. Didn’t run his hands through his hair. Didn’t wipe away the water as it trailed over his closed eyes. He just stood in it, letting it hit him in the otherwise silent bathroom of the far-too-empty house. He couldn’t tell how long he just stood there, but, after a bit, the water didn’t feel warm enough.
He was pulled from his trance to turn the handle up. Just a little bit at first, but it still wasn’t warm enough. A little bit more, but it wasn’t enough. He kept turning it higher as the water steamed. Once he might call it ‘nearly scalding’ he left the handle alone and let the water strike into his back like it’d be enough to work over the knots and sore muscles. Like its almost burning touch would soothe the open scrapes left behind from the Upside Down.
And it doesn’t. But it does help.
Eventually, the world didn’t feel like too much to handle. Eventually, he was able to make himself turn the temperature down and go through his usual bathroom routine. Shampoo scrubbed hard against his scalp and washed out, conditioner run through the length and left to sit, soap on a loofa against every surface of his body until he started to actually feel clean… he even spared a glance at the razor he hasn’t used since he did competitive swim. But Dustin’s pestering wasn’t going to make him pick it up. Even if his dates didn't love to rake their fingernails through his chest hair, at this point, it was Steve's little spot of rebellion against the little nerd. He rinsed out the conditioner and stepped into the steamy bathroom. The mirror was fogged over, which was probably a good thing because he really hated looking at his stitches. Something about seeing the way they go into his skin usually made him cringe.
He pulled on the clean clothes - a dusty blue sweatshirt and a pair of jeans - before he rubbed the water off the mirror to see himself. And he still looked like a wreck. He was a clean wreck now, but a wreck all the same. Tired eyes, bumps and bruises, messy hair hanging around his face. He grabbed a small hand towel from the closet and shook it against his head until his hair wasn’t still dripping. Then he descended the stairs back to the kitchen, very intently keeping his eyes off the phone as he passed by.
He shuffled through the fridge and cabinets until he ended up with a container of honey granola and laid on the couch to eat it by the handfuls. Was there really a reason to go through the trouble of bowls or spoons if there was no one around to see his less than mannerly approach to breakfast? Steve flicked on the tv, and every channel he tried was running updates on the earthquake.
Statistics of casualties, injuries, missing persons, mass exodus, property damage, and seismic magnitude.
All of which made him feel like shit.
They were supposed to make sure this didn’t happen. They were supposed to deal with Vecna so that everyone else could just keep being ignorant and happy. They failed. And no one was even running the good news of Eddie’s innocence because the police hadn’t done a new press release yet. It was only a few minutes before he couldn’t keep listening to the cycling news stories. He pulled himself up off the couch and started thinking about stuff to donate, but he honestly wasn’t really sure what he should be putting together. Surely, the struggling people of Hawkins have no use for his trophies and medals, probably not the knickknacks his mom's interior decorator had strewn about the house, and nothing in his father's office would be much use.
He returned to the phone set, and instead of calling his absentee parents, dialed Robin Buckley’s house.
“This is the Buckleys.” a man’s voice announced when the line picked up.
“Hello, sir. This is Steve Harrington, Robin wanted to make plans about running donations over to the high school.” he got used to speaking through his introduction and including why he was calling with her parents. They still didn’t like him all that much, so it definitely helped to have a good excuse to call.
“Alright…” her dad replied.
A few seconds passed, some sounds of muttering and muffled movement came through, and suddenly Robin’s voice was the one in his ear,” Mornin’ Steve. You don’t want to sleep in before we get everyone together? It’s not even 10:30 yet.”
“Nah,” he shrugged, not like she could even see it,” I was asleep pretty much all of yesterday. Ready to do something.”
Ready to get out of this big, quiet, empty house.
“Well, I’ve already got a box packed over here, so I’m ready whenever you want to come by. Nancy called yesterday and said she and Dustin already had their stuff together, so we can drop by to grab them too.”
“Yeah, yeah. So, quick question, Rob; what sort of stuff should I be grabbing?”
“Umm…” She hummed for a moment, mulling it over,” They’ve got people who don’t have anywhere to stay sleeping on cots in the gymnasium, so blankets and sheets would be good. Clothes you don’t wear anymore. I think Nancy said she was throwing in some toys and books. All that sort of stuff people could use right now.”
“Okay, give me something like half an hour to get stuff together, and I’ll be at yours,” he told her.
“Sounds like a plan. But, you’re going to fix your hair for me, right?” her voice took the familiar lilt of her teasing.
Steve didn’t even answer, just rolled his eyes.
“Because as much as I was honored to see your natural display, it is unnerving to bear witness to ‘The Hair’ as it was the other night.”
“Jesus Christ,” he groaned,” You’re too much.”
He could hear her smile through the phone,“ You love me, though.”
“Debating that decision now.”
“And you’ll still show up for me anyway.”
“We’ll see.”
“Yes, we will.” She snickered before adding,” In 30 minutes.”
“Goodbye, Robin.”
“Bye Bye, Stev-”
Steve rolled his eyes again as he set the phone back on the receiver a moment early, just to be a little mean.
While he walked around the house, he bothered to mentally inventory the rest of it. His father’s office? Fine, only a few things fell off the bookshelves, but nothing was broken. His parent’s room? Practically pristine considering how often it’s vacant. Guest rooms? Look just like they always do. Closets, the attic, the basement? Nothing to note. Every square inch of the place was, at worst, disheveled.
In between tidying up a little, he put together a pretty good pile of spoils. A couple of spare linens and blankets, old and still nice clothes were the obvious things. But he didn’t really have any toys or games or books, so he thought to raid his parent bathroom closet. They had a huge collection of unnecessary travel-size toiletries. Both things they themselves had bought for travel, as well as items they brought back from hotels and such. His mom originally got into a habit of making his dad bring them home with him before she started accompanying him on his business trips, so she'd know he actually stayed at the places he said he did. And now that she just went with him all the time, she brought them home herself. Because she’s always had sticky fingers for small things she doesn’t need.
Now, they’ve got a shelf covered in mini bottles of shower products, toothpaste, mouthwash, and even deodorant that no one uses. They seemed like the kind of things that would be smart to bring in. He was a little proud of himself for thinking of it. He stopped by his bathroom one last time, to brush his teeth and run some pomade through his hair. Then he tucked everything away into the trunk of his car before finally returning to the landline. He stared down at it with buzzing nerves before deciding to bite the bullet and get it over with. He dialed for his parent’s rental in Washington.
“Don’t pick up, don’t pick up, don’t pick up…” he muttered into his hand as his teeth worried against his bottom lip.
Eventually, the ringing ended, and he was greeted with a voice telling him to leave a message or try calling the front desk at his father’s office instead.
“It’s Steve. I got out of the hospital okay and checked out the house. Nothing’s broken or damaged, the water's running and the electricity is working fine. Everything looks good over here. Uh, nothing on me’s broken, and I just stayed the two nights, so the hospital bill shouldn’t be too bad. Anyway, I was just checking in while I’m here like you asked. Going to head out in a bit, so you might get the machine if you call back again…” he found that his voice faded off a second too soon.
He wasn’t sure if he wanted to punctuate the voicemail with an ‘I love you’ or not. He knows she’d probably like to hear it. Kids are supposed to tell their parents they love them, after all. But the pettier part of him says that since she didn’t say it in hers, he didn’t need to leave it for her in his.
“Bye.” he simply concluded before putting the phone back down and rushing to get out the front door in case one of them happened to call right back.
The drive to Robin’s is easy. It’s muscle memory for Steve at this point to flow through the suburbs away from Loch Nora down to her place on Redding Drive. As he parked his car in his usual spot just past her mailbox, he spotted her already waiting for him, seated on the steps of her porch. She stood up, bringing into her arms a box that looks light enough he didn’t feel like he needed to help her get it in the popped trunk.
She approached the car, but stopped a few feet away and looked at Steve like she was waiting for something.
“Well? Come on, let’s go,” he told her through the open passenger window.
A smirk found her lips,“ Told you you’d come for me anyway.” she chimed with that big smile as she dropped her items next to his and closed the compartment.
“Just get in. We’ve got places to be.”
“I know,” she said as she plopped herself into the passenger seat.
“So, how’re you feeling?” she asked, checking over him with searching eyes that made him feel like he needed to cover up more.
“I swear you’re probably the fifth person to ask me that today-”
She cut him off with a raised finger,“ Am I hearing you right? Are you complaining that people care about you enough to ask?”
He raised his own in opposition,“ I’m not complaining-”
“It sounds kind of like complaining,” she affirmed, connecting their raised fingers like they were Elliot and E.T.
He dropped his hand in defeat and simply told her,“ Buckle up, Buckley.” as he got ready to pull away from the curb.
“Yeesh, what’s got Steve Harrington tied up in knots?” she wondered as she clicked the seat belt into place.
After a beat of silence, Steve decided to just change the subject entirely as they drove away from her house,” So, have you heard anything from Keith about the state of our employment yet?”
”Not yet. My parents told me that the strip downtown looks fine, so there shouldn’t be any damage to the building itself. But I don’t know what the plan is doing to be about people going back to work right now. That new mayor had a segment on the news last night, said the city government was checking all the infrastructure in town before letting people back into the buildings and would take everything on a 'case-by-case basis to get Hawkins up and running smoothly again'. But there’s not even been a decision on if the school’s going to get back in session, and Monday’s only two days away, so I don't think that's really going to happen on schedule. Especially if people are living in the gymnasium right now. And he said the priority would be making sure the essential businesses kept up first; power plant, trash service, postal service, the bus route, and all that stuff. So I don’t know how quickly they’ll be getting to us kids with part-time-” she paused and motioned to him,” -or full-time jobs at the local video store.”
Steve was grateful for her rambling schpeel. It gave him a minute to get out of his head about his parents. He noticed that just listening to her talk could pull him away from a bad mood pretty easily.
“Damn… greatest Spring Break ever. There’s been half an apocalypse, we’ve got friends in comas, and now we can’t even save some more cash watching movies between customers.” he shook his head at the loss.
Robin sighed wistfully,“ You’re telling me. I had planned this week to finally get you to sit through Victor/Victoria…”
“That’s the Julie Andrews one, right?” he asked, pretty sure he remembered Robin saying she was the lead actress in it.
“Well, if we still have jobs next week, I’ll let you pop the tape in, no difficulty from me.”
“Don’t make me a promise you won’t keep, Harrington. I can’t afford to have you break my heart right now, too.”
There was a somber tone at the end of the joke, Steve looked at Robin hanging her head out the window, and asked,“ We been thinking about Vickie?”
She nodded her head, but kept her eyes off of him,“ We’ve been thinking about Vickie. Vickie and her dumb, stupid boyfriend and the fact that he gets to give her dumb, stupid kisses. I know I said I was going to get over it because it was just my love life against the end of everything as we know it, but…”
“It’s not so easy to just get over it.” he knowingly finished for her.
She agreed,“ No, it is not.”
“Well, if it’s still bothering you, I’ll listen to you rant all night long.” she turned in her seat to look at him, so he shrugged and added,” I’ll even let you give me dumb, stupid kisses if you need to.”
He threw on a big pout and turned to her as Robin gasped and smacked his arm. He threw up a finger to add his condition,” Only on my cheek though! Because, no offense, but you’re a lesbian, Robin! I don’t like you like that! We are as platonic as platonic gets.”
She shook her head at him,“ Platonic with a capital P.”
“Platonic with a capital P,” he swore back.
“You’re so dumb.” she lovingly joked as she reclined back into the seat.
“So I’ve been told. But you still bother to keep me around anyway. Must love me or something.”
“Guess I must.”
By the time it was almost noon, Steve was pulling to the Wheeler’s driveway with Robin and Dustin in tow. They all go up to the door to knock and get greeted by Karen. She smiled at them and offered to have them inside to eat something, but they all noticed the other car in the driveway and the guests at the table, and just decided they’d rather be on their way than seated with some strangers while Ted grumbles about everyone eating him out of house and home. So Karen called her daughter down from her room. The girl came from the top of the stairs with an overflowing box of her own in her hands. Which, upon seeing, prompted the four of them to unpack their boxes and reorganize them all in the driveway. All the bedding went in one box, clothes in another, Steve’s toiletries sat on top of the canned food, and games and books were being put together when Karen came out with a final box of stuffed animals she said she just came across in the attic.
All four of them pile back into Steve’s car once they have the boxes sorted, Robin in the passenger with Dustin and Nancy looking mildly displeased in the back, and they started on their way. It was at the moment Steve was pulling out of the driveway that Nancy spoke up about something she noticed when she was brought home the day before.
“Did you guys see the government suits around town?”
“Yeah” Dustin answered simply.
“They came back?” Steve asked, looking in the rearview mirror for a second to catch Nancy’s eyes.
“Yeah. I didn’t think they would. El’s not even here anymore, and Hopper was, like, our only point of contact for them, so…” Nancy shrugged to Dustin and Robin who were looking at her,” I just figured we were kind of on our own. But I saw a few of them walking around a lot of the bigger damage sites while I was going home yesterday. The library, city hall, and I’m pretty sure one was waiting outside the hospital when we all left.”
“So how long have they been in Hawkins…” Steve mumbled, more to himself than anyone in the car.
Nancy started to answer anyway,“ No clue, but-”
“Why haven’t they tried talking to any of us?” Robin asked.
“I’m not sur-”
“Wait a minute,” Dustin interrupted, voice worried,” They’re not going to let Eddie take the fall to keep eyes off the Upside Down stuff, right?”
“Exactly why I brought it up, I think we need to talk to them and get them on the same page. To make sure they don’t start peddling some coverup story with falsified evidence that will mess things up for Eddie after we might finally have the cops on our side.”
“Yeah, yeah. Um, do we want to do that after we go by the high school or…?” Steve started to ask.
“Well,” Robin reasoned,” If they’re trying to keep an eye on things, they’ll probably have someone at the high school too, right?”
The two in the back seat nodded in agreement.
“Alright, so mission donate to the needy slash convince the government agency to not fuck us over?” Steve offered to make sure he knew where he was driving.
“Mission Supply and Demand” Dustin corrected.
Steve looked into the mirror and locked eyes with Dustin, a disappointed expression on his face. A little annoyed that the kid felt the need to one-up him, and a lot annoyed that he didn’t come up with the name. It was pretty smooth. The kid might have an inflated ego, but dammit if it isn't a little earned. Not that Steve’s going to say that to him.
“What? That was a good one!” Dustin argued.
The driver sighed and yielded,“ Mission Supply and Demand”
When they pull into the school parking lot, Nancy starts assigning them boxes. With his limp, she only let Dustin even look at the bedding, Robin got the food and hygienic items, Nancy took the stuffed animals, and Steve was piled with the box of books and games on top of the box of clothes. It takes practically no time at all for them to drop them off at the table and feel like they can’t just walk away.
Maybe they all felt guilty about not stopping all of this from happening… but, not even a minute later, they were all volunteering.
Robin walked the food over to the lunch station and starts helping out making sandwiches for pick up, Dustin trailed along to get a tray of water cups to pass out to everybody at their cots, and Nancy and Steve were shown to the apparel table to sort everything out by age. Nancy told Steve to keep an eye out for anyone who looked like the secretive government operative type, and they split the gym in half to make it easier. Leaving Steve the perfect view of one Vickie Nelson sliding up right next to Robin.
They were spreading peanut butter and grape jelly onto bread side by side, and for a second Steve was preparing himself to listen to Robin’s rant later. About how she should have done this, and shouldn’t have done that, and how stupid it is to hope… but then he saw her smile. Vickie was saying something, and Robin was smiling at her. A few seconds later and they were laughing together. Robin looked like she was stuck between being terrified out of her mind and thrilled beyond reason. But she was smiling in a special Robin Buckley way that said it was going really, really well. So Steve resigned himself to just smile back at them, and he’d ask Robin about how it went later.
“About damn time…” he hummed pleasingly to himself.
“What?” Nancy asked, having barely overheard the mumble, and not enough to be able to tell what he said.
“Nothin’. Was just happy Dustin’s managing fine without his crutch right now.” Steve answered with a nod to Henderson weaving between makeshift beds and asking if people were thirsty.
“Yeah, I was glad to see he wasn’t really needing it too badly today. That kid likes getting in trouble too much to be laid up in bed.” she agreed.
“That’s what I was thinking,” Steve replied with a warm chuckle, which brought a few of Nancy’s giggles to the surface.
And then Steve caught himself thinking about how comfortable it was, laughing with Nancy again. It was weird, the two of them. They were in fits of love three years ago, breaking each other’s hearts a year and a half ago, nothing to each other until monsters rose again last summer, and here they were now; organizing kid's clothes and laughing about Dustin Henderson.
It was weird, but it was right. He couldn’t figure any other way to think about it, besides it being right. He likes that he and Nancy are talking again. Perhaps, maybe just maybe, he likes-
“There!” Nancy whispered with urgency.
Steve turned to look over his shoulder and saw the person Nancy was pointedly looking at. It was a woman wearing sunglasses indoors, a navy blue pantsuit, with one hand permanently affixed in her pocket, probably holding onto a gun, while the other held tightly to a leather briefcase. She had a short cut of dark brown hair framing her face and bold red lipstick that, honestly, seemed like it would make her stand out a bit much for someone who’s supposed to be keeping a low profile.
Nancy put down the shirt she was folding on top of a stack and glanced at the team leader who told them to sort clothes.
“Cover for me,” she said quickly, as she stepped away from their station and towards the mystery woman.
Nancy took weighty steps across the gym floor to her. She set her face to look serious, determined to get the answers she wanted. As she closed in, the woman turned to her, but before she could speak, Nancy was starting.
“You’re with Doctor Owens’s team. Right?”
The woman paused for a moment and answered with only a recognizing,“ Nancy Wheeler.”
And for some reason, that just pissed her off more.
“I take it, that’s a yes.”
The woman looked around the room, pulled on an attempt at a sweet smile, and started to ask,“ Why don’t we take this outside-”
But Nancy cut her off,“ How long have you known?”
“Excuse me?”
She took a step closer to the woman and set her tone sterner,“ How long have you known we were having another situation in Hawkins before you bothered to show up?”
Her faux expression slipped a bit.
“We didn’t stop keeping an eye on this town after the girl left if that’s what you’re asking.” She breathed and, when Nancy didn’t speak up, continued to admit,“ We’ve known the whole time, dear. We’ve been here since the cheerleader-”
“The whole time? And you just- you just let it happen?” Nancy sneered the words out.
How dare they? How dare this staff who was supposed to keep things in check just do nothing? They didn’t step in, didn’t talk to anyone who knew, didn’t do anything to help them while they were left to try and fight off that monster Vecna-
“Let’s take this outside.” the woman repeated, insisting on the idea through her gritted teeth.
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purplemagpie · 1 year
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bittwitchy · 4 months
sometimes i remember how often dc likes to do multiversal crossovers w themselves and have for like, 25 years or so, at least, like justice league animated series really made it a bigger trend for them than it was. but then i remember how in telltale batman, vicki vale is a descendent of arkham. and in the batman 2022, martha kane/wayne aka bruces mom is also a descendant of arkham. meaning in some alt world based off those two alt worlds, telltale!vicki ends up meeting b/attinson, tries her flirting on him shit that she pulled in telltale, and eventually has to learn that theyre cousins by a technicality in that universe.
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drydak · 1 year
finals week is over soon and that means that i can finally get around to writing the thing i’ve been working on for like 2 months. and then i don’t have to complain about anything ever again
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lilpomelito · 11 months
Steve and Robin go out to a gay club in Indy one night and Robin ends up pissed off because even if she did make a couple of friends and connections with the local scene she didn't have as much luck as Steve who made out with like 5 dudes in a row. How come they're going to the gay places and her straight friend still has more game than her?! Turns out maybe not so much, since Steve spends the monday shift at family video talking how much he enjoyed kissing guys and how hot it got him and how it didn't feel like a performance—which Robin can relate to that part—so maybe it's time to keep experimenting? Robin thinks he might be going a little fast but Steve is determined so he asks if he should ask Eddie if he's down to hooking up so he can try having sex with a guy which sends Robin into another spiral because whoa, since when are you aware that Eddie's gay? (And shit, if she said it out loud to Steve does that count as outing Eddie?!) Steve says he just knows, the same way he knows that Vicky is into boobies (ugh, not this again!) and anyway there's no harm in asking. Robin's mind is blown when Steve literally picks up the phone and calls Eddie if he's down to fuck that night at his place. She's not surprised Eddie agrees. He might be even more of a masochist than Robin herself, really. Which leads to a very interesting night where Robin spends hours trying to concentrate on her stupid homework and not think about how her best friend, her soulmate, the light of her life, is right now having gay sex literally days after finding out "kissing guys is cool actually," when it took her years to admit to herself that she was into girls. And it's even more mortifying when a little after midnight Steve calls her—of course he does—and informs her that sex with men is actually so much better than sex with girls, for him at least, he just had the best orgasm of his life (good for him) and inform her that he now has a boyfriend. Honestly, what did Robin expect. Good for Steve and his simple, honest heart.
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laundrybiscuits · 10 months
(ETA: now edited and up on AO3)
Look. Eddie knows he can be a little uptight about these things, but. There are rules. If you become a vampire, you don’t need to go full gothic Count Von Dickhead or whatever, but you absolutely cannot just wander around in a puffy vest and light-wash jeans. 
“Why not?” says Steve. He’s leaning back in an armchair, sipping on a bloodbag like it’s a goddamn juicebox. “What, are the vampire police going to arrest me?” 
He pauses. “Wait. There aren’t vampire police, are there?”
“No,” says Eddie. “Probably not. I don’t know. But there are standards which you are refusing to uphold, Steven.”
“Thought you were all about hating conformity, Edward,” Steve says. He’s got an obnoxiously cocky little smirk, the smug undead fucker. 
Eddie grimaces. “Don’t call me that, asswipe. Don’t you feel, like—the call of the night? The siren song of life coursing through fragile human veins? A hunger for destruction that those paltry plastic bags of blood can never truly slake?”
“The bloodbags aren’t so bad,” says Steve, around the straw. “Better than protein shakes.”
“I actually hate you,” Eddie tells him. “Vampirism is wasted on you.”
Steve noisily slurps the last of the blood out of the bottom of the bag. “Come on, you can’t really picture me in some Dracula getup, can you?”
The problem, of course, is that Eddie really, really can. When Robin had read him in on the whole situation, obviously he’d been horrified and concerned—but also, a whole wing of his brain had immediately been cordoned off to work overtime imagining Steve in elaborate Dark Prince regalia, maybe leaning elegantly out of a castle window on the moors, gazing into the foggy dusk. Velvet might’ve been involved.
“...guess not,” says Eddie. It doesn’t sound incredibly convincing to his own ears, but Steve just shrugs and gets up to throw the bloodbag away. 
“There you go, man,” he says, clapping Eddie on the shoulder as he passes. “It’s the 80s. Vampires can be whatever we wanna be.”
It gets way too easy to forget about Steve’s condition, until Eddie ends up having to haul him out of a bar in Indy before they get banned for life.  
“Simmer down, buddy,” Eddie says, pulling him into the shadow of the van. “Let’s get those fangs packed away before any of the nice villagers wander by with torches and pitchforks.”
“I’m good,” pants Steve. “It’s all good. Don’t worry about it. It’s fine.”
Eddie lifts an unimpressed eyebrow. “Sure, that’s why your eyes are glowing red and you’re, like, fully vamped out. Which, by the way, looks extremely dumb with the whole clean-cut vibe you decided to rock tonight.”
“Fuck you, I look great,” says Steve, pushing a hand through his hair. He’s not wrong, it’s just not relevant to how he also looks extremely dumb like this, wearing a pristine henley with fangs hanging out in the parking lot for anyone to see.
“So what the hell happened in there, man? I was finally starting to get somewhere with Todd, and…” Eddie trails off in dawning realization.
“Holy shit, am I—I’m like your territory, aren’t I? Your stupid vampire brain got all screwy and decided to loop me in with Robin and the kids as part of your freaky human coven.”
“Uh,” says Steve. He looks unhappy in a shifty kind of way. “Something like that, maybe.”
“Wait, so, are Nancy and Jonathan—are you okay with them because they’re both already in the vamp pack? Is Vickie gonna have to be inaugurated before she and Robin can bone down?” Eddie perks up. “Shit, is there a ceremony? We could totally do a ceremony.” He bets he can get the kids to liberate some velour curtains from the drama club. With a few candles, they could get some serious atmosphere going.
“No, shut up, nobody’s doing a damn ceremony,” Steve groans. “Vickie’s fine.” 
“Okay,” says Eddie. “So…you gonna tell me what all that was about, then? Do I have to start running guys past you first so your vamp instincts don’t wig out? Or…hm, maybe Argyle’d be down to mess around sometime.”
Steve lets out an actual snarl with weird animal echoes, then claps a hand over his mouth.
“Sorry,” he says, muffled. The shadows around them seem darker somehow. 
“So I’m just not allowed to get laid ever again,” says Eddie slowly. “For vampire reasons.”
“Do whatever you want, man.” Steve’s still got his hand pressed tight over his mouth. 
“And it’s…just me?” Eddie peers at the tightness around Steve’s eyes; the way he’s scowling stubbornly at his feet. “Huh. Kind of…possessive, Harrington.”
“It’s—weird,” says Steve miserably, dropping his hand at last. “I know it’s fucking weird.”
“Maybe.” Eddie shrugs, biting down on the grin he can feel tugging at his mouth. “Lucky for you, I’m into that shit.”
“What?” Steve frowns. “You’re…”
“Always wanted a vampire boyfriend,” says Eddie. “Like, are you kidding? I would’ve sold my fucking soul at 15 for something like that.”
“I’m starting to feel a little objectified here,” says Steve, but he’s smiling, and he reaches out to snag Eddie’s belt loop and tug him stumbling closer. “Just in it for the fangs, huh?”
“Well, you’re kind of a shitty vampire, actually.” Eddie drapes his arms over Steve’s shoulders. “So I guess I must just be in it for you.”
Steve hesitates, searching Eddie’s face. Stray red lights are still sparking like embers in Steve’s irises. “Okay, but—you’re in it? Right?”
“Couldn’t get rid of me if you tried, Bunnicula. I’ll send the vampire police after you, just watch me,” says Eddie, and kisses him.
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ningvory · 1 month
love & basketball — yu jimin
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𝜗𝜚ㅤ: gp!basketball player karina x cheerleader!reader
𝜗𝜚ㅤ: your girlfriend, yu jimin, the basketball captain on the school, wins the game for the team. now she wants to celebrate the win with her favorite cheerleader captain.
𝜗𝜚ㅤ: word count: 2.5k
CW: lots of fluff, smut, college au, unprotected sex (no no!) oral (r.receiving), kissing, soft sex (wow that’s a first), kissing, creampie, mating press, teasing, reader blacks out for a sec, squirting, cum eating, praise, pet names
a/n: this took wayy longer than expected so now it’s considered a 1.6k special… thank you all so much for 1.6k!! special thanks to my favorite basketball player @hearts-4-vicky cuz idk a thing about basketball <33
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the cheers of the crowd echoed in the gymnasium as the home teams leader, your girlfriend slam dunked on the net before her teammates surrounded her with excitement. karina had just put the team way ahead of the opposing team.
you’re exhausted from all the cheering you’ve been doing for the entire game but, you couldn’t fight the adoring smile that appeared on your face. in complete awe while watching your girlfriend on the court before you called out the next cheer with your cheering voice.
she’s been the captain of the team ever since freshman year and now the two of you are seniors of your university. she’s very versatile and could play basically all the roles if needed. she always made sure her members had the right form, the right attitude when it’s time to practice, that they communicate, and etc. her motto was ‘you came here to practice, come to practice with a good attitude and leave that other shit at the door.’
whenever you had your offdays you would come by and watch their practices, and karina couldn’t help but show you off to her teammates. but she always let them know who you belonged to. sometimes even after practice she would still be practicing and vise versa.
it was a bit cliche that you happen to be the cheerleading captain and you’re dating the basketball captain of your university, sounds like you’re living straight out of a movie and that’s what people tell you.
it’s the last minute during the game and it’s a tie. the crowd is tense, anticipating for one of the teams to win the final match of the season. you don’t usually get nervous during games but now you are. maybe it’s because this is one of the biggest basketball match’s in a while.
the match was closing in, 7 seconds on the clock and karina has the ball in her hands before she’s shooting the ball in the air behind the three-point line. the crowd roars in cheers and excitement when the ball goes into the hoop, giving the home team 3 points, wining the game by 46-43 points.
you sprinted over to the court, excited screams and squeals leave your mouth while you embrace her with a hug. she quickly embraced you as well and spinning you around.
“jiminie baby—you did a-amazing!” you huff out between kisses and giggles, after every game she always does this and you know you’ve won in life.
karina pulls back, hands falling down to meet your waist, “i always do good with the best cheerleader cheering me on,” she smirks before she’s placing a kiss to your lips.
you can’t help but let out a giggle and lightly hitting her shoulder, “y’know i cheer for the whole team, not just you,” you say before you stand up on your toes and pressing a soft kiss to her plump lips.
she chuckles into the kiss before she’s bringing her hands to cup your face. “it only says that on papers baby, me and you both know that,” she winks before she’s eying your body up and down. still in the short green and white skirt and the matching green and white top.
you quickly notice before you stare right at her with a smirk, “my eyes are up here, sweetheart.”
your little moment is cut short, because her teammates and your fellow cheerleaders are soon surrounding you all and cheering.
the once filled stadium is now closed down for the day and the night has grown calm and quiet. the players and the cheerleaders were in the locker rooms getting all their stuff packed so they can make their way back to their dorm rooms or apartments, it was late and most of them were exhausted.
you two were the first to get ready and karina just couldn’t take her eyes off you. she’s carrying her bag on her shoulder and leading you outside, leaving you no room to protest.
“hey—baby—what’s goin—,” you protest when she pushes you to the wall but your silenced when she takes your hand and places it on her clothed dick, hardened under your hands.
but before anything got sensual, the locker door flys open and her teammates walk out, yours walking right behind.
“ohh~ someone’s getting fucked good tonight!” karina’s teammate giselle, teases the two of you. she shamelessly checks you out, her gaze real focused on your ass in your short skirt.
you two can’t help but laugh at her, it’s always been in her nature to joke like that and plus, she’s the school’s fuck girl. those who’ve been fucked by her says she can really please a girl with that dick of hers but she’s not someone whose looking for a long term relationship.
“shut up, gi,” karina lightly hits her shorter teammate with a laugh before she’s picking her bag back up. luckily she’s wearing loose pants so no one can really notice her boner unless they stare long enough.
the walk back to the car was always you favorite part of the night. you two walk next to eachother, warm hands holding her colder ones. you can't help but daydream and remember the first time you both met, a smile always paints your face thinking about the memories.
the first time you met, karina was actually a loser. hard to believe with the kindness and the beauty she has. she would always sit in the back of the class, one airpod in her ear. but you, you were the it girl of the university. no one couldn’t tell you that you weren’t that girl anyways, you were great in academics, being a fashion designer and as well as the cheerleading captain, and of course you’re pretty.
you were actually thrilled that you were sharing a dorm with another girl, hopefully being able to help her if she had a struggle adjusting, after all this was the first year of uni for you both.
but on the other hand, many thoughts filled karina’s mind. she really hated the fact that she had to be forced to spend years with another person she’s never even met before. she just hoped her roommate was a nice person.
she was starting to overthink, something that she hated as well. she decided to entertain herself to distract herself from all the nervous thoughts that flooded her mind. she went over to the bathroom, already claming her sink. turning on the water before she cups her hands to get the water and splashing her face with cold water, calming herself down which worked. she began walking back to her room until she heard a voice.
“hi! you must be my roomie, nice to meet you.” your voice echoed, making karina turn around to the source of the sound. there was a girl standing with a few of her luggage, her beauty was breath taking.
“sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. i’m y/n!” you softly said, a cute smile on your face.
karina slightly looked down to see your extended arm and an opened hand with freshly painted nails, “hi…i’m karina! nice to meet you, y/n,” her face lifted up into a smile, reaching to meet your hand. her slightly cold hands felt warm from your soft warm hands.
that was the first interaction you ever made. she was a sweetheart from the very beginning, you asked her was her hobbies were and it actually surprised you that she said she really loved basketball. so you told her after school that you wanted to see her hoop.
per usual at the public basketball courts, there were people already playing when you two got there. the two of you watched as one of the teams were struggling to communicate with eachother. really just yelling and arguing more than working together, this caused karina to let out an angry sigh. the main thing about basketball was that it was a team sport, communication is key to the whole game.
just when things were about to get violent, karina stepped in. breaking up the argument with the two girls that were about to throw hands.
just after that, karina joined their team after acting like the captain of the group and getting the team back together. you watched how she passed the ball to her teammates. she set up every opportunity for the team to score much more easily, and communicating with her team. she wasn’t much of a talker so it surprised you how she acted like a different person on the court.
the game ended with karina’s team winning, you were amazed at her talent and passion for the sport you just had to get her to tryout for the official team. from that point on, you two had grew closer and closer, eventually she told you to refer to her by jimin. karina was a name she preferred for people who didn’t know her like that.
“what’s got’cha thinkin’ baby?” you girlfriend teased, noticing that you were daydreaming for a awfully long time. you hadn’t realized that you made it to the car.
“remembering the first moments we had together, we’ve grown so far,” you giggled. hugging the taller girl and staring into her eyes with adoration.
she didn’t say anything but smile back at you, cupping your face and kissing your forehead before opening the car door for you to get in.
the car ride was mostly quiet, the radio playing whatever was trendy while jimin drove back to your shared apartment with her hand resting comfortably on your plush thigh.
when the two of you arrived, she opened the door for you to get out the car before closing it and locking it. you both walked up the apartment stairs, hand in hand. when you both made it to the shared apartment, she opened the door for you once again.
once the door was locked, all the bags she was carrying dropped to the floor with a thud, she pulled you to her room and laid you down on her soft bed. you two continued what was started earlier with her ontop of you. your hands were all over her and vise vera, the two of you sloppily made out. soft moans filling the room from the both of you. the air felt thicker, and soon the two of you parted with a gasp and the string of spit that connected your lips together broke.
“so pretty baby, so pretty cheering me on the whole night, fuck..look what you do to me baby.” she grunted. she started grinding slowly into you, making you feel her hardened cock.
when you both were intimate, usually you were the dominant. it’s like she becomes puddy in your hands and she just wants to watch your fucked-out body on top of hers riding her pretty cock.
“let me do all the work, ‘kay?” she softly says, looking down into your pretty eyes waiting for the confirmation from you.
once she got that confirmation, she immediately went to work by undressing you. she took off your uniform top, throwing it somewhere in the room. she began kissing down your pretty body while undressing you.
she slowly takes off your uniform skirt, along with your protective shorts. she sat right infront of you, spreading your legs and pulling your panties drenched in your slick off, making you whimper at the cool air hitting your pretty cunt.
jimin let out a low ‘fuck’ her mouth began to water at the sight of your drooling cunny squeezing around nothing. she needed to taste you so bad, so she dives in. kitten licking and softly sucking on your lil clit, her mind is already hazy and she’s humping her bed while moaning into your cunt.
her hands lifted your thighs and resting them on her shoulders. she sloppily makes out with your cunt, slurps and moans come from her going down on you. moans and cries rip from your chest, hands frantically moving to grip her head. the tight grip you have on her hair has her moaning into your cunt, you let out the loudest moan you ever made when she starts shaking her head and tongue fucking into your cunt.
“ah, ngh! shit!” your voice is airy and high pitched, back arching and pulling her even more closer to your cunt and grinding yourself on her face as your climax approaches: “ji—ah!—r-right there! c-cumming!”
you came all over her pretty face, she rides you through your intense orgasm. kitten licking your cum-covered cunt and planting kisses to your cunt.
"you did so well for me, sweetheart. think you're ready f'me," jimin praises you. she began to undress herself. she took off her shirt first, unclasping her bra, making her pretty tits bounce. you had the urge to just have her sit on your lap and suck on her perfect tits, that’ll be something for another day.
she stepped out of her sweats and pulled down her boxers, reaching her angry red cock that was oozing with precum.
you never got used to her size, you were gripping onto her hand for dear life as her large cock bullies your tight hole, splitting your quivering cunt in half.
jimin started littering your face in kisses before slipping her tongue inside your mouth. the way her cock slid back in forth inside your twitching walls while her cock head bullies your cervix had you moaning into her mouth and gripping on her sheets.
she pulled away from your mouth and put your legs on her shoulders before leaning in closer to you to where your foreheads are almost touching, folding your body in half and in a mating press. she angles her cock with your hole before slamming down into you.
a loud whimper rips from your chest and a airy moan comes from jimin. you were so far gone, drool began seeping out your mouth and your eyes were rolled back while she kept pounding into your tight cunt.
“shit—doin s-so well for me baby, look so pretty like this,” jimin praised you, rolling her pelvis into your cunny and pinching your nipples.
tears began blinding your vision and your moans turned into squeals when jimin’s cock hits your sweet spot. you began to shake violently before you squirted all over jimin and her bed, blacking out in the process.
the view of you below her cumming undone has her pounding quicker into your cunt, desperate for release. it didn’t help that your unconscious self began squeezing her cock, making her moan loudly before she’s filling you up with her warm seed and some spilling out from how much she came.
you don’t know long you were out for but your eyes fluttered open to being laid on top of jimin in freshly new clothes and freshly new bed sheets.
“welcome back, pretty. might’ve went a little overboard.” jimin speaks, apologizing for her behavior earlier.
“noo, s’okay i loved it,” your voice was groggy from earlier, making the two of you giggle, “i’ll get you some tea.” jimin says before slipping out of bed and going to the kitchen.
you know you’ve got the best girlfriend in the world.
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wynnyfryd · 8 months
Trailer Park Steve AU part 3
part 1 | part 2
(tw: guns, accidental death)
Robin’s already in full panic mode by the time Steve pulls up to her place, flinging the passenger door open and throwing herself into the car with so much force that the car bounces on its wheels a little. “Drive!!”
“Jesus Christ, good morning to you, too.”
Steve starts to drive.
Beside him, Robin flips the visor down to look at her reflection; groans and scrubs her hands down her face in misery at whatever she sees. Steve doesn’t really get it. He thinks she looks beautiful, with her hair gently moving in the breeze from the open window, with her freckles lit up by the early morning sun.
“Ugh,” she says, turning to look at him, “I can’t believe I look like a zombie and you’re gonna make me late to the first day of school.”
“Wow.” Fuckin’ ingrate. And when he was just being so nice to her in his head. “How about a thank you, huh? ‘Thanks for picking me up, Steve. Thanks for bringing my backpack, Steve. Sorry you almost got shanked by your neighbor, Steve.’”
“You what???”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Um, yes it very much does matter, what the—”
“—I’m just saying, a little gratitude? Wouldn’t hurt you.”
He licks at the corner of his mouth, spritzes wiper fluid to clear the bugs off the windshield. Robin’s eyes are bulging out of her head, but he really doesn’t want to talk about how he still feels the ghost press of steel against his throat, so: “You’re not even right, by the way; I don’t know why you’re complaining.”
“School started yesterday. I’m making you late for the second day of school.”
“Yesss,” she draws the word out like he’s stupid, rolling her wrist in a hurry up and get it motion, “but everyone knows that syllabus day doesn’t count. The first pep rally is the real first day of school.”
Ah, there it is.
Steve steals another peek at his best friend while they’re on a straightaway, notes the nervous twitch of her hands as she goes back to fussing at her reflection; the way she’s clumping her lashes together with seven coats too many of some drugstore brand mascara. She’s wearing lipstick. “This is about Vick—”
“—Don’t talk about—”
“—It’s about Vickie, isn’t it?”
“Ughhhhh.” Robin folds forward and thunks her head against the dash. “Fine, okay? Fine! Yes! This may have something to do with a distressingly cute fellow marching band member. Are you happy now?”
“Oooh, big word for you, Steven.” She swats him on the shoulder, face all twisted up in offense. “Stop laughing!”
“Stop hitting me,” he laughs. “I’ll dump your ass out on this highway.”
She gasps and narrows her eyes at him. “You wouldn’t.”
Steve eases his foot onto the brake.
“Okay, okay! Mercy! I’m being an asshole, alright? I’m sorry. I’m just— I’m stressed! Being gay is very stressful.”
The knife incident pops back into his mind. “Yeah,” he mutters, “I imagine it is.”
He catches himself slouching down into his seat a bit when they pull up to the school. Has to force himself to sit upright, hears his mother’s tutting in his ear about bad posture and the message it projects to the world.
It’s not that he’s embarrassed to be here; really, he isn’t. He’s just hoping to avoid being spotted by the nuggets now that they go here, too, lest he be accosted for evading his chauffeur duties.
Dustin’s nerd shit is infecting his brain.
Robin grabs her bag out of the back seat, plants a parting peck on Steve’s cheek as she gets out of the car. “See you later?”
“Yeah, I’ll pick you up for work.”
“Love you, dingus.”
And then he’s alone again.
With Robin gone, Steve finds himself driving. Wandering and aimless, like a ghost who doesn’t know he’s gone. It’s not like he has nothing to do — he’s supposed to be out finding a second job, finding a way to support himself and his mom, because he’s the man of the house now. Because his life has turned into one of those shitty, overcomplicated word problems from math class.
If a recently widowed mother works no hours and her minimum-wage son works as many as Family Video will allow, how much mold-riddled dogshit housing can they afford?
Not much.
Inevitably, he finds himself circling the scorched bones of Starcourt, driving tired loops around the barbed wire perimeter. His ghost likes to guide him here; can’t shake the place where he shook off the mortal coil.
He didn’t know it at the time, but Steve Harrington died the day the mall burned down. Embarrassing, to not hear the death knell as his family name went up in smoke.
It was hard to hear much at all that night, between the concussion and the fireworks and the shrieking of a monster being torn apart, but the memory caresses his mind now in cruel whispers: the headrush of victory; the blood and the sweat; the relief that they’d won, they’d done it, it’s over, they won.
Steve tugs at his bad ear ‘til the ringing subsides.
Some fucking grand prize.
The thing is, you can’t go around exploding an eldritch horror without alerting the US government, and the US government can’t go around letting major investors in a hostile commie invasion keep their assets once they find out about their treasonous schemes. It happened fast: the arrest, the bail, the impending trial and the seizure of property. Richard Harrington was once a small town god on an invisible throne, making deals with devils in shadowy boardrooms, and suddenly he was looking at life in a cell.
Maybe it was a blessing he died before his reckoning was due. Maybe it was no accident at all.
The second, and perhaps more important, thing is: stray bullets don’t care about your looming court date.
Dad had a habit of cleaning his guns while he was drunk, nursing a whiskey in one hand while he polished the gleaming barrels with the other. Pointless, really, because the guns were always pristine to begin with. Dick Harrington didn’t hunt. Didn’t shoot. Claimed the pistol was for home defense, that he kept it loaded in case anyone ever tried to hurt his family, but Steve knew the truth.
His dad just liked to flirt with death. Liked to handle pretty, deadly things, stroke his fingers over ruthless metal and feel the rush of power when he walked away unscathed.
He didn’t walk away that night.
Didn’t even face death standing.
Sliced through his femoral artery and rolled right out of his chair.
They found him lying on the ground in a dark, sticky puddle, gasping like a fish as blood spurted from his thigh. Crazy how fast it happened. Steve had been in his room when the shot rang out, and he barely managed to reach the bottom of the stairs before the gurgling noises stopped. Just boom! whizz! bang! and Dick Harrington was gone.
Maybe it’s a good thing, too, that they lost the house.
The image of his mother in the hallway that night — shellshocked in the doorway, one pale hand shaking in front of her open mouth, features wide and wet with waking horror as she stared into the room — was enough to make him never want to step foot in the place again.
So now they live in a rundown piece of shit on the wrong side of town, with hideous burnt orange carpet and wood paneled walls, with cracks in the ceiling and cigarette burns in the walls, some parting gifts from whatever feral hick lived there before them, and it feels like another cruel, cosmic joke. Like the universe is delighting in the Harringtons’ comeuppance; like the blackened beams and brick rubble of Starcourt are all twisting to form one great, mocking mouth; the better to smile and laugh at their misfortune.
You bought your bed, now you have to lie in it.
He didn’t even know that the Harringtons owned Forest Hills until it was the only asset left to their name.
He’s pretty sure his dad bought it more as a joke than a genuine investment. Meant to teach Steve a lesson, like how he used to bring home Waffle House applications whenever Steve got a C on a report card. This is your future if you don’t straighten up, son.
Kill yourself, dad.
Oh, wait.
You already did.
part 4
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supernovafics · 4 months
With your I’ll be there for you series would you be interested in writing about Steve discovering that he has feelings for reader? I think it would be sweet for him to just find even the silliest things she does cute and then him having a little melt down because he realised he’s liked her along. The series is such a great idea! 💭
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"i'll be there for you" universe masterlist
pairing: bestfriend!roommate!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 4.4k words
warnings: explicit language, alcohol consumption, drunk!steve, mentions of steve's dad being shitty, angst
summary: in which steve’s drunk and you don’t hesitate to cancel a date to take care of him
author's note: thanks for the request! probably from the moment i started this series/universe i knew that i wanted to have steve realize his feelings first so this request was quite literally perfect for that lol. this is slightly “while you were sleeping” by laufey inspired hence the title. the slow burn is finally starting to come to an end !! (i’m both happy and sad about that lmao) anyways enjoy<3333
general note: everything in this universe/series can be read as standalone oneshots but to understand the full “lore” it would prob be best to read the other stuff too<333
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Winter 1986
You were in the middle of debating between a black skirt and a brown plaid one that Robin convinced you to buy when you two went thrifting just a few days ago when the phone rang.
Leaving both options on your bed, you went to the kitchen to answer it, bottomless aside from the stockings you had already put on because of the cold late February weather. 
“Steve?” You recognized his voice for the most part, but he sounded a little different. A little far away, like he was calling from the oldest phone in the universe.
“Oh, hey.” The way he said the simple two words both confused and amused you because it sounded as if he didn’t expect you to be the person on the other end of the line. 
You laughed a bit. “‘Oh, hey’? Don’t sound so disappointed. You called me.”
“I know. Sorry. I meant to call Eddie,” He said, and it was then that you heard what should’ve been obvious from the moment he said “Hello” to you— the way his words weren’t necessarily slurry, just slower than usual. 
He was drunk, and you now recognized the voice that you had become so used to hearing since Steve’s sixteenth birthday when he snuck his dad’s whiskey and you both only had two shots of it before feeling it fully. 
“Why would you call him? Aren’t you two together right now?” You asked, your confusion taking precedence over the amusement you felt in this moment. 
Earlier that day, before you left the apartment to head to your twelve o’clock class, he told you that he was going to tag along with Robin, Vickie, and Eddie to some art show thing after his shift that night at Family Video; you would’ve gone too if you didn’t already have plans for the night. 
“Also, I didn’t know that you could get drunk at an art show,” You added. “I’ll definitely make sure to go next time.” 
“I didn’t go with them,” He told you, and before you could ask where he was, he answered the unspoken question. “I’m actually at a bar right now.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed. “What? Why?” 
“Very long story. Dad shit. What else is new, right?” Steve answered with a breath of a laugh. 
He made his words sound lighthearted and as if whatever happened didn’t really affect him, but you, of course, didn’t see it that way. Without even being with Steve right then, standing in front of him and reading his facial expressions, you still saw through what he was trying to play off as “no big deal.” You’d known him more than long enough to know that anything involving his dad was usually always serious. And whatever shitty things his dad said to him this time around drove Steve to a bar rather than back here to the apartment to frustratingly rant to you, and that only worried you. 
“Which bar are you at?” You asked softly. 
“The only place in town, other than The Hideout, that doesn’t card,” He said and then immediately continued. “But, wait, don’t come here, though. I don’t want you to come get me. That’s why I was trying to call Eddie. I know you have your date tonight.”
Just for a second— actually, probably the entire time you’d been talking to Steve— you’d forgotten about the date, forgotten about the reason why you’d just been debating which skirt to wear, forgotten about what you were supposed to leave for in twenty minutes. And that slightly surprised you because, for the last couple of days, you’d been really excited about it. 
Meeting Jamie felt like a sort of “meet cute” moment that was straight out of a romcom, one that you probably would’ve laughed at because of how cheesy it was. You bumped into him in the hallway on the floor of your apartment. He was your neighbor’s, Miss Johnson’s, nephew, and you learned that even though he went to a college about an hour away, he was trying to visit her more often. He had been in the middle of leaving when you saw him, and you gave a friendly wave and smile at first and he started a conversation with you. You two then spent an hour talking in the hallway before you headed inside your apartment to start studying for a test and he asked for your number, which led to more long conversations over the next few days until he asked you on a date. 
In a way, it startled you how giddy you found yourself feeling about him after only those few days, how easily and quickly you liked him. It was the first crush that you had in a while that didn’t feel completely hopeless. 
But now all of that was the last thing on your mind. It quickly became pushed to the side because you knew that your best friend needed you.
You shook your head in this moment even though Steve couldn’t see you. “No, it’s okay, I’ll come.” 
“No, don’t, don’t. I’ll just call Eddie.”
He’s probably not home right now, was what you wanted to tell Steve, but you refrained from doing so at that moment. Instead, you said, “I’ll call him for you.”
The drunken sigh in relief Steve let out was immediate. “Okay, thanks, I don’t think I have any more change for this payphone, anyway.”
“Okay, just stay put and stop drinking.”
“The bartender already cut me off.”
“Good,” You said before saying a final goodbye to him and hanging up. 
You then picked the phone up again to dial a different number. You, of course, didn’t attempt to call Eddie and you instead called Jamie. He was completely understanding when you told him that you had to cancel the date because of an emergency, and he said that you two could do the dinner and movie on a different night, which you quickly agreed on. 
You put on the brown plaid skirt— quickly deciding that it looked better with the white top you were wearing, anyway— before slipping on a pair of shoes and grabbing your coat, shoving your car keys and wallet into the pockets, and then leaving the apartment. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
The drive to Webster’s took less than fifteen minutes and the current emptiness of it didn’t surprise you that much. From the handful of times that you’d gone to the place with Steve, Eddie, and Robin, it became a known fact that things didn’t become “lively” until after ten, and it was currently only a little after nine. 
You spotted Steve sitting on a stool at the counter, head down in his folded arms. You sat in the empty seat next to him and tapped the side of his shoulder until he sat up and looked at you. 
“Glad to know you’re alive, Harrington.” 
He smiled at you and you gave him a small smile back, he must have forgotten that he’d told you not to come to the bar. 
“I feel barely alive, actually.”
“Still counts.” 
Steve only looked at you for a moment, taking notice of what you were wearing beneath your unzipped coat. 
“You look nice,” He said and then seemed to realize something and his smile dropped. “Wait, shit, your date. You shouldn’t be here right now.”
“It’s fine. We’re just gonna reschedule it.” 
“I’m sorry.”
You shook your head at him. “No, don’t be. It’s just a first date, anyway. Your drunk ass needing a ride home is obviously more important than that.” 
Steve laughed a bit. “I guess I’ll take that as a compliment?” 
“Yes, you should,” You told him and then watched with furrowed brows as he went to grab the short glass that was in front of him, half full of some dark liquor. He was about to finish what was left in the glass, but you grabbed it from him before he could. “Steve.”
“I still had this from before I called you. I can’t finish it?”
“No, because if you end up throwing up in my car on the drive home, I will have to murder you.”
You looked away from him before he could say anything in response to that and waved at Barry, the usual bartender that you became on a first name basis with after your third time going to Webster’s. Since it was the farthest thing from busy right then, he immediately walked over to you two. 
“Hey, Barry, can he have some water?”
He nodded and filled up a glass, sliding it over to Steve and then looking at you. “Glad to see you here. He’s looked like a sad little lost puppy for the past hour.”
Steve stopped mid-sip to scoff. “That’s very not true.”
“Sorry, but I think I have to believe the only other sober person here,” You said and only smiled at the second annoyed scoff he let out, which was hard to take seriously because of his current drunkenness. 
Barry got called over by a group of people that just walked in and you silently watched Steve take a few sips from his glass. When he set it down, you lightly nudged his knee with yours. “Do you wanna talk about what happened with your dad?” 
Steve simply sighed at first. “He came to Family Video today and went on this huge rant about me and what I’m doing with my life. He thinks my job is shit, and even me going to school part-time isn’t enough. He thinks I’m such a loser in comparison to his friend’s kids who are actually “doing things with their lives.””
You frowned and shook your head. “Fuck him.”   
“Cheers to that,” Steve said with a small laugh and held up his glass of water for a second. “He also said that he wants to set me up with this job at his friend’s insurance company, and I immediately said no to that. I’m still not entirely sure what I wanna do yet, but I know it’s not that— some stupid fucking desk job. Especially not one that’s just given to me by my dad.” 
“He’s an idiot,” You told Steve. “And also his bullshit is not at all worth the hangover you’ll have in the morning.” 
“You might be right about that,” He responded, eyes fixed on his now half-empty glass of water and a small amused smile on his face. “But, it felt good for a second.” 
You poked his arm so that he would look at you. “You could’ve talked to me about all of that instead of coming here.” 
“I didn’t wanna mess up your date by coming home and talking to you about all of this sad shit. I knew that you’d just worry about me and probably not go,” He mumbled. “And I feel like a dumbass for still messing it up.”
“It’s okay. Seriously. Honestly,” You told him and then playfully smiled as you said your next words. “And you know that I would tell you if it wasn’t okay. I’d definitely hold this over you for at least a week, and force you to clean out Harold’s cage and do my laundry that’s been building up for the past week and a half. But you’re drunk and sad, and I’m way too nice to make you do any of those things.” 
He laughed at that, which made you smile wider. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome,” You said before you stood up from the stool you’d been sitting in. “Now, come on, let’s get out of here before it starts getting crowded. Can you walk okay?” 
Steve only nodded in response, which was a nonverbal answer that you weren’t sure if you completely trusted, so you stood close to him as he also got up and pulled some cash out of his back pocket and placed it on the counter. 
He then waved at Barry, and you were certain that he probably didn’t mean for it to be so animated and comical, but it very much looked that way. “Goodnight, Barry.”
The bartender laughed a bit when he looked over at you and Steve. “‘Night, guys.” 
Steve started heading toward the door first and you followed just a few steps behind him. When he stumbled a bit before even making it out of the door, you grabbed his hand and moved closer to him so that he could drape his arm around your shoulders, and then one of yours circled around his waist. 
Leading him to your car was a feat in itself, but once he was settled in the passenger seat and you started driving, he rolled his window down completely and had it like that during the entire ride even though it was freezing cold outside, and that was worse than dealing with his stumbling.
When you made it to the apartment building, his balance was actually a bit more coherent so you didn’t need to do more than just hold his hand during the entire walk to the elevators and then down the hallway to the apartment.
You dragged him to your room and he sighed in contentment when he sat down on the side of your bed; he always liked your mattress better than his own for some reason. 
“Wait, don’t fall asleep yet,” You told him before heading over to his room and grabbing a random t-shirt and basketball shorts from one of his drawers. “Here, put this on. I know you’d be mad at me if I let you fall asleep in those jeans.” 
“Thanks,” He mumbled with a yawn as you handed the clothes over to him, and then you went to the kitchen as he started changing. 
You filled a mug with water and then pulled open the drawer that had the bottle of aspirin in it. Neither you nor Steve were really sure why it lived there instead of in one of your bathrooms, where it probably should’ve been, but you two also didn’t make any effort to move it.  
Steve was already asleep and under the covers when you walked back into your room, and you placed the mug and aspirin on the nightstand on his side. You changed into your own pajamas for the night, which simply consisted of an old baggy t-shirt and shorts, before settling in on your side of the bed. 
It was still pretty early for a Friday night, barely even ten o’clock, but you didn’t mind going to bed because you were actually a little tired. Steve was turned and facing away from you, but you still watched him and his even breathing for a bit, making sure he was okay before you quickly drifted off to sleep yourself. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Steve didn’t know what time it was when he woke up, but he could tell that it was pretty early because he could see the just sun starting to rise. 
The other things he quickly noticed were that he was in your bed and he had a pounding headache, which was a little confusing at first, but then all of what happened last night started coming back to him. 
The shit with his dad, the bar, the accidental phone call to you, and then you coming to the bar and bringing him home— he remembered it all. 
With a soft groan, Steve slowly sat up in bed, doing his best not to wake you, and then reached over to grab the water and aspirin you left out for him. 
He took the medicine and drank most of the water and then laid back down, turning on his side to face you. Your head was against the pillow and even breaths fell from your slightly parted lips. You looked so peaceful like this, he decided, so pretty.  
Steve thought about you and Jamie, and how happy you had been when you talked about him. Steve also knew how excited you’d been about the date, and even though you had told him that it was okay that you had to cancel it last night, he still felt a little bad about it all. 
He knew that you would probably do anything for him, and that was completely mutual. If the roles had been reversed last night, Steve wouldn’t have thought twice about canceling a date to go pick you up from some dumb bar. And making those sorts of sacrifices for one another never felt like a question, it just always felt like the obvious thing to do. 
It didn’t completely make sense at first, but somehow it was that simple and crystal clear thought that managed to shift something deep down inside of him— it harshly drew the line between best friends and something more. And Steve quickly realized exactly which side he lay on.
Which was confusing because the lines of where your friendship began and ended had always felt so unquestionable— you and him were best friends; nothing more, nothing less. 
But it was different now, it changed, and it was this moment that told him that it actually had been that way for a while; probably since you two moved into the apartment. 
Starting from that day in August your lives became even more intertwined with one another— which didn’t feel entirely possible because of how close you’d been for so long— but it was true. He hadn’t realized how blurry the lines had been getting since then. 
Since you two started beginning your days and ending them in the same home. Since so many nights became spent in each other’s beds; nothing more happening than sleeping and late night talking, but still. Since you two got Harold only a few weeks into living in the apartment, and you both immediately fell into your unserious parental roles in the hamster’s life. Since an unspoken early morning weekend routine fell into place where Steve would make coffee and toast and you’d do the eggs and bacon. Since you two became something equivalent to a married couple that had been together for at least twenty years. 
And then Steve realized that actually maybe this something more had always been there— maybe it had always been so fucking obvious. 
He thought back to the end of Senior year when you two went to each other’s proms and slow danced at the end of the night because you both thought it would be funny, but those moments actually turned into something really sweet and wholesome; and you’d both think back on it during the most randomest of times. 
And then he also thought about smaller things, the parts of your personality that made him feel so goddamn lucky to know you. How you always fiddled with the radio and never settled on a station for longer than a few minutes during perhaps any car ride where Steve was the one driving; something that you’d been doing since the day he got his driver's license and you two went on your first solo car ride together. How pretty much anything you did would only make him smile and playfully roll his eyes or make fun of you. 
Steve wasn’t entirely sure why he was having this sort of “epiphany moment” right here, right now, in your bed as he looked at you peacefully sleeping next to him. 
It, of course, stemmed from you canceling something that he had known you’d been looking forward to for the last couple of days to instead take care of him, he could recognize that. But, what made that so different from everything else you’d done for each other over the years? 
He immediately thought that maybe there was no one straight answer to that question because it wasn’t about what was different. Instead, it was about all of those other moments too. They had slowly built upon each other until it came to this one on this February morning— nine years into your friendship and six and a half months into you two living together— and Steve could finally recognize what it all had meant, and he was ready to accept the truth for what it was too. 
He liked you. More than liked, actually. He loved you, he was in love with you. 
But, you were also his best friend, the most important person in his life, and he didn’t want to be the reason that that ever got messed up. And that thought was what made him finally look away from you and mutter out a soft, “Fuck.”
Steve quickly got out of the bed, and he was surprised, but also completely grateful, that his quick and hasty movements didn’t manage to stir you awake. 
He left your room and went to the kitchen. It was early and he probably should’ve been trying to get a few more hours of sleep, but he wasn’t tired anymore. 
The realization was the only thing on his mind— in a matter of seconds, it managed to completely consume it. 
Everything else that had been happening the past few months finally made complete sense; Steve saw it all in a different way. He now understood why he couldn’t picture any sort of future with Vanessa when he went out with her a few times back in December even though he really did like her, and why he couldn’t see anything with anyone he went out with. Because deep down, he knew that he could only see that with you. It made sense why his dating life had been in such a rut lately and why he didn’t particularly mind it all that much.
When you two would jokingly say that you both were completely okay with ending up “alone together forever,” he realized now that from his side of things, deep down, it had never been a joke. And he wondered if it was the same way for you. 
In an ideal world, the answer would be yes. But, things only felt confusing, and if he was being a thousand percent honest with himself, he didn’t know if that answer was yes in this world.
Steve knew that you really liked Jamie, even in such a short amount of time, so that couldn’t mean that you had any sort of feelings for him. Right? Or maybe you just hadn’t had your own “epiphany moment” yet? Should he tell you about his? Should he tell you about any of what just hit him in the past ten minutes? 
His brain felt as if it was going to fucking explode with all of the questions circling his mind right then, and the coffee he was making failed to distract his thoughts from everything. 
He came to the quick decision that he wouldn’t tell you what he was feeling; it would just be easier that way. There wouldn’t be any way for him to potentially fuck things up between you two if he simply ignored what he was feeling. It was easy to imagine how drastically your friendship would change if he told you everything and you didn’t feel the same. Therefore, he could push it all away to make sure that nothing changed for the worse.
When the coffee was done, he poured some into a fresh mug and took a long sip. Any other time, he couldn’t really stand straight black coffee, but the bitterness tasted good for once; he decided to focus on that instead of anything else. 
Steve wasn’t sure how long he had been leaning back against the counter and sipping from his mug before you came out of your room. It could’ve been one minute or ten; right then, time felt as if it was moving both slow and fast. 
“Hey,” You said, giving him a small smile and rubbing the tiredness out of your eyes. “I’m surprised you’re up already. I definitely expected you to be passed out until at least ten.” 
It felt equivalent to a light switch flipping how quickly Steve felt affected by your smile and simply you in that moment. He’d probably seen you like this a million times before— just waking up and still in your now wrinkled pajamas from the night— but it felt entirely different now. And that was when he knew how fucked he was. 
“Yeah, I, uh, I woke up and couldn’t, um, go back to sleep… So, yeah, just came out here. Made some, um, coffee,” He ultimately responded and then inwardly sighed at how flustered he was right then. He let out a quick laugh. “Sorry, blame the hangover for my inability to say sentences right now.” 
If that was how he was going to act around you from now on, he knew that trying to keep this a secret was probably the most unrealistic idea ever. 
You laughed a bit and nodded, seemingly unfazed by his awkwardness right then, and opened up the fridge. “You think you can stomach eggs and bacon?” 
“Yes to the bacon, but I think I should play it safe and say no to the eggs.” 
“Makes sense,” You said, closing the fridge after grabbing the bacon. You placed the pack on the counter near the stove and then looked at Steve. “You feeling better about all of that dad shit?”
It was almost comical how even though it had been the reason for everything that happened last night, the conversation he had with his dad was the farthest thing from his mind now. 
“I’m good, actually.” 
“Good,” You said, smiling at him and then reaching out to grab his hand and give it a light reassuring squeeze; which, unknown to you, made his heart feel as if it was going to somersault out of his chest. “Remember, the next time this happens, come to me and we both can get drunk here for free. Or we can just run away and join the circus, or whatever it was we agreed on when we were twelve.” 
Steve only nodded and gave you a small smile in response because it felt as if that was all he could do at that moment. If he attempted to say anything, he felt like his words would’ve started or ended with, “I’m in love with you.” 
He changed his decision then. He knew that he had to tell you everything because it wouldn’t be easy to simply bury it down and ignore it. There was no way that he’d be able to keep this from you, at least not for a long time, it was already swallowing him whole. And although he had no idea when or how he would tell you the truth, he made a quick promise to himself that he would do it. 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
let me know ur thoughts<333
(requests are open for stuff you wanna see in the universe/series!🫶🏾)
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barcaatthemoon · 11 days
priorities || barcelona x teen!reader ||
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you being late brings up a lot more problems.
"shit," you swore to yourself. you couldn't be late again, alexia had really been on your ass. there were talks of benching you until you could show the team that you wanted to be there. it wasn't your fault that your parents left you to fend for yourself. their reasoning was that if you wanted to act like an adult, then they'd treat you like one. it didn't matter that you weren't old enough to drive yourself anywhere like to practice.
you were a sweating mess by the time that you had gotten to the stadium. the last four blocks from the bus stop to work had been sprinted. you hated having to make that trek normally, but it was even worse whenever the weather was as hot as it was. all you could do was get ready and hope that jona didn't want to talk to you privately.
"nena, where have you been?" all of the team was staring at you as you made your way onto the field. you searched for alexia's eyes and immediately wished that you hadn't. she was looking at you with a look of pure disappointment, like you had completely disregarded her last lecture to you.
"(y/n), come with me," alexia told you. her tone was stern, nearly as much as her expression. you were practically shaking in your boots as you followed her away from everybody else. if she would have just pulled you to the sidelines, it wouldn't have been so bad, but alexia walked you fully away from the field over to the tunnels.
"alexia, before you start, i'm sorry," you apologized. alexia didn't even acknowledge what you said, which you knew meant that she was angry with you. you shrunk back before she even started yelling at you, glancing over towards where the other players were barely visible on the field.
"that does not mean anything to me when you continue to arrive at practice late. how many times do we have to talk about this? before when you played it was for fun, but this is your job. you aren't just here to practice and play in games, there are more responsibilities that come with being a member of the senior team. i am done with babying you, so until you can prove that you're willing to do what is needed like arriving on time, you are on your own." alexia didn't once raise her voice. she walked away from you and back to the field. you stood there with your lip trembling as tears began to fall down your cheeks.
you just barely managed to compose yourself before you joined the team on the field. jona made you run laps while they did their scrimmage games. during lunch, you sat by yourself. alexia was usually your lunch partner, but you assumed that she wanted nothing to do with you.
"hola, nena," irene greeted you. none of the girls liked seeing you sit and eat alone, but irene was the only one alexia wouldn't get onto for sitting with you during your punishment. if anything, alexia trusted her to lecture you as well.
"hola irene," you mumbled. you didn't look up from your plate of food, which you had been pushing around for the past 20 minutes. there were only ten or so minutes left before you had to move on to watch film and go to the gym, but you couldn't bring yourself to take a single bite.
"you should eat. you ran a lot in practice and we're going to the gym later. it would make me and some of the other girls feel a lot better if you would try to take a few bites," irene said. you glanced up at her, which was a mistake. almost immediately, tears returned to your eyes. you practically sprinted out of there to avoid letting them see you cry.
none of the girls came after you. alexia did a good job of keeping everybody away from you while you all watched film. you had your little notepad to take notes, mostly on your opponents since you already didn't get much playing time. a few of the younger girls kept staring at you, and several times you found yourself meeting vicky or jana's gaze.
the gym wasn't much better. you kept your head down and only used machines so that you didn't need a spotter. you kept to areas where nobody else was, and any time that you thought someone was approaching you, you'd leave. once you finished your required reps in the gym, you went out to the field, knowing that you had to run laps after everything.
there wasn't anybody watching you on the field when you first got out there, but slowly, more and more of the girls filed out to the seats to watch you. you didn't pay any attention to any of them. you wanted them to leave so that you could get home, but they didn't budge. and so, you kept running and running. at least an hour had to have passed, possibly more before your body started to forcibly slow down.
"nena!" mapi called out as she watched you drop down to your knees. you had been mid-run, and while it didn't look like a blowout, mapi was paranoid. she took off in a sprint towards you, as did most of the backline that you had been playing with. "are you okay? where does it hurt?"
"mapi, back up, give her some space," alexia said. at that, mapi shot up and lunged at her captain. it took everybody except for lucy getting between them to keep them away from each other. alexia was pulled away from you completely while lucy dropped down to check on you.
"hey kiddo, just breathe for me, okay? can you breathe with me?" lucy asked. she motioned for you to inhale and exhale with her slowly. everybody had been so caught up with the thought of you being injured that they hadn't really checked on you until lucy. she got you sitting up, which was when you clung to her in a hug.
"i was so scared. i just stopped breathing," you told her. there was no holding back your tears. you sobbed openly into lucy's shirt. the medics were waved off, but they left a bottle of water and some options for a snack with the girls on the pitch. "i don't know what happened."
"you overexerted yourself. it's been a busy day for you, and patri mentioned that you looked a little tired when you got here. did you sleep okay last night?" lucy asked you.
"i slept fine," you promised her. lucy ran through a little checklist of questions before marta interrupted her.
"how did you get here nena?" marta asked. at that, you glanced down at your hands and mumbled out the truth. you hoped that none of them would hear you and drop it, but that wasn't the case.
"speak up." this time, it was irene's stern voice that forced it out of you. there was a gentleness to it that alexia's lacked, which was why you repeated yourself for them in the first place.
"i took the bus, then walked," you answered. you weren't proud of admitting it, knowing how dumb that was. irene and marta's faces dropped at your words. they knew how far your home was from the first bus station, and then the other four blocks was not exactly light travel.
"if you ever need a ride anywhere, you tell one of us, got it?" marta leaned in and cradled your face in her hands. "i don't care if it is for something stupid, you call someone."
"yes ma'am," you said quietly. there was still a bit of wheezing when you breathed, but you had pretty much stopped crying. "i'm not in trouble am i?"
"not for this nena, not for this," irene said. she left you to go talk to jona and alexia. patri and pina offered to take you back with them, promising that the three of you could have a fun sleepover with vicky and jana if you were up to it. you were in the locker room changing when alexia came up to you again.
"(y/n), there are some things that i would like to say to you," alexia said. she seemed nervous, which threw you for a loop. you were so used to alexia being confident and sure of herself.
"go ahead," you muttered quietly.
"i am sorry for being so harsh on you earlier. that isn't fair to you, and i will work to be better in the future. irene informed me of how you've been getting to practice, and i figured that your house is not too far from my apartment complex. if you are okay with it, i would like to pick you up for practice. we may need to come in a bit early some days, but i have full confidence that one day you will have captain duties." alexia cracked a small smile at you, one that helped relax you a little. "you don't have to, but it would mean a lot to me if you accepted my apology."
"i do," you said quietly. a part of you was just doing it because she was your captain and you didn't want alexia to be mad at you. still, you appreciated that alexia sought you out to apologize for being so strict with you earlier.
"nena, are you ready?" pina asked as she poked her head into the locker room. her eyes fell to alexia, and pina stepped fully into the locker room ready to square up with her captain. "is she bothering you, nena?"
"it's fine, pina. ale was just apologizing. let's go, i want to take a nap before vicky's parents drop her off," you said. pina helped you carry your bag out to patri's car. both women kept a close eye on you, seeing you as their responsibility to look after. you were like their child, not that any of you would say it to one another.
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