#vickie had to cook dinner
maddykomtrikru · 2 years
robin most definitely starts listening to mary on a cross and has no idea what the lyrics mean and the idiot lesbian that she is, sings it all the damn time loudly.
it almost beats careless whisper with how much they play it and it isnt until vickie being the little shit she is, tells robin and they are HORRIFIED.
nancy holds her hand and they ignore vickie the rest of the day while vickie just laughs at her
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pelova4president · 3 months
Shadows are to protect III
Alessia Russo x Putellas!Reader
Victoria Pelova x Putellas!Reader
shadows are to protect I, II, IV
summary~ Victoria has been nothing but good to you but somehow you find a way to ruin everything
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You picked the dead plants up and carried them into your kitchen that was still covered in white flour. Surely you could bring them back to life right. They just needed a little more loving and they’d come back. A little water and some sunlight.
You were puzzled by Alessia’s reaction. She didn’t want you, she made that very clear. But why was she so upset about it. Okay yeah, you made sure to show her that you were over her, that you moved on. But she had a boyfriend, she shouldn't even care.
You took a good look at the plants, they were doomed. In some way they were just like humans. They needed to be taken care of, they need love, light and water. They can't survive on their own, at least not long. Some can, like a cactus. But even they can't remain alive like that forever.
You've been doing most things by yourself, until Alessia. She was your water and sun until she wasn't. And you had held yourself up after but you couldn't keep doing that forever so you'd gone to your sister and then Vicky came along. And Victoria didn't just give you water and sun, she took care of you. And maybe that was the difference between the two of your teammates. One cared for you and the other pretended to.
Victoria was there for you when you needed her and she actually liked being around you. Alessia loved the idea of you, she was there whenever she wanted you. Not when you wanted her. It was a hard pill to swallow but it was the truth. You've been romanticizing this idea of Alessia Russo, the goalscorer, the golden girl, the fucking winner.
And the fucking worst of it all was that you still cared for her.
You fell into a new routine in the upcoming weeks. Victoria insisted on driving you to training even though she was clumsy in her car, maybe even more than Alessia. She'd buy you coffee on the way to training and you'd kiss her thank you every time. It was nice, she was nice.
Victoria took you out on dates after games and you'd have little picnic dates after training. You'd make the food and she covered the drinks. The two of you would spent hours playing with puppy’s and talking. You loved the park.
Training was less enjoyable. You got dirty looks from a certain striker and especially when you were with Victoria. Alessia took it upon herself to make trainings a living hell for you. She tackled you harder than was necessary and was throwing you at the ground every chance she got. You were absolutely fucking done with it and so were your teammates.
“God, Alessia what has gotten into you!” Leah scolded the blonde when she made yet another unnecessary hard tackle. “Nothing, just a bad day.” she grumbled. But Leah knew it wasn’t a bad day, she’s been doing this to you for a long time now. “Whatever, keep that out of training okay. No need to injure our own players.” Leah told her. You rolled your eyes at her, why did she have to act like this.
It wasn’t until days later that you spoke Alessia again. She hadn’t reached out since that kiss with Vic. You didn’t try to text her, if she wanted to say something she should be the one reaching out to you.
Vic drove you to Viv and Beth’s house. They planned some kind of victory dinner before the national camps. You were actively trying to get more along with the team since Victoria was close with most of the girls and you knew she’d love it for you if you got closer with them. Viv was like family for her so you tried your best to put your awkward self away to attend a team dinner.
Everything was going fine, Beth welcomed you in and Rona and Myle were happy to see you too. The dinner was amazing, since Viv cooked it for you. It’s been a while since you had a home made meal so it was nice. There were people all over their house talking and eating, it was kind of like team hang outs you had in Barcelona.
Looking around, in search of a Dutch girl’s eyes your eyes caught those of an English player. Her blues were drilling into you. It was hard to ignore the feeling of someones eyes on you, so you didn’t. You stared right back at her and the only reaction you got was a huff and some eye rolling. Jesus, what did she want.
You got up, ready to pour yourself another drink. “Vicky, you want another drink?” you asked the brunette. She was in a conversation with Teyah so she shook her head no. You walked towards their kitchen. The chaotic noise of conversations was still somewhat on the background but the quieter space was still nice.
Filling your wine glass with some water, something Caitlin would take the mick out of later, you leaned into the wall.
You were somewhat in peace until someone bumped into you. Your eyes shot open, “What the fuck?” you groaned. Blue eyes stared back at you, totally unimpressed. “What? Can’t take a little push, just like in training. Grow up man.” Alessia rolled her eyes.
Now you were getting mad. She’s been the one telling you to fuck off, how you were clingy and that she didn’t want you. “What is your fucking problem. I’ve done nothing to you, i stopped bothering you right? Just like how you wanted.” you placed your glass on the counter.
Alessia took a step towards you. “Yeah so you got with my best friend to get back at me. You’re so fucking selfish.” she huffed out.
“Joder, I didn’t do anything to you! I’ve let you do your thing with your boyfriend. I didn’t say anything to anyone about us, just how you’d like that right. I was just your dirty little secret no one should know about.” you walked out. But she captured your wrist before you could take another step.
“I broke up with him weeks ago and when i wanted tell you i saw you.. with Victoria. I wanted to say sorry but then you seemed like you didn’t want it anymore.” she whispered carefully.
It was hard to believe she wanted you, especially after what she had said to you. “Don’t say that, you don’t want to be with me. You made that very clear.” you turned around. Alessia’s brows were knitted together and her eyes were getting glossy. But she did that every time. And every time she got what she wanted, you in her bed by the end of the night. And after, she told you those lies all over again. How she didn’t want you, how nobody could ever want you and the next Saturday she’d look at you with those eyes and you’d fall for it all over again. It wasn’t healthy.
“Alessia, don’t.” you looked at her. But she didn’t take that for an answer and took your head in her hands like she’d done on some many other evenings. But those evenings were in one of your houses, where nobody could see. Her lips touched yours and you didn’t pull away, not fast enough.
You heard someone clear their throat and that pulled you out of your trance. You opened you eyes and saw Vic standing there with an empty glass in hand. “I- i uh i was just getting something to drink but..” her voice trembled.
“Vicky. Vic, i’m sorry but it’s not what you think it is.” you got out of Alessia’s grasp but Victoria was faster. She picked her keys up from the dinner table and walked out of the door.
Alessia watched the scene play out in front of her and placed her hand on your shoulder. You pushed her hand off of you. “Fucking look what you did Alessia! I don’t want you okay, you’re confusing me and i don’t need that. I just want someone that loves me as much as i love them and you clearly don’t” you breathed out. The tears had found an escape in the corners of your eyes and they traveled down your cheeks. You wiped them away angrily and walked out of the door.
Why couldn’t Alessia just leave you alone. You were finally getting along with everyone, you found your person, football was going good but she just couldn’t let you be. You’ve hurt Victoria, the only person that cared about you enough to be there for you.
You took your phone out of your back pocket and called her. No answer.
“Vicky, lo lamento. I didn’t want that. I only want you and our picnic dates, your weird movie choices and your clumsiness. I’m so so sorry. I will explain everything if you give me the chance. Ik hou van jou.” you spoke.
You knew she never listened to her voicemail but it was worth a shot. Maybe she’d listen to it. You had to leave for camp tomorrow and somehow that felt worse than your situation here. You had to pretend everything was fine and you were thriving at Arsenal like always. And you had to leave Victoria, that just wasn’t fair. You don’t get the chance to make it right.
And even though you don’t have a choice in leaving, you want to stay, or even better, disappear.
A/N i don’t know what i’m writing anymore. It seems like the story is only getting more angsty and there has to be another part. Should r just disappear and move or something?
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thestobingirlie · 7 months
I think both Steve and Robin initially *do* have a lil’ bit of ick RE each other being nude/seeing each other as sexual beings - BUT I also think that that is something they’d overcome fairly quickly.
(Robin moreso, actually. Once it really hits her that she can trust Steve, I think her view is very much “you’ve seen plenty of girls naked” and that can useful. Steve is more hesitant *because* he doesn’t want Robin to feel uncomfortable)
They’re best friends! Steve would absolutely want to consult Robin on certain things because she’s so smart (and this, along with the fact she figured her shit out before him, also means he tends to assume that she knows more/everything about lgbt-stuff). Robin would definitely want Steve’s opinion because he’s better at people than her and has more real world experience RE romance.
Also, RE the notebooks; Robin *absolutely* leaves Vickie/her girlfriend instructions on how to look after Steve when she has to go out of town. E.g. he needs to hear he’s objectively beautiful at least once a day. If you can ask him for help with chores or something so he feels useful.
oh yeah, there’s not 100 percent comfort immediately, they’re awkward teens lmao. but i think they find their way there fairly quickly, if only because i imagine they’re pretty honest with each other, and that brings about weird sexual questions haha.
i see it both ways tbh, like steve not wanting to make robin feel uncomfortable, but also robin hasn’t really had any experience with the opposite sex, so i could also see her being a bit more uncomfortable. i guess it just depends.
anyway, yeah, our girl robin is a bit of a hypochondriac. she’s had steve check out moles and weird spots, and a lump on her boob once (steve’s been around more!! surely he should know if something’s wrong lmao!). and who else better to ask awkward sex questions to than your best friend!
robin tells both vickie and steve that they need to check up on the other so they don’t get lonely lmao. it works the first few times, but eventually they figure out she’s putting them both on babysitting duty. but she just worries!!! she likes to know someone’s with them in case of an emergency.
but yeah, she’s got that day to day check up list prepped and ready baby. “he likes to feel useful. he doesn’t like cooking for one, so have dinner together at least a few times. he likes it when you notice if he’s done something new with his hair etc”
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onboardsorasora · 17 days
Ooh for something angsty 5 times Daniel lied about changing his phone number + 1 time he actually changed his phone number
ooh this one was hard bestie
maybe daniel see's lewis leave the club with someone- then ignores his texts for a whole week until lewis asks him about it during race weekend and daniel says he changed his number, but distracted lewis and left before he could ask for the new number
panicking about his decision to leave the team daniel doesnt answer anyones calls and goes on anxious runs and other things to keep him distracted. tells vicky he's sorry he lost his phone and had to change his number. he changed his phone case as well, just in case
daniel goes out with Max for one of their friendly platonic dinners and realized midway through his pizza that hes in love with max. goes to the bathroom and leaves. then ignores max's calls. gets a google voice number sometime later and says he had to get a new number
jenson keeps calling him trying to get him to take the williams seat. its not just that hes calling but he's doing that friend thing that he knows daniel is more upset than he's letting on. daniel blocks his number and claims he needed a new one
when he was on the farm by himself for the first month of post season and he ignored everyones calls while he had a pity party for himself. ate is weight in his parent's cooking and only talked to the kids. He threw his phone into the lake at the edge of the property one night when he was good and drunk and sad for himself.
max showed up four days later in perth and took care of him. he ordered a new phone when daniel was sleeping and a new sim card with an actual new number
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 8 months
Rovickie sounds a lot like 'Go, Vickie' and I will be chanting that when they become endgame. When Robin and Vickie share a celebratory kiss, I imagine Steve starts to chant 'go Vickie' and then Eddie joins in with a dance routine to match. Vickie starts giggling.
"Oh god," Robin said with an embarrassing grin. "Please stop."
"They're so funny," Vickie laughed.
"Don't encourage them, Vickie," Robin said as she tried to shield her eyes.
"You guys are very cute. How long have you two been dating?" Vickie asked, dodging Robin's hands.
"They're not dating," Robin scoffed. "They're just idiots."
"Yeah, we're not - ," Steve started to say.
"Definitely not," Eddie snorted.
"Hey, what do you mean by that? I'm a great catch," Steve said.
"Do you want to go out with me?" Eddie asked with a scoff.
"I would love to. Saturday, 7 o'clock. My house. I like sunflowers," Steve said and kissed his cheek. "Don't be late. Also, I like romantic comedies. They make good make-out movies. Oh, it looks like Dustin needs help with something. See you later, Alligator!"
"Okay, so, now they're idiots and they're dating," Robin replied.
"Robin! The government took my trailer with all my stuff, and I have nothing to wear!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Well, sometimes he puts out on the first date so wearing nothing might work," Robin said.
"I can't believe you know that," Vickie said.
"Well, his face has said it all, he can't keep it from me," Robin shrugged.
"This is not helping me!" Eddie shrieked.
"Well, my cousin Johnny might have something you might like," Robin said. "He's always leaving his shit at my place."
SATURDAY. . . At Robin's. . .
Vickie was laying across the bed, flipping through a magazine while Robin lay next to her as they swung their bare feet. Every once in a while, their legs would brush up against each other's. Eddie stormed into the room.
"What. The. Hell?" Eddie asked, holding up a shirt. "Is your cousin a punk?"
"Yeah, isn't that what you are?" Robin asked.
Eddie shrieked and Vickie giggled.
"I think he's going to explode," she said.
"I don't know what you're yelling about. That was Steve’s favorite shirt to wear when he would hook up with Johnny," Robin said and leaned in to whisper to her. "He thinks I didn't know but I knew."
Eddie hollered and ripped the shirt, throwing it onto the floor.
"Go Eddie, go Eddie," Vickie cheered.
"That is a very bad shirt," Eddie said and collapsed next to the bed. "I want to look pretty for him."
"Wouldn't members of your band have something for you to wear?" Robin asked.
"You genius!" Eddie exclaimed kissing her forehead.
"Man kisses!" Robin shrieked.
"I'll get that for you, baby," Vickie said and kissed her forehead. "Muah!"
"Oh, I'm safe now," Robin giggled. "But I think I'm going to need one for my lips."
Vickie laughed. She pinned her to the bed, climbed on top of her, and kissed her deeply.
"That's my que to leave!" Eddie exclaimed and started to leave. "I no longer have to borrow from Dustin!"
"Thank God!" Robin exclaimed, breaking the kiss. "You look fucking ridiculous in those shorts!"
7PM . . . Steve’s . . .
Eddie tugged at Jeff's Iron Maiden shirt and his black pants. He was thankful that he still had his vest which he was currently wearing over said shirt. His hair was in a messy bun, his eyeliner smudged. He gripped the potted sunflower and knocked on the door. Steve opened it and greeted Eddie with a kiss on the cheek.
"You look beautiful," Steve said.
"This is for you," Eddie said, blushing.
"Thanks, come on in," Steve said and took the sunflower. "I made us dinner."
"Goddamn, it smells good in here," Eddie said when they walked into the kitchen. "You cook?"
"It's kind of one of my hobbies," Steve blushed.
"It's my favorite. . .just like Garfield! Mmm, lasagna!" Eddie giggled and paused. "I have to ask you a serious question. Am I a punk or a metalhead?"
"Metalhead, duh, easy question," Steve said.
Eddie grabbed his face and kissed him deeply.
"You're so hot," Eddie said. "Not that I have anything against punks. I actually hooked up with one once. You know, I think his name might have been Johnny too."
"Wait. . .did Robin tell you about Johnny?" Steve asked and Eddie nodded. "She knew! Of course, she did. . .wait, Eddie, did we hook up with the same guy?"
"Shit! I think we did," Eddie laughed. "Damn. Go Johnny! He hooked up with the two hottest dudes in Hawkins."
"Go Johnny! Go Johnny!" Steve exclaimed and started to dance with Eddie in the kitchen.
"Go, go Steve! Go Eddie! Go, Robin! Go Vickie!"
"Go Vickie! Go Vickie! Go Vickie! Go, go go Vickie!"
"Oh my God, we're fucking dorks," Steve said fondly.
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katyawriteswhump · 6 months
Mixing it up (Moving us on)
WC: 696, for @steddieholidaydrabbles day 6 prompt: Cooking together
Rating: T
CW: Alcohol and drug use. Implied chronic pain/illness, angst, fluff, 90s hits.
Christmas, 1991—a year into the new decade, the ghosts of the 80s still linger. (Argh, this has a few overlaps with @steddieas-shegoes' awesome fic already posted, but I wrote it so... *panics and runs away like a newbie making an idiot out of themselves*)
Eddie saunters into the kitchen, spies Steve downing painkillers, swallowing them with a gulp of red wine.
“Woah! Easy there!” Eddie leaps forward, surprising Steve and grabbing the bottle from him. “Headache?”
Steve gestures at the chaos around—half-chopped veg, uncooked meatloaf, Santa’s-shitting-sleigh’s worth of dirty pots and pans. “It’s a meal. I should be able to handle this! What’s wrong with me?”
Eddie loops his arms around Steve, tugs him close and weathers his glare. “Nothing’s wrong. Other than you needing to be the goddamn hero and do all this shit yourself.”
“There’s zilch heroic about it. We agreed—I cook, you clean up when I inevitably pass out humiliatingly at kiddy bedtime o’clock.” Steve’s cheeks are flushed pink, and he sweeps unsteady fingers through his hair: “It’s just a lousy meal!”
Eddie knows it’s waaay more than that. 
It’s their first Christmas in their condo. The first Christmas where they could invite over friends. It’s also the fifth Christmas since ALL THAT SHIT with the Upside Down ended. The scars, mental and physical, have not all healed, so…
“Babe,” sighs Eddie, “take a breather. You can’t punch your meatloaf into submission, so let’s toss it in the oven. The rest can wait.”
“It can’t—”
“Some other sucker can sort it.” Eddie takes Steve’s burning face in his hands. “It’s snowing outside, and you’re sweating like you’re roasting your hot sausage on a July BBQ.” Steve smirks. Eddie smirks harder—Hah, smut triumphs, big boy! “Uh, you’ve got cream on your nose.” Eddie swipes it off with his thumb, sucks it. “Butterscotch. Yum.”
“You don’t get it!” Steve wriggles out of Eddie’s embrace. “ Headache or not, I gotta see this thr—”
“Is he being a bitch?” Robin leans in the doorway.
“Exactly as forecast,” says Eddie. “You got the rota there?”
“The wha—?” Steve dumps a spoon down with a clatter.
It had been Robin’s idea. On learning Steve was hell bent on taking the lead on everything that mattered, she devised a chores rota, to kick in if he started to crash and burn. 
Eddie eventually coaxes Steve from the kitchen, promising he can lead the charge again on the dessert round. He plants a wet, sloppy kiss on Steve’s mouth—Mmmm, yeah, baby! He can’t argue with the taste of red wine and butterscotch whipped-cream on his boyfriend’s lips. Then he orders him onto playlist duties with Vickie.
Which sucks. 
Steve and Vickie play Bryan Adams’ vomit-inducing smash hit ‘Everything I do (I do it for you)’ on loop for an hour. However, Steve is chill, and dinner is cooked, and everyone winds up mildly trashed and happy.
After their guests leave, Eddie puts on a Guns ‘N Roses mix-tape—not mega-loud, because he remembers Steve’s assault on those painkillers. He and Steve cuddle up on the couch.  Eddie leans in for a lazy kiss, and Steve is well up for it.
He slides his tongue against Eddie’s, slickly and sweetly, while his hands roam up and under Eddie’s t-shirt. Steve now tastes of the chocolate fondue dessert that he totally nailed solo. Soon, Eddie’s gotten Steve straddling his lap, rutting against very strained denim. The kiss heats up like the fondue turned nuclear.
Steve is soon pink-cheeked and breathless again, though Eddie’s not worried. Steve seems, if anything, less exhausted than usual at this time of night.
Eddie, however, has a new issue.
He reaches out, flicks a switch. Cuts off Axel Rose mid-warble through, ‘November Rain.’
“Don’t be a dick. That’s the only track I like,” protests Steve.
“It’s been sullied. Thanks to you and Vickie, I got that numb-nuts Bryan Adams stuck in my head.”
“Thought you dug the Groover from Vancouver.”
“I once tolerated him. ‘Everything I do’ minces my brain-matter.”
Still, Eddie can’t be too cranky, particularly when Steve leans close so his lips brush Eddie’s ear: “You gotta admit, Bry’s dead romantic,” whispers Steve. And then—flooring Eddie with the killer punch—he softly starts to sing: “I’d fight for you, I’d lie for you, walk the world for you, yeeeeah, I’d die for—"
No, you don’t, Harrington. We’re through with nearly dying for each other… 
Eddie silences him with another epic kiss.
Thank you so much for reading :) Also posted here on my AO3
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Telling It Like It Is Part 3
Part 1 Part 2 Masterlist Part 4 Epilogue
“Hey, Steve,” Robin said from over by the horror section.
“Yeah?” he called. He was manning the register while she stocked shelves.
“You doing anything tonight?” she asked coming out from behind the stacks of VHS tapes. “Nancy and Eddie wanted a movie night after we get off work.”
Steve sighed. “Can’t tonight. Can we do it tomorrow?”
Robin blinked. “You okay? Your parents aren’t home, are they?”
He shook his head. “No, nothing like that. I’m going over to the Byers tonight.”
“You’ve been spending a lot of time over there,” Robin said.
Steve cocked his head in confusion. “I only go over there once a week.”
“To Jonathan’s house,” Robin said slowly. “You know, the guy dating your ex?”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “You mean the ex you keep inviting over to movie nights?”
Robin rolled her eyes. “Okay you’ve got me. So I’m trying to hook the two of you back up. But you two are just so cute together.”
“Robin, I love you in the most platonic way possible,” Steve began, “but I am not going back to the girl who couldn’t even say she loved me and called my feelings for her bullshit. Plus Jonathan is a way better fit. Journalist Nancy Wheeler with photographer Jonathan Byers? Traveling the world, exposing evil and solving all the world’s ills?”
Robin’s mouth was stuck in a permanent ‘oh’.
“So can we drop it, please?” Steve asked.
She opened her mouth to ask more questions but the bell sounded announcing they had a customer.
“Eddie!” Steve cried at the very welcome distraction.
“Harrington and Buckley!” he called throwing out his arms. “Two of my favorite people.”
Robin frowned. “Who’s your favorite?”
“Dustin,” Steve and Eddie said together. They looked at each other and laughed.
“So, fair Robin,” Eddie said, turning to her. “Have you convinced Sir Stevie to come over to the new place for pizza and movies?”
“You didn’t mention it was going to be at Eddie’s,” Steve said.
“Where did you think we were going to have it?” Robin asked.
Steve raised his eyebrows. “My place? Like it always is?”
Eddie and Robin winced.
“Point to Sir Stevie,” Eddie agreed. “Does that tip the scales in favor of movie night?”
Steve sighed. “Can we do it tomorrow?”
Eddie furrowed his brow. “I mean I guess. You’ve got plans, big boy?”
Robin rolled her eyes. “He’s going over to the Byers again.”
Eddie really frowned. “What has the Byers house got that my place doesn’t?”
“Home cooked tatter tot casserole for a start,” Steve teased. “Joyce knows I’m up in that house all alone and so she invited me to her place once a week for dinner.”
Robin and Eddie looked at each other, feeling a little guilty.
“Sorry, man,” Eddie muttered, looking at the ground.
“Yeah, Steve,” Robin said. “I’m sorry, too. Sometimes I forget you actually don’t like living in that warehouse.”
Steve just shrugged. “It’s not a big deal. So we can have movie night tomorrow?”
Eddie and Robin nodded.
“Tell you what,” Steve said. “I’ll ask Jonathan if he wants to come, too. And Robin can ask Vickie. We can still have it at your place and I’ll front for the extra pizzas?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Eddie said with a grin.
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nburkhardt · 1 year
At first he didn’t even know it was happening because he was working the late shifts and crashing over at Robin’s since they drove together. So, it wasn’t bothering him.
Then one random Saturday causes a domino effect.
They’re minding their own business, he’s in the middle of starting something for dinner while she’s figuring out what they’re watching and telling him about her failure of a date-not-a-date with Vickie.
“I’m telling you, Steven! She is not bisexual, I flirted, offered to play and had that lipstick Nance totally said looked good and I- what the fuck?” Her voice immediately squeaks out as his whole fucking apartment vibrates as loud as all hell, Metallica starts playing from under them.
He looks down at the floor, as if that’ll answer what just happened. It’s still playing, still loud as fuck and making his second hand chairs shift and knock over, “maybe the downstairs neighbor is having a party?” He offers loudly, looking over his shoulder to spy at her, she’s still sitting on the counter with the remote on the floor now.
“Sure?” She offers back, and hops down to grab the remote, “isn’t it a bit early for it?”
He shrugs and continues stirring the pasta, “it’s Saturday, maybe they just got home?”
They both shrug at that before just focusing on their tasks, with the now loud metal music vibrating the floors. It could be worse, he supposes, it could be gun shots or some couple loudly having sex.
Which, isn’t something he wants to hear with his platonic soulmate.
Then again, he realizes mid dumping the pasta in the sauce, that they could still be doing that just covering it up with the music? He shakes the idea out and tries focusing back on the food and listening to Robin venting.
It went on until fucking four in the morning.
But it was a Saturday. So, he didn’t see a need to complain too much. He remembers hosting parties in high school at his parent’s house and how loud they got too. Weekends are meant for excitement anyway, he usually has Sundays off anyway.
That wasn’t the last time though.
Since he works most weekdays and Robin promises ice cream and gossip after work, he spends nights on her couch instead of making the drive back to his place. Saturdays at his place because are saved for when it’s his turn to cook, so it becomes a pattern at four in the afternoon some loud music starts, goes on until four in the morning.
It’s annoying, but at least it’s just Saturdays.
That is until Robin decides to switch jobs on him and he of course, follows her to the new toy store that opened and with the promise of more benefits and morning shifts, he’s happy to get some relaxing evenings off.
After his first day of work spending it training and avoiding kids running under his feet, all he wants to do is crash on his nice warm bed.
But as soon as he gets to his door, the floor is vibrating. At first he thinks it’s just from a neighbor vacuuming with the world’s shittiest vacuum, shrugs and makes his way into his apartment. It’s only as he shuts the door and drops his keys on the table and they jump right out that next second.
That’s when he noticed his whole apartment is fucking vibrating and the sounds of loud screaming registers in his head. Again like the first time, he stared down at his floor. Wondering if the downstairs neighbor has shitty hearing or covering the sounds of loud sex.
Oh and that they know that it’s fucking Monday.
He mentions it the next day to Robin and they decide maybe it was a fluke and his neighbor just forgot what day it was.
It happens on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
He’d get home to a vibrating floor and loud as fuck music from below that lasts until four in the morning.
Friday rolls around, he takes it off for a doctors appointment. After the appointment and some errands, he gets home at three. Spends the time relaxing and eating leftovers, texts Robin about their plans for the weekend when at four o’clock, he hears the start of music. Then within a few minutes, he feels his couch start to shift and then everything else starts to vibrate.
“What the fuck, man.” He mumbles to himself as he stares at the stupid sailor boy figure slowly moves on his table, before it falls to the ground.
It’s annoying, but it’s okay he can handle this. He doesn’t need to say anything. The rest of the evening goes on, the music isn’t his favorite (mostly metal, some rock songs thrown in. Dio and Metallica are played the most) but it’s okay. The vibrations are annoying, but isn’t actually harming him. So, he goes about his routine.
What breaks him is the migraine that wakes him up; it’s the nausea that really wakes him up, not the still loud as fuck music playing. After the wave of nausea goes away, he looks at his phone.
Staring brightly at him is 3:00am.
Blinking, he groans and drops back on his pillows. He stares up at his ceiling, head starting to pulse with pain while he starts to notice the vibrations. The song switches to another screaming voice- then it gets louder and it’s only when his eyes start to burn from pain that he’s throwing his covers off with a determination.
He pounds on the door in only his sweats. The pounding in his head is just about lined up to the pounding from his hand, when the door swings open to reveal a guy with long curly, a dark red sweater and black sweats on. But the thing that really stands out is the fucking sunglasses.
Music is no longer playing, he doesn’t see anyone else in view, just the guy in the sunglasses.
“Oh hello there” The guy smirks at him, leaning against his door.
He shakes his head, which hurts but it clears enough for him to focus on his determination. “Hi, look can you just do your party or whatever this is, on the weekends? You’re making my apartment vibrate, man. I really don’t mind it, but I get migraines sometimes and this- whatever it is- has been happening for a while.”
The guy leans there and the smirk dies down but still sorta there. He pulls off his sunglasses and the world’s most adorable fucking Bambi eyes stare at him, even in the fogginess of the migraine, he could tell this man is gorgeous.
But now isn’t the time to focus on that. It’s stupid o’clock, he has a migraine and work in the morning. All he needs right now is the promise of easing up on the loud music.
Bambi eyes blinks at him then looks backwards into his apartment before looking at him again, he frowns and crosses his arms, a sheepish look crosses his face. “My bad, sweetheart. I’ll try to remember that. I didn’t think it was that bad-“
He doesn’t know what causes it but he blurts it out anyway, “it’s not bad! It’s not my favorite but it’s fine! Just the building has ridiculously thin everything”
Bambi blinks at him again and he curses his lack of filter, looks anywhere but at the face in front of him. The silence is weird but it’s that, that makes him notice that no one has called out for the music to start, hasn’t seen someone walk over and he processes the sweater and sweats combo that makes him blink at him, “Are you alone?”
There’s confusion across Bambi’s face, and holy shit this guy is adorable- it’s not the time! He scolds himself. Bambi takes another look behind himself and Steve gets the perfect view of a blush climb it’s way up Bambi’s neck and up his face. Then he looks back, “yep, just practicing. Trying to learn some new songs, only time I get.” He huffs a laugh, “didn’t know it could make the building vibrate, think you could forgive me?”
He can only nod, fighting his own blush. The guy looks smug, even if he’s getting told to stop this.
“Uh yeah, yeah. Thank you, honestly.” He can feel his cheeks heat up, “anyway, I should really get back to my room.” He awkwardly throws his thumb over his shoulder, “I’ll see you around”
As he shifts to walk away, he catches another smirk on Bambi’s face, it makes him pause just a moment before he actually goes to leave.
“Oh, for sure, sweetheart!”
Pulling the noise canceling earplugs out and the start of Master of Puppets starts, he rolls his eyes at the clock staring at him.
He throws off his blankets and slips out of the bed to leave the room. A fond smile spreads as he leans against the wall, in the corner is one of his favorite sights. Sleep has him in a sappy mood, he moves after a moment to tap a shoulder and it’s as he’s pulling out the earplug that he hears, “sorry sweetheart, got an idea and couldn’t help myself”
Steve rolls his eyes, “Eds, you were asleep with him.”
Eddie shrugs, placing the guitar on its stand before standing up and throws an arm around him pulling him close, “just had inspiration hit, sweetheart. I’ll finish it later, sleep now!”
He lets him lead him back to the bedroom and as they get comfortable under the covers, looking over at the clock on the wall, there clear as day it reads; 4:15AM.
That ending is terrible but I’m starting to really feel my edible now and I can kinda tell this is starting to make absolutely no sense 🥴
It’s based off a tweet I saw earlier that said: “The apartment below us used to blast dance music from 4 PM to 4 AM every day it made our furniture vibrate. We assumed they were hosting pandemic parties? One night at 1 AM Brie went down there to beg for mercy and it was literally just one guy wearing sunglasses.” And I immediately thought of Eddie fucking doing that and Steve being done with it, and knocking on Eddie’s door. SO! I wrote this… sorry if the formatting is weird or it just doesn’t make much sense. I’m high, tried & rambling…. So I’m stopping this and just posting lol.
Oh it’s probably a litttttle late but this based on modern times 🫡
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a-strange-inkling · 6 months
How was Eddie and Chrissy's first Thanksgiving together?
That was one of their first holidays after moving into their Chicago apartment! I bet it was really cozy and they had Wayne come up and they all worked together to get dinner on the table like they would all cook in the trailer. It was probably a little challenging in that tiny apartment but they made it work.
It might have gotten a little emotional too because they miss Wayne and he misses them, and Chrissy misses her little brother and even her parents even though she knows she shouldn’t. Thanksgiving was a hard time for her back home, her mother would make a feast and she was never allowed to partake in it.
Over the weekend, they have dinner with Vickie and Robin at their dorm, meeting their roommate Gwen for the first time. Some of the other gang come to visit too, starting their Friendsgiving tradition when they all get together on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
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nikkisheep · 2 years
Robin Buckley x Fem Harrington reader, this one is set in season 4 at the big pep rally. The reader is Steve younger sister and a cheerleader, her and Robin have grown closer as friends over the past year. Robin has developed a crush on the reader but thinks there’s no way she into her. Steve knows better, when they are at home and she can talk about is Robin and how funny she is or how good at band she is or how she stays and waits for cheer practice to be done. I’m thinking maybe during the routine her and Robin hold eye contact and smile at each other until the reader falls and sprains her ankle. Robin immediately rushes down the stands to help the reader up and to the hospital, she sits in the back of the car and holds the reader while she cries. They end up confessing their feelings to each other at the hospital
Band Nerd
Robin Buckely x fem!Harrington!reader
Warnings: Fluff, reader gets hurt, confession
Summary: Request above
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Robin Buckley, a beautiful girl who was in band at Hawkins High School. She was very good in band, hanging out with Vickie and you. You weren't in band but you were a cheerleader and you would wait everyday after cheer practice to watch Robin. You really liked her. Not that she was into girls. Steve would tease you for having a crush on his best friend but he supports the relationship even if it doesn't happen.
"Y/n, are you coming?" Chrissy asked.
"Uh you guys go ahead, I'll hang back for a bit.''
You turned back to the band practice, your cheer outfit making you stick out. Chrissy knew that you liked Robin and kept saying that you should ask her out, but you were too scared to risk the friendship you had built together.
"Hi, Robin," You say, once band practice is over.
"Hey, were you watching?"
"Yeah, I watch every time-"
She smiled.
"Not in a stalker kind of way though," You scramble out.
"It's okay, I watch the cheerleaders."
"You watch me?"
"Maybe," Robin smiled before walking away to get changed.
Steve came to pick you up and teased you when he saw your blushing face. You cooked dinner once you were home and you could not stop talking about how good Robin played today.
"And I was like, she is so amazing cause not everyone can play that instrument like that," You were saying. Steve looked at you with a smile.
"And did I tell you, Robin said she watches the cheer practices. She watches them, Steve." You gush.
"Yeah, Robin is gay." Steve deadpans.
"Yeah, she likes girls."
"No she doesn't."
"Yeah she does," Steve says.
"Whatever man."
For days you could not get your brother's words out of your head. Robin Buckley likes girls? There was no way. You saw how many guys would look at her. There was no way.
Sadly, you were distracted by the thought and looked over to Robin who was practicing band while you were about to climb onto the pyramind for cheer. You go to get lifted by the girls when you slip and landed on your ankle wrong. Pain spread thoughout your ankle and leg. You scream at the pain and all the girls crowded you on the floor.
Robin hears you scream and runs to you. She pushes the girls from you and gets on her knees beside you.
"Are you okay?' She asked.
"No, Robin it hurts," You cry.
She touches your ankle and you yell out in pain.
"Call an amublance. It's going to be okay," Robin says, panicked.
Robin rode with you. She had the medics call Steve and he would meet you at the hospital. You grab Robin's hand to distract you from your tears and pain. She looked at you like you would disappear if she blinked. You stared at her, tear stained cheeks, sprained ankle, and your face red. She still looks at you as if you were the most beautiful girl she ever saw.
Arriving at the hospital, you listened to the doctor tell you not to be on your ankle for at least three weeks if not four. You held Robin's hand the entire time.
"Hey," You say, breaking the silence after the doctor left.
"Hey," She said.
"I'm sorry for all of this."
"For what?"
"For making you leave band practice to take me here, just to find out that it is a sprained ankle." You tell her, looking up at her from the bed.
"Hey, sprained ankle or a scratch, if you are in pain I am there to take you to the hospital. No matter how small it is. You mean much more to me than some stupid band practice," She says, looking at you in the eyes.
Silence fills the room. Before you could say anything, Steve ran into the room with a worried look.
"Robin?" He asks.
"Hey, Stevie." You say.
"What happened?"
"I slipped and sprained my ankle," You say, embarressed.
"Were you staring at Robin again?"
"Oooh, sorry." He runs out of the room before you try to kill him.
Robin looks at you with a smile.
"You stare at me?"
"Nooo," You try to deny it.
She looks at you with a tilted head.
"Yes but only because you are so pretty and I can't think when I am around you. I don't even have to be around you to not think straight. All I have to do is hear your name and I go to mush. I am mush for you Robin and I know you don't like me bu-" She cuts you off with a kiss.
She pulls back.
"You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that," She whispers.
"You like me?" You ask, still stunned by the kiss.
"Well, I did kiss you so I think it shows I like you," She laughs.
"I like you too," You press your lips to hers once more and that's when the door opens.
"Guys get a room," Steve groaned.
"We have a room, idiot." Robin laughs at your pouty face.
"Get out dingus, I am busy kissing your sister."
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rinbowaman · 1 year
HHP - Chapter 15 pt 3 (18+MDNI)
Oh Ethan.... :0 !!!!
The next day, you allowed Heeseung, who insisted that he coordinate with your teachers to allow you to continue with class work from home. His reasoning was valid, you had been through a lot and should be resting in the comfort of the environment that you’re familiar with. No doubt he also had in mind for you to stay hidden so that your markings would fade before being in the presence of others.
For the next two weeks, his professors were conducting an online zoom seminar to replace the in-person class environment since they were away for a universal teacher’s association meeting held outside the local area. A perfect opportunity for him to stay close to you and never having you out of his sight.
With his credibility, reputation, and the fact that everyone feared him, it didn’t take much.
In fact, it was nothing at all for Heeseung to get your teachers to allow you to stay at home and conduct your assignments. It was amazing how the entire campus, teacher, and student, respected but also feared Heeseung. He had this aura about him that just rendered instant obedience from his peers, and massive respect from his elders. You weren’t sure if it was because of his quiet and calm demeanor, or the fact that his gaze looked piercing, as if a thousand knives were stabbing into you the moment he looks steadily at you, never shying away from making direct eye contact no matter who he was gazing at. It was also possible that the soothing, and yet, deep, and chilling voice of his shook fear into the bloodstream the moment you hear the growling of his tone.
Recalling the first moment you met him, you initially you felt the intimidation of his demeanor as you felt a sudden rush of anxiety and nervousness when you stood before his towering stature. Yet, you weren’t scared of him, maybe a slight sense of fear had hit you at the thought of his capabilities, given his height and his use of force when needed, but from the moment he had met you, his gaze was always different whenever he looked at you, versus everyone else.
Even H/N, when the poor girl had met him, his stare was piercing, just as it had been with everyone else, it didn’t matter if it was male or female. However, the moment he heard your voice, or turned to see that you were suddenly there before him, his eyes softened, and a look of contentment grazed his face whenever you were around. Much different than how he looked at Jake, H/N, or even Vicky.
Whenever you were around…whenever it was you that he would hear, or set his sights on, he melted. At that moment, the devil would tear out his horns and inherit a halo.  
Night fell, and Heeseung wrapped up the remainder of his zoom seminar for the evening.
Looking at you as you rested on his bed, playing with your ring, he leans back on his chair and stretches as he asks you, “You want anything from the store, pretty baby?”
“No I’m fine thank you.”
“What do you want for dinner tonight?”
“I can make us something downstairs.”
He smirks at your offering to cook up something in the kitchen. Standing, he walks over to the side of the bed and leans into kiss you tenderly on your forehead.
“Text me if you need anything, I’ll be right back.” He bids as he leaves to head down to the convenience store down the street, not at all far off.
A few minutes after his departure, you walked downstairs to look through the kitchen. Taking out a myriad of ingredients, you figured chicken and mushroom risotto would be suitable seeing as you have all the ingredients. Noticing that the remaining residents of the frat house were all away out of town, you hadn’t realized that you and Heeseung had the frat home to yourselves, it almost felt like you were a married couple inside your own home.
By the time you had set out all the ingredients on the kitchen island, you hear the front door open and the jingling of keys, he returned.
Since you hadn’t started cooking just yet, you walk out through the corridor of the hallway that led you to the living room where it connected with the foyer entrance to the door. You walked over to hug and ask him what he thought about your choice for dinner, knowing full well that he wouldn’t have any problem with it. Since you took culinary classes and spent a lot of time with your mother, studying her collection of cookbooks, you knew a thing or two when it came to decent cuisine, and Heeseung was amazed upon discovering that fact about you, not to mention, he thoroughly enjoyed your cooking.
Upon seeing him entering the living room, you stood and smiled.
“Welcome back. What do you think about risotto? Have you had it before? It’s an Italian dish.” you softly remark with a sweet smile.
He stood, from a distance, with a small bag in hand. His chin tilted down, which further propelled the feature of his hat covering his face.
He didn’t move or immediately respond, instead, he stood there, facing in your direction. Tossing the bag on to a nearby chair, along with his keys, he walks over to you steadily, you grew anxious as to why he was being quiet and why he was acting somewhat strange.
When he came within arms distance to you, both his hands shoot out and he pulls you into a tight embrace. Looking up from under his chin, as your face was pressed against his chest, you meet eyes with Ethan.
“My beautiful girl…It feels so good to hold you again…” he softly remarks against the side of your head.
Now it dawned on you, since you were taken, it had been the night before the rugby game that you and Ethan spent time together. When Scott had kidnapped you, you only saw Ethan at a distance when he and Heeseung showed up to rescue you, yet he didn’t have the opportunity to embrace you until this moment. He had his moment with Eden, but with you, this was the first time since you were taken away that he had you in his arms, his Y/N.
Reaching up on his back, your hands graze along his back muscles as you returned the embrace. The feeling of comfort hit you just as it did when you were returned to Heeseung’s arms that night, only this time, you were feeling it with his Ethan side.
“I thought I lost you…” he states as his face remains nuzzled at the side of your head, in fact, he pushes his features in deeper. He was…hurting.
“My babydoll…you were so scared….you were so scared sitting on that car….with that man’s hands on you.” his voice was steady, calm, and deep.
“You looked so scared…I wanted to pull you in so badly….but I didn’t have the chance to until now. I promise that will never happen again…I will never….ever let that happen again. You belong to me.”
His embrace tightens as you feel him pulling you deeper in towards his chest. The hard muscle of his broad frame presses against your breasts, squeezing into your chest cavity. The silk material of your camisole slip collects and rolls up as his hands roam, as if he was touching every part of you to make sure that you were really in front of him.
“I don’t know how….I don’t know how I managed to do it….but the thought of me not pulling it off…not finding you in time…its eating me alive. Please tell me…tell me that you’re really here and that I’m not dreaming.”
You grew teary eyed…his voice was calm and soft, much different than his sinister and teasing tone. He was always sincere with his feelings, yet at this moment, it was different. Far different.
‘Now nothing can take you away from me We've been down that road before But that's over now You keep me comin' back for more
Baby you're all that I want When you're lyin' here in my arms I'm findin' it hard to believe We're in heaven And love is all that I need And I found it there in your heart Isn't too hard to see We're in heaven’
Rubbing his back, you softly speak into his shoulder.
“I’m here…I’m always here, I’m never going to be away from you again. I promise.” You respond back.
With a tender kiss to the side of your head, just above your ear, you witnessed a side of Ethan that you never once believed could exist.
His hands were gentle, softly dragging down to your waist, as he pulls back just a bit to look at you. Taking off his hat, his hair, parted off to the side, revealing the handsomeness of his features as his forehead remained exposed. His eyes deep, matte black in their traditional Ethan way, lined out with a deep black line that made his glare a malevolent one, yet, there was a hint of sadness in them as his brows were faintly furrowed. His face…it still had that darkness and that sinister attribute yet; he was gazing at you with a softness that you never seen him display before.
Tilting his head slightly, his lids grew heavy as he leaned in…slowly, so very slowly.
His eyes focus on your lips as he gently kisses you. It was a kiss that was the exact opposite of what it normally displayed, it was soft, tender, and gentle. He kissed…over and over again, before he slowly incorporated the magic of his tongue as he enters inside your mouth, massaging your own in a compassionate manner.
His hand raises to cradle the side of your head, his fingers feeding through the soft strands of your hair. Lost in Ethan’s commiseration, you felt the intensity of his affection. You had always felt a sense of his ruthless desire and intense pleasure from his love for you, but tonight, he was yearning for you in a different aspect.
As he continued the act of exploring your mouth with his own, he places both hands on your waist, gently lifting you over to the couch that was right next to you both. You winced in the middle of the kiss as his hands softly grips and lifts you by the waist due to the markings being sensitive to the touch.
Knowing full well, as he was the one that inflicted it upon your body during his ravishing displayed affection for his Eden, he breaks away from the kiss only for a second.
“Its okay baby. *kiss*”
his whisper was soft and delicate.
Laying you down on your back, he pulls the straps of your slip downward, revealing your shoulders and breasts as he slides the slinky silk material all the way down from your hips to your legs, fully removing it, sliding your panties off in the process. He lifts and removes his shirt, not even caring or wanting to take an extra moment to take off his jeans. In a kneeling position, he remains propped on the couch in between your legs as you lay, fully nude with your hair spread and draped all over, enhancing your beauty before him.
Leaning inwards, he hovers above you as he props his upper frame with his hand next to your head. Shifting your body to lay on your side, he lifts your leg and rests it against his bicep as he snakes it under your thigh. He leans in, as he does so, your leg is pushed into your chest, leaving your center core wide open and spread as he takes out his shaft and gently strokes it. He leans his neck forward and once again, with a soothing and delicate notion, he kisses you. His tongue gently coaxes your gums and cheek from the inside, causing you to moan into his mouth.
The arm that your leg was resting on remains, as he reaches over to your breast and strokes it with his thumb while he cups the fullness of it. As he leans in more, he shifts your leg to rest over his shoulder. You felt the stretch of your pelvic muscles upon being wide open, while his other hand raises up and softly strokes your cheek, before it lowers back down and grabs hold of his lengthy muscle. Guiding it, he rubs the bulging tip up and down in between your folds, while also gently tapping it against your clit. Not at all rough or snappy as he normally was.
Entering inside you, you felt him slightly twitch as he retracts slightly and reenters, slowly inching his way in until he was fully inside you.
By the time you were fully enveloping his shaft, he remained nestled inside to savor the warmth your walls were providing. He pulls back from the kiss, but not without finishing it off with a couple more pecks as his free had softly grabs your neck, his thumb stroking amidst his hold on you.
Propping himself back up to his high kneeling position, with your leg still looped over his bicep, he begins to thrust…slowly….so slow…..his thrusts…they felt deeper, more penetrable, and full as you felt the immense sensation of being filled up by his skin and muscle.
Each time he thrusted back inside, he raised his hips to create a waving motion as he slowly re-entered inside you. God...he felt so much deeper and fuller with the way he was softly, slowly, and smoothly thrusting into your cavity.
As your leg remained resting on his bicep, his hand reaches around as he rubs your kneecap and raises your ankle towards his face, where he places soft and gentle kisses on it. His hand remains wrapped around your thigh as he drags his kisses downward, all the while still thrusting passionately.
Going in, and out, slowly, and tenderly, you feel every feature of his shaft as he took his time. Every groove, every vein, and every inch of soft skin, everything could be felt and savored as he continued to go in with a slow and merciful pace.
“E-Ethan…oh my God….E-Ethan mmmmm..” you gasped out in between your moans. The feeling he was giving to you…it was incredible. Your core muscles in your stomach begin to vibrate as the lingering orgasm remained all throughout, causing every muscle in your body to shake.
“Yeah baby? Always making me fall in love with you every time I see your beautiful face.” He states in between his own moans, gasping out his words softly and deeply. The change of his pace obviously was having the same effect on him just as it did with you.
“E….Ethan….mmmmm….my Ethan…” you moan out continuously. Upon hearing your words, he picks up the pace, while still carrying out the sense of a soft and tenderness in his act.
Though he was being gentle, Ethan’s rough demeanor only came out in the manner of adding depth into his act, making the moment of intimacy much more intense than it had ever been.
Speeding up the pace, he remained serene and smooth with his affection, while the tip of his dick pummeled inside you, going in deeper. He wasn’t tearing or digging like he had all the previous times, this time, he was sliding into you. It was smooth, soothing, and intense.
Fucking you at a moderate speed, while softly roaming his hands all over your body, placing a kiss on your ankle throughout, you remained laying on your side as he fucks into you relentlessly, instilling the tranquil of his fervent passion.
You had watched the act of him thrusting into you repeatedly, from the moment he was going in slow to the moderately high speed he was going at right now, you flung your head back at the amount of pleasure that was lingering all throughout your body. This time, there was no pain accompanying that pleasure, it was pure and incandescent. Your body went weak at the blazing peak of euphoria that took over.
Switching your gaze from his shaft repeatedly entering inside you, you look up and make eye contact with him, as he gazes deep into yours under heavy lids. He looked content, peaceful, and passionate as he slightly tilted his head back while watching your face as you moaned out his name.
“Yeah baby?” he leans back in, pushing your leg closer to your chest once more as he reaches his head down to kiss your lips.
Shifting his eyes down, he starts to gaze at the act of his muscle penetrating you, before looking back up to make eye contact with you once more.
“Does it feel good baby?” he inquires, gasping in pleasing moans.
“ugh-ugh-ugh! E-Ethan.” You couldn’t speak, you were being fucked to the bone and the ultimate peak of pleasure never left, as he remained inside it only became strong the more he kept going.
“Say you’ll marry me baby….be mine forever…be my wife…the mother of my children…be mine…say you will…” he gasps out in between his moans, knowing that his gentler side had already claimed you as such, yet he wanted to hear it once more at this very moment.
“M-my E-Ethan….y-yes…yes! I-I will...!!” You continuously moan out. The burning sense of pleasure had brought out a whole new side of you.
“P-please….oh…keep going…pl-please do-don’t stop…fucking me…” you whimpered out in between your gasping moans, which reached a fevering high pitch as you felt the tip of his shaft hitting a spot that pelted vibrations of ecstasy inside you.
“I’m always…going to baby…I’m never leaving…I’m not going anywhere…I’m always going to be here to give it to you….my beautiful girl I’ll fuck you as much as you want me to…all you gotta do is say so and I’ll give it to you.” his deep voice gasped out in between pants and groans as he continued with his moderately high speed, while still remaining a passionately tender manner.
“I love you so much…I’m never going to lose you again…my girl…my beautiful girl…my y/n….”
His hands shift, he began to thrust harder, deeper, and faster yet he still didn’t’ resort to this malevolent rough act that he always displayed when he was close. With your leg still looped over his bicep, one hand loops from around the front of your chest and cradles under your ribcage, while the other loops around the back of your neck as he wraps his fingers from the side under your jawline, pulling you in closer towards him as he thrusts and pelts into you. At that moment, for the first time, you hear Ethan moan and gasp out in the same manner as you. Both your voices echo all throughout the house as his passionately tender and yet deep thrusts continued to overwhelm both your bodies with intoxicating pleasure.
“ugh-ugh-ugh! Ethan!”
“ugh-ugh-ugh fuck baby I’m going to cum.”  he gasps out.
The moment he relayed his orgasm breaching, you felt the heighted sensation release from the depth of your gut as your walls pulsated at a high frequency, squeezing, tugging, and smothering his shaft with vibrations of lubricated pleasure. You watched and looked up as the sensation knocked him out of his natural sense as he tilts his head back, fully exposing his Adams Apple protruding out as his mouth was wide open, facing the ceiling, moaning out a prolonged and deep groan as he makes one final thrust deep inside you. You scream and jolt, your hips gyrate uncontrollably as he held you steady so that he could remain inside you, continuously cumming long streams of his essence deep inside your belly. With his mouth still open, his head leaned far back, he chokes out an exhale as the exhilarating pleasure hits the both of you.
Your body loses control, you still felt your body jolting and gyrating as you violently shake from the felicity of his intensity rippling throughout your body. You felt the grip around the backside of your neck tighten as he pulls you closer towards him and continues to hold you still.
It must have taken you over 10 minutes to recover from your high, as the everlasting sense of exulting pleasure remained and constantly had beat you down to the weakened and yet, pleasant state you were in.
He finally retracts his head from his tilted state as he stretches his neck out from being leaned so far back. Looking at you with a loving and sinister gaze, he leans back in as he watches you lay, out of breath, glossy eyed, and your chest heaving, he kisses you tenderly once more.
“I love you more than anything in the world. Nothing is going to take you away from me…I promise I’ll never let you get that scared again.”
He cradles your face as he softly rubs the tip of his nose against yours, placing a small kiss on it. With absolutely no energy left and feeling permanently weakened with the subtle ripples of pleasure traveling through your body, you black out.
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creepywrites · 9 months
Jane Everlasting
Warnings: descriptions of hallucinations, rotting, maggots and suicide.
She lived in a poor neighborhood ridden with drug crime and gang violence, she was rarely allowed outside of the house, she only left on a few occasions to keep the rest of the family from being suspicious. This was because she was seen as an anomaly as her organs were either swapped sides or even missing altogether.
Jane was born at home because Edgar and Elizabeth didn't trust doctors, this caused complications and resulted in Elizabeth's death.
She had surgical procedures done on her at a young age to try and correct it, completely drugged up with painkillers to try and ease the pain.
This is what caused her DID, Jane is the host and she has 6 other alters, Judy, a protector and trauma holder, Meghan, a prosecutor, Jasper, an emotional protector, Edgar, an introject, Berry, a little, Jade, a gatekeeper.
Jane only found out she had DID because Judy informed her at 20, while she was in a psychiatric ward, her and the psychiatrist started talking about it when Jane brought the subject up.
Being trapped in her own house, she didn't have much to do and started journaling her thoughts, a few pages have completely different handwriting and she always wondered why.
As Jane grew she felt more safe in the house, like she was untouchable, especially after the murders, Jane dreaded leaving after seeing how badly Jeff was hurt, she only left again when Jeff invited her to a dinner party.
When she was younger however she hated being stuck inside with very little to do, while also watching others her age go out, she'd often sneak out with Vicky, Hannah or either Jeff.
Jane was very interested in being a scientist, she would often ask Edgar about his work.
Jane was heavily influenced by Vicky, right down to the style of her outfits.
After seeing what happened with Jeff, she felt terrified, she never considered something so bad like that could happen to someone, it got so bad she was transferred to a psychiatric ward for her safety.
She has a lot of conflicting feelings from saving Jeff, she doesn't regret saving him, but there's a lot of what ifs, she wonders if her and her friends lives would've been better if she didn't help him.
Janes hair gets dyed a lot, Judy dyes it black, but Meghan prefers it purple, this caused arguments until Jane suggested they do a mix, everyone agreed on it except Edgar; who hates unnatural hair in general, when fronting he washes it out.
She tried smoking, she was given one from Liu and absolutely hated it, gagging instantly and never tried again.
She is a very untrusting person from all the years being inside the house, and is unnecessarily sceptical of a lot not knowing if it's dangerous or not.
Jane bought and customised the mask slightly to make it look more her style.
Jane rarely takes off the mask, she finds it to difficult and doesn't want to remember what she looks like underneath, the only ones who take it off are Berry and Jasper.
She is terrified of fire, even if it's a small manageable one.
Jane is a really good cook but does not like cooking on a stove anymore due to the heat.
Jane currently lives with Vicky and Hannah.
Jane had gotten insomnia sometime after the incident, she always has eye bags and was more angry, she uses sleeping pills whenever she can.
After going nearly bald she started looking after her hair a lot better, she steals a lot of hair products to maintain it.
She used to wear the wig Jeff gifted, but threw it away as soon as her hair started growing back.
She uses a lot of makeup every day to try and make herself feel better, though it causes a lot of acne.
She tends to have all sorts of healing ointments and lotions on her at all times due to dry skin.
Jane is assumed dead, she has a grave and everything because someone impersonated her, and Fake Jane was killed by Lyra. She now tries to steer clear of any attention from the media.
She loves watermelon flavoured lollies.
Jane has permanent scarring from the fire, she tries to wear long clothing and gloves whenever she can, in summer she wears thin long clothes.
She visits her parents every weekend, when she does she always tries to bring flowers.
She tries making it quick because she doesn't like the thoughts that come with it.
She hates thinking if her parents saw her now they'd be disappointed and ashamed of her.
Jane's psychosis comes on as a result of anxiety. Her hallucinations are audio and visual, sometimes the delusions are usually rooted in paranoia. She can usually predict when she's about to be going into a psychosis episode based on what is causing the panic response. Jane tries to brace herself and remember what it was like last time and prepare, but once the full brunt of delusion and hallucinations start she's always unprepared for how bad it gets even if its the same thing as the last few times.
When it's mild, and stays mild, its more annoying. She's constantly hearing Vicky's and Hannah's cat wanting to be let into their room, even if she's not actually in the room, or the far away hum of a deep voiced male. She catch's birds out of the corner of her eye in places there are no birds. She'll become fixated and, even if they were not in their house at all, Jane will get up and go looking for their cat. She's absolutely convinced he followed her all the way to someplace else and she has to take a 15 minute break to do a lap around the area, trying to find him.
When it's bad, she's usually under the impression that someone, somewhere, knows about her and the others and whereabouts and is going to SWAT them, doxx them, or get the police to show up and arrest them all, rotting in prison for life. Not much helps her stray from this delusion, as much as everyones tried. She will usually just hide in the bathroom and cry for hours on end because they already called. Their going to jail.
If Jane looks into the dark too long, under the bed, in the closet, barely lit room in the middle of the night, etc, she'll see corpses of animals. Sometimes animals she's seen in the past, sometimes wild animals like possums, or even Liu's dog, always dark and unidentifiable masses that look like there either squirming in pain or writhing because maggots are under their skin.
Jane hears Jeff yelling that he's going to kill himself in the other room. Sometimes he'll blames her, sometimes he wishes he could just kill me instead, and goes on about how she abandoned him and left him and her friends to die when she moved away away. She'll respond but he doesnt say anything in response, just the same threats and the same disparaging remarks.
Sometimes she'll even hear Vicky violently throwing around pots and pans. Sometimes the noise of the cat being murdered and Vicky screaming at her mesh together and become one loud, disoriented, voice.
Jane loves all kinds of food with few exceptions such as tofu, hated it since a kid.
She had a limited amount of food given as a kid, now she eats a lot more to compensate.
Jane loves fantasy creatures like mermaids, fairies, elves, angels and orgres, very disappointed when she found out they weren't real.
Jane loves animals but her favorites are undoubtedly sharks, she really loves them and seeing them makes her happy, she hated finding out some are in captivity. Jeff gave her a shark plush when they were still friends which she adored and always slept with it, she even still has it to this day, though after having it for so long it's become tattered and dirty.
she developed a huge appetite for meat since she was a pre-teen, this appetite grew stronger to the point of fantasising about hurting others or even animals for their meat.
However she never actually acted on it and never ate anyone, when she had these urges she'd sneak in  meat from the kitchen, she had gotten salmonella from eating raw meat, not knowing about the disease.
She has three stepsisters, Dani, Marcy and Erica, Jane barely knows them because she was in a psych ward by the time her dad remarried, and doesn't see them as family.
Jane became homeless after leaving the hospital and had no clue what to do or where to go, she'd stay in cafes or bars as long as she could to watch the news to try and get a grasp on what's happening after talking to people didn't work.
Her original plan was to Jeff and than have a normal life again, she could never find him, but did find Hannah and Vicky when they were on the run.
Her favourite movie is Inside Out, she finds it relatable and similar to DID. Jane was introduced by Vailly.
Her friends are Vicky, Hannah, Nina, Jesse and Zero.
Jane and Mary don't know about Jesse and Janes relationship because they intimidate her.
After being taken in by Liu, she starts killing people after hearing about what happened to the others.
Jane solely targets people that have committed crimes, whether it be theft or murder, she’ll stalk that person for a few days to weeks and kill them.
She does this in secret because she knows Vicky and Hannah won’t understand the vision.
She was gifted a Polaroid camera on her 10th birthday and she loved and got interested in photography, she'd take a lot of pictures of her friends and the scenery out her window.
Jane would pin them in her journal and on her pin board.
She took Nina under her wing and tried helping her, they became close and she even considers Nina like a sister. After Jane was one of the few to recognise her as a victim and was a lot nicer than the rest.
She sometimes finds she can be to much, but is afraid to tell her without upsetting Nina, so Jane just tolerates it.
She encouraged Nina to to try and make amends with Sully, though felt horrible when it didn’t work.
Jane learned how to play the piano, she wanted to play to try and feel closer to Elizabeth.
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fandoms-in-law · 9 months
Stories Chapter 8
chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 chapter 7
Summary: Steve finds his own way to making his rooms his own, by inviting everyone around
the penultimate chapter
The house wasn't finished and with every room where furniture was changed now the painting was all done, Steve felt more uncertain just as much as he felt like the house was becoming a home. It just didn't feel like his yet. 
The dining room felt like it belonged to Hellfire, but after Robin heard that thought a dinner party was arranged. 
The kitchen had always been Steve's or felt like that anyway. Even when his parents came home and sometimes tried to rearrange it to whatever taste they'd heard recently he'd put it back to his liking as soon as they left. 
Using that to relax him before spending time in the redecorated rooms worked as a bridge to helping him view them as his own.
"So this isn't meant to be some big fancy deal, right?" Nancy asked as she and Jonathan were let in, looking around. 
Steve grinned, "If anything it's a group date. Robin invited Vicky too and Eddie should be here soon, but it's just Robin's way to get me used to the new rooms via a dinner party."
"Better not mention you avoid the pool or she'll be insisting on constant pool parties." Jonathan teased, gesturing further into the house. "Want us to wait in the living room while you finish cooking or do you need any help?" 
"Go distract Robs from trying to help please. She'll be causing a fire if she tries to help too much I swear." Steve grinned, laughing when a cry of protest came from the kitchen.
"Sorted, we'll keep her distracted." Nancy nodded, a smirk forming.
It was a small gathering, but getting to host, being the one at the head of the table (at Eddie's insistence when he tried not to be) and just laughing with his friends as they tried to copy the poses Eddie and Will had painted them in made it feel more like his home than any paint or furniture could.
The bathroom should have been the last thing to be finished. It wasn't just repainting or changing furniture after all. It included getting plumbers in and measurements being taken before any changes could be made and then there was the structural change added for Steve's bath to be lowered slightly. That did amuse everyone a little when they could now see where the ceiling was lowered for the plumbing and the tub when in the right room downstairs. 
Essentially though it made Steve believe it was his from the start because the change being arranged was a nightmare of stress and letting strangers through his room and in and out of his house constantly over a couple of days. 
And that was enough for him to make sure his own room wouldn't have the furniture changed until after it was done.
Plus he already knew how to make the space full of good memories and would see anyone he wanted included at some point while working. 
"So I'm planning a spa night next week. Everything in the bathroom should be finished and set according to the plumbers and you're coming." Steve stated, nodding at the stunned look Will was giving him. "I've already checked with Joyce it's okay and as long as I get you home before 11 you're good to come." 
Will still looked hasitant as he asked, "So who else is? And why me?"
"Cause this redecoration wouldn't be half as good without your murals and just Robs and Eddie. We're making face masks and lip balm. Having pedicures or something. I'm still deciding but it's going to be a spa night just to relax."
"And paint our nails." Robin agreed, coming back over to the counter where she'd been reshelving videos. "He included that, right?" 
"Not yet. He also hasn't told us when he's picking us up." Max called, her head appearing from behind a shelf a moment later to Steve's surprise since he didn't know she was in the store, let alone so close. 
He still huffed in response. "You can't just invite yourself along." 
Will glanced between them, "But she can if I'd feel weird being the only younger teen with you 3, right? Besides you already paid me for the paintings. You don't have to invite me to anything else."
"Okay. 5 for spa night on Friday. I'll fetch you both around 5:30 and get you home on time. No, you aren't making this a sleepover Max. Thank Will for getting to invite yourself." Steve agreed, gesturing for the kids to talk and straightening as the door chimed for another customer coming in. 
Even while driving the 2 kids to his, Steve was muttering over the things he thought would make a spa night perfect and that they'd be able to improvise for themselves. 
"Have you done this before? Your list of home spa ideas is just getting longer." Will asked, snickering slightly at the idea of Steve having done it while still a jock ruling his school. 
Steve met his eyes in the rear view mirror, amusement in them too. "Carol was quite insistent that my house should be taken over for her friends to have their own spa nights a few times. She could forbid Tommy from making it a party but could never kick me out of my house, so yeah I've done it a few times but not with anyone else for years now."
"King Steve was treated like one of the girls? Is that how you got the sleeps with everyone rep, cause your charm doesn't seem effective." Max teased.
"Hey! Don't assume you know who I was. The Harrington charm just doesn't need using constantly to exist, okay. Besides, there's no insult there. Those girls are scary in the amount of skin and hair care they know." He countered but grinned as he pulled up outside his house. "Besides I could have you smearing anything on your skin tonight. I think you want me to know what I'm doing."
"I definitely do. I don't trust these magazines Nancy keeps suggesting Robin read. Isn't Nance meant to be a scary journalist?" Eddie agreed, somehow knowing what was being said even as he was the one to open Steve's door. 
That got Steve laughing even more. "Only when she's got a mission. The magazines were her way of practicing. She'll rewrite anything to make it more serious or empowering for her specifically. Not sure why she's decided Robs likes them though." 
"It's how she knows to bond with other girls. Apparently her and Barb used to trade them and laugh over obvious lies or gossip that seems more suited to the cafeteria than anything trying to report news." Robin called from where she was hanging out the door. "Enough on that though, I want a face mask and a pedicure."
That was enough to get everyone inside, following Steve up to his bathroom while Will and Max clammered with questions over if they were doing each others or if there was a plan for spa treatments. 
As Eddie took the kids home and Steve focused now on washing Robin's hair, everyone could agree that it was an evening well spent and they'd be keeping their eyes out for things to bring to future spa nights.
chapter 9
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wordspin-shares · 4 months
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Chapter summaries for those following the story on [FFN] or [AO3] who wish to refresh their memory due to my infrequent updates. The list will be updated whenever a new chapter is posted.
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Chapter 1 Summary
On the first day of the new school year at Mystic Falls High School, 28-year-old art teacher Claire Duval and her class briefly meet an intriguing stranger, though his identity remains a mystery to all. On her way home, Claire finds a stray kitten outside the Mystic Grill and adopts it, naming it Cicero. That night she has a vivid nightmare about a girl attacked in the woods, and although she can't recall much, it leaves her shaken.
Bits of the nightmare worm into her consciousness the next day, and after school Claire visits Sheila Bennett to talk.
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Chapter 2 Summary
Claire hears of Vicki Donovan's being attacked by a wild animal during the annual Back-to-School Party the previous night. She doesn't have time to dwell on the fact, as her free periods are taken up by parent-teacher conferences. She meets with both her friend Jenna Sommers and Carol Lockwood, to discuss Jeremy Gilbert and Tyler Lockwood respectively. After school she meets up with Jenna and they go to the Coffee Ground, where Jenna expresses her worries about Jeremy.
The next day finds Claire in a very good mood, something that the school's Italian teacher remarks upon. After taking Cicero to the vet, Claire goes to the Night of the Comet Festival, held in the town square after dusk. She takes to sketching the scene and people around her. Leaving the celebration, she visits her father's music teaching studio nearby, climbing to the roof to watch the square below. She calls her sister who lives in Baltimore, and as the two talk, Claire feels the energy that had fueled her during the day return. She begins waltzing alone, but stops abruptly, getting the sensation someone is watching her. Seeing no-one, she sits and sketches for a while.
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Chapter 3 Summary
Claire has another dream of someone being attacked, not in the woods but in an open space, which leaves her shaken. This time flashes of the dream revisit her while she is teaching, visibly affecting her to the point of her students noticing. During lunch break she is told that the new student and football team wide receiver is a distant relation of one of the Founding Families of Mystic Falls, the Salvatores. That evening as Jenna's niece Elena invited her friend Bonnie and her new boyfriend Stefan to dinner, Claire and Jenna have a movie night at Claire's house, with Claire cooking.
The next evening Claire goes to the first school football match of the season, which is ultimately canceled due to history teacher and football coach William Tanner's being attacked and killed by a wild animal in the high school parking lot. The attack brings fragments of old memories to the forefront of Claire's mind, and she goes home in search of the boxed history notes of her mother, who is a historian researching Mystic Falls. She finds newspaper clippings concerning old animal attacks in town and remembers that her grandparents had found one of the victims in 1953. She also finds mention that Thomas and Honoria Fell were killed by a wild animal in 1864. The first doubts concerning the true nature of the attacks enter her mind.
A little over two weeks later, attending the Founders' Party at the Lockwood Mansion, Claire catches a brief glance of someone watching her as she dances with biology teacher Martin Cott, but when she looks again, no-one is there.
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Chapter 4 Summary
A couple of days later, Claire takes Sheila to Wickery Pond for the latter's birthday, and they talk about Claire's dreams. Two days later, at the high school car wash fundraiser Claire sees Bonnie unknowingly use magic on a fellow student, and afterwards Sheila calls her to confirm a vision she had. That night Claire has a very vivid dream of a man looking for something in the woods. He comes upon a young man and a girl, shoots the man and raises what looks like a piece of wood over his heart. The dream shifts and Claire realizes there is a third man there, one she thinks looks somehow familiar, and the girl is now bent over a body. After suddenly jolting awake, Claire spends the day on edge, and then hears news of three bodies found burned beyond recognition in the old cemetery. She begins thinking that there is something off about the explanations given for this occurrence and the previous animal attacks — both recent and old. She recalls something her great-grandmother said, and the realization shocks her.
The rest of October passes without incident, the only news being Vicki Donovan's and Logan Fell's leaving town. Much of Claire's free time is taken up by preparations for the high school Halloween Party. She attends as a chaperone, manning the outdoor punch bar. Near the end of the evening she bumps into the stranger who had watched her class on the first day of school and feels a chill spread through her. An old conversation with her grandmother comes to the forefront of her mind, and realization hits once more.
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Chapter 5 Summary
The next day Claire tells Sheila of the previous night's encounter, also telling her she feels something's going to happen and that she doesn't want to be a part of it. The end of the month is highlighted by the arrival of the new history teacher, and at the beginning of December Claire runs into a newly returned Logan Fell. The meeting leaves her on high alert, but after seeing him at the high school's Career Night, she is afterwards told by Sheriff Forbes that he is going out of town again.
Two days later, a distraught Jenna tells Claire that Elena found out she is adopted and is angry at her for not sharing the fact.
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Chapter 6 Summary
Chaperoning at the school's Decade Dance, Claire learns that the stranger she had been crossing paths with since the beginning of the school year is Stefan Salvatore's older brother, and realization comes once more.
Later that week, she has a recurring bad dream featuring Sheila and goes for an early morning jog to clear her mind. The sense of foreboding doesn't leave her even after Sheila reassures her she is fine. Two days later, Bonnie calls her to tell her Sheila has passed away.
At the funeral reception, Bonnie gives Claire a silver four-leaf clover pendant and a note from Sheila. Claire recognizes the pendant as the one belonging to her grandmother which she had given to Sheila's mother years before. She recalls she had never seen either of them wear it. Bonnie tells her the pendant was meant to return to her.
Claire decides to begin wearing the pendant on her birthday. On that same day, her sister tells her she is pregnant. Claire celebrates her birthday at the Mystic Grill.
A few days later, at the Founders' Day Fundraiser and Bachelor Raffle, Claire finds out Damon Salvatore's name.
Near the end of January, while on a long walk at night, Claire is attacked by a vampire close to the woods. She escapes, running into Damon. When the vampire approaches her again, he bursts into flames and dies. Claire's eyes take on the hue of fire, revealing the fact she is a witch.
Damon invites her to his house to get cleaned up. Once there, they begin talking, and he tells her the vampire who attacked her was one of the twenty-six trapped in the tomb under Fell's Church. It is revealed that Claire has known about the supernatural in town, and she tells Damon that only Sheila Bennett knew about the fact that her father's family are witches.
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Chapter 7 Summary
Claire and Damon meet again at the Founders' Day Kick-off Party, where Claire realizes that Damon and Stefan are the Salvatores from 1864, as well as that Damon was responsible for many of the deaths attributed to animal attacks throughout the years. The week following the party, Claire is kept busy preparing for the Founders' Day Celebration.
She and Damon meet a third time at the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant, where Damon approaches her by saying the tomb vampires have left town. Wanting to keep a sense of normalcy to her life, Claire tells him that she doesn't need to know any details. Further conversations lead to her to gain knowledge of Ric's history with Damon and his being a vampire hunter, Isobel Flemming's being turned into a vampire by Damon, and Stefan's addiction to human blood.
A week later, Damon finds Claire's house by accident. They begin talking, and she invites him inside, where they spend hours conversing about both supernatural and non-supernatural topics. Cicero does not take a liking to Damon.
Before the Founders' Day Celebration, Claire has a dream about people and fire in a dark room. At the celebration she sees people crumpling to the ground for no apparent reason, and the sheriff's deputies rounding them up. She recalls what Damon had told her about the Gilbert device, and her dream, but reasons with herself that the first had been deactivated and the second was nothing like what she was seeing at the moment, and ultimately leaves. When she goes for a late-night jog afterwards to calm her mind, she comes upon him, but he is unwilling to talk about what's troubling him.
That same night Claire has a dream of Damon killing Jeremy.
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aquata-the-champ · 3 months
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the demon went down to texas: a playlist for the devil within ( @boointhenight / @kenneth-carson )
the family jewels by marina
the devil went down to georgia by the charlie daniels band
you first by paramore (feat. remi wolf)
eat your young by hozier
hospital (one man down) by madison cunningham (feat. remi wolf)
haunted by taylor swift
doomsday by lizzy mcalpine
punisher by phoebe bridgers
satanist by boygenius
the kids don't stand a chance by vampire weekend
the family jewels by marina
Oh, you think I'm unfit Little did you know that I was cut for it No glass slipper will ever fit 'Cause I could never see a diamond in it
One thing that I love about this arc is the way that Vicky and Lins use the supernatural as a way to talk about toxic family dynamics and generational trauma and general difficult family stuff! And I think this song gets at that and the use of jewels as a metaphor is perfect for the uber rich Carsons. Plus I pulled out this part because I think it nods to how Ken is kind of seen as less than his siblings, but really it's because he sees through the toxic nature of the family's past in the way others don't.
2. the devil went down to georgia by the charlie daniels band
Johnny, rosin up your bow and play your fiddle hard. 'Cause Hell's broke loose in Georgia and the Devil deals the cards. And if you win you get this shiny fiddle made of gold, But if you lose the Devil gets your soul.
How could I not?? This is the og demon deal song and I think the southern gothic of it all is very fitting for this thread being set in Texas. I wanted this playlist to kind of go chronologically through the story and this is the part when the Carsons make the deal with the devil kind of.
3. you first by paramore (feat. remi wolf)
Everyone is a bad guy And there's no way, no way to know Who's the worst Karma's gonna come for all of us And I hope, yeah, I hope, I just hope She comes, comes for you first
I know this is not what this song is about but I like to think of it as being from the demon's perspective lol. It also reminds me of like the way Boo talks to demons and how she's not easily spooked by them because she's dealt with them all her life. Idk do you feel the vibe??
4. eat your young by hozier
I'm starving, darling Let me put my lips to something Let me wrap my teeth around the world Start carving, darling I wanna smell the dinner cooking I wanna feel the edges start to burn
So this song has been interpreted in a lot of different ways and they're all valid but to me this song is largely about screwing over the next generation to get what you want now. And I think that's kind of the story of the Carsons' demon; they just keep making it the next generation's problem and that's why Ken and Boo are so determined to break the cycle!
5. hospital (one man down) by madison cunningham (feat. remi wolf)
Checking into a hospital Where the nurse is earth and sky Fighting against my flesh and blood There's nothing I won't try Even heartache looks so easy To a pair of grieving eyes I am always one man down
There's just something about a Remi Wolf collab idk idk it just works for this playlist. So idk what this song is really about but to me it is about like the world beating you down and you feel unwell about it? There's a lot of rlly visceral imagery here and idk it was just giving me Ken and Boo vibes
6. haunted by taylor swift
Come on, come on, don't leave me like this I thought I had you figured out Can't breathe whenever you're gone Can't turn back now, I'm haunted
hadtodoittoem.jpg Look it's a spooky playlist I had to put Haunted on it. To me this song is about when everything that was already kind of fragile suddenly turns into a horror movie!!! And all the dark stuff you were trying to ignore comes to light. I see this as the soundtrack to that crazy scene in the barn!!
7. doomsday by lizzy mcalpine
I'd have liked to plan out my part in this But you're such a narcissist That you did it on Halloween I had no choice in the matter Why would I? It's only the death of me
Ok so this song is about a breakup lmfao but I mostly wanted to include it because the idea of arguing with your murderer about the correct way to do it is so funny to me and idk just seems to fit here. Are you picking up the vibe I'm putting down? I also like that it's kind of a quieter song in the midst of a generally loud playlist, like an eerie moment of quiet.
8. punisher by phoebe bridgers
The drugstores are open all night The only real reason I moved to the east side I love a good place to hide in plain sight
This song is also more about vibes than meaning. I just find it so creepy lol I think Phoebe did an amazing job of like portraying this ghostly persona that works with the lyrics so seamlessly. But rather than really talking about the lyrics I just think that the sneaky, secretive nature of this song is fitting for like the demons hitching a ride back to Swynlake with Ken and Boo!
9. satanist by boygenius
Will you be an anarchist with me? Sleep in cars and kill the bourgeoisie At least until you find out what a fake I am Spray paint my initials on an ATM I burn my cash and smash my old TV
To me this song is about like rebellion and dealing with a shattered worldview and feelings of ennui by like picking some philosophy and just going crazy with it with your friends. Ken and Boo are not satanists/nihilists/anarchists as far as I am aware but they are dealing with a lot of shit together! And kind of rebelling in their own ways against some of the values they grew up with. So I thought this was fitting!
10. the kids don't stand a chance by vampire weekend
The pin-striped men of morning Are coming forward to dance Forty-million dollars The kids don't stand a chance
So I hate to end this playlist on a downer but think of it this way: this story isn't finished! I think a cool part of this arc was that it was a complicated victory: they saved Ken's life, but now they have a whole other set of problems. And meanwhile, the Carson family fortune and their tie to the demon continue on! The same way the evils of the world that the demon can represent, like greed and exploitation, also continue on. That's what this song is about to me: you win a minor victory, but now you have a whole other set of problems that makes it hard to feel hopeful.
Anyway can't wait to see what happens next!!!
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natty1730 · 1 year
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Chapter 4 : Business of Misery
I don't understand Glam. Why did you invite your bitchy sister over for dinner?" Vicky asked, helping Glam clean the kitchen. "I did not invite her dear, and we are not having diner. Just a cup of coffee." He said making sure the countertops were sparkling with cleanliness. Vicky turned her head slightly and asked, "So she asked to come here? She knows that this isn't a mansion right?" Glam just hummed a reply of yes before asking Vicky to get the kids.
Everyone sat quietly at the table, staring at Lydia who was drinking coffee from her own mug, that she brought with her. "I never knew you had kids." Lydia said breaking the silence. "Yes." Glam curtly said, starting intensely at Lydia. "Well I'm sure you have some speculations as to why I am here." Lydia gently set down her cup as she glanced at Dee and Heavy, before staring back at Glam. "No, not particularly Lydia." “Do you remember Ivan Morozov, he was one of your companions at the conservatory .”Glam's eyes hardened and his grip on his cup grew so hard his knuckles turned white. "Yes, vaguely." Glam then turned his head toward Vicky and said in a voice that could make everyone at that table gulp, "Vicky, you and the kids should go out for dinner. I will not be cooking tonight." Vicky and Heavy quickly got up, grabbed the keys from the holder, and practically ran out the door. He then looked only to see that his eldest son was still sitting at the table. "Dee you should leave." "Dad I don't want to-" Glam interrupted him with a harsh tone of voice. "Leave Dee." The boy gulped and hesitantly left the table and walked out the door. "That was unneeded Seab- I mean Glam." Lydia said before sipping the rest of her coffee. "Why must you drudge up the past, dear Lydia." Well I'll be in town for a couple of months, staying at one of my mansions." Glam snarled and took on a certain glint in his eyes. "What does this have to do with… Ivan?” Well, his daughter has recently come to town, and I will be her private piano instructor. Besides that, one of my maids was cleaning out the mansion and found this." Lydia took out a small green book from her small purse and slid it to the other side of the table towards her brother. Glam gasped as his eyes widened, 'My diary.' He thought. "I'm selling the house to Ivan so his daughter will be closer to the music conservatory. So I thought you should have that." Glam finally looked up at his sister, and gently grabbed the book from the table. Lydia stood from the table and started to make her way toward the door. "I must take my leave dear brother, after all I have a dinner to attend." Without looking back, Lydia left Glam alone at the table with his old diary.
Daisy sat at the open window seal smoking, while watching the rain droplets hit the leaves of the trees. 'How simple would it be if I was just a rain droplet? I'd never have to worry about anything ever again.' Daisy looked down to see her rather tight dress and sparkly heels. She sighed before closing the window. Sat at her vanity, looking at her reflection. She smiled at herself at the makeup she put on, it was a natural look . Y/n stood up from her chair and took notice that walking started to feel easier, and the way her body started to relax. The girl opened the door and started to walk down the marble staircase,The tall slender woman walked in, with beautiful styled blonde hair and a small beauty mark near the left side of her nose. “Ivan, it's been far too long. How have you been?" The beautiful woman offered her hand to shake, and Daisy’s father shook it eagerly. "It truly has been too long my dear Lydia, and I have been doing wonderful." Lydia then looked behind the man only to see Daisy wearing a dress with a slit too high for Daisy's liking . “So you must be Margarita? I must say I was expecting someone rather scrawny, and someone more... appropriate. Nonetheless, it's good to meet you." The woman said, giving Daisy a small nod. She sat down and started to zone out and focus on that spine tingling energy she felt roll down her back. "Y/n. We have a guest, please focus." Her father snapped her out briefly. She noticed the anger burning in his eyes as she turned her focus to Lydia. "What pieces do you like to play Margarita?”
The girl cleared her throat and started to roughly grip onto her dress. "Oh well I mainly like to play Mozart most of the time." That was a lie. Daisy mainly liked to play on her guitar, but she doubted that Lydia or her father would approve of her saying so. "Oh that's wonderful, he truly was a gifted man."The girl just nodded her head and started to focus on the table cloth. The pattern. “Shall we begin,” Lydia said. I play a piece called a Merry-Go-Round of Life. It is one of my favorite pieces from Joe Hisaishi. I move my hands with such grace and swiftness, I get lost in the music. Music is my passion, it is my reason for living. I close my eyes while playing. When the song came to the end, I opened my eyes. “That was beautiful, the most magnificent playing that I ever experienced. You played with so much passion, your father is right, you are spectacular at piano.” Lydia said with such delight as she stood up from her chair. “Bravo, Bravo you played magnificent, darling, I am so proud to call you my daughter.” I stood up from the stool And I gave a courtesy and said “Thank you, you're too kind.” “Thank you Ivan for inviting me, it was a delight to see your daughter.” Lydia said she smiled and she stated to leave the door.
“That was splendid playing, my daughter.” As my father hugged me I stood there awkwardly as he hugged me. He let go of me and said “Oh, sorry about that, Lydia will start to see you every Wednesday and Thursday , the rest of the week and weekend will be your free time.” I gasped for air. “Thank you, I should start heading to bed now.” I walk up the marble staircase. “Ok, have a good night's rest.” “Too you as well,” I opened the door to my bedroom. I started to get undressed and removed the makeup. Then I took a shower, after the shower I put on my pajamas and went to bed.
“I don't get it! Am I not pretty enough? Smart enough? Why don't you like me Dee?" Diana asked with tears threatening to ruin her mascara. Every day Diana has tried to put more effort into everything, for him. She would wake up hours earlier than usual to style her hair into gorgeous waves, or put on just a little bit more makeup than usual, or even look up facts about bands that Dee listens too. It wasn't until last night when she finally broke down. Crying into her silky pillow, with her step-mother rubbing her back in a lovingly way, Diana broke. "I just don't view you in that way. You're not my type, so please just leave me alone Diana." Dee said while sighing, walking away from Diana to walk home. He really did feel pitiful for the girl, but she would just not stop her advances. While the boy was walking his thoughts strangely did not wonder to Lif, but to Y/n instead. 'Now that I think about it, Daisy seems sorta tired all of the time. Hopefully she's okay, she hasn't been here all week.' He thought, brushing the piece of hair in his face away from him. 'Whatever I'm probably just overthinking it, she's fine.' Dee thought before opening the door to his home and walking in.
Daisy walked into school for the first time this week looking a bit rougher this time. She walked into history early, with only a couple people scattered in the classroom, one of those people being who she desperately wanted to avoid. Daisy sat down at her seat, avoiding the stare Dee was giving her. "Where were you? You were supposed to talk to Lif." He asked, taking notice of her weary appearance. The girl awkwardly smiled and scratched her neck before responding, "Yeah, she said that she had a crush on someone else... I'm sorry Dee." The boy had a feeling that Lif liked someone else, but it still hurt to hear it in reality. Did you talk to Diana for me?" Dee wondered for a second if he should bring up what Diana told him, "No not yet, sorry Daisy”. The bell finally rang and students started to trickle inside the classroom, everyone except Diana. By this point Daisy was getting desperate, so desperate in fact that she was planning to stop by Diana's house and personally ask her what's going on. The girl dug her textbook out of her bag and set it down on the table, wiping off white powder that was accidentally smeared on the book. "Y'know Heavy won't stop talking about you, it's getting pretty annoying actually." Dee said, sighing while staring into the window. Daisy just smiled at that, happy that someone else besides Lif actually liked her. "So I've been told. He invited me to dinner last week, but I had to decline. I still feel bad about turning him down." She said remembering how excited he was to ask her. "Were you busy doing something?" Dee asked, finally deciding to look at her. It was in this moment of eye contact, Daisy realized just how blue his eyes really were. Such a bright electric blue, she thought it was going to electrocute her. She snapped out of it, and picked up the moment of tension between them. “Yes, I was busy. It's none of your business Dee." She coldly said His gaze lingered a bit longer on her, before finally returning to their history teacher. "Today class, you will be doing a week-long project with whoever is at your table." Everyone started to groan and whisper, ignoring the teacher's attempts to quiet them down. "No complaining! In this project you will choose a historical figure with your partner, and will make a presentation on how they shaped Russia. I heavily implore you to spend time outside of school working on this, because you won't have any time in class to work on it. Any questions?" Dee immediately raised his hand up high, startling Daisy a bit. "Yes Dee?" "Is there any chance we could work alone on this, without a partner?" The teacher just sighed before replying to Dee in a rather monotone voice. "No Dee, you have to work with your table partner."
As everyone started to talk about who their project will be over, the boy and girl just sat in an awkward, tension filled quietness. 'He really hates me that much? It hurts to know that he would rather work alone than to even talk to me.' Daisy wondered while placing her textbook back inside her bag. Dee coughed to break the silence, earning a small glance from Daisy . "We should work together after school today, at my house." He said while putting his textbook away as well. "Sorry I can't today, I have a thing after school." Not entirely a lie, the girl really did have something after school. It was just piano practice... at seven in the evening. "Well what about tomorrow afternoon, it'll be Saturday so we won't even have school." Daisy thought thoughtfully for a moment weighing out all of her options. "If we do this project fast then we should finish in two days. So I'll work on it with you after school, then tomorrow. Can we settle on that" The girl asked, staring into Dee's blue eyes. "I thought you had a thing after school?"The girl just grinned mischiefly and her ears pricked a little bit red. "Yeah well it's just later in the evening. I just need to leave your house by six." Dee gave a nod of approval, and hid the confusion on his face. 'She really hates me that much? She had to lie so she wouldn't even talk to me, that hurts.' He thought looking back out the window. "Do you want to meet at the front?" Daisy asked, glancing over to Diana's empty spot. "Yeah sounds good, though Heavy will probably walk with us. Don't worry about my parents, they both have this thing to go to, so you won't meet them today." He said, staring into Daisy's deep brown eyes. He never noticed how angelic her appearance was, it was almost intriguing to Dee. The boy knew little to nothing about Daisy. The bell rang and Daisy grabbed her bag and quickly left the room, leaving behind a rather intrigued Dee.
Daisy walked through the hallway and entered the bathroom, filled with girls talking or replying to makeup. She noticed a familiar backpack on the floor of the very last stall, Daisy waited until everyone left then finally had enough courage to knock on it. "Diana, it's Daisy. Look I don't know what I did, but I really am sorry. You've been my first friend since I got here, and it really sucks to see you like this... can we talk? Please?" She heard the door open with a click and Diana walked out of the stall with tears of dried mascara on her face. "I don't get it." Diana mumbled looking down at the tiled floor. "Don't get what?" Daisy asked curiously. "I don't fucking understand why he likes you and not me!"She yelled, fresh tears adorning her face. "I have known him since elementary school, I have always been nice to him, and hell I even force myself to listen to the bands he listens to!" Daisy didn't know what to do or even say, so she tried to comfort her. "It's just a crush on Diana! And-" "It's not just a crush on Daisy ! I am in love with Dee. I know that all of my teenage hormones, and bad decisions make it look like a crush, but it's not. I wish it was, then my fucking heart wouldn't be chewed and spit out every damn time I talk to him!" They both stared at each other for awhile, both analyzing each other's shells of their personalities. "Dee hates me Diana. He goes out of his way to avoid me every day, and he doesn't even like me. He has a crush on a different girl in our grade, who is completely different than both of us. It's useless being mad at a version of me that doesn't even fucking exist."The pink haired girl's eyes widened in realization, but her tears started to run even further. "Don't be my friend Y/n." Before Y/n could mutter out another word Diana grabbed her bag from the floor and took out a small makeup bag, that was quite heavy. "I don't want to be your friend because I hate you Daisy , it's actually quite the opposite. If we maintain our friendship I'll just fuck it up again with my insecurities and jealousy."She looked at the mirror and Daisy couldn’t believe of what she is hearing “It's best for both of us to cut all contact. I feel really embarrassed about being a bitch, but I know that if we develop our friendship even further, someone will just get hurt." Her tears finally dried and Diana wiped off the rest of her makeup in the reflection of the mirror. She asked, looking away from the mirror and staring back at Daisy. "Okay Diana." They both gave each other a weak smile, as Diana left the bathroom. Daisy stepped inside the stall and pulled out a box of cigarettes and smoked one.
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