#very tired tonight but
outofangband · 9 months
(Just thinking about Aerin after Túrin leaves.)
There had been two dozen in the halls that evening when she had followed Brodda there, silent and numb. All of them lie dead or have fled into the cold hills. The night is quiet but she knows it will not be for long. Not all who fled the halls left with Túrin.
She steps inside again. The fire in the hearth is dying. Broken glass and wooden splinters shatter the ground.
She looks at Brodda’s body for just a moment. For a man of so much violence it had taken so little to end him.
She walks to the table where she had been forced to sit beside him and play her cruel role. It had been splintered off in the chaos. She picks up one of the broken legs. It is heavy in her hand as she drags it across the floor. In her other hand she takes a torch from the wall, one of the few left. It is too warm to hold but she does anyways until she has walked the length of the hall to the other one left.
Aerin drops the torch.
She knows Túrin will never reach Morwen. She knows no help will come.
She walks back towards the night that will soon dawn a frigid grey. The flames leap over the table and the tapestry. She feels no warmth from them.
The house burns for a very long time.
Notes:, I think SO much about Aerin and Túrin’s brief exchange over Morwen. It actually dates back to the book of lost tales version too! Am revising my post on this. Two, am leaving this purposefully ambiguous to whether or not Aerin survives. That being said I am certain that Húrin watching saw her burn. I was talking to theworldisquietheretooquiet about this! We have so many agonizing ideas :)
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andva-ri · 1 year
For the pallette meme would you draw Donnie w Succulent?
☆ Took this as a chance to finally draw plant-lover Donnie! ☆
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☆Thank you for the ask! ☆
let's not forget how much of a sweetie he is under the mad-scientist/bad-boy-image act
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herewegobebe · 22 days
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The beautiful five 💞💎💞
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soulmvtes · 9 months
i love coming out of an everything shower and smelling of cocoa and hibiscus and using moroccanoil on my hair and putting on a perfume that smells of jasmine and using a rose toner and doing all my silly little skincare before getting into bed to watch a comforting movie :'))
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i am asleep much in the way that Wally is asleep. that is to say, I Am Not Sleeping
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shadow-tism · 5 months
I will say as someone who absolutely experiences romantic attraction and is categorized as a hopeless romantic (Im a sucker for it):
I am so tired of people taking away the legitimacy of relationships (and love as a concept) that are not seeded in romantic intentions. I know this has been a huge debate but also, it affects things just in day to day life. Its ridiculous to me that I can’t tell my coworkers I love them without them thinking I am making a move on them or joking. Like no!!! You dealt with a difficult customer when you knew it was too much for me! I love you! Your favourite colour changes like a mood ring, I LOVE YOU!!!! Your favourite cookie is peanut butter so sometimes I will “accidentally” break a cookie when youre having a rough day and give it to you! I LOVE YOU!!!
Like we tell kids to not say I love you unless it means something special, but why does there have to be such an exclusivity to that???? Ya I loved my teachers growing up, I loved every friend I ever made, even the ones who wronged me. My heart is capable of so much but it is restricted by these stupid societal norms that make no sense.
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klaufir · 2 months
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nonranghaes · 10 months
heads up: reader struggling w friendships (feeling uninvolved + unheard)
felix hears the way you sigh as you come back into the room, and doesn't move quite yet. he knows you well enough. he listens as your footsteps draw nearer, and you pass in front of him as quickly as you can before throwing yourself onto the opposite end of the couch. it's enough to make him raise a brow--usually you'll sit next to him because you like being close to him--but he can't take his eyes off the tv screen quite yet.
"everything okay?" he says as he pulls one side of his headset back, and then he already hears changbin and jisung responding. "not--not you guys. hold on, i'll still be here--" he mutes his mic, and looks over to you. "babe?"
you curl in on yourself, frowning. "not really."
"you wanna talk about it?"
"you're busy--"
he shoves his headset down so it hangs around his neck. "i can multitask. once we're done with this, i'll stop, alright?"
you pout and he sees it from the corner of his eye. "i don't want to bother you."
"you aren't," he promises. "i'm listening."
"it's just... more of the same-old." you shift so you're a little closer to him. "feeling like some of my friends are closer with each other so i'm just kind of playing fifth wheel, platonically. other friends not listening to me when i speak meanwhile i feel like i file every little fact away..."
he's heard it before. he looks up, and he sees how upset you are, and he debates for a moment. he's going to play again with changbin and jisung this weekend... surely they can carry on without him? he pulls up his headset, unmutes, and says he's gotta go. all it takes is him mentioning your name for them to stop teasing him: felix wouldn't be ditching them if it weren't somewhat serious. he logs back out, and turns over, moving in to wrap his arms around you.
"hey." he smiles. "i love you. you wanna go out?" he says. "we can get dinner. talk more. maybe walk by the river?"
he knows you well: getting out helps. and walking by the river always helps you open up more. you peck his lips as you get up to find your shoes.
at least felix has your back when you need it the most.
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luck-of-the-drawings · 2 months
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smth smth about 'the thing that the character did that you thought was rly rly funny in the moment is actually linked to a terrible trauma that lies within said character.' or wahtever.
#jrwi show#jrwi fanart#jrwi riptide#gillion tidestrider#made this within a short span of wahtever bc i gotta go up to the mountains for my stupid gay job tonight n im trying#nnot to frrRREAAAK THE FUCK OUUTTTTTTi dont wanna work but. get that bread we fuckin shall i guess#ONWARDS TO THE FISH TORMENT!! sometimes flowers feel pain when you trim them before their blossoming. atleast i imagine so#i used to draw gillion with loooong hair tied into a big ol braid. and then it was confirmed that he had short hair when he was little.#AT FIRST I WAS SAD. but then i realized the duality of. when they were little. gill had short hair. edyn had long hair.#AND NOW THEYRE OLDER. and gillion has long hair. and edyn has short hair#both mirroring eachother. looking up to eachother. subconsciously or not. they most certainly care. and most certainly miss eachother.#GILLION ALWAYS LOVED HOW LONG HAIR LOOKs. atleast i imagine so. he hasnt cut it since he left the undersea. sure he wanted to go back home#but even at the very start. he knew he was free in some way now. free to grow out his hair. an adventure would await him before he returns.#he knew it would be a while. so he cant let this go. he cant let this sought-after hair-length get cut away from him again#not yet. not yet. i like to think he loved music too. I SAW SOMETHING INTERESTING A BIT AGO#i see alot of ppl commenting on my baby gill comics like;'i wouldFIGHT this teacher i wanna KILL EM i want them DESTROYED#all very good and nice sentiments! i LOVE the energy here! and it would be nice. to have that catharsis#but the story of young tidestrider is not a story of catharsis. it is a story of agony and being so so small and so special and also so dum#and sucking so bad. and just being a kid and doing the things that a little kid does and so many tired tired people reacting badly to it#youre supposed to be the hero that will save us. our world hangs in the balance and you are the one who tips the scales.#YOU are supposed to SAVE US!! you NEED to SAVE US! CAN YOU PLEASE STOP SQUIRMING IN YOUR STUPID CHAIR!!#you'd think that young tidestrider ought to prevail. and be tucked someplace all safe and sound.#elders gone missing and rotting in a jail. their cultists nowhere around. but theres no happy endings. not here not now.#this tale is all sorrows n woes. you may dream that justice n peace win the day. but thats not how this story goes#BIG ideas for this lil baby gillion series. if anything i make ever gets disproven im killing myself in a well as to poison a water supply
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Prompt 21
This past winter, Geralt grabbed a tower of books from the library and holed himself up in his room for practically the entire season. Eskel walks in one night, intent on just checking in on his brother, only to poke around and find that every book that Geralt is painstakingly studying is medical books, from how to deal with a sore throat to the most rarest of diseases. Eskel asks Geralt why he needs to know all of this, worried Geralt might be losing his mutagen-induced healing factor?! Is he getting sick!? Are his wounds not healing over time!? Oh GODS! Oh nvm- Geralt says he's fine :) He's reading all of this because... He met a human bard he wants to keep safe? Odd... Especially for Geralt... But whatever makes his brother happy! I just want a scene after some nice gay brotherly teasing that's like "Ow- Oh no.. Geralt, my arm was scratched by a branch. Hold on, I need to-" And geralt is like FROTHING and is like "WE NEED BANDAGES, THREAD, A NEEDLE, DISINFECTANT, NUMBING SOLUTION, AND I KNOW FOURTEEN DIFFERENT NATURALLY MADE POULTICES I CAN MAKE, AND I KNOW A HELPFUL SPELL A HEDGEWITCH CAN CAST AND-" "It's just a scratch, Gera-" "SHIT, SIT DOWN, I GOTTA FIX MY HUMAN BEFORE HE DIES AND I LOSE ONE OF THE ONLY GOOD THINGS IN MY LIFE"
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expelliarmus · 1 year
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hajihiko · 2 years
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Sniff sniff..... cheering from somewhere....
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roseworth · 8 months
what a fucking week (it’s 2 pm on a monday)
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When it’s Wet Beast Wednesday but it still feels like Existential Tuesday
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ra-archives · 2 months
Did some traditional painting recently. Yes I know the lighting is shit, I swear it looks better IRL
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Might turn the second one digital and mayhaps make it a sticker? :))
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synthshenanigans · 6 months
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Im crying
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