#vampire suspense
thedeadgameblog · 5 months
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Who sits and waits in the darkness?
There is no movement in the blackness.
As still as a fox waiting to pounce,
She waits without a ruffle or flounce.
A hissing sigh floats through the air.
Are those snakes slithering in her hair?
The ghostly form stands to meet us.
Is she the hostess sent to greet us?
We stand alone in this bleak hall.
There won’t be dancing at this ball.
Time to leave this creepy place
And quicken this story’s pace.
But since this is a horror story,
We won’t be leaving with much glory.
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susanneleist · 2 years
Silence reigns supreme. The sun hides its face. Palm trees shake their leaves. Winds quicken their pace. The hotel stands deserted. Flapping sounds fill the air. Dark shadows join the fray Beneath his icy stare. THE DEAD GAME SERIES
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deeswriting · 2 years
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verimuru · 2 months
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that "kinky shit" daniel referred to in this comic
blue pencil sketches turned grayscale in photoshop by verimuru
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twilightsagasworld · 15 days
Garrett x Reader part 2
Unsettling revelations
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(Y/n) sat across from Chief Swan, her hands trembling slightly as she recounted the events at the museum once more. The grizzled police chief listened intently, brow furrowed in concentration.
"And you're certain this man had red eyes?" Swan asked, jotting down notes.
(Y/n) nodded shakily. "Yes, they were unmistakable. And his skin - it was so pale, almost unnaturally so. And the way he moved, it was..." She struggled to find the right words. "Inhumanly fast and graceful."
Swan's expression grew increasingly grave. "This matches the description of a suspect we've been trying to track down for some time now. A dangerous drifter with a history of violence."
(Y/n)'s heart sank. "So you know who he is? What does he want?"
The chief sighed heavily. "Unfortunately, we don't know much about his motives or origins. All we can say is that he's extremely volatile and unpredictable. A real threat to the community."
Bile rose in (Y/n)'s throat as a horrifying realization dawned on her. "The children... Am I putting them in danger by being around them?"
Swan reached across the desk, placing a reassuring hand on her arm. "We're going to do everything in our power to keep you and the kids safe. In the meantime, I'd advise you to be extra vigilant. Don't go anywhere alone, and keep your doors and windows locked at all times."
(Y/n) nodded mutely, her mind racing. She had to find a way to protect her students, even if it meant putting herself at risk.
As she left the police station, a dark shadow seemed to loom over her. The unsettling encounter had shaken her to the core, but she knew she couldn't let fear consume her. She had to be strong, for the sake of the children.
Little did she know, the danger was closer than she could have imagined...
(Y/n) gripped the steering wheel tightly, her knuckles turning white as she drove back to the school. Chief Swan's words echoed in her mind, the ominous warning about the dangerous drifter sending a chill down her spine.
Her thoughts raced, trying to process everything she had learned. This man, with his unnatural speed and chilling red eyes, was a known threat to the community. And he had singled her and the young boy out at the museum. The realization that her students could be in danger because of her filled her with a sense of dread.
As she pulled into the school parking lot, (Y/n) took a deep, shuddering breath. She had to pull herself together and figure out how to keep the children safe. She couldn't let this stranger's dark presence cast a shadow over their lives.
Stepping into the familiar hallways of the school, (Y/n) felt a small measure of comfort. This was her domain, a place where she could protect and nurture the young minds in her care. She made her way to the principal's office, determined to discuss the situation and implement any necessary safety measures.
However, as she approached the office, she noticed that the door was slightly ajar, a faint light flickering from within. Furrowing her brow, (Y/n) pushed the door open cautiously, her heart pounding in her chest.
The sight that greeted her made her blood run cold.
There, seated in the principal's chair, was the red-eyed man from the museum. A twisted smile spread across his pale features as he locked eyes with her, his gaze burning with a predatory intensity.
"Hello, my dear," he purred, his voice dripping with a chilling menace. "I've been waiting for you."
(Y/n) felt her breath catch in her throat, all the color draining from her face. How had he found her? And what did he want? Panic gripped her as she realized that she was now completely alone, with no one to come to her aid.
Swallowing hard, (Y/n) knew she had to find a way to escape, to get help and protect her students. But the man's unsettling presence and the malice in his eyes made her doubt whether she would even make it out of the room alive.
The tension in the air was palpable, and (Y/n) could feel her heart racing as she braced herself for what was to come. She knew she had to be strong, for the sake of the children. But in the face of this supernatural threat, she couldn't help but wonder if she was truly prepared for the horrors that lay ahead.
( for @twilightlover2007 )
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acecasinova · 3 days
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Hang In There!
Don't worry bud, you'll be let down soon~ ...probably... But- vampires probably don't have to worry about blood pooling in their head, right? Especially if they haven't been fed in a while...
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anxioma · 7 months
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O último garoto da cidade ! , uso pessoal
obs.: fiz essa capinha de bobeira, mas acabei gostando dela por ser sangrenta e ainda parecer, de certa forma, "velha". não sabia muito bem como fazer isso sem usar rostos e/ou artes, apenas os tênis característicos do personagem e surgiu isso. está agradável aos olhos, espero eu. tô bem feliz com resultado e extremamente ansioso para usar essa belezinha.
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moonfireshadow · 2 years
Van Helsing as Mina watches him eat, bright eyes and bushy tailed and 100% totally not becoming a full fledged vampire returning to her master: Oooh I fucked up
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indigoinka · 8 months
Fat lesbian vampire story is free!
Secrets at the Door is free on all the retailers until the end of the month.
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The secrets aren't at the door. They're already in the house.
Betsy’s reluctance to lead the Merryweather coven puts her entire family in danger, and with an injured vampire showing up on their doorstep and a bloodborn harvest to resurrect, they can’t afford mistakes.
When the coven is targeted on neighbouring Castle land, the only reliable witness is a young girl found hiding in the family mausoleum. But Lotus is not what she seems.
The girl is a secret keeper with a bind on her tongue. And when one of the Merryweathers finds Lotus unconscious in the woods, Betsy helps her unravel her tongue, slowly learning the terrible truth of what her coven has been harbouring for years.
This book features a fat, beekeeping lesbian vampire, a queer well-demon in need of a haircut, vampires who make very bad decisions, and a case of stone-cold revenge. There are romantic elements (f/f & m/nonbinary).
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thedeadgameblog · 2 months
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Silence reigns supreme.
The sun hides its face.
Palm trees shake their leaves.
Winds quicken their pace.
The hotel stands deserted.
Flapping sounds fill the air.
Dark shadows join the fray
beneath his icy stare.
by Susanne Leist
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susanneleist · 2 months
Silence reigns supreme. The sun hides its face. Palm trees shake their leaves. Winds quicken their pace. The hotel stands deserted. Flapping sounds fill the air. Dark shadows join the fray beneath his icy stare. THE DEAD GAME by Susanne Leist http://amzn.to/1lKvMrP
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deeswriting · 2 years
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A new Amazon Kindle book out now!
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July Camp NaNoWriMo project announcement - Compass
Los Angeles - 2017
An off-the-books prisoner transfer turns into a deadly road trip on Route 66 after vampire hunter Sierra Aguirre-Stoker takes on the dangerous assignment attempting to live up to the family name.
After learning the truth about her father Gabriel's secret life and the underground world he was part of, Sierra Aguirre joined the Amarillo Hunter Agency to follow his footsteps. Two years and a transfer to the Chimera agency in Los Angeles, to train with her uncle, John Stoker, later, she's a rising star, in a world where vampires are becoming increasingly subject to human knowledge and scrutiny.
When a vampire wanted by both human and hunter authorities is captured, LA authorities demand that he be tried for the murders he was wanted for as a human. Concerned that human legal and law enforcement systems are no match for a dangerous rogue vampire, the agency determines that the best way to keep him from escaping to transport him out of the jurisdiction to the Silver Cells in Arizona before any official request is made. Sierra and her partner volunteer for the assignment, which seems like the perfect way to prove she's a worthy heir to her family's impressive legacy.
But as the journey continues, she finds out that many things she's taken for granted are more complicated than she wants to believe, including her job, her family legacy, and the guilt or innocence of her prisoner...
(Note, if you've been following my writing for a while, this is set in the same vampire hunter universe as Magic & Silver!)
Character Introductions:
Sierra Aguirre-Stoker
Pete Jemison
Shane Barrett
Tagging @nade2308 @the-one-and-only-valkyrie @catwingsathena @telltaleclerk (Please let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!)
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etruatcaelum · 10 months
[ @scareqrowbranwen | qrow // for summer ]
“I picked up dumplings,” Summer announces without preamble as she breezes in through the front door. Is it locked? Could be. She hadn’t bothered to check. Or… knock. “What kind? Don’t know, didn’t ask, they smelled good and I’m starving so–”
Best thing about downtown Vale is the food trucks swarming all over the place; and by ‘best thing’ what she really means is ‘sole redeeming feature of what is otherwise an overcrowded and overpriced urban hive.’ Summer rocks into the kitchenette and slams her hard-earned prize triumphantly down on the counter.
“—you in?” she calls out belatedly. He might not be. He more often isn’t, though with how busy Ozpin’s kept him these last couple weeks she’d wager on Qrow being here if he’s not out chasing shadows in the sticks. Snorting, she tears open the paper sack and starts scooping foil-wrapped dumplings onto the counter. “I’ve had a day. Been at the guildhouse in suspension hearing purgatory since ten. Ten! Had, like, a pastry for lunch. Better be quick if you want to eat any of this before I do.”
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chaoticelectron · 10 months
Oh gosh. Wtf is the new BSD chapter. I just can't. I literally can't. Let me breath Asagiri.
* Dies *
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sleeperscribes · 9 months
The Gunslinger Chapter 1: Hope Abandoned
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