#uu unknown
manikas-whims · 5 months
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UNKNOWN – Akira Kuno aka Anno Un
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kaoharu · 8 months
i wish i cld fit all the into the unknown lyrics on my blog somehow :looks out the window forlornly:
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lynsburner · 9 months
your fics are so amazing!! where do you usually get inspiration from?
Thank you so much! Also, my apologies, because as always, it's time to give an unnecessary, long-ass answer to questions that should take a second to respond to.
So, this is threefold.
One: I love me a rom-com. I love two people who should be together finally find their way to each other. Some of my favorites are What If? (also called The F Word in some places) which to me is friends to lovers excellence, and there's a scene where they turn the "grand gesture" trope on its head that I LOVE, About Time (and the message of living every day to the fullest), and I really did like Plus One, which is another great friends to lovers time. Also, as we know, I am a sucker for Practical Magic. I just like writing stories like these lol
Two: .... don't hate me for this, but spite/determination LMAO. There were fics that I wanted to see/read but couldn't seem to find them... so I wrote them myself!
I didn't really get into reading/writing self-insert until a few years ago, and even then, I was mostly reading the silly/Wattpad-level bad ones with friends as a joke. But, like most things I do, it went from being ironic to unironic really quickly and I thought to myself, "Hey, if these people can do this, so can I!" Most of these stories lived on my notes app and I exchanged them with a single friend. The more (once I realized who and who wouldn't judge me for writing these) friends who saw them encouraged me to publish them. And now I have this burner account lol.
So, long story short: there are just things I wanted to read and I thought "Well, if no one else will... guess I'll have to step up to the plate. "
Not that I think I'm writing anything revolutionary. This is my burner account self-insert blog. My name isn't really Lyn. This is my little secret aka my commitment to the bit is truly... unmatched.
And three: My first ever published fic from this account was inspired by a genuine long-distance relationship I was in at the time (he was also just as tall, and had long hair, but from a neighboring country lol) and being frustrated I couldn't meet them because of the pandemic. So I kind of channeled that want (and even some of the moments we had shared) in there.
The second one in that series was inspired by more real-life experience, as well as a shit ton of tik-toks of plus-size women having shared their experience of more conventionally attractive people trying to flirt with their significant others in front of them. I really wanted to attempt to subvert expectations with that one and say while it might feel good in the moment, constantly being overlooked because of the body you lived in fucking SUCKS.
The third in that series literally came together in a week of just an idea I had that was just like... yeah this relationship is hard... and no one's perfect.. but love, man! I also just desperately needed a vacation IRL lol Plus, a lovely anon kept messaging me about that series and I had the urge to revisit it.
With the most recent one, that angst was actually scrapped dialogue from the third in that series that I just wanted to explore more? Like that one had the end goal of them getting engaged and I knew if I had them genuinely yelling at each other, that engagement wouldn't be earned. So to a blank slate of a couple it went to! Also, lbr, Unreal Unearth is truly so tragic when it comes to its themes (specifically about love) so I pulled from there a teensy bit.
And, then the chaptered one was fully inspired by that tumblr post that was like "He's a sound guy. Shite Craic. Would not have him round for cans, on my life" where they described Andrew as a dude who only mopes and smokes weed. I just thought it would be very funny to make him a bit of a cynical asshole. Plus, I technically have a film degree, and dreams of becoming a professional screenwriter in me, so writing dialogue is my absolute favorite thing. Love silly banter between two people who just need to kiss already.
Again, so sorry for this being so long, but I am a sucker for an ego-boost-filled deep dive.
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stroebe2 · 1 year
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controld3vil · 6 months
pairing(s): sub-zero/bi-han & reptile/syzoth x reader (seperate) synopsis: shang tsung’s proposition tempted you. his powers guaranteed so you took it. how can they see you now, when you’re going against your morals for yourself? alt: requested by this ask! notes: - reader is gender neutral - anon, thank uu for requesting !! i also wanna mention, im capable of writing for most of mk1 characters :] i should’ve specified on my pinned comment but as long as you read my rules, it’s all good - btw this was such a fun concept to write !!
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BI HAN/SUB-ZERO  -> It works in his favor, while Bi-Han struggled to make amends for the well-being of Lin Kuei. Circumstances were failing him - his father, no doubt, created a bad example for him. He could not guide him on the significance of maintaining order on Earthrealm. Your recent habits did not surprise him - you were always a kind-hearted person. You were the one who helped Tomas when he struggled to make a perfect score and who volunteered additional counseling for new Lin Kuei trainees - you were dutiful to follow his steps and to protect Earthrealm.
-> But perhaps on that day, when Shang Tsung turned Bi-Han against his brothers, it made you think twice about what was at stake. Kuai Liang knocks him out and brings him back to the compound in solitary confinement. “Kuai Liang told me you aligned with the enemy?” You questioned, him half expecting you to be furious at his endeavor. The Lin Kuei's Grandmaster scoffs at the mention of Scorpion, his scorned brother, the one to betray him. “He was a fool otherwise - What Shang Tsung offered will lead The Lin Kuei to glory.” Part of Bi-Han’s mind pondered your disapproval of his defiance - you always disliked the mistreatment of power, leaving no justice for those less fortunate. Why you are willing to stand by his stand is unknown to the Grandmaster. -> You do not visit for a few days, and the cryomancer grows wary of your rejection against him. Coincidentally, you were more aligned with his younger brothers, accepting the peace that Liu Kang made - you were never to oppose, even suggesting alternative solutions when issues struck. Liu Kang nonetheless appreciated your advice but never took upon your suggestions. Bi-Han feels enraged by this - you had many skills, faring better than some of his soldiers.  -> The night he escaped the compound, Sektor and Cyrax reassure him of your safety. It was your idea, and Bi-Han feels relief when he encounters you keeping watch. Lin Kuei soldiers – devoted to him and your cause, are by your side, monitoring the site. The Grandmaster drained from numerous hours of inactivity, bolts to you. “I thought you would stay,” Left me – a fear he would never tell. However, you catch it in his eyes, promising, almost pleading for you. “I am by your side, Bi-Han,” you say, interlacing your hands with his. “Never forget that.”  -> Your peculiar habits began bit by bit after the battle with Titan Shang Tsung. With the service of Sektor, Bi-han was able to elevate the Lin Kuei with cybernetic soldiers. He acknowledged this was the more reasonable choice than Shang Tsung’s soul stealers as it was discreet from Liu Kang’s notice. You believed the same - the Lin Kuei required more allies, and building their strength would be a nifty task. The revelation brought you to the masterful sorcerer. Shang Tsung is disingenuous but does not worry you. As long as he did his end of the bargain, you considered - would be adequate. In exchange for control, he could summon you at any time. An easy compromise that you assumed - would not disrupt Lin Kuei’s plans. -> Time after time, you were not like yourself. You felt you had gone through a dramatic shift after inheriting new powers. It was as if you were reborn with greater intention. The things you used to tend for did not feel the exact or vital. Scorpion and Smoke pointed this out when they witnessed you again in Japan. Things have changed — you have changed. They could see it in your eyes and demeanor. You were no longer the gentle and maternal figure they grew up seeing. [ bi-han ]: together, side by side, the lin kuei will fare no better glory. [ you ]: if only kuai liang and tomas understood this.
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SYZOTH/REPTILE -> Syzoth is worried about you. Every minute you stand by Shang Tsung’s side, darkness infests your mind. Syzoth had bare witness to the mischievous schemes and understood it would be detrimental for you. Compared to him and everyone else, you were the last person someone would wish to pursue into madness. How should he explain this? -> When Syzoth met you, it was a pure accident. You were gazing through the multiple fruit stands the city had to show. He was performing a show per Shang Tsung’s persistence. To reveal his Zaterran qualities, Reptile continuously did tricks, transforming back and forth between forms. His stunts were not the first thing that captured your stare. But merely his smile - you knew what happiness and joy felt like. From afar, you saw how broken he was. At the end of the night, Syzoth scurried backstage to prepare for the following day. Unexpectedly, you arrived, arms crossed behind your back with a cutely curious expression. “You’re the performer, right? The one with Zaterran blood?”   -> “What does it mean to you? Here to insult me?” His voice is sharp and rigid as he dismisses your presence, shaking the boxes beside his tent. Numerous strangers were keen to spend time with him. Most enjoyed the entertainment he produced. You saw the void Syzoth had, standing out on the podium like a puppet. It was degrading to a living being. You wanted to help him - however, Syzoth rejected it. If Shang Tsung witnessed your compassion, who knows what manipulative excuse he would use?  -> Though it struck him by surprise what Shang Tsung told him the following morning, “A benevolent soul has sent their regards to you and has convinced me to travel with us. I must thank you, Syzoth.” Horror struck the Zatterian as if he had witnessed the most vile crime. His intent was never to pursue you into his mess. Nonetheless, he frets for your safety and what would happen to your mind once corrupted.  -> Your innocence is what kept Syzoth going. In the opaque chasms of Shang Tsung's experiments, you were the one person he could lean on when circumstances had driven him mad. You are supportive and affectionate. And you know the ways and words to console him from his night terrors. While the longer you stayed with him, the more you saw misconduct and depravity. There was an appeal to the sorcerer. Born with little power, you became curious for a better life. Shang Tsung gladly offered and gave you what you considered a gift from the Elder Gods. Like day and night, you were conspicuous with your odd habits. There were times Syzoth questioned your motives, always collecting materials for Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. You were delighted to comply with their requests, even going out of your way to exploit their payment. -> However, one thing he knew that was true was your fondness for him. You deeply cared for the shape-shifting Zatterran. Always there to safeguard him from unwanted matters. All the horrific experiments tormented him. And when they fetch new subjects, the laboratory would be the worst place to reside. The nauseating smell of flesh and blood could never escape him. That is the burden Syzoth must carry forever. You were his guardian angel in some ways. In frantic need, you make all his fears go away. Simply by your presence alone, Syzoth will feel at ease. Where he is near, you are never too far off. You have sacrificed much for him.
-> The two of you looked out for each other. There was no line you would not cross to save Syzoth. Even now, as you two fled the wretched laboratory of his former master, you had suggested killing the Earthrealmers. Which Syzoth immediately brought down, scolding you for how casual you made it sound to be. Johnny, Kenshi, and Kung Lao were not like Shang Tsung. They were deemed trustworthy - for setting him and you free from imprisonment. He knew you meant no harm, simply looking out for his safety and yours. Syzoth hopes one day to change your perspective on outsiders and Earthrealm alike. He believes you would thrive better here at Lord Liu Kang’s sanctuary.  -> Initially, the Fire God had given his friend, Johnny, a questionable look. After he deemed him, you, and Asrah compatible with Earthrealm's cause, you were welcome with open arms. It was the first step for you to contemplate and rehabilitate yourself. He hopes for you to stay away from harm. Syzoth all knew of the toxic threads Shang Tsung had placed on you - he anticipates you freed of them. And to allow yourself to aid people for the greater good.  [ you ]: don't believe all of what liu kang has to say. [ syzoth ]: why? and trust shang tsung instead?
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ohii-san · 6 months
( One day in November )
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Tomoya: O~i, Hinata. I’m thinking of making some coffee, do you want some too? Look, there’s a note here that says you’re free to help yourself.
Hinata: Huh. Will you make mine too? Thanks, Tomo-kun!
Tomo-kun’s reeeally thoughtful, isn’t he~?
Usually I’m the older brother type and I never really thought anyone else would take care of me, but when I’m with Tomo-kun, I get really spoiled.
Tomoya: Ahaha, what’s that? You’re making a pretty big deal out of me making coffee.
When it comes to Ra*bits, Hajime usually makes the coffee for me, and it’s really good. So I wanted to try it for myself.
Well, I guess all you have to do is set up the cup of coffee and turn it on…
Okay, it’s brewed. Thanks for being patient; it’s hot though, so be careful! I can’t even joke about burning yourself before the performance…
Hinata: U~waaa ♪ Thank you!
Well, I’m still wondering when the actual performance is gonna be~
Tomoya: Yeah, for sure. This is the first time I’ve felt so pressured by work.
Hinata: Me too, me too. But it seems like it was some random trouble with the equipment, so it’s not like it was anyone’s fault.
Tomoya: But, waiting for so long is kinda exhausting… I don’t even really feel excited for work anymore.
Hinata: Nn~… I’ve been waiting for so long that I’m getting sleepy, but the sofa here’s too hard~
Tomoya: Hey, you're relaxing too much. If you lay down, your clothes will get all wrinkled, and your hair will come undone, won’t it~?
I went to the trouble of getting my hair and makeup done to look manly… Look, get up, get up!
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Hinata: Ugh… Seems like Tomo-niichan’s actually kinda strict.
( Ping )
Tomoya: Nn? Was that your smartphone, Hinata?
Hinata: Mm~? Well well— Uu. Looks like it’s not me.
Tomoya: Ah, sorry, it was me. I’ve got a message on HoldHands.
Isn’t HoldHands for business? I wonder what it is.
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Tomoya: Erm— “Contacting you regarding Shuffle Unit”…
Ahh. This is that inter-office P-Association project I’ve heard about.
Hinata: Woah! It’s finally Tomo-kun’s turn!
Tomoya: Yeah, yeah. Mitsuru and Nii-chan were already chosen for theirs, so I’ve been looking forward to mine~
It’s something where various idols form a temporary unit together and do a project that goes beyond the agency’s limits, right?
Hinata: Yeah, that’s what it looks like. C’mon, what is it this time? Show me!
Okay, now show me… Oh, looks good~ But it’s still not mine…
I’m really looking forward to forming a temporary unit with a bunch of different faces from the agencies.
Doesn’t it kinda remind you of back at Yumenosaki, with our seniors around? Back then, we also worked with lots of different people.
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Tomoya: Now that you mention it… I’ve been taking on so much ES work lately that I forgot about that.
Hinata: We got to make lots of good friends through work… And it happened pretty often, too. So that’s why I’m looking forward to this, as well.
Tomoya: Personally, I prefer teams with members that get along… I'm no good at talking with people I don't know, it makes me really nervous. Especially if they’re my senior.
Hinata: Is that so? Well, communication can be carried out just with a smile, some gesturing, and those kinds of things!
Tomoya: You’re still as smart as ever. And you shine just as bright, too.
Tomoya: Ahh, that’s right. I forgot to check…! I need to look at it properly.
Hinata: Fufufu. I can’t help it when you look so gloomy, y’know.
Anyway, Tomo-kun. Who are the members of that Shuffle Unit after all? I’m pretty sure it’s written in that email.
Ehh, the members…
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Tomoya: What?! Hajime?! And Himemiya, Harukawa, and Shiratori… Is this really real?!
It’s not a mistake or prank, right? Huh?!
Hinata: No way?! Really?!
Ahh, how per~fect! Look Tomo-kun, it’s a circle of friends! Actually, isn’t this kinda cheating?!
Tomoya: Yeah, yeah! I didn’t expect there to be so many friendly and easygoing faces!
Hehe… Actually, I was really a little worried~ I feel like if me and my seniors were put in the same room, I'd end up having to take care of them.
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Tomoya: I doubt there’ll be any problems, I think we can work together to make this Shuffle project a success ♪
proofread by @misuzuh and @yume-fanfare for tomoya's dialogue !
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sayedmadkor · 4 months
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تأتيك احدهن فجئه وكأنها
ارادت ان تأسر فؤادك باصرار
اشارت إِليِ روحها بأنين طفلة
فاضت بما قضت لها الأقدار
ما مر طيفها الا وكنت اتبعه
وبين الجالسين غائبا محتار
وحين دعتني للحب أجبتها
قبلتي قلبها جنه حين فرار
وبنيت لها بين الضلوع منزلًا
محرابها روحي فراشها أزهار
يطرب مسمعي حديثها، وكأنه
صوت عقعق يغرد بين اشجار
احبها رغم نرجسيتها، وكأنها
من الاناث، بين طرح وطرح ثمار
# كتاباتي
@rose4sstuff @real @pippo99 @prensessfiliz @laylah-a @pahadrasblog @fransilvanet @yo-imagino @yosasblog-blog @yesterdaysprint @gillis250 @hamasat-3 @queenworlds-posts @fransilvanet @flora3223 @doctorizims-blog @dr-sapna @sherreen @shadow-in-fog @satursat @coldmakerdinosaur @balar @bella-ys-blog @omimasalemblog @omqo @omhamad @konbalsamaa @maarrrwa @mmyyss99 @zulalimayn @zozo-omar @zineb-1380 @zainab-eng @violetrose44 @vcy81 @just-unknown-one @jwad2090 @lijanaa @lostwithoutyou-blog @laylah-a @isabelledonor @irb2020 @elliepantazilove @imemegh @toooha2014 @taaberalwrd @taylorswift @wardmohammed @w
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tokiro07 · 4 months
Undead Unluck ch.194 thoughts
[Violence for Violence is the Rule of Beasts]
(Contents: lore)
Always appreciate a lore drop
So we've finally confirmed that not every UMA has a Negator, and not every Negator has a UMA. It does seem strange to me that Fuuko would say the pairings are rare when we've seen so many, though. Death, Change, Luck, Move, Stop, Burn, Tell, and possible Information with Unknown, that's 7 or 8 out of 28 Negators who have a UMA counterpart: that's between 25 and 30%, I wouldn't call that rare, and it seems likely that many other Negators do have UMAs like presumably Justice, Fade, Sleep and Break at the very least since those feel like the most restrictive
Maybe I'm misreading it though and every Negator does have a UMA, and the pairs are rare in the sense that it's rare to find a UMA that can be Negated directly. Still, the main point is there's no Unbeast, there may not be an Unsoul, there's probably no Unsummer/Unwinter/etc., and most disappointingly there's no Uncrab. I really wanted to see that one, too...
With this revelation, we now know that the already dire disparity between Negator and UMA in this competition is much worse than it ever seemed. I never really considered the possibility of, say, every Negator and UMA lining up to square off against each other, but if our original concept of all Rules having one on each side were true, then it would be only slightly skewed in favor of the UMA since they're giant monsters with healing factors. Knowing that there are significantly more UMA than Negators, though, that would be an obvious loss for the Negator side as the sheer number of nigh-invincible monsters would obviously overwhelm the smaller force that can Negate at best a third of the opposition
However, I don't believe that Luna simply let Sun stack the deck in his favor completely unilaterally. The fact that there's never been a point where all of the UMA could attack at once and the rules of engagement allow for the Union to team up against them while also utilizing Artifacts means that Luna must have made a concerted effort to rebalance the game, though clearly she's the "challenger" since Sun is still undeniably the one with the advantage. That's a fairly standard rule in bets like this - the one who wants to usurp the throne has to fight at a disadvantage to prove that they're stronger or more deserving of it than the current ruler
It also just makes for more exciting storytelling for the main cast to be weaker than the enemy, as everyone loves an underdog story. Equal rivals are fun too, but uncontested beatdowns get stale fast, so it's for the best that the cast that the audience follows has to struggle. This is especially fun in series like UU since it requires that the cast gets clever with how they use their powers, like Andy stacking Unchange/Undraw/Unbreakable to squish Sick in under a minute
I hope that this ends up getting brought back up when we next fight Sun or talk to Luna, cus the nature of their relationship is probably the biggest hole left to fill here. Right now they're pretty nebulous gods; we know about their game, and we've seen that Luna has a surprisingly nasty personality for being ostensibly on "our side," but other than that we know next to nothing about either of them. What kind of life did they have before they started their game? How long did they exist? Were there other gods, or just them? Were they always enemies? Are they even enemies now? It looks like it'll still be a while before we get to answer any of these questions, but this chapter really helped contextualize exactly how their wager is set up
Until next time, let's enjoy life!
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void-dreaming · 2 months
Finally working on Silver Faes' ref! I did change her pearl belt so it'd be easier to draw!
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Some notes on her uu
Faes' legs are very strong, a solid kick would be very painful, not to mention she's very fast when she feels motivated enough to run.
She has a pearl belt, it's unknown what information is stored in them! (Older notes might say they contain combat info but I decided to scrap that and have that particular bit contained to a single pearl)
She doesn't contain her neuron flies, she says that putting them in any container is very uncomfortable for her.
She likes dancing! She's quite elegant despite her size!
Faes is an excellent fighter, but her size can land her into trouble if she misjudges the situation. Her back is also not as resilient as the rest of her, and damaging it enough can even disable her legs!
Faes can self heal, but only smaller wounds, and it requires a lot of energy. In order to heal herself, she has to remain absolutely still to conserve her energy, so she only self heals while resting. (She can sleep, and her body will go into a forced sleep mode when she needs to conserve her energy asap!)
Doesn't believe in Ascension.
A bit old, definitely the mom type to the youngsters. She tries really hard to reign herself in, which often results in her looming and staring, she's not aware of how intimidating she can be sometimes.
Very pensive and will get lost in thought, especially when feeling nostalgic.
She had a very good relationship with her Architect, they were the only Ancient to ever know Faes' belief. Their Ascension was forced, and this reinforced Faes' belief and sowed a quiet, solemn bitterness towards the other Ancients. She doesn't speak about this, but she also doesn't hide her bitterness when pressed.
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brutgroup · 1 year
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@urbanicagroup #brutgroup moments. Photo by unknown photographer https://www.instagram.com/p/CnnjXHQI-UU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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manikas-whims · 2 months
“this is the tale of a hero who guided a cast of heroes.”
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Undead Unluck Week 2024
Day 2: Favourite Scene/Moment
Akira Kuno losing his avatar Anno Un and once more becoming invisible to everyone..becoming UNKNOWN.
And despite that Andy doing a victory fist bump at him..🥹
It was at this moment that UU established itself for me..the moment i began loving this story ♡
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kamy2425 · 8 months
(Discworld Fanfic) "The Meaning of Death"
Chapter 1- An Introduction
Through the vastness of the cosmic. Between the infinite and everlasting universe, a turtle passes. 
And upon its immense hard shell, stood four elephants. 
Swimming through infinite galaxies, they go onward into the unknown. 
But this story is not about giant turtles and elephants from the stars. 
This story takes place on the disc carried by the elephants that stand on the back of the Great A’Tuin, the star turtle. In this Discworld, across the sky and endless mountains... Through the plains and extensiveness of the forests and into a network of forgotten ruins, RINCEWIND, the self-proclaimed WIZZARD…
Was a bit tied up at the moment. 
Just a simple errand, they said. Mumbled Rincewind in the solitude of his mind, Anyone could do it, they said.
He guessed it was his own fault in accepting just another request from the senior wizards of the Unseen University. Just when it feels like it could be just a regular and non-dangerous errand, it appears. He should have been used to it by now. Rincewind always finds trouble and IT always finds him. 
There’s that feeling on the back of his neck again.  
The cold chills of being dragged as a small chess piece across the room and being put onto a checkered surface. The rattling of dice buzzing around his head as if Fate was gambling against the Lady once more. No one could really understand what Rincewind goes through. Not even himself could answer as to why things are the way they are.
Though, maybe he never really gave the time to think about it. He was always busy running.
Speaking of which, Rincewind wiggled to try to loosen the grip of the ropes that tied around his arms. 
He immediately decided to stop.
What if it works and he is set free? Then what? Rincewind will tell you. He’ll probably go about looking for an exit. Just to mysteriously find a particular lever. Then, walls would open up and reveal a secret escape route. Only for him to get ambushed by the enemy waiting on the other side and asking him:
How did you manage to escape?
Look at our swords, they’re very sharp aren’t they? Let’s test it out, shall we?
Frankly, Rincewind didn’t want to find out. So he bravely decided to just stay put. After all, some solitude and a bit of bread everyday seemed like his regular times back in UU. Only, there’s no potatoes lying around.
“Oh, sh-”
Rincewind went back to the escaping part of his plans as he shook the ropes at great speed.
“Um...it's-it's not my time yet, is it?” asked Rincewind nervously at the black-robed figure.
UNFORTUNATELY. Death replied.
Rincewind’s pacing slowed down, just a bit. Escaping was still in motion.
“So, why are you here?”
“N-no I mean, why are you HERE?” The wizard pointed. At the fact, considering that he had no hands in which to point at the moment.
Rincewind had no idea that Death itself could sigh. Actually, don’t think there would be anyone that knew the fact and survived in order to tell this little info.  Still, Death did a great impression of a sigh, as Rincewind saw him crouch down and sat next to him. Death placed his scythe resting on his skeletal lap. The reflection of Rincewind’s face against the blade, caused him to try to pick up the pace once again.
The struggles of the wizard caused some crates above the shelf behind him to fall down on the floor. Some wood debris, ropes, bottles, and a mace spread all over the room.
"Did he now?" Rincewind replied without really paying much attention. His mouth let him auto-pilot the conversation due to the fact that it would be considered rude not to answer back to Death. The other however, went silent for a moment. Rincewind looked back curiously.
Death was tapping his fingers on the handle of his scythe numerous times. It felt like something was biting an imaginary tongue within his skull.
"I...figured as much."
Very dangerous. Rincewind said in the back of mind as he nodded.
Rincewind gulped.
He tried to pop his head back and forth against the wooden furniture behind him. Maybe he could make himself unconscious and wake up to a different type of unplanned-adventure. Gods knows he won’t be lucky enough to go back to Ankh-Morpork, but anywhere seemed to be a better choice than staying here.
"Once is plenty, I'll say." Rincewind groaned as his head was hurting from all the popping.
"Oh...Gods." Rincewind whimpered as the conclusion was getting closed at hand.
“Hey!” Shouted a voice from the other room, “Quiet in there!”
Oh goods, an interruption! Rincewind cheered in his mind as the door opened to reveal the man who caused the wizard’s entrapment in the first place. 
“Look, how was I supposed to know that you were after that thing ?” Rincewind asked in utter annoyance.
As a form of intimidation, the man took out his sword from the scabbard around his waist. The wizard coiled his head in return. 
“That thing is said to grant wishes!” The man yelled with a passion, “It is what our organization has stood for 100 years! It grants us the ultimate answer of the universe! It is...the ORB OF KNOWLEDGE!”
“It’s just a ball with notes stuck inside!” Rincewind pleaded, “You shake it and it tells you things that are already written! We use it for parties!”*
“Blasphemy!” The man swung his sword in the air, “I’ll curse you and send you to hell myself!”
The guy launched forwards, his foot caught in a crack on the floor. His other foot landed on a piece of slippery broken wood as his body flew up. The last thing he saw was several pointing bits of a mace.
*The only banned questions the wizards of the Unseen University listed as to not ask the Orb of Knowledge are as follows: Will I get a girlfriend? What about a boyfriend? I’m not picky, just want to cover all bases. Am I a good wizard? And...Am I dead? Most of these questions were banned by majority vote just because it made the whole party vibes to be rather depressing. Apparently, not everyone got the picture and started asking only these questions. It was up to the senior wizards to get rid of the object for good. Being the causers of this predicament in the first place, it was their responsibility that the orb should have been destroyed.
“I died? Just like that?” Asked the ghost as he saw his own body lying on the floor.
“Well, now I don't have to do that anymore!”
“YES, ISN'T IT GRAND?” Death’s bony jaw cracked into a smile.
“That was sarcasm! What am I going to do now?!”
Death stood back. 
Rincewind leaned into the 1-sided conversation closely. It did not sound good, by the looks of it. Death pondered for a moment in order to find the answer for the ghost’s aching question. His eye sockets shined brightly blue as he became quite pleased with himself. He could not wait to share his discovery with the dead man.
Death opened up a portal that led to an infinite gray desert with black darkened skies. He held out his hand on the back of the ghost and led the way in.
Almost half-way inside, Death’s head popped right back for one last time.
"How much later?" The wizard asked anxiously.
Death chuckled. Chuckled? As he closed the portal behind him, leaving Rincewind alone, confused, and startled. A regular day for Rincewind actually, so back to status quo!
Rincewind looked down at the now diseased corpse and then quickly stared at the sharpness of the blade that the man had dropped. It was exactly in the right distance for him to reach. And exactly the exact sharpness needed for these exact ropes. 
“Fine. Fine alright! I'll escape!” Rincewind yelled out to the universe. He proceeded to brush the ropes against the sword as the grip loosened. The ropes fell down onto the floor. "Are you happy now? Are you entertained?!"
The universe didn't answer back.
Not even chuckled.
CHAPTER 1 / 2 / 3 / ???
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cantsomeoneelsedoit · 2 months
Ch 53: Have Any Black Tea?
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Latla is trying to keep Bunny from dropping the core while Fuuko helps Andy get up. Everyone else is doing post-battle things, but Rip is just staring sadly...
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Andy's making a point that the six of them didn't just win the battle-- all six of them survived, even Akira.
Rip tells Latla to take the Soul Caliber that remained after Anno Un disappeared, and Fuuko surprises Rip by thanking him and suggesting that he should join the Union.
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Fuuko's a very motivated recruiter! She's like a corporate headhunter or a college recruiter. Rip, we offer competitive performance bonuses!
But that's just how Fuuko is! She always wants to work things out and resolve differences. She has a real unconditional love for others.
Rip had tried to recruit them when he visited them at Chikara's school, but his motivations were probably not based in his love for humanity--just look at how he treated Sean after recruiting him! Rip only wants allies to help him achieve a certain goal:
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"From Under her" lol
He's not wrong. Juiz has kept a lot of information from people while expecting them to risk their lives for her cause. She's tried to shoulder it all herself, and in a way she's treated her team as if they couldn't handle the truth or might throw a wrench in her plan if they knew the truth.
And speaking of honesty, Rip and Fuuko are having a really sincere conversation right now! Neither she or Rip hold grudges, it seems.
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Latla's "..." is interesting. She's basically devoted herself to Rip and yet he considers someone else to be his everything. Rip and Latla seem like a couple sometimes, but she knows that his heart belongs to her sister and that Leila is his true goal. Poor Latla!
Bunny returns Fuuko's gun and Autumn's core, which have been put into white spheres that Bunny labels with a squeaky marker, which is a cute detail.
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Fuuko makes amends with Bunny and uses her catchphrase back to her. She's always so good with kids!
Latla hands Fuuko the broken pieces of the G Liner pen. Rip had only told her to get Soul Caliber, but she made a point to get the pen also and to present it to Fuuko. That's really thoughtful of her--she knows how painful loss can be and how keeping a memento can help. After all, Rip wears the earrings that Leila wore.
Rip asks Andy who Anno was and Andy answers that he was a Negator with the power Unknown. Once again, Andy is great at figuring out other people's abilities. He analyzes everything to try to discover what rules govern their power.
Rip says he hopes they meet again, and then Fuuko collapses in exhaustion onto Andy's chest. Oh yes, she does.
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YES! Cuddling outside of battle! It's finally happening!
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"Only ten years'' is still a crazy long time to be inside the hyperbolic time chamber book. Now they know each other even better than before and can work together seamlessly. Also, Fuuko's not as embarrassed to be close to him anymore and it's just so sweet how much they trust each other.
Juiz and her team are still in Taipei hunting UMA Summer. She's also still looking damn cool in her regular Union uniform.
The team is fighting some sort of little round creatures (Juniors?) that are causing chaos. She explains her theory about Akira.
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UMA Information sounds kinda cheap tbh. How are you gonna put all that information inside "something" and then not reveal what or where that "something" is?! Juiz is right--God is actively working against humanity.
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And then God takes it one step further-- even if you DO manage to find the artifact, you'll be stricken with a Negator ability that prevents you from sharing it. God is such a whiny baby. A goalpost-mover. A cheat!
That fits in with my theory that UU is about writing. Authors often nerf situations or characters because they've written themselves into a corner or have poorly set up a plotline. I'm not saying Tozuka is a bad author, btw (I think he's a genius) but this does reflect the way audiences react when things like that happen in manga.
But Akira found a way to work around the obstacles God had given him and used a loophole to get his message to the Negators. I like to think that God had no clue what Akira/Anno were up to because they thought they'd been successfully fridged.
We get another adorable page and a gag that gives our stoic Juiz a sweat drop of concern.
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Say what?!
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Andy didn't offer any clarification.
She tells them to head to Taiwan to help fight UMA Summer. The little round creatures are definitely up to something!
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A friend??? And also, she looks great in that coat.
The story cuts to a snowstorm in the mountains. Someone has been watching the battle with Autumn.
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Someone who uses a speaker to communicate is talking to another person. It seems they want to come down harsh on Rip's team, but the other person defends them.
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Oh snap, it's Billy! He's the "friend" Juiz went to meet. Billy says he already sensed that she'd arrived. Interestingly, they both realize the importance of Fuuko's power.
We're also reminded that Billy can see now since there's two panels of him side-eyeing Juiz.
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Billy and his accomplice are sitting around UMA Burn's core to warm themselves. They must be searching for UMA Winter, but they certainly don't look to be in any hurry. Is there anything she could say to change his mind at this point?
PS: I couldn't help but notice all the pretty pretty bishounen Rip panels in this chapter. Tozuka is definitely doing this on purpose! He revealed that Rip is only a villain in order to save a person who's everything to him, then drew him looking all dreamy for half the chapter lmao. The perfect formula.
Anyway, I made a gif for the Rip lovers out there. To You, From Me!
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xkotaro16w · 2 years
Hii, I saw you're taking requests for scenarios of our beloved cat, may I ask for one (romantic) where the reader's first language isn't English? They talk English a lot but back at home it was mostly their first language they use. I wanna see random stuff about it with Leona like his reaction to reader just start yelling in their first language whenever they're mad, them saying compliments to him in their first language, or just sometimes being like Rook and saying stuff half in English half in their first language. If you can, please make the language as anonymous(?) As possible :D! Oh and GN reader please, thank you!! 💗💗 (sorry for the long request and if this is a weird one feel free to ignore this and not do it, no pressures, love uu)
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—𝙻𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚊 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚊𝚛 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝙷𝚒𝚜 𝙶𝙽!𝚂/𝙾 𝚃𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝙻𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚞𝚊𝚐𝚎 (𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑)—
Summary: Scenario/short scenario where Leona hears his S/O talking with their first language (their first language isn’t English) that he couldn’t understand, probably some of it or not at all.
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x GN!S/O.  
CW: Fluff, slight cursing, grammatical error, OOC.  
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Having a first language not English is… Interesting, yet common back in your world. Language barrier is always there and it exists, deal with it. Back in your home, you mostly speak with your first language, sometimes you also use English, but your first language is more often.
Here, in NRC, everyone is using English to communicate with each other. Oh, there’s a different case for Rook. He’s using 2 languages, English and French. C’est magnifique, oui? (It’s magnificent, right?). It’s still incredible for him to be able to speak 2 languages at the same time.
Even with your boyfriend, you’re using English to communicate with him. There are times where you use your first language without anyone knowing it, whether you’re saying it under your breath or no one is around you.
Be honest that you ever insulted Crowley using your first language. Thank goodness he didn’t listen to your words, and even if he did, does he understand what you’re saying? Maybe yes, maybe not.
It's not uncommon for you to slip out the words from your main language out of nowhere, just to praise people or curse them. Who would’ve thought the lion hears you for the first time?
His ears move aggressively hearing your voice emit some… Random words he doesn’t quite understand what they mean but he has heard it somewhere before. A pair of predatory eyes shot open to make eye contact with you.
“What? What did ya say, herbivore?” His lazy eyes try to stay open to maintain eye contact with you.
Oh, he heard you praising him while scratching his ears and his head is on your lap? Those ears are quite sharp, just like a real lion he is. You tilt your head and ask him once more to confirm.
Some of the words within your sentence are in English, and the others are unknown, it’s the first time he heard you speak with another language he doesn’t know the meaning of it. Amusing, herbivore.
Truth to be told, it’s actually quite embarrassing for you to translate your current words to him, it was meant to compliment him, damn, his self-esteem will rise to higher ground when he finds out what it really means.
As you let out a sigh, you try your best to explain it to him, before a few students a.k.a. your friends interrupt your lovey-dovey time with your boyfriend. Now, Leona is pissed by the sudden disturbance. Can those stupid herbivores just shut up for a few minutes and let you continue your explanation? They'd better have a good reason to interrupt his napping time with you.
“Hey, Trein is looking for ya! He said he needs to talk with you ‘bout an assignment!” One of them shout from the door of the Botanical Garden.
“Make sure to meet him after this! He’ll totally lecture you for a whole day!” The other student continues their friend’s line.
Before you’ve met Leona in the Botanical Garden, several things happened and they were terrible, and these brats pushed you to the edge of your temperament’s parameter. Without any hesitations, your yell back at them, cursing in your first language.
How grateful you are they were gone after they shouted and moreover the lion beastman suffers from your sudden curse with your unknown language. His tail moves in annoyance and he growls.
“Stop shouting near my ears, herbivore! What the hell are you even sayin’?” His eyes are tightly shut.
Well, herbivore, looks like you need to explain to him what he means with all your words after this. Not only today, over the next few days, he can literally hear you using the same language over and over again.
The lion beastman is keen, he knows when you curse and when you don’t. However, he’s very curious whenever you talk with that language in front of him. Are you cursing or complimenting him? Now, care to explain it?
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tiyanasfantasy · 13 hours
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do i even need a introduction fr?? (yes ho u unknown.)
my name is tiyana (tie-onna) you can call me ty/titi
my fav color is pink/baby blue
im black 🥥.
and my content is written towards black women mostly, but is available for everyone ofc, duhh !!
ion tolerate hate/negativity on MY page so if you got smart to say don’t get mad when i say sum back that’s smarter. and don’t get on here talkin tht hot shii n you anonymous, say it wit yo chest bae 😒.
i do take requests! they open at anytime and nine times outta ten imma write it for you long as it’s not weird ..
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who i write for ❦.
attack on titan (my main)
haikyuu (sometimes)
these the main fandoms i write for cause they’re the easiest but if there’s a certain show u want and i’ve seen it js ask and i’ll go it for uu. (anime)
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Rule Book ❦.
let’s set some boundaries 🌝..
SA/R4PE (😐)
age gaps over 10 yrs
nothing about family getting 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 tg ..
no adult and minor stuff (yuckkk)
basically anything that relates to stuff like this ^^
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more about titi ❦.
i’m literally a whole ass comedian mike you can’t tell me ian funny asfk (i tell dad jokes n swear they funny asl)
i’m 19 but tell ppl i’m 20 cs i fw even numbers more
i was born on Christmas!
i hate winter
my fav movie is coraline
D1 yapper
i love interacting w people, i’m mad friendly
ok that’s enough chit chat byeee
kisses, i love youuu, gnn ❦.
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Laito Maniac [09]
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ー The scene starts in the unknown manor
Yui: ( Anyway...I shouldn’t sit still now... )
( I have to find a way out and return to Laito-kun... )
Yui: Kuh...
( I can’t move my body as I want to... )
ー Kino enters the room
Kino: Ohーー You’re awake. You should have called then. 
*Rustle rustle* 
Yui: Kino-kunーー
Kino: Oh please, don’t glare at me like that. It hurts my feelings, you know?
Yui: ...That’s easy for you to say...You’re the one who had attacked me and had me pushed down the balcony, aren’t you? 
On top of that, even Laito-kunーー 
Kino: I mean, I just provided you with a thrilling experience. You made it out alive so I don’t see the issue?
Yui: ...Don’t make it sound like it’s no big deal.
...Anyway, why are you here? Weren’t you locked up inside a cell? 
Kino: I had Yuuri guide me out of there.
During the time you were pushed off the balcony by the Ravens. 
Yui: ...Is that why you had me attacked? 
Kino: I mean, I had to do something or those guys would notice?
So, if I was going to have you fall down, I figured I might as well kidnap you afterwards as well. 
Yui: ...
ーー And what did you bring me here for?
Kino: Good question. Well, for now I’ll have you act as my hostage.
Yui: I knew it...But even if you do that, Laito-kun won’tーー
Kino: He won’t think anything of it, you mean to say? I’m not buying that. That guy is obsessed with you. Abnormally so. 
I can tell. I’ve observed you for a very long time after all.
Yui: Ugh...
Kino: With you as my hostage, he won’t be able to do anything.
He may have a big mouth, but he’s completely and utterly powerless without you.
That being said, I expect you to stay put here, understood? I mean, it’s not like you have any other choice. 
Yui: What do you mean!? 
Kino: ーー Hm. I guess it’d be quicker to have you see it with your own eyes. Why don’t you try opening that door over there? 
Yui: ...?
( What could that mean? )
ー Yui gets up and opens the door
Yui: Eh...!? Uuーー
Yui: ( ...What’s this? This horrendous stench...It’s like something is rotting nearby... )
ー She closes the door again
Yui: ...Where is this coming from?
Kino: It really stinks, doesn’t it? Everyone says that it’s the stench of rotten figs, you seeーー
This is where I was raised. Its name is Rotigenberg.
Yui: ...Then this is where the Ghouls live?
Kino: Exactly. It’s the home of the Ghouls. The cursed Land of the Unwanted. 
Yui: ...
Kino: What’s wrong? I bet you didn’t think it’d be this bad, huh?
Yui: Y-Yeah...It’s much worse than I imagined.
Kino: Makes sense. I don’t think anyone would expect it to be this terrible. 
But this is reality. The Ghouls are forced to live on this land. Because they’re oppressed by the other Demons. 
Yui: I see...
( That’s why Kino-kun is trying to liberate them... )
Kino: What’s wrong? Are you in shock? Or perhaps...You want to help me achieve my cause?
Yui: Wellーー
( What should I say? )
→ I can’t work with you
Yui: I can’t offer you my help. ...I mean, there’s not much I can do in the first place.
Kino: You think so? That’s not true. Like I mentioned before, Laito will listen to almost everything you say.
Yui: You’re giving me too much credit...
It’s just, I do pity them for being forced to live here...That’s all. 
Kino: Hmー ...So you’ll persistently affirm to Laito’s powers? 
→ I feel for you (❦)
Yui: I do feel for youーー
Kino: ...It’s not pity I want though, but people willing to work with me. 
Yui: If by working with you, it means I have to help you get ahold of Laito-kun’s powers, then I’m afraid I can’t.
Kino: Because you love him? 
Yui: Yeah...
Yui: ( ...I mean, if Laito-kun wants to pass down his powers to Kino-kun, he also has to sacrifice his own life at the same time, right? )
( It should be obvious...That I can’t even imagine that... )
Kino: ーー Oh well, whatever. Anyway, that’s the status quo.
I don’t mind if you try and leave this place by yourself, but you’ll only get lost.
I mean, if you leave, you’ll just end up forever wandering these lands covered in foul-smelling muck. 
Unless you magically learn to fly, you’ll never make it out.
ー Kino leaves the room
Yui: ーー Haah...
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( Laito-kun...Seems like I have no other choice but to wait here... )
( Please, save meーー )
ー The scene shifts to the living room of the Sakamaki Castle
Reiji: ーー I see. I have a clear grasp on the situation now.
I believe it is highly likely that the culprits are working for Kino.
Subaru: If it was a flock of crows, that’s the only logical explanation. 
Laito: Butーー It’s my fault that she was taken away...
If only I could wield my powers properly, I doubt any of this would have ever happenedーー
What do I do...? If she has been ripped to shreds and killed by those guys...Iーー 
What am I supposed to do...!? 
Ayato: ...
Shuu: There’s no way, so relax.
Laito: ...You say that quite easily? 
Shuu: That woman has value. She’s none other than the Eve chosen by Father himself. 
As long as the other Demons feel like she could come in useful to a certain degree, they won’t kill her unless she does something incredibly stupid. 
Reiji: I share his opinion. I believe it is safe to assume that Kino kidnapped her so he could use her status as Eve to his advantage.
Kanato: Well...He might have gotten a sip of her blood, of course. 
Laito: ...
Ayato: Kanato! You’re basically scarin’ him on purpose now, aren’t you!?
Kanato: Oh really?
Laito: ( ...What’s happening? ...It feels odd...Are they all trying to...comfort me? )
Reiji: ーー Anyway, right now, we have to find out where Kino is and go after him.
Ayato: Gotcha! I’ll have my Familiars on the case!
*Flap flap flap* 
Ayato: Go...! Sniff out that guy’s whereabouts!
Laito: ...
Kanato: Laito, what’s the matter? Are you about to cry from joy? 
Laito: Don’t be ridiculous...!
( It’s just...I’m not sure what to do, that’s all. )
ーー By myself, I am battling against an indescribable sense of anxiety. 
Of course, the unfamiliar environment plays a part in that as well. 
However, I am also terrified by the fact,
that I might carelessly feel sympathy towards Kino-kun. 
I do not have the power nor the right to decide over what happens to Laito-kun’s magic. 
Besides, I know that if he were to give his powers to Kino-kun,
it would result in his own death (死を意味する). 
Therefore, I simply cannot wish for that to happen. 
However, if I were to show genuine compassion (同情) towards the Ghouls and Kino-kun, 
I believe that someone as sensitive as Laito-kun, 
would surely pick up on that. 
I wonder how that would make him feel? 
How would he react to itーー 
I cannot help but worry about it. That’s why I want to leave this place,
sooner rather than later. That’s how I feel right now.
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