#upside down signs
casthefallenangel · 2 years
Louis Tomlinson World Tour (LTWT) tags to remember - part 6/6
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part ➵ 1 ➵ 2 ➵ 3 ➵ 4 ➵ 5 ➵ 6 ➵
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fuckyouozai · 1 year
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this comic is SO CUTE
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autisticgayplushie · 1 year
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having a b grade puppy drop tomorrow feb. 27th at about 7pm EST! there will be a few b grade drops, just so I don't get swamped with orders, so if you miss out on this one dw there will be more chances!
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The theme is Just A Typical Neathy Christmas, and what could be more typical than a visit from Mr Sacks!
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But what's that beneath its cloak?
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Bonus fun fact! Its body is sewn from a blanket, and the fur lining its cape* is cannibalised from an old santa hat
*I knew nothing about making clothes before sewing it. I think I know even less now
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glasscandywitch · 7 months
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gankutsuou + death and the maiden - egon schiele
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rhys-ravenfeather · 5 days
…ʇᴉɐM ?ɓuᴉlᴉǝɔ ǝɥʇ oʇ ǝɹnʇᴉuɹnɟ ǝɥʇ pǝnlɓ oɥM
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cinnamoncitric · 1 year
It all starts with Robin.
In truth, if one might get technical, it starts with Billy Hargrove. Then, in due time, it restarts with Russian spies and a fortress underneath a mall. But neither of the parties was there for the result, so: in all the ways that matter, which is to say, in all the ways that help, it starts with Robin.
In all things Steve Harrington, there are two authorities other than the man himself, and, though he has known him longer, she doesn't think Dustin has noticed. Steve himself doesn't like to talk about it, has only ever opened up to her on the subject under scrutiny and prodding. But avoidance doesn't change the fact: Steve's hearing has suffered.
He tells her this exactly once, both sitting side by side on the bed in his room. He says it looking down, ashamed, one hand tightly pulling at his hair, the other holding Robin's in a tight knuckled grip. His voice is small. He does his best to suffocate the anguish and the fear that flood it when he says, What if it gets worse?
There's no reason to believe it will, for now. At least, that's what the doctor tells them once she bullies Steve into a visit. As long as there are no other injuries, no other blows to the head, he isn't in danger.
But the thing is, there might be. That's just the life they lead – never knowing if the danger is truly over. So Robin sits her ass down and picks up a book on sign language because she knows he'd never do it on his own.
Come on, she tells him, months of secret classes in Indy later. I'll teach you. We can just use it to talk in secret in front of everyone whenever we want to.
Which is, of course, not how it goes down. They go maybe a month into sneaking awkward signs behind everyone's back until Dustin gets wind of it. And when child prodigy Dustin Henderson decides he wants in, there's not much they can do to stop him. And he gets all the other genius gremlins to do it, too. Imagine how useful it would be to communicate without alerting demogorgons, he tells them, when Steve explains he doesn't want to talk about the real reason for it. They all figure it out anyway.
Mike learns it like he'd much rather not. His only argument for doing it is that it might be good for his college application and that Nancy took an interest in it and is now forcing him to learn with her as "sibling bonding."
Will is shy, Lucas is earnest, El is curious. By some point, all of them pick it up. All the older kids, all of the adults – Hopper, Joyce, Murray, Claudia Henderson – and Steve feels like he could cry. They all took the time and effort to learn a whole different language, just for him.
He does cry, and it's all because of one Max Mayfield.
Hey, loser, she calls out one day when the two of them are waiting for the others, searching for him with her cane so she can stand in his direction. Are you looking at me?
Steve twists so that's she's perfectly in his line of view and then confirms.
Good, Max says in sign with a shit-eating grin, pose triumphant, Guess what I fucking learned how to do.
Just like that, there are tears streaming down his face. He tries his best to control his breathing while Max goes on.
Lucas showed me, she continues in sign. It was a pain in the ass because he had to keep moving my hands himself every time I got it wrong, but I wasn't about to let you guys have one over me.
When he doesn't answer, when he can't answer due to the huge lump stuck on his throat and the tears streaming silently down his face, she pauses. Then starts again, this time out loud, Hey, you know you have to speak to the blind girl, though, right? I can't see your hands.
Steve laughs wetly. Shut up. Language, Mayfield.
She laughs at the unintentional pun. Yeah, language. Oh, man. Are you crying?
Shut up, Steve says again. I'm gonna hug you now, okay?
She huffs. Sure, if it's to get it out of your system.
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
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Lee know being a Junho fanboy feels so right.... they're both cat guys
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samglyph · 1 year
Fun fact for the king in yellow/malevolent/CoC fans: the popular yellow sign that everyone typically uses in art and what not (and that I have on my iPad case cause my friend made me a sticker <3) actually wasn’t designed until the late 80s for the Call of Cthulhu game, and has nothing to do with the original material (the design itself is also copyrighted by chaosium, unlike the story and concept which is in public domain). This is to say: if you want to design your own ‘yellow sign’ you absolutely totally should (and also, designing your own frees you up from any potential legal trouble if you want to sell it down the road)
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chirpsythismorning · 8 months
Willel Twins Crumbs Because Why Not
Subtitles for the news report stop at this point for this scene, so I will provide them:
Can you remember your favorite stuffed toy from childhood?
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And how heartbroken you were when it left your life?
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Then you’ll relate to the story, of a girl named *unintelligible*
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So right from the jump, directly after the opening credits, we are being bombarded with shots of keys and Hopper showing off his blue bracelet and his watch. We know the bracelet was actually a ponytail that belonged to his daughter Sarah, however I think the importance of this scene runs a lot deeper.
It might not seem important, but the dialogue in the background also connects to not only Sarah, but to Will and El too.
As we know, Sarah had a stuffed Tiger on her bedside at the hospital during treatment for her cancer (also featuring the blue ponytail on Hopper's wrist).
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As it turns out, Will and El also had a stuffed toy that was referenced in this same season, though they both had stuffed lions, in contrast to Sarah's stuffed tiger.
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While it is understood by the majority at this time that these parallels exist only to jog Hopper's memory of his own daughters death, to give some more depth and impact to these moments, it still doesn't answer the question as to why these 3 kids all have the same stuffed toy to begin with? And apparently enough importance for them to drop an easter egg in the first 10 minutes of the show?
In the context of El for example, she has the stuffed lion because it was essentially the only meaningful toy in her possession while in the lab. Sure, she played with toys in the rainbow room and colored with crayons, but those were all things they were tasked to do to test out and improve the kids' powers. The lion in contrast, was simply there to operate as something more personal, tied to her innocence and a life she could have had outside of the lab. And yet at the same time, this being the only thing El had in the lab, gives its importance a tie to the lab itself, which is why I am so wary about this whole thing.
In the context of Will on the other hand, we don't really know much other than that it was shown a lot more than El and Sarahs' combined.
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Will's lion and the prominence of it in s1, more than anything else, is what makes me think the meaning behind these parallels is so much more than how we currently understand it. Because while we assume right now he has no ties to the lab, the fact that this stuffed toy has ties to the lab for El and Sarah, begs to question why there was a need to focus on it so much in Will's case, when he was never in the lab pre-s1 (or was he?)...
Which then brings us to Sarah, where you might think her case has no ties to the lab, but it does!
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Sarah received treatment for her cancer at Hawkins Lab. This is something so many people either overlook and don't know about, or forget and just brush off as being insignificant, which I just cannot fathom.
It would be one thing if this was common knowledge in canon and actually spoken about, with Hopper talking about how it's not his first time here, and yet they don't make any effort to establish that. All we got is this stairwell shot of Hopper mourning Sarah's death, in the same stairwell at Hawkins Lab, which we see not only referenced in s1, but also s2 and s4.
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Yeah... Owens knows exactly who that is. Let's not forget he's the one who, in another universe (Aliens) signed a document back in 79' that led the death of a lot of people...
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So... what's the deal? Why has there been such an effort to put in easter eggs to allude to something unanswered related to Hopper's memories of Sarah, often triggered by instances regarding Will and El, who have almost identical stuffed animals to his daughter's, all tying them to the lab to some extent, and without that being touched on at all by the writers outside of the show?
Well, probably because there's still one season left and this plays a big part in the key to everything...
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oshisanbignaturals · 1 year
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you’r e invited !!!!
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 9 months
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Normies: A green solution made from the saliva of a Buffalord dragon.
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misterlemonzmen · 1 month
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05-01-24 | MisterLemonzMen.tumblr.com/archive
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unsurebisexualcore · 10 months
Y’all I’m telling you I am simply not ready for Will and Mike’s As The World Caves In arc next season 
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
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An American Ship in Distress, by  C. John Mayle Whichelo ( 1784- 1865)
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july-19th-club · 6 months
my awkward politeness, my earnest attempts to inspect everything closely and Do Good Detective Work, my reluctance to break into people's stuff or threaten them, and my sheer and utter sad passing out dehydrated undernourished hungover divorced pathetic-ness seems to have won kim over. he likes me now. he's concerned for me. he was gonna drive me to the hospital. his general demeanor toward me is now 'that's rough, buddy' and in spite of himself. i really think he likes me . he even got excited about my name for the case
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