#uncle isa
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Goodbye, Roberto. Thank you for being here, even if your time here was short. -NO ROMANCE INCLUDED-
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azulas-pointyshoe · 2 months
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a relationship we missed out on in atla💔
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adventuresbyjd · 11 months
When Isabela was a baby, she wanted Bruno to hold her when she needed a nap over anyone else, including Julieta. Bruno was quiet and gentle with her, and she would always be asleep within 5 minutes without fail
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tau1tvec · 1 year
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Changed his skin to something a bit more MM, trying on hairs outta boredom.
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emmyrosee · 2 years
Uncke Bokuto is just an absolute disaster, yes yes yes!!!!! He loves and care for baby Akaashi so much, but he also is teaching a clumsy toddler who just learned to walk how to do a cartwheel, and i bet it ended with both bokuto and baby girl akaashi having matching arm casts 😭😭
but you know what?!? it gets even worse for Keiji when he asks someone else to babysit. if uncle Bokuto is a chaotic disaster that leaves Keiji to immediately try to undo all the mess, uncle Konoha is much, much, much worse.
Konoha is an enabler. what baby girl wants baby girl gets. and sometimes she wants the most absurd things in the world because shes five!!! oh, and he will fight and bully others for her, teaching her how to get back at the mean kids and now Keiji is having a super awkward time at the PAT meetings.
but the worst of it all, is how he uses his babysitting hours to flirt. he takes Baby Akaashi to the park after reharsing with her what shes supposed to say to make him look good in front of the hot milfs pretty ladys, who all swoon over this very very charming man that is also so good with kids!! a caring & lovable uncle, really!!!
and then later that night Keiji is left to answer the most god-awful questions that formed in his sweet and innocence baby's mind, after she accidentally heard it (an unawared) uncle Konoha say it to one of the pretty ladies
oh. wait. i got carried away i'm sorry sjdheknshe
Wait. Okay. Pause.
Bokuto and baby kaashi having matching casts is absolutely precious, Bokuto feels so bad about it because his poor little pseudo-niece got hurt because of him, and keiji wants to absolutely maul him with everything he has, but it’s hard to be full of rage when Mei comes up to him with a smile and eagerly asks him to sign her cast.
But uncle kONOHA??? MENACE.
It’s bad enough he cannot say no to Mei, honestly it’s his weakness. She’s got Keiji’s eyes and the cutest little curls, she was made to make Konoha cave, and she knows that.
Popsicles? Okay, one more. Baggie of chips? With dinner. Box of pocky? Only if she shares with him. And when Mei gets home and upchucks all of those treats, and she’s crying and whining because she doesn’t feel good, Keiji promises he’s never going to let Konoha even look at Mei again.
“No. I’m putting my foot down-“
“Babe, he’s free. And as crooked as it is, he does love her, and he’ll keep her safe.”
Except. Even that’s debatable.
Because Konoha knows his pseudo-niece is precious, and he knows that she catches the eye of every mom in the park. The way she eagerly tugs his hand to get to the swings, the pout she gives him to go down the slide with her, even the way her blue eyes glimmer with tears when she trips and falls in the wood chips, but giggles when he gives her a loud “KABOOM!” to make her feel better.
“You’re so good with her,” one of the mom’s coo when he sits down with Mei, her cheeks flushed as she gulps down a juice box. He can very clearly see her looking for a ring on his finger, and he knows he’s got this mom right where he wants her.
“Thanks,” he chuckles. He buries his nose in Mei’s hair affectionately, “mommy and daddy went to work today, huh munchkin?”
“Uh-huh!” She says to the nice lady, “n Uncle Ko takes care of me when they do!”
She’s definitely getting an ice cream cone for that.
“Well I’m so glad he does!” The mom coos, ruffling her dark hair, and all Konoha can do is pray Mei doesn’t tell her dad that a stranger touched her. Then, her gaze turns flirtatious back to Konoha, “is there an aunt who takes care of her as well?”
And the day goes on; Mei gets whatever ice cream she wants when the lady leaves, and she gets smothered in kisses for being such a good lil’ actress girl at the park, and a few hours later when an exhausted Keiji comes home, he smiles when Mei runs with open arms to her dad.
“Daddy! Daddy!” She squeals, giggling as Keiji lifts her up. “Uncle Ko’ took me to the park today!”
“Is that right?” He hums, kissing her cheek. Sharp blue eyes flick to the dirty blonde, “he better have used sunscreen.”
“No, it smells icky!” She says, pulling a face. Konoha blanched, and Keiji sterns his gaze. So much for keeping secrets. “Hey, squirt, maybe we should-“
“What else did you do today, Mei?”
“We met a nice lady at the park, ‘n uncle Ko bought her a’ ice cream ‘n she said she’d give him a number ‘n said that they should have a play date together- do you go on play dates, too, daddy?”
The vein in Keiji’s head pops out. Konoha swallows.
“Only with mommy,” he snarls. He sighs as he plants Mei back on her feet, “why don’t you go play in the living room, princess?” Eagerly, Mei runs into the living room, and Konoha gives Keiji a smile.
“So… I’m going to head out-“
“You got a woman’s number?” Keiji growls, and Konoha raises his hands in defense. “Hey, to be fair, I didn’t know she heard-“
“You used my child for flirting purposes?” He says with furrowed brows. “You pimped my baby out for a date?”
“Well when you say it like that-“
“You are so fuckin’ lucky my wife and kid like you,” he growls, shrugging off his coat. Then, he takes a deep breath to calm himself down, he doesn’t like fighting when Mei’s around. “I don’t have the energy for you, I have to talk to my child; and for the love of the gods, please reinforce the idea that talking to strangers is bad.”
Konoha grins and claps keiji on the back, “you got it bud. See you Friday?”
“If I don’t goddamned stroke before then.”
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lecsainz · 1 year
can you make another story about the leclerc twins? i love your blog ❤️
Wedding to Remember
pairings: charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings: the leclerc family heading to a wedding where the twins are the flower girls, everything being chaotic as always.
authors note: I LOVE writing about these two, they really know how to drive Charles and the reader crazy.
word count: 925
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Charles struggled to strap the car seats into the back of the car as Rylee ran circles around him, giggling uncontrollably.
"Stay still, Rylee." Charles said, trying to hold onto her as he fastened the seatbelt.
"But I want to run around!" Rylee protested.
Y/n stepped out of the house, checking the doors and windows before joining them in the car.
"Are you excited for the wedding, girls?" Y/n asked, looking at the twins in the backseat.
"Yes! We get to be princesses!" Amelie exclaimed, clapping her hands.
Rylee continued to run around the car, dodging Charles' attempts to catch her.
"Come on, Rylee, get in the car." Charles said, exasperated.
Y/n chuckled at the chaos in the backseat, "Just wait until we get to the wedding."
Charles replied, his voice filled with amusement. "It's going to be an adventure, that's for sure."
Amelie turned to Rylee, "I bet I can get in my seat before you!"
Rylee stopped running and bolted towards the car, determined to win the race.
Charles managed to strap Rylee into her seat and breathed a sigh of relief, "Finally."
Y/n gave him a sympathetic smile, "Just wait until they're teenagers."
Charles groaned, "Don't remind me."
Rylee leaned over to Amelie in her car seat and asked, "Do you think we're going to have to wear those puffy dresses like the bride?"
Amelie shook her head, "No, silly. We're the flower girls. We get to wear pretty dresses and toss petals down the aisle."
Rylee looked relieved, "Oh good. I don't want to wear anything that looks like a marshmallow."
Y/n chuckled from the front seat, "You girls will look beautiful in whatever dresses we choose."
Charles nodded in agreement, "And you'll both do a fantastic job walking down the aisle and tossing the petals."
"Mommy, Daddy, why do people get married?" Rylee asked, her head tilted to the side as she looked up at her parents.
"Well, sweetie, when two people love each other very much, they want to spend the rest of their lives together." Y/N explained.
"Yeah, and when they get married, they make a promise to love and take care of each other forever." Charles added.
"But why did you guys get married?" Amelie chimed in.
Y/N smiled at Charles before answering. "Because we love each other and wanted to make a forever promise to always be there for each other."
The girls thought about this for a moment before nodding in understanding. "Oh, okay. That's nice." Rylee said.
As they arrived at the hotel hours later, they walked into the hotel lobby Rylee and Amelie spotted Carlos and Isa across the room. "Uncle Carlos!" they squealed and ran towards him, causing a few heads to turn. "Hey, little troublemakers!" Carlos chuckled as he scooped them up. "How are my favorite little ladies doing?"
Charles and Y/n exchanged a knowing look and followed the girls, amused by their enthusiasm. As they approached, Carlos scooped the girls up into a bear hug, spinning them around as they giggled uncontrollably.
"Looks like the girls are happy to see you." Charles quipped.
"I can't blame them, I'm pretty lovable." Carlos joked, earning a laugh from everyone.
Isa smiled warmly at the girls. "Hi there, cuties! Are you excited for the wedding?"
Rylee and Amelie nodded enthusiastically, still bouncing in Carlos's arms. "We're gonna be the flower girls!" Amelie declared proudly.
"Wow, that's a big job!" Carlos said with a grin. "You two are gonna do great."
As they walked towards the elevator, Rylee and Amelie kept turning back and waving goodbye to Carlos and Isa. "Bye bye, Uncle Carlos!" Rylee shouted, waving her hand frantically.
Amelie chimed in, "Bye bye, Auntie Isa! See you later!" The girls continued to wave until the elevator doors closed, and Charles and Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at their daughters' excitement.
Charles, Y/n, Rylee, and Amelie were getting ready for the wedding in their hotel room. Y/n was doing her makeup while Charles was helping Amelie with her dress.
"Look Amelie, I'm going to cut my hair!" Rylee exclaimed.
Charles gasped in surprise and said. "No, Rylee, don't do it!"
Charles panicked and tried to grab the scissors from Rylee's hand, but she was too quick. Amelie, on the other hand, found the whole situation hilarious and started cheering for her sister.
"Go Rylee, go!" Amelie shouted, clapping her hands.
When Charles managed to take the scissors away from his daughter, it was too late. Rylee had already snipped a chunk of her hair off.
Y/n turned around from her makeup mirror and and her eyes widened in shock as she saw Rylee instanding over a pile of hair on the floor.
"Oh no, Rylee, what have you done?!" She exclaimed.
Rylee looked up at her with innocent eyes. "I wanted to look like a Mulan." She pouted.
Y/N sighed, trying to keep her cool. "Sweetie, cutting your hair won't make you look like Mulan. And please let's not play with scissors again, okay?"
"But Mama, she had short hair!" Rylee insisted.
Charles chuckled from where he was tying his tie. "She's got a point, mon amour."
"Wow, Rylee! You look so cool with short hair!" Amelie exclaimed. "Can I cut mine too?"  
Y/N looked at Charles with a look of desperation, silently begging him to take the scissors away before Rylee could do any more damage.
Charles laughed, shaking his head. "Just another day with the Leclerc twins."
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liked by pascale_leclerc, lewishamilton, and 328.086 others
yourusername Such a beautiful day celebrating the love of our dear friends! And we couldn't be more proud of our little ones, Rylee and Amelie, who were the cutest flower girls ever! 💕
tag: charles_leclerc
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y/ncharles oh my goodness, the leclerc twins are just too adorable!
f1updates OMG, Rylee is so cute with her new haircut!
yourusername Oh, and for those wondering about Rylee's haircut, let's just say she wanted to be a hairstylist for the day... 😂
charles_leclerc Haha, our little Rylee is quite the adventurous one, isn't she? But she still looked absolutely adorable as a flower girl, even with a new haircut
arthur_leclerc Rylee's haircut is a bold fashion statement! 😂
pierregasly the girls are growing up so fast 😭
landonorris I know, right? Time flies! 😭
georgerussell63 I just remember when they were just tiny little ones 😭
carlossainz55 They really are! It feels like just yesterday they were babies 😭
alex_albon stay little, Rylee and Amelie! 😭
lilymhe Oh my goodness, Rylee and Amelie are the cutest little troublemakers!
susiewolff The Leclerc family just keeps getting bigger and better! Congratulations on a beautiful wedding, and on raising such amazing daughters, Charles and Y/n. — Toto and family.
isahernaez the leclerc twins are so adorable! and y/n, you look stunning in that dress!
mercedes.amg Oh no, poor Rylee! At least she still looks adorable in that dress 😍
scuderiaferrari Aww, the Leclerc twins look so adorable in their little dresses!
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httpsuniverse · 1 year
with PG10, MSC47, CL16, LN4, GR63, DR3, CS55
a/n: happy new year everyone! here’s my second attempt on making an ig au hehe >_<
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liked by ynricciardo, yukitsunoda0511, f1, charles_leclerc and others
pierregasly welcome to the world, daisy anthoinette gasly 🌼
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charles_leclerc your godfather will meet you soon, daisy! ☺️
danielricciardo assuming that YOU are the godfather 🤨 I AM A STRONG CONTENDER, MATE. ynricciardo oh hush, brother! we haven’t decided who it is yet... 🫣
yukitsunoda0511 congratulations, pierre! ❤️ missed the chance to name your baby after me... 😔
pierregasly why would i name my DAUGHTER after you?
yukitsunoda0511 hey! it’s not only a boys’ name!
ynricciardo maybe i can convince him for the next one, yuki 🤭
pierregasly there’s no way we’re naming our next child after him
fanusername i suppose, the 🐶 worked?
fan1username STFU 😭 whyd you ruin such a cute post with this comment
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liked by yourusername, yourbffsusername, gina_schumacher, f1 and others
mickschumacher surprise, i’m mr new dad! 👨‍🍼 matteo schumacher is finally home 🤍
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gina_schumacher our little bundle of joy and our favorite surprise ❤️ we’ll visit again soon, send my love to teo and y/n!
mickschumacher thanks gina! ❤️
yourusername teo misses you already, aunt gina 🥰
sebastianvettel congratulations to the new parents, mick & y/n!
yourusername thank you, seb! bring emily and matilda when you visit soon 🫶
fan1username i feel like we missed a WHOLE chapter bro 😭
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liked by arthur_leclerc, lorenzotl, pierregasly, f1 and others
charles_leclerc carmen’s favorite bunny 🐰
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georgerussell63 congratulations mate and yourusername! carmen and i will visit you three soon 😉
yourusername thank you georgie! it’ll be a cute meet up, carmen meets auntie carmen! 🥰
fanusername seems like you named her after carmenmmudnt?
charles_leclerc as much as y/n loves her paddock best friend, we really just chose the name that we thought of the moment we saw our daughter!
pierregasly daisy’s playmate!
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liked by danielricciardo, f1, maxfewtrell, carlossainz55 and others
landonorris luke learned how to flip off his dad aka me... 🥲
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maxfewtrell i taught luke that when i babysat
ynfewtrell youre banned for life
maxfewtrell you cannot ban me, i’m luke’s favourite uncle
landonorris NOT ANYMORE
carlossainz55 ay dios mio... i almost had a heart attack, mate. it’s because me and isa were the last ones to babysit luke
isahernaez i got scared as well, but the rolls! 😍
ynfewtrell no worries! i know you two wouldn’t teach my baby these kind of things 🥹 and IKR!! I’M TRYING MY BEST NOT TO BITE THEM
landonorris *OUR BABY
ynfewtrell 🙄🙄
danielricciardo luke caught in 4k 📸
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liked by lewishamilton, alex_albon, lilymhe, charles_leclerc, f1 and others
georgerussell63 crikey! that’s a big foot!
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yourusername no wonder why it hurts every time he kicked me before :(
georgerussell63 well, he’s out now, love 😅 no more pain
yourusername no more pain yet he kicks me on his sleep, just like his dad 🙄
charles_leclerc george kicks on his sleep?????
yourusername he does 🙄 gabriel definitely takes it after him
georgerussell63 and gabriel takes after you for being so loud
lewishamilton congratulations to the new parents ❤️ gabriel is lucky to have you both in his life
yourusername thank you, sir lewis! 💗
lilymhe ooh i’m very excited to meet gabriel 🥺🤍
yourusername gabe is excited to meet his godparents as well 💗
alex_albon YO for real ??
yourusername you know it, albono! 😉
alex_albon i was thinking of dyeing hair green and convince lily to dye hers pink so we could be like the fairly odd parents
georgerussell63 please don’t do that
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liked by landonorris, scottyjames31, michaelitaliano, f1 and others
danielricciardo jude us off to steal all the ladies’ (and gents) hearts in his uncle’s farm wedding
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yourusername my little man 💗
danielricciardo why do you only comment on my posts when it comes to jude 😭 i’m hurt!!
yourusername 🙄🙄 don’t be such a baby
danielricciardo i’m just kidding 😘
yourbrothersig aahhh! my little ring bearer 🥹
yourusername he’s sooo excited 😍 see you later!
danielricciardo i still don’t get why you got jude to be the ring bearer, he’s only 5 months ...
landonorris bet there’ll be a lot if pictures for daniel3.jpg
yourusername he hasn’t stopped taking photos since we left for the farm 😅
fanusername #seated for the pictures
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, f1, landonorris, pierregasly and others
carlossainz55 alguien está disfrutando de su dia en la playa ⛱️ [someone is enjoying their day at the beach]
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carlosonoros ¡disfrutar de las vacaciones! ❤️ [enjoy the vacation!]
carlossainz55 lo hare, gracias! 👍🏻❤️ [will do, thanks!]
yourusername thank you, caco! 🤍
yourbffsusername oh my lord!! the little toes!! 🥹
yourusername have you noticed that there’s a little rock(?) stuck between them 🥺
yourmomsig how was sofia’s first trip to the beach? sending love 😘😘
carlossainz55 she was confused at first, but she loved it!
yourusername fia’s always confused, comes 100% from carlos 😅
carlossainz55 🙄
— previous post.
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gavisfanta · 4 months
Hi love, can you do one of Pedri being a dad?
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summary: pedri and your daughter getting along and playing dress up
a/n: I thought of this during math class 😭😭
warnings: slight mentions of an ed, nothing serious tho
"Oh my god" You laughed as you looked at your daughter dressed up in a princes dress. She greeted you at the door with the biggest smile ever on her face.
"How is my princess?" You lifted her up immediately after you took off your shoes.
"Good" she kissed your cheek and you couldn't help but kiss her nose and then her cheek too.
"Oh yeah? Where's daddy?" You asked and she looked at you. Then you put her down and made your way towards the stairs.
"Upstairs, uncle fer got us these dresses." She said and you furrowed your brows while walking upstairs.
"us?" You asked with a confusing look but your question was soon answered by you seeing Pedri sitting in the middle of her room, wearing a pink princess dress.
You immediately burst out laughing and he looked up at you with a huge smile on his face.
"Mommy's home" Your daughter clapped her hands as she walked towards Pedri. You were standing in the doorway as Pedri stood up and you scanned his whole body.
The pink tight material really suited him well, his abs clearly visible and his biceps almost ripping the long sleeve on his arms.
"Do you think I'm a pretty princess?" He asked with a smile as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to himself.
"Mhm, not prettier than her tho." You laughed and pecked his lips before he pulled you into a kiss.
"Mom, can we get you one of these too?" She asked and you laughed down at her as Pedri did so too.
"I think that's a great idea honestly" Pedri looked back at you and you burst out laughing as you turned your gaze to Pedri again.
Him in that damn princess dress was something you could definitely not take serious.
"Mommy is being mean to me tho." Pedri then pulled away from you and went back to sit down in the middle of the room. Him and Isa were just holding a tea party.
"Why are you mean to dad?" She looked up at you and at the moment you couldn't explain it to her.
"She's just jealous of our dresses, now come and sit down." Pedri waved over Isa and you smiled a bit as you turned around and made your way to the bathroom inside of your room. You definitely need a shower after this long day.
After you were done showering you got dressed into your pj's and walked downstairs since you couldn't find neither Pedri or Isa on the upper level.
As soon as you entered the living room you smiled immediately. You found Pedri and Isa in front of the tv. Pedri changed back into a hoodie and joggers while Isa was still dressed as a princess. She was cuddled up to him and he had his arm around her. She fell asleep in his arm, however, he was awake, looking at the tv.
Pedri turned his head to look at you immediately. "I'll bring her upstairs and then I'll come back again. Don't fall asleep." He pointed at you with his finger before he pushed his arms below his daughter and carried her upstairs.
You sat down in the spot where Pedri was sat and pulled a blanket over yourself.
You looked at whatever was going on the tv, it was just some kids show, however you were too lazy to switch the channel.
Luckily only after 2 minutes, Pedri came downstairs again. A wide smile spread across his face as he sat down next to you and pulled you into a big hug.
"My god, I missed you so much." He whispered and kissed the top of your head.
"I missed you too," You paused for a second and he kissed you on the lips too. "What did you guys do today?"
Pedri's lips curled up into a smile immediately. You leaned into him and he wrapped his arm around you. "Well we had a tea party and we invited the girls over for some cookies we made." Pedri said sarcastically and you gave him a look. "Fine, we had a tea party, made cookies and pretended to feed those to her plushies."
You nodded your head and he kissed your temple. "Do you want to eat something? Work must have been tiring." He mumbled but you just shook your head. You were too tired to eat something.
"Are you sure? When was the last time you ate something?" He kept asking, at that point you were fighting to stay awake. His touch, his smell, the sound of his breathing and his voice were too comforting and tiring.
"Yesterday" You mumbled and he stood up immediately. You saw him walk into the kitchen and he came back just a few seconds later with a protein bar in his hand.
"Those are disgusting." You told him as soon as he sat down next to you again. He started to open the packaging.
"I know, open up." You opened your mouth as he asked you, then he broke off a piece and put it into your mouth. You started chewing on it while pulling a face.
"I'll make you some lunch tomorrow." Pedri looked at you chew on the rest of the protein bar while he pushed your hair out of your face. You hummed as a response and he then gave you a glass of water too.
"I forget to eat the whole time." You complained and leaned closer to pedri again. You cuddled up, closer to him to feel him by your side.
"Dont worry, it's just pretty stressful for you right now." Pedri kissed your forehead and you nodded. You both did thst whole watching the kids show thst wss on the tv.
"This is how you know we're getting old." You laughed out and he looked st you immediately. "We're watching a kids show even tho our kid isn't even near." You laughed slightly.
"We're only 25, oh my god, we're old." Pedri looked at you, a small laugh escaped your lips as you looked up at him.
"That's what I'm saying." You moved your hands up to his hair and started playing with it. Pedri looked at you while you pushed all of his hair into his face.
"When do you need to go back to practice?" You asked him, you knew that he got a few days off but you didn't know how long.
"I need to leave tomorrow around 6. I still need to pick up Gavi." Pedri kissed your temple and you turned your attention towards the tv again.
"Fuck, I need to work tomorrow. I start at 4." Pedri looked at you as you groaned and threw your head back.
"I already told you this amor" That made you look at Pedri. He stayed serious and looked directly into your eyes as you furrowed your eyebrows. "Quit your job, stay at home. You don't need to work, you know I make enough money."
"Yeah, I know you make enough money but I feel like I'll be bored staying at home the entire time." Pedri shook his head as he sunk deeper into the couch.
"Doesn't matter, come we'll go to sleep." You decided and stood up. Pedri groaned but then also stood up. You turned off the tv and started walking upstairs. Just as you wanted to walk into the bedroom the door to Isa's room opened. You and Pedri stood still and looked at her immediately.
"I'm scared." Tears were streaming down her little cheeks and Pedri immediately kneeled down to her.
"What's wrong?" He asked as you stood next to him and Isa looked up at you, turning her gaze from Pedri.
"I'm scared to sleep." She mumbled and you exhaled deeply.
"You wanna come and sleep with us?" She nodded her head and Pedri lifted her up and carried her to your shared bed.
Luckily it was big enough for the three of you, so as Pedri put her down on the bed you got on your side.
He walked over to the closet and pulled put some shorts for him to sleep in. You looked at him in the pitch dark as Isa cuddled up to you and you kissed her forehead.
Pedri took off his hoodie and you stared at him, to be honest, how could you not?
So as soon as he changed into the Barcelona shorts he also crawled into the bed and looked at Isa. Before he lied down he kissed her head and you on the lips.
"Goodnight" You yawned and he just smiled as he looked at you.
The next day you woke up at 10 am. The bed was empty and the sun was shining in through the blinds. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and then made your way downstairs. The house was empty and Noone to be seen anywhere.
Until you heard giggling coming from the pool. You looked out the huge glass windows and saw Pedri playing in the pool with Isa.
You smiled as you then made your way outside. The hot concrete burning your feet so you walked on the grass. Pedri turned to look into your direction and then looked at Isa.
"Look, mom woke up" He told her with a wide grin and she smiled immediately as she looked at you.
"Mom, you slept sooo long" Isa laughed as Pedri sat her down on the side kf the pool and she walked over to you. You sat down in the grass and she sat down in front of you.
"Why, how long have you two been awake?" You looked over at Pedri who was leaning onto the edge of the pool, his arms crossed above the edge.
You couldn't help but notice how fine he looked. The wet hair which was pushed back, the water on his biceps which looked even bigger when he crossed his arms.
"We got up at 6 am and watched the sunrise." She opened up her arms and then Pedri flashed you a smile.
"We wanted to let you sleep out, also, we made breakfast, theres some more in the kitchen." Pedri caught your gaze and you smiled as you kissed the top of your daughter's head while standing up.
"Thank you so much."
"No worries, I got you."
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lxclerc · 2 years
Instagram AU with George Russell where you announce your relationship to the public
pairing: george russell x reader rated: fluff
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Liked by lewishamilton, charlottesine and others
yourusername he likes fast cars and i like him. win win
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user1 i feel like i'm being edged every time she post a photo of them together
user2 carlos sainz?
user3 bro carlos is not that pale
user4 not to mention that carlos is very much in a relationship and is literally her friend 😭
user5 you want to tell us who he is soooo bad
isahernaez that doesn't seem very safe
yourusername shush
isahernaez 🙄🙄
lewishamilton ❤️❤️
yourusername ❤️❤️
user6 is iT LEWIS?
user7 does that look like fucking lewis to you?
georgerussell63 where are you going?
yourusername i don't know. wanna come?
user8 it's george. i'm fucking calling it. it has to be george
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Liked by yourusername, isahernaez and others
georgerussell63 summer break well spent
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danielricciardo russell george, you have been a busy bee
georgerussell63 😉😉
user1 y/n liked...
user2 it has to be y/n. it just HAS to be
lewishamilton ❤️
georgerussell63 ❤️
user3 lewis is like that supportive facebook aunt who comments on all of your posts
carlossainz55 oi there are children here
georgerussell63 🤣🤣
user4 george russell might just be the driest replier on earth
yourusername looks relaxing
georgerussell63 it really was
user5 theyre fucking with us
alex_albon georgeeeeeeeeeee
georgerussell63 albonoooo
user6 @yourusername we know it's you
yourusername 🤫🤫🤫
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Liked by charles_leclerc, charlottesine and others
yourusername more topless pic of my boyfriend to add to the growing collection
View all 4,528 comments
georgerussell63 it's not that many
yourusername it's definitely that many
user1 is this the confirmation
user2 it's as good as we're going to get i think 😭
charles_leclerc where's that account that edits shirts when you need it? 🤣🤣
alex_albon i believe the account you're looking for is @georgerussellshirt 🤣🤣
georgerussell63 real funny 🖕🏻
user3 someone needs to take emojis away from these men
landonorris think of my virgin eyes, y/n
yourusername sorry i forgot you were still a minor
user4 i mean... it is a pretty great body ❤️ Liked by yourusername
user5 not the twitch quartet getting back together to bully george
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Liked by isahernaez, yourusername and others
georgerussell63 morning views
View all 8,728 comments
user1 topless boyfriend 🤝 bottomless girlfriend
user2 wish i was heather
isahernaez tell her to give my shirt back
yourusername no
landonorris what is it with you two posting half naked pictures of each other?
yourusername it's because we're pretty people and it needs to be shared ❤️ Liked by georgerussell63
landonorris 🙄🙄
user3 they're right, lando
user4 god i hate happy couples
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Liked by lewishamilton, mercedesamgf1 and others
yourusername part time girlfriend, full time photographer (does this count as a relationship announcement?)
View all 5,262 comments
mercedesamgf1 thank you for your service, y/n
yourusername where should i send in my resume?
user1 YES
user2 new wag in the house 🥳
danielricciardo everyone knew it was george
yourusername don't ruin my vibe
danielricciardo you need to announce relationships?
yourusername i wanted the clout
danielricciardo brb about to announce a relationship
lewishamilton all the best to the two of you, cheers! ❤️
yourusername thank you, uncle lewis ❤️
user3 finally a picture with his face on it 😭
isahernaez you're out of his league
georgerussell63 you introduced us?
yourusername i'm doing charity 🤫
georgerussell63 😧
yourusername just joking, i love you baby
user4 i mean...is isa wrong?
georgerussell63 my girl ❤️ ❤️ Liked by yourusername
2K notes · View notes
leclerc-s · 3 months
track 001. right where you left me
─── ❝ break-ups happen every day, you don't have to lose it ❞ ───
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series masterlist // next
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liked by louis_graham, isabellaperez, babs.rodriguez and others
dulceperez it's hell week and i'm struggling to cope
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isabellaperez never have i ever been more grateful for online school
↳ dulceperez we get it you travel for funsies and i get stuck with crippling student dept.
↳ isabellaperez what fucking debt? tio checo said he'd pay for your schooling!
↳ dulceperez alright then, i get the crippling student anxiety.
maejones you got this baby!
↳ dulceperez i really don’t! tell max to send the red bull i’m going to need it, i know you two are still besties!!
↳ maxverstappen1 did checo cut you off again?
↳ dulceperez YES!! SEND HELP!! SOS!!
louis_graham still can’t get over the fact that you know f1 drivers.
↳ dulceperez my uncle is an f1 driver?
↳ babs.rodriguez forget it lou, she won’t understand. she probably grew up around michael schumacher or something.
↳ isabellaperez well, you’re not wrong
mickschumacher if you die can i keep your couch?
↳ dulceperez what the fuck schumacher?
↳ mickschumacher it’s a very comfortable couch.
↳ freyavettel he’s right, it’s very comfortable. i’ve had some great fucking naps on it.
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louis graham so the f1 drivers in your comments are just normal?
dulce perez pretty much, yeah
dulce perez we live in monaco, you're telling me you've never ran into like lewis or charles? hell nico lives in monaco.
barbara rodriguez never. louis graham nope.
dulce perez huh, it's not like monaco's that big. i run into my ex all the time. granted he's like best friends with my sister.
barbara rodriguez who the fuck is your ex? and why is your sister best friends with him? dulce perez because she can be? i'm not going to tell her "oh no isa, you can't be friends with arthur because we broke up." dulce perez they were friends way before we dated.
louis graham so his name is arthur? interesting, one look at your sister's instagram tells me that you dated the one and only arthur leclerc.
barbara rodriguez a leclerc? you dated a leclerc? and you let him get away?
dulce perez look, he was busy with racing and i was busy with school. it wasn't going to work out between us so we just broke up.
louis graham interesting how you two still follow each other.
dulce perez we're still friends. that wasn't going to change because we dated.
barbara rodriguez 9 times out of 10, people fall in love all over again.
dulce perez not me. i won't.
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dulceperez posted new stories
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low quality picture, high quality girl or some fucking corny shit like that. who the fuck gave this guy alcohol?
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arthur leclerc does she have a boyfriend? who is he?
mae jones what is this nerd going on about?
isabella perez is this about my sister?
arthur leclerc forget i asked. isabella perez so it is about my sister.
mick schumacher is this about the guy on her story?
isabella perez that's just louis. one of her roomates. remember arthur? they became friends when she started school. arthur leclerc oh. yes. i remember.
freya vettel oh he's totally still in love with her.
lando norris honestly arthur just tell her. get it over with.
bailey winters i doubt you should be giving people advice.
lando norris oh seriously! we get it, i fucked up! isabella perez oh you royally fucked up norris.
lando norris oh be quiet isabella, how many times have you broken up with austin by now?
isabella perez my relationship has nothing to do with this! focus on arthur and my sister!
mick schumacher i can't believe i'm saying this, but how are freya and i the only ones that are mentally healthy??
isabella perez because arthur is stupid. mae is in denial about her feelings. i'm codependent. lando is a dumbass. bailey is collateral damage to lando's dumbassery. AND YOU'RE IN FUCKING DENIAL!! SO IS FREYA!!
freya vettel wow. can't wait for the day all of you are mentally healthy and in healthy relationships.
mae jones at this rate isabella's doomed to divorcing and remarrying austin like 7 times. isabella perez literally fuck you. stop writing songs about max!
bailey winters you're all insane.
arthur leclerc you are too bailey.
mae jones don't worry arthur. i know how to figure out if you'll be seeing her soon arthur leclerc oh no. that's not good.
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mae jones odds of seeing dulce at the monaco gp this year?
dulce perez that depends am i allowed to take my emotional support idiots? isabella perez i thought i was your emotional support idiot? max verstappen ooh she's been replaced.
esteban ocon i think we're better off asking what are the odds charles finishes the race.
charles leclerc this is why you've never won a race bitch.
daniel ricciardo who the fuck are her emotional support idiots?
dulce perez my roomates
lewis hamilton you may be an idiot but i am not.
mae jones we're her emotional support chaos gremlins natalia ruiz that makes more sense.
max verstappen you should ask checo if you can bring your friends, not us.
dulce perez i did. he said yes. see all of you back in monaco. dulce perez i just have to ask them.
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dulce perez thoughts on attending the monaco grand prix?
barbara rodriguez on my bucket list but currently too broke.
louis graham also on my bucket list but without means of going.
dulce perez i feel like we're forgetting that my uncle is literally an f1 driver??
dulce perez wow. way to use me.
louis graham listen, we love you. you're great. but attending the monaco grand prix is such a dream.
dulce perez we're going to support red bull not mercedes.
barbara rodriguez yeah but red bull doesn't have lewis hamilton does it?
louis graham personally, i will be supporting aston martin. wherever sebastian vettel is that is where i am.
dulce perez traitors both of you.
louis graham we went stalker mode. we had to find out everything about leclerc.
barbara rodriguez he's a cutie. why the hell did you dump him?
dulce perez we are not talking about this.
dulce perez no!
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babs.rodriguez, louis_graham, dulceperez posted new stories
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who let me be here?? where is lewis hamilton??
holy shit!!
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pierre gasly soo...dulce
dulce perez before you ask no. pierre gasly like not even a little bit?
rowan todd why must you ask this, you idiot?
pierre gasly i'm an instigator
dulce perez the answer is no because he has a girlfriend, you moron.
charles leclerc but if he didn't have a girlfriend?
dulce perez you too?
dulce perez no. not my type.
max verstappen SHE'S GOT A CRUSH! arthur leclerc oscar? isabella perez brb gonna go stalk his instagram.
freya vettel anyone is better than a*stin
arthur leclerc trust me when i say he's 100 times better than that guy.
natalia ruiz perhaps monégasque? rhymes with shmarthur? dulce perez you people are insufferable. daniel ricciardo THAT WASN'T A NO!
mick schumacher arthur just probably let out the biggest sigh of his life.
arthur leclerc at least i'm not in denial about my feelings. mick schumacher HEY! WE'RE NOT TALKING ABOUT ME! AND YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH LECLERC!!
sebastian vettel i should consider retirement. that would mean i wouldn't have to deal with this.
fernando alonso i retired and they didn't let me leave. there is no hope for us.
lewis hamilton i told you that your biggest mistake would be showing weakness to max.
max verstappen YOU'RE THE ONE WHO COMFORTED ME FIRST! NOT SEB! lewis hamilton oh sure, i was just supposed to leave a kid out, crying in the rain because his girlfriend had just broken up with him? mae jones sorry, what?
daphne jones idiots, all of you
esteban ocon how's that hidden relationship going for you daphne? daniel ricciardo it's not our fault they haven't figured it out yet, now is it? lewis hamilton and i'm currently in the lead to win this bet so zip it ocon.
lance stroll at least one thing is still normal around here.
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taglist: @burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @applopie @lorarri @mypage-myfandoms @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @cowboylikemets1989 @justtprachisblog @rmeddar123 @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @Mimolovescookies @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @prongsvault @kaa212 @anxxiousaries @julesbabey1 @julesbabey @georgeparisole @Smnthnclj @dan3avocado @melissayalene @nothanqks @nikfigueiredo @bella-1 @namgification @jensonsonlybutton @chezmardybum @d3kstar @weekendlusting @anytimeanywherebitchblog @ragioniera @burberryfilms @trouble-sistar @lesliiieeeee @leclercsluv @33-81 @theseus-jpg @lorenaskaspersen @sarah-thatstings-ann @My-fangirling-outlet
strikethrough means i couldn't tag you
click here to be added to the honest series taglist
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¡leclerc-s speaks! and thus it begins! okay, listen, i love ross, for story purposes he younger than he actually is. idc what anyone says. i don't if i like this 100% but i'm still posting it.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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135 notes · View notes
sainzfilm · 2 years
can i get an insta edit of charles revealing he has a whole family? like he’s a dad and reader + kids have been kept a secret from the press forever
a/n: aw this would be cute!!! hope you like this anon :)
this is home - charles leclerc
instagram edit
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Liked by carlossainz55, lorenzotl, and 948,373 others
charles_leclerc i protect love, but it’s about time to let the world know about my beautiful family. ❤️ glad to have the off season exploring new places with them.
view all 484,738 comments
carlossainz55 missing the pequeño ángel! regards to the wife, mate. can’t wait to see the family soon 😊
yourusername your godson’s been asking for his uncle “los” and aunt “sa” lately, you need to show up with isa soon
isahernaez we’ll come over soon for dinner when you come back for vacation 😉 missing that little rascal a lot!
lewishamilton lovely family, bud! hope you have a wonderful time 🤎
charles_leclerc thanks, lewis! would love for you to meet them soon :)
leclercupdates WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE 😭 charles’ caption…..raising the standards for real
chaleclerc16 im so happy for him!!!! he deserves so much happiness ❤️ we’re the leclerc protection squad now
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Liked by isahernaez, pierregasly, and 897,363 others
charles_leclerc mon bonheur, mon monde. few snaps from the vacation! everyone, meet jules anton hervé leclerc ❤️ my happiness, my world.
view all 797,373 comments
alex_albon he’s grown up so quickly, jules looks so much like you now 😧
yourusername he acts like charles too. a literal clone of charles
georgerussell63 make him wear a banana suit for halloween Y/N!
charles_leclerc you should play goat simulator with him too, mate 😴
charlosbestboys so much cuteness in this slideshow 😭 the thumbs up photo owns my heart
cha16updates he looks so much like charles :( the cutest baby EVER
pierregasly need to see my godson soon, mate! send my regards to Y/N
charles_leclerc hope you’re ready because he’ll never stop talking your ear off
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Liked by lewishamilton, carlossainz55, and 993,373 others
charles_leclerc another addition to the leclerc’s. im finally a girl dad, thankful for my amazing wife for being so strong. meet marion isabel leclerc ❤️
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carlossainz55 congratulations, mate! so happy for you and Y/N, your little growing family ❤️
yourusername best believe the two of you are the godparents to marion
carlossainz55 you got it 😉 can’t wait to spoil the little one
estebanocon congratulations, charles and Y/N! you have such a lovely family 😊
charles_leclerc thanks a lot, mate ❤️
16lecupdates SO SO SO SO CUTE 😭 he’s finally a girl dad!!! such a beautiful family :)
lecsaiupdates im going to cry did she name the little angel after isa 😭 BEST FRIEND GOALS
yourusername yes i did 😉 wouldn’t have met cha if it wasnt for isa, she’s my other half :)
isahernaez ay, Y/N. don’t make me cry over here, i love you all three angels. not charles, carlos will get protective of his “bromance”
yourusername sure…bromance 🤨
charles_leclerc mon ange, im married to you. what are you talking about?
carlossainz55 charles sainz does have a good ring to it 😝
2K notes · View notes
kiwisa · 1 year
four ✩ ln04
Lando Norris x Fem! Girlfriend! Reader
IN WHICH... four really is lando's lucky number.
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Anonymous Y/N needs to tell us her secrets. She gave birth to two babies a few months ago and, yet, she is absolutely glowing!!
Anonymous I wish she could take a stroll with her kids without having to deal with those vultures. Leave her alone for fuck's sake, and stop taking pictures of babies, weirdos. Just because you put pixels on their faces doesn't make it less immoral.
Anonymous I'm so fucking happy Lando met Y/N. He has never been happier. Those two are soulmates. And their twins? Angels.
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user1 why am i crying ?
⤷ user2 because they are our parents and we love them
user3 find someone that loves you the way lando loves y/n
lewishamilton girl boss
user4 i would go to war for these four, no question asked
user5 my favourite family ever
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user2 pretty father pretty mother of course those babies were going to have good genes
carlossainz55 ¡mis sobrinos! i miss them (isa too)
⤷ user3 omg did he call them his nephews ??? 🥺
danielricciardo when can i see them again? you can't keep them away from their favorite uncle for too long
⤷ carlossainz55 i am their favorite uncle estúpido
⤷ charles_leclerc i see them more than you both and i'm pretty sure they love me more
⤷ danielricciardo y/n !!! you can't let them say that
⤷ yourusername oh god don't bring me into this
user4 oh... to have f1 drivers fighting in my comments...
user5 the chubby cheeks... im dead. their cuteness has killed me.
georgerussell63 i want to eat them
⤷ landonorris mate? 🤨
⤷ georgerussell63 can you blame me? they are so cute
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✩ taglist !
@sad1esgf @muglermami @i0veless @16solace @kenanlotus0 @till1am @itsnotgray @lilsiz @starkwlkr @missflobelova @mehrmonga @fxllfaiiry @crimeshowjunkie @anicega @kosmosgalore @lovemarvel16 @charles-dimple @hiding-behindmy-glasses @exatse @serenityleah @flowerchild-96 @hopiiex @ivegotparticulartaste @jivas0 @screechingtrashkid @gxp30 @lauren--maex
821 notes · View notes
reyababyy · 2 months
Making room for more love
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Pairing: Floyd x Fem pop troll reader
Summary: After coming home from an outing, your daughter has something to show you
Warnings: None, pure fluff
Word count: 402
A/N: First post!! So excited
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It’s been 4 years since the incident with velvet and veneer happened, Floyd had come back home letting you and him reunite after so long.
Of course that is also when his brothers along with Poppy and Viva found out you were his wife, you didn’t mean to keep it a secret though. He just wasn’t speaking to his brothers at the time and you didn’t have family of your own.
Nevertheless, they accepted you into the family, always coming over, planning things, all so no one would lose touch with each other again. Even JD got his act together, he’s no longer trying to boss his brothers around anymore.
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You had just came back to your shared pod from an outing with Poppy when your daughter Isa burst through the pod door, jumping into your arms, “Mommy mommy! I wanna show you something!” She giggled.
Chuckling, you placed her on your hip then walked inside the pod, letting the door close behind you. “What is it my little sunshine?” You spoke softly looking at her, Isa squirmed in your hold till you eventually put her down, watching as she got a drawing off the small table by the couch and brought it back to you.
Carefully you took it from her, a smile tugging at your lips “It’s beautiful sweetie, but who’s this?” You asked, looking down at her confused.
A chuckle came from behind you, before you felt arms wrapping around your waist, “Princess here wants another sibling.”
Isa nodded immediately afterwards “Please mommy, I want another sissy or bubby”, raising an eyebrow you hummed “So how much is daddy paying you to say this?”
Floyd’s eyes widened “I’m no-” “Sh, I am asking our daughter the question my love, not you.”
Your daughter smiled “Sweets before bedtime and I get to go spend the night at uncle Branch and aunt Poppy’s tonight!”
“Traitor” Floyd huffed, burying his face into the back of your neck.
“I see” you murmured, “Alright honey, go to your room so mommy can have a quick chat with daddy ok?”. Isa nodded, “Ok mommy” then skipped to her room.
Once the door was closed you sighed, “Really Floyd? Using Isa for bait just to have another baby?”
Floyd chuckled, turning you in his hold so you were facing him now “Well it was worth a shot” he spoke, placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
55 notes · View notes
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New photo of Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna playing tennis with uncle Grand Duke Ernst Louis of Hesse, Livadia Crimea 1912
(Source: Baroness Sophie “Isa” Buxhoevden’s 1910-1912 album shared by Ilya aka LastRomanovs on Flickr)
72 notes · View notes
two-white-butterflies · 8 months
As Lovers Often Do - c.5
Description: Alyssa Strong was born to be Aemond's wife. As the dance occurs, certain consequences are levied upon her.
"An eye for an eye. A son for a son."
series masterlist | part four
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“She would take him to faraway lands to observe foreign ways, so he could get closer to the strangeness within himself.”
― Fatima Mernissi
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"You've been sending letters to my mother?" Alyssa peeked her head inside of Queen Alicent's solar - to see her lover casually lounged upon the leather seats. "Nothing but conversations that siblings ought to have," Aemond humored - eye flickering towards her direction. In all the years of seeing Alyssa, her beauty never ceased to amaze him. "How is the babe? Have they come out?" she inquired, settling beside him and resting her head on his shoulder.
"Not yet, but the midwives say that it is soon." he responded, forgetting about the book on his lap - giving her his full attention. "My mother has always been strong - this pregnancy does not seem to have a toll on her. I worried about her, truthfully. The gods have never been kind to our kin." she breathed, inhaling his scent of cinnamon.
He grimaced at the thought of pregnancy. His mother had a hard time carrying Daeron - it was her last pregnancy. He's also heard stories about Queen Aemma - giving birth took her life. A Targaryen Princess' battlefield is the birthing-bed. "It is a price that we pay," he could only respond. "Enough of babes - rather, let's talk about the progression of your relationship with my mother. I never thought I'd live to see the day that you'd two get along," she chuckled.
She gathered her gowns - taking a small step towards the table that held all the beverages. She fills her goblet with wine even though it was far too early to get drunk. "I could say the same thing, Isa. It comes as a surprise - I never expected Princess Saera to be civil." he stopped the words that were coming out of his mouth.
Her eyebrow raised, taking a sip of her wine. "What do you mean by that?" she asked - and he froze in his tracks. He's been taught that his half-siblings were enemies - that the only person that he could rely on was his own full blooded siblings. Rhaenyra wanted the throne; his mother said, and she wouldn't hesitate to kill their family. But Rhaenyra was different from Saera, right?
"There's always been a war between Queen Alicent's side and Queen Aemma's side. A silent one - I-I always assumed that Princess Saera would take Princess Rhaenyra's side."
"She wishes to remain neutral, I assure you. But what is there to fight for? Aunt Rhaenyra is made heir to the iron throne - it's been six and ten or six and seven years since the birth of Prince Aegon. If muñazma wanted him as King - he would've already done so." Alyssa was quick to apprehend.
Her relationship with Rhaenyra was always - stale, but having her aunt as Queen would be a wonderful precedence. It would show that women especially in this country had a right to society. A right to raise their voices and rule kingdoms. It was pure Valyrian prowess - and it was why she admired the older woman.
"The people of Westeros do not like her?"
"You mean the lords of Westeros? There are as much ladies in court than there are lords - we prefer the Princess Rhaenyra. That is of course, assuming that she isn't the only choice."
Recognizing that it was a losing game, Aemond only smiles. He'd lose everything if it meant being loved by Alyssa. He'd change himself. Love makes you want to be a better person - but it also gives you permission to just be yourself. "Is there something that you are not telling me, Aemond?" Alyssa inquires and he shakes his head.
A decision already formed in his brain - when the time comes ... when his father dies. He will bend the knee to his older sister. It was the right thing to do - the only thing that would make Alyssa happy.
"Nothing, merely politics."
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I always knew that my uncle had a terrible habit of hiding his feelings. He would sooner put the realm to torch than tell me what he truly felt. He promised me a few fortnights ago that he'd ask my mother for my hand - marry me in the traditions of our house, but he hasn't done that yet. He's told Queen Alicent - but not my mother. He's afraid of her and Uncle Daemon.
I've also noticed another thing about my uncle; he's made of fire and gold. While other Targaryens are purely forged of fire - never forgetting, never forgiving - he has a cursed aspect to him. According to my mother, gold came from a star in the sky - it crashed down into earth and engulfed this planet with that beauty. It was a cursed beginning - and thus its existence was also cursed.
People fought for gold - people killed for gold.
Aemond is exactly that; cunning, chivalrous - but also homey. He knows his limits as a man. I could not stop loving him.
My mother whelped again sooner after - a girl. Her name was Viserra, after the doomed daughter of King Jaehaerys. The bards sing about her joyous nature, always smiling even as a babe. The King joked that I had finally found a worthy rival; I mused and joked in return.
But in truths, I felt replaced.
I was half-Strong - but this girl was a pure dragon.
"Will you visit your parents in Dragonstone, child?" my grandfather turns to look at me and I nodded. "Yes, I've been itching to see Viserra. I wonder who she looks like the most?" I replied with a smile.
Yes, I did feel replaced - but I was happy because I finally had a younger sibling. "Our men write that the birth was difficult. Have you asked Daemon about Saera, husband? Will Viserra be their only child?" Alicent asks her husband - cautious as always.
"Ah, yes. The birth was difficult but Saera affirms that they want more children. She has always been a responsible girl. She will pull through." Viserys talks about his daughters with joy - an opposite to the way he looks at his sons. "All is well then?" I ask and the King nods happily. "You know, your mother was about your age when she married your father." Viserys remembers, I freeze.
"You should already be searching for suitors, child. Fulfill your duties as a princess of the realm." Viserys teaches; I could swear to hear Alicent mumble 'lady' in correction. "There are still many things that I wish to achieve in this life, your grace. My lessons are not yet done." I reasoned, this was going to be something I regretted.
"For gods' sake. Have lovers - be happy. You are a Targaryen." he encouraged, much to the dismay of his wife. "That is not something a lady should do," Alicent argues with a scowl. "- it is about time that we engage Aemond with Alyssa. Mend the bonds that have been broken and unite our family." Alicent said something right for once.
"I will give you an ultimatum, Alyssa. Five years - find someone that you'll cherish - and if not, we'll make that choice for you." Viserys concludes, the Queen's eyes relax for a moment. "It is very important that we give the children their own choice - I've learnt that the hard way." Viserys chuckled, taking a sip of his milk of poppy.
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"It was basically an indirect approval," Alyssa opened her mouth and Aemond seemed to be deep in thought. "First of all, congratulations on the birth of your sister. Second of all, I've already told my mother." Aemond comforted - seeing that surprised look on his beloved's face. "Why don't you tell my mother?" she questioned and he took a deep breath.
He looks to the side.
"I'm not exactly what your mother would want for you to wed. Didn't she promise you to love in a beautiful house near the sea? I've got no land, no rights, no titles of my own - what face can I show your parents? What face can I show the Lady Regent of Harrenhall or the prince that wields that Dark Sister?" he told himself.
In short words; he was not yet worthy of Alyssa - but he plans to be. "You are a Prince and ... I love you." she tilted her head. He seemed to be surprised too. It was the first time she's ever told him that. "You love me?" the sides of his mouth turned upwards. "You know what I mean - I see a future with you. A safe and comfortable one." she expanded - but the smile does not leave his face.
"You have to go through the formalities first - touring around the realm in search for a suitor - even though you've already found the one... Let me ask you something, Isa. When do you plan to get married?" he inquired and she shrugged. "Mayhaps a year or two from now?" she concluded and he nods.
"My mother has already been negotiating our engagement with Lord Larys - they're finalizing it. Making sure that it's perfect so that Princess Saera would have no choice but to agree. Of course, I've started being friends with your mother a few weeks ago."
"Calm down, Aemond. You're thinking about it too much. My mother has always adored you - she's always loved her siblings regardless." Alyssa reassured. "I am thinking about this too much indeed," he breathed. "Take care of the details, Aemond. I'll deal with the delivery." she placed a hand on his shoulder.
He was adorable.
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"Marriage! By the gods. When I spoke to you about marriage, I did not assume that you already had your mind set." Viserys took a sip of his medicine. It always a pain to look at his oldest granddaughter. She looked too much like Aemma - but to hear that she already made her own decision, it reminded him of his own mother. "But do not tell my mother, please." she takes a step forward, staring deep into her grandfather eyes - that often looked like a mirror of her own.
"Oh my dear, do not pull me into trouble that I did not begin." he raised a finger and she sighed. "My mother is sick with childbed fever. I'm afraid that the news would shock her and be detrimental to her health. Please kepa, keep this secret for a few months - or at least until she gets better. Then, I will tell her myself." she promised - feeling that familiar anxiety gnaw at her bones.
She loves her mother - but she would not approve. Saera has loved Daemon since she was a child - but getting married young was wrong in her eyes. Her mother wouldn't approve - not even the King could stop her. "Alright, alright." the King relented, feeling his knees buckle at the weight of his own body.
"But I expect that you keep your distance from Prince Aemond until your engagement is formally announced."
>> next chapter
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taglist: @watercolorskyy @sweetybuzz25 @newtsniffles @loveandlewis-reads @lovecleastrange @julkaamazing @schniiipsel @mirandastuckinthe80s @areaderinlove @i-yam-awesome @ladystardvsts @gracielikegrapes @issybee06 @tato0od @delaynew @thisbihreadstoomuch @plutoscosmoss @immyowndefender @marvelescvpe @batmans-love @luanasrta @tesha-i-guess @valeridarkness @apollonshootafar @seamonies @batmans-love @ayamenimthiriel @apollonshootafar @canibalcoyote @sweethoneyblossom1 @mxtokko @cherrysoulth @yentroucnagol @bellstwd
A/N: I'm sorry for not updating in months. I had to take a step back after my boyfriend cheated on me to the thought of his cousin. (His cousin is a wonderful human being, and I admire her.) Please do not comment hate comments about him since we're still in the process of talking about things and such... I just hope that I'll look back on this one day and have a good laugh.
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reveriedraffs · 2 months
I think i know why Christian was set to Marry Devi... (My theory i uploaded on reddit was removed by the admin idk why?)
It was bugging me from the moment when Christian said that he wanted to marry Devi from the very beginning although dozens hid this fact from her to spar her to get married to Christian. But why he wanted to marry her? Christian didn't know Devi and the latter came way before Devi met Ian. so what was he insisted to marry on marrying and devi only. also if it was because he show her portrait then he could've remember her when they meet for the first time.
After thinking about it so much i couldn't come to theory or connect the dots that not until i was sitting with my dad watching the news (I am Indian btw) and suddenly the news was talking about the most famous and precious jewel of india "Kohinoor" i am not sure how many of you know about this but this diamond it very "precious", "Priceless" and "CURSED" yes this diamond is "cursed" it was called cursed because of that soley diamond in the past war has fought for 500 years or more. and it has killed everyone who tried to posses that diamond the biggest empire has collapsed because of this mere diamond although it's not a mere diamond. because in reality, this diamond belongs to the gods.
The Koh-i-Noor Diamond isa a 186-caratt diamond with a curse affecting only men. According to folklore, a Hindu description of the diamond warns that “he who owns this diamond will own the world, but will also know all its misfortunes. Only God or woman can wear it with impunity.” Throughout history, the gem traded hands among various Hindu, Mongolian, Persian, Afghan and Sikh rulers, who fought bitter and bloody conflicts to own it. Every prince whohadf the diamond would ultimately lose his power if not his life. For over 500 years the stone changed hands in gruesome battles and vicious coups.
The kingdom of Golconda(current day state of Telengana,India), The khilji Empire,The Tughlaq Empire,The Lodhi Empire,The Mughal Empire,The Maratha Empire,The kingdom of Persia,The Durrani Empire,The Afghan Khanate,The Sikh Empire all collapsed one behind the other while owning the Koh-i-noor Diamond.The height of the curse can be seen in the fact that even World level Empires crumbled below the weight of the curse.The British East India company owned the Jewel since the Annexation and Disbandment of the Sikh Empire. But only 7–8 years following the looting of the jewel,the revolt of 1857 literally destroyed the east IndiaCompanyy from its roots.
Historical records indicate the diamond was acquired by the British in 1849 and given to Queen Victoria in 1850. To heed its legend, the diamond has since only been worn by women, including Queen Alexandra of Denmark, Queen Mary of Teck and the late Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother, wife of King George VI.
In 1936, the stone was set into the crown of the wife of King George VI, Queen Elizabeth (later known as the Queen Mother). The British Royal family was aware of the Curse of the Koh-i-Noor, and from the reign of Queen Victoria the Kohinoor diamond has always gone to the wife of the male heir to the British throne
Currently, it is set as one of the jewels within a British monarchy crown that is kept at the Tower of London Jewel House.
I am telling you the whole story because?
here is the dots to this theory:
Sharma owns the mines for gemstones, diamonds, and crystals not only in Bengal but in very different places on all over India.
Devi's brother died while trying to save the bride.
Those who came to kill people talked about letting "Women alive and killing all the men" A simple person may think they said it to use them later on. if so then why was Rati killed?
Devi becomes the heir of the Sharma household, and Kamal insists on making Devi the heir why? i understand that is because Kairas was his best friend but he could've easily let Devi's uncle become the heir.
For some reason Kamal agreed to marry off Devi to Ian suddenly? like that man fought for 5 years against everyone then why did he turn his back suddenly?
Also I personally thin Ian chose devi for specific reasons too, like right now she is the head of Sharma's house but even when she wasn't he wanted to marry her and only her.
The Koh-i-noor might be found on devi's mine. as it holds the power of god and specifically it is cursed. As it said that "Only God or Woman can wear it with IMPUNITY" where Impunity simply means exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.
Or Devi personally is or is the koh-i-noor itself. Or Maybe British knew about the diamond and it's real power. They have stole diamonds from Taj Mahal too but they knew that the diamond who belongs to god holds its own power so they might need someone for that. Devi. Not only she is related to Maa Kali, she is girl and if they choose Devi and then found diamond form her mine then they can ask her to give it to them as in original i mean in reality that's how the koh-i-noor to the queen, they manipulate the royal family livin' in the England making them into thinking it was a simple diamond was given to the queen but in reality it was more then that!
I think they knew about the mines or something similar related to it.
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