#uh there's. so many stories that take place in the next part of the game so
snow-system-wol · 2 months
Part II -- stories at the end(?) of the Tale of the Crystal Exarch.
S'ria had wanted to say it before, days prior. G'raha, this is killing you. Perhaps it would've been a bit hasty to have said it back then, though.
But now? The Tower was truly killing him now. The only odd sort of relief, awful as it was, was that G'raha could no longer pretend like it wasn't painful – not with S'ria seeing the process of the crystal spreading. The way he gasped and curled in on himself, and the disturbing sounds of cracking that accompanied the changes – it was difficult to witness. S'ria wished he could do anything to help make it hurt less. 
Realizing why it's progressing so rapidly does nothing to improve his mood, but it does at least give S'ria a clear goal.
It was so callous, Elidibus burning up what remained of G'raha while desperately trying to kill S'ria – and he likely did not even know (much less care) about the effect of his excessive summonings. S'ria felt a bit sick thinking about just how many times he'd seen one of those damnable summon circles while he fled to Lakeland.
There was a bit of guilt in S'ria's heart over that, too. Nothing major – he wanted to live – but he couldn't help but think about how Elidibus would likely stop calling forth more heroes if he successfully killed S'ria already.
If nothing else, it was a reason to hurry, to go find Elidibus and end this as quickly as possible.
G'raha seemed a bit less than steady on his feet, but S'ria knew it was futile to try to stop him from coming along. Somehow, he was glad for the company, even if it meant watching the Exarch's steps falter in pain when the crystal claimed another ilm of flesh. At least, this way, he knew exactly how bad it was getting.
S'ria dropped down by G'raha so hastily that he could feel his knees protest heavily at the impact, especially with his body still freshly injured from battle. G'raha lifted his head with a drawn expression – yet still smiling.
“I concede, I may have overexerted myself.”
May? May?! S'ria was at a loss for words, too concerned and tired to gripe at his making light of the situation. G'raha, agonizingly slow and with an audible crackling, managed to at least sit up. S'ria wanted to do something – support his body, carefully hold his hand – anything that might help or bring comfort… but he was terrified to touch G'raha at all, afraid of hurting him like this.
G'raha was still smiling at him, looking quite satisfied with himself – he deserved to feel that way, after destroying Elidibus, but it only made S'ria's chest feel tighter. G'raha said then, “we won, my friend”, and the slight wobble in his voice confirmed S'ria's understanding that what was happening to G'raha could not be undone. So when G'raha brought back up that he'd mentioned wanting to ask a favor before, S'ria listened with complete focus.
“So I hope you'll forgive me this moment of selfishness. And… while I wouldn't want you to feel obliged…”
G'raha trailed off, fixing his gaze to the side of S'ria's head. He opened and closed his mouth in hesitation, and S'ria endured the wait – he doubted it was anything actually selfish, knowing G'raha, but the fact that he seemed to think it would be meant letting him get to it himself.
This time, when G'raha opened his mouth again, words came out.
“Promise you'll take me on your next adventure. A journey. Together. That's all I ask.”
S'ria blinked him, both in reaction to how simple of a request it was for G'raha to be so worried about and to try to fight back the tears that threatened to spill.
“You could've asked me earlier!” S'ria's voice cracked in the middle of it, sounding more pitiful and desperate than anything else. That perfectly reflected how he felt though – mourning how G'raha had waited until it was far too late, too late for anything, to even ask for the company and comfort he wanted. They were friends, weren't they? Why didn't he ask?
S'ria remembered then, the spirit vessel he was still absentmindedly holding. He checked it immediately as he recalled the sound of it clattering on hard stone – completely intact, looking undamaged. Right, there was still hope, tenuous as it was. S'ria held it pleadingly towards G'raha.
“Is it still…?”
G'raha smiled at him. “Yes, there remains only one last step.”
It was with a painful amount of finality that S'ria helped G'raha to his feet and followed him to his chosen resting place. G'raha was barely even still breathing, and time was truly up, but there still remained a moment for G'raha to lay a hand over the spirit vessel, cool crystalline fingers barely brushing against S'ria's hand, and the sudden vibrant glow was hopefully a sign that it worked.
Gods, it better have worked. He deserved better than to have died before even letting himself live.
For now, S'ria knelt in front of a lifeless statue, clutching the vessel to his chest. 
The others arrived soon after, but they hung back long enough for S'ria to dry his eyes and try to look half respectable.
He at least felt hopeful, forcing himself to believe the best, as they descended the Tower. Still holding the vessel securely against his body, such a terrifyingly small and vulnerable way for a soul to exist, there was only one thought repeatedly running through S'ria's mind. I will keep you safe.
S'ria finished the rest of the way to the entrance of the Tower at a near sprint, tapping his foot impatiently as he waited to see if the door would accept G'raha's crystallized blood as legitimate enough for entry. His body flooded with relief upon seeing the blue glyphs begin to react, but he did not truly exhale until the doors began to crack open. S'ria was inside the Tower the moment the gap was wide enough for him to slip through.
A part of him had still worried it wouldn't be enough to let him in. 
S'ria had so many worries, actually, about whether any of this would work and what would happen when he found G'raha – but, even though he desperately wanted to return immediately, that last trip around the world the Exarch saved was the right thing to do. 
And now, with everyone else returned and awake, it was time.
S'ria wished he could've had time to ask G'raha where to find him. He'd asked for any insights with the remaining members of NOAH, but had received relatively few helpful suggestions. Up to the upper spires did not feel right, it felt like one would sleep somewhere buried deep – on nothing but a hunch, S'ria found the familiar Ocular and headed further inward from there, seeking out the heart of the Tower.
It was easier once he was nearby, the vessel in his hand nearly humming at the proximity to its shared blood nearby. If it hadn't been so long, perhaps he could've followed the rest of G'raha's path by scent alone – but anything had long since dissipated.
It took longer than he would've liked, but he did eventually find G'raha. It was a relatively small and unassuming room, aside from the high table in the center, holding a single body. 
S'ria immediately ran to him. He looked… well, he was breathing and had a heartbeat, even if both were very slow.
Placing the spirit vessel next to him made it glow blindingly bright for a moment, and then – G'raha's eyebrows were drawn together where his face had previously been slack, hopefully not from an internal struggle with his own soul, but he did not seem to be stirring. Panic gripped S'ria's heart for a moment before he remembered the true reason G'raha still slept – the same reason he had slept these last few years.
S'ria looked down at the…table? Odd dais of sorts? that G'raha laid upon. Much like the rest of the Tower, it was etched with strange branching lines through which a blue light flowed through – like blood through veins, but utterly inscrutable to S'ria.
He could tell that they seemed to be following the shape of a human body to some extent, forming an elaborate halo of circles under G'raha's head and branching out under his body, but anything more than that was…beyond him. Further investigation yielded a series of wires at the edges of the table, ending in ornate metal caps that somehow stayed in place on G'raha's wrists – for what function, he could not say. The table hummed, and S'ria was afraid to pull at anything, lest he somehow kill G'raha.
There, at one end of the table – the glyphs formed the loose shape of a handprint. S'ria picked up the now dull soul vessel and cautiously pressed his palm onto the table. Immediately, the lines on the table went dark in a quick spread from where he'd put his hand down. S'ria barely had time to fear before G'raha started to slowly stir.
He sighed in relief and went about detaching G'raha from the machine – thankfully, the caps at the ends of the wires only seemed to be loosely adhered to his skin, nothing worse than that. No more than slightly irritated skin left behind. S'ria gently inspected the marks, but nothing about them looked concerning.
By this point, G'raha's eyes were starting to blearily crack open and S'ria could've nearly cried.
Once awake, he immediately tried to sit up, to absolutely no success. S'ria put an arm behind his shoulders and helped him upright, fumbling a potion out of his bag. They'd all expected he'd be more than a bit weak after waking, even if the Tower was taking care of him. Even as groggy as G'raha was, when S'ria brought the vial to his lips, he drank with no complaint or concern.
G'raha's eyes finally seemed to focus on S'ria, and he felt a new bolt of fear that he hadn't even considered. What if… the Exarch's memories could simply be lost? S'ria had liked the G'raha Tia he met years ago, but that wasn't the man he'd gotten to know since.
S'ria imagined, if he had forgotten, G'raha's first reaction would likely be confusion as to how and why he was so soon awakened. Instead, he simply smiled at S'ria – despite clear physical discomfort, looking more peaceful than S'ria thought he'd ever seen the Exarch.
“It's… it's you, isn't it?”
G'raha opened his mouth, only managing a hoarse sound, and then simply nodded instead. If G'raha's body wasn't so unhappy and if S'ria had a better sense of both of their boundaries, S'ria would've hugged him. As things were, he instead took simple comfort in continuing to support G'raha's back, the feeling of a living body against his arm a reassuring reminder that everyone made it home.
Everyone made it home.
G'raha had never gotten the chance to see the inside of the Rising Stones before. S'ria was sure he'd love it, though – and, hopefully, would love the idea of staying.
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taylorman2274 · 1 month
We Care About You (Part V)
You are forcibly summoned to Teyvat via dream trawling for answers. A long awaited discussion ensues...
Content Warning(s): Xiao Story Quest Spoilers
Notes: SAGAU; GN!Reader;
Word Count: 1.4k
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Taglist: @silverstarred; @victoria1676; @angelofdarkness2; @areaderspov; @andromeda-gay; @ash1; @mercy-not-merci; @toodledoodl3; @jellyedkazoo; @namine123; @innuwu; @agaygothicmushroom; @tired-of-life-86; @fantasyhopperhea; @sweetsourbxtch;
After you had decided you were no longer going to play Genshin Impact, you felt as if a massive weight was lifted off your shoulders. Had the past few weeks really taken that much out of you?
"I suppose it did," you assumed as you were playing another game with your friend group. "I haven't felt this relieved in a long while."
You and your friend group spent many hours talking, laughing, raging, and sharing memes. When you noticed it was just past midnight, you felt that it was the best time to get some sleep. You bid goodbye to your friends, closed your computer, and went to take a quick shower.
While in the shower, thoughts began to ruminate in your head. "It's gonna be hard for me to find another game that will get me addicted as much as Genshin did. But maybe something in my backlog might work for now."
The thoughts continued after the shower, after brushing your teeth, and after getting in bed. "I almost forget what game I was playing before I started Genshin. Was it something I finished? If not, maybe I should go back to that."
Before long, you fell asleep. However, unbeknownst to you, your computer mysteriously turned itself back on and began to launch a certain application...
"Do I need to remind you again how to perform Dream Trawler?" Xiao asked.
"Nuh-uh," Paimon shook her head, setting down a Seven-Star Lamp. "Paimon has a great memory! First, we offer incense with respect for Rex Lapis. Next, we meditate and think of our target. Then, we shout 'Bring Forth Sin'!
"It's 'Devayaksha, Bring Forth Sin'," the Traveler corrected as they were adjusting the position of the censer.
"Right!” Paimon nodded, setting down another Seven-Star Lamp. “Lastly, we let loose a couple of arrows towards the two yaksha statues to... to uh... uhhh...".
"Tsk. Fools."
This conversation was taking place while the Traveler and Paimon were setting everything up for the Dream Trawler ritual. However, instead of going back to the two yaksha statues on the southern face of Mt. Tianheng, Zhongli suggested they perform the ritual at Luhua Pool.
"If my guess is correct, [Y/N] will most likely panic upon realizing where they are. If that's the case, it would be better for them if they weren't so close to the harbor. It's best if we do not attract any attention."
Both the Traveler and Paimon agreed. Neither of them wanted [Y/N] to be afraid. They only wanted to give them the warmest of welcomes.
"Are you two done yet?" Xiao asked, annoyed at how long it was taking to get everything set up.
The Traveler and Paimon walked up to Xiao. "Yep! Everything's set up just like last time."
Xiao nodded. "Good. Get ready to initiate the ritual."
The Traveler and Paimon nodded in return. They put the incense inside of the censer and began to meditate.
"Since we are dealing with someone from another world, I would imagine that a great deal of focus should be needed to summon [Y/N]. This is especially true since we have no idea what they look like. I'm sure Xiao warned you of the consequences this could cause should you not take this seriously.
Zhongli's words echoed in your mind as you put all of your focus towards [Y/N].
[Y/N], who has been with them since the beginning.
[Y/N], who has done their best to guide them along their journey.
"Ahh... Hmm..."
[Y/N]. [Y/N]. [Y/N]. [Y/N]. [Y/N].
"Devayaksha, Bring Forth Sin!"
... ...
... … …
It's cold.
You shifted in your sleep and immediately felt the lack of bedsheets surrounding your body.
Instead, you felt... rock? Sand?
Slowly opening your eyes, you were met with the cloudy midnight sky, trees with orangish-red leaves, and tall, rocky mountain peaks.
"...Wait. ...Why am I outdoors?"
Your eyes slowly began to adjust to the moonlight.
"...And why does this look so familiar?"
You brought your hand to the ground to begin pushing yourself up, but stopped moving once you noticed the light blue glow surrounding it.
"What the hell?!"
Shocking the exhaustion from your body, you quickly rose up from the floor, nearly losing balance as you stood due to how light you suddenly felt. You looked around the rest of your body and found that you were completely surrounded by the light blue glow.
"This has to be a dream... This has to be..."
"My job is done. I'm leaving now."
Startled, you quickly turned around to find three familiar persons standing a couple of yards away from you.
"Huh? Why don't you wanna stay?" A floating pixie asked.
A short, tattooed man with azure hair scoffed in response. "I don't deal with mortals."
You let out a crazed chuckle. "I've got to be dreaming."
Paimon, oblivious to your decreasing sanity, shook her head. "Nope! We summoned you here via dream trawling. Isn't that great?!"
You were silent for a few seconds before you responded. "Dream... trawling...?"
Sensing that you were still confused, Xiao sighed in annoyance. "You are [Y/N], right?"
Hearing the sound of your name shook some sense into you, but you still involuntarily nodded.
"Good. When you're ready to send them back, speak my name." Xiao told the Traveler before disappearing.
However, seeing Xiao disappear right in front of your eyes shook you even further. "Woah...! That looked way too realistic."
The Traveler let out a small cough to grab your attention. "If you wouldn't mind, [Y/N]. We summoned you here because we've been wanting to talk to you for some time now. Please, grab a seat."
They gestured toward a stone table that was definitely not there the last time you visited. They then sat down on the stone seat facing you. When they looked up, they realized that you hadn't even moved as much as an inch. Additionally, you stared straight at them, yet still appeared lost in thought. Sensing that you may still be bewildered about your current situation, they spoke up.
"You don't need to worry about anything, [Y/N]. There is nothing around here that will hurt you," they gestured to the seat again. "Please."
Had they been unable to see your chest moving in and out, both Paimon and the Traveler would have thought you to be a statue.
"This is a dream. This is real. This is a dream. This is real. This is a dream. This is real..."
Paimon shared a worryingly glance at the Traveler before floating on over to you. You were too oblivious to your surroundings to notice her approaching, but when she finally reached out a hand to tap your shoulder, you flinched back. Hard.
"Wahh! Sorry! Paimon's sorry!" Paimon quickly apologized.
Meanwhile, your brain was working in overdrive to assess the situation. "I felt her! I felt her! I'm not dreaming! I'm not dreaming! This is real! This is real! THIS IS REAL!"
"Paimon get back," the Traveler commanded, standing up from their seat. "They're in shock."
"In shock!? What do we do about that?" Paimon questioned.
The Traveler didn't respond, instead, they slowly began to walk towards you.
Becoming more aware of your surroundings, you noticed the Traveler approaching and slowly began to back up, raising your arms in front of your body. "No no no no. Don't come any closer."
However, the Traveler continued to walk forward one step at a time. They raised their hands up in the air. "It's okay, [Y/N]. It's okay."
You shook your head. "No, it's not okay," you rapidly spoke, breathing loudly. "I'm not supposed to be here."
"Yes, you are. We summoned you here."
You backed up into a broken stone pillar. "Why?" you asked, looking behind you for a quick second. "What did I do?"
They stopped in place before a sorrowful gaze appeared on the Traveler's face. "You’ve done nothing wrong."
Silence hung in the air for an agonizingly long time. Finally, you spoke:
The Traveler nodded. "That’s right. We just want to talk."
You slowly lowered your arms. "About... what?"
Both the Traveler and Paimon smiled. "About our future journey together."
Confusion set upon you once again. "What? But I… I said I was done."
The Traveler sadly shook their head. "We know, but we can't let you leave. Not after all you have done for us."
Paimon chirped in. "Exactly! You're our friend after all!"
Your breathing stopped upon hearing Paimon. After all that effort you put into making amends with them. After believing that it was all for naught.
"You... you see me... as a friend?"
The Traveler nodded, their smile growing bigger. "We do."
Silence fell upon the three of you once again. This time, it was the Traveler who broke it.
"I think it's time we all grab a seat. Shall we?"
Author's Notes: I was originally going to make this longer, but I once again struggled at trying to write this scene out. It's hard trying to figure out how people should believably react to this scenario.
Because it's never happened before, duh.
Anyways, the next part will be the end of this series. Stick around for the ending!
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cry4mina · 2 months
Take Me Back To Eden - The Summoning (Part 5)
(Nayeon x Fem!reader) & (Mina x Fem!reader)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Take Me Back to Eden - Choke Hold - Part 1
Take Me Back To Eden - Granite - Part 2
Take Me Back To Eden - Aqua Regia - Part 3
Take Me Back to Eden - Ascensionism - Part 4
Word Count: 8.1k
Summary: Y/N leaves Nayeon's apartment and gets a phone call from an unexpected person, resulting in a hang out session that quickly develops into a series of unexpected events.
TW: Cursing, teasing, momo is there for a second, mina is here, references to sex, making out for sure, abusive behavior (nayeon is crazy yall) a dream sequence thats a little wild, choking, crime, uh....jihyo is upset? its a lot lmao
A/N: We are taking an interesting turn in the story lmao. Per usual we are thanking the moots bc they listen to me rattle ideas off constantly and keep me sane while I stress myself out lmao @saiiidahyunee @nr1chaedickrider @miinatozakiii and @neoplatinum. <3 I also did not proof read this one as much as the others bc I don't have as much time on my hands now, so sorry if it seems a little off but thank you for reading either way<33
“Mina?” perplexed immediately at the idea of the quietest person you were acquainted with calling you, especially at a time where you were completely overwhelmed. 
“Momo told me what happened and I asked for your number… I hope that's okay.” She's so soft spoken it almost shocks you to hear her say this many words at once.
Slowly coming to a halt at a red light while putting your phone on speaker and replying “Yes, that’s totally okay…uhm, sorry, I’m…a little all over the place right now.” mind flashing back to the struggle of processing what possessed you to let your guard down around Nayeon…again.
This was the first real conversation you were having with Mina, always around each other but saying few words, with the exception being pleasantries and small conversations about video games that had just been released or what lego sets she was currently building. 
There was a comfort there, an almost silent respect for who and how she was. Calm, quiet, collected in the face of new company. Shying away from conversation but always aware of everyone around her. 
The members of Twice, especially Momo, always teased her about being so silent. It was always in good fun, but there were a few times you stepped in to tell her to lay off Mina and to respect that she was on the quieter side instead of pushing her to the point of speaking when she didn’t want to. 
It’s almost like she can hear the hesitancy in your voice and your eyes searching around you as you try to figure out what to say to break the awkwardness that was brewing. You weren’t exactly in a stable mindset at the moment, for multiple reasons and weren’t exactly sure what the phone call was for. 
“I know we don’t really know each other too well but…uhm, I know we have some common interests and that you could probably use a friend right now…so I figured I would call and see if you wanted to get a coffee or something…or maybe just sit on the couch and play videogames or…  something.” half way stumbling through the sentence, showing a little nervousness as she spoke. 
Myoui Mina wants to hang out? The same Mina who barely speaks up during group activities, is asking to spend time with you? Not that you would oppose her company but it seems so out of character for this to be happening. 
“That sounds…really nice. I’d love to. Would you…want to text me your schedule for the next week or two and we can plan it from there?” Smiling back at her through the speaker attempting to hide the disbelief that overshadowed most of your other feelings.
“Sounds good, I’ll text you.” sounding a little panicked, she hangs up as quickly as she calls.
She was right, with you two having a few hobbies in common, it was unfortunate that you hadn’t hung out before. Nayeon was always so “protective” over you that there were certain members she wouldn’t let you hang out with alone. Jihyo, for obvious reasons, Sana, and Mina.
 You didn’t pretend that you understood why she was so adamant on you not hanging out with Sana alone until now. Hindsight is 20/20 and Nayeon was worried that you would find comfort in the arms of someone else the same way she did. The puzzle suddenly solved, the behavior that you used to view as protective, now unmasking itself to divulge its true form. Control.
 You were simply a bragging right to Nayeon and nothing else. “Look how amazing she is, that she did this for me.” always bragging about you to her members, especially when Jihyo was there. Motive is only clear now, as you unfold the intricate details and analyze her behavior from your memories. 
Possessive, controlling, and selfish. The behavior she showed you was very well disguised but small moments reveal the truth. Her covertness was easily picked apart now that you were close to having all the information when a loud horn blares from behind you. Looking up to a Green light, hitting the gas pedal quickly as you continue on the way home, trying not to get too wrapped up in your head. 
Your phone starts vibrating again, being sure to check the name before you answer this time. Momo’s name lights up on the screen, “Speaking of the devil” huffing because you wanted to sort out this wearisome information you were pulling apart in your mind. Deep breath as you slide to answer the call.
“Hey Momoring, what’s up?” Putting on a cheerful sound in a bid to drown out the overstimulation you were experiencing, but Momo could always see right through you, being one of the people who knew you best. 
“Y/n, where are you??” sounding a little baffled, and reflecting concern as she spoke.
“Uhm…” leaning forward to catch one of the passing street signs.
“Passing 72nd about to get on the highway…is everything okay?” showing worry for the way she spoke, wondering if you should change routes and go to Momo’s instead of home. 
“I’m fine but I’m coming over.”  hearing the car door slam, keys jingling, and the ignition start over the speaker. 
“Let yourself in if you get there before me.” squinting as you reply, wondering if there are any visible marks on your skin or how disheveled you look, Momo would be sure to notice and say something. 
“Perfect, I’ll see you soon.” Momo curiously laughed as the call ended which got you wondering why she was rushing over to your place as you merge onto the highway. 
Driving on the highway at this time of day was easier than anticipated. Allowing you to get lost in your head as you continued on the path to home. Flashes of Nayeon underneath you rewind in your head, disgusted by your actions and stirring in your seat, revealing your sweater sticking to your back.
More flashes of her scraping roughly down your back as you attack her neck with your teeth, grazing them along her throat lightly, pinning her to the mattress, fucking her face and then just leaving afterwards. Using her as an allegory for taking back your freewill that you didn’t know you were missing. 
The new apartment was brighter and warmer than the last, welcoming you back home when stepping through the door. The living room to the left and the kitchen straight forward, you happily look at the space you’ve decorated for yourself. 
Most of the colors were different shades of gray. Black and white accents with hints of green displaced here and there, mostly by the plants you purchased wanting to have some semblance of life in the rooms, Nayeon never watered the plants so they always died but you were determined to integrate the things you once loved back into your life. 
Two matching gray couches lay diagonally from each other with a long black coffee table filling out the space in between, your favorite bamboo candle in the middle of the table, a tv remote, and a few books scattered around the table, illuminated by the fireplace to the right of the seating arrangements.
 A large flat screen mounted on the wall and a credenza underneath, holding the gaming consoles you bought for yourself when you moved in.
Nayeon was never one for video games and did everything in her power to keep you from playing them, even on your phone. Always distracting you when you were in the middle of a match, always standing in front of the TV in something lacey. Sliding her hand down the front of your pants while kissing your neck, as you tried to play your handheld. 
Not minding it too much at first, she has an extensive lingerie collection and you loved to admire her in all of them, but all of your own hobbies got pushed to the side as time went on. A tactic to control that you didn’t recognize sooner.  
Momo was already on your new couch, making herself at home when you arrived, walking straight to the living room and placing your collection of things down on the coffee table loudly, glaring at her like you had just seen war.  
Looking up at you from her phone, she audibly gasps at the state of you. Hair completely tousled, tired eyes, light marks all over your neck, and your sweater on backwards. Mess was a really nice way to put it.
“I know what you did!” shrieked out of Momo's mouth while you’re turning beet red and fidgeting with your sleeves silently. Puckering your lips and trying to escape the awkwardness you feel as she gawks at you openly, despite your embarrassment.
“You look so red right now! I didn’t know if I believed Jihyo when she told me what happened but now I can safely say she was telling the truth” belly laughing at the idea of Hyo getting a taste of her own medicine and Nayeon being exactly who she showed herself to be. 
“What did you just say? You talked to Jihyo?! It only took me like 10 minutes to get home and she’s calling people about it?!” surprised at how quickly the news traveled through the grapevine, wondering who else she called to tell. 
“A pissed off Jihyo works fast. Told me that she walked into Nayeon’s apartment with you leaving, neck covered in marks” pointing at your neck, tongue between her teeth as she bites back a laugh, “and Nayeon, naked in the bed absolutely covered in bruises. Hyo said that she could barely get her talk…I take it you put in some work, no?” Poking fun at you while she laughed so hard she slaps her knee.
Hands flying to cover the unease on your face while collapsing into the couch adjacent to the one Momo was on, belly first, letting out a long whine. This was going to be a big deal and what were the rest of the members going to be told when you stop showing up to functions with Nayeon? Would Nayeon tell them the whole truth or just that you weren’t together?
Hating the idea of what you said to Jihyo when you left the apartment, knowing it was out of anger and halfway wanting to apologize for your actions but brushing that feeling off quickly. Needing to solely focus on yourself instead of trying to make anyone else feel better. Heavily empathizing with what Hyo might be feeling currently.  
“Wait, so this just happened…like less than an hour ago?” quizzically asking like Momo didn’t already know the answer just to bring you back from whatever was going on in your head.
“Less than that actually” muffled by the couch and your hands while you spiral into an entire inner monologue about why, when you feel like it should’ve never happened, letting out a sigh and showing signs of stress.
“Jihyo is absolutely the angriest I’ve ever heard her, it’s kind of funny to know karma is almost instant for her. She did mention that she wanted to talk to you and asked if I had heard from you…I told her no but she didn’t believe me.” Momo interrupts herself to change the topic of Jihyo in all of this back to you.
 “I mean…what happened anyway? You were anti-nayeon for the last few weeks, did something change or?” questioning your motive as she sees you distressed.
“Oh I know she’s mad and I don’t know, - I just went back to get the rest of my stuff and she was following me around the house,” sitting up and leaning back trying to relax. Stinging on your back, another reminder of the story being told, as you move trying to get comfortable while halfway wincing. Momo cocking her head to the side as you suck air between your teeth
“What was that?” 
Eyes widen for a second, “Nothing!” expeditiously spoken.
“She fucked your back up again, didn’t she?” Half laughing again as you attempt to continue what you were saying. 
“Anyways, she said she wanted to talk so I turned around and she just looked me in my eyes and kissed me…I didn’t really know what to do because I mean-” scooching to the edge of the couch and putting your elbows on your knees and holding your chin as your eyes dampen.
“It’s Nayeon…I know I shouldn’t care, and I’m trying not to but even if the last 3 years weren’t real for her…” choking on your words as they come out unfiltered. “It was real for me.”
More tears falling, this was a mistake. Reopening the wounds that were still healing as you sat with yourself, taking in the knowledge that people were upset with the choices you made didn’t sit well, even if those people were involved in hurting you.
Sad eyes sitting on the couch diagonal to you, realizing that intentions weren’t to hurt anyone else, as she watched. Momo wished she knew what to do in the face of this or knew what to say to comfort you, there was a feeling of sorrow in her, a space held for her best friend’s troubles. 
“Jihyo also said that you had something interesting to say to her before you left” smirking and biting her lips, trying to suppress a smile. Bringing it up knowing it would make you laugh and momentarily forget the anguish you were almost drowning yourself in.
“Oh, did she?” replying with a snarky tone, unable to remember most of the encounter with Jihyo due to adrenaline, being angry with Jihyo for sleeping with your girlfriend behind your back, and wanting to get the fuck out of there before Nayeon could try to talk to you again. 
“I don’t really think she will be much use to you tonight but you can try and, oh, I hope you like the way I taste.” Momo shouted back at you, cackling as she held her stomach leaning as far back into the couch as she could, pulling the sides of your mouth up as she continued.
“That is so out of pocket, but honestly, hilarious!” bellowing out at you as you start to giggle at the statement made, knowing that she was trying to make light of the situation but also appreciating that you said something so petty. 
Originally feeling bad for saying anything, jaw tightening for a second as  “An eye for an eye” wasn’t normally something you believed in and it wasn't really your plan to go and sleep with Nayeon, it kind of just happened. 
“Hey, is it okay if Dahyun comes here after her schedule? She apparently got that call from Jihyo too.” 
“Of course, you don’t even have to ask!”
A phone clattering against the table as it interrupted your conversation, vibrating twice before stopping. Reaching for it to see an unfamiliar number on your screen and a list of times and dates, a schedule? Mina’s schedule.
“Hey, I forgot to mention, Mina called me today” nonchalantly mumbled to Momo over the tv show she had put on in the background. 
Gasping loudly, sliding her fingers through her hair, eyes bewildered while leaning closer, “She CALLED…you?” comes out of her mouth so quickly, surprised your ears could even break down what she said. 
“Yeah, weren’t you the one who gave her my number?” a little disoriented by the response, as if she was surprised Mina contacted you at all. 
“She doesn’t even call me and I’ve known her for a decade.” astonished that her adopted younger sister would reach out through a phone call and not a text… 
“We are going to hang out sometime soon. She just sent me her schedule so we could plan it.” looking back at your phone to “heart” the text Mina sent and replying for the following day in the early afternoon, making sure to save her phone number in your phone with a little penguin emoji.
“Mina is going to leave the house?” stunned as you spoke about your future plans with Momo’s favorite homebody. 
“I take it she doesn’t do that often either?” chuckling back at Momo while you open a delivery app on your phone and choosing a restaurant with a low delivery time. 
“I’m hungry, what do you want from the Thai place down the street?” asking as Momo grabs your phone to put her order in it.
“Oh, I’m sure you’re hungry after the evening you had!” teasingly from behind the phone as she finishes adding her meal to the cart, and handing it back to you.”
Waking up anxious on the day that you and Mina were going to get coffee was not a great start, barely any sleep in your eyes with your hands shaking, rolling out of your bed around 10:30am. Grabbing your phone, you head to the living room without changing out of your PJs and plopping down on the couch. 
Turning on the TV and opening your phone to text Mina. 
Y/N: Hey Mina! I woke up a little anxious this morning and I know we have plans today. Would it be okay if you just came to my apartment instead of us going out? 10:34am
Y/N: Maybe we can have a gaming day or something? 10:35am
🐧: Sounds good to me. Send me the address whenever you’re ready for me to head over. 10:37am
🐧: Sorry you are feeling anxious. 10:38am
About 2 hours later, after showering and cleaning up the space a little bit, you sent Mina your address. Wearing something cozy but presentable, wanting to make a semi-decent impression as this was the first time you were hanging out with Mina alone. 
A small knock can be heard on the door, quickly walking over and opening it to reveal the small frame of Mina, backpack on, two coffees in her hands and a very shy look on her face. 
“I know you said you were anxious and coffee probably isn’t the solution for that but I figured I’d grab you one just in case you did want some.” softly explaining the two coffees before hellos can be said. 
“Come on in, make yourself at home and thank you! I’d love some coffee” as she hands you the cup and you take a sip. It’s exactly what you normally order. Just enough sugar to counteract the bitterness and a splash of cream. 
Whipping your head to face her quickly, “how did you know my order?” happily confused as you gulp a few times and head for the living room with her gracefully following, after sliding her shoes off. 
“I asked Momo this morning when you texted me. I’ve seen you drink coffee a few times when you were coming to hang out with us. I was worried you’d get a caffeine headache if you didn’t have some…” mumbled as you picked your spots on the couch, and turned on your console.
“It’s so sweet that you would think of me like that, Mina, Thank you.” genuinely surprised by the act of kindness. Someone you hardly knew went out of the way for you and that warmed you more than you anticipated. 
Mina’s ears went red while you thanked her for the coffee. Embarrassed and feeling like she came on a little too strongly, before you mentioned you thought it was sweet. Fidgeting with her hands, walls down for a second, a gummy smile let out from her as she sifts through your list of games, choosing a fighting game.
Astounded by how good Mina was at the game, you tipped your fake hat in her direction. She let you win a few times before really showing you how good she was, getting more competitive each round you played. 
Putting on a random movie and switching to handheld games on the switch you could play together, both of you sat for hours and talked about life, getting to know each other a little bit more. It was nice to spend time with someone and not have to talk about Nayeon. 
There was a familiarity with Mina, something unexplainable about her presence that made her so calming. Hoping that you might ignite a similar comfort in her, the anxiety no longer sat in your chest as you got to know her more. 
Learning a lot about her as she spoke of her family, life back in Japan before she was an idol, about how when her, Momo, and Sana went back for the Misamo debut, they went to her family's home and she got to eat her mom’s home cooked meals. Making mental notes of what her favorite dishes were and how she spoke so lovingly about the people she held near and dear to her. 
“So, Y/N, I’m getting a little hungry, do you want to go out to get something or would you rather order it here?” The body language she was exhibiting was interesting, half closed half open. Arms lay in her lap by her switch but her legs were tightly locked. Was she comfortable here? Did she feel nervous about opening up so quickly?
“Why don’t we go out?” Suggesting while standing up, fixing your sweat pants. Maybe she just needs a little fresh air so she can relax. Suddenly feeling the need to calm her the way she eased you out of your anxiety unknowingly. 
“Sounds good, there’s a new cafe around the corner, it’s a locally owned place. I think they serve Japanese food. Would you want to try that?” 
“That sounds great, actually. I’d love to, especially after you talked about your mom’s cooking.” Her expression thrilled as she ran to put her shoes on, doing a little happy wiggle as she waited for you by the door. 
You can’t help but chuckle at her. A glint of warmth refracting in your soul.
The cafe was only a block away and it was a nice afternoon so you walked side by side, making sure that you were the one closest to the street. Taking in the scenery of the new neighborhood, little shops lining the road around you from markets to touristy stores, hands unintentionally brushing each other. 
“These shops seem cool, maybe we should come back another day and explore them.” Looking over at Mina as you speak, trying to pretend like your heart didn’t combust when your hands touched. The comment catches her off guard, shying into herself as you make the suggestion. 
“I’d love that” whispered back to you. That means there will be a next time and that sparks joy in you. 
Arriving at the cafe and getting a small table outside, ordering a bottle of Sake before ordering food. 
“Can I order for you?” Mina asks, shifting her eyes from the menu, this was a test. It was written all over her face as she studied your reaction. 
Squinting at her with a smile on your face, “if you’re up for the challenge,” biting back playfully. The second gummy slime shines off of her as she laughs at your terrible joke. “I think I’m up for the challenge.” competitively stated back with the corners of her mouth turned up. 
Leaning into the menu, reading it line by line as she zeros her focus in. Watching the way the wheels spun in her head as you see her fold the menu and put it on the table, softly smiling back at you with a sense of accomplishment.
The waitress scurried over with the tokkuri and ochoko set, the ceramic vessel was bulbous indenting at the neck and expanding back out again while the smaller cups had a golden brown rim with a gray-ish green hue, sitting on the tray neatly. 
“Alright, and here is the sake. Are we ready to order our food yet or do we need a little more time?” placing the rigged craft in front of you, and the smaller cups in front of each of you as her eyes flashed between the two of you to see who will speak up first. . 
“Yes. We are ready to order.” Calmly said as the dialect switched. Blinking a few times at Mina while she ordered completely in Japanese to the waitress, pointing at the menu and speaking with her hands. Nodding her head at the response from the waitress as she handed her the menus and turning her attention back to you. 
Gracefully grabbing the vessel with one hand, pouring your glass and another smooth movement, handing it to you as she placed the craft down on the small table. 
“You really wanted dinner to be a surprise, huh?” Playfully before sipping the sake politely and placing it down on the table.
 Picking up the tokkuri and trying to pour her a glass with as much class as she did, but failing when you looked up at her. Getting lost in her features as she watched you. “Was she always so…effervescent? High cheekbones, sharp eyes and a softness that was infectious an-“ Realizing you were still pouring, you abruptly stop almost spilling sake everywhere. Handed her the ochoko sheepishly after you had filled it a little too full. 
“Maybe.” peeking up at you through her bangs as she took a small drink, chasing it with a smile and a giggle, covering her mouth with her hand that was sleeve clad, and turning red as her cheeks raised up.
 Did she notice how you were looking at her? Oh god, I hope I didn’t just make things weird. A moment of panic in your body nags at you as she beams in front of you. Wow…she’s so pretty. Half mesmerized, half alarmed at your thoughts, your leg starts bouncing and fidgeting with your hands becomes your fixation, as they lay on the small metal table in front of you. 
Lost in thought as you try to push away the unwelcome intrusion of nervousness, when a small velvet hand reaches out and gently places itself on the anxious tick that’s visible. Your heart skips. Eyes locking as you peer up at her, stopping in your tracks. A chill runs through your body as you take in the pureness diffusing the unease like the rain washing away blood stains on the battleground of your mind. How did she do that?
Internally realizing that you might have a slight attraction to the person you’ve just begun to hang out with, you’re slightly panicked by the idea of getting close to someone again so soon after Nayeon. Unfortunately, this realization played out on your face softly enough for the person accompanying you to dinner to notice. 
“I’m sorry” uttered quickly as she pulled her hands away, moving your hands into your lap at the same moment.  “I didn’t ask you if you were a physical touch person, I should have.” Mina is looking down now, seemingly worried that she crossed a line she wasn’t supposed to. 
“No no- it’s fine, really. I do like physical touch…I’m just not used to it from anyone except for Nay-“ interrupted by the waitress bringing out your dinner. Slicing through the moment as she placed two similar dishes in front of both of you. Tonkotsu ramen topped with shiitake mushrooms, bean sprouts, bok choy, bamboo shoots, double the chashu, and a soft-boiled egg that’s split in half, golden yolk spilling into the array of rich colors.
Stunned as you look at the delicious meal in front of you, “Wow, this looks amazing! Did you get the same thing?” questioning as you finish off the last of the sake in your cup. 
Mina notices and immediately fills it again with a soft smile. “Almost the same thing, I remembered you don’t care for the fish cakes so I had them swap my chashu with them.” followed by her finishing off her sake to keep up with you.
Pouring of the drink for her, this time focusing as hard as your brain would allow so you could get it just right under the eyes studying your movements. “You knew that?” amazed that Mina remembered such a small detail about you.
“Yes! You came to the studio one day with Nay-…” hesitating to say her name as she knows the wound is still fresh but attempting to cover it with a drink from her glass, “Her, and we all ordered from a place similar to this one and I remember you said you didn’t like the texture.” 
Baffled was an understatement. Not only did this borderline stranger call you to check in and ask if you wanted to hang out, but she asked her friend what your coffee order was AND she remembered something that was such a small comment…
“It’s really sweet that you remember that, Mina.” both of you blushing as you continue to make small talk while finishing the meal. 
Table cleared and on your second bottle of sake, Mina finally is brave enough to ask about what happened between you and Nayeon. 
“Hey, Y/n? I know it’s probably a sensitive topic…but what happened between you and Nayeon? Momo told me that you broke up but she didn’t really mention why…” Alcohol gave her the confidence to ask the question you knew was coming all night. 
“Well..” hesitating to respond, not really knowing the answer. You knew what happened, but not why it happened. Mina could see the soft sadness on your face as you contemplated how to answer her.
“Long story short, she cheated on me. The entire time.” Mina eyes widened, mouth ajar, completely in shock and frozen at what you just said. 
“Oh my gosh, y/n”…I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine what you’re feeling,” reaching her hand out to place it on your forearm, rubbing her thumb against the softness of your sweater as she made sympathetic eyes at you. Feeling sorry for what you’d been through, what this meant for you. 
It was as if the goddess fell from the sky as she laid her hands on you. Physical manifestations of feelings developing as your heart pounded, breath quickened, and getting a little shaky. The sun beams through your veins as you feel the beams radiating off your face, a similar look on Mina’s. 
“I didn't tell you the worst part.” Softly while she’s still caressing your arm. “It was the entire time we were together, they tried to cover it too.” Confusion, anger, sympathy mixed together into the melting pot that was Mina’s heart. 
You didn’t expect her to be so emotionally available for you. Reserved was her middle name, why was she so open to physical touch with you? Ordering for you? Wondering if she was also feeling the fire that was kindling between the two of you.
“They?” Concerned tone wrapped around you tightly. It was almost…possessive. Body reacts by constricting your thighs together, you might like the possessive tendency a little too much.  
“Nayeon and…Jihyo, actually” 
Mina's face contorts into anger upon hearing the culprits names, hand still on your arm lightly squeezing now. Eyes wet with disappointment as she tries to hold back tears and comprehend how they could do that…to you of all people.
“I’m so sorry, my love.” Said so smoothly as if it’s always been what she called you. Pain sits behind her eyes, as she continues on “I can’t believe they would do that to you. You deserve so much better.”
Half wincing at her words, realizing they’re sprinkled with care that you weren’t used to, a sense of sorrow washes over you as you come to terms with your past relationship not being as healthy as you thought it was.  
“You do know that…right?” head tilted at the question even if she already knows the answer. 
“I don’t know anymore. This whole thing has been so life altering for me, it’s hard to have all these big feelings of love and anger at the same time.” speaking so candidly about the emotions you were experiencing, opening up to Mina about your internal monologue.
Continuing to drink the bottle of sake as the wind picked up a little, causing it to become slightly chillier. It was early November, so it was on the colder side. Shivering as you sat in the breeze, sun setting with golden hour brushing the scene around you and accentuating the beautiful brush strokes that composed the woman in front of you. 
The bangs sitting a little lower than her eyebrows that were perfectly shaped, long waves more breathtaking than an angry sea extending far down past her shoulders to her waist, glowing skin that made her look like the embodiment of light, you can’t help but fixate your eyes on her and you’re a little too intoxicated to care if she catches you. 
Standing up and stretching to go and pay the bill, Mina snatches it out of your hand and runs inside, beating you to it. Giggling a little harder than you should, when a small black compact car that was too familiar pulled up to the front of the cafe and parked. 
Before you could even realize why the car was familiar, two women stepped out and stopped dead in her their tracks. Im Nayeon and Park Jihyo. 
Jihyo looks like she's been crying, eyes swollen, lip still quivering as she stood next to Nayeon, who still completely covered in the imprint of your teeth and lips, clinging to her arm. Standing in silence, as the air stretches taut. 
“Why haven’t you answered my text messages?” Nayeon abruptly breaks the tension. Jihyo’s eyes widen as Nayeon crosses her arms and taps her foot angrily waiting for an answer. She really was going to do this right here and now. She always lacked patience, this was a perfect example of that.
“I don’t want to.” flowing from your lips with a sour face like you completely forgot what happened the evening before, sake getting to you as you retort with malice. “Maybe you should take the hint and stop trying” 
Scoffing at the comment, Nayeon shakes Jihyo off of her and walks up to you slowly while swaying her hips, like she always did at you when she was trying to get you to do what she wanted. Reaching you and placing her elbows on your shoulders as she twirls the hair cascading down your back. Skin burning under the weight of her touch, making you panic almost immediately. The disgust from before had returned in full force and it displayed on your face while she spoke. 
“Come on, baby. Don’t be like that.” hand now sweeping a piece of hair out of your face, looking up at you with those big doe eyes “I know you miss me, just come home. I’m sorry you are hurting from what I did. I’ve been punished enough.” repulsed by the pet names and the attempts to win you over again. 
Jihyo is uncomfortably shifting, sorrow now covered in jealousy as her lover tries to win back what was viewed as hers. Green was a lovely color on her but to wear it on her face the way she did, with no remorse, was a bold statement. 
“Nayeon, I don’t want to do this with you in front of your girlfriend,” making air quotes as you say the word, “or at all really. So forget I exist and we can both just move on.” Attempting to move out of her grasp as she took in your words, not liking the reaction she was getting, she grabbed your wrist to stop you from leaving.  
“So after 3 years, you’re really just going to leave me?” Slightly panicked, realizing you actually weren’t falling for her tricks anymore. 
“Yes.” Stoically cascading and washing over Nayeon, rinsing away the confidence to reveal crossness and a hint of fear, while shaking her grip loose from your wrist. 
“So none of it meant anything to you?” small drops of irritation on her tongue, thick like honey, while she studies your lack of want or care for her. Strikingly different from the person she used to know very well, never being met with walls built so carefully around you before. 
“I think that’s actually your stance on it” spit back with malice from the guard tower at the top of the castle you built around yourself to keep her out.
“You know what y/n, if you think that you can just come into our house and fu-“ shock runs through her as she sees a figure stepping out of the cafe. The shadows hand reach up to link with yours, giving it a tight squeeze. 
“Are you ready to go, my love?” Mina’s voice was a little louder than normal so both parties could hear after finding you in this tense moment. Her stance is defensive as she knowingly pokes the bear. 
Jihyo and Nayeon are both completely gobsmacked by Mina not only being out of the house, but also by being with you. Hand in hand.
 “My love????” Nayeon scoffed, tears building when she had an idea. “You can’t be serious right now, y/n. After last night, are you on a date with Mina? A member of my group? Do you not have your own friends to filter through? Did I not satiate you enough? …Maybe we should’ve gone one more round.” craftily leaving her mouth as she tries to cause discourse between what she thinks is a date…was it a date?
Jihyo doesn’t even try to step in or say anything, she just gets back into the car looking like her tears are about to fall again from being cast aside by the likes of you. Nayeon doesn’t even flinch at the sound of the car door, waiting for you to panic under the weight of the information just given to Mina. 
Mina snaps back boldly  “don’t worry, I’ll take care of her from now since you can’t satiate her, apparently.” Winking back at Nayeon while leading you down the road, back to your house, hands still together and Mina unphased. A small smirk appears on your face as you try not to laugh, not even needing to look at Nayeon's face to know that she was completely shocked by the comments made by Mina. 
Nayeon tried to follow the two of you as you repressed laughter, shouting to try to get your attention again “Y/n! I can’t believe you right now! After everything we’ve been through? And Mina, you bitch! I can’t believe you wou-” 
“Nayeon, get in the fucking car.” Jihyo grimaced while pulling the car up as she saw people starting to stare at the commotion. Nayeon rolled her eyes and got in. This wasn’t over yet, and everyone knew it.
Mina picks up her pace, giggling and tugging you behind her as she tries to get away from the disturbance plaguing you both. “I’ve never seen her so mad before, is she always that confrontational with you?” quizzically inquired as you both drunkenly sauntered back to the safety of your apartment. 
“To be honest, I have no idea. This is the first time I’m seeing her react in such a way. She used to be so sweet to me before I found out about…” hesitating to finish the sentence, but Mina knew where you were going with it and just nodded her head. 
“It must be really hard to feel like you don’t know her after all this time. I can’t imagine what that feels like. Someone like you shouldn’t have to deal with that at all.” boldly spoken as you reached your apartment.
“What do you mean by that?” Pressing into what she just said. “Someone like me?” 
“The betrayal she put you through is ju-“ starting as she catches your eyes while you squeeze her hand.
“Mina, no, what did you mean by someone like me?” looking up at her with a sheepish smile as you unlock the door and step inside, hands still locked and still feeling the effects of the sake as you both waltz into the living room and find your spots on the couch, this time a little closer than before.
“…I-“ alcohol fighting her logic, letting go of your hand as she whispers a honey laced memory into the quiet room while curling into herself, showing the shy nature again. 
“Do you remember when we first met? You went out of your way to talk to me, even if the other girls were trying to pull your attention. You even asked me about things you knew I liked to get to know me a little better and paid attention when I answered and the kindness you showed to all of us, even if some of us were a little apprehensive or even defensive…and then seeing the way you were with…her. I was astounded at the level of compassion and care that you gave to her, and to know what she did to you makes me view her very differently.” afraid to look you in the eyes as she opened up her chest, showing you a vulnerability that you’d never thought to see from her. 
“I knew how important you all are to her. I wanted to make sure we all bonded because I thought…she was going to be the person I ended up with. Even if she isn’t, I’m glad it happened because she gave me Momo and now you. I feel like you were a sign from God” Grinning back at her, blush spreading through her cheeks as she smiled brightly back at you. 
Both of you still feel the effects of the sake as you throw a random movie on to relax and unwind. Sitting so close together on the large couch that your arms are brushing against each other. She lifted the arm that was touching yours and placed it around your back and on your waist, you leaned into her and comfortably you both laid down, intertwined in each other. 
Your head on her shoulder as she lays in her back, arm wrapped around your waist drawing small patterns with her fingers. One of your hands lightly placed where her ribs connect and legs intertwined as you slowly drifted into the most comfortable nap you’ve had in months. 
Everything was pitch black. Eyes shifting in and out of darkness as you try to calibrate to your surroundings. A small metal table sits in the distance, the only thing that is illuminated and you can make 2 figures sitting around it, it looks like they’re talking but you can’t be sure. 
Walking as quickly as you can through the shadows approaching the table, you try to shout out to them but nothing comes out. Reaching up to your throat, you hold it while you try to scream. Feeling the vibrations through your hands but not a single sound cuts through the air. 
As you get closer to the figures, their details are revealed to you slowly. Shoulder length light brown hair facing the woman with long dark wavy hair. “Nayeon? Mina??” mouth trying to spit the words your lungs can’t bear to speak when Nayeon slowly turns her head to you, and says “oh, Y/n it’s about time you joined us” voice contorting, almost as if it’s overlapped by another. You’re forced to your knees by something you cannot see, and immediately smell sulfur, as Nayeon lifts your chin with one finger. 
She stares into your soul, eyes completely black, as her face starts contorting and twisting, dripping off her skull. Wincing and looking at Mina to see her smiling back at you, illuminated in light.
 A sense of calm washing over you, only for a second when you feel your mouth fill with blood. Still on your knees, you spit out what’s flavoring your mouth and all of your teeth come with it. Screaming in silence as you watch Nayeon get up and stand above you, grabbing your neck with both hands tightening as she holds you over a cliff edge, storm crashing around you and hisses in the distorted voice “you’ll always be mine.” Dropping you straight down into the ocean, you try to regulate yourself and swim up but it’s pitch black, swimming until you choke on water and snap awake startling Mina who was silently sleeping underneath you. 
Hyperventilating heavily as you try to shake off the feeling of the dream, crying as you shake. Mina is immediately by your side, wrapping her arms around you and comforting you. 
“It’s okay, I’m here. You’re safe with me. Don’t worry, I’ve got you” as she rubs your back in a circular motion to try and regulate your breathing. 
Your sweater feels very constricting as a thin layer of sweat covers you, you part from Mina and start pacing as you take the hoodie off leaving you in a sports bra. Following your movements with her eyes, as you walk around aimlessly, tears falling as you try to breathe. 
Mina stands up and catches you by the wrist and pulls you into her, comforting you with a hug. “You’re safe with me. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” 
Body unclenching as she spoke and held you close to her. A warm surge of calm pumped through your veins as you sniffled, pressing your face into her neck. 
Pulling back to look at her, you can see the concern mixed with something else in her eyes. Something you’d never seen before. Your faces are close enough to feel each other's breath as she looks into your eyes and then down at your lips, your eyes following the same motion. 
Leaning in closer, lips brushing against each other before fully committing, you both shyly decide this is the path your friendship is taking. Her arms slide from your lower back to your hips slowly, pressing her fingers into your hips and pulling you towards her as your mouths find each other. 
Her lips so soft, tasting of the alcohol you consumed and the tension that had been building all day. Her flavor was the taste of the divine, effervescently consuming you as she coded your flesh and bones with her scriptures.
Slow and passionate, at first, slowly picking up pace. Hands exploring each other's bodies as you familiarize yourself with the sounds she makes when you tangle your fingers in her hair. She takes control, which is something you never let happen, but it’s different with her. You actually feel safe with her. 
Mina grabs your waist again and pushes you down on the couch, keeping your lips connected and she swipes her tongue across your bottom lip asking for entrance, given without hesitation. Her hands leave your waist as her mouth travels to your neck, biting down lightly as you whine into the silence of the room. She stands and removes her sweater, revealing a sports bra and her well toned abs, igniting a fire within you. 
Kneeling between your legs, reaching for you to get you closer to her, pulling your body as close as it would get to her. Kissing picking up again, as you feel her wrap her arms around you, toying with the clip of your bra as she threatens to undo it. 
“Is this okay?” asking softly as she scatters soft sweet kisses across your face. You nod your head yes but before she can undo the clip, a loud crashing startles both of you.
“What was that?” Mina spoke up, obviously bothered by the interruption but also concerned as it sounded very close. 
“I’m not sure” you were still focused on her before she got up and turned around, heading towards the front door to see what was going on. 
“Y/n, you’re going to want to see this.” Mina says with a tone of worry. You run over to her to find a rock with a note tied around it shattered through the glass window next to your door.  
“I’m going to call the police, please be careful, the glass is everywhere.” running to the living room to get her phone, and you stand there shirtless looking at the crime scene. Wondering how she found you, if she followed you back from the dinner you had with Mina. 
Stepping carefully around the shattered sharpness scattered across the entrance way, you reach over to the note and slightly open it, gasping at the contents loud enough for Mina to hear from the other room. 
“She’s mine” scrawled on it, in a familiar red ink. 
Take Me Back To Eden - The Apparition - Part 5.5
202 notes · View notes
biographydivider · 1 year
Disaster Twins gonna Disaster, no matter what future they’re in...
(inspired in part by @sheep-turtles-and-pizza‘s Future Twins comic)
They were infamous.
Leonardo and Donatello; the leader and the scientist, the stalwart hero and the stoic genius. There wasn’t a recuit in the resistance against the Krang that didn’t have a story about them; Leonardo bolstering the last dregs of their courage in dire moments of battle, leading them to victory with nothing more than a grin and a wink, Donatello terrifying them into silence in the mess hall with a cocked eyebrow as he worked on his latest project, subsisting on nothing but a salvaged pack of cigarettes and two hours’ sleep and still, somehow, coming up with wonders of technology that no-one else could have ever dreamed of.
Both Yokai cut an imposing figure on their own, but together? They were a force to be reckoned with; striding through the corridors of the resistance base, their eyes steely and determined as they talked strategy, Leonardo firing off rapid solutions to problems as Donatello proposed them. The very fate of the base - the resistance against the Krang - the world! - rested on their broad, shelled shoulders. Nothing could stand in their way, no-one could stop them on their mission to -- “DONNIE!”
Both turtles froze mid-step as the echoes of the scream bounced off the resistance base walls. It must have been a trick of the light, but it almost - almost! - looked like Donatello winced.
“Yeeees, dear sister?”
“I told you not to leave your shit lying around in the common room!”
“It isn’t ‘shit’, April,” Donatello called to the diembodied voice, “it’s a highly delicate peice of equiptment that --”
“Then why is it in the common room?!”
Donatello’s gaze didn’t so much hit the floor as plummet. “...because I was playing Purple Game 3 last night while I finished it.”
“Oooooooooh,” Leonardo sang, nudging his brother in the ribs. “You’re in troooouble --”
“Nardo. Do not.”
“You’re gonna get groooouuundeeeeed --”
There were about twelve members of the resistance who saw what happened next. And no-one ever believed them when the told the tale.
“Ow! What the hell, D?!” Leonardo bounced off the wall his brother shoved him into, tackled him to the ground and...and licked the most amazing scientific mind of their generation from chin to temple. “Blllaaaaaaaaaaaaaurgh.”
“Ewwwww, Leo! Sweet Galileo, you absolute reprobate --”
“Dunno what that means, so I’ll take it as a compliment - no, Donnie, not the pits, don’tpokemeinthearmpits --!”
Both turtles froze in place as a pair of bright yellow combat boots stomped down the corridor towards them. Slowly - guiltily - they got to their feet.
Not many members of the resistance had known Master Splinter. But what they did know - because they’d heard it so many times, being yelled across the base and screamed on the battlefield - who had been left in charge of his four legendary sons when he died.
The tall, dark-haired woman stopped in front of Leonardo and Donatello; foot tapping, arms crossed, expression grim.
“Fighting? Really?”
“Yeah, we were. But he started it.”
“Whaaaaaaaat?! How....dare you...”
Unfortunately, Donatello’s dramatics could not halt the commander in her stride. She’d seen it all before. “You think we have the resources to fix these walls if you dum-dums break ‘em? Nuh-uh! I thought you were grown men now, but clearly I was wrong. Guess I’ll have to separate you.” Leonardo was spun around on his heel and swatted on the back. “You? Go that way. Make yourself useful in the training room with Cass.”
“But I’ve got a War Room meeting in five!”
“Tough. March.”
“I’m going, I’m going!” Lenoardo grumbled as he huffed back the way he’d came. “Jeeeeez, thirty years old an’ I just got my War Room privileges taken away.”
“That’s right, you did. And you --” Donatello was dragged by the wrist into the common room. “Get whatever that bucket of bolts is cleaned up, before someone trips and breaks their neck. And give me that!”
“Hey! That’s my last cigarette!”
“It’s a filthy habit, D. You’ve been told. If you can’t stop cold turkey, I’ll have to tell Libby from Supplies to cut you off.”
“Okay okay! Alright, I’ll stop. Just...don’t embarass me in front of Libby from Supplies, m’kay?”
Watching her brother stoop down to sort his tech into manageable piles, the commander folded her arms with a smirk. “Oh? And why’s that? You got a lil’ cruuuuuush? Got a lil’ crush, huh Donnie?”
A wrench was thrown. It missed by a mile.
“Cease, you mortfying harpy!”
“Clear up your shit, then.”
Leonardo and Donatello were infamous. But Commander April O’Neil was legendary.
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greynatomy · 2 years
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Emily Sonnet x Fem!Reader
Sorry this took so long. I couldn't put my thoughts into words lol. I also find ending fics really difficult so it might be a bit of an eh. Second part to WHAT?! I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think.
“…How’d you guys get together?”
“It’s a really funny story actually…”
8 years ago
It’s your freshman year in the University of Virginia. Freshman orientations were tomorrow and to say you were nervous would be an understatement. None of your friends from high school would be attending the same university as you and didn’t keep in touch over the summer so it’s was a little nerve-racking to basically start a new life. That would be tomorrow’s problem.
Sitting near the back of the auditorium, you made yourself comfortable while waiting for the orientation to start. Looking around, everyone was with their friends, catching up, making a very loud auditorium.
“Is anyone sitting here?” You turn to your left to see a blonde girl wearing some athletic wear with a snapback on her head.
“Uh, no, feel free to use it.”
After some introductions, they split everyone off into smaller groups with other people to learn more about your specific majors.  You just so happen to be in the same group as the girl that sat next to you.
“Guess you’re still stuck with me a bit more.”
“Guess so.”
“What’s your name?”
“Well, Y/N, I’m Emily. It’s so very good to meet you.”
You just give her a small smile back. The whole tour, Emily would not stop making comments or jokes and that annoyed you so much, but somehow, you were intrigued with her. So, when the tour was over you said your goodbyes and quickly dashed to your apartment. 
You didn’t see her all that much the rest of the summer which was for a month. First day of school came around and you saw her again in your 10am class.
You were sitting at a seat towards the back of the classroom when you see someone walk towards your direction from the corner of your eye.
“Is anyone sitting here— hey it’s you from orientation.” 
“Hi and no you can sit there if you want.”
She turns to you after sitting down. “It’s so funny that we keep running into each other. Are you stalking me or something?”
“Maybe you’re the one stalking me, always getting to places after me and asking to sit next to me?”
“Huh, you’re right. Maybe we’re just meant to be.”
“Shut up.” You said, looking away, not wanting Emily to see your blushing cheeks.
After class, you quickly pack up all your stuff and head out the door. You hear someone running towards your direction, but think nothing of it as many people seem to be rushing, until you feel a hand on your shoulder. About to tell this person off, you realize who it was, you guessed it, it was Emily. 
“Hey, Y/N.”
“Hey, Emily.”
“Um, so, I wanted to ask you something and don’t feel like you have to agree l, but would you like to have lunch together?”
That question was not what you expected her to ask.
“Yeah? Don’t feel pressured to say yes or something. I-I just—”
“Oh. That’s alri— wait! Sure?” Emily’s eyes lit up in surprise.
“Yeah, we can get lunch.”
“Cool, cool. Um, can I get your number so we can figure out where and when we’ll meet and stuff?” You take her phone and put in your number. She grabs it back and texts the number real quick. You hear a notification on your phone. “I gotta make sure that it was your number. Well I will catch you later. Bye Y/N.”
“Bye Emily.”
After getting lunch together, you and Emily have practically became inseparable. You both started to hang out more, go to college parties together, and you went to watch her games even though you knew nothing about soccer. You became her number one fan.
Towards the end of freshman year, you and Emily had lunch and is now walking around campus. She goes to sit under a tree and lays out her jacket on the grass next to her telling you to sit. She’s always been a big gentlewoman. Once you’re seated next to her, she grabs your closest hand.
“Uh, so, I don’t really know how to start this, but I just really wanna get it out of my chest.” She started to fidget and play with your fingers, you finding it cute how she’s nervous. “I like you. I-I really really like you. You’ve got me hooked the second I asked to sit next to you during freshman orientation and I liked to think that all the times we went out were dates and not like friend dates but romantic dates. And I hope you feel the same way as I do cause if you don’t then this is just really really embar—” She stops her rambling when she feels lips placed upon her own.
You kissed her. You were kissing her and she froze, not believing what was happening. When she feels you pulling away, she places her hand on both sides of your face and guides you back to her, kissing back.
“Woah.” It was all that came out of Emily’s mouth once you both pulled away. “Better than I’ve imagined.”
“You’ve imagined kissing me?” You smirked.
“Uh-uh, among other things.”
“What other things.”
“That you were my girlfriend.”
“Hmm. Your girlfriend huh?”
“Could you- would you… be my girlfriend?”
With that, she grabs your face, pulling you in to kiss you again.
“And Sonnet still talks a lot.”
“Shut up.” Emily whined, hiding her face in the crook of your neck. 
“Aww. She’s all shy and blushy.”
“Alright. Alright.” Ashlyn interrupts. “That was cute and all, but this is the real important question. What are your intentions with our dear friend Sonnet?”
“Of course to love and cherish her, like I said in our vows, but to also make sure she buys me all my cravings for the next couple of months.”
“Good. Good.”
“WAIT, WHAT?!” Emily shouts, standing up from her seat.
“Shh. Too loud babe.”
“Sorry. But you’re pregnant?” She whisper-yells. You nod. “Oh my god! Finally!” She kisses you.
You guys have been trying for a couple months to get pregnant and it finally happened. This was all Emily wanted the very first time she laid eyes on you. She finally has it.
@mmmmokdok​ @immadowhateva​
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the-octic-scribe · 4 months
find the word tag!
Hello all, my find the word game! My words were – out, bright, grow, and forever
Yours are ; sweet, warm, and died
This is the first time I have ever made any of TWRAL public so… tell me what you think! shout out to @friendlyshaped for tagging me!
Out –
“No Cyrus. I have done many things wrong. and in a way I am a calamity. If the world soul likes my story then they are a twisted being. let me tell you the past of an old man.”
Even Alex settled to hear it. the world moving around us felt like it was hinging on his next words.
 “in my home nation there is an old story. a story about how the first Sentinel died. when the stones had just been born a great Naga ruled over Nashara. he could drive a person to insanity, when you hear a meton in your mind it can feel invasive, but you can block it out. Malichi however could take it over. as time when on he became a tyrant. About a hundred years ago his right hand, a meton, angered him. but before he was tortured he established a link with a lieutenant who’s name has been erased, but his right hand had a secret. That he was like me. The Sentinel never imagined someone doing it back to him, and when Malichi poured torment into him, the lieutenant made a feedback loop, linking there minds in a maelstrom of torment. it went beyond insanity, each time the thought went from one to another it was amplified. the meton died but gods don’t die so easily-
Bright –
“I’m here because I’ve lived a life based on fear. I’m here because I forgot what Liam actually wanted. I’m here so that I can find something that changes the world. I’m here because what you have shown me is who I am, and I forgot that.”
the form shook, the heads all placed besides one another , nine mouths linking into one giant smile “you are very bright, slave of the endless. you may return.”
the world came into focus, and I was in the Mistwalkers hall once more. Alex looked dazed as well and stared at me. “Cyrus, I think I have some things to tell you.”
Grow –
“sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like had I not chosen this route. there was a time when I thought I might have a life that was calm. maybe find a wife, have some kids. hah, they would probably be your age now.” Leon took a cutting knife that looked far to small in his hands and sliced a thin piece to check the meat “but I guess that’s the part that they don’t tell you. your life exists right now and there is no going back. a word of advice, grow old. find a family, find something that makes you happy. a sword gets heavier the longer you carry it”
Forever –
I saw what was about to happen. if a single shot pierced Alex in this form she may be stuck like this forever. watchers healed slower than even kara. and if she couldn’t be the human anymore it would scar her.
“I’m… I’m here to see my mom. she said to leave because of the assassination. I’m from Versel, my mom. uh, Cassandra sent me to school there.”
the guard squinted his eyes, a few lowered their bows but the head and his circle had not.
“Cassandra doesn’t have a kid. that bitch couldn’t find a mate if she tried.”
I was taken aback. I was tired. I was angry. every emotion I suppressed flooded to my my head as the staff in my hand grew warm.
“Cassandra is a smarter woman than you. A fucking low-life guard, insulting her? Do I need to prove that were related?” I felt years of anger welling up at once. If I had a mother, I would want to protect them. and the piece of me that longed for a family was no longer a small flame, instead an inferno. Maybe that’s what I needed. “let me show you why she is hated. you already know, but a demonstration may help before you insult her again.” the staff now glowed a bright crimson , even if I couldn’t see it I knew the color of radiance in my eyes. I saw the sparks of the anomaly that surrounded me. but not fire, never fire. Even Alex backed away as the blue sparks danced around me. it was exhilarating to feel the radiance from the pillars in my body now-
down to play @akiwitch @patternwelded-quill @rhyaxxyn @lukas-wrld ??
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katriniac · 5 months
So I find myself simping hard for Artem Wing this morning, and decide to nurse that ache by re-reading my favorite Tears of Themis card stories.
First up is Por Una Cabeza
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When I first pulled this card, all I knew was that I was getting ARTEM WEARING A FANCY MASK.
But then I read the story and was confused.
Like, really confused.
Spoilers below the cut if you haven't read this card yet.
This post has two parts. Maybe three if I decide to include the video call? So look in my reblogs for the rest of this recap!
This card's story is set BEFORE they are in an established relationship, before any love confession takes place.
So ... both Rosa and Artem are having similar nightmares at the beginning, but the reader isn't aware they are reading a dream.
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Now that I am reading it through again, I can more fully appreciate the other-worldliness of the "nightmare" and understand why everyone is acting strangely with bad memories, lol.
The bright red digital clock face glaring at Tosa in the fancy hotel lobby makes MUCH more sense more that I know it's her own bedside alarm clock she's incorporating into her dreamscape.
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Also? ALSO?!? TODAY, the day I'm reading this right now is December 24th! What are the odds! I totally forgot this story takes place on Christmas Eve, because they call the event the New Year's Ball. Idk why... 🤷‍♀️
Anyways, back to recapping my favorite moments:
🥹 @ Artem second-guessing himself, worrying about you, wondering if you're okay, and if it's his fault
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Awwwww, Artem!
His pouting face!
That's just like him to be concerned, and to jump to the conclusion that it might be his fault. He also wants to get to the bottom of any problem you have, so he can:
Discover the root cause of "Problem X"
Understand the reason for your distress
And plan for ways to fix/avoid it in the future so you never have to encounter/worry about "Problem X" ever again
Yes, this man is a 'fixer' but he does more than put a cosmetic bandage on things. He wants to make sure you never have to experience that same hurt a second time. He wants to learn from his own mistakes and others to prevent problems in the future. He wants to control the outcome by preparing for any eventuality.
The amount of energy and effort he puts into his "Rosa Long-Game" is mind-boggling.
Okay, I could go on forever about Artem's control issues, how amazing he is, and what makes him perfect husband-material.
So let's not get lost in the weeds out here. Back to the story!
There is this sublime moment where the two nightmares meld, as if the two of them are sharing the same dream!
And they meet FINALLY, after hours of panicked searching and confusion:
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So they eventually wake up, and they decide to text the other to see if they're awake, and it turns into a phone call. No biggie. Just a phone call. At 2am. Between coworkers. Talking about their dreams. 😘 Nothing peculiar about that, right?
Everyone does that with their colleagues, don't they??
😏 Sure .... sure.
We find out Artem only knows one dance.
Which isn't exactly weird... many dudes don't know any dances.
What is odd is the one dance this shy boy knows:
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The tango?
One of the most sensual and passionate dances ever?
The tango.
That's your go-to dance, Artem?
Let's keep reading:
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We get a glimpse into their month-long practices.
30 days of being caged in Artem's arms, spending every day after work in close proximity, working up a sweat.
And then once you're confident in the steps, the fun part of the "act" both partners must put on to sell the push and pull of emotions.
The haughtiness, the indignation, the desire, the attraction, the softening and relenting at last, all of that passion needed to put on a good show!
...Just what two normal work co-workers do on a daily basis.
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"Suitable tango partner"
Artem. Artem! Stop lying to yourself!!
And then there's THIS:
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LMAO @ Artem wishing for a weapon to fight off anyone else who might try to take her away from him.
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"Everyone will know"
*sucks in breath*
Possessive!Artem is a really really hawt Artem.
Just sayin'
AND they mention his adam's apple! Okay, this might not be a turn-on for other people. But it is to me.
I can point at obvious times in my life where I've decided that a certain action/attribute is attraction or sexy. But not the adam's apple. I have no explanation for why I find it mesmerizing!
But bless the writer who decided to mention that specific anatomy in this story! Shout out to you for adding to my swoon! 🫡
End of Part 1 - Check the reblogs for Part 2
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PHANTOM THIEVES OF HOPE - A Danganronpa X Persona 5 Story.
Coming soon...
[Additional Details below...]
//So uh...yeah...Hello Tumblr audience/Survivor audience.
//I apologize for the lack of updates today, and I guess I should let you know that I had a job interview today which took up most of my time. I didn’t want to prioritize the blog over my own wellbeing so I ducked out today.
//But in return, I’ve decided that today will be the day that I unveil my next big DR related project, being Phantom Thieves of Hope.
//Now that I’ve finalized the party for the Persona 5 X Danganronpa AU, I got inspired by the work I put out and decided that I will create an entire fanfic storyline for it.
//I considered doing this for Murder Drones too, but since Murder Drones isn’t finished and not all the secrets have been revealed yet, I need to put that on hold, but given that I love Danganronpa and love Persona 5 just as much, this was something I was super excited to do.
//This story will be where all my other storyline projects are, and will be posted on WattPad. However, depending on how people like it, I’m considering letting it be my first ever Archive Of Our Own fanfic too.
//These will be posted on the fic itself once I upload it to the website, and I will be posting regular updates for it here on the blog as well, but if you’re interested to read it for yourself, there are some guidelines and important information below that I will list for you if so desire to read it:
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#1: The story takes place in it’s own original timeline focusing on Danganronpa’s characters.
//To make it easier to understand what I mean by this, this is not a crossover that features characters from the Danganronpa series ONLY. It’s not a story where the Ultimate’s meet the Phantom Thieves, or where the Phantom Thieves steal the hearts of some of the Hope’s Peak students and characters.
//Take Dreams of Acedia for example, which features Joker as well as the cast of Omori. This isn’t like that.
//Instead, the story will feature the main protagonists of the mainline Danganronpa series as Hope’s Peak Academy students, all of whom change the hearts of the rotten people around them in hopes of averting many of the tragedy’s that were displayed within the core series.
//As for the setting, it’s within the same timeline as Danganronpa 3′s Despair Arc, with a few changes. For example, to canonize the V3 characters, they are first years in Hope’s Peak, while the 78th Class are 2nd Years and the 77th Class are third years.
//As for the DR3 class, they are also students at Hope’s Peak, but part of Class 77B instead.
#2: The plot follows similar story beats to the original Persona 5.
//The story is primarily told from the perspective of Makoto, who takes Joker’s place as the protagonist in the story.
//Any and all similarities between this story and the original plot of Persona 5 are more than likely intentional, as I based the original game’s plotline and story beats off of this one.
//For example, there are 8 Palaces in the story, Mementos is relevant, the team gets acquainted with the other world after meeting a weird cartoon animal, and Makoto has his own fair share of confidants from all 5 iterations of the series that he can meet and greet and grow from.
//Obviously it’s not a copy/paste, since the characters will need to have their own conflicts and stories, but the similar progression of plot to the original game is intentional.
#3: This fic is UNNASSOCIATED with any of my other works/the works of others.
//Whether or not Survivor is the first of my stories or the only one of my stories that you’ve checked out or not, it’s important to know that DRSurvivor’s plot and characters are completely separate from PToH. The same applies to all of my other Danganronpa-related works, including ReCaptured and ReProgrammed.
//In summary, this means that Kuripa Kurafto is NOT present in this story. Nor are any of his friends or any other OC’s from this blog, like Matta or Uchui.
//And yes, I know that I made an artwork of him, but that was just because the original art was made for the followers of this blog, who would KNOW him.
//The story however, WILL feature original characters that I’ve created. For example, the third Palace ruler (who shall not be named) is 
//Of course, it also goes to say that anyone else who has made a fic like this, and any similarities between the two, are purely coincidental.
//Some of you may know of a story on AO3 by JustRookie called Danganronpa X Persona: Mirrored Selves. I will state right now that I take no influence from JustRookies’ story, and all the writing in this fic is purely mine own.
//I ain’t no Madarame.
#4: The story is based on SPECIFICALLY Persona 5, not the rest of the series.
//Which effectively means that any integral aspects of games 1 to 4 won’t be 
//Persona 5′s style specifically is what I’m going for here, with the Phantom Thieves and the masks.
#5: There will be shipping and romance elements in the story, but not as many in Survivor.
//Just to manage your expectations, much like with Survivor, there will be some personal ship and romance elements in the story, most notably Naegiri, Saimatsu and Tokomaru, but only the far latter will really come into play with the main story.
//Also, as for Hajime, this story will be more Hinanami geared than Hinazumi.
//This isn’t really important at all. I just know that I a lot of you like the pairings in this blog and I want to manage your expectations.
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//That’s all the important information that comes to mind. If anything else comes to your mind and you want to ask about it, feel free to do so through the ask box.
//As things stand right now, I have currently almost finished the first Palace of the story, and I hope sincerely that you all check it out.
//I have been experiencing a bit of writers block with ReCaptured lately, so I’m taking another break from that and focusing on this and Survivor in the meantime. I will also be working on PToH during my break following the end of the current arc.
//And I would just like to say I’d appreciate it if you read the story. You’re all such an amazing audience and I really want to show you more of what I can do.
//Thank you for lending me your time, and stay tuned, fellow thieves~
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subaerial-dweller · 6 months
aaaAAA I'm on a roll now, I'm just spitting whatever comes into my mind about Generation Loss onto the table now. I love this show very much and I no longer care if people see these posts, I have too many thoughts and I'm writing them down :DD.
I don't think Frank is a skeleton. We know he's a dude, right? There was that screenshot someone took of Frank's poster in Episode 3, let me see if I can find it.
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Here we are. In my search for this screenshot, I did come across a lot of posts that said very similar things to what I was going to say, which was that Frank might just be a rotting corpse they drag around with them, which is really quite insane. I said in my first post of this late-night frenzy of Genloss thinking that I'm not very good at drawing, and in 45 minutes that hasn't actually changed. But I have a very graphic view in my head, and it makes the point where Jerma fucken smacks Frank across the face and breaks his fucking neck or something, it makes it all a lot harder to stomach. It's a gruesome thing, and now I'm just worried about how exactly Frank died.
Sneeg likes him, so maybe he was once the main character, where GL!Ranboo is now? It would make sense, because he's in that cage thing with Sneeg, so they might've just both failed together, but Frank was never going to go beyond the first episode without dying.
OH SPEAKING OF THAT. This is where the "and character origins" part of the post comes from.
I want to talk about where the other characters came from. We see a bunch of them, and they all allude to being in this game for a while before we see this iteration with GL!Ranboo in the main role, but I also have other ideas.
OPTION ONE: they're all, strictly speaking, actors, and Ranboo's the one running through this completely blind. They all know their roles, they understand what they have to do to get the story moving along (Sneeg tackles Austin to get Ranboo through the moving cutout wall thing, for example), and they play those roles. That would explain why Charlie's in every episode: he's the Slime Demon, then he's Surfer Dude/Patient Slime, and then he's Charlie Slimecicle the Streamer. He's a recurring talent (maybe I'll write another thing about where I think GL!Charlie came from, when speaking about option one). They're all mind controlled like Ranboo is, with the same filter layered over reality (except on Austin, I think his malfunctioned which is why he looked so horrified in the clothes room with Ethan, and on the merry-go-round next to rotting corpse!Frank, and Sneeg when he was wearing the hat). They're briefed on their roles, and they follow them, but their main goal is to keep the story moving and get Ranboo to the end. Once again, I think GL!Austin's filter thingy doesn't really work, because he called Jerma "sick", he looked horrified and disgusted to sit next to a dead body, I think he was the only person to care that GL!Ethan had been, you know, brutally murdered, and he also tried to take Ranboo's place in the cutout room.
OPTION TWO: They've all been through the games before. They've all been the main characters, and they've now been moved into other roles with each repetition of the show. So GL!Sneeg was once the main character in Episode 1, and then he fucked up and was locked in the cage with Frank (who also was the protagonist, but then he, uh, well something went wrong and Showfall regrets this Tragic Accident), before Ranboo comes around.
Slimecicle was the main character in Episode 2 once, and he was about to lose the Mousetrap game in the Candy Room, so he ate the piece so the Puzzler couldn't blast him to pieces. Obviously it worked, but he was repurposed as another role, because they took that "oh it's in him" as a great premise for the next time this show went over. Now, our version of Genloss, where GL!Ranboo's the main character, this could happen right after Slime ate the piece, or it could be a while back, but Showfall liked the idea so much they just kept forcing Slime to eat the pieces and random shit, or they cut him open and put it all back inside. Either way, it's not pretty.
Option Two would explain why GL!Vinesauce says "I've done it before" when he asks Sneeg and Ranboo to throw him across the lasers. It would make sense for the first two episodes, where there are other characters and the storyline seems to be in control (as much as Hetch was manipulating Episode 3, Ranboo did have his own mind back and made his own decisions, like with rescuing Streamer Charlie Slimecicle), because for those, the plotline is simple, straightforward, with barely any variation. The characters can be recycled, it makes sense. However, I think accidents do happen, and sometimes, in the case of Frank, actors only get past one episode before, you know, dying. RIP Frank. Squiggles misses you.
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vynegar · 1 year
vyn rainy pickup SSR, part three
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off to the market!
same disclaimer and notes from part one & two
youtube link to Sherry’s Game Notes‘ video of the card story
links to other parts: one & two 
more tot translations here 
do not repost
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[11:07] Four-Gate Loop Marketplace
Back at the marketplace, I followed with the flow of people as I looked at the visitor map Master Zhou had given us. I felt a bit awkward at the moment.
MC: How about we first pick a place without too many people? Or somewhere that's a bit more open, so it won't be as crowded. Let's see... walking south would take us to the area with general stores. That would probably work. Vyn, what do you think?
There was no response. I turned around in confusion and saw Vyn watching a nearby salesperson. When I reached out and waved my hand in front of his face, he came back to his senses and helplessly grabbed my hand.
Vyn: We might as well be like the other visitors and abandon our plan, do as we please.
MC: Do as we please?
He took the visitor map from me and simply folded it a few times, putting it in his pocket.
Vyn: Based on the shape of the marketplace, we will reach the general store area sooner or later. Since we will not get lost, there is no need for a map.
MC: Okay, then I'll follow your lead. We'll go wherever you want to go.
Vyn: Uh, I...
Vyn froze. He looked around at the dizzying array of shops around us, for a long time not making a decision. I smiled and nudged him.
MC: No need to fret about it, how about I pick?
I walked forward, tugging Vyn along, when suddenly we heard a burst of cheers from beside us. Then..
MC: Huh?!
Vyn: MC, look out!
Everyone was rushing ahead toward something that we couldn't see. Vyn grabbed my arm and we struggled to stick together amidst the horde of people, forced to move along with the crowd.
MC: W-we're finally out!
When we had at last pushed through the mass of people, I breathed a deep sigh. Although Vyn's expression was the same as usual, his jacket had gotten slightly wrinkled.
MC: Vyn, maybe we should go home...
Vyn: What is wrong? Did you get pushed just now?
MC: I'm fine, you were blocking the other people for me... I'm worried that you’re uncomfortable with how packed it is.
I straightened out his wrinkled jacket. Vyn held my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
Vyn: I am alright. Besides, it is still crowded up ahead. Even if we wanted to go back, we would still have to wait until the crowd thins out.
MC: Okay...
Vyn: MC, what is that?
While I was still looking around for another exit route, Vyn was looking in a different direction. Following his gaze, I saw a huge square-shaped fish tank with sign standing next to it, the words "GOLDFISH CATCHING" written in big letters.
MC: It's a kind of game. When I was a kid, I would play it a lot at night markets.
Right after I said it, I remembered how Vyn had received a noble education since he was a child, so he had probably never played this kind of game. Just as I thought, Vyn picked up the crude fishing pole next to us with a puzzled expression.
MC: The rules are simple: catch goldfish within the allotted time.
Vyn: Just using this kind of fishing pole? But if it is simply catching goldfish, it should not be difficult...
Aquarium shopkeeper: Haha, not necessarily.
Hearing our conversation, the aquarium shopkeeper chuckles and waves at us.
Aquarium shopkeeper: All of these fishing poles have all been adjusted so that catching fish is much harder than the games that kids play. However, there are valuable breeds of goldfish in the tank. If you can catch those ones, it's definitely good value for your money. How about it? You two interested?
Immediately after, we heard a plop. A goldfish had just been hooked and pulled up above the water, but it struggled free and fell back into the tank. The audience surrounding it all sighed, while the visitor playing the game scratched their head, looking vexed.
Vyn: Do you want to try?
Vyn handed me the fishing pole. Seeing how fascinated he was made me temporarily quash down my thoughts of leaving. However, instead of taking the fishing pole, I pushed it back toward Vyn.
MC: I'm an expert at catching goldfish, so this is no challenge for me. You should try.
Vyn: Hm? Me?
He fiddled with the fishing pole in his hands, nodding. When the previous person finished, we stood side-by-side next to the glass tank.
Vyn: Which one do you like?
MC: Hm... I like that goldfish with three colors. But the shopkeeper said it's a bit difficult, so how about going for a random one at first, just to try?
Vyn: No need. I will start with that one.
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Vyn put the bait on the hook and lowered it into the water, his movements calm and practiced.
MC: (It doesn't seem hard at all.)
I couldn't help holding my breath as we waited for a goldfish to bite. However, while the audience had gradually dispersed and most of the bait had been eaten, Vyn was still unable to hook a single goldfish. The empty fishhook floated unsupported in the water. Vyn stared at the escaped goldfish, frowning slightly.
MC: (Vyn seems to be completely at a loss...)
I lowered my head, lips tightly pressed together to hide my smile, but I heard a faint sigh. A hand reached out from beside me and pinched my cheek.
Vyn: You can laugh if you want to.
MC: I thought such a simple game would be a piece of cake for you.
Vyn: Yes, I did not expect this either... that I would be bad at catching goldfish.
Perplexity flashed across Vyn's golden eyes. He looked down slightly, staring blankly at the goldfish swimming idly around. I immediately grabbed the fishing pole in his hand.
MC: Here, let me teach you. But just so you know, I charge tuition~
Vyn: Okay. What do you want?
MC: How about... you're in charge of dinner tonight!
As I spoke, I took the fishing pole from Vyn. After trying it a few times, I discovered that from a certain angle, the fishhook would stay secure. Soon, I caught my first goldfish.
MC: Great!
I put the goldfish in a bucket of water next to us and shifted closer to Vyn.
Vyn: What is it?
MC: This is a trade secret, so I have to tell you quietly.
I leaned in to Vyn’s ear and whispered the secret to the fishhook.
Vyn: Since it requires a specific angle and amount of force, do you need to personally demonstrate it for me?
Vyn gripped my hand that was holding the fishing pole and interlaced his fingers with mine, so that we were holding it together. I froze. Vyn looked down and laughed. He didn’t apply any force from his wrist, seeming to be waiting for my next move.
MC: No problem. I guarantee you’ll learn it
When we lowered the fishhook again, I gripped Vyn’s hand back, searching for the proper angle.
MC: This should be it.
I looked at Vyn, then realized that the whole time he had been focused on me instead of the fish tank. My every move was depicted in his gaze. My hand went slack, and just as the fishing pole was about to slip, Vyn raised our hands. The next second, that tricolored goldfish was lifted up out of the water by the hook. When our eyes met, it was as if the surroundings had been frozen in time, and I was a bit dazed.
Vyn: I caught the tricolored goldfish.
A smiled played at the edges of his lips. Suddenly I felt like I was the “goldfish” that Vyn had caught.
MC: Vyn, did you already know how to do this?!
Vyn: When I was watching you catch fish, I mostly figured it out.
MC: Yet you still…
Vyn smiled gently.
Vyn: Because I happened to want to be in charge of dinner too.
After figuring out the trick to it, we were successful with almost all the remaining bait, and the bucket quickly filled up with a considerable number of goldfish.
Aquarium shopkeeper: Very impressive you two, I’ve never seen anyone catch this many fish before. Should I help you pack them up?
MC: Yeah, thank you.
A while later, the shopkeeper gave me a clear plastic bag that was tied off at the top, so I could carry the goldfish as we continued browsing the marketplace. I rested the bag on my hand and brought it up to Vyn’s face. Several goldfish swam about happily inside, casting multi-colored reflections under the sunlight.
MC: How nostalgic! If I’d been able to catch such a pretty goldfish when I was a kid, I’m sure the others kids would’ve been jealous of me.
Vyn: When you were a kid, what other games would you play besides goldfish catching?
MC: Hm… Let me think. Games like shooting balloons and ring toss are all pretty common. Oh right! I saw a lot of them when we walked past just now. Here, let’s go play.
Vyn: Okay.
I quickly locked onto my target.
MC: Over there…
Drip – suddenly, a drop of rain fell on my face.
MC: Huh?
Thinking it was someone’s prank, I looked up, but the next moment raindrops were falling in a pitter-patter. Even though it was still warm and sunny outside, we could hear the faint sound of thunder and see dark clouds sweeping by in the distance. For a moment, everyone around us was busy either closing up their stalls or seeking shelter from the rain. Before I could react, this area that was safe from the rain became packed with people.
MC: It’s raining?! Vyn, we should find somewhere dry too…
I saw an awning in the distance and tried to grab Vyn to run over there, but my hand was met with thin air.
MC: Vyn?
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Under the shroud of a small shadow, a familiar scent enveloped me. The damp sensation of raindrops stopped instantly. I turned around in surprise. At some point Vyn had shed his jacket and was now raising it partway, creating a shelter above us.
Vyn: Let us go. We should avoid the rain.
MC: Okay…
The rain had soaked the uneven ground tiles, so when I stepped on a loose one while running, the rainwater splashed up onto our ankles. I looked down and saw the muddy water on my ankles, as well as Vyn’s soaked pants legs.
MC: Your pants… Oh no, the goldfish!
The plastic bag began to shake with how vigorously we were running. I stiffly held my hand aloft, trying to keep my arm balanced as much as possible. I couldn’t help but slow my steps, causing me to bump Vyn’s arm by accident.
Vyn: …
MC: What are you laughing about?
Vyn: Seeing you so worried about the goldfish, I cannot help but think that you are cute.
MC: I’m already in a rush…
Vyn: Watch your step!
Splash – but I had already stepped into the puddle. The water extended up from my feet, and I could feel the wetness at my toes. It was such a sorry sight, but Vyn and I couldn’t help but laugh.
Vyn: The rain is getting heavier. This jacket will not last for much longer.
MC: Vyn, over there!
I pointed at an awning nearby.
Vyn: Let us make a run for it.
Facing the dense mist of rain, we ducked our heads and charged forward. The shadow cast by his shirt swayed along with Vyn’s running. The alarmed crowd, chaotic stalls, and torrential rain all flashed by in my peripheral vision. I heard a fleeting sound that masked the noise of all the surroundings, and then all that remained was the thumping of my heart and our gasps as we ran.
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dumelax · 10 months
shit I can write before the title uh, anyways
wha happen
Jesus it's a story. I created this account... god I don't remember when Hold on, how do I check that OKAY I found an email from May 23rd, 2021 asking me to verify my email, so I guess I've been dormant for two years huh why did I join again I don't know why I joined. But I am HERE! And I actually know why I did. Twitter crashing down, so my good pal COOKIE (hello cookie 👋🏻) showed me this website, with the lot of awesome things you could do with it. Including writing walls of text! Which I LOVE to do! Anyone who knows me knows I do!
The step after that was kinda funny. See Cookie (wassup cookie ✌🏻) was nice enough to welcome me in a voice call to teach me the ins-and-outs of tumblr. I do not think either of us expected what followed. I definitely remembered having an account, but the first challenge was just about to rise: remembering my PASSWORD ⛈ (it was actually okay- I remember those). The most difficult part was actually entering it in the browser. For some reason Firefox does not like showing the part that comes after entering your email address. Trying to clear the cache and tweaking settings for half an hour, I finally decided to switch browsers, but then... THEN!
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The cone of shame! And a bland background picture! These two were assigned to my profile. I tried to change them, but for some reason, tumblr wouldn't let me... Leading our investigation further in my account's settings, it appears my blog was flagged as “explicit” (reminder: I've been as useful and active as a rock for the past two years). Action had to be taken.
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Much better, right? All it needed was aesthetic colours and definitely not suspicious looking titles. We actually had a lot of fun setting these. I tried to understand the basic features that Cookie (how r u cookie 🤟🏻) explained to me to the best of their ability as my account was very restrained, it took one email to user support and three weeks and VOILÀ! I'M FREE kind of a mistake but THANK YOU nonetheless tumblr support ❤
what now
oh my god I can select F.O.N.T.S. and play with sizes I mean you've probably seen it many times in many places already but MAN this is NEW to me And it feels really good too!! I've always loved to scribble and write down shit for no reason note: I'm scared to swear because of the recent flagging I've been a victim of 😨 (<- scared emoji) I have no idea what I'll write how long I'll write it if I'll write more?? You're witnessing the live production of my tumblr discovery
what's next?
I want to do many things I want to do... everything 😩 no but for real I think trying to find a nice layout for a first could be nice. Like a theme and all. Ideally something similar to what cookie (hey cookie 👉🏻) cooked, someday :3c I'm also gonna follow all the cool artists I saw around (like Sirope who's the one who drew my current profile pic she deserves your love (and your money)). Tumblr feels more like a place for friend with lots of MAYHEM! while I like to use Reddit for games and communities, and Twitter for a bit of both. I like making friends and following game accounts there, but for Tumblr I wonder if that would work... I guess I'll dig deeper and see for myself!
Right now, this is the start of a NEW ADVENTURE! ⛵ Until next time,
take care and drink some water
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garrulousgeologist · 1 year
> Kells: Just loose it.
My mental health completely fell apart after I started reading Homestuck.
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Not clickbait.
I did not even turn my computer on for the past several days, amongst many other not coping mechanisms. I won’t be reading Homestuck from the website on my phone I'm not an animal.
(That is in fact how I read most of Homestuck as it was actively posted to the mspaintadventures website from the ages of 15-18. Although back then it was on my ipod touch, I didn’t have a smartphone yet).
So, my continued re-read had to wait. For anyone following my journey- I’m a complete mess. If I disappear for long stints just don’t worry about it I always come back. My personal goal is one page of Homestuck every week. That’s it. A goal I (might) be able to reach. This week I managed to get myself to my desk Saturday evening! Right in the nick of time. When will I post this? Only you know that! And me in the future but not the past/present me writing this now (pack it up, Karkat).
Alright fuck even I want to tell me to stfu. Here’s the actual reflection:
She’s trying just as hard as I was at her age. She’ll figure it out.
She was definitely my favorite in the past. The Lalondes hold a very special place in my heart, I think they always will. My actual mother is still Mamalonde in my phone to this day and I have no intention of changing that.
Homestuck taught me a lot of vocabulary back when I first read it. I definitely remember still feeling like I was missing information even after googling what I could (words, concepts, the perspective of someone older than 15). I wondered when I started this re-read if I would see any words I had to look up like I did in high school. 
Of course. Of course, who else to bring me to this but Rose Lalonde.
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What the fuck is [sic]. I doubt either rose or rox would be using the colloquial ‘sick’ to describe the item. So I googled it.
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Now I know. (Also, hi Roxy girl, I can’t wait to get to you ♥ )
[S] John: Take bite of apple. ==> End of Act 1.
Oh. Huh. I guess we get more of Rose later. I thought I remembered way more of her before the end of act 1, but alas, I’ll have to get back to loving everything about her later. 
Now it’s time for..
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Oh. We’re back now. So I didn’t forget, I’m just conditioned to think intermissions are long as fuck. Okay then Wayward Vagabond, I’ll have to get back to loving everything about you later. Back to Rose!
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Uh. . . .
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Yes, right right, I knew that. -ahem-
What’s next? Oh god, the kernel.
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Now what in the fresh fluorescent hell does THAT mean (any tips, eidolonyaldaboath?). Again, on the surface I can see with my eyes what happened. The kernel wasn’t one cohesive thing to begin with, it was a..sprite thing, combined with two other things in its environment. And now its split into three again, okay, okay, I can follow that I think. The sprite is transformed once the apple is bitten into, or, once the world is destroyed and the players make it past the meteor shower/are isekai’d into the game, kind of. This I can accept, and the  two kernel halves become catalysts for, uh, whatever they become catalysts for.
Anyway, what is left is still part giant jester plushy. I’m straining my memory so hard to remember where the other parts go. What’s below John’s house?? What’s above?? I can’t remember! So we’re gonna ignore it for now.
In favor of a FLASH GAME!! WOOOO HELL YEAH this is the experience I remember!!!
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Eternal thank yous to Alexis ‘Gankro’ Beingessner for programming this recreation, it is outstanding. I truly cannot wait for one of the most memorable experiences I had reading Homestuck originally- walking around the land of wind and shade and playing with the salamanders and hearing their stories. I don’t know if the same person will have programmed it but this initial peek into how true to history the unofficial Homestuck collection experience is has made me soooo hype. 
Welcome Nanasprite!! Hoo hoo!
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Surely this won’t become relevant in the future. Speaking of the future, all the text cap commands made me think of Karkat automatically, but now that I’ve seen the wayward vagabond twice already, KK has most definitely not gotten in contact with John yet (from johns so-far linear perspective). It’s the fucking mayor! Big fan of that guy. Anyway I just figured that out lmao.
Alright, let’s talk about the latent racism in Homestuck for a moment. It feels too weird to ignore it, but I kind of also don’t want to focus on it, nor do I want to gloss it over, so I’m giving the concept of 2015 internet latent racism a moment here before we move on:
The human characters in Homestuck are all meant to be blank canvases that you could project any skin tone, ethnicity, and any specific facial or body features onto. They don’t have voices, so accents and languages I feel are also totally up to the audience! This much is pretty widely embraced in the fandom, I think. With this in mind, much of the language used by Dave for example might be easily excused if you decide he is a young black kid.
However, the author is white. And Hussie wrote these things, and some of it definitely feels off. Like “an especially ethnic wedding”. This doesn’t feel like it’s based on respect and experience. All the Obama jokes- many of which are fine and hilarious, many of which are not fine or funny, and some of which are disrespectful and also hilarious- stand out in 2023. While the internet was a different place and language evolves at lightning speed, as someone who read it at a young age while it was being actively written and posted: It felt uncomfortable in 2015, too. 
That’s all I really want to say. I’ll hold space for the uncomfortable feeling some of these lines create, without overshadowing the rest of the story. It sure does make the genius of this webcomic a whole lot more human, though.
Tone shift:
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Oh? Interesting. Surely this won’t become relevant in the future.
Remember when I said I’d talk more about the game (SBURB in this case) choosing children to receive copies and attempt a session? When that happens horrorterrors are involved, so I’ll expand on them there, too.
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Holy shit! I had no idea the window thing was planted so early! This is the kind of re-read revelation I wanted.
“April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain.” -American sports legend, Charles Barkley
[T.S. Elliot said that.]
Also, still topical. Good thing I got back to this before April was completely over.
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Yooo, D-O-Double-G!
Wait. Is that long time fan favorite, David Elizabeth Strider?
Hell Yes.
Hell Fucking Yes.
Never expect consistency from Kells. Kells very much enjoys Rose <3 but is still learning her level of vocabulary. The secrets of the kernelsprite continue to elude Kells. [Interlude to acknowledge problematic source content]. Many things happen that will surely not be significantly relevant in the future.
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nocturne-sketches · 2 years
A God In Teyvat: Gold
This will be the first time I write something for Genshin and the madness of SAGAU so bear with me! For now I'll leave you a sort of prologue since it felt like a very long post otherwise (plus, I didn't know how to tie the ending scene with something else). Hope you enjoy!
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Warnings: General sagau crazy stuff (isekai, cult behavior, violence towards the reader, all that) but this is more like having fun and surviving while ignoring all the bad stuff. Impostor!Reader. Reader is basically a cover artist, a theater kid if you will. I try to keep the reader gender neutral, but I wrote this in spanish so if a he slips out I'm sorry. Originally I had intended this to be a male reader but take it as you like, other characters see the reader as a he because of this. It's the first time I write something in this format ( 2nd person) so if there's a mistake or something, I'd really appreciate any tips you can give ^^
Part 1: You're here! / Part 2: Coming soon!
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Lately you'd been obsessing over a free video game. It had caught your attention as a noob gamer, a terrible one in your opinion, but the characters seemed so appealing that you decided to give it a try. You had no regrets about it. You may not have been around since day one and maybe your life didn't allow you to play daily, but Genshin Impact had become a little escape from all your daily struggles. After classes, having exhausted your body and voice practicing choreography and singing, your beloved hobbies, playing was what you needed to relax.
Perhaps you weren't the best player in the world, nor did you have that many characters, but you were happy with the ones you had. Your main team did enough damage to make the enemies look easy, sure you were a bit behind in the story, but it didn't matter; you loved exploring and fighting alongside your characters.
You'd swear that, if they existed in real life, they'd be your best friends. Maybe a potential partner for one of them. That's why, as soon as you found yourself waking up under the shade of a large tree, being surrounded by strange flowers, you knew exactly what was going on: Somehow, you had been transported to the world of Genshin.
this was surely a dream, right? You looked down at yourself, thankful that you had fallen asleep in nice clothes and not in your pajamas or underwear. There was no one around you, but you figured that even if someone else saw you, you wouldn't stand out much from the others; you were a bit modern, yes, but Kaeya wore tight leather pants, so yours was fine.
But of course, come to think of it, you didn't have any weapons with you, let alone any combat experience. So when you took a few steps forward to investigate the statue of the seven in front of you (you recognized the place, Windrise if you remember correctly) and ended up coming face to face with a pair of slimes (the two that keep popping up in this part of the map), you couldn't do anything but freeze. What were you supposed to do?
"Uh… Hello?" The pair of hydro slimes stood still, you smiled awkwardly at the situation. "Hey, look I don't have any weapons with me so… could you guys stop- HEY WHY ARE YOU GETTING CLOSER????"
You instinctively backed up a few steps, but the slimes were following you. Taking two steps to the right, two steps to the left, one slip…you were basically dancing and yet, no matter what you did, those adorable little things were following you! Not only were they following you, they seemed to look at you with adoration.
"Okey this is really weird, what's wrong with you guys, aren't you interested in attacking me?"
You knew well they couldn't answer you, but their silence and expressions said it all: they were delighted at the mere sight of you. Letting out a heavy sigh, you finally decided to sit down on the old, broken steps leading up to the statue of the seven, the slimes placing themselves next to you. At least they wouldn't attack you, that was a relief, but you still wondered what else you could do in this dream. Maybe go to Mondstadt? You really wanted to try the food of this land, or at least what your imagination could provide; you usually had to keep fit and eat healthy, so a delicious Sweet Madame or a Hash Brown didn't sound so bad. You didn't have a single coin in your pocket, though.
The slimes seemed to understand, so they just started hopping out to the open field, looking for help. As you were thinking about what else you could do in this strange dream, a few footsteps approached your figure. Suddenly, a strong male voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
"Hey you! Stop right there!" Before you could register anything, you see the tip of a sword being pointed at your neck, an NPC glaring down at you from above. "How dare you impersonate the appearance of our Creator! By my power as Knight of Favonius, you will be taken before Acting Grandmaster Jean to receive your deserved punishment."
… What?
"Whoa wow hey! Wait a minute!" You say raising your hands as a symbol of peace. "What the hell are you talking about? I just woke up, how can you accuse me of something so-"
Before you could continue speaking, the NPC, a Knight of Favonius you finally noticed, delivered a powerful kick to your chest that quickly sent you crashing to the ground, the blade of his sword was thrust too close to your waist, causing a not so deep cut. You felt the sudden loss of air and the immense pain in your ribs, as well as the sensation of your own blood threatening to run down your waist, what kind of dream was this? How could you feel pain? And, most importantly, why were you being attacked?
The knight had no respect for the one who, in his devoted eyes, was a sinner. That was the only explanation he had; that person usurped the face of his creator, but had no divine air about them. That only fueled his rage. He grabbed him roughly by the collar of their shirt, ignoring the strange fabric and lifted them up again, this time letting the person's feet dangle a few inches off the ground.
"How dare you respond!!!! A filthy creature like you has no right to talk that way, let alone with that face-" Before the knight could let out another punch, the boy decided to take advantage of his short stature and what little strength he had left to let out a kick at the NPC, knocking him down in a loud thud before the supposed sinner shouted, "M- Mitachurl!"
He was about to ignore his words and attack him again when he heard it; a growl and the imposing presence of one of those strange creatures. Right behind him was a group of Hilichurls commanded by a Mitachurl, the latter was holding his axe loaded with a pyro slime.
It happened too fast.
Still recovering from the impact on the soft grass, your heavy breathing and the sound of your heartbeat distracted you from the knight's cries for help, it seemed as if he couldn't stand on his own in front of a group of Hilichurls. You instinctively touched your waist, feeling the place where the sword cut you only to realize that you were indeed bleeding. You brought your hand up to your face unsure, only to check that it was real. Instead of finding the typical red, all you saw was gold; it looked like your hand had touched one of those edible gold sheets or something.
You were too stunned to speak, but managed to get up only to see the knight turn to ashes. You looked in horror at the group of Hilichurls, fearing for your life, but to your surprise they only knelt down in front of you. Rather awkwardly, but they did.
What was this?
Careful not to alter any of them and slowly so as not to hurt you more, you walked to the place where that NPC vanished: from him only the sword with which he wounded you remained, a Dull Blade that you lifted as best you could. It was heavy, you had never held a real weapon, but that was exactly what you feared.
Everything was real.
Still with the sword in hand, you finally passed out. The sound of Hilichurls cries running towards you was the last thing you heard before you lost consciousness...
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Teyvat's Beloved — First Acolyte
< Prev | 3 | Next >
In the middle of a field, surrounded by your beloved slimes and hilichurls, you stood tall and smiled wide. “Alright then!” You announced. “Time to get to work!”
“Dada, Mumokuzi!” A few hilichurls clapped while the slimes bounced around your feet excitedly. ‘Mumokuzi’ was their name for you. You couldn’t understand Hilichurlian, but you could always understand the gist of what they said to you.
You hoped they could understand you in return.
A number of quests appeared after you’d completed [First Contact]. The story(?) quest locked levelling behind it, so you made that your top priority. If you got your level up, you could surely survive better; after all, world level didn’t seem like it could work in real life.
Deus Omnium, Act I: Home At Last
Welcome Home
Gather Believers (94/5) Establish a Place of Worship (1/1) Accept an Apostle (0/1)
Level Up Unlocked Player: Weapon Unlocked Player: Artifacts Unlocked Inventory Unlocked
Now you definitely knew what those words meant individually. But how any of it applied to you or your situation? You’d literally just escaped from being tortured and killed as a heretic, you could open that can of words later.
So for all your bravado, you had no idea where to start “getting to work” or what it even meant in your situation. If only you had your own Paimon to guide you, or literally anyone who could actively commune with you to bounce ideas off of.
“No use complaining about what you can’t help,” you reminded yourself. An anemo slime bounced at your feet, you picked it up with a smile and huff. “Maybe you can be my Paimon, would you like that?”
The slime didn’t say anything, it was a slime, but a warm, bubbly feeling radiated off of it. It rushed through you, tickling under your skin. You laughed softly at the feeling. “Okay, you can be my Paimon.”
[Quest Completed: Welcome Home]
[Would you like to accept Rewards? Yes/No]
Well, uh, that was easy. You selected yes.
5 Followers Reached - Level Up
10 Followers Reached - Level Up
15 Followers Reached - Level Up
20 Followers Reached - Level Up
30 Followers Reached - Level Up
40 Followers Reached - Level Up
50 Followers Reached - Level Up
Fuck it, you didn’t have the energy left to react. Too many things at once, come back later.
At least your stats went up, you now had… of course you fucking had 200 attack and defense and 5k HP because that made SENSE. Level 8 and you could probably take out level 40s with ease. If you could fight.
Catalysts didn’t seem to need a physique, some part of your brain helpfully supplied.
You fired your brain.
After sorting through your inventory (filled with everything you’d had in game and more) and fucking around with the menu for an hour, you came away with a few more answers.
Your weapon choice dictated your talents.
You were technically elementless, but only in that it was an empty void that you could fill however you liked (not that you were good at it).
You could level up your new slime acolyte.
And you could still access your characters inventories. You felt great pulling the four-star catalyst off of Lisa and remotely shoving an Apprentice’s Note into her hands.
In fact, every character that chased you had their weapons replaced and artifacts removed. After all the time and energy you poured into them, they didn’t deserve any of it. Foolish cretins took and took and only cared to make themselves feel superior. You’d—
Alright, nope, you weren’t opening that can of worms. Wherever the fuck that came from could stay a hidden part of you what the fuck.
You just wanted to practice protecting yourself with the Hilichurls and fuck off out of Mondstat. But did you go to Dragonspine and try your luck with Albedo or see if Liyue would be more welcoming?
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dollfacedoe · 2 years
sorry I've been dead yall my sex drive took a hit bc of my antidepressants 💔
and they were roommates 🙄🙄
ajax/childe/tartaglia x reader smut
why does this fucker have so many names
deep down inside the depths of your mind was a repressed side of yourself.
you've never been able to tell anyone, not even your closest friends about it.
the unsatiable feeling in your cunt practically rendered you a poor, desperate slut. but you couldn't tell anyone about it.
trying to satiate it with toys and fingers only worked for a while, but it always comes back at full force.
in the shower, public bathrooms, your bedroom, hell even your own desk became a place to relieve yourself. you led the life of a nymphomaniac, keeping that part of yourself locked away.
games of truth or dare would never let hear that secret, but under intoxication was a different story.
it was late when you were high off pot, on the phone with a few friends playing games and messing around. the damp feeling between your legs felt uncomfortable.
you spent the day teasing yourself, letting your fingers slip between your folds and feeling the growing slick on your fingers. the high made you more sensitive to touch.
it was around midnight when you couldn't take it anymore.
"awww, can't you stay on a bit longer?"
"sorry, im pretty tired. I gotta shower and go to bed."
"alright then, I'll see you later."
quickly saying goodbye to your friends, you could feel the excitement bubble up in your stomach.
your roommate is a guy named ajax. hes really nice and cute, joining you in your sessions and laughing at stupid things together. at one point, he sloppily kissed you when you were both intoxicated, and you almost had sex, until he passed out on your bed.
you haven't talked about it since then, both of you too nervous to address the growing tensions.
he was in his room when you slipped into the bathroom with your favorite toy and your phone.
the feeling of the dildo sliding into your walls was overwhelming, but it sent shocks through your system all the way down to your toes.
the water hitting the floor and the music from your phone covered the squelching noises coming from your pussy and the heavy breaths coming from your mouth.
tears gathered at the corner of your eye and slid down.
it wasn't until ajax knocked on the door of the bathroom to ask what was wrong.
"hey, are you alright in there? the showers been on for 30 minutes."
"s-sorry! I just..uh-"
"its fine. just let me know when you come out."
you quickly turn off the water and dry yourself off, before grabbing your things and leaving. however, you did forget your pair of underwear.
you scurried out of the bathroom and into your room before ajax could come out. you place the dirty clothes in the hamper before returning back to your session.
ajax walked into the bathroom and started undressing before his eyes landed on something on the floor. they widened when he realized they were panties, cute lacy, and frilly ones.
his cock twitched in his boxers that were still on his body. he could feel himself getting more excited at the thought of you wearing them.
looking at the damp spot right where your pussy it, he lifted it to his nose and took a breath. it was dirty, but fuck you smelt so good.
it was still so wet, and he realized you must've been masturbating in the bathroom.
he could feel his cock pulse with blood and get uncomfortably tight. he decided to go back to his room, which was right next to yours, and listen to you.
the walls were thin, so he could hear your heavy breaths and whines though the brittle drywall. if he really tried to listen he could almost hear the gushing noises of your cunt.
it went on like this for weeks. every night, he would settle in his bed and listen to you moan and desperately try and keep yourself quiet to keep your roommate in mind. he was surprised to learn you did it multiple times a day.
he would hear your breath stagger when he saw you at your desk and your arm awkwardly moving, something he didn't notice until now.
your hidden nature of being completely addicted was his masturbation material for weeks.
you never noticed that you were missing any underwear to his surprise, merely just grabbing a pair after a shower.
he came home from the gym, and heard his name being called from your room.
to his surprise, you were sitting on your back, toy sliding into your hole leaving foamy strings of cum. the small little whimpers and sighs drove him mad.
you didn't notice him peeking through the door crack, too engulfed in the pleasure shooting through your veins. the drool coming out of your mouth, tears slipping from the corner of your mouth, and the cum that flowed down made his mouth water.
his name was uttered out of your mouth again when his self control crumbled. he opened the door and you immediately stopped your pace and looked up at him.
your big, wide doe eyes and red, embarrassed face only made him hornier.
"h-hey! a-ajax! what are you doing here??"
he grabbed your wrist of the hand still holding the toy.
"you've been teasing me this whole time with your moaning through the walls. were you trying to tempt me?"
"i-im sorry, I was trying to stay quiet.."
"shut up you stupid whore, there's no need to hide the fact that you really are just a slut."
you felt trapped under his gaze when his hand took the silicone cock from your hands.
"you've never felt what a real one feels like, have you?"
you shook your head.
"well, your all nice and loose for me to slide into. why don't you just lie down and be a good doll for me?"
he pulled his pants down to reveal his length, it was fat with prominent veins, and looked like it was gonna split you in half.
"hmm, maybe you won't be that loose, girly. after all that stupid toy you have is nothing."
he kneeled down and licked a quick stripe up your cunt, getting your creamy cum on his tongue. you bite your lip, but he delivers a quick smack to your thigh. your poor cunt clenched around nothing while your clit ached for attention.
"don't do that, i want to hear you cry out for me."
he lines up the head of his cock with the hole of your pussy, before letting it sink inside. he stretched you out and gritted his teeth. it was a tight fit, but it soon relaxed after getting filled up again. it was so warm and wet inside, gripping his cock so nicely and snug.
his tip hit the opening of your womb, almost threatening to get inside.
"a-ah- wait, ngh-"
as soon as his felt the skin of his balls touch right below your pussy, he groaned.
you were already sensitive, cumming around his cock as soon as it reached the deepest it could. your gummy walls clenched around him, sending shivers down ajax's spine.
not even waiting for you to adjust, he immediately starts a rough and brutal pace. the untamed hair at the base of his cock tickled your clit while his cock hit every spot inside. no parts of your body was protected from his assault. he put your legs over his shoulders, digging his fingers in your hips.
"haahh, fuck..your pussy feels so good.."
your legs were starting to tremble. he pulled out briefly before putting you on his lap.
"n-no..im tired ajax.."
"who said you were gonna do the work?"
he lifted your hips and placed you down on his cock. basically using your body as his personal toy to dump his load into. his hands reached down to your ass, lifting you up and down on his length. your moans and squeals were right against his ear. he bit into your shoulder and groaned in your ear.
"ngh, do you like being used like this? your such a stupid little thing. c'mon give me another."
he laughs in your ear while you babble and sob in his neck. you felt like a never-ending orgasm was ripping through your body constantly, and you could feel something building in your stomach.
"haah, im gonna cum inside..is that what you want?"
you couldn't answer in words, merely crying in his ear. as soon as his finger started rubbing your clit as fast as he could, you felt a giant wave crash over you and leave electric shocks in your stomach.
as soon as ajax could see your pussy squirt he plunged his cock all the way in a came inside. the feeling of getting filled was weird, it was warm and it was so much.
he pulled his cock out before watching the cum spill out from your hole. he could feel his cock harden when you twitched from his light touches against your clit. there was your cum all over his thighs and stomach.
he let his overstimulated cock find its way back between your puffy folds, you whimper.
it was going to be a while.
bruh im sorry I've been gone for so long 💀💀 I've been busy n shit and I didnt have much motivation. I'm ngl this blog is really one of my last priorities but I'll try to keep it updated and NOT take 4 month breaks. I'm sorry for the wait <3
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incendiobrock · 3 years
Pranked You ;) {Colby Brock}
Request: Hello sweetie! I was wondering if you could do a story where the reader and Colby aren't dating YET but there is yah know, chemistry and tension. But one day sam decided to pull a prank on Colby and it involved EVERYONE. So basically he makes it seem like he woke up in a different world or something where stuff is different. For example: him and reader are dating (you can choose whatever other stuff happens, lol) but once Colby figures out the prank, he pulls reader aside. They have a small argument before reader blows off on him, in which he says "I've never wanted to kiss you as badly as I do know" and that's how they admit their feelings! Thank you! And can't wait to see what you write love
A/N: Hi! Thank you so much for your request, sorry for the wait, I have been very busy with school and work. I hope the wait is worth it though! Get ready for a long imagine, I’m pretty sure this is about 3,000 words. I hope you love it! I just realized that I tried to keep this imagine gender neutral but I forgot that I accidentally put some she/her pronouns in it, I’m so sorry!
Warnings: Angsty, Cussing, Mentions of alcohol, implied smut
It was just like any other day for you. You woke up around noon because you were exhausted from the day before. Between working, going to college, and trying to keep somewhat of a social life, everyone could see just how worn out you would get day to day. So today you decided to treat yourself with a few extra hours of this beautiful thing called sleep.
Your phone rest on the bedside table and of course checking it and replying to the unread messages was the first step of your morning routine. The first messages you saw were from the group chat that consisted of you, Kat, and Tara. Apparently, while you were sleeping, Tara and Kat had a whole conversation about a girl’s day that they wanted to plan for you three. The last text sent was from Kat and it read, “I can’t wait for y/n to see all these messages in the morning. We planned the best girl’s day while she was probably passed the fuck out in her bed lmao”.
You smiled sending them a text back alerting them that you are indeed alive and down for all the plans they had created. In fact, you would be seeing them later at Sam and Colby’s place for a couple’s dinner/pool/movie date night. Jake would be there as well, and although you were tragically single, you loved all of them to death and hanging out over there was like the most elite sleepovers you would have with your best friends as a child.
A new text appeared on your screen just as you began to emerge from the comfort of your bed sheets, “God finally you’re awake. I’ve been waiting for Kat to tell me you answered her message all morning. I need your help tonight with a prank. Colby is never going to see it coming”
“A prank? I thought you guys didn’t do that anymore...? But I’m in ;)” You sent back. Out of all the trap girls and all the boys, Colby and you got along the best. Ever since you first met, which was years ago at this point, Colby and you have been inseparable. You tried so hard to avoid your feelings for him, in hopes to not develop a crush that ended up ruining your friendship, but Kat picked up on it right away. She told you constantly that she could easily set you up with the beautiful blue-eyed boy, but you insisted that things would happen naturally if there was truly something there between the two of you. And so, you went on, day by day, falling helplessly in love with the sweetest boy you have ever come to know.
Sam sent a message telling you to head over to their place as soon as possible. You swore that you basically lived there already. You were at their house way more than you were at your own. You couldn’t imagine living further than 15 minutes from them. After what felt like a century to Sam, you arrived at the house. Your hand loudly knocking on the big wooden door.
“Hey y/n! How are you?” Kat asked, pulling you into a big hug as she opened the door. You smiled and hugged back at her kind gesture, “I’m good! How are you? Do you know anything about this prank on you know who?” You questioned her. She glared at you, silently telling you to lower your volume. “Y/n! Colby is right upstairs be quiet!” She whispers, laughing at you almost blowing their cover immediately upon arrival.
Kat was quick to take you by the arm and drag you to the theater room where Sam was already sitting on one of the opulent red couches. He greeted you, telling you that he wanted to film your reaction to him telling you what prank you were going to pull. You agreed and sat down on the sofa facing the blonde. “Colby’s taking a nap right now upstairs because he was up super late last night editing one of our Sam and Colby videos. I figured we could use his exhaustion to our advantage and try and prank him that he woke up in some sort of alternate universe. I figured you could go into his room and set up a couple cameras, and I’ll keep two hidden in the living room where me, Kat, Jake, and Tara will be, so we hopefully get his full reaction. I want you to sneak into his bed and like cuddle him or something and when he wakes up, I want you to pretend that you’ve been dating him for a long time now. He is going to be super confused but just try and convince him that it’s true. If he ends up downstairs, we will go along with it too. I really want to see if he will think that it’s real after a while.” Sam explained.
You felt your face burning as your cheeks became a deep shade of red. He couldn’t be serious right? He wanted you to pretend that you were dating Colby? “I- Uh… I don’t know Sam won’t that be a really mean prank?” You tried to play it off, hoping that you didn’t just annihilate all your efforts to keep your feelings hidden. “You guys are like best friends, I don’t think he could be mad at you for such an innocent prank.” Sam replied. You began to feel incredibly flustered at the thought of having to be so affectionate with Colby. The room started to feel like a sauna as the sweat began accumulating all over your body.
Sure, you and Colby had cuddled before, but it was extremely platonic… Plus, it only happened in very specific moments, like last Wednesday after you had a couple of drinks, and everyone was sat watching a movie where he wrapped his arm around you so you could rest your head since it could barely hold itself up. You snapped out of your thoughts quickly realizing that Sam had been waiting on a response from you. You knew Sam was stubborn, he wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Your eyes met back with his and the only thing you could get yourself to do was slightly nod your head ‘yes’.
“Perfect.” Sam smirked, getting up to turn off the camera and hand it to you so you could set it up in Colby’s room. You already knew that he was thinking about how many points this would score him for a Sam and Colby prank war if it turns out the way he is wanting.
Before you knew it you had made it all the way up into Colby’s room where you had strategically hidden the camera, facing it towards the sleeping boy in his bed. You let out a deep sigh, trying to prepare yourself for what was about to go down. “If this ruins everything for me, I am going to kill you Golbach.” You whispered, knowing the deep sleeper wouldn’t hear a single thing. And so, the prank began.
You took a gentle hold of the silky black sheets and quietly slipped into bed right next to Colby. There was no game plan in your mind, you didn’t even think up a storyline about your fake relationship for once he woke up. You squeezed your eyes shut in fear as you quickly wrapped your body around his, resting your head under his chin as he slept on his back. He twitched slightly, bringing his arm up, lazily holding you back. The breath caught in your throat, this was already hard enough for you and now he is cuddling you back? You glanced up to see his face, his eyelashes were slightly fluttering, and his soft lips had a slight part in them. He was still fast asleep. You decided to try and wake him up by moving around in his arm slightly, hoping the movement would pull him out of his dreams.
“Y/n?” His voice rung through the room, deep and raspy. He sat up slightly, glancing around the dark lair that he called a bedroom, but his arm still remained around your frame. “W-what are you doing here?” He stuttered, visibly confused by the sight of you in his arms.
“What? I can’t cuddle my boyfriend?” You answered, shocked that you could even get those words to come out of your mouth. His eyes widened at your response, pure shock etched into his face. “Boyfriend?” You felt his heart start to race as he replied.
His arm dropped from your body as he delicately pushed himself out of bed. He was now hovering over you as he stood by the bedside table. There was a clear glass with some water sitting on a coaster on the table. His strong hand wrapped around it as he brought it up to his mouth, downing the rest of the water that was in it. You could tell by his body language that he was beyond confused. The glass clinked as he practically dropped it back onto the nightstand.
“Am I dreaming or something? Since when was I your boyfriend?” His eyebrows furrowed as he continued to look at you for some answers. Your heart sunk thinking about how mean of a prank this truly was, at least from your point of view. “Baby… Are you serious? We’ve been together for years now, are you feeling okay?” You said as you threw your legs over the side of the bed, pulling his hand into your own.
Your thumb gently rubbed circles onto the back of his hand, but only for a couple seconds before he pulled it away. “Is this a fucking prank or something?” He asked, irritation evident from his tone. You shook your head ‘no’, it was becoming hard to process words. You knew this was upsetting him, but Sam had you promise to make the prank last for as long as you could.
“I’m sorry- I have to get out of here really quick.” Colby said, making his way out the bedroom door. You said nothing back, hoping that Sam would end the prank for you as Colby made his way down the stairs.
“Hey brother! You’re finally up. Where’s y/n? I thought we were all doing a couples movie night?” Jake interrogated as Colby glanced to see Sam, Kat, and Tara standing over in the kitchen. Colby brought his hand up to his face rubbing his eyes, there’s no way that Jake is saying this too. Colby began to think that he was seriously going crazy. And then everyone else joined in on the conversation. You could hear them loudly as you stayed glued to Colby’s bed.
Sam began to ask if Colby was feeling alright, and you heard Kat say that maybe we should take Colby to the hospital in case he was losing his memory. You felt the panic in Colby rise as he was deflecting everyone’s concern insisting that he wasn’t losing his memory, and that he definitely wasn’t going crazy. He knew for a fact that you two weren’t dating, and none of them could convince him otherwise. “Dude, she’s gonna hear you up there. You’re going to break her heart. You really don’t remember?” Sam pushed.
You finally had enough. You raced out of Colby’s room and rushed down the stairs. You stopped immediately upon entering the kitchen, seeing everybody else still standing there surrounding Colby. The energy switched as they all looked to you, Sam pleading with his eyes for you to keep going. “I’m so sorry Colby, it was just a prank, please don’t be upset.” You couldn’t handle it any longer, the pain on his face was too much for you to bear. You watched as he scoffed back, “I knew it. Fuck you, guys. I’m going back upstairs.”
You felt horrible as you watched him stomp back up to his room, slamming the door shut behind him. Tears stung the back of your eyes, this was all your fault. You excused yourself from the group and somberly made it to Colby’s door. You preceded to place a faint knock on the wood, “Colby? I’m so sorry, can you please open up?” Your voice was so soft, it would’ve been hard for him to hear if he hadn’t already anticipated your arrival. The door swung open as Colby quickly made his way back over to where he previously sat on the couch.
You stayed frozen at the door for a couple seconds, hoping to brace yourself for the angry boy inside. You took hold of the cold metal doorknob, pulling the door shut behind you. You tip-toed your way over to the sofa and took a seat far from Colby. Your mind was running a hundred miles an hour as you tried to concoct a coherent sentence. “What the hell were you thinking? Did you seriously think that I would find this funny?” He spat in your direction.
“It wasn’t my prank, Sam just wanted me to help him out.” You said back, desperately trying to reason with him. He sarcastically laughed, running a hand through his dark hair. “I didn’t ask who’s prank it was y/n.”
You gulped, it felt suffocating in his room. The dark ambiance that normally felt inviting suddenly seemed like your own personal hell. “Colby, I didn’t want to hurt you I swear. I was trying my best to keep everything lighthearted. I could never hurt you.” Your voice was so delicate, it was so hard to speak. The tears were still threating to make an appearance, and that was the last thing you wanted.
“But you did, y/n. That’s the thing. Whether or not you ‘meant’ to hurt me, you did. And everyone else was in on it to. Did you even try and tell Sam that this prank wasn’t a good idea? Did you even think, for a split second, that this was incredibly immature? You were all treating me like I was losing my damn mind, trying to convince me that we were dating when we clearly never were.”
His words hurt, but they were all true. You had never been together, what were you thinking pretending like you were? All to satisfy Sam? To help him get a head start on the prank wars by completely crushing Colby’s heart? He is your best friend for crying out loud. “Look Colby. I never wanted to do this, okay? Did you ever stop and think that maybe I didn’t want to be doing this either? You mean everything to me. Why would I ever purposely hurt you? Especially after everything we have been through. All the ups and downs, the messy breakups, all the fights. I love you so god damn much and I hope you know that I would never, ever, hurt you like that.” By this point the tears were streaming down your face. Your previous spot on the couch was long discarded as you now stood right in front of Colby, praying that he knew you were being serious about not hurting him.
Your eyes searched his for any glimpse of a sign showing that he believed you. His bright blue eyes looked a lot more intimidating than usual. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking, his expression not giving you any clues. Finally, he responded, “Is it wrong that I’ve never wanted to kiss you as badly as I do right now?”
And finally, there was your sign. His eyes no longer looked intimidating. In fact, they had completely changed into something much different, lust. You quickly took a step closer to him as he took a stand right in front of you, placing his strong hands on either side of your face. He roughly pulled you in, causing your lips to crash together with loads of passion. They fit perfectly together, better than you ever imagined them. They worked in sync as the feeling inside of you was igniting a fire. He was so rough, but surprisingly still gentle. Acting as if one wrong move would completely break you. Your lips remained locked as he pushed you backwards, surprising you as your back made contact with his plush bed. He was on top of you, hungrily continuing the kiss.
You both pulled apart abruptly, gasping for air after your heavy make out session. “I guess now’s a good time to let you know that I am absolutely, one hundred percent, in love with you.” You stated, starring deep into his eyes. “Then I guess now’s a good time to tell you that I feel the same.” He responded, bringing you back in for another passionate kiss. You pulled back again, “So, does this mean I can finally see those handcuffs I keep hearing about in action?” You asked him, slightly laughing. “Only if you promise to keep quiet.” He winked back. And that was the start of your amazing, long awaited relationship.
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