#u know. those times like now where writing as a whole is just slow
lctibule · 3 months
i'm still on this blog btw, it's just low activity by default and that activity only gets lower during those times when i'm getting even less than usual done on byan's blog
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sukunasweetheart · 7 months
👀👉🏾👈🏾 Sukuna x Reader ex's to lovers?
wowowow i cant believe im doing like another celebrity au again but here goes nothing ahaha...
i love this trope, i ended up writing a WHOLE, lengthy ass, detailed plotline on it i hope u dont mind <3 (A WHOLE WHOPPING 6K WORDS YALL)
prepare for hella angst, OOC sukuna, insecure fem!reader, ghosting, messy break up, conflicting and complicated feelings + sexual tension and then intense smut @ the end (make up sex)
imagine sukuna being like, an amateur model-turned-actor, with you being his highschool sweetheart, who was there to support him since day one
a very happy, fulfilling relationship for the most part-- until he starts gaining huge amounts of popularity.
youve always known that he was meant and born to reach sky-high levels of success, and you were certain he was going to make it one day
but things get rockier by the second, and insecurity is such an ugly, ugly thing
seeing him model with other beautiful celebrities, acting in roles where he had a love interest to kiss and fondle, reading those gossip scandal articles involving him and another party every few months or so-
it all got too much for you.
all you needed was some reassurance... but young and vivacious sukuna, drunk on this fame and attention, failed to recognise that and left you feeling neglected.
not on purpose tho, he's never engaged in infidelity, he's never gazed upon someone else with lust or love on his mind - he was using everyone around him as a stepping stone towards his own career
sukuna's known you since forever, and he was confident that you knew his affection for you was unwavering... so he failed to understand where you were coming from whenever you brought these things up
arguments after arguments after arguments
the worst part of it was that he wanted to keep his relationship with you a secret. saying something about how having a significant other would slow his progress in his career down... the decision was urged on by the entertainment company that he was in a contract with
it hurt so damn much when he was being interviewed on tv about his romantic life, only for him to tell the world he was single.
it leads to more arguing.
of course, as a rising celebrity, he was quite awfully busy with many business trips and attending a lot of parties and galas
another terrible fight occurred right before he had to leave for a flight overseas but by then, youd pretty much already decided that you were going to leave him
you basically ghosted him, packing all your belongings overnight, blocking his number and all his social media accounts, making sure even all yours and his mutual friends didn't know of your whereabouts. you're going to start fresh. and give him no closure.
it was petty revenge, and maybe immature of you, but you were just as young as he was, and you wanted him to hurt as badly as you were hurting back then.
sukuna's still overseas, having just come back from another fancy gathering and is fresh out of the shower, in his hotel room... he decides he's gonna try and give you a call, but ofc you don't pick up
he sighs and convinces himself that he'll sort things out with you later when he gets back, not knowing that there won't be a 'later'.
meanwhile you're dragging a suitcase out of the apartment, taking a taxi somewhere else far away, crying as you pass by giant billboards that have pictures of sukuna plastered all over
he feels like such a faraway person now. no longer someone who you used to cuddle closely in bed, or hold hands with. you're not even sure of who you are without him anymore.
you could imagine his reaction when he came home, only to find your entire existence missing. seriously, it was like you were never there. you left nothing of yours behind, and the place was cleaned spick and span, not a hair of yours to be found.
when was the last time sukuna felt so panicked?? this dull ache in his chest, as he spams you calls and texts that never reach you
he contacts mutual friends in rotation but everyone is absolutely clueless... he considers filing a missing persons case but then a trusted friend of yours tells him to not look for you... and that you wanted them to relay a message to him, just a simple goodbye.
what the fuck are you talking about?
oh, here comes a severe headache.
his mind is whirring with overlapping memories, thoughts, regrets, thinking about any clues that might give away where you couldve gone, but theres simply nothing
the shock moves into sorrow, then denial, and then it turns to anger. does he mean nothing to you? so much so that youd abandon him without saying a word?
its like he was going through the five stages of grief, but for someone who he knew was still alive..
eventually, he finds a rebound out of spite. if youve left him, then it's means he's free and single, right? he gets himself piss-drunk, and beds another, only to wake up feeling absolutely disgusted. it feels like... it feels like he's cheated on you. even though you're already gone. he's just a mess of conflicting emotions, and it lasts for so long.
the reason why he doesnt hire someone or use some other underhanded method to actually look for you is because of a weird mixture of both his pride and feelings of insecurity, thinking that maybe, just maybe, you do deserve someone better, someone who understands you more... (and he's also fearful that someone like you, might've already found love somewhere else, and he's definitely not confident that he'll be able to act maturely if he sees its true)
eventually, acceptance does come... but does it really?
i like to think he went through many failed relationships, his partners always leaving him upon witnessing him getting intoxicated and calling for none other than your name in his state. someone who no one around him knows anymore.
years pass, and time really does allow you to forget. for both you and sukuna alike. in your mid thirties, both of you are single at this time.
you've been busy with your new job at some company (dont ask me, i was too lazy to decide what kind, so u guys can make this one up bye), and he made sure to keep himself busy as well. no time for fleeting romance.
of course, until fate does that weird thing where it pushes people together again... a new project lands in your lap, where it involves some kind of collaboration with THE celebrity, ryomen sukuna. of fucking course.
you really did desperately try to get it off and pass this off to some other colleague but they insisted your involvement was necessary. what are you supposed to do? you almost decide to quit... but this job means a lot to you... you can't just throw everything away because of an ex... right?
and, oh my god, when the first meeting does happen, involving the celebrity himself, you and a couple other coworkers to discuss the project, sukuna sees you and his brain short circuits for a moment.
he starts doubting his own vision, and then he reminisces, in the middle of whatever the fuck everyone else was talking about during the meeting.
"... Mr. Ryomen?" one of the other participants ask.
he clears his throat, regains his composure and regathers his focus. he's an actor for god's sake. and he starts speaking, with thoughts of you in the back of his mind. about how much youve changed, but also remained exactly the same...
during introductions, you shake his hand and act professionally. his eye twitches. will you continue to pretend not to know him even afterwards? should he talk to you separately after this? no... doing that would mean he's the desperate one...
when you saw sukuna hesitating, part of you felt relieved. so you're not the only one getting freaked out. you don't expect him to acknowledge you anymore, though.
after the meeting, he walks out feeling confident that he's going to ignore you back, if this was the kind of game you're going to play with him. you mean nothing to him, just as he means nothing to you.
but he remembers the shock that went down his spine at the feeling of the warmth in your hand. he watches you take an elevator by yourself, and tries to make a split second decision on whether he wants to let you go, or if he wants to chase you down.
he probably shouldn't bother.
but he impulsively speed walks down towards you, anyway.
youre startled when the elevator doors are blocked from closing just at the last second, with someone's arm coming through between. your heart skips a beat seeing that it's none other than sukuna.
what is this sensation? this mix of fear and... excitement. you should be unperturbed. you're over him. he's someone from the past. you're buzzing with these feelings, but there also comes a creeping resentment that finds its way to you again, as you try to remember why you left him in the first place.
he unclicks whatever level you were heading to, and clicks on the highest level instead. he's gonna take you to the rooftop of the building, where he can confront you peacefully.
"Mr. Ryomen? Is there something wrong?" you ask him. still feigning ignorance. like salt to a wound. you know its another petty move from your part, but you can't help yourself.
"Don't call me that. You know damn well why I'm here," Sukuna drawls, sounding more sad than angry. they've really become strangers.
you grow silent, being hit with a pang of guilt. deep down, you knew you shouldve handled it more maturely than that. he deserved closure, and you needed it too. but isn't it too late for all that now?
the conversation flows tense, but unravels slowly. there's still a lot of questions being withheld though. he wants to ask you how youve been. were you able to sleep peacefully after you left him? why did you have to leave in the worst way possible?
a familiar headache creeps up.
simultaneously, the anger finds its way in his heart all over again. he knows he didn't do much good towards the end of their relationship either but ghosting him was plain disrespectful and childish.
you surprise him when you give a sudden heartfelt apology.
you tell him that you know apologising now after all these years is frankly almost meaningless but still, he didnt deserve to be left behind in that kind of way. you admit that you should've communicated with him properly that you were breaking up with him.
he's left kinda speechless, bc he was so ready to be all snarky to you after everything.. he's still mad, but he can't really say shit anymore without sounding like too much of an asshole.
truth be told, if you did stay around to tell him that you were breaking up with him beforehand, he probably wouldn't have let you go... where would you guys be now, if you never separated?
"i've always wanted to apologise. it's been weighing on me ever since i left."
...and yet, you didn't ever think to call or text him even once afterwards? he never changed his number in hopes for that, and he hates himself for it.
"i understand that you hate me now, but let's try to get through the collaboration without trouble. and then we can part ways again."
that one pierces his heart, like a bullet. you haven't said anything technically wrong. he should hate you. or at least, he should feel indifferent by now. and yet... the way that you automatically assume so irks him badly.
"do you really believe that i hate you? aren't you the one that hates me?"
it's a stupid fucking question. what the fuck is he even saying? he wants to kick the elevator door.
"...i left because i thought you hated me, that you didn't need me anymore. and i tried to convince myself that i hated you too. but that couldn't be further from the truth. even now, i don't ha-"
before you can say any more, the elevator doors open, and a small group of employees are standing outside them, looking curiously in at you and sukuna. then, they realise who he is. they come flocking in, asking for autographs and pictures.
you quietly slip out of the crowd, and after giving one quick glance at sukuna, who visibly wants to pursue you again, you walk away to avoid gathering attention on yourself. wait-! dammit- he thinks.
he can't chase after you. he can't call out for you to stop. he can't push all of these people away. if he did, it will cause rumours and unfavourable articles to fly out. let's try to get through the collaboration without trouble. his own fame becomes another obstacle between you and him.
back then, you were his whole world, yet somewhere along the path, he started to fail in making you feel like it.
he watches you take the fire exit towards the emergency stairs, while he's surrounded by overbearing fans who beg for his attention. you're going to have to walk down in your heels, all because of him. as he catches the final glimpse of you, as he's reluctantly dealing with his fans, he begins to understand, a little bit. he didn't want to understand why you decided to leave him. but he does now. a little.
a couple of stairwells down, you eventually pause for a moment and sit down on the last step to take a breather. you wipe your sweaty palms against your skirt. the familiar tug at your heart, in which your insecurities come flowing back to you, seeing him surrounded. you need to build higher, stronger walls around you from now.
when sukuna is done on his end, and sends them off down the elevator, he goes off to check down the stairs you went, but you've already booked it. slipped right through his fingers. you were about to say something important. with unresolved feelings, sukuna also takes the stairs down, with a heavy heart. each step down brings him another old, nostalgic memory of you to him.
from then on, the more he interacts with you during work-related matters, the more apparent it becomes that he still harbors feelings for you. he tries to ignore it, push it back down, but it only returns twice as overwhelming.
your voice. the way you smile. the scent of your perfume. exactly the same as back then. yet, he also observes the changes that have occurred in you; how you act, speak and the kinds of words you use, as well as seeing you in such a professional setting rather than personal - everything is coming together to allure him more, and he's in a state where he's unable to resist this attraction, but also unable to act on it, because he's not sure how you'd react to it.
he knows it's not just him getting drunk on nostalgia.
the next time he catches you alone, he makes sure to tell you that he doesn't hate you like you believe he does. you'd never admit it, but that gave you butterflies in your stomach.
in fact, everything sukuna does, even just locking eyes with you for a few seconds, is enough to make your heart rate increase, intensifying when he looks at you almost like... almost like he wants you. you must be imagining things.
he finds himself doing uncharacteristic deeds, like sending coffee for all the staff members. his manager passes them out to everybody, including you. he doesn't know if you still like your coffee the same way as he remembers, but he makes sure that yours is a little different, a little more specific than everyone else's, in hopes that you'll notice these small gestures of his.
over the course of the project, he inches closer to you, ever so slowly. but you don't seem to budge. even worse, you seem to be avoiding him as much as you possibly can. you avert your gaze from his. stagger away when he gets close.
he brings it up on one occasion, when he's able to approach you at the back of the building, where there's no one around, and no watchful eyes of a nosy audience. it's definitely frustrating and unpleasant- when he wants to speak with you, he has to keep distance in case another scandal rises. he doesn't want to drag you into the spotlight, without knowing if you're okay with it first.
sukuna only really talks to you when there's nobody around. maybe he's being considerate of you, but it gives you the impression that he doesn't want to be seen hanging around with you. it makes you remember things you don't want to. it makes you remember that being with him now requires a courage that you're not sure that you have. at the very least, you know you definitely didn't have it back then.
you keep conversations short with him, and try to leave. but he keeps at it persistently. what is he trying to do? is he toying with you?
"you're acting like you want us to get back together. don't do things that'll make me misunderstand," you tell him. you were trying to provoke him. expecting him to deny it harshly and back away, because you knew he was prideful- he'd never be caught being hung up over an ex.
"...and? what if i told you that i do want that? would you stop avoiding me then?" he takes one step forward, and you take one back, proving his point.
why is he pushing aside his ego for you? where did all his arrogance go off to? this isn't how the sukuna in his twenties would've responded. his answer makes you waver, and you don't appreciate that. you try not to show it.
"no. i'd only begin to avoid you even more. so don't start."
"i'm not," you deny, but your voice betrays you. he clings onto that.
"why? ...afraid that you'd cave in to me?"
like the way he's already pretty much caved in for you?
"you don't sound very convincing."
"...would you want someone who'd choose their career over you?"
that stops him in his tracks. he has nothing to say to that. because he did make that mistake. where he prioritised his job over your feelings.
"i don't hate or blame you for that anymore, sukuna. but you have to understand... i don't want to go through that pain ever again. i don't want to hold you back. we both deserve more compatible partners."
your own words sting yourself, and you try to go again right after saying that, because it's getting too much for you. his hand flies out to grab yours out of instinct, to stop you from leaving. leaving him again.
it's really not like him to be the clingy ex, pathetically begging to be taken back, but he's willing to throw such pride away if it means you'll be appeased. if you'll let him back into your life again.
"don't say that. you never held me back-- you were my home and my everything, and i was the one that started to take you for granted," he says gently, his low voice laced with sorrow, so uncharacteristically. you've only ever heard this kind of tone from him once before, and it was when his grandfather, who was like a parent to him, had passed away. his thumb brushes over your hand.
"give me another chance. this time i'll let the whole world know about us. about how much you mean to me."
he gets in close ever so slowly, and you let him, for only a moment, before gently pushing him away, with a hand on his chest.
sukuna hitches in a breath, heart sinking to his stomach. he wants to embrace you so, so, so bad. he needs your warmth. always has been. always will. but he sees that you're unrelenting, which breaks him.
"no, stop... i'm sorry, i can't."
you're still scared. you keep thinking about how lonely you felt when you were with him, at least right before the break up. seeing him laughing through the tv screen. alone in the living room. and all the arguments.
your hand slips out of his, and he lets you go. he feels empty when you walk away. hollow. the similar feeling he felt when you first left him, but less anguish and more despair. when he gets home, he tries to drink those feelings away. something he rarely does. old regrets and heartaches return, and he drinks until he passes out.
while he drinks, you weep. crying into your pillow, wondering if you're doing the right thing. wondering if this is how it's supposed to be. terrified of being with him again, but also terrified of losing him, like a hypocrite.
from then on, sukuna keeps a respectful distance from you... no longer trying to make approaches in secret, no longer pursuing you every chance he gets. but he still sends out coffee. even provides snacks to the crew. little do they know, they're the kinds of snacks that he knows you loved. hopefully, you still do. he'll keep his distance because it's what you want, but he wishes to keep doing these little things for you. subtly.
and you notice it, too. you have vivid memories of telling him about your favourites and preferences back then, and you recognise what he's trying to do. you drink the coffee. and you always grab a handful of the snacks. you do appreciate it. it makes you happy that he remembers. on a few occasions, you turn to look at him, only to witness him looking away at the last second.
it's not too long before the project is successfully finalised, and all their efforts have been rewarded. a celebration is due, and your boss throws a party at a fancy hotel for everyone to enjoy themselves at. sukuna had stopped going to so many gatherings and parties quite a while ago, but he attends knowing that you'll be there as well. he'll see you for the final time before he'll lose any excuses to be around you ever again. it'll be the final night.
you exchange a few words with him at the venue, but the two of you leave each other to mingle with other groups reluctantly, to avoid suspicion. both of you are quite tense all throughout the night, sipping on some wine to ease it, but it still doesn't relax the tension you feel, no matter how far away sukuna stands from you.
a few hours in, and you decide to excuse yourself early to head up into your designated hotel room. your boss covered the expenses for a night, and it would've been a waste to decline it, so you decided to stay. sukuna isn't around anywhere at the venue anymore, so you assume he's already left. you thought about saying farewell, but it didn't seem appropriate after you flat out rejected him. you still have doubts about the decision. because you miss him. but what's done is done, and you can't take back what you've already said.
however, getting to the hotel elevator, you notice he's standing there, with miraculous timing. you awkwardly "hey" him, and he says it back, hands in his pockets.
the two of you step inside when it arrives, and the thick tension remains.
"i'm surprised. i thought you'd be staying around longer for the party," you tell him.
he can't tell you that he found it unbearable, to see you hanging around other people, but being unable to get closer to you himself.
"i just got a bit tired," he lies. "did you have a lot to drink?"
"not at all. i had a few glasses, but i'm still sober."
"same here."
as the lift gets closer to your level, you get antsy, thinking about what to say before you leave, but your thoughts get interrupted when he asks you something abruptly.
"...can i walk you to your room? for the last time."
you swallow thickly on nothing, and feel how your chest aches at the words. last time.
"alright. sure," you say.
he wasn't expecting you to say yes, but he's glad you're letting him stay beside you a little longer. you're staring at the elevator doors, but he's looking at your face from the side. if only the lift would malfunction and stop, right here.
but it doesn't, and soon, he's really walking beside you as you get to your hotel room door, in silence. you unlock it using your key, and then that's it.
"thanks for walking me here," you say rather sheepishly. the thought of him wanting to spend even a few more seconds with you... your hold on the door knob is tight as you stand, face turned around to look at him. it's taking everything in you to stand your ground. last minute guilt and regrets are bombarding your thoughts, and...
"i'll say this now because i probably won't get another chance again," sukuna starts, looking directly into your eyes. his eyes are mellow, and he looks wistful.
"i'm sorry. i realised i never apologised, even though that's the first thing you did for me," he starts. he knows there's a mountain of reasons he is apologising for, but he decides he'll keep this short for your sake.
".. i can't lie to you and say that i wish for your happiness with someone else. 'm not that nice." you know it the best. and you understand, because you don't think you'd be able to withstand seeing him happy with someone else, either.
"find your happiness elsewhere, thanks," he grunts humorously. for god's sake. he's never been good at things like this. being heartfelt. at least it made you chuckle a bit. his expression of indignation melts away into a melancholic one again.
"i still love you." (always have, always will.)
you fight back sudden tears, and your throat begins to ache. sukuna unclenches his fist, and tries to relax himself more.
"and...i'll miss you," he breathes the phrase out. says it so quietly, like it hurts for him to say. (i don't want to let you go.)
something snaps within you and everything starts to scream at you to take everything back, and stop him from going away. don't go- don't go- don't go-
he notices your wet eyes, and he has to fight back against the urge to reach out and wipe it away. to rescind his farewell, and pull you into his arms again - forcefully, if he has to. he needs to leave, before he loses control.
you're panicking, and your vision is swimming, and you don't think you'll ever be happy again if you let him go like this-- you're gonna be heartbroken in the worst way imaginable. you want him back, and you know you're being unreasonable after turning him down like that, but you don't care anymore. you want to go against your fears. you want to try being with him again.
before you can stop yourself, your hand catches onto the hem of sukuna's sleeve, seconds before he takes another step away from you.
his eyes widen, and he looks at your grip on his sleeve, like he's checking to see if it's real, and he's not making this shit up in his mind. his heart beats impossibly fast. his hopes skyrocket. the world decided to have mercy on him.
"...you're being unfair, grabbing onto me like this. after i went through hell just now, trying to say goodbye." he's being awfully patient right now.
you don't respond, only silently weeping.
he waits to see if you'll let go, whether this was just an act out of a temporary fickle in your heart, but your grip remains tight, and you're now just looking up at him with tears rolling down, eyes glossy and desperate, pulling at his heart strings. you only let go when he comes back to you, not hesitant to brush his thumbs across your face now, wiping the wetness away.
"what do you want me to do? tell me, and i'll do it. leave? stay?" sukuna coos at you, like he's always done before, waiting patiently until you've calmed down enough to respond properly.
"i shouldn't... i shouldn't let you in. not after how much i'd pushed you away," you whisper. today was supposed to mark the end of it all.
he doesn't even give a fuck about that anymore. what matters is now.
"...but do you want to let me in?"
"...yes," you hic.
he takes a couple of steps forward, making you step back with him, his hand on your waist to make sure you don't trip on the way. he goes past the doorway and into your hotel room slowly. one- two- three- steps. he closes the door behind him quietly.
"and..? what next?" he asks in a low voice, standing close to you, one hand still remaining on your waist, and the other on your upperarm.
"i... i don't know. i just need you," you mumble, looking up at him, eyes red from crying and half-closed. your hands inch up along his back, grabbing handfuls of his suit jacket. sukuna hitches in a breath and something dark flashes across his eyes. they reflect his desire, his almost carnal desperation for you-
"forgive me. i don't think i can hold myself back, anymore."
he captures your lips in his, and groans shamelessly into you. you grip onto him tighter, heart beating so rambunctiously that you fear he can hear it too. it feels too good. the moment he reached you, it felt like the final piece of a puzzle clicking in to complete a full picture.
you part your mouth, and he wastes no time in slipping his tongue inside, kissing you in the way he knows you love, in the way it makes your lips tingle, and, oh god, even after all these years, he still knows how to get you going like no other.
sukuna tastes the traces of wine on your tongue, and even better, he tastes you, the one he'd been missing and craving all this time, the warmth of your skin and touch, your scent, just everything about you, you, you.
he backs you towards the bed, without breaking this breathless, hungry kiss, where he softly lays you down, with him being above you, chest to chest, arms supporting his weight. he momentarily pulls away from you simply just to breathe, and the two of you gaze at each other for a hot second, full of love and lust, breaths overlapping one another. he attempts to ask you "do you still wanna continue?" just in case, but before he gets to say a word, you grab him by his tie and pull his lips to yours again, beginning to loosen it and take it off.
he understands that you want it, now. you successfully manage to untie it, somehow, with just willpower alone, and you start aiming for his buttons next, undoing them one by one. your actions send sparks down to all of his limbs, and he feels so fulfilled by your desire of him, being as intense as how he obsesses over you.
soon after you're done with it, he takes them off and chucks his own clothes away, rendering him half-naked. your hole clenches around nothing at the sight once he pulls away again, his firm muscles and the same old tattoos that you vividly remembered the patterns of. you greedily run your palms across his pecs, eyes turning to hearts. he smirks at you.
it's his turn now, and he doesn't hesitate to start undressing you as well. sukuna gets dizzy at the thought of being able to feast his eyes on your body. he dives in to keep kissing you, and then begins to unbutton you with such speed, it almost startles you.
it's off. your breasts are out in the open now, and sukuna has his fill with massaging them with his large hand, having missed them so much. his palm feels so hot, and your nipples pebble up at his touch, making you gasp into his mouth.
his kiss moves over to the side of your face, it glides down your neck, shoulders, and eventually reaches the swell of your chest. your fingers brush through the pink of his hair as he does so, and you purse your lips together, basking in the feeling of his warm kisses littering your skin. he leaves you hickeys-- the same shape and size and same locations as he used to even during your days in highschool, and you chuckle to yourself at the thought.
it's not long before he's loosening your skirt and slipping your undergarments down, getting rid of your slick-stained panties, much to his satisfaction. sukuna rubs a thumb over your aroused clit, and you whimper, having missed the touch of a man- his touch specifically.
"fuck... you're so wet.... all for me?" he asks, proceeding to slip two fingers into your weeping hole. you arch your back at the feeling, how his thick digits scissor inside of you and press up against a particularly lovely spot. he watches your every response as he does so, watching how you moan because of his touch, and how you're grabbing at his wrist because it's getting too intense. his cock prods uncomfortably against his pants. you're producing so much slick, and his fingers are getting absolutely drenched.
when he takes them out, you whine a little in disappointment.
"i know, i know. i'll give you something better," he whispers, kissing your cheek.
he unbuckles himself, and lowers his boxers to reveal his aching dick, tip wet with precum, veins bulging out the sides. looks the same as you remember. he pumps it a couple of times with his hand that's still covered with your slick, and he twitches. this isn't a dream, is it?
"oh god, please, i need it-" you plead, your hole feeling eager and empty.
"it's all yours," he mumbles. your begging makes him lightheaded as he lines himself up at your weeping cunt.
"i'm all yours."
when he sinks in deep to the hilt, you cry out at the fullness, as his tip pushes the spot inside you that had been feeling so lonely for years. your hands finds themselves against his back, feeling for his tight muscles.
"shit- 'm gonna lose my mind," sukuna groans as he gives a few shallow thrusts into you, cock so hard and throbbing wildly as your plush walls clamp on him and coats him with your arousal. he grabs one of your hands from his back and interlocks his fingers with yours against the mattress, before leaning down to bring his lips against the side of your neck.
"oh, thank god... thank god, you changed your mind. i love you. i would've been so fucking miserable without you, doll. for the rest of my life," he croons, breath fanning so close to your ear. you shudder at the tone of his voice, tearing up again, mixed with pleasure and relief, and you grab his hand tighter.
you turn your head a little more to the side, making it easier for sukuna to bite and suck on the sensitive skin of your neck, as his thrusts increase in speed, nudging your g-spot with every movement.
soon enough, he's bringing his attention back to your tongue, which he caresses with his own, nibbling on your lower lip, maintaining this same perfect pace in his thrusts that brings you closer to your orgasm.
"sukuna- i'm- i'm gonna-" you say breathlessly.
but he merely kisses you again, swallowing up any words you could say or moans you could let out, not minding the gasps and whimpers that you make.
sweat beads on his perfect body, and he makes out with you through your high, groaning back when he feels your walls flutter around him. he's close. even once you've finished cumming, he begins to pound into you quicker, wanting to get to his own orgasm. you claw at his back, crying out in pleasure, as sukuna's tongue lathers your jawline.
he wants to breed you so fucking bad. but no, that'll have to wait. he can't do something to jeopardize your trust in him. he'd rather die than endure another second of being distanced from you again.
right before he's pushed off the edge, sukuna pulls out and desperately jerks himself off above your stomach, panting as his cock throbs in his hand with every spurt that coats you, feeling so hot against your tummy.
you feel a twinge of disappointment, because you also wanted to feel that in your womb...
his dick twitches weakly after being spent, and he breathes heavily, liking the sight of you being covered in his seed for another time. (and many more from now.)
" 'kuna... it's a safe day for me today," you suggest to him without thinking. "i want it inside me..."
the phrase is enough to get heat pooling in his abdomen, and he feels himself get hard all over again.
"you sure, doll? if it's what you want, i'll..." he begins to say, almost flustered by your suggestion. you know you shouldn't say this next line, but it's so easy to get carried away with this man... get caught up in the heat of the moment.
"i want your babies so bad."
you've hit his switch. sukuna growls and puts you into a mating press instantaneously, making you squeak.
"no takebacks," he mutters dangerously, beginning the second round.
the night is long, but heavenly, as soon after he dumps everything he has into your womb, then proceeds to eat you out, making you cry for the third time before sunrise.
when you're awake, it's already heading past midday, and you're relieved to see that yesterday's happenings were not a dream, seeing as the large man is sleeping with an iron hold around your body, as if subconsciously afraid you'd leave him before he woke up again.
he awakens from his slumber to your light, feathery touches on his face, which puts him in a good mood from the moment he opens an eye. it was the scenario he's always dreamed of. waking up next to you, smiling.
there's much to talk about. about what's to come next, future plans, worries, and things they need to do to make amends for all the lost years between each other. but you decide to take things slow.
back to bullet points again bc im lazy to write it properly now
you spend the weekend w him at the hotel and stuff, just playing eating and sleeping, catching up yk
he tells you on his own accord that he wants to let everyone know that he's with you now, but he's worried that it'll bring backlash to you but you tell him you're going to be brave and take it, bc you WANT everyone to know
anyway prepare for turbulence
but everything'll be alright bc hes with you
im thinking about how mopey he'll be when you have to separate from him bc you each have your own homes rn, hes always asking you to come over or if he can come over to your place
and he'll be begging you to move in soon, like old times (he lives in a rich man house now tho)
and also thinking about how its a fresh start, but they also go through old memories and now reminiscing isnt painful anymore bc yall are back together
sukuna also says he's stopped doing romance genres in acting bc he had felt annoyed acting in lovey dovey scenes when his own love life used to be in shambles all the time
and bc hes at a point in his career where he has more choice in choosing between scripts that are offered to him, he's going to continue to decline the ones that have love interests, it doesnt affect him that much anyway
he's just being more considerate of your feelings now... and you promised him that you'll never just disappear like that again when you're upset haha...
sometimes when you still have a few disagreements with him, he keeps subtly checking up on you (hes traumatised, leave him be)
lots of facetiming when he has to go overseas for filming purposes <3
okay, thats all, bye <3
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desperate-gay · 4 months
plsss write a jealous toxic bf leah smut fic!!!! maybe w one of those prompts u shared like she j fucks reader into the mattress when they get home and then towards the end after readers already finished like 3 times and shes saying she cant take anymore leah is like "yes you can babygirl" "youre gonna be good for me mama" whilst interlocking their fingers w intense eye contact🥹🥹
Just One More
Leah Williamson x fem!reader
SMUT 18+
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Your body is exhausted.
Your mind is cloudy.
Your mouth is dry.
Just one more. Every time it leaves the girl’s mouth you know she doesn’t mean it. She wants to break you down until your body stops functioning properly so she can take care of you and prove to you that you need her.
It’s a vicious cycle with Leah. You’re both dating and have been for quite some time now. The only thing is you can’t be seen talking to anyone who’s not your guy’s shared friend unless you want to deal with an accusing and persistent girlfriend on your trail.
For example, a few hours ago you were making polite conversation with the mailman only to be dragged away by your girlfriend. She insisted that you were wearing too little which made a little sense given you were wearing her button-up shirt along with some short shorts.
And that’s how she dragged you here. The once buttoned-up shirt is now open, spilling out your breasts in your white bra while she pounds into you for what feels like the thousandth time this day. Your shorts are discarded to the side along with your now newly ripped panties so she can have full access to your pussy.
“You’re so close I can tell. Clenching so hard onto me.” Leah grunts, thrusting harder into you as her hands hold your legs up so your thighs are to your chest.
You don’t even register the noises coming out your mouth or the orgasm crashing over you. The strap she chose is bigger than you have ever taken. She informed you that she got it for the next time you’d misbehave.
“Baby, I can’t take anymore. So sensitive.” You whimper, turning your head to the side and shoving it against a pillow to muffle your cries when her hips slow down.
“Yes you can, this will be the last one, darling. Just one more.” The defender murmurs against your neck while kissing at the hickeys forming.
Her hands drop your legs down so you lay flat and she moves higher so her body is almost lying on top of yours. Silent screams spew from your mouth from the burning sensation down in your center from both being stretched and overstimulated. You feel so full to the point where your core is pulsating.
“Look at me, love.” She demands, grabbing your chin and pointing it towards her before reaching out and interlocking your hands together. “So good for me, aren’t you? Taking my cock so well.” The blonde grins when you let out a whine at her words.
Your legs are uncontrollably shaking with the sound of skin hitting yours and the wet sloshing of the toy pounding into you. Leah groans loudly at the feeling of your nails on your free hand dragging down her back, leaving bright red marks.
“Are you going to cum for me again? C’mon, I know you’ll feel better when you do.” Her hand reaches down at rubs your extremely swollen clit, causing you to let out a loud gasp and jerk away. “Don’t fight it, honey. Feel the pleasure and let go.”
Your eyes squeeze shut when your core clenches tighter around the silicone toy while your hand grips tightly onto Leah’s. She praises you through your orgasm as your moans continue until they turn into whimpers.
Her hands rub up and down your waist and her lips kiss up your stomach to distract you when she pulls out. Your whole body shutters and you suddenly feel extremely empty as your legs twitch.
“I don’t think I can walk, Lee.” You giggle against her lips as she continuously places little kisses on yours. She pulls away with a devious smirk while her hand trails down by your thigh once more.
“That was my plan all along, baby.”
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brairslair · 3 months
your monster trio nsfw headcanons were immaculate (seriously Zoro's was PERFECTION) could you do the same for Law and Ace?
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yes ofc! and thank youuu 💓💓 i got the 2nd req from a wonderful anon after i started writing this, so i decided to combine the two! here ya go mls :)
part 2 to this post
18+ ONLY (minors… 👉🏻🚪)
a/n: just me lusting over these men so ofc they’re all yappers, + i apologize to any usopp enjoyers for making usopp’s section a lil shorter 💌
don’t forget to like, comment, reblog, and follow to support my work!
“see what you do to me?”
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tough guy syndrome TM
puts on a cold front, but will wear flowers in his hair if you pick them for him
the kinda guy who can dish it out but can’t take it
in every sense
he can say the most flirtatious, descriptive, borderline pornographic shit to you with a smirk on his face
but the second you return the same attitude, he gets all flustered and fumbles over his words
he acts all dominant and in control when he’s making your eyes roll into the back of your head, whispering the filthiest shit in your ear
he takes great pride in his affect on you
“feels good, yeah?”
but when you take the reigns, he literally turns into a puddle at your fingertips
- “cat got your tongue?”
“shut up-”
clearly a switch
specifically a bratty sub + mean dom switch
so basically just a little bitch 24/7
when he’s a mean dom tho, he is a fucking mean dom
he’ll edge you until your crying from frustration, and then make you cum over and over until you lose count
“honey, are those tears? it’s just too much for you, isn’t it”
“you wanna be a good little slut for me, don’t you? then hold it.”
“count down from ten, nice and slow, and don’t you dare fucking cum until you get to one”
has a choking kink (giving and receiving)
also really likes to use toys on you, or watch you use them yourself
his favorite tho is your wand vibrator
he’ll hold it against your clit until you’ve cum so many times you’ve lost track, and you’re eyes are watering from overstimulation
or he’ll push it against you while he thrusts into you at a brutal pace, making you feel so much pleasure all at once that you see white behind your eyelids
he’s not a huge fan of pda, unless he’s jealous, and then he’s got you pressed against a wall with his tongue down your throat
if you get needy while he’s busy, he’ll make you ride his thigh
he’ll continue on with his work, acting as if you aren’t even there soaking through his jeans
his gentle hand on your hip, dick already hard against your knee, and a soft “good job, baby” when you cum are the only indicators that he was paying attention at all
get’s rly cocky when he catches u staring at his chest/back/tattoos
even worse when it’s his hands
will 100% use it against you to tease you all the time
will put his hands on your waist/thigh if he catches you looking for too long in public
then later he’ll make you come on his fingers and keep his mouth running the whole time
“bet this is what you were thinking about, huh. staring at my my fingers all day? couldn’t help it, could you?”
“oh, you can take more than that. cmon, one more”
“awh baby, i can feel you squeezin me already. you wanna cum so bad, don’t you sweetheart? not yet.”
he’ll get you right to the edge just to slow down to an agonizing pace and then make you beg him to let you cum
then he’ll have you suck his fingers clean
he’s a menace
but he’s also really good at aftercare, and will tell you how well you did and make you feel so loved and relaxed
now, as a bratty sub…
he is such a pain in the ass
he knows every way to get under your skin and get you exactly where he wants you
when you’re kissing him he’ll fight you for dominance even though he’s clearly losing
makes sassy ass comments whenever you speak just to piss you off
he could literally already be doing something but refuse if you tell him to
- “take off your pants”
“say please”
even when he admits defeat, he’ll continue to run his mouth for as long as possible before his brain turns to mush
if you use your mouth on him, it’s over
he’ll go from being a brat, to gripping the sheets in seconds
once you shut his brain off, he’s a total mess
his hands and mouth sloppy and all over you
when you ride him, he can’t take his eyes off of where your bodies meet, groaning at the wet sounds of your slick with every bounce
when he does look up at you he almost busts as soon as he sees your proud smile and blown out eyes looking down at him
his moans are loud and gravelly, and he’s desperately gripping at your hips, and whining, and cursing, and panting in your ear
the only words he seems to remember are “fuck” and your name
he loves it when your mean
- “you don’t get to touch unless you ask nicely. go on.”
“oh fuck- please”
also low key a sucker for light bondage (both ways)
acts like he doesn’t like when you mark him up because he doesn’t want other people to see, but it’s actually because every time he see’s your work on his skin he wants to pounce on you
and he can’t have that 24/7 now can he (i wish tho tbh)
will bite on your shoulder when you finally let him cum, leaving dainty little tooth shaped bruises behind like a medal
and of course, a few minutes after he comes down from his high, he goes right back to being a little shit
such a cocky motherfucker
but in a cute endearing way
also allergic to shirts apparently, and he would be lying if he said it wasn’t to show off for you at least a little
but he get’s all proud when he notices you ogling him
he’d say somthing goofy like
“like what you see?”
while wiggling his eyebrows
he is a messy kisser
like super sloppy
he just can’t get over how lucky he is to even be able to have your company, or be able to touch you at all, so getting to kiss you blows his mind a little and makes it short circut
soft dommmm
ace just wants to take care of you
he loves to slowly make you fall apart over and over, being there to be your anchor
but he’s also super talkative
“that’s it, princess. keep making those pretty noises for me, yeah?”
“just like that, keep going. doing such a good job”
“just a little more baby, you can take it”
loves eating you out, and he’s good at it
he likes to hold your hips down with one arm, and use his other hand to stretch you open
goes insane if you pull his hair
will put your legs over his shoulders
both a tits and ass guy
will bury his face in either and be perfectly content if he suffocates
he’s always kissing some part of you, wether its your lips, your neck, your thighs, your wrists, doesn’t matter because his mouth is on you
absolutely loves hearing your sounds, especially if you’re whimpering and whining
hearing you be so needy all for him drives him up the wall
kind of a dumbass sometimes, but can surprisingly lead to amazing sex sometimes
doesn’t realize how everyone ogles him wherever he goes
and he certainly doesn’t realize when other girls are throwing themselves at him
you know he doesn’t intentionally engage, but it’s still hard to not feel jealous watching the interactions
but when he notices you’re jealous… oh boy
he gets SO cocky (like more obnoxious than usual)
“awh, baby, are you jealous?”
“you know i only have eye’s for you”
“want me to prove it?”
and he will
he’d bring your hand to his dick, allowing you to feel how hard he is already
“see what you do to me?”
“this is all yours, baby”
“i’m alllll yours”
and then he’d proceed to fuck you until your legs are shaking, heat burning in your chest from overstimulation
but he makes sure to reassure you that he didn’t even notice the other girls intentions, because the only girl that he cares about is you <3
he’s not the jealous type himself, because he knows there’s no need to be
he trusts you, and he believes you when you tell him how much you love him
however, he does not trust other people
therefore, he is extremely protective of you
he’s honestly into pda
he just loves showing you off any chance he gets
one thing about ace is he will talk you through it
and he’ll hold your hand the whole time too
“yeahhh, there you go, princess”
“mm, there’s my girl”
“go on baby, soak me”
does the tummy push thing
also does the knee thing
goes feral if he sees you in any of his clothes
especially his hat
this is a “save a horse ride a cowboy” relationship
loves to put his weight on you, still being careful not to squish you
he just wants to be as close to you as humanly possible
and he’ll pin your hand’s above your head with one of his, interlacing your fingers
gets super giddy and proud when he fucks you dumb
“look at you, all pretty and fucked out”
“lettin me fuck you dumb, huh? lettin me fuck your brains out?”
“fuck, you can’t even think anymore, can you? feel too good to think, huh pretty girl”
he’s a biter and will sometimes leave marks, but he is not sorry
temperature play perhaps
is a fan of cockwarming
im also an avid believer in gamer bf ace
so he’ll have you just sit on his dick while he’s gaming, feeling you pulse and twitch around him in restraint
every once in a while he’d move his hips just enough to make you gasp, but then back to nothing
if you do move your hips he holds them still, reminding you of your agreement
he’ll make you sit there, almost completely still until you’re pleading and whimpering for him to let you move
“go ahead, pretty girl”
“take what you need”
he will buy you lingerie, and he will lose his mind every time he sees you in something he bought for you
face sitting enthusiast
will say “i love you” during sex at least once
will also probably quote an action movie while balls deep inside of you and completely brush past it like it was nothing
no matter what pace is set, he fucks hard
he’ll lift your legs from around his hips to push them against your chest, because the angle feels so much deeper
he’ll gradually build up speed, just to slow back down when either of you gets too close, to make it last longer
this will go on until you’re begging
“shh, hey, it’s okay baby, i’ve got you”
“just let it build with me, hm? we have all the time in the world”
“promise it’ll feel sooo good”
and when you’ve both evened out your breathing, he smothers you with affection and makes sure to take good care of you
he’s a sub, full stop.
tried to dom at first, but it was just not natural to him at all
still will try to act all tough and in control, but he’s in the palm of your hand in seconds every time
more than willing to do anything you ask of him
gets flustered SO easily
will become a total mess from the smallest things
he gets defensive when you tease him, but he secretly really enjoys it
thigh guy
face sitting fan #2
loves kissing you and would do it all day every day if he could
any amount of pleasure you give him will turn him into a babbling mess
he’ll just say anything honestly
“hmm- feels so good”
“can i kiss you? please let me kiss you-”
little bit of a mommy kink but embarrassed about it
suuuuper reactive
was 100% a virgin before you, so you have to help guide him in the beginning
you also help him discover what he likes and dislikes
he has a massive praise kink
“good boy” has him panting and fisting the sheets
he also really likes your hands
the way you hold his jaw so firmly when you kiss him
or gently squeeze his shaft when you tease him through his boxers
and even how you press your thumb past his lips to stifle his noises as you make him cum in your fist
his moans are whiny and a soft, getting lost in the pleasure
“ohhh- wow”
once his brain is long gone, he honestly doesn’t talk much until he’s getting close
thats when the incoherent stuttering starts back up again
“you’re so- ahh- so good at that”
“don’t stop, don’t stop-”
“i think i’m gonna… i’m cumming”
when he does cum, he’s either whining your name like a broken record, or so fucked out all he can do is pant and gasp and paw at your skin
he’s also a crier when he gets overstimulated
always polite and says thank you <3
asks are open! <3
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m-ayo-o · 6 months
heyhey i love ur writing!! i was also wondering if u could write smtn where mc surprises gojo by putting him in handcuffs, bc whenever she tries to take control he ends up overpowering her/ruining it cuz of his impatience (i js feel like he cant handle a taste of his own medicine),, if this makes sense!! T-T have a good day :)
hello and thank u c: yes i could maybe write a little smth like that. 18+ submissive satoru gojo handcuffed and teased ! gn ish reader (mention of being "wet"), masturbation
he's on the bed, his pretty eyelashes fluttering while you stroke his cock, up and down. he's groaning. the sounds are giving you the most intense butterflies and making you incredibly... wet. he's been away for too long this time, and your body is responding just how it always does. when he returns, you're ready for him. but this time, instead of having him get home, rush through the door and pounce on you, you want to take it slow. so you're touching him painfully slowly, and he's starting to glare and huff, nearly running out of patience.
"baby, that's enough- just, fucking jerk me off, dammit-"
he knows you can do it just right. you've watched him do it to himself so many times you've memorised the rhythm and speed he loves so much. if he's really fucking pent up like this he wants it hard and he never denies himself an orgasm when he's in this state.
but you're doing things differently today. you're not squeezing him as tight or tugging him as fast, but placing featherlight touches on his shaft, mainly using your fingertips and focusing a lot on his tip... and balls. they're just so full you can't help but massage and stroke him there.
he still feels amazing. anything you to do him- especially with your perfect, soft hands and pretty fingers- is just heavenly. and sure, satoru enjoys a good edging session just as much as the next man. but after weeks without physical contact with his sweetheart he needs you to do it his way.
"sweetie, a bit- bit harder... no- ugh, fuck, not on my balls i'm going to fucking explode. just stroke me faster, i need it."
his arms start flexing and straining against the pure desire to grab your wrists and fuck his fist into your hands.
"i've missed you so much..."
he tries to guilt trip you. you almost give in to the sad and needy look in his pretty eyes.
but no. not today. you give him one last sensual stroke and let go of his cock making him let out a whole string of displeased and pathetic whimpers. you honestly can't believe what he sounds like sometimes. strutting about calling himself the honored one and the fucking strongest and after a little teasing he sounds like this?
"you're such a baby."
you snort and turn away from him, opening the dresser to bring out your surprise gift. i mean, it was a gift for yourself, really. you need to use it on him right now so that he isn't tempted to completely take over and ruin your fun.
you take the item from the drawer and hold it out in front of him. he eyes up the metal chain and the feathery pink fluff on the two rings.
"are you kidding?"
"no, satoru. this isn't a joke. i'm going to cuff you. turn around."
he listens.
his arms are behind his back, where you're holding onto the metal cuffs. he's kneeling on the bed and you're sitting next to him just... playing.
you're focusing on his perfect, long dick, but you're sometimes distracted by those cute nipples, his chest and gorgeous abs where you're sucking the prettiest red hickies. when you're not so busy marking his body, your fingers skim up his shaft and rub the slick juice of his precum around his tip.
you press him there. quite hard. he lets out an unintelligible moan.
next, you tickle the underside of his cock. he twitches and bucks his hips. what a sight.
now, your favourite part. you cup his full and tight balls in your hand and squeeze him. you know the perfect pressure to get him begging for more. you know the perfect pressure to get his mouth hanging open with saliva dripping out. and you know the perfect pressure to make his abs clench with the muscles dancing under his porcelain skin. you deliver a few final strokes to his cock, hold his base nice and tight and...
it floods out of him. his cock bounces and squirts in tandem with his pulse... one, two, three, four times. your hand remains still. then slowly, when his pornographic moaning has died down, you slide your hand over his dick and start jerking him how he needed it all along. but now he can't handle it- he's begging you to stop because he's just ejaculated three weeks worth of cum in one go and his body is spent and his head is all dizzy. he just sinks onto the mattress like a pathetic mess and you work him till he can only whimper and shoot blanks.
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gojo | m.list
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apollosfavkiddo · 2 months
i saw ur requests are open and i got excited 😵
would u be willing to write a jason grace x apollo!reader one shot? specifically one that’s kinda angsty but has a happy ending?? maybe the reader gets really hurt on a quest with Jason and he’s genuinely scared but she ends up being okay in the end? i’m not sure what other details but i’d love to see what you do with this (if you want!!!)
we’ll be a fine line, we’ll be alright.
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content: jason grace x apollo!reader
warning: bad BAD writing, angst but then it’s fluff, blood, almost dying experience, octavian’s still alive, cursing, post Blood of Olympus
a/n: hello! this is my first request and i wanted to post it before the other stuff i’m working on (especially cause i can’t finish any of the shit i’m working on). this is kind of fast paced but don’t blame me, it’s 12am in brazil right now so.. yea. also, i kinda diverted from the whole hurt in quest thing, i’m sorry! i didn’t have enough ideas for a whole quest. but i hope you enjoy! oh and this is placed after the first book of TOA
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Sure, a heartbreak did hurt. But have you been stabbed by Imperial Gold? Dude. Brotha.
Sure, it was a normal thing for you to argue with Octavian. Hell, it was. normal thing for everyone who’s sane to do. This scrawny boy was just… a piece of shit. Yeah. And the worst part? You’re related. He’s one of the “legacies”, whatever that is. That stupid roman dipshit.
And today was no different. You two were arguing about some trivial shit, as always, but things escalated quickly. Soon you two were sparring (how was a mystery, since you didn’t even know that thing knew how to hold a sword) and it was quite fun.
You see, you got to camp Half-Blood when you were just seven. Since then you’ve been trained all year, since you didn’t have any other family - besides the godly side of it, duh - and Octavian was… well, Octavian. You were much better than him.
The whole problem is that Octavian likes to play dirty. So eventually he makes you trip and fall and he leaves gashes around your arms and legs. But with imperial gold it was sort of painful.
Till one of those times came again, but this time he didn’t leave a gash or a scratch. He stabbed you right in your stomach.
“Oh, gods!” He said, with fake concern. “I’m so sorry, cousin! My bad. I should go looking for your boyfriend, right? But… i didn’t see nothing. Bye!” The blond said with a devilish grin and left.
You knew you needed help. You were applying pressure to the wound, trying to use your healing powers to at least slow down the bleeding.
You tried to get up to look for help, but it was almost impossible. Even with that, you had to. ‘Oh, come on,’ you thought, ‘i’ve faced Kronos, Gaea and Annabeth mad at me. I’m not gonna die for a stupid legacy.’
And that’s exactly what made you move your body towards the via principalis, where you knew someone was gonna help you.
When you got there, the first person you saw was - thanks the gods -, Reyna. When the praetor looked at you, her face was horrified.
“y/n? What-“ She began, but you cut her off.
“I-i’ll explain later. Just… medical cabin. Please.” You begged, your words barely above a whisper.
Reyna nodded and helped you lean on her for support, as she walked you towards the medical cabin. You didn’t know the name of the boy who was currently there, but he looked as horrified as Reyna.
“Oh gods. Oh, my gods.” The boy said and you smiled, trying to fight back the urge to pass out.
“Ha, thanks. I thought it was bad.” You half joked as Reyna and the unkown boy put you on a vacant stretcher. When you were laid down, you looked up at Reyna with pleading eyes. “Bring Jason here, please?”
“Of course. I’ll go find him. The brunette said and left the medical cabin.
“Ok. uh… care to tell what happened with you?” The boy asked and you turned your gaze back to him.
“Got stabbed by imperial gold. What’s your name?” She asked, but the look in the boy’s face didn’t seemed to register the question.
“My gods… i’ll do my best to help you.” He said and grabbed a bottle of nectar, pouring it to your mouth. “Ok, i need to-“
Before he could finish, a certain blonde boy barges past the doors, looking around the medical cabin, desperately trying to find you.
When his gaze fell into you, he rushed to your side, grabbing your hand. His eyes were glossy behind his glasses and she knew he already wanted to cry.
“Y/n, what…? What happened? Are you okay? Who did this?” He asked, and she tried to laugh, but the pain was becoming unbearable. You couldn’t even talk anymore, as the only thing that came out of your mouth was a whiny breath. “It’s okay, i’m here with you, hm? I won’t leave.”
He kissed your forehead and you squeezed his hand softly just before you felt a tear fall in your cheek. That was the last thing you heard or saw before passing out.
⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
Jason is desperate. He’s beyond worried about you.
He knows what imperial gold does to someone. Gods, he was stabbed by imperial gold before. And if she wasn’t treated in the right way… he didn’t even want to think about it.
But other than that, he needed to know who did this. He was going to kill this person with his bare hands.
It had been two days since you blacked out and you hadn’t woken up yet. He was starting to get even more worried, but he hadn’t left your side for one second. You couldn’t even go back to Camp Half-Blood (obvi), so your closest friends and family came to visit.
Will had cried his eyes out when he saw her there. Nico had to comfort him as his pupils leaked salty water. Lester/Apollo was back from his quest with Meg, and he also came to visit his daughter. The man was very… emotional, let’s say that.
But on the third day you were finally beginning to wake up. Of course, Jason was there.
“Hey, honey… you’re back, hm?” He asked, caressing you hair as you smiled, trying to reassure him. It still hurt as hell, but it could be worse. You could be dead.
“Hey…” She mumbled, her voice a little smudgy. “How long was it out?”
“A few days. But you’re back now, that’s what matters the most.” He said as he gave you a soft kiss on the lips. It was no tongue, just affection. He was showing you he was there for you.
“I feel fine. Like, not fine, but definitely better.” She said, as she pulled away from him.
“Yeah, i imagined. But, baby, i need you to tell me something.” Jason said, still holding your hand softly.
You nodded, waiting for him to elaborate.
“Who did this to you?” He asked, and you felt him squeezing your hand tighter. His voice was also harsher, as if he was restraining himself from killing someone.
“It was… it was Octavian.” She said, in a whisper-like tone. His face hardened immediately as he got up and went to the boy that was standing at the door.
“I need you to call Reyna and Frank. Tell them it’s an emergency.” He said and the boy quickly left.
Jason rushed back to your side. “I swear i’m gonna kill that son of a bitch.” He muttered.
When you were about to answer, Reyna and Frank rushed past the door, both looking worried. Behind Frank, there were a few other people - Will, Nico, Hazel, Annabeth, Piper, Leo and Percy -, all looking worried.
“You’re alive!” Will shouted and rushed to your side, tears welling up his eyes again.
“What, you thought that a little stab was going to kill me? Please.” She scoffed and Will laughed.
“So, who did this?” Reyna asked, also going to your side and stroking your shoulder softly.
“The most stupid, idiotic, son of a bitch augur that we ever had.” Jason said through gritted teeth.
“Octavian did that? I knew he was annoying, but at this level?” Percy asked, his face contorted in a mix of anger and disbelief.
“Mhm. We were sparring but… he likes to play dirty, i guess.”
“I’m gonna murder him.” Will groaned.
“Get in line.” Jason, Percy and Nico said at the same time.
You chuckled a bit, even if it hurt. Cause you knew, with that family right there, everything was gonna be fine.
a/n pt2: so… i like it but i don’t but i do. u get that? yea. i don’t know, i think i could do better, but i kinda liked it. I was going to make octavian’s trial and all but it would be too fucking long, so i gave up. that’s it for today, sorry that it took so long!
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Hey if your still taking requests please could u write non abusive Nate Jacobs x reader where the reader struggles with anxiety and just how he would comfort her just really fluffy
Thank u have a nice day/night :)
You’re safe with me- Nate Jacobs x Fem Reader
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You’ve always had anxiety for as long as you could remember. When one bad anxiety attack happens during lunch all you need is the one person who knows how to comfort you.
Warnings: anxiety attacks mentioned in detail, negative self talk, mentions of periods, the reader not having the best parents, girls at school being jealous of yours and Nate’s relationship, and Nate being incredibly sweet and comforting (he maybe out of character but enjoy the fluff)
A/N: I want to thank you so much for being incredibly patient with this request. I love this request and as someone who also has anxiety all I want is for Nate to comfort me in this way. I hope that you enjoy this request and I apologise if it isn’t good as I’ve taken a month off from writing but I’m back now. I’m from the U.K. so I’m sorry if any parts sound overly British, also I apologise for all spelling and grammatical mistakes as I’m super dyslexic, enjoy.
You don’t know how it happened. One minute you were laughing at something your friend said, the next minute life felt like a dream. Your friend who was once sat by your side now felt like they were miles away, as their voice became muffled and distant as the imaginary distance increased.
The pressure in your head increased as if your whole head was submerged under water, as if an imaginary force pressed your head under water refusing to let go. You wanted to scream but it felt like your lungs were burning, as your skin pricked in a hot sweat, as your breathing rapidly increased. You were pretty sure that you were hyperventilating but you couldn’t force yourself to breathe, your gaped mouth desperately trying to swallow down some air but to your distress you simply couldn’t breathe.
The room felt like it was spinning around you as the LED bulbs of the cafeteria burnt your eyes, your body willing you to run away but instead your body was frozen to the spot in fear. Dropping your head against the cool cafeteria table while your whole body shook with violent waves of anxiety.
You could have been laid there with your head on the table for seconds? For hours? Time seemed to be moving incredibly slow as if the whole world has long left you behind, leaving you to be consumed by your anxiety that you begged to stop. All the techniques that your councillor has taught you was long forgotten, too overtaken by the throws of your anxiety to look for the nearest red object or 5 things you could feel.
“Babe?” A concerned voice called out to you, it was muffled and faint but at least it was audible. You could recognise whose voice was calling out to you, the only person who was able to comfort you when you were in complete distress, the only person who could break through the thick concrete walls that your anxiety created between you and the world.
You struggled with anxiety for as long as you could remember, you’ve always had a nervous disposition as a child but it wasn’t till middle school did you realise that anxiety had a name. That every time you grabbed on to your mom’s leg as she dropped you off to preschool, crying and begging her not to leave you, or when you panicked when you first gotten your period believing that there was something was seriously wrong with you. All those times where you were told to act your age or told to stop crying over something small, you came to realise that it wasn’t you being pathetic or whatever names was thrown at you. You had anxiety and saw a therapist as young as 13 years old to help create coping skills when the world came too much to bare.
It was very touch and go, mostly good days where you could easily distract yourself or take yourself outside for a few deep breaths, whenever you felt your heartbeat start to race and your breathing hitching slightly. But on bad days it feels like all hell breaks loose, nothing could calm you down. It’s awful it feels suffocating, you can’t breathe and it genuinely feels like you’re dying, especially when there is no warning sign of a potential flare up.
Sometimes it’s stress of having everything piled on your shoulders with heavy responsibilities weighing you down, the down side of being a people pleaser is that you could never say the word no. Sometimes it’s the overwhelming pressure that your parents pushed on you, nothing you did was ever good enough or why couldn’t you be like your sister who effortlessly achieved straight As and was cheer captain and prom queen.
But today you overheard the sly comments and remarks chiding about your relationship with the king of East Highland Nate Jacobs. No matter how many times you told yourself that they were jealous of you and their downgrading comments was just a way of projecting their own insecurities, as they didn’t know how to deal with it so they found it easier to push someone else down rather than acknowledge their own issues.
But their comments slipped its way through the cracks of your critical thinking and clamped down on your anxiety, making your mind turn and your thoughts dark. You’ve always felt deep down that Nate was too good for you, you were a shy wallflower who easily blended into the background. Nate was much better suited to a pretty cheerleader rather than you. so it’s just a matter of time before Nate wakes up and faces the facts, and it won’t be long till he’ll throws you to the wayside where you belong.
“Babe?” Nate called again, his voice remained steady and calm not wanting to aggravate your anxiety further, but it was apparent in his voice that he was growing in concern over your condition.
“Babe I know that your anxiety is bad, but do you think that you could walk out of here and to somewhere more calm?”
You slowly nodded your trembling head as you squeaked out a shaky “yes”. Feeling Nate’s gentle arms slowly wrapping around your waist offering support as you slowly arose from your seat.
Nate walked by your side, slowly taking each step at a time. Allowing you to take it at your own pace. With his arm wrapped around your shoulder allowing you to press your body weight against his, as he gently guided you towards the nearest empty class room.
You both sat down on the floor in the dark classroom that was partially illuminated by the natural light that the overcast sky provided.
Your head pressed against his chest feeling both his heartbeat, but also the rhythmic flows of his steady breathing. He held you close to him while you breathed in his calming scent of his cologne which never failed to give you some sense of security as to you it smelt like home.
“Okay babe I’m gonna to need you to copy my breathing, can you do that?” He softly asked you. You nodded back in response not having the energy to answer him back, as it took every part of your energy to feel each inhalation and exhalation, so you could match your breaths precisely to his.
“Okay breathe in and out, just like that” he slowly rocked you back and forth in an attempt to comfort you, while his free hand gently wiped away your falling tears.
After a few moments your breathing finally fell into a normal steady rhythm with help from Nate’s deep breathing, while he softly whispered “you’re okay, you’re safe here with me” in your ear. Your peripherals were no longer blurred as life slowly faded back into reality, no longer in this hellish dreamscape you were in moments before.
Relief flooded throughout your body as you slowly came to realise that your anxiety attack was over, just in time for the post anxiety embarrassment to kick in.
“I’m sorry” you were able to croak out, your voice still horse from uncontrollably shaking and crying just seconds before.
“You have nothing to apologise for, I’m just glad that you’re okay” Nate soothed, still holding you tightly in his arms while rubbing comforting circles on your forearm. He left out a small sigh of relief, relieved to see that you were okay. For it truly broke his heart to see you in such a deep pain that he knew that he couldn’t take away from you.
“You shouldn’t have to look after me, I’m nearly an adult for Christ sake I shouldn’t be this pathetic. I should of handled it better-“
Your frustrated rant of self hatred was cut by Nate pressing his palm tightly against your lips, stopping you from talking so awfully about the girl he loves.
“I refuse to listen to you talk shit about the girl I love. Y/N you have anxiety it’s not your fault, it’s never been your fault why or how these attacks happen. I may not be able to take you away from your own mind” you quietly giggled at his small attempt of defusing the thick heavy atmosphere.
“But I promise you babe that I’ll be here whenever you need me to, I’ll always be here with you. You’re never alone. Now let’s go and I can get us some ice cream and I’ll allow you to watch one of those god awful romcoms that I know that you like so much”
You playfully scoffed, rolling your eyes at him elbowing him in his side. But you couldn’t help but laugh at his remark, he was the only person in your life who actually made it this whole shitshow bearable for you. You were eternally grateful that life had gifted you introducing Nate Jacobs in your life. That you were his and he was yours, even if your head sometimes made you doubt that.
“Hey don’t talk about Clueless like that, I swear that I saw you smiling intently at it a few weeks ago”
Nate groaned at your comment, playfully giving you a shove. He helped you up to your feet, still refusing to acknowledge that deep down that he had a soft spot for those kinds of movies.
“Hey it’s okay your secret is safe with me” you joked back at him.
your smile quickly died down as the realisation hit you. Your eyes darting towards the ground, playing with the cuff of your sleeve, rocking back and forth on your heels retreating back into yourself”
“But Nate you don’t have to do that for me, I feel bad enough about taking you out of lunch and plus my parents will kill me for skiving-“
“Y/N look at me” you reluctantly brought up your gaze to meet his, your eyes softening upon seeing his brown eyes filled with a loving tenderness.
“I don’t have to this, but I want to do this. I want to look after my girl. I love you so fucking much and I want to spend the rest of the day by your side. Your own health comes first so screw your parents and screw the school. Come on Y/N you can either come with me willingly or I’ll have no choice but to carry you to my car”
Your heart grew over hearing his words, it felt like it was beating out of your chest. But this time it made you feel giddy and loved, you couldn’t help but throw your arms around him holding him closer to you.
“Thank you, I love you” you smiled looking up at him
“I love you too babe. You know that I’ll do anything for you” he returned your loving doting smile as he lifted his lips to tenderly kiss your forehead.
“Now let’s get going”
A/N: it feels good to be back. Also as always my requests are always open. I have a cute funny Bradley Rooster Bradshaw fic, a angsty Gareth Emerson fic on the way.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Heyo, Idk if you still do sagau but I hope you do 🙏🙏 anyway, this is lowkey wholesome but imagine one of acolytes were trying to communicate with a child but then they realize the child is deaf but reader so happened to be nearby. So then, whatever the character is saying the reader translates into sign language and its just a wholesome sight to see. Btw srry if this isn't what you usually write 😓 add anything to this if you want
(*update: im so stupid i thought ur sunglasses pfp was a anon and didnt look any closer💀i aint livin this one down)
(Spoiler: i do plan to do imagines for other fandoms bc i have such niche AUs or ideas for them, a lot like this whole language stuff for Genshin Sagau :D )
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Also srry its kinda short i just could only think of this cute little scenario- 😗
Rest in peace bc i have a whole fat post i wanna make about neurodivergence + general accessibility issues in Teyvat and their countries
Like where r the ramps babe
Where r the non-narrow ass doors
Why r we just constantly made to hike up mountains when we dont have to
And dont come at me with that,
"Theyre in their medieval age! They cant make stuff like that!"
Yeah, u right, they cant.
If they dont be ✨️creative ✨️and they dont use their fucking ✨️magic ✨️
Liyue got floating rocks and they cant make a goddamn disability elevator?? Bitch tf?
Literally almost no one gets sign language in Teyvat
(despite the fact that in my perfect teyvat, sign lang. is superior bc everyone could make it the universal lang. ESP if we go by the cool AU of diff countries have diff languages, like Germanish lang for Mondstadt, Frenchish for Fontaine, etc.)
Off topic again srry-
But you took a class once!! Or even checked out the alphabet and casual convo on ur own time :D
So u just chillin with Kazuha, Thoma, Sara, Gorou, and Kokomi (they vistin the main island to see u!! :] )
Meanwhile a little girl is walking around nearby, and is kinda going in circles
Almost like shes scared to go too far one way or the other,
So being the caring soul he is, (rlly all these boys here rn would notice and help lol)
Thoma comes up to her and squats down trying to talk to her :)
Yeah, she didn't say anything, just kinda,,
Motioned with her hands??
She looks like shes doing some kind of code to them..
Thoma finally recognized this, its that hand language!! lmao hes got the spirit
so he asks Kazuha to try and see if he knows it or can even figure it out-
Nope. Nada de nada.
Then Kokomi, Sara and Gorou (whos a sweatin nervous mess he doesnt know how to act around kids esp kids in distress he seems like the type lol)
They all fail, Kokomi looks concerned bc she thinks the kids lost, but there no frantic parents nearby, Sara is trying to slowly understand what motions mean what i.e. points to a rock = learn sign from child etc,
Kazuha is trying to get the wind to help locate upset guardians nearby, and Gorou...
... is just 🧍‍♂️
So after a minute of this (bc u had originally been away at a street food vender, hey those dango were rlly good dont judge urself)
U come back, and see this mild flavor of chaos-
And are just like
"Oh ffs- just shoo, i got it guys"
And just, slowly, go thru some signs with the little girl to get the keywords at least
She lights up and is like bouncing, she goes hella fast at first but slows down when she gets ur hearing
Either way, she looks a lot happier now
U explain for her to the others to confirm her parents got seperated from her
She got lost and where she last saw them
u finally help escort her to the street she last saw her parents on :] !!
Meanwhile the whole allogene group, shopkeepers, and Inazumans around you:
Kokomi is holding back a squeal, shes gotta keep up her image, ahem-
Sara is like,, minutely vibrating?? Lmao
Kazuha is watching u like a fireworks show, intensely and yet fascinated
And Thoma just looks like a puddle of affection, just absolutely melted (he loves kids + he secretly loves you = dead Thoma)
Other people look weirdly, proud? Like theyre like "yeah thats our god, fuck yeah, knowing diff languages, go off, Your Grace 💅 " LMAO SORRY COULDNT RESIST and also some fascination
Anyway, 2 very stressed looking dads see yall and the girl and one of them run up to hold each other
She starts rapidly signing, explaining to her dads the adventure she had and the cool people she met <3
The dads look at u and r like 🤔😶😱 "YOUR MAJESTY??!!" (VIGOROUS HAND MOTIONS)
They sign like,
"We're terribly sorry about you seeing us like this, we usually are much more together than this, a crowd just swept her off, its very busy today. Thank you so much for helping our girl, my Lord!! 😭😭"
Theyre like almost crying, oh geez, u reassure them and sign back that it happens to any parent at some point and that is matters more that they tried to get her back :]
Meanwhile the rest of the group and the citizens are just watching yall like its the most amazing Olympic level tennis match in the world LMAO
Heads all in sync, watchin yall like 👋👍🙏LMAO IM SORRY
🎵 Hi, it's me. I'm the problem, it's me. 🎵
That is to say none of yalls asks r eaten up, at least im pretty sure? Dw abt it im chugging along having the time of my life hehe >:)
Hope yall r having a good weekend and have no hw if ur in school, or i hope ur shift goes good tomorrow! :]
Love yall!!
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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Shower Head
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TW: Smut. Language. Dom!Rafe. Overstimulation. 
SUMMARY: Shower sex with Rafe, where he uses a specific items to make sure you get super clean after getting all dirty just for him. 
Anonymous asked:
Shower sex with rafe where he uses the shower head on reader???
U are so talented at writing. 💗💗💗💗💗
Shower Head
The beads of water collected on your back in a mutual cascade to what continued to warm your skin before you looked up to him from on your knees. Where he was denied the comfort of the water, you more than accommodated with the perfect screws made of your hand as you pumped him over the palette of your tongue. His groans echoed overhead, a grip keeping your soaked locks from sticking to your skin, as he deepened you even further than your natural allowance. 
“Fuck, you sound so good choking on me, baby.” He grunted, your eyes remaining to him as his were screwed shut, only to open to find you in observation. It would take only that illumination of wonder behind your eyes for him to need more. Despite the fact he favored you this way, gagging and silent by his cock, he needed you completely. 
“My turn,” He spoke with mischief while distracting you with his motions as he kissed your neck. Using the weight of his body to keep you in place, one hand teased your hips and clit, directing your jaw away from the direction of his other hand, before you heard the echo of detached metal making you well aware of his ambition. 
“You make one sound and you only get to ride this to come…” He explained, setting the shower head to its most intense setting, one direct in a single stream that opposed the wash that could reach nearly every inch of your skin.Instead,t his focused on your clit and sex, the rush of the water supplying the most painful of pleasures as he relished in your desperations. 
“Not nice to have so much at once, is it baby?” You could only clench your teeth, struggling to remain silent as he moved the shower closer. 
“You know how I like it slow and yet you wanted to swallow me whole, yeah? My dirty girl loves being on her knees for me, doesn’t she?” You nodded, eyes barely able to open, but parted enough to see that grin across his face. That same one that came whenever you were made to find pleasure beneath his touch. And this would prove to be no exception. 
“You better be quiet…Don’t want anyone to know how you’re getting fucked by this shower head…” He scoffed, a hand to your neck keeping you locked in place, as he pushed detachment to your sex directly. 
“Mmm…You’re making me a bit jealous with those little faces you’re making for this thing…”
“Please…” You struggled to speak, your body in tremors as he continuously edged you from that rush denied in repetition. 
“Aww…you wanna come?” He patronized as you nodded, nails digging into his skin. 
“You know you only get to come on me.” He dropped the shower head, lifting one of your legs until you wrapped the other one up around his hip. Your eyes remained closed from the second your soles were set away from the the shower floor, up until the moment his cock made that sudden stretch made of your sex. 
“Oh baby, you’ve missed this, haven’t you? Never know you just got fucked last night.” He teased as you nodded. “But you always want more…because you’re greedy like me…” He grunted behind his words. “Maybe even more so, SHIT! You’re clenching me so tight-” You nodded, back pulling into an arch off of the wall. 
“Don’t come-”
“Rafe….please-” His hand returned to your neck, this time, wrapping around the back. 
“You just don’t want to listen today do you? Told you to suck me slow and you tried to drain me dry…tell you to be quiet and you just can’t help but beg…and now…you’re coming-”
“RAAFFFEE!” You warned as his hand rushed over your clit to worsen the sensations of your orgasm. Wave after wave of pleasure surging through you as he slowed his motions to allow you to enjoy that high with more ecstasy than pain. 
“Did that feel good baby? You get what you wanted from me?” Your eyes tried to read his expression as he sounded cold and almost aggravated. And yet the smirk across his face contradicted this. When you didn’t respond, he took hold at your hip, turning you away from him. 
“I hope so. Because now I’m taking what I deserve.” He explained, bending you just far enough to where he could move into you effortlessly, lowering and rising with the shower head back within his grasp. 
“Please, it’s going to be too much-”
“It’s okay baby…” He lifted his hand back to your neck, applying just enough pressure to remind you of his domineering direction. 
“You can scream for me this time…”
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @drews1love @belcalis9503
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plasticfangtastic · 9 months
american royalty. ch. 2
A Homelander x F!reader fanfic.
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a/n: will post ch. 3 this week but sadly my other fic will be posted next week, enjoy this slow burn dadlander fic, and thx u to all the readers. prev. chapter:
Sypnosis: Homelander never wanted to remember you, but after welcoming Ryan into his life, he thought of you & the lie that tore you two apart. Now... thinking back, thinking of your betrayal-- was he perhaps wrong about who the father of your unborn child was? Did you perhaps told the truth all those years ago?
Tags: mild gore, angst, lots of angst, slow burn, fluff, OC characther, child neglect, dadlander, romance.
Chapter Two
It had been a very long day, business was booming nowadays and since that influencer had made a couple videos on your pizzeria, you had been more than just busy, you began to run out of ingredients.
 In the last four years, the restaurant had grown, it had been there since 2002 ran by your boss’s father and his brother, who had ran their own pizza shop since the 80’s but as the economy and other events hit, they had decided to relocate and re-brand, now managed by their son– a man you owed so much, had his heart not been filled with kindness you would most likely be in the streets. So you made sure his restaurant was the best, you had accolades, you’ve worked in some of the best restaurants, you were once a very prominent fast rising figure of the New York culinary scene– until Homelander came along.
Your talent revamped the restaurant and now your food was once again on the spotlight, for the first time since you left Vought, you were happy with yourself, even if it was pizza. Cooking made you happy, and this job needed you, you didn’t live in fear of sleeping in your car anymore, you didn’t need to worry that your daughter would sleep on somebody’s couch again, you were able to quit your third job and go casual on your second thanks to this place, right now you didn’t live in the best of places but you were saving up and in a couple months you’d have enough money saved up to move, and send your daughter to a better school, somewhere were her talents wouldn’t be wasted.
So here you were ten minutes before closing, another extra couple hours of overtime for your dream two bedroom apartment, where it would be safe for her, where you could finally feel like your life had moved on from him, that the door opened up and your cashier squealed.
It was a quaint looking restaurant, the wood seating was new and the wall decor had been changed trying to look less cluttered, with Art Deco lighting fixtures as the stand out feature. The place had been remodeled recently it seems, the kitchen and its big brick oven looked clean but ancient to Homelander, he stared at the menu board and metal boxes of accouterments by the counters, taking in that this was in fact a pizza place, that you of all people did in fact work at a pizza place. You who could whip up amazing fare, now made greasy cheap slices, but he had seen people come in and leave endlessly these past few days, people taking selfies, and recording themselves with your food, nothing he understood.
He looked back at the teenager on the counter offering his signature smile as she blubbered her script, then as you took a step closer knowing you couldn’t hide in this open kitchen you finally looked at each other for the first time in seven years.
Your throat collapsed and your whole body became prickly and tight, your heart was beating so fast you thought you might be having a heart attack, you looked at the clock cursing that it wasn’t over, you were almost done packing the kitchen and readying for tomorrow, having a customer at this hour was awful but having him here was about to take you to an early grave.
“What’s your best seller?” Homelander muttered looking straight at you with an aloof stare, then back at the cashier– is pizza night at my house, sorry for coming so late hope that’s not a problem?” he said exceedingly politely.
The teenager blushed and looked back at you as if asking you to pinch her.
“That would be our pepperoni queen– is two types of cheese, extra pepperoni, with our signature house made marinara, with a dash of vodka sauce in our sourdough thin crust… chili oil is optional” You had managed to say trying to ignore those piercing blue eyes, you moved back to your place staring at the few remaining trays of dough balls left– our second best seller is our chicken florentine pie.”
Homelander admittedly detested pizza, it was greasy, gooey and heavy, it was fattening and gross, but there was a familiar aroma in the room, something that was making his mouth water lightly. Looking back at the girl, he ordered both in their smallest size offered, he sat by one of the wooden booths for the ten minutes he was told to wait, and not once did he made a comment, maybe that’s why your heart stung so much, why it felt as if you were about to collapse– that after seven years, he had completely forgotten about you, while only now did you began to feel as if you could heal from all the suffering he’d cause you, how insignificant had you been all along, how you love never registered.
You both had talked of moving in together and buying a home, he wanted to buy you a restaurant, and you wanted to give him your life, you had never loved somebody as much as he made you love him, and now you were just some bum wearing a graphic t-shirt making him dinner.
You packed his food, your boss Kaleem had given him extras on the house, practically begging for Homelander to give them a photo for their socials and you simply stare as he did his superhero thing, you took one of the delivery bags knowing he would lose the food if he flew with them in hand.
After the photoshoot, Kaleem and your cashier had run to the back to show the picture to the only other staffer left at this hour.
You both looked at each other as he took the bag off your hands, you wanted to cry, your eyes welling up but you looked down afraid of him, no doubt he could hear your heartbeat tickling his ear.
“It's been a while hasn’t it?” 
You could’ve collapsed into tears right then and there, it was worse to be remembered.
Growing angry at the sound of his soft voice, and that concerned expression in his face.
“How you been? Didn’t think I'd ever see you again.”
“Should’ve killed me back then… got fucking close to it tho.” You dropped all pleasantries, hearing him talk and not hearing the word sorry 5 seconds in, had infuriated you. His stupid face, those stupid eyes, and that clown suit was too much for you, maybe it was the poor diet and lack of sleep but right now you wanted to ban him from Lucci’s– hope you enjoy the food.”
You pushed the bag jumping from the kitchen to the front as you headed for the door, holding it open for him.
“I’m doing alright. Now leave!” 
“You don’t even want to know why I'm here?” he was taken aback by your brashness, you had always been sweet to him, tender, barely ever angry before, so why now?
“You got a little kid now, I gather like any other kid, he likes pizza… and good for him because mine is the best!”
“Not really… I actually wanted to see you. I… I just wanted to ask you something–
Your daughter emerged from the depths of the kitchen, she carried a kindle in one hand and a giftcard in the other.
“Is it okay if I use my present now? They got some books on sale and you said not to buy more books until I finished… oh…”
In the light and in front of him, your daughter truly looked like your mirror image, copy and pasted into a miniature. Her hair just past her chin, and her bangs indeed covered her eyes, peeking behind those curtains were the prettiest blue eyes he’d ever seen, there was no unnatural shine to them– just blue. Her lips so thin and her complexion just a tad paler than your own now that he gave it a proper look, she was so small-- too small for her age.
“Is okay honey, is your birthday you can get any books you want” Your tone shifted entirely lowering yourself to take her face and plant a quick peck on her cheek– now go back with uncle Kaleem and let mommy close shop, okay? We’ll go home in a minute.”
“Is it your birthday young lady? Congratulations.”
Homelander threw his best smile, giving the kid a cautious pet, catching the rage in your eyes as his gloved fingers touched your daughter.
“Thanks. Is not a milestone birthday so it is not worthy of congratulations… seems inane to celebrate it” she looked at her mother with a jaded expression– " I'll go get my bag, have a good night, sir.”
Homelander pressed his lip as the most deadpan voice came out of this little girl. Her oversized black sweater and the black tights made her look oddly unhappy, but the kid just stared at him with boredom, no surprise or interest when she stood next to America's favorite son.
He wondered if that was an adult or a seven year old for a second.
He worried if the kid had told his mother about that other night, but looking back at you he went with 'maybe'.
“What’s your name?” he asked, still forcing a smile– "my… you seem like a smart girl getting books for your birthday.”
The kid couldn’t muster the energy to give him anything but her dead ass voice, she began to walk away not caring for manners, nor Homelander.
“She’s… cute.” he said watching that tiny figure walk away and surviving after her second nsult– great pronunciation for her age, does she even know what she’s saying?”
“Helena is not like other kids.”
“How so?” 
You looked at him more tired than anything, rubbing your temples as you made yourself waste spit to talk to him.
“She’s a Supe… by the time she was two she could speak in full sentences, by three she could read at a first and second grade level, and by five she was teaching herself calculus and piano… she’s a genius; I thought she was a normal genius until… her other powers manifested– none of this matters! Just go!” You shook your head in frustration.
“You gave her V?” He said while staring at Helena.
“... I didn’t know what V was until the news broke out, I thought Helena was chosen by God! That the world blessed her with those powers, but when that story came out I’ve been wanting to ask you– did you give her V? but… if you didn’t… who… are you lying to me, John?”
Homelander looked past the concrete walls looking back at that little girl, he didn’t know what to say or do, before you could utter another word he left.
Ryan nose picked the meal quickly, glad that it was friday and his dad would let him stay up ‘til late, Homelander just dropped the meal on their new table and the kid was quick on his feet, the food was still warm, only now did Homelander noticed the extras, couple of small containers holding chili oil and freshly made ranch, garlic knots and a lemon meringue pie, it was too much but Ryan hadn’t hesitated to dig in, before Homelander could ask him to wash his hands he had ripped a slice of pepperoni.
“This is so good!” He said so cheerfully– gosh I was starving, dad.”
“I sure hope so, bud… let’s leave the pie for tomorrow…” he looked grossed out, Ryan sat opening up the garlic knot’s containers– not gonna eat?”
Homelander sat down to join him, the thought of touching all those greasy surfaces was making his stomach hurl, but he relented, taking a slice. 
He was young again, and you were there coming back with some drinks as he ate your chicken florentine, this was the same recipe, the chicken was so juicy and the cheese wasn’t greasy. Ryan was shocked to see his father sound so happy as he took another bite.
It was the first time they both ate together where they felt completely comfortable with each other, maybe it was seeing Ryan not pick at his food that made Homelander able to just talk, Ryan told him all about his homework, and the videogame he was playing, he really liked Fifa at the moment even if he himself cared not for the sport.
Helena watched as her mother stood silently hovering above the sink, you hadn’t moved much for a couple of minutes, your daughter more annoyed than anything else regarding this display.
“How do you know Homelander?” she asked with a yawn.
“Huh?” you woke up from your trance– you should be in bed, darling.”
“You too. So… How do you know the clown?”
“Honey, don't say that!”
“He walks around wearing a onesie all day… like a clown… like the rest of those super clowns”
Your daughter always spoke with a creepy maturity, her voice didn’t belong to a kid.
“... He used to be my boss… he was a really bad boss…”
“You used to work for Vought?” She softened her stand.
“Honey… I don’t really want to talk about this… it's late and we are going to the museum tomorrow so you should get some sleep, mommy is just tired… hope you had a good birthday.”
“You should rest too, mother.”
Your daughter's eyes glowed momentarily turning th blinkers off before she made her way to bed, you stared at her door, thinking if she could see you.
No mother should think their child was creepy, Helena was just difficult and abrasive, to be a small kid with her brain must be unbearable. You could recall the moment she asked you about V so vividly, she looked angry, but you had no honest answer to give her, you had to lie, god knows if you got the details right about how these people committed these crimes. Helena simply had no ability to relate to people, and without the funds you couldn’t help her meet her potential, not while you were both stuck living in public housing, not while scraping every penny.
Her few friends forced her to dumb down and even they found her uneasy, only the old people seemed to handle her best, she loved to listen, and her teachers always thought of her as  a delight, yet she knew no other Supe beside herself, those pageants were expensive, and networking meetings were hard to get in, talent agencies were costly– having a super-abled kid and trying to make them into a Supe was locked behind a massive paywall, all you could hope was that her genius would let her enter a university early on scholarships.
There was always Godolkin, but god knows if they would let her enter at a young age.
It would be easy if her father was involved, if John was there in her life, she would have the world but he didn’t want her, he had made that clear years ago.
So why did he lie about the V? 
It had been two weeks since you seen Homelander, but he saw you a lot, he'd come back and forth-- watching you and the child with ardent curiosity, seeing you made him reminisce, of those many nights and afternoons, of the way no matter how tired you were, you always made sure to look happy when he showed up, the way you looked so at peace while cooking, of the feel of your skin against his and the taste of your precious lips as you kissed him good morning. 
He followed you, on your only day off as you took Helena around the city, watching you share a slice of overprice cake while taking notes, and ate cheap chinese for lunch, you waited for two hours as Helena played chess and checkers with some oldies at a chess shop, some russian man gave her lessons-- some of these people dressed nicely perhaps pros. Some won over her and some lost but the games were quick, your daughter seemed happier when she loss than when winning.
Something about that didn’t sit well with Homelander.
Somehow he found himself in your apartment, cracking open the window to sneak in while you headed back home– the tiny apartment felt more like a closet than a habitable space, the ceilign was run down, and the appliances ancient but well kept, your bedroom was simple, cooking books and boxes sat on top of your dressers, a single’s bed with plush comforters and pillows stuck against the wall, with a wardrobe in front of it, and a cheap fan tucked in the corner. He left for your daughter’s room just a few feet away divided by the bathroom were most of the clutter and laundry lived, her bedroom was just as plain, but the books didn’t seem fit for a small child, her desk tidy and organized, he picked up a notebook from the pile, seeing math equations that hurt his eyes within seconds. All her stuff were nice and new, she had a decent computer on top of her bed, an old dresser, but there was an absence of toys– compared to Ryan’s bedroom that was filled with anything he wanted and decorated expertly. A clock adorned her walls but not much else, the few things that looked messy was a tiny plastic chess set, the kind with magnets on the bottom, and some DIY stem kits.
He took to the bathroom, it was old and falling apart, mold was growing in the corner much to Homelander’s disgust, trolley held dozens of beauty stuff and shampoos and detergents, a shelf on the wall held towels and toilet rolls. Homelander looked at a sparkly hairbrush, picking a couple strands of lost hair knowing by their lengths and color that they weren’t yours, and cursing himself for doing this as he place them on small plastic bag he had hid in his glove.
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rodolfoparras · 8 months
been very low energy these past few days... zzzzz
so anyhow have this ask where i write a fic for the fic writer 🫶🏼 little gift
thinking about price who isn't very vocal in bed, not because he's insecure or anything, he knows how much you love the noises he makes. you make it obvious, taking it as encouragement that you're doing well
he just... isn't. it's not something he's used to, having taken a dominant role in past relationships (heteronormativity the worst enemy of gay whimpering men).
that was until you two tried something new, price was reluctant at first, never having been... submissive like this. it felt a bit jarring at first, not that he didn't trust you, of course he did! with his life, even
but all those thoughts oh so quickly melted away, as your hand gently pumped his length. price hadn't expected you to be so gentle with him... so slow and sweet, whispering all the praise in the world into his ears, that he "was taking it so well", "so good for agreeing to this" and "you're so handsome, all nice and hard just for me" needless to say, this was driving him insane.
price wasn't a vocal man, but when you suggested he gives up control, "just to try it out", you'd tell him, it's like a switch turned in his head.
now, he's riding your dick all pretty, soft tears flowing down his cheeks... and so, so loud. he squeaks, whimpers, at basically every movement you make, your cock sliding against his warm entrance and gods, it just filled him up so good.
it was like it brushed against his prostate every time he merely shifted to get a better grip. price really tried to keep his noises in at first but every thought of his was melting into nothing as you thrust inside.
you guided his hips up and down your length, he's so so close, and you, so merciful, lets him cum all over your chest because he has been so good and pliant.
the mess he makes of himself is worth everything you've done to him, begging and moaning your name while his cock spurts small streams of cum after he's so spent and there's nothing left.
love u?!?!? /p enjoy
- 🌷
Anonie when I say I have tears in my eyes from how beautiful I found this I’m being 100% serious
Thank you so much you don’t know how sweet of a read this was I’m going to read it over and over and over 😭 literally all I want in life is to be the one to care for price and have him go on auto pilot
Imagine your whole life being the one to take care of others putting everyone before yourself even in bed and sure while it’s absolutely a nice feeling sometimes he just wants to be taken care of, believe it or not at first he thought he couldnt be submissive because he’s always been the one in charge that is of course until he meets you you’re much older yourself a captain as well and beside the fact that you’re a wonderful soldier you’re also a wonderful person
After every harsh mission you’ll be the first to check upon him even though he’s told everyone he’s fine if it’s been a practically hard day you’ll see it on his face won’t mention it but you’ll instead offer to go on a walk with him and he loves it so much, going on long night walks where you talk about everything and nothing sharing cigar and leaving the work and worries behind
Or how you’ll always remember his food preferences and bring it to his office when you see that he hasn’t frequented canteen for the day you’ll even sit with him while he eats and he’ll feel shy about eating alone so he’ll offer you a bite but you’re just happy to spend time with him
You’ll even take time out of your busy schedule to take him away from the base have him visit some places he’s always wanted to visit whether it be a restaurant, somewhere up in the mountains or wherever else his heart desires to go
And out on a mission it feels so different with you sure he has 141 to check up on him but it’s different with someone older someone who’s also in charge keeping an eye on him or an iron grip on his hips to make sure he stays close by and nothing hurts him
Sure he’s been a captain and spent many years in the industry and knows damn well how to take care of himself but it feels so nice to be cared for once
And when he tumbles with you in bed he ends up in a headspace he thought he could never visit, falling so submissive, feeling so safe allowing you to care for him til he’s sobbing in your embrace
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Oh, oh! I got one!
okay okay, so, don’t feel pressured to write this if you do t want to, but what about slashers (Vincent Sinclair, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, anyone else you wanna add) with a s/o who gets really distracted? Like, in the middle of doing something that should be simple, they zone out and forget what they were doing. (I have really bad ADHD so that’s why I’m asking-)
like, they even have to remind their s/o to take medicine and just nudges to get them back on track-
idk, do what you will with that idea, and again, thank u for ur time!!
btw, u look amazing today!!
You too look amazing today! Thanks for request! Why is everyone so spooked of requesting, the worst thing I can do is not answer🥰
Slashers with s/o that gets distracted A LOT
Sinclair Vincent
Imagine, s/o is in Vince workplace first time, he probably wants to turn them into wax figure, he leaves room for one second to grab some tools. Boom s/o is just walking around judging his wax figurines
Mans gonna be like 🧍in corridor when they are just amused by how cute and pretty some of those lil figurines are🥰
After they get along, Vince really enjoys slow walks thrue gallery or just near area, cuz its very pretty and there's no Bo screaming like child
He saw some pretty leaves, he went to pick them up so he can show them to s/o. He turn around... where.. where are they??!?!? Huuh did they leave him?? Dude will be overthinking hard. But after few minutes of looking for them, they just kinda spawn behind him "hey vince look i found this cool as rocks and then I saw deer's and I kinda fallowed them to this dope river come see!"they just grab his hand and lead him :(tbh vince was this close to mental break down, now he always holds hands
Myers Micheal
My dude is about to buy one of those backpack leashes that some parents have. He's like 80years young, ain't no way he's going to run around city looking for some guy who just saw pretty butterfly and almost got hit by a car 5times.
To be honest they should be ones making sure he won't just walk of and get lost in Forest judging by his age
When he notice that s/o didnt take their daily medicine he just takes it and slams it on desk/table next to them or just throws it at them! Take the pills dummy!
S/o calling him 'heya mickey im lost pick me up' happends twice per week. Really s/o be more careful pls
Voorhees Jason
If you thought that Vincent panicked? Oh this guy will have mental breakdown, cry and then search whole place
In forests signal sucks so they can't call him and screams won't do much cuz echo and Jason is mute so he cant yell back anyways
He won't buy leash but he will hold their hand 24/7 nuh uh you cant go run after those deers, no you can't go swimming we know what happend in 1957
Now he has ptsd and evertime he wakes up and doesn't see s/o in his eyesight he instantly thinks that she's in difrent country or dead
Heelshire Brahms
This dude knows the whole mansion no way he loses them here right?
Jokes on you brahms they are already on the other side of it
Even tho they are in closed space, which is safe and very known to Brahms it doesnt stop his abandment issues and... idk he has a lot of issues tbh. No matter how long he knows s/o he's is 100% sure that they are trying to leave.
He will probably speed run thrue corridors screaming their name and he just stubbles across them just watching paitinings on walls "this you? You were ugly ass baby" "WHERE WERE YOU" "I saw funny rats and i wondered where they have secret cheese hideout" "rats?😰" (its a reference to my old fic where brahms was beaten up by rats and now hes spooked of them)
He has calendar with highlighted date everyday they have to take pills and how many so every morning when s/o wakes up they see his face like few centimetres away from theirs, with aggressive eye contact holding pills "it is time my love" " oh :("
I added brahms cuz hes goofy, have wonderful day person reading this!! And never be spooked to ask for headcanons! We love that
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nyoomfruits · 11 months
lovin the landoscar content recently are there any other blogs or fics u recommend for landoscar content? thank u!!
there's currently 44 fics in the landoscar ao3 tag and i would recommend all of them actually BUT these are my personal favorites <3
Negative splits by leafmealone | T | 10k
So officially, Oscar Piastri, pretty good steepler and pretty bad pacer, was now a professional runner. They wanted him to steeple, mostly, though he’d be doing cross country in the fall, and Lando had pinky promised him, mid-distance guy to mid-distance guy, that if he wanted to get into the 3k flat indoor then he would get him in. Oscar didn’t really want to ask how he planned on doing that. Felt safer not to ask.
listen. LISTEN. this is so. oh my god this is so good i'm OBSESSED with this one. my landoscar otp tag is literally a quote from this fic i'm so. it has a very slow build and then the ending hits and you're like oh. OH. beautiful beautiful beautiful.
i'll kiss you first by venerat | E | 3k
“Uh,” Oscar says, when they’re in the car on their way to the airport. “I think you’re—um. Going into heat, mate.”
god this one is so. their DYNAMIC in this. lando being like a confident little shit being so ENDEARED by oscar makes me feel all goey soft every time. delightful premise, works SO WELL for them and everything about this is just so. AAAHHH
break my rules by venerat | E | 4k
Lando makes a considering noise. “A flirt?” He glances at the cameras, and Oscar can’t tell if it’s one of those we’ll need to edit that out later glances, or what. He looks back at Oscar. “You think I’m a flirt?” “You’re just, like…” Oscar flounders, flushing. “You’re very friendly.”
i promise this entire list isn't going to be just venerat fics but GOD they write the landoscar dynamic SO WELL it makes me feel a little feral every single time. the whole shag marry kill scene is so. GOD it's my favorite. a+++ i love this fic so much
askin' six days into june by peargasly (jamb) | G | 354
Lando almost flinches in surprise when there’s a hesitant touch to his waist.
i read this this morning and it fundamentally changed me as a person this might be one of the BEST lando/oscar characterizations i've ever read the DYNAMIC in this is top tier
sense and velocity by vertueusement | T | 11k | wip
“Well, alright, I don’t know if you lived under a rock or something, but Lando Norris goes here.” Uh, literally who? Oscar wanted to prod further but he could at least read the room and tell the one he spoke to didn’t want anything to do with him.
this is a wip so it is not finished yet but GOD i'm so fascinated by this whole thing. the premise is AMAZING and the author makes FANTASTIC use of the switching pov to show how we perceive situations differently all the time i'm so !!!!!!! DELIGHTED to see where this story will take us
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maychild · 5 months
ep 7 the sign
i didn't get tharn apologizing to phaya (and i really thought they would parallel that but so far it's only been phaya saying sorry so many times now!! it's like dudeee, once is enough, cuz yeah, u shouldn't go around assaulting people but from tharn??? zip nada zilch...it's making me so mad. and i love tharn, i do, he's a precious bean, but i need him to admit when he's wrong too. i dont think that's asking for too much).
i loved the sex scene, i did, and the whole convo leading up it gave me a lot of butterflies but...
i keep saying i'm not disappointed, but sitting with it, i still don't know what to call it *but* disappointment.
and dont get me wrong: i'm obsessed with phayatharn, and that sex scene was so beautiful and emotional, but the whole pacing felt off. i just honestly thought they moved wayyy too fast. they did confess to each other, but did anything truly get resolved??? phaya is all for the relationship and has been from day 1, but tharn still has his issues and they're not going to go away after one night together--one veeeery steamy and hot night together, sure, but phaya is still going to be in danger, and phaya's still going to die so *hands* i just needed them to talk more and clear more things up, have something concrete that made tharn change his mind and attend that dinner with phaya and his family and have that emotional conversation with phaya...because as it stands right now, it feels like tharn's change in attitude came out of nowhere. was he just tired of pushing phaya away?? and didn't want to anymore? not that i need everything laid out explicitly for me but tharn's character remains very much a mystery.
because tharn said "don't force me" and it honestly felt like phaya DID force him. (everything was consensual of course, except for the part where the sex showed up to hastily move along the phayatharn relationship, and not even organically.)
i loved the ep, i did, it was exciting, and of course, the best parts for me were the phayatharn bits, but the writing let me down. and i dont have high hopes for future episodes fixing their pacing issues or copaganda. i fear those parts are here to stay (esp. considering we have only five eps left + the special episode and we haven't really ramped up the full plotline with dr. slow motion--he's still hidden deep in the shadows, not fully revealed but on the outer edges, so to speak, spying, and being manipulative, and shady, so that we never forget he's around but he's very much still "just" a side character).
anyway, the tl;dr of it all is that the phayatharn chemistry remains stellar and why we're all rooting for them, but the writing isn't up to par.
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stevebabey · 4 months
I just read your x reader post (and the anon response to it) and good Lord you are right. I read your whole rant and I felt it in my bones!!
I've been in this damn app for over 10 years, and written for almost as many fandoms, and I'll say that the x reader tag has NEVER been this bad. It's not just st, it's nearly all of the ones I've seen and it's just gone down hill. It's really so fucking sad.
I was huge in the SVU fandom, and there were So! Many! Writers! We all reblogged eachothers fics and not everything had to be about sex to get notes! We LOVED when reader kissed the character for the first time because we understood that it was the yearning, the 'Oh God finally I'm having you' and not all about just fucking! God now even the most hastly written, shitty smut gets thousands of notes just because it's smut. It's so fucking disheartening. I've written a few things for st (one of which is the piece I'm most proud of, ever) and it got like, 100 notes on here. That's it, but I swear some 'popular' writers get so much traction just because they write smut poorly.
And not to sound like a boomer (cause I'm not a SWEAR) but the tik tok-ification of fandom and fanfic is ruining it! The lack of reading comprehension, the fact that reader has to be as description-less as possible or else "its not realalistic, I'd never do that, etc etc" makes me wanna rip my skin off. Fanfic used to be an outlet for so many people but the way its treated now makes it near unbearable.
(I'm so sorry I went on a rant you don't have to post this but just know that I agree with you 110%)
RANT! RANT! RANT! i’m so happy to hear people’s rant, i talk about these issues a lot with friends in dms and it’s very vindicating to hear it’s something that has bugged and annoyed more people than just me !
yes omg the way x reader fics have shifted over the last 10 years is INSANE— hearing that it’s not just stranger things unfortunately doesn’t make me feel much better lmao
i’ve picked this fight before back when i was in the spidey fandom because of this EXACT reason — where i was like hey…… sometimes things that have more notes….. are worse - because people have this insane thing where they will judge a fic? based on? its notes? and its like buddy how do u think a fic gets ANY notes if you act like that. truly its the worst, writers that are already big just keep getting boosted (even if they just write characters nasty fucking which is! ur prerogative! but it shouldnt be SUCH a factor in being popular/getting your fics read)
i’m not pointing fingers but yes i know a couple blogs that get HYPED because they both A) write smut constantly and B) write fast. and isn’t that just such a kicker if you can’t and don’t want to do those things? like even though it means nothing, there is no correlation between writing slow = bad writing, this site reflects that SO much because they never give that shit the notes it deserves
tiktok-ification god ur so right. it’s the way the mindset has shifted from these being wips, writing, pieces that you develop into instead content. consumable content. there’s such a disconnect between people that read shit tons of fic and the realisation that it’s produced by a person. they just hit the like button and go on anon to ask for an update and it’s like buddy it can’t work that way! the same way u like to read fic, writers want validation and engagement and questions and motivation!!! talk about biting the hand that feeds you 😭
[grabs ur shoulders and presses our foreheads together] we’re not crazy. it used to be better and we can make it better in time <3
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severefartoholic · 10 months
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April 19, Dr. Kirill A. Panov.
I love Kirill and Redrick so I wrote through their interactions from Kirills perspective for some writing practice. (Can u tell that I was listening to ferry music while writing this)
(contains spoilers for Roadside Picnic)
Birds have never flown over the zone, in all of my time at the institute, I've never seen any natural life inside of it.
The zone is too slow, too unmoving and empty, life inside of it feels unnatural, like every being alive on this earth knows to stay away from the zone, to keep out, an unwritten rule of everything that moves. Most things knew to stay out. That's except for me and Red, apparently.
The zone can draw people in, and I think it has done the same to me, because all I've been thinking about since a few visits away are those damned empties. It's ruined me, to be honest, this rabbit hole that I've fallen into feels never ending. Lately when I wake up I almost feel like I breathe and live the zone, a neverending supply of fuel.
My eyes have sunken in these past few weeks, the dark part under them getting even worse than before, and my head has been feeling heavy these past few days. The whole repository has been inevitably growing more and more discouraged by the day. Like a wick slowly burning out, with no way to brighten the fire again. Usually Red would just take me out of town for a few days and buzz me up so I could return back to normal, but lately nothing has been working, I feel a bit sick, almost. I want to dissolve myself in this rusty air. Lately it seems everyone has been feeling like this though; gray, sullen, empty.
Red softly hums something behind me before speaking, "Listen" He says to me, looking up at the ceiling seemingly in thought, "What if you had a full empty, hm?"
My back faces towards Redrick, as I'm ready to load the last empty onto the scales, holding it close to my chest with both hands, my fingertips feel numb against the grainy, bumped metal. My head feels heavy.
"A full empty?" I turn back around to look at him, puzzled.
He tries to explain the idea to me, turning his gaze back down at me from the ceiling. "Yeah, your hydromagnetic trap.. whatchamacallit... Object 77b. It's got some sort of blue stuff inside."
I look at Red, squinting. A glimmer of reason shining through the greenish gray fog of these recent slow and empty days.
"Hold on...full? Just like this, but like*...full?" I gesture towards the empty, now laying on the scale.
"Yeah, that's what I'm saying"
His words spark faith in me, they always do. . I try to suppress the reaction and not let it show to him though, Red already has an annoying habit of comparing me to some type of dog. Being completely honest, hes the one who reminds me of some stray mutt.
"Let's go have a smoke"
I put the empty back into the safe, following close behind Redrick before slamming the door of the repository and locking it shut with three turns of the key and bouncing off the steps behind him.
Red looks up at the sky. Dawn is breaking, and the sky is overcast. The sun is shining brightly and relentlessly against the hazy grey clouds, like a lamp peering through the grey curtain. he tells me everything during the smoke break, where this ‘full empty’ could be, what it was like, and the best way to get at it.
“don't go across, the other roads been safer lately” he hums, leaning back and stretching.
I pull out a map of the zone, finding the garage and I trace around the graphed out garage on the paper with my finger, before looking up at Red, leaning on the counter in front of me with both hands.
I open my mouth to speak "You dog," I smile at him, "Well, let's go for it. First thing in the morning. I'll order the passes and the boot for nine, we'll set off at ten and hope for the best, yeah?"
"Alright" he says, "and who'll be the third person of the group?" He tilts his head to the right while asking, once again reminding me of a dog.
I playfully grin back at Red, "What do we need a third for?"
"No way! This is no picnic in your backyard, what if something happens to us? It's the zone, after all!*" He scolds me, "we have to follow regulations."
I give him a short, quiet laugh and shrug, "As you wish, you know better after all." I'll humour Red, I suppose. A third person would just get in the way. If we were to just run down into the zone, by ourselves, everything would be just great, and nobody would suspect a thing. But the institute has rules, and we both knew that. People don't enter the zone in pairs. The rule is, two do the work, and the third one is witness, and reports on it later if anyone asks.
"Personally, I would take Austin" I say to him, "but you're probably against it , or is it alright?"
“Nope" he responds, "anybody but Austin, you can take him another time." Red doesn't look like he wants to explain it to me, but I'm guessing it's something related to the fact he sometimes complains about Austin acting like he knows everything about the zone.
"Ah, alright then..how about Tender?" I suggest, Tender is a good man, he was my previous lab assistant, a bit on the quiet side, but he's good at what he does.
Red responds after a few seconds of thought. "He's a little old, and he's got kids.." Of course he mentioned that, always caring about the family they have at home, even though he has less capability for attachment than a rock. I don't even know how the thing between him and Guta works. It's sweet though, I'll admit.
"That's alright" I reassure him, "He's been in the zone before”
He lets out a heavy sigh "okay then, let's take Tender.”
Red leaves for the Borscht hungry and with his throat parched, once again mispronouncing the title by adding a ‘T’ at the end and refusing to change his pronunciation because it's ‘spelled that way’, leaving me alone at the lab to map out the route for tomorrows expedition.
When Red returned, he greeted me with six simple words.
“I'm not going into the zone” I stare at him, bug eyed, before it comes to me, I take Redrick by the elbow and lead him into my office, sitting on the windowsill and facing him; we were both silent for a while, I think carefully about my next words.
“Has something happened, Red..?"
"No” He says, grinning sadly “Nothing happened, except me blowing about a two thousand rubles at poker yesterday.”
I look at his face, “Wait a second, did you..change your mind?”
He makes a quiet choking sound.
“I can't” he whispers to me through clenched teeth, all strained. “I can't, do you understand? The sergeant just had me in his office”
I feel a bit heartbroken, like everything I was looking forward to just fell apart infront of me. Red tempted me with promises of the zone, only before turning his back..not like it was his fault or anything, I can't blame the poor boy.
Nonetheless, I can't help but look at him with glassy eyes, all my motivation to keep going just washed away, like writing on the beach sand.
I silently light another cig with the butt of the old one, and I speak softly to him, gingerly choosing out my words
“Red, you can trust me.. I won't breathe a word to anyone.” it feels disgusting, how I'm almost pleading for him to give me an answer, but I can't let him mull about this on his own.
“Skip it” He mutters, “This doesn't involve you at all” It's clear he hasn't told anyone at all yet about him almost getting caught going into the zone, three months after it happening.
“Red, it's alright, I haven't even told Tender about anything yet! I haven't even asked if he's interested in going”
Like a wounded dog, he stays silent and continues smoking. I can tell it in the way he looks at me. He thinks I don't understand a single a thing about him.
I try to get anything, even a single word out of Red. “What did he say to you?”
“Nothing in particular" He speaks, “Some bastard squealed on me, that's all.” He takes another long drag of the cig.
I hop off the windowsill and start pacing around the cramped office, blowing smoke out of my lungs in silence and melancholy, thinking deeply about our situation.
Red had been doing it all, Stalking, for the money, The more green papers the better, a stalker is a stalker, after all.
I stop pacing and come up to Red, asking him awkwardly,
“Listen, Red, how much would a full empty cost?”
He looks at me, all confused before his eyes widen, his eyebrows furrowed. Red opens his mouth to speak, but decides to shut up, he looks at me, he looks exhausted and fed up.
I won't take silence for an answer though, I keeping looking straight at Red, with an intent, understanding gaze, unblinking.
He seemingly calms down a bit before speaking, less tense than before. “No-one with a pass has ever gone to the garage before. They haven't laid the tracks to it yet. You know that, Kirill.” he says to me, “so here we come back from this zone and Tender brags to everyone how we headed straight for the garage, picked up what we needed and came right back. The zone isn't some warehouse, it'll be clear to everyone that we knew ahead of time what we wanted there.. And then everyone will know that the three of us could have been…" He lets out a heavy sigh, “whatever, there's no point in spelling it out for you, do you understand what's in store for me here?”
He looks into my eyes after his little speech, he reminds me of a stray dog, the way he looks all pathetic, guilty, and sorry.
My heart aches, but I don't want to make Red feel even more guilty and terrible, so I clap my hands, and announce to him, “Well..! If you can't, you can't, I understand, Red. And I can't pass judgement on you. I'll go alone, maybe I'll be fine, it's not my first time, after all.” He looks back at me, unamused.
“They won't let you go out alone.” He says to me.
“They will” I mutter, “I know all the sergeants and lieutenants, I don't like those trucks! They've been exposed to the elements for thirty years, and they're just like brand new. There's a gasoline carrier about 5 meters away, and it's all rusted out. That's the zone for you!
We both go silent. I look back at the map and stare out the window, he looks out along with me. The institutes windows are thick and tinted, but outside, beyond the thick glass, is the zone.
From here it looks like you can just reach out and touch her. Like in just a few steps, you can lay down in the tall grass, laying on the earth. Looking at her, it doesn't look too different from any other type of land, hazy fog reaches and clouds over the old, crumbly concrete buildings. The shines just like anywhere else on the outside. As though nothing had particularly changed in it after the visit, it was the same as 50 years ago. Except those tall, soaring concrete walls and trucks, surrounding the zone, caging it in a protective layer from our eyes. Maybe it was for the better that way.
Looking at it, she seems oddly beautiful, the city took a pause when it reached the zone, brutalist concrete fading and being replaced by the dark earth; the zone feels almost untouched by the gray structures, all of the ones that existed previously long crumbling and rotting away. Like a small chunk of another world, there is no way to adapt the zone to fit your own desires, there's only the option to adapt to the zone, and fit its expectations, having an influence over the land was impossible, no matter how much manpower or technology you had. the zone is an ecosystem that was completely sealed away and left to overgrow for those 50 years, a scientific wonder.
That was the way it was with the zone, if you come back with anything, it's a miracle. If you come back alive? It's a success. If the bullets of the armed guards at the trucks miss you? it's luck, and as for anything else? That was fate, determined by the holy spirit. Nobody to blame for that.
I spread the map out on the windowsill and begin counting meters for tomorrow, 40 yards to the garage from the last pylon...40 long, long yards of travel. That's all for appearances though, I'm watching Red out of the corner of my eye, he can tell that I'm looking at him, his gaze softens, and he relaxes more, slowly breathing out smoke.
“Laboratory Assistant Schuart,” I say to him, grinning, “Official, and I heavily stress, official sources have lead me to believe that an inspection of the garage could be of great scientific value. I'm suggesting that we inspect the garage, and I guarantee you a bonus.”
“And what official sources are those?”*He asks me with a mocking skepticism, beaming brighter than the most tiring June sun.
“They're confidential, but I suppose I can tell you. They're from Dr. Douglas.”
“Who?” he tilts his head to the side with curiosity, that damn dog.
I decided to tell it to him straight up, “Sam Douglas. He died last year.”
He scowls at me, but I know it's just for appearances. “Alright, where's your Tender?”
We both without even discussing it decided not to speak about the earlier subject.
I pick up the phone in the office and order us the boot for tomorrow. While I dial PPS, Redrick observes over the map spread out on the windowsill.
When Tender came down, he was tired and out of breath, his daughter had been sick again, the poor girl; and he had to call for a doctor.
When we told him the news, he even stopped breathing so heavily out of shock, “The zone?!, What do you mean, the zone? And why me?!”
However, the promised bonus and the fact that Red was going with us got him up and running again. As I went for the passes, Tender and Red went to go check out the specially made suits. It's almost a little bit funny, I've seen Red eye that bright red gear, the way he glances at the helmet out of the corner of his eye repeatedly, he's just waiting for the second the lieutenant turns his back so he can pocket it for himself.
Although I doubt having a specially made suit would help him much inside the zone. No normal earthly dangers held any meaning inside of it, and people still dropped left and right, even inside the suits, they couldn't help much with the dangers inside the zone. I don't think anything could.
All three of us put on the suits, and Red grabbed the nuts and bolts, pouring them into his pocket. We made our way from the institute yard to the zones entrance.
I looked around at the sympathetic faces around us wishing us on our way. The three of us labeled as heroes, risking our lives for the sake of science. It wasn't the main reason we were going at all, but it's fine to let people believe whatever satisfies them most.
Red snaps some joke at Tender, but it whizzes past my ears completely, only being registered as some far away speech, as I was far deep in my own thoughts, silently mouthing a prayer to the Lord.
Redrick looks over at me, “Praying? Pray on, pray. The further into the zone the closer to heaven”
I pause and look over at Red, “what?”
“Pray!” He shouts, "Stalkers cut in line at the gates of heaven”
When you went into the zone, you could either laugh about it, or cry. Red joked about it, he didn't have the balls to cry in front of me.
I pull out a bolt and some bandages, handing it to Redrick. He should be able to make a good throw, I remember he told me about being on a sports team when he was younger.
“here, throw. Watch for the bolts trajectory wavering.”
I can feel the warm water running over my head and falling down into my shoulders, individual drops gathering and slowly dripping down at the ends of my wet hair. The shower is humid, causing my chest to heave, drawing in deep breaths
And then again, out of the corner of my eye I see it flash. that glowing white spiderweb, stretching across my vision in paper thin strands of silk. The water from the shower falls onto the web, tiny crystal drops shined and reflected on the web, the reflection or the glowing fluorescent lights overhead dancing on the water.
But this time, the web doesn't go away. It stays in my senses, the burning, searing sensation in my chest is back again, it feels like the tissue of the skin in my chest is splitting apart, my breath is short.
My foot glides forward on the slippery tiles, and I lean forward, holding onto the glass shower door to support myself, the water is still pouring on me and sliding off my back, and now I breathe out of my mouth. It feels like no matter how much I gasp in oxygen, it isn't enough.
My knees meet the cold floor, the webs thin strands right in front of me again, the warm water falling on top of me.
Redrick was right. The further into the zone, the closer to heaven. I sense a feeling of regret. I hate her, I hate the zone, but at the same time I cannot draw myself away from it, I cannot leave. The one thing I can hope is that Redrick leaves before he meets the same horrible demise. That one day, he will be capable of forming a single thought, something I thought I could do, but after everything I ended with my brain completely blank. Let it never happen to him, let him live for-
The water continues pouring, no one to turn it off, again and again, the showers drops drip and splatter onto the shower floor with a soft ‘pitter patter’ sound in the silent shower room of the institute.
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