#ty stars for an excuse to RAMBLE
terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
OH, OH, LIZ!!! any alison and dan hcs? both before and after she left?
stars I think you just get a kick out of putting me in my FEELINGS
(before we get too far along might I direct everyone to S's alison fic because it is IMPORTANT to me <333)
I think dan was a complete mama's boy in the beginning. rufus was still with the band when he was born so during his first few years alison was the parent who was always around. there's that throwaway line in one of the early season where rufus says he had to walk dan to school every day when he was seven -- I think two things happened then: 1) rufus had quit touring because he realized he was missing his kids growing up and 2) that age would have also been when jenny was going to school for an entire day, so that is when alison decided to go back to school, and so she was not around as much as she used to be, and dan was adjusting to that.
that big, oversized brown armchair in the loft living room? that was mom's chair, that's where she would curl up and sketch and listen to records in the evenings, and tiny dan would sit on her lap. she taught him how to read in that chair.
before rufus bought the gallery (with its attached studio space), alison did a lot of painting on the roof. it was a good place for the kids to paint too because making a mess didn't matter.
when the humphreys did buy the gallery and she moved into the studio upstairs, she still had the kids over there to make messes. that one scene in the princess diaries where they throw darts at water balloons that are full of paint? the humphreys soooooooo did that.
nads has put this in a fic and got me thinking about it, but I love the idea of bby dan being his mom's assistant, and taking pride in that, he loved helping her out with stuff.
both alison and rufus were big on letting their kids find their art and feeding it. alison was the first to clock that dan loved storytelling, so when he gravitated to writing she wasn't surprised. In middle school when he told his highschool/college prep counselor he wanted to be a writer, and she told him he should get an education degree instead. dan vented to his mom about it and she got so pissed she started researching prep schools that would make him more competitive in getting into college. and that's how the transfer to st jude's began.
after she left dan was cold for a WHILE. I rewatched the ep where she comes back just the other day and it always kills me how he tears into her because jenny needs her and dad needs her, but he never says what he needs (the eldest daughter jumped out), he tries for a long time not to need her, and finds out he doesn't really. (but, as I've said, the realization that he doesn't need her is one of the things that fuels her leaving. her baby is grown and who is she if she isn't a mom? she runs away to try and find that out)
so the show says dan actually spent his spring break in s1 hanging out with his mom, and jenny is taken to aspen with one of minions so it really is JUST them. so...I have to imagine that there was some sort of detente happening there.
And, canon says she stays the summer looking after the kids while rufus is touring, and I imagine that's the first prolonged time that they have to spend together, and dan is reeling from his breakup and so much has happened since she left that he doesn't really know how to be around her, and nothing is completely fixed by the end of the summer, but it's not as broken as it felt before. (it'll be a while before they find their footing, but this time is what really saves their relationship when things get tough later).
and then he and jenny go to hudson for christmas after jenny has been THROUGH it so she needs Mom more than he does and so dan the eldest daughter sort of just...lets that happen (even though he's broken up with serena like. two more times since he last saw his mom)
and then rufus and lily become a couple and that's AWKWARD bc the kids both really like lily but they know alison doesn't and once again dan doesn't know how to just talk to his mom. he used to have the easiest relationship with her and now he doesn't know what he can or can't say.
dan graduates from high school, and alison's ex-husband is dating his ex rock and roll sweetheart and her ex nemesis, but it's her son's graduation so she still goes, but sits in the back and leaves shortly after the ceremony.
the humphreys kick it in the hamptons at cece's house, but they spend a few days with their mom in hudson, and that's when she properly celebrates dan's graduation. but her kids have an impending rich stepmom, and like how vanessa reacts to the cash and the designer wallet and the hamptons summer plans alison feels WEIRD about it, but unlike vanessa she is not compelled to speak up because what could she even say?
dan we know goes to his mom's for christmas that year, and he's mopey about vanessa and jenny's further from him than ever and his dad just peaced out to telluride with the band? without lily? there was a time when he could talk through ANYTHING with his mom but he has no idea how to get back to that, and alison is too careful around dan now, so she never pushes anymore, but he keeps waiting for her to push :/
and then...the second half of s3 happens, and dan probably says something off hand about visiting jen after she settles in, but the whole summer passes and ~radio silence~ alison worries, but jenny needs her more right now, and she's focused on her.
this is the thing I WONDER about. how does alison hear the milo story? how does jenny? who tells them? certainly not dan. I would bet rufus gives her a call after it's all over, it happens to rufus so fast he probably hadn't worked out what alison did or didn't know until after georgina takes milo away, and then Dan is going through something COMPLETELY different.
interestingly enough, s4 is the first time dan doesn't see his mom at christmas. he decides to stay in new york. alone. maybe he's giving jenny space again? I like to think that alison takes jenny on a trip to florida to visit dan & jen's grandmother, so dan declines because, florida. but maybe also to avoid an interrogation about his summer as a teenage dad? all of 4a is basically about dan denying his grief, and if he had to tell his mom about it, he wouldn't be able to deny it anymore.
in the gap between s4 & s5, dan goes back to hudson mainly to help jenny pack to move to london. and once again, he can hide behind his sister pulling the attention, and mask all he's going through.
he sends her a copy of Inside, and she understands his work well enough not to take the off-handed, one-dimensional portrayal of Amy Hunter personally.
and since we all know canon ends 5 minutes into season 5 episode 22...let's go from there.
Jenny meets Dair the Couple before alison, they stop in in london on their way back from rome. when dan tells alison about his gf, alison calls jenny for the real scoop. jenny doesn't lie, but she tells alison that she should make up her own mind.
but, alison and blair are into like, many similar things. alison loves hitchcock, and art history, and debating the merits of the academy awards, so she starts to like blair almost in spite herself.
and it's that, combined with dan feeling settled in his life for the first time since she left, that lets them really connect again. it's gradual, at first, and never the same as it was, but he's comfortable telling her things now, and she's comfortable asking.
(the only thing they don't talk about is Dan's brother Scott, because that would just be rude. not that alison's the type to hate a kid for existing - she likes serena and eric as people after all, but it's just toooo awkward for all parties involved)
i waffle back and forth on this idea: alison goes back to her maiden name, because she doesn't want to share the same last name as lily. OR, on the other hand, she stubbornly holds on to humphrey even after lily marries rufus, because that's her kids' name damnit, and if it makes lily mad, that's just a bonus.
I don't think alison ever remarries. i think getting married sooo young and losing herself in that keeps her from ever wanting to do it again. (like this alex dude, i think he proposes and she says no). she gives jenny a speech once while she's living in hudson about not getting married too soon and staying in charge of her destiny (which jenny was already gonna but), but she knows that in this respect dan is too like his father to listen. her boy was destined to be a WIFE yk?
thanksgivings belong to the van der humphreys, but alison gets some event around the winter & summer holidays, usually planned around whenever jenny and her partner are in town.
alison makes all sorts of things for dan's babies when they're born (pettily she thinks she can't top lily's resources), but she makes print illustrations to hand and knits blankets and does those sorts of things.
she doesn't go to every book launch, but she's always at her local indie shop on dan's release days to buy a copy, even though he always sends her one anyway.
alison and harold and roman are besties. eleanor is team lily always and forever. but harold and roman find daniel's mother adorable, and she's a treat to talk to about art, even if her taste is, unfortunately, a lot like her son's. too modernist.
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wishi-selfships · 9 months
I yam interested in knowing a bit more about your ship with Kazuichi!! When you've got the time of course, any ideas or facts, I'd love to hear them🫶
🍪<- cookie for you
(Grins evilly) HAIII FLAKE >■</!!!!! So glad you sent this bc now I get to think about GabiDen 2.0 (so sorry StarSoda/KazWish for calling you guys that. If anything Gabi and Denji are StarSoda 2.0 if you really think about it [Kazuichi was the first shark toothed guy i ever unofficially f/o'd. This is some serious irl Wishi lore])
▪︎ Despite being in the class below Kazuichi, Wishi's actually the oldest !! Not by much, just by a couple of months (She's born in April, he's born in June)
▪︎ Kazuichi and Wishi met due to Sonia, actually !! Sonia and Wishi became friends due to fact that both of them were technically transfers. They'd hang out sometimes either during or after school, and considering Kazuichi's infatuation with Sonia, it was only a matter of time until they crossed paths with one another.
▪︎ Their dynamic is 100% "[A] fell first; [B] fell harder" with Wishi being A and Kazuichi being B. Except Wishi did fall first then proceeded to fall harder because of course she did.
▪︎ In a normal AU, Wishi fell for Kazuichi during their school years, but lacked the courage to do anything about it at the time. Meanwhile, Kazuichi would've realized he caught feelings for Wishi if not for the events that happened, which for lack of better term, distracted him from that. Wishi sort of got a do-over during SDR2 when they were both in the Neo World Program (which is its own story as to why she's in there), where she, in fact, ended up falling first AGAIN. But this time, Kazuichi finally fell harder (hallelujah)
□ However, in a non despair AU, things go slightly better ! And by slightly I mean The End never kick starts because I blended Junko Enoshima so now StarSoda gets to have a silly HS romance >■< In Which Wishi falls first and goes "ohno" because he's like. OBSESSED with Sonia and also because Wishi + Crushes = flustered hell and delusions too maybe. And Kazuichi FINALLY realizes that he's fallen HARD because "oh cute girl who's like really nice to me and is cute and probably likes me?? And is cute and is my friend who's actually been great and is also CUTE!?!" yaeah ♡♡ This time though Wishi actually ends up doing smthn about it. And by that I mean Kazuichi asked her out sometime in his third year bc he didn't have much time left and wanted to get at least a CHANCE at some Highschool romance. Wishi said yes. And by "say yes" I mean she was right about to ask HIM out too (with the same reasoning as him) and went "o.oh you were gonna. ah. okay guess I don't need this anymore" secretly hides heartfelt card she made bc she was too afraid to confess verbally (he got the card anyway)
▪︎ After some time of being friends, Wishi mentioned that she made silly little webcomics in her free-time and Kazuichi near BEGGED her to add him in one. And she went "I'm not doing THAT. EVER!!!" and then immediately added him in the background as a bg character in the newest web comic she was working on.
▪︎ Speaking of. Wishi almost always doodles Kazuichi whenever she's drawing warm up sketches. She's got a little sketchbook and almost all of the pages have some sort of Souda drawing on them. You can actually track her improvement when it comes to drawing him.
▪︎ In HS, they were the couple who technically weren't a couple but . Everyone could tell. "Yeahhh they defo have smthn going on" because they DIDD so then when they actually got together nobody was all that surprised about it.
▪︎ Not much changed when they went from friends to dating in terms of their dynamic, except Kazuichi got, like... REALLY super giddy near the beginning of their relationship. Almost to the point where he was but a liiiittle bit overwhelming. But Wishi knew it was from a place of genuine excitement, and he chilled out a little eventually!!
▪︎ I wanna say that they’re both super affectionate to the point where their friends go “yuck!!” at the PDA but really? I don’t think they’d get thaaat bad about it! While Kazuichi is 100% ready to go HAM with PDA, Wishi is a bit more tactful.
□ … THOUGH WISHI HAS HER MOMENTS!!! She’s definitely a repeat offender of sneaking behind Kazuichi and just completely GLOMPING the hell out of him. Sneaks up behind and jumps on his back ,, koala hugs him too,, Almost NEVER fails to scare the socks off of him!! But then he realizes it’s his GF and he goes from terrified to shakily happy :3c
▪︎ Wishi likes to draw her and Kazuichi together, or just make general art that he’d like, while Kazuichi likes making little trinkets for Wishi!!
□ They've both made eachother little charms and keychains for the other!! Wishi drew out a design and made one out of clay for Kazuichi, while Kazuichi worked overnight on a cute little trinket using the parts of two watches and also a couple of coke cans. It was a very pretty charm that had a neat flashlight function!!
▪︎ I like to think that somewhere in the future, they move in together 💭💭 They probably adopt a cat together (Kazuichi found a cat in the engine of an old car and brought it home and Wishigot attached quickly). Wishi probably ended up publishing her webcomic as a physical thing while Kazuichi finally got to finish that bike project he was working on, as well as being able to open his own mechanic .. um. Shop? I forgot the right word, mb
□ That’s all in a non-despair AU though. In a normal AU, they don’t live together… Technically. Wishi visits Jabberwock Island for half a year annually and lives with Kazuichi when she does, but she does have to leave the island to do her work as a Future Foundation Member (while FF started rebuilding Hopes Peak, I honestly doubt that there still wasn’t other work to be done. She keeps busy tending to Hopes Peak, as well as outside work that the Future Foundation assigns her to do). Fortunately, though, it didn’t really cause a lot of problems in the long run! It was a little difficult at first, but it definitely helped that they kept up contact when Wishi was away! Plus, Wishi started taking quick two-three day visits during the months she’s mainly working just so that the wait isn’t as long/unbearable.
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demonsword586 · 6 months
Horn grinding headcanons! Niflheim
(I'm gonna be honest,this took way too long to write and I feel like I kinda missed the theme of this series with this work...I also feel like my writing was a bit off....I don't know how to feel about this one!)
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-bro paint those horns,it's impossible to find them
-he's already tired af and done with everything,so when you ask to grind on his horns....he just sighs
-he suddenly grabs you and puts you on his lap.He then puts his hand in your pants and starts using his long fingers on you while grabbing a pen with his free hand and going back to his math problems.
-He then tells you ''If you can survive a few hours of this maybe I'll let you use my horns''
-but a few hours for Gusion means a whole damn afternoon!
-That fucking tease is rubbing,pinching and fingering you with one hand while doing math with the other,looking absolutelly unfazed. Heck he's not even checking on you,even tho you're trembling in his lap after your 8 th orgasm.
-when the sun goes down so does his pen and he finally looks down at you. He gently cradles your body before throwing you on his bed
-you're still recovering from his previous torture,he's already pulling his tie off and tying your hands together with it.He lies his head on your lower stomach and looking up at you seducevlly
-you're in for a long night
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-Hmm....now he has an intresting horn.On one hand it looks pretty sharp but maybe it's just the angle...I bet the tips are actually smooth....the swirl also reminds me of a knife but I hope it's not like one....so this could either be painful or really enjoyable!
-Let's set the scene! You two are sitting on a comfy blanket on a field,moonlight shining on the two of you. As his head lays on your lap while he rambles on about a book he's reading,you stare at his very asteticlly shaped horn before getting a sudden horny idea.
-While he's talking,you sneak your hand from his hair to his horn,gently caressing it which get's a quick reaction out of him. He slowly stops talking mid sentence,his cheeks slowly turning a light shade of pink while he covers his mouth and looks away from you. ''My little star...you shoudn't touch someone's horn like this..it's very sensitive for us devils..'' he says with a meek voice,stopping a few times to cathch his breath.
-''Oh? You seem to like it tho. Maybe we could even use it for something more...intresting~'' You say in return,your voice lower then normal.
-With you touching one of his erogenous zones and suggesting something so perverted,outside even!.....let's just say he's not one to refuse you.
-The act in it's own is very sweet and fluffy. He does most of the work while also being carefull not to accidentally hurt you. He caresses your legs throughout it all. Just make sure to praise him and tell him how good you feel. He's pretty quiet,only making a few grunts and a slight whimper
-now imagine all of this but he's wearing a sailor moon costume
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-now I like this. Beautiful shape,rigged,long! That's what I want in a devil! Plus there's so much surfice and ways to grind on....
-Okay imagine that he finally comes home after being gone for days. When he returns he's all covered in blood,probably coming back from another massacre. As a good partner,you offer to help him bathe.
-Now you are running your hands through his long hair while he's soaking in the tub.As you are washing his hair,you notice his pretty horns and get an idea.
-You slide your hands down to his shoulders and softly whisper into his ear ''Andrealhus~ Can I borrow your horns please? I promise you'll enjoy it too.~''
-his breath hitches at your hot breath against his ear,he closes his eyes with a frown ''No...you'll get dirty with blood'' Now obviouslly he's just trying to make excuses! Why? Simply...he doesn't wish to hurt you. He knows how strong he is and since he spends most of his time hunting and torturing angels,he's afraid he might lose control and cause you pain.
-But you are not satisfied with that! You then slide one of your hands down his chest,softly caressing it and with the other one,you gently trace his horns ''But Andrealphus! You been gone for a week...you can't expect me to not be needy when you come back. Plus..I missed you so much! Please don't make me wait any longer~'' you whine sensually in his ear.
-Now you are really testing his limits. Screw all his morals! If you want it,you'll get it. Doesn't mean he'll be rough tho.
-As soon as he hears you pleading,he releases a long groan.He grabs your hips and gently places you in the water,right between his legs.
-Andreaplhus then starts gliding his fingers along your body. From your collarbone to your chest,down along your stomach and lower until he reaches your privates.
-When he touches your most sensitive area,which is now even more sensitive than normal cuz of your horniness,you get startled and yelp before jumping back on your feet.
-Your reaction suprises him a bit but then he smiles innocently and pulls you back near him.He grabs your leg and lifts it over his head. With his horn now between your thighs,pressed against you. With a husky voice he says ''Looks like you really did miss me. You're so sensitive today...let me guess,you been touching yourself a lot while I was out.''
-You whimper softly and nod before placing your hands on his other hrn and humping the one between your legs.
-he groans and gently holds on the flesh of your thighs,holding them firmlly enough to stop your movement. He then slowly bobs his head while making sure you stay in place
-Now you have this gigantic killing machine of a devil,melting under you,doing his best to be sweet and gentle with you while also melting uder your touch. His horns already slick with pre-milk.
-After a few minutes of soft passion,his movements start getting faster and sloppier,warning that he's close to climax.Seeing his blushing face,his quick breaths makes you feel your own orgasm approaching. You press yourself even closer to him which makes you cum first. Feeling your juices hit his horns and your knees tremble,he arrives as well,moaning your name with his soft voice
-imagine if he looked at you with that bloodthirsty smile in between the act
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gothamslostboy · 1 year
Hi me again! Could I request Spencer Reid x trans male reader (ftm) with the prompts
“Please stay” and “It’s cold when your gone”
Where the 2 r js cuddling bc some asshole at y/ns work said some shit abt him being trans
Maybe a bit of making out but fs like kisses
Ty luv 🫶
- 🦭
A/N: hey 🦭, thank you for my first ever Spencer Reid request! This was a great experience to write and I hope you like it:]
WORDS: 850
MELIORISM (n.) the belief that the world gets better; the belief that humans can improve the world
Spencer Reid x FTM reader
Spencer had 3 main amazing talents. His eidetic memory, which allowed him to recall the tiniest visual details of the things he sees, even if briefly. Reid could also read 20,000 words a minute, finishing books that would take a regular person multiple days in only a few hours. These are well known about Spencer, but, his third talent is something only you’ve experienced. He has the ability to read your emotions perfectly.
If he hadn’t already explained that the ability to be a genuine mind reader would require factors that don’t exist in our world, you would’ve been sure he was one. No matter how insignificant the feeling, Dr. Spencer Walter Reid knew you felt it. So it was no suprise when he was already at the door when you arrived home, scooping you into a hug and kissing your forehead.
Daniel said something again didn’t he? You know, even after one transphobic comment the U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission says that he can be fired. I’m sorry he does this Y/N, you deserve better. You let out a small chuckle as he continues to ramble about different papers and documents he’s read that could help. Just knowing how much Spencer wants to help makes the hurt you feel evaporate away for a bit.
I’m gonna be ok Spence, it just hurts to hear those things. Especially because he was a work friend before he found out I’m trans. You broke away from the hug to shrug the burgundy coat off your body, placing it on the coat rack before grabbing Spencer’s hand & walking towards your shared bedroom. I know Y/N, but you’re just too great of a guy to have to put up with hateful speech. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better? I just want to lay down and watch a show, is Star Trek alright? He smiles, matching the small one on your face as he nods.
Sounds perfect! Did you know that Star Trek actually has very little physics mistakes? Considering the time it was- Spencer’s phone rings, cutting off a rant you were honestly interested in hearing. He answers, the corners of his mouth dropping back down as he exhales. He nods his head a few times before excusing himself to the person on the other end of the phone. Sorry Hotch, just a moment. You’re now back to feeling the same disappointment you had earlier, Aaron only calls after 6:00pm when there’s a case.
Y/N, im so sorry, Reid cups your face with his left hand. There’s a briefing for a case, we leave early tomorrow. Please stay. You lean your face into his hand even more. I know it’s selfish, but I just don’t want to be alone…. Its not selfish. A quiet silence fills the moment. Spencer examines you for a second before placing a gentle kiss on your lips. He guides you onto the bed, pulling off your shoes and turning on Star Trek. He exits the room and moves the phone back to his ear. You sigh, knowing that the case is important or he would’ve stayed.
Surprisingly, Spence re enters about 10 minutes later, with waters and your favorite snack. I thought- I can read the case files on the flight tomorrow. There’s more than enough time and Hotch said he’d fill me in on any other information needed. You hug his side as he sits down, pulling yourself close enough to rest your head on his shoulder as you watch the show. Thank you Spence. It’s better when you’re here, the house is so cold when I’m alone. He turns your head to face his, you come first Y/N, always.
Both leaning in for a slightly intense kiss, time passes and you realize 1 and 1/2 episodes have played in the background. You two had got so caught up in eachother that the tv noise had been completely forgotten. Spencer shares one more peck, before turning back to the screen. I thought you just wanted to lay down and watch a show? We haven’t done very much of that have we? A snicker escapes you as your eyes roll playfully.
Alright, I know. You’ve seen this show a hundred times- 68 and 3/5ths. Reid beams at you as you raise an eyebrow. Ok, you’ve seen this show 68 & 3/5ths times, what’s happened so far in this episode?
He begins to tell you all the needed context for the episode, and then some extra. You lean back against his shoulder and you two hold the hands closest to eachother, the horrible day of work completely forgotten.
Spencer tended to do that. He made all your bad days turn into good ones. You knew no matter how many people tried to hurt you, to tear away your happiness, that people like Spencer Reid existed. People who spend everyday trying to fix this broken world. You knew that meeting Spencer and falling in love with him was the luckiest thing a guy like you could do.
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contritecactite · 8 months
hi elle it’s theparanoidandroid on ao3 (biggest fan)
i’m here because i have no one to ramble to about good omens, but this question has been eating at me all day: who does aziracrow main in mario kart?
i think the obvious choice for aziraphale is peach, since she’s been an honorary gay icon since the 80s. she’s also soft, blonde, and perceived as a little ditzy, but can totally fucking WRECK SHOP and Kick Your Ass with a golf club or umbrella or literally just a frying pan.
crowley, though…i think adam invites him to play games with him (he pretends he’s never played mario kart before, but is actually cracked) and he insists he plays bowser—big scary fire-breathing lizard and all that. but in reality, he’s absolutely a rosalina main—tall awesome space lady whose duty is to protect the cosmos and the stars.
idk i need them to play video games! ty for listening and stoking the flames of my gomens fixation
p.s. muriel mains toad
Bahaha hello! I was thinking not too long ago that I wish I had a good excuse to make them play games, so this is perfect. Unfortunately, I can't remember what game I was thinking of at the time.
OK, first, this is all so so valid, but I must beg you to consider Crowley and the tire iron, which means they fight over who gets to be Peach before Rosalina shows up (and sometimes after, too, just for tradition's sake). Crowley has more fun coming up with reasons why Aziraphale should feel connected to all of the other characters ("I'm just saying, angel, Wario's mustache looks awfully familiar—") than he does actually playing. This is partially because if there's a way to cheat, Aziraphale's doing it and saying annoying things like "evil always sows the seeds of its own destruction" as if he didn't just use a minor miracle to get a perfect run.
Hard agree that Crowley will lie and say, "Bowser, duh" if ever asked by anyone else. Also, Aziraphale will say things ranging from "I've never even heard of such a thing as a video game. What did you expect?" to "I simply cannot get used to these new controllers. You'll have to be patient with me" if he actually abides by the rules and loses.
I buy "Muriel mains Toad" but only in the sense that Toad's their default choice if someone starts putting pressure on them to "pick a character already!!" I think they like to make sure every character gets chosen in equal amounts and spend a lot of time quietly trying to prove that everyone "has been resting on Dry Bones. Is that the right phrase?"
Also not that anyone asked but I think Aziraphale's pathway to this might have been: correspondence chess, then online tournaments, then other simple games with PvP or tournament aspects (he likes to win especially if it means someone else loses OK alskjdf), and then Crowley got tired of him devastating humans and then feeling bad about it ("I didn't know their perfect record mattered for their scholarship!! What am I supposed to do now? Start losing on purpose? That's dishonest.") and introduced him to tactics games. Then tactics games started having too much plot and dialogue and character development ("This is not how the written word was meant to be displayed."), so they ended up with games where Crowley gets to Go Very Fast and Aziraphale gets to win and it works for them.
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livums · 10 months
Happy STS (or answer whenever if ya want), Liv! For any WIP, talk about piece of lore you’ve been waiting for an excuse to share. And whether will it be mentioned in the story or not. Sending good ☆☆ vibes ☆☆ and good luck to you. - ✨️ (@enchanted-lightning-aes)
Hi Enchant! ty for the disclaimer bc idr the last time i got to an ask the day it was sent to me lmao... such is life.
I'm Demigodsposting again.... lol.
in this post i talk through the fantasy sexism. so now people can actually tell me if this sounds like regular fantasy sexism (which I dislike). or if it's worse, I guess,
so cw misogyny, fantasy sexism + gender essentialism
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i wanna talk about the Church of the Sonnelic Host--the so-called "New Faith" (they don't like being called that, because they're not really new at all. lol).
Anyways what I'm about to ramble about is a very important piece of lore in the story itself so hopefully talking through it will solidify it in my shit memory!
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For the Sonnelic faithful, the god-of-gods is the Sun. I have been saying that he's like their Zeus. which is such a cheap comparison but also it's so easy and actually kind of real. lol.
the Sun is one of many Stars that exist within the grand assembly that is the Host. As far as His earthly worshipers are concerned, He's the Best and Mightiest and most revered out of all of em!
He is the model for ideal masculinity in the Sonnelic faith. More on that later maybe.
He has three Consorts! The Star, the Moon, and the Earth.
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The Star is, astronomically, the closest stellar neighbor to the Sun*. Metaphysically, she is nearly his equal in might. His tie to her is a boon to his influence among the rest of the gods of the Host. The Moon is the moon! She is treasured by the Sun for her enviable beauty. That she is tied to him makes him enviable too! The Earth is, in the eyes of the Host, strikingly unique in that it can harbor life! Like, complex life. Like people! But, certainly, it was not always habitable. The Sonnelic faith holds that, had the Earth not been "tamed" by the Sun, it would become inhospitable to life (human life, most importantly). So it is believed that the only thing preventing the Earth from actively trying harder to kill people is the unrelenting force of the Sun. thanks man.
The Moon and the Earth (and beings like them that exist elsewhere in the Host) are far more susceptible to the cold and empty darkness that we would call space. Proximity to more powerful beings like the Sun and the Star prolongs their existence and staves off... what is essentially entropy, I guess.
*bearing in mind that this Sun is not necessarily... our real-world sun.
So yeah! That's the, I guess, cosmology of the Sonnelic faith! It doesn't map perfectly onto the astronomy we know, and it's not really supposed to, so, lol.
So the faith holds that once upon a time, the Sun came down to the surface of the Earth from the Stellar Stratum in the guise of a human so that he might enlighten man as to their Place in things, the nature of the universe, blah blah blah. One man served as the First Hierophant, and was largely responsible for establishing the Sonnelic faith as an organized religion.
At this point in history, mankind had been, depending on who you ask, terrified of and beholden to the Fae. They continue to be the only source of magic in the world--this tempts man to bargain with the creatures. And Fae are notoriously capricious, spiteful, and easily-offended. at least from the perspective of man. While Fae can just as easily be benign and reclusive creatures, many people know of at least one town across the river or so who fucked up and had their fields decimated or their livestock disappeared or their homes burned by a Fae bargain gone awry. It was a scary time!
Most can agree now, though, that whatever the dynamic was between man and Fae--it was not man who was in control.
Enter the Sun.
The inception of the Sonnelic faith came as a lifeline to many humans who were, like, chronically scared. The Sun sought to instill in man the following:
Safety can be ensured by establishing a cultural order (in this case, the establishment of the organized Sonnelic faith). The Earth, as His tamed consort, is His gift to man--it is not right that they should live in fear of it. By extension, it was not right that they should be in fear of the Fae, either. The Fae, according to the Sonnelic faith, are a resource that can be tapped and utilized as man sees fit. Like fertile ground, or fresh water, or wood from the trees.
The first independently-magic weapons are becoming more and more popular--they are said to pulse with Fae blood.
Culturally, the Sun and His Consorts have a major influence on the ways that many of the people of Brennenhaugh approach intimate relationships, particularly marriage prospects.
Men are ideally modeled after the Sun Himself. While Brennenhaugh is still largely a monogamous culture, the people have integrated the idea that a desirable man is one who could, in theory, physically protect however many women he's got. Not from entropy this time, but from like, physical threats most iconically.
The purpose of a woman in a relationship is to embody desirable qualities in such a way that reflects well on her man, to whose status she is ultimately tethered. She can accomplish this in one or more of a few ways:
Physical power. A woman who displays great physical might is highly desirable. However, according to the faith, she should never be stronger than her man is. If a woman can reliably best a man in a fight or other chosen demonstration of physical prowess, he is considered too weak to marry her, and she becomes available for a stronger man. Beauty. So beauty standards are a whole thing but, aside from that, there are a few aspects that comprise this concept of desirable female beauty that have nothing to do with one's natural features at all--a "beautiful" woman is one who is generally quiet (possibly to the point of aloofness), demure, and who demonstrates a degree of... i guess the word is 'neediness'? Asking a man for help with anything is a bit of a loaded gesture in Sonnelic culture. This last one is much more niche--but girls raised in the Sonnelic faith who demonstrate an unwillingness to abide by its strictures are also, kind of strangely, prized within the faith. They serve a different role--in the eyes of the faith, it is not unnatural for girls and young women to have a phase of rebellion and disregard for convention. Young men of the faith are invested in pursuing such women, because successfully taming one in marriage is seen as one of the greatest accomplishments a man can achieve.
So there's a lot of queerphobia that gets wrapped up in this as well, but I don't really feel like talking abt that right now and this post is truly so long. lol. In short, the Sonnelic Church considers a lot of things that deviate from its gender/relationship ideals to be "phases"--permissible, developmentally appropriate, but only for a time.
Ok and that's about it! That took so long for me to write LOL. I felt so silly writing down a lot of that shit but then I remind myself that the point of the story is women claiming agency so.... ok. ok!
Ty again for the ask! 💜💜💜
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
For your birthday gift I will give you an excuse to world build
ok i'm gonna talk a bit about the badlands here now that they've dipped out in stars bc I wasn't able to bring up some other details about the three planets
so decima! we did get some info on that in the story itself. the surface is boiling hot and covered in toxic gases, but the upper atmosphere is actually very pleasant so all of civilization lives in floating cities! fun fact, i based decima largely off of venus in terms of planetary conditions lol. so we got that down. now for the other two planets.
morta, bad and skeppy's planet, is similar to decima in that it has a very volatile and hostile surface. the ground is completely covered in sharp, jutting rocks. the temperatures are extremely high (although not as high as decima's surface), and the air is generally pretty poisonous. but unlike on decima, morta natives live in cave systems that run all underneath the surface. the natives of morta are a gem-hybrid type species. humanoids that formed from the rocks that exist in the cave systems, and their bodies have adapted to survive morta's extremely harsh conditions. skeppy is one of these gem-like natives. meanwhile, bad actually isn't a native to morta at all. he's a demon-like species that hails from the same planet that piglins like techno are from. demons live insanely long, far longer than most other species in the galaxy, so no one is exactly sure how bad ended up on morta. they just know he's been there for quite a long time now
then nona, aka antfrost and seapeekay's planet! where decima and morta are planets that are pretty damn hostile to life, nona is the exact opposite of that. the entire surface is covered in lush, vibrant forests with towering tree canopies that cover huge swaths of the terrain. they have a very warm climate, nearly rainforest-like, and are known for being able to produce huge amounts of food thanks to their favorable weather conditions. the natives of nona are animalistic, usually appearing like creatures that could be mistaken for bipedal cats or foxes. there's been a lot of mixing with other species though through immigration over the years, mostly humans thanks to nona's pleasant weather and plentiful food, so that's how you end up with natives like cpk who look mostly human but have these animal-like traits. meanwhile, antfrost has no human blood in his family tree, hence why he's just a straight up bipedal cat
theres some worldbuilding for you! ty for letting me ramble!!
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jenanigans1207 · 3 years
MatchaBlossom hc: Since Cherry's other arm is still injured, he trusts no one else but Joe to touch his hair and Joe helps him tie it up into a ponytail. Joe teases him about it, but he has this soft smile on his face the entire time.
Yes yes yes because this goes perfectly with my hc that Joe has to help Cherry wash his hair now, too! And I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!
They don’t talk about it. It’s one of those things that doesn’t really need to be talked about anyways, but they wouldn’t talk about it, even if they needed to.
Ever since Cherry’s injury, he’s been unable to return to work. In fact, until very recently, he’d been unable to leave the hospital. Well, what the doctors didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them and he was there every morning when they came to check on him again. What he did at night was a secret between him, Joe and the stars.
But now that he’d been officially released from the hospital and put (begrudgingly) under Joe’s care— the doctors refused to discharge him until they knew he had someone to look after him and there wasn’t anyone else he’d ever call for something like that— he spent even more time at Joe’s restaurant.
During the day he mostly stayed in his own apartment, pretending not to be home when people knocked on his door with well wishes and meals to help him recover. He honestly couldn’t even remember what excuse he’d given to the rest of the world for how he’d ended up in such a bad state. All he knew was that it definitely wasn’t the truth.
Not that it mattered, anyways. The truth was a story that Cherry would be happy to forget, happy to drown in a goddamn glass of wine if Joe would just give him one.
“Doctor’s orders.” Joe shrugged, placing a glass of water down in front of him, a small pill on the counter next to it. “No alcohol until you’re off your medication.”
“I’ll be fine—“
“Kaoru.” The use of his real name stops Cherry in his tracks and he grumbles, shooting Joe a venomous glare that Joe completely ignores.
“Fine.” Cherry finally relents, reaching forward for the pill with his only good arm. He places it on his tongue before taking the glass of water and swallowing both down. “Happy?”
Joe makes some dismissive gesture like he doesn’t care but it’s abundantly clear that he does. He stays stubbornly in his spot, staring at Cherry and making pointed looks at the remaining water in the glass. The doctor had said the medication needed to be taken with an entire glass of water. Figures the only time Joe would actually listen to instructions is when Cherry doesn’t want him to.
Just to get Joe off his back, Cherry downs the rest of the water in one go and sets the cup back down, purposely avoiding the smug smile on Joe’s lips. Instead he focuses his attention on his hair, reaching across his body to try and tuck some of it over his shoulder.
His hair has always been one of his favorite things and he’s never minded managing it before. But having one arm makes managing this much hair borderline impossible. He can barely manage to brush it all, the longer pieces on his injured side nearly out of his reach by the end. He’s managed to struggle through it but hasn’t been able to get it out of his face for nearly a week and was really dreading washing it again. At least at the hospital, the nurses had been kind enough to assist him in washing it and putting it up.
Absorbed in this, Cherry doesn’t even realize that Joe’s no longer standing across the counter from him. It’s not until he feels gentle fingers threading through his hair that he has any idea.
“What are you—“ He startles, turning as much as he can to find Joe standing behind him.
“I can’t put it up if you keep moving like that.” Joe replies, gently pressing on Cherry’s shoulder to face him forward again.
“I don’t need you to put it up.”
“Yes you do.” There’s no malice in it. It’s just a simple statement, an observation. It’s true, too, as much as Cherry hates it. “You need me.”
And that is the teasing Cherry had been expecting. “I absolutely do not. Don’t be so full of yourself.”
“No?” Joe drops the strands of Cherry’s hair that he’d been gathering. In the reflection of the glass cabinet on the other side of the bar, Cherry can see Joe holding his hands up in mock surrender. “Okay, then. You do it.”
“You are insufferable.” Cherry replies, but he makes no moves because he already knows he can’t put his hair up on his own. He’d tried in the hospital.
“It wouldn’t kill you to admit you need me.”
“It might.” Cherry huffs. “It’s not a risk I’m willing to take.”
Joe laughs at that, completely unbothered, and then his fingers are in Cherry’s hair again, unbearably gentle as they gather the hair together into a ponytail that Cherry has been longing for. “Your pride will be the death of you, not me.”
“Your pride will be the death of both of us.” Cherry shoots back. He’s watching the scene unfold carefully in the cabinet, watching how much thought Joe puts into gathering and smoothing his hair, that tiny intimate smile on his lips the whole time.
That tiny smile that Cherry has only seen when they’re alone together. That tiny smile that Joe seems to reserve for him and him alone. The one that makes Cherry’s heart flip in his chest every time he sees it. And now he’s seeing it while Joe tends to him with more care than Cherry has ever seen him handle anything, teasing him the whole time. And now Cherry’s heart just aches.
“If it weren’t for me, your hair would just turn into a mess.” Joe says as he holds a hand out over Cherry’s shoulder. “It would just be a nest. Honestly, you owe me.”
It takes a second, but Cherry finally relents, holding his good hand up to expose the hair tie on his wrist that he knows Joe is asking for. Joe huffs out a quiet laugh under his breath as his fingers ghost over the sensitive skin on the inside of Cherry’s wrist, the rough edge of his fingertips just grazing Cherry’s already racing pulse. It takes everything in him not to shudder at the touch, not to let his eyes flutter closed.
The tension in the room seems to triple as Joe finishes tying Cherry’s hair up, his fingers moving deftly around the hair tie. Once he’s done, his fingers graze down the back of Cherry’s neck until his hand is cupping it, warm and strong and firm.
“There,” Joe finally says, his voice rough hewn around the edges. A little ragged, almost, breathless.
Cherry should say something back, should thank him, but the words are stuck somewhere around the lump in his throat. Instead he reaches up to brush his fingers against Joe’s, the most he can do. But he sees Joe’s small smile in the reflection and he knows that Joe feels it, somehow.
“It’s messy.” Cherry replies instead, the words nearly choked off. Joe rolls his eyes but squeezes his neck so Cherry knows that he understands the unspoken gratitude.
“I’m just working with what I’ve got.” Joe’s fingers slide off of Cherry’s neck finally, dancing across his shoulder as it goes. “Even Picasso couldn’t make a masterpiece out of shitty paints.”
Cherry makes an indignant sound, swinging an arm around but Joe is already out of his reach. “Shitty—?”
And just like that, everything is back to normal. Joe’s on the other side of the counter, back to whatever he’d been doing before, rambling on about Cherry being too blind to tell how he looks, despite all four of his eyes and Cherry is smiling despite himself, feeling a bit more normal for the first time in awhile.
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verai-marcel · 3 years
Holiday Surprise (RDR2 Fanfic, Charles x F!Reader, 18+)
Summary: You and Charles have been together for a few months, but after the two of you officially got together, all of your couplings had been rather soft and sweet. Despite how nice it was with him, you wanted something naughtier, something rougher, something more. And you knew exactly how to get it from him.
Author’s Notes: Secret Santa gift for my dear @fangirl-ramblings! A little naughty Christmas story about getting railed by a very giving, very loving Charles Smith. I’d say this takes place in 1907, after the events of the game, while Charles is making his way north towards Canada.
Tags: Charles x F!Reader, smutty smut smut, holiday feels, probably some holiday anachronisms, tied up wrists, light bdsm, some spanking, rough sex, doggy style, creampie
Word Count: 3139
You were a fiery, passionate woman, with the wits and cunning for making money from any situation, although you drew the line at taking advantage of the poor and pitiful. Anyone else, however, was fair game. It was with this mindset that you had tricked dozens of men who fell for your charms, believing that you would spend a night in their arms. Instead, you just drugged their whiskey and left town with their cash stuffed down your corset as you traveled to the next town, galloping away on your horse and howling in victory.
But then you met your match, when, on your way through Montana, you ran into a man with black hair, a dark complexion, and the warmest brown eyes you had ever seen. His face had scars that told an intriguing tale, and you had longed to trace every line. 
With every intention to fuck and run, you seduced him, riding his thick cock under the river of stars on a summer’s night. The sounds of your pleasure enraptured him, and he breathed your name as if it was his final prayer to the heavens as he spent himself all over your soft skin. When he awoke, you were gone, with his purse in your possession and lingering regrets in your heart.
He tracked you, chased you to the edge of the country, and when he finally caught you, he kissed you before picking you up and taking you into the forest, away from the road where a passerby might see you.
“Did you really think you could get rid of me, wildcat?”
You were taken then, hard and fast on the forest floor, giving in completely to his wanton possession. Wrapping your arms and legs around him, you screamed his name as you let go, your release taking over your body, your heart, your soul.
“Charles, Charles!”
He tied you down with ropes and dark, carnal words, and you never, ever, wanted him to let you go.
A few months later, the two of you had become inseparable. Charles was a good man to you; he treated you as an equal, able to do the same amount of work, if not the same type. And he never disrespected your abilities. Currently, the two of you live in a small cabin on a ranch in Montana where the two of you had met. 
You had changed your ways, using your wits to help with logistics at a ranch, helping with scheduling deliveries, while Charles worked with the animals. His gentle touch had him working with the cattle and horses the most, and while that meant long hours, he still made time to take care of you almost every night, whether it was making you a meal if you were tired, or giving you a massage to relax you on nights when you had to do a lot of paperwork.
Many nights, his gentle care turned into slow love making, his hands and mouth worshipping your body until you pushed him down and rode him passionately, taking every last drop of him. But he never fucked you the way he did that night. He never tied you up, even when you begged for it. Sex was fun, but your thoughts always strayed back to that one night when he lost his calm and fucked you like a raging beast, holding you down, stuffing you full of his thick shaft  over and over again until you cried from the number of times you released around him.
You hated to say it, but you longed for more passion, more lust from him. Charles was like a cute puppy, always eager to please you, but you knew deep inside of him, a wolf was just clawing under the surface, ready to leap out and dominate you. Perhaps he was afraid that he’d hurt you, or that he’d scare you with the intensity of his desire. However, you were not afraid; rather, you wanted to see this side of him, wanted him to lose control like he did that night.
You just had to bring it out of him.
With Christmas fast approaching, you were making secret preparations, on top of the small holiday dinner the two of you were already planning. Working on this ranch meant the two of you had your own little cabin on the land so you could be close to the barn, with relative privacy. For fun, you had decorated the walls with strings of popcorn and wreaths made with pine tree branches and pine cones. Charles had helped you hang your decorations, and had gathered whatever items you needed to make your home just a bit more festive. He got extra candles from the general store, cut a portion of a pine tree and brought it inside for you to decorate. He even bought you ingredients so you could make star-shaped cookies to adorn the tree.
He got you everything you wanted, except for one thing. You hoped that your secret gift would entice him into giving you exactly what you wanted.
“All done for the day?” you asked as Charles came in from the snow on the evening before Christmas, stamping his boots before taking them off.
“Yup. Cattle are all settled, horses are safe in the barn with enough hay for a few days.” He took off his coat and hung it on the coat hook next to the door, patting off the accumulated snow. “Looking forward to our day off?”
“Sure am,” you replied as you got up and walked over to hug him. “But first, look above you.”
Charles looked up and grinned at what he saw. “Mistletoe, huh?” Leaning down, he gave you a chaste peck on the lips. “As if I needed an excuse to kiss you.”
You pulled him down and kissed him again, forcing him to prolong the contact by digging your hands into his lush hair. Opening your lips, you licked his bottom lip, encouraging him to open his and invited his tongue to a dance, the kiss deepening as your desire heated your body.
But his movements were unhurried, his big hands sliding down your body slowly so he could enjoy the curve of your hips and your backside. He finally pulled back, making you whimper. “Sweetness,” he murmured, tracing your cheekbone tenderly, “you need to eat first. Then we can play.”
You huffed and pulled away from him, both annoyed that he was right and playing the part of being a brat, hoping that he’d lose some patience with you.
Raising an eyebrow, Charles said nothing more as he led you towards the kitchen, and the two of you made your meal and ate it peacefully at the table.
It wasn’t until after everything was cleaned and put away that you tried again.
“Charles,” you cooed. “I have a surprise for you.”
He looked at you, curious. “Oh?”
“Close your eyes.”
He obeyed without question.
You got up from your chair and went to the chest of drawers, digging into the bottom of the lowest drawer and pulling out one part of your special gift. Going back to stand before him, you undid the top three buttons of your blouse so that your cleavage peaked out. You took a deep breath to calm yourself, not because you were nervous, but because you were getting too excited. “Open your eyes.”
Charles did so, and his eyes immediately traveled to your chest. You could feel his hot gaze as if it were his fingers, tracing the curves of your breasts. It was as if just his stare alone could caress your nipples, for they suddenly ached with need. 
Then he saw the rope in your hands. It was a horsehair rope that you had made in your spare time, diligently weaving and re-weaving it until it was strong enough to hold someone, but soft to the touch. He looked back up at your face in confusion.
“I want you to tie me up,” you purred, setting the rope down on the table and undoing your skirt buttons in front of him. He sat, entranced by the fabric gliding down your body, revealing your bare thighs. You had chosen not to wear any drawers tonight; you wanted to tease him as much as possible, to break his hold on his self-control.
You could see the outline of his bulge in his pants as he swallowed audibly. “Sweetness,” he rasped, “what’re you on about?”
Undoing the rest of your blouse, you revealed your other secret gift: a chemise and corset that pushed your breasts up. The chemise was dyed black to complement the dark red of the corset, with its black ribbons and lace.
Charles let out a low rumble. “Such a beautiful lady,” he murmured. “C’mere, let me touch you.”
You shook your head. Grabbing the rope from the table, you pushed him back on the chair and wrapped it around him twice. Tying a square knot at his chest, you smiled. “No touching.”
He tested the ropes, wriggling in his seat. It was clear to both of you that if he chose to, he could easily get free, but he decided to play your game. For now.
So you went down on your knees and slowly undid the buttons of his pants and then his drawers, looking up at him to smile and watch his reaction as you nuzzled his bulge. When you finally reached in and freed his cock, stroking him into full hardness, he was breathing heavily.
With your eyes locked onto his, you took him into your mouth. He groaned, his hips jerking upwards. You put your hands on his thighs and started to suck on him in earnest, bobbing your head up and down, slowing your rhythm when you felt him tensing, and speeding up when you could hear him catching his breath. After a while, you reached down to stroke your clit while you sucked on him, letting your own moans vibrate against his shaft. Your tongue swirled around the head of his cock, making him let out a prolonged moan.
“How long are you going to keep me on edge?” he asked, his voice rough with need.
You grinned as you gave him one last lick and stood up. Straddling him, you grasped his hardness and lowered yourself slowly, sinking onto him one inch at a time until he was completely sheathed in you. You felt him twitch inside of you, and you laughed gleefully.
“I’m warning you,” he rumbled.
“Warning me of what?” you sneered, lifting yourself off him until on the tip was inside. “What are you goin’ to do? You’re. Nothing. But. A. Cuddly. Puppy,” you taunted, punctuating your words with each bounce, sliding halfway down before moving back up.
Charles growled before flexing, the square knot that you had so haphazardly tied loosening like his self-control. He reached up and untied it, setting himself free before grabbing onto your hips and pulling you down to grind hard against him. 
“A puppy, huh?” He picked you up, holding you close and walked over to the bed. He nearly shoved you down; his roughness made you shiver with anticipation. He ripped off his clothes in a rush before grabbing the rope and stalking towards you, that primal lust in his eyes, just like that wondrous night. You felt your pussy flow with your desire, as if it knew what was about to happen.
“You want this?” he growled, grabbing your wrists and tying them together. Without waiting for your answer, he flipped you over and folded you until you were on your knees. Slapping your ass, he uttered, “On your knees.”
You quickly obeyed, craving his command. Caressing your backside, he rubbed the head of his cock against your folds, dipping inside of you just a little bit before pulling out to rub against your clit. Over and over, he teased you until you were begging for him to fuck you.
“I don’t think so, sweetness. You tortured me so ruthlessly. I think I owe you the same.” Then he leaned over, one arm holding himself up as he gripped your chin and turned your head to the side to meet his gaze. “Or are you goin’ to be a good girl?”
You stuck your tongue out at him.
A feral grin grew on his face as he let go of your jaw. His hands suddenly grasped your hips, his fingers digging into your flesh. “Have it your way.”
That was your only warning before he plunged inside of you with a low snarl. Staying inside of you, he pressed you down onto the bed, his chest against your back. His hands slid up your body, one arm wrapping around your shoulders, the other digging into your hair. Moving his hips up slowly, he chuckled darkly into your ear before starting a ruthless pace. Charles fucked you hard, making the bed bounce with the strength of his powerful thrusts. 
You cried out, your screams louder than the winter wind outside. Wrapping one hand around your mouth to stifle your sounds, he kept pounding into you, his deep moans of pleasure in your ear.
“That’s it girl, take what I give you,” he uttered into your ear. “It’s what you need, isn’t it?”
“Yes, yes Charles, I need your cock inside of me, I need to be fucked!” you babbled when Charles let go of your mouth. You were losing your mind as he took you with an intense need to mark you as absolutely, decisively his.
He stopped long enough to roll the two of you over, his cock still sheathed inside of you. Reaching down, he stroked your core with one hand as he grabbed your breast and squeezed, teasing your nipple as he gave you shallow thrusts. Your body tightened when he slapped your breast before reaching around you to rub and pinch the other one, giving it the same treatment.
“I can feel your pussy tighten around me. You’re close, aren’t you?”
You could only moan as he rubbed your center harder, faster.
“Come for me, sweetness. Show me how much you love having my cock inside of you.”
You let out a strangled cry as your climax hit you hard, your legs straightening out, your toes curling, the sweat from your body making you slippery in his grasp as he tried to hold you down. He wrung every last spasm of pleasure from you, not letting up the sweet, sinful pressure on your core until you started begging for him to stop.
“You don’t want me to stop,” he teased, gently rolling you off of him. He got up to kneel before you, positioning you with your back on the bed, your legs spread wide open and still twitching from your last climax. Pressing his cock against your oversensitized clit, he rubbed against you, watching you writhe with too much pleasure, driving you insane.
“Oh my lord, fuck, oh god,” you rambled as your hips twisted back and forth, trying to avoid his touch. But Charles grabbed your hips and held you down as he rocked his hips back and forth, his shaft sliding around your sensitive areas. You could only whimper as you knew you were helpless to resist him now.
Not that you wanted to. Your pussy still dripped with how much you wanted him to fuck you.
Charles let you breathe for a moment before he leaned forward and pushed his member deep inside of you with one stroke. “You want my spend, wildcat?”
“Yes!” you hissed, lifting your hips up. “I want it, I need it!”
“Of course you do. And only I can give it to you,” he rumbled as he started thrusting, slowly at first, then moving faster and faster as he lost control of himself. He fell upon you, like a hungry wolf onto his prey, covering you with his wide chest, his big, muscular arms surrounding you and holding you close. “Tell me you want it inside.”
“Yes, please Charles, spend inside of me, I want it deep,” you begged.
Charles let out a guttural moan as he thrust hard, pushing inside of you as deep as he could, and stayed there as he released himself inside of you, filling you full. He let out a few more grunts of exertion, lifting his hips and pumping more inside of you until you felt his release spilling from your body.
“Fuck,” he sighed, contentedly. Then he suddenly lifted off of you and collapsed beside you. He reached up and untied your wrists, frowning at the red marks on your skin.
“You alright, sweetness?” he asked, kissing each of your wrists.
“I’m better than alright,” you replied, drunk on the intense afterglow. Cuddling closer to him, you hummed happily when you felt him wrap his arms around you and pull you into his chest.
“I’m glad,” he said, kissing the top of your head. “Guess I should’ve known you could handle me being… a little rougher with you.”
You looked up at him. “What stopped you before?”
Charles cupped your cheek and looked at you so tenderly that you nearly teared up. “I don’t want to hurt you,” he murmured.
You gently flicked his nose with your finger. “You silly man. I’ll tell you if something hurts.”
“You usually don’t.”
You opened your mouth to argue before you realized that he was right. You usually didn’t complain about aches and pains, but he would see you stretching or groaning and would chastise you for not telling him. “This is different. But I promise I’ll tell you if I’m hurt from now on,” you said.
“Thank you.” He kissed your forehead, then the tip of your nose. “Ready to sleep, sweetness?”
You nodded and yawned.
He chuckled as he nuzzled you with his cheek. “Good night, my love.”
“Happy Christmas, my sweet flower,” Charles said as you awoke, blinking your eyes as the dawn light filtered in through the one window of your cabin. Nestling into his chest, you wanted to sleep for a little longer, but knowing what an early bird Charles was, you grumbled and started to get up.
“Who said anything about getting out of bed,” he said, pulling you back down on top of him. You felt the long hard length of him against your thigh and saw the sly smile on his face.
Straddling him, you rolled your hips and coated his cock with your wetness. “My mistake,” you joked. “Guess you’ll need to teach me the right way to spend Christmas morning.”
He rolled the two of you over and slipped his cock inside of you slowly. “Gladly,” he said before kissing you and starting a gentle rhythm that sent you soaring.
End Notes: Merry Christmas @fangirl-ramblings! Hope you like your secret santa gift!!!
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authoressofdarkness · 3 years
His Perfect Model - Chapter 1
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Tony doesn’t need the money from porn shoots, Lord knows. It’s just a fun, extremely well paying side gig. But when he somehow acquires permanent... ah, custody... of the omega from his latest shoot, he knows he’s found his perfect model. And their fun together is only beginning. It may take him some time to convince Peter of that, but really, he’s not too worried.
Read on AO3 here. Notes, warnings, and Chapter 1 under the cut.
Notes: Hello hello! I'm back again! This is another random plot bunny that I've been fidgeting with for a while, but I was eventually convinced to get it up sooner rather than later, so here it is! This first chapter is very explicit, and it probably will be rather smutty most of the way through. Not sure how long this will be yet or what it will deal with, but just for transparency, there may be talk of past trauma that could extend to noncon, dubcon, kidnapping, human trafficking, and more. I'll tag each chapter accordingly as we get there, but none of it should be too explicit. Also, anyone familiar with GMSTS will be familiar with how I write ABO, but, as simply as possible, omegas have vaginas, alphas have cocks, and betas are what we would consider "binary." Again, I say so ahead of time just in the interest of transparency so I don't accidentally trigger anyone's dysphoria. Aaaanyway, if you've made it through my rambling and are still interested, yay! Thank you for being here, read on, and I hope you enjoy! <3
He tries not to judge.
That was probably why he gets hired for so many gigs. That and his insane amount of talent, but — well. Anyone could have that amount of talent with working with equipment if they tried. Now the fact that he builds his own… that is something special, he knows.
And, really, his technical prowess was what pays his bills more than anything, and is what made him rich. That, and his father’s name, but he tries to keep that part more under wraps. He’d turned away the responsibility that normally came with being a Stark a long time ago; but the intelligence and the mechanical prowess is practically in his blood. Unable to be rejected.
Anyway, the point is, he doesn’t need to do porn shoots; yet he still enjoys taking these side jobs. He always had, even on his way to the top, and he never made any attempt to hide it.
He doesn’t just shoot porn, of course. He’d lend his camera skills to anyone who asks and has the money to back up the offer. But of course the dirty jobs tend to be his favorites. Any alpha that says they don’t like to pose an omega how they like and look at their pretty pussy for any amount of time — and get paid the big bucks to do it — was certainly a liar.
And yeah, he takes some weird jobs included in that. But he doesn’t ask many questions except on the preferences for stylings of the job, and he’s kinky enough himself to never dream of judging the extremism of it, so… yeah, he makes pretty good money.
Today might be testing the extent of it, though.
The scene he is shooting today isn’t particularly extreme or out of the ordinary, on first glance. The omega was to be strapped to a chair with a wand tied in place to tease his pussy, and Tony is supposed to capture it in photo and on video as his torture goes through stages of multiple denials until he’s hypersensitive and begging to stop. The rest was put as to be determined based on the way it comes out.
It is far from the craziest thing he’s ever shot, and he planned it out easily enough, with a few of his favorite toys and set pieces, and he’s easily ready to go.
The weird part starts when the omega gets there.
It’s apparent immediately that this is no porn star. Aside from his experience in the field and the number of them he actually knew from it, Peter doesn’t carry himself like one. He is small and shy, with a lithe, gorgeous body, as Tony can see from the moment the two gruff alphas accompanying him strip him out of the poor excuse for a covering the omega had been wearing. All he was left in then was a slip, and it’s sheer fabric did nothing to hide the pretty nude form underneath.
Most people arrived in normal clothes and then would either change or strip.
The second thing was that he is already bound. Again, unusual. Clearly he hadn’t driven himself, of course, but… this must be a really elaborate scene for him to already be tied up. And the rope isn’t even the good stuff; it’s plain and grainy, certainly hurting his wrists and not at all his color. Tony always used rope that complimented the style of the scene and the person’s skin. It would be a waste not to.
Peter is gorgeous, and he could have used a lot of colors, admittedly. But the boy is delicate and pale — his pussy much the same in the photos — and so he’d chosen a light pink, one that didn’t wash out his already pale form and almost matched the pretty color of the soft bits he’d been paid to pay special attention to. It’s easy enough to match the background of the scene and the colors of the toys and rope together, thematically.
But that aside, all of the choices up to this point were strange. Stranger than he’s used to. But he makes it a point not to say anything. He’s not being paid to judge.
Even if Peter looks almost scared of the two men he came in with. Even if something rings off about this whole gig.
Tony isn’t stupid, but he doesn’t care much for the loss of business — at least — pushing for the truth would cause. So he pushes the thoughts down and finally approaches the omega.
“Hi, princess. Gentlemen.” He kneels down to be at Peter’s level. “My name’s Tony. I’m going to be the one taking your photos, honey. Can I get you anything before we start? A water? Bathroom break?” The omega silently shakes his head. “Alright. Let's get started then.” He holds out a hand to help him up.
Peter takes it, and Tony helps him to his feet and guides him over to the chair. “Now we’re going to start with some photos on the floor and make our way into the chair. I’m going to change out your ropes. I want you to leave the slip on, for now.” It’s white, a nice color to highlight the details of the creamy skin underneath, and doesn’t contrast with his ropes, either.
He cuts the bonds on the omega’s wrists and reties them in front of him with the pink rope, then has him lay down on the floor, propping his ankles up on the edge of the chair so the slip falls back to expose creamy thighs and stomach and the top of that tantalizing slit from above his pressed-together thighs.
Tony suppresses the urge to purr. “Perfect.” He moves behind the chair and starts taking pictures, ignoring the stir of arousal in his gut at the sight of the gorgeous omega as he does, throwing out occasional changes in position for him to follow.
Peter, for his part, is pretty demure throughout all the photos. He’s quiet — whether shy or afraid to speak, Tony doesn’t ask — but he doesn’t look sullen or make any faces to spoil the photos. He just complies with Tony’s directions, usually silently or with an occasional “yes, sir,” allowing Tony to direct and shoot him in a dozen different positions before allowing him to actually sit in the chair.
Feet on the chair. Legs crossed. Legs open. Spread your folds with your bound hands. One leg up, then the other. Knees bent. To your chest, pussy exposed wide without your fingers. Pull the sheer over it for a few shots. Hold the wand to it. Hands above your head. Hold still while I get shots of it resting there. Tied with the rope like it will be in the video. Lick the wand. Close your eyes and hold it there. Take off the slip. Repeat a few sultry shots without it.
Finally, he picks up the slip and helps the omega to his feet. “You can sit in the chair now. Put the slip back on for a few minutes.”
Peter nods and does as he’s told, and Tony watches, unable to help himself. He doesn’t find himself incredibly attracted to a lot of his clients, at least after so long of doing it, and what with his tastes being so specific… but Peter seemed to hit everything on the head, and god, it was a bit of a problem for him. He’s supposed to be setting up his camera right now, but instead he’s admiring the curve of the omega’s spine and his plump ass as he heads for the chair he’s going to tie him to and-
He snaps out of it. He’s going to shoot the video he’s being paid to shoot, and that’s it. No fantasies allowed. At least not until after when he’s jerking off to the memory of this.
He sets up his video camera, then returns to the little omega, waiting patiently for him to come to him so they could shoot the scene. Tony grabs some more of the pink rope, setting about tying the pretty thing down, wrists to the arms, ankles to the legs, back to the back, and the wand added with a loop through the middle tying his back to the chair, letting it sit perfectly against Peter’s pretty pussy. He tops it off with a blindfold, and purrs at the completed look.
“Perfect. I’m going to get a few more shots before we start filming. Just relax.” He can smell the omega starting to get slick, even just from the wand resting against his pussy. He definitely knows what’s coming. Even though it’s not Tony’s idea, or Tony’s omega, even, he’s getting slightly excited at the thought of being in control and being the one to do this to him.
He gets a lot more excited when they actually start.
He does. He can’t help it. From the moment he turns the toy on and watches the omega’s head loll back in pleasure, eyes fluttering under the blindfold, he’s rock hard in his pants, watching, smelling the omega’s slick as he goes from slightly wet to absolutely drenched and dripping down his own thighs by the third denial. And his moans… the way he meekly whines out for alpha and those little cries of pleasepleaseplease! when he’s on the cusp of orgasm… it’s pornographic, there’s no other word for how obscene and arousing it is, matched only by the way his lithe body squirms in his bonds, fabric around his eyes darkening from tears-
By the fifth denial, Tony is convinced he could probably come in his pants right now from this, if he let himself. He’s half-ass tempted to. The alphas that had brought him in have stepped outside, and Peter is slumped as much as he can be and panting in the chair, still blindfolded, just waiting for him to turn it back on. It would be so easy to rub himself to a quick and dirty orgasm out of any of their lines of sight.
He doesn’t. He turns the toy back on and lets his cock twitch and strain in his pants at the sound of Peter’s broken cry instead, finding this edging to be just as satisfying for him as how it’ll probably end for Peter. At least it’s fair.
One of the alphas that brought him in returns sometime around the eighth denial. He joins him off to the side this time.
“How many?” He sounds almost bored, eyeing the crying and squirming omega with minimal interest.
Tony tried to keep his voice even as he answers, despite the arousal threatening to roughen it. “When I turn it on again, it’ll be nine.”
“Good.” He nods, looking satisfied.
There’s a long moment of silence except for the pitiful whimpering of the omega. Tony breaks it again. “How many times am I supposed to deny him?”
“At least ten.”
“And then?”
The other alpha turns to him. “That depends on you, I think.”
“On me?” He can’t hide his surprise. The paperwork had said to be determined, yes, but he assumed it was to be determined based on what Peter could take. “What do you mean?”
The older alpha gives him a once over and purposefully scents the air before answering. “You want him. Don’t you?”
It’s not like there’s any way of hiding it, but his cheeks still tint pink. “Yes. Who wouldn’t?”
“Well, you have a chance at him before anyone else.” The alpha tilts his head. “How much are you willing to pay?”
“Excuse me?” Tony straightens. “Pay for what?”
“Him.” The alpha tosses his head in Peter’s direction.
Tony lets out a little breath. God, is it tempting, but he doesn’t need anyone else used whore, no matter how pretty he may be. “He’s pretty, I grant you, but I’m not paying to fuck an omega used by how many others before me. Thanks, but no thanks.” It sounded crude, but really. Why would he take a risk like that?
“He hasn’t been. He’s fresh meat.” The other male shrugs. “The shoot is for material to advertise him. He goes online for sale tonight… unless you pay me for him right now.”
Tony doesn’t need him to say it flat out to understand that his suspicions were right — there’s definitely something illegal going on here. And he has a choice.
But what kind of choice is it, really? He only knows two people’s names out of what is surely a ring, and in all likelihood, they’re fake names. These two alphas probably wouldn’t have shared this with him if they weren’t confident that he wants Peter enough to take it. And even the fact they were here and they did this shoot would be enough to get him in trouble, even if he turned it in himself. Not to mention the fact that they know his real identity. These two men or someone else would surely come back after him if he tried to turn them in — if they didn’t kill him flat out.
But if he bought Peter and kept quiet… it was better for him, better for business, and surely better for Peter. He couldn’t be as bad as whoever the boy would end up being sold to on the black market.
Tony meets his eyes. “How much?”
The alpha grins, pretending to think about it. “To have first go round at him? A couple grand. I’ll go back outside and let you have him until sundown, if you give us our material and the cash. To keep him? Well, I still want the photos for promotional material, but… a mil or two.”
Two whole million. For a pure, untouched, gorgeous, terrified omega straight out of his wet dreams.
Tony swallows. It’s hardly a decision. Not when he’s smelling how wet and ready Peter is sitting a few feet away and he knows he could have the money out of the bank as quick as a phone call. It’s not as if he doesn’t have it. “How soon do you want the cash?”
By the time Peter reaches the tenth denial, Tony officially owns him.
The two other alphas leave with a flash drive with the photos, the money in an account, and the promise that they’ll get the finished product of the video soon.
Soon, but not today, or the next couple, probably. He’s going to be a bit busy.
He fixes the angle of the camera so it’s situated mostly below the neck; the focus of it, of course, on the omega’s creamy open thighs, and the wet pussy forced open between them with the wand. Then he moves around, approaching the omega from the back while he’s slumped in the chair, panting and crying weakly.
He slides the blindfold off the omega’s wet eyes from behind, and Peter immediately straightens, tugging at his bonds. “H-hello? Alpha?” His voice is thick and raspy from crying.
“Hi, honey,” Tony purrs, setting his hands on the omega’s shoulders, enjoying the way he jumps at the touch as he runs them down his body. Deft fingers free the wand from its loop, and Peter sobs in relief.
“Oh alpha, thank you, gods- ngh- “
Peter starts to thank him for removing the wand, but chokes off with a broken cry when it returns, this time in the alpha’s hand. Tony smiles at the response as Peter’s head lolls back into his shoulder, turning it up a setting and shushing him gently at the sob that tears from Peter’s lips again.
He runs his other hand back up Peter’s body and settles it against his chin, grip firm on his throat, forcing him to keep his head back and on his shoulder. He drops his lips to the omega’s ear. “You can sob and struggle all you want to. I’m not going to let you come. And I’m not going to stop torturing you until you stop all of it. Don’t cry, don’t struggle, don’t beg me to let you ruin yourself. When you start saying please and thank you for the pleasure and for what I’m doing to you, and be a respectful, obedient omega, we might stop.”
“It hurts-“ Peter whimpers. “Alpha, daddy , please… I’ll do anything- oh- “ His face presses against Tony’s chest with a tortured cry. His thighs tremble viciously against Tony’s hand, back arching a little over the chair.
Tony feels a pang in his chest, but presses on. They have to finish this video before he starts going soft, at least. “You’ll sit still and be quiet. Here. I’ll even help you.” The hand not holding the wand in place comes up and covers his mouth, holding his head firmly against his shoulder. “Now be good, and I’ll make it stop.”
It takes time. Another few denials, kind of time, but it doesn’t matter. He has as long as needed. He’d given the omega an order, and he’d learn to listen, or they’d keep going all night.
Eventually, shaking and exhausted, Peter goes limp against him, eyes closed, pitiful little sobs audible but no words even trying to come from behind the alpha’s hand, still clamped on his mouth. Tony makes a triumphant little sound, and pulls the wand away. “Look at me, omega.”
Peter’s eyes flutter open, red and wet, fixing on Tony.
“Since you’ve listened, now, we’re going to be done. I’m going to take my hand off your mouth, and I want you to thank me. Don’t stop thanking me, and don’t say please, again, or we’ll stop until you can get control of yourself. Am I clear?” A nod against his hand. “Good.” He lets him go.
Peter takes a small breath. “Thank you.” His voice is barely a hoarse whisper.
“You’re welcome, omega.” Tony presses a kiss to his neck and lets the wand trail back up Peter’s thigh, suppressing a smirk at the way his breath hitches again. “Again.”
“Thank you, Alpha.”
“Good boy. Remember, don’t beg. Just be grateful.” He pauses, then slides the blindfold back on his eyes. He knows they want his full body in this shot, but he isn’t too keen on the possibility of the omega being recognized, either, knowing what he does now. Then he steps away just enough to tilt the camera back up, allowing it to get Peter’s face, and a small portion of his own neck and torso behind him.
When he returns, he takes his chin, turning his head toward the lens. “Look toward the camera, now. Think about how many people are going to see this, honey, and try show them how good you are. Let everyone see how pretty you look when you’re coming, just this once, before I take it all for myself.”
“Yes, alpha. Thank you, alpha.”
“Good boy.” With that, he turns on the wand again.
The omega’s body jumps visibly in the camera lens when the toy finds his swollen clit again. He lets out a broken little cry, but his hips don’t move, even as he starts to tremble again immediately. “Alpha- feels so good, Alpha, thank you- so close, Alpha, so close, thank you- oh god, oh- ngh- “
The force of the orgasm rocks his little body, and he nearly screams at the intensity before going completely limp in the chair again, clearly seeing stars, seeming to have blacked out.
Tony flicks the toy off and lets Peter’s head go, watching it fall to his chest as the omega pants and struggles to regain his senses. He walks over to the camera, taking it off its stand and coming closer.
He trails his fingers from the inside of Peter’s bound leg, up his core, pausing for just a moment to tease that oversensitive little bud, tearing a strangled cry out of Peter that he shushes, and then clear up to his face. He cups his cheek, stroking it as the omega’s unfocused eyes try to open under the fabric, clearly barely holding on to consciousness.
“You know you want one,” he murmurs, just loud enough to be heard. “So come get it.”
Then he shuts the camera off, setting it aside and turning completely back to Peter. It was time to get the omega home.
Taglist: @snowstark @serrabloodsong​
Let me know if you would like to be added! <3
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ash-flame101 · 4 years
Luke x Ashley Imagine| Sunset Curve
NEED TO KNOW: Ashley and Luke are best friends and are the two lead singers in Sunset Curve. (Bobby is not included in Sunset Curve this time.) It is 2020 and this time around Luke, Reggie and Alex never die. Ashley is also Alex’s younger sister by a year and they live in the house where Julies lived. They are still 17 so they were born in 2003 with Ashley in 2004. 
It’s been 8 years since we played at the Orpheum and Sunset Curve became huge. Tonight we had just finished our last performance of this tour and we had decided to go to a club and celebrate. 
We walked into the club with our fake ID’s and I instantly ordered a dozen shots for the group. Three each to start off with. Alex and Reggie winced as the alcohol burned their throats. Me and Luke chuckled as we downed our shots easily. “I’m hitting the dance floor” Reggie said and walked off. Luke smiled. “I’m joining him” Luke stated and he too sauntered off into the midst of the crowd. 
“You killed it on the drums tonight, big bro” I said and playfully punched Alex’s shoulder. He grinned. “Your duet with Luke was amazing, when will you admit that you’ve fallen head over heels for him, everyone can see the chemistry when you guys sing” Alex smirked. I narrowed my eyes. “I don’t know what you mean” I replied as I downed another shot. “You know exactly what I mean little sis, you just won’t admit it too me ‘cause I’m your big brother and it’s just weird to talk to your brother about guys” Alex said in a high pitched girly voice. “Weirdo” I mumbled. “You love me” Alex said and elbowed me gently. I broke into smile. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” 
My conversation with Alex was interrupted when Reggie walked over. “Holy, shit, Luke is way too good at dancing, I couldn’t keep up with him” Reggie complained. I burst into laughter but it was cut short when I caught Luke. He was dancing extremely close to another girl. The girl then started grinding against Luke’s body and tears filled my eyes. “Ashley, what’s wrong?” Reggie and Alex asked at the same time. I took a deep breath and shook my head. “Nothing” I choked out and ran out of the club and onto the street. I didn’t want to see what was going on inside of the club anymore. I called for a Taxi to drive me to the apartment we were staying in. 
**Time Skip**
I unlocked the door to our apartment and walked in, flicking the lights on. The rest of the boys probably wouldn’t be home till like 2am and it was only 11pm. I closed the door behind me and slumped against it, tears pouring out of my eyes. Alex was right, I was crushing on Luke, maybe I had even fallen in love with him and now I was too late. Getting back up on my feet, I went into my room and started quietly singing Always Remember Us This Way from A Star Is Born. Deciding to go to bed, I changed into one of Alex’s shirts and pulled on a pair of sweatpants before climbing into bed and falling into a dreamless sleep. 
**Next Morning**
I woke up with a tiny headache and reached for the glass of water on my bedside table and downed it. Getting out of bed I checked the time and saw it was 10am. I pulled my hair into a messy bun then walked out into the kitchen to grab some food. There was nothing I wanted except for ice cream so I pulled out the tub and grabbed a spoon and dug into it. Moments later my phone started going off and I unlocked it to see heaps of notifications about articles. Confused as heel, I tapped one of the articles and started to read. It was a theory of Luke getting together with someone and there was a photo of Luke and the girl dancing. Sighing, I closed my phone and kept eating the ice cream. “Hey, how you doing, Ashley?” Reggie asked as he came out of his room. I smiled sadly. “Been better, Reg.” Reggie walked over. “Jesus Ashley, you look like shit” he said loudly. He was right though. My eyes were puffy and red with bags underneath them. I was a huge mess. “Yeah, yeah, rub it in, I know” I said sarcastically. “Sorry” he mumbled. “It’s all good Reg” I replied. “Get a spoon and have some of this ice cream, it’s yum as” I told him. 
Half an hour later Alex had joined me and Reggie and now we were all sitting on the couch watching one of the performances from our tour. I still looked like shit as I hadn’t been bothered to have a shower or anything yet. Luke was still in bed anyway. As we kept watching the performance, it had come up to the song that me and Luke had written together for a duet, while Alex and Reg backed it up. I smiled softly at the memory. Me and Luke had almost kissed that night too. As that thought came into my head, my eyes started tearing up. “Maybe, we should turn it off” Alex suggested and turned it off. I wiped the tears from my eyes just as Luke walked out of his room. I gulped as we made eye contact. Luke was also a mess, he had obviously been crying for some reason. His eyes were red and really puffy, his face was really pale and his hair was all over the place. “I’m sorry guys, I whispered and ran into my room and locked it behind me. I needed to get out of here. I pulled on some black jeans, combat boots, a flannel shirt and I tied it at my waist. Washing my face and tying my hair, I realized that this was all I needed. To get dressed and go out. I clipped my chains onto my jeans and clipped my wallet and keys to it too then shoved my phone in my pocket. 
I walked out of my room and out the door, once again glancing at Luke who had taken my seat on the couch and had his head in his hands, I heard a few sniffles and my heart broke. “I screwed everything up” Luke mumbled. Alex looked up and he saw me. Tears filled my eyes again. “I can’t” I mouthed then walked out the door, it closed loudly behind me which made Luke look up and he saw me. As we caught each other’s eye, I could see even more tears well in his eyes and it felt like I could see his heart break. I couldn’t handle it though. Even though we weren’t together it still hurt like hell, but he admitted he was attached to me in a way he couldn’t explain but it was obviously a lie. 
Walking out in the street I saw a sign up. I realized it was a photo of me and Luke at the beach. It had been for a photoshoot of the whole band then it ended up turning into a photo of just me and Luke. I smiled sadly at the memory. I kept walking down the streets and I decided to walk too the beach where the photo was taken. 
I got to the beach and I sat down on the sand. “God Luke, why did I have to fall in love with you” I spoke aloud as a single tear rolled down my cheek. Suddenly, a person sat next to me and I turned to see the person’s face and it was one I could never forget. Luke. “Ashley, I am so, sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I just, it’s just, I don’t even know. I know I told you I was attached to you in a way that I couldn’t explain and it’s true but I don’t know what happened last night. That girl was just there and there’s no excuse for it. I hurt you so badly and I hate myself for it. It hurts me that I hurt the one girl I love. Ashley, I’m super, super sorry, if you can’t forgive me, I understand but I will do anything to make it up too you” Luke rambled on as tear fell from his eyes. Looking at the boy in front of me, I could see the guilt was killing him inside. “Luke, I-I don’t know what to say. I think I forgive you but it hurt what you did. I know we’re not together or anything but you made me feel alive when you told me you were attached to me” I mumbled. Luke slowly reached for my hand and I let him take it. “I am sorry, I know I can’t undo it, but I promise to never hurt you again, ever!” Luke admitted. Smiling softly, I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear then stood up, bring Luke with me. “I forgive you Luke.”
Luke gave me one of his beautiful smiles that I had missed so much. “Did you say you that you love me Luke?” I questioned. Luke looked me dead in the eye. “I love you so much Ashley, I always have but I’ve been too afraid to admit it and I was afraid what Alex would do if he knew I loved it his little sister. But, it was him that told me I should make it up to you and that I would find you here. But to answer your question. I love you so much more than words can explain” Luke admitted. My heart swelled in my chest. “I love you too Luke, so, so much.”
Luke smiled again. Slowly, he pulled me closer to him and put one hand around my waist and one hand was on the side of my face. I closed my eyes as we both slowly leant closer and closer. Within his lips were pressed against mine and my hand had snaked around his shoulders. I leant in more to deepen the kiss and I could feel a smile etch itself onto my face. Luke broke the kiss and looked me in my eyes. “Can I ask you something?” I raised an eyebrow. “Always, you know you can” I told him. “Will you be my girlfriend, officially?” Luke asked. Happy tears filled my eyes. “Yes, Luke, of course” I said happily as I pulled him in for a tight hug. “I’m sorry it took me so long to ask” Luke said sheepishly. I smiled. “I would’ve waited the world for you” I replied. 
Luke brought me in closer to to him and our lips melted together again. “You are my world, Ashley” Luke mumbled. 
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n0v4hearts · 4 years
So This is Love
Ship: Snatcher/The Prince (AHIT) x SI/OC
Word Count: about 3,160 ish words, and not beta read (unless sending this to your friend at 3am to read it over is beta reading ksbdjd)
Ok, so this is majorly self indulgent, because I low-key really like masquerade balls and grand costumes and stuff, but I can't write imagery for JACK and the song "So This is Love" basically came into my heart and smashed my knees with the image of me and Snatcher dancing to this elbdj
Also! The Prince doesn't really have a name, so i just named him Luka lol
(I haven't posted anything og my self-insert, but they go by Bee and they/them pronouns, and they work as the king's mail carrier and post man. They and Luka have been close friends since childhood, and that's why they get away with so much stuff together lol)
Anyway, I need to stop rambling, I hope you like it!!! I know I do-- The actual fic is under the read more!
 ... <3
   Acorn sighed, as they fiddled at their clothes. Even though they are a mail carrier, they are a royal mail carrier and got the privilege to be invited to a masquerade ball the kingdom is holding. The heir of the kingdom – Prince Luka – practically begged for Acorn to be there, seeing as they were a close friend of his. Luka even had a tailor of his make a set of clothes for the occasion. When he gave Acorn their set of clothes (on a mail run, no less,) they almost burst into tears. Even though Acorn was a friend of the Prince's, and technically worked for the King and his Court, they were still pretty surprised that the King allowed them to join. Acorn sharply shook their head to try and stop thinking about what happened before the party, thoughts lingering on the clothes and the handsome Prince instead.
     Thankfully, Luka made the clothing he gave them lighter than what most ball dancers would wear, as well as not having many intricate ruffles or details sewn on, unlike the richer party-goers of the ball. Ladies' dresses were puffy and frilly, with hand-stitched flowers and lace put onto the dress and bodice, waists thin and masks ranging from a simple face covering with pearls and feathers to a full-on mask with lace and colorful markings with animal representatives. Men's suits were… less fun to look at, but still brought attention to them, with brighter colors and designs in the suit rather than the tones than most were used to seeing, along with their ruffles more prominent. Their masks were similar to the ladies, with most being simple masks and the most extreme one Acorn has ever seen being a peacock themed set of clothes.
       Luka, who's family was hosting the ball, had a moderately complex suit. His was centered around a mouse, trying to mimic Acorn's rabbit mask and the suit he commissioned for them. His pale white and more natural fur-like colors of his suit and extra details contrasted his normal clothing style, which used more purple and red tones, showing his stature in the kingdom. His overcoat had slightly padded shoulders to emulate his everyday wear, and his vest to protect his shirt slightly covered the silly cravat that Acorn loves to torture him about. He didn't wear his boots, as he was forced to wear his uncomfortable dress shoes. Luka's mask was ornately decorated, with a small crown of pearls shaped vaguely of a lute sat on the forehead, and silver adorned the cheeks and temples of his mask. Acorn's mask and suit were nowhere as near to the simple extravagance of the kingdom's prince, but they were still proud to wear it, albeit, slightly embarrassed. Their mask was of a simple white rabbit, it's ears extending from the area just above the temples. Despite being very simple in shape, there were swirls of silver, and around the eyes and the edges of the ears, there was gold paint. Their mask also had a very little rabbit nose, similarly decorated to the rest of the mask. Their suit had no overcoat and had a more brown set of tones rather than the pure white of Luka's. Acorn was able to wear their boots, as it did match his suit, and they were sure if Luka was there to see that, he would probably give them a look that would kill.
        Speaking of which, Luka was greeting the party-goers, occasionally leaning down to kiss a lady's hand as her group of friends giggled at the small gesture. When he looked up from greeting a different woman who was surrounded by her escorts and saw Acorn, they could tell his night was made. Even though they could see his mouth, he was still in front of a small group, and couldn't show his excitement fully. Luka's eyes lit up, his hazel eyes catching the candlelight to make them a more pale yellow than normal, a happy glint in his eyes. Before he could excuse himself from the group to say hello to his friend, Luka was thrust into a conversation about courting, with the young woman – her name, what was her name… Vanessa? Was that it? – and him being the topic of conversation. Acorn saw Luka stiffen slightly when he turned around to an older gentleman gently touching his arm, and realized that they would probably both be here for a while.
. . . <3
      Luka crept behind Acorn, trying to be discreet about getting to the food table. Well, as discreet as he could be, being the kingdom's one and only heir to the throne, while people are trying to make him do political moves, like marrying their daughter that probably only wants to get in his pants or leave. He jabbed at his friend's sides, making them jolt and whirl around, glass slightly raised in case they needed to resort to violence. "Oh, you–!"  Luka chuckled and struggled not to laugh louder than was socially acceptable as Acorn realized it was him and gently smacked the back of their hand on his shoulder. "I almost splashed my champagne all over your suit, You're High–" Acorn was cut off before they could continue.
      Luka shook his head and put a finger over his lips. "Don't call me that, please. I just got out of a conversation with a neighboring kingdom's duke. I'm sure their daughter is nice and all, but God, I just want to have some food and spend time with you before I'm forced to go dance with the people here." Acorn quirked an eyebrow at that. The Prince? Wanting to spend time with the mail carrier? During a ball to find a suitable lover? Not out of the blue, but certainly not expected. Before Acorn could ask the thoughts running through their head, Luka quickly responded. "We haven't had any time to speak at all lately. I mean, I've been looking for a good school to look into law practice and you've been constantly working all the time with deliveries that my father is making you do. The whole reason why I invited you to this is so I could talk to you, not talk to the political figures," Luka bitterly spat out as he grabbed a small plate and put some sweets on it.  "… Is that so wrong?" He stayed silent for a moment after saying that, previous actions slowing and calming slightly.
      Acorn shook their head. "Of course not! It's alright to want to talk to someone who hasn't spoken to in a while. But," They lowered their voice slightly and moved closer to Luka, who in turn subconsciously moved towards them. "Why here? Where you are trying to find a suitable lover?" They turned their head slightly to get a look at Luka and oh stars, when did he get this close. His shoulder-length hair had a small ponytail in the back, tying off some, but leaving the rest down to frame what little of his face people could see. He smelled like vanilla and lavender, and Acorn couldn't get enough of it. They were thankful for the mask for once, hoping that the other couldn’t see their face flush scarlet as they realized what they were thinking.
     Acorn looked away, probably a bit too quickly, and looked around at the scene around them as Luka sighed. “Well, you know how it is. I was kinda forced to come here. Royal duties to,” he switched to a deeper voice and cocked his head a little higher, “keep the royal bloodline alive and all that wonderful business.” He shook his head and started to walk away from the table with his plate piled high. “You don’t have to talk to me if you don’t wish to, but I would like you too.” Acorn looked at Luka and smiled, while they both walked off together. Luka side-eyed them and lifted his mask slightly to eat easier. They smiled at one another after a moment, and after Luka gently slapped Acorn's hand for trying to steal a chocolate truffle, they walked onto a balcony to (hopefully) get some better privacy to talk with one another.
. . . <3
     The two slightly moved their masks away from their faces, finally being able to breathe more comfortably and show their faces while in their own company. Acorn walked closer to the balcony and looked up at the sky, while Luka slowly picked at the desserts on his plate. “It’s beautiful.” Luka looked up, and swore his heart stopped at the sight ahead of him. Acorn was leaning over the balcony’s intricate stone banister, one leg tucked behind the other. Their tight bun was slightly undone, hair messy, but oh so… Elegant, is that the word? Even in the dim light of the moon shining down on them in their suit, and the band still heard playing, Luka could just stare. This moment felt too intimate. Even… even for just friends, silently pining. Acorn turned slightly, to look back at the other. “Don’t you think so?” Luka stuttered as he let out a held breath – since when did he stop breathing? He flubbed an agreement that seemed to satisfy Acorn, because they turned around and kept looking at the stars and constellations. Luka unknowingly kept admiring them, smiling to himself. He finished his dish and set it next to him as he got up to look at the stars next to Acorn. They stood there for a few minutes, pointing out constellations and enjoying each other’s company for a bit.
     Luka looked over at Acorn, and his heart flipped. Oh how he wished he could just kiss them –
     … Wait.
     Oh. Oh.
     Oh no.
     He flushed red at the thought that he couldn’t quickly shoot down as he wanted to. He? And Acorn? His childhood best friend, who helped him through everything, even though they were the child of a mail carrier? He wanted to laugh, but the thought had crossed his mind too much as of late for his to even think about drawing an awkward chuckle from himself. They were just so… so perfect for him not to fantasize about what a relationship with them would be like. It would be a scandal for sure, but would anyone really mind? He saw the was his parents looked knowingly at him when he laughed a little too hard at one of Acorn insufferable puns and jokes. Even when the topic of this ball was brought up by an advisor, the King told him that it was really just a formality to “keep the bloodline alive”, and nothing more. Luka realized that he was probably staring, and cleared his throat slightly, looking back at the stars above. Then one of the band members – violin presumably – started a familiar refrain, as the other instruments slowly joined in.
     Luka looked at Acorn, as they looked back at him. “You should probably… go grace somebody with you amazing dancing skills Luka.” They looked at the slightly ajar door they left open when they came out on the balcony. “I mean, some lucky lady is probably wanting to dace with you. Perhaps the one you were talking to for hours on end, hmm?” Though their voice had a teasing tone, Luka could tell that they didn’t want him to leave. Not yet.
     Luka pretended to think it over, and grabbed their hand to pull them closer to him. “No, I don’t think I’ll leave just yet.” He chuckled, and dramatically leaned down to kiss Acorn's hand as they sputtered. “Care to join me for a dance, my dear?” Even in the dim lighting, Luka could tell that Acorn's face was probably scarlet at this point. Their mouth opened and closed for a moment, trying to find words without sounding like a fool, but eventually they just nodded their head. Luka smiled gently. “You don’t have to. I won’t mind if you refuse Acorn.” They stood their ground and shook their head, saying that they did want to dance. So, they got ready to waltz in time with the music.
     Luka put his hand on Acorn's shoulder while Acorn put theirs on his waist. They clasped each other’s hand, and started swaying gently with the music. It was surprisingly more springy than they both remembered, but the pair started dancing slightly. They turned and swayed as the music continued, and slowed when the band quieted to let the singers… well, sing.
So, this is love
Luka hummed the words slightly as the pair subconsciously moved closer to one another. Acorn looked up at Luka slightly, eyebrow raised. Luka scoffed slightly. “We both know that we’ve been raised on this song, don’t give me that look.” Luka gently nudged the other, and Acorn chuckled.
So this, is love…
So this is what makes life, divine
Closer and closer still, the pair moved in tandem with one another, circling like two moons orbiting a forgotten planet. They swayed, with Luka gradually whispering the lyrics, enjoying himself. They both looked borderline ethereal to the other, both of them unbelieving of the sight they had.
“I’m all aglow, mmm
And now I know,”
“And now I know…” Acorn sang slightly, looking at Luka while he sang the verse before. They both seemed surprised that Acorn did that, but Luka recovered and muttered that they had a nice voice. Acorn flushed, and buried their face into Luka’s jacket, stuttering.
“The key to all heaven is mine…”
They harmonized with themselves and the singers inside the castle. They had stopped dancing altogether at this point, and had just started embracing each other instead. Acorn's head was on Luka’s shoulder, and Luka was staring ahead, head tilted slightly to clay. The pair still swayed gently, but it wasn’t to start dancing.
My heart has wings, mmm
And I can fly
I’ll touch every star in the sky…
Luka looked down to Acorn, and saw the peaceful expression they held. ‘They are right there,’ he heard himself scold. ‘Just kiss them, get it over with.’
So this is the miracle
That I’ve been dreaming of…
They now faced one another and started slowly leaning together, their faces almost touching. Luka’s eyes fluttered closed as Acorn's glanced down at his lips.
So this…
Is love.
     The singer’s duet ended, and their lips finally connected. It felt like fireworks and explosions were going off, sparks dancing on their lips. As the two gripped each other tighter, they didn’t hear the pair of feet making their way towards them. “Your highness, you are–” The guard cut herself off as she realized what she had walked into unknowingly. The two parted quickly once her voice was heard, and Acorn tried to shuffle away from Luka slightly to try and at least pretend that they totally weren’t kissing, what? “I, I’m sorry your highness, I can come back–”
     Luka shook his head, but never let go of Acorn. “No, no. What is it?” He inquired and put most of his attention to the distraction at hand, slightly disappointed. Acorn looked down at the ground, away from the guard, suddenly taking interest in a few pebbles on the surrounding stone.
     The guard re-positioned herself. “The King wanted to see you sire, but I will just let him know that you are… Busy doing other things. I, uh. Hope I didn’t interrupt anything too maj– you know what? I’m just gonna…” The guard awkwardly walked off, shifting in her armor slightly, embarrassed that she walked in on the prince and the mail carrier having a moment together.
... "Wait, the mail carrier??"
     Luka waited for a moment after she left, making sure the gentle clinks of her armor had faded completely. The pair stayed silent for a moment, before Acorn tried to shift away again. Luka pulled them to where they were originally in his arms and smiled mischievously. “Where do you think your going, lover?” He teased, laughing slightly as Acorn pretended to fight back. He grin became wider as he realized that Acorn had blushed darker. “Oh, did you like that dearest? Calling you ‘lover’?” Luka cooed at them, as Acorn gently swatted at him. “Just come here, sweetheart,” and with that last teasing pet name, he brought them into another kiss, less tentatively. He could feel Acorn smile as they let out a silent sigh and melt against him, knees weak. Luka pulled away slightly, and as Acorn's head followed the movement slightly, he whispered, “Don’t you think we should take this somewhere a little more private after the guard, you know…?” Acorn's knees fully gave out, and Luka hurriedly clung onto them as he felt how hot they were. He fussed over them for a second, hoping that they didn’t fully pass out.
     They both chuckled for a moment after Acorn quickly recovered, and Acorn muttered something along the lines of “Kissing is just fine for now, anything more and I think I’ll die.” The two couldn’t contain their loud laughter at this remark, Luka’s laughter carrying on over Acorn's. He leaned over and gently pecked their cheek, saying how they didn’t want anyone to see them kissing again, and that he was sorry that he insinuated something more than kissing. Acorn pecked him back on his lips, and accepted the apology.
(Little bonus scene! I didn’t really wanna write this out fully, but I kinda wanted to add what one of their fist meetings could be sknf -- enjoy!!)
Looking back on it, the Snatcher could hardly believe that he was so in… actual infatuation and love with a childhood friend that he could hardly believe that he could marry Vanessa. She was of course, fine at the start, but the lingering feelings for the pair never truly left their hearts. He shook his head, looking back down at his book, waiting for that kid – Hat Kid was it? Or was it Bow? – when a knock sounded on the tree bark. Snatcher sighed. “What do you want, ki–”
His sentence was abruptly cut off as he saw an all too familiar face in the entry way with Hat Kid behind them. “Hello your highness. Been a few years, hasn’t it?” Snatcher almost dropped his book as his jaw hung slightly. Acorn, in the flesh. Right there. Their clothes were much more casual to fit the modern times, and they carried a mail bag on their shoulder, with a mail carrier's cap in one of their hands.
Snatcher blinked a few times. “Yeah… 10, at least, huh sweetheart?” Acorn laughed loudly, and ran towards him. They embraced again, and finally after 200 years of waiting, wondering if the other was alive or not, Acorn peppered Snatcher’s face with kisses. There certainly wasn’t going to be any complaining about this for a while to say the least. Even from a ghost who always said he had a reputation to uphold.
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jarhara · 4 years
With just a little smile
(Joss / Smiler OC origin story)
chapter I/III
„this is the third time this week!“, the teachers voice echoed through the almost empty classroom. The only student still left was a teenage girl with blond hair and a choppy haircut.
The teacher was in her early 60s and had her graying hair tied to a bun. She didn’t like having to confront students like that but she knew when she had to. And this one hadn’t left her with much of a choice after growing worse every day.
Trying to give of a more friendly and understanding vibe, she sat down next to the young student, looking her in the eyes „Josephine… “
„Joss!“, the girl interrupted, she couldn’t stand her full name, not even her father used it. That was when he did talk to her.
Doing her best not to show how startled she was by the girls interruption, the teacher went on „I know moving and going to a new school in the middle of the year can be hard, especially for someone your age, but do you really think you have to make a joke out of everything to be accepted here?“
„I don’t care about moving, the old school wasn’t any better, and what do YOU know about being my age? Must have been a few hundred years ago for you.“ It truly didn’t matter that much for Joss. She had changed schools more often then anyone she ever knew and she and her father hadn’t lived in one place for longer than a year since she could remember. This was mostly thanks to her father’s profession. As a scientist, Dr. Thomas Myles had to go where there were projects that required someone with knowledge in his specific field and and those projects usually only went on for little over 6 months.
The teacher was still starring at her in shock. Such a direct attack was not what she had expected. She had witnessed Joss making similar, disrespectful and mocking comments about various topics of the lecture but as of now, she hadn’t directly offended anyone.
„and I don’t care if anyone accepts me either, this whole place is just a big joke anyways.“ Joss went on with her rambling. She was just so over it with all those people pretending they knew what her problem was and acting all understanding.
„Josephine, I think it’s about time I get in touch with your father“, the teacher said, now looking very stern. The gentle approach had failed, intimidation was the logical next choice, although she feared it wouldn’t make a difference.
„go ahead then. You know, his job at that stupid ministry or whatever is more important to him than me. So good luck getting him here“, Joss commented and leaned back in her chair, placing her feet with her worn out converse on the table. They were bright yellow and the smile she had drawn over the faded logo was smiling a very cynical smile in the teachers directions.
The teacher went back to her front desk where she picked up her phone. She didn’t bother to leave the room, she wanted Josephine to listen. „Mr. Myles?... Excuse me, Doctor Myles…. I am calling on behalf of your daughter, Josephine…. She has made a habit of repeatedly interrupting the lectures and making a mockery of it….. Consider this a warning, if her behavior does not change, she’ll have to be suspended…. Of course we offer disciplinary measures but I fear they'll have little effect on such an unruly child, such as your daughter. This is a school after all, not a youth penitentiary….i’d recommend that you pick her up in person… fine, have a nice day“
Joss could have filled in what her father must have said without a second thought „what has she done now?“ „can’t you just put her in detention?“ „you really expect me to leave work just to come over and pick her up?“
Like she had predicted, the teacher seemed very disappointed at the effectiveness of the call, which made Joss smile. It was always the same but still fun for her to watch when they found out out how little her dad seemed to cared for her behavior.
„you can go home now“, the teacher gave in with a sigh. Without the support of the father, there was nothing she could do for now. Getting the girl suspended or even expelled would take some time and a long talk with the school-director and the father.
Still smiling triumphantly, Joss picked up her schoolbag that was covered in buttons and scribbles and left.
When her father got home later that day, she expected him to make a big scene about a teacher having to call him at work, but instead he just vanished into his room, avoiding his daughter for the remainder of the day.
on the next morning:
Hurriedly chugging down her orange juice, Joss grabbed her school bag and jacket, heading for the door. She was about to be late again, not that she really cared.
„Josie…“, she heard her father behind her. Something was off about him, he normally left for work before she even got up, so why was he still here? There was also a slight shaking in his voice that made Joss prepare for the worst.
„how about… I give you a ride today?“ he asked her, sounding unreasonably nervous.
„sure, dad. But don't'cha have to work?“, she cocked her head to the side and gave him a confused look. Since when did he even care?
„I’ll drop you off on the way there“, he said still not sounding fully convincing
„sure…why not?“, Joss gave in and followed him to the car, that was parked in front of the house.
They both remained silent throughout the drive, although Joss had expected her father to use this opportunity for a talk.
When the school came into view, they did not slow down but instead drove past it.
„Hey, whata you doin‘? School was back there“, Joss suddenly started, pointing over her shoulder, back towards the school.
„I’m taking you with me to work today … so you can maybe understand what’s at stake for us here“, he explained, still with a slight shake in his voice.
Joss had no idea how to react to that, this was so out of character for her dad. He never before cared to explain to her what exactly he was doing or why this specific job was so much more important than anything else. But whatever was up with him, she didn’t like it.
They soon left town and arrived in an industrial district. The building they where heading for was hidden behind fences and barbed wire.
They pulled up at the gate where Thomas Myles waved his bright yellow lanyard in front of a scanner to open it. There was no guard but a lot of surveillance cameras aimed at where the gate opened to let them inside the wired fence.
The building itself looked pretty bland if it wasn’t for the giant letters proclaiming this to be „the ministry of joy“
Joss still wasn’t sure if she should be happy about her father actually making her ditch school, or if taking her with him to work was going to be an entirely new type of punishment. But if this job was so damn important to him, why would he risk her making a fool of him in front of his colleagues or even his boss?
But Joss soon realized that there was no-one to notice her as her father pushed her on through the empty corridors.
After a seemingly endless walk, they entered a room that had nothing but a chair and a mirror in it. The chair had suspicious restraints mounted to it like Joss had seen it only in movies where they were never used for good things.
„Dad, what’s goin‘ on here?“, she asked with fear now evident in her voice.
„you leave me with no other choice“, he answered, sounding sad and disappointed, as he forced her into the chair
„please, don’t get me wrong, Josie, I still love you…“, he tried to explain calming, but she could see tears forming in the corners of his eyes „I just can’t deal with all of this right now, this job, what I get to do here, is just too important for you to screw it all up.“, he went on, his voice shaking even more now “Why did you have to be such an unhappy child… I only hope this will help you get better„
With what was supposed to be a reassuring smile he finished tying his daughter up and left the room.
„please stop, Dad! This isn’t funny!“ The leather straps where tight around her wrists and ankles and she had to watch helplessly.
Lights turned on behind the mirror, revealing her father in the next room. The room was filled with all kinds of consoles and computers.
„initializing marmalisation, test sequence number seven. Commencing correction.“, an automated voice said over the PA system.
Still struggling to free herself, Joss had to watch as a ceiling panel moved back to reveal some kind of mechanical devices with five arms moving in her direction.
One of the arms placed spinning discs right in front of her eyes, while the bright lights mounted to another one started to flash viciously. The arm equipped with yellow canisters released a suspicious gas, while the brushes on a different arm started to tickle her, so she couldn’t hold her breath.
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“Written in the Stars”
I wrote this for A Night at the Fandom, hosted by @dtfrogertaylor, for my “secret Santa” recipient @jessahmewren. Enjoy!
Summary: Roger tries out for Smile and meets his new band mate.
Pairing: Maylor
Word Count: 2548
Warnings: the usual (drinking, kissing, implied sex, vomiting)
A/N: I literally had no idea where this was going, but somehow it got there. 
“You see Ursa Major up there?” Brian asked, pointing at the sky.  “And that star there, the North Star.  If you follow it like this...” he traced a path across the night with his finger.  “...you’ll see Ursa Minor.  And if you look over here,” he directed his attention to another cluster of stars.  “This constellation is called…”
Roger lay there on the blanket with his head in Brian’s lap, gazing up at him as he mapped the darkness.  He could listen to that man ramble on about the cosmos all night.  He just adored the way his boyfriend’s eyes lit up as he described each constellation and planet that peppered the sky.  Roger sighed contently as Brian ran his free hand through his silky locks, gesturing at yet another twinkling dot with the other one.  He closed his eyes as Brian absent-mindedly scratched his scalp, surrendering to his touch.  The guitarist’s voice disappeared into background noise as Roger concentrated on the fingers massaging his head. About a minute later, he stopped, earning a small whine from the drummer.
“Roger, are you even listening to me?” he asked, snapping the blond back to reality.
“M’listening,” he mumbled, opening his eyes again.
“Really?” Brian smirked, raising an eyebrow.  “Then what are the brightest stars in the sky?”
A mischievous grin spread across Roger’s face at the question.  “Your eyes,” he answered, teasing him.
Brian blushed at Roger’s response, a hand shooting up to hide his dopey grin.  He usually didn’t get this flustered over one simple comment, but Roger had learned early in their relationship just which buttons to push to make him lose his cool.  He had the guitarist wrapped around his little finger and he knew it.
But it hadn’t always been that way.  After the night they first met, Roger could barely look him in the eye.
The year was 1968, and a young dental student was responding to an ad looking for a drummer.  He entered the auditorium and his gaze fell first on the drum kit that had been set up in the center of the stage.  He made his way toward it, stopping just short of the instrument when he heard a voice:
“Name,” called one of the two men seated in the fourth row.
“Roger,” he responded, his voice cracking.  He cleared his throat and tried again.  “Roger Taylor,”
“Alright, Roger.  Well, I’m Tim, and this-” he nodded to the man sitting next to him.  “-is Brian.  “You may begin whenever you’re ready,”
Roger nodded and sat down at the kit.  He grabbed a pair of sticks and tested the snare.  Ugh, flat, he thought to himself.  He tested it again and adjusted the tension rods until it sounded right.
“Perfect,” he whispered.
“What are you doing?” asked the man called Brian, as Roger moved on to the next drum.
“Tuning,” he said, lifting his head to face him.  “The snare was a bit flat, so I just thought I’d test the rest of them,” he explained.
Brian looked genuinely impressed by that.  It was like he had never seen someone tune drums before.
He hadn’t.  Truthfully, Brian didn’t even know drums could be tuned.  In a few short minutes, this man, who may or may not be joining their band, had completely overturned his understanding of the instrument.  
Once Roger was satisfied with the sound, he began his audition.  While he drummed, Tim had brought out a metronome to test his ability to keep time.  He would periodically call out different time signatures, and Roger would change the pattern that he was playing.  This went on for about five minutes, then the two men in the audience grabbed their instruments and joined him on the stage.  
The rest of the audition must’ve gone really well because the next day Roger was officially asked to join the band.  He of course accepted.  
That night the three of them were going to go for a drink to celebrate.  Unfortunately, Tim came down with a pretty bad case of food poisoning and couldn’t make it.  Even though it would be just the two of them, Brian and Roger decided that they would go out anyway.  
“To Smile!” Brian toasted, raising his glass.
“To Smile,” Roger agreed.
As they drank to the beginning of a new era in their lives, Roger couldn’t help but notice Brian’s hair.  At the audition his hair was straight, or straightened, but now it had begun to re-curl itself into a messy afro on top of his head.  With his hair pulling away from his face, it revealed the straightest jawline Roger had ever seen.  Now that Brian was right in front of him, and the blond could see him clearly, there was certainly no denying that he was handsome.  With his hazel eyes and charming smile, Roger’s stomach was tying itself in knots whenever the guitarist looked at him.
As the evening progressed, one drink turned into two, then three, four, and so on, until Roger could no longer think straight.  As he finished his sixth(?) beverage, he could feel the alcohol clouding his judgement.  Once his inhibitions were basically nonexistent, he found himself leaning toward Brian, lips puckered.  
Brian must’ve been sufficiently drunk as well, because instead of pulling away from Roger’s kiss, he welcomed it.  Soon the pair were snogging like a couple of hormonal teenagers right in the middle of the bar.  Fortunately Roger looked enough like a girl, so they didn’t get many funny looks.  
“You wanna, -ah- take this, -ohh- back to mine?” Brian gasped between kisses.
Roger nodded eagerly, and the pair paid their tab and hailed a taxi.
During the ride there, Brian and Roger continued getting familiar.  Turning the backseat of the taxi into a sloppy, drunken gropefest.  
The next thing the drummer remembered was waking up in a bed that was most certainly not his.
“Wh-where am I?” he wondered aloud.
His fuzzy gaze wandered around his unfamiliar surroundings, landing on the sleeping body lying next to him.  Upon closer inspection, Roger realized that it was Brian!  How much had they had to drink last night?  He asked himself, although his pounding headache seemed to provide an estimate.  And the ache in his groin provided a clue as to what transpired before they fell asleep.
As he tried to recall the chain of events that lead to him winding up in what he assumed must be Brian’s flat, his stomach lurched.  Evidently, whatever he had consumed last night decided that coming back up was preferable to going out the normal way.  
He threw back the covers and ran out into the hallway in an attempt to find a toilet.  On the way, Roger discovered that he wasn’t wearing any clothes! One problem at a time, he thought.  As he searched for Brian’s bathroom, he cursed himself for leaving his glasses at home.  Eventually his blind eyes were able to locate it, thank goodness.  A few more minutes and the drummer probably would’ve hurled on the carpet like a sick dog.  
Once his nausea had passed, he made his way back to the bedroom.  Apparently Brian was a heavy sleeper because Roger’s “episode” hadn’t woken him.  He was still snoring lightly as the blond grabbed his clothes off the floor and re-dressed himself.  He thought about leaving a note, but decided against it.  What would it even have said? “Sorry I apparently had sex with you last night. -Some guy you barely know. '' No, the best course of action was probably to pretend that it hadn’t happened.  Besides, if Brian had been as drunk as Roger was, then he wouldn’t remember it anyway.
When Roger got home, he made himself a cup of tea and tried to put the events of the previous evening out of his mind.  What had he done that had lead to them going to Brian’s flat in the first place?  What had he said to convince the guitarist that having sex was a good idea?  Admittedly, it wasn’t his first time waking up next to someone who was practically a stranger, but why did it have to be Brian? The morning after usually wasn’t so bad because he could almost guarantee that whoever else was in the bed was someone he would never see again.  But he and Brian were in a band together.  They would have to see each other at every practice, every show, and every. Single. Afterparty.  And to make matters worse, Roger had actually kinda fancied him.  If he hadn’t been so impulsive, maybe they could’ve even dated.  That could never happen now, not if Brian remembered.  The blond would be labelled a tactless slag, and any chance they might’ve had would be gone forever.
That night at band practice, Roger couldn’t bring himself to look at Brian; instead, he kept his eyes glued to his drums.  
After practice, Tim invited his two band mates out for a drink.  After Brian agreed, Roger made some excuse about not feeling well and went home.  He knew it wasn’t a convincing narrative, but he didn’t trust himself to get drunk around Brian ever again.
“What was that about?” Tim asked.  Even he had noticed something off about Roger’s tone.  “Did something happen with him last night?”
“He probably blacked out and woke up next to some disgusting slut,” Brian snapped, spitting out the word slut as if it were poisonous. 
There was a hint of sadness in his voice.  But the anger that surrounded it was enough to make Tim back down.  He knew the guitarist well enough to know that if he wanted to talk about it, he would.
This became the routine.  Roger would attend rehearsals, avoid making eye contact with his fellow musicians, and then leave before anyone had the chance to suggest going out.  This pattern continued for almost a month until he stumbled upon a situation where he couldn’t escape.
It was a Saturday night in London, and Smile had a gig at a pub not far from Imperial College.  They didn’t have a real following yet, so attendance was sparse.  But, as Tim would say, “you’ve gotta start somewhere.”  
The tension backstage was palpable.  Between the expected pre-show jitters, and the fact that Brian and Roger were still refusing to acknowledge each other, Tim was using every ounce of his strength just to maintain his sanity.  They had all gotten on well enough at the audition.  And they had felt comfortable going out drinking without him afterward.  Then at practice they had barely looked at each other.  And Brian’s comment.  Something had obviously happened that night.  But what?
He managed to push these thoughts aside long enough to perform.  And he discovered that his band mates were good actors as well as good musicians.  He was glad that they were at least professional enough to hide their bullshit in public.
After the show, however, it was a different story.  No sooner had they stepped off the stage, than Roger and Brian were already back to giving each other the cold shoulder.  It was in that moment that Tim chose to put a stop to this nonsense.  
“Hey guys, where are you going?” he called after them, as they turned to leave.  “The night is still young, and the bar doesn’t close for another hour,”
As his band mates visibly cringed at his suggestion, Tim decided to try a different approach.  He sat them both down and told them very gently that if they didn’t work through whatever issue they’d been having by tomorrow afternoon, Smile would be disbanded.  He then went back out and ordered himself a drink, leaving the pair backstage to deal with their problems.
For the first time since Roger had woken up in Brian’s bed, the two men were alone together.  It seemed that neither of them could find their voices.  It was as if they couldn’t bear to relive what they had done.
“Sod this, I’m getting a drink,” Roger announced, breaking the most uncomfortable silence of his life.  
Just as he got up, a small voice stopped him.
“No,” Brian squeaked, eyes still firmly pointed at the floor.  “Tim’s right.  We need to talk about this,”
“Alright then,” Roger retorted, turning to face the guitarist.  “Let’s talk about it.  Let’s talk about how we got piss-drunk and fucked.  Let’s talk about how I ended up in your bed with no recollection as to how.  And let’s talk about how you’ve been ignoring me ever since,”
The rage that had been building in Roger’s chest for weeks exploded through his words and pierced his bandmate like a hurricane of daggers.  But what stung Brian the most was the tears welling in the drummer’s eyes, threatening to spill out.
“That’s not how I remember it,” he said softly, lifting his face to look at the man yelling at him.
“Really,” the blond deadpanned, raising an eyebrow.  “Then why don’t you tell me how you remember it,”
“I remember us kissing at the bar.  I remember the taxi ride back to my flat.  I remember us making love in my bed and you falling asleep next to me,” Brian’s voice was shaking at this point.  “But my clearest memory from that night-” he took a deep breath and wiped a tear that ran down his cheek.  “-is waking up alone,”
Roger was shocked at the curly-haired man’s comments.  That’s what he was upset about?  
“You’re not mad that we slept together?” he asked with wide eyes.  “You’re mad that I left?”
Brian nodded, tears flowing steadily now.  “And then you refused to acknowledge my existence for weeks.  If you think I’m disgusting just tell me,”
“No! Nononono!  I don’t think you’re disgusting!” Roger attempted to calm his band mate.  “I left because-” he sighed heavily.  “Because I was disgusted with myself,”
“Because we barely knew each other, and I just… threw myself at you.  I thought you would think I was some kind of whore,”
“So we’re both upset because of your impulsiveness,” Brian clarified.  “Where do we go from here?”
“Well, clearly trying to pretend it never happened didn’t work.  What do you suggest?”
“I don’t know,”
“Obviously I find you attractive because I initiated our little “night of fun” a few weeks ago, and you must find me attractive as well because you didn’t tell me to go fuck myself, like a sane person,”
“Right, and based on our behavior since then, I don’t think we could handle a purely platonic relationship,”
“Well, I don’t see a way around it,” the drummer shrugged.  “I guess we have to go on a proper date.  How about Friday, I’ll pick you up at seven?”
The guitarist cracked a genuine smile for the first time that night at Roger’s suggestion.  “Sounds lovely,”
Once the pair had calmed down a bit and dried their eyes, they went out and joined Tim at the bar.  Brian ordered two rum and cokes and passed one to Roger.
“I’d like to propose a toast,” he said, raising his glass.  “To Smile!”
“To Smile,” his band mates echoed.
“So I take it you two worked out your problem then?” Tim inquired.
“Yeah,” Roger grinned.  “By the way, we’re gonna need to cancel practice on Friday,”
A/N: This was fun! I’m looking forward to the next event!
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petertingle-yipyip · 5 years
Hybrids Pt. 2 - Tyler Lockwood/Klaus Mikaelson
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//Requested: OMG! i loved 'hybrids' so much and i really want part two, i loved it, you are da best😎 // - // @cinthias-corner : May I request a part 2?//
//Part One//
//Pairings: Klaroline, Stelena mention, Tyler x Reader. Warnings: Language and soft Tyler :) Tag List : @akshi8278 @simonsaysyasss //
More or less than a month had passed since you had confessed your love for Tyler. Your heart had dropped when he said exactly what you were afraid of, what he knew you were afraid of.. That everything would change.
You figured he didn’t say it on purpose to hurt you or anything. But your mind and your heart didn’t want to give him the chance. You began avoiding Tyler after that. It was obvious and you knew it. He had your whole heart in his hands and that was too much for you to handle. You felt all too vulnerable around him. Which was why you weren’t ready to face him. You couldn’t face either of them, really.
Things with Klaus weren’t the easiest either. Now that you were avoiding Tyler, Klaus saw it as his best opportunity to swoop in and mend your broken heart. It was more for your benefit than his, but it was still hard considering you weren't hesitant to shut him down. But the thing was... your heart wasn’t exactly broken. Not yet at least, thanks to your newfound fear of facing Tyler.
The decade dance. It was the 20's and Klaus intended to be there, with you and Tyler in tow. As hesitant as you were, you knew you could escape and be with the girls for most of the night. Klaus had laid out clothes for the both of you, insisting that you would have no idea how to appropriately match the timeframe.
As soon as the three of you entered the school, you slipped into the crowd and found your friends. They instantly picked up on your emotions and carefully asked you questions in regards to Tyler.
"And he laughed, believe it or not." You said in annoyance. It was like a weight was lifted, finally being able to talk about what had been nagging in the forefront of your mind. "It wasn't a bust a gut laugh, more of a chuckle, but still."
"He laughed!?" Caroline exclaimed in shock. "What an ass.. God, why did I ever date him?" She laughed.
"You're telling me.." You agreed, ignoring the pain in your chest when she mentioned their past. It didn't necessarily bother you that she had dated Tyler in that few months between Tyler becoming a hybrid and you becoming a hybrid. They were both happy, and that's all you could ask for, but it stung a little that she had been with him, knowing your feelings for him.
"Obviously, I didn't mean to say it. I'd been hiding that from him forever and it just kind of came out. I was just trying to take a cheap shot at Klaus." You continued.
"Did Tyler actually say anything about it or was the laugh it?" Elena asked, probably loving being involved in relationship drama other than her own.
"He said that it changes everything." You winced for effect.
"Everything?" They asked in unison.
"Everything." You confirmed.
"Excuse me, ladies." You heard Klaus say from over your shoulder. You turned and sighed internally. So much for escaping with the girls. "Caroline, would you like to dance?"
She tried to hide her smile but you all saw it. She nodded slightly, faking a sigh of annoyance, and stepped around the table to take Klaus' outstretched hand.
"And Y/N.." Klaus said before whisking Caroline away. "Keep him out of trouble, would you?"
Once they walked away, Tyler walked up to you. With a deep sigh, you greeted him with a tight smile. Glancing to the side, you saw Elena and Bonnie slip away, motioning for you to talk to him.
"Hey, Y/N." He said softly, standing in the now open spot next to you.
"Hey, Ty." You replied with an awkward nod.
"I guess what you said a while back really knocked Klaus down a peg." He commented.
"What are you talking about?" You questioned.
"That." He pointed to Klaus and Caroline dancing. "He's backed off you completely."
"Oh that!" You exclaimed in realization. "Yeah, but I think it was more to annoy us than any real substance. But let's admit it. I'm amazing." You teased, trying to be normal around him after a month of distance. "Plus Caroline would never admit it but she does like him. A lot, actually." You chuckled.
"You're alright." He teased in return, nudging you slightly. "Besides, she's probably the only woman on earth that does." He joked.
"Honestly!" You laughed. "His own sister can barely stand him!"
He laughed with you and everything felt like it did a month ago. No life changing confessions. Neither of us avoiding the other. It felt the way it should being with him, it was light and normal. It was comfortable.. It was everything you had been missing.
"This was a whole set up, wasn't it?" You asked, still amused at the jokes you made at Klaus' expense. "Luring the girls away so I would have to talk to you? And you even managed to get Klaus in on it."
"Well, how else was I supposed to talk to you?" He challenged with a smile. "It was actually his idea since you've been avoiding me for a month."
"Yikes... That obvious, huh?" You laughed a little, knowing it was.
"Just a little, yeah." He replied.
"Huh." You muttered in realization. "Y'know, I didn't think everything would change, after that day.. But it did. And maybe it only changed because I made it change." You said out loud. "I forced exactly what I didn't want."
"No, Y/N. It wasn't fair for me to say that, especially since you had told me that's what you were afraid of." Tyler argued gently.
"Oh, I said that out loud." You nodded a little. "No, in all seriousness Lockwood, I freaked out. I wasn't ready to tell you for multiple reasons and I-"
"Wait, what reasons?" He interjected.
"What?" You asked, not registering what he had said.
He chuckled before responding. "Why didn't you want to tell me?"
"Oh.. Well, first off, you're you. I mean, you're Tyler Lockwood, the football star. The popular kid. I've known you since we were kids, even if you didn’t know me. And then high school came and somehow you and I became really good friends. Things were great before and I let my stupid feelings get in the way.” You confessed. "And then everything with Caroline. You seemed genuinely happy with her and I wasn't going to mess that up for you. No matter how that hurt..."
“Y/N/N... Things weren’t great. I was hiding something from you too.” He said carefully. "And sure, I liked being with Caroline but it wasn't the same as when I'm with you."
“Oh no.” You groaned. “Please don’t tell me you have a kid roaming around somewhere..” You tried to joke. It drew a small laugh from him which made things a little easier.
“When we were kids, you thought I didn’t know you... But I did. I noticed everything about you before I even knew I was noticing it, hell before I started noticing girls at all. The way you wore pigtails every Friday, even through high school. You had something blue everyday, whether it be your jewelry, your clothes, or even your hair ties. You had this tendency to hum songs while you were coloring and then as you got older as you were writing.” He gushed.
You gently placed your hand on his shoulder as you realized he was getting a bit flustered. A gentle pink flush had settled on his face and neck. His complexion had nearly matched his tie. He sighed heavily, visibly giving in to your touch. Could it be that he was confessing something like what you had told him a month ago? Is it possible that Tyler Lockwood, the boy that brought you to the clouds and through hell, was harboring feelings for you?
“Ty...” You smiled softly. You couldn’t help but smile. Growing up, you had always been in your own world. Of course, the girls were there but there were things that were just part of you. Like the humming, the blue, the pigtails. Those were all minuscule things that you had hardly even noticed yourself doing. But all this time, Tyler had noticed. “I still wear something blue..” You commented, flashing the soft blue bracelet you added before leaving earlier that night.
“I know.” He said with a small smile. “Look all I’m trying to say is that things changed after last month. There’s no denying or arguing. But they changed in a way they shouldn’t have.”
“How should they have changed then?” You asked with a small, confused laugh as you took your hand away, letting it join the other that rested on the table. You couldn’t believe what he was saying. At first, it seemed like your relationship with Tyler could be salvaged and rebuilt into something new but now, now it seemed like it was nothing but rubble. You two would be downgraded to being coworkers for Klaus. Simple head nods of acknowledgment when passing. “Sorry, I’m just really lost here, Tyler. You mean a lot to me, you know that. And I can't lose you. Not with everything still being so new.”
He stared at you for a second, processing your words. You saw the recognition light up his eyes as his eyebrows raised and he began to shake his head. "Oh no no no. Not like that. Not like that at all. Y/N, I- I- I like you, a lot actually. And I didn't want to say anything before because Klaus was always around."
You realized he was about to go on another rant. One thing that most people didn't see in Tyler, was his lack of eloquence in his speech. When he had a lot to say or had something important to say, sometimes he got tripped up or he would talk too much. He would say more than he needed to, which would lead to him saying the wrong thing.
In an effort to silence him, you closed the distance between you two, wrapping your arms around him tightly. He tensed for a moment before melting into your embrace. His arms came around you just as tight. You nuzzled your face against his chest slightly and you felt him rest his head on top yours.
"You were about to ramble." You mumbled your explanation against him. His chest shook with laughter, drawing a wide smile that he couldn't seep
to come from you. You realized how warm a hug from Tyler was. It felt safe, like you weren't tied up in supernatural nonsense. Like you weren't fighting for a family you didn't know. Like you hadn't lost everything in a war you didn't want. It felt like you were just a kid in love.
"Y/N." He said quietly, as if your name was only his to say.
"Yeah, Tyler?" You replied, stepping back slightly to meet his eyes. His eyes were soft as they met yours, full of admiration and love.
"Do you want to dance?" He asked with a sly smirk.
You realized a slow song had begun. You glanced around, seeing Elena with Stefan and Caroline still with Klaus. You knew if you stepped onto that dance floor with Tyler, the questions would never stop. But really, who cared?
You took one of Tyler's hands in yours and pulled him to the dance floor. You linked your fingers together and he gently pulled you close. His hand was on the small of your back, keeping you pressed against him.
"So where do we go from here?" You asked quietly as you two gently swayed to the music.
"Wherever you want." He replied with a small shrug. "I love you, Y/N. And I can wait. This probably seems really sudden so if you need some time to decide if this is really what you want, I can wait. "
You smiled widely, leaning up to place a soft kiss on his cheek. "I love you too, Tyler. I have for a while, obviously, which means I've been waiting for just as long. I don't need time. I know what I want and I want you."
"So you're my girl then?" He questioned with a proud smile.
"It's about damn time, Lockwood." You teased, completely over the moon and head over heels for the boy in front of you.
The next day, the girls came over while you and Tyler were on the couch watching a random movie. Your head was on his chest while his arm was around your waist. You were absent-mindedly toying with the fingers of his other hand, tracing his name with your index finger against his palm. They burst through the doors, shouting your name and demanding an explanation, especially when they saw how you two were laying on the couch. So together, you and Tyler gave them the basic explanation.
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Santa Baby
(Part 2)
Steve doesn���t know how long he stands there stares the door Tony left him, it is Natasha’s words what makes him recover.
“What the fuck was that Rogers?” Natasha looks at him with expectation.
“I don’t want to talk about it Nat.” He knows his friends wouldn’t let him so easily. But he doesn’t want to talk about it; he just lost the love of his life.
“No Steve you are going to explain what just happened and you are going to explain why you break Tony’s heart in front of our eyes. And I am going to give you five minutes before I go out of this door to console my friend.” Natasha says calmly. But Steve knows that his friend is only minutes away berating him.
“Wait your friend? Since when?” Steve doesn’t understand what is happening. He never knew Natasha and Tony became friends. And they must be really close.
“After you introduce him to us, I owed to him an apology. Can we go back our conversation now?”
“An apology for what?” Steve feels like this conversation getting weirder.
“The way we treated him when we first met.” Natasha frowns and turns around to look at Sam and Bucky who looks like they are wishing to be somewhere else. “You never spoke to Steve about it didn’t you? We will talk about this later.”  Both of his friend’s eyes get bigger with terror.
“Steve, please believe me when I say this I am really sorry the way we talked to Tony. We thought he might be using you for money and we decided to stop him before he breaks your heart. I was really ashamed what I did when I realized that how much he loves you. Then I went to apologize Tony, and he forgave me. After that we became good friends. I thought he talked about this with you but I guess he didn’t want to affect your relationship with your friends.”
“Stevie, we are sorry for what we did. Tony said everything is cool between us but we should talk about it with you, too.” says Bucky.
“But I don’t understand I thought Tony didn’t want to hang out with my friends. And now you are telling it was because of your shovel talk.” Steve stops and takes a deep breath “Guys I think I ruined everything.” So Steve tells everything from his talk with Tiberius Stone to all of expensive gifts. After he finishes his story Steve realizes that what he should have done was speaking with Tony but he was so busy with his heartbreak, he didn’t even realize he must be hurting Tony with his actions.
After talking with his friends, Steve goes to see Tony. He knows he needs to fix this before it is too late. So he knocks Tony’s door a little loudly, but he can’t help himself he can’t lose Tony. Tony opens the door with red eyes clearly says he must be crying since he left Steve’s side. All Steve wants to hug Tony and comfort his boyfriend but he knows Tony won’t let him.
“You are lucky it’s not Rhodey who opened the door. He was planning all the way he can kick your ass.”
“And I deserve all of it. Can we talk Tony please?”
“I thought you said everything you wanted to say Rogers. And more.”
“Tony please just give me a chance to explain myself.” Thank God, Tony opens door a little bit more and lets Steve in.
Steve sits uncomfortably on the only couch Tony and Rhodey have.  He doesn’t know how to start so he decides to start from beginning.
“I never thought I would meet a man like you Tony. You are like my every dream come true and more. When we first met I could have count million reasons why I shouldn’t be with you. I was old, not smart enough, not funny enough, I was weird, I am… I mean I am old, not genius like you or I am weird… These are still valid points. But you, being with you made me forget all of those reasons. But deep down I had these fears then that man Tiberius Stone said those awful things about you. And I thought of course you didn’t want me. All of it made sense but now I am realizing that   I was reflecting my fears and punishing you. God I am so sorry Tony. I know all of this sounds like stupid excuses but..”
“Steve stop. Did you just say Tiberius Stone?” Steve nods his head but he doesn’t understand why Tony only taking that part out of his rambling. “Of course it was Ty. He couldn’t let me have this one thing.”
“What’s happening Tony?”
“Ty and I, we used to be dating. I know he probably already told you this part. What did he say to you? That I was using his money, he was buying me this beautiful expensive presents. Steve I am sorry I hide this so long from you but I am rich.”
“What Tony come on.”
“Oh no I am rich, I am filthy rich. Tony Stark, like Howard Stark’s son who is going to inherit SI one day.”
“What I don’t understand. Okay can you please start from beginning?”
“When I wanted to real college experience my dad thought it would be funny to make it more real. He cut my fund, so I have to work for everything like a real college student. I was going to talk about it with you but you started acting weird before I can say anything.”
“Tony I saw you fighting over a slice of pizza with Rhodey. It was a cold and you didn’t even know when was the last time you ordered the pizza.”
“Pizza is life Steve, and it was last slice.”
“You don’t even have a proper bed Tony.”
“Well I am mostly sleeping at sofa in my lab so it’s okay.”
“No it’s not.”
“What part of real college life you don’t understand Rogers.” Tony snaps. “Sorry that was uncalled for. I started dating with Ty three years ago; at first everything was amazing I was so happy. Then gifts started, Ty would go and cheat me with beautiful models, singers and movie stars. Then come home with a big, expensive gift and act like everything is okay. I couldn’t take it anymore so I left. He keeps ruining my life even after these years.”
“So when I started to buying you gifts you thought it was Stone all over again.” Tony nods slowly. “God Tony I am so sorry, I never meant to hurt you. I was selfish and stupid but I would never cheat you.”
“I know that now.”
“Can you give me another chance to make everything right this time?”
“You broke my heart Steve Rogers. But I love you so much. You better use this chance wisely.” Steve can’t help himself he pulls Tony towards himself and hugs his boyfriend.
“Tony, I love you too.”
“And we are going to talk about these fears you have, Steve. I don’t want you to feel like you can’t talk to me.”
“Whatever you want Tony.”
“And Steve, never call yourself sugar daddy again.” Steve’s smile gets bigger and nods.
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