#twenty minutes.
silver my beloved! it has been too long. how are you?
bird!!! just tried contact lenses today… all I have to say is there is a reason human eyes don’t have that and I never want to do it again <- is forced to do it for the next 7 days
hbu?? haven’t had the time to watch rtc yet but fingers crossed before the end of the month I can scream abt your blorbos w you!!
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machinerot · 4 months
alright i couldn't find any posts showing this idle animation and needed it on my blog
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In honor of the Gävlebocken being declared dead by wikipedia
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likegoldintheair · 17 days
"Hey, baby," Tommy's voice carries through the apartment, "have you seen my shirt?"
Buck's standing in Tommy's bedroom, pulling said shirt over his head and ready to reply that yes, he has in fact seen his shirt and no, Tommy can't have it because Buck's already wearing it, when he pauses. Baby. That's- that's new.
It's just a word. It shouldn't make Buck's heart speed up or fill his belly with far too many butterflies for it to count as healthy.
He closes his eyes and lets the word, that tiny little four letter word, echoe in his head. The memory of Tommy's voice repeating it over and over again, until it eventually ends up in Buck's own mouth before falling out as nothing more than a soft whisper.
"Are you okay?"
Buck blinks his eyes open, mouth still open around the word, and when he is met with a half-naked Tommy who is looking at him with a bemused expression, he all but melts.
"You, uh, you called me baby." Buck offers, as if that's an answer to Tommy's question. Maybe it is. "You've never- you haven't called me that before."
Tommy's face softens at that, his eyes dropping down to Buck's chest before finding his eyes again, eyes sparkling. He steps closer, until he can reach out and grip Buck's waist, the warmth of his hands noticeable even through two layers of fabric. Buck's own hands find their way to Tommy's arms, slowly sliding up until they rest at the soft curve of his neck, thumbs barely brushing the underside of his jaw.
"Well, you are my baby," Tommy says then, matter of factly, gently pulling Buck closer. "Aren't you?"
"Y-yeah?" Buck swallows, eyes dropping down to Tommy's lips for a moment. "I- yeah, I-I am?"
"You are."
Tommy just... looks at him, eyes so incredibly fond that Buck can barely breathe with it, before leaning in to press a soft kiss onto Buck's lips. He doesn't protest too much or at all, actually, when Buck immediately deepens it. Eventually, though, Tommy pulls away, panting just enough for Buck to feel a bit proud in a I did that to him kind of way.
"I'm really your baby, huh."
"Very much so," Tommy hums, one hand leaving Buck's waist to over his belly, up his chest, and then down again. Buck wonders, for a moment, if they're going to be late for work, which- he wouldn't be opposed to that. But Tommy simply pinches the loose fabric of the sweater, pulls at it a little, and says, "you're a thief, too."
Buck opens his mouth to protest, but Tommy just gives him a look then, as if to say try me. A smile is tugging at the corner of his mouth, though, and his free hand gives Buck's waist a small squeeze.
"I mean," Buck starts, heart pounding in his chest. "What's yours is mine, right, babe?"
"Babe, huh?"
"Darling?" Buck tries, knows he probably looks like a fool from how big he's grinning. "Sugarbuns? Pookie? Hot stuff?"
Tommy kisses him then, and Buck lets himself get lost in it again. When one of his hands slips down from Tommy's neck, Tommy's quick to reach up and take hold of it, pressing it against his own chest. He presses another kiss onto Buck's lips, hot and searing, as if he's pouring his entire being into it. When he breaks away, he doesn't go far, his forehead resting against Buck's. They stand like that for a moment, breathing each other in.
"You're still a thief, though," Tommy says eventually, voice low and rough, as he taps his fingertip against the back of Buck's hand where it rests just above his heart, and Buck wonders of Tommy's still talking about the shirt when he whispers, "you can keep it."
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saccharinescorpion · 6 months
The Boy And The Heron has something for everyone. a hot Ghibli dad, for the girls. a weird wet little goblin man, for the girls. a butch woman who cuts a giant fish open with a big knife and has a little fang when she laughs. for the girls. hm.
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faggotstump · 4 months
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has this been done yet. is this anything at all.
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ivysangel · 5 months
Thinking about the nastiest, filthiest, most depraved sex with Jason. Visually, it's kind of violent, but really, it's not; you just need each other very carnally. There's no salvaging the clothes you were wearing, and the ones you wear over the next few days will have to cover you up enough so you don't get mistaken for the victim of a mauling. It didn't matter, though, didn't matter if you looked like you'd been hit by a truck or were brought to the brink of death and revived because nothing mattered when he was balls deep in your soaking cunt. 
Every single time Jason hit that sweet spot deep in you, you felt like you were on the verge of dying and ascending to the great beyond. The edges of your vision go dark as you leave deep bloody scratches anywhere you can reach, refusing to be the only one who looked like the victim of a violent crime when it was over. Your legs shake uncontrollably as he draws another earth-shattering orgasm out of you, making you slip further and further into the light. 
You always come back to him, though, the out-of-body experience ending when he bends you into a new position, whispering in your ear how good you are for him. It would happen again, and again, and again until you were sure you were gonna die on him or something, sure that every stroke of his cock was gonna be the one to take you out. Death's cold, clammy hands never touched you though, just Jason's warm ones wiping drool from your mouth, and lightly tapping your cheek. "You still with me?"
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odetokeons · 18 days
my mood, for the foreseeable future
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blanket-fish · 6 months
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lesmiserablol · 2 months
remember when steve rogers was talking to nat about his love life (or well. lack thereof) and said “kinda hard to find someone with shared life experience” because well yeah he grew up in brooklyn in the early to mid 20th century and he was a soldier in wwii and then was presumed to be dead but really was frozen and when he was finally woken up he was really only used as an asset on the battlefield like that’s crazy!!! how could someone possibly have shared life experience with him?? oh wait
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raphaerolo · 4 months
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Quick study
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navajja · 1 year
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The Fire Lord royal turtleduck pets🦆🦆
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visenyaism · 9 months
there are a lot of really funny moments that are caused by Jamie Lannister developing from a pretty one dimensional evil cunty villain to one of the most complicated characters in the series in the span of like. two books but I think my favorite is the moment in AGOT where Robert Baratheon threatens to make him Warden of the East so that Stannis or Sweetrobin won’t have it. ​because the point is that ned and the reader are like OH NO the evil scheming KINGSLAYER who throws CHILDREN out WINDOWS given high office this cannot come to pass but like. Literally cannot imagine anything JAIME LANNISTER would hate more than having to do MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT WORK in the VALE can you IMAGINE.
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mobius-m-mobius · 6 months
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#he got something he wanted 🥰
Loki 1.01 // Loki 2.02
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autismsupersoldier · 4 months
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the reason why eva and big boss had such good chemistry is because they both love their corny awful sex puns. kaz not so much
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