#tw; hostage situations
terrence-silver · 2 years
I recently discovered your page and my first reaction was: OH MY GOD, this woman is an amazing writer!! No seriously, your Yandere one shots / scenarios are amazing, I would like to read more! Since I first saw Karate Kid Part III I have this very dark but fascinating scenario in mind: The reader (friend of Daniel Larusso and Mr. Miyagi) is kidnapped by Terry as he is madly obsessed with her (but she does not return his love). When he forcibly takes her to the majestic Ennis House, he wants to get her pregnant to prevent her from escaping. Can you make the scene please? (with nsfw if you want) Maybe it's a bit too extreme scenario, but Yandere Terry Silver in the 80's is something amazing.
His revenge in Johnny's name never involved this.
But, much like a greedy child in a candy store on a sugar-high, Terry wanted it all.
John, lounging on some wicker sunbed in Tahiti, soaking up the seaside heat, bronze like a god and oiled up and admiring all the grass hula skirts that were attending to him had never called him up to say Fuck your children into somebody, Terry and make that part of your revenge. Go all the way, Terry. For me. --- no. In fact, trusty Johnny was very old-fashioned and deeply conventional with his vendettas. Blood to blood. Fists to fists. A healthy addition of dirty moves and strategizing when required, but never to this extent. Of course, Terry admired the rawness of such sentiments, the type John had and lived by, but sometimes a delicate touch was required to make pain truly stick and that pain was laying on his King Size bed, in his bedroom, in his mansion, on Glendower, overlooking all of LA. Was it insanely petty and morally questionable. To kidnap someone that little pipsqueak and that old coot held dear? A treasured, kind neighbour? A friend, he even dared say? To be the cad and the seducer, whisking them away whether they liked to or not and simply have them --- ravaging them --- tying them inadvertently to himself so he can later pull them out of the drawer, flaunt them like his own special prize and say Look what I did? I did that to them. They're mine forever, Danny-boy and everything you ever felt close to is to be taken from you for crossing John Kreese and Cobra Kai. Nothing and nobody in this world is safe from me. Not from the closest contact to the most distantly familiar acquaintance.
Then there was the fact that he very much liked them.
Not a feeling yet returned as much as he wanted, but it would be.
Naturally, everyone always fell to his charms, sooner or later, sometimes against all better judgement and it would be no different now. He had a scheduled timetable on when he was taking them raw, holding them hostage on estate grounds, surrounded by walls and cameras and security. Early morning seven o'clock sharp. One time before noon. One time afternoon. In the evening. And going free reign at night. Terry trained and Terry fucked. When he called up John to tell him all about it he was met with an expected: -"You did what, Terry!?"- His voice was laced with disbelief and amusement on an international overseas call and Terry throws his head back in his tub filled with foam in unadulterated joy at the sound of it once all the details and his war plan were mutually laid out bare before his Captain. He was on the verge of stroking himself beneath the bubbles in excitement. Yes, he was going to knock the fuck up one Larusso boy's neighbour living in the same apartment block. Much older than the punk, but upon closer inspection, someone the little Italian twerp admired like an eager kid admires a big sibling or an aspirational adult. -"You're crazy."- John adds. -"And you love it!"- Terry practically cackles, the phone at his cheek, his little project safely locked upstairs, exhausted for last night's trysts. He'd go one step further, he decided. He'll wine, dine and romance them until it is abundantly clear they're with him of their own accord. I'm sorry, Daniel. Terry imagines them saying, apologetically. Pitifully. It just happened. You don't choose who you love.
Ah, it was like something straight out of The Dynasty and he loved it.
-"And what happens after?"- John inquires lazily, with a trace of strictness.
-"Huh? After what?"-
-"After we're done playing? C'mon, not gonna toss your own kid and the woman out in the streets once you've proved a point, Terry? Not how I taught you to do things."- Oddly honorable John. He loved the man to bits and pieces.
When their revenge is concluded and the old man and the kid are cut down to size? The streets? Tossing someone out? Someone his? No, no. Terry remembers how his little beloved mewled under him last night, fearful yet wanton, guilt and desire intermingling, they wanted it even though their head pleaded them not to, so beautiful, vulnerable and sweet, frightened and needy in a great castle on a hill, just like in the fairytales. Why should a dragon relinquish his treasure? John had nothing to fear. Terry was self-aware about being a great many things, but someone who forsakes something belonging to him he most certainly wasn't. He laughs in response, jubilantly. -"Well, I suppose I'll be a father, Johnny! What belongs to me, belongs to me."- The cackle echoes from his jacuzzi out into the steam filled hallway. -"You'll have your dojo locations, your rightful trophy, your champion, your victory at the All Valley, your name cleared and I'll have, well ---"- In listing off all their goals one by one, Terry feels the blood rush into his cheeks, his chest and lower still, into his cock. He couldn't even say it. I'll have a spouse and I'll have a kid and It'll be oh so sweet and I would've usurped and conquered them in the name of retaliation, so instead, he just trails off cheekily with a giggle.-"You know!"- Terry snorts suggestively, finding he was hit with an uncharacteristic amount of excitement at the idea of procuring himself someone who was his and who in turn would birth someone even more his outside of avenging his Captain. Enterprise, it was called. Enterprise and expansion. -"I know, I know. You're a real piece of work, I swear."- John shoots back, knowingly. They laugh together in mirth, over the phone.
Terry pounces on the statement with an interjection of his own.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 6 months
My school was being held hostage and my dumbass wasn't aware, so I went down to the front office to say hi, and was met with guns.
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kabie-whump · 4 months
♡ Febuwhump Day 17: Hostage Situation ♡
Content: Kidnapping, blood, bondage, neglectful team, ransom, whumper turned caretaker
"You might as well just let me go. They're not coming."
Whumper continues shuffling cards, not looking at Whumpee. "You keep saying that. How can you be so sure?"
"Your asking price is too high."
"Please. Don't try to tell me that your little team is broke. I know that's not true."
"They're not broke. But they won't pay all that just for me. They won't even pay half of that. You're wasting your time. And your chains." Whumpee looks down at their own body, at the way they're bound by miles of chains to the point where they can't move an inch. "Seriously, is all this really necessary?"
"I don't know what you're capable of, and I would rather not find out."
"Hm. Fair enough. Would you believe me if I promised that I'm harmless?"
"Worth a shot."
They go quiet for a while, the only sounds being Whumper's cards shuffling against the table and the steady drip of blood hitting the floor from Whumpee's injuries. An hour passes before Whumper speaks again.
"You really think they won't pay up?"
"Not for me. Maybe if you'd taken Leader..."
Whumper scoffs. "If I was powerful enough to capture Leader I wouldn't need to be taking hostages for cash in the first place."
Whumpee's voice is getting softer and more slurred by the second. Whumper had noticed the change happening, but that last word was just pitiful. Whumper stands, going over to check on their hostage. They'd gone pale and the puddle of blood under their chair had grown significantly.
"You're not doing too hot, are you?" Whumper asks, squatting in front of Whumpee.
Whumpee shakes their head.
"At this rate you'll bleed out before anyone comes to save you."
"They're not coming," Whumpee says again, their voice still weak.
Whumper realizes with a start that Whumpee is tearing up. Not in the way that they did when Whumper had roughed them up for the camera. That had just been a pain response. This is genuine emotional distress.
"You're upset."
"Of course 'm upset, asshole," Whumpee slurs, the tears falling. "The fuck do you think I am?"
"Good to see you've still got your fire. But there's no reason to be upset. You're going to be fine."
"Fuck off."
"I mean it. Let's go over your options, hm? One: Your team comes for you and pays your ransom and you get to go home. Two: Your team comes for you, kills me, and you get to go home. Three: Your team doesn't come for you, and you get to stay here with me. You're going to survive no matter what."
"You told them you'd kill me if they don't come before tommorow."
"Yes, well, I was hoping to inspire a sense of urgency. Doesn't seem to have worked. I could kill you, I guess, but I'm starting to get the impression that you may be more useful then that. If your friends abandon you here, that may put you in a position where you're willing to give me some information about them. Saves me having to torture someone for it. Besides, one of my employees just kicked it so I'm in the market for new blood."
"You want me to... work for you?"
"Again, I could kill you instead if you're not going to be useful to me. I'm still deciding."
"I'd be a waste of resources. I'm not good for anything." Whumpee starts to shiver, the chains making soft clinking sounds.
"You believe that? Is that why you think they're not coming for you?"
Whumpee nods.
Something inside Whumper cracks just a little as they stare at Whumpee - pale and trembling with silent tears leaving tracks in the blood and dirt on their face.
"Alright. Let's get you stitched up. You're not bleeding out on my watch. I really don't have the energy to dispose of a body tonight."
Next >
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autocrats-in-love · 3 months
Prompt (280)
The hero frowned at the villain. “Are you wearing a new perfume?”
The villain shrugged. “I thought I should dress up for the occasion.”
“Of starting a hostage situation in a bank?”
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serickswrites · 4 months
Warnings: captivity, torture, restraints, physical violence, bruises, truth serum, drugging, noncon drug use, video recording, hostage sitaution
"Please, don't," Whumpee begged. "Please, you don't have to do this." They shook in the restraints Whumper had used to bind them to the table. They watched Whumper with wide, terror-filled eyes, as Whumper advanced on them, syringe in hand.
Whumper back handed Whumpee hard. Whumpee whimpered with the pain. "Don't speak until I speak to you," Whumper growled. "And besides, I want to do this, Whumpee. You have what I want. And I always get what I want."
Whumpee could feel their lip swell from where Whumper had struck them. They knew their face was bruised from Whumper's rough handling of them. But still, they didn't want Whumper to inject them with whatever was in that vial. "Please," they tried once more. Surely, Whumper would be reasonable.
Whumper grinned wickedly as they stabbed Whumpee's arm with the syringe. "No," they said as they depressed the plunger.
Whumpee's veins were on fire. Every part of them was on fire. They couldn't breathe through the fire. Someone was screaming. It was them. They were screaming. Every single cell in their body was on fire.
Whumpee had no idea when the flames receded. They had no idea how much time had passed. They only knew that Whumper was speaking gently with them, stroking their hair, talking softly. They sobbed. It was all they could do. They were too weak to even turn their head towards Whumper.
"There, there, my sweet. I have one more little treat for you. Smile for the camera." Whumpee felt another needle in their arm. Felt a coolness wash over them. It was a welcome relief to the fire that had consumed them. "Now, you are going to answer all of my questions. And then we will send this video to the person who will actually give me what I want."
"Yes, Whumper," Whumpee heard their voice. But it wasn't their voice. It was dull, no inflection. And yet they felt their lips move.
"And remember, Whumpee," Whumper snickered, "the truth will set you free. So be honest."
"Yes, Whumper."
"Does Caretaker have what I want?" Whumper said from somewhere to their left. They heard Whumper take a step closer. Whumpee couldn't answer that question. They had to keep Caretaker out of this.
"Yes," Whumpee said against their will. They tried to turn their head, but couldn't. They were to weak. Whatever Whumper had given them, it hadn't given them energy. It just made them speak, though they didn't want to.
"Will Caretaker give it up for you?" Whumper said as they leaned over Whumpee, phone in hand.
Whumpee didn't want to answer. They couldn't answer. Because then everything Caretaker had worked for would be undone. "Yes." Whumpee closed their eyes against the tears. Though they hadn't wanted to speak. They had to. Whumper made them. Hopefully Caretaker would forgive them. If they lived long enough for Caretaker to find them.
Whumper climbed onto the table with them, pinched their cheek. "You hear that, Caretaker?" Whumper said as they flipped the camera so that both they and Whumpee were in the frame. "You'll give me what I want for Whumpee. So come get your Whumpee. Or you'll be picking up the pieces from here to kingdom come."
Whumpee squeezed their eyes shut once more. They had failed Caretaker. Failed and let themself become a hostage. Caretaker had to leave them. Caretaker couldn't come get them. It would be all for nought. "You have two days to collect what I desire and get here, Caretaker. Or Whumpee will face the consequences. Won't you, Whumpee?"
Whumpee nodded as tears flowed down their cheeks. "Yes, Whumper." They told the truth. However, this truth did not set them free.
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Short Prompt #1195
CW: hostage situation, bombs.
"What do we do?!"
"We're all gonna die!"
The civilians started panicking, running around, and screaming. The villain's bomb was close to exploding and Hero was still nowhere in sight. At this point, even Villain themself was starting to worry; this was very out of character for their nemesis.
"Just where are you, little hero?"
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caymansgifs · 2 months
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 5 months
Don’t take this at face value because I’m out of it a little with a migraine giving me blind spots and making me a little delirious and shit.
Imagine next lore episode with Ruin, Moon, Eclipse, and Solar. Eclipse has Ruin as a hostage and Eclipse bargains Ruin’s life for Moon as his hostage instead. But, because both Solar and Moon still believe Ruin is the traitor and that Eclipse won’t hurt him, they refuse the bargain. And Eclipse kills Ruin in front of them.
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Yume de Mita Ano Ko no Tame ni Ep 02
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coldmori · 6 months
How many times have you held kel hostage?
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transmasccofee · 8 months
fav Kusuo and Kuusuke dynamic is the saddest one and also basically what we see in canon. Aka two guys who really don’t want to love each other but Do and it is awful and their relationship is awful and they hate each other but Kuusuke built that Time Machine and Kusuo offered to be his playmate instead of his enemy and Kuusuke held himself hostage because if anyone should kill him he wanted it to be his brother and “has he really changed?” And GAHH.. it’s so bad it’s just terrible I’m obsessed with them like What are these guys doing in a (mostly) comedy series
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terrence-silver · 2 years
What would terry be like if his beloved didnt speak English? Like not a single word how would he kidnap them ?
Oh, wow, the potential in cruelty with this one.
― Terry either learns or already knows beloved's language, perhaps, by sheer coincidence, or because he deliberately taught himself while in the process of scoping out his target; an obsessive gesture he doesn't quite yet realize is obsessive or merely not wishing to confess to it to himself --- as already discussed, he seems like he'd speak several languages purely because it is a status symbol of culture and he's a man of culture himself. Of course he'll give himself any unfair and uneven advantage he can when faced with this chase which really isn't too much of a chase because Terry has all the resources in the world. He knows beloved's language to perfection. He knows everything else about beloved too because he did his due research, of course. Beloved doesn't, meanwhile, which is kind of the point, the way he sees it. Makes the game more amusing for him and him alone. Thing is, he might take it a step further and pretend he doesn't understand a word of this nonsense, though. Understanding what beloved's saying? No. (Yes).
― Oh, the delectable amounts of control.
― Papers, passports and ID's kept like a trophy. They're his now.
― Their very identity and personhood are in his hands.
― Make no mistake; this is a hostage situation and sometimes, the mega rich amuse themselves in fairly questionable ways, especially the mega rich of Terry's particularly dark alignment. He's gotten away with so much in life. So many illegal things. Why would kidnapping be any different? Anyway, who's gonna come looking for beloved, unable to communicate, in a sprawling mansion, in a foreign country, relegated to some elaborate dungeon beneath the foundations of his estate? Who would even believe that bullshit? That's right. Nobody. They're at his mercy and he counts on that. Maybe they were intended as fodder for his sadism and aggression, easily discarded no differently than a broken training dummy once he's done with them, all ends neatly tied, just another missing person abroad in a line-up of countless others; except they grow on him. Unplanned. Which he doesn't like. He doesn't like the unplanned and the uncontrollable. He should've simply paid someone for the pleasure of hurting them. So he retaliates for what he feels is a slight and a declaration of war.
― Goes for the classical Stockholm Syndrome approach.
― Perhaps to cover up his own budding Lima Syndrome.
― He's here to torture someone, not...fucking get attached to them.
― Might fundraise a very ironic charity event surrounding missing cases or something of the sort. A philanthropic ball and the Lets Learn English incentive. Does it amuse him, gaslighting the public like this? Yes. Is it tremendously and almost comedically meta? Also very, very morally decrepit and slightly and condescendingly bigoted? Yes. Is it hiding oneself in plain sight, like a snake in the grass, and coming off as a model citizen and one of the good Billionaires while effectively keeping someone abducted locked in your basement? Yes. Is everyone applauding Mr. Silver's humanitarian efforts? Yes. Does Terry almost fantasize being himself and someone else? Someone who both holds beloved by force and someone doing the rescuing from himself? Yes, maybe. People shake his hands and congratulate him while the cold champagne is being served and all he can think of is going back home to beloved. Maybe implementing extra security in their golden little cage. Maybe saving them. Maybe working on their diction when he reminds them how to properly say his name as he directs their jaw, holding it with his fingers. Tight.
Terry Silver.
Terry Silver.
Terrence Silver.
Terry Silver.
Mr. Terry Silver.
Sensei Terrence Silver?
― Of course he takes to actually teaching them to communicate with him over time, but as his Terry's habit, his profession as a Sensei blending into everything around him, he either teaches them all sorts of wrong on purpose, jumbling the meaning of the words to mess with their head and to ensure they never quite learn accurately and to, hey, give himself a good chuckle (not to mention the need to have them rely and depend on him), or it is exclusively phrases and words that suit him. He might go for profanities, sure, because he does have an immensely perverse streak to him that demands to be fed, but he finds, in some guilty, covert, hidden part of himself, he enjoys teaching beloved endearments and having them repeat them back to him, not realizing what they're saying to him when they mumble out a broken, clumsy 'I care for you so much, sir.' He hates it. He loves it. Turns into a fix. An addiction. He keeps come back to the dungeon for more and more and more. He wants to teach them to pronounce devotion next. Desire. Mine. I belong to you.
― Maybe moan it for him. Scream it. Beg him?
― He's there, with fingers in their mouth, grabbing their tongue, drool on his hand.
― Punishments ensue when the lessons aren't up to his standard.
― Punishments ensue through a sense of frustration too, because Terry logically and reasonably understands he should've discarded of them a long, long time ago, once he indulged in what he wanted to indulge in with someone helpless and yet he still has what technically classifies as an abducted foreign national who barely speaks the language in his basement. It is a bad, bad look, so the need to keep up a facade in the world above, as it were, becomes all the more imperative because he does garner a rather fair reputation all things considered. He burns all documentation pertaining to beloved in the ornate fireplace, watching it as it is consumed by the flames. Beloved should disappear lest he gives himself what is basically a weakness that can compromise him. Is that what he really wants? He burns their ID, passport and personal belongings because he wants their old life to die and the new one become solely connected to him. With old man Terry, it might with a genuine sense of loneliness he copes with in the worst, most toxic, unhinged way possible. Well, volatile instability and loneliness.
― In the 80's, more of an entitled sense of 'I get what I want'.
― Twig might do it because he's not really properly socialized post-war.
― It boils down to Terry ironically spiraling over time, spending most of his time down in the dungeon by choice, with his staff pretty much paid off in their silence and ever very much conspirators in his hostage-keeping scheme, and turns out, he's far more affected and lovesick by nature than he seems. He wants beloved to stay because they wanna stay. He wants them to speak to him. He wants them to know how. He wants to be his and he wants them to say it. He wants them to give their over their control to him and enjoy doing so. Fear me, love and I will be your slave? Something like that, yes.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I and a couple other people were being held captive at a music store. I attempted to escape and succeeded by whacking someone over the head with a music stand, it ended with me plotting with the main group from Ninjago (not sure what they're called) how to get the others out of there.
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patr0nsa1nt · 3 months
I'm thinking of creating my own whump list cuz why not!!!
Mirai Nikki Ep 6 Part 1 (couldn't fit in all, will make 2nd)
Some S&M shit is going on here and I'm here for it
The girl kidnaps her own boyfriend and keeps him tied up in her home for a week.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
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Summary: You are his.
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x Female Reader
Warnings: hostage situation, implied kidnapping, nakedness, dark Lloyd, groping, implied dub-con, mentions of collars
A/N: Written for @cockslutpadalecki​ 's Fifteen Sentence Challenge
My prompt was: Maybe I should get you a collar, so you don't forget who you belong to
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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He has you on your knees, hands held behind your back with his belt looped around your wrists, and your eyes filled with unshed tears - just the way he likes it.
“Maybe I should get you a collar, so you don't forget who you belong to, Y/N,” Lloyd smirks darkly down at your shaking form as his warm hand caresses your exposed chest. “Just look at you now,” he taunts as you look up at him with big wet eyes. 
His skilled fingers tweak one pebbled nub, earning a needy whimper from you as your touch-starved body takes everything Lloyd is willing to give. 
Lloyd knows your mind still fights to adapt to your new life, but your body is betraying you every single time he touches you.
Your chest is heaving, and you shudder under his gaze when he cups your face with his large hands. Fresh tears drip onto already ruined flesh; joining the marks he left on your body.
“I’m sorry, don’t leave me alone for so long in that room again,” you choke out while praying he’ll accept your weak apology for running from him again. “Please, Lloyd I’ll be good from now on.”
“Why must you hurt me all the time?” he sighs deeply and shakes his head. “I gave you all a woman could ever wish for, my sweet cupcake.”
“You took my life away from me,” you breathe out. “Why?”
“Because you are mine now and forever...”
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serickswrites · 5 months
From a Whisper
Warnings: hostage situation, torture, captivity, emotional manipulation, self sacrifice, bruises, broken bones, blood, wounds, strangulation, choking, unconsciousness
"You look awful," Whumper whispered in Whumpee's ear. Their hot, wet breath tickled Whumpee. "Do you think Caretaker will recognize you?"
Whumpee opened their mouth to reply, but Whumper clamped their hand down on Whumpee's mouth. Whumpee swallowed their retort. There was no point in angering Whumper any further. It was hopeless.
"Look, here they come now," Whumper whispered as they tightened their grip on Whumpee's face. They began with their other hand, to press down on the deep bruise on Whumpee's collar bone. Whumpee wasn't entirely sure something wasn't broken, but with the pressure Whumper put on them, it would surely break. Their screams were muffled as Whumper kept their other hand on Whumpee's mouth.
"Let them go," Caretaker's voice carried across the room.
Whumpee looked up, their vision hazy with pain, their heart falling as they say Caretaker was really there. They had fallen for the bait.
"This is a hostage situation. If you're negotiating for their release, you've got to give me something," Whumper hissed, slowly drawing their hand away from Whumpee's mouth and putting their fingers on Whumpee's throat.
"Don't--" Whumpee started, but Whumper's fingers tightened, cutting off all air Whumpee had.
"Stop hurting them, Whumper. I am here like you asked. Let them go." Caretaker didn't look at Whumpee's face. They only had eyes for Whumper.
"Your presence is not enough, Caretaker. Give me something better. And I'd hurry if I were you, they don't look so good."
Blackness encroached the edge of Whumpee's vision. They sputtered and choked, but couldn't get a breath around Whumper's fingers. They shook their head. Caretaker couldn't give up anything for them.
"I will give you what you want, but you have to let them go first! Whumper!"
Whumper smiled and when they spoke, their voice sounded so far away even though Whumpee knew they were right next to Whumper. "I don't have to do anything. It is you who has to do something."
Whumpee gasped, their lungs burning for air. And still there was nothing. Their knees buckled, but Whumper kept them upright, the grip on their throat tightening.
"Jesus, Whumper! Stop! Stop!"
Whumpee wanted to reassure Caretaker. Wanted to ease the fear they heard in Caretaker's voice. Wanted to comfort Caretaker. But as the sounds began to fade and the darkness began to consume them, Whumpee realized there was nothing they could do to stop either Whumper or Caretaker.
And that was the last thought Whumpee had as they fell into the waiting darkness.
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