#tw kicking
cupcakes-and-pain · 2 years
Rat: Chapter 3
Rat’s first day of torture! Isn’t this exciting? This shorter than what I’d like, but I was having trouble writing a torture scene, so 🤷‍♂️
Rat’s capture Whumper’s Friends
CW: captivity, stress position, multiple whumpees, manhandling, blindfold, torture, broken bones, believing they’re going to die/expecting death, kicking, begging, crying, passing out, stabbing
Whumpee shivered and groaned. His hands were pulled and tied far behind his back, putting a lot of strain on his back. This burning type pain was the worst pain he had ever been in. It was hard to imagine that any pain could be worse than this. Would he be left like this forever? This was agony! Anything would be better than this. It had to be.
The door thundered open and everything went quiet. The others, who he had almost forgotten about, all went silent. After a while, he had stopped noticing the sound of breathing and the occasional muffled groan. At least, until it ceased.
“Who’s turn is it? What do you think, my prey? Come now, it’s just a bit of pain. Scream once if you want to be chosen.”
If it were possible for things to become quieter, they did.
“No volunteers? No one wants to take one for the team? Shame. Hmm... I’ll go with this one for today.”
Whumpee was pulled to his feet and he yelped. His heart stopped briefly before seemingly beating one thousand times a minute. His legs failed underneath him, although from stress, fear, or days without use he couldn’t tell.
“Tsk tsk. I don’t like difficult prey. Come on.”
Whumpee was dragged so forcefully and suddenly that he kicked out of instinct. He hit someone and there was a hiss of pain, but that was the end of it. He hoped they were okay.
Whumper deposited him in a new room and took off the blindfold. He took a glance around and immediately missed the piece of fabric. Ignorance was bliss, unlike this. There were more knives, whips, and canes than he could’ve ever imagined. Plus so many other things, few that he knew the name of, although it seemed that there were many muzzles, tasers, ropes, and a… fire poker? That could not be good. Tears began forming in his eyes.
Unfortunately, he did not get to see much else, because a second later his face was flushed with the cement floor as a heeled boot dug into the back of his neck, after shoving him down.
“Aahhh!! My nose! Aghhh, I- ohh,” he sobbed.
“Save your breath. That little broken bone is the least of your worries. Tell me, little rat, just what the fuck were you thinking? Taking my money? Worthless thing.”
Her boot released his neck only to connect with his ribs a moment later. Over and over again, the blows raining down, the cracking of his bones underneath the steel tip of her shoes. The pain was blinding and it seemed far too many kicks came down upon of sensitive shoulders and back for it to be an accident. Or maybe he was just imagining things. His life, just as worthless as she said, was over. He was a dead man. At least it would all be over soon.
He started crying and wailing, or maybe he already was. But none of his tears were out of sadness. The was peace in accepting his death. But Whumper did not like this.
“Why are you whining, bitch?“ She grabbed him by as hair and pulled him up to her eye level before spitting in his face. “I don’t remember giving you permission to cry.”
“I’m sorry, I-“
She threw him back to the floor, cutting him off instantly. Then she picked him back up, tears still falling from his eyes despite how much he tried, and then he went flying. He landed on his back with both his arms twisted all the wrong ways and promptly blackout from the sheer amount of pain.
- - -
When he awoke, he was strapped to a table, his face drenched after he apparently continued to sob in his sleep. When he tried to move, his arms screamed at him in agony and his vision blacked out for a second. He did not try to move again.
Whumpee found himself missing the stress position as Whumper noticed his consciousness and approached him, knife in hand.
“Good morning, Rat. You left far too early. And that, my disgusting fleabag, is not going to fly.”
“Please, I’ll take it well, just some mercy, please-“
“Mercy? Ha, mercy! You’re funny, little rat. Too bad you took what wasn’t yours. My friends would definitely like you, but they go to easy on traitors and you need a thorough punishment for what you move done. Maybe you will meet them one day.”
She leaned down and whispered in his ear. “But until then, it’s just you, me, and these knives.”
She plunged one into his arm and he screamed, tears falling from his eyes.
“Oh no, that won’t do. I thought I told you, I. Hate. Crying.”
She emphasized each word with another stab into his left arm before turning and seeming to study his right one.
Yep, he missed his stress position. Turns out, there were things worse than that.
Tag list: @kim-poce @lumpofwhump just ask if you want to be added or removed
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cosmichorrorlesbians · 4 months
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The scariest movie I have ever seen.
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nerdpoe · 9 months
Batman has to choose between his kid and a civilian.
It's a Joker trap, and whoever he chooses will get released. Whoever gets left behind gets dissolved in acid.
Batman is stalling, trying to give Nightwing and Red Robin the time they desperately need to dismantle the complicated wiring that controls the acid vat hovering over the hostages.
When the civilian does something absolutely horrifying.
"Do it, no balls. You fuckin won't."
Joker turns towards the kid.
The kid gives him a feral smile that looks more like a snarl.
"Kiddo, do you have any idea-"
"Everyone from Illinois knows Joker's just a bitch, anyways."
"...Last chance, brat."
Batman shouts at Joker, tries to get his attention, but what gets said next drowns it out even though the kid never raises his voice.
"You also don't know how to tell a joke, or how to take one."
The vat of acid gets released over the civilians container, and Batman is forced to watch a child die in a sacrifice that wasn't needed at all.
Meanwhile, Danny fucking Fenton, after going intangible and invisible, decides that maybe he will stop at a gas station for some taquitos.
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0fps · 13 days
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general jiyan
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knifefightandchill · 1 year
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domibomz · 5 months
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MORE ANASTASIA! The design belongs to my wife @ghostsessioned ! Did you know she finds skulls to be the least interesting bone in the human body ?
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minty364 · 5 months
DPXDC Prompt #131
Danny started his new job at Wayne industries today and he was a little nervous about messing up. His adopted family the Fentons kicked him out after finding out he was Phantom. Danny was a little disappointed but it was better than how he thought they’d react. He knew he had other family and from what little cryptic Clockwork told him they lived in Gotham.
He gets to his new bosses office and knocks on his door. When he’s told to come in Danny does so but then comes face to face by what he can only assume is his twin and the CEO of the company, Tim Drake. Danny had about 5 seconds before he found himself pinned to the floor.
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sporeclan · 3 months
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So. I was not messing around when I said this one would be severe.
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beaulesbian · 2 months
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Lucci Vs. Luffy || One Piece ep. 1100 "I see. This is gonna be fun."
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papercwipping · 8 months
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long time no post ! Eat this small oc backlog ( mostly pomme )
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ghoulinfuschia · 5 months
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tangledinink · 11 months
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when big mama and donnie talked off-screen during the egg saga, this is what happened.
[ part two ] [ gemini au ]
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c6jpg · 1 month
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THE SONG BURNING IN THE EMBERS ❖ peruere vs. crucabena
"Mother"... My answer is no.
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sonic-adventure-3 · 10 months
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yutaslaugh · 4 months
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my favourite yuta facecam! ↳ requested by @soonhoonsol
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