#turns into a big sobbing lump
nickywhoisi · 1 year
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Hey PT fandom come get y'alls juicey fucked up italian meow meow
When I remembered this anime (and honestly why wouldn't you??), I knew exactly what I had to post next. You know me, I'll probably ink and colour this later. I wish I had some digital art tools to really make this look like a screenshot. It'd be pretty cool if someone else wanted to take a crack at it! For now, I bumrushed the idea out of my goof brain. The face was all studied carefully from a youtube clip, no tracing no scope baybeeeeeeeeeee
i hope nobody will notice that i can't draw guns for shit wwwwwww
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drefear · 11 months
Daddy Issues Part 2
Best Friend’s Dad!Miguel x Reader
TW: a lot of angst, a lot of sad, a little bit of fluff, jealousy, smut p in v, oral (m and f receiving) awkward shit between Gabi and you and Miguel.
AN: ok here it is! Part 2 is here and now I can focus on HTTK so here ya go :)
Part 1
Weeks. You’d been avoiding Miguel for weeks.
Every day, you thought about that night. The way he touched you, spoke to you, held you. You had sex before, sure, but that… that was next level. A different world.
That was intimacy.
You cried almost every day. He had tried calling you a few times, but you never answered. The whole event felt too painful and your heart couldn’t take it.
Gabi came over and you told her a story that you had met some guy and he swept you off your feet, but he was controlling and had a temper. She sympathized and held you as you cried and that made everything so much worse. How could you do this to her? Sleep with her dad and lie to her? You had to be the worst friend in the world.
During this time, you had finally moved out of your and Gabi’s apartment, and spent some time back with your dad while looking for a new apartment and getting some auditions.
As you sat on the couch and shoved popcorn in your mouth, your eyes still watered and burned. Some gross love story was on and it made you sad once more, the lingering heaviness in your body coming to the forefront of your mind.
The doorbell could be heard and you got up to answer it, not giving a damn that you were in baggy sweats and a big sweater. Swinging open the door, your eyes froze.
“M-Miguel?” You sputtered, seeing him stand awkwardly at your door. “What are you-“
“Miguel!” Your dad cheered and hugged his friend, pulling him inside past your shocked frame. “We’re having a family night again. You used to love those, hon!” Your dad continued and Gabi stepped inside with her boyfriend. You nodded and followed.
You moved close to your best friend and sat on the couch, Gabi rubbing your arm comfortingly as she tried to make you feel better. The second Miguel looked at your small frame, face stained with tears and a bit puffy from crying, he hated it. And it wasn’t like you were enjoying it either. All of your emotions started to come up in your throat like nausea.
The guilt you felt about lying to Gabi, the anger you felt towards him making you feel-
How did he make you feel?
Angry. But also… sad. And amazing.
You couldn’t deny the whole experience was almost otherworldly.
You got up abruptly and mumbled a quick “I’ll go make something,” before hurrying into the kitchen.
Miguel moved to follow you before Gabi caught his arm.
“Don’t. She might snap at you.”
Miguel nodded, “that’s ok, she can if she wants to.” And with that, he continued.
You stood, turning on the oven to put in some cookies. You loved baking cookies. They were soft and warm, like a hug. You could really use a hug.
“Mi cielo…” his voice had that same effect as he spoke while you stared ahead at the tray of dough.
“Go away.” Is all you could say without turning into a sobbing mess. His hand found your shoulder and you spun around fast, stepping out of his vicinity. “I said go away.” You repeated and heaved, the upset building in you wildly.
He clenched his jaw, “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“This is not the time or place to do this, Miguel. My dad and my best friend- your daughter is in the room right next to us. If they hear this, neither of them will forgive us.”
The words coming out of your mouth made your hands tremble and your stomach sick. How could you have let this happen?
You turned your head and moved to check on the cookies. “We need to act like nothing happened.”
“But I-“
“No. Nothing happened.” You repeated and he swallowed the lump in his throat.
“I’d like to talk about this another time, because while you have nothing to say, I do. And I’d like it if you'd hear me out.” His words made your mouth dry as you just sighed and nodded, not able to even answer. Your brain was fried, you felt ambushed. You knew your dad was just trying to cheer you up, but he had made this so much worse for tonight. To sit in a room with two people you lied to and the person your heart aches for the most, yearns to touch and hold and love. But that could never happen. He was best friends dad, he was supposed to be like family.
Once he exited the kitchen, you let a few silent tears fall. The conflict inside of you was roaring like a storm at sea.
You’d finally found an apartment, a place by your dance agency that had a beautiful view of the city. It was absolutely perfect. Cute little kitchen, a master bedroom and a big closet, everything was a dream. You signed those papers and paid everything upfront, having saved a lot from sharing an apartment with Gabi.
Moving in was easy, since you didn’t have a lot of furniture and your dad said he’d help you out. He planned a fun day of helping you move in.
And he invited Miguel and Gabi.
As you saw your father standing in your new doorway, your arms swung around his neck. “Thank you, dad.” You couldn’t help but be giddy about it all.
Gabi was behind him, and behind her was… Miguel. You hugged Gabi and gave Miguel a polite smile, mumbling a “hi Mr. O’Hara,” and pulling in Gabi to show her around.
The men started to carry in the big furniture, including the couch your father bought you as a gift and the bedframe you got at an antique shop. You plopped down on the mattress and spread out your arms, staring up at the ceiling. This was the beginning of your true freedom, your independence.
Someone clearing their throat stirred you out of your daze and you leaned up on your elbows to see Miguel. You just huffed. “The boxes are all in the living room.” He said and you nodded, “your dad brought some food and beers, said we should all break in your new place together.”
“Of course he did.” You murmured and bit your lip in frustration, trying not to be so rude. “Fine.”
An hour later and you were still stone cold sober, not having even a sip of a beer and only drinking water. Miguel was still nursing his first beer as Gabi and your dad had already made it to their second.
“So, Miguel!” Your dad smiled, leaning on a knee, “how’s the girlfriend?” Your body stiffened and your eyes stayed trained on the water bottle in your hand.
“Ah, she’s not my girlfriend, it’s not serious.” He went on and you began to drown him out. You didn’t want to hear any of this, you just wanted to be alone in your new apartment.
“Come on, man. Six months and still no title?”
“Six months?” You gapped and everyone turned to you, making you glance around and realize your error. “I-I’m just shocked, is all… that’s a long time to not have some sort of commitment… or loyalty.” Your eyes flickered to his and a slight bit of hurt and anger tinged his features, still trying to play it off as if he was unbothered.
“Like I said, it’s not serious. But it feels nice to be with someone mature…” he leaned back and took a long swig of his beer, eyes never breaking from yours. You tightened the grip on the bottle in your hands and then looked back to your dad.
“Sorry dad, didn’t realize you were the only single person in the room now.” Your smile was normal and sweet to everyone else, as if you were teasing your father, but Miguel saw through it. This was a competition now, a challenge.
“You have a boyfriend?” His voice was meant to sound relaxed, but it was a bit harsh.
“Oh no no, it’s casual. Just hanging out.” You shrugged, “men are really just a distraction right now, ya know? They all just want one thing, and I’m not into the whole ‘multiple women’ vibe. Men who entertain more than one woman at a time are disgusting. Pigs, really.” You went on about this and his mouth found the bottle once more, tipping it back and downing the rest. He immediately moved to pop open another and you smirked.
You, 1. Miguel, 0.
He was quiet the rest of the night, listening to Gabi and your father trade stories as you laughed along and gave snarky comments. When the night was finally over, you wished everyone goodbye and were about to shut the door when a hand stopped you.
“Forgot something.” Miguel’s voice said from the hallway and you found yourself being pushed backwards by him opening the door wider. He closed it behind himself and his eyes glared into yours with fury you recognized once before.
“So, a new guy?” He spit out and you stayed quiet. No words came out and this made him angrier. “What? Nothing else to say? You sure had a hell of a lot to say before, why not now?”
“You’re drunk, Mr. O’Hara-“
“Cut it with the ‘Mr. O’Hara’ bullshit.” He barked and you flinched, “you’re seeing some fuckin twerp now?”
“You have a girlfriend.” You spat back at him and he rolled his eyes.
“She’s not my girlfriend, we’re just-“
“Six months. You’ve been seeing her, taking her to dinner, seducing her for six months. That’s a relationship!” You shouted at him and Miguel’s eyes just fell to the floor. “Just get out, I don’t owe you an explanation. I can see whoever I want, I can fuck around and be a whore if I really wanted to! It’s none of your business!”
“You’re mine, so it’s my business.”
“No I’m not.” You yelled and he grew still. The heavy tension fell on your shoulders and your tears spilled down your cheeks, the breath in your lungs burning from inhaling too hard. The two of you stared at each other for a bit before you whispered, “You and I had sex. That doesn’t mean I’m yours. Not when you were fucking her the whole time.” His eyes dropped to your hands and he just nodded before clicking his tongue.
“You’re right. I’m too drunk for this… congratulations on the new apartment, amorcita.” His tall frame walked to the door and before you could stop him, the door was shut and he was gone.
Days later, and you were still a mopy mess. Everyone noticed your lack of friendly-nature, it was like the sun was gone. A knock on your door made you stir and sit upright. You opened it and saw your father, smiling face and holding a bag of groceries. Your dad stepped in, put everything away, then sat on the couch. You’d been crying before he got there and he saw that, wiping a tear from your cheek.
“You gonna tell me what’s going on?” He asked quietly, like he was trying to soothe a beast. You cried more, surprised that the well still was not dry, and he held your hand. “It was Miguel, wasn’t it?”
Your whole being shuddered and your eyes snapped up to his.
“Yeah, I see how you look at him, how you smile… I might be an old man, but I know my little girl.” He pet your head. “Listen. I’m not going to say I’m happy about this, because I think he’s far too old for you… but you’re a woman, and I know I raised a smart girl. Just always think about if he’s worth possibly losing your friendship with Gabi.” He pecked your forehead as you sniffled, thinking about his words. As he stood up, you grabbed his hand.
“Dad?” Your voice cracks and he looks down to your sad form. “I love you. Thank you.”
You fell back asleep soon after. Sleep was your only safety blanket, your only holy ground. It was the coping mechanism you shouldn’t have, but desperately needed. Sometimes, you’d end up sleeping at your father’s house from not wanting to be so alone.
Time went by so slowly and finally, a phone call woke you out of your deep sleep, answering without noticing the name. “Hello?”
“Can I come over to talk?” Miguel’s voice was full of gentle fear, like he was afraid to scare you away.
“Where are you telling Gabi that you’re going?”
“She’s with her boyfriend. Mi cielo, Please.”
“Fine. I’m at my dad’s tonight. He'll be home in an hour, and I don’t want him here while we talk about this.” You rolled out of bed and moved to the bathroom.
“I’m on my way.” You hung up after he said that and placed your phone face down on the bathroom sink. Staring at your reflection made you realize something…
You looked awful. You got yourself ready as usual, finally washing your face fully and doing some skin care, brushing and flossing your teeth, brushing your hair and pulling it into a ponytail, and finally putting on a summer sun dress.
You looked like yourself again. And it felt good.
The knock at the door was like a calling card for death, it felt like the end and a sinking feeling grew heavy in your stomach. Thank god for waterproof mascara.
Opening the door, you saw him standing there with a single rose in his hands. You stared at the flower before meeting his eyes.
“Why… did you bring that?”
“Because I saw it and it reminded me of you.” His words made your heart flutter, made your head almost dizzy with the happy hormones, but you needed to keep your cool.
“Um. Thank you.” You took the flower carefully and stepped aside so he could come in. “We… need to talk.”
“I know.” He nodded and sat down, spreading his legs a bit and unbeknownst to him, showing off his large size. He watched you sit across from him, crossing your ankles and playing with the flower in your hand as he cleared his voice. “I should apologize.”
“Yes, you should.”
He smiled, your biting and firey personality showing again. There was his girl.
“When your dad called and asked about the shirt, I was surprised. I didn’t think an old man like me could- would ever get that attraction from a young woman again…” he spoke, “you’re everything that a man could love. Everything a man could ever need, but… I’m too old for you, and I don’t want to hurt your friendship with my daughter.”
You nodded along. His eyes followed your movements, as if waiting for a response, but you didn’t give one.
“So, if that’s all you had to say, you can leave now.”
“What?” He was shocked. He- he was trying to admit he wanted you but couldn’t have you, and you were just brushing him off?
“You heard me. You might have another date lined up after this, and I wouldn’t want you to keep her waiting.” The rage in your throat was coming out fast, and you might just start yelling at him if he didn’t leave soon. “Spare me the pity party for your age, Miguel. You know that you’re gorgeous, you can get anyone you want. So cut the shit. Who is she?” You barked and he leaned back, surprised.
“What are you talking about?”
“That woman! She made you so hot and bothered on that stupid date that you fucked the first girl you saw afterwards. Is that the woman you’d been seeing? What’s her name?” You bubbled, louder now. His eyes saw something he never thought he would in yours. Jealousy.
“She- she’s a coworker, it was just dinner-“ he mumbled and you laughed. You laughed!
“Just dinner? Do you think I’m stupid? That’s the one you’d been seeing for months, right?”
“Mi corazón, I don’t know what you think happened, but it didn’t-“ and something hit him. He didn’t owe you an explanation about her. But you wanted one.
You shared his feelings.
This was a revelation. You weren't upset because you regretted everything, or were worried about Gabi.
You were upset because you liked him.
Miguel smiled wide and that just stoked the fire inside of you.
“You think this is funny?”
“Hysterical, actually.” He moved forward and grabbed your wrist, yanking you to sit on his lap. “Because she could never be you, amor.” He tilted your chin with his index finger to look up at him. “I’d choose you a thousand times over.”
You were speechless. “You… would?”
“Well, that depends on your relationship with this boy, because if you were single, I’d chose you. I’d ask you on a date.” His words made your face burn with a heavy blush. “So?”
“So that boy… never existed.” You admitted shyly, avoiding his eyes contact as he laughed harder. “Shut up!”
“Go on a date with me.” He repeated and you nodded, then swallowed thickly.
“But… we need to tell Gabi.” You announced and his body stiffened, that familiar fear he felt before creeping in. “She deserves to know what’s going on.” You watched his eyes. “We already crossed a line we can’t erase, she should be aware that we might start seeing each other.” His hand found yours and he sighed, nodding.
The front door opened and your father stepped inside, barely glancing at the two of you as you both froze. As he took his shoes off, he smirked at you two.
“So the talk went well, I see, which means I’m making some rules. Rule number one, no sex in the house.”
“Dad!” You shouted, standing up fast and stepping forward.
“And protection is a must. My little girl isn’t getting pregnant before she can make her dreams come true-“
“Oh my god, stop talking!” You begged and he folded his arms, Miguel standing up behind you.
“He’s right. He’s just doing what any good father would do, mi amor.”
You visibly saw your father cringe. “Rule number two, no lovey-dovey talk in front of me please. That includes pet names.” He smiled, "I'll let you two have a few more minutes, but then I’m watching the game.” He walked to the kitchen, to which you moved to look at Miguel again.
“So. I’ll see you…”
“Tomorrow. We can tell Gabriella tomorrow.” His voice was firm, a man on a mission. Your man on a mission.
You were dressed in her favorite color. Why? Well, since you were about to tell her, essentially, thatyou wanted to fuck her dad, you figured you’d try to score all the points you could get. You’d keep the fact that you did already a secret for now.
As you got to Miguel’s house, your heart pounded in your chest. He wanted you to meet there so her boyfriend didn’t have to be subjected to the innate awkwardness of the situation.
You tugged at your skirt as you stood, finally knocking on the door. It swung open mere seconds after and you came face to face with Miguel. Your heart skipped as he looked at you and smiled.
“You look… wow.” His eyes were so sweet and puppy like, you couldn’t help but laugh. This gargantuan man was so soft for you, and you thrived for every second.
Holding your hand, he spun you to see the back of your outfit too, then pulled your hands to rest on his shoulders and bent down to press a slow kiss to your lips.
Grabbing the backs of your thighs, he lifted you to wrap around his waist and your hands slid into his thick brown hair as you kissed him back. Your back hit the couch and you gasped as his lips connected with your throat.
“Miguel- she’ll be here any minute!” You spoke, trying not to moan as he smirked against your skin, pulling down one strap.
“I’ll make it quick, I promise.” He whispered and moved his hands under your dress skirt, sliding your panties to the side. “Can’t help it, mi cielo, you get me so hard just looking at you in these damn dresses.” His words had you breathless, combined with his fingers prodding your entrance. The unzip of his pants made you practically dizzy, feeling his swollen tip dipping into you a bit. You took in a sharp breath as he groaned, “so wet already,” and pushed into you. The stretch was intense and your body curled into him instinctively from the burn. “Just a few more seconds, I promise.” His forehead leaned against your and you nodded, your hands pulling at his hair and making him want more of you. His mouth began to suck a bruise into the cleavage of your breasts and your head fell backwards as he sunk into you more, finally bottoming out completely. It was surreal, being filled with him, surrounded by his large body, and having all of your senses drowned in him. Your eyes almost crossed from the feeling it brought you and if you’d been more aware, you’d have heard the door open. But you didn’t, and so when he began rocking into you and lifted both your legs over one shoulder, your mouth fell open in blind pleasure. Your name fell from his lips and your nipples were rock hard from the sensation of him brushing his pelvis against your clit.
“Dad?” A feminine voice struck your ears and your eyes snapped open, upside down and staring at Gabriella looking away. Looking up, you realized Miguel was still moving. He didn’t hear her.
“M-Miguel, stop!” You called out and he immediately halted his movements, looking over your face. You pulled your straps onto your shoulders and stared at Gabi’s face, eyes wide with complete shock. Miguel’s eyes followed yours and he finally realized what was happening.
An awkward 20 minutes later of Gabriella refusing to come out of her room, she finally let you in and you sat on the bed with her, face still red as a beet and knee bouncing anxiously.
“So. You and my dad.” She said and you looked up with fear and regret.
“Gabi, I’m sorry, it just happened-”
“I figured it might.” She trailed off and your mouth hung open. “You always sucked at hiding your feelings, and he was always way too protective of you.” She stared at her shoes, “I just didn’t think it’d actually happen, ya know? Like I knew it could, but I didn’t think it actually would.” Your eyes filled with tears, scared to lose your best friend.
“Gabi… I’ll stop if you’re uncomfortable, we’ll stop-”
“And make you both miserable? No thanks. If there’s anyone I’d want my dad to be with, it’s you.” She sat next to you finally and put a hand on your shoulder. “And same with you. He’s had a little crush on you since your sophomore year of college, always just kinda staring, ya know? I tried to ignore it, but when we went to dinner and you two were dancing… it was just kind of obvious. And I want him to be happy.” Gabriella held your hand and you immediately started crying.
“But I’ll hurt you if you hurt him. And same goes for him. If you two do this, neither of you can fuck it up. I mean it!” She gave you a serious look and you nodded, smiling and wiping your eyes.
“I love you so much, Gabi.” You whispered and hugged her tight. She sighed and hugged you back. “Just… please don’t ever make me see that ever again.”
“I’m so sorry, I won’t!” You pulled away and looked at her face.
“And I’m not calling you mom either, so don’t ask.”
“God no don’t do that. I would hate that.”
“Ok.” She looked away. “So… is this why you were avoiding me?”
“Yeah… I couldn’t really face him.”
“Well, try not to think about that anymore, since this is happening now.” She heard a knock at the door and Miguel’s embarrassed form stood in the doorway, guilt on his features.
“You!” Gabriella stood up and threw a pillow at him, to which he caught reflexively.
“I’m sorry! I thought you were going to come back later.” His hands went up defensively and she glared at him, making you laugh.
“I don’t ever want to see that ever again. I don’t want to hear it, I don’t even want to think about it.” She shivered with disgust and you started laughing. Everything felt right.
That was until Miguel's work event, which was a few weeks later. He’d invited you as his date, and you excitedly agreed. Picking out your dress with Gabriella, you pulled out a long gown with a high slit to the leg.
“At least with that one, he won’t rip it.”
“Gabi!” You flicked her arm and she shrugged.
“Isn’t Danielle gonna be there?”
“Danielle, that woman he was seeing before you two started dating?” Gabriella glanced up at you from her phone as you stopped everything you had been doing.
“Oh.” Is all you could fathom. That’s right, she was a coworker. Your hands trembled a bit and Gabriella rested a hand on your shoulder.
“He never talked about her, and all he ever talks about anymore is you. So don’t worry.” You nodded and stared down at the blue dress. You bought that dress.
It’d been a few weeks of you and Miguel being together, practically inseparable. He had you sleeping at his house every other night, refusing to let you leave because ‘driving home would be too dangerous at that time of night.’
You knew he just wanted to hold you all night, to continue the constant overstimulation he loved to push you through. Whispers of ‘you can do it,’ ‘one more for me,’ ‘such a good girl, mi cielo.’ You’d twitch, tears streaming down your cheeks from the burn of your muscles, legs around his shoulders as his face buried into your cunt. His face was wet from how many times you’d already been pushed too far over the edge, finally kissing up your body as he smirked, pushing into you. No matter how many times you’d orgasmed, it would always be a stretch to fit him, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as he chuckled. He loved watching you come undone all over his cock all night long, leaving bite marks on your chest and shoulders, feeling your nails leave angry, red marks across his back. God forbid anyone ever saw you two naked the next morning, they’d think you both got into a war with stray cats. Your favorite was when he was about to come inside of you, and he’d pull your wrist to his lips, kissing you there while he unloaded in you, then dropping his forehead to yours and smiling.
The night of the event, you were pushing your breasts together in the dress. Tugging the fabric to fit perfectly, you stared at yourself in the mirror. The navy blue velvet was snug against your curves, the neckline plunging down the center and the slit high on your thigh. It was long sleeved, balancing how much skin was showing perfectly, and you paired it with silver strappy heels. Bouncy curls falling down your shoulders and elegant, simple makeup, you were the picture of grace and beauty.
Yet, the knot in your stomach made you want to lie and say you couldn’t go, that you were sick, that something came up, that you couldn’t go- anything to stay home and not have to see her.
But it was too late, and a knock at your door made you hyper aware of the time. Grabbing a clutch you’d picked to match the dress, you hurried and opened the door.
“Mi cielo-” His eyes dragged over your form and then back up at you. “Preciosa, por dios.” His voice dropped an octave and you smiled, feeling him pull your hand into his chest and kissing your wrist once more, your favorite feeling. You blushed as he spun you around with him, kissing right below your ear and moving lower and lower…
“I’d ravish you right here and now if we weren’t going to be late.”
“I think I’d rather have you take this off of me.” You answered and he pulled away a little, checking your expression.
“Por que?”
“I just- I’m nervous.” You avoided his eyes.
“I’ll be by your side the whole time, I promise.” He spoke softly and you nodded, biting the inside of your cheek. That wasn’t the problem.
Arriving, you couldn’t help but stare at the beautiful decor and elegant architecture of the chosen establishment. It felt like something from a movie, and you felt eyes on you. Turning, you saw Miguel staring at you with a wide grin on his lips, just watching you as you gawked at the interior. His hand slipped into yours and you smiled up at him.
“Let’s find our seats, amorcita.” He whispered and kissed your temple, escorting you to the table in the front of the room. You both went to get drinks and he began to mingle, introducing you to many people you couldn’t remember the names of.
A pair of heels clacking from behind you made you turn a bit and there she was.
That woman.
You made eye contact with her and she refused to look away, practically glaring into your soul.
“Y-You must be Danielle.” You reached out to shake her hand, and she obliged, looking you up and down in judgment. Everything about this introduction made you want to crawl under a rock. She hated you and you would too if someone stole Miguel from you. You originally did, actually.
“Yes, and you’re the little brat who stormed out of his house, right? The one his daughter’s age?” She answered and your stomach dropped. Shit. She tilted her head and gave you a condescending smirk. “Not much to look at, are you? But I guess sometimes a man wants someone who can make him feel young and alive again. That’s a phase, and he’ll get over it-”
Miguel’s arm wrapped around your waist as he walked up to you two and he stared down at Danielle, making her suddenly stop talking and start playing nice in front of him. Your body was shaking a bit, thinking about what she’d said.
“Miguel, nice to see you.” She smiled up at him, bright red lips showing off her white teeth, and you immediately felt inferior. This was a grown woman, an adult who’d worked her way to her position, with degrees in science and more. She was on par with Miguel, and you were just a wannabe dancer.
“I wish I could say the same, Danielle.” His somewhat rude answer made you gawk up at him.
“M-Miguel-” You stuttered, and he continued.
“This is my girlfriend, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t make her uncomfortable just because you and I have a brief history.” This was too much for you. He was protecting your honor, standing up for you, but you felt pain in your chest from the anxiety. You thought you might pass out then and there. Pulling your hand from his, you rushed to find a quiet place alone. Moving to a hallway separate from everything else, you pushed open a door and sat at a chair and table. The lights were out and you heaved in a long, much-needed breath. A presence could be felt behind you near the door and you slumped your shoulders.
“I just needed a minute, I’m sorry if I embarrassed you.” You apologized and his hands on your shoulders made you feel even worse.
“Amorcita, you have nothing to apologize for. She shouldn’t have been so rude.” He whispered, pulling your hand to stand up. “Let me show you that she was wrong.”
His lips trail down your shoulder and he begins to unzip your dress. Your breath stutters and you glance to the door.
“Did you lock the door?” You ask, panting already from how hot his kisses get you.
“It doesn’t lock, so we have to be quiet.” The dress begins to fall from your arms and you gasp as the cold air against your chest, feeling his hands hold your sides and push the fabric to fall to the floor. He trails one of his hands to touch your clit and he smirks. “No panties? Sucia…” Your head falls backwards onto his shoulder as you grab his arm and he kisses into your hair. “Come on, preciosa, just focus on me.” His words send a shiver down your spine, fingers rubbing in circles as you see stars. Sliding down further, his finger enters you and he growls. “Dripping already, perfect for me.”
You moan and his other hand wraps around your mouth. “Quiet, besita.” You nod and writhe against his hand as he continues plunging his finger inside of you. The curl opf his digit makes you see white behind your eyelids and you feel everything inside of you explode, unexpected and fast. He takes his finger out of you and licks it, unzipping his pants and pulling himself out. He tugs his slacks down a bit and bends you over the dining table, hand sliding up your back and tangling into the hair at the base of your neck. Sliding into you, he puts his other hand onto the front of your belly and thrusts hard. The bulge moves into his hand and his head drops a bit, feeling himself through your stomach making him even more wild for you. Your body was perfect for him, the best thing that had happened to him in a long time, and he couldn’t be more grateful. He wanted to show you that gratitude and so he’d pleasure your body until you understood what you meant to him.
Your gasps and quiet begs made him continue to slowly thrust and rut into your heat. It was sensual and rough, without being too fast, and this made you practically melt in his hands. Your coil was tightening within the seconds and the pull you felt against your scalp as he pulled your back into his chest, now fucking up into you from behind harder. The new angle made you snap, making your mouth drop open and heave in a loud, muffled shriek. You couldn’t help it, he was always so good at maneuvering your body. Your entire being trembled and he pulled out of you, which made you push him backward. He stumbled into the wall behind him and you got on your knees, tongue out and immediately sucking around him. His hot length in your lips was absolutely heavenly, and seeing as you two hadn’t done this before, he was watching you with wild, eager eyes. The view of you on your knees between your legs, his cock in your mouth, and you slurping him like a woman possessed made him practically insane. Miguel couldn’t take much more, and when he felt the tip of his dick hit that back of your throat, that was his last straw. He came hard down your throat and you gagged on the thick spurts, but not once did you cough or spit. You drank it up, licking your lips and never breaking eye contact once.
He was frozen, shocked. His precious girl, his angel… his innocent woman was everything he dreamed of and more. He’d been holding back and staying on the more gentle side, but now? Oh, now you’d opened a door that he didn’t ever want to close.
Standing up once more, completely naked, you bat your eyes to him and he pulled you against him, kissing you feverishly. After a moment more of hard, rough kisses, you panted and pulled away.
“We have to go back out there.” You whispered and he huffed.
“What if I don’t want to?”
“You’re giving a speech, Miguel, you have to go back out there.” You insisted. His hands gripped you with no intent of letting go, but you were able to pry him off of you. Picking up your dress, you wiggle it back on and properly placed, but the marks on your body and the makeup on his face was hard to miss. He tucked himself back into his pants and groaned, trying to pull himself together. You both worked to make yourselves presentable in silence and finally turned back to each other.
He watched you smile a bit and reach for his hand, and he knew she was wrong. This wasn’t a phase. He loved you. He would keep you forever and there was no possible way he’d ever think of anyone else ever again.
Going back out to the party, you both stood by the bar and you excused yourself, walking to the ladies room while he waited for your drinks. You stood in the mirror and stared at your reflection. Your hair was a mess now, and your lipstick was smudged, as well as a few black mascara marks from tearing up while gagging on his cock. You couldn’t help but smile at this, until you saw Danielle behind you. Turning to her, a fear struck you but immediately dissipated as you smirked.
“What’s that look for?” She questioned and you couldn’t help but laugh,
“Just thinking about how unsatisfied he must have been if you couldn’t keep him.” You stared directly into her eyes. “I was planning on being the bigger person, but after having sex with him just now, I think I’ll say fuck that and give you my honest opinion. You’re a miserable, boring bitch. Have a great dinner and I hope you find someone as vanilla and mundane as you.” Your words were like knives being thrown and each one landed with precision and grace. You weren’t one to back down and you wouldn’t start now. Walking out of the bathroom, you turned back to say one last thing.
“And you should know, Miguel never even mentioned you.” You winked as her mouth dropped, leaving without another word. Finding your wonderful boyfriend again, he handed you the drink you had ordered and you bit your lip.
“What’s that look for?”
“I may have said a few things to Danielle just now.”
Miguel blinked with surprise and just laughed. “That’s my fiesty girl.” He said and sipped his drink, slipping his hand around your waist again.
The night went by beautifully after that, talking and laughing with his friends and hearing his speech. You two had left with smiles on both of your faces, and that night, Miguel proved over and over how much he cared for you.
And he continued to prove it every day for the rest of your lives.
Tags: @pllao @itzsab @smo66y @misswonderfrojustice @cyberbugg @jollybananaqueen @eeryyy @nightma @topreice @poppyflower-22 @yoonlith @miragemurder @ihateuguys @knoxx-seresinbradshaw @minaxcarter @autismsupermusicalassassin @migueloharaslxt @mintqueenjo @chshiresins @um-well @kxszy @miguelswifey04 @mushy-mushroom04 @tymns @oxrchd @mimiamma2002 @allysunny
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barcaatthemoon · 22 days
cup tied || grace clinton x reader ||
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you comfort grace when she learns that she can't compete in the finals.
you knew that it was only a matter of time before manchester's management reached out. grace seemed to be none the wiser, and so, it had completely blindsided her. generally, whenever you got to play, it was a big deal, but this start didn't feel right to you. not when grace was so torn up over being forced out of her starting spot by the team that had sent her away.
"gracie?" you called out into your unusually dark bedroom. grace rarely drew the blinds like this in the middle of the day, but she obviously wanted an appropriate brooding location. if you didn't know how genuinely torn up about this grace was, you would have found it somewhat funny.
"go away," grace grumbled. you turned your head towards the somewhat grace-shaped lump on the bed. she was laying face down in the pillows with a blanket covering her body. the room wasn't really cold, so you knew that grace was probably already sweating buckets.
"gracie, babe, talk to me." you walked over to the bed and gently pulled her blanket off. grace let out a small sigh of relief, but didn't make any other moves or noises. you sat down on the bed next to her, softly rubbing circles on her back.
"this isn't you going away." grace just barely lifted her head. it wasn't enough for you to see her face, but it was enough to hear the tears she was holding back. "i don't want to talk about any of this. not how i'm feeling, nothing."
your heart broke a little at her utterly defeated tone. grace may have only been a loan player, but she was a spur. you had gotten to see firsthand how she immersed herself in the club. manchester's managers were assholes for reminding grace that she was cup tied like that immediately after the team made it to the finals. while everybody else was out celebrating, grace was wallowing at home.
"grace, will you please sit up and look at me?" you asked her. grace grumbled, but did as you asked anyway. you offered her a sympathetic smile. the pout that you were met with would have been somewhat funny if it wasn't for the unshed tears making grace's eyes shimmer. "aw, sweet girl, it's okay. come here."
grace all but launched herself into your arms. her body hit against yours with a thud, one that seemingly broke down the walls she had been building up. grace's tears soaked through your shirt, and all you could do was coax her to let it all out. this had meant so much to her, having helped the team every single step of the way before this. she had earned her starting spot in the cup finals, united's management be damned.
"it's not fair," grace cried out. she mumbled something else with her face buried in your neck, so muffled that you couldn't understand a word of it. sometimes you liked to tease grace for her accent, but today wasn't a day that you were going to be any other way than kind with your girlfriend.
"what was that gracie?" you asked her. grace tore her head from the crook of your neck and looked at you. she blinked a couple of times, and for a moment, you expected her to just go right back to the position she had been in before. "grace?"
"i wanted to win with you." grace's bottom lip trembled before she burst into a fit of tears. you moved as quickly as you could to pull grace into a hug. she once again fell into your arms, once again knocking you onto your back in the process. grace was trying to say something through her tears, but it all jumbled together.
"hey, you know that this isn't the end of the world right?" you asked grace. it had taken quite a few minutes, but grace had finally calmed down enough to stop sobbing into your shirt. "there will be other tournaments and finals for us to play in together. if it's something you want, i'll go wherever you go. i don't want to play somewhere that doesn't have you."
"this is your home club. would you really leave for me?" grace didn't look like she believed you, but you were absolutely telling her the truth. the spurs were the only club that you had ever played for, you wanted to retire here, but that didn't mean that you couldn't play for a few other teams before that day came.
"i'd leave the planet if you wanted to play on mars," you told her. grace smiled as she cupped your cheeks in her hands and leaned in to kiss you. you happily kissed her back. there was a light push and pull between the two of you before grace broke the kiss to catch her breath. "i can tell the coaches not to start me in the game. we can sit in the stands together and just watch."
"no, i couldn't ask you to do that for me. i'll be your wag for the final, you've been mine plenty of times. d-do you think that i could borrow a jersey to wear?" grace asked you. she had never worn one of your jerseys to watch you play before. the idea of it had you pushing the sad thoughts about grace momentarily to the side.
the two of you had done jersey swaps before, but back then, she wasn't your girlfriend yet. the idea of grace wearing your jersey in the stands as she cheered you on made your heart race and your head feel like it was in the clouds. grace could see how happy the idea of her in the stands like that made you, so she decided to focus on that instead of being booted for the final.
when the day rolled around, grace was truly the best wag in the stands. you swore that you could hear her above the entirety of the rowdy manchester crowd. every single glance that you shot towards the stands landed directly on grace. she was like your good luck charm, and because of her being there, you knew that you'd win the game.
"this is just as much your win as it is mine," you said as you pulled grace into a hug. it was your very first tournament final start, and it ended in a win. the bittersweetness was not lost on you since your start had only come because of grace being cup tied.
"shut up," grace said fondly. she gave you a big squeeze in the hug, as well as a kiss to the cheek. "i am so fucking proud of you, so please just take this win for me. it's not our win, it's yours. i didn't score that screamer of a goal, nor did i make a perfect cross into the box for beth's header."
"yeah, but you did other things. you taught me how to make crosses like that. you helped me direct my power better for my long shots. most importantly, you've supported me all season, even before you were my girlfriend," you told her. grace was blushing heavily as she attempted to hide her face from you. you couldn't let that happen, however, and grabbed her cheeks to force her to look at you. "but i'll shut up if you just kiss me, gracie."
"happily." grace smiled into the kiss, sighing happily as she did so. the celebrations of the field faded into the background as grace's hands grabbed your hips. all you could focus on was grace, and how amazing it felt in that moment to be with her. you didn't think that you would ever find someone you loved even half as much as grace. it was simply impossible.
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tearsofastraeax · 5 months
hiii i just love ur stories and i was wondering, could u write a story where a lot of girls flirt with ghost (cause he's just so hot tbh) and we're crying and feeling bad bcs we're scared he'll find better since he dosen't reject or ignore them??
ty a lot and take care <3
thank u anon ♡ i had so much fun writing a lil angst
sorry it took me longer than expected to wrap up your request, the creative juices are not flowing these days, but i hope you enjoy ♡₊ ⊹
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It's no surprise to you that going out with an incredibly fine piece of man is going to come with some jealous feelings here and there.
Just a couple weeks after you started to hang out with Ghost, you noticed women staring at him. But you didn't blame them, how could they not stare? Ghost just naturally attracts women, with his broad shoulders, his veiny arms, those giant hands ... you could go on and on forever.
But you never expected to find yourself sitting in your bedroom, hiding underneath the blanket and silently sobbing into your pillow because of it.
Earlier that day when you were out with Ghost for a drink it really hit you. You had barely left for a minute to head to the bathroom, but when you came back you saw a beautiful woman standing next to him. Inching closer and closer to him, her hand on his shoulder and a flirty smirk on her face. And it didn't look like he was opposed to it in the slightest. His body was slightly angled towards her, his face covered in mystery behind his mask, but you could feel his smile, you just knew.
Your heart felt like it was about to drop, break apart, stop beating all together. Your stomach was in knots. Your thoughts ran a mile a minute, you had no right to be jealous, right? You were only seeing the man for a couple of weeks now, nothing serious... only, at one point, unbeknownst to you, your little heart had accepted him in and made it serious. You were fucked, royally fucked.
To feign calmness you took a slow breath, in and out. Before you made your way back to Simon and the woman still plastered to his side. You coughed uncomfortably to make them both aware of your presence.
It took him a moment to take his eyes off the woman, before he turned to you.
"Oh, this is my friend, y/n," he looked back towards her, gesturing to you.
You all but managed to swallow the big lump that had formed in your throat. His friend? Is that all you were? A friend? Nothing more? Did it only take one beautiful woman to suddenly make you nothing but a friend to him? You should have known this, it was just too good to be true. Of course he would find someone better than you. You felt your eyes begin to water, but you aggressively blinked the tears away. No, you were better than this.
"Yea, his friend", you pressed out, a tight and obviously fake smile on your lips. "Who is just about to leave actually. Have fun."
You grabbed the jacket haphazardly thrown over the seat next to the one you were just sitting on and turned around. Your legs carrying you out of the bar, you couldn't wait to get out of there, to just get away, as far as possible.
What you didn't see was Ghost's slightly confused expression as he watched you leave. But what you did know was he didn't follow you. Didn't he notice how upset you were? Did he just not care?
You huffed out an annoyed sigh, at yourself, at him, at the world, at everything.
You had barely made it home, slamming the door behind you, before the tears came. They welled up, making everything blurry, and then they came crashing over you like a wave, making it hard to breathe, harder to see and impossible to do anything but slide down against the door and sob into your hands.
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And there you were, laying in bed, an hour later, still fucking pissed and sad and helpless and jealous and ...
Your phone vibrated next to you, Simons name popping up on your screen. You tried to ignore the call but he immediately called again. Deciding to pick it up you heard a low growl in your ear, the hairs on your neck standing up, a slight shiver running down your back.
“Open the fucking door, y/n.”
The edge in his tone made you immediately jump off the bed. For a quick moment though you stopped in your tracks, hating how he could command you and make you feel, how he had so much power over you when clearly he didn't feel the same about you.
But you heard him pounding on your door, so you hurried to open it. The door swung open and his eyes immediately bore into yours. You swallowed down a thick lump in your throat as he crowded into you, effectively pushing the two of you into the apartment. He slammed the door behind him shut and stared down at you, never breaking eye contact.
"What the fuck was that?" He growled. You couldn’t fucking believe his attitude, weren’t you the one that was supposed to be angry?
You took in a deep breath before you answered, "well, I wasn't the one flirting with some chick..."
You meant for the words to come out more powerful, maybe even as aggressive as his. To make him understand that he had no fucking right to barge in here like this and act as if he had the right to demand answers.
"You...", his gaze softened then, shifting into ... surprise? "You're jealous?"
All you could do was shrug, feeling too raw from crying to vocalise your feelings. But to your surprise, he didn't say another word, his hand softly cradling your cheek. Your skin underneath his felt hot to the touch as you looked up to him. His eyes seemed so soft and gentle then, making your breath hitch in your throat. The feeling of him wrapped around you like a warm blanket was overwhelming. His gesture nearly stitching your heart back together all by itself.
"I'm sorry... I-", was all he could say before his lips pressed onto yours, so harsh and hurried, yet somehow gentle and sweet.
His hands slowly travelled down your body, once he reached your ass, he lifted you up so effortlessly, your legs immediately wrapping around his, as he carried you to the bedroom.
He gently whispered between kisses, "I'm gonna make it up to you, I promise."
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ariisheresstuff · 7 months
Tough Day
Pairings: Carmy x Fem!Reader
Summary: Today was just exhausting for you, you had a very stressful day. The only thing you wanna do right now, is be in the arms of your loving boyfriend.
Genre: Comfort
Warnings: Crying, stressed reader, cursing
A/N: My requests are open! Have a good day! <3
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You let out a big sigh once you parked in front of your shared home. Today was probably the most exhausting day you had and all you wanted was to go to bed and cuddle with Carmen. You’re boss was being the biggest dick of all time and taking all his anger on you. You couldn’t hold your emotions in anymore. You grabbed your bag and got out of the car before closing the door and walking up to the front door of the house. You felt your eyes burning from the tears coming. You heard the sink running and plates being clattered, you took off your shoes and hanged up your coat and placed your bag on the floor before locking the door.
“Baby? That you?” Carmen called out making you feel more emotions.
“Y-yes, Carmy, it’s me.” You said through the lump in your throat. You walked into the kitchen seeing your boyfriend putting away dishes while something was cooking on the stove like always. Carmen put down the plates he was putting away as he turned to face you giving you a smile. He walked over to you as he wrapped his arms around you. You quickly wrapped your arms around him tightly. Needing a hug from your lover. That’s when the tears fell and your shoulders started to shake. Carmen frowned.
“Aw babe, what’s wrong? What’s got my baby so upset?” Carmen cooed as he cupped your face to have you look up at him as he jutted his lip out looking at your broken face. He placed kisses on your forehead before wiping away your falling tears. You sniffled as he cradled your head while swaying you two back and forth as he quietly shushed your cries.
“Wanna tell me what’s wrong? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He said in your hair making you close your eyes before sighing.
“I just had the worst day ever at work. It was exhausting and my boss was up my ass today being the dick he is to me. I-I just can’t handle it Carmy, it’s too much for me. I’m always expected to do everything a-and it’s draining me.” You said through a broken sob as more tears came down making Carmen frown more.
“Baby… I’m sorry you had a shitty day, you don’t deserve that. None of that. Hell, you want me to have a chat with this boss of yours? I’ll kick his ass for you, probably cut his dick off as well.” Carmen said as he cracked his knuckles jokingly. You giggled through your tears making Carmen smile at you.
“There’s my girl. But baby, I really think you should take some time off of work. You’re always on the go and I don’t wanna see you blow yourself to the limit.” You have Carmen a serious face as he rubbed his hands up and down your arms.
“B-but Carm, I have so much things to do with my role and-
“I don’t care, we’ll get it done together. You need time for yourself, for us. You need to take some to relax and enjoy yourself for a while. Okay? For me at least?” Carmen said softly as he ran his fingers through your hair was pecking the side of mouth.
You took one of his hands as you traced the tattoos and slightly pecked each knuckle. You finally looked up at your lover with a smile before nodding making Carmen smile more. He cupped your neck to bring you closer to him for a kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, enjoying this moment as you sighed lovingly. Carmen wrapped his arms around your waist bringing you more close. He sighed as the two of you pulled away for air but not for your lips to stop touching. He rested his forehead on yours, you two stayed like this for a few seconds enjoying this moment.
“You wanna watch a movie and cuddle while dinner is cooking? I’m making your favorite by the way.” Carmen whispers in your jut making you jut your lip out.
“Of course I would babe. That’s all I wanted after work.” You said while kissing Camry’s face multiple times making Carmen chuckle before lifting you up in the air making you squeal.
“I don’t wanna hear any complaints later babe.” Carmen said as he placed you down on the couch hovering over you with a smirk. You smirked back before yanking the collar of his sweatshirt down to you as you giggled.
“Oh, there won’t be any complaints at all babe.” You said with a tease making Carmen raise an eyebrow.
“Oh, it’s that a promise?” He said as he ran his hands down your body.
“A big promise.” You whispered in his ear making him chuckle before getting handsy with you.
The night ended with some steam ~
Tag-List: @otomefan @chunnies @slasherstories123 @avengersfan25 @th3h0nkz
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jiyascepter · 20 days
Training Blues
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Pairing: Loki x gn!reader
Words: 1133
Warnings/Content: Hurt/Comfort; insecure, sad reader, crying, sweet & comforting loki (cause who doesn't love a caring bf?), kisses & cuddles, mention of other mcu characters (say hello!), use of 'Y/n', both loki & y/n are Avengers
Summary: Y/n struggles with feelings of inadequacy in training until Loki comforts them
A/n: Feeling a bit low lately, decided to write this *alexa play 'i can do it with a broken heart'*
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"Y/n?" You could hear his voice booming down the corridor, getting closer to you. You hurriedly wipe your eyes with your sleeve, sigh, and rise back up, attempting to calm your body language so that your beloved, god of mischief, does not perceive you as a crybaby.
It had been about eight months since you joined the Avengers. For the last few weeks, it has been really rough since your training partner, Steve, was away for some missions and was replaced with Natasha.
You just could not keep up with her; she used to get pretty competitive during practices, and no matter how much you tried, you just couldn't match her speed. And it was frustrating. Not that she wasn't supportive; you just could not convince yourself that it was okay to lag behind.
You were occasionally training alone at night, which meant you didn't have enough time with Loki. And he noticed this.
You were exhausting yourself, and it broke his heart to see you like this, and it hurt him even more that you weren't telling him what was going on.
"Y/n, what peculiar matters have stirred within you this late, my dear?" He says this as he enters your room.
"Nothing, Loki, I'm fine." You answer by not looking at him and pretending to do your hair in the mirror. It crushed his heart to hear your big, cheerful voice fade into a feeble whisper.
He approaches you and wraps his hands around your waist from behind, resting his head on your shoulder and gazing at your reflection. "I know what's happening with you sweetheart, and I cannot bear to see you like this anymore." He murmurs it quietly, tightening his grip on your waist and bringing you into his chest.
You offer him a fictitious, reassuring beam and try to back away. "Everything's fine, Loki. I'm heading to the training room." You turn around, kiss his cheek, and start to leave the room when he grabs your wrist and pulls you back to him.
"You're not going. Natasha won't be in the training room anyway."
You frown. "Why? Where did she go?"
"I beseeched her to suspend your instruction for a brief span so you can focus on your well-being." He says, touching your cheek.
You give him a perturbed expression. "Loki, you do not understand. If I abandon my workouts for a few days, I'll lose my practice and—"
"And? And what, darling?"
The lump in your throat that had been lingering for the past ten minutes was too painful. You would break down even if you try to utter a single word now.
Like a baby.
You become silent and stare at him with a tiny grimace on your face. Loki catches your quivering lip and draws you close to his chest, his arms encircling your body. You couldn't help but finally break down in front of him, sobbing quietly against his chest.
No No No. How could you let go of your emotions in front of him?
He scooped you up and laid you on the bed in a matter of seconds, comfortingly lying next you and cocooning your body once again.
"Shh..shh...darling, it really hurts me to see you like this, you know."
You peek up at him, your wet eyelashes glinting.
"Y/n my dear, you've been hiding behind that stoic facade for too long." Loki murmured, his voice filled with concern, and softly brushed a tear off your face. "What's exactly troubling you, hm?"
You sniffle. "I just feel like I lag behind you guys. I am new to this, and I need to train so I can keep up. But for the past few weeks, it's like I'm failing."
"Hey, you're just eight months in, you don't need to exert yourself too much, you know." Loki says, his voice a soothing melody in the quiet room.
"I just don't want to disappoint anyone." You admit, your voice barely above a whisper. "I don't want to disappoint you."
Loki's expression softens as his thumb brushes your cheek. "You never fail to falter my eyes, Y/n. In fact, you impress me so much throughout our missions that it distracts my focus."
He jokes, and you let out a gentle chuckle. He smiles back and leans in to kiss your forehead. "You are more than enough, always."
You smile through your tears softly.
He was so sweet with you.
He cups your cheeks and stares into your eyes while he speaks. "Do you know what else hurts me? The fact that you refrain from telling me what is going on with you."
You shift a bit. "I thought you would think of me as a crybaby if I complained too much... I don't want to set that image in front of you."
Loki chuckles. "Hey, you can share anything with me, I am your partner, am I not? And complaining about things does not make you a crybaby." He smiles and places a comforting sweet kiss on your nose.
"And even if such were the case, what of it? You remain unequivocally mine." He softly smiles down at you and wraps his arms around you once more, pulling your body to his.
You take a deep breath, feeling his warmth seep into you. "I just don't want to seem weak," you finally admit, your voice small. "I want to be strong, like everyone else."
Loki tilts your chin up, making you look into his eyes. "Do you remember the first time we met?" he asked softly, a nostalgic smile playing on his lips.
"You were so determined, so fierce, even when you were just starting out. I saw in you a spirit that could not be broken, no matter the odds. That same spirit is still there sweetheart, even if you feel weary right now."
You smile when he mentions that. "I was so nervous on the first day."
Loki chuckled, his eyes twinkling with affection. "And look at you now, my love. You've grown so much, accomplished so much. Do not let a few difficult weeks overshadow how far you've come. You are incredible, and I will always be here to remind you of that."
Loki's embrace settles on you like a peace blanket. Your love for him was coursing through your blood, reassuring you that everything would be okay as long as you had each other.
You nestle into his embrace, feeling safe and loved, letting go of the worries that had been weighing you down. With Loki by your side, you knew you could face anything, even your own insecurities.
"I love you," you whisper, feeling the warmth of his love enveloping you.
"I love you too, my dear," Loki murmurs back, planting a tender kiss on your forehead.
"Rest with me. Rest for a while."
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Taglist in the comments because Tumblr is still buggy 😶‍🌫️
Lmk if you want to join my taglist or just click here
— thx for reading ♡
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of the Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You have a nightmare and go seek comfort from your parents
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You shuffle out of your room, hand on the wall to guide you.
The sun isn't up yet and you can't tell the time so the little blinking lights on the owl clock your Momma bought you is meaningless.
You sniffle as you walk, clutching tight to the swan plushie in your hand.
You reach the end of the hallway and stop, peering up at the door. Unlike yours, which is always left slightly open, it's closed. Your hand grasps the handle and you push, stumbling inside and shutting it after you.
Your parents are lying in bed - fast asleep.
Morsa is a lump in the middle of the bed, clutching the duvet and an extra blanket with her head buried into her pillow. Momma is lying a bit to the side of her, rolled up in the tiniest sliver of blankets she has managed to steal from Morsa.
You reach out and nudge her.
She doesn't move.
You sniffle and nudge her again, head turning when you hear the soft sound of the house settling around you - heart in your throat at the noises.
"Momma," You say in a hushed voice - strung through with fear," Momma!"
Her eyes flutter open for a second as she blindly reaches out for you. Her hand catches your face at first, wacking you straight in the nose before it repositions to catch the back of your neck as she nudges you forward.
"Princesse," She rasps," It's too early. Go back to bed."
"Bed with you," You insist," Bed with you!" You're halfway to tears and you sniffle louder than before, trying to muffle your cries into your swan.
Your Momma fully wakes up at the sound.
She sits up and, in an instant, you're cradled in her arms. "Oh, princesse," She coos to you, wiping your tears and holding you close," Don't cry, don't cry. What's wrong?"
"Bad dream," You sob out," Monsters an'-an' couldn't find you or Morsa and monster comin' to get us!"
"It's okay," Momma says, rocking you back and forth and wiping your tears away.
Pernille nudges Magda in the back, rolling her eyes slightly at the Swede's ability to sleep through anything. She nudges her again before resorting to pulling Magda's extra blanket away.
Magda wakes up slowly. "Wha-?"
"Magda," Pernille hisses," Wake up!"
Magda blinks into consciousness and rolls onto her side, already prepared to argue with Pernille for waking her up at three in the morning. Her face softens though when she sees you cradled in Pernille's arms with tears running down your cheeks and your favourite toy clutched in a grip so tight that your knuckles are turning white.
"What's wrong? What happened, y/n?" She reaches out to wipe some tears away before digging around on her bedside table for the sippy cup of water she keeps there for you.
"Princesse had a nightmare," Pernille says when it becomes clear that you're too busy sobbing to talk properly," About monsters coming to get us."
"No monsters here," Magda says, helping you have a drink by holding the cup for you," The door's closed. They can't get in if the door's closed."
You relax marginally at that as Momma combs through your messy bed hair. You're panting when Morsa finally pulls away your drink, satisfied that you've replaced the fluids you've lost from crying.
You sniffle one last sniffle as you relax your hold on your swan and lean back into Momma.
"Alright, princesse," Morsa says with a yawn," You ready to sleep again?"
You frown slightly, your exhausted, sleep-hazed brain trying to work out what she means. "With you and Momma," You say finally," In the big bed."
Magda gives Pernille a hard look, as if to say 'this-is-all-your-fault'. When you still lived in Germany and Momma still played in the green-Wolfsburg jersey, she let you sleep with her, in her big bed she didn't have to share with Morsa, all the time.
Morsa has been trying to break you out of the habit of co-sleeping with them when she got the rude awakening on the second day of the move to England when you had come into their bed uninvited at some point in the night and curled up on the pillow like some kind of feral cat.
"Magda," Pernille says in warning with a pointed look of her own," She's scared. She's had a nightmare. It's different."
Magda huffs a little but doesn't argue.
Instead, she plucks you from Pernille's hands and lays you down, tucked into her side as she tries to smooth down your wild bed hair.
You smile sleepily up at Momma, who passes over your swan and helps Morsa tuck you in.
You're out like a light after that, snoozing peacefully on Magda's pillow with Pernille looking down at you fondly.
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tojisun · 7 months
OMG ive got smth else for u
Give by sleep token is sooo biker!simon coded ahhh😩😭😭
anon u are too sick for this one now im genuinely spiralling??? how do i move on!! HOW DO I LISTEN TO SLEEP TOKEN WITHOUT ENVISIONING BIKER!SIMON???
this fits sooo well with that one consistent brainworm that wont let me go since it manifested – it’s from when i was answering honey’s ask!!
how a subset of biker!simon is him and you being friends for a while but you’re with a partner who doesn’t appreciate you and love you the way you should be, and simon ofc doesnt wanna just be like “i can treat you better sweet girl” BUT ONE DAY HE WHISKS YOU AWAY WHEN YOUR PARTNER DID SMTHN THAT ENDED UP WITH SIMON HAVING SPLIT KNUCKLES, HIS HELMET STRAPPED ON YOUR HEAD, AND HIM AND YOU ON HIS BIKE AS HE DRIVES YOU AWAY AHHHH
on my knees right now???
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the way you’re crying in his arms, pressing your face on his back and it’s a little awkward because of the helmet and simon’s feeling the ridges of the visor dig into his back, but god simon’s trying his best not to explode. trying his best not to just swerve into the nearest empty lot because he wants you as far away from your shit of a boyfriend.
and when he finds an empty park, away from the suburbs and from the bastard who made you cry, simon pulls over and tugs at your helmet to take it off before scooping you in his arms and tucking your face on the juncture between his neck and his shoulder. he holds you close and he holds you tight, letting his silence wrap around you. he kisses the top of your head, breathing you in, feeling his own blood calm down because you’re in his arms now. safe, loved, cherished.
the way when you ask him why’s he being too kind, too considerate, simon bites the words that threaten to spill because you deserve more than a rushed confession. so he just presses a kiss on your forehead and tells you he’ll always be here for you. always be here to help you throughout.
you end it off with your boyfriend that same night, your body shuddering with sobs but god you feel better. feel lighter.
and it’s gradual – the way you fall in love with simon. the way your eyes see him as more than your best friend, more than your platonic soulmate. and you’re scared to fuck things up, but god the way simon looks at you, all adoring and reverent, makes you weak.
the words spill from your lips on a thursday morning when you dropped by simon’s place only to see him tinkering on his bike in the garage.
you’re about to crouch down and settle on the floor the way you had always done before but pause when simon tells you so.
“i got y’somethin’,” he says, blushing just a bit. you watch as he walks towards the cleared-out corner of his garage, just noticing the covered lump there.
he turns to you with a smile and tugs at the sheet, revealing a pretty, pink, velvet loveseat.
“so you don’t have to sit on the floor w’me,” he says after a while, taking your silence for confusion.
“it’s… mine?”
simon laughs, something boyish. “yeah. all y’rs, doll. i’m used to the hard surface but i see you rubbin’ at your ass when i take too long so i got you this to help out.”
what the fuck?
he blinks. the smile slipping from his lips. “i mean, you don’t have to use it.”
fuck. you said that out loud? stupid-
“no, si, oh my god! it’s perfect!” you scramble to tell him, practically running towards where he’s standing. “i’m just- i don’t know- no one has ever-”
to your horror, tears began pooling in the corners of your eyes. simon stares at you in surprise, his face falling as worry lines his beautiful features. you try to assure him that you’re doing okay, but a pathetic wet sob lurches out of your throat instead.
“fuck,” you say, aggressively wiping at your weeping eyes. “i’m so sorry for this, si. i just- i fucking love you so much and i don’t know how to-”
you startle when big hands pull your fists away from your eyes. you see simon staring at you in shock.
“you love me?” he asks, almost breathless like he is afraid of being wrong. afraid that if he spoke any louder, it will lead to you rejecting him.
but how could you ever?
“i do,” you tell him. “i love you so much, si. i think i always have-”
he cuts you off again, but this time with his lips. his big and callused hands are gentle as they cup your cheeks, pulling you closer to him like he still can’t believe that you love him back.
“i love you too, sweetheart,” simon murmurs on your lips when he finally pulls back, your breaths passing through each other in gasps. “i fuckin’ love you.”
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so clearly i went fucking bonkers-
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santaasi · 12 days
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pairing: james potter x fem!reader
summary: james potter's life doesn't make sense without you
warnings: pure angst, death of the main character, no use of y/n, english isn’t my first language
word count: 1.7k
a/n: part 2 of waiting for you
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THE WORLD HAS STOPPED. In a second, the world of James Potter stopped completely concentrating only on you. You were lying on the bed among the lacy white sheets. So beautiful, pale and innocent. Like the first snowdrop peeking out from under a thick crust of snow after a cold, hard winter.
James took an unsteady step towards the bed. Then another one. And one more. You were asleep. He could hear you breathing in that cold crypt-like room. And your chest was slowly rising and falling. He saw your breathing, didn't he? It wasn't an illusion. You were just sleeping. His angel was just sleeping.
A sob escaped Dorcas's lips and James turned a frown on her. She shook her head, pressing a hand to her mouth, stopping quiet cries. What does it mean? Why is Dorcas crying? James didn't understand anything, but that strange oppressive feeling that had arisen as soon as he stepped into the room was still felt all over his body.
"Hey, angel. Why are you sleeping at lunch?" James chuckled, sitting down on the bed. Dorcas tried to touch his shoulder, but he pushed her hand aside, focusing all his attention only on you.
"Angel, come on, wake up. I brought your favorite mints from Honeydukes... you looked so sad today.… And I decided... I decided..." James's voice began to tremble, and a lump stuck in his throat. It couldn't be true.
"Angel, don't joke like that. Please. Open your eyes," the guy whispered, running his gaze over your marble face, on which there was not even a shadow of a smile. You looked as still as a broken doll discarded on the floor, your face a beautiful ruin as James brushed your hair gently away. Your arms lay lifelessly against chest, like broken wings.
"Hey, A-Angel... open those beautiful eyes of yours... come on... open those big beautiful eyes for me... d-don't scare me like that, angel. Don't do this..." James quickly mumbled, grabbing your stone cold hand, lifting your body and pressing it to his chest.
You were cold. Colder than graveyard. But you've always been cold, haven't you? James always had to give you his scarf or gloves when you two went out to Hogsmeade. You were always cold, so it didn't mean anything. But have you ever been so still? So artificial and deathly pale?
"Angel, please…" James pushed you a little away from his chest, peering into your empty face, and you hung lifelessly in his arms. Your head is thrown back, and your hands have fallen on his lap. James's breathing accelerated and he immediately touched your cheek, shaking you slightly, forcing you to wake up. Hoping that you will wake up. But it didn’t work out.
"No-no-no-no… Angel, come on, say something. Don't do this. Don't leave me. No. Nah-ah. Please. Wake up. It's me. I-I... your Jamie... your Potter... your Gerrrronimo… Come on. You can't leave me, angel," the first sob escaped James's lips, and with it came the realization… His angel was dead.
James Potter felt it. From the beginning he felt that there was something wrong with you. He felt like you were distancing yourself from him and avoiding him at all cost. He saw the light in your eyes slowly go out. And heard rumors that went around Hogwarts... but James Potter never believed the rumors. He knew you. He knew that you would have come to him if something had happened. But he was wrong.
His forehead touched yours, which was as cold as ice. Through a vale of tears, he looked at you so beautiful and calm, so alive and at the same time dead. James tucked a strand of silky hair behind your ear and his hand touched your cheek, stroking gently.
"You should have told me... you should have..." James whispered softly, feeling his heart slowly struggling in his chest, echoing with the sound of a metronome in his ears. Tears were running down his reddened cheeks. And he still couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that you were gone.
"I would do anything for you… Angel, do you hear? I would do anything for you.… I'd die for you if you'd just give me a chance.… One small chance" James didn't recognize his voice. He heard it as if from somewhere far away, under a layer of ice in the cold water of the Arctic ocean, sinking deeper to the bottom with every passing second.
You're gone.
You're gone.
You're gone.
"James," Sirius whispered softly, sitting down next to best friend. James just shook his head. He won't let you go. Not now. Never. To let you go was to admit that you were gone. And James Potter couldn't do that.
James inhaled the scent of your vanilla shampoo, which after so many years by your side seemed to surround him wherever he went. He pressed your body closer to him. His fingers tangled in your soft hair, and quiet sobs came from his lips. He could feel how your body was getting colder and colder by the second.
James Potter felt the red thread that connected your lives slowly thinning and losing its color. With every passing second, you felt like sand, grain by grain, spilled through his fingers and James Potter couldn't catch and hold you. For the first time in his life, you were in his arms, but he couldn't catch you.
"No! No! NO!" James felt Sirius's hands on his shoulders, forcing him to let you go. Black was saying something, but James couldn't hear anything. He was in his own world. In a world where you were still there. With him.
"Angel, wake up, please wake up… I'll do anything... I'll throw away that ugly T-shirt that we bought at the flea market... And I-I will listen to all The Beatles records with you! I will learn every single song by heart! Just wake up… just stay with me, please" James felt himself slowly being pulled away from you. He could feel how you slipped through his fingers. How the cold start devouring him from the inside. James could hear sobs, sighs and murmurs filling the room. But none of that mattered.
"I... I'm not going to make pranks on you anymore, angel... I-I... I'm going to buy your favorite mints every day! I'll do anything, wake up, just wake up! Don't leave me!" James's voice broke.
He didn't hear anything, trying his best to remember your voice. He didn't feel like several hands were pulling him away from you, remembering only the touch of your fingers on his skin. And he saw nothing in front of his eyes, except a veil of tears and shared memories that quickly flashed before his eyes. The first smile you gave him when he let your cat down from the tree. The twinkle in your eyes that you've always looked at James with. Your soft skin. Big eyes that seemed to look straight into his soul and heart. Moles, the location of which he knew by heart. The freckles that appeared on the bridge of your nose only in summer and that James could admire for hours. Your hair, which always didn't lie the way you wanted it to. There was an image of you in front of his eyes that he would never see... hear... feel... touch… again.
James Potter fell to his knees exhausted, watching as Miss Pomfrey touches the soft skin of your neck and tries to feel your pulse. James saw her face turn pale in an instant, she pursed her lips and shook her head, looking at someone behind Potter. The room fell silent, and from the depths of James's soul came a brutal animalistic scream of realization and pain that came with it.
James screamed, pounded his fists on the wooden floor, smashing them into blood, buried his fingers in his hair, clutching them in his fists, trying to make himself feel something other than grief. He clung to the robe of Minnie, who sank down next to him, motherly hugging him to her chest, while he was crying his soul out uncontrollably, feeling as if a part of him had died with her. Feeling his whole world turn to ruins and dust.
And then it was all over. He heard Minnie whisper something in his ear, saw the wave of her wand in front of his eyes and there was... void.
An all-consuming, hopeless black void consisting of your laughter, smiles, shining eyes and memories that have turned into pain because there will be no more new ones.
Just like there will be no more of you.
And there will be no more of James Potter either.
You were his everything. And without you, nothing in his life made any sense. And if you were next to him, in this dark cage that he built for himself. You would become the moon and stars for him, who could light his way and lead him the right path, as you have done a million times before.
But you were gone.
And there was no sun, moon, or stars.
And James Potter accepted it as soon as he opened his eyes in a hospital bed at Hogwarts. He accepted it when he carefully packed your things in the dorm in boxes, imagining that this was the last day of school and he was helping you, as he did every year. He accepted it when he was sitting in the library after dinner, looking out the window at the setting sun, imagining that you were sitting next to him and telling him another silly fact about Muggles. He accepted it when he watched your body being buried six feet under, and thought about how you wanted to live next to the sea and meet the sunrises on the beach. James Potter accepted your death when he closed the door of his house with a soft knock after returning from your wake from the house opposite.
But every night, when he went to bed, he cuddled the old brown teddy bear that you gave him when you found out that it was difficult for him to cope with nightmares. He would close his bloodshot eyes and see your face, hear your ringing laughter, feel your fingers in his hair....And he didn't need anything else in this life.
And every night, a minute before he had to return to reality where you were gone, he quietly whispered "Stay" to you, hoping that when he opened his eyes, he would go out into the backyard of his house and see you with a smile on your face.
He hoped that he would see you waiting for him.
You’ve always been waiting only for James Potter.
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you asked for it, you got it. honestly, I still don't know how I feel about this sequel, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway! you can always share your opinion in comments or my inbox :3
thankx for reading <3
- your santi 🪐
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dustofthedailylife · 9 months
A Stellar Birthday
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Pairings: Jing Yuan, Dan Heng x (gn!) Reader
Summary: It's your birthday, yet there is something that is tainting your mood. He manages to change that, however.
Tags: Fluff, hints of angst at first (but it's really harmless), SFW, kissing, confessions, Jing Yuan being a scheming master, Dan Heng being bad with feelings
A/N: Second self-indulgent birthday fic! This time for HSR. Hope you enjoy :3
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“Hey.” Your employer briefly knocks at the door of your office to make you aware of his presence before walking up to your desk.
“Hello, sir. Anything the matter?” You inquired carefully, because somehow your gut feeling told you that he was about to tell you something you wouldn’t like.
“Yes. I came to tell you that the vacation day you entered for tomorrow… Unfortunately, you won’t be able to take it anymore.”
“Wh-what? Why?” You ask exasperated. You had booked that day off months in advance because you and Jing Yuan wanted to spend your birthday together.
“I know this is really short notice, but Mei came to my office earlier and it’s her birthday tomorrow. Surely you don’t mind coming to work tomorrow so someone else can celebrate their birthday, right? We’d do the same for you.” 
Your boss tapped your desk twice before turning around again to leave, not even waiting for your reply.
The knot in your throat became tighter and tighter and all you wanted was to yell after him that it was your birthday as well tomorrow. Yet, somehow you didn’t have it in you to correct him, also because you could feel that you would burst into tears the moment you opened your mouth again.
You bit back a sob as you could feel the burning sensation in your eyes and some tears welled up. You tried to calm yourself by repeatedly telling yourself that it couldn’t be helped and that your birthday was just another day of the year anyway. No need to make a big deal about it. You could always spend time with Jing Yuan on another day as well. Right?
You learned your lesson and will just explicitly mention that you will take time off for your birthday next year, something that you had failed to do this year and that had caused this situation in the first place. Your boss could’ve checked your employee card and would’ve seen that it was your birthday as well, but he, too, had a lot on his plate and it couldn’t be helped anymore.
Once you were back home from work you slammed the door shut behind you and quickly took out your phone to open the chat between you and Jing Yuan.
‘Need to cancel our plans tomorrow. I’m sorry. Let’s do something on another day.’ 
You typed and hit send faster than you were able to process before turning your phone to silent mode and throwing it between the pillows of your sofa.
The frustrations of the day began to wash over you all at once at that moment and you could feel the lump in your throat grow to a size that made it hard to breathe. And no matter how much you tried to swallow it down, the tears that started to spill were inevitable. You were angry, frustrated, and just wanted to yell at everything and everyone. Because once again you felt invisible. Like no one in the world cared about your feelings and all you ever had to do was to accommodate everyone else. You hated it and you hated that the feeling was so awfully familiar.
You don’t even know how long you had been crying when the sudden ring of your doorbell pulled you out of the hole of self-pity you had dug for yourself. 
You quickly wiped the tears out of your eyes and checked your face in the mirror beside the door. Your puffy, red eyes would betray that you had been crying to whoever was standing in front of the door right away.
So, you contemplated whether it was a good idea to open at all or if you should simply act like you weren’t at home. Because you didn’t really want to see anyone in this state either. Or, god forbid, have them ask if everything was alright. Because, frankly, nothing was alright right now.
“I know you’re there. Open up.”
The familiar voice rang through the door causing you to perk up. Jing Yuan sounded worried. You assumed that he had probably tried to message or call you and you didn’t pick up because you had set your phone to silent.
Your hand wandered in the direction of the doorknob, which you hesitantly rested it on, still unsure whether to open or to play dead.
“Please… let me in.” He pleaded in a way that almost made your heart shatter. So, with much hesitancy, you decided to open the door.
You immediately saw Jing Yuan’s brows furrow when he looked at your face. Pushing past you inside, he closed the door and immediately took you in his embrace.
“Tell me what happened.” He urged sympathetically, gently stroking your cheeks with his thumb.
Under sobs, you began recalling the events of the day, ending it with a full-on crying session by the moment you stopped talking again. You seriously wondered if he even understood anything you were trying to tell because of how much you had started sobbing throughout it.
He hugged you tightly, wiping away your tears once again, and reassuring you that everything would be alright. At the moment you didn’t quite see how, but he always remained right, so you simply nodded against his chest.
Once you had calmed down a bit he briefly excused himself, reassuring you that he would be right back with something that would cheer you up. And not even forty minutes later he was back with two paper bags filled with your favorite street foods and two cups of Immortal’s Delight.
No matter what, he always knew what he needed to do. While you got some plates and chopsticks out of the kitchen you suddenly heard the familiar ringtone of your phone coming out of the living room.
Confused you walked over to where you had thrown it between the pillows. You could’ve sworn you had put it on silent earlier, so why was it ringing now? 
You fished your phone out and checked the brightly illuminated screen.
Why was he calling now? By the Aeons, you sure as hell had enough of him today already.
“Hello?” You picked up questioningly.
“A-ah. It’s good t-that I reach you. Uhm– actually I-I wanted to to tell you that you don’t need to come to work tomorrow. You get your day off. M-my bad. Heh.” He was stammering and sounded more nervous than an alerted Warp Trotter.
“Uh…okay. Thank you.” You paused, walking over to the kitchen, holding your phone to one ear, glaring daggers at Jing Yuan who was happily chewing away at some gyoza and questioningly raising an eyebrow at you.
“Yeah. Uhm… e-enjoy your birthday tomorrow. Oh, and I-I happened to check our yearly employee evaluation and I’m happy to in-inform you that you’re getting a raise. Come to my office on Friday. O-Okay… bye.”
You didn’t even manage to get a word in before he hung up again. One thing was certain though, something smelled awfully fishy here, and it wasn’t the food Jing Yuan had brought in earlier.
“Who was that?” He asked innocently despite knowing full well who had just called.
“What did you do?” You asked accusingly, crossing your arms over your chest at which he just raised an eyebrow.
“Me? I didn’t do anything.” He acted completely clueless but the twitch of the corner of his lips betrayed the truth.
You knew the influence he had aboard the Luofu. He was the General of the Cloud Knights after all. Never did you expect him to use that influence for such matters, however.
“So… does this mean I can stay the night and the plan to go out tomorrow is back on the table?”
This man was unbelievable.
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“Happy Birthday!” The Astral Express Crew gratulated you in unison.
Himeko placed the cake they got for you on the table in front of you while March readied herself to snap a picture. Mr. Yang stood by and watched with crossed arms and a smile on his face. And Pom-Pom was attempting to admonish everyone to not get any burn holes in or crumbs on the red leather bench.
March began counting down from three waiting for the perfect moment to snap a picture of you blowing out the candles. Followed by claps and more birthday wishes from everyone once they were extinguished.
Well, everyone aside from Dan Heng.
He was silently sitting in an armchair away from everyone simply typing and scrolling away on his phone. He hadn’t even looked up once for hours now, let alone engaged in any group activities.
You told yourself you wouldn’t let it sour your mood, it was your birthday after all. So if he wanted to brood, let him brood. 
However, when you tried to hand him a plate with a piece of cake and he just declined the offer with the excuse of not being hungry right now, not even daring to look at you, you couldn’t help but wonder what was up with him.
As you sat back together with the others you occasionally found yourself stealing glances at Dan Heng to see if you could read anything on his face. But it stayed the same. Expressionless and completely unreadable. 
Eventually, after you came back from getting yourself and Mr. Yang a cup of coffee, you found the chair he had sat on all evening empty.
Was something wrong? Did he have a grudge against you?
It didn’t go unnoticed by the others either that you grew quieter and quieter as the evening progressed.
March was the first one to address the elephant in the room.
“It bothers you that Dan Heng didn’t join, right?” And she couldn’t have hit the nail more on the head even if she tried.
You hummed in agreement, taking another sip from your coffee. You looked back to the empty chair for a brief moment, while a thousand questions popped into your head once more.
Ever since the Crew had come back from the Luofu he had been more quiet than usual. He barely even spoke a word with you and kept locking himself up in his room for days on end. It would be a lie if you said it didn’t bother you. Because with every day that passed you wondered more and more why he was acting so differently.
“Don’t worry so much. He’s probably just grumpy about something. He’ll be back to normal in no time.” March reassured with an infectious smile, slinging her arms around you in a quick hug. “Now, we should do something about this gloomy mood. It’s your birthday! What do you want to do? More cake? Dancing? Anything?”
In all honesty, you didn’t really feel like partying as long as Dan Heng’s weird behavior was at the back of your mind constantly. Because no matter what you were doing, you kept thinking about it sooner or later again anyway.
“Did… something happen on the Luofu?” You finally decided to ask. 
March seemed to be taken by surprise by your question before immediately and hectically waving off that anything had happened. Unfortunately for her, she could be read like an open book. So, you immediately knew she was lying. But why?
What happened on the Luofu?
You nodded, accepting that you wouldn’t get any answers from her tonight, and excused yourself, telling everyone that you would be heading to bed now. 
On the way to your room, you saw that Dan Heng’s door wasn’t closed entirely and a streak of light from the inside illuminated the hallway of the cart. You couldn’t help but steal a glance inside, but you found the room completely empty.
Wondering where he went you walked straight past your room, and through some other carts until you eventually reached the observatory and the very last cart.
And this is also where you found him. 
He was sitting next to the telescope at the desk, writing something down. When you knocked on the doorframe to make him aware of your presence, he perked his head up to look at you. Yet somehow he immediately almost looked alert.
“What are you doing here?” His voice sounded panicked, almost accusatory.
“I came looking for you when I saw your room was empty–” You began to explain, confused about the hostility in the air. 
“Did you go in?” He interrupted frantically, jumping up from his chair with a shocked look in his beautiful turquoise eyes.
“I–what? No!” You exclaimed in disbelief. “What is going on with you?”
“It’s nothing.” He once again waved it off, as usual. And his demeanor left more questions than answers every time he did just that.
“Nothing? As in nothing you want to tell me? Nothing why you keep avoiding me? Nothing why you keep diverting the topic whenever I try to ask about the Luofu mission?” You huffed in frustration. You could feel anger that stemmed from weeks of confusion and unanswered questions well up in the pit of your stomach, making you ball your fists at your sides.
Dan Heng exhaled heavily, diverting his gaze to the ground, rubbing the back of his head with his hand.
“Just… talk to me.” You demanded pleadingly.
He took a few steps in your direction, breathing heavily. And before you knew it the air around him began to glow in such a bright blue light, that you had to shield your eyes in order to not get blinded. Sparkles began to form, making the room ooze with magic you had no idea existed. 
When the light finally dimmed again, you lowered the hand you had held in front of your face. But what was in front of you exceeded even your wildest imaginations. Long, silky black hair that faded into dark blue cascaded down Dan Heng’s shoulders, crystalline horns had grown on his head, a translucent dragon tail had formed behind him, and icy blue, glowing eyes were staring right at you. 
You wanted to say something – ask so many questions that were burning at the back of your mind, but every word you were desperate to speak died on your tongue. You were too stunned to speak.
He nodded, dropping his eyes, and pressed his lips into a thin line with a defeated look on his face.
“There. This is why I didn’t tell you… why I’ve been acting the way I did. Because I was scared you would think I’m–”
“Beautiful.” You muttered under your breath faster than your brain could process that you just said it out loud.
“What?” He asked in disbelief.
“You look… beautiful.” You almost choked on your words, still in disbelief over what you just said. You had never acted on your feelings for Dan Heng because you didn’t know if he felt the same for you and in fear of making things awkward. But there was no going back from it now. 
“Like… I truly mean i–mphh”
Before you knew it he had pulled you in by your waist, uniting your lips with an intensity that knocked the air out of your lungs and made you feel lightheaded. 
“Oh god, I-I’m so sorry. I just– I didn’t mean to–” He stammered in panic immediately after breaking off the kiss and realizing what he had just done. Lifting his hand up to his lips shaking his head.
“Please do that again.” You immediately cut him off, pulling his hand away from his face and slinging your arms around his neck while pulling him closer. Your heart was practically beating out of your chest at this point and your face felt like it was burning up. 
You could smell the bitterness of the coffee he had been drinking all evening on his breath and the familiar scent of his aftershave. Because despite everything, he was still Dan Heng. Your Dan Heng. The one you had grown to love. And nothing was ever going to change that.
And with one last adoring look into your eyes, he pulled you in once more in a silent declaration of love.
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments, and asks about HSR or my fics are always greatly appreciated and motivate me! Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 9 months
Dean Winchester x little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: Dean says the wrong thing to you, and finds it hard to apologize
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“Why didn’t you go with Bobby?”
“I’m not gonna leave you here alone,” you sat down next to Dean, keeping your head down, unable to look at Sam’s still form laid out on a bed.
“You should’ve gone with him.”
“Dean, stop. I’m not leaving until you do.”
“I don’t want you here,” Dean struggled to speak through the lump in his throat.
“I don’t care.”
You flinched when Dean stood suddenly, knocking his chair over.
“Just go, ok! You shouldn’t be here!”
“Neither should you. Dean, we-“ you choked as tears slipped down your cheeks. “There’s n-nothing we can do. Please.”
“Don’t you start in on me too,” Dean’s voice was dangerously quiet. “Don’t you tell me to bury him, or burn him.”
“Dean, what else can we-“
“Don’t you say that to me!” Dean slammed his hand on the table, causing the empty bottles on it to shake. “If you hadn’t-“
You looked up in surprise when Dean suddenly stopped.
“If…if I hadn’t what, Dean?”
“Forget about it. Just get out.”
“Dean, I’m not leaving! I can’t leave you here like this, with-with…” a sob shook your body when your eyes landed on your dead big brother.
“What, with him?” Dean turned to look at Sam, his voice thick. “I’d rather be with him than you.”
“What?” You breathed.
“If you hadn’t slowed us down,” Dean swallowed. “If we had gotten here a minute or two sooner, he-he wouldn’t be-“ Dean clenched his fists. “Just go. Go, get out!”
You staggered back when Dean turned his eyes back to you.
“I…” you couldn’t argue. You knew you slowed your brothers down, and always had.
You just never thought that they believed it, too.
“Y/N-“ Dean started.
“I’m sorry,” you finally managed, before turning and running out the door.
“No,” Dean breathed. “No, I’m sorry.”
But you were already gone.
“Where is she?”
“Dean, what is this?” Bobby ignored Dean’s question as he stared at Sam, back from the dead.
“Bobby not now. Where is she, I need-“
“Upstairs,” Bobby finally turned his attention away from Sam. “Dean, I don’t know what you said to her, but you gotta fix it.”
“Sammy?” The sound of your voice gained the attention of all three men. You bolted down the stairs, and Sam staggered back in surprise when you threw yourself into his arms.
“Ow, ow, Y/N,” he complained, pulling you away from him.
“You…you’re…” you glanced from Sam to Dean, then back at Sam.
“Yeah,” Dean jumped in. “He’s ok.” At Sam’s questioning look, he continued. “Once we were pretty sure you’d make it through, I had Bobby bring her here so she could get some rest. She didn’t want to leave you, but…” Dean glanced away when you turned to stare at him.
“Ok,” Sam said. “Well, yeah I’m ok. So let’s get to work.”
Dean had been trying to talk to you for days. Bobby had had to tell you about his demon deal, since you were avoiding Dean like the plague.
He kept replaying the scene over and over. He’d told you it was your fault that Sam had died.
No wonder you hated him.
“Hey kid,” Dean greeted as he walked into the kitchen, where you were making yourself a sandwich. You didn’t respond, intent on staring at your hands. You quickly finished your task, but when you turned to go Dean grabbed your arm. “Please don’t go.”
You kept your eyes downcast, waiting for him to speak.
“Say something,” he said.
“What do you want?” You asked finally.
“To talk.”
“About what?”
“Could you at least look at me?” Dean sighed. When you didn’t move, he kept going. “Look, baby, I’m…I’m sorry about what I said. I know that’s why you won’t talk to me, and I can’t blame you for being angry.”
“Angry?” Dean was surprised when you finally met his gaze. “I’m not-I’m not mad at you, Dean.”
Dean scoffed. “Then why haven’t you talked to me in three days?”
Your gaze dropped again, and you set your plate down on the table, desperate to look at anything other than Dean.
“Kid,” Dean continued. “C’mon, talk to me.”
“I-I just couldn’t,” you swallowed. “I couldn’t talk to you. Not after what happened.”
“Because you were right,” your hand twitched when a tear dripped onto it.
“Right? What, about you?” Dean reached out, placing his hands on your shoulders. “No, no baby I was dead wrong.”
You were shaking your head, shrinking away from Dean’s hold.
“If-if I didn’t slow you down all-all the time, Sammy wouldn’t have died. And-and now you’re going to hell to pay for that!” You cried. “How am I-am I supposed to talk to you when I know that this is all my fault?”
“Hey, don’t say that,” Dean struggled to speak as he felt his own eyes fill with tears. “This isn’t your fault, you understand me?”
“Why couldn’t you have let me do it?” You met Dean’s gaze, and the look in your eyes broke his heart. “Why couldn’t you have let me sell my soul? Then you and-and Sammy could be happy, and-and I’d be out of your way.”
“What?” Dean’s grip on your shoulders tightened, and he knelt down to be closer to your height. “Hey, hey don’t you talk like that.” The tears in his eyes were gone, replaced by a harsh resolve. “Don’t ever say anything like that again. I would never let you do that, never. I wouldn’t let you go to hell for anything, you understand?”
“But-but you and Sammy-“
“Hey!” You froze at Dean’s outburst. “You’re my baby sister, ok? I care about you just as much as I care about Sam. I would never trade you for him, I couldn’t. Not ever. And I’m sorry,” Dean swallowed. “I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like I would.”
Dean felt his desperation rise when your gaze lowered and tears streamed down your cheeks. He’d put these thoughts in your head, and now you thought he loved Sam more than you. If he couldn’t fix that…
“Hey, hey,” Dean reached out and brushed the tears off your cheeks, and you looked up at him as he spoke. “Are you hearing me?”
At your almost-imperceptible nod, Dean sighed and pulled you into his arms.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean a word I said, ok?” At your silence, he persisted. “Ok?”
“Ok,” he felt you shaking as you cried into his shoulder.
“Ok,” he breathed, cradling your head as he held you in a vice grip. “You and Sammy are the most important people in my life, and I could never choose between you.”
You were silent for a long moment, and Dean was content to hold you in his arms. When you finally spoke, Dean found himself holding you impossibly tighter at your words.
“I don’t want you to go away.”
“I know,” Dean blinked back tears. “I know, and I’m so sorry. But hey,” Dean pulled away enough to look at you. “We’ve got a year, ok? And you, me, and Sammy are gonna make the most of it. And I wouldn’t trade that for the world.”
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mieczyslawsravenclaw · 3 months
Best Friends, Is That All? - Stiles Stilinski
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•Pairing - Stiles Stilinski x Fem!Reader
•Rating - 18+, Minors DNI - Smut - NSFW!!!
•Summary/Prompt - Just a regular ride in Stilesʼ jeep…Or it would be, if the love-struck fool could stop asking you how you feel about him. Guess someone's got a different kind of ride in mind...
•Warnings/Content - Pretty much all bases covered, they definitely fuck, tons of begging and mentions of markings and scratching, they use a condom bc SAFETY, oral oral lots of oral, TONS of petnames sorry its cheesy ik but I canʼt help it, lots of praise too bc thatʼs tasty, oh yeah and boys whimpering bc thatʼs just hot asf, they're in love so it's a little fluffier but still VERY spicy
•Word Count - 4.5k
•Authorʼs Note(s) - As always, just want to write about the spicy ideas I get from having spicy dreams, I feel like this oneʼs a little better than the last one but who knows? >_< /// (YA'LL I EXPECTED LIKE 4 LIKES ON MY SPENCER BLURB AND I GOT OVER 200 TY????? WTF???? )
•Additional Tags - they fuck in the jeep!, stiles is a whore for begging, theyʼre obsessed with eachother ffs, Switch!Stiles but mostly Sub!Stiles, he talks her through it UGH YES, CONSENT IS KEY, heʼs okay with whatever even if that means he doesnʼt get laid, Stiles is one cocky SOB with BDE and just a big dick oops, theyʼre for sure gonna fuck again before the night is over hehehe
“Do you get nervous?ˮ
The question takes me by surprise - Up until now, it had been a normal, routine drive with Stiles, albeit more fidgety than usual from his side. But once the question has left his lips, heʼs even more so, if thatʼs possible.
“Do I…yeah, definitely. Of course I do.ˮ I quirk my eyebrow at him; Heʼs avoiding my eyeline, focused far too much on the road ahead.
Something else, another question maybe, passes his lips, but itʼs far too quiet for me to catch. The poor thing is redder than a tomato, tapping his hands on the wheel as he starts to drive just a little faster unknowingly.
“A-About…M-mmmmm.ˮ Stiles stutters, dragging out his thought. The jeep seems to follow its driver, stuttering a bit on the road as he pushes the pedal down further.
“Sti, are you okay?ˮ
“Nervous.ˮ He repeats the word like heʼs reading it from a dictionary, not like heʼs using it as a self description. Weʼre getting further into the back roads now, and if I didnʼt know any better, Iʼd think he was bringing me out here to kill me or something.
“Pull over a sec, yeah?ˮ
He nods, bringing the jeep to a crawl along a forest road that could more accurately be called a trail, if anything. The silence is filled only by the bumping of the tires on the gravel, until we reach a stopping point, surrounded by nothing but trees for miles.
“Whatʼs eating at you, Stilinski?ˮ I turn in my seat, eyeing him in the mid-day light. Filtered through the jeepʼs dusty windows, he looks like a modern god, and my heart can hardly take it. Iʼve loved this poor boy a long time, but Iʼve never been brave enough to say it. And now, weʼre all alone in the woods for who knows what reason, and Iʼm more nervous than ever.
“Dʼyou ever get nervous…about me?ˮ He manages, his eyes squeezing shut and his fists clenching tight. He lets out a huge breath, then continues in a ramble, “God, I canʼt believe I even just asked that. Holy shit. I mean, you make me so nervous. Dʼyou know that? Youʼre my best friend, and you make me so nervous I feel like I canʼt even breathe, I want you to just reach over and break the distance between us and give in and just take me. God-ˮ
“Sti.ˮ It comes out half-choked. The lump in my throat swells - oh, my god, he likes me too? - as I scoot ever closer to him.
“Oh, of course not,ˮ He sighs, eyes still closed. He doesnʼt see me shift again, within touching distance, he just keeps on with his nervous blabber. “I mean, someone as beautiful as you with a guy like me? Come on, Stiles, get real.ˮ
“Stiles. Look at me, damn it.ˮ Hands shaking, Iʼm reaching over to touch him when he listens to me, turning and looking all in one motion.
“Oh, hi there.ˮ He blurts, flushing crimson.
“Yes, I get nervous about you, too.ˮ I can hardly believe Iʼm uttering the words. But my fear is trumped by the desperate need for him, right here and right now. I canʼt believe of all times and places, this is where itʼs gonna happen, but I donʼt quite care at the same point, either.
“You do?ˮ
“Stiles, I can barely contain myself around you. These past few months especially, I just-ˮ My reaching hands are still hanging near him, and he notices, finally, taking them in his own. I let out a shaking breath, closing my own eyes in desperate need to escape his searching gaze that sends my pulse skyrocketing. “You-Youʼre everything, do you know that? Iʼve wanted to tell you for so long, but I didnʼt think youʼd even look at me like that, I just thought-ˮ
“Best friends, nothing more?ˮ He chuckles softly, and I can sense the way his lips curl, not even needing to see it to know it. “Yeah, sounds familiar. Hey, look at me. I like you, you idiot.ˮ
My eyes open at the last few words, and seeing it straight from his mouth makes me lose myself for a moment. All I can do is blankly stare, my stomach doing flips. He likes me, he likes me, he likes me!
“Can you say something?ˮ He groans, eyes flicking between my own and down to my mouth. “Like, maybe confirm to me that you like me back? I mean, you kinda said as much, but I just really wanna hear you say it. Can you say it? Is that okay? Youʼre killing me, here-ˮ
“I like you too. Of course I do, who wouldnʼt?ˮ
“You do. For sure? Not just tryna pity me, are you?ˮ He quips, but itʼs clearly halfhearted.
“I really like you, dumbass.ˮ I move closer, dying for something to happen. Anything.
“Are you gonna kiss me now? Or am I gonna kiss you? Somebodyʼs gotta kiss somebody here, or Iʼm gonna lose it. Please, Iʼm begging you.ˮ
“Oh, youʼre begging me now?ˮ I smirk.
“Absolutely I am. If we were outside Iʼd be on my knees for you. Please, just fucking-ˮ He lets go of my hands, reaching for my waist as I grab at his collar.
We meld like itʼs second nature, lips forming together with a satisfied groan from Stiles that makes my legs weak. Somehow, I climb onto him in this cramped little jeep, bumping the steering wheel with my ass. He laughs, almost immediately going back to kissing me, a bit harder now. Itʼs clear in the way I grind my hips down to him with what I feel rising back to meet me that this is gonna take up a lot of our time together today.
I wonder for a moment if anyone will assume what weʼve gotten up to. Of course, Allison knows how I feel about Stiles, Iʼve told her a million times. I wonder if heʼs told Scott. Iʼm sure he has.
“Youʼre thinking too much,ˮ He growls, biting my lip. I moan back. “Thatʼs a lot coming from me,ˮ Another kiss, coming down my jaw now as I catch my breath. “I know. But…what can I do to get your mind back to me, hmm?ˮ
“That. Keep doing that.ˮ My hands tangle in the back of his hair, the tousled sort-of-waves that have grown out as of late being tugged as he nips at my neck.
“You want me to keep begging for you too?ˮ He teases, his lips coming up to my ear. “Cause I can do that all day, baby.ˮ
I nod, unable to grasp words with his breath against me.
“You gonna let me take you here, right now? Itʼs killing me to feel you on me like this and not have you. Please, let me have you, I canʼt stand it.ˮ
“T-tell me what you want me to do.ˮ I grasp harder at his hair, and he lets out a whimper. Oh, my god, that.
“I want you to fuckinʼ destroy me, and Iʼll beg until you do. God, Iʼm shameless, I donʼt even care if weʼre out here all alone or not, just please for the love of fuck, ride me like nothing else matters.ˮ
I pull his lips back to mine, silencing him for a time as we continue to make our own rhythm, learning one another with moans and laughs and tension unparalleled. Itʼs great, too great-I smack my head against the jeepʼs roof, letting out a yelp.
“Oh, shit-ˮ Stiles pulls me down against him, biting his lip when I land.
“Iʼm okay. Ow.ˮ
“How about we move this to the back?ˮ He pops the door open, letting me out first. Despite his words, heʼs back on my neck the moment weʼre outside, making it hard for me to push the seat down to get into the back.
“Stiles…ˮ I sigh, fumbling with the latch.
“Sorry, just want you-god, just want you so bad.ˮ He pulls back, reaching forward and sending the seat down with a practiced grasp.
I clamber inside, watching him hyperfocus on giving us as much room as possible. Front seats pushed down and forward, clutter thrown into the front, then heʼs back on me, kissing me and tugging at my shorts.
“Can I…?ˮ He motions, and I nod, letting him pull them down. His lips come back to mine, his fingers playing at the edge of my panties.
“Youʼre begging now?ˮ He chuckles, his voice lower and throatier. Gods, Iʼm wet as fuck just from that.
“Shamelessly.ˮ I echo his earlier words, earning another small laugh.
“You want me, baby? How bad?ˮ He teases, hand grasping at my hip.
“Real-Really bad. Want you so bad, want you to-ˮ I canʼt even finish the thought, as he presses against my clit with his thumb. I moan, bucking up against him.
“Sorry, Iʼm impatient, you know that.ˮ He amends, kissing down my jaw and pulling back. He sits me up against the door, pulling my legs up and pressing a deep kiss against my opening. “Youʼre soaking, I can tell even through these little things.ˮ
I shudder, eyeing him in between my legs. Itʼs a sight to behold, and he isnʼt even getting started yet.
“Howʼs about we take em off, huh? Donʼt need these where weʼre going.ˮ He discards the fabric, and when his eyes meet the heat pooling below my belly, his jaw goes slack. I could almost swear he was drooling.
For a moment, Iʼm self conscious, folding in on my body under his gaze. But he holds my thighs back down, shaking his head.
“Uh-uh. No shame, right, princess?ˮ He hovers over me, eyes flicking back and forth between his focus and my face. “Now, you just let me know what feels good and what doesnʼt, okay? Wanna make sure you enjoy yourself.ˮ
“Stiles, Iʼm dying here, please just touch me already.ˮ
He smirks, another shake of the head, this one with a cocky air to it.
“If you insist, sweetheart.ˮ He brings his lips down to meet my opening, licking a stripe up that sends my hands grasping at the jeepʼs seat.
He hums against me, his grip on my thighs tightening. A few more precise licks, and heʼs delving into my core, filling the jeep with my desperate cries. Fuck, heʼs good, and Iʼm already closer by the minute.
“Taste so good, baby…ˮ He murmurs, getting lost in the task as my hands tug at his hair. When he shifts up to suck at my clit, the noise it brings from me is almost inhuman. “Feel good?ˮ
“Yes- oh my god, yes-ˮ
“Want more? How does this feel, hmm?ˮ He presses a finger to my opening, and I push against him, wordlessly begging. He chuckles, pushing it in fluidly. One, a few motions, and clearly Iʼm still desperate so he adds in another. “Talk to me, baby. Use your words.ˮ
“You want me to talk right now?ˮ I moan, my mind spinning in the pleasure-filled void heʼs trapped me in.
“I know, itʼs just too good, huh? You donʼt have to talk, your noises are more than enough.ˮ He curls his fingers, pulling against a sweet spot that has me crying out.
Back down to me with his lips now, too, I can feel the smirk that starts up hearing me say his name like that. He knows exactly where he has me, and heʼs gonna relish in it. Not only are his fingers working magic now, but along with his tongue? Iʼm gonna break, and he knows it.
“Iʼm-Oh, donʼt stop-ˮ
A hummed approval is all I get from the usually chatty lips of Stiles Stilinski, his beard that heʼs let grow in recently brushing over me while he brings me to the edge. Iʼm practically drowning in the pleasure, and heʼs the air I need. One more fluid motion, just the right one, and Iʼm spilling curses from my mouth and wetness from my heat. He laps it up heartily, a satisfied groan from the recess of his throat vibrating against me.
“You…I just…wow.ˮ He pauses for a moment to look over me with a smile beginning to tug at the corner of his lips. I flush, back to being nervous under his eye.
“Stunned you into silence, eh, Stilinski?ˮ
“Oh, Iʼm far from done. Just figured Iʼd give you a break.ˮ He quips with a smirk.
“I donʼt need one.ˮ I blurt, the words faster than my brain.
“No?ˮ He laughs. “Okay, then. Well, if thatʼs the case, Iʼm begging you to get back to being all over me.ˮ
“In what way?ˮ I smirk, looking at his coated fingers.
He snorts, rolling his eyes.
“Funny.ˮ Keeping up eye contact, he licks his fingers clean. He seems to enjoy the groan it elicits from me. “Like that, huh? Iʼm looking forward to finding out what else you like.ˮ
I sit up, pressing to him once again. He tastes like me, and chuckles against my kiss. The clink of undoing his belt buckle becomes the sounds of rustling fabrics, my shirt tossed, his gone. His chest to mine, warm and inviting, and his pants kicked to the side. I fumble with my bra, my cheeks red.
“Yʼknow we can stop anytime, yeah?ˮ He amends, sensing my hesitation. “Like, of course Iʼm okay with whatever, I want you in all the ways. But only if youʼre comfortable. Consentʼs important.ˮ
“Oh, I want you. I want all of you, of course I do.ˮ I sigh. “Just…real nervous about how I look.ˮ
“You?ˮ Heʼs incredulous, pulling back and sweeping my body with his gaze. “Holy shit, no way. Nuh uh. You, youʼre…God, youʼre gorgeous, are you kidding me? Every part of you fits just right with the other, promise. You donʼt have to do anything you donʼt wanna do, but you gotta know that. You gotta know Iʼm gonna love how you look. I donʼt even need to have seen it yet to know. You just…are.ˮ
Iʼve been rendered speechless, and all I can do is take it off while he rambles.
“Not to say that you gotta just cause Iʼm saying all this. You get that, right? Iʼm not saying it just to get you to-ˮ He stops cold when Iʼve tossed the bra, my hands still hiding the majority of my chest. With a gentle grasp, he reaches to uncover me. “Can I…?ˮ
“Yeah, Iʼm just nervous.ˮ
“Thatʼs okay. Me, too. Youʼre beautiful though.ˮ He lifts my cover away softly, eyeing me with precision and adoration. He pokes at the moles and freckles that adorn my upper body, smiling as his eyes meet mine again. “See? Perfect. Nothing to worry about.ˮ
“Stiles, I adore you.ˮ I blurt, tears starting to form.
“Oh, sweetie.ˮ He pulls me closer, kissing my nose. “We can stop if youʼre really too nervous. I donʼt mind. Iʼll just jack off later or something, no big.ˮ
I snort at his words. “As much as Iʼd love to watch that. No, Iʼm okay. Just needed a moment, I guess. Trust me, Iʼm still dying for you.ˮ
His face goes red. “Youʼd- huh? Wow, thatʼs an image. Maybe another time, yeah? No shortage of things to think about for that, especially now Iʼve seen you and itʼs not just my imagination spurring me on.ˮ
“Youʼll have more to go on soon, too.ˮ I pull him back down onto me, kissing him.
“Fuck, youʼre hot.ˮ He moans. “Youʼre killing me.ˮ
“Destroying you,ˮ I correct him. “Thatʼs what you wanted, isnʼt it?ˮ
“Still want it,ˮ He grasps at me, nothing but his boxers to hide that want now. “Very much still want it.ˮ
More kissing ensues, and weʼre groping at eachother like weʼre high-schoolers again. Somehow, at some point, heʼs as bare as I am now and the way weʼre pressed to one another is the most tempting thing Iʼve ever experienced in my entire life.
“Hey, so, uh- not to seem like a copycat or anything, but…ˮ He breathes against my lips, his voice catching. “Yʼknow, nervous about how I look, now that Iʼm thinking about it. Not really very manly of me, I know, whatever.ˮ
“Fuck manliness,ˮ I amend, letting him pull back. “Youʼre perfect, you…oh, how could you not be?ˮ
What a sight he is to behold, in all his naked glory. Goosebumps pepper my skin as I look him over, from the moles that adorn him across his body the same way they do across his face, to the burning red that sits underneath his pale skin…to of course what heʼs referencing concern over the most. And thereʼs certainly none needed, in my opinion. No concerns, except how Iʼm gonna need to stretch out around that. Oh, my.
“Stiles…ˮ My voice, my gaze, softens. His shoulders drop. “Youʼre stunning.ˮ
“Not just saying that, are you?ˮ He brushes non-existent dirt from his shoulder. “My ego will be sorely bruised.ˮ
“Should I tell you or should I show you?ˮ I lick my lips, gaze going between his legs and back to his face. The noise he makes would be comical in any other circumstance.
“Fuck, definitely show me.ˮ
Now, itʼs his turn to lie back, and Iʼm in control. I must have absolutely stunned him, because heʼs got nothing to say, just watching me as I lower over him. Once I begin to kiss at and lick stripes over him, though, heʼs got plenty to say - I donʼt recognize half the curses he lets fly, they must be Polish or something. But fly they do, and his hand is at my hair when I start to take him in my mouth, grasp tight.
“Oh, my god-ˮ
I keep it up until he stops me a few moments later, a funny little quirk to his brows.
“God, I donʼt ever wanna stop this, but if you keep going like that Iʼm gonna fuckinʼ bust, and I gotta know what you feel like riding me first, please?ˮ He reaches blindly around, cursing. “Fuckinʼ - just need my wallet, whereʼd my jeans go?ˮ
I laugh, pulling back to help his search. When he comes up with the item in question, I understand- protection, no shit.
“Yeah, okay, now Iʼm ready.ˮ He nods after heʼs prepared himself, sitting up against the seat. He helps position me over him, eyes locked. “Oh, my god, is this actually real? I feel like Iʼm in some kinda magical dream.ˮ
“Very real. I remember what I had for breakfast and everything.ˮ I quip, trying to ease the nerves. They wonʼt go, though, and the knot in my stomach is ever-tighter as he brushes against my opening. “Fuck, I want you inside me, now.ˮ
“Kinda up to you, there.ˮ He holds me tight around the waist, eyes pleading. “Iʼm ready when you are, though, rock my fuckinʼ world sweetheart.ˮ
“Fuuuuuck, youʼre tight.ˮ He groans. “So thatʼs how you feel. No imagination or anything my hands can do compares to that.ˮ
The need is too great to put it off any longer; I let myself push down to meet him, the entering gasps we let out mingling in the short bit of air between us. His head falls back, his hands only guides as I bring myself further down, slowly, slowly, slowly. I take a moment around the first few inches to breathe; as ridiculous as it sounds, Iʼve never had someone quite as…gifted as him.
“Iʼm only getting started,ˮ I reply. “Genuinely, in all honesty, not a joke or anything. Youʼre…a lot to take.ˮ
“Having fun strokinʼ my ego?ˮ He chuckles.
“Tilʼ you give me something else to stroke.ˮ
“Fuck, thatʼs a promise.ˮ He ruts up against me, bringing a cry from my lips. “Shit, sorry, reflex. You feel so good, I just want more of you. Did I hurt you?ˮ
“No, it felt too good.ˮ I admit. “Just taking it slow cause Iʼm not really used to anything this…ˮ
“Big?ˮ Heʼs got the widest smirk on his face now.
“Howʼs that for your precious ego?ˮ I flirt, pushing down another bit with a sharp breath. The stretching pain is worth it for the look on his face.
“My ego is just fine. Big, just like my- Oh, my god-ˮ He stutters out, his bravado going out the window when I start to rock my hips back and forth. And was that a whimper? “Oh, please donʼt stop, keep going. Oh, god-ˮ
“Long as you keep begging.ˮ
The more I move, the easier it gets to take him, until Iʼm fairly close to bottoming out. Heʼs holding me closer than ever, kissing me whenever he gets the chance to, and the noises and whimpers havenʼt stopped. It spurs me, the collision of our bodies growing ever-faster as he cries my name and begs me not to stop. I wonʼt, I canʼt, itʼs all too good and Iʼm chasing a high that I find myself soon riding out onto him. Now, Iʼll be the one saying his name, his real name.
“God, that sounds so good coming from you,ˮ He moans, “Iʼve never heard it sound so good.ˮ
“Hereʼs to many more.ˮ I stutter out between the motions weʼre making and the sounds accompanying. Heʼs less in control now, thrusting up to meet me and pushing me down to him. Heʼs made plenty of marks on me, from the hickeys littering my skin to the surefire bruising my hips will have from his grasp. I can only hope to either hide whatʼs visible or risk the teasing the pack will no doubt give us later.
“Please, take me all the way, Iʼll help you through it.ˮ He begs, kissing me again once Iʼve come down far enough. “Youʼve got this, baby, please?ˮ
No words, just a resolute nod, and his response is a repeated thanks. I push further, to the very end of him, my nails digging into his shoulders.
“Good, baby- fuck , youʼre doing good, pretty girl. So good, so good for me. There you go.ˮ He kisses my burning skin, the devouring fire weʼve made together consuming us both as I shift around under his grasp. He doesnʼt force, only guides, and makes a rhythm for me to follow with sputtered curses abounding. “God, you feel so good. Does it feel good for you? Hurt?ˮ
“Only enough to make me want it more,ˮ I moan, letting my head drop to his shoulder. “F-fuck me.ˮ
“Is that a statement or a request?ˮ He doesnʼt wait for an answer as I slow, taking the lead and snapping up into me. Once, twice, I lose count. He seems to get lost, too, senseless mumbles and moans filling the jeep as my hand streaks the fogged window. Heʼs entirely filled me up, and I want for nothing more than to go until I canʼt anymore.
He guards my head when I raise back up, making sure I wonʼt hit the roof again, and when it starts to rain in the secluded forest weʼve hidden ourselves in, itʼs not the only thing sending waves crashing down around us. Another thing I lose count of - heʼs far too good at this, and I tell him so.
“Been thinkinʼ about this for a while, so that counts as practice, yeah?ˮ The sweat sticks a bit of his hair to his forehead, and he looks about ready to tire out.
“You losing steam on me?ˮ I tease, brushing his hair back.
“Hell, no!ˮ He groans when I move my hips, sat bottomed out but doing nothing else. “Iʼm pretty close, thatʼs all. But when Iʼm done with you here Iʼm not done with you for the night, if youʼre willing.ˮ
“Well, if youʼre close…ˮ My lips curl deviously, and I bring myself back to the pace and movement that had had him howling earlier. Heʼs back to it in an instant, but his whines are more pronounced, drug out.
“Fuck, please, please donʼt stop-ˮ
“Gonna cum for me?ˮ
“Y-yes, yes-ˮ
“Good.ˮ Itʼs like a growl from me, and his cries only grow from it, until Iʼm sure at least anyone with supernatural hearing can catch onto us if theyʼre anywhere near.
“Oh- Oh, my god, Iʼm gonna-ˮ Stiles holds me tight, the most animalistic noise of it all loosing from his lips as he loads the condom full inside me. Weʼre hot, sweaty, and as close together as we possibly can be, but he still pulls me closer, taking a deep, heavy breath.
“So…how was I?ˮ
His laugh is quick, choked.
“Are you serious? Fuck, that was amazing. Iʼd just as soon do it again, but Iʼm…a little depleted at the moment.ˮ He eyes where we meet with an eyebrow wiggle. “Hey, we just had sex.ˮ
“That we did.ˮ I laugh.
“You and me, best friends. Just had sex. Well, we might wanna rethink that whole just best friends idea, huh?ˮ He kisses my cheek, letting out a content sigh. “No rush on that, Iʼm just talking. You know how I get. Just…excited that this happened. That it is happening. And…Iʼd be okay with calling you something more than my best friend. If youʼre into that.ˮ
“Very much into that.ˮ
“Shit, I was gonna say fiancee or wife. Or soulmate.ˮ
His eyes bug for a moment, then he starts to laugh.
“Youʼre fuckinʼ with me. Youʼre hilarious. Alright, girlfriend-future-fiancee-wife-soulmate-whatever-you-want, howʼs that sound?ˮ
“A little long, if Iʼm being honest.ˮ
“Long didnʼt seem to bother you just a moment ago.ˮ
“Still sounds beautiful cominʼ from you. Like…ˮ He catches my glare, and smirks. “Nevermind. Letʼs get this cleaned up and head back, huh? Thereʼs a pizza about to be made with our names on it.ˮ
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webdollzz · 3 days
a/n:..I'm really sorry for this. I don't know what provoked me to make this.
warnings: MAJOR angst, major death, husband!simon ghost riley x wife!reader, descriptions of vomiting. that's all without spoiling it. TW! do not read if death is a sensitive subject :(
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you were dancing in your kitchen, tasting your food as you made it — Simons favourite. he was home from deployment today, four long weeks away from him making your mind spin in anticipation. You're making his favourite, of course, as there is no better way to welcome your husband home than with a big kiss and a hot meal. Stirring the pot, singing along to the music, blissfully unaware on how Simon's body lays cold as he is transported home.
Hearing a soft knock at the door, you frown, as he would have his keys. you turn off your music, turning the stove down to a low heat before going to the door. you open it with a smile, which quickly wavers as you see Johnny stood behind it.
A solider that isn't your husband outside your door is never good news, is it?
But you pull yourself together, ignoring the sudden dread and knowing beneath your heart.
"Hey, Soap...what's up?" you asked quietly, cautiously as you took a step back to allow him in. he walked in, looking around. the guilt bubbling in his throat as he knows he's about to destroy your entire life — pulling down from where it had been built up. He just stared at you quietly, the looks of knowing and recognition in each others eyes.
You shook your head gently, resisting the premature tears that began welling up. "Is he —..." You stopped yourself, raising your hand to your slowing heart, feeling the coolness of your engagement and wedding ring touch your skin. the skin he'd kiss, love, caress. Johnny just bit back the lump in his throat, glancing off quickly before looking back at you.
"I'm so sorry.." is all it took for your heart to be ripped from your chest, quick shakes of your head as your face scrunched. you stared at him, praying for just one moment you could see a hint of a joke, a lie, a cruel prank patterned in his eyes, only to see such regret, guilt, and grief behind them. your knees give out, causing Soap to reach out and hook an arm around your torso to support you as you began wailing, gripping the skin of your chest where your heart lies, feeling it shatter to pieces beneath your hand. You felt sick — you couldn't breathe. Your husband, everything you knew, ripped away from you in just three simple words. I'm so sorry. You sobbed against Johnny, who was now admittedly crying along with you.
He sunk down to the ground, gently pulling you towards him. "M'so sorry...there was nothin' that we could —...that we could do. He was..gone when we got there."
the words from Soap made you wail louder, your eyes burning, head spinning, your heart absolutely shattered.
He died alone. In pain, with no one by his side to let him know that it's okay, that he'll be okay. That you'll be okay. Just him and the now blood covered, creased photograph of your wedding day. you leaned over, coughing as stomach acid made its way out of your throat, making Soap nod and pull your hair back, his arm tightening around you.
"Okay, s'alright. Let's get you to the bathroom, ay?" He whispered softly, scooping you to your feet and guiding your sobbing and wailing self to the bathroom. how would it be alright?
you just lost your husband before you could ever tell him he'd be a father.
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de4dlyniightshade · 4 months
can you do pregnant reader gets angry at post prison reid and baby reid for a stupid reason
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꩜ PAIRING: spencer reid x afab!reader
꩜ RATING: none
꩜ WARNINGS/CONTAINS!: none besides mild arguing but not really
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A/N: idk how both scenarios ended up with both crying
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- post prison reid:
"hey, spence could you come help me move this table?" you called to him as he sat on your shared sofa, book in hand as you put away and organised your little book corner on your own, already mildly annoyed that he hadn't offered to help or put away the books he'd taken out.
"yeah, could it wait 'til i finish this chapter?" his tone was more like he was telling you to wait rather than asking you(to your pregnant mind), which set you off, letting out an irritated sigh as you unceremoniously dropped the book you were holding onto said table, the hard cover creating a loud bang that startled him, his head whipping around in confusion.
"doesn't matter." you huffed, walking away from the table to head to your bedroom, spencer jumping from his seat at your change in demeanour.
"no no, i'll help, sorry" he apologised but you were already on a roll, you'd set your mind to it and that table was staying where it was.
"oh so now you wanna help?" you snapped, turning to glare at him, his wide eyes looking back at you, slightly hurt at your outburst and your bitter tone and he suddenly felt a lump in his throat, you'd never been so hostile with him before and it hurt.
"i-i'm sorry if i- if i did something wrong, please don't be mad at me" he spoke meekly, his voice cracking as he did, lip quivering slightly as he avoided your eyes.
the sight of him upset at your words made your emotions go into overdrive, tears spilling over your waterline almost immediately as you began sobbing hysterically, spencer's eyes becoming massive as he rushed to your side, placing his hand on your back as you stood double over, sobs wracking your body as you spoke nonsense, not a single word intelligible and then spencer understood.
"oh...oh! come on, sit down, shh shh" he spoke softly as he guided you to the sofa to sit down, rubbing your aching back before he quickly fetched you a glass of water, bringing it to and crouching down in front of you as he urged it into your hands.
"just breathe, sweetie" he murmured, rubbing your knee soothingly as you took big gulps of water, taking a few good deep breaths when you were finished.
"that's it, just breathe" spencer encouraged, offering you a sympathetic smile as your breathing evened out eventually, guilt now filling your chest at the realisation of what you did.
"i-i'm so sorry i- i don't know-" you tried to explain, spencer just shushing you and shaking his head, "don't be sorry, it's not your fault, now, you still want that table moved?" he asked sweetly, making you giggle at what silly thing had started the whole argument as you nodded.
- baby reid:
"spence?" you said quietly as you knocked lightly on his office door, not getting a reply back so you peeked in to see him with his nose buried in a file, clearly not having heard you the first time you called his name again, this time louder, nothing.
"spencer." you said more sternly, not taking too kindly to being ignored and when he didn't reply a third time you snapped, turning on your heels and slamming the door so hard you were surprised the whole building didn't shake, which for sure had his attention now.
"i was listening" he said as he opened the door to see you throwing yourself down on the couch in anger, faced away from him to further show how mad you were.
"yeah well try actually acknowledging me." you seethed, not even looking in his direction as you spoke but you could practically feel his puppy eyes in the back of your head and it took all your will not to turn around.
"i-i was just...busy" he spoke quietly, trying to explain himself to a very emotional, very pregnant woman, which was almost impossible, there was no right answer.
"what a surprise." you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes even though he couldn't see you, your tone making his chest tighten with something he hadn't felt before, a dull pain in the back of his throat as he tried to hold back his tears and failed.
"i-i'm sorry" was all he could get out before he got completely choked up, tears streaming down his cheeks as his lip quivered uncontrollably.
the sound of his voice so hurt made you instantly realise your mistake, bringing your hand to your mouth as you turned to see him at the door of his office, fidgeting with his hands as he looked at the floor, his shoulders twitching as he let out silent sobs.
"spencer i'm- i- i didn't mean it" you stuttered as you stood from the couch and made quick strides to him, your heart breaking a little more as he looked up at you with his teary eyes and wet cheeks.
"y-you've never yelled at me before" he whimpered, looking away from you as more tears fell from his eyes and suddenly there were tears streaming down yours too as you pulled him into your arms.
"i'm so sorry, baby, i-i'm just really emotional right now, i'm sorry i took it out on you" you explained softly as you ran your hands up and down his back, his arms wrapping around your waist as he buried his face in your neck.
"wh-what did you want to ask me?" he finally said after a few moment of silence, making you remember that you went into his office for a reason, which you then realised was completely stupid and you had to tell him why you got so mad.
"uhm i was gonna ask...if you wanted to go get ice cream" you winced at having to admit it, spencer going silent for a moment before he started giggling into your neck, pulling away to shake his head at you as he continued laughing, "it's not funny!" you scolded, scowling at him.
"i know, i know! i'll get my jacket" he said, holding his hands up in surrender but still laughing to himself.
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evie-sturns · 5 months
pick me up - Matt Sturniolo
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summary: you get heavily rejected at a house party, matt comes to pick you up while you're in tears.
contains: !bestfriend matt, fluff, sfw, swearing.
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blaring music rang through my ears as i pushed through the crowd of people, coming face to face with the boy ive had ny eyes on since the 8th grade.
"hey, didn't expect to see you here!" i say chirpily, gripping the red solo cup in my hand as my knuckles turn white. he looks me up and down "well obviously im here its my fucking houseparty" he says blankly, i feel the tips of my ears go red as all of his friends stare at me.
"oh, must've forgot." i say nervously as i look everywhere but him.
the silence grows between us as i regret not drinking more earlier, im notoriously more confident when drunk. suddenly my mouth opens.
"wanna go upstairs?" i say biting my lip and looking up at him.
all of his friends collapse into laughter, including him. "yeah.. nope, your probably the last person i'd choose. sorry." he says, turning his back to me, he laughs to his friends "who does this desperate whore think she is?" he scoffs.
i feel my eyes burn as i rush towards the front door, i swing it open "what the fuck dude" a guy yells as the door smashes into his knees. i ignore him as tears well in my eyes, i run down the front steps of the porch, theres a few people scattered in the front lawn.
the music becomes more muffled and quiet as i run farther away from the party. i take a seat on side walk reaching into my purse for my phone as my hands shake, tears stream down my cheeks as i dial matts number.
matts been my bestfriend for as long i can remember, hes the only person whos been there for me through everything, hes also the only person that would be awake at 1:30am.
the phone rings 3 times before he picks up.
"matt?" i say sniffling.
"y/n? you alright, i'm about to go to bed." he mumbles into the phone.
"please pick me up, i shared my location" i say shakily holding back tears.
"ugh. fine." he groans, clearly not noticing how upset i am.
i look up as i see matts van driving down the street, he honks twice as his van approaches me. i stand up as his car gets closer, the headlights shine right on my face, which had mascara smudged all over it. his face instantly drops as he sees mine.
he jumps out of his van and speed walks towards me "hey, hey what happened?" he says looking at me, worry spread across his face. i don't respond, i know i'll start crying if i do.
without warning he picks me up, carrying me as he opens the passenger side to his van placing me down and buckling me in.
he sits down in the driver seat and looks me in my eyes, my bottom lip quivers as i try to maintain eye contact. the lump in my throat grows as he stays silent, waiting for me to speak.
suddenly i burst into sobs, matts eyes instantly widen as he grabs my hand. tears flow down my face as ragged breaths escape my throat.
"matt i asked him if he wanted to go upstairs with me, he laughed, so did all his friends, he said.." i squeeze out in-between sobs as i throw my face into my hands
"what did he say?" matt says calmly, but i can sense his worry.
"he said i was his last choice, and i was a desperate whore." i cry.
matt stays silent for a few second "oh sweetheart.." matt says leaning over the cupholder and pulling me into a tight hug. "you wanna come home with me? i think it will be easier." he says trying to distract me and i nod.
(20 minutes later)
my tears have stopped for now, i dont want to make matt feel bad.
we pull into his driveway and he helps me out of the car, grabbing my purse and holding my hand, taking me inside. "nick and chris are asleep, so try be quiet okay?" he says softly as we walk into his room.
i bend over to take off my black heels. matt rummaged through his drawers and pulls out one of his t-shirts and some sweatpants, "you can wear these, they'll be too big but its fine." he says handing them to me.
"you didnt have to-" im cut off my a finger on my lips "its literally the bare minimum, go get dressed." he says smiling and pushing me into his bathroom.
after a few minutes, i walk out into his bedroom, he's on his phone lying in bed. "feeling better?" he says looking up at me then standing up. "yeah matt, honestly thank you." i say as he pulls back his duvet covers. he walks over to me and picks me up, launching me into his bed from a meter away, i gasp loudly as i hit the matress. matt collapses into laughter "my bad."
i catch my breath as he yanks the cover up to cover me, "wait matt where the fuck are you sleeping?" i say concerned. he walks over to me and pushes me to the side of the bed. he leaps into bed beside me, launching me a half foot into the air "are you trying to kill me matt?" i say slapping his arm as he laughs.
"go to sleep." he says pressing a kiss to my forehead before laying down beside me.
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cute!! dont be shy send me some requests yall
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webslingingslasher · 3 months
tw: depression
hey! i was wondering, how would peter react or take care of reader with depression? can be either nerdy or frat peter or any peter rly :)
sorry i am very much kinda really going thru it rn 😞
felt that. depression is fucking brutal, anon. i'm here for you and i hope you're taking care of yourself for now.
you don't move when your window opens. you haven't moved for hours, you couldn't draw up enough energy to turn or eat, or breathe. the wall in front of you hasn't changed, it's been a blank slate of emptiness. just like the pit inside you.
'i know you're not sleeping.' it's teasing, your heart doesn't have it in you to perk up. you don't feel excited peter showed up, nothing could top the numbness that's burrowed its way into your chest and mind.
'you haven't texted me back all day, i was about to send a smoke signal.' your bones feel sharp, the idea of rolling over to face him stings, you think you'll shatter into a million pieces. you have nothing left to give, even talking seems exhausting.
'baby?' peter knows somethings wrong, he thinks he knows what's wrong. you had a good stretch, it had been months before the depression caught up and sent you bedrotting.
peter can't imagine how it feels for you, but for him, watching you go through this, kills him inside.
your mattress sinks, you close your eyes when peter reaches out for you, his hand on your skin is the most warmth you felt all day. it's peter; your rock, your safety net, your protector.
you think it's the first time you've talked all day. you had a permanent lump in your throat and you knew just by opening your mouth the tears would start.
but it's okay, because peter is here.
'i'm really sad today.' it's all it takes, your shoulders shake with your sobs, how could you feel everything and nothing all at once? peter's soft whispers have you curling into yourself. you don't deserve him, he doesn't deserve this.
'oh, honey.' it's full of love, his nose brushes your shoulder like a puppy asking to be pet. 'wanna give me a hug?' your voice wavers on your answer, it's raw and scratchy, begging to be hydrated, you don't think you've even had water today.
'yes, please.' your cheeks feel sticky but peter's holding you tightly, yet softly, it's like he's trying to hold you together. it's working. 'i'm sorry.' you feel bad. you should be more for him.
'don't be. i want to be here for you, and when you can only give twenty percent, i've got the other eighty. i love you. always and forever. no matter what.'
he needs to add the end, he needs to because he knows how it weighs down in your mind. how you've told him over and over it's unfair he has to put up with this and how he doesn't deserve what you bring to the table.
peter told you he's got a big fucking table and it's got more than enough room for your "mess." you don't say the silent part out loud anymore but he knows you still think it. peter would never admit it to you, but sometimes he really hates your brain and the way it thinks about yourself when your depression sets in.
it's selfish, you hate it about yourself but you need a reason to keep going.
'can you tell me how sad you would be if i died?' to anyone else it would sound morbid, to peter it means you're feeling better. peter slightly rocks you in his lap, he hums like he needs to think.
'you think you're depressed? just you wait, i'll make this look estatic.' a smile teases, he's determined to get you laughing. 'i mean it. i'd be on my knees, tears and snot all over my face, holding your hand at your funeral. i'd probably throw myself down the hole with you.'
it works, it's minuscule but you gave him a real smile and a tiny laugh. it's because you're picturing the teary-snotted face he'd be sporting and he's totally okay with that.
peter presses kisses over your hairline, he's speaking from the heart and you can feel it.
'because if you're not living, i wouldn't have a reason to either.' 
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