#tumblr mobile literally just. refused to work. at all
pepperpixel · 5 months
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Have a big page of pastry cookie fuckin snapping!!! Cuz… I got reminded that I very much like this cookie and her mental turmoils… so I wanted to draw her,
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skye-42 · 6 days
Please help me fund raise for medical bills
Hey y’all I know I’m a total stranger and this is just tumblr, but it’s the only social media I’ve ever been particularly active on and I really need help.
Long story short: I’m very sick, and I might be this way forever. I’ve managed to all but fistfight a get a diagnosis for POTS and EDS, though there are other issues suspected. I have fainting and seizing spells that, in addition to being terrifying, make driving and working impossible.
Basically it’s every American medical story: I have more bills than I’ll ever be able to manage, and no way to deal with them.
I’ve started a GoFundMe to try and deal with the hospital bills I already have, as well as pay for the medicine and mobility aids I need. Please don’t feel any pressure to donate if you can’t, but I would really appreciate it if you did. Every dollar helps and reblogs also go a long way.
Thank you so much. ♥️
Hi guys it’s literally two days later and I need a new bumper and tail light because my car got rear ended by a lifted ram truck on the highway. (My dad was driving, I refuse to get behind the wheel for safety reasons.) Luckily the only apparent “injury” is whiplash with me, unluckily my car is kinda fucked. So, uh, if you could please reblog it would be so helpful. If you could throw 5 bucks my way I’d (consensually) kiss you on the mouth.
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salora-rainriver · 5 months
We're talking about Ads Again
Context for those followers of mine who weren't there: I made a post about tumblr ads being weird back in 2016 and it's literally still getting notes to this day. People responded GREAT to it. honestly, despite being like. ass old at this point and written by a literal high schooler, it's still pretty good! I thank my dad being in advertising helped significantly. I had an expert witness.
Tonight, I'm writing the sequel to that post. the sequel is this post.
let's just fucking dive into it or whatever.
why am I doing this?
okay for starters I made that post in goddamn 2016 and I refuse to believe my insights into the marketing world have not improved since then.
Also, the marketing world has CHANGED. Huge swaths of my old post are no longer relevant. What we saw with tumblr ads in 2016 was in some parts a passing fad, and in other parts the harbinger of a new wave of influencer marketing and corporate parasociality (I coined that term just now).
Honestly I've been thinking for a while that I should make an update post, but what with, yanno, adulthood, that's been kinda hard!
Well, I've missed a train, and it's Christmas, so I've finally found the time to do that.
What has Changed?
in my personal life... dad got fired! yeah it fucking sucks. the good news is he and his wife are working towards their retirement now, shifting away from the industry overall. Good news as far as life is concerned, but it does mean I no longer have as clean a connection to the Industry as I used to.
but more importantly, why he got fired. The fact is, dad's old! I know, shocker. More than just being old, though, his field (and my stepmom's field - they both did the same work) represents an older paradigm of advertisement. he did TV spots and posters, not ad reads for Raid Shadow Legends. He was great at his work, but we're in an era of data-driven, maximalist, google adsense, low-barrier-to-entry, super-fast and super-cheap digital advertisement.
Well, more specifically,
We're on the cusp of an extinction event poised to bring said era crashing to the ground.
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Pictured: the current vibes in the ad world
Siberia is on Fire and Everything is Dying
So given that my typical source on stuff like this is currently unemployed, I decided to hit good ol google (well, google and duckduckgo. fitting given what we're talking about) to see if I could get any insights into what the current state of advertising is.
and the short of it is that everyone says the end is nigh. check this out:
Digital is dead, and so is TV. God fucking damn. BY THE WAY, I loved these two articles. Chris Gadek, a man I only learned about today, is clearly an excellent writer and his professional insights are probably gonna be way better than my amateur synthesis of the half-dozen different articles I read today, including his.
blatant shilling for random article writers aside, let's get on to my half-baked synthesis, starting with:
What Set Siberia on Fire
In small part, it's the same issues facing most major companies and industries in our late capitalist world: Hubris.
As this New York Times article points out, we've got a low barrier of entry into a gargantuan industry that's increasingly pumping out slop to follow a strategy of 'more is more'. And we've all seen the bizarre mobile game ads and shady scams that have resulted from THAT.
On top of that, we've also got the fucking digital privacy issue shaking up the entire world as consumers increasingly don't like being spied on (imagine that), and the EU starts rolling out heavy restrictions on the data harvesting that was fueling a bunch of this advertisement bubble.
There's also the ad fraud. Oh, you didn't hear about that? Well, it's nothing much, just that lots of bots are clicking ads to falsify click metrics, artificially inflating the effectiveness of said ads. look, it even has a wikipedia article
oh and Facebook did it. Facebook did ad fraud. :)
and I'm not even getting into everything that works to shake up or demolish basically every advertisement channel out there - the decline of cable tv and print newspapers, the increasing use of ad blockers, the crisis of consumer trust, etc etc.
In short we are looking at a multitude of micro-crises all working together to make the environment unlivable for most current forms of advertisement.
in other words: an extinction event!
Who's Gonna Survive
And just like in a real extinction event, whether or not you survive depends on how good you can adapt to the brave new world you've found yourself in. Old school advertising needs to drastically rethink their everything if they're gonna stay afloat, and every field of the industry needs to recreate itself. As my new favorite writer Chris Gadek says,
"These crises show that there are no safe havens. You can’t substitute one advertising medium for another. Rather than pivot, the advertising industry must adapt and learn to effectively use the channels at their disposal (TV included), factoring in the seismic societal and technological changes that have occurred over the past decade and beyond."
and what is that going to look like? what's going to be the new face of advertising?
The field seems torn, at first... but also aligned, at least when it comes to the core principles:
privacy is a big issue. Seems like a lot of advertisers are seeing an end to wanton consumer surveillance, and looking into less invasive ways to gather important and meaningful data
companies that rely on selling ad space and propping up their engagement metrics are going to be relied on less, probably, because the metrics themselves are being seen as less reliable (for good freaking reason)
regaining consumer trust is going to be a massive priority in the future.
overall, we're probably going to look at a massive downturn in ads, as people turn to a quality-over-quantity strategy in an attempt to stop flooding the attention marketplace.
that's the gist I'm getting from reading oh so many different articles of varying quality from so many different sources.
So, yanno, there may be some hope out there. If smart people start leading this industry (lol), we may get to actually enjoy ads.
Yeah. Enjoy ads.
I know, it's crazy.
PS: if you start seeing affiliate links on mainstream TV ads, thank our lord of excellent business analysis Chris Gadek for calling it early. God, that's such a crazy left-field idea and I really want it to actually happen.
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normal-newt · 11 months
Angry about things + how other people acting right now. Not one person making this happen just something keep seeing over + over. Just internet drama so is under cut because many people not want read about drama. Feel free to ignore.
Wish people remember. That just because where you live has AAT doesn’t mean is available everywhere. Getting AAT from own country costs hundreds dollars sometimes just for delivered. Import AAT from other country cost more than AAT.
And now. Because people keep saying autism not bad autism not problem autism symptom easy fix, know what happened? Disability service cut funding for the AAT that would have helped. is whole policy now. Because autism AAT optional extra, even if unable eat safely. So now any chance of me getting the fancy AAT everyone talks about me being lucky to have has gone. Good advocacy assholes.
Even if “just comfort” why you campaigning for us always be hurt scared overwhelmed? Why you thinking this helps you any way? Not advocacy not fighting for own rights just singling out people to hate. Even if you ignore whole “some of us undress in public when clothes hurt” part why you want suffer for no reason?
Maybe easier for people think just bad autism people causing it. Maybe easy just listen to what abled people say about us. We’re stupid + throw tantrum and just burden on other people. We’re all clever but refuse do anything about it we’re all making excuses. That’s what they’re saying at us right? 
They hate us all. Okay. They not looking at this finding ways to help you. They want to find ways cut as many support as possible do as little as possible + people just handing to them. Why you seeing more “sensory friendly” events? Is because people love autistics? No is because turning off music costs nothing + they can pat selves on backs for it. No one cares. No one doing thing like “training staff properly to not harm autistics at the sensory friendly events”.
You want talk about own experience? Good. Stop making it about other people experience. Will literally never be able do this + not make things up. You want real ways make change? You want to any advocacy at all which isn’t centred solely on fucking over autistics? Good.
Talk about making system forcing airlines pay for damaged mobility aids in time. Work on making airports liable for harm during safety screenings.
Talk about getting government fund grants to improve bathroom access so business not able to say “just too expensive :’(”
Tell your tumblr friends fuck off from harassing people + tell them mass report dangerous paths + ramps to cities.
Talk about make changing place with hoist + shower required to add in every big shopping centre. 
Talk about ways for emergency departments being safe for physically disabled people bc know am not the only one been wheeled into random corridor + forgotten. Talk about hospital confiscate mobility aid.
Talk about improve access for carers.
Make more of the good posts about how not fuck things up for mobility aid users + more of the posts about what issues you face other people not notice + vent + be angry but don’t drag random people under bus with you when you do it.
If already doing this then well done + thanks.
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devils-little-sista · 2 years
Uh tumblr just logged me out of my blog again for no reason. So I was scared out of my mind for a minute thinking i completely lost this blog too because this is exactly what tumblr did last time and would never let me log back in. Thank the gods I was able to log in this time. But This is the second time tumblr logged me out for literally no reason within a year. Wtf. And my dashboard color palette is all different. Tumblr staff came into my room rearranged all my stuff and locked the door and left. They’re lucky I had a key that worked this time. Last time they changed the locks to my own room and refused to let me back in so I had to make a whole other room.
I can’t imagine how many people tumblr has locked out of their main blogs that they’ve had for years and years for no reason. @support @tumblrstaffblock Stop logging mobile users out of their blogs for no reason. It’s happened to me twice. The first time I lost everything I had. This time I was dumb lucky to have remembered my password and have a stable email.
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When it comes to a certain RP server...
There were too many people trying to write at the same time, so all responses were either buried and forgotten or so thrown out of context that I could see someone could find it coming off as being rude and godmoddy.
The venting room is for venting and considering nobody else was using it at the time while I was having a complete and utter meltdown... While flooding it wasn't intentional and neither as coming off as vague and guilt trippy. Effectively screaming bloody murder in text for hours on end tends to come out that way.
People seem to like pulling the same shit as "Let's not check my messages for five months and then get upset because only one person had sent me anything when I get back." many times and I don't like naming names as well as terrible at remembering them that there's not really a point in doing so at that point.
I was trying to talk to the moderators and the server owner about the rootbound rooms issue and was trying to offer some solutions, but they didn't seem interested in resolving it.
Someone had leaked what was in the venting room onto Tumblr and my blog and Discord was being bombarded with nasty messages and got me banned from the server before I could recover enough to figure out what was going on.
I did in fact try to apologize to the people that I did inadvertently offend, but neither that or the fact I did try to offer to quietly leave isn't being shown in the "Evidence" being passed about.
Also, I did in fact try to make text starters multiple times, but they totally ignored them and refused to discuss anything... while discarding all the work in writing any form of notes or attempts to plot out a proper starter.
In fact, it's really hard to do much of anything when the other party is constantly complaining how you aren't trimming things to your liking (literally down to one paragraph without any context at all) and somehow the stock (and unaltered) mobile Tumblr theme is crashing their phone.
What I will say is that those people tend to come at me like rabid dogs frothing at the mouth over something as petty as a color they didn't like on a blog theme I used seven years ago and making it sound like I do horrible things like eat babies with barbecue sauce to everyone they meet.
I mean... I could see some people on here doing that, but that's just gross... and you can't exactly reason with crazy angry people, and I'd keep going on about everything else, but it's not like anything I say matters... all the "evidence" says that I'm an unredeemable pile of crap and there's nothing I can do to prove otherwise.
Seriously though... in all this time, has any one of these people actually tried talking things over like a calm, sane person?
This isn't just about me by the way... I'm not the only person people get yelled at by crazy people demanding that you serve them moon sparkles and stardust jelly while insisting that your entire existence is ruining their life and you should just throw yourself off the nearest tall building and how much better their life would be if you were dead and gone.
My entire life is full of toxic crap like this... to the point that if I could list the things I do remember, you'd probably think of me as more insane than I already am.
What I will say that the phrase of "Blame the rock for breaking the church window" is pretty much a summary of my life and not an experience I'd wish on anyone... and it tends to lead to major trust issues.
I'm sorry for coming off as overeager and clingy at times, but there's not many people around that are willing to treat me like a real person.
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Hey what’s crackin’?
1. Don’t expect fancy text or art for replies or asks.I’m kinda lucky that I’ve been able to work on this character and his boys. Plus I can’t see half of the fancy text on my phone, rip. Speaking of I may be on my phone more often than not? Unsure.
2. The art featured on this blog were made by me, for me. Do not repost nor share anywhere else without my permission. Linking people directly to me is encouraged.
3. I do have a full time job as well as depression. Sometimes my attention won’t be here and for that I apologize.
4. Aicken is being played in a KH ttrpg my partner is hosting for me and some of my friends, which is where some of his canon and random posts may come from. However for the sake of roleplay, everything is flexible.
5. There MIGHT BE mature themes and the like. Preferably my followers be mature as well, 18+.
6. I’m dumb as fuck and my memory is a sieve. I can and will forget information about the series and i apologize for that. You are free to DM me about corrections in the story and the like.
7. Ships? All are welcome to try if you and your muse fond of Aicken. Multiship is fine here, and my man is pan and poly. I have no expectations and neither does he, however, so if you want it you gotta work for it.
8. If you need something tagged you can hit me up, but I’ll try to cover things as I go.
9. You can hit me up for anything, really. I’m quiet and tired and I’m just here to vibe, showoff my art, and hopefully let other people enjoy my characters.
10. I can rp on discord but chances are I’ll be much more unhinged there than on Tumblr. Sure I’m official and the like sometimes but I literally just word vomit on there for fun.
11. I’m open to any and all blogs, be them OC, Canon, Multiverse, Multifandom, aaaaand crossovers. I personally don’t have any AU’s in the works yet but they’re possible, for a sure.
12. Goes without saying that I won’t accept  god modding or BS powers,especially when it comes to Aicken’s Unbound Heartless. They may be Heartless but if you wish to banish them or try to gain any sort of control over them, you need to talk to me first. When defeated they return to Aicken’s heart to rest, and I don’t have any plans for that plan to deviate without just cause. They are his and will stay in his command.
13. I’m not too horridly picky reply length but like. One word replies at MOST are for fuckin’s with. Fun  and memes and tomfoolery. Constant and serious one word/ one short sentence replies drive me up a wall and I won’t be likely to keep up writing with you. You don’t need to write a novel,as I sure won’t, but? Bruh.
Please read Aicken's page to learn about him, and then Unbound to read about his type of Heartless. From there you can go check out the individual types listed.
Hopefully I'll have a pinned post for mobile users to access these in a different form.
Tumblr mobile really, really should add pages, jfc.
Okay so. I’m 30, She/Her, and you can call me Rijolt/ Rij or Bird.
I work as a game tester for Nintendo which is,in fact, a full time job staring at screens all day.I may go for long bouts of inactivity because I just perish as soon as I’m given the OK. Which is why, like… Don’t expect too much outta me. This is for a creative and fun outlet which I came in already expecting mixed results. Don’t take any inactivity or favoring one thing or another personally. If anything, kinda treat me like a cat. Me just existing next to you is hanging out and that’s pretty fucking sweet as is.I may even toss goodies in your ask box when my mind goes off the shits.
If nothing else, this blog will be used as his journal for his experience and heartless studies as I play through his adventure in the ttrpg game. The Unbound pages are even written by him! I did plan on him making entries for normal Heartless but also I think I would die if I did so I refuse.
Thanks for reading <3
0 notes
The Adventures of Big Dog the Clown, 24th Jan 22
LET’S GET YOU IN THE MOOD, KIDS, IT’S A WILD ONE!!! Background music for your enjoyment. If you’re on mobile, here’s a Spotify option. Want to really set the scene? Grab some snacks! Snacks such as, for example, popcorn, like this popcorn given out to passers-by by Butterkist today in front of Downing Street.
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OKAY so. Last update we had just learned that Will Wragg MP was accusing the Tory party of blackmail! News that came just as I was writing the damn update even. So, let’s pick up from there!
Well, naturally, as the rats are running from the sinking ship, Boris Johnson is cutting an increasingly lonely figure. But hey, you can always count on your true friends to defend you! Up until now, that’s been the job of Nadine Dorres (the galaxy-brained genius behind Operation Red Meat, more on that in a moment) and Jacob Rees-Mogg (a time travelling Victorian dandy too stupid to spot he’s landed 150 years in the future); but now, Tumblrs, in steps your new favourite clown character in this saga: Michael Fabricant.
Now Michael Fabricant is a terrible man who last year described Palestinian activists as “primitives” who are "trying to bring to London what they do in the Middle East", which is frankly the mere tip of the iceberg, if an iceburg were made of frozen liquid shit and melted slugs. He is also, and I swear to god I am not shitting you Tumblrs, I swear this is genuine, he is a real man who has made these real choices - he is a man who appears to very literally be cosplaying Boris Johnson. Look at this:
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He’s also spotted his sycophantic chance to worm his way into the mouldering and collapsing bodily cavity where Big Dog once had a heart, so he stepped up to the plate when he heard this TERRIBLE accusation of blackmail. Oh yes! The hour came and Fabricant was not found wanting! Let’s see his defence!
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Oooooooohhh, with friends like these, eh, Boris. Fuck me, that’s a swing and a miss. Kind of reminds me of those women in the Me Too movement who kept going “If that’s what counts as sexual assault then every woman I know has been assaulted” and lordy, Becky, you’re so close to getting it. Right up to the line. But I see you need to be walked all the way to the door.
Meanwhile, remember how a further 5 MPs are considering defecting as well, and following Christian Wakeford’s example? A senior Labour source has referred to it as Operation Domino, possibly a joke, possibly genuinely what the Tories are calling it, given that they are biologically incapable of just allowing events and actions to go without a shitty little James Bond name.
But anyway, that was all Friday! Let’s see what’s happened since! The lions are performing!
Three Days Ago
We started with a story almost trifling compared to all this. You may all recall that back in April 2020, Big Dog kept telling everyone that covid was no big deal, and boasted about shaking hands with covid patients like he was Princess Fucking Diana meeting HIV patients. Well, he promptly caught it, of course, and supposedly landed in Intensive Care, which... is a suspicious story, actually, because he supposedly ALSO carried on working at the same time, and DOUBT.jpeg. But anyway. Apparently a week before he landed in hospital he was heavily symptomatic with a cough, but refused to isolate. Every time anyone asked him to, he would reportedly thump his chest like Donkey Kong and say “STRONG LIKE BULL”, which is obviously a totally normal and ordinary thing to do.
(This chimes with a later story that also came out last week when he had to do his second period of self isolation. Staff set up a cat run so he could get from his flat to his office and could talk to him through the open door, no contact. But he literally would not stay put and kept wandering out and walking up to people, so they had to put two chairs across the office door to keep him in there, like trying to trap a pet one room so it won’t come and piss on your floor. The National Scot ran with the headline “Covid party row: Downing Street staff used 'puppy gate' to control 'big dog' Boris Johnson”. When I tell you I laughed...)
Anyway, actual events on the day. Well, unnamed allies of Theresa May report that she’s having a fucking fantastic time watching all of this unfold at the minute - the end of her tenure was a vote of no confidence, complete with MPs crossing the floor, and Boris circling like a shark. So next time you watch footage from the House of Commons, watch as Tessie tries to hide a smile as boot after boot goes in. Mind, she’s also a monster, so it’s great - a real wasp vs nettle fight. Someone is getting stung, and no one fucking cares which.
Up in Scotland, Fiona Bruce hosts popular politics show Question Time. She asks the audience if anyone wants to defend Boris Johnson. 
I am begging you to watch what happened.
And then to round off the day, the news comes that Downing Street insiders fear that Sue Gray has now discovered “damaging” evidence, and with the speed and inevitability of a geological era changing, acknowledge that actually, the Gray Report... “may not”... clear Boris Johnson...
Let’s go and see an elephant in a fez!
Two Days Ago
We go now to Wales for THE MOST GLORIOUS MOMENT
As part of Operation Red Meat, England are dropping all covid restrictions. In Wales, though, healthcare is a devolved matter, so we are not. On the BBC, Naga Munchetty asks Mark Drakeford, First Minister for Wales, if Welsh people are wondering why we’re not getting the easings as well?
“We are a govt that doesn't need to grab headlines to distract attention” OH MY FUCKING GOD
We have now reached a point where rival politicians aren’t even trying to be diplomatic about this. Drakeford just straight up scalps Big Dog. Munchetty is horrified by the candour. Drakeford doubles down. It is beautiful.
And it’s not a lie, either. A poll predicts that there will be a near wipe-out for the Tories in Wales at the next General Election, and honestly, fucking good. 
Meanwhile, Christian Wakeford pops back up! He’s the fickle dramatic bitch that crossed the floor and defected to Labour. He clarifies that, when he was threatened, he was specifically told that if he voted against the government on their preferred policy, they would pull all funding for a new school in his constituency. We all pretend to be shocked.
Rory Stewart, one of the Tories who actually ran against Big Dog in the last party leadership race who has since left politics (but probably not in his heart), declares that the whip system functionally makes the UK an elected dictatorship. We all pretend we are astounded by this brand new information.
Anyway, at this point, The Great Narrator decides to ramp up the tension again, because what more could this scandal need than TWO NEW SCANDALS
Chris Bryant MP is the Chair of the Committees on Standards and Privileges. He’s also a guy who spends a lot of his time on moral crusades against Tories - he was the main person pushing for Damian Green to go, which he did actually win in the end. A bunch of Tory MPs went to him on that day.
And they told him that the problem with the blackmail wasn’t just the whips.
Boris Johnson himself threatened to steal their funding from their constituencies if they didn’t vote the way he wanted
And THAT my friends is Misconduct in Public Office and THAT is a LITERAL CRIME.
...which of course means it’s a matter for the Metropolitan Police so lol 
And then Nusrat Ghani MP comes forward and announces that she was fired two years ago by a Tory whip because her “Muslimness” was raised as an “issue” by coworkers, and it was making them feel uncomfortable.
And THEN Tory whip Mark Spenser suddenly tweets this:
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It turns out that that tweet is not the original tweet, but a cleaned up one because the first one was a dictated copypasta and he LEFT ONE OF THE FUCKING QUOTATION MARKS IN I’M
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And he’d have gotten away with it too, but guess who shows up and rides on in to be a pal and defend a poor innocent defenceless Tory?
Who retweets the original tweet, thus ensuring that it can be seen and screenshotted for posterity.
My god. My god. It’s a shitshow. Tories panicking. PR machines flying. An Islamophobia accusation at literally the worst time. Honestly, the saving grace is that Nusrat Ghani is, ultimately, pretty much a nobody. Imagine if Baroness Warsi said she’d experienced Tory Islamophobia? Then they’d be in trouble.
Let’s check out the trapese artists!
Baroness Warsi reveals that she, too, has experienced Tory Islamophobia.
Oh boy.
It’s looking bad, lads. Michael Fabricant, giddy with adrenaline from all this excellent and effective white knighting he’s been doing, decides to try and help again. He tweets a stern defence of Boris, announcing that Ghani has been plotting against him for a while, hence the timing. He declares that she is using Islamophobia as an excuse for her sacking, when the real reason is that she was “nice, but unimaginative and mediocre”. Gleeful in the knowledge of his excellent stalwart support, he turns two of the words into hashtags, to connect with the kids.
The words he choses are #Boris #Islamophobia.
With friends like these.
Anyway, let’s get back on track with the Gray Report!
So, in the absence of any policing or legal enforcement behaviour from the Met, you’ll all recall that we’re pinning our hopes on Sue Gray and her internal enquiry. Sue Gray is a staffer in Number 10, a civil servant - absolutely she might be corrupt and terrible, sure, but actually, she’s not a politician and honestly, Tumblrs, honestly, if someone asked me to investigate my boss, you bet your fucken ass I’d go for the jugular. And she does have a track record of these getting people fired, so. There’s that.
So yesterday, there are some developments.
First, Sue announces that she will be widening the scope of her investigation - she will not just be looking at parties in Number 10, but also any that may have taken place in the Prime Minister’s actual residence in Number 10.
Second, it is revealed that Met Police officers who guard Number 10 have spoken to her, and given “DAMNING EVIDENCE” lmao I mean that’s a guest list, right? They literally sign people in and out. All she has to do is give them a date and time and they can go “Here are the names of every single attendee.” Bonus points if one of them actually witnessed a party.
Third, officials in Number 10 - so again, not politicians, the staff who work there - announce that they have been withholding information about the parties from the enquiry because THEY WERE FRIGHTENED INTO SILENCE
Fourth, Sue Gray announces that the results of the enquiry are going to be delayed because more and more fucking evidence keeps emerging. Here is a clip of Sue trying to write this report. It is also a clip of me trying to update Tumblr on all this.
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AND THEN fifth, and I’m sure this is in no way related to points 1-4, but Dominic Raab the Deputy PM announces that Boris Johnson will decide how much of the Sue Gray report will actually be published for the public to see.
Meanwhile, Christian Wakeford names the man who threatened to defund his school if he didn’t vote the right way: Gavin Williamson. Ooh! A new spotlight on a new clown! Let’s see what defence Gavin can give!
“I don’t have any recollection of the conversation as described,” he says.
Well then. Sure. As long as you don’t remember it I’m sure it doesn’t affect you and you can’t be held accountable, that’s completely okay then, Gav, isn’t it, you ham sandwich.
A new poll reveals that, of those who voted Tory in the last election, 20% now regret it and would have gone for Corbyn instead.
And to round off yesterday, our friend Rishi Sunak, Chancellor of the Exchequer, announces that we’re getting a tax rise on national insurance tax.
On national television, he refers to it as “the Prime Minister’s tax”.
Back to the main event: the clown show!
One of the David Davises calls for Boris’ tax to be scrapped. Is this another new bit of legislation that’s about to be unceremoniously dropped from the record? Is Big Dog now so unpopular that the Tories can do literally nothing?
But Tumblrs. But Tumblrs.
At 6.15 pm, my husband and I get a call from one of his journalist friends.
“Watch ITV at 6.30,” we’re told. “Don’t miss it.”
So we grabbed the candy floss and settled in to laugh at the noses, and thus we got to watch the breaking news.
Boris Johnson, in June 2020, at the height of the lockdowns, in the conference room of Downing Street where he had stood in silence not three weeks before to honour the key workers who had died while trying to keep this country alive during the pandemic he himself had mismanaged so spectacularly, threw himself a fucking birthday party.
They are barely even denying this shit anymore. Yes, says Downing Street, okay, so a handful of people gathered for ten minutes, but no one went up to the flat
Anyway, let’s round off. The current estimations of the political analysts:
He has a week, if that.
We’ll see!
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unholyplumpprincess · 2 years
*Excitedly kicks down the door* Hey, so can you do a SFW/NSFW headcanon post (like you had done for Lady Dimitrescu and Heisenberg!) for Ruvik?? I want to know what this unhinged dome-head is into now that you've played the games. I beg.
Beans I want u to know that tumblr mobile app wanted Nothing to do with this ask and would refuse to show it to me ouerhoeruh
Oh boy tho I have been WAITING to talk about my boy Ruvik tho lets GOOO
Reblogs > Likes. Please Reblog if you hit like/the heart to support more writing in the future!
Warnings: R18+/NSFT under the cut, reader is gn, mentions of canon violence, harder kinks implied
• Ruvik adopted the name Ruvik once given to him because he felt that using his real name would connect him too much to the past. In some last ditch effort to somehow 'separate' himself from it. It didn't work, but he has not let go of the name and even refers to himself as Ruvik.
• He is not strictly some tortured sadist who thinks of just one thing. He has the ability to love, and to feel in some sort of way. Though his love for his sister was obsessive, it was still sisterly. He CAN feel romantic love, but just as similarly it would be obsessive and possessive.
• Ruvik likes them feisty. The ones who fight back and spit nasty words. Equally he likes people who are kind, gentle, who are nurturing spirits. If you show to be both, well, you'll catch his attention more than a little.
• If you do become his partner, he doesn't take that term lightly. Obsessive and possessive over you, but you are just as equally his equal. His partner. He'd kill for you, die for you, be your slave- but you have to do the same for him. He'd just as equally fall to his knees for you if you will for him.
• You know Jareth??? From the Labyrinth??? How that dude was just obsessed with Sara and had that whole 'Love me, fear me, do as I say and I shall be your slave' line???? Yeah that's Ruvik @ his lovey.
~NSFT under the cut here~
• This man is touch deprived. Touch. Deprived. He wants you at least thrice a day. He's addicted to you- to your touch, your scent, the way you whine and moan when he touches you. He wants to tear you apart, live inside your flesh- sew your flesh to his own so he never has to part from you. His libido is insatiable if you're around it feels like.
• Oral fixation king. Ruvik wants to go down on you literally all the time. You could be mid conversation and he's already telling you to keep talking even as you're hoisted up onto a countertop and he's dropping to his knees.
• Sexual games. Sadism runs even into the bedroom. Some days it's simpler, simply talk and/or sing as he touches you and don't make a sound. Pretend like nothing is happening. And some days it's still simple, edging you for hours and hour or seeing how many orgasms you can have.
• But some days? Some days he wants to see you break. It all depends on your limits too, how bloody can you take it? How gorey? If neither are your jam, most times he just wants to see what he can do to drive you insane. What can he deprive you of until you're begging and crying for him? How many of himself can he conjure until too many hands are too many? What filthy things can he make you do until you break?
• You're his little experiment. It's no wonder what kinds of things he's into. Medical play, sadism, domination over you- but he's not against you turning the tables. But he won't play nicely. However, if you manage to pin him, get HIM into that headspace? Oh he'll be so good for you. Anything for you.
• Aftercare is a concept you need to introduce him to, however. You pretty much awaken his long since quieted libido. So make sure you establish first that you ain't doing SHIT until you know he knows how to get you out of there if you're too far gone.
• If you're into harder kinks like gun play, knife play, branding, or even if you want to be in STEM and want to literally feel yourself be gored and ripped apart- he's into it.
• Oh. Major breeding kink btw. But you’ll have to unlock it out of him.
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astersofthesky · 3 years
I decided to reread the MHA LN Chapter 4, you know, the canon bkdk angsty slow-burn fanfic 😌😌 Spreading the BKDK LN agenda because WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS MORE !!
Anyway, I FOUND ANOTHER TRANSLATION but sadly OP haven't finished it yet 😢
And since I need an emotional outlet so I can scream at how they're so canon, Im'ma do it here ahwjdhfjsh 👀✨
Warning: Long post; potential manga spoilers
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– I forgot that this chapter literally started with the angst 😭 Deku saying that he can't imagine having lunch with Kacchan is like a pain in the gut. He just wanna be friends with his Kacchan again 😢
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– One word, ✨SOULMATES ✨ afshshahah PLS, even the universe can't help but ship them together 😩✋ they're fruityness is on whole a new level I CAN'T 💚🧡
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– I see what you're doing Bakugou 👀 You really can't leave your sweet broccoli behind huh?? Also, crybaby Macchan and aggressive Takkun?? 🤔 Do I need to say more? 🧐
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– If that's not flirting then idk what is 🤷 also, "In front of my soba? Really?" (Todoroki, probably)
– There's no ss but I just wanna give a special mention to jealous!Bakugou. No cos srsly, implying you're not friends with Deku as if you're not dying to hold his hand then getting irritated over Todoroki claiming the "friend" card 😩 Just, Bakugou, don't @ me ☺️💢
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– The angst had reached full force it seems ಥ‿ಥ The line was cut but it actually says "Not friends, just childhood friends" 😭😭 and I am telling you Im'ma throw my brand new book when Bakugou explicitly acknowledges Midoriya as his boyfriend. Because before they were rivals, Bakugou and Midoriya were first friends. And I'm not saying that they aren't one now because we as readers, can definitely see they care for each other. But the question is, do they already see the other as a friend and not just a mere rival? They don't cos they're boyfriends your honor
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– Tbh, It still haven't sinked in that this is kind of canon 🤧 This is such a cliched romantic scene like wtf?? So what's next? The full moon is illuminating half of Bakugou's face, red eyes glowing and face soft from the natural white luminescence or something sappy like that?? 😩😩 I love it
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– Izuku in this LN chapter whenever he talks about Bkg: ✨ THEIR RELATIONSHIP ✨
– I know, I get it. You don't have to shove it my face every single time Deku 😌 and pls, why are you still flirting at the middle of the night?? Or was it pining that I see 🤔 i mean comparing each other to their kid parallels 😕 hmm a severe case of mutual pining indeed
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– Yes yes, of course you're only looking for food stalls Mr. Bakugou "Tsundere" Katsuki, I completely don't believe that you're worried about the kids. No! of course not! Who says you want the kids to reconcile so they wouldn't experience the pain that you and a certain green had gone through?? Hahaha I mean It's not like they're your parallel what??hmmm no no, go on, look for takoyaki or smthn ☺️☺️
– Wait, did the last part say '"Bakugou grabbed Izuku's face and pushed it away..." Aksfksjdhdisjs what in the actual gay fanfic is this??!! Or wait, is this what Bkg usually do to Deku in the official art he's like, I love agressively gripping your head as I entangle my fingers on your soft curls but no homo💀
Since OP's translation isn't complete, I'm going to use Lau Ren's translation and yes I'm continuing this shit even though Tumblr mobile only lets me post 10 pics per post
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– Bkdk domesticity with children pt. 95736 💚🧡 They love kids so much 😩 Yk I'd donate my kidney just to see this ANIMATED ✨ like this has so much fluff potential 🤧 Or at the very least a drama CD. I'd ascend 😭
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– WHAT THE FUDGE ?!! I'M SCREAMING 😭 I SAY IT AGAIN 💞 SOULMATES✨ and pls, it has my favorite fic trope, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings. Anyway, I need a minute to collect myself cos I can't move past the "With the said person himself nearby, Kacchan thought his fate had gone crazy" ( ≧Д≦) dammit Katsuki, why r u so gay. Izuku loves you, you emotionally constipated gremlin
I have reached my 10 picture limit so I'm just gonna copy paste some of the twts 💀 I hope I don't get in trouble lmao Xd
- Kacchan fixed his gaze to Deku who looked relieved. "He..."
- Somehow, Kacchan remembered the fight they had after All Might's retirement. It was the first time they were able to let out their conflicts sincerely. Although his fear towards Deku had decreased since then, there was still a feeling of disgust about Deku being a hero who save others residing in Kacchan.
- He couldn't understand it. But he knew, there will always a being whom he cannot understand
– Bkg rlly said 👀 on Deku while having angsty thoughts ಥ╭╮ಥ Looking back on this tho, I just can't help but be proud when I remember 285. Bakugou is loud but he is very rational in battles. He thinks of a plan on the spot meaning he's mind is on work 24/7.
– When he had his "My body just moved on its own" moment, Katsuki had understood Deku and his nature to "Save to Win." It'ss that Katsuki must not analyze it with his brain, but instead feel it with his heart 💚🧡 And this is the reason why I badly want to see him on the manga 😭 that was some MAJOR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT I'm ahwjdhfjsh
– Takkun and Maachan's pinky swear deserves their own mention. They're so pure 😩✋
- He said he still hasn't done hatsumoude so Kacchan can go first, but Kacchan refused and wouldn't let Deku do hatsumoude before him.
- Kacchan tried to take a head start, but in the end, they ended up visiting and praying together.
– AND WE'RE BACK with the gays 😌 hsjdjajs they compete with every single thing it's honestly cute. Also YES THEY PRAYED TOGETHER and shoujo scenes with the main couple praying on the shrine but make it BKDK flashed before my eyes 😖✨
- After finishing their prayers, Deku looked at Kacchan, "What did you wish for?" "Shut up."
- Even with Kacchan's sulking expression seen from the side, Deku felt that they had wished for the same thing.
– DEKU YOU'RE BEING TOO LOUD!! I just can't with these two 😩✋ Both of them are down so bad for each other and you can't tell me otherwise 💚✨🧡
- With those serious eyes, Deku knew they were aiming for the same thing. Win to save, save to win. To be the best heroes.
- Deku knew well that he and Kacchan are polar opposites. But even so, Deku couldn't imagine a world in which Kacchan doesn't exist.
– Deku just went 😍 on Kacchan and thought "I CAN'T IMAGINE LIFE WITHOUT YOU 🧡💚" (insert Imagine by Ben Platt)
– I can't even stress how much I love this line, y'all this is so misleading I-- this is too much 😭 Anyway, I believe this go both ways. Bakugou can't also see a world without Deku in it, and since Deku decided to be the self-sacrificing person he is, I'll just SCREAM IN CH. 304 ( ≧Д≦)
- Seeing the two praying side by side, he commented, "so you've become good friends now, huh."
- Both of them immediately opposed, and Kacchan threatened to explode Shoto's mouth for saying such a disgusting thing.
– Let's go Todoroki, best wingman 🤣 And flustered Bakugou makes a reappearance hdjsja Dammit half n' half I ain't flirting with Deku fvck you
And this is where it ends afshshaha anyway bkdk canon 💚🧡
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doublerainebow · 3 years
Artist Resources (Part 1?)
This is basically just going to be a bunch of resources I have found to be useful. I can’t say that I’ve used all of them, but I’m sure they’re all worth checking out.
I’m also gonna try to put a detailed description for most of the links so you have a better idea of what you’re getting. I apologize in advance if some of them are redundant lol
(I put “Part 1″ if in the case I make another one)
~Links to Tutorials, Tips, Resources, etc~
Another Resource List -- Leads to another Tumblr post. Apparently, the post isn’t mobile-friendly, so it’s suggested to view this on Tumblr browser. Has a bunch of other links. I’ve checked out a few of them (mainly the copyright stuff lol), and it seems that some of the links may be a bit outdated. Still, it doesn’t hurt to check out the links.
Arms and Legs -- Leads to another Tumblr post. A handy tutorial on elbow and knee placement.
Art & Game Dev -- This leads to my personal playlist of a bunch of YouTube videos. Has a bunch of tutorials and interesting videos that I’ve collected over the course of a few years lol.
Blamblot -- A website that contains resources and tutorials on comic lettering. This is primarily in reference to western comics, but it doesn’t help to take a looksie.
Commission Calculator -- Leads to another Tumblr post. Helps artists to stop selling themselves short.
Comparing Heights (hikaku-sitatter) -- A height comparer for centimeters.
Comparing Heights -- A height comparer for feet and inches.
Mouth Shapes and Lip-Syncing -- Leads to another Tumblr post. Useful for... drawing mouth shapes.
Reference Angle -- Useful for when you’re trying to map out a face from an odd angle.
Soft Proofing for Printing -- Leads to another Tumblr post. Helps when you’re trying to make prints of your artwork.
Textures -- A website full of different and mostly free textures. While this website is made for 3D texturing, it can also be useful for 2D drawings. Signing up gives you 15 free credits everyday, and you can use those credits to download some textures for free.
The Models Resource -- A website of models ripped from a wide array of games.
The Spriters Resource -- A website of sprites ripped from a wide array of games.
The Textures Resource -- A websites of textures ripped from a wide array of games. 
~Links to Stock Images~
Please check out whatever policies they may have for their images before using them!
(not sure if any of them are active anymore as I followed some of these accounts a long time ago when I used to be more active on Deviant Art lol)
adorkastock (formerly senshistock)
anatoref -- Leads to another Tumblr post. Has a bunch of hand photo references
HumanAnatomy4Artist -- Does contain nudity
~Links to Other Artists~
Akihito Yoshitomi -- Yoshitomi is a mangaka who has tutorials on manga making. He also has an insightful series in which he drafts and draws a 30-page manga in 18 days. Remember that every artist works differently and his process may be different from another’s.
Drawfee -- Drawfee is an improv drawing show of four artists: Nathan Yaffe, Jacob Andrews, Julia Lepetit, and Karina Farek. While they don’t have tutorials in a sense, their videos explain the different processes they go through as they draw. They also occasionally provide tips, tricks, and resources in their videos. They do have another channel and a Twitch channel where they host drawing classes in addition to other fun shenanigans.
EtheringtonBrothers -- Has a bunch of useful and eye-catching tutorials called “How to Think When You Draw”.
Mark Crilley -- Mark is a comic artist, specializing in manga, who has a bunch of tutorials about anatomy, perspective, comic making, and other things.
Miyuli -- Miyuli is an artist who posts tutorials on their Twitter. Their tutorials range from anatomy to clothing to other things. They even have a few books of art tips. Currently (as of the time of posting this), their 2018 version is free for download, so I highly recommend you download that. Some tips may be outdated, but they should still be helpful.
Whyt Manga (Twitter/YouTube) -- Odunze is a comic artist, specializing in manga, that has a bunch of tutorials on manga making and drawing characters of color.
~Links to Free Programs~
Blender -- A free 3D program if you’re into 3D modeling and such. I also personally haven’t used Blender (I use Maya lol), but I know it’s a respectable program.
Krita -- A free painting program if you can’t afford Photoshop or Clip Studio Paint. I personally haven’t used Krita, but I have recommended it to a few friends and they have positive reviews about it.
Paint Tool SAI -- Okay, this one isn’t free, but it’s a significantly cheaper painting program where you don’t have to pay a subscription. It’s 5,500JPY (~50 USD). I’m not sure how well it still works on modern computers (the last update was 2016), but I still use it here and there because I love the pen tool feature it has, and it still works like a charm for me.
~General Tips From Raine~
Raine admits that she’s guilty of not following her own advice, but Raine hopes that the tips that she does know will be beneficial to someone who will follow them. She’s also going to keep all her tips under the cut so as to not make this post a huge wall of text (even though it technically already is lol)
Also, if you have some resources, tutorials, tips yourself, please feel free to send them to me and maybe I’ll make a part 2 to this post!
ALWAYS LOOK FOR REFERENCE. This should really go without saying. You can’t draw from life if you refuse to observe life itself.
If you can’t find the exact thing you need, MAKE YOUR OWN REFERENCE. Time and time again, I can’t find something exactly that I need. So instead, what I do is that I take pictures of my own reference. Sometimes I even grab a friend and take pictures of them doing whatever it is I need.
Have a mirror handy when you’re drawing. Sometimes what you need is actually right there in front of you.
Having trouble drawing something? Do some studies. Take the time to understand what it is you’re drawing. I can’t remember the exact story, but I heard that the people who were working on Tarzan were having a hard time drawing his hands. So, what they did was spend a few hours looking at hands to try and understand how they work.
IT’S OKAY TO STUDY THE ART OF OTHER ARTISTS. Just as we look to the old masters as a reference, it’s definitely okay to look at modern-day artists for reference. Just don’t go copying exactly everything that they do, or worse, trace what they do. Just don’t do it... at all.
Not every line needs to be realized. The viewer of your work will automatically connect the dots.
DO NOT TRASH YOUR OLD DRAWINGS. Please, never ever do this. Your old drawings have value to them, even if they look terrible to you. Old drawings may hold ideas for things you could do for the future. They also serve as a way to see how far you’ve come as an artist.
GETTING BETTER AT DRAWING TAKES TIME AND EFFORT. You’re not gonna get better overnight. It’ll take months, or even years, to feel like you’re a competent artist, and even then, you’ll still have room for improvement.
DON’T LOOK DOWN ON YOURSELF IF YOU’RE TAKING A LONG TIME TO GET BETTER. It’ll be better for your mental health in the long run.
Alternatively, DON'T LOOK DOWN ON OTHER ARTISTS EITHER, ESPECIALLY TO MAKE YOURSELF FEEL BETTER. You know the struggles it took for you to get where you are, so don’t go putting down other people when you’ve been in their shoes once.
KEEP DRAWING. If you’re not making an effort to get better, then you’re not going to be better. I get that it’s hard to find the inspiration to draw (I’m very guilty of this), but just keep trying. It doesn’t have to be big or spectacular. You don’t even have to post it if you’re the type who likes to post their art stuff.
Try to find references from real-life. It’ll help you better understand form, lighting, shadows, etc., especially if you’re going for a more realistic kind of art style. Otherwise, finding reference from things like cartoons, anime, comics, etc. are just as good.
Try new things. Try new art mediums. Try a different art style. Switch up the way you do things. Maybe you’ll hate it, maybe you’ll like it. Who knows if you don’t try.
Watch time-lapses (or speed draws/speed paints) of other artists!
Pinterest and Google are your friends if you need tutorials or references or whatever.
If you’re offering commissions, DO NOT WORK UNDER YOUR LOCAL MINIMUM WAGE. You are literally devaluing the work you actually put into a piece.
I like to think I’m an aficionado of Photoshop, so feel free to ask me questions on how to achieve something! I’ve used Photoshop for about 11 years now and know my way around the program. On another note, I do recommend setting custom keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop because the default shortcuts are terrible (in my opinion), and because having custom shortcuts increases the speed of your workflow.
Because I’ve been seeing this a lot lately in Twitter, you’re never too old to start in art. Art is just one of those things that anyone can pick up at any age because the only thing you really need to get good in art is time, diligence, and patience.
Try not to post hi-res images of your artwork to prevent art stealers from selling your artwork in high resolution.
Always, always, always add your signature and watermark on your artwork. I like to add my signatures and watermarks in places that’ll be hard to erase or crop out. I’ve also seen people add their signatures and watermarks in creative ways (ex. on a character’s shirt). You need to protect your work in an era where people will just blatantly steal it and make profit off your work.
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specialagentsergio · 3 years
specialagentsergio’s masterlist
post version bc tumblr hates embedded links to pages on mobile lol
view on ao3 or wattpad
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tell me what you think of my work here
💔 [angst] // 💖 [fluff] // 💋 [smut] // 💜 [female reader] // 🤍 [gender neutral reader] ✅ [completed]
plushie talk  spencer reid x gn!reader 💖🤍 Spencer has trouble communicating his emotions sometimes. Luckily, his partner has taken it in stride.
let you down  spencer reid x f!reader 💔💜 After kissing Cat, Spencer tries to salvage his relationship.
sweater weather  spencer reid x gn!reader 💖🤍🎃 The weekend before Halloween finds the BAU at a local farm, and there’s a bet on who’s going to solve the corn maze first.
baby kiss it better  spencer reid x gn!reader 💖🤍 When D.C. implements a lockdown order, you and Spencer decide to quarantine together. There’s just one problem–he’s working from home, and his coworkers don’t know about you.
love, in ink  spencer reid x gn!reader 💖🤍 Spencer wants to do something special to commemorate your relationship. (or, reader and spencer get a couples’ tattoo)
side effects may vary  spencer reid x gn!reader 💖🤍 An unexpected side effect brings you and Spencer closer—literally—when he’s prescribed a medication to help relieve his chronic nightmares.
rationalizations  spencer reid x f!reader 💔💜 You’re the psych evaluation for Spencer. You think he’s full of shit, so you refuse to sign his clearance form until he actually tells the truth. 
point of view  spencer reid x f!reader 💖💜 Spencer has a hobby you didn’t know about. Not only is he a scientist, he’s an artist, too.
last christmas  emily prentiss x f!reader 💖💜🎄 You and Emily have been in a long-distance relationship since she moved to London. She can’t wait to see you for the holidays–that is, until you say, “we need to talk.”
[series / multichapter]
the she's got you mesmerized series 💔💜 ✅ emily prentiss x f! reader, spencer reid x f!reader 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 "You don't choose who you fall in love with," Emily had once said. Spencer agrees. After all, he never wanted to fall in love with someone who was already taken.
all we can do is keep breathing  spencer reid x gn!reader 💔🤍 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 He’s out of prison now, but your boyfriend is very much not okay. When he isn’t reinstated, he spirals down quickly, and you don’t know how to help him. (or, spencer relapses post-prison and goes to rehab)
[smut - 18+ minors DNI]
don’t need a lonely night  spencer reid x gn!reader 💋🤍 When Spencer can’t sleep, there’s one thing he’ll turn to. Kept awake by his tossing and turning, you offer a helping hand. 
hands to myself  spencer reid x f!reader 💋💜 You and Spencer have just confessed your feelings for each other. And now, he simply can’t keep his hands off of you. (follow-up to side effects may vary)
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kopikokun · 4 years
Tell Me What You Want Me to Do to You༄ mark l.
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↳ On an awfully planned trip with your best friend Mark, the place you end up spending the night in is not what you had in mind. Oh well, at least Mark’s there to keep you company. And apparently, he’s a pretty great kisser too.
pairing: bestfriend!mark x f!reader
genre: fluff, suggestive, friends to lovers, college!au
wordcount: 1.8k words
author’s note: i’m so sorry that i can’t add the ‘keep reading’ thing. i’ve tried, but every time i do it, the whole post gets wonky and i can’t edit it on mobile anymore. i’ve even tried desktop tumblr but the same thing happens :(
Request 32: Mark + “I need a hug.” (42) + “Stop being so cute.” (67) + “Put me down!” (153) + “There’s only one bed...” (154) [F2L + Suggestive]
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— 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝.
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In hindsight, a trip with your best friend sounded like a more than sound idea. The two of you had combined what limited knowledge you had about general adulting, scrounged up most that you could considering your financial situations as two college kids, and, in essence, had made things worked.
Or at the very least, you think, eyes scanning the room, taking in the general gist of the next addition to your mountain of already existing issues, made things happen.
And to answer a question; yes, there is a significant difference between work and happen.
Mark sighs wearily. It’s most likely due to the ridiculously lengthy car ride the two of you had been subjected to just to get here (and the back-and-forth bickering over whose bright idea it was to decide to go on holiday when the travelling industry is at its peak—it had been Mark’s, by the way, something about promotions and discount prices) and the even more absurd hike—or as the cheery staff liked to call it—expedition to your room.
“I can’t believe you convinced me to take a trip to the middle of nowhere, Mark.”
“Excuse me, this is not ‘the middle of nowhere’. According to the website, this is a ‘refined establishment which offers a fresh look into life alongside Mother Nature’,” defends Mark, letting the duffel bag stuffed with clothing he has slung over his shoulder slip to the ground with not an ounce of care.
“Well, that’s marketing for you.” You roll your eyes. “Just admit, you screwed up.”
Mark scoffs, unwilling to admit his defeat. “Not my fault that you’re a city girl.”
“This has nothing to do with me being a ‘city girl’. And you say that like you’re not a city boy.” Mark is tempted to say something petty in response but bites back his words. “And we have a bigger problem at hand right now, Mark.”
“I wouldn’t say it’s a big problem…”
“Dude,” you deadpan. “It’s a big problem. There’s only one bed.”
Mark clicks his tongue. “We can come up with something… I, uh, I could sleep on the floor?”
“In this weather? You’ll be dead of hypothermia by morning. So, no.”
“Christ, alright then I guess we’ll just have to sleep on the same bed,” says Mark casually, falling onto the linen sheets. The bed creaks under his weight.
You shoot him an incredulous look. “Together? On the same bed?”
“Yeah, why not? We’ve done it before when we were kids.” Mark stares blankly up at the ceiling. “What’s so different about back then to now?”
You laugh wryly. “What’s different? We did it when we were kids, Mark. Kids.” Your face warms as you give Mark a once-over, taking it how much he’s grown into his good looks over the years. “I can list off plenty of things that have changed since we were literal children.”
Mark flips onto his side to face you head-on, an elbow propping him up. “Why? What’s wrong? You got a crush on me now?”
You roll your eyes, but your cheeks pool with even more blistering heat. “Ugh, as if.”
“Damn, alright then, Cher Horowitz,” jeers Mark.
You stick your tongue out at Mark. “Whatever. Pass me a pillow. I’ll take the floor.”
Mark jolts upright like a meerkat on the lookout. “What? No, you take the bed. I’ll take the floor.”
“No, I’m good. You can have the bed to yourself. I don’t mind, honestly.” You jerk your thumb towards yourself, pushing your chest out proudly. “This ‘city girl’ can handle a little bit of cold.”
There’s the muffled rustling of sheets and the padding of feet against the floor before a pair of arms coil themselves around your waist from behind you, which by the way, doesn’t help your cheeks which only grow hotter by the second. You turn to face Mark who stares at you with nothing but genuine concern.
“No way. This ‘city girl’ is taking the bed.” His arms curl tighter around you, pulling you even closer to him. “Come on. I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“No, Mark it’s—”
Your refusal is cut short when you feel your body grow weightless as your feet are lifted off of the ground.
“Oh my God! Holy shit, Mark.” Like a hapless ragdoll, you’re almost effortlessly thrown over Mark’s shoulder. You’d be impressed by how surprisingly strong he is given his skinny-looking exterior, but you find that this isn’t quite the right time to be complimenting his physical abilities just yet. Mark grunts when you writhe in his hold. “Put me down!”
“With pleasure.”
You yelp, startled when Mark nonchalantly drops you onto the bed, following suit not too long after, his face inches from yours. His arms cage in your face and you feel your head grow dizzy, intoxicated by his scent. Your heart lurches when the bed groans with all the brute force being heaved onto it.
Mark grins cheekily at you, an airy laugh leaving his lips. “Jesus, you should’ve seen your face! It was priceless.”
You stare up at him, subconsciously drinking in his beautiful features; from the hairs of his eyebrows to the flutter of his eyelashes to the rosy apples of his cheeks and right down to the dip of his cupid’s bow, you gawk at him in silence for a moment or two. You realise that it’s actually been a moment or two too long since you’ve said something by the way Mark’s smile falters and his eyes begin to roam your face with just as much intrigue.
You clear your throat, averting his keen gaze. “Yeah, alright. Haha, very funny, Mark.”
For once, Mark doesn’t have any witty comeback for you in response. In fact, the room is drop dead silent save for the mechanical whirring of the ceiling fan. Mark’s adam’s apple bobs up and down in apprehension as his eyes scan your face once more. You can’t look away from him. Your eyes are glued to his as your heart hammers in your chest, its vibrations ringing in your ears.
He makes a move to get off of you but freezes when he feels your hand wrap around his bicep, urging for him to stay as he is. Mark watches you with interest, waiting for something more, but all you can do is continue gaping at him. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth, blinking up at him. You wait with baited breath as Mark licks his lips.
“What?” he whispers. “What is it you want from me?”
You inhale sharply.
Mark’s voice drops several octaves, turning almost gravelly, which is so out of character for him you nearly blanch. “Come on, I want to know. Tell me what you want me to do to you.”
You mumble your words incoherently, your mind too clouded over to formulate an actual sentence.
“Speak up, pretty girl. I can’t hear you.” Mark leans into your ear, his hot breath making your hairs stand on end.
“Want you to kiss me, Mark.”
“God, you’re so cute. Stop being so cute. Say it again.”
You huff, growing impatient. “Please, Mark. Just kiss me already.”
“Holy shit.” He tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear. “That's really hot.”
Mark kisses you tenderly. His lips press softly against yours, testing the waters and gauging your reaction. He tastes of the spearmint gum you gave him on the ride here and he smells like the fabric softener you always use when you go over to his place.
His hand cups your cheek, and at your hum of appreciation, he finally decides to kiss you with a little more fervour.
You’re not sure how, but you soon find yourself in Mark’s lap as he rests his back against the headboard. You chase after his lips when he pulls away and he giggles, the sound so bizarre considering the atmosphere. You don’t stay displeased for too long though, as Mark begins kissing down your jaw, which tickles, if you're being frank.
Mark’s grip on you turns bruising when you scratch at his nape, savouring the way his breath hitches. As things progress, you can’t help but wonder how this exactly happened. Sure, you’ve had those moments where the idea of being more than friends with Mark excited you, but it’s not like you dwelled on the thought often. All throughout your friendship, you’d never had any moments like this, but you’re surprised you two hadn’t done this sooner, because God, this feels amazing. Thinking back on it, there have been moments where you’d caught Mark staring a little too intensely at you and vice-versa, but you brushed it off as a common occurrence, being friends with a guy. But, you suppose, given the fact that you and Mark are making out right now, probably means that those stares meant a little more than you had first surmised.
You pull away when Mark grips the back of your neck. He pauses, his gaze finding yours.
He swallows dryly. “You okay?"
You exhale shakily, a whirlwind of thoughts consuming you. “Wait- I- Can we,” you take a breath, “can we stop?”
Immediately, Mark’s expression melts into one of distress. “Yeah, of course we can.”
“Thanks.” You nod timidly, climbing off his lap and sinking into the spot beside him. You chew on the flesh of your inner cheek, guilt washing over you. “I- I’m sorry.”
Mark’s head swivels to face you. “What? No, don’t be sorry. It’s fine.” He fiddles with his fingers. “Are you okay? Did I do something wrong? I didn’t hurt you did I?”
“What? No, no, you didn’t.” You laugh reassuringly. “I just- I don’t know- I just—”
“No, it’s okay. If you want to stop, I'll stop. No explanation required.” Mark smiles at you. “But… we’re still cool, right?”
“Of course we are, dude.”
Mark snickers. “Wow, I can’t believe you just called me dude after we made out. You’re really something else, huh?”
“Hey! You should take that as a compliment.” You shove him playfully. “I don’t call just anyone dude.”
“Well then, it’s an honour. Dude.”
Your conversation dwindles into silence. You feel anxiety begin to make its way up your spine as it latches onto you, sinking its gnarly teeth into your back. What now? Can you two really go back to being just friends if that’s what you ultimately decided? The faint spinning of the fan is the only thing that nulls your worries. Cautiously, you reach for Mark’s hand beside you and thankfully, he reciprocates the gesture. You sigh happily, finding solace in the warmth radiating from his fingertips.
“Can I—no I mean—can we cuddle?” You await a response from Mark, only to be greeted by nothing. “Uh, I’m sorry. That was dumb of me. Pretend I didn’t say anything.”
You attempt to pry your fingers from Mark’s but he refuses to let you slip away. Instead, he brings your hand to his lips, placing a chaste kiss on the back of your palm. “Hey, no. Let’s cuddle. I’m down for that. I need a hug, anyway.”
It’s astounding how easy it is to get into a spooning position with Mark. And as corny as it sounds, you feel like you fit perfectly in his arms, snug against his chest. You allow yourself to relax in his embrace until you feel something digging into your thigh.
“Is that—”
“Yeah, sorry,” says Mark sheepishly. He shifts in his position, but to no avail. He just hisses in discomfort. You smother a giggle. “I’m still, uh, a little… excited?”
“My bad.”
Mark pokes your waist, fishing that repressed giggle out of you. “Dumbass.”
And as you lay there with Mark, your laughter fading as the moon rises, you can’t deny the sparks of attraction that have ignited. You’re not quite sure exactly how you feel, but you think, whatever the outcome, the two of you will be alright.
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heauxplesslydevoted · 3 years
Hello, hello! This week, we are going on a little:
Home Tour!
Notes: Answer the following with pictures (dialogue from your characters is optional!). Collages are highly encouraged if you want to answer a question with multiple pictures because tumblr mobile only allows 10 total pics. Otherwise, tumblr on a desktop lets you add multiple pictures (non-beta)!
For both:
What does the outside of the home look like? (Front/back yard, garden, pool, etc)
Living room and home office (if any)?
Kitchen and dining room?
Bedrooms? (Master, guest, others)
Other rooms?
Do you own your dream home? If not, what does that dream home look like?
What is your favorite room to spend time in with each other?
Catch Up Here
Set a year into their marriage, and Naomi is heavily pregnant with the best character I’ve ever conceptualized, Queen Valentina
House Exterior
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Naomi: Ethan still has the condo in Back Bay-
Ethan: We still have it. What’s mine is yours.
Naomi: We still have the condo in Back Bay, but I didn’t want to be married and settling down in a twenty-story high rise, so we moved to Newton, which is only 15 minutes away from Boston.
Living Room
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Naomi: The black marble was a real selling point for me. The Hermès throw blanket was a housewarming gift from my mother.
Ethan: I still think it is...excessive that she bought us a $2000 blanket.
Naomi: My parents are rich and my mother is dramatic. You just have to roll with it.
Home Office
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Ethan: Our home office is completely decorative at this point. We don’t use it often.
Naomi: We spend so much time at the hospital that we try not to be bring work home. This place is our sanctuary.
Kitchen & Dining Room
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Naomi: We knocked a few feet off the bedroom next to ours in order to build another closet. I refused to do shared closet space.
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Naomi: Even though the rest of our house is literally black and white, I wanted the nursery to be warm. It’s becoming my favorite room in the house. And at our baby shower, I asked all of the guests to buy a book, so baby girl Ramsey already has an extensive reading collection.
Other Rooms:
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Naomi: We have a full bar and wine pantry in the basement. Our house is the party house.
Ethan: Much to my dismay.
Naomi: I’m the first one in the friend group to be a homeowner. We’re the official party house. Those are the rules, baby.
Do you own your dream home? If not, what does that dream home look like?
Naomi: This is absolutely my dream home! Ethan and I put a lot of time and effort into making a space that we both love and want to be. This is our forever home, where we’re going to raise our family and grow old and gray. The only thing we’re missing is a pool, but we are going to get one built within the next 6 months.
Ethan: My dream home is wherever my wife is.
Naomi: Stop it, why would you say it? You’re going to make me cry. All I do is cry these days.
Ethan: It’s the truth. I’ll always be...fond of the condo in Back Bay, but it wasn’t a real home. It was just a place where I slept in between shifts. But this place, the place we bought together, where we came to after our honeymoon, the place we’ll be bringing our daughter to in a few months, this is home.
What is your favorite room to spend time in with each other?
Naomi: Definitely the kitchen. He likes to cook, and I like to eat. He’s been spoiling me during this pregnancy, cooking whatever ridiculous thing I’m craving.
Ethan: We’ll probably end up there as soon as we’re done with these questions.
Naomi: Absolutely.
Ethan: And what is the baby craving right now?
Naomi: Homemade bolognese. And cheesecake from that bakery in the city.
Ethan: Well, I guess I have some shopping to do.
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Guess,,, guess who finished the ref sheet,
That's right fellas! I finished the ref sheet for a new AdventNEON OC ajdnsnd
Meet Seven! They're Golfball's twin! Obv because I'm getting completely unoriginal with OCs lmao
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✨Have some lore time sjfjdj✨
This will be long I warn you
This is another version of Golfball's AU. Yes ya heard me, Seven is not actually canon but I had this 3am idea and just,,, had to pls sjndjs
Anyways, in this AU, before Golfball was thrown out in the pit, he was put into this,, sort of "waiting room" to check if he was worth being kept alive. In this waiting room there was another prototype, very similar to Golfball, just a slightly different model. Golfball tries to approach them but they get scared and cover their head with their arms. Golfball notices their fabric number: LM-7-7-77. Golfball so decides to give them a name, "Seven".
Seven has the same "problem" as Golfball, they're developing free will and human-like behaviors. Although they seem a bit more mature than Golfball and understands that, if they let emotions show and/or refuse to follow orders, they will die on the spot.
Golfball and Seven get really attached to each other, they see themselves as twins, with Golfball being the oldest based on the fabric number. Moreover, is Seven that gives Golfball his name, not Neon. The people from the facility come in the room from time to time for checkups, and one day, Seven hears the two people talking about the first huge Loudmouth project, that apparently wasn't going good. Suddenly, one of the two insults the Loudmouth, calling it "Golfball". Seven doesn't understand what that means, although they like it and wanted to return the favor to Golfball for gifting them a name.
Although things start getting worse. Golfball doesn't seem to "get better", he doesn't follow orders and he completely acts like a little child. Despite Seven trying to help him by suggesting him to mimic them, the thing just doesn't work.
One day, the people from the facility come back in the room to take Golfball away. Golfball runs behind Seven and hugs them tight, he doesn't want to left his twin behind and be alone again. However, the facility people use Seven's fear of dying as their advantage. They tell both Seven and Golfball that, if they don't want to die, they have to follow orders. Seven nods, while Golfball is too scared to respond. So the facility people give Seven their first "special" order: "Take down LM-7-2-12". Seven doesn't want to, although they don't want to die. They try beg the facility people, saying that if Golfball would stay with them, they could "fix" him themselves. Although the facility people insist that Golfball cannot be fixed anymore, and force Seven to follow the order.
Seven obeys, they grab Golfball by his arm, taking a moment to look at him and say "I'm.. so sorry.." before electroshocking him.
Golfball gets thrown out and took by Neon, Seven, instead, stays at the facility. Thanks to their human-like behavior, they learn to be a perfect strategist and also how to repair themselves and the other robots from minor damages.
When Golfball returns to the facility because of the hacking problem, instead of immediately destroying him, as Golfball expected, the facility people decide to train him because they noticed the wonderful results with Seven. During the training Golfball discovers powers and abilities he didn't even think of having, the facility people are proud of the results, so they raise the level of difficulty, making Golfball battle against another prototype. Surprise, it's Seven.
Seven doesn't recognize him at first, while Golfball does. Seven beats Golfball up, making him literally snap and have their ass kicked real bad. Golfball then feels horrible for that so he runs to hug Seven and apologize. Seven recognizes him and apologizes in return.
Finally reunited, Golfball explains Seven what happened to him, how he fucked everything up by running away and how he desperately needs to get back to Neon and Oganesson immediately to get fixed. Seven is 100% willing on helping their twin in any way they can, in fact, they already have a plan, but it's dangerous. Seven knows the facility like the back of their hand, all the shortcuts, door codes, defense systems and shit. They can easily get both of them out, but it won't be easy to not get noticed. Golfball trusts his twin blindly and is ready to follow them and get out of the place.
Now. Y'know how much I love angst, right? So, this thing can have a Good ending and a Bad ending.
Good ending
In the Good ending, they both manage to get out of the facility and get back to Oganesson. Both Seven and Golfball get fixed so that the facility can't be in contact with neither of them again. New sibling joins the gang
Bad ending
As soon as they reach the exit, as the door can only be locked from the inside, Seven sacrifices themselves locking themselves in, so that Golfball can escape. Golfball gets back to Oganesson to get fixed. Seven gets destroyed because of their breaking of who knows how many rules, making Golfball lose his only change to get his twin back
Bad ending #2 (suggested by my friend Cinna on Discord)
Golfball gets caught while trying to escape and left behind with Seven barely managing to get out. Golfball gets destroyed while Seven finds shelter somewhere until they meet Neon, who is searching for Golfball, along the way
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tyk-tyk-tyk · 3 years
(its iwontknock, i wish tumblr would let us send asks from second blogs) on my post you said your first d&d character was the lodger and i am SO curious about that!! can i ask more about that, like what his class was? id love to hear about your portrayal!
Well, I hope my fellow players don’t pay attention to this blog lol. If you are GO AWAY YOU NERDS Tw for child death and unethical experimentation juuuust in case, I know Knock-Knock has a lot of that regardless but if D&D folks see this too I want there to be a heads up
Looong post under the cut, adding tags in a sec
I’m actually kinda thrilled that you asked, we haven’t started the reboot yet, but hopefully we will soon! When I first started playing him, I was hella inexperienced and a little shy, so I didn’t quite get to fully do what I wanted with him & had a HORRIBLE backstory, but I’ll give a few details anyways. Then I’ll explain what I’m gonna do with his reboot haha
To also save some confusion, I named The Lodger “Bormot” as that’s what some of his voice files are called, it’s just a Russian name that means “Mumble” :)
I made him a half elf druid! It was a lot to tackle at first, but I really felt like it fit his character. Whereas druids are usually blessed by the Earth and such yadda yadda, I made it so that the Earth borderline cursed him by being in the wrong spot at the wrong time. He comes from this long line of elf intellectuals, and still does his worldology stuff out in the middle of nowhere. After he gets cursed though, his home starts dying and he pulls a “Well, this isn’t good!” and runs away and ends up meeting the party. Did I mention that he’s a half elf that doesn’t believe in magic bc of his sheltered life? More on that later. Some fun stuff that ended up happening is he literally met half plant people (my DM had no idea LOL) and Bormot proceeded to have a panic attack and casted Call Lightning by accident. We were like level 15 btw I came in LATE He also managed to talk down a dragon despite his low charisma score (I think I actually rolled well and my DM took pity on me, a new player)
The ‘rebooted’ version of him is still largely the same, a half elf druid, just with more of a fleshed out story. His Grandfather is kind of this disgraced elf who hates magic since he thinks his peers rely on it too much, they don’t use their braiiiiins. So he then raises Bormot’s (half elf) dad to reject magic, and continue their worldology science that’s Definitely A Real Science I Swear. Bormot’s dad gets married ofc and decides to live in the middle of nowhere where he can conduct his science in peace with his family. The wife gives birth to a beautiful baby girl shortly after! While on a hunting trip, Bormot’s dad shoots at something he thinks is a deer, but ends up being an old & weak God. Oops. So he does what any responsible scientist does and vivisects the thing before it dies, taking lots of samples of its blood. This kinda makes him lose his mind as now there’s real, physical evidence in front of him that higher powers and magic might be a pretty valid thing. So of course he does what any highly responsible father does and puts some zesty ichor (God Blood) into his child just to see what happens! She dies, unfortunately, as the powers that be of a god isn’t something a really tiny elf girl’s body can handle. The mother enters grief and becomes more overprotective. having no idea that her husband accidentally killed their child. She gives birth to Bormot a long while later. Daddy-o doesn’t want the wife to know about his experimentation since she’ll whine about MoRaLs and refuse to let him inject more blood into their son, so he keeps it a secret for as long as he can. When Bormot is older, he tries again, and it works! ... Sort of. Now the poor kid is having constant nightmares and hallucinations, and is having trouble both sleeping and meditating. He’s freaked out about the potential magic that he has, since his dad said that magic isn’t real, and his dad is definitely always right and doesn’t lie! He grows up like this his whole life. Bormot’s mom does actually end up finding out about it and gets into an argument with the dad, so the dad does what any responsible husband would do and kills her after it escalates. At least he feels guilty for this one. Her body is buried next to the sister’s near some pine trees so the roots will hopefully grow over them and conceal the bodies more. Bormot has no idea he even had a sister, and his dad lies and says that his mom left. When Bormot’s old enough to live on his own, his dad peaces out to conduct more research and tries to prolong his own death, even if he has a lot of years left. Bormot starts the game around when he leaves his house, wondering where his dad ran off to & wants to learn what the hell is up with his hallucinations and Not Real Magic.
I left out details since this was already getting so LONG, sorry mobile users Anyway the TLDR is Bormot’s dad makes a lot of bad decisions that leads to Bormot being a druid hermit that doesn’t believe in magic, and his journey with his friends is all about realizing that he’s more than his worldology ‘legacy’ and that magic is indeed real and it isn’t bad to embrace it. But we’ll see if he makes it to the end or dies to a goblin or something
Thanks for reading my self indulgent D&D rambles, I can give updates if anyone is ever curious about it later
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