#tua headcannons
oscarisaacsspit · 1 year
he’s just like me fr
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jellybeanium124 · 2 years
Ranking the Hargreeves by how good I think they are at spelling
Allison. She absolutely was *that girl* with the flawless handwriting and spelling.
Luther. He is a very conscientious writer, and he makes sure to always spell things correctly. Consults a dictionary when unsure.
Ben. Not perfect spelling, but still very good.
Viktor. Completely average speller.
Diego. Always struggled with spelling. A lot better now than he was as a kid, though.
Five. Can’t spell worth shit. When asked how to spell “Dolores” on separate occasions he has answered “d-o-l-l-o-r-e-s” “d-o-l-r-o-s” “d-o-l-e-r-e-z” and “d-o-l-u-r-u-s”
Klaus. Even worse than Five. Had to start dictating his gospels to his cult members because when he tried to write them down nobody knew what the fuck he was trying to say. Not related to spelling, but he always hearts his “Is” and “Js” instead of dotting them.
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ay4kshalatus · 2 years
mental manipulation wanda!y/n x f.hargreeves hcs
spoilerrssss tua s3, important notice 📢
the umbrella academy was now replaced by some bunch of "low-keys". it's what you called for them.
learning their abilities one by one. with all honesty, they're no better than the original group but what stands out most is their combat skills.
ben is being ben. nothing really change with him except his bratty attitude.
while marcus are in the middle of shooing you all, jayme use her powers on diego. spitting a venom that causes the victim to have hallucinations.
you decided to entertain yourself, mind walking on diego's mind.
dear... it was a mess. you never expected diego, thinking of having a dance battle against the sparrows.
concerning but it's entertaining.
you see jayme dancing with five with a ridiculous position.
teasing five later by flicking him off the ground as your illusion self using telekinesis on him to help him up, grabbing his hand and twirl him around.
you stopped as your left arm put behind his back under his arm with the free arm is held up high while your bodies leans down. "now you'll be dancing with me."
then you guys continued with swing dance style.
it's nice to see diego taking their relationship seriously. it take them a while to accept the fact that you and five are married.
you put it a stop, getting rid the effects off. the illusion takes too long for your liking. jayme was aware of this.
you showed potential on diego's dreamland plus you purified the illusion with ease. your powers are too good to be true.
but she made a mistake. instead of being alert with you, she ignore those red flags.
she spat a venom on five, giving him illusion of your pretty form approaching him. you suddenly appeared behind her and give her much worse, manipulating her consciousness.
what makes you a psychopath is you have fun controlling people's minds, much to jayme's dismay.
in her point of view, you're everywhere. your whispers are all over the place that she didn't even noticed she's on the edge of the stairs.
you kicked her off, causing her to roll down off the stairs. no one should underestimate the power of mental manipulation.
as usual, five is still making out on air. you know who is on the illusion of his. your face morphed to a tomato, swiftly dismissing the effects out of him.
five realizing he's hallucinating, he quickly regain his posture. "five come on. we have to get going."
the moment he saw your red ears, he knew he messed up.
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reblogs and comments are highly appreciated!! -pamcake
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Wait wait does Five imply that Ben and Klaus hooked up after the wedding…
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I like how Five is always the hapless aro ace having to watch everyone else have to bothersome relationships.
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allthehumanflaws · 7 months
This only makes a little sense but what if
Klaus Hargreeves has the ability to talk to the dead right?? So what if he is dead?
Died like ages ago i know i know he can't but what if
And because his powers were talking to the dead but because now he himself is dead his powers like reversed and now despite being dead he can talk to the living
That would explain suddenly being able to channel other spirits through him you know-
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highlyincorrect · 1 year
The Brellies Play Mario Kart hcs
(Our cast of characters are Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Five, Ghost Ben and Viktor)
Mario Kart has been a symbol of rebellion and pride in the Hargreeves household since they were children and Five stole a gamecube (Viktor convinced him to go back and leave money for it)
Allison has memorised every secret pathway backwards and forwards
Diego has the best aim with green shells
Klaus constantly runs into walls and complains that his controller is broken (it never is)
When Ben was alive, he used to be very good at the game and now suffers when Klaus drives backwards and ignores Ben’s advice
Ben has enough and possesses Klaus, letting him win two rounds to the surprise of everyone
Luther is absolutely terrible and constantly comes last (even lower than Klaus for some reason)
Five is ruthless and quick in his takedowns with red shells and bananas.
He and Allison are often locked in a battle for first place. Once, when she hit him with a blue shell, he pulled a gun on her in a fit of blind rage (Diego tackled it out of his hand while Allison yelled “Do it wimp! It won’t win you first place!”)
Viktor is slow but steady. He sometimes squeezes his way quietly into first place while the others are arguing
Diego races as Bowser because he thinks he’s badass. Luther races as Donkey Kong, Klaus as Toad, Allison as Princess Peach, Five as King Boo, Ben as Luigi and Viktor as Mario
Viktor gifted them all a Nintendo switch and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for Christmas. They all played it for five hours straight, until they’d raced every map
There is endless dispute who won, each sibling believing it’s themself- even though Klaus came 12th
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Hey, quick lil thing I was thinking about:
Five has the physical body of a 13-year-old, meaning that his brain, developmentally, is 13
He confirms this by saying MULTIPLE TIMES that he's going through puberty CURRENTLY
He may have the consciousness of a 58 or whatever-year-old man and be a super genius, but he is PHYSICALLY and DEVELOPMENTALLY a child
so this poor dude has been consuming gross amounts of alcohol, subjecting himself to an EXTREME amount of trauma for ANYONE but especially a person whose brain is still in development, and not to mention the lack of: sleep, consistent hygiene, any emotional support, etc etc, oh and I almost forgot the fuCKING WORLD IS CRUMBLING AROUND HIM CONSTANTLY LEAVING HIM AND ONLY HIM TO PICK UP THE PIECES
(If yall ask me to I'll compile a list of things I think are funny/interesting/have more meaning and depth in light of this fact)
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brellies-babey · 2 years
okay listen
i understand the fun implications that come along with klaus coming back to life during the apocalypse because he totally had the ability to,
but i personally head canon that he didn't and couldn't come back after the 2019 apocalypse because he:
didn't realise that was something he could do yet, intentionally or not
had most of his family in the afterlife so why would he return to the land of the living
or simply because it took him too long to return, and if and when he did, his body was too injured and he died again.
but at the same time i like the fics where someone goes through the apocalypse with five so keep 'em coming
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tua-braindump · 1 year
HC being childhood friends with TUA:
1. Luther
He's very strong, so you're always getting him to pick you up and raise you to reach for things higher up.
You pester and pester him until one day he agrees to throw you up in the air like a bouncy ball. You freak out pretty badly and he almost misses catching you on the way down so you both silently agree to never do that again.
Sometimes you get him to push you on the swings so hard you go all the way around.
He's always training to be stronger so at some point you sit on him and read aloud while he works out.
You try your hand at cooking or baking and it's kind of bad but Luther is always hungry so he eats it all, happily, which always cheers you up.
You dare him to lift bigger and bigger things but one day he picks up a bus but there was a cat sitting on top and the poor thing slides off screaming. That game stops quickly after that.
You are a little shit so you like surprising him by running and leaping up into his back like a little monkey. Sometimes if you're fast enough you get your hands over his eyes and make him guess who (it's always you.)
During weeks where Reginald is home and you can't see your friend for long stretches, you will sometimes sneak out at nighttime and throw little rocks at his window just so you can wave at him from the street so he knows you miss him. Although you eventually get good at aiming these rocks, the first few times you hit someone else's window and they act all annoyed but the next thing you know, Luther is at his window waving back excitedly.
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oscarisaacsspit · 2 years
i love him
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jellybeanium124 · 2 years
Ranking the Hargreeves by how good I think they are at rollerblading
Klaus: I think Klaus is elegant on wheels on wheels, and a top-tier rollerblader.
Diego: Diego saw rollerblades and went “I could go faster???” and became really good at going fast on rollerblades. He’s not as good at stopping, but he never falls on his butt.
Allison: Of course Allison is good at rollerblading. She’s good at everything.
Five:  Five is a passable rollerblader.
Viktor: Viktor could rollerblade without embarrassing himself. He might not be fantastic, but he doesn’t need to hold onto the rails or anything.
Luther:  I don’t think Luther was ever very good on skates, and after being monkified he probably got worse because his balance and center of gravity likely changed.
Ben: Ben strikes me as the kind of person who has absolutely no coordination on wheels. U!Ben would take it in stride, laugh it off, and hang onto Klaus or Allison, but S!Ben just hasn’t put on rollerblades in like two decades to avoid the embarrassment.
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mrkspo · 5 months
Oie vc conseguiria escrever como seria os dreamers pedindo a op em namoro? Seria algo fluff🥹
 𓈒 ݁ ₊ 𐙚 𝓓𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓮𝓼 te pedindo em namoro
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YAYYYYY primeiro headcannon do blog e primeiro pedido também! bom, espero que gostem!
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• Primeiro de tudo nosso líder Mark séria o tipo que se embolaria todo para fazer o pedido. Não é por querer, tadinho, mas ele fica muito intimidado pela tua presença (em um bom sentido). Iria fazer o pedido em um passeio noturno, só vocês dois em um parquinho perto da sua casa, e por mais que ele tenha planejado e ensaiado o quê ia falar, provavelmente iria se perder no meio do caminho. "É que... Cê sabe né, tamo- tamo saindo juntos já tem um tempinho e eu queria perguntar se tu não toparia namorar comigo. Quer dizer, se você quer namorar comigo, sabe?"
• Renjun seria um dos que planejou tudinho, quando eu falo tudo é tudo mesmo. Fez um jantar chique — e muito gostoso —, arrumou a própria casa só para isso, encheu de rosas vermelhas e velas para dar um toque mais "romântica". Tudo foi mágico, do jeito que ele queria, e o pedido veio acompanhado de docinhos feitos pelo Huang. Você não podia pedir um — agora — namorado melhor! "Olha querida, sei que já tem um tempo que estamos enrolando para assumir um relacionamento. Você aceitaria ser a minha namorada?"
• Primeiro de tudo preciso dizer que Jeno iria se declarar sem querer para você e quando percebeu sabia que precisava pedir você em namoro o mais rápido possível. Foi um pouco apressado, vocês já eram amigos a muito tempo, então poucos dias depois da confissão por acidente ele resolveu aparecer na tua porta com um buquê das tuas flores favoritas e uma aliança. "Você sabe que eu gosto muito de você, não é? Por favor, me dá uma chance de ser seu namorado."
• Nosso querido Haechan não tinha planejado muitas coisas, mas estava confiante. Assim como Mark ele te levaria para um passeio, mas pela tarde as margens do rio Han, para tomar sorvete e ver o pôr do sol. Enquanto você estava observando o sol sumindo no horizonte da cidade, ele pegou o anel que estava guardado no bolso. "Amor, olha 'pra mim. Sei que é um passo bem grande pra gente, mas você aceitaria ser minha namorada?
• Jaemin é aquele tipo de cara que sempre quer estar perto de você, não importa onde, ele sempre quer estar com você. Então, pq não namorar logo?! 🤓☝🏼 Ele ia te levar para um parque de diversões e antes que fossem embora ia te pedir em namoro ali mesmo, no meio do parque. Apesar dele ser mais reservado e não gostar tanto de multidões preferiu fazer o pedido em público — se fosse em privado ele não teria coragem —. "Princesa, sabe o pq eu te trouxe aqui né? Quero te perguntar uma coisa; você seria minha namorada?"
• O cara é rico né, então eu acho que o Chenle iria te levar em uma viagem super chique só pra te fazer um pedido. Iria te levar para fazer compras, ir no salão de beleza e em restaurantes chiques; definitivamente iria ser tratada como uma princesa. No final da semana ele iria te levar para o restaurante mais caro só para enfim te pedir em namoro. "Linda, sei que é só uma formalidade já que estamos juntos a tanto tempo mas, você aceitaria ser minha namorada?"
• Jisung não teria planejado muita coisa, mas tava tremendo mais que cara verde. Seria o nervosismo em pessoa, mas isso não ia impedir ele de te pedir em namoro!
Ele te chamou pra casa dele, algo mais caseiro, para uma noite para comer besteiras e jogar videogames da coleção do Park. Antes de você sair da casa dele ele te pede pra esperar, com a mão tremendo pega uma caixa de veludo que dentro esta a aliança de namoro dos pais. Ele não te deixa ir embora depois, faz questão que você durma com ele.
"Ah _____! Me dá uma chance, por favor." 🥺🥺
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Masterlist 2.0
Klaus, cut the bullshit (tua) (closed)
Sandman (closed)
House of the dragon (closed)
Stranger things (closed)
Werewolf by night (closed)
Druig (eternals) 1 2 3
Disastrous life of saiki k
Saiki kusuo 1 2 3 4 5
Is this stalking? Potentially/hypothetically from a certain standpoint, yes. Yet it is. (Requested)
The legend of vox machina (closed)
Percival de rolo 1 2 3 4
Vox machina 1 2 3 4 5
Deadweight pt 2
Deadweight pt3
Deadweight pt4
Deadweight pt5
Deadweight pt6
Deadweight pt7
Deadweight pt 8
Comfort after disaster
How vox machina dealt with reader coming back from the dead (revival) (requested)
Prompt 29: actions that make them happy (requested)
Vax’s gn s/o takes a bit for him and Pike heals them (requested) (tw; blood, gore, Achilles heel slashing, throat slitting, a whole ass gash taking up reader’s torso.)
Weather report
Castlevania (closed)
Alucard tepes 1 2
Dracula 1 2 3
Trevor Belmont 1 2
Wednesday (closed.)
Wednesday Addams 1
Like a date date? (Requested)
Make a move (requested)
Part 2 (requested)
Part 3 (requested)
Sucker for the baked goods (requested)
Black dahlia lovers (requested)
Part 2 (requested)
Black cat and golden retriever (requested)
Truths and lies (requested) angst/happy ending. Tw: blood, hurt, gashes.
The day Wednesday Addams understood what sound a shattered heart makes. (Requested) angst/ one sided love
Part 2; it takes two to mend a shattered heart (Requested)
Change of heart (requested)
Wednesday missing reader (not click bait) (requested)
Someone’s (Enid) is a little butt hurt (requested)
Alive (requested)
Companion of darkness (platonic Wednesday imagine request)
A nightshade always protects (requested)
Precognitions aren’t to be taken seriously when processed without the necessary context aka Wednesday learns how to cry (requested)
Mad dog of Nevermore (requested)
1068 days isn’t nearly a long enough time to keep me from you. (Requested)
Dragon of Nevermore (requested)
Rich reader spoils enid and Wednesday (requested)
The king of curses (requested)
Chaos witch (requested)
Chaos witch pt 2 (requested)
Chaos witch part 3 (requested)
Enid Sinclair 1
Liking you romantically (requested)
Sucker for the baked goods (requested)
Tomorrow’s another day (requested)
Because we work (requested)
Rich reader spoils enid and Wednesday (requested)
Xavier Thorpe
Sucker for the baked goods (requested)
Finger friends (requested)
Xavier and Ajax’s no good, very bad day (requested)
Ear piercings are a bitch to heal. (Requested)
Xavier and reader’s children go to Nevermore (Requested)
Our rivalry became more because of a misdemeanour. (Requested)
Sketch your way into my heart (Requested)
Nasty bitch goblin mother fucker (requested) (may/may not include unrealistic selections of the usage/effects of marijuana otherwise known as weed)
AIB (alice in borderlands)
See you on the other side
On the other side (part 2 to fic above) (requested)
Name a star after me
Final Fantasy 7
Cuddling headcannons (requested)
Trigun stampede
Vash the stampede
Some Vash stuff
Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Reader flusters Nicholas (requested)
Lockwood and Co
Fic page here.
Fic list here
Resident evil 4 remake
Fic list here
Spider-man: across the Spiderverse
Fic list here
Mortal Kombat 1
Fic list here
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sunriseseance · 2 months
Someone tell me a TUA headcannon Stat
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a-fools-circus · 5 months
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The official Masterlist for all of my fics/drabbles/work
All 18+/NSFW fics are marked appropriately. Minors please do not interact with tagged work
Any tags/trigger warnings are listed in the original post
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Stress Relief [f!reader] 18+/NSFW (AO3)
Lascivity [f!reader] 18+/NSFW (AO3)
Mors Tua, Vita Mea (x) (AO3)
A Gift for Papa [f!reader] 18+/NSFW (x) (AO3)
Ghostober Day 1: High Sex [f!reader] 18+/NSFW (x)
Ghostober Day 3: Gloves/Leather [f!Reader] 18+/NSFW (x)
Ghostober Day 6: Creampie [f!reader] 18+/NSFW (x)
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Evening Stroll [f!reader] 18+/NSFW (AO3)
Ghostober Day 4: Table Sex [f!reader] 18+/NSFW (x)
Ghostober Day 7: Cockwarming/Objectification [f!reader] 18+/NSFW (x)
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Salacious Want [f!reader] 18+/NSFW (x) (AO3)
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Ghostober Day 2: Tail Sex [Swiss/Dew] 18+/NSFW (x)
Ghostober Day 5: Lingerie/Double Penetration [Cirrus/Cumulus/Aurora] 18+/NSFW (x)
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‘Christmas’/Yule/Winter Holiday with the Papas [gn!reader] SFW (x)
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pickle-de-packle · 1 year
Overview & Masterlist
Updated: 03/29/2024
I write for my and your enjoyment :)
Upcoming Posts
What I Will Write
Smut (Kinks are welcomed, including CNC and Somnophilia)
Song fic
What I Won’t Write
Extremely Hardcore BDSM
Masterlists - I will write for people who aren’t listed currently
Prompt Masterlist
Kinktober 2023
Sherlock Masterlistt
Volodymyr Zelenskiy Masterlist (Nothing yet)
Andriy Yermak Masterlist
Harry Potter Masterlist (all eras)
TUA Swedes Masterlist
Elon Musk Masterlist
Ghost Masterlist
Mirrorworld/Reckless Masterlist
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