#trying to remember to mix up the vegetables in my diet
note-a-bear · 5 months
Gotta say, if you're able to pay for the convenience of it, the 'chopped salad' (actually nice slaw) packs at target are really great 1-2 servings of chopped up greens that you can sauté and add to pretty much any protein (or on its own as a side).
Tonight I experimented with one we got by accident at my store
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The theme of this pack meant it has toppers of dried cranberries and dried apple slices, which I opted to include as I sautéed the greens. The chicken was seasoned with cinnamon, pepper, garlic powder, shichimi togarashi, and a little salt.
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It comes with a dressing (I opted to use it, since it was an onion vinaigrette and worked well with how I seasoned the chicken), too. All in all, pretty happy with how it came out.
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bri-sonat · 1 year
Silly Questions About Gwen’s Characters - Part Two
Silly Questions About Gwen's Characters Masterlist
This was a joint effort between @daydream-cement and me (of course with help from the wonderful Gwouncil GC, @na-shoba, @booitsrue, @funky--lesbian, and @margot-the-lesbian-god). She posted the first and will be posting the next part! We will go back and forth with these silly little questions.
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Most embarrassing middle school moment?
Brienne: Brienne didn’t go to school, but her most embarrassing memory from when she was a child was THE ball. Yeah. We don’t need to talk about it.
Larissa: She snuck out to go to an ‘older kids’ party with a friend. Her parents showed up and she never lived it down. Haunts her memories. You know how people have that one little thing that keeps them up when they are trying to sleep? This is hers. 
Lucifer: Telling God they loved him 😦
Phasma: She doesn’t know what embarrassment is. She stares embarrassment in the face, eats it for breakfast, punches it in the face. Embarrassment should be embarrassed for trying to embarrass her.
Miranda: Far too many for her to count, or remember. Probably millions of moments when she wished she would have dug a hole underground and stayed there forever.
Which is their favorite: tits, ass, or other?
Brienne: As someone who has been judged by her physique her entire life, she doesn’t put much weight on body. However, she will become completely bewitched by tits and thighs. Like, in a trance, staring, just in complete awe.
Larissa: Tits. Boobs. Yes, please. Any shape or form. She loves them endlessly.
Lucifer: A sweet face. (Up to their interpretation. Don’t put your silly human beauty standards on them.) They don’t really have a favorite body part. With their person, all of it is their favorite.
Phasma: Phaddy is an ass man, she loves to see it bright red after she is finished with her lover. But, if you ask her she’d just simply say, “all of it. Next question.”
Miranda: “Do- Do I have to pick? Okay… Tits… Wait, no. Stomach… Wait, wait, wait, HIPS AND THIGHS. Yes, final answer, hips and thighs.” With her partner, she will stare at their ass and hips all day as they walk around the house. Also, she will find any way to have you wear her hands as a bra.
Favorite pizza toppings? List the top five in order.
Brienne: No pizza in the olden days, but if we talk modern setting: Cheese, ham, pineapple. I SAID IT, I SAID IT. Girl loves trying weird and wacky things and she absolutely loves the mix of salty and sweet and will praise pineapple on pizza whenever possible.
Larissa: Cheese, peppers, mushrooms, sausage
Lucifer: No cheese. Just tomato sauce and bread. They want to watch the world burn. 
Phasma: “Pizza? Once again, I have a strict diet. Do not make me eat a ‘pizza pie’, I need my protein.” Will however eat one if it has many vegetables on it, for the fiber.
Miranda: “How many toppings are too many toppings?” - direct quote from Miranda making her own pizza at home (it took forever to cook bc there were too many toppings)
What was the last (non-story-related) dream they had while sleeping?
Brienne: Had a nightmare dream about Podrick being a giant and her being tiny as they spar. She’d wake up in a cold sweat after, standing up as fast as possible to see if she was still tall, and would release a sigh of relief when Podrick is, still, shorter than her.
Larissa: Dreamt Nightmare about going to the Weathervane and they were out of hot chocolate
Lucifer: Falling….from heaven. 
Phasma: Nightmare where she has a picnic. That’s it. Picnics freak her out. (Nothing freaks her out, let’s be honest, but picnics for her are just, yuck.)
Miranda: That she was on a ship up in space, looking out over the planets and stars, and when she’d wake up she’d cry because she wasn’t actually in space. Going back to sleep in a desperate attempt to return to her dream.
If they suddenly vanished, what would their family assume they were up to? (Shopping, pranking people, overthrowing governments, etc.)
Brienne: Well, her father just assumes that she’s, you know, off fighting bad guys, and being all righteous and all.
Larissa: She’s at work of course. Check her desk chair. If she isn’t in it, well then, she is probably dead. 
Lucifer: Probably lounging in the gardens or reading somewhere inaccessible by everyone else. 
Phasma: What family?
Miranda: If Miranda hasn’t sent a single text the entire day (aka vanished), she’s kidnapped or no longer with us. 
What’s their least favorite possession that they wish they could get rid of, but can’t / shouldn’t?
Brienne: Her sword. Reminds her too much of Jaime but she can’t get rid of it considering it's Valyrian steel and extremely rare.
Larissa: Most likely a painting or knick-knack from her mother. It’s so tacky and strange, she was sure her mother gave it to her just to be mean. She absolutely despises it, but if she were to get rid of it then she would never hear the end of it. 
Lucifer: A Bible.
Phasma: What possessions?
Miranda: Something from the baby she was going to have. Perhaps a teddy bear or a little pair of shoes. It made her too sad to get rid of absolutely everything.
If they spray-painted a city wall, what would they write/draw?
Brienne: “the kingslayer is a sister fucker”
Larissa: morticia sux 
Lucifer: Suck it Dad
Phasma: The First Order symbol.
Miranda: She could never. It’s a crime to spray paint on a city wall.
Pick a fictional character from another book/movie to be their guardian angel. Is it hard to look out for your character? Does the guardian angel interact with them? What’s their first conversation like?
Brienne: With Brienne’s choice of career, sometimes it can get a little bit stressful with how close to getting dangerously hurt she has gotten sometimes. Sometimes her guardian angel is biting at their fingernails but is very much aware that Brienne can handle her own, only stepping in when absolutely necessary. 
Larissa: No it’s not hard to look after Larissa. She is a good egg and doesn’t get up to much trouble.
Lucifer: Guardian angel? For a fallen angel? How cute.
Phasma: Phasma? Captain of the Stormtroopers? Yes. Exhausting. The guardian angel wondered multiple times if it’s possible to switch because Phasma was being, well, Captain Phasma. The angel wouldn’t even want to interact with her, she high-key scares them.
Miranda: Sometimes her guardian angel gets concerned with how clumsy she is. Not often does she get into dangerous police work, but seeing as though she was shot, I’m sure Miranda could give them a run for their money.
Do they find fart noises funny? (Be honest.)
Brienne: Sober, no. Drunk, funniest thing in the world.
Larissa: No. Well maybe deep down, but she wouldn’t let you know that.
Lucifer: No.
Phasma: Phasma? Finding anything that other people find funny, funny? That’s funny.
Miranda: PFTTTT, of course. 
They wake up permanently invisible. Do they ask for help right away, or do they stay hidden? What do they do while invisible?
Brienne: After being gawked at her entire life, being invisible would be blissful for Brienne, no one is able to look at her, and no one is able to judge her based on her appearance. She would spend an entire day in peace because no one would be able to stare at her and make rude comments regarding her height or looks.
Larissa: She would try to get help. How the hell is she supposed to run a school under these conditions?
Lucifer: Why would they ask for help? They know perfectly well they don't need anyone's help getting back to normal.
Phasma: She’d go siege an entire planet, killing every single person and no one would know it was her. She’d then (unwillingly) try getting someone's attention and attempt to return back to visible, she can’t command troopers as invisible.
Miranda: She would get into a pinch of mischief beforehand. Nothing criminal, but a little prank never hurt anyone. Probably a prank on her girlfriend or Robin. Then she would immediately try and get help.
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lurinatftbn · 5 months
If you’re down to answer another question like the music one, what are the characters’ favorite in-universe cuisines/culinary preferences? Or, are there any fun reasons why some characters like/dislike certain things as we see in the glossary?
Off the top of my head:
Utsu dislikes fish because it's ubiquitous in Itan cuisine and had a lot of it served to her poorly-prepared as a kid. I think it comes up in the text at some point, but her favorite food is layered pasta dishes like lasagna. (I know what you're thinking, and no, I didn't do it on purpose.)
Kam is a vegan, but obviously only for health reasons since they don't slaughter animals for meat in the setting. She likes very spicy food like chilis and curry - her favorite is stuffed jalapenos. She also likes crepes.
Ran also kinda likes spicy food, but isn't super passionate about cuisine and mostly just goes for low-effort stuff. She eats a lot of stir fry and dumplings.
Theo also worries about his longer-term health which is why he's on a low-carb diet, but renders this pointless by eating tons of chocolate and sweets all the time. He likes hot fudge cakes the best.
Ptolema just really likes meat. Her favorite is just a really well-seasoned blue steak, probably with blue cheese, and she also probably really enjoys whatever the equivalent of brazilian barbecue is.
I don't think I ever decided what foods Seth likes best except that he eats a lot of junk food. I do remember deciding at some point that he really likes almonds despite being allergic to them.
Ophelia is a pescetarian for cultural reasons. Beyond that, she loves trying all sorts of foods, though shellfish and mushrooms are her favorite ingredients.
Lilith is a hyper-picky eater and doesn't like most vegetables or anything too complicated or mixed together. She probably most enjoys very simple things like chicken nuggets, and only takes small bites so she isn't overwhelmed.
As comes up in the story, Bardiya is a recovering alcoholic, which is the reason for his preference note. I think I put somewhere that kebabs are his favorite food.
Ezekiel dislikes onions because of their slimy and crunchy texture. He likes really straightforward food like Sunday roasts, which in-setting would mean he prefers Rhunbardic cuisine, though he'd never admit it.
Fang will eat anything under the sun, but also doesn't care that much about food in the grand scheme of things. Left to their own devices, they will cook everything into some kind of omelette and think it's great.
Linos doesn't like shellfish because, like Su, he ate a lot of it prepared badly when he was young. He enjoys participating in prestige/fine dining, especially for Ysaran and Viraaki food, more for the sense of being part of a cultural moment than the actual flavor.
Neferuaten likes foods like beyaynetu (or, like, pizza) designed specifically to be eaten communally. On her own she mostly just eats salad, though she has extremely specific opinions about wine and whiskey.
Durvasa likes to grow and preserve his own food, and his favorite is dal soup. He also has extremely specific opinions, though only about whiskey. He doesn't like red meat because he dislikes the idea that he's eating the flesh of a one-living being, even if it's replicated.
Zeno technically does not have a diet, and is sustained nutritionally by other means. He enjoys the taste of very indulgent foods like foie gras and controversial food like cultured human meat. He thinks Viraaki food is 'stinky' and 'greasy'.
Hamilcar does not eat except with company, which is why his entry says N/A. He can't taste food in the way he could when he was young, and he finds it upsetting.
Anna enjoys sushi, but is too old to eat much at all.
Mehit theoretically likes the kind of high-concept Saoic cuisine described by Ran early in the story, but is not a very good cook, so mostly eats things like baked potatoes and fried rice. This is partly why Lilith is the way she is, but only like, 20%.
Balthazar skips breakfast because otherwise he ends up overeating, since he's the type who can just keep going long beyond what's healthy. He's the sort of person who enjoys bizarre high-calorie flavors like fried squid dipped in ice cream.
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marabarl-and-marlbara · 7 months
hi hi mara, i remember you writing in a post that you look forward to meal times. what are your favorite foods at these times?
good morning anonymous; i try to eat exactly four meals that are always the same "thing," because i:m particular about texture/temperature and routine;
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breakfast is always a cold almond yogurt (+ some protein powder) & some kind of low-carb sugar-free crunchy cereal (as a general guideline for most-of my food/diet, my mom drilled in-to me from a young age neurosis about carbs/sugar from her diabetes/liver-failure so i ended up inheriting much of this diet-neurosis); i try to portion out all of the ratios to be ~4; ie: 3 spoonfuls of yogurt, 1 part of cereal; if there is anything mixed in-to the yogurt, i try to use three things combined with the yogurts 1 so it comes out to four (today i made peppermint yogurt + a dark chocolate cereal that was bogo @ publix last week);
lunch is always a wrap, that i burn on the stove, and then burn the assembled wrap in an air-fryer so it is 1) scalding, 2) completely dry and crunchy; the filling is usually ~4 pieces of some protein (ex: 2 pieces of cauliflower chicken stuff that is then further divided so it comes out to some number-of-4; 4 cubes of tofu that are further divided down into 16 equal pieces; a fourth of an avocado that is quartered down into four slices), + some vegetable filler (usually spinach or broccoli or kale; sometimes onions i pickle or roma tomatoes i cube), + some jalapeno (with two cross-section cuts and then chopped into ~16 slices so it quarters), + some type of sauce i usually make (my favorite is this birria-consomme-esque sauce i make every few months out of tons of dried chilis, which basically prevents it from spoiling); when it:s been cold, i:ve been making this awful vegan gravy out of buckwheat flour + fake chicken bouillion stock (in place of drippings); sometimes i use egg because i had an incident last month that made me realize my diet was killing me <- though this might:ve just been more neurosis;
dinner is either half a protein bar or a stir-fry (bean sprouts, broccoli, red peppers, tofu);
then dessert i have half of a protein bar that i burn in airfryer;
i don:t really like eating anything that doesn:t match these texture/temperature profiles; ie: baked oats are always disappointing because they:re not cold/crunchy; cold wraps (which sometimes i think i want because i like cold-sauces (like mayo or w/e) and the way i cook things basically turns them into soup) are always massive disappointments; beautifully made and composed foods from restaurants are always disappointing because they:re not as scalding as i like, or spicy as i like; etcetera;
take care, anonymous
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glow-skincare · 2 years
Great Skin from Within: A Guide to Clearing Your Skin With Food 
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Photo from BeBeautiful.in
In order to have great skin you have to take care of it not only from the outside but from within. So what do I mean by this? Taking care of your skin from within means that you must nourish your body with healthy food. Diets filled with fried foods and foods with too much sugar can cause breakouts, redness, excessive dryness or oiliness, etc. This doesn’t mean that you have to give up your favorite foods, you can still enjoy your favorite snacks in moderation. Here are some great foods to add to your diet that will help you get clear, healthy skin in no time! 
Omega 3 Fatty Acids 
These fatty acids help your skin stay hydrated and also help preserve collagen in your skin which keeps it supple, firm, and more youthful. These acids can also smooth dry, flaky skin. 
The best source for omega-3 fatty acids are fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel
Flaxseeds and chia seeds- add ground flax seeds to smoothies and shakes or try making a delicious chia seed pudding 
Soybeans- tofu 
Walnuts- add to oatmeal, smoothies, cereal  
Foods rich in antioxidants can reduce the risk of many diseases, help clear your skin, and boost your overall health. Try incorporating some of these delicious foods in your diet: 
Fruits such as peaches, cherries, apples, watermelon, papaya 
All berries, especially blueberries 
Vegetables such as carrots, dark leafy greens, broccoli, artichokes 
Green tea 
Now that you know more about what foods can help you achieve clear, glowy skin, let’s dive into some easy recipes. 
Green Smoothie Recipe
This smoothie is filled with amazing ingredients that can boost your overall health and clear your skin. 
2 cups of spinach
1 cup of almond milk 
½ cup of plain greek yogurt 
½  cup of strawberries 
½ blueberries 
½ banana 
¼ cup of walnuts 
Blend it all up, pour the smoothie into your favorite cup, and enjoy :)
The Best Chia Seed Pudding 
Chia seeds have so many amazing benefits. They are filled with omega-3 fatty acids, they can aid in digestion, and help clear up your skin. My favorite way to add more chia seeds to my diet is to make a chia seed pudding. Here is the recipe: 
2 tbsp. Chia seeds 
½ of almond or any milky of your choice 
1 tsp. of honey or any sweetener you like 
Whatever toppings you like I like adding strawberries, blueberries, and bananas 
Pour the chia seeds, milk, and sweetener into a container and mix until well combined. Then let it rest for a few minutes before mixing everything together one more time. Add your favorite toppings and you are ready to enjoy a delicious breakfast! 
Key Takeaways
Remember that having a great skin care routine that works for you is only one part of the process to getting clear, glowy skin. You must also take care of your diet and health. You don’t have to eat sad looking salads to get clear skin, eat whatever foods you like that will nourish your body and keep you healthy.
Like and follow if you enjoy my content and feel free to message me if you have any questions! 
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oodlenoodleroodle · 2 months
I have unlocked another successful recipe! 🥳
It always makes me feel so accomplished when I try a new recipe and its tasty :D
It was a kind of a vegan pyttipannu, which means sauteeing some boiled cubed potato, slices of sausage, and cauliflower florets with onion. The special thing that made it different from any pyttipannu I've ever had was that it was seasoned with arrabbiata pesto.
Heck, I'll share the recipe under the cut, and the only vegan/nonvegan element is the sausage, so you can just use whichever kind you normally would.
Pyttipannu for two
2 fist size potatoes
Four sausages, total 240 g (I have never in my life used raw sausage, so I don't know how those are handled. Do what you gotta do to make them edible if using.)
About 225 g of frozen cauliflower (or fresh if you are passionate about chopping vegetables)
1 onion (or 1 onion's worth of frozen onion bits)
Oil for sauteeing
About 1 tablespoon of arrabbiata pesto, or more if you really like the taste/the heat.
Sprinkling of dried basil (or fresh if you do fresh herbs)
Optional: lemon juice
Boil potatoes with the skin on, peel and cube. The best way is to boil them the previous day, refridgerate over night, and then peel and chop them on the day of cooking. Mealy potatoes are not ideal here, use firm ones if you have a choice.
Thaw cauliflower! If you put it in the skillet direct from frozen there will be a lot of liquid that will make the cauliflower mushy! Best way to thaw is to put the frozen cauliflower in the fridge the day before. But it is possible to use a microwave or a steamer to thaw. Web search how. If using fresh, cut it up and take note that you will need to sautee it longer than if it were thawed.
Cut the sausages into slices. Cut a bit diagonally to get more surface, because that way it'll have more area for flavour. I don't know whether raw sausage can be cut before being cooked; you know your path so do what you gotta do.
If using a fresh onion, chop it up to bits. Frozen onion can go on the skillet direct from frozen.
The Steps
Sautee the sausages on a skillet until they have browned. If you are using raw sausage, cook them enough to make them safe to eat. Set aside.
Heat oil and add the onion and cauliflower. After a while add the potatoes. Sautee until potatoes and cauliflowers get browned a bit, that's the good stuff.
Reintroduce the sausages. Add the arrabbiata. Mix it all up until well combined.
Sprinkle with basil, and lemon juice if using.
I know Finland sells frozen nonvegan pyttipannu mix so you can probably just use that and skip the potato and sausage steps. Same with if you have access to frozen cubed potato, that will probably be fine here.
The vegan plate model is 1/3 protein, 1/3 carb, 1/3 vegetable. This dish conforms to that model.
The recommended daily minimum amount of fruit and vegetables for all diets is 500 grams, preferably divided into at least 5 different kinds (so like, don't eat 500 grams of cauliflower, that's not how it works). This dish has basically one portion of cauliflower per eater.
Remember to supplement a vegan or majority-vegan diet with
B-12 vitamin (25-100 µg a day)
D-vitamin (10-50 µg a day depending on where you are on the planet and what your skintone is, do not exceed 100 µg a day)
iodine (150 µg a day, do not exceed 600 µg a day)
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goldentarlos · 1 year
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read on ao3
chapter one chapter two: share your food with them
trigger warning: mentions of dieting. it doesn’t go too into detail but i don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable 💓
“Can you please tell your fiancé his body is perfect and that he can eat a carb?” Nancy groans as she hands Carlos his and TK’s takeout boxes. Carlos says a quiet “thank you” as he sets the boxes down onto the island of the 126 kitchen.
“I tell him all of the time.” He settles down on the stool, folding his arms as he waits for TK. “What did he order?”
“Chicken Fajitas.” They both look up when TK enters the kitchen, Nancy giving him an unamused look. “Without the tortillas. With very special instructions of no oil or grease and for the vegetables to be steamed, not fried. They probably spat in there, too.”
TK crinkles his nose in disgust. “Ew. Why would they do that?”
“Because you’re a brat.”
TK sticks his tongue out at her, walking over to Carlos and placing a hand on his back. “Hi, baby.” He sits down next to him, smiling when Carlos places a hand on his leg and squeezes. He takes note of his slightly red eyes and how tense his body is, brown eyes looking at him worriedly.
Judd and Mateo enter the kitchen next, and Carlos waits until they’re conversing amongst themselves before asking quietly, “You okay?”
TK blows out a shaky breath, shoulders deflating slightly. “Yeah.” He reaches for his box and opens it, the strong smell of the fajitas hitting their noses. Carlos leans closer so that TK meets his eyes, causing him to roll his own and laugh. “Not the cow eyes.”
“C’mon. Talk to me.”
“Just my dad.” He smiles reassuringly at Carlos. “I’m okay. Promise. Just a little stressed.”
Carlos hums sympathetically at that. He knows TK is downplaying it. He knows it’s been a lot of stress lately. His fiancé, who has been shouldering so much lately, has been so wonderful dealing with it all. Carlos is always in awe of his strength and resilience; but he knows adding whatever his dad is hiding from him into the mix has started to take a toll on him. Judd says Owen does it to protect TK and prevent him from “worrying about his old man”, but Carlos knows it hurts him more in the end.
Judd stands across from them with his plate of food and Carlos chooses not to push any further. He shoots TK a look — we’ll talk later — and opens his takeout box.
The strong aroma of his Carne Asada tacos fills the air. From the corner of his eye he can see TK pause mid-bite to sniff noisily. “What is that smell?” He groans and closes his eyes.
Carlos stifles a laugh. “I think it’s mine.”
TK looks over at his plate of food longingly. “Tacos?” He pouts when Carlos nods. His favorite.
“Carne Asada.” He confirms. He hesitates before asking, “You want?” 
He loves TK and wants to be there to support him through everything, even through this (unnecessary) diet; and he doesn’t want to be the one to set him back. When TK had first brought up the idea to him a few weeks ago he was confused, not able to understand why his fiancé would need to be on a diet eighteen months before their wedding, but he was supportive and understanding, even if it was difficult for him at first. 
Carlos has always loved to feed people, something that he knows he gets from his abuela, so that same night he searched and saved paleo recipes he found online that they could try out together. 
TK always says he’s a few pounds heavier than he’s ever been in his life ever since they moved in together. Carlos has seen old pictures of TK when he was in New York, and he remembers when he first met him. He compares them to the beautiful man that stands before him now and his heart swells with pride. He likes that his cheeks are rounder. He loves that he’s softer, loves to kiss the soft pouch of skin under his belly button that TK tries so hard to get rid of. 
He’s happy. He’s healthy, both physically and mentally, and it’s been the most beautiful thing Carlos has ever witnessed.
“I shouldn’t.”
“TK, a few tacos won’t hurt you.” Judd pipes up, looking at TK in amusement.
Carlos smiles gently at TK, careful not to pressure him. He sees the moment he gives in to the temptations, his shoulders sagging in defeat. He grabs the takeout box Carlos slides towards him, completely pushing away his own plate of chicken fajitas to the side, forgotten. 
He moans in delight at the taste of the tacos, causing Mateo to laugh, Judd to watch in amusement and Carlos to smile at him fondly. “I needed this.”
After he eats one he pushes the box back towards Carlos, who shakes his head. “You can have them, babe.” Carlos combs his fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck.
“Are you sure?” He asks but is already taking a bite out of the second taco.
Carlos laughs and nods his head, sliding TK’s box towards himself so he can finish his tortilla-less, very bland fajitas.
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journeyto112 · 1 year
Day 10(?)
I decided that instead of rapidly losing weight by significantly cutting food intake like I usually do is not sustainable, and I’d rather feel good and work on lowering my body fat percentage rather than solely targeting my weight. I’ve been doing many workouts consistently to lower upper arm fat and a lot of cardio to lose weight. I am focusing specifically on working my inner abs, so the difference won’t be noticeable until I drop a bit more weight but I am working on cardio for that reason. I am planning on doing leg and glute workouts mainly by lifting at the gym.
I have mostly been eating salads and vegetables, along with a low amount of carbs if I am extra hungry, such as a breadstick. I try to mix up my diet so I won’t get tired of the same food but the most important thing is that the food I eat is healthy and makes me feel good physically and mentally.
I’ve been hiking a lot and going on walks, but haven’t quite gotten back into running yet. I used to run at least six miles a day, so my plan is to start running more again. However, I want to avoid strengthening my outer abs in order to achieve a more hour glass affect, so I might do more intensive training at weight training rather than too much running. I do also want to run more in order to strengthen my leg muscles.
I’ve been drinking a lot of water so it is harder to see a difference due to water bloating, but I woke up this morning and was able to see a difference. I haven’t eaten anything yet today, so I’ve been working out on an empty stomach in order to burn more calories (I’m not sure this is true or not but I believe it is).
One thing that’s important for me to learn is not eating every time I feel hungry, as in not full. I’m so used to feeling the need to eat every time my stomach is not full, even if I’m not necessarily hungry. It is 1:30pm and I’ve usually eaten by then, but today I am still not hungry, so I’m waiting until I’m actually hungry to eat. It makes me feel better physically, especially now that I’m starting to use food as a fuel source rather than eating it for dopamine.
That is all for now, good luck to everyone else and remember to lose weight the healthy way; you’ll even look much better losing weight healthily than unhealthily. I don’t think my goal is to get to 112 anymore, it’s to gain muscle and achieve the goal of LOOKING like 112, but if I weigh more than that due to muscle weight then that is completely fine too. Overall I want to look as thin as I am comfortable with, which for me is pretty thin, while also having a low fat percentage and a lot of muscle, whether you can see it or not. I personally feel much more comfortable in life when I have a very low fat percentage because I feel better overall and don’t need as much unhealthy forms of dopamine to feel okay.
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juliashealthtips · 1 year
Your Ultimate Guide to Rapid Weight Loss at Home!
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Are you tired of feeling sluggish and uncomfortable in your own skin? Do you want to lose weight fast but don't have the time or money to hit the gym or hire a personal trainer? Fear not, my friend, because you've come to the right place! In this ultimate guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about rapid weight loss at home. From setting realistic goals to creating a healthy meal plan, we've got you covered. So grab a glass of water, put on your favorite workout gear, and let's get started!
Why Rapid Weight Loss at Home?  First things first, why should you consider rapid weight loss at home? Well, for starters, it's convenient and cost-effective. You don't need a fancy gym membership or expensive equipment to get started. Plus, when you're working out at home, you can do it on your own time and at your own pace. It's also a great way to build healthy habits that will stick with you long-term.
Set Realistic Goals: The key to any successful weight loss journey is setting realistic goals. It's important to remember that rapid weight loss doesn't happen overnight, and it's not sustainable in the long run. A safe and healthy rate of weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. So, if you want to lose 10 pounds, aim to do it in 5-10 weeks.
Discover Efficient Techniques for Rapid Weight Loss at Home with this Comprehensive Guide!
3. Get Moving: Now that you've set your goals, it's time to get moving! Exercise is an essential part of any weight loss journey. It helps you burn calories, builds muscle, and boosts your metabolism. The good news is, there are plenty of workouts you can do at home without any equipment. Try bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups, or follow along with a fitness video on YouTube.
4. Mix It Up: Variety is the spice of life, and it's also important when it comes to exercise. Doing the same workout every day can get boring and lead to a plateau in your weight loss progress. Mix things up by trying different types of workouts, like yoga, dance, or HIIT (high-intensity interval training).
5. Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water is crucial for weight loss. Not only does it help flush out toxins and keep you feeling full, but it also boosts your metabolism. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, and try to replace sugary drinks like soda and juice with water whenever possible.
6. Watch Your Diet: Exercise is only part of the equation when it comes to weight loss. You also need to pay attention to what you're eating. A healthy diet should consist of plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. Avoid processed foods, sugary snacks, and fast food. Consider tracking your calories and macros using an app like MyFitnessPal.
7. Meal Prep: Meal prepping is a great way to stay on track with your diet and save time during the week. Dedicate a day to planning and preparing your meals for the week ahead. Choose recipes that are healthy and easy to make in large batches, like chili, stir-fry, or roasted veggies.
8. Snack Smart: Snacking can be a healthy part of your diet, as long as you're choosing the right foods. Opt for snacks that are high in protein and fiber, like nuts, seeds, and fresh fruit. Avoid sugary snacks and processed foods, as they can spike your blood sugar and leave you feeling hungry again soon after.
Discover Efficient Techniques for Rapid Weight Loss at Home with this Comprehensive Guide!
9. Get Enough Sleep: Getting enough sleep is crucial for weight loss and overall health. Lack of sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism, leading to overeating and weight gain. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night, and establish a consistent sleep routine to help your body get into a rhythm.
If you have trouble falling asleep, try practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation before bed. Avoid caffeine and alcohol, especially in the evening, as they can interfere with sleep quality. Creating a sleep-conducive environment, like keeping your bedroom cool and dark, can also help improve the quality of your sleep.
Remember, getting enough sleep is not only important for weight loss, but also for your overall health and well-being. Prioritizing rest and sleep can make a big difference in your weight loss journey.
10. Manage Stress: Stress can also contribute to weight gain, as it can lead to overeating and unhealthy food choices. Find ways to manage your stress, like meditation, yoga, or journaling. Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health.
11. Don't Skip Meals: Skipping meals can actually sabotage your weight loss efforts. When you skip meals, your metabolism slows down and your body goes into starvation mode, which can lead to overeating later on. Instead, aim to eat small, frequent meals throughout the day to keep your metabolism revved up.
12. Find a Support System: Having a support system can make all the difference when it comes to weight loss. Whether it's a friend, family member, or online community, find people who will cheer you on and hold you accountable. Sharing your journey with others can also help you stay motivated and inspired.
13. Be Kind to Yourself: Remember, weight loss is a journey, not a destination. It's important to be kind to yourself along the way, and not beat yourself up for slip-ups or setbacks. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and focus on the positive changes you're making in your life.
14. Monitor Your Progress: Tracking your progress can be a great way to stay motivated and see how far you've come. Take measurements and photos at the start of your journey, and monitor your weight and body composition regularly. Celebrate your milestones along the way, like fitting into a smaller size jeans or running a mile without stopping.
15. Consult a Professional: If you're struggling to lose weight or have any underlying health conditions, it's always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional. They can help you create a personalized plan that takes into account your unique needs and goals. They can also provide guidance on any supplements or medications that may be helpful in your weight loss journey.
Discover Efficient Techniques for Rapid Weight Loss at Home with this Comprehensive Guide!
In conclusion, rapid weight loss at home is achievable with the right mindset, strategies, and support. By setting realistic goals, exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, managing stress, and getting enough sleep, you can make sustainable changes to your lifestyle and achieve your weight loss goals. Remember to be kind to yourself along the way and celebrate your progress. You've got this!
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physical-products · 30 days
Shedding Pounds and Feeling Great: My African Lean Belly Journey
I've been on my weight loss journey for a while now, and let me tell you, it's had its ups and downs. I tried different diets, exercise routines, even some other supplements, but the results were either slow or unsustainable. Then, I came across African Lean Belly. Here's my experience with this fantastic product.
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Boosting My Metabolism and Burning Fat
African Lean Belly claims to target a specific type of fat molecule linked to stubborn belly fat. I was sceptical at first, but after a few weeks of consistent use, I noticed a difference. My clothes started fitting looser, especially around my waist. I believe the natural ingredients in the supplement, like dandelion and green tea extract, played a role in boosting my metabolism and aiding fat burning.
Natural Energy and Reduced Cravings
One of the most pleasant surprises with African Lean Belly was the increase in energy levels. I used to experience afternoon slumps, but the supplement kept me feeling energized throughout the day. This also helped me curb unhealthy cravings. I found myself reaching for fruits and vegetables more often, which is a welcome change.
Simple to Use and Integrate into My Routine
African Lean Belly comes in a convenient powder form. In the mornings, I simply mix a scoop with water or my favourite smoothie. It mixes easily and doesn't have an unpleasant taste. The simple routine made it easy to incorporate the supplement into my daily life, unlike some other products that require multiple pills or following a complex schedule.
Sustainable Weight Loss and a Healthier Lifestyle
While African Lean Belly was a great help, it wasn't a magic bullet. I did make some adjustments to my diet, like reducing processed foods and sugary drinks. However, the supplement definitely helped me stay motivated and see results. The weight loss I experienced felt sustainable, and I'm confident I can maintain a healthy lifestyle with African Lean Belly as part of my routine.
Important Note: Consulting a Doctor
It's important to remember that everyone's body is different. Before starting any new supplement, it's always wise to consult your doctor. They can advise you on whether African Lean Belly is right for you and your specific health goals.
Overall, I'm incredibly happy with my experience with African Lean Belly. It provided a much-needed boost to my weight loss journey, increased my energy levels, and helped me make healthier choices. If you're looking for a natural supplement to support your weight loss goals, I highly recommend giving African Lean Belly a try.
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