oodlenoodleroodle · 2 hours
Tärkeintä täs on se vika kirjain/ihan sanan loppu. Jos sun murre muuttaa jotain sanan keskeltä, niin niillä ei tässä oo väliä (mut voit toki kertoo tageissa tms.) Mua kiinnostaa nyt se, et onko siellä lopussa kirjakielessä sanaan kuuluva n-kirjain vai ei. Ja pliis kerro myös niin tarkasti kuin somessa haluat et mistä päin Suomea oot! Jos siis vaan ok niin kerro jopa kaupunki (tai lähin kaupunki) yritän selvittää täs jotain todella spesifiä :D
Muita esimerkkejä
Juoksemaan -> juokseen vai juoksee
Nukkumaan -> nukkuun vai nukkuu
Katsomaan -> katsoon/kattoon vai katsoo/kattoo
Esimerkkilause: Hän jäi kalliolle itkemään -> jäi itkeen vai jäi itkee.
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oodlenoodleroodle · 3 hours
This week's update had it!
And to make a tiny, context-dependent single-sentence story out of it, the line at the end of the email said:
"This update edited while wearing glasses for the first time."
I have been getting the weekly email newsletter from This American Life for a really long time, over a decade probably.
The email always ends with "This update edited [something different every time]."
The most recent one did not have this final text.
Ngl that made me sad. The end text has been a tiny reminder that there is a person doing that.
I hope it was just this one time and that next week's will have it again.
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oodlenoodleroodle · 4 hours
Palestiinan tapauksessa se vakavasti otettava taho on BDS-liike eli boikotointi, divestointi (de-investointi) ja sanktiointi. Se on maailmanlaajuinen liike ja niiden boikotit oikeasti toimii, koska ne on keskitettyjä. Eli jos kaikki somessa heiluvat boikottilistat ahdistaa niin jätä ne huomiotta ja keskity BDS:n valitsemiin toimijoihin. Keskeisimpänä kaikki israelilaiset tuotteet (eli tsekkaa tuotteiden alkuperämaat), Hewlett-Packard ja Puma on varmaan ne mitä normaalit ihmiset ostaa.
Suomessa mm. järjestö nimeltä Sumud järjestää paljon miekkareita ja muuta toimintaa, niiden nettisivuja ja somea kannattaa vilkuilla kun tuntuu että pitäs tehdä jottain.
mä suhtaudun tosi skeptisesti someissa kiertäviin "ensi keskiviikkona maailmanlaajuinen lakko palestiinan puolesta! älä mene töihin/kouluun ja älä postaa someen muuta ku palestiinaa!" -huuteluihin
nää on huonosti organisoidun näköstä toimintaa, johon osallistumalla ottaa isoja riskejä vailla suurta vaikuttavuutta
ensinnäki älkää oikeesti ikinä lakkoilko töistä ilman et teiän ammattiliitto on sen lakon takana, muuten saatte potkut eikä kukaan tuu teitä auttamaan, ei varsinkaan tän somelakon "järjestäjät" jotka vaan huutelee näitä ilman mitään valmiutta tukea lakkoilijoita
samasta syystä älkää ikinä yllyttäkö muita näihin mukaan, koska ette haluu olla se joka aiheutti kaverillenne potkut
jos teiän liitto järjestää lakon, osallistukaa siihen (tosin palestiinan puolesta semmosta ei valitettavasti tule, koska se ei ole ammattiliittojen toiminnan tarkoitus)
jos joku syyllistää niitä, jotka ei osallistu näihin löyhästi masinoituihin somehuutelulakkoihin, älkää korvaanne lotkauttako sille
jos joku oikeasti vakavasti otettava taho järjestää huolellisesti toteutetun mielenosoituksen, boikotin tai muun protestin, osallistukaa siihen!
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oodlenoodleroodle · 4 hours
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onks tää mitään
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oodlenoodleroodle · 4 hours
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oodlenoodleroodle · 4 hours
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Asking out of curiosity
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oodlenoodleroodle · 4 hours
Also also you get a progress bar for the book.
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Orange is unproofread OCR text, green is finished proofread pages. (I think the black on top is like a measuring tape, where every fifth block is orange. So that you can assess how long the whole thing is.)
Hej Nordiska vänner and everybody
There is a thing called Runeberg.org that is like Project Gutenberg, but focusing on Nordic texts. They have scans of old books, from which a computer has extracted the text, and that automatic text needs to be proofread and corrected to match the scanned page.
Its a lot of stuff in Swedish but also plenty other languages too (Danish and Norwegian and Finnish, but also German, French, English, Latin...)
So if you wanna do some volunteer good work in the world you can help out with the proofreading. It's all done in the browser, I've been doing it on the phone, so it really doesn't take anything special.
Some stuff is in blackletter, which can be hard to read if youre not used to it, but there's also stuff in more modern fonts.
Here are the instructions in how to do it:
I'm currently proofreading a Finnish translation of Danish stories from the 1800s. You can arrange the titles according to language, so you can find the ones you can read.
There are at least a couple of "English-speaking person travels in Sweden and describes what's there" -books that are in English in the time period I looked at.
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oodlenoodleroodle · 5 hours
Why must we pit a bad bitch against herself? :(
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we are not getting out of the plant blog allegations with this one
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oodlenoodleroodle · 5 hours
This would make an amazing ttrpg adventure setting. The lord of the mansion invites you over and you have a lot of fun, but you are the only people there besides him. House is mysteriously full of all sorts of animals though (who used to be people. Who turned them into animals and why?)
“Lord Byron gets up at two. I get up, quite contrary to my usual custom … at 12. After breakfast we sit talking till six. From six to eight we gallop through the pine forest which divide Ravenna from the sea; we then come home and dine, and sit up gossiping till six in the morning. I don’t suppose this will kill me in a week or fortnight, but I shall not try it longer. Lord B.’s establishment consists, besides servants, of ten horses, eight enormous dogs, three monkeys, five cats, an eagle, a crow, and a falcon; and all these, except the horses, walk about the house, which every now and then resounds with their unarbitrated quarrels, as if they were the masters of it… . [P.S.] I find that my enumeration of the animals in this Circean Palace was defective … . I have just met on the grand staircase five peacocks, two guinea hens, and an Egyptian crane. I wonder who all these animals were before they were changed into these shapes.”
— Percy Bysshe Shelley on the lifestyle of Lord Byron (via timemarauder)
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oodlenoodleroodle · 6 hours
ID: photo of a book, the text reads: 34. Have you ever seen a severed hand or foot, or a decapitayed head, just lying somewhere far away from the body it belonged
me: what is your wisdom today, oh great stoic philosopher marcus aurelius
marcus aurelius:
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oodlenoodleroodle · 16 hours
Also they want the transcript to be exactly the same as the text on the page, including weird archaic word forms and spelling errors and everything, so its not stuff that can be automatised by a large language model or anything like that.
Hej Nordiska vänner and everybody
There is a thing called Runeberg.org that is like Project Gutenberg, but focusing on Nordic texts. They have scans of old books, from which a computer has extracted the text, and that automatic text needs to be proofread and corrected to match the scanned page.
Its a lot of stuff in Swedish but also plenty other languages too (Danish and Norwegian and Finnish, but also German, French, English, Latin...)
So if you wanna do some volunteer good work in the world you can help out with the proofreading. It's all done in the browser, I've been doing it on the phone, so it really doesn't take anything special.
Some stuff is in blackletter, which can be hard to read if youre not used to it, but there's also stuff in more modern fonts.
Here are the instructions in how to do it:
I'm currently proofreading a Finnish translation of Danish stories from the 1800s. You can arrange the titles according to language, so you can find the ones you can read.
There are at least a couple of "English-speaking person travels in Sweden and describes what's there" -books that are in English in the time period I looked at.
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oodlenoodleroodle · 2 days
Fiia cat came to stay with us on wednesday. She is confined to the bedroom until she adjusts a little. She's about 7, her previous owner had to go to a care home and couldn't bring her, so she was surrendered to the cat shelter, from which we got her.
She loves skritches and she will happily come to us when we are laying on the bed – but only if we keep still (arms and heads moving is okay; torsos and legs not, she will run away). The plan is that once she stops finding upright humans too scary, she will be allowed in the rest of the apartment.
This is her, chilling on the bed with me this morning. You can't see it in the picture but she is the smallest cat. Incredibly tiny.
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I didn't mention it here because of grief, but Eetu cat died in November. His kidneys were really bad, and the hospital couldn't do a surgery so he was put down. He was only six years old.
So in mid-April I contacted the cat house and said we could house one cat, and Fiia was the only one they had that they were willing to give to live as a single cat (most of shelter cats in Finland are like, kittens born outside, so they are poorly socialised to live with humans, so the shelter wants such cats to pair with a cat who can support the other cat, or to adopt out as bonded pairs so they can support each other, but we aren't in a position where we can have two cats).
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oodlenoodleroodle · 2 days
I work in a museum and we have ten paintings by Albert Edelfelt (a famous Finnish painter) and they are on permanent display.
And all the damn time, everywhere in local papers and social media groups and everywhere, people are saying "we need an art museum because the museum in town doesn't have room for all of those important art works they are storing in their basement!"
We keep saying over and over: we do not have large amounts of important artworks in basements, we have these ten paintings and they are on permanent display. The things in our collections that are not on display are sketches and other works on paper (aka very sensitive to light and other conditions they would be exposed to if on display for a long time) and not actually that interesting to very many people.
This has been going on for decades. At least four different museum directors have tried to make the public understand this fact.
Insert meme of the shaking hands with one hand being "tumblr staff trying to get people to understand that there is an algorithm" and the other is "oodlenoodleroodle's museum trying to get people to understand that the art is on display and you can come look at it whenever"
Have the peeps at Tumblr ever thought about changing the terminology/icon for the like feature since it doesn't necessarily have the same function as the like feature on other platforms? (Being it's more like a bookmark feature and less of an algorithm feeding feature) I see people on here talk a lot about newer users not reblogging posts due to a misunderstanding of how the site works -- so I'm just curious, really, if it's talked about at all!
we talk about it a lot, mostly about whether we should add a bookmark feature to live alongside likes. and we do have “an algorithm” and likes help power it, just like every other social media site.
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oodlenoodleroodle · 2 days
Sending in nazi stormtroopers to terrorize torture & imprison anti-genocide teenagers has bi-partisan support nationwide, slandering every protestor as a genocidal brainless nazi stooge of iran has bipartisan support nationwide, filling mass graves with executed families & doctors has bipartisan support nationwide, vote blue to stop fascism!
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oodlenoodleroodle · 2 days
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We know genocide is illegitimate, no matter how you try to dehumanize Gazans.
Giving Israel the space and time to fabricate its reasons has been a disaster for humanity.
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oodlenoodleroodle · 2 days
talking to people while holding a beverage is awesome because you don't have to know what to do with your hands and when you don't know what to do with your face you can just take a sip
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oodlenoodleroodle · 2 days
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