#troublesome tias
expectiations · 3 months
not doing much. just sitting here trying to remember other characters I love other than River Song.
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tarjapearce · 8 months
soccerfamily!au Miguel and wife’s wedding?
It's Soccer Family week ~ ❤️✨
A little long, hope you like ~ c:
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After Miguel proposed, there was a miriad of things that came over both. Gabi being seven months old, you looking for a dress, the both looking for a venue and so many details Miguel found annoying.
He was a simple man. If it was up to him, he'd marry you in Peter's house where he met you without that much grandeur. However, seeing you so excited for having a little wedding and the glimpse of you in a gorgeous dress, decreased his peeving. He did everything you wanted, just for the sake of seeing your smile.
This week, you'd finally see a venue that had tickled his interest. Something comfortable enough for a reduced number of people. Neither of you had much friends, which was good economically wise, not that you were struggling, he just found it useless to splurge a lot of money on people he didn't know. The ceremony would be something for friends and family.
At first he wasn't sure of asking you about your family.
"Do you plan on telling them?"
"I will. Just my dad and my eldest aunt."
He held your hand and squeezed gently.
"Are you sure of it?"
"Yes. Dad well... he's alright. And my Tia is the only one I actually like there, so..."
You rested your head on his lap, and caressed his chin.
"And your brother?"
"He's in another country right now. And doubt he reaches to show up in time. Just them."
Miguel nodded and weaved his fingers through the silkiness of your hair.
"Alright then."
"Are you inviting your mom?"
He heaved and shook his head.
"No. Doubt she comes in good spirits anyway."
Humming, you nodded and kissed his hands.
"Alright. I think we won't be even that much people anyways. Feels like an elopement"
He chuckled while you played with his fingers.
"Isn't it? The only difference is that we chose to have witnesses."
You curled in his chest and smiled
The venue was as charming as the ad promised. A backyard looking space which grass was greener than envy itself, wild flowers painted the milieu with their rich colors, a little lake on the side to make it look straight out of a fairytale.
Miguel couldn't help but squeeze you as your eyes shone with excitement.
You nearly had a crisis when the perfect dress you had picked wasn't available in your size. Even though Miguel tried to comfort you by saying you'd look gorgeous even in a burlap potato sack, you didn't want a traditional princess pompous dress.
You wanted to make his jaw drop. So you went the extra mile to get it done with little retouches. Even Gabi had a little dress custom made for her along a matching headband.
The dress turned out even better and was easier to slip out of it. The venue was looking perfect, the wedding planner had surely made it look just like you wanted. Cozy, intimate, truly ready to celebrate with those that had been through it all with Miguel and you.
Sadly, not everything was butterflies in the meadows. Some family members of yours had known about your wedding, and naturally, they didn't like the fact you had excluded them. Your mother specially.
Even if the confrontation was unavoidable, you stood your ground and not invited her, and your other relatives. Severing the troublesome bond for good.
She only saw Gabi briefly, and left.
Miguel gave you a little reassuring that night ~
And finally the day came.
You took breakfast together, and then went to your respective activities during the day.
"See you later, Mr. O'Hara." You squeezed and slapped his butt before sending him off.
"Just for you to know, I'm getting my revenge later, cariño"
"Looking forward to it, nalgón" (bubble butt)
He greeted Gabi, played a bit with her and left.
Jessica and MJ arrived a couple of hours later and soon the preparations begun. Your dress and Gabi's finally arrived.
You bathed her and got her ready for the day.
"Whose taking her for the wedding night?"
"Oh no, we're taking her with us."
"Thought your aunt Isa would take her."
"Miguel refused. It's not like we-"
"Uh uh. Don't tell me"
Jessica's lips pursed, annoyed as you giggled.
"Anyways, look at this beautiful princesita!"
You put Gabi her little headband and snapped a picture to send it to Miguel.
Mi princesa preciosa. She looks so beautiful. Can't wait to see you.
The text made you smile and gave you enough boost to keep through the motions. The makeup artist and stylist came, MJ was the first, then Jessica and finally you.
While they got ready, you made sure to breastfeed Gabi and put her to sleep so you could get ready without much issue.
You spammed Miguel with silly pictures.
See this cereal?
It's missing something.
No. Not any milk. Yours 😘.
His cheeks had turned flushed as he was getting ready with Peter.
"What's wrong?"
You're so in trouble.
Two pm came and the small guest list filled in the room. Gabriel was his groomsman. Around twenty people were there including some coworkers from Miguel's, your aunt Isa, surprisingly your brother had arrived on time and attended as well. Around twenty people in total.
All seated in their respective spaces.
Miguel constantly loosened the tie, only for Gabriel to fix it for him.
I'm almost there, Gabi was hungry.
He sighed and as he was about to fiddle with his neck again, Gabriel slapped his hand away.
"Relájate. Ya va a venir." (Relax, she's in her way)
Gabriel gave him a little bottle of tequila.
"Drink it."
He gulped it down and sighed.
"Vows ready?"
Gabriel chuckled and patted his shoulder.
"You'll do great. Relax."
His cue to enter was there and with a deep sigh he walked to the altar.
Many looked at him with genuine excited faces. If he was honest, a wedding was the last thing in his mind, it was one of those things he thought once in almost never. But now, things were different.
He was different. You didn't fix him, just improved him, guided him through the darkest things to make amends with himself and allow him to overcome so many fears.
Having a family mainly. His own problems had hindered his growth in so many levels, but with your help and patience, everything was a bit easier. Your nurtured him with things he didn't even knew he needed.
And now, he was about to get you all to himself before anyone else. Of course there had been men that tried to take you away from him, but your loyalty to him was unwavering. What other proof he needed when you stood there, like an angel in a lovely dress, ready to take him as your husband.
Your dad walked next to you, waltzing you to the altar as Jessica and MJ followed you. A proud feeling invaded Miguel's chest. He gave your dad a firm handshake, an unspoken Thank you for giving her to me.
Miguel took your hand, giving a kiss to your palm.
The smile in his face was one that disarmed you. His eyes were full of pride and love, just like yours. Someone took a picture.
Your aunt Isa held Gabi. And soon, the ceremony begun. The wedding officiant gave the introduction speech, and soon the vows were brought up. Miguel started.
His hands trembled softly as he pulled out the small sheet he had wrote them in. Some blotches of ink sprawled, discarded words and the like.
Your name rolled of his tongue. So ever sweet, yet teasing.
"Mi corazón. I know I'm not good with words, but know that they're true when I say, you know better than anyone how difficult I can be. My nature and constant attitude often pushed people away." Here he pauses, a subtle softening in his eyes as he looks upon you.
"But you," he continues, "saw past all that. With your warmth and good humor, you stayed by my side. You eased my worries and made me feel understood. Because of you, I've learned that opening my heart does not make me weak - it makes me stronger." A little smile tugs at his lips now.
"I promise to cherish your love and welcome your light each day. You are the place I long to come to every day. My vow to you is this - I will strive to show you each day how much you and your faith in me mean. You are my partner in crime and all things, mi Pitufina. I am yours, now and always."
Your hand squeezed him tighter, noticing a little flush on his ears and cheeks.
"Thanks for giving me the honor of being your husband and the father of our child, mi niña."
You kissed his hand as he looked at Gabi as the crowd clapped.
"Miguel. Mi amor. Papasito"
The attendants chuckled and Miguel cleared his throat as you giggled.
"Ever since I saw you, I thought, damn he's tall. I'd climb him like a tree."
He couldn't help but choke. Gabriel cleared his throat, trying to suppress a laugh, Peter tittered under his breath and your dad stared intensely at Miguel.
Jessica face-palmed and MJ just smiled.
" But jokes aside, It surprised me you really went to open that beer with your teeth. And that alone made me curious about you and again I thought, yeah this man is mine." He rolled his eyes with a tiny smirk.
"We've been through so much that it's impossible to pick one single moment I wasn't fascinated by you."
His eyes softened and you squeezed his hands lovingly
"We've had our downs and up, cause no relationship is perfect nor easy. You've taught me so much about myself it's ridiculous how well you know me." You smiled,
"I know that I'm not the easiest woman to handle or be with some days, but know that you have someone that will be through thick and thin with you, yesterday, today and always."
You took a deep breath, "I can't wait to see what life has in store for us, Mi amor. Te amo. And I can't wait to kiss you."
He chuckled. Once the vows finished, the ceremony kept going. Gabi was the ring girl, and with the aid of Tia Isa, delivered the ring to you both.
Neither Miguel or you hesitated to say I do. Just made the moment even sweeter when you kissed as newlyweds.
"I introduce you, ladies and gentlemen to Mr. and Mrs. O'Hara"
The crowd cheered you both. Miguel took Gabi after you dad took several pictures with her.
She cooed upon seeing Miguel. Then, you both moved to the next location a couple of steps away.
Tables neatly adorned, the lights were set with an intensity enough to not overwhelm Miguel’s eyesight. Your dad took once more Gabi, letting you have the first dance with Miguel.
The soft and mellow beat of "My Love Mine All Mine" echoed through the speakers. Miguel hadn't tell you but he had been practicing a bit more his waltz. Funnily enough, Gabriel had been his dance dummy. Lots of crushed toes and sore feet later was worth your surprised face as he twirled you and swayed you through the song.
You thanked him with a big smooch and a smile. Your wedding rings clinked as you took each other's hands.
"Mr. O'Hara?"
You got on your tiptoes and kissed him.
"You happy?"
He shrugged, earning a playful gasp from you.
"Been better"
"So mean!"
He took your chin and gave a little kiss
"I'm proud of you, Miguel." He huffed softly and you pulled a little strand from his hair as a revenge.
"I loved your vows."
"You kidding me? I nearly choked."
Giggling you lead him to your seats.
"Now, we gotta hear how people make fun of us."
"I will also too."
"Enough with your vows, cariño."
You giggled
"You looked like plum! All red!"
"Impossible not to when you said you wanna climb me like a tree"
You kissed him with a laugh, "Well yeah. I've climbed through those mountains-"
"Stop" His shoulders shook softly at the silent laugh he gave you.
"See? What would you do without me?"
"Probably overwork myself until death."
"I was being sarcastic, but still doesn't sounds good."
"I'm way too used to having you around."
Your eyes softened and hooked your hand in the joint of his forearm.
"Well, lucky for you, I'm stuck with you. Forever. Or until one of us deci-"
He nipped your ear. A clear Shut Up.
"You talk too much when nervous."
The rest of the wedding unfolded as expected. Almost everyone laughed at the friend's speeches about you two.
Gabriel gave a half funny half heartfelt speech about how happy he was for his brother. And Peter he plainly embarrassed Miguel by saying how much of a nervous and babbling mess your now husband was whenever you looked his way or interacted somehow with him.
And once the reception ended, you went to your hotel with Gabi.
You both were far too tired to actually have sex, or celebrate it.
Miguel had to remove Gabi since she fell asleep latching from your breast. He was tempted to wake you up by eating you out, instead he carried you to bed after putting Gabi next to your sleeping form that ended up in his arms.
Miguel O'Hara was now a married man.
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Friendships: Nate's Friends
Originally started a post in my drafts two months ago, that was going to dive a little more into the main characters' friendships. It mainly came about as an idea when I was trying to figure them all out, and it was going to include all the characters into a single post but with the long descriptions I was writing, I wanted to start over so it wouldn't be a super long post. Also, these are just the friendships of the created characters, but all could have more friendships other than these. But, to start off the singular posts, here is Nate's~!
- Feorian Friends
. Kenneth: Childhood best friend, the friend he has had for the longest time. First met at a get-together Nate's parents hosted for their friends from the army and their families, and after getting into a mini rough-housing session with the older kids, they bonded. In present-day Kenneth has been talking about romance and girls a lot since he felt they didn't get a chance to talk about that much during their teenage years, but Nate is not as active in these conversations.
. Damini: A friend he has had for a long time, since they were pre-teens and she was officially accepted into the Feorian nobility. They met at her first ball as a new member of the court, with Nate noticing just how nervous she was and so he wanted to help ease her fears by talking with her and personally welcoming her in. This at first makes her even more nervous having the prince approach her, but during the ball and since then they have become really close friends. As they have been friends for over a decade and Nate has gotten to the age where people expect him to start marrying, many are urging for Mini to become his future bride but this would not work out, for multiple different reasons such as them both being taken by other people and neither ever seeing the other in a romantic light during all their time together.
. Emberleigh: Knew her from the time they were in the army together, and as she is Kenneth's arranged fiancée, has both heard and met with her a few times since her retirement. They have not had many conversations together outside of being about or prompted by Kenneth, but both have mutual respect for each other. Sometime after her eventual wedding and Nate no longer hiding certain things from his best friend, they have opportunities to bond more and become friends in a way.
. Tyson: As Tyson's father is the top general of the army and Nate's father's closest friend, they have known each other since childhood. Since Ty is a few years younger they were never super close, but were always aware of the other and had that familiarity whenever they interacted. It is not till present times where Ty has come into Tia's life that they have had more interactions, but at the moment Nate still sees him as a troublesome young man, one he just needs to get to know better.
. Apollo: A friend he has had for only a short time, not quite a full year yet but someone he has become good friends with. They initially met through Damini, as one day she had brought Nate with her to meet him backstage at one of his concerts. Things were a little awkward at first, mainly on Nate's end with his introversion and guardedness. It took a while for him to truly become comfortable with him, but eventually with Apollo's more warm and welcoming disposition he was able to loosen up more. They have only hung out occasionally on their own, but along with Mini they have formed their own little friend group that has been a honest breath of fresh air for Nate. So much so that in recent times he has even felt comfortable enough to come out to both of them, and has felt so relieved not only to be able to talk about that part of himself, but to also have their support and some lgbtq+ friends in Feor.
- The Other Main Characters:
. Hestia: Although she is his sister, they have always been very close, ever since they were children. She was his first sibling so he naturally felt the protective urge over her, especially after her dealing with discouraging and unwanted comments about her autism and interest in fighting. He always used his intimidating status to get others off her back, and encouraged her to pursue her dreams. When she was old enough he was also her first sparring partner, and though they specialized in different areas than each other, they always made sure their matches were conducted fairly between them. They are each other's closest confidant and first choice when they need to vent from someone, and to this day he is still very protective of her, even when she says she can handle herself.
. Brooke: His lover whom he has been in a relationship with for over 5 years, but they have been actual friends for almost a decade and always had an inexplicable gravitation to the other. Their friendship started when Nate decided to put an end to their childhood rivalry, finding it petty and childish. During his next meeting with Brooke he offered for them to end it, and become friends instead. Brooke was a little skeptical of this at first, mainly knowing Nate did genuinely not like him for a period of time, but he quickly accepted as he himself wanted to become friends. Nate was happy to hear his acceptance, as their rivalry would be one less thing stressing him out with the growing amount of other things he needed to worry about. While they did not get to see each other often, when they did get to they focused on getting to know each other better on a more personal level, sharing some things about themselves they could not share with others, and during this time was when they realized how much they both enjoyed the other's company.
.Talia: As both are crowned heirs, he has had a lot of interactions with Talia over the years and has known her for a long time. While they are not particularly close given their differences, they still have a small, albeit snarky friendship. Sometimes when interacting they can get exasperated with each other, but from their banter and more serious talks they have learned to have an understanding and respect for the other.
. Amaya: He was always aware of Amaya from the Alliance, but they have never interacted much on an individual level before. At most they were cordial during their few interactions, but it is not till the main adventure that their dynamic starts to change. After the initial wariness and mistrust on both ends wears off, and they open up to each other more, they become closer as the whole group in general does. They are still not super close but consider the other a good friend, and can relate on the feeling of being afraid of what would happen if anyone found out about their respective sexualities and secret relationships before they are ready to tell everyone.
. Gaia: Like with Talia, he has also had a lot of interactions with Gaia over the years as both are crowned heirs, but they are on good terms. Both hold a lot of respect for the other, but Gaia brings more of the playfulness as she believes he could learn to loosen up more. Not super close yet to consider the other a close friend, but they do have opportunities to bond more during their venture together.
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Random prompt hours: Adult Skara and Willow trying to babysit the kids of their friends, and it makes them realize they both really want kids of their own, how do they decide on it together?
I actually did sort of answer this a while ago, with another prompt about the two while Skara was pregnant. However, both girls had wanted to be parents before they took care of their friend's kids, so they weren't the catalyst. Plus I didn't really get to go into the fan kids themselves...
Skara and Willow never really thought about kids all that much. Despite being married for several years, they were the last of their friends to even consider kids. It just wasn't something on their minds most of the time. But that didn't mean either girl would be opposed...
One of the downsides to having no kids of their own to take care of was that they would be the first of the friend group to be asked if they could babysit. But that wasn't a real problem for the girls: they didn't mind helping out their friends relax a little, though they'd always joke that they'd have to return the favor when Skara and Willow had their own kids. Not that either of them seriously considered it. Did they?
The children they would be asked to babysit went as thus:
Azura (Lumity, 6): The oldest of their friends kids, Azura took her human mothers ears, dark curly hair and energy, but her Witch mother's golden eyes and tiny hands. Despite not having magic of her own, she loves to show off the light glyphs her mami teaches her, as well as speaking Spanish: most of Luz's friends never were able to complete their training, so she views it like secret code between her and Luz. Despite being Luz's child, she's usually the most well behaved when babysitting: Just turn to a random page in her namesake book and she'll help her 'tia's' with the big words. They learned real quick to boobytrap the cookie jar though. Azura may have picked up some of her Grandma Eda's bad habbits.
Magnus (Huntric, 5) and Wendy (Vinera, 5 1/2): No one knows if it was magic, genetics, or some sort of scary happenstance, but the Blight Twins children, despite looking like twins themselves, are in fact cousins. Yet still, they appear to be the spitting image of their parents: The green hair, the moles, even the chin shapes. However, the dead giveaway for them not being twins is in their eyes: Magnus takes on the eyes of his Grimwalker parent, and Wendy has Viney's. However, despite their apperance, the cousins couldn't be more different: Wendy is as troublesome as moms, pulling pranks and making mischief whenever she can, regardless of the consequences. Magnus, meanwhile, is more timid, less social, and doesn't like to disappoint the adults in his life. This leads him to often tell on his cousin, much to Wendy's chagrin and annoyance. Whenever Willow and Skara babysit the two, they always attempt to help guide the child towards a less... extreme way of doing things. With Wendy, they encourage her to think about her actions, especially how replacing Skara's shampoo with burning glue can make her feel. And with Magnus, they try to help him become bolder, to sometimes leave the adults shadow and play and make friends with other children, leading them to often take him to the Slayground.
Brann (Brischa, 3): The youngest of the kids Skara and Willow babysit, Brann is also the most difficult to deal with. He carries on the three eyes of Boscha, along with her pink-tinged skin, but his eyes are amber and his hair is purple, like Bria. Even though he still needs to learn to balance for walking by himself , Brann is usually the most demanding and picky of the kids, and the quickest to get on Skara and Willow’s nerves. Still, though, he has his moments: Both babysitters agree that Brann’s adorable whenever he sleep, and so is his little laugh whenever he’s happy. 
The two served as the resident babysitters of the group, often taking at least one or two nights a month at least to help take care of them. But Skara and Willow never minded. They loved to play with the kids, see all the wacky things they could do with their magic, and seeing them grow into fine young people. But after a few years, the pair began to wonder... maybe they could be parents, too?
They came to the conclusion together one day, taking care of Azura. As they put her to bed, watching her mumble about not being sleepy before falling asleep, Skara and Willow looked on, seeing the child curled up and adorable. Then, Skara, nervous and terrified, but knowing it’s now or never, turned to Willow, ready to ask the question... before Willow blurted out “Skary, do you wanna have a baby?!?”
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kaezerdoodles · 2 years
Reign of Fire AU
(Formally Ecto-pocalypse)
So I got the idea of Danny in a ghost-infested, grungy dystopia from a song and I fell in love with it. So obvi I had to expand it into an AU.
What if the Disasteroid hit Earth? What if it ripped a massive hole between the living realm and the Ghost Zone so ghosts could move freely between dimensions? What if Vlad LET the Disasteroid hit Earth and showed his hand AFTER? Using the fact that he’s a hybrid to proclaim himself Earth’s only savior and “fight back” the ghosts to “save” everyone? And cast poor Danny in the light of a troublesome vigilante.
Okay- bear with me! So Vlad learns the Disasteroid is made of ectoranium early on and finds out that an impact with Earth would tear a rift between the living and ghost dimensions. So he sabotages all efforts to stop it and let’s it hit North America so a rift that spans several eastern states opens allowing any and all ghosts through. He lets shit hit the fan and waits till Danny fumbles and fails to be a hero (and prove how useless the GIW are)- only then does he step in and reveal he’s a hybrid and has outfitted Axion with anti-ghost weapons. Obviously he made ties with some of the ghosts as well (like Skulker and Technus) to help with tech development and ghost corralling. So he almost effortlessly reduces the threat to just near the rift but the world is already destroyed. Oh and did I mention he let Dan out? Just for Danny and maximum destruction. Vlad created a special “inhibitor chip” to keep Dan under his control (but he lost an eye getting it on him) and with Dan’s power he permanently kills Pariah, claiming the crown and the ring. And just for my fun he finds Tiamat’s amulet too but it won’t work for him (cue my darling Maven and her ties to Tia).
So everything takes place 14 years later, after Vlad establishes himself as Earth’s supreme protector and Ruler- reigning from his empire capitol in California while Danny keeps doing what he does and focuses on keeping his home, Amity Park, safe. The world still sees him as a menace but the people of Amity know better. Danny, Sam and Tucker along with the help of Danny’s parents (who find out he’s a hybrid and accept him happily) and Jazz become a pretty efficient ghost fighting squad. But unbeknownst to them there’s a ghost rebellion brewing to overthrow Vlad- turns out he’s worse than Pariah by using ghosts ecto-energy to become the only power supplier to the WORLD. Unfortunately it all hinges on catching a particularly elusive ghost that Vlad keeps VERY close at ALL times- his daughter, Gwenivere. When he personally can’t keep an eye on the energetic 13 year old he tasks Dan with watching her as he has taken to protecting the little hybrid.
I think the end goal for this AU would be all the Phantoms getting along as siblings (plus Jazz obvi), Vlad getting overthrown and locked away like Paraih, his prison being guarded by Tiamat herself and in a strange twist of irony, Danny becomes Gwen’s mentor.
The song btw-
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havenroyals · 2 years
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Mourning interrupted: Camera creep snaps and leaks private photos of singers at a funeral.
Troublesome news for Raleigh Carerra over the weekend. Last week it was confirmed the retired personal bodyguard of the singer had died. Jordan Tramain was 97, and his family said he "lived a long, proud fulfilling life." An intimate funeral was held a few days ago. Unfortunately, the privacy was ruined by a camera-happy relative.
Photos have gone viral of Carerra mourning his deceased friend. While we are deeply troubled by this leak, social media is surprisingly over the moon. The pictures show the singer sitting alone, deep in thought, after the service. What has got people talking? Kassandra was present as well.
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For those unaware, the singers called it quits on their relationship for unknown reasons. No statement or anything. We just woke up one day to a world where Rassandra was no more. A few months later, Raleigh went public with Demetra Lynn. Fans weren't receptive to the couple, claiming it was a relationship of convenience. These images seem to add fuel to the fire of something being amiss.
Kassandra was there - at the family-only event - to mourn and comfort poor widow Tia Tramain and her three sons. Raleigh's current babe, Demetra, was not seen in or around the church. A source, who wishes to remain anonymous, shed some light on the tight guest list.
"This was family only. Jordan has known Raleigh since his boyband days; they're family. Raleigh and the Tramain boys are brothers. He paid their college expenses and more. Jordan and Tia don't meet Raleigh's girlfriends, but [Kassandra]'s got that 'stamp of approval' from the folks. They may not be together now, but Cassie is family. Tia didn't want that Lynn girl there. This wasn't the time for temporaries to do a meet and greet."
Clearly, this is a closely connected insider. "Cassie" was the nickname only Raleigh called Kassandra. Simgland-based singer Avery Wilshire, Kassandra's best friend, once joked Raleigh "won't even let [Avery] call Kassandra that." The source did share that the singers did not speak or even come near each other during the funeral.
And wow! "Temporaries?" "Meet and greet?" Lynn and Carrera have been together for seven months. Are things really not serious between them? Another insider asserts Lynn hasn't met Raleigh's nephews or his Abuelita, and we know how he feels about them. On the other hand, Kassandra still talks - and occasionally works - with Crystalle, Raleigh's big sister. The Tramain family's inclusion of Kassandra and not Demetra could foreshadow the future.
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RIP Jordan Tremain: An archive photo of a young Raleigh with his bodyguard.
What do you think of all this drama unfolding because of a funeral? Keep it right here with Gossip Queen for more Pop Cultural news.
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Lost Hero: IV-Breisa
My mom’s a witch
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Word count: 4921
Summary: Breisa and the others make it to safe heaven apparently for kids like them, Demigods. And apparently the god part means your parent is a god. Wonder what god parent will claim who ?
Warnings: teenagers being teenagers, drew being a menace, cursing
Likes ❤️ , reblogs 🔁, and/or comments 💬 are much appreciated :)
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After a morning of storm spirits, goat men, and a floating Leo. Breisa felt relieved to be out of the canyon. 
Still, somewhat wary of where they were going.
 It couldn’t be worse than the Wilderness school. Yet, there was still this feeling that she couldn’t shake off. 
That feeling could be from the cold. She was still soaked in rain water and it was drafty. She hoped she wouldn’t catch a cold. 
Because then she wouldn be able to have caldo de pollo that Tía– 
‘Oh god…what were they going to tell Tía Celia?’ Her mind panicked.
Tia would freak out if she found out what happened today. She was a semi-devoted Catholic, so naturally she would believe the devil corrupted her precious niece. 
Tìa didn’t always understand, but she still tried and cared about her. 
She put her in boot camp reform school because she thought it would help. 
‘It didn’t.’ Breisa thought bitterly, ‘What are they going to do? «Hey Ms. Castillo, your troublesome niece nearly died and now she’s missing» 
yeah…she’ll go batshit crazy…Hope they have a phone where we're going. Maybe I can reach out first?’
She stood squashed in back of the chariot with Leo, Piper and Jason. While Butch, handled the reins, and Annabeth, adjusted a bronze navigation device. 
They rose over the Grand Canyon and headed east, icy wind ripping straight through Breisa. (A free cold blow dryer.) 
Behind them, more storm clouds were gathering.
The chariot lurched and bumped. It had no seat belts and the back was wide open which terrified her. 
She gripped the metal sides til her knuckles turned white-ish, hoping not to fly off.
It wasn’t because she was afraid of heights—she was afraid of hitting the ground.
Piper and Jason seemed fine. At least on the outside. They had a mood around them.
 She didn’t blame them, it was a long morning. 
Meanwhile, Leo was being annoying, as usual. “This is so cool!” He spit a pegasus feather out of his mouth. (It flew sideways and slapped Breisa in the face).“Where are we going?”
“A safe place,” Annabeth said. “The only safe place for kids like us. Camp Half-Blood.”
“Half-Blood?” Piper was immediately on guard. As if she hated that word.
“She means we’re demigods,” Jason said. “Half god, half mortal.”
Annabeth looked back. “You seem to know a lot, Jason. But, yes, demigods. My mom is Athena, goddess of wisdom. Butch here is the son of Iris, the rainbow goddess.”
Leo choked. “Your mom is a rainbow goddess?”
‘Oh god. Here we go.’ Breisa mentally sighed. 
“Got a problem with that?” Butch said.
“No, no,” Leo said. “Rainbows. Very macho.”
“Butch is our best equestrian,” Annabeth said. “He gets along great with the pegasi.”
“Rainbows, ponies,” Leo muttered.
“I’m gonna toss you off this chariot,” Butch warned.
“You’d do me a favor if you did.”
Leo glared at Breisa. 
“Demigods,” Piper said. “You mean you think you’re…you think we’re—”
Lightning flashed. The chariot shuddered, and Jason yelled, “Left wheel’s on fire!”
On Piper’s side the wheel was burning, white flames lapping up the side of the chariot. 
The wind roared. Both girls glanced behind them and saw dark shapes forming in the clouds, more storm spirits spiraling toward the chariot—except these looked more like horses than angels.
Piper started to say, “Why are they—”
“Anemoi come in different shapes,” Annabeth said. “Sometimes human, sometimes stallions, depending on how chaotic they are. Hold on. This is going to get rough.”
Butch flicked the reins. The pegasi put on a burst of speed, and the chariot blurred. 
“Oh god, I’m gonna be sick.” Breisa wheezed, leaning over the side. Her vision went black. When it came back to normal, they were in a completely different place. 
A cold gray ocean stretched out to the left. Snow-covered fields, roads, and forests spread to the right. Directly below them was a green valley, like an island of springtime, rimmed with snowy hills on three sides and water to the north.
Breisa saw a cluster of buildings like ancient Greek temples, a big blue mansion, ball courts, a lake, and a climbing wall that blazed with fire.
But before she could really process all she was seeing, their wheels came off and the chariot dropped out of the sky.
Annabeth and Butch tried to maintain control.
The pegasi labored to hold the chariot in a flight pattern, but they seemed exhausted from their burst of speed. And bearing the chariot with the weight of six people was just too much.
“The lake!” Annabeth yelled. “Aim for the lake!”
Breisa panicked and her palms started to warm up again. That warmth feeling, it spread all over her body.
“Breisa you’re glowing!” Leo gaped at her like a fish. 
The comment made her face feel hot. For some weird reason.
And then— BOOM.
She expected ice cold water. 
She felt nothing. 
No splash. Not even a drop.
The wind whistled in her ear. 
She peeked open her eyes.
Green was all around her. 
Breisa was floating above the water
“GAH!” She yelped, flipping sideways in the air. The green began to flicker and she dropped a couple of times. 
It was like a chicken trying to fly.
“KID! HEY KID!” Someone yelled from below, “YOU HAVE TO CALM DOWN!”
“Just breathe! The more you panic the more you lose control!” The person explained, “Think of floating to the ground! Focus! Trust yourself!”
“This is crazy this is crazy this is crazy!” She rambled to herself. 
‘Breath…’ Breisa closed her eyes as she inhaled and exhaled. She thought of how a leaves fall from the trees. ‘Relax. I’m not in the air. I’m gliding. I’m going to the ground.’
She felt herself sway back and forth.
It felt like she was wading through ocean waves. 
She didn’t dare to open her eyes.
 Afraid to lose her control. 
 Her sneaker touched the grass and all her composure left her body. She fell forward and expected to face-plant . But something caught her elbow. 
“Woah, kid. I got you.” Breisa looked up and was faced with a dark-haired girl, about Annabeth’s age, with emerald eyes. “Never seen anyone levitate that long. How’d ya do it?”
Before Breisa could answer, something splashed onto shore. 
Both of them turned to see Leo, Annabeth, and Jason soaking while coughing up the water. 
Breisa turned to the lake, she noticed yellow eyed watching her. They formed into girls that floated on shore —No wait, they were apart of the water.
Suddenly they dove back—searching for something?
“They might need to dry off.”  The girl with green eyes summoned blankets out of nowhere.
She walked over to Jason, Leo, and Annabeth as the campers crowded around them. Breisa  close behinds
They passed the blankets for them to dry off  and were asking questions.
Breisa was still trying to process it all.
There were at least twenty campers milling around—the youngest maybe nine, the oldest college age, eighteen or nineteen—and all of them had orange T-shirts like Annabeth and the green-eyed girl.
The water girls popped up again, this time with Piper thrown onto shore.
She dried up instantly with a metal leaf blower that a couple of kids had brought. 
The water girls waved like, buh-bye, and disappeared into the depths. 
A second later the wreckage of the chariot was tossed from the lake and landed nearby with a wet crunch.
“Annabeth!” A guy with a bow and quiver on his back pushed through the crowd. “I said you could borrow the chariot, not destroy it!”
“Will, I’m sorry,” Annabeth sighed. “I’ll get it fixed, I promise.”
Will scowled at his broken chariot. Then he sized up The others and Breisa, “These are the ones? Way older than thirteen. Why haven’t they been claimed already?”
“Claimed?” Leo asked.
Before Annabeth could explain, Will said, “Any sign of Percy?”
“No,” Annabeth admitted.
The campers muttered. 
Breisa felt empathic. Percy must have been really important to them. If his absence was this big of a deal.
Another girl stepped forward—tall, Asian, dark hair in ringlets, plenty of jewelry, and perfect makeup. Somehow she managed to make jeans and an orange T-shirt look glamorous. 
She briefly glanced at Leo and Breisa, fixed her eyes on Jason like he might be worthy of her attention, then curled her lip at Piper.
As if she were a week-old burrito that had just been pulled out of a Dumpster.
‘Oh I know her type. Like all the Barbies at wilderness school.’ Breisa furrowed her eyebrows. 
“Well,” the girl said, “I hope they’re worth the trouble.”
Leo snorted. “Gee, thanks. What are we, your new pets?”
“No kidding,” Jason said. “How about some answers before you start judging us—like, what is this place, why are we here, how long do we have to stay?”
'He’s gonna get us kicked out before we can even settled in' Breisa thought. 
“Jason,” Annabeth said, “I promise we’ll answer your questions. And Drew”—she frowned at the glamourous girl—“all demigods are worth saving. But I’ll admit, the trip didn’t accomplish what I hoped.”
“Hey,” Piper said, “We didn’t ask to be brought here.”
Drew sniffed. “And nobody wants you, hon. Also does your hair always look like a dead badger?”
Piper stepped forward, ready to smack her, but Annabeth said, “Piper, stop.”
“Déjala. Dale una buena cachetada de perra antes que yo.” Breisa sneered.
Only a handful of people, plus Leo, shuffled uncomfortably. They understood what that meant. 
“Can you speak english?” Drew spoke slowly to her. 
Breisa inhaled and raised her fist, "¡La voy a matar!”
Annabeth pulled her back, shot her a look.
Breisa made a face and stood still. She didn’t want to get on her bad side.
But when Annabeth turned around, Breisa glared at Drew.
“We need to make our new arrivals feel welcome,” Annabeth said, with another pointed look at Drew. “We’ll assign them each a guide, and give them a tour of the camp. Hopefully by the campfire tonight, they’ll be claimed.”
“Would somebody tell me what claimed means?” Piper asked.
Suddenly there was a collective gasp. 
The campers backed away.
Breisa thought that her friend said something wrong, and suddenly realized there was a purple light casting down on her. 
When she looked up there was a holographic image of a moon and two torches crossing each other.
“That,” Annabeth said, “Is claiming.”
Out of nowhere a red light bathing her side.
Breisa turned to the red—Where Leo stood, a floating fiery hammer was above his head. 
He didn’t acknowledge it, he was too busy staring at her.
She coughed and pointed a look at him. 
“What’d I do?” Leo backed toward the lake. Then he glanced up and yelped. “Is my hair on fire?”
 He ducked, but the symbol followed him, bobbing and weaving so it looked like he was trying to write something in flames with his head.
Breisa looked back at hers. She poked at the symbol. “Not the weirdest thing to happen today.” 
The girl with the raven hair was grinning really wide, “Oh this is perfect! Another sibling!” 
“This can’t be good,” Butch muttered glancing at the panicked boy. “The curse—”
“Butch, shut up,” Annabeth said. “Leo. Breisa.  You’ve both just been claimed—”
“By gods,” Jason interrupted. “Those are the symbols of Vulcan and Trivia. Aren’t they?”
All eyes turned to him.
“Jason,” Annabeth said carefully, “How did you know that?”
“I’m not sure.”
“Vulcan?” Leo demanded. “I don’t even LIKE Star Trek. What are you talking about?”
“Trivia sounds no fun. Does that mean we have to do riddles and quizzes or something?” Breisa asked as she kept poking the hologram. The purple image became static and glitch away
“Vulcan is the Roman name for Hephaestus. As Trivia is for Hecate.” Annabeth said, “The god of blacksmiths and fire. And the Goddess of witchery, the moon, and the night.” 
The fiery hammer faded, but Leo kept swatting the air like he was afraid it was following him. “The god of what? Who?”
Annabeth turned to the guy with the bow. “Will, would you take Leo, give him a tour? Introduce him to his bunk-mates in Cabin Nine.”
“Sure, Annabeth.”
“What’s Cabin Nine?” Leo asked. “And I’m not a Vulcan!”
“Come on, Mr. Spock, I’ll explain everything.” Will put a hand on his shoulder and steered him off toward the cabins.
“Lou, will you do the same for Breisa?” 
The girl with the raven haired grinned, nodded, and pulled Breisa along. They headed in the same direction of the cabins.
“Guess I’m doing this now.” Breisa muttered, not really having a choice.
Lou (Breisa’s new supposed sister) had basically gave the rundown of the entire camp:
This place was built to protect people like them—demigods. Train them to protect themselves. You lived at camp, in a cabin corresponding to what godly parent you were born from. 
Yeah apparently Breisa was part god! Crazy right? Although it did explain some things.
You could do magic archery, pegasus riding, the lava wall, fighting monsters, and all this other unwordly mythical stuff.
Lou pointed out the open-air dining pavilion that overlooked Long Island Sound. (Yes, Long Island, New York; they’d traveled that far on a chariot.)
“This place is pretty much a summer camp.” She finished as they closed in on their cabin. It was the last one among the whole layout of the cabins—a bizarre assortment of buildings arranged like a Greek omega, Ω. “But with swords and cool mystical stuff! And you can even stay year round, if you have nowhere else to go.”
They stopped right in front of a stone cabin with four modules and slanted roof. The modules were back to back, two on either side. They were like entrances.
“Here we are cabin 20. Home sweet home.” Lou cheered happily, “Come on you're going to love this.”
She dragged Breisa up the steps to the cabin. 
She called out “Entrance three please. With Dance lights. Play Lou’s epic playlist.”
The cabin rumbled and shifted. The third module appeared in front of them. Lou placed her hand on the glass and the module opened up like those sliding doors at a mall. Inside was marble hallway.
Then dance lights flashed an array of colors, and music began to play in the hall.
“I Don’t give a damn about bad reputation!” 
Lou strutted in. 
Breisa snorted to herself and followed her in. 
The music stopped once they entered the room.
Scratch that— rooms. 
There were four main sitting rooms, all adjacent to one another. Two on the top, with a ladder peaking up from the floor boards. Two resting on the bottom.
Each wall of the rooms had a painting of the moon. They were all painted as different types of circles. 
And they each had a title below them: Last quarter, New moon, New quarter, and Full moon
There was a bookshelf in each corner of the bottom rooms. They were a variety of books that filled the shelves: Some look ancient. Some look brand new. Most had Greek writing printed on the spine.
Along the book shelves were little knick nacks of items—voodoo looking dolls, herbs, dream catchers, skulls, crystals, inscents, and candles.
The most intimidating interesting thing in the cabin was the statue.
In the middle we’re the rooms connect stood a white marble statue of women with three heads:
She wore long tunic dress that stopped above her ankles. Over her shoulders was cloak-like Shawl. The hood covered one of her faces. In her hands she held two candle holder styled torches.
By her sides where wild dogs —they looked a bit like the hell hounds Breisa seen in her aunt’s bible paintings. They’re teeth were bared in protective way. They seemed loyal to the statue.
Finally as Breisa looked at each of the faces. And common things they had was a narrow nose, almond shaped eyes, and sharp but thick eyebrows. They also had a triangle like shaped jaw and long hair that flowed in waves.
Now the difference was the angles they were facing and aged they looked.
The face looking towards the left, was a youthful and grinning mischievous. Maybe about late teen or young adult age.
The one with hood up — it looked older and tired, but a small bittersweet smiled curled on her lips. She was elderly, but not sickly. Like she still had some spark of youth.
Her center face casted down and she looked directly at them. She wasn’t exactly young, but wasn’t old either. She had a stern motherly look.
Like she was saying, “I have eyes on you. So do not try anything.”
Breisa had turned her attention to the people in the cabin. Avoiding that judgmental glare of the statue.
There must have been about fifteen kids sprawled all around the rooms.
First half was mixing potions with books opened on their laps.
The second portion was making objects float and timing how long it took to fall.
And the last half were playing with playing and tarot cards—without even touching them. 
Some were about Lou and Breisa’s age. 
Some were younger than them.
“Hey, fellow demon spawns!” Lou announced to her cabin mates. 
When they heard Lou they jumped up. They were either excited or curious, and maybe just bored.
Then they noticed the Breisa beside her. 
“We got a new camper.”  
And just like that, they crowded around Breisa. 
“Another Hecate kid!” 
“Cool patches!”
“Wow you have pretty hair! So fluffy looking!”
“You don’t have green eyes, huh weird.” 
“What’s your name?”
“Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?”
“How old are you?
“Where ya from?”
“Can you do magic?”
They bombarded her all at once. She looked at Lou a little more overwhelmed than she wanted to admit. 
“Alright alright you little freaks. Give her a moment to relax.” They all quietly sat down and waited for her to talk. 
“Um ok…well my name’s Breisa.” She started, they leaned into urging her to continue, “I’m from California, originally. But I’ve been living in Nevada. I’m gonna be sixteen next year. I don’t have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. And I can surprisingly do magic.”
They faced Lou with a questioning look.
“She floated above the lake for three minutes straight.” 
All the siblings looked at each other with shocked faces. 
“Full body levitation in the daytime? How’s that even possible?” One of them murmured. 
“Levitation takes a toll on your energy. Like shadow manipulation and traveling.” Another one remarked.
“Or ghost summoning.” Someone else added
“Not even Lou could do that.” 
“Okay ya weirdos. Say bye to Breisa and go straight back to practicing your magic.” Lou ordered, “And remember— Practice is not perfect, it’s progress. Breaks are important too.”
They all mimic her, must have meant she has said that thousand times.
They individually introduced themselves to Breisa. Then went back to practicing. She only remembered about half of their names.
“Come on, Breisa, we'll get you settled in. Just gotta do this first.”  Lou walked over to the shelf in the first room and tipped a moss-green book on the third shelf. 
Next to them the wall shuddered and slid backwards.
It was an entrance to stairwell that went below.
“This is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” Breisa said mesmerized.
Lou lead them down and her palm held a flickering flame for light. “You’re taking this demigod thing surprisingly well.” 
“With the morning I had, nothing is off the table.” Her deadpanning voice made Lou laugh. 
“Oh do tell.” 
So she began to talk about her whole day. From the dream to Hera appearing with Jason to falling off a canyon and to crashing landing at camp. 
“You saw Hera and she didn’t make your eyes explode?!” 
Breisa huffed. “That’s what you took from the whole story?” 
“Sorry it’s just a little unbelievable to me. Not a lot of times do we develop true sight so fast.” Lou shrugged sheepishly. 
“What is that by the way?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. “Hera said something about me having that.” 
“As you know, our mother is the goddess of magic, the moon, and night.” Breisa nodded as Lou continued, “But she is also associated with witchery, the crossroads, necromancy, shadows, and the mist.” 
She gave a blank look. 
Lou sighed. “She policies evil and good magic. Can see the paths of fate. Communicate with the dead. Do cool stuff with shadows. And she controls the mist.”
“Miss?” Breisa questioned. 
“Mist. M-I-S-T.” Lou corrected, “It’s like a giant curtain that covers the mortal eyes. So like monsters and all that jazz. Mortals can’t see it.
“It tricks them into seeing something they are familiar with. Their memories are easily effected. That’s what Hera did when she plopped Jason into the field trip.  ” 
“But Piper and Leo thought that Jason was their friend. Like he had been there at school all this time. Why did it effect them? But not me?”  
“Demigods can be affected by it. If monsters want to hunt them down; they can manipulate the mist to their advantage.
“Or if godly parent wanted to butt-in to their life they use it too. True sight is an ability that allows people to see beyond the mist.” Lou elaborated, “And since our mom is the goddess of the mist—”
“We have true sight.” Breisa realized. 
“Well, we were born with some of it. It develops over time. Like muscle memory.”  Lou stopped abruptly at a wooden door , “And like muscles, our magic needs to be trained.”
She place her hand on the wooden door—it creeked opened.
Lou placed the fire from her palm onto a wall torch.
Light flooded the room.  
“So show me what you got.” Lou turned to her. 
“What I got?” Breisa pointed to herself.
 Lou nodded as she went to the middle of the room, where a circular stoned pit stood.
 “Yes. I wanna see how developed your magic is.” Lou stepped on jagged awkwardly placed stone. The ground rumbled: Metal cabinet rose from the floor behind the pit . 
“I haven’t used my powers before today. How can it be developed?” Breisa asked. 
“Us Hecate kids have magic following in our veins. Even if we didn’t know it. Our magic always ready for us to use.” Lou walked over the cabinet, opened it up, and rummage through. “It seems to me you’ve done magic before. I might be able to test my theory—THINK FAST!”
She flung a dagger at Breisa. 
In a blind panic she threw her arms up in defense. ‘Block!’
A dull thud was heard. As if the dagger planked a window.
In front of her stood a clear barrier in the shape of a giant frisbee. 
“Ah ha! You have done magic before. You know defense magic.”
“Well, I don’t want to get my face slice open!” Breisa fumed. The barrier turn into a dome around her. It glowed orange.
“Hmn…” She circled around. “Hasn’t your magic glowed green before.”
“Yeah I think so?”
 Lou hummed interested. “Do you know how to drop this?”
“You literally saw me make this five seconds ago.” 
“That means no.”  
Breisa made a “No, really?” Gesture. 
“Ok. Try what you did at the lake. Breath. And concentrate.” 
She grumbled under her breath, the barrier grew a little bit more. With a deep inhale of annoyance, she closed her eyes. 
“In…out…in…out…’ Slowly her anger melted away. ‘I’m not in danger. No need for protection. Lou probably won’t try to hit me with another dagger.’ 
“There you got it!” She clapped.
Breisa opened her eyes. The dome had faded away. “I did it.” She exhaled in disbelief. “I did magic without panicking.”
Lou smiled a bit, “Now we gotta practice your levitation.”
She went back to the cabinet and pulled out wooden building blocks. Each was different in size— small, medium, large, and huge.
Lou placed them at Breisa’s feet. 
“You’ve noticed that these are different sizes. They also weigh differently. I want you to move these blocks one by one, from where you're standing to-” She move a few feet away from her, “Here.” 
Breisa began to pick them up before Lou stopped her. “Ah- with your magic.” 
“Um?” She didn’t know where to start. Everything with her magic was purely instinct to not die. How was she going to move blocks? 
“Not a lot of people know this but magic isn’t just point and shoot. It takes a lot of mental capacity to use it.” Lou explained, sensing her confusion. “You panicked before. Now you have the space to think. Remember to—”
“Breath. I know.” She huffed.
‘Alright. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.’
Breisa focused on the small block. She thought about grabbing it. Her palm and fingers felt warm.
They illuminated around the small block in blue glow formed around it. 
‘Lift.’ The block trembled and lifted up a few inches above the ground. 
“You got it! Now move it!”
Not reacting at first. But then, she pushed her palm out. It bobbed and swayed as it headed towards Lou. 
It stopped at her face and dropped towards her shoes. 
“One down. 10 left.” 
One by one she began moving the blocks.
The bigger ones would almost fall, but Lou kept that cheerful spirit. Never discouraging her. Almost like a proud soccer mom. 
Finally, she reached the very last block. It was way bigger than the rest. It looked like it weighed a ton. 
“Don’t be intimidated by it. You managed to get the others. This one is no different. You got this. ” Lou encouraged her. 
Breisa focused. Her right fingers flexed. The same glowy mist to go around the block. But it only made it halfway. 
“Don’t be limited with your magic. Think bigger and more complex.”  
She hesitated, not really understanding. 
Then it clicked. 
Her left hand began to glow. And another mist formed around the other side of the block. 
‘Lift.’ the cube shakily went up. Was up above the ground about three inches. She pushed her palms outwards. 
 Breisa puffed as she felt the weight of it straining her.
She kept holding it up. It shaked even more. The blue began to dim.
It stopped a quarter way through. And hit the ground with a dull, yet loud -THUD!- that echoed around the room.
Breisa tried to pull it up again. Straining for a few seconds. It fell again
“Argh!” She growled and attempted to move it. Red covered the block. It didn’t even move an inch. 
She tried again, but Lou stopped her. “Hey, don't.” 
“But I can do it.” 
“If you could, you wouldn’t be struggling. Stop.”  
Breisa dropped her hands, they weren’t glowing anymore. “I could have done it.”
“Look. Having these abilities means knowing your limits. Doesn’t mean pushing yourself until the breaking point.” Lou scolded. 
“I was just lifting blocks like a two year old.” She argued back, “Aren’t we suppose to be all powerful? Like Hecate?”
Lou sighed. Suddenly a block lifted up, another red mist around it.  “Magic isn’t like that. You can’t demand it or expect to know everything right away.” She waved the block around. “I wasn’t able to learn levitation right away. Even with our mom being who she is.
It takes time, energy, and patience to tame magic. Whether it be through spirit, mind, or body. Sometimes even objects. And if you aren't careful or you push yourself too much—”
She clasped her hand shut. The block crushed into pieces. 
Breisa felt her mouth go dry. 
“Magic can be a very complex thing.” Lou simply put.“I hope you understand that. Like everything else, you need practice and limits. Got it?”
She swallowed nervously and nodded in response. 
“Right then. Now time to—” She was cut off with a slam from the door. 
“LOUUUUU!” A little girl cried running up to her. 
“Woah there munchkin!” Lou opened up her arms and the kid jumped straight into them. 
“LOU! LOU! THEY SAID YOU BE HERE! I FOUND YOU!” The girl was wiggling and squirming in her arms. 
She must have been about nine or ten years old. She had wavey raven hair and big green eyes.  She wore blue overalls with an orange t-shirt. There were bandaids on her arms and legs. “I FOUND YOU! WHADDYA DOING HERE?!” 
“Inside voice, Jess.” There was that motherly tone again. 
“Right, sorry.” she smiled sleeplishy, and whispered “What are you doing here?”
“Practicing with the new camper, showing em’ the ropes.” Lou turned towards Breisa, and  that caught the kid’s attention. 
Jess gasped and wiggled out of Lou’s arms. “New sister!” 
She ran towards Breisa, jumped, and latched onto her torso. “Hiiii!” 
“Uh Hi?” Breisa laughed. 
“I’m Jessica! You’re my sister! What's your name? How long have you been at camp for?! You have a cool jacket! My friend Harley likes that band! Do you have any friends?” The kid rambled on and on.  
“Jess, let her breath. Will ya?” She stopped talking but still kept that wide I ate way too much candy grin. “What are you doing here anyway?” 
“Dinner horn. It’s almost time.” Jessica oddly calm and her eyes flashed into hazy clear color. 
It made Breisa do a double take.
Lou clicked her tongue, “Ah, another prediction? Is it only the future? Or have seen past visions?”
“Future visions only.” She answered, “But, I have been seeing ten minutes ahead today. Small stuff though.”
“Hang on, are you talking like fortune teller stuff?” Both of them turn their attention on Breisa. 
“Some of us can see fate. Past, present, and future. It’s a rare ability…in way. Jess has it.” Even with learning a little about her own powers, it was still a little weird for Breisa to hear that. “But Jess has these visions sometimes. Usually about dinner starting. So, we can clean up early and close all the hidden rooms.”
“Reasonable.” Breisa wouldn’t want anyone snooping in hidden gems like this room.
Especially with cool things hidden inside. 
“We should start heading up there. Come on, munchkin.” Lou waved her hand, everything began to clean up on its own. 
Jess skipped up the stairs and Lou followed along with her, taking a wall torch with her.
Breisa went to follow them, but something cold swept over her.
She paused uneasy.
“Little witch …” A voice whispered out of nowhere. 
Breisa turned to the voice. 
There was nothing.
Just an empty dim lit room. 
“Litttle witttch.”
She shivered and looked around. 
Then her head began to throb again. That familiar sting behind her eyes was forming.
She saw flashes of frost covered ground.
An overgrown garden, with tall green spears.
The she saw Hera, but she looked trapped inside something—a cage? It looked liked made of clay and mud. 
“You will never get to her on time, little witch.” A familiar voice, rasped. 
As it did, Hera was flipping forms again. Thrashing around the containment. She was trying to escape. 
The clay grew smaller around her. It seemed to be rising. It was gonna swallow her whole—
Her eyes snapped to Lou waiting up the steps. 
The flashes had stopped.
“You ok?” Lou called out. 
“Yeah.” She breathed after a moment.“Yeah. I’m good.”
“You coming up?” Lou gestured towards the rest of the stairs.
“I am.” She walked over.
 They head up together. 
The whole way up, Briesa tried to ignore the raspy laugh echoing all over.
And the cold wind whisking beneath her neck.
Déjala- let her
Dale una buena cachetada de perra antes que yo - give her a good bitch slap before I do
La voy a matar- I’m gonna kill her
(A/N: This chapter was really hard to write. There isn’t much about the Hecate cabin. So I tried using some of the books to describe the cabin, and tumblr head canons for ideas. Hope you all like this chapter. The plot thickens >:3)
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porteurdereve · 2 years
A viscous presence muddled the serene atmosphere of the Opalarian Market Town. The effervescence of the aura cracked the sedated minds of passersby and consumers than wandered through the market town. G’raha had been drawn to the energy, finding the animosity familiar to those existing within the First prior to the Warrior of Darkness’ arrival.
G’raha had no intention of interacting with the fellow, however. He desired to keep a distance as not to interfere. He wanted nothing more than to be an impartial observer of the man. Yet, his intrigue seemed to warrant their fated meeting.
The cold, sanguine eyes met with self-same colored cat eyes. Once impartial, G’raha found himself entranced by their encounter. From the man’s expression, it appeared as if he had caught on to the scrutiny from afar. To feign ignorance would led G’raha down a troublesome path. Instead, G’raha took a step forward to meet the man’s concern.
Tumblr media
“Allow me to quell your agitation: I am not stalking. In fact, I had been charged with a task to retrieve specialty goods from the market. However, your unique persona captivated me. My name is G’raha Tia, ‘tis a pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir.”
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Aceology: Detoxifying Treatment Mask.
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kisutothestars · 2 years
Name: Lam Voutemps (supposedly)
Rava Viera, he/they, Dragoon
Hobbies: Reading, Experiments, Exploring
Lam is a mysterious Viera with extraordinary smarts and a disdain for bureaucracy and petty rules. Many things about him are fabricated for his own benefit. He enjoys getting under people's skin to figure out what makes them tick, and many find it difficult to break past his carefree façade. Unless he finds them deserving of his attention, he will not remember people's faces or names.
Lam claims he is around 300 years old, and that he's lived to know many people's ancestors in an attempt to spread fake “advice” he claims are Real things Your great grandparents did back in the day. His lies are carefully researched, but he purposefully slips in inaccuracies around history nerds like G'raha Tia just to mess with them more. He is currently still much younger though, although no one can tell. For some reason he is adamant about obscuring his true origins. 
He loves to bend rules, modifying uniforms or committing identity fraud. Although he claims to break any rules he finds troublesome he never seems to break rules that would put others in danger. Most commonly, he breaks rules restricting library access to outsiders because he thinks they are deserving of knowledge as much as a Sharlayan native.
(Backstory etc. under the cut) 
Lam was abandoned as a child and raised by a witch who found the young Viera hiding in the rubble of an empty village. She had a strict and traditional mindset but she collected many books and musty tomes and Lam spent much of his childhood immersed in them. He developed a fondness for conducting experiments and making observational studies in and around his home.
He picked up fighting skills to protect himself and his caretaker in the woods, in particular favoring the lance. Lacking an Ishgardian background though, he doesn't fight like a traditional dragoon, so Lancer would be a more appropriate term for him.
The witch who raised him took note of his quick wits and ability to absorb information like a sponge, and recommended that he attempt to enter Sharlayan to further his studies. When he arrived in Sharlayan, he decided to take on the name Lam Voutemps, a fake Ishgardian-sounding name despite having never been to Ishgard.
When young Lam arrived in Sharlayan he was still somewhat bright eyed and eager, quickly gaining favor with his fellow Sharlayans for his diligent studies and groundbreaking experiments. He was excited to become an Archon for the additional privileges within Sharlayan. After a while he became disillusioned with Sharlayan society, their priority of hoarding knowledge instead of sharing it and their refusal to interact with the outside world where more accurate data could be recorded. 
He works on various projects within Sharlayan, adapting fairly easily to numerous fields. Despite the trouble he causes within Old Sharlayan, his intelligence makes him a worthy asset, and to everyone's dismay he is not exiled.
Lam's Deepest Secrets EXPOSED:
Deep down Lam wishes he had friends, but he is hesitant to form relationships with others because he believes that the more he accomplishes the more his friends will feel inadequate around him and eventually they will fall apart. He also does not want relationships with others to get in the way of his ambition and curiosity. His bad behavior and terrible reputation are to drive people away so they don't try to suck up to him, especially because he has connections with a lot of influential members of Sharlayan society.
Despite his behavior, Lam has a soft spot for people, falling in love hard and fast and easily convinced to do things for others. He desperately wants to be left alone but then constantly seeks attention from the people he likes.
His “true name” that he named himself at the young age of 13 is incredibly embarrassing and cringe. Being 13 and not knowing your cultural background/family history can do that to you. 😔
Lam is sort of a wild card for me as an OC so he’s designed to be either WoL or non-WoL support character depending on what I feel like. ides his backstory and personality, none of his canon is set in stone and I just ship him with whoever without committing too much to one pairing. He’s taller than max height M Viera sorry for breaking canon. 
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quirkycoterie · 5 years
Prompt 25: Worthy
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Qatun counted the gil Maqali handed her. Having her random acquisition sales handled by someone else was a necessity but she never completed trusted anyone, even family... or possibly, most especially family.
A bright smile as Kuri handed over some gil to the boy with the sick mother, giving well wishes and offers of prayers along with the gil. She missed the dark stare of the woman next to her, keeping another child from taking off with her small personal pouch, keeping her safe while trying not to ruin Kuri’s trusting nature completely.
The concern on Tsume’s face momentarily allowed for a bit of hope as he looked up at the elezen he was following out into the forest. He had Kiba but he didn’t trust others to stick around usually. He was desperately searching for the only other person he had allowed in that far in a long time, and that this man was helping after just meeting him... gave him a glimmer of hope that he had found another who wouldn’t just run away.
Fingers turned a card and she delivered the news with regret on her face. Sympathy she didn’t feel for the rare truthful bad news a customer wanted to hear. The woman across the table fought tears back with her declaration, “I knew he was cheating on me! At least I can always trust you, Aqua!” The fortune teller put a smile on her face, regretting not foreseeing the hand grabbing hers in time to pull away.
The patrons at the bar were all singing loudly now, and the keeper grinned at the young woman next to her who was rapidly shaking her head. “Come on! It’ll be fun!” She hopped up on the bar, ears perked, tail swishing, and held her hand down. “You said you wanted to, now’s the time! Now is always the time! Trust me!” Reticence was drowned by chugging an ale, Cashmere’s offered hand was taken, and life goals were achieved.
Sana went to exit the lobby of her clinic’s building, talking to Tyranny at her feet, who snaked out the door. Movement in her peripheral vision caught her attention and she saw a man she didn’t know in the shadows. She left the cat to her hunt, and edged back inside to wait in the lobby for either Alex or Arik, whoever was available first.
The pirate was nodding as she listened to Yesui tell her all about the latest culinary invention of her oddly tall significant other when a familiar profile pass nearby. Green eyes rolled and she hoped he didn’t see her. She didn’t want to listen to his point of view again that just because you trusted someone to be a good work partner, it meant you were friends.
The laceration on her face had been carefully healed at her cousin’s insistence but she hadn’t been ready to explain what had happened yet again and the healer had been kind enough not to push. All Chrys wanted right now was for the puffiness from the crying she had finally allowed herself to go away and to get some rest, surrounded by the people she trusted most. That trust was reinforced as the two curled up with her, letting her feel like things would be ok.
mentions: @the-unrelenting-shadow, @wkiba-ffxiv, @of-the-stalwart-shield, @healing-word, @star-striking, @dalanoth, @kailani-ffxiv, @zollo-ffxiv, @cadrenebula (several times!)
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wkiba-ffxiv · 5 years
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♫ We've taken different paths And traveled different roads I know we'll always end up on the same one when we're old ♫
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dos-oroguitas · 2 years
We don’t talk about Bruno
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In which you talk about Bruno either way and in a surprisingly very choreographed manner too.
requested by @lev-royal
masterlist !!
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Encanto was a peaceful town, surrounded by lush forests and protected by the mountains from any harsh storms. Life in it is peaceful, quiet, and..
“Tia Mirabeeelll..!” Scratch that. Was.
“Tell us the story, Tia Mirabel!” A boy with curly hair had bound up the stairs of Casita’s staircase as Mirabel Madrigal, now in her late twenties, followed closely behind the little troublemaker whilst holding another child's hand.
“Pedro, slow down, Santiago and I could barely keep up.” Mirabel had sighed, pushing her green rimmed glasses up as the boy that held her hand had followed behind closely, little legs scurrying and trying to hurry up and chase after his brother.
“Pedro, espera..!” The little five year old that was held by Mirabel had whined at his brother, only a few years younger but already matching the same chaotic energy that his father before him had, grumbling at the older child who only laughed and munched on his arepas.
“It’s not my fault Tia Mirabel is becoming an Abuela!”
Mirabel rolled her eyes. “Ay, you are your father’s son alright. Besides, it’s not because I’m getting old! That’s your miracle’s doing!”
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” He had slowed down however upon approaching the portrait of his grandfather who he had been named after. “I’m fast with and without my miracle! It’s just convenient because no one can catch me when I go for seconds! Watch!” Pedro grinned before leaning forward and without a sound had disappeared, only the rush of wind blowing behind him before he reappeared again with a basket of Arepas he had stolen from his Abuela Julieta.
There was silence for a few minutes before his name resonated from the kitchen.
“Pedro, you troublesome boy! What did I say about taking seconds without permission?” Mirabel’s mamá had bellowed from below. Pedro only giggled before swiftly disappearing once more, running back to the kitchen to place it on the kitchen counter.
“Lo Siento, Abuela Julieta!” The boy had called out before returning to where his Tia and hermano was, halting at the picture frame that had his great grandfather’s image.
“Afternoon, Bisabuelo.” He greets with a smile before he turns back to the duo. “You see him, Tiago? That’s who I was named after!” He says proudly. “Bisabuelo had given up his life so Bisabuela and our family could live. That’s how our miracle came to be! Tonight you get yours!”
Santiago had listened carefully. Sure he had heard his brother tell the story of his namesake but he was always so excited and he couldn’t help but mirror that excitement too.
“I wonder what my miracle would be..” The five year old had pursed his lips which Mirabel had smiled softly at, placing a comforting hand on her nephew’s shoulder. Though Pedro was too caught up in his own world to notice.
“Bisabuela was given the miracle and raised our Abuela Julieta, Pepa, and Abuelo Bruno here in Encanto.. but we don’t talk about Bruno!”
Camilo, now older with his still unruly hair and signature yellow ruepa, had entered through Casita’s doors after helping out with today’s festivities with you right beside him. Upon hearing the familiar words, the shapeshifter had laughed.
“Papá, Mamá!” The two boys exclaimed at the sight of you. “Why don’t we talk about Abuelo Bruno again?”
“Ah, they won’t let that go, will they?” Mirabel had asked while Camilo had smiled sheepishly before gesturing to you. You can only laugh before playing along.
“We don’t talk about Bruno, no, no, no.. We don’t talk about Bruno..” You had wagged your finger at Camilo's face who only laughed, knowing just where this was going, doing the same to your sons who had only giggled as the shapeshifter held your waist, one hand holding yours as you turned to him.
“But!” The two of you looked at Mirabel and the boys at the same time. “It was their wedding day.” You had gestured to the picture of Camilo’s mother and father, who were currently outside, preparing for the festivities that would occur tonight.
“It was their wedding day,” Your husband follows.
“They were getting ready, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.” You sang, whilst dancing.
“No clouds allowed in the sky!” Camilo had sung with you.
“Bruno walks in with a mischievous grin.” Mirabel had sung along, reminiscing the exact moments several years ago.
“Thunder!” Camilo exclaimed, effectively making his sons jump before looking at one another and laughing.
You roll your eyes at your husband, turning to walk away. “Are you telling this story or am I?” Camilo looked apologetic as he caught your hand in his, fingers tip toeing up your arms. “I’m sorry, mi vida, go on.” And you smile, placing a quick peck on his lips much to your sons’ disgust.
“Bruno says it looks like rain.” You continue, picking up your skirt and letting your husband guide your movements.
“Why did he tell us?”
The singing and the dancing had effectively made the boys’ and Mirabel move their shoulders along with the song.
“In doing so he floods her brain,” You continue. “Abuela, get the umbrellas..!” Camilo calls out in a singsong voice.
“Married in a hurricane!” You say with Camilo following along. “What a joyous day but anyway..”
“We don’t talk about Bruno! No, no, no.” You both shake their heads at your sons’ who had looked on with excitement. “We don’t talk about Bruno!”
“Hey!” Dolores’ voice rang through the Casita although you had expected her to burst out into a song, and although the older woman had wanted nothing more but to do so, she had smiled sheepishly and shook her head, gazing at Santiago who had hid behind your skirt.
You and Camilo place a gentle hand on his shoulders as to comfort him. You two would be there, miracle or no miracle.
“Abuela says it’s time.”
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Dad! Camilo Madrigal ✨I enjoyed writing this so much! For reference, your son, Pedro, has super speed! For Santiago though, you can always suggest what miracle you want him to get. As always thank you for reading!
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potassium-pilot · 3 years
Prompt 9: Friable
“Dia, could I ask you a favor?”
“When have I ever said ‘no’ to you, Tataru?”
“Fair point”, Tataru replied as she placed her hand in her pocket and revealed a small crystal trinket in her palm, shaped like a sun, about an ilm tall. “I need to leave for a bit, but I don’t want to leave this alone, nor would I care to lose it because it fell out of my pocket. Could I trouble you to hold onto it for me?”
“This is the least troublesome thing I’ve been asked to do in a long time. Of course I’ll take care of it for you.” Dia took the sun-shaped trinket with her finger and thumb and lifted it close to her face for a better look.
“Thank you, Dia! I owe you for this!” Tataru waved at her and sauntered out of the Rising Stones, leaving Dia to marvel at the inanimate object for a while before placing it within her inventory.
“You know, you ought to learn to say ‘no’ sometimes”, a gruff voice commented aloud. Estinien sat at the table in front of Tataru’s desk, giving a wry smile. “And what’s that supposed to mean, Wyrmblood?”
“Means you run yourself ragged for them already. When do you put your foot down?”
“You don’t say ‘no’ to Tataru Taru.” She sat down across from him. “It’s one of the unwritten rules of the Scions. You’ll get used to it soon enough.”
“Why is that an unwritten rule?”
“Consider it like this; Tataru has watched her friends be murdered and kidnapped before her very eyes and nearly died herself, she was forced into exile alongside Alphinaud and I after that godsforsaken banquet, and she helped me fight a giant turtle man in Hell’s Lid. All this, she’s done and kept the Scions afloat, which was rather difficult when the majority of us were across the rift in the First. None of us would be here without her keeping all the things that would distract us from our duty away from us. If she needs something, I’m damn well doing it.”
Estinien wore a perplexed look on his face. “There’s a couple of scenarios in there that I’ll need you to explain.”
“All in good time. The point is, never say ‘no’ to Tataru, ever. She’s done and seen too much. She can have anything she wants.”
“You can’t always say ‘yes’ to people, or they’ll expect further agreement from you.”
“Good? That means they trust you.”
“That means they think you’re a doormat.”
Dia scoffed at the notion. “This is also my place of employment. What about when you were ordered to do something as a Temple knight? You couldn’t have been able to say ‘no’ to your commanding officer.”
“The Scions are not a military, as I recall. At any rate, are you implying the coinkeeper is your commanding officer?”
“As good as, if not better. Have you ever tried saying ‘no’ to her?”
“I have said no to her.”
An evil curl of her lip began to form into a half-smirk. “And weren’t you chased around Kugane for your efforts?” Estinien darted his eyes away with a scowl. “And then ended up saying ‘yes’ to taking down Black Rose facilities anyways…and then to becoming a Scion?” Estinien growled under his breath. Dia leaned back in her chair and pretended to hold a book. “Or was that in your day planner?” She started a pale imitation of the man. “10am: Brooding. 11am: Jump a million malms in the air. 12pm: Destroy any Black Rose facilities I see. 1pm: Become a Scion of the Seventh Dawn.”
“Don’t you have a crystal to watch?!” he retorted.
“I do, yes”, she reached into her inventory and opened her palm in front of him, “and I’m doing it well, see?”
There was a moment of silence, then the dragoon said, “That’s not the crystal” with a small bit of pleasure in his voice. She popped a very quizzical look and checked what was in her hand herself. A small sapphire charm was staring back at her.
“Shite! I was going to give this to Aymeric last night, and I forgot!” She stared into her inventory with no small amount of desperation. “Well, where in hells is the crystal, then?”
“Don’t ask me. You’re the one who agreed to keep watch of it.”
She sifled through her bag frantically. “I couldn’t have lost it; I was sitting here the whole time!”
“Ah, Dia, Estinien, how are you faring?” G’raha greeted cheerfully, as she continued to search through her possessions while Estinien reveled in his schadenfreude.
A few footsteps later, a shattering sound rang the loudest that any crystal could ever make.
Dia’s eyes widened. She slowly stood up from her chair, took a few very slow steps, and delivered to G’raha a look that could strike fear into the heart of Halone. “G’raha Tia”, she rumbled in a very low voice, “Move your foot.”
G’raha slowly moved his head downward to look at his feet, then slowly returned it to meekly gaze into her fearsome visage. “I’m afraid to”, he replied quietly.
Her voice started to raise slightly. “Move your foot, or I’m moving you!” He almost hopped away, and unveiled the result of her carelessness- the shattered remains of Tataru’s sun-shaped crystal. She gathered as much as she could and dashed back to the table with G’raha.
“You were a crystal once! Do something!”
G’raha stammered, unsure how to reply to a comment like that. “I-I-I can’t! I don’t know what it looked like!”
“Do I have to draw you a picture?! It looked like the sun!” She brought her face closer to his. “You don’t understand. Tataru had me keep watch of it.”
G’raha’s eyes widened and he gave a grimace. “She’ll kill you.”
“Me? Oh, hells no. Us. If I’m going down, I’m taking you with me, crystal boy!”
He gulped loudly. “All right, maybe this isn’t so bad. Maybe this is still fixable.” The two of them used their magic to lift up the shards, and start solving the puzzle. Behind them, Estinien stood and laughed under his breath. The distracting dragoon caused her to lose her focus, the shards dropping back on the table. She swung around and barked, “If you’re just gonna sit there and snicker at us, then bugger off.”
“This is too delicious to turn away.”
Dia groaned. “All right, look, I’m sorry I teased you earlier, okay? But when Tataru asks me to do something, I do it, and not because I’m a doormat! It’s because she’s been the one good constant in my life, and she’s stood by me from the very beginning. She’s my friend, and I’d do anything for her because I think she deserves so much more than I could ever give, and now I’m pissed because I couldn’t even do this for her!”
She turned around and finished with, “So you’ll forgive me if I’m not in the mood.”
The two arcanists started their puzzle once again as Estinien slowly walked away from the duo.
“So that’s how you feel about our receptionist?” asked G’raha.
She let out a sharp, quick breath through her nose. “Tataru’s not just a receptionist to me. A normal receptionist would have quit the Scions the moment we were implicated in the Sultana’s murder. A normal receptionist wouldn’t have been secretly learning arcanima in her spare time and use it to help me fight. A normal receptionist wouldn’t have helped nurse the Scions as they laid there unconscious, and fret over whether they’ll ever wake up.” The last struck a pang of guilt in the Mi’qote’s heart. “A normal receptionist doesn’t casually learn airship engineering and build a new one from scratch!” She let out a light laugh after that one.
“She’s as much a Scion as the rest of us.” Dia went quiet for a moment as she started to fit some of the last few pieces together. “She’s the best of us, really.” G’raha gave a empathetic smile. “Have you ever told her this?”
She hesitated, then responded, “…no, not really. At least, not aloud.”
“I think she’d appreciate it if she heard it from you”, suggested G’raha, “It’s good to extend appreciation to those who work so hard for us, especially if it’s as passionate as yours. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you express emotions like that before.”
“Ha, Aymeric can attest to how hard it is for me to express my feelings. If anything, I should be more willing- at least these feelings are completely platonic.” G’raha gave a light chuckle.
The pieces of the puzzle had finally linked together and the sun shined back at the arcanists…
…except for one shard that made an obvious hole in the bottom.
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me”, Dia complained. The two stared back at the scene of the crime in hopes of seeing it glimmer behind them. “All right, help me look for that last part.”
“Right.” The two took one step before they heard the sound of latches from the front door.
“I’m back!” Tataru announced gleefully. The two quickly spun around to look at her as she walked back with boxes in her hands. “I was picking up supplies from House Fortemps. Dia, can I have the you-know-what back?”
The two averted their gaze towards anything else and started sputtering, trying to figure out just what to tell the lalafell.
“Uh…” Dia started.
“Well, see…”, said G’raha.
“The thing is…”
The door to Dawn’s Respite had opened and closed and from the doorway. a gruff voice spoke out. “It’s my fault, I’m afraid.” The dragoon stepped out to stand beside Dia. “She handed it to me because I wanted to see it. Stupidly, I dropped it, and well…” Estinien turned around and saw the unfinished result on the table behind them. He gently picked it up and showed Tataru. “You can see what happened. These two came together to repair it.” Tataru took the stone from Estinien and gave it a good look.
“Hm, overall, a very good repair job”, remarked the receptionist nonchalantly, “Though I didn’t take you for one with butterfingers, Estinien.”
She moved to her desk to give it a better look under the lamp. “I’ll need to remedy this missing chunk here, of course.” Tataru noticed a glint of light from the corner of her eye and found the missing piece of the sun. “Ah, there it is!” She hopped off of her chair and picked it up from the floor before hopping back onto it. Gently, she picked up the trinket, and easily fit the last piece into the hole.
“There we go!” She held out the sun in front of G’raha and requested, “G’raha, you were a crystal once. Do you think you could bind this last piece for me?”
His ears drooped. “Why is everyone calling me that?” He obeyed and repaired the last piece of it to make the sun whole once again.
“Yay!” cheered Tataru, “Thank you, both of you. You two are far better at reparations than I am.”
“Than you?” repeated Dia curiously.
“Oh, of course. I’ve repaired this thing about five or six times myself. This is the best it’s looked in a while.”
G’raha and Dia shot their gazes to each other, completely bewildered, while Estinien smacked his head into his hand and shook his head, muttering the word, “Idiots.”
“Well, Tataru, if I may”, G’raha spoke up, “What exactly was it meant for?”
Tataru stayed silent for a moment, then finally sighed and said, “Oh, I might as well. I practically gave it to you anyway.” She took out a long gold chain and a display case the same shape as the sun trinket. “The plan is to encase it in this, a much sturdier glass, and attach it to the chain to create a charm necklace for Dia’s nameday. I trust Dia, so I asked her, and I hoped that maybe she’d forget about it by the time I would give it to her.”
Dia’s mouth went agape. “What?”
“It’s true!” Tataru jumped off the chair one more and walked in front of Dia. “You do so much for us. You’re always going in harm’s way for everybody, and I feel like you get so little for it. Sure, you get a bed, some gil and recognition, but that can’t be the only thing you should get from this. I don’t get to do much for you, and frankly, I don’t think I’ll ever have a proper gift to thank you, but at the very least, I want you to feel special on your nameday.”
Dia was tearing up. She couldn’t resist going down to her knees and wrapping Tataru in a proper hug. “I couldn’t ask you to do any more! You’re the best of the Scions!”
“Oh, Dia, I’m not a Scion!” Tataru exclaimed as she returned the hug, tearing up herself.
“Oh yes you are! You’ve been through too much with us. You’re a better Scion than I am. I’ve barely come by here since I moved into Borel Manor, and you’ve been working yourself to the bone here.” She unwrapped herself from Tataru and stood back up. “I can’t ever thank you enough for everything you’ve done, Tataru Taru, for going through so much with us. I owe you the best gift I could ever give you on your own nameday!” Tataru’s smile wavered, and she wiped away her tears with her sleeve.
“I’m going to find my goldsmith’s set, and I’m going to finish this for you, Dia Sito!” she announced through the lump in her throat, and ran back to the solar to look in storage for her kit.
Estinien gave his usual smile that was barely a smile, and G’raha told her, “Now you see what I mean?” She gave a smile of her own. “I do. There’s only one thing.”
“What’s that?”
She lowered her voice and near whispered. “When the hells is Tataru’s nameday?” G’raha pursed his lips while Estinien quickly removed himself from the situation by retreating back into Dawn’s Respite.
“Let’s find her calendar”, suggested G’raha.
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wasntmj-a · 2 years
five ( + one ) facts about the garcias.
drabble about mary jane, gayle byrnes, and philip garcia.  mentions of alcohol abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, hints of violent outbursts etc
if asked,  mary jane wouldn’t know how to answer the question on why she keeps visiting papa and gayle.  they both can be mean,  and they’re almost always drunk,  which - predictably - makes them meaner.  mary jane knows gayle is trying to quit drinking,  but she also knows that her sister has collected about four alcohol anonymous chips in a drawer somewhere,  and timmy — that’s gayle’s husband — doesn’t care enough to stop buying alcohol and bringing them into the house.
here is fact number one,  mary jane doesn’t like timmy.
he smells, he’s rude, and he leers at mary jane like a predator circling around a prey ever since mary jane has met him the first time, which was probably when she was thirteen years old. sometimes when gayle is drunk enough, she accuses mary jane of trying to steal her husband. mary jane never likes it when gayle is too drunk, riled up by timmy’s sneering remarks and creepy eyes.
timmy wouldn’t care. the redder her sister will get, the more he seems to find enjoyment in the way gayle clenches her fists, and tightens her jaw. sometimes mary jane can see it — the conflict in her big sister’s eyes — the way she wanted to believe mary jane’s words over her husband’s when mary jane told her that it was timmy who was being a fucking asshole, but she never did.
this is fact number two:  no matter how angry both of them would get,  how disastrous their last meet would be,  mary jane will still come on over.  she can’t help it.  the world is too big,  and family is...   well,  you can’t really find them anywhere else,  right?  and gayle,  though guilty,  would wordlessly lets her in.  sometimes their make-up period is peaceful enough that all gayle does is smoke,  and talk shit about her neighbour.  they would laugh over the balcony.
tommy and kevin,  gayle’s kids,  are watching thomas and friends in the background.
fact number three, gayle doesn’t like it that mary jane visits papa.  she thinks papa is a deadbeat,  and useless.  mary jane doesn’t disagree,  but she knows there is rarely anything that would stop her from stocking up papa’s groceries every two weeks.  sometimes if papa is calm enough,  they both watch scarface and the godfather  throughout the afternoon.  papa is a fan of al pacino.
“who gives a shit if he ate or what? he can rot into the carpet for all that i care,” said gayle when she’s shuffling over the cards, her mouth biting onto the stick of the cigarette. tommy is only three, but he comes on over and plays with the smoke. mary jane doesn’t know why, but the image stays with her.
fact number four, gayle is a jealous bitch.  and mary jane says that kindly. (sort of.) because she knows that each time gayle has asked her if her “acting gig is still going on,” it is always with the deeper intention to see mary jane fails.  and each time she says it’s going okay,  she’s doing good,  gayle would get red,  and starts badmouthing tia anna. “well, we can’t all be fucking adopted and rescued like some fucking princess.”
and mary jane would say, angry and confused, “you left me, gayle. you left me the first chance you get.”
“what the fuck was i supposed to do then, mary jane! stayed with our piece of shit pops? no thank you.  timmy’s already a fucking handful half the time and after mama... i can’t handle more of that.”
this is where they disagree. this is where they always disagree. in mary jane’s memories, madeline garcia is always kind, and strong and, towards the end of her life, sickly. in gayle garcia’s mind, madeline was unhinged, reckless, and troublesome. when mary jane mentioned about a vacation their mom took them to once, gayle had rolled her eyes, spat, she ditched us halfway through, idiota. don’t you remember? she left us without food that night, mj. i had to fucking steal just so we don’t starve.
remember that? remember how i was caught and you were crying your eyes out? we almost went into the system if abuelita hadn’t picked us up.
fact number five, as mj learns, it’s... it’s easy to hate something. to hate the way her papa is unpredictable. one minute, he’s calm, even gleeful; the next, he’d thrown a beer can against the wall, startling mj like she’s six again, wondering what she’d done wrong. it’s also easy to hate the way gayle never filters her words, how she uses them like a weapon,  and she’s masterful with this skill.  an expert, really.
easy to hate, but - it’s so goddamn difficult to really leave. and how could she when sometimes it isn’t all that bad.  gayle knocked their knees once when they were sitting by the steps leading to the apartment,  watching pedestrians come and go.  kevin and tommy are playing with the neighborhood kids,  their childish yells and demands fill the evening air.  
gayle says,  mischievous:  “so you’re bringing your man around sometime soon? what’d you say he was - some fuckin’ scientist or shit?”
“peter isn’t my man,” mary jane tells her, honest. she hopes gayle wouldn’t see the hint of a blush rising to her cheeks. knowing her though, mj doesn’t have that much high of a hope. “and he’s - just smart. he got into ESU, you know. into this very difficult program. it’s a whole thing. his aunt was very proud of it.”
gayle whistles, and lights up another cigarette. “well, if your smart man has the time to come over to timmy’s family’s barbecue, why don’t you bring him along?”
“i don’t know,” mary jane squints her eyes in the sunset’s ray. “are you and timmy gonna behave?”
“shit, what are you, a parole officer?” gayle laughs, and for a moment, she looks youthful. she’s always been prettier than mary jane really is; all dark hair and long lashes. but she also looks so tired all the time now, so angry. it’s hard to see the beauty.  mary jane wonders if she looks like that too; if this is why she always forces herself to smile.
“you think we’re gonna scare your scientist away?” gayle jokes.
mj doesn’t know. she really doesn’t. so she says nothing. and here is another fact, her very last one, mj holds her family issues close to her chest.  she keeps it on a tight-leash, almost;  she’s careful from exposing too much,  from spilling way more than anyone can handle.  her friends - aunt may,  peter -  will never have a chance to meet her family if she could help it.
there are worse things than handling gayle garcia and philip garcia at their worst; it’s the thought that, with one gaze,  anyone could see how mary jane is easily one drink away from falling into the same fate; one snap away from being so mean, so hurtful, with her words.
mj never invites anyone to timmy’s family’s barbecue. she and gayle into a fight. she drops off groceries at papa’s house. a week later, the sisters made up. the cycle continues.
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ffxiv-ariavitali · 4 years
I'd really like to see HCs for boys of your choice getting ready for the day. Do they have a hard time getting out of bed? Shaving? Getting dressed? Do they eat breakfast and read the paper or run out the door? Morning rituals are so neat.
in this case, i’ll do my two husbandos :) thank you for your patience and the domesticity ask, it’s taken a while to get to this one.
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For someone as dedicated to his work as much as he is to you, you had initially thought that the lord commander wouldn’t have that much an issue getting up at the rise of every sun. However, you have learned quickly that it was the opposite. Quite the opposite.
You had always wondered why Aymeric’s manservant would schedule his day at least one hour ahead of time. It was because he takes a rather long time to awaken from the realm of dreams, often blinking his eyes hazily for a few moment’s pass before continuing to teeter through sleep and wakefulness. Sometimes, he would even attempt to drag you in for sleepy cuddles, locking you in his arms and snuggling up to you. (Not that you would deny him, he looked way too cute.)
Once he’s awake, the man will shave and dress himself accordingly. For how cute he was from the first, and how complicated putting on his regalia is, you assist in strapping the belts, buckling the buckles and putting on the appropriate accessories. In between, you two share kisses and words of both sweet nothings and gratitude that you are able to awaken by each other’s side.
Along with your morning ritual, you and Aymeric make sure to eat breakfast together. Whether it’s just a cup of coffee or tea with a pastry or a full meal with eggs, toast and fruit, you both ensure that the other eats. You two go through a lot during the day and it’s important to keep nourished so neither of you collapse.
[minor 5.3 spoiler warning below just in case; I wrote the next character in a time after the events of the most recent patch in mind. you have been warned.]
You have absolutely no idea how G’raha Tia is able to go to bed at the late hours of the night and wake up at the crack of dawn, but here you both were. In fact, it was troublesome whenever you were returning from an adventure and wanted rest, his movements and actions would wake you up so abruptly that you were half-tempted to bite at the man for how loud he was being.
G’raha was free-spirited and hard headed. Whenever he wanted to do something with you, he would be quick to get ready in the morning—shaving, eating, bathing, whatever he needs to do, he will finish within a bell’s toll.
Just as he was worried over your health in Norvrandt, he’s equally—if not more—concerned about your state of being now. He will be stern when it comes to nourishing yourself and if there wasn’t any ingredients to cook with, he would go out of his way to purchase a small breakfast from the nearest marketplace so you both may eat.
One of the most important morning rituals between the two, unbeknownst to anyone, is brushing each other’s hair. There was a certain intimacy to it, the creation of a place only you and he were privy to. A sense of calmness and normalcy that had been upturned from your regular life before. Though, whenever you would brush the sensitive parts of his tail, there wasn’t a guarantee that you wouldn’t be distracted from your preparations.
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