#trans fujin
fruity-mercenary · 3 months
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Hear me out… Trans FemJanet and if Raidens “Sister” in mk1 turned out to be TransMasc/Genderfluid and their best friends >:]
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porcalinecunt · 7 months
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𝐜𝐰 — sub!reader. soft dom!fujin. ftm!reader. body worship. slight use of powers. teasing. praise kink. some oral. general vanilla. perversion(?)
a/n: god i want fujin SO BAD (๑>◡<๑) i dont see much content of him here, but after some inspo on ao3, i HAD to write for him. sorry if this one isn’t as explicit as the other entries, im still getting to know his charecter and seeing what suits him best. otherwise, enjoy fujin likers! 🤍
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He swore he’d never fall for a mortal, but the heart will always get what it wants, even in a god.
Warmth and affection were foreign to Fujin, the only companion he really had was Raiden, but even the lighting god was cold to his brother. Being Earthrealm’s protectors costs too much, including the chances of love.
Hence his confusion, when a meer human who’s curiosity got the better of him caught Fujin’s eye. He had no clue if he was amused at the man’s stupidity, or from how drop dead gorgeous he was.
It didn’t matter how many times he stressed it to himself that you were to be forgotten, to get out of his head. He had a whole realm to protect for crying out loud, yet he still found himself getting embarrassingly hard at the lewd images his mind created against his own will. He wanted to curse your name for being so naive, for lacking judgement when it came to crossing the God of Wind. But in the same breath, he found himself fawning over you.
After all, it was an accident. It was him that crossed into your quite, mist covered village within the depths of Earthrealm. He stepped onto your path when you were just returning after an early morning walk to pick from your fresh harvest, your skin dewy and flushed from the cold, wet air. Fujin immediately felt his heart pound, out of both shock and anxiety. However, it was your reaction that solidified the demi-god’s crush.
“I-I’m so sorry..! Am I disturbing you?”
Your gentle tone and worried gaze with eyes that laid on Fujin’s blade and crossbow, with a basket of white peached that still had droplets of water on them. However, Fujin’s mind couldn’t help itself from pointing out the very thing he was thinking about. It was your figure.
You were petite, so much smaller compared to the demi-god. Even through the loose yukata, the back of your neck was exposed thanks to your hair being tied up. Fujin touched his lips, wanting to lean closer and ravage your soft skin. Your smaller body looked delicate, enough for his head to fill with fantasies of you. If he could, he would’ve picked you up and fucked you silly against a tree. Watching the yukata fall off, exposing what hid underneath.
He could only stare, afraid that he startled you from his weapons that were blatantly visible to the naked eye. The silence was deafening, before he spoke up in a quite voice.
“Apologies, please, you first.” As he awkwardly stood to the side of the path, allowing you to pass him by without problems. He seemed to have gotten his feelings under control, but the wind suddenly betrayed him. Rather, revealed what he truly felt within. A sudden whoosh fell upon your ears, as a ribbon of wind wrapped itself against your flushed cheek. Almost like a hand touching it, it snuck under your ear till you felt it kiss your neck.
You turned around, giving the snow haired god one final look and an awkward wave before turning back to the village. Meanwhile, Fujin was practically flustered beyond belief. He knew you knew, and you did as well as him. However, he knew the rules too well. A relationship with a mortal would end in tragedy, constant berating from Raiden and the day you’d leave this world would forever leave an unsealable hole in his heart.
But it always, always, gets what it wants.
The demi-god’s hands roamed your chest, staring down at you while you couldn’t maintain eye contact with him. You were pressed between his larger body and the cold, wooden wall behind you. Fujin’s thick fingers crept up to your neck, gently persuading you to look at him. His eyes go wide and he had to hold back from ripping your hayori off right then and there. Your eyes were bright in the dim sunlight, every single imperfection on your face washed in the pink hue that spilled into your room.
He couldn’t hold himself back any longer, as he carried you off into bed and set you down on the edge. He tugged at your hayori till it fell off your shoulders, revealing your bare figure to him. Immediately, Fujin latched his mouth onto your neck, gently biting down on the soft flesh. Instinctively, you spread your legs and allowing him to sink between your thighs, his bulge couldn't be more obvious but he didn't care at that point. He trailed his lips down to your chest, reaching your taut nipples and went for one of them while his hand tweaked the other. The sharp contrast of his warm tongue against your nipple forced a mewl out of you, holding the back of his head with your fingers tangled into his loose hair.
"F-Fujin..ah..slow down.."
He looked up, half lidded white eyes filled with a carnal lust that hasn't been fulfilled in decades stare daggers into you. He crawled back up to press a soft and passionate kiss against your lips, all while he murmurs nothing but praise as he traced every curve and bone in your body.
"How did I have the strength to resist you, the nerve to turn away from an angel. My dear, you have driven me beyond insane..”
He whispered in his husky, low voice in your ear. All while his hands touched dangerously close to your throbbing cunt. Yet his movements were slow, almost treating you like a glass statue. It wasn’t driven by a need for a quick fuck, but a insatiable adoration of you. One that could never be extinguished by just one night of sex.
Fujin slipped his fingers through your lips, teasing your clit with his thumb while you gripped his wrist. His lips still remained glued against yours, drinking up your whines and muffled pleas for more. It no longer mattered to him that he was doing something so taboo, so inconvenient for him as a god. He was beyond infatuated with you, and he will prove it through the pleasure he invokes in you, treating you as if you were created by the Elder Gods themselves.
“Beautiful, beautiful my darling..just allow me to do all the work. Take good care of you like you deserved..”
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🎧 this work belongs to @porcalinecunt. reblogs and feedback are appreciated. <3
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cm2tfemotd · 6 months
Todays Canon Male to Transfem Headcanon is fujin from Mortal Kombat! she is a genderfluid pan transfem that uses any/she! also in a t4t relationship with Nightwolf!
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agirlwhosjusthere · 7 months
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Alright, it's late in the evening for me, and randomly thought, hey- why not make Fujin, but in MK1 and SO I DID!
There is long braid and longer braid. I think both look cute
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oldmanrairaiyaaahh09 · 5 months
Wow, tell me more about your idea of ​​trans Raiden, please, it caught my attention.
Well, I feel like before Raiden was trans he didn't feel right in his body. After he changed, he told nobody about him being trans the only person who knows is Fujin Kung lao and liu Kang, but Johnny eventually knew (I ship them btw Raiden and Johnny).I also feel like he wore more layers (of clothing) to make himself comfortable. Also, after he changed, he never took off his shirt just because he didn't want anyone to see his top scars. He thinks people will judge him for being trans but he has the support of Fujin Kung Lao and Liu Kang + Johnny.
Sorry this was short. I'll have more in the future, and I hope this catches your attention as well. Feel free to ask anytime.
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ihateliterature · 1 year
I think it's really telling how transphobic queer anti-fujo repurpose autogynephilia into autoandrophilia for the sake of attacking trans men
Because autogynephilia is wrong, that's a well known fact, the man that came out with it was a well known transphobe and homophobe. Trans women/femmes have been trying to correct the misinformation spread by the people who believe in it for decades. To this day, TERFs spread it to harm trans femmes. This theory still harms people, today, right now
But a bunch of queer people with a savior complex that got it in their heads that fujoshi are the most vile people on god's green earth looked at this wrong, harmful and highly offensive "scientific" theory and thought "oh, this seems like a very good idea, you know what we can use it for? Exactly, to prove that the cringe 'gay trans men' are actually just straight women fetishizing gay men. Such a good idea"
And this a message to the younger trans people hanging out in these circles and happily joining in. If the people you surround yourself with, eagerly use known transphobic theories against the trans people they don't like, then it's only a matter of time before they turn against you
But above all, this proves that they don't actually care about straight women reading bl. They don't care about the fetishization of gay men. They hate bl because they hate pornography and refuse to listen when people tell them that not all bl is pornographic because they've internalized the homophobic idea that 2 men holding hands is inherently pornographic. And they hate gay trans men, for being gay, being trans and being men
Like, you know that's the reason why this whole anti-fujo shit show even started, right? They can't use gay trans men in their "lost lesbians" fairy tale. They do it with t4t gay men, but, generally, you can't claim someone who is happily and enthusiastically loving men to be "a lesbian escaping mysoginy and lesbophobia" unless you want to corrode the separatist meaning of lesbianism you are trying to push. So, just like discourse happy queer people, they looked at autogynephilia and thought "Oh yeah, this works just fine"
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No Justification Submitted - Anonymous
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jliesworld · 1 year
Launching my LGBTQ+ and BL Sticker-Pin club!
You can join my club here:
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Here are the mascots for February's LGBT Rewards:
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The other mascots will be introduced as the months go by.
BL Club Rewards:
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The die-cut sticker is only censored in this preview because I'll be sharing this on Instagram. The real reward is uncensored!
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insectwmn · 11 months
everytime two girls kiss while cosplaying as their favourite anime boy ship an angel gets its wings
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itshomobirb · 2 months
If you're looking for the male equivalent of a fujoshi, that would be a fudanshi 腐男子
i know. but i prefer fujoshi as a label.
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qdbs-writes · 1 year
May I have a slightly strange request?  Raiden and Fujin's reaction to their crush suddenly saying "God save Johnny Cage" (the reader and Cage are friends and this phrase just escaped by chance and was not even intended for anyone in particular)
nonny, i promise you this is like the least strange thing i've had in my inbox lately
Fujin and Raiden React To Their Crush Saying "God Save Johnny Cage"
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It was like any other day in the Sky Temple, or, as normal as the Sky Temple could be. In the last few weeks, you'd been setting up your friendly neighbourhood Shinto deities with some more modern Earthrealm technology, the latest edition being a TV. It was nothing fancy, an old Goodmans 1408 that you had lying around. The real challange was hooking it up to modern channels. After some percussive maintenance, you tune the CRT TV to a talk show featuring Johnny Cage. The storm brothers gathered behind you, enchanted by the flickering screen you had brought to life for them. The interview itself was relatively dull, with Johnny being asked about his latest movie or suspected liasions with other Hollywood actors. It was until the interviewer mentioned one of Johnny's costars, an actor who'd been publicly outed as transgender, and asked if Johnny could ever work with the 'dirty, immoral liar' again. The three of you watch as Johnny begins to shout at the interviewer, screaming that they had no right to say that about his costar. The arguement continues until Johnny punches the interviewer across the jaw, before turning to the camera crew and live audience to speak about the importance of trans rights. But he could only get a few words in before the program cuts off, with a 'We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties' message. The storm Gods share a look while you nod your head proudly. "God save Johnny Cage." you mutter. You didn't have time to think about the nuances of what you had said in front of the two Gods, but decided that it was more amusing to let them come to their own conclusions.
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Recently Fujin had been building up the courage to reveal his feelings towards you. He was sure of how he felt but painfully unsure of how to go about it. He had asked his brother, Raiden, who was little help. He had even asked other Earthrealmers, although he did his best to hide your identity as the object of his affections.
Fujin knew one thing, that if he couldn't tell you, then he absolutely couldn't tell any of your friends, what if they stepped in? What if they said something to you that gave you a bad opinion of him? What if someone stole your heart first?
There were far too many ways it could all go terribly wrong. And now he was even more confused. "God save Johnny Cage", what did those words mean? Well he knew what they meant, but why would you say them?
Fujin was a god, did you want him to save Johnny? If that were the case, Johnny didn't seem to be in any danger. If you really cared that much about Johnny, maybe it's time Fujin confessed his feelings for you before it's too late.
When the two of you are alone, Fujin will drop to his knee dramatically, "I vow to protect Johnny Cage for you, because since the day we met, I have loved you, and I will do all in my power to make you happy, even if you love another."
Fujin emotionally braces, expecting rejection, but instead hears your delighted squeals as you wrap your arms around him, saying how you love him too, pressing soft kisses to his cheek.
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For the last few months, Raiden had been delicately calculating how to best start a relationship with you. Part of that was navigating how you felt about others, and if he had any competition to worry about.
From what he had seen, your relationship with Johnny Cage was platonic at best. But Johnny was also more experienced in courting techniques and had succeeded in gaining many partners over his short, mortal lifetime.
Raiden's heart sinks at the idea that perhaps Cage's charm had reached you through the television, ensnaring you enough to make you say "God save Johnny Cage".
He knew the meaning behind that saying, he wasn't a complete fool. To ask a god to save someone was a verbal decleration of your devotion to someone, your pride in them, how you wish their lives to be long and happy.
Weren't all those things the sum of love? Those were certainly all the things Raiden wished for you. For you to suddenly feel this way towards Cage... The only explaination was the TV, clearly a cursed device that you must be protected from.
Que Raiden launching the TV over the nearest balcony when you aren't looking, if you ask where it went, Raiden will feign ignorance and instead invite you for a walk in the gardens, offering his arm for you to take.
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hamham1809 · 6 months
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i really like hc when Kung Lao is kinda silly when he'll see Fujin on the future for the first time
(fujin is trans here)
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vyglitchcraft · 8 months
I like how we all agree that Takeda Takahashi is a trans man. No way that boy is cis or even straight. Bruh i have a whole list of MK characters i think are trans men, and there's a lot and purely from vibes. These mfs are
Kung Jin
Liu Kang
Shang Tsung
Erron Black
Johnny Cage
Why? Because i don't know, its just the vibes they give me
Yall agree with the list?
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Heyyy sorry if I'm late to the party or anything but! Do you have any other trans headcanons for MK characters? I personally really like the idea of transmasc Rain :) I'm totally not projecting
This is fandom, you're never too late to the party here, the party is eternal
also transmasc Rain is amazing and I love it
Fujin is non-binary and only keeps his gender around bc it's occasionally useful
Kuai Liang can be one of two options either a) trans guy or b)doesn't know what gender is and is too afraid to ask (Am I projecting? yes. Will I stop? no.)
Transfem Cassie anyone? Just me? Okay
Genderfluid Kitana
Genderfluid Liu Kang
Kung Lao thinks gender is something you can eat
Raiden is also genderfluid
Trans masc Erron Black is a hill I will die on
Idk what Nightwolf is but it ain't cis
Demigirl Jade
Basically all of them are trans or nonbinary in some way, the only cis ppl here are Hanzo and Jacqui and even that's debatable
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imustbenuts · 11 months
thinking about how much my asian ass dislikes being robbed of the term fujoshi (and fujin, fudanshi) bc people wont stop defining it as 'cis white women who fetishizes gay men'.
when... bear with me for a second... its a japanese term. not even english. originally used as derogatory slur for women enjoying gay media, calling them 'dirty' and 'unfit marriage' on 2ch, the equivalent of fucking 4chan. said women who later reclaimed it, only to have english speakers bastardize that right back into a negative term.
somehow that the thought process doesnt quite stop at 'maybe its kinda bad to take a foreign term and repurpose it for english lens', and instead of brushing off certain problematic actions as young immature dumbasses being immature dumbasses online, its used as a bludgeoning tool for 'women who enjoy gay media bad!'
and then leading into incidentally saying ALL straight white women can never enjoy gay media, EVER. which if said by a LGBTQ youth who believes in idk, inclusivity, absolutely blows my mind seven stratospheres into the milky way. why gatekeep. why the fuck.
bc if NO straight women, white or otherwise, can ever enjoy gay media or, explore a masc identity, then what the fuck is truly being said here, exactly??? trans folks bad? women bad??
i dont project myself onto every slop of asian porn out there. while there are issues with how some real people think of asians, by and large they are so few and far between. and if they cross a boundary, i have no problem handling it like an adult with blocking. easy, simple, no foul no problem.
so again
i really dislike anyone who robs and repurposes the term 'fujoshi' into this so called 'english definition' and play directly into TERF or anti-trans rhetoric.
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fandombird123 · 6 months
If NRS makes Fujin female I'm making him trans. I do not care. I am at my wits end with this new timeline.
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