#three-dimensional garden
olenaart · 3 months
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“Impasto Wildflower Symphony” https://www.artfinder.com/product/impasto-garden-symphony-c9865/ A Lively Meadow in Colorful Relief
Impasto Garden Symphony
Step into the vibrant and textured world of “Impasto Wildflower Symphony”, an enchanting artwork that celebrates the exuberance of a blooming meadow. This three-dimensional masterpiece bursts forth with expressive character, capturing the essence of nature’s joyous field.
Key Features:
Impasto Technique: The artist skillfully employs thick impasto strokes, breathing life into the vivid flowers. Each brushstroke adds dimension, making the scene dynamic and captivating.
Rich Palette: Reds, pinks, yellows, purples, and blues intermingle harmoniously, mirroring the riotous hues of a sun-kissed meadow.
Textured Delight: Dabs and splatters of paint create a tactile experience, inviting viewers to explore the wild growth of the landscape.
Three-Dimensional Wonder: The canvas comes alive, inviting you to immerse yourself in the blossoming beauty.
Don’t let this unique and captivating artwork slip away. Add “Impasto Wildflower Symphony” to your collection and revel in the expressive nature of a flourishing meadow. 🌸🎨🌿 #texture #colourful #acrylic #canvas #vibrant #relief #pallet knife #artwork #painting #wildflowers #meadow #impasto #colorful #vibrant #dynamic #expressive #nature #texture #blooming #richpalette #three-dimensional #joyousfield @Artfinder @ArtRepublic
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flowerflamestars · 12 days
Albatross Snippet
"Wasn't good enough to look at alive," Jason exhaled, horribly quiet, "Still not good enough dead?"
Dick stared down at his putrid coffee. Bitterness seemed to have taken over his senses- hated taste in his mouth, the sound of Jason's voice- like nothing else existed.
"Fuck you," Dick enounciated clear despite the lump in his throat. "Fuck you for dying, fuck you for lying, and fuck you for leaving."
His voice didn't shake. Vehemence tasted shitty too.
Slumping all at once into the crooked booth across from him, Jason seemed to nearly fall. "Dick."
He made it half a minute, watching yellow light highlight the coffees oily sheen. Pink circles on diner ceramic, two chips. Less than forty seconds- he had to look.
And Jason was just Jason. Handsome. Tired. Physically arresting as the night Dick had really met him. Freshly shaved jaw, a half days bruise ever so slightly discoloring. Not an open wound or an adolescent ghost, a shape in the dark holding Dicks hand as tightly as he'd held onto all his secrets.
Not exactly the same, but enough, pushing all the air from Dicks lungs because it could never, ever be the same.
"You cut your hair."
Quiet. Furious. Not at all relieved.
Jason blushed. Faint, not unapparent, not to Dick, just a little bit of pink on those broad cheekbones. Too sudden to blame the cold.
"And you let yours grow," Jason said, after too long a beat, gripping the table edge. He swallowed, all of Dick's anger seeming to condense down on watching stress play out on his person. "Alf giving you shit yet?"
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batslime · 1 year
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my ma’s going to visit my grandma this weekend so I’m making gma some hummingbird suncatchers as a late bday/ mothers day gift (they’re her favorite birdie)
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dcxdpdabbles · 6 months
The Royal Consort Part 4
Danny smiles awkwardly as Mr. Paresh once again talks about his business. He is still determining why the man keeps repeating the annual profits or benefits for his investors as he carefully sips his sparkling cider.
He tones the man out after he starts again, gazing over the lavished banquet hall. Bruce Wayne really went all out for this gala. There were people in suits and dresses that cost more than his family car, strutting around and ignoring the large spread of deserts and drinks.
Danny has no idea how. He has already gotten a plate of fudge and sparkling cider from a world-renowned chef, never before tasting anything better. He would have gotten more, but he gets stopped whenever he tries to cross the room.
All everyone wants to talk about is his "husband," his "husband's" money, or their company and business. The night has blended into a weird mix of the three topics, and he will be hard-pressed to recite any of the information.
It's not that it isn't interesting, but Danny keeps getting the feeling that he's being talked down to. Or swindled.
But maybe that's just his insecurities talking. Danny isn't sure how he would ever come clean about his lies now. If he ever could.
The world believed that an inter-dimensional war would break out if he so much as had an argument with Phantom. Tucker had sent him the link to the political debates about it.
Imagine people finding out after all of that, that he lied and claimed he was married to himself? No.
That is not going to happen.
Danny would take this secret to his second grave.
"Your cooperation would be greatly beneficial to both parties. Wouldn't you agree, Mr. Phantom?" The man finishes, and Danny snaps his attention back to him. What did he call him? Oh no, did Mr. Paresh figure him out? And what was that about cooperation? Was he going to blackmail Danny?
Danny isn't sure what kind of expression he is making, but it must have looked bad for Tim Wayne to make his way over quickly. He's been hovering since the gala started.
In fact, all the Waynes have been hovering ever since they rescued him from the paparazzi. They took him back to the manor, where Alfred had been kind enough to make him some tea to help calm him down.
It was a bit awkward. Mostly because he had been somewhat shaky from the encounter, and they had been hyper-aware of future-him's threat to destroy the world if he was harmed.
Not that Danny would, but the Waynes didn't need to know that.
"Excuse me, Mr. Paresh, I need to speak to Mr. Fenton for a moment," Tim says with an easy smile and a smooth side-step that allows him to steer Danny away.
Mr. Paresh tries to protest, but Tim masterfully ignores him. With sure steps, an easy smile, and a hand on the small of Danny's back, Tim has him out of the crowd into the open air of a balcony, and Danny can feel himself breathing again.
"Thanks for the save," He tells Tim, leaning on the railing overlooking the garden.
The other teenager offers him a crooked smile. "Don't mention it. Mr. Paresh can be a bit pushy when it comes to investors."
"Is that what he wanted?" Danny asks surprised.
"Yes, even he wouldn't be dumb enough to hit on a Royal Consort," Tim tells him jokingly, but something about how he says it makes Danny feel like he is not joking. In fact, it's almost like Tim is trying to appease any foul mood the mislabeled "flirting" would cause.
"Too bad. I don't have any money. It all belongs to Phantom." Danny sighs.
"Many spouses here are investors using their partner's funds. It's not a surprise you be approached for King Phantom's vaults." Tim explained with a helpless shrug that seemed far too regal for such a casual action.
Fighting the urge to roll his eyes, Danny sighs. "Phantom would never be interested in human business affairs"
Tim eyes gleam "why?"
"We don't live very long to a being like him. Our businesses would be like a snap of his fingers, and he wouldn't make up any profits that could match whatever he put into it"
The other teen makes a noise in the back of his neck but doesn't say anything after that. Danny slumps more onto the railing, allowing his chin to rest on his crossed arms.
The necklace that got him until this mess swings about accidentally hitting the metal. It's loud clack echoes as the silence between the two stretches.
After a moment, Danny speaks up, eyes trained on the tree line that has provided a screen of privacy.
"Are there still paparazzi at the gates?"
"Yes." Tim scoffs. Even without turning to look at him, Danny knows the other is frowning. "Bruce hired private bodyguards- Bowhunter Security- to keep them out, but they will hound you for the rest of your life likely. I'm sorry."
Danny shrugs even if a part of him shivers up into a ball at the thought of those camera flashes and pushy people hoping to capture something they can exploit. "I figured. They bothered Princess Diana like that too."
Neither speaks for a moment, allowing the gentle cold wind of the night air to brush over them. Danny, for a second, closes his eyes and lets himself sink into the welcoming silence.
He nearly falls asleep there, even going as far as to close his eyes and slow his breathing but just as he's about to drop off into his dreams, Tim lets out a startled gasp.
"King Phantom!"
Ripping open his eyes, Danny can only stare in absolute shock as a green portal ripples before him, much like it had done a few days ago in Wayne's car. It's larger than before, the size of a large door, which makes it easier for Phantom to step out of.
He is dressed to the nines, his kingly attire screaming wealth even if it seems to be from a few centuries back. Its dark blues and whites highlighted his figure, and the black overthrown cape gave him a commanding presence.
White hair pushed back in a stylish tousle mess, it gave his flouting crown that much more alluring sight to behold. Danny's eyes were imminently drawn to another one of Clockwork's medallions resting comfortably around Phantom's neck.
No. Danny thinks faintly as Phantom- his future self, the asshole-winks at him. Please let this be a nightmare.
Alas, it is not, for Phantom takes his hand and brings it up to press a kiss against his knuckles. "Good evening, Darling. I have come to escort you to the gala."
"The hell you are" Danny hisses, yanking his hand away. Tim shifts uncomfortably at his side as Phantom tilts his chin to the nearby windows.
Risking a peak over his shoulder, Danny bites back a groan of frustration as multiple guests press themselves against the glass, gawking at the king of dead.
A few even have their phones out recording.
the portal's glow must have attracted guests' attention. Dammit it all
"Darling, I know I missed our anniversary because of my work, but please let me make it up to you." Phantom all but begs. He steps forward to drag Danny into a tight hug where he proceeds to whisper into his ear, using ghost delict.
"Alien invasion on the way. Batman and Superman die tonight trying to stop it. The world goes to Dan's level of bad. Clockwork wants us to handle it. Play. Along."
Of course, there is. Why not?
Danny wants to scream, wants to punch something very hard, but all he can do is whisper back. "What causes it?"
"Some idiot in this crowd cares for the key that portals the invading fleet. We will blow it up as the invading forces try to get through; we just have to find the person and not let them activate it beforehand." Phantom grips his hand harder, teeth turning just a bit sharper. "They killed Jazz first."
Oh, this is personal.
"Who is our first suspect?"
"Suspects," Phantom corrects, pressing him even closer, and to the onlookers, it seems sweet and devoted to his human. None of them know the chill in the air is due to Phantom's ire and not the cold winter. "The Waynes were conveniently gone when that thing opened."
Danny's eyes, against his will, almost flicker over to Tim, and he is startled by the calculative look in those blue eyes before it is swiftly hidden. Shit, and he liked the Waynes.
"I swear," Phantom says, stepping back now speaking in English and offering a boyish smile, that does nothing to hide the rage in his eyes,. "The Waynes are no threat to my family, Darling."
Everyone hears the words, but they all believe what King Phantom said has a different meaning.
The crowd thinks the Waynes had somehow implied an attack on the royal ghost house, maybe a faux pas for not knowing ghost culture while hosting Danny. Team Phantom thinks Danny is accusing the Waynes of ending the world.
But what do the Waynes hear?
"This is bad B. I think Danny Fenton is accusing the Waynes of trying to steal his husband." The teenager whisper-shouts into his phone, trying to hide from the embraced couple speaking in a strange language on the balcony.
"Tim, what did you do?!" Bruce yells back.
"I didn't do anything!"
"Tell Drake to stop being a homewrecker before the King declares war on us, Father!" Damian is heard over speakers, likely crowding around the phone like his siblings. Tim can see them now, hidden away in a closet, trying to listen to the call between Tim and Bruce the moment Bruce went for his phone.
"I am not a homewrecker!"
"That's right, Tim is not a homewrecker! Phantom has two hands. he can have two loves!" Dick passionately defends.
"He also has an undead army." Duke says, "Which we would like to avoid attacking us. Tim, come on, the man is married, back up."
"No, no, no, Dick is onto something there. I say seduce them both!" Steph shouts like she is commanding him to rush the frontlines of a battlefield.
"You should dance for them. Like birds." Cass adds.
"Yeah, Tim, shake some ass for the good of mankind," Jason snickers.
"None of this is helpful!"
"Tim, just please try to calm the King down." Bruce cuts in, sounding both severe and tired. "We really can't afford this war."
Tim risks glancing toward the royals and has to swallow a gulp at the twin-set stare that bores into his soul. It's unnerving how similar they are- but then again, Phantom changed his form to match Danny's in an odd Ghost tradition of love.
A love that he believed was being threatened with unfaithfulness due to Tim- or the other Waynes!
How was he ever going to calm someone like that down?
"I'll try."
He just hopes it's enough to get it through the evening.
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tmntaucompetition · 1 year
Preliminary Votes List (1)
List of creators and their creations for the preliminary votes! I would've put these in but I was conked out last night my apologies. AND I REACHED THE LIMIT GOOD LORD
Residuum - @rottmnt-residuum Donnie 2.0 - @domesticatedopossum Mutant Manhunt - @baskeigh-ball Raphs on Raphs - @gumball-gotdamb-watterson Separate Dreams - @55cdfc-f7a8b8-ffffff-f7a8b8-55cd8b8-55cd Same As It Never Was - @kittynumyum Homographs - @realmsalot Mer(tles) - @quewp1 Turtles of the Hour - @ranchshark Wishing on Reflecting Street Puddles - @loonbark Out of the Shadows and Into the Neon - @obsidiancreates Things Will Be Fine - @skeletonjock Third From The Son / Dawning of the Hour - @thedawningofthehour Raph meets Little Y'gythba - Submitter did not give a user to anything Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis - @mutantninjamidlifecrisis Winged Turtles - @mobiitez Conjoined Disaster Twins - @mintyyyshake9000 Banana Split - @alexcant578 Pieces of Home - @daedelweiss And One to Grow On - @zelgadis55 The Question is Violence and the Answer is Pizza - anon (ao3) Two Arms Left - @intotheelliwoods Adopted Mikey - @tblsomedoodles Unfamiliar Familiar - Torable (ao3) Life Transitions - @purplefuzzysocks Seratello - @noodlenoodlenoodlenoodle Tenative Devotee - @s0fti3w1tch TMNT CY.V1 - @ikemengoessbrrrrr Adopted Donnie - @/tblsomedoodles We Ran Out Of Rats - @sheltered-uno Seer Twins - @/tblsomedoodles Sewer - @mej2235 Giovanni Twins - @enthblaze Dystopia - @alexthenerdbird (on twitter too) Five Nights at Leo's - @nrrrdgrrrl2002 Sewer Punks - @kettle-bird Coin Toss - @gemini-forest (ao3) Little Scraps of Wisdom - clandestineClairvoyant (ao3) Trans-Dimensional Chaos - @tmnt-obsessed-ace Turtle Loops - @sunnylighter Sea Bunny - InkySpikes (Twitter) Prince - @beannary Three Days To Live - @spectrumscribe The Future Left Behind - @shittygaypornmagazine Odd Man Out - @threestripeslider Teenage Mutant Neglected Turtles - @nerves-nebula Journal - LemurzSquad (ao3) Universal Collision - @misteria247 Casino - Malka_gol (TikTok) Prolonged Agony - @archtype-archives (ao3) Behind the Scenes / Actor - @catboycamdotcom Turtle Trauma Powerfield - @donatellokinnersinner Vendetta - Adelfie (Fanfic.net) Prime Leo - @darth-sonny His World - @skylerskyhigh Memoria Damnum - @aduckmurder In Search of Shadows - @echakazul (ao3) The Jersey Incident - Averycreativeusername (ao3) The Shinobi's Garden - @taizi Murals and Mutants - @aslitheryprinx TMNT: The Last of Us - @deedeeprince164
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Rise Characterizations: The Foot Clan
Since I've posted on Cass, I figured it would be useful to post separately on the Foot Clan as a whole.
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So the Foot Clan's obvious goal is the resurrect The Shredder.
They have paralleled origins to that of the Hamato Clan, the distinction of which caused by Karai splitting into her own clan.
One of the only mentioned laws of the Foot Clan is: you can only take control by succeeding where those have failed.
This leaves room to interpret that there could be a history of in-fighting or struggle for power within the Foot Clan.
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To officially join the Foot Clan, a recruit must attempt an assigned solo mission, and return with success. The more missions a recruit/member go on, the more they are qualified to be raised to a higher ranking.
A foot marking on a face is implied to accompany a higher level of respect. Since Huginn and Muninn haven't raised their rank higher than the equivalent of a 2, we can assume that getting a foot print you must be a rank 3 or higher.
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Foot Lt. offhandedly mentioned they get recruits online in "ninja chat rooms", so it seems they prioritize quantity over quality.
Then there are the origami warriors, who serve as canon fodder. We see the origami warriors as the earliest army of the Foot Clan, but this is ruined with the turtles' involvement. I wonder what determines the value between the origami warriors and the human members.
The Foot Clan is already kind of built on flimsy foundations. Foot Lt. and Foot Brute seem to be the only ones in the know of what's going on (being able to navigate through the Hidden City, use/locate mystic artifacts, and have some knowledge of the Hamato Clan), but even they don't really understand the Shredder's motivations. It makes me question how "human" or disconnected from their humanity they are, especially considering the flaming heads and purple skin.
There is some mentioned donors of the Foot Clan (such as Jocelyn's parents), but after the Shredder was detained in Seasons 2's opening, the members of the Foot Clan kind of jumped ship. This forced Cass to find purpose elsewhere, and Foot Lt. and Brute to retreat to the shadows. When the Shredder returns, it's just the three of them. This might have to do with where they recruit from.
In-fighting and changes between leadership through violence could also lead to muddled history and values. These people aren't bound together by one purpose, just broad destructive chaos.
Names and identities don't be appeared to be valued within the Foot Clan. For the majority of the show Cassandra is referred to as "Foot Recruit", and the only names we're offered with the two leaders are "Foot Lt. and "Foot Brute". This is could be read as a gag, but again Foot Clan history is completely open to interpretation.
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We've discussed their connection to Shredder's resurrection, but even beyond him what they're really aiming at it world domination and destruction. We see this reflected in Cass with her inherit fierceness, but also how she deals with the fallout of the Foot Clan by raising an army of brownie scouts to take over the world.
And then there's the inherit role of servitude that both Foot Lt. and Brute put themselves under. When Draxum dons the armor they "await" his orders (with the misunderstanding that the Shredder has risen), and when asked what they expect the Shredder to do they simply shrug and say "shred". They live to serve and destroy for a higher power beyond their understanding. A few lines that particularly stuck out to me in the movie was: "Tonight we liberate our masters from their dimensional prison. With this key we shall free them to lay waste to this world and enslave its people."
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And finally I'd like to discuss their relationship with the Krang and the key.
Since the events of s2 the Foot Clan appears to have taken residence in an abandoned garden, whether it was the same in which the boys had broken into to smell the corpse flower remains unclear to My findings. Their numbers have grown again for an unknown reason, and they have been collecting parts of the dimensional gate and finally key.
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I would also like to mention the inclusion of the boat and dock here. Especially since we were introduced to the Foot Clan through their paper thievery, and the boys had their first win against them on a similar boat that served as a paper hoard.
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Moving back to the Krang, they have a similar fundamental misunderstanding of their place in relation to their masters, as they did with their master the shredder. It begs me to ask the question of when exactly and how did Lieutenant and Brute start giving attention to the Krang.
They were never mentioned before during the show, but in the movie Lieutenant does refer to them by name, "We shall follow the Krang as they lead the Foot Clan to glory!" So did this reach for a new master come from desperate research on the Shredder's origins, or was that the end goal when the Shredder was released? The oni that gave Shredder is shown to be a Krang before they were even confirmed, and the armor appears eerily similar to the armor that the three Krang don in the final sequence of the movie.
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Then the source of empyrean (the source of mysticsm, yokai, mutants) is shown to come from a kraang corpse. There's so much of the Foot Clan tied to the Krang manipulating Oroku Saki, but a lot of their origins appear to be lost to history.
But again that leaves much to interpretation and wiggle room to poke at!!
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Back to the Start
Even if he hadn’t made top marks in every class he’d taken since his first semester, Spock would have attracted a great deal of curious attention at Starfleet Academy. He was one of just three cadets from Vulcan and was, of course, the only one of those whose heritage was both Terran and Vulcan. He was also visually striking: tall, lanky, with something distinctly alien about his features. Though not a complete loner, Spock had few real friends despite being well into his third year. He didn’t socialize much outside of class since most of his “free” time devoted to studying or spent in various laboratories or flight simulators.
The unfortunate truth was that Spock, intellectually gifted as he was, had none of the social skills or emotional intelligence to thrive among his peers. He was even less capable of doing so here in San Francisco in his twenties than he had been as a young boy on Vulcan. He’d spurned the expectations of his father and his society to join Starfleet, and he had no time for regret (which was illogical, in any case), but sometimes even he felt lonely—just as he’d been too human for many people on his native planet, he was too Vulcan to fit in easily on Earth.
But he was neither a pariah nor inherently antisocial. Occasionally, he could be found in the corner of a student lounge, his long fingers caressing the strings of his Vulcan lyre or playing a game of three-dimensional chess with a fellow cadet while they debated some scientific theory. Off-campus, he frequented the botanical gardens and lonely beaches.
This term, Spock had added to his already-full course load by enrolling in a biology class on a whim. His scientific curiosity had always been boundless and insatiable. He hungered for knowledge and had resisted any attempts to narrow his focus from a very early age. The course was unlikely to be particularly challenging, but he was looking forward to the ways it would differ from the biology lessons he’d had on Vulcan. He was, frankly, eager for the change of pace.
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Creating a three-dimensional effect, the floral tracery of handblocked paper covers the walls and ceiling of the dining room. Vases of flowers from the garden, which adorn the Brueton dining table and top the Regence iron-and-marble console, perpetuate the floral theme.
Southern Interiors, 1988
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broomsick · 11 months
One of the liberties I find most interesting within pagan practice is the ability to concentrate on different aspects of a deity depending on your current circumstances. This complements the fact that deities are three-dimensional— as I have mentioned in the past, I think it’s important for pagans who are exploring their spirituality to consider the numerous aspects of a deity, instead of boiling them down to a list of “areas of influence” ([insert deity] is the God of [insert concept]). Let me give an example of this: a devotee of Njörðr who is traveling at sea can call upon him for a safe trip, evidently. But they could also choose to ask for his help in matters of financial stability, as well as prosperity of a garden/crop, or success at work. These are all different aspects of one’s life that can be considered tied to Njörðr one way or another. Something that’s important to keep in mind, however, is the cultural & historical context of a deity. I think someone who’s interested in exploring the different aspects of a deity in that manner should look into questions like: why was this deity was tied to this or that aspect of life? How were they worshipped? How was their help, or presence supposed to manifest? I’m not saying to adopt these historical beliefs and practices, but rather to seek to understand them. This can help greatly with developing a complex perception of a deity, which would be on par with their actual complexity. Cultural context is invaluable when it comes to understanding a deity. 
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gretahayes · 1 year
more core four repair shop au thoughts;
the fixing shop gives very much cosy small candy shop vibes despite it being like...two stories tall and a mix of a woodworking station, a metalworking station, a forge, a car mechanic, a tech store, a tailor store, a toy store, a library (tim and bart like to read and go through reading material fast, so they figured they may as well), and a sort of bakery.
(it's only a bakery when kon keeps everyone else out of the kitchen (yes they have a kitchen, keep up) for long enough to bake successfully. if he succeeds, you get whatever new recipe he tried out that day, or the old reliables. the old reliables come out when he's having a busy or rough day and wants something low-effort and comforting.)
(also, he doesn't sell what he bakes. he gives them out. unless you've got three hours to argue over paying, you're getting it for free.)
it's got a big winding staircase leading up to the second storey and just like a hole. smackdab in the middle of the store, so they can lean over the railing and yell to each other
it's also much bigger on the inside than the outside. how? magic. (when the core four says this, locals laugh and take it as a joke. it is not a joke. they now owe zatanna a favor)
new branches are constantly being added, and new stuff. one day they picked up crocheting and suddenly there was crocheted stuff for sale. anita popped by and for a few days, second hand kid toys/clothes were offered.
it's not a cafe but they've got a good coffee machine, a lot of mugs, the Good Coffee™, and all know how to make good drinks. if you've got a few bucks to spare, it's heavenly.
tim fixes cameras sometimes :) he's had a lot of cameras through his lifetime and marvels at antiques, well-loved cameras, and newer models all the same.
cassie fixes weapons! cosplayers and people who just have weapons on hand come to the shop, drop it off, and a day/week later their weapon is fixed.
if you come when cissie's visiting, she'll help you with your bow.
traya visits with flowers and is a very chatty and helpful salesperson for the day until she's got to go back home. she also refuses to "sell" stuff without collecting any money.
bart knows how to do almost everything so he does a lot of the work, but it keeps him busy and there's a lot of different stuff to be fixed so he never gets bored.
when asked by the titans or the jla members they're related to/mentor them how it's going, they usually only tell the hero stuff, which is wild because Small Town Nonsense, so the justice league is like oh my God???? are you guys okay over there?? are you sure you don't need help??
they're like no we're living our peaceful cottagecore dream literally fuck off??
justice league: you got dismembered yesterday??
core four: the demon was just a scared kid, plus they gave us our limbs back, it's literally fine.
justice league: we don't think-
core four: we're about plant a garden. fuck off.
the titans at least visit Sometimes (dick, donna and wally obviously, but they won't object to a visit from kori or vic or gar) so they know the core four are happy and mostly vibing so they don't have many protests.
sometimes they've got baby heroes their shop, jai and irey poking around, damian petting their emotional support dog (her name is buddy. she is not a trained emotional support dog but she is very good at listening. she's part golden retriever and part princess of hell. don't ask.), assorted speedsters and arrowfam teens coming and going.
their town (and shop because they've got an alien, a speedster, and a demigod. it's a cauldron of magic) is sort of at the point where the dimensional barrier is sort of...thin? so sometimes they've got other versions of baby heroes in their shop, just chilling until they can get them back home.
on one notable occasion, they've had a teen mar'i, a toddler jackson hyde, a pre-teen cerdian and robbie, and a six-year-old chris kent all at the same time. that's the most like parents they've ever felt.
tim knew they'd all end up crashing in one bed so he just bought like...an alaskan king size bed in one room then regular beds in the others. he was not going to lie to himself.
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mbari-blog · 1 year
Glorious gardens bloom deep below the ocean’s surface. ⁠
⁠These deep-sea sponge and coral communities create complex, three-dimensional structures that provide habitat for many other animals, such as crabs, sea stars, and many different fish species.⁠⁠But deep-sea corals—and the life that depends on them—face a fragile future. Changing ocean chemistry will make it more difficult for them to grow, and fishing gear can damage delicate corals. Marine protected areas can safeguard deep-sea corals and the animals that call these coral gardens home. Learn more about this fascinating deep-sea environment on our YouTube channel. 
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alexxiskei · 9 months
Dedicating this post to my first and only twst oc. I've never created fandom-related ocs before He's twisted from Diaval (Maleficent) and listen, I know that Crowley is probably twisted from Diaval too, but I don't care
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Lower I'll put his story in English and Ukrainian translations in case someone wants to read
English version:
Diaval's story cannot exist apart from Maleficent's. Dariel's story cannot be told without Malleus.
When he was a child, Malleus had a stuffed raven he got either from his parents or his grandmother.
The young prince Draconia could not boast of a company of peers, so he looked for friends in the books and imagination. He talked to a small army of toys and sometimes repeated the shadow theater performances Lilia has showed.
Dariel was born on one of Malleus' birthdays. By human standards, he was five. In reality, he was about fifty years old. Plenty of time to gain experience and acquire company, but Malleus had neither.
He was used to being alone on his birthdays, but that day was the first time of celebrating even without Lilia's warm presence. 
On a cloudy winter night, the shadow of a toy raven opened its eyes, awakened by the young prince's desperate desire to escape loneliness and the impulses of wild magic he hasn't yet known how to control. 
From then on, he was never alone again. Or at least he hoped that it would be like that.
For the first time, Malleus had a companion. Not a mute cotton-filled toy or a cold porcelain doll, but a creature with a mind and a voice of its own. Together they spent time reading books in the library, between the trees in the garden, studying and learning, and even when Malleus went to bed, he was sure that in the darkness a pair of yellow lights would certainly be sparkling under his bed. Dariel could follow him wherever there was even a tiny patch of shadow on the floor or a wall. Usually he took his native form of a raven, but within his flat theater he could transform into anything, entertaining the prince with his own performances. 
Years passed until one day Dariel, trying to save a human child Lilia had picked up (one could say that protecting children was in his "blood"... if he had blood) from hostile fae, was almost dispelled.
And although Lilia had warned him how bad an idea it was, Malleus gave Dariel a material body to keep him alive. The thought of losing his constant companion, the only stability in his everyday life, was unbearable.
Lilia was right as always. After Dariel received his body, the germ of his own self began to stir. From now on, fae did not ignore him, hidden in the shadows, but glanced at him, sometimes even nodded their heads, he could open the necessary books himself, sleep, taste food, and run his fingers along the satin of the bedsheets, feeling their softness.
The world, which had previously been limited and flat, suddenly became three-dimensional, so interesting and beautiful that Dariel wanted to see it all at once. 
For a long time, he did not dare to tell Malleus about his desire. The impetus came from an incident in the garden when one of the local fae called him by the name. Him. Not Lord Draconia. That evening, he finally voiced his dream. And, as expected, was rejected. 
Malleus didn't want to let go of the only creature attached to him, and was afraid to feel the childish loneliness of his fifth birthday by human standards. 
Soon, Dariel left on his own. He ran away. Towards the unknown and big world, for almost twelve years, knowing what fate would befall him upon his return. But he did it nevertheless. Otherwise, he would have remained in the shadow of prince Draconia forever.
He returned when Malleus was in his first year of NRC. It turned out that Dariel could not exist physically or mentally without his creator and his magical support. 
Despite his anger, resentment, and the bitter taste of betrayal, Malleus left Dariel alive: he couldn’t force himself to destroy their bond. At least for the duration of the studies...
The following year, Dariel also entered NRC. Three years within its walls would be the last of his freedom. And, perhaps, his life.
 - Only Malleus and Lilia know about his true identity. Rook and Leona seem to suspect something. And Crowley. Hmm:)
- After acquiring a material body, he lost the ability to dissolve into shadows on his own, and now only Malleus can change his shape.
- Among of all races in Twisted Wonderland, he is the closest to monsters. 
- When Malleus created his body, he was guided by the most familiar example: a fae body with a male anatomy. But Dariel doesn't care about his own gender (if I see an opportunity to make a character agender, I use it).
- It seems that Dariel is the only one in Diasomnia who knows how to look after children without endangering their lives and psyche. Because he is. Well. Literally a child's toy in the past. Silver can partially thank Dariel for keeping him alive during the first years of his life.
- The original toy depicted Diaval.
- Dariel always knows when Rook is watching him, but he doesn't mind, it's pretty flattering. No one has given him so much attention.
Ukrainian version:
Історія Діаваля не може існувати окремо від Малефісенти, так само історія Даріеля не може бути розказана без Маллеуса.
У дитинстві у Маллеуса був плюшевий ворон, залишений чи то від батьків, чи то від бабусі.
Багатолюдною компанією однолітків юний принц Драконія похвастатись не міг, тому шукав друзів у книжках та... уяві. Він говорив з маленькою армією іграшок та іноді повторював спектаклі театру тіней, які показував Лілія.
Даріель народився в один з днів народження Маллеуса. За людськими мірками йому виповнилося п'ять. Насправді ж — близько п’ятдесяти років. Вдосталь часу, аби набратись досвіду та обрости компанією, але Маллеусу бракувало другого навіть більше за перше. 
Він звик святкувати майже наодинці, але того разу вперше зустрів день народження навіть без теплої присутності Лілії. Зовсім сам.
У хмарну зимну ніч тінь іграшкового ворона на стіні розплющила очі, пробуджена відчайдушним бажанням юного принца позбутись самотності та поривами дикої магії, яку той ще не вмів контролювати. 
Відтоді він більше ніколи не був один. Чи, принаймні, сподівався, що так станеться.
У Маллеуса вперше з'явився компаньйон. Не німа набита ватою іграшка чи холодна фарфорова лялька, а істота з власними свідомістю та голосом. Разом вони проводили час за книжками у бібліотеці, між дерев у саду, за заняттями та навчанням, і навіть коли Маллеус лягав спати, він був певен, що у темряві під матрацом його ліжка неодмінно горітиме пара жовтих вогників. Даріель міг слідувати за ним всюди, де на підлозі чи стіні залишався хоча б крихітний клаптик тіні. Зазвичай він приймав рідну форму ворона, але у межах свого плоского театру міг перетворитись на будь-що, розважаючи принца власними виставами. 
Так минали роки, допоки одного разу Даріель, намагаючись врятувати підібране Лілією людське дитя (можна було б сказати, що захищати дітей у нього "в крові"... якби він мав кров) від вороже налаштованих фейрі, був майже розвіяний.
І хоча Лілія попереджав, наскільки це погана ідея, Маллеус подарував Даріелю матеріальне тіло, аби зберегти йому життя. Думка про втрату постійного компаньйона, єдину стабільність повсякдення, була нестерпною.
Лілія виявився як завжди правий. Після здобуття тіла у Даріеля почав ворушитись зародок власного "я". Відтепер фейрі не ігнорували його, захованого в тіні, а кидали на нього погляд, іноді навіть кивали головою, потрібні книжки він міг відкривати сам, і спати, і куштувати їжу на смак, і проводити пальцями вздовж атласу простирадла, відчуваючи його на дотик.
Світ, до цього обмежений і плаский, несподівано став тривимірним, таким цікавим і прекрасним, що Даріелю захотілось побачити одразу весь. 
Він довго не наважувався повідомити Маллеусу про своє бажання. Поштовхом став випадок у саду, коли одна з місцевих фейрі звернулась до нього на ім'я — до нього особисто, а не до лорда Драконії. Того вечора він нарешті озвучив свою мрію. І очікувано отримав відмову. 
Маллеус не хотів відпускати єдину прив'язану до себе істоту та боявся знову відчути дитячу самотність п'ятого за людськими мірками дня народження. 
Невдовзі Даріель пішов сам. Втік. Назустріч незвіданому та великому світу на дванадцять років, прекрасно усвідомлюючи, яка доля його спіткає після повернення. Інакше він вчинити не міг. Інакше б він навічно залишився у тіні принца Драконії.
Попри це він все ж повернувся, коли Маллеус вчився на першому курсі Коледжу. Виявилось, Даріель ні фізично, ні ментально не міг існувати без свого творця та його магічної підтримки. 
Попри злість, образу та гіркий посмак зради, Маллеус залишив Даріеля живим: рука не піднялась розвіяти його та розірвати натягнуті нитки їхнього зв'язку остаточно. Принаймні на час навчання...
Наступного року Даріель теж вступив до Коледжу. Три роки у його стінах стануть останніми роками його свободи. А, можливо, і життя.
- Про його справжню сутність знають лише Маллеус і Лілія. Здається, Рук і Леона щось підозрюють. А Кровлі. Хм:) 
- Після здобуття матеріального тіла він втратив здатність самостійно розчинятись у тінях, тепер лише Маллеус може міняти його форму.
- За природою з усіх рас світу твістеду він найближчий до монстрів.
- Маллеус, коли створював тіло, орієнтувався на найбільш знайомий приклад: тіло фейрі з чоловічою анатомією. Але на власний ґендер Даріелю все одно (бачу можливість зробити персонажа аґендером — використовую).
- Даріель єдиний з Діасомнії, хто знає, як треба доглядати за дітьми без загрози їхньому життю та психіці. Бо він. Ну. Буквально дитяча іграшка в минулому. За пережиті перші роки життя Сильвер може частково дякувати йому. 
- Оригінальна іграшка зображувала Діаваля.
- Даріель завжди знає, коли Рук за ним стежить, але він ніколи не проти, це навпаки лестить. Ніхто й ніколи не приділяв йому так багато уваги.
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altraviolet · 2 months
TEG corrections- lessons learned!
I've completed editing the printed copy of The Echo Garden and am now embarking on the slow, painful journey of correcting the typesetting file. (Correcting AO3 is going to be even worse... ugh) Most of my TEG edits could've been easily avoided if I had known some grammar/advice stuff, so I'll pass what I learned on to you:
✦ how em dashes work. This long line — is punctuation you use for several things, but here specifically I'm referring to when dialogue is interrupted by action. Ex:
"Aquafend told me all about those"—Powerflash waved the gun at Soundwave's torso—"things of yours. You keep those inside!"
✦ capitalize the first word in dialogue after a comma. Ex:
Ratchet said, "What is the problem?"
✦ homophone or really similar word mix ups. The three I had trouble with:
rein vs reign (specifically, 'free rein' is correct, not 'free reign') reticule vs reticle (reticules are little purses. reticles are the dashes in Perceptor's special eyepiece and the circle thingies on SW's HUD) poured vs pored (specifically, 'pored over data pads' is correct, not 'poured over')
✦ establishing internal rules to keep things consistent. Unlike the above, these are things that don't have formal rules, but that I didn't firmly establish in my mind until after I'd done them several ways, so now I have to go back and correct/align them. I've bolded the choice for the final, corrected version in the examples below:
NeoCybex vs Neocybex 2938-Mirage vs 2938 Mirage .:grammar rules for how comms work. First word of the first sentence isn't capitalized purposefully:. alt-dimensioners vs alt dimensioners Movie Night vs movie night Security Team vs security team
And more...
I have to correct soooo many things over soooo many words xD But! I did, indeed, learn all the above lessons and don't anticipate making them again in the future :)
Also, if anyone's curious, my edits will be 99% grammar/consistency issues, as discussed above, and 1% for clarity. By clarity I mean:
-there are a few places where I've found a word that works better for the sentence, so those have been changed ("completed" changed to "developed," because that is the feeling I had meant to convey, and that word works better, for example)
-there are a few superfluous sentences I'm removing
-nudging a few sentences to make them easier to read (instead of splitting up a sentence with a lengthy italicized chonk in the middle of it, moving the unitalicized piece all up front so it's no longer split)
There won't be any changes to plot or anything major like that. There are many places where I've noted, "Oh, I could change THIS and it would be better!" but I've resisted haha. I want the fic to stand as a record of my ability at the time I did it, minus the literal grammar mistakes above, and plus the few minor changes for greater clarity.
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Stephen A. Crockett Jr. at HuffPost:
I’ve always been stunned at former President Donald Trump’s physical prowess.
I mean, who can forget when his White House director of communications, Anthony Scaramucci, gushed about witnessing Trump throw a perfect spiral through a tire? Or his claim that he’s seen the confirmed thousand-aire at Madison Square Garden in a top coat at the foul line swishing free throws? And despite all of us knowing that the former president’s diet relies heavily on fast food, that didn’t stop his White House physician, now Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), from praising his genetics. “Some people just have great genes,” Jackson told reporters in 2018. “I told the president if he had a healthier diet over the last 20 years, he might live to be 200.” So it has been quite the show watching the gymnast-like contortions of the former president to avoid getting to know, or actually court, Black people to support his campaign. Earlier this month, in his latest episode of “See? Black people like me!” the president stood during an obvious photo-op at an Atlanta Chick-fil-A while smiling Black workers appeared to pose while taking his order. Trump reportedly ordered 30 milkshakes and some chicken, dealing out fast food for free publicity before heading to a high-dollar fundraiser in a largely white neighborhood.
A Black woman in the restaurant said, in her best untrained actor voice, “I don’t care what the media tells you, Mr. Trump, we support you!” I later found out the Black woman was in fact Michaelah Montgomery, a conservative activist who had arranged the entire scene. To her credit, the bigger story was supposed to be a conversation between students from nearby HBCUs and the presidential candidate about conservatism and possible inroads with the Black community. The moment became a meme. As with most Trump moments. Because what Trump and those around him don’t understand or care to involve themselves with is that Black people, more specifically Black women (also known as the spine of the Democratic voting bloc), are three dimensional, alive, actual human beings.
In Trumpland, Black people are caricatures of all of the worst stereotypes that have ever been imagined. They are rapists, thieves and murderers who want to terrorize… wait, no, that’s immigrants. But the point remains: The idea of even possibly courting Black voters never moves past stereotypical ideology. Which is comical when you consider that in 2024, the year of our lord Dawn Staley, an actual presidential strategy for winning the Black vote was… wait for it… sneakers. In February, Trump unveiled his $399 “Never Surrender High-Tops” at SneakerCon in Philadelphia. Trump didn’t just premiere the gaudy gold high-top decorated with an American flag motif, the sort of faux patriotism that’s truly become Trump’s signature brand, he actually went to the event to help hawk the ridiculousness that was an attempt to capture not just youth culture but ... well, I’ll just let Fox News contributor Raymond Arroyo say the quiet part out loud. “This is ... connecting with Black America. Because they’re into sneakers. They love sneakers. This is a big deal. Certainly in the inner city.”
Arroyo got bashed for his take, as he should, but his take was a glimpse into how many Republicans, especially Trump, see Black people as sneaker-loving, inner-city dwelling and easily swayed by shiny, expensive things. It’s Republican typecasting in which a Black person remains the villain/magical negro who serves only to further the white protagonist’s storyline. And make no mistake about it, in the story of Trump, as told by the narcissistic narrator, the former president is always the hero.
Which brings us to Blacks 4 Trump (aka Black Voices for Trump), you know, that hodgepodge group of Blacks (mostly men) who have proclaimed their allegiance to Trump and who stump for him despite his lackluster attempts at any tangible metrics with the Black community. Don’t act like you don’t remember Michael Symonette, Maurice Woodside and Mikael Israel (these are not three people; it’s one man who has gone by three names), more commonly know as “Michael the Black Man” (his name for himself, not mine) who magically appeared behind Trump at a 2017 rally in Arizona. Always strategically placed in the camera’s view wearing a shirt that says “Trump & Republicans Are Not Racist” or “Blacks 4 Trump.” The funny thing is that the group Blacks 4 Trump didn’t ever seem to really do anything other than allow their Blackness to be co-opted for the then-president’s political gain. The group didn’t have an agenda or a political manifesto (at least it never presented one) that noted how Trump could actually earn the Black vote. They just showed up and allowed their images to be used to sell a product.
Because, never forget, Trump is always in the Trump business. Which leads to arguably the most disturbing attempt by Trump’s campaign to court Black voters, which Trump’s camp openly admits they need to win over in the upcoming election: Insisting that because Black people have been the victims of an unjust criminal system, they relate to Trump more because he, too, is a victim of the Man.
[...] Trump acknowledges that there is discrimination and, more important, that Black people have been discriminated against. This means nothing to him, of course, as that only serves to get him to his second point, which is that he can relate, which therefore makes him more relatable to the discriminated class. He doesn’t want to fix the problem, he only wants to leech off of the sympathies related to it. It is in this brushstroke that Trump ― who has been charged by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, a Black woman; Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, a Black man; and New York Attorney General Letitia James, a Black woman ― that he, too, is a victim of systemic racism.
“When I did the mug shot in Atlanta, that mug shot is number one,” Trump said. He added that the Black population “embraced it more than anyone else.” He also said: “I’m being indicted for you, the Black population.” First, the obvious. I’ll just let President Joe Biden’s campaign spokesperson Jasmine Harris explain it. “The audacity of Donald Trump to speak to a room full of Black voters during Black History Month as if he isn’t the proud poster boy for modern racism. This is the same man who falsely accused the Central Park 5, questioned George Floyd’s humanity, compared his own impeachment trial to being lynched and ensured the unemployment gap for Black workers spiked during his presidency,” Harris told The Washington Post.
“Donald Trump has been showing Black Americans his true colors for years: an incompetent, anti-Black tyrant who holds us to such low regard that he publicly dined with white nationalists a week after declaring his 2024 candidacy.”
Stephen Crockett Jr. wrote in HuffPost that Donald Trump's attempt to court Black voters is based on stereotypical traits of Blacks from a conservative POV, including by claiming to relate to being victims of an unjust criminal system that Black folk face.
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stardewlily · 6 months
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The most beautiful, breath-taking illustration of my story A Night in the Garden by the utterly amazing @potatoaiisle
I have so many things I want to say about this that I decided to put them below the cut as I know most people will just want to see the picture! But for you, my dear friend Aya, please read on because my heartfelt thanks await you below...
I feel like I have to explain/excuse myself before I even start on this picture. I know I can come across as way too intense sometimes because, well, when you're autistic you feel everything so strongly it's almost painful. A song's lyrics can have you sobbing like your heart's about to break and a beautiful sight can fill you so full of joy you feel like you just want to pour yourself into the thing that has gripped you so much and never leave it.
For example, I remember when I was a kid I used to sit under my grandparent's fruit trees, so entranced by the pretty blossoms that I'd just giggle with delight and play with the petals for hours.
This is how your art makes me feel and I just need to tell you. I need you to know that the things you create lift my little autistic soul up so high I feel like I'm lost in the blossoms again :)
Your drawings are so unique, so magical, they have a depth, life and richness unlike any other artist I've ever seen. It's like their works are two dimensional and yours are three. It's the only way I can describe it. And this picture… this picture… oh my god. It's the most magical thing I've ever seen. When I wrote this scene I never dreamed it could look this beautiful. I literally do not have any words that can fully express my gratitude for the way you've captured this.
But more than that, the way you've drawn Seb this time… you've broken me, you've literally broken me. I've seen people draw him cute, pretty, hot, even beautiful, but this, this is beyond all that… he's perfect, his face, his hair, his body, every single line makes me want him so bad… oh, Aya, you just made me fall for him all over again.
I'm crying right now because I'm so happy, so utterly in love with this picture, with Seb and with you for creating this for me.
Thank you. So much.
My blossom pile is very high right now :)
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vvxgs · 7 months
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°˖✧˚ WARNINGS: none. ˚✧˖°
It wasn't her first visit to Velencester. The first time she had been here was almost seven years ago; back then, it felt like stepping into a three-dimensional fairy tale. The garden adorned with beautiful flowers, baskets brimming with ripe fruits, and the palace inhabited by the Sainz family took her breath away. Now, she was older, though not necessarily wiser. She had stopped believing in fairy tales. They were for the young, the naive, and the happy.
Y/N, after all, hadn't come to Velencester for pleasure. She came on business to talk to Carlos, who only thought about duties, homeland, and family. She was no longer a young, easily blushing girl, bothered by the presence of an aristocrat and hurt by his indifference. Moreover, Carlos never directly criticized anyone; he was too well-bred for that, but few could express disapproval with just a glance.
However, her heart skipped a beat when the rough voice of the oldest son of the Sainz family echoed through the small room. Carlos looked as she remembered: tall, handsome, with thick dark hair. His face was stern, impenetrable; he rarely smiled. This man exuded strength and power. He resembled his ancestors, whose portraits hung in the palace gallery: tanned skin, hazel eyes, almost as black as his hair, beautifully sculpted lips, but firmly clenched. He was always impeccably dressed.
"You've came back.", he said.
He observed her closely. Over these seven years, since he had seen her for the first time, she had transformed from a young, naive girl into a confident, attractive woman. Moreover, prettier than before. He often wondered how he would feel holding her in his arms. Even when she was angry, when she struggled to control her emotions, and spoke slowly, with the typical accent of her background, Carlos shivered. Her voice enveloped him like a summer breeze, giving him goosebumps. Trying not to show anything, he crushed the cigarette in the ashtray.
"And was I supposed to miss your wedding?", she asked in return.
Because of her, he felt like an idiot. He was behaving like an idiot. He always scorned men who used their physical strength to intimidate a woman or force her into submission. In his opinion, it showed a lack of intelligence or a vile character. Now Carlos wanted to act the same way. Unbelievable! This woman made him do the very thing he internally rebelled against.
Everything started with Y/N, so she bore the blame for everything. However, Carlos was a logical thinker; he saw the flaw in his reasoning. The woman didn't twist his arm. She didn't force him into anything. The blame rested on him. Damn it all.
Had he ever behaved like this before? No. Had he ever been tempted to take a woman to bed, disregarding her consent? No. Had he ever desired someone so much that he couldn't focus on anything else? No.
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