#thought about posting some wip snippets
misc-obeyme · 6 months
I’m really having fun writing Arsenios’s story. I always worry that nobody wants to read a long fic about an OC, but I’m so deep in it now there’s no turning back. It’s like I’ve descended into OC madness because there are more of them now & I can’t stop thinking about all of them. Ridiculous.
Of course I’m still in the canon character brain rot, too. I like that I can do some of both. It’s a nice way to expand my creativity. Anyway, I’ll end up posting all of it soon enough and then everyone will know how insane I’ve become.
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theradicalace · 4 months
7 and 13 for the fanfic ask pls?
7. Post a snippet from a wip.
my only current WIP is still in the outline stage, which i settled on a sort of script format for (for some reason??), but i did find a snippet in there that's almost paragraph form! no capitalization though 🤷
"it looks terrible. comics are scattered on the floor, half a poster is still attached to the wall, a figurine lies in pieces next to his desk.
in the light of day, he almost wants to be embarrassed by his actions. maybe two days ago he would have been, but now he just feels empty."
that's a snippet from "don't meet your idols" which is a fic of mine that has been stuck at partway outlined for.. a while 😓 i think i need to rework the whole beginning to make it feasible
13. Do you listen to music while you write?  If yes, what have you been listening to recently?
i listen to music pretty much always! today i've been listening to the my little pony: friendship is magic soundtrack on spotify (what of it is on spotify, anyway), but it honestly varies!
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ahdriking · 2 years
Get to know your fic writer!
Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Do you like constructive criticism?
Do you have your work beta'd? How important is this to your process?
How do you choose which POV to write from?
Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story?
Do you comment on stories you read?
Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
Link your three favorite fics right now
how does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
How do you write smut scenes? Do you get very visual or detailed? How important is it to be realistic?
How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
Best writing advice for other writers?
Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
On average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
What’s your revision or editing process like?
Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished?
Do you start with the characters or the plot when writing?
Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
Do you want to be published some day?
Five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer?
What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain? 
How do you write kissing scenes?
How do you choose where to end a chapter?
Would you ever write commissions?
Share a snippet from a WIP
If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
Do you take a sadistic joy in whumping your characters, or are you more the "If you hurt them I would kill everyone and then myself" kind of person?
What mistakes do you keep making no matter how many times your beta corrects you?
Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
What do you look for in a beta?
Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
How long is your longest fic?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
Do you prefer editing as you write, or waiting until it’s finished? 
What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc) 
Does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? if not, would you tell anyone?
Have you had a writer you admire comment on your fic? What was that like?
Why do you continue writing fics?
Thoughts on cliffhangers?
Something you hate to see in smut.
Something you love to see in smut.
Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
How do you deal with writing pressure (ie. pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc.)?
Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
What, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
What work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?
When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
What order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
What scene in [Fanfic Name] took the longest to write? What was difficult about it? 
Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of [Fanfic Name]? 
Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from [Fanfic Name] story/chapter? 
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wipbigbang · 2 months
2024 WIP Big Bang Schedule & FAQ!
All times are by 11:59pm PST. Convert time zones.
Sign-ups Begin- April 15th Sign-ups Close- May 21st Check In #1- May 22nd Check In #2- June 15th Snippets Due- July 1st Art Claims Begin- July 17th Check In #3- July 22nd Check In #4- August 6th Rough Drafts Due- August 15th Posting Claims Begin- August 23rd Posting Claims Ends- September 1st Final Drafts/Art Due- September 7th Posting Starts- September 8th
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Do I need a Livejournal/Dreamwidth/AO3/etc. account to participate? No! You don’t have to have an account on anything to participate, though you will need to have somewhere to post your finished work. Having one or more accounts will help for you to follow what is going on with the bang (we crosspost to Dreamwidth and Tumblr and heavily use our Discord server at the moment), but they are not required to participate. You can always leave comments anonymously or with an opensource ID.
How many fics can we sign up for? We absolutely don’t mind multiple sign-ups. I know one year someone submitted 50 fics to finish, and got at least half of them done. We just ask that when you sign up with more than one fic you give each fic a unique user ID (please do not use the same ID for all your fics...it’s important to have different IDs for the check-ins).
Will I get emails about the bang? We do send out some emails, mostly for snippets and art claims and to ensure communication between authors and artists, but please do NOT rely on getting an email to remind you of due dates. We currently do not keep an updated email list of participants, so we only send individual emails as needed rather than mass emails.
However, email is the fastest way to communicate with the mods. If you have any questions or are having trouble communicating with your artist/author, please do email us! We will do our best to respond quickly.
What do you mean by minimum word count to enter? This is a WIP Big Bang, therefore we ask you to have at least 500 words of your story drafted when you enter.
Can an outline count towards those first 500 words that are needed at sign up? We have admitted work on an outline before so yes, if your outline is fleshed out enough to cover a 7,500 word+ fic, we’ll allow it.
Are multi-chapter fics allowed? Yes, multi-chapter fics are allowed and even more so encouraged if your fic is lengthy.
What about fics that are already posted on ao3 in part? Do those qualify for the bang? It's okay if you have posted a few chapters of your fic already (you never know when the muse deserts you, after all), we just require you to refrain from posting more until posting begins here. All we ask is that you not post any public updates to the fic until September 1st (or August 1st with the mod’s okay). We don’t want you to lose kudos and comments so don’t worry about pulling the fic down, just hold off on updates for now.
Is there a minimum word count? 7,500 words for each finished fic, but the sky's the limit, right?
I see that the fic minimum is 7500 words and that published WIPs are acceptable - but what if the WIP I’m considering is already more than 7500 words? Is the expectation to add an additional 7500 to it? No. You can add as much or as little as you need to finish the story, though we do expect at least 1,000 or so new words if your WIP already meets the word count.
What happens if an author finishes the fic they signed up with but it’s less than 7,500 words? The intent was to go over the minimum but once they got into it the story was shorter than they thought and stretching it out would make it less good. Do they have to drop out at that point? By all means, we want your stories to feel as natural as possible, and if it’s under 7,500 words you may have two options:
1 - Drop the fic for the main BB event, post it now, and wait to post it to our AO3 collection in February when we run our International Fanworks Day celebration of finishing fics that are less than 7,500 words when finished. There’s no art for the fic, but bragging rights are posted to the communities for a week.
2 - If there are enough fics that fit that category, we can do a special day of posting the fics, but you’ll have to forgo art for the fic. I, as a mod, would probably pick November 30th for the posting day, as it’s the last day of posting for the bang and I don’t think anyone will mind more than one fic that day. You can post bragging rights to the community and share the fic with everyone.
Is there anything not allowed? As long as you wrote it and you want to finish it, you're welcome to participate. RPS/RPF is fine. Incest pairings are fine. Things like that I know have been hinted at in questions asked and as long as you tag for them, we’ll allow it. Also, canon settings with mostly OCs is allowed. We just ask that it be tagged properly with any content warnings you would deem fit and be given the appropriate rating for the level of sex/violence there is in the fic. Just bear in mind that while original work is allowed you may not get art for it.
I have a fic I wrote a few years ago, but only the first couple chapters are posted on AO3 because I was never happy with the rest of it and knew it needed major revision. Is that something I could use for WIP Big Bang? The entire fic has been posted, but only on one platform, and it would be rewritten for AO3 and WIPBB. I think revising a fic for posting would work, as long as you have at least 500 words done, will have 7,500 words at a minimum when it’s done, and are planning to add more to the fic. Simply rewriting what you have would be a gray area, but if you’re going to take stuff out and add new scenes, either in the old scenes place or on its own, you should be fine.
What's the etiquette around OC-centric stories? Ones that are set in a well known fandom and use several characters, but still lean a lot on original characters? Are they discouraged, or fine? Based on my own personal experience making art for a story that had a heavy OC presence, it’s not something we discourage at all, but be forewarned when it comes to the art accompanying your fic your artist may not be able to incorporate the OCs into your art. Not everyone makes art of a hand-drawn or digitally drawn nature, so it helps if you have people for face claims ahead of art submissions, and you and your artist communicate regularly. You can also end up with art not featuring the OCs at all, just the canon characters, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Your other options are to bring in an artist you trust with your vision of your OC or to make your own art (we do allow that, we just need to be told during the check-in before art that you’re bringing in your own artist if you go that route, or that you’re doing your own art…there will not be a need to sign up in the artist’s sign up, however), or to opt-out of art entirely. So there’s plenty of options to call on when it comes time for art.
What are 'check-ins’? These are a way for us to see what you've been up to and for you to make sure you're still on track. It will give you a little nudge/reminder if you need it, but they are not compulsory. Basically a form is posted that you fill out with your user ID (unique for each fic) and a checkbox to let us know you’re still participating, plus a section for any notes for the mods.
How are the check in IDs used? They are solely for the mods organizational purposes. Each ID being for a separate story allows us to keep all the information you submit during check-ins and for snippets in one line on our spreadsheet. You don’t have to share your check in IDs with anyone else if you don’t want to.
How much progress should authors be making between each checkpoint? (Percentage-wise from our estimated total wc, I guess?) Ideally, with each check-in, you should be at least 25% closer to finishing. The end word count only really matters in that the fic needs to be at least 7,500 words when done, so it’s more your progress towards finishing that should be measured, not so much the word count.
What are the snippets requirements? In order to allow the artists to make art for the story they claimed, we require you to supply three snippets from your fic, between 500 – 1500 words each. The snippets will be sent to the artist after they have claimed your story. They're to help the artist match your story for artwork the best way he or she possibly can. It’s helpful to choose scenes or parts of scenes that you feel best represent your fic, but don’t feel like they have to be perfect to be submitted. Along with the snippets, we will send your artist the basic fic info and your email, so the two of you can collaborate more if you would both like.
What are the rough drafts requirements? For the rough drafts, stories should be at least 80% complete. You will not have to turn them in to us, just assure us that you are at that point. Anything less is at the discretion of the mods and those authors should speak to one of the mods asap.
What is, and do I need, a beta? A beta is basically a person who goes over your work to make sure that there are no spelling/grammatical errors and they can even be of assistance in helping you with story lines, etc. It is highly recommended that a beta looks over your work before posting. If you are having trouble finding a beta, try this post.
Where can I post my fic/art? Stories and art can be posted to your own personal journal, Tumblr, ff-net, AO3, or wherever you like. For those of you with AO3 accounts, we will set up a collection that will go live on the day of the posting. If you don’t currently have an AO3 account but would like one, you can contact the mods for an invitation code to see if they have any available. You can also add yourself to the AO3 Invites Request queue.
What does posting look like? Do we have to post the whole thing on the day, or can we stretch it out between when posting starts and our date? I’ve had a few longfics get killed by big bangs forcing posting to happen on a given day, and would prefer to avoid that if possible. For most fics, posting to AO3/FF.net/other places will be allowed to start in September and you can stretch it out as many posts as you want as long as the complete fic is up by your posting date (and posting dates go from September 8th to November 15th with two weeks for emergency posting). However, you can send us an ask/e-mail about posting as early as August if you have an extremely long fic/something with a long posting schedule. Mostly what we want is the fic to be completely up on the website of your choice by your posting date, and I know some people don’t want to overwhelm their readers. So we want to work with writers to give them ample time to post the story up to their posting date.
Now, as for posting to the communities, you get to choose which day your link to the story and bragging rights are posted, and as I said, we have a range of dates from September 8th to November 15th with two to three stories posting a day. If for some reason you miss your posting date, you have until November 30th to post to the community, during the two weeks of emergency posting, with a possible extension after that due to the amount of participants needing to post later. So hopefully there should be plenty of time to get a longfic up and posted to the website of your choice and our BB.
Will the three snippets per story we have to send in be the ones we want the artist to make art for? Or can it just be random snippets and then later the artist and I can check together to see which scenes would work best for art? So ideally, you and the artist will be communicating once you’re each sent each other’s contact information, and you’ll give your artist a chance to read all that you’ve written at that point. That’s what happens in most cases. If your fic gets picked by an artist and they don’t work with you, then the snippets you sent will be what the artwork will be based on. It’s a good idea to know that, while most of the time the artists work closely with the authors, there are a few exceptions to that.
How do I know when to post? Posting will be tiered; you'll each get your own posting date that you and your artist will decide on together. There will probably be four fics, plus art, posting per day between September 8th and November 30th. The post with date claims will go up on August 23rd and you'll have to choose your date by September 1st.
Posting of chapters on AO3 or your own blog (or wherever you usually post) generally starts September 1st, but you can post earlier (as early as August 1st) if you let us know you have a long story. However, posting has to be finished by your chosen posting date to the comm. One of the things we're hoping to do with the posted dates is to give everybody on the comm a little bragging time in the spotlight. You know, "this story was incomplete for this long, but I finished this sucker." If you don't have time to post your bragging rights to the communities on your chosen posting date, you can queue up a post ahead of time and we can post it on the date you picked or you can email us your bragging rights and we can post by proxy for you. Either way works for us. Art will be due on the chosen posting date to the comm.
What am I posting to the Livejournal/Dreamwidth/Tumblr community if I’m posting the fic elsewhere? You’ll be posting what we call bragging rights. It’s a small form you fill out and post to the community with a link to your fic (we’ll enable moderated posting to the Tumblr, Livejournal and Dreamwidth communities for members on August 8th). We will post a template for posting artwork and stories to the comm closer to the posting date.
Is there a minimum/maximum requirement for my art? There is no strict minimum, but we do ask artists to remember that the authors are writing a minimum of 7,500 words and your artwork should reflect that. You can do anything you like, including banners, wallpapers, icons, mixes, vids, gif sets, picspams, etc. Suggested guidelines for art are 500x500px (or equivalent of smaller pieces like banner + spacers, cover + icons, etc.) for traditional art, digital art, and manips; 2 minutes for vids; 10 songs + cover art for mixes; and 6 images for gif sets and picspams. We also ask that when you are in contact with the author, you work with them to see if there is anything specific they would like (i.e. a wallpaper, book cover, etc.). The art is your work, but having ideas doesn't hurt!
What are 'art claims'? The claims are when anonymous summaries of the story go up for artists to choose from. Artists sign-ups and art claims are the same thing; we use one form for both things, and that way the authors don’t have to sign up for an event they may not end up participating in. It is based on a 'first come, first served' basis and artists may choose up to three potential stories (in case their first choice is unavailable). If there are more stories than artists, there will be a second round of claims wherein artists may choose a second story to work with. And on until all stories are claimed for art.
If a fic up for claiming is rated explicit (R, NC-17, etc.), please only claim the story if you are over 18 years of age. Some authors may be uncomfortable working with underage artists on explicit works. We do not verify ages in any way for the bang, so this is solely on the honor system.
What do I do if I have problems or concerns about my author/artist? Sometimes authors and artists do not get along and this may cause problems with working together. If this happens to be the case with you, please email the mods and we will try to do what we can so that everyone has a chance to have fun at WIP Big Bang!
If you have not heard from your author/artist in some time after trying to contact them, you can reach out to us via email and we will try to get in touch with them for you.
Can I get an extension? Community extensions may be given in the event that the majority of the authors/artists need one. They may also be given individually under certain circumstances, but this must be discussed with the mods and will only be a short extension for posting. If you are certain that you won’t be able to finish your story in time, please let us know by July 13th.
Can I swap out a fic if my muse abandons it again? When you sign up, you give us the information on the potential fic(s) you want to write. If, say, one fic isn’t working but one you didn’t sign up for is, you can switch them out while letting the mods know if you need to change a user ID you used. It is absolutely okay to switch fics all the way up until snippets are due. By then, we hope you’ll have however many fics you plan on doing to at least 80% completion since rough drafts are due not much later. Just drop an email to the mods at [email protected] with the new information (title, fandom, etc) and if you want a new sign in ID or plan to use the same one for the fic you’re replacing it with.
Can I drop out? We have high hopes that everybody who signs up can actually finish the round and share in the joy of the reveal with us, but real life can unfortunately get in the way and we completely understand! If you feel like you just cannot finish in time and no amount of assistance from us can help you, just let us know by August 13th (if at all possible).
Is it possible to be banned? We do have a banned users list. We hope to use this to encourage participants who are having issues to communicate with the mods. We want to help you! The way the ban works is that participants, either authors and artists, will be banned for dropping out without notifying a mod. This means that anyone who has not posted or talked to a mod by the time the posting period ends will be banned. Dropping out is not in and of itself a banning offense, so please do not panic if you have to drop out! We understand that there are many reasons you may need to drop, and we want to work with you.
Bans will last one round or until the issue is resolved, whichever comes first. To resolve a ban, authors will have to finish and post the story they signed up with and artists will have to finish and post the art for the story they claimed. Three bans will result in a permanent ban from the bang.
Are we allowed to participate without joining the Discord? Absolutely! The Discord server is optional, as just another way to interact with your fellow writers and get updates on important dates. It’s not mandatory you join, however.
I was just wondering if there’s any way to enter the bang anonymously? Like would it be okay to put our work in an anonymous collection on ao3 or something? Unfortunately, I can’t think of a way for that to work. The collection that we use is moderated but it’s not anonymous, and there are the bragging posts that you post on your posting day, which you would have your username on whichever platform you use.
I was just wondering whether I'm sworn to secrecy on which fics I'll be finishing up, or if I can shout it out to the world? No one is sworn to secrecy once they’ve signed up (aside from posting new parts to fic that’s already up somewhere…we ask that you refrain from doing that until at least July 1st)! We will be running Word Wars, where you can add more to a fic in a certain amount of time, and Whine Bars, where you can complain or ask for help or whatever else you feel like talking about when it comes to struggling with a fic, all after sign-ups end on a weekly basis, plus there’s the Discord server for chatting with your fellow authors and artists.
I have a question/concern that’s not mentioned here. If you need help, you can always contact a mod and we will do our best to make sure that you get your story/art finished. The best and fastest method of contact is through our email, [email protected].
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sapphicwizards · 3 months
Writeblr intro
Hi my name is Lyra. I recently changed my url from bargainbincheese. I'm looking for community on here that can help keep me motivated and inspired to write stories.
I have one active WIP that I aspire to publish and one science fiction worldbuilding project that I write for fun but don't actively intend to publish.
The active WIP is a cool wizards story descended from stories like Earthsea and Name of the Wind. Check out the WIP intro for it here. Or read snippets and thoughts about the worldbuilding in the tag for it here. Witch, Wizard and Weaver has a female protagonist who earns many names over the course of the story. Most importantly it is about cool wizards doing cool wizard shit but it's also about becoming the weirdo you really want to be in the face of immense social pressure to be normal. There is personal transformation as a magic thing and (imo) a cool original magic system + worldbuilding. It's sort of for kids but I'm hoping that it's accessible yet interesting enough for all ages.
My sci-fi worldbuilding project is an exploration of what cultures might look like during the earliest phase of humanity expanding to the stars. I like trying to figure out what life on other planets might be like and what sorts of people would be on the ships that go to them. I haven't posted much about it but if you're interested, read this and let me know what you think!
My favorite authors are N.K Jemisin, Ursula K LeGuin and Kim Stanley Robinson. I'm also a fan of some big fantasy and sci-fi classics like Dune and Lord of the Rings. Oh and Star Trek! I like utopian fiction and I don't feel like there are many popular examples of it. I'd like to write optimistic sci-fi like Star Trek some day.
Anyway, if you're interested in any of my ideas or want to know more about any worldbuilding / characters / WIPs don't be shy! I'm friendly and I love sharing ideas with other writers.
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jesuisici33 · 29 days
Inspiration/Several Sentences Sunday
tagged by @theotherbuckley @wikiangela @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @hippolotamus @exhuastedpigeon based on my own post about buck drunkenly calling/texting tommy during the bachelor party, here's a snippet of that wip
Buck looks down at Tommy as he runs his fingers through his hair. They’re in Buck’s bed, having slept (actually slept, although they did make out quite a bit the night before) together, too tired from the previous day’s activities. Tommy, mainly from the fire he had to put out and Buck from the emotional roller coaster of finding Chimney and later seeing him marry his sister. 
Seeing Tommy sleeping so peacefully fills Buck’s chest with a warmth he doesn’t know how to explain. This is something he’s done dozens if not thousands of times before. Stroking a partner's hair while they’re asleep should be old hat to him, yet with Tommy it feels like it’s a new sensation. Buck could chalk it up to the fact that Tommy is a guy – and perhaps part of it is – but also a part of Buck knows the reason is because he’s never felt so giddy about a partner in a long time. 
“How long have you been staring at me?” Tommy asks, voice thick with sleep. His eyes are still closed, yet his lips are quirked up in amusement.
“Not too long. I didn’t want to disturb you.”
Tommy’s eyes open at that. “That reminds me…do you remember calling me during the bachelor party?”
Buck’s fingers pause. “Uh…I called you?” Buck barely remembers texting Tommy a few times. Seeing the unintelligible texts he sent his boyfriend when Tommy texted him in the hospital filled him with mild embarrassment he quickly forgot about as he kissed him in front of everyone in the waiting room. 
Tommy nods in delight. “Oh yeah. I couldn’t answer so you left me a bunch of voicemails. You want to hear?”
Buck groans, pulling away from Tommy to put a pillow over his head. “How stupid do I sound?”
“Not stupid.” Buck hears some shuffling from beside him, he assumes Tommy is reaching for his phone. “Just drunk. I thought they were really cute, actually. To hear how much you missed me.”
tagging @911-on-abc @eddiebabygirldiaz @monsterrae1 @liminalmemories21 @diazsdimples
@daffi-990 @steadfastsaturnsrings @wildlife4life @aroeddiediaz @kitteneddiediaz @bidisasterevankinard
@carlos-in-glasses @paperstorm @tizniz @watchyourbuck @thewolvesof1998 @saybiwithme
@loserdiaz @spotsandsocks @bonheur-cafe
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. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Writeblr intro
Hello! My name is Vyuntspakhkite, I go by Vyunt. My pronouns are he/it. I'm a writer and an artist :3
I'm a minor! I don't mind interacting with people who are 18+ but please don't interact if you're an exclusively NSFW blog.
I've always really liked to write stories and I've wanted to make a proper book since forever, but I have a bad habit of getting distracted by new ideas and abandoning my old ones before I can finish them. I'm determined to see this one through, though, as I have big plans for the world I've created and need a solid starting point.
I'm new to Tumblr and a little shy, but I do love talking to people! If you're interested in anything I do, feel free to reach out with a DM and we can chat! Seriously, getting messages makes my day 100x better :3
When it comes to reading, I'm open to just about any genre (feel free to hit me with recommendations!), though I almost exclusively write fantasy. Many of my characters are LGBTQ+, mentally ill, or both. My writing tends to get dark and gory at times, but I do my best to properly tag and warn if anything I post might be triggering.
Current WIP: Biting the Bullet - early drafting stage Biting the Bullet is a fantasy military story, centering around a group of soldiers as they fight for independence from the oppresive Kristalyan Empire. Arsioly and his fireteam constantly have their worldviews challenged as they slowly realize that war may be less about honor and justice than they thought. Posts about this book are tagged with #biting the bullet vld
List of BtB snippets I've posted (in vague chronological order): Prologue Are you scared? Hate, hate, hate My family has some Selvesh blood... The refugee Heads up, seven up Was I as good as the others?
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horsegirlwarcrimes · 1 month
if your still doing the fic-wip thing, i would love to know about the YQY and SQH De-Aged Fic or the shen yuan transmigrats into YQY fic.
i also really loved the two YQY and Zhúzhī Láng adventure snippets u posted🩷🩵
ahh thank you so much!!! ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ
theres another bit of this fic here with a description, but here's a later scene! this fic is everything to me yall are making me so excited to finish it
"You're Shen Qingqiu." The boy exclaimed, eyes wide. "How do you know that name?" "Wow, you look just like I imagined! Haha… ha." His laughter trailed off and he lifted a hand to thread into his shorn hair and tugged tightly. His voice took on a sharp quaver. "That's it, I've really gone insane, huh?" Shen Qingqiu turned to Mu Qingfang. "How could he know that? Shang Qinghua was older than I was when I joined the sect. I wasn't named Qingqiu until years later." Mu Qingfang knelt by the side of the bed. He had a way of making himself softer, nonthreatening, that annoyed Shen Qingqiu both for the saccharin quality of the affectation and, privately, his own inability to immitate it. One might catch more flies with honey, but Shen Qingqiu has only ever had vinegar in his arsenal. The young Shang Qinghua didn't seem comforted by it, and leaned away warily as Mu Qingfang settled next to him. "Do you know where you are, Shang-gongzi?" he asked. The young Shang Qinghua swallowed. "If he's supposed to be Shen Qingqiu, then this is Cang Qiong Mountain, huh?" The doctor nodded. "Yes, that's good. You remember entering the sect then?" "Entering the—no! What is this, some—some isekai shit? Into my ideas? This—this isn't real. I'm hallucinating." "You know who we are and where you are, what makes you feel it must be a dream?" "This isn't real. You're not real, Cang Qiong isn't—Shen Qingqiu isn't real. He's just a character I thought of, I haven't even written it down yet." "A… character?" "Yeah, you know." The boy bunched his hands up in the thin blanket and looked down at his lap. They were trembling. "Shen Qingqiu and Yue Qi, Yue Qingyuan. Two slave boys who are seperate when they're children, and fight their way back together at Cang Qiong mountain and become top cultivators. But there's like, you know, drama and stuff."
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Psssst. WIP Saturday
Although this is not the story I'm currently trying to finish, here's a little snippet of the Halsin oneshot I mentioned in this poll. I've been sitting on this bit for a while now and will have the full story posted once I've finished up New Life Shall Prosper later this week.
Halsin x Reader oneshot set sometime in that awkward space after you leave the shadow lands, but before you make it to Rivington.
Full story can be found here.
You were blissfully unaware of the hungry eyes watching your every move as you indulged in your sweet treat. Halsin’s gaze was transfixed on the movements of your wonderfully nimble fingers as you selected a slice of tart apple from your bowl and coated it with a generous amount of the honey you’d procured earlier in the day. You twirled the slice in your fingers, trying to break the sticky strings that came as you tried to scoop the thickened treat onto the fruit. Halsin was unsure if time had slowed or if it was simply his own desires fogging his mind, but watching this relatively mundane task had become almost intoxicating. 
Your attention was quickly pulled from your snack before you had a chance to bite into it, the call of your name from across camp making you pause. You still held the slice in your fingers, hovering over the bowl as you spoke to your companion about an event from earlier in the day. The honey that rested at the tip of the apple slice began to drip, slowly making its way along the fruit and onto your thumb. Halsin was sitting close enough that he could smell the sweetness and the light floral notes that came from the honey, the scent alone being enough to have his mouth watering for a taste. Although he couldn’t help but wonder at how the taste would change when mixed with the taste of your skin as he watched the honey continue to drop down the length of your arm. 
He had longed for your touch for some time now, but ever since the group had parted the shadow lands, the longing had become incessant. Unbeknownst to you, Halsin wanted more from you; more than just friendship. He wanted companionship. He wanted you. And in this moment he wanted nothing more than to clean the honey from your skin with his own tongue and kiss your dexterous fingers that had been teasing him all day. The impulsive urge to act on the idea was tempting, but given that he had yet to approach you about wanting more, he tried to push the thought from his mind. 
Realizing the sticky mess that was now running down your arm, you quickly popped the apple slice covered in what remaining honey that wasn’t dripping down your arm into your mouth. You searched the small area by the campfire for any sort of cloth to wipe your hands on, but ultimately decided to simply lick it off when you couldn’t find a suitable rag and the sticky honey was now nearing your elbow. With a turn of your head and twist of your arm, you found the large drip of honey on your arm and pressed your tongue along the sweet trail. Starting near your elbow, you slowly pulled your tongue along your inner forearm, collecting the fallen honey in the small well created by your tongue. Given just how sticky the honey was, you found yourself going over the same spots multiple times in an attempt to get every drop that had made its way down your arm.
Halsin could feel his heart pick up speed and almost threaten to beat out of his chest the more he watched you clean yourself of the honey. His tips of his pointed ears had grown warm in a flush and his throat had suddenly gone dry. Despite the growing tension and the tightening of desire growing in his muscles, he found himself simply unable to look away from you. It had been so long that he’d been able to indulge in desires of his own that he had become complacent with pushing away his wants until he had completed his duties. But now those duties had been fulfilled, with your help of course, he was now free to purse any desires he’d denied himself for so long. And the druid was dangerously close to losing any and all control over keeping these wants at bay until the proper moment.
By the time you’d made your way to your honey coated thumb, you finally picked up on the eyes that had been focused on your movements for so long. Your own gaze flicked to Halsin, whose face was a mixture of amusement and something else you couldn’t quite place, and couldn’t help but smile in embarrassment as he’d caught your blunder. What you couldn’t notice, however, was the heat rising along Halsin’s neck and the thread of tension in his chest that was threatening to break at any second. However, when you stuck the entirety of your thumb into your mouth and slowly pulled off the honey while still holding his gaze, that delicately held together thread finally snapped.
As with all of my WIP posts, this isn't edited and might change once the full story is posted. Thanks!
Tag List: @thoughts-of-bear (this is the Halsin oneshot you'd asked to be tagged in a while ago), @beardedladyqueen, @pixie-in-a-moonlantern, @ur-friendly-nbhd-cardassian
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quinn-of-aebradore · 3 months
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Since I've seen some folks being interested and the fic itself is still a work-in-progress, I thought I'd give a little introduction for the Essek and Caleb in my Candela Obscura AU! The above are their designs as I put together in Hero Forge and of course, here is them drawn by Maddy!
Essek in this world is an occultist who was raised in a very devout Ascendancy worshipping family in Briar Green. While he attended Briar Bank College, he was contacted by EONS and began doing work for them. As that connection went on its course and eventually came to a disastrous ending, Candela made contact with him as a way of damage control, with Lightkeeper Yussa Errenis taking him in as a ward, sort of, which led to Essek meeting—and eventually joining—the Circle of the Nein. He is currently retired from field work and serves as Lightkeeper to the Circle of Pearl.
Caleb, on the other hand, was born outside Newfaire in Tottergrass but grew up in South Soffit after his family lost their farm and moved to the city to find work. In his teens, he was offered an internship at EONS and spent time assisting in their labs in more ways than one, leading to his first exposure to The Flare and bleed. While on track to receiving a scholarship to Briar Bank College, he suffered a breakdown—the circumstances of which EONS has burned from the record and even Candela is unsure of—and spent several years in Greyslate. Whilst a Circle was in process of an investigation at the Sanatorium, Caleb escaped and soon found his way to Candela, becoming part of the Circle of the Nein as a professor soon after. He is currently retired from field work and serves as Lightkeeper to the Circle of Amber.
The fic I'm currently working on takes place after their retirements, though I have plenty of ideas about the events before that and of their backstories that I may turn into their own fics down the road. Which is why certain details are omitted here. If I remember to, I'll maybe post a snippet for WIP Wednesday this week :3
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Coming To An Understanding #1
Sorry it's been forever since I posted anything - things rather got away from me and I could never quite get any of the many WiPs I had across the finish line.
This is a little series of snippets all set in the same verse as each other. No Gary and highly Melissa x Reader centric. Mostly cute with a little bit of angst sprinkled in.
Oh, and I should say, inspired by a chat (quite some time ago) with @a-queen-and-her-throne
The first time you wake up next to Melissa you’re not quite prepared for how your heart feels like it stutters for a few beats as you blink in awake in the soft light that filters through the curtain.  At some point during the night she’s rolled onto her back, you clearly having unconsciously followed, your head finding it’s resting place against her bare shoulder.
Her skin is warm against your own and it brings with it memories of the night before that make you blush.  You let your eyes wander over her face as she sleeps next to you, delighting in the opportunity to drink in her beauty unobserved. 
She had removed her make-up the night before when on making a trip to the bathroom, she realised her lipstick was anywhere but on her lips.  You’re glad she did, since now you get to see the light freckles dusting her pale skin. 
Leaning up on your elbow to allow you a better view, you grin as you realise that her hair, which the previous night had fallen in soft waves around her face was now a riotous mess.  A mess you helped create, unable to keep your hands out of it. 
You want more mornings like this, you realise, waking to her face in the early morning light.  It catches you by surprise, but once the thought is there, it’s all you can think about.  A warmth blooms in your chest.  She trusts you enough to let you in.  To let you see all of her, just as she is. 
There and then, in that silent room, you make a promise to yourself and the sleeping woman next to you that you’ll do all you can to show her you’re worthy of that trust.
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wipbigbang · 1 year
WIP Big Bang 2023 Round Schedule & FAQ!
All times are by 8:59pm PST. Convert time zones.
Sign-ups Begin- April 1st Sign-ups Close- April 21st Check In #1- April 22nd Check In #2- May 15th Snippets Due- June 1st Art Claims Begin- June 17th Check In #3- June 22nd Check In #4- July 6th Rough Drafts Due- July 15th Posting Claims Begin- July 23rd Posting Claims Ends- August 1st Final Drafts/Art Due- August 7th Posting Starts- August 8th Posting Ends- October 31st (the last two weeks are reserved for emergency posting)
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Do I need a Livejournal/Dreamwidth/AO3/etc. account to participate? No! You don’t have to have an account on anything to participate, though you will need to have somewhere to post your finished work. Having one or more accounts will help for you to follow what is going on with the bang (we crosspost to Dreamwidth, Tumblr, and sometimes Twitter at the moment), but they are not required to participate. You can always leave comments anonymously or with an opensource ID.
How many fics can we sign up for? We absolutely don’t mind multiple sign-ups. I know one year someone submitted 50 fics to finish, and got at least half of them done. We just ask that when you sign up with more than one fic you give each fic a unique user ID (please do not use the same ID for all your fics...it’s important to have different IDs for the check-ins).
Will I get emails about the bang? We do send out some emails, mostly for snippets and art claims and to ensure communication between authors and artists, but please do NOT rely on getting an email to remind you of due dates. We currently do not keep an updated email list of participants, so we only send individual emails as needed rather than mass emails.
However, email is the fastest way to communicate with the mods. If you have any questions or are having trouble communicating with your artist/author, please do email us! We will do our best to respond quickly.
What do you mean by minimum word count to enter? This is a WIP Big Bang, therefore we ask you to have at least 500 words of your story drafted when you enter.
Can an outline count towards those first 500 words that are needed at sign up? We have admitted work on an outline before so yes, if your outline is fleshed out enough to cover a 7,500 word+ fic, we’ll allow it.
Are multi-chapter fics allowed? Yes, multi-chapter fics are allowed and even more so encouraged if your fic is lengthy.
What about fics that are already posted on ao3 in part? Do those qualify for the bang? It's okay if you have posted a few chapters of your fic already (you never know when the muse deserts you, after all), we just require you to refrain from posting more until posting begins here. All we ask is that you not post any public updates to the fic until August 1st (or July 1st with the mod’s okay). We don’t want you to lose kudos and comments so don’t worry about pulling the fic down, just hold off on updates for now.
Is there a minimum word count? 7,500 words for each finished fic, but the sky's the limit, right?
I see that the fic minimum is 7500 words and that published WIPs are acceptable - but what if the WIP I’m considering is already more than 7500 words? Is the expectation to add an additional 7500 to it? No. You can add as much or as little as you need to finish the story, though we do expect at least 1,000 or so new words if your WIP already meets the word count.
What happens if an author finishes the fic they signed up with but it’s less than 7,500 words? The intent was to go over the minimum but once they got into it the story was shorter than they thought and stretching it out would make it less good. Do they have to drop out at that point? By all means, we want your stories to feel as natural as possible, and if it’s under 7,500 words you may have two options:
1 - Drop the fic for the main BB event, post it now, and wait to post it to our AO3 collection in February when we run our International Fanworks Day celebration of finishing fics that are less than 7,500 words when finished. There’s no art for the fic, but bragging rights are posted to the communities for a week.
2 - If there are enough fics that fit that category, we can do a special day of posting the fics, but you’ll have to forgo art for the fic. I, as a mod, would probably pick October 31st for the posting day, as it’s the last day of posting for the bang and I don’t think anyone will mind more than one fic that day. You can post bragging rights to the community and share the fic with everyone.
Is there anything not allowed? As long as you wrote it and you want to finish it, you're welcome to participate. RPS/RPF is fine. Incest pairings are fine. Things like that I know have been hinted at in questions asked and as long as you tag for them, we’ll allow it. Also, canon settings with mostly OCs is allowed. We just ask that it be tagged properly with any content warnings you would deem fit and be given the appropriate rating for the level of sex/violence there is in the fic. As of the 2023 round, original work is also allowed; however, we recommend you bring in your own artist or forgo art for an original work.
I have a fic I wrote a few years ago, but only the first couple chapters are posted on AO3 because I was never happy with the rest of it and knew it needed major revision. Is that something I could use for WIP Big Bang? The entire fic has been posted, but only on one platform, and it would be rewritten for AO3 and WIPBB. I think revising a fic for posting would work, as long as you have at least 500 words done, will have 7,500 words at a minimum when it’s done, and are planning to add more to the fic. Simply rewriting what you have would be a gray area, but if you’re going to take stuff out and add new scenes, either in the old scenes place or on your own, you should be fine.
What's the etiquette around OC-centric stories? Ones that are set in a well known fandom and use several characters, but still lean a lot on original characters? Are they discouraged, or fine? Based on my own personal experience making art for a story that had a heavy OC presence, it’s not something we discourage at all, but be forewarned when it comes to the art accompanying your fic your artist may not be able to incorporate the OCs into your art. Not everyone makes art of a hand-drawn or digitally drawn nature, so it helps if you have people for face claims ahead of art submissions, and you and your artist communicate regularly. You can also end up with art not featuring the OCs at all, just the canon characters, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Your other options are to bring in an artist you trust with your vision of your OC/make your own art (we do allow that, we just need to be told during the check-in before art that you’re bringing in your own artist if you go that route, or that you’re doing your own art…there will not be a need to sign up in the artist’s sign up, however) or to opt-out of art entirely. So there’s plenty of options to call on when it comes time for art. What are 'check-ins’? These are a way for us to see what you've been up to and for you to make sure you're still on track. It will give you a little nudge/reminder if you need it, but they are not compulsory. Basically a form is posted that you fill out with your user ID (unique for each fic) and a checkbox to let us know you’re still participating, plus a section for any notes for the mods.
How are the check in IDs used? They are solely for the mods organizational purposes. Each ID being for a separate story allows us to keep all the information you submit during check-ins and for snippets in one line on our spreadsheet. You don’t have to share your check in IDs with anyone else if you don’t want to.
How much progress should authors be making between each checkpoint? (Percentage-wise from our estimated total wc, I guess?) Ideally, with each check-in, you should be at least 25% closer to finishing. The end word count only really matters in that the fic needs to be at least 7,500 words when done, so it’s more your progress towards finishing that should be measured, not so much the word count.
What are the snippets requirements? In order to allow the artists to make art for the story they claimed, we require you to supply three snippets from your fic, between 500 – 1500 words each. The snippets will be sent to the artist after they have claimed your story. They're to help the artist match your story for artwork the best way he or she possibly can. It’s helpful to choose scenes or parts of scenes that you feel best represent your fic, but don’t feel like they have to be perfect to be submitted. Along with the snippets, we will send your artist the basic fic info and your email, so the two of you can collaborate more if you would both like.
What are the rough drafts requirements? For the rough drafts, stories should be at least 80% complete. You will not have to turn them in to us, just assure us that you are at that point. Anything less is at the discretion of the mods and those authors should speak to one of the mods asap.
What is, and do I need, a beta? A beta is basically a person who goes over your work to make sure that there are no spelling/grammatical errors and they can even be of assistance in helping you with story lines, etc. It is highly recommended that a beta looks over your work before posting. If you are having trouble finding a beta, try this post.
Where can I post my fic/art? Stories and art can be posted to your own personal journal, Tumblr, ff-net, AO3, or wherever you like. For those of you with AO3 accounts, we will set up a collection that will go live on the day of the posting. If you don’t currently have an AO3 account but would like one, you can contact the mods for an invitation code to see if they have any available. You can also add yourself to the AO3 Invites Request queue.
What does posting look like? Do we have to post the whole thing on the day, or can we stretch it out between when posting starts and our date? I’ve had a few longfics get killed by big bangs forcing posting to happen on a given day, and would prefer to avoid that if possible. For most fics, posting to AO3/FF.net/other places will be allowed to start in August and you can stretch it out as many posts as you want as long as the complete fic is up by your posting date (and posting dates go from August 8th to October 16th with two weeks for emergency posting). However, you can send us an ask/e-mail about posting as early as July if you have an extremely long fic/something with a long posting schedule. Mostly what we want is the fic to be completely up on the website of your choice by your posting date, and I know some people don’t want to overwhelm their readers. So we want to work with writers to give them ample time to post the story up to their posting date.
Now, as for posting to the communities, you get to choose which day your link to the story and bragging rights are posted, and as I said, we have a range of dates from August 8th to October 16th with two to three stories posting a day. If for some reason you miss your posting date, you have until October 31st to post to the community, during the two weeks of emergency posting. So hopefully there should be plenty of time to get a longfic up and posted to the website of your choice and our BB.
Will the three snippets per story we have to send in be the ones we want the artist to make art for? Or can it just be random snippets and then later the artist and I can check together to see which scenes would work best for art? So ideally, you and the artist will be communicating once you’re each sent each other’s contact information, and you’ll give your artist a chance to read all that you’ve written at that point. That’s what happens in most cases. If your fic gets picked by an artist and they don’t work with you, then the snippets you sent will be what the artwork will be based on. It’s a good idea to know that, while most of the time the artists work closely with the authors, there are a few exceptions to that.
How do I know when to post? Posting will be tiered; you'll each get your own posting date that you and your artist will decide on together. There will probably be three fics, plus art, posting per day between August 8th and October 31st. The post with date claims will go up on July 23rd and you'll have to choose your date by August 1st.
Posting of chapters on AO3 or your own blog (or wherever you usually post) generally starts August 1st, but you can post earlier (as early as July 1st) if you let us know you have a long story. However, posting has to be finished by your chosen posting date to the comm. One of the things we're hoping to do with the posted dates is to give everybody on the comm a little bragging time in the spotlight. You know, "this story was incomplete for this long, but I finished this sucker." If you don't have time to post your bragging rights to the communities on your chosen posting date, you can queue up a post ahead of time and we can post it on the date you picked or you can email us your bragging rights and we can post by proxy for you. Either way works for us. Art will be due on the chosen posting date to the comm.
What am I posting to the Dreamwidth/Tumblr community if I’m posting the fic elsewhere? You’ll be posting what we call bragging rights. It’s a small form you fill out and post to the community with a link to your fic (we’ll enable moderated posting to the Tumblr and Dreamwidth communities for members on August 8th). We will post a template for posting artwork and stories to the comm closer to the posting date.
Is there a minimum/maximum requirement for my art? There is no strict minimum, but we do ask artists to remember that the authors are writing a minimum of 7,500 words and your artwork should reflect that. You can do anything you like, including banners, wallpapers, icons, mixes, vids, gif sets, picspams, etc. Suggested guidelines for art are 500x500px (or equivalent of smaller pieces like banner + spacers, cover + icons, etc.) for traditional art, digital art, and manips; 2 minutes for vids; 10 songs + cover art for mixes; and 6 images for gif sets and picspams. We also ask that when you are in contact with the author, you work with them to see if there is anything specific they would like (i.e. a wallpaper, book cover, etc.). The art is your work, but having ideas doesn't hurt!
What are 'art claims'? The claims are when anonymous summaries of the story go up for artists to choose from. Artists sign-ups and art claims are the same thing; we use one form for both things, and that way the authors don’t have to sign up for an event they may not end up participating in. It is based on a 'first come, first served' basis and artists may choose up to three potential stories (in case their first choice is unavailable). If there are more stories than artists, there will be a second round of claims wherein artists may choose a second story to work with, and on and on until all stories are claimed for art.
If a fic up for claiming is rated explicit (R, NC-17, etc.), please only claim the story if you are over 18 years of age. Some authors may be uncomfortable working with underage artists on explicit works. We do not verify ages in any way for the bang, so this is solely on the honor system.
What do I do if I have problems or concerns about my author/artist? Sometimes authors and artists do not get along and this may cause problems with working together. If this happens to be the case with you, please email the mods and we will try to do what we can so that everyone has a chance to have fun at WIP Big Bang!
If you have not heard from your author/artist in some time after trying to contact them, you can reach out to us via email and we will try to get in touch with them for you.
Can I get an extension? Community extensions may be given in the event that the majority of the authors/artists need one. They may also be given individually under certain circumstances, but this must be discussed with the mods and will only be a short extension for posting. If you are certain that you won’t be able to finish your story in time, please let us know by June 13th.
Can I swap out a fic if my muse abandons it again? When you sign up, you give us the information on the potential fic(s) you want to write. If, say, one fic isn’t working but one you didn’t sign up for is, you can switch them out while letting the mods know if you need to change a user ID you used. It is absolutely okay to switch fics all the way up until snippets are due. By then, we hope you’ll have however many fics you plan on doing to at least 80% completion since rough drafts are due not much later. Just drop an email to the mods at [email protected] with the new information (title, fandom, etc) and if you want a new sign in ID or plan to use the same one for the fic you’re replacing it with.
Can I drop out? We have high hopes that everybody who signs up can actually finish the round and share in the joy of the reveal with us, but real life can unfortunately get in the way and we completely understand! If you feel like you just cannot finish in time and no amount of assistance from us can help you, just let us know by July 13th (if at all possible).
Is it possible to be banned? We do have a banned users list. We hope to use this to encourage participants who are having issues to communicate with the mods. We want to help you! The way the ban works is that participants, either authors and artists, will be banned for dropping out without notifying a mod. This means that anyone who has not posted or talked to a mod by the time the posting period ends will be banned. Dropping out is not in and of itself a banning offense, so please do not panic if you have to drop out! We understand that there are many reasons you may need to drop, and we want to work with you.
Bans will last one round or until the issue is resolved, whichever comes first. To resolve a ban, authors will have to finish and post the story they signed up with and artists will have to finish and post the art for the story they claimed. Three bans will result in a permanent ban from the bang.
Are we allowed to participate without joining the Discord? Absolutely! The Discord server is optional, as just another way to interact with your fellow writers and get updates on important dates. It’s not mandatory you join, however.
I was just wondering if there’s any way to enter the bang anonymously? Like would it be okay to put our work in an anonymous collection on ao3 or something? Unfortunately, I can’t think of a way for that to work. The collection that we use is moderated but it’s not anonymous, and there are the bragging posts that you post on your posting day, which you would have your username on whichever platform you use.
I was just wondering whether I'm sworn to secrecy on which fics I'll be finishing up, or if I can shout it out to the world? No one is sworn to secrecy once they’ve signed up (aside from posting new parts to fic that’s already up somewhere…we ask that you refrain from doing that until at least July 1st)! We will be running Word Wars, where you can add more to a fic in a certain amount of time, and Whine Bars, where you can complain or ask for help or whatever else you feel like talking about when it comes to struggling with a fic, all after sign-ups end on a weekly basis, plus there’s the Discord server for chatting with your fellow authors and artists.
I have a question/concern that’s not mentioned here. If you need help, you can always contact a mod and we will do our best to make sure that you get your story/art finished. The best and fastest method of contact is through our email, [email protected].
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stardusthuntress · 3 months
To Speak Without Words - Ch. 1
Crosshair x female!reader (she/her pronouns for now, might get spicy later) 
Word Count: ~2k 
Tantis Rescue AU! I’ve had this idea for ages, and now that S3 has rescued Omega and Crosshair it dawned on me that I never actually posted this one! Seems like there’s no better time to post it than now! (also: TECH LIVES!!)
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Summary: (mini-series) Crosshair starts to fall for the woman he’s rescued with. She has learned to read him easier than just about anyone else he’s ever met. He learns her too. 
TW: Crosshair has PTSD, and Hunter is still learning how to deal with it. Speaking of, it starts with a flashback to a torture scene… while Crosshiar is still in Hemlock’s custody (well, Hemlock thinks it’s more like ownership, but who needs his opinion anyways); I do mention that they both get back in the fight later, but it’s not a big focus, comparitively
A/N: So, I’ve had this for ages, but I thought I needed more to it before I posted it… turns out it’s pretty complete as is! And now that we’ve actually gotten to see the Tantis exfil and Crosshair and Omega return to the gang, I realized I really needed to just post the darned thing! I just want to say, I didn’t change this to fit anything from S3, it’s been written like this for ages, I just fixed some typos before I posted it, so S3 has not been an influence here! 
PS. This is my FIRST Crosshair fic on here!!! WHOOOOOO!!!
PPS. I promise I'll get back to the "Right Attire" posts soon! Just needed to get this one out of my WIPs!
Crosshair banners from @/djarrex, hyperspace banners my own!
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He’s barely conscious. Voices enter the room. All are familiar, but not in a good way. But only one has a name he can vaguely remember, something to do with something deadly, like a poison… Hemlock! That was his name. The name sank like a rock in his mind, and took his stomach with it. Nothing good was coming, that was for sure. 
But one was new. A female. She seemed as upset as his stomach felt. But despite how queasy he felt, this he needed to see, to understand why she was here and whether he knew her. 
Slowly, he opened his eyes. At first, everything was a blur… gradually, his eyes focused on her face. He’d never seen her before, but the fear and pain he saw on her features was more than familiar… and then the memory faded…
Snippets of other memories flash through his mind, all out of order. His mind is beginning to block out large chunks of his captivity… 
Hemlock’s voice broke through the haze of it all, “I see those paternal instincts your batch mates displayed still exist, but unfortunately, I need the little girl for another experiment.” He turns to the TK’s standing guard, “Remove her from the room.” Then turns back to Crosshair lying on the table, “Let’s see what other animalistic emotions you tend to display. I know you recently gave up your disdain for, what did you call them, ‘Regs’? How about the civilians you thought you were protecting?” Hemlock once again turns towards the guards in the hallway, “bring the woman in.” 
Flashes of moments of both of their agonies as they both did their best to conceal their ‘animalistic tendencies’, as Hemlock put it, flash through Crosshair’s mind. Doing their best not to become attached to the person at the other end of the table, but the need to protect them was as inevitable as if they had been sharing a bunk. 
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She’d been dozing off against her corner of the cold, hard table, sitting on the floor, arms chained to the corner above her. 
Crosshair was sitting across from her, attached to the foot of the table in much the same manner, doing his best to stay awake while she slept. They always took turns, so they’d have warning when Hemlock showed up. 
She woke up with a start when Crosshair nudged her with his foot. She looked at him, bracing for bad news, but he simply nodded towarads the door. 
“Shield!” Crosshair announced, he could see the corridor more clearly than she could from his spot at the foot of the table. 
She reacted instinctively, knowing that word meant protecting her face and neck as best as she could. No sooner had she done so than the wall that had been blocking her view of the corridor was blown away in a blast that rocked the whole room. 
When the dust settled she found a rough-looking man staring Crosshair down. 
Her head was still ringing from the blast, but it seemed like the man was mad at Crosshair. 
Hunter looked down at Crosshair’s battered form, leaning wearily against the wall. “One question for you brother… why? Why did you aim it at me before rescuing the kid?” 
There was a pause, while a disgruntled man with a device wrapping around the back of his head knealt down and began drilling away at the cuffs restraining Crosshair. 
“I could ask you the same question.” Came Crosshair’s venomous reply. 
Both men tensed, like they were preparing for a fight. 
“NO!” She shouted, tugging against her restraints, reaching for Cross with her feet in a meager attempt to shield him from the wrath of the long-haired man. 
“Here, lemme help you, little lady,” a voice spoke up from beside her, and thick arms reached around her and took ahold of the cuffs around her wrists, easily ripping through the restraints anchoring her to the table, snapping the cuffs in half without hurting her wrists at all. But she barely noticed, as soon as she was free she launched herself across the room and put herself between Crosshair and the tattooed man. 
“NO.” She said firmly. “Don’t hurt him.”
“I wasn’t going to, Sweetheart. He’s my brother. Just wanted to knock some sense into him, that’s all.” 
“Don’t. Touch. Him.” She backed up towards Crosshair, stumbling, barely able to keep herself on her feet, until her back bumped his chest. Crosshair’s hand found her shoulder, and she knew it was an attempt to steady them both. 
“I won’t hurt him.” The tattooed man said. “I promise. I’m Hunter by the way. What’s your name, Hun?” 
Crosshair’s grip on her shoulder tightened. A warning. Both to her and Hunter. Reminding them both that she had Crosshair’s protection. 
Hunter raised his hands to emphasize his point, “I won’t hurt either of you. But we gotta get you both out of here, it’s a long way, and neither of you look so stable on your feet.” He held out a hand in offering, but the two clung tightly to each other. Strange. Crosshair prided himself of never needing anyone, even his brothers. Clearly, they were used to only having each other and a hard time. Hunter retracted his hand. “I’ll be with you the whole way, I’ll do my best to catch you if you fall.” 
She glanced over her shoulder at Crosshair. He’d never told her about his squad, but Hemlock had done his best to pry information about them from him. She knew who they were, and that Crosshair refused to tell anyone about them, but she didn’t know why. She didn’t know if he still trusted them. One nod was all it took to confirm that they were ok, but the anger in his eyes, as he stared Hunter down, told her volumes. 
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Days later, Crosshair and Hunter end up in a big argument, no one caught how it started or why exactly, but she can’t stand it. She has to step in. 
“But you still don’t SEE him, Hunter!” 
“You wouldn’t know. You weren’t there.” Hunter defends, his words heavy with his own pain. 
“I know— “
“—She knows.” Crosshair’s reply is curt, angry, and pained, and Hunter notices he won’t hold eye contact anymore, but he’s not sure why. He thinks it has to do with that annoying need to get attention only to ignore it when he does have it. 
“Hemlock had security camera footage,” she says quietly. 
Hunter’s cold, angry exterior begins to soften. “I take it he used it against… when he…uhh…” 
“Sorta,” she confirms. 
Crosshair is staring pointedly at one spot on the ground. There’s nothing there. But he can’t look at anyone right now. Not when thinking about what the two of them went through back there. 
She puts a hand on his arm. 
He tenses beneath her touch, but doesn’t push it off. 
She steps forward, slowly, and leans her head against his temple. 
“We’re both safe now,” Hunter can hear her whisper to him. “I’m okay now.”
What was that second thing she’d said? I’m okay now? Hunter’s mind was reeling. That wasn’t what he was expecting her to say. Had he heard her right? For once, he questioned his heightened hearing. 
She turns the conversation back on Hunter to take the attention off of Crosshair so he has a moment to breathe and return to himself. 
“Hunter, listen, I know you want Crosshair to communicate more. But you know Crosshair prefers to use actions to communicate instead of words. And yet when he does use actions to communicate, you ignore them.”
Hunter is stunned into silence. He has no idea what to say nor what to look for. 
She continues, “You said he aimed his blaster at you before rescuing Omega from the wreckage, and yet you did the same thing back in the training room, right before they destroyed everything.” 
She still pets Crosshair’s head and neck, as he hides his face in her neck, “You said Crosshair didn’t care about any of you, even the kid, after he chose the Empire, and yet he still managed to get a message to you, plan 88, remember?… he was caught and tortured immediately after.”
On her shoulder, she can feel Crosshair’s breathing returning to a normal, slower pattern, but he still needs more time, so she continues, “You know Crosshair never misses his mark, he keeps his target in the crosshairs, hence the name. And yet, whenever he found himself fighting against you boys… well, you’re still here. Doesn’t that tell you a lot?” 
Hunter is staring at his brother now, worry on his face as Crosshair begins to surface from the woman’s shoulder, but she’s not done yet. 
“Do you know how long he waited on that platform on Kamino before the Empire found him? Do you know what it’s like to have that much time alone with your thoughts, and yet he still warned you with plan 88. And you weren’t there when he disappeared in the ice and snow on a frozen world, returning a few days later nearly frozen to death with a dying reg on his shoulder, and then ending his commanding officer when the reg died because no one gave him medical care.” 
Crosshair’s eyes were misty and distant as he turned his body towards Hunter, though he still refused to look at him. “He saved me first.” Was all he said. 
Hunter stepped forward slowly, placing a hesitant hand on Crosshair’s shoulder and raising his eyebrows to tell him he did want to hear more. 
“I stepped on a mine. He saved me first. We were the last troops stationed at the outpost.” 
“Just two men to protect an entire outpost?” Hunter asked, trying to understand what his brother had gone through and what the empire’s strategy was in it. 
“Raiders wiped out the rest. Empire refused to send more. I was the last—” but Crosshair’s voice broke on the last word, he couldn’t finish it. 
Hunter stood there, confused and startled. He’d never seen Crosshair like this. He’d seen him mad and upset as a cadet, but never like this. 
The woman gently tugged Crosshair back towards her so she could whisper in his ear. 
“Then it’s a good thing you’re still here to remember him, to remember them all. Even the ones you never met. I know we can’t get them back, but we can remember them and what they mean to us, regardless of whether we tell anyone else about it.” 
He nodded, and once again hid his face in the crook of her neck as fresh waves of emotion silently racked his body. 
Hunter watched, helplessly. He didn’t know what to do. Until she yanked him over by his wrist, and dragged him to sit down on the floor with Crosshair between them. 
Unbenounced to the three of them, the others had been hiding just out of sight, but close enough to listen in. Tech got up from his spot, crouched beside Wrecker and Echo in the dark hallway, and quietly walked over to the tangle of limbs. Without saying a word, he took off his chest plate and sat down behind Crosshair, their backs pressing together. 
Crosshair did not react, nor give any signal of acknowledgment, but he didn’t need to. Right now, he just needed to let it out. 
After a moment or two, Wrecker and Echo entered too, each doing the same as Tech, joining the group without saying anything, just there, leaning against each other. Even little omega emerged from her room and snuggled in between Hunter and cross, Lula tucked in her arms. 
It took Hunter a long while to think through what he could say that would help, if anything actually could… until he finally settled on a simple sentence, hoping it would be enough. 
“I’m so sorry I was so blind to what you were trying to say, Brother.” 
Crosshair’s grip on Hunter tightened. 
Hunter took that as a good sign. 
“I’ll try to do better,” he offered. 
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They woke in the morning, still in a giant cuddle pile on the floor of the ship….
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Please don’t steal my work! I pour my heart into these so if you like it please reblog to share instead of reposting it! And NO dropping it into an AI to finish it for me! That’s stealing my work and feeding it to an AI without my consent. It is not okay to give an AI something you didn’t write yourself! 
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tizniz · 4 months
WIP Wednesday 🌙
Tagged by: @theotherbuckley & @diazsdimples (such a little shit with his post)
Happy Valentine's Day to those who celebrate 🩵 and happy Wednesday to those who don't!
SURPRISE! I PICKED UP CUPID!BUCK AND WROTE SOMETHING! I'm determined to work past everything that stopped me from continuing it and am going to keep going. So we'll see what happens.
I'm doing a few snippets (treating y'all for being so nice and because it's V-Day) from what I wrote last night, so there's more under the cut along with tags!
Valentine’s Day sucks. You’d think being a descendant of Cupid, one would be all for the holiday. Not Buck. Buck hates the day. Look, he loves love. Is first in line to admit that he is a supporter of love and will happily help anyone and everyone find their one true love. Has done exactly that with many a people. Has developed a reputation because of it. But Valentine’s Day? Valentine’s Day can go die in a deep, dark pit for all he cares.
He absently scratches at his arm as he tries to focus enough to pick out a sauce. But he can’t do that until he picks out a type of pasta. Because Eddie is surprisingly picky about what pasta goes with what sauce, and so Buck staggers his way over to the pasta. Boxed, not fresh, because Eddie is also peculiar about that. It honestly makes Buck love the man more. Except the thought of loving his best friend has a shiver running down Buck’s back unpleasantly; not because of his love for Eddie, but simply because it draws in more love from around him. He feels a bit like he’s suffocating. He’s sweating and shivering at the same time. Everything is blurry around him. There’s a couple at the end of the aisle whispering to each other, their new love pouring off of them and over to Buck, crawling along his skin.
As Buck is sat down on the edge of the bed, he realizes something with a frown. There’s nothing coming from the house. There’s no feelings or emotions or anything. Which Buck has learned to adapt to with Eddie, had actually sought it out tonight. But it does mean something, or someone, is missing. “Chris?” “Valentine’s Day dance, remember?” Eddie places some clothing on the bed beside Buck. “You helped him pick out his outfit.” Right. He did. Buck frowns deeper. He doesn’t really remember it though. “You’re really not feeling well, are you?” Eddie mutters, fingers moving through Buck’s hair once more. It eases some of the throbbing in Buck’s head, and he falls forward until his face is planted into Eddie’s stomach, the cotton of his shirt soft against Buck’s itchy skin. This had been the right move. This is where he needed to be. Already he could feel the silence and lack of emotions from Eddie muffling the too loud noise inside of Buck’s body. He really should have listened to his sister and stayed home. Love sickness was a nasty thing.
“Good.” Eddie echoes, leaning over to place the glass on the side table. “How you feeling?” Buck wrinkles his nose, eyes falling closed again. “No’ good.” “Get some sleep then.” “Stay?” “I…” Eddie sighs, and then there’s movement before Buck feels a body settle next to his. He shuffles closer until Eddie’s arm winds around him, slotting a leg between Buck’s. “Get some rest, Buck.” “Knew you’d help.” Buck mutters, feeling himself drift off. But it wasn’t spinning and scary like before, in the store. No, here, he feels safe and secure, on steady feet. “Always help…”
NP tagging: @daffi-990, @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove, @jesuisici33, @cal-daisies-and-briars, @exhuastedpigeon, @bucksbackwardcap, @disasterbuckdiaz, @hippolotamus, @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming, @monsterrae1, @actualalligator, @epicbuddieficrecs, @elvensorceress, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @spotsandsocks, @spagheddiediaz, @fortheloveofbuddie, @wildlife4life, @evanbegins, @devirnis, @buckaroosheart, @perfectlysunny02, @nmcggg, and anyone else who needs a tag :)
Let me know if you want to be added or removed.
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cuubism · 2 months
I would love to hear about the math verse AU and/or the physical therapy AU and/or Dreamling shibari for the wip game 👀 and no I cannot choose just one! xo @hardly-an-escape
posted a little bit of Math Verse, here's a tiny snippet of Physical Therapy part 9 that i wrote... today, alas there is not much of that chapter yet
Even if Hob doesn’t say it aloud, it’s okay. Dream knows that Hob loves him. He shows it. He doesn’t need to say it. Dream’s ex-lover had, after all, said that he loved him frequently. “Come on, you know I love you.” But where had it shown up? That was not love. It was the opposite of love. So he doesn’t need Hob to say it back, it is enough that he— “Hey, Dream?” Hob says, interrupting his thoughts. His smile is warm, successfully banishing any hope of Dream finding his line of thinking again, as sunlight does to shadows. “I love you.”
and Shibari, another damn thing that's so close to being finished XD light nsfw
This time, when he makes to do so, Dream lets Hob take his shirt off by hand. Hob himself is already shirtless, as he was before, and Dream takes a moment to run his hands down his chest, over his belly, luxuriating in the feeling of his skin. Slow, he thinks. One mistake of last time. Hob kisses the hollow space under his ear, and his jaw, and his throat. He pulls Dream close by his hips so their bellies touch, and he can feel Hob’s arousal pressed against him. Normally Dream takes a more active role in their lovemaking, but this time he lets Hob direct him, tips his head when Hob’s hand goes to his jaw, opens his mouth to Hob’s tongue. Hob takes his time in exploring him, tracing the curves of a now-familiar river, its embankments and erosions. Unbuttons Dream’s jeans without looking, pulls them down and lets Dream balance on him as he steps out of them. So physical, and almost awkward for it, for while Dream is fluid as air in the Dreaming, he always feels just a bit wrong in the waking, liable to disjoint and slip the bounds of his skin, the way dreams can fracture when hit by sunlight. He must concentrate. He must imagine himself a thing of the waking world. But Hob. Hob is a master of his body. He has had so long to learn how to use it, and he has applied it to so many different things in that time. As Dream stands, Hob brings him in close again just by leaning into his space, like he’s pressuring a skittish wild thing, loops him in with one strong hand wrapped around his upper arm. His body is surety and dominance and Dream is utterly in his thrall. When Hob turns him, steps behind him, as he had done last time, Dream is dropping to his knees already before Hob can lay a hand to the back of his neck. Hob’s sharp intake of breath catches in Dream’s chest, and Dream smiles, just a small twitch of the lips in satisfaction. He is in Hob’s thrall, but so is Hob in his, for submission is its own form of power. “You want to be good for me, love?” Hob says, stroking his fingertips up the back of Dream’s neck and into his hair. “Or do you just have something that you want?” “As you say,” Dream says, noncommittally, and delights in Hob grabbing a firm grip of his hair. “That,” Hob says, “is not quite good enough.” Hob pulls his head back, a sharp, firm tug admonishing him for his response. Dream resists automatically and Hob’s grip only tightens. Dream is not so easily overcome by sensation as he was in the immediate aftermath of his escape, the first time he had knelt for Hob. In some ways it has been a disappointment to slide back towards equilibrium. But he sees now that it has its benefits, too. The strength of Hob’s grip in his hair that would then have been too painful to tolerate now sends sparks of pleasured agony through him. Dream’s spine curves. His neck strains. Hob is immovable. It’s instinct to resist his pull, to clutch to station and power and kingship, but when he yields and lets Hob tip his head back, bares his throat, it feels like sinking into a soft bed. Hob will move him and use him but he won’t wrench him apart. And all Dream has to do is… let him. Each letting is an exhale. His eyes flutter shut.
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mrghostrat · 7 months
i'm so happy yall like my fandom fic wip!! i've not gotten that many notes on a fic post before so i wanted to put together a few more teasers as thanks for the enthusiasm 🥹 (previous post here)
i've cherry picked some snippets of crowley and aziraphale's first few conversations, plus text messages from anathema when she finds out about their "relationship". feel free to share your thoughts on tone and characterisation! 👀
(of course i told myself i was going to have a good omens break today then spent 3 hours mocking up convos and making custom emotes for crowley........)
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and of course, anathema hounding crowley for details when he soft launches their "relationship" on tumblr without saying a thing to her first
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by the way, this fic format is one of my favourites of all time, ever since reading an oooooold bbc sherlock fic where sherlock and john were randomly paired up for a big bang. but i hadn't thought about it until i read New Messages by @tawnyontumblr and remembered how much i love it!!
so this is 100% inspired and thanks to that fic, including the idea of using agnes' book for the source of the fandom. everything else is an entirely different plot, relationships, interactions and events. so pls consider this just another cake if you enjoy this format, and go read New Messages in the meantime!
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