#those showrunners are cowards
may12324 · 9 months
I hope this isn’t weird but I love how you draw characters with body hair! Especially for Tunuva and Esbar in the Priory, it wouldn’t make sense for them to remove it (especially since - if I remember correctly - they canonically seem to keep it, right?). Makes me really happy as someone who also doesn’t shave to see that represented visually.
Also love your art in general!
Thank you!
I mean, I feel like the whole gettingg rid of body hair is a very modern concept. So I would headcanon all the women in tpotot and adofn to have body hair. Like, god forbid women have armpit hair 🙃
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emotinalsupportturtle · 5 months
neil gaiman and RTD are absolute legends for being the showrunners of 2 mainstream shows funded by large production companies in the year 2023, and proceeding to make the most queer positive episodes ever seen by man
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meanwhile david tennant is just vibrating with joy because he gets more opportunities to wear his one-thousand-and-twenty-four pride pins
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friendly-stardust · 11 months
These incompetent showrunners really went in for the kill with Aegon II's character assassination
I know this has been said over and over again already but I am actually truly amazed at how far the showrunners/writers went to completely assassinate Aegon's character to make sure that he is portrayed in the worst possible way. As this has already been highlighted numerous times, he is characterised even worse than Mushroom's degenerate description of him in Fire and Blood. They really went as far as presenting us with a caricature, a monstrosity that cannot be believable to be human.
This claim of wanting to make a grey character out of this mustache-twirling villain stereotype they have created to put up against a heroic Disney princess, is just an insult to audiences who came in to watch an actual intelligent and well-written show.
I have never seen such blatant character assassination disguised as some profound creation of a grey character.
In this inconsistent fanfiction seemingly made for the glorification of Saint Perfect Girlboss Rhaenyra, her direct foil and opponent Aegon II is made to be:
A sexual deviant, masturbating out of a widow in his teenage years, and maybe a pedophile (with that ridiculous sentence from the Brothel Madam in the horrendous episode 9).
A bully, mercilessly bullying his younger brother  Aemond.
A rapist, of course! How best to destroy a male character in this day and age if not by making him an obvious rapist! And then they want to talk about complex characterisation? LOL! Sara Hess knew what she was doing here.
Of course, a sadist who enjoys watching brutal children's fights (also including his own bastards) in a pit - the epitome of a laughingly cringe tentative to paint a character as the ultimate villain.  
An abusive husband to his sister-wife, obviously! let's just pile on, shall we, even when nothing in the text in F&B suggests or supports any such claim.
A coward, willing to abandon his family and his dragon (his pride) to sail away and hide, leaving them at the mercy of Daemon and Rhaenyra's whims and wishes - the complete opposite of his character in F&B!
A great work of destruction indeed!  All of these are just blatant and obvious willingness from these showrunners/writers to obliterate his characterisation in order to prop up Saint Girlboss Rhaenyra, but nothing makes my blood boil more than the multiple sexual deviances (the abject rapist characterisation being the worst offender), and the implied abusive relationship with Haleana they completely created in order to drive home how awful Aegon is supposed to be seen as opposed to the complete whitewashed version of their favorite girlboss. Maybe next season, Aegon will be shown to be someone who loves torturing puppies, who knows?
And even when the actor TGC made his concern well known, those amateurish writers just brushed it aside, while someone who is on record for saying that she has not even bothered to watch Game of Thrones (the incompetent Sara Hess) decided to tarnish and destroy his character even more by claiming to want to make it more like GoT. Absolute joke this one!
I just recently read something about how Jesse Amstrong (Succession) listened to Arian Moayed (playing Stewy Hosseini) and respected his decision to not be depicted as a typical bad representation of Iranians in Western media and this just made me realise even more how inept HotD showrunners/writers are at taking into consideration valid concerns from one of their own actors.
Overall, HotD has just been a massive disappointment on the writing side. The writing is cringe and horrendous, making it just an expensive CW-level show with a bigger budget. A huge letdown and an absolute travesty of the book characters.
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swept-away-sands · 7 months
Black Sails I: "A YOUNG SAILOR enters."
COOK: Oh, so you're a coward then?
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Item the first: Where do I begin with John Silver? Actually, let's start from a different angle. John Silver begins Here, no sooner and no later than he sees The Opportunity (though he does not know the Narrative has chosen him just yet, nor that aligning his fiscal goals with those of Captain Flint will irrevocably alter the course of his life) and he takes it.
My first impression of John Silver is that he was a cheeky bastard an impish scoundrel who was possessed of the bad habit of biting off more than he could chew and just enough strategic/ballsy charm to walk away relatively unscathed. I was drawn in by the fact that he was equipped with a dashing smile, at least before, you know, everything that followed, but you could tell behind his big blue eyes that he was playing some sort of 4D Chess.
I would like to credit the writers, showrunners, and actor man Luke Arnold for unfolding this character like a map with only half a key. He intrigues me, he infuriates me, I hate him forever, I love and forgive him implicitly, I cringe when he makes me think of myself. That rare sense of unbalance and discomfort brought on by a story is something I will treasure and hope to even come close to brushing against again. There is a John Silver imprint on my heart, thanks to this story, my own personal Black Spot.
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jazajas · 21 days
catholic/christian guilt, bi-denial, daddy issues, self-sacrificial to a fault (for those he cares deeply for) dean winchester is something that can be so personal, and the showrunners are cowards for never writing him to his full potential
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alpaca-clouds · 3 months
Let me try to explain this...
Okay, let me try to explain something. And let me try on a personal level here.
I am bisexual. And while I am a guy, I only came out as trans when I was like 30, so I lived 30 years as a bisexual woman. Because I was out as bisexual when I was like... 11.
And do you know how most guys I have ever dated reacted to it? "OMG! We could have a threesome!"
Of course, if you have followed me for a while, you know that I very much am in favor of moresomes, both as a one-off or a constant thing. Buuut... This still always felt super, super gross to me. Do you want to know why?
Because they saw my sexuality, something that is a very inherent part of myself, as a thing they could use to fulfill their desires. They saw this aspect of me as a tool they could use for themselves. And that is fucking disgusting.
Anyways... This is why I hate playersexuality in video games. Aka "oh, the characters are bisexual, so everyone can romance them". So, the stuff that a lot of modern CRPGs do. Be it Baldur's Gate 3 or Starfield or... Well, you can probably think of several other examples. Because in most of those cases the characters are not really written as bisexual. Their supposed "bisexuality" is just a tool to fulfill the disires of the players. It is not even part of the characters, it is just a tool. And to me, as a bisexual guy, this is fucking offensive.
If you want to make your characters bisexual? Well, then go ahead and write the characters as bisexual. Put it into the text that the characters are bisexual. Put in the effort.
In other forms of media we do not let the creators get away with "well, X is actually Y-sexual", when the text itself does not make it clear. We will call out the writers, directors and showrunners trying to pull this off as cowards, because we kinda know that this sexuality is not in the text to make sure there will not be angry conservatives about "people pushing queerness down their throats". Or because they were too lazy to write it and do the legwork for it.
So, why the fuck are we okay with it, when games do it?
To keep the example with BG3: If you do not play the game as a female character that goes on to romance Astarion and do not enjoy meta-content, you would have no way of knowing that Astarion is "supposed" to be pan. Because he is written as a gay character (by which I am talking about that each and every prior relationship he mentions has been with a man). The same goes in turn with Gale and Shadowheart. If you do not play as a male charater to romance either of them, you will come away from the game and read them as a straight man and a lesbian respectively. Because there is nothing within the text to suggest otherwise.
Their "bisexuality" just exists, so that no players are disappointed that they cannot romance a character. And maybe to make programming easier.
And again, the same is very much true for a lot of other CRPGs. Starfield comes to mind, like most Bathesda games. I mean, it is not quite the same, as for the most part the characters in Bathesda games read more like they do not have any sexuality at all (the fact, that the games are very squeaky clean on the sexual front most certainly plays into it). But the problem is very much the same.
To me it just reads as super biphobic. Because it feels like they can use bisexuality to serve their purpose.
I am fine with the characters being bisexual. No matter what game. But then actually put in the work to write them as bisexual. Make it part of their story. Don't just slap the "bisexual" label onto them, so they can be romanced by whoever.
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alethiaii · 9 months
Having watched season 3 of Witcher (can't criticize something I haven't seen) and now I can fully say they fucked Henry Cavill over completely, his character being reduced to side character when he's in fact supposed to be the main one.
There is not a single character that hasn't been fucked up by the atrocious writing which I can just smell was influenced by those ridiculous showrunners who called Henry over-enthusiastic (lord forbid he wanted to be able to have more than three sentences at a time that did not include 'hmmm' and 'fuck') and openly stated that they had to 'dumb down' the story for the audience now that the season is out and backlash is amazing; and for once aimed at the right people.
Also, hill I will die on, since they decided to give Geralt romance (which is fine, there's options for that in the games and they're enjoyable) by everything presented it should have been either Jaskier (cowards) or Triss Merigold (cowards). Not gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss Yennefer (I'm so sorry they wrote you that way sweetie).
They really did kill a complete, very popular IP just like that huh? Also...who actually at Netflix HQ in charge of the Witcher thinks anyone is gonna watch the travesty of season 4 (if it ever gets made) with Liam Hemsworth of all people playing Geralt instead of Henry?
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ackermental · 4 months
hot take but I don't love the way they've shown daemon and Rhaenyra's past relationship so far. Every character but especially them suffer through all the time skips we've had in the show and it has prevented their relationship from being freshed out.
Like, all they've done is few casual conversation, intense eye contact and one date night that ended up... not the greatest. They hadn't spent any good amount of time together to see Daemon seducing her /them falling in love (whichever account you prefer to believe)
Honestly, it's one big mess. They are trying to mix various different theories and come up creating a bland mush.
If we are talking about Daemon and Rhaenyra relationship before they got married, we honestly had almost no interactions between them before Rhaenyra moved to Dragonstone and was flying to Driftmark. Certainly little sexual gestures before she was an adult.
He spent little time in King's Landing when Rhaenyra was seven, then came back for two months when she was fourteen, and then they saw eachother again, when she was already married.
And those two months were really sweet, but nothing overal scandalous. Ohhh huuu, uncle took his niece on a trip, he gave her gifts, he told her jokes, he said she was pretty. The scandal! All of those things going on in the presence of chaperones and probably Sir Cunt himself, since, you know, it was his job to follow her around all the time, everywhere. But then HBO isn't capable of presenting court life correctly if it would kill them.
But instead of those rather innocent gestures, we're presented with a brothel rummor. Out of all things! A brothel rummor. Eru Iluvatar!
It makes you think: why the fuck would they keep the insinuation that Daemon was seducing Rhaenyra, but then cut out every courting gesture, only to leave out the worst accusation in the show.
Viserys exiled Daemon for making a joke. An unconfirmed joke, mind you. Imagine what he would've done, if he found out that Daemon took Rhaenyra's maidenhead in a brothel. He would go absolutely nuclear, that's what. Instead Daemon was back in his graces five years later. If Daemon even did something, it was probably that he asked to take Rhaenyra as his second wife after two months of courting the princess. Or he was framed by the Hightowers a second time.
But we can't have a logical action-reaction writing. The showrunners are a bunch of cowards who can't commit to either version.
For fucks sake, just make him use Rhaenyra to get the throne. It would make much more sense plot-wise, than creating some twisted plan to get back at his brother, or making Daemon impotent, or whatever the fuck this was supposed to be.
Make him desperately want a child, and think about Rhaenyra as a perfect candidate for a future mother of his heir.
Make him fall in love with Rhaenyra.
Do something! Give us substance. You have to own your decisions as a writer, not to shy away from them at every opportunity.
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theburningsunset · 4 months
my adhd can't chill tf down enough to sleep so may i present this (uhhh spoilers for new-who):
Everything in Doctor Who that ought to be fixed and why:
Any time the doctor shows racism, queerphobia, sexism, ableism, classism, etc. Unless a specific prejudice of Gallifreyan society exists, it would never make sense for the Doctor to be bigoted, even the one from the '60s
Related: when Thirteen breaks the Master's perception filter so the nazis would see he's a man of color and thus endanger him—the Doctor would never.
Completely abandon former companions. Maybe some, maybe originally, but even 2000 years of lessons learned later? The Doctor is a good man, abandonment is too inconsistent with his characterization to be a reoccurring, unchallenged trait.
Wiping Donna's memory. Cruel, erased her character arc and was not a fulfilling or meaningful end. Either kill her or have her decide to retire.
The convoluted reason the Ponds were stuck in 1939 New York. C'mon, if I tried for five seconds I could come up with a sensical reason why the Doctor never saw them and they were stuck. Or just don't make them stuck 🤷🏼‍♀️ maybe they decide to adopt and retire to avoid danger to the kid but the Doctor and River still regularly visit.
The "War Doctor". Showrunners confirmed this only existed because Christopher Eccleston refused to come back for the 50th Special (no shade to his choice). It might've backfired or seemed disrespectful of Chris's performance, but they should've simply recast Nine for it.
Just throw out Kill the Moon, it was bad writing, the heavy-handed abortion allegory was exhausting and weird (regardless of intentionality) and I don't usually cry "but the science!" but...the moon being gone, even if soon after it replaced itself, would cause apocalyptic destruction on Earth and possibly wipe out humanity. The primary salvageable bit that I think is integral is the Twelve/Clara fight at the end.
Danny Pink either doesn't die or doesn't stay dead. The paradox it would cause for him to die before him and Clara have kids when her and Twelve have MET those descendants and been on two separate adventures down that family line is irreconcilable. Full stop.
Bill doesn't die. The end. (Do NOT bury your fucking gays)
Don't have Graham be the last white seat on the Rosa episode, for fucking christ's sake. Plus where the fuck is at least the mention of Claudette Colvin?
Fourteen regenerates into Thirteen's clothes, following well-established rules of regeneration (BBC were cowards for breaking that just to sidestep having David Tennant "crossdress")
Headcanon bits that aren't necessarily tied to quality/consistent writing but I think would've been great:
The Doctor does find Melody. Maybe only by age six or so, if wanting to keep the Silence story intact, but rework Let's Kill Hitler to avoid the Mel situation. It makes me sad that they never got their baby back. She can still turn out to be River, maybe the regen into River only happened post season-six, keeping the reveal. Maybe Melody was eventually re-kidnapped by the Silence and then turned into River Song, or maybe Melody was always a kind of troubled trouble-maker and took on the River Song alias on her own.
Thirteen and Yaz absolutely get together.
keep in mind I haven't finished Thirteen's run (the stink of neolib BS from the Rosa Parks episode tanked my interest in keeping up until Chibnall fucked off), haven't seen the 60th Special yet, still have 20-something seasons of Classic Who to go, and don't remember everything I have seen, nor am I always right. I think on re-watch I'd find more issues but for now it's the list I've got that exactly zero (0) people asked for.
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the--highlanders · 4 months
42, 50, 78 and 85 for the ask game!
42. Favourite series?
series 5 for classic who - it has my favourite tardis team which automatically makes it my favourite, but also I really love a bunch of its serials.
for new who, probably series 10 (even though it has the one episode I will never ever watch again, I am TERRIFIED of knock knock hjwhkgkjfd). & I'm also not huge on the monk trilogy tbh? largely because I think it should have been a weird eu book instead. but again I love twelve and bill and a lot of the episodes are my favourites
50. Who should have had another series?
^^^^ twelve and bill for sure. also we've just rewatched nine and he deserved another series :(((
I'm also such a torchwood bitch so I'm gonna say jack deserved more episodes as a full-on companion
78. Best writer?
david whittaker the dr who writer that you are................
also shoutout to rona munro for both survival and the eaters of light. absolute bangers both of them
in terms of the everlasting new who showrunner debate. both rtd and moffat have their issues and their strengths & I'll happily criticise and praise both. personally moffat's fairytale vibe gels with me more than rtd's more urban scifi vibe, but I do appreciate both and think they both do those vibes well. I would fistfight chris chibnall in a lidl carpark if I ever saw him.
85. Monster you’d like to defeat/fight?
ok first of all if I was in the dr who universe I would never want to travel with the doctor or get involved in anything bc I am a coward and also quite happy as I am gfdjkhsgkfjd
that being said I could probably take like. a quark. I could throw a rock at a quark no problem.
doctor who universe question game!
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aniketsanimationblog · 9 months
We, as a Star Trek: Prodigy Fan and as an Animation Fan, We Are Openly Challanging to Those Money-greedy Corporate Personnels (including, Heads and Higher Ups of Corporate Studios, Companies and Money-hungry Showrunners of Cash-grabbing, Seasonal-Rot, Merch-driven Animated Series),
Either We Will Overcome this "Kobayashi Maru" Together and Save Star Trek: Prodigy, the Show which you have Canceled Unfairly after a Promising Second Season, or else We will leave this Animation Fandom with some Due Dignity and Respect!! We won't Step Back and We Won't Run Away like Cowards like You, and We won't Abandon this Ship!! We Are All in this Together!! "Because Together, Our Potential is Infinite!!" But until then, We will fight for Our Demands!!
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@commandermeg @aaronwaltke @startrekprodigyfan @frostymj
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toodreampost-blog1 · 1 year
I’ve been wanting to express this for a while, but this is the only time I’ve felt up to saying it: attacking people’s favorite characters from House of the Dragon because their morals or actions don’t align with societal ideals in current society is forced and corny.
I honestly feel like a large part of this is the result of the tribalism that was created by the team black or team green fractions in the fandom. People picking teams is a natural aspect of the show, as the entire show is predicated on the idea of the two teams battling each other, but people will use the bad actions of a show character to shame the people who like them.
I’ve seen this mostly with Alicent, Aegon, and Aemond. People call Alicent a pick-me or misogynistic for adhering to the standards of her time. Shaming ‘Aegon enjoyers’ to the point that some of them had to come out as SA survivors because people were calling them r*pe apologists for finding Aegon a funny and/or complex character. People somehow manage to call Aemond a racist because he “punched little black girls and stole their mother’s dragon” as if either of those things is applicable to the ASOIAF universe.
This should go without saying, but liking characters shouldn’t warrant people having their morals questioned or even being bullied for it. Expecting Alicent to be a feminist in a society that’s inspired by medieval Europe is ridiculous and calling people who like her misogynistic is equally ridiculous. The same people openly fawning over Daemon attempting to drag people for liking Aegon’s character is not only stupid but also hypocritical. Calling his fans r*pe apologists just to turn around and stan a character that has been confirmed to be a groomer and predator by Emma D’Archy and the showrunners is laughably forced on a lot of y’all parts.
And that I’m bringing up Daemon, sense team blacks are apparently so much more morally upright than team greens. Let’s run through some of them.
Viserys: gutted his first wife for a son. Took a child bride and used her as a birthing cow and a dumping ground for his fears and insecurities. Neglected her and her children. Was such a coward he never officially changed the laws of succession that would allow Rhaenyra to have an easier claim as queen.
Daemon: tortured innocent smallfolk. Groomed his niece. Murdered his first wife. Neglected one of his daughters because she didn’t have a fucking dragon. Ignored his second wife and her pleas to return to her family to give birth. Had sex with said niece at his dead wife’s funeral. Killed another innocent servant. Forced his daughters to be witnesses at his secret wedding a day after their own mother’s funeral. Killed Vemond in cold blood for telling the truth about two white boys stealing both his and Baela’s claim to THEIR birthright. Keep in mind, this is the same fraction of the fanbase that claims to hate Aemond for what he did to two little black girls, but yet still like a man after murdering a black man and stealing a black family’s throne in cold blood (and that’s because most of you don’t actually care about how black people are treated in the show, y’all just use their blackness for your own convenience). Oh not to mention he choked Rhaenyra out because she said something he didn’t like.
Oh, and Rhaenys killed hundreds of innocent smallfolk because she was angwyyy over Aegon being proclaimed king.
I could go on, but I feel like this is enough.
I truly do not understand it. A lot of the fans of HotD also like game of thrones. These fans will proudly call characters like Jaime and Cersei Lannister, Theron Greyjoy, Tyrion, and Tywin their favorites while scoffing at people who like Aemond because he *checks notes* accidentally (albeit stupidly) killed Luke at Storm’s Eye? WRAP. IT. UP.
I think it’s groupthink. In the game of thrones fandom, it was considered a norm to like villains or characters that do bad things, but the HotD fandom has this odd morality complex where you can’t support this character or this team because “they’re the bad guys”.
At the end of the day, this fandom should be a place of character analysis and *playful* in-fighting. Not degrading, bullying, and even doxxing others over a fictional dragon show. Team blacks will never have the moral high ground over team greens and vice versa. Can we just have fun? Thanks.
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ivarthebadbitch · 1 year
Brida & Aelswith for the character ask!!
1. sexuality headcanon: I think bi brida would be a lot of fun but the showrunners are cowards ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2. otp: I'm told by @volvaaslaug that I pioneered brida x skade, and if that's my tlk legacy, I'm totally happy with that
3. brotp: brida & uhtred, on occasion, when I'm not aggravated by him
4. notp: brida x literally any man, sorry
5. first headcanon that pops into my head: that she really, truly was happiest during those first days in iceland, exploring the island with baby vibeke :(
6. favorite line from this character: really any occasion she's telling uhtred he's stupid is good, but I especially like the line about how his ass is smarter than he is because it can multitask
7. one way in which I relate to this character: I relate to the divisions and contradictions she carries within herself; how messy and searching she is
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: her taste in men :/
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? i mean it's brida. she murders people and whatever. but that's why I love her.
1. sexuality headcanon: there's only one person for aelswith, and it's alfred. alfred or nobody.
2. otp: I feel like if I answer anything other than aelswith x alfred I'm going to get run off this website. but there really is no other answer to this, alfred said it himself.
3. brotp: aelswith & steapa. uhtred took alfred hostage and her immediate reaction was to yell at steapa to kill him on the spot. you get the sense this is not the first time she has done this.
4. notp: uhhh I dunno. anybody who isn't alfred, I guess?
5. first headcanon that pops into my head: that aelswith is the only one who ever braided aethelflaed's hair up until her marriage. nobody else was allowed to touch aethelflaed's hair but her.
6. favorite line from this character: that bit in s1 after uhtred interrupts the witan and once he leaves she demands the death penalty
7. one way in which I relate to this character: I relate to her desire for certainty, and the way she grapples with her faith
8. thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: the s4 redemption arc
9. cinnamon roll or problematic fave? aelswith is perfect.
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chrkrose · 1 year
I have to admit I dont understand how Nettles/Daemon/Rhaenyra will play out on the show. Cause IMO the show so far portrayed Rhaenyra(+Alicent) as victims of the particracy, LGBTQ ally haha, even took some negative things she did to make her more likeable but Daemon has been quite dark. Is this show really going have their protag turn around and end her story as a Crazy, jealous, misogynistic, Racist Woman Scorned Queen (another lol) while Daemon gets to become a redeemed hero? :/ idk tho
Yeah, idk how they will do either. And you know, I don’t even think they needed to “redeem” Daemon either to do his arc with Nettles justice, because I think gray characters are supposed to be gray precisely because they have these contradictions where you can’t necessarily put them into a predetermined category. And even his “good deeds” when it comes to Nettles were in a way selfish since he fucked up his cause and left a queen that he groomed and goaded into war just because he fell for someone new. He’s definitely not a hero, and shouldn’t go down as such.
When it comes to your other points. I think my grip with this whole thing is that in their pursue of making Rhaenyra some sort of hero herself, they might end up screwing up Nettles’ story, which leaves a really bad taste in my mouth, a black woman having to lose some of the interesting bits of her arc because they can’t dare to paint the white monarch as she truly was.
Talking specifically about Rhaenyra. I really really hope the showrunners allow her to go down her dark path without trying to change it under the justification that if she’s dark and do shitty things it’s “because society wronged her”. Women are allowed to be all kinds of things: good, bad, heroes, villains, etc… To have those type of female characters is not “misogyny”. Why men are allowed to enjoy so many types of different characters that go from good to evil and we can’t have that? There are other female characters that can (and should) have arcs of heroism and goodness and cool action scenes with their dragons. They are there on the books for people to root for (Rhaenys, Baela, Nettles, Rhaena are a few examples). Rhaenyra is not one of them.
I hope they allow her to be the coward she was during the dance, allow her to make the bad decisions she made, let her be consumed by grief and paranoia, and most of all, I hope they don’t feel the need to justify those choices as “oh but she was wronged and that’s why she did it, deep down she’s good, deep down she’s justified”. No, she was an entitled person, spoiled, with zero head for politics, ambitious but that didn’t know how to handle the throne once she got to it, and that doesn’t cancel the fact she still was a victim of Westeros society and that had she been a man, a war wouldn’t have happened and she wouldn’t have had her throne stolen from her.
This is something that deeply frustrate me when it comes to ASOIAF adaptations so far. They ruined Cersei by justifying her villainous as “oh but she deep down is a mother who loves her kids and does what she does for them too and a victim of patriarchy that’s why she became what she became”. When in the books, Cersei was allowed to be an evil person from the get go, a narcissistic murderer from age 12, and STILL she was a commentary on Westeros way of treating women, she still was victimized by the same system she did nothing to destroy or change (the opposite in fact). And THATS what makes her such a great character and one of my favorite POVs.
I have hope they won’t fall for the same thing with Rhaenyra, even though I will certainly be smacked in the face again lol. Rhaenyra is not Daenerys. She’s not a “girlboss”. She’s not a fighter or a warrior and she’s not a generous and selfless person. And she should be allowed to display those colors.
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witch-apologist · 2 years
It also makes me angry how cartoon fans this days blame the showrunners for being "cowards" and making their couples kiss in the last season(even when those couples are slowburns and having them kiss before wouldn't made sense) and not the homophobic excecs they work with like where's the empathy?
Literally, apparently you can just do whatever you want on cartoons
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worstloki · 3 years
The interviews said Loki would deal with his issues, but they neglected to say that those issues would be delusions of grandeur (glorious purpose echo echo echo), narcissism (admit it and fall in love with yourself and you're cured!), and cowardice (inspired to be brave by Sylvie, he in turn inspires old Loki, awww).
so true bestie
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