#this whole thing comes from a similar place as the insecurity that romantic partners are automatically more important than friends
torchiiko · 4 months
do ppl with both irl & online friends see their online friends as less important than their irl friends or am i just Incredibly insecure
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damned-punk · 3 months
Kid and Killer are both awesome and they share such a deep bond ❤️. Might not have one without the other. I keep thinking about what it would be like to have a love triangle with Kid and Killer. What would that look like and who would play which role in the relationship?👀🔥🔥🔥😋
I agree, I definitely don’t think you could have one without the other. They are two sides of the same coin, the same soul split in two. That dynamic is what makes the idea of a love triangle so interesting with them because it’d be a constant push and pull, both of them so stubborn and unrelenting so that the other could have their chance with you.
As far as instigating the whole thing, it could result from either of them at any given time though I don’t see them being the type to actively seek out a relationship. It’s far more likely that a mutual attraction spontaneously occurs similar to what happened with Victoria and when it does inevitably happen, Kidd and Killer are locked in before they even fully realize its going on.
Perhaps it starts with some increasingly intimate interactions in the common areas of the ship, maybe some out of place compliments given by a red-faced Kidd or an unusually talkative Killer. If you happened to be a non-member of the crew, prepare to be asked to join and don’t even attempt to decline as they’ve already sunk their teeth deep into you when it comes to that point. They wouldn’t force you to be with them romantically, but they’re very protective of those they care about and would want to ensure your safety from the haven of the ship.
Kidd might notice that Killer has gotten comfortable around you rather quickly, especially if he’s talking more or allowing you to occupy the kitchen while he cooks, but Killer certainly knows that Kidd is smitten way before Kidd is ready to acknowledge those feelings himself. Kidd’s demeanor is far too open and boisterous which makes his ‘subtle’ changes in behavior that much more obvious, especially since he and Killer know every little thing about one another.
If you maintained a level interest in them both, there would be some inner dialog that makes them question whether you’re being friendly or if you’re actually flirting with them as it seems. This is where the mutual pining would come into play (more on that here) as they may grow a bit distant to see if you’ll seek them out on your own. If they didn’t know about each other’s feelings before, it becomes glaringly obvious when they notice that the other is intentionally avoiding you.
They’d slip away to Kidd’s workshop or their cabin to talk about what exactly is going on, from there it all gets laid out on the table. The major issue that you’d face is that they both value the other’s happiness so much that they’d willingly let you go for the sake of the other. Killer is specifically affected by this sentiment as he has such heavy self image issues and wouldn’t be confident that you’d want to be with someone like him in the first place.
When you can’t ignore their sudden polarization anymore, you seek council from some of your closest crewmates who have sat back and watched the whole thing unfold at a painfully slow pace. Any doubts or insecurities you have would be quickly diminished as they’d reassure you that both Kidd and Killer are interested, they’re just silly little guys who don’t know how to properly communicate their feelings. This could be where the option of a polycule is presented. They’re both wonderful men and realistically, who could choose between them?
They would be open and accepting of the idea, but I don’t see their dynamic changing much at all. They’d still be partners in that platonic soul-mate way and you’d be their new little partner, the platonic aspect of their relationship being completely lost when it comes to you.
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marchingatmidnight · 2 years
I love to see TK and Owen and their romantic relationships with Carlos and various compared and contrasted, but I also really like seeing this comparison of Carlos and Owen:
They say you marry your parents — not literally, but someone who reminds you, either consciously or unconsciously — not in a weird creepy Freud way, but in a “qualities and values I see in my parents I can also see in my partner” kind of way — for better or for worse.
Owen and Carlos are similar in both superficial and deep levels.
Both are into interior design. Both are pretty focused on food/diet (Carlos cooking and Owen being a health nut). Both are bad at asking for and accepting help. They’re both neat freaks.
Neither of them are good at letting things go, in any aspect of their life. Carlos asking TK out again after the he walked out on the dinner he made, even though TK rejected him at dinner, and Owen saying he still wanted to raise Gwyn’s baby with her. Carlos pouring over video from the camera in his free time and Owen investigating the arsonist.
Both of them get caught up in themselves when disasters happen. This manifests in different ways but it comes from a certain kind of self centered-ness from both of them. Carlos blaming himself for not having a fire extinguisher and then Carlos blaming himself for putting TK and Owen on the plane are examples of Carlos making a situation about himself — blaming himself is a very selfless way of being self centered but nonetheless it places him in the middle of the situation. Owen also has to be the hero, has to be the one to fix problems when they crop up. He doesn’t wait for the cops to chase the kidnapper — he does it himself. He goes in to save Sadie. When he can’t, he blames himself just like Carlos does — for instance, about Tim.
I thought this was an interesting episode for them to bring up the idea of “daddy issues”. Owen is angrily projecting the idea that Catherine is only with him because he reminds her of her dad in a negative way. This is back to back with Carlos letting someone else help TK when he can’t — calling TK’s sponsor and giving them space. And right before he leaves, when TK says he loves him. And Carlos Han Solos him and says “I know”.
Why is this significant?
Because the other character that quotes Han Solo is Owen — “never tell me the odds”.
Appropriate, because Owen risks himself and defies death over and over — says as much to Hen in the crossover, that he’s invincible.
And Carlos saying “I know” to TK’s “I love you” is just as telling. TK has pushed Carlos away, again and again, when he’s struggling. And this time Carlos is letting someone else help TK in a way he can’t — a big step for Carlos in their relationship. TK has been saying the whole episode, the whole season, every season, “I love you but I need help and you can’t always help me”. TK says I love you.
And Carlos says “I know” because he does. What’s important in that moment is not that Carlos loves TK — he does and he says it multiple times, is good about showing it — it’s that Carlos tells TK that he knows TK loves him, even though this isn’t something Carlos can help him with. That it’s okay that TK needs other people in ways that Carlos doesn’t understand. That even though TK pushes him away, it has more to do with TK’s insecurities and issues and less to do with Carlos himself.
It’s Carlos accepting that he needs to step back and that TK doesn’t love him any less for it.
Owen hasn’t done that. And that’s why this is so fascinating to me.
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marjansmarwani · 2 years
Looking back at Tarlos conflict during the last two seasons and as painful as this is - I think Carlos is the one who sort of gave up. 😭 During the boba date TK was explaining he wasn’t sure what he wanted and Carlos just kind of accepted it and said well nothing I can do to change your mind. Same with the conflict regarding his parents. He just sort of seems resigned to follow TK’s lead instead of making his own feelings known. I feel like there is some backstory here - like why does he give in so easily with his romantic partner? Is he insecure or was there something in his past? I get the feeling there was an issue and TK was frustrated and both probably said things they didn’t mean then Carlos suggested a break. And the longer the break went on the harder it was to resolve the issue. With his speech to Marjan it seems like he is resigned that whatever happened happened and there is no fixing it - almost in a stubborn matter.
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Combining these two since they are pretty similar and I got them around the same time.
I will say that all my theories so far have TK as the one who ended things, but you could very well be right that it was Carlos. We have no idea what happened and until we have more information, anything is possible. As for the bitter and defensive part, I do see a bit of that, but to me, it was more directed towards Nancy (the defensive part, at least) because I am sure that was not the first time they have had that conversation. As for the bitterness, maybe you're right but I read it more as sadness. Whether that is directed at himself for ending things or to Carlos for doing the same, I have no idea. But there is no denying he was deeply affected by it no matter the situation. And to bring in a bit of the first ask, I can see him suggesting the break if he thinks it's what TK wanted. I don't have a hard time picturing that at all.
Now for the Carlos accepting it part - I think you might be onto something there. From what we have seen of Carlos in this relationship he almost goes out of his way to accept it when things go wrong. I think a lot of this is part of who he is - he loves TK and respects his decisions. If TK says he's not ready or that he wants out, he's not going to argue with him. But I think you might be right that this could stem from something, either in his romantic history or even just from his experiences. I see what you're saying with his parents and I can definitely say that I see where he is coming from in that sense - when there is conflict with people you love and respect (especially your parents) it can be really easy to just let things go in the sake of avoiding a fight. It's the smart choice from time to time, but eventually it can become a habit that can extend to other relationships as well. And I don't necessarily think this comes from a place of insecurity, but more from his instinct to fix things and to look out for everyone else. It often seems to me like his own feelings are not that high on his priority list.
The conversation with Marjan was interesting and I think that can connect back to this too. It sounds like a thing he has been telling himself for a while, and over time he has come to accept it as truth. And I don't necessarily mean just with the situation with TK either. Maybe it is stubbornness, like you said (I do think he has a whole lot of that going on) and while I don't want any of this to come off to sound like he is a pushover because I absolutely do not see that, I do think that he has a tendency to prioritize the feelings of people he cares about over his own, and then push down his own feelings because he can handle them (he thinks). And then he just tells himself he is fine until he almost starts to believe it too. And you're also absolutely right on that other part - the longer the "break" went on, the harder it became to fix things. But I also think that depends on how long they've been apart. My guess is somewhere around 2 months, based on absolutely nothing other than my own feelings. In which case they probably haven't even hit the "let's try to work this out" stage and are still deeply in the "let's give each other space" portion. But it looks like we're going to find out either way soon enough.
And yes, I also agree with something else you said, there is some Carlos backstory playing into this and I really want to know what it is more than just about anything.
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet // Damiano David
words // 1468
warnings // clearly smut
pairing // Damiano x Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. sorry if this feels rushed but i want to escape the heat and the laptop brings too much of it
request // yes, through a reblog i cant find
summary // self explanatory
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I feel like Damiano is pretty good at taking care of you after but a lot of the time he is the one to require the aftercare. He gets kind of insecure after sex, like I don’t know… He will require some kind of confirmation that he did well, that he did not hurt you, that you loved him. Generally he needs reassurance sometimes.
His hands were now wrapped around you, after everything that went down, all the spanking and the harsh words, he needed to feel you close, to let you know that he didn’t mean all that.
“Are you ok, mi amore?” His voice was soft, tone ever so gentle, his fingers rubbing small circles on your arm.
“Exhausted, but yes, I am perfect.” The little smile you gave him was all the reassurance he needed.
Suddenly he became a little more confident, small ‘I love you’s escaping his lips as he tucked you under his arms.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I feel like Damiano’s favorite part of himself would most likely be his face. Honestly it might sound a little weird for me to say this but I feel like that's it, ok. Like, he can convey all his feelings through his face, he can lure you in so wonderfully with his facial expression and oh well he’d love it if you sat on his face or simply used his face to get off, regardless the position.
Now as for his favorite part of you i feel like it would probably be your thighs. No matter gender, he would find your thighs to be such a turn on, any time and anywhere.
(this will refer to pussy-bearing reader lol so yeah, sorry for that, I can’t think of a gn scenario with thighs)
He was being driven insane all night. He knew it was a bad idea to take you out after that stunt you pulled that morning with the ‘accidental’ not-wearing-underwear-under-his-shirt incident. He had not given you what you wanted then so you were planning on getting it now.
Your thighs were adorned with thigh high stockings, garters and all accompanying them. You knew his weakness and you’d play with it till the end.
For the whole night, Damiano tried to not react. He did not want to seem like he’s possessive or overbearing or whatever else, so he let it be for a while, but after one point it had gotten too much, he could not take it anymore.
“Amore, I think it’s time to leave,” he said, loudly enough for your friends to hear as well.
“Oh, but why Damiano, I want to stay a little longer,” you whined, receiving a little spank on the back of your thigh, thankfully the music could cover it up.
“If you want a chance to ride my face, you’ll come with me, or else you can wait to have an orgasm for another week.” this time his words were quite enough for your ears only, the idea of what he’d do later was not something he wanted your friends to have.
“Yeah, now that you said it, I’m getting a bit tired. Ooof my feet hurt from dancing. Goodnight.”
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He’s pretty big on seeing him cum on you. I think I said something similar for Ethan but Damiano is full on messy cum. He does not care where you are, what you’re wearing, whatever, he will cum on you. On your face, your shirt, your underwear. It does not matter. He’s like the type of guy that goes like “oh you want it, amore? You want my cum? Tell me where you want it,” and then will come where you direct him to.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He kind of wants to see you get fucked by somebody else while he watches… He is kind of scared to express that, not knowing how you’d feel
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I’d say a good medium. He’s experienced, he’s surely not new to this, but i don’t think he has had that many sexual partners. He feels like the guy that needs a connection before he can have sex, at least most of the times. So he is experienced enough.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
I feel like he’d enjoy mostly well you riding his face, your legs up his shoulders as he fucks into you or kind of entangled, your right leg over his right hip and your left between both of his (its called ‘pretzel dip ffs)
he want to be able to feel your thighs all over him
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He some times is goofy when he is close to cumming and he starts the whole “where do you want it”. Some times he would crack jokes.
Generally i feel like he is goofy in bed
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He does not care to much but he could possibly trim it down if its too bothersome when you suck his dick.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He can be very romantic if you want him to but most times he’s kind of goofy as i mentioned. The very intimate moments are very specific. After a romantic date, on an anniversary, your or his birthday and so on and so forth
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He masturbates a lot, cause he thinks about you a lot. Some times he’ll see old photos of you two before he left on tour and he gets turned on by your thighs
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
well as i said he thinks of you being fucked by someone else and him seeing you, so id say a bit of voyeurism and cuckolding. He’s a switch so he’s only dominant when there is no one else to be dominant, so the idea of someone fucking you and shaming him while doing so is kind of a hot idea some times.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He will go anywhere you guys are if he can’t stop it. Seriously quickies at club bathrooms are too common for you two
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
As I already mentioned: thighs. If you are wearing thigh high anything, short tight dresses, short shorts that are tight around your thighs, garters, tight jeans, tight dress pants… Anything with your thighs kills him
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers giving it. Like yeah, he loves it when you give him oral but he seems like the type of man that for example eats pussy for his own pleasure. I can seriously imagine him coming home from working at the studio and he’s stressed as fuck and (after getting your consent of course) he’d lay between your thighs and start giving you oral.
“But Dami I’m reading a book.”
“So? Continue. This is not about you. I’m stressed, it’s about me.” You’d simply just laugh, knowing very well you won't be able to concentrate on your book.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he is usually quite fast. he doesn’t exactly love the slower pace. the slower pace is for when you guys are extremely intimate, as i talked about before, or if he is teasing you
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He is down to experiment with most things. He is very comfortable with his sexuality so he does not mind most things, except some few ones that he finds a bit disgusting (no offence)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I feel like he would buy you a toy that he can control from far away and he’d get one for him that you’d control so you kind of mutually jack off each other while he’s on tour or either of you is away for days.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Enough to show you punishment but also enough to receive one at times
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s pretty big. Not too much (overwhelmingly much like Ethan) but big enough to be considered big. Above average
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He gets horny pretty easily ig. With all the adrenaline from shows the moment he sees you he’s ready to jump your bones.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @teenyweenynightghost
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binniesthighs · 3 years
multifandom soulmate aus ✨
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soulmate (n): a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.
✨ a/n: hello hello!! today on, “Ro’s self indulgent fics” ehehe i’ve been thinking a lot about some of my favorite kpop besties and how i feel like sometimes in a group, there’s the members who just stick like glue and it’s kinda like they were destined to meet that way! anyway hehe this concept is so fkn cute to me so i wanted to make some poly r-ship headcannons with some of my favorites! 
➛ disclaimer: the pairings that i use are def not all inclusive of all “soulmate” pairings out there, just the ones i know of atm! also, i know some of these groups better than others, so some will be more specific, and others a little more general! 
✨ groups included: stray kids, ateez, the boyz, monsta x, seventeen, txt, bts 
✨ feedback is always appreciated! who’s your favorite?✨
➛maybe if we’re feelin’ spicy i can do a part 2 with the ones i haven’t done yet ;) 
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Pairing: idol x female reader x idol (see fandoms above!) 
Genre: fluff n’ smut
Tags: established r/ship au, poly r-ship, sexual content (the usual stuff also including unprotected sex-please stay safe!) comfort ahhh, mentions of food alcohol  
*all photocreds go to ops :) 
both sfw and nsfw under the snip snip! 
♡ chanlix ♡
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omg where the hell do i start with chanlix we love our cannon soulmates 
arguably the softest fkn pairing on this list; being soulmates with chanlix is like meeting your other halves (thirds?). there’s some serious destiny at work here!! 
the three of you understand each other on a spiritual level--almost to the point where you could likely read their minds if you wanted to try haha. there’s also a really, really strong type of emotional intimacy that you share with them that’s out of this world. 
this soulmate bond is so fkn strong, the three of you could go through any hardships and come out of it stronger than ever! 
the three of you have cute lil nicknames for eachother that you thought up yourselves! 
 your families are close as heck! it’s really pure how by the three of you so many people can get close ahhh 
i think that chanlix would be really into more outdoorsy dates? camping, swimming, hiking, sightseeing, stargazing, picnics etc! felix also loves taking you on food tours! 
bc chan is chan, he really takes on such a protective role over you and felix, he would quite literally do anything for you two: forgot your notebook or documents on the way to work/school? he’ll drop everything to bring them to you. sad? he’ll get you your favorite food, tons of blankets, his hoodie to wear and your favorite movie/tv show to watch with you! if anyone hurts your feelings too he will square tf up. 
felix is the world’s most adoring boyfriend in so, so many ways. not only is he such a cuddle bug, he shows you that he cares with tons of acts of service similar to chan! this comes in the form of his baking of course and other silly little gifts he sees that reminds you of him. he isn’t the best at words sometimes, but will soothe you by giving you a little massage or by playing with your hair! 
okay...😏 damn i’ve been wanting to write some poly chanlix so fkn bad ahhhh 
once again i really see chan taking the lead in more intimate situations. he really likes giving directions and seeing both you and felix carry them out! honestly he gets a bit of an ego boost seeing the both of you all whiny and fucked out ahhh 
here i come with my softsub!felix agenda oops hehe but this boy is frickin’ angelic for you and chan oml, he always asks for permission before he does things and eats praise up with a fkn spoon. praises alone really get him off: “does lixie like it when i play with his cute cock like this?” 
there’s something that gets the three of you ridiculously amped when you do all kinds of roleplay scenarios FRICK some favorites are pet play (you and lix being the kitties) teacher/student, roleplaying strangers, sex slaves, artist/muse, oh my god there was a halloween where you once did vampire roleplay you still think about it 🤤 
since the three of you are so comfortable with eachother, experimentation feels really safe! for example, the suggestion of shibari came up and now....let’s just say lix looks really pretty tied up ;) 
chan’s got a huuuuge (cock) and size kink!! he really likes topping both you and lix and seeing a bulge omg.... also when he can bulge your throats mmmhm! 
felix loves it especially when you ride his face, and he cold do it for hours! he looks so cute between your legs when he licks over and over your clit. he’ll ask you too if he’s doing good and you better say yes ;) 
favorite position would be all cuddled up and cozy with the two of them double penetrating you real nice and slow with tons of kisses and just touchin’ all over 
cockwarming cockwarming all day, every single time, without fail, it feels wrong if you finish without it! 
♡ woosan  ♡
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idk why but the first thing that comes to my mind is that in certain settings, ya’ll are loud as fuck AHA i guess what i mean to say as that as a trio, you are all super, super unapologetic and confident when around each other! this might have lead to you getting kicked out of a couple bowling alleys and karaoke places before... 
there’s a type of unspoken understanding that the three of you have that makes your bond so special. while you love eachother so dearly, it isn’t something that you really feel needs to be said out loud, it kind of just is! 
woosan are already really clingy on their own and when you come along?? you all can’t keep your hands off each other!! ya know how in movies there’s the whole “hand in the back pocket of your jeans???” woosan!! 
their energy together is so fkn chaotic but that's why you love them! they never fail to make you laugh and this is also the best way that they know how to cheer you up! 
Bc the three of you are a bit unbridled, it’s a bit hard to be serious at times when you go on dates/hang out with friends together so often you get some affectionate eye rolls haha 
wooyoung is someone that will try anything with you! hehe even if he knows that he mind not be that into it, he’ll still go with you! of course, he might say something snarky but he really does love just spending time with you! wooyoung also shares you with all his friends (changbin, yeonjun) so lowkey it feels like you’re one of the bros at times LOL 
san is a big fan of giving you gifts! oh also! words of affirmation too, san is someone who knows your insecurities well, so hypes you tf up all the time!! he especially loves buying things for you that he knows you’ll look pretty in just so he can compliment you ahhh 
at the end of the day however, there’s nothing more more that the three of you love than the tightest cuddles ever as you fall asleep! honestly, sometimes its a little too tight haha 
and of course they expect the same from you as well! i mean....can you blame them??? these boys are sexy as hell and they frickin’ know it!! 
i have this super clear image of both of them stripping you down and rubbing massage oil all over your body and then giving you the turn to do it to them my lord...
sort of along this line, temperature play makes these boys feral. wax, ice, blowies with popsicles you name it 
both of them really just like being touched all over because they have the prettiest dancer’s bodies and just feeling hands on their muscles makes them loose it. 
wooyoung loves to mark the hell out the both of you in a really territorial way: all over your chests and necks even on your thighssss 
san, while he often does find himself in sub space, really easily can switch to dom you in the most beautiful way. everything with him is really intimate and raw: if this wasn’t already obvious haha he would like have a hand kink and loves seeing the way that his fingers look pumping in and out of your entrance and how your juices look as well. 
back too wooyoung, he’s the king of oral. whether it’s going down on you and sucking at your clit or deep throating with master level skill...foreplay is never boring with him! 
in my brain, i can see the both of them filling nearly position so this makes for an interesting dynamic to say the least AHA 
every once and a while, they’ll let you take complete control of the both of them while they just sit back and watch you with the most smug-ass grins that you’ll see in your life! 
AH another thought: woosan fkn love when you squirt on them, in any way this might look: when you’re nearly screaming in your overstimulation they want it all over them. 
favorite position would be 69 threesome style with all of your sloppy moans in-between <3 
♡  moonbae  ♡
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HEAR ME OUT the king of soulmates that know that they are soulmates but don’t take it seriously in the slightest istg this is my most favorite dynamic ahhhh 
there is not one dull day with these two boys, they’ll have you laughing in stiches until you can barely breathe like, the best kind of wheezy, silent laughter ya know what i’m talking about 
INSIDE JOKES literally so many inside jokes with the three of you 
Kevin is never scared to call your ass out, but that’s bc he knows you so well!! it’s all just jokes don’t ya worry ;) 
Along this line, your groupchat like has some random-ass name that’s also an inside joke
Jacob on the other hand is the biggest sweetheart when it comes to you, boy frickin’ melts. There is not a day that goes by when he hasn’t told you he loves ya morning and night. 
Also the best listener in the whole world, you can tell him anything and everything and he’s just sit and listen and give advice. 
Kevin loves you a ton a ton but just shows it differently! He remembers all the little things about you that you tell him to the point it’s scary how he does it so well 
Meme king Kevin would send you memes that remind him of you and Jacob
Lowkey i can see the both of them getting into the cutest petty arguments like which one of them you love more or think is more talented AHA again it’s all in good fun hehe 
it goes without saying but...it’s cuddle central up in here. 
THEY WOULD SERENADE TF OUT OF YOU oh my god it’s literally heavenly, Kevin would play piano and Jacob would play guitar FRICK 
You have oddly specific dates?? Like they would pick a movie to go see that the three of you would all hate just to meme the whole time. Jacob would still get invested accidentally tho. 
The way to both of these boy’s hearts is their stomachs so when you cook for them they would quite literally do anything for you 
ok ok so i’m a baby deobi so this is the gist of what i’m getting (i also did a little research LOL thank you @ deobi smutblr hehe) 
firstly i would like to say that i’m manifesting thigh riding with Jacob and i literally can’t think of anything else for some reason just p h e w and BOY does he love it too he thinks its so fkn cute to watch you! 
i get heavy, heavy switch vibes from Kevin with maybe some sub leanings??? either way, jacob def has soft dom vibes (oh god and occasional soft sub) to me but also has no problem with you taking control and doing what you like to him if that’s what you desire! 
kevin is impatient impatient and does not do well with your teasing. also...loud as hell, like, sometimes you have to tell him that he needs to calm tf down hehe (but of course you love it when he gets like that) 
separately, both of them are very different experiences i think: kevin is a fan of hard and fast, kitchen counter over the sofa type stuff sloppy toppy in risky places, and he loves to experiment too! 
jacob is also really different where he likes much, much more slow and intimate stuff like missionary, shower sex, real atmospheric stuff like candles and nice scents ahhh BIG fan of really fluffy pet names too like baby, princess, angel etc. super visual too omggg gets hard when you strip for him i think ;) 
together it’s a fkn whirlwind i’ll tell ya that. its like, honestly the most unique experience i can think of on this list because the two of them are so different. i will say that it can end up being really giggly and sweet tho! 
when it’s the three of you, kevin’s dom side comes out a little more so you’re left with these two lovely boys who want to give you all the attention! it’s lowkey a competition lol 
favorite position is when you’re sucking jacob off and kevin gets to do literally whatever the hell he wants with your pussy...i imagine that it might have to do a lot with edging if you ask me ;) 
♡ jookyun  ♡ 
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oddly, i find myself soft af for jookyun and idk how to describe it haha (considering that they can often be hard as hellll) 
the three of you are also really nonchalant, but this is really in the way that you just feel as if you’ve known eachother for a really long time! 
as we know, jookyun were a bit of an enimies to lovers arc (AHA) so with the time that they’ve spent building their bond, it’s strong asf! 
i like to think that jooheon and changkyun would really get a ton of artistic inspiration from you for their music. since both of them write and often reflect bc of this, you’re totally their muse! (they’ll write some nasty as hell lyrics thanks to you too LOL) 
while our lovely thicc mx boys have unbridled confidence at times, really, they are babie. and they are frickin weak for your pampering. 
because of this, the two of them would become flustered as all hell when you do lil things for them!! this could be making them some lunch or just giving them the off compliment that they look a lil extra handsome that day. 
your safe place is with them!! ahhh i would also like to add the number of slick ass grabs when you’re in public is a bit off the chain at times ahah 
the duality of this r/ship is really something to note LOL when you go out and about when the two of them you certainly get some stares bc they look a lil intimidating at times but when you and your boyfriends cuddle up on the subway you give all passerby's whiplash haahah
Kyun is someone who is insanely romantic. almost to the point that it is cheesy haha he’d treat the both of you to expensive ass dinners, beach vacations and maybe even matching couple’s jewelry like rings or bracelets! 
jooheon on the other hand is a little more toned down haha but has another side to him that fkn swells with pride knowing how breathtaking you both are...frankly, his ego skyrockets knowing that he’s got you both for arm candy if this make sense teehee 
the three of you call eachother “babe” interchangeably, so it can get a bit confusing when you’re all in the same place and someone says “hey babe?” you need a new nickname ooP 
hello and here i am to push the sub!changkyun agenda. first and foremost i would like to explain how this man is such a pillow princess with the most lovely bratty edge *sighs* all that kyun wants is for you to fkn use him and do literally whatever the hell you want!! this man daydreams about you riding him right then and there wherever the hell he is. 
also, kyun is the king of toys, both using them on you and on himself! need i also say breath play as well in the same giving and receiving form? more than anything he loves it when jooheon wraps his hand around his neck hooooly ahhh he prefers it when you tease his tip with a vibrator until he’s angrily red and begging for you to give him a break just for you to bend down and give a kiss to his pearly head which makes him jolt 
jooheon is often more of a soft to hard dom if you ask me and takes care of both you and kyun really well. also... he will manhandle the hell out of you if you feel up for it (cough cough your arm kink for him ) oh shit and his thighs....don't’ even get me started 
while the three of you often opt for the hard and fast (even in some more risque places--such as in the recoding studio) there are really some more intimate times that you share too! 
on one of changkyun’s vacations, in the middle of the night, when no one was in sight and the hot tub was free for use...it started out as a bit of making out but then turned into something else when you decided to straddle jooheon and he let his hands creep under the straps of your swimsuit...needless to say you were bouncing on both of their dicks while you were warmed by the crackling bubbles 
at times, jookyun can get a little needy and impatient without you, so this has lead to a couple situations where you walk in on them letting out their frustrations ;) of course, immediately then they’d love for you to join! 
kyun has an oral fixation too, sooo he may or may not love cockwarming with his mouth or sucking your fingers lightly when you go to suck his dick~ 
♡  junhao  ♡
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here me out with this one...but...there’s something really intimate about this relationship?? oh how to put this into words LOL junhao also have an insanely deep bond that really transcends if ya ask me haha 
while they both can be really goofy around eachother when comfortable the soulmate vibes are just...immaculate! this is all i can say? all three of you are just so connected in the way that you accept each other for all that you are and just kind of naturally gravitate towards each other even before you really knew that there were romantic feelings involved! 
first, i would like to say that out of all the pairings on this list, you three are classy as FUCK. seeing the three of you next to eachother is like seeing literally three models in the flesh. the way that you dress (sometimes even to match a little) is unbelievable bc you all just look so good? 
hand holdingggg wherever you go! holding hands across cafe tables, playing with each other’s hands absentmindedly hehe 
TRAVEL BUDDIES you would go anywhere with them and take tons of pics!! i mean the prettiest pics 
hao shows his love for you in the form of so many things, all of which he makes himself!! you inspire his physical art and drawings which he shares with you and he also loves to take clothes too and personalize them for you! 
jun on the other hand would take you to the studioooo and you could watch him danceee oh my gosh he’s literally so breathtaking and he would be dancing just for you with every curve of his body he’s so magical :’) then he’d ask you for feedback and you’d just be speachless...also loves to make you smile!! just being his goofy self he’s the best at it and thinks you’re so cute! 
there’s a ton of adoration in this relationship! tons of cute little displays of skinship that might look like a poke in the cheek or the fluffing of their hair ahh 
still, i feel like you would have kind of silly little nicknames for them that match their personalities and perhaps...you could have matching phone cases with these nicknames.... 
in this relationship there’s a ton of quiet moments that are really peaceful and indulgent such as watching sunsets, drinking wine together, just talking about life n stuff like that! 
hellz yeah we’re in for some more intimate-ass fuckin! but also....😏
this boys are kinky as shit but in like a really classy ass way lolll this is so hard to put into words. 
well, i’ll start with junhui catboy agenda so there’s that hehehe he would most def be into pet play: that could be like ears or pretty collars and of course calling you (or him) kitten. 
minghao is really versatile and doesn’t really like labels of dom and sub, he just does what he wants and what feels good to him! bc we’re talking about how intimate everything is, the kind of sex that you share with them is often never rushed but really purposeful and even planned sometimes! 
i also see there being TONS of sensory items that would come into play with junhao such as flowers, fragrances, aphrodisiacs, all kinds of fabrics for sensory deprovision such as velvet, silk, hemp rope, and so much more! 
BOTH OF THEM WOULD SOUND ANGELLIC i see hao as letting out really pretty soft moans that kind of trail on his tongue and jun sort of choking out gasps with a bit of a rasp to them when they cum or they feel turned on
oh god MIRROR SEX that's what i have to say about this 
it doesn’t happen often, but sometimes when any one of you would be feeling needy or pent up they can certainly do hard and fast with you between the two of them. especially when this happens, oh my god hao loves it when you moan really breathily into his mouth when you’re pressed against him ooooh shit 
and jun loves it when you bite into his shoulder too when he fucks you it just makes him feral 
actually, i could really see the three of you recording yourselves, or even taking pictures when you have more intimate moments to look at later, just for your own enjoyment or to get off when you’re without the others 
favorite position: hmmm mirror sex with you on top of minghao literally just kissing him and marking his body as jun eats you out until you’re dripping down to minghao’s cock which he jerks off too~ 
♡  yeonbin  ♡
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admittedly i don’t know too much about this pairing but i do know a lil so i wanted to add them!! i also did a lil research hehe 
FIRST i would like to say that the three of you would without a doubt have the cutest puppy together, if not one, then two!! they would be little dogs with perfect haircuts and likely have their own instagram account which the three of you would run! they’d be instragram famous of course 
LITERALLY EVERY DAY ITS A FIGHT OVER WHOS CUTEST i kid you not this is an ongoing battle you’re all just...so weak for the other ahaha 
being in a relationship with them is like being in a relationship with your bestfriends! 
dates with the two of them can really range all over the place bc you just like having fun together! movie dates, breakfast dates, ZOO OR AQUARIUM DATES, taking little trips to places you haven’t been before or stay at home dates like having a little indoor picnic! 
soobin is really low energy, and would often opt to hang out with you at home or at a cafe while the two of you do your thing together! he lovessss when you bake or cook for him, literally whatever it is he’ll eat it! 
his smile is instant serotonin and the reason why you fell in love with him! the two of them together all smiley is your lockscreen! 
yeonjunie prefers going out with you clothes shopping and would DEF enable you to dye your hair a color that you’ve always been dying to do! he also loves showing you new music and blushes like heck when you tell him that you like the songs that he picks! 
in their own playful ways too, they’d always call you out on your bs LOLL but they just wanna motivate you! they’re your biggest cheerleaders! 
Deep down though, both of them are quite cheesy and would love to shower you with alll the stereotypical romance that you can take even if it makes all three of you cringe ahahah 
NEEEEDY and literally so mf horny on the dl like it’s comical to how soft and shy they can be in real life situations 
oh my god this is a godly thought but i see both of them being both switchy as heck but not really bc they like how it feels to be in those different postions but literally....bc no matter what it is they are getting off lolll 
i see both of them having sub leanings but can get real bratty if they’re feeling it. 
yeonjun does have a dom side to him that just comes with his general confidence that he gets around you! when either of you beg from him he’s ready to let himself loose. 
im so sorry but they literally handed pet play to me on a silver platter with cat & dog and there is no going back for me. SO you’re in for puppy, kitty and bunny play (shhhh yeonjun’s got his fox ears too) 
both of them love being edged to high hell by you...no matter if it hurts...they kinda like it? 
at the same time, both of your boyfriends also love giving you all the attention at times too! i’m talking about one of them playing with your breasts while the other trails kisses down your body all the way down to your pussy aching for attention too
FUCK this might be just me but soobin eating you out>>>> a GODLY sight. 
i have this other fantasy of yeonjun with either lip piercings or nipple piercings or even a dick piercing someone plz tell me to calm down 
oh please...bubble bath with the two of them holy shit baby pink bubbles all around you while you take turns givin’ each other cute kisses ahhhh 
one more thing to the pile here would be hella mutual masturbation soo much of it. the three of you get off just simply watching eachother too and dirty talking how much you love the way the others look with hands rubbing themselves away with cute whiny moans~ 
♡ taekook ♡
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omg! this is my first time remotely talking about bts on my blog hehe this is so exciting!! i don’t really read too much bts ff so this is going off of my own perception! 
i just wanna say....there’s so much to unpack here LOL but like many of the soulmates on this list, these boys are ~whipped~ for you and eachother!! its so stinkin’ cute 
another thing about these expensive boyfriends is that they loooove to sing for you too! they’d sing you to sleep, when you’re sick, sad, or just had a hard day allllways hehe 
the three of you have sickeningly adorable nicknames for eachother, the kind that honestly make heads turn LOL 
jk would without a doubt get tattoos with you!! and wine drunk lollll he’s also a huge enabler so if there’s anything that you’re considering buying or doing he’d hype you up so bad you barely have to think twice heheh 
kinda like junhao they’d also make amazing travel buddies but less for the aesthetic, but for the luxury. you’d stay at amazing hotels and eat at Michelin star restaurants wearing luxury brands that they bought for you
i feel like this goes without saying, buuuut in this r/ship, its alll about the adoring glances from afar or even just right next to you bc they love you so much!! 
i also get a very protective vibe from them as well, you’re very special to them, and they never wanna see you in harms way or disrespected by anyone! this could even look like having their arm around you on the bus or on the small of your back in a crowd 
together, they’re the biggest jokesters and flirty as HELL they think that it’s so funny when they flirt out in public AGRESSIVELY just to make you a lil embarrassed hehe  
forehead kissessss and kisses on the back of your hand! 
luxurious in this area tooooo 
they would rent out the penthouse or presidential suite to make an evening for you and pull out all the stops: expensive champagne, lingerie selected just for you, a breathtaking view of the city ahhhh 
ya all know how much i love my soft and intimateeee body touching and there would be plenty of this! they take their time undressing you and eachother and would plant kisses into the nape of your neck and shoulders as you do so! 
i would like to contribute to this conversation sub!jk bc this is something that ahhhhh i really like to think about as well as soft dom tae bcccc why not heheh 
these boys are utterly gorgeous under soft lighting and prowling all over your body too tho ahhh 
BUT! imagine teasing the hell out of jk, barely letting him feel your mouth besides fleeting kisses while tae drives his hips into you from behindddd 
in fact, these boys actually don’t mind a little voyeurism with the wide windows in your suite, opting to leave them open so there's a bit of thrill in the way that they fuck you too~ 
tae has a bit of...dare i sayyyy a power kink, so when you call him names such as sir, daddy, master etc oh boy 
jk himself is bit into sensory dep specifically with blindfolds especially when its your hands travelling all around his body making him shiver. 
both of them just looove cuming all over you as well: face, ass, thighs, belly, literally anywhere, they just think that you look amazing like that! 
there are a couple times here and there when the three of you also do a bit of cam work together for other people to watch--although it isn’t often, you rake it in when you do so. the three of you are a perfect fantasy! 
sex also can happen in odd places with you three too since you can just start feeling it and don’t really care ;) strangest place....hmm i’d say when you joined the mile high club with them~ 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @lunarskzzz  @yourdaddychan @bubblelixie @spnobsessedmemes @lmhmins @eunaeiekim
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myonepiece · 3 years
Hi! I just saw your Sabo headcanons about what he looks for in a partner and a relationship and honestly I think you got his character right. So can we have something similar for my Mochi husbando, Katakuri? I will understand if you don’t want to tho so don’t worry 😬.
Of course!! I love katakuri so much ;-;
This is kinda long cuz I had a lot to say about this 😅
Katakuri headcanon- What he looks for in an S/O + what he’s like in a relationship
Warnings: none
•He wants someone mature and smart. Katakuri is pretty mature and I think he would need/want an S/O like that. Of course he want them to be able to have fun and not be like too mature, but no making fun of trivial things or laughing at things such as poop jokes, big no no. And someone smart so he can get advice or help if he needs it. Also so he can explain things to them and they’ll understand, and so they can have a nice conversation in general
•Deffinetly has to be trustworthy. He’ll want to be able to trust his S/O with his secrets and insecurities, like when he talks about them the S/O won’t judge him or laugh at him. I feel like he would also want someone who he could talk to about his dreams. He also loves someone who does the same with him, someone who trusts him with everything and will tell him their darkest secrets and wildest dreams
•Obviously he wants someone who enjoys sweets as much as him, so maybe once you’re closer he can share his marienda (I think that’s how it’s spelled) with them. And if they know how to cook and bake he would live to try to bake with them or try the things they make
•Not too cuddly, but also cuddly. He would prefer to keep PDA to a minimum in front of his family, he doesn’t want you to get teased or bullied because of it and he has to keep his bad-boy rep. But in private he would like to hold hands or sit with you on his lap. He likes to cuddle when you sleep but he’s very careful because he doesn’t want to hurt you. He likes when you sleep on his chest because it makes him feel like he’s protecting you and also if you slept by his side he might crush you while he’s sleeping ;-;
•Someone who doesn’t focus on someone’s appearance. Obviously Katakuri isn’t one to judge a book by its cover and he would deffinetly want an S/O like this. If they care about physical appearance it would make him more insecure about his mouth, snd he wouldn’t want an S/O who makes him feel that way
•Someone who’s strong, strong minded, strong willed, and strong body. He doesn’t want to have to look after them all the time snd he wants to know they can hold their ground if his family messes with them. Also in fights he can’t always be looking over his should and making sure you don’t need help, so yes being strong is something he looks for
•Someone kind and caring. He’s been raised his whole without much affection or caring/kind role models. He would be intrigued by the way his S/O is so kind and caring towards others, he would find it a refreshing break from his family esp. Big Mom. He would love to come back to an affectionate S/O after a day with his family. I also think a kind hearted S/O would make him feel more secure about himself and less worried to be vulnerable around them
•I feel like he would like someone innocent and sweet. He wouldn’t want someone corrupted or dirty like the people he’s always around and was raised with. A sweet little angel is perfect for him, he just finds them so cute and he’s totally whipped. Of course they need to know about certain dark things but I mean someone who isn’t pervy or a cheater, a con artist, or has a goal similar to Big Mom’s.
In a relationship
•He’s a total dork, he hides it well under his tough exterior and his scarf helps hide the blush. But really he’s such a soft lover snd he just wants a sweet romantic relationship
•Same as Sabo, he would buy flowers and plushies and chocolates, but he would also buy a lot of expensive gifts because he likes to spoil you. He’ll be off somewhere in Totoland and he’ll send like a big wrapped gift back to you because he found like a giant teddy bear he thought you’d like
•When you are about to sleep he likes to cuddle with you in his lap or on his chest. Sometimes he’ll put his head in your lap and let you play with his hair, but that’s later in the relationship because he would need to trust you with seeing him without his scarf and with being so close to his face. He loves to hold hands in private because the way your tiny hand looks in his makes him melt.
•He loves hearing your voice so he’ll ask “what do you have planned for this week” or “what did you dream about last night” because he also likes knowing what you’re thinking about
•He calls you angel, darling, seeetie, baby. But in public it’s probably just darling or Y/N.
•He likes to watch you fight, if you can. He observes your moves and and stances. If you have a devil fruit he likes to watch you use your power.
•When he comes home late and you’re waiting up for him he’ll really softly and quietly scold you but then he’ll pick you up and carry you to bed with him.
•He likes when you kiss him, like soft little innocent kisses. When you first kissed his hand he was like “w-what are you doing?” And he blushed really hard but now he’s used to it and he loves when you kiss his hands, chest, arms, and he especially loves when you pepper his face in soft kisses because it makes him feel really loved and less insecure about his face, imagine sitting in his lap and his mouth is uncovered and you lean up to place a really light and soft kiss on his mouth and he just blushes snd looks down at you with the SOFTEST eyes and SOFTEST smile
•He’s very protective of you, he’ll have an eye on you when you’re with his family because he doesn’t trust them. One time Cracker insulted you and Katakuri glared at him once and Cracker avoided you for like a week. In public he’ll hold your hand to let people know they have to mess with him before they hurt you. He also gets jealous fairly easy because of his insecurities. He thinks there are so many other people you could be with that are better than him, so he tries to keep you away from others but he thinks that you deserve someone better so he won’t always stop you when he’s jealous, he’ll be sulking for a bit and you’ll pick up on his jealousy because he’ll be more closed off, or more clingy
•Dates are always in empty places because he cleared everyone out to have alone time. Usually resteraunts or wherever you wanna go
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sweethq · 4 years
♡ fem!so who seems intimidating but is just shy // headcanon
❝omg hey! i love your writing and your texting fics! i was wondering if you could write headcanons of tsukishima, sugawara, tendou, and kuroo with a fem!s/o who seems really intimidating but she’s actually just really shy? thank you so much!❞
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* requested by: @chopstickcamewithalargelomein​ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
𑁍 Characters: Tsukishima Kei, Sugawara Kōshi, Tendou Satori, Kuroo Testurō
»»—Trigger warning(s): none—-««
➶ Genre: hmmm fluff?
-ˏˋ A/N: Thank you for the request, love! I’m glad you enjoy my writing and texting fics! I’m sorry if this isn’t what you wanted......ˊˎ-
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wow what a powerful couple
tsukishima himself is intimidating, but add you to his side, you guys are basically untouchable
you had this kind of reputation even before you guys started dating
when people would try and talk to you, you would kinda just stare at them and not respond lol
not because you want to be rude or intimidating or anything, you just don’t know what to say
you’ve never been the best with being vocal
because of this, people thought of you to be as cold as ice and to not be messed with
people would tend to avoid you when you walked through the halls or give you short glances when they thought you weren’t looking
what people didn’t know is that you’re incredibly shy and have a hard time opening up to people
you were a little hurt in the beginning just because you couldn’t help how you react in those types of situations and the fact that people would say things about you made you sad
the only person in your life who understood you was tsukishima
you met him through your mutual friend, Yamaguchi, and instantly clicked
maybe it was the fact that you both had the same stigma around you at school or maybe it was because of the attraction you each had for one another
it wasn’t a surprise to others when the two of you started dating since they saw you as basically the same person
what did surprise them, however, was how both of you slowly began to open up to others
which is weird because you wouldn’t think that two introverted people could break down each others walls very easily but it happened
he brought out the best in you, and you to him
since you became so comfortable talking to him, it slowly became easier and easier to talk to others (but it did take a lot of time and practice)
you now knew how to properly hold a conversation instead of just blankly staring at the person lol
and since you and tsukishima started dating, he has also began to show his more extraverted side that no one knew he had
at volleyball practice he is a lot more willing to give compliments and ask for feedback, something he got used to after spending time with you
he also sometimes laughs and jokes around with the other members, even Kageyama (although this is still rare)
basically you two have a relationship where you’re able to help each other build up your strengths as well as improve on your weaknesses
he’s so good for you, and even more, you’re good for him
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you poor baby
all you want to do is fit in and have friends but you’re just so shy that people mistake it for something else completely
you like to keep your distance from people and sometimes feel uncomfortable holding a conversation so there’s times where you run quickly walk away just because you have no idea what else to do in that situation and you do not want to be there
soooooo you kinda have an interesting reputation
people are intimidated by you but not because you’re mean or scary, but rather because no one knows anything about you or what you’re feeling in any particular moment
this makes you even more shy and uncomfortable talking to people since everyone also seems to not want to approach you
except for one person
sugawara was in your first and fourth period classes
and oh boy, he sure was curious about the cute girl who never talks
when he heard that there was going to be a group project in your fourth period class, he made sure to ask the teacher to make you his partner
he’s just so charming that the teacher does whatever he says??
after spending so much time together, you were able to come out of your shell around him
he was the only person that you felt comfortable around and felt like you could trust him with anything
before you knew it, you fell for him
and lucky for you, he did the same
people were so confused in the beginning
they still thought of you as the girl who doesn’t want anything to do with anyone so when they find out you’re dating sugawara, an actual prince, they couldn’t believe it
how could someone like suga be with someone who was so different from himself? or so they thought
after spending more time by suga’s side in public, the sweet and caring personality that usually only he saw started to shine in other places
he likes to introduce you to new people, knowing that you really want to make more friends but are too scared to do it by yourself
the biggest step in your relationship was when you met the rest of the volleyball club
these were the people that are the most important to suga, so the thought of them not liking you or feeling intimidated by you made you incredibly nervous
luckily for you, they are a group of the most chill and understanding boys
they instantly welcomed you to their family and fully supported your relationship
being with suga allowed you to come out of your shell not only to him, but to everyone
although you’re still a relatively shy person, the stigma people once had about you no longer exists thanks to suga
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poor boy knows what its like to be an outcast, i mean, kids were pretty mean to him when he was younger
soooo when he saw this cute girl in his class who didn’t seem to interact with anyone, he was intrigued
your sheltered demenour reminded him of himself in his younger days when the kids didn’t want to play volleyball with him; it reminded him of the feeling of not belonging
he knew the feeling all too well, but also knew that one person could change that for you
and he quickly decided that he was going to be that person
after what felt like a million years, you eventually let tendou inside and shared some of your deepest secrets and biggest insecurities; one of them being your extremely shy personality
as your relationship with tendou turned from a platonic one to a romantic one, he was able to help you blossom more than you ever thought possible
he didn’t necessarily help you bring out your more extraverted side, but rather helped you become more confident in who you already were as a person
people had always given you weird looks, thinking that you were so strange to not peep a word to anyone throughout basically your entire high school career
and it sure didn’t stop, even after you started dating tendou
but he was always so supportive and reassuring, and showed you that other people’s opinions about you don’t matter
who cares if people are intimidated by you because you’re shy??
as long as you’re comfortable with the person that you are and you’re happy, who gives a damn??
not to mention that he never fails to mention how much he adores you and your shy personality
and the whole shiratorizawa volleyball club loves you and is happy that tendou has you and vice versa
basically tendou allowed you to see yourself in a different light and show you that you’re perfect the way you are, no matter what anyone else thinks
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i imagine him to react to this situation similar to the way tendou did even though they had different childhoods
kuroo only had two close friends growing up (you and kenma), but he didn’t really feel like an outcast and even if he did, he didn’t really care
he always kinda had the “who cares what other people think” kind of attitude, which is what he always stood by
since this was the only ideology that he knew, he was super confused when you would start telling him about how you were sad because people at school found you intimidating even though you’re just incredibly shy
he didn’t understand the logic of being affected by the words of other people who don’t even know you
nonetheless, he comforted you and continued to tell you all the things he loves most about you
and even accidentally slipped a confession in there oops
this man really has a way with words
so after the two of your started dating and he was able to actually tell you how he feels about you, he nEVER STOPS
like he’s so whipped for you and thinks you’re too perfect, so when others start making you feel uncomfortable with who you are, it makes him want to explode
he makes it a point to tell you every single day that he loves you for who you are and that he would never want you to change because of what others might say or feel
just wants you to love yourself and feel more confident in your skin
eventually you do become more confident in who you are, especially with kuroo always by your side, giving you loads of encouragement
you’re able to smile and joke around more when you’re in school, which makes people feel less intimidated when they see you actually express emotions lol
you’re just thankful that you have kuroo to show you unconditional love and even teach you to love yourself
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leefi · 3 years
Hi, I noticed you did the MBTI types of the ORV characters, and I was wondering what you think the MBTI types are for the Revue Starlight gals :D
Anon, I want you to know that this google doc is 14 pages single-spaced, and I'm still not done.
WITH THAT BEING SAID, I'm so glad you asked!! I'll be breaking this up into four parts so we don't have to scroll through one massive wall of text. The other schools will take a bit more time to publish as I'm still working on a couple from each (I think I have four girls left!).
But without further ado:
Starira MBTI Part 1 - Seisho
I had a lot of help with all of this reading @HalfACape’s wonderful character analyses of so many of the girls on twitter, as well as consulting the Personality Database page for the characters I was less sure about (though there were a few I disagreed with on there - none in Seisho, we'll be discussing the others later). But everyone feel free to discuss if you disagree with anything!
Karen Aijo: ENFP
ENFPs’ dominant function is Ne (extroverted intuition) (that running gag Karen has in the game where she mishears words, spouting off suggestions even if they make absolutely zero sense to the situation at hand - “telescope? telephone? telenovella?” - is such stereotypical Ne). Ne is always running towards any possibility, no matter how unlikely it seems, and I don’t need to spell out for you how much of that we saw from Karen in the anime. Ne-Fi feed each other to create a rebel/free-spirit type of personality (Ne seeks all possibilities, Fi holds strong inner values and selfish desires - what do I want, what do I need? How does this make me feel?). Her Te isn’t too developed yet, which is fine because it’s tertiary and she’s still so young. That tertiary, undeveloped Te shows up in her scatterbrained, lackadaisical, go-with-the-flow attitude (but when dominant Fi gets fired up by something - like an old childhood friend coming home - it kicks Te into high gear). Inferior introverted Sensing shows no respect towards rules or regulations - see her revue with Junna (Si-dominant) and the anger she draws out of Maya for (a child of the system and traditionally hard worker) in their Revue of Pride. Karen is the natural rebel, the forever optimist, the sunshine girl - textbook ENFP.
Mahiru Tsuyuzaki: INFP
If you want to see what leading with an introverted function looks like compared to an extroverted function, compare Mahiru to Karen! They share the exact same functions, just flipped on the I/E axis. So Mahiru is Fi, Ne, Si, Te. Karen is Ne, Fi, Te, Si. And Mahiru is a very clear example of an INFP - such a warm, brilliant, awe-inspiring person, but can also be her own worst enemy and others tend to underestimate her. And it’s hard, I don’t blame her! Leading with Fi and not having that physical/in the moment Se to support it (like ISFPs do, just compare her to Kaoruko--yes--they’re only one letter off from each other) means that it’s extremely hard for INFPs to naturally advocate for themselves...so instead, they retreat into their own imaginations where it’s safer (Ne). BUT THEY’RE SO INCREDIBLE!! THERE’S SO MUCH THERE TO RESPECT AND ADMIRE!! *shakes her like maracas* IF YOU WOULD JUST SHOW US!!!!!!! (and this is her whole arc in the anime i don’t need to tell her lol). It’s actually so interesting how she and Karen’s Fi and Ne escapism manifests in their respective introverted/extroverted personalities. These two really are more similar than most of us think!
I love INFPs so, so much because they’re like sleeping giants. Once they get a hold of and develop that inferior extroverted Thinking it’s over - nobody else can compare. They’re like the characters in video games that start off super weak, and then you blink and suddenly they’ve become the most powerful units near the end of the game.
Kagura Hikari: INTJ
ENFP’s stereotypical partner (I swear every other reserved person A/sunshine person B couple in fiction is this type pairing) and while it’s tropey it works because these two types play off each other so well. I actually originally had her pegged as an ISTJ, but I think that her bullheadedness earlier in the anime is more indicative of Ni being stubborn. Hikari is cagey, reserved (tert Fi/inferior Se), and an incredibly high-achieving individual (dominant Ni sets specific goals, auxiliary Te implements). Her tertiary Fi (which INTJs LOVE to keep locked up, right here, forever, until they die) is so obvious as you slowly learn just how much of a sap/romantic she is. It’s her weaker Fi that holds that sentimentality towards Starlight after all these years, her Fi that struggles to hold on to that childhood promise, her Fi that has her following Karen (and eventually Mahiru as well) around like a duckling (though we initially get the impression that the dynamic is the other way around). She grows to care deeply for all the other girls around her and that’s all her tertiary introverted Feeling getting stronger as the story progresses! Like so many people in the fandom have realized, she isn’t a mean person, she’s just socially awkward. Not too much to say on her inferior Se, that mostly manifests in how she’s a homelier person who would rather stay in than go out, and doesn’t actively try to seek new experiences (this was what had me thinking ISTJ at first).
Junna Hoshimi: ISTJ
Karen’s polar opposite - they actually share the exact same functions, just in reverse! So Junna leads with introverted Sensing where it’s Karen’s weakest, and Karen leads with extroverted Intuition where it’s Junna’s weakest. And we see this play out in their revue!
Junna is one of my favorite characters in the series for a reason and it’s because it’s SO rare to see the ISTJ in a rebellious role. Si is all about following and respecting order, and Junna breaks all of that to create her own! We see that dominant Si show up in literally every other facet of her life, though - from her by-the-book attitude to her stringency with deadlines and tardiness to her respect for the creatives of old - Shakespeare, Nietschze, etc. She’s an incredibly bright and successful student as well (any type can be of course but the “kind of student” she is is very much Te supporting Si - super studious and placing heavy weight on studying and getting straight A’s). And her Fi is SO GOOD. SO SO SO SO GOOD AND SO APPARENT - MUCH stronger than IxTJ’s sibling Hikari’s at the start of the anime. That’s where the rebellious part of her spirit comes from - her values, her strong sense of self and desire for autonomy (EXTREMELY Fi thing - Fi is all about the self, how I feel about something, what I want out of this, not feeling trapped by others’ expectations, etc.). Inferior Ne manifests in how she struggles with improvisation, ends up tunnel visioning (see her revue with Karen), and can sometimes struggle to accept new ideas or ways of doing things (Junna works so hard, but it’s evident in the anime and a lot of her starira bond stories that she can end up getting stuck in her old ways if someone else doesn’t come in to offer a new perspective -- see her Jekyll bond story dialogue with Maya!). Another example we see is when her extroverted xSTJ sibling Akira, who has Ne a step higher than her but understands where she’s coming from with their shared functions, guides her towards using it in the High Priestess bond story!
Nana Daiba: ESFJ
Textbook ESFJ!! Caring, motherly, affable; Fe doms are always looking to appeal to the group and make sure that everybody feels comfortable (and, likewise, are very keen on suppressing their own insecurities/emotions/discomforts). Nana is not ambitious for ambition’s sake, and in fact suppresses her own talents to appeal to the group. As for that Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :) Si aux… :)
Unhealthy Si can manifest as an extreme fixation on past experiences and a fear of moving on (we’re going to see this later with Si-dom Fumi too). Her poor tertiary Ne had gotten absolutely quashed by her stronger auxiliary Si in the anime - it doesn’t want to change anything! Claudine and Maya can be the leads again. We don’t need to modify the script. The first one was already perfect, why are we risking failure by changing things?! Also, holding herself back for the sake of everyones’ happiness is so Fe dom it hurts. If you want to see the difference between ESFJ and ENFJ (the two Fe-doms of MBTI), compare her to Michiru, who also suppresses her talents -- yes to cultivate the other girls’ (specifically Akira’s) brilliance but also for the sake of her ulterior motives to one day create her own troupe (aux Ni at work vs. Nana’s aux Si). Nana’s is more deferrant, but still just as ferocious - she’ll defeat Maya 60 times over to get what she wants. And the craziest thing is that all of this comes out of love and fear - she’s scared, and all of that is coming from her unhealthy Si aux. Junna is a very good example for her to follow for healthier Si.
Claudine Saijo: ENTJ
“DON’T IGNORE MY LINES!!!” ENTJs LOVE being at the top - the leaders of the pride, the people in charge, the ones you have to answer to (AND she’s a Leo too. Jfc girl pick a struggle LMAOOOOO). You get the picture - except Claudine isn’t in that position. Maya is. Claudine doesn’t even get a revue or her own song, because she’s Maya’s eternal second. This is a really, really uncomfortable spot for an ENTJ to be in, and it’s evident in how hard she pushes herself - and how antsy she gets whenever Maya is around. But Claudine never blames an outside system or factors like Karen (inferior Si) does for her situation - she just gets angry and more driven to succeed, bulldozing her way to the finish line (dominant Te-tertiary Se interacting). The tragedy of her character is that she will never surpass Maya, so we see her Ni begin to reframe achieving the very top to becoming the only star in Maya’s eye (little does she know that she’s already succeeded). That ripping off of her cloak at the end of the revue duet - “the only loser here is me” - is her inferior Fi poking its head out. At the end of the day, Claudine is an interesting character because she’s a walking contradiction. She’s a star denied a spotlight, but she isn’t a failure either, so she’s forced to grapple with this ambiguous, there-but-not-quite-there middle ground. It’s one big identity crisis in the making, and it’s clear to see why so many people relate to her and love her as a character - a lot of us can empathize with never quite being satisfied, and looking up towards heights that can appear insurmountable.
Maya Tendo: INFJ
She seems so normal and established and then you look closer and realize there’s something seriously wrong with her and oh my god where did this massive god complex come from. Typical Ni dom
From her detached, more “mature” personality to her altruistic and often surprisingly keen insight towards people, she has so many key makings of an INFJ. That dominant Ni is strong in Maya - everything is poured into theatre. Everything. From her hobbies to her interests to her personality, everything Maya does in her life is deliberate and all of it is for the sake of theatre. Ni bitches LOVE to fixate on just one thing, and for Maya, that is the stage. “I have no need for those who lack willpower...Come climb up here if you have the resolve...A single step forward is a step closer to my dream” is just...yeah I’m being redundant. Dominant introverted intuition. Ni Ni Ni Ni. This girl embodies it - while Hikari is also a Ni-dom, Maya shows a TON more of it than her (can’t say I blame the writers - Ni is probably the most difficult function to write because it requires thinking so many steps ahead for your character). We can see a marked difference between INFJs and INTJs here in how Maya and Hikari practice solitude - Hikari purposely isolates herself from Karen to avoid hurting her, while Maya purposely isolates and crafts herself into an untouchable God to serve as an inspiration to others (auxiliary extroverted Feeling). Want to see how this looks with the INFJ’s extroverted sibling, the ENFJ? Look at how Michiru crafts Akira’s public image. That’s Ni and Fe at work, just in different priority slots (Maya is Ni dominant, Michiru is Fe dominant - they share the same functions, just flipped on the I/E axis). That tertiary Ti is very prevalent too - Maya mostly keeps her thoughts to herself, and loves to mull over things. She definitely isn’t the first one to shout out an answer, she prefers to think things over.
One interesting comment that really stood out to me on her personality database page was how she’s an INFJ with an INTP persona in the anime, and I think I agree (INFJs and INTPs tend to present similarly and can be easily confused with each other anyway)! But I want to add on to that - I think that INTP presentation is her auxiliary Fe at play crafting a persona that better coincides with Claudine’s, as ENTJ/INTP matchups are extremely compatible (not saying Maya was thinking about MBTI LOL but rather she brought out and exemplified aspects of her personality that would better complement Claudine’s - their partnership is not a one-way street at all! Maya does so much for her!!). Just compare anime Maya to stageplay Maya, where she gives no headway and is absolutely brutal to Claudine.
Futaba Isurigi: ISTP
Futaba is such a great example of what a healthy ISTP can look like! Dominant Ti shows up in how she communicates with others - she's honest, direct, and to the point, but it's never utilized in a way that’s mean-spirited (contrary to how her girlfriend often can be) - it’s just how she communicates. Claudine (a Te dom which works SO well with Ti) actually points out in Starira that this is why they get along so well. Aux Se shows up in her physicality - her love and strength is in stage fights, she's into mechanics with her motorcycle and does all the maintenance herself, etc. Funnily enough, I think that tert Ni, while a slot above Fe, is actually Futaba’s least developed trait (or, at least, the one she's most guarded about) - she went into Seisho to follow Kaoruko, and her aux Se dominates that tert slot and gives her a … little bit of a lackadaisical attitude? Obviously not as much as someone like Karen, but in many senses she doesn't outwardly display a strong fear or anxiety towards the future like the other girls (completely understandably) do - and it’s that tert Ni getting angry when she feels as if Kaoruko is stagnating in her plans. There’s some inklings of her own plan for the future, but Futaba’s own individual plans are mostly kept to herself, so we don’t know how much or little she’s done about them. (I have more to add but will not continue as I’m venturing into movie spoilers territory, but for those that have watched/read them, try to draw your own conclusions based on what I’ve said!). I think that having such a close relationship with Kaoruko is what pushed her to develop that inferior Fe so early to support her girlfriend's dominant Fi. I actually originally had her typed as ESTP for how strong her Fe was (ESTPs have it a slot higher than their introverted siblings), but she really doesn’t strike me as an extrovert, and ISTPs with developed Fe can be very warm, affable people too!
Kaoruko Hanayagi: ISFP
“Kaoruko Hanayagi’s dream is world domination.”
Kaoruko is such a great example of what an unhealthy ISFP can look like! LMAOOO but no, I’m dead serious - if you want to know what unhealthy introverted Feeling looks like, look to Kaoruko. Everything is me me me me me me me, to hell with what anyone else wants (if you want to compare unhealthy Fe to unhealthy Fi, compare Nana and Kaoruko). Tertiary Ni shows up to support Fi in how surprisingly sharp she is towards other people - what makes them tick, exactly where to hurt, their inner thoughts and feelings (see her bathtub conversation with Mahiru).
BUT THAT DOMINANT Fi IS ALSO SUCH A POWERFUL THING. That “me me me me me me” is going to turn into “my vision, and what I want to create, and what I’m going to do” (once that inferior Te finally develops - which Kaoruko is going to be forced to put work into eventually). This is why, like Mahiru, I think that Kaoruko is seriously going to blossom later on in life - ISFPs and INFPs, the Pisces of the MBTI, have this weird penchant for going under the rader and then becoming insanely fucking successful OUT OF NOWHERE??? Like, they aren’t super motivated and driven with a specific plan like Ni-strong xNxJs, or disciplined and hardworking like Te-strong xSTJs, but???? You blink and suddenly they’re millionaires with four creative projects going on simultaneously (but if they get bored with any of them they’ll drop them instantly - you could not pay me all the money in the world to be an IxFP’s manager it must be an absolute nightmare <3). Just...legends out of nowhere? Rihanna is an ISFP Pisces so I have real world evidence to back this up.
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Tharn and Type discussing in detail financial issues like paying for bills and the division of household chores - some of the most mundane and unromantic but also the most important and complex aspects of every relationship, which are rarely touched upon in dramas for that very reason, makes the OTP acutely authentic and relatable. Because it’s precisely these realities of everyday life which are often the most poignant. Most dramas don’t touch upon them for the very same reasons: most viewers want their OTPs’ relatinships to be “healthy, fluffy, sweet and unproblematic” therefore arguments, the mention of money and who is paying for the happily ever after make them uncomfortable and offend their sensibilities. 
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One of the reasons why arguments are so messy is not only because both parties believe they are right, but because each parties often is at least partially legit as with TharnType’s argument about the laundry which comes from a very real and relatable place. 
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To understand what leads to it one needs to look at their respective professional lives. That’s why the writer spends so much time on exposition in episode 1. After graduating with his Bachelor degree, Tharn found a job and have been working for over 2 years now. He has a friendly working environment and he’s well-settled in it. On the other hand, Type went on to study a Master degree programme so he could stay with Tharn in Bangkok (his father had wanted him to come back home after finishing his Bachelor studies). Studying medical school is always hard, making it difficult to have a part-time job, so this is Type’s first working experience. The transition between school and work is always demanding: physically, mentally, socially, but also financially because fresh employees get a much lower pay. It’s already difficult enought, but Type has to deal with the added stress of a superior who makes his life a hell. Type is strong, smart, hard-working and very good at what he does and he knows it which makes it so much more frustrating for him that no matter how hard he works, his boss keeps bullying him and demeaning him. The worst thing for Type is that he can’t defend himself and punch his boss in the face like his former self woufl have done. He needs to last and keep the job a whole year to get the necessary working experience for his CV and find a better job with better pay and boss. Therefore Tharn and Type are in a very different place in their careers and it translates into their private lives, as well. As a result, Tharn bears most of the costs and has been doing it for several years, now. 
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He knows Type’s been struggling and doing his best so they can be together, that’s why he supports Type in any way he can, including comforting him, driving him to work and paying for the bills, to help him overcome this challenging period. Tharn does it gladly because Type needs him. And that’s also one of the reason why their relationship feels like real marriage - they are married in every sense of the word, with the exception of a marriage certificate and a wedding ceremony.
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Type sees all of it and loves Tharn even more for it, happy that he isn’t in this alone and has someone to depend on. He’s mature enough to rely on Tharn and realize that right now, there isn’t much he can do and help. He needs to survive another 6 months with his hellish boss. And he really does it all for Tharn, so they can spend their lives together as they’ve promised each other. That’s the reason why he’s been controlling his temper, putting up with the bullying and why he haven’t told his boss to go fuck himself - he wants to be a worthy partner for Tharn, his equal, help him pay the bills, not a useless person who beats other people and Tharn has to be ashamed of. Type accepts this reality but wants to express gratitude and appreciation to Tharn in his own unique way because with Type, actions always speak louder than words. 
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So when Type says that everything he does, he does it for Tharn, he means it in every sense of the word -  controlling his temper, putting up with the exhausting job and terrible boss, studying a Masters degree programme,... - just like he did 7 years ago with Lhong, curbing his temper in front of Jeed, introducing Tharn to his family and friends,...
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Type decides to iron Tharn’s clothes to repay him for always being there for him and to show him how much he cares. He actually feels happy doing it, giddy to do something for Tharn, so when Tharn tells him he shouldn’t have, it feels like Tharn just stabbed him into the heart, leaving Type literally struck dumb for a moment, eyes filled with sheer pain which immediately turns into irritation and anger as Tharn digs his grave even deeper. Tharn’s words sting even more because when Type told Tharn that he’s ironing the clothes, seemingly annoyed, he’s actually expecting Tharn to praise him, in his adorably cheesy way that Type secretly loves so much, that Type’s such a good wifey who always takes care of him but none of it comes.
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It’s not only Type’s heart that is hurt, but also his pride. Type always felt confident in his studies and abilities, but he struggles now in his first job, while Tharn is successful, satisfied and well-adjusted in his. This disparity drives a certain wedge between them. 
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Type misunderstands Tharn’s attempt to ease his workload as a rejection of himself and his love for Tharn. Type knows that right now, he can’t do much for Tharn so Tharn’s words break his heart. It makes him feel that he is not good enough, useless. Back in episodes 8 and 9, Type learned that if he only kept receiving from Tharn without giving anything back in return, it would make their relationship eventually break and he’s been trying ever since to become a good boyfriend to Tharn, someone who would make Tharn happy and not hurt him. 
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And at this moment, due to his issues at work, he must feel like he doesn’t give Tharn as much as he should in certain aspects of their relationship. 
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So when he thinks Tharn is rejecting even the little he can give, Type feels useless, disregarded and rejected. So he lashes out because that’s his defense mechanism and no amount of growing up is going to change that because that’s simply who Type is, lashing out his claws like a feral kitten when he feels threatened and hurt.
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Tharn is usually so good at understanding and interpreting Type’s actions, but his mindreading ability can only do so much. More importantly, he is very drunk, which is a very important factor, and that is muddling his brain and, after 7 years, Type’s become much better at communicating his emotions with words so Tharn doesn’t need to read all of Type’s hidden intention because he’s grown used to the fact that Type tells him and shows his love more openly. He also feels secure in the relationship so he is much more unfiltered, not minding his words so much, no longer fearing that Type might get angry if he told him about his dislikes. Ironically, the argument occurs because they both mean well and are being considerate of each other, trying to show their love and care, but it backfires on them because they have different personalities and use different methods to show them so they clash. Therefore the argument comes from a very common and real place.
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When Type throws the clothes at him and leaves, Tharn is compeletely baffled what has just happened. However, after he sobers up a little, it dawns at him that he must have hurt Type and hurries to apologize, desperate to make amends and clear the misunderstanding before it grows into something serious. 
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He is nervously fidgeting with his fingers the whole time, so insecure and vulnerable, and with his sad puppy eyes and the way he nuzzles against Type’s body he looks so miserable and needy, Type has a hard time not to forgive him right away.
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It’s such a joy to watch two adults having an honest, unfiltered conversation about the realities and demands of everyday life. There is nothing romantic about it but it makes TharnType’s love story feel palpably real and authentic. It means so much when Type actually voices and openly communicates his insecurites about their relationship being unequal because Tharn has been the main breadwinner.
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It’s undeniable how much Tharn understands his boyfriend. When he gently begs him not to think too much, you can tell that Tharn can feel that Type's struggles at work are weighting down on him, making him to overthink things. And Tharn assures him that none of those things matter to him. It reminds me of the time when Tharn told Type that he doesn’t have to push himself into accepting that he’s dating a man because Tharn would wait for him no matter how much time it would take. And now it’s similar. It doesn’t matter how long it takes Type to settle in his work or how much he struggles because Tharn will always be there for him.
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Finally, it makes so much sense that Tharnk seeks reassurance that he’s been forgiven with cuddles because intimacy and physical closeness has always been such an important and integral part of their relationship. In the very beginning, they used to be the only reciprocation he got from Type since even when Type denied his feelings for him, Type’s body never lied to him and always wanted Tharn.
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sagemusesoutloud · 3 years
Anti-Romantic, Part 4
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(credit to the original owner of the image)
Character | Jaehyun x reader
Genre | nonidol!au, Mutual Pining, Slowburn, Fluff, Angst
WordCount | 1.5 k
WARNING | Mentions of verbally abusing relationships! It's brief, but there. If you or anyone is going through something similar, please seek outside help!
Author'sNote | I'm not giving excuses as to why it took so long to update, but I'm trying my hardest to be consistent! Let me know if you like how the story is going so far!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 4.5
Sorry I’m an anti-romantic, I don’t believe in romantic
I am afraid that it will burn my whole heart, It will only leave behind ashes.
When you were younger, your family used to call you ‘spitfire.’ They said you were too fiery, argued too well, and too passionate. They had never meant it as an insult, in a way, it was a form of flattery. You grew up as the only female cousin in your family, but you were always leading your cousins on whatever diabolical plan it was that you had come up with: sneaking off to kitchen in the middle of the night to eat all the pastries meant for the morning after, convincing everyone that leaving your grandma’s territory and into the forest in the middle of the night to see if you can find the fairies, racing along the town’s border to see who was the fastest on their bike, and many other child-like plans. You were tough and you were proud, you never allowed yourself to lose.
Later on in life, that same nickname evolved to a less loving version. As you grew older and started to date, your partners always called you out for having strong opinions and for not bending at their will. They never saw you for what you wanted to be; which was an equal. If they said something against one of your friends, they expected you to throw away the friendship. All because they were the opposite sex and made your partner insecure. How could a girl and boy only be friends? Later on, when rumors would spread about your partner and other girls, they would get exasperated with you. If they’d get caught, they would only blame you for being too stiff.
“Why couldn’t you be more passive? If I want to kiss you, I’ll kiss you. You’re my girlfriend, why the fuck would I need permission? Is that what your ‘guy friends’ do? I bet you’ve let them all have a run at you, huh? Keep acting like a bitch, get treated like a bitch. And you wonder why I cheated? What a joke.”
You had to admit, you didn’t really date the greatest of guys. But you could say that now, because you knew now. Back then, you really thought you deserved those kinds of relationships. Like how they say, you only accept the love you think you deserve. However, in a way, it was why you were the way you were now. You always made it a point to communicate and avoid misunderstandings because you didn’t want your partners to throw your words back at you or your actions. It’s why you treaded carefully and avoided one-night stands. You’d rather get to know a person first and then start dating. It’s the exact reason the date you had with that other barista didn’t go through, majority of the guys you talked to thought you were too much work and therefore, not worth it.
Now that you’re an adult, you’d rather be too much work than let a guy walk all over you. Boundaries were important to you because how else were you supposed to gauge their respect for you? You had a tight grip on your morals and rules.
But damn, you’re only human!
The moment your lips crashed, it’s as if the only thing you could keep in mind was one word.
You needed more of him, needed to breathe the same air as him, needed to feel every ridge of his hard body against your soft one, needed to cling to him as close as possible and for as long as possible.It’s as if his lips were the only reason you needed to dive into whatever this was. You were tired of keeping a strong hold on yourself. All that boiling anger turning into dangerous tension, and the only way to release it was to give into the passion between you two.
You settled your arms around his neck, taking that last step closer into him as he cradled your face and deepened the kiss. His other arm wound tightly around you, hand sliding dangerously close to your ass. You feel a deep groan against your chest, one of your hands wandering down his torso, enjoying the shiver you feel as you move lower. His tongue swipes at your bottom lip, a question, so you reply by opening your mouth, tongues fighting for dominance. For every move you delivered, he retaliates just as ardently. You feel your head grow lightheaded as you bring your hands to hold on to his shirt, anything to stabilize you. His hand finally squeezing your ass, shifting you closer to his hips. Oh, lord.
You let out a moan as he bites your lower lip, his kisses descending as you fight to catch your breath. You involuntary let out a whimper as he finds your pulse point and sucks the skin, soothing it with light kisses. Leaving behind a trail of purple blotches, beautifully contrasted against your skin. You’d never been into marking, had it always felt this good?
“Jae…” you can’t think, you can’t even stand properly as he pushes you with his hips against the counter for support. You don’t even know what you wanted to say, do you want to ask for more? What do you want?
“God, I’ve wanted to do this for years.” You pause at that, your hands freezing on their tight grip on his shirt. You feel as if someone had just dumped a bucket of ice water at you, your rationality finally catching up with you.
He leans back to look at you, “if you’re going to stop me, do it now because if you don’t say anything I’ll keep going. And I don’t think I can stop on my own.” His hands drawing gentle, tantalizing circles along your hips where your shirt had ridden up.
You gasp at that; finally bring your eyes to his. He looked exactly how you felt, desperate. His lips were red and puffy from your kisses, his hair messy after running your hands through it. In the light of the kitchen, you could still see how his pupils were blown wide. You’re pretty sure you’re not in any better condition.
“Jae,” you whisper, brining your hands to his shoulders, either to support yourself or to brace yourself for what you were about to say, “if we do this, there’s no going back.”
He lets out a deep breath, “I know, and I’m ok with that.” He offers a gentle smile, “I want that.” His heart drops as he notices how you drop your gaze and bite your lips.
“if we do this, can you guarantee that it won’t ruin our friendship?” for some reason, you can’t bring yourself to speak higher than a whisper or to look at him. “can you promise that you won’t run away again?”
You wait for his response. When it doesn’t come you finally look up, only to find a frown forming on his brow. You don’t expect when he takes a step back, “is that all I am to you? All this is? Just a risk you’re not willing to take just because you don’t want to ruin the ‘friendship’?”
“I don’t know…Am I supposed to forget what you just said a few minutes ago?” He gives a humorless laugh as he paces around the small kitchen.
You’re frozen in place, spaced out at his words. It’s like as if you’re watching yourself from somewhere else. But you think about it, is that what it is?
Before you can respond or come to a conclusion, he stops at the entrance to the kitchen, back towards you. “Are you really not understanding what I’m saying or are you avoiding it?” his shoulders sag but he keeps going, “If loosing me is what you’re so worried about, then let me make it simple for you.”
Your body grows number by the second, what’s wrong with you? You’ve finally done it, burned away the last semblance of security and friendship. Just like a thoughtless spitfire.
“I can’t go back to this back and forth bullshit. I’m tired. I don’t think you even know what you want, so until you do, I think I need my space.”
He motions towards his front door, “I’m gonna go, if you’re still here by the time I come back, I’ll take it as a sign that you do want us…to happen. If you leave, I’ll pretend the last two days didn’t happen and we can go back to how we used to be. I’ll never cross the line again, and I’ll do everything to move on.”
You only notice you’re sobbing when you tears blur your vision. What have you done?
You don’t even hear him leave, only when the door slams after him.
I can clearly see the end, Worse than a hangover
It will be hard, Now, Just end it somewhere here
EndNote | Damn, I've never written a kiss scene before. Hopefully it wasn't too awkward. This is a lot of angst too, which I'm not a big fan of reading, but wow... who hurt me lmao. Promise the next chapter won't be as bad, or will it?
Previous: Part 3 | Next: Part 4.5
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reverielix · 3 years
hellooo, since i am very into astrology as well, i’d love if you could do a lee know as boyfriend based on his chart^^ i know we still don’t know about his venus sign (if libra or scorpio), so just choose which one you think suits him best, thank you in advance!
Ooo this sounds fun👀💕
First of all, I’m pretty convinced he’s a Gemini rising (8pm), which means he has a Scorpio Venus. His voice (2nd house) sounds more like Cancer (calming, rather comforting, not very high) than Sagittarius-like (high-pitched, loud, mood-maker) and he just gives me Gemini vibes haha He gives off a playful appearance more than an intense aura (though his glares send Hyunjin running, I think that’s more his inner Scorpio stellium coming through). If he’s a Gemini rising, his chart ruler would be in Scorpio, which could give him that more round face, and in the 6th house, which could give him a youthful appearance paired with those eyes🥰. Lastly, his rising’s decan would be Libra, which could also contribute to a rather round face than the typical Gemini rising’s rather slim appearance (+ Libra rules the butt lol and we all know Minho‘s shameless liking toward the members’ butts haha) He’s also pretty outgoing and chatty, which his mc in Aquarius and Gemini rising can also point at. I do want to point out that guessing any celebrity’s placements is like trying to guess their mc persona chart’s placements because their image is very controlled and what they do is extremely calculated/regulated.
So now that we’ve settled that, let’s get started!!💫
⇢ confession/beginning stages
I feel like he would be really flirty and straightforward because of his rising and Mercury as well as his Venus. His flirting style is versatile and adaptable to the person (Moon in Sagittarius in the 7th house, Gemini rising), and at first he’d try to keep it less intense, smile/smirk a little (his smile also contributes to my tendency to view him as a Gemini rising rather than a Scorpio rising😌).
When he’s gotten more comfortable around the other person and they seemingly are comfortable around him as well, he’d start letting his intense aura and Scorpio stellium come to shine as he’d enjoy making the other person feel flustered, though his Scorpio Venus suggests that he’d love for somebody to do that with him as well, seeing as his Sun-Venus conjunction doesn’t only indicate confidence, but also that he’s attracted to people who are similar to him.
His confession would be overall heartfelt, genuine, romantic and intense. His way with words (moon in 7th since he’s talking about his emotions here, Gemini rising, well aspected Mercury) would allow him to talk without stuttering too much or at all, though I can see him being nervous (his emotions are strong, and when he loves, he LOVES).
⇢ overall behavior in relationship
Once he finds himself in a relationship with somebody, he’d be pretty dedicated and loyal, which he’d expect from his partner as well. Other than Jeongin for instance, he wouldn’t be really big on personal space, instead he would be keen on skin ship and always want to touch his s/o’s butt 🤭.
His Venus lies in opposition to his Saturn in Taurus (no orb), which suggests feelings of insecurity and unworthiness which stems from criticism by authority figures and lack of affection (especially from a father or father-figure). Here, the planet of relays and restrictions can indicate a late recognition of that he deserves happiness instead of pity and love instead of loneliness (this aspect also indicates a feeling of unworthiness of financial success, so he may feel like he doesn’t deserve his place as an idol). Loving himself can thereby be a challenging road that he for a long time didn’t even know he had to take. This can result in insecurities being projected onto the other person or a detachment from his s/o as he is scared to show them all of him out of fear of rejection or not being accepted. Just like with all Saturn aspects, with hard work and age comes a great deal of contentment and what he’s understood he deserves (money and love in regards to Venus and Saturn).
Meanwhile, Neptune is in a square with Venus, (1° orb) which points out a deception and inability to draw a clear line between judgement and his gut feeling. In this case, he can take things his s/o says very personally, though he might act as if nothing’s wrong (Scorpio stellium,...). People with this aspect typically dream to escape reality as well as are languid and messy (missing/coming late to dates although he’s strongly dedicated to the relationship, he may just forget or feel secretly hurt about something that wasn’t really offensive but he made out to be). This sensitivity toward what others say feeds into the Saturn-Venus aspect and a feeling of inadequacy and dishonorability. Overall, his Venus (love style, behavior in relationships, desires, attraction) is badly aspected in his chart, though his s/o and their personality is a key-point to look at in any relationship.
As a boyfriend in general, Minho may be extremely emotionally invested, possessive, devoted and sharing. Once he’s with someone, he gives himself to that person. Additionally, his Venus in the 5th along with his Sun in the 5th and conjunct his Venus suggest a very present and, again, dedicated lover who loves with his whole heart and all he’s got (meanwhile he makes an effort to look especially detached and funny/playful in public or in front of cameras, which, among other placements, his mc in Aquarius hints at). Lastly he may be excellent at boosting his partner’s confidence, yet may also need validation back. (Can I just say that his Sun and Venus in the 5th make his chart the one of a born performer, which obviously shows + his love for art shows here as well🤓😊.)
⇢ dates
His Scorpio Venus in the 5th makes me think of spontaneous, grand-gesture dates that take place where he’s granted privacy with his s/o and everything’s only about the two. He may wants to move around, like go to an abandoned park where the grass is a little too high and play games/teach them a dance before they watch the stars when the night comes🥺💫. I can see him being very romantic and bold, so he may just sneak kisses here and there (5th house suggests spontaneity and the thrill of surprises). Here are brief moments of how I imagine a date with him:
“I’m bored. Let’s go somewhere.”
he walks toward his room’s red oak panel door
“Where do you want to go?”
your naked feet follow his to the cold stone floor behind the door
“Let’s decide on the way.”
over pine trees and bushes his reflection distracts you
eyes are narrowed when he’s concentrated, wrinkles adorn his cheeks
“5 minutes.”
“Huh?” you turn your head
“I’ve figured out a place, we’re only gonna need another 5 minutes.”
“Want a kiss? Come and get it then!”
he trips over dandelions and grass, smug-smiling, and doesn’t slow down
your feet stomp the grass, your determination takes over
after two breaks of resting your arms on your thighs, he gives in, lets you win
“I did that on purpose.”
“I don’t care.”
right legs cross the lefts and knees buckle while arms swing up, fingers fold out and eyebrows are raised
dancing is way harder than it looks, you’ve just figured
behind gracious twirls hide strength and control, something the slippery lawn hampers
“No, the feet need to be pointed in a different angle.” Minho held his hands out flat.
amidst your ambition to strech your arm “elegantly”, sunset hugs your silhouettes around the shadows
distant stars create a pattern in everless darkness, the waning gibbous moon sheds light
“Do you ever think of death?” your eyes dart the distance
“Like how? Don’t we all?” his trace the sharp shadow of your nose cast on your cheek
“We’re just such a small fragment of the universe. Gone before it even noticed us.”
“No, I believe we’re here for a reason. I think we have a big presence in the universe. Life is so magical, and so is death. It scares most, because it’s unpredictable. But so is tomorrow.”
Existential conversation with Minho™️
⇢ kisses
Ooooooo his s/o is in for something😳 The Scorpio stellium and 5th house Sun conjunct Venus suggests passion and bold, unexpected actions. He doesn’t just kiss for fun. If he kisses, he KISSES. The Virgo Mars also adds a feeling of security. I can see how he likes “crossing lines” and being bold, though it feels comfortable and safe. A lil types of kisses list...
obvi the passing food one lol
a sudden one that takes the other’s breath away
one in which he holds the other’s waist/cups their cheeks and forgets about everything around him
salty ones after a reunion or fight
one in which breaths are shared
a combination of kisses he thought of the night before when he couldn’t sleep (very unusual, but if anyone can pull it off with confidence, it’s Minho)
It was so much fun making this haha💞 hope u like it!🌫
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legoshi-plz · 4 years
Can we get some general headcanons of dating Louis plz 🥺👉👈
You sure can! I don’t know why but this prompt really called to me for some reason and it’s a nice break from the usual! This is with College!Louis simply because..... I’m a simp for College! Louis 😳
Reader can be read as any gender or animal type/class.
Warning: NSFW +18 [under the NSFW warning, first half is SFW]
*Disclaimer: I know absolutely nothing about Deer in general and made up 100% of the stuff in here because I am too lazy to actually google Deer physiology (also I just wanted to make the hcs)
Okay so let’s start at the beginning! Like the beginning beginning. Louis saw you around campus but he’s still a Herbivore so he was shy about approaching you. Despite his overbearing superiority complex in high school, I feel like College would really put him back into reality. You have no reason to idolize him or fear him. He might be pretty popular on campus but he’s nowhere near the God-status he thought he had so he’s unsure of how to even approach a total stranger that he sees everywhere and can’t stop thinking about. Also he has an insane amount of insecurities which end up getting the best of him causing him to chicken out every time he wanted to get close to you.
You on the other hand? Barely noticed him. You’d seen him (his gigantic antlers which got even bigger in college were pretty hard to miss) but you regarded him as out of your league and immediately put him out of your mind. You weren’t one to dwell on if boys liked you/why didn’t boys like you blah blah blah.
Needless to say, your first few interactions with Louis were pretty terrible. He was awkward, stiff, defensive, it was like pulling teeth but in verbal form. You didn’t like him.
One day you brushed beside him and he nearly jumped out of his skin. You asked him what his problem was and he answered honestly “Sorry, you make me incredibly nervous.”
Suddenly it all clicked, the averted eyes, the bristled fur, the awkward stuttering. He might have outwardly appeared suave to any other animal on campus but he was still just a Herbivore with a crush.
Moving on, the two of you start dating and Louis is completely wrapped around your finger. It takes a while for his initial nerves around you to wear off, even after the relationship turned romantic. He constantly wanted to impress you or seem cool to you which you repeatedly reminded him you didn’t care about but it was important to him.
Once the two of you were more settled into the relationship and had been dating for some time, he still likes to impress you. Not to the same extent as before but he never folds on certain aspects because your opinion of him is something he values gravely, even if he won’t admit that to you.
King of Self Neglect, he stays up way too late studying, gets hardly no sleep, stretches himself way too thin but will still always make time for you even if he’s utterly exhausted. One time he nearly fell asleep sitting up while the two of you were on a date. You drove him back to your place, tucked him into bed and let him sleep it off. He felt awful the next morning for ruining the date and cleared his schedule the entire next day for a ‘redo’.
If ever verbally asked, Louis will vehemently deny liking PDA. In actually, however, he can’t keep his hands off you. He’s always touching you, caressing your cheek, holding you around the waist, interlocking your hands (especially the pinkies!! he doesn’t even realize he does that one, you’ll just look up and he’s totally aloof to this soft gesture), resting his chin on the top of your head/shoulder, nuzzling your neck (this is a big one for Deer and actually a declaration of love but you don’t know that). He’s pretty touch-starved but he hates to admit it so please indulge his clingy behavior (and he is very clingy.)
Speaking of clinginess, Louis is still incredibly petty and if he feels you’re not making enough time for him, expect to be called out on it.
“Am I not enough for you?” “If you prefer the single life, I can stop burdening you with this relationship.” “I see I come last in your life, as always.” “Don’t string me along. Either breakup with me here and now, or actually be with me.” “I see you do not take this relationship as seriously as myself. I will adjust my expectations of you accordingly.”
He’s a total drama queen and at first his proclamations scared you, thinking he was going to break up with you. But once you realized he was just overly dramatic about everything, you barely bat an eye now. You still try to make it up to him, though, whenever he’s feeling neglected. He’s enjoys that very much.
Any holiday, he’s asking you to come home with him. The mansion gets pretty lonely with just him and Oguma and he wants you there with him. You almost always comply.
At first he was pretty insecure about his leg and felt like you might think he was a freak because of it or worse: weak. You always let him know that you don’t care about his leg and that you love him regardless, even though you believe he has nothing to be ashamed of in the first place. That always makes his heart burst with love for you and he turns into absolute puddy in your hands.
Very jealous. Still holds on a little to that envy he has for Carnivores and thinks one might steal you away, especially since a couple of your male friends are Carnivores. In his mind, who wouldn’t want to be with some one bigger or stronger? He tends to lash out when he’s feeling particularly jealous and it’s the cause of almost 90% of the fights you two have.
When it comes to fights, even though Louis can be very petty, he hates every second the two of you are at odds so he usually apologizes fairly quickly. If you are the one who is in the wrong, he will continue to do normal activities (holding your hand, going out to dinner, cuddling) but he will do it angrily and give you the silent treatment until you apologize (please apologize quickly, he hates being mad at you even if he doesn’t admit it.)
His favorite activity? Anything where you lay on his chest. He lives for it and he really doesn’t get a restful sleep unless you’re on his chest. (Also he totally owned a weighted blanket before he met you because Deers usually sleep cuddled together in little huddles so it’s just kind of their ‘thing’ but it doesn’t hold a candle to when he has you sleeping on his chest. Actually had a “Is this what I’ve been missing all these years?” revelation moment when you two first started dating.)
Wear his clothes, it makes him feel manly also he thinks you look adorable. Plus he loves when you give them back and they’re covered in your scent, makes him feel so... owned? But in a good way! As if you were staking your claim on him which is a secret weakness of his.
Doesn’t really like Horror movies but will endure them if you’re into them. Likes to watch with you on his lap and his hands under your shirt (yes, he’s extremely distracting and yes he’s just trying to fool around. He couldn’t care less about the plot because he finds it unrealistic and not scary)
Though Louis had long ago cast aside the thought of having children (he doesn’t believe he’ll be a good father, similar to Oguma), any time he sees you interact with children and how well children respond to you, it awakens that inner ‘Stag’ in him and suddenly the thought of having kids doesn’t seem so bad, not if you’re by his side. He tends to try to not linger on those feelings for too long though so he doesn’t get any big ideas.
Okay now time for the NSFW portion.
Once again, Louis can! not! keep! his!hands! off! you!
Male Deer have a higher sex drive than the average Herbivore male so please be prepared for that.
Loves when his partner is kinda heavy, it amplifies the sex for him. His favorite thing is when they ride him/bounce on top of him, it’s practically an instant nut from him.
Louis can force himself to hold off on coming if he has to but he has a ridiculously quick recovery time along with the stamina for multiple rounds so he’d rather just come in or on his partner then keep going rather than prolonging it.
Oral is a power play to him and nothing turns him on more than using his incredibly long/skilled tongue to turn his partner into a weeping mess before him.
Has a habit of picking his partner up and throwing them over his shoulder to carry them to the bedroom. Asserts his dominance and he knows his long legs will get you both there faster.
He loves a vocal partner, and craves every syllable you can muster during sex. Whimpering his name mixed in with nonsensical affirmations of love gets his heart (and cock) instantly swelling.
Remember that he likes heavier partners? Well that ties into the whole thing with the weighted blanket and Deers just in general craving something on top of them, so naturally Louis prefers when you’re on top but is happy to participate in any position you prefer. Just know if it’s missionary or some variation of that, he is throwing your legs over his shoulders (so it’s kinda like a compromise?) The boy just really loves having you draped over him, okay?
Also in the case of a heavier partner, he is always trying to flex his strength and assure you that you’re not too heavy for him at all. Always picking you up (to fuck you against the wall), sitting you in his lap (to finger fuck you), carrying you bridal style (to take you to the bedroom to fuck you.) He’s very determined to show you just how obsessed he is with your body.
He’s very weak when getting his cock sucked and WILL come in your mouth within a few minutes. He’s not ashamed in the least bit.
You have about a five minute window after sex to do everything you need to do (use the bathroom, get cleaned up, etc.) because once he atttaches himself to you, you’re not going anywhere. Cuddling after sex isn’t optional, even if he’s mad at you.
Speaking of which, angry sex with Louis? Absolutely mind-blowing. Once he’s in full blown Stag mode, there’s really little you can do except lay there and take his huge cock while he pumps you with load after load of cum. Also, the overstimulation is out of this world.
Louis’ demeanor completely cracks after sex and he’s literally at his most vulnerable with you then. Openly confesses just how much you mean to him in moments like these while showering you with aftercare/ affection. Really turns into the lovey dovey type and likes to just sit there stroking your fur whispering sweet nothings in your ear while you lay on his chest.
This has probably gone on long enough so I’m just going to end this here but the boy’s madly in love with you, enough said.
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littlemisssquiggles · 3 years
Pinehead Headcanons: Oscar's Dreamscape: The Garden of Two Lovers
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@miki-13 asked "Okay I know we didn't get a lot of Oscar backstory, but I really do think that after the V8 finale, there's a new avenue to explore with Oscar. Why? Because as far as he knows, his friends, partner and love interest are dead. The people he's grown to care for over the course of V5-8 are suddenly gone. There's no way that's not gonna hurt him, even if Ozpin assures him that they're not dead. Because either way, he's been forcibly separated from them.
Heck, this could actually open up an avenue for him to talk about his own family life and why he lives with his aunt. Not to mention one of his allusions is to The Little Prince and he just arrived in a desert after leaving his Rose behind, and the whole story deals with death in general.
Actually, maybe that's how Oscar gets his semblance/ branches out with his magic! He wants to find the people he loves so badly and refuses to give up on them, that he finds a way to get the void/ communicate with them and possibly find a way to lay the groundwork for bringing them back!
Squiggles Answers:
Hey there Miki-chan. Pardon the late reply but I wanted to reserve my response to this as a new Pinehead headcanon post considering that, ironically, you and I share the same thoughts and theories about Oscar reaching out.
The idea I had is that Oscar would be able to connect to Ruby in the Other World in his dreams. Once again, I return to my old Oscar’s Dreamscape Pinehead headcanon from donkey years ago. Essentially, through his unyielding love for his rose and his deep desires to reunite with her again in some shape or form, Oscar unintentionally creates the Dreamscape.
And what the Dreamscape is is that it is this magical place that transcends reality and only exists through the shared bond between Oscar and Ruby. Picture a shallow stagnant sea that mirrors an endless sunset sky. A perfect blend of the warm embrace of the sun and the tranquil beauty of the moon that paves the path towards a small garden that sits in the middle of this mysterious magical place.
And it is in this garden where Oscar meets Ruby in his dreams and vice versa.
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Remember how it was said that the Little Prince fairy-tale ended ambiguously with the reader never knowing the truth of the prince’s fate after he was poisoned by the snake and “went to sleep”.
Some iteration believed the prince to have died and gone back to his home planet in spirit to be with his rose while another interpretation described the Prince returning home only to discover that his rose had died in his absence without him present to take care of her.
Either way, the allusion is that the prince does indeed reunite with his rose but in a manner that is still tragic when you look at it. Going off of that, this is why I love the concept of Oscar connecting to Ruby in sleep with the two meeting and communicating with each other in their dreams through unknown power originated from Oscar. Only it’s NOT exactly a semblance. Nor is it exactly magic either.
One of my favourite quotes from the Lost Fable episode back in V6 is when Jinn described a power much greater than magic that caused Salem and Ozma to recognize one another in their new lives.
“…Call it magic or call it something stronger, but in that moment, the two knew exactly who stood before them…”
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In the Lost Fable, Jinn made it seem as if loveis an element more powerful than even the likes of magic; as cheesy as that might sound. So if love is able to transcend life and death to cause two kindred souls to recognize each other in another life in another time time, what’s stopping it from transcending worlds to bring together another pair of kindred souls?
So as corny as this is going to sound, the hopeless romantic in me cannot help but swoon over the thought of love being what creates the Dreamscape and/or brings Ruby and Oscar together in such a place that only they can traverse.
It is a power that was born from Ruby and Oscar’s shared love for one another and desire to reunite with each other and thus it’s a power that only they share together. The Rosegarden in the Dreamscape is theirs.
In the beginning, on the first night the two reunite in their dreams, the Dreamscape was believed to be solely of Oscar’s doing but in reality, it was a special new world that belonged to both the little prince and his true rose alone.
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Okay, hear me out with this one. The reason why I’m thinking the Dreamscape was believed to be Oscar’s power alone in the beginning was because when it all started, the Dreamscape mainly reacted to Oscar. On his end, let’s say…Oscar wished so desperately to see Ruby again that unbeknownst to him; the Dreamscape was forged just so Oscar could accomplish his heart’s wish---to see his rose.
Thus, Oscar is able to see Ruby in their dreams and she in turn is able to see and talk to him between worlds but only in sleep. However, that is extent of the Dreamscape through Oscar’s influence. The two can communicate but they can’t physically touch or feel one another.
Because I have this idea of Ruby and Oscar growing closer to each other than they’ve ever been before since they’re able to meet in Dreamscape. However it’s also this painful thing where despite being together in their dreams, they’re still not together when they are constantly reminded that they can’t touch each other.
Like imagine a moment where the two rosebuds are bonding in the Dreamscape, trying to come up with way to reunite together, swapping backstories and secrets about themselves with each other that they’ve never told anyone else only for one of them---mainly Oscar--- to get lost in the euphoria of the moment and attempt to reach out and touch the other person only to be painfully reminded, that they’re not truly there. They’re still separated despite how close the Dreamscape has brought them.
The only time when the Dreamscape is actually able is to make Ruby and Oscar interact physically is when that becomes Ruby’s wish.
Okay, hear me out again.
I have this scenario in my head where Oscar suffers a mental breakdown as a result of being poisoned during an encounter with Tyrian Callows. Remember how Tyrian’s venom caused Qrow to suffer and hallucinate back in V4?
Well picture something similar with Oscar where he falls into a sort of light coma as a result of being poisoned. Let’s say…as a result of the venom, Oscar is transported to the Dreamscape where ALL of his inner demons---the true feeling and fears he’s been suppressing for a long time---suddenly manifest inside this world to torment him and berate him.
And let’s say…on the other end, in the Other World, Ruby becomes worried for Oscar’s well-being when he doesn’t make contact with her in the Dreamscape for some time. And let’s say…due to her connection with Oscar, which became stronger as a result of them bonding in the dream world, Ruby is able to sense when something is wrong with Oscar due to her having a weird feeling in her chest. Almost as if her heart was beckoning her somewhere else. To take her to the person she wanted to see who needed her help. Or something like that.
In a nutshell, Ruby is able to enter the Dreamscape on her own through her connection with Oscar. At first, Ruby mostly relied on Oscar to bring her to the Dreamscape but when Oscar was in trouble, Ruby used their link to take her there as an alternative means.
To make a long theory short, Ruby arrives in the Dreamscape to find the once magical dream world in dark chaos ---basically imagine being on the outside of a tornado.
The Dreamscape had turned into a rampant storm to reflect Oscar’s darkest inner emotions which were spiralling out of control before Ruby’s very eyes.
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Remember how in Steven Universe, in the episode that debuted the “Here Comes A Thought” song, remember how Steven’s true feelings about Jasper, Bismuth and his mother started to manifest before him and Connie while they were fused as Stevonnie during training?
Picture a moment like that with Oscar in the Dreamscape where Oscar’s fears take form---at first taking on the appearance of Oscar’s old self dressed in his old farm boy attire belittling Oscar for leaving home to be among people who he didn’t fully believe trusted or even actually cared him---unearthing Oscar’s thoughts and repressed emotions from the events of V6.
Then the Dreamscape manifests Ironwood to belittle Oscar for his repressed emotions from the events of V7. Then it transforms into Salem to taunt and humiliate Oscar over his repressed trauma as a result of being her prisoner during the events of V8 and being tortured.
You get what I’m saying, right? Whatever Oscar has been repressing for so long, the Dreamscape manifests it as a being of spite to through it all back in Oscar’s face when he was most vulnerable. Finally, as Ruby enters the fray, the Dreamscape takes on a new form.
Here’s another concept to toss onto the Fake Rose table. Imagine if…the Fake Rose isn’t another silver eyed warrior or rose-themed person who takes an interest in Oscar.
What if…the Fake Rose is actually a replica of Ruby manifested by the Dreamscape to reveal Oscar’s true feelings and fears in respect to Ruby?
Assuming that you’re an ole-school Potterhead like yours truly Miki-chan, remember the last book/movie?
Remember that one scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows involving the locket? Remember how the locket made an apparition of Harry and Hermione appear before Ron to voice his jealousy and inferiority when compared to Harry especially in the eyes of Hermione who he believed loved Harry over him.
Picture something like that with a Fake Ruby Rose---Mocking Oscar over his “childish” love for his rose, as if he actually stood a chance of being with her given the Merge and any other insecurities that Oscar secretly harboured that he’d supressed for so long.
Picture that. Imagine…something like that happening so that it could ultimately lead into Ruby denouncing ever fear of Oscar’s voiced by her fake copy as this rose---the one true rose did her best to comfort her prince.
It’s a moment where Ruby words unfortunately don’t reach Oscar. Thus, Ruby tries to one way she’s always reached out to him. Through a gentle comforting touch. In that moment, Ruby wishes for Oscar to feelher there beside him.
To feel her arms wrapped around him and the warmth of the hug she dared to give him since she wanted more than anything to be able to comfort him through the storm. And for a second time, through the power of love (mixed in with just a smidge of their share magic inherited from the God of Light possibly), the Dreamscape grants Ruby’s wish and Oscar is able to feel her for the first time since they met in the dream world. To feel her arms around him as she embraced him tightly with all the love and care for him she could channel in that moment.
And just like that, all becomes calm as the storm disappeared; softening to a gentle breeze against a beautifully sunlit sky; revealing two hearts embraced; once seperated but now together at long last in the world of their own created from their shared love.
Basically picture the Dreamscape as this magical world brought to life by the love and heart’s desires of two star-crossed lovers separated by fate and lost to two realities. Thus the Dreamscape mirrors the feelings and grants the desires of these two lovers since they are the rulersof said world as its creators. Thus it is a world that is only attainable by them. A world of their own. A world of dreams to grant the wishes of two lost souls in love.
I’d love to go more in depth into this revised Dreamscapeidea of mine for the Rosegarden pair. However for the time being, this is concept that I have in mind and is all that I have to share for now. What do you think?
~ LittleMissSquiggles (2021)
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
Hello. Thank you for all your all post and analysis. I LOVE LOVE your mind. I'm new to BTS and all the skinship was confusing to me. I blame heavily edited YT videos and my own definition of what a committed relationship should look like. I have 2 small questions. 1) How can anyone resist Park Jimin? Once you Jimin you can't Jimout is real... 2) Do you see any of the other members being a temptation to JK or JM this far along in their relationship?
Woke is what you are. And you are right about most shippers making a big deal out of skinship. It can be confusing especially if you have no idea the difference between conventional shipping and alternative shipping.
Honestly, it's cute and I don't see anything wrong with that as long as that is not the basis for determining if two people are in fact LGBTQ plus and in a relationship with eachother.
Any member being a temptation? As in Jikook being attracted to any other member besides eachother?
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Sorry. That was a good one. Lol.
No but seriously, all the boys are handsome and attractive and have qualities that are equally legitimate and attractive. So I guess in that regard, any of them can be a temptation to Jikook?
I mean they are human...
But for anyone within the group to be deemed a threat or temptation to either of Jikook they must possess not just looks but qualities that are absent in either of Jikook that results in an emotional need that Jikook may want to look else where for the fulfillment of such said need because the other couldn't meet them.
They must be fulfilling a need that either of Jikook cannot and have not been fulfilling in each other.
I haven't seen Jimin or JK express the least sexual interest or romantic interest in any of member besides each other in that regard.
I've not seen them demand emotional fulfillment from the other members the way they demand emotional and physical fulfillment from each other either.
Whatever needs they have, they fulfill it for eachother and where the other person falls short I see them negotiating and bargaining until those needs are met.
What I mean is, Jimin wants JK to be the one to meet all his emotional, sexual needs and he often negotiates with JK till JK fulfills them. Jk does this too. Isn't that what I said had been going on between them? Jikook asserting themselves against each other?
Jk not wanting to hide their relationship, Jimin wanting the Kumbaya of the group, yadda yadda yadda?
They don't allow the others to fulfill their needs nor do they use others to fulfill their needs. Nor do I think the others can fulfill their needs. Especially when the others for the sake of the longevity of their careers would rather they hide their relationship when hiding is the last thing JK wants?
No one in the group is a temptation for JK. No one. LMHO.
They are eachother's romantic and sexual awakening as I've said several times and that I feel is sacred to them too- especially JK who is a hopeless romantic.
Jimin has said he wants the person he falls in love with to be the only one for the rest of his life- I think that's the bell that sold JK. Lol
Jimin has said his ideal partner is a cross between JK and RM- RM because of his intelligence and ability to have deeper conversations about a broader range of topics I believe.
But funny enough, RM is the one member JM has expressed the least romantic interest in. I mean did you see his face when RM bit off food and placed it back in its box? This is the same dude that ate a cake JK blew his nose on- nasty ass but only for JK. Bless him.
Then I've seen JK drool over Tae's body? I'm not talking about the new Jersey VLive where he was touching Tae's chest and biceps. No, no, no, no- this is worse.
Remember that wet photoshoot they did? Dude leggit yeeted JM out of the way so he could have a better view of Tae's wet back emerging from the pool with his wet shirt clinging to his chiseled back- if I remember correctly. It's in Taekook sexual tension edits find it.
Plus he also seem to have a fetish for RM's thighs? Chileeee. These boys are weird as fuck. Lmho.
While others may see all these and yell gay, cheater and other slurs born out of nothing but insecurity, I've been around boys enough to know it's typical of men.
We are being exposed to the intimate inner workings of male masculinity and masculine behaviors and interactions in a way most people just aren't privy to in their day to day encounters and that can be a bit confusing for most people.
Truth is men do admire each other's bodies a lot especially aspects of the male body they want to have in order to appear equally masculine and attractive.
Masculinity is the sum of traits that make men feel like a man- having a dick is not enough apparently. No shade to dicks. But men want to look a certain way, speak a certain way and appear a certain way.
JK is a man too, wants to be seen as a manly man as RM has said. So of course he is going to admire other features in other men.
But how are we going to joke about JK packing and bench pressing after Jimin admired another idol with hyperbolic masculine traits and then fail to see how Jin's broad shoulders, RM's thighs or Tae's biceps would be features JK would equally want to have too because those features are deemed attractive in typical masculine men? Something he wants to be seen as?
As a queer person I find men and this whole masculinity business exhausting. But as a girl, I admit we do it too. Big boobs, snatched waist, phat ass while being skinny- can't relate but I want it if it will get people off my back. Naa, just kidding. Y'all fat phobic bunch can kiss my ass.
Seriously though, imagine being told you are a lesbian and attracted to a girl simply because you find another's girl's nails as fab. To men that's what it is.
Women express their femininity through their looks, the hair, makeup, nails, bags, heels etc. Men do the same with their six packs, chiseled jaw, broad shoulders, Gucci belts and others too.
I think it's bizzare to associate a person's expressions of femininity or masculinity with their sexuality. It's really weird.
My point is, as strange as these things JK does may seem, they are also very typical behaviors of the Male species.
And so to me when JK is doing all that I'm not going damn he wants to jump Jin's bones, I'm thinking wow so that's a quality he wants to have too- good for Jin.
That's not to say when JK is clutching his groin region while watching JM dance that he wants to have lean muscles like Jimin too. Lol
Jikook admire eachother. But I find they admire eachother's work ethics, talents and skills rather than their expressions of masculinity. Jimin's masculinity is not exactly something JK admires or want to be nor does JM want to be JK or appear as masculine as JK.
Often if you find them checking eachother out it's because they want to jump eachother's bones. In my opinion. Bless them.
In the their earlier dynamics, before 2016, I find that was the phase they were exploring and experimenting with their sexuality in my opinion and so the lines looked a little blurry- for both of them: Jimin with his dark eyeliner, hypersexualized persona and come hither look. JK with his hyperactive alertness to judgement magnifying his inner inhibitions thus making him appear most times passive to others' sexualization of him *cough cough- if you know you know* which I feel he sometimes lowkey enjoyed and at times partook in or initiated- definition of Stock Holmes. Lmho.
Pre 2016 was wild. BTS back in the day were wild and dangerous- sneaky hormonal teenagers. Bless them. But they have since outgrown that phase and any substantive relationship post their teenage era has been formed and solidified.
Thus any sexual entanglement can and will have serious consequences on the groups dynamics so I honestly don't think they even let their minds wander there to be honest.
That being said, again they are human. But I really don't think or see them as attracted to anyone within the group besides eachother- not emotionally, not physically.
Jimin I believe is JK's ideal man and partner and I don't see anyone similar to him in any way that can be tempting for JK. There's only one Park Jimin.
Jk is equally Jimin's ideal type. I just think he thinks there's more room for improvement there and JK seems bent on doing whatever it takes to be that person for Jimin.
As for Park Jimin, we don sold our souls to an androgynous she devil. Not that I'm in a hurry to free myself. *Wink, wink.
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se-ono-waise-ilia · 3 years
I hate it when you leave me unattended (version 2)
I hate it when you leave me unattended - version 2 (less mature content to meet Yamanaka week guidelines)
Summary: Ino contemplates her unsatisfying intimate life at a bar packed full of couples experiencing the opposite perspective, much to her frustration. Yamanaka week 2021 submission!
Pairings: Ino x Sai, Temari x Shikamaru, Sasuke x Naruto, Sakura x Kakashi, Tenten x Yamato, Hinata x surprise! (hint, features some cloud nin)
Heads up: This is a story of our beloved shinobi enjoying adulthood, and ignores the existence of the Boruto universe.  
Warning: Rated M for implied suggestive/ smutty themes, alcohol, and a few curse words (but toned down from original version, still rated it M to be safe)
Title from the song "Pretty Please"
Read original NSFW version here on ff.net
Ino couldn't stop listening. Did the content of Temari and Shikamaru's sex life intrigue her? Repulsively so. But did it also make her want to weep in champagne problems despair? Absolutely.
The former Suna nin took another long dredge of her tall glass of sake that wasn't meant to be served in a portion that big (Ino concluded that Temari had simply filled a water glass with sake - which was a fantastic idea), and continued to boast to Ino about the delights of her devastatingly erotic sex life. The telepathic kunoichi was simultaneously transfixed and infuriated.
Recently, the sexual aspect of Ino and Sai's marriage had been... unsatisfying. She was 27 and had been married one year. It was a great marriage. No, it was a wonderful marriage, dammit! The two leaf nin were supportive and loving partners to one another. They were best friends, made each other laugh, had incredible teamwork as roommates and shopkeepers and ninjas. Most importantly: they were in love.
But ... Ino slouched further into the booth of the cozy and dimly lit basement bar... their sexual chemistry as of late had been ... on different pages, to say the least.
As Temari continued to shamelessly drone on about Shikamaru’s bedroom performance (Ino simmered in her jealously.  How did Temari get so lucky?!), Ino tried to distract herself from envious feelings as she gazed around the bar of familiar friends.
It had been ten years since the ninja war ended, and the whole world was celebrating with numerous festivities for the month. Yes, a whole month. It was incredible to celebrate at this capacity.
On this particular night of celebration, many Konoha jonins, the Hokage and foreign friends had all ended up in the basement of a sake brewery in the trendy night life part of Konoha. Leaf nin had spent the day hosting part one of a showy games tournament featuring prominent war shinobi, and now they were here.
Much to the dismay of the internal turmoil Ino was experiencing, almost everyone in the goddamn bar was oozing sexual chemistry with their partner.
The most blatant example was the infamous war heroes and star crossed lovers, who were playing what should have been a very simple game of trivia with the Hokage and forehead. Evidently, the teams were Kakashi & Naruto vs Sakura & Sasuke. When Sakura asked Sasuke a question, Naruto attempted to sabotage his dark haired lover with publicly inappropriate neck kisses and ear bites. Sasuke appeared to know the answer to the question, but couldn't seem to voice it through clenched teeth.
Ino stared slack jawed at the unfolding steamy scene. Temari had seemed to stop her rambling to also watch, "How's Hokage-sama going to sabotage Sakura with his mask on?" she bit her glass afterwards because that's a thing drunk people do.
The answer presented itself when Sasuke shoved Naruto off of him, spoke (more like yelled) the correct answer, and asked Sakura some sort of question regarding the history of the senbon. All too casually, their esteemed Hokage wrapped Sakura's pink tresses around his fingers and gave a slight tug. Sakura seemed to melt in response, yet was able to answer correctly whilst melting (to the irritation of Sasuke and delight of Kakashi).
Ino looked to her own long blonde tresses, a generous length that could be easily pulled with sensual intent. She wanted Sai to pull her hair. She would have to tell him to do so.
And that was the root of their recent sexual incompatibility: Sai needed to be told what to do.
At the beginning of their relationship about three years ago, Ino didn't mind this quirk one bit. She relished in being assertive and directive in the bedroom. It made her feel in control and empowered. Sai gladly bent to her every whim and want. She knew exactly how she wanted to be satisfied, and how she wanted to satisfy her man, and it was amazing. All she had to do was tell him what she wanted.
But recently, Ino wasn't as satisfied. She wasn't interested in directing every aspect of their sex lives. She wanted Sai to take initiative. To know her wants without her telling him. To openly lust after her. To kiss her neck and bite her ears with cruel and pleasurable intentions. To tug her hair with the confidence and sensuality.
Alas, he didn't operate like that, and their sex life had suffered for it. It was ironic that Ino wanted him to read her mind, knowing he couldn't (he could barely read body language cues when naked for kami's sake). These past few weeks, that should have been full of post-party drunken banging, Ino had stopped initiating sex altogether.
Evidently Sai interpreted his wife's lack of initiative as Ino not wanting sex.
Which she desperately did!
Watching her best friend melt at the touch of her older lover's clever and commanding fingers in only her hair was the essence of Ino's recent fantasies.
Huffing in frustration, the telepathic nin chose to get herself a drink and find her man and wack him in his stupid expressionless face with her ponytail.
At the bar, Tenten was waiting for her drink with Darui from Kumogakure. Ino perked up at the idea of spending time with the head strong weapons master who was in a new relationship with Yamato. Knowing Tenten's strong will and the captain's bashful sweetness, Ino figured Tenten's presence would be cathartic. Surely they also had a similar dynamic in the bedroom?
As she got closer, she realized Darui must be unaware of Tenten's relationship update. While engaged in an animated discussion regarding the senbon trivia question, he was leaning towards her with an obvious vibe that he was interested in more than just senbons, yet respectably keeping his hands to himself.
Ino ordered her drink close to Tenten and was about to do the classic your-boyfriend-is-looking-for-you tactic, but Tenten's actual boyfriend did it for her. With much less tact.
Yamato had his scary shadowed face on as he appeared quite close to his new girlfriend, "Darui-san."
The cloud nin immediately noticed the proximity as he realized their status and leaned away, "I apologize Tenten-san if I made your uncomfortable. Good to see you Yamato-san, can I buy you both a drink?" Casual and cool as always, even when in an awkward faux pas. He didn't seem affected by the implication of Yamato's interruption.
The shadows left Yamato's face as he nodded in polite thanks and wrapped an arm around Tenten's waist. She didn't seem to mind the masculine possessiveness, as she kissed her new boyfriend on the cheek. Yamato reacted by taking her bar stool and placing her on his lap while gushing with the prior-war general about how they were a new couple. Darui lifted his cup to them.
Sai never placed Ino on his lap, she always sat there on her own accord. Ino sighed as she took a long sip of her fresh drink. She now bet that Yamato didn't need to be told what to do in bed. 
Ino shook her head and took her drink and continued to look for her not-possessive husband who was quite unlikely to brush off flirtatious encounters with territorial drive.
She passed by the trivia game again, which now included Shikamaru and Temari. It was the disgruntled nin's turn to answer Kakashi's question regarding the most ideal way to negotiate a deal with Iwakagure to encourage artisans to move to Konoha. It was obvious to everyone except a very drunk Temari, who was leaning over her husband's shoulders and licking his cheek, that Kakashi was milking the strategist's presence for work purposes.
"Troublesome trivia question Kakashi," the shadow nin eyed the Hokage knowingly, yet he quickly generated a response...while sensually stroking his wife's calf.  Ino couldn't help but storm off to the opposite side of the bar.
She finally found Sai ... with Hinata and Omoi? Ino felt a sense of dread as she approached the trio and comprehended the word's coming from her out-of-touch husband's mouth, "Omoi-san, notice how Hinata-san flushed when you told rambled about how fireworks could somehow lead to a misunderstanding that could cause the break of the alliance between the cloud and the leaf? You two are cute together," he made that neutral smile towards the two anxious nin, who clearly only amplified each other's insecure quirks.
Ino rushed over to shove her clueless husband and save this catastrophic set-up, "Omoi-san, I believe Darui-taichou wanted to meet Hinata-chan? Seeing as he's being groomed to be the next Raikage, it's important to have a continued positive relationship with the Hyuga clan."
Hinata looked to the bar, blushed (the way she used to at Naruto, indicating she found the cloud nin attractive), and pulled at her long hair nervously, "I-I-I don't think now's the time for me to meet Darui-sama. We should h-h-have a more formal meet-"
Omoi seemed contemplative at the idea, "If Hinata-san and Darui-taichou meet at a bar, what if he buys her a drink? Then, what if they flirt and have good chemistry? Then Hinata-san will bring Darui to the Hyuga clan, who will undoubtedly speculate his intentions for her. But Darui-tachou is an honorable man, and will prove his love for the Hyuga princess with..."
Ino was surprised to find herself enfolded with Omoi's romantic tangent. Darui's calm nature would be good for Hinata, his status of decorated war general and upcoming Raikage was worthy of the heiress's stature, and (if they made it work) the match could be a beautiful symbol of forgiveness and peace between the two village's violent history. Although Ino's spontaneous idea of an introduction was quick thinking of how to salvage the awkward chemistry between anxious nin, this was a fantastic opportunity.
While Omoi continued to ramble about how Hinata would adjust to life as the Raikage's wife, with his ever present lollipop somehow staying in his mouth, Hinata's breathing intensified and she started to fan herself. Ino took her now sweaty hair out of the nervous nin's fidgety hands to style it in a thick side braid, modeled how to breathe slowly, all the while nodding in approval of Omoi's outrageous fantasy that was very romantic and actually a really good idea.
Ino curtly told Omoi to shut it, folded his arm to formally hold Hinata's in the crook of his elbow for a proper escort, and shoved them in the direction of the bar. Ino also told Hinata she could only fidget with the bottom portion of the braid.
Sai was about to say something, when Ino covered his mouth with her hand in shushing manner. Although she had been looking for her oblivious idiot of a husband all night, she was now invested this potential pairing, and for the first time tonight her sexual frustration wasn't at the forefront of her mind. She grabbed Sai's hand to pull him closer to the trivia game so she could watch from a better view.
Darui was quick to notice Hinata's approach, as he quickly stood with uncharacteristic alertness. He bowed quite formally, Hinata bowed back and also greeted Tenten and Yamato (who took a hint, excused themselves, and took Omoi with them). Damui offered the shy beauty his bar stool, asked her a question to which she bashfully answered without making eye contact, and he ordered her a drink. Ino couldn't hear them, but she was quick to deduce that the war general was quite taken with the angelic Hyuga princess. A few Hyuga also present at the bar noticed the exchange with the prominent cloud nin, and were quick to put themselves on duty standing by Hinata's side in a chaperone/ bodyguard manner. Damui was unfazed as he greeted them respectfully and ordered them drinks as well. Hinata seemed to appreciate this courtesy as she gazed at the captain with admiration while fiddling with the bottom of her braid.
Ino was so involved in the romantic spark struck at the bar she almost didn't notice Sai's hand was gently caressing the back of her arm with his knuckles. It took several moments for Ino to register the touch and look up into her husband's eyes in confusion. He had never pulled that move on her before, let alone any moves of this nature.
His almost expressionless face conveyed something sincere that Ino couldn't put her finger on. Yet she relished in this gentle moment of intimacy, leaning into him and nuzzling his tall and lean form as he put his arm around her and rested his chin on her head. The future romance of Hinata and Damui didn't seem too important anymore. Sai was holding her, and nothing else mattered.
It was then she noticed that right in front of them, Kakashi was brushing the back of Sakura's arm with his knuckle, and Sakura was looking into the Hokage's eyes as if all her dreams had come true. Kakashi then leaned in to whisper something into her best friend's ear.
Sai lifted Ino's chin so he could do the same, "I miss touching you, Ino," he whispered into her ear. She looked up to meet his hooded eyes and observe his gorgeous oval face.
Heat pooled at Ino's core as her husband made her feel aroused for the first time in far too long. How tempted she wanted to say something sly like "Kiss me like you miss me," and jump into his waiting arms. She almost did, so they could once again be that shameless couple who blatantly made out in public. Such fond memories.
It was so tempting, but it struck Ino that in all their relationship, Sai had been learning how to be intimate solely from her cues. She looked to the various styles of physical flirtation happening at this steamy trivia table. Perhaps Sai should start learning from others...
She eagerly leaned up to whisper into her artist's ear, "Then touch me like they touch their lovers," she then blew into his ear to get him in the mood, and dragged him to the trivia table.
It was Naruto's turn to answer a question about the political process of appointing a feudal lord. Instead of answering, he was glaring at Sasuke who was sitting smug with his one arm resting on the back of his chair, "Teme, you're supposed to...you know...sabotage!"
"The game implies you only sabotage if you know the answer, which you don't, userantonkachi," the arrogant nin responded with a knowing smirk. Naruto banged his head onto the table in disappointment.
Temari cackled at the fox-carrier's misfortune, and then prompted the new players, "Sai-kun! Your question is..." Ino excitedly prepared to sabotage her man as she sat closer to him on the bench. Should she use her fingers, lips, breath, hair...so many choices! It had been weeks since she felt hopeful at the thought of touching her lover, "Name the second Mizukage's summoning."
Ino started dancing her fingers on Sai's thigh when he answered all too quickly, "Giant clam."
The would-be temptress wanted to smack him. Sai didn't get the point of how to really have fun with this game! She was about to remove her hand, when he grabbed it. She glared at him, willing him to know what was wrong without her having to spell it out for him, but then she noticed his vacant expression. That meant he was trying to understand.
"So when it's Ino's turn, I'm expected to sabotage her if she knows the answer?" He looked to his friends, "How?"
"Like this, Sai," Naruto was all too enthusiastic to explain as he attempted to again assault Sasuke's ear, but the raven-haired nin quickly shoved his hand into Naruto's cheek to block him.
Sai continued to stare with his vacant expression, "Molest your partner against their will?"
The table reacted with vigorous "no no no" and head shakes.
Temari whispered something into Shikamaru's ears. He sighed, "Such a drag. Sai, pick a card and ask Temari a question. Notice what I do."
Sai obeyed and picked a card, "Temari-san, which hand symbol is most commonly used by sensory type nin." Ino had to bite her lip from blurting out the answer. Sai gave her a knowing look, and she couldn't help but peck her cute husband on the cheek.
The wind user's eyes brightened, "Oh, I think I remember this one," but those same eyes quickly grew hooded as the shadow user pulled down the shoulder of her dress and placed featherlight kisses upon the newly bared skin. Sai nodded his head in understanding.
"Time's up," Kakashi chuckled after about 10 seconds. Temari didn't seem to care as she leaned into her husband with a drunken smile.
Shikamaru smirked at his beloved then looked back to Sai, "By sabotage, it means distract your partner with attention of a sensual nature to prevent them from answering."
Sai nodded, "So who's winning?"
He received a variety of shrugs. Sakura giggled, "Naruto and Kakashi have a consistent losing streak."
Naruto growled as Sai looked quizzically at the Hokage. Said leader of the village shrugged with a closed eye smile, "Sakura's public displays of affection interest me more than answering a trivial question correctly."
Sakura stopped giggling, "I knew I shouldn't have bothered when you claimed to not know any demonic illusion genjutsu hand symbols!"
"The things your hand symbolized on my leg were a much more tantalizing way to capture my imagination and enjoy the game," his eyes fixed on Sakura's.
She stared right back at him and bit her lip, "Well I expect you to be creative with your hand symbols tonight."
"When am I ever not?" said the nin with confidence as he pulled the medic nin onto his lap and nuzzled her neck. Sakura blushed while laughing at the tickling sensations. From what Sakura shared with Ino during girl's night, all of those years of Kakashi reading porn resulted in quite an adventurous sex life. Ino had never been more jealous of forehead in her life.
Ino looked to Sai with hopeful eyes. Perhaps she and him should start reading erotic literature? He nodded in partial understanding, with that expression he always makes when he's learning something new, and pulled Ino onto his lap. The blonde excitedly moved her long hair to her opposite shoulder and prepared herself for the delights of nuzzling, but instead she felt Sai simply press his face into the crook of her neck.
It wasn't a playful act, Ino noticed as his arms tightened around her. It was an act of ... longing. She was beginning to realize that Sai missed being intimate with her as much as she did with him. She crossed her arms to also wrap them around his, tightening the embrace as she leaned into him.
"Sasuke, are you OK?" Naruto asked his boyfriend, who looked repulsed by the scene in front of him.
The raven haired man pointedly looked away from his ex-teacher and teammate to pick a card from the pile, "Ino, this question is for you," she and Sai perked their heads up. She wanted to get excited to see what Sai would do, but she also didn't want to get her hopes up. Should she just put Sai's hands where she wanted them to control her pleasure, as she used to? But she really wanted him to take initiative...
Ino let out a breath. She already told Sai she wanted him to observe and replicate, and the rest was up to him. He was in learning mode, he could figure this out. She believed in her husband.
"What is the clan symbol for the Tsuchigumo clan?"
Ino had no idea.
Sai lifted her wrist and started to draw a design above her pulse. It felt lovely, but it wasn't affection at the same level as the other couples. Then she realized he was making the symbol.
Her beloved had yet to grasp the fun of the game, as he was actually helping her win as he drew a spider on her pulse. She sighed in acceptance. Was her husband as sex-driven as the other males at the table? No. But does he support and care for Ino? Always. When Ino reflected on it, that mattered more in their marriage.
As she was about to announce the answer, she was interrupted by an accusatory forehead, "That's cheating!"
While at the same time, Kakashi suggested, "Sai, use your tongue."
The moment Sai heeded the Hokage's recommendation to draw a spider on her pulse with his tongue, Ino lost the ability to speak as she tried to hold back her whimpering. She never realized how sensitive a wrist could be before.
"Time's up," Shikamaru announced with a smirk.
Ino paid them little attention as they moved onto the next question, for Sai touched his mouth to her ear,  "Can we please make love tonight?" he whispered. If she wasn't mistaken, there was a rare hint of yearning in it. Ino hadn't been this turned on in months.
She stood to reverse her position and straddle him, "That depends, my love. What have you learned tonight?"
Sai was taken aback, but he concentrated, "Use knuckles to caress skin, kiss your shoulders, put you on my lap, place my face into the crook of your neck," which he did, "and lick you in unexpected places," which he also did, and experienced her collarbone being licked for the first time in her life.
Ino felt her body shiver with anticipation.
"And pull her hair!" Temari joyfully recommended, almost falling out of her husband's lap.
"Grazing skin with your teeth will get a reaction too," Naruto proudly chimed in, much to the embarrassment of Sasuke.
"Pick her up and be creative with your environment," Kakashi winked.
"Don't just wait for her to tell you what to do. Take initiative," Sakura directed, the best friend in the world that she is.
Sai dutifully nodded to all these recommendations. As fun as it would be to stay, it had been too long and they were both about to burst with desire, "Take me home, Sai."
Following Kakashi's suggestion, Sai stood straight up, lifting Ino with him. As she tightened her legs around him so he could make the proper symbols for his transportation jutsu, she looked to Sakura and Temari and mouthed 'thank you' to them both.
"Have fuuuuuun," Sakura winked as the Hokage gave them a thumbs up.
"Show her a good time Sai!" Temari squealed as Shikamaru asked Naruto to get them water.
And then they were home. And then they were kissing. And then ... oh ... Sai was a dutiful student.
A/N: I told ya it was still M rated.  I cut a few hundred words I guess.  If you want the slightly longer & steamier version, click here to view story on fanfiction.net.
I actually played this steamy sabotage style of trivia at a house party when my partner and I were a new couple. It was super fun. But the game only works if every couple wants to play it that way. We realized that when some of our friends in less affectionate relationships were super uncomfortable lol...
Anyone else into the idea of Hinata x Damui?
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