#this post was brought to you by a desperately needy virgin
sleepylostboy · 6 months
I think if a girl let me put my dick inside her I would simply combust 🥵
and by that I mean cum instantly 🙈
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netherfeildren · 4 months
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Honey, Stomach, Mine ; 3. I Was a Child Once, I'm Not Any Longer
Series Masterlist ; Part 1. ; Part 2.
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit 18+
Content Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics; Dystopian Society; Outbreak not Cordyceps AU; Slow Burn; Soft!Dom Joel; Sexual Inexperience; Small booby worship; FLUIDS — like lot’s of fluids forreal omg; Tummy Bulge; Heat Sex; Knotting; Biting; Mating; Blood Mention; Loss of Virginity; Squirting; Pussy Slapping; Breeding Kink; Size Difference; Size Kink; Power Dynamics; Creampie; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Older and Experienced Alpha; Young and Needy Omega; Possessive Behavior; Age Gap
A/N: It's raining here right now and feels really like a perfect morning to post this, I hope you like it.
Word Count: 12.4K
Read on AO3
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3. I Was a Child Once, I'm Not Any Longer
When you make your way into the kitchen a while later – he’d left you with clear instructions of bathroom and teeth, thinking to give you some privacy to adjust to yourself once again after what you’d done together this morning – you’re nothing more than a little omegan mess. Hair a birds nest, his too big t-shirt sliding over one naked shoulder, and worst of all, almost bringing him to his goddamn knees, in the bright morning light shining in through the big bay windows, he can see the glossy mess of your slick smeared all down and along your pretty thighs, almost reaching your knees. 
Jesus fuck, but he’s in trouble. His teeth hurt, his gut aches, his cock – a mind of its own. It’s all starting, and he’s afraid and unprepared and too desperate to put into words. He wants it all now, he realizes, despite his fear, he can’t help himself but want it all. 
You step into the room primly, nose turning up in the air to sniff curiously at the smell of what he’s making you for breakfast, and when your eyes swing around the room to him, shy. Shy as if you’re remembering your modesty only after you’d let him finger your cunt and slicked his cock. The look makes him want to be gentle, a thing he often is not. And when his eyes move further down, something goes soft and shy within him as well: two of his too big socks, mismatched and sagging around your ankles. 
There’s something about you that’s impeccably vulnerable and honest, something he needs to guard fiercely. 
He blinks away, looking back at the cooking sausages he’s got sizzling in the pan. No one had ever cared for you before, not in any real and true way, and he’d received you here with nothing but promises of more uncaring gestures, threats to send you packing. The wrong foot indeed. He’s such an asshole. And he’d not seen to his responsibility properly last night, hadn’t made sure you’d had a rich and filling dinner, left you in bed alone and cold and without him, entirely unequipped for this little life that had suddenly been placed in his hands. But you’d also scared him last night, out on the cliff, more scared than he’d been at the simple notion of you, that of losing you, like with the letter, the bidding pool and the threat of you being given away, there was something wrongly terrifying about it all, the sudden possibility of you not being with him. Scared into want, into wakefulness, perhaps. 
Out of the corner of his eye he watches you tip toe into the living room, making your slow exploration around, to the big window where you pause to watch the outside world for a long moment, palm splayed against the glass as if you could reach out and touch it all, pluck the world into the cup of your hand. Then to the fireplace, bending in half to peer into the hearth and watch the flames pop, the sofa next, where he’d brought out another stack of blankets. You’d start nesting soon, and he needs to make sure you have the things you’ll want. 
He watches as you bring the corner of one of the quilts to your nose, smelling the scent of him that lingers there, rubbing it against your face, and then moving to the stack of his sweaters he’d left beside, you bend to bury your face in the soft, worn wool. His heart thumps and thumps and thumps within him. You pull one blanket first, laying it before the warm hearth in the spot of rug he’d cleared for just this. And then another and another, some pillows on either side, sweaters tucked and stuffed between, starting to build your nest. He’s hard, knot tight and hot and ready, and he has to take a few steadying breaths, force himself to look away and pull the biscuits he’d made from the oven, flipping the gas on the stove off and pulling the eggs and sausages from the heat, grabbing the bowl of oatmeal he’d readied for you as he moves towards the bar. 
“I made you some oatmeal, c’mere,” he calls, voice graveled with strangling want, but he appreciates the look of bright curiosity you swing his way. He’s coming to realize he finds everything about you, everything you do, devastatingly arousing, even just a simple look, the shift of your jaw. He pulses beneath his jeans as you approach, remembering the leak of your cunt against the throb of his cock from earlier and wanting more of it already. 
He hoists you onto the bar stool when you reach him, he’d draped a folded throw over the hard curve so you’d have something soft to sit your sore little cunt on, and turning you to face him, he slots you between his spread thighs on his own stool, close as he can get you. You stretch towards the spread of food, and give a little sniff, scrunching your nose at him in distaste. 
“Don’t gimme that face. Look, whatever you want–” He shows you the eggs and sausages and the oatmeal. He’d wanted to give you options. “I put honey and milk and cinnamon in it. Berries–” He pulls the bowl of blackberries closer. “You’re gonna be a good girl and eat all of it, and I’m gonna sit here and watch you do just that. C’mon, sweet thing, do as I say.” You look at him suspiciously, but with those words, as if your obedience were a foregone conclusion when he asks the right way, you start to eat. Slow little kitten licks and sips from the spoon of honey milked oats, and he has to force himself to turn and not burn you with the intensity of his gaze, piling his own plate high with biscuits and gravy and eggs and sausages, gut roiling with hunger not for food, he forces himself to eat, one palm still gripped at the back of your stool right up against your ass. He needs to feel you, to keep you close, it’s all starting now. 
“Do you eat meat?” He asks, taking a bite of the savory and fatty sausage. You scrunch your nose again, nothing but wide eyes and a bout of sweet timidity now that your greedy cunt had gotten what it needed. “No? You wanna try?” You shake your head no, shrug that bare and tempting shoulder, end on a nod, leaning forward to take a small nibble of the meat from his own fork. Plush blossom mouth opening to slick itself against the metal where his own mouth had just been – his cock leaks. You chew slowly, thinking, come back for more. He pulls you even closer, tugging the stool loudly against the hardwood floor, feeding you from his own plate and hand, watching the shift of your jaw, the bright of your eyes as you enjoy all the food he’s made just for you, until his plate is clear, and he’s so fucking hard he feels faint – all the blood that’s supposed to be in his brain pooling at his groin.
He could feed you forever. He will. 
Picking at the blackberries now, carefully choosing the fattest and shiniest one first, he presents it to you, watching your eyes shift from the berry to his eyes back and forth until you finally decide to humor him, plucking at his wrist with two tiny fingers, only a quarter of him in your grasp to pull him towards you, and opening your mouth so that he can place it on the dip of your tongue. Your mouth purses around it, they're sweet and tangy this time of year, and your nose scrunches again at the sour zing, and you’re so– he can’t help himself. Joel feels like a fucking animal, wholly himself. He yanks you towards him, up into his lap, head wrenched back and fucking eats at you, licking into you, tasting the fruit on your tongue, swallowing it down his own throat along with your spit. It’s disgusting only because it’s not enough, only because he wants more. And you– you respond to him immediately, little warbling song of a different sort of hunger in your throat, hitching higher in his lap, pressing closer, tugging and clawing at him. 
He feels insane. He feels insane. 
It’s a difficult thing to want so much, to be so confronted by the depth of your desire, your nature, to hold it within the palm of your hand as he is now. 
You climb over him, moving to straddle his lap, to rub that needy cunt over his lap, ravenous huffs as you push and pull him this way and that, kissing his face, his ears, his neck, smelling his hair. He has to plant his bare feet wide, steadying himself to hold the two of you upright as you lose control a little bit. It’s almost time, it’s so near. 
He lets you do as you need, grinding against him, marking him with your scent; your inexperience obvious in your desperation. For the life of him, he can’t fathom what his excuse is. 
His hands slide over your knees, “Look’t what you’ve done,” he tuts, passing a ghosting thumb over the skinned little cap, adventure wound from last night, up your thighs, beneath the hem of the t-shrit, no fucking panties, fuck, his fingers slip against your slick covered thighs to grip the meat of your ass, slippery, pulling your ass cheeks apart to feel all that glorious wet sliding everywhere. He needs to calm down, but he pulls you tight against the pulse of his cock, grinds and grinds and pants up into your own open mouth. 
You’re staring down at him now, wide eyed, and your frantic movements slow, hands on either side of his face, fingers clutching at the curls that wrap around his ears. He slides one hand lower to cup your sex, the smooth and bare little palm-full of it, the other sliding up your back, over your shoulder and down your arm to grip and squeeze your wrist tight, your eyes flash, and then he moves to cup your little tit, pinching and twisting the soft puffiness of your nipple, smiling up at your little gasp, and tucks the tip of his index finger inside of you, just a crook of the first knuckle, just to feel you tremble around him. You gasp, oh, and he wants to tie you up in strings and play with you, make you whatever he wants at that moment. Yeah? Just like that? He whispers up at you, and he wants you to give him so many things and everything, and suddenly, the possibilities of him are endless, so much potential to be born from you. He wants to fuck you full and breed you and keep you forever, and he feels insane and finally soothed. 
It’s the rut starting, he knows, and it should be considered a cruelty to want something so much, but you only feel like a gift. 
You sigh a shaky little exhale that makes his stomach clench with how sweet it sounds, lashes fluttering shut at the feel of him breaching you just this little bit. He bends his head to bite at your nipple over the worn cotton of his shirt, keeping his eyes on yours, on the shocked look you’re wearing. He gives one sharp tug with his mouth, and then shoots back up to press one more swift, hard kiss to your open mouth. When he pulls his finger from your leaking hole, he gives your pussy a gentle pat, right on the clit.
“We gotta calm down,” he says slow, can hear the sticky splash of your cunt against his patting fingers. You nod your head, but shift your hips side to side, trying to find friction. “Told you we gotta time it right – take our time. Didn’t I?” But his hand provokes you still, looking up at you with all the wonder of a man coming across something he’d searched for all his life and yet, at the final moment of discovery, is still shocked. 
“You need to eat too,” you say shyly, fingers still twined around his ears, one single tip laid flat against his right gland, applying soft pressure, pulling away, tapping twice, applying pressure again. Your shared want in a clicking language. 
You slide off his lap, back to your own stool, but keep your knees hooked over one of his own thighs, two little feet pressed against the other, fingers still shifting in his hair, petting him while he piles his plate again and digs in. You touch him everywhere you can reach, tugging on his ears, hand smoothing over the muscles in his arms, poking the soft of his belly, gripping his jaw on either side to count his chews, and then palm cupping his throat to feel his swallows.  
He feels suddenly, desperately impatient for the heat to start in full, to spread you wide on the ground and fuck into your slicked, open cunt, to pump it full of his semen and tie you to him with his knot. To own you in a way that only the thing you are and the thing he is would allow. 
You stare at him intently, focused concentration, like you’re reading his mind, brows furrowed and chin tipped. 
“Can I help you?” He crooks a brow at you. 
You shake your head, staring him down, chin to sternum. “No– You eat so much.”
“M’hungry,” he mumbles around a forkful of eggs, desperate to fill that hollow concaved feeling in his gut he knows is ravenous for something other than just food. But you nod solemnly, as if it were a thing of the utmost importance.
“I understand,” you say very seriously, still nodding. 
He swallows, tipping his head to look at you. And he realizes you’re right, in the obvious way of all such designated things, that you do understand him, and perhaps, for reasons other than just that mere designation. And on the tail end of that realization, another: he feels suddenly, starkly, like a victim. A victim in the same way you were, are, would have been, would no longer be. That same white box, that same perilous ledge, both of you trapped between precarious truth and free will. Both of you the same, and sitting here, side by side, now free, as well. Even despite your ties to each other. Of course you understand each other, you’re the same.
“How ‘bout we go down to the beach?” And your eyes go bright as that glowing comet, immediately throwing your arms around his neck and taking a bite at his ear, excited as a puppy. 
Oh, please, please, please, yes. Yes, let’s go, you squeal and strangle him, almost rip his hair out of his head, but it feels good. It makes him feel real. 
He’d dressed you in too many stupid, stifling layers, buttoned to the chin. Long thermals beneath your jeans, a sweater, a large puffer jacket, two pairs of socks, ridiculous, scarf wrapped around your throat you’re sure he’d use as a leash to stop you from galloping so far ahead of him across the wet sand if you gave him the chance.  
You want to run naked and reckless and free down the cold, battered shoreline. 
Everything is gray, everything is dark and cold and wet and so very unlike you. But you feel like it all allowed you to shed that blanket of shyness you’d donned at breakfast, after the kiss. All this: vast and endless and huge in a way you’ll never be. It makes you feel, for some reason, very steadfast in your smallness. Like, look how large the world is, look how unending, look how the sea crashes and prepares to strangle anything that would fall into it. What does it matter, my size in the world, my significance, when faced with all this? I might as well just be. 
You turn back to look at where he meanders slowly in the imprinted path of your bootprints, laughter in your throat you can’t help, holding the pail he’d brought down for you to collect treasures out of the sand. The sky is angry, and from this distance, lashed by the wind as he is, he looks as small as you feel. This is comforting; the two of you are the same.
You are the same. 
Standing still, you wait patiently for him to reach you, rolling the laugh like a stone over the surface of your tongue, enjoying the hurt of the saltspray, the biting wind that penetrates all the layers he’d insisted on. Soon there’ll be no part of you left unpierced. 
And when he finally reaches you, he pauses but two steps away, and God, he has eyes like mirrors, staring down at you from his great height, and silently puts the pail out for you to drop the new additions for your hoard, a sparkling shard of blue green sea glass, a two halved clamshell, the inside: a star hued lavender, cream and silver glow. Surely what the flesh of a dream must look like were it to come alive. 
Your thoughts turn suddenly, you spit the laugh out into the world and watch as it jars him, remembering how you’d read once, in all the many things you’d read in your many years of not life, that when a chest is split open during a traumatic emergency, that the procedure of splitting both halves of the sternum and ribs is called a clamshell thoracotomy. The process allows for access to both sides of the thoracic cavity – full exposure. 
And you can’t, for the life of you, explain why the thought comes into your mind now, staring at that little purple dream as you watch it fall from your sand wet fingertips into the pail he holds poised for you, but you’re sure that whatever the connection might be, it lies only with the idea that you’re prepared for him to do the same to you, that you’re ready for anything when it comes to him.  A splitting, a keeping – what more could be done to a creature used to only half measures? Half life, not life, half omega – not mated, full omega – mated. The intricacies of it all no longer matter, only the yes or no. 
“Will you still send me away?” He’d said he’d changed his mind, but you still ask anyways, voice sliding over the screaming of the sea, throwing him off kilter. You want to hear the words. It’ll storm soon, the waves tell of this by the way they throw themselves against the sea stacks. Poor things, you think, nothing but beaten. 
But you’re not like that. Let him say what he will, you feel buoyant and helpless and completely uncaring. 
And he’s very silent for a long moment, chewing on the possible rejection that you’ll spit right back at him if need be. But then: “Don’t you want your own life?” He asks, and his tone makes you pause, the look in his eyes makes you pause for the fear in it all, for the trepidation it’s made up of. You tilt your head at him this way and that, inspecting him very closely, reading him for all he’s worth. You wonder if he realizes how transparent he’s suddenly become to you. All his hurts, faults, strengths, nature, revealed to you with one question. 
He’s asking you what you want. 
“Can’t I make a life here with you?” You counter. 
“Wouldn’t you like to see the world as only yourself?”
Further clarity – the marrow of all he is: afraid. 
You go very soft on the inside, all you are in light of all he is. “I already am myself, Joel.” The sea lashes and howls, his name off your tongue does the same. “Can’t you understand that? This is me, this is what I am.”
He frowns so darkly at that, “I do understand, but I–”
And you step to him, reaching up to cradle his face in your hands, size dwarfing you, fear not: “No. You don’t. But it’s okay, I’m going to show you,” and you turn to continue your path along the water, secure in your certainty now that he’ll follow regardless of anything else. 
Joel wants you to have choices. You’d failed to realize this before, you’d seen only his withholding. 
He moves alongside you after a while, after you’ve allowed him a moment of consideration, idling patiently while you dig through the sand, crouching down to hunt for shells and rocks and glass, fingers wriggling deep beneath the freezing cold sand to feel the burn of it. And after a distance longer, and with much bravery, you clasp two of his too big fingers in your sand crusted fist and hold his hand as you walk together, gently leading him down the path you choose, and he’s so grumpy, and you can’t help but be endeared. 
“I think that's the end of the world out there,” you say, pointing to that stopping point where your eyes won’t go any further.
 He looks out at the sea, eyes stopping as far as the world allows, swings back to your face. And you clutch at his arm, pressing your cheek against his bicep, taking in his scent which has deepened and swelled and grown a body within the last hours – the musked cardamom of him – staring out at all that immensity, personification of all you feel for him, this want that is violent and grown teeth, that exists as nature exists. This want that, yes, perhaps you did not choose, but is still what you want, is still what’s right. 
“The sea is so beautiful, and I’m so happy to be here.” No, you don’t want to go out and find another life. You want to find life here. 
You already have. 
When you turn your face up to his again, he’s staring down at you with that strange look from before, but changed now too. Devouring. No one has ever looked at you like this, and you don’t think anyone else besides him ever will. It’s only him, you see, with eyes like mirrors that reflect back your shared sameness. 
“Is that what you came out here for? To find the end of the world? To hide?” You don’t care if you shouldn't ask, you don’t care about any of the things you shouldn’t do, only about what you want in this moment here and now. 
Selfish, selfish, selfish. Yes.
“What does it matter?”
“I don’t know,” you say. “But it does.” It means everything.
He doesn’t respond, only more of that unfathomable look. You don’t care about this either, let him have his silence like a weapon or a punishment. 
“How old are you?” You ask now, realizing that no one had ever told you, that you’d never even cared to ask – bad of you. But not that it would have mattered or made a difference. 
“Too old. Old enough to be your father.” And this makes you angry, sparking angry. Your father – you’d had a father. A stranger father, but still yours. Joel is not that. So, this is anger like Leo’s. Anger at his offhandedness, anger at your own want, despite his words that sit like rust over your skin, anger at the violence of your own want. 
You fight to swallow it, roll your eyes at him. Insist: “How old?” 
“Forty eight.” And he says it like an admission of guilt, which you snort at blithely. 
You flash two held up fingers at him twice, mouthing the words, twenty two. 
His gaze is sad again, and you rub his arm gently, soothing. “I know.” 
And yes, you think, he surely knows so much, but not everything. “I’m not anything else but what I am, you know? What I want to be.”
“Too young–”
You ignore him, voice insistent, “And neither are you.” You turn to face him full on now, taking two steps away so you’re not forced to crane your neck up at him, he cants towards you as if he can’t bear the distance. Nature: he surges toward it hungrily, and just as quickly, surges away. The wind buffets his scent against you, washes you in it. “You can’t make me any of these things you’d thought I’d be. I’m only what I am, and you’re only what you are. Whatever the rest of it is you want to force, or the world wants to force, or the white box says I should be– I don't give a fig for any of that.” You swipe your hand in a cutting gesture through the salted air, and he looks like he might smile first, lands on a flinch instead. “I am not ornamental, Joel.” 
And he flinches again, jarred by his name, but then seems to remember himself, to be reminded of himself by the sound of it, and musters his strength, tightens his seams and says, “‘Nd I’m not here for you to impose yourself on. I’m going to make my own choices.”
“So will I,” you say slowly, and you suddenly want to cry. “So do I. This,” you, “Is my choice because I’m also an omega.” You suck in a tremulous breath. That truth, like a sea between the two of you. You’d thought he’d seen, understood, that he wouldn't have touched you as he had this morning, as no one else ever had, if he didn’t understand the gravity of that. “And if I’m not scared of that, you shouldn't be either.”
He swallows once, twice, devastated mask in place. He looks so forlorn, bearing a weight beyond his years on his shoulders. He turns out to face the water and asks it, “But what about what I want?” Not what he needs.
You close the two steps of distance, pressing against his side, circling his thick wrist in both of your hands, feeling the weight and strength of the bone beneath fevered skin. His sweater is thick, cable knit, soft and worn, a tiny fray at the edge of the sleeve, and a deep navy color, layered over a blue green flannel. No jacket again, he’d donned the colors of the sea instead, but you know now that he isn’t cold. It’s almost time. 
You’d felt so shy after this morning, as you’d walked out to face him in the light of day, sat in his lap and kissed him, newly made, newly minted. Now, you feel as if you know everything you could ever need to know about everything there is to know about you and him. 
“What about what you want? What do you want? Tell me,” you beg. “Say it out loud so we can both hear the truth of it no matter what it costs you.”
“Sweetheart, please,” he begs for mercy, looking down at you again, standing within the confines of your shackle, something further than devastation on his face now. Something like shedding years against your will, going back in time, stepping within a vehicle that would take you to the worst of it all, that point at the end of the world which he already stands on. 
The two of you feel, very much, like two unexploded bombs, existing with great care beside each other. 
The highs of his cheekbones and the tip of his nose are cold reddened, wind lashed, curls damp from the spray of the waves, burning with that dogged nature he fights and fights and fights. And he’s such a part of the world, standing here like this, tall and broad and vital. You want to be like that too, you think, large in a changing way. And he’s strong, strong in a way other creatures aren’t, strong in a way you aren’t. 
But weak in others. 
You release his wrist, forgo the shackle, remain in place. There’s a desperate plea coming from either of you, which though, you’re not entirely sure. 
And then suddenly, and you can’t even be sure from where it comes from because really, if you’re the most honest you can be, you know nothing of this thing. “Have you ever been in love?”
He goes so still that the sea seems to grow more violent in comparison, an offset to his freeze. “Yes. I have.”
“Will you–” swallow your fear, be the brave girl, “Will you ever love me?” You must ask. There’s no other recourse for you in this, you want all of it or nothing.
He bends to you suddenly, getting right in your face, cold nose to cold nose, teeth bared, animal. “I am selfish and jealous and cruel. And I will keep you in a strangle. Do you understand that? Can you even understand what it’ll mean to belong to me? To belong to a thing like this? Yes, I will love you.” So then there’s nothing else to care about. He spins away from you, paces, paces, “I’ve– I… fuck–” fights the dog fight – you wonder how long he’s waged it for, maybe his whole life – turns back to face you, and there’s the look of a boy now too, like Leo, lost and angry and faced with what he is in an insurmountable, unwinnable way. We are what we are, truth impossible to ignore. 
And then finally, fight lost, his face does a funny thing, a strange fracture and decision happening across the canvas of it, all at once. “I used to be a father. I used to have a daughter,” he tells you. 
Entirely unexpected. Entirely terrifying. “Used to?” You take an urgent step toward him, use an urgent tone, the memory of your aunt and of would-be parents flashes in your mind. You don’t want him to say what you know he’s about to say. “Where is she?” You aren’t so naive.
“Sarah,” and he says her name with so much love. “She died.”
You shake your head no, tears swept away with the wind, freezing salted on your lashes. “No,” you say again, louder. 
“When the outbreak happened – in the confusion. We were attacked ‘cause of what I was,” and he shakes his head once, hard and fast as if trying to jostle the confusion out of his mind, or perhaps knock it back into coherence, “Am,” voice limp at the end.
And then he’s the one coming to you, taking you up into his hold, cradling you more gently than the world could ever imagine a thing like him capable of. He finally understands what you are, you can feel it in the way he holds you. “Oh, no, Joel,” you cry into his neck, hugging him to yourself, pulling his head down to rest on your shoulder. “Oh, no. Oh, no.” Your poor alpha. Your poor alpha, he’d been so alone, so hurt and so afraid, and you realize now that you’ll have to be strong for the both of you, that you need to help him in ways only you can, that you need to be strong when he can't. And there’s only sameness here, of the most important sort. Both of you together, equal. When one could not, the other would. 
It’s obvious the way all truths are. 
“If I care for another thing…”
“I understand,” you tell him. It’s obvious the way all truths are: he’s afraid. 
You kiss his face, cup his ears to warm them, bring one of his too big, rough hands to your mouth, pressing your lips to his knuckles, letting him know you’re here now to protect him in the ways he’d never been and had always needed and would never want for again. 
He pulls you against himself in a hurt lock, tight enough he lifts you straight off your feet, face buried in your hair, teeth at your neck, biting hard enough you let out a bay of hurt. He can’t explain it, but there is so much care in the words you choose to wield against him, so much wisdom despite the innocent naivety, a clarity about the way you see him and all the rest of the world that sends him into such existential vertigo, makes him want to take a bite out of you so that he might swallow some of that innocence, some of that wisdom down for himself. An honesty about you that gives him no choice but to choose that which he knows he’s always wanted but has never let himself need. 
“I understand,” you’re whispering, letting him savage your throat as he needs. “But everything is going to be okay now–” a moan of pain, “–that we have each other, don’t you see that? We’ll take care of each other.”
He digs his teeth deeper at the fine tendon in your neck, and then slides his tongue up and over your gland, tasting the leak of pheromones there. It’s time now, he can feel it pulse and beat, glowing bright within you. He had been stupid and carelessly blind. He’d been a liar. “I see now – I see. It’s alright, sweetheart. Don’t cry. I’m alright now.” But you wrap your arms around his head, comfort and cradle him, and he has to have you with a desperation that brandishes teeth and boils. 
He shoves you back by your hips, keeping his grip on you steady, and turns to push you back down the beach the way in which you’d come. “Home. Now.” But you push back against him, rubbing your ass against the heft of his cock, presenting him with that cunt that belongs to him. 
“No. Here.” It’s a demand, you have an instinct for this. 
“Absolutely not,” but he’s gripping your hips hard enough to bruise anyways, grinding against you, tension vibrating his too big body, as if he were actually considering it, taking you here and now. 
“You’d let me knot you right here on the beach with the whole ocean and God watchin’?”
“Yes. Yes, I don’t care.” You try and turn in his arms, head craning back, hungry mouth seeking his own lips.
The insanity of the fever. Now, omega, he rumbles, and there’s no mistake in the burr of his tone, his nature on display, loud and clear – an alpha ordering his omega back to her nest so that he might have her there. He shoves you forward gently, setting you on your way, and picks up your pail full of treasures to stalk after his own. He takes in the sparkle of seaspray like gems in your hair as he follows, the shiver of your frame beneath the too many ridiculous layers he’d forced you into, the stumbling of your feet as you turn back to spy him hunting after you.  There’s wet on your face, and he doesn’t know if it’s the salt of your tears or the salt of the sea, and he wonders if when he drags his tongue across it he’ll be able to tell the difference. He’s sure he will. 
Your scent like a leash leads him, stronger and fuller and warm enough to burn. His gut is tight and aching, cock so hard he feels he can barely stand up straight. He’s sure he can smell the pouring of your slick from your finally readied cunt, the bloom of it obvious in the air around you, juniper berries everywhere – something warmer, spiced vanilla, earth. It’s so good he wants to swallow it down like liquid, drink from your well. 
He follows and follows, and if you weren’t already at the end of the world, he’d follow you there too. Up the stone steps etched into the cliffside, the steep incline sending you to huff and puff in strain. He’d feed you more, make you strong, feed you his cock and fill your belly with his come like honey. His breaths are bullish, bursting out in white clouds of steam, his neck hot and damp, skin boiling beneath his clothes. 
You keep turning back nervously, your left hand stretching back as if to reach for him, and then speeding up again in agitation, going as fast as your much shorter legs can take you compared to his. But he measures himself, lets you get there in your own moment, and eventually, he’s pushing open the cabin’s front door and shoving you inside, forgetting to measure his strength, lost in his delirium as he is, so that you’re stumbling, being snapped back like a rubber band with his fist wrapped in the back of your jacket. 
He rips it down your arms, uncoils the scarf, pulls the sweater over your head, hair a mess, all disoriented and malleable, and yanks you back and into his chest, heaving you up into his arms so that he can clamp his teeth at your throat again, laving his tongue over your gland, slicking you in his spit, sucking hard at the patch of skin, the burst of flavor on his tongue now, bubbling, carbonated almost, so strong his knees buckle and his cock is surely leaking a stream of precum down his leg. So fucking sweet, he’s growling, murmuring like a madman, grinding his erection into the lush of your ass, fingers sneaking under your shirt to squeeze hard and tight at your little tits. Your belly is a ball of embering fire, like you’d swallowed a comet, and he presses down on it gently, hand low on your pelvis over where your little womb is, this place he’s about to fuck full of his spend. 
“The way you smell – your scent – I’ll go fucking crazy, I swear I will.” His voice sounds not his – coming from some source outside of his body, ringing hollowly in his head empty of everything else except you. 
It’s started, it’s started, it’s started. 
You’re full of glorious heat, and he soothes at the soft swell of your belly with gentle circles, hand sliding down to cup the little palm-full of your cunt, rubbing back and forth over your jeans, and then goes to his knees behind you, pawing at the button, ripping them down your legs along with the leggings he’d forced you into beneath them, panties and all; the popping of seams – his or the clothes he can’t be sure. He traps you in the tangle, leaving them around your ankles, boots still on and takes a too sharp, too aggressive bite of your ass cheek, leaving teeth marks, leaving Joel marks, enjoys the sound of your baying that ends on a shocked little squeak, a little ah, ah, ah. He grips your asscheeks too tightly and spreads them wide, watching the delicious little wink of your holes provoking him, and licks the broad flat of his tongue from cunt to asshole, finally, fucking finally tasting you. 
He’s entirely lost to his madness from that moment forward.
He licks your ass again, again, pushes you forward to deepen the arch of your spine to eat at you better, and you mewl, whine, Joel, I’ll fall, but he can’t find it in himself to care. “Fall,” he tells you, “I’ll catch you.” But he spins you in his hands, fast and stumbling, trapped as you are, to face him on his knees before you as he is, as he should be, and you’re so small, morsel sized, perfect for swallowing whole, and open mouthed, he inhales at the mound of your cunt, tongue swiping out to find your clit swollen already. 
You smell like nothing he can describe, too delicious to allow him the choice of clear thought. He pulls you down to the ground, rips your boots and pants the rest of the way off, and right there on the floor by the front door, he spreads your legs wide and eats your cunt. 
Eats it. 
Nothing gentle or restrained about it as he probably should, this being your first time a man licks your pussy, small and innocent as it is, he fucks his tongue inside your shaky hole, sucks hard and sharp on yor clit, your first orgasm, sensitive as you are, trembling through you already. More, more, more, he wants more. He hunches over you like the beast he is, tiny thing, pulls you up, palm cupping your bottom, one knee knocking against his ear, the other leg splayed wide, sliding down his arm, so he can suck, suck, lick at your clit, a gentle kiss as a prize for taking it so well, and then his tongue is back into your cunt to taste the river of slick you’re spilling just for him. Your flavor, so musk heavy, sweet and thick like honey; he feels full and set to burst, no more hollow pit. And he wants more, to gorge and gorge like a glutton. You come again, a splash against his tongue, so wet you’re slipping and sliding in his grip. He can hear your high pitched cries and whines, your Joel, Joel, Joel’s he shushes, soothes with his tongue, little kiss to your little clit that pulses against his mouth. 
“Y’taste so fuckin’ good, baby.” He lets you down, crawling over you, pushing your shirt up to get at your tits, sucking and biting hard enough to hurt. He wants you to feel it all for days after the heat’s over, to leave marks, to make sure he’s left in your skin forever. Forcing your jaw wide, he slicks his tongue along yours, feeds you the taste of your own cunt, salty, sweet, his, and you take it so well, half limp and yet still clinging to him weakly, two orgasms forced on your virgin pussy back to back. 
He scoops you up, belly to belly, spider limbs around his neck and waist, grabby hands yanking at his hair like you’re angry he’s not put you on his knot yet. His knees pop, his back aches something fierce as he heaves the two of you up, muscles in his thighs bulging to support you – he’s fucking old – and walks you over to your nest, setting you down on your back, spreading your knees wide, cunt ripe and blooming, so red, a wound of all the world says you’re meant to be.
Slicking his thumb over the soaked curve of it there’s a sticky string of omega drool that leaves him connected to you when he pulls back. He presses again at your swollen clit, thinks he can almost see the pulse of your rushing blood beat here at your spread cunt, slides down to the tiny winking hole and circles his finger there, giving you the slightest pressure, pressing in a tiny bit, up again to tease your clit. 
“I’m gonna fuck this soft little hole until it’s so full of my come I don’t fit inside no more. Would you like that, sweet baby?” He asks so gently, don’t spook the fawn, don’t spook the beast. 
Your eyes are fevered, face covered in a shine of sweat, your belly glows with heat, and you nod slowly, little smile playing tricks with him whispering across your face. His hands slide up, circle your waist, squeeze and squeeze and squeeze as if he could watch you burst, witness all that heat explode like a comet, then further up to your chest, two big hands covering two little tits.
“You’re so pretty, little omega.” And you preen, you glow, suffused with such vulnerable, honest pleasure. Joel has to be so careful, he has to be so good for you. He will be. You circle one of his wrists, tender little hand, fingers of vapor, he has to be so good for you, he has to be so careful. Again, remember, remember. He bends to press a soft kiss to the pretty tip of each nipple. 
“They’re too small,” you whisper in an even smaller voice. 
“No. No, baby, no.” He presses another kiss, drags his teeth over a peak, sucks on the other, switching back and forth. “They’re fucking perfect, so pretty and so soft. I love them– I’m fuckin’ obsessed with you.” He opens his jaw wide and takes the whole soft mound of it into his mouth, sucking on the whole thing of it. He probably shouldn’t say such things, he doesn’t give a fuck. “Look–” he says around the little globe, “Whole thing fits in my mouth.” He bites some more, kisses some more, sucks on them until you’re whining and pushing him away, until they’re sore and stinging and still he doesn't stop. He shows you just how obsessed he is.
He kisses you all over, your belly, your waist, the soft spot beneath your ribs, your thighs, and the pulse between your collarbones. Slow, slow. He has to be slow and gentle and patient for as long as his looming rut allows, he needs to ease you into this. Taking an ankle first in one hand, he presses a kiss to the gland just there on the inside of it, suckles a little, then the other, and watches as your cunt becomes more and more needy and swollen, red as a bloom, until you’re so desperate for it you’re writhing around wantonly in the nest of blankets, almost entirely lost to your fevered delirium, but not just yet, not just yet. 
“Will you– will you put your big thing inside me now?” You slur innocently.
And he laughs gently, a tenderness pinching his heart which if he was less lost to himself, he might cry for. “My big thing?”
Oh, please. “Please, I– I think– please, I think I really need it now.” You twist this way and that, pulling the blankets up to your face to hide yourself away. 
“Almost, sweetheart. Almost.” But he feeds you two of his fingers then, playing in your slick, the sticky wound of softness, and crooks his fingers to wedge them just inside of you. “Like that– oh, isn’t that nice?” He croons, pressing a little further in, feeling the stretch of you around him. Your eyes go wide and shocked, your back arching in a taught curve, hips opening for him to sink deeper until he’s palm to cunt. He leans over you, watching the place where his hand disappears inside and hooks his fingers, petting at the textured little place at the front of you, so, so sensitive. You keen loudly, a warbled sound that’s all fucking his. His control is so close to snapping. 
He pulls his fingers from your cunt suddenly, watches how it shudders while you screech at the loss, looking up to search for him with bleary eyes as he rips his shirt and sweater up over his head, and then he’s pressing his two fingers back inside, thrusting into you a little harder, the splash and slap of your cunt as he fucks in and out of your tight hole. “Perfect little thing that's all mine.” He has nothing but praise for you, his good girl, taking him so well. 
He pets and pets at that soft spot, molten heat pouring from your cunt, and when he starts to shake his hand, a little jiggle to knock your next orgasm loose inside of you, you give it up so, so nicely. Pussy going tight as a fucking fist, strangling his fingers, and then spilling loose and soaked, flooding his hand. When the contractions of your little womb have abated he stuffs a third finger in, forgoes some of that gentleness, and pressing a hand low on your pelvis, he shakes his hand hard and fast inside of you. “Want’cha to fuckin’ soak me,” he grits through clenched teeth, head slightly dizzy, slightly faint with want. And with pressure both from the inside and out, you do. Gush of come following your high pitched moan, tears soaking your hairline as much as your pussy just soaked the lap of his jeans. He pulls his fingers from your gaping hole, bends to lick through all that glorious omega slick and swipes his fingers through it from side to side, tapping on your clit harshly, slapping it a little, sucking on it again, fast, fast his fingers from side to side, forcing you into just one more little climax before he lets you rest. 
You’re all twisted in the blankets, face turned and buried in the pillows. He crawls up over you, contorted as you are, cunt splayed wide and pulsing, and unbuttons his jeans as he goes, finally, fucking finally letting his raging cock free. It hurts, it needs you so fucking badly, leaving a sloppy trail of drool slicked along the already wet curve of your belly as it drags heavily against you, bobbing obscenely from his open zipper. He buries his face in your neck, kissing and licking up the taste of you, sucking on your gland. 
“Please, please now. Please, now,” you keep mumbling into the blankets where you’re hiding. Please, now. Begging for his cock and his knot, so ready to take your first fucking like the perfect omega you are. 
“Not yet,” he soothes, petting your hair back from your steaming face, pressing a kiss to your sweaty hairline. Please, you whine high, and he lets his cock rest heavily against the curve of your red cunt, slicking it there, dragging it back and forth, giving you both the weight of what you’ll have so soon. You kick one leg out weakly. “Not yet, it’s okay. It’s okay, sweetheart,” he pitches his voice low, soothing, gathers you to himself. “Let’s rest a little. No, no – just for a little bit,” he says over your whines and cries. You cling to him weakly, hips rocking against him. “I know, baby. I know,” he hums, letting you rub your sticky, sore cunt against the wide head of his cock, nothing but a boneless little mass of omega, stuck to him with tears and slick and sweat. 
He rolls over with you on top of him, the brand of your cunt enveloping his erection between swollen lips, and his knot is ready to pop, it fucking hurts, his rut is near too. But he can tell you just need a little more time – a few more hours to soften and ripen just that little bit more, to lose yourself a little bit more so that he might fit himself inside of you, his too big body in your too little one. 
He gets up eventually, shucking his jeans, and getting a glass of water to force you to take, and leaves the large, cold glass near for when you’ll need it again with all the slick you’re producing. So much that it runs down your thighs, slides up your back and all over him and the blankets and everywhere; everything sticky and heady with your scent. This is, he thinks, right before he succumbs to sleep too, head and balls throbbing from not having come yet, the most singular way an omega claims ownership over an alpha. That scent like a shackle that would keep them together at all times, that scent that after long enough, is impossible to be without. He buries his face in your hair and breathes deep, letting your smell move through him like a tangible thing, a kaleidoscope through his mind until he finally falls asleep. 
Your hips move in a slow rocking swing over his belly, slicking the curve of it, making the hair covering him here clump sticky and soaked in this stuff that will not stop coming out of you. There’s so much, and you feel so empty, your head, your head is full of nothing but heat and bubbles and a throb that glows, and you don’t know why, but– oh, finally, he’s waking up. Yes, yes, alpha, wake up now. 
He shifts and rumbles deep in his chest, and you feel his big thing poke you in the butt; it’s so heavy and so thick and it smells so good. You’d sniffed it, and you’d tasted it a little too when you’d first woken up, but you need to make sure to remember to taste it more later again because it had been so yummy, and long too. You can’t understand how it’ll fit, but you’re sure you’ll make it somehow. And it has a funny soft bit of skin at the end, and thick veins that pulse under the warm, incredible softness that covers it. 
His left arm stretches out and over his head, he’s thick here too, big muscles under his skin that’s so burning hot it hurts to touch and feels good all at the same time. He has a dark vein that runs from his shoulder over the bulging muscle, and you’d tasted that too, then pressed your face into his hairy armpit to sniff him there also; gone all drunk and light headed at the scent.  You rock harder; the little nub at the front of your cunt – it belongs to him – it hurts and it’s swollen and when you press your fingers to it, it has a little tiny heartbeat that you’re sure beats to the sound of his name, Joel, alpha, Joel, alpha, and everything is so, so hot. 
You whine that sound you know he likes, the one that you know provokes him, rubbing your slippery cunt all over his stomach, grinding and sliding against him, trying to make the throb go deep and hard again like he’d made you do with his mouth. And oh, he’s so– he makes you so upset, and you feel big and little all at once, and that stretched soreness of your cunt, it’s all his fault, and the bruising around your nipples too, and he needs to put it inside. 
He stretches again, blinks open slowly, long lashes, dimple beside the corner of his mouth, and you dig your nails into the hard muscles of his chest, dragging your blunt edged fingernails down his skin as you slide lower, over his big cock – that’s what it’s called, and you love the sound of the word, think it sounds how you imagine it’ll feel, cock – and try to put it inside, shifting and rolling over it, trying to impale yourself on it. It’s so heavy, and you know the heaviness will make the hurt inside you, the bruised feeling inside you, go away, if only he’d just do it. 
You huff at him, cry a little, whine a lot, try and make it go inside again, slipping and sliding in all the slick that won’t stop coming out of you all while he blinks slow and patient at you, a little smile on his face, and he’s so pretty he makes you so, so upset. You bend forward suddenly and bite his nipple hard, yank on the hairs on his chest and thighs. Hard enough to hurt. He grunts, but lets you, only twinning his fingers in your hair tightly, letting you chew on him until you’ve released his skin on your own. 
“You upset with me ‘cause I haven’t fucked you yet? You gettin’ impatient with me?” You huff at him. “Think you’re ready, sweet thing?” Oh, please, please, please. 
You know that you’ve never been more ready for anything in your entire life. 
He rolls you over, spreading you wide to play with your cunt again, and you start crying for real. “It hurts, alpha, please. It hurts, and I glow.'' It's so hot everywhere. 
“You’re full in your heat now, baby. Don’t worry – knot’s gonna make you feel all better. You’re gonna be so full.” And his voice is so soft and deep and hard too, all at once. It floats away and it comes back, and he sounds like all the things and all the sounds that can have ever existed in the whole world, and also, just right enough to let you remember, only for a second, very calmly and in a moment of bright clarity, that you’d always known he’d come to fix it all. This is only the last part of that at last. 
“My brave girl,” and he pauses a beat above you, between your spread thighs, his cock hanging heavy, tip-slicked between his thighs, giving you a sticky kiss every time it bobs against your tummy. He drags the pad of his thumb at the hollow beneath your eye, catching fallen salt water there, only of desire, not the sad sort, you know the difference so very well by now. And his own eyes, they’re so dark, so full of all that heat that’s so chock full inside you too, but also different, something like cool and serene and full of knowing, full of patience. Eyes like mirrors. The two of you are the same. 
He wraps his big hand around his ever bigger cock, and smears the tip against your swollen, needy sex, pressing hard at the aching nub, sliding down and pressing hard at the bruised little hole. You growl an impatient quipping noise at him, but he returns it in kind, deeper, scarier, full of an order to settle. 
“We have to go slow,” he says, “It won’t fit just like that.”
But you rock your hips in hitching jerks anyways. “No, I’ll make it fit,” you promise, clawing at his chest to achor yourself, find the right angle, find relief. 
He shakes his head, continues to smear and press against you, and then oh, oh, oh, he’s just there, first a big stretch like from the morning, and it hurts, it burns, but not as bad as being without, and you make a sound like you’ve never made before, feeling a feeling you’ve never felt before and had waited your whole life and a year for. Inside, please, please, inside, alpha. He feeds you himself, makes the heat brighter, fans the flames and soothes them all at once, and oh, it really does hurt and feel so good. 
He’s panting like a bull above you, sweating and groaning, and the sounds he makes, the sounds he makes, rough and wounded, like you’re wounding him, like you have the power to wound a great thing like him. “Ain’t that so fucking good?” He coos and croons and pets at you, feeds you and feeds you and feeds you. It’s so big and it splits you, cleaves you wide and forces you into the place and thing you’d lived your whole life waiting to be. “Look at my girl,” he’s saying, “Look how well my little girl takes my big cock in her tiny cunt.”
He pushes a little more, touches a thing inside of you that is swollen and bruised and so sensitive, and, “Oh, you’re in my belly,” you gasp when he finally stops pushing in. You cup your hand over your tummy, pressing down. “I can feel you,” there are tears slipping form the corners of your eyes, and your cunt feels so full it’ll burst or swallow him whole or a little of both, “I can feel you from outside.” You press down harder, rub over the bulge of him inside you; a cock in your belly under your palm. 
So good, just like that, he’s murmuring and you close your eyes to better listen to the dip and hum of his voice. “I am. I am – gonna fill your little womb. And we’re gonna do it just like this for now,” he starts to move, “Just half so you’ll let me in all the way.”
“There’s so much,” you hitch, breath quivering, chin trembling, tears leaking, cunt leaking even more. 
I know, I know, he rubs your belly, soothes you so well, rocks and rocks and rocks, a cock rocking inside of you. He kisses your jaw and your shoulder and your breast, and then changes something, and you finally open your eyes. He touches something so raw inside of you, something that screams and sings and throbs, and there’s something going swollen inside. He’s so beautiful, silver streaked, creased, lines over his forehead, alongside his eyes, his whole life painted in roadmaps and metallic patterns across him. Other places slicked and wet, red and flushed and sun touched, and you make him look like this, and then he presses the swollen thing again, and it bursts. Your cunt flutters, goes so tight it hurts, forces more tears out of your eyes, you claw at him, your body feels not your own, only his. Oh, fuck yes. Good girl. Fucking come for me. For him, for him, for him. 
You shiver and shiver, there’s only hot air and the rocking cock in your belly, the heartbeat inside of you everywhere, and when he finally presses once more, finds the end of the world inside you, he’s all the way in, making a sound that you’ll have to force out of him for the rest of forever; a perfect sound. He tugs you up onto his thighs, sits up, belly to belly and heart to heart and glow to glow, and he fucks you like he said he would. Hard. You finally understand what it means. His cock punches the bruised thing that lives inside, that has you keening a wounded sort of noise, clawing at him, mouth searching for his gland, sliding across his clavicle, up his neck until it’s there, swollen and throbbing and it tastes so, so good you can’t help it when you sink your teeth into the softness of it, the salted rust of his blood sliding over your tongue, down your throat and into your belly like a promise. He makes that glorious sound again, and he fucks you so rough it hurts in only the way fucking a man so much larger than you can hurt. He splits your cunt wide and ruts into you like a beast, and you take it because you want it, because you were made for it, because it’s so right. And you suck on the pierced gland, swallow the taste of him and when a pressure worse than what you could have ever imagined starts to swell within your battered and bruised opening, he pulses and pulses and spills inside of you, filling your womb like he’d said he was going to also. 
Then there is his knot, finally, within you. “Again, baby. Come on my knot, sweetheart. You’ll feel so much better if you do.” And he’s right, as you shiver into it once more with only his command to prompt you, his knot swollen like a lock, connecting you together, it soothes the bruise and the heat from the inside out. He rips your teeth from his neck by your hair, swallows your protests, tasting his own blood on your tongue as he comes inside of you, fills you with a heat more potent than anything the glow had ever made you feel. 
When you fall together like felled weeds, knot tugging gently, mewl falling from your lips, he soothes you so patiently while he continues to spill inside of you, all plugged up as you are, belly set to burst full of semen. He suckles at your nipples, bites and pinches and makes them hurt, and you can do nothing but let him do as he pleases. And you don’t sleep this time, for the throbbing is so strong inside of you, his soft groans sometimes turned to whimpers so wonderful you need to be awake to listen to them forever.
 There’s nothing of the not life anymore, there’s only him here with you. 
He does sleep though, after a while, or he goes very still and very quiet. His lashes quiver and his eyes move beneath their lids as if he were watching a dream, and his body steams and shudders, but eventually, the knot softens enough that you can shift and wiggle over him, and his eyes flash open, predator gaze zeroing on the little omega trying to leave her trap, he presses a big hand down on your tailbone, grinding your cunt that feels raw and full and bruised and right against his pelvic bone. “Where do you think you’re goin’?” Voice a deep burr. 
You give him a shy, appeasing look, nuzzling his belly, his thick pectoral and shift and shimmy up towards his face, feeling the heavy weight of him fall wetly from your bruised sex. It stings and flutters madly, clenching around the too large space he’d made inside you. Shuffling up on your knees, you peck at his chin, his mouth, suck on his lip. And when you look down between the two of you, there’s a puddle of thick white semen slowly drooling from between your legs onto his belly. 
You shuffle down now, licking up the mixture of slick and sweat and come, tasting the crease between his thigh and pelvis. You move lower, and resting your head on his thigh, you mouth at his cock, wet and slobbering, pressing a kiss, tasting the flavor of your cunt. 
“I feel so lovely,” you sigh dreamily, pressing another kiss.
He groans low, “A little more tongue– there you go. Oh, fuck– omega, that’s so good.” He threads his fingers through your hair. “It’s because you’re full of everything I just gave you. You’ll need more soon.”
You open your mouth wider, try to swallow him down, enjoying how his come slips out of you, making the tops of your thighs, your ankles you’re sitting on, all sticky wet. All mine, you mumble around his thick length, and his answering laugh is so vital, oh, everything really is so wonderful. He tugs you up by the roots of your hair, jaw hanging wide and spit slick so he can stick two big fingers in there and rub at the slimy surface of your tongue, grunts a hungry sound. 
He pushes you back, hand still fisted in your hair to spread you wide and inspect the wreckage he’d left between your thighs. “Lemme see–” he murmurs. “Look at how red and swollen you are, baby. Little cunt’s all fucked open.” He gently scoops his come back inside, smearing it along your cunt. 
Ah– Ah– You protest when he presses his fingers inside to feel the slip of his semen along your walls. Poor, baby, he coos. His cock stirs at your little sounds of hurt, soaked as it is, streaked with come and slick and a little pink tinge of blood. The sight makes him fully hard again. “You did so well, first time taking a knot. It’ll be easier next one.” You writhe and arch as he pets your cunt, spreading your legs wider despite your limp sounds of protest. Head rolling back against the blankets, you grip your tits in both hands and squeeze, whimpering at that too. 
When you lift your head to look down at them, lifting the two little handfuls in your palms to take in the sight of your chafed, swollen nipples your eyes go wide. “Look’t what you did to them – they hurt now.” And although he’s sure you intend to sound like you’re cross, the moan you end on, the way you’ve begun to rock your hips, tells of different things. 
“My poor girl, lemme kiss ‘em.” He stretches over you, taking your hands away to press a barely there kiss to the tip of each breast. “Poor little tits – poor little pussy too, all split open.” And he bends to kiss your blood tinged cunt, the flavor of lost innocence and come on his lips. 
He kisses you again, nibbles on your thighs, and your eyes are hazy, fever full, and you sigh a fluttering sound of oh, “Everything’s so lovely,” you say again. “And you’re so beautiful, alpha. We should eat green apples. I love green apples so much.” Delirious, a little nonsensical. 
“We will. We will– whatever you want,” he says, but he’s already mounting you again, wedging his fat cock into your tiny, battered hole, enjoying the sound of your half pleasure, half pained keen. And he doesn’t give you the grace of going slow, the rut is full on now – he fucks you into your nest hard, fucks against your womb until he’s filling it again. Only gentles once when you mumble into his ear, slurred and almost drooling, I want to watch it go in and out of me.
And despite his ferocity, the way he uses and abuses your cunt, he knows you need it from the way you open that little blossom mouth and try to swallow him whole, hungry thing. You yank at his beard and pull on his hair and scratch at his skin, bite his gland again and again, and he shocks himself by being nothing like afraid, nothing like uncertain. No, he only feels settled now. Joel only feels himself. 
He realizes that he had always needed this, but now, he wants it too. The distinction is stark and important beyond measure like some sort of primordial state of consciousness. He is only himself, dog fight lost and left victorious for it. 
You pass the days of your heat and his rut locked on his swollen knot, a steady stream of his come being pumped into you constantly. There’s no way he hasn’t bred you by now, and it makes something pleased and terrifyingly savage swell within him. 
He’s forced to shove an ice pack between your legs on the third day, between bouts on his knot, during a moment of clarity for the both of you while he feeds and waters you. But then later, after he’s given you one of the strawberry cream popsicles he’d made and frozen for you the day before you’d arrived, you sit, swollen cock buried deep, slowly rocking back and forth while he watches with an almost sick sort of rapt fascination as you eat the popsicle in little kitten licks, leaning back on his lap ever so often to bare your cunt to his gaze, slick and split wide, red as the strawberries in your sweet treat. 
“How is it?” He doesn’t specify which, the popsicle or the cock rocking inside of you, but you peer at him with the brightest and keenest sort of gaze, a look that tells him all he needs to know about himself, all that you see within him which is everything. You flash him a huge, cheesy grin, all the answer he’s getting, and you’ve got a tiny gap between your two front teeth that he finds so, so endearing, and his answering laugh is so vital, so alive, it’s like he steps into himself again after twelve years of vacancy. 
And with that bright light of clarity, a blink, blink, you seem to come fully awake for a moment. “Tell me of the things you like,” you order, taking a large bite of the iced treat and pressing your cold mouth to his, passing the flavor of strawberries onto his tongue.
He takes the moment and tastes it, pulls you close, “I like how the fire plays over your skin,” a palm ghosting down the slope of your naked back to the place where you’re connected. “How it makes shadows and shows me that glow inside.”
And as the fever fades, he switches to handling you with carefulness, gently stroking at your sensitive, come-filled pussy, careful of the stretched soreness of your little hole and the bruising around your nipples. With more awareness you remind him that he’s a big, stupid alpha with a big, stupid knot and that you hurt and want more.
But there’s still time and heat to take advantage of, and on the day he knows will be the last day of this animal lust, he stretches you out flat on your belly, his weight completely over your back, and he fucks you prone and immobilized, caged in by his bulging arms, telling you of how you own him now, how he belongs to you, how he’s going to keep you full and happy forever. “Make me come. Clench – good girl. Again,” he orders, and when his knot swells for what he knows will be the last time of this rut, relishing in the last whispers of your heat filled belly, he sniffs through the curtain of your hair and finding the still swollen gland at the nape of your neck, he slowly sinks his teeth into the vulnerable patch, binding your mating. 
Dawn peeks over the horizon like a faint suggestion, and you’re married on the cliffside one bitingly cold winter morning, the sea as your witness. Ellie and Dina are there, and they’re your friends now. You have friends, real friends, no more half life, no more half friend.You have friends, and you are important and significant and as vital and alive as Joel is. You’re real, and he helped make you so, yes, but really, you always had been. 
You wear flowers in your hair and a dress the color of the sky, and he has mirrors in his eyes, and the two of you are the same. Equal and only yourselves, and you love each other more than anything in only a very true way, nothing soft about it. 
When you know you’ll have a baby, he swallows your fear and your worry, marks your gland again as a reminder of all he is, all you are. And when you ask, for you can’t not share with him, “Will they come one day, to check if we did what we were supposed to? To see if we had a baby?”
He tells you, “Yes, they might,” very solemnly.
“What if–” a difficult thing to say out loud, now that you understand the thing you are and the way of the world so well, now that he’s shown you all there is to be shown, “What if they’re an omega like me – will they take them?” Give them their own white box and a not life to be nurtured by instead of a mother. 
But like all obvious things, he shares with you, always, only truths. “Never.” And the look in his eyes is so serious, eyes like mirrors, that you know his words are fact. “I’d never let that happen, I swear to you.” 
And the glow still comes, and the heat still takes you, but he’s always there now and nature is still an inescapable thing, but the perilous edge is no longer such a danger when you’re protecting each other. 
Netherfeildren's Masterlist
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blog-name-idk · 1 year
Mold a Pretty Lie | 09
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Pairing: professor!Jin x Fem undergrad!Reader
Genre: College!AU, Unhealthy relationships, toxic relationships, virgin reader, eventual yandere, eventual smut
Summary: They say love is like a garden that requires regular care and attention. Kim Seokjin, your kind and handsome professor, is more than happy to cultivate the vines that bind his heart to yours.
Word Count: 5k
Rating: 18+
AN: Thanks for being patient when I left the last chapter at such a critical point and then accidentally lied and said this one would be posted quickly! IRL things happen, brain things happen, but I hope y'all like this one and that it was worth the wait ehehe.
Er, this chapter is basically 100% smut. Sorry but also not really sorry.
You stared at him, mouth open in an adorable "o" as you processed your professor's words.
"I – I don't think I've read that study," you stammered, still holding his hand. Your face was a mixture of bewildered and hopeful that only made Seokjin want you more.
"Then maybe we need more first-hand data," he suggested, eyes fixed on yours to gauge your reaction. The air felt thick, and you slowly brought his hand up to your lips, just waiting for the moment he pulled it away and laughed or ruffled your hair.
The moment never came, and when you brushed your lips softly, tentatively over his bandaged palm, he let out a slow exhale that made you shiver.
"Good girl," he breathed, and your face snapped up to his as his words sent heat racing through your body. He noticed with satisfaction that your pupils had dilated at his words, and with his free hand he stroked your cheek and stared into your eyes. Time ceased to exist, and when he finally, finally leaned forward to capture your lips with his own, he could no longer remember why he had held himself back for so long.
It was perfect. You were perfect, soft and yielding and oh-so-sweet against his mouth.
"P-professor," you gasped, pulling backwards and looking at him with those wide, bewitching eyes he couldn't get enough of. He saw bliss warring with confusion in your expression, and decided now was not the time for the conversation you clearly wanted to have. He surged forward, kissing you more insistently now, and you melted into him with a soft whimper that sent heat sparking through his body.
Abruptly he stood up, taking you with him, but before you could recover your mental faculties he was on you again. You gave another sweet little gasp when he tugged your lower lip between his teeth, too caught up to realize he had begun to steer the two of you out of the bathroom.
When he licked into your mouth, you met his tongue clumsily, and he almost smiled at the desperate, confused noise that came out of your throat. Then the backs of your knees hit the bed, and you gave a yelp of surprise as you tumbled backwards.
"W-wait, professor," you stammered as he clambered over you. You were already looking wrecked, your lips swollen and begging to be devoured again. Fuck, why had he waited so long to do this?
"Seokjin," he ordered as he began to press soft kisses along your jawline. The little whimpers sounding from your throat were better than anything he had imagined, and he needed more. He needed everything.
"S-Seokjin," you whispered, hands going to his back, then hair, then neck as if you weren't sure what to do with them. Hearing his first name spill from your lips was enough to make him groan and grind his hips against yours, drawing out a pretty whimper that only added to the fire swirling in his gut.
He nibbled at the sensitive skin of your neck gently, careful not to leave any marks, and you let out another needy noise that made the monster inside of him grow ever larger. He hadn't expected you to be this sensitive. It was like you were made for him, and it was driving him wild.
Then, despite the roaring in his chest, he drew back.
"What is it, baby girl?" he crooned, brushing some hair out of your face. He watched your eyes go wide at the endearment, your lips part as you let out the tiniest gasp. His blood hummed in satisfaction. You liked that, did you?
"I - I don't know what I'm doing?" you managed, somehow managing to look both shy and needy at the same time, a blossom on the verge of unfurling its petals.
"I don't either," he admitted with a low chuckle, peppering your face with kisses that made you giggle sweetly beneath him. "But we can figure out what this means together, okay?"
"N-no," you stammered, making him stop short. He leaned back to rest on his knees, looking at you in confusion. No? How could you say that when you were beneath him already, so pliant and gorgeous, making those needy sounds?
"I've never done this sort of thing before," you said awkwardly, looking up at the ceiling so you didn't have to meet his eyes. "I don't know what I'm doing."
Seokjin stared at you for a moment as he let your words sink in. What exactly did you mean by "this"? Sex in a hotel bed? Making out with a professor? He certainly hoped that wasn't something you had done before.
His confusion must have been apparent, because you peeked at him through long lashes and winced in embarrassment.
"I–I only kissed someone for the first time this year," you admitted, humiliation clear on your face. Your fingers began twisting the fabric of your skirt as you looked down. "That's as far as I've ever gone."
Oh. Fuck.
Your confession should have put him off, yet his dick gave an insistent throb at your explanation. Did that make him a dirty old man? The thought of teaching you exactly what he liked, of learning what made you squirm, made his head swim. Though another tiny part of him raged and wondered if Taehyung was the one who had stolen your first kiss. And if there had been any others.
You shifted beneath him, expression heart-wrenchingly uncertain, and he realized he had spent far too long in his thoughts while you waited for his reaction. It was no matter – now that you were here in his arms, Seokjin would never let anyone else touch you again.
"Don't worry baby girl," he cooed, dipping forward again to cage your body in his arms. The way you shivered at the pet name made his veins sing, and he had to keep himself from finding what other reactions he could elicit. "We don't need to go any further, okay?"
Seokjin watched relief battle with desire in your eyes and felt a small thrill at the confirmation that it wasn't that you didn't want him, you just weren't ready. It endeared you more to him, that you were so nervous and yet so easily affected by his touch. He rolled off of you to lay on his back, tugging you so you were on top of him instead.
"Come here," he murmured, cupping the base of your neck to gently pull your lips against his. You situated yourself more comfortably atop him, legs spreading to straddle his hips, and you both moaned when his erection rubbed against your core.
"Oh," you sighed against him, rolling your hips to chase more of that heavenly friction.
"Do you like that, princess?" Seokjin groaned, hands making their way to your hips to press you more firmly against his groin. Your skirt had ridden up, and his eager fingers squeezed and rubbed at the soft, plush skin it exposed. His right hand twinged beneath your careful wrapping, but he barely felt it over the way you burned under his touch.
He swallowed your whimper with a hungry kiss that was much sloppier than before, devouring you while he rubbed you up and down his cock.
"Hnn, Seokjin," you whined against his mouth between kisses, breathless and panting as you rutted against him. Your hands scrunched the collar of his shirt as you clung to him, and he couldn't keep himself from thrusting up against the heat emanating between your legs. You gave a choked whimper that made him want to eat you alive before burying your face in his neck. "That feels – oh god –"
"Just like that, baby," he said hoarsely, turning his attention to the tantalizing expanse of skin you had exposed. He nipped and sucked at the juncture between your neck and shoulder, drawing out muffled gasps and moans that made him wish he could truly mark you up. Could show anyone who cared to look that you were his.
Through it all, you ground yourself against him, helped along by his strong arms. He was painfully hard at this point, but that didn't matter, not when you were so close to unraveling.
"Ohmygod," you gasped into his neck, and he felt your thighs tense around him as your pace began to falter. You began to pull away, voice ragged and bewildered. "I – what – "
"That's it," he panted, using his own arms to grind you down on him when your hips stuttered. You let out a tortured whine that made his entire body shudder, fingers digging into your hips so hard he thought you might bruise even through the layers of clothing.
"Seok-Seokjin," you choked, gripping his shirt so hard he thought it might rip. The look in your face was a mixture of panic and wild rapture, and Jin cursed as he crushed you harder against him. If just some dry humping destroyed you like this, how you would fall apart under his fingers and tongue?
"Fuck, so good for me, baby," he rasped, unable to tear his eyes away from you. You went rigid, eyes shooting open to meet his own. What he saw in them drove him wild, and even as you fell forward against his chest he raised his own hips to grind against you so hard he could feel your pussy pulsing against him even through his slacks.
"F-uuuuck," you gasped in a whine that made goosebumps stand on his arms. You sounded completely ruined, shuddering and quivering against him as he rubbed against your clothed entrance. He eased his vice-like grip on your hips as your whimpers began to cease, letting you rest atop him.
You breathed unevenly against his neck, hot puffs of air that made him want to ravish you properly. He clenched his teeth, stroking your hair gently to soothe his own hormones as much as you, trying to ignore the way your heat was still hovering just above his crotch.
"You okay?" he asked, feeling almost as wrecked as you looked when you pushed yourself up on shaky arms.
"Yeah," you breathed, surprise lacing your trembling voice, your eyes endless pools that beckoned like a siren's song. "I just… I didn't know… um, that was…"
You trailed off, looking embarrassed, and Seokjin felt another jolt travel south as realization sparked in his head.
"Baby," he began, eyes riveted to your adorable reaction at the pet name. "Have you never had a proper orgasm before?"
You hid your face at his blunt question, and Seokjin felt his lips twitch into a smirk. You shook your head wordlessly, and he let one hand trail across the soft skin of your cheek. Your eyes fluttered shut as you relaxed into his touch, and he felt his chest squeeze.
His. Only his.
"Can I make you feel good too?" you asked, so quietly and hesitantly that he almost missed it. He almost choked as he registered your innocent-sounding words.
"Not this time, pretty girl," he replied, brushing your bottom lip with a reverent thumb. You pouted, pressing further into him. He could feel how wet you were, realizing your arousal had soaked through even his uncomfortably tight pants, and he tried to retain a sliver of morality. As intoxicating as this was, you were precious to him, not something to be used, no matter how sweetly willing you seemed to be.
"Today's been a lot," Seokjin insisted, as much to remind himself as you. He eased you a little off of him, because the alternative was to lose it and fuck you into the mattress. His dick ached in protest, but he did his best to ignore it. "I… I definitely got carried away."
"I see," you said quietly, voice barely audible as your face crumpled. Seokjin realized that you had taken his words as a rejection. You began to pull away, and he stopped you by cupping your cheeks in both hands.
"I didn't mean it like that," he murmured softly, staring into your glistening eyes and kicking himself for putting that hurt expression on your face. "You're just – I shouldn't feel this way."
You tried to shift away again, but he didn't let you move. He needed you to understand.
"I shouldn't be so happy to see you every day, or crave your smiles the way I do. I shouldn't be angry when I see boys look at you. It shouldn't drive me crazy when you look at someone the way I want you to look at me."
At this point your eyes were huge, full of hope.
"It's a terrible idea, but I want to make you mine anyway," he breathed, and pressed his lips against your own in a gentle kiss he broke away from before it could devolve into anything more.
"O-oh," you stammered, doe-eyed and shy and looking positively moonstruck. You sealed his fate, and your own, when your face broke into a smile. It dazzled his eyes, and the vines ensnaring his chest roared to life as if straining for the sunlight in your expression.
"I want that too," you admitted, your words sweeter than any nectar in the world.
"Then we'll figure this out together," he promised, before succumbing to the draw of your lips again. You melted into him with a sigh he had already grown addicted to, and he let himself drown, more than willing to be caught in the net you cast so unwittingly. Even if it meant dragging you down with him.
Lucidity seeped slowly into your consciousness, slightly hampered by the warmth behind you and the arm draped loosely over your waist. It came faster when you felt soft lips pressing feather-light kisses against your neck, and you let out a drowsy sigh that made the arm around you tighten.
"Good morning," came a low rumble that made your insides melt. Seokjin's lips on your neck grew a little more insistent now that he knew you were awake, and you let out an embarrassing sound when his hot, wet tongue dragged against the shell of your ear. Were ears supposed to feel this sensitive?
"Morning," you replied, your voice still thick with sleep and yet already humiliatingly breathy. Memories of how he had made you come undone so easily the night before flooded into your head, and you felt heat curl in your gut as he lazily traced patterns along your stomach just under the hem of the shirt you had worn to sleep.
"I could wake up like this every day," he murmured against your skin, making you shiver agreeably. The light drag of his fingertips along the soft skin around your navel was growing torturous and you snuggled flush against him, craving his warmth.
Then you felt your backside nestle comfortably against something hot and hard, and your face went molten.
"Careful, baby," he warned in a quiet growl that sent heat racing between your legs. You swallowed, feeling hot and fuzzy under his spell. His lips changed destination to drag and suckle just under your jaw and another whimper escaped you before you could clamp your mouth shut. Seokjin groaned behind you, burying his face in your hair.
"You can't make cute sounds like that," Seokjin groaned, burying his face in your hair as he tightened his arms around you. "Are you trying to seduce me?"
You gasped in indignation, pulling away and turning to face him with a scowl. How dare he say that when he was driving you to insanity with the simplest touches on your skin?
"You're the one who's…" you trailed off as you took in the full glory of a shirtless Kim Seokjin, all toned golden skin and messy bed-head. You had definitely peaked. You had never woken up next to a guy before and now this had to be your frame of reference?
"I'm…?" he asked, cocking his head and smiling at you. You blinked, realizing you were staring and immediately averted your eyes, feeling your face heat up the way it always seemed to when you made an idiot of yourself in his presence. He reached out to cup your cheek, gently tilting your head to face him.
"God, you are beautiful," he murmured in appreciation, making your whole body go hot as your mouth dropped open in a mixture of embarrassment and surprise. You wanted to doubt his words, considering you were still bleary eyed, your hair was probably a mess, and you were bare-faced and wearing just an oversized sleeping shirt and shorts. But his expression was so soft and earnest that you just swallowed and licked suddenly dry lips. His eyes followed the motion, their warmth heating to embers as he leaned in to kiss you.
"I – I have morning breath," you squeaked, before wishing you would just die. Really? You woke up next to your super hot professor, who still wanted to kiss you, and you told him about how gross your breath was? Seokjin just chuckled, bumping his forehead against your own.
"I don't care," he said simply, silencing any further protest by pressing his silky lips to yours. Any rational thought you might have had vanished as he pulled you closer, and you melted into his embrace. Time slowed to a slow, honey-like ooze as you drowned in Seokjin's touch, and when his tongue traced the seam of your lips you parted them obediently, eager for anything he had to offer.
You weren't exactly sure when you had thrown your leg over his hip, but when you felt his erection press firmly against your core you whined into his mouth. It felt so much better through the thinner cotton of his pajama pants and your shorts rather than yesterday's business clothes, even at this awkward angle. By Seokjin's agonized groan, he agreed.
"You're gonna get me fired," he breathed in a strained voice, pushing you a few inches back and holding you there by the shoulder. You pouted, frustrated and wondering what you could do to make him let you keep going. You didn't realize that your glassy eyes and kiss-bitten lips were more than enough to drive him crazy.
"You know I wouldn't," you protested, crossing your arms and pulling away to clamber off the bed in a huff. He chuckled at your actions, making you sulk further, and he got up to wrap his arms around you from behind. It was a simple gesture, but one that made your heart race.
"Not on purpose," he agreed, kissing your temple and making you melt in spite of yourself. "But you make it hard to control myself."
"What do you mean?"
Dr. Kim – Seokjin – rolled over you, caging you between his arms and legs and looking at you with so much heat in his eyes you wondered if you might catch fire. You stared back, pinned by the weight of the sheer want in his gaze.
"It means, you make it very difficult not to eat you alive, pretty girl," he growled, leaning down to give you a hard kiss that made your head spin. It was nothing like your kisses with Taehyung, which had sometimes gotten a little heated but lacked the purpose – the intensity – of Seokjin's.
Taehyung had made you feel warm and fluttery. Seokjin was fire and desire, like the two of you were all there ever were and ever would be.
"You really don't realize what you do to me, do you?" he panted, licking a long, wet stripe along your jaw as you clutched at his back. His hips moved against yours, his hard cock slotting perfectly against your entrance, and you whimpered helplessly beneath him, canting your hips upward so the tip of his tented pants hit your core dead on. If there hadn't been any fabric between, you imagined he might have actually entered you, and you both moaned at the sensation.
"Fuck," he hissed, biting into your shoulder, where your skin would be covered by your clothing later. You gasped and gave a little cry at the sharp sting, shocked at how the pain sent another jolt of pleasure between your legs. "You're really testing me."
"I c-can't help it," you whimpered as he thrust into you, his rigid head pressing your soaked underwear into your folds. You had never felt anything like this, never felt so utterly dizzy and consumed with heat, even more than last night. "Oh god, don't stop."
"Shit," he cursed, ramming harder against you and making you mewl and rut your hips against his. "Shit, you're so sexy."
That feeling in your gut surged, of want and need and wonder. No one had told you you were sexy before.
He ceased speaking in favor of littering your shoulders with nips and hard sucks that made you whine and buck harder against him, mindless of anything other than the rising tide of your pleasure. Seokjin's own pace grew harder and more frantic as your moans increased in volume, and as the heat began to crest you felt your eyes widen in alarm as that overwhelming sensation from last night loomed overhead.
"S-Seokjin, I can't, I – " you babbled, nails digging into his back, muscles tense as your voice got stuck in your throat. He continued to thrust hard against you, his voice a hard rasp as he pinched your nipple hard through your shirt.
"You can do it," he encouraged you hoarsely, rolling your pebbled bud between his fingers as your mouth fell open and moans spilled from your lips unbidden. "I'll take care of you, baby girl."
You went under with a wordless wail, hugging his back tight as he hissed and ground his cock hard against your folds. Your back arched as you pressed yourself against him, and through the ringing in your ears you vaguely heard him cursing as he sank his teeth into your shoulder in another vengeful bite.
"Fuckfuckfuck," he panted, still grinding himself against you as you shuddered and cried out beneath him. "Oh fuck baby, I'm gonna – "
With a loud groan, he drove himself against you one final time and you let out a little whimper as you felt his cock begin to pulse against you.
"Shit," he choked, burying his face in your neck as he spilled into his briefs, grinding himself against you as you squirmed beneath him. You gasped as white hot heat seeped through his pants, bucking your hips against his again even as you both hissed in oversensitivity.
"Jesus fucking christ," Seokjin groaned, hoisting himself to his elbows so he could kiss you properly. You giggled beneath him, feeling weak and giddy and fuzzy-headed, still in disbelief that any of this had really happened.
"That was… wow," you managed, trying to gather your thoughts into something more coherent. Seokjin grinned above you, settling his weight onto one arm so he could stroke your cheek gently. Your heart sang at the soft touch, the way he was treating you like the most precious thing in the world.
"You're pretty wow, yourself," he murmured, the warmth in his eyes soaking into your chest and spreading in a heady cloud through your limbs. "How are you feeling?"
"Sticky," you replied automatically, before blushing at your over-honest response. Instead of looking disgusted, Seokjin licked his lips and gave you a smirk that made your mind fuzz.
"Is that so?" he asked in a low voice, letting his hand trail down your shirt to the waistband of your shorts. Your head spun. What was he doing? "Mind if I check, baby?" Oh.
Before you could reply, his hand dipped into the fabric to cup you over your underwear and you flushed in embarrassment at how soaked the cloth must be.
"All for me?" he asked roughly, the feral look in his eyes making you forget your embarrassment as you felt more heat blooming in your gut. You gave a tiny, bashful nod before gasping as he pushed the fabric aside to drag wicked fingers against your folds.
"S-Seokjin," you whined, torn between embarrassment at this new, compromising situation and the desire for him to alleviate the ache he was causing between your legs. How was he doing this? Was it really this easy to reduce you to nothing but a quivering mess of want?
Seokjin loomed over you, broad and disheveled and so beautiful you still couldn't quite believe what was happening. Then he brought his fingers upward, using your arousal to stroke gently at your clit and you forgot any of your misgivings in favor of pressing your hips into his touch.
"So beautiful," he murmured, leaning in to press his lips against your temple, your cheek, your jaw. "So perfect for me."
Seokjin kissed you again, soft and slow but no less intense than before. You felt a finger press against your slit, and he swallowed your gasp of surprise as he breached your inner walls. You tensed, not having expected the intrusion, unsure of what to do but not wanting the moment to end.
"Fuck," he groaned against your mouth, unable to resist the urge to press into you even deeper. You couldn't speak, overwhelmed by the foreign sensation, the slight burn as your walls stretched to accommodate him. All you could do was grip the sheets in shaky hands, twisting them as your mind tried to catch up.
Seokjin swore again, kissing you hard as you trembled under his ministrations. The surprise was wearing off, as was the slight feeling of invasion, replaced by pulses of pleasure each time he curled his finger inside of you.
"Seokjin," you whimpered, wriggling your hips beneath him, willing to give him anything he wanted. He groaned and sat back, moving his gaze so he could watch your expression as your cunt swallowed his probing digit.
"No one's ever done this to you?" he asked roughly, sparing a glance upwards to meet your eyes. His own were dark and piercing, with a feverish glint you had never seen before.
"No," you whispered, half mortified but pinned into place by the intensity of his gaze. Seokjin licked his lips, a look of feral satisfaction crossing his face before he brought his thumb to stroke at your clit, making you gasp as your eyes fluttered shut.
"Does this feel good?" he asked, though the devious curve of his lips hinted that he already knew your answer. You nodded, not quite trusting your voice to function properly as he worked his way into you.
"That's my girl," Seokjin crooned darkly, leaning back over you to stroke your cheek, caging your body beneath his. He was all that existed, searing himself into your memory from the inside out, and when he withdrew his slick finger from your core he pressed it gently against your clit, making you cry out and buck against him.
"Oh god," you moaned as he used your wetness to caress your bud more aggressively. You reached for Seokjin, wrapping your arms around his neck to bring his lips to yours and he groaned as if he was the one being overwhelmed.
His rubbing was the sweetest torture, the pressure and friction unfurling that throb in your gut that grew and grew. Your cries and whimpers were muffled by the sloppy tangle of your tongue against his, and you felt like you were being dismantled piece by piece.
Your orgasm hit you like a hurricane, pleasure swirling around you like a torrent as you gasped into Seokjin's hungry mouth. He groaned, pressing his finger against your slit to feel it pulse as you went rigid beneath him, pleasure white hot under your skin.
You felt dizzy, like petals being tossed about in the wind, but little by little you came back to reality. Seokjin's warm body cradled yours like a cushion protecting you from a fall, and you gladly melted into his embrace.
"Beautiful," he murmured into your ear, his soft voice helping you settle your roots into the earth. He kissed your temple before resting on an elbow and gazing at you reverently, and you were too out of it to shy away from his eyes.
"I need a shower," you mumbled dazedly, suddenly aware of the layer of sweat coating your body now that your skin was cooling.
"Me too," agreed Seokjin, chuckling in amusement as he brushed some hair off your damp forehead. "Should we wash off together?"
His words brought you the rest of the way back to reality. You froze, eyes wide as your brain tried to process being naked in front of not just any man, but Kim Seokjin. Not just in front of him, with him. Despite his warm, affectionate gaze, you felt panic begin to rise in your veins. At the alarm in your eyes, he smiled softly and kissed your forehead, lips warm and gentle and so soothing you felt your nerves resettle.
"How about you go first?" he offered, and your chest squeezed at his thoughtfulness.
"Okay," you said, smiling gratefully at him and hoping he wasn't offended. "I – I want to, but – "
"Shh, it's okay baby," he interrupted, pressing his lips against yours again so sweetly you thought you might melt into a puddle. "I understand. We'll take things slow."
Was it too soon to be in love? You felt like the gooey warmth swelling from your chest couldn't be anything else, and the way he cradled your cheeks in his hands made you feel safe and protected. Your lashes fluttered shut as his lips molded to yours, basking in his slow, deliberate touch.
You knew that eventually real life would intrude in this wonderful bubble, but for now, wrapped in Seokjin's arms, everything was perfect.
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Tags: @moonleeai @random-and-out-of-context @amenjiminsan @innebulae @seoqity @lilacdreams-00 @chowb @shescharlie @mazmaz30 @definetlythinkimanalien @seokjins-luigi @lucci-girl @xicanacorpse @bighitbabie @8loominghell @jung-nika-hoseok @staradorned @zealouslightcookiebasketball @kissme-ornot @dyhrbls @nabiolive @xyahrinx
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jynzandtonic · 3 years
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HOLY SHIT I FINALLY DID IT, Y’ALL! A COMPLETE MASTERLIST! All of my writings are laid out under the cut. XOXOXO!
Last updated: October 4, 2021 (refresh the masterlist)
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 Aaaand just a quick reminder...
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ADAM SACKLER - Girls (2012-2017)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Adam Sackler - (450 words)
an intro to Sackler in the jynzandtonic universe
The Show Must Go On - AO3 - (1.8k + 1.7k + 2k words)
{part 1} - {part 2} - {part 3}
switch!Sackler x switch!reader: “omg they were quarantined!” w/ anonymous webcam sex and edging
Cherry - (1.6k + ? words)
{part 1} - {part 2 tba; it’s on the back burner!}
Daddy!Sackler x virgin!reader: reader has a daddy kink and innocence kink, initiates a pre-negotiated roleplay scenario for their first time sexual experience
Swiped - AO3 - audio - (1.2k + 1.3k + 2k words)
FULL FIC + AUDIO or {part 1} - {part 2} - {part 3}
Sackler x inexperienced/virgin!reader: “omg and they were roommates!” w/ idiots-to-lovers, instruction, dirty talk
Cake - (1k + 1.9k + ?) - to be continued!
{part 1} - {part 2} - {part 3}
Sackler asks what you want for your birthday. You ask for DAT BOOTY. Switch!Sackler x switch!reader pegging fic!
What to Expect - AO3 - (30k+) - WIP!
ch.1 - ch.2 - ch.3 - ch.4 - ch.5 - ch.6 - ch.7 - ch.8 - ch.9 - ch.10 - ch.11 - ch.12 - ch.13 - ch.14 - ch.15 (epilogue)
You decide to have a baby via donor, but your friend across the hall offers to help out the old-fashioned way. Preggo/Babyfic feat. Sackler!
Whole - AO3 - (500 words)
There are days when it feels like you just can’t get out of bed. There are days when you feel like you’re broken. But with Adam, you know you’re never really alone.
Ask Her - AO3 - audio - (5k words)
When you let it slip that you fooled around with your best friend back in the day, Sackler asks if you’d do it again. When you say you would, he can’t seem to let the idea of the three of you go. Maybe—just maybe—all you have to do is ask her.
Basic Instinct - AO3 - (25k)
ch.1 - ch. 2 - ch. 3 - ch. 4 - ch. 5 - ch. 6 - ch.7 - ch. 8
It’s a lucky coincidence—when you’re desperately searching for a new place, Adam Sackler has a room for rent. Plus, alphas and betas make great roommates, right? … Right?
Losing your virginity to Sackler
Adam making you cum while out at dinner w/ his parents
Sackler fingerfucking you on a rollercoaster
Facefucking and spitting in your mouth
Sackler screeching for cuddles
Sackler finding ‘innocent’ virgin!reader’s vibrator
Feeling needy and giving Sackler a sloppy, lovey BJ
Sackler teaching anxious reader how to give him head
Sackler wanting to see your lipstick smeared on his cock
Shy reader pulling The Lip Bite (TM) on Adam
Temperature play w/ ice cubes
Shy reader turning passionate for Sackler
What are the odds: wearable vibe at work
You and Sackler jerking each other off at a movie theater
Fucking you so hard you forget you even met your ex
Soft dom!reader overstimulating sweet Sackler
Adam eating your pussy on a hike
Riding Sackler’s face to shut him the fuck up
Sweet, soft sex with Sackler in front of your ex
Soft, sleepy morning sex
Adam loving on your teeny tiny titties
Gremlin!Sackler fingering the fuck outta you
Shit-talking switch!Sackler feat. some bondage
Catching Sackler jerkin’ it and playing with his titties
Some very possessive dirty talk
Adam finding virgin!reader’s dildo
Sackler ‘helping’ busy student!reader unwind
Proud reader fucking Sackler backstage between shows
Sackler buys you your very first vibe
Sackler pulling up your sundress and fucking you in the park
Sleeping in *ahem* too small of a bed with roommate Sackler
Sex that sent you and Sackler to the ER
Sackler in a healthy, communicative relationship
Sackler comforting a reader far away from home
Sackler with asexual!reader
Random shit that Adam says in bed with you
Pregnancy kink with Adam Sackler
Sackler’s nicknames for reader
Daddy!Adam Sackler daydreams
Misc Sackler hcs: dirty talk, sex, exhibitionism, domestic fluff
Songs on my Sackler “bedroom playlist”
Comparing the temperature of your mouth and cunt
Sackler eating out nervous!reader for the first time
How Sackler gives kisses
Dan + Sackler soothing your anxiety
Making grumpy Sackler BEG FOR IT
Bashful Sackler hcs
On Adam’s chaotic!switch tendencies
NSFW Alphabet: Cum + Fave Position
On seeing a usually self conscious partner feel confident about their body
Adam Sackler loves love
Sexy HCs: cum, masturbation, oral, kinks, pussy-eating
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CLYDE LOGAN - Logan Lucky (2017)
- FICS -
Meet the Boys: Clyde Logan
Maybe - AO3 - (1k words)
breeding kink/creampie WITHOUT the possibility/goal of reader becoming pregnant
Clyde gets ASMR - AO3 - (1k words)
Your sweet boy Clyde is the first guest on your ASMR channel. SFW fluff, can you believe it?!
Solstice - AO3 - (3k + 1.8k words)
{part 1} - {part 2}
It happens every Winter Solstice–you shift into a fox and wander the West Virginian woods for the longest night of the year. When you’re injured in an accident, the kind local bartender takes you into his care. Little does he know you’ll shift back into your human form come sunrise… without a shred of clothing on you.
The Plunge - AO3 - (3.4k words)
Clyde's not too hot on the idea of you swimmin' all by yourself at night, so it's up to you to convince him to join you for some moonlight skinny dipping.
In Vino Veritas - AO3 - (6.6k words)
In Vino Veritas — ‘In Wine, Truth.' You open up your very own wine bar, but one Boone County bartender isn’t particularly pleased about it. When a rift emerges between the two of you, will you find a way to mend it? And is there really “truth in wine?”
Eyes Wide Open - AO3 - (1.5k words)
It's all anonymous, and you're so hungry for a lover's touch. You'll never see him; he'll never know you. After an hour together, you'll part ways and never cross paths again. You couldn't find each other if you tried. As luck would have it, you might not need to.
Rowdy fuckin’ with Clyde
Clyde comforting reader after a fight with a parent/other
Touch-starved, babbling, dirty-talking Clyde
Daddy!Clyde fucking bratty reader while decorating the xmas tree
Clyde getting riled up watching you do stretches
Mirror-fucking and dirty-talk with Clyde
Phone sex with Clyde
Teaching Clyde to dance
Making Clyde do a homemade facemask*
Clyde wants a baby for Christmas
Admiring and loving on Clyde’s soft cock
The first time Clyde made your cheeks go hot
Filthy fucking at Duck Tape with Clyde 
Clyde’s very first time eating pussy*
Crying on Clyde’s cock
Clyde making you cum seven times in a row (for luck, y’know)
Facesitting with Daddy!Clyde
Clyde fucking your ass at Duck Tape after seeing your plug
Leaving the big city and reassuring Clyde of your choice
Waking Clyde up with some slow head
Sweet n sensual mirror sex with Clyde
Clyde comforting you with slow lovemaking
Clyde comforting isolated reader
Sending/receiving nude pics with Clyde
Corrupting sweet sub!Clyde
Clyde comforting sad reader (gn)
Clyde + breeding kink/pregnancy - part 1
Clyde + breeding kink/pregnancy - part 2
Clyde + breeding kink/pregnancy - part 3
Clyde with a lactation kink
Clyde taking care of you when you’re sick
Netflix and... cockwarming. oops
Riding Clyde’s cock. That’s it. That’s the post.
Marking his territory with creampies
Fantasizing about meeting Clyde at the bar
Loving fussing over Clyde
High school Clyde (uwu)
Telling Clyde you want to have a baby
Clyde being protective of you
NSFW Alphabet: Oral + Jack Off
Clyde eating pussy
MORE Clyde and breeding kink
The first time you have sex with Clyde feat. SIZE KINK
Sexy HCs: creampies, pussy-eating, and pregnancy
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FLIP ZIMMERMAN - Blackkklansman (2017)
- FICS -
Under the Stars - AO3 - (2.8k)
Flip Zimmerman’s always talking shit—even about the gear you’ve brought on your weekend camping trip. When the rain rolls in, will you help him out with a dry place to sleep?
Sweeter Than Honey (multichapter)- coming soon!
Visiting Flip at the station to show him your new lipstick
Flip daring you to sit on a vibe for 20min (overstim)
Coming home to find you in lingerie + his flannel
Fucking you in the archives division and telling you to keep quiet
GOOD COP BAD COP feat. Flip + Ronnie
Mirror sex in a dressing room
Breeding kink w/ Flip*
Your first time with Flip - part 1
Your first time with Flip - part 2
Fucking the brat out of you at a holiday party
Flip taking care of you after a long work day
Lovey-dovey drunk sex with Flip
Playing strip-poker with Flip
Slapping Flip (hint: it doesn’t go over well)
Flip spitting on your pussy
JUST how much Flip loves you
Slow lovemaking with Flip
Flip’s kinks, fave things to do in bed, and aftercare
Flip cheering you up after a bad day
Visiting Flip at the station in your skimpiest outfit
Flip being territorial over you in public
L.E.O. boys on National Horny Day
Flip being charming and playful
NSFW Alphabet: Aftercare, Goofy, Motivation, Stamina, Unfair
Gender-affirming lovin’ with Flip (transmasc!reader)
Semi-public sex and getting caught
On the subject of Flip’s balls
Growing old with Flip
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OFFICER RONNIE PETERSON - The Dead Don’t Die (2018)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Ronnie Peterson - (1k words)
an intro to Ronnie in the jynzandtonic universe, in which the ending of The Dead Don’t Die is gleefully retconned
Holds Two Nicely - AO3 - (2k + ? words)
{part 1} - {part 2 coming soon}
switch!Ronnie gets road head in the Smart Car, and reader’s gonna pay for pulling that type of shenanigans
This Is The Way - AO3 - (2.6k words)
Bad Day - AO3 - (2k)
blowing off a bad day with some mutual masturbation + squirting
Meet the Boys: Officer Ronnie Peterson
Hand kink w/ Ronnie’s giant paws
Deepthroating + dirty talk with sweet + spicy bby Ronnie
Rescuing Ronnie from the apocalypse and settling in the big city
GOOD COP BAD COP feat. Flip + Ronnie
Handcuffing and domming Ronnie
Ronnie can’t keep his hands off you at the PD holiday party
Sitting on Ronnie’s face... HE LIKES IT.
Mando!Reader doms subby Ronnie
Cockwarming as a form of dominance with switch!Ronnie
DOUBLE PENETRATION with Ronnie + a Clone-A-Willy
Ronnie finding you half-naked in a Stormtrooper costume
Thigh-riding Ronnie at the station
Ronnie overstimulating you with a clit-sucker + cockwarming
Giving Ronnie head in the bathroom at a frat party
Ronnie spanking you after he has a rough day skiing
Make-up snuggling with Ronnie after a fight
Virgin!Ronnie x virgin!reader thots
Sending/receiving nudes with Ronnie
Fluffy/dirty HCs for nerdy boy Ronnie
What are Ronnie’s hugs like?
How Ronnie dresses when he’s not in uniform
L.E.O. boys on National Horny Day
Dan + Ronnie on Daddy kink
Ronnie Peterson Tummy Appreciation Post
NSFW Alphabet: Jack Off, Zzzzz, + Dirty Secret
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CHARLIE BARBER - Marriage Story (2019)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Charlie Barber - (550 words)
an intro to Charlie in the jynzandtonic universe, which occurs solely post-Marriage Story
Exit Stage Right - AO3 - (1k words)
Theater smut and a very protective, soft Daddy!Charlie
Special Spot - AO3 - (850 words)
Daddy!Charlie is stressed from work and asks you to play with his ass
Business or Pleasure - AO3 - (1.7k words + ?) - WIP!
{part 1} - {part 2}
Lost and Found - AO3 - (4.6k words)
You’re an artist in New York City patiently waiting to find your soulmate. But what happens if your soulmate didn’t wait to find you?
Desperate, touch-starved fucking with Charlie
Cockwarming in the theater with Charlie
Charlie buying sex toys for reader
Building IKEA furniture + drinking wine
How Kind of You to Let Me Cum: etiquette kink with Daddy!Charlie
Counting belt spankings for Daddy!Charlie
Charlie rubbing your clit on the subway
Daddy!Charlie feat. squirting kink
Charlie comforting you after a hard day
Christmas party cockwarming with Charlie
Thigh-riding Charlie in his office
Professor!Charlie Barber fucking you in the library stacks
Charlie and a little bit of voyeurism/exhibitionism
Teasing Charlie like a little brat
Charlie fucking nonbinary!reader senseless for looking too good
Sleepy morning head with Charlie + erogenous zones
Charlie punishing you with edging, spanking, and overstim
Wearing Charlie’s hand like a necklace + mirror sex
Late-night somnophilia with Charlie
Distracting Professor!Charlie during office hours
Getting messy making pancakes with Charlie
Cockwarming for Charlie during his zoom meetings
Charlie taking his frustration out on you + aftercare
Student/teacher cockwarming with Professor!Barber
Falling asleep after sex with Charlie
Soft breeding kink feels with Charlie
Misc Charlie hcs: nicknames, sex, aftercare, + more
Charlie sending you gorgeous NYC lingerie
d-d-d-d-DADDY KINK + more
NSFW Alphabet: Unfair - remote control vibe
NSFW Alphabet: Cum, Jack Off, Fave Position, Goofy, Stamina
Charlie teaching you your manners before a fancy date
Daddy!Charlie on erotic piercings
Threesomes with Charlie: Adam, Dan, + Toby
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PHILLIP ALTMAN - This Is Where I Leave You (2014)
- FICS -
A Great American Pastime - coming soon!
Edging bratty sub!Phillip
Phillip messing with you during Passover Seder
Sudsy shower sex with Altman
Altman fucking you in the pool during a family bbq
Making Philly cum in his pants at a house party
Phillip buying you a naughty present
Pegging bratty Phillip
Phillip degrading + facefucking you
Handcuffing Phillip and riding his face
Phillip + Sackler on the BDSM test
NSFW Alphabet: Goofy, Motivation, Unfair, Volume
Spending Hanukkah with Phillip
Sending/receiving nude pics with Phillip
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DAN JONES (au context) - The Report (2019)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Dan Jones - (550 words)
an intro to Dan in the jynzandtonic universe, in which he is still a Senate staffer and the lead investigator for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; this is not RPF
Business or Pleasure - AO3 - (1.7k words + ?) - WIP!
{part 1} - {part 2}
Long Day - AO3 - (2.7k words)
DOM!Dan Jones!
Consumed by his work for the Senate Intelligence Committee, Dan comes home to you tense and exhausted, desperate for an outlet for his stress. Lucky for him, his little dove always knows just what he needs.
Professor!Dan Jones AU - coming soon!
Sensual phone sex with Dan
Subby!Dan with assistant!reader
Riding the fuck out of Dan in his office chair (drabble)
Disciplining Dan when he’s misbehaved
Semi-public sex with riled-up Daniel
Dan begging you to swallow his cum*
Surprising Dan with head when he comes home from work
Dan + Sackler soothing your anxiety
Dan + Ronnie on Daddy kink
Dan with a shy!reader
Aftercare with Dan
NSFW Alphabet: Cum, Jack Off, + Toys
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TOBY GRISONI (GRUMMET) - The Man Who Killed Don Quixote (2016)
- FICS -
You Can, You Shall, You Must (multichapter) - coming soon!
Distracting Toby mid-film by being a brat 
Toby eating your pussy on the train + getting caught
Misc Toby HCs: fucking, protectiveness, aesthetics
Misc Toby HCs: thigh-riding, hair-braiding, polaroids
NSFW Alphabet: Kinks + WILDCARDS
Toby mustache HCs
RICK SMOLAN (au context) - Tracks (2013)
- FICS -
Meet Me in Moab (Vanlife!Rick AU) - coming soon!
Watching sub!Rick jerk himself off for you
Rick shooting outdoor lingerie photos
Fucking a very touch-starved Rick
Making Rick cum in his pants
Rick worshipping readers phat titties
Roadtripping with Rick
Rick tickling and teasing your pussy
PAUL SEVIER - Midnight Special (2015)
- FICS -
Sugar Daddy!Paul Sevier AU - coming soon!
Praise kink with sweet Sevvy
Catching feelings for Sugar Daddy!Sevier
Sugar Daddy!Sevier comforting you during hard times
Paul spanking you with his file folders
Giving Sevvy head so good he cries
Overstimulating sub!Sevier
Somnophilia with Sevier
Sevier comforting sad reader
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Dirty texts from all of the boys
How the boys feel about stretch marks
Cute lil’ domestic arguments with Clyde, Ronnie, Charlie, Dan, + Flip
The boys with pregnant!reader
The boys on hickies and love-bites
The boys on period sex
Loving on fat!reader
Sunday morning snuggles and ~shagging~
How the boys would ask you to move in with them
The boys with a nonbinary!reader (they/them)
How the boys would spend a snow-day with you
The boys on thicc thighs
Dominant/submissive x LNC chart for the boys
Charlie + Ronnie comforting sad reader
~Soft~ hcs for Flip, Dan, Sevier, Ronnie, + Phillip
TRUTH OR DARE with Sackler, Clyde, + Flip - part 1
TRUTH OR DARE with Sackler, Clyde, + Flip - part 2
TRUTH OR DARE with Charlie, Phillip, Ronnie, + Dan
Top three boys with a breeding kink
The boys on the BDSM test
Flip, Daddy!Charlie, Clyde, + Sackler on being called ‘himbos’
A lil’ bit of clit worship
Sweet + spicy hcs with Clyde + Sackler
Sweet + spicy hcs with Flip + Ronnie
What kind of porn the boys watch/read
Falling asleep and waking up with you
What to do to get the boys weak for you
Must-have songs on their “bedroom playlists”
How kinky do the boys get + fave positions
How the boys rate in the exhibitionist category
The boys taking care of you when you’re sick
NSFW Alphabet: Aftercare with Sackler + Charlie
NSFW Alphabet: Experience
NSFW Alphabet: Dirty Secret
NSFW Alphabet: Location
NSFW Alphabet: No
The boys with a transman (transmasc!reader)
What the boys sound like before they cum
On finding out you’re bisexual
What the boys are like when they’re drunk: Toby, Dan, + Rick
What the boys are like when they’re drunk: Charlie, Clyde, Flip, + Ronnie
How the boys give hugs
What the boys prefer to fuck
Reverse cowgirling Charlie, Dan, Sackler, + Clyde
What alcohol the boys like to drink
A few New Year’s Resolutions
How the boys feel about verbal debasement/degradation kink
Size kink with Flip, Ronnie, + Clyde
Favorite rewards for The Subby Boys (TM)
Romantic nights with Flip, Charlie, + Clyde
Reactions to participating in skin-care pamering night
On dating a reader who does camming
The Babie-Daddy-Gremlin Triangle
The boys helping you when you’re overwhelmed with work
Would be most likely to roleplay Mulder/Scully with you
Is most likely to cum on you vs. cum in you
Likes to be called “Sir” (for scientific purposes)
Has the biggest dick - part 1 
Has the biggest dick - part 2 (NSFW Alphabet)
Has the best cock
Prefer showers or baths
Is the dirtiest and softest
Give the best back scratches when tucking you in
Wear speedos vs. trunks
Want to bring snacks to sexytime (food kink)
Is an ass man vs. a boobs man
Would be into having a threesome, and what kind
Would want to have children*
Is the best at eating you out
Has the heaviest balls feat. @clydesducktape​
Love facials the most
Is most likely to eat ass
Do I ship with each other + threesome ideas : paul x rick threesome, flip x phillip
Like to dole out orgasm denial/edging
Is the cuddliest
Is most likely to fuck the bratty attitude out of you
Has an edging kink
- FICS -
The Dungeon Master - AO3 - (1.7k words + 1.9k)
{part 1} - {part 2}
Matt plays D&D on Thursday nights, and you decide to interrupt him for a good dicking. You get more than you bargained for.
HCs: Matt the Radar Tech, Cameron the Actor, + Mr. Ketchup
HCs: very NSFW chaotic-dom!Matt the Radar Tech things
Matt the Radar Technician’s pet chinchilla, Greg by @rollerdiscodiva​
How you got together with Matt + misc HCs
A few Matt x chubby!reader HCs
Feral Matt the Radar Tech being... sweet??
What Matt’s cock is like
Feral Matt being a little sweet after sex
Crumbs on soft!Matt
Surprising Matt with some DnD cosplay sex
Matt + first-time somnophilia
Matt congratulating you for acing a test the way he knows best
Trying to give Matt a slow, sweet blowjob
Keeping grumpy Matty up late with some deepthroating
Sweet Matt buying you succulents
Wearing Christmas Lingerie while Daddy McTavish tries to work on Zoom
Your first Christmas with Mr. McTavish and Mr. Pennyham (Sleepover Dad)
Kylo’s guilty pleasures
Kylo fucking his hand in the refresher
How Kylo/Ben shows everyone you belong to him
Sub!Kylo begging you to let him cum
Tending to each other’s wounds after defeating Snoke’s guard
Dom!Kylo fucking your throat
Kylo/Ben and possessive behavior
Kylo and pregnant reader snaccs
Rough, post-battle sex with Kylo
Tending to Smuggler!Ben’s wounds (Mando!Reader)
Sucking Kylo’s cock in the refresher
Cockwarming in the throne room
Kylo watching you kick ass in training
Sparring with Kylo till he fucks you senseless
Daddy!Kylo Ren overstimming and spanking your pussy
Kylo/Ben taking care of you after a hard mh day
A full month of kinky prompts with all your favorite boys!
Love Letters from The Boys
KINKS/TROPES - (will be expanded)
-additionally, all of these are tags that can be blocked 🖤-
daddy kink
virginity kink / innocence kink
pregnancy kink
breeding kink
size kink
body positivity
light verbal degradation / degradation kink
light bondage / bondage
light exhibitionism / exhibitionism / voyeurism
semi-public sex
1K notes · View notes
mayans-sauce · 4 years
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Gif Credit: @thedevilsmoonshine
Pairing: Bishop Losa x Reader
Word count: 1.6K
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, virgin reader (also yes she is on the pill), a bit of swearing
Request by @sweetestreyes Heyyyy! I have a request for our presidente, maybe some cute smut like the reader confessing Bishop she’s a virgin so he’s all romantic and careful with her? Thanks a lot corazón 🖤
A/N: thanks for the request! I’m sorry it’s a little late but I hope you like it❤️ I think you can tell that I was in my Bishop feels while writing this! I went all out and I really put all my English abilities that I have into this! Like I REALLY wanted you to feel like this was your first time with him. And also Bishop calling reader sweetheart is my fucking kink *heart eyes*
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist or join my ❗️group chat❗️ if you want to get notified when I post because the tags can be broken sometimes❤️
💖Main Masterlist💖 💖Bishop Masterlist💖
Thank you so much for reading and supporting! It really means a lot💋 I love you all😘
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You had been together with Bishop a little over two months now. Those two months were the best you have had in a long time. He was sweet and caring to you. Sex hadn't really been discussed yet. When he mentioned it you always came up with an excuse like that you were tired or just wasn't in the mood. You didn't want to tell him the real reason yet as to why, and that was that you were still a virgin. You never felt that he pressured you when you were having a late night make out session on the couch and his actions got a little bit rougher. He always stopped and asks if it was alright. When you told him that you weren't really in the mood tonight he just nodded his head and cuddled you instead.
Nights like these happened a lot and you always felt bad that you weren't taking this big step with him. Bishop didn't seem to mind. He always told you that he would wait until you felt ready, having no clue that you were keeping a big secret from him.
Tonight was the night you were going to tell him and hopefully have him take your virginity. As always after a long day at work for you and him at the clubhouse, you found yourself tangled against each other on the couch. Lips moving against one another as his hands explored your body. Yours around his neck to keep him to you. The movie that you had put in for movie night completely forgotten.
His lips felt so good against yours. His hands roaming your curves made your whole body tingle in delight. You wanted to go even further. You so wanted to take the next step with him. But you were scared. What if he rejected you? Didn't want to be with you when you told him that you were a virgin? You knew that he would never think that but your insecurities took over. You stopped him when you felt his arms pulling you closer to him, his lips getting a little bit rougher against yours.
“Bishop wait”. He pulled away from you, looking at your face. “What is it sweetheart?” his hand coming to rest on your cheek. “I.. I.. um”. “You can tell me anything you know that..”. Alright here goes nothing you thought.
“I'm a... virgin”. You looked down, almost as if you were ashamed. His fingers grabbed you chin and pulled your face to look at him again. “Why didn't you tell me?” “I was ashamed that.. you didn't want me”. “Didn't want you?” He shook his head at that, letting out a laugh. “I want you so much baby. I was afraid that you didn't want me.. but now I know why. I'm sorry if you have ever felt pressured to have sex with me. I never ever want that”. You gave him a sweet kiss on the lips. Those were the exact words you needed to hear. To make you confident to ask him to take it to the next level. “I've never felt pressured Obispo. You've always been nice to me”. He brought his lips to your forehead leaving a lingering kiss. “How about we just cuddle for the night yeah?”
You shook your head no, bringing this lips to yours for a needy kiss. You wanted him. You needed him now. “What are you doing?” “I want you Bishop. I want you so bad.. please”. “Are you sure? We don't need to if you are not ready baby”. “I want to.. so bad.. please”. He made you straddle him. Your lips kissing the flesh of his neck, leaving light marks, while he picked you up and carried you to the bedroom.
Laying you both gently down on the bed. You loved the weight of him on top of you while he kissed you so good. He removed his shirt and pants until he was only in his boxers. He then proceeded to help you with your clothing. Groaning out when he took you shirt off. Your beautiful, naked torso laid out in front of him. “Fuck.. you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on”.
Giving you a quick kiss on the lips before his lips started to wander down. Leaving sloppy, wet kisses on your tender neck, sucking on your sweet spot. Down the valley of your breast and stopping to give some love to both of your nipples. Your back arching at the wonderful feeling.
His lips came to a stop at your covered core. He was looking up at you. Taking in the beautiful girl before him. “Can I taste you?” You frantically nodded your head at him, wanting him to continue.
Hooking his thumbs in the waistband of your shorts and panties he pulled them down you legs. He licked his lips when he saw your pussy. Already wet and ready for his waiting mouth. Spreading your legs as far as they could go to get a complete view of you. “So beautiful”. He started with kisses on your inner thigh and worked his way to your waiting core. Looking up at you to take in your reactions at what he was doing. His tongue licked up a broad strip across your centre. You let out a gasp at the feeling. Throwing your head back while one of your hands found their home in his hair.
“Fuck.. Bishop.. please”. His lips wrapping around your bundle of nerves. Switching between sucking and licking your little pearl. “Fuck that feels so good”. “Yeah you like this querida?” “Yes.. god yes..”. Your senses was overwhelmed with pleasure. You were going to cum soon and Bishop took notice and pulled away from you. Letting out a frustrated groan as the pleasure was taken away from you.
“Mmm.. you taste so sweet baby. As much as I would love to feel you come undone on my tongue, I really need to be inside of you sweetheart. I want us to cum together”. Leaning down to kiss you. Lips moving desperately against each other to try and savour the flavour of one another. Taking his boxers off and taking himself in his hand to pump a few times. Your mouth hung open at the sight of him. You just wanted to feel every inc of him inside of you. Rubbing the head of his cock against your folds to coat himself in your juices. His tip at your entrance as he looked at your face for confirmation to continue. “I'm ready Bishop”.
He slowly pushed inside of your tight walls. You let out a whimper at the slight pain. “Are you alright? Do you want to stop?” “No.. please keep going”. When he was fully inside of you he took his time to kiss all over your face, making you giggle out. His little journey of kisses ended with a sweet kiss on your lips. “I love you”. That was the first time he has ever said that to you and it made your heart almost burst out of your chest. “I love you too. Now please move. I want to feel you”.
He pushed himself out until only his tip was inside of you before he pushed in again. Doing this a few times to get you adjusted to him. “Please Bishop.. faster”. He let out a throaty groan and buried his face in your neck at your commands. Picking up his speed. Not to fast but not to slow either. Just enough to make you both climb closer to euphoria. “Fuck you feels so good sweetheart” he said against your neck. Sucking and licking the soft skin. You let out sweet whimpers and moans that Bishop took notice off. If he could he would only listen to those sounds for the rest of his life.
He brought his forehead to yours. Looking into each other's eyes as your release came closer and closer. Wrapping your arms and legs around him to keep him as close as possible to you. He supported himself on one elbow while his other arm went down to where you were connected to circle your bundle of nerves, making your whole body tingle in delight. “Fuck.. fuck I'm almost there Bishop”. He picked his pace up, wanting you to cum for him. The thought of that he was going to be the first man to ever make you cum like this had his head fucking spinning.
“Cum for me sweetheart. I want to feel you”. That was all it took. Your walls pulsating around him as your pleasure took completely over your body. Head thrown back as your saw stars in your eyes at the amazing feeling. One last thrust from him and he spilled himself inside of you. Coating your walls with his warm seed. Burying his face in your neck again to conceal his moans of pleasure. He continued to thrust himself inside of you to ride out your high.
Once you both slowly started to come down from the sky he pressed his lips to yours. Pulling you on top of him while he was still nested inside of you. Listening to his calming heart beat as he stroked your hair lovingly. None of you speaking for a moment. Just enjoying each other warmth and touch as you calmed down.
You were the first one to speak. “That was incredible. Thank you for being so sweet and caring to me”. “Always sweetheart and do you know how hot it is that I'm the first man that has ever made you come undone like that”. You lifted your head to look at him. “Really?” He nodded his head. “Well lucky for you, you are the only one that is allowed to make me cum like that for the rest of our lives”. “Oh I'm counting on it baby”.
“I love you Obispo”.
“I love you Y/N”.
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that-yandere-life · 4 years
Steve Rogers
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[Thank you for helping me celebrate! I hope that you enjoy, and that it was what you were wanting darling!]
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
All of Steve’s experience comes from back in the day, so he is not as well educated on the proper etiquette of today. However once you explain to him what you require, and the importance of aftercare he will make sure you are taken care of. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Favorite part of his: His shoulders, for more reasons than the fact that they are strong enough to hold the weight of the world on them. Or being your shoulder to cry on whenever you need it, to being your scratching post as he is slamming into you with unparalleled force. However the main reason he likes them the most is because it’s your favorite place to fall asleep at night.
Favorite part of yours: Your lips, in fact he often finds himself subconsciously sketching them in his sketchbook. Loving the words and sounds that desperately fall from them as you two are making love. The incredible feeling of them on his own lips, or even better around his cock. ;)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Inside of you will usually be any yandere’s first choice (including him), but if you are extremely adamant against the idea he would then choose to cum in your mouth. Of course he will make you swallow it as punishment for not letting him cum inside of you.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Packs a pair of your used underwear with him in his go bag if he has to leave you for any length of time. Whether he uses it to get off taking in your scent, or wrapping it around his dick knowing that where he really wanted to be had once touched that very fabric. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Yes he does have experience! He is not the virgin everyone seems to think he is. Do you really think that he wouldn’t take someone up on the offer, after getting no attention his entire life? Anyone would be oh so dedicated to helping him make up for lost time, showing him how to properly please a woman. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
The “G-Whiz” which is where your legs are up on his shoulders while he is thrusting into you, holding onto your hips where they meet him. The point of this move is that not only is it a deep penetration position, but also continuously hits your G-Spot. Bringing the maximum amount of pleasure for both of you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Deep down Steve will always be a goofball, sweetheart, marshmallow of a person. While time has hardened him slightly, it’s mostly on the surface level. The Steve Rogers you get is what is within his heart and soul. So sometimes it might be silly, and sweet where the two of you are enjoying each other's company more than anything else. Others are so needy, desperate, and serious that his main goal is making you fall apart over and over again.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Steve is a well kept man, so this would also mean he is trimmed and kept down there as well. Although his happy trail is something he leaves in all its glory, a solid promise for what is to come.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Gets very heated in the moment, a lot of emotions coming up to the surface because he just loves you so damn much. More than he has ever loved anyone, and he truly wants to show you how he feels every time the two of you make love. Sometimes he gets lost in the lust and passion between you and it becomes more about the pleasure aspect, however the love is always there.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Only when he has to be away from you, or you aren’t feeling good. Basically when he can’t have you, he will take care of the job himself.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Everyone knows he has a Captain kink this isn’t news to anyone, he likes feeling like he has authority over you in the bedroom. Maybe a little bit of a complex left over from when he was small and frail, but who is to say? Really likes seeing you try on his uniform though, and attempt to wield his shield. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
In the bedroom, because while he isn’t bashful by any means he doesn’t want to tarnish either of your reputations if you were caught somewhere public. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The smell of your perfume, the one you wear very rarely because it was so expensive you can’t justify using it all the time. The one reserved for special occasions, where you both dress to the nines. The one that will be the only thing you are wearing by the end of the evening. ;)
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything in public, he doesn’t mind in the privacy of a hotel, or home, but he draws the line at that. Possibly a little bit due to how he was raised honestly, brought up to always defend someone’s honor, especially of those he loved.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
The boy can do more with his tongue than just give motivation to others, he can tear you apart just to build you back up again. However he LOVES to receive, and would never turn you down if you ask him. The sight of you on your knees pleasuring him, teasing him, your tongue swirling purposefully around his shaft making him fall apart like the world no longer exists around him.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Both, he wants to be sweet, but also fuck you into the mattress. It’s truly the best of both worlds, and he knows exactly when you are ready to switch it up and get off. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Ideally he likes to take his time, but if you both only have a limited amount of time and are too horny to function he will make an exception.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
As long as it is within the confines of your bedroom he will try pretty much anything you want him to. Understanding that sex has changed quite a bit from when he was from, wanting to learn anything you are willing to teach him. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Two words: SUPER SOLDIER, he can do it all day ;) (Pun intended) But seriously, he has so much stamina it’s rare that you don’t have trouble walking the next day.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Steve would be fascinated by toys, especially the technology versus the purpose of them. So he would definitely be down to try various things you suggest, or will pick some out if you show him something he is interested in trying.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Steve doesn’t tease, and is most definitely the type to punish you if you tease him. Get ready for orgasm denial until you are damn close to shouting your safe word. Only then would he bring you over the edge.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Average level of sounds, moans, groans, praising, punishing, dirty talk. Nothing overtly loud to draw attention in any way. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Steve is a Dom, in every sense of the word. So likely your submissiveness is what got him interested in the first place. You better listen to the Captain if you know what is good for you. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Thick, beautiful, uncut cock. Above average length, think Adonis level attractive. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Much higher after he met you, before it was hit or miss depending on the moment. Having many distractions, and more important situations to deal with at the time. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Not very fast, he wants to watch you fall asleep on his shoulder. Making sure you are happy, comfortable, and feeling safe before he lets himself join you in slumber.
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buckybeardreams · 3 years
Chapters: 8/11
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Brock Rumlow, James "Bucky" Barnes, Clint Barton, Harley Keener
Additional Tags: Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Steve Rogers, Omega Tony Stark, Service Top, Dominant Bottom, Post-Serum Steve Rogers, Virgin Steve Rogers, Brock Rumlow is a Good Bro, Sam Wilson Is a Good Bro, Romantic Soulmates, First Meetings, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sappy, Romantic Fluff, Awkwardness, Drinking to Cope, Self-Worth Issues, Insecure Tony Stark, Insecure Steve Rogers, Age Difference, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Bonding, Claiming Bites, Claiming, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mpreg, Non-Explicit Sex, Light Dom/sub, Mutual Masturbation, Coming Untouched, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Wordcount: 10.000-30.000, Knotting
Series: Part 1 of Second Chances
Steve is a soft Alpha and Tony is an in charge kind of Omega with no desire to find a mate. He doesn't want to find his soulmate and when he does meet Steve he's determined to stay away from him.
That is until he realizes just how right they are for each other.
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10 Ch 11
Can also be read here
Words: 1,809
Tony blushed as he looked in the mirror, his fingers brushing over the mark on his neck where Steve had laid claim on him. He thought he'd hate wearing an Alpha's mark but this wasn't just any Alpha. This was Steve, his Alpha. Steve was sweet and caring and didn't complain even once when Tony was needy and whiny and clingy. He rushed to fulfill every demand that Tony made, was desperate to please him, to make him feel good, and melted anytime Tony purred.
Tony was in love. There was no doubt about it. He was in love and happily mated and he sighed, a smile on his lips. There was a knock on the bathroom door and Tony turned his head to glance at it.
"Tony? You okay?"
Tony tried to get rid of the sappy look on his face, but failed. He didn't really care though. He pulled the door open and wrapped his arms around Steve. The Alpha was slightly taken aback. He had been concerned because the moment Tony's heat broke he had pulled away and retreated into the bathroom. That was forty-five minutes ago and when Tony didn't emerge Steve started to think maybe he regretted that they bonded.
"Yeah, I'm great, Alpha," Tony murmured, scenting him. "Make me some dinner, won't you?"
Steve nodded, scooping Tony up into his arms.
"You want to watch some TV while I cook, or do you want to come with me?" Steve asked him, his voice soft and his eyes softer.
"With you," Tony mumbled, blushing and hiding his face in Steve's neck.
Steve cooed at him and carried him into the kitchen. He set him down on the counter and Tony pouted. Steve just grinned at him, dopey and in love. He bopped Tony on the nose with his finger. Tony tried not to smile, but it was negated by the fact that he giggled. Steve's grin widened impossibly.
God, he loved that sound.
"I love you, pretty Omega."
"Love you, Alpha."
Tony leaned forward to press a kiss to his cheek, so soft and sweet, a blush on his cheeks when he pulled back. Steve thought he might melt into a puddle right then and there and he pulled away reluctantly. He needed to feed his Omega.
Tony watched him as he cooked, teased him a little bit, made sappy jokes and gave him heart eyes when Steve blew kisses at him. It was all so cheesy and gooey and sugary sweet and all the other food related metaphors used to describe fools in love. Tony would make fun of anyone he saw act like this, but he couldn't find it in himself to be anything but thrilled. He had clearly fallen, and fallen hard at that. 
A month ago he would have hated that, but now he would happily cuddle up to Steve and Netflix and chill all day, while letting his Alpha dote upon him and demanding food be brought to him and his feet be rubbed. Steve seemed more than happy to give Tony anything he wanted and Tony couldn't be happier about it.
Steve served pasta primavera, a dish that Tony only had the ingredients to, because Steve had ordered groceries to be delivered after realizing that Tony had next to nothing in his fridge and cupboards. It was honestly a miracle he had fruit for Steve to slice up. Fruit he only had because Clint lived on a farm twenty minutes out from the city and had brought Tony a shit ton during his most recent harvest.
Tony refused to sit on his own, so he sat in Steve's lap instead and let his Alpha feed him, stealing kisses in between bites and cooing at his Omega. Tony just purred, scenting so pretty, like newly mated Omegas always did. He smelled of sweat and sex and Alpha, and Steve couldn't get enough of it. Steve was just as lost on Tony as Tony was lost on Steve.
Brock snickered when Tony came over, his hand clasped in Steve's. Steve was trailing after him like a lovesick puppy. If this were a cartoon they would have hearts in their eyes and little hearts bursting all around them.
"So... I see you bonded," Brock teased, clearly amused.
Tony narrowed his eyes at him, but Steve sighed dreamily and nodded, pulling him close and scenting him. Tony just melted into his arms, wrapping his own arms around his neck and standing up on his tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips.
"Yeah, I'm in love," Tony said just as dreamily.
Brock snorted.
"Yeah, I can tell. Jesus, we weren't that gross when we first bonded, were we?" Brock asked Sam.
Tony knew he was only teasing, but he still pulled away from Steve and shoved him off the couch. Brock gave him the most offended look from the floor.
"What the hell? I was joking."
"And I wasn't. Which is why you're on the ground," Tony taunted, sticking his tongue out.
"You little brat," Brock growled playfully, sounding almost Alpha-like. 
He grabbed Tony's ankle and pulled his feet right out from under him. Tony tried to scramble away from him unsuccessfully, ended up on his stomach, and reached out for Steve, a pout on his lips.
"Save me, Alpha! Save me!" Tony said dramatically, like he was acting in a really bad high school production of The Omegan Princess. "This cruel man is trying to destroy my virtue."
Tony's voice let off with a squeak when Brock smacked his ass.
"You can't escape, little princess. I will have you as mine," Brock said with an evil laugh that had Tony bursting out in laughter. 
Brock tickled his sides.
"Don't laugh at me, brat. I'm being evil here."
Tony just laughed harder. Steve and Sam were watching their Omegas, deeply amused by their antics.
"I don't remember this play being quite so dramatic," Sam said to Steve casually.
Steve snorted.
"Yeah, I don't remember there being a fight scene."
Brock and Tony were rolling around on the ground now, trying to pin each other to the ground and making very dramatic declarations about fighting for their honor and the honor of their people.
"Ah-ha!" Tony shouted victoriously when he managed to pin Brock down. "I have conquered you, evil sorcerer!"
Tony released Brock, his hands on his hips like some sort of victory pose and then he was screeching indignantly as Brock shoved him off.
"Fuck you!" Tony whined, kicking at him.
He immediately regretted it when Brock grabbed his ankle and pulled him closer, tickling him again.
"No, stop, stop!" Tony squealed. "Seriously, Brock! I'm gonna pee my pants!"
"Say mercy," Brock insisted.
"Mercy! Mercy!" Tony shouted, sighing in relief when Brock stopped.
They were both panting hard and Sam glanced over at Steve, leaning closer to whisper in his ear.
"They look like they just had a sex marathon."
Steve laughed, shaking his head and walked over to offer Tony a hand up.
"I hate you," Tony muttered to Brock.
"Love you too, babe," Brock teased, winking at him.
Tony rolled his eyes, but despite all their bickering and play fighting, they still ended up curled up together on the couch while they watched 'The Rocky Horror Show'. Afterwards Steve scooped up a passed out Tony into his arms, cradling his head to his shoulder and Sam scooped up Brock. Brock scrunched up his nose, grumbled something about not liking gremlins, before snuggling up to his Alpha. Steve and Sam shared a fond look that clearly portrayed just how in love with their Omegas they were.
"I'm really glad things worked out well for you, man."
Steve smiled.
"Yeah, me too," Steve said softly. "He's... perfect."
Sam smiled back.
"So you two... have a lot in common then?"
Steve grinned.
"Trust me, we have a lot in common."
"Alpha?" Tony mumbled sleepily as Steve started up his bike.
"Shh, it's okay, pretty Omega. I'm gonna take you home."
Tony shook his head, he wanted to go to Steve’s apartment. He liked sleeping at Steve’s, because he liked being surrounded by the scent of Alpha.
"Wanna go to your place."
Tony nuzzled against him, mouthing at his jaw.
"Want you, Alpha," Tony murmured, rutting up against him.
Steve bit back a growl.
"Tony, no. We can't yet," Steve groaned.
"Steve!" Tony whined. "Want you. Need you."
"I promise I'll take care of you as soon as we get to my place, baby."
"No, now!" Tony demanded, a pout on his lips.
"Want you, Alpha!"
Steve groaned, turning off his bike, and let Tony pull him in for a kiss, but he stopped Tony when he tried to undo his pants.
"Tony, you don't really want me to fuck you out here on the street, do you?"
Tony hummed, nipping at his lip.
"Maybe I do. Would you do that for me? Huh, Alpha? Be such a good boy for me?"
Tony was wide awake now and horny.
"Omega... I..."
"Come on, Steve, you know you want to. Just be a good boy and let me use you," Tony purred.
Steve whimpered.
"You know I'd do anything for you, pretty Omega."
"Mm, I know. You're so good for me," Tony murmured. "Let me jerk you off while you drive us back to your place and then as soon as we get there, I want you inside of me."
"Fuck, fuck, yeah, okay."
"You're such a good boy for me, Alpha. Now start up your bike."
Steve started the engine again and Tony unbuckled his pants, pulling Steve's dick out. When Steve pulled away from the curb Tony started to stroke him, spitting on his hand to slick his way.
"That feel good?" Tony teased.
Steve swallowed hard, groaning. His eyes flickered down to watch Tony's hand moving and Tony's eyes flickered up to meet his.
"Eyes on the road, Alpha, or I'm gonna have to stop," Tony said with a pout. "And we both know you don't want that."
Tony's pout gave way to a devious smirk and Steve cursed, his eyes snapping back to the road. 
Thank God it was late and there was barely anyone on the roads, because Steve was certain that they would have gotten into an accident otherwise. It was damn near impossible for him to focus on anything but Tony, the feel of his hand accompanied by his teasing words. Steve drove slow though and they made it back to his place in one piece.
Tony's lips were on his the moment the engine cut off. Steve had to carry him so they wouldn't just stumble over each other, and the moment the apartment door shut behind them Tony was tugging his pants down, just far enough to sink down on Steve's dick.
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ofharrie · 5 years
Summary: Harry and Y/N explore a...different side of their friendship. 
Themes: smut, friends to lovers, virginY/n, pwp
Word count: 2113
(A/N: I’m back with another piece after not having posted since january oops hope yall like it please give me feedback also request for a part 2 if you liked it thanks heaps!) 
“What about if I...y’know?” Harry asked, gesturing with a wave of his hand.
“What if you what?” She questioned, cocking her head to the side as if insisting for him to just spit it out whatever it was on his mind.
“If I...deflowered you?” Harry replied bluntly, internally wincing at his choice of words. Never has he been made nervous by the subject of sex or anything remotely sexual. But it was sex with her that they were talking about and if there was ever anyone that made his palms cold and sweaty, it was Y/N.
The pair were in Y/N’s living room, sat next to each other in Y/N’s yellow couch passing back and forth a cheap bottle of wine. Neither of them could remember how the topic of Y/N still being a virgin came up in the conversation, but nonetheless it was now thrown out in the open. Y/N wasn’t completely inexperienced, per se. She’s had her fair share of kisses and she’s made out with a couple of people but she’s never done anything more than that. 
Harry was not ridiculing her for being inexperienced, because of course he wasn’t! She’s one of his best friends, albeit they’ve only known each other for a little less than a year, but Harry can’t remember a time where he and Y/N weren’t in each other’s pockets ever since they met. So it was surprising to him, that after all the times they’ve spent together, they’ve never brought up Y/N sexual history until now.
“Deflower me?” Y/N let out a loud snort. “Will you also ask for my hand in marriage in exchange for your fattest goat and a sack of freshly harvested potatoes? This isn’t the medieval ages, Harry. You can say ‘virginity’, it’s not gonna hurt anyone.”
“I just didn’t want to be crude,” He scoffed, shaking his head at her. “But, seriously. What if I...I was the one to take your virginity?”
“Why would you want to do that?” She asked, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Because why not?” Harry rebutted. “You’re one of my best friends, also one of the few people that I trust wholeheartedly. I pride myself in being a gentleman and I’ll even light candles and spread petals on the bed for you if you want!”
“But wouldn’t it be weird afterwards?” Y/N asked, completely ignoring Harry’s arguments. “I feel like it’ll change everything between us and I don’t want that. You’re also one of my best friends and I don’t want to ruin what we have because I’m still a lonely virgin!”
“It’s not gonna ruin anything,” He argued, setting down the bottle of wine on the wooden coffee table before them. “We trust each other, don’t we? If it ends up being an awful and awkward experienced, we can just never speak about it again.”
“I don’t think you’ve really thought this through,” Y/N said. “You’re going to be inside of me, Harry. How would it not be awkward afterwards?”
“Okay, then I don’t have to fuck you,” He backtracked, scooting a tad closer to Y/N so that their knees were touching. “I can just do things for you, if you want?”
There was a brief pause in the conversation, Y/N jutted her head towards Harry just to make sure she heard that right. Harry could see the gears turning in her brain and he knew she was in the midst of considering his offer. 
“Like what?” She asked.
“Anything you want,” Harry replied, giving her a cocky smirk. “Say the word and I’ll do it.”
“What, now?” She scoffed, laughing at Harry’s words. “You can’t be serious. You’re bluffing!”
“But I am serious,” He reaffirmed, still with a smile on his face. “If you want me to eat you out right now,, I’ll get on my knees and devour you.”
She felt herself swallow the lump in her throat. Never has a guy offered to eat her out, let alone devour her. It made her head spin, thinking about Harry in any way that’s not completely platonic. Although she would be lying if she said she’s never thought about him sexually. 
There have been nights where she’d toss and turn, thinking about Harry’s big, strong hands, or his long and slightly dishevelled brown hair, or even his lips that he’d sometimes pull on out of habit. But she never let her thoughts run too wild, immediately stopping as soon as she got too hot and bothered.
“I think you’re scared because I might not be kidding,” Harry observed. “I’m willing to do it if you’d let me.”
“Yeah?” She asked, sheepishly. 
“Yeah,” Harry reciprocated, giving her a small nod. 
They hadn’t noticed how close they’ve inched towards each other. Harry could smell the red wine in her breath, mixed with the perfume he bought for her after a trip in Italy just because. The warm, dim light coming from the thrifted lamp atop the wooden side table created shadows on her face, emphasising every bump and crease on the surface. And yet, Harry couldn’t help but smile and admire her.
Y/N’s heart was hammering against her ribs, her eyes going back and forth from Harry’s lips to his eyes that have gone a rich emerald colour due to the low-lighting in the living room. Time moved slowly as Harry reached out to cup her cheek before leaning in and connecting their lips together. His thumb caressed her face, burning her skin and sending tingles down her spine. Y/N thought she’s never been kissed so gingerly; Harry was being so soft and gentle like a proper gentleman, just like he promised. His other hand remained still on her exposed thigh, just below the hem of her cotton shorts, making no move to inch any closer to her centre. 
Y/N cupped Harry’s jaw with both hands, deepening their kiss with the subtle movement of her tongue between his lips. He scooped her from her spot on the couch, manoeuvring so that she was now straddling his thighs. 
“We don’t have to do anything if you want,” Harry spoke lowly, in between kisses. His hands have now found their place, one pressed firmly against Y/N lower back and the other behind her head. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Y/N had to pause for a moment but not without sneaking in a few kisses from the man underneath her. “If it’s okay with you, I don’t want you to eat me out right now.”
“That’s okay,” Harry said, inhaling deeply to even out his breathing. 
“Can we-” Y/N was interrupted by a quick peck from Harry on her jaw. “Can we keep kissing, though? And...um…”
“What is it, love?” Harry asked, continuing to plant kisses on Y/N’s jaw. “What else do you want to do?”
“I wanna…” She was trying to tell Harry that she could feel him against her thigh. She wants to ask him, beg him, to let her feel him grinding against her clothed core. But Harry’s wet lips pressing lingering kisses along her neck was proving to be a distraction.
“If you don’t tell me, I won’t be able to do whatever it is that you want,” Harry teased. “I told you, I’m down for anything.” 
“I want to...um…I-” Y/N stammered, licking her lips before continuing to voice out her desires. “I want to grind against you.” The last part was dealt out in a rushed whisper that Harry almost didn’t catch it. Her request evoked a sharp breath from him, clearing his throat before speaking again.
“You wanna feel my cock against you?” He clarified, raising an eyebrow at the girl on top of him. He could feel her cold hands fiddling with the collar of his shirt, followed by a small nod from Y/N. 
His hands pulled her closer towards him, eliciting a small moan from Y/N. Her crotch was now directly against Harry’s hard on and she’s trying her hardest not to think about how there’s only a few layers of clothing separating the two of them and how easily Harry could just take out his hard cock, pull her shorts and panties to the side and fuck her real good. 
“Does that feel good, love?” Harry asked, thrusting up against Y/N’s heat. He liked watching her reactions, she looked so shy and yet so insatiable at the same time. Y/N brought her lips back to Harry’s, continuing from where they left off with their tongues in each other’s mouths. 
Y/N began grinding her hips, desperately chasing the high of the friction between the two of them. Harry’s hands travelled down to her bum and pulled her even closer, matching her needy movements by thrusting up to her soaked heat. 
“Tell me how it feels,” Harry said, his breathing laboured as he continued to explore her mouth. 
“Feels so good, H,” She whined, followed by a loud moan from a mix of Harry squeezing her ass and giving her a particularly hard thrust. “I’m so wet.”
“Yeah?” Harry asked, her words knocking the wind out of his lungs. He’s never heard such filthy words come out of her mouth and it made his cock dribble with pre cum. “Gonna let me have a taste one day? Let me feel your wet little pussy against my tongue?”
“Yes,” She answered quietly, reverting back to her usual shy demeanour. “Yes, Harry.”
“You have no idea,” Harry breathed out, his jaw go slack from pleasure. “How long I’ve wanted this. Been wanting to see you and make you cum for ages.”
“Really?” Y/N grinned, looking down at Harry who had a similar smile on his face. 
“Yes, really,” He replied, leaning in to give her a kiss. “Can’t count how many times I’ve cum just thinking about you. You drive me crazy.”
“I’m so close, Harry,” Y/N whined, biting on her bottom lip in an attempt to conceal another loud moan. She no longer cared how needy she sounded, all she wanted was to cum with Harry’s leaking cock rubbing against her wet core and sensitive clit. “I wanna cum.”
“Take what you need, Y/N,” Harry said, his eyes fixed on Y/N who had her head thrown back and her eyes closed. “Use me to get yourself off.”
He could see a wet patch on his grey joggers, both from his and Y/N wetness. The filthy sight made his head spin and the desire to feel Y/N’s slick folds gliding against his bare cock grew stronger. He doesn’t think he’s ever been as hard as he was at this moment, with his best friend on top of him and looking like she’s never had anyone pleasure her like this before. And in fact, she hasn’t and it made his member throb.
“Oh gosh,” She gasped as she felt Harry nibbling on her neck and his hand reaching under her shirt to cup her breast. The mix of sensations was so overwhelming, driving her closer to her climax. “Harry!”
“You’re soaking my joggers, love,” Harry teased, wanting to help Y/N cum. “Can only imagine how you’d feel around my fingers. You want that, Y/N? Wanna feel my fingers fucking your pussy, pressing against your special spot? Feel my thumb playing with your throbbing clit?” 
“So close,” She whined, continuing to move her hips against Harry. “Keep talking. Please.”
“What about my cock, huh?” Harry whispered against her ear, picking up the pace of his thrusts. “I bet you want to know how it feels to squeeze around my thick cock while I’m balls deep inside of you. Can feel me in your stomach, that’s how deep I’ll fuck you,”
A long, drawn out moan came out of Y/N’s lips and Harry felt her tremble before freezing. He studied her face as she came undone, not wanting to ever forget the way she looked after he made her cum. Her head was thrown back in pleasure, mouth slightly ajar and her chest heaving up and down as her shaky palms rested on Harry’s shoulders. He was already certain that image was all he would think about when he closes his eyes before going to bed. 
“Holy shit,” Y/N breathed out, smiling at Harry who was staring at her, dumbfounded by her actions.
“Look so beautiful when you cum,” Harry commented, letting out a breathless laugh. “How do you feel?”
“Good,” Y/N said, smiling down on him.
“That’s good,” Harry replied. “So...how about some pizza?”
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starker-stories · 4 years
The Cold, Chapter 11 - The END
This chapter on AO3
By @thestarkerisobvious​​ and @starker-stories​
This is... The End.
Of both 'The Cold' and of the Messages Series. The series was planned to take place over one very important week in Peter and Tony's lives.
We decided to move what we previously listed as Book 6 and Book 7, which take place at times other than this week, into the Messages Interludes series. What had been book 6 is now called "The Opposite of Cold", just to give you a little title teaser for where we're headed.
We are so in love with this particular version of Peter and Tony that we will continue to write in this 'verse. Probably for a long time yet.
Future stories won't be posted on the usual Thursday schedule of Messages, but when we finish them. We're still writing, but we need a bit of a celebratory break after completing the series we started back in November of 2019.
Tags for ‘The Cold’: Tony Stark Feels, Peter Parker Feels, College Student Peter Parker, Established Relationship, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Tony Stark Still Has Arc Reactor, Arc Reactor Kink, Peter Parker is a Mess, Spider-Man powers, Communication, They Finally Communicate!, And Fuck Of Course Look at Who It’s Written By Of Course They Fuck, Avengers Compound
The entire Messages Series.  All links are to AO3.
Messages Unsent 
Nothing More Than A Machine 
My Virgin (Revisited) 
The Cold 
Thanks to those of you who have taken this journey with us. Kudos and likes leavers, commenters, and readers all are so very much appreciated. Knowing you were out there really kept us going when we struggled.
We will continue to write and create, both as separate individuals and as collaborators. If you want to see what bubbles to the surface of our minds, give thewitchway and von_gelmini a subscribe hit on AO3. Or follow on tumblr @thestarkerisobvious​ and @starker-stories​​​.
Messages. It began as a 366 word drabble. And it became this series. Seven months, five books, and nearly 100,000 words. You have our love for having reached this point with us.
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Chapter 11: Uncanny
Tony gave a little moan and his hips writhed against Peter. “Oh yes.” Peter’s leg, higher than usual, all the way up around his waist, both of them tangled up in each other. Tony reached for the lube underneath the pillow. And was surprised when his hand came back with the bottle.
He stared at it oddly. “What are you doing here?” he asked, then answered himself. “Oh yeah. I have fucked someone in this bed before.” He grinned at Peter.
Peter felt himself giggling a tiny bit when he remembered last night. He tried to hold it in. Giggling took air, and he wasn’t sure he had air to spare.
He found himself needing to let go of Tony for a bit even now, just to let his lungs expand. They didn’t seem to be working in the oxygen department. He couldn’t say why, but it made him feel dizzy. He put his hand on Tony’s chest to keep him at bay for the moment as he tried it again. He looked at Tony, he grinned, and he breathed.
Tony leaned back, loosening his hold around Peter’s chest, so he could better see that beautiful face he was so in love with. His features softened and he just watched the boy in amazement and wonder as he was struggling with his senses still. He was beautiful, but there were a million beautiful boys in the world. Peter was special. He was powerful, strong, and independent. He’d handled things alone at fifteen that grown men still struggled with in their thirties. Only now he didn’t have to do it alone. Tony didn’t have to do it alone. They were together.
Peter let his eyes drift close. There they were, laying together, grinning and breathing in silence, naked and getting ready for more sex. It was lovely and odd and not at all awkward, and suddenly Peter was overwhelmed with how lucky he was at that moment, and he opened his mouth to say so.
“I was so fucking scared, Tony. I was afraid you wouldn’t want me anymore.”
Wait, that wasn’t right.
“Baby, I’m gonna always want you.” He ran his fingers down Peter’s chest reassuringly. “I’m in love with you. Kinda the definition, y’know?” he added smiling. Gently this time, he moved Peter underneath him, holding his upper body away, balanced on his arms. “Only,” he said, trying to keep the smug self-confident smile to a minimum, and kinda failing. “Sometimes I want you in one very specific way.”
Tony bent his head and put a kiss in the middle of Peter’s chest, followed by a long lick up until he broke it to kiss the boy on the mouth, still holding himself up and away, since too much touch seemed to be an issue this time instead of wanting more. Yet he knew Peter well enough to know that there had to still be some touching. He kept his kiss light and tender. Just like the boy beneath him was. Full of light and tenderness, even if he doubted himself lately. Tony knew.
He used the distraction to reach for the lube he’d brought back. Unfortunately, they’d have to break apart because he either needed to be more down on top of Peter to use his hands, or he needed to be more far away to use his hands. As he sat back, he trailed those hands along either side of Peter’s body, firmly, but not pressing as hard as he sometimes did. “Baby, you’re as beautiful on dark red silk as you are on black.
Kneeling back on his haunches, he squirted the lube on his fingers. That was one of the best parts of sex with Peter. He’d never known anyone who liked fingering so much. And he’d never wanted to do it that much before. It was always done just as quickly as possible to get on to other things. Tony reached with his dry hand to raise Peter’s knee, spreading him more open. He ran his slick fingers beneath Peter’s balls, running them down his perineum with just enough pressure to give a small taste of the sensation that would soon be coming. Going lower, he brushed across the kid’s rim, rubbing the lube over it, slipping some inside with just the pads of his fingers.
Peter might always be his virgin, but he was more of an experienced virgin now and took one finger easily so it was soon followed by a second. He pulled them out and slicked his cock, in doing so making his fingers even smoother and readying the third. For later. He still had a lot he wanted to do with just those two. He stretched himself back out over Peter, leaning a little more down, but staying at an angle balanced on one hand while the other found its way back to where he’d been. Inside of Peter, feeling his tightness loosen, letting his fingers enjoy the sensations there.
“Please, Tony, please…” Peter whispered, nuzzling against his face.
As much as he loved taking his time doing that, and really wanted to, Peter had been too damn good! When did he get that good with his mouth? The more Tony felt Peter deliberately tighten on his fingers, the needy little whimpers he made when Tony lowered himself more solidly onto Peter’s body. He wanted the touch they usually had and he hoped Peter felt the same.
When Peter reached up for him… When Peter said ‘please’ like that… it was too much. Whenever Peter wanted him… and showed it… Tony was already half gone from his mouth, but those sounds? Tony returned them with his own. Rather embarrassingly desperate low moans. Rocking his hips closer, pressing himself against Peter’s cock, against his thigh, against whatever he could frot along. He was getting jealous of his own hand for being inside of the boy.
“You’re hard for me… I need it, Tony…”
“You make me want you, Pete,” he said, his voice lower than he expected it to, his words showing a little too much need of his own. He rested his cock in the palm of his hand below his fingers and let the tip of it brush there. “God I need to be inside of you. You…” He slowly slipped inside. Okay… maybe not as slowly as he wanted to, but… kinda slowly? “…will always be everything I want… Oh fuck Pete… god you had me so close…” He smiled. “Good thing I’m not a twenty-something college student.” His smile turned into a grin.
“Please, I need it Tony…” Peter whispered. He couldn’t stand to hear the sound of his own voice again, sounding so desperate, sounding so broken. He closed his eyes, buried his head in Tony’s shoulder and raised his hips, holding Tony as tightly as he dared.
“Oh baby. You’ve got me.” Tony started moving. He hitched Peter’s leg up higher and pushed forward, which raised his hips and gave him a better angle to give the kid what he seemed to desperately need that night.
Too much soft and gentle was setting Peter’s senses off. That wasn’t what they’d been working up to before. Peter had him close and was showing off new talents, and god knows right then, pretty much the only idea in Tony’s mind was wanting to fuck Peter hard, fast, and for as long as he could manage to hold out. And sometimes… his body just kinda… won the debate.
He pushed forward, burying himself deep and then pushed forward still more, tilting Peter’s hips up further. He thrust with sharp snaps of his hips, slamming in with a hard grind and didn’t wait before doing it again. He wanted to kiss Peter, as always, but his kiss was hot and biting. And the kiss came with a growl of desire that he usually held well in check.
Tony crooked his forearm under Peter’s neck and his other hand grabbed the kid’s hip firmly, holding him in position so Tony was able to hit deep each time. There wasn’t air left for his sweet talking, just kissing and gasping and meeting Peter’s need with not a little of his own.
Peter moaned into the kiss and held on tightly. Soon his head was tucked into Tony’s shoulder and his face was buried in the safest place in the world. He didn’t need to worry about catching his breath now, it didn’t matter. Although sometimes he managed to whisper “Am I yours, Tony?”
Tony held Peter behind the neck. His fingers curled and he was probably holding on way too tightly. And he was probably thrusting in way too hard. And he knew his hand on Peter’s hip was digging in so hard that anyone else would be bruised if not complaining about it right then.
“Mine, Peter. You don’t get out of that. You don’t get to go. You don’t get to leave. You. Are. Mine.” He drove the last point home with his hips.
“Say it again.”
“I need you. You’re mine. You’re stuck with me.” He settled into a steady rhythm. “I don’t let go and you knew that about me from the beginning. So if you don’t need me, it’s too late. You have to find a place there for me. Because you’re mine.”
With the grip on his neck, Tony took Peter out of his safe place in his neck and kissed the boy again. Less hard, but just as passionate. Then more gently, but firmly, guided Peter’s head back to exactly where it belonged, in the crook of his neck. He held on to the kid tightly and started fucking him again.
And Peter Parker — who could hurl an telephone pole with the force of a hurricane, who could cling to the skin of an airplane as it fell thousands of feet to the ground, who could fall ninety-six stories straight down — was now hiding his (wet) face the crook of Tony’s neck and whimpering “Say it again.”
“Baby, you’re mine,” he whispered in Peter’s ear while fucking him hard. He lost himself to that for a while. No matter how much he pretended he wasn’t like that anymore, there was a certain… he just blamed it on the difference between body need and mind need. But he knew that wasn’t right either. He just didn’t analyze that too hard because it wasn’t something he liked about himself.
And he definitely liked the way his body needed Peter right in that moment. The desperate tone in Peter’s voice, made Tony feel like the kid still wanted him. Still needed him. The way Peter was clinging to him, their bodies both taking control of the situation from whatever their noisy minds might want.
“Fuck Pete.” When he came, Tony’s moan sounded more like one of Peter’s own. He hid any other embarrassing sounds in the boy’s shoulder with a bite harder than he’d ever given Peter before.
Peter had dreamed for some time that Tony would let loose, would really fuck into him hard someday. It was one of his many treasured fantasies when he had to take care of himself during their many weeks apart. (And if there were some porn videos to that effect, well, Tony didn’t need to know.) Now that it was happening (and oh, it was just as sweet as he had imagined) he could honestly do nothing but hang on for dear life.
Especially when the biting began.
“Yes, yes, yes…” Peter managed. He couldn’t remember other words. He had forgotten the English language. His eyes were wide and his mouth gaping. He tried to see Tony’s face but it was hidden… and Peter’s pounding heart soared.
Tony’s face was hidden in the safe place between Peter’s shoulder and his head.
Peter wrapped his arms around his lover and grinned.
Soon Tony was relaxing in his arms, and Peter found he could move again. Over and over again he kissed the side of Tony’s face, whispering I love you’s and compliments and thanks. The last few nights in Tony’s arms had been amazing, but this? This was amazing on a whole new level. His head was swimming with all the things that had happened for the first time tonight, and all the possibilities that those first-time things could lead to. Tony had fucked him hard tonight, and seemed to enjoy it. Peter’s heart pounded at the thought of what that could mean.
Of course, other parts of him were pounding too. In particular his throbbing erection, still pressed against Tony’s relaxing body.
“Oh, god Tony that was amazing. That felt amazing. Promise me you’ll do that again. You’ve never… oh… what are you… oh…”
Tony reached out and took Peter’s wrists in his hands. Quickly he brought both above the kid’s head. The limits of his newly-discovered strength did nothing to change the fact that Peter’s wrists were pale and delicate and Tony’s hand — that now grabbed both wrists in one — was larger, rougher, and looked stronger.
His free hand slipped between them and found Peter’s cock, slick with precome. He let go of Peter’s wrists so he could balance their bodies apart better to give him room to jerk Peter off. The minute the boy moved his arms, Tony’s hand went back and pinned Peter’s wrists again. He smirked, never said a word, but then let go.
Palming the wetness over the head of Peter’s cock, he deliberately went for the things he knew would make Peter whimper. When he did, Tony leaned up and teasingly nipped his bottom lip. His hand moved fast with the knowledge of a year’s worth of doing exactly this to the kid. The next time Peter made a sound, Tony’s hand stopped moving. When Peter’s moaning was under control again, Tony started moving his hand again. When Peter couldn’t contain himself anymore. When his hands fought to move, and his body writhed beneath him, and his sounds came on broken breaths, Tony didn’t stop, but he slowed down.
“What do you want, Pete?”
Peter’s whimper sounded like, “I wanna come for you, Tony.”
It took everything Tony had to resist kissing him and finishing him off then. Instead he just brought him closer, not letting him quite get there.
“What do you need, baby?”
Tony didn’t wait for an answer to slide his palm over the head and let his thumb drag just under the slit. Peter’s hand left its spot above him and he wrapped his arm around Tony’s chest. His other hand reached back to grip the headboard. He held both tightly as he came. His back arched and he pushed up with his legs and pulled down with the hand that held the bed. Doing both harder than he’d intended, Peter lifted them both off the bed.
Which promptly snapped in two beneath them.
Peter was mortified but Tony just held him close, kissing the side of his face, nuzzling in his hair, telling him how much he loved him, heedless of the tumble of covers, sprawl of the mattress, and splinters on the floor. When Peter was calmer, well if not calmer, had at least retreated into Tony’s neck.
In the silent room they held onto each other, catching their breaths, trading I love you’s. Peter hid his tears in Tony’s shoulder, letting Tony rub his back as he waited for them to stop. They whispered speculation about who had heard the commotion, theories about who might be coming to investigate. Finally they both concluded that Sam and Bucky (certainly in bed together) might deem it wiser not to investigate but inquire in the morning. Peter giggled at Tony’s suggestions at how that conversation might go. And yet the tears did not stop.
“Oh fuck,” Peter groaned, finally pulling away to scrub away the moisture with both hands. “I’m sorry Tony. It’s not the bed, it’s this… this weekend. All the things I knew I needed to tell you. God, I’ve been to other planets with you but… but coming here? I was just scared.”
“Of the things that you can do now? Oh Pete, I wish I had been there for you…”
“No, it’s not that. I mean it is that because I didn’t know what would happen if it didn't stop… it might… but it's not that.”
He turned his head. He tried to speak without breaking down again. It wasn’t easy.
“You fell in love with a different person, Tony. And I didn’t know… I’m not saying you were wrong to do that but… but that…“ he sobbed and turned away.
Tony nudged Peter to turn back to face him and waited until he had done so before he spoke. “I fell in love with Peter Parker. And I will always be in love with Peter Parker.” Tony brushed Peter’s hair away from his face where his tears were clinging to it.
“But that Peter Parker liked people, Tony. You think I was so strong when I was able to tell you ‘no’. But I had the courage to tell you ‘no’ because I really did want to look out for the ‘little guy’. And I did. But I’m not that person anymore. And I wasn’t sure what you’d do if that guy just disappeared.”
“This Peter Parker is the same Peter you’ve always been. You’re changing, sure, body thought mind. I guess it is scary. But baby, inside, deep inside, you’re the same, always are. I can feel it.” He thought about the things he felt when he kissed him. “I can taste it on you,” he said smiling softly. “You have… it’s not purity because you’re human and you’re growing and your world has gotten so much bigger. Space, universe, time… so much bigger. But you’re still you, baby. It’s not purity, but it’s… I don’t know any other word for it. Grace. It’s there inside you. Always. Still. And even…” He paused and looked away. “No matter what… even…” He looked back and sucked his lips in before he spoke. “Even if you break… even if you…” He bit his lip again. “You’re like me… Peter, there is absolutely no way I won’t love you.”
Peter pulled Tony into a crushing embrace, holding him there for a moment before letting go and touching their foreheads together. “I need you, Tony. My life is insane and unnatural and bizzare and… what’s that word? Uncanny. And it’s hell and I can’t do it without you. I need you on my side and I just need you, Tony. I’m sorry my life turned into this freaking mess… I’m sorry I’m a freak.”
“Your life might be a freaking mess, but you are not a freak. Baby, you’re just changing and it’s uncharted territory. But I know you. You’re not a freak. You’re the biggest control freak I know of, outside myself. And right now, you’re not in control. That’s what’s scary.”
“Oh god.” Peter looked up, startled, blinking. “You’re right… “ Peter closed his eyes and shuddered. “You’re so completely right. That’s it… that’s all of it. God you’re smart. It keeps happening…” He hid his face in Tony’s neck. “It keeps happening and I can’t control it…” He looked up from his safe place and looked around the room in despair. “Case in point. Tony?
“Where are we going to sleep tonight?” Peter asked.
“Don’t college students sleep on mattresses on the floor?”
“Where… by the bathroom? I can put the mattress anywhere you want. I’m strong.”
“How about outside New-Cap and Barnes’ door?” Tony asked with a wicked smile.
“And listen to them bang each other all night? No thanks.”
“We can go for round two and see who’s louder? Bet we’d win.”
“I’m not competing with those two! We win by default. We win because we’re awesome.”
“I gotta make a stronger bed when we get home.” Tony said with a wink. “Vibranium. Definitely.”
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dpimagines · 5 years
Well, That’s One Way to Start a Relationship; Wade Wilson
notes: hey! welcome to my first post on this blog! ‘sup! this fic is something I’ve had finished in my google docs for a while, but had no idea where to post! then, I made this blog, so I decided to polish it up and post it! enjoy! 
warnings/details: dubcon (sex pollen), age gap/underage if you squint, virgin!reader, masturbation, oral sex, penetrative sex, multiple orgasms, just... just really dirty, okay? I originally wrote this on my period, and I get incredibly horny on my period. You’re welcome for that info. 
You didn’t know what happened. As trainees, you and Peter were kind of like alternates for the Avengers. Since Nat and Clint were out doing SHIELD business, the two of you were helping Tony, Bruce, and the others combat this strange, plant-like monster.
When it was defeated, it released this strange...dust. You were the only one who got a lot of it in your system, but after being examined by what felt like a million doctors, you were cleared.
You walked home, to the apartment you shared with Wade after he moved out of Al’s. The old woman had a second stroke and passed away in her sleep.
Wade’s name was alone on the lease, but you paid half of the rent and bills in exchange for the spare room.
“Saw you on the news today,” he tells you as you enter.
“Mmhmm,” you acknowledge.
“That plant monster thing was pretty wild,” Wade remarks. “You okay?”
“Yeah, breathed in some funky dust but all the doctors cleared me,” you tell him. You did still feel a little off, but that could be nerves. “I’m gonna shower.”
“Don’t use up all the hot water,” he warns.
“Oh, and what are you gonna do if I do? Ground me?” You laugh, closing the bathroom door behind you and undressing. You get in the shower and let the warm water cascade down your body. It unwinds your tension a little bit, but you can think of other ways to help with that. After you’re all cleaned up, a hand finds its way down south.
You have very little time to steady yourself once you’re finished, as the man you thought about yells: “Y/N! Water!”
You get out, drying off and wrapping your towel around yourself before making your way to your room.
Wade wolf-whistles.
“Shut up!” You laugh it off, but you’re disappointed at the reminder that he’d never really like you, not like that.
In the living room, he thinks about you. He hasn’t known you long enough that it would be outright wrong to be into you… But he has known you long enough to where it’s a little weird, especially considering your age.
But that, devastatingly enough, is part of the allure.
He always wants what he can’t, what he shouldn’t have.
You don’t come back out of your room, which worries him. Had the flirtatious tinge of you two’s recent conversations made you uncomfortable?
He knocks on the door.
“What’s up?”
“Are you okay?” He asks.
“Y-yeah, fine..” you reply. Uh oh. Since you got off in the shower, you couldn’t stop masturbating. Literally. Every time you try to pry your hand off, you feel a strange kind of pain.
You needed it, and like an itch that you’d wake up in the middle of the night scratching, even when you weren’t supposed to be, your hands just did it of their own volition.
Waves of pleasure shoot through you, even though you’re not to your third orgasm yet. Yeah, you’d had your second only a little while after you’d gotten into your room.
“What?” you choke out.
“I’ve been calling your name. What the hell is going on?!” He asks, and you know he’s worried, but you’re so lost.
“I- I think that dust did something to me,” you realize. “Don’t worry, I’ll be over it. Just don’t feel so- Ah! Good.” You’d changed from clit to hole and curled your fingers.
He opens the door.
“I can’t stop,” you whimper, so embarrassed. You avert your gaze from him as if you can just pretend he’s not there. “I really can’t, my hand won’t- won’t move.”
A tent slowly rises in his pants. Why wouldn’t it? You’re fucking beautiful, even more so when you’re naked, legs spread and fingers desperately rubbing your clit. You look dazed and delicious.
Wade knows he shouldn’t take advantage, but the spark in your eyes at the sight of his hardness makes him want to.
“Help me, help me,” you beg breathily, a shaky whisper.
Your back arches, and your eyes roll back, but you’re right back to it.
“Y/N… You’re not in your right mind,” he reasons.
“Please, please.. Ah, Wade...” you moan out his name.
As an experiment, he pries your hand off of you, and you scream in pain, hot tears immediately rolling down. He’d thought maybe if you resisted the urge, you’d be brought out of the trance you were clearly in.
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes. That was some very un-sexy pain, and he only wanted sexy pain for you. Not now, but later sometime.
You’re still touching yourself as you move closer to him. You drop to your knees in front of him and look up at him, eyelashes fluttering.
“Please, can I?”
“You- I- We shouldn’t.”
“I want to, so bad. Please. I got off in the shower to the thought of you, y’know. Once I got off there, that’s when I couldn’t stop.”
“You thought of me?”
You nod, kissing his erection through his Hello Kitty pajama pants. They’re soft against your burning skin. You’re over-stimulated in the best way as you nuzzle his package. You’re close again, to your fourth now.
He pulls your head away.
“Y/N, I need you to promise me something.”
“That you understand I don’t just see you as an object, I care about you, and-“
“I promise,” you cut him off, over-excited.
“And that you understand that I don’t think any less of you. At all. That I still respect you and want to be in your life no matter what happens when you get over this.”
You nod, smiling. “I promise.”
Wade pulls down his pants.
“You’re so big…” You say, eyes wide. You’d never done this, or, well, anything but kissing before. But you’d seen (and read, and listened to) enough porn to get the basic idea.
You take the head in your mouth before getting more. You gag quite a bit, but you want to get as much of him in your mouth as possible. You moan around him, bobbing your head up and down as fast as you can, almost hungrily. No, definitely hungrily.
“Y/N, I’m going to-“
You immediately pull your mouth off, and begin jacking him off.
“On my-“ you gasp, part in the pleasure you were still giving yourself, part in the need to breathe more due to holding your breath before. “Face.” Guys like that, right?
“I may have a good refractory period, honey, but I get the feeling even mine isn’t going to cut it.”
“That’s fine, I can take care of myself,” you tell him. “You’re so…” you moan as you orgasm, a sound somehow both filthy and pure that he wishes he could hear nothing but for the rest of his life as ribbons of his own orgasm splatter onto your face.
“What’s that? Three?” He asks, curious.
“Four, I came the second time before you came in,” you correct, allowing him to lead you to your bed, as you continue to touch yourself. He takes a tissue from the box on your bedside table and gently wipes your face clean with it, pressing a soft kiss to the tip of your nose. He liked being close to you. He was used to you seeing his face, so the thoughts of self-consciousness that typically plagued him when he was hooking up were almost no more.
“Cute,” he notes, because you’re blushing. He moves your hand, touching you with his less than a moment later, switching between curling his fingers inside you and rubbing your sensitive clit.
You roll your hips against his hand as he kisses your neck, sucking and biting at untouched skin. Marring it with beautiful bruises. Marring you, and he can’t get enough.
“Wade, Wade, Wade..” you repeat his name again and again, like it’s the only thought you’ve got. “I’m gonna- Gonna cum again.”
“Okay, baby,” he says, smoothing your hair back. You perk up at the nickname, he’ll have to remember that.
The way you look up at him drives him insane-er. So much adoration and trust alongside the dazed lust in your your eyes. It’s that that keeps him from feeling like a monster, from feeling like he was taking advantage of you.
“Thank you.. . For helping me...” you whisper, trembling as you cum for a fifth time. You feel his hardness return.
“Do you want to do, uh, this, or something else?”
You’d never done “this” before, and you wanted to, but Wade seemed to think you had and you didn’t want him to stop if he found out.
“I do,” you tell him, and he goes to get a condom, leaving you needy. You touch yourself, tears running at how sensitive you were. It was starting to hurt, even when you were touching yourself. Not to the same degree, but the same kind of pain. You gasp, your breaths shaky.
He comes back with the box.
“I get the feeling we might be here awhile,” he explains, and you nod.
“It’s starting to hurt like it did before but not as bad, I just need more, something, anything, I-“
He positions himself and rams into you. You immediately clutch at him, your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist as you whimper. It’s then Wade remembers something.
Peter had come over a week or so ago, and the two of you and gone into your room. Jealous, he’d listened in.
After some boring ass small talk, there was a bombshell:
“Y/N, what the heck?! You’re pregnant?!”
Wade was shocked.
“Prenatal vitamins!”
“Yeah, they’re good for you whether you’re pregnant or not, especially your nails and hair. How stupid are you, Peter? You can’t get pregnant if you’ve never had sex.”
“Oh, baby..” He gets you to loosen your arms and looks down at you. “Why didn’t you remind me?”
You freeze up. “You- You know I..?”
He nods.
“I thought you would stop, and I need- I need-“
“I would never deny you,” Wade says, and he really means it. Even though he wishes you had been more honest, he understood that you weren’t completely in your right mind. You were desperate. “Is it okay to move?”
“Yeah,” you reply. He’s uncharacteristically silent, making you uneasy. “Talk to me.”
“You really want me to talk to you? Like, you’re specifically asking me to talk?” Wade is a bit stunned.
“Yes, you fucking- Ah!” He hits the exact right angle and you lose the ability to think. He continues to hit that spot, enjoying the noises you make and the way you throw your head back onto the pillow, back trying to arch but being restrained by his weight, his strength.
He moves a few fingers to touch your clit, and the grip of your legs around him gets tighter, to the point where he can barely move.
“Wade,” you whine, and he knows exactly what you’re saying at this point.
“Y/N,” he groans. “Fuck, you feel so fucking good.”
Your bare chest rises and falls as you pant, taking him in fasterharderfasterharderfasterharder until you come undone for the sixth time this evening, him following shortly after. He pulls out, and you hiss in pain.
“Let me kiss it better,” he offers, his stamina far better than yours as he pulls off the condom and ties it off before lowering himself so that he’s face to face with your abused heat that was still pulsing, still hungry for more. You were in so much pain.
“Wade, please..” you weep.
“Fuck, I forgot, I’m sorry.” And with that, his infamous mouth engulfs you, tongue tracing patterns on you before rubbing at your clit. His fingers dance from your mid-thigh to just above your hips, causing goosebumps to rise.
You moan sweetly, and Wade continues his ministrations, wishing he could tell you how perfect you look, how perfect you are. His little doll. Will broken, eyes glazed, letting him play with you however he wanted. So cute.
And the whiny, breathy little noises you made when you were going to cum, those were his favorite. He’d be hearing those in the back of his mind for a very long time. Hopefully he’d be hearing them in person for a very long time, too.
Your legs give out, and you’re cumming again, that’s seven times. Your eyelids feel heavy. Wade can see you’re tired.
“You gotta go pee,” he tells you. “Cranberry juice isn’t exactly cheap.” You go to get off the bed, but you can’t walk much, your legs hurt. You’re still insanely horny, but the unnatural desire and the pain it comes with is partially quelled. Hurts like hell, but you’ll be able to sleep through it now.
Wade scoops you up, taking you to the bathroom and standing outside. Once you’re done and cleaned up, he helps you back to bed, offering you his shirt so you don’t get too cold.
“Stay,” you insist.
“You want me to?”
You nod, and he slides next to you. You relax despite your back being to him, enjoying the closeness. You sleep.
When you wake up, he’s gone, and you’re in intense pain again.
This is getting frustrating, and that frustration adds to the overwhelming emotional and physical stimuli that has been giving you problems since yesterday. You begin to cry, hard.
It hurts so bad, and Wade has disappeared because he regrets sleeping with you, and your feet are hot, and you want to be touched so bad you think that the feel of a single finger that wasn’t your own against your skin would make you cum.
“Baby?” He’s in your doorframe. “Oh, no, I was gonna surprise you with breakfast. I’m not going anywhere.”  
“Need it, need you so bad.” Tears are running down your face.
Wade comes in and you’re lax as he kisses your neck.
“Do you want to try something?” He asks, struck with an idea.
“S-sure…” you agree, and Wade leaves the room for a moment before bringing back a simple plastic tote.
He opens it, and digs around, pulling out a strip of cloth.
“Can I blindfold you?”
You nod in agreement. You’d try anything, especially if he wanted it.
After doing this, he begins to finger you.
“More,” you implore. So, he gets a condom out, and fucks into you. You wince, still bruised from yesterday, but the pleasure outweighs the pain. You cum, and he continues to fuck you for a little while longer, until it’s time for his release.
The blindfold added to the helplessness of the situation in a rather positive way.
“Can I try something else?” Wade offers.
“Whatever you want,” you reply.
“Get my permission to cum before you do.”
“O-okay..” You say, your cheeks heating up.
“Ooh, baby, did I get you flustered?”
You don’t reply.
“Well?” He asks, suddenly his voice is quiet, and in your ear.
“I want to use a vibrator on you, can I?” He asks. He keeps his sex toys in the tote, you realize.
“Mmhmm..” you agree, waiting nervously. You hear buzzing. It’s on a low setting, you can tell, as the bullet-sized thing touches you. Wade’s fingers slip into your orgasm-slick heat, and at a pretty constant rate, Wade turns up the intensity.
You’re right on the edge when you remember to ask.
“What’s in it for me?” he replies, and there’s the asshole you know and love.
“Wade, please.”
“Doesn’t sound like a reason to let you cum.”
“I’ll suck you off. With the blindfold on… And my arms tied behind my back.”
“Before you cum?”
“Yeah, sure, fine,” you agree.
“You’re so cute. Do I get to keep your arms tied?” He asks.
“Anything you want.”
“Anything? Baby, you’re so cute. How about you just suck me off, and leave the blindfold on and the vibrator in? We’ll do bondage later,” he promises.
“Okay.” You tremble, holding your orgasm back as Wade sits on the bed, guiding your mouth to his cock, which was very hard. He was enjoying playing with his new toy. So lax and trusting, getting pleasure from doing whatever he wanted you to do.
You take it in your mouth, bobbing up and down like you did yesterday, but slower. You’re blindfolded, blowing him, and you’re wearing his tee shirt, nothing else. Fucking hot. He loves it.
You pull off for a moment.
“Fuck my face,” you say, and hear a soft gasp.
“You really are something,” he tells you, hooking his fingers into your hair and forcing your mouth down hard, thrusting in. It’s pleasurable for you, too, and you moan around him, allowing yourself to feel the vibrator a little more instead of shutting it out to avoid cumming.
He keeps lifting his hips, and you’re lost and home at the same time. In the dark with an aching jaw and sparks of electricity dancing on your skin, wishing you could cum.
Speaking of cum... His fills your mouth.
“Swallow it,” he demands, and you comply.
“C-can I cum now?” You request, sitting up. 
“Of course,” he replies, and after a few moments of holding the vibrator to your clit and rocking back and forth, the feeling cuts through you like a katana, leaving you gasping and moaning. “You are so cute. Ask every time, because this was amazing. Just yesterday you were a virgin. Today you’re my slut. I love it.”
You tremble excitedly at the term, especially combined with “my.”
“Do you like that, baby? When I call you mine? My little slut? My fucking-”
You nod, his hand gently holding your neck as if we was about to choke you.
Wade rubs your ridiculously wet cunt again, middle finger rubbing your clit before teasing at your hole as his hand goes up and down. You give a whiny sigh, gripping his biceps as he fingers you. But then, your phone rings. It’s Tony, You look at Wade with begging eyes, imploring him to take care of it for you. 
“Touch yourself. I’ll be back.”
“Hello?” He answers the phone as he exits the room, putting it on speaker so that you can hear them but they can’t hear you.
“Is Y/N okay?” Tony asks.
“Bruce inhaled a sample of that pollen that she got in her system, and it had some… Interesting side effects,” Tony explains.
“Oh, that. How do we fix that?” He requests the solution to your problem, because he’s not completely selfish.
“Well, with Bruce, we had to wait it out. Y/N might have to just wait longer. Is she in any pain? Towards the end she might be.”
“She’s been in pain since the beginning,” Wade informs him.
“Oh,” Tony replies. “Did you help her?”
“I don’t like that question. Goodbye.”
Wade goes back to you, and you’re very obviously bashful, to the point where he can tell even with the blindfold on you..
“Did you cum?” He asks.
“Y-you were on the phone, and-“
“Did you?” He repeats himself, trying to sound stern.
You duck your head. “Yes,” you quietly admit.
“Oh, baby, I can’t even pretend to be upset. I know you can’t help it, not right now. You get a free pass.”
“Can I ride you?” You ask brightly, and the crudeness of the inquiry combined with the innocence of your voice excites him too goddamn much.
“Of course,” he responds, sitting back down on your bed. “Though, I think, after, we should go to my bed. It’s bigger and cushier. Fit for a princess.”
You suck on your fingers, wetting them with saliva before your hand his led to Wade’s cock and you stroke him to full hardness. After that, he puts the condom on and you’re ready to go.
“Are you sure you were a virgin before me?”
“Thank the Internet, Wade,” you inform him, before slowly lowering yourself onto him with guidance. His dick goes deeper from this angle, and you adjust to it before lifting yourself up and slamming back down with a quiet whine of: “Fuck...”
“Let me help, baby.” He puts his strong, calloused hands on the soft flesh of your hips, pulling up and pushing down. You rock back and forth while going up and down, until you find the spot that’s just right and fuck yourself at that angle hard and fast.
“Y/N, I’m gonna-“
“No, no, I need.. More, please, longer..” You whine.
“So demanding.” But he does his best to hold off, to give you what you want. It pays off.
“Can I cum?”
“Yes, honey.” You bury your face into his shoulder and shake. He holds you, cumming too.
“I just want this to be over,” you admit. “It feels good, but I- I hurt so bad.” Tears roll down from behind your blindfold, and he takes it off, looking into your beautiful eyes.
“Hey, how about we just use toys from now on? Tony was who was on the phone earlier, and he said that it happened to Bruce too and all we can do is wait it out. I can use vibrators and stuff on you. They’re all sanitized and everything. I know you’re tired, baby.”
You nod, and he scoops you up, taking you to his room as promised. The bed is taller, and you can feel that there’s a memory foam pad on top as you sink in a little. His bed really was fit for a princess. Wade goes back for the tub, bringing it in and choosing a different vibrator. He puts it on the highest setting and just holds it for you, listening to the desperate, pleasured noises you make like they’re music.
You ask if you can cum.
“No need to ask anymore, the point of this is so that you’re not in pain, honey.”
Your eyes roll back.
“You’re so fucking beautiful when you’re getting off, you know that?”
You moan, high.
“Ooh, do you like it when I get raunchy?”
You nod.
“So many things I wanna try. Taking you from behind and listening as you moan into the pillow. Phone sex when I’m on jobs. Mutual masturbation in general just sounds nice. Tying you up. Gagging you, both with a gag and with my cock.”
Wade angles the vibrator different ways as your hips roll around. You’re beautiful to him, sunlight streaming through the blinds onto your smooth skin. Skin so different from his own.
He kisses said skin on your thighs as he continues to take you to another orgasm.
Your back arches again, and you gasp, like you’ve been underwater for too long.
The day felt long and short, taking pee breaks every once in awhile. You fall asleep early, and when you wake up, you feel normal.
You’re worried he’s completely gone, but he’s sitting on the rocking chair in the corner. It was Al’s, and he liked to sit on it and polish his guns. However, unlike usual, he was still. Just… watching. It had to be late at night or early in the morning. How long had he been like this?
He goes to the tote.
“No! I mean, I feel normal. I mean, a bit achy after that non-stop sex, but.. Normal. Thank you, Wade.”
He dashes toward you, taking your face in your hands and kissing you.
You respond, allowing his hands to drift down to your waist, your hands now on his face. He pulls away, searching your eyes for something.
“I was so scared you wouldn’t feel the same way, after all that. I- I took advantage of you...”
“No, no, I asked you to help me and you did. Thank you, again, Wade. I don’t know what I’d do without such an amazing...dot-dot-dot?”
“Boyfriend. Soulmate. Future Husband.”
You giggle at his answer, or, answers.
“Let’s cuddle, Boyfriend.”
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the-mykie-show · 5 years
Learning Experiences (Negan x virgin reader) part 3
Negan helps you experiment with a sex toy.
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“It's big.” you fidget nervously with the toy, turning it over in your hands, feeling the surprisingly realistic shaped bulbous tip and ribbed rubber shaft of vibrator.
You almost couldn't believe Negan would waste the resource of the double A batteries needed to run the small motor in the base of the sex toy, but it really shouldn't be a surprise to you, Negan never spared any expenses when it came to his wives pleasure.
“Not as big as the real thing, you can handle it and I'll help you. If it makes you feel better we can use lube. I don't think you'll really need it though, you take my fingers so good, this won't feel much different. Just a little wider and goes a little bit deeper. And the vibrations will blow your mind.” he assures you.
Negan was always bringing you and the other girls little gifts back from his trips to other communities and outposts, mostly alcohol, chocolates, books, cds, any odd little requests one of his wives had he did his best to find it. However, every once in a while he'd bring something a little dirtier home. Apparently the Saviors had found a sex shop on their last supply run into the ruined city, of which Negan of course got first pick of the haul, finding some interesting stuff for both his wives and himself to enjoy. For some reason you were the first person Negan thought of when he found a small, vaguely dick shaped, ribbed vibrator at the bottom of the box.
“You really never experimented with toys before?” he asks.
“No, Negan, you know I didn't even masterbate before you showed me how.” you remind him, turning a little red in the face.
“I know, I know. It just always surprises me how innocent you are,” he leans in and whispers in your ear “and how fucking hot it is that I get to corrupt that innocence.” his breath on your ear makes you shiver in anticipation, and just like that you're putty in his hands.
“So, what do you say? You want to try this thing out?” one of his hands twist in your hair, pulling your head back to look up at him while the other palms your ass, slipping under the short skirt of your dress.
“Okay.” you relent, and Negan couldn't be happier, anytime he gets to fuck you in a new way he lights up like a kid in a candy store.
Pulling you into a kiss, while his hands unzip your dress and slide it off to fall onto the floor in one smooth motion.
He doesn't bother removing his jacket or shirt, but he does loosen his pants in preparation for the hard on he's about to get. And pushes you back against the bed. He stops to take in your half naked body, it always makes you fidget when he stares at you like that, especially knowing that you're wearing the crotchless panties that came with the last batch of lingerie he'd brought.
“Hold up a fucking minute.” he grabs your legs and spreads them, giving him a perfect view of your already damp folds through the hole in the thin lace garment.
His hand leaves your thigh, running a finger gently down your slit.
“Damn darlin’ you're making me want to forget the toy and just stick my dick in you. You're gonna like it rough and dirty, I can already tell. I know you're not ready for the real thing yet, so let's just see how well you take something a little smaller.” he doesn't take off the panties.
He warms you up with his mouth, his tongue exploring your body as thoroughly as the first time he ever went down on you, lapping at the wetness that formed at your entrance, and teasing your clit, before sliding his fingers inside you, working your sweet spot a little and scissoring you open.
Once Negan is satisfied your wet and open enough, you hear the faint buzz of the vibrator, and feel the tip of it against your clit, making you draw in a sharp breath. The feeling is intense, sending violent shock waves of pleasure right to your core, Negan guides the toy up and down your slit, letting the tip press against your entrance teasingly before he glides it back up to your clit.
“You ready for me to fuck you?” he finally asks, and you nod, desperate for some relief. He switches off the toy, pressing the bulbous tip against your entrance. And you feel the tip begin to slide inside you, the nervousness bubbles up again.
“Negan wait… Can you use a little lube?” you know you're absolutely soaked, and there's really no need for it, but it's comforting to know it's there. He smirks and reaches into his nightstand, pulling out a bottle of lube and generously coating the toy.
“You ready now?” the tip presses against your entrance again and you nod.
“Just relax, let it slide inside you just like with my fingers.” you feel pressure, and the girth of the toy stretching you. It's bigger than his fingers, and it's noticeable.
You let out a shaky breath, your body getting used to the feeling of being so full.
“You okay, baby?” he asks, stilling the toy inside you.
You nod.
“Good girl, I'm going to slide it all the way inside you now.” you nod again, you feel the toy slide deeper, your body doesn't resist at all, eagerly clenching around the rubber shaft, while Negan pushes it in all the way to the base. You fist the comforter under you with a gasp of pleasure as he slowly pulls the toy almost all the way out of you and thrusts it back inside. He's going slow, taking it easy on you, part of you appreciates his gentleness, another part of you, a more primal and sexual part, wishes he'd just fuck you hard and deep already.
You have to admit the anticipation the slow pumping of the toy is giving you adds a whole new level of pleasure to the experience.
“You ready for me to turn it on?” he finally asks once he's satisfied that your used to the girth of it stretching your walls.
“Yes!” you moan, and he flicks the vibrator on, sending a violent jolt of sensations through your core.
You didn't know what you were expecting but it wasn't for it to be this intense, the simulation is almost too much. The tip of the vibrator is pressed perfectly against that little spot that made your eyes roll back in your head whenever Negan massaged it with his fingers, making your body edgerly clench and throb around the shaft. It feels so much
different than  his fingers, it isn't just the wider girth or deeper penetration, it's the way the soft rubber almost molds to your body, letting your throbbing walls guide it right where you need it, and the vibrations… Oh God the vibrations!
He wasn't kidding when he said it'd blow your mind.
Negan gradually increased the speed and pressure as he moved the toy in and out of your needy pussy, each time the head of the vibrator left your sweet spot you groaned in frustration, followed by a moan of relieved pleasure when he thrust it back inside.
“You like that baby?” he asks, his lips suddenly against your ear. “You like having that tight little pussy filled up? If you think this is good, if you think you're all filled up now, just wait until it's my cock fucking you.” you feel your body start to clench tighter, a sign of your impending orgasm.
“Now how about you come for me? Show me how hard you're gonna come when I bend you over this bed and fuck you for real?” the tip of his index finger on his free hand teasingly strokes your clit, adding a new dimension of pleasure. You can tell your soaking both the panties and the comforter, but neither of you mind.
It only takes a few more well timed thrusts of the toy to make you come undone around it. The vibrations prolong your orgasm by a significant amount of time, it's so intense all you can do is desperately grip the lapels of his leather jacket, you can't even moan or cry out in your pleasure.
Your back arches off the bed, your pussy has never felt so full and tight, throbbing hard with each wave of your orgasm, and soaking the toy and Negan's hand in your juices.
Once the final wave subsides Negan slides the toy out of your body, leaving you feeling so empty you bite your lip to hold back a frustrated whimper.
“Hot damn! You're fucking soaked sweetheart.” Negan exclaimed when he held the vibrator up to the light, watching it glisten along with his hand. “you're gonna be a squirter, I can already tell.”
He drops the toy and licks your wetness from his fingers, watching him sucking his fingers clean gives you an idea and you reach for the toy, sliding the head between your lips, and circling it with your tongue, tasting yourself mixed with some lube. Negan watches you with lust blown eyes, you take a deep breath through your nose and swallow the toy down all the way, it's easier than his cock, and you're able to pull the clean toy out of mouth without gagging.
“Holy fuck, look at you! My dirty little girl. Why don't you get on your knees for me now, baby?”
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flatlineforest · 4 years
Sakura - chapter 1. [Shimadacest ABO]
This was one of the first fics I wrote for the ship. It started off as a one shot and grew in chapters as a result of requests. 
Warnings: A/B/O, Omega Hanzo, Alpha Genji, heat fic, manipulation, mildly dubious consent, sibling incest. In later chapters: Father/ child incest, threesome, somnophilia ish.
Wordcount, chapter 1 - 1,659
Read all chapters on AO3 here. Originally posted on: 12/05/2017.
Genji wakes up unusually early one summer morning to the overwhelming scent of sakura blossoms. It is a curious smell, sweet and floral but undeniably strong. It seems to permeate the air of his bedroom, and perhaps even is seeping through the walls. It doesn’t make a lick of sense; the blossoms only occur in the spring and even if there was a particularly late tree it shouldn’t smell so strongly all this distance from the courtyard.
He sniffs at it lazily, normally reluctant to get out of bed early after being out all night but today he is willing to make an exception in order to feed his curiosity. The smell pulls a sense of urgency from him - he isn’t quite sure why but he is certain that finding the source can’t wait. He pulls on a pair of sweatpants and pads out of his bedroom to begin his hunt.
The smell is so strong, it seems to even draw the attention of the beta housemaids who flit about the private quarters of the Shimada estate. They murmur about it and sniff as discreetly as they can but they do not currently hold his interest.
As he approaches the eastern wing of the quarters, the scent takes on a new spiciness - a punch to it that runs down from his nose to his dick as he prowls the halls. He follows that spiciness as his dick chubs up, and wonders if perhaps one of the servants had gone into heat while they were cleaning. It seemed like a logical explanation - and perhaps Genji could be so kind as to offer his services should he come across some hapless omega in need.
The last thing Genji expects is to find the epicenter of that scent at the entrance of his big brother’s room.
It didn’t make any sense. He had registered the scent as omega heat scent but it wasn’t supposed to be coming from his brother’s room. His older brother wasn’t an omega - he hadn’t even presented but Shimada men had presented as alphas for as far back as ten generations!
Maybe Hanzo had come across an omega in heat and brought her back to his room? Maybe he was going to help her - or! Or keep her all to himself since his brother did have a thing for cherry blossoms. Genji bared his teeth at the thought- his instincts offended at the thought of his brother keeping such an amazing smelling omega away from him.
He burst open the door, growling loudly as he looked around for the omega within his brother’s bedroom.
Laying in the center of the bed, writhing with widespread legs covered in slick was none other than Hanzo himself. The man seemed to be mostly out of it, one hand fisted in the sheets while the other was shoving two fingers into his cute, pink, virgin hole.
Genji’s mouth was watering. He couldn’t tear his eyes from where Hanzo was desperately fingering himself, as his dick fully chubbed up in his pants. “Anija,” he breathes out, his body on autopilot as he approaches the bed. He is kneeling down on it soon, bringing him so tantalizingly close to Hanzo’s gorgeous, sweet smelling hole. He notes how his brother’s legs are completely covered in that tantalizing slick.
He can’t help it - he starts lapping at the slick on Hanzo’s thighs, eyes on that hole as Hanzo thrusts his fingers in faster - seemingly frantic as this heat eats at him. Hanzo’s slick tastes like ambrosia, and he cannot stop. He cleans the slick from Hanzo’s thighs completely, making his way closer to Hanzo’s ass with each passing lick. Soon, he’s panting and drooling, kneeling between Hanzo’s thighs as his breath hits Hanzo’s sensitive, delicate hole.
“Genji,” Hanzo rasps out above him - and Genji’s cock jerks. He sounds as if he’s moaned himself hoarse and Genji wonders when exactly did his brother’s heat start? And what as his brother going to say- ask him to stop? Genji couldn’t even think of stopping - of not being able to taste that wonderful slick directly from the source, or not being able to give his brother the sweet relief he needs.
“Genji, please,” Hanzo whines and god, if it weren’t for all the pheromones in Genji’s system telling him he has to breed his brother, he probably would have came in his pants. He reaches out, pulling on Hanzo’s hand and assisting the other in easing out his slick covered fingers.
“I’ve got you, anija,” Genji breathed out, and pressed forward those last couple of inches and pressed an open mouthed kiss against Hanzo’s asshole. He moans at the taste, fresh slick infinitely better than the older liquid coating Hanzo’s thighs. He seems to dive into Hanzo’s ass, his mind short-circuiting as he tastes his older brother properly.
Hanzo’s hand is in his hair, pulling on the green locks as he is overwhelmed with the sudden pleasure. His heat had obviously been eating at him for hours - and there had been no chance for relief until his wonderful, amazing, baby brother had come finally come over to assist him. He could only think linearly - didn’t even think of any of the moral or physical consequences of eaten out by his baby brother and instead focused on the feeling of one of Genji’s long, pianist fingers pressing into him. He cried out and tightened his grip, thighs clamping around his brother’s head.
“Shh, anija, I am going to take care of you,” Genji sighed. He peaked up at Hanzo, the other barely catching a glimpse of his dilated eyes before the other was diving head first once more and doubling his efforts.
Genji could have spent hours eating his older brother out. The sweet and spicy taste of Hanzo’s slick was nothing less than addictive and Genji wished he could bottle it to drink later. However, Hanzo’s heat was getting unbearable and he demanded that Genji do something about it.
As if Genji wouldn’t willingly stick his dick in that warm, wet place he had been eating out for no less than twenty minutes. He doesn’t even bother to push his sweatpants all the way off, tucking the waistband behind his balls and taking his dick in hand. He rubs his dick across Hanzo’s hole and along his crack, lubing his cock in a combination of his own spit and Hanzo’s  slick. He pressed the head right against his twitching hole, looking down at Hanzo’s blissed out face and his cute, omegan cock. “I’m gonna breed you up, Hanzo,” he breathed out. “I’m gonna knot you and give you lots of cream for your needy little hole. Aren’t you excited, anija?”
Hanzo moaned beneath him, hands reaching up to grasp Genji’s shoulders and pull him down face level. “Genji, I have been in heat at least four hours...If you do not fuck me, I might just have to kill you.” The statement is supposed to sound like a threat, but it really only draws a quiet ‘awwh’ from Genji.
He did take pity on his older brother, pressing his hips forward steadily and slowly until the tip of his cock popped in. He let out a moan of his own, feeling his brother’s hole clench tight and wet around his just the tip of his dick. “God, look at you. A perfect little omega whore already,” Genji groaned. He wasn’t able to hold back, starting to fuck the rest of his cock forward into that welcoming hole.
Normally, when he had an omega beneath him, he really went all out to be good to them but god, just this once he wanted to be selfish. His hips humped forward, fucking in and out just a couple of inches.
“Gonna breed you up, anija,” he grunted, leaning over Hanzo to sniff at his scent glands as he fucked. “Nobody can touch you, you’ll be all mine to have all of our little Shimada pups,” he added, licking at those sensitive scent glands and relishing in the wash of pheromones through him. He wasn’t brave - or rude - enough to bite down on them without Hanzo’s true consent but fuck, if it wasn’t tempting.
Hanzo’s cheeks were bright red - the way Genji had only ever seen when Hanzo was half a bottle of sake deep- as his cock jerked between them, covering them in a few, thin ropes of cum.
“Good boy,” Genji breathed out. He gathered Hanzo’s cum on his fingers and popped one into his mouth. He fucked his hips forward at the taste, the head of his dick pressing in as deep as he could manage as his own orgasm washed over him. His knot swelled rapidly, locking him inside of that wonderful hole.
“You feel that Hanzo? You better keep my cum in you even after the knot goes down. You want it don’t you? You want to have my pups, right, anija?” Genji asked, all the more excited as his cum started to paint Hanzo’s insides. If he had a tail, it would be wagging furiously with his excitement.
Hanzo looked up at him, mouth ajar as he panted. He seemed content - a cat who got the cream as Genji’s knot left him warm and full.
Genji had never seen him so happy.
It was not until later in the day that Lord Shimada returned to the estate. He was met at the front gate by an advisor.
“Sir, your eldest son presented as an omega. He is in heat,” the man reported, eyes downcast as he waited for the Lord’s reaction.
“Ah...Does he have any company to assist him through this? I’d hate for my son to have to suffer through this alone…”
“About that, sir...Genji has been in his room all day. He will not let anyone enter.”
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undermoonlightst · 5 years
First Time (DK/Lee Seokmin) (M)
Requests (2):
“hii, can i request a seokmin first time smut??? i'm in love with the soonyoung and minghao ones💕”
@svthjhao “Hii, can I request a first time with seokmin?? I'm so in love with your writing😭 Thank you!💕💕” 
A/N: I’m back from the dead! Sorry for the semi-hiatus! DK is a very popular member that I see in my requests often, so expect to see a lot more DK content in the near future. To the anon and @svthjhao who requested this smut, thank you so much for the love and thanks for requesting!! I am so sorry that it took so long, but I hope you like this post and that it suits your fancy!😉 -ren♡
➵Pairing: Lee Seokmin x Reader
➵Warnings: smut, virgin!dk, you may bust an uwu because I made this really sweet, mild swearing
➵Words: 3.2k
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Seokmin didn't understand how it happened or how he got the courage to ask you, but the simple, yet awkward question slipped out of his mouth before he had time to process or stop himself.
"Have you had sex before?"
His voice rung through the silent air and you froze, your fingers clenching around the book in your hands. You were both sitting on the couch, your legs comfortably laying across Seokmin’s lap as you read your book. You hesitated, but slowly lowered the book to gaze at your boyfriend. You looked curious, wondering what he was thinking. You saw this moment coming, but you didn’t know when it would happen. Your eyes studied his.
His heart was pounding. Oh God, you’re beautiful. Even after all this time, any time you made eye contact with him, Seokmin felt his heart skid to a stop. He nervously watched as your cheeks slowly flushed a rosy pink at his personal question.
“I...uh. Well...yes.” You could feel the heat in your face building as you responded. You had to witness insecurity suddenly engulf your boyfriend and his eyes lowered down to your feet in his lap, a small frown on his lips. Your heart dropped.
“Just once. In high school.” You rushed to explain, “It was a mistake and we both knew it in the morning. It was nothing.”
Seokmin just nodded softly, unable to meet your eyes as he gave your feet in his lap an affectionate pat. He really didn’t have the right to get upset about it, but he was upset. He didn’t like the fact that some other boy got to touch you before he did. But there was nothing he could say, you didn’t even know him back then.
“Why?” Your heart was beating slightly faster than usual. Where was this conversation going? Seokmin finally lifted his eyes to meet yours, his cheeks still slightly flushed.
He could never admit to you the downright lustful thoughts he had been having about you recently. In the early stages of your relationship, his love-struck thoughts about you were as pure as freshly fallen snow. He daydreamed about kissing you, cuddling with you, all of those angelic things. Yet suddenly, he found himself fantasizing about things a lot more sensual. He began noticing your body in a completely different way than he had before. While he still wanted to softly kiss your neck, he also wanted to mark it as his and spread purple blotches around on your beautiful skin. He found himself wanting to grip your thighs and feel your perfect breasts. The thoughts quickly became dirtier and more lewd and suddenly, Seokmin found himself drenched in sexual desire. His nights after practice were often filled with him desperately trying to relieve some of the pent-up lust by touching himself, and although it gave him some relief, the desire always came hurdling back the next time he saw you. You were his girlfriend. If he wanted to (and oh, how he wanted to), he could just make a move on you, or subtly test the waters by touching you a bit more boldly than usual to see if you wanted it just like he did, but Seokmin couldn’t. He just couldn’t. He didn’t know how to tell you.
He was a virgin.
And you proclaiming that you had already had sex before sent him into a downward spiral of fear and insecurity. What if he couldn’t make to love to you as well as your ex did?
“Seok?” Your delicate voice brought him back to reality. “Why are you asking?” You already knew the answer. You weren't dumb. You were perceptive enough to notice the new way your boyfriend had started looking at you. His dark eyes would linger on your lips, slowly sinking lower and lower... Any time you were around him he seemed extra flustered and his eyes would struggle to hold your gaze for long periods of time, like there was something he was dying to tell you but was too afraid to just blurt it out. You knew he wanted you; his body language alone was a blaring signal. You couldn't lie to yourself, you wanted him just as badly. The sexual tension between the two of you was off the charts and you were dying for him to just slam those handsome lips onto yours and admit how much he wanted you. Why couldn't he?
“Just wondering...” He mumbled, his slim fingers ghosting over your feet still in his lap. You watched his fingers like a hawk, your mind very suddenly wondering what they would feel like rubbing through your wet folds...
You closed your book with a loud smack and Seokmin jumped slightly, his head quickly turning to you. You tossed the book lazily somewhere that you didn't care about and sat up, crawling over to your boyfriend who had raised his eyebrows at you curiously. You quickly straddled his lap, all of his blood rushing to his cheeks at your sudden movement. You sighed contently and snaked your arms around Seokmin’s neck.
“What are you trying to tell me?” You soothed. Again, you knew the answer. You just wanted to hear him say it. He swallowed audibly, his hands naturally trailing down to hold onto your feminine hips. His eyes nervously looked into yours and you felt yourself flush a little at his gaze.
“I just want to...” His words trailed off with a soft groan and his thumbs dug into your hip bone as he struggled to find the right words. You smiled.
“Me too.” You gave in.
His eyes shot up to meet yours in surprise. “What?”
You giggled at his obliviousness. “You’re talking about sex, right?”  Seokmin’s heart pounded painfully.
“Yes.” He breathed, his fingers only digging harder into your hips. “It’s just that... I’m a virgin.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. It had never crossed your mind that your boyfriend might have been a virgin. You weren’t sure why you never thought about it, but you always assumed he had some sexual experience.
“You are?” You gawked. Seokmin looked extremely embarrassed.
“Yeah. But you’re so beautiful and... I really want you. I just don’t know what to do.” His eyes were filled with admiration for you and it made your heart melt on the spot. You squeezed his shoulders.
“It’s easy.” You whispered.
With that, your lips slammed into his, your hands grasping at the back of Seokmin’s neck and hair. He gasped softly into your mouth from the sudden contact, his heart speeding at a million miles a minute. He kissed you back eagerly, one hand staying put on your hip while the other made its way to grasp your cheek. He felt arousal immediately coursing through him, and the fact that you wanted this just as bad as only made his desire harder to handle. In a few places.
You were nervous, but you experimentally rolled your hips against Seokmin’s, slowly and softly. His response was heavenly. He choked a bit on his breath and his fingers dug into your skin as pleasure shot through him. His mouth widened and he looked at you with an expression you didn’t recognize.
“Was that okay?” You whispered. A small flush came over Seokmin’s cheeks and he nodded hurriedly.
“Yes. Can...can you do it again?” He swallowed. You smirked and begin rolling your hips against his crotch in a sultry rhythm, slow enough to give him just a taste of ecstasy, but not quite fast enough to give him the relief he needed. Your lips quickly attached to his collarbone while you moved your hips, sucking affectionate love bites onto his skin, causing him to groan from the onslaught of different pleasurable sensations.
Through his thin basketball shorts and your equally thin leggings, you could feel him quickly hardening underneath you as pushed your hips into him. He was whimpering with pleasure and it was driving you wild, making you want to heat things up. Yet, you didn’t want to push him too early, not when he didn’t have any experience. Through the shock of how good it felt with you merely grinding on him, Seokmin’s lips finally found yours again. His kiss was deeper and more passionate this time around, letting you know that he was deeply turned on. His fingers shook as he pulled you closer to him as you sat on his lap, his hand finding its way under your shirt and ghosting against the bare skin. Your skin burned where he touched you, excitement racing through your body and becoming more intense by the second.
“Take it off.” Your voice was hoarse and needy. Seokmin groaned softly and nodded, quickly removing your shirt and throwing it to the side. His eyes widened at the sight of your almost bare breasts for the first time. He involuntarily bucked his hips into you as he stared at them, groaning at the contact and making you laugh softly at his weakness.
At this point, you wanted to cut the bullshit. Your bra came off in a second and Seokmin softly gasped in awe. His jaw dropped a little and his face flushed to a scarlet red. If he wasn’t hard before, now he was painfully so. You grinned with pride and reached for his wrists so you could place his palms on your breasts. He looked at you nervously as he kept his hands there and you nodded, encouraging him silently.
He squeezed softly. You sighed in relief, letting your head fall back just slightly and closing your eyes. Seokmin’s cock twitched at the sight of you and he fondled your breasts some more, his thumb finding one of your nipples and flicking it softly. You mewled and pushed your heat down against Seokmin’s hard cock. He swore softly, his hormones now racing a whole fucking marathon. You looked like a goddess on his lap, rolling your hips in to him and pushing your breasts harder into his hands, begging for more. He wanted you. And he wanted you now.
Your eyes suddenly snapped open when you felt Seokmin’s hands leave your breasts and you watched as he swiftly removed his shirt before his hands found the waistband of your leggings. He looked at you softly.
“I want to see the rest of you.” His voice was low and laced with pure lust. You felt your core clench around nothing and you bit your lip roughly before nodding.
“I want to see you too.”
With that confirmation, Seokmin tugged on your leggings and you shifted momentarily to help him get them off. You could feel his hot breath on your neck as he anxiously pulled off your clothing, his impatient demeanor turning you on as if your desire wasn’t already through the roof in the first place. He immediately went for your panties but you stopped him.
“Take off your pants first.” You blushed at your own forward comment but Seokmin merely smiled at you with one of his sunshine grins.
“Whatever you want, baby.” You lifted your hips so he could pull his basketball shorts down, leaving him in his boxers which showcased his straining erection. You felt your mouth water instantly at the sight of it, pride swelling through your body that he was hard because of you.
You lifted your eyes back to Seokmin  who was blushing intensely, watching you admire his cock. You roughly connected your lips to his, washing his embarrassment away instantly. Still straddling him, you threw your arms around his neck and scooted as much into his body as he could, desperate to be as close to him as possible. Seokmin moaned quietly against your lips at the feeling of your bare breasts pressing against his also bare chest. You took the opportunity to slip your tongue into his mouth, deepening the kiss.
You could feel his heart beating rapidly against your chest and you knew he could feel yours as well, making the moment intensely intimate and romantic. Seokmin pulled away all too soon, his breath ragged.
“I want you.” He purred against your lips and a shiver rolled through your body and went straight to your wet center. You nodded frantically.
“I want you too. I’m ready.” There was a slight pause, Seokmin unsure of what to do next, but an idea quickly came to your head. “I could...ride you. For your first time? I thought maybe since we’re already in the position...” Your voice trailed off.
Seokmin swallowed down the lust that suddenly formed inside of him as he imagined you riding him, bouncing on his cock desperately. He blinked dazedly. “T-that sounds perfect.” He nodded, his flush that had been there since the moment you had started kissing now traveling down to his neck.
You got off of him to quickly go find a condom in his bag, which was given as a “gift” to him “just in case” from his fellow members. When you returned to the couch to give it to him, you stayed standing so you could remove your panties. As soon as you slipped them down your legs, you heard Seokmin whisper a soft “shit”. His eyes wandered up and down your naked form, taking in every beautiful curve.
“You’re...you’re gorgeous.” Was all he managed to get out but his eyes, the way they gazed at you, he looked so deeply in love with you that his expression alone were all the affirmation you needed.
He pulled down his boxers and you bit your lip at the sight of his cock, dripping and begging for release. He put on the condom with some effort and beckoned you back into his lap. You sat down to straddle him, both of you looking at each other in a sudden, “oh shit, this is happening” moment.
“Take your time.” Seokmin whispered and you nodded sheepishly.
“Ready?” Your voice was shaky, but you fucking wanted this.
He helped guide himself to your entrance and when you pushed yourself down onto him...
“Oh, fuck.” Seokmin swore as you sank down onto his cock, your mouth falling open at the feeling of him stretching you. Seokmin moaned your name, overwhelmed with a level of pleasure he had never felt before until now. His eyes squeezed shut when you bottomed out, urgently trying to control himself. Your nails dug into his shoulders as you let yourself adjust to Seokmin’s size, trying to ignore the slight sting. His reaction to being inside of you was a great distraction, his mouth hung open and his head against the back of the couch, soft groans of pleasure periodically escaping his lips just from the pleasure of your walls  tightly wrapped around him. You knew that he would be overly responsive because it was his first time, and it only added to your arousal.
“I’m going to move, okay?” You breathed and Seokmin nodded vigorously. You rolled your hips, grinding softly and you moaned, causing Seokmin to whimper quietly.
“Ah, you’re so tight (Y/N).” He hissed through his teeth. You hummed in response, gasping when his fingers dug into your ass. You found a rhythm, grinding down on Seokmin’s cock, moving your hips sensually. The pleasure for him was overwhelming, he knew he wouldn’t be able to last long. Not with how gorgeous and hot you looked on top of him.
You watched Seokmin’s chest rise and fall as you rode him, a layer of sweat dripping down his temple from the heat of the act. His eyes would squeeze shut when you would grind your hips a bit harder, a soft moan falling from his lips.
“God, why does it feel so good?” He whined, his hips suddenly bucking into you and pushing his cock deeper inside of you. You both gasped in unison at the new feeling. His hands found your waist, holding it tightly as he began bucking rhythmically. He was silently begging for more and you loved it.
You braced yourself on his shoulders and lifted yourself almost all the way off of Seokmin’s cock and he looked at you in surprise before you slammed yourself back down onto him. He choked on air, his fingers digging into your hips so hard you swore there would be bruises the next day.
“Fuck!” He gasped, moaning as you began to bounce on him at a quick pace. Your lips found his neck, sucking sweet marks into his skin. Seokmin sighed when he felt your lips on him, the soft gesture contrasting with the lewd action of you riding him, making him feel weak with pleasure. You knew he was close, the way his cock was twitching inside of you and the way his moans were raising in pitch was an obvious sign. You breathlessly grabbed his wrist and led his slim fingers to your clit.
“Touch me.” You ordered. Seokmin rubbed his fingers through your slick folds, whining at how wet you were. He quickly found the spot that made you see stars and you mewled erotically, your back arching from the pleasure. You struggled to continue your pace on his cock with how well he was rubbing your clit but it didn’t matter now, you were both extremely close to your highs. The way your face was contorting with pleasure as Seokmin fingered you made him only closer to his release.
“I’m gonna come.” He swallowed breathlessly, his hips thrusting into you to meet your rhythm, desperately chasing his orgasm.
“Me too.” You whined. “Just a little more, baby.”
You bounced on him faster and Seokmin felt his vision go white, a guttural groan escaping his mouth. You felt his cock twitch inside of you and when you purposefully clenched around him once, twice, he was gone.
Your name left his lips religiously as he came, his head falling back against the couch and his mouth wide open. The ecstasy that he was feeling stole his voice and the only thing he could let out were cracked whines of pleasure. His pornographic reaction and his fingers still doing their best to bring you your own pleasure was enough to throw you into your own high, your hips stuttering on his cock as you rode out both your highs. You eventually slowed down to a stop when you noticed Seokmin flinch from over-sensitivity.
Mm, that might be something you need to try on him later.   You collapsed into his neck, the only sound to be heard in the room was both of your ragged breathing. You felt your heart speed up when Seokmin wrapped his arms around you, holding you as close to his chest as possible. “I love you.” Were the first words out of his mouth. You felt your insides melt.
“I love you too.” You lifted yourself off his chest and smiled when you saw his face. The afterglow in his cheeks was prominent and his hair was still stuck to his forehead from the sweat. He looked completely satisfied
“You did amazing.” You cooed, lifting your hand to hold his cheek. He leaned into your touch. “Are you kidding me? So did you.” He laughed and you blushed wildly.
“I didn’t realize it would feel that good.” He admitted quietly, his thumbs rubbing affectionate circles into your hip bones. You giggled and placed a quick peck on his lips.
“Well, now you know. And guess what? It only gets better from here.”
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jeontaeh · 3 years
"That doesn't make any sense, Jin."
"Well I'm saying it, so it does! Plus, Jimin agrees with me."
"Don't drag me in to this."
"What're you guys arguing about?" Jungkook asked, seated on the floor of Namjoon and Jin's dorm, Jimin beside him, Yoongi on a beanbag, Hoseok on a chair, Namjoon sitting on the floor against the bed, Jin and V on the bed.
"Owls. I'm saying they devour their prey whole, and these guys are saying I'm wrong. V can you search it up?" Jin asked, and V, who was looking at his phone, scoffed.
"Fuck no." V snapped, and Jin rolled his eyes and turned to Hoseok, who took his phone out to search it up.
"Yup. Owls fuckin'... absorb their preys whole." Hoseok said, looking petrified, and Jin grinned, causing V to roll his eyes in return.
"You guys are fucking fun. Why'd I come here?" V grumbled, and Jimin pursed his lips. "Oh come on, V. We're all hanging out. By the way- I heard that the new guy who joined last week is gonna try out for the football team."
"Well if he's any better than Jeon over here I'll take him," V snickered, and Jungkook glared at him. "Fuck off. I'm not that bad."
"Also, new kid? You mean that tall guy that's been hanging out with Jackson and his crew?" Yoongi asked, and Jimin nodded. "Yeah. He's named Yugyeom, I think."
"Sounds irrelevant." V said, and then took his phone and showed it to Jin. "This has to be fake, right? I mean there's no way her ass is actually this huge,"
"Are you talking about that picture Eka posted? Oh yeah, that's definitely photoshopped. Didn't you hook up with her a couple of days ago?" Namjoon asked.
V snickered. "No, haven't hooked up with her for a while."
"Oh.. but you had those scratches on your back the other day.. who'd you hook up with this time, V?" Jimin said with a sigh, and Jungkook gulped, looking at his phone, trying to pretend this didn't involve him.
V looked up, frowning a little. "No one. It doesn't matter."
"Ooh.. she's a secret girl. Now you've gotta tell us. Is it some nerd? A virgin? One of the cheerleader's? Jaebum's girlfriend, again?"
"I said it's no one, guys." V snapped, and Jin gasped. "Protecting her, are you? You're blushing, too! Does our V have a crush~?" Jin teased dramatically, poking his side.
"What? No I don't-" V tried, but Jungkook suddenly looked up, liked the view of V looking embarrassed and caught off guard.
"C'mon, V. You can tell us. Who's got you all blushy?" Jungkook asked with a smirk, and V glared at him.
"Shut up, Jeon." V snapped, but the boys continued teasing, and Jungkook giggled at the look on V's face, and then V suddenly smirked a little.
"I can't tell you who she was. But damn, was she desperate."
Jungkook's smile dropped. What.
The guys began snickering, so V continued, giving Jungkook a look. "Really horny, begging- practically. You should've seen her- she wanted it up her ass-"
"Woah, really? You know she's freaky if she likes anal." Yoongi joked, and the guys started laughing.
Jungkook was blushing wildly, and looked down at his phone again, gulping. The laughing died down, and V just smirked to himself.
"Let's go to dinner, it starts in 5 minutes. I heard we're getting pizza tonight," Hoseok said, and they all got up from their seats and headed for the door. Before V could leave, Jungkook grabbed his arm, pulling him back.
"What the fuck were you doing? I thought we weren't gonna talk about it!" Jungkook snapped, and V frowned.
"You're the one who brought it up in front of them. And I'm only telling the truth, Jeon." V said, pinching Jungkook's side, making him glare.
"Fuck you. I was not needy, and definitely wasn't 'begging'. If anything, you were the one who-" Jungkook started, reaching forward to whack him on the shoulder, but before he could, V grabbed his wrist, grabbing his waist by his other hand and pulled him closer.
"You better tone it down, babygirl. Or I'll have to bend you over my knee and spank you right here," V whispered into his ear, voice sweet and low, small smirk on his face.
Jungkook's eyes widened, cheeks turned pink, body stilled. "W-what?" He squeaked out, and V laughed at his expression.
"I'm kidding dude, chill out. Anyways, let's go." V said, and Jungkook nodded, gulping. What the fuck was that and why did it make Jungkook's stomach take approximately 18 somersaults?? Fuck.
The math teacher walked into the room full of rowdy teenagers looking more than annoyed. "Everyone quiet." She snapped, and everyone quietened and sat down because they knew better than to mess with Ms. Yang when she was angry.
Jungkook was sat in the side in the second row, picking on his nails, feeling more than nervous since they got results back for a test which wasn't too long ago. Jimin was sat next to him, looking a little nervous as well. Probably not as much as Jungkook, though.
"-so anyways, I told him that the whole idea was stupid. And you can imagine, him with his annoying fag friends had to say it out loud-" V said to Yoongi seated beside him, both sitting behind Jimin and Jungkook.
"V, I said be quiet." Ms. Yang snapped, and V gave her a look of annoyance and rolled his eyes when she wasn't looking, which made some girls giggle.
"I have your test results. Some of you did exceptionally well, like always. Some did better than usual. A lot of you still need to stop making silly mistakes." She said, taking out a pile of papers, a tense silence falling across the room.
"Jimin." She called out, and Jimin went up to the teacher and took his paper, looked at it, and then sighed, looking a little relieved.
Jungkook looked at him in question, and Jimin mouthed 93, and Jungkook scoffed. "Obviously." He whispered back, and Jimin giggled.
Yoongi went up, looked at the paper, pursed his lips in annoyance and then went back to his seat and sat down. Jimin looked at him, and Yoongi mumbled "72."
"That's not bad." Jungkook reassured, and Yoongi hummed. "V." The teacher called out after a few more names, and V got up grudgingly, walking over to her. He took the paper from her hands, looked at it, and then laughed.
"You've got to be kidding me," He snapped, and she looked at him sternly. "You left out half the questions, V."
"Yeah, because it's bullshit! Combinatronics isn't going to help me in real life." V snapped, and the teacher sighed.
"Look, V. Your grade is very low right now. If you don't get it up, it could be bad-"
"I don't care. Sports scholarships don't give a shit about maths," V grumbled, and then turned back around to sit down with a slump, scaring everyone around him. The teacher looked annoyed, and Jungkook just gave him a nervous glance, but V was too busy picking on the sides of the paper in anger.
"Jungkook." The teacher called out, and Jungkook got up and walked over to her, taking the paper from her hands, and then looking at it.
"89? Ms, I'm so close to an A+! Can't you just up my grade by one mark?" Jungkook asked, and Ms. Yang chuckled.
"You made silly mistakes, Jungkook. I told you, always go through your work." She said, and Jungkook huffed. "Can't I do something to get to the A+?? I tried really hard this year, I don't want an A." Jungkook said, and the teacher sighed, then looked to the side, and then back at him.
"V's your friend, right? How about this. You tutor him for a little-" The teacher started, and Jungkook's breath hitched. "Think of it like extra credit! If he does well, I'll boost your grade up too. If he doesn't, your grade won't get affected."
Jungkook sighed. "Fine, I'll do it. Thank you." Jungkook said quickly, and then turned around to walk over to V, but then saw some girl sitting on his table.
"Just come over, V. I'll tutor you, babe. You can repay me with your tongue, if you know what I mean." She giggled, and V snickered humourlessly.
"That's cute, Jennie. But I'm good. I don't give a shit about math anyway." He said, and Jennie pursed her lips and sighed, and then got up and walked away.
The bell rang, and everyone took their stuff to walk out. V left his math test on his desk, and Jungkook took a quick peek at it and saw 32%. Yikes.
He grabbed his stuff and rushed out of class, seeing V walking quickly down the hallway. Jungkook rushed up to him, and then grabbed his arm. "V-"
"Don't touch me," V snapped, and Jungkook removed his hand, and then V turned around, and saw Jungkook. "What?"
Jungkook knew he wasn't actually angry. He acted like this all the time. "Ms. Yang said you could use a tutor."
"Ms. Yang can go shove it up her ass."
"She's not that bad, y'know... Anyway- she said if I tutor you, it'd get my grade up too! So let's meet up after football practice? I'll come to your dorm with-" Jungkook started, and V scoffed.
"I don't need help in math, Jeon." V said, and Jungkook hugged, and then rushed in front of him to stop him from walking away.
"V! C'mon, this is better for both of us. Don't be so annoying- let's just-"
"Jeon, I swear to god- if you come to my room for any other reason than wanting to get fucked, I'll get really fucking angry, got it?" V snapped, and Jungkook paused, frown reaching his face.
Before Jungkook could snap back at him, V turned around and walked away, and Jungkook watched him shove some freshmen kid into the wall on his way out.
"Jungkook kick through the cones and then shoot-" The coach snapped, and Jungkook kicked the ball ahead with his feet, going slowly through the cones.
"Faster!" The coach snapped, and Jungkook groaned inwardly and started going through the spread out cones faster, and then in a haste kicked the ball, and saw it went like 4 yards away from the goal.
Jimin, who was goalkeeping, sighed. "Kook you've got to keep your foot straight."
"Sorry." Jungkook mumbled, walking away to go get the ball. He went over and picked the ball up, and then turned and saw V by the end of the cones.
Jungkook saw him rush in really fast, going past and through the cones like lightning, and then shoot the ball in right into the net before Jungkook could blink. Jimin tried getting it, but fell to the floor, gasping.
"Shit, that was good." Jimin said, and V laughed at his expression.
The coach blew a whistle. "Practice is over. Everyone hit the showers. Jungkook, come here." The coach said, and Jungkook sighed and walked over to the coach.
"Jungkook, you need to improve. I don't want to keep benching you." The coach said, and Jungkook nodded, head cowered a little.
"Yes sir. I just don't get any time to practice football outside this.." Jungkook mumbled, and then the coach looked behind him.
"Well, y'know- V comes every morning for an hour to practice-"
"He does??" Jungkook asked in shock, and the coach nodded. "Yes, so why don't you ask him to help you sometime. I'm sure he'd love to tutor you for football-"
"What- no, sir- I can't. I don't want to get tutored by... him. Can't I ask Jimin or something?" Jungkook asked, and then heard footsteps approaching him.
"What's going on?" V asked, and the coach placed his hand firmly on his shoulder. "V, you're going to help Jungkook practice for football."
"What? No- I don't want to. He's fine." V said quickly, and the coach glared at him, and V rolled his eyes. Jungkook pursed his lips in anger.
"You come here every morning to practice, just get Jungkook with you for a few days. Help him figure out his aim and how to dribble properly." The coach said, and Jungkook looked at V, who rolled his eyes.
"Yes sir." V mumbled, and then coach gave him a small smile and then walked off. V looked at Jungkook, who was looking away angrily.
"I'm only doing this because I'm captain and have to care about my team members or whatever. I would much rather die than have to spend an hour with you every morning." V snapped. Jungkook looked at him with anger.
"I don't wanna do this anymore than you do, dipshit! But if I have to get tutored by you, then you have to let me tutor you. Because I need to get my grade up, V, and you're not going to get in my way of me getting an A+." Jungkook growled.
"God, you're a nerd. Fine, I'll get tutored by your dumbass. Tomorrow. 5:30 am. On the field. If you're a minute late, I won't help you" V snapped, and Jungkook stepped close to him, eyes sneering.
"Fine. But tomorrow, 5:30 pm, library. If you're a minute late, you're stuck with that F." Jungkook snapped back, and then walked past him, towards the locker room.
"Jeon!" V called out, rushing up to him. Jungkook stopped and turned around. "You'll still suck me off in the showers, right?"
"Yeah." Jungkook said nonchalantly, and V grinned, slapping his lower back and then jogging off towards the locker room.
Jungkook rolled his eyes, sighing to himself. Give and take, he presumes.
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lambxtoxslaughter · 3 years
⭐️ alyssa/adonis, callie/nadia, coleen/liana, dawson/esma, elias/lucy, elias/liana, emma/liana, emma/lykon, evelyn/farid, kaylee/franco, kaylee/daria, marcus/adonis, pandora/zach, rebecca/kang, rose/melina, selin/esma, selin/daria, selin/lavinia, valentina/daria, valentina/lavinia, valentina/ace, valeria/kang, valeria/melina, vic/franco, vic/daria
i forgot this earlier (read more)
They tend to watch Romantic Comedies at like 3 am, with popcorn, pjs and falling asleep on the couch. Whenever this happens, and Alyssa wakes up with her legs more or less draped over him, and his arm over her, she usually just orders waffles to be delivered at the door in about 2 hours, before she falls back asleep.
Callie has been tempted to ask Nadia if she’d bite her, because, you know, it’s another experience richer, but she is worried she’d like it too much and that she’d get too into the moment to let go of her determination of keeping her virginity until she’s met people who will stay  in her life and not just disappear.
Part of why Coleen got in touch with Liana specifically from the Gossip blog, is because Coleen is a little bit of a hoe and wanted to fuck the pretty girl. 
Post-sex ritual with these two, would typically be to pick up a phone, figure out what would deliver food first, and just ordering a whole load of food. Eat a bit, nap a little, and then get back to it, until they’ve had had their itches scratched. 
Every time they meet they end up ordering drinks to see what the mood of their meeting will be, and when they meet at one of theirs place, the drinks they make set the mood of the day. If it’s something with little alcohol they know it’ll be very serious, but if it is something with more and stronger alcohol, it is a more easy going time of seeing each other. 
Elias enjoys the idea of getting Liana on his side, and getting a sneak peak into anything/whatever she is researching. Especially if she tells him while bouncing on his lap. 
Emma’s favorite thing to do with her sister, is before Christmas. Every year around the 20th, they’ll put on big pj’s, get hot cocoa, and snuggle up together to watch movies. And every year they have to watch the nightmare before christmas, How the Grinch stole Christmas (2000), as well as a few other movies. It’s not christmas if Emma doesn’t get this.  
Emma easily finds out ways to get what she wants from Lykon, and she figures out a sneaky way to get sex whenever she is feeling needy and horny. Which is to just send him peach emojis, and going “I got the peach, wanna come hold it?”. It makes her laugh. 
To this day, Evelyn says she is a coffee drinker to anyone but Farid. This is because Farid learned many, many years ago how to make her tea right, and no one else manages to get it just right. They let it brew for too long, or add too much sugar, or even honey to it, while Farid knows it. So she doesn’t let anyone else brew her tea. 
Back when Kaylee was new in Italy, she met Franco and expected to end up bored with him within days, but somehow he managed to keep her attention. He had the same level of entitlement as she did, but he pleased her need for being surrounded by pretty people, and he learned to compliment her. + werewolf outside of Maladh. 
Kaylee was when they were little, quite jealous of Daria for being the oldest sister. She too wanted responsibilities, wanted to be big and strong and getting to be given responsibility too. But when things actually got rough, Kaylee fled and tried to just be her own spoiled self, while Daria actually stepped up, and she respects her sister a lot for it. 
Adonis, along with Shiva, is one of the very few people around who knows him from the days were war was in his heart, and he is desperately trying to make sure that Adonis knows he is no longer the same man. Trying to make sure that Adonis knows he has calmed down and won’t hurt him. 
Pandora definitely thought “Huh. He’d probably make a fair bit of money if he joined the cam world.” when she first saw Zach. 
Rebecca and Kang have a chill relationship, even if ever since they first met, Rebecca has taken a very bossy role with him. She adores him though, and is waiting for the day when he shows how bossy he definitely could be, because she believes that he is just disguising it. 
rose respects Melina, and she respects that the other sometimes just needs some help. She’s happy to help Melina, and offer her time, energy and more, and would let her ask her for favors that she would not offer to anyone else. 
While Selin and Esma have been separated, Selin has felt so guilty about losing her sister and not being able to protect her, as she’s seen it as, that she has every year on their birthday, gone to a specific bakery, bought 2 slices of cake that she’s brought to a roof garden, and just sat there, looking up at the sky and having a conversation with the Esma in her head. She’s done that before letting anyone else mess themselves into her birthday, where she’s been having to pretend like all is good, and that she’s not grieving her sister. 
Selin has a very deep level of respect for Daria with having to take such responsibility for everything in Maladh. She knows it was just a coincidence that made it be the Vasilyev that are the ruling werewolf family of maladh, but she is just thankful that she’s not had to take over ruling anything after her own family. 
Selin is deeply worried for Lavinia, and has voiced this to Young. She is scared that Lavinia will let her own self doubts ruin for her happiness, which is part of why she will keep insisting on wine nights, even when Lavinia gets with Yue and out public, because she needs to know she will be accepting of love. 
Every single time they met before Valentina got with Lazar, she looked at her with dreamy eyes when she could hide it, and if it hadn’t been for Leon, she 100% would have tried to get with her. 
Valentina, when she finds out about Yue and Lavinia’s dynamic, is going to get them a couples set of t-shirts just to be her dorky self. she’s extremely happy for Lavinia, even if a little sad that she is surrounded by all these vampires who are happy with their sires, and having these amazing sire bonds. 
They’ve been to a few parties too many together. Have slapped each others asses like... probably a few times too many. And yet haven’t fucked, which Valentina finds hilarious as fuck. 
 First time Valeria met Kang, and knew she would be in the boys life for a while, she sat down with him, with tea, and asked him to tell her what she needed to know, for him to ask her what he needed to know from her, and made a deal with him about the relationship she would have with the boys, even if she and Tanaka broke up. she made a deal with him, that was between him and her, and not between the boys and her relationship with Tanaka. It helped create a bond and safety there, and gave the boys a chance to know that she wouldn’t leave them even if things got rocky in a romantic relationship. 
 They have known each other for some years, and Melina have been invited to Valeria’s for dinner for just as long. But there was once a situation where Melina had either drunk too much, or been given something she wasn’t certain of, and Melina had to call someone for help. she called Valeria, and Valeria showed up just 30 minutes later, took her to get food, and put her on her own couch for the night to sleep, took care of her, and still to this days does not even mention it to the younger witch. She needed someone to help, and Valeria was called. And even if Melina called her at 3 am, saying she needed help, Valeria would still show up. 
Franco has hell to deal with. And before he even gets his first kiss from her, he’s had to convince her to give her a chance. Which involves things like chocolate, flower, and a gift for her cat Mocha. 
2 things: Fashion week. Prosecco. 
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Hi, I'm in need of some support following my first month long relationship with a girl. Some background, up until meeting her I was a 28 year old dateless virgin stemming from a chronic lack of self confidence and embarrassment. I'm a very sensitive and anxious person, and have always wanted someone to love and cherish. She (26) has been my next door neighbour on and off for many years but we had never spoken. She invited me outside for some drinks on her birthday, 3 days after having been dumped by her boyfriend. I ended up going inside her flat with a few of her friends near the nights end, we were rather drunk, as I was leaving with the others she asked me to stay and we ended up kissing, I woke up in her bed the next morning. We talked for many hours and had a good laugh. A few days later she posts a note through my door asking if I want to go for a walk, and we did so the next day. I'd been incredibly anxious up to this point about what had happened. She mentioned she had hangover blues and I said I had too. I said I had to be honest with her and I said I hadn't kissed anyone since I was a teenager. She was shocked because I didn't seem like that, and she was very non-judgemental. That night she came to mine and we did a zoom quiz with my friends, she stayed the night, we kissed, we said let's take it slow.From there we were hanging out daily, I turned 29, we were talking all the time, we kissed, we held hands, we cuddled, went on walks, sat in the sun, held each other, we made plans for the future, shared our mental health with each other. We had sex, she took it so slow with me, made sure I was comfortable and didn't pressure me. We got closer, she would message how much she fancies me, that she's really fond of me. I felt like the stars had aligned. Of all the times for me to meet someone and lose my virginity it was in lockdown. And she's so beautiful in every way, we got along so well, would laugh at and with each other, matched interests and are both creatives, it felt so.. magical. She wondered how I was ever her first, that I'm handsome and likeable.The more attached I got, the more anxious I became, I was desperate for it to continue. After a sleepless night at hers where I was panicking that I was going to ruin it, I went back to my place where I slipped into an anxious mess, she messaged asking how I was, I asked her to come round. She asked what I was worried about, I said I was worried the anxiety and insecurity I was trying to overcome was clouding the real me, that she wasn't seeing my best side and that I was worried I was going to push her away. I told her I liked her for so many reasons and I really wanted us to work out. She said she hadn't been her best either, that we'd rushed into it, that we'd been spending lots of time together and we probably need to give each other space. She said she thought I was great but we should go back to dating and dial things back. I felt relieved after this, she could have walked away but she seemed like she wanted to continue things, just at a slower pace.However following this discussion her attraction to me seemed to fade, we spent less time talking and seeing each other, and when we did, I was initiating everything, kissing, holding hands, suggesting things to do. I kept looking for validation by trying to get passionate kisses out her again, but it felt so one sided. My anxiety and negative thoughts were through the roof, I was hurting already so much thinking I'd lost her. I took her for a picnic which went great I thought, we had fun. Towards the end of the night she said she needed space, that she was being a bit weird and that we rushed Into it so soon after her previous boyfriend, but said we'd be back to where we were at some point. I felt great thinking all I had to do was respect her space and back off for a bit. I didn't hear from her for 5 days, we bumped into each other and had a strained and awkward conversation where I weakly asked when we could next hang out to which she did not seem interested in. I left it 9 more days with no contact.My friend pushed me to get on tinder to build my confidence up, I entertained his idea without any actual intent, and ended up seeing her on there with recent pictures. I was heartbroken, devastated, hurt beyond words. I decided I had to talk to her, the next day I asked if we could talk. I said I felt like I'd been left hanging, that I didn't fully understand what giving space meant, that I'd found it hard having no contact with her, and that I have feelings for her. She said she doesn't want to be in a relationship right now, that she needs space, that she'd get weird and unpleasant if she rushed into one now so soon after her breakup, and that she does have feelings for me. I brought up Tinder and said you're obviously entitled to be on there and that we weren't in a relationship but I was crushed and hurt knowing that she'd be with other men. She said she wanted the option and to fulfill her high sex drive without getting attached to people. She said she really wants us to be to friends and to just hang out and see where we go from there, that she wasn't promising anything nor ruling out us being a thing. I said I would not wait for her as its unfair on both of us. She thought we were really exciting and we had a great time but had to put the breaks on or I'd get hurt. We laughed about the fun we had, I left and thanked her for being honest and having that talk with me.Now I am a heart broken mess. I was so excited about our potential future together, all the things we would do. She was my ideal partner and I don't think that's coming from her being my first. Everything about her is amazing and I feel like I've lost an absolute gem of an opportunity to develop and grow with someone. I can't stop thinking about all the mistakes I made, what I shouldn't have done or said. I keep holding onto that tiny thread of hope that we can be more than friends. I dread having to be friends with her with these feelings I can't let go of. I'm terrified of how ill feel when I see her with another man. I fear hearing or seeing her which I often do since we live next door to each other, what a terrible situation. I miss being close and intimate with her so much, I was so happy with her.My mistakes that I've become aware of were that I was too needy, overbearing, over invested, too open and honest about how I felt about how I was feeling, too predictable, too open about how insecure I was. I put her on a pedestal, I sacrificed too much of myself for her, I needed her affection to validate me. I didn't play it cool enough, I didn't give her enough space. I should have known that I was a rebound, 3 days after her ex ended things with her.Deep down, I know we wouldn't have lasted, she's far more developed than I am, has an exceedingly more interesting and busy life than me, is very sexually experienced and has needs that I can't fulfill. There are parts to her that I did struggle to accept, such as her mostly being friends with other men which drove my insecurity mad. I just wish that I was more like her or more like the the person she would want to be with.I don't know what to do or how to get over this, I'm such a late bloomer, I'm so scared of having to get out there and find someone Instead of it just presenting itself to me. How can I possibly get over the first woman I've been with who was also the most beautiful, kind, honest and fun person I've known? I want so much for her to stay in my life, I see so much value in at least being her friend but it will kill me if I still have such strong feelings for her, I don't know what to do. The whole experience was like a movie or book, it was too good to be true, it was so exciting, full of fun drama, we got along so well and now it's over, I don't know how to cope or move on or what my next steps should be.Thank you for reading this far if you have, I just needed to get this out and get some support, I'm broken. via /r/dating_advice
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